#i could def add more to this but working on it is starting to kill me so im done now
charmallows · 6 months
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tender loving care ❤
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ashoss · 3 months
I have some ideas regards PJO x DC
Steph and Tim:
I love the idea of Tim or Steph being mortal and struggling to feel of any value when their predecessors were the kids of gods.
But like it only works if one of them is Mortal because I feel like Tim won’t feel out of place for long enough before Steph comes around to maximise angst potential (if my understanding of the timeline is correct) And Steph probs wouldn’t feel inferior mortality wise if Tim is also Mortal.
Like it’s gottta be one or the other if you get what I’m saying.
I love the idea that Duke is mortal but still a Meta so he doesn’t feel as out of place with his powers because it’s normal in the world of Gods and maybe as a result the kids know how to help him. But he has to adjust to the idea that they exist and some of the bad guys they fight that may look like mob members aren’t they’re monsters and at first he can’t see that but then eventually he learns to see through the mist using his powers somehow.
I love mortal Babs who just stubborns her way into the family business. I think it really helps to establish her determination.
I have the idea that Bruce is a legacy and thus clear sighted and that’s part of why he became Batman. Because he saw all these horrible monsters that most people don’t know are there and he couldn’t stand the thought of demigod children being forced to fight against them before some of them even have any training. Thus the Batman deals with his regular real world threats like the joker and the mob while also killing what monsters he can to make the world just a little bit safer for the demigod children out there
yeah i was thinking abt mortal tim and steph- it would absolutely be fantastic for the angst angle- tim feeling as if hes not as good as dick and jason who are demigods. mortal steph would also be interesting and i was also considering it just because i cant really find a parent that fits her. her being mortal would also add to her angst aspect, feeling like shes not good enough for the batfam because theyre all powerful, etc etc…
duke i do want to not be involved in the greek world at first. him as just a regular meta would also play into how different he is from the other bats normally- the only meta, the daytime bat, yknow. it would be really interesting to see how his powers could also affect his understanding of the greek stuff, how he could potentially see through the mist a bit, even if not a lot. i made a post on how he might be more affected by the godly aspects of them, how he may see their eyes as being a bit too… inhuman and how their veins seem to be a bit too gold (also how if he ever were to run into a god he might see them brighter than anyone else does.) just a lot of good stuff to consider with duke.
babs i def want to be mortal. she starts off as mortal- clearsighted or not, and then learns about everything via dick or bruce. im thinking post TKJ, after she takes on oracle she might get a visit from apollo who gives her something, unsure what. so yeah mortal babs with a blessing from apollo.
and yeah, bruce is either a clearsighted mortal, a mortal who learned abt the greek world (whether it be thru diana or somewhere else) and made himself see thru the mist, or a legacy. and yes should deal with both the regular criminals and monsters. im thinking wayne manor could be a safeplace for some demigods in gotham. idk bruce is a demigod magnet.
(it could also be interesting to explore alfreds role in this- ive seen some stuff for hestie son/devotee alfred, or satyr alfred- and i think having him be some sort of magic could be intriguing. he could potentially set of the same kind of forcefield around wayne manor to keep monsters out. might be worth looking into hecate kid alfred?)
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
I just saw your Tim Shepard and Ponyboy post and may I please add more? Like, Tim coming over to the Curtis house just as they're getting ready to leave, giving Darry a 'I'm here. I'll look out for the kid too.' look.
Tim Shepard following the Curtis in his car, debating on how he's going to get himself a long sentence should Ponyboy be tried as an adult for manslaughter and sent to prison like Dallas had been.
Tim Shepard knowing that's two steps beyond where Curly is at and if Ponyboy was being sent to the reform then it wouldn't be half as bad, he'd have a buddy, he'd be protected.
Tim standing behind Darry, giving soft kicks to his ankles in a 'I'm still here, nudge' especially when he sees Darry freeze.
The Shepard boys lined up against the walls watching the trial. They're waiting for Tim to give a simple nod to cause ruckus and get jailed so the kid won't be in the holding cell alone.
Tim who gives a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he had been holding in when Ponyboy is free to go. Who ruffles Pony's hair affectionately, joking even "Next Soc you kill come to me, Dally is shit at hiding things. Found his blades all around town."
Darry who rolls his eyes and says "He ain't gonna be in that situation no more." But smiles back at Tim. Tim can read Darry like a book. 'Thank you' the brawny brother says with wet eyes. Tim who gives a nod before heading back to his side of town.
Darry who works a little overtime one weekend, just enough to bail Curly out so he can be with his big brother.
