#i have to be awake in six hours
mysticalalleycat · 7 months
Do you think God knows?
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You've been sneaking out of Heaven
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Like were his eyes closed
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Cause there's no way he's just letting you
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Fall from the stars
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warriormoustache · 11 months
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Got my first shrimp goby pair last week and this is my impression of them so far.
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Godspeed to my future partner who will have to deal with my dumbass at 2 in the morning when I can’t sleep
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kris-py-president · 10 months
Nah coz you guys dont understand the level of excitement I felt seeing that brand spanking new doctor who opening. I started talking over the theme music trying to predict what was going to happen (yeah I'm that person) and then all of a sudden I realize that something truly magnificent is happening. My honest to God reaction was "WOAAAHH *pointing wildly at the screen*" and "WHAAAAT???? WHAT???? OH MY GOD!!!! *Pointing wildly at screen again* and "*inhuman shrieking*"
Yeah needless to say I didn't get very much predicting done. I was too enthralled with the tardis flying across the screen in HD.
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lordtraco-fanfics · 1 year
*kicks off the dust* Month of Emmet, you say? And for the next 20 minutes the prompt is "Dreams"? Alllllright~
Emmet groaned softly when a noise awoke him. While he was well equipped to sleep through the usual noises of his twin definitely-not-snoring, as well as their daily alarm, it was unusual noises that caught him off guard. If it wasn't on the schedule, he needed to know about such unplanned stops.
It was a tiny sound, crackly yet gutteral. It shot straight to his heart when the second cry rang out. His baby was in pain.
In a flash, he was in the room kept purely for their pokemon. He gripped the doorway hard as his blood finally got the memo on the sudden change in route. He thankfully couldn't see any signs of a scuffle or injury from his vantage point, but he knew his pokemon typically curled up in a web behind Garbodor.
The trek was perilous through many beautiful pokemon sleeping so deeply. Especially with the joltik, who cuddled in piles seemingly at random along the floor. Thankfully those piles sparkled with electricity enough to notify Emmet where not to step.
He did accidentally nudge his durant durring one misstep, but they just gave him an unamused glance and went back to bed.
When he finally got to the back of the room, he noticed Haxorus was up and looking anxious. Emmet followed the dragon's gaze upwards to his Galvantula, who was making soft whining sounds and twitching in her sleep. Returning to look at the dragon again, he softly mumbled "up?"
Climbing atop a haxorus is against most safety protocols, but Emmet's choices were limited. As nice as Ingo's well-tempered Garbodor was, that was not the kind of tactile experience to be having at the krookodile-of-dawn. The mental pun caught him off guard on his climb, but failed to stop him.
"Puns. Ingo is a verrrry bad influence." He mumbled while running his hands down his face. He felt the slight jostle of Haxorus laughing and it made the situation better.
Finally up on the shoulders of a very sharp but most importantly very careful dragon, Emmet could reach high enough to slowly take his trembling pokemon's leg into his hand. He offered quiet humming and some soothing taps to her exoskeleton, hoping to help chase away whatever dream was plaguing her.
It seemed to work for a while, but soon he felt himself being lowered down. He hadn't even noticed he'd dozed off until he awoke smushed between a tranquil Galvantula and a snoring Haxorus. The cuddle pile was surprisingly comfortable.
As he nodded off again, Emmet dreamed of being a joltik in a happy little pile of friends. Comfy, safe, soft, peaceful.
The next morning, Ingo found his brother dead tired with the worst static-charged bedhead he'd ever seen. Still, Ingo was happy to see that Emmet smiled brighter than ever the whole day.
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ellies-enrichment · 10 months
I have slept 3 hours
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fooltofancy · 7 months
@ the little voice in the back of my skull whispering how are you still not asleep with increasing desperation, that's not actually helping me fall asleep bud
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boxchewr · 1 year
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i want to chew on him like my dog chews on a squeaky toy
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vestigialpersonality · 3 months
Troubled Skies Chapter 2 Preview
I'm in the process of final edits for chapter 2 (finally), so here's a tiny preview of what is coming.
Hunger gnawed at his ribs, its desperate howls echoed in the incessant twitch of his eyelid and the slight tremble in his hand. The tasteless whitefish from the night before was little more than a distant memory. But this had become a deliberate fast, a way to sharpen his baser instincts to a knife's edge so there would be no room for second thoughts once the sailor was located. He rode the fine line between self-control and fury straight toward damnation. No hesitation. No Mercy.
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: Gortash/Transmasc Dark Urge Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: Violence, Major Character Death Additional Warnings: DD:DNE blood, violence, torture, cannibalism, murder, misgendering, assisted suicide, violence against sex workers, light stalking.
Link to Chapter 1
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bluebellhairpin · 10 days
having online friends is great but it also fucking sucks ass because the moment you find one in your timezone you realize you have nothing to talk to them about, and the ones who you can talk to stuff about aren't in your FUCKING. TIMEZONE.
