#i could always put it in a ponytail or smth ..... but like still
thefunniestguy · 25 days
the biggest downside of new interests is the urge to cosplay. or buy merch in general. but especially cosplay bc i'm going to 2 cons and have cosplays planned for both of them i DON'T NEED TO DRESS UP AS DENJI.....
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo family lore plspls its beneficial to my health
so i got another ask specifically about [REDACTED] so im gonna talk abt that in a separate ask
BUT i will tell u abt my ocs for arlos fam (almost exclusively on his dads/valeries side, havent thought abt mom much) and general stuff for them and their relationships w eachother and arlo specifically
i gave Arlo four older siblings because why the hell not and i can (i will get to the parents later)
also while im thinking abt it, im unsure abt Arlo's last name but im thinking Kingston right now
also i just wanna say that when made character names i usually just smash sound together until i find something i like and hope it isnt a slur in another language
so what im saying is none of the names have any relevance or importance i just like their sounds and how they look
the first oc is Mammi (pronounced like ma'am-ee)
hes the oldest of the five of them, as of current uno time hes 25
amab cismasc
haven't decided sexuality. probably gay bc im gay and i self project too much
anyway he currently works with the authorities and is in a relatively high ranking position
but surprise surprise hes a spy for [ERROR]
(a secret organization :) also has a whole Thing that would require a separate post. a lot of new characters and also some world building. plus it also kind of plays into my bod au/rei fic)
but unfortunately the authorities are all fucking idiots and no one would even think of suspecting him
Valeire is the only one who does (she basically Knows) bc their father (her brother) was against a lot of the things the authorities did
but she has absolutely no proof so she cant do anything :)
fun fact Mammi and the entirety of Arlo's sibling except for Arlo himself all Loathe Valerie
2 of them want her dead
one would actively make an attempt on her life themselves if they ever saw her again
pst psst Mammi is the former
anyway Mammi is Tall (TM)
atm his height is fluctuating between 6'5 and 6'6 bc i cant choose
i just think itd be hysterical if Arlo's entire family on his dad's side were all giants
speaking of that let me take this time to tell you that Arlo is the youngest in his family aside from his mom and Valerie because i thought it'd be really funny
bc Mammi is in the authorities he often wears a suit and let me tell you this man looks fine as hell
not all men can work a suit but this one can
i still havent drawn any of the siblings except for a bit of the next one so my visuals of them are all p vague and could absolutely change but as of now
Mammi has long straight blond hair that roughly reaches his waist
its usually in a low ponytail
he has gold eyes :)
not sure what i want his ability to be yet (obviously a shield variant but what exactly) or how powerful
now for the lovely sister of the family
so the next one is Luss (pronounced how it's spelled)
shes 24 :)
she/her pronouns trans woman
a model who travels quite a lot
long curly hair and gold eyes
always wearing red lipstick
a bit mischievous
her ability is... well its honestly kind of useless on its own
she can make shields that are full orbs but theyre only about the size of a fist
she did find out that they hurt if u throw them at ppl tho, esp if u put stuff in them
not sure what level yet. maybe a flat 6.0 . or maybe even like a 5.9 if i wanna get angsty and make like her family disappointed in her for not being a god tier or smth
very caring about her family
very forgiving person to a fault
strongly believes in second chances
Luss is the closest to Mammi
but she doesn't really feel like she has anyone close to her
(which ends up being a huge bonding point between her and Arlo)
tries her best to keep their family together but it's pretty futile
tries to be optimistic and cheerful and such but it's all an act
would do anything for her family, especially her siblings
sees herself a lot in Arlo for what little she's seen of him
and then we have the twins
as stated above, theyre twins
the older one is Sade, and Kallo is idk like two mins younger or smth
theyre both 21
Sade uses they/them pronouns and is nonbinary
Kallo uses he/they and like. he knows he's masculine but he isnt like a man or male
hes keeping his gender unlabeled but sometimes says its homeboy bc he thinks its funny
tbh im not sure what assigned gender at birth i want either of them to be so im just not gonna choose 🤷
both are 6'4 1/2 or sth
the twins are very separated from the rest of the family they want nothing to do w them
they both dont like Mammi
and hate Valerie
Sade wants her dead and if Kallo ever saw her again he'd lunge
they tolerate Luss and don't dislike her but it's not their favorite to be around her
they don't have any feelings towards Arlo
Sade is a fashion designer and occasionally works with Luss, occasionally
Kallo is a mechanic
originally i had him as a surfer dude but i decided not to
the twins live a long long way away from Wellston and the rest of the family and have no intention of ever going back
theyre both closest to eachother obviously
they both have a lot of trust issues (all of them do) and only really trust eachother
again not sure about abilities
might want Kallo to have some variation of his mom's rather than their dads tho, or maybe a combo of both
i think ill keep Sade w a shield variant
also dk abt sexuality 🤷
i feel like at least one of them would be aro or ace tho. maybe like one is aro and the other is ace lol
ok so now that im done w the siblings
mr dad man's name is Vickaius. hes Valerie's brother. not sure if i want him to be older or younger.
he has long yellow hair (usually up in a pony tail) and gold eyes
yes im terrible and am making him an attractive dilf you cant stop me i have no self control
if it makes u feel any better i'll probably make the mom a milf too
i kinda wanna give him a scar or two and/or an eyepatch
def a god tier. some type of shield ability. i think i want him to be like a 7.1
he/him or he/she not sure what i want
tbh probably bisexual but thinks he's straight for whatever reason
6'5-7 or smth
fun fact he's currently in jail :)
the moms name is Ariella and she has curly hair and blue eyes. im not sure if i want her to have blonde or brown hair
i dont have much to say abt her tbh. not bc i dont care abt her but like. in my arlo fam plot while she is relevant and important she isnt like. you dont need to know about her. if that makes sense
i do know that i want her to be exactly a whole foot shorter than Vickaius bc i think its hilarious
context for post: arlo hcs
other related stuff: [REDACTED]
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fict1onallyobsessed · 2 years
Rhea with a car enthusiast reader? Maybe she’s a mechanic or smth? Could the reader ride motorcycles too bc were badass lol
My Personal Mechanic
Rhea Ripley x Reader
A/N - I combined a few ideas with this one so yeaaa
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She often found you in your garage. If not fixing something, then you were improving it. You car was basically a transformer at this point. With the pandemic crashing down and everything closing, you had to close your repair shop within guidelines and you could do nothing about it. So fixing your vehicle was the only thing you could do until you were free to open again.
Your motorcycle wasn’t any better. It had been worked on for hours straight because you were bored. Pulling things apart then putting them back on was your favourite past time, and you always needed to doing something with your hands. Otherwise you’d go insane.
Rhea came home one day after going to the gym, only to find you sitting by your car with small smudges of oil on your hands and face. You seemed bored, having nothing to do, especially now that your car was basically brand new with the amount of things you’ve improved.
You blew some hair stands that had escaped your ponytail away from your face before seeing Rhea, who was leaning her shoulder up against the doorframe to the garage.
“Bored again?”
“Like hell.”
She smiled sympathetically. She tried to get you to go to the gym with her, but nothing would satisfy you enough like fixing cars did.
She pushed her shoulder off the frame and walked towards you, placing herself beside you. She smiled innocently and reached out to rub away the oil on your cheek before pulling away and pointing at your car.
“Teach me then.”
And so you did. By the end of the day Rhea knew all of the basics about both cars and motorcycles. She listened, but she mostly did it because she loved to see you ramble about something so passionately. She loved listening to your voice, and since you could talk about cars for hours without stopping, she heard a lot of it.
Thankfully, people still drove during the pandemic. Obviously you had to get food somehow, but that meant cars broke down.
You lay on the bed, Rhea’s front pressed up against your back as you scrolled through your phone thinking about what to do with your life today. Rhea’s strong hold tightened as she began to stir awake, a small kiss being placed onto your neck made you sigh happily.
The notification that came in on your phone was almost ignored, but the small “auto-” you saw in the title of the email made your interest spike. You pressed it quickly and expanded it, brows furrowing in question as your eyes skimmed over the text.
Lockdown Guidelines Subside; Auto-Repair to Re-Open.
You almost jumped up in excitement. Rhea chuckled from behind you, kissing your shoulder lightly. She must of read the message over your shoulder too.
“I got so used to you being here that I’ll have to go with you to work.” She whispered.
You giggled, turning in her hold.
“I have nothing against that.”
To say she looked like a total badass at your garage would be an understatement. Her in her leather jacket as she sat and watched you work on cars was enough to grab a little attention.
She was Rhea Ripley. Almost everyone knew who she was in Florida. She often just sat and watched you work unless you asked for help, which wasn’t very often. Unlike you in lockdown, she didn’t seem bored of sitting and watching. She had nothing to do herself so she annoyed you until you could go home again.
Today was a pretty chilled day. A broken window and some shaky steering wheels, other than that, nothing major.
“Remember when your car broke down and you called me to ask if we were open?” You asked, popping the hood open of some woman’s car who claims the engine has been rattling. She groaned and nodded, remembering the scene exactly.
That was the first time you’d met. Your dad was working that day, and it was he who picked up the phone to say they’d take her car in. You just had to greet her at the entrance and drive her car onto the conveyor.
You laughed at her reaction, remembering it too.
“What about me embarrassing myself is funny to you.”
“Shut up.” You threw a rag in her direction, laughing. “Without that, we’d never be here.”
She huffed in agreement, remembering when Rhea gave you her keys and she froze once she saw you. You were too captivating not to admire.
“I thought it would be me who drooled at sight of you.” You laughed louder when threw the rag back in your direction at your comment. You genuinely thought that when your dad told you her name you’d have issues getting your words out. Instead, it was her who found it difficult to even keep eye contact.
“First off, I didn’t drool, I was…admiring.”
“Admiring so much that you tripped over the massive pile of tires beside you?”
“Can you shut up?” Her cheek heated up, hands now covering her face in embarrassment. She knew you’d mention it, so she beat you to it. “Yes then I forgot why I even bought the car in. Happy?”
“Yes.” You smiled innocently, finally fixing the last bit of the car before closing the hood and signing the paperwork. “To be fair I wasn’t any better. My hands were shaking.”
“You didn’t embarrass yourself though.”
“I got your number didn’t I?”
She scoffed, an eyebrow raised momentarily in agreement. You wrapped up and waiting for the woman to pick up her car, getting ready to close up in the mean time.
While by the counter filling in paperwork, two strong hands wrapped around your waist.
“I called three other repair stores and none of them were open so I guess me embarrassing myself was gonna happen anyway.”
You smiled and placed the pen on the counter, turning around in her grip to look up at her. Shrugging, you nodded.
“I guess it was fate.”
“Guess so.”
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
hiii i love your fics so much omg! anyway, i have a request that i've been daydreaming about that haha: nat and r get into a really big fight about smth (anything but cheating pls my heart won't be able to take that) and r kind of shuts down, and wanda & carol become super protective of her and follow her everywhere making sure she's ok. (and they're also glaring at nat any chance they get) but then nat comes into r's room one night and apologizes and they make up and snuggle and its soft hours
thank you so much! and of course lovely! here you go<33
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha has been missing date nights, leaving Y/N embarrassed for the final time. When confronted, an argument unfolds, but can they come back from it?
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: some swearing, some self-neglect
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist! <3
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“Another drink, miss?” The waiter in a smart, black tux asked you for the second time this evening, a part of you felt that it was out of pity as you sat alone at a table for two, and had been for the last two hours.
You were supposed to be meeting your girlfriend tonight for date night, you got all dressed up, makeup applied and hair styled perfectly, which had taken forever, only to be stood up. You wouldn’t have overly minded if this was a first occurrence, you would’ve brushed it off and rescheduled for another night. Which is what you had done, two missed date nights ago.
This was your third night of sitting alone in a crowded, candlelit restaurant as couples around you glanced over with a sympathetic gaze, which had only made you feel worse. Your girlfriend should be here. ‘Natasha should be here’, you thought. You looked up at the kind waiter, giving him a gentle smile before shaking your head.
“No, thank you. I think I'm calling it a night.” You spoke as you hurried to gather your things and get out of there as soon as possible, trying to hold back tears that you refused to let fall, not in front of all of these strangers. You hated this. You hated feeling so exposed. So vulnerable. You couldn’t help but feel anger bubble inside of you, thoughts of Natasha being the only thing currently plaguing your mind, most along the lines of; ‘What was her excuse this time?’ ‘Who is she with instead?’, but, there was one in particular that you couldn’t help but focus on.
‘She promised.’
You hadn’t realised you were crying until you were in the taxi, catching a glimpse of yourself in the rearview mirror when the driver had adjusted it slightly to see the cars behind you, in the process, you’d also caught her eyebrows raise in concern and it wasn’t long before she started conversation.
“You okay back there?”
You laughed somewhat bitterly, but it wasn’t towards her. “Nothing I can't handle.”
Your response didn’t seem to settle her worry as she turned quickly and shot you a sad smile before returning her eyes to the road.
“Boy troubles?”
“Girl.” You rubbed your face, trying to rid yourself of any tear stains that may be lingering and messing up your once really pretty makeup. Not that it really mattered at this point.
“Ah, been there.” She held up her left hand, showing you the shimmering diamond on her finger. “The wife and I have had our fair share of arguments and fallouts, some of them included a situation like this one.”
“Crying in the backseat of a taxi?”
“Crying in the backseat of a taxi.” She laughed lightly, making you smile for the first time tonight.
“It had always worked out though, we’ve never been stronger.”
“Congratulations.” You looked towards the woman “I hope I could be so lucky.” You mumbled, though still loud enough for her to hear. You were mad at Natasha, more disappointed really, but you still loved her, dangerously so. She could stand you up for another 50 dates, and you’d still be head over heels. Angry, but your love would never falter.
“I’m sure you will be. If there’s one thing I've learned over the years, it’s that things have a way of falling into place eventually.”
