#i cant even go to the next closest one to me but damn i wanna live in that show
mysticalalleycat · 7 months
Do you think God knows?
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You've been sneaking out of Heaven
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Like were his eyes closed
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Cause there's no way he's just letting you
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Fall from the stars
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3 notes · View notes
fallingfor-fics · 2 years
Souvenir- Negan x Reader
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Pairing: Negan x Female Reader 🔥
Warnings: 🔞 Smut, oral (male receiving), light bondage, and mentions of rape (just Negan clarifying he believes in consent) 
Word Count: 5.8k 
Summary: You volunteer to be taken by Negan instead of Maggie and he ends up showing you a rather good time when you get back to the Sanctuary. 
Part 2: Bargain | Part 3: Anarchy
a/n Well this is my first oneshot so hold on tight. Also I haven’t watched TWD in a minute, so just go with it please. 
Well this wasn’t how any of us planned for things to go, but by the look on Ricks face as Negan stood towering over him, there was no doubt we would be surrendering to the torturous man. I stayed in my place a few feet away behind Negan, between Maggie and one of Negan's henchmen, squeezing my fists as I felt Maggie's gaze practically burning holes through my skull, on top of the already insufferable sun blaring down on us. She knew what I was thinking, and I didn't doubt the man next to me knew too based on the way he was watching us. I had accepted there really was nothing I could do at this point, however that didn't stop the itching in my skin that was testing my every thought and motion. So easy I could have just quick shot the leather-wearing bastard in the head, if only it would mean the survival of the rest of the group even if not my own, but alas we all knew we weren't anywhere near prepared enough to risk those odds. 
So there I stayed silent, watching as one of my best friends stood in shock and silence, making reluctant eye contact with the vile man before slowly nodding, “Ok fine.” Rick agreed in a hoarse voice and we all looked around at each other in suspense. Negan's grin grew as he raised a hand to land harshly on Ricks shoulder. “Alright now that is what I wanted to hear! Damn you are hard to bargain with. For fucks sake I killed two of your people before you gave in!” Negan laughed and a few quiet chuckles came from his other members. “Well, while my boys load up all of my shit,” he smiled nudging Ricks arm in a humorous manner as Rick continued to stare in disbelief, “I am going to take a look around and pick out a few souvenirs to remember this beautiful agreement we made today!” he said before walking past the man and whistling to his men to do as he said. We all stood in our spots, guns from all directions pointed at us as herds of men carried more than half of our food, all of our weapons, and whatever else Negan requested, into their trucks. 
I watched as Negan entered our houses one by one looking for whatever “souvenirs” he had thought he would find. Once his men were finally done loading everything up, Negan descended from Ricks house with Judith on his hip and we all quickly straightened up. Rick went to move but was stopped by Simon who just shook his head, “Give her to me.” Rick stated calmly and Negan just smiled playing with the babies hand and calming her down. She had no doubt been crying while we were trapped out here. “Relax Rick, I have a way with kids.” the smug man replied nonchalantly. “Besides she was crying, so I figured she would wanna be out here with the rest of us.” he said smiling at Judith and tickling her. Rick was visibly turning more pale and green as he felt his pride being sucked away each minute that passed. 
“Well as cute as you are, I cant fucking stand kids.” Negan said cheerfully to Judith before looking around to who was closest, Enid being on one side and Eugene on the other. “Here.” he said handing Judith off to Enid who quickly grabbed her tight. Negan walked back towards Rick, reaching into his pockets for a few knickknacks he had found. “Now look at this fucking thing, that is cool as shit.” he enthused, holding up a random tiger figurine he had found. “But this was also about all I could find, and since it took just so long to convince you to make a deal, I think I'm going to take..” he paused tsking his tongue and looking around, his gaze finally landed on me for the first time and I felt my heart skip several beats, he looked at Maggie next to me, eyeing her as well before humming. “You.” he said pointing to Maggie. I felt my heart drop and I looked over at her. “No!” Rick yelled to which Negan punched him with force in the stomach, causing Rick to fall to the ground. 
I watched as Negan recovered from the brisk movement and smiled up at Maggie. I felt my stomach turn and I shook my head. “No I'm not going anywhere.” Maggie stated firmly to which Negan smiled, “Oh come on don’t make this hard.” He winked and she scoffed before swiftly kicking him between the legs and elbowing his cheek. Just as quickly the man beside us grabbed her and another came to restrain her as well. Negan leaned back up cupping his cheek, his neck twitched and he smiled, “Throw her in the truck, lets go.” he demanded more than told and his smile faded. Maggie kicked and screamed as did the rest of us, but we were all under the knife in some form. Which made my next decision a little easier. “Wait!” I yelled and Negan turned around, however I could tell the stunt Maggie had pulled had affected his mood tremendously. He glared at me and I felt the gun pointed beside me push into my arm. “Please leave her and take me.” I stated clearly. Rick, who was now standing again, shook his head to which I ignored. “Sorry sweetheart but I’ve made my selection.” He let out the playful words in a serious and condescending tone. 
His crew continued and I shook my hands as I begged some more, “Please just fucking listen to me!” I screamed to which the man with the gun pointed towards me, went to strike me with it but was stopped by Negan. “Why the fuck would I do that princess? huh?” he remained stoic, not using his charming grin or sarcastic tone like normal. “My name, is Y/n and because she’s pregnant you fucking douchebag.” I spoke out, voice tired but clear as day and laced with courage. Which I may have been stupid to respond with, but at this point in time I haven't got much to loose. He stood in shock, furrowing his brows and reading my expression. That was the worst thing about Negan was that he wasn't just cocky, fearless, and an asshole, but so very intelligent. Painfully so that nothing got by him, and to his dissatisfaction he could tell I was telling the truth. And we both knew what that meant. He looked back at Maggie who was looking at me with sad eyes, “No shit, is that true?” he asked for confirmation and she nodded. He looked at his men and motioned for them to come over. They placed Maggie down and quickly obeyed. The kind woman walked over to join Rick in watching the scene.
 I raised my hands to the men before the could grab me , “I got it ok I can walk to the fuckin truck.” I snapped at them to which they looked at Negan in response. He seemed to be holding back a smirk, a mischievous stare hidden behind his eyes as he walked forward to his own truck, “You’re riding with me.” I looked at Rick who had pleading, hopeless eyes, we had been together all these years of this shitshow and who knows when I could see him again, or any of them. I muttered an ‘I’m sorry’ even if I didn’t really have to think twice about the decision. I climbed into the passenger side of Negan’s truck and he flashed me a smile before driving away, making sure to stick the finger out of the window as he did so. I rolled my eyes and watched Rick and Maggie get smaller and smaller in the side mirror before they eventually were out of sight. 
Barely seconds into the drive and Negan began berating me with questions. “So how long you been in Ricks little posse?” I stayed silent, finding no amusement in his attempts to learn anything about me knowing he was probably just gonna kill me or make me wish he did. I leaned my legs away and continued to stare out the window. He looked over at me and scoffed, “Are you fucking serious?” was all he said and I continued my plan of treating him like a pestering toddler, and disregarded him. “hey!” he shouted smacking my thigh, enough to sting, but not hard enough to leave a mark. “Don’t fucking touch me!” I responded shoving his hand back. “Look don’t be a brat, you volunteered to come and I'm trying to be fucking nice to you, but If you want to be a bitch then fine it’ll just make my job that much easier.” he scolded in an angry tone which for some reason sent a shiver up my spine causing me to be a little more obedient. 
“I met Rick five years ago.” was all I said and he looked over before focusing back on the road, “See that wasn’t so hard.” he teased with a smirk, “what, was he saving your ass or something?” he added and I shook my head, “No it was actually the other way around, me saving him from a herd.” I responded with confidence, correcting the mans assumption. A silence fell over us and I continued to watch the trees rush by before I heard him let out a small laugh. I looked over at him and glared, “What?” I dared myself to question, figuring whatever was tickling the man was something dreadfully stupid. “You guys fuck?” he questioned and I sat up straight and crossed my arms. “What!?” He smirked, “You and Rick” he responded and I shook my head quickly, “No no, he is just my friend.” I said not being able to hide the brief hesitation in my voice. He began nodding his head and laughing, “Ahh I fucking knew it! So what are you his uh mistress? or just a classic friends with benefits deal?” he questioned and I shook my head looking away, “No fuck off its none of those things. We fucked once or twice in desperate times okay? its not a big deal.” He was clearly getting a kick out of these revelations. However all I could seem to focus on was the fact he read me so well and could tell so easily what happened. Unless it happened to be just that obvious. 
He managed to keep the rest of the questions a little less invasive, moving on to previous partners, family, and all the pre-apocalypse life experiences I had. Although he never once answered any of my questions, except for one about his wife and that was all. His response even felt like a reaction he had to the inquiry, almost rehearsed and simple. Eventually we arrived to the gates and I held in a breath, all of the sudden feeling my nerves rise again when I remembered I had no clue what he planned to do with me, that being one of the questions he avoided. He pulled in and parked, getting out of the truck and shouting something to the men following behind. I got out of the truck too and Negan made his way over to me. “Ok welcome! Lets start with a quick tour and then Ill take you to your room.” he said with a smile. 
“My room?” I questioned and he nodded, “Oh my god I’m not gonna be one of those wives you keep am I? Because I rather you just fucking kill me.” I scoffed and he looked down at me with a sarcastic grin, “Ouch! Damn you’re fuckin rude,” he laughed out, clearly fed up, “I doubt Rick could handle your attitude, I bet the fucker was begging on his knees for you, he is a weak little guy.” he responded as I followed him, rolling my eyes again at his attempts to belittle Rick to seemingly try and impress me. Standing up for my best friend I scoffed, “And you can? Rick didn't even have to deal with my attitude, and he fucked me better because of it.” Negan looked at me with slight shock and slight confusion, I had stunned the man that was for sure. “Damn if you smiled a bit more that might have just turned me on. I also don't believe you.” he prodded back and I decided to just leave it alone this time. 
After the tour we arrived to my room and I looked around at the quaint little room, a nice bed and amenities, I was honestly a bit surprised. “So how long am I going to be here?” I asked and he smiled, “As long as I can stand you darling.” I smiled in response, “Oh so not long then.” I said making my way to the bed, noticing a pair of clothes folded nicely on the bed. “You doubting my ability to handle women?” he said in disbelief. “Um yep.” I responded, turning around and realizing he was now a few steps closer. He looked me up and down and I couldn't help but do the same. It was no secret Negan was attractive, but his personality certainly killed any hope he thought he had in willingly pulling women. I locked eyes with his and he smiled, “What am I doing here Negan?” I asked again and he pointed to the clothes. “You’re my souvenir remember? Put those on and then come find me, and I know I probably don't have to tell you this, but don't pull anything.” he mocked and I scoffed as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. As I got dressed I realized the “clothes” were a lace lingerie set and a simple dark red fitted dress over it. “Oh for fucks sake.” I said to myself as I reluctantly got dressed and decided to wisely freshen up as well. I slipped the shoes provided on as well and took a breath before opening the door. I was met with a blonde man with a gun and what appeared to be a burn on his face. “I’m Dwight, follow me.” I listened and followed him all the way into what I assumed was Negan’s house. 
Dwight knocked on the large double doors and Negan opened up with a wide grin on his face. His hair was wet as if he had a quick shower and he was without his token leather jacket, in a simple white t-shirt and jeans. when he locked eyes with me I nervously pulled the dress down a bit and he just checked me out. “Ok Dwight get lost.” Negan stated and Dwight nodded walking out briskly. “Well don’t you clean up nice.” I crossed my arms for security and he just tilted his head smiling, “What do you want?” I asked and he gestured me into the room. I knew once I stepped through the doors that whatever he planned to do to me was either going to be horrendous, or even worse, so addicting that I’m not able to get the strength to leave. 
He shut the doors behind me and I looked around the large master bedroom. “Pretty cool huh?” he asked as I observed all the fancy furniture and collectables, no doubt stuff he’d taken from people I assumed. “Look Negan, what the fuck do you want? I don’t mean to be ‘rude’ “ I mocked with quotes, “but first you kidnap me and now you aren't sure if you’re going to fuck me or torture me or what?” I quipped wanting to get straight to the point, he stepped closer to me and I backed up slightly, “Well you waste no time. Do you want me to fuck you? Because that’s kinda what its sounding like princess.” he smirked with a cocky shit-eating grin and I laughed, “For the record I am going to fuck you, I just wanted to make sure you knew that.” He added pressing a finger to my chest. I felt it heat up and swarm with butterflies as I swallowed hard and stared into what I could only describe as the devils eyes, burning hot with mischief and temptation and yet so enticing. “A-and what if I said no?” I dared to question in a hushed voice as he stepped even closer and looked down at me. He smiled and tucked some hair behind my ear before letting out a small laugh as he looked me over. “I don’t fuck with rapists sweetheart, but my guess is you are going to be begging for me to fuck you.” he whispered in a deep sensual voice and I felt heat spread to my cheeks as well as my core. In this moment I remembered my observation earlier, he was so smart and read me so well. Meaning there was no doubt I wasn’t going to be able to resist and for some reason the more curious part of me didn’t really want to. 
We stayed silent for a moment, the air now feeling hot and my eyes not being able to leave his as he slowly raised a hand once more and stroked the side of my waist, trailing it down my thigh and to the bottom of the dress. I couldn't hold in a shaky breath as his rough, large hands touched my bare thigh. He began to lift the dress up, smiling and watching my expression as he pulled it up. I just watched him, not sure what to do or say in the moment. It had been awhile since I had done this and with him all my knowledge seemed to disappear from my head. “Raise your arms.” he instructed as he approached my breasts, already leaving my lower half exposed besides the lacy panties and heels. I did as I was told raising my arms and shuddering at the air hitting my skin and causing slight goosebumps form. He threw the dress on the ground and admired my form, “Go stand in front of the bed.” he smiled pointing to the large king size bed as if I wouldn’t have known where it was. I did so, facing him still with my back to the bed. He disappeared into his closet for a moment before coming out with a hair tie as well as a neck tie and grinning at me. 
“You are something else.” he said as he approached me. I smiled and looked down at my barely covered figure a little embarrassed for myself. “I cant believe you were hiding all of this in those nasty ass clothes, doll.” I felt my heart ping at the new name and smiled up at him, “Well its not often I’m used as a fuck toy.” I shrugged and he just shook his head with a scoff. Grabbing my shoulders softly he turned me around. “I cant wait to hear that pretty little mouth moan out my name instead of blabbing about some pathetic bullshit.” he whispered in my ear and I held in any groan or noise my brain thought to make as I felt intense heat spread through my center at the dark lustful tone of his voice. I turned slightly to glance at what he was doing and he just smiled before motioning for me to face forward again. I felt him grab up my hair, not being too picky about it and tightening it into a pony. My head was racing with crude thoughts and my skin would tense every time he grazed it. He turned me around again and tied my wrists in front with a black neck tie, he tightened them and I tugged my wrist a bit as a response to which he just chuckled and stood back. 
He looked me over intensely, as if he was taking note of every curve and mark, not even phased by the few scars and bruises scattered across me, it was a common occurrence in this new horrific world anyways. “Gorgeous.” He complimented, as if he was a painter stepping back to admire his work. I refrained from rolling my eyes at the theatrics and he stepped closer. “Fuck do you make my dick twitch princess.” he said in a more serious tone, his sarcastic grin fading and his eyes growing more intense as he slowly backed me up to the edge of the bed. He gingerly stroked my cheek before grabbing my jaw and squeezing a bit, his devilish grin returning, “I am going to have so much fun with you.” he muttered before pulling me toward him and kissing me. We both sucked in deep breaths at the motion, me immediately closing my eyes and kissing him back. I felt his scruff scratch my face and it only added to the pleasure as our mouths moved in sync, he didn’t waste time in taking over the kiss. He bit my lip for a moment causing me to let out a small whimper, and took that chance to slide his tongue in and continue to deepen the kiss. I could smell his cologne and taste the faint bitterness of tobacco as he pushed me to sit on the bed. 
I looked up at him and he smiled, both of us breathing hard before he began to unbuckle his belt. It was at this point I noticed his arousal and also my own, shifting slightly to rub my thighs together and help the aching heat that was dampening my panties. He took off his jeans as well as his shirt and I swallowed nervously, staring up at him with big eyes. “Open your mouth doll.” he ordered and I complied, opening it slightly but he pulled my jaw down more. He finally released his hardened cock from his boxers, stroking it slowly with a small groan leaving his lips. “Are you ready princess?” I nodded, “I want to hear you say it.” he instructed. “Yes Sir.” I smiled, now regaining some confidence in my skills, and being drunk with my hormones, wanting nothing more than some sort of contact. He smiled, “Good girl.” he praised and watched as I opened my mouth once again, taking him in slowly. 
I started with taking my time, moving my head before pulling away to lick the tip. He let out a hiss and I smiled, a tad frustrated my hands were bound together. I licked up his hard and rather big dick, wrapping my lips around it once more and moving painfully slow. I felt his hand grip my ponytail as he glanced down at me, “Don’t be a fucking tease.” he practically growled and I pulled away to get air before returning, this time quickening the pace. He let out some muttered curses before slightly thrusting his hips as well, holding my hair and guiding my head as well. I felt my eyes brim with tears as he fucked my mouth with more force and I focused on not choking. “Mmm fuck im going to have to stop or I might just cum all down your throat.” he laughed as he pulled me back slowly. I took in some breaths and he wiped the few tears that fell before stoking his thumb across my red and puffy lips. “No wonder Rick didn’t want you leaving.” he quipped before standing me up again. 
He reached around me to unclasp my bra and I felt my nerves rush through me again, but I mainly wanted him to get on with it, I however couldn’t bring myself to beg just yet. He slid the straps down, freeing my breasts from the lace and untying my wrists for a moment to toss it to the side and binding them once more. He wasted no time in kissing me again, rough and hungry, moving down my neck and sucking on the tender skin, surely leaving marks in the sensitive areas before moving down and taking a nipple between his lips. I let out a small moan at the action and felt him smile before nipping it gently. He moved town my torso before hooking his fingers in the lace underwear and pulling them down my thighs. I stepped out of them and he bit his lip. He raised a hand and softly teased my now dripping heat, with hardly any pressure he rubbed his fingers over my clit causing me to whine, but that was all I allowed myself to let out. He pushed a bit harder, running his fingers through my folds and returning to my clit. Breathing over me, the vile man moved his fingers in circles over the sensitive nerve and I squirmed under his taunting touch. 
“Cant bring yourself to ask princess?” he spoke out and I looked at him with annoyed but desperate eyes. He continued working on me and quickly inserted a finger, not enough to grant me any kind of relief but enough to encourage me. He moved it in and out, rubbing my clit as he did and watching as my eyebrows furrowed and I fought to keep my eyes on him. After a few torturous minutes of him going agonizingly slow I couldn't handle it anymore. “Fuck Negan fine just fuck me already, I need more.” I whined out, clearly annoyed at letting him win and he smiled big in response. “I knew you couldn’t last long. Get on your stomach.” he ordered swiftly pulling his finger out of my cunt and pushing me back gently. I did as I was told and managed to lay down semi comfortably with my hands tied. I heard him step closer and he roughly grabbed my hips before pulling me up to my knees, my upper half still pressed into the mattress. “Sure you can handle me doll?” he teased, pressing his tip to my entrance and rubbing it against my folds, I pressed back in response but he gripped me firmly and kept me still. 
“Please- fuck.” I groaned out and he scoffed before shoving into me harshly. “Ahh!” I yelled out at the action, feeling my walls stretching to his size, my slick helping him slide in and out with ease, but still it stung to be filled up with him. The pain bleeding to pleasure as he began to quickly thrust into me. I squeezed my eyes shut as his cock roughly hit against my g spot, earning a moan which I attempted to muffle in the mattress but he reached for my pony tail, pulling me up to be flush with his chest, still he fucked hard up into me with one hand on my stomach to stabilize me, “Don’t bother hiding those pretty little screams darling, everyone knows exactly what I’m doing to you.” he taunted and I whined out a “Fuck” as he rutted into me, roughly slamming in and out of my cunt, I felt my eyes get heavy at the euphoric feeling and I leaned my head back on his shoulder, as his hand on my stomach slid down to rub my clit. “Oh fuck Negan-” I moaned and he quickened his pace, “Fuck yes princess that’s what I wanted to hear.” he groaned in response, I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he spoke and my walls tightened around him. 
“I bet Rick didn't fuck you like this and I bet he couldn't make you cum as hard as I'm going to.” I moaned at his statement and he smiled, both of us knowing it was the truth, Rick was good for a quick fuck but no one had ever compared to how Negan was plowing into me now. I felt myself quickly getting closer and closer to the edge as he pressed harder circles into my clit and didn't stop his relentless thrusts into my core.  “Oh god- fuck” I stammered out trying to form words but not being able to focus on anything but finishing. “Negan i’m so close-” I winced out and he fucked me harder at my words, “Go ahead and cum all over me princess.” he groaned in my ear, letting a moan out as well, feeling my walls squeeze around his hard and throbbing cock. I screamed out as I came, waves crashing through my body at the release. He fucked me through my orgasm and I felt my body grow tired. 
