#i can't excuse the wonka thing
chronicsyd · 9 months
why does it feel like no one has two brain cells to rub together anymore? cause what do you MEAN "I didn't know Wonka or Mean Girls were musicals"?!
cause Every other adaptation of Willy Wonka has been a musical (granted there's only been two but Still) if you used common sense for .2 seconds you could piece together that this one would be a musical as well considering that Timothee (the Main Character) sings a rendition of "Pure Imagination" in one of the trailers
And even If i was willing to let slide that a lot of people didn't know about the stage adaptation of Mean Girls Renee Rapp is a Singer, that's what she's known for and she's ALSO singing in one of the trailers for this movie. and if you pay attention to the trailer for even a few moments it has that over the top spectacle musical feel to it compared to if it were simply just a remake of the 2004 film.
i know people are going on about how "test audiences didn't like that they were musicals and that's why they're being disguised as 'not musicals' in their marketing" but like---come ON
common sense should be a little more common in this day and age to piece this sorta shit together doncha think?
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Hi again how are you thank you for accepting☺️ so the prompt is Willy is not having a good day and Lofty and Noodle tickle him to cheer him up. Bonus points if Lofty gives him raspberries.😊
I'm sorry that this took so long!!!
I've been a bit busy lately, but that's not a good excuse. I really hope you still enjoy it - I love this prompt. Thank you for your patience (:
Fandom: Wonka
Title: Bird's Nest
Noodle and Lofty sat side by side, looking out of the window, staring at the construction sight before them. They were both staying in Wonka's factory or, rather, what was soon to become Wonka's factory, sat in a small hut in the corner of a wide property.
Why couldn't Wonka just live in that little hut by himself?
Well, rather embarrassingly, Wonka got spooked out by the sounds of the construction at night, and didn't feel comfortable all alone in the dark at the mercy of the 'truck monsters'. Lofty was staying with him anyway, but somehow Wonka didn't feel like he would be enough to fight off the 'truck monsters' if they intruded. Noodle, however, was very strong, and had agreed to live with Wonka and fight alongside him as, after all, she did owe him quite a bit.
Usually living with Wonka was a delight, but there were two situations in which it could be a pain.
1). When Wonka was out working later than usual, and Noodle and Lofty had run out of things to do so they mutually died of boredom
2). When Wonka snored.
On this particular afternoon, it was situation one. That was why, when Noodle heard the key click in the front door, she immediately bounced off the couch. Although Noodle was overly excited to see him, her mood immediately dropped when she saw Wonka's face. He looked completely sad and flustered.
"Hi Noodle", he said as he walked in, with not an ounce of energy in his voice.
"Ooo", Lofty remarked, "Someone's grumpy".
Noodle shot him a dirty look, directing Wonka to the couch that she had just been sitting on.
"Oh Willy, what's wrong?", she asked, plopping herself beside him.
"Nothing", Wonka replied, letting his eyes dart away.
"Come on", Noodle said, "You can't fool me, I know that face. What's up?"
"Well", Wonka sighed, "There was just this awful customer today at the shop. He told me...never mind, it's not important"
Noodle's heart sunk. She hated seeing Willy this way, she hated seeing him this insulted and hearing about him being mistreated. Wonka was the sweetest, most witty, most vibrant person anyone could ever want to be around. How could a customer have possibly been able to be so mean?
"What did the customer say?", Lofty demanded, jumping up on to the couch on the other side of Wonka.
"It's ok", Noodle interrupted, "you don't have to say".
"Nah", Wonka sighed, "I'll get it out. He said..."
Both Lofty and Noodle leaned in attentively.
"...He said that my hair looked like a birds nest made of fat ducklings that had been trampled over by too many baby elephants".
Lofty immediately burst into laughter, to which Noodle slapped him.
"Hey!" Lofty said, "You have to admit that that's humorous".
Noodle glared at him for the second time that afternoon. However, when she directed her attention back to Wonka, she noticed that the boy had a little smirk on his face, and a few bubbly giggles escaped his lips, although his head still hung down.
"It's okay Noodle", Wonka said, "It was a very creative insult, as well as a hurtful one".
"Well I like your hair", Noodle said matter-of factly, "It's nice and cute and wavy. That customer had no idea what he was talking about".
Wonka sighed again, "I'm sorry Noodle, but I just can't agree. That guy was right. My hair is messy and weird in a bad way".
Noodle opened her mouth to say something, but Lofty interrupted - "Oh come on Willy. You have an array of less than desirable qualities but your hair is certainly not one of them".
Noodle rolled her eyes - what a Lofty compliment. Still, it made Wonka crack a smile again, and caused him to tilt his head up to look at Lofty direclty.
"Well?", he challenged, "What are my 'less than desirable qualities' than?"
Lofty stood up and cleared his throat. "Well, because you have asked, I shall tell you. You have the body of an adult but the mind of a child. You are too hopeful and naive. You have an overactive imagination. Your never fully socially aware, always off in your own little world. You never respond or even listen when others try to catch your attention if you are in the middle of making a chocolate. And you make the most horrid noises at night!"
Wonka hmphed lightly, "Is that so?"
Noodle would have glared at Lofty again if his strategy weren't helping.(Strategy? Nah, just Lofty being Lofty). But Wonka was clearly amused, and seemed in a much better mood than he had been when he walked in.