Pondering her words, you looked out of the car window and noticed that you were pulling up to Stark Tower. It wasn’t long before the car came to a complete stop, the woman turning round to you and beginning to speak again.
“You’ll be okay. It’s obvious you love her, okay? Speak to her. I’m sure it’ll be alright.” She looked at you with nothing but kindness in her eyes, which you did your best to return with a smile. You reached into your purse, handing her the money owed, plus a tip.
“Thank you for the help.”
“Don’t worry about it, go get her.” She winked as you got out of the car and watched her drive away, quickly taking yourself inside to avoid freezing to death as the cold wind blew harshly. Kicking your heels off, you set off with one task at hand. Talk to Nat.
“Hey, have any of you guys seen Nat?” You addressed some members of the team who were hanging out in the Kitchen, fixing themselves a snack or just conversing with one another. The second they looked up and took in their appearance, you could’ve sworn their faces paled and saddened slightly as if they knew what had happened.
“I think I saw her head off to train a while ago, but I'm not sure if she’s still there.” Carol replied, her face morphing into one of seriousness. She knew about the missed dates, having found you one night looking completely defeated in one of your nicest dresses and heels. She, alongside Wanda, who had found you both later that night, had spent their night comforting you and reassuring you that she probably hadn’t meant it. They didn’t know what to do, they’d never seen you look so sad before, no matter how much you told them it was okay, the pang in their chest for their best friend hadn’t ceased.
You nodded, quietly thanking Carol and wandered off in search for your girlfriend.
It didn’t take long, she was still training when you’d walked into the gym, sweat practically pouring off of her. Your heart softened briefly when you saw her, her fiery red hair tied back into a ponytail with loose strands all over the place, wearing a black t-shirt, grey sweatpants and a deadpan face as she attacked the dusty punching bag with such force that you’re surprised it hasn’t flown off of the chains yet.
She hadn’t noticed you had walked in, still giving all of her focus to her punches. Maybe she just hadn’t heard you?
“Hi Nat.”
All you could hear was the furious rattling of chains, still not getting a response from the redhead. With a sigh, you decided to try another approach. You stepped closer to her, still keeping a little distance, and leaned forward to tap her shoulder, instantly grabbing her attention. She flung herself around, arm still in midair, her closed fist almost coming into contact with your face.
You don’t know what you expected when she turned around and finally acknowledged your presence, but you definitely didn’t expect to be met with a scowl.
“Seriously? in the middle of training? I could’ve hit you.” She huffed as she turned back to her previous position.
“Sorry. I just wanted to come in and talk to you.”
You paused, expecting her to look at you again, but she didn’t.
With a small sigh, you continued. “you missed date night again. I waited for you, but you were a no show.”
“Right, yeah, date night” she muttered, seeming to be unfocused as her eyebrows furrowed and her head kept darting around the room, looking anywhere but at you. “I’ll make the next one.”
“This is the third one you’ve missed this month.” You said firmly, wanting her to understand that this can’t keep happening, of course cancellations or rearrangements were bound to happen sometimes, but she’s just not showing up and then leaving you in the dark as to knowing why.
“I told you, i’ll make the next one.” She walked over to the bench, picking up her water bottle and taking a swig of water, looking directly at you, you look back at her and she just looks so, unbothered.
“I don’t believe you, Nat. You say you’ll make it up to me and then I sit there again, hoping that you’ll be there this time, but you don’t turn up. And now I come back and you’re just training. Could it not have waited? Was that seriously more important?” You raised your voice now, all the anger and frustration you’d felt earlier coming back up to the surface.
You just wanted an explanation, or something to justify how she was acting, but she gave you nothing, not even an attempt, only adding fuel to the fire.
“Why are you getting so annoyed? You should know better than anyone that this is my job.”
“I just explained that to you! Which is more than what you’re giving me right now.”
“Okay, fine, forgive me for not making everything about you for a minute.” She spat bitterly towards you, her temper starting to go as the discussion became more heated.
“Seriously? That’s how you’re seeing this?” If you weren’t so unbelievably irritated, you would’ve laughed at her response.
“You’re being selfish. So I missed a date or two, you’re blowing this out of proportion once again, it’s infuriating.” Selfish?
You raised both your hands, as if in surrender. It was one thing to ditch you, it was another thing to then insult you for speaking up about it. With a tight lipped smile, oozing with sarcasm, you decided that you’d had enough.
“I don’t need to listen to this.”
She shrugged her shoulders, adjusting the gloves she’d just put on. “Then don’t, i’m busy anyways.”. This time, you did laugh.
“What a fucking surprise.”. And with that, you turned on your heels and walked out, hearing the echo of punches fill the room once again, every one feeling like a punch to the stomach.
Maybe these are things falling into place, just not the place you’d hoped.
You were still in bed at noon the next day, unable to bring yourself to get up and face the world. You didn’t need to worry about anything in the confinement of your bed, even more so considering it wasn’t the bed you shared with Natasha.
After speaking, well, arguing with her last night, you went straight to your shared bedroom, gathered some clothes and your essentials, and slept in your old room that you used to stay in before the two of you started dating. It felt wrong. You always spent your nights with a warm feeling of love washing over you as your girlfriend pressed kisses all over your face, tangling your limbs together in the process.
It wasn’t the same. You felt cold, a type of cold that no heating or blankets could solve. You lacked a weight on your waist, fingertips stroking the skin that was exposed due to your top riding up slightly. Instead, the only comfort you had was the small bear you’ve kept for the las year. It was one that Natasha had given you after she won it at the funfair on your third date, and you could never bring yourself to part with it, remembering how happy she looked when she handed it to you, and the butterflies you felt just from seeing her look so pleased.
The bear was a little worn and torn now, it had been ripped in a couple of places, now replaced with a little sewn on patch of material that didn’t exactly match the shade of brown, and one of the eyes had started to fall off, but you liked that it was different. The assassin had tried to offer to replace it and buy you a new one, but you’d always refuse, insistent that you would keep that bear with you for the rest of time. Even now, when the two of you weren’t speaking, you still held onto it with a death-tight grip.
A knock on the door snapped you out of your daydream.
“Y/N, open up, It’s me.” A familiar voice shouted through. Carol.
“And me!” Wanda.
You heard some muttering outside of the door, something along the lines of Carol suggesting they break the door down, immediately being told that it was unnecessary by the Sokovian. Feeling pretty against the idea of having a doorway with no door, you called out for them.
“Guys, it’s unlocked.” You were quiet, but it was clear that they had heard you as the faint talking stopped altogether and you heard them walk in and shut the door behind them with a ‘click’.
Wanda was the first to approach you, kneeling down beside the bed so that she was at eye level with you, pulling the bed covers down a little to uncover more than your forehead. Once she could see your eyes and nose, she sent you a warm smile.
“Hi sleepy. It’s noon.”
“I know.” She frowned when she heard you speak, your voice raspy from your crying through the night. She hated seeing you like this, she loved both you and Natasha, and it hurt to see you so sad because of the woman you adored.
“We should go and eat something, it’ll help.”
“‘M not hungry.” You pressed your head further into the pillow, the last thing you wanted to do was eat, your stomach already feeling like it was twisting with every minute that passed.
“C’mon, i’ll make you your favourite.” the blonde winked, leaning against your wardrobe.
“Your special pancakes?”
“With extra whipped cream.” She sang, playfully trying to encourage you to leave the bed. You had to hand it to her, she knew you too well.
WIth a brief look between the two, you rubbed your eyes and threw the covers off dramatically, sighing and ensuring that they knew you didn’t approve of this. They knew you were joking, even if you weren’t, all they cared about was making sure you were okay, knowing that when you felt like this, being left alone allows you to neglect yourself and get really low. They don’t mind if you dislike them for a little while, as long as you are looked after.
“There we go! Well done.” Wanda stroked your back and led you towards the door where Carol held it open for you.
“No breaking it down behind my back.” You shot towards her, slightly amused at the guilty look on her face as she realised you’d heard her quarrel beforehand. Shaking her head, she nudged you out of the door, and the three of you made your way into the kitchen.
Carol had stuck to her promise of preparing a sweet treat for you, a stack of fluffy pancakes sat in front of you, topped with whipped cream and two cherries on top. You ate slow, still a little cautious of how stable your stomach felt. You could see your two friends talk with one another, not wanting to stare and make you uncomfortable, but occasionally looking over silently to check in on you.
You were feeling pretty content as you sat at the counter, munching away with the two avengers for company. It was only when you heard a voice that you could recognise anywhere.
“Hi guys.”
Not daring to look up, you ket your eyes focused on the food in front of you, hoping that if you just stay quiet, you’ll be invisible to the human eye.
“Hey Nat.”
Wanda and Carol replied, wary of any interaction between the pair of you that could unfold into something neither of you wanted or that would lead to any regrets.
You lifted your head slightly, able to see the daggers Carol was throwing at Nat, not impressed with her being in the room. You both had always been quite close, often talking about life before becoming superheroes that protect the planet, in her case, planets. In the process, she’d found herself having a soft spot for you, wanting to protect you from anything that could bring you harm. Which you were grateful for, but her glaring was terrifying sometimes, you were more grateful for the fact that her powers weren’t in her eyes, otherwise you would’ve definitely become single five minutes ago.
You could see Natasha out of the corner of your eye, she was filling up the bottle she used for when she was training, her eyes weren’t on what she was doing, instead, she was trying to subtly look up at you through the hood of her eyes. You subconsciously took the opportunity to really take in her appearance.
Her hair hadn’t been tended to since you last saw her, half of it was hanging out of her ponytail, most of it falling in front of her face. Her eyes looked glassy and bloodshot, like she had been crying recently and you could’ve sworn that was your t-shirt she was wearing. The sight sent a wave of sadness over you, wanting nothing more than to leap over the counter and pull her into your arms and tell her things were fine, that the two of you were fine. But you stayed seated, too nervous to make a move.
You didn’t know it, but she regretted speaking to you last night, instantly realising what she’d done after she came back to her room to find it empty and half of your stuff gone. She knew immediately where you’d gone and would’ve gone through to talk it through with you, but she didn’t think it would help. She wanted you to have your time and space before approaching the situation.
With that, she tightened the lid on her bottle, sent you an apologetic smile and walked out of the room, leaving behind an awkward atmosphere in her absence.
“You alright?” Wanda asked
“Yeah, yeah no I'm okay. I’m feeling a little tired though, I'll catch you guys in a bit, okay?” You stood from your seat, not giving either of the two a chance to stop you as you walked out and back to bed. What a day.
Hours had gone by now and you were back wrapped up under your bed covers, still clinging onto your bear. You hadn’t bothered to change, you went straight to bed after walking in the door. You’d managed to get some sleep earlier, not a lot, but it was something.
You tossed and turned, trying to find any way of being comfortable so your body could rest and your mind could shut off, but it was deemed to be impossible. All you could think about was your argument with Nat, and how she looked so upset earlier. The thought alone triggered the waterworks again, this time, you didn’t even attempt to stop them.
Only a couple of minutes had passed before there was yet again, another knock on your door. You rolled your eyes, really not wanting any more visitors, you were grateful for the help, but you really wanted to be alone.
“Guys, I’m fine! It’s late, get some sleep.” You called out, waiting to hear retreating footsteps, but they never came. Huh. That’s weird? You brushed it off quickly, assuming that it must’ve just been too quiet to hear, which you wouldn’t put past you due to all the sniffling you’ve been doing in an attempt to silence your crying.
You were wrong. The person at your door hadn’t walked away. They also weren’t Wanda or Carol. Instead, it was who you least expected to be in your room at god knows what time at night after the events that had unfolded recently.
“Hi.” The redhead whispered, worrying that if she spoke any louder, you’d be able to hear her voice shake with nerves, or the huge lump in her throat that wouldn’t budge.
You froze on the spot when you realised who it was, not entirely sure how you were gonna play this. Realistically, you might as well just see what it is she wants, it couldn’t hurt, could it?
Her footsteps were practically silent but still felt deafening as she stepped closer to you, cringing slightly at how tense and forced all of this felt. It was her fault, she knew that, she hoped you did too. She didn’t want you blaming yourself for her actions, although she couldn’t say anything if you did, she was the one who had insulted you and planted the thought in your head, and she felt every fibre in her body beg for you to forgive her.
Approaching with caution, she walked up to the top of the bed, kneeling where Wanda had been earlier, but unlike Wanda, she didn’t reach out for you. She didn’t feel she had the right. Not now. She quickly took note of your eyes and how they were drooping and red, just like how hers had been earlier, which is how she could know in an instant that you had just been crying. She felt like a knife had gone through her chest at the sight, knowing that she had done that to you. She’d let you down so much that it had brought you to laying in bed alone and crying.
You mumbled something incoherent, completely muffled by the covers that were blocking your mouth.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you through the cover, could you tell me that again?”
You looked down a little, debating on doing it or just asking her to leave this conversation for another day. ‘But, she was already here, so you may as well get on with it.’ you thought, and with that, you tugged the covers down a little, letting Natasha see your full face now, unable to stop a tiny hint of a smile creeping up on her face. Your nose was runny, your eyes were puffy, and your face was flushed, but that didn’t change the fact that she still believed you to be the most beautiful woman she’d seen.
“Has something h-happened?” You hiccuped, noticing the frown take over her features as she maintained her eye contact with you.
“Yeah. i was a complete idiot.”
“No, no, please. I want to explain. I need to explain. Please?” She pleaded, not caring how desperate she might’ve looked.
You paused for a minute before sighing gently, nodding at her and giving her a non-verbal go ahead to continue. She took a deep breath, looking away for a second then looking back at you before you could even blink. You could see her hands tremble a little, and while you were upset with her, you couldn’t leave it alone. You reached your hand out from under the cover and held it out to her, offering it for her to hold. She grabbed it without hesitation, squeezing it gently as a single tear fell, gathering the courage to say her next words.
