#i completely redid ben
idle-compy · 2 years
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2022 camp fam repost but I changed things
(click for better quality)
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fatal-blow · 7 years
Esurience Cast List (P2.)
The much awaited (?) part two of Esurience’s cast, now featuring Eli’s group!
Part two of Esurience follows Eli’s group, bigger and more mixed than Nalaki’s, where they run into a mad scientist fae called Catkin on their insane quest to prove that the sea fae of myth are fekkin’ real.
Format goes: Name - Gender - Nationality - Race
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Eli-Vincette Hakkara - Male - Solvan/??? - Human
Eli wasn’t born Solvan, but he doesn’t really talk about where he IS from.  Or about his past much at all.  Despite being a foreigner, though, he entered the Solvani army and quickly rose to the rank of general.  He might have won the war against Orden, alongside his partner Vernenne, if they hadn’t been captured and held prisoner.  After Eli’s rather famous escape from Orden, he retired to work in a Solvan cafe.  At least until councilman Benjallidius rose to power.  He’s the leader of the group.
Likes: Tactical games, reading, Benjal
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Benjallidius-Veen Nivul - Transman - Solvan - Human
Benjal was quite the talk of Solvan when he was appointed councilman, as he’s the youngest council member that Solvan has ever had, not to mention his odd, un-Solvan-like name.  Even more rumours fly because former General Eli Hakkara agreed to become his bodyguard.  Face to face, though, Benjal is sweet, friendly, and soft-spoken.  Awkward even!  Though when it comes to the bureaucracy of the council, he’s apparently quite eloquent.  He thinks of himself as a protege of sorts to Eli.
Likes: Practicing magic, reading, Veel, helping people
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Serentagra Nivul - Female - Solvan - Human
It isn’t a coincidence that Sera and Benjal have the same last name.  They were adopted by the same father, but the age difference and the fact that Serentagra moved out of the city (among...other things) meant that the two have never met until they run into each other during the apocalypse.  Sera has a very black and white view of Solvan and Orden, and because of that works with the Underground: an organization that smuggles mundanes into Orden, and magic users into Solvan.  It was through this line of work that she met Gulden and Gerel, her datemates.
Likes: Makeup, being right, arguing, being the best
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Gulden Bens - Male - Ordenian - Half-Giant
Gulden is a self-proclaimed anarchist and would rather not be doing what he’s told.  His rebellion of Orden strict structures led him to work in the Underground, smuggling people to and from Solvan.  He’s rather charming when the mood strikes him, but so contrary that it can be hard to get along with him at times.  He, along with Gerel, was caught in Solvan after the apocalypse, leading him, Gerel, and Sera to joining up with Eli and Benjal.
Likes: Chaos, excitement, war stories, sex
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Gerel - Transwoman - Ordenian/Avin - Human
Gerel escaped slavery in the Land of Ava and, along with her beardog Baga Bish, managed to find her way into Orden, where she met Gulden.  While she was welcomed in the country, she was always destined to be an outsider, leading her to joining the Underground.  She’s very blunt and to the point, and carries a deep mistrust of strangers.  She seems to warm rather quickly to Benjal and Eli, though, quick enough to make Sera jealous.
Likes: Baga Bish, sex, shooting stuff, being lazy
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Catkin Anthyllista - Freuline - Cress - Light Fae
Even for a fae, Catkin is quite the character.  They lived through the worst of the Sonus/Cress war, but didn’t quite come out whole.  During the apocalypse they find themself on the coast of Orden, looking for the mythical sea fae as a part of their “research,” with an ultimate goal to create a fae who is a hybrid of light, dark, and sea.  They end up joining Eli’s group when he bribes them with books about possible locations of the sea fae.  No one’s quite sure why he wanted them to join at all.
Likes: SCIENCE, wreaking havoc, dissection, climbing
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Vernenne-Alvette Nats’rin - Intersex - Solvan - Human
Vernenne has had his fair share of struggle in his long life.  Born a chimaera with what would have been a twin sister, the left half of his body (affectionately referred to as the “sister half”) isn’t in a good way.  He was born without a left arm and with a limp, and that’s only a sample of his physical shortcomings.  His birth had Solvan in an uproar, though, when it was discovered that he had a focus, albeit a near useless one.  Wanting to escape his overbearing family, he joined the army and, due to his nearly god-like ability with magic, rose to the rank of lieutenant beneath Eli.  Apparently they were quite close, until Vernenne died during the escape from the Ordenian prison.
Likes: history, magic theory, being as far away from Orden as physically possible
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broken-clover · 2 years
cute idea: Delilah wants Baiken to teach her Japanese but Baiken doesn't really know how to teach it. She ends up just having Delilah sing along with her to some old childhood songs, and Delilah is off key because she's a kid but she's trying her best. She also learns all the Japanese swear words but uses them in the wrong contexts. Anji hears her practicing the pronunciation one time and points out that HE could have taught her this whole time. "...i wanna learn from big sis." "huh, thought so
...Ok it's a little weird that you say that, because in my original draft for Defusal before I scrapped and redid the whole thing was Baiken calming Delilah down by teaching her how to sing along to the warabe uta Yuki (basically a Japanese nursery rhyme) but it felt a little too out of character in the moment.
Also something about the idea of mucking up swear words is so cute to consider, she's trying so hard to be angry but is at best ineffectual and at worst completely speaking gibberish. That, and it's also-also fun to think that she'd specifically be learning Kansai-ben, kinda cute that they're still passing the language on, even if Delilah isn't Japanese herself
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
THOUGHT ABOUT IT, needs to happen.
Professor Ren x Professor Reader ONESHOT
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“Good morning Professor (Y/N),” your students called out, filing into their seats. Today you had them set up in a half circle. All of them on some big pillows, with their canvases at their feet. It was all about getting to feel the inspiration flow through you this morning.
You smiled from the floor, brushing back your hair to tie into a loose bun. Some paint from your hand smeared on your cheek but that’s okay, it’s art! Art can be anything and anywhere!
“Good morning everyone! There’s coffee and fresh tea in the back! I had my husband go grab some from your favorite shop so we could all relax this morning!”
One of your students yawned, “Thank you professors husband.”
“Oh it was no trouble,” you mused, “It was he and I’s coffee date this morning, we were already there and I thought of all of you.”
