#i cant resist posting art i did that i like
bblookyyy · 1 year
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redraw of something i drew back in 1/1/2018 (wip but the possibility of me finishing it is less than zero)
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thepandalion · 7 months
and today in "why is fandom so antisemitic" just blocked two more followers in my sideblog, which makes it about 10 of what would have been almost 35 followers over a couple months. because the "all israelis are evil" bs is really big in mcyt circles.
also haven't watched the new season of hc because I don't want to touch the fandom anymore and enjoying things alone isn't as fun when you know there's a fandom. but also the fandom is full of people that wish I was dead so I dont want to be there either. which means right now the only things in my life are the jewish bloggers I follow (love yall) and doing daily challenges in microsoft solitaire. and university ig but it's the weekend and Im trying not to think about my homework rn
also gave up and made a "btw Im israeli plz stop following me if u want me dead" post on the sideblog. hope it works ig.
#its also wild bc I do fandom art on that blog and people love it#even my dad thought it was awesome enough to commission me for his own work stuff once! thats awesome#I got paid for the art I did for him with a merch hoodie from the fandom#and I love it and I love the art I did and I love the original content its based on.#but I cant even watch the new season without thinking about how I want to liveblog but cant because liveblogging attracts attention#and fandom attention scares me now. half a year ago I worked nonstop to get any amount of positive attention in the fandom#I stopped family dinners to watch new episodes and liveblog half an hour after the sessions were out to get people to see my posts#and now. I want none of that#a month or so ago I joined the community discord. the people were so nice to me#and then I went to the vent channel. bc someone mentioned there's i/p stuff in there. its all anti-israel#to the point I felt uncomfortable staying there despite never saying a word about where I'm from beforehand. almost felt unsafe to be there#just... that fandom prides itself on trying so hard to be wholesome and safe after the dsmp fandom ended up so toxic#and here they are wishing I was never born#because I never would have been born if not for this country. my grandparents on my dads side met in the resistance against the british#my parents met at uni. they never wouldve met if not for this country#I wouldnt be alive if not for this country and while I dont like the government I love this country so much#Im just so sad#ישראבלר
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sathona · 2 years
so i finally watched Bumblebee(2018) with a bunch of friends and
holy fucking shit
its incredible. its a 10/10. it is so, SO much better than the shit-tier bayformers movies were. it has color and soul and emotion and actual plot and clear motivations for the characters. the decepticons arent some morally gray vague entity, theyre a clearly manipulative, tyrannical regime. the autobots are clearly a resistance force that lost the war and is going to earth to regroup. the movie immediately opens up with a sequence that is full to bursting with color and personality and it makes it very clear that the fights and the cybertronians arent going to be all gray and greebly and boring because their designs are obvious renditions of the generation 1 iterations. theyre the actual transformers! and oh my GOD i cant stop gushing about the actual transformations in the movie, like, look at this.
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my friend indyjacob said this, which is a technical examination that that i couldnt put into words:
it's not like the fucking original michael bay ones where the transformations are weird nonsense. like, you can see the cockpit canopy flip down into the chest piece, or the wings invert and then raise up alongside the jets, and the front intakes rotating into the arms. the parts of the vehicle actually shift into place on the new body as if it were the old toys
and these multi transformations are cool too
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the animations are slower yet more impactful, theyre much less blurry, and they look incredible. the fight choreography incorporates many more transformation sequences, especially in the final fight of the film, and they have more weight to them. the fights arent just them ripping each other apart and blasting each other with one hit kill weapons. they use the environment, they use creativity, they use martial arts, and as with the transformations, its not a messy blur of gray movement. you can actually see whats going on!
and then the characters. oh my god theyre great. our main character aside from bumblebee is, first of all, a young woman named charlie. already starting off on a great note. and she has personality! this is the story of a girl and a transformer and their unbreakable bond that i so badly wanted mikaela and bumblebee to have in the bayformers films.
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bumblebee himself is also fantastic- i wont spoil anything but his arc is sooo satisfying. and the villains arent just like, mindless monsters. they arent caricatures, they have clear personalities and motivations, and their plans are satisfying yet dismaying to watch unfold. and then agent burns, played by john cena, is such a great character. hes not just an insect in a hivemind of soldiers, hes a person who eventually actually understands whats at stake and he ended up as one of my favorites. just look at him!
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the boy! so much emotion there. youll understand if you watch and reach that point in the film.
in conclusion, Bumblebee is the live action reboot that transformers really needed. michael bay did have a message in his original movies, but transformers was the wrong medium for it, and this film is everything that they should have been. if you havent watched it yet because, like myself, you were scared off by bayformers, please give it a shot. its nothing like them. like i said at the top of this post, its a 10/10. it rekindled my love for transformers, and i am very excited to see where this new line of movies goes.
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this is sath, an official stan of this movie, signing off.
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thewebcomicsreview · 10 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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bokettochild · 6 months
if you were a bunny I'd hold u really gently and give u a lil hat
i would just make u a whole house out of cardboard filled with the best stuff
idk if this is weird but I just have affectionate emotions sometimes and I don't know how else to express them and I cant keep telling u to get urself a lil treat and u being like "I'm gonna have coffee!" for the end of enternity (not that I mind)
also just to catch u up I've been having the strongest hyper fixation for an au I've ever had in my life and im gonna start posting about it soon
its like a fs DND au and I have art and everything lol
also whatve u been up to?
im just waiting till the end of Ramadan so I can stuff my face with sweets
have u ever had bakhlawa because its crazy good
what type of coffee do u like btw, personally I don't drink coffee but I do like herbal mint and green teas, I love good quality juices tho
whats ur favorite food or a great comfort food for urs, for me my comfort food is either fajita or fettuccine with air fried carrots and zucchini
i honestly just like cheese and carbs with some savory
finally do u prefercold or warm sweets? My preference is generally cold sweets like ice cream or cheese cake but I also have a very soft spot for traditional sweets that have honey/semolina/flower water/date paste in them
this has been my check in and blabbing, I hope ur doing well kottie
I think being a bunny would fix me
If it helps at all, my little treat for today is chocolate raisins (my beloved) and I got two bags so I can have plenty this week!
