#i cant even remember the amount of times i did stuff like this at camp last summer
miiilowo · 3 years
this started out as a headcanon because i noticed some similarities between how he and i act. but the more i play the games the more shit crops up. heres my evidence, in no particular order. also spoilers for both games i guess
-he doesnt have object permanence
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.(if you dont know, people w adhd struggle with object permanence. it isnt like 'the door closed! the rest of the house isnt there anymore! i forgot about it!' but more like 'i left this important item in a drawer and it will never cross my mind until im moving house and find it')
- run on sentences
lots of us, myself included, struggle with having run on sentences all the time. apparently it has something to do with impulsivity and making careless mistakes, but those kinda go hand in hand anyway. i talk to this mf in game a LOT and the amount of times he just goes 'and' instead of making a new sentence is uncountable
- infodumping (what im currently subjecting you to)
damien has stuff he likes. stuff he likes a lot, especially compared to other characters. ive had a good handful of interactions with him where he tells me about a topic he likes for. quite a few paragraphs
- hyperfixations
THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS HYPERFIXATED ON DOLPHINS AND NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE GODDAMNIT. in monster camp, theres an event where he brings up watching dolphin documentaries, and invites other people to watch them with him. he also says hes gonna make dolphin shaped cookies. and thats the type of stuff i do when im hyperfixated on something-Ill consume content of it, try to get other people to enjoy it with me, and surround myself with that thing in any way possible, even if it means making dolphin shaped cookies.
also, while other characters have things they like, nobody so far (that ive noticed) likes something as much as he likes knives and fire. and ON that dolphin thing, in the first game, his death is predicted as including an 'unusual amount of bottlenose dolphins'. so. idk he probably wanted to see them and did something stupid to get to them
id also like to note his obsession with how much he hates the sun and wants to eradicate it. not sure what youd call that but it sure is something
- RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria)
damiens whole thing is that hes this toxic masculinity riddled asshole, but that personality is kinda put up as a facade. while that definitely is part of how he is genuinely, he DOES intensify it to please other people-And when thats challenged, or he shows his soft side in any way (that he tries very violently to hide) he gets super defensive. it basically plagues him and he thinks about it way more than he should, so much so that itll trigger a route where hes trying to prove how cool he is-after the other characters call him soft for liking dolphins and wanting a non-violent comic for once.
he cant even enjoy his interest in drag and makeup without feeling like he has to defend himself or be intense about it sometimes. (moss mann also says he makes flower crowns when nobodys looking, but its moss mann, so take that with a grain of salt, i guess)
hes also pretty intensely focused on trying to prove himself as a master survivalist, which is based off of the fact hes sheltered. he does not want people to perceive him that way, evidently
i dont have to explain this one. its damien
-his hatred for math
this experience might not be universal, but for me personally, adhd makes it SUPER fucking hard to do math. im bad at keeping track of things and remembering them, and paying attention without getting distracted, and he seems to have that same issue
- he interrupts people. thats it thats the whole bulletpoint
unfortunately the whole fidgeting/moving around thing is hard to prove because of the games style. he does enjoy sports and is pretty competitive, though, and i know my adhd fucks with how competitive i am (again, might not be universal, but i have that issue)
A lot of stuff im looking at also says that easy anger and irritability are things people with adhd can struggle with (i can back that up w personal experience) and damien DEFINITELY HAS ANGER AND IRRITABILITY ISSUES
anyway. thats just about everything i can remember right now. this is mostly based off of the second game because ive been playing that one more and its fresher in my mind. if u have any other evidence, give it to me, i will HAPPILY take it. anyways this image is relevant again
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EDIT: adding this persons tags because . yeah
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genius11rare · 3 years
AH ChitChat Notes 3 22 21
Chitchat 32221 with Jeremy , michael and matt ft disembodied voices of lindsay and maybe kaden , gus in chat and joins
Jeremy: Kaden spoke up because of donuts earlier… Michael: Jacks time is over now… but he will be on stream later. Jeremy: oh yeah schedule. Slight last minute changes doing Fall Guys first cuz S4 came out… me michael  lindsay and matt did a letsplay in it earlier today … gus will be doing fall guys this stream (eyyy)... oh yeah and i wanna impersonate what jack does. Matt: do it. Jeremy: and if you're watching on the site we can see your chat like FatHippoHippo wrote BET in all capitals … yeah i just wanted to get into the spirit and be like “what would jack do, what would he think is funny” and that was it. Lindsay: alsoone of those WWJD bracelets from the 90s What Would Jack Do… (matt: ive repurposed them) Jeremy: so how are you doing? Lindsay: good weekend i guess , just telling Matt we watched Big Hero 6 yesterday (Jeremy: aw hell yell) still an awesome movie , kids loved it. Jeremy: where they scared of - idk if he has a name the kabuki villain… *looking it up* apparently its Yokai… guess they never really say it cuz that's generic. Lindsay: that's VERY generic. Michael: IVE GOT TO TAKE THIS CALL *facecam becomes void* Jeremy: ok spoiler alert for Big Hero 6 but just looking at the wiki… it makes an audacious claim. It says “professor robert calahan OR ALSO BETTER KNOW as his villain name Yokai”... is it? Lindsay: well its based on a comic right so i guess canonically he has a name…. But to answer your question No they werent scared … anyway something we noticed upon rewatching is that 2 characters before a MAJOR event happens to the fistbump… but DON'T do the explosion… like oooohhh foreshadowing. Michael: not really foreshadowing if they keep doing it throughout the movie , if anything its foreshadowing that like… hell… whats the robots name - baymax learning it… not really foreshadowing the building explodes (gen notes MAJOR EVENT) … what blew my mind was that movie has a post credits scene. Jeremy: oh yeah was it like with the dudes father. Michael: Fred yeah! Remember remarking upon them entering the house theres a portrait of the dad and i just went “his dads just Stan Lee… just a portrait of him” Post credits scene and guys talking to painting and - wasn't paying attention but he like hits his head on it and the wall opens up to show a superhero room with paraphernalia everywhere and Stan Lee walks in like “son we got a lot to talk about” Jeremy: Chat asking about if i watched the wrestling PayPerView… remember how i updated you last that the guy died in the ring after being set on fire (Michael: lemme guess hes a zombie now) - yep exactly last night a hand reached up and grabbed someones leg , he came out of the smoke with a melted messed up mask so yeah…. Hes a furry (i think?) zombie clown Michael: hey wait a minute let me read the chat , someone named Gus said “whoa no idea there was a post credit scene”  “what is a fastfood restaurant combo wish would open” Lindsay: Miss my KenTaco Hutt… Michael: idk im usually just in the mood for SOMETHING , not looking to combine , only time is when i want a certain food and they don't have the same sides i want other places have . like Sonic is amazing for sides , apps and drinks… don't care for entrees , but if i could get Sonic sides at McDonalds or Taco bell or something.. Jeremy: guess in the same vein id combine Dairy Queen with a lot of places (Matt: i was about to say) to get a BLIZZARD with whatever. Matt: that's how it usually goes anyway , you get the food , you drive by the Dairy Queen and get a desert - you don't get the food at Dairy Queen cuz why - just why Lindsay: i mean theres icecream but there isnt really fastfood places for other deserts… like theres not really a Cake or Cupcake place (Matt: not yet *tilts head at camera like “you know what i want”* ) there IS the cupcake ATM Matt: alright checking the google… Michael: Matts checking the driving distance. Jeremy: another questions whil matts looking up cakes (Matt: oh i already have it) nevermind then. Conware asks “what is your fave controller for console and whats fave controller you own” Jeremy: Idk really… i know for a while everyones was the Elite 2 Michael: yeah just most comfortable. Matt: well that's like a specialty type… if its a stock one then the switch pro controller is pretty good. Michael: i mean i also have this 8Bit do SNES bluetooth controller thing , love it Lindsay: i love the nintendo switch controller grip… makes it feel like it curves comfy around your palms Jeremy: the XBOX sea of thieves one is great (Matt: i was about to say…) got a glow in the dark skull in the middle , RT is like a gold tooth , is partly see through Matt: and it comes with some exclusive stuff for Sea of Thieves Lindsay: yeah like Motion Sickness. Matt: i got one that's just a donut. Lindsay: gave me an idea… you know how theres Pez Dispensers (matt: heard of them) yeah and how you don't really even use them right you just eat the candy and play with the thing  ( *matt nods approvingly* yeah about right) what if we invent a controller where every once in a while it opens up to give a snack. (Matt: yeah like everytime you get an achievement, Jeremy: yeah i did good! Just go up to the controller and eat it) “You Are Good Boy” Matt: be funnier if it just throws at you “everyone have a fave seasons and followup do you like seasons where you grew up or where you are now?” Jeremy: i mean springs probably my fave its easy to be outside , not boiling hot nor snow everywhere… great time to camp and fish , falls cool with changing colors… texas is like “do you want REALLY hot or hot?”  Michael: i do really like Fall on the East Coast but its like - yeah i miss it and its nice to be there when it happens where its light jacket weather. I used to wear sweatshirts all the time - i don't bother with long sleeves in texas cuz i know im taking it off within 30 min…  never knew about the Water Cup thing until i lived in texas where restaurants just HAVE water cups… blew my mind its free  - because people will drop dead . noticed they just have this seperate stack of clear cups which is i guess like “i BETTER not see any soda in that cup THAT'S  A WATER CUP!”. I don't like it when its 105 degrees but i do like being able to just wear Tshirts most of the year and not dealing with snow Lindsay: i like Fall the most cuz like its blend of i guess i embrace the basic bitch stereo types of fall , want my pumpkin spice latee but ALSO i know halloween is coming and ive said before how THAT'S like my religious holiday so like… i come alive. Matt: probably fall , maybe winter. I don't go out much but fall is like the right amount of cool but not TOO cool. Jeremy: over the weekend me and kat went to a town called rockfort (i think?) which is like right on the ocean , the weather was a little cold for it , like 50 maybe and the sea breeze made it chillier… im not really a beach person just more water. You say beach and you think  like Boogie Boarding Bros (Michael: whoooaah boogie. Lindsay: beach volleyball) yeah .. id reather be on a rocky shore than a sandy beach. Michael: youd rather be like a mermaid sitting on the rocks *jeremy laughs loud* is that what you're saying Jeremy: yeah Matt: attracting sailors to their DOOM Lindsay: i gotta send you a link but theres this one TikTokker i guess that i watch that talks about that an eastern european beach she went to and was like “i cant wait to go on my beach outting yeah!” and she gets there its rocky , really windy , noones there and goes “ooh its really cold” Matt: depends the kind of beach to me… for me East Coast beaches SUCK *jeremy nods yep* its water you cant see anything in its terrible Lindsay: that's also texas beaches , all brown. Matt: its just one of those things where you get in the water and your like “ok… at anymoment i could be attacked by everything around me”  Michael: well that can happen on land too matt (Gen Notes WELCOHME TA JOISEY!!!) (paraphrasing jeremy here) Jeremy: theres this guy who flys a drone out over beaches into the ocean , and he released the footage… apparently due to there being a lot less people now theres just Great White Sharks that go relatively close to beaches now… there are times where hes filming people playing and like 10 ft away is a fucking shark ya know just swimming. And cuz they're really far away hed be like “id see it , film it , then go to a lifeguard and show it like “oh btw…” “ Michael: so you know 2 hours ago someone may have been eaten. MattL he should put a speaker on the drone to like announce the sharks like HEY! DEATH OUT THERE!. Lindsay: “whats that Dronie? Theres a shark in the water?!?” Jeremy: and it was funny seeing that behavior where everyonce and a while a shark would be swimming then someone would do something near it not seeing the shark and the shark just goes “fuck dat” and swims away MattL god dude…. So close to death *gus joins* Lindsay: oh you're the guy who was like Texas beaches have Tar Gus: oh yeah i grew up in texas and i thought all beaches were like that just “oh you don't sit on the tar”
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mellohyi · 3 years
wooowowowoo i miss summer camp so much
like this is my second year without going and as much as it sucked i loved it
there is a large rant about the place and like every single living detail i remember about it under the cut (is that the right phrase to use for this idk)
like the big field with the train tracks next to it and the beehives on one edge. i miss throwing a frisbee for my few friends there and laughing when i would get it stuck in a tree or they would throw it and it would go so far away. and i miss jumping on the trampoline and getting so pissed off (jokingly) at the dudes spending like 10 decades on it and because i was the only british person there they would be somewhat scared of me? so i would literally stare at them somewhat angrily and with my shitty latvian accent complain about how long they are taking and they would get off LMAO it only worked on the dudes younger than me but it worked... and the basketball on the small court !!! :D im not good at like,, throwing ball type games tbh? but like this court was magical because like 9/10 i would actually get it in and score a point and i loved how,, rapid (?) the games were like if you failed to get it in at a certain point you would be out and you had to get it in to stay in the game !!
and i remember the lake!!! it had a lot of those thingies.. oysters? idk i googled it and thats what they looked like. i can still remember the feeling of them and they were sharp LMAO and there was a zipline thing you could go on and it would take you to the middle of the lake and you could jump into it from there. and there was a game we played where we would be in two teams and then we would send a person down the zipline and if they fell in we would all have to do i think 10? pushups and it was fun cheering on people from the small platforms next to the zipline !! and we used to build a sorta dodgy looking sauna using some planks of wood and a big blue tarp that was held down by some rocks and we would collect sticks to make a fire with and then we would go sit in it and just talk and chill in the sauna. not everyone wanted to go, understandably considering iirc i put it off the first year i went but then tried it the next and loved it, so there was enough room for all of us to comfortable sit and even lie down on the log benches !! and we even had like,, bay leaf sticks with the leaves on it and stuff and we would dunk them into a bucket of water and then gently hit someone who was lying down as a like,,, relaxation thing? and it was so nice and it smelt SO GOOD it smelt like wood and grass and nature and it was sweet in a savoury way and i miss the smell so much just thinking about it. like you could literally smell the bay leaves because of the water evaporating after you take it out the bucket. and the hot air was so much harder to breathe when you stood up and it felt thicker and the air lower to the ground was cool so when you found it hard to breathe you would basically stick your head onto the grass to get a bit of cool and it felt so good !! and we would take breaks to drink water and pour cold water on ourselves or we would go into the lake though the last time i went a lot of the lake had dried up D: but its okay because i still have good memories with the lake when it wasnt like that. once during the sauna we went in the lake after and the sky was so clear like i could see all the stars and i could see the big dipper and it was just so beautiful. i even used the zipline to get into the lake that time as well and it was just so magical. i was kinda like,, sleepy (?) so i kinda was just not fully there so it was like so much cooler because i didnt feel real during it and it was just amazing.