Once everyone was settled you told them the plan for the day. Working to connect with the early morning spirits, their souls, how they were feeling today and using the colors to express that. No brushes, no pencils, just the hand to create.
“Oh,” a student piped up, “Professor how was your weekend? Wasn’t it your anniversary?”
You smiled, letting out a sigh as you thought about your wonderful husband. He was so loving, caring, gentle, understanding.... and tall.
“It was fantastic,” you squealed, “We spent the weekend cleaning out the outdoor patio, I used to horde all my art supplies in there. And Ben set it up to be a nice seating area, so many colors and plants and flowers.”
“What did you do for your anniversary?”
You dropped the canvas, thinking intently on what you actually did for your celebration, you knew your students loved to hear about your life. As the textbook oversharing professor, they were thrilled to hear about how eccentric your partner was, calling you ‘true love’ in the purest sense.
“Well, we had a wedding for our cat, you all remember Finn.”
Everyone nodded, “He met some other cat down the street, a stray, and we named him Poe. They had a lovely wedding, both of us cried. Ben loves his cat so much, it was tough for him to realize he had grown up...”
You dabbed at the corner of your eye, wiping away a stray tear from the memories. Ben had Finn before he met you, such a sweet kitty. He loved his cat, which was strange for a man who was so distant at first, but you understood the bond. And now he was all grown up, with a husband!
“What did you guys do though,” they asked once more, “Since it was your 10th anniversary.”
“Oh,” you rolled your eyes, “Ben does things for me all the time, he doesn’t have to ham it up for one day. We spent the morning doing our couples yoga, al-fresco as nature intended, had some nice quiche that I made the evening before.”
“After that, you all remember the bathroom Ben redid for me, the one with the claw foot tub and the living eucalyptus plants lining the windows, we took a wonderful bath together. I don’t want to go into any intimate details, but yoga really makes that man,” you shivered, “Limber.”
Your class laughed, “Professor, you’ve told us stuff about your husband that’s way worse.”
“Anyway, after our morning rounds, we went for a walk outside. Our dog Chewie needed some exercise and we both felt like walking the hills behind the house. It was very beautiful. I think I have pictures...”
You moved to get up, wiping the excess paint from your hand on your apron. Scrambling behind your desk for your bag, practically dumping out the contents to find your phone. You frowned when you couldn’t find it, instead finding your husbands phone, “I’m sorry class, I guess I don’t have it today...”
“Oh well, moving on. After that we had a nice dinner downtown, some dancing. My Ben can be quite the romantic when it comes to that, hes an excellent dancer aside from his ginormous feet. And once we got home,” you winked, “Let’s just say we didn’t rest for too long.”
Everyone laughed, congratulating you on your anniversary. How wonderful your life was, how much they love hearing about you and Ben. They so desperately wanted to meet him... but that wouldn’t happen.
Unfortunately, Ben was another professor at the university. In a completely different department, under the English Literature studies branch. Teaching the effects and influences mid century writers have on society today, he was a mean and strict man. Didn’t enjoy loud noises, food, drinks, or phones in his class. He also didn’t go by Ben for his professional name, he went by Kylo Ren. No one knew he was your husband, the same one who helped you rescue a baby bird, or the one who crushes you at chess, or the one who sings while showering, and sleeps with a teddy bear when you’re away.
It would be devastating to his reputation if he knew how much you shared of your personal lives.
However... he did marry you.
Fully knowing how loud mouthed you were, so sharing and compassionate with your students. Even calling them by their first names when he likes to seperate them from himself by using their last names. He doesn’t share anything with them, they barely know that he’s married. All they know is that Professor Ren is mean, and probably eats babies for breakfast.
You moved back to your seat, waving your hand for everyone to focus back on their paintings. Things were getting a little out of control and you did want them to finish these before class was over.
After about ten minutes of quiet murmuring, the door to your room flew open.
“Lovely,” your husband burst in, “I think we swapped phones this morning, yours kept playing that ridiculous shark song whenever someone messaged you.”
“Professor Ren?”
He stopped at your desk, scanning your classroom for the face that had recognized him. You repeated the action, zeroing in on one of your students.
“Good morning Miss Johnson,” Ben cleared his throat, his face dropping into a stone frown. “I was unaware you were in art courses.”
“Um,” she cleared her throat, looking as uncomfortable as you felt, “I’m double majoring.”
Ben swiftly swapped phones from behind your desk, moving towards you. Cringing at all the paint on the floors and how messy everyone was. He squatted down next to you, his shiny black oxfords creasing slightly. Dressed from head to toe in a black suit, looking the complete opposite from you. His harsh, pale face frowning at all your students. The scar that slashed across his cheek red from his embarrassment, he finally looked at you. “I’ll see you for lunch my love.”
He kissed your lips, quickly standing as if to reverse the action. Over his shoulder he yelled at your mutual student, “Not a peep Miss Johnson, not a peep!”
After he slammed the door shut everyone’s gaze fell to you. Eyes wide and mouths popped open in awe, how was that supposed to be the same man you had told them about?
“Professor?” Rey piped up.
“Yes,” you cleared your throat, “Yes sweetie?”
“Professor Ren, the one who made that girl cry in front of the entire class, is your Ben?”
“Oh,” she swallowed, “Professor?”
“I think I’m switching majors.”
HAHAHHAA yes. Gotta love a hard ass in the streets and a big lover in the sheets.
i ❤️ kylo ren
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @onlykyloscenes​ @candycanes19​ @desiraypark​ @historyandfandoms50​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​ @ghoulian13​ @mrs-kylo-ren​ @millenialcatlady​ @emeraldsiren20​ @dancingmicrobes​ @relationshipwithmybed​ @wayward-rose​ @safarigirlsp​ @contesa-lui-alucard​ @daydreamsofren​ @caillea​ @insufferablelust​ @ohdamnadamm​ @mariesackler​ @jalexunderthestars​ @shesakillerkween​ @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
Realistically when Ben uttered those cringed filled lines during their "reunion" you knew he was a goner in one way or another. It was SO forced.
It feels like it has to spell the end for him, right? I just can't imagine them going through the trouble if it's not.
