#i can't write lately wtf
inkskinned · 1 month
okay if you're really cool about things, i can be honest with you. before you read further, decide if you're a girl's girl. if you're cool and actually cool or like not cool.
men don't talk in my book because i was fuckken tired of the way they're the center of every fucking story. i was tired of how every story takes a moment to let them talk. men can shut up for literally one fucking book.
unfortunately not everyone is cool. professionally what i usually say is i didn't want to add violence to the world. the only men in my book are abusers, so they don't get to talk. they don't get to take up space. they ruined my life, they don't get to have their words echo anymore.
because like, yeah! you find practically any story about a person surviving trauma and... there's a man at the center. men are often rescuing us from these things. a "good man" is always standing around, being a good man, proving to the victim that good men are the real men. that her experience was unique rather than universal.
the redacted text has not been taken well by all of my early readers. there is this weird, crouching growl that keeps occurring with men-of-a-certain-age. why don't we hear his side of the story?
when i sat down to write everything that happened to me, i couldn't look at the frank brutality of my abuser's words on a page and think to myself: i actually let him speak like that. i had to redact his words from the manuscript. i then left it redacted. no victim is going to read this book and hear the person who hurt them. it is a book for the victims to speak. abusers shut up challenge, forever. for eternity.
my father once told me, chuckling, i should just have a page of redaction where i let the man just finally talk. it is funny to joke about how we should make a whole page in my book about a man that hurt me. this was not the only time someone commented - it feels like you're hiding things. how do i know you're actually a victim if he doesn't get to speak?
there are books where women aren't even present. i even genuinely like some of those books. like, who doesn't like the hobbit?
i keep running into people defending this imaginary man. the default narrative is so true to some people that they will defend any man, just by virtue of the assumption - "if he's acting like that, you had to push him." certain people need definitive proof that you didn't accidentally make your partner into an abuser. they need to decide if you deserved it, because they want to be able to judge you.
which makes sense, i guess, from a hind brain perspective. if you can figure out "why" someone was cruel, you can protect yourself against it. if you defend the bully, the bully might side with you. i don't really know their explanation for feeling this about a character in a book. trust me, i wrote the guy. he is not going to protect you.
i guess i just - there was a time in my life where i desperately wanted anyone to defend me. where i could have really used someone saying holy shit are you okay instead of what did you say to make him act like that to you.
instead, over dinner, a friend-of-a-friend i just met is pouring herself wine. i heard you wrote a book, she says. she gives me the kind of chilly smile i associate with knives. i heard it's unfair to men.
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drysaladandketchup · 2 months
Mattdrai and 14 please for the Game. Thank you 💜
Thank you, anon! Once again I have failed to understand the word 'mini'. Seriously never ask me to write something short I don't know how to anymore. I hope it's to your liking :)
14. things you said after you kissed me
He expects a lot of things when he walks into the airport toting his life behind him in a suitcase: the drone of hundreds of voices, the inevitable bustle of bodies, brightly lit screens flashing so much information it makes your head spin, lines, because there's always lines everywhere for everything, the smell of fifteen different coffee shops vying for traveller's attention. Fuck knows he's going to need one of those soon.
What he doesn't expect is to be grabbed mid-yawn as he's on his way to check his luggage. If he was already jittery about the move before, he nearly has a heart attack now when a hand latches onto his bicep and drags him into a shadowy alcove, half-concealed by a thick pillar.
Matthew's brain very unhelpfully provides him with the image of being mugged before he's even out of Calgary. Pissed off fans angry he's leaving for bright, sunny, warm-all-year-round Florida, perhaps? Some even more pissed off Edmontonian who saw he was leaving and came down here thinking now's my chance? He wouldn't put it past some of them.
He's not too far off the mark with that last one. When he rips his arm free and spins to face his assailant, he laughs right in their face.
"Jesus, dude, you look like a stalker."
In fairness, Leon usually dresses pretty decent. But right now he's in plain jeans and a thick, unassuming pull-over sweater--it's fucking summer in Calgary, who does that?--with the hood pulled up over a snap-back, head ducked low so the brim hides part of his face.
"Didn't want to be recognized," Leon says, somewhat defensively, like he's only now realising how very conspicuous he looks in a place like this.
"I got that." Matthew checks his phone. He's got a bit of time for... for whatever this is, so he sets his stuff down and leans against the wall across from Leon. It only puts a couple feet of space between them.
"What are you doing here?"
Leon tugs the hood and hat off his head, runs fingers through his hair. It's still pretty long--Leon's let it grow since the spring, and Matthew has very distinct memories of running fingers through it--but it's also uncharacteristically messy. He doesn't look entirely focused, either; there's shadows under his eyes.
"I came to see you," Leon says.
Suddenly, Matthew really wishes he wasn't here. Either of them. It's been two weeks since they've seen each other, since Matthew broke the news. Not that it was Leon's business. They weren't... weren't anything. Not partners, anyways. Not really. And this was Matthew's choice, his career, his future he was considering. That had to come first.
But now Leon's here, and Matthew has never wanted to run so badly in his life. This didn't feel like running before. The earth could split open and swallow him whole, and it would be kinder than that look on Leon's face, all anger and desperation and confusion and... God, he looks so fucking tired.
It's a 9am flight to Florida. It's just past six now. The sun's barely up.
"Have you slept at all?" Matthew asks, instead of a million other questions.
Leon shoves his hands in the pocket of his sweater and shakes his head. "I couldn't."
"So you drove all the way down here."
"Don't sound so surprised."
"Hard not to be when you haven't talked to me in weeks."
Leon's mouth twists. Slumped back against the wall, curled in on himself, it may be one of the few times Matthew could ever say he looks small. Fragile.
Sighing, Leon finally, finally looks Matthew in the eye. He's not scowling like the last time they met, the night he stood in Matthew's doorway and told him he didn't understand anything before storming out of Matthew's life.
"I thought we should talk. Before you go," Leon says.
Matthew does understand, now. He put it together staring at Leon's back as he disappeared into the night. He knows why Leon's really here. What he really means.
I wanted to see you.
It's amazing how many people say Leon is hard to read. He's always been an open book to Matthew, even when he was snapping and bearing his teeth. All his emotions spilling from the pages.
"Okay." Matthew swallows. "We can talk."
Neither of them does, for a minute. They stare at each other, through each other. Remembering. Committing all the little details to memory. Matthew's palms tingle with the urge to touch.
"You kissed me," Leon finally says, "then said you were leaving."
Yeah, not Matthew's finest moment, if he's being honest. But he didn't know what else to do. There was already so much turmoil around the trade and the shit going on with the Flames.
And then there was Leon. There was no way it wouldn't be gruesome.
"How long did you know?" Leon's voice is rigid, but still calm. "Would you actually have told me, if I hadn't come to see you?"
A year ago, yeah, he would have said it was none of Leon's damn business. Why would he care? But they've come a long way since then. Farther than Matthew could have anticipated. Farther than he realised, until he was staring at Leon's retreating back and silently begging him to turn around, to come back, to stay.
Of course Matthew was going to tell him. He's not an asshole. But that's not what this is about.
"Does it really matter?"
"It matters to me."
"You're not here because you're pissed I didn't tell you sooner."
He knows why Leon's here, and he knows why part of him is stupidly happy Leon is here. Even if nothing will change.
"Did you even think about how I'd--" Leon groans, scratches at the back of his head.
"I did," Matthew says, because it's the truth. Of course he thought about Leon. How could he not?
Leon's gaze drops to the floor, and he grits out, "Fuck. I wanted to do this better."
Matthew can practically hear time ticking by. His heartbeat makes a good clock, thudding away in his chest.
"What is this, Leon? What do you want?"
Dangerous question. Leon could say a million things that would make Matthew's entire resolve waver. If they're not done, if there's even a sliver of hope...
But Leon doesn't say anything. Instead he steps forward, cups Matthew's face between his hands, and kisses him. Not rough or desperate. There's no urgency. It's slow and deep and bruising, and Matthew melts into it because he could never do anything else, and Leon holds tight like he thinks Matthew will disappear if he doesn't.
It's an apology and a confession. It's not the first time they've kissed, but it may be the first time it's been an honest one.
It doesn't last long. Matthew barely has time to taste it, savour it, get a fistful of Leon's hoodie like he's the one threatening to leave. There's a moment as Leon pulls back where Matthew thinks he's imagined it all. Where it feels like something precious is slipping between his fingers.
But no, Leon's still there when he opens his eyes, pressed from hip to chest, noses brushing, beard catching Matthew's freshly shaved cheek. Hot breathes mingle between their mouths.
"Would you stay," Leon whispers, hand sliding back to tangle through Matthew's curls, "if I asked?"
He didn't ask the night Matthew told him. He was too angry, too upset. It took Matthew too long to realise why, to recognise what he was seeing on Leon's face was heartbreak.
But they both know the answer. Still, Matthew closes his eyes and takes the luxury of thinking about it. Considers the possibilities.
"Would you actually ask?" he says.
Leon's fingers curl around the back of Matthew's neck. "If I thought you'd actually say yes."
"But you won't."
"Because you know I won't."
"I know."
"It's not you."
"I know." Leon steps back only as far as Matthew's grip on his hoodie will allow. "Fuck, you don't make things easy."
Matthew chuckles. "When have I ever? You're not winning any awards either."
Leon scoffs.
"Still," Matthew says. "This is better than what you said to me the first time we kissed."
"What did I say?"
"Pretty sure it was, 'Get the fuck out of my arena.' And something about hoping I lose my next game."
Leon smirks. Doesn't look even a little sorry. "And did you lose your next game?"
"Fuck off." Matthew shoves his shoulder, unable to keep a grin from tugging at his mouth.
He looks away only long enough to straighten out his shirt and run a hand through his hair, but when he looks back, Leon isn't smiling anymore, and his brows are pulled low.
"I really fucked up my timing, huh?"
Matthew winces. "Just a little, yeah." Makes two of us. He's about to say more but Leon waves a hand.
"But you were going to leave anyways, I know. I got it."
"I'm not here to stop you. I just wanted to... you know."
I don't want this to be over. I want to make this work.
Still an open book.
Matthew angles his head, forces Leon's eyes back to him, staring right into that mystifying grey-blue that always reminded him of a thunderstorm. Everything about Leon kind of reminds him of one. What does that make Matthew? A whirlwind? A hurricane? Storms, both of them.
"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Matthew steps closer, crowding Leon against the wall this time. They may not have known what they were doing before, but Matthew knows what he wants now.
Leon must have found his answer too, because he kisses Matthew again, no less meaningful than the last, pulling Matthew into his body, into his hands, his mouth. Breathing his air and tasting his tongue, giving and taking until they're light-headed and fitting pieces of each other together.
"You better not be fucking with me, Draisaitl," Matthew pants out once he's got his breath back.
He doesn't get far before he's pulling Leon to him, into his arms, getting the bulk of him in a crushing hug. And Leon hugs him back, a deep laugh rumbling right in Matthew's ear and fingers carving into his back. That's answer enough.
Somehow, Matthew is strong enough to let go. And just like that the world is moving again. He's too aware of everything outside their little alcove, so loud and invasive. He's running out of time. His future's waiting for him down south.
When they step back out into bright lights and bustling strangers, Leon's got his hat and hood back on, keeping his head tilted low. He doesn't stray far, bumping Matthew's arm every so often as he walks with him through luggage check and down towards the gates.
They get to security, and for the first time since the trade decision was made, Matthew hesitates. This is what he wanted. What he still wants. What he needs. The only variable left is...
Leon has stopped a few steps behind, leaving Matthew stranded and alone. He turns back around to find Leon watching him silently. They may as well be the only ones in the world, the way his vision tunnels.
"Well," Matthew says, words clogging his throat. "Guess I'll... see you around. We'll talk. I'll call, or..."
"I'm serious, Matthew." His name always sounds beautiful and dangerous on Leon's tongue. "About this. You and me."
And fuck, Matthew's only human. He drops his bag, marches back over to Leon and tugs him into another kiss. He nearly knocks the hat off Leon's head with the force, crushing his lips and clacking their teeth together. It doesn't even matter if people see them.
One more time. Just one more. Until they can see each other again.
"I know." Matthew shudders against Leon's eager mouth, kissing the smile that breaks out under his lips. "I want to try us too."
He swallows the strangled sound that comes up from Leon's throat, tipsy with it, like he's getting drunk just from this. Is that possible? Fuck knows, but he sure as hell wants to find out one day.
Matthew jerks back, breathless, hot-cheeked, and beaming.
"And I'm gonna be fucking great."
If Leon wasn't slack-jawed, if they weren't the them they are now, he would have chirped Matthew to high hell. If they were on the ice he'd probably put Matthew into the boards just for fun.
But the Leon here and now only scoffs, shaking his head like he's been well and truly defeated. Then he smiles.
"Yeah, I know. So get the fuck out of here and go be great."
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
naruto crack au where kakashi manages to successfully drill the "never abandon your comrades" thing into team seven's heads
so when sasuke deserts naruto and sakura immediately desert with him. like he gets to the village gates and they're just waiting for him bags packed like "what took u so long we doing this or what"
he tries to get them to go back bc of course he does. "no you losers this is about me i'm going to kill my brother. also i'll have to kill my best friend for the super sharingan and you two are like the only people i talk to". but they do not listen. teamwork sasuke we will defeat your brother (OUR brother #communism) with the power of teamwork. just like kakashi-sensei said
suddenly orochimaru has to deal with three horrible little goblins with an even more codependent relationship than his old team
#naruto#team seven#orochimaru's favorite is sakura bc she's smart and respectful and gives kabuto headaches#kabuto's favorite is naruto bc he thinks he's funny#nobody's favorite is sasuke. he's fine with that tho#also sakura can still summon slugs she made a bet with tsunade ahead of time for the right to make the contract#kakashi keeps trying to get his team back but keeps approaching them one on one#which always ends in whoever he's talking to going ''i can't abandon my teammates sensei wtf''#obito is watching all of this from the bushes and laughing his ass off#the sound five live bc. nobody bothered to tell tsunade team seven had left until it was way too late#orochimaru keeps her updated tho#every time kakashi tries to sneak in and steal his kids back oro sends him back with pictures of how they're doing#''little sakura-chan is making excellent progress with chakra scalpels! you must be so proud! oh wait''#she hopes he dies#oro tells naruto who his parents are to spite jiraiya#unfortunately he does this when they're all still annoying little thirteen-year-old shitheads#so sakura and sasuke are both furious and don't talk to either of them for a day#they don't even know what they're mad about they're just Mad#meanwhile sakura's parents are happy to hear she's doing well and hope she writes soon#they don't. they don't really get the treason thing#team hebi/taka still forms ofc#it's an absolute disaster#sakura's a little sad when they finally ditch orochimaru bc she'd actually really enjoyed learning from him#like yeah he was an absolutely horrible human being but. she learned a lot!#he comes back later ofc#there's sorta an awkward moment when naruto finds out gaara got abducted and demands to go after him#sasuke: ok have fun#sakura: we're going too#sasuke: fuck#orochimaru: tell sasori i said hiiiii~ <3
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dawntheduckrb · 5 months
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I'll stop posting wips eventually but it's been five days since I've said anything and I don't want anyone to think I'm dead/dying/stuck in a ditch and withering away, so here's 10% of the reason I disappeared (the duck is stuck in rendering hell) (and my little baby laptop is screaming at me every time I open up this file)
I might still be mostly lurking for a little bit so please be patient with me in the meantime 🙏🙏
#seriously though I'm sorry for just up and disappearing like that#wanna talk to people and interact with them so bad lately but I just can't bring myself to do it#so the best i can manage is blabbing in the tags like always#i don't know wtf is going on but over the past few days I've just felt like i don't deserve to talk to anyone#tried to reblog posts from mutuals several times but something in my head keeps saying;#'yeah they don't actually care for your input at all and you're being a bother for even trying etc etc'#and i know deep down that's probably not true (i hope) but i can't reason it away you know#and i know the best solution to this is to just talk to someone#let it be known that i *did* make an attempt to#i tried texting someone (and succeeded) but i couldn't keep doing it and I'm back at square one (and now feel worse lmao)#i'm not really putting this here for anybody to see it as much as i am for myself#but i know that (hypothetically) this could be seen by a real human so it still kinda feels like I'm reaching out in a way which feels nice#makes me feel less like I'm shriveling up in my own self imposed solitude#so uh hello person who might be reading the tags (there's six of you guys here now which is crazy cause i post nothing but junk here lol)#((but thanks anyway for following and even more thanks for reading this if you did))#i'll make my way around all the posts i missed soon enough don't worry#i'm sorry i'm really not meaning to ignore anybody#i have drafted quite a few posts from moots that i couldn't finish leaving comments on but i have seen them#everyone here is super cool and talented as always <3 whether that be through art or writing or just finding neat posts to share#this wall of text is long enough and i'm very eeby so thank you again for reading this#tldr; not dead and i'll be okay eventually :)#not rb#hey look i didn't post a picture of my dog this time (a crime)#i'll make sure to share one the next time i get a good one
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knifegremliin · 1 month
turns out realizing you doing something is because of your ocd isn't enough to make you just! not do it! shocking!!!