Just brothers looking out for one another's kid brothers and each other.
eating this up,,,,anon ily,,,
when pony starts talking about being drowned, tim tries comforting darry and soda in small ways, maybe like w a small pat on the shoulder and just leaving it there
before pony was supposed to go up on the stand and they were all getting ready at the house, tim came over and gave pony small tips on how to stay calm (hes been in that position quite a bit after all)
right before he goes home, he has to tell curly about the outcome of the trial, he told curly about when the trial was and knew curly wouldnt be able to sleep well if he didnt know whag was going on, he always said pony was a good kid after all
even tim and his gang had to bust out their sunday clothes so they could look good, and he told them if it was ever the time to b on their best behavior, it was today, darry doesnt deserve to worry about a ruckus being caused while his life could literally fall apart right here lmao
after the court, maybe tim joked w pony and said “how about we get that breakfast u asked me about a few days ago”(cause remember when tim was just at these niggas couch and just walked out😭) and he was one of the ppl that got pony to smile after that
gonna b honest w u, he prolly thought pony was SO fucked, so when he heard that “not guilty” verdict, he immediately looked over at darry and pat him hard as hell on the back, he was happy as hell
for a few weeks after everything, tim had some of his guys secretly looking out for pony, he knows that some socs were def upset that pony didnt get convicted and would try to hurt him
maybe tim taught pony some of his moves so he can defend himself better too, its only small moves thoigh, he knows darry wouldnt take pony learning how to full on fight like tim so kindly
tim knows darry doesnt rlly see eye to eye w curly and he gets it, but when theyre both just at the bar talking about their family, they both know how important their family is to each other and god knows in their life that family is rlly all u have, so theyd do anything to help out the other
i hate the outsiders tv show, but i love that they established that tim would look out for pony, tim and ponys relationship,,,i could talk about it 4eva,,
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cerastes · 2 years
Who are the top must build caster operators? Excluding Eyja and Amiya
The ones you like :) But of course, you knew that, so let's talk Casters.
Casters exist in a perpetual state of weirdness because Hypergryph did an oopsie daisy and created Eyja as a release Operator, forever destabilizing absolutely everything about the class for years because she Did Everything better than other Casters (except Ifrit), even other Caster archetypes that aren't her own. Basically, on release, an objective tier listing for Casters, not just Core Casters, could be "Eyja Tier and Everyone Else Tier" and it'd be correct. Whether it was single target, aoe, constant DPS or burst damage, Eyja Did It Better. About the only other Caster you'd hear about in the conversation was Ifrit, because she was her own weird thing and did her job really damn well, and her unique range and true AoE, plus her ability to land flat DEF and RES debuffs (as opposed to percentage based, which made them very powerful due to the way DEF works and how the numbers tend to be low, thus flat > percentage for DEF) has always been appreciated. In fact, add Ifrit to that list of Recommended Casters, even though we won't discuss her below.
After some years of fighting their own big oopsie, Arknights is finally starting to even out the playing field with Casters. Right now, I'd say the best Caster is in fact Goldenglow (6*), and just, in general, the Mech Accord archetype is solid, with Operators like Kjera (5*) and Click (4*) being, quite honestly, very good! Minimalist (5*) is also an effective fire-and-forget unit, and in general, for your single target needs, Mech Accord is the way to go. The other archetype that's been cooking is the Mystic Caster group, with the likes of Ebenholz (6*), Iris (5*) and Indigo (4*), thanks to their great burst potential. Consider them as the Caster equivalent of Heavyshooter Snipers (Schwarz, Pozemka) in that they need to be more carefully and thoughtfully placed and require a more hands-on approach, paying dividends with incredibly effective Elite and Boss killing power, especially when they don't attack for a few seconds, as for each "autoattack" they have no target in range, they instead save that attack for later, unleashing all attacks (max 3) at once.
So, with that said, I don't particularly like the term "must raise", so let's call this a Hearty Recommended List of Casters:
Goldenglow - Whether it is her S2 for constant output (and AFK strats wink wink) or S3 for a more hands-on approach to evisceration with its great damage per second and global range, Miss Electric WILL send your foes to the principal's office and have them expelled. Her single target damage is incredible and she is absurdly easy to use, plus, thanks to her Talent, sometimes her drones will explode to deal AoE damage, granting her a degree of AoE ability as well. There's not much to say other than Goldenglow is really as powerful as you've heard: Incredibly easy to use, incredibly versatile, and incredibly pink.
Ebenholz - The other big relevant Caster nowadays. Ebenholz tends to have a bit of a worse reputation than Goldenglow, mostly due to incompetence (of the playerbase, not Eben's). The truth is, the absolutely monstrous amounts of damage Ebenholz can put out if played correctly are astonishing, but there's two issues here: 1) He's considerably harder to use than the average unit, as you need to make sure he's placed in a way that allows him to actually shoot all of this damage at the right target, which usually translates to "your entire team set-up, or at least a significant part of it, is built around using Ebenholz properly", and 2) you rarely actually need the amount of damage he outputs, especially relative to the effort needed to squeeze it out of him (when you can just use an easier unit, like Eyja or GG). However, for those moments in which you can definitely benefit from the Big Hits or, let's be honest here, when you just really want to see those big damn numbers, yeah, Ebenholz is a bona fide top pick. For BIG Damage, you'll want to learn to build around his S3, for general use, you want his S2, which is quite similar to W's S2 Claymores.
