#i cant not go from wholesome to sad
the-greatest-8 · 4 months
The rain hits the roof and makes soft pitter-patter like noise, making a soft sound to ground myself in. I blink, slow and sluggish, with tired and reddened eyes. My thoughts swirl and curl possessively around my mind, trapping me in a cycle of self-loathing and fears. My chest is tight, and my breath stutters and catches as I attempt to breathe deeply.
I feel awful, truly, is an understatement. My head throbs in agreement as I wince- the clock on my side table ticks a steady rhythm as I spiral. The blanket on my body is soft, but too heavy, too much, it weighs on my body like bags of sand. I kick it off, frustrated and teary, and attempted to curl further into a ball.
A train passes by from afar, the rumbling of it on the tracks soothes me slightly, before the thundering blare of the horn makes me whimper in acute agony. I flop to my other side, molding myself close to the wall in an attempt to drown it all out.
My eyes burn even worse as tears drip from them, snot dribbles down my nose as I aggressively wipe it away. A pathetic and choked sob frees itself from my throat. I shiver and shake, too cold and too hot all at the same time. Too tired and too awake- with it being too loud and too silent.
My heart pounds in my chest despite the tight curl of emotions surrounding it and my lungs. My stomach heaves and twists, leaving me biting back vomit. My skin; it itches and shivers, my arms covered in small goosebumps. I sniffle and burrow my face in them, trying to hide from the shadows of my mind, trying to flee my bodies betrayals.
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rpfisfine · 8 months
are there any songs that remind you of alex and aleksa?
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southparktexts · 6 months
hiii this is my first time requesting so im kinda scared and i hope im not doing anything wrong!! could you do headcannons with the main four going on a long road trip with a reader who drives? who do u think would be the passenger princess teehee. take care and take as much time as u need!!!
hii anon !! absolutely !! thank you for requesting !! <3 you didn’t do anything wrong !! im glad you requested <3
The Main 4 On Roadtrips w / Driver!Reader
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stan ;
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- as i said before i cant see him as a affectionate person.
- either the whole roadtrip is the two of you listening to music or talking.
- 50/50 on both parts
- the closest thing you’ll get to affection on your roadtrip is hand holding or thigh gripping while you drive
- i can see stan being a quiet yet calm type of boyfriend.
- his music taste is probably a lot of old 2020 songs
- he doesn’t backseat road rage a lot suprisingly
- checking up on you from time to time as well.
“babe, how you doing? alright?”
“you want me to drive?”
- i can say though he is the most unorganised person ever.
- he didn’t pack snacks or water..
- also gets distracted a lot, especially if its dark.
- will randomly ask you to pull over to gaze at the stars with you.
- or fuck.
- will randomly smoke a blunt, i don’t know.
- also will randomly change his playlist to sad songs
-.. and emo??
- feeds you snacks when you buy some
kyle ;
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- i know damn well he is annoying to drive with.. no offense..
- but also very caring as well!
- you both fight for aux though..
“im playing!”
“but your driving?!”
- you guys end up making a playlist mid roadtrip..
“oh add ___ as well”
- he is the most organised person out of them.
- constantly does check up on the bags to make sure he didnt forget anything.
- HUGE road rager…
- not surprising.
- most of the roadtrip is wholesome talking.
- sentimental talks and talks about life.
- checks up on you constantly.
“are you getting tired?”
“i can drive if you want..”
- very affectionate, although your driving.
- gripping onto your thigh, kissing you at every red light, saying i love yous
- a very affectionate sweetheart
- his music taste is bo burnham.
kenny ;
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- HE is the passenger princess but he isn’t the only princess.
- loves when you drive, he can get cooked while you drive.
- i can see him getting so fucking cooked, saying the randomest shit
“i love nascar drivers!!”
- he packed snacks.. but he ate them all when the munchies kicked in.
- thigh gripping from him as well as whispering dirty things to you.
- probably tries to get you riled up to fuck in the car.
- definitely loves it when you buy things for him
- stopping by drive thru and ordering him food like a princess
- most of the car ride is a mix between is singing along to music or talking
- 50/50 yet again
- im a huge believer that kenny is an juggalo.
- music taste is def pink guy and icp
- blasting music and rolling down the windows like idiots
- definitely tried getting you high as well
“ken im driving!”
cartman ;
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- HE is the passenger princess as well 😭
- i say this because he can’t stay well in one spot unless he’s given something..
- im being fr.
- will whine and complain a lot
“im hungryyy”
“im boreddd”
- he is definitely on aux
- only because he can do something which is controlling music
- the WHOLE roadtrip is karaoke. full stop.
- playing old school bangers and singing along.
- definitely on his phone playing games as he vibes with you.
- he (un)ironically ate all the snacks..
“can you get me a chip?”
“..were out.”
- not very affectionate when it comes to you in my opinion.
- will whine until you pull into mcdonald’s and order him food.
- and snacks.
- acts like a brat when he doesn’t get what he wants
- …. doesn’t check up on you, he lowkey forgets too.
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reqs are open !!
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Last of Us Spoilers Episode 3
Joel’s broken hand in the rocks seemed so sad. rip tess
kumbaya he’s stacking the rocks now
Ellie with Joel’s jacket as a blanket awwe
I love how Ellie is bothering Joel it’s so cannon I love it
5 MILE HIKE??? my feet would be hurting. i don’t get out much cant you tell?
ELLIE WHY are you opening that shit in the gas station??? Close the mystery door please!
nvm tampons
the infected scared the shit out of me
why is she dissecting it miss girl this ain’t a science class
they never mentioned tampons in the game, i’m so happy they finally addressed it somehow
HEY i remember that shot from the first teaser pic! i legit thought it was fake too for the longest time. nope deja vu
mass graves tho like it makes sense. sad.
for what
Nick Offerman as Bill 10/10 casting
Bill was fucking prepared goddamn
at least someone had a good time during the apocalypse
THE TRAPS! so disappointed we didn’t get much from that tho.
the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag and he’s gay? (when worlds collide)
Frank is adorable
All I see is Ron Swanson in Bill IM SORRY
Frank is so wholesome I love this sun and moon trope going on
KISS! First kiss in this show that’s been GOOD (traumatic flashbacks to last week’s kiss)
Love in the apocalypse tho i mean meeting someone like that- wow. beautiful.