He pulled out of me and I let out a whine before he turned me to face him and pushed me to lay down on the bed on my back. I spread my legs for him and he flashed a smile, “Such a good girl, I didn’t even have to ask.” he mocked and grabbed my tied hands, forcefully pushing them above my head and sliding into me all in one motion. “Mmm shit.” I muttered at the addicting feeling of him filling me again, feeling friction against my sensitive clit as he slammed into me at a new angle and speed, making my skin crawl in pleasure. “Harder Negan- please.” I squirmed beneath him as he leaned to suck on my nipples again and then come up to kiss me just as rough. “I want you to cum again for me sweetheart, and I want you to wait for me.” he ordered and I shook my head as he responded to my request and fucked me harder. “No- Negan I cant.” I whined already feeling another orgasm approaching at the new position. 
“Yes you can, you’re gonna fucking have to or ill keep making you cum until you fucking pass out princess.” He groaned in a serious tone as he continued his motions. I moaned out and tried to keep myself from arriving as he moved to squeeze my hips tight, digging his fingers into them to leave marks just as he did on my neck. “God you feel so fucking good.” he said, kissing me again and running his tongue along mine as we both breathed hard into the sloppy kiss. “Untie me please Negan I want to touch you.” I begged and he looked me in my eyes debating my plea. He let a smile creep to his face, and he gave me a look, one I interpreted as needing to beg for it a little harder. “Please Ne- Sir!” I corrected testing to see if that would be more convincing. “Well since you asked so nicely doll.” he responded, pausing his movements for a second allowing me to roll my hips and fuck his cock as he untied my wrists. As soon as I could move them apart I wrapped a hand around his back and the other tangled in his hair as he didn’t hesitate in picking back up his previous pace. I dug my nails into his back and tugged on his hair, “Fuck that was a good idea,” he groaned and I smirked at the praise and the fact he enjoyed the slight sting of the scratches to his back. 
I could tell he was close since his thrusts got slower and deeper, now focusing on pushing into my g spot. I held myself together, my second orgasm creeping up and waiting to be released. “Shit- I’m about to cum in your tight little pussy babydoll.” he revealed in a whisper to my ear and I moaned. “Glad we are on the same page.” he teased and I held close to him as my cunt gripped around his dick, eager to let go. “Fuck Negan- yes.” I moaned and he sped up again going even faster as he reached between us and rubbed his large fingers around my clit. “Ngh- I’m so close please can I cum.” I begged and he ignored my cries, continuing to grunt in my ear as he got closer to his own release. “You aren’t going to wanna fuck anyone else after this.” he reminded me, and it was probably true, if this was Negan’s idea of a typical first-fuck, I could only imagine the other pleasures he was capable of giving me. 
“Fuck sweetheart I’m gonna fill you up with my cum.” I didn’t have the energy nor will to disagree, and this far in I wanted nothing more than to have him dripping out of my cunt by the end of this. I felt my orgasm get close and I moved my lips to his shoulder, “Don’t you fucking bite me-” he said just barely audible between his groans, “Fuck- you can cum now princess.” he yelled and I ignored his previous request as I let my orgasm crash over me and I bit down on his shoulder as I came. He hissed as he came as well, shooting his hot cum inside of me, and I moaned against his skin. “Ah shit- you fucking brat.” he shouted in disbelief and exhaust but didn’t stop his hips from shoving into me as we rode out our highs.
After a few more thrusts he pulled out and I let go of him as he sat back to watch his seed drip out of me. Once he was satisfied with the little show he looked back up at me who was still trying to catch my breath. He swiftly placed a light slap to my cheek to which I stared back in shock, it wasn’t very painful but my cheek was going to sting for at least a few minutes. “That’s for fucking biting me.” I couldn’t help the smirk that creeped on my face as I sat up and he went to collect his pants, tossing me my dress only. “Oh don’t act like you didn’t fucking love that, I could practically feel your dick twitch inside me when I did.” I teased and he scoffed pulling up his pants as I slipped on my dress, “I have some work i have to do, unfortunately, but feel free to explore the community, don’t go too far though I’m going to want to go for round two when I get back and we are gonna test out some things.” he winked, slipping on his jacket and grabbing the infamous bat from beside the door. “Ill see you later princess.” with that he left and I sat in the mess we had caused processing what we had done, and just exactly who it was id done it with. Only laughing to myself before cleaning up and taking advantage of his absence and going to explore. 
a/n well that was longer than I planned but let me know what you guys think!
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
hi lovely! i hope you’re doing well<3 i was wondering if i could request (hcs or drabbles? you can choose) for keigo and bakugou going to a hero gala with their s/o? this can be gn for everyone hehe but i’d like to see how they’d react seeing their s/o in formal wear and how’d they go about acting at the gala. (if you throw in a lil nsfw in there i’ll love you forever hehe) thank you!
 — seeing their s/o in formal wear for the first time !
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⇝ pairing(s): keigo takami, katsuki. bakugou x gn!reader
⇝ rating: mature, 18+.
⇝ genre: smut, fluff.
⇝ warning(s): please read !  unprotected sex ( please wear protection ), public sex, oral sex ( reader receiving ), handjobs, marking.
⇝ author’s note(s): ello ello, i’m back with some requests once again, i decided to switch this one up a little bit and include a slight scenario for each character, please let me know if you liked it, nsfw below the cut <3
⇝ masterlist | requests
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you probs haven’t been dating very long when keigo asks you on a date to the upcoming hero gala
you’re also a civilian so he’s worried it might not be your scene !!
he’s over the moon when you say yes and is pressing a bunch of kissies to your face.
gives you his bad boy black credit card and tells you to buy whatever you fancy; it just has to be formal wear !!
i see you not being very comfy with idea of using his card to buy yourself something expensive since you’re only just dating
but he waves his hand and says “only the best for my baby bird.”
probably sends his assistant to make sure you’re not worried about the price tag.
on the night when he sees you his draw DROPS
because damn, you look so good in that cute little outfit you got.
it compliments you so well and you look absolutely ravishing.
cant stop looking at you the whole night.
will probably be handsy the whole time, slipping under fabric of your expensive new clothes.
keigo steals you away from a chat with endeavour to slow dance with you during the gala.
“damn baby bird, if i’d have known you were gonna look this good in formal wear, we’d never have left the apartment.”
you whimper into his ear and keigo knows he’s done for.
don’t even make it home, he just pulls you into the closest bathroom and forces you over the sinks.
“k-keigo, anyone could walk in and see—“
“see? oh baby, i bet you want them to see how much of a mess i’m going to make you.”
barley holds back as he gives you his cock, it’s so loud that literally e v e r y o n e can hear you from outside.
when you stumble out both of you a visibly messy from your activities.
you take your leave and barley make it to the car before keigo’s hands are on you again.
⇝ scenario:
if anyone were to walk into the bathroom right now, you’d surely be fucked. million dollar outfit a mess on the floor, hair strewn about and number two pro hero between your legs.
keigo groans as your free hand curls in the sea of his messy blonde hair, forcefully tugging his head up to yours before you press a sloppy kiss to his glistening lips. you whimper at the taste of yourself on his tongue. “k-keigo,” you whimper, legs begging to shudder as his free hand roams your nether regions, stimulating you until you’re seeing new colours behind closes eyelids and your body is trembling against the bathroom counter. “p-please—“
“please what angel? don’t hear you using your words.”
you curl in on yourself, feeling the knot in your tummy tighten as if it’s about to unravel— your eyes snap open to meet a pair of dilated golden ones, making you moan so loud that you clamp down on your bottom lip to keep the sounds in. “gonna cum, don’t wanna be to—to loud, people could hear...”
your boyfriend chuckles darkly from above you, mouth falling open to mock your moans while the slick sounds of your sex flicker between you. “ohoho baby bird, don’t worry about that and let them know how good i’m making you feel.”
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you’ve been dating for a year or two at this point but bakugous really private so he’s never taken you to the gala.
when the next one rolls around you decide to ask him why he’s never asked you to go
katsuki just shrugs and says he “didn’t think you’d like all the lights and shitty cameras.”
nonetheless he invites you this time and you happily agree but pout upon realising you don’t have anything appropriate to wear.
you’re both pretty new to the pro hero thing but i think katsuki would be higher ranked and thus earn more bc he’s on track to be number one.
so you’re sitting there like >:(
and bakugou flicks your forehead and rolls his eyes.
“don’t pout dumbass, just use my card and get yourself something nice.”
you don’t hesitate, bouncing to the nearest mall the next day to get yourself something off the charts.
you end up running a little late to the gala so arrive separately from bakugou but when he sees you ...
gosh !!,£/&/
a tiny explosion sets off in his palm from how gorgeous you are
his hands are probably sweaty for the rest of the night.
he keeps checking you out from across the room, staring at you while he sips on champagne...
you only catch him because he keeps letting off tiny explosions by accident !!
you’re probably the one to initiate any teasing that night, slipping your hand down his breaches at the dinner table.
he doesn’t flinch but sends you a warning glare.
probably let’s out a strangled moan when you start palming him for real.
“fuck, yn...”
“what was that kacchan?”
“mind your fuckin’...fuckin’ business, damn nerd. we’re going home.”
yanks you from the table and heads straight for the car.
you both don’t say anything in the car home but as soon as you’re past the front door bakugou is ravaging you like his last meal
teeth, tongue, love bites !! you name it !!
“you think you can get away with teasing me like that? well you’re in for a long fuckin’ night sweetheart.”
oop , you can’t walk for days after that.
⇝ scenario:
“how do you like me now, sweetheart? not so confident— ah fuck, are you?”
bakugou mocks you, forcing you up the wall with every thrust inside of your tight heat. you’d barely made it into the house before your boyfriend pounced, lips on your neck on your lips and your sex. the guy was relentless; tearing right through your formal wear with no regrets, what was left of your outfit remained bunched at your hips— katsuki using the fabric to pull you back onto his hard cock.
tears threaten to spill from the corners of your eyes, nails scratching their way down the walls as your boyfriend lands a harsh spank to your ass— the pain sending shivers down your spine. “not gonna answer me brat?” he spits; finger tips singing little marks into the skin of your hips. “where’s all that mouth you had earlier? when your hands were down my fuckin’ pants in front of all those people.”
the blonde pulls you back by your hair, blood red eyes staring right into yours as the pace of his hips speed up; forcing his red hot length further into your walls. “that’s what i thought. now sit there and take my cock. that’ll teach you to misbehave again.”
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some more helpful links about recent events:
educate yourself carrd
issues going on in the world carrd
blm carrd
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Ateez Reaction: Hangover
A/n: i am so obsessed with Ateez. like wow. damn. so this is my first ateez reaction but i cant wait to do more! I'm still a new Atiny so please go easy on me and i hope you like it!
Tag List: @ashisparanoid​ @mini-meanhoe​ @leggomylino​ @hanstagrams​ @desertofdessert​ @hoes4hoseok​ @yangomangos​ @jeonqqin​ @geminirules​ @crscendoforsung​ @mrsunshine999​ @jisungsjheekies​ @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @kodzu-ken​ @konenichi​ @yangs-jeongin​
Warnings: cussing
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You awoke to pain between your legs and sore muscles all around your body. Normally, you took pretty well to hangovers. They never bothered you much. However, the night prior both you and your boyfriend had quite a lot to drink which led to a very...explorative and wild night.
You made a small attempt to sit up, but that was quickly stilled by the aching pain all over your mostly bare body. Rolling over, you grabbed the closest shirt on the floor and wheezed at the twinges of pain as you lifted it over your head. Looking over you saw Hongjoong still fast asleep. He lay on his stomach, the muscles in his back shifting every now and then. 
Smiling, you pressend gentle kisses along his bare skin. Slowly he began to wake up. “Oh- my head-.....good morning, gorgeous.” His voice was raw sending shivers down your spine. His red hair was sticking up in wild directions, reminding you of a cute Einstein. His lips were puffy and there were several red marks on his neck and shoulder. “Is your hangover as bad as mine?” He mumbled, rubbing the fatigue and sleep away from his face.
“I have a small headache. I’m mostly sore...and hungry.”
“Ooooo! You know what sounds perfect?” Hongjoong mused, bottom lip tugging between his teeth. “Pizza.”He laughed seeing your eyes light up. Reaching over on the night stand he pulled out his phone and began ordering a huge pizza, with you looking over his shoulder. 
“Do you think they would deliver it straight to the bed? I don’t wanna get up.” 
Hongjoong laughed and finished the order before rolling on top of you and covering your face with lazy kisses. “Good thing I have the day off. I feel like shit and I have no plan of leaving this bed.” After a little while the two of you heard a knock at the apartment door. “I’m not getting up,” Holding out your fist the two of you played rock, paper, scissors for who had to get up and answer the door. Hongjoong groaned as you crushed his two fingers with your fist. 
“Fuck you,” He said with a light hearted laugh before throwing off the covers and grabbing a clean pair of sweats to cover himself. 
“You already did. Multiple times.”
Joong left laughing and came back with a pizza in hand. The two of you sat in bed the rest of the day, snacking on the greasy food and chasing away the hangovers and aches.
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Seonghwa didn’t drink often. He preferred to be the sober one of the group; making sure no one got arrested or molested or something like that. Even when he got drunk with you, the next morning he was always the one taking care of you. He’d pop about twelve painkillers and rush around making you soup and getting medicine for your headaches. 
This morning was not the normal case. Last night he and Hongjoong had gone out and come back blasted. Waking up to Hongjoong drooling on your couch was definitely not what you had expected. After kicking him out with money for a cab and a thermos of coffee you turned your attention to your now groaning boyfriend. You leaned on the doorframe and watched Seonghwa starfish and moan in the center of your shared bed. 
“Morning, Toothless.”
“This is not morning. This is death. I am Death. Your Toothless is dead.”
There was no stopping the laugh that bubbled up in your chest. “What about my Seonghwa? Where is he?”
“He’s dead too. Too much vodka.”
Nodding, you played along before slinking into the bathroom and grabbing two Advil and glass of water. The cup thunked against the night stand and Seonghwa buried himself further into the blankets. “Tell your ghost there is medicine on the table.” The only answer you received was a shaky and pathetic groan from a lump of blanket. “Such a fucking drama queen,” You mumbled with a laugh.
You spent the next thirty minutes making Seonghwa hangover soup. You had found a recipe marked “For Tequila Y/n Aftermath” and assumed it should get your boyfriend back in working- or at least functioning- order.
Carefully, you brought a steaming bowl into the bedroom and forced Seonghwa to sit up against the headboard. He turned to you with puppy eyes. “Feed me?” Rolling your eyes, you reached for the bowl and gave him a spoonful. His eyes lit up with a happy smile. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Toothless.” 
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“Wake up, lovebirds!” San screamed, throwing open the curtains. 
Both you and Yunho shrugged away from the light. “San, fuck off!” You mumbled, burrowing further into Yunho’s chest. You whined as he sat up. Hearing San shriek you could only assume Yunho threw a pillow at the younger boy. 
“How bad is your hangover?” Yunho asked, wrapping his long arms around you. 
“How bad is yours?”
���Not too bad.....” You scoffed and pinched his arm making him yelp. “Okay-that was a lie. It’s pretty bad.” 
“Same here.” 
Your cold fingers wrapped around the blankets and pulled them over both your heads. “Let’s never drink again.” Yunho mumbled, eyes closing. The sheets rustled as he threw one of his long legs over you, hugging you with his entire body. 
You chuckled, poking your boyfriend’s puffy cheek. You could only imagine how bloated your face was. “You and I both know that’s not gonna happen.” His lips pouted in frustration, eyes still closed. Unable to resist his cuteness you leaned up and pecked his lips. One peck turned into a few. A few turned into many. 
“Hey, baby?” Yunho mumbled, lying on his back. You hummed, tracing patterns on his chest. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” You laughed and let him loose from your arms. Your giant boyfriend lumbered into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
Your body ached and your head was throbbing against the frame of your skull. After a few moments Yunho emerged with a wet washcloth and his breath smelling like mint tooth paste. He still looked very hungover. “Come back to bed, bear.” He crawled over, careful not to get the blankets wet with the washcloth, and rest his head on your chest.
“For you, baby.” His long fingers gingerly lay the cool cloth on your forehead, easing the headache you were having. “What do you say to a few more hours of sleep?” He asked, listening to your heartbeat. Your hands slowly ran through his hair. 
“Sounds pretty damn great.”
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The last you had heard from Yeosang was the ten drunk voicemails he left in your inbox. You called the boys’ manager and made sure that they got home safely. A few minutes ago you received a text from Hongjoong saying all the boys were now up (at two in the afternoon). Hopping in your car, you drove over to their dorm. 
“Knock knock?” You entered the dorm knowing most of the boys would be like zombies. Just as you predicted several of the boys were strewn out in the mostly still dark apartment. The second you opened the blinds they yelped, still sensitive to the light. “Where’s Yeosang?” You asked between laughs.
Mingi groaned from the couch and gestured to the kitchen. There you saw Yeosang attempting to stir something in a pot. He got tired halfway through the motion and rested his head on the counter. Quietly, you took off your coat and approached him from behind. Your boyfriend jumped almost a full foot in the air when you wrapped your arms around him from behind. “Y/n? When did you get here, honey?” 
Yeosang abandoned the pot for you, choosing instead to nuzzle his head in your neck. “Just a few minutes ago.” He pulled you into a soft hug, breathing in the scent of your perfume. “So how much and what did you drink last night?” You asked with a laugh. He pulled away and drowsily looked you in the eyes. 
“Ummmm....I remember lots of soju....then San made us do tequila shots.” Out of habit you pushed his soft hair out of his face as he spoke. He leaned into your hand like a moth drawn to light. 
Reaching up, you felt his forehead. “Aww baby. You’ve got a little bit of a fever.” He nodded reattaching his head to the crook of your neck. Normally Yeosang was the opposite of clingy. He was shy and preferred to not flaunt his affection for you. “You want me to finish making your food, Sangie?” He pouted with a nod and shuffled so he was behind you. Picking up where he left off you began to finish his meal.
“More spice please.” He asked cutely pressing a kiss to your neck. 
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Sweet, sweet karma. What did you do to deserve this? You thought with a grin. Everytime you had a hangover San was the first to unleash all hell at you. He played loud music in the morning. He “dropped” pans while making breakfast. But worst of all....without fail, he dragged you to the gym and made you work out with him. He claimed it was the best cure for a hangover. 
Now here he lay, still completely knocked out from the night before. Your boyfriend’s legs were tangled in the sheets and his arms were wrapped tightly around a pillow, a sad replacement for your body. “Sweet revenge, you are mine.” Swiftly you kicked San’s leg only earning a groan from the man. “San,” you sang.
“What.” The man said lifting his head up and glaring at your smiling face. 
“Did you have a little too much fun last night, baby?”
“No.” He simply hugged the pillow tighter and attempted to go back to sleep. 
San flinched, grabbing his head as you slammed down his favorite sneakers on the nightstand. “You what the best cure for a hangover is?” Knowing he wasn’t going to answer you yanked the blankets away. San whined and groaned like a little child. “A workout.”
Depsite his protests, like your boyfriend had done to you many times, you now dragged him to the gym and forced him through a seemingly endless exercise routine. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight beside you. San looked terrible as he struggled to keep up with your pace on the treadmill. “You good to keep going?” He glared knowing it was not a question but his face quickly changed. 
“Fuck- I’m gonna be sick.”
Jumping off the machine, San sprinted to the gym’s bathrooms, most likely to wrench his guts out. Emerging, San wiped his mouth and looked at you with a guilty smile. “What are you never ever going to do again?”
“I will never make you work out with a hangover.”
“Good,” Laughing you watched his face twist embarrassment. Regardless, he leaned down capturing your lips in a kiss. You curled away, shivering. “Okay, I love you but no more kisses until you’ve brushed your teeth and showered.”
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Your head was pounding. Thankfully your bedroom was still dark except for the small source of light emitting from your boyfriend’s phone. “Mingi?” The boy turned hearing his name. His head was resting against the head board, colored hair sticking up in random places. 
Little blue rectangles reflected the screen of his phone in his glasses. “Hi, baby,” He mumbled, voice still raw. Like the big baby he was, Mingi rolled over ontop of you, eliciting a groan from your lips. 
“What time is it?”
“Early....but late....but also early...”
“Mingi are you still drunk from last night?” He shook his head, nuzzling into your neck. He was unquestionably still drunk. The boys had roped you into their crazy antics which resulted in you and Mingi drunkenly stumbling into a cab back to your apartment. Mingi did have.....a lot...to drink. Way more than you. 
“Lemme get the curtains.” With a goofy smile, Mingi pecked your lips before his tall form wobbled over to the covered window. Pulling back the curtains he gasped and turned to you cutely. “Babe!” You snorted at your cute, still  tipsy, boyfriend. “Shit! It’s dark outside! Did we sleep the whole day?” 
Laughing, you checked your phone. “Mingi, it’s just raining. It’s only 10:00 AM.” Feeling the effects of your growing hangover you snuggled back under the covers. “Babyyyyy, come back to bed.” You whined watching Mingi mess with something on his phone.
“Noooo! I’m up! Oh my god! Y/n! Let’s dance!” 
Mingi began playing a loud sound on his phone and dancing over the foot of the bed. “Baby.....you’re still drunk.” He shook his head and began singing the lyrics quite loudly. Headache spiking, you covered your ears.
Launching the nearest pillow at him quickly shut your boyfriend up. “Why did you do that?” He asked with a pout. 
“Aww bub...come back to bed.” Finally obliging, Mingi crawled back into your arms and the two of you slept off the remaining effects of alcohol. 
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You awoke to heavenly smells of something good floating from your kitchen. Squinting at the bright light in your room you sat up and turned to see Wooyoung’s side of the bed cold and empty. 