Kjera - Kjera's freezing ability allows her to output damage and provide team utility -- Freezing is not only a measure of crowd control, it reduces RES by 15 as well -- making her an easy to integrate Operator into pretty much any team, especially if you also use the likes of Gnosis or Aurora for that sweet, sweet Frozen synergy. Even without them, however, Kjera is a solid member of any team and a great team player.
Click - An ol' reliable, cheap, effective damage hose with minor crowd control in the form of Stun, Click is simple to use, cheap to upgrade, and has great hands to high five with after she's done blasting. Not much else to be said about her, she simply works.
Iris - Nice bursty Caster with some fun gimmicks: S1 is her machine gun, making her range a line in front of line and releasing a LOT of very quick attacks very briefly, while her S2 Sleeps enemies for a few seconds (allowing her to charge up Mystic stacks) before waking them up with a burst of Arts damage. Being one of the rare Sleep synergies, it also allows Blemishine to smash enemies over the head with a tire iron, the way knights do, if you use them together. Quite the gimmicky unit, but fun and effective nonetheless.
Indigo - The light machine gun to Iris' heavy machine gun and Ebenholz attack jet-mounted vulcan gun. Her damage is not as high as her fellow Mystics, but she instead has a rather consistent Bind she can apply to her enemies, which is interesting to have on a Caster. A sub-DPS/Support hybrid, and welcome in pretty much any team.
There's other Casters that can get a recommendation, but these are the ones I think are pretty relevant as of right now besides Eyja, Amiya, and Ifrit.
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daz4i · 11 months
yknow what i have nothing to do and need to distract myself from *gestures vaguely* and i mentioned it a few times in the last few days so i may as well talk abt that one theory i like
first of all let me say. it's not my own original theory lol i can't remember where i saw it first but it's p common so it'd be a bit hard to trace who was the first to bring it up
second. i know it contradicts some themes or at least some messages bsd is going for. which is why i don't think it's too likely (on the other hand some elements in the story can def allow a plot point of that sort to happen without being contradictory asdfhg matter of perspective ig)
ANYWAY the actual theory:
dazai knows he's in a story and aware that he is a character
backup for that theory:
honestly not much. a minor fourth wall break for laughs (the "wow~" scene. you know the one) isn't really proof, but if it was true it'd add some depth to that scene i think!
the main thing i think is cool abt this theory is how it recontextualizes a lot of things about him;
the thing that made me think abt making this post is that collection of dazai saying "you can't kill me" at various points of the story. most of them have context for each scene (atsushi can't kill him bc nlh will nullify the tiger, fyodor can't kill him bc he has the power of friendship, etc), but the fact the same line repeats multiple times makes it stand out to me
so consider this: dazai is confident that he won't die because he knows he can't die before the story is over, bc that's what the narrative decided. that's why none of his suicide attempts ever work (tho you already know my opinion on why that is, in the context of the story itself). he keeps trying tho bc man. it's tiring to be aware
that being said! well. we know he's been suicidal from a very young age. he sees no meaning in the act of living. and, being a character in a story, knowing that your life is all fake, can certainly make one's life feel meaningless, huh.
and ofc, alienation from those around him, since he seems to be the only one aware of the story. he is quite literally separate from the human experience bc of this
also some more angst :) i do firmly believe dazai feels a lot of guilt, more for meta reasons than him really showing it. guilt is a very big repeating element in no longer human and its protag yozo, whom i think dazai is obviously very inspired by. soooooo now consider this :) guilt over odasaku's death. in the context of the story, there is no reason for him to feel that, more or less. maybe nothing beyond "if only i called ango out earlier" "if only i got there in time and got him help", he didn't actually cause oda's death, not more than mori did for example, and he did the best he could too.
buuuuuuut what if he's a character in a story. he doesn't know if the story is about him yet, but given how other people around him don't seem to notice they're characters, it must be, right? the narrative depends on him. and, in that narrative, odasaku ends up dying. if he didn't exist, odasaku could live (really interesting to think abt that in the context of beast, too)
actually since i brought it up. beastzai definitely seems to know he's a character. he knows his existence doesn't mean much, i mean his whole universe is just an offshoot of the main one, literally an au of canon. that's even more meaninglessness on top of canonzai's meaninglessness, and he experienced both of them at once. no wonder he ended up killing himself damn 😩 (sorry this is a joke. ik he killed himself for some noble reason. but also i bet this made it easier)
an awareness of this level can explain some things like how dazai knows things are gonna play out in certain ways - he knows he's in a story, so he knows the narrative has to end in some satisfying way. the main characters have to win, so the doa have to lose. fyodor can't kill him. and we're back to the start
problem with this theory:
that thing i mentioned abt themes and messages in bsd. a lot of the story seems to tell us dazai is HUMAN. having him aware of everything on a meta level, imo, may cheapen that message, bc that quite literally makes him More than others in the universe.
