#i cannot take this game seriously istg
dearcharms · 11 months
i normally dont replay routes but i think i will replay asagi.... i get why ppl dont like it bcs tbh it is POORLY executed and honestly.. objectively speaking i should have hated it bcs his route was so shit. But somehow he became my 2nd fave overall watdahell it doesnt help that i wouldnt exactly rank lp high in my list either....... asagi sensei what did u do to me
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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and we are back on the hyperfixation train-
seriously i cannot stop with the never-ending brainrot when it comes to randy cunningham so, if anyone is genuinely interested in seeing more rambles about this show because honestly the gears are turning lol, both due to my incoming crossover and just- things in general?
it’s late, the ideas aren’t flowing as well as i’d like right now, so in the meantime have a series of random headcanons
RC9GN Headcanons
~ Since magic is a thing in the universe, I’ve always envisioned that creatures from Japanese folklore/legends/etc coexist with humans- however they mostly appear in other plane of existence and don’t interact with mortals at all- i know this doesn’t make sense yet but it will,, when it’s not past midnight lol
~ I’m firmly convinced Plop Plop and Howard could be part of the same bloodline (Howard is 100% a descendant of Plop Plop, this is just canon lol i was there i was uhhh, howard’s shirt /lh)
~ this is practically canon but Plop Plop is?? practically immortal?? Could the same apply to the First Ninja? (because he’s now just sort of in the nomicon- like is he technically immortal bc his soul’s trapped in it so to speak)
~ ADHD Randy. Like how could he be anything but? I mean look at him
~ Julian is 100% some breed of ND, as is Howard. I make the rules this is canon now
~ Can I please just have the idea that Randy continues the mantle of being the Ninja post-grad? Like, don’t mind wipe him i’m begging- but also, consider he does forget and then something happens where it triggers his memories back- could make an au out of this but not right now,
~ There’s no way half the characters are straight lmao
~ I just watched the reveal episode and I like to think Viceroy sabotaging the robot because, well, Randy’s 14-
~ absentee parents for Randy- like. how does he get away with half the things he does? where even are his parents
~ Howard clearly has abandonment issues. I seriously need this being a thing more often-
~ caretaker Howard- to what level would the suit protect Randy?? I genuinely think Howard patches Randy up whenever he gets injured bc of literal ROBOTS
~ Randy 100% has self esteem issues?? (living in shooblivion was a perfect example of this-)
~ Heidi also has ADHD
~ Adoptive Parent First Ninja. I will not accept anything less-
~ Randy is a summer child. Howard was born in winter-
~ Game Developer Howard? I need this
~ Randy is a bit of an artist. He can already play instruments- so I say let him know how to dance, maybe not an expert but he knows his moves; also, he can sing- he does vocals in his and Howard’s band
~ not really an hc but if i don’t get more lore for the tengu i might actually go insane lol (what is the connection between the ninja and the demon bird-)
~ so. Randy, this kid- istg if this wasn’t an episodic, lighthearted kids show, he would be so traumatized. ptsd for Randy
~ Asian Randy- I’m not sure which one just yet
~ another Randy hc- I need Randy being a descendant of the Norisu 9-
~ Theresa your crush on Randy is so freaking obvious-
~ SIR, hello?? Not exactly a headcanon but I swear to everything- Randy and Debbie are a disaster waiting to happen. The identity reveal has me screaming, and honestly I wanted more; aka I need a more angsty version of the same episode istg
~ am I the only seeing Mort pseudo-adopting Randy??
~ there will be more to come but not right now- this pup is taking a slumber,, they are eepy
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ssreeder · 1 year
ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod it’s HAPPENING this is NOT a DRILL
anyways I’m in bed hacking up a lung and delirious on cough medicine, so this leekie reaction episode is brought to you by Rikodien, our sponser for this evening :D
saw the chapter title and instantly began mentally rubbing my hands together like a greedy little gremlin I’m so EXCITED
oh shit not the suicidal sokka era… man pls just *kachow* back together like an overstretched elastic band bc codependency is wayyyy better than this shit come on dude
okay but like… sokka taking on zuko characteristics due to zuko being out of commission was Not what I expected, and yet I cannot say it’s entirely surprising
toph my bestie, the loml, an actual angel, yes INDEED why DOES sokka want to murder quon surely there’s a REASON
not the zuko situation… rasu baby pls hold strong I Cannot have you being captured
aang. it’s times like these where I have to take deep breaths and remember you are 12 years old bc otherwise I will SCREAM
actually side note, but I would be really interested to hear 1. your feelings on iroh 2. your feelings on iroh IN THIS FIC, bc I personally am not a huge iroh fan for a multitude of reasons (sorry not sorry) so I wanna know how I’m supposed to read him in this universe (also just love hearing your thoughts and opinions but also no I don’t we’re divorced shut up)
thank GOD general how has some brain cells fr
suki is the real mvp of this chapter, she has the patience of the saint I honestly could never. FINALLY THE TRUTH YAYYYYY IM OH SO HAPPY TO HEAR SOKKA FINALLY TELL THE TRUTH
goddammit. why are they teenagers the emotions are just always so HIGH ugh I hate hormones. suki was doing so well ;-; (I don’t blame her or anything but DUDE COME ON)
aang and sokka friendship >>>>>
ykw I’m just gonna leave those typos. I think they accurately convey my excitement.
sreedie. istg if pt 1 of the zukka reunion is sokka just WATCHING THROUGH A WINDOW IM GOING TO MURDER YOU
oh thank fuck he’s through the window. love you sreedie <3
not iroh just observing sokka go feral as a picture of absolute passivity lmao
okay I know this is a serious moment but I’m really enjoying the liab trivia night that sokka is hosting rn
I am actually,, extraordinarily pleased with how this chapter went. so uh.. no notes (ignore the several hundred words of notes above)
my heart was POUNDING and now I need to rest and recover. love ya sreeds <3
LEEKIE YOURE SICK?!?! (It’s been like almost two weeks so I hope you’re better) the audacity.
I think it’s hilarious how much of a reaction that title got heheeeee I’m funny.
Sokka spent 90% of RIA trying to get Zuko to stop doing what Sokka is spending 100% of ITF doing lol. It’s called progression damn it
Oh gosh my thoughts on Iroh? I don’t know where to start. I kind of want you to read Iroh how you want in this fic & see if you can figure out my feelings about the man from that? Hmmm? Call it… playing hard to get ;) ((just because we’re divorced doesn’t mean we can’t still play games))
Some people were mad at Suki for leaving after Sokka told her everything but seriously she is like what? 16??? Lied to & manipulated by someone she cared about & then told pfft there’s someone else. Nahhh girls allowed to have hurt feelings & she is allowed to want to bitch slap Sokka for that. (Just because Sokka is hurting doesn’t mean he gets to hurt others sorry buddddddyyy)
Hahaha Sokka did a really good job being there for Zuko but a terrible job keeping their closeness a secret haha: <3
LEEEEEKKKKKIIIEEEEE ok I don’t love you because you’re a lightbulb smashing ex wife but I do hope you’re feeling better & if now I’ll toss some soup through your window <3 (ok I still love you byyeeee)
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eureka-its-zico · 8 months
I'm at a loss for words after the newest chapter... Some gifs should sum up some of my feelings (essay after the gifs lol):
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While I am writing this, I hope that I will manage to compose myself 😂 [I came to add this before sending this, and no, I in fact, did not compose myself by the end of this lol]
First of all, thank you for beefy chapters. I personally enjoy them, means I can read a lot more and experience more emotionally. However, please take care of yourself and don't push yourself to churn out big chapters if you don't feel like it. Any sort of update you come out with, know that I will enjoy it and cherish it with my whole heart ❤
Second of all, to reply to the last ask I sent... My fave character from BG3 was Karlach. Honestly, I somehow managed to romance Wyll and then immediately regretted it because Karlach is the best character in that game. My least favourite character was, is and will forever be Gale. I won't go into details because you will see it (if you haven't yet) 😂 And you mentioned Dragon Age and Mass Effect?? Excuse me? Those are like both in my top favourite games! Screaming here in excitement!!!! 😂
Onto this newest chapter... While I was prepared for angst. I was not prepared for ANGST! And while I set the mood with Halsey for the whole chapter, oh shit, my heart 😭 Also, Zoro, seriously? You are such an arse, istg.
Everything, from the first line until the cliffhanger at the end... I am amazed at how you write. It's not just good, it's AMAZING. Each chapter you come out with makes me feel things and believe me, that's hard for me.
[Personal info dump incoming]
Fanfics have been a huge part of my life during some of the darkest times of my life. It's been a safe place for me to go to. Find characters and stories where life is better, someone wants you just as much as you want them if not more. Where you experience those feelings of attraction, that sudden realisation of 'oh shit.' and what comes with it. The fear and excitement of liking someone, the feelings of hurt, disappointment when you miscommunicate or don't communicate enough...
I've been through quite a few awful things in my life in recent years and while I've been free from an extremely toxic person for over a year now, I still feel... broken. Like, I came out from a situation where at the end of it I could not recognise the person in the mirror that was looking back at me. It was bad. And while I am better, there's still this nagging feeling at the back of my head that what if... I won't ever find anyone irl. What if, I will spend the rest of my life by myself?
AND while being alone hasn't been bad and I have learned that my peace is worth A LOT, at the end of the day, it would be nice to share the weight of the world with someone else 🤷‍♀️
[End of personal info dump]
Reading your story. A story you have so much care for. It fills me with so many positive feelings and I cannot even begin to describe how happy I get with each new update and to see you interact with everyone who sends you a message. You are so lovely, I wish I could reach through my monitor and give you the biggest hug ❤
You have a lovely gift. Making people feel emotions with words. Not many people manage to call out to the deepest parts of them, to make them relate and feel with the characters that they are reading about. To experience what the characters feel. And to paint the scenes that it feels you are actually there (in this case, it feels like I watched some bootleg OPLA version because it did not have Doc and Doc needs to be there! Netflix, pls fix this! kthxbye).
Is it obvious that I've been on an emotional rollercoaster tonight? 😂
I am probably going to bite my nails from anticipation for the next chapter because that ending?? I did not see that coming! 😂 But I hope that this will be a good way for Doc to see more about Nami and for them to bond even more. I would love to see a Zoro POV because I want to see him stewing and beating himself up for being a gigantic ass 😤😤😤 I would also expect him to give shit to Doc for pulling this stunt once they do get reunited, but Doc can shut that shit down because the first words out of Zoro's mouth should be "I'm sorry. I've been an ass. I'm terrified. I did not mean what I said." 😂 And Doc blurting out how she feels and Zoro being cold?! That tore my heart out honestly.
Also, Sanji... I can see Doc and him being good friends. Especially since it will annoy the shit out of Zoro and that's fine by me, because he was a dick to Doc 😂 Though also, they already have a good dynamic going for them that will make them good friends (bonding over Zeff/Naan in the previous chapter). Also, Doc doesn't care about his flirting and that is hilarious to me haha
Wow, it's an essay. Again 😂 I apologise, please let me know if you'd prefer that I don't send in essays into your ask? I get carried away because there's so many things that I feel and I just... rant 😂 There's a lot to comment about and I struggle with summing up my thoughts and feelings?! I apologise!
It was a lovely and emotional update and I am looking forward to what next is in store for Doc and the rest of the Straw Hats! ❤ Thank you for sharing your writing, Jenn. I hope you had a lovely weekend and your next week is going to be lovely, great and amazing! Also, 2 weeks until you graduate?! Congratulations!!
-- Your sappy, essay writing, emotional cheesy ❤
Osiyo, Cheesy Darling!!
Disclaimer: I'm going to add a continue reading cut because this is big and beefy and my reply will be equally big and beefy lol.
When it comes to big beefy chapters, it is a habit of mine. I have to like, teach myself to write less in chapters lol but then I HATE is because I feel like I didn't get to explain something the way it should have been explained or a scene between characters doesn't get the attention it deserves. My chapters end up being so long because I am desperately trying to make sure that the scenes, I'm writing all flow together perfectly but then I see it say 15-20k words and I panic lol. Realistically, when you read chapters in books they are at least 10k or more words per chapter. Right? Right??
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KARLACH! I love her she is so sweet and cuddly with all her hell fire. Okay. Look. I had to restart Baldur's Gate because I found out I missed Gale and I cannot - CANNOT - function knowing I missed a party member and won't be able to decide if I want to fight them, fuck them, or marry them all on my own lol. It's funny you say he is your least fav and I'm like...the gith chick is currently the one I dislike the most because she is so ugly AND FOR WHAT?? FOR WHAT MA'AM?!?! And YESSSSSS!! Omg Mass Effect and Dragon Age are my favorite series of all time. The story Bioware told with Commander Shephard, my god, is the reason I think I write the way I do. Or part of the reason. The way they built up that world in three incredible games and even made sure in the 3rd to bring every small detail and side mission into the last game to give closure. That is fantastic writing. It's what made me want to write stories just as intricate and infuriating, because that ending....god Commander Shephard deserved BETTER. I will never shut up about this. Does it make sense?? Yes. Do I gotta like it? Hell no.
