#i can't wait to answer the other asks but i want to take my time with them to not just write completely incoherent thoughts dfklg
addiethepup · 2 days
You've always been a good student, and some of the others called you teacher's pet, but as long as you were learning more you didn't care.
You think it comes from your need to people-please... Ever since you had started working on your psych major it's become more and more difficult to stop yourself from overanalyzing even more than usual.
The most recent class changed everything though, the study of hypnosis has always seemed fascinating, but at the same time inaccessible. There's just so much incorrect information and misrepresentation of hypnosis out there! Taking a class that focused solely on it seemed at first a bit much, but it's definitely helped your stress. It's quickly become your favorite course...
And the professor!! She clearly has such a passion for her subject, and you make sure to show in class how attentive you are. If other students think you're a teacher's pet, you might as well live up to the title. Plus, she's absolutely gorgeous! And her voice can only be described as the feeling of being completely surrounded by warm honey, in sound form. You can't help but feel a flutter deep in your chest whenever she calls on you to give your thoughts... on the current discussion.
About half-way through the semester, you work up the courage to approach her after class to see if she has any outside resources she can point you to. The course is amazing, you tell her, but you feel like a practical example of the application of hypnosis would help you delve deeper and deeper into the material!
For a moment you think you catch a chuckle(?) But this is just a typical request... oh well, it's hard to focus while you look at her anyway! She replies in her silky, smooth, relaxing voice:
"Oh dear, I've been wondering when you would ask! You're my favorite student, of course you deserve some one-on-one training~"
For some reason, what she said seems... off? Somehow? But you can't grasp why... you're her favorite student, that makes sense... but wait, training??
A thick wave washes over your brain as your train of thought is completely derailed and you're lost in the honey.
"There's nothing to worry about, this is completely normal. I know better than you, right?~"
You nod without realizing
"Good girl! Then let's get started."
She takes you by the hand and leads you to her office, because walking is hard on your own. When you get there, she shuts and locks the door behind you.
You sit down, seemingly pulled downward by some invisible force.
She laughs, "Oh just look at you! This is going to be even more fun than I thought. Now, as for your request, what better way to understand hypnosis than to be the subject of it yourself? I understand some of the other students call you teacher's pet... and I want to help you fill that role even better! Wouldn't that just be wonderful?~"
The words practically fall out of your mouth, "Yes, ma'am"
"Gooood pet~
Normally, this process would take ages, but you've been listening to all of the extra-credit, haven't you? You don't need you answer, I know you have. That's why you're my favorite~"
You let out an absent-minded whine, impossibly willing to do whatever your new owner instructs of you.
She pulls out a collar and leash, and for some reason you yearn for them.
"The main point of the extra-credit was to create two separate triggers; one with a collar, and another with a leash. When I snap this collar around your neck, your sense of identity will be exclusively that of a pet. When I attach the leash, my words will replace your thoughts. What I want from you will become what you want to do~"
You cant understand her words, yet the anticipation as she walks around to the front of her desk is nearly unbearable, and you are practically shaking from the excitement.
You freeze immediately. This command seemed more forceful than the others somehow, but you don't have time to consider it any further before-
Snap- and the collar is around your neck.
Any worries or thoughts you had lurking in your subconscious are dispersed immediately as the bliss of emptiness somehow becomes even more encapsulating.
"Much better, pup~"
Your owner's voice makes you wag your imaginary tail. She's praising you! The satisfaction is overwhelming, but this is interrupted by a-
Click- and there's your leash.
"Down~" You're on your knees
"Open~" Your mouth falls open as you begin to pant eagerly
"Sleep, puppy~" These are the final words you have even the faintest memory of.
You're such a good student
You're such an obedient puppy
You're the perfect teacher's pet
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 days
Here Without You
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- Based on song Here without you by three doors down, angst, fluff, sex, missionary, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, cock riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Gif Credit- Yooboobies
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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Opening the door to my apartment, silence greets me, my eyes tearing up
"Stop it", I whisper to myself, wiping my eyes
I need to stop crying all the time
It doesn't help
It doesn't bring him back
I just have to wait for him to come back
He will
When the tour's done, he'll be home again
Closing and locking the door, I go to our room to undress
I try to think of what I have to do before I can video call him
Cook something
Maybe watch a TV show or YouTube
Some thing to pass the time until he wakes up and can call me
He's in Texas now, so when he wakes up at 10 am, it's 1 am here
Luckily I don't have work tomorrow so I can sleep in
I've stayed up late every night since he went on tour three weeks ago so I can talk to him and I've gone to work exhausted
It doesn't matter though, he's worth it
Sighing, I throw my clothes in the hamper, then go to the bathroom to shower
I'm laying on the couch with the TV on for noise when my phone rings
Seeing the caller as "naekkeo", I immediately pick it up, his beautiful face filling my screen
"Hi jagi", he says softly, his sad brown eyes gazing at me
"Hi naekkeo", I answer, tears flooding my eyes
This tour has been particularly hard for us
It's the first one after our wedding
And the first one where I can't come to any of the overseas concerts
Not with this video game designer job I have now
I started it last year and the boss is an asshole
He gave me such a hard time to take off for my wedding and honeymoon even though I told the interviewer that I needed certain days off and was guaranteed them at hiring
I'm working on a major game now and I have endless meetings
The thing is I can do everything remotely but my boss is being such an ass, demanding that I come in for meetings
I'm one of three people that come in physically for meetings
The people from other departments come in virtually
Because they have other bosses who aren't pricks
This is the first time I haven't been with him at all on the tour and it's affecting both of us
He's already been gone for three torturous weeks
"How was the concert last night?", I ask, forcing the tears back
"It was good", he answers, his eyes wet, "ARMYS had fun"
"Did you have fun?", I ask
He nods, biting his lip as the tears spill over his eyes
"Naekkeo", I say softly
"I'm sorry", he says as he cries, "I just miss you"
I shake my head, my own tears falling, "I miss you too baby. Don't be sorry"
"I can't....I can't do this jagi. I need you"
I nod, wiping my eyes, trying to calm him down, "I need you too baby. It's just for a little bit"
"It's another six weeks jagi. I can't spend that long without you", he sobs, "We've never been apart this long. It's killing me"
I know exactly how he feels
"Me too naekkeo but there's nothing we can do. You have to be on the tour. I have to work. I wish I could be there, I want to be there with you", I say, more tears falling, making his image blurry, "I don't know how it can happen baby. It's torture for me too naekkeo"
He shakes his head, "I don't want to be here without you. I dream about you every night and when I wake up and you're not there it's devastating"
"I want to be with you naekkeo", I whisper, "So much. I dream about you too Yoongi and I miss you more than anything"
"I can't handle it", he sobs, "I can't sleep without you. I hate knowing you're not backstage waiting for me. I hate not seeing your smile. Hearing your voice. Holding you. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep doing this tour"
I really have no idea how he's supposed to do it either
I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going without him
Video calls, it's not enough
Like he said, I need to be in his arms, I need to feel him, hug him, kiss him
I can't do that through a screen
"We just have to keep counting down the days baby", I tell him, "Just get through each day at a time"
It sounds lame but there's nothing else I can think of to make this better
It's hard for both of us
He just shakes his head, wiping his eyes
"Tell me about the concert naekkeo", I ask him in a effort to distract us both, "What's the set list? What was your favorite part about this concert?"
He smiles sadly, knowing exactly what I'm doing
But he nods and begins talking
Three days later
I toss and turn in bed, trying it get comfortable
I can't sleep
I've been laying in bed for hours
I know it's because I wasn't able to talk to Yoongi tonight
BTS had a concert last night and when they have concerts he can't call me
I know they did a vlive too and he went to bed really late
He's probably exhausted and slept all day
I understand
I'm not mad, I know how he operates on concert days
On little to no sleep and he crashes all day the next day
I just miss him
As I'm turning again, I hear a noise
It sounds like it's coming from the front door
Like jiggling
I quiet down and listen hard
I hear the front door open and I'm immediately alert
The door shouldn't be opening
The only ones who have keys are me and Yoongi
And Yoongi is thousands of miles away
Carefully, I get up from the bed, tip toeing to the open door
Quietly, I leave the room, going out into the hallway, ready to run or fight if I need to
A figure steps into the long hallway from the living room and I gape, not sure I'm seeing who I'm seeing
"Yoongi?", I gasp
"Jagi", he whispers, starting to come to me
I don't think, my body immediately goes into a run towards him
I get to him in seconds, crashing into him as he picks me up, his lips immediately against mine
I kiss him desperately, so shocked he's here but so fucking happy and relieved
His arms hold me tightly, keeping me against him, my legs and arms locked around his waist and neck
I don't know how long we kissed for but for me it's never enough
When the kiss does end, I lean my forehead against his, just basking in him being home
"I missed you so much", I whisper
"I missed you jagi"
"How...how are you here naekkeo? Shouldn't you be in the U.S.?"
As much as I want him here, I don't want him to get into trouble
"I couldn't stay away from you a minute longer jagi", he tells me softly, "I just can't. I can't spend another six weeks away from you, Jo. I can't do it baby"
"I can't either naekkeo", I say, knowing exactly how he feels
Like everything is colorless, lifeless without him
"I think about you all day jagi. I miss you so fucking much it hurts. I hate that you're so far from me. I don't think I ever cried so much from being away from you"
I know
This whole time has been so fucking hard, so heartbreaking
I want him to be on tour, I know how much he loves performing, I just hate that he has to be away from me to do it
"It's the same for me baby", I tell him, "I just want you so much it hurts. I want you to be able to perform naekkeo but I don't want you to be away"
"I don't want to be away either jagi"
"What are we going to do baby?", I ask, worried
He's here now but he can't stay
He has the rest of the tour to do, his ARMYS are counting on him
"You're coming back with me", he says
"Yoongi", I start, "My job naekkeo"
The stupid reason I had to stay behind
There was no way my boss would let me take two months off to go with him
"I called him jagi", he tells me, "I spoke to your boss and after a lot of convincing and proving who I was, he agreed to let you have the time off for the rest of the tour"
I gape at him, in shock
My asshole boss caved to Yoongi?
What did Yoongi say to him?
"You won't be paid for the time jagi but it doesn't matter. We have enough money"
"That's your money Yoongi"
He shakes his head, "You keep saying that jagi but it's not. It's ours. You're my wife, the love of my life, everything that's mine is yours from even before we were married baby. You know you don't even have to work jagi but you insist on it"
Of course I do
I'm not a mooch
Just because he's rich doesn't mean I can spend his money
I was never with him for the money or the potential money as we met in high school and have been together since then, when we were both broke
He works hard, he sacrificed in the beginning of BTS, the money and success he has is because of him
I even offered to sign a pre-nup before we got married and he was actually offended I even suggested it
He declined it, shocking me and he always maintains that the money and everything that comes from it is ours
"You know you don't jagi. You know I would give you anything you ask for, do anything for you", he says softly, "And I'm good with you wanting to work baby but I need you with me. I can't go back without you. Please jagi, say you'll come with me. Please"
"Of course I'm going to come with you", I whisper, running my fingers in his black hair, "Even if I had to quit, find another job after the tour, I would come naekkeo. I can't be apart from you any more baby. I need you"
His entire body relaxes as he breathes in relief
"Ok jagi. Thank you"
"Shh baby, don't thank me. Just like you, I'll do anything for you naekkeo, give you anything you want", I assure him, "I want to be wherever you are. And if you have to be in the U.S. I'm going with you"
He nods, "Ok jagi. I love you"
"I love you Yoongi"
His lips press against mine, my heart filling with utter joy that he's here
He carries me to our room, laying me on the bed, his lips never leaving mine
He moves next to me, my body turning to his, our arms around each other
I kiss him passionately, falling into him after weeks of missing him
His kiss is everything, his arms around me is heaven
He's my everything, my world
The kiss becomes heated, his tongue against mine, our hands desperately touching each other
"I missed you", I murmur between kisses while pulling his shirt up
Her separates from me long enough to get his shirt off mine following
"I missed you too, you have no idea"
"I do naekkeo, I missed you just as much"
He smiles his gorgeous smile right before kissing me, his hand slowly pulling down my pj pants and panties
Once they're off, I slide my hands down his sweatpants, getting them and his boxers off
I want him so badly
Three weeks of no physical contact is catching up to us
He moves on top of me, laying between my open legs, his warm smooth skin right against mine
His forehead leans against mine as I move my arms around him, my hand on his back, slowly running my palms up and down, feeling him
He moans softly, his skin trembling under my hands
I slide my hands up, moving over and along his strong shoulders, up his neck, sinking my fingers in his soft hair
We shift slightly, our lips against each other's, kissing desperately
I feel his length at my entrance and I drop my hands to his hips, pulling him closer to me
He takes the hint, his cock sliding inside, my pussy stretching around his thick shaft, pleasure tingling throughout every cell of my body
He whimpers into the kiss as he pushes in inch by inch, my pussy getting wetter and wetter, impaling me on his huge thick dick
My body arches from the pleasure, letting him slide in faster, bottoming out quicker, his head nestled against my spot
I shiver under him, squeezing his cock involuntarily hard
"Fuck", he groans, moving his arm around my waist and holding me against him, "You feel so good jagi. Always so tight for me. So wet"
"Mmm", I murmur, shivering against his lips that found their way to my neck, "And you feel good naekkeo. So hard, all the fucking time"
I purposely clench around his cock, his moan so hot as I enjoy the hard feeling of him buried inside me
"You make me this way jagi", he whimpers, "Fuck, anything you do turns me on. If I could stay inside you all fucking day, I would"
I giggle, kissing the top of his head, "I'd definitely let you baby"
I happen to really enjoy having him inside my pussy
Even if we're just laying here
We don't have to have sex
Cock warming is a huge thing with us, it's something we both love
He lifts his head from my neck, smiling, then kissing me softly
I fall into his kiss as he begins to move, slowly pulling out a little bit then slamming back inside
His head hits my spot, stars blasting in my vision, every nerve on my body alive and electrified
With every stroke he pulls out more and more, until he pulls out to his head, then buries back inside me
He moves at a good pace, fucking me into the bed and my head is in the clouds from the sheer pleasure
He press kisses against every inch of skin he can, my body trembling under his lips
His hand slides slowly up my body from my waist, up my arm, his hand taking mine, intertwining our fingers
I close my hand around his, holding on tightly
His other arm is next to my head, leaning on it as he moves, thrusting into my pussy again and again
"Yoongi", I moan in bliss, closing my eyes as I just feel him
Feel his body against mine, his skin against mine, his cock moving inside me
I'm loving every single second of it
Each smack against my spot brings me closer, my legs tighting around his waist, my pussy throbbing around his cock hard
I'm so hot and sweaty, panting for breath, my fingers digging into his back, my other hand clenching his
"You're so fucking beautiful", he whispers
I open my eyes to find him looking down at me, watching, love pouring from his eyes, "My God, I'm so fucking lucky you're mine"
I smile shyly, "No naekkeo, I'm so lucky you're mine. I love you"
"I love you Jo", he murmurs, his lips finding mine
His kiss combined with him sliding back into me, right into my spot, have me shaking and coming on his thick cock
"Yoongi", I moan between kisses, the intense pleasure washing over me, my pussy clenching around him hard
He moans, his hips not stopping, rolling into me, fucking me through my orgasm
As the pleasure fades, I relax into the bed, Yoongi kissing all over my body as he pulls out
My skin jumps with every press of his lips, his hot kisses feeling so fucking good
He kisses my lower stomach, my hand finding its way into his damp hair, tangling in the strands
He moves down slowly, now pressing kisses against my pussy, pushing my legs wide open
I feel his tongue on me, licking up slowly, my body shivering in bliss
He groans loudly, his tongue moving a bit faster, "So fucking good"
"Yoongi", I whine, feeling so fucking good
My god, I missed this, missed him
His hands grip my legs tightly, his tongue dipping into my hole, my pussy clenching down on it immediately
He licks out and up, his tongue rolling over my clit, my body arching from the increased pleasure swarming over me
His tongue slides back down, circling my hole before dipping in, shoving as much in as he can, then pulling out, sliding up and flicking my clit
He repeats the motions over and over, my cunt getting wetter with every move of his talented tongue
I know I'm completely soaking his face and I know he loves it
"My baby tastes so good", he groans, tongue swirling around my clit, driving me fucking insane, "My baby's pussy is so fucking good. So fucking sweet"
God, he's so hot
The way he's so into eating me out makes everything feel ten times better
I like knowing that he really enjoys doing it instead of feeling like he has to
His tongue move faster, all over my clit, my hips moving on their own, fucking his face, knowing that this is another thing he loves
"Yes baby, fuck yes", he urges, "Don't stop jagi"
His mouth wraps around my clit, sucking hard and I scream his name, squirting a little on his face
"Mmm", he moans, his mouth moving faster, slurping around my clit, the pleasure so fucking intense, my entire body is shaking and my head is empty
I tug his hair tightly, his next suck sending me straight into a mind shattering orgasm
"Yoongi!", I scream, coming on his face, his tongue driving right into my hole, his mouth sucking and swallowing my cum
I can't think, don't know which way is up, all I can do is ride the waves of bliss
It's so intense, so mind numbingly pleasurable
God, Yoongi is the king of oral
His licking slows down as I finish, his eyes already on me when I look down at him
He smirks, kissing my inner thigh, his tongue licking up my cunt one more time
"So good jagi"
I sit up just as he does and I move closer to him, kissing him hard
His tongue moves in my mouth as I climb in his lap, pushing him down on the bed
I follow, kissing him silly, running my fingers in his sweaty hair
He moves me over his length and I sit, taking him in immediately
I'm so wet, I slide all the way down his cock so easily, moving my hips to rock on him
His hands grab my ass, holding on as his hips lift, keeping his cock as deep as he can inside me while I grind on him
Breaking the kiss, I lean on his shoulders, starting to bounce softly on his cock
"Fuck jagi", he groans, his fingers digging into my skin, "Fuck"
"God Yoongi", I cry, his cock spreading my pussy so deliciously, tingles are running up my spine, "So good baby, so fucking good"
He nods, his eyes glued on me as I ride him faster, harder, "Fuck baby, that pussy looks so good on my dick. Creaming my cock so much, it's pouring out of you"
It is, I can feel it, all over this cock, all over his lap, the sticky feeling making me so horny
"Mmm do you hear how loud your pussy is?", he asks as I indeed hear how loud the squelching is, "Fuck, missed me this much?"