Your throat was dry and scratchy as you called out to your boyfriend. It shocked you to see your usually stoic and sarcastic boyfriend rush into the room, spoon in hand. “You’re awake?” He asked quietly. You groaned as Wooyoung pounced on top of you in a bear hug. “How bad is your hangover?” He asked kissing all over your face. 
“Very bad.”
“Well, you did try to drink San under the table.”
Your eyebrow quirked up and Wooyoung laughed at your sleepy face. “The question is....did I win?” He laughed even more before nodding. “Then I deem this hangover- ‘worth it’.”Gently, Wooyoung tucked his hands under your legs and lifted you up.
You were glad your sore muscles didn’t have to move much as your newly doting boyfriend carried you into the kitchen, even setting you down on a stool at the counter. This was a new side of Wooyoung you hadn’t seen. 
“Whatcha cookin’, good lookin’?”
“Hangover soup just for you, love.”
You watched him cut the remaining vegetables and ingredients with expert skill and slide them across the cutting board and into the pot. Watching Wooyoung move around the kitchen like it was second nature sent a warm bubbly feeling to your chest and stomach. “Were you always this domestic?” You asked resting your chin against your palm.
A light layer of sweat rested on his forehead, pieces of black hair clinging to the skin. The steam from the pot after up onto his handsome face.  “Does it turn you on?” He answered wiggling his eyebrows.
“And there is my horny, evil, chaotic Wooyoung.” 
The corner of his lips lifted up in a smile as he ladled the warm homemade soup into bowls. Setting yours in front of you with a kiss on the cheek he encouraged you to eat. “You love me all the same.”
“Yes. Thank you for taking care of me,” A smile filled your face as you tried some of the soup, Wooyoung anxiously awaiting your opinion. You nodded eagerly and quickly ate the rest of the bowl, feeling better by the second. 
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“Never again. Never again will I drink.”
The phrase left your lips like a mantra as you rolled around in bed. The room was dark, blinds drawn and your head stuffed under the covers. Your whole body was sore and your head was throbbing. “Oh...shit....here it comes.” You cried feeling the contents of your stomach begin to crawl up your throat. 
Rushing to the bathroom you hurled into the white porcelain bowl. You hated throwing up. Not being able to stand the vile taste in your mouth, you immediately brushed your teeth. Grabbing your phone on the way back to the warmth and comfort of your bed, you unlocked it and winced at the harsh blue light.
Pressing the device to your ear, you listened to the dial tone and awaited the sweet sound of your boyfriend’s voice. “Hi my baby!” Jongho greeted in English. Despite the piercing volume of his voice, you couldn't help but grin. How was it possible you were dating the cutest man on the entire planet. “Say hi to Atiny!” Nevermind. He was no longer cute. He put you on speaker phone. 
“Hi, Atiny! Jongho, darling, take me off speaker for a sec.” 
He hummed in response. “Did you just wake up? When I left you last night you tried to get me to dance the Harlem Shake with you.” You covered your face in embarrassment. You and Jongho and gone out last night and you may have had way too much to drink. 
“What time is it?”
“Like.....4 pm.”
Jongho’s laugh was like music to your ears. “Should I come over later? I’m done about seven-ish.” Groaning you rolled over, struggling against the urge to vomit again. “Is that a no groan, a yes groan, or I’m too hungover to speak groan?”
“You said seven? Could you bring medicine..........and pizza.....yeah. Lots of pizza.”
“So pizza, meds, anything else?”
“Nope! I love youuuu!”
Jongho chuckled over the phone. “I love you too, baby. See you later,”
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Pressure (USWNT x Swift!Reader)
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Authors note: This is part three in the swift life universe. I hope you enjoy it! Send me requests, questions or just hit me up if you wanna say Hi!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5
You were not usually a moody person. Yes, you were a little shy in crowded situations, but the team would say that your dominant personality traits were sunny and excited. Like a puppy, always running around and pranking people with the youngins, or cuddling into the closest veteran that you could find. 
Then, suddenly you weren’t. 
It had all started at family practice. Your entire family had made it, and you had been bouncing around like a toddler on a sugar high. Taylor had needed to leave early, but you understood and seemed excited to spend time with your brother and parents. You had been fine before you left for dinner with them. However, when the team saw you the next morning, your typically cheery demeanor was gone, and you seemed to tuck yourself back into your shell. That had been a week ago, and the problem only seemed to be getting worse. 
Practice was over for the day and while most of the team was packing up to head back to the hotel, you were lining up PK’s from all over the field. The vets were all watching as sweat dripped a little further down your face with each cannon-like shot you took towards the goal. 
“Is it just me, or is Baby Swift acting weird?” Alex asked, settling down on the bench being occupied by Krashlyn, Kelley, Becky, and Alyssa. They were beginning to get a little worried at how drenched your tank top was getting. 
“Totally not just you,” Ali winced at your frustrated yell when the ball ricocheted off the crossbar. You ran your hands frustratedly through your short hair, tugging hard on the strands. You mumbled something inaudible before slamming another ball towards goal. It too bounced off the crossbar. 
“She was out of the room before I even woke up this morning” Becky mumbled, as you chased after the errant ball, collecting in and sprinting towards the opposite goalline as though you hadn’t just gone through a crazy practice. 
“Y/n, willingly up before noon, there’s no way” Alex snorted. You might be known as a ray of sunshine, but you were most definitely not a morning person. The team learned the hard way not to mess with you before you had your coffee. 
“That cross was sick though” Kelley hummed as you rocketed the ball towards the opposite goal. It hit the back of the net with so much force that the metal rattled loudly. 
“If she kicks that ball any harder, she’s going to send it through the net,” Alyssa grumbled. Her chest hurt just thinking about trying to stop something like that. She could only hope you ended up on the red stars, so she wouldn’t ever have to worry about it. 
“Hm, why is she staying? Didn’t Jill release her early?” Becky’s eyes furrowed, as you collected the ball and began to run it back towards the opposite goal, acting as though you were faking out defenders and weaving through the midfield. The rest of the women shrugged. 
“Hey Linds, you know what’s up with the short stack?” Ashlyn called out to the blond who was paused midway through removing her cleat staring at you. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head (like who gave you the right to look that good while drenched in sweat?) 
“No idea, but Sonnett might,” Lindsey hummed after a few seconds, her eyes still focused on the way the muscles on your arm looked as you clenched and unclenched your fists. She and Emily had all but told you of their feelings for you, and still, you were oblivious. They were probably going have to spell it out for you before you actually got that they were interested. 
“How about Alex and Kell go try and get some answers, we’ll see if we can work our magic,” Ashlyn mumbled, watching you worriedly. Yes, Alex and Kelley were your team moms, but Krashlyn had known you and your sister for longer. They also knew more about your family dynamics, and if that was what the problem was, they would have a better idea of how to go about fixing it. 
“Hey kid, want a challenge?” Ashlyn asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged, inadvertently brushing the warm arm off you, and heading back towards the balls lined up just outside the penalty box. You didn’t have time to talk. Krashlyn shared a worried look at your clear dismissal. 
“Come on, where the typical smack talk about the Krashlyn department of defense?” Ashlyn tried again, this time snagging the ball from between your feet. 
“Not in the mood,” You huffed, your shoulders slouching as though they held the weight of the world. If you couldn’t keep the ball away from Ashlyn when she wasn’t even trying, then how the hell were you supposed to do it against someone like Kelley. You angrily shook your head, punting the nearest ball. Maybe your mom was right...
“You ok kid?” Ali questioned more firmly, stepping into your path and preventing you from rocketing another ball towards goal. 
“I’m fine. Are you playing or not?” You snapped, pushing her off of you and heading to another ball with your head down, completely missing the worried looks shared between the two women. 
Yes, sometimes you got whiny or grumpy, but you were rarely ever blatantly rude. It just didn’t seem to be in your makeup. 
“Hey, watch the attitude,” Ashlyn said with authority, again stepping into your path, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“We’re just trying to help you,” Ali murmured, coming up behind you and wrapping her arms around your middle. 
You Tensed at the contact, before relaxing back into Ali’s arms with a sigh. Here you were adding more on to their already full plate. Apparently it was the only thing you could do, bring everyone around you undo stress. 
“I don’t need any help,” You uttered lowly, wigging out of their grasp, and blatantly refusing to make eye contact with the women who were watching you with concern. 
“Hey, we don’t know what’s going on, but sometimes it helps if you talk about it,” Ashlyn whispered, taking a step towards your shaking form. You shook your head and let out a humorless laugh. 
“You can’t help me,” you said lowly, stepping up to a ball and sending it flying into the crossbar and back toward you. “Damn it!” You exclaimed, catching the ball and spiking it on the ground. You ripped your hands through your hair, grinding your teeth. 
Ali’s gentle hands grasped your wrists, carefully pulling your hands to her chest. Ashlyn’s finger tilted your chin up, forcing you to make eye contact with them. You could see the worry in their gaze, and you felt guilty that you were the reason it was there. 
“Maybe we cant, but it might make you feel better if you talk about it,” Ali’s soothing voice murmured. They didn’t know what was wrong, but the problem was bigger than any of them had thought before. 
“Trust me, it won’t,” You repeated, your voice filled with utter defeat, shaking your head and doing everything in your power to prevent the tears from dripping down your face. You wiggled out of their grasp, ignoring the worried stares on your back, and headed towards the locker room. 
After your talk, if you could call it that, with Krashlyn, the veterans were hoping that things might get a little better, but against all odds, it just seemed to be getting worse. Becky shot you a worried look as the entered the dining hall. You were sat all by yourself (something odd to begin with) surrounded by your laptop and about a thousand notebooks. It was a clear indication that you wanted to be left alone, another odd thing. You were usually clamoring over yourself to get a seat next to Sonnett or Lindsey. 
“I didn’t think little Swift was going to college,” She mumbled as she took her seat beside Alex at the table.
“She’s not,” Alex huffed worriedly, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched you.
“Then what’s with the 40 notebooks,” Alyssa asked through a mouthful of food. 
“I’m not sure” Alex shrugged biting her lip thoughtfully. “did you get anything out of Emily?�� She questioned, finally tearing her eyes away from you to glance at Kelley. 
“Kid just said that Y/n had been avoiding her an Lindsey,” Kelley mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. 
“She wouldn’t tell Ash and me what was wrong, but if she’s avoiding team blond over there it has to be pretty bad,” Ali added, watching as you ran an angry hand through your hair, cringing when she saw the pen marks that covered your left arm. You had to be writing for hours for that to happen. You grit your teeth, staring at the offending screen. 
“I’m going to go talk to her before she has an aneurism,” Becky murmured, cringing when you tore a page out of the book in anger. 
“I’ll come with you,” Alyssa said quietly. They were the calm ones, and you generally responded well to them when you were upset. Perhaps their soothing strength would be enough to get you to open up. 
“Hey kiddo, mind if we join you,” Becky asked, waving a tantalizing piece of chocolate cake in front of your face. She frowned when you nodded, barely even looking up at your favorite forbidden treat. 
She slid into the seat next to you, glancing down at the papers scattered on the table in front of you. 
“What ya working on?” Alyssa questioned, doing the same on your other side, her eyes widening at some of the titles on the pages spread before you. 
“Stats,” You said distractedly, flipping through screens on your computer. 
“These are our scoring, defending, and playtime averages for like the past 10 years!” Alyssa exclaimed, grabbing one of the notebooks that were further out from you. The notebook with her name written on it. 
“Hmm,” You hummed, squinting at the screen before jotting down whatever number you had been looking up. 
“Are these music stats too?” Becky asked confused, grabbing a different sheet with chart numbers from 2009. 
“Yeah,” You muttered back lowly. 
“Why the hell are comparing our averages to how artists and tracks do on the charts and how often they play at award shows?” Becky questioned, placing a finger under your chin and forcing your attention away from the numbers on the screen. You sighed. You didn’t have the time or the willpower to explain it to them. They wouldn’t understand. 
“I’m just checking…” You huffed, finally making eye contact with the woman, your shoulders slumping. She could see the sadness that seemed permeate through every part of your being, it was a sadness that she couldn’t place or ever remember seeing before. 
“Checking what? How you compare to the rest of us and other people in the music industry?” Alyssa’s voice was soft, like a protective blanket, as it probed you for more information, her hand resting on your shoulder. 
“Not people,” You grumble, your frustration leaking into your tone. 
“Who, Taylor?” Becky asked gently. You nodded slightly, squeezing your eyes shut, as though the action physically pained you. Becky’s eyes furrowed, why the fuck were you comparing your stats to your sister’s. She thought that you had gotten past this. 
“Look, as much as I love being interrogated, I’m trying to…” You grumbled, pulling your face out of Becky’s grasp, and staring down at your hands. 
“Trying to what?” Alyssa pushed, carefully moving a stray strand of hair from your face. You opened and closed your mouth several times, as though you were trying to find the words to describe what you were doing. Becky and Alyssa watched you, biting their lips and praying that you would open up to them. The didn’t like mopey Y/n, and they would do whatever they could to help you. 
“Just forget it,” You said finally, closing your notebooks and picking them up hastily. You shook your head. 
“Wait, kid,” Alyssa gently grabbed your arm before you could leave “you know we’re here if you ever need to talk?” She finished, and you met her worried eyes from a brief moment. 
“I don’t want to be more of a burden,” You whispered back hoarsely. Alyssa and Becky shared another set of confused looks. 
“You’re never a burden kid. Who made you think you were?” Becky quired, trying to keep the anger out of her voice. You were the baby of the team, and insecure enough to begin with, whoever the fuck told you that you were a burden was about to find out what happens when you messed with their little one. Your eyes widened at the admission. You shouldn’t have said that. 
“It doesn’t matter. Just forget I said anything,” You said far too quickly, grabbing your things and twisting out of their grasp. The two women sighed, at least they knew a little more about what was going on. 
You couldn’t avoid Emily and Lindsey for forever, and after they demanded you come to their room for a movie night, you couldn’t find it within yourself to refuse them. Sure, you usually loved spending time with them, but after all of the things your mom said, you knew that they would never want you the way you wanted them. Why would they? 
“Hey babe, have you seen these tweets,” Emily laughed at her phone, and you glanced over at her disinterested, shrugging your shoulders. You weren’t big on social media in the first place, and after everyone found out about your relation to Taylor, you were even less of a fan. Her fans always thought it was funny to spam your page with compilation after compilation of your worst soccer fails. 
“They made compilations of our greatest fails, and you’re in like half of it,” Emily snorted, and Lindsey clamored over to her, trying to see some of your worst moments. 
“You know we were the ones in blue right?” Linsey giggled, after what you were sure was you missing a pass in an important game. But that wasn’t the end, the hits just kept on coming. They took turns pointing out your soccer missteps and joking about why they had happened with things like: “It’s supposed to go in the goal babe, not over it,” or “You got tripped by a ghost,” and your personal favorite “Aw, you look so cute when you’re faking a foul,”
They had laughed until tears had welled up in their eyes. You had played along, resorting to hiding behind a polite smile, and passing off your tears as the same as the ones your friends. You would never tell them how much it had hurt to watch them giggle as you failed at the only thing you had ever been confident in doing. It hurt to watch them joke about how you should turn these moments into a highlight reel for how to not to make it on the National team. Lindsey had even commented that maybe your inability to find the back of the net or beat the defender on a few occasions was the reason why your older sister’s talents had so often eclipsed your own. They had meant it in good fun. You knew that. They loved you and were probably only doing it to make you laugh and get you out of your funk. The problem was that you didn’t find it funny.
“Hey guys, I promised I would meet Kellex for dinner, so I gotta jet,” You interrupted after what you deemed to be an acceptable amount of time, hoping that your voice wouldn’t break. 
“Okay,” The woman shot you a smile, waving you off, and you excused yourself. Your shoulders slumped farther. You knew you didn’t have a chance with them, but you still didn’t like it when they threw it back in your face all of the time. 
You took a deep breath of the cool night air, taking solace in the field that had always been your haven. It had always been the one place where you were more than just Taylor’s little sister. The one place that you had even a remote possibility of making your mother proud and proving to your parents that you weren’t a failure. Yes, you should have told someone from the team that this is where you would be. Yes, they would be upset, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. 
You growled, setting up another shot. Vlatko didn’t think you were good enough to play in the scrimmage at practice, so you were going to work your ass off until you could prove him wrong. Taylor had flown out here for nothing. Your mother had taken the opportunity to try to make you See that your soccer career was to be short-lived and without a college degree you were going to end up a slouch mooching off of your older sister’s success. You were going to do your damndest to prove them all wrong. 
“You know, if you kick it any harder, you’re going to break the net,” Kelley’s voice startled you out of your focus, causing you to send the shot wide. 
“You know it’s easier to score when it’s not 2 AM right?” Alex said as you turned to look guiltily at the women. You shrugged noncommittally, setting up another ball. 
“How’d you find me?” You asked, glancing over your shoulder at your team moms. 
“Just ‘cause you don’t use Snapchat doesn’t mean that the rest of the world doesn’t either,” Kelley laughed wiggling her phone in your face, and you blushed. You were probably one of the only Millenials in the country that had no idea how the app worked. You rarely ever used it, and only kept it on your phone because Emily had put it there. 
“Wanna tell us why you’re out here sooting PK’s so late?”Alex questioned, placing a hand on your shoulder. You sighed, focusing on rolling the ball between your feet. 
“My sister flew halfway across the country to watch me sit on a bench for two hours,” You said quietly, flipping the ball up on your toebox and rocketing it towards goal. Alex and Kelley’s eyebrows furrowed. Kelley opened her mouth to interrupt you, but Alex held her hand up to stop her. You needed them to listen right now more than you needed their reassurance. 
“And my mom threw a shit fit because I told her that I’m in talks with Portland about playing for them next season instead of going to college,” You rumbled, firing another ball towards goal. 
“And the fans won’t stop throwing all of my fucking mistakes on the field in my face,’ Your voice raising, ripping your hands through your hair, shrugging off Kelley and Alex’s comforting hands. 
“And Emily and Lindsey will never see me as more than a little kid just trying to keep up with them,” You finished with a yell, firing another shot towards goal. 
“Stop, Y/n Y/m/n Swift. First and foremost, you’re insane if you don’t think that those two knuckleheads are as into you as you are to them,” Alex said firmly, placing both her hands on your shoulders and forcing you to look at her. 
“Second of all, you didn’t get the full 90, but you scored two goals in the 20 minutes that you were playing,” Kelley reassured, wrapping her arms around you from behind, placing her chin on your shoulder. 
“And third, don’t listen to what anyone else says. You are freaking incredible, and even though it’s going to suck playing against you, the Thorns are lucky to have you,” Alex finished, placing a comforting kiss on your forehead. 
“There’s just so much pressure, and I can never ever be nearly as good as Taylor is,” You sighed, tears of frustration leaking down your face. 
“Babe, we’ve been through this. You are your own amazing person, and the talents that you have are different from the ones that Taylor has. You’ve won a world cup,” Alex said, using her thumbs to wipe the tears from your eyes. 
“And she’s won multiple Grammys” You responded lowly. 
“You can’t compare the two,” Kelley stated firmly, squeezing you a little tighter. They knew that you were always trying to prove yourself to everyone, but they didn’t know how to show you that you didn’t have to be Taylor. Your worth had nothing to do with how you compared to her. 
“You are incredible in your way, and we’re all here to support you,” Alex said, pulling you into a hug and letting you cry into her shoulder. They weren’t sure how long they stood there in the middle of an abandoned soccer field holding you, but they knew that this was what you needed right now. They would work on your confidence and the issues later. Right now you just needed to know that they were there and they weren’t going away. To know that you didn’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone anymore. They and 21 other women were there to help you, and together you would show the world that You might not be Taylor, but you were a worthy Swift in your own right.
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Super Fluffy and Giving Them Lots of Love!
Anonymous: Could I request something for Izuku, Todoroki, Shinso and Bakugo. They're doing their own thing and are super concentrated or something and reader is just so entranced by them and they're so glad to have be able to call them their boyfriend and reader just gently cups their face and gives them and the most love filled, soft kiss cause AGH THEY'RE PRECIOUS TO READER! 😭 You can totally ignore this if you don't wanna 😂😂😂 I just feel so soft rn
Ahhhhh this is adorable anon! Honeslty some days I just wanna give these babies the biggest hugs UGHHHHHH
Also I changed up my layout a little to be more “aesthteic”, so sorry it it looks different! Do you like it? Drop me a comment on this post or inbox about which style you like better (the usualllll vs. this one!)
Buy Me A Ko-fi! | Masterlist
Pairings: Izuku x reader, Shoto x reader, Shinso x reader, Bakugo x reader
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I Z U K U 
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You and Izuku are having another study night, your body sitting next to his
Obviouskyyyyyyyy this boy does nothing but study smh
But you had completely given up- your brain had shut down after an hour and now you were just half listening to Midoirya mumble and half just admiring your adoarble boyfriend
You honestly miss seeing him look so domestic- you always see him in his uniform, his hero suit, and occasionally his All Might PJs on the weekends
But it feels like agessss since you’ve seen him in proper clothing
He looks just so cute in his teal sweatshirt, his scars peeking out of his sleeves as he wrote random equations on his paper
And his mannerisms are just so adorable-his tongue is poking out of his lips as he tried to work through a math problem, his eyes squinted in concentration and freckles dusting his cheeks like stars
How did you get so lucky getting someone so sweet and cute as him?
