#i can... live with my torso. not great but i can live w it
cosmerelists · 7 months
Cosmere Characters in Costco
The title says it all, really.
[Previously: Cosmere characters in Ikea]
1. Wayne & Marasi
Marasi: Wayne...is that another new hat? Wayne: Why yes, dearie. I'm now Egrid Sternsberger, a little old lady who simply must try one of those mini hamburgers! Marasi: ...I think they'll give you multiple samples if you just ask. You don't have to keep switching hats. Wayne: Now, where would be the fun in that?
2. Shallan, Veil, Radiant
Radiant: Now, remember--it requires a majority vote before we make any big impulse purchases. Shallan: This vodka bottle is the size of my torso and will therefore last a long time. Veil: That's a good reason. Radiant: ...I'll just get another cart.
3. Ham and Dockson
Ham: Hey, do you know where Kelsier went off to? For that matter, where's Vin? Dockson: [Points silently upwards, to where Vin & Kelsier crouch on top of those big, metal, Costco warehouse shelves, mistcloaks rippling] Dockson: They like to be high. Ham: W-We're inside! How is there a breeze?!
4. Lift & Wyndle
Lift: Man, that was great! Lift: I stole food from every one of those little stands and nobody caught me! Wyndle: Mistress, like I keep telling you, those stands are giving away the free samples! There was no need to-- Lift: I am the greatest thief of all time!
5. Painter and Yumi
Painter: Please let me get another cart. Yumi: I said we don't need another cart! Painter: Y-You've stacked the cart so high that people are afraid to come within six feet of us! Yumi: Who do you think you're talking to? I can go way higher than this! Painter: Yumi please
6. Adolin & Kaladin
Adolin: Ta-da! What do you think? Kaladin: About your...clothes? Adolin: Yeah! It's all from here! Adolin: I got shorts with lots of pockets, this colorful buttoned shirt, this big hat, these sunglasses--even these cool plastic shoes with holes for airflow AND these socks! Adolin: I am going to revolutionize fashion. Kaladin: ... Adolin: What? Even Wit liked it! Kaladin: I'll be going now. Adolin: Wait! I got a matching outfit for you too! Kaladin come baaaack!
7. Tress & Charlie
Tress: Wow, this one is amazing too! Tress: It's a bit bent and a bit stained, but you can really see that it's been on a journey. Tress: Oooh! This one's an interesting shape! I think it was for strawberries! Charlie: Man, and to think they just give all of these cardboard boxes away for free!
8. Navani & Rushu
Navani: That is...quite the tower of toilet paper. Rushu: How do you suppose they get the top ones down? Some kind of machine, presumably? Do you think it's stacked for space efficiency or is it meant to inspire awe, as well? Rushu: ...Should I take one from the bottom to see what happens? Navani: ...Just grab one of the ones with the bear on it, for now. Rushu: Later then?
9. Rock & Skar
Rock: I love this place! All the food is sized for a while squad! Rock: Look at this! It's a cooked chicken the size of my HEAD! Skar: I found a rack of ribs that would take two men to carry! Rock: Tonight's stew will be a true wonder.
10. Nale and Szeth
Nale: And here is what I wanted to show you--this icon of justice. Szeth: ...A hotdog the size of my forearm? Nale: Yes. Nale: Do you understand what I am trying to teach you? Szeth: Hotdogs are...justice? Nale: This one is. Nale: The owner declared that the price would remain in stone, and that no change would be permitted while he yet lived. Nale: Lack of change? An enduring ruling? A man willing to stake his life on it? Nale: It is a hotdog of justice indeed, Szeth.
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redditpinterest · 5 months
gold rush | cole walter
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cole walter x female mc
summary: gracie has never been in love. she thinks. though, the enigmatic cole walter seems to have invaded her thoughts and infected her in every sense. she's completely enamored. too bad every other girl is too.
word count: 3.5k
author's note: i thought we could have a little haley james tutor moment and it was so much fun to write
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
When we are little, our mothers always tell us to never stare at the sun. That the brightness is too much for our delicate irises. It's hard to imagine that something so essential to our lives can be just as harmful. We count on the sun to rise, as much as we count on it to set. It's a constant in our lives, the kind of thing that feels comforting because you know that no matter what, it will never leave.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
I startle as the bell pulls me from my thoughts, the ramblings of my calculus teacher going in one ear and out the other. Truly, I try to pay attention in class. But it's hard when he's sitting right there, not knowing. Not knowing that I would do anything to have the privilege of loving him.
I've always wondered what it must be like to grow up that beautiful. With the kind of hair that falls into place like dominoes and the kind of eyes that captivate a room. I've never been anything special. Not like Cole Walter. He's enigmatic, pulling everyone in and willing us to look in his direction.
Standing from my desk, I take my books into my arms and beeline for the lockers. I've got work after school, and we just got a new shipment in, meaning I get to spend my time reading the backs of the covers and creating a mental tbr. I force myself to forget Cole, hating how much of my thoughts he seems to consume when he barely knows my name.
Sure, we've been in class together since grade-school, but he's always hung around Dylan and Erin. Never me, not that I've even tried to be his friend. I'm not good at that kind of stuff. I much prefer to keep to myself, silently admiring him, because it's comfortable. He'll never know how much he consumes me, but that's okay. He doesn't need to. My crush on Cole Walter is as steady as the sun that rises each day. The sun never thinks about me, it just simply exists, and the rest of us revolve around it.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The next week, my calculus teacher asks me to stay after class. To be completely honest, I was confused, since I was doing well in his class. I had even aced the last test.
"Gracie, I wanted to ask you a favor. I have a student who is really struggling in this class and I think that he would greatly benefit from your insights. Of course, you would get volunteer hours, but I was wondering if you could offer your time to tutor him?"
My brows furrow, Mr. Henry leaning against his desk, his arms crossed in front of him. I've tutored kids before, but it was always through the tutoring center at school. A teacher has never explicitly asked me to tutor one kid in one subject.
I don't really have the time, working at the bookstore, being on the volleyball team, and balancing my other courses. But I would hate to let Mr. Henry down, since he's one of my favorite teachers. And the people-pleaser in me can rarely find myself saying no. Which is why I nod, holding tightly onto the straps of my backpack.
"Yeah, of course. I'm free seventh period, so if you could just send him to the tutoring center then, that would be great."
Mr. Henry looks relieved, sending me a smile of approval.
"Perfect, thank you so much Gracie."
"Mhm." I nod as I begin to leave the classroom, "See ya, Mr. Henry."
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
I feel like a little kid again, like at any moment I'm going to be scolded for looking at the sun for too long. But it's kind of hard not to stare when none other than Cole Walter walked into the tutoring center.
He's holding a green slip of paper, his blond hair gracefully falling into place. A simple grey t-shirt clings to his torso, his tanned arms seeming to shine as if he wasn't even from this world. A smirk adorns his lips, as his eyes connect with mine. I swear I feel my heart stutter in my chest.
"Gracie?" He lifts the paper in my direction.
I don't know if I can do this. I don't want him to be real. I'm perfectly fine with him being a figment of my imagination, a projection of my personal life. He didn't know me. He didn't need to. We would graduate and my silly crush on Cole Walter would disappear as if it were a hummingbird in the spring. There one minute, gone the next. And I was okay with that. He was never supposed to be permanent. But I'm afraid that if I get to know him, one of two things will happen.
He is nothing like my brain has projected onto him, and this daydream of mine is inevitably ruined.
This crush of mine becomes something so permanent that I fear I will never be able to scrub it from my brain.
Either one sounds like hell.
I realize that I haven't responded yet, and Cole is giving me an odd look that I can't quite decipher.
"Oh yeah, hi." I scramble to say, standing up from the table and holding my hand out like an idiot.
Cole's eyes glance down at my hand before bouncing back up to my face. Reluctantly his palm slides against mine and he gives it a good shake before pulling away with a laugh.
"So formal."
He pulls the chair out next to mine, throwing his body into it and leaning over to reach into his backpack.
"Sorry." My cheeks heat with embarrassment as I sit back down.
His scent immediately intoxicates me, and I can't tell if it's cologne or just him. The woodsy notes fill my senses and I can't help but wonder if he knows how enamored everyone is by Cole Walter.
"So, Mr. Henry seems to think that I need some help with calculus. Can you help me, Gracie?"
I give him a soft smile, not daring to look him in the eyes. They're the most inviting waters, though I would hate to feel like a sinking ship.
"I suppose I could, Cole."
He pulls his last test out of his folder, sliding it in my direction for me to look it over.
"Do you tutor a lot?"
I hate the way that his voice fills me, making my whole body flush just from his proximity.
"Um, not as much anymore. I'm kind of busy recently."
My eyes scan over the pages of his test as I nervously tap my fingers against the fabric of my jeans. In all honesty, Cole has a pretty good grasp of the concepts, he just struggles with using them.
Cole's silent for a moment before speaking again.
"Hm. Busy with what?"
I ignore his question, finally pulling my eyes up to look at him.
"I think this is fixable. You're not bad at calculus, Cole. We just need to work on applying the stuff you already know."
I don't want Cole to know things about me because I don't want him to become real. The more distance I keep, the more comfortable I am. There nothing I would hate more than for him to realize that I'm just as obsessed with him as every other girl. It's pathetic, really, the way that he just pulls me in without even knowing.
But I don't want a gold rush. I want something real, tangible. Cole Walter is nothing more than the kind of hope that humans hold on to. It's too good to be true, and I would much rather be looking at it from a distance than get to close and realize that it's all been a lie that I've been telling myself.
Cole seems a little caught off guard with my deflection, his eyes flicking between mine as if deciding whether to call me out for it. He doesn't, going along with me instead.
"Sure. Teach me the art of integrals, Gracie."
I work with Cole on correcting his test for the next hour, determined to focus on something that makes sense to me. Calculus. When the hour hand of the clock reaches three, I write down a list of practice problems for Cole to work on at home.
"Alright, these are for you to work on, and we'll go over them at our next session, okay?"
I start to put my textbook into my bag, standing to leave.
"Okay," Cole draws out, still sitting at the table.
He looks like heaven sitting there, the evening light hitting his skin in an angelic way. It seems as if even the sun herself can't resist Cole Walter.
"Okay." I breath out, giving him a curt nod before leaving the room.