I have been straight up existing recently. Just....chilling (resisting the urge, again, to start posting my new multi-chap before it's ready). I did get my yearly cold that will last for the next month most likely, but my urge to write is back! So I'll take that trade off!
I have not had it, but I think my dad said he's had some, made by hand! He said it was delectable :)
I like mochas, although there's a cinnamon flavored drink at the cat themed coffee shop I go to called the "Cinn Kitty" which is pretty good too! I have no clue what kind of coffee it is, just that it's hot and cinnamon-y.
I think a comfort food for me is potato soup, with a bit of cheese sprinkled on top and maybe some ham? Maybe. And you're right, cheese is the best thing ever :) (my favorite cheese is smoked cheddar)
I like warm sweets. Like, it's cold up here most of the time, so it helps me stay comfy (I run cold) but in the summer I love sweet fruity things because they're usually cooler
I hope you're doing well too!
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naumin · 2 years
2022 in review
in an effort to blog about art on my art blog more i will be writing a post covering my work in 2022 and maybe some aspirations going forward into 2023
2022 was the year of learning to paint! at the beginning i was really frustrated, a lot of my pieces were very hit or miss and i couldnt tell why some sucked and some fuckd. i nibbled at some online courses for fundamentals, James Gurney’s Color & Light book and Marco Bucci’s painting videos, and was looking for a mentor at one point but i think i stopped cuz i broke my thumb briefly lol
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a piece from december 2021 that is just a bit random and i think representative of my stabbing in the dark
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in June i split a schoolism sub with emma and it was an amazing decision. i think if you have limited time to practice drawing or dont know where to go the best thing is to take a course, and ive taken cheap or free courses online but the tutors on schoolism are top of the industry and the quality of their teaching is stellar imo. literally felt my brain explode with knowledge they are the best of the best. i finished the painting workout course with wouter tulp and ive dipped in and out of numerous others since then. its cool bcus u can study at your own pace.
July was artfight, i did talk about it here so not gonna repeat myself heh
then i was really busy with my MA, its been so fun and so exhausting. a year is so short and i want to try all the printing techniques and ceramics and everything cry. but hey now i know indesign and can make my own zines and stuff which is amazing. i also tabled at my first market :) i did really like it and would love to do more, dont want to put pressure on myself to do that this year but at least wanna visit them and scope out the audiences and stuff.
school really is making me appreciate traditional art again, tbh it is nothing like digital. you just cant get that chaos or physical resistance from your materials in digital, everything is very deliberate and constructed and almost predictable. ive started to incorporate more traditional work into my pieces where i can, especially photobashing. i can use photos i offhandedly took years ago and it feels really nice to get to repurpose them.
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a spread from my school project, a book about one of my passions (i chose the story of how i got into elden ring!!!) i made it from paper cutting, photobashing, and digital. (im going to sell pdf and physical copies in the new year)
so circling back to the start of the year, i think you can see marked progress in my illustrations that ive posted here. i think i learned a lot about techniques within a painting but i want to learn more about pictorial composition bcus my default tends to be 3:4, portrait, charas centre, and i want to break that habit and tell more effective stories :)
over the past 2 years ive been incorporating more realism into the characters i draw and trying to be really deliberate with what features, proportions etc they have.
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a 2021 isa and a 2022 isa
i think i want to maintain this level of detail because its descriptive enough for my needs but i want to push it to be more dynamic and stylised. i really admire the way disney animators like jin kim do it. its because im not confident enough with structure and anatomy to really play with it.
on the other hand with life drawing i really want to do more realism and capture exactly whats in front of me because i think i rely on style as a crutch too much hahaha.
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from december. proud of these!!!
thats whats on my mind really. again really dont want to put any undue pressure on myself and i am going to be really busy until october at least. i am seriously proud of my progress in 2022. and im really looking forward to playing bloodborne x
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starbugbuzz · 2 years
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Eu postei 136 vezes em 2022
Foram 136 posts a mais do que em 2021!
10 posts criados (7%)
126 posts reblogados (93%)
Blogs que você mais reblogou:
Eu marquei 57 posts meus em 2022
#save for later - 7 posts
#art - 2 posts
#gonna check this one later - 2 posts
#geraskier - 2 posts
#the witcher - 2 posts
#nice - 2 posts
#and the hair omg - 1 post
#thats so perfect - 1 post
#im gonna cry - 1 post
#look at her lil smile i- (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠) - 1 post
Maior tag: 130 caracteres
#putting this on my wall so i can resist the primal urge to chop all my hair off at every praise i get about my 'feminine features'
Meus principais posts em 2022:
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3 notas - publicadas em 19 de abril de 2022
Whatched Dear Ex (again) and fuck if "do you truly hate it or you just cant control it?" doesn't hit me like a kick in the gut every single time
13 notas - publicadas em 14 de junho de 2022
Me scrolling through the geraskier tag before school as if it was the morning news
17 notas - publicadas em 15 de junho de 2022
Are we in love with jaskier or do we just really want to be some common person who is very good at something they are passionate about and got the freedom to exeplore the world anew everyday without the pressure of modern society?