Thank you so much for being so nice. I struggled a lot with this chapter. I kept feeling like I was falling short or messing something up. So, I would have to get up and work through the dialogue and the scene through my head and when I just genuinely couldn't get over it, I forced myself to continue forward, or I would've deleted it.
[ On to your personal info dump ]: I am so incredibly sorry that you even went through that and had to experience it. Unfortunately, I know all too well what it feels like to experience the same exact thing. So, I am beyond happy that you are safe. You are out and you are learning that the peace of being alone is such an underrated joy, imo. I know it is not necessarily the same as what you meant, but if you want to share anything that weighs on you or just want to have friendly conversation when needed, I am always here for you.
You are so kind to me in telling Netflix to add in Doc lol I would literally die. It is a nice daydream to have to consider that a character created out of love for Oda sensei's vision, in all forms, would be considered. I always do my best to make sure when I speak to anyone who sends me a message or an ask that it is with kindness and gratitude. You all come and speak to me about my work and how it is something you enjoy, that it helps them, and all the while you are all helping me too. There isn't enough I could say to thank you for always being so kind. For sending me these amazingly long reviews and comments, because they are absolutely my favorite. I do not take these for granted.
I know everyone is hating on Zoro right now (for absolutely good reason) and it's funny but while I wrote him I just knew he had to do it. He's this 19-year-old petty pain in the ass who never considered having a relationship outside of his swords. He meets girl and instead of her being like everyone else, they ZING. Neither of them can explain it or understand it but they don't have to. The universe is funny like that sometimes.
Sanji and Doc are about to give Zoro a fuckin' run for his money and he is just going to have to grin and bear it because he has no choice. While he is equally gonna be pissed, she up and did something so stupid he is forgetting Doc is still equally pissed at how he reacted to her. Two idiots fighting over who is the pettiest. Always.
I do not mind your long replies or asks! These are some of my favorites and I have so much fun discussing things with you! The fact you also love Mass Effect and Dragon Age?? I AM ALIVE AND BURNING! Thank you for always being so lovely and so incredibly sweet. I hope your Monday is treating you kindly and not like an actual Monday, cause Monday's are gross lol. Much love.
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Clemence Father
(ps the screenshots all have that orange recording button bc i want to look at them without having to go through the entire route again. sorry if they’re kinda annoying!)
Aight, so Jonah proposed to MC (well, he kinda just announced that MC is his fiancee from now on but whatever), and he decided to bring her to the Clemence house for this party to meet the family. Luka was there as well, standing in a corner. MC kinda wanted to join him in the corner as well, but Jonah dragged her off to meet his relatives. But they all seemed to dislike MC because she’s not from a good background.
Then, this dude enters the scene:
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A dignified-looking man walked over here, looking at me, who is standing by Jonah, in surprise.]
And then, when Jonah goes to introduce MC as his fiancee, his father cuts him off by saying that he never heard of Jonah having a fiancee before. Like, Jonah was in the middle of a super serious and sincere introduction and his father just interrupted like that in a super cold voice. I was already starting to dislike him at this point, but I didn’t wanna fight him just yet.
Also, here’s something that kinda surprised me:
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(His looks seemed to be similar to Luka’s, but his disposition...
(It seemed to be 50 times scarier than Jonah when I first met him...)]
I found it kinda weird how Luka actually took after him in terms of looks more than Jonah did??? Like, my original headcanon was that Luka didn’t actually look very similar to his father, which could be part of why he was ignored so much, but I guess he was ignored even when he looks like his father. Ouch.
Also, whenever the Clemence father makes an appearance, the thing that MC talks about the most is how scary/stern his disposition is. He must be someone really ruthless to warrant that kind of description.
After that, his father goes on to guess that Jonah had made the decision to bring MC without consulting anyone in his family because he knew that his decision would be opposed. I suppose that Jonah’s father does know him quite well, but it actually unsettles me more, because he seems to have no regard for the effect he has on his sons. Like, Jonah literally had to fight to keep his head up under such pressure.
So Jonah goes on to explain why he chose not to tell anyone about it, but his father interrupts him AGAIN with this huge speech about how the Clemence bloodline cannot be mixed with a bloodline of unknown origins. They have kept his tradition for hundreds of years, and that every single heir has accepted this fact and chose to marry someone of high social standing. 
Jonah, naturally, was pretty angry, and told his father that he has gone too far. But guess what? This dude ignores him YET AGAIN and tries to convince MC to marry Levie instead of Jonah. Seriously. No wonder Jonah never listens to anyone else if this was the role model he had. I’m really starting to grit my teeth at this point.
Also, something concerning is how Jonah’s father knew that Levie is after MC, since that was classified information. Jonah confronts him about him, but he brushes it off by saying that he was the former Queen of Hearts and he has all the information sources he need. I wonder how powerful he was when he was Queen if he was still so influential in his retirement. And yeah, he totally strikes me as the sort of guy who would order Claudius to assassinate people...
But anyways, Jonah’s father tells him that he’ll pretend as if he heard nothing and walks off, even though Jonah tried to tell him that he wasn’t finished yet. What a guy.
Jonah leaves MC with Luka and goes after his father. Luka takes MC to his room and tells her something really sweet. He tells her that to trust “that guy” (Jonah) and to wait for him, which really showed his reliance on his older brother. Like, even though he rejects Jonah a lot and avoids him, deep down inside he still believes in Jonah. 
And after a few parts we get a flashback where Jonah recalls the conversation he had with his father after he goes after him, and this is where my blood starts boiling.
So the Clemence father reminds Jonah, in a pretty harsh way, that when he had rejected marriage alliances in the past, he has always said that he’ll find someone better. He then goes on to call MC “that kind of person” (as in, a person of low birth and social standing), and Jonah gets pretty mad at him for that:
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Jonah: Even if you’re my father, I cannot allow you to call her “that kind of person”...!
Clemence Patriarch: Don’t change the topic!
Hearing his father’s roar of fury, Jonah wasn’t scared in the slightest, and instead glared fierily back at him.]
I find it kinda interesting how the game refers to Jonah and Luka’s father as “the Clemence Patriarch” instead of “Clemence Father” or something. That would probably make more sense, because the term “Patriarch” can refer to a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, etc., not necessarily a father. But I guess this highlights how his identity as a patriarch is prioritized before his identity as a father.
And then this scene happens:
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Clemence Patriarch: Whatever you say! There is nothing more to say, get out. 
Clemence Patriarch: In order to prevent the failure of the first, we still have a second.
Clemence Patriarch: I will disown you as my son, and make Luka the heir of the family, and then he’ll be the one to marry a high-born noble lady.]
Honestly he makes Jonah and Luka sound so expendable, and that’s really not okay. They’re human beings, his own SONS, not an object to be thrown away when it served its use. Like, if I had any doubts about why Luka left his family before, this scene just explained everything. Who would want this guy as their parent????? 
And of course, as the best nii-sama in the world, Jonah caves.
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Even though he wanted to follow through with his own ideals, he couldn’t let his important brother, Luka, be sacrificed.
Not only would Luka have to bear the burden as the heir, a burden that he has been bearing for many years, 
And he would marry some lady who he has never met before, this absolutely cannot happen!
Jonah: Just this one thing...please don’t do it.
Jonah could only bend to his father’s will.]
He’s literally in an impossible position right now. If he wants to marry the love of his life, he would have a sacrifice his precious brother, and if he wants to protect his brother, he would have to sacrifice his fiancee. If he wants to keep them both safe, then the only real solution would be to leave the Clemence family.
Come on, Cybird. Y’all made him turn against the Red Army in his original route and now you’re making him turn against his family now??? When will the torture for Jonah and his stans ever end??????????
And here’s a few other lines from the Clemence Patriarch to disgust you:
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Clemence Patriach: I am a generous and maganimous person.
Clemence Patriach: As long as the Clemence bloodline is protected, I don’t care if the heir is you or Luka.]
......I literally have nothing else to say.
Istg this dude is the worst parent in the Red Army, and the Red Army is already brimming with awful parenting skills. Lancelot’s father pretty much neglected him and Edgar’s uncle straight-up abused him, but you could still tell that they cared about their sons in their own little twisted ways. Lancelot’s father eqipped him with all the skills he would need to be King, and Claudius took all responsibility for the Bright family business in the end, protecting Edgar. And then we have the Clemence father who’s all like: i MaDE TwO kIDS foR a reASoN anD ThAt iS To HAVE ONE OF THEM REPLACE THE OTHER/USING ONE OF THEM TO THREATEN THE OTHER IF THEY MESS UP. ALSO NEITHER OF THEM MATTERS APPARENTLY BC THEY’RE BOTH JUST TOOLS FOR CARRYING ON THE BLOODLINE.
I get that this is only part 12 and he’s probably going to have a redemption scene or at least some whitewashing at the end, but STILL. I really, really, really, really, really don’t like Jonah and Luka’s father.
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Hoodie HCs 2 . . . Kinda
Pairings: BNHA boys x reader
Warnings: None, not even cursing  Σ(☉_☉)
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari
A/N: Ok, let’s have a little chat here.
I want to start out by saying I’m not mad, I’m just a little annoyed.
So this same anon sent the same request to someone else (see their post here) and the other author posted theirs around the day after I finished the prompt. If I hadn’t already written it up, I would have just deleted the ask and moved on, but I was already done so here we are. I’m not sure what went wrong where, but let me just say this: Please don’t send the same request to different authors around the same time. It’s not cool. Again, I don’t know everything about the situation, but it’s just really frustrating to both authors when you do things like this.
Also also, anon didn’t really follow my rules. 1. I don’t write for Shigaraki, and 2. I write for fem or gender neutral reader only (this is gender neutral). My rules are there for a reason, both for my benefit and yours, so please look over them before requesting. At the moment I’m only writing for eight people.
Anyway, mini rant over. I hope you guys enjoy these headcanons!
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Dis boi, istg
He’s such a little pain
But you love him
And he even loves tolerates you 
One evening, he was in your room, poking through your closet
You were presently in the shower, and had sent him up to your room to grab your towel you had forgotten
But let’s just say he got a little . . . sidetracked
You had so many oversized sweatshirts hanging tantalizingly from your rack
You certainly wouldn’t miss just one, would you?
After some brief inner turmoil, Katsuki pulled one down; a simple solid black
He experimentally brought it nearer to his nose, checking to see if his suspicion may be correct
Indeed, it smelled heavenly of you; your detergent, your deodorant, even down to the faintest traces of sweat and shampoo around the collar
He squeezed and balled it in his fists for a moment, debating while he absentmindedly continued his search for your towel
Soon enough, he found your fuzzy rectangular strip of cloth and, now holding two items from your closet, left your room
He made a quick stop at his own room to drop off the hoodie
Once he had cheekily made his initial delivery, he settled back into his room
He pulled your hoodie over his head, enjoying the baggy feel of it around him
Katsuki was liking this more than he cared to admit, but it didn’t matter since you wouldn’t see him with your hoodie anyway, if he had anything to say about it
Now, you did, in fact, notice the disappearance of your hoodie, and initially brushed it off
That had been the first week
Eventually, you began to cultivate your own suspicions, taking notice of how suddenly your boyfriend grew defensive (at least, more so than normal) any time you brought up the black hoodie that had formerly belonged to you
Indeed, it was time to investigate
You invited yourself over for a study session, waiting until Bakugou ducked into his en-dorm bathroom before quickly and quietly getting up
You poked around a bit, scanning for obvious hiding places
Getting back down, you peeked under the bed
Sure enough, there it was
It was then that you heard the bathroom door click and swing open and shut, then Katsuki’s footsteps froze
“Looking for something,” you said offhandedly, reaching under to grab the hoodie
You pulled the hoodie free, smirking at his guilty reaction. “Now how did this get down there?”
“I-I . . . I don’t know.” For once his voice is small; defeated
“You don’t, now?” You took note of how neatly he had folded the black cloth, undoing it in your hands and holding it up to see. “I’ve been looking for this for a while.”
For once, Bakugou is speechless. He’d been caught, and now all he could do was wait for your reaction and what you would do next
“You know, if you wanted this one, you could have asked,” you said, standing. “It’s not like I have a shortage.”
Katsuki had shoved his hands in his pockets, glowering at the floor in an attempt to avoid your gaze
“Does it still even smell like me?” you pondered, more to yourself since you weren’t expecting an answer. You pressed the collar to your nose and inhaled
You were able to detect a tiny hint of yourself still clinging stubbornly to the fabric, but mostly it was laced with him
A quick image of him sleeping in it flashed in your mind and you blushed, glancing from your boyfriend to the floor
“Well, you can give it back when you want,” you said, folding it up again and laying it on his bed. “If you ever want another one, you can tell me.”