“If two goes into this fraction then possibly the variable will be isolated once I subtract the four-” hes mumbling under his breath, his voice so comforting against your ears
You lean your head against his shoulder, the scent of him just barely noticeable but so intoxicating- 
“’Zuku?” you asked tiredly, a lovesick smile plastered on your face
The sound of your voice breaks Izuku’s thoughts, his brows softening as he looks down at you
“Yes puppy-oh, are you getting tired? You look pretty sleepy...maybe we should take a break-”
omg why is he so sweetttttt
You just feel so calm, so comforted with Izuku it felt like your chest was just filled to the brim with love for this boy
Without warning, you leaned up to Izuku and kissed him softly on the lips,  your head feeling like it was spinning from butterflies
Once you pull away, Izuku’s cheeks are as bright as cherries and you cant help but smile, cause seriosuly no matter how many times you kiss him he ALWAYS gets flustered
“You know I love you right?” you tell him, butterflies filling your stomach as he looks down at you withe wide, green eyes
“o-of course! I-I-love you too!” he stuttered out, his nerves so intense that his tongue was like lead in his mouth
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It was just one of those crappy
You couldnt sleep, it was too hot, you were uncomfrotable, your ,ind was racing
And once you DID fall you course had a gut wrenching nightmare that left you panting and sweating from fear
So time for some good ol’ Shoto cuddles
And that’s how your now cuddled up into Shoto’s side, his body keeping you nice and cool
This boy was literally the sweetest- even though it was like1 in the morning, he couldnt care less about that and just focused on you
He quickly knew something was wrong when you were waiting in the doorway, his strong arms encasing you in atight hug
“Y/n dear, are you feeling alright? Whats bothering you?”
You just snuggled yourself deeeepppp into that boy cause he felt so comforting, his voice was velvety
also how does he always smell like detergent and expensive ass cologne like yessir thats the scent for meeeee
He quickly ushered you inside his room, his hands gripping your shoulders firmly
Literally all fears from that dream melted away with Shoto- his energy was so unbelievably strong and protective, it felt like nothing bad in the world would ever happen cause Shoto was there, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to you
Also- seeing him in a plain white tee and black shorts literally could have made you swooned, cause god this boy really looks hot in anything huh?
He didnt judge you in the slightest about the dream, just offering for you to spend the night with him
Your head was cuddled into his firm chest, that intoxicating detergent-cologne-rich boy smell making your insides feel fluffy like cotton as his hands quietly brushed the hairs away from your face
He’s ask you small question, like “Are you comfortable dear?” or “Is that dream still bothering you”, just little things to make you feel more safe and open to talk to him
Shoto never wanted you to feel like you had to hide anything from him, and the effort really showed
You were know getting sleepy but the overwhelming feeling of appreciation and love for Shoto was exploding out of you
At this point you just wanted to show your undying gratitude to your boyfriend for being so unbelievably adorable and sweet
You shifted yourself, propping yourself slightly on his stomach so you could look at his face
damn this boy really got blessed with all the good genes huh?
You ran your fingers lightly against his skin, relishing the slight changes from cool to hot, your hands cupping his cheeks and feeling both sensations course through your body
Once you felt him sigh from content, you took it up a notch, leaving feather light kisses on his sheeks, his brows, his eyes, his scar...any avaliable skin you marked with yours
“Love, may I ask what you’re doing- you should be sleeping right now, its quite late-”
“I wanna show you I love you tho...” you sent the boy a pout, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest and vibrating throughout your body
“But I already know you love me,” he grinned sheepishly cause god your just so adorable, like a puppy desperate to give their owner attention
“Well-I still want to show you,” you stated, your voice slightly thick from sleep as you continued to kiss the rest of Shoto’s face
All this boy could do was lean into his pillow, his hands finding themselves on your waist cause he knew you were gonna do this until you were tired
He wasnt complaining though- you being cuddly and cute like this literally rocked his world in the best way possible
“You know- your very endearing when your half asleep”
S H I N S O 
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Shinso is probably the most hardcore gamer you know
It was late in the night, and this guy was still going at it, now playing a game of Mario Kart on the TV, the screen bright against his features
You had gotten tired of the video games, just deciding to watch your boyfriend play instead of being the one to play
And god were you happy with THAT decision
He just looked so...adorable, his body clad in a tight black tee and baggy gray sweats, once foot straight and one foot bent as he sat on the floor playing
His hair was unruly as ever, sticking out in every direction
HIs eyes were completely enraptured by the task in front of him, scanning the screen 
He was just so cute, lookking so intense yet so sleep deprived 
it was adorable how badly he wanted to beat the player playing against him
And then he went a licked HIS LIPS
Your face erupted in red cause
You waited unpatiently to the last round, the music picking up pace as he sped to the finish line, hes cart victoriously earning 1st place
The dude didnt even cheer, just the most self absorbed smirk plastered on his face in pride
You quickly plopped yourself gently into his lap, your thighs cradling his sides
“Aww whats the matter kitten, not giving you enough attention?”
Yours hands fell against the softness of the black shirt and oh thank godddddd its so thin, your digits trailing upward and feeling the slight ridges of his muscles underneath the fabric
“No....its just- its not fair for you to look so cute while playing games and I cant cuddle you....”
“Heh, I look cute?”
This boy really cannot fathom how you find him so endearing, and now you just want to prove it to him
“Mmhmm,” you answer a smile on your lips as you cup his face in your hands
HIs hair is so tickly against the tips of your fingers, his broad chest radiating heat throughout your body
Your start to leave quick kisses on him, starting from his checks and working in towards his mouth, but not quite kissing him square on the lips
The closest you get to kissing him is on the corners of his lips, leaving electric sparks against his skin
The boy is desperate now
You cant just do that to him 
“Aww cmon darling, dont tease me like that” he sends you a cocky grin, his pointer finger gently tilting your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss
Once you pull away, your head is just spinning cause goddddd this boy is just a blessing
“Let me play one more round, and then we’ll head off to bed, alright?” he asks, his free hand now cupping your cheek
You sigh in content, your hands wrapping around his waist and snuggling into his chest, a warm, smoky smell like cedarwood drifitng to your senses and lulling  you to relax
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“Im winning this damn bear for you-”
“Katsuki no you already wasted $15 now lets go-”
You have been standing here for 10 minutes now, Bakugo determinnneddddd to win this gigantic teddy bear for you from a claw machine at an arcade
You feel so bad about it, but honestly, its turned into a personal grudge from him now
While your watching him you cant help it but find him adorable
Hes wearing a plain black tee and jean jacket, something he NEVER wears but looks so good on him?
This boy could be a model fight me on this
His face is the cutest tho-
You can tell he’s absolutely pissed cause he expected to win the animal way sooner than this, his eyebrows pointed downward and his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip
and then
He’s trying his hardest not to start cheering cause he really just did that (after wasting $25 but ya know we’ll overlook that)
Your so happy too and that triumphant look on his face just melts your heart
cause he may be a cocky asshole but hes YOUR cocky asshole
“Ha- see told you I’d win it!”
Whatverrrrrr- you roll your eyes, your hands already snuggling the big bear up to your cheek
Your mind is already thinking of where to put it in your room (names too??) but then you look up at your boyfriend and UGH you could literally melt on the spot
cause he looks SO PROUD and SO SOFT- his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants as he gives you the smallest, happiest little smirk everrrrr
Your just feeling so grateful for the boy in front of you right now, that you put the teddy bear down and wrap Bakugo into a hug
Bakugo always acts like he doesnt want physical attention, especially in public-
But you know this boy lovessss to be touched, so when he returns the hug and gives your sides a small squeeze your weakkk in the knees
Always like caramel and something rich like firewood
You give him a quick kiss on the back of his neck
Thank god the arcade is dark cause you would totally see his blush (something he will deny)
You pull away a smile on your face as you tell him thank you,
*le sigh
of course he ruins the whole cute moment you two had by saying, “Whatever-your the one who wanted the damn thing even though your too old for that shit-”
Just remind him of the All Might figures he secretly had stashed in his closet and he will combust again
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Everything Taglist:
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
Izuku Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @askgiggles​ @ask-giggles1303​ @local-space-quexn​ @ihavenolife842​
Shoto taglist:
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
Bakugo Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
Get Tagged to My Taglist Here!
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
Endgame!LAMP. Dukeceit, Remile
Just 2k stream of consciousness words from a plunny that grew legs TW for v slight underage drinking, one joking mention of violence, and a non-specific discussion of intrusive thoughts
-Janus has just moved there because his parents wanted to start a new "adventure" and he is a Stereotypical Teenager. Very "ugh MOM I wanna go back to my FRIENDS for my LAST SUMMER BEFORE COLLEGE"(most of his friends suck. He should not spend time with them. He does not know this)
His Parents buy him a surfboard and tell him to try it out as a way to get him to Shut Up
Hes a Skater Boy(cue music) so he picks it up super fast from like,,, youtube videos
 -He gets told to Get a Job if he wants to like, keep buying surf gear?
All the local kids work at like one restaurant/yacht club type place right on the beach
Janus gets hired as a host
 -Logan is a beach badge checker, Patton, Roman, and Remus are beachfront restaurant waiters but Roman just Really Wants To Surf, Emile and Virgil are Lifeguards, and Remy is a bartender
 -Janus is Very Good At Customer Service because Fake Smiles
Patton recognizes this Immediately
He shows him the Rage Closet which is a tiny room with an arm chair that locks from the inside where you can punch a pillow on your break when it gets to be Too Much
-Janus is Attached now and there is no getting rid of him
Patton Fully Endorses this and introduces him to the rest of the group
Janus Knows Immediately that LAMP is In Love but says nothing because he aint no snitch
-Remus surfs, but he also always wear a thong while doing it
Roman wears a full wetsuit and somehow still gets Board Rash. Remus is somehow immune and it infuriates him
 -Janus, not knowing that the twins live right on the beach cuz they are RichTM: Hey Ree I kinda wanna learn how to surf would you be able to teach me 
Remus, who religiously watches Janus surf every morning, but is absolutely willing to play this game: Yeah absolutely
Patton, later: “lets rinse off at the twins they’re right here” Janus: theyre.... What?!
 -Meanwhile, elsewhere, Virgil and Roman are double teaming Logan to drag him into the water with them cuz he’s pouting about losing a debate with their manager about how he didn’t really be mean to the dudebro who wanted to get his buddies onto the beach without paying, he was just enforcing the rules. And if the dude was so offended by Logan’s Very Accurate Dragging that he complained to management then, well, that’s his problem not Logan’s
 -Logan is never without a book. Ever. And its always a different book. Janus is starting to think he owns a library
One day he is just... reading a Physics textbook. Not taking notes or anything. Just reading. 
Roman is Very Very Alarmed by this because he is Gay and Math is Scary
"Roman I'm also gay that is not a determining factor"
"Yeah but you can't drive"
 -the first time janus has a shift with the twins, he cant stop staring, not just because hes like,,, super attracted to Remus but also because they are like Chaos Incarnate and yet somehow get the most tips??? He doesn't understand???
It's just cuz they are both Huge Flirts and Flatterers and the patrons dont care that they're not-so-subtly beating the shit out of each other right there on the dining floor because theyre just so charming
 -one of the bartenders gets aggressively snapped at by a customer and called "sweetheart" and before Janus can even begin to react Remy is there, sunglasses off, fire in his eyes, telling them to settle their bill and get the fuck out
Janus, used to City Restaurants- "Wont you get in trouble with the owner?!"
Remy, who knows Nothing Else But This- "What?? Not likely I only did it cuz Thomathy wasnt here to do it himself"
 -the restaurant is closed Monday and Tuesday so that is the Pseudo Weekend for the staff where everyone hangs out at the beach
Emile and Virgil take Tuesdays off but still work Monday’s cuz they feel better being the one watching over their friends
 -Roman, staring at Virgil on the lifeguard stand: ugh he’s so pretty I almost wish I was drowning just so he could give me cpr 
Janus: you wanna potentially get your ribs broken just for lip contact? 
Remy, staring at Emile on the lifeguard stand: listen, if that’s what it takes, I’ll take it
Remus, immediately going up to the lifeguard stand because he has 0 impulse control: hey my brother and cousin want you to break their ribs 
Virgil and Emile: excuse me?????
 -Patton will literally spend hours in the water. Logan physically drags him out to put sunscreen on him every two hours to the minute. Patton does not admit that he purposely "forgets" just so Logan will do so
Logan is Dark and has never used sunscreen ever but Patton is so pale and he just gets so concerned about him. Patton thinks its adorable
He has pages of research on proper spf determination.
Roman and Remus use spf 15 just on their faces and have never once burned in their lives
Logan wants to submit them for scientific study because that shouldnt be possible
Virgil calls Logan out on the fact that he also should be wearing sunscreen and Logan like... blue screens he cant believe in all his research he missed that
 -Patton is like... a ridiculously strong swimmer. Virgil still has a heart attack every time he goes for laps when there is the slightest hint of an undertow
Patton Knows This so he tries to stay in Virgil's sight line for the most part if there is an undertow. Or just dives over the waves again and again.
His nickname is Ariel. He thinks its just cuz of the swimming and the fact hes a red head. LAP all separately also tack on that its the swimming, the red hair, and the hnng pretty 10/10 would follow out to sea ala Prince Eric
 -first beach bonfire Janus goes to Remy is Fully In Emile's Lap like... half an hour in
he has had like maybe a sip of a beer
Remus says he still claims this is because he is a Clingy Drunk
no one will call him on it, least of all Emile
 -there is truth or dare. Roman may or may not skinny dip you have no proof
 -Logan gets infuriated that he cannot roast a marshmallow properly
Patton does it perfectly every single time but its ok cuz he shares and Logan eats it right from his fingers and Roman and Virgil are just in the background Trying and Failing not to be the Most Jealous
Patton thinks theyre upset they didn't get marshmallows and makes some for them too and there is lots of Significant Eye Contact involved
Janus is going to spontaneously combust if they don't get their shit together
 -Janus is out walking on the beach one night on a full moon cuz he cant sleep with everything so quiet around here when he sees a bright green patch out in the water and goes ...wait
he calls out to Remus and he comes into shore and is like "waves are perfect at night you should join me" so janus goes back and gets his board and they surf and chat for like the entire night
Janus finds out Remus couldn't sleep cuz intrusive thoughts were keeping him awake
Janus listens and doesn't judge, just lets Remus talk it out
They go back to shore and fall asleep on the sand next to each other like mid sentence still talking, now about whatever creative business idea Remus had, and get woken up by Logan's morning rounds like "come on guys you know you're not allowed to sleep out here" but they dont care theyre both just *blushing emoji*
-Logan Always Has A Notebook right? And a regular book he reads. And everyone assumes they are like Notions and Observations, but no, it’s actually blank paper and he uses it to sketch and then one day he leaves it behind and someone either Virgil or Patton finds it and flips through it and it’s all sketches of them and Roman and they’re like??? Actually really good? Anyway that’s how they find out Logan is actually minoring in art even though he’s majoring in something Very STEM 
And he never told his best friends because like almost all his pre college art is Them and he doesn’t want to be caught having Feelings and by the time it gets to college it’s been too long and he can’t tell them now 
Roman takes one of the sketches of him surfing and makes it his profile picture on All Social Media He Has and Logan is so flustered he nearly breaks his damn phone
Patton is so offended he didn’t get invited to Logan’s first showcase that he doesn’t talk to him for like two whole hours 
Virgil quietly asks if there is any art of all four of them, finds out there is, and makes a print and keeps it on his bedside table
 -They are all Pining Outwardly Now and its Worse
 -Remus : you have known them since pre-k please ask them out I beg of you 
Roman: You just dont get it 
Remus: I asked Janus out after 4 weeks what is your problem
 Emile: Virgil, I love you, you are my Partner in Anti-Drowning but you are so stupid 
Virgil: What???? All I said is that you and Remy are really cute and I'd love to be in a relationship like that 
Emile: I am not a violent person, Virgil, but I have the strong urge to smack you
 Patton, in the Rage Closet: They're all just so hOT and ReSPEctFUL 
Janus, waiting for his turn, trying to act like he cant hear him: I Am Looking Elsewhere
 Logan: I just don't understand why they were more upset that I didn't tell them than that I'd been making art of them for years?? Shouldn't that second part be worse??
Remy, who has been partial to Every Single One Of AMP Waxing Poetic About Logan: Yeah, no idea /s
 -the twins get into a surfing competition as a pair and everyone goes to see them and support them
Thomas airs the competition on every tv in the restaurant cuz he’s Proud of his Bois
They WIN cuz they are Creative and Talented and came up with all sorts of crazy tricks while they were fucking around in the water but it earns them Major Bonus Points for originality
 -Roman does the run off the podium and into Love’s arms trope with just like... whoever’s closest lets go Patton because he is a Waif and forced himself up front so he can see
The other two are Devastated because well shit but then Roman pushes through the crowd, still holding Patton’s hand, and gives them this smile and is like “remember in like second grade when we said we’d do everything together and made a pact on this beach”
Analogical: uhhhhhh yeah
Roman: holding you both to it. No take backs. This counts. Now kiss me, dammit, we WON and they DO MANY TIMES AND ITS REAL CUTE
 -Meanwhile dukeceit have Mysteriously Disappeared and No One wants to be the ones to go find them. They show back up, eventually. Janus has a branch in his hair and remus' hair is sticking straight up and when he opens his mouth roman glares at him and tells him in no uncertain terms that they do not want to know
 AnYWaY these are my children and I will gladly answer any questions about them. I left out Janus Backstory and Creativitwins Angst and Many Individual LAMP Scenes and Remile/Dukeceit getting together and Epilogue but can absolutely provide such things on request
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f33itan · 4 years
🎮👾Aʀᴄᴀᴅɪɴɢ Iɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛs👾🎮 (From my Wattpad)
FYI: F/N in this oneshot means "Friend's Name". I don't wanna choose the name because 1. that's restricting names of whoever you want, and 2. Im to lazy to come up with names every time. LOL- (Also, sorry if I kind of switch from 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person randomly.)
Feitan POV:
"Hey Feitan! Go change, we're gonna go find an arcade!" Phinks yelled from the doorway.
"Shut up, you're, too, loud."
"Whatever, just change, we're leaving soon!!" Tch, that dude so annoying. Why cant I just read in peace? Finally found a good book, yet he just had to ruin it. Damn it. No point in fighting, him and Shal gonna drag me to arcade whether I change or not. 
A/N: Imagine him in something like that hehehe, or whatever outfit you want him to wear if you don't like that one. :)
Your POV:
"We're finally getting a break, but if you keep taking your sweet time, were gonna be back in class before you can say, Y/N's a slowpoke!" F/N yelled in your face.
"Maybe if you get out of my face, I would go faster!" Even though you guys nagged each other 24/7, you guys were still the closest friends. You had known F/N since 4th grade, when you guys were partners for an animal project. At the time, you both loved lizards, so you both were excited to work with one another. Next thing you know, its college, and you guys both get into your dream school. (Insert college name) had been your goal for years, but its quite a lot of work. This was your first week long break, and you weren't trying to waste it on getting ready to go to an arcade. After you were finished with everything, you and F/N got into their car and drove to the arcade. They were blasting (Insert song name) and singing along, so you decided to record them.
"This will be funny to look back at later!"
After about 20 minutes, F/N parked and you both exited the vehicle. They stretched as if they've been in the car for hours, and you thought they were kind of exaggerating.
"Y/N, what if we find you a boyfri-"
"You and your social anxiety need to get out more!" You gave them a little "hmph" before heading inside. You guys played a couple dancing games, 2 player games, a 4D scary game, and some simple joystick games. After a while, you both decided to order some food at a bar, and sat down for a little break.
"What would you two like to drink today?"
(You) "Can I get a -insert drink- and a -insert food/snack- please?"
(F/N) "I'll have an orange juice with a cheeseburger!"
"I'll have your meals out shortly."
Feitan POV:
"Hey, look over there! Those people look nice! Maybe we should go talk to them!" Shalnark said. Man, socializing? No thanks. Just wanna get back to that damn book. Well, guess arcade has been kind of fun. I guess...
"Phinks, don't call me that."
"Whatever, come on let's go!" Why the heck they dragging me? Wait, why we heading to the people over there-
(You) "Uh, hello?"
"Hey! I'm Shalnark, and these are my friends Phinks and Feitan. We were wondering if you guys wanted to go play some arcade games with us!" Stupid Shalnark, being all friendly. Extrovert girl took fat bite out her burger and gave us a muffled "Sure, once were done eating."
Ew, messy. Guess their friends kind of cute though.. wait, WHAT?
-Small timeskip- also back to your POV :
After eating, you, F/N and the trio went off towards the multiplayer things, and you all decided to find some 4 player games. Each time somebody had to sit out, it would be one of the guys. Feitan always volunteered, but Shalnark made them all decide by flipping a coin. You and everybody else were starting to warm up to each other, when Phinks and F/N had an idea. While a 3 player game started, they both snuck off into a corner and devised a plan on how to get you and feitan to interact. Turns out both of you were quite introverted, and they both wanted you two to put yourselves out there and find a partner. After deciding on what to do, they went back to Shal, Fei, and you. You thought they were acting a bit suspicious, but you just shrugged it off.
"Hey Shal, F/N, lets go do something!" Before Feitan could join, reject, or even realize what was going on, Phinks was already dragging F/N and Shalnark in some random direction. Y/N and Feitan just stood there in silence.