then again the story (and asagiri in interviews lol) also seems to show again and again that he is exceptional and knows best so eh. like i said, matter of perspective
how i think it might work:
no longer human lmao
yknow how it was said The Book was created by an ability (and that's probably why it caused a singularity when beastzai touched it). well. what if the whole narrative we're following, in a way, in the universe of bsd, can count as an ability too. like a combination of The Book and poe's ability, kinda. (i've seen some theories in the past abt how asagiri is gonna be the final boss of bsd lol and that he would indeed have an ability that's just. *gestures at everything* this)
sooooo while nlh can't take him out of the story physically, it nullifies his ignorance to the situation. in a way, he's out of the story because he sort of watches it from an angle others can't
ok i officially ran out of brain power. i might add more in a reblog at some other point but for now these are the only thoughts i have. if you subscribe to that theory as well, or even just thing it's cool, i would love to hear some of your ideas - what other parts of dazai and his story do you think this changes? what does it mean about his relationships with other characters? please share if you have any thoughts on the matter!!! :)
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bos-basement · 1 year
ahhhhhhh i finally finished reading the script (link here, also if you know of any other scripts from earlier or later in production plz send, i would like to read those too)
and here are some of my notes!
bo sustains a knee injury, as well as the headlight getting busted here, in a cut intro you can view some of here, this would also be the only time he is shown to kill someone
nick is two years younger then carly, so they arent twins
paige wanted to marry blake instead of her being pregnent (which still doesnt matter in the end, seriously why was this her character detail?)
script implies its vincent at the campsite due to his laboured breathing, but bts implies that lester broke the fanbelt (i think its vincent cuz why would he have daltons camera?)
the roadkill pit is 8 foot deep and 50 feet in diameter
town used to be called Athelston, also used to be a mining town instead of having a sugar mill
lester fully enjoys being sadistic to carly and wade lmao
movie theater says its playing body snatchers lol
script takes into account louisiana heat (as well as infrastructure) for the house of wax
both bo and lester have a cb radio, def how they communicate about victims, also fake detour signs to lure people into town
the line about how carly could win the beauty pageant gets way darker when you know the victim from the cut intro was made into that wax figure
bo says trudy wanted to make a town of wax in his spiel to wade and carly, is this also a lie? also adds more credence to the theory that trudy also killed
victor and trudy switch places in the story, victor dies by house fire (full on lie which shows the story is at least not all true) and trudy kills herself
bo wouldve asked wade to help him in the house if he didnt need to go piss, bo had zero thought into killing them lmao
continuing he prolly talked to vince about a plan while wade and carly waited for him at the gas station
wade puts up more of a fight, very glad the movie didnt, that bitch deserved to get got cuz of all his snooping
carly escapes into a house (lesters mayhaps 👀 prolly not tho lol) instead of the church, she also gets a hit on bos hand
also escapes into community pool where bo catches her
jonesy is prolly vincents, she sleeps in the basement while he works on wade
"Bo (mocking) : What happened to Wade?" hes so silly goofy 🥰🤪😚
dalton and nick dont have a conversion about how nick took the blame for him
script makes a typo and calls nick wade for a line
dalton is the one to check out the gas station and talk with bo, bo leads him to the house of wax
ok i have to talk about the fanbelt now cuz wtf is up with it? bo has a 15 inch in a drawer at the shop, but like no one can appreciate the dramatic irony except us and him?? what would he have done if wade had a 16 or 14 inch?? do they only go after cars with 15 inch fanbelts????
ALSO!!! would he have just let wade and carly go if they had found the 15 inch????? BO IS FUCKING STUPID AND I LOVE HIM
AND!!!! ALSO!!!! as @hollabackgrl pointed out in her alternate scenarios post, what would have happened if lester/vincent stole the fanbelt out of blakes truck?? seriously bo lucked into wade having a 15 inch 😒
bo uses he/him pronouns for jonesy 😔😔 sad day for us girl jonesy truthers 😔😔😔
also the script keeps calling her "The Mongrel" so mean to her 😔😔😔 (p.s. where did we get the name jonesy??? like did the fandom just agree on that name or is it in some extras in the dvd? /gen)
nick is abke to go into the snack store? grocery store? and finds a deer that wade hit at the start in the back, id like to believe that its because lester was going to cook it but its infested with rats, so why keep it and not throw it into the pit?
dalton finds wade in the basement instead of being displayed
vincent has steeled toed boots, nice :)
nicks still the one to free carly, there just no confrontatiom with bo
nick and carly go into the church still
script mentions shotgun wound in trudys head, so some of bos story is true,,, maybe?
paige does a strip tease but vince slices at her shoe? lmao
nick and carly run into a looney toons showing instead of "whatever happened to baby jane"
diversity win! the murderous twins that incase people in wax dont discriminate on who dies!
bo and vincent hadnt been seperated until 3-4 years old??
bos able to get both arrows out, movie bo needs to step up his game 😒😒 /j
i love how the script characterizes vincent as super pissed about everything
switch board has a label for chimney smoke??? how tf does that work???