"Come on Lofty", he stood up, "I am an expert chocolate maker! The best on the planet! The best in a thousand planets! The best in a zillion planets! How could I possibly have the mind of a child?"
Noodle rolled her eyes and chuckled, glad that the old Wonka was back, "Oh come on Willyy, sit down".
"Nope", he said, "I'm staying right here. Until you can absolutely, positively prove that I am childish, I won't be doing anything you say".
There was silence for a few seconds, before an idea dawned on Noodle. She smirked and stood up, reaching Wonka's level.
"Okay, just letting you know that this is your final chance to back out".
Wonka, not phased at all by the mischievous hint in his friends' voice, nodded firmly and turned around, beginning to march away like the dignified adult that he was. Rolling her eyes with a grin, Noodle grabbed the back of Wonka's coat, yanking him back toward her as he yelped.
"Now Noodle, I couldn't possibly think of why you would do that but EEP!"
Wonka squealed as he felt ten digits digging into his sides, literally collapsing in giggles as he fell back onto the couch with a thud. Lofty had to stand up and get out of the way as Wonka reflexively squirmed his way away from Noodle's tormenting fingers and toward the end of the couch, giggling all the way but not making any attempts to swat the girl's hands. Lofty just stood back, watching with an amused smirk.
"Ahahaha!", Wonka cried, his bubbly giggles, scrunched up face and constant movement making his hair resemble a birds nest. Of course, Lofty had to point this out, to which Noodle softly punched him. That was a mistake. Wonka, with his lightning reflexes, sprung up and reached to tweak Noodle's ribs, which resulted in her jumping in a ticklish shock. The young girl glared back at Wonka, who had a very satisfied smile on his face.
"That was very...childish of you Wonka", Noodle said, snapping a successful grin of her own.
Wonka's face dropped. "You see young lady, that is what we call unfair play". Noodle just smiled brighter and stuck her tongue out at the young man below him.
"Why you little-", Wonka reached his arms up to turn the tables, but no sooner had he begun his counterattack than Lofty had pushed him back down and launched an assault under his arms.
"OHOHOHO SMOHOHOHOKE!", Wonka cried, instantly falling back into the vulnerable position he was in before. The chocolatier's arms darted to his sides, to which Lofty smirked triumphantly, "you know very well that there's no use doing that. There it is - those irrational decisions that you are always making. See, now I have no choice but to tickle you there".
Wonka's chest heaved, his laughter spilling out of him with no restraint, Noodle chuckling to herself as she watched.
"Nah, rather not", Noodle responded matter of factly, "I think you brought this upon yourself Wonka. Especially for being such a stubborn pants. Besides, you could use some loosening up after the day you have had".
Wonka couldn't respond to that, only collapse in desperate laughter as his armpits were 'attacked'. The sensation sent ticklish jolts through Wonka's entire body, making him feel as if he was floating upon a cloud, laughing freely as Lofty smirked evilly down at him. Noodle is right - Wonka thought as he doubled over in reaction to Lofty changing his technique from scratching to tracing the hollows under his arms - I do need this, and I do feel better. It was so nice to just let go, be silly and have fun. (It wasn't like Wonka wasn't silly all the time, but this was special - it was a moment of connection between him and his dearest friends).
"Lofty, youv'e been on that spot for a while, I think you might be breaking him". It was true - Wonka's cheeks had gone dark red, and he was running out of breath to laugh, as well as the effort for his body to struggle.
"Nah,he's fine", Lofty responded simply, as if completely unaware of the mess below him.
"Plehehehease", Wonka said, tears swelling in his eyes, "stohohop".
Lofty imeditately let up - this was the only time that Wonka had asked him to stop, so he must have meant it. The goofy man took in a few sharp breaths, and rustled his hair with his left hand. Sitting up, he chuckled, "Wow, that was mean".
Lofty just shrugged "Your welcome. I could tell that you were a bit tense. I'm sure that helped. I'm sure it would for a guy as childish as you, and so devastatingly ticklish". Lofty emphasized the word "devastatingly" in a way that made Wonka go dark red.
"Hey", Noodle remarked, "Lofty, just for interest, are you ticklish?"
The Oompa Loompa crossed his arms and smirked, "I mean, you can try, but nothing will happen".
"I think I'll leave this to Wonka", Noodle responded, eying her younger friend. Wonka smirked - "Wow, you seem awfully confident. I don't know Noodle - do you think he's bluffing?"
Noodle shrugged - "Only one way to find out".
Lofty hadn't made any attempt to move, so Wonka hesitantly reached out to scratch his stomach. Nothing. His hips? Nothing. Under his arms? Nope. Lofty looked awfully pleased with himself.
"Okay", Lofty said, "You can try one more spot. If it's my tickle spot, than you win. If it isn't, I get to tickle you where you tickled me. Deal?"
Wonka blushed - he was very curious about Lofty, and also, as much as he hated to admit it, wanted more tickles. It was a win win.
Without responding, Wonka scribbled his fingers across Lofty's neck in an instant action of delight, excepting to relish in the sound of his laughter.
No sound came out.
Wonka's cheeks went even more red, and he lifted his arms defensively. He chuckled sheepishly as Lofty crossed his arms and menacingly approached him.
"Co-home on Lofty. We-he can talk about this".