"So uh, whhaaattss your favorite... game here?" Feitan just stood silent, staring at you. But, for some odd reason, the silence was comforting, and your thoughts eventually drifted off into the clouds... so much so that you didn't even notice him grab your hand and start pulling you throughout the arcade. Your body just continued moving though, and you didn't bother to question him. After about a minute of walking, you ended up in front of a little fishing game. (Imagine that game where there's that spinning knob thingy and you have to reel in fish with it)
"Wow, wouldn't expect the emo boy to like little kid games like this!" You laughed and gave him a playful shove, which he returned with a silly eye roll.
"Shut it shortie."
"WHAT? YOUR THE SHORT-" You froze. He moved swiftly behind you, lightly pressing his body against yours. He grabbed your hands and put them on the game joysticks.
"Stop, wasting time. Let's, just play, the game." Both of you were blushing, and you continued playing games and making silly jokes for a good hour or so. Little did you know, that Phinks, Shalnark, and F/N got so many videos and pictures of you two...
Phinks: Hey guys, you won't believe what I have to show you.
Shalnark: Ahem, WE, and I have some too...
Shizuku: What? What's going on?
Pakunoda: Hm?
Hisoka: Oh, do tell~
Phinks: Feitan, you're here right?
                                                                                                        I don't trust you guys..
Phinks: You shouldn't
Machi: Are you guys going to show us or not? You got me curious.
Chrollo: Well, no point in making us wait. Please inform us with your "tea"                                               or whatever it is people say now a days.
Shalnark: Alright, prepare to get your minds blown!
~Phinks and Shalnark send all of the best photos and videos they got, and after a couple minutes of the troupe going through every single one, they started talking again~
Pakunoda: Wow, I didn't expect you to be the caring type Feitan!
Shizuku: I think they're cute together! (ᗒ◡ᗕ) ♡︎
Hisoka: Aw, shes so pretty, might just have to make her mine~
                                      Chrollo kicked Hisoka from the chat
Chrollo: I'm so happy, Fei has finally found a girl 😊
Phinks/Shalnark: When's the wedding?
                                                                                                      I'm giving you to count of 3.  
                                                  I'm gonna torture and kill both of you. Skin you alive.    
Shalnark: I have her number!                        
Word count (including author notes, etc:) 1244
Wrote January 20, 2021
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haikyuuscreaming · 4 years
⌦ WARNINGS: implications of sex (no explicit content) 
⌦ NOTES: not beta-read and i wrote this in like thirty minutes last night after 342 drafts teehee! sorry if its hard 2 follow along or if its messy kdjfskfd anyways i was feelin kuroo vibes and i HAD to write 4 him, cant just let my blog be iwaizumi-atsumu-oikawa content only!!!
⌦ SYNOPSIS: Kuroo Tetsurou breaks the only rule of his friends-with-benefits relationship with you.
Kuroo Tetsurou doesn’t know if he dreads or looks foward to your texts.
Specifically, your booty calls.
He knows for sure as soon as he hears that ding! and sees your name on the notification, his hand’s already reaching out for his phone, eager to text back. That’s how magnetic you are to him. It doesn’t matter what you’re asking of him, he knows he’ll reply in the next five minutes.
It certainly didn’t matter when you, the embodiment and essence of the good girl persona (emphasis on the persona, Kuroo thinks), asked for a friends-with-benefits relationship with him. You, of all people. Kuroo would’ve thought he’d sooner ask for this before you.
And he’d assumed it’d be easy enough. After all, you two (more like just you) set out only one rule besides all the boundaries the two of you had set.
That rule being: no strings attached.
Kuroo breaks that rule without even knowing it-- no, he knows it all too well and it haunts him every damn time you text him. Denial, though, is always fun to play.
Whether he does dread your texts or not, he replies immediately. And he’s always in bed with you at the end.
(It’s the closest he can get to what he really wants, even if it means being disposable.)
Kuroo’s in your bed, naked and barely basking in this short-lived afterglow. The calm after the storm. You’re curled up next to him, and he can hear your breathing. It’s a little bit labored, but it’s slowing down, becoming content and rhythmic eventually. A sigh comes out of your mouth, and you yawn. “That was good.”
“Yeah,” is all he manages to say. “Really good.” He isn’t lying. It’s always good when it’s with you.
“We haven’t done this in a while. We’ve been busy.”
“Mhm. We get one free afternoon and we just go at it.” Kuroo forces himself to chuckle, but the words still feel dry in his mouth. He wants to tell you the truth. As selfish as he wants to be, it doesn’t sit right with him.
“Yeah, basically.” you laugh. Kuroo loves your laugh. It’s perfect to him; the softness and brightness of your voice coming together with the easiness of your situation makes such a gorgeous sound. He could listen to it all day, really.
“Hey,” his voice sounds scratchy to him, and it feels like sandpaper raking against his throat. “I need to tell you something.”
“Yeah, anything,” you assure him, just like that day where he assured you you could tell him anything.
Kuroo’s heart speeds up and then slows down. Brace for impact, he tells himself. He’s going to end this so he doesn’t have to keep up this fuckboy persona around you.
(A part of him doesn’t want to do this. A part of him wants to keep going in this selfish charade. He wants to keep being inside of you as long as he can, so he can at least simulate some semblance of love.
But if he’s going to be disposable, he wants to dispose of himself by his own hands.)
“I don’t wanna do this anymore,” he murmurs. His voice is quiet and your eyes widen.
“Why?” you ask, and he knows you regret saying it. At the beginning of this arrangement, the two of you promised you wouldn’t push each other’s boundaries.
“Because. I broke the rule. I caught feelings, and I’m sorry.” Some type of feeling builds up inside of Kuroo. Is it melancholy? Regret? It feels like pressure, it makes him want to talk fast and curl up in a ball. But he continues, slowly and sadly. “I don’t want to continue anymore if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Duh, he thinks to himself. She’s the one who made the no strings attached rule. Of course it’s making her uncomfortable. Just get ready to leave. So Kuroo gets up from the bed and starts getting dressed, facing away from you.
It’s awkward. The silence between the two of you is unbearably stiff, almost humid. He feels like he has to fill in this void somehow, if he can’t eventually fill the void in his heart. “Sorry,” he says in an attempt to play it off. “The sex was really good though, not gonna lie.”
“It was,” you say softly, and Kuroo has to convince himself that you don’t sound sad. He speeds up the manner in which he’s getting dressed, so now all he has to do is put on his shirt.
“And, I’m sorry. Again.” He figures he’s just rambling now, but he forces himself to give you more of an explanation. Not like you need anymore. “I really like you, a lot. This just.. it wasn’t enough for me if it was gonna be this way forever, and I want more but I don’t want to go against our rules. It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk anymore.”
Kuroo’s fully dressed now, and he feels stuffy in your bedroom. He turns around and you’ve brought the blanket closer to your chest. Almost like you were protecting yourself.
“No, no, it’s fine,” your voice sounds strained and your eyes carry some substance of emotion that he can’t seem to read. “Yeah, it was… it was fun while it lasted.”
“So. Uh, it’s over, I guess. Bye.” It stings harder than Kuroo thought it’d hurt. The words fall from his mouth like acid. It kind of hurts to breathe as he starts walking to the door of your room.
He so desperately wants you to stop him from leaving, for you to call out his name and tell him to stay, to stay with you.
But you don’t.
“Yeah. Bye.” He can’t get your voice out of his head. It’s so soft, for some reason, and it’s heavy with something he can’t distinguish. He forces himself to not turn around and look at you, and he keeps walking until he’s out the door. He shuts it gently, and his entire body’s shaking.
And Kuroo can’t help but seem to hear soft sobs coming from your room, even when he’s just about to leave your house.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
@trademarked-but-not-really and @aestheticallytiredandpathetic I have finished prompt three! I'm working on number 2 and 5 rn so they should be out soon!
In the meantime, enjoy!
Just a note that there will be abuse mentioned in this, relating to the old angsty fic I wrote? Yeah I explain more about the abuse here. Be warned!!
Denki swore as he hit the wrong note again. Jirou snorted as Bakugo yelled, having to restart for the fourth or fifth time that night. Momo came in with a tray of tea, accompanied by cookies.
"Satou made these for us! He made them specifically to each of our tastes as well!" She set the tray down and handed the treats out. Jirou thanked her, and gulped down her water. Tokoyami sat back, his fingers hopping from chord to chord.
Bakugo scoffed. "You still trying to learn that rift off? It's been three weeks, birdie." He said around a mouthful. Tokoyami let his head fall back. "I'm well aware of that, but thank you for pointing it out." He grumbled sarcastically. Bakugo shrugged and messed with his drumsticks.
There was silence as they ate. They got back to work, trying once again to get past a particularly difficult part of the song they were working on. Denki was clearly getting more and more frustrated, and he failed more as a result. Eventually, Jirou tried to call time-out, and Denki snapped.
He threw the guitar down, and it barely missed Tokoyami's head. Bakugo growled at him to watch it. "Sorry, mister perfect! I'm not good at this bullshit!" He yelled, turning away. Momo carefully made her way over. "No one's perfect, but that doesn't mean you can give up! We're all trying to learn this." She attempted to reassure him. Tokoyami nodded in agreement.
This appeared to make Denki angrier. "It's not the music!" He pulled back and faced the door, arms crossed. Jirou looked confused. "Then what is it?" Denki grumbled something. "Speak up, Spark Plug." Bakugo said.
"That! That's what's bothering me!" Denki spun around, tears threatening to fall. "It's the fact that your quirks are so cool, and you're all so talented! And what am I?" He scrunched up, tears falling down his face. "I'm nothing without your help..." The room was quiet after Denki's outburst. Momo's hand retracted.
The silence was deafening. Bakugo spoke up. "You idi— Denki. Look at me." Everyone's head snapped up, clearly taken aback by the correction. Bakugo continued. "No one actually thinks they're any good—" Denki shook his head, not letting him continue. "You say that, but your quirk is awesome! You don't count!" He said stubbornly.
Yamomo spoke up. "He's right. I dont think I'm good enough to be a hero either." Bakugo, Tokoyami and Jirou looked at Momo in shock. Denki buffered. "But, your quirk is amazing—" Momo cut in. "That doesn't matter if I cant put it in action effectively." She spoke calmly, but her hands shook.
Jirou looked away. "You saw me when we talked about music the first time." She said dejectedly. "I didnt think it was useful at all." She chuckles, though there are now tears in her eyes too. "Well, I still dont think that music is useful. Not really." Bakugo looked between them. This clearly wasnt what he was expecting.
Tokoyami shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He felt like he needed to share something. "No one ever really thought I could be a hero." He said quietly. The groups attention was on him. Tokoyami swallowed his nerves. "People always told me I'd be a villain, so after a while I started to believe them..." He stared firmly down at the ground. There goes his 'never cries in front of people' facade.
Bakugo looked between them. This was bullshit. How could they not think—?
Denki sniffed. "People only really used me as a phone charger or a back-up generator in middle school. My brain fried a lot, and people made fun of me." Denki sat down, telling his life story.
Yaomomo followed. "People used me for money, and when they had finished with me, they publicly embarrassed me in front of the school." She explained. Jirou shook her head angrily.
"People never made fun of me because I never told them." Jirou said. "I didnt have a lot of friends, and I got kinda lonely." She shrugged. The group looked up at Tokoyami, who still hadn't sat down. "If we're sharing..." he reluctantly said.
He sat down cross-legged. "People bullied me because of my animal head, and would force me to show Dark Shadow to everyone simply because he was 'different'" He told them, petting Dark Shadow softly. "And because I was so small, they would shove me into the tightest pace imaginable." Tokoyami shivered at the memories.
As the group shared their trauma, Bakugo tried to find a way to fix them. Denki was chatting, and they all gave their opinions, when the question popped up.
"Hey, what're your parents like?" Tokoyami froze. Yaomomo spoke highly about her parents, talking about the fun they had. Tokoyami was confused. Jirou talked about how her parents helped her learn all her instruments, and Tokoyami couldn't help but ask, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"You're parents helped you with that stuff?" The group was stunned to silence. Denki laughed nervously. "Yeah dude, didnt your parents do normal things?" Tokoyami shrugged. "My mom died when I was young, and my father..." Tokoyami didn't wanna think about him.
"What about your father?" Yaomomo asked softly. Tokoyami toyed with the edge of his collar. "Mr. Aziawa told me I'm not supposed to talk to him or any of his associates anymore." And for that Tokoyami was grateful. The group grew concerned.
"Why?" Bakugo asked bluntly. Tokoyami faltered. "It's complicated..." He sighed but decided fuck it. They had shared so much with him.
"My father used to... hit me a lot when I was younger." Tokoyami blurted out. And it was like a dam had opened, he couldn't stop talking. "Sometimes he'd use his fists, and sometimes he'd use something sharp. Either way it hurt. He used to shout. Loudly." Tokoyami hand brought his knees to his chest, breathing going a little haywire.
"He'd lock me in a closet for every rule I broke, and he defiled my mothers grave—" Tokoyami choked on his tears, getting angry. "He let his friends—" he couldn't say it, he couldn't get the words out. "They used to..." Nope, his confidence was gone, and the memories were back.
He fell back, head buried in his arms, shaking. Jirou panicked, and being the closest, threw her arms around him. Tokoyami froze, but when Jirou's hands stayed firmly in one place, he relaxed. Yaomomo joined swiftly, and Denki came from the back. Tokoyami felt oddly warm, and safe. It wasnt a feeling he usually experienced when hugged.
Bakugo stood, and made his way over. Wordlessly, he joined the hug. They stayed like that for a while, until there was a knock. All Might poked his head in. "Sorry, but Aziawa wants you to– oh." He saw them hugging. Bakugo jumped back, and Tokoyami scrubbed his eyes furiously, trying to stem the tear flow.
All Might stood back. "Aziawa, what do I do?" He whispered nervously to the man standing at the door, fuming. "Kick them out, fucking—" he looked in and saw the mess. "Oh." The kids were still kicked out, but no one got in trouble for staying up as late as it was.
The next morning, Tokoyami walked downstairs. He had had a nightmare after the fiasco that was band practice, and instinctively was heading for the closet. He approached the door, and someone blocked him. "Sorry, could I just—" He looked up. "Oh, Bakugo. What—"
Bakugo grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the bathroom. "Wait, wha– Bakugo, where are we going?!" Bakugo dragged Tokoyami through the common room, and everyone was confused as to what was happening. Kirishima was going to step in, but Denki stopped him, and turned the conversation away from the two.
Bakugo brought them into the bathroom and splashed water on Tokoyami's face. "Wha—?!" Bakugo snapped at him to shut up. "You look like you havent slept, and you were heading for the closet." He muttered. Tokoyami tilted his head, confused. "You always do that after a bad night, right? I didnt know why till last night."
Oh. Right. Tokoyami had completely forgotten he'd said all that. Bakugo continued. "Well, your not doing that shit anymore. You're gonna be a fucking hero, and your stupid dad can shove it." He shouted, gaining the attention of those outside.
"Why's Bakugo yelling at Tokoyami?" Mina asked, spoon still in her mouth. "He better not be starting a fight!" Iida chided loudly. Yaomomo laughed. "Tokoyami looked tired, it must be about that." She said, knowing damn well that wasnt the problem. She, Jirou and Deni had seen their friend going for the closet. They were all grateful to Bakugo for pulling up on it.
They all noticed it. Bakugo was still an ass, but stopped calling Denki stupid, or any variation of the word. He instead told him he 'didnt do as bad a job' and pat his shoulder. Denki's self esteem rocketed upwards quickly. Bakugo thanked Yaomomo more often for using her quirk, and drank her tea when no one else would. Jirou wasnt excluded either, Bakugo got her water after every practice and told her that her music was cool. And everytime Tokoyami seemed too distant for Bakugo's liking, he pulled the bird-headed teen away from the crowd for a little while.
Bakugo did little things to help them. Like staying up to help Tokoyami through another nightmare, or take care of Denki when his brain fried. Small things that meant the world to the rest of the band.
And they returned the gestures, Denki always plugging in the extra controller even though Bakugo said no. Or Yaomomo making a note of what tea Bakugo liked and making it for him on a bad day. Jirou giving him headphones when the noise was too much, and Tokoyami letting Bakugo have one of his extra fluffy blankets whenever he'd have a bad night.
They all helped each other on their own ways. Aziawa noticed, obviously, but found it sweet. Those kids needed each other. Hell, there would come a time when they may have to depend on the other. And Aziawa knew well enough there would be times they would break.
He was glad to know they had each others back.
This one was short and sweet, hope you enjoyed! :D
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watermelonselfship · 3 years
Self Ship Dialogue Prompt #2!
Requested by @abandonedhearts ! The second one is in another post!
Prompt: “I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing.”
Click. Click click. Click. Click click click.
Raymond looked up from where he was reading, cozy in a pillow pile on the corner of his bed. His first, and irrational, instinct was that he was under attack somehow, but a quick glance around proved that definitely wrong. Barney would have looked up from his spot reading at the desk, his senses more sharp than Raymond's.
Probably someone walking down the hallway, he figured, and went back to reading.
Click. Click. Click click click.
This time, as Raymond's train of thought was interrupted, he didn't look up, instead trying to see if the sound was coming closer or farther down the hallway.
Click. Click. Click.
It wasn't actually moving, Raymond realized, and furrowed his brow. Now he wasn't going to be able to get back to his book at all with this sound driving him crazy. It was going off in sporadic intervals, random rhythms, and not in a large enough frequency for him to pinpoint it right away. Most infuriatingly of all, Barney didn't seem to notice the sound at all.
That's when it, well, clicked. Barney didn't notice the sound because he was making the sound.
"Hey babe," Raymond called, sitting up a bit from his cozy pillow corner. "“I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing.”
Barney stopped mid-click and looked back at Raymond, confused. "I'm reading?" That's when Raymond noticed the pen in Barney's left hand.
"Yeah babe no, that's fine," Raymond clarified, and pointed at the pen, "You've been clicking that pen the whole time while you were doing it.
Barney looked, a little surprized at the pen in his hand. "Oh huh, my bad." He set the pen down, out of his reach, and went back to reading.
"Thanks babe, I love you!" Raymond chimed, turning back to his book.
That lasted about five minutes.
Tap. Tap tap. Tap. Tap.
Raymond paused, and listened for the sound to repeat itself, then sighed.
"Huh?" Barney asked, turning again.
"Do you know you're tapping?"
Raymond sat up, and crawled to the edge of the bed closest to Barney. "Yeah love you're tapping. Do you even notice?"
Barney gave a half hearted shrug. "I mean, I think I kind of did, but I didn't think I was bein' too loud. Sorry." He sounded pretty guilty, and looked a little stress. That worried Raymond, and he took his boyfriend's hand in his.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?"
"It's not that big a deal," Barney tried deflecting, but Raymond's gaze said he was going to push if he didn't elaborate. "I just uh. It feels real bad not to do something with my hands? When I'm reading. I get real stressed out, like I've got an energy stuck in me that I gotta let out. But I don't wanna bother you any, so..." He trailed off.
"So," Raymond began, "You're stimming? If that's the case babe I can help you find something that works for both of us."
Barney tipped his head slightly. "What's stimming?"
Raymond had to blink a few times to process the question. How in the absolute hell had Barney spent all his time with him, Alyx and Gordon and not figured out what stimming was.
"It's like..." Raymond began, trying to find the best words to explain it. "You know how when Alyx has two band-aids on her hands, she'll rub 'em together over and over? Or how Gordon will do that thing where he takes a string in his mouth and pulls it, then like, plucks it like a harp? Or taps his knuckles on the side of his head when frustrated? Or like, you know when I get real excited I flap my hands real fast, sometimes my whole arms?"
Barney nodded, and smiled. "Yeah, it's real cute when you do that."
Raymond stuck his tongue out bashfully for a second, then continued. "It's all types of stimming. It's a sensory-seeking thing, really common in neurodivergent people, but I think neurotypicals do it too? But if you're doing it because it sounds good, or feels nice to do, and it feels real bad if you don't, that's probably stimming."
Barney paused for a second, thinking. "Does ADHD count as neurodivergent?"
"...Yeah, absolutely Barn. Like, one of the big two that people tend to think of when they think about neurodivergency, though they're for SURE not the only ones. The other one's autism- that's me and Gordon, probably Alyx too but I don't know if she's said so or not so I don't wanna assume. I just know that me and Gordon have talked about it before, so I know for sure with him."
Barney nodded slowly, as if some pieces were clicking into place. "Have I ever told you about the time I went to college?"
Raymond also started putting together the pieces, and grinned. "Yeah, you said you suddenly couldn't manage anything going on and had to drop out your second year. Are you about to tell me you got a diagnosis."
Barney laughed, and grinned bashfully. "Yeah, I sure am! I didn't know that was part of the whole deal! They weren't very clear.... An' I never bothered doin' the research because all of it was in these. Impossible to read huge blocks of text with a bunch of technical bullshit, and it always talked about kids?"
Raymond rolled his eyes dramatically, not at Barney but the situation, and nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, a lot of texts like that are really... just inaccessible to the people who need 'em most! It's crazy frustrating, and I don't have the focus problem. God, Barney this legitimately explains so much about you right now, I love you so much."
Barney went red and chuckled softly. "It that noticeable?" He asked, a bit insecure suddenly.
"Only if you know what you're looking for," Raymond admitted. "I sort of have a special interest in mental health stuff, specifically neurodiversity, remember? And I know you real well, and it like... explains so much. I cant believe this never came up before!"
"Well," Barney admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, "I didn't think it mattered any. I was good at my job and I've managed, so why bring it up? Didn't wanna trouble anyone with it..."