Plus you had them bringing up the bullying stuff again, which is their only connection just to be like "remember, this is their story", which also feels like closing it out. They just redid that arc in approximately three minutes of screen time so it was absurd. And then they're bringing in the Liv alcoholism stuff again too, which was the rest of their limited run together so that's check and check on the complete nothing that Ben's character is.
If it's not the end of him one way or another, then I don't know what they're doing.
But that would also be par for the course so who the hell knows.
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mamachelsea · 4 years
I have redone the FRIENDS characters
I have been stuck in a FRIENDS hole lately. Honestly? It was playing non stop in the hospital when I gave birth last month which ended up being slightly traumatic (baby was in NICU 8 days for pneumonia) and I think I connected it to comfort and nostalgia (I grew up with the show) during that time. I’ve been watching the reruns on TBS every day since then. However, the show can be so CRINGE worthy at moments, and living in NYC until recently it’s tone deaf even for the 90s. So, to be more diverse and represent real people you may meet in NYC, I (for FUN, don’t @ me, Sharon) redid the FRIENDS characters and wrote Bios based on people who would actually live in the city. I tried to keep certain storylines as close as possible but not completely, so things that have happened to them may be CLOSE to what happened to them in the show but not completely. Also, I have included kind of like...style profiles. Full post under the cut.
Rachel Ali- 24. Egyptian and muslim. Leo. Grew up in Bensonhurst and went to school with Monica and Ross. Came to Chinatown looking for Monica on her wedding day to escape from a marriage she didn’t want to be a part of. Moves there to prove to her parents she could make it on her own. Has a passion for fashion, is currently going to FIT. Has two sisters, Ramla and Aidah. VERY girly. Gets upset at the drop of a hat. Spoiled at first but gradually learns how to take care of herself and be headstrong.
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Monica (Qiuyue) Li- 24. Chinese. Virgo. Thick, always been thick (no fat suits here) and that’s a source of tension between her and her traditional Chinese family. Grew up in Bensonhurst with her brother Ross. Went to school and was (and will be again) best friends with Rachel. Chef, she loves cooking. She inherited the huge chinatown apartment (located over the coffee shop, CoffeeTown…they know it’s a bad pun) from her grandmother who died a couple of years ago. Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. Craves self-validation, worries over everything, and is obsessive compulsive about cleaning. Also very motherly of her friends.
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Ross (Zihan) Li-26. Chinese. Aries. Headstrong. Kind of an asshole. Still respects women but is a little possessive in relationships. Feels his emotions VERY strongly. Kind of weepy. Works at the Museum of Natural History. Has his masters in archaeology. Just divorced from his wife, Ai, which was a semi arranged marriage that he was forced into. Has a 3 year old son named Ben. Has been secretly in love with Rachel since high school. Grew up in Bensonhurst. Went to Brooklyn College which is where he met his best friend Chandler Bing.
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Phoebe Jackson-25. Black. Lesbian. Libra. Pheobe grew up on the streets of Brownsville after her father ducked out on her mother and Phoebe and her twin sister Ursula. Her mother died of an overdose when she and Ursula were 12. Her twin and her aren’t on great terms as Ursula ended up staying with their father’s mother (who had money) and Phoebe ended up on the streets for a few years before being taken in by her mothers’ mother at 16. Ended up getting pregnant at 15 when she was still figuring out her sexuality and gave up the baby. Phoebe had to learn how to be rough and tough and used to mug people and fight people for money. Eventually her grandmother showed her the softer side of life and Phoebe is very hippie and witchy. She looks up to Stevie Nicks. She’s very easy going but will not let herself be stepped on. Has a half brother upstate.
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Joey (Jose) Espinal-27. Half Puerto Rican, half Dominican. Taurus. Bi-sexual. Presents masculine. Serial “people-izer” and sleeps with anything he finds attractive. Goofball.  Bit actor in small broadway shows but wants to be in tv and movies. Chandler’s roommate. A little aloof. Enjoys things like flower arranging and making potpourri. Loves animals. Loves to mooch off of Monica next door. Has 6 sisters. Dad was never around. Grew up in the Bronx.
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Chandler Bing-26. White. Cancer. Grew up in Manhattan with affluent parents. Mother is a novelist (usually in women’s erotica) and “father” is trans woman. Chandler is in the slow process of accepting and getting to know his “father,” which includes learning to call her mom. Chandler had an emotionally neglect childhood, due to his parents’ resent of each other. Mom was also always working and “dad” was also coming to terms with his attraction for the same sex and realization that he was actually trans. Chandler uses comedy to cover his own insecurities and is super insecure. He has issues with women and has super short relationships. Eventually falls in love with Monica.
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astarionbae · 5 years
💝 which OC surprised you the most this year?
Owena Astrid Torrence for sure. I grew up OBSESSED with the Shining and with watching Doctor Sleep, I got home after seeing it with my mom and I just produced a daughter oc of Danny and from there, she just wrote her own story and I was just in awe of her.
💕 which OC changed the most this year in regard to personality & storyline?
Bambina Vaughan. I was originally gonna have her with Ben but Stanley had always been my favorite Loser so I wanted to give him more of a backstory instead of the usual “he got married and with the phone call, boom, gone”. Bambina was also to be the shy type but I wanted her to be outgoing and fun loving which counters Stanley’s personality. 
💖 which OC got the biggest make-over this year?
Malaky! She’s my Maze Runner OC and I redid her whole story; there’s still some of the same aspects but I changed the story by switching her love interest.
💘 which OC did you not expect to fall in love with this year?
Finn Bauman! I was writing her as just a kill off character but while I kept on creating her story, I just loved her so much and I couldn’t bring myself to kill her off so I rewrote her storyline and how her ending was going to be because my boy Delta suffered enough and he needed a happy ending with his girlfriend, Finn. 
💗 which OC is completely new to you this year?
There was eight new ones!! Emanuel Brooks, Owena Astrid Torrence, Bambina Vaughan, Brent, Alaska Kaspbrak, Finn Bauman, Delta Mayfield, and Elektra Solo. They’re all my children and I need to protect them.
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kylo-ren-writes · 6 years
New Masterlist
—> First One
I finally redid my masterlist! I have everything but the prompts I wrote a while ago, but I might not put those on here. Anyway, the link for my first one is above, if you want to get started on those first.