You knew him by now. You know it would have been hard for him to have asked you for something like this. So, for the time being, you decided to go easy and drop the subject
The both of you went back to your studies, but this time, Bakugou was a little more silent and reserved than usual
The following month, you made sure to give him every opportunity you could to allow him to take another hoodie
You’d leave your closet doors open and leave the room for extended periods of time while he was in there, making up lame excuses for your absences
Whenever you came over to his room, you might ‘accidentally’ leave a little something behind for him
Sure enough, things would begin to disappear and reappear seemingly on their own. Even though you knew it was Katsuki, he was surprisingly sneaky about it
Finally one day, you visited him at his house over one of your breaks from school
He answered the door in a t-shirt you immediately recognized as your own, and your heart soared
You knew he did it on purpose, and the smirk he bore at your pleasantly surprised expression only offered further proof
Bonus: Every time he gives them back they still smell like him, even though he’s the type to wash them before giving them back
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It all started one particularly cold evening
He was out in a temperature just above freezing in nothing but his regular street clothes
Baby, you hot, but like . . . that’s not enough, please keep yourself warm
N e wahys, after pestering him multiple times asking if he was at all cold, he finally admitted to having a bit of a chill
“Take my jacket.”
“But I’m being manly—”
“Take it.”
“I shouldn’t be taking it from you. Really, it’s my fault so you shouldn’t have to suffer—”
“It’s manly to take care of yourself. And also to accept gifts when you need them. You’re wearing my jacket.”
After a bit of coaxing, he finally pulls it on
*cue his universe falling into place*
He just can’t get over how warm and comfortable and soft it is, and every moment he sees it around him, he’s reminded of you
He goes from one extreme to the other, and now he doesn’t want to take it off
“So are you going to give that back to me or—?”
“Actually, can I keep it for a bit longer?”
Under the initial circumstances, it makes him a little blushy
But like, this is now his everything???
It’s like you’re always there to give him a little hug, and it even smells like you. He sleeps in it every night for nearly two weeks
But then it starts to lose your scent, and his mind begins to wonder what else you might have in your closet
He goes to your room and sheepishly broaches the topic, giving back the original jacket and asking if he could have another
You smile at how flustered he is, and allow him full access to your extensive collection
Bby boi is so pumped to be able to wear your shirts and sweaters, and always tries to return the favor if he can
I headcanon that he has a pretty strong personal scent, so it’s really nice to wear his clothes, or even just re-wearing your own clothes once he gives them back
He gets extra cuddly and fluffy whenever he wears something of yours as well, so REAP YOUR BENEFITS WHERE YOU CAN
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He’s the most open with it, honestly
Seriously, having an s/o who is taller than him makes his heart do the BIG doki doki
He thinks you’re so cute! And so much fun to hug!! Yes please, sign him up
He hadn’t really thought too much about taking your hoodies or jackets, but one night, he had taken yours from you to go hang it up. Holding it up to his, it dawned upon him that they were the same size
Next thing he knew, he was raiding your closet in secret. You’d left your room to go grab some snacks for your gaming night and Denki had decided that that was the perfect time for him to strike
He wasn’t overly concerned with getting caught, but he enjoyed entertaining the idea of you finding one of your t-shirts stolen by none other than himself
He truly had hit gold, dating someone like you. Upon opening and rooting through your closet, he discovered even more clothing articles that would certainly fit him; hoodies, jumpers, t-shirts . . . .
It was almost overwhelming, to be honest. How could he possibly pick just one?
You came back into your room a few minutes later, catching him in the act of eyeing a small pile of your own clothes
You watched him silently from your door for a minute, eyes flicking from your closet to your boyfriend, who had held up an old oversized hoodie to his chest
The dots were easily connected in your head, and you smirked
“Finding something you like?” you asked, making him jump and turn around to face you. You could almost have sworn to have seen a little crackle of electricity run down his arm from his own surprise
“(Y/N)! Yeah, um, I noticed the other day that we were the same size, so I was curious about . . . what you had . . . .”
He watches your reaction, relieved to see you smirk and walk over to him
“Try that one on,” you say, referring to the hoodie
He grins back, sliding it over his head as you watched
It was so comfortable, and warm too. You had good taste
The hoodie smelled like you and everything. Denki allowed himself to relish for a moment the feeling of something of yours softly encasing him so
Yep, there was no way he was taking it off
You let him keep it, butterflies making their flighty rounds in your belly every time you glanced over at him
He looked cute in it, and the fact that he was wearing something of yours further stirred a feeling in you that he was truly yours to love
Definitely makes a habit of taking your clothing from time to time—anything he can get his hands on is his, sometimes experimenting with your differing style from his
Very very soft, 10/10 cuddle and spoon your smol bf
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Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​​
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mingmingfufu · 3 years
Can we just talk about the ending of KawoShin open discuss. *sort of spoilerish*
I feel like I’m the only one who’s like reallly disappointed LMFAO--ya’ll there’s so much “canon” alternative universe and merchandise for Kawoshin in Evangelion that it kind of makes me upset to realise this couple just went down the drain. Yeah, I can see how people were like, “Kaworu’s toxic” or “Kaworu has a hero complex for Shinji” to which I say are valid points. But the toxic thing I feel like can also be applied to pretty much everyone around Shinji tbh, except for Rei. I did NOT, like Asuka at all but I really love her character though, and I felt for her a lot throughout the series.
I did not ship them either because honestly, Shinji and Asuka seemed better off playing the sibling dynamic instead of trying to play bf/gf which honestly is kind of forced by their living situation. Also since they’re in a similar disposition non existent father and dead mother, you’d imagine they would rely on each other for emotional comfort. Though Asuka—her personality I feel like she can’t differentiate between familial love and romantic love and the affection she wants is a bit of both. But, her character tries to be “mature”; she wants romantic love more and does this through sexual means and romantic gestures e.g. like kissing. One of my friends told me that you can’t stay friends as a boy and a girl cause eventually you catch feelings. Which I say is kinda dumb cause I have a lot of male friends, and I definitely don’t harbour those feelings, but I guess it’s a common phenomena.
I think this is what happens in this case, of Asuka and Shinji. Even after rejection of instrumentality they actually are depicted as childhood friends. But knowing how they both were before to each other, it was not good tbh. Also to mention the choking like thrice— bro if anything, this showcases a really abusive relationship and I think this outstretches the idea of their character tropes. Which I firmly stand by saying they’re superficial to each other. AsuShin were never really there for each other and are using each other in a forced situation. However, you can’t deny that they didn’t at some point catch feels, also Shinji is pretty consistent how he still cares about everyone around him. Which I really like how they add that to his character because it reminiscent of Yui, because you see a duality of both his parents personality in Shinji throughout the series—it’s a really nice touch. But bruh, if we gonna talk about that coma scene—I’m out LOL.
Thoughhhh, she is a true definition of best girl I really like her arc, fighting drive, and her skills as an Eva pilot 😭💗--but bruh she’s still a toxic and sometimes annoying tsundere trope, but still she’s 14 what can you do. So I feel like Kensuke and Asuka are actually a pretty good combo, cause he’s always been pretty mature even without parents. Also Asuka was into older guys, so I guess this is a win win?? Also Rei and Shinji, I honestly cannot get my head around it cause that’s pretty much his mom—so in a way that’s like either his half-sister or mom-ish clone?? Idk but Yui is definitely the donor LOL.
Kaworu and Shinji I felt like brought a bunch of things out of each other. I don’t know which timeline begins first, but I’d like to think the manga, the anime (plus its movies), and then to the rebuild series. Because I think that order is kind of pivotal to observing Kaworu’s character development from being a person who’s trying to understand human feelings to then the kinder person we see in the final series. You can tell how he’s changed and he knows Shinji a lot more as well as being considerate to him e.g. giving him personal space or letting him work at his own pace. Also that “we’ll meet again.” Is an obvious nod to how he’s done this before.
His literal story in every timeline is always romantic LOL, like bruh I can’t remember which game it was but basically a bad ending of Kawoshin route is that you reject Kaworu and he starts the third impact 🤡. Also I don’t know why but I started to see a weird dynamic between those two, in the manga their interactions reminded me of Asuka and Shinji—which Shinji is the tsundere Asuka here. I don’t know if this is relevant but the older character relative to the character they’re with seems to play off a mature vs a childish person trope. Asuka is younger than Shinji and Shinji is actually younger than Kaworu. Then again I could be overseeing this but istg manga Kaworu and Shinji mirror the whole Asushin dynamic. Like he’s seriously agressive against Kaworu, then after killing him he admits liking him. 🤡 I don’t know which is funnier no homo Shinji, homophobe shinji, or just closet Shinji who needs to realise sexuality is a spectrum so he could’ve idk—come out as bisexual, but whatever manga Shinji lol that timeline is over.
Anyways the development of these two is real and I think the rebuild timeline shows them at their best bringing their own personage out from each other like how they both enjoy music together--WHICH I’M SO SAD WE NEVER GET TO SEE THAT CELLO AGAIN. Then there’s those feelings of humanity, love, kindness, etc. Which yeah an angel could represent those things, but Kaworu is still his own person, self-aware of a cycle and if you think about how he initially was there to USE Shinji, but ultimately turned on that plan set by SEELE because he loved Shinji (and a bunch of other things like him showing Kaworu humanity). I also can see the argument, how “ideal” Kaworu is to Shinji, but he’s more self aware of the time he has before he KNOWS he’ll die and knows how to act for himself in that duration to make the most of it. All with Shinji. At some point, I think he fell in love with Shinji tho I don’t know where it began tbh—considering that all those alternate universes do exist. Kaworu does romantically love Shinji--so, in some universe they both reciprocate their feelings to each other. 
In the last movie during that convo with Shinji. Like bREH it’s so emotionally moving because Kaworu remembers ALLLLL the timelines and how he’s been with Shinji and later Shinji himself recalls the events too. Where they show the scene from the manga and anime. Kaworu cries after being set free from the EVA cycle. Which, I definitely understood what he meant by him saying “it’ll be lonely” and how Shinji changed or that he’s actually different this time.
Either way, Shinji did right by him because it’s always Kaworu who has the purpose of “trying to save Shinji” but it always ends up the same. I thought that was really moving because Shinji tells Kaworu he’s gonna let him live a life for himself for once and he wants the same for everyone as well. Which was honestly so meaningful cause I think Kaworu’s character and like Rei too when they start to realise how to “live” like a person and not another puppet it’s truly liberating. Another thing I forgot, bruh Kaworu calls Gendo his father and ngl I feel like this is kind of a weird lore situation because I for sure don’t think he’s the donor. I think he calls him that as an insult because he knows Gendo’s whole doing and relative to Shinji—I kind of see it as a joke LOL. Like it’s equivalent to saying, “daddy chill”, or “hey look it’s daddy and his plans to end the world” also I kind of like to think of it as a father in law thing cause you know, Kawoshin *winks amirite*
The ending, I’m honestly hoping is just an open ending because it gives everything an actual start of their adult lives not being dictated by extraterrestrial forces. Though, I’m kind of wondering if the world doesn’t have EVAs does that still mean everyone else still has the same backstory, and do they remember? Maybe Mari really is just a coworker lmfao, and there’s still a chance for Kaworu and Shinji cause ngl, they did have a convo (presumably from the spoilers) about still remaining close afterwards and that stare at the ending seems very hopeful.
I call bs from Anno saying, “oh Shinji is based off him and Mari off of his wife”, like honestly any OCs made theres always some part of yourself made into that character. Which is probably why a lot of people relate to the characters in EVA because they’re based off real things (e.g. those war machines characters are named after and people around them). I think why Kaworu and Rei are together at the end, is bc they’re very much the same. They’re mass produced dolls—which oddly enough that’s the case for all the children except they don’t recall the loop. Kind of funny also how both Kaworu and Rei became farmers lmfao so ig it runs in the family (yes that’s right I like the idea that they’re siblings it was always noted that they’re like “the same”).
Another thing, i think why the rebuild really did well for Kawoshin and in my opinion canonised it—the convo with elder Ryoji Kaji (Misato’s baby daddy) that there was a time he felt incredibly lonely and depressed thinking Misato didn’t love him and so he started looking out for himself. So self love and found himself a hobby in farming which he suggests to Kaworu—basically saying he might feel like Shinji doesn’t love him but he’s gotta remember to take care of himself. if I go thru a breakup ill feel like it’s the end of the world but Kaji says y’a gotta self love broe and take care yo self gad dam fam 😭 💗.
Though, that look at the end from Shinji to Kaworu—I’d like to believe there is still hope that one day when they’re a bit stable in their adult lives, they’ll run into each other.
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Yo my name is Kieran (white boy name, I know) and I like trees
Nah jk I'm pretty sure I'm meant to talk about like
Oh nvm
Can I request a sfw matchup (I'm a pussy istg) and my pronouns are they/them or he/him. I'm attracted to males but only romantically, I'm asexual.
Insecurities: my fuckin feet idk what it is about those little fuckers but they could just not exist and I'd be happy. I don't have many insecurities except my height (I'm 5'3" kms), my ADHD, that I can't gain weight and the fact that I wear glasses, big circle things that make me look like Dwight Schrute on crack.
