#i cannot be Bothered to do a background sorry chat. i mean i never do them anyway but yknow
clayfellover · 2 months
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i have a new favourite i think
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reverielix · 3 years
Excuse me Sir, Sorry to bother you. But frankly I'm new to this astrology topic but it's very fascinating to say the least.
Friend asked me to do a natal chart? No clue. Have no clue. Saw the previous post, was wondering if you help a stranger out here ? Lol.
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Hi haha!
I’m a Miss but OFC I CAN TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT! (Can you tell I’m excited? Lol) I’ll be seizing this opportunity to make an...
Astrology basics masterpost
Okay first off, the natal chart is a “snap shot” of the sky when you were born with the earth in the middle. There are 4 compounds that birth charts are made of:
1. The signs
You’ve definitely already heard of zodiac signs. In astrology, the sky is divided into 12 equal parts, each reserved for a sign starting at Aries and ending at Pisces. It goes like this: Aries ♈️, Taurus ♉️, Gemini ♊️, Cancer ♋️, Leo ♌️, Virgo ♍️, Libra ♎️, Scorpio ♏️, Sagittarius ♐️, Capricorn ♑️, Aquarius ♒️, Pisces ♓️
Basically, each sign is associated with certain character traits (which range many more than I or any singular source could encompass in short, I left a few links for gathering information in the end of this post). But it always depends on how evolved the person is. Aquarians CAN be detached if not evolved, but also have many more qualities such as their modality and element (which imply traits such as their innovative nature, intellect, hunger for knowledge, empathy, sociability,...)
So basically there are 4 elements (fire, earth, air and water) in astrology and 3 modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) which all carry certain meanings to them. Those elements and modalities are evenly distributed within the zodiac and move along the signs in the order I wrote them up above. So we start with cardinal fire (Aries), then we follow up with fixed earth (Taurus), after that we’ve got mutable air (Gemini), then again a cardinal sign but this time belonging to the water signs (Cancer), and so on. Additionally, all earth and water signs are of negative polarity while fire and air are of positive polarity.
The signs are the outermost circle you see when looking at your birth/natal chart. (On the left, where the arrow points, for instance, was Virgo ♍️ when & where you were born) They represent the way that you express a certain core part (3rd point) of yourself.
2. The houses
The numbers you see around the innermost circle with the lines in it are the houses. Each house is ruled by a sign in modern astrology: Aries is the first sign, so it rules the first house,...). This means that each house is afflicted with one sign and its qualities and traits.
Each house represents an area of life: The 4th house—ruled by Cancer—represents the home, comfort zone, where we crave for stability and emotional support as well as a lot more.
The angular houses ruled by cardinal signs, so: the 1st house (ascendant/rising), the 4th house (ic/ Imum Coeli), the 7th house (descendant), the 10th house (mc/midheaven) show in the picture you sent me with arrows and have a special significance in the chart + also have aspects (4th point) to them shown.
The first 6 houses are afflicted most with yourself and the last 6 houses have to do with your social/public self (e.g.: 2nd house has to do with resources and the 8th with shares resources). This can also be applied to each sign ruling the house.
3. The celestial bodies
When somebody asks what your zodiac sign is, you would answer with Capricorn, when in actuality, it’s just your sun sign (so one of many zodiac signs in your chart).
Each celestial body represents a core part of the human psyche/personality and also rules a/two sign(s) and with that a/two house(s). Another terminology for rulership can be domicile (e.g.: Saturn is in domicile in Capricorn).
Every planet is afflicted with the signs (and houses) in the form of essential dignity (whether in terms of exaltation/fall or detriment/domicile)
The sun rules Leo and the 5th house. These connections are made as to better understand each house/sign/planet and clarify/stress the connections between these three “compounds”. So, ruling Leo and the 5th house, the sun represents how we express ourselves and how we perform along with our egos, overall sense of identity and self-awareness among other things.
Before you say that you (know people who) don’t relate to their zodiac sign or don’t seem to present yourself/themselves like that at all: a placement (celestial body in a sign in a house) always depends on the aspects and also the house that nobody talks about. You’re not only a Capricorn, but a Capricorn sun in the 4th house conjunct Mercury,... (+ other aspects). Your sun in the 12th/7th/8th houses (houses, among others, afflicted with the subconscious) can mean that your way to express yourself is more in the background or not quite figured out yet. (With Leo in the 12th house that may also apply to you:) In the case of the 12th house, you may want to express yourself, but don’t exactly know how to...
Also, all of your chart matters! The sun sign is only a part of it, though one of the 3 most important placements (sun, moon, rising).
For the following paragraph keep in mind: personal/inner celestial bodies/planets (houses and signs matter equally), generational/outer planets/placements (houses matter most because they move slowly along the zodiac. the slower they move, the less the sign matters.)
The celestial bodies used in astrology aren’t limited to a certain amount as asteroids can also be interpreted/also have meanings but the most commonly used and talked about are: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars (Nodes, Vertex — aren’t celestial bodies but fall into the “sign & house are important” category and are a tool that function/are illustrated like celestial bodies), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (Chiron, black moon Lilith)
You can see each celestial body’s name listed with its symbol in the bottom right corner of the screenshot you sent me and can then look at the circle between the signs and house numbers for where they are placed.
Lastly, planets are afflicted with each other as well since generational planets can be higher octaves of personal planets, and “get along” or don’t “get along” just like the signs, whose compatibility is determined by...
4. The aspects
The expression of every planet depends on these! Aspects show the relationship between two placements and how they connect into one whole personality (Additional information about humans in general: our personality integrates at around the ages of 7 to 9. Before that, we have different needs and wants but not one integrated personality that is made of interwoven traits, qualities,...). They point out how many degrees two or more placements are away from each other (e.g. 180deg = opposition). So when you look at your own chart, you can see that Virgo ♍️ and Pisces ♓️ are in opposition to each other. This also means that people born during Pisces season and people born during Virgo season celebrate their birthdays approximately 6 months apart from each other (because the sun needs a year to transit through the signs).
There are major and minor aspects. Major aspects are usually displayed in the innermost space of the circle using different colored lines and are an umbrella term for: the opposition, the square, the conjunction, the trine and the sextile. Minor aspects are usually listed in extended chart selection options (semi-sextiles, quincunxes, quintiles,...)
Those are then divided into hard/challenging (square, opposition,...), neutral (conjunction,...) and soft/harmonious (trine, sextile,...) aspects. Example: your Sagittarius Mercury (communication, (early) education, rationality, speech, day-to-day expression, perfectionism/detail-orientation,...) in the 4th in a trine (same element, a “flow of energy”) with your Aries moon (emotions, empathy, feelings of security, nurture, comfort,...) in the 8th can indicate potential for the verbal expression of your emotions. You may let your emotions out by talking to people who you live with or your immediate family. Moreover, you could have a desire to write about your emotions in a philosophical/educational way to make others think, but decide to keep your writing to yourself or your closest circle nonetheless. One could chat about an aspect for sooo long just because there are so many things associated with the houses, signs, aspects and celestial bodies. There are so many different angles to take and you’re never done learning about astrology.
Whenever you ask somebody what sign is most compatible with yours, you’d look at the aspects between your sign and other signs to determine if your placements are in a harmonious relationship with each other, though synastry (astrology of compatibility between two birth chart) is much more complex then that.
Lastly, aspects don’t go specifically with one sign/house/celestial body, and some placements can also be unaspected. There are also things such as retrogrades, chart shapes, aspect patterns, dominant signs, persona charts, interceptions and much more but that would definitely go beyond the scope. Let me know if you’d like for me to make a post going in depth regarding those things.
How astrology on social media and day-to-day life has been altered to be regarded as something it is not:
The key is to view modern astrology less as a predictive tool or proof for assumption—because frankly it isn’t—but more as a tool to recognize psychological patterns and behavioral tendencies, which ultimately are what astrology illustrates through elements in the sky. So, no, actions cannot be justified because somebody has a certain placement. (As I mentioned above, it is crucial to regard that placements can be evolved or not evolved and therefore can “manifest” (not the candles in a circle for clear skin and money kind lol) differently). Lastly, astrology doesn’t tell you what to do and you alone have the power over your behavior. You can break free from the patterns illustrated and tendencies pointed out. It’s all about who you choose to be.
Please mark that the links for planets, signs and houses don’t encompass everything that the planets/houses/signs illustrate. For more information I recommend Hannah’s Elsewhere, astro-charts, astro.com, cafe.astrology or astrology.com (lmk if you know about more sources).
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bondsmagii · 3 years
Chris Chan has got to be one of the most documented people in the internet. I can't imagine having almost every detail of my life for the whole world to see even though I haven't done horrible things like Chris has
god I know right. the idea of everything being that documented... it's honestly eerie as hell. no matter what Chris Chan does or tries, it's all being watched and documented and analysed and man. to think she could have avoided all this if she had just unplugged the internet in like, 2007.
right now I'm still in the early stages, like 17 videos in or so. at the moment I just feel desperately sorry for her. I'm not sure what fucked up shit she might do going forward, and of course I know about the incest charges which is yikes all on its own, but at the moment I can't help but feel desperately sorry for her. like, it's funny in a car crash way, but it's also really not funny at all. right now she's just this autistic young adult living with two abusive parents, who's being harassed by dozens of people online. because of her autism she's incapable of being able to identify trolls until it's far too late, and then more trolls befriend her and she falls for the exact same tricks again because she's inherently too trusting and can't tell when people are being sarcastic or when they're actually ridiculing her. at the moment her closest friend is a girl named Kacey, who's trying to give Chris "advice" to better her life, and on the surface it's all solid advice -- get a job, exercise more, eat healthier, etc -- but it's all designed to set Chris up for more ridicule, and no matter what progress Chris reports, Kacey twists it and uses it to ridicule her and trash her confidence. earlier on I listened to a phone call recording where Chris's mother was caught berating Chris and emotionally manipulating her in the background, and when Chris got back on the line to Kacey, Kacey took Chris's mother's side and started also berating Chris for the same thing. it's honestly so fucked up -- like underneath all the inherent hilarity that comes from a situation so fucking weird, it's impossible to ignore the fact that this is an account of the long-term emotional abuse of a deeply vulnerable adult. whatever Chris might have done in the future, I firmly believe that there's a strong case to be made for the fact she was driven to this point. the constant trolling and the fact that she cannot trust anybody in her life to be who they say they are has created a deep rift between Chris and reality, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's been driven to honest to god clinical psychosis because of all the stress and torment.
if it had just been brief -- a spate of the earlier trolling at the beginning, where they teased her a bit about Sonichu and convinced her she was in a chat with Billy Mays or whatever, that would have been fine. everyone was getting trolled like that back in the day. but at some point it veered away from trolling and went into literal torture. like, I'm going to go under the cut here because this got suddenly serious on an ask that's pretty casual (sorry about that), but it's been bothering me since I saw it and I have to mention it now. sincere warning for anyone reading my Chris Chan documentary chronicles just for the lighter parts, because in my mind what I'm about to discuss is literal, actual torture of a disabled person.
the other day I watched the video where the trolls hacked into Chris's PlayStation account, which had a lot of games and progress she was obviously proud of. being autistic, she's obviously much more attached than these trolls can appreciate -- video games are clearly one of her special interests, and she understandably gets very distressed when the trolls threaten to sell the account. there's a whole bunch of convoluted stuff that happens, but the main event is that they use the leverage of the account to get Chris into doing shit to "win" it back. they end up making her cut her Sonichu medallion (a comfort item that she wears constantly) into four pieces, and stick the pieces up her ass. on video.
the video isn't shown on YouTube, obviously, but the audio is. in it, the trolls can be heard urging her on, insisting she stick it properly up there ("until I can't see it anymore", is how one of them put it). also captured on the audio is Chris, making sounds of pain and also apparently crying, which she is then ridiculed for.
I mean. I was genuinely disturbed by this, as I'm sure most people with even a smidgen of a conscience would be. this is sexual abuse. this is torture. this is not trolling, this is not doing something "for the lulz". this is a small group of genuine psychopaths banding together long after the regular trolling is done, to torture a person who is incapable of defending herself and who has no responsible adult in her life to protect her from people like this. this shit, when compared to legitimate harmless trolling like Liquid Chris, who winds Chris up but never actively harms her (at least to what I've seen so far) and is so ridiculous that everybody can see through it (even Chris herself, who knows that Liquid Chris is a faker and isn't being deceived by Liquid Chris in any way), is night and day. Liquid Chris is genuine trolling, the kind that aims to get you mad and then goes no further. what these other people are doing is abuse and torture. they're clearly a core group of individuals who realised they had an easy target and decided to take advantage of it, and they're all honest to god sociopaths. they should face charges for this shit.
I apologise for getting serious on this post, but I need to be honest here. as much as I'm enjoying the drama and the more ridiculous and admittedly hilarious bits of this story, between all the tamer pieces of legitimate trolling is a serious case of ableism. vulnerable adults like Chris are abused like this every day, and the fact that this can be so well-documented online and still nobody did anything to help her is absolutely astounding. because Chris is "cringe", everybody seemed to collectively decide that she deserved this treatment, when really at the end of the day she began as an autistic teenager who was super passionate about her OC and wanted to upload comics about him online. like. that was her only crime, and it ended like this.
just... god damn.
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
📓 !!
Okay im so excited please know I think about How The Light Gets In's world every day still, and so anyways here is a side story I want to write but there's a lot of set up regarding the reader and eef becoming friends again. For context, they were incredibly close around 2014-2017, but people were getting creepy and invasive and demanding about their friendship (think 2012 toxic side of the Phandom, if that makes sense), and a lot of the reader's relationships were strained at that time because while they had been successful before, they were absolutely blowing up after their first album released and they became far more mainstream. They felt like they were bothering the people they had become closest to, both because they're worried that they're a bother, and because gossip rags and paps would harrass their friends looking for a scoop, and so they ended up just completely cutting off contact without warning one day right before they went on their first tour. the start of HTLGI is about 3 years since they'd been in proper contact with any of the creators they were close to at that time.
DON'T LOOK AT ME on their 2017 ep Hyperfocus was a more general song in response to everything that had been happening in their life around that time, with a focus on how they stop associating with anyone for a while, without outright addressing it, but on their latest album n o s t a l g i a, read at 5am ft. Troye was specifically written at the start of quarantine, when the reader was getting back into YouTube, about their feelings regarding how their friendship with ethan ended, as they spent a lot of this time looking back of their YouTube career, and he was the person they were closest to for a very long time, before they iced everyone out.
Werewolf Ethan & Mark. I'm sorry I don't make the rules. They have golden retriever energy you cannot change my mind. But also because this is the HTLGI you know that supernatural characteristics are able to be activated rather than just triggered by the full moon. What I'm trying to say is since this is set in the year of Unus Annus, they film a video together that's like, you know that show where a person has to try and outwit a professional tracker? Except its the reader being tracked by two werewolves at night in a national park. Reader is wearing some sort of night vision camera on themselves so whenever it cuts to them the audience can't actually see how they're using their powers, if that makes sense.
Also the reader agreed to this knowing it would probably be when they ended up telling Mark and Ethan about them being a demon.
Video is titled Hunting Down An Old Friend
A few Moments that the boys edit out:
The reader using their stupidly sharp prehensile tail to swing from tree branches, though they leave in shots where the reader's tail can't be seen.
Knowing that with the werewolves having advanced hearing, the reader would give themselves away by talking to the camera, they take a few minutes having flown up to a high tree branch, to pull out a notebook and do a little sketch of how Mark and Ethan appear in their Demon True Sight, and holding it up to their camera.
Werewolves being one of the animals who can kind of sense demons without being able to identify them, essentially like dogs can sense natural disasters and are often good judges of character, this can be heightened on command for werewolves. There's about 15 minutes of footage cut out of the boys discussing or mentioning how this place has awful vibes and that they should have done this during the day. It gets worse as they get closer to the reader, who didn't realise that the boys hadn't thought to ever use that particular power around them before.
("I say this with so much love and appreciation for you, dude," Ethan yells, looking up at you from the base of the tree they'd finally found you in, "but I- this is making me anxious I feel like something terrible's gonna happen, and we should probably get out of here and film the rest of the video back at Mark's." And behind him, Mark's nodding, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, eyes scanning the trees for whatever was most likely the cause of this terrible impending doom.
Oh. It's you. And they don't know its you.
Now or never, you suppose.
"Can you cut the cameras for a second? You're going to be fine I promise," you called back, and though they obligingly did, they both seemed antsy. You cleared your throat awkwardly, "that... that terrible feeling, that's not the park or anything in it- well I mean, it is, but it's just- it's me."
and later
"Dude your wings smell like rotten eggs."
"To YOU Ethan! And no they don't!"
"If it makes you feel better they smell like burning and rotten eggs."
"It does not."
(for reference, when enhancing their sense of smell werewolves can kind of distinguish various supernatural creatures, or parts of supernatural creatures. Some creatures have an inherent scent, but some, like angels and demons, only have distinct scents when they've activated certain attributesor abilities; demon wings smell like fire and brimstone, which unfortunately means burning and rotten eggs. I like to think angels wings are like the love potion in Harry Potter that smells like the things you love the most. Mark and Ethan usually don't enhance it around each other because they smell like wet dog to the other)
This gets about 2k notes on tumblr. The reader likes it:
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Ethan finally finding Y/N at the end of Hunting Down An Old Friend (2020) Colourised.
Other things to note regarding all this:
It takes a while to rebuild their friendship to the point where they're comfortable enough to be on camera together (eef and reader specifically).
However, the Unus Annus video is the first thing they properly do together, and the reader, in an effort to connect more and make up for the past, will join in multiplayer gaming streams if asked.
Impromptu duet in proximity Among Us of Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, which has their respective chats and fandoms losing their minds, except it stops abruptly after the first chorus as they both remember the opening lines of the second verse (make it easy, say I never mattered -- those lyrics hit a little too close to home)
But also the reader convinces him to join him for a proper cover in like, February of 2021, and it's something deeply sappy (I'm thinking Bon Iver by mxmtoon because I think its sweet and fits them well)
Also Ethan being reminded that the reader is kind of a much bigger deal than when they'd been friends before.
designed to hurt (touch me) from their ep Working On It is nominated for a Grammy for Track of the Year, and n o s t a l g i a wins Best Pop Album (because it's my fic and I said so)
FIRST OF ALL designed to hurt (touch me) is a beautifully produced song about Corpse (which people do not know) and the title itself is literally making fun of something he said IMAGINE his reaction to it being Grammy Nominated 😂😂😂 God he'd be proud but lowkey fuming, meanwhile the moment the nominations are announced the reader tweets:
me: here is an album where I processed my entire world view including heartfelt explorations of the trauma of existing and oversharing in the public eye from a young age without the traditional barrier between audience and entertainer
the grammys: that's cute BUT you know the song you wrote to bully your boyfriend and also be horny on main for him before you guys were even dating? THAT deserves its own recognition.
meanwhile Ethan's like..... this is the same person who I filmed a video with playing cards against humanity, and you laughed so hard you almost threw up. I am very proud but deeply confused.
The Hot Meme of Late April 2021 is "2 time Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N" with a gif, still, or quote from the reader where they're just being an absolute chaos gremlin.
Of course we have "If I bleached my asshole for charity I'd do it tastefully."
2 Time Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N speaking to their actual boyfriend in the year of our lord 2020: You are being executed for Clown Crimes.
ethan posts a short video to twitter simply of his screen where he's renaming a folder from "Never Before Seen Images of Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N" simply changing it to 2 time Artist. The reader responds specifically to his tweet with a video of themselves asking Google how to hard reset someone else's computer.
So many screenshots from old videos surface that week.
I miss this world. Sorry this is rambly!!
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crimsinsky · 3 years
Sooo I might be obsessed with Jackie and Hyde dating without the Kelso intro... I wish you would write a story where Hyde and Jackie date without her having dated Kelso first. I would love to see Hyde introducing her as his girlfriend bonus if he introduces her to red and kitty!
I'm sorry it took me so long to finish and that it's so long, I got carried away.
Slight trigger warning- nothing happens but attempted non con by background character.
The school was deserted for the most part and Hyde was over it. But Forman had to get stuck staying late to work on a project today of all days.
There was nothing remarkable about today, Hyde was just in a bad mood and if he could blame someone else then he’d take the chance.
He was down to counting the minutes that Forman said he’d be done but it was too late, he needed a smoke. He wasn’t stupid enough to do that out in the open at school, you never knew who would narc on you, but he had a pack of cigarettes in his pocket and a craving he needed to tackle.
He was heading off behind the bleachers, Forman would know to look for him there, it was where he always smoked when he got stuck waiting on him.
He heard a commotion, just what he needed his usual spot taken by some horny losers who couldn’t get a room.
“Stop it,” the girl said firmly.
“Come on baby.”
“I am not your baby and I said no.”
Never one to stay out of a fight, Hyde rushed forward.
“Get your hands off of me,” the girl shrieked.
“Hey,” Hyde pulled the boy off the girl and punched him in the face.
He went down hard.
“I think she said no,” Hyde loomed over him. He’d never even seen this kid before, but his blood was on Hyde’s knuckled and streaming down his face.
“Man whatever, she’s just a fucking tease.”
The girl came over and kicked him in the stomach, making him double over on the ground and wheeze.
“You’re a disgusting pig,” she said and started to walk away.
He wheezed, “You can forget about me driving you home.”
“You think,” she shouted before turning back and kicking him in the shins for good measure.
Hyde kept a reasonable distance but didn’t want to leave her out there all alone.
Nearing the parking lot she stopped walking and turned toward her savior.
Hyde got closer.
“Thank you uh… I don’t know your name,” she said shyly.
She snorted, “That’s not your name. No one would name their kid Hyde.”
He knew he should have been more annoyed but her change in attitude caught his attention. Though he was still a little annoyed, “It’s my last name.”
“Then what’s your real name?”
“Are you always this big a pain in the ass?”
“Usually yes, so what is your name?” She asked again.
He could have just walked away after she got to safety, but here he was playing 20 questions with this irritating cheerleader. “Steven,” he growled, “but my name is Hyde.”
“Was that so difficult?” Now she looked almost timid, “Thank you, Steven Hyde.”
There was something in the way she said it, the way she looked at him, the way she looked so small. She’d gone from kicking ass to joking, and now she looked not exactly scared of him, but definitely unsure. All his irritation with her melted.
He softened his voice, “Are you okay?” He looked her over, she didn’t seem like she got hurt but you never knew.
She nodded, “I’m fine, he yanked me behind the bleachers and everyone else was gone. I’m really lucky you were here.”
“Well, I don’t think he’ll try it again with you,” He tried distracting her with humor, “did you break a rib or something?”
“No, that’s too far to the side, I might have got his gallbladder though.” She said brightly as if she were simply stating that today was sunny out.
“Hyde,” Eric shouted from the parking lot.
“Hold on a second,” he told her.
He must be a complete God Damned idiot for what he was about to do. Well, Red did always say he was a dumbass.
“Took you long enough,” Hyde growled.
“Sorry mom, my partner nearly burned down the chem lab, it was stay late or fail the semester.”
“Whatever Forman, look can you drop her off at home?” Hyde gestured towards the girl watching him curiously. He’d told her to hold on so she would. Either way, she was curious about him.
Eric raised an eyebrow, “What have you been up to while I was in class?
“Fighting actually.”
“Yeah, that makes the most sense, but sure I can drop her off.”
Hyde ran back to her, “You want a ride home?”
“You’re seriously offering to take me home?”
“Well, you’re ride seems to have left for some reason.
“That would be great actually,” she said relieved. She hated walking home after practice. After school, she didn’t mind, but now it was a little late to be walking alone and with what just happened she didn’t want to be alone.
She followed him to the parking lot.
“So Hyde who’s your friend?” Eric asked. It was so rare that they ever saw Hyde talk to a girl let alone offer her a ride home Eric was not about to squander this opportunity.
“Uh,” he realized in their fighting over his name he never asked her for hers.
“I was wondering if you had any manners,” she said coyly to Hyde. “I’m Jackie Burkhart.”
“I’m Eric,”
Jackie turned to Hyde, “See how easy that was Steven.”
Eric’s face nearly split in two, “Steven, have you been rude?”
“You want me to hit you because I will.”
Eric smirked at him, a silent promise that he would bring it up again.
They got in and Styx started blaring from the radio.
“Styx really?” Hyde groaned at Forman.
“I’m driving, it’s my car, I pick whatever music I want,”
“Maybe Jackie doesn’t like Styx.” He was hoping that having ears that worked she would agree with him.
“They’re not bad,” Jackie said. “But I like ABBA more, they’re my favorite.”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “You cannot be serious?”
“I am, they’re amazing.”
Eric had a perfectly awful idea, this cheerleader seemed to be annoying Hyde and he was taking it probably because she was a girl. But his torture could go a little farther.
“Hey Jackie, some of our friends are hanging out at my house if you want to hang out for a while?”
“Really, who’s there?”
“There’s that foreign exchange kid Fez, Kelso, and my girlfriend Donna. We’re probably just going to watch TV but someone is bound to do something stupid.”
“Alright, it sounds fun,”
Hyde shot him a look that meant he’d kill him. Well, he hadn’t done it yet, so Eric didn’t worry about it.
When they walked into the basement they saw two boys trying to duct tape fireworks to a suit, and a redheaded girl with her head in her hands.
“Is everything okay?” Hyde asked Donna.
“I hid the matches but they’re still stupid,” Donna said without looking up.
“Hey, everyone this is Jackie,” Eric announced.
At that, Donna looked up.
“Oh thank God, another girl.” Donna was desperate for anyone who was not one of her stupid friends to talk to. “Please save me from this idiotic amount of testosterone.”
Jackie made a beeline for Donna and plopped down next to her, “You must be Donna, Eric talked about you on the way over.”
Kelso finally looked up from his firework suit.
“Oh my god she’s hot.” He jumped over to the couch. “Since you’re a cheerleader we should totally go out,” Kelso said.
Donna sighed, “I told you, stupid.”
“Why?” Jackie looked up at him blankly.
“Cuz you’re like super hot.”
“I know that, but why does that mean I should go out with you?”
“Burn,” Fez looked to Eric hopefully, “did I do that right?”
“You’re getting the hang of it buddy.”
The girls chatted and tried to ignore Kelso and Fez.
“We were talking about going to the disco in Kenosha, that seems like it would be up your alley.”
“Absolutely, when are you going? I will totally go.”
“Donna, really, disco?” Hyde asked, he hated disco.
“Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean we all can’t be seen in the only club within three hours for a night,” she shot back.
“But who are you going with? Like you shouldn’t go alone,” Kelso said trying to push himself into their conversation hoping to get an in with Jackie.
“Hmm, I’ll go with,” Jackie’s eyes roamed the three single boys landing briefly on each of them, and lingering a little longer on Hyde.
“Donna. She did invite me after all.”
“You can’t go with Donna, you have to go with a guy?”
Hyde smirked at Kelso not getting his way.
“Who said I do? And I don’t really know any of you, so Donna will you go with me and these boys can do whatever?”
“You know what sure, except Eric definitely has to go with us because of the car.”
“Because of the car? Really, is all I am to you a set of wheels.”
“No, just when we want to leave town.” Donna turned back to Jackie, “We’re going on Saturday,”
“Perfect. Do you have a dress we could go shopping before then?”
“That would be great.”
They hung out for a while until Jackie finally called her dad to pick her up before her curfew. “I have to get going, but this was fun,” she stood and headed for the door, “It was nice meeting everyone.”
Once she was gone it was like the volume dropped three decibels.
“So, looks like Donna has a new friend too.”
“Jackie’s cool, energetic like crazy but she’s cool. Though she did call me a lumberjack because of the flannel shirt.”
“How did you meet her?”
“Oh, I didn’t,” Eric grinned idiotically, “Our boy Hyde here met her while I was stuck in the Science Lab. Now how did that happen?”
“Get bent,” Hyde replied.
“Manners like that, no wonder she agreed to hang out here. She was totally swept away,” Eric kept egging him on.
“Some guy was hassling her and she was alone alright,” Hyde crossed his arms and went back to watching TV.
“So you swoop in and try to get some with heroic gratitude nice,” Kelso said.
“Hey, Kelso come here,” Hyde waved him over.
Kelso stood beside him and Hyde nailed him in the side.
“Sorry, ow,” he pouted.
“Say something like that in front of Jackie and she might do worse, she did to the guy that was bothering her.” Hyde suppressed a smile.
He didn’t smile, but still, the memory of her as little as she was, kicking the crap out of that guy, it made him kind of fond of her.
Hyde humiliated himself over and over, he didn’t know why he did it. He also didn’t know why he was going to this stupid club, other than watching Kelso get rejected that never got old.
But Red saw right through him and Kitty spent the next few days teaching him to dance. He wasn’t great but he could manage.
Plus he’d seen Kelso dance before. Hyde was practically Fred Astaire in comparison.
Hyde was waiting outside for everyone since Donna wanted to see Eric’s reaction to her in girly clothes.
He looked up when he heard a car door shut.
She was stunning. Gone was the cute little girl he’d found behind the bleachers, she looked radiant with her hair curled but loose ringlets framing her delicate face.
“Wow, you look beautiful,”
Her smile turned almost shy at the praise. “Thank you, you clean up pretty good yourself.”
“Yeah, well.”
Before he could say anything else Forman and Donna came outside and they were followed by Tweedle Dee and Dumb.
“What no flowers?” Jackie asked Donna.
“You asked me remember?”
“Hmm, I guess you’re right.”
“Hey, stop trying to steal my girlfriend,” Eric joked realizing he too didn’t have flowers for Donna.
“Don’t be so hasty Eric,” Kelso said. “Just see where the night takes it.”
Everyone except Fez hit or kicked him at once.
“Alright everyone in before my mom tries to get pictures.”
“I’m not sitting next to Michael,” Jackie declared.
“You take window, I’ll sit beside you, that work?” Hyde asked.
“Yes,” she agreed easily.
“Great let’s get in the car and go.” He desperately wanted to get going before Mrs. Forman found them all.
Kelso asked her to dance, which Jackie refused, she’d watched him dance alone on the floor, she wasn’t sure if he was going to hurt someone and she didn’t want to be liable.
Fez asked her next when she refused he and Donna went to the dance floor.
He was a great dancer, she admitted.
The truth was she didn’t want to dance with them, she was interested in someone else.
“Why aren’t you dancing,” Hyde asked her,
“I didn’t want to dance with Kelso or Fez.”
“But you want to dance?”
“Yes,” she said honestly. She had that timid look from a few days before and he couldn’t help himself.
He had after all spent days learning these stupid dances. Might as well use it.
“Come on,” He held out his hand and she took it immediately.
They danced closer than Fez and Donna did.
Jackie felt the rush of being so close to him electrify her skin.
“You’re a really good dancer,” Jackie told him.
“Thanks, so are you. So why weren’t you dancing before?” He wanted to hear it from her, she’d nearly ignored Fez and Kelso but put up zero fight to dancing with him.
“The right person didn’t ask me.”
“And I’m the right person?”
She smiled up at him, and his breath caught. “
You just might be, Steven Hyde.”
She annoyed him, but she intrigued him more. She was bossy and bratty, but she’d won over Donna and maybe even Forman. There was just something about her he couldn’t help wanting to discover.
“You want to go out sometime?”
“Like on a date?”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, on a date.”
“I would love that, Steven.” Jackie stood on her toes and kissed his cheek gently.
For some reason, he didn’t mind her calling him Steven. It was weird that he didn’t, but something told him he’d have to get used to that.
A few weeks later
“Red, Mrs. Forman, can I talk to you for a minute?
“No,” Red growled leaning over the engine of the car.
“Sure, Honey what is it?”
“I just wanted you to meet someone,” He waved her over from inside the house, “this is my girlfriend Jackie.”
They’d hung out in the basement a few times but they tended to go off by themselves to get to know each other without the hassle of the others.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jackie said nervously. She knew how important the Forman’s were to Steven.
“Steven,” Kitty jokingly scolded, “you didn’t tell us you had such a cute girlfriend.”
“Don’t tell her that, she’ll get a big head.”
“Steven, I already know I’m cute. And thank you, Mrs. Forman.”
“See,” Hyde reiterated.
“Yeah, well I need to fix this cute carburetor,” Red went back over to the cruiser.
“Do you need some help?” Jackie offered.
“I think I need to go get my camera,” Kitty said rushing off into the kitchen.
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Happiness Continues
Part 1: The Conception
Summary: Y/n has been feeling stressed with moving and big things happening at work. After a stupid argument with her husband, they both find a way to help her blow off some steam. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 3.7K+
Warnings: Language, verbal argument, sexual tension and teasing, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Author’s Note: Now it’s time to officially dive back into the lives of my favorite idiots. Can’t wait to go on this journey with you guys again. Special shout out to my constant hype woman @waywardbeanie who willing squeals with me all the time and my beautiful beta @emoryhemsworth​ I couldn’t do it without all of you too, so please, let me know what you think. Feedback is golden! xoxo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and then check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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The highway whizzed passed outside her window as she made her way home. Y/n had one hand on the steering wheel as the other rubbed small circles into her temple. It was a Sunday after all, and she had to go into the warehouse. Et Cetera was working on launching a new skincare line, and one of the new machines had caught fire. It was just the icing on top of her already tipping cake. It felt like the only thing she had been doing for the past few weeks was putting out fires, whether it was at work or at home. 
The only thing getting her through the current shit storm that was today was the Memorial Day barbeque celebration at Jared and Gen’s later. Well, actually it was starting about now, but she needed to get home and grab her bathing suit before she could go anywhere. She was pissy that work was making her late, but she had to try and remember that it would all be worth it once the line launched.
As Y/n pulled into the driveway of her and Jensen’s home, she could see the garage door was open, his black Land Rover pulled out and ready to go. Y/n replaced its spot inside with her car, jumping from the cool cab into the sweltering heat of Texas.
Y/n went for the door leading to their mudroom before remembering that the hall was packed tight with boxes, ready for the movers to come and whisk them away. She made a detour back down the drive and into the house through the front door. 
The television played softly somewhere in the background and Y/n assumed Jensen was on his ass in front of it, considering that was where she often found him nowadays. He was enjoying his time off a little too much, but after fifteen years, she couldn’t say he didn’t deserve to. She stopped to take off her heels before venturing further inside, carrying them and her purse in one hand. 
“Jay?” She called out, hoping to find her husband ready to pack the car and go. But as she entered the kitchen, the cooler sat open on the floor, empty of anything, even ice. The woman bit her tongue before moving on towards their bedroom, the sound of the television growing as she neared. 
Passing by his home office, she stopped short, peering through the cracked door. Inside, the room looked as it had been untouched. The books were still lining the large shelves and his desk was strewn with papers and various contracts. 
The sight was all she needed to boil over. Granted, she didn’t have a far way to go considering having to go into work on Sunday had already riled her up. Y/n chewed on the inside of her cheek as she stormed into their room, finding Jensen perched on the edge of the bed. He had their beach bag seemingly packed already behind him, but it was no help to him now. His wife was already steaming.
“Hey honey,” he smiled, the grin fading as she stalked passed him without a word. Y/n tossed her heels into their nearly empty closet before continuing to their bathroom, slamming the door behind her. 
Jensen cocked his head to the side as he stared after where she had disappeared. He knew when she left this morning she was in less than a stellar mood, but he was, unfortunately, completely clueless as to what had her in a mood now. 
“Babe?” He shut off the television and went over to the door, rapping his knuckles against the wood lightly. “Are you okay?” 
“Not now.” Her voice was soft from the other side, a slight echo to it as it reverberated in the empty bathroom.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” He tried the handle of the door, surprisingly finding it locked. His brows knit together, as his wife never locked the door on him. “Y/n/n?” 
“Don’t,” the door swung open then, revealing her now sans the suit she had gone into work in, and only in her panties. “I cannot talk to you right now.” 
“What the hell did I do?” Jensen followed her as she pushed past him, pulling her bathing suit from its place in her drawers and exchanging her panties for the bikini. 
“I have been asking you for a week, a week Jensen, to pack up your office, and this morning I have to go into work to deal with an emergency. I figured that'd be the perfect time for you to get it done, but no! You couldn’t even be bothered to fill the damn cooler for this party!”
Her husband backtracked, blinking at her sudden outburst. “It takes two seconds to fill the cooler, I was waiting until you got home, and my office will take no time at all.”
“Jensen, the movers will be here tomorrow. Tomorrow!” She repeated for emphasis as she pulled a tank and a pair of shorts over her swimsuit. “And we have a party to go to. Are you gonna get all of that done before ten in the morning?” 
“I have time. They have plenty of other things to move first.” 
Y/n clenched her fingers into a fist before relaxing them with a deep breath. “I don’t understand why you couldn’t have done it this morning or even yesterday. Why do you insist on making me more anxious than I already am?” 
“Oh, come on. You know I don’t do that on purpose. I’m sorry that it’s not helping you, but it’s all going to be okay,” he tried, his apology only ticking her off more than she already was. 
“Whatever, I’ll just get over it. Come on, we have a party to go to.” Her tone was clipped and Jensen knew he was still in the dog house. But he also knew his wife well enough to know now was not the time to push her. The two of them could talk about it later. 
He left her to finish getting ready and went to pack the cooler with beer and water and loaded it in the car. Y/n followed him out of the house not even a minute later, their swim bag over her shoulder. The couple climbed into the car in silence, and that’s how they remained the whole drive to Jared’s.
All the other guests had arrived already when they pulled into the driveway. Jensen sighed as he watched his wife jump out of the car without a word. He hit the steering wheel with the heel of his hand, hoping that her nosy family didn’t pick up on the anger rolling off of her.  
He unloaded the cooler and dragged it along behind him, though the garage and out to the poolside. Setting down under some shade, he wasted no time in reaching in and cracking open a bottle of craft beer. 
“What did you do?” Jared’s voice had him nearly choking on the fizzy liquid as it went down his throat. He didn’t even hear his brother-in-law come up behind him.
“What makes you think I’ve done something?” Jensen knew he was being far too defensive, but fuck Jared and his perceptiveness. He had known this would happen.  
“Uh, you two didn’t walk back here hand in hand forgetting there are other people in the world.” Jared had that inquisitorial look in his eye, the same one that nearly had Jensen shitting his pants when he and Y/n had been running around. 
“Okay, first off, we don’t forget there are other people around. And secondly,” Jensen sighed before continuing, “she’s just stressed and taking it out on me.”
“Uh-huh, what did you do?”
“I didn’t pack up the office this morning when she had to run into work, so sue me.” 
“Ah, dude, the movers are coming tomorrow.” Jared wrinkled his nose, but Jensen could see the glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
“I swear to god, you need to go somewhere else, away from me.” Jensen shoved his friend's shoulder, causing Jared to burst out laughing as he sauntered away. The actor shook his head as he reached for another beer to bring his wife. 
As he made his way further into the backyard, he found Y/n sitting at the deck table, having already discarded her tank top. She was chatting with her sisters-in-law, a smile on her face until she noticed him walking her way. But she didn’t make a move to stop him as he neared, instead accepting the beer from him and leaning into his touch when he kissed the crown of her head. It was her way of telling him that she was okay, she only needed a little time, and he could accept that. 
What he couldn’t accept was her blatant teasing throughout the day. Now, he knew she was pissed at him, but she was playing a very dangerous game right now. It started out innocent enough when she had asked him to rub sunblock on her back. She’d laid out along the lounger and Jensen had knelt beside her, rubbing the cream into her skin. It was the small moan she let out as his fingers dug into her muscles that had his breath hitching in his throat. She was careful to keep it low enough that only he would hear but loud enough to set him on edge. 