"Yes naekkeo", I moan, grinding down on his cock when I take him all in, his head rubbing my spot, making my body shiver, "Missed you so fucking much"
"Missed you too jagi", he groans
"I know", I smirk, his throbbing cock so stiff inside my cunt, "I feel how much you missed me"
He smiles his gorgeous smile, his eyes travelling from my pussy up my body to my face
"So pretty baby", he says softly, "So good at riding my cock"
I smirk, nodding, our skin slamming together loudly with every move, "You know how much I love riding you"
He nods
It's our favorite position, the one we fuck in the most
I don't know, my legs do get tired sometimes but it takes awhile for that to happen and when it does, I still don't stop
I can get him in so much deeper, bounce on him, rock or grind on his dick
And he can fuck me too so it's not just me always fucking him
The best part, for me, is that I get to watch him
Watch him in pleasure, watch him cum
He's so fucking beautiful it's insane
And that's what I do now
Looking down at him, watching him in pleasure, the sight such a fucking turn on
His eyes closed, his head pushed back into the pillow, his mouth slightly open, breathing hard, his hair wet with sweat, his fingers digging into my hips, sweat shortening on his skin as he whimpers my name, begging me to not stop in his sexy voice
He's so fucking stunning without even trying
And he's all mine
Leaning down, I whisper in his ear, "Cum for me naekkeo"
"Oh god, fuck", he groans, holding my hips hard and thrusting up, meeting my bounces, sliding deep inside
We move together, fucking each other, both of us getting fucked out and desperate to cum, moaning loudly
"Yoongi! Yoongi!", I cry, unbelievable ecstacy slamming into every crevice of my body as he fucks me into an earth shattering orgasm
"Fuck Joanne! Jagi!", he cries, his cock pulsing, his warm cum filling me, his body shaking under me
I force my eyes open and watch the complete ethereal sight of him orgasming
I never want to miss seeing this
I rock on his cock, making the pleasure last a little longer for both of us, our bodies relaxing as the bliss so slowly leaves
I move off him but don't go far, snuggling in his arm, my head on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat
His fingers run slowly up and down my back, giving me shivers
"When do we have to leave tomorrow?", I ask
He looks down at me, smiling, "Don't worry jagi, I got a later flight. 5 pm"
"Oh thank God", I giggle
He laughs, "I knew you'd want to spend as much time in bed together as you can"
I raise my eyebrow, "As if you don't want that either"
"Of course I want that baby", he agrees, "We can slack off for awhile, then I'll help you pack and we can go"
"Back to Texas?"
"California", he answers
I nod, "Ok"
"Ok", he nods
I gaze in his beautiful dark brown eyes, reaching up and running my fingers in his hair, "I love you so much Yoongi"
"I love you so much Jo. So fucking much"
I know he does
I'm so lucky to have found someone who loves me as much as I love them
Yoongi is the best thing that has ever happened to me
He's my everything
I lean closer, my lips against his in a soft loving kiss
His arms hold me tightly as he kisses me back and I'm so glad he came back for me
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hwanchaesong · 3 days
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☞🍹Sixth Drink: Living in champagne and sparkles is a dream come true for anyone. But not with him, a mess in his head, won't you fix it for him? 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - Snowchild
wc: 567
genre & warnings: angst, fluff, comfort, rich!chenle, fiancé!reader, cursing, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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"Are you having fun here? Alone?" you ask the man who is sitting on a kid's swing, taking the empty spot beside him and staring straight ahead.
"Not really." he answers, laughing weakly while he absentmindedly kicks a pebble on the ground.
"Then," you crane your neck to look at your beloved, "would you mind sharing with me what's in your pretty little head?"
He grins, this time a genuine one, "I'm sorry to break it out to you but my head is not little. I will accept the pretty part though."
He smiles when he hears you laugh at his joke before breaking out a sigh, gazing down at the dirt and contemplating whether to spill his problems to you or not.
He could always play it off. Tell you that he's tired because of work, but how much more can he take until he explodes?
"Lele," you reach out and hold his hand in yours, engulfing his cold ones with your warmth, "it's just me. You can be honest with me."
You're right, he did choose you as his confidant in life. There really is no point in hiding things from you.
Chenle intertwined his fingers with yours, his usual smiley expression is now devoid of any emotion.. well, one emotion— indifference.
Not towards you, but towards the people who are supposed to be his pillar when life gets tough.
"They are so shitty." he says and you wait for him to continue, "I always did whatever they wanted me to do, and when I ask them for something, they can't even do it."
He sighs, closing his eyes in resentment to calm him down.
Throughout his existence, the extravagant life and business-minded attitude have been drilled into him. He was taught to think critically, that wealth and success come first over anything else.
But he is tired from all of those, and he wants to escape.
That is why he asked them for a small favor of giving him a break, but they can't because it will hinder the plans for the company.
Fuck all that.
"What did you ask them?" you inquired, gazing at his slumped figure.
"Just a few days off." he murmurs and your heart squeezed painfully in your chest. You couldn't fully fathom how simple his request is yet they aren't able to give him that.
You were silent for a few seconds before you stood up, walking in front of him and crouching down. Your hands are now fully engulfing his, and the shiny engagement ring on your finger gleams under the dim street lamp light.
"Let's try again. I will come with you." you declared, beaming at him when he gave you a confused look.
"Y/N, it's okay. I w-"
"No, no." you shook your head. You are not going to sit down and watch your fiancé slowly rot in hell (his workplace), "We will fight for that vacation of yours together."
Chenle had a lot of good food from the Michelin star chefs and restaurants, but he never really felt the kind of full that he's experiencing now.
"Thank you, Y/N." he chuckles when you childishly stick your tongue out, acting like an adorable fool to make him laugh.
As the snow begins to fall in the middle of the city, Chenle was oddly warm, and he knows that you are the reason for it.
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse
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sergle · 3 months
AROUND (time): 30 minute window before and 30 after. BEFORE (time): the specified time is the absolute cutoff, bordering on late, so arrive somewhere in the hour before. AT (time): be punctual and be there or be square at the time. BY (time): something STARTS at the time specified and arriving at the exact time does not count as late. This is my take. I am not taking criticism at this time.
no dude bc I think you lowkey nailed it
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buglaur · 1 year
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calloway family reunion ✧
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knaveofmogadore · 2 months
#messages from knave#im making breakfast and im gonna list my observations from three years of weird living situations#younger siblings of big age gaps will see most interactions as a form of soft combat until trained out of it#but when actual clmbat happens they're used to not having any sway so they don't actually know how to act in arguments#siblings with codependent relationships have their own internal langauge that they apply to others. not sure if they realize they do it#but they'll hold you to the same rules they've mentally created for each other without explaining them#siblings of ALL stripes will approach situations with a set idea of how communication works. and even if it's not a logical way to communica#they'll expect you to also communicate in that way. and if you can't or refuse they'll shut down and communication stalls completely because#they can't fathom doing it any other way except the way they and their siblings socialized each other to do it#siblings with adversarial relationships don't take outside advice and will take attempts to give advice as manipulative. not their fault#oldest siblings are the most conflict averse people on the planet. oldest sinlings say#'is anyone gonna balloon this situation out of proportion by avoiding it for as long as possible' and not wait for an answer#siblings who were regularly appointed as hall monitors will see any interaction with you as transactional#a hallmark of a dysfunctional sibljng relationship is someone who thinks telling you NO is worse than going through a situation they do not#wanna be in. and then they'll complain about it endlessly#and then they'll be like 'i don't want favours from my parents because they'll hold it over me' and never make the connection on their own#people cannot anticipate your needs with their minds. they are sometimes going to ask you to be a part of things you don't wanna#you're NEVER gonna be able to live in a world where people will stop asking you to be a part of things that's not feasible#had one say once 'people should just know not to ask me along for plans I can't get to people should know not to invite me'#and you know dude that's just now how stuff works. there's a difference between 'x cant drive so they can't help me move my dresser' and#'i know xs work schedule so i shouldnt infomr them of group plansnon the off chance they could make it so they don't feel left out'#people with hyper competitive siblings can't fathom that other people won't know how to do stuff. i don't just mean athletes but siblings#with that scarcity mindsetnin general like they can't handle people not having the same knowledge base they have. it's a survival thing#and NO having a life of suffering doesn't make you correct all the time has literally anyone else watched heathers#youngest siblings always have the most deranged dating stories and the oldest in a set of age gap siblings always has the WORST taste in men#< that's directed at my sister and no one else that's a personal diss not a real observation#only children have one thing. theyre SUPER weird about splitting the grocery bill#food is NOT communal to only children I've learned firsthand. Also they'll be perfectly fine sharing anything else BUT food usually#weed. loans. bathroom supplies. dishes. ect. but NOT food#meanwhile sibljngs are a little TOO comfortable chowing down on stuff they didn't buy. bad roommates are bad roommates
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Oversharing time:
Just remembered years ago when I was working in a pretty high up office block and they were having to write a fire plan cause my knees are pretty resistant to stairs and management's answer was just that I wait in the burning building until a fireman came to get me, to which I was pretty much like 'yeah I don't think so. I'll make do with the stairs.'
They were really touchy about this and were like 'we need to account for your disability, we can't leave you to do stairs by yourself when we know you might not be able to' so they wanted me to pick a 'buddy' as in a colleague that would evacuate by my side. So i pick 2 of my friends (one as a backup) and the manager is still like 'but what if your leg isn't working that day what do we do' and she's also like 'I didn't even know you knew him, why is he your first pick?' So I'm like, look off record, I've picked buddy 1 for a reason. He isn't my closest work friend but I do know he's capable of carrying me down the stairs if necessary and the manager is like, have you asked him if he can do that? And I'm like. No. I know he can. Don't sweat it.
And she's going look, I know you're small but you can't just assume that any man is capable of carrying you down multiple flights of stairs, he could have a weak back and I'm like, look I 100% know he can carry me, trust me. She kept questioning it until I was eventually like 'look I know he can because we are friends outside of work and he has carried me, easily, before' and tried to shut down the convo.
This unfortunately seemed to raise more questions which was awkward because in reality we were not particularly close friends in or outside of work, it was just that I'd been lowkey fucking him on and off for years (in that messed up early 20s, we could make each other worse kind of way) and knew that he could very easily fuck me standing up for an extended period. We were not friends because we didn't particularly like each other lol but I did trust that he would not leave anyone to burn in a fire, and that carrying me down those flights of stairs would be no sweat off his back
#anyway in the end a few years down the line someone in a health and safety meeting thought to ask why i had an emergency plan#and when it came up that sometimes unpredictabily my leg just straight up didn't work. they were like.this person can't evacuate with stair#what if her leg stops working midway down?#answer: the adrenaline from the fact I'm escaping a burning building would undoubtedly allow me to power through using the working leg#its happened to me enough times with nobody there that I've learnt that with adrenaline you really can do the impossible#if really really needing to pee is enough to allow me to hop/pull myself up stairs despite unimaginable pain I'm#sure a fire will be no trouble#tbh i don't disagree that the stairs weren't a great option. but they had NO alternative. there wasnt a lower floor i could work on#they straight up wanted me to wait in the lift lobby and cross my fingers that when the firefighters arrived they'd let me use the lift#even tho 95% of the time my leg was completely fine and i didnt come in to work on the days it wasnt working#and when i tried to argue against the 'standing in a burning building' plan.#they made out that by choosing to use the stairs in an emergency situation where there was no safe alternative and my leg would likely#be fine. i was 'endangering everyone around me' because what if leg stops working when halfway down stairs? (which has never happened)#like what is that argument? anyone can trip and break their leg on a staircase. my disability doesn't make me a bomb waiting to go off#after years of fighting this. they eventually decided if i really didn't want the (frankly discriminatory) plan. i could sign a document#that pretty much said i was taking on all liability should something go wrong as i was evacuating (not waiving their liability. actually#accepting full liability if for any reason i blocked the stairs and affected other ppls evacuation. so if someone tripped me and i broke a#leg. i'd be responsible for any slowing down of the floors above evacuation unlike literally anyone else in the building in that situation#and this is an office block with 1 set of narrow stairs for everyone which had to be pushing saftey regs any way#don't get me wrong. i don't think that would have held up in any court. but i wasnt about to sign it. was a real 'just cause discrimination#is illegal doesn't mean employers will act in good faith' moment. they could have spoken to the fire department looked at me working from#home. literally anything. but they weren't interested in finding alternatives. it seemed perfectly reasonable for them to ask me to#stand in a burning building. and it wasn't like i could afford to take them to court/ lose my job.#the managers hosting these meetings didn't agree but had no choice. none of my colleagues could believe it. nobody outside of work could#was a very. 'disabilty rights in the workplace are not where we like to think they are' moment. After they had everyone working from home#during covid. with everything working fine and all the equipment sorted. they actually asked me to come back in to the office#and i was like. oh the office i can't safely evacuate in a fire? i don't fucking think so.#in the end when i got ill and had to consider if there was anything i could do to make it work. this was top of my mind#i knew i couldn't trust them to be reasonable with making adjustments when it came to health&disability issues#and this was a big company that went out of their way to hire disabled ppl and pat themselves on the back. but when it came to it.