Likes: cookin, surprisingly. It gives me so much satisfaction when someone enjoys the food I've made. Along with that I love sugary things + things that aren't good for me, yk the drill. I love animals even if they scare the shit outta of me. I'm told frequently (though the person telling' me is usually super pissed lmao) that I'm too headstrong but yk whatever
Dislike: heights, but I love trying things that could get me killed so if you sign me up to ride a roller-coaster I am DOWN like I'll ride that mf like it's a Saturday night and I've got nothing to lose bc yk yolo. Along with that fear is: fear of feet, (who would've fuckin guessed) veins creep me out, single player video games (sprinkle in some abandonment issues and you get… an Asshole that hates playin' games by himself) and things that go bump in the night.
An extrovert but bc of my ADHD sometimes I have to stay away from everyone for a while cuz o' sensory overload, I prefer people that know how to laugh and be loud but also know how to have comfortable silence and a meaningful conversation–I'm an entp, lmao
I'm a Sagittarius, also.
Personality (dfk if I have to include this or not but yk): im a stubborn fuck, 'will fite u' attitude, In hindsight I like the idea of working in a team when actually asked to do so I HATE it like I physically cannot bring myself to watch someone whose working with me mess up. I'm spontaneous, love climbing random shit, and an insomniac so I'm usually eating cereal at 3am. If somethin seems like a bad idea/somethin the usual person would look at and go "lmao only a fucking idiot would try that" then it's 9/10 probably my idea anyway, and I am certainly doin it while we speak.
Oh shit wait I forgot, a weird thing I do: I've already mentioned this but I will climb just about anything that seems climbable, and I love to daydream but with ADHD I need to be constantly moving so the only way I can actually daydream is if im dancin' around my house or just sprinting (which, wouldn't you know it, also takes place at night).
I'm sorry this is so long lmao but i didn't wanna miss anythin' out for ya, yk? Yeah anyway I'm in love with your work and what you do, the minute I get home I'm checking tumblr an unhealthy amount just to see if you've posted anythin' or to reread what you have. Seriously, keep up the good work, brother.
I match you with…..💕MASKY💕
This might be a little confusing but let me explain my logic
I feel like you and masky would make a lovely puzzle piece match. You- sound a bit like Toby but I didn’t want to match you with him because I feel like that’s a recipe for chaotic disaster.
It might take a while to catch feelings, be patient and eat away at him. He needs to get used to you first, but when it happens it will be the most fulfilling thing in the world. Masky loves your glasses but he won’t say it, he’ll give a kind of approving ‘hmph’. And he appreciates the food you make him, praises you.
You are both sign: Sagittarius, and have about 99% trust percentage. The relationship is built on honesty and warm interactions. He likes your ‘will fight you’ attitude but he knows he’s stronger and will win arguments and such. He’ll throw you a little smirk, it’s cute if you catch it. Occasionally he’ll let you win.
He hates people who mess up in a team too! Masky kind of admirers your ‘yolo’ attitude but he worries and it comes off as grumpy. He might get frustrated too, needs a bit of space sometimes.
Masky cares for you unconditionally, protects you at all costs. You sound like you’re prone to get hurt so he would be a sort of safety net, always there when you need it. If you get sensory overloads he will take you to another room and make you take deep breaths.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing you, you sound like a great person/guy. And when you called me brother *tears eyed face* I rolled on the floor.
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
Thoughts on Putting Others First: SvS Redux as they come to me
I am LOVING this opening art style. The way it shows all the things Thomas could say and shuts them each down, the silliness tying in perfectly to the video game setting, the way we could SO STRONGLY empathize with Thomas despite him not saying anything. Well done!
“Eff friends, Patton!” Patton and I made the exact same gasp and noise at the same time in reaction to that dsjfhljdhg
Lookit Thomas’ lil vest awww <3
they’re rhyming is this gonna be
(Logan off somewhere watching all of this: “You guys are doing a RAP? Without ME? .....Unacceptable”)
Seriously poor Logan being left out BOTH TIMES despite clearly having excellent points on the matter
But I’m loving this Patton/Roman dynamic being explored in this way. They have a lotta similarities but the differences are really standing OUT so far and I like it! Also it looks like Roman isn’t gonna just shut up and do whatever Patton says out of fear that he’s a bad person/bad for Thomas this time. I’m glad they’re both getting a chance to talk cause they aren’t exactly taken seriously a lot of the time.
RETURN OF THE BLINDFOLD METAPHOR followed by Roman saying “in Patton’s defense...” so they like, KNOW what Deceit meant about the blindfold? Were they playing dumb? Or do they just suddenly get it now that it’s coming from Thomas?
Ok this Feral Cat Story of Roman’s is too specific for me to dismiss and now I’m convinced either Remus brought a shitton of cats home one day and they just flooded their house/rooms, or Patton brought home a bunch of cats out of love and didn’t realize he couldn’t take care of em...either way that’s an adorable anecdote
The car jump line that Patton took literally is just making me miss Logan even more :(
I’m glad they’re giving context to the relationship between Thomas and Mary Lee & Lee! A lot of fander questions and opinions circled back to “well it depends how close they were” so it was smart of them to fill us in.
“those baby-makin’ catholics”
6:45 Patton has clearly thought through a lot of possible outcomes to talking to Lee and Mary Lee before going to the wedding... he never brought them up, even when Roman did and then Deceit did. But he’s bringing up points no one had addressed, and I think that’s a great way to put more intensity to Patton’s apology to Thomas for lying back in SvS pt 1. He hid a lot more than he let on. Man, how much guilt is this poor man feeling right now? :(
“Talking about it could have been harmful” I’m very intrigued by the parallels between Patton wanting to keep things from Thomas’ friends to protect their feelings in this episode and SvS, and Deceit disguised as Patton in CLBG trying to get Thomas to... keep things from his friend to protect their feelings...
WOAH “But was it worth it? I don’t--” “No.” Thomas cutting Roman off with that much certainty DAMN Thomas REGRETS going to the wedding HARD and also is agreeing with Roman finally??
Patton: “sometimes you can make all the good choices, and still not get the good ending.” Thomas: “I’m not even sure there was a good ending to get.” Roman: “Mmmm, I’m pretty sure there was.” There is so much to unpack here oh my gosh.
WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT??? DAMN THOMAS CAME FOR PATTON WHAT ON EARTH??? Patton: “I think we can all agree that you are a good fellow.” Thomas: Can we? ALL? Agree on that?” Patton: *sputtering noises*
Poor Patton... I mean they’re right but gosh I feel for him. He wants so badly for Thomas to be a good person and he realizes now how strict and unyielding he’s been, and wants to not do that but doesn’t know how to be more lenient without sacrificing integrity cause that’s his JOB and he doesn’t know how to do it better aaaa this is such a mood
Return of the bagel. Except this time it’s Roman guessing/wanting the bagel and Patton being like “what? no?”
ok not a song but video game style is back!!
“ugh you’re such a dad” I love it
Patton just made more puns and Roman omg “Like, you’re SUCH a dad that like it’s too much to handle sometimes”
I am loving this whole scene jdfhjadshg Patton ily and I relate
Thomas and Roman teaching Patton how to come up with imaginary scenarios skjfklsjdfh
Sondheim wrecking Leslie Odom Jr is such a hilarious visual
Ok all three of them are peak dumbass and I’m so here for it (like they’re smart and all but they’re peak dumbass)
Daaaamn Patton is letting out so much this episode. Like he’s been holding back but wowie. R: “Just like how you didn’t HAVE to give him a hotdog” P: *sucks air through his teeth* “I feel like you kinda do though?” YES PLEASE let’s discuss the concept of obligation in morality again!!! Where’s Logan when you need him? Or Deceit even? (I feel like D’s gonna show up later but I wanna hear Logan’s thoughts this time too)
Patton: You can disagree! But... it’d kinda be wrong?
LOGAN POPUP! Ok fine if he isn’t in the ep at least he pops up in a lil dialogue box on screen. Also he popped up to support Patton... neat!
“It’s just me, Logan. I’ve taken this form because I didn’t want to be too...invasive.” POOR LOGAN NO YOU’RE NOT INVADING ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE! Also Roman getting scared by the popup while Patton just waves happily like he always does upon seeing Logan aww
Okay I am getting serious DOPAMINE from Logan talking. Like, he’s spittin’ FACTS. Something about the way he talks is so interesting and soothing and makes me so excited to LEARN. Roman mockingly mouthing ‘behoove’ had me snort though XD
LOGAN AND I WERE IN UNISON HELL YEAH! Patton was all like ooh you’re sharing your lil factoids! And Logan and I at the same time corrected, “Facts,” and proceeded to state the definition of factoids (we worded it differently but yeah as usual Logan is on my wavelength)
Logan’s sprite getting so disappointed at Thomas’ interruption joke jgdkjghks he looks so DONE
Oof Thomas finally feeling like he GETS it and Patton being like yeah but not if you’re doing it bc you want to feel  good tho... (also that’s the same argument Deceit made in SvS pt1??? I’m confused by Patton/Deceit’s functions lately and I’m very invested)
Oh ok Thomas just brought up that very point haha
“we all agreed the right thing to do was go to the wedding” um are u sure about that
“I was wrong” PATTON CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?? I know Logan has the reputation of not being able to admit when he’s wrong (which isn’t true -- he doesn’t like to but he has done so countless times...well not literally countless but you understand my meaning), but Patton rarely is in a situation where he has to, so this is jarring in a hopefully good way. Istg if this is Deceit disguised as Patton again I’ll be so disappointed... I feel like the writers wouldn’t do that though
Patton: says smth deceit said. Roman: and you...agree? Patton: Definitely! I mean uh maybe? (WHAT IS HAPPENING INSIDE PATTON’S HEAD RN SO MUCH TURMOIL)
Roman: “I’m not an expert in the... moral medium” Thomas:  “Go ahead Roman, we wanna hear what you have to say.”  Patton: *halfhearted gestures and noises for roman to go ahead* jashfjdh he’s trying so hard
AWWWW they’re validating Roman so much I love it
“whomstsoever” ok I take it back roman’s not valid
I adore Logan’s popup fun facts, and him giving definitions for Roman’s vocabulary reminds me how much the two of them love writing and poetry and language aaaa
Patton trying not to be harsh is somehow 10x harsher than he normally is
oh wow that got real.
I know I’ve said this but I love logan’s insertions... but I do wish he got to say them out loud like earlier :/ Pausing to read them is less fun than hearing him talk.
oh wow that got real part 2
I want. So badly. To jump into this video and debate Patton on the nature of morality and what “the right thing is.” Roman you’re not being dumb, you’re bringing up excellent points and you’re valid again.
Oh no Patton... empathy is not morality... please please address that there are people who can’t experience empathy and choose to be moral and good
Logan’s popups bc he doesn’t want to “be too invasive” and making them optional to read hurts my heart :( He knows Patton, Roman, and Thomas aren’t reading any of it but he doesn’t want to be too much so he stays silent. Why?? Logan it’s okay! Why is this a thing now but not in the last 2 episodes? What happened to Logan :(
OOOOOOH Patton didn’t flip the switch :o Interesting! Daaaamn he’s arguing to let 5 people die rather than flip the switch so only one dies
HE’S TALKING ABOUT DEONTOLOGY YES LOGAN THANK YOU FOR TELLING PATTON WHAT I PHYSICALLY CANNOT please tell me you’ll talk about utilitarianism and moral particularism next
Okay he used consequentialism but it’s close enough to utilitarianism that the outcome is the same. (Do you get it? Do you like my joke about how the outcome is most important? When we’re talking about-- oh you got it already? Good, moving on.)
“I’m okay, figment of your imagination, so.” Okay so CAN the Sides get hurt or can’t they?? Cause Patton clearly got bonked, roman got hit in the eye with paper and said ow, but logan got hit in the head with a throwing star and had his teeth ripped out and he was totally fine?
 Thomas is being so HONEST with himself so early in the episode, wow this is refreshing and I’m hype
AW YAY Patton called textbox Logan in to help with philosophy yay :’)
Logan: “Pity seems to be at the center of your idea of ‘putting good into the world’” first, Logan doing a voice impression of Nietzsche is GOLD, and second.... I wish they’d let him finish cause I was waiting for a “but” cause Logan siding with Nietzsche on this one feels... wrong? Like I could see Dee bringing it up or Logan using it in an argument only to continue with a contradicting philosophy but Logan equating empathy to pity... idk I thought he’d grown more than to think that :/ Actually I don’t think he ever saw it that way. It feels out of character but I’m guessing he had more to say to debunk that.
HOLY SHIT PATTON SKIPPED ALL THE REST OF LOGAN’S DIALOGUE AND YEETED HIM OFF THE SCREEN bruh he may have been right and he should’ve gotten to say it >:(
sjfkdjgjsh okay aww Thomas good job, Patton too. Thank god they’re being nice to him
Patton is having a breakdown holy heckity about time
damn Patton is freaking HARSH
“I have a difference in opinion on this one, Patton” Thomas: *relieved sigh whisper* “ohhh thank you, Logan” YES APPRECIATE THE BOY YES YES I LOVE HIM why are they looking around like he isn’t making sense?