This is so sweet, I hate that I know what’s coming
loving domestic joel
tess looked so beautiful and happy it makes her death even worse
i’m obsessed with how they aged the characters. beautifully of course.
“If… mine,” Joel describing Tess
Loving 2011 Joel. Gives us more of a backstory I love it.
Bill all dressed up for Frank’s friends awwe
2014 Strawberries i love this sm
“Not on the strawberries!” LMAO
Yo now there pee paws, so cute
I love how there taking care of eachother in old age
Pretty sure frank has ms. so sad.
why am i crying this is so sad
“get married” i’m done bye tears
better ending than franks game ending for sure
double suicide?
i will say the missed out chance on batshit bill gameplay is sad
hot take not enough interaction with infected so far, i wanna see joel go feral on some runners
Joel got his car at least
I’m so sad it’s different from the game but I loved Frank and Bill’s love story
More audio I recognize from the game! Joel’s Rules! LOVE
Showering omg i bet you joel smells like ass
SHOWERED JOEL he looked so handsome with his hair wet slicked back
bro ellie doesn’t know what a seatbelt is
Episode 3 10/10
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout characters with shy!reader scared to ask for nuka-cola in bar
(Fallout3 4 and new vegas)(swf) (imagine s/o telling them that they are scared to ask for nukacola and if *insert character* can do it for them)
Fallout New Vegas
Benny:"so you telling me that u went all over mojave just to find me and you are scared to ask bartender for nukacola?" He will tease you for it, and be confused, like??? Curier is so strong and smart why are they so shy??? But Beni boi likes to talk so no problem he can easly talk to people if Coureir cant.
Arcade:"uhh sure?okay?" I feel like He was shy too when he was younger so he can relate. He probably still sometimes stresses before Talking to somone for first time, but its not that bad. He will probably think that Courier is scared of people due to past or something so he wont bring this topic up(even if they are just shy without reason)
Vuples:"if you are too scared to order a drink how are you going bring pride to Legion" if Courier gives him puppy eyes/accualy feel sad, he will loudly sign and order the drink for them. After that he will try to "train them out of this behiviour" (thats vulpes, dont expect anything wholesome) but if it really upsets Courier he will just silently hate it, but wont bring it into conversations
Raul:"yeah sure boss" he had younger sister okay, he knows how to behave like normal human being. He completly understands the idea of being too shy to do something. He will give them good words and support, but if somestuff really stressed them out hes not going to try to convince them. He would feel bad
Boone: "honey please its not that difficult" he will do it if Courier pays him in hugs later. In NCR military theres no people as shy as them. But its good becasue it makes Courier unique. Also how did Courier survive for such long time out in Mojave???(you'll never find out boone >:3)
Ulysses:"bruh you literally bombed whole City wym bestie"(for context when I played his dlc first time my English wasnt the best and I didnt completly understood what Ulysses was saing and I though that Courier bombed the Devide and Ulysses was his ex bf/Ex friend. And I know that Courier didnt really bomb anything but I stick to it because i found it funny lol). I feel like bartender would be spooked and give nukacola for free Just to get rid of Ulysses. He will say stuff like 'theese days you cant act like that, someone will use it aginst you' but thats all, he wont do anything about it really. Tbh he enjoys Courier looking like sad little puppy everytime they have to talk to anyone. (I need to do special post for my first theories/expirience with fnv its very funny)
Joshua:"sure love" this men will buy it in seconds. Hes impressed that after all this stuff Courier been thrue they are still smol shy bean.(but He will try to convert you to join his religon)
Butch:"loozer" he will make fun of Lone but He will order the drink for them. He will be like "soo is my little nerd too spooked to order some drinks??", he has Policy 'i can bully them but anyone else cant😎' so at least they have only one asshole that bullies other assholes
Charon:"okay" this men still has this weird mindset that he has to do everything Lone says to him:((( even if Lone is clearly treating him as normal human being. Give him some time his life was tough. He will probably find it cute that Lone is too shy to ask somone for drink even after all bs they been thrue. They still have this cute vibe from valut(at least thats what Charon says not me)
Paladin Danse:"soldier why you even want to drink that? Its full of sugar" hes more concerned about Sole drinking this fuild sugar than anything. I mean yeah sure He will help them but please drink water. :( (shut up dance nuka-cola good) Danse will find it silly how Sole is ready for anything but asking bartender for drink is too much
Preston:"sure thing babe! You want anything extra or only that?" So casual about that, doesnt even notice that Lone is shy. He notice only if Sole asks him that often. Wont do anything about it really, Lone wants to be shy and ask him for help? Then let be it, he is more than happy to help them out (he is the sweetest)
MacCready:"aww of course sweetie"just like Preston exept that this one is a big simp. And will do anything Sole asks him to do. And he will be very happy that they ask him for help💖💖💖makes him feel special and important
Gage:"uhh??sure okay?? But boss you have to act tought unless you want other gangs to make fun of ya" he finds it cute, but its sometimes annoying(hes lazy). But its not like He has choice here😈 Sole is his boss afterall. He will try to teach Sole how to be less shy but only because he doenst want other gangs to make fun of them lol (I swear gage is just nuka-cola world babysitter)
Mason:"awww bunny, you are afraid of some bartender??awwww" he is going to tease them, but please dont change, he is fulled with pride every time Sole asks him for help. Like from anyone they can ask for help, they choose him? How cute.
Request open!!
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quodekash · 1 year
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look, I knew they were rich, I just didnt realise HOW rich they were
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guys you dont need that much food for two people, you're gonna be sick if you eat that much
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IVE BEEN ANTICIPATING THE SWINGS SCENE FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE MONTHS (but in reality is probably only like. a little over one month.)
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oh you bastard
this is worse than all the previous times
also: I wonder why this has happened several times before
maybe think about that for a bit
maybe actually TALK TO and CONNECT WITH your son for once rather than assuming you know him when you literally dont know ANYTHING about your OWN FREAKING SON
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fhedsfhsdfdsfjsdhgjsdhgjfdhbjvdfhkgvber I love them so much
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bro fell asleep that quickly? we sure he didn't actually die on the spot?
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"its your friend" "its your friend" "its your friend" "its your friend" they're both so stupid and I love them
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one of my favourite things is how aware kang is of sailom's ticklishness
he noticed it when he kissed sailom on the cheek for the first time
he always giggles and moves his head away slightly, and kang notices that and takes advantage of that by KISSING HIS BOYFRIEND ON THE CHEEK AND GIVING HIM AS MANY SNIFF-KISSES AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE WHENEVER HE POSSIBLY CAN because he thinks its cute
its so adorable and I love them
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this kid in the yellow is my favourite
I dont think I have maternal or paternal instincts. I do not like kids, nor do I want to have children like ever.