omg and the activities we would do. we went on a hike in a forest and it was SO COOL like we would have to go climb up the steep hill that separated the field area and the train tracks and we would literally go onto the train tracks and at the time there wasnt any trains so we got to literally touch the tracks and we would go into the forest and IT WAS SO COOL like the light came in at a perfect angle and it was so pretty and we would pick blueberries and aaaaaaaa it was so amazing !! and we would split up and walk to an area to play some games using the trees and it was amazing. and also we would just do sports games using the field but also we went BIKING!!!! they had so many bikes for the people who didnt bring their own and we would go on the bikes and cycle to some sand dunes literally like 5 minutes away from the place and climb up them and jump and stuff and we carved tic tac toe grids into the stable parts and played and it was so fun AND I LITERALLY SAW A LIZARD CLIMB UP ONE OF THE EDGES INTO THE GRASS LMAO and we also cycled to a lake
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this one to be exact!! and we would jump off from the small pier thing and swim around back to the edge and it had sand and a slide and it was generally really fun cycling to and from there. i did cause multiple crashes with the bikes while cycling there LMAO mainly because my brain just tends to blow things out of proportion for no reason and like LMAO someone would start coming a bit closer to me and i would panic and stop and then everyone behind me would then have to immediately stop and they would crash into me.. like once i got my cousin to come with me and someone looked like they were gonna go behind my cousin who was in front of me and i panicked because i didnt want to be separated from her so i just stopped because i was panicking too much and everyone behind me crashed into me LMAO and they were all like 'bruuuuh' but anyways it was really fun cycling there because i went past the place my aunt on my mums side got married + the place my uncle on my dads side got married (no they did not marry each other it was separate weddings) !! a few times i didnt go cycling because i just didnt feel good and didnt want to go but it was okay in the end because i was all alone in the cabin and i would just sleep and draw while waiting for them to come back and they would flood in cycling down the small hill that leads to the field and has the bike area and i would just see them from the porch of the cabin and it was cool :D
mMmMmmmmmMMM and the food area !! we would usually sit inside the pizzeria (because the place was also a pizzeria more on that later) and it was fun because we had breakfast, lunch, dinner + a night snack thing (its called naksniņas) and like even though im usually the pickest eater at the camp and they had to make exceptions for me because we werent allowed dessert at lunch unless we ate all our food like i still got to eat a lot lol like there was usually something i could eat even if i couldnt eat all of it and the juice was so nice and ngl i kinda liked being on the like,,, duty of having to set up before the meals + clean up after because getting all the stuff and setting it up was just so peaceful and calm and i loved it and mmmmsmsmsmsmsm it was so cool and THE NIGHT SNACK THING WAS LITERALLY THE BEST it was practically dessert for dinner but right before bed + we would do an activity after dinner before it !! i talked to my dad and figured out the spelling of the word because im not that good at latvian atm and mmmm . also like we would have tea and it was so good !! we would also have a small snack like a biscuit or cereal bar and it was so nice good way to end the day :D
i also lost an entire waterbottle there dont ask how
the cabins were nice because i usually end up on the second floor level thing of it and theres a small window on it !! and a cool ladder to get up to it though its a pain when camp first starts + when it finishes because you have to pack everything up while trying to not hit your head on any of the beams or the slant of the cabin roof and you have to haul everything up and down... other than that its so fun because theres small holes (like,,, really small. cant fit a pen down it) and when the people in the two rooms below that cabin spot are being pisstaking you can pour water down it and they shut up LMAO its really funny because they see the water dripping and get more pissed off and then become less annoying and we used to slip them notes to tell them to shut up LMAO also listened into their convos to be annoying too
anyways to finish off with my favouritest things ever about it. last day we would make pizzas and your family would be there and you could make multiple pizzas ! i usually made one for my parents / family and then one for myself and my sister because we r really picky and dont like cheese . and it was so fun and the pizzas were SO GOOD and i share the other pizza thats not mine with my family because i hate cheese and they are happy too. i also love the one evening where we cook dinner ourselves i think thats the sauna night as well but omg its so nice we have dough balls to wrap around a stick and asduidfohih its so nice omg i love them so much right because we take the stick and then toast them over a fire and when you do them right its a tiny bit doughy on the inside but a safe amount and its like,, slightly crispy in a good way on the outside so amazing and like you can put stuff in it like cheese and ketchup and stuff but i just eat mine plain and they are so good mmmamMMm and we also have watermelon iirc and it was so good overall like best evening of the camp :)
anyways i love camp and i miss it
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growingingreenwood · 5 years
What are some " Just Canadian Things" you can think of? Lol I'm curious, especially winter ones.
Going to a party and everybody putting their alcohol on the deck / back step because it'll chill it muucchh faster than any freezer ever could. 
The time between winter and spring called "Grey/Brown Sludge Season." 
When it's cold and you go inside or anywhere warm and your glasses do the fog up thing
Trying to text your friends or change your song when you're outside but your hands are numb so your phone doesn't care 
Your winter chore as a kid was always shoveling 
When you try to stop at a light but mother nature doesn't agree so you slide halfway through the intersection even though you were going 2.5 kilometers an hour and but everyone just accepts it because who hasn't been there? And if you haven't, your time is coming. 
I hope you didn't like those shoes because now they have Salt Stains
 Getting to your destination and having to take off like 2 layers of clothes or get changed completely into your 'people clothes' and not your 'oh my god it is -38 out there and I can feel .5 of my body' cold. 
When there's a huge snowfall in a short amount of time and everybody has an attitude more or less of "I'll get there when I get there I guess 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ lol." 
 Accepting and anticipating your classmates and coworkers that live outside the city to just physically not be able to come to sometimes 
The Unbelievable Unity that strikes any vicinity when somebody finds out you need to boost your car. Or all those sweet hockey dads and trades guys that always stop to help you dig your car out when you get stuck or to pull you out of the ditch. (For real: 2 year ago I was driving to Grand Prairie in a pretty heavy snowfall and we ended up hitting black ice and hitting the ditch. We called a for help but would take like 6 hours for somebody to come get us. We settled in the car and lit some candles to keep us warm and got some blankets to wait it out our next step when a huge pickup truck pulls up and like 4 dude hop out in overalls and shovels and are like 'oh yeah we work in a camp near here, we saw you go into the ditch and came to help you.' And we were out of there in like maybe 20 minutes. 
Slipping on ice and falling 19288383 times a month. 
The very specific 'Penguin Walk' that all Canadians seem to learn out of instinct or DNA. We had to teach the exchange students in my class how to do it so they wouldn't die lol 
Plugging your car in everynight 
Getting your tongue stuck to things all the fucking time as a kid until one day you took it too far so now you dont do that anymore
Almost dying on a toboggan and then going back up the hill to do it again 
Do Not Engage The Geese. I Repeat. Do Not Engage The Geese. Is he standing on your child? No, that's the goose' child now. Accept that it is letting you leave with your life and you need to accept that gift.
Getting Slurpies and ice caps even tho you haven't seen grass or fresh leaves for like 3 months and the air hurts your face 
When you put your dogs outside if they're too small you gotta watch them with like binoculars at the back door to see when you need to go be a Snow Lifeguard because they got too cold and their legs froze and now they cant walk. 
Your windows freeze shut & depending how well your house is insulated / heated and how cold it is outside you get just as much ice on the inside of the window as the outside.
Left your food in the car? Lol its chill, theyll be fine for another 2 months
 The Calming But Also Alarming Sensation Of Absolute Silence Right After It Snows 
Going for a nature walk as a kid hoping to find some cool rocks or something but finding a Bear instead
Remembering that you always misremember how big Moose are until you see another one and you're like OH     Y E A H 
The extinction of house hippos 
The true show of love is if somebody scrapes your windshield for you. Or pumps your gas 
Starting school/work when the sun is down and leaving school/work when the sun is down
You own, like, 19 jackets. Including a 'spring jacket' which apparently most people don't know of???? Idk 
Omg all of your halloween costumes as a kid always looking like a pile of pillows in a costume that fits super weird because your mom got your outfit like 4 sizes too big so you could fit your snowsuit underneath 
Referring to the United States of America as nothing but 'The US' 
The universal hateed of the Toronto Airport
Literally last week I did that thing where you throw warm water out of a cup into the air outside and it evaporates instantly
Co-workers you didnt even know worked there will offer you a ride home if somebody finds out your walking anywhere
Legit concern of frostbite (lol I got it on my ears in highschool when I got lost one day)
Taking your shoes off when you get to some public spaces (Doctors office's especially but I've seen it in other professions buildings because everybodys shoes are always so gross and wet and diry and have stuff sticking to them
Is this a lane? Is that a lane? Is this road one lane or two? I'll just guess
Poutine: Sold in every single place that serves food and is the ultimate drunk and hungover good
Getting really really excited when you find other Canadians outside of canada. Especially online (you know who you are 🥰🥰)
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not-ur-normie · 4 years
How to save up stuff in Obey Me
Okay, so let me explaing the title first. In the past couple of days Satoshi-san (the voice actor of Belphie) uploaded a pic on Twitter about the game where he had 1000+ aps and the fandom was shooked. 
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Well, i always have at least 2000+ aps, 2.500.000 coins and 400 devil points and i thought everybody is playing the game like this, so i was surprised that it’s not the case. 
Like i just can’t spend that many in a go. 
Let me clarify, that i can save this much because i don’t necesarry obtain the cards in events and i don’t often pull more than three times. I also only gain the SSR cards in the end of the first parts. I have no real many for games, so playing all the events is a super big off to me and i don’t even need that many cards, because i don’t use all of them anyway. I only collect the Mammon cards and those i really like. 
So, about the aps. 
As i said before, i don’t play every event. If i don’t like the cards that much, i only play because of the story and i leave it there after. I have tones of cards, but i am slow at upgradeing them, so when there is an event i don’t play, i go and upgrade the cards instead. (I like Otaku Boot Camps, thanks Levi)
In daily basic i get around 110 aps, i think only from sending ap to friends and collecting the aps from Fridge Missions. There are times when the devs send us like daily 50 or 30 aps ((if i remember right)) and with those we have around 140-160 aps a day i guess. Forgive me if i don’t remember all the options, i just collect everything i can lol. 
If there is no event and i don’t work hard on upgrading a card, i only spend a necessary amout of aps a day. Like i do the “Win a battle (normal) 10/10″, Win a battle normal with 3 stars 15/15″ and if i collected all the devil points i don’t do the “Win a battle (hard) 7/7″ or the “Win a battle (hard) with 3 stars 12/12″ or vice versa. 
Usually, i only do these: 
- Send ap to a friend 3/3
- Meet with a surprise guest 3/3
- Win a battle (normal) 10/10
- Win a battle (normal) with 3 stars 15/15
- Level up a card 3/3
- Go to Jobs and work a job 3/3
- Summon a card in Nightmare 3/3
Seven tasks for the 18 devil points daily. 
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I upgrade my cards everyday, so i can play the new levels and i always look at what i need for them to unlock the next little star. Nowadays i need items from the normal level, that’s why i am doing those, but if i need ones from the hard levels, i do those instead of the normal ones. 
So i spend around 75-90 aps i guess? So i still have at least 50 left from a day to save.
Let me clarify, that when i’ve started the game, i was in no way thinking about to save anything and when there were no 2nd season i played all the events out of boredom and only started to save now, that there are new lessons. 
I think that’s about aps. I really can’t help if you wanna do the events and the new lessons at the same time, that’s a little bit more expensive than my way of playing, haha. ((But tbh, let’s be honest, if i could save up real money for OM, i would absolutely do so, but this is my survival kit for no-real-money players.))
About coins. 
I think Mammon very much would want a little from me, lol. I can’t say a lot about this to be honest; go and send the boys to have some work and gain some money for you. You also get at least a few thousand if you play battles. 
I gain at least around 50.000 a day (it’s much more usually, but i always gain this much), and i most likely spend at least half of it to upgrade cards. Sometimes the whole amount. I try to save up some, if i’ve just started upgrading a card, bc a new card is cheaper at the begining. Like you can jump from 0 to the 10th level for how many? 2000+ or so. That’s not much and you already have one task done with that. 
Devil Points.
As i mentioned before with seven tasks done, you get 18 daily, sometimes you get 3-5 for login and completing stuff in the total. Tbh, i never spend dps for stuff for the boys. It’s really rare, i usually use those that they bring from work or i got from events or from the item section with cards. I recommend you spending ravens on these stuff instead of dps. (I mean, if you don’t want the demon looks or have them all. I only bought Mammon’s and since then i gained at least 110 back.) Or just pat them.
If i used all my aps, i usually buy a bunch back with dps. For example, if there is an event i like the card, i spend hella lof of aps, so i need to add back some in the end. (I did this when there was no 2nd season, so i could start that without a problem.)
I recommend to have at least 99 all the time so you can buy the level up pack or what when you reach a new level and they gave out some coins, ap, 5 glow sticks and 5 vouchers. I had no problem playing the new levels thanks to the tones of glow sticks i saved with these 99 dp sales. 
Uh, the most i pulled was 9x10 pull when we could obtain the Mammon UR+. I didn’t get that even after 9x10 pulls, not even the Lucifer one, so since then i never pull more then 5 times, bc i know i cant pull a 10x10 and this way it doesn’t worth it. (I mean, with a 10x10 you get an UR(+), but i never managed to pull that unfortunately.) Most of the time i pull 3 time/event. There are events i am not even pulling. It was a pain in the ass to gain back all the vouchers and dps i wasted, so never again. 
((That’s totally possible tho to save up 100 dvs and pull a 10x10, but i always use mines and then not manage to gain back before an UR i want, lol. Yeah 100% my mistake, i know.))
As i said, i am always gaining 5 with the level up 99dp sale. I think that’s the ultimate way of gaining vouchers, you get five for 99dp, when 1 cost 30 (? i hope i am right) in other way. So it totally worths it. 
Also, you can exchange ravens for vouchers, which is a really good way too. 
Hmm, i guess that’s it. That’s how i play. Basically all i do is to save up stuff for those events i really like, and then start again. I would like to highlight again, that i am more invested in the main story than in the events, so that makes things easier. 
I hope it helped at least a little to somebody. If you have any other recommendations i would like to hear them! Thanks for coming to my TED talk, lol.
((Sorry for my English in advance, it's not native.))
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I feel like I slept all day. Just the whole day. But thats not entirely true. It was a good day and I feel happy but yes slept a real good amount. 
I woke up at 730 because I still had my alarm on. I laid in bed for a bit but eventually did get up. I honestly dont remember much of the morning. What did I even do?? 
I got dressed. I felt really cute. James asked if he could make me breakfast but I wasnt hungry. He would have to leave for work soon but we spent a little time together. 
It was a nice morning but yeah I have apparently lost some time but it was a nice morning. 
I did eventually get myself together to go to target! I had a list. I felt really cute. I went and got in the car. I got down the street. And I realzied I forgot the list. Ugh. Whatever I would end up remembering everything anyway but I was annoyed with myself.
It was a nice ride out. But target was very full. I parked in an empty part but it wouldnt matter because when I came out it was all full there too!! Wild. 
I had a nice time though. I had to keep running through my head thinking about what I needed. 
I got socks and citronella candles and some foods. It was nice to look around and walk and pick up nonsense. I felt really good about my purchases. 
I also got new ear buds! My fake airpods have been slowly dying and hurting my ears. And I got some new ones that are made for smaller ears and honestly they are great so far. Great fit, great sound, I just hope the batter life is as good as promised. 
The cashier was real nice too. He gave me $5 off and then a $5 giftcard?? No idea why. He said he had been waiting weeks to give to someone so maybe it was just because I was nice to him?? Unclear. But I appreciate it.
I texted James when I was done and he said I should order lunch. So I ordered chipolite. Give them another chance after my last order was so messed up. And this time was only marginally better. 
I got home around noon. And my food was scheduled for 1220. Cool. Gives me some time to put things away. So I get inside and did that. Unpacked. Had to throw some old stuff away from the freezer to fit things. And folded all my new socks. And then I realized it was after 1220. I checked the website and it said my food wasnt even picked up yet. 
But it was fine. I waited. I checked again at 1239 and it said it would be delivered in 2 minutes. I checked again and it said it was delivered! They didnt ring the bell?? I felt very annoyed about that. 
But I got my food. And the bowl was right. But my chips and cheese were missing. This is the second time!! Why cant they get this right?? So I was slightly upset. I called the number and they refunded that part of the order. I just want chips and cheese. Made me upset. 
But I ate and played a little animal crossing. Hung out with sweetP. I talked to my dad for fathers day. He sounded so happy. Like a lot happier then Ive heard him in a while. And honestly, we talked about the back ground white noise of pain when you just have chronic pain issues, and now that he doesnt have that as much his energy and focus can be back on being present. And it was so nice hearing his stories and hearing about his hobbies he's picked up. I miss him a lot and it was so nice to hear him. 
I cleaned after that. Feels a lot better in here after that. Could have used a little more work but I was tired. 