113 notas - publicadas em 30 de junho de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
You think i like [serie/book/movie's name] bc i thought it was good?? You fool, absolute moron. I merely liked the concept and/or some of the characters then proceded to daydream about possibilities, but unfortunately so did other queer little people and now we are all trapped in this self-made hell
1.074 notas - publicadas em 10 de junho de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
happy birthday
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© @damn-salvatore
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
request by @phoenixhalliwell: Hi maria 👋 how are you? I was wondering if I could put a request in please for prompt number 8? The one with the it's not much but I bought you this ( I cant mind the exact wording 🙈) Bucky mentions something that reminds him of his past that makes him happy and like nostalgic and then the reader goes out of their way to find it for him so that he doesn't feel so out of place in the future? Thank you 😊💛
prompt: “I got you this. It’s not much, bu—”
word count: 928 words.
warnings/tags: none.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
join the tag list NEW!!! here.
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You found out about Bucky's birthday by casualty. It was the first after earning his freedom and you felt like he didn't want to celebrate it. Maybe that was the reason why he didn't mention anything. But even so, you wanted to give him a gift. You weren't sure about what it could be and you have the most brilliant idea of your life. Asking Steve. Nobody knew him better than his long-life friend, his brother. Although at first, the Captain tried to persuade you, he ended up thinking that maybe could be something good for Bucky. A birthday gift could be an appropriate way to come back to reality, step by step.
Steve told you about his hobbies, about what he used to do in the forties. He gave you more ideas than you expected, but there was a concrete one that called your attention from the very first moment it popped out. You toured New York's avenues, taking advantage that Bucky had to assist to therapy, a medical examination, and to work out. That would have him occupied for the rest of the day, while you bought all the necessary and prepared it at home, for when he came back.
You sighed alleviated, falling on the sofa. Satisfied with the black cardboard box in front of your eyes, over the coffee table. You managed to collect everything inside and put a bow made with a gift ribbon on top of it. You were exhausted after walking down the streets from one side to another, carrying the small bags. You also forgot to eat something during the day, but only by the thought of having to stand up (...), you preferred to stay there.
The soldier closed the door slowly behind his back, resting against it for a brief instant. Usually, the medical examinations left him weary. The doctor took blood and urine tests. Checked his lungs and brain with an x-ray. Then, one hour of resistance and strength —mostly by running and heavy lifting. It felt like a train ran over him. All he wanted was to be cuddled and comforted, but when he stepped into the living room and watched you sleep on the sofa, he couldn't blame you for feeling like him.
Bucky was about to hold you onto his arms and take you to your huge shared bed until his gaze fell over a black box with a handwritten note by its side. “This is not a birthday present”. A tender smile curved up his mouth, having a seat close to your abdomen to open it. His fingers raised the lid in slow motion, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as your boyfriend placed the cover on the table. When he was ready, he rolled up his eyelids to glance to the inside. A knot appeared inside his throat. His heart skipped.
Bucky tilted his torso towards you, leaning down to wrap your waist with his strong and firm arms. The heat emanating from his heavy body along with the delicate kisses being spread on your forehead, bridge of your nose, and lips, woke you up. Blinking sleepy, touring his back with your hands, you let out a sight. “I got you something. It’s not much, bu—”.
“It's perfect”. Bucky interrupted you, burying his face into the gap between your neck and your right shoulder. “Is the best non-birthday gift ever”.
You couldn't help but chuckle and yawn at the same time, palming softly the back of his head to urge him to sit up. And so you did, holding the box to place it over your lap.
“I just… supposed you didn't have the energy to… celebrate it. But I wanted to give you something”. You mumbled, rubbing your eyes for an instant. “Steve told me a lot of things you liked to do in the past, but… I, uh… thought that maybe drawing again could also help you with your nightmares”.
Bucky took off every item from the box, having a déjà vu, remembering the old days where he used to spend the day creating art. The good days he had forgotten until you brought them back. It wasn't only the gift. It was the intention. It was the love you put on it. The help you were offering again to fight against the bad dreams that were still chasing him today.
You bought him special notebooks for drawing, pencils, colors… Anything you found to make him a good kit. Inside his oceanic blue eyes, you could glimpse that Bucky was about to cry, not knowing how to thank you enough for the second chance you gave him, for the careless and the patient, for the small details marking the difference, for just being by his side at any moment. He felt like he was coming back to life.
Your boyfriend clung his arms to your body unexpectedly, embracing you as much tighter as he could without hurting you. Bucky won the lottery the first time you smiled at him. He knew karma was rewarding him for all the pain he had been through. And you were the lucky of his life. A life he'd give for you without hesitating.
“I love you, (Y/N). Y'know it, right?” As he spoke, his voice wrecked, reaching your lips to pepper them fondly. “More than anything I had ever loved, more than anything I could love one day”.
“I know, Buck”. You whispered with a soft smirk decorating your mouth. “I'll always love you, I'll always take care of you”.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
and REBLOG!!!
support the writers 🤍
tag list: @whatrambles @cleopatra12345 @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @meg4n_hughe5 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @shinynewboots @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @laurenclaire6710 @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations
** the @ crossed out is because tumblr doesn't let me tag you, but you can activate notifications for when i post any writing!
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21ate · 2 years
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i got my new tablet and so far its pretty nice! here, i drew up some stuff for my sonic forces au hehe. someday id like to produce a legit comic for it, so if youd like to know more, ive put some context under the read more :)
i also have a separate blog just for sonic stuff which will be where i post the rest of my au art, so check out @mobianstrip as well!