HOWEVER. sometimes I wonder if maybe I do have parental instincts. this is one of those times.
another one of those times was with jigsaw in os2 of vice versa, you literally can't walk away from vvs os without COMPLETELY adoring jigsaw with your entire soul
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this kid is suddenly more important to me than my own life
protect this kid. let him be happy and then to grow all rich and famous, so that he can follow in the footsteps of the kind wealthy strangers who bought soccer materials for him and his friends so they could have even more fun
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oh honey
im sorry, but no
unfortunately thats not how the world works
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im holding out hope for a guynawa kiss this episode but its probably not likely
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AND WITH THAT EXPRESSION? sailom there's no hope for you buddy, im sorry, you're gonna be having a bath with him
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sailom's face, I can't
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hes so
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anyway, my 30 images have been used up, time for a second post
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xxchthonicreaturexx · 2 years
Low key gonna blow your inbox up but I just love your writing sm. How do you think the boys would be with someone who loves to cook/bake? :)
Awww thanks darlin :) <3
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Darry Curtis
Honestly helps him so much. Like- considering the gang is almost always leeching off the food in the house and he's usually working or taking care of the boys, you cooking helps him so much.
Also double points if the boy's like your cooking too. Gives him time to relax and not hear anyone complain about he cooked the damn food.
Definitely the type of boyfriend that would come up behind you and hug you from behind while you mixed something or cut up some veggies. Also a worrywart if you happen to cut your finger or burn yourself on a pan or something. May yell at you to be more careful because he can't afford a hospital visit over some sliced carrots.
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Sodapop Curtis
He thinks it's kinda cute. Definitely the type to ask you to cook some random ass box of brownies he found at 2 am. Little midnight baking dates. Definitely to spend time with you though and not because someone usually calls dibs on the bowl before him.
Oh yeah, he automatically dibs licking the bowl and spoon. He doesnt care about the raw eggs. Fight. Him.
Brags about you nonstop. Like you could walk into the DX for a quick visit and he'd be bragging to this old lady about how good your cookies are compared to anyone else's. Sorry grandma.
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Ponyboy Curtis
You remind him of his mom. Kinda wholesome and kinda sad. A good amount of memories he has with his mom is standing on a chair as a young kid and helping her mix some stuff for dinner.
He'd probably be the one that preaches constantly about the recipe. "YoU cAnT gUeSs! UsE tHe MeAsUrInG cUpS." A huge gremlin about following the recipe precisely. He helps you but you might have to kick him out so he'll shut up about how you didn't put enough salt into the batter.
He's kinda a 7/10. Helpful if you're precise and he loves to help you out with making food, but sucks if you know your stuff and go off taste. because you don't need no damn measuring cups.
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Steve Randle
Ughhhh such a pain. Kick him out. He like- he'll offer help but will literally just make everything ten times messier and worse on you if you accept his offer. Like he sucks in the kitchen with a passion. He always compliments your cooking though. Compliments to the chef.
Begs you to bake him cake and pastries and encourages you to cook constantly. This dudes always hungry but like he usually cleans his plate. Biggest motivation right here. Probably has competitions with Soda over who has the better lunch for work. He usually wins lol
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Twobit Matthews
Will ask if you can research how to make homemade beer just for the hell of it. He's actually not as big of an alcoholic as he's told to be, but he does wonder if he could create some homemade beer because honestly? Free and he won't have to use a fake ID.
Other than that he's pretty chill about it. He thinks it's cool you can cook. Probably asks you to make him and his little sister dinner sometimes whenever his mom and stepdad are out. I headcannon him as someone that burns absolutely everything. Somehow almost burned the house down by trying to make warm milk for his sister when she was much younger. He's probably too scared to offer his help for the sake of not wanting to mess up any of your cooking, but he usually lingers around while you cook and watches what you do.
Also is not afraid to pick you up and distract you from your food though if he's excited about something.
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Dallas Winston
Pain in the ass 2.0 He's worse than Randle.
"Doll, why cook when I live above a bar?" He definitely doesn't have a great diet. Mfer lives at DQ whenever he's not at Buck's or the Curtis house. His diet consists of Dairy Queen, random ass bar food that Buck finds to give people, sometimes meals at the Dingo if he's not too busy flirting or causing trouble, and stolen ice cream from kids off the street.
"You're just wasting money on all those ingredients. We have plenty of good food all around us." Probably doesn't even own a fridge. Probably the type that has a mini fridge but it's not even plugged in and he just puts sodas or alcohol in there and constantly complains it's broken even though he doesn't think once to look at the plug.
Lol anyways, after you feed him a few good healthy, non leeched, meals, he'll probably shut up more. Still doesn't quite understand, but he gets it a bit more once he tastes the stuff.
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Johnny Cade
Honestly probably the only one that actually can cook. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but after watching a few times he's somehow a natural? Like the best one out them all to help you cook because he may even be a better cook than you without trying (no offense.)
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home and or good reason, so it's safe to say he probably doesn't get decent meals a lot unless it's from the Curtis house, but I think that's why he's so good with it? Like- he's so grateful for homemade food because it's rare that he gets it that he just subconsciously is super good at making it. Does that even make sense?
Anyways, like I said the BEST to help with cooking and baking. Even draws cute little hearts and stars with icing when you guys make cake <3
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Tim Shepard
Similar to Darry but less open about it. It helps him, it really does, especially with Curly who eats like a horse, but he won't be as sweet or verbally thankful about it. He'll offer to help if he has time, and would hit the backside of Curly's head if he ever made a negative comment about the food, but that's pretty rare so 🤷
Will ask you however, if you can wear nothing but an apron. You'll have to smack him for such a bad flirt.
He'd actually be super soft though if you made him breakfast in bed one day. Like, he'd gently tell you he doesn't deserve you and has you sit so he can share the food.
"Good shit."
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Curly Shepard
Like I said previously, he eats like a horse. I don't care how lean and scrawny he seems, he can outeat a neighborhood. But it's okay, he runs it off lol
"Geez guys, slower than usual today because my doll made this bomb ass pasta tonight, ya dig? Almost ate the whole goddamn thing."