Kylo Ren:
#95- Care
#96- I Need You
#97- Kylo Ren Finding Out That He Would Be A Father Would Include…
#98- Tired
#99- Losing Your Virginity To Kylo Ren Would Include…
#100- Unlikely
#101- Beautiful
#103- Exquisitely
#104- Sing
#106- The Assistant
#107- Protective
#108- Let’s Make A Baby
#109- Masquerade
#110- Heir
#111- Sherlock, Who?
#112- The Crush
#113- Twins
#114- Injury
#115- Bath Time
#116- Mute
#117- Attempted
#118- First Kiss
#119- Attraction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (this is an abandoned series!)
#120- Connection
#121- Torn
#122- Stranded
#123- Fight
#124- Kylo Ren Planning A B-Day Surprise For You Would Include…
#125- Life With Kylo As The Supreme Leader Would Include…
#126- Hair
#127- Jealous
#128- Riding Kylo Ren For The First Time Would Include…
#129- Cuddles
#130- Cool Down
#131- Kiss and Make Up
#132- Ana
#133- Please
#134- Rain
#135- Little Girl
#136- Slow Dance
#137- Puppy
#138- Attraction (rewrite) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Epilogue
#139- Kylo Ren Spanking You For The First Time...
#140- SH
#141- Voyuerism Kink
#143- Glove Kink
#144- The Ways Of The Dark, Part 2: You
#145- Hurried
#146- Terrified
#147- Sleeping In
#148- Abused, Part 2
#149- Nervous
#150- Birthday
#151- Poisoned
#152- Earn That A
#153- Sleep
#154- Imagine
#155- Drunk
#156- The Future
#157- Insecure
#158- Dying
Ben Solo:
#102- Older (series)
#105- Enemy (series, sequel to Older)
#142- Ben Solo’s First Time
100 Fanfic Event (these were not written by me!!):
#7 Kylo comes home completely exhausted and you cuddle with him, give him affection. (*)
#18 Reader gets amnesia and can’t remember Kylo. (=,*)
#19 Reader watches Kylo masturbate. (+)
#15 Kylo almost dies. (=)
Werewolf AU
Kylo coming home late, finding you asleep on the sofa...
“How Does Kylo Express Love?”
Kylo ashamed of his scars, Reader comforts him
Kylo’s Ideal if he were to fall in love
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rejectedprincesses · 7 years
May I ask you about the original draft of Brave? How was it different? You can also just point me to a site or something that has some info on it, I understand you're probably way too busy for this ^^ thanks in advance!
I don’t know much, honestly. It was called the Bear and the Bow, and it was a project that Brenda Chapman had been shepherding for at least a decade, as far as I know. I was told it was less adventure-ey and a bit quieter - I heard it compared to Totoro. Chapman was going to be Pixar’s first solo female director, but she got taken off and replaced by a dude, who turned it into Brave. 
One of the heads of story at Pixar told me that the changes were, indeed, for the better, and I generally trust what I know of his judgement, but I still would like to see the original draft to see for myself.
Be aware though, not every movie is better in its earlier drafts! Zootopia and Megamind both didn’t work at all until major tweaks later in the process. Zootopia had a whole subplot about shock collars and the fox was the main character. Megamind was… well, it went through a hundred different versions, but it was originally a live action movie starring Ben Stiller. It then switched to animated, starred Robert Downey Jr, and had lots of weird plot details. Megamind was Oobermind, he was part of a big league of supervillains, and Minion was a chubby dude in a jetpack. Hell, the Toothless we all know and love in How to Train Your Dragon didn’t even exist until a year before that movie’s release -  they completely redid the entire movie, and for the better.
Still, I wonder a lot about deleted histories. For example, I wish they’d kept with the original designs for Rise of the Guardian’s steampunk easter bunny:
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Or the original version of Pitch, from Guardians - he was terrifying. My ex-coworker did some early R&D to have his skin be translucent, and a network of “nerves” running through his body, advecting smoke around inside of him. The idea was to have it look like a roiling tempest of darkness was kicking around just underneath a thin surface of skin. The end effect was that no matter what, he always looked like he was writhing in pain. They nixed that design, but I always loved it. The underlying R&D ended up being used for Sandy’s dust and Pitch’s tendrils (which are basically the same fluid simulation system, but with tweaked simulation and rendering settings).
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benisolo · 6 years
tagged by @reysky-walker thanks!!! ♡
Rules: Answer the 20 questions below and then tag 20 (sorry I am desperately lazy I did like 5) bloggers that you want to get to know better.
Nicknames - Anna is all I really go by, sometimes I write Annie as an alias?
Height - 5′7″
Orientation - pan-romantic demisexual
Nationality - American, but my family is all from Finland
Favorite fruit - pineapple!
Favorite season - autumn
Favorite flower - peonies and baby’s breath ♡
Favorite scent - anything that smells like home baking- cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla, etc.
Favorite color - dark red or maroon and blush pink
Favorite animal - any sea mammal - porpoises, dolphins, orcas, narwhals, otters...
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate - hot chocolate with cinnamon and whipped cream
Average hours of sleep - it’s so random honestly, it could be 13 hours one night and 3 the next
Cat or dog person - DOGS! I’m really allergic to cats so I can’t make a fair argument for or against them
Favorite fictional character - Ben Solo (predictable I know)
Number of blankets you sleep with - usually just one, maybe two in the winter
Dream Trip - Italy! I actually got to take this trip last spring break and it was divine :3
Blog created - 2013 I think? I took a realllly long hiatus and then completely redid my blog at the end of 2017.
Number of followers - 544
Random fact - I’m studying Nursing and I hope to work in Labor and Delivery when I graduate!
tagging: @prideandpreyjudice @dankobah @punkeraa @reylostinparadise (as usual, no pressure to answer anything ♥)
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kneesheee · 7 years
Can I have another imagine? Imagine Ben accidentally wishing to know what its like in the isle.