Suddenly, Noodle swooped past Lofty and started tickling Wonka's neck, causing him to squeal once again before falling back in a pile of giggles.
"Noohoohoodle!", he laughed, scrunching up his shoulders, "Thihihihis is Lofty's johohohob!"
"Really, that's what your concerned about?", Noodle said with a chuckle, "Your not at all concerned about the fact that I'm tickling you to bits?"
Wonka blushed even deeper, before screeching as, out of complete nowhere, Lofty leaned over and blew raspberries on over the thin section of shirt covering his stomach.
"Ohohoohoho nohoho!", Wonka cried, starting to kick his legs, to which Noodle and Lofty had to get out of the way, "Sohohohon of a wackadoooohhoooohooodle!". Lofty and Noodle smiled at each other, as Lofty withdrew and watched Wonka clutching his stomach, as if he'd just been given a very ticklish punch. Noodle took this as her signal to stop too.
For the first few second's after they'd stopped, Wonka hadn't even realized. He just kept giggling and squirming, until he looked up and noticed Lofty and Noodle, raising their eyebrows at him. Embarrassed, Wonka stood up and brushed his shirt - "Sorry about that".
Noodle chuckled, "Wow, that was really childish of you".
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ang-900 · 5 months
This was inspired by Mario and Luigi going to the accursed Willy Wonka Experience. I can't draw that fast so I'm now posting this.... MIDWAY THROUGH APRIL?!?!? 😭😭
Anyways I was too far in so please accept this nonsense that I'm far too late to. 🫠
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Sideswipe's having too much fun for a crappy experience while Sunstreaker's understandably not impressed by the cheap quality.
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Btw, there are jelly beans here (yes, the kind Oompa Loompa gave him three) they're just super small.
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They spent $45 US dollars for a quarter cup of lemonade.
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A memorable, happy picture with the Willy Wonka dude if you can ignore the tears.
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Saying hello to the kind Oompa Loompa Lady. Sunstreaker wants to throttle Sideswipe for how bad the whole thing was.
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The Unknown reminds Sunstreaker of his crippling depression-
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A reminder to Sideswipe of that one time they went to Dashcon.
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This was the whole canvas with and without lineart respectively.
Please excuse how disproportionately drawn they are lol
When you realize April 10 was sibling day and you missed an opportunity to make art for that:
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes part 3, e11-15.
would derail the alien attack to call about bad chips
has seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
wants a grappling hook foe swinging/climbing purposes
admits he keeps doing stupid things. Love a man with self awareness
has a passing understanding of spiderman
does Not try to save the guy in the elevator shaft
has seen willy wonka and the chocolate factory
whistling count three
would love to scare people by crashing through the roof
doesn't feel like climbing anymore! Gasp!
willing to touch a possible death laser. Seems only mildly confused when it doesn't hurt
turret bullets are worse than paintballs
breaks alarm clocks
up to 800 problems a minute solvable with dead man's gun
limbo... TWO
Admires the HEV suit construction
his roommate in college used to intrude on his half of the room. Implies he'd have liked to kill him
"hope, love, and submachine guns"
Tarzan yell :> simian instincts yet to subside
finds the turrets redundant
does a silly lil jump on the slippery floor
no longer cares about the donuts
does at least know the origin of zombies
gman sighting.
willing to own an undead servant
though i can't recognize it by sound alone, I can only assume the language he speaks here is Haitian Creole.
wishes he couldn't care about living or dying
Slur count: three.
wants other people to die for him
fully expects the HECU to pin the blame for the murder on the victim
given the way gordon frequently runs his mouth when scared he genuinely does seem scared here. He was all set to have a rescue team, and now he's left hanging. Ground swept out from under him!
rambles about how he definitely isn't going to think about having killed a guy
stresses to the soldiers that he has a DOCTOR'S DEGREE
limbo mention
seems somewhat bothered by murdering people. Only somewhat but he clearly isn't just brushing it off immediately
climbs some stuff :>
delighted to find surface access
ah yeah the law he references about murder being legal in texas under absurd circumstances? No clue about that. Cool though if at all true
plans to get drunk that night. This of course does not happen
implies he gets drunk every night
...you can't tell people you're on their side by killing them, Gordon
"I JUST WANT TO GO HOME" i getcha, buddy
keeps saying inane things when panicking
"Ehhh," nervous lil noise
repeats "fast climb" or "climb fast" until they blur into each other
just wants to LEAVE
detours to kill another bug. With bullets this time.
saga of impact damage continues
first generation morlok... Says he'll hold off on the cannibalism until the vending machines run dry. Cannibalism lose
thinks you really can't have too many guns
bugged by making the proper choices leading to more danger
FHE SYLLABLE COUNT WAS OFF MY MAN KNOWS RHYME SCHEMES. he's so smart. So snark. If you'll excuse me being a little incoherent for fun
fifteen counts of self defense with an automatic weapon. Of course.
accepts he'll have to get a new job
wants cheetos :'(
he HATES daylight savings time. It's employed by The Man.
expects to be polygraphed at another company
wouldn't mind being a corporate spy and selling out Black Mesa
wants to retire early
oh dude don't pay any mind to freud
string theory crowd includes one Steve and Richard, who may or may not be sacrificing goats, possibly for use in their cookouts. String theory crowd are cultists.