SONIC FORCES AU (official title still pending)
okay, i think its fair to say that sega did a poor job writing a war story with any kind of point and the confusing tone is frustrating, so my au takes the dark themes present in the game and actually follows through on expanding upon them.
it always bothered me that sonic just lets eggman go even though he almost took over the planet in a literal war he started, displacing and killing (er, roboticizing?) thousands, if not millions of mobians. i dont care that infinite was the stronger threat - eggman is still responsible for finding the phantom ruby and teaming up with infinite to begin with. why would anyone allow eggman to get away with something on this scale of destruction???
obviously sega has to keep their games formulaic and they cant just kill eggman or something, but this is the one storyline where allowing him to get away doesnt work in my opinion. the unusually high stakes implied/explicitly stated versus the practically nonexistent consequences leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
this au takes a more realistic approach to the aftermath of the war. eggman has been captured by the resistance and imprisoned indefinitely and sonic, for whatever his reasons may be, doesnt believe eggman should be imprisoned. he advocates for his release and this causes massive backlash across mobius. soon enough, tensions rise so high that a riot breaks out in front of his home.
you could argue that this may not justify burning his house down, but sonic is not supposed to be in the right here either and his comment about peaceful protests is intentionally a pretty bad, tone deaf take. im sick of sonic's characterization as a perfect hero who is always in the right and always happy, so i decided that this would turn into a negative trait in the context of a war story.
so, being really into the superhero deconstruction genre lately, thats sort of the tone im aiming for here as well.
i dont want to give too much of the story away though, so youll just have to wait until i write and draw so more (or check out my sonic blog, though i consider the designs to be a bit outdated. also, it will no longer be called 25 years later! take the old stuff with a grain of salt, ive got lots of new ideas now hehe)
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witef · 3 years
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Anyway I am so petty and fucking annoyed that i have to actually make a post abt this bullshit.
I cant reblog this. The coward (@itsmissdorothy) blocked me and deleted my initial comments (which only proves to me how these people live so far away in their parallel reality that absolutely nothing can make them change their presumptions.) They take tidbits that fit their narrative and all they do is further their stupid agenda that denigrates all who are not leftist westerners.
My comment which threatened them so much was as follows:
You uneducated ignorant usamerican. How dare you. How dare you ridicule Ukrainians (and entire eastern europe may i add) like this. You don’t know what it means to be invaded and conquered by a foreign power, to have your history erased, your life controlled by strict state rules. Ukraine and eastern europeans have fought against russian oppression for years. Not alongside somebody. By themselves. Sometimes not open war (hence why your only thought was ww2) but intellectuals striving to get past censorship material that shows that their spirit, their nationality won’t ever be erased, it won’t ever be assimilated into a russian empire. Opposition is hard under oppression and there are so many that did the best they could to keep alive the spirit of freedom, through literature, through art, all leading to revolution.
Open war is not the only way of fighting back and just because you’re so privileged you never ever had the need to know something like this doesn’t give you the right to make such insinuations
Resistance is fighting. Even if Russia wins. Ukrainians will prevail.
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the-pigeon · 3 years
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uhhh here are some c!dsmp designs i’ve made. might make more. who knows. notes under the readmore
if you know me. you know i like ranting. here are some Words
biologically he’s half god, half angel. unfortunately the Weird genes must’ve skipped a generation because he is very Human (and his son Isn’t)
this one is post-revival. the blue slash thing was from when phil killed him. it doesn’t wash out. the scar on his stomach has healed over though.
eye is replaced with a magic eight ball. 
he has a gold tooth too but i forgot to add it
sam design inspired by @/prap-art
the red stone is redstone not blood :P
he’s not like. built for human air.. so he has a bag that pumps redstone in and out of his lungs to keep him awake
purpled design inspired by @/maruu11
the sweater is actually more like a spacesuit. the face mask is pumping in Alien oxygen to keep him alive bc he’s not from earth
his hair is dyed btw it’s naturally purple
usually he’s just a tits out kind of guy but for las nevadas he wears a uniform
you cant see it but the shark does have a tail
is he human? is he an interdimensional being? you tell me
white/black streaks in his hair come with spending more and more time in the inbetween/other side respectively
he’s actually human but when he was a baby he killed and ate a blaze and ten grew elf-like ears. bbh adopted him because he thought sapnap wasn’t human
to be fair he is pretty fire resistant now
mushroom :]
gnf design inspired by @/maruu11
i forgot his glasses. just imagine they’re in his cape
couldn’t pick between her mc skin and the doodles she did so i tried to combine them :D the carrot shirt had to stay
its a onsie- oh no, it’s his body? what?
who cares he’s a god he can do what he wants
not in this art but he uses ASL. i know auslan (australian sign language) so sometimes i get it messed up. so if you see me drawing him using sign langauge and i get it wrong thats why XD
honestly dont like his outfit. too simple. imagine it’s cooler
the little skeppy head horn decoration stays though
he’s a cat. cat person? no
the red collar is for velvet <3 i like to imagine it’s from one of his shirts that ant took after c!velvet canonically died because thats a thing that happened i guess
little itty bitty piggy
he has the friendship emerald as an earring and he has little ones for each member of the syndicate :D
i know that colourful sweater is like. from a year ago. and she hasn’t worn it ever. but its cute. suck my dick
couldn’t decide what hair colour so i settled on all of them
half endermen, half axolotl
hey, axolotls dont exist in their world. why would he know?
i have an actual full design sheet for ranboo. coming soon. watch out for that
piggy :]
same with tubbo. character ref sheet coming soon
already posted a character sheet here :D
only difference i’ve added since then is the additional white streaks in his hair and also the fact that the drawing is better quality
yeahhh thats it ^_^
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pr1ncessm00n · 3 years
for sale or wanted — jean kirstein x fem!reader
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series masterlist
[playlist : sea sick - binki ]
warnings: cursing
semi written chapter <3
jean’s perspective :
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y/n’s perspective :
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Rolling his eyes, Jean exited out of his and Connie’s conversation. He paused for a minute, staring at his recent conversations. His thumb hovered over Y/N’s number, and he found himself selecting their messages. Not knowing why, Jean felt the urge to save her contact.
It might be useful later, Jean rationalized.
Clicking ‘Save Contact’, Jean quickly wrote “y/n” in the name category before saving her number. He didn’t know why he would need it or want it later… but he couldn’t resist the blossoming feeling of hope that this wouldn’t be the only interaction he had with Sasha’s estranged roommate.