Loosely inspired by the argument scene between Mal & Ben in D2 (not connected to the movie though)Also so this didn't go how i planned it to?MENTIONS OF CHILD ABUSE/RAPE/PTSD/EATING DISORDERS ---Ben had been pacing in his office for what seemed like hours. "Believe me, I know..." Mal had said. The Isle was bad. Ben knew that. He saw that every time he saw Carlos hiding in area that was way too small for his frame. He saw it when Jay tightened his hands on his book straps until he was red in the face to keep them from wandering. He saw it when Evie scrubbed her face bare and redid her makeup with shaking hands. He saw it when Mal glared at everyone and sketch out Long Live Evil signs.But they were in Auradon now and the Isle may be bad but surely it wasn't bad enough for them to be over it by now. So why weren't they?"It feels like just yesterday when I standing before your father," a voice stated from behind him. Ben whirled around and blinked out the spots in his eyes from the bright pink light."You Beastly men. Always thinking you're better than another because of your status," the voice continued until the light dimmed down to show off a beautiful blonde lady."Bonjour, Benjamin. I'm the Enchantress," she smiled at him. Ben felt shivers run down his spine at her smile. "Speechless, eh? Better than your father with all of his yelling for another chance," the Enchantress stated as she leaned forward in his desk chair."What are you doing here?" Ben heard himself ask."What I do best, of course. Give you Beasts trouble. Don't worry, you're life wont be measured by a rose," she giggled to herself as she just told the best joke in the world. "I always knew your mother and father would be the ones for each other, you know. After I cursed him, I had to pave the way for them to find each other. You're welcome.""Merci, I think? But what did I do for you to be here," Ben demanded. She pulled her wand out and pointed it at him. "Don't use that tone with me, Benjamin Florian! Without me, you wouldn't even be here."Ben felt his mouth snap shut. She did have a point. She cleared her throat before the smile was back."I'm here because of the selfishness in your heart. I'm disappointed, actually. With Belle as your mother, I wouldn't have expected your heart to be so selfish. I thought it would've been Chandler that I would've had to visit even if he is technically my sister's charge or that ex girlfriend of yours, Audrey. Mother knows that Janet, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are doing horrible jobs with them. I told them the Isle was a bad idea, but no one wanted to listen to the woman that cursed a selfish man," she spat bitterly. Her eyes flashed as she remembered how her objections fell on death ears. How Fairy Godmother tried to belittle her. "You should lay low, Enchantress. Adam still hasn't forgiven you for turning him into a beast," she had said. At least the Enchantress' transformation lasted for years and not hours. She seriously couldn't give that poor girl until 1 o'clock. A shame really. "Selfishness," Ben questioned drawing her back out of her thoughts.The smile was back. "Oh, yes. Your friends from that cursed prison. The Isle of the Lost where you all had my sister locked in but she escaped and now sitting in her daughter's room as a lizard."This time she stood up as she made her way closer to Ben. "You don't understand why they're not over the trauma they received from the Isle. But you cannot undo 14 to 16 years of pain.""But they're in Auradon now. They're safe! Don't they understand that?"She ran a hand down his face, "They know that, but their behavior has been instilled in them since they could sit up on their own. Hm, here let me show you."Before Ben could ask what she meant, she pressed her fingers to his face and everything went black.When Ben finally came around, the first thing he noticed was how no one paid attention to him. The second was the body that literally walked right through him. He looked around and noticed well a dump. Unstable buildings surrounded him. The smell of rotten food hit his nose and he gagged at the foul and questionable scents.But then a familiar flash of color caught his eye. He whipped around to stare at the obvious younger version of his girlfriend. She looked... she looked like how she did when she first came to the Isle except more dark. More evil. Beside her was the obvious younger version of Jay. His hair was still long except this time it stopped at the very beginning of his back. There was a cruel smirk on his face as they stood outside of what appeared to be their school. Their old school. Students gave the two of them wide berth as they made their way into the building.Not too long after another boy went stumbling backwards on the steps as the familiar younger version of Evie appeared with a glare so fierce he thought he was looking at the framed photo of the Evil Queen that Snow White keeps on her desk. Some kids squealed and ran in the opposite direction as she appeared."You broke my nail," she snarled as she held her hand up. Mal and Jay stepped forward to see the offending nail and glared at the boy on the ground. It may seem stupid to get mad about a nail, but they knew what the Evil Queen would do when she saw it."I-I-I didn't mean to," the boy stuttered pitifully. He tried to stumble away, but he didn't get far when the familiar form of Carlos dropped out of nowhere right behind him. "I'm sorry!""You're sorry? You know what my mother would do to me if she heard me ever say that," Carlos snarled. The other three nodded their heads. You just don't apologize on the Isle. Carlos grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt and dragged him back in front of his friends."He's all yours," he told Jay and Mal. Before pulling Evie away while the other two tore into the boy, he led her to unoccupied room and began to try to fix her nail. "We made this in Weird Science when we had a joint class with Gothel. Apparently, it's what gives girls nails. Something called acrylic."Evie smiled and kept her sniffles to herself. Massacre avoided. It wasn't long before her nail was fixed and her other two friends appeared."Crisis fixed," Jay questioned wiping the blood from his hands. Evie nodded and showed off her fixed nail. "Wicked.""Lets ditch," Mal stated like an opinion. But the rest of them knew it was an order, so they all just left without even looking at their classes. They just walked away from school and made their way to the marketplace."Score. I can do some shopping early," Jay stated before they made their way into the throngs of people.Ben watched with wide eyes as the four of them stole. Jay was looting the most and he was doing it effortlessly. Evie didn't have to steal much. With her perfect pout and a smile every now and then, people just handed things to her while she stole whatever stood out to her but no one wanted to give away. Mal didn't have to steal much either. A glare here or there had people scrambling to give them whatever she wanted, but that didn't stop her from grabbing a couple of wallets and whatever else she found appealing. She laughed cruelly as she walked off and found a poster of his dad. She reached into the crevices of the walls and brought of spray paint. Then she started another one of her familiar long live evil designs. This one with Cruella as the background. Carlos' small stature had him zipping in and out as he took whatever he could get his hands on. Food, money, and is that a fur coat? where is he going to even hide that!After awhile, the four of them left the marketplace and headed towards what stated Jafar's Junkshop. "Dad," Jay called. Jafar made his down and scowled the second he saw his son. "Don't you suppose to be at school," Jafar questioned. Jay shrugged and started to empty his pockets and Jafar immediately lost his scowl. And even though it was far from encouraged, Mal and the others started to empty their own pockets. How else could they get Jay to hang out with them if Jafar wasn't pleased?Jafar nodded his head with an eyebrow raised as he looked over everything. He looked at Jay and