Steve and Richard have called the cops on Gordon. Rude. Probably warranted.
would LOVE to scare people in their offices from the vents. Especially to get the office for himself.
gives up on dying in a hole to get food. this seems to be the only reason he leaves, because he'd get hungry. Is. Is he okay
considers putting an alligator in the air ducts
does NOT like the accusation that he's responsible for the mess
lead can't lie to you
"do you know if leptons are really compound particles?" They are Not! It's a very nerdy way of saying "No!"
"beep" as he presses a button
apologizes repeatedly to some guy he almost shoots
wants to own a water park but considers this far-fetched enough to require a wish
more guns = higher qol
cthulu dogssss makes me wanna pet em
yes the coverup is impractical that's correct. It's happening anyways
"beep beep beep" :)
likes the red lights telling him of the doom ahead
hums AGAIN. first reminds me of a shitty imperial march
he wants to build a house, have a fast elevator, servants.
happy to have a vehicle
doesn't WANT to be fighting nonstop
keeps repeating the alarm beeps
shocked at the giant radioactive PUDDLE i love to launch myself into in game
does seem unconcerned at the thought of going to the doctor. Just resigned.
worst case scenario brain cancer. Cancer mentions up to two
cthulu dogs now named SNOT MONSTER
ticks off all the near death experiences he's had today. clearly thinking about em
contemplates that the spill from the trams is the same one as with the giant tubes
slaps himself TWICE. SIR.
always wished he could ride pneumatic tubes everywhere
he is a gopher! :D
doesn't think dog catchers get given shotguns. They have to bring their own.
would like to prank call a dog catcher with a SNOT MONSTER. and tape the results
knows better than to get bit by a radioactive animal
further analysis and hate on spiderman science
hates awkward pauses
laughs at sending houndeyes flying with shotgun blasts
physics still has priority over shooting stuff
doesn't want to join the military for Two (2) reasons. They'd order him around. They'd make him shave his beard.
very good at hide and seek.
has never tried or wanted to kill the president
wasnt worried about missing a jump, but the catwalk collapsing as he hit it
doesn't know Morse code. Loser.
noise music hater. Incorrect.
grossed out by meat yet again
buddy your grenade won't do shit here
"that's not a rope" sick hlvra- (shot dead)
soooooooo irritated at his blood shell
wants earplugs
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mariagreenwoodart · 9 months
I'm drawing requests now!
Just a few things:
・No proships
・Nothing political
・I draw OCs and fanart
・if it's fanart, it has to be from something I know/like
Things I know/like:
Fortnite Battle Royale
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Five Nights at Freddy's
Komi Can't Communicate
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Corpse Bride
Welcome home (thought if you want to request that ask on my welcome home blog @maria-greenwood-neighbour)
The Amazing Digital Circus (ask for that on @maria-greenwood-digital-circus)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (don't judge)
Genshin Impact
Star Wars
Stranger Things
Chikn Nuggit (kind of a weird one)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Scratchin' Melodii
Glitter Force
Touhou Project
Studio Ghibli
Trolls: Band Together (mostly just for excuses to draw velvet and veneer)
(I will be adding more things to this list)
Request a drawing using asks!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I’m just now seeing your response to my anon. But you definitely do have a bit of a personal problem with Timothee lol you won’t post this anon like you didn’t post my anon from a few weeks ago calling you out for body shaming Tim and calling him prepubescent. Lol you definitely take digs at the man 🤷🏿‍♀️
But you definitely do have a bit of a personal problem with Timothee lol
For the last time, I DON'T have a problem with Timmy at all.... 🤷🏾‍♀️ I wouldn't even post him on my blog EVER if I really truly had an issue with him.
In fact, I was the one in here defending him when SOME of you Timmy stans were having meltdowns and dragging him for filth just the other week for being spotted with Kylie Jenner. 🙄
you won’t post this anon like you didn’t post my anon from a few weeks ago calling you out for body shaming Tim and calling him prepubescent. Lol you definitely take digs at the man 🤷🏿‍♀️
Anon...that was a comment I made (JOKINGLY I might add) ONE TIME on my blog like over a YEAR ago. I never harped on it and I never said it again. It was in response to another Anon who made a comment about one of his photoshoots, and I simply agreed.
I'm sorry Anon, but I'm a GROWN (straight) woman.... so excuse me if I like men who look like MEN. That's just my personal preference. Just like someone who prefers red heads. We don't have to like EVERY single body type known to man or find it attractive. I'd be saying the same thing if he were obese. It's just not MY type personally if we're talking about attraction. I'm not a little kid. Still..... I never harped on it or spent days talking about it. It was like ONE post Anon. And maybe I shouldn't have been so "honest" and even said it at all. So I definitely apologize if my comment was offensive to anyone. But it's time to let it go.
I LIKE Timmy as an actor, and he seems like a cool, chill guy. I even find him cute....even handsome sometimes.... But that's about as far as it goes with me. I'm sorry! 🤷🏾‍♀️
If THAT offends you, then I'm sorry, but I can't help what my body finds attractive and what it doesn't, anymore than I suspect anyone else can. 🥴
I have nothing against Timmy personally though. I actually like him? 🤷🏾‍♀️ And I def want to see "Wonka" when it comes out in Dec this year. Idk what else to tell you Anon.
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foreverandalwaysyours · 6 months
I hope you find the one by total, complete accident.