Jean couldn’t deny that she was attractive, and even though their first greeting was awkward, the nervousness quickly melted away into carefree conversation. Jean mentally chastised himself for possibly oversharing with the girl he just met, but he couldn’t push away the giddiness that accompanied whenever he played back the words he and Y/N exchanged. He secretly hoped he would get to chat with her again when he returned later to pick up the couch with Reiner, his soccer team mate. He wondered what Y/N’s first impression of him was. Did she think he was weak for not being able to transport the couch? Did she find him as charismatic as he found her? Why was he so nervous?
Jean wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and grabbed his house key. He chalked the nervousness off to just simply being unnerved by the girl’s beauty. It was nothing out of the usual. It was just one interaction, he reminded himself. At least, that’s what he was telling his friends.
Reiner honked from the outside of Jean’s apartment, causing Jean to break out of his thoughts. Jean quickly shuffled to the door, making sure to grab a jacket and a hair tie on his way out the door and to Y/N’s dorm, and to potentially a new connection.
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Jean couldn’t resist tweeting what he thought.
lol Armin trying to hide his lil chess club meetings hehe
Jean lowkey doesn’t want Eren to go to Y/N’s bc he feels like he’ll steal all the attention.
Jean’s mom told Sasha and Connie about how he would chant for omelets as a kid and as you can see, they will not let Jean live it down.
ahh! firstly THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! for your sweet messages and i just cant believe yall really enjoy this that much. ive been kind of busy lately so ik this might be rushed and its not even proofread im ngl but i promise i actually have a plot and outline 😭 just bear with me. anyways i also wanted to add :
any art i use for social media posts i do NOT own!! all credit goes to the creators, sadly i find most of these on pinterest so they don’t all have creator’s credit and i can’t keep up with all of them to list. i won’t remove any watermarks however and if anyone recognizes an artist’s work and would like to tag, mention them or send me a message so i can post about it please feel free to do so!! i am not here to plagiarize or steal anyone’s hard work and i appreciate artists so much <33
anyways i’m sorry this is short but it is slowburn people lol. see y’all <3
taglist : @usernamehere91 @tsunderehokage @calumsfringe
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jensungf · 4 years
summary: he was your best friend. you should’ve been happy when he went to go ask that girl whether or not she was his soulmate. so why was the universe pulling at your heartstrings now?
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pairing: reader x best friend!huang renjun genre: fluff + soulmate!au word count: 1.6k warnings: none
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6:23pm. you rolled your eyes as you read the time. where the hell was he?
your focus drifts to the onyx swirls dotted on your wrist, and you subconsciously trace all the scribbles making up your tattoo. you had been impatiently tapping your foot for what felt like forever, but in actuality, was about ten minutes. maybe i should just leave, you thought ruefully as the digit on your lit-up phone screen changed once again.
you had been through this too many times for you to simply count with your fingers. it was almost like clockwork at this point. despite this only beginning months ago, you knew the cycle. renjun would encounter someone, and would feel compelled to chase them down and ask if they were possibly his soulmate. unfortunately, it always ended in rejection.
you were always the one to comfort him when he returned with the same answer like always— that they had found their soulmate or they didn’t feel any connection at all. despite your annoyance of having to be inconvenienced at random hours of the day and having your quality time with him interrupted, you knew deep down it hurt you just as much as it hurt him.
yet you never once considered the reality that perhaps he would actually find his soulmate one day, and how that mere possibility would change your entire life.
if renjun was seriously going to confront that girl with a simple question of whether or not she was his soulmate, what was taking them so long? surely he would’ve texted you by now if he was successful, knowing you were still waiting for him. or at least let you know he was on his way back.
you winced at the thought that he might be too busy engaging in other endeavors, ones that involved less talking and more touching. you shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of those thoughts, burying the odd feelings that made your stomach twist and turn. no, that wasn’t the renjun you knew. he wouldn’t be as daring as that despite his growing impatience to find his soulmate. besides, you wanted him to find his soulmate. there was no reason for your heart to twinge at the chance that maybe this time was the right time. you were his best friend. you were supposed to be happy for him, and hope for the best.
you hastily unlocked your phone, typing out a very annoyed albeit passive aggressive text to your heck of a best friend who decided to abandon you in the middle of your weekly dinner date to chase down a girl. you should’ve just left him moments ago, yet your feet stay planted in your spot outside the moomin plushie store.
“stupid renjun,” you muttered under your breath as you realized that the sky was beginning to settle into a hazy cloud of purple and pink. dusk was always your favorite time of day, yet you couldn’t help but feel a bit embittered that renjun wasn’t here with you to enjoy the view with. just when you were about to click send, a shadow casts over your figure and you lift your head.
“hey,” renjun says simply. his hands are shoved deep into his cream-colored denim jacket and he gazes at the sky instead of at you, causing you to stare quizzically at him.
“so....” you cock your head at his silence and wait for him to answer the obvious question. however, he makes no move to look you in the eyes. you hesitate, unsure what to do at your best friend’s abnormal silence.
usually he would be telling you that it wasn’t the right person and he had made a fool out of himself again or something along those lines, but this time, he remained silent. his eyes still avoid yours and you feel panic bubbling up in your chest. why was he acting like this? had something gone wrong?