“I have no excuse for what I did. There is nothing I could say that would make my actions plausible or acceptable, I shouldn’t have treated you like that or said what I did, and I understand if you can’t forgive me, or don’t want to. But I needed-, no, I need you to know, I'm sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. You deserve better.”
More tears had fallen down her face at this point, her thumb not ceasing in their circular movements on the back of your hand. She didn’t know if this was going to be the last time she felt your hand in hers, so with every circle, she was savouring the moment, no matter how badly she wished it was under different circumstances.
You shuffled a little so you were in a more upright position, hoping that it would make speaking easier. You’d taken in every word, and while you were hurt, extremely hurt, you saw how remorseful she was. Her face showed no sign of humour or like she was lying. You could always tell when she was lying, her eyebrow always twitched a little, which you would always be in stitches about when she tried to say she didn’t eat your last cookie and her eyebrows would be moving like mad. They were as still as stone when she was speaking this time.
“You really hurt me, Nat. I didn’t think I was asking for much, just some time with you, that was all. And you left me every time, for work and with no notice. It was embarrassing.” She nodded in acknowledgement as she listened. “A-and then to come back and witness you being so, so, hostile, with me, I didn’t understand what I'd done.”
She gulped audibly before speaking again. “You hadn’t done a thing. Not a thing. I-I threw myself into work, into training. The last mission, I was sloppy, I wasn’t on my A game, it almost ended up with other people seriously hurt. So I thought-” She took a shaky breath in. “I thought, if I trained harder, It would mean I would be better for the next mission. But I disregarded everything else on the radar, including you, and then I got so mad at myself for it that I ended up taking it out on you instead. You don’t have a selfish bone in your body, and it was out of order for me to ever say so. It was wrong, and I don’t think I can apologise enough.`` She gave you an apologetic smile, tears streaming down her face steadily now.
“You know, when I came home from the restaurant, I had this driver.” You smiled. “Nice woman, she’s got a wife. She was telling me that it wasn’t easy for them. They had their ups and downs, their fights and bitterness. But they always found their way back to each other.” You whispered so softly that if there was any other noise in the room, Natasha wouldn’t have heard a word.
“And, when we argued, I really didn’t think we were going to be able to come back from that. I thought that maybe our time had expired.” You sniffled, your own tears trailing their way down your cheeks. Without thinking, she wiped them away, her palm pressing onto your warm cheek as you nuzzled into it, still finding comfort in her touch.
“I don’t want us to expire, Nat.”
There it was. There was the sentence that turned silent tears into fully body wracking sobs, your hands instinctively going to pull away and cover your face, instead, Natasha brought herself up to sit on the side of your bed, hastily bringing you into her chest and her free hand combing its way through your hair.
She rocked you back and forth, letting you get everything out of your system, no matter how much it hurt to hear.
“Shh, I’ve got you. I’m so sorry, moya lyubov.”
Your sobs soon died down with Nat’s help, sobs turning into faint pants with how tired you were and how much energy it had taken out of you. You looked up at her softly, as she smiled down at you.
“I love you, Natty.” You murmured, the words making the assassin’s heart grow fonder for you, if that was ever possible.
“I love you more.”
“Can you stay with me tonight? I can’t sleep without you.”
“Of course. Anything for you.” She leaned over you, bringing the blankets back up and over you, catching a glimpse of some brown fur among the darkness. She knew exactly what it was. She picked up up with the blankets and handed it to you, happiness overtaking her as she saw your eyes light up at the teddy she won for you.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you, Detka.” She pressed a kiss to your temple before settling down, holding you tight in her grasp, refusing to let you go for anything or anyone, not that you were complaining, you’d missed this.
Nothing had to be decided tonight, there was no rush for discussion. Sure, there were still things to talk through and work out, but that can wait. All that mattered right now, was that Natasha was there. She was holding you in her arms and you felt every ounce of love and apology she could give you. And that was enough for now.
taglist: @natashas-favourite-knives @wandaromanova @wvnda-maximoff
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sie-rui · 3 years
I have the perfect idea for a oneshot l’ve been thinking about this alot how about smth like sanzu being a muse to the reader bc he’s really pretty and the reader likes drawing and painting him
;; he finds how artistic his s/o is and also realizes that he is the inspiration behind such masterpieces
🥛 — sanzu haruchiyo
🧾 — gender neutral, second pov (you/your), cursing, fluff, au - modern, au - college / university, established relationship, 1k+, imagine
✉ — ack i haven’t written for sanzu in a while (and not much as well) so this might be a little awkward anddd i don’t know how to draw or paint
paraluman means muse in filipino
🔖 — paraluman
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Sanzu had always been on the prettier side.
Thick long lashes, narrow eyes with the perfect curl, eyes that could pull you in, that silver blond hair, that cute smile, and his boyish grin. He even kept his hair long, and on some occasions, would tie it up in a ponytail.
He was lanky but he always managed to fit in, sliding past people in the shadows with ease. Not only that but even though he kept to himself, he gave an air of confidence as if he was already set for his life: like he knew what to do in every problem the world might throw at him.
He was perfect.
And you… You were the luckiest person in this whole damn world.
It was intoxicating, the way he looks at you, the way he holds you. Like your favorite drink early in the morning, warming you up. Like your favorite coat on a cold afternoon. Like your bed after a long day. Comfort, healing, and dangerous all at the same—addicting, overdosed.
When he reached out, when he held you, when his breath mingled with yours with the close proximity, when his eyes didn’t leave yours as he leaned in. Dizzying. You were falling faster than you ever did and he was there to catch you either.
You were handed the most precious jewels and you sat there, not knowing what else to do with such treasure. Not knowing where to put your hands, how to hold him, how to love him. He was way out of your league.
But for him?
For him, it was you who he could never reach.
Sanzu Haruchiyo had seen you, not just the outer you, but you. Haruchiyo had seen past the exterior easier than anyone ever did—one recognizes another. He had seen it and still chased after you either way.
Loyal, dear, Sanzu who always seemed indifferent to everything around him, preferring to be private and his own company wanted something other than living his life easily and being on top.
You. It’s all you. It’s all just you.
When you held his hand as he reached out, his heart just fluttered. When you didn’t push him away, when you leaned forward when he stopped, Sanzu-
Sanzu isn’t sure if he can catch you because he’s falling nonstop as well.
And it isn’t just when you held him, it isn’t just when your lips are on him, your whole presence were like tidal waves pushing and pulling him mercilessly with no thought of his well-being. Just you standing there, just you sitting there, just you tilting your head with that smile of yours when your eyes meet his in a crowd.
When you sit, when your hands do its work, and he looks down to see what you had managed to draw in such a short time- And sees him- He is choking.
“Sorry if it seems weird, you just… well, you just looked really, for lack of better words, drawable at that moment.”
On a piece of paper, even if it was black and white, drawn using your pencil and a scrap paper, he could recognize those features anywhere. His hair long and messy, a loose sweatshirt on him, a bored expression on his face as he twirls a pen on his hand, seemingly in the middle of class. It was from earlier that day.
His eyes were looking back at him. Beautiful. It isn’t him that was beautiful but you when you look at him with pride as he stares at your drawing.
“Hm?” You hum, head on your propped up hand, staring at him as he turns his head to look at you. Sanzu holds the paper, not wanting to let it go, wanting to just take it with him, a piece of you; an object birthed from your hands, from your amazing talent.
“I love you.”
A small flinch in surprise, eyes wide as you stare.
“So damn much.”
Your cheeks hit up, glancing away as you fumble and reach out for something in your drawer in the small dorm room. Sanzu sits down at your bed, still breathless as he holds your work that looks so much like him.
You drop a folder on his lap and Sanzu wastes no time opening it. What greeted him were more papers, a sketchbook, some were sketches with pencils while some with different colored pens. And in all of those, those papers with no crease on its sides, was him.
Him waiting for the bus that one time his motorcycle broke down. Him dozing off at one of his classes. Him nibbling on his straw with a troubled expression on his face. Him reading a book in a library.
All of these moments he had with you, but in none of those he remembered you ever bringing out a pen and a paper nor a phone to capture the moment.
He looks at you in silent question.
You sit beside him, timid as you avoid his eyes and look at your pieces instead. “I just… When I can’t get something out of my head, I always end up drawing it out.”
“And these…” He mumbles with a growing smile. “I’ve been in your head for the past few months straight?”
That cracks a snort out of you. “Nothing has been running in my mind but you, it’s annoying, Sanzu.”
“Y/n, we’ve kissed, we made out, we went on dates, you even drew me.” He leans forward but compared to other times, there was no intent to kiss you. All he wanted was to look at your eyes as he held onto your chin. “Perhaps it’s time you start calling me by my first name.
“Come on, Haruchiyo,” he pesters, expression serious but his gaze genuine. “Will you?”
When he leans closer, you raise an easel in between the two of you. Sanzu stops completely, his brain fired at the sight, not even minding how you just blocked his advances.
A painting of him.
He sat with a smile, his hair brushed, and his eyes squinted mischievously. He wore no mask, showing off the twin scars on both corners of his lips—the same ones that you loved grazing with your hand. He donned his usual button-up under his dark sweater, the background showing that it was in the middle of autumn as it was predominantly covered in orange and brown.
All the small details he appreciated. The crunched leaves by his feet, the cup of coffee on the bench beside him, slowly growing cold. The way the light had hit his face, the creases in his clothes. The huge tree in the campus behind him, the blue at the topmost part with hints of white.
The lines on the bench, the wrinkling of the corner of his eyes, the cracks on the sidewalk, the blurry smudges of people walking past. The strokes of your brush, the splashes of paint made by careful deft hands.
The reflection of you taking a picture drawn vaguely in his eyes.
Sanzu rests his head on your shoulder, fingers lightly touching your greatest masterpiece yet. All his teases, all the words that were once on the tip of his tongue, swallowed down as he feels his head explode, stomach constricting from the sudden onslaught of emotions.
“You’re so talented,” he murmurs into your hair, cozying closer, holding you as if you were fragile, a piece of heaven in his hands. “‘M so lucky to have you.”
When your eyes welled up in tears at his words, he only kissed your cheeks, looking at you with so much love.
It scares you. How this one person, one single person, could either make you or break you with just a look in his eyes, with just the twist of his lips.
But luckily for you, he sits on the same boat.
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[ ko-fi: sielou ]
[ tag list: @emergencyfoodpaimon | @primsonnn | @gommiswifey | @alllostone | @lazecchi | @manjiroarchiviste | @chibichab | @salsas-without-the-middle-s |  @dai-tsukki-desu​ |  asawa-ni-senju | m4tsuch1 | chixkadee |  gwynsapphire ]
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spooki-ghoztzz · 2 years
Greetings i am back😈 i was thinking of perhaps will and a s/o who is just obsessed with his greasy yet fluffy ass mf hair. Like despite her not knowing how to braid and shit she practices on him while he works or smth he's her lil guinea pig <3 she'll forcefully judo wrestle his tiny ass in the bathtub and scrub his hair and also basically shove her hands into it 25/8 and absentmindedly pet and scratch it like a stress toy so she doesn't snap and murder a mf on the spot <33 like she'll let him lie down with his head on her lap (think of that one stupid sleeping cat pose of his) while she pets his hair. ALSO remember how i said i happen to have the exact same mullet style he has? Bonus points if she's v e r y good at styling hair so she'll always offer to cut, brush and overall style it for him💯 - will kinnie anon who wants the little midget a bit too bad for his own sanity
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All of this,right as hell-
I headcannon he loves people playing with his hair but only SOME people,it’s only people he trusts so you have a luxury no one else can have with this greasy fucker. About the bath,you gotta fight tooth and nail to get him in there- (you know how cats will basically deny getting in there and some say ‘im cold’- yeah he’d yap on about how fucking cold he is and how he feels icky).
Also,he’d love it if you put his hair up in a messy bun or a ponytail for him especially if he’s working. His mullet gets on his nerves sometimes and putting it up helps a lot- on that note he likes to just lay out on your lap and let you play with his hair and another silly bonus is if you have nails..puts the mf right to sleep- He doesn't care if you’re aggressive with it either he’s gonna enjoy it either way-
The hairstyling part is more of a 50/50 with him,if he’s in a good mood he’ll ask you to style it but on some days if you even touch him he’s gonna hiss like some feral animal. (yes he actually fucking hisses smh)
For the Dave situation,my god i bet he hated it but it was for the sake of not getting fucking caught- As you put the dye in his hair he just had that angry scrunchy cat-like face while watching you work your dumb little magic in the mirror. Okay one,it’s for sure better than Vincent work,all of his brunette locks hidden. Only a few bits are showing but hell you could barley see it- 
The piercing part is what he hates but he trusts you enough to do it. Yeah he still screams but right after you spoil him with affection to make him ignore the pain <3
Also the clothes is another big thing- you probably gave him some platform boots (the one he wears) and maybe another outfit but tbh only changed his damn socks..no one can see that but like the silly fucker cares- 
Adding onto this,he’d rarely let you cut his “amazing locks” as he calls them- (..tbh his hair is not that good tho- /j )
He actually loved how concentrated you got when you were dying his hair like..why you gotta be so damn attractive- (he loves the way ur eyes look like oml he loves u-)
anyways,silly man adores everything you do for him-
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
helloooo angelface!! could i request a reader x george where george loves playing with her hair and she acts like it annoys her but really she likes it a lot but george only realises it doesnt bother her when maybe smth happens and shes upset and asks him to do it? idk if that made any sense but xx
studying // george weasley
a/n: ugh i love comforting george it makes me so soft. thank u for requesting!
summary: Exams are stressing you out, but George always seems to be there to help you relax.
Exams were rapidly approaching and your workload was getting a bit too heavy for you to carry.
You sat at the Great Hall, using the massive table space to study. You had so many papers, and none of the table in your common room could hold them all without some getting lost in a shuffle. You had a plate of food discarded to your right. You had woken up early, granted you had barely slept at all, and devoured your food, only so you could move onto your studies quicker. 