I went and laid in the studio and ended up falling asleep. 
I woke up around 630. Which means I slept almost 3 hours. Not ideal. But James was home. He was baking cookies and getting ready for his trivia night. 
I had a snack and hung out in the other room. It is always nice hearing him with his friends. 
We are hanging out now. I have my first day of camp tomorrow!! Im going to go wash my face and make sure all my outfits are ready. I am really excited. Also nervous. But mostly excited!! I have to be there at 730 though so it is going to be a very early morning for me. So wish me luck. I hope you all have a great night tonight. And a wonderful day tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!
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cdfreak · 4 years
3? (but also i wanna hear about all of them)
sok 3 got answered already but. since u said u wanna hear abt all of them ill talk abt 2 for ya!!!
2 is Deryn!!! The first one I made, my princess oc!!
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doll maker used https://meiker.io/play/11592/online.html
I’m gonna try and tell this in chronological order but i might get it switched up a lot oops
Alright lets stare at the Beginning, with Deryn’s kingdom
Deryn’s ancestors used to rule a kingdom that im too lazy to name. It was underground, in large caverns, protected from the unbearable heat of the Crimson Waste by like a mile of dirt and rocks and shit. Life was pretty epic, they were way too deep in the Crimson Waste for anybody to even think about attacking them, and their Princesses had the power to manipulate & create heat and fire so it was decently easy to keep people and goods cool if they had to travel to different kingdoms as long as they had a Princess with them. Unfortunately, Mara’s ship crash-landed like. right fucking on top of the kingdom and the entire place fucking collapsed. Most of the citizens and royalty died, but like 2 dozen citizens and a handful of royalty were traveling at the time, and survived! 
The royalty tried to lead the remaining citizens and rebuild their kingdom above ground but no one was used to living aboveground and it didn't work at all. Most of the citizens left to other kingdoms or adapted to live on their own in the Crimson Waste, but a handful of citizens remained loyal and a gang was formed. They did their best to lead peaceful lives, but its the Crimson Waste so they had to come to terms with doing bad things sometimes. Fast forward like a million years idk  i don't remember the timeline of spop at ALL. It’s the tail end of the (first) war between the Horde and the Rebellion, and this baby named Deryn is born. He grows up learning to use his princess powers (manipulation/creation of heat and fire, as well as being immune to burns) Deryn’s mother dies when he’s 12. Things are pretty uneventful after that for like 7 years until Sonya shows up and then Deryn starts falling madly in love like the gay bitch he is (Deryns a he/him lesbian). 2 years later, when Deryn’s 21, his dad Pyro dies, and he becomes the leader of his gang. He’s been leading the gang for the past 2 years and he's not actually half bad.
Ok I wanna talk abt his powers a bit. first off i have no fucking clue where his like. magic princess power crystal thing is and im too lazy to figure out an explanation so for now he's got a bag of holding and the crystals chilling in there. His powers make him immune to burns, BUT he can still suffer from dehydration and stuff so while he's better equipped to survive in the desert he's not like. untouchable. also his body heat is FUCKED UP. he can control it because heat manipulation but the default is like. 150 degrees F (65.5 C) he doesn't get sick often because of the high body heat but when he encounters some weird desert virus that's adapted to extreme heat and he gets a fever? he's sitting there like
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(art credit)
i mentioned in this post that hes got MAJOR beef with the horde and with the rebellion, allow me to explain. he values freedom above almost everything else and is a bit of an anarchist so he fuckin HATES the horde. Hes got no problem with the original rebellion, in fact he admires them for trying to defeat the horde, but he hates the new rebellion because they're teaming up with she ra and the old she ra (mara) destroyed his kingdom and killed a fuck ton of his ancestors and his ancestors’ citizens so hes got major beef w/ she ra
he wears the horde belt as a trophy cause he got it off a horde soldier he defeated in battle, and he wears she ras colors as a “fuck you weird magic tall lady MY colors now” thing. also the horde belt makes sure people know he isn't part of the rebellion and the she ra colors make sure people know he isn't part of the horde
ok personality time. this is mostly me projecting. he gets mad a Lot and is not good at coping with anything so he deals with the incredible amounts of trauma he has by just kinda. Thinking Hard until he gets really pissed and then he goes off into the desert and shoots giant columns of flame everywhere. hes bad at expressing emotions so sonya thinks hes kind of a massive dick for a while but like once they get close enough he feels more comfortable joking around and shit and she realizes oh hes not an asshole he just needs intense therapy.
hes very close to everyone in the gang, since they're all either like a parent figure or a sibling figure or some shit. Lewis (camp cook) is like a father to him (lewis is just very dad like in general and also Pyro and him were kinda dating for a while up until pyro died), Cordelia and Kaz are like his moms. Zero and Zusk are his little bros!!! and Ziri’s (bird lady extraordinaire) a bit of an older sister yknow?
i cant think of anything else 2 put but if i do ill rb!!!
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“No One Mourns the Wicked Part 1: What is This Feeling?” Low Honor!Arthur Morgan x Low Honor!Reader
For those of you who saw my post about the multi part fic based on a musical, wait no longer because this is the first part! Okay, I know what you’re thinking; ‘Wicked and cowboys? Amber, you’ve really lost it this time!’ Just trust me on this one, and I promise you’ll enjoy ☺️
The first part of this fic was loosely based on the song What Is This Feeling? from the Broadway musical Wicked. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat for a solid two weeks and it has consumed my life so obviously I had to tie it into my fics.
There has always been a tinge of rivalry between the two of you, one might even say, loathing. Between constant clashing around camp and the stress of being roommates, theres a tension between you and Arthur. What kind of tension you ask? One might say the tension is...wicked. 
Part 2
There was only one word to describe how you felt towards Arthur: loathing, pure unadulterated loathing. He’s rubbed you the wrong way ever since you became a part of the gang. He bumps you on purpose as he passes you when your hands are full, he insists on joining jobs you’re on, ‘to ensure your dumbass doesn’t mess it all up.’ And to top it off, you shared a tent.
The two of you were polar opposites as far as you were concerned. He woke you up every morning at the break of dawn, rummaging around loudly as he got ready for the day. You swore he did it on purpose. Usually you didn’t care about clutter, but when you’re forced to share a space with someone you can’t stand it’s like every little sock or shirt on the floor boils your blood.
But what sparked this detestation? It all started years ago, when the two of you were teenagers and you had just been brought into the gang by Dutch. You had only been around three days and most of the camp’s inhabitants came in and out from jobs frequently.
Dutch had asked you to meet him in the local town for a drink, he wanted to discuss your first job with the gang. As you hitched your horse, you noticed a guy around your age leaning against the support beam outside the saloon. Easy pickin’s you thought to yourself. As you passed him; your hand oh so gently entered his pocket, but he turned to you and drew his pistol like lightning.
Shit you thought to yourself as you drew your own, eyes locked on his. There was a tense moment of silence as you faced off, it was ended by Dutch as he rode up and hitched his horse. “Arthur my boy, looks like you’ve already met Y/N.”
Arthur didn’t lower his pistol. “Aw hell Dutch, is this the new blood you was talkin’ about?”
As soon as his eyes shifted towards Dutch, you placed a warning shot at his feet. He jumped back and you gave him a menacing smile. “New blood for you maybe,” you turned to the door to enter the saloon. “But you’ll find yourself dead quickly if you undermine me boy, and don’t you forget that.”
Dutch laughed at the bewildered look on Arthur’s face. He wrapped an arm around Arthur’s shoulders, “what a woman! Come on son, I’ll get you twobmore acquainted over a drink.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “I think we’re already more acquainted than I’d like to be.”
“Get over your hurt pride and be nice.” Dutch said quietly as they entered the saloon. The two men approached you, you already had shots down on the table for you, Dutch, and Arthur. Dutch slapped Arthur on the back hard as you looked up at them. “Ah, Y/N lovely as ever. I think Mr. Morgan here would like to apologize to you for gettin’ off on the wrong foot.”
You raised an eyebrow at him and Arthur sputtered and turned to Dutch. “Me apologize? Like hell! She’s the one who tried to rob me! I ain’t apologizin’ for shit.” He crossed his arms defiantly.
“Okay,” You said evenly as you sat up. You snagged the shot glass that was originally for Arthur and knocked it back. “I guess I’ll keep this then.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and slumped in the chair in front of you. “Didn’t want yer damn drink anyways.” He huffed.
Dutch sat beside him, not hiding his amusement at the exchange occurring. He knocked back the shot in front of him. “Thank you, my dear you’re very kind.” Arthur shot him a look. “Now, you have a job you’d like to discuss?”
You nodded, waved over the bartender for more drinks, and leaned in speaking quietly. “Okay so, the plan is....”
That was years ago, but you and Arthur have been on rocky ground at best since then. You could still remember the screaming match the two of you got into when Dutch informed you the two of you would be sharing a tent.
“It’ll teach you two to work and live together...hopefully. You can have your own tents when you learn to get along.” Dutch had said as he walked away. The two of you took Dutch’s word as gospel so you just had to suck it up and deal with it. Needless to say, you were still sharing a tent to this day.
At least with age Arthur became tolerable, and much to your relief, a good bit quieter. When you entered the tent, he was lying on his cot, writing in his journal. He grunted to you as you entered and you threw up your hand in a lazy wave. You plopped down onto the cot, exhausted.
“Haven’t seen you in a few days,” Arthur said quietly. “Started thinkin’ I’d finally lucked out and you got yourself eatten by a bear.” He was hiding his smile behind his journal, teasing you had become one of his favorite pastimes.
“Very funny.” You said keeping your face buried in the pillow.
“Caint hear ya over there, get yer face outta that pillow.”
You sighed and turned your face towards him. “Can you not see I’m tired, Morgan?”
He tore a piece of paper from his journal and started balling it up between his fingers. “Yeah, I can.” Just as your eyes began to flutter closed, he threw the paper ball at you and it hit you right between the eyes. “But I really don’t care.”
Your eyes flew open and your annoyance was building. “You’re lucky I cant feel my legs, or you’d be a deadman.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “You use that threat way too much for me to take it seriously anymore.” He looked at you teasingly, “I think I’m startin’ to grow on ya. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you enjoy my company.”
“I enjoy having a roof over my head and a safe place to stay.” You retorted flatly. “And I don’t think Dutch would be very keen on lettin’ me stick around if I killed you.”
Arthur threw another paper wad at you, “so what you’re saying is your threats are pointless?”
“That’s it!” You lunged across the room and straddled him down under you. Your hands pinned his wrists to the bed. “I swear to God Morgan if you don’t leave me the hell alone, I will end you!” Your eyes met his and he had a strange look in his eye.
“Arthur could you-“ John poked his head into the tent, looked at the two of you and poked his head back out quickly. You heard him laughing. “Never mind, I’ll leave you two at it!”
You looked down and felt an embarrassing amount of heat rise to your cheeks when you realized what sort of position you were in. You jumped off him quickly. “Going so soon?” Arthur teased. “But we were just gettin’ to the good stuff.”
You rolled your eyes and left the tent. “In your dreams, Morgan.”
Arthur stared at the ceiling of the tent and readjusted himself. His mind kept reeling back to the way your body felt up against his, your face inches from his, pinning him hard to the bed. He couldn’t shake these thoughts no matter how hard he tried. You drove him crazy, but not always in a bad way. You were stubborn, arrogant, and always did things your way even if it endangered the plans. In a way you reminded him of himself, the way you always had a witty comeback or the way your lip curled up in disgust when you were angry. What was this feeling? He had decided loathing, but his hardened member was telling him otherwise. He bit his lip and watched the closed flaps. A pair of your dirty underwear was halfway under your bed and he stared at it for a moment before grabbing it. What the hell are you doing? His brain screamed at him. He knew it was wrong, but the thought of your hips pressed down against his groin invaded his mind again. As he sat on the bed, the thought of you returning made him feel conflicted. In all reality, you would be beyond pissed to come back and find him pleasuring himself, a pair of your used bloomers in his hand. But, the thought of you coming back and seeing him sent a shiver down his spine. He imagined your voice turning silky smooth, lust in your eyes as you took his hardened cock in your hands and pumped him slowly. He heard footsteps approaching the tent, he quickly tucked your underwear in his pocket and laid on his stomach. There was a gentle rap against the tent flaps, “decent?” You called from outside the tent.
Arthur rolled his eyes, “not decent!” He called back. His hips rolled against the bed at the sound of your voice.
“Ugh, well get yer self decent, Dutch wants us to go and stake out Caliga Hall. Meet me at the hitching posts when you’re ready.” You called to him, and he listened as your footsteps faded away. Your voice had that annoying belittling tone that he hated and he knew if he wasn’t out there soon, you would drag him out of the tent by his ankles. He sighed heavily and shoved your underwear into his satchel and tried to focus his thoughts so the bulge in his pants would fade away.
He grabbed his hat and left the tent. He approached you and Dutch and as you spotted him, you mounted your horse. Arthur’s gaze landed on your ass as you pulled yourself up. “Get a move on, you lazy ass!” You called to him. Your voice was heavy in annoyance and your impatience was written clearly on your face.
“I’m comin’ goddamn it.” He grumbled. This was what made him so angry towards you, the way you bossed him around and treated him like some grunt around camp made his blood boil. He mounted his horse and Dutch took off first with you right behind him. You shot a smug glance back at him as you rode beside Dutch. The two of you always got competitive when riding, especially with Dutch. There were multiple horse collisions throughout the years due to this rivalry, but his eyes trailed down your back slowly and a term he had heard but never understood floated into his mind, hate fuck. He remembered Micah retell a story around the fire late one night, all the girls had gone to bed so the men were discussing their various sexcapades. Arthur remembered with disgust and confusion as Micah described his experience with a woman he met in a bar. He couldn’t stand her, the way she talked, her voice, her personality, he hated everything about her and he said that’s what made it so good. A couple of the men agreed, it made it easier to get rough and they didn’t feel as bad about one night stands.
Arthur would never admit it, but he really hated one night stands. He only did it once, and it left him feeling empty, even though he never saw her again she burned in his mind for weeks afterwards. He barely knew her but the emotional attachment of being so vulnerable with someone was too overwhelming. Unfortunately being so long between the tender touch of a woman, saying he was sexually frustrated was an understatement. It didn’t help sharing a tent with a woman either. Even though he drove you crazy, you were still comfortable enough with him to change in front of him, you would turn away from him of course and make him swear to close his eyes. He only peeked when he was certain you weren’t looking and he would be lying if he said he had never pleasured himself to the thought of you. He told himself it was just because he lived in such close quarters with you, it’s not like he wanted you. Okay, maybe he wanted your body but did he want you? Your shitty attitude? Your smart mouth? On that he was quite certain he didn’t want.
“So, what’s the plan Dutch?” You asked as you pulled your horse beside Dutch.
“We’re gonna check out the layout of Caliga Hall. The lovely Mrs. Braithwaite has asked us to torch their tobacco fields.”
“Wonderful!” You exclaimed wickedly.
Dutch nodded. “After we stake it out, I want you and Arthur to come back after daylight and burn it to the ground. Right now we’ll be looking for hidden entrances, holes in the guard, any little sliver you can sneak in and out of with minimal alarm.”
You barked a short laugh. “Minimal alarm? I think that’s a bit of an understatement.”
“That’s why you’ll have Arthur, as back up when things get hairy.”
You groaned. “Come on, Dutch! You know I can do this on my own!”
“I know sweetheart, but ya just gotta trust me. And give the guy a break, will ya? He ain’t so bad when ya get used to ‘em.”