I feel as if I can finally breath again as I step into the parking lot, allowing the fresh air to fill my lungs and clear my head. Heading toward my green Jeep, I halt when I hear someone call my name. I turn around, hand pausing on the handle of the driver's door.
Cole is walking in my direction and I think for a moment that I forgot something at the table. When he reaches me, he leans his arm against the hood of my car, taking a moment to admire my biggest pride.
"Nice car." He gives me a smile that allows dimples to form at his cheeks, and there's something so human about it that it makes me dizzy.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, and I turn my head to scan around the parking lot, confused.
"Did you need something?"
I probably sound like a bitch, but I have work at 3:30 and I don't want Mary to be upset with me.
"Oh, uh yeah. I can't do seventh period for our next tutoring session. Taking my sister to her football practice."
"Oh. Well I have volleyball in the morning and work after school- I can't really do any other time."
"You could come to my house after work?"
The question catches me so off guard that I swear I almost start to violently cough.
"I couldn't- I get off pretty late and I don't want to make you wait for me. We could just wait until next week."
Cole seems amused at my rambling, tilting his head while my eyes fight to look anywhere else but him.
"Nah, it's cool if you're okay with it. I really want to do good in calc. Here, give me your phone."
He holds his hand out and I don't even hesitate before putting the cream phone case into his palm. Cole adds his number to my phone, texting himself to set it up.
"Okay, just text me when you get off and I'll send you my address. See you tomorrow, tutor girl."
I feel like my body is frozen in place as he backs away, waving at me before getting into his truck.
Cole Walter just put his number in my phone. My. Phone. What the fuck.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
I think that my favorite thing about the sun is that it holds our entire solar system together. Its gravity is so magnetic that it keeps all of the planets orbiting around it in a constant rhythm.
It provides all possibility of life for us, while not harboring any of its own.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The next day, I feel like my shift at the bookstore lasts a million years. Time moves slowly, inching by as I dread going to Cole's house. Like I said, I don't like that he's becoming real. And even worse, I hate that I almost like him more now that I've been around him. This is absolutely dreadful.
I hold my chin in my hand as I watch the minutes tick by, my body shielded by the register. Today's been pretty slow, though I did see a new paperback release from Emily Henry that has me wanting to buy it immediately. When it reaches 7:30, Mary wanders to the front, letting me off. My stomach drops with butterflies when the reality of seeing Cole Walter's life outside of school settles in. It feels wrong, in a way.
Reluctantly, I type out a message to Cole, praying that he remembered the fact that we were supposed to meet after I got off work.
Gracie: hey, it's gracie! i just got off work if we're still good for tutoring
Cole wastes no time sending me his address, about ten minutes away.
Cole: See ya soon, tutor girl ;)
I ignore the way that heat flushes my cheeks from his text and drive to his house, admiring the way that the sunset paints the sky with the final light of the day.
When I pull up to the ranch house, the pale yellow home seems to tell a story. The final streaks of light disappear beyond the tops of the aspen trees, and the moon peeks over the horizon. I text Cole to let him know that I'm here before grabbing my backpack and closing the door of my Jeep.
Cole meets me at the front door, swinging it open as I walk up the porch steps, the dark wood creaking beneath me. He flashes me a smile and I notice his eyes scan me up and down before settling on my face. I'm wearing a pair of baggy low rise jeans with a simple black tank top, a white pair of sneakers on my feet. My hair is in waves, the dark hair cascading to the middle of my back.
My lips lift softly in his direction, as he leans against the doorframe. He adorns a worn broncos shirt and a pair of grey sweats, looking so effortlessly beautiful. My hands clutch onto the straps of my bag as I stand in front of him, needing something to release the pent up nerves.
"Hey." I rock uncomfortably on my heels.
"Hey," he nods his head toward the house, "here, come on in."
I follow him inside, kicking off my shoes at the entrance before glancing around in the house. Warm wood encases the surfaces, the walls covered in photos and artwork. My home is nothing like this, almost sterile in comparison.
I hate how much more real it makes him feel.
Cole heads up the stair case and I follow, my eyes scanning each image, trying to understand how a family could have this many photos. He waits at the top, watching as I pause on a couple of the pictures, admiring the large smiles that grace the Walter boys as they grow.
"There's so many." I breath out at the top of the staircase, Cole twisting the handle of his door.
"Yeah, we get that a lot." Cole laughs.
"No I mean, there's so many pictures. I think my mom maybe has five pictures of me as a baby."
Cole gives me an odd look, and I realize that I just told him something real about me. It's something that I didn't realize was that weird until I started visiting my friend's houses growing up. That the parents saw their kids as their biggest accomplishments, rather than a burden to take care of until I move out. Though, I've never known anything different, so I don't think it really bothers me.
"Anyway," I work to change the subject, resting my backpack against the corner of his bed frame, "did you finish those problems?"
He doesn't say anything for a second, before internally shaking himself out of it and clearing his throat.
"Yeah, all except one. I didn't know where to start."
I nod, placing my textbook on the floor next to his bed and sliding myself to a sitting position, knees pulled to my chest.
"How was work?" Cole asks, handing me his problem sheet before laying on top of the bed, head close to mine.
"Slow. But we got in a new book I really want to read so that's fun."
Cole's head is next to mine as we both scan his paper, and I give him corrections as well as a starting point for the problem he was confused on. His proximity has my chest tightening, my whole body feeling like it's in fight or flight mode. I can feel his breath warm against me, his heat radiating like a phone you've been using too long.
I play with my fingernails as Cole works on the problem. It's so weird being in his room, seeing the posters he hung up as memories of his childhood. His fascinations and all the little things that make Cole Walter, Cole Walter.
"Done." I startle at his voice and the feeling of his arm as it brushes against my shoulder to hand me the paper.
My eyes catch on a bookshelf, filled with worn paperbacks.
"You like to read?"
I turn my head to catch Cole's eyes, and he's a lot closer than I expected, our faces merely inches apart.
"Yeah. Mostly just the shit that my dad buys for me at garage sales, though. Bet that's pretty funny since I'm kind of shit at school, huh, tutor girl."
I roll my eyes playfully, a smile involuntarily taking over my face.
"Okay, first of all, you're not shit as school, Cole. And second of all, stop calling me that."
"Or what?" His voice drops, shivers covering my spine.
I gulp, my mind racing to convince myself that this isn't real. It's another daydream that will disappear as soon as I wake myself up. Cole's too close, and he's looking at me in a way that I can't understand.
Gold rush, I remind myself. He's not real.
"How have we never talked before, Gracie?" His eyes don't leave mine.
The Sun, being a dynamic star, is constantly changing. At least, that's what NASA says. And I believe them for the most part. For so long, Cole has been this comfortable force in my life, something just out of reach, but always there. As much as I never want that to change, I can't help but think that this is worth the risk. Because just as the Sun, we are also constantly changing.
Cole is propped up by his elbow, his chest in my direction. His scent, as always, is intoxicating and now I'm certain that it's just him.
"I don't know. I guess I've always been too nervous." I confess.
"That's such bullshit. You're like a billion times more interesting than me."
"Cole. You have no idea the effect you have on people." I breath out, blinking slowly as he scans over my face.
Cole's head dips slightly, and he's suddenly close enough that if I were to lean slightly, we would be kissing. His hand reaches to my cheek, my breath catching at the soft touch.
"Gracie." He whispers.
All I can do is nod, answering the question he seemed to be asking.
He brushes his lips against mine, softly, before leaning in fully. And it doesn't feel quite real, that Cole Walter is kissing me. Eighteen years of life, eight of them spent consumed by him when I was so sure he didn't even know I existed. I'd dated, but Cole was always there, a place in my mind just for him.
My eyes flutter shut as I lean into his touch, our lips molded together in a dance. He increases the pressure, tilting my head back with his thumb against my jaw. Cole's tongue teases my lips, and they part to allow him access as he moans softly against my mouth.
I'd never felt like this before, not even with my ex-boyfriend who I had dated for two years. This felt electric, something so overwhelming that my whole body was on fire.
I pull away slightly, needing to remember that it's not real. When Cole goes to kiss me again, I tilt my head toward the floor.
"I- um. I should get going. I'll send you the practice test for the exam next week, okay?"
I stand up and swing my backpack over my shoulder, stepping toward his door and swinging it open.
Part of me feels bad, but I don't want to be another girl on Cole's roster. It's just another crack breaking through the delusion that I've been convincing myself of for years.
Cole's eyes are soft on mine when I raise my head to look at him again.
"Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah, I'll see you around, Cole."
I walk out, trying to keep my head held up until I climb inside my car. My forehead rests against the steering wheel as inevitable tears escape me.
It's best to let him go. I would hate to fall for him, only to be crushed when I reach reality. Because falling is magical until that final bone crush, when everything hits at once.
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itjazzbicch · 7 months
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Pairing:  Havik (Dariou) x Reader 
Summary: Once a slave who helped build the realm of Seido, the reader has always lived their life in fear from the trauma the realm has caused them, only to be blindsided by Havik, who comes to free them, destroying Seido with Rain's assistance, and promising the reader a new, better life as they are free...
Requested by: @isimpformaskmen (Ya asked for some Havik, so I hope you enjoy it!)
Warnings:  Havik's Tower ending spoilers, Reader was a former slave, Reader uses Havik's real name, Dariou. The reader is also a little crazy like Havik is (lol)
Word Count: 0.7k 
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Seido wasn't the glamorous realm that everyone thought it to be. It was built on the back of enslaved people such as me, living through horrors and strict laws. Most people were afraid to make so much as a tiny, meaningless mistake because there was a chance that they'd be imprisoned for it.
I lived much of my time as one of the commanders' servants. It wasn't the best, but it was better than being in prison or dead.
"I'll be right back with what you requested, sir," Bowing my head to the commander and going about my way, I started daydreaming like I always did, thinking of a better life and startled by screams that I heard in the hall.
In fear, I quickly hid against the wall, covering my mouth and panting as I heard more screaming. It sounded like some guards were fighting someone, that someone letting out a deep but low laugh with the screams silencing.
Panting harder, I could hear the footsteps getting closer. I didn't want to be next, but I was afraid to move, seeing a figure pass by. Somehow, they didn't notice me, my hand falling limp as I recognized them:
He recognized my voice, slowly turning to me:
"Y/N. I found you."
I was shaking, struck with shock as I saw his disfigured face, beginning to ramble out of fear:
"W-What are you doing here? We'll be killed!"