Goes on this mini rant about how he'll miss your cooking at the reformatory.
Definitely begs you to leave school with him at lunch time because he doesnt want that shitty cafeteria food now that he has his own personal chef.
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Can we just-
Talk for a moment 
About these TWO DUM DUMS 
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They are literally 
My favorite villains 
(Along with Hypno but-) 
They are so silly! For example-
“We got bigger fish to catch!” “Bigger than us?! That hurts!” 
“We must stop finding recruits in ninja Chatrooms” 
The fact that they’re LJ stans and fangirl as such 
During snow day they respect the snowball fight and don’t engage 
“Whoa, what happened to you guys? Did some doctor cut you up into tiny lil pieces, and then put you back together?” 
In Mystic Library, they see the boys are on a mission and decide to mess with them JUST out of spite. They literally went and messed with teenagers bc the teenagers always messed with them. 
AND THEN they proceed to try to make Raph and Leo laugh so they get banished to the kiddie room by making the most absurd noises/faces known to man, Foot Brute completely fails and GETS banished FIRST, Lieutenant only takes Leo out before HE gets banished TOO-they just came to read I-😭
“Can’t you deal with this on ur own? I’m trying to get swole!”
And oh no it’s not just the sillies 
They are also??? So sweet?!?! 
In Hot Soup: The Game they spends most of it pushing/enabling Cassandra to complete her rite of passage by herself, they trust her to get it done, and when they go in to rescue her from the Mad Dogs it’s bc they were worried ab her. And when Cassandra was discouraged bc she didn’t finish the mission, Foot Lieutenant said “Do not be discouraged! The road to success is paved with miles of failure.” -this quote legit gave me goosebumps when I first heard it
And Insane in the Mama Train: 
When April asked either of them questions, they answered patiently and explained things instead of doing the usual evil guy Shtick and telling her to shut up 
April: “Where are you moving it?” *gets worried bc what if hes onto her* “……thank you! For asking! Ppl take VERY little interest in my work and I’m quite proud of it!!”
Then he pats her on the head. 
These two silly guys are so underrated, I NEEEEED more (hoping, praying, wishing for a season 3) genuinely I was so sad when they got Kraang’ed, petition to bring them back bc we need more wholesome villains in this world. 
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the-greatest-8 · 7 months
A chasm, filled with dark, swirling wisps of taint. Bitter amusement fills my being, at how this vile heart better represents an empty void. Then, after a beat, all traces of humor leaves, as all good things avoid the dark and dreary.
I breathe out a huff of cold, rotten air, my fingers twirl a lighter around. The temptation rises in my throat, making home in my mind, and sending tingles to the tips of my fingers. The empty cigarette carton sits dejectedly on the thick railing I've leaned myself on. Restless, and tired, I bite my tongue and shut my burning eyes.
"Trouble?" A gentle, quiet voice questions. I shudder, and glare at them, unwilling to utter a single syllable for fear my voice will quake. My empty chest twisting and writhing, with a static behind my eyes. I watch, dejected and incensed, as they make their way over to my side. "Leave me alone.." I whisper, hating how it more resembled a plead then a demand.
They smile, soft, and good, at the undeserving beast before them. "Now, why would I do such a thing?" They ponder aloud, their eyes tranquil, swirling with love I am unworthy of.
"Perhaps to rest," I intone, willing my vocal cords to stay steady. "It is rather late." I finish imploringly, as I look outward at the skies that are swallowed by clouds and distant storms.
A sigh reaches my ears, quiet, and almost non-existent. As a kind hand embraces my own, the other plucks the lighter from my grasp. Warmth tingles through where we touch, through my arm and into the chasm of which is my chest. "Rest," I hear them start, "is not quite as pleasant without your warmth." They finish, as I shudder again. Tears nearly blind me, as I desperately duck my head to hide them.
Perhaps, not all good things are afraid of the dark, I ponder, as they stay steady at my side.
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For the character meme: beast wars dinobot
hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
How I feel about this character
Love Pink!
I think everyone's love for him was the reason why I decided to watch beast wars in the first place. And i almost quit the show after he died so i'd say i like him a normal amount (lie).
I have a love hate relationship with his design cuz its sooooo hard for me to draw like why did he do that he should have chosen something simpler. 
His mannerisms and how tall he is makes everything in the show 10 times more funny(to me). ohhhhh I'm fixed on his voice and vocal tics it really does make him stand out from the rest of the cast.
He’s so mean too, a hating ass bitch, I can respect that. He’d be the best fast food coworker (he’d still work at popeyes!!). And sometimes he be loud and wrong, like ok CLOWN.
How do I say this nicely? Making fun of him is my favourite thing to do. Also since he is the fan favourtie (am i correct in assuming this?) everyone makes fire ass art involving him. always a treat, he never let me down.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
A good fight would make him hooooorny.
Tarantulas - one, I just think it's funny and two, that one episode when he was complimenting tarantulas's hunting skills?? Can you imagine them hunting things together??? I need it!! Dinobot in his evil cannibal twins era <3
Tigatron - uhhh the solitude uhh the warriors bond the best slow burn ever. They are opposites and dont understand each other at all. LITERALLY Law of the Jungle ep is just: tigatron doesn't behave the way DB wants him to so Dinobot is thinking “ *snorts* i can fix him!!”. It’s peak to me…
Tigatron so calm and wholesome, and Dinobot is…NOT pfttttt  AHHH LIKE FIRE AND ICE FIRE AND ICE!!!!! They clash but go togetherrrrrr *sigh* who sees my vision 🥹
thats all my brain could come up with aack
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cheetor and Dinobot lol hi grandpa take his ass to hot topic 
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Dinobot would not make a good leader. He’s not emotionally considerate and does not have the skills to “think past the battle”. He can fight, anticipate an ambush, command some soldiers but that's pretty much it.
Actual diplomacy, or caring about the health of his teammates? HA! 
He constantly wants to abandon people, or overthrow someone, switching sides like crazy. Nigga never been loyal…and he likes to talk about his “honor”.
Now I really need some insight on what “predacon honor” is cuz wtf?? Rattrap was lowkey right, how could we trust him? 
I was sad when he died but ion really feel like he needs to come back, you know? You could kind of sense that there was no direction the show could take his character.