Her next trick came in the form of flaunting herself in front of him, over and over again. Jumping into the water right in front of him and coming out to lean down for something, giving him the perfect view down her bathing suit. Jared knocked him upside the head one time when he caught Jensen staring and then adjusting himself, quirking an accusatory eyebrow up at his not so subtle action. Jensen supposed he deserved it, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He finished God only knew what number beer as he glared at her retreating figure. It was clear to him that her actions were no accident now, she knew exactly what she was doing. 
It wasn’t until the watermelon incident that he knew just how much she was riling herself up in all this too. Jensen was in the pool with the kids, having fun tossing the boys in the water between him and Jared. The girls were readying the food for dinner, and Y/n had decided to steal a piece of watermelon. His wife sat down in the chair, biting into the soft flesh of the melon. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as the juice dripped down her chin and landed on the swell of her breast. Y/n made eye contact, smiling at him as she wiped it away with her finger and placed the sweet liquid on her tongue, sucking her finger between her lips for a moment too long. He had to fight back an eye roll, instead deciding to narrow his eyes at her, his tongue licking along his lip and pulling it between his teeth. It seemed to do the trick as he noticed the subtle way she clenched her thighs before crossing her legs. Now he had her right where he wanted her, all primed for the perfect payback.
“What are you up to?” Gen appeared next to Y/n as she watched the interaction between the couple.
“I’m eating watermelon.”
“And making a mess.” 
“That’s one of the joys of eating watermelon in your suit, you don’t have to worry about where the juice goes.” Y/n turned away from her husband’s heated stare to look at the small brunette next to her. 
“Okay,” she raised her hands up, “I do not want to know.” Gen backed away from where her sister-in-law was laughing. No, she really did not want to know. 
Her last harebrained scheme to get her husband going came as the night was coming to an end and she had more alcohol coursing through her veins than was necessary. The sun was disappearing behind the trees and the boys had lit a bonfire. Jensen found a spot on one of the loungers near the fire, his long legs crossed at the ankle in front of him. Y/n came out of the house behind him with his sweater hanging off her shoulders, that glint in her eye still present as she walked over to where he was. 
“You have the bug spray?” She asked him politely.
“Maybe,” he tilted his head at her as she looked around him for it. Spotting it on the patio below, she reached over him, placing her hand for balance on his thigh. Jensen grunted as she stretched across him and snatched the spray bottle, watching her every move. As she moved to stand back up, a devilish smile crossed his features before he grabbed her wrist and caused her to stumble into his lap. 
“Don’t use too much,” his voice was nearly a growl as it reverberated in his chest. 
“Never, dear,” she replied, skimming her supporting hand across the bulge in his swim trunks as she went, feeling her husband up. 
Y/n had to take a deep breath as she walked away from Jensen, the buzz from her many drinks was making her brain fuzzy and needy for her husband. Her plan hadn’t been to wind herself up along with him, but she should have known better, that two could play her little game. 
After applying the spray, she sat down across the fire from her husband, Odette choosing her lap as her resting place as she made her rounds through the adults. Y/n helped her make a couple of s’mores on the fire before handing her off to her father as she headed inside for a mixed drink from Gen’s fridge. 
The air conditioning caused pimples to rise on her heated skin as she entered the home and took off her sweater. Y/n stumbled slightly as she crossed the threshold inside, the numerous drinks of the day taking hold of her brain. The day wasn’t over yet, and she was determined to slip in at least one more. 
By the time she reached the fridge, she heard the door behind her opening and closing again. She paid it no mind as she pulled the juice and soda from the fridge, turning on her heel and bumping the door closed with her hip. 
“I know what you’re doing,” his growl had her nearly jumping out of her skin, the bottles in her arms tumbling ever so slightly before she clumsily regained her grip on them. 
“Jesus.” Y/n set the bottle down on the island in the kitchen, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Jensen stepped closer to her, invading her personal space, and squaring his shoulders to make himself even bigger than he already was. He knew just how much it made her weak in the knees when he displayed his size difference over her, and he was using that knowledge to his advantage. 
“Come on babe, you can’t play me.” His voice was low, the sound of it reverberating deep in his chest, sending shivers down her spine. “I’ve been watching you clench your thighs all day.” 
“I—” The syllable barely slipped from her lips before his hands were on her, dragging her down the back hall and into the dark laundry room. The soft glow of the moonlight and a far off street lamp illuminated the room just enough for them to see each other. 
Jensen pushed her body against the dryer as he closed the door behind them both. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the low lighting, giving him enough time to lift her onto the machine and slot himself between her open thighs. 
“I’m still pissed at you,” she murmured as he dove into her neck, placing soft open-mouthed kisses against her sensitive skin. 
“So you’re torturing me then?”
“You tick me off, I tick you off. I think it’s only fair.” Her words were a whimper on her lips when Jensen nipped against her collar bone. Y/n ran her hands up his bare back, his skin still heated from the Texas sun. The woman could feel his muscles rippling under her fingertips as he ground his arousal into her core. 
“Mmm, don’t think that’s how this works,” Jensen stepped back from her, her hands falling to her sides to catch herself from falling from the machine. Her chest rose and fell with a deep breath as she tried to calm her hammering heart. “See, I think now’s the time to show you who’s really in charge here.” 
Y/n bit her lip as she looked at her husband up and down. Y/n loved this side of him, the small upturn in his lips sent heat pooling deep in her stomach. Without breaking eye contact, she reached behind her, untying her bathing suit top and dropping it on the washer next to her. She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he fought to keep his composure, but his wife knew him well enough to see the way his tongue peeked out to wet his lower lip. He was on the brink of breaking, and she had just the idea of how to push him over the edge. 
“Then show me,” she purred, sucking two fingers between her lips before disappearing her hand into her bathing suit bottoms. Jensen moved like lightning, his fingers wrapping around her wrist and pulling her hand up near his face. 
“No time for that, baby girl.” Jensen dropped his grip on her, moving to pull her bottoms from her body. Y/n lifted her hips to help him and Jensen placed the barely-there material with the other piece of her bikini. He took back his place in between her legs, attacking her mouth with fervor. Y/n could taste the beer he had been drinking all day on his lips, the taste all-consuming of every other flavor she so loved of her husband, but she didn’t care at this point. She’d been trying to rile him up all day, in turn doing the same thing to herself, and now she wanted the release she knew her husband could provide her. 
He had one hand on her hip and the other was cradling the base of her skull, keeping her as close to his body as he could. The soft moans escaping her body only drove him crazier than he already was. Y/n ran her nails down his back, slipping her hands underneath the elastic of his bathing suit and squeezing the taut muscles of his ass. 
“Fuck me, please,” she begged, far past caring for any decorum at that moment. He already had her naked and wet in her brother’s laundry room, her whole family just outside enjoying a bonfire as the night came to an end. 
“God, anything for you, baby,” Jensen murmured against her lips as she moved her hands to pull his erection from its confines. Y/n guided him to her entrance, a collective sigh falling from their lips as he bottomed out inside her. He stilled as her body adjusted to him, his forehead dropping to her shoulder as he breathed deeply. A surprised gasp popped from her mouth as he pulled out and fucked into her in one swift movement before easily finding his rhythm. 
The laundry room filled with the couple’s collective breaths and the soft creaking of the machine she was placed on. The air grew thick around them as they both frantically chased after their release that they had been building up all day. Y/n’s hands were roaming across the heated skin of Jensen’s back, looking for purchase anywhere she could.
Every muscle in her body was clenching as he drove himself home time and time again. “Jay, fuck—” She wasn’t sure what she was asking for from him, all she knew was that she was almost there. 
“I know honey, I’ve got you.” His voice was low, rumbling deep in his chest as he licked over the shell of her ear. Everything about him was invading her senses, making her forget anything but her husband. Jensen adjusted his hold on his wife, giving himself access to rub tight quick circles to her clit. Before she could react to his touch, she felt her body falling, every muscle shaking around him. Her orgasm pulled him into his shortly afterward, his hot seed coating her walls as his cock twitched inside her. Jensen shuddered under her fingertips, his shaky breaths like music to her ears. Her husband fell into her chest, nuzzling his nose into her collar as he waiting for his breathing to even out. 
“Someone’s gonna come looking for us,” Y/n chuckled as she combed her fingers through his hair. She could feel his smile against her skin before he huffed out a breath. 
“Yeah, and I really don’t feel like being murdered by your brothers tonight.” Jensen placed a kiss to the underside of her jaw before standing up and separating himself from her. He adjusted himself quickly before grabbing her suit for her. Y/n struggled to get the wet garment back on, needing the help of her husband to straighten the material back out. 
Jensen peeked out the door into the dark hallway to ensure the coast was clear before they exited the laundry room. He slipped his fingers between hers and pulled her along with him and back out to enjoy the fire. 
“Well, well, well, look who is holding hands again.” Jeff piped up from the other side of the fire. He had his youngest dead asleep in his lap as he chuckled at his baby sister. 
“Oh,” Y/n laughed as Jensen fell back into his original seat, pulling his wife down with him to sit across his lap. “Can’t stay mad at this face for too long.” Leaning down, she pinched his chin between two fingers and brought his lips to hers, the couple both smiling into the kiss.
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Part 2: 5 Weeks Pregnant
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Tags are open, send me an ask to be added to the list <3
Forevers: @polina-93​​ @22sarah08​​ @callmekda​​ @hobby27​​ @dawnie1988​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​  @akshi8278​ @superfanficnatural​ @malfoysqueen14​ @deanwanddamons​ @waywardbeanie​ @emoryhemsworth​ @talesmaniac89​ @winchest09​ @katehuntington​ @flamencodiva​ @janicho88​ @anathewierdo​ @ellewritesfix05​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @jensengirl83​ @lyarr24​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @supraveng​ @tranquility-or-chaos​
Continues: @traceyaudette​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @rebelemilu​ @colbyskoalas​ @ashleyrose0117 @zpandaqueen​ @stoneyggirl​ @parinarain​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @harryhook-lover​ @spnfamily-j2​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @lunarmoon8​ @dvnmbabe​
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Karma is a bitch, Chapter 1 (Multi ship) - Flor
A/n: Olá! I’m your resident ball of stress and anxiety posing as a your average brazilian uni student trying my hand at writing fic in english after literal years writing solely on my mother tongue, how yall doing? Anyway that is just a very long way of saying i can’t promise perfect english and that i’m very nervous and very excited about posting this. There will be a lot of ships and queens so i’m just going to tag them as they appear, thanks and enjoy!
Summary: Manila being in love with her best friend is just proof that Karma is real and getting back at her for laughing at her coworkers and teasing them over their lack of guts to act on their obvious feelings. Surely that’s it, a cruel joke of the universe and something she will get over with time so in meantime she just needs to focus on something that isn’t Raja. Naturally playing cupid is exactly what she needs.
Chapter summary: Raja breaks up with her girlfriend, swears off dating and Manila has a existential crisis, or several, but who is counting anyway?
Manila is not a useless lesbian.
Well she is a lesbian. And okay she can be a bit slow and useless in certain circumstances, sometimes hidden jokes and social clues will fly over her head, but it happens with everyone okay, it’s not that big of a deal. But those two characteristics together? No ma’am, Manila considers herself a pretty sharp lesbian, especially since she works with several textbook representations of useless lesbians. Her workplace is filled with useless lesbians.
RuPaul’s Look Race started small and easily lost in the big Los Angeles scenario, a modeling agency born of spite aimed to the outcasts of the fashion world like the founder herself and it quickly won over the hearts of all the models who used to the racism and homophobia of the fashion industry saw themselves drawn to what promised to be a safe accepting spot. With care it grew exponentially in a short space of time attracting not only clients but also employees who failed to check most of the box on privilege, Manila was hired on the third year of existence of the agency and she saw as it grew and grew until they became the name in everyone’s mouth, the first place that LGBT models turned to, expanding its wings until they started to gather to artists in general rather than only models.
They are an one of a kind business, no one does as much as them, no one attends to so many different artists in so many different fronts all at once so of course they are a big deal, especially when you consider how inclusive they are.
It makes for a very livid, very gay, workplace and Manila would not trade it for the world. The longest living unofficial rule of the place is “LGBT+ until proven straight or cis” because she could easily count how many of her coworkers don’t fit under the rainbow. It feels good to be out and proud of her sexuality, her own personal bubble in a world that wasn’t always kind to her. One of the most unexpected consequences of working on the gayest business in America however is the ridiculous amount of pinning she gets to watch unfold before her daily.
Manila can give you examples of actual useless lesbians until you are begging her to stop and she knows as a fact that she is nothing like them, she doesn’t do those things they do, she knows how to flirt and she damn well knows when someone is flirting with her, and more than that she always knows what to do in those situations.
Until now.
Because Raja broke up with her girlfriend and Manila is facing a life crisis where she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
It’s not like this is the first time this has happened, it’s nothing really new to be honest, Manila has know Raja for almost 10 year and she cannot count how many partners her friend had in those, this is far from the first breakup Manila has lived through and at this point she knows their routine by muscle memory alone.
Raja for someone who is actually quite polished and has her life together has quite a problem with keeping a stable relationship for long periods of time, Manila is sure that in those 10 years of friendship the longest relationship lasted a bit more than 2 years, but at the same time Raja is the type of person who doesn’t like being single for too long what may explain everything. 
So Manila is well versed in post-breakup Raja.
She knows that her friend was the one to end it simply because she texted her asking to come over, it’s just one of her things. If her partner was the one to break things off Raja would seek Raven’s company so both of them could curse and complain and Raven in all her sharp tongued abrasive self would point out all the flaws in the ex until Raja felt better about it, they always showed up with killer hangover after those talks but the older woman always looked better and less down after yet another rejection when Raven was done with her.
But when Raja was the one to break it off she always went to Manila because Raven couldn’t see the point in getting sad over something you choose, for good reason, to call off. Manila knew that just because you were the one to pull the plug doesn’t mean you aren’t hurting and sad to see it gone no matter how bad things had become or how better in the long run the decision is.
If she is selfishly honest Manila sorta likes those post breakup hangouts they have, she likes the intimacy and closeness they bring to their friendship. Raja is not shy with her affection but she hardly is the most touchy person either so the younger woman relishes on those nights where Raja will curl her long limbs in her couch touching Manila’s side and resting her head on her shoulder, sometimes playing with her fingers or just holding her hand.
It’s good, Raja always smells like subtle spicy perfume and her skin is soft and impossibly warm at all times. It’s also very normal and very platonic. It’s not like how Katya will take any and every excuse available to touch Trixie even if for a few seconds, hands itching towards her every time they get together to discuss something or just casually talk, the blonde Russian cleaning her schedule for those meetings and pretending no one knows about it.
It’s not like that for Raja and Manila. If Manila rests her own head over Raja’s, well it’s just a comfort thing, and if she takes a deep breath so the other’s perfume is all she can smell, who can blame her? It is a good perfume.
So this time is no different from any other time. Raja shows up at her door, defeated expression looking so out of place in her angular features, Manila ushes her inside and they almost cuddle on the couch while some stupid comedy plays in the background.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She whispers softly even if it’s not necessary.
She feels more than sees Raja sighs.
“Not sober.”
Manila nudges her a bit so she can get up already missing the warmth and rushing to her kitchen so she can find the wine she knows it’s Raja’s favorite. That’s another normal, completely platonic thing Manila does, keeping Raja’s favorite drinks and food around even if she isn’t particularly fond of it herself.
It’s not like she is like Shea who buys or makes tea for Sasha every time she gets coffee for herself, completely unprompted, just so she can have a excuse to go to her and chat for a few moments, smiling dumbly as the Russian smiles that bright kind smile of hers that could melt ice and melts Shea’s heart like butter. It’s not like that because Manila doesn’t go out her way to buy those things or uses them as an excuse to talk to her friend, she just buys it with her own groceries to keep it around if needed, and it’s good to have food your friend likes around right? Especially for moments like this!
Patting herself on the back for being such a prepared friend Manila goes back with two glasses and two bottles of wine feeling like one is not going to be enough. The smile that Raja gives her when she reads the label could make flowers grow. 
She pours them full glasses before sitting back on the couch, Raja automatically curling back into her side and even if her elbow is kinda uncomfortably pressed against her side and her hair is trickling her neck Manila would never make any movement or say anything to make her change positions. They drink in silence, finishing several cups before Raja lets out another long sigh.
“I broke up with her after a date. It just kind of hit me as we were leaving the restaurant that we spent basically the whole meal in silence, she kept looking at her phone and it didn’t bother me at all. We used to turn out our phones during dates.”
“I’m sorry Raj, falling out of love sucks balls but you know it was for the best for the both of you. It wouldn’t be fair to keep going like this, relationships shouldn’t be something you are having out of convenience, and hey now you both are free to find someone new.”
Saying those words leave a sour taste in her mouth, the idea of Raja once again going out on mindless dates with random women, falling in bed with them until one catches her attention enough for her to try yet again to have an actual relationship, is making her heart clench in her chest.
Platonically of course. 
Manila is simply tired of seeing her friend meet dead end after dead end and find herself on her or Raven’s couch drinking away the pain. It’s not like there is any hidden motive for that feeling, Manila knows herself, knows her own heart, if there was anything more than best friend concern she would surely know. It’s probably not different from what Jujubee and Raven feel for each other.
“It’s the same thing every fucking time Nila, it doesn’t matter if I’m the one dumping or the one dumped the reason is always the same we just fall out of love, for fucks sake why can’t i get regular messy breakups once in a while? Why can’t I get cheated on?”
“Why exactly would you want to get cheated on? I, just like every normal person, prefer clean breakups but you seem to think they are overrated.”
“Like you are anywhere near being normal Miss Pineapple Dress for a Fancy Work Party” Raja laughs lightly, Manila feeling it with her body
“That dress was fucking awesome and i will not be shamed for being a fashion icon ahead of my own time.”
“Whatever you say” The fond amusement in the taller woman makes her smile wider, allowing herself to relax even more against the warm body
“You still didn’t answer why somehow getting cheated on would be better than a nice clean breakup.”
“Because then i could explain why it happened, I could get mad at someone else because it wouldn’t be my fault.” Raja’s voice is softer than it was the whole night, barely over a whisper “You know why i got dumped last time? Because she said i was never really there, that i never allowed her to actually know me.”
Automatically and uncaring about the awkwardness of the position Manila throws her arms around Raja hating the way her voice sounds and hating the words even more. Maybe she is biased, maybe she isn’t really trying to put herself in the ex girlfriends shoes, but she just can’t phantom why anyone would say that about Raja of all people.
Her best friend is intense in all the best ways, she puts herself into everything she does to the point someone will eventually have to drag her away from her projects, she may look unapproachable and regal with her beautiful features and high fashion clothes but she is one of the biggest dorks Manila knows, full of passion and bad jokes. And yes she is a bit hard to know, it takes time to take her down her walls and see beyond the carefully crafted poise and sharp words, but she is worth every minute spent trying.
“And i guess she was right, i guess i do this all the time because it’s the same thing now, someone falling out of love with me because i wasn’t giving them enough. Maybe I’m just not meant for this.”
“This?” Manila tightens her arms around Raja like she is trying to squeeze that resigned tone away
“Love, relationships, the whole nine yards. Meaningless one night stands are clearly more of my thing since they are the one thing I can successfully manage.”
“That’s not true! You of all people shouldn’t be selling yourself this short you big idiot, you are amazing and people should be lucky to have a shot with you. You just haven’t found the right person yet.”
“Are you taking life advice from those stupid romcoms Vanessa is obsessed with? Because it sounds like it.” Her words lack the necessary bite to sound like a insult even if she snorts disbelieving and Manila slaps her chest without breaking the hug
“Okay edgy lord maybe you should watch one of those and lift your spirit because this talk is not like you at all.” 
She goes for a joking tone, poking Raja again but is glad the older woman can’t see her face and the way her brows are furrowed. This is new. Unfamiliar and uncomfortable in a way that those post breakups encounters never were, not even in the beginning of their friendship where Manila was still testing the waters and what worked with her friend. Raja was always sad, though she only cried twice in 10 years, and her smiles never quite reached her eyes even if they softened a little when Manila said something funny or ridiculous, but never like this, never truly defeated in this raw way. Raja hardly ever gets this low in her self esteem anymore and never about her love life and the fact that she is, is throwing Manila out of her loop, this is new territory.
“Maybe I should take a page out of Violet’s book and just give dating up altogether, she is young but is clearly into something.”
“Really? Because as far as i know if Violet wasn’t so open about how anti dating she is then either Pearl or Max would have totally already made a move and we wouldn’t have to watch them dancing around each other like that.”
“But that’s the thing, the problem with Violet doing it is that someone is in love with her and I think we have established that no one is in love with me.” And before Manila can say the obvious Raja beats her to it “And i don’t think anyone ever will.”
I am.
The thought almost makes its way out of her mouth before Manila stops herself, biting her tongue so hard she can taste blood.
It comes out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time, a certain that just overtakes her body and sets on her bones like it belongs there, like it was just laying under the superficie waiting to make itself known. Her breath catches on her throat and she must make some sort of chocked sound because Raja cranks her neck to look at her, sad eyes and soft smile making Manila want to scream.
“It’s okay Nila, don’t take me too seriously, I had a couple of shots before coming here so I’m just being drunk.”
Manila just nods, words stuck in her throat in fear of what will come out if she let them out, Raja sighs again and even in normal circumstances her words would not make the younger woman less worried, the excuse of drunkness not erasing the self deprecating voice and sad tired eyes, but now they just make her heart ache even more.
This is fucked up.
Fucked up and so, so right. 
Of course she is in love with Raja, of course there is nothing really platonic in a lot of her actions, in the way something ugly and heavy curls inside of her when Raja gets another girlfriend, in the way that her chest feel warm when Raja smiles at her in delight, how her laugh can light up her day, how her hugs can make the bad days look less dark, how having her arms around her feels good, how warm she feels in the places they are touching.
Manila thanks whatever deity is watching her that the realization stucks her when Raja is already drunk and half asleep, curling even more on the couch, letting her weight rests fully against Manila as her breathing gets deeper, and that she didn’t decide to lay down facing her because Manila doesn’t know how she would hide her reaction.
Karma is definitely a bitch she decides almost hysterically as her bitten tongue slowly stops bleeding.
This is karma for laughing at her friends, she is sure it is, what else can explain the universe punishing her with this? With those feelings? Clearly she cracked one too many jokes about Crystal and Gigi being oblivious, or rolled her eyes too much when watching Shea and Sasha, or Trixie and Katya, or maybe she snickered too loudly watching Vanjie and Brooke or maybe she gave Jinkx shit romantic advice or something she can’t even remember. Maybe, she muses, it’s a combination, all those little things piling up until karma decided to get her for them all at once and landed her in this mess.
She is in love with Raja.
Wonderful, clever, talented, beautiful Raja who struggles to maintain meaningful romantic relationships.
Raja who is one of her best friends. One who basically decided to give up dating 10 minutes ago.
What the fuck Manila is supposed to do now?
Manila decides after a bad sleep night in an uncomfortable position in her not so soft couch that the best course of action is doing nothing.
She needs… She needs time to process this sudden epiphany, to analyze their interactions and her actions and try to pinpoint when exactly platonic friendship transformed itself into something she never expected or intended to, something she is too afraid to name. Gather her thoughts and her emotions in a more organized way than the panic and confusion of last night.
She also needs time for Raja to get over the breakup, again this is a familiar scenario and Manila knows what will happen, has watched as her friend tried to drown herself into work until the sting of another failed relationship disappeared multiple times and understand that is the worst possible moment to try to act on those…. feelings. If, and that is a big gigantic if, Raja takes her mind away from fashion for one second to seriously consider Manila’s hypothetical words there is the risk of being a rebound fuck, a distraction.
Manila is not sure of many things about those feelings but one that she knows with clarity is that she doesn’t want to be a one night stand, a band aid to help with loneliness, Manila is not that girl who will let herself be used as a mean to something else, she has more self love than that. She wants the real thing, the full experience. If she can’t have that she will not settle for scraps, her heart is not strong enough to deal with that.
So when her alarm blasts, too soon she laments as her eyelids seem to be glued shut and her brain protests that she sleep too little and too badly, she is relieved Raja choose to end things in a Sunday because that means Manila will have work to distract her mind and stop her from spending a day long pity party overthinking all her feelings like a lunatic. 
At least she hopes so.
Raja is already up and moving around in the kitchen by the time Manila drags her body away from the couch feeling places she didn’t know could hurt screaming in protest. Shit, she needs a better couch, she feels bad for letting her friends sleep in that now. The dark haired woman makes her way to the kitchen and is not prepared to have the air sucked out of her chest by the vision in front of her.
It’s ridiculous. It’s not something new, some groundbreaking scenario that she never got to witness, some hidden part of Raja that she didn’t know existed. It’s ordinary, familiar in a way that makes her insides all warm and fuzzy and that’s the problem.
It’s familiar, it’s domestic.
There is something in the way that Raja moves around her small kitchen making toast and sipping coffee from a bright yellow mug, clearly fresh showered with her hair still damp, not even pausing to think where things are or what ingredients Manila will have that is so right. It feels right to have her there, so comfortable and at peace in a place Manila considers so intimate, so personal. Raja looks at home and the domesticity of it makes something in Manila ache.
This is what she wants, she realizes, to wake up and find Raja sipping coffee or to wake first and make her something to eat or to spend a lazy morning together.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Raja says when she realizes Manila is there snapping the other back to reality “You know seeing how late you set your alarm I can totally understand how you are always late.”
“My alarm is set at the perfect time, it’s not my fault LA’s traffic is more unstable than Gia Gun’s eyelashes.” The answer comes easily and she thanks a higher power that she can act like a actual human around Raja
“Well maybe that’s a sign that you should set it earlier, it wouldn’t kill to arrive earlier in the good days.”
“And how would you know? I don’t think you even know your actual work hours anymore.”
“Raven told me” Raja smiles cheekily, sipping from her mug to hide it “Want me to make you some toast while you get ready?”
She says and does her best to not look like she is bolting the fastest she can because while it’s the truth it doesn’t mean she wants Raja to realize it. It’s the domesticy again, the easiness and calm that comes with having Raja there offering to make fucking toast like she belongs in her home.
Manila lets her forehead rest against the shower wall as the water falls on her back trying to get her shit together before she faces her best friend and new found love again. She will not freak out, she will not over analyze shit or stare like some sort of lovesick fool with no self control.
She is a grown up woman and she knows how to behave when she is attracted to someone.
At least that is what she tells herself and what she fails to do almost instantly. Because as Manila dresses herself she can’t stop thinking about the fact that Raja has clothes at her place. Clothes. And Manila has clothes at Raja’s place as well and that’s… that’s not really a really platonic thing is it? Manila doesn’t have a drawer full of her things in her parent’s house for fucks sake. 
This is karma she swears to herself, this is karma for laughing at poor airheads Crystal and Gigi for being oblivious, this is the universe getting back at her and making her the stereotypical useless lesbian who doesn’t even really she is in love and practically dating her best friend.
But at the same time she can’t help but wonder if that means something as big as she thinks. So they have clothes at each other’s houses and Manila doesn’t do that with anyone else, but what if that’s something regular with Raja? Does she leave things in Raven’s or Delta’s houses too? Is that something special they share or it’s just one of those Raja things that make Manila smile fondly when she thinks no one is watching?
Fuck, Manila is really turning into one of those people. She makes a sound of frustration in her chosen shirt, pressing the fabric to her face and trying to block everything but the pleasant smell of the shirt and take a few deep breaths to again get her shit together.
When she finally finishes her makeup and makes her way back to the kitchen she is ready to face the day and suppress her feelings like a normal woman. 
Things go smoothly after that and Manila shots down the voice in her mind whispering that that is a good sign, they eat among small talk and Raja mentions her breakup only once when she mentions her ex will go pick her things when she’s at work and she’s relieved they will not have to have another face to face conversation, Manila holds her hand and squeeze giving Raja her best comforting smile not letting go until the smile she gets in answer doesn’t look fabricated.
On the way to work their topic of conversation changes as they begin discussing their agendas for the day trying to squeeze a joint break. They don’t have many reasons to interact during work hours, Raja, along with Bianca, run their fashion department dealing with clothing most of their non model clients while Manila works exactly with the modeling section of the business and since both are high up on the hierarchy there is really not much leeway to go hang out at each other side of the building, having to settle for lunch wherever work allows them to leave at the same time.
“You want to go to that new Italian place down the block?” Manila asks as they get close enough to see their workplace towering among others
“Rain check.” Raja says as she twists her thick hair in a bun that somehow manages to look elegant rather than messy “Willam got a show coming up and i have to meet her to brainstorm concepts for the looks.”
“Oh… we can go after you finish?”
“We are meeting for lunch actually.”
“Right…” Manila kicks herself as soon as the word leaves her mouth, her disappointment so thick she can almost taste it and it’s fucking ridiculous
“We can go tomorrow if you like?”
“Maybe, we have a photoshoot tomorrow but it looks like Dahlia is sick and if she can’t make it i need to be there to find a quick replacement.” Ugh sometimes being the official problem solver sucks
“That’s okay we can just try again another day.” Raja smiles at her then, all white teeth and soft eyes, and her hand rests on her shoulder as if she can sense that Manila is unhappy
And maybe she can because if her face is showing half of what she is feeling then Manila is officially looking like a pooting teenager and that is not a flattering look on someone her age. Again she feels like screaming because the universe is clearly trying to rub her face in her own obliviousness about her own feelings, again this is not new, there were times they had to cancel lunch plans when the other was already seated because something urgent came up, and neither is the disappointment and mildly annoyance in her chest when she realizes she will have to spend a day without sharing a part of her day with Raja, but now, now that she is painfully aware of the exact nature of her feelings there is another layer to that disappointment that she was unaware of and doesn’t really like.
It doesn’t help that it’s Willam that Raja is going to meet.
Don’t get her wrong, Willam may be a diva and a pain in the ass, the cause of many tears on their PR department because of her crude and biting humour, but she is not the worst client they ever had and once you get used to her particular brand of vulgarity there is a lot of fun to have with her. But Willam is, above everything, a self proclaimed slut.
There is an ongoing joke that the reason she gets so many gigs as an actress in crime shows is because she doesn’t really have to act as a prostitute or young slut, she just has to be herself. Willam is very confident and very comfortable in her sexuality and Manila is actually impressed with that, she really is, but that doesn’t mean that she wants that energy around post breakup Raja right after Manila discovered she has more than platonic feelings for her.
It’s a receipt for disaster, well, actually it’s receipt for sex what in her books are exactly the same thing.
She forces that stupidity down as hard as she can. There is pinning and then there is suffering for imagining your… crush having sex with someone else and Manila is not going to be that person, she really isn’t. The younger woman sighs quietly and grips the steering wheel glad that Raja is too busy dealing with loose strands of hair to pay attention to her reactions.
“If i’m free tomorrow i will shoot you a text” She says going for a smile
“Great! I will keep my agenda free then.”
Manila’s heart totally doesn’t skip a beat.
She is so fucked.
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oxnardsart · 4 years
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New update!  Also, the website has most Lesbini's chapter's pages up, aside from the finale:
http://boxerbeats.thecomicseries.com/comics/26 After defeating the Nameless Bird, Lesbuni heads to the stadium, passes a Boxer Briefs protest, and has to fight Don Badger, her romantic rival!
    Lesbuni was ready for another day at the boxing competition. Things weren’t going as great as she’d expected. On her way there, she noticed a protest going on - it was small, but the few people protesting were huge. As Lesbuni walked closer, she saw that they were all boxers!
    The shy rabbit walked across the street so that she didn’t have to be on the same side of the road as them, but she perked an ear up to hear what they had to say.
    “Hey! She looks like a boxer!”
    “Well she’s gotta come over here some time.”
    Lesbuni saw the muscle-heads looking right at her, and she realized, she was dressed in her boxing uniform - gloves and everything! She remembered hearing how professional boxers were upset about the competition not focusing on pure boxing anymore. This must have been the group, and no doubt they’d start trouble with someone enjoying the new Boxer Beats competition.
    “Come on! Show us how to get in there.”
    Lesbuni gasped - WHERE exactly did these guys want to get into?
    “M-Maybe we have to ask the bunny nicely...” a strong, white wolf suggested. “Little bunny! How do we get inside the Box-o’-Briefs?”
    Lesbuni was thrown off by that, “You mean Boxer Beats?”
    The white wolf bent down and lifted up a cardboard box with ‘Box-o’-Briefs’ written on the side of it. “Nope, it’s Briefs! Not Beats. See?” he held up the cardboard box, “We want to get into the competition and express our feelings.”
    “YEAH! Like my fist feeling Oxnard’s butt!”
    “And my butt expressing a kick with my foot on his butt from mine!”
    More of the protesting boxers started to yell out obscene, violent things. Lesbuni didn’t like that. She raised her snout and kept walking away - she knew bringing the professional boxers to the Boxer Beats competition would cause trouble. She made sure no one followed her there, feeling bothered and paranoid.
Round 2
    The little rabbit made it to the stadium safely and enjoyed the show with Nishi and some of his friends. It looks like after a few days, she had some new friends-of-a-friend! She met Gaydar, the glue-loving gator from the other day - he was an absolute sweetheart. They were both sitting with Macaroni Penguin - a kind old lady Lesbuni had seen fighting earlier. Lesbuni had fun hearing them all talk together - she didn’t say much herself, she usually needed time to open up to others. They all wished her luck as she headed off for her next fight.
    “Good luck, sweetie!” Macaroni waved, “Never quit!”
    “Show the nextht boxther what you’re made of, girl!” Gaydar cheered for her.
    Lesbuni couldn’t help but smile, showing her big bunny buck tooth. It was nice feeling like someone out there was rooting for her.
    BZZZ-KT! A loud, sharp buzz blasted out the speakers as Lesbuni got on stage.
    “Aw shoot, sorry guys! And non-guys.” Oxnard chuckled, “Some technical difficulties going on...”
    “Shorry shir, almosht ready.” The husky voice of a nervous technician could be heard in the background.
    “Hehe, your voice is so cute! Did you guys hear her accent?” Oxnard gleamed over the microphone, “Say something else!”
    “Uh-uh. Jusht let me finish up here and I’ll be on my way.” The technician sounded a little panicked.
    “Alright, al-”
    BZZZ-KT-KT! The mic fizzled again, causing everyone to groan from the noise.
    “Gosh dangit Bushy, what was that?” Oxnard yelled.
    “I’m shorry, I’m shorry! Jusht ushe thish mic inshtead.” Bushy sighed, “You kept the shecond one up here?”
    “Well, you didn’t wanna be my co-host, but maybe I’ll have someone up here chatting with me sometime!” Oxnard started to sound flirty, “Technically, you’re up here with me~”
    “Eeeeek!” Oxnard squeaked.
    “Aaaahhh!” the audience yelled. Weird. For a crowd that hated noise they sure made a lot of it.
    “You know what - while we fix this issue, let’s watch Lesbuni fight Don okay bye.” Oxnard’s voice disappeared quickly as the audience focused on the boxing ring. The referee counted from three on his fingers to avoid any more noise.
    “What’s the rule for this fight?” Lesbuni whispered to the referee. The hummingbird shook his head while pointing to his beak. Lesbuni had an idea!
    “What is it?” Don Badge looked at the two, clueless.
    Lesbuni smiled and pointed to her mouth, shaking her head.
    “Don doesn’t understand.” The badger looked around. “No one is. Telling Don.”
    “You’re not supposed to talk...” Lesbuni whispered, “It’s the quiet game!”
    “Don will use. This quiet moment. To talk about.” he paused, “Foxy.”
    Lesbuni gasped! She knew that name. But she eyed the video screen showing their scores, and Lesbuni was in the lead with her silence...
    “Special Foxy Lady.” Don began, “If you see. Don here. Don must say. How Don feels.” Lesbuni eyed him suspiciously as he continued, “Don is bound. To you. By his heart. Forever”
    Her jaw nearly fell open.
    “Foxie!? THE Foxie?” Lesbuni screeched, demanding an answer.
    “No. It’s Foxy.” Don corrected her.
    “Foxie, yeah. Foxie Farewell.” Lesbuni nodded.
    “Saying it wrong. Her name. Is Foxy Farewell.” Don started to sound snooty.
    The two argued back and forth. The ref tried to point towards the screen.
    “Are you saying... you like MY Foxie?” Lesbuni bared her bucktooth.
    “Don has liked. Special Foxy Lady. For many years.”
    “Well...” Lesbuni cracked her knuckles, “You can’t have her.” She took a quick swing at Don, and hit right at his stomach. The badger rolled backwards. She went in for another hit, but he raised his spiked bracelets to defend himself in time.
    “Ahhhhh!!” Lesbuni screamed. Those spikes sure hurt when you hit them!
    The ref was flapping his wings all around, pointing at the video screen so Lesbuni would see. She saw she was about to lose the quiet game! It wasn’t only about being quiet and saying the least, but noise level too! Don always talked calm, but Lesbuni’s painful scream nearly pushed her over the limit.
    She realized she had to use any words wisely. It would be tricky making Don yell louder than her. However, she had something that would work - the truth.
    “I dated Foxie,” Lesbuni whispered - Don looked disgusted, “I kissed Foxie.” The bunny continued, the badger’s mouth hung open in awe, “I love Foxie.”
    Don began to scream.
    “YOU CANNOT.” He ran after her, chasing the rabbit around the ring, “DON DOES NOT. ALLOW FOR SMOOCHIES. ON HIS FOX. UNLESS DON KISSES.”
    Lesbuni smiled as she saw Don’s noise level catch up with hers.
    The buzzer went off! Don had officially lost the game. All his all-caps screaming pushed his volume over the edge.
    “We have a winner!” the referee jumped up happily. “Lesbuni won!” The little rabbit jumped for joy. As nosy as she was about Foxie’s past, she was more happy that Foxie’s future was one step closer to involving her instead of Don.
    “NO. NO NO NO.” Don screamed. His guard came on stage and removed the upset badger from the ring. “DON’S STORY. IS NOT OVER. DON WILL. HAVE HIS FOX.” Don glared his rabid, unblinking eyes at her as he was dragged away.
    “Wow, that guy’s seriously distressed.” The announcer chuckled, amused, “Great job Lesbuni! Not only did you win the quiet match, but my microphone is all better now! Thank you, my bushy technician.”
    “Not’a problem, bossh,” Bushy beaver casually replied before exiting the booth.
    In the audience, a particular tanuki and flapinko team were talking up a storm. Nikki, who had been through multiple resets in the boxing competition remembered Bushy Beaver being a co-host. For some reason, she was now a technician. It seemed like a small detail, so why did Bushy’s job change?
    Nikki remembered Bushy Beaver and Sweaty Beaver both went missing near the end of the last reset... could they have encountered Dawn as well?
    That wasn’t the only change either! Nikki noticed tag-teams like Team Dino Pubes, Team Arthbound, and The Quick & The Angry were all gone! The boxing competition itself changed to one-on-one matches. Lesbuni was no longer on a team with Foxie, and Don wasn’t paired with Anger Mouse. Why were parts of Boxer Beats changing during the reset?
    Nikki and Thanks left backstage to start investigating. Meanwhile, Lesbuni smiled as Nishi, Gaydar, and little Macaroni gave her a cheerful group hug. (She didn’t mind them touching her!) She opened up about herself on stage, and her friends-of-a-friend became her friends. They were all rooting for her to meet with Foxie!