"Oh no, we won't," He growled, taking my hand, "Tonight, our lives will change for the better. Now, we must leave. Immediately."
"O-Okay," I nodded, following him as Dariou was my only friend in this forsaken world. We managed to make it out unharmed and no one on our tail, heading clear up to the mountain top, nearly crying as I pleaded to him:
"Dariou, tell me what's happening. Please, I'm scared."
"There's no need to be afraid," He sighed, finally at the peak of the mountain, holding my hand as I stared at him; his scarred face still took me aback, a tear dropping to my cheek as I caressed his cheek softly:
"What happened to you while you were gone?"
It was apparent that it was a sensitive subject as he turned away from my hand, but I quickly held his hand again, reassuring him:
"I don't think of you any differently. I've just worried about you so much, and I can tell you've gone through a great deal of pain."
"I have," He murmured, pulling me to him and keeping me under his arm, "But that's all about to pay off. Rain!"
Who? I was confused but stayed put, still scared and so, hugging Darriou's torso, watching as this man dressed in purple with a staff stood at the peak:
"Leave the rest to me."
Suddenly, thunder started cracking in the sky, and that alone showed me that this, Rain, wielding strong magic, his arms raised to the sky as it began to rain and that water grew more and more into waves and quickly after, a gargantuan storm, flooding the capital of Seido.
I was scared but was smiling for some reason as Havik left me where I stood to take a closer look, hands also raised to the sky as he was laughing chaotically:
The entire capital was destroyed, but I was grateful for Dariou because I still could've been down there.
"This-" I whispered shakily, looking at Dariou, "This is why you came for me?"
"You've suffered as greatly as I have, Y/N," Coming back to me with his arm over my shoulder again, he brought me to see the destruction, "But now, we're free! As we always should have been!"
"We're f-free?" I cried softly, my throat closing from holding back tears, "We're free!"
As I watched the waves of the storm cascade with destruction, I couldn't help but cry, squeezing Dariou as his arm wrapped around me, embracing me as he whispered:
"I told you I'd come back for you and make our dreams a reality, remember?"
What I thought would be a dream was coming true, and as I picked my head up to wipe my tears, I was smiling again, beginning to laugh along with him:
"It's come true. We're free!"
"Yes indeed, my dear!" Still holding me, we stared at the destruction of Seido with smiles. It was the beginning of a new era, his voice confident as he swore to me, "And no one will ever shackle us in chains ever again!" 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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demoiselettes · 2 years
May I make a request for Muichiro as a yandere but royal Au? As in he would be a prince while the reader will be a commoner who may not know how Muichiro is in the beginning
Also if you do accept the request, take as much time as you need! Thank you and have a great day <3
The one who didn’t get away
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Pairing: Muichiro x reader
Category: yandere
Warning(s)/note(s): i wrote this with fem! Reader in mind but i barely used any pronouns, yandere themes, obsessive behavior, not set in canon timeline, Muichiro is a prince, his family still dies sorry
A/n: ficlet since writer’s block is hitting hard :’)
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People looked up at you with envy. Some hated you, some loved you. Such was the price you paid for having the prince wrapped around your finger.
Truthfully, you didn’t know which one of you was wrapped around whose finger, but you imagined a red thread, tangled and knotted, tied around both your torsos. You were still unsure of the state of your relationship with Lord Tokito Muichiro. Once upon a time you’d been his servant, then you’d risen among the ranks overnight and became his personal assistant. You felt more like a puppy and at times, a doll.
He had once been such a wonderful and lively young man, but the death of his brother had reduced him to a shell of haziness, amnesia and irritability. There were times when he struggled to grasp onto the last bits and pieces of what had been a kinder life. You felt bad, naturally. You tried to help. Not that you knew well how to, but you comforted and advised when needed. You also felt weary, however. There was something dark lingering underneath the prince’s oblivious nature. It was like a murky lake, dirtied with mud. He stuck to your side a lot, almost to the point where it became clingy and desperate.
When you’d gone to bid him good morning, you hadn’t known you’d get to have a glimpse at his demons.
Like any other day, he was huddled at the chabudai that sat in the centre of his room. It was routine for you to find him there, folding delicate sheets of parchment paper into origami animals. But today he was staring at the wood like he expected it to fold itself into an origami swan.
“Lord Tokito?” You cleared your throat. “Good..good morning.” You bowed and stood at the door, waiting to be invited inside.
When he looked up, his blue eyes were troubled. He merely sat there and stared at your face. You shifted on your feet, trying not to come off as rude but you were beginning to feel annoyed. He blinked a couple of times, and it looked more like he was batting away an itch.
“[Name]..” he pronounced. Then, as though he approved of the way your name rolled off his tongue, nodded at you to enter.
Neither of you spoke when you took your place across him. Your legs itched to be stretched.
“How are you?”
“My memories are fading,” he concluded. His answer came so quickly, like he had been expecting you to ask this question. You hated talks about his amnesia, mostly because you felt helpless and you never quite knew what to say to make it better. Everything will be fine? Please, with the amount of times he’s heard it, he might as well lash out at you. Besides, everything was not looking fine. Day by day, he seemed to lose more of his memories; his late parents’ faces, his brother’s voice..
“Sometimes, when i try to think about them, i don’t see their faces.” He forged on. “They have no faces.”
You remained quiet and kept your head low out of respect. You figured that if you didn’t have anything soothing to say, you might as well be a good listener.
“But.. you’re recurring.”
He looked up at him and tilted your head. “Par..don?”
He tugged at the sleeve of his haori. “I can’t remember them but i can remember you. You’re constant.”
“Ah..” you’ve been working at the palace since your earliest childhood. Your parents having been servants to the imperial family, you’d been given the role to simply remain a companion to Muichiro, with the promise of an additional income. An odd request, but who were your parents to decline money? As you grew up, you took to becoming his personal assistant, and your friendship turned formal.
He wasn’t allowed to be close to anyone aside from his family members, but he always found a way to be with you. At times, you felt as though he loomed right behind you. He always had a hand on you. Other servants stopped looking your way.
“I’m happy i’m able to connect you with the past,” you said. “Perhaps.. perhaps you’ll be able to get your memories back.” Even as you said it, you felt the emptiness of your words.
He studied your face carefully. “It’s okay if i can’t remember them as long as i remember you.”
You stammered, flustered. But he forged on.
“You understand what i’m saying? You’re a..” he frowned, looking for the right words. “A staple. You anchor me.”
You smiled nervously. His voice was becoming steely and you were weighing the exaggeration in his words. He took one look at your face and clicked his tongue.
“You don’t understand.” He mused, steadily standing up. You watched in confusion while he made his way around the table to get to you. When he’d sat down, legs crossed and close, a little too close, you began to squirm in your place out of discomfort. But you didn’t move from fear of offending him. He’d become unpredictable and twisted throughout the years after the incident that’d cost him his family.
Incident. That’s how everyone in the palace referred to it as. In truth, it was a massacre, but the word alone waned the good atmosphere among the ranks. It was something people danced around, avoiding.
Your moment of hesitation gave him enough leeway to reach forward and grip your chin in his palm. You choked on your shock and gasped openly.
“Your face..it’s always there,” his thumb brushed over your jawline. “And it makes me feel nice to remember someone. The memories come and go, and when they leave i feel frustrated. I’m grasping at straws. But when i think of you, it’s.. it’s stable,”
You frowned at his jumbled up speech. He was fretting, something you’d never seen him do before. “Lord Tokito, what do you mean, ‘stable’?”
He didn’t answer, but the grip on your jaw became tighter and you winced. He trailed his gaze over your face, your neck, your body, but his eyes seemed far-away.
“I have to.. keep you here. With me,” he murmured, more to himself than to you. “You understand, don’t you? You’re far too precious to me. I hope you will forgive me in due time.”
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slicznymartwy · 10 months
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thomas hewitt x gn!reader
uncle monty finds a record player for you and tommy. mini blurb that continues from stand by your man, will not he cross posted onto ao3. if reading as stand alone, reader can be considered gn.
you wave at uncle monty as he pulls onto the property, a white ford getting towed behind his truck. you jogged from the shade of the porch to meet him at his usual drop off spot. you smile at him and put your hands on his door, hanging on.
“hi uncle monty,” you say nicely.
“tommy working?” he asks with his own smile, killing the engine. you nod, squinting towards the bright sun to keep yourself from reacting to the reminder. “well, i took a look in the trunk, plenty of stuff to pick through. how’d you like first dibs?”
you and monty had come to an understanding during your stay at the ranch. he was sympathetic towards you, although he wouldn’t dare act on that near anyone else. it wasn’t much but he showed you kindness, which you tried to reciprocate by being friendly with the old man.
you patted the door excitedly, biting your lip before hurrying to the car on the other end of the tow line. monty followed after you at his own pace, fingering through his ring of keys for the new addition.
“nice car,” you say, inspecting the clean white finish. you can’t find a single ding in the paint, much unlike monty’s rusty truck.
“if you think that’s nice, just you wait,” he says, smiling as he sticks the key into the trunk, popping it open. inside is a flat plastic case, a little smaller than your torso, and what looks like a one foot by one foot skinny square trunk beside it. your eyes widen as you see the brand name stamped on the plastic.
“is that really…?” you trail off in wonder. monty smirks like he bought the thing himself.
“a portable philips record player,” monty finishes for you, dusting off the top of the clean case. “check the trunk next to it.”
you glance at him with a growing grin before clicking open the case. you laugh excitedly when you see the stack of records sandwiched together.
“what a find!” you giggle.
“why don’t you hold onto it,” he says, putting his hands on his hips. “me and luda mae ain’t too interested in music, and hoyt’s either gonna break it or try to pawn it off.”
“you sure?” you ask, but you’re already picking up the record player with both arms. monty laughs at you.
“i’m sure. you enjoy those things for all of us, alright?”
you nod happily, taking off for the house with the record player firmly in both hands.
“i’ll be right back!” you say over your shoulder, eager to set it up in yours and thomas’s bedroom.
by the time thomas is re-emerging from his basement, you’re laying back on the bed with the needle dropped on a tammy wynette album. you sit up on your elbows when thomas comes in, dirty and sweaty from working. you try to smile at him, and you’re mostly successful as long as you don’t think about where the stains and the music came from.
“hi,” you say, watching how he stands in the doorway to the bedroom.
he makes sure he has your attention before looking to the record player. your smile turns a little more real as you sit up completely.