You rolled your eyes. Dutch was right and you knew it. Arthur wasn’t the worst man around camp, that’s for sure but it seemed like with every glance between the two of you, this feeling sparked within you, something strong and powerful and for lack of a better word, you went with loathing. Your stomach flipped whenever he said your name, and your heart jumps when he walks into the tent after a long day away from camp. You thought it was hatred, but hatred was reserved for the likes of Micah. Was it anger? It had a burning feeling similar to anger, but without the uncontrollable rage behind it. You decided loathing was a good name for whatever this feeling was, or atleast that’s what you hoped it was.
You slowed your horses and dismounted as you came upon a hill overlooking Caliga Hall. You pulled out your binoculars and laid flat against the ground beside Dutch. Arthur pulled in not far behind you and followed suit.
“Every entrance is guarded, and it looks like they’ve hired some extra muscle.” Arthur whispered.
“If we come in from the west side, there’s a small breach in the fence.” You pointed to the edge of the field and one of the posts in the fence was broken. “I’ll douse the fields, Arthur you keep watch on the hill, bring your rifle and you can snipe them off when I ingnite the fields.”
“No,” Arthur hissed. “I will do the dousing and you can be the watch dog.”
You opened your mouth to argue but Dutch cut you off. “No, you’ll both go down and douse the fields, then one of you will take out the guards while the other starts the fire with that barn over there.” Dutch’s finger pointed, and followed along as he talked. “That’s where they dry and process the tobacco leaves. Then you’ll light up the fields. Arthur, you take out the guards in the fields while Y/N gets the barn burning. Once that barn lights up, you’ll have all their men coming down on you.” Dutch lowered his binoculars and looked at you. “Once they start comin’ you two need to book it the hell outta there. You hear me Y/N? No gettin’ greedy out there. You too, Arthur.”
The two of you nodded in unison and Dutch stood. “Let’s head back to camp. You’ll need the moonshine from the Braithwaites to ignite the fields. See if Sean has any fire bottles you can use. If not, get him to show you how to make them.” He mounted his horse. “You two are my best men, I know you won’t let me down. I’ll see you back at camp.” And he was off, leaving only a cloud of dust.
You stood and extended a hand down to Arthur. He took it and groaned as he stood. “Jesus Arthur, you must be gettin’ old groanin’ about like that.” You teased.
“Yeah, well we’re the same age so if I’m old, so are you.” He mounted his horse. “I’ll catch you at camp later, I’ve got a quick errand to run.”
“Need me to come with?” You asked as you climbed up your horse.
Arthur flushed and tipped his hat down to cover his face. “Jesus what are you, my mama? I can handle this myself.” With a quick pull at the reigns he was off.
“I was just tryin’ to be nice damnit!” You snapped back. You didn’t mean to sound so hostile, but he ignored you. He knew being ignored was a big pet peeve of yours and it made you even angrier knowing he knew that. “I’m gonna kill that man one day.” You grumbled as you led your horse down the trail.
Arthur felt a pang if guilt when he heard the slightest note of hurt when you called after him, but he couldn’t help but panic when you offered to join him. He certainly didn’t want you following him so he made sure to check over his shoulder multiple times as he tore down the trail. When he was certain he was alone, he peeled off the trail and deep into the trees of a small forest that ran along the path. The trees were thick and he made sure he was deep enough to not be disturbed. He unmounted his horse and grabbed his satchel; as he turned away he realized how awkward his horse would make this just dumbly staring at him. With a swift slap to the hindquarters, the horse dashed away towards the main road. He let out a heavy breath as he pulled out your underwear. He allowed himself to think about earlier this morning, you pinning him to his cot. He thought of your bare back between changing shirts. The way that one button down you have is a little too snug over your chest, causing the material to part between buttons. He thought of the way your ass looked in the riding pants you wore today. It didn’t take much to get him hard, he unzipped his trousers and brought your undies to his face. With a deep inhale, he began pumping himself. He was desperately wishing you had followed him.
“Hey Y/N, welcome back!” Lenny called as you hitched your horse. He looked around you, “No Arthur, huh? Did ya finally lose your patience and feed him to the wolves?”
You laughed as you headed towards your tent. “Not this time, unfortunately!”
When you got to your tent, you rummaged through your things until you found the shirt you were looking for. It was darker and a little tighter, better for stealthier missions as the dark fabric didn’t stand out at night and tighter material didn’t make as much noise rustling against your body. The buttons were a bit tight to your chest, but it didn’t matter as long as it did it’s job. After you changed your shirt and got your things together you went out to find Sean. He was sat in front of the fire with a drink in his hand. You came up behind him and grabbed the bottle from his hand quickly. “Oi! What’s the big idea?” He exclaimed as he jumped up.
“I need some fire bottles. How many ya got?” You asked as you handed him back his bottle of whiskey.
He took a quick swig, “I only got two put together right now, I’ll have to make more if you need more than that.”
You nodded. “I’ve been meanin’ to get you to show me how to make those for awhile now, after you.”
You followed him to his tent and he began pulling out the supplies and walked you through the process. It was fairly simple and between the two of you putting them together you had more than enough in no time. Sean helped you carefully load them onto your horse and you thanked him as he left. He threw up a wave as he wandered back to the fire. Just as you began towards your tent you heard the clomping of hooves and turned to see Arthur barreling into camp. He stopped his horse just in front of you and dismounted. “Welcome back.” You greeted him and matched his pace as he walked towards the tent. “How was your errand?”
He eyed you under the brim of his hat, he couldn’t help but notice the exact shirt he had just been thinking of. He cleared his throat. “Fine. Probably could’ve used your help.” He allowed himself a sneaking smile.
You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Ugh, you’re gonna get yourself killed one day, you know that? Grab me next time.”
He had to hide his blush, “I’ll keep that in mind.” You opened the tent flap and held it open for him as you passed through. “I’ve already got my things together. I’m going to try and get some shut eye. Try not to be too noisy getting your things together for once, okay?”
He rolled his eyes. “No promises.”
You sighed in annoyance as you laid on your side and closed your eyes. “Why do I even bother?” You muttered.
Arthur breathed a laugh and began loading his satchel with supplies. As he was digging his hands found the cotton material of your bloomers and his face went hot. He turned to make sure your eyes were closed and quickly shoved them under his mattress. His eyes trailed back to you, the way you were laying was causing more distress in the buttons over your bust more distress than usual and one had popped undone. He could barely see the skin under the shirt, but that’s all it took and he could feel his pants getting tighter. “Shit.” He breathed. Your eyes opened slightly, “What is it?” You asked in a sleepy voice.
He turned himself away from you. “Nothing, just go back to sleep.”
You groaned and shut your eyes. Arthur sighed and made a promise to himself he wouldn’t look at you for the rest of the night.
It didn’t take long for him to break that promise. After your breathing evened in a deep slumber a small moan escaped your lips and Arthur’s gaze shot to your face faster than he could control. Your lips were just barely parted and your face had softened with sleep. Maybe we could work, he thought. If she was this quiet all the time.
But as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he had slowly begun to find your banter charming, if not just a little bit annoying. He found himself looking at you more often lately, and he also couldn’t help but notice more frequent trips to the woods with you on the forefront of his mind. He shook it off, but it was slowly becoming harder and harder to shake. He didn’t know what his feelings meant and that was what fueled his frustration towards you. But when he looked down on you like this, he could pretend you were just a normal girl and he was a normal guy. He could pretend the two of you weren’t cold hearted killers, but why did he pretend these things? He told himself you were just there, right place right time. You were a sort of place holder for a woman in his life. He only thought of you when touching himself because he had no one else to think of. But that wasn’t entirely true there were plenty of good looking women around camp, so why did he always think of you? Arthur didn’t like the way his thoughts were headed so he pushed the away. He grabbed his journal and headed out of the tent, hoping some drawing would clear his thoughts.
When you woke up, the sun was just beginning to set. You sat up and stretched. “Mornin’.”
Arthur was laying on his cot on the other side of the tent.
You yawned. “Hey.” You grabbed your hat from the night stand. “You ready?”
His hat was sitting on top of his face and his arms were tucked behind his head. Your eyes trailed his muscular arms, he was quite handsome when his mouth was shut. He didn’t remove the hat when he spoke. “Not yet.”
You scoffed. “Don’t tell me you’re getting tired now. You had plenty of time to nap earlier.”
Arthur took the hat from his face and looked out the open tent flaps. “Ain’t dark enough yet.” He paused before putting the hat back over his face. He pointed down at your chest.
You looked down, noticed the button and fixed it. “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
You looked around the room, bored. “So,” You began. “What kinda errands were you runnin’ today?”
“None yer business.” He was glad the hat covered his face, he would rather eat shit than let you see him blush.
You groaned. “Ugh, why are you always so difficult?”
“I could ask you the same question.” He responded.
“Damn it Arthur, move that hat I can barely understand what yer sayin’!” You threw your pillow at him and knocked the hat from his face. “Hey! Watch where you throw that thing!” He threw it back at you with a little more force than necessary.
You caught it and rolled your eyes. “You’re such a child. I’m goin’ to see if Pearson’s got dinner ready.”
He sat up, “can you bring me some?”
You gave him a sweet smile. “Eat shit, Arthur.” And you disappeared behind the closed flaps of the tent.
Arthur smiled, couldn’t have said it better myself.
You exited the tent at the perfect time, Pearson had just begun serving dinner. You stood in line patiently and as you turned to sit at the fire with your food you noticed Arthur emerge from the tent and make his way to the dinner line. John plopped down beside you. “Where’s your man?” He teased.
You rolled your eyes. “Ain’t got one, where’s yours?”
“Very funny.” John elbowed you, “don’t act like I didn’t see you and Arthur gettin’ cozy this morning.”
“Pfft, please. I don’t know what yer talkin’ about.” You tried to keep your voice steady and casual.
“I’d believe ya, but yer cheeks are mighty red!” John teased.
“Don’t you got someone else to bother?” You snapped. “What you saw was me about to strangle Arthur from pure annoyance and nothin’ else.” Your tone was more defensive than you intended, why did you care what John thought?
He stood, “Whatever you say.” He turned to leave then stopped. “It’ll happen one day ya know.” And he left before you could respond. You looked down into your stew. You couldn’t figure out why John’s words bothered you so much. They left your stomach in knots. A heavy hand fell on your shoulder.
“You ready?” You nodded up to Arthur and finished the remaining stew in your bowl.
“Let’s do this.”
The sky was now completely black with night, and fate must’ve been on your side as the clouds were covering the moon, leaving very minimal light. The only light around was from the torches of the guards in the field. You and Arthur split, he took the fields on the right, and you the left. You snuck quietly through the fields, draining the big jug of moonshine as you went. As you finished, you headed to the barn. Shit. There was a man standing directly in front of the barn doors. You turned and saw Arthur across the fields. He caught your eye, picked up a small stone and threw it. “Hey, who’s there?” The man trailed off in the direction of the noise and Arthur gave you a thumbs up.
Arthur watched you slip into the barn and he pulled his knife. Four guards were more than easy enough. He quietly snuck up on one after the other, covering their mouths, pulling them down, and sticking them with his knife. The most noise any of them made was a gurgle. After he finished the last guard in the fields, he headed towards the barn.
As you opened the door to the barn, a man turned to you. “H-“ your throwing knife landed between his eyes before he could get the word out. You removed the knife and began dousing the tobacco hanging from the walls and ceiling. After the last drop of moonshine dropped the from jug, you nodded to yourself. You pushed the barn door open and almost ran straight into Arthur. “Good timing. You ready to burn this bitch to the ground?” You whisper, adrenaline already pumping.
Arthur handed you a fire bottle, “I’ll give you the honors.”
“How sweet.” You said as he laid the bottle in your hand.
“Now, as soon as this barn goes up we’re gonna need to-“ Arthur was cut off with an explosion of heat and fire. You were giddy with adrenaline and didn’t even hear him speak. Angry voices were immediately headed towards the barn. With a silent nod to each other you split. Arthur pulled his repeater and you took the bag of fire bottles. You ran threw the fields like a child, throwing fire bottles like a flower girl tosses petals down the aisle of a wedding. The sound of bullets flying and fire blazing was like a symphony to you. In all the chaos you felt most alive.
A cry shook you to the core. You turned and against the light of the flames you saw Arthur fall. Everything went slow motion as his body hit the ground. Your body moved faster than it ever has, tossing bottles at the men closing in on Arthur. It kept them at bay long enough for you to grab Arthur and fling him over your shoulder. “You alive?” You asked. Your voice shook.
“Yeah.” He groaned. “Just took a bullet to the leg.”
You picked up his repeater and whistled for your horse. “Good. Don’t go dyin’ on me just yet.”
You kept as fast a pace as you could, tossing fire bottles behind you as you went. Bullets flew passed you as you hobbled with Arthur on your back. Your horse came flying down to you and you flung Arthur on the back of your horse. He grunted with pain when you threw him down. You grabbed his repeater and turned back to the fire. Men were coming through quickly. You tore through them with deadly accuracy, but they were coming in too fast. You climbed on the horse and dug your spurs in deep. “Come on girl, let’s ride!” You turned and looked down at Arthur. “If you’re still awake down there, whistle for your horse. I’m gonna need to lose your extra weight if you expect to get out of here alive.”
He didn’t say anything, he brought his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle. Bullets were whizzing by you and you turned to return the fire. Men fell behind you as you went, but more took their place. Arthur’s horse came quickly andbyou stopped to help him up. You gave him back his repeater and pulled out your pistol. You needed to help Arthur on his horse, but you also needed to shoot the men coming towards you. As you helped him down, you shot wildly, your concentration split. Arthur was losing blood quickly and he was having a hard time keeping his balance. You had one last fire bottle, and if you timed it perfectly, you could take out most of the men in one fell swoop. After Arthur got mounted, you slapped his horse’s rear. “Get outta here, I’ll be right behind you.”
Bullets flew passed you as you stood your ground. 3...2...1...Now! You threw the bottle with perfect precision and it did it’s job. You mounted quickly as the screams of your enemies echoed through the night. It stirred a sick desire in your heart and you felt more alive than you ever had. You rode hard and found Arthur’s horse stopped just up the road. “What the hell are you doin’? You coulda-“ you stopped. “Shit, Arthur!” He was slumped against his horse unconscious. His white horse was stained with the red of his blood and you felt an intense urgency. You tethered his horse to yours and rode a little farther down, a safer distance for camping.
You pulled the horses into a thicket off the trail. You started a fire quickly and pulled Arthur down off his horse. “Damn it, Arthur.” You groaned. “Heavy bastard.” You dropped him to the ground quickly.
“Ow.” He groaned.
“Glad to see you’re still kickin’.” You said, trying to keep your composure.
“I’m surprised you care.” His voice was low and raspy.
“Yeah, me too. First thing we gotta do is get this bullet out, okay?” You handed him a bottle of whiskey. “I’m sorry, this is gonna hurt pretty bad.”
You dug your knife into the bullet wound and he winced and gasped in pain. The sound of his agony caused tears to prick your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You croaked over and over again, until you dug the bullet out.
Arthur was breathing heavily through the pain. “I always thought you liked hurting me.” He took a swig of whiskey then handed it to you. You took a swig and poured it into his wound. “Aughhh! Damn it that hurts!”
“I know, sweetie I know.” Your voice was heavy with concern and it made Arthur’s heart lurch. He had never seen your face contorted in such worry and fear, and over him no less. You never used a pet name for him before either, unless you would consider ‘jackass’ a pet name.
“I know you’re in a lot of pain, but I need to cauterize the wound.” Your eyes were focused on his leg, trying to keep your mind as steady and clear as possible.
“I know, just do what you have to do.” Arthur clenched his jaw and prepared himself for the pain.
You stuck the blade of your knife into the fire and kept it there until it was red hot. “You ready?”
He let out a shaky breath and brought his arm over his face. You inserted the knife into the bullet wound and he thrashed wildly against you, stifling his screams into his arm. You looked up at him and he was biting deep into his forearm. The way the pain twisted his face broke you. Tears fell from your eyes as you twisted the blade, the smell of burning flesh invading your nostrils. It only took him seconds to pass out from the pain, but those seconds were brutal. You checked his pulse after removing the blade and wiped the tears from your face. You took the bandages from your satchel and wrapped his leg carefully.