And getting rid of him was the logical choice. He a lil self destructive and got some issues (that's why I love him) but after a while it got repetitive for me. I don't think this show was equipped to handle the characterization they were building up to so him dying was kinda a good thing dare i say. 
He's a bottom 🏳‍🌈
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More predacon interactions that hint at what his life was like before they crashed on earth.
The lil nuggets we get are so interesting to me, I need to see how the dynamics were before he ‘betrayed’ them.
He knows these guys so well im so madddd i missing out on all the dramaaaaaaa
i also wanted him to interact more with rampage...i cant explain it but....there's something there that needs to be explored
Eat more people
be weird
be a freak
Nerd out tenfold about history
Should have killed silverbolt whaaaa who said that
Thats all i can think of off da top of me headdd, thanks for the ask @cybertron-after-dark 💜
sorry for typos!
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a-v-j · 1 year
"Okay, so let us continue. While Extinction at a young age might be lacking empathy, he might not found Killer's situation weird. But what about when he grows up, since when he grows up Extinction gains empathy or understands it at least, he might question it or understand the other meaning of it."
"Since I thought about it more, I am asking this again just to be sure. But how would extinction grow up as personality? We know he is pretty impressionable, as mention in the prior asks. But since Recall is Recall, which is a more introverted individual with his own problems, and Killer is mostly spending his time in phase 1, because for him phase 2/3 is a liability, meaning he will act mostly as classic sans, but with more depression, self-hatred, emotionally tired, suicidal tendencies [He might not act on it, but considering that after he took Chara's control, he wanted to give Papyrus a happy ending before erasing himself, guy is not healthy mentally], volatile emotions/bipolarity and other options, I don't think Extinction will grow up as gremlin, but he won't be like his canon adult self either."
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"Like, I think he will inherit some problems/bad habits of those two in some way or form, maybe paranoia, pessimism or more. Though, this begs the questions, what hobbies or positive aspects will he inherit from them, the love for puns, knitting, or some other things?"
"Also, if extinction is impressionable, wouldn't he take values and opinions from them two, since he is a child right now, and children's views are surely based on their own, but they can be influenced from closed people such as family, and since Extinction cares about the two of them, there wouldn't be a grudge to stop him from taking their views into consideration."
"Since it was mentioned the possibility of Recall remembering who he was in the past due to Killer, it could be due to multiple reasons. Maybe Killer is speaking with Extinction about Papyrus, considering Extinction knows about Killer's story, and in true sans fashion, Killer would tell Extinction what a cool guy he is, for his morality, attitude and creativity. Now, since we know canon Error, not Recall, doesn't like hearing about Papyrus, I think this would have a even bigger effect on Recall, hearing those two always talk about Papyrus, or some other version of it. Maybe the guilt in Killer's tone when he is speaking about Papyrus sometimes, flasing some memories about Geno's despair in seeing Papyrus die over and over again. It could be some ideas, it is your story, so I am interested in your idea."
"And finally, for Killer's errorification, wouldn't phase 1 mean that he is mostly calm per say, maybe overprotective to the point of being even more suicidal, if we take the consideration that his last thought was of him being killed in order to protect them from the danger. Would he retain his soul phases, or would he be stuck in phase 1 permanently? And would he remembed who he was if Extinction tells him his story, since Killer told most of it to Extinction."
"What do you think? Also, you don't need to rush in answering, there is time."
lmao this hypthetical scenario went from wholesome to border angst, such potential.
but sad to say, after going thru over the whole idea, i appear to not have much ideas what will come out of this exactly. to an extent, ive realised that i didnt thoroughly fleshed out extinction's story how he coped throughout since his family is dysfunctional. he canonly appeared calm, reserved and indifferent as a young adult, gotta figure out how he resulted to be that lmao but yknow my head is invested with something else that i wont be making much effort thinking it thru, maybe someday. as of the moment i cant think up how he'll be in this hypothetical scenario since i got not much canon data to cross reference for a very likely outcome and also me and bri are lazy
as for killer's errorfication, well i dont understand much of his phases, so im not exactly sure if it will still take effect, let's say nightmare gets a hold of him again as an error. probably it will, probably it wont, idk
and killer's with recall and ex throughout the process so dont think he'll forget 'em. idk what's the extent of the errorfication when it comes to erasing memories but he got company there with him so i supposed he'd lose some but not all.
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pupuyvs · 9 days
wow. damn dude. cant believe goal is officially done 🥹 its been a ride pupu — from me finding this story and you in those early stages, to you coming back after awhile to continue it, all the theories and long ass thought rants in between, and now this epilogue 🥹🩵 goal is not just one of (if not the BEST) smaus ever, but the process of it being written and made, and being with you and everyone else during that said process has been so much fun 🩵 i loved reading peoples theories on the next update and what might happen! like the whole ordeal when you teased the angst??? lmao and everyone trying to come up with their own theories on what it was, or whenever an update ended and everyone tried pitching what they thought was gonna happened next, that was all just so entertaining to read 😂
seriously though, i know you dont believe it when anyone says it, but goal is seriously the best 😙👌🏼 but please never take that statement as pressure to create your other smaus/stories to be as good as it, because every story is different and theyre never the same (cause if they all were, wheres the fun in that? it'll all be so boring reading the same stuff every time lol) and the way i like to see it, is that with goal being to popular and loved, it gives new readers a chance to discover you and the rest of your work. its their choice if they stick around or not, but at least they'll know youre an amazing writer! (im pretty sure anyone and everyone who has and will find you, will stick around to read your other works because youre that amazing 😘) so never stress or put yourself under so much pressure (or else 🫵🏼😤)
okay, now....this epilogue, its soooo sad to see these characters go, but its also so rewarding to see where they all ended up!