said, "I guess you aren't completely useless. I expect to see better this afternoon."Jay fought down his smile and nodded his head before waiting to be dismissed. "You can go," Jafar stated shooing them away. They all walked off somewhat slowly to make it seem as if they weren't excited to have help Jay make his dad somewhat proud of him. Ben watched as Mal brushed a hand through her hair and saw the beginnings of a tattoo peeking out from under her jacket sleeve."What now," Evie questioned. Carlos startled."If i get home and start on chores now, then there won't be anything for me to do this evening!"The other three scowled at the mention of Carlos going home. They didn't want him around Cruella longer than he had to be."Fine," Mal snapped. Her hatred for his mother clear in her voice. "But we're going to be in the treehouse if you need us."Carlos nodded his head. If anything, the fact that his friends were near would have him working harder.This time the four made their way to Hell Hall with Ben silently following them. And the route they took this time had tears springing to his eyes. He saw little kids running around before being snatched away into alleyways. Their screams and pleads of help falling on death ears. Their "leave me alone" and "you cant touch me there" being ignored.He saw other kids being slapped down in front of people. Their arms being grabbed so forcefully that they might as well be pulling them out of the socket. He wanted to help, but how could he? He couldn't even touch them.He just closed his eyes and tried to block out the sounds of pain coming from around him. When he opened his eyes, he basically ran away from the scene to catch up to the Rotten Four. He watched as the older three broke off and headed towards the backyard while Carlos headed through the front door.Ben hesitated but he kept following Carlos. He can admit that it was a selfish decision to see what one of their homes looked like despite them never really talking about it.He didn't expect the bottle to come flying at his head. He ducked on instinct and saw Carlos a few steps ahead doing the same."What are you doing here, brat? This is my time!" Cruella snarled as she made her way towards her son. She had previously sitting on the couch attempting to sew up a pillow when Carlos opened the door."I didn't have anything better to do, so I-I decided to come home and do my chores," Carlos stuttered out. Ben gasped as Cruella slapped him with the sewing needle still in her hand."This isn't your home! This is my house and you're only here because I need someone to keep my furs clean," she snarled. Carlos didn't say anything but pull put the fur coat that he had stolen earlier from the inside of his own jacket and wow, how did that fit in there? And are those matching earmuffs?"I brought you a gift, mother," Carlos told her holding out the objects. The snarl dropped completely off her face to be replaced with an insane smile. She bet the little stuffed scarf/dog thing around her shoulders."Yes, Baby. Maybe the mutt is good for something other than cleaning," she told it. And Ben felt a little disturbed at the obvious affection in her voice for a stuffed animal in comparison to her son. "Add it to the others and fluff them. And don't forget to wash my baby when I get back from the spa." She grabbed her keys and left the house slamming the door shut. Carlos sighed deeply before sinking to floor. He looked at the droplets of blood splattered on the floor before he headed towards the closet and walked in carefully.Ben didn't understand why until he got a good look at the floor and the first thing he saw was traps lying on the ground. And not something simple as mice traps. Huge bear traps. And wolf traps. And then he got a clear look at the furs surrounding them. Her closet had more furs in it than Audrey had dresses. Teapots! Did she expect him to fluff all of these with those traps lying around? Ben saw the resigned acceptance on Carlos face and knew that she did. Ben didn't want to see anymore of this. He didn't think he could stomach it. Carlos was the youngest and he was like a life sized teddy bear. If his mom threw a bottle and slapped him for just coming home, what would she do if he didn't finish the furs? What else had she done just for Carlos being born?Then he thought about the panic in Evie's eyes at the mention of her broken nail. What would her mother would've done if she went home with that? He remembered the reports for when the four came to Auradon, but he dismissed hem thinking they were being biased because they were villains. Evie had a slight eating disorder. She ate just enough to stay her size. She didn't eat under and she didn't eat over. And she'd starve or force herself to throw up if she did. He didn't want to believe it. Evie was perfect. Why would she need to watch her weight so badly?He thought about the desperate gleam of approval in Jay's eyes as he emptied his pockets for his dad. The happiness in his eyes when his dad said he wasn't worthless. A viscous beast with a heart of gold the adults had whispered about him. and then he thought of Mal whose glare fell on anybody that hurt one of her own and compared her to the girl he knew. He knew Maleficent only wanted the most evil for her. How would she have acted if she saw the connection between the her daughter and the other three?He didn't think he wanted to know. Mal, you're not on Isle anymore. And maybe it's time I stopped trying to force myself to forget that its all you knew. Put the ball in your hands.When Ben blinked, everything went black and he was back in his office this time to the worried faces of the other four. They were all staring at him worried and jumped back the second they noticed his eyes open."Ben," they all sighed in relief before averting their eyes.Mal stepped back a little. "We know what happened."Ben sat up on the couch he had been placed on with the help of Evie. "The Enchantress came to our room demanding to see her sister and telling Mal that she was her favorite niece and that she placed you under a viewing spell and you were going to need our help when you woke," Evie stated."She showed me the Isle," Ben told him and noticed how all of them tensed. "You four were... You really ruled the Isle. I didn't see much, but you could tell with how everyone basically gave you all everything." The four of them still didn't look him in the eyes as he spoke. He wasn't going to mention anything about Cruella and Carlos. "I didn't see much other than you guys stealing and disturbing scenes in the marketplace. It stopped as the four of you mentioned a tree house?"He noticed some tension leave at the mention of it. He guessed it was their safehaven, but they still didn't say anything."You four will always be the kids from Isle. And its about time we all accepted that and stopped expecting you all to get over it. Its wrong of all of us."The four gave him small smiles, but they all still seemed a little forced."Well, I'm glad that learned your lesson and it didn't take years for you," the achingly familiar voice of the Enchantress stated from her seat at his desk again. She had the lizard form of Maleficent sitting beside her. "Unlike Janet, who decided to lock our sister away and then had the audacity to treat her like an animal. I will be taking her home to face the punishment from our mother. And Mal, dear, when you're ready I'll take you to meet her also seeing as Janet hasn't even taken her own daughter to meet mother."She stood up in her full glory and grabbed Maleficent's tank before turning back to the five of them. "Benjamin, I am proud to be your families' guardian despite the way my actions may seem. You have my blessing to date my niece."Ben and Mal blushed as she disappeared before them. Evie, Jay, and Carlos all laughed at the looks of the two of their faces ridding the room of the tension in the air. Ben looked at the four of them. The Isle may be worse than he expected but if these four can shine and blossom, then he knew with their guidance so could other kids."You guys want to help me choose the next group of kids to come over?"