bo and vincent never argue in the kitchen, in fact it seems as though theyre more in tune with eachother
we gotta cancel nick, he hits jonesy with a wax arm >:[
bos feelings towards trudy vexes me and i hate it
vincents scars are described differently, having actually been scarred over
carly aggitates bo by saying trudy hated him (which he hates?? seriously what tf goes on in his head) and saying he killed her instead of trying to get vincent on her side by saying bo manipulated him (which is bs anyway but i'll get to that in my analysis on the movie 😌😌)
And thats it! actual deep thoughts and analysis will come when i rewatch the movie and pause every frame /hj (will add link here when that happens) but thats everything i found interesting about the script and what all changed from it to the actual movie, im open to discussing in the comments or my dms ^^
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indigoipsum · 2 years
OKAY OKAY I have to finally express my thoughts about Kuro II after the rewatch
Me and Null agreed that episode 1 is just... a lot better than a lot of the characterization going forward. Despite the eye gouging (I cannot defend this. Alois is very mentally ill and needs to take it out on someone and I think he has misogynistic tendencies and self-hatred for his own femininity that he decides to hurt Hannah because of it) Claude was written more how he should have been the rest of the series-- stoic, annoyed, but ultimately showing glimpses of care or something adjacent for Alois.
Delete the filler episodes and add more Trancy house development in general.
Alois is a lot less malicious than I remember. Before the duel happens he's literally just going to show Ciel to the bathroom. He only tries to hurt Ciel when his life is on the line, and even then, he begs Ciel to try to understand him as he's dying.
NONE OF THE REVENGE STUFF MAKES SENSE!! WHY WOULD AN 11-YEAR-OLD ORDER THE DEATH OF THE PHANTOMHIVE FAMILY! Ciel is smarter than this! I know demons are charming but Ciel is an extremely smart kid and literally solves crimes every day. When Alois starts explaining things, you'd think that after the duel Ciel would actually try to process it before all the torture stuff happens. Also, why would that "arsonist" allegedly hired by Alois confess to it? Was Sebastian paying him off? We know none of this actually happened!
GOD Ciel's characterization is horrendous. He kills the alleged arsonist without remorse and then is prepared to kill Alois then, later on, is like "ugh I could never kill that easily" YOU JUST DID??????? Also, when he becomes a demon, he completely leaves his servants without any regard for their well-being despite them caring for him for three years. Even though he's a demon and such now, he's not going to change his personality like that. Sebastian was under orders by Ciel to find new staff, and instead of just hiring a really good cook, maid, and gardener who had defense experience or whatever, he took in three people who had nothing left but their abilities and showed them genuine kindness. It's debatable how much of the kindness was really Sebastian's but it stands that Ciel would not abandon his servants. At the very least, not Tanaka, who he's known all his life. He wouldn't do that to Lizzie or Soma or Agni either! He cares about all these people. So he and Sebastian are just wandering around flower fields forever? Why don't they just go back to Hell where Sebastian will still be his servant?
Another point with the demon thing: I fully believe that it was just done to pander to Sebac1el shippers (censoring so this doesn't come up in a search for the ship because that is the opposite of the goal here).
I forgot how creepy Claude was in the later episodes. There were parallels between him and previous Earl Trancy that should have served a stronger narrative purpose but just made it look like he was sexualizing the two boys.
There's only one scene that actually intends to make Alois' CSA feel disturbing, and it's when he's laying motionless in bed and saying how Trancy looks at him with hunger in a different way than Claude does. They were so close to the point! Also, one of the maze questions is about Alois pretending his trauma didn't happen so why do people insist he enjoyed his abuse?
When summoning Claude, why was none of the contract about getting away from Trancy???? "I don't care about that old pervert" YOU ARE BEING BRUTALLY ASSAULTED?? Sorry Alois would have def ordered Claude to kill him in my mind.
Every scene with Hannah, no matter how serious, portrays her in a sexual light and I HATE it.
The maze idea was cool but, again, executed poorly.
Grelle's characterization is better than Season 1 in terms of showing her skill.
The Hannah contract was still confusing after multiple watches and idk what was going on in that writer's room.
I think that's it for now but dear god. This series is so much. If all of Kuro II Tumblr was hired to write it then it would have been genuinely good
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denis-local · 7 months
YALL, ITS YA BOI, GR4Y, AND I AM *BACK* WITH SOME *QUESTIONS*!! *insert fleshcousin yay sfx*
1. how many people buy the 💖yassified💖 fafa (i'd eat it tbh)
2. where'd boots get the 💖yassified💖 boots!? gawhdamn those are long
3. did cashier open the icecream freezer yet, i wanna buy some. (bonus, is there a 💖yassified💖 icecream flavor?)