George stumbled into breakfast, his overgrown and disheveled hair falling into his eyes. He pushed it back, yawning. He crossed his arms, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands and trying to trap some of his body heat. The weather outside was getting nicer, but it seemed like the stone castle walls were clinging to the cold weather.
He made his way over to you, furrowing his brows with a sympathetic look as his eyes began to blur just with a glance at your course load. He picked up a textbook that rested on the outskirts of the mountain you had created around you, and flipping through the pages, he immediately felt overwhelmed for you. He put down the textbook, and looked over to you. Your face was about five inches away from the paper you poured yourself into, and you bit your lip harshly.
He moved to stand behind you, gently tugging your shoulders back and into him. He felt the tenseness in your neck, and as you leaned into him, he felt you relax. You pressed the back of your head into his stomach, and let your quill fall from your hand. He moved his hands from your shoulders and into your hair, gently running his finger through it and raking his short nails over your scalp. You felt yourself dissolving, but not for long.
Your mind was plagued with the Potions essay in front of you, and you retracted from George’s grasp, your hair trailing from his fingers.
George wasn’t surprised, if anything he was surprised he had gotten you to relax for as long as you did (20 seconds). He loved playing with your hair, he loved the grin that you tried to suppress when he did it, and he loved the way your body seemed to fall at his mercy by such a small gesture. You never let him do it for long, feeling embarrassed by the reaction it elicited from you.
“Anything I can help you with?” George asked, but he already knew the answer. The only subject he could even compare to you in was Charms, and you had finished your revisions for that class a few days ago.
“Sadly,” you mumbled, still writing furiously, “I don’t think so. Go ahead and look around though.”
You made a sweeping gesture with your hand, motioning to the papers that lay around you.
“Why’re you down here so early?” George asked, settling into the table and filling his plate.
“I didn’t want to wake my dormmates,” you said, rolling up the Potions essay after you proofread it, “and I couldn’t sleep anyways.”
George moved a hand to your face, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiled at the short lasting peaceful look on your face, but you turned your head away from him and reached across the table for your Arithmancy work.
“You could always sneak up to my dorm,” George said, shoveling some eggs in his mouth, “Fred and Lee don’t go in there to study.”
You chuckled at the idea of Fred, George, and Lee sitting around studying together.
“Maybe. Afraid you won’t be able to see your floor once I put all my papers down, though,” you said, flipping through a textbook and running a quick finger over the words.
“I wasn’t attached to it,” George replied, making you smile again.
You had learned to work through any distractions George presented while you studied, because having him around seemed to make you significantly less stressed. Just his tired and glazed over eyes made you feel comforted. His slow morning movements made you feel homely.
“Any plans for the day?” you asked him, knowing he wasn’t going to be working on his revisions.
“Fred said he had an order dispute he needed my help on,” George said, lifting his arms over his head to stretch. The bottom of his sweater rose, and in the corner of your eye you admired his toned stomach and the tuft of ginger hair that sprouted from his waistband. Your cheeks warmed, but you focused your eyes back to the confusing subject in front of you.
“Do you think you’ll be doing this all day?” George asked, lowering his arms and looking at the side of your face.
“I hope not,” you mumbled, and began to move your fingers through the piles, taking register of the work you had left, “I have a few hours worth of Arithmancy, but I think Hermione offered to help me with some of it, so it shouldn’t take that long. I just finished Potions, and I wanted to go over Transfiguration one last time.”
George sighed heavily, watching the work pile up as you grouped it together.
“Are you going to the library again?” 
“I think Hermione wanted to meet in the common room,” you said, setting your quill down for the rest of breakfast, “I could work in there for the rest of the day.”
“Like I said,” George smirked at you, “my bedroom’s always open.”
You rolled your eyes and bumped your shoulder into his. You rolled up your parchments, organizing them into neat stacks. You stuffed your textbooks into your bag and piled the papers on top. George helped you, rolling the last bits of parchment and handing them to you.
You finally breathed, setting your elbows on the table. You picked a piece of fruit from George’s plate, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“It’s almost over,” he said, breathing in the smell of your shampoo, “then it’s summer, and you can visit The Burrow.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and trying to pull memories from last year at George’s house. You tried to remember Molly’s cooking, the days in the garden with Ginny and Hermione, the nights you snuck into Fred and George’s room and talked all night.
These were just about the only things getting you through exams. 
Studying with Hermione went as well as it could. You had agreed to study with her because she usually had firms grasps on the subjects, but Arithmancy ended up taking longer because you had to explain a lot of it to her. Large bags formed under her eyes, and her already frizzy and uncontrollable hair was even more frizzy and uncontrollable. The time together sort of boosted your ego, really, giving you confidence in your knowledge about the subject. 
You had started Arithmancy when the sun had just risen, and by the time you closed your textbook, the sun was fading and an orange sunset floated through the tall windows of the Gryffindor common room. You paid little attention to Hermione sinking into the couch with her Charms textbook, and moved over to the window. Your Transfiguration textbook tucked under your arm, tabs and writings marked all over it, was long forgotten. Your face lit up in the glow of the sunset, and you imagined you were at the Burrow, watching the sun disappear over a grassy hill.
George came down the stairs, still in his pajamas he had eaten breakfast in, his hair just as messy. He had figured you were done with studying, and came to save you. He looked towards Hermione on the couch, but found you missing. A quick glance around the room and he found you by the window. The orange hue from the receding sun glowed in your face, and he watched you. Your eyes were closed, your chest slowly rising and falling. Your grip on your marked up textbook was so loose, he thought you might drop it. You rocked a little on your feet, and it looked like the slightest bit of wind could knock you over.
He came to your side, and at his hand reaching for your waist, your eyes slowly opened. He smiled down at you, taking the textbook from your hands and placing it on the table behind you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and breathed deep. 
“George?” you said to him in a hushed tone.
“Hm?” he hummed back to you.
“Would you play with my hair?” you asked, feeling no shame about the grin that would spread across your face.
His smile only widened, and he nodded his head enthusiastically. He brought his hands from your waist, setting each on the side of your face. The heels of his hands started near your eyes, and he ran his hands through your hair. Your head tilted back at the motion, and you let it roll with his hands. He grouped your hair like he was going to put it in a ponytail, using both hands, and lifted it from your neck. He twisted it, and then let it fall, watching as some of it landed in your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his cold lips brushing against your forehead in a loving and chaste kiss.
“I love you, George,” you mumbled, resting your cheek against his strong chest.
He ran a hand soothingly over your head, brushing your hair down. The other pulled you tighter to him.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
Hii! Lá squadra with a maladaptive daydreamer teammate? Always pacing and always daydreaming ab smth. Talking to themselves and stuff. (sorlato included) thank u so so much ❤️
La Squadra and their maladaptive daydreamer teammate HC’s
Oh this was very interesting to think about, and to be honest a challenge to La Squadra’s capabilities of understanding others and their ways of being. Enjoy 💖✨(i’ve put this in a more positive? situation since it’s an actual disorder and i’m not sure anon meant it in that sense, not all daydreams can be good ones though. Take care my friends ☺️)
CW: maladaptive daydreaming that impacts daily and work life
also sorry if there’s mistakes, i barely edited, this was written before my mental auwchie that i’m working through rn!
Risotto is one of the more understanding members of your team. He’s always observing and noticing the smallest changes in behaviour. Yours and that of your colleagues. From the very first day you became part of his team he’s noticed you stare off or just cease to listen to whatever was going on around you. Lost in your own little world, not even realising the deeps sighs you let out every once in a while, mind a million miles away. Sometimes he even hears you quietly talk to yourself, hardly making out what it is you’re saying, but when he hears your laugh- that genuine one reserved for the things you truly enjoyed- he’s assured that you’re not struggling at the moment. It’s only during important meetings that he’ll gently ask you to focus and be present. If it becomes a frequent hinderance and it starts to affect your work he’ll let you know privately, knowing you well enough by now that calling you out in front of the rest would be rude.
He finds it rather odd, questioning if you’re not just ignoring others while you live the daydreams that are far more entertaining and sometimes even exciting than whatever is going on in reality. Formaggio won’t beat around the bush, asking you bluntly if you get bored of him. It’s only when you explain yourself that he truly understands it, making him reflect on his own behaviour instead. He does often talk to himself, commenting on his own jokes, the people around him or just a random thoughts that had to make themselves known. When he notices that familiar pacing it makes him so curious to know what you’re thinking about. Often asking you what’s on your mind, even if it doesn’t really interest him, he’ll hear you out until he gets bored. He will, however, yell at you during missions if you happen to get caught up.
What on earth could be more important than him? To be so entranced by something else while he’s clearly posing and basking in the beauty of the evening sun, ponytails perfectly parted and cascading down his shoulders, awaiting anyone’s attention. Like a groomed show cat, he’ll get annoyed and just ask for your attention instead. Ugh, why can’t you just realise he needs to be seen and appreciated every once in a while. Snapping you out of whatever daydream that was unfolding, surprised that so much time had already past. The plot was just getting juicy. “Why don’t you just write them down like a normal person?” His insult bringing you to the realisation that it wasn’t even a bad idea. When you thank him, that determined look in your eyes still not paying the man any mind, he sighs in disappointment. But halfway through writing down whatever grasped your attention before, you got even more distracted by a newer and more interesting one, opting to just go back and have a chat with Illuso so he’ll stop bothering you for attention.
He’s never minded your daydreaming, never too present to witness the more intense bouts that made you pace the floor and clench your fists like today. After many attempts at trying to grasp your attention and failing every time, he just stops you dead in your tracks. The man’s hold perhaps a bit too strong for comfort as he searches your eyes for lucidity. “Calm down, ok! You’re making me nervous.” Prosciutto is a bit of a worrier himself, just not on the outside, gears always turning and analysing his surroundings and the people in it. It only sets hims off to see you pace and mumble. But he understands, extending that kindness he offers to Pesci to you, asking if you need anything to ease you back into reality. He can be softly kind and caring, he needs the rest of team to be in top shape so you’ll all be able to count on each other.
Pesci will stare off with you, trying to see what had captured your attention, even getting up to stand behind you to see what was so interesting. It’s only after realising you weren’t paying attention at all that he realises you were lost in a daydream. He’s a bit curious about the whole thing, carefully asking you questions. He won’t completely understand but he tries his best and offers his help. Not really sure what he can do but very adamant on offering it anyway. If it affects you during missions Pesci will be sure to gently snap you out of it.
The enigmas of the human mind greatly interest Melone, having read more than enough books on the topic during research. Not that much is clear about the treatment of it though, so he’s interested in how you handle it. He’ll be sure to ask a lot of questions, about the topics of them, what could possibly trigger them. If it’s too much or too personal he’ll stop though, however it won’t erase his curiosity. He’ll observe from a distance instead then. After yelling at him that you’re not a human experiment he’ll actually back off and stop. Don’t worry though, if you need actual help after a bad day, the daydreams not really of a positive nature anymore, he’ll try his best to calm you down. If it get’s too bad he’ll urge you to seek help with professionals.
Just like with Prosciutto it’ll set him off as well. If you’re pacing and mumbling he’ll stop you as fast as possible, it’s too distracting and it enrages his senses. Even if you’re in your own room, he’ll hear the floorboards creak and storm over. His anger can be clouding, deep down he is truly concerned for you. But it never really comes out that way, he’ll scold you and demand your attention during meetings. When you calmly tell him afterwards that it’s not really helping and his yelling could set you off, he’ll take a DEEP breath to calm himself down. Realising that perhaps his anger isn’t the best option. After the short talk he’ll be a bit more calm and less harsh, holding himself back from lashing out and instead approaching a tinge more restrained.
Sorbet & Gelato
The two like to observe you from the couch, twisted into each other’s hold. Their amusement wears off though, realising that maybe it isn’t as entertaining as they first thought. Gelato will actually try and help you, gently ushering you back to reality, while Sorbet won’t offer any support. The two will mostly worry or reprimand you if starts to affect your work though. They need to be able to count on you and your full attention. After some convincing Sorbet will soften up, if only a little, at Gelato’s request. Instead yelling at you to snap back, he’ll intently poke your arm.