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averagelonelypotato · 3 months
ngl i think the whole reason i'm having a hard time with this one class is because the prof doesn't use or create slides to discuss the readings or topic of the week. we just talk in class (he mostly talks) so it's lowkey hard to follow along tbh
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daegall · 7 months
☆ late night company.
➷ in which the Gods give you a shit day, and Aphrodite makes up for it.
pairing: son of poseidon!jeno x daughter of ares!reader
genre: hurt comfort, fluff, slight angst, bff2l!AU
warnings: anxiety, injuries, reader is implied to be female!!
word count: 4k words
a/n: sorry if any opla readers get this i just suddenly got the urge to write for mr lee jeno bc <3 jeno tee hee !! also wtf this work has been sitting in my drafts for a whole 8 days i wanted to post it SO bad but i went out of country and didnt have my laptop </33
anw!!! bros the sunflower of 3 years is now jeno biased,,,, sorry hyuck i still love you
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You feel your heart continuously spiraling in your chest. It's growing wild, crashing heartbeats uneven and quick. With every breath you breathe, you feel a dark, nervous pit in your stomach grow. 
One place you never fail to find yourself at when you're feeling especially weak, is none other than by the river. Oftentimes you spend your time skipping rocks or staring at the water, the tranquility bringing some kind of peace to you. 
However, none of those things seem to help tonight. 
You sit on the dock, playing and fiddling nervously with your fingers as your mind runs too fast for your liking. 
"You're on my property,"
A sudden voice to your right startles you, more than you'd like, yelping in surprise. 
And at your reaction, the person next to you instantly knows something is wrong.
It's Lee Jeno, son of Poseidon, heartthrob of all of Camp Half Blood. 
Someone who's stolen your heart.
Jeno stands there with a boyish smile on his face, a glint in his eyes shows no harm, though shines with charm. His hair is messy, which is normal for this late hour, but he seems as awake as ever. 
He's a big reason why you're in this state, and it seems to get worse and better at the same time as you observe his expressions. His eyebrows crease, in worry, lips that were previously smiling quickly transforming into a worried frown.
"Sorry," You mumble, frantically standing up. "I didn't realize,"
How did it even slip your mind? You're by the lake, he's the son of the God of the Seas, of course you're in his area. 
Before you can take a step forward, Jeno halts you, "No!" he reaches out with a hurry laced in his voice. "No, please stay,"
He could never forgive himself if he were to leave you alone in such a state. It's clear you're vulnerable. And for you to be just the slightest bit disturbed is a bad sign.
You've always been calm, composed, even in the heat of a battle, you were always so sure of yourself. Seeing you here, so oblivious about everything, your mind drifted somewhere far? Jeno can't help but worry.
"O-oh, okay," You nod, before awkwardly retracting your foot, taking it back right next to your other one. 
It's silent a moment after, with neither of you knowing what to say. All that can be heard is the quiet waves rippling through the lake, and the soft bristling of the trees brushing against each other. 
God, Jeno looks really cute tonight. 
It's rare to find him outside of his armor, paired with his sword, gifted from his father, and shield, looking fit for the title of a demi-god, and yet tonight you see him so human. He sports a bomber jacket, a random band t-shirt underneath, and a pair of basketball shorts. 
To put it simply, Lee Jeno looks very boyfriend material right now. 
To him as well, you look different from what you're usually looking like on a daily basis. Just like him, you look human. But in a different way. Once again, you look vulnerable. There's an obvious nervous glint in your eyes, unfocused and darting everywhere, and your form shrinks with every moment that passes, arms hugging to yourself. 
"Are you okay?" 
Jeno's voice is comforting, gentle, and yet it still manages to startle you. 
Why are you so uneasy tonight?
You don't respond. Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out. A moment passes, then another, but you can't seem to find your words. 
"No," You breathe out. In an instant, you feel your body relax when the truth finally comes out, relaxing further when Jeno seems to be unbothered by the fact, reaching out to you. 
You accept his offer, stepping closer to him, your fast heartbeat finally slowing when his hands gently search for comfort in yours, his thumbs rubbing gently at your skin. 
"I'm not okay,"
"I know,"
And when Jeno looks into your eyes, he doesn't think anything could hurt him more than this. He's been in countless battles, earned multiple injuries and scars, but there's a different kind of hurt when he sees the tears forming at your waterline. 
"Can you explain?" You find solace in his warm touch, following as he tugs at your arm. A silent invitation to his cabin. You don't pull away. Jeno glances at you for an answer, smiling softly when you nod simply. 
You can't explain it, but there's a feeling you have whenever you're around Lee Jeno. It's comforting, gentle, and you feel that you can be genuinely vulnerable around him. 
You think it's love. 
You date it back to last summer, when you had defeated him in a small spar together. Despite you winning, he was the one smiling brighter. It confused you at first. You thought maybe he was making fun of you, maybe he let you win, but a moment later, you realized it was admiration. 
The way his smile caused your own had your heart lifting, filling your head with thoughts you never thought you'd have for anyone.
When you went to Jaemin, son of Aphrodite, he thought you were dumb at first. How could you not see it? Lee Jeno had been harboring feelings for you for weeks, and finally, you felt the same. 
And just 2 weeks ago—13 days and 12 hours ago, to be exact, Jeno confessed his feelings. 
Feeling terrified and confused about what to do, you asked for time, time in which he gave you generously. 
You don't know why he's still nice to you, when you've been taking so damn long to answer him. 
You suppose he really does love you, you conclude it when he's taken you to sit with him on a couch. 
The cabin is quiet, so very quiet, it's a nice change from your cabin, full of life and busy people running left and right, with crafting tables in every corner, you like how quiet it is. 
Jeno sits patiently next to you, his hands still in yours. "How are you feeling now?"
You peer up at him, attempting to blink your tears away. "Better," You sigh, smiling lightly. It's natural, and unlike your usual bold smile, but Jeno feels absolutely lucky to be able to see it. 
"Will you tell me what's wrong?"
He means no harm, simply wanting to help you, but it still confuses you. How could he be so caring towards you?
You answer him, despite your mixed emotions, quietly mumbling, "I've just had a really shit day." Your head turns away from him, almost embarrassingly, pursing your lips.  
Jeno's hand releases from yours, and although you instantly miss its warmth, his fingers find itself caressing at your jaw lovingly, before he turns your head back to him. He looks at you with care, so lovingly that it almost overwhelms you, as he speaks, "Tell me about it,"
Something about Lee Jeno just makes you want to melt, to depend fully on him and be loved, to love him. It scares the shit out of you. 
"I lost a sparring," You mumble. Jeno can't help but chuckle a little. To others, losing a practice battle is routine, everyday, but it means so much to you it makes him feel proud of how passionate you are. 
However, there's something you're not telling him. He can feel it. 
"And then?"
"And then my siblings were constantly at my neck because of it."
Truth be told, it's not just today's battle. You've been off for 2 whole weeks, and for good reason. 
But feeling this way... it feels so foreign to you. You hate that Jeno has such a hold on you, such an effect on you, plaguing your mind and constantly being reminded of him from the smallest things, it's new. 
But another part of you longs for more, for more change, to explore this new thing, to be happy with Jeno. 
"I feel weak," You tell him. You feel even weaker when he hums in understanding, feeling the warmth of his fingers caress your skin. His hand is still on your jaw, now wiping away the stray tears you didn't even realize you had let slip, oh so gently and carefully. 
"I'm supposed to be strong, like my siblings, like my father. But I can barely control my emotions and actions and sometimes I just feel so... useless? I'm Ares’ daughter, for fucks sake. The God of war. I-I should be able to fight with no problem, win every fight. Isn't that what I was made for?" 
You can sense Jeno's growing concern, you can feel it with each hush he lets out when you cry a little harder, you can feel it now that he's let both of your hands go to cup dearly at your cheeks, and you hate that you yearn for more. 
Why must you appear so weak in front of Lee Jeno? 
"I know it's just my emotions and whatnot, but... god, I don't want to disappoint people anymore,"
Jeno shakes his head, squeezing gently at your cheeks. "Don't say that. You don't disappoint anyone,"
"I disappoint my father—I disappoint myself." You say instantly, and it's clear it's a thought you've had for a long time. "I disappoint you..."
Jeno's eyes desperately search for yours, his face leaning in close to yours. "Hey, hey, look at me,"
His voice lulls you to a calmer state, as he shakes his head lightly, and despite all that you've said, how much of a burden you've been to him, he smiles at you. How can he smile at you? When you've been nothing but so frustrating tonight? 
"You could never disappoint anyone," Jeno mumbles firmly, stroking at your cheek. "not me, at least,"
For months on end, Jeno has watched you beat yourself up for the smallest things you do wrong. A small mistake during a spar, tactics failing in a game of capture the flag, even when you get the date wrong you never cease to criticize yourself.
You've got high expectations. Expectations even you yourself can't reach. 
"Don't you see? I'm disappointing you right now," You breathe out. It's full of anguish, distress, as if to prove a point. A point that Jeno can never see. "I'm being such a burden, you shouldn't even have to take care of me—"
"—I want to take care of you." Jeno interjects immediately. "I need to know you're safe. I don't care if you think you're a burden, because I know you will never be one."
Through your sniffling, and wobbly lips, a smile is somehow curling on your lips, as your hands creep up to circle around Jeno's wrists. 
"There's that smile," He whispers, with the brightest grin you might ever see, a smile even Apollo, the God of sun and light could never beat. 
Jeno leans in close, before he presses his lips gently to your cheek, cleaning you of your tears. Each kiss he leaves on your skin spreads warmth within you, like a fire growing bigger and bigger, until it consumes your whole soul.
This time, you welcome the fire, finally feeling secure within Jeno's arms. 
What have you been so worried about? Lee Jeno may be oblivious at times, but he's not dumb. He's genuine, he's caring and loving and he's the same person who confessed his love for you 13 days ago, the same heart, the same mind, the same Jeno. 
So, you fall into him. You don't care if it's terrifying, or if you have a few bumps on the way, because Jeno is your safetynet. He always has been, and will always continue to be your safetynet. 
You just hope Jeno feels the same for you. 
You're brought back to reality when Jeno pecks lightly at your nose, his laugh resonating through the room right after he sees your shocked face. 
"You know I like you, right?"
You've known for 13 days and 12 hours. Even with all that time to process his confession, it's like he's saying it for the first time, as he holds your face dearly, as he stares into your eyes with so much emotion, it almost overwhelms you. He says it as if he means it. 
And he does. 
"I know," You know with all your heart. You melt when he smiles sweetly down at you, your throat burning with the urge to tell him that you like him too, hell you might even love him. Your fingers tingle, yearning for his touch, your heart burning for him. But he doesn't deserve it. Not after how long you made him wait for a response. 
You don’t understand how Jeno could ever look at you the way he is right now, his eyes shining with such a dear look in them, his lips curling lightly. You know you look like a mess, with your puffy eyes and wet cheeks, how could anyone see the worst side of you and still love you?
You suppose it’s the pressure you get from all your tough siblings, standards way too high for you to reach, but you know you would feel the same if Jeno was crying in your arms as well. 
“Good.” He mumbles. “It won’t change.”
A sensation hits you. Your heart jumps and you feel all of a sudden breathless. No amount of tears could take this much air from your lungs, and it’s not anxiety filling them. This time… it’s a warm feeling, it swirls and spreads all through you as Jeno continues. 
“I know what you’re thinking, Y/N, that I would stop liking you just because you didn’t answer me. But that’s not true,” He shakes his head, stroking at your cheeks as he scoots closer to you. His voice grows softer, but with the distance between you two, he’s never been clearer before. “I’ll wait for you. Forever, if I have to.”
Lee Jeno has you hypnotized, and you wonder if this is what sirens are like, because he’s all that you want suddenly, you feel so dizzy and hazed with… love. You love him, goddamn it, and he loves you too. 
“Just… take your time, okay? I want your answer to come from you, your heart. Not from your siblings, or father, or even me. I want your truth,”
And your truth is him. It stupid to think, but you truly do think that you were made to be with Lee Jeno. 
When he pulls away, and finally gives you some (very unwanted) space, you decide to tell him. 
“Jeno,” You breathe out. You’re sure the sounds of waves outside his window can easily beat your volume, but you’re more sure Jeno hears you, as his eyebrows shoot up instantly, and he hums, leaning in close. He’s always so tentative to you, you’ve always loved this trait about him. 
“It’s been two weeks–”
“–I said you don’t need to–”
“–I want to,”
This time, it’s him who goes speechless, and you can almost see the pink in his cheeks growing under the dark light of his cabin. “Go on,” He finally says. 
“Thank you,” You reply. “As I was saying, it’s been two weeks, and I’m ready to give you my answer.”
Jeno’s shocked when you reach over, fingers brushing over his, as you take his hands in yours. “I’ve… always been held under some sort of expectation, always being watched, waiting for some victory, and I hated it. I still do,”
Jeno’s heart softens, as does his eyes as he listens, knowing very well what you are talking about. You’ve isolated yourself countless times when you are unable to reach the expectations, afraid to show anyone emotion. 
“and god, did I want to give up. I’m sick of my siblings always picking at my every flaw, judging every step I take. I felt trapped. But you… you’re the opposite. I feel so free around you, it scares the shit out of me. I think about you constantly, day and night, when I’m training or just reading a book, every tiny thing reminds me of you and it’s honestly scary. And you have no expectations for me, it was confusing at first, but I understand now. I don’t have any for you, either. I love how competitive you are, and how you’re still so humble despite being a child of one of the big three’s, and how you take care of everyone, even people you don’t know, and hell–I find your lame jokes funny. I never minded when you’d watch over me, if anything, I loved it. And I was confused what it was at first,”
You suck in a deep breath, shutting your eyes, Your heart beats loud in all your senses, you feel it rising at your throat, tingling at your fingers that Jeno caresses, but it’s okay. It’s Jeno, he could never hurt you.
“But I know now.” Your eyes flutter open, and in a second, your nerves fly away. Jeno’s looking at you with so much love, patiently waiting for you to finish, so you do. 
“I like you, Jeno. I might even love you,”
You both grow silent after that. 
Once again, you grow anxious. 
Holy shit, did he lose feelings in the span of your 2 minutes spent ranting to him?
And when you’re about to lose all hope of an acceptance, Jeno’s fingers tighten around yours the moment they attempt to slip away. 
Alarmed, your eyes slowly trail back up to his face, unable to read his expressions. 
Jeno sighs. “Say it again?”
“The… the whole thing? I mean, I could,” You mumble. You’re serious. You could recite the whole thing if he wanted word-by-word, you’d do anything for Lee Jeno right now. 
When he doesn’t say a word, you suspect it’s what he’s genuinely asking for, clearing your throat to start over once again. “right, okay, uh… how did I start?”
Suddenly, you realize that you are not capable of reciting the whole thing word-by-word. It had all come out with its own flow, you had absolutely no control of your mind, nor did you even think you’d have to say the whole thing again. 
Despite that, you still try. “Um–I was always told I had expectations… is that what I said? I don’t know, I don’t really remember. Just something about um, feeling trapped, or something… and feeling free around you? Is that… I think that’s what I said.”