Your body was shaking all over and you had to choke back the oncoming sobs. You had no idea what had come over you, the sight of Arthur’s body falling to the ground replayed over and over again in your head and it terrified you. But what terrified you more was the realization you didn’t want to be without him. It shook you to the core when you realized you needed him. You wanted to hold his hand and tell him everything was going to be okay. This feeling, does it have a name? You thought it was loathing, but now you’re not sure. He looked so vulnerable resting against a boulder near the fire. You brought the whiskey bottle to your lips and drank deeply. With each gulp of alcohol, you stared at Arthur and contemplated what you were feeling. You always knew he was handsome, that was a given. But was it also a given for you to yearn for him like you did? You found yourself envisioning the way his arms would feel around you and it invoked a deep hunger from within. This new feeling was invading your every thought and you couldn’t escape it. With liquid courage running through your veins your willpower weakened, and you found yourself scooting yourself closer to him. He was still unconscious and you studied his face. His thick beard hid his sharp jawline, but you could see the outline from the light of the flame. Before you could help yourself you found your fingers gently brushing his beard. It was so much softer than you imagined. You looked down at his big hand and picked it up with your bother hand. It was warm and rough, covered in calluses and scars. You put your fingers between his and leaned your head against the boulder. You leaned your head against his shoulder. He was so warm and soft, you nuzzled your face into the crook between his neck and shoulder. You had no idea when sleep took you, but it held you deeply.
Arthur stirred early and the first thing he felt was your even breathing on his collar bone. He opened his eyes and looked down to find you curled into his side, loosely clutching his hand. He winced in pain as he shifted and he remembered the night before. He remembered you taking care of his wounds, and right before he blacked out he could’ve sworn he heard the sound of you crying. Over him though? There was no way. But, you were also curled up in his side clinging to him desperately. He moved slowly, careful not to disturb you. He couldn’t put weight on his leg, so when he tried to stand, he just fell to the ground with a heavy painful thud. “Goddamn it,” He groaned.
The sound of him falling woke you instantly. You sat up quickly and when your eyes fell to him, you had to fight the urge to roll them. You stood, “Damn it, Arthur. I just digged a bullet from your leg, you know better than to try and stand.”
“Yeah,” he groaned as you wrapped your arm under his and helped him up, supporting his weight. “I just didn’t wanna wake ya is all.” You pulled him to his horse and helped him up on his saddle.
“Since when? I thought it was your personal goal every morning to wake me with your incessant noise.” Your voice wasn’t as pointed and antagonizing as usual.
You took down the camp quickly and mounted your horse. “Let’s get you back to home, darlin’.”
Arthur looked up at you in surprise and you looked away. Again with the pet names, plus he could’ve sworn there was a flush of pink across your cheeks. He felt a deep yearning within him, but didn’t fight quite so hard to repress it.
The ride back to camp was silent. The two of you were lost in your own thoughts. Neither of you thought these feelings were loathing but neither of you had a name for what was gripping them so tightly, making their hearts feel light and their stomachs knot when the other looked at them. Maybe this feeling wasn’t loathing, if not what was it?
Part 2
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Misha Collins cant keep track of his own lies.
Misha ''I was a homeless kid' Collins was interviewed by an art magazine, because apparently he is very artsy fartsy.  Whilst given the opportunity to speak about his supposedly favoritist subject: himself, Misha couldn't  remember all the fallacies he had spouted over the years.  I guess Misha figured his mostly underage, deranged fanbase might be too busy, furiously fingering themselves to badly written fanfiction, to actually read something from an intellectual source.  Something tells me that, just like in the mugging case, this reporter wasn't quite buying his lies.  Here are some of the highlights, with Misha's self-indulgent rambling in italics, and with my running commentary in bold [the interviewer is in bold italics]:
''Like most kids, I liked making things with my hands, and my mother helped facilitate this when I was pretty young. But I followed that impulse to an apprentice-level devotion. I would seek out woodworkers when I was 10 or 11, going into shops and learning how to use a lathe or – just asking. I grew up in western Massachusetts, and by the time I got into high school I was fully into this – just talking to people and learning things from them in person.''
So his hippy, drug addict mom who stashed pot down her youngest child's underwear for fear of being arrested, and who, for a short time, raised poor Misha in a car, honed his artistic skills when he was pretty young?  When?  When they were living in the woods?  And using a bowl of ice as a refrigerator?  So either his story of his childhood is greatly exaggerated or....yeah, that's all I got.  How gullible does he think people are?
Then in high school, I needed a job, so I started doing some manual labor.
So whilst at his elite private school, where there are rich dads and moms dropping off their darlings every morning, Misha chooses manual labor.  He likes to talk to people but he didn't speak to Mr and Mrs Moneybags?  He could have been a petty gopher in one of their companies and fared better.  After all, he needed a job.  I wonder why he chose ''manual labor''?  And why he chose to word it like that, instead of saying ''I became a carpenter's apprentice''.  I guess it sounds honorable.  That's is nothing dramatic about  saying that you flip burgers at McDs.  Saying that you work in a menial, underpaid job for a multimillion dollar company, does have a more dramatic feel to it. 
I built that barn on my mother’s property. Our house had burned down, so with the insurance proceeds, we built that and...
Wait, wasn't Misha's mom a pothead who lived in a car for some time with her two children?  Now, not only does she have property but she has the money to pay for insurance.  When did you live in the car, Misha?  When the house burnt down?  Why didn't you live in that house you showed footage of, on twitter?  Its a nice house, complete with Christmas stockings.  It doesn't quite gel with your underprivileged childhood narrative, but nice nonetheless.   
I worked a lot when I was in college, probably 30 hours a week most of the time. I did some handyman stuff, some carpentry stuff. After sophomore year, I took a year off. I interned at the [Clinton] White House, worked at NPR, became an EMT, started a summer camp for kids. It was a great year.
What is he?  A career whore?  So he was artsy fartsy, but he worked everywhere doing jobs that were unrelated to each other, instead of staying in his field of carpentry, and making money from that.  He got EMT certification.  Was it free?  Did he pay for it with his tuition fees?  What was the purpose of it, if making money for fees was of paramount importance?  That doesn't make sense, because if he was working 30 hour weeks, when did he have time to study?  The average work day is a tad longer, about 40 hours a week.  And if he was studying and working, when was Superman sleeping?  Why was he working so hard?  To put himself to college, don'tcha know.  Even though colleges offer student loans and don't accept their fees in installments.  And yet, he took time off for one year after sophomore.  Was it to make a lot of money for his tuition fees?  Nope, it was to become an EMT and start a summer camp for kids.  I guess summer camps are big business and you can pay off great debts if you start one.  Good to know.  His internment at the Whitehouse only lasted four months, and yet he has acquired all the knowledge there is to acquire, to become a political knowitall on twitter.  Sidenote:  Is it normal for internships at the Whitehouse to last, such a short time.  I am genuinely curious, because it doesn't sound right. 
This is where I think the interviewer started to sound like she was side-eyeing the wood working maestro and his yarns of tall tales.
After graduation you got into acting, and in 1999, you moved with Victoria to Los Angeles for film and television work. There, in 2001, you bought your first house. Tell us about it. You were a starving actor?
Yeah. Right after we bought it, our realtor said, “There’s a TV show that would like to shoot your house.” They brought this [house-hunting] couple through, and when we saw the episode, they had surveyed the house and were like, “We don’t want to touch this piece of s---.” It was a real wreck, had been seriously neglected. It was built in the 1920s, and built by people who weren’t carpenters, didn’t know what they were doing. It was built so poorly, and everything was sagging – the window frames, the eaves.
Can you believe that?  The starving actor bought a house.  Let that sink in.  He recognized that the house was built by non-carpenters [how was this building standing.  Twas a miracle, I tell you.]  And despite being a starving actor with a small amount of money, and a knowledge of carpentry, he bought a house that was badly built by non-carpenters.  So he knew he was buying a liability.  Why?
The kitchen floor you put in is beautiful. Yes, that’s gunstock, from a gun manufacturer in Northern California.
Mr Gun Free supporting the Gun manufacturing industry.  Man, this guy is a hypocrite. 
You lived in that first house for 11 years. Do you still own it? We rent it out to some lovely people who love it, so it’s good.
Fun fact:  Mr Humble Pie has two pieces of property.  And he is making money off of one, but he chooses to attend cons with the same torn T-shirts from years ago, or has to fleece off of Jensen's wardrobe and generosity, otherwise he would be doing his panels naked, poor thing.  Why doesn't he stop his cruises for a year, and use that money to buy decent threads?  One shirt can last a few years.  The lies are  embarrassing, but miraculously his minions believe him. 
On the way to this house, you became very successful with this hugely popular TV series. Life changed. Do you still manage to make time for handwork? 
Yeah. I’ve discovered that I really like working. Work can be respite for me, and switching gears is really key. Going from working on scripts to working with my hands is therapeutic, for sure. I am still managing to work with my hands. I was just doing some woodworking yesterday. I do a lot of cooking. That’s a big part of my life, and also I think a barometer of emotional health. When I’m not cooking, it’s a sign that I’m too stressed out and I’ve got to dial things back a little bit. I do a lot of canning. I put up 120 jars of blackberry jam this fall.
What an irony!  One of the greatest instigators of stress for his co-workers and their fans, gets stressed out himself.  Yeah, guilt can do that.  Plus, he likes quantifying accomplishments.  That is why Gish exists.  Quantity over quality. 
Which artists inspire you? I love Christo and Jeanne Claude, because of the mind-bending scale on which they’ve created things, like they’re rethinking what’s possible. I’m somebody who kind of likes to break rules, to bend rules when appropriate.
I could write a whole big post, on Misha's rule breaking and bending.  From stealing Whitehouse property [and bragging about it] to telling fans about the scratched line in the Crypt which got Jensen a barrage of abuse on Twitter.  The one thing that he spoke about that doesn't make sense is his story about almost getting arrested for reading a book on a building rooftop.  It makes no sense.  There is a portion of the story that is missing, I'm sure.  Misha is a great exaggerator.
Have you turned any Supernatural castmates on to craft? On a set, there’s tons of downtime, a lot of sitting and knitting and crocheting. And I have occasionally been in the mix there. Last year Jensen [Ackles], my co-star, walked up and saw me knitting, and he just looked at me and said, “Really?” But I could tell there was jealousy behind it, more than criticism. So I’ll teach him to knit, and it’ll be fine. We’ll get through this.
Will you look at that?  There are around 70 people on set at any given time.  Many of them must have seen Misha knitting.  And look who Misha decided to mention.  Was that a ''just in case, a nutty heller is reading this'' insertion?  No mention is made of Jared, because who cares about him, right?  Got to give the crowd what they want.  I am side eyeing the knitting claim myself, because I do knit and having seen a photo of him knitting, I can safely say that, that is not how you grasp at the yarn.  You knit with loose fingers because yarn is abrasive. 
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The first big project we did with Random Acts was we built an orphanage and community center in Haiti. I would not have thought that was a tackle-able enterprise if I didn’t have a background in building.  Our biggest fundraising driver for the projects that we do – like building a school or an orphanage – is we bring folks down in groups of 25 or so to Haiti or to Nicaragua, and they help in the building process. We roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty.
Wow, he built the 500K orphanage with his own hands, but didn't think about lights for the children.  His response regarding the lights was ''it's Haiti and it takes three f*cking years to get an electrician''.  Wow, I am a third worlder too, but we have electricians.  How backwards is Haiti that he couldn't find a single electrician in the whole country, to light the place up for the poor orphans?  He couldn't squeeze in one electrician in the group of 25 or so.  Are there no philanthropic electricians in his circles?  My word, electricians are such selfish people, don't you think?  They don't want to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.  Why couldn't he just pay for one instead of waiting three years?  Fun fact:  According to their website, the orphanage, aka, the Jacmel children's center houses only 15 children, but another page says there are 27 children living in the house.  They don't know how many children they are looking after.  But that is still a small amount.  So where did all these kids go?
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Misha either staged this picture with school kids on an excursion or all those kids got adopted by the staggeringly high quantity of rich couples living in Haiti, right Misha?  SMH
This question made me smirk.  The interviewer had to know Misha has never been to public school.  Look how Mr Bleeding Heart answers the question.
As we know, art programs in K-12 public schools these days are in decline, especially shop class, manual arts. How can we nurture creativity in kids, and why is that important? When I was 9 years old, I had a paper route. One day my younger brother and I were collecting money, and Mr. Haigis answered the door. He started talking to us, and he discovered that our parents were separated, and we didn’t live with our father. In the 1960s, he had run a woodshop for little kids. He had stopped doing it because he got busy with his career. Now he was retired. These two boys show up delivering papers on his front stoop, and it just comes to him: “I’ve got to do the same thing for those kids.”
So Mr Haigis left all the poor, underprivileged children and decided to help these two boys who were going to an elite school?  Sounds legit.  What about public school children, Mr Haigis?  Don't you care about them?   
I was a starving actor for at least a decade.
Misha was a starving actor who worked on 24 projects before getting SPN, but he still managed to buy a house.  Fun fact:  he was an  associate producer on a docu-movie, ''Loot'' which won best documentary at the LA film festival.  His movie didn't need sock puppets to win this one.  Misha should produce more.  That way he wont be on screen, festering up the frame.  The less we see of him, the better. 
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Is there something you said you wouldn't do, but in the end you did it? >> Oh, probably. 
Are you originally an American, or are you some other kind of nationality? >> I was born in the US.
Do you sometimes pretend to do things you dont know how to do? >> No?
What was the last compliment you remember someone gave to you? Who was it? >> I really don’t remember the last compliment I received. Maybe a comment on one of my fics on AO3.
Have you ever had one of those pregnancy scares? When did this take place? >> I mean, I’ve been afraid I was pregnant, but I was correct, so that’s not really a “scare”.
Are you someone who puts ranch dressing on everything you eat? >> I don’t put ranch dressing on anything, actually.
Have you ever personally been friends with a stripper or prostitute? >> I dated an ex-stripper and I was friends with an on-again off-again prostitute, yeah.
What kind of ipod or mp3 player do you own at this moment in time? >> I use Spotify on my phone.
What, to you, is the best way a guy can smell? Give examples? >> There is no “best way” for me. I just don’t like anyone to smell like rank body odour, or like an excess of fragrance. Extreme smells on either side of the spectrum are equally terrible. Just smell clean and that’s good enough.
Does it seem to bother you when someone doesn't reply to your messages? >> It bothers me if they have a consistent habit of leaving me hanging in conversations that haven’t reached what I consider a logical end.
How many times a day, on average, do you think critically about something? >> How would I even keep track of this...
Are you someone who speaks their mind, or do you hold it all in? >> I tend to keep things to myself, these days. I used to speak my mind all the time, and there’s really no great benefit to it. I’m still honest and direct when I do speak, and I think that’s good enough. No one needs to know most of the stuff I think and feel unless it’s really productive in the moment -- or unless they’ve pissed me off to the point where I don’t care how they feel about what I have to say, which is luckily a rare occurrence.
Is anyone who lives with you at the moment, really loud and annoying? >> No.
Name at least one interesting fact almost no one knows about you? >> *shrug*
Where do you work at this moment in time? Does this place have insurance? >> ---
If you have tattoo's, which one that you have was the most painful? >> I don’t recall any of them being particularly more painful than the others.
Who is someone on television at the moment that you feel sorry for? >> ---
Are you currently in the process of 'bettering' yourself as a person? >> I’m always in that process.
What is something you tend to not be able to stand in the least bit at all? >> Things that send me into sensory overload.