“can i... try something?” he breaks the silence, asking quietly, almost as if he would break glass if he spoke any louder. he leans in slowly, and you freeze, your breath hitching. your mind screams for you to move away, to question what he was doing and whether he was in his right mind. yet your heart palpitates erratically and you make no move to turn away. his dark brown eyes gaze into yours, and you feel your head spinning.
despite your daze, you somehow feel your head nod ever so slightly, almost out of pure instinct with no control of your own body.
albeit with great reluctance, renjun takes this opportunity daringly. he closes the gap separating you both and gently presses his lips against yours. you melt into his warmth, closing your eyes as your hands subconsciously reach up to pull him in closer by gripping his jacket. his hands raise up to gently cradle your head and his lips feel like velvet, pliant against your own. the kiss is delicate yet firm, all hesitance dissipating as the seconds pass. you both pull away for air, but it felt as if you had just taken a deep breath of air for the very first time in your life.
people had told you about how they felt when they found the one, and you had never understood what they meant about how one person could make them feel just right until that very moment. how complete you had felt. your heart tugs almost as if you had finally crossed the thin line separating you from friends and lovers, something you never knew your heart had been aching for until now. you had always had renjun in your life, but you never knew how much he made you feel whole until this very moment. like he was the last missing puzzle piece that had finally found its place in your life, and nothing more could rival the feeling of this very moment.
he rests his forehead against yours and smiles meekly. your head was still reeling, and renjun moved his hand to gently cup your cheek. your mouth opens ajar, as you wrack your mind for the right words to say. “i… what? injunnie—”
he cuts you off by pressing another soft kiss to your lips. your eyes widen at his impulsive action, taken aback by how uncharacteristic that was. “i know you have a lot of questions, but i couldn’t resist,” he admits as pink dusts his cheek.
he entwines his hand with yours, fitting like two puzzle pieces as he leads you to the park bench. he looks up at the hazy sky once again with admiration before explaining.
“i never understood why it was so difficult to find my soulmate, when my tattoo was one of the more common ones,” he confesses as he glanced down to his moon tattoo. although it was indeed not as uncommon as yours, you had always admired the beauty it held, how beautifully and different it was drawn compared to the generic crescent symbols you had seen before.
it was as if renjun had drawn it with his own hand, with every tiny detail matching precisely with his art, his masterpieces. you look at yours, your wrist adorned with tiny scribbles of planets, stars, and even the sun scattered around all in one area.
suddenly it dawns on you. the space separating the sun and planets and stars is no longer empty, instead replaced with a replica of a moon. 
renjun’s moon.
“ever since we reunited with each other, i’ve been feeling more and more desperate to find them because i couldn’t help but feel something towards you, and i couldn’t live knowing you weren’t mine. at least— not until now.”
renjun is absolutely glowing when you look up at him.
“i guess you’re my universe, y/n,” he scoffs with a smile. his eyes meet yours, but despite the firmness in his voice, his telltale signs of embarrassment say otherwise.
and you believe him, because when he smiles at you, it’s as if you were the one who put the sun and moon and stars in the sky, as if you were the center of his galaxy. as if you were his universe.
“i never realized how much i needed you, until i saw that girl. she told me that she was the sun to someone else’s galaxy, and that’s when i realized that i had been trying to push away the pull towards someone who was always beside me for too long. somehow who should’ve been with me all along.”
you both locked eyes before bursting into laughter at his cringeworthy yet heartwarming confession. “when did you become such a cheeseball?” you snort. he locks you in a loving chokehold and your heart nearly skips a beat.
“we both wasted our time, didn’t we?” you remark with a carefree smile. all the worries, the gut feeling that made your head spin, the questions of why you couldn’t feel happy when it came to not having him, disappears within a simple kiss. the puzzle was done. the masterpiece was completed, but what was funny was the mere fact that you had no idea anything was even missing in the first place. you looked down at his wrist, now full with doodles of your galaxy. it glowed just like yours.
“we can make up for lost time.”
you nod and bask in his presence, gazing up at the stars scattered across and the luminescent moon peeking out against the darkness of twilight sky.
soulmates were an odd thing— to simply leave it up to a mere tattoo to connect you both when you had been connected since the very beginning. but you couldn’t have asked for anything more, when fate had already decided that you were his universe, and he was your moon.
you completed each other.
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author’s note: i wrote this for @yongiefilms to thank her for being such a good friend and also bc i needed an excuse to post smth while i work on my main wip! i seem to have a curse where i cant write blurbs cus they end up turning into drabbles. oops? also i spent wayy more time on the header than the actual story lol ANYWAYS yay to my first renjun fic <3
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tachikiryus · 3 years
I think an inherent issue of mine which can both drive me to do better and improve and also simultaneously make me resistant to change and just shitty overall is that im a really greedy person. Ive always been a greedy person i always want everything i cant be satisfied. In terms of art this usually manifests as me every week being like no actually my art sucks. We need to do better. And it drives rapid improvement because im always looking for ways to better myself. In 2021 i def fell into complacency bc i got focused on making my art look perfect and visually appealing rather than actual improvement of myself as artist ? Do you get me. Im greedy and i wanted clout so i kept making art that would get me said things rather than self satisfaction.
These drawings have one years worth of diff bw them so well i did improve. Btw my haikyuu phase of 2020 literally killed my art bc i forced myself to simplify my art so much that i forgor basic drawing stuff like how to draw noses
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This year i want to target
a) anatomy
b) emotion
c) backgrounds
I want my art to be expressive and memorable which its not at all imo rn. I dont want my art to be a product anymore
I want to have myself in my art. My actual self and not a practiced image of myself. I think that describes my art of 2021 well
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network-switch · 3 years
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I made a man! His name is Leonard and he is very interested in CPU architecture and the art of Tomislav Jagnic! (See below for the original file link. I did not make this model. All credit to 8ran, they have a ton of great articulated designs. Click on the words “original file link” if you want the file for the slug specifically.) Print specifications - Sliced using Cura 4.9.0
Resolution: 0.1mm (or 1.0mm, I forget which but just go with whatever the software defaults to and then half that)
Infill: 100% (100 is highly recommended, but not needed. Minimum 20% infill. 100% infill lends a much more realistic weight, but takes about 50% longer to print.)