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heckinhacker · 5 years
True Damage!Yasuo x reader - I’m glad you’re evil too.
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A/N: I was inspired by Ashe's cover of “I'm glad you're evil too” and I absolutely loved it. Here goes nothing! There might be some errors, I’ve read it many times and can’t find anything anymore, but can happen. Sorry.
word count: 6,311 requested: no. warnings: Cursing, as in most of my posts. Welp~!^^ + It can be messy, I never wrote a long fic and english is being hard for me :(
Yasuo loved music since forever, and knew he was talented himself. Everyone around him praised him if he had shown them his own beats. He was DJ for every school party hosted, even volunteered to be on his own prom night, but everyone said he’s fine to go and party for once. 
He didn’t want to party, nor to dance.  He wanted to be behind the laughs and screams, making it fun for others.  He knew that he wasn’t very social. I mean, he was friendly, sometimes flirty, but social? He prefered reading mangas, watching animes and making music, this was all he wanted.
And that’s how the popular DJ works alone since forever. Loner genius who was out of reach for most of musicians. No one was worthy working with him. One didn’t had enough passion, other just wasn’t it. And he searched for something. 
Musical something was found with a rise of “Giants”, or so called “True Damage” group. They had something he searched in music, but why he still felt empty? 
Ekko and girls always asked him out: -After-party maybe, Yas? - Akali smiles while bending down a little to make that ‘sneaky-happy’ pose. - As if, I had some beat idea I need to work on, Akali. - he gives her a hand with a motion of ‘stop’ while saying no. And some other time: - Yo, bro, you up for a drink after recording? - Ekko stopped him before he went off for his break. - You can manage without me, Ekko. You have fun anyway. - murmured long haired man, avoiding eye contact. And another after some: - Don’t act all cold and mysterious, ninja, while you’re drooling over some drawn big-eyed girls and come on, you have nothing better to do! - huffed Qiyana, crossing her arms on chest. - Thanks for your not-asked-for opinion, princess. - and he added nothing more. That lasted, and the longer he avoided friendly meetings, Senna tried to talk up: - I’m worried about you, Yasuo. Want to take a walk? - you could feel her concern only by looking her into eyes. That’s kind of her, but... - Thank you, Senna, but you have bigger problems than my own on your head. How is your husband, by the way? - he didn’t meant to be rude, and Senna understood. - Lucian’s fine, he’d appreciate you asking, even though you talked only once. And you’re never a problem, remember. He only waved her away, heading to home, to do his own  things. He prefered it that way, or so he thought. 
With time, things he enjoyed stopped meaning anything. For example, which hurt him the most: He was so enthusiastic for Star Guardian series, but damn it, he stopped feeling happiness with every single update from mangaka. It hurt. He knew something was off, so he thought he’ll find himself correspondence buddy. Join some group connected to the series, noone will know he’s popular and will chat about Guardians as he’d love someone to and that’s what he did! TheUnforgiven01: hi. TheUnforgiven01: i’ll let myself into convo, if that’s fine. ezpezlemonsquez: That’s what that chat is for, of course! We were just discussing which group was better in many aspects, then compared aspect to the other. TheUnforgiven01: sounds fun, i guess? but it’s obvious ahri team’s better, they had more morality about disappearing, and ahri as the leader took a step of redemption for her stars, nothing to even try to compare to. [nick]: Oh okay. Your opinion is valid but actually is not. 
Yasuo raised his brow. Oh, someone’s mad? “Valid”, he’s mad now too. 
TheUnforgiven01: and that means? i’m right and you’re not, i suppose. you’re mad abt it? [nick]: Okay, Unforgiven, listen to me now. I am longer in this group and always argued morally about everything, but plain and stupid, unexplained opinions of stubborn kids like you just piss me off. What if someone find staying by rules more morally-right, huh? Ever consider that? TheUnforgiven01: if you’d like to die just because you were chosen by some glitter and glory of first star then fine, but some weren’t, they were normal teenagers under disguise, what about their families? ezpezlemonsquez: Guys, you’re starting to fight and it’s not cool, can you chill?? [nick]: They knew about the risk by agreeing! Being chosen is one, but agreeing is their own fucking choice!!!  TheUnforgiven01: and YOU’D be fine with dying, [nick] ? [nick]: Of course not! But anyone can die while saving the world, not because of losing a light, you know? If not that, there is the risk of being corrupted, like Xayah and Rakan, isn’t that right?? TheUnforgiven01: and it hurt, but they can be saved, and by dying officially you cannot do shit about it, yeah?  ShiningBrightTonite: If you won’t stop acting up I’ll have to mute you both until tomorrow, keep it down! TU, you just joined and make a fight right away, can you give me a reason to let you stay?
Yasuo’s hands twitched. He ALMOST dissed admin, and that would be it, poof and no corresponding buddy for him. He sighed deeply, took himself some longer moments and only typed. TheUnforgiven01: sorry. i’ll join next discussion and be all innocent and sweet, like newborn baby. [nick]: Newborns are wrinkly and ugly.  ShiningBrightTonite: [nick] !! [nick]: Just saying. TheUnforgiven01: aight, ama head out. 
~TheUnforgiven01 has left the chat~
That was it for today. 
Yasuo just took a quick shower, ate one sandwich and went to sleep, while blasting music on his headphones. Way to deal with his nerves.
About your side…
Generally you’re the angel of this community, you’re always passionate and calm about others opinion, but this dude just pressed the wrong button by his like...third message? No one saw you this mad, and this group had many dramas which YOU were most of the times reason to stop, but now? Some admins laughed about that in admin chatroom with you about it, but let you be with a slight warning, friendly nudge on the arm with ‘don’t do that next time, he’s new and doesn’t know how to hang on things, ya kno?’ So you went with it. Even decided to apolagize to this dude in pm. The question was: today or tomorrow? Tomorrow sound more appealing, but if you do it now, you won’t have to do that tomorrow, so it’s now. You sighed deeply, it’s been an hour and a half, so you hoped he’s cooled down too. 
[nick]: Sorry to bother you in your “private message” zone, but I thought about all this situation and I’m sorry for how I acted, really? Not like all fault was mine, we both know that, it’s just...I shouldn’t had curse and stuff. I’m not generally bad, I hope you don’t hold any grudge to me. We’ll chat on a group, ye? 
And no answer. Maybe he is that furious? You sure hoped he wasn’t. Or she. Or anyone that was. With a heavy sigh you stood up, got yourself warm cup of tea to chill a little bit more. You’ll go to sleep...eventually. 
By sleep you mean passing out on your desk, face down. Your poor arms...and back...it’ll hurt, that’s for sure. Watching Netflix till late was a bad idea. Good thing it’s weekend, right? Your day of freedom from responsibilities! 
What time is it…?
You locked your eyes on your room’s clock which was 6 minutes late from time but you’re too lazy to fix that. It was - according to your always late clock - 01:06 pm. You still felt sleepy, but it’ll be fine, right? Slowly, you rubbed your wake-up tears from your eyes and looked at screen in front of you. A few pings from group chat from admin role and one private message. Huh, neat, time to eat- hold on, wait a minute. Private message? You sat up straightly and clicked on it right away. This is this unforgiven fella! After you wrote this short message you grinned weakly and went off of your room to wake up properly.
TheUnforgiven01: no problem, it’s nice how you defend what you believe in.  TheUnforgiven01: am sorry too.  TheUnforgiven01: not sure if i am good at chatting in group, but we always can hit each other up here? TheUnforgiven01: if you want to TheUnforgiven01: and i didn’t mean to sound weird TheUnforgiven01: ah whatever, answer here if you want or not, bye.
You made yourself your favourite breakfast, ate and thought about this little spam that person did. Kinda cute, maybe they’re self-concious, and joining chatting group was overhelming? You’ll answer after refreshing cup of [coffee/tea/hot chocolate], you promised yourself. You never write to anyone before morning cup. To summarize  your morning routine, the hot drink had to be in your now favourite cup. Earlier one got shattered into pieces by your unaware of consequences cat. You weren’t mad at it, but at yourself for leaving the cup on windowsill instead of hiding it properly. That kind of sad event for you made you buy this cup from that new music group you enjoyed listening to. True Damage, wasn’t it? You never liked rap, but this boy Ekko nailed stuff. You loved everyone equally in this group, but never understood that long-haired, masked (you assumed) asian man and his influence. He was there, maybe he made the music in the background, compositor? He seemed too mysterious for you, but meh. He fit group’s aesthetic, and you were sure he had his place in there, and it’s fine. Maybe you figure it out once you see them live, since, what a shocker, they had a tour around the world and were not only in your country, but in your town too! They'll be here in like… 6 months from now? You can't wait! Bonus to that: No long trip ahead of you, just buying tickets and going, you were hyped for that.
Meanwhile this waterfall of thoughts you managed to drink and eat everything, and as responsible as you can get, you washed the dishes right away, going back to your PC to answer this maybe-shy fella.
[nick]: Didn’t figured you’d like to talk ‘privately’, but whatever floats your boat ;)  TheUnforgiven01: i changed my mind, don’t write to me again. [nick]: Hey, hey! I was just joking around, don’t be like that! :(( TheUnforgiven01: i am unforgiven, and you are too in this situation. TheUnforgiven01: i honestly joined to make one friend in this group and leave TheUnforgiven01: and didn’t got any chance of meeting anyone else but you TheUnforgiven01: and you wrote to me first into priv, so that’s the start. TheUnforgiven01: can it stay like that?  TheUnforgiven01: if we won’t like each other it’s chill to just say oficial bye and stop, just sayin. [nick]: As for someone who types so fast you don’t make that much of typos, isn’t that amazing?  TheUnforgiven01: maubie. TheUnforgiven01: maybe* TheUnforgiven01: fuck you just jinxed it. 
You genuely laughed by this little mistake, you didn’t saw that coming and it amused you. You weren’t much of a talkative person yourself, but writing to someone, not seeing their face and such was much easier. And consequences of making yourself of a fool are much smaller than knowing someone from the same - let’s assume - town. [nick]: I’m sorry I did, but the moment I picked to say that was funny, wasn’t it? Nothing to be ashamed off, it often happens to me too! TheUnforgiven01: didn’t saw you make a typo yet. [nick]: Because I’m giving way too much attention not to do a typo since I want to make a good impression on you. Sounds good? TheUnforgiven01: … TheUnforgiven01: sounds good, relatable actually. 
Well, now at least you know you’re stuck in the same situation. 
And that awkward situation was two weeks ago. 
Now? Now you’re talking daily. From all you know, your, as he called it - corresponding buddy - is a very busy he. He didn’t revealed his real name, which you assumed that he’s embarassed about it. You told him what you’re doing in life generally, while he just said he’s normal, let me quote: “big-ass adult who lives with parents but work in some fast-food, at least i’m trying.” which was cool for you, at least he didn’t lock himself in his parents’ basement. Unforgiven was a chill dude and at the beginning you thought he’d only hit you up with Star Guardian topics, but later? You started talking about yourselves, about other interests. 
[nick]: Hey? [nick]: I assume you’re busy today, again… [nick]: I was wondering, what are you busy with? I mean, you said you work on some fast-food place, then sit in your room, are you gaming? I’d understand that, I was just...thinking. [nick]: Sorry if I seem pushy, it’s just that I really grew on chatting with you and was wondering when are you free again! Heh.  [nick]: We’ll talk later, then, hit me up when you can!
You pushed yourself back on your chair, groaning. You totally were pushy, but didn’t meant to - that’s what you thought, but it’s totally normal, you’re just interested with someone you just met. You chatted with a lot of persons in the group, etc. but no one had your interest pointed directly at them, that’s a big something. You kinda felt like you’re opening too fast for him too, and you had no clue if that’s ok. You cover your eyes with hands, overthinking your situation with unnamed male. When your thoughts started to be not too pleasant you heard your communicator's sound going off. As fast as you pushed yourself back, you were that fast in front of your PC. 
TheUnforgiven01: i have a break now.  TheUnforgiven01: i'm sorry [nick], I am not ignoring you on purpose.  TheUnforgiven01: i enjoy talking to you too, don't ever think oterwide  TheUnforgiven01: otherwise* TheUnforgiven01: we'll talk about that later.  TheUnforgiven01: now, how are you? i hope i didn't made you sad.  [nick]: No, no! It's OK! I understand you have a real life too, I assume a real life friends too. That's normal, that's okay.  TheUnforgiven01: i like you. i can consider you as my friend, but.  [nick]: But?  TheUnforgiven01: but you should not consider me as yours.  [nick]: What t? Why?/?? / TheUnforgiven01: my break's over, i gtg. i'll catch you later.  [nick]: Okay, later! 
Your hands twitched uncontrollably after that weird message. What did he mean? You're his friend but he's not yours? It kinda worried you, but you went to do your stuff until he has time to talk. Maybe it sounds cliché but you wait impatiently until he starts a chat with you and you know each other for only two weeks. 
It made you worry about your friend. Maybe he has some troubles you don't know about for sure? You only had to hope it's not gang involved. You were sure to later tell a few words to him. 
You ate out with one of your friends, just to eat, chill around. As you weren't sure what to do generally about "unforgiven situation", you decided to ask her:  - Uh,  it's kinda awkward, but can I ask you for advice? -  you ask.   - Oh of course! What's going inside of your pretty little head?   - So I met someone on my group-  - Nerd group? -  she interrupted.   - Yeah, that one. -  you admitted with defeat. Honestly, no matter what you say, she still keeps on going with nerd club. -  And there was that guy, he started arguing with me. Later we apologized to each other and now we're chatting for two weeks everyday, but about how much do we write depends if he's free or not. Today he said something odd, have a look. 
You moved your phone so your friend can see mysterious message from Unforgiven. She sighed and then looked at you with that pity look of hers.   - What?   - Honey, swettie… you have two options. One: he's really trying to make you think of him. Two: he really means it. You should start off with "I'm worried about you!" and tell him how you really feel.   - Okay. Okay… I just. I don't know what's going on with him.   - Why are you so moved of that? You know each other for only two weeks. Are you… Crushing on him?!?!   - WHAT? Nonononono, you got that wrong, I just want to get to know him! That's all, really!   - Uh-huh! When he's free today, you get him, tiger! Just won't get into any trouble, sweetheart. 
You sighed, then smiled at her, closing your eyes in satisfaction.  You're a lot calmer now.  "Thank you, [friends name].” You said, until you both went back on chatting about everything. 
And when you were back? You dressed yourself to home wearing, sat down comfortably on the couch and checked your phone. Unforgiven actually wrote to you first! And a lot. 
TheUnforgiven01: hey. TheUnforgiven01: sorry I had to go all of sudden, work stuff, had shorter break.  TheUnforgiven01: i don’t want you to think i don't want to get to know you, i do.  TheUnforgiven01: it's just hard for me, ‘n stuff.  TheUnforgiven01: we'll get to it, please give me some time.  TheUnforgiven01: you'll know everything about me in no time, just give me some and we'll be friends, true ones.  TheUnforgiven01: if you'd want to, ofc.  TheUnforgiven01: hit me up when you're back from your little date. 
You gave into every single message a lot of focus. You weren't sure what to say at first, but decided to just go for it. 
[nick]: It's OK! I was worried about you, but if you say I'll get to know all the things about you in time, I'll go with it! But remember this one thing: I consider you as my friend, no matter what. We'll get through your insecurities and secrets, I'll be patiently waiting! 
[nick]: And it was NOT a DATE. I was out with my friend!! >:( TheUnforgiven01: yeah, sure, you playa. TheUnforgiven01: better be good.  [nick]: Very funny!  TheUnforgiven01: for me it is.  [nick]: Aren't you tired after work? You don't want to sleep?  TheUnforgiven01: i thought you genuinely missed me, buy you want me out right now.  TheUnforgiven01: now i'm sad.  [nick]: It's not like that! I'm just worried about you, goofball.  TheUnforgiven01: sure, explain yourself even more. TheUnforgiven01: only guilty explain themselves.  [nick]: Come on!! D: TheUnforgiven01: i can chat for a bit and then go. 
You chatted and chatted, slowly getting to know his character, but he still remained as Unforgiven, unnamed boy you slowly, but in agony, fell for. It's been three months from your first encounter. 
You wonder how are you going to ask him about a next step in your friendship. It is, indeed, hard. Good question is why are you the first to ask? It almost hurt imagining yourself with blank space, nor even voice known to begin with. You fell hard for dude you only know behind Unforgiven, and wanted to hear his voice. You were ready for him to decline, but you won't know without trying. 
He said he'll be back pretty late today, and he may not write, but he left you a warning pretty early in the morning. You weren't sure why did he woke up so early, but you just shrugged it, saying that he must be in some other time zone. You didn't even knew where he is from, this man is a big mystery for you.
You waited for him to come back in your bed, before sleeping.  You had to ask that question now or never, you know if you'll put it for tomorrow you want do that anytime soon. It has to be done. It was 2am now and your eyelids were getting heavy. Reading books or literally anything wasn't helping at all, and when your body demands rest. You almost drifted to sleep, but then
It was him, before sleep you assumed. No matter what you did you always wrote to each other, even stupid "goodnight for later, I'm going to sleep now, be sure to rest enough." was there. 
Your eyes were wide open and you moved your hand to the phone way too fast as for almost sleeping person. 
TheUnforgiven01: hey.  TheUnforgiven01: i'm aftwr work TheUnforgiven01: i am really tires ya kno TheUnforgiven01: fuck typos in lsrticilar  [nick]: Particular?  TheUnforgiven01: you're not asleep yet? damn  [nick]: I was kinda waiting for you, you know?  TheUnforgiven01: oh really? what's the occasion? [nick]: It's… I have a question for you.  TheUnforgiven01: aight, give me your shot.  [nick]: Would you like to… agh it's stupid.  TheUnforgiven01: no, go ahead.  [nick]: We write with each other for a while now and I was wondering if…  [nick]: If you'd like to make a phone call, maybe? Or, voice call, anything really? No personal questions, just five minute chatting about anything. Promise? 
Yasuo hesitated for a longer bit. Should he agree? He don't use his voice in his recordings, so maybe he should? He treats this person like someone close, so why should he avoid them like a plague? He saw little mark above chat window which suggested you furiously were typing. He sighed, smiling softly to his phone's screen. 
TheUnforgiven01: it's alright,don't worry.  TheUnforgiven01: we can chat a bit.  TheUnforgiven01: we can call here, you know. for you to avoid any additional payment. 
You sigh with relief. Okay, he did agree. What now?? Holy shit. You were more than nervous. You didn't saw that coming and because of all of this you forgot to answer him. You almost jumped when you got another message. 
TheUnforgiven01: i'll call first, since i see you're nervous.  TheUnforgiven01: i'll hit you up in 5 min. answer me by then. 
It maybe was stupid, but you checked yourself in the mirror, almost like before date. You fixed your hair, checked if nothing was stuck between your teeth, wash your face, and your time slipped between your fingers, your phone was ringing with typical for your communicator song. You jumped, then panicked, then jumped beside your phone and slowly answered your call before it ended sending a signal.
- H...hello? - your voice croaked out of nervousness. You mentally slapped your forehead, classical facepalm. - Hi. - you heard calm voice with that tune of tiredness, that little growl at the end. His voice was soft, warm, pleasant. You smiled right away. - Damn, you sound so chilled out while I am...wow. I am a blushing mess right now, I wanted this but don’t know what to say to you! Like, wow!   - Maybe start with how was your day? I’d love to hear that. - that was just an excuse, but you didn’t knew that.  - Oh...kay. It was fine. Boring, to be honest. Woke up, drank [tea/coffee/hot chocolate] from this True Damage cup I once told you about, went out, made my boring everyday routine, was thinking how I should ask you about talking, then went back home, bored my ass off on some documentaries and here we are, talking!  - Sounds fun. - he commented shortly. Even if it might sound like he doesn’t care, you understood that he just was like that. That stupid feeling.  - Maybe you’ll tell me something you did today? - Something I’d love to do, but I must avoid that. Not today, [nick]. - Call me [y/n], okay? That’s my real name. You don’t have to tell me yours! I’d like you to call me [y/n] though. - That’s a nice name. Like the sound of it. - his goddamn voice will be the end of yours. You sighed loudly with this goofy smile. - Thank you so much. So, if not the day, tell me something you actually can share. - I was thinking about you today. - he shot these words right through your heart.  - O-Oh? Re-really? - you stuttered, hating yourself for that.  - Heheh, yeah. - he chuckled, making you forget about hating your stutter since it made him laugh in this tone. This goddamn tone. - Was thinking if you were alright. And because your pathetic ass was distracting me from work, my boss forced me to go on break! Used it to smoke, but none then less, thanks. - Hey, your bad for wandering off in work! And quit smoking, dumbass! - you scolded him, ending this “”very serious”” scold with a laugh, which Yasuo answered with louder, honest laugh. You were all red by now. - God, it’s good talking to you. Let’s do that more often. Not every day, but...you know. More often. - O-okay. Okay, sure. Cool. - you answered,trying to kill this little squeal in your throat. - I’ll have to go to sleep, [y/n]. Sleep well, ok? - No promise, but you have a rest. Thank you, again. For agreeing. - Heh. No problem, I am glad I did agree too. Sleep tight. - another chuckle, then hanging up sound.
Well, what can I say. This was the most emotion-forcing call you ever had. He wished you good night, you had trouble falling asleep. 
Generally speaking, you had a talk like that once in three days. The big day of concert was coming, so you decided to ask Unforgiven if he is interested in coming too. You’re searching for a chance of meeting him in real life. 
Yasuo expected from incoming call anything but question what was awaiting him. He was having a flight with a band to [town’s name] in next three days, so he had to tell you he can’t really talk as you both always do. When he heard a communicator’s song, he pressed answer button right away, smiling to his phone like you could see he’s happy to see you. - Hewwo? - he answered in very forced squeaky voice, which made you erupt with laughter. - Hey, goofball. How was your day? - Lazy. Was distracted a lot, I was waiting for out call before sleep. So, what’s new? - Today was okay’ish, you know? I’m not even that tired. Maybe being excited makes me go cray-cray.  - Psh, good. - he looked at himself in the mirror, seeing how wide his smile was. Almost concerning.  - Hey, dude? - Hm?  - Are you...by any chance, going to see True Damage in [Town’s name]? I never asked you about your music taste but I was wondering. Wondering that if you’d be here...maybe we’ll meet? ‘Cuz, you know. I’ll be here.  - I- - his voice was stuck in his throat. Oh. Shit. Fuckfuckfuck. Not good. What now?  -...you? Are you okay?  - Ahm- yes, it’s just that. You’re...hella right. I will be there.  - OH REALLY? - you asked unecessarly too loud, then cleared your throat. - A-and...you’d like to meet?  - Uhhh… - fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck -  Yeah. Sure. I’d love to finally see you. Can you imagine this feeling? We don’t know how we look, so finding each other would be insane, but can you imagine the result?  - Me, asking some random dudes “Hey, are you Unforgiven?” ? No, let’s send each other selfies, maybe? - Nah, I’d love to see you embarrass yourself. - HEY!  - Okay, okay. I promise we’ll find each other. I won’t go home until we do. - Promise you won’t leave me out? - Promise.  - Thank you. I’ll go to sleep, so we’ll catch up later, ok? By- he cut you out. - Wait, [y/n]. I have to tell you something real quick.  - Yeah? - you pulled your phone back to ear. - I won’t be too available around these days. But at the day of concert I’ll call you in the morning. I won’t be in any reach of connection, I hope you understand. - Uh..okay. Thank you for telling me. Good night, sleep tight. - ‘Night. 
You hung up. It’s alright, it’s ok. Nothing to sweat. You’ll only meet your crush in three days only. 
OKAY NEVERMIND IT IS AMAZING. You - thankfully - fell asleep pretty fastly. 
To be fair, these three days? Were going through slow in agonizing way, but when the day of concert hit up, your heart was racing since you woke up. You had that five minute talk with Unforgiven, as he promised, assuring you that he is going to be there for sure. After you hung up, you started preparing yourself! You wore your best clothes, made sure you look stunning but not too overrated and just dived into it! You gladly told your friend you’re meeting your crush, informing her with that she’s not forced to go see True Damage with you anymore. She was more of Pentakill person, and it was alright. She wanted to go along since she knew how “un-funny” would it be without her, but you knew her real motive was you not feeling alone. So when she acknowledged that you’re not going to be alone, she said she’s glad she doesn’t have to listen to Ekko and Qiyana’s rapping. Well, good noone is forced.
At first,you wanted to find Unforgiven right away, but gave up and focused on music experience. You wanted to be there beside him, but well, maybe he lost connection again and couldn’t hit you up. And you had hell of a fun in there! But somewhere deep inside you were worried that he just tricked you and will never show up or tell you where he is exactly. 
True Damage’s crew said final goodbyes and after some stumbles, it was quiet on stage. Everyone kept cheering or talking, sometimes screaming unecessarly. Still, not a single sight of Unforgiven. Well, at least you got to know what this long haired guy was doing in the crew. Epic T-pose and manipulated music with this sword looking thingy. Amazing effects. You decided to find yourself sitting place somewhere, staring at your phone screen. No message, no missed calls, not anything. It made you sad, that’s true, but maybe he’ll catch up? You waited. And waited.
And waited.
And the more you waited, the more you felt tears getting into your eyes. You were ready to burst into sobbing mess, but then your phone rang. This stupid communicator song. You answered up right away with little sniff” - Where the hell are you? You said that- - I know, [y/n]. I am here, let me instruct you where I am right now. Where are you? - You should be one searching for me, you know? I almost thought you weren’t coming, what’s up with that? - you unintentionally raised your voice, letting out a sob meanwhile that. Yasuo felt so bad now. - Listen...I’ll tell you everything. Everything will be explained when you’ll see me. I hope you’ll forgive me. If not, it’ll be this “official goodbye” moment, can you trust me this one last time? - ...fuck. Fuck, okay. I am on the bench close to food truck. You? - Stand up then, go to the barriers understage.  - Understage…? Alrigt, wh-atever you say.
You blindly went in there, trusting this man “for the last time”, as he said. You’d give him the last chance he’s begging for. You stood here like an idiot, alone with stages lights shining on your face. No one in sight. - I hope you’re not joking… - How would I know where should you go then? - Point...it’s just that- - Shh. It’s ok. You head to the left now if you’re facing the stage. Tell me when you’re done. - … done…? - Okay. now open this little metal gate and get through. - Wha-what?? Why would I? Securities will kick me out if they find out! - They won’t. It’s ok.  -You’re...one of the security guards, right?  - Information when you get there. come on in.  - You were so anxious about this situation. It just seems sketchy. He never revealed any information about him, maybe spread some lies you believed in. Who was this dude now? Was everything you knew a lie? - And? I don’t see anyone. - Are you wearing [your fav. hoodie/flannel/whatever you want it to be!]?  - U-uh? Yeah, and you’re…? - Turn around, goof. I am standing right there. - … - you felt your heart stop, you weren’t able to breathe. You slowly turned around to see noone else than this mysterious japanese DJ you had a chance to see on stage. What- how- that were questions which were going almost like on loop in your head. - Stunned, huh? - he commented into the phone, then took it off of his face and ended call. It confirmed that it was him too - at the same time his phone went dark after single tap, your call ended. 
You didn’t even got to give out bigger reaction. You just met him! Screw that he’s popular and hid his identity from you! For now. You ran into his arms and squeezed him, now sobbing like mad. 
- You FUCKER! You could’ve said ANYTHING! All these secrets, what for! I kinda understand but- FUCK! - you shouted into his shoulder while he squeezed you in almost bone crushing hug. - I’m sorry, ok? - and it was his voice, sounded almost the same. Holy shit. - I’m so, so sorry, [y/n]. But at least I can be honest? - Then please be. Tell me everything you wanted to say. - It’ll be long, trust me, but well. Here goes nothing. - he put his hand on your cheek and clears your face from those tears you shed because of him. - I...wanted to tell you my name after like two weeks. I got worried you’ll find out after we talk some, so I did avoid personal information. While I was at it, I never wanted to lie. About my work and my day. I just lied at the beginning, then regret it deeply, but felt like I couldn’t take that back. [y/n]- fuck- I just- I didn’t wanted to be treated differently. I am popular and most people stop seeing a human in me because I’m a celebrity! It hurt me to avoid you getting to know me - heck, it hurt me to see you avoiding asking me about personal stuff because you understood. I appreciated it, but it hurt you had to remain silent while you were curious as hell, I assume. You wanted to hear me out, treated me like I am just like you, reached out to me. I grew on that, I want… I don't want to lose you. Please, forgive me.  - I… it's… it's okay. I should call you…  - Yasuo. It's Yasuo, [y/n].  - I'll get to know you all over, just be honest with me.  You're still human and I want to be close to you. I… ah. I'll just let it out pleasedon'thateme. I… fell for you. Hard. You were a bug mystery for me but still wanted to be around me. I kept still since you're pretty important to me. Thank you for being there by this 6 months, let's continue whatever we have between each other. Please. 
Yasuo moved his mask down to capture your face between his hands and kissed you, it seemed like a rough start, but kiss was soft, magical. You just smoothed, nibbling on your lips. Yasuo was now thanking you a lot, which you only replied with weak laughs and pats on his back. He promised he'll keep you as close as he can. 
Yasuo had to continue his tour around the world with True Damage, but promised he'll take a lot of day off so he can work up lost time with you. It's been a month and you wait for him almost like wife waiting for her husband's return after military duty. 
Yasuo took two weeks off, but if he'll need more -  it'll be for you to decide. You were spending today inside since it was raining. It was dark outside already, the only source of light was candles in living room. Yasuo was holding you close to himself, moving side to side, swaying gently, adoring your every inch of face. - Lately I found this song on youtube, it was originally from vocaloid.it kind off remind me of us.  - Vocaloid song? You know true meaning of lyrics for sure, tell me about it then!  - I can sing a part of it for you, if you'd want to?  - You can sing?  - Of course! I just don't use it for my songs. Everyone else sing much better, my voice is too…  - Too sexy for the world?  - Hahaha, maybe! Want to check out for sure? I'll sing in English for you.  - Sheesh, what a nerd. Okay, give me your best shot. 
Yasuo took a deep breath in, and made sure before he starts to sing he looks into your eyes. He started like he was unsure, but with time he sang wholeheartedly. 
"Though both of us will die one day
Though this life is useless anyway
When you're here by my side, you make me feel like it'll be okay
And yet we laughed despite it all
At this life which has no meaning at all
Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other's sides
I'm glad that you're you, that I'm me, and for us two
I'm kinda glad that you're evil too"
While he was pouring his emotion on you, you felt your chest clench and tear up after intensity of his voice, he gave it out truly like he meant it.  You saw he wasn't done, so you tried to remain calm. 
"When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you-" 
You felt your cheeks burn with your tears pouring down whole you smiled widely at him. He was singing loudly, forgetting about embarrassment. 
"I'm glad that I fell in love with you."
From today, this song made by PinnocchioP was more than important for both of you. It felt like it was especially made for you, and you both loved it. 
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animeniacss · 5 years
What I Want - BadBoy! Taehyung x Reader Fanfiction Chapter 4 - Attention!
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Synopsis:  You are an innocent, excitable new girl, moving all the way to Korea due to your dad’s new job. As you anxiously learn about the new world around you and how you’ll make your mark, you stumble into none other than bad boy Kim Taehyung and his band of six crazy friends. He seems to be bothered but you, something he doesn’t even understand. Will you be able to tolerate the shenanigans of Taehyung and his rowdy friends, or will you fall victim to his charms just like everyone else?
Featuring Jihyo and Dahyun (TWICE) as your friends, and BTS members as Taehyung’s group of friends.
Genre: Romance, BadBoy!V, BadBoy!BTS, High School Romance, Drama
Length: approx. 5.2k words
Chapter 4 - Attention!
“Am I serious?!” You shouted to yourself. After you had walked away from the group of boys, your pace slowly sped up the farther and farther you got from the school. Before you knew it, you were sprinting away, it didn’t matter where, and you just wanted to be as far away from Taehyung as you could. You saw a big tree on your retreat, and you hid behind it, squatting down and covering your face with your hands. “There is absolutely no way I just told Taehyung that I was willing to help change hi into a different person! What am I nuts?! Oh my God, they all probably think I’m insane!” You let your head roll back a bit, and it rested on the bark of the sturdy tree. “If I wasn’t going to get beaten up before, I definitely am now. That was probably so rude to say…I can make him into a better person…tch. Oh my God.” You had no idea what to think right now, all you knew was that you could never pull off changing Taehyung even if you wanted to. He was obviously set in his ways, they all were! No backward new girl from out of the country could ever come in and change that…
…Unless You pursed your lips together, thinking really hard about what you had just said to Taehyung.
Deep down inside you, there’s a good little Taehyung just desperate to get out. One that actually wants to be a good person. I believe that. I just need to pull it out of you myself, don’t I?”
You thought about it again, and you did mean what you said. Though Taehyung looked the part of a tough bad boy and certainly did act like it, when he let his guard down, he just seemed like the average teenage boy, laughing with his friends and overall having a good time. It was just the skipping class, the constant fights, and the bad attitude that put him in such a little bubble. Well, all you had to do was just…encourage him to go to class, right? Right!
“Now that I think about it…” you began uttering to yourself. “I can totally do this! And once I encourage Taehyung, I’m sure the rest of them will follow suit!” You beamed to yourself, pumping your fists in the air in ignorant, yet eager determination. Standing up, you dusted the grass off your skirt and beamed. “I need to go home and make a plan. This isn’t going to be easy…” As you headed down the road to your house, you began thinking of different strategies and plans to encourage someone like Taehyung to want to be a good student.
The next morning couldn’t come quick enough, and honestly, you were pretty excited to see if you could improve. You had helped new kids adjust at school back home, and some of them came with questionable backgrounds. But with a little bit of kindness and encouragement, for the most part, those students were able to make a fresh new start at your school. This had to be the same thing, right? As you got up, got ready, and did your hair, you heard your brother come knocking on the door.
“Hey!” he called. “Breakfast is almost ready. Hurry up, or I’m going to eat it all!” When he didn’t get a reply, he opened the door and poked his head in. There he saw you, standing in front of your mirror, deep in thought. He called your name a few times but to no avail. Then, he groaned, grabbing your coat off the rack on the back of the door and tossing it at you. This immediately startled you, and you turned to your brother with an annoyed look on your face.
“What are you doing in my room?!” You asked.
“You weren’t answering me!” He shouted back. “Are you daydreaming about a boyfriend or something?” When he saw your face get hot, he laughed. “Ew, oh my god! You have a boyfriend!?”
“WHAT?! NO! Shut up!” You shouted angrily. Then, you heard it. It was faint, but it was heard. It was your father.
“Boyfriend?” You groaned, grabbing your belongings, you shoved past your brother and downstairs to try and stop your dad from his inevitable heart attack. When you made your way downstairs, you tried oh so desperately to calm down your dad, saying you “didn’t have a boyfriend” and “yes I know I cannot date until you’re dead, I know.” Anxious to get out of the conversation, you grabbed your breakfast, took a sip of coffee, and rushed out to meet Dahyun and Jihyo.
As the three of you headed to school, you were talking about homework, and school, until Dahyun brought up yesterday.
“So, did you get everything you needed for that test?” She asked curiously. You nodded.
“Yeah. I think I’m well prepared.” You said, beaming a bit. Jihyo chuckled at your enthusiasm as you guys arrived at the school. It was bustling with students, people waiting up against the wall until their friends or lovers arrived, and others were already headed into the building, switching out their walking shoes for their school shoes, and others already in classrooms, their faint silhouettes in the window as they talked with friends or scrambled to complete make-up work. As you three walked in, you heard a voice.
“Taehyung-Oppa!” It was the sound of a shrill-voiced girl, probably a year younger than you, and you saw Taehyung. He was standing up against the wall, a hand in his pocket as he chatted up girls that were walking past, each one giggling and saying hello to him. Then, for every boy that walked past, they would shuffle their feet quickly to avoid his harsh glaring.
So he’s not only a rebel but a ladies man. You thought to yourself as you checked the time. Class began in ten minutes, and you knew by Taehyung’s stance with his friends that he had no intention of moving from that spot anytime soon. It was up to you to make sure that you got him to class on time. You heard Dahyun and Jihyo still talking to you, but you turned to them.
“Sorry guys, I have to go. I’ll see you in class, Jihyo.” You waved. Jihyo raised an eyebrow. Where on earth could you possibly be going?
“Okay, but where-“before she could finish, you waved goodbye and hurried in the direction of Kim Taehyung. When Jihyo realized this, she gasped. “Where are you going?!” She shouted, but you didn’t answer. All you did was walk straight up to Taehyung, who was standing with Jungkook, the duo laughing about whatever the hell boys laugh about. As you got closer, you could hear it. They seemed to be talking about the attractiveness of some of the other girls that came walking past them.
“Oh, I think you’re being too harsh, Hyung.” Jungkook grinned a bit, nudging his friend as they laughed.
“No, I’m not. She has-“ Before he could finish, he saw you out of the corner of his eye and groaned. “Oh, crap.” He looked at you. “What?”
“Hi!” Jungkook said when he saw you approaching. You waved to him, before turning back to Taehyung.
“Class starts in ten minutes.” The boy snickered, shrugging. “…And?” he asked. “Doesn’t that mean you should go and leave me the hell alone?” You pouted, crossing your arms at his carefree attitude. As he continued to brush you off, and time was ticking away, you knew you had no choice. You grabbed his by the sleeve of his jacket, making him look at you again. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked. However, you gave him no answer. You simply turned around and began walking to class, Taehyung’s jacket clutched tightly in your fist. Taehyung, who was taller than you, had to be tilted a bit because of the rough tug and was shouting at you. “What the fuck!? Let me go, you lunatic!” He shouted, but still received no response from you, you just kept walking. Jihyo and Dahyun watched the scene unfold, as did all the other students that were in the area. Jungkook was recording this on his phone, a big dopey grin on his face.
“The Hyungs are going to love this.” He said, before following them into the school building. You managed to drag Taehyung all the way to your classroom, your ears ringing with the constant swear words and threats, but you had to keep strong and did your best to ignore them. When you arrived, you flung the door open and alerted the attention of the students inside. Looking around, you made your way to the desk that had been empty since you started school, the one covered in doodles and swear words from the few times Taehyung actually did attend class and sat him down.
“What’s your problem?!” Taehyung asked again. He looked around and saw the other students looking in your direction, probably just as confused as he was. He quickly stood back up. “Who do you think you are telling me what to do?!” He asked. You responded with a hand on his shoulder. Giving a sweet smile, you gently guided him to sit back down in his seat.
“Class is starting soon, Taehyung.” You said simply. Taehyung blinked, looking up at you for a moment. What was going on? Were you serious? Why weren’t you afraid anymore, or avoiding him? He didn’t understand. You watched as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and slowly turned in his seat, looking directly at the front of the room and not saying another word. You stood by the side of his desk for a moment longer, hands clasped in front of you and a patient grin on your face as you waited to make sure he wouldn’t try and bolt. He could tell why you were waiting, and his eyebrow twitched. As he opened his mouth to speak, you cut him off. “I told you yesterday, I’m going to pull out that good Taehyung deep inside you.” And all Taehyung could do was scoff. “So enjoy class~.” He watched you as you walked to your seat, smoothing out your skirt and sitting down. Jihyo had already entered the class at this point, and was immediately at your side, scolding you for your behavior. However, you only replied with the same kind of grin and an optimistic attitude. It was confusing Taehyung. His head lolled back a bit, eyes fixated on the door as students finally left the area and made their way to their classrooms. He had about a minute left before the teacher would come in, so he could probably bolt now and make his way somewhere you couldn’t find him. He glanced at you again, just briefly, and saw you weren’t looking. Perfect!