Not on a bus to drama school, making flirty side eyes at. Not at a Halloween party, her dressed as Mabel and you Elivs.
The one who truly believed that love stories aren't real life- that its for movies. Fanfics. Not real...just pure imagination.
I hope you find the one who you bond over a mutual interest. Becoming instant pals over night, fighting annoying trolls and getting closer with each reply and like.
Becoming Best Fandom Friends quickly. Too quickly, even, for it to stay just a friendship for long.
I hope you find the one you like the attention and praise from- and the one who loves to give it.
Loses sleep or meals just to give to you. Just to be with you. Just to see your messages pop up and making her grin, her heart swell the way it never has with anyone else- and never will.
I hope you find the one it clicks after a while: that you love her- and crazier yet, you're in love with...
The one who felt both those ways almost instantly after the first few likes and replies.
But the one who thinks she's crazy. Denies it. Hides it for so long- afraid of the feelings starting to burn inside...burn inside like embers. She tries to extinguish them with watery wades but can't. She's in too deep. Too far gone to back up now...
Especially since she's the one who makes you laugh- who you make laugh. The one who everyone stares at like she's crazy when she reads a crossover fic you made that NEEDED to be made. The one who's been asked "who are you messaging? Who's making you grin like that?" and she knows then. She's in deep for someone special.
Far too special, she knows, for someone far too average like her.
I hope you find the one who quickly build inside jokes with you over the most random, stupid of things.
Veggie tales. MILFs. Amazing scripts. Custody battles of fandom children. Scooby-Doo (fuck you Velma). Wrestling. Batman. Willy needed to Wonka- on a toilet or at the store. Arthur. Gina. Daphne. Nate. Spider Man Dee Dee. Rain. Glasses. Sailboats. Chores. Brownies. Princess of the fucking Bride. Music.
Hebrew. Especially speaking it.
Farts. Especially disgusting ones.
Things that are so dumbass to everyone else.
Things that aren't so dumbass to you or her.
Things that are so ridiculously unridiculous, so imperfectly perfect. Topics that make you both fall a fit of giggles and futher into a love that no one else will ever understand or come close to.
Things that make futher her realize by some amazement she found the one- and that she's the one for you.
I hope you find the one who steals you hat. Hits you with a pretend umbrella as it pours for her and you. Her needing to be quiet but can't.
The one who flirts poorly with fart jokes and bee movie memes until you both collapse.
The one who would give you her virginity to in a skipped, pounding heartbeat if only she could.
I hope you find the one who you can hold hands with while strolling in stores, looking at groceries and glass art with.
While walking the dog. While sitting on the couch, taking turns in picking films on movie date nights each and every week. Hell, every day if possible.
I hope you find the one you're excited to show off to your family. The one your siblings congratulate you on being with. The one your mother is happy to have as a daughter in law, your siblings sister in law- even before the wedding.
I hope you find the one who utterly hates to cook- until she cooks with you, making it her new favorite thing.
The one you make sandwiches for when she's sad or sick and who will return in deed for you, along with pat pats.
I hope you find the one you'll find any excuse to be close to at the beginning, middle, and end of your day.
The one who pulls you back in when you try to go do dishes, chores- begging you to stay just a little while longer. Scared you'll leave her forever like everyone else in her life has.
The one desperately looking for any excuse to be close to you at the beginning, middle, and ending of her day. Her week.
Her months, her years.
Her lifetime.
I hope you find the one who makes you sing and dance at just the mention of. The one who you write songs for, each one being her new favorites.
Lyrics she wants all over her body. Permanently in ink- just to show off she's yours. Proud to have a man who is so incredibly soft and sensitive.
I hope you find the one you sit outside with, cuddled close together. The one you lay next to every day. The one who you can breathe with, relax with. Just be with.
Nothing fancy, nothing dramatic. Just existing with is paradise for you both.
I hope you find the one you listen to the rain with as it fall, happliy allowing it to drown you both forever. The one who will pull you into a sailboat- and, after "chaperoning" two horny desserts, sail away into the sunset with.
I hope you find the one who leans her shoulder for you to cry on, her heart to listen with, and her body to comfort you the second you call. The one who will completely cut off her shoulder, her heart, her body just to give to you whenever you need it- knowing you'll never abuse it.
I hope you find the one who you create a playlist for, full of your and her favorite love songs. Your ultimate playlist you've honored in naming after her.
Every song she hears and treasures- and wants to cry at thinking about. When listening to. That gets her through the bad days when she feels most alone.
Especially, especially Mirrorball.
I hope you find the one who you can spam, sending countless pictures and messages that make her blush, smile, and grin like no one is watching. Hell, even if they are, she doesn't care.
I hope you find the one who lives for the sound of your voice- though only hearing it once.
Lives for the warmth she can feel through your messages. Lives to the light in your eyes and wondering how the fuck she scored someone so fucking cute, sexy, and hot all rolled into one.
Lives to be yours.
I hope you find the one who would happily tattoo "Fruitcake" on her arms for you in a heartbeat. Ink "Toot Sweet" across her chest.
Make "<#" as her fucking Cutie Mark.
Leaving the entire world questioning and confused- but leaving her entire world smitten and deeply in love.
I hope you find the one who can give you all she is- and not just her broken pieces she's collected since her birth. Not the chipped away mask she knows she sits and cries behind, cracking futher and further each day as she drifts deeper into insanity.