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violetszone · 6 months
Whats your kink?
Charles x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: You've been trying to find Charles' kinks for a long time But you didn't learn this until you started taking birth control pills.
A/n: again, i don't know what i wrote,i'm too tired to read and edit it sorry...
WARNINGS: Google translated French,breeding, Quick finish,not edited writing, fully smut, unprotected sex (God, please use protection my friends.)
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You always thought Charles had some weird kink and you'd find it The reason for taking this as a mission was that it started like this: One New Year's Eve, while you were playing a game with your friends, someone asked Charles this question, and he stared at you for a few seconds and then answered no. Since that day you've been trying to bring this up without letting him know.
Of course, finding this was harder than you expected because you were at the very beginning of your relationship when it happened, and now you had been dating for almost 2 years.You tried everything you thought would excite him, but they couldn't. Until one day you came home from the doctor's check-up and said that you started taking birth control pills.
You could have sworn you saw a twinkle in Charles' eyes at that moment, even if only for a brief moment.Of course, nothing happened for a while until you started using the pill regularly and one night the lust for both of you became unbearable.
Charles had returned from a meeting in Italy and you were waiting for him at home. The moment he got home, he left his backpack at the door and pulled you towards him and pressed you to his lips, kissing you passionately. Before you knew it, you were entering your bedroom, half-naked in Charles' arms.Charles kissed your entire body, licking and biting the sensitive spots he knew would turn you on, you were burning underneath him.
When he put his hand into the bedside drawer, he frowned and got up, cursing. You looked at Charles, out of breath "what's wrong?"Charles rummaged through the drawer for a while and looked at you with disappointment and sat down next to you. "I'm sorry my love, there is no condom, I must have forgotten that, I'm sorry"
You rose up on your arms, looked at him and spoke hesitantly. "I'm on pills you know that-" Charles bit his lower lip, examined your face, then shook his head no "There is no guarantee and it will leave you in doubt, I can't do this" you put your hand on his shoulder and climbed onto his lap, "but I can do it. Please Charles, I miss you so much." While you leave little pecks on Charles' lips and neck he moaned softly and his hands came up to your waist.
You whispered "please" against his lips as he slowly pulled you away from him He laid you back down on the bed and returned to his previous position, stroking your hair. “I have to do whatever my sweet thing wants.” While his words made you smile, Charles' hand slipped into your underwear, causing you to moan. "Look at this, is this all for me Y/N hm tell me. Do I make you this wet every time I touch you?" You moaned and closed your eyes as Charles's two fingers entered you. When one of your hands reflexively tried to hold Charles' arm, Charles pinned your hands to the bed with his free hand.
He fingered you, giving you brutal pleasure as you writhed and moaned underneath him. Just as you were about to reach climax, Charles pulled his hand away, you made a sound between a moan and a whimper and opened your eyes. While he took off his trousers and underwear with one hand, he sucked the fingers of his other hand that gave you pleasure "What a gorgeous girl you are hm. You will cum on my cock, beauty, you heard? I will make you cum on my raw cock. Look how excited you are.Do you want my cock beauty? "
You moaned and moved your hips towards Charles.Charles rubbed his dick with one hand and pressed your hips to the bed with his other hand "behave" You whined when he growled "Fuck, don't you have those tits, you're destroying me, especially when those tight dresses squeeze them, my god i want to fuck them some time" He pinched your nipple with two fingers, making you moan, He came closer and licked and sucked and bit your tits ""Cha-ah!" You made a sound that was a mix of moaning and screaming, and he put one hand over your mouth.
"shhh be quiet beauty, we wouldn't want the neighbors to hear what a loud slut you are, would we?" As your eyes filled with tears of pleasure, you nodded your approval. Charles took his hand from your mouth, connected his lips with yours and kissed you passionately. "Let me love you baby" While kissing your neck, he started to slide his length into your wetness.
"oh fuck Charles...o- oh my god" When Charles was completely inside you, he paused and looked into your eyes, "fuck sweetie, this is heaven." Charles slowly started to move inside you. Feeling each other completely for the first time was very different for both of you, you felt like you were going to die.
As Charles' movements speed up, you felt yourself getting closer to climax and dug your nails into his back. "My fuckkk please omg! Charles I'm gonna-" Charles moaned as he squeezed your breast with his free hand "cum baby, cum on my cock" While your back was arched , you held on to Charles's arm, which held your chest. While your body was shaking, you closed your eyes and moaned.Charles' movements became sharper and harder as you cum.
"Fuck baby, I'm gonna cum, fuck, I'm gonna fill you up hmmhhh. Putain, tu es si sexy, je vais remplir ta taille de mes bébés. Let me fucking breed you" (Fuck, you're so hot, I'll fill your belly with my babies) You just moaned what Charles said, you were out of breath, after a few seconds he started to cum inside you, He came deep down to the last drop.Then hugged you tiredly without putting all his weight on you he gave you a kiss on your cheek, came out and lay down next to you.
You started laughing as you stared at the ceiling, out of breath. Charles frowned and looked at you “what's the matter?” You turned sideways and placed a kiss on Charles' arm. "Breeding kink. Really? I would never have guessed.I've been trying for a year in vain " Charles rubbed his face with his hand and looked into your eyes again. "Have you been doing those weird sex things for a year to find my kink? God baby.." he chuckled, you rotated your hips and placed one of your legs over Charles's. Both of your pleasure juices were still flowing out of you. Charles groaned at the sight and closed his eyes.
"Omg you really have a breedink kink" Charles put his finger to your lips "shut up, god" you giggled your head on his shoulder "and my tits? seriously?" This time Charles took his arm off you and tried to turn around, and you laughed. "Come on Charles I'm just kidding...I actually liked it really" Charles turned and hugged me "hey Charlie, stop looking at my ass please" Charles laughed at your words, inhaled your scent and pulled back from the hug and played with your hair, "I'm sorry, it was just so beautiful." You put a small peck on his lips and smiled "i know baby thank you for that" You leaned your head on his chest again and started to doze off while he caressed your hair and kissed your head.
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mirohlayo · 2 months
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( Lando is always the big spoon, so you decided to reverse the roles. )
warning : fluff and fluff and fluff
note : lando who says he never tried to be the little spoon in the chicken shop date video gave me this absolutely cute idea 🥹
word count : 1.3k
It was a pretty busy and stressful day for Lando. Free practice on the Australian circuit was very intense. Despite the fact that these tests went rather well, the fact remains that the curly-haired driver had only been waiting for one thing since this morning: to rest with his girlfriend in his arms.
This day exhausted Lando to the point where he couldn't think of anything other than throwing himself on you and cuddling you until you fell asleep, in each other's arms. The only thing he needs now is to see your pretty face and snuggle up to you.
So, while you were lying on the large double bed that reigned in your hotel room, you absentmindedly watched the television hanging on the wall opposite. You stayed almost all day in the paddock, and more particularly in the garage to support your boyfriend. But the fatigue was much more present and Lando encouraged you to rest at the hotel.
You waited patiently for your lover, because you too knew that he desired your presence just as much as you desired his. And in a fairly short space of time, you see your favorite driver suddenly appear in front of you, leaning against the door frame.
He can't help but smile at the sight of you. He missed seeing your pretty face, and your magnificent smile that you currently wear on your lips. You're just adorable and Lando only wants to cover your face with thousands of kisses.
“Hey baby” He approaches the bed, to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “How did the free practice sessions go?” You ask him curiously, but instead of receiving an answer he places another kiss on your cheek. "I don't want to talk about that. My beautiful girl is here just for me so I want to focus all my attention on her".
He smiles at you like a child, before changing into more comfortable clothes. He then comes back to you again, and without further delay he jumps into bed to take you in his arms. However, you intercept his gesture and step back, leaving him with his arms wide open, empty without the presence of your body.
He frowns, somewhat hurt by your gesture. You give him a comforting smile, before opening your arms too. “Now it’s your turn to be the little spoon.” You nod for him to come and snuggle against your body, but he continues to display a perplexed expression.
"No, I've always been the big spoon. I've never been the little spoon so why should I be now?" He tries to convince you to keep your usual roles, namely you in his arms while he comes to hold you tightly against his chest.
You widen your eyes, surprised. "What? You've never tried to be the little spoon before?" You ask quite surprised. He shakes his head no. "I've always played the role of the big spoon. I prefer it." It's your turn to frown now. "Well it's the perfect time to switch roles. I'm going to be the big spoon and you the little one, okay?"
Lando remains skeptical for a moment, preoccupied with the idea of being the little spoon. He loves having you safe and warm in his arms, being able to hold you a little tighter every minute against him, being able to admire your face as you relax in his embrace. If he becomes the little spoon, he won't be able to do that.
Finally, he shakes his head and leans back, crossing his arms. "No. If I was the little spoon I wouldn't be able to have you in my arms, and I don't like that." You have the impression of seeing him pout and this vision makes you smile stupidly. However, you roll your eyes, exhausted by his perhaps a little too dramatic reactions.
"Baby, if you don't try to be the little spoon you'll never know what it's like to be one. I assure you the feeling is so good, you should really try." You try to make your softest eyes at him to convince him to change his mind. “You could at least do that for your girlfriend right?” You look at him begging.
He stares at you with narrowed eyes, still somewhat skeptical. But your puppy dog face and your desire to hold him are too much for him. He can't resist his girl's desires, because after all, you're the priority and he can never say no to the person he loves most in the world.
He sighs before letting go. “Okay, I can try being the little spoon.” You jump with joy and excitement as he rolls his eyes exaggeratedly. You lay back down on the mattress and open your arms again, now forcing him to come into your embrace.
He smiles mischievously at you before finally collapsing into your arms, trying to snuggle as close to your body as he can. Your arms come around and hug him tightly against your body, while he nestles his head in the crook of your neck. His curls tickle the skin of your neck, while you let out some giggle.
After finally finding the most comfortable position, you feel your boyfriend relax in your arms, randomly placing a few kisses in the crook of your neck or on your shoulders. You play with his hair, wrapping a few curls around your finger or lightly pulling on it to make it bounce.
He lets out a small groan of pleasure, nestling a little closer against you, as you gently caress his back. You lower your head to admire him. He really seems like a helpless child, who just needs love and comfort. It's just adorable.
You giggle, which makes him raise his head to look into yours with his beautiful gaze. "What ?" He asks, completely lost. You hold back another laugh. "Nothing. You're just really adorable and cute, baby" He blushes violently at your words, as he nuzzles his head against your neck again to hide his pink cheeks. "C'mon, you don't need to hide. You know I like it when you blush"
He groans again before lifting his head to return his gaze to your face. You place a kiss on his cheek, while his eyes narrow, a sign that he is smiling. “So, do you prefer to be the little spoon or the big spoon ?” You finally ask. He pauses, taking time to think.
"Hmm... The big one. I like feeling you safe and warm in my arms. And what's more, I can admire the beauty of my baby" You raised your eyebrows slightly. “So you don’t like being the little spoon?” "That's not what I said" He said in defense, before diving his head back against your neck.
You end up falling asleep in each other's arms, Lando comfortably ensconced in your embrace as he smiles at the touch of your hand stroking his back and the other coming to play with his hair.
However, what you won't know is that he secretly admits that he loves being the little spoon. To feel your arms around him, to smell your sweet perfume, to feel your gentle caresses and your hands in his hair, to simply feel loved and safe in your arms. He'll never admit it but he loves this feeling more than anything in the world.
So after this day, this change of role, you will find him becoming the little spoon much more often than you thought. He will no longer be able to stop himself from coming to snuggle up against you, from nestling his head in the crook of your neck and leaving hundreds of kisses there, because after all there is no doubt about it : he secretly prefers be the little spoon.
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Mini Me
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With how shitty my life is rn, I keep having these depressive episodes. Turns out my depressive episodes breed fluff
Max's six year old son has just started karting and his wife has to take him. Boy oh boy, does he miss his wife and son.
"So, Max, can we expect to see your little one around the paddock today?"
Ever since the day he was born, Fabian Verstappen had been seen with his parents around the Formula One paddock. He was always smiling and waving at those he knew and those he didn't. Fabian Verstappen was the happiest boy around.
Max was very proud of his boy. He showed him off to whoever he could. When he was young, he sat on Max's hip while he completed interviews and such.
Fabian was Max's number one supporter (Tied only by Max's wife and Fabians mother, Y/N. She followed him around the world three times before agreeing to marry him. It was a year long engagement, and in that time Y/N found out she was pregnant. They managed to keep it hidden until after their wedding, although Y/N did have to get a dress that better fit her bump).
There was a year between Fabian being born and him being able to attend his first race. Christian was happy to get him fitted out in Red bull Racing merchandise. He got his own little hat and a too large Red bull shirt with a thirty three on it (Max had lost that years championship. Red bull had won the constructors but Max had just missed out on the WDC. Red bull had worked out the kinks in the car and Max was bound to win this year, just as he had the previous year).
This year was the first year Fabian and Y/N weren't there to cheer Max on. And interviewers certainly picked up on it.
"Uh, no," Max answered when they asked about Fabian. "He and my wife are at a karting event right now."
The interviewer gave him a nod. "Following in your footsteps perhaps?"
Letting out a laugh, Max nodded his head. "We can only hope," he said.
"Do you think we'll be seeing him in a Red bull Racing suit in the next fifteen years?"
Again, Max nodded his head. "If he's anything like his dad, he'll be in a Red bull Racing suit before that," he said and adjusted the cap on his head.
Max left the interview and checked his phone. As much as he wanted Fabian and Y/N at his race, he knew how important karting was to his son.
Max has always been Fabian's hero. His first full sentence was 'I wanna be like daddy'. Max and Y/N did whatever they could to make Fabian's dream come true.
The one thing Fabian wanted but he couldn't have was to have his daddy at his karting races, watching him. There had been a lot of screaming and crying while Max and Y/N tried to explain to him why his father couldn't be there.
But Fabian had made friends at his Karting matches. He and the other kids he had raced against got along like peas in a pod. Fabian's first ever play date was with his karting friends. Some of them had been sat with their eyes and mouths wide open while Max brought them juice. They couldn't believe he, their hero and favourite driver, was Fabian's dad.
Max pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing from his wife yet, but Fabian's race should have been done, he realised when he checked the time.
Dialling her number, Max pressed his phone to his ear.
It took Y/N a moment to pick up. "Hey handsome," she said in a chipper voice when she picked up the phone. Her voice was distant and slightly distorted, and Max realised she was in the car.
"Hello, Liefje. How's our little racer?" He asked her.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Came Fabian's voice. "I won! I won! I won!" He shouted.
Well, that answered Max's question. His cheeks were warm as he smiled, listening to his son. "Ik ben zo trots op je, mijn jongen. Ik kan niet wachten om jullie twee weer te zien!" (I'm so proud of you, my boy. I can't wait to see you too again!)