4. Does Yassi-Spray exist?? Possibly under a different product name than Yassi-Spray? (bear spray, but for fending off the 💖yassified💖)
5. why in the FUCK is denis' tail getting stretched to oblivion in the 💖yassify💖 spectrum comic, i need to know (on the last few panels)
6. what new things can williamplayz (willyslayz) do now that he's 💖yassified💖
7. can pest sing (if so, which lady gaga song since he likes lady gaga)
8. has kasper ever tried to kill/execute (un)pleasant
9. can the 💖yass-virus💖 transfer through particles and what not
10. to add onto the last question, does kasper sneeze '💖yassify-particles💖' or something
11. oh dear dont tell me the 💖yassified💖 know how to do marketing and advertising, business, even...
12. how the FUCK did MR ring the doorbell (in the comic) when he has no hands
13. is kasper necessarily 'mad' at drretro for how she treats him (LIKE A LAB RAT. unacceptable smh)
14. does bive do blogs on the internet or something how that they're 💖yassified💖, instead of being a detective? OR DO THEY DO BOTH NOW
15. where does spud get his nails done
16. is split edible. strawberry.
17. what was the cocoon process like for pilby, how tf would it even work (since they're humanoid n stuff)
18. if bive gave reddy the 💖yass-virus💖, how the fuck did she do it?? some sorta malware program?
19. is lampert still a germophobe now that he's 💖yassified💖
20. did wallter and mark get back together perhaps (probably not)
21. what stuff DOES pest shoplift
22. what type of music does poob play at the parties
23. okay so yknow how fleshcousin has a big hole in the middle of their head? was that changed during the 💖yassification💖 process?
24. if pest bakes pie, he should start a bakery.
25. last but not least question: did kasper change their gamertag when they got 💖yassified💖.
shitton of questions i get it, but hey, thats me. (cringe too i think idk you tell me)
Another batch of questions hehehe >:D
(Another necessary cut off bdhsfqh)
1. I'd guess a lot, they are rather tasty tho also hallucinogenic
2. They probably found them in the back of the koby somewhere also they'd probably be one of the first mannequins to be infected lol
3. Never, he's hogging it all </3 (yes, mainly being sold at Crem's shop and Enphoso's store)
4. Just normal spray will do tbh, it's why Sarah carries it around ever since the outbreak started lmfao
5. My tail got infected *sobs* but dw Denis neva dies
6. More princess dresses with full faces of makeup much to Jermey's joy
7. Idk, but even if they could they would never do it haha
8. Kasper def has experimented some ways (Probably same as canon)
9. At first it was purely through bites so technically you could still smooch your yassified partner and not get infected, but as of late it seems to be getting more and more contagious. To the point it may be airborne now. Luckily Enphoso's store already has special air conditioners!
10. No, thankfully they cannot spread it through their germs. Not at all actually.
11. They absolutely do know how to do marketing and advertising </3 Enphoso is NOT helping
12. He found a way hehe
13. At first definitely, but he seems to have already forgotten about it! So he kinda forgives her!
14. Still does blogs, but it seems her new advertisements for the blog seem to be luring more people in. More people to spread the truth to!
15. Ya mama (jk, they were done by MrManeuver has a side business and for good prices!!)
16. No!!! Don't eat her cries
17. They probably got super tired and hungry at first, then made themself a cocoon, slept in it for a few days, and came out elegant as hell
18. Someway somehow a bite was enough. Even creatures made of materials that are not flesh don't seem to be safe either.
19. Yes absolutely, they probably have that clean girl aesthetic now
20. I think they're working on it (polite and fun don't mix well either I guess ah)
21. Still mainly coins, but will snatch a few lipstick tubes here and there. Now he can get away qith it more easily haha
22. Licky by Larry Tee and Princess Superstar (listen with headphones y'all)
23. Nah it's still there unless it mimics someone then they will just do the usual haha
24. He should! Maybe then he'll stop stealing coins haha
25. She would have, but he doesn't have enough robux </3
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mixelation · 2 years
I always love how you manage to stick ‘working in a lab’ references into your fics and posts, and as a bio student trying to figure out wtf I’m going to do after college, may I please ask what it’s like to work in one, whether at school or elsewhere? Thank you!
P.S. I love your fics, omg. Tori is the chaotic little shit I dream of being in my everyday life (though preferably without the psychotic ninjas that could, and would, kill me. Even if that builds character lol). You make every character HILARIOUS and awesome to read. And I would def read that Tobirama fic if you ever released it, love how she is falling in love cause he’s hot and cool and her soulmate while he’s like ‘omg finally another semi-logical human being within all this b.s.’. And you know what, both completely valid, I also want a hot and awesome person who is also (mostly) well-versed in logic 🥲😂.
Hmmm I'd ay working in labs can be a really variable experience! For academic labs, they're usually set up in a way where you're just in one little group of people so lab culture becomes really important. In the lab where I worked as the lab manager, everyone mostly stuck to a strict 9-to-5 schedule with not a lot of socializing, but the lab I'm in now is more chaotic with people fitting their schedules to whatever else they have going on and we try to plan more social outings.