LOGAN YES! CALL HIM OUT! LET THOMAS VALUE HIMSELF AND PUT HIMSELF FIRST SOMETIMES! “Every point you’ve made in today’s discussion has contradicted that sentiment.” I love you but also you sound a lil like deceit... very lawyer-y and feels calculated like he’s been keeping notes for this purpose... I want deceit and logan to debate already damn it. Maybe it’s just that Logan’s inflections feel reminiscent of Deceit to show...something?
Ok can I just say that Logan gets so much rep for his strictness or high standards but he’s been SO GOOD about that lately and him teaching about the importance of leisure and self-care and freedom in your life and self-esteem and valuing yourself like you do with others... not even just this  video -- he’s been like this in the last few as well and these recent episodes remind me of early Logan (esp My Negative Emotions)  and that makes my heart so so happy.
Continuation of the above, compare this to how Logan acted in Why Bed? with regards to Roman. Roman advocated for leisure time and following dreams, while Logan had a schedule that optimized productivity and health. Now he’s taking a similar stance to Roman and asserting the importance of these things... WHY is so much of Logan’s character development OFFSCREEN?? I wanna know what made him switch on this! Maybe just cause he’s listening to roman from why bed?
Why is Logan being so abrasive? He sounds like his intent is more to disprove Patton rather than state what he actually thinks... not a fan of that but he’s not wrong
OH, MY GOD. If Logan didn’t step in and save them here this would have been catastrophic. I can feel my relief. I mean, he screamed, but it was a relief. WAIT IT WAS DECEIT THE WHOLE TIME??? Daaaamn good job on this one Deceit and I definitely like him more now but also WHERE IS LOGAN. Was it the whole time? That makes sense in hindsight and makes me feel better about some things he’s brought up but I feel like it really was Logan at the start, it wasn’t until he started calling out patton that his voice and inflection and stuff changed
Patton trying to attack Deceit   and hitting Thomas instead was  an EXCELLENT way to  showcase the effect SvS 1 and 2 are having
Deceit’s lil “A DUH DUH DUH DOY” looked and sounded just like Logan’s lmao don’t tell me it’s another switcheroo (I doubt it greatly lol)
So wait what was the point that Deceit switched with Logan? Cause Logan’s saying “one more fact” so he was himself earlier right?
“Not that any of you care, but  I am unharmed.” Nooooo they care </3 “I will do you all a favor and spare you my company” okay OUCH
EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM YES aw he’s talking about him and patton working together yes thank you
Damn, Deceit is LOVING everything Logan says haha same
Logan and Deceit teaming up to teach Patton that it’s okay to care about yourself
DECEIT WHAT he’s being so supportive of Roman holy heck this is so genuine OH Roman’s arguing with it  this is a lot of stuff I didn’t expect roman to say out loud wow
WAIT WOAH SORRY HIS NAME REVEAL!!! He’s Janice?? Is that true?
fuck.... patton...roman....deceit....thomas....logan....I’m gonna go cry about all of them now
LESLIE ODOM JR IS HERE??????? oh there he goes
patton oh my god I love you  this ANGST are you trying to kill me?
Patton telling thomas he’s worthy of love I actually teared up
dfjdakjhfa deceit don’t push it
Wowie that was an EPISODE
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alectoperdita · 4 years
I followed you because of Lucifer but now I am getting interested in Yu-Gi-Oh and was wondering if it has a manga and if so is it good?
Ah! I’m gonna be honest, I always assumed if I was gonna sway people from one fandom to the other: it was going to be the other way around. So cool that the random YGO posts actually piqued your interest!
Yes, there is a manga! It is 343 chapters long. I’m personally quite fond of it. Keep in mind that it is a product of its time so the early humor is very mid-late-90s (especially in its treatment of female characters/the male gaze, which mostly drops off by about volume 7). If you want to read the manga in English, the official translations are done by Viz’s English division (I think they’re mostly sold as omnibus with multiple volumes now). I cannot attest to the quality of Viz’s translation though. I originally read the manga in Chinese and have since reviewed the unofficial English scanlations instead. There are a number of sites out there where you can find the scanlations, but they are of varying quality (from good to bad).
I think reading the first 60 chapters/7 volumes will help determine how you might want to continue consuming the canon. Obviously, if you like the manga, you can and should finish it. It will give you the entire story.
If your favorite parts were the following, you may want to consider also looking at the following:
You liked the varied games/episodic nature/dark mood/high stakes of the early manga, you might want to watch the first Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series by Toei. It was never localized in English, so you would have to watch it with Japanese audio and English subtitles. There appears to be an English fandub project on Youtube, but I cannot attest to its quality. This anime is a bit hard to find now, but it must still be out there for torrenting if you want. This anime adapts those first 60 chapters with some creative license.
If you crave the card game and somewhat higher quality animation, check out the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters! There are 224 episodes and completely glosses over those early 60 chapters. Some of it is implied to have happened, but it can taken as a separate continuity. The story still more or less ends up at the same place as the manga’s ending.You can legally watch all the seasons except for the last one (for some reason) in the Japanese audio with subs in the US on Crunchyroll.com. If you want to watch it in English, the 4Kids dub is available in the US on Hulu. I honestly do not recommend the English dub if you’re interested in the story. We didn’t have readily available options back in 2005, thankfully we do now.
If you enjoy Kaiba Seto as a character, omg, definitely watch the Duel Monsters anime. There are entire filler arcs devoted to Kaiba’s characterization/development. No one stans Kaiba Seto as hard as the series animators istg.
“Oh, this is all so dumb, how can anyone take this stuff seriously?” Check out Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, a fandub devoted to lampooning all the ridiculousness 10+ years in the making
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Also if you’re looking at my YGO content, you’re also looking at my puppyshipping/violetshipping content? My ship is so very not canon. I dunno. I feel like I should flag that since Deckerstar is very canon and Kaijou is very not. Yay! Expectation setting!
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sage-nebula · 5 years
pokemon (games) and/or pokeani for the meme?
I’ll go ahead and answer for the anime, since although I prefer the games, I think the anime works better for memes like this.
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Ash Ketchum, way back in 1998. He was pretty much an instant fave for me, and no doubt contributed to my love of snark and sass (given that his name could have just as easily been Sass Ketchum and would have arguably been more accurate).
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Manon. I liked her well enough at first, but the way her stans constantly bashed and degraded Alan while using that degradation to prop Manon up (often by making him her trophy boyfriend, which is really disgusting when you consider not only the age, but the maturity difference between them) quickly ruined any fondness I had for her. The fact that she got off scot-free in the show without having to realize or own up to any of her own mistakes or shortcomings (while Alan took the fall for all of them instead) didn’t help.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Mmm, I can’t really think of anything for this one. I don’t think there’s anything that I used to seriously ship in this show that I don’t ship now. There are casual ones I can think of that I no longer even casually ship, but even those were more of a shrug and acceptance rather than something I actively liked.
my ultimate favorite character™:
ALAN [SYCAMORE], FIRST OF HIS NAME, HEART OF A CHAMPION, SOUL OF A DRAGON. It’s honestly no contest. I cannot think of a single character in the whole of the PokéAni that could come even close to comparing with him. I still block on sight for any nonsense hatred or condemnation thrown his way, and I regret nothing. 
prettiest character:
I mean … I know I’m biased, but …
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My valiant dragon son is beautiful. I mean, in particular, his eyes …
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He has dragon fire in his eyes. You don’t get much prettier than that.
my most hated character:
Paul. He’s straight up abusive to his pokémon, and him learning to give them the absolute bare minimum of care and praise at the end of a match (or losing to Ash at the League, which I literally do not care about at all) is not enough for him to curry favor or earn forgiveness in my eyes. He can go burn, and for that matter, he can take that bastard Damian from the OS right along with him as he does.
my OTP:
Ash/Misty will always be endgame to me, as well as Jessie/James. 
I do think that it’s probable that Ash and Misty would end up dating other people as they grow older—that Ash would date Dawn for a while, for instance, and that Misty would have a relationship with Lana—but at the end of it all I think they’d find their way back to each other, once they’ve grown up and matured and realized that, while their first crushes on each other might have been puppy love back when they were kids, now that they’re older … it’s deeper and more meaningful than that. It’s real.
As for Jessie/James, I think those two are soulmates, however you want to interpret it. Maybe their relationship stays platonic forever. Maybe their relationship is romantic. Maybe their relationship floats in a nebulous space between platonic and romantic, undefined as Meowth rolls his eyes from the other side of the balloon. Whatever the case, I don’t really care as long as they’re together. That’s what matters most.
my NOTP:
Aside from the obvious ones of bestiality, incest, and pedophilia, my answer to this would have to be Alan/Manon. I never liked it to begin with because of the age / maturity gap between them (honestly, Manon acts like Bonnie, the show parallels her to Bonnie, and Alan is so mature people often mistake him for an adult despite Malva referring to him as a boy, how is this even a question), but between how the show handled their relationship and how the ship’s stans (who are always Manon stans, from my experience) handle it / treat Alan, I honestly want to scrape my brain out with an ice pick every time I’m reminded this ship exists. It’s a trashboat of epic proportions as far as I’m concerned.
favorite episode:
It’s less one single episode, and more one trio of episodes: OS022 - OS024, a.k.a. “Abra and the Psychic Showdown”, “The Tower of Terror”, and “Haunter vs. Kadabra.” Those three episodes left a major lasting impression on me as a kid, in a good way. That depiction of Sabrina as a villain with a creepy monotone, who had a small “doll” that represented her childlike innocence (that was still villainous in her innocence!), and the way she presented a formidable threat that no one else in the series had managed until that point … not to mention the backstory with how she drove her own parents away (and turned her own mother into a doll), how she was always waiting for her father to show himself again, how she drove herself to that point by obsessing over her powers (I would too, ngl) … man. I loved everything about that trio of episodes. I still love that trio of episodes. There are quite a few episodes in the OS that I turn to regularly whenever I just need something to watch, but I think those three are extra special.
saddest death:
LATIOS IN THE GUARDIANS OF ALTO MARE. At first I was like, “wait, did anyone who wasn’t a villain ever even permanently die?” AND THEN I REMEMBERED LATIOS AND HAD TO CLUTCH AT MY HEART FOR A SECOND. RIP LATIOS, YOU ARE MISSED.
favorite season:
It’s a tie between the very first season (Kanto), and the second season (Orange Islands). While both had their faults, what I like most about those two seasons that latter seasons (even in the OS, with Johto!) lack is how organic they feel. Kanto especially was created before the Pokémon Anime really decided on its identity, and chose a formula to stick to for successive seasons, most likely because they weren’t sure they were even going to get successive seasons back when they were making it (the series was supposed to end with Mewtwo Strikes Back, after all). As a result of this, we had some truly original episodes. We had the three episodes with Sabrina that I mentioned above, but we also had episodes like “The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak” with a Gastly that could talk for reasons unexplained and who impersonated humans to keep a dead girl’s legend alive; we had episodes like “Mystery at the Lighthouse” with a giant Dragonite that was never explained or seen again (also, still mad at Team Rocket to this day for attacking that poor baby); we had episodes like “Electric Soldier Porygon” where everyone traveled into the internet with Porygon to stop a computer virus (and give 800+ Japanese children seizures, but that wasn’t supposed to be part of it); and we had episodes like “Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon” where Ash discovered that a bunch of fossil pokémon were living underground and, in the process of all this, almost got eaten by an Aerodactyl. And the Orange Islands, while slightly more tame, was similarly allowed to be pretty free and fun given that it didn’t follow the badge quest formula, and the Orange Islands weren’t drawn from the games, meaning that the anime team could do whatever they wanted with them. So between the anime not yet having a set formula in season one, and the anime being set somewhere completely new in season two, seasons one and two of the PokéAni had plots that were basically like:
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That was every day in the first two seasons of the PokéAni, because the first two seasons of the PokéAni were already so goddamn weird, and they were better off for it.
Aside from how weird and strange the plot could get, though, I also feel that the first season especially felt a lot more organic than even the second because the effects of the journey were regularly shown on the main characters. They were lost pretty much all the time (which is why they needed to keep Tracey for Johto, tbqh; he was the only one who had a sense of direction). They were often dirty and longing for baths and laundromats. In “Wake Up Snorlax” they’re out of food and practically crying as the town they reach doesn’t have anything to offer them because it’s been so long since they’ve eaten. Ash, Brock, and Misty are two children and a teenager traveling across the continent by themselves. It makes sense that they wouldn’t always have a nice place to sleep, that they’d run out of food, that they’d be grimy and exhausted a good deal of the time, especially since they’re always lost. (They were lost for like 70% of the first season istg. The narrator even lampshades when it takes them two weeks to reach Vermilion City and they all cheer.) I really liked how the first season in particular showed them tired, grody, hungry, and lost for a good portion of the journey. It felt so much more realistic than the perfect, spotless journeys that came later on.
least favorite season:
Outside of Alan and everything to do with him, I’m not much of a fan of Kalos. I’m also not really a fan of Alola because I don’t think slice of life really suits this series as much as the adventure genre does, but it had some good cameo episodes and also has Gladion, so it has its good points, too.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Paul and Manon. Paul in particular is incredibly popular and I will never understand it.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Honestly, I’m not sure? I think the closest I get to this is Jessie and James, since they’re two grown adults constantly stalking and bullying a ten year old boy, which would be insanely worrying if not for the fact that said ten year old put them in their place literally every other day. (Plus I like to think they actually do really care about him at this point. It’s what I’d like to believe, anyway.) Maybe Cassidy and Botch would be better contenders, though. They have no redeeming qualities, they’re just assholes, but I’d still be super mega excited to see them come back.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
ALAN deserves better than all he has suffered, and definitely deserves better than this goddamn unappreciative fandom. He is a burned cinnamon roll, been through hell and back, slightly charred, and he deserves the world.