There was a moment before Fabian responded. He was fluent in English and French, but he was only good at Dutch. It still took him some time before he could work out what Max was saying and respond.
"Papa, ik... heb een... trofee." (Daddy, I got a trophy.)
There was a certain sense of joy that filled Max whenever Fabian answered him in Dutch. "Fabi, make sure mommy sends me a picture of your trophy," he said.
"I will do, Maxy," Y/N responded for the little boy. "Fabi, what do we say to papa?"
Again, Fabian was quiet for a moment. "Oh!" He suddenly cried from the back of the car. "Good luck with your race, Papa! Maybe you can win like me!"
The Verstappens laughed.
"Good luck, Max. Call me after you've won."
"I will, Liefje. I love you."
"I love you too."
Max hung up the phone after that. He his qualifying to get ready for. As he got ready, though, he spent the entire time thinking about his wife and son. He checked his phone constantly, waiting for Y/N to send over the picture of Fabian and his trophy.
No father had ever been prouder of his little boy than Max. Fabian was his everything and he couldn't wait to see him in the big leagues. Who knows, maybe Max would still be racing alongside him. Maybe he'd have Horner's job, team principle of Red bull Racing while his son raced as their number one driver.
No matter what, Max would always be Fabian's number one supporter.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Bad Idea
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Levi Ackerman x fem!reader, nsfw 18+, mdni, virginity loss, age gap! Levi is in his 30s, the reader in her 20s, oh this is rough filth
Levi didn't care about the assigned rooms, his mind focused on the upcoming mission. His grey eyes follow the building where he will be staying for the next few days before heading outside of the walls. He heads inside, looking for his room number, he wonders if you're ready there and what you think about having to share a room with him. He knocks before entering just in case, the last thing he wanted to do is make you uncomfortable. When you say that he can come in, he does, carrying not but a single bag with him. The room was small and it had a single bed. Great. Just perfect.
You look at your Captain before your eyes fall on the bed, there was space for the two of you but it didn't make the situation any less tense. "I can sleep on the floor." That makes Levi look at you as he closes the door behind him, if anything he is the one who can sleep on the floor or the chair, he has a hard time sleeping anyway. "Nonesense There's room for both of us." He adds, setting his bag down on the bedside table, you don't speak on the matter further, he is the captain and questioning his orders is a bad idea. You nod not knowing what to say next, you don't know him that well.
As the sun set you were getting ready for bed, you had an early day and couldn't wait to get under the sheets, even of they are the same sheets your captain will be using too. After changing into your pyjamas and brushing your teeth, tou came back into the room which was now dimly lit as Levi sat at the desk writing at the paperwork with a candle burning next to him. He pays you no mind continuing to do this thing, you don't want to disturb him but you had to ask. "Ugh captain, which side would you like?" That catches his attention and he looks back at you, his eyes checks you up and down quickly before answering. "Who fucking cares. Sleep where you want." With that he turns back to finish the paperwork, he sighs slighty, you were a pretty girl in his eyes and it irritated him. "And please call me Levi."
Getting under the sheets, you try to make yourself comfortable, the only noises in the room are the quill Levi is writing with. You close your eyes trying to get sleep to wash over you but it doesn't, instead you turn and twist in the sheets, he makes you nervous, incredibly nervous and you would never admit to anyone just how much you're attracted to him, he was good eight years older than you and that added to the appeal. You rub your thighs together slighty, this wasn't a place to think about those things, he never even looked at you differently, it was ridiculous to get these naughty thoughts especially now when the man was in the same room as you. And you don't even know what it feels like, you were never with a man, sure you had your kisses but your first was something you want to give someone special.
After sometime of tossing in the bed, Levi sits on his side, your back in turned on him but you can hear him take his boots off. Was he going to sleep in his uniform...? Levi lays down on the other side, keeping his distance, he knows you're not sleeping and wonders what is keeping you awake. "Can't sleep?" He asks after sometime, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. "..no...my thoughts won't let me." You say with honesty, it was the truth however you definitely aren't telling him what kind of thoughts tho, he doesn't need to know. Levi looks at you, your back still turned on him, you look around the dark room, waiting for him to reply. "Your thoughts huh? Or is that you don't want to share the bed with me?" Levi can tell by your body language that something is up, you don't seem all too comfortable.
"What?? Not its not that.....I am not uncomfortable it's just-" You cut yourself off, not wanting him to think less of you. Taking a deep breath you continue to talk. "I have never shared a bed with a man." Those words are said quickly and quietly but Levi hears them all. A slight curiosity runs through him, it shouldn't, you were his subordinate, he really shouldn't be thinking what he is thinking right now. "Is that so? Never had a boyfriend?" There's something about his voice that sounds mocking, almost as of he is teasing you. "Not really." You mumble, it wasn't that you didn't want a relationship, it's that all the men your age seem....immature. "I just- I guess men my age aren't exactly-" "Your type?" He cuts in, already seeing what you're trying to say. "No, not my type at all." You shiver as the thought of being with him runs around your mind, you should really get that fantasy out of your head.
There's a shift in the air, you feel as if he can read all of your mind and exactly what you're thinking of. Levi scoots closer to you, you feel his body coming closer to your and you freeze. "What is your type?" He runs a finger down your back and you have to hold back a moan you aren't pulling away, you don't want to. When he sees that you aren't stopping him, he moves even closer, he removes your hair to expose the back of your neck. Leaning closer, you can feel his breath on your skin, another shiver running down your body. His lips make contact with your skin, he nibbles gently on your neck, his hand move down to your waist, his hand running under your shirt, caressing the soft skin of your stomach. Levi wants to hear you, wants to hear your moans, what's to make you beg. He bites into your skin and that causes a moan to surpass your mouth, Levi groans, it's even sweeter than he thought, he needs more.
"Turn around." He says, voice filled with lust, you do as you're told, turning around to face him. Levi is still in his uniform, his straps are undone and his cravat hang around his neck. You feel your panties get wet a little more, slightly embarrassed you look away but before your head can turn, Levi grabs your jaw and makes you look at him. Levi's thumb runs across your lip, your eyes shine with desire and he loves it, craves it. "I'll ask you this only once so answer honestly. Do you want me to fuck you?" His words surprise, Levi isn't sugercoating it and he clearly isn't a romantic, that makes it all so much more appealing. You swallow and then answer. "Yes." It's a desperate tone but not enough for Levi. "You can do better than that." He needs to hear it from your pretty lips. "I want you to fuck me, Levi." You don't look away, looking him straight in the eyes and you swear that he smirks for a second. "Good girl."
He kisses you, his hands pull you closer into his body. You follow his movements, kissing him the best you can while your hands wrap around him. Levi turns you onto your back to get on top of you, his kisses growing more intense, his tongue enters your mouth, a slight moan escaping you as his fingers spread your thighs apart so he can lay between your legs comfortably. You can feel his boner pressing against your clothed pussy and without much thinking, you roll your hips wanting more contact. Pulling away from the kiss, he growls. "Mhh there you go." He kisses down your jaw to your neck, leaving a trace of open-mouthed kisses, his hands start exploring upwards, eager to undress you. You're supposed to be nervous but you aren't at all, all you want is for him to take you, it's even better than what you imagined.
You start to get braver with your hands, they wonder around his upper body before pulling on his shirt wanting it off his body. Levi gets message, he bites into your neck, leaving a mark behind before pulling away to get rid of his shirt. His naked upper body comes into your view, you have seen it before when he was patching up his wounds but this was different, those perfect defined abs and biceps, the v line running down into his pants, you bite your lip, your fingers running down his abs. Levi kisses you again, it was his turn to have you undressed, your hands run down the muscles of his back, his hips rolling into your as he kisses you sloppily. His hands are roughly pulling your shirt over your breasts, he doesn't take it off entirely, he doesn't need to. His lips move to your neck again, he kisses over the red spots he left earlier on it, Levi starts to move lower kissing over collarbone before reaching your breasts. His eyes lock onto them, admiring them for a second before he looks at you, your eyes are telling him all, you want him even more than he let on.
"Fucking perfect." Whispering under his breath, he takes the plush flesh into his hands, massaging them. A loud moan comes out of your lips, your hand fall to grip the sheets. Levi's mouth closes around your nipple, he is still holding your breasts in his hands, pushing them together. "Mhh Levi!" You whimper his name and in return Levi swirls his tongue around your swollen bud, you gasp, hands flying to his biceps. He pulls away from your nipple, his saliva connected to your nipple. "So fucking eager aren't you?" He sucks on the other nipple, his fingers playing with the other one, pinching it between his fingers. Your head falls to the side, the pleasure is overwhelming and he isn't even touching you where you need him the most yet.
Levi sucks and plays with your nipples for a few minutes and you feel like you can cum just from that. Starting to stir, Levi bites into your bund playfully, making you dig your nails into his bicep. He moves on, kissing your stomach and biting here and there, leaving marks that will remind you of the fact that he got to have you first. Not some useless boy your age, him, your captain. His lips reach the rim of your pants and he teases you by licking across your navel and than up your stomach, he bites into your breast, leaving a hickey there too. "Levii!" Again, you sound desperate, wanting him to move on. "Begging are you sweetheart? How cute." He is definitely mocking you now, his teeth bite into your other boob, sucking on the flesh even more intensely.
When you start to stir, Levi slaps your thigh lightly as if telling you to behave. After marking your breast, he finally moves on, he takes the hem of your pants and pulls them down, revealing your panties. He immediately sees the wet spot on the fabric, spreading your legs he goes lower, his face directly in front of your core. That gives you a shiver, your legs threatening to close but Levi is quick to spread you open again. "No, no. Keep them open for me, understood?" You nod, that's not enough, he wants to hear your voice. Putting one of your legs over his shoulder, he bites into your inner thigh, once again marking his territory. "Understood, Captain!" You say, your fingers treading through his raven hair. "That's a good girl."
His bites reach closer and closer to your wetness, when he reaches your pussy, he presses kisses on the wet spot over the underwear. Your hips buck slighty, another sound emerging from your swollen lips, this was all so new and Levi was doing it so good. He kisses the spot again before hooking his fingers around the fabric and pulling your panties down, he throws them on the floor next to his shirt. Your legs close again on instinct and Levi is quick to spread them open again, his eyes glued to your folds and he watches it it twitches under his gaze. "All this wet pussy for me huh?" He leans down gently licking your slit, you tug on his hair, your hips bucking more, this feels so good, better than anything. His grey eyes shoot up to your face, every expression you make fuels him up more. He starts to eat you out, his tongue skillfully working on your pussy, you start to move around, gripping onto anything you can, his mouth feels amazing.
"You like that don't you, sweetheart?" His fingers grip your thighs leaving marks on the flesh, he moves his hand to your stomach, leaving it there while skillfully working on your wetness with his mouth. "Yes! Oh fuck Levi!" Your eyes start to roll back, Levi groans against your cunt, the sound sending vibration all through your heat. Levi's tongue finds your clit, he starts with slow licks, driving you crazy, the moans you're letting out are music to his ears. "So fucking sensitive." He uses his fingers to rub your folds while he sucks on your clit, he needs to prep you for the real thing. His fingers enters you and that causes your back to arch, rubbing more against Levi's mouth. Its certain that other can hear how loud you are but Levi could care less, the louder you are, the more turned on he is. The fingering starts off slowly, his finger pumping in and out of you. "Fuck you're tight. Can't wait to fuck this wet cunt."
Levi spits on your pussy and then starts to eat you out again, his jaw moving faster and his finger moving more gently, its a perfect combination. Sometimes starts to built up in your stomach, it feels like butterflies are flying all over your abdomen, like a burning fire but the fire is pleasure instead of pain. Adding a second finger, Levi's hips start to rut into the mattress, he needs release soon but this is all about giving you a night you won't forget. "Levi! I am-hhhghh!" He starts to finger fuck you faster, his fingers reaching that gummy spot as his mouth works on you. And the sounds, oh they are nasty wet and loud but Levi isn't slowing down, his mouth pulls away, his fingers still pumping into you. "Yeah? Gonna cum aren't you? Be a good girl for me and cum." His head rests against your thigh, his mouth and jaw are glistening with your jucies. You pull on his hair, a loud moan od his name comes out of you, your hips buck, legs shake, it's the most intense thing you have ever felt, your walls clench toghtly around his fingers and you cum, completely overcome by pleasure.
Your head falls back against the pillow, your breath heavy as you calm down from your high, Levi pulls his fingers out slowly. He puts them in his mouth, teasting you once again, kissing up your body again, Levi's hands massage your thighs. When he gets to your face, he kisses the aide of your face. "Need a moment?" He asks, nibbling on your ear, his fingers interlocking with yours and you nod. After a few moments you open your eyes looking at him, you're cheeks are red, mouth wide open, he wants to revish you, fuck you until the only thing you know is him and him only. He kisses you on the lips, the kiss as sloppy as the previous one, you kiss back, your fingers squeezing his hands as he has them pinned above your head. Eventually when he let's go, your hand runs down his body again and this time your tug on his belt, undoing it for him. "Good girl, so eager to get fucked." You bite your lip at his words as his belt comes off. Levi helps you, pulling his pants down with his underwear, he gets rid of it and again throws it on the pile of clothes on the floor.
Curiously, you take his hard cock into your hand, rubbing it up and down. Levi grunts in response, your hand felt so warm and perfect. You pump him in your hand a couple of times before letting go, giving him a sigh that you want him inside of you. "I want you inside of me, Levi." He kisses the side of your neck, you feel his hair brushing your skin. "You'll get me, sweetheart. I can't wait to fuck you." He grabs the base of his cock before positioning it against your entrance, you whimper feeling hic cockhead rub aagsint your wet opening. "Fuck....you want me huh?" Levi wants you to beg for it, he needs it all. "Please Levi! Please! I want you to fuck me." That's all he needed, he pushes his hips forward, his cock pushes past your walls, you gasp, hands gripping the sheets as you close your eyes. "Oi! Eyes on me, let me see you." Looking at him, you watch as his face narrows slighty and then his hands grab your hips. "Can I move?" Despite the list in his voice, there is care there too and you nod, grabbing the mattress even tighter as you feel him move.
He starts to fuck you, enjoying every single moan and response of your body. It's slighty painful but the more he moves, the better it feels. Levi starts to thrust harder inti you, your moans get louder, it feels so good. "You're so..fucking...tight. You feel so good, baby." Your hands run up and down his back as he continues to ram into you, his cock feels like it was made for you. Levi hisses when your pussy clenches around him, he lifts your hips up slightly to get deeper inside of you. "Fuuuck Levi!" Your nails dig into his back, his cock hits that deep spot inside of you, causing you to almost see starts, you won't last much longer before cumming again. Levi starts to pund you faster, letting out rough grunts and groans, you feel so good, so right, it's driving him mad.
Before you can react, Levi pushes your knees up to your chest, folding you and then slams into your harder, your moans are swallowed by his lips as he kisses you passionately. He moans agasint your lips when you keep clamping down on him, your body arching more into him, his nails dig into the back of thighs, he keeps you spread, fucking you harder. You pull away from the kiss when his cock hits your cervix, it's painful but feels so good at the same time. Levi grabs your hair making you look at him. "Keep those pretty eyes on me while I fuck you, baby." His forehead presses agsint yours, his thrusts get messy, he is getting close and so are you.