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choisgirls · 7 years
This sounded cute to me, but idk. Mc moving in with rfa+V+saeran? Like getting a house or apartment together. (or in jumin's case a giant ass penthouse, smh rich people)
A/N: I just wow i loVE THIS okay thank you ~Admin 404
Smh rich people indeed (i had way too much fun with V and i had to stop myself from going on and on) ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-I think the two of you would end up with a small apartment to start out! Move up to a house a while after he starts his career-Your living room is only part living room. Everyone has to fight each other to sit on the couch when they visit-It’s only part living room because y’all spoil Lisa to no eND so there’s a huge cat tree and a ton of cat play houses jumin approves and actually gets a few of the playhouses for y’all-Sure you could have made that extra room a cat room but???? No???-Game room????-IT’S LITERALLY THE BEST ROOM IN Y’ALLS APARTMENT it’s decked out in all of your nerdy-gaming related things (figures, posters, games themselves) and seriously it’s just pride and joy nerd-Your bedroom is overrun with plushies, neither of you can really tell whose is whose anymore-He makes you breakfast every day! The first day, he tried to bring it to you in bed but that was a disaster when he tripped over the plushies and you woke up with an omelette on your face-Y’alls apartment is covered in cute things- stickers are everywhere, homemade gifts and decorations, and it just looks kinda like pinterest threw up in the apartment-Your kitchenware is SO CUTE like your ladle is nessie, your measuring cups are whale shapes, and he has these cartoon cups that he tried hiding from you but they’re just so cute you can’t help yourself
*JUMIN:-Y’all didn’t have to get a new place, he just moved you into his penthouse i mean didn’t he already in his route, LMAO-But anything you want, he will get it for you-He has a lot more cat shaped things than you originally thought though-Like cat shaped bowls, has a few coffee mugs with cats on them, things like that-NOW THAT Y’ALL LIVE TOGETHER YOU GET TO SEE THOSE SWEAT PANTS HE’S TALKED ABOUT, HALLELUJAH-He gives you complete control of decorating but it’s like??? Jumin I wanted to do this together???-So he helps pick out throw pillows, new art pieces, anything you ask him to do-The one thing he requires is a tON OF PICTURES OF THE TWO OF YOU-FRAMED, HANGING, EVERYWHERE-Seriously there’s a painting of the two of you plus Elizabeth hanging up in the house but at least it’s adorable
*SAEYOUNG:-Also just moves you into his house- i mean why not, it’s big enough-IT’S LIKE LIVING WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND BECAUSE HE’S SUCH A FUCKING DORK-Y’all don’t even sleep in your bed for like the first week, you two are having pillow forts in the living room-You can have a room to yourself, for whatever you’re passionate about. Gaming? He has a room for that, he’ll share. Art? Room for you. A room dedicated to your favourite figurines from your favourite games or shows? He’ll have to get you a separate room he isn’t sharing his-He’s got plates that are planets and they’re AMAZING y’all i almost bought some the other day omg-But he’s such a brat, like he plays pranks on you to wake you up-You’ve woken up to whipped cream in the face more times than you can count but you’ve also woken him up with cold water soooo-No item in the house is safe from you two “playing” if you catch my drift wink wonk-Saeran hates both of you so much
*SAERAN:-Definitely not used to having you actually live with him-You walked in the bathroom while he was in the shower and you never knew that he could scream so high pitched-Black out curtains throughout the house because???? The sunlight sucks-He’s actually lowkey really cute and likes to put pictures of the two of you in frames and just put them on bookshelves or hang them up-But then he like denies that he puts them up??? “Idk how it got there, it looks terrible” uh yeah okay-YOUR KITCHEN IS THE MOST DECKED OUT ROOM because the two of you actually really like to cook and it’s a bonding thing -Otherwise, your bedroom is decked out with the comfiest bed, blankets, and coolest TV because MOVIE MARATHONS-Every time you buy some cute little ceramic animals you can’t find it ten minutes later. He hides them in various places because he hates them-Actually really loves the idea of painting the ceiling like the sky with some clouds but only in the bedroom, the rest of the house cannot deal with that-The two of you pick out everything together! Everything has nice neutral tones,everything goes together perfectly (just like the two of you aw cuties)
*ZEN- with zen, it wasn’t a slow move in where u just kinda leftthings at his house and things slowly collected over time- nah that’s not Zen’s style- of course he would make a big deal about you moving in- “mC YOU CAN’T STAY OVER WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK OF US”- “Zen we’ve already done the diddly do, what r u ashamedof”- honestly ur lucky he didn’t make y’all wait til after youguys got married- but it’s worth the wait!!!- Zen completely redid his place just for you - he denies the fact that jumin helped him but u knowjumin did- it’s so cute!!!- piCTURES OF U EVERYWHERE- the kitchen has a whole lot of sweet things bc he knows ulove sweets-there’s a sex swing in his bedroom- Seeing Zen in sweats??? H O T- Zen sees in ur pajamas? He suddenly has to go shower???- Poor you gets roped into Zen’s workouts- he claims it’s ur fault since ur sweets are fattening himup-  living with him issuper peaceful tho???- he has self care days??? Who does that???- face masks, bubble baths with candles, treats himself tomani pedis- and he takes such good care of you!- because of him, you eat more healthy! The sweets aretreats okay- and because of you, zen becomes a little more lowkeybecause you can’t always handle his dramatic ass everyone in the group chatkisses ur feet for that- You two brought out the best in each other  *JAEHEE- honestly her apartment is the tiniest thing in the world- like you know the episode of Futurama where Fry moves inwith Bender?- yeah, that small- you guys end up finding a super cute apartment!!!- it is on the smaller side but it’s super cozy- flowers everywhere!!! You want the place bright for whenJaehee comes home from work - y’all have too many pillows on your bed and sofas but it’SWORTH IT- there’s a little reading nook you guys managed to create!- also, all the RFA hoes come over all the time- no matter what u guys do, u can’t stop it- one time you couldn’t get rid of Saeyoung for weeksbecause Jaehee figured out DIY Honey Buddha chips- as much as you two protest, one day futons magicallyappeared on the floor for them- Jaehee is the sweetest roommate!!!- she always leaves u little notes everywhere to let u knowshe loves you- she folds down the page corners of store catalogues if shethinks you’d like them- and she always somehow has a cup of coffee ready for youwhenever u need it???