Are there any foods out there that can make you puke, just by seeing it? >> No.
Does it make you angry when people complain an excessive amount around you? >> Not angry, just extremely irritated and bored. It makes me want to leave their presence immediately (or block/mute them, if it’s online).
Do you like watching people fight or do you stay out of the way of things? >> Sometimes it’s entertaining, but most of the time it’s just exasperating or distracting. If they’re loud, which people tend to be when they’re arguing, then it’s sensory overload time and I’m ready to leave.
Do you encourage people or do you tend to put them down for things? >> I don’t have a habit of putting people down, but I also don’t make a particular point of being vocally encouraging. 
What would you consider your favorite pattern? (zebra print, floral, etc.) >> I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it.
At what age did you actually hit puberty? Was it hard for you to handle? >> I don’t remember, and I’m not sure there was a particular age when -- BOOM! -- puberty happened. It’s kind of a gradual process that is easier to recognise in hindsight than when it’s actively happening. And yes, the whole process of transitioning from childhood to sexual maturity was extremely difficult for me for a variety of reasons (most related to the process, some not).
Do you tend to make the people are you angry or are you very subtle? >> Er...
Are you considered a graceful person or are you more clumsy? >> I am more graceful than I am clumsy.
Do you fall up the stairs more than you actually tend to fall down them? >> I don’t do either one often enough to know.
Have you ever sucked on helium? Did your voice change at all? >> Yeah, and yeah. It’s pretty funny.
Do you know any girls who have an overly manly voice and features? >> :|
Are you normally someone who tries to grab everyone else's attention? >> No.
Have you ever actually met and talked to someone who's famous? >> Yeah.
When was the last time you got a parking ticket for anything at all? >> ---
What color are your bed sheets and when did you buy them? >> Light grey, and a few months ago.
Does it bother you when a lot of people try to fit in to a small space? >> Yeah, particularly when I was already in that small space and fit there pretty comfortably before all these other people who are completely unaware of how much space they take up decided to crowd in.
Do you play any sports? If so, did you meet new friends that way? >> No.
Where are you planning on going to college if you're planning on going? >> ---
Do people ever make fun of you for something you really cant help? >> People have definitely done so, but that’s not something I encounter very often now.
If you definitely had to, what would you label yourself, and why? >> I don’t have to, though.
Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? >> ---
Have you ever tried chocolate chip waffles? Are they now your favorite? >> I don’t like milk chocolate, so no.
What company are you signed up for car insurance, if any at all? >> ---
Are you someone who really likes to cook? What's your favorite meal? >> I am not someone who really likes to cook. There are certain circumstances where I like doing it, but those circumstances are not frequent occurrences.
Do you own any scarves? How many and what colors are all of them? >> I have a black one with constellations on it, and it has lights inside it that you can turn on and off.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? Which one did you go to anyway? >> I did not go to camp as a child. I did, however, go to several as an adult.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Is there something you said you wouldn’t do, but in the end you did it? Yeah.  Are you originally an American, or are you some other kind of nationality? I’m American.
Do you sometimes pretend to do things you dont know how to do? I sometimes pretend I somewhat know I’m doing and can function. Oh, this also reminds me of when I was in 4th grade and took violin, which I sucked at, and pretended to play during the recitals. lol. I didn’t want to quit, so I stuck it out for the school year, but yeah I couldn’t play for crap.
What was the last compliment you remember someone gave to you? Who was it? It was on the shirt I was wearing.
Have you ever had one of those pregnancy scares? When did this take place? No.
Are you someone who puts ranch dressing on everything you eat? Ha, pretty much. I always have to have some kind of dip or sauce.
Have you ever personally been friends with a stripper or prostitute? No.
What kind of ipod or mp3 player do you own at this moment in time? I have an iPod Touch, but I haven’t used it since like 2012.
What, to you, is the best way a guy can smell? Give examples? I love most colognes. Sandalwood and cedar wood are my favorite notes.
Does it seem to bother you when someone doesn’t reply to your messages? I mean, if I’m asking them something or trying to have a conversation. I rarely message anyone anymore, though. How many times a day, on average, do you think critically about something? I’m always thinking about things. My mind never shuts up.
Are you someone who speaks their mind, or do you hold it all in? I keep a lot to myself.
Is anyone who lives with you at the moment, really loud and annoying? No.
Name at least one interesting fact almost no one knows about you? I don’t know.
Where do you work at this moment in time? Does this place have insurance? I’m not working.
If you have tattoo’s, which one that you have was the most painful? I don’t have any.
Who is someone on television at the moment that you feel sorry for? Uhh.
Are you currently in the process of ‘bettering’ yourself as a person? I really should be, but I haven’t taken the steps yet and I don’t know why. I need a lot of work.
What is something you tend to not be able to stand in the least bit at all? Eating sounds. 
Are there any foods out there that can make you puke, just by seeing it? Not by just seeing it I don’t think. Smelling it, most definitely. 
Does it make you angry when people complain an excessive amount around you? Yes. I could definitely complain, too, about a lot but I don’t. Not to say I never complain of course, but I try to keep that stuff to myself. 
Do you like watching people fight or do you stay out of the way of things? I stay away from that. I never understood why everyone always ran over to watch a fight and would get so into it at school. I don’t like watching people get hurt. Even just verbal arguments make me nervous.
Do you encourage people or do you tend to put them down for things? Wow, I never want to put anyone down. 
What would you consider your favorite pattern? (zebra print, floral, etc.) I like floral.
At what age did you actually hit puberty? Was it hard for you to handle? 13. I was in the hospital because I had surgery, so I mean, at least if there was any issues I was already at the doctor.
Do you tend to make the people are you angry or are you very subtle? I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking exactly. I don’t think I tend to make people angry. I hope not. I know I frustrate and annoy people, though. Not intentionally, but I’m just an annoying, stubborn, frustrating person.
Are you considered a graceful person or are you more clumsy? I’m clumsy.
Do you fall up the stairs more than you actually tend to fall down them? I don’t use the stairs.
Have you ever sucked on helium? Did your voice change at all? No, I’ve always been too scared to try lol
Do you know any girls who have an overly manly voice and features? No.
Are you normally someone who tries to grab everyone else’s attention? Nooo. I don’t want that.
Have you ever actually met and talked to someone who’s famous? Yes.
When was the last time you got a parking ticket for anything at all? I don’t drive.
What color are your bed sheets and when did you buy them? Pink. I don’t know when we bought them exactly, but I’ve had them for a long time.
Does it bother you when a lot of people try to fit in to a small space? I hate when people cram into the elevator. I get claustrophobic and I don’t want to be all hugged up on people.
Do you play any sports? If so, did you meet new friends that way? No.
Where are you planning on going to college if you’re planning on going? I already went, saw, and conquered college. 
Do people ever make fun of you for something you really cant help? Not to my face, thankfully, but I’m sure they have.
If you definitely had to, what would you label yourself, and why? Emo.
Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? She’s protective of us.
Have you ever tried chocolate chip waffles? Are they now your favorite? I think I have before.
What company are you signed up for car insurance, if any at all?
Are you someone who really likes to cook? What’s your favorite meal? Nope.
Do you own any scarves? How many and what colors are all of them? No, I don’t like to wear them I can’t stand anything around my neck like that. Plus, it doesn’t get cold enough here for one.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? Which one did you go to anyway? I went to science camp and Girl Scout camp.
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lesbians-and-lights · 5 years
Robin mems, please dm if this is familiar
- i was a nonbinary lesbian. i was also autistic, had anxiety, and tics - El was a lesbian and in a relationship with Max - Will was gay aroace (demiromantic but aro was easier to say) - Mike was a trans girl who came out after canon but during season 2/3 canon she was trying her closeted best
- Eleven went by El Hopper even when she lived with the Byers and used 0011 as her code name whenever we used codes with the walkies or stuff like that, she Did Not like being referred to as Jane
- i joined the party but mostly hung out with Steve. i became more of the father figure while Steve actually was the mother of the group - Steve was my absolute best friend although he was a bit of a dumb ass and i often had to advocate for him being better than he seemed a good amount of the time - Steve was either bi or gay but i cant remember which though during/after season 4 i know he got with Eddie
- i ended up getting closer with Max and El.  they would invite me to sleepovers and stuff and i would drive them places a lot to hang out, i remember sometimes we would sit on someones bed and do each others hair or clothes although Max usually led the clothes events while i did hair since i was really good at braiding and fun fancy styles, i was also pretty good at making jewelry and such - at one point i made the whole party these little embroidery thread and bead things that you could either clip onto things as a keychain or tie up as a bracelet. any holiday or birthday gift from me was going to have some kind of little handmade jewelry or keychain type piece in it
- at some point Steve, the party, and i all went to a summer camp a few towns away together. Steve and i were counselors while the rest of the party were all campers.  it was some kind of sleep away camp and i remember El and Max were in my cabin while Steve got Will and Mike since Mike wasnt out yet and someone else had Dustin and Lucas. i remember one night when the campers were having a movie night or something, the counselors got a night time pool party and i know Steve and i had a lot of water fights during that.  Steve and i continued to be counselors there for a few years and the kids would come and go depending on the year but the next time everyone was there Mike was out and she could finally be in my cabin with El, Max, some other girls, and
- one of my special interests was languages/codes including read, fictional, and self made - by the events of season 4 i could fluently read, write, and speak English, Russian, Icelandic, could fluently sign ASL, and was learning Mandarin Chinese with plans to also learn Cantonese plus i could write in a shit ton of different codes, ciphers, and fictional languages - other special interests of mine included film (mostly film production but there were a few specific movies that rotated in and out the only one of note/that i can remember was The Labyrinth) and various types of puzzles (rubiks cubes, the ones usually made out of various shapes or sizes of wood or bamboo bricks, the metal ones where youve got to separate the two rings or whatever, ectect) - when i was younger chess was a big special interest of mine but it no longer was by the time any canon events happened - i knew or was good at all sorts of weird little things like how to make weird shapes with my shoe laces, how to pick locks or easily get the correct lock combo, break or break into just about any object with the least amount of damage through what was usually just pure coincidence, and just a bunch more but i cant quite tell whats actually significant enough for anyone to remember it to know if i should list more or not
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islamicrays · 6 years
I wanna start memorizing Qur'an In sha allah, do you have any advice on how to accomplish it ? Also please make dua for me to act upon it with dedication :)
Assalamu AlaikumThese are some tips given by bushra tabkhi who memorized quran in a short span of time. Hope it will help you in shaa Allah"Here are my humble tips:Seek Allah’s help. Make duaa. When you reach Juzu 7.. or 14.. or anything.. and you start to lose motivation- turn to him. They are His words and He alone can teach you them.Get a portion done in the morning, especially if you are busy. The days where I could manage at least 1-2 pages before noon, made the 10 pages much easier. If I started after noon, it would take longer. #EarlyBirdBarakehCancel Stuff. Say No more often. You have to cut back on some things you are used to. Its just the way it works. Even if you do have time to do other things, you don’t have the energy. Too much non-quran things really takes you away from the mood. If your friends start to get annoyed by how much you are saying no recently- then you are doing it right.Find Recitation Coach(es). I couldn’t stay with the camp the whole time- so I would recite to my mom, sister, and friends. Try to stick to a couple people but have more than one person. If you need to recite and the person is busy you will get discouraged- so try to have a back-up. I used to even recite on the phone sometimes!Memorize and recite DAILY. No days off. None. Even if you memorize only page and your goal is to memorize 10. It has to become a habit. Plus, you start one page… then the next page looks easy.. then the next one goes fast..Big chunks are easier! I used to think memorizing one page a time is faster- but actually.. memorizing 4-6 pages at a time makes it go faster. Its like your brain gets into “memorization” mode-and whats you recite to someone else its hard to get back into “memorization” mode to start again. So if you are doing 10 pages, try to memorize 6.. recite them to your “coach”, then the 4 pages will be easy inshallah. Even memorizing all 10 is not that hard!Don’t tell too many people at first. Because it gets kind of stressful when they keep asking where you reached, how many pages you’ve done, etc. Tell your “coaches” and tell your close friends for motivation and to not lose sight of the goal.Free your Mind-more than your time! It’s not about how many hours you have a day as much as how much you need to reduce mental clutter. I can get much more done in 2 hours relaxed than in 6 when I am worrying about something. The Quran does not enter with chaos. So before you start, make your to-do lists and put them aside, get essential things done, free yourself from worries and commitments. If anything worries you while you are memorizing, remember Shaytan doesn’t want you to focus and that the Quran will take care of your worries.When you are sleepy-do one more. I don’t even know why. I guess its just about pushing yourself. But I always felt barakeh when I did 1-2 more pages at night when I was getting sleepy rather than giving up.Motivate yourself with baby steps. Its daunting to be in Surat AlBaqara and be dreaming of Surat AlNaas. Just keep imagining how happy you will be to be in the next surah or next few juzu2s. When I was in the 13th I would be like: ya rab.. I want to reach 15…the middle. Then in 15- Ya rab, I want to reach 20th juzu2.. the majority. Then in the 20th.. Ya rab- till the 25th so almost nothing is left.. Then, ya rab- I have to finish!!Use one Mushaaf . Don’t switch around. I used mine every single day. And I used a pencil to mark around words and underline ayahs. And post-it notes for the next juzu2 so I would get excited to reach it. Try to get a standard size quran- too small is hard to memorize from. Too big is hard to hold. Avoid electronic Mushafs- they personally give me headaches and I find take more time. Plus you cant write on them.Phone- silent. Far away. I muted almost all notifications.Find your memorization-style. My best memorization technique is sign- language! I look hilarious when I recite something I know well. I memorize it all with hand gestures. It really helped me. I also sometimes would write them out, or write out the beginning of each ayah. Walking also helped because it gave me energy-but only for a few pages at a time. Listening to ayahs is nice-especially if you have trouble reading- but is time-consuming. But please do this if you can’t read it well because the worst thing you can do is memorize something wrong the first time.Divide page into halves or thirds-then glue together. Do one ayah, repeat a couple times. Do the next ayah, then repeat it with the one before it. Divide the page in halves or thirds depending on how many ayahs a page, then try them together at the end.When reviewing a large amount, review the BEGINNING of each ayah. When you keep repeating an ayah, chances are if you can start it you can finish it. So don’t waste your attention re-reading the whole page. Just test if you know the beginning of each ayah.Stay away from sins… but when you mess up- repent and keep going.Shaytan will tell you: there’s no point to memorize- you are a sinner. Or will remind you of a sin so that you feel that you can’t memorize. Seek refuge from Allah and keep going. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t need a Holy Book from Allah teaching us how to live our life. You won’t be perfect by the end.This is us trying to come closer to Allah as humans. Seek refuge from the shaytan, say Bismillah- and #justkeepmemorizing.Take breaks after reciting to someone- not after memorizing. I don’t know if this just worked for me- but I always found it more efficient. And don’t make them long. 10 minutes are a good refresher. More than that and you will lose the “memorization- mode”Find a partner. Or a group! Make it a challenge for those around you. Even away from the camp I was motivated thinking of the girls sitting memorizing at the camp working towards my same goal.Try to stay focused. When you take too long on one page because of distractions or daydreaming- it takes extra extra long. Stay focused, finish the page, then take your break.Not all ayahs are the same. Some ayahs are harder, you will have to find new ways to memorize them or repeat them more. That’s fine.Set time goals. I used to always have a max goal of half an hour per page. More than that- and I knew I was doing something wrong or not focusing. Sometimes it takes less- which is great! Just don’t lose track of time.Make connections. Sometimes I would relate one word with one word in the next ayah. It really helps. For example.. an ayah that has my friends name, and the next ayah would remind me of another friend. So I would connect those two words to tie the two ayahs together..Look up tough words. Sometimes understanding that ONE hard word in the ayah- makes you understand the ENTIRE ayah which helps you understand the page and really helps you memorize. Too much tafseer while memorizing makes it harder- you start to understand it but forget the actual words.Tarteel later.. (Tarteel: slow, beautified recitation) I suggest that you don’t keep repeating each ayah with full tarteel when memorizing- it takes too long if you are aiming for a short time-frame and sometimes you memorize the “sound” and not the actual words. When I would memorize I would repeat them relatively quickly- to not lose energy or focus. (When you are done memorizing- enjoy your tarteel.)Once you finish, start planning your revision strategy. It is not a once and for all thing, and revising is essential! Especially if you finish it in a short time period.Ayahs about stories are the easiest! Enjoy them!"I hope this will help you in shaa Allah. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help you to memorize quran and act on it.Allahumma ameen
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tumblunni · 6 years
It seems i might possibly be gone for six months
I've been talking with my support worker about taking a course at this place thats uhh apparantly gonna help me get better with the depressions and stuff. And we had a meeting to go look around the place and make introductions and stuff but i had NO IDEA it would be all such short notice! I might have to move in IN TWO DAYS FROM NOW, what the fuck!!! And like if its not that its gonna be at the end of the week or next tuesday at the latest. Im so fuckin unprepared and im really freakin out!!