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
✨ Oooohh boy..... Eren Yeager
✨ In this post, I'll be discussing Eren as a child and Eren as the 19-year-old Chad we now know him as
✨ Okay, so Eren as a child
✨ Everyday he wakes up looking like an angry gremlin and he growls at people saying hi to him in the hallways
✨ The elementary school teachers genuinely like him and they know deep down he's a very sweet boy but KIDDO PLS GET YOUR HANDS OFF LIL TIMMY'S NECK AND DO YOUR MATHS MANIA MULTIPLICATION WORKSHEET HE DIDN'T MEAN TO DROP YOUR FAVORITE ERASER
✨ Mikasa and Armin were the only people who could calm him down
✨ You know that one kid who gets sent outta the classroom every week? And like teachers always call said kid's parents for a meeting? Eren is that kid
✨ At first, a very disappointed Grisha went to the meetings, and then neither parent went cuz they were too busy, and then Carla always went. By "too busy" I mean having yelling matches and digging up old bones and then storming off like toddlers. That was the hardest part of Eren's life
✨ A lot of Eren's rage came from his parent's crumbling marriage and he missed his dad but MY GOD he was relieved when Grisha left them. Eren has a soft spot deep down for him, but he's gonna break a damn wall if he sees Grisha again, and near his mom
✨ Eren's behavior improves at the start of middle school though. He's still not to be fucked with and lowkey terrifies the teachers, but he's much more amiable
✨ Eren's grades also improve in middle school. He finds more motivation and his study routine is shite but atleast he's putting more effort. Speaking of grades, he always scores 100% in PE
✨ Eren was always the fastest runner and even though he isn't super passionate about sports, he's competitive
✨ I feel like Eren would sometimes do sports for fun, but his main interests lie in martial arts. I hc he learns karate or judo or smth and get numerous degrees in it throughout the years
✨ Eren is popular despite being a hardass. He still gets clowned doe
✨ Now onto college Eren with the long hair and dem abs
✨ He's chill for the most part ig, still scary doe
✨ He gets daily reminders from Mikasa and Armin to study and that's the only reason he passes
✨ I feel like he'd take the same classes as his friends and be nonchalant about college but then get interest in his subject and find it's his passion
✨ "Woah", Eren doing a perfect Gabbie Hannah impression at 3 AM after realizing how much his major means to him
✨ Eren's handwriting is messy but readable. Hw takes notes on random pieces of paper and random notebooks so the night before the exams he's turning the house down looking for that half ripped sticky note
✨ But I mean the grade is good so he won't stop the bad practice
✨ 9/10 times Eren is the veteran face showing new college students around the campus. Him and Jean actually
✨ In a modern world, Eren and Jean are frenemies becuz Eren finds him annoying. They have roast battles and even rap battles. Eren tells Jean to stfu if he even breathes
✨ Eren goes to bed at 2 and he actually tries to fix his sleeping schedule but then Jean sends him game invites and he's just MAD
✨ Sasha and Connie throw parties every weekend and you best believe Jean and Eren are in the convenience stores getting snacks and then tampons to make a tampon princess castle tgt later on
✨ Eren is the friend who has a nice ass car. He picks ppl up and drops them off everyday
✨ He LOVES going on late night rides with his peeps
✨ Eren is head over heels for Mikasa and Mikasa is the same and their mutual pining is so fucking embarrassing atp
✨ Eren is one of those ppl who are scared of love so the intensity of his feelings for Mikasa scare him so when he's hanging out he's like
" Mikasa looks pretty I wanna hold her hand. Welp, time to fuck or beat one out"
✨ Eren is defo popular among the ladies but he isn't flirty, he's just polite. He isn't a fboi despite what other writers say
✨ He does like hookups doe. He'll back off if a gal aint interested doe
✨ Eren also seems like a tattoo kinda guy. He has one of an eagle on his neck and his initials on his back
✨ Idk why but he rubs me as the type of dude who'd be friends with kids. Like 1 or 2. Namely, Gabi and Falco
✨ Eren goes to Paradis college and FalBi go to Paradis middle school. They used the college performing hall for a play and Eren volunteered to help prepare the stage to get out of classes. That's when he met a sweet, quiet Falco and a hyper, feral Gabi. He was amused by their interactions and got nostalgic seeing them tbh cuz he remembered his elementary days with Armin
✨ Gabi was trying to rope Falco in for another one of her dangerous plans and Falco ultimately caved
" Let's sleepover in this hall tonight. Our parents are out and I bought all the stuff we need"
" What? That's crazy! What if we get caught?"
" Come of, Falco. Pleeaaassseee?"
" Fine, but it's on you if we get in trouble"
✨ " Kid with the ponytail, that's a crazy plan but Imma cover for you", said Eren joining in
✨ They've been talking ever since and when Eren realized Gabi is Reiner's fave and closest cousin, they became closer
✨ Overall, Eren is a loveable dude despite being a bit chaotic
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Prompts 31 to 34 for a next gen kid having cancer or smth
Thanks for the prompts <3
AU in which Percabeth’s daughter gets cancer. (It’s an AU because in my storyline in Ao3, Charlie gets cancer, but the prompts don’t fit with the context of the story.) Still, I had a great time writing it and I hope y’all enjoy it :)
They tell you to prepare for the worse. They tell you that kids mysteriously fight cancer and that you should never give up. They tell you to put on a brave face, but none of them knows how it feels to have a kid that is fighting cancer.
The stuffed animals and the colourful rooms of the paediatric unit didn’t make the room any less depressing. Percy was holding in his arms his 7-year-old daughter while she was sleeping. It’s been two years since they had diagnosed her with leukaemia. Annabeth had gone home after work to pick some stuff. Percy knew that she couldn’t stay in the room without freaking out.
Luna was their perfect little miracle. The best thing that had happened in their lives. Nothing could destroy their pure happiness. Nothing except Luna getting cancer. They had tried to be positive. She was a fighter. Nothing could bring her down. But the treatments no matter how aggressive they were, stopped working. The doctors didn’t know how much time she had left. Only a miracle could save them.
“Tell me a story,” Luna whispered with her eyes still closed. She loved listening to fairy tales and stories about her mum and dad. She lived in an imaginary world with dragons, castles, and magic forests.
“When I was 14, your mum and I were inside a volcano.” Percy started narrating.
He wanted to freeze time. Or even better go back a couple years and cherish every moment he had when Luna wasn’t sick. He remembered when she was 5 and playing in the little league. She had managed to score the ball and run up to him.
“Did you see what I did, daddy?” She said with pride and excitement.
“Of course I saw you, baby. I’m so proud of you.” He smiled. “Let me tie your hair back, it’s getting in your face.”
“Okay, but be fast. I have to play.” Percy took her golden locks and put them in a ponytail.
“You’re ready, champ.”
“Thanks, daddy.” She kissed him on the cheek before she ran back to the field.
“And then your mum kissed me for the first time before the volcano exploded.” He told her.
“Did you die?” She opened her eyes. But then she realised what she asked. “Oh. Right. You didn’t die.” She chuckled.
“You’re right. I didn’t die. I came back to her.”
“That’s how the story ends?” Luna complained. “I like the other story better. The one with the minotaur.”
“Do you want me to say it again?” He asked her.
“No, it’s fine. We have a lot of time ahead of us.” She noted. Then the door of the room opened. “Mama!” She smiled and started reaching out for Annabeth.
“Hi, baby.” She took her in her arms. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
They didn’t have a lot of time ahead of them. In reality, they didn’t have any time left. Later that night, her heart gave up and there was nothing left to do.
What the doctors don’t prepare you for what happens next. People send you their condolences and tell you that they’re sorry. But that won’t bring your child back. There is nothing to fill that big void inside of you.
A month after their angel passed away, they finally built up the courage to open the door of her room. Annabeth couldn’t take the pain of watching her daughter’s room with everything right where she left it before she went to the hospital. She started crying. “Shh. I know." Percy put his arm around her.
“I don’t want to touch her stuff. Let’s just leave it like this. It isn’t like we need the room. She wouldn’t like it.” She wiped her tears. “Going through her stuff. She always hated it.”
Percy hugged her. “Are you sure that it is what you want?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s the only way. I wish it wasn’t.” They knew that having a dead child was a burden that they couldn’t handle. Not at least without blaming and hating each other at the end.
“How come I can’t let go of you?” He held Annabeth’s hand.
“It’s because things were never meant to end up this way.”
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nose-bandaid · 3 years
love, at its core
hi!! i hope you're havin a good day rn 😊😊 i just saw requests are open??? i was gonna ask if i could request something with yuto?? like his s/o is chillin with him at home and then they just get hit with the realization "omg my boyfriend is just sitting there and i can kiss him any time i want??? all i have to do is ask??? is it really that simple???? what a concept..." i know its very specific but its just smth ive been thinkin about these days?? like people datin can just kiss each other any time???? its just so simple yet so special at the same time??
Yuto x (gender neutral) Reader fluff | 2k words
synopsis: waking up one day, you were hit with a curious thought that made you realize how lucky you were to have a boyfriend
a/n: here you go anon !! i hope that this is what you wanted and that i didn't get carried away with the idea 😅 enjoy<3
ngl this ended up a little similar to -27°C but i love domestic relationships so it's cool
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There was something peculiar about living with your boyfriend.
Nothing had changed since yesterday, or last month, or even the year before. You've been living together for a while now and today shouldn't have been any different. It shouldn't.
However, an intriguing thought in your mind constantly nudged you to love him even more today.
When you woke up, the first thing you did was roll over onto your side to study Yuto's face. Even asleep, he was incredibly pretty and you reached a hand to brush the strands of hair that had fallen over his face. He's been growing it for quite a while now, and oftentimes he would tie it all back in a small ponytail that you thought was endearing. But you thought he looked especially fluffy when he let his hair down. The sight of it that morning, however, tickled your own face and you tucked it behind his ear with a small smile.
"Better?" You whispered, not really expecting a reply because you believed he was still asleep. But he did, in fact, whisper a quiet "better" and you locked eyes with him in surprise.
"G'morning." He croaked out, trying to rub the sleep out of his face.
"Good morning Yuto," You replied, laughing when he leaned into your touch and tried to snuggle back to bed. "It's time to wake up, sleepyhead."
He wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer, burying his face into your neck to plant a kiss there. "But there's nothing planned for today." He whined, and it came out more of a question than it did as a complaint.
You wriggled your way out of the hug and poked his cheek. "You promised you'll make breakfast today though!"
That caused him to stir.
Yuto hefted himself into a sitting position with a huff and sent you a lazy grin. "I guess you're right; I can't back out of that."
Leaning in to plant one last kiss on your forehead, he patted your shoulder before standing up. "Just stay in bed for a while longer, love. I'll let you know when breakfast is ready."
You watched him quietly as he changed out of his pyjamas and exited the bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar so that you didn't feel completely alone. Placing a hand on your cheek, you wondered why today, of all days, your heart suddenly decided to skip a beat with every word he said. With every move he made.
It was probably then, that something within you clicked and made you realize that wow, you have a boyfriend.
And you have the privilege of waking up next to him every morning and seeing him smile.
You got out of bed not long after Yuto left the room. The sound of the dishes and sizzling on the stove only made you want to wake up and join him in the kitchen.
When you arrived, Yuto greeted you with a nod towards the coffee brewer, already boiled and ready to serve. On your way to grab a mug, you glanced over his shoulder to see what he was making and sent him an approving smirk.
"Looking good, Yu."
He laughed as you poured yourself a cup of the drink and returned to the table. "Are you talking about me or the food?"
You shrugged. "That's up to you. It could be both, you know."
"Well, you came just in time to eat my beautiful breakfast." He replied and transferred the food onto the plates neatly laid out on the table. His spare hand reached into the drawer behind him to grab the utensils and he handed it over to you. "Time to dig in?"
You puckered your lips slightly as you accepted the food. "Give me a kiss first?"
If the sudden request for affection surprised Yuto, he didn't show it. Instead, he promptly grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a quick kiss on the lips. He tasted like the chapstick he always kept with him — a mix of vanilla and strawberries.
"Another, please." You asked when you separated, eliciting another one of his lighthearted laughs.
"Anything for you, love."
The kiss was deeper this time, and you blindly dropped the fork and spoon somewhere on the empty space of the table in order to wrap your arms around his neck. Beyond the sweetness of his lips, you could taste the lingering mix of morning breath and bitter coffee.
"Yuto," You muttered, breaking the kiss. "Have you brushed your teeth yet?"
"That's..." He averted his gaze. "I'll do it later, I promise. Let's just eat breakfast before it gets cold?"
"Okay, okay, you win." You decided, backing off to pull yourself a chair. "Let's test out your chef skills."
The breakfast was delicious and he beamed when you praised his cooking skills. You found yourself settled right beside Yuto, as opposed to your usual seat directly in front of him. With an arm linked into his (which admittedly made eating a little more difficult for both of you), you stayed close to the warmth of his body. Placed in front of you, carefully balanced against the box of tissues was your phone playing a video that you've been wanting to show him for a long time now.
Already knowing what's going to come next, you spent most of the time watching Yuto's face, catching every reaction and comment he made about the video.
It was the mundane things like these that made you appreciate him — or even the concept of dating — even more. Sure, going out on exciting dates, sharing thrilling memories. But being able to see him do the most normal activities while having him by your side? You believed that was the peak of a relationship.
"You have something on your face." Yuto's voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked at him in confusion. Before you could register his words, a thumb was already wiping your cheek, clearing you of your mess. "There."
"I love you, you know that?" You blurted out the moment you got over the initial shock.
"And I love you more, you know that?" He cocked his head, mimicking your voice.
You buried your face into your hands, unable to handle his cuteness. "Gosh, you're going to be the death of me."
"I'll make sure to take credit at your funeral, then."
You spent the rest of the day trailing Yuto more than you intended to. But you couldn't help it when everything he did made your heart flutter. It felt like the beginning of your relationship all over again. You were amazed when you realized that you could simply ask him for affection and you would just... receive it?
There really was someone in this world who loved you just as much as you loved them. If you asked for a kiss, Yuto would willingly kiss you — this morning was proof of that. And you knew for a fact, that if you hugged him, he would always hug you back. There was hardly a time where he didn't return the "I love you" when you said it to him. And he never forgets to show you just how much you meant to him.
They were all simple things. Things that you'd normally overlook because they were so normal. But at the same time, they were the things you treasured the most.
This concept of dating... was quite a unique one.
"Yuto~" You called out to the boy who, oddly enough, was just standing in the middle of the room, staring out the window. "Can I have a kiss?"
As much as dating piqued your curiosity, you weren't going to complain about how simple it was at its core.
Without asking any questions, Yuto pecked you softly on the cheek, lingering there for an extra moment. You could feel his lips curl up into a smile before he pulled away.
He turned back to the window and squinted his eyes when the sun shone brightly on his face. "The weather's nice today, kinda makes me want to go on a walk."
"I'll come with you!" You offered readily and he perked up at the idea.
"Is that so? Then I guess that's a good incentive to go on a walk." He hummed.
"Of course I'd come with you!" You argued, following him to the front door and slipping a light coat on. "But on one condition."
"And what's that?"
"Let me hold your hand?"
After his shoes were put on, he quietly held out his hand for you to take, and that was enough of an answer.
Later in the evening, the two of you were relaxing on the couch watching a rerun of an old show you've watched far too many times now. But with the comfort of the plot and the way it never failed to make you laugh, neither of you minded.
Yuto let you hug his arm as you played with one of his hands. Like this morning, you found yourself spending more time thinking about him, and the show soon became background noise. You inspected every inch of his hand, placing soft kisses on it once in a while. You thought it was incredible, how every single part of him — both inside and out — could be so beautiful.