Stupidly, you keep going, knowing fully well that you can’t repeat the deep and touching moment. Jeno finds it so very endearing that you try, however, unable to find it in himself to actually stop you, when you look so cute holding onto his hands and trying to remember your words. 
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter, but after that I said something about, uh, you being a child of Poseidon? God, I can barely remember. Anyway, you’re cool, Jeno, you really are–”
Suddenly, your mouth clamps shut. A warmth envelops your chin, lips, to your cheeks, before you realize Lee Jeno has his hand covering your mouth, shutting you up. You’re surprised to see a grin on his lips, even more so when he starts chuckling, taking his hand off to ruffle it gently on the top of your head. “Not that part,” He finally says. 
“Then… which part?” The way you look at him, Jeno almost thinks you’re doing it all on purpose. Your eyes shining just for him, your confused scrunch on your eyebrows, how could he ever fall more in love with you?
“You love me?”
Oh. That part. 
“...yeah,” You breathe out, growing shy. It takes you a moment, before you remember his words. 
Say it again.
“I think I’m in love with you, Jeno,”
At your words, he seems to grow tense, but it’s different from all the sparring matches you’ve had with him. He has a huge smile on his face, his eyes creasing into little moons, moons in which you love, the smile that you long to see everyday. How did it take you so long to decide you love him?
“I think I’m in love with you too, Y/N.”
“Okay, cool,” You nod, attempting to act cool. The Gods know how you really feel, your heart beating as fast as ever, shit eating grin growing on your face as his hands slip in yours once more, as you lean into him. “that’s super cool,”
“mhm, yeah, really epic,” Jeno mirrors your attitude, you can tell he’s growing shy. You know from the way his voice dies down a little, growing small with mumbles, you know from the way he curls his body slightly, but he’s still as confident as ever, bumping his forehead with yours. 
You chuckle at the action, shutting your eyes to savor the moment. 
At that moment, you both silently thank Aphrodite, for guiding the both of you here, right now. 
Your eyes open once again, and you find Jeno already staring at you. You offer him a smile, one that he welcomes, and returns with his own bright grin. His mouth opens slightly for a moment, but nothing comes out. Jeno blinks, thinking hard to himself. 
You wonder what he could be thinking about, but before you could wonder more, or even ask what’s on his mind, he speaks. 
“Can I… kiss you?”
You chuckle lightly at his words, bringing your forehead away from his as your head throws back in soft laughter. Albeit confused, Jeno still watches, his heart burning with every laugh you let out. 
“You know you don’t have to ask, right?” You finally say as you stop laughing. “Go ahead,”
Jeno smiles, and his face is so close to yours that he could smile against your own. Your noses brush, eyes slowly shutting, and his warm lips envelop yours. It feels tender, soft, gentle, and loving, his hands wrapping slowly around your waist. Kissing Jeno is different from what you’ve always thought kissing him would be like. It’s comforting, not rushed. It’s welcoming, it feels like home, where you’ve always belonged. 
Jeno feels the exact same thing, his lips curling and shifting between yours as your hands hold dearly at his jaw, caressing at his skin. 
When you pull away, all that resonates through the Poseidon cabin is your shallow breathing, and sounds of the soft waves hitting shore, and it couldn’t be more perfect. In Jeno’s arms, worrying about nothing, thinking about nothing but him. 
“Stay the night?”
Jeno’s eyes widen as he realizes his abrupt words, his mouth gaping. “N-no! Not like that!”
You both know it’s not like that. You find it cute that he still says it, anyway. 
“I-I mean, your siblings upset you, right? You don’t want to go back to your cabin–unless you want to! Of course, it’s your choice, completely,”
And they say chivalry is dead. 
All you can do is continue to stare at him as he goes on and on, admiring the way his cheeks grow red, and his rushed words, you wonder if this is how Jeno felt when you ranted before. 
“I, personally, don’t want you going somewhere you don’t feel safe in, you know? With people who have hurt you. We could just hang out, talk, or something. I can show you a bunch of stuff my dad left for m–”
This time, Jeno’s shocked, blinking at you as your hand envelops his lips to halt his ranting.
“I’d love to stay over,” You mumble, dropping your hand from his face. “you’re the only one I feel safe with right now,” 
Jeno finally grins, feeling love resonate through his body, reaching out to place his palm on your cheek. The love spreads and multiplies as you lean into his palm, like a disease, but you know if that was the case you would have been infected for a long time already. 
“...so can I check out Poseidon’s trident?”
“Oh, for sure. That thing’s huge.”
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pinievsev · 1 year
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could do an Ajax x reader fic where Y/N can speak to animals and when she walks past Ajax she can hear the snakes talking about and admiring her so she starts to talk to them and Ajax is like wtf ofc they end up together but still it would be a funny one shot, like for example when they're taking a test next to each-other the snakes just tell her it answers. You don't have to make one but it would be greatly appreciated if you do could <3.
I absolutely love this! I've wanted to write something including his snakes- but I didn't know what! So! Let's go! (P.s. I have a lot of requests and alot of things to focus on and it's pretty hard so I'm sorry if these take along time)
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Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader. (Because the request specifically uses she/her <3)
Synopsis: in which, a certain Gorgon's snakes take a liking to Enid's best friend ;)
The reader is a Zoolinguist.
Zoolinguism: ability of communicating with animals. (Had to do some deep research on this)
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You had been Enid's best friend for the past semester, it's only been a month since you started this one, and everything is going great except for one thing. Sometimes when walking around the campus, mainly the quad, you hear mumbling in really high pitched hushed voices, if that makes sense. You've told Enid but she has absolutely no idea what it could be, you knew animals weren't usually aloud in school.
You were sitting at the quad with Enid breaking your heads trying to figure out what it could be. Suddenly, you heard mumbling again, this time, detriment to find out what it was, you go focused on it. "Ohhh look! Look there she is!" "She's pretty!" "Come on!! Go closer!!",were some of the things you heard along with what sounded like hissing. Wait! Hissing?!.
"Enid!" You said shaking your head "what animal makes some type of hissing sound?" she narrowed her eyes "cats?" You shook your head "can't be.." just then the bell rang, oh god you had a test in astronomy (I'm too lazy to find out a name myself, sorry not sorry j.k.r <3) "sorry Enid, gotta run! We'll talk later" she nodded as you sped walked off.
You knew, nothing. "Damnit" you mumbled Staring at the paperwork Infront of you. It was like the latters didn't form words, it was a disaster. You looked to your side, seeing your crush and friend Ajax, the way his nose scrunched when he didn't know something was adorable to you. Turning back you blinked rapidly trying to make sense of the question, then you heard it again, mumbling and decided to focus once more "4! The answers 4!" You heard the voices. You filled in number 4. This went on untill you finished your test. You didn't know who or what they were but you sure were thankful. Walking out of class you mumbled a "thanks" hoping they heard and walked off, leaving Ajax confused, and distressed trying to get his snakes to stay in his beanie. They've been acting weirdly lately. And he didn't know why.
You walked into your dorm, full speed "Enid! Guess what!" She jumped, turning off her music "yeah? Do tell!" She jumped on her bed Patting the spot Infront of her for you to sit, and you did "I had a test in astronomy, and I knew nothing right?" She nodded "and then I heard them again, the voices" her eyes widened "and?! Come on!!" "They were telling me the answers!" You smiled wide eyed and you both started laughing "seriously?!" You nodded frantically trying to catch your breath "yes! Seriously!" She thought for a second "so you said, they are alot of voices together right?" You nodded "and they are high pitched?" "Yup!" "Hm, maybe the animals are small" "most likely yeah." "And they make hissing sounds?" "Yes what are you trying to say?" She shrugged.
You were, once again, in the quad. When Ajax walked up to you "Hey! Y/n!" You looked up "hi!" He sat down next to you "are you alright? You've been acting kind of weird lately... And so have my snakes" he whispered the last part but you heard and your eyes went wide "your snakes?!" He nodded "oh my god- that's it!" You laughed rubbing your face "what's it?!" And then they started mumbling again, it sounded like Laughing so you laughed along "you scared me" you said to them breathing out "how did i-? What?" Ajax said "no you your snakes!" Just them two of them popped out of his beanie"hi!" They said and you waved "wait what-?" Ajax looked up and his eyes went wide "have they been..." "Talking about and to me? Yeah, they even told me the answers yesterday" Ajax put on a fake betrayed face "you traitors" you shook your head "what can I say, they love me" "they're not the only ones" he mumbled "what?" "What?" "What did you just say?.." he gulped "nothing, I said nothing" "no you did" you looked up at the snakes still poking out of the beanie "he said he loves you" your eyes went wide "you... What?" He sighed "traitors.." I said- I love you" you nodded breathing heavily "I... Me too, I love you too" he smiled "good! That good" you giggled at his awkwardness "now kiss!" You heard the snakes again "fine fine" "what-" you cut him off, kissing him, smiling into his lips as they cheered.
┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✁✃✁✁✃✁✁✃✁✁┈
Thank you so much to @iamonewiththebitches for the request <3!
Taglist: @snickerdodles , @111cherry , @luv4petersteele , @kxxvvxxi , @sidneysprit , @poppet05 , @marvelsimps , @i-wish-this-was-me , @wonderlandco , @day-dream1231 , @ke1ramar1e , @georgi-salva , @arson-the-royal , @falleni0-hq , @mindflay3r , @rottenstyx , @alice0blog , @nova-lov3su , @elduster , @countsmoon , @biggestsimponhere , @andreeasancheez , @justmanu , @whitewingsh , @hwrtsiren
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latay7 · 1 month
hiihii!! could you write either lance/orter/carpaccio/rayne getting slightly jealous because the reader looks like they were bering courted by a guy, but turns out they were asking that guy for advice to help the reader to confess to character,,,thankyou:3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚WHY HELLO HELLOOO!!*ੈ✩‧₊˚
First of all thank you so much for your ask ><♡♡ and i will try my best since this is my first fanfic/headcannon , so i hope you like it ✨️(and i hope i wrote what u wanted bcz i can get a bit dumb)
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A misunderstanding..?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Char : Lance crown , Orter Madl x fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥genre : fluff
Note : reader appearence , prefrence , dorm , is up to ur imagination (wanted to be inclusive TvT) and god is this too long and it took me a while
Note 2 : im sorry this turned out to be bad , it's late at night and idk wtf am i , (english is not my first language btw)
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☆ Lance crown
You were an ordinary student at Easton Academy , you had your friends and lived your life , diffrent classes and sessions here and there and tried your best !
Although Easton's Curriculum makes every student busy with a full schedule , you're thankful that you get the time to hang out with your friends...Adler's most famous idiots students!! They were all so nice and fun so you had a lovely time with them.
You enjoy their company to the point where you squeeze your schedule to be with them which had a certain outcome....you developed a big small crush on the blue haired one and only , Lance crown!!(lance stroll lol)
You found his dedication and hard work for the sake of his sister Anna adorable , his love for her might go too much sometimes but- it doesn't matter , it proved how much of a sweetheart he is , which made you live him even more.
And now...you found yourself in a dilemma , how are you gonna confess your feelings to him?? THE Lance crown , who never looks like he seeks love..
You excused yourself with Finn to talk privately
Since he's technically the sanest in the group....
So , here we are in this moment.
You were with Finn outside his dorm behind a close corner ,and Lance noticed your dissappearence for a while so decided to check up on you.
"You see Finn , i've had this thing for a long time now , and it's just unexplainable.."
"Don't worry (Y/N) , I understand , but how can i help you out"
At this moment , you could feel your face heating up a bit , it's natural after all you're talking about a CRUSH.
"So i just wanted to get some advice from you since you guys meet a lot more than i do with him , how should i tell him a-and what if he doesn't like me back ,i mean he doesn't really show any interest in me-" at this point you started to ramble , and to calm you down , Finn held your hands in his as he tries to convince you that it's gonna be alright. Meanwhile...
Lance was watching , but he didn't hear anything...so he just saw how you acted but he didn't want to jump to conclusions.
'Was i too late..?' He can't shake off the stinging feeling in his chest , he was hurt , yet somehow mad or even perhaps...jealous?
After a while
It was after hours so you rushed back to your room after saying goodbye to your friends. And while you try to sneak your way through Easton's halls you see a figure you know , it was....Lance?? What was he doing here?
"Lance...? Why are here?"
"Oh there you are..you see...i wanted to talk.." this was concerning
"Oh...really ?..me too"
The next words were DEFENTLY unexpected for you , i mean , sure he was nice towards you but you didn't want to be delusional so this was a shock....
But of course , with the shock comes the joy.
"...and i don't want to make things awkward because i knew you and F- why are smiling like that..."
A sigh leaves your mouth with a slight chuckle....apparently he was an idiot as well , so you decided to take a brave move.
"What are you-"
His shocked flustered expression is to DIE for.
"Just a misunderstanding ehe...." you smile.
☆Orter ( at this point tf am i doing)
As a devine visionary yourself , you have many responsobilites and missions to take , paperwork to do , and meetings to attend.
Thus , after your were finally chosen as the devine visionary yourself because of your hard work , you had to meet up with the other visionaries and work under them , including Orter Madl.
You've tried your best to leave a good impression on them because you were quite nervous , obviously.
You could say you were able to get close to some of the visionaries by being attentive and a fast learner , you were trying your best !
Seemingly except....Orter.
Despite your big efforts in helping him in paperwork , doing good on most of the missions you were went on , being so nice and respectful to him , he seemed like he didn't care , he declined everything.
And it DEFENETLY didn't help with the crush you developed on him. You found him elegant , hardworking , and most defently handsome (im screaming in the bus rn dude) despite him being emotionally constipated. (wtf am i saying)
So you decided to ask for help.
Here you are , in Ryoh Grantz' office , asking him what you should do considering he is married and all.
"Im sorry if this meeting is a nuisance Mr Ryoh but you were the only one i could ask for help.." a drop of sweat as you speak sheepishly.
" oh don't worry about it , you've been helping me out a lot recently so it's only fair if i return the favour , and besides , it is a good opportunity to .....distress" he says in a cheerful tone , he liked you , otherwise you wouldn't have been drinking tea in his office " and just Ryoh is fine ,now tell me , what's wrong?"
You tell him your issue as your embarrasment grows even further , i mean , that's not just ANY matter to speak about , However , you manage to go through the entire thing.
He hums in understanding "i see i see , well i have to agree with you on his emotional constipation , he doesn't even show his brother any emotions either"
Your chest starts to feel heavier as you sweat comically , "but don't worry about it , i mean , if i was to be really honest with you and if we talk in terms of emotions...."
Righ then and there , a certain someone was passing by as he heard only a part of the conversation , he got curious but he couldn't make out...everything...
Only a few words....
Emotions , confessing , feelingsa and...Kaldo??!
What in the.....he knew Ryoh was married and....does that mean he's helping you confess to Kaldo ??
Orter Madl , despite his stoic face and cold ruthless demeanor , had a soft spot for you , he felt somthing for you , he tried to show it by being less mean to you compared to others, and taking some paperwork of yours to finish himself , as well as doing what he can so you take the easiest missions , but it seems like it wasn't that obvious...
He knew you and Kaldo were on good terms but to the point where his thoughts led to thinking...you ? And-
No , he refused to believe it.
"So yes , Kaldo could be someone good to ask since these two are quite together at a lot of times-"
Knock knock , Orter entered the office in the middle of your talk.
"O-oh hi-"
"If you'll excuse me Ryoh , i need to talk to (Y/N)" And Ryoh accepts nevously -because his appearence was very unexpected- and lets you leave.
You and Orter are now walking through the hall of the building because you're following him to god knows where. Until you reach a private area where you two could talk.
"You didn't tell me why are we-"
"What do you have of feelings for Kaldo?"
"Huh"...was the only word that came out of your mouth , Dumbfounded was the least you could think of to describe yourself right now.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me , now answer me , what are the feelings you have for him"
"Wait a min-"
Realization never hit you this hard , so you started laughing as he watches confused , why are you laughing.
"Ok here's the whole thing mister eavsdropper..."
That ended well , for both parties , Ryoh bless your soul.
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My Nocturnal Serenade
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Tw; Mention of possible torture, mention of sleep deprivation, a quick mention of past sex, Sukuna being his own warning.