The one who isn't lying. Doesn't lie. To you, to everyone- but especially to the face in the mirror.
The one who is free, not trapped behind her fears- real or imagined. Trapped behind who she knows she should be- but can't now because of you. Doesn't want to be because of you.
Not the one trapped even more now than she ever thought possible.
The one who isn't a toxic liar. The one not broken beyond all repair. The one not so unstable and about to fall. The one who doesn't ends up hurting everyone along the way, especially herself and the ones she loves most- which now horrifically includes you, someone she never meant to hurt. The one not stuck with no way out.
The one who isn't ugly and stupid and worthless...
The one who actually truly deserves to be the one for you in the first place. Who doesn't fool herself into think she stable, good enough to be is the one for you- she just is.
I hope you find the one you don't have to ask not to contact you because she broke you heart- and she shattered her own in the process. The one who craves you, who needs you like a fucking drug, going through worst withdrawns she can explain.
The one who has enough sense to realize what she has while she has it...and doesn't go fucking up and losing it forever.
I hope you find the one who makes you want to love again. Who you made want to love. Makes you trust and believe in something again. Who you made trust and believe again. Makes you believe love isn't the stuff of movies or fanfics....and makes her believe it isn't, either.
The one who makes you believe in love in all it's facets.
Especially being in love.
The one who believes you're straight out of her not-so-pure imagination.
I hope you find the one who you plant a kiss that wouldn't wake a baby on. The one who's same face that won't let you sleep. The one who makes the streets dance with your feet and the dawn that makes your shadow a bit taller.
I hope you find the one who changes everything, the one who completes you. Makes the streets an empty stage and a city's sirens violins.
The one not oceans and miles apart.
The one beautiful, kind, amazing enough to be with someone as incredible as you.
I hope you find the one who's forever indebted to a stupid little comic strip because it brought the one for her...
But mostly, I just hope you find the who makes the world your mirrorball.
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papuhater · 2 years
Can I ask for Gotham Jervis with enemies to lovers S/O? She would be his opposite, riding on motorcycle, wearing leather and wouldn't be able to stand each other (she would call him Willy Wonka rip off) but they had to work together and slowly starts liking each other (she would start laughing at his jokes, he would though her working on her motor is attractive).
Also unresolved jealousy since she would be flirty with targets while he would be talking all about 'Alice'
do opposites truly attract?
pairing: jervis tetch x fem!reader
a/n: uh-oh! did someone say leather???? i'm in.
summary: small headcanons of jervis tetch with an opposite fem reader, heads up for killing mentions and a wound
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🕰) oh querida, the chaos?? *spanish voice* diosito mio, rezo por ustedes mis amores.
🕰) anyways, as we know, he really dresses like in the 19 century for some reason and has nice manners while you are like a feral wild cat, who had absolutely no manners and impulsive.
🕰) jervis couldn't stand working with you, she always putting your boots up on the table during tea time, he has tried correcting you many times but you can't change.
🕰) when you two weren't in an alliance you would fight and attack each other, but even with an alliance it wouldn't stop the insults from occurring, he was absolutely offended when you called him a 'willy wonka rip-off', he wanted nothing but your head served on a plate and you also desired his.
🕰 every time you two spoke, it is like a passive-aggressive discussion, but it doesn't stay that way as you poke and prod him, until he looses patience and prods harder.
🕰) so jervis needed this alliance with you now, and you needed it too. and so, due to a collective need, you had to work together in a heist, and of course, another schemes, he needed the brawl, and he was the full brain.
🕰) on one of these plans you got gravely hurt, he could've left you to die but for some reason, he became incapable to do it, you know, leaving you to get caught. jervis, saved you and well you had to stay with him for some time, the police had really hitted well.
🕰) the tension was always dense in the air the first days, the first one you tried to kill him and you threatened him and laughed at his vulnerability because he did not let you rot and die, and he simply responded with a condensending
"well my dear mockingbird, i guess if instead of thanking me, you are going to mock, i might as well shoot you, even though it can be considered a sin."
🕰) let's say that after that you were very quiet and more nice to him, he began hanging more around your bed-ed form, and talking not in a passive-aggressive way, like actual human conversation.
🕰) jervis learned a lot by having to be with you, he learned you really like leather coats, he also learned you had a tattoo! our mad hatter here started feeling warmth and not the hating heat he felt when thinking of you as an enemy.
🕰) but from your perspective, jervis was in another light, in one you haven't felt in a long time, it could be considered a crush or more, but his jokes seemed funnier when they weren't targeted with aggression, even though when you were able to walk while healing you didn't bolt out into your lair, you stayed and helped domestically.
🕰) once you could fully move the first thing was checking on your motorcycle, jervis decided to accompany you by the excuse that you were going to get hurt by recklessness. even though he liked to admit seeing you get your hands dirty and being so, so strong, made his blood flush into his face, some grease got into your face and he offered you a napkin with his initials.
🕰) on the next heist you did together you were continuing the suit of your flirty personality against the targets, sending winks and complimenting, only that jervis felt a pang of negative feelings against the targets, or you? he didn't know, he only felt this when alice paid attention to something else, why did he felt that against you?
🕰) on the other hand, you felt a pang of jealousy every time he spoke about alice as if she was immaculate or a deity, just that when you acted flirty against the targets, jervis would stare at you while looking really pissed.