"What's up with you today?" He asked playfully when you finally distracted him enough to tear his eyes away from the screen. In the back of your mind, you noticed you were both missing out on one of your favourite scenes. "You've been clingier than usual since morning, did I miss something?"
When you didn't answer right away, Yuto's eyes widened as he suddenly sat straight up. "Wait, I didn't miss something, right?"
You laughed at his reaction and pat his shoulder reassuringly. "There's nothing special happening today, Yu, don't worry. I was just thinking..."
"About?" He relaxed back into the couch and let you pull him into your embrace.
You pondered over how to answer him for a couple of seconds. "About how lucky I am to have you."
"That's it?" He asked, baffled at the simplicity.
"Well, in short, yeah." You hesitantly answered and met his gaze when you felt it burning into you. The look in his eyes was a familiar one; a mix of curiosity and determination as he encouraged you to continue.
"It's normal for me to wake up next to you, and see you go to work, and watch stupid shows together and eat meals together and kiss each other goodnight. I don't normally think twice about all of that. But this morning, I realized that being able to do those things with you is so special and I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend."
"You know," He started thoughtfully and laced the hand you were holding into yours, tracing light patterns with his thumb. "I've never thought about it that way until you mentioned it."
"It puts things in a different perspective, doesn't it?"
Yuto's eyes wandered as he spoke. "It does, and it's a nice reminder to appreciate everything that we have right now."
"Exactly!" You agreed, happy that he understood what you were getting at.
"Is this why you've been exploiting my kisses today then?"
You froze. "Uh, maybe?"
"And to think that I was worried about missing something important." He let out a dramatic sigh.
"Listen, this was important okay!"
"I know, I know." He moved your clasped hands onto his lap, pulling you closer to him. "I'm glad you brought it up, it's a nice thing to think about."
The two of you settled into a comfortable silence to focus on the last few minutes of the show, everything long forgotten until the credits rolled across the screen. Yuto shut off the TV once they did, tired of the mindless entertainment and stretched as you spoke up again.
"So... I can still have another kiss though, right?"
He smiled. "Yes, of course, you can."
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keisurin · 3 years
omg i see ur requests open, could i get a kuroo drabble where he adores you playing with kenma's hair (like putting it in a ponytail) and cutely wish you could do smth like that with him?
#CUTE CUTE CUTE. man this concept is canon, tysm for sending! sorry its a bit long HSHSH
#hair ties -kuroo tetsurou, fluff, gn!reader
#have a request? send here!
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kuroo watched you and kenma chilling on the bleachers of the nekoma volleyball court, kenma stuck on his phone playing against a hard to beat boss, he was too distracted to notice that your hands were even touching his hair, even if he did notice he didn’t mind.
you always had a pack of hair ties on you. kenma’s hair was so soft, he maintains it well and everyone has a habit of touching it. you went creative with his hair, trying a man bun which made him look amazing, even got compliments from fukunaga and tora telling kenma to keep it like that. kenma refused and sighed while he pulled random pieces of his hair down not liking the exposed skin. you laughed and untied his hair before trying another style.
“ne, y/n,” kuroo tilts his head up to face you. you both just got home from a practice match and took a shower. now kuroo rested in between your legs while you both were in bed. “yes tetsu?”
“you have your hair ties?”
you furrowed your eyebrows and smiled, “uh yea, i always do?” he’d point with his eyes, looking up to his hair signing he wanted you to play with his hair, “can you?” “..can i what?” he’s a bit offended. you did it so naturally with kenma, why couldn’t you do the same with him?
“psh i’m joking tetsu, get my bag my things are in there.” kuroo, this 6ft man hops and cheers like a little puppy tossing you your bag. “so first i’m gonna have to comb your hair which i assume you never do,” you joked. you both just took a shower, his hair hasn’t been affected by the bed hair- yet.
he hissed when his hair was pulled whenever you comb out a knot in his hair. “this is why i only do kenma’s hair, the rest of you nekoma boys either have no hair or hair that’s impossible to change the shape.” “hair wasn’t meant to be shaped!” kuroo pouts.
you both actually had a fun time with this. singing along to songs, quoting vines, it was therapeutic. his hair was ready to style and you moved in front to face him. you had some fun making weird hairstyles.
the iconic 90′s boy middle parting/curtain hair. he checked how he looked and physically gagged. “hey this is similar to kenma’s hair!” you bonked his head. “i look like a divorced professor who overworks his students.”
a man bun? he digged the style, would do it again. a low ponytail? he felt like a butler. not in a good way. but honestly he didn’t care about what hairstyle it was, you were so gentle with him, he could call asleep. you were excited to try the aesthetic bangs in braids on him- he looked ridiculous. every hairstyle ended with a laugh. still, he thought you were so cool for being able to make all these.
pigtails? you both wheezed at each other. “what is this?!” kuroo had his hyena laugh on. “you look adorable tetsu!” “i look like a poor reaction of gretel from hansel and gretel, please.”
“let me do your hair!” kuroo made you sit down as he took two hairties. “do you have the facilities for that big man?” you asked, worried you were about to be scalped. “i have an older sister, yes i do.”
he poorly tied on some loose pigtails for you so that you’d match him. “oh gosh,” you covered your mouth. “A for effort right?” kuroo smirked. “A for how much my head hurts for such loose ties?”
you both laughed it off and looked at all of the dorky selfies for all of the hairstyles you did on him. all of those photos going onto your social media, people wish they had a relationship like yours.
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gen taglist: @tanakaslastbraincell @indecisivehusky @mint-mai @yafriendlyfangirl @blana @franko-pop @lovekawas @graykageyama @koutayoomi @waitforitillwritemywayout @camcam1617 @amberalisa @kiraakaashi @strawberrymarshallow @sunakissses @itsaboutmexthem @softiebadbitch @kac-chowsballs @kittygrrrrl @vhskenma @neoheros @ilikefictionalboysandcandles
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Many people claim second is either time traveling Bakugou or like fore father or smth because... Well look at him. Whats your take on it?
The worst thing about Tumblr is that the search blog function is so non existent that I can't even be sure you didn't try to see my opinion about this before asking, so I can't even blame you, but... Well:
This was my reaction to people continuing to suggest Bakugo was Second after we learned Yoichi's name
This was my reaction to a "reincarnated second" Bakugo ask
This was me making fun of the time travel theory by explaining that Ponytail Uraraka could actually be Third
And this was a post where I mentioned that I'm basically neutral on Bakugo as a whole because I really like some of his arc and his interactions, especially the remedial course arc, but that I really don't like him involved with the OfA plot line and feel it detracts from both he and Izuku
Ok. Let's go deeper then, and hopefully make this the last post I have to make on this subject.
tldr of the read more: I don't like Second as Bakugo and I actually think that the chances of Second as Bakugo's ancestor went down after the events of this week's chapter
So, I did see a lot of bak-u-go and I finally put my finger on why I hated it so much, (BESIDES the fact that I just do not think Horikoshi has done the set up for time travel in general or Bakugo in particular. Look, izuku should have told us already if Second was Bakugo. It just doesn't make sense for him to be, functionally) and instead of posting it on tumblr and dealing with people actually, like, seeing and reacting to it I just told two friends why I didn't like it thematically in a group chat. The text of my message is pasted bellow:
"So, like, even if Bakugo grows up and yeets back in time and somehow izuku doesn't recognize him with a little face scar which seems VERY UNLIKELY to me EVEN IF, then it COMPELETELY makes First's supposition pointless
the thing WASNT "second extended a hand to someone connected to and hurt by afo and freed first even tho he was nemisis, which is why izuku should extend a hand to tomura"
INSTEAD it was "Baku2 extended a hand to first because he ALREADY KNEW afo's brother was a hero and it would help all might and co and there was ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH, NO GOODWILL, NO OPTIMISTIC COMPASSION involved because baku2 KNEW what would happen and wasn't even really making a CHOICE so much as following the plan"
ahem. anyway thematically it is bad As Well as being functionally bad
is,,, bad theory,,,, i have nine very good Seconds, why would i want no Second and just dealing with bakugo more,,,
So yeah, that's my take on Baku2- it replaces the potential actual character of Second (who is someone I love exploring in many different ways) with a character we already have. And I don't hate the character, but when I'm thinking about OfA Stuff? I don't want him there! I just can't bring myself to care about Bakugo as Second. If I want to have fun with Bakugo, and I sometimes do, I have him go train and develope menteeship with Nejire. I give him some Dadzawa. I have him develop friendships and better himself with the remedial team. Getting rid of a character I like to cast Bakugo in Second's place? The least fun thing I can think of! I just don't want to do it. Have fun, write it yourself, and tag it properly so that I don't have to see it.
Ok. You also mentioned Bakugo as Second's descendent. Honestly, it's possible, but I think it's less likely now. Second has spikey hair but it looks just as much like Dabi's as it does Bakugo's. It's just how Hori draws spikey hair. They don't even have the same style, since Second has an undercut and his hair is shaded darker than Bakugo's. I also don't think that Second is going to have an explosive quirk, because Third just got one! Third's Fa Jin quirk "builds up kinetic energy and use that energy to release an explosive burst of power."
What would be the point of Izuku getting an explosion quirk from Second? It wouldn't make sense with the actual quirk lineage Bakugo has from his parents if they were trying to go that route, and frankly it's just like the Baku2 Problem: I already know how Explosion works! It's not interesting to me! I don't want to miss out on a new fun quirk just to see one I already know again.
I want Second to have a mental quirk, that's my first pick. A lighting quirk would be fine too since I really wanted Sixth to have one but then he got a stealth one so I guess I don't need Second to have a stealth quirk anymore. *Glances at Vaneer.*
Anyway so maybe Third with spikey hair that actually matches Bakugo's color is his ancestor. Maybe Second is. They both have the build of their costumes in a way that reminds of Bakugo's summer and winter hero costumes. Maybe neither of them are. I don't really care that much, because... I don't think Second likes Bakugo. I don't think he liked him at the start, and I don't think he likes him now. I'll quote a friend who actually brought this topic up before I could, and whom I agree with:
Friend: Someone asked me "Okay but what about Second being Bakugou's ancestor?" So, I had to refrain from answering "Well, if you want, but Second would probably be disgusted by Bakugou. He is a guy who sacrificed everything so some asshole with a strong quirk wouldn't do whatever he wants. What do you think he would think of Bakugou?"
Me: you're stronger than me i would have answered that and then gotten a dozen angry messages back like 'uhhhh but but hes CHANGED now if second can 'forgive' a toothpick of a man who never actually did anything to hurt him and was only considered a target because of a relative, aka bc of his genetics, then surely he'd forgive bakugo for uh activlely harming izuku bc of his genetics and openly mocking the past holder's pain, fight, and strength in a meeting he acted too good for!'
So I don't think Second would like Bakugo for those reasons, but also another one- he's naïve. Second didn't like Izuku trying to "save to win" Shigaraki, he thought it was foolish. I don't think he'd like Bakugo's "fight to win" focus either, because to him it wasn't "fight to win." It was "fight to survive" and I don't think that for a single moment he thought he'd 'win' because he was 'a hero' and 'heroes always win and villains always lose and that's why I want to be a hero.' there's a reason he didn't want Bakugo to keep OfA either, and it wasn't just because of a very circumstantial theory some vestiges have based off a sample size of two with absolutely no way to check other variables said that maybe it would kill a holder if they had another quirk.
Has Bakugo grown since those views? Sure. Do I think he's still naïve? Yeah. Do I think Second would see that growth of his, or even care? No. I don't.
I don't think Second hates Bakugo. I just don't think he likes him either. His opinion, I think, probably is similar to my own: "he's a kid who can really grow and be great... And I just don't want him anywhere near OfA buisness."
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
i was only musing about biker au but you know what consider this your formal biker au! poly chaeya request. don’t let your biker bf dreams be dreams
i- HAHA, it got too long so i had to make a cut
I'm going to make ch💙ya established in this au because i do what i wAnt
Them being in different gangs but still working together/ hanging out/ having sex. We stan
No to loose plot for this au yet, just me going of
Methinks, Mondstadt is one bike gang and Liyue another and like the Fatui ? But idk if i see anyone else as bikers yet
But xiao on a bike? Stan. My heart? 💓 (i haven’t met xiao ingame but that one fanart on him on a bike almost got me simping)
I like to think Kaeya and Childe does what they want mostly, like bike gangs usually they just get together to ride somewhere it's really chill
Childe owns like so many bikes dude he's so fucking rich he can have any bike under the sun
But his favourites are sports bikes. Like I just see him adoring his Ducatis
His second and third favourites are dual sports bikes and cruisers
Kaeya heavily prefers cruisers. Just because he's chill like that
Like have you see those thighs???? He doesn't just get them from any old bike mdudes
Also enjoys naked bikes and touring bikes uwu but prolly has a scooter or smth for the memes
“yeah, I ride” and brings his a Vespa or smth in his full leather get up HAHHAHA
His main cruiser,, the engine fucking purrs it’s just right. kinda like a deep rumble, like you can hear it coming and going but once it’s out of earshot it leaves you with this feeling
Kaeya also being a little handy? Like he can take a look at his and Childe’s bike and kinda know what’s wrong, when to change something etc.