..uhh...how to describe it..well i guess its literally a mental asylum? But it's absolutely NOTHING like the horror movie stereotype! Its not a hospital with cages or locked rooms, its just like a big comfy cute shared house. Like a bunch of completely normal small apartment rooms but they just happen to be all connected to a shared kitchen and stuff and have on site nurses and a big schedule of therapy sessions and group activities like pottery class or bowling. You have the freedom to come and go as you please if you're on "voluntarily admitted" status (that's me!) and even if you're on what they call "sectioned" its still not scary loss of all your freedom. The highest level of sectioning is just like "requires an escort"? You're still allowed to go outside but you have a higher level of supervision from your key worker because you could potentially be a danger to yourself. But that's very rare and most people are only on maximum sectioning for a few weeks at the start of their treatment, if they've come straight from a situation of self harm or other concern factors. Most of the "sectioned" patients just have a time limit on how long they can spend on unsupervised outside activity. It's a pretty generous 8 hours apparantly!
So yeah i was getting worried about nothing, thinking i was gonna be in big scary solitary confinement and locked inside a tiny broom closet or jabbed with brain lazers. It honestly just seems like a summer camp resort for adults! And everyone there seems very nice, and im excited for being able to learn life skills like cooking and potential steps towards getting educational qualifications someday. And to have the help of a more specialist support worker who can assist me with even the smallest little problems. Like this nice lady Tazmin (who might be the one i get?) was saying how they've had other people with social anxiety before, and how we could plan "gradual exposure" to all the things that scare me. Like she said she'd be able to come with me and we'd take the bus and them get off at the next stop. That'd honestly be really helpful to help me get over being scared of the crowded spaces on buses, but i'd never be able to do it normally cos i'd be too embarassed taking such a short bus ride. Plus well itd be a waste of money,but if i'm a patient here i would get a free bus pass so it wouldnt be a problem.
Oh and the area seems really nice! Its so different from my stupid house right now in a crowded neighbourhood with NOTHING but houses everywhere for a mile! Its seriously almost a mile's walk to the ONE SINGULAR SHOP IN THE AREA and they close on sundays and dont sell vegetarian food. :( This area around the shared house thingie is a really nice bustling shops place but not super shops? Like i mean its a lovely village that has all the small shops you need, not a huge skyscrapers busy tourist place. The perfect balance of conveinient and not scary! They have a library and a park so close to the place, and a bazillion charity shops holy FUCK im so excited to have charity shops again!! I think you call them thrift shops in america? But i just always really love bargain hunting and finding nice surprises in places like that! And there's places to do pottery classes and group trips sometimes to do stuff like cinema or bowling or just having your big ol scary therapy meeting at the nice coffee shop at the end ot the road.
So yeah dont worry about me guys, im not trapped in some horribke hell place! I'm sure it'll be as non threatening as an Intensive Therapy Boot Camp can possibly be, im just still nervous as hell cos well yeah I Have Social Anxiety And That Is Why I Am Here In The First Place. Im scared im not gonna be able to succeed at this. I really wanna leave at the end and be all mentally buffed up and ready to make all these nice nurses proud!
Oh and man Richard has been so nice about this?? He was super freaked out and apologetic about it being Scary Short Notice, we had a bit of a dumb misunderstanding where he clearly told me and i clearly said yes but i somehow completely misunderstood what he was saying and thought i was saying yes to something else??? So im so fuckin glad that at the very end of the appointment right when i was gonna get out the car he was like 'oh so remember your suitcase on wednesday' and i was like WHAT. Like man can you imagine how much more terrifying it would have been if i just turned up on wednesday with no supplies but the shirt off my back and was like 'wtf where is he driving me OH GOD NO'. Bunni why you so bad at the good of talking!! Seriously richard thanks so much for clearing it up but also AAAAA i accidentally agreed to the shortest of short notice and i dont know if he's gonna be able to reschedule it!!!
And man i was there crying in his car about how i dont wanna be in hospital on my birthday, and babbling all the different things i had planned fot the next few months. And GOD DAMN MY DUMB BRAIN i ended up blurting out that i had a preorder of a videogame that i was gonna miss. And i straight up started explaining pokemon to my mental health counseller who is also a dj, how damn fake does my life sound?? Anyway he said that i'll still be able to keep him as my support worker when i get back out of this, and we'll still have weekly or monthly meetings while i'm in there. And he keeps reminding me that i'm free to leave if i feel uncomfortable, but i know that i'd feel like a failure if i did! So he legit fuckin goddamn said (THIS SOUNDS SO FAKE) that i could take a day off when the dumb game comes out, and he'd play co op pokemon with me. HOLY GEEZUS RICHARD YOU'RE LIKE THAT HOLY GRAIL OF THERAPISTS! And man he even said it wasnt embarassing for me to sleep with a teddy bear and he'd help me pack it up safe and ensure nobody saw it while we move my bags into my new room. And then i was like "uhh but also the teddy bear is a giant lifesize embarassing pokemon merchandise" and he was like "okay so we need DOUBLE STEALTH". Apparantly the new sequel to Pokemon Go is Pokemon Sneak! God he helped calm me down from this freakout so much, he's always great with lil jokes and motivational sayings. And i talked about how i first started being interested in Obscure Deep Sea Slug Facts because pokemon has some characters based on weird real life animals, and like its Very Educational Honest, And Has Appeal For Both Kids And Adults. How on earth did this turn into Motovational Pokemon Blabber Time??? Anyway thats how i ended up texting a professional psychologist pictures of gastrodon at 7.30pm.
In summary
I'm mostly just worried cos this is short notice! And cos its such a big commitment that being short notice is Super Bad. I need to friggin clean the whole house top to bottom in two days, so it doesnt get all gross and attract flies while im gone. And i need to toss out like a hundred bucks worth of frozen food that aint gonna keep for 6 months. And i need to wash all my damn clothes. And i dont even have a suitcase and this is at a terrible time where i dont get paid for a week so i cant buy a new one right now!! And damn i DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO TAKE AAAAAA
Is that i wont be able to talk to you guys for half a year!!!
They dont have wifi and im not allowed to take my computer anyway. They only allow laptops and all i have is a desktop and AAAA its too short notice to save up enough to get a laptop mannnnn! Fuck man i didnt even think about that, i need to go pause my broadband internet for six months, do they even allow you to come back after that long?? And man part of me wants to ask to borrow money from friends to get a laptop but i know this time i cant promise to pay you back within the month cos AAAGH ALL OF THIS SHIT!! Like damn man if anyone is willing to let me pay back a hundred and fifty quid in 6 months??not bloody likely!! And man the only place to get a laptop in TWO GODDAMN DAYS is stupid fuckin Amazon :( but god im gonna go stir crazy being unable to do art or gamemaking or friggin anything to occupy myself!! I can bring my 3ds but i barely have any games for it and ive already finished all of them except harvest moon a new beginning which i quit cos it was bad. And the screen is broken anyway gahhh. SO MANY THINGS I NEED MONEY FOR IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME THAT IS NON CONDUCTIVE TO MONEYING
So anyway GAHH i wont have an internet connection in the house, and i'll be able to walk down the hill and use the library computers hopefully at least weekly, but they forbid all social media sites. So like can i get the emails of everyone who wants to keep in contact? Man i dont know how im gonna manage this AAAAA!!! i will send u loads of pics of scenic asylum beauty and dumb updates on my stupid life of probably very little progress.
And AGGGHHH i dont even have the time to plan a blog queue or anything fuck man geez aaaaaaaa
I NEED TO BUY A NEW PAIR OF TROUSERS WITHOUT HOLES IN THE KNEES man i cant live on singular pantage in a shared house
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nuclearmu5hroom · 7 years
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@raythrill and @itsmesaberaltered asked me more about my shit children so here we go   (thank you for asking :) )
  1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Michelle 'Chell' Elizabeth Holoway (don't judge she's named after me cause I'm not original, only the last name is different). She was named after her grandmother (cause I will be in my upper 80s in 2077)
Drake Michael Fenring. The middle name was his fathers but the first name was taken from his family's crest.
 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
 Both of them hold Doctorates; Drake's has a PhD in Biology and Psychology and Chell holds one in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Both attended CIT. 
 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Chell's favorite memories are of New Years Eve and her Oma would let her drink and she taught her all the good German drinking songs. Worst memories include being assaulted in elementary school by the other kids
Drake can barely remember anything from childhood, but he remembers his first 'invisible man' model which fascinated him when he was 4 or 5. His worst memory was when he was invited to a classmate's birthday party and they got cooler toys than he had which caused panic attacks.
 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Chell didn't really have any problems with her parents. She clashed with her Mother when she got older but got along well with her Dad. They would go to Maine to visit family from time to time and went camping that whole schtick.
Drake had a very impersonal relationship with his folks but you wouldn't really know it since he hid it so well. He just didn't really have the capability to care beyond the things that he needed or wanted. His parents were very home-centered and didn't go places or take him to do things most of the time.
  5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Chell had an older sister, Erin, who left to study abroad in France and ended up staying there permanently. She was very close with her and the fact that she never got to say goodbye to her dear sister is a huge weight for her.
Drake is an only child and if he wasn't he absorbed his twin in utero.
 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Chell was kinda shit at school; got in trouble a lot for talking back, minor acts of vandalism, truancy but in the subjects she did like she was leagues ahead. Her favorite subjects were English Lit, Sociology, Life Sciences, Small Engine Repair/Metal Shop, and History. Hated Gym/Health and the sheer amount of homework that her Math teachers gave her.
Drake was Valedictorian, High Honors, NHS kinda kid. Excelled in most of his subjects but particularly enjoyed Biology and Science, Math, and Sociology. Disliked Gym, Study Halls and Lunch.
 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Chell tried. She was goofy as fuck when she was growing up and it didn't work out so well for her. She had difficulties making lasting relationships.
Drake pretended to be friendly and well liked but only when he knew he could use it to advance. In any regard, he worked/studied too hard to even really want any friends.
 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Chell had cats when she lived with her parents, but opted out since keeping pets was expensive as a college student. Post War though she has Dogmeat and Daisy whom she bought from Gene.
Drake finds their insides fascinating.
  9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Chell’s got this weird drunken Snow White vibe with the animals of the Commonwealth going on. She loves and protects Radstags and will usually keep some corn or razorgrain on her just to feed them if she ever comes across them. Hates the bugs though, Christ they got big and ugly....
Drake would rather prefer to stay away from them if it can be helped unless he needs to use them.
 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Chell never really wanted to be a parent, she kinda got knocked up accidentally but she embraced it and she wanted to be a good mom. When Shaun was abducted she thought her life was over. When she found out who her son turned out to be it changed her pretty profoundly. Then when Synth!Shaun came around she was really unprepared but tried to make the best of it. Shaun has his own room back in Sanctuary all decked out with all kinds of toys and posters. She’s a pretty absent parent though unfortunately. Being General means that she’s Mother to all 400,000 settlements. She asked Preston and Curie to be Shaun’s godparents/foster parents and she just comes blowing in every now and then like the drunk aunt.
Drake doesn't want kids but I think we can all guess that by now.
 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope. Although if you get canned meat anywhere near Drake you’re gonna end up wearing it.
 12. What is their favourite food? 
As previously mentioned in the last ask, Chell’s favorite food is razorgrain oatmeal with tarberry or mutfruit. Something about its very comforting to her and it lasts a long time. She also makes great Radstag stew (its rare she ever makes it though since she won’t kill them unless they’re suffering)
Drake has an affinity for meat, the rarer the better. He won't touch anything other than Brahmin or Radstag though.
 13. What is their least favourite food?
Both of them are completely disgusted by anything that comes off the gigantic fucking bugs in the Commonwealth. Chell will at least attempt to if she's absolutely starving life or death, but will most likely throw up. Drake won't even look at it. He also hates Cram, Salisbury Steak or the Potted Meat that's available too.
 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Nate used to take Chell out frequently before the War; they were regulars at the Drumlin Diner for a few months after she came home from Anchorage.
Drake was a member of the Boylston Club and most likely would've drank the poisoned wine had he not been in taken as a POW when the bomb fell.
 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Chell is an excellent cook and is even better when she's really high. If she's at the Castle or Sanctuary she will often offer to cook for everyone all night if she can.
Drake is also not terrible, although he prefers to have someone else make his food for him.
 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Chell can't seem to let go of the notion that she still needs prewar money so she'll snag every dollar she can. Turns out that its worth more than caps anyway so she'll spend it just like she used to. She also will snag any and all toys to bring back to Shaun (and maybe keep one or two for herself)
Drake collects....parts...of people...
 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Neither of them are very comfortable in front of a camera although Chell could be convinced if you ask her nicely and she's not feeling as insecure.
 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Chell loves comic books, sci fi, fantasy stuff. Even though she didn't think so at the time, her issue of Gronak that was still on her counter at home in Sanctuary was a major comfort to her. Musical tastes vary but she's really into Swing and Rockabilly. She didn't really watch much TV but fuck if she doesn't jam on Zeta Invaders every night.
Drake goes for classical literature and pours himself into anatomy books (they're like porn to him).  Most conventional media disinterests him, but sometimes enjoys classical music (Wagner is probably his favorite if he had one)
   19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Chell hates pop country music. Drake has too many to list but its mostly everything. He particularly despises romance or love songs.
 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Chell actually gets kind of uncomfortable with musicals in a second hand embarrassment kind of way, but she loves music, cant live without music and has an extensive library of music that was loaded onto a holotape that fortunately survived throughout the years. She doesn't hesitate to dance when her jam comes on and often blasts music while she's fighting to keep her from focusing too much on the fact that she's killing people.
Drake would never admit to it but he does admire most musical actors. Music is often played while hes researching and he finds it stimulating.
 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Chell's patient with most people, but loses it around the BOS pretty quickly. She's slow to anger but once the switch is flipped she won't really hesitate to put a bullet in your head for the inconvenience. I'd say you could ask the people in Covenant but they're all dead so...
Drake's temper is short. He's mostly irritated all the time as it is but once he's proper angry there is one of two reactions. One being in his rage he'll stab you as many times as he possibly can, the other being so angry that he freezes and leaves but this might be worse because he'll find someone who can't defend themselves to take it out on.
 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
This is a hard question to answer really because context is important. Drake constantly insults everyone he thinks is dumber than he is (which in his eyes is actually everyone). His insults are personal, hand selected daggers that tend to cut to the deeper insecurities of a person.  Chell would like to know who glued pubes to Elder Maxson's face and buy them a beer. She'll also use 'babyface', 'kid', 'Junior', 'Micro Maxson', 'limp dick', 'shit heel' etc, etc, etc....  