“uncle monty found it in their car. ain’t it great? i think it’s brand new,” you say.
thomas walks into the room, getting closer to the spinning track to investigate it. you watch him as he cocks his head.
“i didn’t know they made tiny ones until uncle monty showed me this one. it’s portable. my nana used to have a gramophone and she would listen to the most boring music you could imagine. this is tammy wynette, ain’t she good?”
thomas turns away from the record player and walks to their chest of drawers, untying his apron as he goes. your smile fades a little as your eyes follow him.
since you started living with the hewitt’s thomas’s demeanor has changed a lot. he was less affectionate with you, like he wouldn’t dare touch you even if his life depended on it. he didn’t hold you in bed, like you used to fantasize about when you were rolling around in the hay together. he could barely even look you in the eye.
thomas leaves his apron on the dresser and looks down at himself, touching one of the dark stains on his shirt. you watch him try to brush it off, lightly at first and then harder, like he was trying to scratch it away. he gives up with a silent sigh, one you see more than you hear.
the song crackles to an end, and then the next one starts.
you’ve never heard this song before, but it’s slow and it makes you sway on your feet. thomas doesn’t look at you as you near him, and he stiffens when you put your arms around his torso.
“can we dance?” you ask quietly. thomas shakes his head on reflex. “how about we just dance like this? it’s just us, tommy.”
you start to sway on your feet, and thomas moves with you after a few moments of standing perfectly still. you smile and rub along chest, ignoring the texture of the dried stains.
“i miss you, tommy,” you admit, cheek pressed to his back. “please don’t shut me out.”
despite whatever was going on in the hewitt home, this was what you couldn’t stand the most. the thought of loosing thomas after loosing everything else made your eyes water.
thomas doesn’t respond, because he never does. instead, he turns around in your arms and holds you against himself, and you feel the stain on your cheek now. you shut your eyes and will away the stomach turning facts that you’ve been avoiding this whole time.
“can we dance, tommy? please? i love this song,” you whisper, hands going to his sides to hug him back. you move your cheek against him to a cleaner spot of fabric and nestle in there. if thomas doesn’t know how to dance, he doesn’t tell you. you start to sway with him, back and forth in your dusty shared bedroom, watching the record spin in circles.
“i love you,” you say, pressing your cheek against him as far as it’ll go. “we’re gonna be okay.”
his hand cups the back of your head, gentle and tender. you imagine his hands on the kind of person that would drive a white ford filled with brand new records.
you close your eyes and decide to just feel his warmth instead.
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© slicznymartwy 2023, please do not repost or copy.
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cookiewriting · 1 year
Hiii 🥰🍪,
So firstly, no pressure at all to write this 💖
Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader (or GN! What you like x) -
Reader almost always teases Yelena about how she only ever cooks Mac n cheese so one night when Reader is a little late home from work, Yelena is trying her best to cook something different because she knows how busy reader as been recently and she wants to do something nice for them.
Reader comes home to the dinner table set and food waiting for them. They enjoy dinner together and reader is shocked that Yelena was able to make something other than mac n cheese. Later that night, reader gets up from the sofa to put some rubbish in the bin and discovers that dinner was actually just fancy take out and asks Yelena about it & Yelena just embarrassing explains how she was trying to cook but it just didn’t work out?
If it’s lame, you don’t have to write it 🥰💖
Mac’n cheese forever
Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN! reader
Warnings: Language, a tiny bit of angst if you squint. Let me know if I missed any!
A/N: This is my first official post here, my first request and my first time writing Yelena. I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m open to critics as long as they are respectful.
1,3k words
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To say work had been kicking your ass lately would be an understatement. You tried to keep count of how many nights you almost just stayed at the office but after a month there w as just too many. You loved your work, how else would you put on with those insane hours? You just wished you could go home earlier and spend more time with your amazing girlfriend.
Yelena had been a great help recently and her support sometimes surprised you. She never blamed you for coming home late and always made sure you had food on the table the moment you stepped foot inside the house. She was so understanding you were starting to feel guilty for all the times you had to send her the damn message.
I think I’m going to be late again. I’m really sorry Baby… Yelena: Don’t worry moya lyubov', I’ll have diner ready for you Please, no more Mac’n Cheese. I can pick up something on the way home Yelena: HEY! I can cook! I don’t always make Mac’n Cheese!
You’re right, sometimes it’s Cheese’n Mac
Yelena: This doesn’t even exist! I’ll make something good you’ll see
You chuckled while grabbing your things for the next meeting. You knew you shouldn’t tease Yelena about her cooking skills. After all she never got to learn how to make herself a real meal and later she was too busy to learn. But after almost two weeks of eating Mac’n Cheese every night, you just could help it. You actually spent most of the meeting trying to picture your girlfriend cooking with actual ingredients but after almost laughing at the image of her using the oven, you decided to focus a little more on your work.
Two hours. It took two hours for your team to figure out you wouldn’t be able to finish the project tonight. You waited a little before rushing to your car so that your boss wouldn’t think you were eager to go home, even though you were. During the 10 minutes drive to your house, you kept wondering if you should stop to buy a few snacks for the night. Deep down you knew Yelena wouldn’t let you starve and if she didn’t succeed in her attempt to cook something, she would improvise. Maybe you could negotiate a sandwich or some grilled cheese instead of her go-to meal.
As you closed the front door behind you, you could hear the sound of some TV show in the living room and someone getting busy in the kitchen. You let your bag fall on the floor, deciding this would be a future-you problem and took off your shoes. You made about two steps forwards before your girlfriend came into view. Her blonde hair in a high ponytail, she had that focused look you loved about her. Knowing she heard you coming in, you took the last steps needed to hug her. Your arms snaked around her torso, making sure not to disturb any of her movements. Your head resting on her shoulder you watched carefully as she finished dressing the two plates in front of her. “So you do know how to cook something else…” You just couldn’t resist teasing her again but in all honesty you were a bit impressed to actually see vegetables instead of macaronis.
You heard a huff and suddenly you were left holding thin air as the woman used her skills to get out of your arms. Still holding the two plates, she walked to the sofa and put them on your coffee table. You joined her as she took her first bite and gave you a falsely angry look. “Don’t sound so surprised, I told you I’ll make diner!” she waved her fork in your direction, using it to somehow make her point but making you chuckle instead. “I know Baby” you answered with a soft smile, “I just didn’t expect that much effort.”
You leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, thanking her for everything she does for you. A small smile finally appeared on the blonde lips and you curled up against her, holding your plate on your knees. You were truly amazed by the work she put in making dinner tonight. Everything tasted perfect, nothing seemed burnt or under-cooked. You caught Yelena’s eyes staring at you as she tried to see if she did a good enough job. When you nodded with a full mouth, relief washed over her and she went back to eating.
You never were into small talk and neither was your girlfriend. The evening went on, dinner finished a few minutes ago and you both were now cuddling in silence. After years of living together there was no such thing as awkward silence, you just enjoyed being with each other. Well you did until you moved and knocked over the bottle of wine you’d forgotten to put away.
You got up in a flash while your blonde assassin started to laugh uncontrollably. It was no surprise who the clumsy one would be in this relationship though being a highly trained spy should be considered as cheating. Using paper napkins and some tissues, you did your best to clean the spilled wine before it’d ruin the floor. Your girlfriend still laughing, you shook your head and went to throw the mess you made in the bin when you noticed something else already in it. You looked over to the sofa were you met the eyes of a suddenly serious Yelena and tilted your head. “Lena?” you asked slowly “Why is there burnt food and Florentino boxes in there?”
If someone could become invisible, you’re sure the spy would have done it in a second. Instead, she kept staring at you like a deer caught in headlights. You raised an eyebrow waiting for her answer. “I’m sorry!” Tears built up in her eyes as embarrassment and frustration took over. “I really tried to cook something but it was like the kitchen wouldn’t cooperate.” The usually fierce woman looked like a child being scolded by an adult. Sighing you closed the bin and walked back to sit in front of her.
“Why not just tell me?” You asked. “You don’t have to hide this from me love.” Yelena took your hand and began to play with your fingers, a way to distract her mind when she let herself be vulnerable. “I just didn’t want you to be disappointed,” she whispered. “I thought if I could make you something other than Mac’n Cheese you wouldn’t get tired of me.” Your mouth fell open at her last words. You never thought your teasing would get to her in that way but looking back at it you suddenly wanted to slap yourself.
“Baby? Look at me?” You waited a bit for her eyes to meet yours but when she didn’t move you gently cupped her face and made her look your way. “Hi,” you smiled “I’m not disappointed love. And I could never get tired of you. I want to spend all my life by your side baby, even if it means eating your Mac’n Cheese every night.” A smile returned on your girlfriend face as you spoke and you wiped a tear before it rolled on her cheek. “Really?” You nodded “Of course.” Her smile reached her eyes and she leaned in your touch. This was her way of saying she loves you without any words needed and you stroked her skin softly in response. “Marry me.” She asked, closing her eyes. “What?” Your own eyes widened, this evening was definitely far from what you expected a few hours ago. “Marry me?” Yelena asked again a little louder, her voice full of the same determination she had when she offered you your first coffee.
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stevenose · 2 years
w wearing steeb’s clothes and letting him cum in you as many times as he wants ☺️
yezzz i wrote this for afab!reader - i hope that’s okay!
Steve can’t stand it. He’s going to implode if he doesn’t touch you in two seconds. And he knows it’s going to take longer than that to cross the living room. So he might as well just die.
“You don’t mind, do you?” You ask. Your thighs are on full display, his shirt just barely covering the edge of your underwear. It’s one of his stupid polos, which should have decreased the sexiness level by a thousand, but both of you are still turned on. It’s stolen from his laundry basket, which drives you a little crazier - it smells like him. And it drives Steve crazy, too, because it’s just kind of dirty for you to have done that. Like, literally.
“Do I mind?” He asks, finally moving towards you, taking broad strides. “Actually, yes, I do.”
You gasp when he pushes you to bend over the back of the couch. “I can tell.”
“You love being a little pervert, huh?” he asks, running a hand down your back. “What possessed you to wear something dirty?”
“Uh, smells like you?” you reply. “Sue me.”
“Oh, I’ll do something,” he says, and you scoff because its not very slick. He giggles, too, a higher pitched noise that Steve doesn’t usually make. “Stop. I’m trying to be sexy.”
“I believe in you.”