Please do not copy or steal my work
Note; this is the longest chapter I have written until now. Like wtf, how?! I hope you will all like it! Also, I tried writing a fight scene and failed. I'll try next time 😅
Summary; Sukuna scares his vessel into abandoning his shelter, hopefully, to finally reunite with you.
@robarrazi as promised I tagged you.
They had been travelling across the country for the past few days, only stopping at night and moving on the signs of dawn. Meanwhile, Sukuna had fun keeping the brat and Gojo Satoru on their toes. The King of curses would form a mouth and bit Gojo the second the sorcerer would put his hand on Yuji to comfort him or would simply start screaming the second his vessel would be asleep.
So much that even Gojo had barely slept lately. It was clear the Sorcerer wanted to kill him but could do nothing. It would only hurt the kid more. The brat already felt so bad for being the reason they were running around and now their absence of sleep.
They also stopped watching the news and not just because of the increasing ‘catastrophes’ hitting the country. No. Because Gojo Satoru had finally explained the whole situation to a lost and worried Yuji.
- “So, you are telling me we are running away from his lover?” asked the teen, pointing at Sukuna's mouth on his cheek. “But I thought you were the strongest? Can't you just, I don't know, annihilate him?”
- “It's not that simple I'm afraid” replied Gojo with a sigh. “We are facing someone who was known as one of the strongest of his generation. Worse, we know nothing about his current abilities, besides him being able to use Sukuna’s techniques. And we don't even know how he is doing it.”
Of course, they didn't know. They ignored most of what actually was your Cursed Techniques. But he did and they weren't ready for the big reveal. There was a reason Sukuna mastered hand-to-hand combat to face you. The King of Curses could not wait to see you fight against Gojo Satoru.
Even if he suspected you would prefer to run away and face the man once he was free from the brat's body. Just to be safe.
- “Of course, the only one who could tell us is Sukuna.” said Gojo, pointing to the mouth and eye. “But I bet he won't tell us a single thing.”
- “You will know soon enough Sa-to-ru” replied Sukuna, smirking. “I already told you a lot!”
- “Eh? What did he tell you senseï?” asked Yuji
- “The only thing he told me was how I would not be able to hide behind my technique. But that could mean a lot of things.” Gojo smiled at his student. “Even if I can't use them, I will still win.” Gojo was trying to reassure Yuji, but Sukuna wasn't blind to his worries.
- “I also told you I almost envied your confidence.” laughed Sukuna.
The sorcerer was about to reply, probably a snarky remark, when his phone rang. Without a word, Satoru left them to answer it.
Sukuna’s eye fell on his vessel’s hands; the teen was picking at his skin, almost to the blood. The lack of sleep and the stress were probably driving the boy mad. The King of Curses could also feel his fear and guilt eating the boy alive.
Because none of it would be happening if he didn't run to Gojo with the name. They wouldn't have gone to your tomb and you would not have known who was his vessel. Meaning the country would not be the victim of this sick game of hide and seek. Yuji wasn't dumb, and Sukuna knew the teen had realized what you were doing. You were trying to force him out, force him to play the hero and sacrifice himself so you would stop killing innocent souls.
This was honestly a big surprise. You hated killing, Sukuna remembered that. But you were also ready to do anything for your loved one and he was all you had left.
But maybe you also expected him to give you a hand. Pushing his vessel in that direction. Yes, he could force Yuji to run away, but where? None of them knew where you were at the moment. Unless he sends you a signal you could not miss.
Like destroying a huge chunk of town too.
But that means using the deal he had with the kid. Sure, a minute would be enough, but would you be there before Gojo or anyone arrived?
It was worth the risk.
- “Oi, brat.” called Sukuna, forming his eye and mouth on the teen’s hand.
- “What now Sukuna?” asked Yuji, rolling his eyes.
- “You know why he is walking away? Because he doesn't want you to know who is dead.” cackled the King of Curses, watching Yuji’s face lose all its colour.
- “Shut up! You don't know what the call is about and if it's anything bad, senseï will tell me. He won't hide it this time!” retorted the brat.
- “I don't need to, not when I know my beloved like the back of my hand. We have been playing Hide and Seek long enough now, he wants us out. He knows now you won't come out for innocent strangers, but what about your friends?”
- “You are lying!” accused Yuji, but his voice shook, almost breaking.
- “I would never lie about my one and only, stupid brat. Last I remember, you know nothing about him besides the fact we use to fuck.”
That was such a bad word to use to describe the endless nights you two would share. Even now, Sukuna could almost hear your moan or taste the sweat on your skin. Or feel the whimper threatening to leave his own mouth on some humiliating occasions and see the smile, and lust, you would have when noticing it.
Shit! He wanted to feel your hands and mouth on his body again and your lips against his, stealing his breath and self-control. Sukuna would give anything just to lose himself in your arms one more time.
Soon, he told himself. He just needed to break the kid’s trust in his teacher. Force him to run away.
- “Then, what will he do if we stay hidden?” asked the teen with a small voice.
- “Oh, but make you listen to him torturing your friends, making them scream your name. He will maybe have them beg him to kill them. Maybe that's what actually happening and why it's taking so long!” laughed Sukuna. “Your senseï might be listening to their cry for help, all because YOU won't let me reunite with my beloved. How egoist of you to run away and abandon them.”
- “Shut up! Just shut up!” sobbed Yuji, slapping his hand against Sukuna’s mouth. “This is not happening. It won't happen. They are strong and at school. Your lover can't beat them all!”
- “You want to bet? We are talking about the only man able to face me in my prime and force me into my last retrenchment. And he would do it alone, without help. This generation is weak and pathetic compared to the Sorcerers of my time. They stand no chance!”
Yuji said nothing but jumped on his feet and left the room, searching for his senseï. Sukuna cursed himself, hoping he did not just screw up his plan. Because now, if the teen opened his mouth, they might be locked away until you stopped your massacre.
Worse, they could decide to execute them to force you to stop. It would be a pretty bad idea. Knowing you, you would just slaughter them all in revenge.
The brat stopped in his track when he heard his senseï’s voice.
- “Who is going to watch over them now? Nanami won't be out the hospital for a couple of weeks and we can not let Megumi and Nobara alone. How did he know about them? No, I don't care about the fingers! It was clear he would come for them sooner or later. No, what we need now is to protect my students. Nanami barely won the time for them to escape and you are telling me that whore let them run away.” Gojo’s voice was cold and angry. “He is changing the game. Now he will target Yuji’s closest people and we can't let that happen. Two days have already passed and he will most likely attack again. No, I haven't told him anything. Now...”
Silently, Yuji stepped back. Even from the hand, Sukuna could see the tears rolling down his vessel’s face and the disbelief in his eyes. Sukuna wanted to laugh. Of course, you already took the matter into your own hands! You would never let anyone play you like that. No, you had too much pride for that. He just didn't expect you to act so quickly.
There was something behind that.
Normally you should have let them think they won until they had Gojo and Yuji come out of hiding. Then you would have tricked him by capturing his friends and then try to make a deal.
Sukuna's attention returned to his vessel. The brat had taken his backpack and was escaping by the window. Quietly, Yuji landed on the ground and immediately took off. Sometimes, Sukuna forgot just how fast the brat was!
- “If we want to find him, we need to go somewhere he can find us.” he said, reforming his mouth and eye on the brat's cheek so he could hear him.
- “And where will that be?” asked Yuji, chasing the tears from his eyes.
- “Right now? Probably in an abandoned area. From there, you'll switch with me.”
- “Hell no! You'll just kill everyone around!” screamed Yuji.
- “No, I won't you idiot! That would bring the other asshole to us. No, I'm going to destroy the abandoned buildings the same way my beloved did. It will be enough for him to know it's me and not a trap.”
- “And what makes you think he's in town?”
- “His attack was two days ago. He will be expecting a slow reaction, probably knowing Gojo would not tell you right away. So yes, he is close.”
But how close? Just behind that building? On the other side of town? Soon you would be in his arms, where you belong to.
It took them a few minutes, but Yuji finally stopped in an abandoned sector. All around were industrial buildings falling apart. It was perfect!
- “Good, now switch places with me.” ordered Sukuna
- “Not before we make sure there is no one inside!” objected the boy.
- “Are you stupid? I told you I won't be killing anyone and we don't have time. That white-haired fucker is most likely after us!”
That was enough and Sukuna was finally in control. It was so good! Smirking, Sukuna walked around, destroying each building with Dismantle and watching them fall apart. Even if he knew it would be more effective to do the same in a populated area, Sukuna didn't want to take any risk. He would be immediately spotted and you would have no chance to join him.
When the last building fell to the ground, the King of Curses ran away. Not before cutting his hand and letting small droplets of blood fall behind him. Too discreet to catch anyone's eye but yours, who would be searching for his track.
After healing, Sukuna joined the crowd. He could feel Yuji trying to take control back and cursed the boy.
- “Stop that! He won't be long and since you don't know what my beloved look like you will most likely miss him.” Sukuna relaxed, feeling his vessel calming. “The fact we destroyed an abandoned place should also make him understand to not attack, so his answer to our signal will be discreet. Now let me focus!”
Walking through the crowd, Sukuna had all his senses on alert. You could do absolutely anything at that point or Gojo could appear at any second. And the King of Curses refused to be surprised or miss you.
After what felt like hours he finally saw you and froze in place, admiring you.
You sat on top of the steps of a temple, wrapped in your traditional clothes. You looked exactly the same as the day he was vanquished. Your smile was still so soft and your eyes still looked at him with the love he didn't deserve from you.
Quietly, you rose on your feet and opened your arms.
- “My love, welcome back,” you said with honey in your voice.
Without a word, Sukuna jumped in those arms of yours, wrapping his tightly around you. You returned his embrace with the same strength, one of your hands coming to play with his hair. Sukuna pressed his face against the crook of your neck, smelling you. Yes. This was really you.
- “You are as beautiful as the day I lost,” he whispered, closing his eyes. “You are as perfect as I remember”
- “And you are only smaller.” you chuckled, before kissing his shoulder and neck. “I missed you so much, Sukuna.”
- “I lost thinking you would follow a mortal life. When I woke up I thought you were dead.” Sukuna hated how his voice was weak with all the emotions he felt. “I thought I would never see you again”
- “How could have I died when you sacrificed everything for me to live? I decided to embrace the same path as you, a little bit differently, and await your return. Your heart had been keeping me company ever since.”
Sukuna wanted to answer, but could not. The brat chooses that moment to regain control of his body. Of course, you felt the change. Still smiling, you cupped Yuji’s face in your hands. The poor thing was frozen in place, his body almost shaking.
- “And you are Itadori Yuji, my beloved’s vessel. You are finally coming out of your hiding place, young man. It was time.”
- “Now what?” Yuki asked, trying to hide his fear.
- “Now? I will restore my beloved to a body closer to his original of course,” you answered, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “Don’t be afraid my boy. I will not hurt you. I hate killing without reason, unlike Sukuna. You will be free to go and hunt us down once the ritual is over, even if you should rest for a few days.”
Yuji tried to reply but fell quiet as another voice answered for him.
- “Not on my watch. I don't know how you are doing that; preventing me from using my Cursed Techniques or any kind of Cursed Energy, but I won't let you leave with my student.” warned Gojo Satoru, standing just at beginning of the stairs, his blindfold missing and his blue eyes filled with pure hate and anger.
- “Gojo Satoru. Owner of Limitless and the Six Eyes. What a rare man you are. It is almost an honour to finally come face-to-face with the legend himself. Yet, I do not see why so many fear you. You are just a mortal man with a powerful heritage.” you replied, still holding Yuji's face in your hands.
- “S-Senseï! I'm sorry!” yelled the brat, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I heard your conversation. You lied to me! Again!” he accused in a sob.
- “Yuji, this is not the time...” tried to calm Gojo, but the boy didn't let him finish.
- “He won't kill me. I don't know how many fingers he stole, but Sukuna still will be far from his twenty fingers. We will still have a chance to stop them, but at least t-that guy will stop attacking.”
- “Itadori! If you go with him...”
- “I'll be a traitor and executed? I'm already a dead man walking senseï.” a soft sob escaped Yuji's mouth as he closed his eyes. “I don’t want to, but we don't have much of a choice here. Just, if anything goes bad for me, please senseï, don't let anything happen to Megumi and Nobara. Tell them I'm sorry!”
- “You'll tell them yourself, you idiot,” replied Gojo, blue eyes not leaving his student. “I will not let you sacrifice yourself like that.”
Sukuna laughed, satisfied. He could feel the fear and remorse of his vessel, just like the pain of betraying his friend. Because Gojo Satoru wasn't just his teacher, but also a friend. How disgusting. To be crying like that for so little!
And the fear was so delicious. Why wasn't the brat affected by your Cursed Technique? Sukuna had no answer, but the curious thing was how he could still feel your presence. The powerful aura surrounding you, choking him with fear, knowing there was nothing he could do against you.
For the first time since he had joined the world of Curses and Sorcerers, Itadori Yuji was faced with a real threat.
- “Not that I am not enjoying your little talk, you two, but I think that's enough,” said Sukuna, forming a mouth on the teen's face. “You are ruining our reunion!” he smiled as you kissed his mouth
- “You are right, enough is enough my love.”,” you said, turning your head toward Gojo.
- “ENCHAIN!” exclaimed Sukuna, regaining control of the body, just in time for you two to dodge Gojo's attack.
The man had jumped toward you, trying to grab his student. Now he looked at you two with more hate than ever. Sukuna only laughed, arms wrapped around your neck as he jumped on your back before pulling out his tongue like a child.
- “What are you gonna do now? Jump again? Try to punch us? Maybe insult and curse us until we give the boy back?” taunted Sukuna, almost purring as he felt your fingers in his hair and a shiver ran down his spine.
- “Let's go before more arrive. I would like to finish the transfer before tomorrow my love. We have waited long enough and have much to do.” you said as you kissed his cheek before turning back your attention to Gojo. “I will return the boy to you within two days from now. But do not worry Gojo Satoru, for we shall meet again soon enough.”
And with that, you left.
As fast as the wind, if not more, you ran through the streets until you left the city. On your back, Sukuna could not contain his joy and laugh. Neither could you. Your hands rested under his thighs, holding them as if you feared he would fall.
Kissing your neck, Sukuna sighed with satisfaction.
- “I never imagined I could love you more. Yet here we are!” he hummed against your skin.
- “Wait until I give you back eight more fingers!” you laughed
- “That's it, I'm marrying you!” he laughed
- “You always say that and here I am, still waiting for that ring!” you scoffed with a smile.
- “Wait until you give me back a body! I'm going to this time!” he smiled and kissed your neck again. “I will never let you go. We shall never be separated again. Never.”
- “We won't let anyone try. I want to show you the world. It has changed so much in a thousand years. You will like it.” you replied.
- “The only way I will like it is with you naked before my eyes.” he laughed as you slapped his thigh.
- “You are still such a pervert!” you scolded him with a smile, blushing.
This, Sukuna thought, must be heaven or true happiness. You two were finally reunited, with nothing standing in your way. Or almost. By tomorrow he would be free from that brat. Free to show you just how much he had missed and loved you. Closing his eyes, the King of Curses savoured that victory.
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Hi! Darling, I was wondering if you can make a fic or oneshot where in mom!reader is like eating her pregnancy cravings and dad!daemon like doing everything he can to make pregnancy cravings requests possible and mom!reader is like i want a roasted chicken or barbecue but it has to be cooked by a dragon fire and dad!daemon is like casually requesting caraxes to make fire or cook the chicken or any meat his holding out in front of caraxes to cook it and the guards, dragon keepers and servants are like wtf 😶 because this man is doing everything his lady pregnant wife is requesting! 😂🖤 and also like the mom!reader is like near daemon waiting and excitedly watching because she is excited too eat the roasted meat! 😋🍖🖤 sorry for the long request is fine if you can't make it i enjoy and love the fics you make! 🖤🖤🖤
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: just fluff this time, lots and lots of fluff
author's note: hi nonnie, my love!!! i'm so sorry, i tried to make a drabble out of it, but i couldn't write it so i did this headcanon. i hope you still enjoy :( <3
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
During your late pregnancy, you had some weird cravings.
And Daemon, like a good husband, got for you everything you wished for.
So when you craved boar stew, Daemon had to hunt a wild boar just for you.