 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
The drawback of doing so many chems is that Chell's short term memory is kinda shit. She's still having a hard time adjusting to life in the Commonwealth so she can go faceblind occasionally unless there is something very particular about you that she can make note of.
Drake has an excellent memory however this is limited only to after his incident in Russia. He has a difficulties remembering parts of his life before the event. 
 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Both wake up frequently with nightmares although Chell's gets better if she's romanced. She carries her own sleeping bag for the road and prefers to sleep as far away from ground level as she can. If she got really drunk the night before she tends to snore a little haha. It doesn't matter what surface if she's tired enough, which is all the time.
Drake's a primadonna when it comes to the surface on which he sleeps. If there's no bed he just won't. He only ever really sleeps for 2 or 3 hours at a time anyway.
 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Chell's pretty entertaining I'd say. She tends to pull her personality from whomever she's with at the time in order to fit in better so if she's around Deacon or Hancock (or Elijah ^-^) there's an abnormal amount of asshattery going around. She teases Nick and Preston relentlessly but its in good humor. Piper and Mac don't quite get her humor really since she makes a hell of a lot of references to old world things. She has a lot of snark for Danse.
Drake finds humiliating people great fun. He enjoys watching them become uncomfortable and waits for them to start stumbling over their words before he becomes mean. When tables are turned though hes a spoiled sport and will sulk or lash out at whoever's trying to joke with him.
 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Chell does all of the above. Sing, dance, generally silly. She's affectionate as heck and hugs and kisses everyone.
Drake is the one that hides as much as he can.
 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Chell is an emotional creature and cries when warranted. She doesn't like to display this in front of people though and withdraws. She will lie to you if you ask her if she's ok.
Drake doesn't have much empathy towards others but he despairs if he finds himself in a position where he has no control over any aspect of a situation. When he's afraid, he will cry, and he cries ugly.
 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Chell's fear is losing everyone she loves again. If her companion falls in combat she often acts very stupidly to rush to them and save them.
Drake's fear is humiliation and failure. If hes confronted by someone stronger willed than he is hes filled with dread and will find any excuse to leave their presence. If he cant, he panics and cries.
 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Chell is definitely protective of this information and only teases Deacon and his fear of heights.
Drake will actively try to find out what those fears are so he can exploit you and get you to do something you normally wouldn't.  
 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Basically living post war is an endurance challenge in and of itself so there's no real need for either of them to exercise, however Chell can go for hours under the sheets ;)
 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Chell's drunk like maybe a 3rd of her waking life. She's pretty high functioning and its a whole lot of fun whether or not she's drunk. She gets pretty handsy more so than normal so *grabby grabby*
Drake prefers to abstain completely.
   32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Pre war, Chell went for comfortable; jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and usually had her hair pulled back out of her face. Post war, she sticks with practical and light, outfits that can afford her the most dexterity. Bedtime is usually just a tank top and undies (or nothing). No make up ever.
Pre war Drake preferred higher end made garments, often custom tailored. Post war, he is severely disappointed in the variety (?) of choices so he tends to stick with either his SRB uniform or just a simple lab coat. Drake doesn't feel comfortable enough above ground to change into other clothes. 
 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Chell WISHES she had more exciting undies but she's just thankful she has the ratty ass bra and panties she found at Fallon's. Sometimes if
Drake wears black boxers.
 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Chell is 5'4" thin but not unhealthy. She has no problems with the size of her body but she's self conscious of the scar on her face.
Drake is 5'7" and lean due to a high metabolism and preference for proteins over carbs.  He hates his physical form and really just can't wait to get it over with.
 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
 Chell definitely feels guilty about the amount of chems she does. She knows its destroying her but they feel good and she cant get busted by the fuzz anymore. Her unguilty pleasure though is probably her sexual appetite which she has no shame in whatsoever.
Drake doesn’t quite get the concept of personal guilt per se because that would mean he cares about what other people think about him. He is starting to recognize the fact that people and livestock have very similar cuts of meat.
 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Chells ok at singing, she does it for fun most of the time. She’s very good at cooking chems and makes some of the best in the Commonwealth.
Drake would probably be good at taxidermy if he applied himself but he feels most hobbies are a waste of time.
 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Chell likes to read but doesn't have much time for it to be honest. She sticks to comic books and the old covert manuals that she finds laying around. It doesn't take her long to get through a full sized novel though, she just wishes she could stay still long enough to pay attention.
Drake reads pretty regularly if he can; usually old text books if they’re still intact. His favorite Fiction is Dante’s Inferno and carries a copy with him during his down time. 
 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Chell admires people who see the value of being free to live the life they want, rather than how others want them to live it. 
Drake can admire someone who can be cruel with little or no effort. The more ruthless, the better 
 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Chell likes love letters cause she’s sappy and appreciates a handwritten thought.
Drake doesn't want anyone to communicate with him so none. 
 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Coffee for both; Chell HATES Nuka Cola but loves snack cakes and sweet rolls. Drake is the only one who can function without any kind of stimulant so he only drinks coffee if hes in the mood.
 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Chell’s bi/pan, not picky about looks considering she has her own self esteem issues. She’s attracted to kind people, people who like to cause trouble, and people who can hang out and indulge in mind altering substances
Drake is Gay/Aro. hes attracted to pretty men younger than he is. He tends to look for people who are naturally submissive but he abhors the idea of a relationship. Its too much baggage for him to care anything about.
 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Chell’s ultimate goal is to secure a place for people to live without having to worry if they’re going to die the next day and to rebuild her own life.
Drake’s is to replace all the incompetent idiots with higher functioning Synths but some dumb blonde bitch had to fuck it up.... 
 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Chell had studied the occult as a teenager since it ran in her family and she tried to learn as much as she could about other culture’s mythos. Nowadays though that faith is pretty shaken since the bombs and Shaun and all that.
Drake hates the idea of God. There is no salvation, there is no divine intervention. There is life, and death, and the pain in between.
 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
Both prefer it to be cooler. Hate the heat cause heat sucks and who wants to be sticky and sweaty all the time?
 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
Chell tries hard to get people to like her, she seeks validation often. She sometimes feels like she’s being annoying or bothers people too much. She would like to hope that others see her as a kind and loving person though.
Drake is a monster and he knows it and is completely unapologetic. He doesn't care what others think about him as long as they do what they’re told.
 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Chell can be awkward at first until she gets to know you and can match your personality better. Sometimes this doesn't translate well and she comes across as disingenuous or lacking in her own personality. If its your first time meeting her she will use her title as General to introduce herself (or codename depending if you have your Geiger counter or not)
Drake isn't friendly but he stays neutral so long as he doesn't have to interact with you too much. Its the most misleading thing about him since he can come across as “that nice guy from the office” all too well.
 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Chell gets real bored at fancy parties, preferring to tear it up with the dregs of society better. Rich people pay good money for chems though so she’ll sometimes try to squeeze a few more caps out of them to invest in her settlements.
Drake actually somewhat enjoys the status of attending high class events, believing himself to be amongst peers of his caliber. He still doesn't like interacting much though and will often stay by the sidelines and observe.
 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Chell throws the BEST parties. Most of the time they’re held in Goodneighbor but occasionally on major holidays the big settlements like Starlight, The Castle, and Sanctuary go all out too with open pit BBQ and lots of beer and liquor and music and dancing.
Drake sometimes wishes he could allow himself to feel that kind of revelry but dismisses that thought as soon as it forms. He has work to do and why on earth would he want to associate with the squabble?
 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Chell has a baby picture of Shaun that she keeps close to her as a reminder of what used to be. It might not have always been the best for her but the late nights being up with the baby were bittersweet and she knows she’ll never get that time back.
Drake keeps two teeth, an incisor and a molar, with him at all times but he’ll never show anyone. These came from his first test subject in Anchorage.
 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Chell takes her sleeping bag, her Deliverer, a change of clothes, some prewar money, a knife, 3 of each chem, a bottle of Whiskey, some left over steak and her headphones.
Drake takes his 10mm, a knife, a book or two, and some questionable looking meat.
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thegeminisage · 8 years
a long fucking post (sorry)
bc my browser quit so i just copied it into notepad and kept going and didn’t break it up bc frankly i couldn’t be bothered lol i’ve #struggled today anyway:
i...i dont have any stuff to make spicy food with?? oh my god..........
where do i even...find
lol i could go back to the plateau but i’d probably be Sad.
i guess i have no choice :/
wow i miss the old man
pfft i can see farosh from here but it’s so close i’d never make it in time
SOMEDAY /shakes fist
seeking out shelter from a lightning storm inside the ruined temple of time makes me Very Sad
man. man. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to set this right
except the main story, i guess, hahaha
just for a short moment i didn’t even have time for a picture...wow wow wow
all right i’ve got enough peppers and i’ve had MORE than enough of the plateau im outta here
i fast traveled back to that one shrine i couldnt figure out before
i realize now i was probably supposed to use my paraglider hahaha but i just didnt think of it
theres a chest in here that i cannot. get. oh my god
[death montage]
lol and all that for a little sword
BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS thank god i have a fast travel point now
and that’s all done! time for more of The Story
normally i’d cut this off here but it’s p short so far so w/e
except.......idk where to go next. i know i want to find the zoras, but
which...direction are they. like, i even googled it
i’ll ask my brother and attempt the naked island again while i wait. i read somewhere you can drop your stuff before you properly set foot on there and it helps a bit. plus it’ll be something he hasn’t done, haha
well, so far so good - i managed to drop a few of my best items and a  small amount of food - apples and raw fish - before i stepped on, but i forgot to drink the defense up elixir. i DID remember to eat the extra hearts food, though, and a good thing, bc i came on during a fucking storm in the middle of the night and nearly got killed by some weird yellow octorok popping up out of the ground. fine now tho, all out of extra hearts but other than that good - found some shrooms, a sword, and an axe
oh my god i hit a barrel and DIED bc there was an electric chuchu in it!!!
okay trying again...in the storm again...forgot to drink my defense bonus again...Greay
one orb down!!
lol and i died AGAIN bc i underestimated a bokoblin...i can't take out camps from afar with no arrows!! maybe i can try bombs next time, sigh
i hate getting out to this island
i hate everything ABOUT this island. it is deisnged to kill you. endless skeletons and fire chuchus are great if you need materials and weapons but the chuchus set everything on fire. and there are octoroks ringing the whole island AND on the actual island - there's no safe ground ANYWHERE!!
remembered to drink my elixir but nearly left the stuff i dropped floating in the ocean lol
one orb down AGAIN. 
gotta be a smarter way to do this bokblin camp on the hill. i can't take them all on at once and i can't detonate any of the explosive from afar with arrows, and bombs get me noticed. i can't take that swarm of enemies with no armor. no way.
YES camp down lmao i blew up the barrels with my own bombs since the fucking chuchus noticed me anyway
now i can COOK THINGS thank you thank you
YES now i have hearts up and attack elixirs!!!!
time to fight the blue hinox (:
he has so much defense even with my elixir ;_; im too afraid to get close enough for an attack
i wish i had a defense booster!!
NO oh god a lightning storm now of all times!!! no!!!!!!
oh my god can he follow me into the water...?
wow it's lightning for the next three hours what the fuck?
aaah the music stopped..he's laying back down...i hope his fucking health doesnt refill
i tried using chuchu jelly to make explosions but they didnt hurt him, only my weapons did bc of my elixir...but im sooo afraid to get close to him, if he kills me i have to do ALL this again
i wanna wait the storm out before i fight him again but i get the feeling the storm was triggered by him waking up bc it's nonstop lightning on the little forecast thingy
god there's not even anywhere to take shelter i just have to pray i dont get struck
yeah it changed back to normal rain as soon as he started snoring...he BETTER not have his health back
at least it isnt storming
nooo i hid in the water again and he slept and some of his health came back )))): i am never gonna get him, this is gonna take hours!
as if that wasnt bad enough there's another bokoblin camp with a MOBLIN on top of this big ledge
maybe i can get some arrows at least :/
good news: managed to cheese the bokoblin camp up top. have in my possesion 13 arrows. bad news: hinox is definitely back at full health rn
ok. so im up here where hinox can't actually go (i hope...) and i have my bombs and 13 arrows, plus all these extra bows and weapons and even a pot to cook some more stuff in. i can do this. i can do this.
ok he can't get up here he can't even hit me with projectiles but IMMEDIATELY the lightning started up again so lmao (:
luckily i have found the perfect position from which to roll bombs down at him lol
so this is only gonna take all year ASSUMING i dont get sturck by lightning.
no no no no no NO NO NO
the blood moon!!! why now!!! oh my god!!!!!! can ANYTHING go right oh my god!!!!!!!!!!
at least im far enough down on the ledge the camp up there cant see me
but i'll have to clear out the other one again if i ever manage to kill the hinox and get his orb
:| he keeps trying to go to sleep lol which. no bitch no more health for you jesus fuck
he can't get any of his rocks to land on me and only about every third bomb lands on him lol
his health is sooo low im so tempted to go down and take a swing w/ my weapon, but if i die now and lose all this progress i won't be able to deal so im gonna stay patient and cheese it til the bitter, bitter end
I PERSEVERED!!!!!! STAYED DETERMINED okay now if not for the blood moon that'd be the end of it but no i gotta clean out that one camp AGAIN without dying
i can do this i can do this i can do this
i......i did it
all thats left is to drop my items and put in the last orb
oh my god!!!!
oh NO if you drop too many they start vanishing ok....choose carefully then
lol ALL THAT FOR A SHRINE TO SOLVE this better be one of those no-puzzle chest only deals
LMFAO i have to reclear the big camp to get in the shrine...oh my god...oh my god
ah well maybe i'll get some more shields i accidentally glitched all mine away
should be easy with all my stuff back
aaaand im stuck down here at the camp i cleared out bc its storming. at least the blue moblin got struck by lightning in a stroke of what i can only assume is divine justice
ok the storm has FINALLY passed
i am FINALLY inside the shrine and have a fast travel point
i got 300 rupees, which is garbage, and i got to watch that stupid monk turn to dust.
ooh whoa there's a rito out here!!!! hi!!!!!
lol a training course for flying...20 rupees a pop. now i know what the fucking chest was for. god.
ah i can't do the course and im so tired of failing at things...i guess i'll leave them for now altho i bet you get a SICK upgrade
no wait i looked it up and its just rupees LMAO no thanks
im never coming back to this fucking island ever again
also: forgot that i did not actually explore the sunken ruins earlier bc of Weather, am going to do that quickly before quitting
oh god oh no i landed right here and there's some fucking masked walking beast getting ready to attack me Why God
god okay we're doing this i guess jesus fuck
if that wasn't bad enough farosh is flying above us LMAO and i still can't shoot him
I! KILLED HIM! bc i had a DEFENSE elixir
i wish i had snapped a better pic than his dying body tho :/
o h w e l l
oh!! i found a memory while exploring!!!!!
oh my god...oh my god...
so it was the four pilots of the original jaegers and two are dudes and two are ladies!!! so there was an even mix in the scene #nice
the voice acting was good and still so unexpected
and the MUSIC oh i love the music when he's remembering something
it felt like a scene from any zelda game, but one near the end—except i'm still at the start
it's so similar to how everyone like, rallied behind link at the end of tp to help him beat ganon, but...this time we already know link failed
god!!!!! this is so good!!!!
every time i find myself thinking "this is an amazing game but it just doesn't feel much like zelda" it comes back and gets me
and i found a shrine here!!! #nice
altho i'd really like to be done for the night lol
it was super easy thank goodness
omg no the dragon flying earlier must have been naydra bc there naydra is :'))) hey bud
ah and i ran into kass the accordian playing rito again ;w;
anyway now that im FINALLY done with this pronvince tomorrow i can go find the zoras!! yay!!!!
fun fact my very first username was "[not my name, some random one, not telling what it was] of the zoras" bc i love them so much
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