Apart from him, though, Ash every time he gets put through some hell because of fate or destiny or legendaries or whoever the hell has decided to mess with him this week. After everything that went down in Kalos, can we really blame him for going to Alola for a vacation? And yet he’s STILL pulled into Ultra Wormhole nonsense! My god, just let this poor boy rest, he deserves it!!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Listen, I’m not one of those fools that thinks it’s canon, but I always loved the fic trope of Giovanni being Ash’s father because he and Delia had a fling way back in the day and I am grateful to that awful musical for giving it to us. The angst potential is real for this one, and I also like the idea of Giovanni allowing Jessie and James to chase Ash all over creation despite how it completely tanked their careers and potential not just because it “keeps them out of the way,” but also because it’s a way for him to keep an eye on his son without them ever knowing that’s his son. There’s some good fic potential there.
On a more serious note, while I don’t think it’s “wrong,” or “nasty,” or “makes me want to cleanse my soul,” I’ve always kind of shipped Spencer/Delia, too. The idea of Spencer Hale and Delia Ketchum finding love together later in life, and Ash and Molly becoming step-siblings as a result, is one that warms my heart. I know that Molly’s mother comes back at the end of Spell of the Unown, but … well, that was just a post-credits scene and so it’s easy to ignore. Come on, let Ash have a little step-sister. Let Molly have the mother she always wanted. It’s what they deserve.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
I wouldn’t say I’m highkey invested in any romantic ship in this show, haha. I mean, let’s be honest, it’s not like any of them have a chance at development outside of small hints here or there, you know? So there’s no reason to get all up in a twist about it. So I think that most ships I ship could fall into this category. Cute, but no need to make a fuss about them.
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tcookies · 6 years
AnY thoughts
Real talk though I wish Yona would take more of a diplomatic charge whenever she finds herself in a situation where the 4 dragons cannot help her as much. Can't believe I am saying this but I want better talk-no-jutsu from specifically Yona and only Yona. While I do enjoy some teamwork and involvement between everyone, I want to see Yona step up more and speak as the leader she is. So far, she'll say something wise every once in a while but nothing seriously diplomatic that changes the whole game. I don't need her to become the next Danaerys or Sansa but I am hoping that she'll say something witty and wise to Kuervo that will maybe get him to do something that may or may not inadvertently be in her favor.
I guess what I'm saying is that I want her to speak like a royal who knows how to play the game of politics and court would speak. I would like to see more Hiryuu in her. The King Hiryuu who aspired and gained the love of so many.
In my opinion, while Yona has indeed been garnering the favor of the masses with each arc, it is more of a celebrity type of adoration (with the exception of certain characters). But that kind of celebrity adoration is different from the respect a leader would have. Case in point when the drunk Fire tribe soldiers manhandle Yona and the dragons. They are amazed and adore Yona's group but do not respect Yona as one should properly respect a royal.
I don't know how long AnY will run (and I hope no more than 300) but so far Yona's character progress has been kind of slow. Yes, she can fight now and she doesn't stay in the backseat any longer. But Yona is still far from being the kind of leader that Princess Kouren is. I did like how she handled things with Kouren during the Xing arc but I just need Yona to step up her diplomacy game more. I'd like for her to talk-no-jutsu the hell out of Kuervo and turn him against Gobi but I doubt that'll be the case.
And this makes me wonder how AnY will end. Will Yona take the throne and kill Soo-won? Take the throne and simply banish him?
With each arc, more and more people come to know that Princess Yona is still alive and travelling around to help people. This gives her more and more support from her own subjects. So it cannot just end with Soo-won staying on the throne unless Yona herself permits it. And if Soo-won stays King, then where would Yona go? Remain a vigilante for the rest of her life? I guess she could marry him and he would be her consort but we all know that ain't happening.
Istg though, I really hope it doesn't end with Soo-won getting murdered or fatally hit by another antagonist. That would be such an asspull; an easy way to avoid from having Yona make the decision to kill him or not.
Yona doesn't seem power hungry for the throne compared to Soo-won. She just wants to take care of the country she loves. That doesn't mean she will NOT take the throne though. If it helps achieve her goal, I think Yona would reclaim her throne but only for the sake of helping her people and not just for the sake of being ruler. For now, she knows the best way she can help is to get into the nitty-gritty and that means dirtying her hands in a way that the crowned ruler cannot.
Storywise, I would like to see Yona reclaim her throne when she is ready for it. A naive, spoiled girl who is the reincarnation of a Dragon god/king, gets run out of her own castle, is forced to mature and grow as a person, rallies the support of the people she helps, and then one day returns home as a whole new person ready to sit on the throne. At the same time, if Yona becomes Queen then she cannot be with Hak because of his low status. Or can she be with Hak if he becomes a general again?
Edit: Just to clarify, I don't mean I want her on the throne right now. Yona still needs to mature a lot more and learn plenty before she should ever entertain the thought of ruling Kouka. The woman she grows into at the end of everything is whom I am interested to see on the throne. And just because she doesn't care for the throne (at least not currently) it doesn't mean she would never allow herself to ascend if for the sake of the people (like Jon Snow lol). We have seen that Soo-won, try as he might, is not a perfect ruler either and Yona's interference does help him. Characters like Soo-Jin have believed that they belong on the throne but are ultimately unfit to be king. Interesting enough, Soo-won said that he does not expect to live a long life. It may be foreshadowing or implying that he will not reign Kouka for the rest of his life either by being usurped or murder. If Soo-won's words do come true, then what? Who will claim the throne? (I am giving myself major GoT vibes)
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staysuki · 3 years
squid game episode 7 reactions:
1) oh nvm ali’s dead :D
3) I KNEW NO.212 WASN’T DEAD. WE DIDN’T SEE HER DIE. SHE’S ALIVE. i hate that i’m right, i don’t like her character trope. the sad part is, if gihun didn’t partner with 001, he’ll prolly still be alive (but i think he’s alive, i’m suspicious of his character and also, we got a confirmed kill from ali and jiyeong but not him).
4) front man speaking always gets me, idk why.
5) “i always put down the receiver the other way” omfg i cannot with this guy. he is so intimidating but also kinda goofy. apparently he’s not even one of the VIPs??? he answers to higher ups still? i cannot take this “antagonist” seriously at all.
6) istg if hwang gets hurt i will riot. mr. mask head is smart though.
8) the husband and wife :((( honestly if that was me, i would rather just die as well but i know how hard that must’ve been ugh
9) idk why hwang had to leave his id with the body. even with water bloating, they couldn’t have been THAT alike right. but idk, i trust my man hwang.
10) as much as it hurts, i’m not siding with no.69 on this one :(((( narrative-wise, he chose to go back to that place with his wife and nobody else were with someone that important with the game so even if people were close in-game, there really weren’t that much of a personal bond. still sad though, maybe i’m just a bit detached because i’m watching it from a critical perspective. sangwoo is cold but he’s 100% right. no.69 and his wife was alright with joining but now that the stakes turned against them, suddenly it’s time to stop, it’s also unfair for the people who died and also the people who worked hard to get this far idk.
11) THE MASKS LOOK SO GOOFY I CANT— and also am i missing smth here??? i feel like im missing a point bc they build sm center around the masks so it should amount to smth mindblowing but it’s just so meh(???) like, i don’t care to know about these people bc we haven’t seen them at all nor have we learned anything from them. it’s not like the reveal of the BBEG main antagonist in Alice in Borderland where it’s surprising because spoilers: we’ve seen her before alongside the others and it was unexpected. But idk, maybe it’s yet to be revealed.
12) this black mask guy seems so small as time goes on. he’s made to be this cunning head but he’s still just a pawn all along to whoever the “host” is 😭. i’m guessing no.001 is the host or smth idk, he’s sus. JAJWHSHAHAS I CANT LET GO OF NO.001 ISTG THERES SMTH THERE
13) so much buildup for the next game omo 😭 i’m feeling tense. “the games in korea are the best” so it’s held all over the world eh 👀 this reminds me of Cabin in the Woods actually
14) the acting from the VIPs are so goofy i cannot. i saw the no.069 ending coming from a mile away :((( so tragic, but i understand.
15) apparently mr. deoksu 101 is the “muscle” but why does he always look like he’s about to cry 😭😭 like i get he has his scaredy cat moments (alot) but whenever the camera pans to him it’s like he’s a second away from tearing up.
16) the VIP lounge looks so cozy, i would love to cuddle with someone and watch a movie on a big screen while munching on a nice charcuterie board, preferably said movie isn’t some gorefest.
now that i think about it, this also reminds me of a manga i read a while back named Suicide Island (i think????) basically the premise is that “no-chance” people (basically people in debt, criminals, etc.) are sent to an island to die or fend for themselves, that’s the whole premise. ngl i forgot most of it because it’s been a long time ago so that was probably a crass summary so i’ll probably check it out again.
17) another physical game(????) these seem interesting tho, new numbers and whatnot.
18) i am so sick of that running 69 joke already 😀
19) mr. hwang you’re doing so well. please come out of this alive. ily bb
20) i would choose 7. it’s my lucky number too. istg if no.7 dies immediately, i will riot.
21) THE VIP’s DIALOGUE ARE SO CHOPPY(?????) like its so bad????? it keeps throwing me off 😭 not just the lines and the delivery but the pacing as well? it’s like there’s this millisecond of pause between each line as if behind the scenes, someone has to tell them “it’s your line now”- or idk, maybe i’m overthinking it but i hate these guys sm, and not just because they’re scummy people 😀
22) the pain of being indecisive lmfao. i personally am good at making decisions (kinda). ok no.96, go off, you make the decision for gihun.
23) ok this game i can’t—
24) honestly, i’d like to keep mr. hwang all to myself too
25) so being last is the best position huh 👀
26) my man is doing the math on the probability of his death. this is a man i can stan. goodbye though. what a good way to go honestly, what a champ.
27) in this game, i would probably get clammy feet and slip and fall and die even if i get the correct tile. honestly i’d probably lose balance and fall to my death. i can’t even jump that far.
28) oh wow they’re playing chess now, kinda. i think that’s how you play chess right. you push people.
29) is gihun cracking the code 🤔🤔🤔. oh lmfao he just forgot. i thought he was having an epiphany 😭
30) no.101 is next now. idk if he lives this one but honestly there’s a saying in our country that goes “mahirap patayin ang masamang damo” which just directly translates to “weeds (bad grass) are hard to kill” which means “bad people are hard to kill” so like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
31) “you’re all mine” I WANNA SAY THAT TO MR. HWANG TOO. “please take me somewhere we can be alone” MR. HWANG SAY THAT TO ME TOO BUT DONT KILL ME
32) mr. black mask guy i feel like is catching onto the suspicion, mr. hwang was a bit too risky on this one.
33) mr. hwang you’re so pretty. marry me. THE ENGLISH. I CANT. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OMFG. HE’S TOO MUCH. he pulled out a gun and suddenly i’m 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
34) ooooopppp no.101 and no.212 face off!!! i love this!!! i knew they’d face off together but i didn’t think they’d do it as enemies. e2l honestly, i stan. ok maybe i like no.212 now. what an honorable woman in the end.
36) i knew there would be someone who knows glass.
37) THEY TURNED OFF THE LIGHT, WHAT A BUNCH OF SCUMBAGS 😭😭😭. the sound hint, gihun will probably use the marble to check the sound so they all survive and then he’ll be like “no.001 saved me” or smth. idk.
38) somebody make the VIPs stop talking 😀
39) oh he did use the marble. cant he just knock on the glass idk 😭😭😭
41) SANG WOO YOU COLD BLOODED MURDERER. but it had to be done. we all know what this man is capable of 💔💔💔
42) why did ya’ll have to explode the glass, that’s just rude 😭 also what a weirdly placed slowmo, so unnecessary 😭
43) mr. hwang i’m counting on you
0 notes
yakumtsaki · 7 years
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Take your hands off me, I don't belong to you, you see, and take a look at my face for the last time, I never knew you, you never knew me, say hello.. ♪
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WHADDUP PPL. Much like Ronroneo, we’re back from the dead and ready for a whole new generation of Union fuckery. We’re also officially.. drumroll.. MIDDLE CLASS. Our shiny new house is based on this one by frottana-sims​, which I downloaded but dumbassly forgot to install, and since loading the game takes a hot half-hour I opted for this poor recreation instead. We start the extreme home makeover with an incredible budget of..