…But why wasn’t he moving? He looked down at his lap, wondering to himself why his legs refused to move. He grumbled, swearing under his breath as he mentally tried to tell himself that he didn’t want to be in class! The others were probably wondering where the hell he was, and what was he going to say?! That he was in class?! No way! However, by the time he had enough power in himself to force himself out of his seat, the teacher walked in.
“Good morning, class.” He said. Then, he glanced at Taehyung. “Mr. Kim, so happy you could join us today.” Taehyung rolled his eyes, before looking back at you. He could see you were still giving that same smile you had before, and once again, his legs relaxed and he leaned back in his chair, hoping this class would go by fast. Unfortunately for him, though, it was a long period of nothing but absolute boredom. Taehyung found himself, resting his elbows against the desk, kicking the back of the chair of the boy in front of him, who was too afraid to tell him to stop and once again resorted to doodling pictures on his desk. You, surprisingly, were finding it hard to focus yourself. 
You were taking notes and doing your absolute best to listen, but it was taking every fiber of your being not to keep turning around to see if Taehyung was still in the classroom. You hadn’t heard the door open or close, sure, but you assumed Taehyung was sneaky enough to do it without anyone hearing. However, the constant sound of a chair behind you creaking, and the boy in it groaning in annoyance reassured you that Taehyung hadn’t left yet. As the lesson progressed, you also kept thinking: Oh my gosh! I got him into class and kept him in his seat! I didn’t think this would work, but it did! Gosh, I was so nervous when he stood back up, but I stood my ground. Go me! 
Excitement aside, you looked back up at your teacher, who was writing a math problem on the board, and you quickly scribbled it down. You found that, among everything else, you couldn’t help but think back to the face that Taehyung made when you made him sit back down in his seat. He looked confused, with an eyebrow raised and his lips slightly parted. You were looking down at him since you were starring, and you got to see his face in a new light. He was really attractive, that was absolute. Probably one of the most attractive people he- Realizing that your mind began to wander, you felt your ears become extremely hot. Looking around to make sure that nobody nearby had noticed, you covered your cheeks with your hands, only to feel that they were hot as well. You really had to go and start thinking about him like that, didn’t you? That’ exactly what he wants you to do. You thought to yourself, trying to turn your attention back to the lesson at hand. It was hard though, as you tried to desperately keep yourself from falling off the path you had set for yourself. You were only trying to make him a better student, in turn encouraging his friends to follow in his newly found footsteps and make all seven of them better in the long run. You weren’t going to fall for his flirtatious tactics, which was for sure!
By the time you and Taehyung knew it, the bell had rung and lunch break had finally rolled around. Each teacher that came in the classroom was surprised to see that Taehyung was there, and the class was just as surprised that he didn’t leave during any of the short breaks in between classes. Jihyo looked over to you once people began getting up for lunch.
“He stayed the whole time, I’m surprised.” She said. You turned to her.
“The day isn’t over yet.” You said simply, standing up and walking over to Taehyung, who was also standing up. “Tell me your mind is now enriched with all sorts of new information.” You beamed. Taehyung glared at you, not responding. “You going to get lunch?”
“Yeah, of course, I am. I didn’t bring anything, I’m not a kid.” He said simply. You held up your delicious lunch box, packed especially for you by your mom.
“You say that like a home-cooked meal isn’t the best thing you could eat.” You noticed Taehyung glance away from you after the comment, and you blinked. “Taehyung?”
“What?” he asked, obviously annoyed once again. You didn’t know how to respond. “I’m going to get something to eat.” He headed towards the door, and you followed. He was stopped when he felt you take hold of his sleeve again. “Ugh! What now, don’t tell me that you’re going to drag me there?” He said, turning to face you. He saw you looking up at him, a serious, and yet soft look on your face.
“Promise you’ll come back before classes start again.” You said. He was silent for a moment, a few kids in earshot turning to listen, curious as to what the reply would be. He felt his cheeks go hot for a moment, and he yanked his sleeve out of your grasp, crossing your arms.
“I do whatever I want.” He said simply, turning on his heel and heading down the hallway, out of your sight. You huffed, crossing your arms in disappointment. That sounded like a “hell no” if you had ever heard one. Jihyo soon approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t let it get to you.” She said. “You tried, but that idiots nothing but a lost cause.” When you didn’t reply to her comment, she patted your shoulder again. 
“Let’s eat.” You nodded, grabbing your lunchbox again as you followed her back into the classroom.
Taehyung was storming down the hallway, hands in his pockets as he passed by the floor of the building meant for the first-year students. That was when he heard his name, and after turning to the sound, he saw Jungkook, rushing up to him and flinging an arm around his shoulder. “Where the hell have you been?” he asked. “Don’t tell me you sat in class this whole time.” Taehyung groaned.
“I was tired.” He said simply. “Didn’t feel like moving. But don’t worry, I don’t plan on going back over there. I’ve never wanted to gauge my eyes out more, it was awful!” Jungkook laughed as he led Taehyung to the cafeteria, where they grabbed some food and headed to their usual meeting spot, where the other five boys were waiting.
“Look who I found~!” Jungkook chimed, altering the boys in their direction. “And just in time too, he was almost swallowed up by the forces of education!” 
Jungkook dramatically held onto his friend, both of them snickering and giggling in amusement as they joined the group.
“I was too strong!” Taehyung said proudly, flexing his muscles a bit. “They’ll never take me alive!” After a few more moments of dramatic idiocy from the two youngest in the group, Taehyung stretched, laying back in the grass. “It feels so good to be out of that stuffy classroom.” He said in bliss, sighing happily. He took a few deep breaths to let the air circulate in his lungs. Jungkook brushed some hair out of his face and took a sip of his iced coffee.
“Was it really that bad?” Jungkook asked. “I would’ve thought you’d have liked to be sitting there. It seems you had a perfect view in front of you.” Taehyung glared at him, and he grinned. “What?! You know it’s true, you probably spent the whole time looking at her!”
“I did not. Jeez, you’re so annoying. You like her or something?” Jungkook diverted his eyes.
“No, not really.” He said. “I mean not like that, I guess, but she is nice. Besides, you saw her first so you get first dibs, right?”
“First dibs!? Uh, no thank you.” Taehyung scoffed in response. “You can have her. If you want an annoying girl trying to tell you what to do. Grabbing on your sleeve every time she has something to say, and looking at you with those wide ass eyes, be my guest!” The boys were silent for a moment.
“No, please, tell us more.” Yoongi teased, smirking as the other boys began to laugh a bit. “I think you forgot about her gorgeous looks or her laugh or something else that makes me obvious you like her.” Taehyung felt his face heat up as he sat up quickly, glaring at Yoongi, who didn’t acknowledge it and only skimmed through his phone at pictures of his dog, Jimin leaning against him slightly so that he can also get a look at the dog.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get at but I can assure you that that ain’t it.” Yoongi shrugged, not believing Taehyung’s obvious attempt at lying. The group sat in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company and eating their lunches as they enjoyed the nice air in their lungs. It was starting to get colder, but, the air of October swiftly making its way into Korea as the warm embrace of summer air began to leave. Taehyung rested his head against a tree, his lips pressed together in a slight pout as he watched everyone else doing their own thing. He felt kind of off…what did he miss this morning while he was stuck in class? Did the others do anything fun? Crack a funny joke? Get into any trouble? It bothered him that he didn’t know, and despite J-Hope saying that all they did was lounge around an empty cafeteria, wondering where Taehyung was and watching the video Jungkook had recorded, Taehyung couldn’t help but still feel so left out. He didn’t want to mention it, the rest of them would probably just brush it off and tell him not to worry about it, that they would never do anything fun without the entire group. And that was true….but Taehyung couldn’t help but feel somewhat weird about it.
It’s all her fault. He thought to himself. If she didn’t force me to stay in class I could’ve had a good time with the others and done what I wanted. But she made me bored for all that time. Well…I guess I could’ve left when I wanted to….Ugh. Why do I feel so uneasy right now?! It’s pissing me off! I just want to stop feeling this way. Trying to push this feeling of uneasiness behind him, Taehyung looked at his watch. It was five minutes before the next bell would ring. He pursed his lips, wondering if he should go back. No, no way I’m going back! I don’t want to waste any more time there!
“It’s almost time for the next round of classes to start.” Namjoon pointed out when he saw other students walking past their little area. “You heading back to class, Taehyung?” Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at Namjoon, who let a little smirk form on his lips.
“No!” Taehyung stood up. “If anything, I’d rather sneak into the gym and play some basketball. Anyone wanna join me? The rooms usually empty by now.” He stated. The boys agreed, all getting up and heading towards the gym. Taehyung watched as students filed back into their classrooms, and for a moment, wondered what your expression would look like when he didn’t show up. But it was only for a moment before he reminded himself that he didn’t really care.
You sat in class, watching the door intensely as the minutes ticked away. There was no sign of Taehyung anytime the door opened. While he didn’t promise you outside that he would come back after lunch, you still had a small seed of hope in your stomach that the next time that door opened, Taehyung would stroll through the door. Whether he was in a good mood or not, you didn’t care, but you just wanted to see him come in. That would be the one thing you needed to truly know that Taehyung was a better person then he made himself out to be. Jihyo noticed you continue to stare at the door and patted your shoulder.
“Hey, as I said, he was a lost cause. Don’t beat yourself up.” You sighed, resting your head on the table. Jihyo was right, you could not make Taehyung, or any of the others, change their ways. You wasted your entire morning stressing out for absolutely nothing. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you heard the bell ring and students scramble to their seats. The teacher walked in moments after, greeting the class. After they stood up to bow and sat back down, the teacher began the lesson. It was only a few moments before you and the rest of the class heard faint shouting in the distance.
“COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PRICK!” You sat up quickly, looking towards the door in curiosity as the class began to whisper in wonder about what was going on behind that wall. You watched the teacher stop the lesson and set the piece of chalk down, before heading out into the hallway. You were soon to follow, and Jihyo tried to tell you to stay in your seat, but you didn’t listen. You flung the door open and stuck your head out. The sight before you stunned you. A boy was being chased down the hallway, screaming and begging for someone to help him. Behind him, stone-faced Taehyung came racing down the hallway. Both of them were pretty bruised up, it was obvious that a fight had occurred, and judging by the scene before you, Taehyung had been winning. Taehyung shouted again, “Get back here! Let me kick your ass fair and square!” Jihyo was by your side when she too recognized the voice, and she held your shoulder protectively. You saw Dahyun and her class sticks their heads out of the door and window as well, curious about what was going on. The boy who was running for his life rushed behind the teacher, grabbing hold of his arm.
“Do something, please! He’s out of his mind!” Just as you were about to rush in to stop Taehyung, you felt a glimmer of hope when you saw Jungkook and Namjoon rush into view and grab him, doing their best to hold him back and calm him down. The others were standing in the distance as well, ready to jump in and assist if and when they needed. You saw Taehyung was now unable to move freely and took this chance to make your way over to him. You heard Jihyo call your name, but you waved your hand at her to dismiss her shouts. When you approached Taehyung, you frowned.
“Calm down.” You said.
“Get the hell out of my way!” He said. “I’m gonna –“ Not wanting to hear another word from him, you slapped him across the face. The slap was loud, it rang through the hall until it was the only thing that could be heard. Taehyung was stunned for a minute, his cheek throbbing as he looked down at you. “Calm. Down.” You said again. “It’s over. Whatever the hell happened, it’s over…” Taehyung’s breathing finally began to slow and he looked behind him to see his friends still trying to hold him down. When he was released, he continued breathing heavily, wiping his lip to reveal a slight trace of blood. Without hesitation, you turned him around and began pushing him down the hallway. “Let’s get you to the nurse and clean you up…” you said. For some reason, you felt embarrassed for him, but you weren’t sure why. Lucky for you, he wasn’t putting up a fight with you as you pushed him down the hallway and into the nurse’s office. The nurse was working with a few other patients who had gotten hurt while running outside in gym class, so you offered to clean up his wounds for him. Taehyung didn’t protest, he just sat silently with an angry expression on his face as you guided him to a seat. 
Grabbing a first aid kit, you took his hand and examined it. His hands were bruised, his face had stopped bleeding, leaving only dried blood behind, and he had some scratched and tears in his uniform. “I can’t believe you got into a fight.” You said softly. “What was it even about?” Taehyung didn’t answer at first. “You better answer me, Taehyung.”
“Or what?” he hissed, glaring at you. “You’re not my mother. You’re not anything.” You smirked, holding up a cotton ball with peroxide dabbed on it. “I’m the girl who dictates how much pain you’re about to be in,” you said simply. Taehyung couldn’t help but snicker at that. He sighed.
“We went into the gym to play some basketball. That little…tch, that little asshole came in to get something and saw us. He told us we couldn’t be there because we weren’t a club, and we weren’t there for gym class. I told him to buzz off and then he started telling me that I should be in class. He said that you were waiting in the classroom for me to come back and that I was being awful for making your wait and getting your hopes up. And he kept talking and talking and it kept pissing me off.” He shrugged. “So I punched him.” You frowned. “I’ll give him credit. He got a few punches in before I got up and started chasing him.” He said simply. You shook your head as he continued to explain his reasoning to you. “He was getting on my nerves. I don’t need him telling me how you feel because quite frankly, it’s not even any of his business.” You pursed your lips.
“What if I tell you how I feel…?” you asked curiously. He glanced up at you. “I wish you were back in class on time, and I wish you didn’t get into such a stupid fight. I wish I didn’t even have to treat you this way, to begin with…” Taehyung sighed. “But I know you don’t care about me or my opinions so…if you want me to stop and leave you alone, then I’ll do it for good…” Taehyung glanced at you, then down at his bruised hand that was being held so delicately in yours. “I have no right to tell you what to do…that much is obvious to me now…” Taehyung didn’t like seeing you so upset…it made him…feel kind of guilty. He groaned a bit, scratching the back of his head with his free hand.
“I guess I can go to class…sometimes…” he muttered. You looked up at him, and he saw your eyes sparkle just a bit. “But only when I want to…so no more dragging me to class in front of the entire school.”
“Four times a week.” You said.
“Once a week!” He replied.
“…Three times a week?” You asked, batting your eyelashes a bit in hopes of sealing the deal. Taehyung blushed, looking away.
“..Yeah…sure three times a week.” He said. “But not Fridays, that’s my relaxation day.” You couldn’t help but giggle, and Taehyung turned even redder as you agreed. “Can we finish up here, please? I’m sure I have a meeting with my best friend in the world, President Bang.” You chuckled a bit. “He’s my best friend so he lets me call him President Hitman.”
“I doubt that.” You said, gently dabbing the peroxide dipped cotton ball onto his bruised and cut hands.
“OW!” Taehyung shouted. You snickered.
“Come on, tough guy, it’s just peroxide.”
“Yeah, doesn’t mean you have to drown my wounds in it!” Taehyung shouted. Once again, you had to laugh. You continued to clean the wounds on his hands, before dabbing away the dried blood under his lip. You both left the nurses office, you headed back to class while Taehyung strolled to the principal’s office. You couldn’t help but turn to glance back at him as he rounded the corner and out of your sight.
At least now, you’ll be able to pay attention in class.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part Two
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August 2017
Getting up at 6am was definitely not a perk of the job. When your alarm rang, you snoozed it twice before finally pulling yourself out of bed and taking a shower.
Even though it was a warm August morning, you dressed yourself in black skinny jeans and a fitted black t-shirt. No room for glamour when you're lugging equipment around. 
You quickly made yourself a coffee to go in your travel mug before leaving a note for Bex reminding her to get milk on her way home tonight. Bex had a comfortable 9-5 job. You however, had no clue when you would be back and didn't fancy waking up to no milk tomorrow. 
Arriving at the studio for rehearsals you saw your boss Martin getting out of his car.
"Morning Martin."
"Morning Cal, enjoy your time off?"
"I did thank you, went to Portugal with Bex. How about you?"
"Joan had me decorating the lounge!"
You laughed at his facial expression, clearly he had been hoping to relax a bit before the tour when it would all get crazy.
"Don't worry Martin, we will go slowly for you today!" You replied patting his back.
Walking into the studio, you saw all the equipment had been loaded into the far corner. Martin, yourself and the team had done a few set ups already so got to work making sure everything was in place before Niall and the band arrived.
John, one of the guitarists, was first to arrive, greeting everyone with a hand shake or hug and placing a massive box of pastries on the table.
 "Gotta keep the workers happy!" He smiled and he gave you a hug.
 "Thanks Bird!"
 The rest of the lads arrived and you knew when Tara did that Niall wasn't too far behind. He was dressed casual like everyone else, dark jeans and a t-shirt, his soft brown hair messy and sticking up.
He shook hands with all the team, hugging you like he hadn't seen you in ages when in reality you saw him just a few days ago. You attempted to sort out his hair as you moved away from his embrace. 
 "Honestly Niall, your hair has a mind of its own."
 He chuckled at your words and was secretly enjoying feeling your fingers running through them. You weren't to know that was one of his favourite things. He loves nothing more than a woman running their fingers through his hair.
 "I know, I'm going to get it cut this week in preparation for being away so long."
 "Yeah you need to, Sienree won't be pleased with this mess!"
 "Hey, it's not that bad!"
 "Yeah it is!"
 "Cal, you really need to get some better come back than 'whatever'!"
 "Why? It worked didn't it?!" You replied as you walked away to carry on setting up his guitars. He watched you walk away, looking at your bum for longer than appropriate. Glancing around he noticed that no one has seen what he'd done.
You'd heard some of his album already from when you'd been doing some events in the U.S. this spring/summer. However this would be the first time that you'd heard them all.
Putting your banter aside, you sat down with him, tuning each guitar and working out what order you were going to need to get each instrument ready for, having now received the set list. 
The next couple of days were spent rehearsing, assisting Niall in any way that he needed. The album sounded amazing and you could see that he had worked hard on it. The true magnitude of the tour was laid out in front of you in one morning meeting. The full plan for travelling with him, the band, the whole background team and the equipment had been sorted down to the final detail. Martin had asked you to double check some details for him but there was something you were unsure about with one of Nialls guitars.
Most of the team had dispersed for lunch, heading out or sitting in the food area, Niall was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that he was probably still in the lounge answering his emails you made your way down the hall. Not bothering to knock you opened the door to find Niall standing with his hands on his hips with a very pissed off looking Saskia.
"Shit, sorry Ni! I didn't realise you had company." You mumbled, completely shocked to see Saskia stood there.
"Is it because of her?!" Saskia almost screamed at him.
"For fuck sake Saskia. No it isn't!"
Because of me? Ok, you definitely needed to make a quick exit.
"I'll catch up with you later Ni." You said and retreated quickly, closing the door behind you.
You hurried down the hall to the main rehearsal area, and began sorting through some paperwork. Doing anything to try and keep yourself busy and hidden away. It was then that you found out the answer to your question, you hadn't even needed to go ask Niall the question. You just hadn't looked at the paperwork correctly. If you'd just looked properly you wouldn't have interrupted him in that totally embarrassing situation. You were completely mortified that you'd walked in on him clearly arguing with Saskia. What was she even doing here? You let out a massive sigh as you leaned against the wall, closing your eyes and trying to forget the look on her face.
"Hey." You heard him say, opening your eyes to find him looking sheepish.
"Ni, I'm so sorry, I should've knocked. I had no idea she was here."
"Cal, its fine. I'm sorry that once again she was rude to you."
 "It's honestly fine."
"Its not, and I told her so."
You nodded nervously, biting down on your lower lip, your eyes looking anywhere but at him. But then you heard him sigh in a sad and exhausted way.
"Are you ok?" You ask him, your eyes meeting his and seeing the sadness and frustration behind them.
"Yeah I suppose." He replied, it being clear he wasnt. You'd spent a lot of time with him the last ten months and knew when he was lying or bending the truth.
"Well if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here." You said sincerely.
It clearly hadn't been a good conversation that you'd walked in on.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." He replied as you turned towards the paperwork.
"Um so anyway, I was just going to ask you about your guitar choice for You and Me but I found my answer when I went back over the paperwork again."
"Ah ok, so it's sorted?" He asked.
"Yeah it is. I'm sorry I should have been more thorough when I looked the first time."
"Doesn't matter."
God you were so embarrassed by what you'd walked in on and Niall did not seem ok. There was a lingering tension in the air, so you began unnecessarily stacking up your paperwork.
"Are you busy tonight?" he asked you nervously.
"Apart from my usual Friday night fun of browsing Netflix and eating my weight in ice cream - nothing!" You said, turning around to face him.
"Well Willie is out with Bex tonight so do you fancy coming over and browsing my Netflix with me?"
You burst out laughing, a massive smile appearing on both your lips as you realised how that had sounded. The tension suddenly eased and you were back to your usual banter.
"Ok, that sounded like a really bad chat up line! I'm sorry! What I meant is, I could really use a friend to talk to if you're free and want to hang out at mine tonight?"
"Yeah sure, as long as we aren't here too late tonight, that should be ok." 
"I'll make sure we leave at a decent time tonight, maybe grab some food and go straight to mine?"
"Sounds good. Bex took the car this morning so is it ok if I ride with you?"
"Yes of course, I presumed you would. I saw your car wasn't in the car park this morning."
"Bex wanted to get home from work quickly today so she could prepare for her date!"
"So pleased we set those two up!"
"Me to!"
Everyone slowly made their way back to the main rehearsal area after lunch. They were rehearsing a song called You & Me when Tara approached you as you stood by Nialls guitars.
"So....." She started in a low voice so no one could hear her.
"So what?" You replied, confused as to what she might be referring to.
"Heard you had a run in with Saskia earlier."
"Oh god, yes. Was so awkward, I didn't knock and just walked in on them. Saskia was not happy."
"I've walked in on worse things with Niall!" She replied laughing.
"I don't want to know!" You said waving your hand and laughing to indicate you didn't want to hear the story.
She laughed to.
"Saskia doesnt like me either. Thinks every female who works with Niall is a threat." Tara whispered.
"Really?! She does know she's a Victoria Secret model doesn't she?!"
"Yes, but a very insecure one. Might help if she actually ate and drank regularly, think it effects her personality. She's so tired and overworked from her fitness regime too. It just makes her grumpy and rude."
You nodded in agreement, knowing how you feel when you're hungry or tired from the gym.
"Look, don't say I said anything to Niall, although I see him looking so I guess he knows what we are probably discussing."
"I won't say anything, sad really though isn't it? I mean he's pictured with females all the time in the press and gets hounded about it and even his own girlfriend hassles him about it."
"She was never his girlfriend, just someone he hangs out with, dates, looks good for both of them. The last few months though he's just not been happy when he's been with her."
"She seems like hard work."
"Yes she is. Look, I know you two are hanging out later so I thought I'd just give you the heads up."
"He said he needed a friend." You replied, hoping she understood that was what it was.
"Don't need to explain to me, it's obvious you both get on well. He trusts you."
You nodded in agreement and left it at that.
6pm arrived and Niall called time on rehearsal. Even though the distraction of Saskia had disrupted it for a while, you'd actually achieved loads today.
Once you were sorted, you checked with Martin if you needed to do anything else before heading out with Niall. A few of the team looked but no one said anything, they knew you were just friends.
Sliding into Niall's Audi, you fastened your seatbelt while he fiddled with the music. The intro of Gavin James' song 'coming home' came flowing out of the speakers.
"I cannot wait to meet him on tour." You said excitedly.
"You like him do you?!"
"Absolutely love him!"
You both hummed away to the music, Niall tapping his hands on the wheel as you made your way across the city. You'd placed an order at Nialls local Chinese takeout place that wasn't far from his, just before you left.
"I'll go grab the food." He said as he pulled up outside the restaurant. 
"Ok, sure."
He got out the car but ducked his head back in. "Shall I get us some wine from the shop next door to?"
"I can do that." You replied undoing your seat belt.
"Its fine, I'll go. What do you prefer?"
"Um white please."
"Cool, won't be long." He said as he closed the car door.
You knew it was best to stay in the car. Being spotted buying takeout and wine with Niall wouldn't be the best idea.
He returned ten minutes later with both. Your stomach was rumbling as he drove the short distance to his. The smell of the food was delicious.
Walking into Niall's apartment he began walking around and switching on some lights.
"Wow! This apartment is gorgeous!" You blurted out. "Very manly!"
"Yeah, you know masculine colours. You can tell guys live here!"
"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not!" He laughed, as he got out some plates.
He grabbed some glasses and poured you some wine, before placing the bottle and another one into the fridge.
"Take a seat." He said gesturing towards his dining table. He grabbed his phone and put Gavin James back on so that is sounded throughout apartment on the sound system.
Opening all the boxes of food, you began sharing it amongst you both. "So rehearsals are going well." You said, hoping to start a light conversation with him. You weren't sure if he was planning on opening up to you about Saskia but you hoped he felt he could.
"Yeah they are. It's exciting to see my songs being sung by the lads. Bit nervous about Dublin though. First date and everything."
"Are your family coming down?"
"Yep, loads of them!"
"You'll be fine! Stop worrying!"
You continued to eat and drink your wine, chatting easily about tour and then what you thought Willie and Bex were getting up to.
"You know I am really sorry about Saskia today." He said, the wine clearly loosening him up.
"Ni, honestly I get it."
"The whole thing with her is just a mess." He continued.
"You want to talk about it? I mean its ok if you dont. But I'll listen if you need me to."
"If I'm honest I'm not really sure what I was doing with her. Just one bad dating experience after another."
"Babe, we've all been there!" You laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"What was it that you didn't like about her?"  He asked you.
"Um.......doesn't matter what I thought of her Ni." You replied shocked that he would ask you outright.
"It matters to me. And I know you'll give me an honest answer."
He stared at you for a few seconds as you finished your food and took a long sip of your wine 
"Well......um..... just a clash of personalities I suppose. I got the impression she didn't like me and kind of looked down at me. It seemed like she thought she was better than me because she was beautiful, skinny and famous and I'm not. I don't actually want to be famous, I'm quite happy being in the background looking after you."
He nodded. "I like that you look after me, you always have my best interest at heart."
"That's my job as your guitar tech and your friend."
He nodded again, clearly taking in everything you had said.
"I know you've got more to say Cal. I can tell, I know you well enough to know when you're holding back." He said, leaning back in his chair with his drink in his hand.
You smiled and shook your head.
"No-one else been honest with you then?!"
"Not really! They tell me what they think I want to hear. The only one who's honest is Willie and he has a theory about everything."
"What theory is that then?!" You asked him, intrigued by what Willie thought of the Saskia situation.
"Can't tell you that." He replied shaking his head.
"Now I'm super intrigued! Just have to get you drunk and make you confess Willie's wild theory!" You said as you stood up and grabbed the bottle of wine and filled up his glass with a smirk.
Part Three
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spycethra · 6 years
Title: Unseen
Pairing: Gavin Reed x RK-900
Relationship Level: Secretly Dating
Rating: Fluff
Summary: Gavin meets an old colleague at a crime scene and they jokingly flirt with one another. Starting RK-900 Jealousy Timer in 3... 2...  
The serial murders occurring at the lakeside were starting to become a rather huge pain in the ass for the detective as he warily eyed his near-empty gas tank.
“I told you that we should have refilled at the gas station several miles back,” RK-900 scolded, already noticing the stress indicators littered across Gavin’s shoulders, neck, and back, “Now we will have to consult one of the other officers to see if they might be able to assist us.”
His partner’s gloved fingers curled tighter over the steering wheel, the leather scrunching threateningly as he did so.
“Just keep at it, Nines,” Gavin warned with a scowl though keeping his eyes on the road, “I might consider finding myself a new partner.”
“Hmph. Go ahead,” Richard responded coolly which caused the other a spike of alarm, “If you prefer a downgrade.”
The android took victory in hearing Gavin laugh through his nose, trying hard to keep his lips in a tight look of sternness but to no avail. He watched his partner quickly shake his head as the short breathy laugh came out anyway.
“You’re such a dick.”
“You wound me, Detective. I only speak the truth.”
“Uh huh.”    
The car rumbled against the snow covered path before inevitably hitting their destination. Four squad cars including an ambulance and a firetruck had all appeared at the scene. He slowed the vehicle to a crawl, parking near enough not to draw any attention. He really wasn’t in the mood to chat.  
Gavin sighed at the sight of all the sorry folks stuck out in the freezing cold at three in the morning thanks to a damn wannabe Zodiac killer that couldn’t hold off calling 911 at a more reasonable hour. Dark circles had already found their way beneath his eyes and no amount of caffeine was going to wash away the annoyance of examining yet another dead android.
“Are you ready, Reed?” RK-900 inquired, obviously noting his partner’s grim hesitance.
There was no question that the other was exhausted with these serial murders. They kept happening like clockwork on a Thursday night where the drop point was always just around the shoreline of St. Clair Lake.
The detective pressed his forehead deeply into the steering wheel while begging some higher power to provide him with the strength not to tear into some unlucky intern on account of his worn down state.
“I sense that you’re pushing yourself beyond your limits, Reed. Perhaps I could examine the crime scene while you take a brief rest in the car,” offered RK-900 gently yet he should have known better.
His human absolutely hated to be coddled… except when the situation demanded for it.   
“Shut up! I’m going! I’m going…” Gavin insisted angrily as he hit the steering wheel, causing the horn to accidentally go off.
He sat in silence while slowly closing his eyes. His aggravation seemed to rise with every tap of his fingers as he drummed them hatefully against the steering wheel. RK-900 merely sat idle, awaiting for his partner to calm down. Eventually Gavin would see reason.
He usually did, anyway.
But not right now, as with a deep breath, Gavin forced himself out of the car and into the cruel winter night that surrounded them.
Richard was quick to march to his side as his partner stumbled a bit in the snow during their walk towards the crime scene now illuminated by a slew of Nomad LED floodlights. Tarps were set up to cover the majority of the area to prevent any falling snow from burying any potential evidence.
“Got any Thirium 310 on scene, Rich?”
A tension filled the android’s chest at the sight of the calamity. First there was the horribly twisted body of the victim… but then there was what appeared to be a brutal draining of the deceased android’s blood. The culprit smeared it beneath the victim… like paint.
RK-900’s eyes narrowed.
“More than just a single android could hold…” he informed his partner, who dramatically hung in his head in reply as the snow billowed around them, “It was mixed with that of several other units…”
“...Fuck. Can you analyze any of it?”
“The thirium is compromised, Reed. I cannot.”
Richard stood calmly while his partner suddenly whirled around, violently kicking at a mound of snow just behind them.
“Fuuuuck!” he yelled in frustration to which everyone else was wise not to look up - at least not for too long - as the detective threw his expected conniption fit, “Fuck! Fucking fu-!”
“Well, if it isn’t fucking Gavin Reed!” came a thrilled shout just behind them.
The shorter man heatedly turned to see a silhouette of someone he hadn’t seen in months. She stepped forward with caramel hair wound tight in a low bun with a single green eye catching the detective in her sights while the other remained enshrouded in a decorative eye patch of engraved metal. Her white scrubs nearly blended her away into the snow blanketed shoreline, but her shivering frame was still a dead give away.
She bestowed the detective with a smile that spoke countless levels of mischief. Hugging her arms around herself, she gave him a proud chin lift in greeting.  
“Decanterrrr! And here I thought you went through with murdering everyone at the third precinct,” Gavin joked back with a softness that had RK-900 actually turning his head in amazement as his partner’s body language altered immediately, “What happened?”
Watching Gavin stuffing his hands into his coat pockets while seeming to fluff himself outwards more to seem bigger, RK-900 had no idea what was happening. Especially not when Gavin started to approach the female with a swagger typically reserved for the android. The sight made something in Richard’s biocomponents burn with something unseemly.
“Is she a criminal, Reed?” Richard interjected quickly while compiling an entire archive consisting of Dr. Decanter’s medical records, criminal history, social networking activity, occupational history, and educational background.
“Huh? What?” Gavin replied, turning to him as though surprised he was even there.
“I asked… if she is a criminal,” RK-900 repeated coldly, though not entirely sure why.  
Decanter eyed them both - though mostly the RK unit - with solid apprehension which the detective was quick to try and dissolve.
“Oh, yeah. I mean with curves like that and still single, I would presume so. Am I right?” Gavin teased with a grin her way before noting a frightening tension at his side.
Slowly his grey eyes traveled back to the silently seething android. To the untrained eye, anyone would think RK-900 was just standing there but not to Gavin… Richard looked ready to tear something apart.
It was all in the way his jaw would twitch just at the left corner. Just the left. If both moved, Gavin was still safe. ...But he felt too afraid to bother checking the other side and chose to just assume the worst.
He must just be dying to check the crime scene… The detective thought warily before shooting his old colleague a look of apology before staring back at his partner with a sigh.
“You and I both know you don’t have to ask me that. I bet you already scanned her, so you tell me.”
“...She’s... clean,” Richard answered gruffly, oddly disappointed that she didn’t even have anything as insignificant as a parking ticket.   
In fact… she was perfect. Highest grades. Summa cum laude. Impeccable case file record. The more he dared to delve into this Decanter’s life, the more Richard felt inclined to just forcefully drag his partner back to the car - abandoning the investigation.
It was a first for him… and completely unreasonable.
And very unlike him.
“Still hitting the gym, Gav?” the medical examiner asked cheerfully while nodding her head in the direction of the roped off area, proceeding making her way there.
Richard bristled at the casual use of a nickname that he never even knew about.
He never had the chance to shorten Gavin’s first name before… Much less was even presented the privilege to.
“You bet your sweet ass,” Gavin replied cockily with a smirk as he followed her to the first body, leaving the RK unit behind as though he had come alone.
It felt almost deviant how repulsively entranced the detective became around this measly medical examiner. Gavin was completely relaxed compared to how he was just moments ago in the car. The android’s eyes narrowed while his face darkened considerably despite the blinding illumination surrounding him.
“What about you? How’s pilates been treating you?” Gavin asked her while kneeling down beside her to inspect the mangled android beneath the blue tarp.
RK-900 withheld the urge to join them, somehow feeling that doing so would feel like… an intrusion. He turned his head away from them yet his peripherals refused to let up as he heightened his hearing just to eavesdrop on them.  
“Oh shut uuup. You were right about that nonsense,” she admitted with a roll of her eyes as Gavin jokingly feigned a look of complete surprise, “Oh stop. You knew it would bore the hell out of me the entire time, didn’t you?”
“Well, I did warn you. But what have you been doing? Because those cheeks...” Gavin eyed her rear end playfully, allowing her mind to imagine the rest as he gave her a suggestive wink.
Her delighted laughter stung at the auditory receptors belonging to the eavesdropping investigator. It worsened as he heard Gavin laughing with her. The two leaned in, bumping into one another jokingly in an attempt to knock the other over.
Why am I even here?
Richard stilled as the sudden thought startled his natural processing. He turned his head to the duo again, watching them with their innocent smiles and weightless laughter despite being at a gruesome crime scene.
“Did you even get any stronger?”
“Pfft! Of course, I did. I could bench lift you if I felt like it."   
“Yeah right. Let me see.”
Without the slightest hesitation, Gavin outstretched his arm for her, curling it for her to exam the bicep through his coat.
“Mmmm. I can’t see anything. Guess it isn’t real.”
“Oh shut up and feel it already.”
It felt like slow motion for the android as he witnessed her hands getting ever so closer to his human’s bicep before finally squeezing for the truth. His insides felt as if the wiring tangled itself into unforgiving knots as a vile coldness swelled within him. One moment he felt ablaze with an energy without reason and the next he found himself in a void of nothingness.
It was almost as if his cognitive software couldn’t simply pick one method of misery for him to endure.
“Okay, okay! So you might have become a tee tad stronger than when I last saw you.”
“Damn straight. I’ve been really working on these babies sinc-Mmf!” A frozen hand clamped over the lower half of his face, sending jolts of confused sensations through his body as he was dragged roughly away from the examiner’s touch.
“Hush now, Detective. You’re frightening your... colleague,” Richard remarked so frigidly that it could make an ice cube shiver.
Decanter’s eyes went wide seeing the oxen strength the android possessed, having scooped Gavin up as though he were just an oversized prize at a county fair. Only… people didn’t normally stifle any and all protest from the prize’s mouth. Nor did the prize wriggle and writhe against their owner in fussy dissent.
But that air of sudden superiority and determined success that exuded from the RK-900’s perfectly tempered expression were definitely part of it.
“I don’t apologize for the intrusion. In case you were wondering, doctor,” asserted the android frostily.
Her eyes drifted to Gavin still kicking in midair, his boots barely scraping the snow. It was then that she recognized that RK-900’s hand wasn’t wearing its skin.
“You see this,” Richard raised his struggling human just a little higher for emphasis, making sure to make his point burn like dry ice into her retinas, “This belongs to me.”
AN: Fun stuff, fun stuff. @judas-had-a-crown , I hope you enjoyed this drabble. XD It was fun to write though I felt so bad for RK-900. But in all fairness, Gavin wasn’t serious in his flirting. I promise. It’s mostly joking around. 
I mean, she’s wearing those big ol’ white SCRUBS. XD He can’t see anything physical about her anyway. So there you go in case it felt like Reed was cheating or something. He really wasn’t. He just expected RK-900 to get tunnel vision and start licking things - since that’s what he usually does.  
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lil-purplebird · 6 years
Handle with Care - Chapter Twelve
Fandom: Pokémon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Drama
Words: 22,220
Pairing: Mewtwo/Mew
Summary: Having been loving mates for five years, Mew desires for a baby, even though Mewtwo feels the opposite, believing he cannot have offspring. As strong as their bond is, receiving nothing but bad news and unfortunate events slowly tears them apart and pushes their relationship to the edge. A fragile heart can break in any hand that handles it for too long. It can be put back together as many times as possible, but it’ll never be the same.
Note: while the fan fic is still on-going, uploading the chapters are going to be sporadic at best. The chapters may be uploaded daily, weekly, or whenever I get banners finished.
Can also be read here.
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Time no longer mattered the more Mewtwo allowed himself to be consumed by his research. As a parallel of his nomadic days, he wandered in search of answers, a light at the end of the tunnel, anything that could be of help. He was plagued by dreams, perhaps nightmarish visions, of the Mew he once knew and loved taunting him with happy has-beens and what-ifs. And that was if she let him near her. In person was a whole different experience.
He had taken Dr. Mime's prescription to heart and made his first attempt to talk to her in weeks, but it wasn't the progress he had expected. She never once looked at him, nor showed she was listening, and her silently getting up to head outside could've caused him to snap had he not been so willing to try. At the very least, he knew she wasn't going to leave the house for long periods of time if she was intentionally avoiding him, though the cold rejection made him take pause from trying again.
But there was a question that had been bothering him for some time, shackles fastened to his heart that only Mew had the key for. It had caused sharp stings when it first came to mind, and the longer he pondered on it, the more it adapted to gentle squeezes to dull the pain. He couldn't bring himself to approach her about it, yet as he wandered out of his study to prepare a quick meal, the window of opportunity was open that very moment—literally, as she was seated on the windowsill. Back still turned to him, as usual, though her tail swayed slightly from the breeze.
He hadn't gotten a good look at her in quite some time, he realized. The distance between them had blurred some details on her he used to be wary of, and he was certain she wasn't so frail before. She was still eating so she wasn't losing too much weight, yet she just looked so loopy, so out of it. Perhaps she developed insomnia, or she found a way to hypnotize herself—a thought that made him ill to his stomach.