You guys....... sweaty Kaeya half dressed, hair up in a bun, working on his bike and with little grease smeared on his face and hands because he’s just been so focused on fixing up his bike-
Childe stumbles in to grab something and instantly is hard
Childe enjoys washing and polishing the bikes, will wash and polish Kaeya’s bikes before he does his too because he’s just sweet like that
Mmmmm wet Childe from washing the bikes, Kaeya will seduce the moment he sees, doesn’t even care if Childe is finished or not
If this AU has like some plot or smth idk yet but them being a brains and brawns duo? Like Kaeya plotting stuff and Childe beating the shit out people??? Yeah, I’d like that dynamic on them
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 them taking turns driving each other? so they can snuggle and relax while the other enjoys being held. quality date right there  
Childe’s guilty pleasure is to have Kaeya drive him while he snuggles. He loves the thrill of riding but nothing can beat being close to Kaeya like this
Childe loves helping Kaeya remove his helmet and giving him chaste kisses to his lips, nose, cheeks
Deep inside the speed demon, he really is just a soff boi enjoying some quality time with his bf doing their favourite thing together
Can,,, can you just imagine the two of them in leather jackets and tight jenas i- erotic as hell
Childe very obviously stares and Kaeya whenever they go out riding together and Kaeya always puts on the tightest fucking jeans that show off his thighs good shit
Hi, hello, welcome to my high ponytail Kaeya agenda 
The sexual tension of this fucking AU.......... The potENtIAL I want these two to have the time of their livES
He has to take extra of his hair too because helmet hair is not cute so he finds different ways to tie it up and stuff 
Kaeya totes have different eye patches to match his outfit too like ok chill damn extra much
Anyways, Childe is a speed demon, the adrenaline he gets from riding fast and reckless? He needs that daily dose of blood rushing in his veins
Has the most feral fucking look after too and fucks Kaeya into oblivion after
Sex on the bike? Sex on the fucking bike babes!!!!
Kaeya riding Childe while they’re on the bike i-
Kaeya being extra good at riding because of his cruising skills too? mmF
He has so much like friction burns on his thighs because they can never take off their clothes in time before fucking like is2g
Childe cannot ride cruisers without thinking of Kaeya and Kaeya makes it his life goal to burn it into his brain and get Childe to the point of erection every time he’s on his cruisers
They swap jackets too whenever they go on long riding journeys without each other
Childe has more than once rutted against his cruisers to the thought of Kaeya
Fucking shameless too!!! Takes a pictures and sends the aftermath to Kaeya
I live for bottom Kaeya knowing he just does things to Childe while he being completely fine. Like he won’t go on his cruiser and immediately think of Childe, he still can enjoy the feeling of riding a bike? But Childe every time he uses his cruisers he gets Kaeya brain rot
Kaeya 100% gives Childe hand jobs whenever Childe rides AHAH Childe might be soft for Kaeya’s rides but Kaeya gets off of the adrenaline from the speed and just exerts it this way
Also the thrill of the speed + being potentially caught while his giving a handjob on the road + Childe losing focus on the road??? 
Kaeya won’t let Childe crash but the thrill......... sends shivers down his spine
i- not me getting carried away w ch💙ya biker hcs and forgetting this is a poly request (i do not see)
you can ride a bike too if you want uwu. but if you don’t, they’d love to have you ride behind them
They thinks it’s cute when you have to hold onto them. You can do two things
1, you don’t hold onto them for support, instead hold onto something else for support lmAO. They’d be so offended HAHAHHAHA
2, you can put your little hands up or down their clothes while you’re holding them for a fun little good them
Childe, the little shit, speeds up the moment you’re safely secure on the seat just to hear you scream and hold onto him tightly
Kaeya prefers slow rides late at night, where you can put your head on his shoulder and hold him tight, smth chill, sometimes y’all can talk
His cruiser,,,,, you know it just sends the nicest vibrations just right ;)
Childe’s rides are more no chill, more like completely no chill at all
If you’re the type that gets off from fast nerve wrecking rides then the adrenaline will also lead to feral sex after too
If you ride too!!! the three of you just picking a quiet route to speed through the night on? then stopping somewhere to just vibe and talk and stuff
Thinks its so fucking sexy that you’re into bikes too like you’re sexy on your own but having the same passion as them??? 
Sad though that all three of you can’t be on the same bike? But that’s ok, y’all just take turns being the one on the back
If you don’t ride, but have an interest in learning!!! Childe will throw himself at the chance to teach you 
Is actually? Surprisingly??? A really good instructor? Like for a speed demon he’s really safe and tells you all the safety tips and all
It’s his natural care giving side 🥺🥺🥺 he wants you to be safe before you guys go anything doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
Kaeya if you approach him to learn he’s really sweet about it too
Him being able to balance your body weight and the bike no problem while you try to get used to the weight of the bike and balancing
His thighs could just crush you mAN
You cannot get away from bike sex man, if you refuse, literally swap with me 
They’ll try to convince you though, they’ll always find a way to do it at least once
I reckon they’d start with having you on your knees and blowing them while they lean against their bike then fucking you against it
Hopefully, it’ll open up the idea of having sex on the bike!!!!
Kaeya giving you tips on how to ride Childe while you’re riding him as he’s straddling his cruiser
Childe pins you lying on the seat of the bike while he pounds into you
Them taking you to quiet spots a little out of town to fuck your brains out (or ya know to talk and see the sunrise and stuff)
It’s always the prettiest places too, a little secluded, but very worth every effort to get there
Like they make it so romantic too?? Not sure if it’s the atmosphere or just them but it always steals your breath away
Ugh rides near the beach where you can hear the waves, the purr of the engines and the sounds of their laughter. I’m so WeAk
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stiltonbasket · 3 years
but ALSO okay so first of all thank you so much for the ficlets so far they are Adorable and i love them so much. second of all i am so glad you opened prompts again bcuz. i have. smth ive been wanting to read for a WHILE. so. prompt: junior generation post-canon, they all have super high standards for romantic partners cuz they spend time with Super Lovey Dovey WangXian. not like jiang cheng's List but smth a la Tenille Arts's Somebody Like That iykwim
i hope its not too late to insert a detail to my prompt!!! (i ran outta chara space in the og prompt message and then forgot ^^" ) but theres just one thing!! i really wanna see!!!! in the wangxian spoiling each other bit!!!!! (and the juniors being all That is Love Why Should We Settle For Less) -- i want lan zhan walkin around at one point with his hair in a braid and flowers braided in!!! and if asked he gets all soft and looks at it and is like "wei ying did it" ahhh i love the image <3
can anybody find me (somebody to love)
by stiltonbasket
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?” 
(Or, the one where Jin Rulan visits the Cloud Recesses, contemplates his love life, and gets a new point of view on the Lan sect's taxation policy.)
Jin Ling is seventeen the year his dajiu marries Hanguang-jun, and finally gives Jin Ling the right to call Lan Sizhui his cousin. Sizhui’s always been his cousin, of course—they’ve been cousins since Jin Ling was born, even if neither of them knew it—but he couldn’t say so, because that would mean telling everyone that Sizhui was born a Wen. And telling everyone that Sizhui was a Wen would lead to terrible things, so Jin Ling keeps his mouth shut until after his dajiu’s wedding.
“You could just say that he was born to us during the Sunshot Campaign!” Wei Wuxian laughed, when he finally heard why Jin Ling wanted him to hurry up and take his three bows with Hanguang-jun. “Half the cultivation world already thinks he’s ours, anyway.”
But regardless of whether he could call Sizhui his biao-ge in public, Sizhui is first and foremost a very dear friend; and so are Lan Jingyi and A-Qing and Ouyang Zizhen, though Jin Ling’s best friend is probably Zizhen, just like Sizhui’s is Jingyi. He visits them in Gusu as often as he can, since all of them save Zizhen live there, and even Zizhen hangs around the Cloud Recesses more often than not. 
“Don’t you have a clan of your own?” Jin Ling frowns, when he visits his dajiu around midsummer to find the younger boy eating xiaolongbao in the jingshi’s new kitchen. “How come you’re still here, A-Zhen? The lectures ended weeks ago!”
“I’m almost sixteen,” Zizhen yawns, reaching for a shallow dish of black vinegar and soaking a salted mushroom in it. “Father says I’m old enough to go where I like, and Lan-xiansheng said I could keep studying with the Lan disciples as long as I stayed.”
“You’re just here for the food,” grumbles Jin Ling. His dajiu is a good cook when he doesn’t cover everything in chili peppers, and Jiujiu once told him in confidence that Wei-dajiu’s food was the closest Jin Ling would ever get to having his mother’s. But a steaming plate of xiaolongbao lands in front of Jin Ling before he can really start thinking about that, and then his baby cousin crawls into his lap and steals one of the soup dumplings.
“Ling-gege pays taxes,” three-year-old Lan Yu says serenely, poking a hole in the xiaolongbao and sucking out the broth. “Xiao-Yu can have one more?”
“Taxes?” Jin Ling stares at him. “What in the world does he mean?”
Wei Wuxian laughs and comes back over to give him another succulent soup dumpling to replace the one Xiao-Yu stole. “He’s pretending to be the sect leader,” he explains, ruffling Jin Ling’s hair on his way back to the stove. “And he found out about tax management this morning, since Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge are thinking about lifting the luxury tax on goods from some of the minor sects. But A-Yu thinks taxes are presents for the sect leader, so…”
“One more bao tax for xiao-Lan-zongzhu!” Xiao-Yu says imperiously, holding out his chubby hands. “Ling-gege give, please?”
“That is not polite, Xiao-Yu,” Hanguang-jun scolds, sweeping into the kitchen with A-Yuan and Jingyi behind him and A-Qing bringing up the rear. He lifts Xiao-Yu into his arms and sits him down on the bench next to Zizhen, and then he reaches up for a stack of patterned bowls and passes them around to the others. 
Jin Ling still hasn’t gotten used to eating at the Chief Cultivator’s table, even if Hanguang-jun is technically his uncle now. Sometimes Hanguang-jun even does the cooking, and feeds Wei-dajiu with his own chopsticks while everyone else watches, and then Jin Ling tries to choke himself to death on the bamboo shoots in his yan du xian before deciding that Lanling can’t afford to lose the first decent zongzhu it’s had since his great-grandfather’s time. 
“I wish I was married,” Ouyang Zizhen sighs dreamily, resting his cheek on his hand as Xiao-Yu tries to steal his dumplings next. On his other side, A-Qing’s cheeks flush crimson, and she stares resolutely down at her hands while Hanguang-jun offers her a plate of savory vegetables. “It looks so nice, Wei-qianbei.”
“It is nice,” Wei-dajiui winks—and oh, gross, because Hanguang-jun is blushing now, and staring at Wei Wuxian as if he’s the most amazing thing in the world. “Marrying Lan Zhan is the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“Mm,” Hanguang-jun says quietly, putting a heaping spoonful of potato congee into his husband’s bowl. “Wei Ying is the best thing that happened to me, too.”
Ouyang Zizhen wails. 
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?”
“What, you want an arranged marriage?” Wei-dajiu frowns. “ I never went through the process myself—” and Hanguang-jun reaches out and squeezes Wei-dajiu’s waist, as if even thinking about Wei-dajiu seeing a matchmaker was too much— “and I don’t really know anyone who did, since Yunmeng’s a lot freer about these things. Are you sure, Jingyi?”
“I’m not asking for a matchmaker,” Jingyi says, tossing his long ponytail over his shoulder. “I want to know what to look for if my love of a lifetime comes along. So what were you looking for?”
“Nothing when I was your age, A-Yi. I thought I would spend my whole life at Lotus Pier, and marry one of the shijies or shimeis who liked me. But then I met Lan Zhan, and…”
And then his ideal became Hanguang-jun, Jin Ling finishes, chewing on a mouthful of mustard greens. Everyone knows that, Jingyi!
Unfortunately, the conversation doesn’t end there. It goes on for the better part of an hour, and all through the course of coconut pudding Hanguang-jun made for dessert, and Jin Ling can’t even leave because that would be rude, and the food is too good to pass up even if Ouyang Zizhen wants to ask about kissing now.
“How old is old enough to have your first kiss?” he inquires, while Lan Sizhui giggles into his hands and elbows Zizhen to make him stop. “I’m sixteen, so is that too young?”
“I was thirty-eight when I first kissed Wei Ying,” Hanguang-jun says dryly. “I would advise patience, unless Ouyang-gongzi already has a beloved one in mind.”
Jin Ling wants to die. Why is his extended family like this?
“Pudding tax,” Xiao-Yu announces from his lap. “Ling-gege, can A-Yu have a bite?”
“I’m Sect Leader Jin, though. I don’t have to pay you taxes.”
Xiao-Yu gives him a serious little nod before turning to Sizhui. “Yuan-gege, pay pudding taxes.”
“You’ve had enough pudding,” Sizhui scolds; and indeed, the dishes are mostly empty now, except for the serving bowls in the middle of the table. “Come on, A-Yu. Let’s go visit the rabbits.”
They end up at the rabbit field about ten minutes later, after Jingyi and Sizhui help Hanguang-jun with the dishes. Jin Ling thinks it must make a very strange picture: after all, one doesn’t often see three Lan juniors, one Ouyang sect heir, one Jin sect leader, and one Lan baby lying in the grass with bunnies climbing over them. But the peace and quiet is beautifully welcome after the political unrest in Lanling and the dog food in Wei-dajiu’s tiny kitchen, so Jin Ling closes his eyes and settles down for a nap with a small white rabbit on his chest. 
“I think Shufu was right,” he hears A-Qing say. “There’s no point in having a list of requirements. Look at what happened to Jiang-zongzhu.”
“His first list was terrible, though,” Zizhen objects. “And he’s going to be married by next spring, so it worked for him in the end. After he fixed his requirements, I mean.”
“Gossipping is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses,” Sizhui says tranquilly. “And what Father meant was that having a list means you might miss your fated one when they come along, so it’s best to think about what you want, instead of what your beloved should be.”
“I’d like it if my wife liked to eat my cooking,” sighs Zizhen—he’s an excellent cook, too, and Jin Ling knows for a fact that A-Qing’s favorite food is the shrimp and water spinach Zizhen’s mother taught him to make. “Then I could cook, and she could wash our children’s hands and bring them to the kitchen when I was done, and we would all eat together.”
“I think I’d like a husband who knew how to do my hair,” A-Qing says, not even trying to be subtle. Jin Ling has seen the combs Zizhen keeps giving her, even if they’re far too young for a courtship, and Zizhen is always the first to offer assistance whenever A-Qing’s hair falls out of its bun. “Even a plain bun is too hard for me, since my hair’s so bushy.”
Zizhen nearly drops his rabbit. “Oh,” he whispers, blushing so hard that his neck turns red. “That’s good!”