What you actually do in lab can vary a lot too. I've always been in a position where I do a shit ton of different tasks over the course of a week (including boring stuff no one talks about like making new reagents, or quizzing everyone on what supplies they're going to use this month so I can tell the PI what I think we should order because I never fully turned off lab manager brain), but some people end up doing literally just the same thing over and over. Like if you're really good at one type of assay a lab runs a lot? You might just get put in charge of doing it for everyone's experiments, or you might have your own experiment that literally just that assay fifteen times. It really depends on the structure of the lab.
In my previous job, I did a lot of taking over experiments for short amounts of time while we recruited a new student or someone took time off, and I did a lot of prep for experiments and follow-up assays (because I was the only one who knew how to use this one machine LMAO) and never had my own project, which was kind of frustrating but ALSO I never felt super bothered when experiments didn't work. Now I do have my own projects that I run, which I like, but I feel a lot more pressure to make those project succeed. If you go into a lab as an undergraduate, you'll probably start off helping someone on a project (and doing a lot of grunt work, like autoclaving trash lol) and then get more and more independent. Depending on how that goes and what you and your PI feel is best for you, independence might mean getting your own project, or it might mean you continue on in a similar role but now you're allowed to do more and more things unsupervised.
I like lab work a lot! I get to switch up my schedule a lot, so there's not a lot of monotony across the weeks, but I will add the caveat that a lot of bench work is really, really boring. There's a lot of repetitive tasks that are just "pipet a tiny amount of liquid into another liquid; repeat and repeat and repeat." There are a lot of tasks that are technically challenging. There's a pretty bad culture of bad work-life balance (my boss is super chill with me taking random time off, but I go in on a weekends a LOT). In research, you have to get used to and comfortable with failure, because for every successful experiment there are tons of failed ones. Yes, even if you're a super smart and high achieving student-- you will mess up, you will have everything fail, and you have to just clean it up, restrategize, and keep going. The upside is that you get to figure out cool things that no one knew before......!
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
Make the DBZ Movies Canon
I've said it before - I love shonen movies because they're just MORE. More time with the characters we love with a bigger animation budget (most of the time).
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Again, imagine being the kid that LOVES Goku in 1997, and you want to see him go all out. Goku only uses SSJ3 twice in the anime, but he uses it 2 more times in the movies. You get 100% more SSJ3 with the movies. (Gear 4th Luffy is in a similar situation)
Also, imagine if fighting was like sex for sayans. How many GOOD fights did Goku have in his adult life? Piccolo, Vegeta, Freezer... maybe Majin Buu? Then it's nothing until Broli, I think.
(What about Cell, or Ginyu or Raditz - If sex ended with you bleeding on the floor, you wouldn't call that a good experience. lol)
But add in the movies and you could count - Jenemba, Android 13, Cooler, Slug... maybe Turles. (Not to mention OG Broly) Plus, all the other ones that were victories for the other characters like Garlik Jr, Bojack, or... Broly. Come to think of it, they were mostly there to make Gohan (or Goten) look good.
(It's almost like they're subs for Goku, when Goku's not around.)
So, here's my ideas on what you could do with the movie villains to add them to the canon in some capacity. Some would be big changes, and other tiny changes.
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One big change up would be starting with Dr. Wheelo. Make him the LAST Dragonball villain. The set up is that he wants to be the World's Strongest. He should try to clash with Goku and his friends like 1 year after Goku became tournament champion. Because he's completely out of his debts as a DBZ villain, but he's just tough enough to give Goku + Tien, Yamcha, & Krillin a challenge. And Toei could just RETCON him in say that it happened. (Maybe make a TV special to show it.)
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Next guy you gotta keep is Obviously Garlic Junior. He would make a great re-occuring villain for Gohan. Obviously, Dead Zone slots in pretty much unchanged into the anime right now. It's just a matter of who-meets-who when with Gohan/ Krillin/ Kami. I'd LOVE to see GJ capture Videl, or Pan, and he embues them with evil Energy and Gohan has to fight them but also save them.
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Turles would require a major overhaul. The concept of the Tree of Might is AWESOME, but the fact that he's a random doppelganger of Goku REALLY stands out. Maybe we could change him to look like Raditz, and what I would do with him is I would actually put him in Universe 7.
This would be a NEW movie where Turles is attacking planet Salad. He hates that the Sayans are good guys in Universe 7, and so he's gonna use the Tree of Might destroy the planet, kill the vast majority of Saiyans, and he's gonna eat the fruit of might to power up. And... what if since he's ESSENTIALLY absorbing a bunch of different Ki, he triggers the Super Sayan God transformation in himself. Of course, it means Kale, Califla, Cabba, and like Goten / Trunks have to save the day.
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Here's another great one. Lord Slug. I think they need to give him the Broly treatment. He needs a canon movie in Super. And he's def gonna be an interesting threat because now he can also borrow the new "orange" transformation. And this time, Goku needs Ultra Instinct to take him down.
They could also make him like an Evil Wizard. He's not just terraforming the Earth, now he wants to open up Earth's demon realm to unleash chaos because he feeds off of demon energy. That would also be an excuse to sideline Vegeta.