Support Structures: Yes Adhesion: Yes
Print Filament: Red PLA 1.75mm (LINK HERE) ((I know its amazon, but it’s the least sketchy site I could find for it))
Nozzle Temp: 210c
Bed Temp: 60c
Bed treatment: Kapton Tape (1.6mm high. Not important but added for the sake of completion) PLUS Generic Elmers glue (WATER DISSOLVABLE, VERY IMPORTANT. 1-2 coats, coats meaning average application of glue across the surface of the bed to be printed on. If you’re applying super thick coats in hopes that your print will work and it isn’t, I recommend re-zeroing your bed and washing off the glue coating. If that doesn’t work, increase your nozzle temp from whatever your default is up to 230c, in 5c increments. IE: Nozzle temp = 195c-200c-205c-210c-215c-etc. Make sure you have a good and fresh coating of elmers stick glue (1-2 coats) bed temp at 60c-70c each time you ramp up the nozzle temp, nozzle temp starting at 195 and ramping up to 230 until it works) Re-zeroing your bed: 1 - If your printer has a calibration function just hit that and follow the on screen instructions. (It should have a calibration function unless its home-built or extra, extra bootleg) ((It might not be called “calibration”, just look up “[INSERT NAME OF PRINTER HERE] calibration and/or zeroing guide” and it should get you close enough that you can follow from there)) 2 - If you have a home-built or you can’t find calibration steps in your manual, the same principles apply, except you won’t have a (likely) shitty manual/software to help guide you. No harm done! Steps below still apply, you’ll just have to be a little more careful to not crack the bed (if you have a glass bed) by putting too much pressure on it.
 3 - If your machine does have a calibration function, just grab a regular sheet of A14 paper. (If you’re not sure what kind of paper that is, it’s the normal kind of paper. Same kind that you got in middle school. Printer paper.) Activate the calibration function and it should pull up a menu with at least 5 numbers on it, if not more. Keep clicking, tapping, etc on each number until the printer head (where the plastic comes out) moves. Try to keep the paper under the print head. Wait 10-or-so seconds to make sure it (the print head) is not getting ready to go anywhere else, then stick the paper under it. If you cant fit the paper under it, hit the “Home” button (or whatever your equivalent is) and then put the paper where the print head used to be. Press whatever you pressed previously to send the print head to where it used to be and ensure the paper will be between the print head and the bed. 4 - Once the print head is under the paper, start trying to move the paper. If the paper won’t move, then your bed is too high. If you can move it with no resistance, then your bed is too low. (Most printers have some kind of screw and/or knob under the bed to change the height. They are almost always the ones with springs in between the bed and the screw head. Don’t try to mess with any screws that don’t have springs on them, they are likely there to hold the bed to the heating element or otherwise preform some function other than adjusting the bed. Either way, they won’t help level the bed.) 5 - Adjust the screws at each calibration position until it feels like the paper is contacting the print head but not being restricted by it. It should feel like you’re taking a form from a coworker that has a loose grip on on the form but is too stoned to realize he hasn’t let go of it. Once all positions feel like that, just make sure that you have the correct print head temperature set. (AKA nozzle temp, printer manufactures differ on what they refer to it as) NOTE: Printing temperatures differ by filament type. Please check the spec sheet that comes with most filament rolls. I will post a sheet applicable to most filament types and manufacturers when I update this next, but I wanna talk to my bf rn. NOTE TO SELF: POSTING THIS BC ITS THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF SAVING THIS POST. I NEED TO COMPLETE THIS POST LATER. NOTE TO ALL OTHERS: THIS POST IS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTIES WITH YOUR PRINTER AFTER FOLLOWING MY STEPS AS OUTLINED SO FAR, FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME. I CAN’T PROMISE TO BE OF ANY REAL ASSISTANCE BUT BOY OH MAN YOU SURE WILL GET “ASSISTANCE”. And by assistance I mean I will create a headache for tech support. Not intentionally though. Printer: Sovol SV02
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alysemeadfad · 4 years
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Most would say its easy for a teenager to rebel at any point in time, but I find it hard to rebel in any way, most teens get tattoos, piercings, cut and dye their hair to rebel against their parents, but growing up with a mom who is tattooed, hair in fun dyed styles and piercings, I’m really just following in her footsteps she practically encourages. 
The only thing I rebel against is tidying my room and making cups of tea, cant really say I could start a world changing rebellion on that.
Rebellions i find important
1903–18 — Women’s Suffrage Movement The foundation of the Women’s Social and Political Union by Emmeline Pankhurst in 1903 began a more militant phase of the call for votes for women, which had been growing through the end of the 19th century. The Suffragettes used militant tactics like vandalism, arson, bombing and hunger strikes, with one member committing public suicide by throwing herself under the King’s horse at a race in 1913. The movement was wound up when some women were enfranchised in the 1918 Representation of the People Act, before all women over 21 were given the vote in 1928.
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Suffragette Vera Wentworth in 1909, and the dress by Vaquera that it inspired
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Stonewall riots 28 Jun 1969 – 3 Jul 1969 The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the gay community in response to a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.
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It is said that Marsha P. Johnson was the one who started the rebellion. Supposedly, throughout the bustle of the raid, Marsha threw a shot glass into a mirror and shouted, ” I got my civil rights!”.  With this inspiration and resistance against the police, other patrons began to follow.
Present day- Me Too movement.The Me Too movement, with variations of related local or international names, is a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment towards women, where people publicize allegations of sex crimes.
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The Punk Rebellion
the punk involved no protests or riots, it impacted people, fashion, music, society and everything to be honest.