Shaking off the dark thoughts, Mewtwo stepped forward to be behind her. "Mew?"
Outside of her tail's uninterrupted swinging, she didn't make any movement from her spot at the window. It was hard to tell if she was even listening. He took a breath to coax himself into speaking his mind, consciously raising his voice to ensure she could hear him.
"Mew... when did you love me?"
She remained silent. His hands clenched, a reflexive tic he had been meaning to break.
"I am sorry for asking such a ridiculous question. I have just been bothered by it lately, and..." He trailed off, unsure how to continue. It had been such a long while since he last talked to her that he hoped his voice hadn't grown jittery. It couldn't be helped that his mind kept berating him for thinking of such stupid concerns because of course he knew the answer to that. If she didn't love him, she wouldn't have requested becoming his mate for—
"...I don't remember."
He felt his heart being ripped out of his chest, and the fragile hope he had desperately been clinging to slipped from his fingers. Despite being spoken in such a soft monotone, it echoed in his ears until it overtook his thoughts.
"What about you, Mewtwo?" He flinched, having not expected the inquiry, not when he was just barely comprehending it. "When did you claim to love me?"
Mewtwo fought to steady himself and cover his new weak point, but he was already losing it when his eyes drifted downward. "I... still have feelings for—"
"I don't care about what you feel now. I asked when."
She didn't even wait for him to give a response when she suddenly swerved around in her seat. The dull glint in her irises caused him to drop his stare again as a chill struck the raw hole his heart was dangling from. He wasn't focused on anything in particular, trying to pull his thoughts back together when she let out a harsh scoff.
"Not that it matters. It's typical of a male to have eyes only for the body."
His figure twitched at the accusation, wondering if it was actually just a coincidence Mew caught his gaze hovering on her lap for that split second. He didn't follow after her when she got up and strode by without another passing glance. The click of a door down the hallway snapped him out of his frozen state, and he cracked the sill with his fists upon crumpling to his knees.
A vine snagged the hammer mid-swing, allowing Mewtwo to blink down at the splintered wood he had been working absentmindedly with, feeling his co-workers' stares on the back of his head. It was unusually silent at the playground, though he hadn't been paying close attention to their chatting or bickering, if any. They had found the time to construct a long-overdue addition to the park as planned, though the clone had randomly decided to re-work the previous structures so he could have time to himself. That hadn't even been an hour ago.
His jaw locked up slightly, knowing Vic's words before he voiced them. "You should go home, Mewtwo."
The memory of Mew sneering at him still hadn't faded from mind, her words continuing to eat away at him. Shaking his head, he stated, "No, this is my top priority right now." He jerked his arm to free it, but the Flycatcher Pokémon tightened his grip on the tool.
"We have it under control," he said, eyes narrowed in concern. "You've been working yourself to exhaustion one-too many times, and frankly, we can't stand by any longer. Go home to the mate."
"I have nothing to return home to." He managed to yank the hammer free, but he instead gathered up the broken wood as he rose to his feet.
Mewtwo couldn't tell anymore if he was lying to himself to excuse why he was pushing himself to work longer hours. Even with his testy attitude, he was still making the attempt to converse with Mew in spite of her rebuff from that moment. Yet, there had still been no progress, no sign she was waking up, and his pessimism was catching up to him.
Swampert snatched the wood to stop the clone as he was passing by, sternly meeting his glower. "Just so you know, I respect you, 'Two," he said, voice low. "Even when one of us—or at least me—irritated you, you've done so much for us and never expected anything in return. So I think it's about time for us to rectify that." He eased the bundle and hammer out of his hold, looking tense as if expecting to be lashed out at. Mewtwo felt a painful twist in his gut for even thinking it. "I can only imagine the pain you two are going through, but this is nothing to work yourself to death over. Leave this to us."
So much for working his woes away; he must really be a wreck if he could be talked into going home. Though even with such bitter thoughts, Mewtwo had no energy to spare to be dismissive toward his peers for looking out for him. His expression fell slightly as he turned to catch their silent nods.
"I should at least stay on the sidelines—" he started only to be interrupted with gruff throat clearing.
"We've already made up our minds," Wiles spoke up, puffing out his chest. "If it'll make you feel better, we're not going to rush this, but we'll finish with or without you."
"Fingers crossed, boys!" Rugby crowed, then eyed his paw as it flexed.
When Swampert patted his back, the feline closed his eyes in defeat, feeling a small smile grace his mouth. "I will hold you to your words," he yielded. "But I will not hesitate to return should you call for it."
In agreement, they let him go without another word. He dusted himself off as he was passing the construction barricades, glancing over his shoulder when he heard someone jogging up to his side. Goddard didn't slow from the eye-contact, which he had to tilt his makeshift hat to do so.
"I'll walk you home," he offered.
"No need—"
"I insist."
Mewtwo didn't have the energy to argue, so after the water fowl gave a webbed thumbs up to the others, he allowed him to follow. He half-expected for it to be in silence to give his thoughts a break, but almost as soon as the park was out of sight, Goddard took the opportunity to speak.
"Sir—I mean, Mewtwo. Sorry if this comes off as insensitive, but..." He quickly trailed off, a frown on his beak. "No, I shouldn't. It was stupid to even think about..."
Not wanting there to be awkwardness between them, the clone gave in. "Ask away."
He nervously scratched at his chin, the gem on his forehead shimmering as his head canted. "Nngh... before... before things turned out for the worse, erm... Well, I mean, were you excited? Or proud about it? The egg, that is."
Mewtwo had figured he was going to ask about the egg during his stuttering, clearly trying to approach it carefully. He couldn't blame him for his hesitance with such a raw subject. "...There was a time, yes," he responded, his tone soft-spoken. The memory of him smiling down at the egg in his hand had faded into the background as time passed, so although he couldn't recall that fleeting feeling, his behavior showed in his mannerisms and stance.
Goddard seemed to relax some. "So... it's normal to be worried about an egg, then?"
"I would assume so, given how fragile they are."
"Yeah, this was stupid of me to ask," he muttered, slumping his shoulders with a sigh. His gaze strayed over to the treetops. "But it's just that I still remember how you looked with the egg, and I was kind of... expecting that to happen with me... Kind of like it did for the others, you know?"
So Mewtwo hadn't imagined it when the Azumarill walked away from their yard. "Congratulations."
Goddard got more flustered from the sudden praise. "W-Well uh, Aqua hasn't—she hasn't laid it yet. She's supposed to any time now, and uh... Thanks."
Nodding and looking up as the house came into view, the clone then swerved sharply off the path. His colleague let out a quack of confusion, but hurried up to his side. "Whoa, what was that for?"
He paused right beneath a tree and leaned his back on it, keeping his gaze down. "Let me know when Lil is finished."
"Oh, huh?" The Duck Pokémon peered over at the house. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all. It... just has been a while, is all."
He didn't want to go into more detail, and luckily his companion caught on and turned back to the path to keep watch. Eyes glued to the splotches of light filtering through the trees' shadows, Mewtwo undid the tool belt to drape it over his forearm when it started chafing. Right then he noticed from the weight a few tools were missing, though he had no use for them at the moment. He trusted they would be returned to him later in the day.
"Oh, here she comes."
Pleased he didn't have to wait long, he stepped out into the sun when the Lilligant was in earshot, looking light on her feet in spite of the solemn visit. Their gazes crossed paths as he wordlessly nodded to her, expecting to pass by when she stopped with a graceful twirl. "What's troubling you, Mewtwo?" she asked softly.
"It is nothing to be concerned about," he answered, a little too hastily. He didn't wish to be rude to the Flowering Pokémon, though as relaxing as the atmosphere was around her, he was still a little petulant.
If she noticed, she didn't let it show on her petite face. "I dropped off some herbs for Mew," was what he scarcely heard, but it got him to pause and look back at her. "They're for aromatherapy, though I do recommend using the rosemary for tea. They should relax her."
Goddard sighed, hands rested on his hips. "More like you need them most, gotta be honest."
Despite the quick shrewd glance he sent his colleague, Mewtwo knew he couldn't argue with that. "Thank you for your help," he said. "Even though it may not seem like it, Mew is grateful you have been looking out for her."
Lil's leaf-like hands rested before her waistline. "I sadly don't have much to offer, but I just want you to know Tangrowth and I understand what you're going through, and are willing to listen if you ever want to talk."
He blinked in surprise. It was all on him for not making an effort to befriend Tangrowth, and therefore learn of it, but it was suddenly hard to take in. They were still newly-mates, coming up on their first year, and yet they hit this cruel roadblock. From what he could tell with Grass-types, fertility was hardly an issue between them—although as he came to expect, there were exceptions.
Not wanting to press for details, he carefully worded out his inquiry, "Is... it hard?"
She glanced down in thought, her sparkling scarlet eyes glazing over for a moment. "Sometimes. I know it's outside of my control, I just can't help feeling really bad about it because Tangrowth would like a few sprouts, but he still chose me despite it. So we had decided together very early on to instead put that mindset into raising strawberries. Though admittedly, we're growing a bit too much." She giggled, like that of tinkering bells as she blushed. "In fact, I'm actually inviting the whole community to come pick strawberries next harvest. I'm hoping you and Mew will join us, though you don't have to pick them if you don't want to, Mewtwo."
While he wouldn't express it out loud, he wished her optimism was contagious. "Thank you. I... hope we can come, too."
Lil put her hands together under her chin. "Oh, good. Tangrowth would like to talk to you more, but I guess he hasn't said anything since he's a bit shy. So I'll pass along to you that he and I had prayed day and night that your egg would hatch."
"You are too kind."
Her face lit up as her eyes smiled sweetly, then her flower crown twitched as she turned to their silent peer. "Oh, congratulations on the egg, Goddard."
He jolted. "Eh? How'd you know—did she lay it already?" A wheeze was squeezing its way out of his beak.
"No, I just knew."
Mewtwo politely cleared his throat to hide a chuckle. "Thank you for checking in on Mew," he said, body half-turned to resume walking. "And thank you for the generous offer."
"Not at all." Lil waved, swaying like she was in the breeze.
"And Goddard, I appreciate you accompanying me home," he added to his colleague. "Please return my tools when you are finished with them."
Steady on his feet again, the water fowl smiled. "Sure thing, 'Two—I mean, sir! Er, uh... yeah, sir."
He smiled in amusement, and made his way to the house. He didn't show it on his face that he could sense their worry swelling until he reached the bottom of the slope, keeping his back turned as his calm demeanor dropped. By then the pair had left, and Mewtwo felt the weight of solitude pushing down on his shoulders. Approaching the front yard, he paused to lean against a fence post for a quick breather.
Once he talked himself into entering his home, he nearly knocked over the basket of herbs that had been left on the floor. Hissing under his breath, he snatched it up as he stepped inside, barely glossing over Mew laying on the couch, back to him, until he noticed how unusually stiff she was. Her breaths also sounded irregular, like she was having trouble breathing or was trying to hold it in.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Eh?" she choked, her shoulders wincing. "U-Um... why should you care?"
That wasn't what he wanted to hear, but her response was good enough. "I just talked to Lil," he reported with a huff, hanging up his hat and tool belt. "It was considerate of her to bring you herbs, but it is rude to leave them in front of the door."
She made no other movement to look at him, though she was stabilizing her breathing. "You can have them," she murmured. "Why don't you grow your own garden?"
Mewtwo's knuckles cracked when he swiftly flexed his fingers, trying to keep his composure. Right as he was walking past to drop the basket off in the kitchen, he happened to take a second glance, noticing the tips of her ears were red. "Are you sick?"
Possibly because of his tone of voice, she twitched again, almost curling in on herself. "N-No..."
Her timid reaction concerned him, though he counted down in his head before speaking up again. "If you need assistance—"
"No, I do not!" she snapped, swiftly sitting up to leer over at him, her face flushed. Even with faded eyes, it was the most emotive she had been in weeks, but he wasn't fazed by the outburst.
He broke the gaze to leave the room when he did another double-take at the couch. "Mew, did you wet yourself?" he asked, watching as she tensed again. "Is that what happened?"
With pursed lips, she hurried into the kitchen before he could get another look at her face. "...I'll clean it up right now."
Mewtwo didn't immediately correct her that he knew from the scent it wasn't urine. They never brought attention to it, but it wasn't entirely abnormal for Mew to have what the humans called a "wet dream". Since they'd first mated, there were nights he'd get up for a drink or for the bathroom and find her face flushed and breathing slightly more rapid, then he'd connect the dots to her cleaning up in the morning. There had even been a few times he himself had such nocturnal emissions, but occurrences became scarcer over time (and he'd counteract such dreams by then being spontaneous with Mew). What he found a little disheartening in this case was the time and place; she had to have only been napping on the couch anytime between when he left and when Lil visited.
Scanning the cushions once more, something caught his eye that got him to lean in for a closer look. Pinching one of the clumps of rosy fur, he instantly gritted his teeth. Damn it, Mew... if you would just let me help you...
He stood back up just as she paused in the entryway to glower, a damp washcloth clenched in her grip. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she seethed, voice deathly quiet as her tail whipped at the base. "Why're you sticking your nose in it?"
The accusation rubbed him the wrong way, but he knew her thought process would have her take his words and spin them against him. Instead of talking back to her, he just swiped his finger across his muzzle as he walked into the kitchen to store the herbs away, intentionally keeping his back to her. There was no indication she got the gesture, no other sound came from her nor did she follow him, making him crack a sly smirk. But as he let the moment sink in, he got more and more upset with her and with himself.
It was shameful how easy it had become to turn their backs on each other when she wasn't fighting him off. He didn't like raising his voice to her in the slightest, and their arguments would just end up going nowhere, but at least it was some form of communication. At least she would acknowledge his presence instead of ignoring him, but he never could shake off Mime's statement about it.
If she was indeed thinking of him, why would she actively avoid him? He would understand if she was angry with him, but he sincerely wished to talk about it. And yet, she seemed... content with locking him out.
What is the point of us being mates if she refuses to reach out?
Mewtwo nearly dropped the herbs he was putting away when his body racked with shivers. It was a dreaded question that kept popping up now and then, but it had stayed in the recesses of his mind where it belonged. He didn't want to consider it so soon, not when he was certain there was a better solution to their problem. Casting her aside to let her fend for herself was something that could prove disastrous in her current, vulnerable condition. If not sooner, it would become apparent later.
Shaking his head clear, he stared down at what still needed to be sorted out until his eyes drifted to the cluster of lavender buds. Glancing down at where dust still clung to his fur, he let out a slow sigh through his nose. Perhaps his co-workers had a point in sending him home, and Lil was kind in sharing her remedies with them. There was more to Mew's condition than she was letting on, but any form of relaxant would help with rational thinking and soothing the body.
Filling up a tea bag with the buds, he finished storing the herbs away then carried it with him for the bath. Mew wasn't in the front room, and the bedroom door was still cracked open as he passed by, so she had to have left the house—odd that he didn't hear her, although he was that deep in thought to tune everything out. Closing the door with his tail, he took out the washcloths and a towel from their shelves and stepped up to the tub, checking it for residue before turning the knob all the way. Once hot water was coming through, he pulled the drawstrings and dropped the tea bag right by the drain, and then wet the washcloth to rub on the soap.
The clone spent the next few minutes scrubbing himself down, eyeing the light pouring in through the frosted glass. It felt silly of him to think about bathing close to the afternoon when he could still head back outside at any time, perhaps minutes after getting out. There wasn't even any guarantee Mew would want to take an early bath, let alone an herbal bath on her own accord. And with her being out at the moment, she may not return for a while without him tracking her down to drag her back. He snorted at the thought, mentally kicking himself for acting too hastily—or desperately, he felt in this case.
Mewtwo nearly reeled from the combination of heat and lavender scent as he shut off the tap. Either his sense of smell was too strong, he used too much of the buds, or a little bit of both. If it was already too much for him, Mew would be overwhelmed by it as well. Perhaps he could soak first to test it out before turning it over to her, but if the steam was going to fill up the room with the scent, that alone could have the same effect. And personally, he didn't want to come out heavily smelling like lavender, even though the house was going to be permeated with it throughout the day as is.
Just as he sat back down, he heard the door open, but only managed to catch a glimpse of pink before it was slammed shut. It should've been a small relief she hadn't been gone for long after all, yet his brows furrowed as he felt his morale start to sink. She was becoming more difficult to read as time passed. So she thought about an early bath after all, but wasn't she aware it was occupied if she didn't want to stay?
The thought bothered him. They hadn't bathed together in months, so he shouldn't have been so disappointed by her reaction. Did he honestly expect her to take in a good look, or for him to quip about the intrusion before she could turn away? What good would any of that have done?
As soon as he finished his rinsing, he pulled out her seat and checked the bathwater before exiting the room, rustling the towel over his torso. He paused when he unexpectedly spotted her sitting by the door, arms and tail curled around her knees. She didn't even glance up at him, though he quickly averted his gaze in the off-chance she were to yell at him for staring.
"I already prepared the bath for you," was all he told her before he strode for his study. Just as he was closing the door, he watched her slip inside, and he slowly took a breath.
Steam coated the water and left condensation on the tiles, carrying the faint scent of lavender through the room. The tap was still dripping while Mew peered dully down into the tub, eyes hovering on a tea bag sitting by the drain. She wasn't going to soak after washing, anyway, but that was a suspicious sight. Just what the hell was Mewtwo plotting in getting her to come out smelling nice? Was he trying to tell her something about her hygiene? What was his end goal here?
"How disgusting," she darkly muttered.
Plopping herself on her step stool, she soaped up the wet washcloth, but didn't stop even when the bar snapped under her fingers. The squishes were nothing but white noise, and the tinge of fir mixing with the lavender was more of an annoyance than sweet. Wringing the cloth tight, she ignored how the suds dribbled onto her thighs, then balled it up to rinse and repeat.
Mew blinked rapidly upon recognizing her drowsy state, letting the gnarled washcloth hang from her fingers as she stared at the floor. Focusing her vision, she could just make out her dark reflection, but it was mostly a blur. It was probably for the best; she didn't want to see what she looked like. Sitting back, she noticed something else moving before her. Squinting, she could just make out a familiar figure looking at himself as well—no, he had his eyes on her.
Glancing up, the feline wanted to tell Mewtwo off for coming into the bath, but she couldn't find the voice for it. It had been a long while since they last washed each other, she could at least give him that right to get it out of his system. Letting out a small huff, she whirled around in her seat and held out the washcloth over her shoulder. "Do your thing, and then get out."
Nothing happened, not even a breath sounded. Her jaw hardened as a vein throbbed in her temple, her fingers curling tighter against the cloth. The silence was maddening, making her squirm impatiently.
"Well?" she hissed. "What're you waiting for? It's getting muggy in here, and I want to get out, but I'm not leaving my back dirty." She hadn't even washed her front, but she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction, knowing him.
There was a shift in the air, and Mew let out an exasperated sigh—only he didn't take the cloth from her. She flinched as the tips of his fingers raked slowly up and down her back, almost in a massage. Her mouth opened to snap at him, but she straightened her spine in response. With no resistance, her arm dropped to grip the back of the stool as she raised her head, eyes falling shut. She felt her frustration melt into the blissful darkness, deeply breathing in the heat that enveloped her.
His hands put more pressure on her lower back as he bent down, firm lips feathering the nape of her neck. The feline sharply sucked in air through her teeth, brows knitting upon recognition. "That's not what I meant!" she groaned, though she couldn't will herself to shrug him off. Her head tipped back when the clone leaned in further to circle around, nose skimming the soft flesh beneath her chin. "Mewtwo, you jerk..." was her next breath, steadily losing her train of thought. "Oh, Mewtwo..."
Her diaphragm went taut beneath antsy fingers, tracing along grooves of her sternum and edges of her rib cage. He mouthed her jawline, suctioning his lips to a faint, but rapid pulse as her heart pounded harder. She couldn't bring herself to turn her head in his direction, though she was twisting in attempt to get him to move. She was vaguely aware the washcloth had fallen from her grip, but she was more focused on how slick his touches were becoming due to perspiration.
Purposefully or not, his hand slipped to her thigh where soapy water still lingered. With it smeared on his palm, he immediately glided over to cup her groin, an action Mew knew he planned, but still found herself floored by it nevertheless. Scarcely able to tell the difference between fluids, she lifted her hips with a mewl through parted lips.
"N-Not fair—ooh!"
Slipping off the stool, Mew used it as a headrest as he quickened his pace, about to rub her raw. As she kicked out a foot, her toes bumped against an object, which she hazily noticed peeking over was phallic in shape. Scarcely moving from her spot, she dragged it over and squeezed it between her legs, gasping at how it pushed against her entrance when Mewtwo withdrew from her. She twisted it around using her thighs, marveled by the way it slid along the folds and put the perfect pressure on her clitoris.
"Please," she whimpered. "Take me, Mewtwo..."
He didn't take heed, his way of teasing her. A little frustrated at his lack of a response, Mew lifted herself and held his penis in place as she lowered herself onto the tip—only to struggle getting it to penetrate.
"Nngh... why can't you get in?" She bit back a yelp from an angled push, blinking down at the oblong shape. "O-Oh... when did you get so round? And so thick...?"
Abandoning the attempt at penetration, Mew hugged the base of the shaft and leaned in for a lick, moaning at its slick surface. Mewtwo never tasted that good, she recalled, but waived it off the harder she kissed it. As her mouth closed over the head, her tongue brushed against odd bumps she knew weren't there before, though it was driving her wild. How had she not noticed it before?
For a moment when she squeezed him, Mew wondered if he climaxed, but it was a sharper pressure that caused her to choke. Shoving him away, she was accosted with water and swallowed more stray droplets wrong, bending forward to cough her lungs out.
She flinched when the door opened a little too hastily, and she blearily stared wide-eyed at Mewtwo as he looked her over. "Are you alright?" he asked, sounding a little strained.
Something deep down inside her flipped from his concern, a prickling reminder of how he was checking up on her. It was quickly overridden with irritation at his interruption. "I'm fine," she snapped, still a little breathless. "How long have you been out there?"
"I was in the study when I heard you coughing."
Her ears flattened, not liking that he had an immediate answer. "That's a lie. You just want an excuse to come in here to peep on me."
The clone's brows twitched. "Why would I do that?"
Mew didn't know the answer to that, but she still didn't need a reason for why he had to barge in. She crossed her arms across her chest, twisting her back to him. "You've got a good look at me. Now get out!"
Mouth set in a thin line, Mewtwo roughly shut the door when he left. She waited until she was certain he wasn't listening in before grabbing the shower nozzle to turn it off. Refusing to get in the tub, she remained curled up where she sat, growing numb from her damp fur.
The lavender buds gone to waste, Mewtwo had to reconsider using the herbs as they were, but he held off on making any tea or more herbal baths with them. At first, he had to pick which stalks he could hide near where Mew would sit, knowing she'd throw them out if she found them. When that wasn't working, he extracted oil from a few when she was out that he decided to squirt near the furniture, by the windowsill, in the corner, wherever he felt she could still catch a whiff. But then she was moving around, and staying outside longer—which would've been a good thing for her to get sunlight and air if he wasn't trying to talk to her.
He sought to approach her about why she was regularly avoiding him and to figure out what it was about the attempts at aromatherapy that bothered her, but as always, she was dodging the questions or making accusations. He hated having his words twisted around and being condemned for showing concern for her personal welfare. It frustrated him that Mime had to tell him to "keep it up" when he gave the first progress report, because the doctor chose to hone in that she had "newfound" energy in leaving the house. She wouldn't let him accompany her, which was the desired effect in mending their relationship, but having any interaction with the outside world was seen as positive, even if he felt otherwise.
Every other night, the clone continued to do his research, including going back through the texts he had previously read to see if he had overlooked anything. Looking more into depression was a good start, though he felt it went deeper than moods. It had to have manifested sometime in her past, perhaps a previous trauma she had repressed that got triggered back to the forefront. Maybe there was something from her childhood that affected how she viewed adulthood, or just the lack of a parental figure in general. She had to teach herself, after all. It was probable she had gotten the wrong information of how to act or behave like her own species, instinct notwithstanding. She also had multiple mates in such a short amount of time, which had to be rather unusual behavior even in Pokémon. Her obsession (not a desire like previously thought) with wanting kittens had to have played a role—
Mewtwo suddenly halted his skimming and went back a couple of pages until a lone word popped out in italics.
Something clicked in his head he had been looking in the wrong direction. She was depressed, of course, but what led to it? Was she always depressed, or was it after the loss of the egg? She kept saying she "missed" him, always putting emphasis on it. What did she mean by it, exactly?
It was clear the textbook was only touching upon the subject given it took up a page-and-a-half. The main addictions mentioned were drug and alcohol abuse and how it caused chemical deficiencies, but that wasn't Mew. No, he had to go more into behavioral.
He searched through over half of the books he had on him until Mewtwo believed he found it. There was not much of it written (and the text noted it was considered debatable), but what he read brought him pause. He reviewed it, paused some more, and then read it again out loud, slower to take it in:
"...'distress about a pattern of repeated sexual relationships involving a succession of lovers who are experienced by the individual only as things to be used'..."
And the memories came rushing in like a tsunami.
"We must have sex for a month."
"There appears to be no sign of ovulation... Mew cannot remember her last heat cycle—if at all."
"Every one of them... they didn't care for me!"
"She had about fifteen mates prior to you, Mewtwo, give or take a few."
"Please take me with you as your mate."
"The night we met, I hated myself."
"I had thought for sure that he was going to be the one."
"I want kittens."
"You're no different from them! None of those bastards cared for me, so why should you?!"
"It's always the male that leaves. The female has no right in saying who goes and stays."
He remembered the dark thoughts he had after they had their fight and she went after Marjorie. There were all of the accusations that flooded his mind afterwards of her lying about her past mates and using him for sex. All the times she was coy, eager, brought to tears... how easily she yielded to him their first night... He wasn't in the clear, either, for having unintentionally fed into it once he accepted his libido, but he was uncomfortably correct.
"Oh, Mew..."
He shakily pushed himself up out of his seat.
"Ha... mmm—ah!..."
Pushing tiptoe on the mattress, Mew gyrated her pelvis to rub flesh against the palm of her hand before her fingers pinched. She pursed her lips and pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth in attempt to silence herself, but the temptation to sigh was too great. Flipping onto her stomach, she grazed her lifted clitoral hood along the wrinkled sheets and gasped into her pillow.
She didn't know where she was going with her thoughts of Mewtwo, if he was still licking her or allowing her to grind her hips into his abdomen. He was more-or-less just there gazing down on her and not making a sound. She once questioned his silence, wondering why only the sounds of her breaths and heartbeats filled her ears when usually she could hear his groans and the bed crackling under his weight. Not to mention the headboard sometimes thumping the wall whenever he got rough, which she hadn't heard in a while, either.
"Ooh..." She shakily reached out to grab the bars, and hoisted herself up to thrust her hips as hard and fast as she could. Outside of clitoral stimulation against his midriff, she didn't have the body mass to reproduce the same weight and friction to get the right rhythm she was looking for. But it didn't matter that she couldn't get Mewtwo rocking with her, she felt like she could still become one with him from the way she sank into him.
Mew trembled and froze as she gauged the moistness between her legs, but her orgasm still held off. She was just in reach, a few more brushes should do...
Her eyes blearily opened half-lidded, still feeling his name linger on her lips. She ached and twitched from ballasting herself, and though her skin was hot, the cold emptiness of the room kept her from feeling her own body heat. That was because he was always the source of warmth, from the way he would run his hands over her pelt as he held her to his chest to how his body would loom over her and shield her from moonlight. The back of her neck prickled from the thought of him behind her, noticing her pillow had replaced him without her knowing.
Swallowing to rehydrate her throat, Mew turned her head to look at the door like she expected him to be standing there, watching and waiting, perhaps even enjoying the view. He only just wanted to see her from a different angle, was all? Eyes drifting downward to watch him stroke himself, her claws restlessly tapped the bars as her hips jerked involuntarily. A squishy pillow was a poor substitute to his firm abdomen, but it had to do. She couldn't let him down.
Shifting her weight, a sharp gasp sounded deep in Mew's chest as a thick sheath suddenly pushed against her opening and slid past the tight walls. Tightening her grip as Mewtwo took her, she angled her pelvis while still keeping in contact with the pillow. Normally he didn't do it from behind because she liked looking at him, but for tonight she'd make an exception. At the risk of friction rubbing her raw, it wasn't often she felt two textures simultaneously touching her bead.
Panting thickly, Mew tearily glanced up to find Mewtwo had stepped up to the bed, penis still in hand as he hovered over her. She scarcely focused her vision past it at the lustful smirk that graced his face, feeling her mouth water as she crawled forward without further enticement. Grabbing onto him, she leaned forward to lasciviously lick it, running her tongue along the length of the shaft. The thought about its wooden taste was nothing more than a blip on her radar, her mind too clouded with desire. She couldn't take him fully into her mouth, although it didn't stop her from trying.
"Mewtwo... you're too big for me," she mewled, her lips cradling the tip. "Oh, God, you're so big..."
The withdrawal from between her legs left behind a wet prickle as she got off the mattress. She gingerly climbed on top of Mewtwo's lap, wondering for a brief moment why he wasn't laying a hand on her to aid in her balance. As she lowered herself on his erection, she twitched at the smooth push against her entrance—and she struggled to burrow him inside.
"H-Hey... why aren't you coming in?" she whimpered, wriggling her hips and stroking his girth. "Mewtwo... Mewtwo, please..."
She trembled the longer she couldn't open up further, her breath catching in her lungs. Something wasn't right, she always accepted him inside. She could take him with little difficulty, albeit not fully. Her thighs hugged around his stiff circumference when her vaginal walls constricted at the thought, feeling hollow, incomplete.
As Mew lolled her head back to meet his heated gaze, a thought teased from the back of her mind: Why not make him jealous? Make him beg to give you a good fuck.
She furrowed her brows slightly, unsure what that meant, but her eyes trailed back down to the pillows. Slowly licking her lips, the feline got up to return to the bed in a kneel, pulling one of the cushions between her legs. Running her palm along the creases, she skimmed her vulva on its surface for a test. A tingle spread upward into her abdomen, and closing her eyes, she hurriedly put pressure to curb the growing throbbing in spite of her need for penetration. Her stomach knotted, unused to the idea of her putting on a show for him, yet she was faintly acquainted with the smooth, rhythmic strokes.
"Aahhnnn... oooh... sh-shit..."
With a well-timed shift and squeeze of her thighs, she slipped her paw below to pull back the sticky clitoral hood and purred, rocking her pelvis in quick successions. Movement beneath her sent her sliding onto her backside, repositioning her legs out from underneath to keep them from cramping. Glancing up with a breath to find herself once again sitting in Mewtwo's open lap, Mew paused in thought, noticing his eyes had softened, as did his figure. He rolled his hips forward, and the feline was mesmerized by the rippling curves and perkiness that wasn't on him before—it was oddly feminine. Another feature she found unusual was she couldn't feel his genitals beneath her, but there was something wet pushing against her that took her a moment to register.
Since when could Mewtwo change sex? was her puzzled thought.
The feline realized she became breathless after another slick skim, and once she regained her bearings and stretched out a foot on a thigh, her hips lurched forward to keep pressure to her folds. Mewtwo moved against her, and with a deep sigh, Mew fell back a little bit and returned the thrusts. Gnawing on her bottom lip, she watched themselves gently rock back-and-forth against each other, taking in the size difference and musing how she could even rub up against anything. In her mind's eye, she recalled a vague memory of being in a similar flexible position, though she didn't have to stretch that much. What she had liked about it was how much her body cried in need for penetration every time flesh meshed, yet relished the lack of it all the same. Even long after the years had blurred the memory, it still remembered that heavenly sensation she had shared with another...
Oooh... oh God, that's good...
Sweat cascading down her body, Mew propped herself on her elbows and spread her thighs to quicken the grinding, panting through her teeth. The clone shifted again to go rougher, showing off some plentiful bounciness that made her gasp from the sight and lament that they couldn't press their chests together without parting. Fantasizing she had her own pair to caress, she let out a string of mewls at the warm moist rubbing on her entrance, even trembling from how frequently their clitorises flicked together.
"Yes, yes, oh Mewtwo, yesss!" she moaned, adverse to tearing her gaze away to tilt her head back, hands kneading her chest. "Ohhh, harder, push harder! It feels so good... so smooth... ooh!"
Hurriedly scrambling to her knees, Mew ballasted herself over Mewtwo's writhing figure and wildly lurched her hips, even angling more to stay connected. Hanging her head for a moment with a groan, her fingers crept up her hot figure, taut abdomen quivering at the touch. Before they reached her watering mouth, she whimpered when her lovely mate prodded and circled her puckered lips, the knobbed ends coated in thick fluid—her fluid—and a curiously furry texture. She opened wider to take it in, swiping her tongue along the underside.
Mew staunchly flattened their puffy cores together at orgasm, her eyelids fluttering and drool dripping out of her mouth as the object pulled out. She blearily watched her tail flop to the side, and once she slumped in exhaustion, stared down at herself. Her thighs still hugged the pillow to herself, her eyes slightly widening at the glistening wet spot that covered the entire bottom half. Slowly, she bucked to brush her throbbing vulva across it again, finding intrigue with its cooling stickiness and loving how it felt, but she missed the reciprocating pressure of a partner. Then she noticed the pinned tail, and as it bumped against sensitive flesh from sliding away, her figure spasmed and she tossed back her head with a startled gasp. Without meaning to, she met Mewtwo's familiar needy gaze as he eagerly jutted his erection more against her raw mound.
Although she had found herself grown used to (and wanted more of) the curvaceous Mewtwo, she managed a smile at how passionate he had become. "M-Mew... two... Ah... you ready to do it for real?" With wavering breath, her eyes closed and spine arched as he pricked her entrance, and her mate shifted forward to push her backward on the bed to claim her.
The sheets rumpled in his grip as Mewtwo fell to his knees, body limp. Resting his forehead on the mattress, he breathed heavily, vainly trying to divert his thoughts elsewhere while still thinking of Mew. He tried to button his lip to soften his sobs, but when her big, bright blue eyes locked on his gaze in yearning, he couldn't help a throaty groan.
There was no getting around that he could no longer hold back. It had been too long since he last held her, last kissed her, last knew her. He was beginning to forget her loving caresses, her gasps at his ear, her heel digging into his thigh, her tail looping around him as he entered her tiny body. He had five years' worth of memories to sift through, but they weren't the present time. Interspersed were fantasies of what he had wanted to do with her, of what he would like her to do. As much as he loved her, she was so reserved in bed, always having to be goaded with his touches into reciprocating. What he would give to have her take the initiative more, like when they were in the back room of the clinic and she took him into her mouth...
Mewtwo sat trembling as he watched himself unsheathe. She just had to be so delicate, didn't she? He could hardly be rough with her out of fear she'd break under him, and she could scarcely fully take him. That lack of trust in himself to not hurt her kept him from expressing his wishes and going all out.
You like having sex with her, he reminded himself, swallowing as his throat went dry. Stop over-analyzing it. So what if you cannot go all the way in? Not everything needs to be perfect.
A headache was steadily thrumming to life the more he struggled to think of something else, yet words such as "succession of lovers", "things to be used", and "addiction" mockingly circled around him. It didn't help that the voice in his head transitioned to Mew's like she was there whispering them in his ear. His member twitched from the thought, burning in need for her touch.
This is wrong. I should be with her to help her. And help myself—no, just her! It is Mew who needs help, not I!
Mewtwo gasped when fingertips gently skimmed his penis, and glancing down, he ran his thumb along the weeping tip as he pulled back the foreskin. What he'd give to have her there and bury himself into her frail. If she were any bigger, she could comfortably sit in his lap and throw her limbs around him, squeezing him closer to better match his momentum and breathing. Perhaps she could have a fuller chest, as well? Would she be firm pressed up against him, or would she be pillowy? Could she whisper her naughtiest thoughts against his mouth, and would she beg as his hands ran along her bouncy figure?
"O-Oh, Mew...!"
He nearly jumped out of his skin when objects clattered around him, removing his hand as he whipped his head around. There was no one else in the study with him, yet his books, papers and tools had been scattered on the floor. Exhaling a trembling breath as his heart pounded against his rib cage, Mewtwo moved to stand, but his knees were wobbling too much and his groin too hot to ignore. Hoisting himself to sit on his bed, he gawked at the mess before dropping his gaze.
Was I...?
He opened and closed his hands for a long moment to let it sink in, taking notice of how his softening member twitched the longer he dwelled on it. It felt like something in the back of his mind was scratching to get out, pleading to take over for a while. It was going to drive him mad if he didn't do something about it soon.
...should I...?
In an abrupt movement, Mewtwo strolled over to the door just to pause before it, staring at the wood. He didn't know why, exactly, he thought he felt Mew's presence outside. It was faint, possibly a result of them not being as close anymore, but it was her. Perhaps she had been startled by the noise and was coming to check it out—a thought that got his hand hovering at the doorknob, thinking about what expression she might have on her face. If they could talk it through, however, they could come to a solution together, perhaps even reconcile...
The tender notion then faded as quickly as it came, leaving behind an aching void. He was foolish for getting his hopes too high. Besides, he heard nothing beyond the door to indicate she had even considered leaving her room. Such a daunting thought accompanied him as he picked up a few books to return to his studies, but he couldn't take in any new information.
"This has been troubling you for a while, now?"
Staring listlessly at the floor, sluggishly kneading his brows, the clone nodded as Mime jotted down some notes. "It has only just been a week, but I can barely stand it," he murmured. "The more I fight it, the more I know deep down I am going to lose."
The morning sun still had of yet to ease its spindly rays into the study. Mew had her appointment earlier, which supposedly played out no differently from the last session in her being uncooperative in answering questions. He couldn't get a good look at her when she left, but she had seemed more restless. Mime had of yet to bring up anything that was said between them, which he concluded meant there were more private matters brought up as a result of the rift separating them getting wider. And as they jumped immediately into probing his mind as soon as he sat down, he was quick to get to his current state.
"Why does the thought of masturbation bother you so much?" The doctor took a quick sip of what little was left of his drink. Mewtwo couldn't figure out why it was Mew even bothered putting tea together if she wasn't going to touch her share. "It's clear here you do not enjoy it, so there should be no reason to be fretting over it."
Eyes drifting back down, he sighed through his nose. "It is because she is not there with me. I think about her so much that I sometimes wish my thoughts would manifest her before me, and we would be together again." Now that he was hearing himself speak his thoughts, he was aware of how much it sounded like he was sniveling. He had legitimate concerns, but there was a lack of coherency. It was somewhat embarrassing.
"Does it have any correlation with your lack of sleep? You've been studying well into the night, I take it?"
Mewtwo scarcely passed a glance at the textbooks he had sloppily shoved under the bed. "To be frank, I am unsure anymore. I only ever seem to have erotic thoughts, which just get worse the more I look into it. I thought a change of subject would help."
He was being vague about what he had been reading up on lately, but he trusted Mime to catch the hints he was dropping and push for more information. For some odd reason he didn't mind wanting to share his findings, even if it was just to clear his conscious.
Mouth scrunched in thought, the Mr. Mime scribbled down another note. "Have you ever desired sex before Mew?"
"No." The clone paused in remembrance, and not just for good measure. "At least... not in that way. At first the concept disgusted me, then upon looking into it further on a biological standpoint, I became intrigued by its hidden intricacies. Yet I had no desire for a mate, so my body never had a reaction. The night Mew and I consummated our relationship, I suppose that was awakened in me, though I did not recognize it. After some time passed, I realized I liked it, and that soon grew into a love for sex."