chaewon: my girl seems so much happier and lighter 🥹 and love that shes gotten close with her mom and jihyes parents! and JICHAE ARE NOW DOG PARENTS TOO (lovvveee that shiros in this lol and we stan dog parents and their fur babies 🙂‍↕️🙌🏼) and she really stood up to her dad 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 love how she understood the leverage she had over her dad and used it to her advantage so not only could she and jihye be together, but jihye gets to go to an amazing school to set her up for a great future (like yes queen use your power for yourself and your girl)
eunchae: grown up a bit but will forever be a menace and an annoying little sister (not only to chae, but everyone else too lol) also her teaming up with her older sis to threaten their dad about accepting jihye and helping her get into college?? eunchae the best girl 🫶🏼
aeri and minjeong: married and expecting?!?! tbh did not see that coming but i loveeeeee! and them getting married just because their parents disapproved and now forever tying their families together because theyre the sole heirs?? ✨bossass bitch move✨ and there wasnt much interaction, but they, chaewon, and ning seem so much closer now and lighter too. like it seems like their friend group as grown closer and seems more authentic rather than business like. and them accepting, understanding, and being friends with jihye, jimin, and the rest of their friend group is the redemption arc we love to see 🙂‍↕️🥹
ning and jimin: together and thriving 🥹🫶🏼🩵 and ning being the loved by jihye and jimins parents and replacing jimin as a favorite is a trope i love seeing and never get tired of (like mama yoo really said "jimin i birthed you, but i love your gf more" lmao)
yujin, yunjin, and kazuha: my chaotic babies 😍 not much to say about them but i loved their entrances into the scene lmao like yujin complaining about eunchaes driving and having to park hella far, to yunjin going to give chaewon a big hug but only to be pushed aside by ning, and kazuha being the perfect quiet angel she is through it all 😂😂
the parents: firstly, mrs. kim or should i say MS. IM 👀 am i trippin and reading too far into it or did she divorce chaewons dad???? papa and mama yoo be so wholesome and cute!! and the interaction and closeness between the 3 of them is so precious 🥹😭
jealous!chaewon returns and we cheered!! lmao but fr, i think one of things I'll miss most about this smau is jealous!chaewon lmao 4 years in and girl still gets hella jealous and pouty over anyone showing even the slightest interest in jihye 😂
jihye: my girl is a stanford grad 🥹😭 so proud of her 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 loved that you brought up jihyes insecurity of her and chaewons social differences — its so real that she still has it and those doubts of never being good enough (i dont think those kind of things ever really go away), but having her confess to jimin about her insecurities and jimin being there and being able to relate to her and help her overcome those doubts brings closure to it (like i said those doubts never go away, but for ending the story, it was a nice way to tie that loose end and also circle back to the whole theme of the smau in the first place) and SHE PROPOSED 😭😭😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 (freshmen jihye would never believe it)
overall, it was just a wholesome way to end this amazing smau! honestly couldnt have imagined a better way to wrap it all up! as always, looking forward to your next updates, youre the best pupu, and take care of yourself 😘🩵🫶🏼 (or else 🫵🏼😠)
(ps. thought of a cute bonus chapter where we see chaewon being a badass boss of her dads business and jihye being a badass engineer (but not really cause shes still that loser nerd we all love) and them working then going home to each other, shiro, and a baby 🥹 just something im throwing out there)
my inbox is glitched cause omg i did not see this….
but no seriously thank u for the support 🥺🥺 ik the beginning of goal was rough i mean i was legit two seconds away from dropping it (though very glad i didnt cause woah…) and i cant imagine as a reader probably being frustrated as hell that i took a small hiatus at the beginning to so thank u for staying
truthfully seeing yalls reaction is what made writing goal so fun i loved how yall came up with the craziest theories like i remember seeing some and just laughing
i also loved having ur guys pick apart the au and discover things that not even i had thought about it was the highest honor an author could ever have
now as u said onto the epilogue:
all the characters are absolutely happier now and i guess that comes with the freedom they now have as theyre older and realizing they actually hold a lot more “power” over their parents than their parents do them (hence why chae’s group used their inheritance against their parents)
i also think with that freedom, chae’s friend group were able to discover that theyre a lot more alike than they thought they were instead of viewing their friendships as transactional or business related, they began to view as love for each other (which three of them dating jihye’s friend group members def helped with that)
i knew one couple was gonna be married it was just a matter of who and it ended up being winselle (i added the baby because i was like theyre young but also wealthy enough to take care of a child)
now mrs kim or ms im….yes she single and ready to join jihye’s parents relationship 😫😫😫
im kidding but yes when i originally planned for the epilogue i planned for chaewon’s father to accept jihye and come to the graduation but then i thought about it, would a man who has grown with a mentality and never had it challenged really change in 4 yrs, especially if his daughter is going to use their legacy as a threat?? truthfully no, unlike yoona whose beliefs were challenged with yuri as a teen changwook never had any of his beliefs challenged and im sure his daughters threatening to give up their places as ceo def wasnt a good way to challenge it
now that raises the question is it ever too late to change as a person?? well….that may be answered in a bonus chapter (maybe the one u suggested 👀👀) but if not u the audience can decide if he does later on or not
anyways a little fun fact chaewon paying for jihyes college came to me when i watched blue beetle when spoilers he and that girl got together and his entire town was essentially ruined including his house and she only paid for the truck to be fixed all i could think was “seriously?? thats it?? shes rich she couldve helped fix the whole neighborhood but instead she chose to fix the car…” thats when i knew chaewon would not be like that but instead actually use her wealth to help her girlfriend, or sorry fiancée
ill end this whole rant here cause its long but again thank u for reading and staying by my side for whatever i have written or may write in the future i always look forward to ur asks i love reading ur thoughts and yeah lets take on ffy and onl together 🫂🫂🫂🫂
oh yeah take care of urself 🩵🩵🩵 (or else 🫵😠)
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libbys-braincell-loss · 11 months
I said i would do it before, but since tonights opening night, heres a list of funny things my cast and crew do for the show Puffs that i find really endearing and awesome :))
!!spoilers ahead!!
Act 1
Most if the time, when the Narrator (me) is not onstage, i sit in a little nook on either side of the stage, where i read books, play with a badger plush or my pet pygmy puff (also a plush), write things down, etc. I like to hc that the nook is in the Room of Requirement :) also dw i do get moments where i go backstage and take a break
Wayne wears a jersey with a W on it at the start of the play, it becomes important later
Leanne wears a colorful tutu!