The knot in your stomach is creating again and this one is somehow more intense than your last climax. "Shit..I'll cum deep inside this cunt.." He fucks you in a slower pace and you feel as his cock twitches inside of you, that's nrouhh for you as you feel yourself cumming around his cock. "Atta girl. Cum for me, cum around my cock." His hands are gripping your hips so hard you're sure they will leave bruises but you don't care, not now. Levi fucks you through your orgasm, he tries his best to hold back as much as he can and he knows he shouldn't cum inside of you however it's irresistible to him, he wants you filled with his cum.
With one last groan, Levi slams hard into you and then cums deep inside of you. Your nails are still digging into his back, his cum feels warm filling you up to the brim. Levi kisses you on the lips as he finishes cumming, he pulls your body closer and let's go of your legs. The sheets are ruined beanth you but that's not a worry for either of you right now. You return the kiss, your fingers gently running down back, feeling the scratches you left behind. Both of you pull away and Levi looks at you, his eyes looking over the marks on your body, he almost feels bad, almost, he is proud of his work. Proud that you trusted him enough to let him do this. And now the mission is that much more exciting.
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kamiversee · 1 month
Sharing Is Caring ꨄ (part 3/3)
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[ { Synopsis } ] ➤ You'll never accuse your boyfriend Choso of being too jealous of a lover after he reveals to you he has absolutely no problems with sharing you... (part one) (part two)
[ { Need to know } ] ➤This is a What-If scenario that stems from my fic; The F*ck List— A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt.
[ { Content & Warning } ] ➤ f!reader, language, threesome, dirty talk, tw; possible men smooching, rough & semi-soft sex, choking, praise, degrading, etc.
[ { Parings } ] ➤ Choso x f!reader & Gojo x f!reader.
[ { Word Count } ] ➤ 6.8k (this entire thing is so long & I am no longer the same woman I was before I wrote this)
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The two men don't think they've ever moved faster to do something in their lives. Gojo was scooping you up into his arms in the blink of an eye and Choso was rushing to clean the mess you'd made of his couch.
They were both oddly in sync, seeming to have had the same thought process of what they were about to do with you and how. Choso stayed where he was to clean up a bit and Gojo was carrying you off in the direction of Choso's bedroom.
He was carrying you bridal style and your eyes were all wide and up on his pretty face. You couldn't read his expression very well and you're not sure if that's because you were too fucked out to do so or if it was because you were just distracted by his features.
It's been so long since you'd been this close to Gojo, you nearly forgot how angelic his features are-- even when he's about to ruin you. Gojo catches onto your staring and glances down at you for a moment as he makes a turn, letting out a soft scoff in reaction to you.
"Why're you lookin' at me like that?" He hums before lifting his gaze and peering down the hallway ahead of him. He had no idea where he was going but he'd soon figure it out.
You tilt your head and smile a little, "Third door on your left, 'Toru." You instruct, to which blush spreads across his face as he clears his throat.
"Yeah, I knew that..." Gojo pouts a little and you can't help but find him cute while he continues his little walk, "But you didn't answer my question."
"I'm not looking at you any kinda' way, am I?" You ask with an innocent bat of your lashes.
Gojo makes it to Choso's bedroom and he's quick to walk in and kick the door almost shut behind him as he does so. You wonder why he tried to close the door for a second but you don't get much time to ponder on it as Gojo b-lines for the bed and lays you on it.
Then he's hovering over you, his eyes low on yours, and this look of pure desire washing over his face, "You're giving me that needy lil' look," He explains, "Like you want me to hurry up and fuck you."
You shrug, "Maybe I do."
"You don't wanna wait on your boyfriend?" Gojo asks. He's taunting you now. It's so very obvious with the way the corners of his lips curve into a smirk.
You swallow hard and don't answer for a moment. The two of you just gaze at one another for a long while, Gojo steadily inching down toward you and tilting his head opposite of yours.
His larger body was in between your legs so it's no surprise that you feel his cock brush against you as he gets closer. What is somewhat surprising is how wet his tip is as it brushes over your skin.
Then Gojo's lips are less than an inch away from yours, "Hm? Answer me."
You blink, "He's taking too long," You murmur in response with a slight pout. Lifting an arm and wrapping it around Gojo to pull him impossibly closer, you whisper right against his mouth, "Why wait when you could just fuck me right now? You know you want to."
Gojo's not sure he's ever had this much restraint in his life. Especially not when you sneak a hand down in between your bodies and grab a light hold of his leaky cock just to try and align him with yourself.
Your lips and his were right against each other but you two weren't kissing, simply breathing each other in, staring so longingly for one another. Hell, you might've been too into this because you genuinely forgot about Choso for a moment.
Then Gojo's pushing his hips down into you ever so slightly and his hard and flushed cock is just pushing against your cunt, begging and aching to enter you.
"You're so lucky you aren't mine," Gojo whispers, shifting to kiss only your lower lip before he repositions slightly and moves your hand away from his dick only to grab ahold of himself and tease you by dragging his tip in between your folds, "I'd lock the door and force Choso to listen to me fuck you senseless."
You grin, "What's stopping you? That's probably what he wants anyway..."
Gojo smiles, "What happened to you being nervous about cheating on him?"
"It's not cheating if he wants me to do it, right?" You hum.
A sight leaves Gojo's lips and he starts pushing only an inch of his cock inside you, feeling the way your legs move to wrap around his waist and how your pussy tries to suck him in deeper.
He's then shaking his head, "Thought' you wanted us both?"
"He can join later," You breathe out, your voice airier than before, "J-Just put it in Satoru."
Gojo draws his hips back and you let off a whine. Then he moves to tap his cock against your cunt, listening to how wet and lewd the little smack is, "Want' me that bad, huh?"
You nod, "Mhm..."
"Beg for me," Gojo utters, "If you want me to fuck you so badly and you just can't wait for your boyfriend," He's leaning into your lips again and speaks against you in such a messy way, "Beg for me."
"P-Please?" You whimper, feeling his cock nudge into you again but only an inch, "Fuck, Satoru please?"
"Please what?" He sneers and this time he's pushing another inch in, making you moan slightly.
"Just fuck me," Your words come out in a desperate little whimper and it drives the man crazy.
Gojo lifts his face up and slightly away from yours and pouts, "Just fuck me," He mocks, to which heat rushes to your face and you turn your head to the side, "So fuckin' needy," He groans as he finally starts pushing his cock inside you.
Truth be told, he couldn't wait either. Not when he had you to himself for a second, not when you were looking at him so longingly, and not when your cunt just squeezes around his shaft as he enters you.
It was like you wanted to push him away and yet suck him all the way in at the same time. You were so perfect. Gojo couldn't help but stare at the way your eyes flicker as he gets about halfway in-- you were too damn cute.
All that whining moments ago just for you to start struggling already. And to think you're supposed to be able to handle both him and Choso?
Gojo starts snickering, "Fuck, you're adorable," He says as he flashes a smile at you.
You glance out of the corner of your eye and furrow your brows as he continues pushing in-, fuck how much more does he have to go?
The man tilts his head at you and inclines down again, "Face me, sweetheart," He says, "I wanna watch the way your face twists up when I'm all the way in."
You swallow and slowly turn your head to him, your lips grazing his as you do so.
Then Gojo bites his lower lips, "Good girl," He praises, earning a whine from you. And that's all it takes for him to shallowly thrust the remaining inches of his cock into you.
Oh how he loves watching your entire facial expression change. Eyes rolling, jaw-dropping a bit, lips parted, and a sexy moan leaving your throat. Gojo pretty much forgets what the hell he's supposed to be doing at that point.
Because then he's pulling back out and thrusting deeper in, his hips crashing into yours and another moan, this time of his name, pouring out your mouth. Yeah, how did he get here again? What-, no who was he supposed to be waiting on?
Ah, he couldn't remember. Not now at least, not when your arms and legs are moving to wrap around him comfortably. And goddamn the way your pussy squelches around his dick, so loud and messy for him and he's barely even worked up a pace yet.
He'd fix that relatively quickly though, allowing you a few thrusts to get used to him before he can't take it anymore.
Gojo's eyes bore down into yours and he drinks in your face while he starts drilling himself into your tight hole. Then he's talking, "Fuuck, y'like that? Like' bein' an impatient lil' slut and gettin' dicked down without your boyfriend, huh?"
God, you hated his mouth. Or at least, you think you do. "M-Mmgh, Satoru-"
"What's he gonna think when he walks in, hm?" Gojo taunts, shifting to angle his hips differently and fuck into that one mushy spot inside you. Then he scoffs, "Actually, moan a lil' louder so he can hear ya'."
You bite your lower lip on purpose to keep your sounds in and then shake your head no.
Gojo scoffs, "No? Fuck you mean no?" He grunts, his voice getting so low as your brattiness ticks him off. Then he moves a hand to your face, grabbing a rough hold of your chin and moving his thumb to pry your lips apart, "Let your boyfriend hear how impatient you are," He huffs out.
"Fuuck-, S'toru p-please," You whimper, a slight bit of drool leaving the corner of your mouth.
He smirks, "Goddamn brat," The tip of Gojo's cock is just hitting deeper and deeper and deeper, "Tellin' me no," He huffs, "The hell has gotten into you, huh?"
You whine again, "M'sorryy... mmmh, hahh-, ahh..."
He tips his head to the opposite side, "M'sorrryyyy, she says. Please fuck me, Toru, she begged. Aaand yet here you are; fuckin' whining," Gojo mocks you as he just buries his dick as far in as he can go.
It felt like he was tearing you apart. His hips were so mean and brutal against yours, never giving you a chance to properly breathe before he's drilling into that spot that makes you see stars. You couldn't even think straight anymore unless he was talking to you and even then his words only made your situation worse.
Hell, you were cumming around his cock before you even realized it.
"Ohh, look at thaaat," Gojo huffs out, "Now she's creamin' on me-, fuuck..."
A shaky hand moves and tries to go to his mouth because fuck you just needed a second to breathe, to process what was happening, and to shut him up. But of course, Gojo just grabs your wrist and then pins it up over your head.
"Tryna shut me up?" Gojo snickers, "Why, pretty girl? Am I not makin' you feel good?" He whispers.
The heavy smack of his balls to your ass echo throughout the room, the loud and sloppy sounds of his harsh thrusts heard everywhere. In and out and in and out, Gojo wasn't slowing down for even one moment. He was damn there pussydrunk already.
By this point his mouth had a mind of its own and his hips wouldn't stop ramming into you. His soaked tip hit yet another spot that had your breath leaving your throat over and over and over again.
"F-Fuck-, oh fuck-," You gasp, eyes widening as your back arches up into him a bit, your chest flush with his as he then rolls his hips down into you to really dig into that very spot, "Oh my g-god- fuuuck, 'Toru p-please."
Gojo moves his free hand and trails down along your body until he feels the prominent outline of his cock inside you. Then he smirks just as he presses down on it, "Yeah? Feel' me right there, huh?" He whispers sensually.
His voice drove you insane and it's just perfect that he simply never stops talking.
And of course he moves over to whisper in your ear as he pounds into that spot of yours, feeling your walls clamp and clamp around his cock, "Forgot allll about your lil' boyfriend, didn't ya?" He taunts, making you let out such a whiney moan in response, "He's gonna walk in any second now 'nd catch you makin' a mess all over my cock."
You unintentionally squeeze around him and Gojo moans before his hand dips lower down and his thumb makes a messy connection with your clit, the initial contact making your entire body jolt and your legs clamp up, "F-Fuu-uck-, p-please-, please... hahhh," You're not sure what you were begging for but it's all you could say as his thumb circles your no-so-forgotten clit so tortuously slow.
Gojo kisses the crown of your ear softly and his thumb continues to draw tiny little shapes around your clit despite the rough thrusts into your pussy. Your cunt was spasming around his cock, twitching and throbbing all around him and making him groan at the way you squirm.
"C'monnn, y'know what I want," Gojo utters, his words caressing your ear so softly, "Cum f'me, sweets. Squirt on my fuckin' cock," He pleads, voice deep yet desperate with you, "Lemme prove your boyfriend wrong."
"Hahhh, S-Sa-, mmmgh-, Satoru," You whine out, voice slurred as you feel that sensation building up in your core again.
Gojo's eager for it so his pace grows a bit animalistic, sloppy even. So badly did he want to experience you squirting because of him, not your boyfriend. Choso's little comment from earlier still has Gojo upset so, he's taking it out on your poor overstimulated cunt.
All whilst he's whispering into your ear, "Fuuck, c'monn. Give it to me," He groans, "Fuckin' give it to me, sweetheart," Gojo's blurting out whatever comes to mind as all rational thoughts fade from his mind, "Y'know I'm fucking you better than he does anyway."
And with that, it happens.
Well, not you squirting again but your boyfriend walking in. Neither you nor Gojo realized until Choso huffed out a scoff, "Not like that, no you aren't." He comments in response to Gojo.
Maybe it was the shock from hearing Choso's voice, or perhaps it was the way Gojo thrust in balls deep as he too was shocked but either way, you do experience another leg-shaking orgasm.
As you do so, you're letting out a moan and you feel like you're about to pass out. You came a lot but, you didn't squirt— which ultimately leaves Gojo disappointed.
His lengthy cock is still buried into the hilt of your pussy but he stops moving at the sound of Choso’s voice. His breath is felt against your ear before Gojo grits his teeth a little— he knows he was close to getting what he wanted.
Then Gojo sighs and leans up, not daring to pull out of you yet as he sits back on his heels and pulls your hips along with him. It’s like he didn’t want to separate from you at all.
Turning his head back, he spots Choso standing at the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with his eyes low and on the lewd scene before him. The two men lock eyes before Choso shakes his head.
Gojo frowns as he finally processes what the hell he’d said to him, “What do you mean not like that, no I’m not?” Gojo huffs, “Had you not come in here, she would’ve wet me up like I wanted.”
Choso scoffs, “Yeah? Think so?” He taunts.
“I know so,” Gojo argues, eyes narrowing at the dark-haired man, “I felt it.”
“Uhuh,” Choso chastises, smirking a bit as he crosses his arms over his chest, “And what ruined that, me?”
“Yeah.” Gojo huffs.
“Aw,” Choso frowns, mocking Gojo’s expression as he pushes off the doorframe and slowly walks toward you two, “You’ mad cause you can’t make my girlfriend squirt?”
“I can,” Gojo emphasizes, “You just ruined the moment.”
“No one told you to stop,” Your boyfriend argues.
Gojo’s fingers are gently tracing indescribable shapes on your hips as your cunt keeps his cock nice and warm, “No one told you to come in here.” He fires back to your partner.
Choso raises a brow, “No one told you needy lil’ sluts to start fuckin’ without me.”
Gojo’s cock twitches inside you, “I’m not the needy one. Your girl here was the one beggin’ for my-“
“You told me to,” You mumble.
The man doesn’t even look down at you. Instead, all Gojo does is move a hand and squat his thumb over your clit again, making you jolt as you take that as his way of telling you to be quiet.
“Pretty girl couldn’t keep her hands off me, what was I supposed to do?” Gojo says as your back arches a little and your hips roll upward for more friction.
Choso couldn’t exactly see you too well yet but it was pretty obvious what Gojo was doing and he could hear the gentle whines you released. “Wait,” Choso says, “You were supposed to wait.”
A groan leaves Gojo’s lips and he rolls his eyes before turning his head away from your boyfriend and down to you, his eyes softening as soon as they land on the way you’re looking up at him. You had a hand trying to reach down and push his finger away from your clit but you were struggling— adorable, Gojo thought to himself.
“How could I possibly keep this,” His hips roll into yours and you moan, “Waiting?” Gojo questions.