Raymond shook his head. "It's not trouble babe, I promise!" he insisted. "Just like Gordon being nonspeaking isn't trouble, any symptoms you've got going aren't going to be any trouble."
Barney shrugged. "Guess I don't know what my symptoms are? It's been so long since I read anything about it, an like I said, it was really too dense for me to work through..."
Raymond nodded. "That's fine babe! Step one, for sure, you stim, and thinking about it I can think of other examples, but the clicking tonight for sure. Step two, what I'll do is see if I've got any books on ADHD, especially in adults, and I'll run through it and help you get some info." He was beaming, doing his slightly excited wiggles at the prospect of helping his boyfriend along with something that related directly to his special interest.
"I'd like that," Barney replied with a smile, then shrugged halfheartedly. "Sorry for bugging you with the stimming thing though."
Raymond shook his head again, emphatically. "No babe! It's not the fact you stim that was bugging me, it was that it was getting distracting for sensory reasons. But that just means I gotta find you like, one of those buttons that you can push but its quiet? But still gives the satisfying give. Like a remote! Or some other way to stim. You shouldn't suppress that sort of thing, yknow? It's normal, and also good for you."
Barney thought for a moment, before marking his place in his book and closing it. "Thanks, Ray," he replied with a grin. "You're so damn good to me."
Raymond stuck his tongue out again and chuckled. "You're good to me first."
"Nah, that's you. Can we cuddle a bit?"
Raymond grinned. "Absolutely, so yes."
Over the next few days, Raymond found Barney starting to cautiously stim more openly, and while he didn't directly address it, he could tell that Gordon and Alyx were excited by the prospect in turn. The group took turns showing their favorite sensory seeking behavior, and gradually Barney settled into a comfortable routine of a few core stims, even if he didn't always display them as publically as the rest.
After a while, Raymond started falling asleep to a soft click click click.
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willsimpforanyone · 4 years
can you please write me a steve rogers story where she meets him at a practice to try to be in the team but shes too heavy and cant run fast enough? so steve asks her on a date cuz he liked how cute she was? it would mean alot.
i can damn well give it a go, sweetie! let’s go...
You’d think I’d be completely ready, right?
That the last obstacle course of the day wouldn’t be too much trouble, right?
You’d be wrong. As I looked at the course that had been set up, I could feel dread bubbling in my stomach. It involved several stretches we would be expected to run, intercepted with various objects to go through and under, and a 6ft wall that we’d need to scale. This shit wasn’t gonna be fun.
As I made my way over to the start line, I somehow got pushed to the end of the line- which hurt, but unfortunately, it was nothing unusual. I scanned the rest of the room, and my eyes came to rest on the viewing box where examiners could stand and survey our attempts and choose those who would be fit to be field agents soon. 
I blinked. It almost looked... no, it DID look like Steve Rogers, Captain America himself was in the viewing box. I tried to rationalise it- maybe he’s just talking to someone else in there, and will leave once we start. Maybe he’s just waiting for another member of his team to meet him there. The dread in my stomach built as I realised that he was the closest to the window of the six or so people in there. He was definitely there to see potential new recruits.
I only just heard the starting gun, and as a collective we started to run towards the first obstacle. Easy enough, hopping through alternating loops, into another run, keeping up with the others, great, jump over a couple hurdles, fine, slightly behind now but that’s okay, right? More running, I can see people start to pull ahead, one guy is two obstacles ahead of me. 
At each obstacle I could see more and more people ahead of me. Despite repeatedly telling my internal monologue to shut up, I couldn’t help the self doubt that crept into my mind. My limbs felt heavier, I felt my running get slower, the wall get bigger... 
I was getting further behind everyone by the minute. The thought of Steve Rogers seeing me was suddenly all I could think about- was I a disappointment? Did he think I was as bad as I thought I was?
The wall was the next obstacle. Almost everyone else had managed it, they were over the other side. I could hear them congratulating each other and walking away to shower and finish for today. My legs were aching, my lungs were screaming, and the wall looked so impossibly high. Okay, I can do this, I can and I will.
I made the sudden decision that I wouldn’t leave the training hall until I had made it over the wall. I tried as hard as I could to jump and touch the top of the wall. If I could just get my fingers over the edge, I could pull myself up. 
I must have been at this wall for a while. Everyone else had gone, and as I looked up at the viewing box I could only see the back of Steve walking away. That hurt a little, I’ll admit, but I had my own goal now. I was gonna get over this goddamn wall if it killed me. 
Suddenly, a voice interrupted my determined mindset.
“There’s a foothold, y’know.”
I turned abruptly to see Steve leaning against the obstacle wall. All I managed was a stuttered “Wh-what?”
He pointed near the bottom of the wall, and I noticed a little shelf protruding just above my left knee. “Put your foot on it, lift yourself up, and use your hands and momentum to swing yourself over the top. I’ll catch you if you fall.”
I felt my face flush slightly at that, and was thankful that he had walked around to the other side of the wall. I heard his encouraging voice. “C’mon recruit, let’s go.”
It took a couple tries, but once I’d managed to get a firm footing on the small shelf, I hooked my fingers over the top of the wall. Just like he said, I used the momentum from my feet to swing myself up and over the wall. Steve was standing on the other side, arms outstretched to catch me if I fell. I simply jumped down, stumbling at the last second. With lightning reflexes, Steve caught my arms and pulled me upright. 
My eyes met his, and I saw to my surprise, a red colouring his cheeks. He was still holding onto me, and his grip was strong but not rough. His eyes flicked down to where our skin connected and the red got deeper. He let go of me and coughed slightly awkwardly. “Uh, good job. That wall can be tough, even for me.”
I had to laugh at that. “You’re kidding. Captain America struggles with the wall? No way.” 
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, I use the foothold thing. Not many recruits figure that out,” he straightened up, looking somewhat more soldier-like. “In S.H.I.E.L.D., we don’t just appreciate strength, we need people who can work around problems in creative ways. If they can’t do something the typical way, they find a way they can do it. Everyone else just jumped up and leapt over right?” I nodded, and he continued. “If you can’t do that as easily, use your surroundings more carefully than them. I fully believe you can do it.”
I grinned at him. “My, Captain, you’re quite the rousing-speech-giver, aren’t you.” The blush that had died down on his face came back in full force, and he nervously ran a hand through his hair. 
“Well, to be completely honest with you, I didn’t just come down to help you with the wall,” he said, his voice low and tinged with anxiety. 
I looked at him curiously. Why would he come down here if it wasn’t to help?
He coughed slightly. “Um, well, I kinda saw you from the viewing box, and I’ve been seeing you around the base and well...” 
“Steve, please, put us both out of our misery. Why are you here?”
“Uh, would you, maybe- no pressure, of course- would you want to get coffee with me? It doesn’t have to be coffee, we could get tea, tea’s good, or maybe a smoothie, I just think you’re really cute an-”
I cut him off by placing a hand on his arm. “I would love to get coffee with you.” 
Steve’s face broke into a smile, and he took your hand from his arm to hold it in his. “Really? Don’t, if you don’t want to...”
I rolled my eyes playfully. “Would I have said yes if I didn’t want to?”
“I guess not,” he looked practically euphoric. “Okay, well, you wanna go now?”
I nodded. “Yeah, just give me twenty minutes to get changed? I’ll meet you outside?” Steve nodded happily, and after a second of contemplation, I gently pulled on his arm to kiss his cheek, leaving him frozen with a smile on his lips as I made my way to get ready.
i really hope you liked it! thank you so much for requesting <3
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ohmrbell · 4 years
Finding Peace (Micah Bell x reader) Chapter 1
(This is my first red dead fic that I’ve wrote hopefully some of you guys enjoy it and second part will be up soon!)
l’m still unsure on how we even ended up in this position. The cold air taking away any breathe that I had left from fleeing Blackwater. Things weren't meant to be like this, Dutch had a plan, a plan that truly did seem foolproof this time. I guess he was wrong, my momma did always tell me I believed in folk far too much. What we had in Blackwater was good, stable and for once I think everyone was happy. We never did have much in terms of comfort but we had each other, keeping each other together with what we had. As good as it was it’s now nothing but a distant memory. I suppose it’s true what they say nothing good does last forever.
We arrived in a small abandoned town called Colter up in the Grizzlies, most of the cabins that remained were either snowed in or were full of the dead, normally I would be horrified by such a sight but right now nothing could faze me. We lost the life of a few of the gangs long time members, Mac and Davey Callander, two sweet young men with so much life ahead of them, I wasn't the closest to the brothers but they were always kind to me and kept an eye on me which I deeply appreciated, and sweet sweet Jenny, my heart breaks thinking of her body lying on the ground in Blackwater, trampled and shot. We tried to help her as much as we could but she ended up passing on our journey up the mountains. Poor Lenny too, they were both so young and lovesick, I loved watching them together always laughing and doting on one another, it was like something from one of Mary-Beth's romance novels. Too pure for this world.
Mrs Grimshaw as always got everyone situated quickly in a few separate cabins that the men were able to clean up to give us some shelter. The girls all squeezed into one with young Jack and the men all accompanied the others trying to figure out what in the hell we were gonna do. Dutch sent Arthur and Javier off to find John and I think Bill got put on watch. I decided to stay sitting beside Abigail and Jack trying to keep them as warm as possible and calm her down over the disappearance of John. I know he will be okay he always turns up eventually, but if any of us want any rest we need to quiet her down first.
It’s starting to become so claustrophobic sitting in the cabin the heat growing more than I thought possible, due to the compact state of the already small cabin full with our belongings and fire it was sickening. I couldn't bare listening to Abigail complaining anymore, I knew Arthur would find John and honestly there was more on my mind right now than Marston. I left her with Jack and my extra shawls and wondered over to the door, "Sit down Miss L/N, don’t think you can start wandering off now, you'll get sick if you step out there" Susan snapped at me. Not even in the mood for her bickering I retreated to a seat next to the boarded up windows and sat there trying to give my mind some piece. I looked around the room once more and felt an overwhelming sadness come over me. Everyone is just sat in silence other than the constant stream of profanities coming from Abigail and the wailing of, who I believe to be Mrs Adler she’s currently being coddled by Tilly and Karen. Another tragic event to happen up in these mountains a young woman's’ husband was murdered by the damn O'Driscolls, we couldn’t leave her behind. I felt a single tear stream down my face before I closed my eyes trying to get some rest.
I was awoken brutally by the slamming of the cabin door followed by an exhausted, disheveled, snow covered Arthur hauling a even worse looking John into the small cabin we were holed up in. The girls all moved out of the way allowing Arthur to set John down onto the old cot in the corner of the room. Mrs Grimshaw made her way over to get a look at his injuries but was shoved out of the way by Abigail who rushed over shouting already "God damn you John Marston, you cant just disappear like that, I thought you were dead John, dead!" she continued to scream not even giving the man a chance to talk "Look at you, you would have died if not for Arthur have you even thanked the man, John Marston I am sick of your shit!". I glimpsed at John seeing his torn up face and gave him a small smile as that was all the interaction I was gonna get with him right now. As much as I felt for John I took this as my chance to slip out of the cabin back into the cold.
I struggled to trudge through the snow making my way over to the scout fire. I snuggled up as much as I could in the layers I had which unfortunately wasn’t much since I had spared my extra for Jack. I had a thin black shirt with a corset tucked into some black riding pants along with my thick black coat, it had fur around the neck but none on the inside allowing the icy air to penetrate me, shivering I pushed onward until I reached the fire crouching down to be closer to its heat. Charles was standing next to me now looking at me with concern on his face, "Y/N you shouldn't be here you don’t have enough layers, you will get sick." He reached forward and grabbed my upper arm swiftly lifting me up to my feet with ease, I looked at him with panic in my eyes pleading him to let me stay, "Just 10 minutes Charles, please, I cant listen to Abigail go on at John much more or I’m afraid I’ll do something I might regret" I rushed out with a small chuckle. He laughed too and nodded at me giving me his agreement without speaking. I always had a soft spot for Charles, he’s a gentle giant and an excellent hunter, taught me all the hunting skills I know. He let my arm go and let me crouch back to the fire. As depressing as it sounds I almost enjoyed the coldness from being this close to the snow, it made me feel numb and numb is what I need to continue this right now. I shifted my feet and leaned down onto my knees putting my hands into the white fluff letting it scrunch up into my hands, it’s been so long since I've been up near the mountains I have forgotten how beautiful this weather can be. 
Switching my attention to the fire I watched the warm embers flake off and land into the ice melting it, it was mesmerizing, completely entranced I didn't notice the new arrival at the fire. "And why is she out here redskin, you tryna let more of us die" a voice snarled at Charles drawing me from my day dream. It was Micah covered in a layer of snow and a crooked smirk on his face, I immediately felt anger for both his involvement with how we ended up here and now how he addressed Charles jumping to my feet to retaliate until Charles beat me to it. He raised his hand slightly to silence me before speaking calmly "Shut your mouth Micah, I’m keeping an eye on her, she can do as she chooses I wouldn't let her freeze out here” turning then to look at me and continuing “But Y/N it has been 10 minutes you do need to return inside now" Charles stated sternly. I huffed and complained "I don’t wanna go back in there I can’t I’d rather freeze to death out here" Micah started laughing and grabbed my shoulder. "Hoo hoo, Miss L/N you’re more than welcome to join me in the other cabin" he said with a wink. Micah was a bad man and I was pissed at him but I couldn’t help but laugh when he got on like this, his behavior that usually disturbed most others was amusing to me, I don’t take him too seriously, means he doesn't continuously hound me like he does to the others. I smiled and pushed his arm off of me, "Thanks Micah but I’ll pass" with that I unwillingly stumbled back through the snow to my destination.
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q-u-a-c-k · 4 years
rant that you can just skip over 😂 it's just detailed intrusive thoughts. and I'm continuing to rant about literally everything that goes through my brain so I am here writing this and not acting on thoughts or being stupid.
okay so this is a note from after I have written all that. and basically it's complaining and ranting about everything and hyperfixating on space and science in the end. in the middle I talk about my fears of love 😂 potentially triggering stuff? it's all nonsense you really dont have to read it. it was just to keep myself from doing something I shouldn't. so if you could be triggered by literally anything maybe dont? idk. I cant stop you but it's probably annoying and not interesting. if anyone does read it though let me know if I need to tag it anything.
So my brain has now decided that because there is no way I am sleeping tonight unless it's exhaustion, I get intrusive thoughts. fun! so rn it has been fixated on the fact that because I am closest to the outside. not hall door. that I could easily sneak out. which is very much not good idea, because 1) I dont live in this area, 2) it's still cold as fuck outside at night, 3) I would literally fucking get lost or caught immediately. So yeah :) I dont even know what I would do if I did go and I don't want to because I have an idea of what brain would say and that's a big no. it's especially big no because I'm too comfortable with the idea of it but I'm not allowed to. and I guess now it's kinda good because brain is thinking about how I miss my cat. I just wanna see my baby and be in my safe place with the people I'm actually comfortable with (cat and phone with online friends) like guys he's so fuckung adorable and what if he doesnt know why I'm not there right now. usually he sleeps in my room at night. so what if he's in my room waiting for me and I cant go see him. you're damn right that I'm crying about this. i just want my baby because he is my baby and an indicator of a safe place.
also I am so incredibly fucking uncomfortable. like I cannot sleep because 1) in a place I do not know 2) there are people (family) in the room that I am not comfortable letting my guard down around 3) there's so much noise from snoring (and from one sleep talking) 4) I am on the couch because when we go places I'm always the one who has to and it's a shitty pull out bed couch. it makes way too much noise that I have been in an uncomfortable position for over 3 hours because I dint want to disturb anyone else. and I can very easily feel like of the metal bars under the middle of my back 5) I am very cold. I forgot a blanket and I didnt get one because the room only gave us one extra one (I dont think we're supposed to have an extra person) ad my sister got it even though I'm the one by the outsid,door, window, and air conditioner which wont turn off. I at least have my flannel though to cover my legs 6) my head hurts so bad because it's the kind of headache that hurts to have eyes open, breath, or move around in general 7) my stomach hurts so bad because I had to eat because apparently people get hungry and are supposed to eat along with anxiety from literally all of this 8) I have not gotten to be alone for more than 10 minutes since the middle of Wednesday whereas usually I spend almsot all of my time alone (with cat and phone with online friends) in my safe place. 9) I have not stopped crying (not really like crying crying but like there has been tears or water from my eyes because for some reason they burn and some because of anxiety or missing cat. 10) I keep thinking that at any moment I close my eyes someone is going to break into the room or one of my family members are gonna do something (I literally dont know what, that's intrusive thoughts talking but I have previously freaked out because I thought they were gonna aliven't me for no reason) 11) When I'm somewhere I'm not used to I get really bad muscle cramps in my arms and legs and I am not having fun with that.
sorry that was a shit ton of complaining that nobody should have read or give a shit about. so sorry if anyone actually read that?
also Allison, if you actually do read this (istg you really dont have to. like I said this is just my train of thoughts written to prevent me from doing anything. I am not watching wandavision until later today 😂 and I am staying off the discord server I joined becuas of potential spoilers.
anyways continuation of rants and complaints. I really want to put the phone down and attempt to sleep even though I know I'm not gonna be able to and for that reason I have to write here because I do not trust myself with my brain being like this rn. but I wanna put phone down so bad because my eyes hurt and my head hurts from having eyes open.
and I really wanna just get my earbuds out and have controlled noise and potentially fall asleep but that would take noise louder than them to drown them out but any noise already is hurting my head and earbuds sound really uncomfortable right now.
also I'm starting to get really cold again because the flannel was working for a little but I think that was because I had to move a little bit to get it out and on my legs and I haven't been moving.
also my sister (sleep.talker) has been just making noises and mumbling all night except just now she went "eww" and rolled over and continued snoring and sleeping. so that's fun. totally didnt scare me.
oh my God it's fuckung almost 3:30 I just wanna sleep. at this rate I dont care in what way it happens, but I want sleep in the next 10 minutes so I cannot be aware of how uncomfortable or in pain I am.
my back (which usually already has back pain) connot stand to lay on the bar in this position anymore so I have to move but it's so loud and I dont wanna wake anyone up or move into a worse position but feel bad for moving.
I have now moved and I dont THINK I woken anyone up. back is better but head hurts so much more now because of movement and I am now laying on my knee which I have a lot of problems with and am not having a fun time.
idk what to talk about. I want sleep or to at least put phone down but like I said multiple times I do not trust my brain rn so I have to keep writing stuff. and I dont want to just keep complaining but idk what to talk about and complaining is easiest rn because I was out in an uncomfortable situation by coming with them and I didnt want to in the first place but would not be able to stay home.
I am now gonna talk about sleep and my thoughts about it. I like being asleep but I also dont. I like being not awake but most of the time do not like the dreams I have. but sleep itself is such an interesting concept. like the body forces itself to shut down and put you unconscious to like rest itself or repair before continuing to function. and it's like (supposed to be) on a specific or close to schedule. like youre supoosed to have a schedule for when you're unconscious. and this is completely normal. a part of our society is actually shaped around this too? like at certain times around the world it gets all dark and the world goes quiet for a while. idk I just think it's really interesting. maybe it's not idk lmao.
and now brain wants to talk about how and why I am afraid to love. :). brain is afraid to love because that means I have to be vulnerable to someone and that's just so terrifying to do, especially being someone who is different than a lot of the heteronormative society. like I absolutely love my friends. and once I'm comfortable around them, I'm gonna tell them that I love them as much as I can (but also dont want to make them uncomfortable). because if I finally feel comfortable enough around you to be vulnerable and accept that I love you despite brain's overwhelming urge to say I don't and be invulnerable and safe, I'm gonna tell you that as much as I can that I love you. because it literally happens so little in my life that I actually really trust someone. so if I tell you I love you I mean it (and it tells you I trust you). like seriously, I barely even say it to my mom because I'm so on guard and trying to watch my back around her. and I dont think I say it to the rest of my family. unless it's my grandparents I'm gonna tell them that because I think I do just in a different way of your my grandparent and you're family. and I occasionally say it to my irl best friend because there's still a lot I'm on guard about because I haven't told her a lot of things so we're not as close as you'd think. but if you're reading this I have probably told you i love you. and i know Allison i tell you as much as i can because I think yyou'rethe absolute top person that I trust and love, so i try to tell you a lot. because I love you!! you're like my entire found family 😂
but now we're gonna talk about reasons why I'm terrified to be in love romantically. Because I dont think i have actually liked someone romantically or really ever be romantically interested in anyone. I have thought about it because I felt like I had to tell myself I was ( I was not). like i thought I had a crush on someone once but I think it was because I was unable to be their friend at the time that I wanted to be their friend even more. and because I never really got to pick my friends I didnt know what it was like to actually want to be friends with someone. but thinking about someone romantically I just cant really do. because I don't want to get into a romantic relationship if I don't know if I'm gonna like them romantically at all. do people like people romantically when they first go out with someone? or do they just say I kinda like this person let's try it out? because that just doesnt make sense to me and idk. and it could very well be that I'm just to young to know yet. because I still dont even know what I would want from a romantic relationship. like... Idk what there is for me to want or what's different to loving your friends besides calling them something else? and the whole having to trust that this person likes you in a specific way that you might like them before you take it far enough and get hurt because they just don't feel the same? or you're the one that's not really sure and potentially hurt someone else? I know people say it's just a risk you're gonna have to take but I dont want to take a risk like that. I dont mind being hurt from it myself but in terrified at the thought that I could potentially hurt someone because I just dint feel a certain way. and I still dont know what the difference is between friend love or romantic love to be able to judge or risk that? like seriously what is different? because I mean, maybe affection like have someone to hug or cuddle? but you could do that with friends and it should be a normal thing to have with your friends. but ig this still is a fucked up society that thinks everything has to be more than what it really is. and it just leaves people touch starved because of it. idk. maybe one day I'll figure it out, but how it's just Greek and foreign to me. idfk.
well that was fun. now it's 4 and I need something else to talk about because even if I do potentially fall alseep soon, I do not want those to be my last thoughts and possibly have dream about it (dreams for me are typically not good).