And when you wished for oysters, but the ones from the coast of Dragonstone, he got it for you.
And when you pratically cried for a huge and spicy mutton, Daemon was there, cutting it in pieces to feed you.
But this time, you woke up with the strangest of wishes.
"Daemon." You called in his ear, stirring him awake, "Daemon, I'm craving roasted pork."
He opened his eyes and stared at you. He wanted to whine for being ripped out of his dreamland, but you were looking at him with your pouty lips and huge begging eyes.
"What's the catch this time?" Daemon questioned.
"...roasted in dragonfire." You murmured in the crook of his neck, hiding your face as he chuckled.
"I can't believe I am actually doing this."
That's how you both ended up inside the dragonpit in the early morning. Daemon requested for a huge pig to be brought, and asked someone to bring him Caraxes.
You gave little jumps excitedly, mostly for the food, but also because the whole situation was so funny.
The dragon keepers brought Caraxes, and stared at you both like you were crazy.
And the pig couldn't stop screaming.
"Hello, boy." You smiled as the dragon stretched its huge neck and leaned its muzzle on you.
"Caraxes, stop snuggling with Y/N and please just burn the pig." Daemon pinched the bridge of his nose, watching you play with the huge animal.
You missed your sweet Vermithor so much, it's been months since you last saw any dragon.
"C'mon boy, make me a roast!" You clapped as the dragon turned towards the swine.
"Dracarys." Daemon commanded, and the dragon spilled his fire so fast that the pig could not react. It was so hot and quick that was painless.
The pig was still in his feet, burned on the outside and deliciously cooked on the inside.
"Ooh, good boy Caraxes!" You praised, hugging his warm muzzle. He huffled in your body.
"Don't I get a hug after all this?" Daemon pouted.
You walked towards Daemon and kissed him sweetly, making the guards and dragon keepers turn around to give you privacy.
"Now, you get a kiss. After I feast in that pork, you get the whole meal." You smirked, biting his lip.
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thecapodomme · 28 days
Paired Up: DOM! Trevante Rhodes As Zyair Malloy x SUB! Black Fem/Plus size Reader!
Background Music/ Song Inspired by @kittehkwrites
Word Count: 4,390 (Yikes, but not counting the lyrics)
WARNINGS: Mature Audiences: 18+, Minors DNI -(HEAVY Daddy kink, BDSM, SMUT, SMUT, MORE SMUT! PROFANITY!, Established Relationship, , Some use of AAVE, The N word, light Bondage, Breeding kink, Tease and Denial, Wax play ,Choking, Grabbing, Hair Pulling, spanking, Praise, Smacking of the face ,Fingering (F), unprotected sex , A BIT OF A LONG READ, Some grammatical errors because IDK WTF i'm doing! (Capo say sike..Right now. lol But Im deadass) ... and all over Nastiness. Did I miss anything?
Synopsis: In the glitzy world of art and indulgence, Zyair and Y/N reign as the epitome of a power couple, their magnetic connection sizzling with untamed desire. Their love story ignites from the ashes of Zyair's artistic stagnation, sparked by the fateful encounter at a decadent sex party. From that moment, their lives intertwine, fueled by passion and creativity, leaving behind a trail of whispered rumors and envious glances.
As their anniversary dawns, Zyair prepares for his long-awaited art show, his first since meeting Y/N. Yet, his thoughts stray not to the gallery's pristine walls but to the allure of his beloved, whose presence electrifies every inch of his being. The clock ticks away as Zyair's anticipation grows, his yearning for Y/N eclipsing all other distractions as he finally comes home.
But time slips away in the tender embrace of their love, their passion threatening to consume them whole. As the hours blur into a haze of whispered promises and heated caresses, Zyair and Y/N find themselves ensnared in each other's arms, oblivious to the outside world. They are late for the grand affair, yet in the realm of their intimacy, time holds no dominion.
Taglist: @megamindsecretlair @notapradagurl7 @henneseyhoe @browngirldominion @melaninpov @hwadam-stories @spaceslutsworld @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @skvrpion @westside-rot @tvchi @kittehkwrites @kindofaintrovert
A/N: first off ... I'M RUSTY OK. Also I'm a bit upset because my older brother was like "who writes fan fics anymore they're so passé." 🥹 I said am I not a writer? Did I not get a journalism degree? Did my teachers not push me to do this and saw something? He didn't have anything to say back. But anyway! Is this self indulgent? YES. Are you still going to enjoy it? YES! BRAIN ROT....? YEAH IM GLITCHIN'! Be easy this is my first Fan fic/Smut I'm nervous. I love yall! It's real nasty because... I want him to do this to all of us! Do you hear me?! Slight delay because I was transfixed with the dialogue. I was really trying to get the essence of Zyair. If this gets positive feedback There may be a Prologue, a part 2 , and a part 3 if y'all feelin' this! Like, comment, reblog.... if your heart so desires! 🫶🏽
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It's been four years since Zyair's trial, and it was his first art show since then. Mea was long gone and probably still with her pinhead ass husband, and to think he really wanted to like her. He was breathing new life into his art, his name was cleared, and he was getting into his first real relationship. He found his ONE.
 Touring London and France during the summer months. His nights were long, and his days were short. You missed him whenever you hung up from talking with him all night or if he sent you a cute text. You knew he was premiering his new pieces from home tonight, and anything was possible with you on his arm.
Daddy: I'll be home later than usual. The show starts soon. Be dressed, be ready, and wear those heels I like. I'll come to collect you. You've been such a good girl. I can't wait to see you! This tour has been hectic.
You: Yes, Sir! I miss you more. Come home to me. ❤️🥺
Daddy: That's my Big Girl. I'm on the way. 
You gently placed your phone beside the claw foot bathtub on the vanity chair you'd drug over. The plush afghan carpet ruffled as you moved it to where you wanted it. The master bathroom on the first floor was spacious yet cozy.
An open shower in the back is made of dark marble and granite, and Zyair's closet is off to the left, surrounded by suits, ties, and his wardrobe. Although the loft was Gargantuan, unlike most places in Chicago, it had a makeshift industrial vibe that made it mysterious enough, you thought to yourself.
'It really needs a woman's touch.'
Drums and soft piano flooded your ears from the huge vinyl and Bluetooth sound system; you rifled through Zyairs' music collection all day. It was impressive, spanning from 70s soul to 90s R&B, which was very prized to his heart and his favorite genre. As you prepare to get ready as instructed by the love of your life, it always helps soothe your soul and set the mood for a night in the city.
You peeled out of your I murdered my husband's robes, Pinned up your waist-length Goddess locs, and began to run a bubble bath. Candles illuminated the floor, glinting your umber skin into the floor-length mirror beside the vanity.
You carefully sluiced a toe into the roaring torrent to test its temperature. With a satisfied grin, you plunged into its warmth and shut off the water; the suds were cloud-like and steamy, clinging to every part of you, and the scent of damask roses filled the air. Toni's contralto caressed you.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh Oh-oh oh-ooh Whoa-oh, whoa-oh Oh-oh oh-ooh Baby...
Relaxation couldn't even begin to explain the euphoria encircling you. You've bagged the hottest artist in Chicago, are engaged to be married, and have much to look forward to as you start life with Zyair.
You hum along with the song as you grab your pink African exfoliating net, scrubbing from top to bottom. Occasionally, you slump your hand out to hold your phone in case he calls, or any texts from his art assistant flash across your dimly lit iPhone 15.
Head Bopping along to the beat and your legs kicking water onto the floor as you half danced in the tub. You were so bewitched by your daydreaming and bathtub concert that you couldn't hear a pin drop.
Arriving into the lot and slowly turning the corner, shined chrome and black wheels approached the entrance and parked, with a thud from the door to the Range Rover, where his driver let him off.
Since you been gone I been hanging 'round here lately With my mind messed up
Zyair stepped out of the vehicle in all black as usual; A pin stripped, short sleeved, button down shirt, noir wife beater, Prada slacks, and matching boots.
He quickly approaches the gate to the elevator, which was now broken. He shook his head in annoyance, and a frown curled at his lips when he realized. "Always on some bullshit," he scoffed.
A flick of his wrist, he checked the time. The gold bracelet draped on his wrist, twinkling in the light from the cars going in and out. He began descending up the inside stairwell to the third floor toward the loft.
With solid traces, he rose from the staircase. Slowly, he closed the exit door, hoping you didn't hear it squeaking to lock. Crossing the downstairs living room floor, he passed leather chairs, scattered and unfinished art pieces, and an acrylic-adorned curtain. He crept behind the curtain and into the room.
Jumped in my car Tried to clear my mind, didn't help me I guess I'm all messed up now, baby
His gait was slow yet boisterous. His hand behind his back, and he bounced a little with one foot pointed firmly in front of the other, walking straight and tall. His presence was always known in a room. He held a box of two dozen long-stem roses and a rounded, substantially sized jewelry box.
Meanwhile, you'd already gotten out of the tub as the first verse goes into the chorus. The Whirl of the water rushing out of the tub feels loud against the empty room. You check your messages once more and check the time yourself: 8:30 p.m.
As soon as I jumped into my ride Those memories start to play, yeah A song comes on, on the radio And there you are, baby Once again!
Rubbing your body in Fenty butta drop lotion for an unforgivable glow, you look into the long-length mirror to the side of your makeshift vanity.
You pull on your raven-colored thigh-high stockings, bra, and Lacey panties with the corseted back, putting your talons into your mouth as you turn and take in yourself. The finishing touch is a generous dab of merlot lipstick and a flick or two of eyeliner and mascara after setting your foundation.
Nodding as if to say, 'Im that bitch.' You slipped on your coveted Dior patent calfskin sling backs, carefully lifting each foot to get each one on. Admiring your supple breasts, hips, and bountiful assets. From all angles.
It's just another sad love song Racking my brain like crazy Guess I'm all torn up And be it fast or slow It doesn't let go Or shake me And it's all because of you...Hoo!
Zyair's panther-like proximity took you by surprise. He cocked his head to the side while taking in the sight of you setting down his gifts for you on the counter of the bathroom.
You didn't hear him stride up behind you. His hands gliding up your hips, and his luscious beard cuddling into the crook of your neck. Taking in your scent and his full lips, kissing your clavicle.
It made your heart palpitate. You felt his hands snake up past your bra as you relaxed into his embrace, letting your tensions melt into him. That familiar cologne of sandalwood and pimento that you adored wafted into your nasal cavities as his hand gripped your neck ever so gently but slightly, applying pressure.
"You look incredible, Y/N. Stay just like this." Zyair says in his full-bodied baritone, sounding like heaven to you after so long. Nibbling your ear into his mouth with a playful bite.
He was watching you in the mirror, hunched over you a bit as he towered above because of how short you were compared to his six-foot stature, hugging you to his manhood.
Your ass pressed against his inky slacks. You turned around out of his grip and held his high cheekbones into your manicured, blood-red nails, Sucking his bottom lip into your mouth as he gripped and massaged your ass from above, making you stand on your tip toes and your breasts heaving into his Adonis-like abdomen.
Since you been gone I keep thinkin' about you, baby It gets me all choked up This heart of mine keeps dreamin' of you And it's crazy, babe
"I missed you. You were gone all month. I thought we'd never have alone time."You sighed into his parted lips, trailing butterfly kisses from the pronounced girth of his neck down to his Aureate-colored chains that sat right on his sternum.
Zyair respired, and his massive pectorals flexed in unison with your smacking lips as you kissed every inch of his chest through his open-collared shirt. Looking at you in the mirror, he stopped your assault of smooches by holding your hand.
"I know I miss you when I'm gone too,Baby girl. A nigga can't stop thinkin' bout you." He gently pulled you towards him, giving you that boyish grin and a flash of those to-die-for ivories as he clasped your lower back.
His bulging frame surrounded you as he stood back with your hand in the air, making you twirl like a Princess.
Before he sat down causally onto the vanity chair and embraced you in a hug between his thighs and a gentle kiss on the forehead, he bent over to grab the things he'd laid on the counter, brandishing them before you. He gave you the rounded jewelry box first.
Sitting back, his posture was relaxed and confident to the side, and his right foot bore the weight as he man spread all alpha, chocolate, and delicious.
You'd think I'd had enough, yeah Soon as I get you out my head I'm in my car again, ooh darling Just one request from the radio I'm back in love, sugar Once again!
"Mmh, Look at you girl. "He breathed in satisfaction, looking as if he could eat you right then and there. His tongue glides over his bottom lip, and his eyes darken with lust. You giggled and rubbed his thigh as you looked into his face. 
You squealed with excitement and vigorously shook the box, dancing in place. "What is it!?" touching it to your ear as if you could guess from the sound.
Zyair huffed a chuckle and looked at you, shaking his head. "You goofy lil' mama." he stroked his hand down his beard while looking at you.
Once you were done playing the guessing game, you unwrapped the thing like it was Christmas and you were the luckiest girl on the planet.
Wrapping paper, bows, and cards with the company name on them flew up in the air and scattered onto the bathroom floor. You got to the gilded piece.
It's just another sad love song Racking my brain like crazy Guess I'm all torn up And be it fast or slow It doesn't let go Or shake me
"You like it, Baby?" Zyair cooed, his voice deepening.
"Baby, I don't need this. I have so much alr- "He stopped you before you finished.
"Nah... nah... this is totally different. Unique even. You've earn't it, haven't you? "He says with a slight Louisiana drawl, his shoulders moving as he laughed.
"Y—You're going to collar me, Daddy? "You flung your hands around his thick neck and embraced him. Your eyes watered from his compassionate actions.
"You're the only one I think about and want to be with. I said why the hell not? " He smiled and played with your hair, twirling it between his nimble fingers.
Zyair took the collar from your hands, holding it carefully in the box. He took out the skinny key and unlocked the seamless hinge to open it. You stood in front of him, back turned toward him so that he could put it around your neck.
His hands gently placed the jewelry around your neck and shut it closed using the same key. Tracing it with his finger and mouthing "Mine" while you both look in the mirror.
You looked into his dark eyes with love, facing him as he leaned in to lick your lips and kiss you.
His fingertips turned white as he gripped onto your curvaceous hips, picked you up, and set you atop the stand-alone double sink vanity. You pull him into you by his belt loop and wrap your thighs around his muscular waist.
And it's all because of you It's just another sad love song Racking my brain like crazy (Like crazy, babe) Guess I'm all torn up And be it fast or slow It doesn't let go Or shake me (Whoa, baby)
The both of you all tongues and slobber each other down until you feel his long fingers curling under the silky crotch of the fabric of your lingerie.
You felt the sting of his teeth latch under your jaw as he bites into your neck. You hiss in want.
"Ahh, Zyair..." You breathe into his neck, rubbing down his back.
"Take this shit off. You ain't gonna need it."
He growled as you heard the sharp rip and crack of the cloth coming away as he tugged them off of your body.
His hands fondle and squeeze you until he finds your clit; your body bows from his encircling rhythm as he massages your nub with the fingertips of his index and middle fingers.
The cold from his ring on that finger makes you tense up and sigh. He licked from head to toe with his enormous tongue covering you.
He stops suddenly at your waist. You whine and squirm, but he's holding your arms above your head and looking straight into your eyes.
He licks his lips and winks at you, curling them in that bad boy fashion as he unbuckles his pants achingly slow with one hand, standing up slowly.
You watch, sitting straight up as he holds you, watching him pull pleasure from your inner depths against with your back against the tile of the wall.
His dick threatened to poke you through his Black and Gold PSD briefs. He moaned as he pressed against you. You moaned and purred back at him.
Here come the strings Then somebody sings Only takes a beat And then it starts killin' me, darling Only takes one note, I tell ya From that radio It's just another lonely love song
"Let me take it out, Daddy... please..." you said through gritted teeth, never breaking eye contact. Your breath hitched in your throat and went dry from his persistent teasing.
"Beg for it, and don't waste no time." He looks down at his growing and tenting hard-on, bites his lip, and raises his brow at you, looking back at you with the same taunting look.
You looked confused and in need as you ached for him. Smirking and pressing his lips to your ear as you struggled.
"Use your words. Or we're going to be late."
You begin to break into a cold sweat as droplets appear on your forehead. Trying to comprehend how to get out of this predicament, you slowly open your mouth to say something.