“Toru,” You hum with a pout on your face.
He smiles and tilts his head at you, “Hm? That’ feel good?” He coos, his thumb shifting a little and pushing against your clit before he swats at it again. You nod in response and he continues his motions.
Choso rolls his eyes at you two. Despite the attitude he was putting on, he can’t deny how painfully hard he’s been. Even as he was cleaning the mess in the living room moments ago, he could hear you and Gojo going at it so he knew what was happening.
And when he had walked in and saw the way your cunt stretched around Gojo’s veiny cock, he couldn’t help but stare. Choso had to swallow hard at the sight because it made his dick throb wildly.
He was actually just watching for a bit before he even said something, his hand groping his erection at the sight before he couldn’t take it anymore.
All of which leads to now as he approaches the bed and you and him finally catch sight of one another.
Choso tips his head to the side as your eyes lay on his, “Look at youuu,” He murmurs, “Havin’ fun gettin’ fucked by someone else, huh?”
You frown, “N-No,” Gojo suddenly spits down on your clit and your body twitches as you talk to your boyfriend, “W-Want you too, Cho….”
He smiles, “Do you? Y’look like you’re havin’ a great time without me.”
It’s so sexy how you reach a hand out in his direction and whine for him, “P-Please, Choso?”
“You’re so cute when you beg for me, baby. How could I ever say no to ya’?” Choso comments with a smile on his face while he moves to get on the bed.
You and him forget Gojo’s there for a moment as Choso makes his way closer to you and then leans down to your face, his eyes gazing so intently into yours.
You try lifting your face to his to close the distance and kiss him but he leans up a little, “You want a kiss?” Choso teases.
You nod, “Uhuh.”
His hand carefully moves to grab a gentle and loving hold of your face, completely forgetting that he earlier said he was gonna put you in your place— Choso can’t even think of that right now when you look so fucked out and gaze up into his eyes so lovingly.
He sighs and leans down to you again, “Promise me somethin’ first.”
You bat your lashes at him and your eyes widen a little, “…Okay.”
All while Gojo’s sulking as he watches you two converse so intimately and just leave him out. As if to insert himself, despite his cock literally resting deep inside you, he spits on his thumb and rubs against your clit gently just to make your conversation a bit more difficult for you.
A breathy sound leaves your lips and Choso smirks, whispering to you so that Gojo can’t hear, “Stroke his ego a lil’ bit f’me, okay?” Choso instructs before placing a soft peck onto your lips.
You hum and then furrow your brows a bit as he pulls away.
“Make him feel good, baby” Choso hints and you think you get the idea of what he wants you to do.
Then he presses his lips into yours and carefully makes out with you. Ah Choso couldn’t help but forget why he was ever even upset with you. Why’d he call Gojo over again? What was all this for?
He was mad at you about something, right?
Oh who cares, all he wants now is to watch you lose your mind more than you already have as you get pleased by two men. And, he can’t deny he is a bit excited to taunt you with the help of Gojo— he makes things entertaining.
So he gets a little lost in kissing you, having not felt your lips on his in what felt like an eternity. Choso’s not even thinking straight as he groans against your lips and shoves his tongue into your mouth where it oh so rightfully belongs.
And he’s thriving in doing so up until you move a hand down and start reaching for him, your fingers grazing his waistline and making him moan into your mouth.
Your lips curve into a smile and you hum as he shifts so that you can reach him properly, your fingers sliding to grab ahold of his cock through his clothing and making him moan filthily against you.
His hips instantly push into your hand as your fingers cup his length. Choso pries himself off your lips for a split second, “Fuck, I missed kissin’ you s’much,” He grunts into your mouth.
You grin, “M’sorry, I m-missed you too baby,” You murmur against him.
Choso lets out the sweetest little whine as that nickname hits his ears and he had half a mind to just kick Gojo out of the situation entirely and make love to you.
Pulling away from your lips with a slight smile on his face, Choso huffs, “You have no idea what you do t’me, do you?”
You give him a cheeky little smile, “I do.”
Gojo suddenly clears his throat, “…Am I interrupting something?” He teases.
You and Choso look at him in sync and scoff at him.
You then roll your eyes, “Yes.”
“No,” Choso corrects, glancing at you once more to tell you to behave yourself through his gaze before looking to Gojo again, “You’re not.” Then Choso cocks his head to the side, “What, did you want a kiss too?”
Gojo’s got this little pout on his face after being left ignored for so long even though his cock had been sitting inside you all this time. He’d felt you clench and twitch around him numerous times ever since Choso walked in.
So, playfully, he shrugs, “Maybe.”
Choso rolls his eyes for a moment before he sits up, “Y’know, I was gonna say no buut, I have an idea.”
A very faint shade of red flushes over Gojo’s face as he blinks. Choso was considering his answer? He’s gonna kiss him? Why? What-
“If you can make my girl squirt,” Choso starts, cutting Gojo’s thoughts off, “I’ll give you a kiss…….. if that’s actually what you want, of course-“
“Okay,” Gojo breathes out and the two make eye contact.
Gojo looked all too excited and Choso couldn’t tell if it was to kiss him or make you squirt but either way— it was kinda cute.
Your boyfriend smiles briefly before looking down at you and nodding his chin toward you, “Remember what I said,” He hums.
You nod before looking at Gojo and then moving to sit up a little, holding yourself up on your elbows. Gojo meets your gaze and for a moment, he’s not even sure where to begin.
Choso chuckles at the two of you before he says your name and you look at him, “C’mere,” He directs, watching the way your eyes light up as he stands on his knees.
You’re quick to wiggle yourself away from Gojo, who lets off a whine as his cock slips out of you. The sound catches your boyfriend’s ears and he shakes his head.
“Relax,” Choso says to Gojo, “You’ll get to feel her again in a second.”
Gojo frowns and simply sits on his heels as he then watches you move to crawl over to your boyfriend, your legs wobbly and thighs wet from all activities done thus far. Then Gojo’s staring at your cunt and he starts to get the idea of what’s about to happen.
You hastily get to your boyfriend and just as he opens his mouth to say something, your hands are at his hips and your lips are making sudden contact with his lower abdomen. Choso swallows thickly as he stares down at you, moving his palm over your head of hair and smiling at you.
“Hahh,” Choso breathes out, “Eager, are we?” He taunts.
Your gaze flicks up to him for a moment as you kiss lower and your fingers slip beneath his pants. Then you’re tugging them down and moving to pull his cock out, your eyes going a bit wide as you see how painfully hard he was.
Choso’s cock was throbbing and twitching like crazy, so much so that it made your mouth water. You start to move your lips toward him but he pushes your head away a little.
Frowning, you glance up at him again and your boyfriend smiles down at you. Taking his cock into his free hand, he moves to tap his tip against your lower lip as he speaks, “Take care of our guest first, princess.” Choso hums.
You whine before angling your head back to make eye contact with a very pouty and slightly forgotten Gojo. With a sigh, you part your legs and reach a hand back to spread yourself invitingly.
Gojo bats his eyelashes at you, “Is that supposed to be an invitation, sweets?” He teases as a smile starts to spread on his face, cock dripping at the sight of you.
You nod your head, “Mhm…”
“You want me inside you again?” Gojo asks while he begins to move toward you, already knowing the answer to his question.
“Obviously,” You huff out, your gaze rushing him.
He takes his time anyway until he’s finally behind you, quickly aligning his tip with your messy folds and rubbing himself against you, “Thought I fixed that attitude of yours already?” Gojo says with a scoff.
Purposefully, you roll your eyes and start to face forward again, glancing up at Choso afterward.
“Baby,” Choso coos, his brows furrowing a bit, “Go ahead ‘nd arch your back, show him what you do f’me,” He utters softly.
You frown but do so anyway, the curve in your back making Gojo swallow hard as he takes in your form. “Damn,” He breathes, shifting a hand to palm your ass, “This is perfect.”
Choso can’t help but smile proudly because of you, “I know right? We gotta reward her for that, don’t we?”
Gojo nods his head but his eyes are stuck on how you’re trying to wiggle your hips back onto him, “Yeahhh, she’s so needy f’us too.”
Meanwhile, you’re also moving your mouth forward and pressing your lips into Choso’s aching tip— watching how his entire body tenses up and he flinches before looking down at you.
“S-So fuckin’ needy,” He unintentionally stammers. Then he moves one of his hands to your chin and opens your mouth for himself, “Nice ‘nd wide f’me, baby.” Choso instructs.
Naturally, you listen, dropping your jaw and even sticking your tongue out for your boyfriend as he carefully pushes his hips forward.
All while Gojo’s still teasing your cunt by rubbing his tip all in between your folds and even purposefully pushing his cock past your pussy wetting his shaft up with your slick.
Gojo’s hands then slide up along your body until he grabs onto your waist, still admiring that arch of yours before he finally rolls his hips forward and pushes his cock back into you. A moan leaves your throat immediately but the sound is muffled by Choso stuffing your mouth full of his cock.
Your boyfriend lets out a deep and guttural groan at both the feeling of your wet mouth around him and the way you moan against him. Then there’s Gojo who moans as he finds himself buried into the hilt of your tight cunt again.
Gojo swears you got tighter than before because he barely even realizes he has to move for a minute as he just sits there submerged in your pussy— feeling your walls clamp and clamp and clamp around him just because you’ve got two cocks inside you.
“Fuuuck,” Gojo whines a little, his head tipping back as you squeeze around him so perfectly.
While Gojo’s busy… adjusting to your pussy sucking the soul out of him, Choso’s in front of you easing his cock in and out of your mouth.
As he does so, you’re flicking your tongue against that one sensitive vein he has trailing along his shaft and the sensation makes your boyfriend moan above you. The sound stirs Gojo out of his trance and he blinks back into reality.
Glancing up, he pulls his hips back before rolling them forward so very slowly just to match the pace at which your boyfriend was going. And of course, you moan at how in sync they are, feeling Gojo’s tip kiss your cervix as Choso’s cock dips deeper into your throat.
All your moans were muffled against Choso and he groans just about every time he feels your warm mouth vibrating against him. Then there was every time he pulled himself back, your tongue would twirl around his tip so sloppily that he couldn’t even take his eyes off you.
Then suddenly Gojo’s pelvis snaps into you, the harsh thrust making you whimper while Choso’s dick slips right back into your mouth. Your boyfriend’s hand then finds its place on your head to hold you steady as he ups his own pace, biting his lower lip at how good your mouth feels.
“Shiit,” Choso whines and you feel him twitch against your tongue, “Makin’ me feel so fuckin’ good, princess.” You hum against him and he flashes a lazy smile down at you, his eyes low and breath heavy, “Enjoyin’ this, huh?”
Sloppily, you nod and then there’s a sudden jerk forward of your body as Gojo grabs onto your hips and snaps his own into you yet again. Your eyes flicker and you moan yet again.
Then Gojo lands a hand on your ass, smacking you harshly as he grows a bit rough, “Course’ she likes this shit,” He suddenly groans out, “Pussy won’t stop squeezin’ me,” He hums with a heavy pant.
Choso feels you suck on his cock a bit more eagerly and he starts thrusting in and out a bit faster as if to match how needy your mouth was moving against him, “Yeah?” He huffs out to Gojo, “Well,” Choso tilts his head and lifts his gaze to Gojo, “Looks like you’re strugglin’ over there.”
Gojo’s brows push together and he pants, “Shut up,” He grunts as he shifts to fuck into your sweet spot, feeling how heavenly your cunt throbs around him and listening to the wet squelch that emits from your hole every time he pushes in.
Your boyfriend feels you gag a little and he eases his hips back but doesn’t look down at you just yet— keeping his eyes on Gojo who’s definitely losing his mind right now.
His hair was wet with sweat, messy white locks sticking to his forehead and sweat dripping down along his body. Choso thinks he’s jealous of this guy’s physique as he stares at him, watching how aggressively he beats his hips into you— his slutty lil’ girlfriend.
Gojo’s eyes suddenly flicker and Choso’s feels you moan. The white-haired man then whines, “S-Shit, m’gonna-, fuuck… m’gonna cum-,”
Choso’s fingers suddenly curl into your hair and he grips onto you a bit tighter as he ruts his hips into you, your nose meeting his pelvis with his every thrust as he mindlessly fucks your throat.
“Yeahhh, I can tell….” Choso blurts out, his face instantly going red as Gojo locks eyes with him and raises a brow.
Gojo, never being one to back down from some harmless teasing, rolls his hips into you and huffs, “Oh can you now?” He sighs, cracking a half-smile at the man.
The red in Choso’s face deepens before he shifts his gaze down to you, “Fuck off ‘nd focus on makin’ my girlfriend squirt.”
Gojo grunts a little as you squeeze around him, “Kinda hard t’do that when you’re starin’ at me, y’know.”
“You liked it,” Choso argues back thoughtlessly.
Now it’s Gojo’s face that was brightening up, his eyes widening as he opens his mouth to argue back. Unfortunately for him, you suddenly pull your mouth off of your boyfriend and shift to lift yourself up and grab ahold of Choso’s jaw.
Your boyfriend bats his eyelashes at you as you toss one arm around him and hold his face close to yours whilst Gojo continues thrusting into you.
“S-Stop flirting with him, it’s annoying,” You huff out, your voice slurred as you moan in between your words.
Choso blinks, “I wasn’t-, wait… baby, were you gettin’ jealous?” He coos.
Gojo shifts behind you, leaning his body forward and wrapping one arm around your waist before trailing his hand down. His fingers roll over your clit and your body twitches as his lips suddenly press into the side of your neck.
You were being sandwiched by the two at this point but you weren’t complaining at all.
“Scared m’gonna steal your boyfriend from ya’?” Gojo taunts in a low whisper.
Your brows furrow and you remove your hand from Choso’s jaw, dropping it to wrap your fingers around his cock possessively, “No… he knows who he…. mmgh-, b-belongs to,” You huff out as you stare into your boyfriend’s eyes.
Choso chokes at the sound of that and to make it even worse for him, Gojo peers over your shoulder, and all three of you are all too close to one another.
His hips push into your touch and he whimpers, “Y-Yeahh, yeah I do,” Choso sighs out, nodding his head in agreement to your words.
And then your lips are on his and the two of you are a moaning mess against one another, Gojo moving to sink his teeth into your shoulder just to never once feel left out. He bites down hard enough to leave a mark and then Choso moves a hand in between you and him just to reach up and grab ahold of your neck.
Their touch was everywhere at this point, large hands all over your body that it was making you dizzy. Choso’s fingers tighten around your throat, Gojo swats at your clit again as his cock bullies your insides, and then there’s his other hand at your waist, holding onto you for dear life whilst his tongue swivels over the area he’d bit.
Your hand was busy jerking Choso off and the bedroom was filled with such sloppy and filthy sounds of sex. You and Choso were whining into each other and Gojo was grunting near your ear.
Then, similar to earlier, he’s talking into your ear, “Takin’ me so well, sweetheart,” Gojo groans, “Fuuck, m’gonna cum inside ya’ if you keep squeezin’ like that.”
Choso suddenly pulls off your lips and you whine. Then your boyfriend glances at Gojo, whose face is closer than he expected, “Y-You’re gonna do what?” Choso questions.
All three of you were more than fucked out by this point but Choso’s ears twitched at the sound of Gojo saying he was gonna release inside you.
Gojo smirks, “What? I can’t cum inside your girlfriend? C’monnnn, don’t be mean,” He teases with a little pout on his face.