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...Yea, I see the value of getting 6 pets to the top of their careers now. Included in this insane sum is the 20k+ that Wyatt and Jojo brought with them moving in, and at first I’m worried that we’re way too rich for only generation 2. Well, careful what you wish for, cause here’s our post-remodeling budget:
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LMAO. It’s as if not a day has passed since Vic started this legacy with a dream in her heart and crap to her name. Let’s check out the new digs!
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Everything was purple.. his pills.. his hands.. his foyer. 
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As eagle-eyed readers may observe, both the hall and the living room were designed with nothing else in mind but whether they matched our cat paintings. Per legacy rules I use as little cc as possible, which isn’t that hard since I feel this bizarre, angular and hugely impractical couch really encapsulates Jojo’s essence. Like if he was a servant in Beauty and the Beast this would be his furniture form.
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Apparently the only things I deemed important enough to capture were the cat portraits, so it looks like my Komeization is finally complete! Here’s some floorplan shots tho so you don’t get disoriented in our labyrinth-like mansion. Please note our amazing pink-blue-purple kitchen! Barbie’s Dreamhouse who??
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And here’s the second floor, which also illustrates the exact point I ran out of money. Honestly looking back I don’t understand how the fuck this place cost 70k?? Like nothing is particularly expensive except the amazing vintage batmobile which was around 30-40k and some of the paintings? But I guess all the small things add up in the end + I’m super bad with money..
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..and I’m not the only one. Jojo GET A FUCKING GRIP and A JOB. Literally no comment @ your cat wants, you inherited the jaw, wasn’t that enough??? ANYWAY. I know the question on everyone’s mind is how is Wyatt going to fit in with the Unions.. and all I have to say about that..
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..is LOL. Truly the perfect career for when your mother-in-law is a criminal mastermind and your husband is a serial killer! I mean the jokes practically write themselves. At least he doesn’t want 10 kids or any shit like that, cause I’ve seen hell and it was the result of mixing Jojo/Wyatt genes in cas.
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On top of gifting us with his future-probably-fug children, Wyatt also gives us the gift of our first ever kitchen fire when he decides to make dinner with 1 cooking point. His generosity really knows no bounds.
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It’s all fun and games now but Wyatt deadass almost died in the inferno and was about to take poor, stupid Komei with him, who of course ran to the fire even though he was in the yard. Meanwhile Victoria was safely watching tv and didn’t move while Jojo..
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..was doing this in the next room. Two types of sims I guess!
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-So Wyatt, you’ve been here for almost an hour now, burned down our kitchen and I still don’t see any grandchildren. I thought you were a family sim!
-Haha oh mom, you’re hilarious! Ignore her, Wyatt, let’s enjoy your delicious pasta.. It was definitely worth almost dying for.
-Your mama is right, mon cheri, not only do you have an obligatión to your famille but I rolled the want to have a bébé the second we graduated!
-Well it’s still gonna be there when we aren’t broke, Wyatt, god!
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-But.. bébés, mon cheri! Tons of bébés I can have but never interact with, in typical famille sim fashión!
-UGH thanks a lot for opening this gate, mom. If only you had found your love of children when I was living on cat food.
-Well it’s different when they are your children, everyone knows that.
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-Honestly, Jojό, I’m prouder of taking down your répugnant suitόrs than I am of graduating with honors!
-Aww Wyatt <3
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-And if I have to souffrir through a childless existence to be with mon amour, so be it (:
-Aw- wait what?!
-Really, c’est bien, Jojό, marriage is all about compromise, nό? I mean, not that I would know since we’re not even married yet!
-Wyatt we’ve been here for 3 hours.
-My point précisément.. C’est bien though!
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-Can’t believe I’m saying this but I really regret murdering Ti-Ning. 
That makes two of us, Jo. Honestly even Francis would be better than this. Family sim spouse??? Tf was I thinking. 
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Ah, some things never change <3 It’s a new day and someone very special passes by our lot..
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UGH NO not you asshole, once again delivering bills at the worst possible time.
-Miss me bitch?? Lolol
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No, it’s mismatched beard townie, whose regular outfit is simply iconic, and he’s waving at me! What a sweetheart! TAKE SOME NOTES DAGMAR YOU FROZEN-FACED FREAK
-Umm he’s actually waving at me, moron.
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-WRONG, he’s waving at me!
Ok it literally doesn’t matter who he’s waving at. 
-Well c’est moi. 
OK WHATEVER WYATT GOD. Just go off to work in a position you’re criminally unqualified for and try not to die ok??
-Why would I mourir?
Hm let’s see, maybe because you’re a ‘SWAT Team Leader’ straight out of college with a shocking lack of skill points?? Jfc college degrees in this game are so fucking op it’s legit making me resentful of my sims.
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In other news, major dicks Sophie and Victor have started constantly beating each other up and the only thing surprising about this development is that it took this long. Honestly these fights are peak #TeamNoOne. Please note Alegra who continues to give 0 fucks @ the bloodshed. What a gal <3
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Burning with religious fervor, fundamentalist nutjob Sophie emerges victorious!
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Tears. Literal tears. Victor is the most unbelievable creature I have ever played.
-The rampant violence in this house is a violation of human rights! I AM OUTTA HERE
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Literally still cannot believe this happened, like the sheer NERVE is killing me. Victor has started every fight he’s ever been in for an astounding total of 40-50 fights, and as you all know he almost always wins. Like this one was what? The fourth one he lost?? AND YET HE RUNS AWAY LIKE HE’S THE VICTIM I HATE/LOVE HIM SO MUCH
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Meanwhile this happens which, of course. Leave it to me to finally get a chance card right for the only sim who doesn’t even deserve the job he currently has.
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..Police Chief Wyatt reporting for duty! And crime increased 80% overnight. 
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In actual good and not lawsuit-waiting-to happen news, Wyatt brought Amanda, Vic’s only friend/lesbian crush with him! Amanda has the distinct honor of being literally the only non-Union non-Jojo person Vic has ever genuinely liked and hasn’t had an affair with. YET THAT IS.
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Man, these are some fat fucking flies. I’m talking 10 plagues of Egypt teas. 
-I KNOW, where the fuck is Komei, what are we paying him for?
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-I’m over here honey, talking to my least favorite son for the second time in my life, since apparently he’s sticking around.
-Yes, thanks for requesting a recount of the heir vote, dad. I will remember it when I decide where to scatter your ashes. 
Ugh Komei, please stop trying to bond with your son and do something productive instead-
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-like finally convincing Neo to bang Sophie. She has refused 3 TIMES because there’s a rule I have to earn kittens by suffering. I mean Alegra refusing to procreate with Victor made sense, it was Victor, wtf is Sophie’s excuse? Waiting for marriage?
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YAS. CAT GEN 3 ON THE WAY. Human gen 3 will have to wait till I’m in the mood to deal with screaming infants aka it might take a while.
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The science career FINALLY SHOWS UP after 5 fucking days, jfc. Love how Wyatt’s dumb ass started as a swat team LEADER but Jojo who has half the skills maxed starts as a science teacher. Also love the idea of Jojo as a teacher in general, I mean just imagine having him teach you science in high school. I would literally drop out.
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Jojo returns from work, brings this rando with him and doesn’t get promoted. We can’t all be Wyatt I guess! We’re not completely broke anymore tho so..
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It is time.
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Gunther, Melody and Max Flexor on one side..
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Craig, Brit Brit, Ti-Ning and Daniel on the other. What a bunch of assholes, Craig obviously excluded. Remember him? I invited him because he and Jojo are still semi-friends thinking he wouldn’t show up and yet here he is! What a good guy. 
-It’s at moments like this, watching your high school boyfriend get married.. that you really get to thinking..
-..there but for the grace of god go I.
Less awww. You’re not wrong tho, definitely dodged a sociopathic bullet..
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..not everyone is that lucky. WE GET IT WYATT YOU’RE CRAZY AND IN LOVE
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-Mon bien adoré, I vow to aimer and honόr you and not cheat on you again or at least be more discrete about it <3
-And I vow not to kill you and feed you to the cats for as long as we both shall live <3 
Ah, true love, you guys. 
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Too bad half our guests are inside dancing-
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Well at least Vic is excited which is more than I can say for Gunther who is literally LOOKING THE OTHER WAY. 
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Time to cut the cake with the sky as our only witness, since everyone has taken a plate from the buffet and fucked off inside. Seriously WORST GUESTS EVER 
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Not one to be outdone by his guests’ questionable behavior, Wyatt takes the time to remind us who he really is. 
-And n'est-ce pas forget it!
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Despite all the obvious problems, like one of the grooms literally going to sleep, our party score is ‘good time’ which is a truly rare and exciting occurrence. With less than a minute left I’m feeling pretty confident that nothing can ruin this wedding!
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Weirdly no one has touched the champagne even though sims in general are obsessed with it?? My best guess is everyone is at a loss for words at having to toast this union and who can blame them tbh. Thankfully Daniel steps up and I find it super sweet because I’ve forgotten that he and Wyatt are mortal enemies and it’s only by chance they haven’t beaten each other up on this instance like they have countless times before.
-Let’s all raise a glass to my beloved brother, Jojo, who generously woke up to attend his own wedding reception! Just one of many examples of his fine, giving character. Too bad he’s committing his life to a complete waste of space adulterous loser like Wyatt, who I’m not even convinced is really french, since his ability to speak and understand english fluctuates according to convenience. Man, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but this choice in spouse is just too tragic. Oh well! To Jojo!
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NOICE, still a good time. SO CLOSE
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AND YET SO FAR. Goddammit do you two mind killing each other on your own time and not literally 10 seconds before our wedding ends??
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-Wow, so glad I woke up for this, really got my bloodlust going! 
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Indeed a roaring success if there ever was one. I mean how can this night possibly get any better?
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.............of course.
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Oh nice, I remembered to install an alarm for once! I’m also desperately trying to wake up Wyatt thinking that he’s fucking CHIEF OF POLICE so he might prove useful in this situation..
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..especially since we get this cop of a completely untrustworthy Bieber hairstyle. Talk about striking fear in the heart.
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Sadly it turns out that Wyatt could not give less of a shit that we’re getting robbed and picks this moment to head for wedding buffet leftovers-
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-while Bieber cop prevails! This robber is awesomely named Russ Bear btw and I wish that was my name, sounds like a slavic medieval folkore hero. But I digress. Please prepare yourselves because our first robbery is about to take a dark turn.
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-Ehh, you get at a certain level on la force, you just become desensitized to la criminalité..
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-Oh don’t worry Wyatt, I totally understand.. I mean I’ve robbed so many houses in my time, I hardly blink anymore..
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-So it looks like you and I are not so different after all.. ;)
............................why. why has the universe chosen me for the greatest suffering the world has ever known. i try and i try but incestuous relationships just keep sprawling like mythical strangler vines. i bet this wouldn’t happen to someone named Russ Bear. fml
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missaureus · 7 years
EXOrDIUM in Manila Concert
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It took me four months to write this down but still, the events were fresh! Heaven knows how much risk I put on top of this experience. I was about to give up EXOrDIUM because I never knew that it was still possible with this deranged medical school schedule.
After EXOluXion, I still held my hopes up to experience it again, especially that I was not able to witness my bias, Jongin, dance for real. Thus, I still starved myself to save my allowance for 5 months. However, half of me was a coward who already gave up the possibility of going since I had no one to go with. I actually can conquer the familiarity of the city, but sadly the change of venue ended that thought. Because 1) Manila is a jungle I cannot tame and 2) To avail the ticket is a Hunger Games!!! (unlike  in MOA Arena, you can avail it via SM tickets in all SM stores nationwide; Araneta Coliseum can have it only via TicketNet which branches are only in Manila or via online)
However, my parents raised opposition when I showed them hints of going to the event. My mom was more disappointed than I was last year when Jongin was injured! But I told her that it would be my last(?) and I needed to see him dance ( I uttered this to my mom omg, secondhand embarrassment to my old self haha) I was crazy, seriously! I was like defending my boyfriend to my parents, that he is worth it HAHAHA! Every time my parents say no, I do not take that for granted because going against their will is scary as hell! Yet, I persisted and gave them the idea how desperate I was prior to the ticket buying. Still, I had so many worries, school on top of everything! But slipping the chance of seeing them got me heartaches. ISTG I was in great chaos back then. 
 After the announcement of ticketing, 8th of January, I remained my hopes not wavered. I kept on searching on different SNS for possible concert goes or mutual friends who had plans to go even if they are not from Iligan. But guess what? The universe seemed to tailor up things for me. A friend of mine said that her classmate asked her if I will be going. That question gave me a speck of light! I immediately contacted her and patched up things on how we can avail the concert ticket (which happened to be purchased by her friend in Cebu), plane ticket and the accommodation. To cut it short, everything was so unfortunate she was not able to make it since her friend was not able to get our tickets due to financial problems. I was disheartened and a part of me mocked myself for being too desperate so, considered it a blurry sign of not going. But from the start I already had an ill feeling about this not-so-sure ticket purchasing so I did a plan B simultaneously (see?! the desperation tho)
I availed the Provincial Assistance of Tickentnet, which was reserving one VIP seat. I had three days to pay for it through a third-party service. Three days. Yes, I had a chance to buy a good seat! But then, back again to my fear of being alone, I chickened out. Yes,I was so indecisive! I had three days to decide to take the risk of going or not and ended up giving myself a condition of going if I find a concert buddy. 