“Thanks,” he says, his hand finally reaching your ass. He pulls his shirt up to expose it. Your underwear doesn’t do a great job of covering you up. The urge to turn your skin red nearly overpowers him, eyes locked on your backside. “Hey. Scale of one to five. How crazy can I go?”
You think for a moment. “I’d say, like, four and a sixteenth.”
“Four and a sixteenth. Got it.”
“Wasn’t that fun-“ You interrupt yourself with another gasp as his hand collides with your ass. “Steve, Jesus Christ.”
“Know what I wanna do?” he says, pushing you into the frame of the couch harder, knocking more wind out of you. “I want to come in your little pussy til you can’t take anymore. Til you can’t hold anymore. Til you’re all dripping and dirty and beggin’ me to give you a break.”
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Yeah. Yes. Do that. Got myself ready for you.”
Quirking a brow, Steve slips his fingers under the fabric on your cunt. He’s shocked at how wet you are. “Did you touch yourself?”
“Edged myself for at least two hours,” you admit. “You were at work and I was bo-red”
Steve slips two fingers into you, easy, the sounds of your slick loud enough to be embarrassing. Both of you moan and Steve continues moving them, fucking his long digits in and out of you. He wraps a strong arm around your torso, just underneath your breasts, and holds you to his chest. “Fuck. What’d you use to stretch yourself open like this? Your fingers are too tiny to do all the work.” He slides a third finger in and you thrash, keening, trying to sink down on him.
“The - the - the -“
“The purple one? Pink one? The one that looks like skin?”
You nod, trying to find words. “Th- the one that’s as big as you.”
“Shit,” he breathes, finally fucking your cunt all the way up to his knuckles. “Wanted to be ready for me, huh?”
You nod, straining and moaning. “I - I’m really close, babe - have-haven’t cum- came? yet.”
“Just from my fingers? Haven’t even touched your cute little clit yet. You must be so desperate, huh? Poor thing.”
If you had the energy, you’d roll your eyes - but Steve’s other hand moves away from your breasts and down to your clit, flicking it once. That’s all you need before you cum around his fingers, crying out as he fucks you through it. His fingers curl and hit your pleasure spot, prolonging your orgasm - or maybe he just gave you a second one. You’re not sure. Steve removes his fingers as you pant, tsking behind you.
“So damn loud,” he tuts. “Christ, look at the mess you made.” He reaches around to show you his fingers, covered in you. As you open your mouth to apologize, he slides them into your mouth. “Maybe that’ll help shut you up.”
You moan and lick them clean, sucking on them as he uses his free hand to push his jeans and underwear down. He’s ready, too, only taking a moment to quickly spit on his cock before lining up with you. “You’re gonna take everything I give you, right? Be good for me? Let me fill you up?”
“Yes,” you groan around his skin. “Whatever you want.”
Steve stretches you - not enough to hurt but enough to feel. Buried to the hilt, you’re not sure how it’s possible for him to fit. He groans, exhales into your shoulder and bites it as he starts thrusting. The couch is moving under you with the force, which is objectively hilarious, and would probably put both of you on the floor if you weren’t so insatiable.
“Like velvet,” he groans, leaning up to the shell of your ear. “Wanna b-bury my cock in you all day.”
“Yes,” you whine. It’s the only word you can remember.
Steve leans back from you to get a better grip on your hips and to plant his feet into the carpet. He fucks you harshly, pulling you onto his cock and growling each time he bottoms out. “Gonna,” he grits out, pads of his fingers bruising your hips as he pushes in deep and cums inside of you. The warmth floods up to your stomach and you whine, immediately trying to fuck back on him again.
“Desperate for it?” Steve pants. “Course you are. Perfect little doll, huh? Wanna take all of me?”
You nod, voice caught in your throat.
“Say it,” he demands, pulling you up and against his chest. His cock is still hard inside of you. “Push your ass out, baby - yeah, like that. Good. Now tell me how much you want me.”
“Want you so bad,” you whisper, grinding back onto him as best as you can, given the awkward angle. “Want all of you all the time. Missed you. Thought about this cock in me all day.”
“Take this stupid shirt off,” he says, grabbing it for you. His hands fly to your tits the moment it’s off, thumbs rubbing over your nipples. “God, you shouldn’t look so good in a polo.”
Steve starts fucking you again before you can reply. He wraps an arm around your torso again to keep you close. It hurts your spine, the way you have to bend back for him - but you can’t really care when he’s fucking you so deeply and so raw.
“Gonna keep my cum in you,” he rasps. “Gonna have to beg for me t… to let you push it out.”
“Fuck!” Your hands grasp at his arms, trying to steady yourself, because just the thought made your knees go weak.
“Gonna dirty up more laundry?” Steve asks. “I- I’m gonna - gonna make you keep your cum soaked underwear on. No,” he corrects, pumping into you even faster. “G-gonna keep ‘em on me so I can remember h-how full of m-me you are.”
You’re only aware now that they’re still on you - Steve’s only pushed them aside to gain access. Your eyes roll back. “Pervert,” you groan, and Steve pushes you down into the couch again, ribs hurting from the impact.
“Sorry,” he says, slowing and moving a hand to them. “Shit, I’m sorry. I got -“
“Fuck me!” you groan. He can kiss you all he wants later - the pain doesn’t really matter right now.
“Shit, ‘kay.” He picks back up where he left off, fucking you hard, less fast but more deep. “Can you feel me here?” he asks, moving his hand down to your stomach.
“Full,” you moan. “So full.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” he pants, pace now picking back up. “I’m gonna - mmph - I’m -“
Steve stands on the tips of his toes as he cums, pushing himself as deep into you as possible. You wish his fingers were back in your mouth, because the scream you let out is more than enough for the neighbors to call the police on you. Steve, still mid-orgasm, chokes out, “You -?”
You nod, mouth open wide as he fills you up again. You already almost feel too full, but Steve can totally flood your cunt all night if he wants to. You’d let him do anything to you. Literally.
He shudders as he finishes, leaning down to kiss your shoulder and back. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No,” you moan. “Jesus, Steve. Think you’re sluttier than me.”
“I am,” he says into your skin. You can feel him smile. He pulls back and slides out of you, careful to grab your hips and pull you up. “Don’t spill a drop, okay? Let’s go to the bedroom. Got a surprise for you.”
“Is it another load?” you ask, walking awkwardly, clenching your muscles.
“Maybe,” Steve says. (It definitely is.)
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Morty's Birthday asks || Accepting !
@petalsxfallen sent: There she goes, just bursting in the living room. Eager grins and several wrapped gifts in hand. “Happy fucking birthday, dude! I want you to open these and then we’re going on an adventure to celebrate.” Said presents were various video games and comic books. Along with a cool leather jacket and fingerless gloves (for Morty)
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Birthdays had never been a big thing in their family, especially when it came to the youngest Smith. Summer had actual friends, so she got to have a little party with them or, nowadays, to go out to celebrate with them. Morty usually just had cake and presents at the house after dinner (or in the afternoon if it was the weekend), and that had always been it.
Things had changed a little after Rick had entered their lives, since the scientist had picked up the habit of taking him to cool places the night that preceded the actual birthday and then out again somewhere chiller once the family nightly celebration was over. Morty usually got a present to go with the trips, even if it was just something small.
For these reasons, the teen hadn't expected that year to be any different. So, when Petal barged into the living room like a hurricane, interrupting his idly channel zapping and raining a bunch of present over his head, the boy found himself beyond startled.
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"W-What the...?" Morty stuttered out, obviously caught off guard, his eyes growing wide firstly in alarm and then in shocked wonder as his eyes locked on the gifts.
His mouth hung open for a few moments, as he was left speechless. Not only he hadn't expected Petal to do more than wishing him a happy birthday, but they were more presents than he had ever gotten, on any birthday, counting all the ones his family had given him.
His chest felt a little tight and he swallowed, sincerely touched by the gesture. He knew that the two of them were friends, but he also knew how hard it was for the pearl to show that she cared about people. It was the reason why he was usually the one who mostly performed displays of friendship between the two. So, seeing her trying so hard made the gesture even more special.
"Oh g-geez, man, I-I..." He tried again, but the words kept failing him, even if now it was for a very different reason.
He picked up one of the comics and one of the games, to have a closer look. They were exactly the kinds he loved and they were newer editions of the ones he already had. Lately, since he was always busy with Rick, his time to play and read had been limited, so spending money on more stuff had seemed a little pointless. However, now that they had been gifted to him...it was different.
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"Y-You didn't have to, uh, go this overboard an-and...I...Thank you, P-Petal. These are...all great. A-Amazing. I-I wasn't expecting...you know. U-Usually no one really cares this much." Cue to an awkward chuckle. "I...I-It means a lot than you did all this j-just for me. Really. I-I suck at expressing it with words, b-but...I appreciate it. A lot. An-And I appreciate you...even more."
Setting the presents down, he stood up, a flash of nervous hesitance crossing his features before a determined expression replaced it. As quickly as he could he stepped into the pearl's personal space, wrapping his arms around her torso and giving her a very brief, but very tight hug.
Then, he immediately moved backwards, making sure to be out of Petal's current arm's reach. She wasn't a fun of physical affection, so he didn't want to risk it.
"Uh, y-yeah, let's go! I-I have to be home for dinner, b-because Mom is going to make my, uh, birthday meal. A-And a cake. Y-You should really stay and eat with us," he hurried to ramble, wanting to steer the focus away from the embrace. "B-But we have the whole afternoon and, uh, i-if we leave now, we can easily make it back! L-Let me just..."
His voice trailed off as he picked up the leather jacket and the gloves, taking a moment to slip them on. Since it was their adventure, it made sense to have matching styles. He also had the first blade that the Gem had gifted him already on him, so he was definitely ready to go.
"S-So, what did you have in mind?"
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liauditore · 9 months
what if scott is a living flower hybrid? something like sims plant guys, but more human
and i can imagine how his vines were holding jimmy, not letting him leave scott.......
i don't know, it just came into my silly head
- 🔥
o i LOVE this idea fire anon. i have a uh. those closest to me will know i have a bit of a small history with plant gore. something abt it is symbolically really cool and it also just looks pretty. so this is right up my alley.