Oliver has a pair of gold glasses
Oliver is from Baltimore, much to his discontent
Snape is played by the same guy who does Ernie Mac, J finch is played by the same guy who does Uncle Dave, and Hannah is played by the same person who does Voldy. Its real funny watching them switch characters
The sorting hat is big fortune teller. I think that was used for a version of the show somewhere else but its so goddamn funny
The training wand Professor McG gives to Oliver is one of those colorful toy wands with glitter and fluid inside that makes it all sparkly
For Professor Turban, he has those red finger lights as Voldy on the back of his turban. One rehearsal they fell on the floor and broke it was really funny
The sorcerers stone that Megan throws to the narrator is just a rock the director found outside. Its really heavy, our stage manager is supposed to paint it red (idk we found the rock yesterday. The rock we usually use fell on the stage and shattered so yeah cant use that anymore rip)
Wayne does a silly robot dance when he mentions Robocop right before meeting Ginny
Ginny is played by our student assistant director, who is a redhead. It couldnt be any other way man she had to be Ginny
Wayne is really tall. Oliver and Megan are around the same size but Wayne towers over them threateningly
When Harry and Ron Mop have a fight and Oliver tries to calm Ron Mop down, at the end Oliver yells at him "How come you get to kiss Emma Watson?!"
Real Mr. Moody has a flask for his potion, like in the series
Cedric wears heart pattern boxers during the bathroom scene. He used to be shirtless but we decided to give him a tanktop cuz it was very weird
The bathroom has a sweet lil ballet segment and we get huge bubble wands!
During the lake watching scene, J Finch falls asleep and starts snoring
Also during that same scene, Leanne panics about the lake and hides her head, then peeks her head out and says "is it gone?"
Viktor is capable of breakdancing!! They do an epic breakdance after the second task!
Each character in the three wizard tournament has a theme song - Frenchy has a french accordian song, Viktor has epic breakdancing music, Cedric has an epic rock and roll guitar riff, and Harry has a silly ukelele song that sounds like a Kevin Macleod song
Cedric and Waynes interaction right before the third task is so wholesome yet heartbreaking
Right before the intermission, i cast a spell to close the curtain
Act 2
Wayne finding out Cedric is dead is the most heartbreaking thing ive ever witnessed. The actor playing him is real silly dude but he got the emotions spot on and i applaud him for it
Ernie and Hannahs sign for "no being too sad" is not all that heavy, but the two actors play it like its the heaviest thing in the planet
J Finch's fav jellybean flavor changes every night. Some of my personal favs of things he has said: "Thermal paste", "plastic", "jellybean flavor", "oh man i forgot what it was, it was really good tho"
When Ernie Mac is fake bullying Hannah so she knows the difference, Ernie says "your face looks like he-whose-name-we-cannot-legally-say" which is funny for 2 reasons: 1, Hannah and Voldy share an actor, and 2, we cant say Voldemort cuz copyright
When J Finch starts "going to the petrified place" after Wayne yells at him, Ernie Mac punches J Finch and yells at him that he cant be too sad
Every single time during the Oliver and Megan kiss scene, Oliver gets Megan's dark lipstick on his face. It is hilarious
When I throw the year 5 book (which is really heavy) to the stage manager, she has decided she would make a new reaction every night. Examples: "hey! Big books hurt!" "You throw like a Puff, AND I MEAN THAT NEGATIVELY!" "The actors are attacking!! Run, stage crew! Run! *slams the door behind them*"
Voldy has a green swim cap and tape on his nose.
When Voldy is giving one of his death buddies a show of affection, midway through he says "i hope you're loving this as much as i am", to which the poor death buddy responds "i hate it 😥"
Oliver and Megan are holding hands while Wayne is asking about grades. Wayne gets sick of it and forces himself between them, breaking their holding hands
Zac Smith is hilarious. Hes played by the same guy who did Cedric before he died in act 1. Zac Smith has so many stupid stories, like one about how he ate a magic muffin, turned into a muffin, and watched his friend who also got turned into a muffin get eaten. Another one is how he watched a magic VHS of the movie Shrek, and the donkey appeared in his home, and he was so annoying that Zac cooked him, and every day he waits for the dragon to come kill him. Most recent one was when he watched a magic VHS of a Midsummer Nights Dream, and had his head turned into a donkey, and was jealous that the donkey man is getting more bitches than him, so Zac decides he'll make his own movie - Zac Smith: the Hot Donkey. I always break character during that scene istg
The actor for Xavia is fantastic. She got that evil dumb mom vibe we needed
Right when Wayne sees Sally Perks leaning in for the kiss, Wayne quickly puts on chapstick and pops his lips. Why, i have no idea but its funny
Megan being torn about whether she should kill her friends or miss this opportunity to be with her mom is absolutely heartbreaking it is so sad :(
During the flashback to when Xavia got recruited, Voldy does the worm and Xavia aggressively flips her hair all over the place.
Voldy canonically does a Jack Sparrow run
Apparently Wayne dances during the flashback scene?? I had never noticed that i need to see that tonight lmao
Xavia struggling to open the doors is so fun. When she gives up she runs into the house, still yelling that she'll be back. Its so golden
The Headmaster falls into the pit for his death. The actor just lays in the pit for the rest of the show until the final important headmaster moment
I have never cried inside harder to a story of how Oliver turned his parents heads into oranges. The scene is so good and emotional :((
Bippy is peak comedy. Bippy is love. Bippy is life. Bippy sprints to the back of the auditorium and its the funniest shit ever
Voldy does amazing crowdwork ngl. He be asking what the difference between witches and wizards are, what the deal with British food is, and what is the purpose of boy bands (they make him want to run the other direction), it gets to the point where the Assistant Director has to take his megaphone away
All the deaths are so sad. I dont really see them all cuz im offstage during the war but when i do catch them its so sad
When Oliver returns hes wearing his scarf like a bandana. You go Karate Kid
Sally drops her glasses before her death. She funbles on the ground trying to find them
When J Finch dies, Ernie cradles him in his arms and its really sad
Bippys death goes on for like years. She just refuses to die until the songs done. Its very funny dear god
Waynes death hurts man
When Wayne arrives at the very white room two guys are holding up a white blanket and they have angel costumes on.
When the Headmaster says "see for yourself" Cedric appears and hands him a Puff scarf. I cant 😭😭😭
Voldy also falls into the pit for his death.
When i show up again as Megan and Olivers child, Wayna, i wear Waynes W jersey he had at the start of the play 😭
"Whether you're a Brave, a Smart, or a... child who vapes in the school bathrooms..."
When Oliver asks Wayna what 3 × 4 is, i act like i know how to solve it. "Oh i got this, 3 times 4, 3 groups of 4, 3 + 3 + 3 +3 is.... i dont know :)"
When i sit in the stool, Waynes arm hands me the Puff scarf. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
During Curtain Call, we all be doing a silly dance. Im dancing with Megan and Oliver, and Wayne runs on to crash the party like he does in play lmao
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hexitca · 9 months
Rant about Puritan fandom culture!