Jin Ling wants to die. He can’t stand visiting Lotus Pier because his jiujiu is obviously courting, even if he won’t say he is, and now he’s going to have to watch A-Qing and Zizhen flirt until Zewu-jun and Ouyang-zongzhu give them permission to get married. 
“What about you, Jingyi?”
“Huh? Oh, I want to marry someone who won’t mind how loud I am,” Jingyi shrugs. “Or someone even louder than me, so we can make trouble together. A-Yuan?”
“I haven’t really thought about it, actually,” Sizhui sighs. “I’m Zewu-jun’s heir, so I have to get married, but I’m not sure if I want to.”
A moment of silence. 
“Then you won’t have to,” Jin Ling says. Everyone stares at him. “Zewu-jun didn’t get married, and Hanguang-jun wouldn’t have if Wei-dajiu didn’t come back to life. You can just choose an heir born to one of your cousins, since Jingyi was going to inherit the sect before Hanguang-jun adopted you.”
The others swoop in to assure Sizhui that no one’s going to make him get married, and Jin Ling folds his arms behind his head and wonders if his biao-ge could possibly be like Zewu-jun: a yi xin yi shen, whole in heart and body, who eschewed marriage in favor of cultivation. It would explain a lot, Jin Ling thinks, because even he knows what it feels like when someone makes his heart beat fast and his face turn pink, and Sizhui’s never felt that way. 
(Jin Ling tries not to think of Nie-zongzhu’s hot-tempered archivist, who knocked him into the dust with her saber the last time he visited Qinghe and then told him he had pretty eyes. Nie Shiyong is a few years older than him, and he usually ends up nursing several new bruises each time he meets her, but Jin Ling is man enough to admit to himself that he likes her. Maybe.)
“Xiao-Yu is sleepy,” little A-Yu says, interrupting his embarrassing train of thought before it can go any further. “Yuan-gege, I have a nap?”
“You can just sleep here,” Jingyi suggests. “The grass is soft enough, right? And you can use one of us for a pillow.”
“Jingyi,” Sizhui chides, and Jin Ling hears the long grass rustling as his cousin gets to his feet. “Come on, A-Yu. I’ll take you home to A-Niang.”
“No need,” someone else says; and that’s Hanguang-jun’s voice, coming up the hill from the direction of the jingshi. “I am here. A-Yu, come.”
Jin Ling scrambles up to greet his uncle by marriage (sect leader or not, jiujiu would kill him if he greeted the Chief Cultivator from the ground) and then he reels back and blinks in surprise, because Hanguang-jun’s hair is up in a loose braid instead of a half-topknot, and somebody seems to have decorated the braid with a row of half-bloomed lotus flowers. 
“Wei Ying did it,” Hanguang-jun says, with a small, soft smile that makes Sizhui and the others gasp. “He will do the same for your hair, too, if you ask.”
And then he lifts Xiao-Yu up into his arms and carries him away, leaving Jin Ling still frozen mid-bow with Jingyi and Zizhen gaping behind him.
“I think what Hanguang-jun meant is that the first requirement for marriage is love,” Lan Sizhui remarks, when Jin Ling finally snaps his mouth shut. “And that no matter what we want, or think we want, we shouldn’t settle for less.”
(Jin Ling is the first of his friends to marry, and he never forgets his biao-ge’s advice until the end of his days.)
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59writes · 3 years
if you’re reading this as like an actual fic: first of all I’m sorry. how did you end up here. it’s most definitely 2 am go to bed. this fic was literally made because of a fucking uquiz about “ what kpop boy are you enemies to lovers with”
second of all, ignore any chess mistakes. idk I know legit fuckall about chess, my brother just always bitches about it whenever I want to stop playing because I just have my king left or smth like that because I know I’ve lost. mf reads chess books.
like look: I UNDERSTAND the game and how it works, and the idea that you have to think ahead and plan. but I’m adhd as shit and there’s no such thing as time or planning. ergo, I suck. like I SUCK. I feel like if I applied myself I’d be great but fuck that. I’m a bad chess player and y’all gotta deal.
third: I mention League Of Legends at one point. I’m so cringe yes shut up ok but I’ve been special interest-ing League for several months now and I need to let you know that Josh, y/n, and Jeonghan play a mean jungler/adc/support combo (respectively). I have so many more headcanons typed in my draft or whatever but I know nobody wants to see it so
anyways pls enjoy this train wreck of a fic lol
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If you had known playing chess would have led to this bullshit, you never would have started playing in the first place.
You wouldn’t have worked your ass off, wouldn’t have pored through strategy books and watched live-streamed games, wouldn’t have competed for months to become an official grandmaster. Absolutely not. None of that hard work and pride deserved to be wasted on Yoon Jeonghan.
Thanks to your exceptional academics and study habits, as well as your headlining pursuits in chess, private schools crawled to your front door and begged for you to give them money just so they could brag about having you as arm candy. You didn’t care. It was free scholarships, a chance to leave your tiny town, a chance to start anew with people just like you. If you were lucky, they wouldn’t know your fame status, or would be used to the junk by now. Some would probably be even more popular than you.
So you grabbed a paper, scribbled a signature on, and packed your bags.
You had picked an academy for the arts, as logic games apparently counted as one. They figured they could do something with your whimsical essay writing as well, submit you in scholastic contests. It didn’t matter. You were free, and there to play some goddamn chess.
They had a hardcore club there, meeting daily on weekdays and occasionally for casual play on the weekends. Everyone there was excellent, all clever players with quick logic and a competitive edge that you hadn’t seen in a while. It was refreshing, but still not enough of a challenge.
You swept the floor with your classmates, and rose to the top of the club’s rankings within a week.
Of course you lost games here and there, as everyone did, but for the most part any game you began was imbalanced from the beginning. Your opponent could at best only defend themselves, only able to pick off pawns or bait bishops that inevitably ended in a brutal checkmate.
You were top of the class, and for once it took some effort. You felt like you’d earned something, and you were actually interacting with serious chess players who wanted to learn, not fawn over your work. They played fair and every game was fun.
That was until the blond bitch came in.
He sauntered into the class about a month after you’d hit the top of the leaderboard, long blond hair tied back in a neat and slick ponytail. You barely noticed, immersed in a game with another boy, Joshua. You studied the board as your opponent looked up, grinning wildly.
“Jeonghan!” He called out, waving at the other boy.
Jeonghan’s ponytail whipped across his shoulder as he turned, matching Josh’s smile with a killer beam of his own and jogging over.
“‘Shua!” He chirped, playfully wrapping an arm around Joshua’s neck, strangling him while his other hand smooshed Josh’s hair around.
You watched them wrestle for a second before clearing your throat. “Josh, your move.”
“Aw shit.” Josh says, wrestling Jeonghan’s arm away from his shoulder. “Back to the ass kicking.”
You grin. “If you hadn’t made that dumb move literally third turn in-“
“Hey! We are NOT talking about that!”
You snort and glance at Jeonghan, who’s gone quiet, studying the board. He crouches down and whispers in Josh’s ear, both of them scanning the board. Josh finally nods, pushing one of his pawns forward.
“What was that about, Hong?” You ask, capturing said pawn with a neat L from your knight.
“Nothing.” He replies sweetly, while Jeonghan smirks.
“Sure it wasn’t.”
Josh doesn’t reply. The rest of the game is tensely quiet, interrupted only by Jeonghan murmuring into Joshua’s ear every few minutes, a devil on his shoulder.
But it was fine, you were ahead by a few pieces, your bishops slowly inching towards a checkmate. The next move was it, the game in the bag.
And then your queen is gone.
Jeonghan takes the liberty of removing it from the board with a proud smile while Joshua cackles.
The game doesn’t last much longer, soon the both of you down to just pawns and your king, and then just the kings. A draw.
And let’s be honest here: Joshua kinda sucks at chess.
Josh counted it as a victory, though, hitting Jeonghan with a high five that echoed around the classroom like a firecracker. The boys talked briefly while you set up the board again for the next duo and packed your bag, ready to head to your dorm for a much-needed nap.
You wave to Joshua and turn to go, only making it a few steps before someone grabs your wrist. You whip around, ready to tell them off, only to be met with Jeonghan interrupting whatever swear you were about to say with a sharp smile.
“I’m playing you on Monday.”
He lets go of your wrist and turns around, resuming his talk with Josh as if nothing happened.
Rubbing your wrists ruefully, you headed home.
Of course, his bullshit didn’t stop there.
You did, in fact, play him on Monday. He had you cornered within five minutes.
The next time, in four.
He gathered a crowd a few games in. Every time you’d meet his gaze he’d smirk, eyes brimming with some sort of superiority that made you furious, always endlessly cool and calm. He’d flick his hair over his shoulder every so often, even stopping to talk to spectators while you puzzled over the board, trying to hide your stress.
You were second place by Wednesday.
“You cheated.”
Jeonghan just raises a brow.
“Put the rook back.” You growl, firm.
“Sorry?” He ignores your request, instead poking at one of your previously captured pawns he has resting on the table next to him. “Can you move? I’ve almost got checkmate.”
“My rook, Yoon.” You hold out your hand. “Give it back, or put it back yourself. H6.”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you resign? If we were using a timer you’d have been disqualified sometime last week.”
It’s taking every ounce of self control to not slap the living shit out of the smug bastard. “Jeonghan, if you don’t-“
“How’s the game going here?” The chess club leader had made her way to your table, grinning widely upon seeing her favorite students.
Jeonghan smiles kindly at her while you curl in on yourself, trying not to explode. “It’s fine, Ms. Lee. Almost done with this one.”
“Are you missing a piece? Looks like the black rook-“
“Must have fallen off the table.” Jeonghan chirps, ducking under the table and returning with the piece in hand. He sets it with the rest of his captured black army, sending a thumbs up at Ms. Lee. “Thanks for noticing, we don’t need to lose any more pieces.” It’s an innocent sentence, but it makes you turn a boiling red. Lose a piece, my ass.
“Well played, both of you.” She replies, patting Jeonghan on the head fondly before walking off. The blond rolls his eyes, ducking his head so Ms. Lee can’t see.
“Jeonghan, you asshole.” You hiss as soon as Ms. Lee is out of earshot. “I saw you take it out of your pocket, you lying-“
“If you’re not moving, I’m going to.” Jeonghan replies, moving his bishop forward to capture your queen. “Checkmate. Good game.”
You can only gape as he grabs your hand to shake it and walks off, approaching Joshua.
That was when you really knew you hated him.
You studied his games from then on, partially to learn, partially to gather evidence. If he was cheating this consistently with other players, you could definitely get him kicked out of the club and subsequently your life once competition season started, as well as learn and potentially steal his strategies.
Infuriatingly, though, every single game he played besides the hellish ones with you were completely fair. No pieces being slipped into his thin hands when nobody was looking, no clock taps that discreetly took a few seconds from his opponent’s timer. Even with Josh, who he was best buddies with: not even a joking steal or a prank of any kind.
It was just with you.
Every single game you played together, he managed to do something to piss you off, if not blatantly cheat. If it was one of the days you had spectators, his harassment would come in the form of heavy looks and obnoxious “I’m waiting”-esque moves: tapping his nails on the desk, raising a brow, checking his watch.
And if you were alone, you basically had to glue your pieces down to the board to stop them from slipping their way into his pockets. It was obvious when he did it, too, always sending you a smile, too innocent.
It was infuriatingly adorable how proud he was of his nasty behavior. And he was focused too: none of his other opponents got the thought and effort he put into outwitting you and attempting to steal things without you noticing. As much as you hated him, you had to admire it.
Which is why it was so hard to finally draw a line and refuse to play with him anymore.
Though he shrugged when you put your foot down, his dark eyes watched you the rest of that club session. Every time you caught him, he held your gaze for a moment before looking away and resuming cheerfully animated conversation with his opponent.
God, how was he so easily likeable?
He respected your decision, though, and didn’t even attempt to talk to you. It was genuinely polar and strange, and it made you lost in thought as the months passed.
You almost missed the absence of anger, as stupid as it was. School had always been boring and simple, and chess with Jeonghan was the only thing to have made you frustrated in a long time, to have truly challenged you in a long time.
Even when you buckled down on trying to get him out of your head, he seemed to follow- being friends with Joshua (and honestly most of the other club members) almost always devolved into chats about the club and “why aren’t you playing Jeonghan anymore?”. Josh often suggested playing video games with the two of them, and you had to refuse (although playing League with Josh was so fun).
It was lonely.
Stupid Jeonghan.
Finally, tournament season started.
Following (what was apparently) club tradition, the entire team dyed their hair between practices. You settled with a simple streak of blue that was stolen from Josh (he went completely teal, the madman).
The next day, Jeonghan came to practice with his blond ponytail gone, replaced by a dark brown undercut, hair bluntly chopped to end around his jaw.
Unfortunately, it suited him.
He saved a blond spot for a bit of Josh’s blue, however, and Josh dyed it for him in the middle of the clubroom, laughing the whole time. They’d planned it, clearly, as you were pretty sure Josh didn’t just carry around dye in his backpack.
Which means he knew you two would match when he did your hair.
It was confirmed by an apologetic shrug when you cornered him while he threw away the dye-stained gloves.
“Give him a chance, please y/n?”
“Hong Jisoo. You know how I feel about that dumbass-“
“Why are you so insistent on having us talk again? He’s a two-faced-“
“y/n, you’d like him. He’s funny, and genuinely nice. I don’t know why he was acting like that with you, but that was almost three months ago. Give him a chance.”
“You should be glad I like you, you stupid fucking rat.”
Josh laughs as you walk away, fuming.
Unfortunately, you did like that stupid fucking rat, and so when he offered dinner after an out-of-state tournament (he pinky swore he’d pay) you finally gave in.
Jeonghan coming?
lol yea
that ok?
not rlly
I’ll give him a chance tho
:D thank u
you owe me
I’m buying ur food :(
josh we r literally getting fast food
you owe me
lol k >:)
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