"That's normal."
He almost chuckled, wishing he could believe it. "So I love sex because I love Mew. Or do I love Mew because I love sex? Which was it that awoke inside me on that night?"
"Males develop emotional bonds with their mates through intercourse," Mime explained. "That's just how dopamine works."
Mewtwo could believe it. He never dwelled on it, having always been too high with bliss each time they rested after intercourse, but he had found it curious how easily he opened up to Mew a little more as they lay together. It had tended to ebb by the morning, though gradually over the years, it steadied out to where he equally enjoyed his time with her at all times of the day. She became his closest companion, and before he knew it, he had stopped inwardly struggling over the thought.
Perhaps that was due to all the sex they had, and subconsciously he knew that had a grip on his emotions. His mind, however, wanted to prove it wrong. "That may be how nature designed it to work, but Mew and I defy nature just by being together. I had to have loved her before we became mates. After all, she had fallen in love with me by then."
"How did you know?"
A quick palpitation of his heart almost kept him from answering. "She told me. Why else did she come to me to become my mate?"
There was a small rattle behind him that perked him up, but he figured Mew had just left the house and he dropped his eyes again. Mime hemmed as he mused, "Your stress levels need to decrease if you wish to help Mew."
"But if she loved me," the clone continued, his thoughts running off the rails again, "then why did she leave me?"
"Mew never left you, she isolated herself."
He just shook his head for a moment. "I do not like being alone. I was alone for so long that I became numb to it, to the point you could say I was used to it. Yet I feel like despite the circumstances surrounding my birth, I was not meant to be alone. My creators were there, but I had no connection to them. I was the only one of my kind by design, and it was as if the weight of the world closed in around me."
There was a sudden flash of an image that went by too fast to comprehend, but there was a feeling of nostalgia that lingered. When he tried to think back to it, Mewtwo hissed from a sharp throb in the back of his head. He was aware Mime got to his feet, and hurriedly turned down any aid he offered. Gently massaging his temple, he took slow deep breaths to dull the ache and quell his trembling.
"I... I had dreams in that cultivation tank," he whispered. "At first I thought they had happened, but I have no memory of them, so I wrote them off as just dreams. They were the most realistic dreams I have ever had, however... It is not a pleasant feeling to have, so I do not dwell on it much anymore. But there was a time when I went looking for that place in my dreams, even sought out the faces..."
"Faces of whom?"
He gritted his teeth as he fruitlessly tried to recall the images. The best he could conjure up was a simple white dress, perhaps the shapes of small Pokémon. "I cannot remember. I get excruciating headaches just trying to think back to it..." His gaze drifted to the sunlight that finally started seeping in, a sight that he oddly wasn't happy about. He seethed at the tiny pools of light, almost daring them to touch his skin.
Dr. Mime seemed to have noticed his mood, but didn't comment on it. "What was your life like before coming here, Mewtwo? Were you always alone?"
Still leering at the light, he shook his head as he slumped back in his chair. With the confidentiality of their session in mind, he answered truthfully, but sparsely, "I had created clones like myself to combat my loneliness, albeit for a more selfish reason. I was close with them, but at some point we all parted ways. The odd thing is I did not mind being alone after that. Perhaps it is because I had a choice in the matter, and I chose selflessly to let them all live their lives. I had made my own decision to live the way I did, and I was content with it."
Mime hadn't written anything down in some time, which Mewtwo was secretly relieved about. He listened intently with small polite nods here and there, and he hardly showed a reaction to the glimpse of his past. "And yet you fear loneliness," he noted, his tone of voice calm to show he had no intention to poke holes in his statements. "Perhaps that was one reason why you chose to become mates with Mew, because the opportunity presented itself to combat it?"
He mulled on it for a moment to gather his thoughts. "I had been used to the concept of loneliness that if I did fear it, I was unaware of it. I had taken it for granted, but five years living with Mew allowed me to recognize the opposite feeling of what I had known—of what I was missing. The thought of turning her down that night is almost alien to me now."
"Would you have asked Mew to be your mate?"
Mewtwo's brows furrowed in discomfort before shaking his head. "Never on my own terms. If we had gotten to know each other longer and I had developed an interest in mating, I could have considered the thought, but I do not believe she would have been my first choice. What got a hold of my attention then was she was the one to approach me, and it was difficult for her to do. She was the most... nervous I had ever seen from her."
"Nervous" was too simple a word to describe what she was like that night. He used to smile fondly at the memory, but further analysis brought to light the implications behind her anxiety of being less "nervous" and more "desperate". She was bold in telling him her feelings, that he admired, yet he had felt something breaking under pressure that she tried to keep at bay. As much as she ultimately had him wrapped around her little finger that night, it was an emotional tug-of-war that they called a truce on to join in union.
Mime shifted his weight as he picked up his cup. "Want my educated guess?" he asked for permission, which Mewtwo nodded for him to continue. "You observe a lot, Mewtwo, soaking up information one after the other and seeking out answers to get a better understanding of how or why the world is the way it is. Curiosity is a trait that's commonly associated with younglings, but it's healthy to ask questions, to stimulate cognitive development. This is because you cannot gain experience from just being a bystander, you must become a participant."
The doctor paused to finish his drink, giving the clone a moment for it to sink in how perceptive the Mr. Mime was. He recalled the many crossroads of life he had come across that crafted his character: his many accomplishments and mistakes, the lessons he learned, the wonders he saw, the people he met. Every crucial point of his life was a result of him taking action when he could've easily remained an observer. How much more different would his life had been if he had been more accepting, more quiet, or just more obedient? Could he have still chosen his own path as readily?
"If you had chosen to not accept Mew as your mate," he resumed, cup still in hand, "you might not have been able to learn of your fears, at least not as fast. You would still be walking the earth and still be content, as you put it, but would you have ever faced your fears? Ever come to terms with them? Ever been able to live?"
Mewtwo winced slightly at a quiet whisper in his head, but he couldn't bring himself to bring it to Mime's attention. He could sense the session had come to a close from the way he wrote something down on his clipboard and got up from his seat, and prolonging it sounded selfish. While he felt the doctor would be intrigued by his thoughts, learning about why "life is wonderful" was a long-term goal he wanted to answer on his own.
"I find it interesting how you two are so far apart from each other, and yet you share the same concerns," he mused out loud.
The feline blinked in surprise. "We what?"
Mime quirked a brow, tucking the clipboard under his arm. "I've been doing a little digging of my own, and found it's quite common for two psychics—of any species—to share psychosis. But it almost always leads to disastrous results."
Mewtwo wasn't liking what he was eluding to, but he cautiously leaned in. "...we have become psychotic?"
He canted his head from side-to-side. "Not necessarily. Psychics have to be extensively trained from a very young age to control their powers to keep their minds from falling apart, but even the most senior of psychics can fall victim if they're not careful. There's a human term for it: folie à deux—madness of two. It's been mostly documented with lower-leveled and poorly-trained psychics, so I just can't help wondering the effects it'd have on someone of yours and Mew's stature. You're still grounded in reality for the most part, it's just been Mew who seems to straddle that line. And from what she's told me, she must like it that way."
As much as he wanted to know more about the condition, something told him the double entendre was intentional. "Pardon?"
"I don't feel it's a coincidence you're just as hung up on your lack of sex as she is, Mewtwo." He gave a stern stare that made him nearly look away. "I've told you to talk with her. When you're not, she loses what it's like to have companionship while still desiring it. It will become more and more difficult to get her to stop engaging in fantasy the farther away you two drift from one another. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't gone off looking for an actual body yet."
Unintentionally, Mewtwo rose to his feet with clenched fists and teeth, his gaze hardening. "What are you implying, doctor? That Mew will become a whore?"
Mime was unfazed by his sudden behavior. "That's not what I'm saying at all. How about you, Mewtwo? Have you ever had or are currently having thoughts of Mew being a 'whore', as you're accusing her of?"
His mind cruelly overlaid a recording of himself reading the definition over an image of Mew sprawled beneath another male, one of many he had thought of in the past week. Quickly regaining his composure, he shook his head and went over to his desk to hunch over it. "...I... I do not want to believe it..."
"Pokémon being promiscuous is nothing new, but putting such human terms on their behavior is hardly fair." He found himself agreeing with the doctor, though he still couldn't relax his tense muscles. "Many Pokémon have multiple mates in their lifetime, although that typically means having offspring with different mates. And mating for pleasure is limited to a few species, it seems, though exceptions exist. I'm going to be honest that given the rarity of her species, it's plausible she was just prone to it."
"If she is tired of me, she should have just left," Mewtwo hissed before he could stop himself, whirling back around to face him. "But it was Mew who suggested we be mates for life."
"...I see." Dr. Mime let out a slow sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced outside. His voice then lowered, "This community is quite the oddball, Mewtwo. Most everyone here has had more than the one mate, and yet the mates they do have are the ones they are raising children with. And here, of all places. This is not a breeding grounds, it is just someplace humans don't travel to much."
"What are you getting at, doctor?"
"Outside of you and I, no other Pokémon here has had human interaction. My hypothesis is the Pokémon who have congregated here with their mates are all wired differently from the general population. And as the need for companionship is hard-wired into our DNA, like-minded individuals will always find each other, someway." He gave a small, sad smile, age showing once more on his face. "Mew has everything she needs here to recover, but only if she allows it, and if you are open to it. I know you truly care for her, Mewtwo, but something has got to give if you two are to move forward."
At that, Mewtwo reluctantly dropped his eyes to stare at his hands, his destructive hands.
He offered to go with Mime back to the clinic for the mere purpose of returning the books, but the doctor insisted he keep them on hand a little while longer. And as he lingered in the doorway to watch him depart, his thoughts went over what he said as well as the concerns of their neighbors. Glancing at the bare soil that once flourished with Mew's handiwork, he wondered about the gift of herbs Lil had dropped off. They were more for calming purposes than seasoning, and far as he knew they hadn't been touched since he stored them away.
He hadn't used all of the sprigs, but there was a limited amount, and he was running out of a few of them. While grateful for the gift, he knew they couldn't keep leeching off their neighbors' generosity. Even if it was just to calm her down with scents (which she was consistently rejecting), he had come to accept he wasn't doing a proper job at it. But on the off-chance it were to start working, he'd need to have the knowledge to do it, as well as regular access to supplies. Though in being honest with himself, it was so he could have a way to clear his head.
Mewtwo thought about telling Mew he was heading out, but as the bedroom door had been closed since leaving the study, he believed she was getting a little more sleep. Besides, he figured he wasn't going to be out long, and he'd be back in time to fix themselves breakfast. And so, he exited the house to take his first step to starting his new nurturing hobby.
One of the hands running along Mew's chest slid up to poke its knobbed fingers inside her mouth, subduing her moans just before she curved from soft skims between her shoulder blades. Breathing sporadically through her nose, the feline rubbed her cheek against the muzzle nestled in the crook of her neck, writhing her hips in tandem with the pelvis digging into her backside. A leg snaked over her thigh to draw her closer, and the unoccupied paw raked grooves down her abdomen. Their tails coiled out of reach, tips stroking, with the thicker appendage easily pinning the smaller of the pair.
There was movement as her partner feathered up her face to lick at her ear, bringing her to bend backwards without breaking skin contact to catch a quick kiss. The freed fingers held her by the chin to keep her still as their tongues danced and explored, Mew's heart fluttering from the dual wet texture of their mouths and between her legs. Without parting, she half-flipped onto her back until their chests brushed, dropping a hand to knead a firm breast.
Mewtwo was going the extra mile, having remembered her unfulfilled desires and changed much more than physique to meet her conveniences. It had taken a few trysts and some trial and error before the transformation could come smoothly, now at the point where the clone was ready at first eye-contact. Not that the rosy feline wasn't satisfied to begin with, it was just that the new form tired less and was softer on the body no matter how rough they would get. Though it amused her that the sex had gotten better as a result...
She sighed into the kiss from the memories. Even as their pelvises met and slowly rocked in yearning, Mewtwo still fondled her, burying deep inside to blindly search for a raw spot. Mew whimpered and swerved her legs around to rest them on the shoulders, sinking far enough into her pillow to sloppily break away and gaze up at her beautiful mate.
"We know she's not real."
Her eyes snapped over to peer at what had to be a mirror sitting at the foot of the bed. At least, she thought that was what she was seeing, but it was just a lone figure of herself, staring at them with contempt. Brows furrowing slightly at the interruption, Mew muttered, "Why should it matter?"
A shrug, glassy eyes narrowing mischievously. "Because the real one feels better."
As Mewtwo pecked along her chest, she winced from a small twist to sensitive flesh. "What real one?" she grunted out.
Her reflection's face curled slightly into a devious smile. "'What real one', indeed."
A moan escaped her parted lips as the clone sat up to impatiently grind their crotches together, her ankles slipping from the momentum. Mesmerized by how the breasts and curves swayed, their hips gyrated with irregular speed for a few rounds without parting. Mew's heated cries then petered out upon noticing her other self hadn't moved from her spot, let alone changed her expression. Growing self-conscious about her performance, the feline reached up to grip tighter and lunged harder against her, breaths shortening out over swift slapping flesh.
"Hah-ha-ahh, Mewtwooo—AAUGHH!"
Her voice suddenly contorted with anguish at a bolt shooting up her legs, a result of harsh penetration. Feet still hovering at Mewtwo's hips, she was distraught to find he returned to normal in size and anatomy inside her, though their eyes didn't meet. She convulsed from the increasing thrusts, realizing the pain had extended further into her abdominal cavity like a dull knife searing into her flesh.
"Mewtwo, wait!" she gasped, tightly gripping the pillow. "Y-You're too far in! It hurts!"
A quiet laugh vibrated at her ear, hands gently cupping her jaw from behind. "'It hurts'?" was the coo. "But don't we like pain?"
Mew threw her head back more to gape up at the sly smirk plastered on the illusion's face. Her legs tingled from the blood rushing to her hips, having an unsinkable feeling Mewtwo wasn't going to slow down any time soon. Shaking her head, she whimpered, "O-Only the good pain!"
"But if pain hurts, how can it be good?"
Her eyes fell shut with another cry, growing nauseated from her rocking. "Mm-mm-mm... M-Mewtwo hurt me..."
"Oh, yes," her double sighed, sounding lost in a memory. A paw gently slid up to touch her cheek, slowly tracing a circle, and she realized it felt too real to be a mirage. "He was very sorry, wasn't he? Though he never did apologize for the other time he hurt us, has he?"
Mew squirmed once she dropped from her face to her chest. When their eyes met, a sinister gleam flared in her still-faraway gaze, and her paw slipped down her figure to cup her clitoris. Sharply gasping and bucking her hips, the feline reached up to push her away only to end up fondling hers as well.
"If he were like the other males, we'd have left him a long time ago, wouldn't we?" she purred, slowly swaying to her touches. "At least then, he wouldn't have had the chance to hurt us."
Distantly, she realized Mewtwo had pulled out of her, but he didn't move away. Her abdomen quivered when his hand caressed it, weaving around her reflection's arm but moving no further up than her ribs. Mew darted her gaze between them, her breath catching at the smoldering look they shared.
"So why does he stay?" her other self continued to whisper, leaning in closer. "Why do we still want him inside, even though he hurts?"
A quiet whimper was silenced when their lips touched right as their fingers entered each other. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds until she pulled away for Mewtwo to take her place, hardly giving Mew room to breathe. The difference in pressure sent her mind spiraling, opening her mouth out of habit for him as she stroked his jawline with her other paw. Images flashed through her mind's eye of her mate holding her, seeing him shrouded in moonlight, covered in dust, reclining in the bathtub... resting on his side as they held hands.
"It's because he's a good lover."
Mew couldn't tell if she said it against his lips, or if it was from the mirror image of her. She mewled when his thick digits also fondled her, not seeming to mind the second hand already preoccupying itself with her. Pushing up on tiptoe to encourage them to go deeper and flattening herself on the bed, she slinked her tail between his thighs.
"But that's a lie."
Her heart skipped a beat when Mewtwo forcibly lifted himself from her like she burned him, yanking her tail away. Exposed and aching, she mourned the loss of his touch and dropped her hands until another twist disoriented her thoughts. Turning her head, she froze at the icy glare drilling into her soul.
"It's because you don't love yourself."
Even if she wanted to, she had no rebuttal to give, instead quietly admitting to herself there was truth to it. Laying a paw over her heart, she willed herself to break the gaze upwards for the ceiling, thinking of the nights she and Mewtwo had worked at trying to get her pregnant. "I-I just..."
"What good will having kittens do for you?" was the retort. She winced at the harsh tone and from when a hand roughly caressed her stomach, claws lightly scratching her skin. "You were happy to know you being infertile meant having all the sex you could milk from him."
"No, that's not—" Her voice stuttered when her reflection compressed herself into her side, mouth peppering along a shoulder. A leg hooked over her hips to roll her closer while the petting increased. "Get off!" she gasped, shoving her away.
"That's all you're ever good for, sweetheart," the shadow drawled, licking her lips. Her frosty irises roamed her body as she giggled. "You're just a good fuck. That's as unmotherly as it gets."
Mew rapidly shook her head, trying to crawl away from her prying eyes only to find herself in a warm lap. She let out a yell when strong hands held her down, spreading her legs for room. "Hey, wait!" She shivered at the lecherous smirk on Mewtwo's face as he rubbed his erection against her slick entrance. Looking up to find her double smiling fiercely and her fingers suggestively hovering parallel to her clitoral hood, she didn't need an explanation for their intentions.
"I've gone mad," she whimpered to herself, eyes tearing up. "I'm in a bad dream."
Chuckling under her breath, the second Mew strode forward with a swing of the hips. "Your fantasies get wilder every day, toots. But it's what you've wanted."
"I-I didn't want this! I swear!" She tried to throw off the hand when she was gripped by her chin.
"But you do want to know what it's like to mate with another of your species. It's why Mewtwo's so irresistible." Mew gritted her teeth to bite back a whine, squirming uncomfortably from the intrusive erotic thoughts that suddenly bombarded her mind. "And with two of us here before him..."
A commanding look was shot up at Mewtwo, and he released her, allowing her to be swept up in the other's tail and pulled into a body hug. Try as she could to fight her way out, she was forced to keep eye-contact as her figure was felt up, unhurried and sensual to relax her tense muscles. She could scarcely stay afloat, but was too tangled up in the appendage and probing limbs to even fall away. A teasing nip to her neck got her to jerk and grab on, her breaths growing shallow.
"Why're you doing this?" she managed to choke out, scrunching her eyes shut as a finger stroked her mound.
"Because it is what you want," was the sultry purr, snouts bumping when she raised her head. "Deep down, you want to mate with another Mew, but alas, it's just been you." She chuckled, her breath ghosting over her lips. Mew's mouth dropped in a strangled cry when her labia was pried apart, feeling hot liquid oozing down her inner thigh. "Mm, slippery. Just the way Arceus intended."
She was then pushed to the bed, her assailant straddling over her hips. Wrists pinned above her head, the feline looked up in time to watch her duplicate lean in for a full-body massage, putting the most pressure on her abdomen. She found it difficult to breathe from the added weight, but more-so as she twitched against her each time her teats were stimulated. Her legs flailed to kick her off, but they were wrestled down in return and entangled beneath her.
"Stop fighting it," was the demand, angling her backside upward. "You like how it feels. Yield yourself to your desires as before."
Weakly shaking her head, Mew gave a pitiful mewl, "No, please..."
"And leave Mewtwo unsatisfied?" A nod was gestured in his direction with a click of her tongue. "You're such a bad mate and a bad tease. This is a rare sight for him, so at least have some courtesy to give him a good show."
Her eyes flickered briefly over to where he sat, taking note of the thin film of sweat being smeared along his swollen penis. Quickly turning her head away, she whined at the lick to her jugular, feeling her vaginal muscles automatically squeeze. "I-I..."
"Would you like to be on top, instead?" came the muse, a smile quirking on her lips. "That should be more empowering."
With little effort, she rolled themselves over so Mew was forced to peer down at her shadow. Her neck too tense to keep up for the moment, she collapsed into her hold, their lips meeting as a result. A hand gripped the back of her head to prevent her from moving away, the kiss growing in vigor. She hardly could keep up, her muffled protests quietening down to contented moans as she became accustomed to letting her partner lead, their bodies pressing closer. The only ineptitude she felt was whenever they tongue-kissed overtly and messily, done to give Mewtwo a better view.
Gradually they slowed, resorting to licking and nipping each others' lips to catch their breaths as hands wandered. The rapid sound of wet flesh came to a grinding halt as a groan rumbled from the clone, and Mew choked on a gasp when she felt drops of sticky fluid splash over her back, returning her to her harsh reality. Feeling a little sick to her stomach, she squinted down at the bottom feline, disturbed by how she leered beneath her lashes.
"Turn around, slut," came the growl, tongue between her teeth.
Gulping, Mew shakily lifted herself to turn in a half-circle, purposefully avoiding looking at her lone spectator. Resting once more on her belly, she glanced down at the glistening mound, hesitantly pulling it back for a better look and feeling herself widen as well. When she flicked the fleshy nub, she, too, jerked from the same touch. Easing a leg to the side to make room for her head, she cautiously leaned down to pucker her lips on the clitoris, wincing at the skim of teeth from below.
That shouldn't be happening, her thoughts whispered anxiously. How am I—
"Lower," was the murmur behind her, claws pricking her hindquarters.
She tried again, brushing her lips to sensitive flesh. The movement was also mirrored between her legs, making her breaths quicken and her stomach to churn. "No, I-I can't...!" she attempted to gasp.
"Do as I goddamn say!" came the hiss, and she squealed in surprise. "Use your tongue and lick me like the bitch you are!"
Mew half-expected Mewtwo to step in and stop it, perhaps even pull her into his arms where she belonged, but a swift glance in his direction crushed that hope. Trembling, she gave in to the demand and ran her tongue along the bitter folds, trying to ignore the same sensation being done to her but failing. She couldn't prevent a moan from emitting in her throat, didn't miss the slight differences between the slimy textures. They started to move their hips, as much as they held tighter to keep themselves still.
There was something about her scent that was catching her off-guard. It might've been the familiarity of it, making her question what was her species' natural musk, but it was being covered up by the pheromones. Pheromones, she realized, that she shouldn't have even been affected by if they were coming from herself. And yet, it got her to think past the wild tang that bit at the tip of her tongue to delve deeper and faster, getting the same treatment in return.
Was this how Mewtwo felt each time he had his head between her thighs? Although she wasn't a fan of the taste and couldn't speak for him, did each lick and each breath drive him just as crazy?
Her neck still ached, and there was a pinched muscle in her back, but she didn't want to be snapped at again. Pushing her cheekbone into the inner thigh, Mew dabbed at the side of her clitoris, keeping brief contact as she circled around it and ended with a gentle suck. She fought back a whimper as her pelvis spasmed, nearly ramming herself into her partner's face.
"Having a hard time up there?"
It was an oddly teasing tone when it had been just minutes ago she was getting jeered at. She wet her dry throat, still keeping her head down. "U-Um... I can't hold this pose..."
She heard a soft apathetic scoff until it was replaced by a sigh of disappointment. "You need to work on your flexibility. Same goes for your technique."
"But I've never done this before."
"You were thinking it earlier." She yelped in shock when a hand smacked her behind. "Now get up, but don't get off."
Taking it easy to stretch out her back, Mew scooted herself into a sitting position while remaining on her knees, glancing over her shoulder to find a look of boredom on her reflection's face. She raised a brow up at her, then rubbed a thigh to her vulva, a tingle coaxing out a startled gasp. "H-Hey, no!"
"You should know your likes and dislikes, what gets you hot and bothered. You're still on top, so now act like it."
Unable to counteract, the feline gently pushed the leg away, then lowered herself to sit crisscross with a shaky moan. Like her partner had expected it, her hips immediately elevated to roughly grind against her, and passing a glance to their enchanted spectator, they then rolled in sync as voices fervently climbed. Flesh wasn't fully touching outside of some pressure and skimming to the clitoral hood, yet she could feel themselves become slicker and stickier with each swaying motion, accompanied by a yearning to be filled with something, anything. When grasped tightly in place, a succession of hard bucks got her to coo and push back more firmly in return as a pleasurable numbing spread further up her body, licking her lips in anticipation and hugging the bent knee to her chest. And for a euphoric moment, their duet crescendoed as their thighs squeezed and groins melded from a suction.
Flipping herself around to better look her in the eye, Mew kept a leg hooked over a thigh and straightened out flat, letting out a wailing sigh upon resting together at the pelvis. Their hips hastened their rocking, finding herself loving how their teats brushed every now and then the higher their ecstasy soared. Blinking down at her mirror image, she wondered what it was about her sharp, devious gaze that bothered her.
She jerked at a furry, bulbous end stroking against raw flesh. "Fuck me with your tail," was the command, just as she wriggled it inside without missing a beat. "Shove it in if you have to."
Whimpering, Mew obeyed, finding it not as strange a sensation as the thought implicated, and she slid through the cavity with ease. Then again, her tail was acclimated to her size, even though it wasn't enough—
As a pair of hands gripped her hips, she whirled her head around with a gasp. "Wait, what're you...?!" She could scarcely finish before Mewtwo entered another orifice, and she let out a scream at the stretching, yet odd stimulation that came from the penetration.
She didn't realize she had stopped pumping until her head was yanked back by the ears. "Harder, you fucking whore!" her partner barked. "Move your ass!"
"Ooh, you like that, don't you?" The laugh that burst out of her throat was cruel. "If you want more, sing for me, toots. Tell me you want me."
Mew really didn't, she wanted to have ended it long ago. But something inside her broke, too overwhelmed by everything she was taking in. Now she couldn't speak her thoughts, not when her voice was betraying her with moans that wavered from increased momentum. Sighs echoed in her ears, and her lips constantly craved for kisses, no matter how biting. Their legs were in a tangled mess to stay joined, almost pulling her away from physical contact with Mewtwo who appeared very invested in their sexual escapade. Before she knew it, she couldn't pick out his touches from her double's, and presumed he stepped back to give them room to tussle about and explore each other uninterrupted. Then losing herself to lust, she abstained his presence in favor of her shadow who knew the right parts, the right touches, the right positions to gratify the female body.
Once their mouths wetly parted for the umpteenth time, Mew noticed her vision hazing over and her hips pounding wilder as her groin went numb against her partner's thigh. Her arms strained to hold herself up, pulling harshly at the sheets as her head tossed back with every cry. Shifting beneath her with a naughty smirk, her reflection raised a leg to rest on her shoulder, slipping their mounds together with a squelch without slowing. Panting heavily, the rosy feline whimpered and buried her face into her hot collar, feeling her heart was about to pop.
Right at the very cusp of her orgasmic throes, she was flipped over and pinned onto her back, clefts smashing at an angle. Her voice tightened from a high-pitched scream, keeping her pelvis lingering in reach of skin contact as her thighs squeezed and figure quaked. She closed her eyes when they rolled too far into her skull, her hands reaching for something but only grasped space.
"Ooh, she came her brains out!" was scarcely caught in the void, a weight lifting from her. "Looks like Mewtwo never got that far. Well, as they say, 'No one knows you better than you'."
Air burned her throat as she struggled to remain conscious and steady herself. Sinking into the mattress, her fingers snagged the sheets above her head only to wince from the aches in her muscles. She was briefly aware of her double looking down at her, the thinnest of smiles on her face.
"That's a good girl," she murmured, leaving behind an electrical current each time she stroked her face. "Rest up, now. I'll take over from here."
Mew clenched her fists as she braced herself, but nothing came of it. She looked over in slight confusion at Mewtwo the moment he went up to the shadow from behind, wrapping his arms around her torso. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she moaned in encouragement, reaching back to pet his cheekbone right as his mouth pecked her neck.
The feline's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as she helplessly watched her mate ravish her other self. The passion increased when he ran his hands over her tiny body and nipped her skin with a growl. "H-Hey," she weakly rasped out, trying to lift her head. "What're you... he's..."
The icy stare silenced her as their tails entwined, a devilish smirk on her lips. "Just relax, Mew," she cooed, "I'm only fulfilling my duty as a mate. Just sit back and enjoy the show for once, maybe take some pointers." And she turned her head without breaking eye-contact to kiss him, moaning deeply as his tongue plunged into her mouth. The wet sucks between their lips seemed to increase in volume, laughs rumbling in their chests.
Mew's thighs involuntarily squeezed at the sight of Mewtwo cupping her crotch, taking in how his knuckles flexed as he pumped his fingers in-and-out of her. Her mate never touched anyone else but her and her alone, and his movements affirmed his loyalty. He knew the workings of her body, how to thrill her and get her to think of nothing else but of how his body felt draped over her. He valued their intimacy, building it up to levels she could've never dreamed of to the point she'd beg for him to please don't stop.
Even if the female he was fondling looked like her, it was obvious she wasn't her. Her touches were too possessive, her figure too curvy, her voice too husky. She looked at him with lustful eyes, not adoration. She kissed him too sloppily with such a dirty mouth, not bothering to try matching up. She was too loose, too loud, too wild to be her.
How could Mewtwo not see that? Was he too blinded with hormones to notice he was with the wrong one? Did she hypnotize him into thinking she was her?
Mew fought back a sudden wave of nausea upon remembering that night. Some of it was a blur, but only because it felt like she was more of an observer than a participant. Her body had moved and writhed to his touches like clockwork, yet her mind was left behind to pick up the pieces. She had the desire to love him back and strengthen their bond, but she was stopped by a thin barrier that she couldn't break, no matter how weakened it became when he had dived into her heart for a look. Even then, the knowledge of the egg's fate had been looming over her head like a guillotine, and with it the reason why she couldn't be in full control.
Mewtwo knew that and had tried to dance around the subject, to keep her in blissful ignorance so she wouldn't feel it when it eventually sliced through her. As a result, however, his heart wasn't in it. It hurt him just as much as it hurt her that they couldn't fully love each other.
She just couldn't recognize in time that he shared her pain with her.
Mew covered her mouth at the sight of him burying his face directly into her double's vulva, tongue drawing crazy circles over her folds and lapping up her fluids. Tiny paws gripping his head, she humped in tune to his movements, nibbling her lip. She dreamily glanced over at their little voyeur and let out a pleased laugh, loosening her tail to drop between his legs. He jerked under her touch, aiding her to stroke in the right spots.
Tears trickled down her cheeks. She didn't want to watch anymore, didn't want to know of the fire in his irises burning the brightest she had ever seen. If she had the strength, she could get up to pull them apart, snap him out of it, and remind him of why he chose her as his mate.
Her other hand had slipped its way down her body without her knowing, sinking into her puffy core to plug herself up. Her fingers weren't of his girth, the size she was most attuned to, but she just needed something to impede the throbbing. Biting down on her knuckles to stifle her sobs, she squirmed to get into a more comfortable position without drawing too much attention to herself.
Harmonious yowls broke her concentration, and her eyes refocused on the copulating pair, Mewtwo hunched on his knees and her other self on her face, pelvis in the air. Though her expression was unpleasantly distorted, there was a smirk quirked on her lips. "Ahhh, fuck, that's the spot!" she crooned, quickening her pace. "Plow my pussy deep, Mewtwo! I want to feel it all!"
Even though she couldn't find her voice, Mew felt her lips mouth the words and leave herself in a buzz. She wouldn't have dared say them, she felt her actions were more important, yet Mewtwo responded rather positively to such vulgarity. The act was too crude, too feral to even be enjoyable—but there they were, lost to euphoria and to themselves, not caring about who could come across them.
The Mewtwo before her was a different creature at this point, but she couldn't help feeling envious of the Mew he risked crushing beneath him. It was a side of him that may not even exist, yet he was confident enough in his little mate to show it to her. For all the times he believed himself unnatural as a product of science, the insatiable driving force of nature came instinctively to him as it did her.
She missed him... she missed him so much...
With a heavy sigh, Mew tipped back her head as her tail reached an opening, envisioning herself switching places. "More... more, Mewtwo..."
As he stepped onto the path for his house, Mewtwo's stream of positive thoughts kept flowing towards Lil, feeling he couldn't thank her enough for her help even with the impromptu visit (though it was no real surprise she was a morning person). He thought it a little embarrassing he was starting up a garden in the winter season, yet her gentle smile convinced him otherwise. She happily gave tips for the herbs and lent him the containers so he could start it indoors, although from the way she had danced about gathering them up, she was more excited that he was even taking up gardening. Far as he knew, being more adept in tinkering with scrap metal meant he couldn't possibly have a green thumb, but he didn't want the herbs to go to waste.
"Although what would Vic say?" he smirked to himself, amusing himself with the most viable responses of the pitcher plant should he ever learn of his new hobby.
He almost came to a stop by the fence, briefly sensing a disturbance in the air. Unsure of its origins, he inhaled deeply and hoisted the items in his arms to psychically sort them out. He had a good picture of how he could reorganize his study to be better suited for the plants, which he would get started on right after their late breakfast—
Blood ran cold so fast that he trembled and collapsed on a knee. It was muffled, yet the urgency in the tone sharply rippled through his body. Without a second thought, he dropped everything at the gate to hurry inside, nearly stumbling over the threshold. "Mew, what happened?!" he gasped, poking his head into the empty kitchen.
There came a sneer from the back of his mind, telling him he was crazy for being frantic until her cries interrupted it. Shooting his gaze down the hall, Mewtwo ran to grab the doorknob to find it locked.
...locked? Why would it be locked?
"...more, Mewtwo... your cock feels so fucking good!"
He stood frozen as he listened to Mew shout his name again beyond the wood. On top of her no longer sounding as urgent as he thought, she was audibly out of breath, but that didn't bother him as much as how brazen she became. It was rare for her to use harsh language even in anger, and the concept of "dirty talk" wasn't something they considered. He shook in place, heart pounding in his ears as he cursed under his breath.
Something was wrong.
Telekinetically, he turned the lock just as he heard the creak of the bed followed by another string of moans. "Mew, are you all ri—?" It was when he shoved the door open that he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.
Mew, draped upside-down over the edge of the disheveled bed, had an unfocused stare as her gasps became irregular, drool slipping down her cheek. Her raised hips gyrated to the rhythm of her paw and tail, which was plunging deep into herself at an angle. The other hand, palm slick with sweat, was tightly gripping the sheets hanging around her head and yanking it with every thrust out of passion.
"O-O-O—OHH! Oh, harder, Mewtwo! Fuck my brains out!"
The clone was sure his mouth was agape from the shock of what was displayed before him, but he couldn't feel his numb body apart from the icy chill that continued to run up his spine. He could scarcely stand to look at her as she deliriously writhed on the bed, and yet he couldn't turn away as if mesmerized. The taunting nag hovered in the back of his mind as if to further rub it in his face:
She sometimes screamed your name during sex, remember?
"Mewt... Mewtwoooo... God, yesss..."
Mewtwo involuntarily gulped as her moans echoed in his ears. The way she mewled his name triggered the bitter loneliness that made his core throb with every hollow heartbeat. His vision struggled between her puckering lips and puffy groin, suddenly unsure which to focus on. His curiosity went to a dark, sick place in wondering just what it was she was thinking of, in how it was she could pretend to enjoy herself without shame. And rising up from the depths was frustration he had been hoarding for a long time. He loathed that he was still around and still willing to make it up with her, and yet she refused him to instead replace him with some false image he couldn't see nor hear.
And he wondered if that Mewtwo could pleasure her tenfold than he ever could.
As her panting grew heated, Mew's tongue weakly ran across her bottom lip, her back arching and tightening in preparation. Her voice started to peter out, the sheets further rumpled in her fist, her midriff quivered when she ran her paw over her exposed teats, and tail blurred as her parted legs quaked from holding herself up. Feet firmly planted on the mattress, her body thrusted long and hard as her head tilted further back and her mouth widened with an inhale.
That all came to an abrupt halt once they made eye-contact.
Mewtwo shivered at the recognition that sparked to life in her wide, teary eyes, and noticed he hadn't been gripping the doorknob. Swiftly removing her paw and tail from between her legs, Mew rolled to sit on her knees and hide herself, her lower half visibly shaken up. The flush on her face darkened, drops of sweat clinging to her.
"M-Mewtwo..." she croaked out.
His heart painfully squeezed from the whiplash of her tone going from heated to timid. Trying to regain his composure, he just shook his head and waved his hand around. "No, no... d-do not mind me, Mew..."
"Mewtwo, I-I'm sorry!"
"Do not get up, Mew... That was rude of me to barge into our bedroom." He swallowed to find his mouth had gone dry from the strong scent that permeated the room. "If I had known you were going to be... busy..."
"Mewtwo, please! Don't be like that!" Tears cascaded down her cheeks, her sobs bursting from her chest.
He turned his head to finally avoid her gaze when his throat tightened. "I just remembered I need to be somewhere. I would like to return in an hour for breakfast, but I could always stay out longer."
"STOP IT, I'M SORRY!" she screamed over him.
"Actually now that I think about it, I may be home tonight at the latest. Do not wait for me." He then quickly pulled the door shut and rushed back to the front room, narrowly keeping his balance. His hand just touched the doorknob when Mew ran into his back, taking hold of his sides.
"I-I am late enough as it is..."
"No... no, I will not..." Mewtwo pried her off, pushing her back far enough to momentarily exit the house and close the door shut, psychically jamming it.
From behind the wood, he heard her wail and claw anywhere between the knob and the boards themselves, continuing to scream for him to not leave and chanting her apology on repeat. Too caught up in her own grief, she never once teleported outside, to which the clone was glad she didn't. Gagging back his sobs as the taunting image of her orgasming rapidly flashed in his mind, he collapsed against the door when his legs gave out, twisting his body to shield his now-flaccid genitals.
It was one of the longest days of his life. Unable to face anyone in the community, he had left to take a breather on the farthest side of the mountain range where he'd be left alone, but his attempts to meditate were futile with the intrusive damning thoughts. What once was his safe haven for self-reflection, solitude became his self-torture and a battle of wills he had no probable chance of winning. And he didn't.
He had tried to convince himself it was normal, that in their current situation it was the only way to find temporary relief, but he knew in his heart it wasn't. Mew had never once touched herself—as far as he was aware of. He wasn't always around her, there were days he was gone for long hours, and it was rare of him to be away overnight. If she had ever gotten urges at any of those times, it was possible she may have had a way to release it.
No, he knew her long enough to know she was too reserved for such a thing, even around him. So why did she do it? When did she start doing it, and how did he not know of it? There was no way it was her first time judging from her cries and position.
Exhausted in heart, mind and body, Mewtwo carefully timed out when she would start on dinner before he would step back through the door. He kept his entrance quiet, hovering in the living room to avoid seeing her in his line of sight, not ready to confront her. What prevented him from doing so was the heavy atmosphere that still pressed on his shoulders, a sensation he couldn't shake off. As much as he wanted to forget what he had seen and done (and he was positive he could wipe out his own memory on a whim), something nagged at him that it wouldn't make a difference.
He grunted under his breath as his loins started to burn again in need, looking for a distraction from the mental images. His eyes fell upon the table by the couch, and stared at the white envelope laying there. Within moments, he felt his insides drop as a memory flashed by, remembering he had not been happy about the delivery. He shakily picked it up and held it to the dying light as the sigma glinted at him. It hadn't been opened; that tidbit left an odd taste in his mouth.