I think I see the moon. it's either a moon or a parking lot light. and I know the moon is either full or very close to full (I'm pretty sure it's just very. close) but I wish all of those lights outside were off and possibly have a new moon so I could see the stars. I love the stars so much. i love the moon, too, but right now it's very bright. but I wish I was more into astronomy and knew more about it. because that's also something that's very interesting to me is space and the stars. I wanna be someone who knows about all of the constellations. but I have a horrible memory and absolutely would not be able to remember 88 different stories. although I'd want to. even though most of them or a bunch are just Zeus being a dick. but more to the science side of the stars is so interesting to me that they're soooooo far away. like they're literally incomprehensibly far away. like I cannot comprehend how big a football field is without see one, I'm agine being able to comprehend the distance of light years? like I know we know how far it is but I'm pretty sure human minds cannot comprehend how far that ACTUALLY is. even if we know it's a LOT. and isnt it cool how we're able to know there are other planets outside of the solar system? I believe it's 4 different planets that we know of that are MORE inhabitable than earth. like better to live on. and they have either older or stronger stars that wouldn't die out as fast as our sun. although there comes the debate of if we should be able to go to them. it's a very debatable question, but I think overall the answer would be no. because humans have fucked up an entire planet, why should we be allowed to do it to another? like it realize it's literally a percent of humans that fucked it up for the rest of the planet, but humans have an inner need to have power over everyone else and other things and would stop at nothing to get what they want. humans could so easily become corrupt and destroy other planets too. it's kind of a fucked up thing to say, but I feel like maybe humans should die out with our planet. like of course it's not fair to the ones who haven't had the chance to live a life yet. but it was never fair to the other creatures humans killed for their own needs. like we have caused extinction several times. karma will get you back in the end ig. and it would be cool to know but obviously we wouldnt be able to know, if a species even smarter than humans evolved and kept the peace on earth, even as the ruling species? ruling sounds wrong but idk what else to call it. whatever we are above everything else is what they would be. but it would be so amazing to know what smarter beings are alive or could eventually live. like that's so fucking cool.
anyways I should probably try to sleep or put phone down because now brian doesnt have time to let me do anything I shouldnt. it's 4:30 😂 someone is probably gonna wake up soon because idk.
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fatestemptress · 5 years
Overwhelming Alternatives - Part 1 of 3
Summary: Jensen Ackles loves women.  The way they smell.  The way they taste.  The way their hips sway when they walk away from him, looking back with that knowing look in their eyes.  Hell, he can’t even look at one of his best friends, Y/N, without picturing her naked.
So can someone please explain to him why he’s fantasizing about his co-worker Jared Padalecki?
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Square Filled: Sexuality Crisis
Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut.  Masturbation. Porn watching. MMF. 18+ only!
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki; Eventually Jensen x Y/N X Jared
Word Count On this Chapter: 5,300 or so
A/N: Hiiiiii!  Its been sooo long and I have missed so many wonderful fics out there.  I am dying to catch up!  I’ve had this fic sitting in my drafts and it’s finally ready to post.  This will eventually be a threesome, so if that’s not your thing please be forewarned. The other two chapters of this will fill some of my other kink bingo squares.
Please note, this is unbeta’d.  Any and all grammatical errors are mine.  (And I’m sure there are PLENTY. :))
"Fuck Jen!  Hold still would ya'?!"
"I'm trying but your big sausage fingers keep pinching me!"
Jensen Ackles could practically hear the smirk coming from behind him as his co-star and best friend Jared Padalecki rubbed at the fake blood caught under the collar of his shirt behind his neck.  
And he desperately hoped one of his favorite people in the world couldn't feel the shudder of his body as his fingers dipped into the sensitive top part of his spine. The tingles quickly spread out into the wide set of his shoulders and down into his fingertips making them itch with the need to reach behind him and grab Jared by the hip and bring his full body against his back.
He needed to stop this nonsense.  He wasn't gay.  He didn't like guys.  In fact, he LOVED women.  The way they smelled.  They way they tasted.  They way they whined into his ear when he was balls deep with their ankles around his neck.
Annnnnnnd he needed to stop that freight train of thought as his already half hard dick started filling out into a full blown, humiliating, hard on, in front of the remaining crew on set.
"Allright, allright Jay.  The rest'll come out when I get in the shower back in my trailer.  I just didn't want it dripping down my back."
And damned if that didn't just bring unwanted (cause they were UNWANTED...right?) images of something alot more pleasant and alot more white dripping down his back........
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as he playfully massaged his fingers into Jensen's neck, "Wasn't it nice and warm though, Jen?"
With a deep clearing of his throat, side eye and a conspicuous adjustment of his jeans, Jensen reached for his jacket and slung it on, "I won't even dignify that with an answer.  So uh, I'll see you in a little while?  We still on for Madden?"
Jared flipped his hair out of his eyes as he also reached for his coat, seemingly oblivious to his friends discomfort,"Yeah, sure thing.  Gotta shower and then I'll meet you at your trailer in about an hour."
With a quick fist pound and a wave to the few people on set, Jensen and Jared parted ways as they made their way to their respective trailers.  It had been a long day with an early 4:00 AM call but production issues had them calling it quits at 5:00 PM.  
But despite the hectic schedule, two and a half seasons into the show "Supernatural", Jensen was still pumped to come to work everyday.  It definitely helped that everyone on set truly did get along and it was a blessing that he and his co-star had gotten so close, so fast.
What didn't help was the increasing drive to see Jared's cock that had somehow, someway meandered into his every waking moment.  A drive that he had never, not once, had from another man.  And he had been hit on pretty frequently over his career being an actor and having, what he'd been told, were the sweetest dick-sucking lips some of them had ever seen.
But regardless of all that, the only thing he had wanted to eat was a nice, wet pussy.  He loved that shit.  Savored it.  And never, not once, had he ever tried to replace it with a dick.
Until Jared.
Jensen sighed in frustration as he dressed in a pair of black sweats, sans underwear, and a white t-shirt, after his long, hot shower, where he had deliberately denied himself even a quick, rub and tug.
He wasn't gay dammit.  And he wasn't going to start giving into these dark emotions that had been slowly increasing over the past two and half years.  
Fucking Jared.
And his big shoulders.
And solid abs.
And his goofy hair.
And his fucking dimples.
And those ridiculous yellow-green eyes.....
.....that practically sparkled at him whenever he laughed at some sarcastic comment Jensen threw his way.
Fuck but he needed to get laid.  
And fast.  
It had been three long months since he last sunk his dick into a warm willing body and that had been from a one night stand at a random bar in Downtown Vancouver.  Despite the success of the show, they were still relatively unknown enough that it was easy to go out without getting bombarded by fans.  But both of them were still careful with who they took home.  
Crazy sometimes wore a pretty face and a hot body.
Just as Jensen had settled into his deep, fluffy couch with the remote in his hand, his phone rang and a sweet smile and sexy eyes looked up at him from the picture on his cell.  
With a smile of his own, Jensen picked up the phone, "Hey Gorgeous.  Whats doin'?"
"Hey, Ackles," Y/N chirped into his ear,  "What's cookin'?"
Y/N Y/L/N was the Production Coordinator on the show and sometimes Jensen thought her job was the hardest of them all, practically running the ship behind the scenes, managing all the Production Assistants and dealing with all the whining that comes with it.  Even though they had a good crew, people were still human and lord knows they needed someone to bitch to when they felt they weren't being appreciated.  But Y/N handled it all with grace and a firm hand.  She was respected by everyone on set and, if Jensen was being honest with himself, everyone, male and females included, were already half in love with her.  
Jensen was lucky to call her one of his closest friends......and if he sometimes pictured her naked, well, it was only natural.  She was beautiful, intelligent and sarcastic as hell and he was by no means a saint.
"Waitin' on Jared to finish conditioning his hair.  He's gonna come over and get his ass kicked in Madden."
Y/N let out a husky laugh in his ear and Jensen shifted as his dick twitched at the sexy sound.  Maybe he should have considered underwear.
"So another two hours then?"  She deadpanned.
"Nah.  I think deep conditioning was yesterday.  He should be here soon."
"Ha!  Okay,"  Y/N let out a slight sigh in his ear and it sounded almost melancholy.
"Hey, whats wrong?  You okay?"
"Yeah....I mean....yeah I'm fine.  It's just....I broke up with Chad."
Jensen's ears perked up at the name of Y/N's, now, ex-boyfriend, "Wow, I'm, uh, really sorry to hear that, Honey."
Y/N let out a snort, "No, you're fucking not.  I know you hated him.  You made it pretty clear every time you saw him."
With a chuckle, Jensen shrugged, "You're right.  I did fucking hate him.  He didn't deserve you. He was a jerk who was starting to become a possessive asshole.  And his name was Chad.  It's almost a pre-requisite that douche bags are named Chad.  But, uh, why did you finally see the light?"
There was silence on the other end for a a bit before she answered, "He, um, tried to tell me that I was getting too close to you and Jared and that I needed to stop being friends with you outside of work.  So I told him to fuck off and take a hike."
Jensen let out a snort of his own, "That's my girl,"  At the continued silence, he cleared his throat slightly,  "Are you okay?  I mean, listen, even though I hated the guy, I'm not the one who's gotta be with him.  You know I'll support you no matter what and I don't want to be the reason you're not with someone that you maybe....love-"
"Yeah, no.  There wasn't any love there,"  She quickly interrupted before heaving another sigh, "I was just....I dunno...lonely I guess?  The hours we work are brutal and he was,  you know, around.  Whatever, what's done is done and honestly no ones gonna tell me I cant hang with my two favorite pain in the asses."
Jensen didn't acknowledge the thrill that ran through him at her words.  He was just gonna ignore the hum of content that made him smile.  She was his friend, (hot, sexy, beautiful friend), "Do you wanna come over and hang with us?  Take your mind off of things?"
"Thanks.  I may take you up on that later on tonight.  I'll text you."
"I still got a bottle of Stoli Razz here from last time if you're interested in getting obliterated."  
"Ahhh, Ackles.  You always know just what I need.  Talk soon."
With a smile and a goodbye, Jensen ended the call.  Since he'd started talking to Y/N on a more personal level about a year ago, she had been with Jerk-off-Chad.  And despite his sexual attraction to her, he'd always kept her in his off limits category.  Even without her having a boyfriend, he didn't want to jeopardize what they had.  He respected her way too much for that.
So then why did he have a sudden vision of her on her back while he licked between her legs?
Fuuuuck he realllly needed to get laid.
First Jared and now Y/N.
Both people he loved and cared for deeply as friends.  And his perverted mind was making them into sexual conquests.
Maybe a quick rub and tug was just what the doctor ordered.
With a quick glance at the time, Jensen realized he still had a good twenty minutes before he could expect Jared to knock on his trailer door.  Plenty of time to relieve some of the ache his too full balls were giving him.
He quickly pulled his lap top over from its resting place on the side table next to his couch and brought up one of his favorite porn sites.  (Yes, he had favorites and if you asked him he'd tell you he had his go-to videos categorized and in corresponding folders.  Fuck anyone's opinion.  He was twenty-eight, almost twenty-nine with no steady girlfriend.  His hand rarely left his dick when he was alone.)  
In a rush, he picked a random video that looked good and pressed play before placing it back on the side table with the screen facing him.  A deep moan drifted from the speakers as he saw a girl kneeling in front of a huge dick before she swallowed it down in one gulp, lovingly rubbing the balls underneath.  Another loud moan drifted from the speakers.
Shit.  Way too loud.  No need to have one of the crew walk by his trailer and have a story to tell the others tomorrow morning.  
Quickly, Jensen reached over for his ear buds and plugged them in before setting his phone to vibrate and placing it next to him so he could feel it.  Jared would text before he came over.  He always did.
Reaching down, Jensen wrapped a hand over the slowly rising bulge in his sweatpants and bit his lip.  He caressed the head through his pants and was glad the pants were black.  Wet spots on the crotch of grey pants were never a good look.  
And the close ups of the chick's wet pussy and spit slicked swollen mouth were making his cock start doing a steady drip-drip.
He pulled his shirt up over the flat panes of his stomach before squeezing his cock and adjusting it so it lay underneath the band of his pants, the swollen head peaking out of the top as he brought his thumb around the wetness, coating it before letting out a moan of his own.  He liked to tease himself.  Draw it out a little bit before the end result.
"Fuck baby," Big-dick guy said on a gasp from his place on a brown couch, "Suck it.  Yeah...just like that."
The blue eyed blond on her knees let out a whine before releasing the cock with a pop, "So big," She said as she rapidly stroked him from root to tip, "I don't think I can suck this all by myself."  
"Mmmm,"  Big-dick hummed with a dirty grin, "Lucky for us we got some help."
Well,shit.  He had picked a threesome video without even knowing it.  Two chicks sucking on one dick?  Every. Guys. Fantasy.  Bring it on.
The camera panned back into the guys lap as the blonde licked up the side of his cock and a shaggy dark haired head bent down and took the guys balls into his mouth.
Well that was a shorter hair-cut than he was expecting on a chick....
The blonde reached down and grabbed the head of hair and brought the lips of the other person to hers, tongues dangling in the air, "Hey baby..." She said on a breath, before bringing the tip of the big dick to her partners mouth and tapping it against the pursed lips surrounded by a five o'clock shadow-
Five O'clock shadow?
And to his surprise and wide eyed gaze, he watched as the dude on screen sucked down the cock in front of him with a deep growl, his shaggy hair being moved out of the way by the blonde as she waited her turn.
And instead of his dick deflating into nothing, he let out a noise he would later deny to himself as he ripped his cock out of his sweats and started rapidly stroking his dick as the guy on screen let out slutty noises and tongued down the other dudes dick before sloppily kissing the blonde with the cock in between their lips.
"Fuck, I love this dick," The guy gasped, "Want it all the time."
The blonde giggled and the camera panned to where she was running her finger around his puckered hole, "You want it here baby?"
And as the guy on his knees let out a groan, threw his head back and made his dark hair flutter around his face, Jensen let out the slightest of squeaks as he pulled roughly on his rock hard cock and he felt the pull in his balls become an onslaught of come,"Fuuuuuuuck!"
Sticky white liquid shot out of his cock and onto his stomach as he quickly realized that the reason he came so hard and so long was cause the guy on the screen was a look alike of the guy currently standing with his mouth open at his doorway.
With another squeak, Jensen slammed the laptop shut, ripped his ear buds out and quickly stuffed himself back into his sweatpants before standing up on shaky legs.
Jared blinked at him wide eyed and pink cheeked as he closed his mouth and swallowed hard, closing the trailer door softly behind him, "Uhhhh, Dude, you ever, uh, consider locking your door, if you're gonna jerk the chicken?"
"Dude, you ever consider fucking calling first before you just come over?  Or maybe knocking on the fucking door?"
"I DID knock on the fucking door but you obviously had your dirty movie on too loud.  AND I TEXTED before I came, like I always do!"
Jensen gave him an incredulous look, "No. You didn't," He shot out as he grabbed up his phone from the couch, "I would have felt the.....oh,"  Jensen gave him a sheepish glance, "Looks like I put it on silent not vibrate."
Jared's lips twitched into what could have been a smile, "Uh huh,"  Jared casually pushed passed Jensen's stiff form and plopped himself on the abandoned couch.  He spread his arms across the back of it as he glanced up at Jensen through his lashes,  "Sooooo, if I hadn't gotten here when I did, would that have been the, uh, next thing you would have pulled out?"
Jensen's eyebrows drew together in confusion, as his humiliation continued to burn through him, "Pulled what out?"
Jared bit his bottom lip, obviously trying not to laugh out loud, "Never mind.  Man, its fine.  Stop looking at me like you wanna crawl into a hole.  We ALL fucking do it.  Hell, I jerked off twice in the shower before coming here."
Ignoring the pull of desire in his belly at Jared's words, Jensen groaned out loud and threw himself down onto the other end of the couch and rubbed his hands over his face, "So fucking embarrassing," He muttered into his fingers, refusing to look over at Jared.
A small squeaking sound, slid through the air and sounds of heavy breathing filled the awkward space.
"Yeah baby, just like that.  Fuck me with your fingers."
Jensen's head shot up as Jared let out a deep belly laugh and stared at Jensen's re-opened laptop at the kneeling guy on the screen getting his pink hole finger fucked by the blonde chick next to him as he sucked and licked the cock in front of him.
"DUUUUUDE, this is some kinky shit."
"What the fu-? Jay!  Why would you turn that back on?!"  Jensen threw himself over Jared's lap, ignoring the loud laughter falling out Jared's mouth and frantically pressed buttons until it stopped playing and slammed the laptop shut once again.  He whipped his head to the side and glared at the wide grin inches from his face, "You're an asshole, you know that?"
Jared winked at Jensen as he shifted his hips underneath him, poking Jensen in the stomach with something, "You're taking this way too seriously, Man."
Jensen looked down into the small space between him and Jay before slowly leaning back into his own spot on the couch.  He couldn't have felt what he thought he did....did he?
With a clearing of his throat, he swallowed and sat back as he ran his hands through his hair, "This is fucking embarrassing!"  He repeated.
Shrugging, Jared leaned his head into the back of the couch and rolled his head so it was next to Jensen's, "Soooooo, does this mean....I mean...are you...gay?"
Jensen's eyes widened in alarm as his heart started pounding frantically, "NO!  I'm not fucking gay, Jay!  Did you not see the chick in the movie?  I didn't realize until it was too late that the guy was going to be...involved like that."
Jared sent a sympathetic look at Jensen's panicked gaze, "You know Jen, it's okay if you are.  I'm not judging.  Like, at all-"
"Jesus, Jared!  I'm telling you I'm not-"
"-cause I've swung both ways before soooo.."
Jensen blinked stupidly at Jared's soft smile and felt like he might pass out from sheer terror mixed with immediate curiosity.
Jared sat up and placed his elbows on his knees before lacing his fingers together, "I'm...I mean I guess...you could call me...bisexual,"  He shrugged before running his fingers through his hair and Jensen could see a slight tremble despite Jared's calm tone.
"Have you...um...had...you know.."
Another dazzling smile was sent Jensen's way, "Have I ever fucked a guy before?"  At Jensen's nod, Jared shrugged, "Yep.  Both catcher and pitcher."
"What?  You know if you cant talk about gay sex, you shouldn't be doing gay sex."  He said with a mock serious look.
"Yeah, yeah.  Well, I'm not.  Doing it.  I mean.  With guys.  And lately, not with girls either,"  Jensen ran a hand against the back of his neck, "Maybe that's the problem.  I'm backed up to the point where my brain is floating in sperm and stupidity."
Jared laughed again before placing a hand against the back of Jensen's neck and squeezing it, "Jen, again, not judging.  But, uh, coming that hard?  Usually signifies that shit is turning you on.  And then some."
Jensen gaped at Jared, "How fucking long were you standing there?"
"Long enough to wonder if you were gonna provide a cigarette after the show."
With another squeeze to his neck, Jared smirked, "What can I say, it was seriously hot."
Jensen's poor heart started pounding at an even faster clip, "You...you thought that was hot?"
Jared's smirk dropped and a look that Jensen had never seen before took it's place, "Come on, Man.  Have you seen yourself in the mirror?  Can you really blame me for thinking that way about you?"
Jensen swallowed.  Hard. "What....what way?"
Jared licked his bottom lip and bit it, "How curious are you about this?  I don't want to go down a road with you and you wake up the next morning and decide you cant work with me or you don't want to be friends.  I value our friendship, Man.  Truly.  It would kill me not to-."
"Yeah," Jensen interrupted with a soft smile, "It would kill me too."
With a smile of his own, Jared let go of Jensen's neck and sat back, "Sooo, you wanna finish watching the movie?"
Was it possible for stomachs to dip right outta your body?  Cause that's what was happening to Jensen's.
"I-uh, I mean, if you, uh, wanna, I mean..."
Taking pity on Jensen's stuttering, Jared reached under the side table and pulled out the bottle of Glenfiddich whiskey he knew was stored there, "Drink first?"
"Fuck yeah."
The first two shots burned on the way down.  By the time they were both nursing the third drink, Jensen was feeling the edges of his anxiety start to float away and Jared was sitting closer to him on the couch.
They talked a little more about Jared and his previous male conquests.  ("They were pretty.  And hot.  I have a hard time saying no to pretty and hot.")
And they spoke of how he may not advertise his sexuality but he wasn't ashamed of it either. ("Pussy and dick both make me come.  Soooo, why not?")
By the time they reached the point where Jensen felt brave enough to let Jay turn on the laptop, he was sporting some chub thinking of his best friend in these compromising positions.  
And if Jay's gaze was any indication, it was very noticeable.  
Fucking sweatpants.  
Clearing his throat, Jared pressed play and placed it on the couch in between them.
"Suck that cock.  Fuck yeah.  So fucking hot."  The blonde said as she continued to finger fuck the dark haired guys ass before quickly adding a second finger.  The blonde slapped one of the guys ass cheeks with her free hand before using the same hand to separate them, "Look how pretty.  Can't wait for you to take that monster up in here.  Gonna make you eat my pussy while you take it."