🕰) when you both of you stopped working together the dynamic was a nonromantic game of cat and mouse, he did something to spite you, and you would try to get his ass, and viceversa, it felt like fun, and not vengeance
🕰) sometimes you would just appear and spend tea time with him, even though you decided to stay anf not confront, jervis didn’t do that, he identified his feelings, and didn’t want to shut up about them in fear, he has planned a whole game to tell you how he felt, and he only could wait to tell you.
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willymywonkers · 4 years
A Trip into the Factory
Summary: Maude gets invited into the factory for the first time in years. Chaos and fluff ensues.
A/N: This really is an excuse for me to try and write Wonka a little better. It's not too great I'll admit that, but I'm still getting used to writing him, lmaoooo.
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It was a typical Tuesday afternoon for Maude, which mainly included grading assignments and checking over the kids work.
However, there was one thing different about this Tuesday. Charlie invited her over to the factory for dinner.
Usually she'd be happy to visit the Buckets, the only set back here was actually going into the factory.
Ever since Wonka and her reunited, things had been a little rocky. Maude was always busy with her students, and tried to creating some order in her schedule. Will was busy mentoring Charlie around the factory. There wasn't any time for them to really connect.
"Sure, I think she would thoroughly enjoy the factory, heh." Willy said, trying very hard to seem confident.
"And, when you're done, we can have dinner with my family." Charlie smiled with excitement.
"Yeah." Will gulped, slightly.
This was one of Willy Wonka's rare moments where he was uncertain. Usually, he knew exactly how people would react when entering the factory, but Maude was a different story. She helped sculpt every room when it was first built.
Willy had planned on asking Maude to move in with him before she got married. Being business partners was one thing, but being actually together was another. He knew from the start on why he didn't like her husband. Even during the wedding, Willy tried to be supportive of her. Hell, he even made especially for her a dozen chocolate roses. His feelings for her never really went away. He just wanted her to be happy.
After being isolated from the world for over 15 years, it really took a toll on how he interacted with others.
Meanwhile, Maude was dealing with her own worries. She looked at herself in the mirror, constantly overthinking.
She needed to leave in about 30 minutes, and that wasn't enough time either. Maude rummaged through her closet desperately searching for something to wear. Eventually, she found a brown dress that was casual enough to wear without looking completely overdressed.
She slipped on some heels and grabbed her coat before heading out the door. She was lucky the factory was walking distance from her house, but when the gates opened, she was extremely hesitant to go inside.
'Come on, Maude. Don't be pathetic.' She thought as her hand was just inches away from the door.
She bit her lip, tapping her gloved fist against the cold steel door.
Suddenly, there was a click and the door swung open. Maude stepped back, surprised a little at the sudden opening of the door.
Wonka stood just a little bit outside the door. He smiled, greeting Maude at the door.
"Heh, welcome, Maude." Will flashed a big smile at her.
She smiled back, taking off her coat. "It's quite warm in here, Will."
"Ah yes. It's because of my oompa loompas. They just can't stand the cold."
Maude tilted her head at Will. "Right, and what are oompa loompas again?"
Charlie had told her about these 'oompa loompas' but she wasn't entirely sure about what they are.
"Oh, well, they're my workers. They were directly imported from Loopmaland." Will explained as the two walked down the large hall.
"Loopmaland? I've never heard of that place before." Maude seemed to look even more confused.
"Well, I discovered it while I was searching the world of exotic candy." Will hummed.
Maude couldn't help, but be amazed at the amount of things Will had done throughout the years. Maude felt that she didn't really accomplish anything. After she left Ron, she mostly did boring adult stuff. When she worked in the factory, Maude felt unique and carefree. Will would listen to all her ideas for different kinds of mixtures. She remembered a time where she felt happy being in the factory, because it almost was a sanctuary to her.
The hallway began to get slimmer and slimmer. Soon enough Maude and Willy crouched down to get to the very small door at the end of the hallway.
"I don't remember the chocolate room being this small." Maude joked, trying not to hit her head on the suddenly short ceiling.
Willy shook his head. "It's not. Just watch."
Just as he turned the key, a whole world was opened up for Maude. Her eyes widened. Her lips parted at the view.
It was meadows of gorgeous green grass, and luscious chocolate river that flowed throughout the factory.
There was buttercups at her feet, and a jelly pumpkin on her right.
Maude felt overwhelmed with joy. "You did all this?" Her voice was below a whisper.
Willy smiled wide. "Yeah, I did."
Maude turned to Willy, smiling dreamily at him. "Wow.." Her body suddenly when limp, as she passed out in a sudden trance.
Willy panicked, catching her before she hit the ground. "Maude? Maude!!"
She snapped out of her trance. "Yes? Yes! I'm awake."
Will took a deep breath. "Heh, good. I was worried that I killed ya there."
Maude chuckled, blushing slightly by the way Wonka was holding her.
Wonka seemed to noticed it too. He cleared his throat. "Well, let's get a move on. There's lots of things I wanna show you."
He set Maude back down on her feet. She chuckled nervously, still amazed at the view.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of low drumming. A purple sea horse shaped boat pulled up right next to Willy and Maude.
"Hop on board!" Willy stepped onto the boat, with Maude following behind.
The Oompa Loompas seemed to be chattering amongst themselves and chuckling.