(plant gore stuff under the cut + floaty thoughts. i got kind of unhinged w/ it soz)
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I like the thought of it being.. more like a curse? kinda similar to hanahaki disease but that flowers are growing out of EVERYWHERE, vines spreading under ur skin, etc. etc.
cleo would help him manage it, at least 👍(maybe even steal a couple of flowers for her hair lol after all, they don't wilt)
but yeah plantgore with jimmy... scott leaning over him and vines growing from under his nails, wrapping around jimmy's neck and torso. going from something that hurts scott to a weapon he can use. because being together forever with his husband.. surely that's okay, right?
SORRY this is very far away from ur initial concept i just kinda went wild w/ it cus this is hitting all the right notes 😭😭
i kind of associate this song with either scott or pearl depending on my mood but this is great to brainrot abt this if you want it 👍 (also ghost n pals produced it and i love ghost n pals)
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pixystixx · 9 months
Snippet of my Bill Kaulitz Fanfic
I've been writing this fanfic for awhile now! I'm working very hard on it to make sure the quality is great! Please go readddd, luv y'all! :) Now for a little sneak peak to see if you like it!~ (p.s this isn't a full chapter.)
on wattpad pixy_stixx "Voice Of An Angel"
We all had to share a room, so Bill and I decided to share and throw the other three boys into a hotel room. "This is nice. It's the first time I don't have to share a room with Tom," Bill says as he sets his stuff down. I look around the room and it's a very pleasant hotel room. There are two beds in the room and two desks.
"I can't imagine having to spend so much time with my brother. How do you guys do that?" I question.
"We love each other a lot. I don't think either of us could live without the other. We do fight because we're together so much, but we always make up quickly. It just takes a couple hits to the head and everything's okay," Bill replies. When he talks he says it so softly with love in his voice. He really does care about Tom.
"I never fought with my brother. It's mostly because we were 6 years apart, but he was never even around enough for us to fight. I haven't seen him in a year," I reveal. I feel bad for making the conversation sad.
"That sucks," Bill says, "You have the band as your brothers now."
"It does kind of feel like that," I laugh, "You guys are really special. It's kind of crazy to think about where I am." I finally walk over to my bed and set my stuff next to it. I throw myself onto the bed and sprawl myself out on it. "Ugh, I need to take a shower," I complain. I wanna lay down, but I'm all sweaty and gross.
I take a quick shower and change into a simple, black pajama set. I throw myself back on the bed as Bill goes to take a shower. I flip through all the TV stations until I find one I like. I sit there watching the TV as I wait for Bill to get out of the shower.
Today was incredible. I can't believe I was on a stage that big. I can't believe I was singing with Bill Kaulitz. It wasn't even something I would dream of. I technically didn't even know who he was before I joined the band, but it's incredible looking at it now. I'm surprised I had no idea this band existed. Especially since I live in the same town as they do. I smile as I think about how lucky I am.
Bill walks out of the bathroom, which catches my attention. He has no shirt on and I can see his star tattoo. He makes eye contact with me and both of our faces turn bright red. My eyes roam over his bare torso and he clears his throat awkwardly. I decide to just look back at the TV.
"I'm not ready to sleep yet," Bill says from across the room, breaking the thick silence.
"Mmm, me neither," I agree. He walks over to my bed, and I scootch over to give him space. "I just put a show on TV if you wanna watch it," I say. The energy in the room is different than it normally is. Even though we've hung out alone before, it's kind of nerve-wracking to be alone with him right now.
He sits down carefully and nods. I have my eyes glued on the TV, but I can see Bill looking between me and the TV in the corner of my eye. I finally get the courage to look back at him. When we make eye contact, his breathing hitches slightly.
I think about what Tom said the other day. You'll probably have to make the first move. I inhale and break the silence. "Today was pretty incredible," I say quietly.
He nods and replies, "It was pretty cool to have someone to sing with. I was really nervous about it, but I can't imagine how nervous you were. It was your first time doing anything like that."
I laugh and say, "I was pretty nervous, but it all subsided when I looked out into the crowd. You also helped calm down my nerves a lot." As the words spill from my mouth, a heat rises in my face. Bill and I are now completely laying on our sides, facing each other. Our faces are barely a foot apart.
"I'm glad I could help," Bill gulps. We sit there in the silence for a little while. The only sounds are the low volume of the TV and the sound of us heavily breathing. We stare into each others eyes, nervous to make the next step.
"Thank you Bill," I say, "I like all of the band, but you've really been there for me whenever I need it. I can't thank you enough for everything." He smiles a small, sweet smile. His face is a bright pink.
"I'm glad," he replies, "Thank you too." I raise my eyebrow at his gratitude. "Thank you for being there. You've made me a lot happier lately," he finishes.
"Really?" I ask, "How?" I'm nervous I might be pushing him a little too far because his face somehow manages to get even redder.
"You just do. There's something about you," he answers.
"Bill, I like you," I blurt out.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Debauchery Of Captain America, Chapter 2
Word Count: 809
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“I still don’t know how you managed to get my parents to say yes,” I said giddily as I looked at my boyfriend.  Steve smiled, his hand resting lightly on my thigh, “we get to spend a whole month together…this is like a dream come true…”
“And at the end of our month, is our one-year anniversary,” he grinned in response.  I couldn’t help but giggle as my hand settled over his and I began to play with his hands, “you know…I’m really excited about this.  It took a lot of convincing your parents, but I’m glad they agreed…I think that this is going to be really great for our relationship, bunny.”
“Me too, Steve.”
He gave me a warm smile as he placed the car in park, and we looked over the lake house.  But my brows furrowed when I noticed the car beside us, “d-did Tony tell you anyone else would be here?”
“No,” he said slightly nervous.  I noticed his torso tighten and his hand slipped from my thigh as he reached into the center console to grab a weapon, “you should stay in the car…I’ll check it out.”
“Steve, call the cops…d-don’t go in there.”
“I’m a superhero, bunny,” he chuckled, pulling out a police baton, “what’s the worst thing that they can do to me?”
“Shoot you!” I pointed out, grabbing his arm as he tried to leave the car, “St-Steve…please don’t go in there…or at the very least, take me with you…”
“Bunny, I’m not going to put you in danger.”
“What if there’s people waiting out here for you to leave me?” I asked nervously, “and they snatch me?”
Steve seemed to consider the possibility and he nodded, a firm look on his face, “alright…you come with me…but if someone’s there, you stay behind me…and if something happens you promise me that you’ll run, okay?”
“It’ll be okay, bunny.  I promise.  I just need you to be prepared.”
You sat on the couch, mouth gaping in complete disbelief as to what you and Steve had walked into.  Both of you were in shock when you’d walked into the lake house.
There was no danger.
Tony had hired a sex therapist, who was waiting in the living room for the both of you. 
“Captain Rogers, Miss (Y/L/N),  so glad the two of you had a safe trip up to the lake!” The therapist smiled as they sat two journals down on the coffee table, “Mr. Stark has informed me that at the end of the month the two of you were celebrating your one-year anniversary, but that you may have some intimacy opportunities that could deal with being addressed.”
Steve nearly choked on his own breath as a blush rose to his cheeks, “excuse me?”
“I’m sorry.  I’m Michelle Harmon, a sex therapist.  I specialize in helping couples explore their sexuality and their issues with making love.”
“W-we don’t have any issues!” Steve said quickly, “is this a joke?”
But she only smiled reassuringly as she looked away from Steve and to myself, “do you find it hard to be in a relationship with such a public figure, sweetheart?  Do you find it hard to ‘perform,’ with him?”
“Steve and I have never had sex with each other!” I said quickly, “we-we’re just waiting for the right time.”
“Oh, so sweet.”
I frowned, hearing the condescension in her voice. 
She had talked for the better part of an hour, thinking that I was the one with the issue.  And I had to bite back the jealousy every time she gave him a sweet look.  Every time she batted her lashes at Steve or left a lingering touch that lasted just a second too long for my own liking. 
“So, the first thing we’re going to do is label our journals…” she smiled, batting her lashes again at Steve, who didn’t seem to notice, “(Y/N)?”
I smiled, pushing my journal at her, the title delicately written in cursive large and flowy. 
‘The Debauchery Of Captain America.’
“Thanks, doc…I think you’re really going to help me and Steve as we figure out the best way that he can lose his virginity,” I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest, “there’s just loads of positions I’ve been waiting to show him.”
“(Y/N)!” Steve scolded, his eyes going wide as he looked at the shocked looking therapist.  Her eyes shot to him.
“You?” she asked, completely in disbelief, “y-you’re the virgin?”
“Uh yeah,” Steve replied nervously, a blush tinging his cheeks as he pushed his own journal forward.  The title reading sweetly ‘Exploring Love Making With My Dame.’  She blanched and looked back at me.  I gave her a smug look, and she turned back to Steve, “I-I’m sure that Tony probably stated it already, but I would really appreciate the utmost discretion, Doc.”
Chapter 3
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @sebsgirl71479
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chqnified · 2 years
A/N: I felt like writing, i don’t know what this is, but it’s something i guess. Inspired by my shit mental health. Not proofread as usual and probably very messy. Might do a part 2, who knows atp. I will also probably write something better soon, i am aware that my writing in this is that of a 4 year old, i just can't think right now. Writing is a great coping mechanism though.
Trigger warning: depression, implied attempt, implied self hrm
Gender neutral and 3rd person.
“What was the letter for?” Chan’s voice quiet and soft as he slowly walked into the bedroom, the folded scrap of paper in hand as he approached the curled up figure on the bed.
There was no response, only silence followed. There was no movement either. 
“You can’t leave” he sounded, cracking at the last syllable. There was a pause
"All the things we promised to do together" he trailed off, becoming quieter at every word pronounced.
"W-We were going to"
"The trip to forest- the stay log cabin" he words jumbled as he rushed them out as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face.
Chan sat on the bed, back facing the rolled up silent figure, as he stared at the wall Infront of him, all the cracks in the paint he hadn't previously seen seemed so obvious now. Obvious now he was staring right at it. He took a deep sigh, and forcefully attempted to shutout his tears. He shouldn't be crying, he didn't want to be, this wasn't about him, he shouldn't right?
"You deserve more than to die with unfulfilled dreams"
"And you deserve more than to live with damaged goods" a weak voice replied
"you deserve better than a selfish bitch"
"What do you mean" Chan frowned turning his torso in the direction of the voice
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me? I wouldn't take meeting you back for the world"
"What if I'm somehow guilt tripping you into liking me Chris" the use of his name taking him by shock.
A deafening stillness took over the darkened room.