Jensen's head was swimming as a deep pulse of lust shot into his stomach and straight to his dick.  His mind was quickly replacing the images on screen with him being the one sitting on the couch, running his hand through Jared's hair as he sucked his cock with major enthusiasm.
Fuck, could he really be this hard, this fast?
Sending a surreptitious glance toward Jared, Jensen took another sip of his drink and adjusted himself on the couch, trying to sit in such a way that his wood wasn't so obvious.
He was terribly unsuccessful.
Especially considering he had looked into Jared's lap and saw a massive boner laying against the side of his leg, plainly visible in the track pants he was wearing.
This time, Jensen had to bite his lip to keep in the moan that threatened to fly out of his throat.  
"You, uh,  you okay?"
Jensen's head shot up at Jared's deep baritone and he swallowed at the look of lust making Jared's eyes darken, "I, uh, maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."  He said as he placed his drink on the table next to him.
Jared looked down at the tent in Jensen's sweats, before raising an eyebrow, "You sure about that, Jen?"
At that moment, the dark haired guy on screen let out a loud moan and both of their heads swiveled back to the screen just in time to see him take Big-Dicks cock in his ass.  He swiveled his hip and pushed against Big-Dick before licking up the blondes thigh in front of him, plunging his tongue in her pussy.
"Fuck...." Jared let out before he reached down and squeezed his dick through his pants, "That's fucking hot."
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Watching Jared touch himself through his pants was gonna make Jensen blow his wad straight across the room.  The throbbing in his sweats was becoming unbearable and mixed with the whiskey in his system, he was ready to say fuck it and whip his dick out.
"Deeper.."  The guy on screen begged in between long licks to the blondes pussy, "Deeper, Man.  Yeah, just like that."
Big-Dick obliged and he adjusted himself to give the guy long, hard, deep strokes as his partner let out a groan and lay his head on the blondes thigh; his hard cock swinging between his legs with the pounding he was happily taking.
"You like that baby?" The blonde cooed as she ran her fingers through his hair, "Feels good right?"
"Oh my God," Jensen couldn't help but let out softly as he felt his dick dribble out pre-cum into his pants.
Jared looked up into Jensen's face and shuddered out a breath, "Dude, I'm so fucking horny right now that if I don't take out my dick, its gonna explode in my pants."
Jensen shut his eyes at the shot of want that streaked down his spine, "Shit, Jay.  You're gonna kill me."
"Is that a yes?"
What to do?  Lord knew he was so far gone the room was spinning.  Though the whiskey could've had a hand in that as well.
Instead of answering, Jensen reached into his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock and immediately started stroking it from root to tip.  He was so worked up, his hips involuntarily canted into his grip and he let out a groan and dropped his head onto the back of the sofa letting it loll to the side, facing Jared.
Jensen watched as Jared's eyes widened at the sight in front of him and he started letting out gasping breaths before reaching into his underwear, pulling out his cock (Big-fucking-cock.  Want-it-in-his-mouth-cock) as he pulled down his pants with the other hand.  Jay's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he leaned back against the sofa, inches away from Jensen's gasping mouth.  
"Fuck..."  Jensen whispered as he felt Jared's rapid breaths against his lips.  Immediately, he licked his lower lip trying in vain to catch the taste of his best friend and swallow it down.  He opened his eyes into slits and peered right into yellow-green orbs as he let out a low moan when his cock jerked in his hand.
He was so fucking close....
Jared let out a deep groan in tandem with Jensen, his mouth hanging slightly open as his hand reached down and played with his sack, "Jen....God...the things I wanna do to you..."
Those thick lips were so close to his own, he could practically feel them opening up and taking everything he had to give.  He licked his lips, hoping his tongue would graze against Jared's but instead he felt an answering lick against the tip of his tongue as Jared tentatively rubbed it against his.
"Again...." Jensen groaned, "Please....again."
A sound of complete surrender left Jared's throat as he closed the small distance between their mouths and immediately wrapped his tongue around Jensen's before sucking Jensen's bottom lip into his mouth.  
A bomb went through Jensen's torso and immediately erupted out of his dick as he came so hard his eyes crossed and he moaned long and loud into Jared's mouth causing the other man to moan in return. Come arched through the air and landed right on his t-shirt as he closed his mouth over Jared's and kissed him with deep strokes of his tongue.
"Oh God, oh FUCK!"
The loud scream from the laptop caused both men to separate and look down in time to see the dark haired guy on screen on his back getting plowed by Big-Dick as the blonde sucked down his cock.
"I'm gonna come!" He yelled into the air, "I'm gonna come."
As the blonde lifted her face out of the way, he shot up and onto his chest with loud grunts as the guy who had been fucking him pulled out and helped the blonde lap up the come on his chest.  
A low groan came from Jared, "Ugggghhh, Jen.  Shiiiiit."
Jensen looked to the side just in time to see Jared rip up his T-shirt  just as his red tipped dick erupted onto his now exposed stomach.
It was by far one of the hottest fucking things he had ever seen in his life.
As both men leaned back letting out low gasps, Jensen waited for the awkwardness to settle in.  But nothing happened.   He blinked up at the ceiling of the trailer and tried to trudge up something of the fear that he felt earlier but instead he  just felt....content.
"You okay, Jen?"  
Jensen turned his head to meet Jared's slightly panicked eyes.
Jared gulped as Jensen didn't immediately answer,  "I mean...are we okay?"
Taking in that strong jawline and those beautiful eyes, Jensen smiled, "Yeah.  Yeah, Jay.  We're good."
Letting out a sigh of relief, Jared closed the laptop between them and placed it on the table before closing the small distance between their bodies.  As Jensen felt the heat radiating off of Jared's body bleed into own, he let his eyes slide down to the curve of Jared's lips and couldn't help but bring his mouth to his and press a soft kiss against them.  He felt Jared smile before the taller man deepened the kiss and slid one of those massive hands of his across Jensen's t-shirt covered stomach.  With a groan into Jensen's mouth. he squeezed at the side of Jensen's waist before meandering his fingers up his chest towards his neck before suddenly stopping and looking down at his hand.
"What's wrong?"  Jensen on a breath.
Biting his lip, Jared brought up his shiny fingers, "Dude, you either have a talent for shooting long distance or you really were backed up,"
Jensen's eyes widened, "Is that my-"
"Come?  Yep," Jared opened his mouth and inserted his fingers before sucking them deep and releasing them with a pop and a smirk, "Still warm too."
Another dip in his belly as Jensen tried to decide how he felt about watching his best friend lick his come off his fingers.  When said friend, winked at him and bit his bottom lip, Jensen decided he was abso-fucking-lutley okay with it, "Fuck.  You're gonna kill me."
Jared hummed deep in his throat and leaned his head in to kiss Jensen again when a loud knock sounded at the door.
"Yo!  Open up the door!  You two fools better not have drank all the alcohol."
Shit!  Y/N!
With panicky eyes and fumbling hands righting clothes, Jensen cleared his throat and quickly made it to the door after looking back to make sure Jared was decent.
"Hey!"  Y/N said with a bright smile when the door opened, "Sorry I took so long.  Crisis with Christy happened.  Again!"  Y/N said referring to one of the PA's on staff as she made her way around Jensen and to his small kitchenette, "But I brought pizza!"  She lifted the box in her hands before placing it on the table, "Hope you guys are hungry."
Jared and Jensen shared a heavy look before Jared answered, "Yeah, I'd say we worked up a pretty decent appetite today."
Y/N looked around the trailer and took a deep breath, swinging around making the short skirt she had on flounce in the air, "It smells like bad decisions in here, Ackles.  You really need to clean up after you bang random chick number sixty-nine."
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as Jensen pursed his lips at his friend, "I did not bang any..chick in here. Thank you very much."
Y/N shrugged off her jacket and placed it on the back of a chair before plopping down next to Jared on the couch, "Then you need to figure out which sock is lying around and still hiding the evidence of your last....activities."
"Just sayin'."
Tagging some peeps that may be interested.  Let me know if its not your thing and you’d rather not be tagged.
@thoughtslikeaminefield  @maddiepants @coffee-obsessed-writer @pisces-cutie @idreamofplaid @tumbler-tidbits @glassjacket @boondoctorwho @spnkinkbingo
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loki-laufeyson233 · 5 years
The Gold at Dusk
Chapter 2 unedited
I woke early in the morning, still wearing the clothes from the night before, my phone in hand. Sitting up, my back pops, and I walk to the bathroom. Someone knocks at my door and I wave them away, even though they can't see it. The person knocks again and I groan, walking to the door. I open it and see Steve standing there. I groan again and go to shut the door; he slips into my room and grabs my arm. I jerk in his grip.
"Let go." I state firmly and groggy. He doesn't let go and I get angry. I shoot some electricity into his hand, forcing Steve to let go.
"Then listen to me. I know I'm not your father. But I am in charge here. And you will listen to my instructions. We could have needed you last night and you weren't here." I turn around sharply, pressing my face to his like I did last night.
" you have never let me help on a mission. Last night would have been no different. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the bathroom. " I turn sharply again and walk into my bathroom, relieving myself quickly. I walk out after swiftly washing my hands to see Tony where Steve was.
"Where's steve?" I notice we were the only two on the room.
" not important Nikole. Are you ok? " I look at him, confused. Did he just ask if I was ok?
"What do you think? I never had a family. And you're new to me. I was fine out with Xaviar." I try to push past Tony, only for him to grip my shoulders.
"No you weren't. We were told of what you were doing." I look up at him, starting to shake with anger and some sadness.
" get out. " I order tony.
"You ran every night. You exposed yourself to the public. And you made friends with normal people. All before you were allowed to. Must I go into what you did AFTER you were allowed to?" I lean against him, shaking with sadness.
" I just wanted to find my family... " Tony hugs me and pats my back, clearly unsure of what to do. I push against him and storm from the room. I opened up. The last time I did that- I make it down the hallway before slumping against the wall, crying. I can't do that again. Tony must have followed me as he pulls me into another hug, right there on the floor for anyone to see if they just walked past.
After I stop, Tony pulls back and looks at me.
"Better?" I nod and stand again, wiping my face from tears. Tony stands as well and leads me into the kitchen. I sit at the bar part of it and reach over, searching for the vodka bottle.
"No. It's too early for that." Tony swats my hand away and calls for Steve. And I'm too young for it. I stand and walk from the room the moment Tony calls. No. Not today. I walk swiftly, no idea where I'm going. I collide with someone in the hallway, and they instantly put their hands around me. I look up to see Loki again. I smile and lean against him.
"You seem like the only one who understands..." I mutter to myself. He pulls back, looks around, then leads me to the elevator.
" they don't understand the unique and gifted. People like us. " Loki speaks once we get to the elevator and punches in a combination I know so well. The top floor.
"I'm not gifted. I'm cursed." I look at the ground as the elevator goes up. I hear Loki shift to face me.
" and I am not? Nikole, look at me. " I look up slowly. Loki had switched from his Asgardian form to his Jotun one. I knew I couldn't touch him without getting hurt, but I suddenly had the urge to hug him. Loki smiles and returns to Asgardian. I hug him softly once he returns. The elevator doors ding and open to the floor, Loki pulls me to the roof and we sit on the edge again.
"Go on. Tell me everything." I shake my head and lean against him, starting to shake again.
" I-I cant... " he wraps a hand around me.
"You will one day." He smiles and we watch the cars drive past the building. I nod again.
" Maybe. " I lean forward, testing my limits. Loki pushes me back, eyes wide.
"Hey. It's ok. It'll be ok. We got the dinner tonight." I chuckle softly.
" Yeah. The dinner. I know you don't care, but I invited Cierra. " Loki messes up my hair.
"Of course you did." He smiles and I look at him, laughing a little.
I sit in my room, thinking about wearing a green t-shirt and black pants, when my phone buzzes.
Headed over. Hope it's casual dress.
Yeah. It is. See you in 25min.
I throw the outfit on, deciding to go barefoot, and walk to the main floor. I keep my phone out and go into Pinterest, scrolling through the pins. Ugh. This dinner can't come fast enough. I shift my position on the couch and hanging my legs over the back, sitting upside down. I get out of Pinterest and text Cierra.
Come on, C. It's been 20 minutes.
I sigh out of boredom and start to count the window panes. Over and over again. The same eight panes. It seemed like years passed before my phone buzzes again. I jerk and grab it, quickly opening the message.
Here. :D
I fly from the couch, Steve and Tony start yelling from the floor above me, the kitchen level. I chuckle and go to the main entrance. I open the door to see Cierra. Holding rolls. I smile.
"Welcome, my dude." I place an arm on her shoulder and walk to the elevator, Loki appearing seemingly out of nowhere. I jump a little and look at him.
" This Cierra you speak so much about? " He speaks smoothly and I feel Cierra prob my mind a little. God, Loki, stop doing that. You're too hot to do that without making me blush. I hear Cierra chuckle, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Damn it, C. Yeah this is her Loki." I feel my cheeks heat up. Wanna walk with us? I shake my head at myself .
"Hey, Loki, my dude, wanna come with us?" Cierra asks Loki. I glare at her and bump her shoulder, a little frustrated.
"Of course. I'm headed to the kitchen to see the fail between Tony and Steve." He winks at us and opens the elevator. Cierra and I walk in, followed shortly by Loki. We stand, with me in the middle, as the doors shut.
" So, how's life N? " I groan internally.
"Wonderful." I keep my answers short. Loki looks down at me and places and arm on my shoulder. I blush again and Cierra bumps my shoulder a little.
"Loki, how's hanging with my bud here?" I suddenly wonder what's going on in Loki's mind. Cierra chuckles at me.
"If only you knew." She whispers in my ear.
" if only you knew the adventures we go on. It's amazing. " He speaks gently and Cierra leans to me.
"Just like her." She whispers, forcing me to blush harder. The elevator doors open and the room is covered in smoke.
"Tony?! Steve?!" I call and Sprint into the room, quickly opening windows and using another ability to get rid of the smoke. The room clears and a pan filled with burned items sits on the table, both Tony and Steve standing with pans and towels in their hands.
"Oh my god. Don't do that!" I slap them both then give them a hug; I try to hide my emotion. I can't loose my family today. I think while hugging tony, a little longer than a normal hug, which causes Steve to join in and make it a small group hug with me in the middle, again. I release Tony and push from the two of them. I turn around to see both Loki and Cierra staring at us. Cierra looks sympathetic and Loki looks like he's calculating everything.
"Don't do that again." I whisper sternly. I walk from the room and to mine, tears starting to fall.
I call down the hallway, "introduce her please loki." I shut my door and sit against the wall, crying into my knees.
After about 30 seconds, a knock comes from my door, and I call them in. Loki enters and sits next to me, after closing the door. I lean on him, forcing my tears to stop.
"Nikole. Let them go." He places an arm around me again as I shake my head.
"I told Steve last night that he's not my father, but he's the closest I've had. Besides Xavier. I-I couldn't loose them." I look at Loki.
"I know. I know." Loki presses his lips against my head and then rests his chin there. I smile softly, not really registering the action.
"We should go back." Loki sighs and nods, standing up. I look up at him and stand as well. We walk back to the kitchen and there sits Steve on a bar stool, sitting next to Cierra. Tony standing across them, drinking a bottle of alcohol. Thor had joined, along with Natasha and Clint. I smile at everyone and subconsciously side hug Loki. He tense for a second before returning the action. That's how we walked into the room. Cierra was the first to notice us, followed shortly by Steve and Tony. Thor gazes at his little brother fondly as Natasha and Clint talk without noticing us.
I smile a little before realizing Loki's hand is on my waist. I blush and step away from him and to the bar. Loki walks to his brother, everyone having their own conversations. I look around the room before my attention is brought back to the bar group.
"Good thing you brought those rolls, Cierra. We had burned ours..." Steve chuckles and shakes his head. Tony glances up at me and I make eye contact, nodding to show that I'm ok. Cierra laughs and brings me back to her and Steve. I smile and nudge her before thinking to her, knowing of her ability. You two look so cute together. She looks at me and I wink at her, making her blush. I chuckle softly and reach over to grab a bottle of vodka. Tony shakes his head and slides over to me, leaning on the counter. I open the bottle and drink a few gulps.
"Hey, you ok kid?" I smile softly and look around the room before back at him.
"Yeah. You guys did scare me with all of the smoke and stuff." I take in a few more gulps, a hand places in my shoulder and I look up to see Tony reaching at me.
"I'm sorry. Steve had said seven more minutes. I disagreed. We kept them in for another 15." Tony chuckles and finishes his beer. I laugh with him and drink more of the vodka.
" I just wasn't ready to loose you guys. And if you tell anyone this, I'll deny I ever said it, but you're my family. I don't know what I'd do without you. " I whisper softly. Tony smiles and pats my shoulder a few times.
"Love you too, kid."
" I'm 18. Not a kid. " I smile any way. Tony messes up my hair and calls for everyone to gather around, standing up. I keep facing Tony as everyone gathers around, a hand places themself on my shoulder, causing me to jump and look up. Loki! I smile at him then look back as Tony starts to speak.
"Ok. This is our monthly family supper and we're all glad to be here. Family," Tony nods to me, " and friends. " he gestures to everyone else. "Well. You all know I don't do speeches, so I gue-" Tony stops as the elevator doors open and Peter walks in, his arm wrapping around the waist of a fair skinned, long black haired female. She looks nice.
"Peter! My boy!" Tony grins and walks towards him.
"And who is your date?" Tony wraps his arm around Peter's shoulder and guide him to the bar, where everyone is at.
"Emily." Peter grins and kisses her cheek. A shot of jealousy shoots through me and I look up at Loki. Why can't I have a relationship like her? Loki gently squeezes my shoulder and I smile at him, looking back at Tony as he begins to speak again.
"With all that said, let's eat!" We all cheer and Loki helps me up.
" You didn't need to do that. I can stand on my own. " I smile at him.
"I know you can." He smiles back and we all walk into the dinner room.
We all walk into the room and sit. Tony at the head of the table, Steve to his right, Sierra next to him, then Thor. Peter on Tony's left, Emily next to Peter, Clint then Natasha. Loki sits down next to Thor, leaving me to sit on the opposite end of the table from Tony. I look around the table and take in the sights of everyone talking to different people. A smile crawls on my face as I look at the fried chicken on plates, the green beans in a bowl with a touch of butter on top, mashed potatoes covered with brown gravy. I notice a slight shift in Loki's position and his hand slides under the table. I feel a small warmth as his hand finds my knee. I look at him, finding that he is already looking at me. The smile fades a little as I tilt my head. Loki shakes his head a bit, removes his hand, and starts talking to Peter. I keep smiling and rest my head against my hand. Thank god my family's here. I wish we could do this more often. Tony breaks my thoughts as he tells everyone to begin eating. The chicken starts down with Peter and Emily. The potatoes with Cierra and Thor. And the green beans with Natasha and Clint. I look over at Loki and levitate some chicken, potatoes and green beans, enough for both Loki and I. I set them on our plates and look at the shocked faces around the table.
"Nope. You get to guess my power. I'm not going to tell you." A few groans escape from the people around me; I smile and take a bite of the chicken. Ha. Tony cheated again. Kfc. I keep eating and glance quickly at Loki, to see him eating happily.
"So, Tony, where's Banner?" I ask.
" He's doing some research and new developments. He sends his apologies. " Tony responds and fills his mouth with chicken.
We eat swiftly and sit around the table, nothing much was going on. Or that is until Thor accidentally flings some potatoes at Tony. Which opened a new jar of pickles. Tony flings potatoes back and Steve throws green beans at Natasha. I catch Loki's eye and he rolls them, both of us chuckling at their childlike behavior. I notice movement and look at it to see Thor pick up the bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy. Loki looks at Thor, just in time for the bowl to dump on Loki's head. Everyone stops. We wait. Loki slowly wipes the potatoes from his eyes and glares at Thor. Oh, shit. We're screwed now. Loki begins to laugh a little, clearly not in humor, and uses magic to tie Thor up and dangle him from the ceiling.
"You can continue now." Loki states smoothly and everyone decides not to. Good choice.
After a few minutes, Loki turns off the magic and Thor comes crashing down with a loud thump. I look at Loki and signal for him to go to the kitchen. He nods and walks silently into the room and I follow shortly. I smile at his potatoed hair and his confident position.
"May i?" I ask calmly and gesture to his hair.
" of course. " He smiles gently and sits on a stool, bringing it to the kitchen sink.
"Lean back." I speak gently and turn on the sink. Loki places his head down and looks up at me. I keep smiling and get some of the non scented soap Tony buys and place it next to me. Nerves hit me as soon as I begin to wash the potatoes out. I don't touch Loki until I have to; I work in small circles, rinsing the hair clean. I grab some soap, wash it a little before rinsing again, and turning off the sink. Loki looks at me again and I blush lightly.
"Thank you." I nod and find a towel. Loki's gaze burrowing into my neck, causing the hairs to prick a little. I walk back to him and hand Loki the towel. He dries his hair a little and places the towel on his shoulders, to catch any excess water. I shuffle my feet a little and point with my thumb to the diner room.
"So you want to go back." Loki nods again and returns the stool, walking back; I follow suit and walk in to see everyone just lounging around and talking to one another. I don't sit again, but instead, I look at Tony before clapping my hands together. All pairs of eyes fall to me and I grin a little.
"Ok. That's it. Let's go to a room with couches and play a game." I walk from the room quickly and to the elevator.
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