"What are they laughing about?" Maude chuckled.
He laughed nervously. "Surely, it's from all those doggone coca beans. They're a bit of a handful."
Maude smiled. "They seem quite lovely. I think I got a report from Charlie, talking about living with the Oompa Loompas. It was incredibly-"
"Weird?" Willy interrupted.
"Yeah, but, a good kind of weird." Maude chuckled. "You're a great mentor."
Willy's smile faltered slightly. "Well, I have to get him prepared to run this factory. There's not a lot of people I could trust to hold the secret recipes, and keep them secret."
"I guess the only other person would be you."
Maude's expression shifted from happiness to a bit of sadness. She attempted to smile. "Thank you, Will."
She stared blankly for a few seconds. She began to remember Ron's horrid yelling.
"You'll always be in his shadow, Maude. Don't you want your own factory? He stole most of your ideas, Maude. A few of his would be nothing."
Maude would always refuse to steal from Will. Ron would call her a coward. Still, this torment would go on for hours, until she resigned.
The boat began to diverge into a dark tunnel. Maude's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the Oompa Loompas drumming as it began to get faster and faster.
"Can they see where they're going?" Maude said, as she turned to Willy.
"Hehe, no." Will chuckled. "There's no telling where they're going."
Maude's face turned pale as she held on to the side of the boat.
The boat suddenly took sharp dive right into the tunnel. The boat looped and turned as chocolate splashed its sides. Maude suddenly had her arms around Wonka's, holding onto dear life. Will looked over at her a little surprised. In most situations, Will despised human contact. Here, he was just amused. Even when he was a little boy, he hates when adults touched his hair, or even when they lightly tapped his shoulder. However, he was very loose when it came to Maude. She didn't appreciate close contact either, but in very few moments, Maude would casually touch his hand accidentally. She would always say sorry, but it was strange because Will didn't mind it. It was an odd connection between the two. They really just couldn't explain it.
Maude was still holding onto Will as the boat came to a stop. She sighed in relief, but quickly let go of Will.
"Sorry." Maude muttered.
Will gulped. "No matter. Let's continue."
The boat had stopped in front of the experimentation room, a place where Maude was quite familiar with.
"The experiments room. I'm pretty sure you know this one, heh." Will said, hoping off the boat.
Maude looked around, admiring the enormous amounts of lab equipment, as well as different kinds of experiments. "Oh, wow. It's gotten quite modernized."
"You're darn right. I've testing out a ton of new candy, but sometimes it's so hard to focus on one." Willy turned towards a big machine. He turned it on and out came a single stick of gum.
"This piece, right here, is a full 3 course dinner all in itself."
Maude picked up the stick of gum, and simply looked at it.
"I wouldn't eat it. There's still a few things wrong with the mixture."
"I see, and what seems to be wrong with it." Maude carefully set the stick back down.
"Well, it's ok, once it gets to the end. It's the blueberry pie that does it. I've tried it on like 20 Oompa Loompas, and each one ended up like a giant blueberry."
"Do you think it's because you made the mixture of the pie too strong?" Maude examined the sample closely, just before sticking it in her mouth.
"Yeah, well." Will's eyes widened as she stuck the gum in her mouth. "Just spit it out once it gets too sweet."
The flavors were very incredible, however it didn't mask the faint blueberry aftertaste that plagued each flavor. Once it got a but too sweet, she immediately spat it out.
Will looked at her with a bit of disgust. He kept a bit of a distance from her. After a few moments, nothing happened.
"I think I know the problem. The blueberry pie mixture is too strong. It masks all the other flavors with a sweet aftertaste." Maude put the gum in the nearest trash can. "If you eliminate that strong aftertaste, then I believe the gum should be just fine."
Willy's expression turned from disgust to ecstatic in a matter of seconds. He grabbed Maude by the hand, and shook it vigorously. "Maude, you're a genius. Absolutely incredible. I don't get why I didn't think of that sooner."
Maude smiled slightly. "This is just like old times. Remember when we were experimenting with those fizzy lifting bubbles? We flew so high. We almost lost our heads."
"Yeah, haha. I remember." Will nodded, still holding onto Maude's hand.
"I remember Ron being so worried." Maude laughed.
Willy's smile soon faded. "Yeah, him."
Hearing that name again really made Will's blood boil. He had an idea what was happening with Maude and Ron. Will had really hoped Maude would choose candy making over Ron, because that's what made her happy.
His gloved hand had a tight hold on Maude's. "It's really weird, heh."
"What is?" Maude asked.
"Being here with you. I just would've figured you'd always be with me, making candy in the factory."
"Well, I'm here right now."
"That's not what I mean."
Maude tilted her head up at him, a little confused. They looking into each other's eyes for a moment. His gorgeous purple eyes burrow deep into her dark chocolate ones.
He leaned in, giving Maude a tiny peck on the lips. It was quick and painless. Still, it made Maude go red as a cherry.
Willy giggled, wiping the tiny kiss off his lips.
"W-wow.." Maude muttered. "That was unexpected." She blinked for a few moments, promptly pinching herself, before even realizing what had happened.
"Heh, I've always wanted to try that." Will said, smiling wide. "Kissing is so weird."
"But it's a good kind of weird." Maude chuckled, as she pulled Will into another kiss.
This was so much better than she could've imagined.
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