"It's ok. I understand. I want you to be happy and that couldn't be with me and i genuinely mean that"
a sigh could be heard from beside them. A weight was slowly weighing down on the laying body as arms wrapped round them protectively. As if it was their last hug together. Their last moment together.
"i love you and I'll always love you no matter what"
They began to cry, the small body under the duvet shaking ever so slightly, cramping into a smaller ball. Eyes shutting firmer, squeezed shut as the tears fell.
"You can be a crippled little being, a depressed little being, a scared little being... Anything you about yourself you class negative, I'd still love you because you're you" his tone was sweet and relaxed as opposed to a few moments ago
"But i disappointed you. I told you i wouldn't do it again and i did"
"Because you felt like that was the only way you could take away the pain love and I'm not mad st you. I never would be" He returned softly, peeling the duvet from them to run his hand gently through their hair.
"I still lied"
"You broke, you were in pain, you didn't purposely lie"
Fresh tears broke out as they buried their head in Chan's chest, his arms keeping them safe from the world outside.
"And i want to always be there to protect you. I want to be there when you feel like you can't carry on anymore, because i love you"
"All those things we promised to do together, yeah?" He rhetorically spoke "We should stay, reach our dreams. We'll get there. And I'll be there to help you"
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batgeance · 6 months
❛ i was just gonna say how special and cool and great this place is and how i'm the most proud of you ever. ❜
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ—ㅤTHE BEAR ( accepting! )
They  wear  twin  cufflink  sets,    that  monogrammed  ‘W’  giving  away  what  their  jawlines  should  upon  first  glance.    Bruce  keeps  fiddling  with  his;    the  lights  aren’t  particularly  bright  in  the  high  -  ceilinged  ballroom,    but  he  winces  under  them  every  time  he  forgets  not  to  glance  up.    There’s  a  large  chandelier  center  stage  to  the  party  that  hangs  low  and  casts  everything  fuzzy.    Bruce  does  his  best  not  to  curl  his  lip  at  it,    if  only  because  he  can  imagine  exactly  what  Alfred  would  say.
It’s  not  just  the  chandelier.    A  living  evergreen  bedecked  with  warm  lights  that  twinkle  takes  up  real  estate  in  one  corner  and  beckons  patrons  wanting  evidence  of  their  attendance  at  a  Wayne  -  hosted  event.    The  season  makes  demands,    but  it’s  their  name  that  really  wants  to  suck  them  dry.    Bruce  feels  bled  for  all  he’s  worth;    it  doesn’t  help  that  he  can  barely  twist  his  torso  after  the  previous  night’s  escapade.    He  can  still  feel  the  shape  of  fresh  bruises  as  if  the  wounds  only  just  landed.
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❝    Shut  up.    ❞  Bruce  says  it  loud  enough  that  a  socialite  passing  them  with  a  mostly  -  empty  martini  glass  gives  him and @jokethur  the  side  -  eye.    The  younger  Wayne  smiles  thinly  with  feigned  apology  until  she’s  out  of  range,    and  then  elbows  his  big  brother  in  the  ribs.    ❝    You  know,    I  had  plans  tonight.    ❞  Bruce  pushes  one  cufflink  free  and  hooks  his  pinky  into  the  empty  hole  at  his  wrist,    free  fingers  twisting  the  warm  metal  button  anxiously.    ❝    Lilac  promised  me  a  rematch  on  that  stupid  food  game.    I’d  take  her  kicking  my  ass  again  over  shmoozing.    These  people  don’t  give  a  damn  about  the  elephants.  .  .  or  whatever  the  hell  we’re  raising  money  for  this  year.    ❞  He  didn’t  listen  during  that  meeting.    Or  any  meeting,    really.
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arthursdolly · 16 days
hii, I hope ur having a great day/night!!! can you do one for reader celebrating javiers birthday? <33 i lovee ur work !! 🤍🤍
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𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 (𝒋𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒖𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓! gn! reader . stealing javier from camp . playful, teasing banter . spanish translation of doll, angel and my love . javier lovers hope this one is not ooc
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javier wasn't big on his birthdays, not really his thing, he told u. he didn't mind getting all drunk for it, but that's all he did. having a good time on his birthday, which was rare with the life he has.
u were quite the opposite. u made sure each member had some sort of special time for the birthday, a way to forget their rough lives and have fun. of course, u always made it extra special for ur lover, javier escuella. he was ur favourite man, no doubt. u adored him to the core. he was always so kind and very understanding with u.
u kindly ask dutch if it was fine if u stolen javier for the day, to give him w peace of mind by not doing anything too drastic, which he agreed to. and u were so thankful he said yes. u made sure no one needed him for ur little plan to go well and to go with the flow. “javi, my handsome man- 's ur special day today.” u say in that pretty sing song voice of yours. “nothing special 'bout it. mi amor. just another day.” he says, dismissing his own day! how could he? “now, don't be like that! yer gonna have a fun day, i know it.” u say before kissing his cheek, and he kissed urs to return the favour.
since it was his birthday, u had him pick what he wanted to do and u made sure that nothing bad happened. u both spent the day together out hunting, fishing and then by the evening came and riding to one of his favourites saloon, which was in valentine. ur arms wrapped around his torso, keeping urself steady as he's riding boaz. “don't be so mad that i caught the- what did u call it? smallmouth bass?” u teased him as a small giggle escapes ur lips. javier rolled his eyes in a playful manner before he nodded. “you were right, smallmouth bass. and its just beginner's luck, no?” he teased in return, a smirk calling on his lips. u lightly hit his shoulder at his playful words. “you cant accept 'm better at fishin'.” u say, contrasting to tease him.
finally in the saloon, ur sitting at the table, taking in the lively and talkative environments while u waiting for ur boyfriend for the drinks. oh, u felt so bubbly and so happy at the fact today has turned out so well! especially with a secret gift for him, hidden in ur bag. u were glad that he's had a fun day too, being away from the stress of the gang he eventually walked back and sat infront of u, placing ur drink down in front of u. u then gave him a box with that grin of ur face. he gave u a confused look before he realised “ah, ángel.. you didnt have to-” “i wanted to 'nd 'm glad i did. now open it up!” u say with an excited tone. he smirked at ur excitement before he opened it up. a knife.
wasn't just any knife, of course. but a knife that u gave him on his birthday. he kept his gaze on every intricate detail that was on it. “yer carvin' is there too, javi.” Javier Escuella, there it was. his name engraved on the handle.. the man that he is. u slightly became a little panicked, knowing that he hasn't reacted much to ur gift. “do... do ya not like it? javier, 'm so-” “no- no, no.. i love it, muñeca. its just.. haven't given much in my life after running from mexico.” he says softly before he looking up to u. u quickly made ur way to him before sitting beside him, giving him a quick kiss. “'nd ye deserve it. you deserve every gift and every goodness ever.” u say with a smile on ur face before he kisses ur lips. “thank you, [name]. means more to me than you know.” he mumbles against ur lips before pulling away.
“oh, you tease!” u say as u playfully push him away which made him chuckle with that stupid and handsome smirk on his face.
this was the best birthday ever.
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leam1983 · 11 months
I live in-between fulcrum swings. If I'm sleeping right, something else is going to go tits-up to compensate, as I seemingly cannot have a Boilerplate Normal Day so much as once in my existence. Thank fuck, I can still work off of my laptop.
So here I am, termed into the new deployment server, lying on my back on the living room's sofa, with Walt once again reprising his role as a human heat pad. Sarah's HTPC is subbing in for his workstation, and I can tell he loves the combined effects of our effectively snuggling together while still being wholly and completely productive at the professional level.
"This is great," he soon snickers in-between two calls; "we should've had more work-from-home postings in my day. All we're missing is an on-call butler and we could go Jeeves, fetch me some raisins and cheese, this day is proving to be particularly grueling..."
I scoff. "In my case, it's more like the archetypal Fainting Couch sort of became a halfway-decent workstation. All that's missing is the insane bedframe extensions you can order off of AliExpress. I could get a tablet stand on a swivel, a motorized massage chair, an integrated minifridge... All the comforts of a Japanese capsule hotel with included Internet access, with none of the travel costs."
He groans with palpable lust. "I'd never get out of bed!"
Sarah's stopping to take a few sips and swiveled her chair towards us. "I'd bet a paycheck that there's an AI filter that removes eye boogers and that makes you look more awake than you actually are, eventually."
Walt laughs. "I'd pull a Garfield, if I could. High-functioning somnambulism. As in, I get dressed, take calls, book events and prep things at the call centre, but I'm never actually awake."
I glance up at him and mock up a water-cooler convo. "Hey W - didya catch the game last night?"
Catching the proverbial ball, Walt gives me a cartoonishly half-lidded non-stare and produces a wordless gurgle. I give him a thumbs-up. "Right, I get ya - gotta hit the grind again, right? Deals won't make themselves!"
He raises his arms forward, aping a zombie's upper torso for a second or two. Sarah joins in and feigns admiration. "Man, look at that work ethic - not even conscious and he's raking in monthly bonuses!"
We exchange a grin and then get back to work - but it's moments like these that make it all worthwhile.
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bloodkrieg21 · 2 years
The world that I wrote for a school project Pt. 1
Haaluta, Light Paw, and the Gnoll’s courage  
A whistling from above, a loud shout “Get Down” and then a “BOOM”. I am there waiting for the signal, popping up and taking shots with my Hex slinger in hand.
The lieutenant yells out, “Affix bayonets!!!” and then I finally hear the signal. A whistling that rings above the frequency most races can hear. Only we gnolls can hear its high pitched squeal.
We jump from our trenches and charge the line as meteors are cast down upon us from the enemy mages and their accursed umbra rifles take down shot by shot my “comrades in fang”.  
I am Haaluta, Light Paw, acting Lance Corporal who is in charge of the 4th section of the 21st platoon, after Dakus, Field Mind, died in a failed charge. We, the Great Hills Pack, are fighting in the bloodiest war since the descent of Rahalla son of Alja and Moko the sun god and the moon goddess, where he led his forces of golden dusk to rebel against his parents. We are currently fighting alongside the Great Forest Pack against the spawn of the Vast Valkallo Plains.
I joined the 21st platoon right after being drafted. It was said to have the least casualties since the Lieutenant was known as a master of tactics and the sergeant was strong enough to tear a Trench-Crosser in half with his bare hands. But the first week in, almost all in command, including Dakus’ former Lance Corporal, were hit by a stray Umbreral volly. Most died, and the ones who lived were all rendered mad and unfit for combat.