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The punk subculture advocates a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethic. During the subculture's infancy members were almost all from a lower economic class, and had become tired of the affluence that was associated with popular rock music at the time. Punks would publish their own music or sign with small independent labels, in hopes to combat what they saw as a money hungry music industry. The DIY ethic is still popular with punks.ideology's of punks
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Punk political ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom and anti-establishment views. Common punk viewpoints include individual liberty, anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, anti-collectivism, anti-corporatism, anti-government, direct action and not "selling out".
Some groups and individuals that self-identify as being a part of punk subculture hold right-wing views. The belief that such views are opposed to the original ethos of the punk subculture, and its history, has led to internal conflicts and an active push against such views being considered part of punk subculture at all. Two examples of this are an incident during the 2016 American Music Awards, where the band Green Day chanted anti-conservative, anti-racist, and anti-fascist messages, and an incident at a show by the Dropkick Murphys, when bassist and singer Ken Casey, tackled an individual for giving a nazi-style salute and later stated that nazis are not welcome at a Dropkick Murphys show. Band member Tim Brennan later reaffirmed this sentiment. The song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" by hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys has come to be considered an anti-nazi anthem.
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Rejecting the hippie ethos that was fashionable towards the end of the 1960s, Westwood and McLaren created clothes that referenced youth culture's recent past, selling rock'n'roll fashion in a shop unit at 430 King's Road in Chelsea. In 1974, the shop took on its most notorious identity: SEX, with Westwood and McLaren designing fetish wear that they sold to prostitutes, those with 'underground' sexual tastes, and young proto-punks brave enough to take a seriously edgy look out onto the street. The pair enjoyed shocking people, designing garments and shoes that referenced 'deviant' sexual practices, including rubber dresses and stilettos bristling with spikes.
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How punk influenced me, because it influenced the world
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My take on rebellion
Westwood inspired tights.
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after watching a documentary on vivien westwood and the birth of the punk revolution i created some westwood inspired tights as a little spontaneous brainstorm, did not develop any further on the tights.
i used a pair of brand new white tights and put holes all in them, this is non conformist as if a regular pair of tights had a hole you would bin them as they were no good any more, but purposely putting holes in is quite rebellious in that aspect, i used sharpies to draw triggering symbols and words such as a swastikka and ‘punk fag’ .
crayon drawings
i used crayons to create these images as i thought it was a more rebellious medium and its created for kids so that is non conforming and it gives a rough diy finish look making it look slightly unfinished
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i created a lesbian nun, this was a spur of the mind thought whats socially good and respected? a nun? whats the opposite of what a nun preaches, homo behavior. 
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here i did a little barbie series drawing from observational on one and on another from mind and another from an image which i created by burning a barbie ehich is quite a rebellious act in a way. 
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i decided to do some collages as its a way of just slapping ideas out in a visual format, my first one was using a fashion magazine and i realized this was the way to go so i printed some punk imagery and even used my own crayon drawings to create more collages.
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photo shop
i wanted to mess with these collages more on a digital format so i put them in to photo shop to play with them and generate more ideas this was giving me a poster vibe which reminded me of punk posters.
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 Final ideas
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i used images from the new york trip to create a vision on photo shop, using a light of the american flag,sign posts, bins with posters on them.a clip art image of a chain and lock,street art and stickers i saw on poles in the street which is another form or street art which is quite rebellious as its not socially acceptable to vandalize and graffiti on public areas.
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i took a few elements from the last board and included them in this vision board, i really wanted the main focus to be on the pipe that says “the rich killed nyc” i feel like it has a deep meaning behind it and it is quite rebellious as it reminded me of the punk rebellion in the uk as it was mostly lower class working people who used art, music and fashion to rebel against society and social constructs and actively non conform to the “rules” in a way. i also used a sticker that says jesus loves you and i crossed it out and wrote hate you over the loves you part as that is fitting to my rebellious visions.
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in this board i again used “ the rich killed nyc” pipe as that’s my main surrounding element, i uses another pole with stickers on though you cant really tell what the stickers are, it just fits the aesthetic. i used a statue of liberty as she is known as a symbol of freedom, and along side it i used a photo of a photograph i saw in the modern art museum where this person had dyke tattooed on their neck which is a derogatory word to gay women, and that’s quite rebellious to take a bad word and own it by tattooing it on your body .
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in this board i moved away from “the rich killed nyc” pipe as i felt i needed to come away from that one element for one board and to broaden my ideas. in this one i used a sky line image i took when on the ferry to liberty island, i changed the colour to black and white as the original colours of the image are quite blue and orangy, i used a sign post that says one way as it for some reason reminded me of like “one way to hell” or something and that there feels like there is no choice or individuality in the phrase “one way” . i used text over the sky line that says “the rotten apple” as new york city is known as the big apple and i thought, when i was there it did not remind me of a big fresh beautiful apple as the homeless people on the streets and the graffiti that has no artistic intent, so it was more of a rotten apple in a way. i used an image of the american flag i took on liberty island as i used an image of an american flag light, so i thought i could link back to that idea and use an actual flag, as its to represent freedom. i also used a art piece from the modern art gallery which was just a male mannequin wearing a bra which does not fit the social constrict of what men should wear there for its quite rebellious and opposite to the one way system. 
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in my final board i included the american flag, a chain over it completely doing the opposite of what the flag means which is freedom, i used the bun that says don’t be afraid of anyone with an edited red paint drip on it which kind of looks like blood, i used text that says “ the rich killed nyc” as i loved that phrase bit i over used the pole in the other boards and i liked that my main message is that the rich killed nyc, i used an image of my dr martens that i took while my feet were up against a pole as i sat on a tube, showing anti social behavior basically which is stereo typically rebellious,and also dr martens were quite fashionable in the uk punk rebellion so i’m hinting to my idea that was inspired by the uk punk rebellion, and finally i have a set of traffic lights which are about order and control, the light is also on red which signifies danger, and the word stop which fits to my idea.
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