Carefully, he peeled the sticker off and pried it open. A single, laminated card was tucked inside, front facing him. Taking it out, he gaped down at it, looked it over, and reread it. Then he barked out a small laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.
He received it months ago, and yet the printed date was only a few days away.
"You have got to be kidding me," he scoffed, yet couldn't stop smirking. He readied himself to rip the invitation in two—but stayed frozen when he noticed his hands were trembling.
"No, don't!"
Mewtwo snapped his head up to find Mew in the kitchen entranceway. Her face was still dark, but her eyes shone of anxiety. His brows furrowed a little that this was what she greeted him with after the events of that morning. "Why are you so concerned?"
"He thought of you, Mewtwo! Don't just throw it away like that!"
For a brief moment, he questioned how it was she knew what it was since it was left gathering dust; then it occurred to him the envelope had nary a speck on it. His heart ached at the thought Mew kept it unopened since it was he who was invited, even though she was the one who convinced him. Glancing down at the invitation, he let out a sigh through his nose.
"He will not get offended." Mewtwo tightened his grip on the card, and managed to tear halfway before Mew snatched his wrist to stop him.
"But you should respect his thoughts! You should go to the ceremony!"
Forgoing another question of how she knew it hadn't yet happened, he pulled himself away. "I cannot trust you can take care of yourself."
Her shaky hands continued to hover. "I will, I promise! If I have to, I'll stay with one of the girls while you're gone! But...," and she clenched them as her voice grew thick with melancholy, "...the nights will be lonely."
Mewtwo's core quivered from a sudden image of her curled in bed with both paws between her thighs. She ducked her head to avoid his gaze, quickly returning to the kitchen. Dropping the invitation on the couch, he followed after her, pausing by the table. She shot him a brief glance before turning her back to him and picking up a knife to chop a small bundle of celery.
"It's nothing, Mewtwo..."
As static as he was, he couldn't help shivering, sensing the uneasiness emitting from her. She had to be berating herself for stepping out of line after what happened. Staring over at the window as the last of the sun's rays dimmed, he slowly exhaled.
"Mew... please be honest with me," he muttered, noticing he sounded sober.
"I'm busy right now," was her quick response, her posture not once moving from her place by the stove. She started to chop louder, vainly making the attempt to end the conversation.
"I just want a simple response from you is all."
"Can you do it later?" Her voice was more strained and the slices even louder and rougher, as evident from the small pieces flying off the countertop.
"I have held off on this for far too long. Procrastinating will only make this more difficult."
The shunck! of the knife cutting the board pierced the air, Mew's ears flattening and shoulders rolling back. She remained in place, not moving to even crane her head for a glance. The only visible sign was the tip of her tail flicking in an irritable manner, and right arm trembling.
Silently and warily, Mewtwo strode into the kitchen to turn on the light above the stove, standing where his shadow wouldn't overlap with any part of her. He cautiously eyed the knife still in her hand, finding no reflection on its blade from the angle it had sunk into the cutting board. Then glancing at the boiling soup, he reached over to turn down the gas, keeping her and the knife in his line of sight. Though he knew she could see the movement at the corner of her eye, she remained still.
Straightening back up, he inhaled long and deep. "Do you want to stop being my mate?"
He heard a strangled gasp interrupt her breathing until she slowed it down. Her body twitching and squirming in discomfort, she continued to refuse looking at him as she quickly scooped up the celery to throw into the pot. It was a reaction he expected, but he did not want to play the quiet game.
"Answer the question, Mew."
"It's a silly question," she mumbled out, reaching for another bundle to chop.
He telekinetically slid it further down the countertop. She tensed and flattened her ears, her jaw locking up. "Fine, let me reword it. Do you want to end our relationship?"
Given where they stood, normally, Mewtwo would have disregarded the knife to drape his arms over her as he watched her make dinner. If not pouting about the teasing "keep away" game, she would be chatting about her day or anything on her mind, rolling her eyes or smirking at any joking remarks he would say. The kitchen would be livelier, more welcoming, their countenances brightening the atmosphere.
That moment had slipped past his fingertips a long time ago.
Despite the stinging silence, it was like he was the only one talking, his voice on an endless loop by reverberating off the gray walls. He remained still, numb to the growing emptiness inside as he waited for her to react, keeping an eye on the knife. Judging from how much she struggled to steady herself and breathe, she never thought he would ask such a biting question—or she was having second thoughts.
"I..." She paused to take a few more breaths. "I need time to think on it."
Mewtwo welcomed her response, knowing she was going to need it. "I will give you until after dinner," he stated, and then left for the study.
Just as he reached the door, he heard the knife sink once more into the cutting board as she sobbed. He stood in place, hand trembling on the knob, fighting back any conflicting emotions that were bubbling up. And he was losing.
Try as he might, as much as he wanted to, he could not convince himself that it was the right thing to do. They could talk about it all they want, even as civilly as possible, but whatever the decision was, nothing good was going to come from it. It was as if they were in a stalemate, yet were unable to, or refused to reconcile.
Such thoughts made it hard for Mewtwo to eat as he sat in the living room, waiting for Mew to finish. Where he sat, he could peek over at the kitchen to see her engrossed in her dinner, positioned so she wouldn't have to see him. The discarded invitation was still within reach, though he tried to keep it out of his peripheral each time he cast his eyes about. He didn't need anything else to add to the problem, and he hoped it would stay out of the conversation.
Mew got up to wash her bowl by the time he found the motivation to gulp the soup down. It was stone cold, but such a trivial detail didn't bother him. Whatever gave her a few extra minutes to collect her thoughts, even if it left a knot in his stomach. Just when she came into the living room, he exited to wash the rest of the dishes, avoiding looking over at her. He glanced over at her bowl on the rack, frowned at how poorly-cleaned it was, and rewashed it without a word. He tried to ignore how his hands shook, and to look past the size differences between the dishware, and not to think about how they were able to calculate the amount of food to prepare for the two of them with such normal-sized pots. It was almost pathetic how much he was stalling to reminisce about just the kitchenware. They weren't even made by his own hand like the house, yet Mew never minded.
Mewtwo forced himself to return to the living room, and briefly hesitated sitting down next to her. She made no attempt to move from her side nor stop him, which he took as a silver lining. The heavy atmosphere had lightened up some, but it still made him shift as he thought on the question once more.
There was no turning back now.
"I will ask again, Mew," he started off somberly, glancing over at her. His mate looked frail and limp, her pale skin more visible through her thinning fur. She only breathed, not a twitch to be seen on her. "Do you want to end our relationship?"
Her eyes remained distant, but she had heard him. "...I don't know..."
"Why do you not know?"
She covered the right side of her face. "I feel I should know..."
With a quiet grunt, Mewtwo turned away to pinch his brows. As much as he despised hearing the "I don't know" answer, it was her default response. It was already taking all of his willpower to remain calm and keep his thoughts on the matter at hand. If he wanted their talk to go well regardless of direction, getting into a shouting match was going to do much more harm. Though secretly, he was a bit relieved her saying "I don't know" guaranteed them an excuse to talk it over.
"...you're asking because you're not happy... isn't it." From what he gathered in her soft tone, it was more of a statement than a question. It pained his heart for her to point it out, but it was an excuse to spill his thoughts.
"Neither of us are happy. I cannot remember the last time either of us smiled, or were able to be confident that we were happy together." When he glanced over, her expression was still unchanged, though an ear flicked. "We no longer talk to each other like we used to, neither do we have nice things to say about one another. We no longer do anything together such as eating at the same table and sleeping in the same bed and... dating... Hell, we do not look at each other anymore. There is no life in this house, no interaction. We are always exhausted, we reject any support our... friends have tried to give us..."
Mewtwo had to pause to breathe. "There is literally no 'we' anymore... if it was ever 'we' and 'us'. It is just two strangers who happen to live under one roof. It is possible that if this relationship was never a 'we' relationship, then everything we did was more of a 'friends with benefits', so it goes in human terms. That was not what I wanted from the start, and I hope—I plead that is not the case."
Mew had dropped her arm and hung her head, but she remained unresponsive. It was almost insulting that she was coming off as emotionless while he spilled out his heart for her to see.
"So I will ask one more time. Mew... do you want to stop being my mate? It is just a simple 'yes' or 'no' response."
Her fingers twitched in her lap. "You're going to get mad," she murmured.
"I am not going to get mad," he whispered back, fighting back a shiver.
Mew opened her mouth in attempt to speak, but her voice kept cracking. There was a hint of a tear in her eye, though he wrote it off as either tiredness or her getting frustrated at herself for choking up. He slightly turned his head away, wondering if she wasn't comfortable being looked at to answer.
Mewtwo closed his eyes and covered his face, trying to muffle his sharp inhaling. He knew she was going to say that, and it pissed him off. But as much as he couldn't trust himself to keep calm, he held it in for her sake, waiting for more of her response.
She breathed enough to raise her voice. "No, I don't want to end this relationship. But because we're not happy, it should be the right thing to end it, right? It's just that... it's going to be so awkward. I don't want to not be with you anymore, but if we end this relationship, would that mean ending our friendship?"
Once he cleared his mind, Mewtwo straightened up. "If you feel it is the right thing to do, we will go our separate ways," he muttered.
She shook her head. "I don't want to... b-because we... we did so many things together... so many happy things. And..." He caught her shyly glancing up at him, her face flushing. "...And we had sex... Many times."
Her feeble voice pricked a hole in his heart. "What are you getting at?"
Her gaze faltered as she hugged her arms close. "You can wipe memories... right? If we separate, you will have to wipe my memory of this, or I'm never going to move on."
"I refuse," he interjected, brows furrowed. "I only resort to that technique when necessary. Erasing all memory of our relationship is going to do more harm than good. That is at least five years' worth of memories, Mew."
Her grip tightened. "I don't want to be sad anymore, Mewtwo... it's just that..." Struggling to keep her voice steady, she got up. Her tail dragged on the floor when she moved for the entranceway, quivering in place. "Even if we're not in love anymore, even though we don't talk like we used to... for some reason, I don't want to leave. We were happy. I know it because you were able to smile. I... we made this place our home, put our hearts and love into it. I love being home with you, Mewtwo. E-Even if we don't ever have children, we still have each other, and that is why we were happy."
She hiccuped from her sobs and braced against the wall. "I did this... everything that went wrong here... It was a mistake to care for that... that egg. It... she ruined—no... I ruined everything. I ruined our lives."
Mewtwo got up and startled her when he grasped her head to look her firmly in the eye. "Mew, no one is at fault, not you, nor Marjorie. She made a mistake, and she wanted a solution. She thought of you and how much you wanted a child." His hands began to tremble, and he quickly swallowed down the tears when her eyes lightened up. "You happily agreed to adopt the child—we both did. It just somehow was not meant to be. No one knew it was defective, we discovered it too late."
"I discovered too late, Mewtwo!" she exclaimed, jabbing herself in the chest when she pulled away. "It was you who knew something was wrong, but I refused to listen! Everything that happened is all my damn fault! Don't pretend it isn't, Mewtwo!"
He shook his head. "No, not everything is your fault. I turned a blind eye myself, believing you were happy... but you really were not. And as your mate, I should have caught that. Everything that got worse happened because I let it happen."
"Mewtwo, no—"
"Stop pretending it was all on you, Mew!"
"No, it wasn't just the egg! I-It wasn't just that... it was before then..."
"I know, Mew."
"Then why didn't you say anything?!" she wailed. "Why did you pretend everything was okay for five years?! God, Mewtwo, I trusted you! I loved you!" She hiccuped and rapidly shook her head. "And all while I couldn't even trust myself!"
She dropped her face into her hands in a vain effort to hold back her bawls. At the risk of setting her off, Mewtwo carefully reached out for her, cradling her close when she sank into his chest without hesitation. Although concerned she was sending mixed signals, he pressed his cheek between her ears as he rocked her, finding himself glaring at the thin moonlight streaming in from the kitchen and wishing a cloud would roll over. He didn't need to be reminded of their happier moments underneath the silver rays, neither he nor Mew were worthy of it. For it to shine on a stressful moment was like the moon mockingly spit on their faces.
He tilted his head to look behind him, laying his eyes on the invitation. Then burying his face into her temple, the clone gingerly murmured, "Let us leave tomorrow."
It took a bit more of silence before Mew's reply could be audible. "You sure?"
He briefly rubbed her shoulder. "Think of it as a vacation. It will give us a few extra days to breathe."
She sniffled and squirmed in his hold. "...thank you..." She lifted her head with a hand at her nose and mouth, tears slowly slipping down her red face. "Um... can you stay with me tonight?"
Mewtwo gritted his teeth to block the sobs bursting from his throat, but managed a small nod of assurance. "Of course... dear."
A tiny beam of gratitude graced her face, and she wiped her eyes before ducking her face into the crook of his neck. He held her close for her to weep it out as he made the rounds of securing the house for the night, purposefully taking his time. As he entered the hallway, she squeezed tighter.
"Mewtwo... how big is the other bed?" she murmured, still keeping her head down.
He paused in front of their bedroom door, mulling on her question. "It is fit for one person," he answered after a few moments of silence. "Why do you ask?"
She shifted as her head turned, but didn't pull away. "I defiled our bed..."
Mewtwo shivered, staring at the door. "It is all right... it was about time to make a new one anyway."
Upon pushing the door open, she let out a shuddering breath, curling more into his arms. "Don't! Please..."
Pausing to stare at the lunar rays as she sobbed into his chest, try as he could to push the unsettling memory from mind, he could still feel the heavy weight in his stomach rooting him in place. The atmosphere was unusually stifling, and not because he hadn't stepped foot inside for months. Mew was deeply troubled by whatever she did inside, a dark curiosity he knew better than to further probe.
She relaxed a little when he pulled it closed and he changed course for the study. It was still cramped, but not as suffocating, and the bed looked more welcoming. Like custom, he gently tucked her in on her side of the bed, allowing her to use the fuller pillow, then quickly tidied up the room to open it up more. Once the curtains were drawn to shut out the night sky, he hesitated to climb in himself, gauging the width and how scrunched up she'd be against the wall if he took up residence. Her eyes gleamed from tears when she glanced up at him, a look of concern in the blue depths.
"Is something wrong?" she whispered, hugging the pillow closer.
He didn't sugarcoat his answer. "There is not going to be enough room for you if I join you. Besides, I need to do some nightly reading before I retire to bed."
She sat up and scooted closer to reach out to him, but didn't even graze an arm. "No, it's... it's okay, Mewtwo."
"Are you sure?"
Slowly, she nodded, dropping her hand and stare to the blankets. "Y... You don't have to fall asleep, but... I want you to stay."
"I am not going to leave the room."
"No..." She then smoothed out the flat pillow, shyly meeting his gaze. "Here... with me..."
He silently chewed it over, fighting off a chill creeping up his back. He watched her eyes glaze over, looking almost as though she fell into a trance while taking him in. The clone saw a glint of what he interpreted as desire, perhaps longing. She didn't appear to be aware of her change in expression, even when he heard her breath start to hitch in her chest.
On any normal night, he would have fallen upon her without hesitation and made love with her well into the twilight. However, the differences between then and now were visible in the gap that separated them. He could lay a hand on her as he did earlier gathering her in his arms, yet he would receive no reciprocating stir in return. She could plead with her eyes, perhaps even envision the same scene as he, but she wouldn't handle any physical touch without breaking.
Mewtwo didn't deserve to be in the same bed, let alone the same room as Mew. He felt unworthy to even look at her, a broken soul he had unknowingly assisted in wrecking further when he wanted to help her. He had failed her and himself time and time again, and there was no rewarding failure.
And yet, his body disobeyed and slipped into the covers, facing her as they lay down on opposite ends of the mattress. As he thought, even when he chose to lay as close to the edge as possible, there was little wriggle room for the two of them, and they couldn't look away from each other. She didn't look uncomfortable being in close proximity to him, however, in which a cruel tease at the back of his mind reminded him that all she had to do was stretch out a paw and stroke his chin, and he'd be putty in her hands.
He blinked down at the open left hand, her delicate fingers nervously curling as if hiding themselves from his gaze. Her timid voice broke the silence, "Can... can we hold hands?"
He was going to ask, but chose to hold his tongue as he gently took her paw to lay in his palm. She grasped his thumb, shivering as his fingers brushed along the outside of her wrist. Her eyes drifted not in coyness, he realized, but in shame.
"Are you still going to be here in the morning?" she anxiously asked, pulling her tail close to her chest.
Though he had no intent to leave in the middle of the night, Mewtwo couldn't blame her for asking it. So he answered her with a nod, "I plan to."
Mew briefly crossed visions again and slightly hiccuped on a couple of breaths, tightening her hold.
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lizardfina-blog · 6 years
V Bad Story Endings Days 1-5
Days 1- 5 are the same for all three bad ends, except for the last chat of the day. Bad End 1 Days 6-7: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 Bad End 3 Days 6 - 10: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
There are many different paths to a bad end, this is just what I did. I can’t guarantee that choosing different answers or missing chats will lead you to the ending you want, so it’s best to just follow exactly what I did. I got really tired of typing really early on, and started paraphrasing. It should still make sense and the answers you want should be obvious ...oh, wait, looks like the line spacing didn't carry over, so some of the longer answers are two lines long >.< So, if it looks weird as the beginning of a sentence, it’s probably the ending of the line above it. Sorry for the mess ^^;
Day 1 – 27% 20:02 Subject of Interest Seven Welcome Jaehee Are you organizing what you found about me? Such aspects should gradually improve All I have to do is invite many people and raise the scores for my meter Your psychological settings are so complicated But why is this place off limits to outsiders? I’m a bad person How come? No one’s exploiting me I hope you’d start to trust me more Your looks are already more than enough ….. You do make sure you facial pores are open? Bye, sexy 21:34 Richness in Wine Good night. The stars are beautiful Do you like wines? It’s not a scandalous photo, is it? Congrats! Are you going to say yes? But aren’t you delighted? I think the question is not  whether you’d be a fine model, but……efficiency in relation to budget I’m curious too. Could you let me know the results? I see V likes wine too What were you two like in the past? I’m sure those days will come again Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to finish as a happy ending You two are such good friends Do you have an automatic timer in your head? 23:25 Intriguing Person Here comes the final boss You two make a lovely couple It’s a secret. Shh! You must be curious about my world I’ll call the police if you violate my portrait rights They were so wary of me The purpose of life is my bias Are you warning me? Is this a bug? Goodbye Ray VN: Come in I’ve been waiting for you It was fun! It felt like talking to actual people The black haired man in a suit Now that we talked about games, I want to talk about you Day 2 – 60% 01:19 Expectation and Uneasiness I’m sure he’s inside the phone Aren’t you going to sleep, Jaehee? Do you have a hidden backstory? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter That’s a true businessman A rich man and a celebrity? They sound otherworldly You can’t log in from abroad? That’s right! Please trust me! Why don’t you investigate that on your own? That can’t get any more suspicious. Do you know what those two shared? What about me? I like hearing about RFA You’re mean You must feel so complicated I agree. I doubt you can gain anything by suspecting each other You must be a grand master in handling Yoosung Don’t you suspect V? But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow I should go sleep too 02:44 Night of Reminiscence Good evening Jumin I’m currently holding information superiority What’s so bad about questioning I actually came from another dimension That’s the spell for teleporting, not shapeshifting That’s one elegant sense of humour Is that what you think? You’re cute I vote for a chat on RFA Was that spell for summoning V instead of shapeshifting? You’re drunk, Jumin I wish I could get a glass of wine too Do you have a drunken habit, V? Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting Your memories are too detailed, Jumin I know no such thing as sloppiness boy You two look just like you do now You asked him to be your friend? You were cute when you were young, V So this is Jumin’s drunken habit I think both of you should go to bed What’s that matter? Bean sprout is good for hangovers You two share a lot of memories Looks like Jumin trusts you a lot Do you think there really is something you can do? I don’t feel like sleeping yet 15:24 Recommendation of Trust Jumin have you read what V said Really? What is it? Jaehee ordered them for you? You collect antique books? That’s an elegant hobby Sounds great! Thou who art deeper than even blood Jumin you don’t actually trust them, do you? What matters isn’t the background, it’s the person V looks like a trustworthy person Recommendation please! They can take the cab You can find a guest that can match the vampire Jumin, epitome of trust Why don’t you like reading, Jumin? Why don’t you try trusting V? I think it’s good to direct your thoughts somewhere else Clear your head and come back 18:26 The Universe and the Sun Hello Is there actually such creation? I’ll invite it beep What is it Seven? Is something bothering you? Try me Here he is! My secret buddy! Can I get your autograph? I didn’t know you sell your autograph Don’t be so mean to him! That halo comes from your face Doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic Can you count me in? Those left behind should carry on But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party He’s gone Does V like the sun? Maybe the sun holds a special meaning Isn’t he busy? Go and call him now 20:13 Party at Saturn? Good evening Jumin But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine You two must be quite close! Pluto will feel lonely by itself. I understand. I don’t wanna do anything I think it’d be one exciting party You mean the dish itself? Sounds delicious Are V’s photos that high in quality? Wow I’ve never seen your selfie Cheer up Jaehee Really? I wanna see too I wanna see too! She’s so cute Can I have more picture of Elizabeth Maybe he’s an android? You can watch Zen’s DVD What too you so long, mr gorgeous? Did you de-stress at the spa? I thought those flowers bloomed from your face Zen do you know we’re having a party? You just had to hibernate today I wonder what kind of recommendations I’ll get Let me know what you think of the new DVD Your looks will bring better things to you Let’s have a nice party Me too! I’m so excited 22:38 Congrats I was sightseeing in the other room I don’t like flowers I’m just getting started? When will I see the ending? I wish you would focus on developing the game If you’re glad, why not materialize it than speak it? I prefer my home Ok, but only until the party is held This isn’t an illegal pyramid scheme is it? We didn’t chat much, you’re leaving already? Day 3 – 100% 00:31 Under the Shimmering I wanted to chill out more Your biorhythm will break I want to see V’s photos Are you in a motorcycle gang? That’s the thing, you can never find your license when needed Wow! It’s you when you were younger I want to chat with everyone Aren’t motorcycles dangerous What if something dangerous happens? How did the crash occur? It would have been serious if V didn’t follow you V, you should take photos of me Flowers? Where you Zen’s fan? You still look promising I lie low for a while You seem to be coming in at late hours. Are you okay? V you go well with wine! Don’t drink too much I’m like that as well I’m going to stay up late 02:46 Paradox of the Survival Ray why aren’t you sleeping You seem to have a lot of work There’s the modern convenience called the phone Wonder why it grew in two stalks One of it is like an extra giveaway I want to save the weaker stalk Rescue both A flower gained from the other’s sacrifice It was fun, with hidden morals and all Are you going back to work? 07:00 Take Care of Your Health Why don’t you lower the brightness I’ll get ready to write it down Can I taste it It’s not like the stakes are…. Send in an ingredients review Seems you have an innocent spot Jumin Throwing it out down the drain…something made with great difficulty Catching your breath is important Tell me more of this cleaning fairy Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret Jaehee good morning Too bad, you were this close You just came in. Already leaving? Isn’t it enough to have one friend like V? Can someone translate what Seven’s saying I thought it was funny Don’t forget to bring Sevenstar Drink V2 09:13 Back in the Days A morning meeting of beautiful people I’m ready to hit save When did you debut The story goes it was your girlfriend What photo did V debut with Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors I wanna be – most very best Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters My eyes are screaming with joy Jaehee, our professional Zen critic And like this, the number of photos in my folder… AI role? It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI Jaehee have a glass of cold coffee right now It’s a meeting with V’s acquaintance right? V’s dad… I wonder what kind of person he is He would have received hardcore education I like V’s humble attitude I think they pair well together You do know beer isn’t brunch Does V know about this I want to be friends with V Jaehee have a great day! 12:22 My Best Friend Not yet Of course! Friends are really dear You’re friends with flowers Daffodils I think I feel more close with friends inside the game I’m jealous I don’t feel it at all… I wish you’d be more obsessed Ray, are you working for this person? I think I would want to leave here Bye! 14:09 Small Cute Adorable Oh Savior of Justice! What’s your real job What a dangerous mission…. I understand her. She must have been surprised your mission is dangerous I pray for your successful mission Do I need to feed the fairy Is three days enough Got it I was about to recommend the first one Cars are dreams! Since it’s largely influencing the national economy… Okay… good bye What is it Not really Wouldn’t V’s mother’s hair color have been mint I wish a dragon would come Let’s make an equal world It looks like a strong name Okay let’s invite it Wow How is that person related to you We cannot decline someone like that Whoa are you going to fall now I want to try that I’d expect nothing less from someone V appointed Didn’t he invite vampire and udon I’m worried V might become baffled I’ll start my grand afternoon 16:32 Precious Friend V! Hi I think it’ll be fun Two friends gathered What kind of person is V’s father? Ah, you two should enjoy your conversation through the phone Oh…you’ve become estranged I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together V you seem very uncomfortable with your father You must have seen each other often I want to hear memories Cute! I think V won Please don’t say that It’s going to get better little by little V don’t fall into too much despair and cheer up Though he looks very cold on the outside Is there anything I can do for V? I’m going to think of V 18:24 Explosion of Emotions Yes I did Yoosung you must be in pain Welcome Zen the gorgeous Yoosung is exploding with emotions Aunt and uncle? woah…isn’t that harsh? Rika was adopted? I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image V’s trying hard, too. Leave him alone for a bit having someone next to you would help yup. It is a heal all potion don’t treat yoosung like a child I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method everyone might become lighthearted when everyone reveals the truth his way of grieving might be out of this world if you ride the motorcycle, v will get worried zen you’ll look gorgeous even after sweating 20:11 Reason Behind the Curiosity why does the background look different when you log on? I’m not in my room yet um…don’t we need time to learn about each other? I feel a tad suffocated I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets give me a second… Ray VN: aren’t you busy? you said you needed caffeine I’m not an idiot it’s a little chilly but…just what is this place? already? I don’t want to go back, I feel trapped 21:49 Power of the Coordinator cleaning fairy! yes it was great talking to v and all yes! when can I receive the reimbursement? I’m holding the phone right now I’m embarrassed wow! sure-- feels great that he’s looking out for me v said not to advertise I want to buy one for v bye, mr. advertiser 23:07 Another Level of Salvation jaehee you should have some sevenstar drink seven will be able to avoid them without a problem} why don’t you go to a shaman? yes…I hope they stop before they create more victims yoosung, what have you been up to? no.. we must stop him! did you fall into the world of gaming? isn’t that a virus? sniff…I smell something…the smell of a spaceship burning start binge gaming I believe it’s a problem you eventually have to return to and solve sounds like good words, but it’s always better….. I can see how dangerous it is just by hearing it why don’t we, the rfa, inherit and continue? yoosung, it might be time for professional help whoa, interesting let’s invite him! vent out your stress by gaming I think he just needs a way to vent I think I should get some rest too Day 4 – 91% 00:16 I Keep Thinking of You what brings you here? that’s the one we saw in the corridor umm I think you got too excited that sounds a bit creepy all members of rfa are fabulous I’m sure v will tell me his plan it’s good I get to help those in need no, money can’t solve everything don’t you think it’s natural they overcome their concerns/become better people? the period of unsteady anxiety is meaningful, for the sake of overcoming pain can I save everyone if I see the endings? that is a happy ending, right? actually…yeah, sometimes what’s the enrollment procedure? I’m gonna stay up for a bit 08:15 All-Nighter jaehee have you seen seven’s picture? I will immediately set it as my background tell me about it, health is everything welcome cutie boy of rfa you didn’t stay up all night thinking about rika…? I’m also staying up all night for a game with a bunch of AIs congrats! napping on a bus? what kind of friends did you meet?           I’m jealous, I wanna be rich how did you deal with your stress, jeahee? hiking? hehehe… I gotta finish what I started let’s meet nice and happy at the party shouldn’t we trust v and wait for him? I think there’s a good reason… from now on, play just about right I hope you dream about LOLOL I think he deserves an applaud…. sure I’ll see you later! Leave yoosung to me 10:22 understanding and respect welcome v! is there anything you’d like to know about me of course! Not matter what happens I don’t think it’s too late we’re getting to know each other are you jealous? I can’t tell you anymore. There’s a good reason. That’s why its frustrating interest…? Wait, are you? is there something wrong? if that’s the case, it’s a bit sad it's ok. Everyone has different history there is no good or bad family, there is only my family you’re also a proud son, v count me in! I hope my joining can help rfa progress in a good way I think you can do a good job, v goodbye! privilege of a friend! why are you making secrets? They must be a burden… even though you might not suit him, you’re charming on your own thank you v, have a good day 12:00 I really want to see you huh? You’re back you should go to the hospital I can take care of myself he sounded like…you’re a threat to rfa I don’t think v is a bad person looks like you hate all members us…? I can start all over! what benefits do I get if I make the contract? you mean yoosung? did you screw up? what kind of surprise? I’ll get to enjoy the game only when I keep good relationships with the AI bye now! I’ll try 14:41 portrait of the youthful days are you awake now yoosung? you poor dear but it’s been barely a year holding the party to success? you don’t have to get into a big company that’s not a simple problem…it’s difficult to fix you’ve been whining a lot today maybe jumin will hire you whoa! That’s one knack of timing whoa that was brave some people get jobs because they wanna make money I hope social discrepancy will be gone soon it's somewhere around average a group of people who don’t believe in IQ why do you want to use him as your intern? so you want someone obedient the smiley face of horror you guys have a complicated relationship right he is I’m sure this is sensitive, but why not have v as your role model? you can’t choose what family you’re born into he’s a good man who could it be? is it time for your class? I don’t think he mentioned rika for once don’t you think v needs a way to let off steam? good luck on your work jumin! 17:36 an afternoon of anxiety me? No, nothing. it looks like the messenger is working fine you’re popular v what emails? maybe it will work a few minutes later I hope it’s nothing bad I hope nothing bad happens to you seven I shouldn’t have come here, I’ve only pressured seven him? no he must’ve been shocked to his bones that must be quite a burden you carry alright. Please take care of seven Ray VN: come on in you mean this email incident with 707? I didn’t feel good seeing them anxious I’d prefer life that can be predicted I’m not sure about that 18:42 mask made of glass will seven be okay? v's burden is growing heavier every minute did you call v? what happened to… don’t pretend you’re okay. It’s heartbreaking I’m worried about you I didn’t think you’d be like this, seven you sound a bit uneasy I think you should rest c language? if inviting this language can help you calm down…. ice cream? juicy melon bar have a good one and refresh your mind v, seven, yoosung….all seem to have concerns I guess time is the answer do you report every thing to him? 20:10 zen’s worrisome looks welcome, zen the beautiful I hope he’ll cheer up I recommend sevenstar drink exercise until you pass out how was school? for now I’m cheering for v yoosung is still young only basics what kind of mask you’d better take zen’s advice when it comes to skincare hindow10 update T-T it’s annoying let’s invite him! I wanna get masks! I’ve been hearing you talk and it sounds like showing off you’re off to play but I think yoosung’s getting energetic again I can knock you out and lock you in a room I remember what jumin said…you need to be calm see you – goodnight the chat room’s dazzling! I want to see V’s pictures too you’re so sweet zen 21:53 nice v! does your phone work now? how did you know I have one? There’s an important decision I should try harder I can see how much you value RFA it hurts so much to see him in pain thank you…! yes, I like RFA! umm…I’ll look around some more when is it? will I manage to make all the preparations until the deadline? it was nice talking to you 22:49 what I want to say you’re here… I haven’t made my choice yet… that must be horrible… this is so sudden… those AIs…they’re programs you made…right? I think you should trust yourself rather than expect me to trust you you sound a bit sad I’ll think about it… VN: no thanks, I’ll return when the game is over this is a bit weird. What is it? What are you trying to do? pardon? where are we going? there are a lot of computers special elixir? what is this? it looks very suspicious you’re not telling me to drink this are you? this isn’t the time to be suspicious. Hurry up and go! who are you? What’s going on? you weren’t an AI? Were you an actual person? the RFA wasn’t AI so you’re the one who hacked the actual messenger who is this savior? none of your words agree with what you said before Day 5 – 100% 00:03 Truth Revealed ray, explain yourself about what happened! I don’t believe you, he looks and sounds like the V I know why did you lie to me? promise me you won’t do anything bad to V are you threatening me? I think I need a moment to clear my thoughts 02:00 Data Filled With Riddles looks like the hacker who sent me here doesn’t trust me anymore is V safe? do you think it’s related to me? the connection seems unstable… I’m worried that man I saw was you, right? may I , V? why would you hide him? Alright, I’ll keep a secret about what happens here seven, do you invent things a lot? you’ve encrypted them since you can’t tell right now where you are, right? did he forget the word he input? can’t you tell him you input word after a week? v shouldn’t you get help from the rest of RFA? so what about our party? V I really want to know what you’re thinking I understand that you’re trying to do this alone, but promise you’ll be safe seven thank you for understanding v I’m fine. You came to save me ok please call me as soon as you can 07:30 Trust good morning zen! I’m fine V sent seven his location in encrypted form I’ll feel so safe if you come to rescue too! I’m safe right no so please don’t worry. V will save me. I’m sure there’s a complicated reason for v…. I’ll do the best I can for the party too who is this candidate? sounds interesting! so you want us to trust v! I see! Now I get it but even if we trust him, what should we do about this weird feeling? yes I know very well that v values RFA I’m sorry I can’t tell you that… you’re so thorough. Thank you jumin! they’re very special friends yes I’m going to wait, too I will. Thank you for your concerns zen! 10:52 V’s Insecurity v does your phone work now? I’m fine! are you okay? I’m fine! nothing happened yet you had no choice. I’m glad you’re safe no thank you. For not abandoning me you’re telling me to sell you out! I can’t do that don’t blame yourself too much. Everything will be okay. It’s partially my fault I’ll trust you. And I’ll be waiting. Take care of yourself v 12:47 Lies and Two People my goodness! Where did that come from? first of all, I’m safe yet. Don’t worry about me I’m not sure… you should look at the image yoosung uploaded hold on…it might be somebody’s mistake so this person came in person to put that in your mailbox? like blackmailing letter for example… let’s not suspect members of the RFA it's written LIE on the image…this person must hate these two I agree… just who would do this? that’s a great idea watch out on your way! And be careful of alleyways maybe this person is trying to throw RFA into confusion my heart is breaking. Looks like v is going through misfortunes and mishaps please take care of yoosung gotcha. You don’t have to worry about me 15:11 Ill Will and Hypocrite you didn’t get that bizarre image too, did you? seems like it. Who could hate v that much? I’m more worried about v. there’s no doubt he’ll see this jumin, jaehee also got that photo wait…could it be? that was…an important task jumin is your work all done? jaehee… wish I could send you sevenstar drink is this person planning to send everyone at the RFA these images? why does no one know where seven lives? shouldn’t we get outside help? the eminence of the overtime all nighter wow I never knew such unit exists in C&R congrats!! Wow!! We’ll have one fabulous unit I can only see a Niagara of tears jaehee T-T is there anything I can do to help? is it okay to do without telling v? but is it okay to have our party? It’s going to be okay, right? good! Please tell him to contact me I hope v will pick up I’m so excited about the C&R intelligence unit I believe RFA will make it through this I’ll see you again! 17:59 Seven’s Plea seven did you also get a weird photo? ugh…looks like someone really hates v are you suspecting that hacker? there’s no way v is a bad person if he did, then I bet he’s heartbroken we’ve trusted him so much until now. Let’s not think bad things I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to put you in danger maybe there was no other choice for v I’m not sure if it’s okay to tell you that you sound tired, seven so you want v to tell you where he is, right? bye. 19:36 Zen’s View how’s yoosung doing? I’m worried we’re hearing nothing from v yet what are we going to do with v? rather I think he’s a heavy get-drunker but are you feeling better now? that’s impossible… are you going to take this opportunity to get close to jumin? there you are….finally are you really coming? Don’t you think it’d be dangerous? did you see the images? What do you think about them? v… I hope the time comes soon that’s right! You’re a hero zen I’d like to trust you, v what is this truth? yoosung, please calm down yoosung, what’s 78+544? a human relationship isn’t something you can define as one or the other yoosung I think you’ve gone too far you’re taking great care of yoosung v i hope you’d tell us the truth some day he's right! So please think about it v I think you should take care of him actually I’m having a great time. I got to meet you and a group of new people you’re still grieving a lot for Rika’s death? getting what you want doesn’t always lead to happiness v, rika’s choice is her own. It has nothing to do with you you’re saying the deceased will come back? do you think you did? v please hang in there! 21:00 How We Take in Sadness thanks for showing me what you’re like when you’re drunk It'd be fun if you two became roommates I wish I could talk to v too hello, jaehee are you awake to play games? zen T-T he’s fought bravely and fallen she’s right. I hope you understand how v would feel may I ask you why? that’s not what I was expecting to hear…but I think v had his own reasons so v was so sad he couldn’t cry that’s called the process of parting with your pain I hope that’d be the case I see…v still loves rika…it hurts a bit yes, do think about it yoosung! no, you’ve done well! I agree… let there be peace! please make the best unit. You should elevate the corporate’s value 22:22 Secrets Revealed I wanted to talk too…! I trust you you will tell us everything soon, won’t you? you mean that the person who sent the images is this hacker? but why would you try to handle this on your own? so is this hacker related to Rika? but why would you tell us all this now? so you’re here to tell us to not let ourselves waver, right? you’re saying this is something you need to do alone, aren’t you? yes, I promise I’m counting on you!
******the above chat rooms are the same for all my V bad ends. The last chat of day 5 varies slightly between the routes. Proceed to the ending you’re looking for.****** BE1: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 BE3 (yeah, again):https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Memory Wipe
Part Twelve - Final Part
River was enjoying her time on the Waverider now her parents were safe and knew who they were. When they first arrived Rory had reminded her that this ship was his home so asked her not to steal anything and not to try tampering with Gideon.
It’s only because he is her father and she loves him she agreed.
What he didn’t forbid was her telling stories about him to his team. She’d spent most of the morning in the galley with the Legends rarely exaggerating anything because Rory was incredible – even if he never believed it.
However she needed to check in with the Doctor to find out how long he planned to stay here.
“What exactly have you been telling my team?” her father’s voice made her turn finding him turning the corner.
Seeing him as Rip is still strange.
Rory had always been gentle and quiet, he tried to blend into the background so he wasn’t noticed but Rip Hunter had edges and you noticed him.
“Just some stories of how wonderful you are,” she grinned at him.
Rory rolled his eyes at her, “I doubt they would believe you.”
“Captain Hunter,” Gideon spoke up before she could reply, “We have a mission.”
Rip checked the information in front of him with a grimace, “Gideon, please call everyone to the bridge so we can jump.”
“I’m afraid the Doctor and Mrs Williams are inside the TARDIS so will not hear the summons,” Gideon told him.
Rip stalled in his next thought, “Gideon, what did you call Amy?”
“She insisted that I refer to her as Mrs Williams,” Gideon told him.
Rip let out a small huff of surprise at that information. He was pulled back to the room when Sara appeared so he turned to River, “Can you get them to join us? I don’t know what will happen if we jump while they’re in the TARDIS.”
River squeezed his arm, “Of course, Father dear.”
He turned to the team who had assembled and folded his arms, “We have to work to do.”
“Do you want to fly?” Sara asked softly.
Rip looked at her a little confused at her offer.
“Thought you might like to show off a little with the family onboard,” she murmured.
Rip smiled, “Thanks.”
  Amy followed her daughter and best friend onto the bridge where Rory was talking with his ‘team’ about a Time Pirate. She felt the same stab at her heart because the man standing there was not her Rory.