As the end of the whistle rings out, the last of the combatants in the trench emerge. I see the enemy line. My men behind me who have done this tens of times before followed me.
I call out, “Eighty meters from enemy, Seventy, Sixty, Fi- GET DOWN AND FIRE, ENEMY TRENCH-CROSSER SPOTTED!”
Before us loomed a behemoth the size of ten men that walked on six legs the width of tree trunks made from the bones of fallen troops on both sides. It had a “Head” placed on the middle of its torso to which it had a mage whose lower body was fused, with thick black veins and sinew, to where the base of the “Skull” was. It had where a nose should be a brass and ivory barrel that had carvings of great glyphs and sigils that would send a pulse of umbra out fast enough to destroy a Great Wood Tree.
I and my dogmen prepared to fight such a thing by getting to the ground and unloading all the Hexes we had. As we waited to unload, the beast stomped ever nearer. Stomp, Stomp, Stom- “CHRANOLO, JALARO, HONNAK.” as it had stepped within range we unleashed all the chants we had. As the chainting ended and the blaze of purple light stopped pouring out of our Slings we looked at a perfectly intact Trench-Crosser who was charging its cannon from the leftover umbra from our own Hexes. As it fired down on us my men died. One by one they all fell to madness or pain. In just a few seconds I was all that remained of the 21st platoon's 4th section.
As I sat there dazed from the screams of my men, I also went a little mad. Then I snapped out of it, feeling the rumbling of umbra volleys and the chanting of hexes. My fur was matted down from the blood of my fellow gnolls, but that doesn't make me special. I am a soldier who fights for my Pack. I knew at that moment what I had to do.
I gripped tight my Hex Slinger and charged the beast. It looked down upon me as a gnoll does to a gnat, an insignificant obstacle. I felt mad but I had nothing to lose.
I ran swift of foot avoiding the fire from both sides and made it to the base.
I leaped up one of its many jointed legs and got to the base of the great skull. In it I saw my foe. The mage who had killed my men and fellow gnolls.
I jumped in, sling first, into the great skull. As I made it in, the mage turned to me with eyes sewn-shut and started a spell of defense, but before he could finish casting it, I stabbed him in the heart.
There was only one thing left for me.
“We are here to commemorate Haaluta, Light Paw, honorary field marshal and war hero. He, after watching his section be wiped out by a Trench-Crosser, took up their honor and attacked and single-handedly defeated it.” The archbishop looked out on the surviving soldiers. They all stood on the green hills of the Memorial of the Great Dawn War.
“After driving his blade into the mage’s heart,” the bishop continued, “Light Paw took control of that machine and used his own life to not only save the rest of the platoon but to later turn the tide of that front.”
The bright sun shone down on the gnolls, standing in their ranks, their dress uniforms clean and pressed. The bishop bowed his head, taking in the power of the moment.
“Unfortunately,” the bishop finally said, “due to the nature of the Trench-Crosser, Light Paw was unable to detach from it, and died days before the war ended because of the toll it takes for a gnoll to pilot it.”
The bishop laid a wreath of woodbine and laurels on the massive crypt of Light Paw.
“He will forever be known as a Hero and as the Gnoll who won the war for the new Federation of Forest States.”
The Day of Darkness
It was a dark day, for no matter how bright the sky may be the march of men in black blotted it out to the crowds. It was the day of sorrow, the Treaty of Dawn that ended the war and the great funeral was commencing.
As the soldiers marched in rank and file, I rode the back of a Trench Crosser keeping my enchanted bracers and neck-ring alive with my personal Umbra. They pulsed a dim gold in time with the march. It was tiring as I had to focus on the Umbra. If it wasn't for the removal of my tear ducts as an apprentice I would have been crying too hard to concentrate.
I had lost my brother and his two sons on the field, and lost my mother and father to old age when I was away. I only have my little sister left, and she Is stunted from some umbral gas that leaked out of factories. I would have had children of my own if it wasn't by my forced oath taken to be an Umbra Weaver. The idea was so grand when I was younger. “Join the war, stand up for your elders and protect the tribe. You would be doing your part to become an Umbra Weaver.” All I did was learn how to take the corpses of my fellow brothers and turn them into monsters.
As I thought about the monsters that I had made in the war, I snapped back to reality and made a turn. As I did, the 500 or so soldiers in full uniform, With Umbra rifles in hand, made a hairpin turn to correct the course. It was not enough for me to control a Trench Crosser while remaining unhooked but also I am responsible for the front of the march. Those bastards are pushing me too hard, But as the eldest Umbra Weaver it is my job to perform the ceremony and last rites.
As we approached the graveyard I focused up. First the high ranking officers would break off and form two lines to salute the fallen. Then the soldiers would, by platoon, march to their caskets carved into the cliff and strip down to there under uniform. Then–
It's happening.
My nose piercing glows a bright gold and my voice gets projected out to the crowd of the lost ones' families.
“We are here to commemorate the services  that these soldiers have performed.” I looked out at the faces of the morning, they all were crying or trying not to cry. “They fought for your safety and the safety of our land. They did not fight for honor nor did they fight for joy.” As I say this the faces of the ones who tried to not cry broke. “These men and women in arms fought and died for our people. And even In death they continued to fight, but the war is now over.” The soldiers at that point reach into their caskets and pull out a black and gold uniform “They have served their time for now, and will rest until a time as their land and people would be threatened again.”
The faces of the crowd while crying seemed to also be smiling, as rank by rank the troops crawled into their coffins with their rifles in hand to await the time when their homeland would need them.
The Beast of Then and Now
“Men, we today are here to defend our homeland. We will not turn back till the enemy surrenders or dies.” I look out at the faces of my men. The red tint underneath their slick white fur radiated with excitement. “We ride out to face those who have thought to challenge us.” With that I turned my Mustelid Leaper, and with my men behind me we started to chase through the forest.
I am Major Gorikither of the Mustempest unit, and currently leading my men through the Silken Woods who’s tree bark is as smooth as silk. We are from the Mangrove Delta, a great first which the roots themselves make up the ground we walk upon. I trained under the best Mustelid riders who have graced our tribe. They were honorable and fierce. At birth my antlers were slicked back showing my innate proficiency in riding. As a kid I would always want to ride through the forest, but I was too young. The dangers that lurked in those woods were far more terrifying than I could have imagined.
As we leaped through the trees, our six legged mounts clung to each branch for a fraction of a second then let go. It was hard in theory to carry our tempest lances while controlling the stead but we were trained from the age of two to do so. The first time I got on a young leapers back was terrifying. Its fur was thicker than even my fathers and it had a dark oil black coloration. Its four black eyes made it look like a monster only in tales, but I was to ride it. It was my duty to profile my role. I was not, but three when it happened. I was put atop the beast and handed reins. I had studied the principle of riding for a year at that point, And I knew that even the reins were only used for the first ride. So I dropped them and got low. This beast would be my mount. It will take me into battle some day. IT WILL FOLLOW MY COMMAND. With that I was promptly thrown off. I was an over confident kid.
We saw a glimpse of the enemy caravan and I raised my hand. We stopped to see where they were headed. West, They were headed towards the western front. We climbed higher into the trees and continued our pursuit out of sight.
After the first few attempts I got a hang of riding the thing. It had a weird little jolt every few steps but it did not slow the beast. I got used to it and started to like it a little. Riding was great, it was freeing to climb to the top of a small tree and then jump between them. It made me feel alive. I would practice riding it for hours on end then by the end I would collapse in exhaustion next to it. Over time it started to become a he the a he became a name. The name I gave him was Veterschnell. That soon was shortened to Vetnell. Me and Vetnell were always together. Even on that day.
I snapped back from day dreaming to see the enemy in direct line of sight. I threw my fist in the air and my men all stopped. We looked down on a column of over 200 men with at least three heavy Umbra launchers. Then we say it. It was strange, It was made from what looked like Ox bone. it was as wide as two of our leapers and as long as four men laid end to end. It had six legs as big as young trees. And a man who seemed to be fused to the middle. That man had in front of him a ivory barely bigger than any umbra launcher we have seen. I had nor felt fear like this since…
It was two years later. I was five and in my teen years. Me and Vetnell had grown a considerable amount and were more mischievous. Even though our teachers would tell us not to go into the deep woods we would still venture out occasionally. We would jump from branch to branch of the great ancient trees and explore the places where little light reached. The only thing to guide us was the bioluminescent algae that was grown on Vetnell’s fur. We looked around the place and I even started to draw a map. But one day we were nor careful. I had forgotten the map at my house and we got lost. As we wandered through the great wood, we stumbled upon a great thing. It was not great because it was good, it was great for it loomed over even the biggest of the saplings. It was the height of three huts stacked on each other and had eyes as yellow as the stars. It looked down at me and before we could flee it grabbed at us. I was a coward and jumped on my best friend. Vetnell was taken into its grasp. I was cowering but the thought of losing him, my stead, my friend, was too much. I graped at rocks that were ner me and started to throw. But it is nothing. I saw as Vetnell was struggling it took a bit, and one of Vernell’s legs was no more. Vetnell screamed in pain and it made a noise that was disgustingly similar to a laugh. That threw me into a rage and I picked up the biggest stick I could find and charged the beast. It knocked me down without a thought and I went unconscious.
I awoke In my room with my parents crying over me. Their eyes were full of sadness. I reached out and said, “Where's Vetnell?” They looked sad. I thought the worst. But my teacher pushed past them and said “don't make that look, the boy might think he is dead” then he turned to me “Boy, You better be thankful that your parents found that map. Otherwise you both could have died.” At first I looked confused then I asked “What happened” the elder, my teacher, explained that he had chased my path through the woods and found the beast right before it finished off Vetnell. Unfortunately one of his legs was missing. He said to me that it could not be saved and Vetnell might never be able to properly climb again.
As I saw that Bone white beast the fear I felt at that moment in the forest washed over me. But this time I'm not a coward. I gave the command to attack and on the back of my trusted Vetnell Charged the great beast. It was fierce but still clanky. It did not move properly and it felt like it was being controlled. I realized, The man that is fused to it. It's him, and with that I shot out a gust of a piercing wind and killed it. We then after defeating the enemy column we retreated and reported our findings. If only back then we knew that that beast was only a prototype.
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