- she’s a magician- and you always makes sure she eats and rests enough  *V- You guys get a house together!- You needed a room for work and he needed a room for hisart, so an apartment was definitely out of the question- you love decorating the house with him???- hE MAKES EVERYTHING SO CUTE- He hung up Christmas lights in your room! Who does that!V’s hipster ass, that’s who- Polaroids and other pictures eVERYWHERE- and of course this guys gets a record player- he puts it in the kitchen and he dances with you in thekitchen when you two cook together- actually he just dances with you when he can, music or not- you guys end up having a mini library because V is superinto learning about other cultures??? He has books on everything u can name- he ends up taking u out like every week for aestheticpics, you cant get out of it no matter what- sometimes he makes you get up to watch the sunrise withhim- it’s okay tho, u get back at him with a nERF WAR- and sometimes you use a marshmallow shooter against himrandomly- “hey mc have u seen m-“- “have U SEEN BOFA DEEZ NUTS”- he just stands there getting hit by marshmallow as hestares off into the distance- think of the scene from parks and rec when Andy shoots Benwith marshmallows- honestly u two are so cute and silly together, and all isright in the world
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Ed. Note: Tsunami in Cooper Young – with Ben Smith and Colleen Couch-Smith at the helm – is a stalwart and a gem of the Memphis restaurant scene. I’ve always thought of Tsunami as a fancy dinner kind of place but contributor Stacey has some big news: Tsunami is (and has been) open for your casual, happy hour, cocktail-appreciating business, and there’s a top-secret new concept coming in the space next door. All photos by Colleen Couch-Smith, used with permission. Want to sample Ben Smith’s menu for his new restaurant concept? Then keep reading… Chef Ben and his wife, Colleen Couch-Smith, purchased the building that has housed Tsunami for the last twenty years at the end of 2016. With that came a wave of renovations, upgrades, a new happy hour menu and plans to launch a more casual concept in the south dining room in 2018. (Similar to Sweet Grass & Sweet Grass Next Door.) Let’s start with the renovations and upgrades. Colleen, who has played many roles at the restaurant from bookkeeper to general manager, spent the last couple of years working in the construction business with Spoonseller & McGary. This gave her the confidence and experience to tackle most of the refresh and structural changes herself. “We didn’t want anything tremendous or outrageous. The idea was to complement the existing décor and stay true to building. We’ve been in business for twenty years because people are comfortable here and I definitely didn’t want to change that,” she says. the renovated bar Colleen overhauled the paint scheme, completely tore out the ceiling in the main dining room, addressed air conditioning issues, replaced the track lighting and fans, and redid the bar so that it looks like they are “selling alcohol rather than glassware.” You can see Colleen’s more artistic side with the new handmade wallpaper she created for the bathrooms and as accents in the main dining room. Finally, she reupholstered the bar stools and banquet. [I feel like I should point out that the badass bar tops, counter tops in the bathrooms, and several of the paper installations were also made by Colleen over the years.] Now, about that new happy hour menu. Launched in June, it’s technically called Pau Hana, which is Hawaiian for “quit workin’ and treat yo’ self.” Each week, the menu features two new dishes and a special cocktail. The Pau Hana menu is available at the bar Monday-Friday, from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. So, what kind of food are we talkin’ about? “Things that have been rattling around in my head for ages that didn’t feel like the right fit for Tsunami,” explains Ben. Pau Hana has given him an opportunity to go further out on a limb, beyond what he’s been doing, and more towards the food he loves to eat. spam musabi Ben says he’s been getting homesick for Hawaii, where he lived from ’91-’94. As a result, Pau Hana has featured items like rice vermicelli bowls with shrimp and spicy coconut sauce, spam musubi, shrimp toast, and tuna poke. scallop ceviche Creating two new dishes each week and getting feedback from customers has been a good sounding board. “It’s basically menu testing for our new concept,” says Ben. New concept? Tell us more… Colleen explains, “Pau Hana is bridging the gap between what we are now and what we will be in a few months. It’s highlighting the food Ben will serve in tbe new space.” She envisions seating for small groups, a loft with a larger table, and a four seat sake bar. “Definitely no white tablecloths,” she says. The new space has a name, but it’s a secret for now. Ben says it will be about the vibe and variety and the fact that it’s spontaneous and seasonal and can change with his whims. “It’s the difference between giving people what they want versus what I want. I need to get back to a place of creativity and challenge people’s palates with more vibrant flavors.” shrimp toast Ben wants to see tables of people sharing food “like in every other culture in the world.” He wants his customers to taste the full spectrum of flavor at every meal. “Ideally we hit all the points on the palate and people leave without being too full or feeling like they spent too much.” Sounds good to me! The happy hour small plates are in the $6 – $8 range and the daily cocktail is $8, plus they offer wines by the glass for $6 and beer for $5. Tsunami is open for dinner Monday through Thursday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. They offer the Pau Hana Happy Hour menu from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Go There: Tsunami 928 S. Cooper Memphis, Tennessee 38104 tsunamimemphis.com About The Author Stacey Greenberg is a freelance writer who lives in Cooper Young with her two teenaged sons. She’s a contributor to Thrillist.com, Edible Memphis, I Love Memphis, and Memphis Travel. She’s also the author of the award winning blog, Dining with Monkeys (diningwithmonkeys.com). A lifelong Memphian, she loves the fact that she’s never met a stranger here. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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NBC probably redid the trailer.  Remember Ron Funch was not in the original pilot.  Now, he is in it.  Ben Queen wrote only for the other characters.  I don’t think he was in it. They had to put his character somewhere.  Like Maria said, this is just a 30 second clip.  New writers are on board. 
Ahh that’s right! I had completely forgotten that Ron wasn’t in the original pilot.
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