“Does everyone know what they are doing?” Rory asked the people standing with him before holding up his hand to stop them saying anything, “Let me rephrase that. Does everyone know our objective and will make sure they don’t die, injure another member of the team or destroy the timeline?”
At the nods Rory rolled his eyes, “Everyone strap in. Nate, Mick, Ray if you could use the Emergency Harnesses to let our guests have the main ones.”
“What Emergency Harnesses?” Sara asked, stunned when a section of the wall opened revealing three pods with a similar strapping system though no chairs, “Gideon?”
“You never required their use before, Captain Lance,” Gideon replied.
Rory appeared at Amy’s side and took her hand sitting her in the seat closest to what she assumed was the pilot’s chair before fixing her in it. She could see the Doctor beaming as he took a seat while he chatted away with the other Legends and River taking her seat with an amused smile on her lips
“I’m not sure how this will affect you since you’ve travelled in the TARDIS,” he told her softly once she was settled in the chair, “But you might have some side-effects. They’ll pass quickly, I promise.”
“Rory,” she caught his hand.
He gave her a quick smile and kissed her hand, “We can talk once this is finished.”
  Rip swore as the mission inevitably went completely and utterly to hell within the first three minutes.
He was sure it was a record.
Grabbing Amy’s hand he started them through the corridors of the pirate’s ship. He hadn’t bothered trying to persuade her, the Doctor or River to stay with the Waverider knowing it was completely pointless. Instead he’d sent the Doctor with Sara and River with Ray bringing Amy with him.
“Sara?” he yelled over the comms.
“In a minute,” came her reply, the sound of a fist smacking flesh coming seconds after.
He sighed, “Please tell me you aren’t hitting the Doctor.”
The laugh that answered him made him sigh, “Could someone tell me what is happening?”
“We’re having problems,” Ray’s voice is tight with worry, “Your dau...Profess...River is trying to...”
Rip grimaced when Ray trailed off and something exploded.
“Okay, that’s it,” he sighed, “If you want something done, do it yourself. Come on.”
Taking Amy’s hand he ran down to the core. Typically the moment they reached it they were attacked by an automated defence system. Pulling out his pistol he fixed it and handed it to Amy.
“Point and shoot,” he told her, “Just keep it busy while I reset the system.”
A wide grin covered her face, he quickly kissed her before turning to pull the panel off the wall and crawl inside.
“Rory, hurry,” Amy called.
Rip found the section he needed and quickly rewired the computer system, “Gideon?”
“I have made contact and I am taking over the ship now,” she replied to him.
Sliding back out, he found Amy standing leaning against the bulkhead studying his pistol.
“Status?” Rip called to the rest of the team, taking the pistol from her and replacing it in its holster.
“The bastard set the self-destruct,” Sara called to him, “Get back to the ship.”
“Gideon?” Rip called.
“I regret that I cannot halt the program fully,” Gideon replied, “I have been able to alter it so that it shall only blow the aft section. This means the ship shall be open to the vacuum for thirty seconds.”
“Dammit,” Rip snapped, “Everyone hold on.”
He pulled Amy to the corner where there were two small handles. Before she could protest Rip trapped her with his body and gripped the handles tightly.
“Hold onto me,” he told her.
Amy wrapped her arms around his neck holding him tightly while he listened to Gideon in his ear count down the seconds. When Gideon hit zero he felt the explosion and held on feeling Amy’s arms tightening, her face pressed against him as the air rushed out of the room through the hole in the ship.
Finally the shield came online and the world settled again. Slowly Rip released his hold and took a small step back from Amy who suddenly grabbed his coat pulling him in for a kiss.
When they broke apart Rip hit his radio, “Status?”
“We’re heading back to the Waverider,” Sara told him.
“Gideon,” Rip ordered as he took Amy’s hand, “Once we’re all back on board you know what to do.”
“Of course, Captain,” Gideon replied.
“What is she going to do?” Amy asked curiosity filling her voice.
Rip smiled, “She’ll send the ship into the sun to destroy it.”
They reached the Waverider at the same time as the other four, Rip let them all onboard first before turning and closing the hatch. Turning to head back to the bridge Amy kissed him again, pressing him against the walls of the cargo bay.
“That was fun,” she murmured.
  Amy loved that even after everything she had just witnessed she could still fluster Rory by simply surprising him with a kiss. And for the first time she was clearly seeing him behind the beard, the coat and the new persona.
 “It’s what we do,” Rory told her, “Stop people trying to mess with time.”
“You’re really good,” she smiled.
Rory shrugged, “I was trained for it.”
“If we stayed here,” Amy said softly, “Would we see the Doctor and River?”
Rory nodded taking her hand, “Of course. They’re welcome here at any time. And you know the Doctor won’t stay away from you.”
“What about your team?”
Resting his hand on her cheek he smiled, “They’ll be fine. Sara has already offered to train you to fight.”
“How do you...”
“Gideon mentioned it to me,” Rory explained with a smile wincing slightly, “You will have to get used to that.”
Amy laughed, “I’m sure we can come to an arrangement.”
  “The Great Captain Rip Hunter,” the Doctor beamed at him as they stood in the TARDIS control room, “I always wanted to meet you.”
Rory laughed, “Well, I hope I didn’t disappoint.”
“Never,” the Doctor hugged him tightly. Releasing Rory he turned to Amy and hugged her, “Oh, Pond I thought I would never see you again and I’m so sorry.”
“Doctor,” Amy started.
“I should have known it wasn’t a proper Angel,” he whispered sadly, “I should have known something else was happening.”
Amy hugged him tightly, “She counted on you being so upset that you wouldn’t think to look any deeper.”
The Doctor pulled Rory into a three way hug knowing he had to let them go but at least this time he would see them again. Dropping a kiss on both their heads he released them and allowed River to embrace her parents.
The Doctor watched the couple hug their daughter tightly. It was very rare that River’s mask would crack but when it came to her parents River Song disappeared and Melody Pond appeared.
He remembered the way she’d sobbed when they thought the Angel had taken them from her for good and the crockery she smashed.
“I want you to stay in touch,” Amy ordered her daughter; “I don’t care what else is happening you come and see us.”
“I promise, Mother,” River beamed.
Rory handed her a small silver box, “This will send a signal to Gideon to let her know you’re coming so she will allow the Vortex Manipulator through her shields, if you don’t you will probably bounce off.”
River took the box before hugging him tightly, “Of course, Father.”
His Ponds both took a deep breath and one last look around. Rory lifted the two bags filled with their belongings that had been left when they were taken.
“Don’t be a stranger, Doctor,” Rory smiled before he walked out the TARDIS allowing Amy to have a private moment with her best friend.
River smiled at him before she left him with Amy.
“You look after him,” the Doctor told her, “Rip Hunter has a formidable reputation but he’s still our Rory and he needs someone to remind him of that.”
Amy grinned, “I won’t let him forget. And you tell whoever you’re travelling with these days that she better look after you or I will be coming after her.”
“River told me,” Amy replied, “Clara, is it?”
The Doctor nodded, “There’s a story there but I’ll tell you once I’ve worked it out myself.”
He hugged her once more, “Live well, love Rory.”
With a final smile she left the TARDIS and joined her husband standing just outside the doors. Heading to the console he programmed their new destination a smile on his face.
  Amy reached out and took Rory’s hand as they watched the TARDIS leave. They stood together watching the empty space where it had sat for a few moments before Rory turned to her.
“Welcome aboard the Waverider, Mrs Williams,” he grinned in amusement.
“I was upset,” she defended herself, “I was...”
Rory laughed when she trailed off wrapping his arms around her, “Being your usual self.”
“I chose you,” Amy whispered, “I will always choose you, Rory. You know that don’t you?”
Taking her hand and leading her out of the cargo bay he nodded, “I do. Though I’m guessing it helps I now have a ship that can travel through time too.”
Amy stopped him pulling him so he was looking at her, “I meant New York. In the graveyard, I let the Angel take me so I would be with you. I chose you, not the Doctor.”
Rory kissed her, “Let’s get this to my...our room so you can get settled. Then there’s something I have to do.”
“I have one question,” Amy said as they started walking, “You had to choose a name for yourself to hide you real identity, right?”
“Where on earth did you come up with the name Rip?”
  It had been so many years since he’d been here but it also felt like only a few days had passed since he walked along the street to the familiar house. Amy had offered to come with him but Rip wanted to do this alone, besides it gave her time to get to know the rest of the Legends without him.
Part of him felt he should be worried by how gleeful and friendly Sara was being to Amy but Amy seemed to be enjoying spending time with the former assassin so he couldn’t say anything.
It occurred to him when he reached the house that he should have come here as he once was but he was now Rip Hunter and he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t.
Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door and waited, forcing himself not to fidget as he listened to the movement on the other side. Finally it opened and Rip felt his heart lift with joy seeing the man there who stared at him like he was seeing a ghost, which in many ways he was.
Rip gave a soft smile, “Hi, Dad.”
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panda-noosh · 7 years
Action!{P5}{Lance x YouTuber!Reader}{AU}
   Words: 6,945
   Summary: Being a YouTube guru is hard enough without the added stress of living with Lance McClain, the man who insists on bombarding into every YouTube video you try to film. His viewers love him, and so do you.
  Pairing: Lance McClain x YouTuber!Reader
  Notes: p1 - p2 - p3 - p4 - p6 - p7 ; someone take my laptop away from me this hurt.
   The vlogging camera felt oddly heavy in your hands as you held it above your head for the first time in nearly two weeks. The LA sun shone down on you, illuminating the fresh make up look you had applied for this night in particular – a smokey eye with dark brown lipstick, skin looking smooth and untouched, free of blotches that were hidden beneath a thin layer of foundation.
   It made a difference, you had to admit. Your skin care routine had been abruptly neglected after you had left your apartment, meaning your acne prone skin had started breaking out all over again. It was nice to finally look at yourself and not see an emotional mess.
    “Welcome to the vlog!” is the first thing you say, doing a small twirl at your hotel room window. You can hear Emma giggling in the background, watching you with fond eyes and a bright grin as she applies her fourteenth layer of mascara onto her already-perfect-length eyelashes.
   You grin, looking out at the view of LA. Even though your body felt numb and you wanted nothing more than to take off the tight dress you had pulled on over your body, you could appreciate a good view, and you could appreciate a good day. Today was Emma's day, and you were determined to make it as drama-free as you possibly could.
   “So, everyone, I am back vlogging,” you continue. “And what better way to restart this channel than with a vlog celebrating one of my bestest friends in the entire world finally making her dreams come true!”
  You turn the camera around, pointing it at Emma who now stands up straight, revealing her entire outfit with her make up look finally complete. You have to look at her in awe – she wears a skin-tight, emerald green dress with a matching necklace that you and Samuel had bought for her for her 20th birthday. You had never seen it around her neck before, with her insisting that it was only to be worn on 'special occasions.'
   Her make up was done up perfectly and her hair was styled in it's usual, bouncy do that took so much time to style, and yet Emma always seemed to wear it as if it was no big deal. It was perfect. She looked perfect, and for the first time in five days, you were able to finally smile a genuine smile, a swelling feeling of proudness erupting in the pit of your stomach.
   “You're battery isn't gonna last long if you keep it recording like that,” Emma chuckles, and it is only then that you realise you had frozen in your spot with the camera still rolling.
   You grumble incoherent words and shut the vlogging camera off, hoping that the editing can make the footage look less choppy and messy.
   “I'm a little rusty,” you mumble. “Anyway, you look gorgeous, Emma. You're gonna make a perfect first impression.”
   Emma grins. “I hope so. I've never been so nervous in my entire life.”
   “You have no reason to be nervous. Everybodies gonna love the art work you have to show them, and you're gonna wow the crowd with your amazing personality.”
   “I honestly think it's the necklace.”
  You chuckle, taking the emerald in between your fingers and twirling it slightly. “No. This is all you.” You smile. “When are we meeting the boys?”
    Emma sighs, pulling her phone out of her bag to look at the time. “In about ten minutes, but no doubt Samuel will already be there. He hates showing up late with the wheel chair.”
   “Poor kid.”
   “I'd show a little bit more sympathy if he stopped dragging my ass out of bed ten minutes early just so I can watch him do wheelies in the parking lot.”
    You had never been to a professional art show.
   Museums, the odd opening in your home town but never anything serious. Never anything that consisted of real, authentic art where the artists were walking around like nothing was a big deal. By the time you had walked from one end of the car park to the other, you had seen around 4 world-class artists who were here for the art show opening – the art show opening that your best friend was opening with her own art work.
   You weren't sure why you were feeling nervous. Every emotion within your body had been swelling ten fold the past few days, but this was on a whole other level. You were only an on looker, and yet your hands were clamming up as if you were the one due to be making the speech. Emma didn't look half as nervous as you, her head held high and her shoulders pushed back as she chatted away to the curator like a real business women would.
   You and Shiro walked behind her whilst Samuel was lazily pushed, him too busy fighting with an oversized brochure to bother pushing his own wheelchair.
   “So apparently there's only two disabled ramps in the entire building,” Samuel says as you follow Emma and the curator into the building. “But if my calculations are correct, there's more than two sets of steps in this place. Which means I'm suddenly offended.”
    Shiro rolls his eyes, shaking his head at your friends comments. “We'll find a way to get you up the stairs, mate, don't worry.”
   “I know you will,” Samuel grunts. “I didn't give you an option there, mate. All I'm saying is, there should be more than two wheelchair ramps. It's an insult to me and I've already been through enough today.”
    “That waitress didn't mean to-”
   “She wanted to see if I could feel the fork land in my lap. I know she did, and you cannot persuade me otherwise.”
   Shiro shakes his head again, looking at you with a raised eyebrow as if to ask if Samuel was always like this. You could only shrug in response, not entirely sure how to reply. The man had been one of your closest friends for nearly seven years now, but he hasn't always been such an easily-wound up bloke. Before the accident, he was grinning all the time, did cross-country and boxing and skiied whenever he could.
   After the accident, every little thing bothered him. Every little glance sent his way set him off because he truly believed everybody just saw his wheelchair, and his dead legs and the way he sometimes winced in pain whenever there really was no pain to be feeling.
    You and Emma had stayed by him, though. If there was anybody with a right to feel paranoid about people staring, it was Samuel.
    The museum that the art show is held in is a big one. Halls made of marble with massive stone sculptures of Greek gods sat upright in the middle of it all. Signs were bedazzled with specs of gold that you run your fingers over loosely, admiring how cold the stones feel against your fingertips. Paintings are hung up on walls, special ones covered in a thick box of glass whilst some had simply been hung up by a nail and a frame.
   The building was yet to fill up with people. You had to arrive early with Emma due to her having to go over her lines with the curator, but you could admire the empty scenery whilst it lasted. You weren't entirely sure how you were going to react whenever the place started to fill up with people. Perhaps you would hide in the back. Perhaps you would chatter amongst people, get their opinions on Emma's art work for later reference. You knew feedback would be something she'd appreciate.
   It felt nice, you noticed. Standing in the middle of this massive, spacious, marble room with only the sound of the curators soft voice in the background. It was peaceful. Your mind wasn't working at one hundred miles an hour at the moment, and that was something you could appreciate.
    A hand lands on your arm, startling you. You gasp, spinning around only to be met with the soft eyes of Shiro, who stands behind you with the smile he had been wearing all day still plastered on his features.
   “Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you,” he says, stuffing his hands in his blazer pockets.
   He cleaned up well for somebody who worked part-time in a coffee shop. He wore a baby blue dress shirt underneath a thin, black blazer, the first couple of buttons undone to reveal a hint of what looked like a well-worked chest.
   “It's okay,” you reply. “Is everything okay?”
  Shiro blanks for a moment, opening his mouth to speak before abruptly deciding against it. Instead, he lets his eyes trail off to look over at Emma, who busies herself with the canvas she is currently messing with. Samuel is at the side of her, guiding her through what to do with rough yells of “Are you stupid? To the left!”
    “They get along,” you say. “Samuel's just a bit-”
   “No, I understand,” Shiro assures, turning back to look at you. “I'm having a good time. I'm glad you guys let me tag along.”   “Don't act like you didn't have plans made before we invited you. You've gotten quite popular since high school, so I've heard.”
   Shiro crinkles up his nose, a playful smile playing at his lips as you two are suddenly thrown back to the world of high school which you suffered through together for seven years. You had been far from popular back in your high school days, though you were happy to say that you weren't alone in that aspect. Shiro had his fair share of hard times during high school, and you vaguely remember him being the kid with the book. The kid who was never spotted without a 500 page novel in his hand, slumped against the lockets with it balancing on his knees, engulfed in the story that he was reading.
   He had worn glasses back then and had been bullied for it quite a bit. You remember rushing to your next class, scared of being late, and overhearing the popular kids talk about Shiro like he was a joke for having bad eye sight.
   Shiro was basically the scrawny kid – a large difference to what he was like now. His high school self had brought on awkward smiles and bad haircuts that consisted of choppy bands that barely reached his eyebrows. His eyes were constantly swollen from lack of sleep and his lips were always chewed up from hours upon hours of mindlessly ripping the skin off of them.
   Now he had muscle. Now he wore contacts. Now he was an adult, and it takes this moment for you to realise just how much the two of you had changed and just how much of Shiro's growing process you had actually witnessed in your years of friendship with him.
    “Did you expect things to go this way back whenever we were in high school?” you blurt out before you know why.
   Shiro looks down at you, his smile fading in confusion. “What do you mean?”    You sigh, pulling your hands around yourself. “Like, did you expect me to become a YouTuber? Did you expect me to look this way? Because I certainly didn't expect you to glow up in the way you have done.”
   A blush creeps upon Shiro's cheeks which he fails at covering by itching at his face. “I mean, I knew you would be something big, I guess. Even though you were fairly quiet, I always saw the potential in you, the creativity you had. Maybe it was because I spent my days reading books in the hallway, but I can spot a good brain from a mile away, and you had it. Even if you didn't show it off like you should have.”
   He was right. You had always been the creative type. Not in the way where you could pick up a paintbrush and make wonderful masterpieces like Emma. Not in the way Shiro could write out words like his life revolved around beautiful prose and pulling at heart strings – you had the skill of making things come to life on your own. All you ever needed was a camera, some make up and a good enough video idea and that would be you set for the rest of the week.
   You smile at the thought. The memory of your 10 year old self setting up her first camera and talking to it like it was an old friend.
   That ten year old certainly had no idea she would be where she is now – two million subscribers down the road, living her best life.
   Stood in the middle of a marble room, her heart completely broken with a fake smile pulling at her features.
   You push the intrusive thought out of your head and look back up at Shiro. “I think we've done well for ourselves, Mr Shirogane.”
   Shiro chuckles, reaching an arm out, gesturing for you to loop your own through his. “I think we have done, Miss L/N.”
   “People take these things seriously,” Shiro tells you as the two of you stroll through the slowly-crowding room you had been locked in for the past hour. People were beginning to arrive - people in suits. People who looked like they could retire at the age of 24 and still have money left to put in a will after they died.
    “I can see that,” you mumble, referring to the way people formed such neat little circles around the art work. Back in your home town, whenever an art show was being hosted, all of the art work had to be specially guarded due to the amount of teenagers who made it their lifes goal to put their fingers on them. These people were being respectful, and it was odd to see.
    “Have you ever been into art?” Shiro asks.
   You shake your head almost immediately. “Not really. I never liked Art and Design at school-”
    “I remember.”
   “-but I’ve always appreciated it, I guess. I definitely appreciate it more now that I’m friends with Emma, because I really do love the art work she produces. It’s just - never really been a skill of mine.”
    Shiro purses his lips, nodding as the two of you make your way over to one of the smaller crowds that had gathered around a painting of a sunset. It seemed so generic to you - a painting of a sunset. That was all it seemed to be, but the crowd that were gawking at it seemed to think otherwise, pointing out the tiniest of details and talking about how each blade of grass in the field painted corresponding with the orange glow of the sunset.
    It made you think of Lance. This was the kind of thing he did. He took every little detail of everything and made a deal out of it, nothing forgotten. You couldn’t watch a movie without Lance coming up with fifty different conspiracy theories in the first ten minutes, because everything had a meaning to it when it came to him. Nothing could ever just be as is.
   You bite down on your lip and turn back to Shiro. He’s gazing at the painting with his head tilted, a small frown playing at his lips. You had barely even realised your arm looped through his still, the feeling of his muscular arms pressed against yours becoming so familiar that it died down after a while into nothingness.
    “Do you mind if I vlog this?”
   Shiro doesn’t even hesitate. His eyes don’t leave the painting and his expression of confusion doesn’t waver as he nods at you - such a casual response to something that most people cringed at.
    You stifle through your bag and pull the camera out of your bag. It’s only small, hidden easily by the palm of your hand if you managed to hold it just right, but you still look back ways before pressing record, and even then you keep the device at a low angle and speak to it in a hushed voice.
    “We arrived at the art show, everyone,” you whisper, making Shiro choke on the laugh he is attempting to hold back. “There’s a - uh - sunset in front of me right now, and I’m trying to figure out what the fourth blade of grass on the second row means.”
   Shiro nudges you gently, covering his mouth with his free hand in an attempt to fight off his bubbling giggles. You smile to yourself, darting your eyes around the room once again before looking back down at the camera.
   “I’m with Takashi, by the way. You guys don’t know him, but he’s a good guy.”
   Shiro smiles, waving numbly at the camera and you can’t help but giggle at how awkward he seems in front of the lens. And yet he makes no attempt to cover it like most people do. He simply smiles down at it, his tongue peaking out between his teeth as he plays along with the game of ‘hidden vlogging’ you had suddenly started up out of nowhere.
    In all honesty, the only reason you turned the camera on was to fight back the thoughts which were threatening to break the surface. You were making it your goal for tonight to be a good night. Lance was in the past. You had had your moment of emotional breakdown with that subject, and you needed to move on. Needed to get a fresh start, and restarting up the business you had left behind in your emotional rollercoaster the past five days was the best way to start.
    And so you and Shiro continue to waver through the museum, finally escaping the confines of the large, marble room and broadening your surroundings by going into the different rooms - the less crowded ones. One thing you and Shiro had in common was your lack of social skills.
     Every painting was vlogged, you still keeping your voice down as you spoke into the camera about the most random of topics. Shiro kept his arm wound through yours, playing along with the game, keeping his own voice down on the rare occassion he actually spoke up.
    You two played a game of Eye Spy before being told off by a curator for holding up the guests who actually wanted to gaze at the art. Shiro had patted the mans chest before you two ended up sprinting away from the scene as if you had just been caught for a crime you had commited.
     You weren’t entirely sure why you were having a good time. The museum was quiet bar the soft murmerings of the on-lookers and the soft sound of music trickling quietly through the overhead speakers. You should have been acting mature, and if you felt any other way, you probably would have done so. But you felt numb. You had felt numb, meaning the idea of getting told off wasn’t that big of a deal to you at this moment.
     By the time 7:00pm struck, you and Shiro were laughing as you stumbled out of yet another overcrowded room and into the hallways which conjoined said rooms. Shiro had looped his arm around your waist, leaning against you as he caught his breath from the laughing you two had not paused for the past ten minutes. Everything was suddenly funny. Everything was suddenly a distraction, and if there was one thing you learned from living with Lance McClain for three years, it was that distractions had to be humorour or else they weren’t doing their job right.
    “God, we really are gonna get kicked out,” Shiro chuckles, pressing his forehead against your cheek.
    You shake your head stiffly, hiccuping back to reality. “I nearly knocked over the damn sculpture of Julius Caesar.”
   Shiro chokes, immediately being thrown back into a fit of laughter. You watch him as he pulls his head back as he laughs - a move Lance used to do.
    No, Y/N. Not now.
    You search for another distraction, soft giggles escaping your lips as you feel your disguise of happiness slowly melting off of you as the night draws on and the distractions become scarcer and the reminders of Lance become more and more prominent around you.
     “I don’t think the sculpture was of Julias Caesar, Y/N,” Shiro continues. “I think it was your bloke from the underworld - Hade’s? Hates?”
    “Heather. Big Heather from the underworld,” you say. Shiro laughs louder this time, wiping at his eyes.
    “I’ve never remembered you being so hyper before, Y/N,” Shiro says. “See, life isn’t all that bad. I knew you could have a good time.”
    You force a smile on your face, nodding at him slowly because it was better for him to believe that than to think otherwise. The last thing you wanted was for him to look at you and see that you were only keeping up this humourous act for your friends benefits - you had sworn to them that tonight would be a good night. A night to forget about troubles. A night to forget about the past five days. You didn’t travel all the way to LA to mope around and make everybody else upset with your own sadness.
     “We should probably get to the next room,” Shiro says after a moment of calming himself down. “What time does Emma’s exhibit start?”
    “8,” you reply.
    “Plenty of time to look around a bit more. Maybe we can get something to eat at the food court?”
    You nod, but you don’t move. Shiro takes a step forward, clearly expecting for him to follow you, but something catches your eye. You aren’t entirely sure what it is - it was merely a whisp of colour in your peripheral vision, darting past the marble barriers holding up the ceiling, but it was something that peaked your interest more than you could ignore.
   Shiro reaches behind him and tugs at your hand. “Hey. Everything okay?”
    You swallow thickly. “Yeah. Everything’s fine. I just need the rest room, I think. I’ll meet you at the food counter, yeah?”
    Shiro seems unconvinced, and for a moment you’re almost certain he’s going to ask to accompany you to the rest room. But after a moment, he gives you a light smile, nods and walks off.
    Immediately you whirl around, silently cursing yourself for getting trapped inside your own brain again. You assured yourself over and over again that it was normal for somebody to feel curiosity, that it was normal for somebody to be reminded of somebody they missed shortly after losing said person. But you knew, deep down, that you were just being paranoid. You knew that all the things you wanted to say to Lance were whirling around in your brain for a reason, and no amount of distractions and laughter and buddy buddy friendships would get rid of them.
    You march down the marble hallways in the direction of the streak of colour you had seen. Because why not? Because if not now, then when?
    Your heels click against the floor and sound out in echoes as the crowd slowly disappears the longer you walk. Your eyes dart through everyone, but they don’t need to linger for very long. These people were very different from the person you were looking for. These people held their heads high and they walked with such grace with frowns tugging at their lips as they inspected the art work which surrounded them.
    You were looking for the bouncy, bubbly guy with the wide grin and loud voice.
    You take a sharp turn whenever you’re finally on your own. The crowd had completely disappeared, leaving only you to wade through the halls on your own. You weren’t even sure if you were allowed this far into the museum without permission, but you didn’t stop yourself.
    You took the turn and immediately came to a stop. As did everything else in the world, it seemed, because standing before you was exactly who you craved to see, but at the same time wanted to avoid at all costs.
    You finally realise exactly what you had just done - you had just followed this man down these halls even though he had ripped your heart from your chest only days prior. You had trailed after him like a lost puppy, made yourself look more like a joke than the interview he had done did.
    But you can’t move, because the questions and the anger and the confusion are bubbling at your system as you look at him now. Wearing a tight, black blazer, head ducked down, forearm resting on the wall in front of him as he takes deep breaths, back facing you.
    He hasn’t seen you yet. You could easily walk away and leave him, don’t let him know that you had seen him at all, but your feet are rooted to the floor. Perhaps it’s the three years worth of memories that keep you there, looking at him in his very clearly distressed state. Perhaps it was the instinct to help him that you couldn’t exactly get rid of in the space of three days.
    Whatever it was, it was activating now, because even though he had hurt you and even though you were furious with him, you couldn’t help but feel a tiny tinge in your gut at the sight of him now. Leaning his head against his forearm, clearly trying to catch his breath, perhaps willing himself not to cry. What he had to cry over, you were unsure about.
    You take a step forward, your heel echoing off of the floor. Lance immediately stiffens up, his head snapping up before he whirls around.
    His face falls, his shoulders going limp and his hands falling to his sides. He looked pale. He looked sick. His usually vibrant, tanned skin had been dulled to a pale ivory now, and the bags under his eyes were deep, purple rings that made no effort of making themselves subtle.
    He swayed slightly on his feet and you were almost certain he would fall over at any given moment. Whether it be from shock or the sleep deprivation he was very clearly suffering from, you had no idea.
    Neither of you speak for a number of seconds. You simply stare at each other, your hand clutching the material of your dress as if it was the last thing you would possibly hold onto. His eyes beam into yours, him never being one to shy away from eye contact.
    And then he speaks, and the sound of his voice is so excrutiatingly painful that you nearly double over at the sound of it. He doesn’t sound like himself.
    “Y/N.” It’s only your name. A simple word that used to come so naturally between the two of you suddenly sounds like poison, like he’s spitting acid at you instead of speaking.
    His voice cracks. He sounds like he hasn’t used his voice in weeks.
    You swallow thickly and nod. “L-Lance.”
    He purses his lips, his own eyes fluttering closed as you speak. He sways on his feet once again, even stumbling a little as he does so. You step forward, ready to grab him but he raises his hands, stopping you.
    You don’t understand why you stepped forward. You were meant to hate him. You were going to hate him. You had to. You had to stop having such a soft spot for him. You thought you were making progress. You thought you were-
    “What are you doing here?” you finally ask.
    Lance opens his eyes and lazily smiles. “I came here with the ticket Emma gave me. Thought I would - uh - support a friend.”
    “She’s not your friend.”
    Lance shrugs, your words skimming right over his head. “But it seems like somebody else took my space in the little group. Which sucks, to be honest. I thought I was quite unreplaceable.”
    He’s slurring his words. Is he drunk?
    You raise your brow, your gut telling you to move. To turn and leave him stranded here, leave him to deal with his own mess that he caused, but you continue to stare at him.
    You want to say it has nothing to do with emotional attachment, that it’s just morals that are keeping you standing here. He’s clearly in no shape to get himself home, to be on his own. You may be hurting, but you’re a nice enough person to not leave somebody in need behind because of your own reasons.
    At least, that’s what you assure yourself.
    “How much have you drunk since you got here?” you ask. “The bar wasn’t free for guests as far as I know. I hope you left yourself money for the taxi.”
    “Harsh,” Lance mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. “You know what else is harsh? You flirting with Mr Tall Guy right in front of my face.”
    Your breathing hitches. Anger spirals through you. You regret not walking away. You regret having started this conversation. You regret having followed him at all because you know that this conversation will bring nothing but pain for you that you will have to heal from all over again.
    “I get it, you know,” Lance continues. He sways on his feet, catches himself on the wall. “I shouldn’t have come. I’m a piece of shit. But at least I’m not walking around flaunting my new relationship five days after I broke it off with somebody else. That’s just cold.”
    “Are you being serious right now?” you seethe. “Lance, answer my question. How much did you have to drink?”
    “Not enough, clearly,” Lance grumbles. “I’m still not blacked out. But maybe I did drink enough - I persuaded myself to actually come here. That must have taken plenty of alcohol.”
    You grit your teeth, running your hands through your hair, ignoring the fact that it had taken nearly an hour to do. “I think you should go.”
    “What? No!” he exclaims, and the volume of his voice takes you by surprise. He tries to move, tries to make his way towards you but his feet stumble and he has to crumble against the wall again to stop himself from falling over completely. “Y/N, no. Let me - I didn’t mean it. I know you wouldn’t date Shiro. You two barely know each other, and you wouldn’t do that to me. You wouldn’t - We love each other, right?”
    Your heart aches. It feels like it’s being ripped out of your body through your rib cage, and there’s nothing that can stop it now. You want to reply with a snarky comment, but seeing him go from frustrated to desperate so quickly makes you shudder and no words come out.
   All you can do is watch him as he clambers against the wall, trying to make his way towards you but his feet aren’t doing him any favours and you’re almost certain he will fall if he detaches himself from the grip he has on the wall.
    “Say you do,” Lance continues, his voice taking on the edge of a plea by now. “I know I fucked up. I - I fucked up really badly and I destroyed what we had, but please tell me I meant enough to you that you haven’t thrown me away in the space of - how many days has it been? Five?”
    You shake your head, biting your lip to fight back tears. Not today, Y/N. You promised.
    “I just need you to get yourself home, Lance,” you choke out. “Or else you’ll end up getting kicked out and arrested for public intoxication.”
    “You take me home,” Lance says. “I haven’t - I got an Uber here, but we can - we can walk. I don’t know where my hotel is, but-”
    “I’m not leaving with you,” you say and you feel yourself physically break at the sight of his face falling. His swollen cheeks have turned red and bright, his nose rosy and his soft brown eyes flooding with unshed tears that you persuade yourself only the alcohol can induce upon him.
    He’s too drunk to know what he’s saying. He won’t remember any of this in the morning.
     “But why? We live together,” Lance slurs. “Not right now, obviously, but we still share an apartment, and you still have a home with me, right? Because - Because I don’t have a home if you’re not there with me. You know that, right? Tell me you know that.”
    “Lance, please don’t make me call security to get you out of here. I don’t want this to be bigger than it needs to be.”
    “If you didn’t still like me - love me - you wouldn’t even be here right now. I’m surprised you haven’t pushed me down a flight of stairs yet.”
    “You’ll end up falling down the stairs if you don’t get yourself home,” you hiss. “Now please-”
     “But I miss you,” Lance says, and his voice comes out as a whine, a desperate plea for you to just listen to him. “Keep this between us, but the only real reason I actually showed up to this bore-fest is because I knew you’d be here with the others. I needed to see you.”
    You shake your head again. His words have an impact. They slam into your chest, winding you but he’s drunk, and you have to keep reminding yourself of that fact. You have to keep your head out of the gutter and keep yourself strong, because he means nothing he is saying and he will remember nothing at the end of the night.
     “Please, Lance,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. “Just get yourself home safely, alright? There’s - There’s nothing more for us. Nothing we can make out of what we had. Not now. The best thing for both of us to do is to just forget about one another.”
    Lance gurgles, slumping forward. “You don’t mean that.”
    You turn on your heel, using up all of your strength and everything in you to just get away from here. Leave on a decent note. You don’t need to yell at a drunken man - you don’t even need to associate yourself with him any further. Just go. Leave him.
     “Y/N, don’t walk away. What are you doing?” Lance cries and you flinch at the volume of his voice but continue to walk. “Y/N L/N, get back here! Please! I miss you! I - I love you, for crying out loud! Y/N, are you listening? Can you even hear me? Y/N!”
    He’s too drunk to run after you, and you’re too numb to turn back and look at him.
    You reach up to your cheeks, expecting to wipe away tears, but all you feel is the dry foundation on your face.
    You chuckle light heartedly, wrapping a loose arm around Emma’s shoulders as the two of you finally escape into the confines of the night.
    The only light that illuminates the bright smile shining off of Emma’s face right now is the street lights that shine down on her like the spot light she deserves.
    “You absolutely killed it!” Shiro cheers, wheeling Samuel, who had fallen asleep, down the disabled ramp of the museum. “God, they were all absolutely in love with you, Emma!”
    Emma smiles brightly, wiping at her tired eyes. “It was fun. Easier than I thought.”
    “You always had a way with words when it came to your art work,” you say, patting her arm and giving her a soft smile. You were proud of her. She had done her first night as an art show host and had absolutely blown everybody away with the art work she showed off. She had introduced a few world-famous paintings, but the paintings which stole the show were definitely her originals, which people pushed to get good views of.
     Even after the events of the night, you found yourself feeling genuinely proud of her.
     The side walk is crowded with people emerging from the art show, getting ready to go home after a long night of enjoying themselves, drinking fancy champagne and examining art. You smile at the odd person, arm still wrapped around Emma’s shoulders-
    Until Shiro’s own arm winds around your waist, taking you by mild surprise. You hadn’t realised you were standing still on the sidewalk until you were being pulled out of Emma’s grip. Emma looked at you for a moment, smirked before she waded off to be next to Samuel who was slowly waking himself up due to the sudden burst of noise that the outdoors brought upon him.
    “Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Shiro asks once Emma is leaning safely against the wall of the museum, shooting glances up at you and Shiro before she is swarmed by a group of boys who want to ask her about her art work.
    You raise a brow, pointing your eyes down at the hand he has wound around your waist. “I had a pretty decent time. What about you?”
    “I loved it,” he replied. You can’t help but notice the slight gravel to his voice, a tinge to his tone that is either the work of lust, too much alcohol, or exhaustion. “I just wanted to thank you for being a good date.”
    You splutter, eyes popping open. “Date?”
    Shiro shrugs loosely. “I mean, the term is used loosely, of course. We’re just friends, but you kept me company in there. I don’t know how much of Samuel’s blabbering I can take, and Emma was far too busy with the art to actually talk to me. You made an effort.”
    You blink hastily. “Right. Well, it was my pleasure, I guess.”
    He nods. “What about that vlog you filmed? When will that be up?”
    “Some time tomorrow, I’m hoping! I’m kind of filled with nervous energy at the moment, so I don’t see myself sleeping much.” Also known as, I have no idea if Lance got home safely and I hate myself for worrying so much but I can’t help it.
    “Well, I’m excited to make my Y/N L/N Vlogs debut,” Shiro jokes, jostling your arm slightly. You rock against him, still taken slightly off guard by the way he loosely used the term ‘date’ as if it meant nothing.
     Maybe it did mean nothing. Maybe you were just overthinking.
    It’s Samuel’s voice, groggy and tired, that snaps you out of your daze. “Oh for the love of all that is holy, what is he doing here?”
    Your eyes snap up, following Samuel’s gaze across the busy LA street you’re standing at. Almost immediately your stomach does knots, a sick feeling rising in your stomach as you see him - he had listened to you. He had left the museum, but he certainly hadn’t headed home.
    He was stumbling around the corner, singing a song that you two used to sing together all the time as you cooked dinner - a Spanish song which you never understood the lyrics to, but you had heard it enough to know every single word.
    “My God, he’s hammered,” Shiro breathes.
    Lance stumbles around the corner, swinging his arms above his head before his eyes meet yours. You barely register it for a moment, the glare off of the street lamps making him seem a little more sober than he must have been. But one thing was for sure - as soon as his eyes met yours, his entire demeanour changed and suddenly, he looked angry.
    You couldn’t be too sure, of course. It was very rare you actually saw Lance angry, but judging by the scowl which suddenly scattered his feautres and the way his gaze clamped down on Shiro’s hand which was wound around your waist, he was pissed.
    You’re quick to step out of Shiro’s gaze, panic sweeping you. The streets were busy. Cars were zooming past at an unforgiving speed, and Lance was drunk and angry and on the other side of the road.
    Nobody else sees it coming. Nobody but you. You step forward, wanting nothing more than to rush across the road and push him back from the curb, but nobody stops. No cars stop. Some drivers are even driving past on their cell phones at a speed which could knock down the side of a building.
     But Lance doesn’t register that, and you see his eyes flicker the moment he yells out, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” to Shiro. Shiro’s eyes widen as you rush forward, shaking your hands in front of your body.
    “Lance, don’t! Stay right there! Don’t even think of moving or-”
    But your words don’t mean anything. Not right now. Not when Lance is blinded in a mad hot rage, consumed and fuelled by alcohol. You watch on in horror, a cry escaping your mouth as Lance steps off the curb, ready to fly head on at Shiro -
    He doesn’t get that far. Not before a car has slammed into his side, knocking him to the left, blood spurting out of his nose before he’s even hit the concrete. You hear Emma yelling out for help, and you’re certain you hear yourself wailing but everything sounds dull, as if it’s being sounded through water.
    Lance lands on the road with a thump, completely unconscious by the time he even hits the tarmac.
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