On the second day (to go until judgement day) I randomly scrolled on my Twitter and I saw a liked tweet by a friend which was about EXOrDIUM. I stalked over the account of the owner of the tweet and yas, she is from Iligan and a schoolmate way back in High School. With all the confidence I could muster, I mentioned her on Twitter to ask about it. Violaaa haha, the Lord really paved the way for me! I cannot imagine the wonders this universe could create to give me such happiness!!! The Lord gave me not one but two concert buddies!!! It was for me, I believed.
It was the last day to secure my seat. I grabbed it despite the fact that I needed to part ways from my concert buddies during the concert proper since they had a VIP Standing, while mine was seated.
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Eventually, we booked our plane tickets a month before the event and set everything.  One of the best things in this fandom is that you get to know more friends that were once the people that you only knew by face and pass by in some random corners. Now, this commonality bonded us like we know each over for ages already!
Since I was very busy with school (Does "very busy" even give justice to the hardships? huhu) I was not able to feel the tension of the countdown! I studied hard like a cow to pass my Locomotor exam because I did not have the right to fail it and join the concert! Thank God for giving it to me! One day prior to the D-day, I was finally able to prepare the things that should be brought. Ghad, even with packing up my things I still cram haha (and ended up forgetting to bring along some important things).
One of them, Anne, was already in Manila days prior to the concert, so, Lis, slept over in our house since we need to depart to the airport at dawn the next day. But lol we only had like 2 hours of sleep because we kept on chatting about random things! Eventually, we slept with the fact that the boys already set foot in the country but sadly without Yixing...
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By 4 AM we were already on our way to the airport and arrived after an hour. My parents drove us there, thank you parents for the support system despite the fact that they opposed to this partly huhu! We immediately checked in and sadly was not able to avail a window seat. 
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We waited over an hour and wow for the first time, I experienced a non-delayed flight. By past 6 AM we were already on board. In between, we just chatted with lots of stuff. Lis is a bubbly person, so I got no problem creating scenarios in my head to make things less awkward in moments of silence. I got comfortable with her right away, you will never imagine how much things we've already covered haha! Since we had no aerial view to enjoy, we just took a nap and put our earphones on to blast EXO's vocals to our eardrums.
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By past 8 AM we already arrived in Manila airport! Riding the bus shuttle and walking through the Arrival Area were so nostalgic and deja vu! I was here last year with the same purpose but with different worries left at home (uhhh PBL on Monday!). Lis' aunt fetched us from the airport and went to their house which is just within Pasay City. I guess it runs in their blood being talkative haha, I did not have a hard time and feel awkward all throughout the trip. I was able to take a glimpse of the city in a much closer look of reality (dusty and messy Manila) and eventually arrived in a subdivision. There, I was able to know Lis more with her relatives.
Her relatives were so accommodating and jokingly told me to receive them also if they happen to go back to Iligan (after a very long time). They prepared breakfast for us and I really savored it haha, when it comes to food, nope, being shy is not applicable for me! After an hour, Lis' cousin drove us to Baclaran for us to take the MRT (one of the edges of my trip from last year's). Her tita told us that EDSA's traffic is really crazy that it might take us 2 hours of travel to Quezon City if we choose to take the private car. We walked through the station. The people were in haste and painday inday was not an option! There I was able to experience Manila's real air pollution, crowdedness, danger from pickpockets! It was indeed reality! Throughout the travel, I witnessed a larger stretch of the adjacent cities, the rustic roofs of houses, the old buildings, some ruins, vandalism, the gray picturesque created by smoke belched out from all transportation units. It was crazy it made me think of my hometown, at least I still get to see the shades of green from trees and grassland! HAHA
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After 15 minutes, we already arrived in Araneta Cubao. Lis contacted Anne right away to fetch us. Finally, I was able to meet her up close for the first time, though we bumped into each other randomly in the campus but we do not say hi to each other hahaha! Just like Lis, Anne has also this rainbow spirit. Getting along was never an issue with these girlies.
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We finally headed on our way to the condo unit we shared with two other concert goers. Communication and getting along with them was not a problem also since they are from Davao City. Our room is on the 41st floor! In that moment, I get to realize how opposite the view was from my MRT ride. It was completely opposite, two-faced. All I can see is really pleasant to my senses, just like a city within a city. Everything is well-landscaped with tall buildings,, perk is that they give you lots of shade from the sun thus, walking around the coliseum is still no sweat! (of course city lights at nighttime!)
Anyways, we left out our baggage and refreshed ourselves. This was also an advantage from last year's concert since the unit is only a walking distance. The moment we arrived in the room, I was amazed, a condo indeed haha, there are appliances, such as tv, refrigerator, a sink, 2 crs, a sofa bed, a dining table, in the adjacent room is a big bed good for three and a cabinet for your clothes. It was really spacious and we only paid 600 php each wow!!! I commend Anne for arranging our accommodation, but by that time, we were not able to meet our roommates since they went down the coliseum area. We went out and met Anne's dad, they had their lunch so Lis and I went back to her Titas and also had our lunch in the Gateway Mall. Eventually, we bid farewell to them. I was really grateful to them for accompanying us to the venue like I cannot imagine myself doing it all alone huhu!
We went back to the condo afterwards and finally was able to meet the other roommates! We just chatted about where we came from and stuff. By 2 PM we were already on the grounds. We first explored the colored gates for our respective entrances and literally walked and ran around. I was so thankful to the girls who were really patient for accompanying me with my meet ups. I bought and received goods from random EXOLs, hahaha it was really tiring yet fun!
The coliseum was surrounded by so many people, with different races! There were so many happening such us meeting up with internet friends, distributing giveaways and banners, some selling unofficial merchandises by mostly Koreans. All food stores were full of fans. Everywhere, EXO's music was bursting. It was some kind of noise pollution that was not pollution at all! I was just so happy and we were there outside the venue anticipating the same thing, to see the boys!!!
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By 4 PM, we already parted ways. So I just sat down in a corner. It felt like the rush of adrenaline subsided a little that I was able to feel the numbness of my feet from walking and running. I just carried along with me a bag full of goods! By 5 PM I already lined up in front of the Green Gate. It was so crowded since there was a pakulo nearby with Alodia as the host. Everyone was shouting and I was like ok, whatever let me just jam over EXO's music bursting everywhere haha!
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Minutes after, they already let the fans go inside the venue, my heart was about to run from its sac! This is it ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was lowkey lost at first but eventually recovered haha! ISTG my sense of direction is extremely poor! The usher guided me to my specific seat and I seated right away because my knees were shaking!!! I was so close, I just cannot collect myself!!! I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces and simply exchanged smiles with them. At that point, I enjoyed the time being solitary! Weirdly, the unfamiliarity gave me a happy feeling. It was comforting. It was a whole new experience for me. I was on the third row and basically almost everyone in front of me were Koreans or Chinese. I cannot distinguish them though, all I know is that they have qt eyes hehe. We just waited for more time and all I did was take pictures. Since I had no one to talk to, I burst out all of my emotions on my Twitter wall!
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Every now and then the security officers were roaming in ever corner while bringing placards stating that no pictures or videos are allowed. They explained to us that we will be sent outside if we failed to adhere to the rules. Even cellular phones were prohibited. The fans were pissed off and haggling to allow take pictures and videos via phones but they were firm it. Bouncers were also distributed in the venue which gave me another headache, istg their body built really bothered me huhu. I just ranted over my twitter account how stressful it was. But minutes after, it was disseminated via Twitter brigade that Inang Reyna said cellphones were okay to use! Still, it was bothersome to be surrounded by them. I was supposed to feel safe around them but lol nope no thanks!
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They eventually played EXO's music inside the venue as the audience were already filling up the seats. It was a cue that the event proper would start minutes from it. The fans started running in the center part and occupied the gaps. I really did not knew who allowed them but it was so scary like a stampede!!! The guards controlled the crowd right away and did not allow some fans who attempted to transfer seats! 
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By 7PM the lights went off and a loud scream roared up until the top of the coliseum!!! There again my heart was fainting and I just want to back out from my post! Those shouts triggered so many mini heart attacks and the rush was on fire again! Though it turned black, the silver ocean was revealed! 
They were about to come out behind the screen!!!
And my heart stopped for a second when the barrier split into half! They came out with their red outfit that I used to only see on my Twitter screen!  ㅠㅠ and at that moment, I never knew I missed them so much omg! I got severe goosebumps when the intro of MAMA bombarded the coliseum! There is so much power with that song! I tried to compose my weak slef since I cannot punch the person beside me HAHAHA! I attempted to take videos and pictures since everyone was already raising their gadgets, IDC about the security officers anymore! However, I only did it a few times since I cannot afford to watch them on screen, I expended more than 20K to see them face to face lol!!! It was my closest proximity to them and all I ever asked was Are the even real? ㅠㅠ because they look like mannequins I can see no trace of blood flowing in their flesh! 
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Anyways, I was happy to see Monster stage live! This era is one of the bests because I live for the leader’s dab  ㅋㅋㅋ and yas the Tree of Life, still surviving up until NOW and that was so beautiful! 
At some point, I felt conflicted with what to do, I was torn among holding the lightstick, take a video, a picture, watch them on LCD screen or on stage, to sneak out my action camera or not? HAHAHA butt I did not care eventually and just enjoyed the performance. Though I promised to myself to take lots of it since I was not able to do it last concert... 
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White Noise happened next! There was no raining effect. I wanted to feel disappointed because PH concert is the most expensive concert among all countries, yet they were not able to give this set up. But I was not, because the vocals were so perfect, plus the choreography, the boys on rising platforms just left us slayed! Everything was so pure perfection, though it could get prettier with the effects of the water but I had no regrets! 
And yes, everyone’s favorite LOL the sensual part!!! Putting back Thunder on the setlist is yet the best decision ever made, thank youuu for putting back that relevant song and choreography!  Plus the rude Playboy hahaha, please let me pair myself with Jongin  ㅋㅋㅋ bless  bless the pairings! I though Araneta will collapse when the fans started screaming ( I see everyone’s tonsils being shookt lol) by the time they grinded on their canes. My goodness, what kind of sin is this?! I was prepared? but I remained shocked!!! We were not able to save our eyes from committing an unforgivable sin myghed!!! Who allowed this?! HAHAHUHU 
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Bless bless Jongin doing that break dance of Artificial Love on the rising platform with blindfold on, I love him huhu... I just realized how desperate I was to see him up close and dance in real life! Thank you for making it happen! 
Eventually the acoustic session came next which allowed us to breathe and recover from so much attack! I was able to take a video of the whole segment and watching it all over again just makes me happy. I live for Jongin’s angelic voice in Moonlight! and yaaas Kyungsoo’s rnb-ish voice huhu! 
Everyone was laughing hysterically when Junmyeon commented on how well we sang the whole songs! Lol, sorry but we do not do fanchants here hahaha! He even asked if the PH has KPop Academy LMAO  ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ I commend the leader/s eagerness to converse directly to fans in English  ㅠㅠ *bow 90 degrees* and Kyungsoo singing to Because of You snatched me  ㅠㅠ and Chanyeol’s random shuffling and dabbing were too funny haha! Baekhyun also suffered from ADHD! 
Unfortunately, Jongin was not in his best condition. I only knew this when he said it during the ment. I was not able to notice that he had a tummy ache, he fought a hard battle to hide it though! 
They also noticed and talked about the fan project of the banner that we raised during Heaven. But how I wish the fans have better ideas, like yes we can do better than this... the PH official fanbase should innovate more for the next concert huhu...
Most fans remained standing starting from the EDM session. Like I said last year, the only rave that I am going to attend. It was lit, the lights delivered well. Eventually, the songs such as Growl were my cue that the event was about to end... I did not want to, so I put everything down and just live the moment! They had their last encore which I was able to understand the translator but I felt their sincerity even though their is a language barrier and besides, the fans were always screa m i n g !!! 
I felt sad when Angel played. They playfully picked up the toys thrown on stage and said bye bye to all the fans in every corner. I was teary eyed, I really did not what were the appropriate feelings huhu... 
I really cannot believe that God allowed me to witness this in the last minute of holding my hope of buying that ticket! This makes my youth memorable, that I was crazy enough not to eat just to buy those sick tickets. But never in my whole life I imagined of seeing them, it was just a mere appreciation of their talents but I was whooshed inside the black hole and got personally attached  ㅠㅠ Yet, I am having no regrets, just like I said over and over again. Meeting EXO is a kind of haven. *drama queen takes over haha*
I hope to see them I-dunno-when but surely I will!!!  감사합니다 
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