Still, by that time, Zyair was already bringing you down to your knees and grabbing your Goddess locs while ordering you to keep your hands behind your back.
He didn't hesitate as he stood over you, his slacks and boxers down his muscular physique. All you could do was look up at him, mouth drooling at the sight of him.
"Gon' come over here and Suck me," he said mercilessly in a dangerous tone. His voice echoed through the bathroom and made your chest vibrate. You did what you were told.
The way he only emphasized SUCK with feeling made your lower limbs thump with elation. You were already dripping but tried to hold out.
Your breathing increased with each moment that you realized you weren't filled up with his dick. Veiny, beautiful, and thick. You lick your lips in anticipation.
"Mmh, that's my BIG GIRL. What you gonna do with it?" His moans send you shock waves as he insists on teasing you. You use both hands to wrap them around his thick member not sure if it's a rhetorical question or if he was using it as a mind fuck.
Zyair snaps your head back against the marble of the vanity. "I can't hear you, Bitch. "He snarls. "I asked you a question."
You squeal at the force and nearly yell from your tummy. " What Daddy told me to!!!!"
He chuckles that deep, devilish laugh again as he releases your hair. Your breathing becomes even more ragged, and you shudder at the sound. 
Before he's even done, he grabs the back of your head and forces his hard length deep into your throat. The mere shock causes you to sputter and choke.
With no room to run or breathe, he fucked into it, fisting your hair, making you bend over on all fours as he leaned down over you, smacking your ass precisely on your cheek, leaving it fiery, making it ache and jiggle, gripping your supple flesh as he went to trace a finger down your drenched slit at the same time. He moans, watching the recoil.
You gently swayed your hips from side to side as he played in your wetness, not wanting him to stop as you tried to keep up the pace. He was enjoying being sadistic with you, but it was a first that he hadn't been gentle before.
"Take it all, Mama. Don't stop."
Sucking in a sharp breath at your failed attempts to come up for air.
Coaching you as you did so, using your hair like a lever, tugging at it to make you go deeper and deeper by the inch.
Your legs automatically closed onto his wrist as he sucked his fingers and dipped a few inside you, your essence pooling around your opening.
He dipped his middle finger, then the second finger, taking his sweet time alternating. Making you writhe below him. Soaked and needy was the name of the game.
He twisted and pumped his fingers inside, leaving you leaking around them.
You glucked and gagged on his dick and hissed as he inscribed you just enough to make you whine.
Your gurgling and moans echoed throughout the bathroom, and he wouldn't let up. Looking down at you, biting his lip in pure bliss.
"That's it...Just. Like. That." eliciting a low moan from his lips. You looked into his eyes as your eyeliner smeared down your face from the tears. Making it hard for you to see.
The constant smacking, gagging, and slurping made you close your eyes tight.
The twinkling flames of the candles melting onto the floor and his chiseled face coming in and out as you tried to stay alert. The noises turned you on more than the act. Until you felt a welting smack to the face.
"Look at me. I don't want you focusing on nothin' else." his breath shuddered, and he kept up the same pace until he got tired.
You whimpered from the sudden flush of pain. But kept going, your hands still behind your back. His strokes became less frequent as he slowly slid his dick out of your mouth to the tip.
He was done using your mouth for now. Removing his fingers from your pussy, sucking them clean like he hadn't eaten in days, and cupping a hand under your chin as he stood up at his full height, looking intensely into your eyes like he'd never seen you before.
A soft kiss to your mouth, and You popped him out with a plopping noise and began to jerk and stroke him. A chain of spit latched from your crimson lips to his thick manhood.
"Hold that thought, Princess." He smiled as he walked to the other side of the bathroom. You watched, still in the same position he left you, as he gathered up a slow-burning candle from the floor.
Walking back over to you, he tested the temperature on his inner arm. Nodding and pleased with the degree, he approached you.
"Down." He commanded gruffly.
You used your hands to lower yourself onto the floor on your stomach and breathed in nervously as Zyair stood above your head.
Looking up, he looked even more Godly as you viewed his body from this view below.
You settle, and he crouches beginning to pour some wax onto the middle of your back.
You groan in pain, but as the sting settles into a numbing puddle, your senses begin to awaken.
Some beads down into your ass cheek. He waits to pour more onto the back of your neck and shoulders. You flinch with each interaction.
"Mmmh... " You softly moan; you fidget with anticipation of the next drip.
"You Aight Pretty? " He asks.
"Oh, that feels so good. Daddy," your eyes closed, and your mouth slung open.
"It's been a minute." He says with amusement. "I knew you'd like it."
He pours two more burning spots onto your ass cheeks, stands, and blows the candle out, placing it onto the vanity.
Turning his head so as not to blow any ash or soot into your face, and gently pulls you up.
He sat you back into the plush red and gold vanity chair, his lips meeting yours once more, kissing you down your body, and His tongue engraving tiny circles over your neck and down your breasts. slipping off your bra down your shoulders. You trembled from his touch.
His hands cupping one after the other, his skilled tongue lapping and suckling onto each as he goes from one to the other. You groaned as he bit down and tugged with his front teeth.
"Mmh... Fuck.." you shuddered and gasped at him playing with your body in this way.
Suddenly he lifts you up into the air and parts your legs, holding your weight onto his broad shoulders, suckling and licking your clit into his mouth and greedily scooping his tongue over your soaked folds.
Shoving his tongue in between, you yelped from the sudden waves of pleasure hitting you, and just when it started to get good. He denies you yet again.
Sitting you back down in the chair, he pauses as he lifts each leg and purposely slings your thighs over his shoulders.
Anchoring you by holding the chair, leaving wet kisses down your ankles, and spreading your inner thighs to give them some love, too.
Your eyes closed again, and you rubbed the back of his burst fade as you yearned for him to be inside you.
Reaching out to touch his stomach, his dick poking that triangle made between your legs. You subconsciously thought about shoving his dick inside you. But knew better than to try him.
"Oh fuck baby... Please." You tried to stop him from toying with you, but he only glared at you.
"Please, what? PLEASE WHO?" He asked with a flair of arrogance, tipping your chin up.
" ooouuue.. Daddy..." You whispered.
"Yeah, Be a good girl, Y/N, and be still fo' me." With fervor, he lined himself up at your entrance, stroking himself a bit, holding your head from above to make you watch him slide into you.
"Sssss.... Fuck I missed this pussy, and I missed you so much." He entered you tip first. Forcing himself out and plunging in again profoundly, making your head go back.
"Z-ZYAIR!" you cried out in response to his torture.
Repeatedly dipping himself into you again and again… he was halfway in and hadn't even begun to bottom out this time.
He wrapped his large hand around your neck, and both of you groaned in unison. as he made one swift pump into your creamy nectar.
"Mhm, You feel allat baby? "He coaxed.
You grimaced and blurted out, "Fuck, just fuck me....!" you said, almost screaming. You couldn't take much more as you needed him like water.
smugly looking into your soul he swooped up the chair with you in it, and your body went limp as he slammed into you, filling you up like never before. Leaning into you just enough at an easy tilt that was nothing for him.
The man pressed 350 pounds or more, and this was light work. Your walls clenched down in unison with his pounding strokes, your calves flailing out from over his inner elbows but holding you in place just the same while he kept you right where he wanted you by the seat.
A gut-wrenching moan came from the depths of your stomach as you held onto his shoulders; you leaned into him, the chair leaving the floor as he powerfully thrust into you at the same time.
"You so fuckin' pretty like this." He grunted and praised you as all life had left your body, and nothing was left but the room spinning. You gave way to him, and moans started to escape you. 
"Yes, Daddy. Fuck! Daddy! YES," You pleaded and panted in pleasure as he bounced into you non-stop. Through hooded eyes, he watched you getting so close.
Zyair being the pleasure Dom he was is paying attention to how your body heaved and pulsated around him. He slowed, pounded, and roughly used his hips to kiss your cervix as he continued to try to break into your walls.
With calculated potency, he taunted you as you pushed him away, scratching at his abs.
"Na, this is what you wanted, right? Take it," He whispers.
hitting your hands away with one hand. He bucked his hips, going upwards and faster by the second.
In a swift motion he's putting you down on the floor in the chair as your body convulsed in complete surrender.
Your juices gushing in a splash of release. He grunted as your walls cradled his length, still deftly stroking into you, But he wasn't done with you yet.
Zyair moved you from the chair and bent you over in front of him while clutching your neck, his fingers curling on your throat. Dog walking you around the bathroom while pinning your ass to his hips.
He kisses your cheek lovingly as your moans echo throughout the room.
"This shit is mine, Hm?" He asked.
"FUC- FUCK!..."  
Your gaze followed Zyair's as you looked back and moved around the bathroom.
You mewed and tried to hold onto anything your hands could find. Rough, long, and hard thrusts make your thighs quake with ecstasy.
You felt his hard abs and balls hit against your clit as he dug into you. His hands squeezing yours comforted you yet made you weak for him as he took control once more.
The squelching and wetness from you only fueled him as he tried to fuck the shit out of you.
"Look atchu creamin' all down my dick and enjoyin' this shit, little girl."
Your eyes fluttered as his words did something to you. You saw stars behind your eyes as you felt wobbly and tense. Your orgasm growing near.
You found the wall to hold yourself up with, looking out into the living room, your claws digging marks into his palm as you grunted.
He chased you with his own release by going harder, pounding, swiveling his hips, and moving his hand to the back of your head, keeping your makeup-stained cheek pressed against the cool cement of the wall.
"SAY IT! " He hummed in your ear.
"ZYAIR! " You came instantly.
You screamed as you squirted all over the floor of the bathroom, making it hard for both of you to stand. Inaudible cursing and degrading remarks flew from his mouth as he nodded in gratification.
You felt warmth rush over you as he sprayed your walls with his seed. He purposely fucked it into you as you tried to squirm away. Removed his hand from your face to open your ass and watch as he made you take all of his kids.
His strokes slowed as the last of your leaking subsided. Both sigh in relief, Holding you by your hips and kissing over your neck as if he couldn't breathe without you. He smiles, holding you against the wall.
"I guess we're late ain't we." He laughs through a smile, his eyes crinkled at the ends as he looks at you.
"Aht, Aht! Fashionably." You taunted.
"You've been in my collection again?" He says with amusement.
"AND WHAT ABOUT IT!? " you rolled your neck in a comical attitude.
"I told you what that does to me, girl. You know nothing about that. My momma gave me those albums. "
"Let's shower before we miss our anniversary party".
With a hard smack on your ass as he grabs towels from the hooks on the walls running playfully after you, your laughing excitedly getting a head start as the last notes of the song come to a staccato.
So sad So sad, so sad (Sad, darling) So sad, sad love song Ooh, I heard it on the radio last night So sad So sad, so sad (Sad, baby) So sad, sad love song (Ooh) You got me singin' another love song all night, darling...
P/C: If you'd like to be added to my Tag list just say so it's MAD OPEN! i'll be glad to add you. I really do hope ya'll enjoyed it. Lord knows I had a time writing it for ya'll!
Special Shout out and a thank you to: @megamindsecretlair @notapradagurl7 @melaninpov @browngirldominion @nahimjustfeelingit-writes For bullying me..... (Nah just kiddin!) For making me see this through. all inspirational to me and incredible moots!
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allisonlol · 2 years
May i request Fyodor x fem!reader ( when they on their period ) 😳 ? Add some nfsw is the best ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ .I rlly love your words you writing cuz its easy to understand (for me). Ignore this is okay. Have a good day ( ╹▽╹ )
a/n: ur so sweet, i'm answering this SO LATE and feel rlly bad lol. i went and added other characters to compensate perhaps <3 this post ended up being super long lmao!! also don't ask me wtf happened in fyodor's part, y'all it's about to get nasty in a good way
warnings: fem reader, periods, blood, nsfw at the end of each!! i've partitioned the sfw & nsfw sections for those who wanna skip :)
(Fyodor, Dazai, Chuuya) When Their S/O is on Their Period [Sfw & Nsfw]
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before you, this man had never felt the touch of a woman (or anyone) so his knowledge on periods is quite limited
knows what they are from a scientific standpoint, but not really a sympathetic one
therefore u have to teach him a few things lol
gets the hang of it after awhile and ends up taking decent care of you when the time of month comes around
fyodor tends to shut himself off in his office for most of the day, which obviously doesn't help you
so, he now allows you to curl up in his lap while he types away at his computer
but if i'm being completely honest, he gets lowkey annoyed from ur whining and will kick you out of his office after an hour( ̄ー ̄)
this is fyodor we are talking about, after all
for the most part, he is attentive and plays the role of a supporting bf
makes you tea, showers with you, plays with your hair to help you fall asleep when you're kept up from the pain
copes decently with your mood swings etc. usually if you'd ever spoken to him in a rude tone unprovoked, he would be aggravated to say the least (◡ ﹏◡) but tries to have more patience & understanding since he knows ur going thru it lol
oh lord, where do i even start
so surprisingly, he was the one to suggest the idea of period sex first
but then...did not act on it? literally talked about it in DETAIL and then left you hanging
now, he did this on purpose tho. wants to see you desperate and begging for it, and you did
fyodor is a smart cookie so he knows that your hormones are all out of whack, and that you want nothing more than for him to help you out
however, it's only when you are begging him with tears of frustration in your eyes that he finally agrees
won't really comment on it but he's not a fan of the blood, and only uses it to degrade you
^will finger you but then stare blankly down at his blood covered hand, before roughly wiping it across your face
pace wise, fyodor will start off gentle and "caring" before quickly switching to rough and demeaning
rails you so hard there are blood splatters up both his torso and yours
the whole time he glares down at you with a look of disgust and almost contempt while you're practically crying from overstimulation
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LMAOO good luck
jk, he's not that bad. well...at first he was
but gradually dazai realizes that he can't tease you and be his usual annoying self when ur on your period
because you WILL burst into tears
after the fact... he is quite a doting boyfriend <3
probably asks yosano for advice tho LMAO
always stops at the store after work to pick up snacks for you or anything else you may need
but do NOT ask this mf to buy pads for you. because he WILL come home with like...diapers or some shit 💀💀
dazai still doesn't always grasp the concept of mood swings so when you snap at him or start crying he just looks at you like 0-0??
quickly learns to just agree with everything you say and NOT tease you as much during these times
ok but listen up. if you wanna use this to your advantage, just manipulate him into doing things for you by guilt tripping him <3
^ "ugh, i was supposed to run to the store but i'm in soooo much pain, i wonder who could do this for me instead..."
consider it payback for all the times he's made YOU run errands for his lazy ass
actually refused for the longest time out of fear it would hurt you
^literally the ONLY time this man has ever said no to sex. would instead give u a head pat & say "you should rest instead :)"
ok well what if we don't want to, dazai? what then??
you'd ended up giving him a pretty good speech on why it is GOOD to have sex while on your period and how it can alleviate pain and then he's like (¬‿¬)
after you've convinced him of that, dazai is down for it whenever <3 but only when YOU initiate it first & make it clear that is what you want
relatively gentle; prefers to go slowly and focus on hitting all the right spots deep inside you
loves watching the relief on your face as the pleasure overcomes the pain you'd been feeling nonstop
doesn't really like seeing the blood get on him tho...? not cuz he thinks it's gross or anything, but rather cuz it's your blood and it would make him think he's hurting you or something,,,idk but either way it would make him spiral
^so yea, the only side effect of this is that y'all must keep the lights OFF
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isn't super educated on it at first, but after getting into a relationship with you he put in the work to do some research
treats you like a mf queen!!! (albeit he already does...but it's even better during this time)
has a period tracker on his phone so he can prepare in advance
isn't afraid to buy pads for you...and he's smart about it too. actually knows which size and type to buy
^walks straight into the feminine hygiene aisle and you best believe that if anyone even looks at him funny for doing so, he's breaking their jaw
stocks up on your favorite snacks & carries them in his pockets so if you're ever out n about and need some, he'll already be tossing one your way
surprisingly, chuuya puts up well with your mood swings and tries his best to not get angry or argue back lol <3
sometimes he may forget and snap back with something rude, which of course sets you off more
but dw, he makes up for it afterwards by giving you snuggles
plus, who needs a heating pad when you can just have chuuya lay on top of you??
ngl the first time you asked he looked at you like 🤨
but after seeing the way your face fell at his reaction, he sighs and goes "well i guess we could try..."
dw, he very much WANTS to, he's just another one that needs to be sold on the idea out of worry it will hurt you
all you had to say was "it helps with the pain-" before chuuya is agreeing & pulling you towards the bedroom
after the first time he becomes lowkey addicted to it tho??