Your head drops into the crook of Choso’s neck, his hand falling off you as you do so, and his face gets even closer to Gojo’s because of it— the two nearly sharing breaths by this point.
“M’not bein-,” Your hand tightens around Choso’s shaft and his eyes nearly roll back, “S-Shit-, m’not bein’ mean, y-you can’t-“
“Please?” Gojo whispers, his eyes lowering and his face shifting into something needy, “Lemme cum inside her, p-please? She feels so fuckin’ good… I gotta-, agh-, f-fill her up,” Gojo moans out.
Both men are struggling with their words due to you. Then, your hand begins to slide along Choso’s cock a bit faster than expected and you take a peek down just to realize he was cumming.
“Oh fuck-,” You whine at the sight, “Choso,” You moan.
Gojo lets out a loud groan and he starts drilling into you a bit sloppier than before, his sanity waning as his orgasm approaches, “Please,” He begs, “P-Please? Fuuck, I can beg all day, man. Please-“
And suddenly, Choso’s leaning in and grunting into his mouth, “Okay,” He hums as he suddenly acts on impulse and kisses Gojo.
Your body was being completely squished between the two and with each of Gojo’s mind-numbing thrusts, your body just presses into Choso’s. The tip of Gojo’s cock is digging and digging and digging deeper inside you, making your eyes water with how hard he was fucking you all because of Choso suddenly kissing him.
And the two had the nerve to be loud with it too, lips sliding over each other so messily as they kissed each other without second thought.
You believe you were too out of it to even process the fact that your boyfriend was making out with Gojo because then you’re experiencing that mind-boggling sensation again, gummy walls suffocating Gojo’s cock as your body jerks and twitches in between the two.
Then, all at once, you’re seeing blissful sparks of white in your vision, making a filthy mess in between the two as Gojo’s cock slips out of you and you squirt yet again. Choso’s hands move to hold your body tenderly as you start to fall over a bit and then his mouth pops off of Gojo’s.
“Fuck,” The two breathe out in unison.
Gojo’s eyes are down on the lewd mess you just made and he notices his cum leaking out your cunt— wondering to himself when it even happened? One minute he was begging Choso to cum inside you and the next…
The next he was kissing him…
Meanwhile Choso’s dazed as he shifts to get a good look at your face.
You think you were a bit lightheaded, lashes fluttering so softly as you pant heavily trying to catch your breath. Your eyes just barely meet Choso’s and he smiles at you.
“You okay?” Choso murmurs. You frown and shake your head. “Tired already?” Your boyfriend continues, then you nod and he moves to kiss your forehead, “S’okay, baby. You did s’good for us.”
Gojo’s behind you moving to wipe the sweat off his forehead, “Too damn good…” He comments.
Your eyes narrow at your boyfriend and your voice is hoarse again, “…You kissed… him.”
Choso’s face flushes and he swallows, “I was in the heat of the moment, I’m s-“
“And it w-was so fucking…” Your body leans into him a bit more as you shut your eyes, “…Hot.”
Both Gojo and Choso are at a loss for words and neither of them really wants to discuss what they just did, both telling themselves that they weren’t thinking straight (literally) despite both of them having thoughts of doing so a few times throughout the night.
Choso starts shifting to wrap his arms around you and move you away from the… filth below, just to lay you down as you start yawning.
Then, he hovers over your face and watches how you sleepily blink at him, “No more sex-ban, right?” Choso whispers.
You pout but close your eyes, “…Mhm.”
He leans down and kisses you, “Promise?”
“S’long as you invite Satoru over again, yeah,” You hum.
Choso freezes and glances back to Gojo for only a second, before smirking and looking back down at you, “Yeah sure, whatever you want princess.”
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he’s definitely inviting Gojo over for himself, not you.
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@blognicole @suguruologist @luqueam @ivoryviness @sinaxalui @rxnnie18 @carlacujo @gods-landing @bitchysouljellyfish @miles4hour @sinaxalui @annananamin @heart-snow @kiyomizzx @hanuh @acehyacinth @mccookiemonster @tojis-ball-sack @cartwheel6869 @mariluvsusstuff @addie1010 @slammynics @actualz0mbie @hisbitchhh @kay-xle @cunttee3 @voids-universe @raininglovelyfire @itsbokutosjuicyass @peaceoutbritta @barbielani @gennaray @r3inae @kfmcykdy @camiihutt @tokina @curtin81937 @hopefullydecent @nameless-shade @ureuphoriasworld @forgetfulmachine @legbouk @lilliaannn @clementineee0-0 @divinelseraph @didibxx
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getosbigballsack · 3 months
Random thought!
But just imagine 35 years old CEO Gojo Satoru falling in love with the young woman whom he hired to be his surrogate.
Desperate at this point to fulfill his role as CEO and the heir of his family clan, he knew he had no other choice but to find someone who would be willing to give birth to his child.
He thought his ex-wife was the one. After all, she was pregnant when they were still together. When the due date came around and Satoru heard that she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, he was over the moon until he saw the baby for himself.
He knew that that wasn't his baby. Blonde hair and green eyes? No one in his family had blonde hair and green eyes. So he asked for a DNA test. His ex-wife refused at first, but then she gave in, and when the test came back, the baby was 99.99%, not his child.
He was broken. He served her divorce papers the following day, and after everything he had done for her, this is how she chose to repay him. As if cheating wasn't enough, she had to get pregnant and gave birth to another man’s child.
So now here he is sitting in a cafe waiting for the surrogate.
You didn't have much of a choice. 26 years of age and still struggling to get your bachelor's degree just so that you could live a comfortable life and be financially stable.
But with the way things are right now, you knew that it was an impossible task to complete your final year. You could hardly manage to pay your school fee. You kept on getting rejection letters from student loans, and let's face it, you barely had time to study to even try to get a scholarship.
So now you're stuck looking for a quick and easy way to make money. You had little options, and prostitution just so happened to be one of them. And you almost turned to it, that's until you heard that a "rich" CEO was looking for a woman who was willing to give birth to his heir.
So now that's how you ended up in the situation to you're in currently. Nervously playing with your fingers as sat across from no other than Gojo Satoru.
"Your name is Y/N?"
"Yes, and you're Mr. Gojo Satoru."
He shook his head yes while taking a sip of his coffee. "I hope you don't mind meeting like this. I thought it would be better to meet in a more casual setting instead of my office. I don't want to intimidate you."
"That's fine, Mr. Gojo."
"Before we get started, are you sure you want to do this? I want you to be absolutely sure because once you sign the contract, there is no backing out of it."
You shook your head yes before responding, "it's something that I've thought about deeply, Mr. Gojo, and after reading through the contract a few times, I came to the conclusion that I would rather have a baby for a stranger who is willing pay to me more than what my school fee is worth than go and become a prostitute."
He was shocked by your words but said nothing of it. It wasn't his place to say anything or have any comment about your personal life.
"Well then, I guess we can go ahead and meet with our lawyers and sign the contract."
"Lawyers? I thought... I can't afford a lawyer right now," you said to him.
He chuckled, "I figured that that would be the case. No worries, I had already hired a lawyer for you."
"You did?" You asked. Just then, the door to the cafe burst opened, and in came a man and a woman dressed in suits.
"Ah, there they are. Right on time."
Gojo stood up and greeted the lawyers before he introduced you to them. The man, Mr. Nanami Kento is his lawyer, and the woman Tetsu Akari is your lawyer. First impression she has a kind and calm aura around her.
But let's move down the line.
You four all sat and discussed what was on the contract, and before you signed it, Gojo asked, "Is there anything that you need to clarify before signing the contract."
"Yes, uhm, it's about the procedure. Are we going to uhm... have... uhm intercourse to conceive the baby?"
"We could since it's the safe way to go about this, but no," he answered with a small smile on his face.
"Ok then, where do I sign."
This is the beginning of how Gojo Satoru fell in love with the woman he hired to be his surrogate.
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hispg · 2 months
Love can't wait
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Pairings: r2! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: Someone's horny in the middle of the night, and you'll have to take care of his 'problem'.
Wc: 2.2k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, making out, oral (f receiving), sloppy sex, whiny Leon.
An: Last week was a real mess. My birthday, I ended up being sick all week, I'm slowly recovering. And to make matters worse, I'm in my exam week💀
My brain is melting😭 Tomorrow I promise to answer the comments and asks🤝
I've only just managed to post, I had this draft ready and thought I should post it so I wouldn't run out of things to post. I didn't read it, so sorry for any mistakes.
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"Baby, please..." Leon whimpered in your ear, hugging you from behind, leaving a trail of wet kisses on your neck.
He was grabbing you by the hips, his erection bumping against your ass as you tried to sleep, which was impossible with you being humped by the man behind you.
He'd been awake for a while, desperate to fuck you, who knows why he woke up with his cock hard in the middle of the night. Jerking off wasn't enough, he needed you.
"Leon.... Tomorrow..." You mumble, trying to bury your head in the pillow.
You heard him protest in a whimper, pressing his erection hard against you, making you moan softly into the pillow, and he grunted at the contact. He wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Love...." He pleaded, giving your jaw a light bite, not wasting a second and promptly sliding his hand under your clothes, caressing your belly, feeling your skin slide under his fingers.
His other hand went behind your neck, up to the back of your head where he began to massage, bringing his lips to your cheeks, giving wet kisses all over your face.
"Please..." He whispered, not caring if he sounded desperate or not, he just wanted you, it was the only thing on his mind.
You didn't even have time to answer, he was quick enough to move his hand down to your ass, opening your ass cheeks and pressing his erection in the middle, rubbing back and forth.
He was so needy that you could already feel him leaking through his underwear, his hoarse, whimpering voice echoing in your ears. Just by the state he was in, you were already starting to feel wet.
"You feel so good..." He whispered, moving against you harder, eliciting several low moans from you.
You could feel his nails digging into your soft flesh, holding your ass open for him to rub against you.
He was drooling on you, his kisses on your neck becoming more and more desperate, his tongue coming out of his mouth to lick the whole length of your skin, his body shaking with precipitation.
If you didn't let him do what he wanted to you, he'd certainly be able to cum in his pants.
"I need you so much..." He whispers, bringing his hand up to your breasts, gently caressing them up until then.
"Leon... Mhm..." You murmured in a somewhat sleepy voice, shifting a little in bed.
He whimpered in your ear, pushing you down a little further, grinding against you with a little more vigor, and it wasn't long before he had your nipple between his fingers, rolling it between his digits.
"I need to fuck you... I want it so bad it hurts." He purred, giving your nipple a vicious tug, and the unexpected action made you gasp.
Seeing that he wouldn't get any response from you at this point, he quickly turned you over on the bed, laying you on your back.
Before you could protest, he captured your lips in a languid kiss, his lips crashing against yours in a primal way, as if he couldn't help himself.
He kissed you so hard that at one point you could feel his teeth chattering against yours, he kissed you in such a sloppy, desperate way. Just as he began to press his erection into the mattress, wanting to relieve himself in some way.
You were so trapped at this point that at some point you just started moaning against each other, as if the kissing session was all you needed to go over the edge.
Almost painfully, the two of you broke apart, breathing heavily and quickly, almost out of breath from the intensity of your kisses.
When he looked at you, seeing your cheeks so red, the way your chest rose and fell with every heavy breath you took. Oh, and those lips, the way you looked at him so slyly like that.
At the same moment he felt his cock throbbing inside the confines of his pants. As if it were a last desperate act, he stuck his face between your breasts, sticking his tongue out in a clumsy way, sucking on your nipple as if it were the last thing he was going to do.
You moaned against the pillow, pushing his head against your breast. He grunted at the sudden contact, sucking on you desperately.
Despite not wanting it at first, you found yourself soaking wet now, grinding your pussy against his thigh that was between your legs, and he grinned like a bastard when he saw the state you were in.
"Mhm.... I want to fuck you..." He whispers, taking his mouth off your breast, searching for air, and he could already see the imprint of his lips around your breast.
You smiled slyly, rubbing your wetness against him hard, and in response he put a wide palm on your chest, lowering his face so that he could kiss you, leaving no part of your face untouched.
"Can I taste you? Please, please." He pleaded in a sly voice, tugging on your nipples once more, his mouth kissing you wetly and incessantly all over your face.
Fuck, how could you say no when he was asking so nicely?
When he saw you nod, Leon gave you a sly smile, turning you over so that you lay on your back properly, lifting your clothes to gain access to your thighs.
Once he had your legs open, he licked his lips, looking at your pussy which was already wet and waiting for him. In the blink of an eye he buried his face in your folds, sticking his tongue out and licking the entire length of your flesh, lapping at your skin like a hungry man, making loud, impure slurping sounds.
You could feel his nose hitting your clit every time he stuck his tongue into your needy hole, his hot muscle moving in and out in an incessant manner. His hands gripped your thighs in a firm way, leaving red marks from his fingers, from how hard he was holding you.
"So good, mhmm, you're so hot..." He murmurs against your slit, giving you an awkward smile, then going back to licking you all over again.
You were so red, your cheeks burning as you squirmed on the bed, your lips parted as you moaned, your hips moving back and forth, searching for more friction. Leon groaned when he felt your hand on his blond strands, which you took advantage of to push him against you, making him sink into your heat.
"Fuck-" You whimper, tugging at his hair, and he lets out a low murmur in response, giving your clit a hard suck, then sinking his tongue into your hole once more.
His cock was aching and throbbing in his pants, and he couldn't help himself, unconsciously humping the bed, eating you out desperately, wanting to taste your sweetness again and again.
You soon began to feel that warm sensation forming in the pit of your stomach, your mind becoming more and more blurred with each caress of his tongue. Your furrows running down his chin, his mouth completely moist from the result of your arousal.
"Cum, cum, baby, cum on my tongue." He whispers, working tirelessly on your cunt, with no intention of stopping.
And there you went, unable to hold back the orgasm that washed over you when he licked and caressed you like that. You gushed out your juices, your eyes rolling into the back of your head once you felt the hot liquid being squirted out of you.
"Fuck Leon!" You let out a moan mixed with a sigh, your face all red with pleasure.
Faced with the scene, Leon didn't have much to do, his cock, which was throbbing painfully in the constraints of his pants, no longer hurt, he just felt the warmth forming in his body. Only to feel the thick ropes of cum spilling out, staining all his clothes. He didn't even realize it, he couldn't even hold back his own urges.
Leon couldn't even hide the blush that appeared fiercely on his cheeks, he felt so ashamed that he hadn't been able to hold back. But you couldn't blame him, every time he stared at your wet folds he couldn't help it, he felt all his blood pulsing to his lower body.
"I love the taste of you." He says in a sweet voice, as if he hadn't just eaten you out like a starving man.
When you regained your senses, you focused your gaze on him, and watched as he licked up all the rest of your fluids, licking his lips when he'd finished, then getting down on his knees.
"I promise I'll make it up to you. I promise." He says in a purr, soon putting his pants down, along with his underpants.
You saw a part of his cock, the pink tip that was dripping, not only that, but it was all sticky with his cum. At that moment you felt your pussy get even wetter.
Your legs remained open as you watched him, his hand wrapped firmly around his cock.
When he started masturbating, dirty, erotic moans came out of his mouth, whimpers so sly that you could spend the night watching him.
Leon could feel his cock getting harder and harder in his hand, with every movement, a little trail of pre-cum running down his pink tip.
"Mhm.... I'm going to fuck you. You're going to feel so good." He said, so sweetly, but at the same time looking at you in such a naughty way.
Once again he positioned himself on top of you, his tip resting lightly against your entrance. His cum mixing with yours, your fluids mixing with his, making a slippery mess.