Well I typed it on twitter but then I had more to say so tumblr it is!
Under read more
WARNING: Long as fuck
Here's some pics
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I know I basically said the author of Heartstopper "brought it on themselves" but yea they kinda did.
You can disagree with BL/Yaoi you can hate the shipping discourse or shipping in fandom in general but you cant frame it in a "i hate [that] bc it's sinful/fetishistic and I'M ABOVE THAT BC I'M WHOLESOME AND BETTER THAN THOSE DISGUSTING SHIPPERS"
bc that's gonna bite you in the ass...as it is doing now. The fucking image of their character's google history is so tame and normal, esp in LGBTQ+ spaces! Yet they are being called a pedo? Crazy. In the end, you only hurt yourself!
I never bothered with HS bc i just wasnt interested in it but thats just my preference. It's sad to see ppl, esp young ppl, turn on a series of LGBTQ+ representation just bc of the author's past (or current? idk) stance on the BL/Yaoi or MLM or whatever genre just bc their stance wavered a bit in a simple comic image. Something that is so fucking normal also! but they will grow up and realized how limiting it is to restrict themselves just to appear pure within a group.
Yet the artists/writers/creators are traumatized by the witchhunt. I know I said the author brought it on themselves for supporting anti but damn I don't want them being accused of being a pedo! Or ANYTHING! NO ONE DESERVES THAT. I dont know anything about the author other than surface knowledge but at the end of the day, all this online shit, doesnt matter. It doesnt! Me saying that is ironic bc im typing this post up right now!
but it's something we care about! I care about fandom spaces, I care that creators are getting attack for something as mild as this even if they invited these ppl into their circle. We're human and we change our views a million times a fucking day. I could agree with one thing and disagree with it another. That's why anti discourse pisses me the hell off! It's just a bunch of bullies looking to make themselves feel better by shaming others! I don't respect that type of behavior. And I hate that they just run around saying shit like "kys" over a two characters fucking?!? It amazes me beyond words.
Fandom has never been without its discourse. But the puritan bullshit is not even fandom discourse, it's just straight up bullying and harassment. It doesnt take much to tailor your fandom spaces to your preferences, i should know ive been in fandom spaces since I was fucking 13 years old. I didn't explore nsfw/porn/anything until I wanted to when I was 18. That is MY personal experience. I never put that on anyone else BUT MYSELF. If I saw nsfw and didnt want to see it I blocked the person. Not make a fucking witch hunt out of it. You are in charge of keeping YOURSELF in check not some person who shared nsfw art/fanfic. How fucking hard is it to turn the "don't show me nsfw" toggle on??? Bc it's not about that. Y'all just wanna be mad and be above someone so why not ppl minding their own business.
And guess what? There ARE ppl who are bad and support nsfw art/writing. They fucking suck. They are outliers and deserve to be called out when they get exposed. But many times, ppl always go "see i told you all the ppl in THAT fandom were pedos/freaks/etc" hmmm sounds like when conservatives go "see...that queer person turned out to be bad, SO all queer ppl are bad" DO YOU GET IT?? It never works out with that line of thinking. You are harming innocent ppl minding their own business. You are harming yourselves when you grow the fuck up and realize that "OH actually...I am curious about sex" and have ppl who you thought were your friends eat your face. PLS wake the fuck up.
If you're an anti:
I hope you recover from that
go fuck yourself
if you're offended by me saying "go fuck yourself", pls take that as a sign to log off the internet and go touch grass. As someone who has done that many of times, it's very refreshing.
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blueamphibians · 1 year
My moms brand of homophobia is the only kind i will ever accept. Its so weirdly wholesome.
Despite her being hardcore christian, she actually never bought up LGBTQ stuff to me and my sister--not in the "its taboo" way, but in the "i am more focused on instilling proper morals in my children and LGBTQ stuff isn't even on my radar."
So obv that meant i had a super positive exposure to it when i found out, because no-one had ever told me it was bad. I found out gay people existed and went "makes sense" and moved on yk?
But back to her homophobia: She lives by a very strong rule of "its not my place to judge them, it's gods," so while she does think being LGBTQ is against the bible, she also doesn't think its her place to comment.
She DOES however think that its her place to be gracious to everybody because God is going to judge HER too, at the end. So this brings me to my favorite story ab her, right.
So our country is VERY conservative to the point where being LGBTQ can get you quietly fired or in extreme cases deported. The place she works regularly flies in staff from abroad though, and they're usually highly LGBTQ-friendly.
So my mom comes home one day, more stressed than usual, and i ask her whats up. And she goes "I had to warn one of the abroad staff not to talk about gender studies with the locals here", and i got prissy and went "why? because its wrong?" and she looked at me and went "No, because they're being nice to his face but what if they go and say something behind his back?"
Like her first instinct was to protect this man who didn't realize just what the environment here was like. And then she drove him around the city trying to help him find a touristy gift for his husband and even suggested different places to try even though she didn't have too.
Like sure my mom is homophobic but her morals clash so STRONGLY with the ideas of hate that she ends up being an ally. I lowkey came out to her one day by going "what would you do if i liked girls"
and she said "well. Id be sad because its wrong and I want you to go to heaven."
and i said "but how would you treat my wife? would you be nice to her?"
and she went "well, yes, of course--" and i went "what if i don't think its wrong?" and she went "well i cant force you but id like if you read the bible more :("
its worth noting that she was so uncomfortable during this conversation, which was so surreal for her, that she started cry laughing in the coffee shop because i was being really intense.
My mother is homophobic but shes also tolerant and so fucking kind and yk those are the kinds of people i can coexist with. She's the kind of person to see a gay coworker get fired and get upset, not because he's gay, but because her workplace had the audacity to fire somebody so experienced.
All this to say: I love my mom.
Side note, my roommate is homophobic (i don't blame her, and its not like shes doing harm) and I'm actually really open to being friends with her because shes kind as fuck and tactful. So yeah, its nice to coexist i guess
EDIT: also. My mom is like, really bad at being homophobic. Like she "knows" its wrong, but she gets really confused when she tries to explain why. And she doesn't actually...do anything homophobic. She sees men in heavy makeup and goes "wow....his eyeshadow is so good..." and then Side Eyes Me
idk. Shes a really good person. The only people I've seen her go "they should be harmed" about is like, r*pists and shit. Doubling down: I love my mom.
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