^it's the way you melt into his every touch, your voice cracks from the overwhelming pleasure, you're so much more wet...
yeah, he'll never get tired of seeing you this way <3
if you're worried about his reaction to the blood and all that, don't be because i promise he does NOT care. it's a normal bodily function and chuuya is the last person to judge that
^lays towels down on the bed to cover the sheets. wouldn't really mind if blood got on the sheets tho (he's rich anyway, he'll just buy more??)
OH and btw...yes he still gives head when you're on your period <3 when i said this man does not care, i MEANT it
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @clovcly
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rzyraffek · 8 months
Platonic yandere yautja x human child reader
Aww dad yautja😊 I didn't write for yautjas in months!! Hopefully u enjoy it!! Also i used they/them for kid. No tw, only cuteness and wholesome dad figure yautja👹 request open
Dad yautja with human kid
Bro is confused ??? Tf??? Why is there a child here??
He either found them abandoned in middle of nowhere or accidentally killed their perents, by 'accidentaly' i mean ofc he wanted to kill them he just didn't know there was a child nearby and now he feels bad
Kinda finds human pups ugly😭 why are you so smol and loud wtf
Dad!yautja after he kinda adopts y/n he gets too overprotective! Like dude won't leave their side at all, especially when you guys are outside; dude will pick them up and just carry around.
Can't cook to save his life, he kinda set kitchen on fire. And humans cant eat raw meat, so now you are on fruit diet for now (and veggies)
Had this parental instinct to teach them everything, how to shoot, find food, basic self-defence, overall taking good care of themselfs. But he kinda likes that he has to provide for them, it gives him control yknow
When he carries them around everywhere! He acually lets them sit on his shoulders or just hang on his neck😓😍
Cant say no to those cute big eyes! Yes he will let them 'decorate' his armor (with glitter and stickers) and he will let them paint his nails and he will lisen to them gossip about their friends.
If his kid is a little artist and walks up to him and says "papa i drew you!" He does not care that he looks like a lizard nor that they didn't color it perfectly. Dude is purring, picking y/n up and he carries this drawing in pocket everywhere
Other yautjas say that he spoils them, but he disagrees! Your a HUMAN baby, i mean yeah your basically one of yautjas now but!!! Your tiny! And your skin is so squishy!!!
He had to learn how to comb their hair cuz at some point y/n simply refused to cut it (me too lil guy) and he respects them so much he won't just do something against them
Kinda wishes he could understand human body language more
Also about body language i can imagine kid just kinda mimicing yatuja body language and habits. Like dad!yatuja will say "child please go to bed its late" the kid will just angry respond with a hiss👹 "hsssss👽🦎" "?????" If yaujtas had eyebrows, he would rise them
If y/n is a girl, and she has her first period? Dude panics! HUHH WHAT BLOOD??? FROM WHERE!?? UHHHH????
Dude tries to be a perfect father figure, he tries to have similar intrests with his kid so they can connect more, but if y/n is totally not into hunting, collecting, nature themed stuff, Yautja is more than happy to catch up with whatever teens are into this days, but he will judge the hell out of tv shows (if they watch any)
I kinda forgot it suppose to be yandere so it turned out to be just wholesome im so sorry
Understands that kid needs privacy but he will just go invisible mode and lurk in shadows! Like what if somone attacks you??? Or worse! What if you meet some humans that he doenst like??? What if they will tell y/n all lies about what 'bad war crimes' he commited and what 'murderous' his kind is!! Those are lies pls dont lisen to humans
No boy/girlfriends!!! Nuh uh!! Your his little baby you cant go doing all those... things... with some human. ugh! this person probably can't even hunt for you!! Or give you nice treasures!! Or build a pretty nest!! Why would you like them my child?? Look at all those trophies i gathered for all those years! You should stay here!
He loves the fact that he lives in some wild ass jungle and y/n cant leave him due to all those dangers around, plus he loves that y/n will always stay tiny(in comparison obviously) and weak so be basically needs to provide for them! Right???
I used x reader tags ONLY to reach bigger audience
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kazutora-kurokawa · 2 months
I just loved the Hakkai and black cat reader headcanons.
Could you write something like :
Imagine Mitsuya somehow finding out that Hakkai lost his v-card (he's so nervous about it that it probably slipped from his mouth mid convo). And Takashi is like "wtf? You did it first?!".
I think he would be either laughing or too shocked to say anything. 🌞
Beat Me To It: Mitsuya Finds Out Hakkai Lost His V-card
♡ SFW, suggestive, mentions of virginity, Hakkai talking about you a little too much, Mitsuya teasing Hakkai, designer!Mitsuya, model!Hakkai, Yuzuha is Hakkai's manager and pops in the room very briefly ♡
note: Just something short, this was a funny little idea anon, thanks for requesting 🩷
Hakkai was rambling, per usual, to Mitsuya. Mainly about you and work. Mitsuya was sitting at his desk, working on the finishing touches of a new design he had whipped up.
"She's just so perfect Taka-chan, she's like if an angel fell from the heavens."
Mitsuya looked up at him in amusement.
"She's like a fallen angel? So she's the devil?"
"Wait that's not what I meant!"
The door to the room opened and in walked Yuzuha, his manager and sister, holding bundles of fabric.
"Who's a devil? Here's the fabric you asked for Mitsuya."
She sat her purse and the fabric on the couch and waited patiently for an answer to her question.
"Thanks and y/n apparently."
"I wasn't calling her the devil! She's an absolute saint, even in bed."
Yuzuha and Mitsuya looked at each other then back at him. Hakkai put a hand over his mouth as if it would take back what he just said. His mind was so late to process it.
"I meant-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there so I can leave the room. I don't wanna know what you and your girlfriend do. I'll see the both of you later, Kai don't be late to the photoshoot today!"
Yuzuha grabbed her purse off the couch and walked out the door, leaving Hakkai to fend for himself.
"Wow..I can't believe it! How did you lose your virginity before me? The fact that you even have a girlfriend is astounding to me...no offense of course, but you're kind of a nervous wreck man."
Hakkai looked at Mitsuya with an annoyed look on his face before chuckling.
"No need to rub it in, I know I'm a nervous wreck. It's different when I'm with her though."
"Please don't get all sappy on me, you're gonna make me sad that I'm still single."
"Not my fault you're a workaholic."
"I know I know, I can't help it though. I just have so many ideas racing around in my head, I gotta put them on a page man."
"Yeah I can understand that."
He checks his watch.
"Speaking of work, I got back to back photoshoots today."
He grabbed his jacket and headed to the door.
"Well you better get going and call me when you're done, that is, if you aren't too busy with y/n."
"Haha very funny Taka-chan. I'll see you later!"
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @kazubarbie @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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moonystoes · 2 months
Nurse? - Elisa De Almeida x reader (highschool students)
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Summary: When the school has never felt this empty, you decide to escape the students by helping out the nurse. Only to find out you can't escape her.
Warning: yap sesh I'm sorry, confusion??(girl me too idk), an annoying guy x
Wc: 5.670k
A/n: Ugh writing the summary is worse than the whole fic wtf. Also finding pics and trying to make the coloring match is shit I'm sorry LMFAO. Apologies for the late post, I've been going through it in school. and as I said again, im pretty new to writing so constructive criticism or advice is needed :)
Part one
This is FANfiction. Please don't view Elisa this way.
“Do you know who you're going to prom with?” You turned to look at Sam, walking down the school hallway to your shared class. Prom has been a topic of conversations since they first revealed it two months ago. Now, prom will happen in two weeks, and all the young teens are procrastinating to look for partners.
“Ugh, no! I don't even know why our school decided to add this thing. We don't have to copy Americans, let them do their thing and we will do our thing.” She groaned loudly. You looked around you, noticing people glancing at her weirdly.
“Okay… but the students voted for it, not the school. So technically it's our fault.” You whispered, tugging her closer to remind her to lower her voice. You thought about who might ask you out. Xavi has been eyeing you for a while, but he was caught creating fake Instagram accounts to catfish girls. So there is no possible way of you agreeing to go with him. Edward was a year older than you, and you've been chatting with him at lunch. As much as you enjoyed the conversations with him, you didn't feel anything with him. He was the most attractive guy in his grade, his hazel eyes and dark skin made the girls swoon around him. For you, his personality isn't as attractive as his face, therefore you aren't crazy about him.
Then there is Paul, your childhood friend. You've known him since first grade, sitting together at the school park. In your head, you had imagined your friendship to stay forever, until you both get jobs and live close to each other. But after the both of you hit puberty, he started to act weird and felt uncomfortable around you. You hated it, but you knew it was bound to happen anyways.
It also didn't help you how attractive he grew to be, his short dark hair matched his brown eyes but also contrasted with his pale skin. His soft smile and attentive personality made many of the girls attach to his hip. You were never insecure about your looks, but now you started to question yourself. Did he stop our friendship because I was too ugly?
At some point, some of the girls came up to you and asked what he likes so they can ‘buy him a gift’. Your response was an easy lie, ‘I don't remember, it's been years.’
That doesn't make you guys strangers, he still comes and talks to you every once in a while, just like now.
“Hey y/n… can we talk privately?” Paul startled you. You turned to look at him with confusion, the last time you talked to each other was last month when he asked for the English homework (which you reluctantly gave to him out of kindness… and because you're a people pleaser). You glanced at Sam to check if she's okay with you leaving her, she gave you a small nod and left the both of you alone.
“So… have any plans for the winter dance? Or prom I don't even know what it is.” He awkwardly grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side of the corridor to not interrupt the people walking.
“Are you asking me out as your date?” You questioned slowly.
“What! No…i mean yes. Do you want to come with me?” He shook his head, obviously distracted with something. You stayed silent for a few seconds to think about it. You aren't a ‘party’ person, but the winter prom is a new thing and you wanted to experience it for once. Paul was a complicated guy, he wouldn't talk to you for months and then approach you like nothing happened. At least when he does approach you, he treats you right, or that’s what you thought.
“Sure…do you have any planning? For the dress or just the day as a whole?” You asked. Everytime you watch an American teen movie, you imagine yourself and Mr. Perfect together at a shop buying a dress, the shocked face when they see you going down the stairs all glammed up, going to dinner before prom, and having a soft kiss at the dance…. Although now you don't really feel like sharing your first kiss with Paul.
“Oh?... What thing for the dress? And no, I didn't volunteer for the dance so I didn't plan anything with the organizers,” And just like that your hopes were crushed, of course a 14 year old boy wouldn't know a thing about romance. He clearly didn't care about what dress you'll wear, or what the both of you would do before the event. You shook your head with a sigh, faking a smile and walking past him to your class. “Ohhh! I did vote for you for prom queen… you know? So we both can be like ‘famous’. You should vote for me, if that's what you mean.”
You felt disappointed, pretending not to hear him and walked into your first class. Great. He ruined your day and it just started.
Your parents were excited when you told them about Paul asking you. Of course, they've known him for years and his parents are in touch with yours. You were at the store trying to look for an ‘age appropriate’ dress. Your father is staying in the car, obviously fed up with the indecisive behaviors from you and your mom.
“Look, this is great!” You heard your mom cheer from the back of the store, she came up to you with a flower print dress and a bright smile on her face.
“Mom, it looks like I work on a farm.” You sighed, turning to the other side where there are dresses lined up.
“Are you serious? It looks amazing. I like it!” Yeah, you like it. You turned to look at it again, but the sadness in your mother's face caught you off guard. So you decided to lie. You grabbed the dress from her hand and turned it to see it ‘from every angle’.
“You know what? I think it's great. And it's not expensive like the other dresses here.” You faked a smile and looked at the cashier that was standing uncomfortably close to the both of you. You handed her the dress and both went to the checkout.
For you, making decisions isn't something you care about. Everytime you think of something, you'd agree with the others because at the end of the day ‘it's not that serious’. Sometimes, your friends end up scolding you for choosing people's happiness over yours. But when you turned to glance at your mother's happy smile, it was worth it.
Wed 19th of December 2012
The next week, Paul had thrown your prom ticket into your locker with no message or any indication. At least he bought you the ticket. Sam has gotten sick as well as the other two girls close to the both of you. She had sent you a message saying she probably won't be at prom, explaining in great details of her vomit and sickness.
You felt all alone and the class has never felt emptier. Fleur had a major knee injury from football practice, two guys were suspended for a fight. Students are calling this week a curse, considering that it's wednesday and prom will just be in a few days. The filled class now is almost half empty, making the class feel quiet.
“Okay…since most of the students are absent, we won't take a lesson today,” Cheers erupted from the class, happy to not have biology. “I'm not done! You will be partnered up to discuss prom preparations.”
The atmosphere changed from cheering to groaning in a second. You glanced at Paul, wondering if he would be your partner. You hoped that Paul would realize he has responsibilities for prom today when the both of you discuss it. But as the teacher started labeling the partners, you realized that it doesn't matter who is your date, she is randomly assigning them.
“Elisa and Marie you don't need to sit at the back anymore, the class is practically empty. Elisa, you sit with y/n. Katoto, sit with Adam.” You sighed frustratingly, why her? During the two months of school, she has been treating you like dirt. Ignoring you and always avoiding you. Whenever teachers put you in groups, she'd ask the teacher if she can be partnered with Fleur instead.
But she's been more open and relaxed now, and it's somehow freaking you out. She has made some friendships there and there with the other girls. She laughs louder, jokes more with her side of the class. And even if her ignorance towards you confused you at first, it wasn’t why you were freaked out. It's how she treats the girls in class. It's like the guys…but gentler? She stares at Amy the same way the guys do, with heart eyes. And all of this frustrates you, because why is she looking at Amy like that? She's not supposed to like Amy. And why is she treating every girl in the class sweetly except you?
Everytime you catch her looking at Amy, you remember that Quora comment. Admittedly, you've been thinking about it everyday for the past 2 months. When you’re near her, you stutter and avoid looking at her eyes. Because when Elisa looks at your eyes, she can read you. And although you know you're not necessarily hiding anything, you don't want Elisa to know how she affects you.
Elisa rolled her eyes in annoyance when the teacher told her to move to sit next to you. Of course it would be you. Your bubbly and nice personality makes her sick, because right when it comes to her, you become mute. It feels as though her sitting next to you makes you feel grossed out and disgusted. It doesn't help how Sam glances at the both of you everytime Elisa walks past you. It's like you have told her something about her, that elisa is some sick joke you told her about. Growing up, Elisa realized that not many people liked her. But she didn't care, until it was you.
You were kind and sweet to everyone. Whenever anyone asks for help, you're always there. Whenever you have to be surrounded by people you don't even like, you're still respectful and treat them well. But why is it when it comes to her, you ignore her? Every time she's near you, she sees your uncomfortable glance, she’s already used to it by now, but it still breaks her.
Homophobia isn’t something surprising, it’s everywhere. But again, the most non-judgemental person… you, she didn’t expect you to be just like everyone else.
She threw her bag next to your seat as she sighed. Of course she’s already groaning around you. You rolled your eyes at her dramatic reaction, pulling open your notes to write anything you need for the prom. You wrote ‘dress’ check, ‘hair’... you’ll just straighten it, ‘make up’ you’ll ask Sam to help you with it. You glanced at Elisa, a blush ran through your face when you saw the sketch of a woman on her notes. Does she have a date? Did she get asked… or did she ask a girl out? There is no way she’d go with a boy… just the idea of Elisa with a boy makes your stomach churn, and you don’t know why it would feel better if she would be with a girl, a person like you.
“Um… so, do you have a date?” You stammered, trying to act casual about the question, as if it hasn’t been on your mind all month.
She looked away from her sketch to glance at you, “no.”
“Why not?”
Elisa was silent for a moment, “Fleur tore her ACL so she won’t come with me.”
Fleur? Why Fleur? Your kind smile slowly turned to a frown, fuck I know I said it would make me feel better if she would ask a girl out but Fleur? Does she like her? No way.