You gripped the sheets tightly, biting your lower lip, your body moving involuntarily against him, begging for any other movement.
"You're so beautiful..." Leon purrs, giving you a little distraction, because right after that line he thrust hard against you.
He entered you at once, completely, without even letting you breathe. You went to heaven when you felt all that stretching once again, your walls stretching to accommodate him, your tight pussy wrapping itself tightly around him, making him grunt in response.
"Fucking tight-" he growls, placing his hands on your hips, letting his fingers sink into your skin.
He slowly put his body up against yours, letting his weight rest on you a little. His hips jerked against yours, his fingers leaving red marks on your hips.
Your mouth opened to let out a silent whimper, while your eyes closed tightly as he thrust all the way in and hit that spongy spot that made you see stars every time.
You swore you couldn't even hear yourself anymore, or know whatever inarticulate sounds you were letting out. The only sensation that was in your body was the sloppy thrusts, his tip reaching deep points, touching your cervix from time to time.
" Tight little pussy, so fucking good." Leon purrs, his hips moving against yours in an almost involuntary way, as if he no longer had any control.
Just as he could no longer hold back all the noises he let out every time you squeezed around him, your walls wrapped around his cock so tightly that he was trying not to roll his eyes every time it happened.
You could already feel your body heating up once again, you could even see the bodily signs that it wouldn't be long before you went over the edge once more. And Leon would be lying if he didn't say the same thing.
In a failed and desperate attempt to drown out his sounds, he put his mouth on yours, kissing you passionately and hotly, increasing the speed with which he thrust into you. In and out, in sync with the roll of your hips.
You felt your body shiver when he put his tongue inside your mouth, exploring everything he could, wanting to feel everything you could offer him.
It was the last straw for you to come, creaming all over his cock, making another mess of the sheets. The sensation of you moaning against his mouth, or the way he felt you cumming for him so easily, was a spark of electricity in his body.
All you understood was some cursing that came out of him, then his hot cum inside you. He was going to pull out, hell, he knew he shouldn't cum inside you. But how could he take his cock out of you when you nestled so perfectly?
The two of you were a mess, barely able to breathe, his forehead resting under yours as he tried to catch his breath.
And then he smiled innocently, whispering, "Round two?"
You rolled your eyes, he wasn't serious.
"No, it's two in the morning. We should be asleep." You retorted, and he nodded with a displeased pout.
He promptly got off you, rolling onto his side and hugging you from behind once again, keeping you close. He seemed quite relaxed now.
It's a long night, although he's satisfied now, maybe he just needs a little more love throughout the evening.
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bleach-your-panties · 5 months
JJK Men: When You're Sleepy, But They're Horny🍒🎀
(a/n: i usually suck ass at headcanons but let's give this a whirl. characters aged 18+. nsfw mdni, sexual content. fem reader)
(characters: yuuji, megumi, nanami, toge, gojo)
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dividers: glitter-graphics, @/cafekitsune
It's 9pm and you had just returned from a solo mission, finished your shower, hair routine, and climbed into bed. You hear the soft click of your room door opening and you know that it has to be none other than your boyfriend, Yuuji.
"Babe, are you still awake?" His soft voice whispers right beside your ear before he presses a kiss to the side of your head. You groan out something unintelligible and Yuuji's heart sinks a bit.
He's really hard and he was hoping that you might feel like 'playing' a little, but he also knows that you're probably really tired.
"I can feel you pouting, Yuu. Put it in my hand."
You stretch your palm out from under your covers and Yuuji is quickly shoving his pants down to free his hard dick.
"T-thank you, so much, cutie. Fuck, I love you!" He whimpers/whispers as you stroke him with your nice, warm fingers running all along his shaft.
He's so pent-up that it only takes a few rough tugs before he's spilling his seed into your hand.
"Promise to fuck you good when you wake up, baby. You're so good to me."
You were already snoring before he cleaned your hand off and left your room silently.
You're curled up in bed with Megumi spooning while the two of you watch anime. You've finished nearly half the season in the last couple hours that you've been watching and now your eyes are drooping.
Megumi is still watching the TV but his eyes flit down to where your ass is pressed against his crotch. The sleep shorts you're wearing give him a perfect view of your thighs.
Being a semi-grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer, you have keen awareness and heightened senses, so you automatically feel Megumi's stone cold blue eyes boring into your back.
"What is it, Megara?" You yawn out, turning slightly to look at him over your shoulder. He rolls said eyes.
"Told you to stop calling me that."
He answers your question by rutting his hips forward and rubbing his hard-on against your ass.
"I'm tired, Megs. Here." You turn over halfway on to your stomach, fully presenting your ass to him and his eyes widen at the gap made by your thighs.
He sinks his dick into the makeshift hole and fucks it slowly, edging himself, until he feels his balls tighten and he's cumming into the opening.
A warm blush covers his cheeks but he dutifully grabs some wipes and cleans you off before kissing your head and pulling you into his chest.
Kento is working another late shift and you just can't stay up waiting for him any longer.
You're quickly falling asleep in the armchair when the front door knob twists and he steps inside.
"Angel, are you asleep in the chair?"
"Mmm...Kento is that you?" You drawl with your head resting against the cushion. He chuckles at your cuteness.
"Yes, it's me, darling. Come on, let's get you to bed.
Once he's laid you on the bed, he can't help but begin to caress your smooth legs up to your thighs hidden beneath your nightgown.
His dick begins to strain against his dress pants but he looks up at your blissful face and dares not to ask you if you want to make love.
"Kento...what's wrong? Come on to bed, already."
"Do you mind if I eat you out, darling?"
Your heart swells ten times its size just knowing how much he cares for you.
"Mhmm, please..."
And he dives right in, sucking and licking you to Nirvana. It feels so good, your legs start shaking and you're cumming over his handsome face in record time.
Your orgasm completely knocks you out cold and he chuckles at your peaceful form before undressing to his boxers and climbing under the covers with you.
You're cuddled up in Toge's bed with him looking at memes and funny videos on his phone.
With a free day from classes, the two of you had been out all day exploring Tokyo and now you're absolutely exhausted.
You snuggle into his warm chest and inhale the scent of his laundry detergent. Toge kisses the top of your head, his lavender eyes then trailing down over your beautiful face....your lithe neck with the necklace he bought you for your birthday around it, and further down to your tits.
He softly inhales and wraps an arm around your back to press you further against him so he can feel your breasts squished against his hard chest.
You shuffle a bit in his hold and your sleepy eyes look up into his amethyst ones.
His dick is hard and swollen against his thigh, but you look so cute like this - he can't help but lean his head down to kiss each of your breasts.
Your body can't do anything but obey.
That was probably the best sleep you'd gotten in a while.
Satoru was away for the day on a field trip with his students and you decided to clean the entire house while he was away. You never had the time to do it when he was around because you'd either be holed up in the bedroom all day or pressed up against some random piece of furniture with him thrusting into you wildly.
When you finished the upstairs, you decided to go lie down and have a quick nap before he got back.
Hours later, you're still knocked out; the cleaning had really drained you more than you realized.
"Honeybun, I'm home and I brought you a souvenir!~"
Your joyful husband slams open the bedroom door with some shopping bags in tow.
The bags drop to the floor and he immediately hushes himself once he sees that you're asleep.
"Aww, look at my precious sleeping baby.." He slips off his blindfold, revealing his beautiful, crystalline blue eyes while he shreds himself of his work clothes and joins you in the bed.
The movements make you shift around a bit and then you feel warm breath over your neck and cheeks.
"Hm, Satoru.." Your hand tangles into his soft white locks while his lips press against the juncture between your neck and shoulder, leaving wet, hungry kisses on your sweet-scented skin.
"Missed you so much, sweetie...need to have you right now."
There was rarely a time when this man wasn't horny for you, but if you refused and wanted to just sleep, he wouldn't object. He knows that even though you're not a sorcerer you still have a life and things that keep you occupied when he's away.
You shift until you're lying completely on your back and Satoru is spreading your thighs with his knees. He pulls out his cock and begins stroking it until it's hard and leaking pre-cum.
"I love you.." He murmurs into your hair once he's sunken all eight inches inside your tight cunt.
Your eyes close instinctively, but he pats your cheek before gripping your chin in his rough grip.
"Look at me. I want to watch your pretty eyes while I fuck you back to sleep."
i actually fell asleep while writing this loool. going back to sleep now, peace.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
new follower
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words: 1.4k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, male receiving oral, p in v sex, unprotected sex
rafe doesn’t follow many people on social media. topper, kelce, a few of his other country club friends, and you. 
the notification shocked you when you woke up one morning and saw that rafe cameron followed you back. you knew him decent enough, mostly through being friends of friends, with rafe being a year ahead of you when you were in school.
you assumed it was a mistake, he was scrolling his recent notifications maybe and accidentally clicked your follow button. you waited for him to realize and unfollow you, but it never happened, not even after a week passed.
“did you see?” you answer your friends call. rafe not only didn’t unfollow you, but he just liked and commented on your picture.
“holy shit. holy shit. holy shit.” stephanies excited voice rings out from the other side of the line, obviously having seen the recent development. “girl, he wants you.” “coming to the party this friday?” you say the message out loud, having already memorized it. you haven’t responded yet, not wanting to seem too crazy by immediately screaming yes. “i mean what else could that mean?” 
“girl, you are getting dicked DOWN at that party.”
you tug at rafes zipper, having already undone the button. you know you're moving too fast, should slow down and savor the moment as you sink to your knees.
“mmm, baby, you don't have to.” rafe reaches his hand down to pull you back up, but you already tugged at his pants, lowering them to his thighs so just his underwear is left covering his dick, obviously already hard and straining against the fabric.
“i want to.” you clarify, leaning in and kissing along his length until you reach the head of his cock, suckling at it through the material, wetting it with your mouth.
rafe is just as big as you thought he would be, you can tell just from wrapping your lips around him, making you even more excited to get him inside of you.
“fuck.” rafe groans. “quit teasing me, pretty.”
you smile at rafes compliment, pulling his underwear down, his cock pushing free, standing upright against his body. rafe groans as the cold bathroom air hits his cock, pressing his back even harder into the wall.
you waste no time, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, pausing for a moment to enjoy the taste before you begin to bob your head, unable to take him all the down, but getting pretty damn close before your gag reflex forces you to pull off.
“god, you're just as good as i imagined you'd be.” rafe moans, hands gripping your hair.
“you imagined this?” you ask, pulling away to blink up at rafe through your lashes.
“yeah.” rafe smirks. he's got no shame about being attracted to you. it's rare for a girl to truly capture his attention, especially for any period of time longer than a one night stand.
“oh.” you blush, wanting to know more details as you grasp his cock, stroking it to still give him some stimulation. “before or after you followed me?”
“after. can't believe i never noticed you in high school. your photo popped up in my discover and… god, you're just so pretty.”
“did you touch yourself to me?” you ask, the words tumbling from your mouth before you can stop them.
“you would like it if i did, wouldn’t you dirty girl?” rafe smirks, not giving you a chance to confirm that you really would like it as he pushes your head back down. you allow rafe to control your movements, keeping your mouth open as his cock pushes down your throat.
you swallow around his length, excited to tell all your friends about sucking rafe off in the bathroom at the party, especially stephanie, who you know can’t be far.
“god, i need your cunt. come on.” rafe tugs at your hair.
“yeah, yeah.” you nod, giving one last kiss to the tip of rafes cock before standing.
“turn around.” rafe moves you towards the sink, having you face the mirror. he smirks when you realize you’re watching him in the reflection as he pushes your dress up until your underwear is revealed, having chosen a cute thong specifically for rafe to see.
“jesus, you’re gonna kill me.” rafe groans, hands gripping your ass, feeling your plump flesh in his hands.
“yeah?” you smirk, leaning forward and placing your hands on the marble counter to shake your bum slightly from side to side. 
“too hot, i swear.” he groans, about to pull your underwear to the side when theres a knock on the bathroom door, making you both jump, forgetting that there was still an entire party going on.
“fucking occupied!” rafe shouts. “fuck off!”
you laugh at rafes yelling, listening to whoever knocked walk away, footsteps moving down the hallway.
“jesus.” he groans. “i should take you home before we fuck.” “what, not gentlemanly to take me for the first time in a bathroom?” you laugh.
“you’re not funny. i’m serious.” rafe pouts. “i like you, let me take you back to tanneyhill.” you turn around, pushing yourself up to sit on the counter. you lean forward, pressing your lips against rafes. its flattering that he wants to take you someplace more private, but you’re honestly not sure you can wait.
you reach between your bodies with both hands, moving your thong to the side while guiding rafes cock towards you entrance. you move the head of his cock through your folds, letting out a moan against his lips when you push it against your clit.
“alright, alright, shit.” rafe moans, “i’ll fuck you now.”
“good.” you smirk. “you can fuck me at tanneyhill later too.”
“oh yeah?” rafe laughs, pushing your hands away to take control, placing his hands on your hips as he sinks his cock into your entrance, moving slowly to let you adjust. “just can’t get enough of this cock, huh?” you let out a moan, gripping rafes shoulders as he stays seated inside you, pushing on your walls the perfect amount. 
“move. move, its okay.” you mumble. 
“god, i need a second too pretty girl.” rafe takes a deep breath, trying to control himself from absolutely ravaging you and cumming far too early. 
you laugh, cupping rafes jaw with your hands, tugging him close for a kiss. it gives him a moment to settle before he starts to move, cock pushing in and out of your cunt, a wet squelching sound filling the bathroom with every movement.
rafe has one hand gripping your hip while the other slides to your back, keeping you from leaning backwards against the mirror, chest pressed against his.
“let me see your tits, baby.” rafe asks, looking down the top of your dress at your cleavage. you nod, tugging at the front of your dress, pulling it down so your chest is revealed, having forgone a bra. rafe smirks as he looks down, breasts bouncing every time he thrusts into you.
“so hot.” he groans, managing to duck his head to kiss over the swell of your breast while keeping his cock pushing into you. “touch yourself for me.”
rafe picks his head up to press a kiss to your lips before leaning back, looking between your bodies while you start with your tits, cupping one and jiggling it to show off to rafe before playing with your own nipples, switching to the other side.
“your cunt, come on. let me see how you touch yourself.” rafe knows he can't last much longer, needing you to get yourself off since his hands are occupied keeping you in place on the counter.
you sink your hand lower, ruffling over the scrunched up dress until you reach your pussy, sinking lower to gather some of your wetness from where rafe is pumping into you. you glide back up to your clit, rubbing it with two fingers in the way you do when you get yourself off.
“oh, fuck.” rafe groans as you clench around his length. “you're trying to kill me baby.”
“cum inside me.” you whimper. “please.”
“yeah.” rafe nods. “cant last.” you can tell from the way rafes cock swells inside of you that he's close.
“come on.” you begin to grind your hips up and down. “give it to me.”
rafe let's out a strangled moan, half sounding like your name, half sounding like a curse as he cums, pushing his cock as deep inside of you as possible, triggering your own orgasm as you let out a squeal, back arching into him as your fingers slow on your clit.
“fuck, that was good.” you pant, body flopping forward to lean your forehead against rafes shoulder.
“fuck yeah it was.” rafe laughs, carefully pulling his softening cock out of you. he takes your chin in his hand, picking your head up to press a kiss to your lips. “now when can we do that again?”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @mysticallystilinski @https-luvvia @aerangi @folklorsweet @soilderpoetandking @auryyz
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