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tmae3114 · 2 months
[insert obligatory "I love the NHS, it is a good and worthwhile thing, it deserves more funding and the very overworked & understaffed staff deserve better" disclaimer here]
anyways if my local practice could PLEASE go back to the pre-covid way of doing things where you could get an in-person appointment with a gp or nurse practioner without having to do a telephone consultation first, I (a very autistic person with health concerns which don't easily map onto the e-consult forms and who is currently Suffering under her healthcare being locked behind multiple phone calls) would GREATLY appreciate it
I would also greatly appreciate it in the meantime if there was a way to get one of those currently-obligatory telephone consulations that wasn't "wake up before 8am to make a phonecall at 8am on the dot to sit in a queue for half an hour because all the consulation slots for the day WILL be taken by 9am and if you miss the window they will just tell you to phone tomorrow because they can't book any consulations in advance it can only be day-of"
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girlkisserdotcom · 1 year
francesca is my love francesca is my soul i am francesca i nurture her i keep francesca wrapped in warm blankets francesca is my life francesca is the cold breath from my lungs evaporating in the air francesca is the heat bubbling in my veins
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howldean · 1 year
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psst — angelbang fic dropped last night! 5.5k, with some seriously pretty art from @dustghoul sprinkled in, seriously, this was a blast to write (PRETTY PLEASE READ IT)
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remythologise · 2 years
You mentioned C-Dramas / K-Dramas that scratch that homophobic gay drama itch and, well, I'm shamefully a sucker for those tropes. Could you share which of those mirror that type of media?
Will say that it’s really not exactly the same vibe because you will get a SHARP CONCENTRATED DOSE of even more homoerotic shenanigans in the following shows, they are much more intentional (to varying degrees, although I feel undeniably so in every instance) than the western instances BUT it will scratch that itch because none of these shows have “canon” gay romance. This is very hard to explain properly because some of it is very canon, just censored. But I will use my old terminology — it is unmarketable gay media. To me. Despite at least four of these being created and marketed TO appeal to fujo trash like myself… it is unmarketable gay media TO ME!!! Sorry you’ll just have to take my advice that Vibes on censored gay dramas are Tremendous.
I will say because literally all of these dramas have the central relationship ‘censored’ in various ways do not go in expecting a Happy Gay Ending, though most (not all.) of these do have about as happy an ending as they could under the But-Not-TOO-Gay Circumstances. (Much like. Supernatural or House M.D. Shall we say. Journey not the destination…) ALL of the following shows are on Netflix, though it’s probably a better viewing experience with the subs to watch on Viki.
IMO you should also watch the shows in the following order. Also I could harp on about these shows for YEARS but I tried to keep it brief (I could talk more.)
THE DEVIL JUDGE — girl I love this show so much I don’t know what to do with myself. It is SUCH camp fun everyone is so gay in it (despite the canon het romance). I don’t even KNOW how to adequately describe this show it’s literally What If There Was A Dystopian Korea (Basically The Same Korea) And They Made A Reality TV Show For The High Court But Also It’s Mostly A Gay Gothic Romance Complete With Old British Mansion. 11/10 had such a fun time. THIS SHOW IS SO UNDERRATED ON THIS WEBSITE COMPARED TO—
BEYOND EVIL — VERY similar in cat-and-mouse homoerotic vibes to the Devil Judge but Up To Eleven on the cat-and-mouse thing. Literally was awarded best drama and actor award of that year. It’s not just a gay show, it’s also a VERY good show! A detective from a small town and a detective from the city get paired up to Solve A String Of Murders. Both of them think the other is suspicious/untrustworthy. 12/10 would yell ‘KISS’ at my TV until my voice was hoarse again.
THE UNTAMED — someone on anon told me to watch this show in like 2019 and it took me THREEEE YEARRRSSSS to watch it. I really struggled to adapt to the CDrama tone/format at the beginning but I’m SOOOO glad I did. You really have to get into it and flow with it but once you’re in you’re IN you are LOCKED into What If Game of Thrones Was Camp and Gay and Actually Good. SUCH good writing, character, relationship and world building. I laughed, I cried, 13/10 this show has been popular enough that you have all heard of it!
WORD OF HONOR — So you watched the Untamed and this was the thing everyone was recommending to watch next but wasn’t ‘as good’ as the Untamed. Well. Wasn’t as good TO YOU. I’M HAVING A BALL ON THIS BITCH! Literally of all these shows this one is my favourite PURELY because I love these stupid flirting assholes so much. Shut up. Sorry this post is incoherent. The plot is not as good as the Untamed but the banter/relationship is even more in focus and just chef’s kiss dynamic to ME. So 14/10 gay it probably was the biggest reason gay-vibes drama is now banned in China. Girl I am not literally not joking. All the danmei is in unreleased development hell. Help.
GUARDIAN — For the true die-hards (not on Netflix/Viki and got purged from the legal internet but can be found. In places.) SO YOU WATCHED WORD OF HONOR AND YOU’RE LIKE GOD THAT ENDING RIPPED OUT MY ASSHOLE EMOTIONALLY WHAT IF I FOUND AN ENDING THAT WAS QUALITATIVELY WORSE. DO I HAVE ANOTHER PRIEST (AUTHOR OF WORD OF HONOR) ADAPTATION FOR YOU. Production values ZERO acting values MIDDLING gay values FUN AND SEXY. This show is literally what if Torchwood was better and worse at the same time. The reason the string of danmei adaptions started I believe, because this one was so popular. I haven’t watched all of this yet I’m savouring it. Don’t look at me.
HEAVEN’S OFFICIAL BLESSING — not quite the same vibes as what you’re going for with this ask (not a live action; very much an anime and not finished yet) but would be remiss not to mention the VERY PRETTY AND GREAT adaptation of the series by the same author of the Untamed. Also on Netflix.
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grimbeak · 8 months
so is a side effect of anxiety medican withdrawl having extremely vivid hallucinatory dreams that feel like they're six hours long and have several horrific plots inside of them including "waking up" in the dream several times and you feel like you're suffocating in some of them and then you wake up with the urge that the horrific mlp one would make a great standalone story (and now that you're awake it makes little sense) and you've only been asleep for about thirty minutes and you're still a little tired when you wake up or is that just a me thing.
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karmaphone · 11 months
not to be that bitch but I wish I was 15 again today specifically
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