Elisa noticed the way your smile turned into disgust. At first, panic started to get into her head, would you tell everyone that she wanted her date to be a girl? It’s okay, right? A lot of girls go with their friends? Fleur is her friend. But her panic turned into anger, fuck you and your disgusting beliefs. Of course you wouldn’t like the fact she’s into women, and although she never said she's gay out loud, anyone who glances at her knows about it.
“ACL injuries are really serious, tell her I wish her a speedy recovery.” You mumbled, you didn’t know why you’re acting this way, and why does it happen every time with Elisa. Elisa ignored what you said and continued to draw. You were looking at her sketch from the corner of your eyes, what else would she add? Big boobs? Blonde hair? Is her type in girls the same as the boys’? But suddenly Elisa stopped drawing for a second and took a deep breath, then she scribbled all over the drawing, ripping the page away from her notebook and standing angrily to throw it away in the bin.
When she sat back, she moved her seat slightly away from you. You lowered your head feeling shame, what did you do to deserve this from her? Your heart did the fluttering thing again around her, but now it’s because of the heartbreak of rejection. Elisa kept on tapping the pencil on the paper, writing nothing on her notebook. You glanced at Paul, realizing that he was partnered with Amy. Because of the panic of Elisa sitting next to you, you didn’t even think about Paul. Great, Paul is with the hottest girl in class and Elisa here hates your ass, you already knew Sam would be tired from the phone call this evening.
You glanced at the teacher quickly to make sure she's not looking at you. You grabbed your phone and opened the chats between you and Sam and sent her a message.
“Sam I'm sorry for the monster I'd be when we call today.”
Elisa noticed you using your phone, slightly surprised since you've always been the ‘good’ girl of the class. She saw you texting Sam, quickly diverting her eyes away from your phone. Are you texting Sam about the drawing? Is she seriously that grossed out by a silly drawing? Elisa's frustration has faded, now filled with sorrow. How can someone be filled with that much hatred? How can you sit here and act all cute and innocent to everyone but react this way over a drawing?
Right when the bell rang, Elisa grabbed her bag and left first, not even waiting for Katoto. You breathed out slowly, glad that she's not sitting next to you anymore. The rest of the school day was miserable, feeling all alone. At lunch, you sat on the ‘loner benches’, which are placed behind the school buildings near the football pitch. It's called that because nobody usually notices it, so it's always empty. For once, you were too tired to be friendly and socialize with people you can't stand.
When you were watching the football game, you noticed Elisa playing. Sighing, you got up and walked to the building, deciding to help out the nurse in easy tasks like bandages. She likes you, and had previously written notes to the teachers for you ‘to skip’ their classes. And after what happened in class with Elisa, you really didn't want to face her again.
When you reached the nurse office, you saw Ms. Eugene frantically running around her office to grab things into her giant bag. When she turned to look at you she gasped, “oh thank God! I was about to call the office to bring you,” She grasped your arm, pulling you to sit in her office. “My daughter… she's sick, they called right now. Can you please take over my place? You know we don't have other nurses, and I trust you. You're very smart, y/n. If anyone came here with something more serious than a cut, don't hesitate to call the ambulance.” She rambled, her face filled with stress as she grasped her keys.
“I can stay here, just let the office know so I don't get counted as absent,” You were getting more worried about her daughter the more you looked at her. Ms. Eugene is a single mom of a 3 year old girl, having to carry the responsibilities of both parents as one. She nodded at what you said, and pulled the door open. “I hope everything works out with baby Lee.”
She turned to look at you with grateful eyes, and left you alone. You were stressed about the new ‘job’ you got, but excitement started filling you when you looked around. The posters, the small medications, the tapes and bandages. You can now pretend to be a nurse! You pulled out your phone to text Sam about your new adventure, until a knock made you flinch.
You glanced at the door, yelling out a ‘come in’. When the door opened, you heard Elisa's pained voice, “Nurse Eugene?”
When Elisa glanced at you, she rolled her eyes and limped outside, making sure to shut the door as loud as possible. Usually, you would be hurt at this. But by the way Elisa was limping, you jumped up from the big chair and ran out to see what happened.
“Elisa, are you serious?!” You pulled the door open, finding her limping down the stairs. She looks up to see you and asks, “What are you even doing here? Where is the actual nurse?”
“She had a family emergency,” You followed her down the stairs, “Elisa you're limping! I'm just going to tape you and you will not see my face again.” Your voice cracked as you said the last part. Usually you're good at masking your feelings, but Elisa's pained face in front of you and the way she ran away from you broke you.
Elisa groaned loudly and took a step forward, holding onto the stairs’ railing and following you back into the nurse's office. When she got in the room, she limply sat on the bed. Glancing at the wall in front of her instead of you.
She had heard the neediness from your voice, and it made her heart throb quicker. Even when you clearly feel disgust around her, at least you were worried about her right? Did you do this because you cared about her? Or because you didn't want to get in trouble?
You brought disinfectant wipes, a cotton ball, pre wrap, and a tape. You placed them near her on the bed then turned to look at her to see what actually happened. Elisa lifted her foot up to show that the injury was there, and when you looked down you saw a trail of blood and a cut on her lower shin.
You pointed at the bed as your face scrunched in worry. Awkwardly, Elisa twisted her body towards you and layed down, resting her upper body on her arms behind her. You sat on the bed too, making sure the tapes were near you.
You grabbed the wipes packet, glancing at Elisa to make sure she knows it will be painful. But she was already looking at your face, so you panicked and just placed the wipe directly at the cut.
“Fuck!” She pulled her leg away and threw the wipe away. But you grabbed her foot and pulled it to your lap, using a different wipe and attempting to clean up the cut again. Elisa’s hiss was loud, and it involuntarily made your breath hitch and bite your lip for a second. You had to stop being inappropriate and dirty minded. It's disrespectful, so you tried to ignore it and continued cleaning up the wound. But when her defined and thick calf tensed up, you froze. Of course she will have muscles… She plays football!
“Can you be quick? It's burning me.” Elisa's frustrated groan pulled you out of the daydreams, so you quickly placed your right hand on a piece of cotton there and awkwardly tried to place the pre-wrap over it with your left hand. Elisa saw you struggle so she placed her fingers on yours over the cotton pad.
You quickly removed your fingers from her warm hand, and started wrapping her shin tightly with the pre-wrap. It was easier now to be completely focused on the injury in front of you instead of Elisa’s gaze or warm hand, it was your dream to major in a medical field and you didn’t want to harm Elisa or tape it wrong.
All Elisa was doing while you were taping her shin is look at your face. She was intrigued on how you knew how to do this. For her, she plays football and it’s mandatory for all of the players to know how to tape and deal with certain injuries. But for you, she wasn’t sure on how you knew how to do this… or how you’re good at so many things, you were just perfect in everything in her eyes.
She shook her head at her thoughts and looked at your hands instead, watching you bring the sticky white tape and securing her shin just like the physio at her academy. When you were done, you softly tapped her foot, indicating that she can lift it now. She removes her foot from your thighs and twists her body to sit on the bed instead, forcedly turning her head to look at you with a thankful smile, “you taped it well, thank you.”
You shrugged and looked down at both your feet, dangling them around as you bit your lip in embarrassment, “Thank you, I’ve always wanted to do this in the future so…”
“Be a school nurse?” Elisa asked.
“No, just anything with the medical field.” You replied. Elisa didn’t realize how close you were both sitting next to each other until she accidentally nudged your foot when she started moving her feet like you. She stood up, making sure not to put her weight on her foot, and walked to the door.
“Good luck with that, you’re smart and I think you’ll be able to do it.” You looked up to see her at the door, heart slightly warming at what she said. You smiled gratefully at her and nodded, before mumbling a short, “good luck with football.”
Elisa giggled with a shrug at your comment, and closed the door behind her delicately this time. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding and hid your face in your hands. Why was it comforting to you that she thinks your hard work will actually get you to your dream major? Did she lie to make you feel better?...Elisa hates lying, you have noticed that because everytime she doesn’t like anything she’d stay quiet…not lie.
But the door was opened shortly, Elisa appearing again with a flustered smile, “I forgot to ask you for a nurse pass.”
You raised your face from your hands and nodded in her direction, standing up from the bed to the desk and writing a note. When you reached ‘time:’ on the notes, you turned to look at Elisa, “Hey Elisa… Do you want to go to class now or walk around the school? I can lie about the time and basically give you free time.”
She looked away from a random poster and turned to look at you with a bright smile, the ones kids do when they get offered candy. “Will you actually do that for me?”
You giggled at her reaction with a nod, she skipped happily and sat on the bed again. She turned to look at you with a grateful smile and pulled out her phone from her pocket, “thank you, I can’t stand the PE teacher or any of the students.”
You hummed in agreement as you sat there awkwardly. Elisa continued scrolling through her screen, while you were just looking at her. “If the teacher asks you why it took you so long you should say that you were dizzy and almost passed out because it is mandatory for nurses to keep students in their office for a minimum of 20 minutes.”
She looks away from her phone to look at you for a second before returning her eyes back, “yeah thanks.”
You didn’t like how she wasn’t really talking to you, even when you knew she didn't like you at all. For a second, it felt like all the tension that was there in the morning had oozed away, but you soon realized that you had to accept that the discomfort Elisa felt toward you will always be the same. As you thought of a topic to talk with her, there was a knock on the door.
You glanced back at elisa to signal for her to hide her phone, before calling out a ‘come in’.
When the door opened, you saw Elisa visibly grimace and you realized that it's Paul the moment he said your name, “y/n! Or should I say Nurse y/n?”
You turned awkwardly to Elisa with a confused look. Nobody knew you were there other than the office, how did he know? Your minutes of peace were frustratingly disturbed now that other students know. Elisa shrugged to show you she didn't know how he knew, but she didn't want to admit that she did text Katoto about you helping her skip.
“Hey Paul, do you need a bandage?” You fake smiled at him. After the whole prom planning that happened, you really didn't want to be around him.
“What? No, I'm just here so you can write me a note to skip class.” He laughed as he sat at the seat near you, grabbing a note from the desk and giving it to you so you could write him one.
“I'm not allowed to do that Paul, you know that.” You looked at him disappointedly and returned the pack of excused notes back to where they were. Paul groaned in frustration. He glanced at Elisa on the bed and pointed at her, “what about her?”
“Elisa is dizzy and has to stay here for a while.”
“Y/n do you seriously believe that! C'mon, I'm your prom date! She fell and bled a little, that's all. I was there. Look! She can stand and walk normally with it taped.” He cried out, pointing at Elisa's taped shin.
“Calm down weirdo,” Elisa calmly said. She didn't like the way he was yelling at you, and she was slightly worried if you couldn't think of an excuse to tell him about how she was dizzy so she tried to waste time.
In fact, Elisa didn't know why you were doing this in the first place. Taping her shin is understandable, but helping her skip class? Memories of first period hit her, and now she doesn't understand you.
Paul turned to look at Elisa after what she said, “weirdo? Did you just call me that?”
“Paul, stop acting childish!” You groaned. “Elisa got dizzy…when girls are in their…you know what, they can feel dizzy. Especially when they lose even more blood.” You mumbled to him as you pointed at her shin. It may not be the smartest excuse, but Paul doesn't know a single thing about women's bodies and you know he's going to feel weird and awkward when anyone mentions ‘periods’.
Paul looked down in embarrassment after what you said, turning to look back at you. “Um…sorry I forgot you guys get that, I'll just leave.” He talked under his breath, before opening the door and leaving you both alone.
Both of you and Elisa exhaled in sync, before turning to each other with a soft smile.
Elisa looked away from you to the door, “he's a dick.”
You sighed as you relaxed into the seat, “Yeah I don't know what else to do with him,”
You looked at your painted nails, avoiding Elisa's glance. You wanted to speak about this with someone, but you didn't like to put your problems into someone even if it was your best friend. “He didn't even…bother to ask me out properly like the movies.”
Elisa noticed the deep frown on your face. She never expected a day where the both of you are sitting down and talking about boys, but it felt slightly better to know that you're opening up now especially after the two months of ignoring and distancing yourself from her. Maybe you weren't as mean as she made you seem in her head, and she liked this vulnerable side of you. “Well… he's a guy, what did you expect from him?”
You let out a scoff, “it just feels like no guy is good enough. We always put the effort in everything, he couldn't even care about what dress I'll wear or flowers or anything.”
Elisa wanted to make a gay joke, but she still didn't trust you enough to joke that way. And considering the way you behaved around her drawing just a few hours ago, she didn't think it would be a good idea. “You're too pretty and smart for him anyways.”
You looked up to glance at her, but she was looking at her taped up shin. Did she mean it? A deep blush ran through your face, and you let out a soft giggle at the thought of her thinking you deserve better than the most handsome guy of your class.
“Yeah? Like who?” You questioned. Maybe Elisa knows someone she can set you up with for the next prom, or maybe she can help you find the love you always yearned for but the boys are too immature and inappropriate…Or maybe she'd say she's the one for you.
Elisa glimpsed at you and stayed quiet with no response for a few seconds. She shrugged, “none of the guys here for sure. Maybe somewhere else.”
Elisa didn't like the attention you just gave her. You turned a compliment into a questionnaire she can't answer. But who is there to blame but herself, she's the one who said you deserve someone better. Elisa loved the small giggle that came out of you. No matter how much she hated your behavior towards her, she always liked making girls realize guys are trash.
You crossed your hands in front of you as you rested your head on them, looking up to Elisa from your seat. She was deep in thought, and you started wondering if she'd ever date a girl in your school. Would she give her flowers every week? Would she receive flowers?... She's still a girl no matter how different she dresses, and she still deserves them. Would she be a physical person like the students that do PDA? Or would she pretend she doesn't know her girlfriend to not gain attention?
Elisa noticed you staring at her weird, the same glance she'd see Katoto has when she looks at Adam. Her ears turned pink and she pulled out her phone to complain to Marie about the ‘Voldemort guy’ interrupting what could've been your first ever sane conversation.
You were probably thinking about Paul, right? Maybe your ‘dream’ man since the both of you were talking about it.
You realized your thoughts were drifting too much, so you closed your eyes tightly and hoped sleep would come and take you somewhere away from Elisa. You shouldn't be thinking about her that way. And you also shouldn't assume her sexuality, like what that Quora response said…even after what she said about guys.
Elisa had noticed you sleeping, so she concluded that your dreamy stare at her was probably sleepiness making you tired. She sat there and scrolled on her Facebook and Instagram.
When she realized that it had been over an hour of her time in the office, she knew she couldn't use that excuse anymore and needed to focus on the other classes. She stood up and approached you, whispering your name.
When she didn't see you react, she knew she had to touch you. But she didn't know how, childishly afraid of tapping your arm. Your fringe had been covering your face, so Elisa lightly moved them away and placed them behind your ears, hoping you wouldn't feel her touch. Elisa always had short hair and she never wanted to grow it out, but she still loved the feeling of hair in her fingers. Fleur gets frustrated whenever Elisa plays with her hair, and Katoto has braids so Elisa was ‘not allowed’ to touch her hair no matter what (she tried one day and Marie yelled at her).
Your eyes scrunched at the feeling of soft fingers on your forehead, and when you opened your eyes you saw Elisa's horrified eyes. You sat up looking confused, worrying about why she looked like she had seen a ghost. “umm… sorry for touching your hair I tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up from my voice.” Elisa rambled quickly, stepping away from you towards the door.
“Wait,” you groaned out, “You're leaving me?”
Elisa smiled at your confused face, slowly speaking so you could understand, “I spent too much time here already, I can't miss more classes.”
She almost laughed at the way your face contorted, something deep in her is warming up and now her whole body is burning. She knows she needs to leave this room before her thoughts start spiraling, so she gave you a small wave and left the office.
Maybe it was the sleepiness talking, but for once, you finally knew that Elisa is a sweet person… and your heart break from the morning today came back, when you realized that what happened today was only a one time thing.
~ yes, the next chapter will be prom
~ fun fact, there are some countries in Europe that do prom nowadays. Maybe not back in the 2010s but this is fanfiction so xx
~ did you guys notice something about Paul's looks? yeah y/n has a type ;)
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