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Meanwhile, Cooler only needs to be reconned into those two years where they were training to fight the Androids.
And then Metal Cooler can return after Majin Buu. In this new version, both Goku and Vegeta can go SSJ2, and Goku can say SSJ3 just burns too much ki.
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A weird one would be Super Android 13. I think he works as a Terminator homage. (Like 3 robots just show up at a mall wanting to kill Goku) But there's NO WAY to make him work. There's no space where we can keep Goku, Vegeta, Trunks around. So i'd place him somewhere else...
The only place where he would make sense is in "The Great Saiyaman" Saga. Ya know, after the timeskip, but before the Buu Saga starts. So, it would be Teen Gohan, Goten, and Trunks (and Vegeta / Piccolo) taking him on. With Gohan going SSJ2 for the win.
(That would be great since Broly 2 is definitely on a dead timeline.)
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Obviously, Bojack slots in almost completely unchanged. This is after Cell is dead. There's nothing stopping Toriyama/ Toyotaro/ Toei from saying it happened. Another WIN for Gohan.
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BTW, they could also redo "Bio-Broly" and instead of being a clone of Broly, it could be a clone of Bojack. (Bio-Bojack)
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Jenemba is a weird one. A big draw of the movie is seeing Goku and Vegeta have to do the Fusion. That means we'd have to add him to what is now the end of the "timeline" after the canon Broly (/SH) movie. This does mean that neither Goku or Vegeta are dead, but that doesn't matter much.
They could start off by letting the dead warriors like Pikkon and Olibu fight. (Or maybe a team of villains taking on Jenemba for time off their sentence or reincarnation, like Cell or Bojack.)
Then Jenemba reaches his final form and the path to the living world opens up, and we get the chance for Gogeta to win the day.
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Finally, there's Hirudegarn. Again, he slots in without a problem after Majin Buu.
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But really finally, there's one more antagonist that needs to be added to the official Canon and that is "Baby." What makes him great is the body-snatcher/ body horror aspect. He's a synthetic alien parasite.
They could change him up a little bit. So that he's not made by the Truffles, and instead he's made by the Cerealians. He was a bioweapon they weren't able to implement before they were wiped out.
It's main plan is to destroy Freezer and his empire. So, Baby starts in space until someone like Jacco accidentally takes it to Earth. It be best to make it TWO movies. One where Baby takes over, and then a last desperate band that has to take on Baby Vegeta with Ultra Ego.
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botseeksbot · 1 year
finished s7🖕
started off so so so good (so so so so so so good) but then it turned to suckkkkk . brocks writing just hasnt been great since s3 w a few good eps here and there but just turned to major suck when you see him w the ventures . guild operative and osi operative romance got too much screentime . still dislike 21 and i think him being the monarch's "best friend" just makes them boring . could have done smth irt him being alone w his wife gone and w a henchman he doesnt care for (<- the sudden jump of him loving 21 in s5 was so annoying) or smth . i feel the blue morpho could still work w that that would be fun a dedicated henchman working w a boss who will do whatever to rise to the top even if the boss doesnt like him . speaking of . total drop in the whole BM thing and kind of made it stupid to have him kill villains to rise the ranks but then they just have him do random ass jobs and hes level 10? kind of makes his whole speech in PfT in 6 abt GCI levels kind of stupid . the loss of focus on the ventures in general just does not appeal to me i like the monarchs and conjectech but im not watching the show for them . also did i mention how much brock sucks . should have been more focus in hank and dean esp of theyre gonna have deans speech in the finale (rly good actually did make me sniffle)
irt def more things to explore ik you are a gayboy . would have been interesting to see him come to terms w being a superscience experiment by bonding w jared bc i feel like jared would have some talk abt it not being so bad and bring up the positives (did like sirena's comment on the clone thing though) . rly funny he mentions jared in his speech but you never see them interact s7. his whole character has been a mess since s4 though (actually all the ventures have been but whatever) . this was a characterization that pissed me off though similar to his daddy in s4 for me . i like him missing hank and wanting to go back to being just them and him missing the compound . could have been really good if they actually focused on the family aspect of the show...!!! really wish they fucking did but they ruined my family...!!! that fucking osi dog...!!!
hank didnt really add anything im sorry that happened to you babyboy. hank gets focus but nothing really happens to him. not much to say but he was cute and sigh again a lot of missed opportunities for the Whole Reason I Watch The Show
rusty was more similar to his s4 character but not quite but still annoyed me except brock annoyed me more (major sucks btw) so rusty is safe from my wrath . idk where im going w this now . i wish it was more about the ventures . so many lost opportunities since s4 . everthing brock touched turned to suck i cant even appreciate him shirtless and bloody and killing people why are you such an osi doormst this season . brock sucks so much . rusty really adding nothing but was oh so perfect the 1st 3 eps . i want the family fuck off everyone else the monarchs should have stayed background/main antags or smth i dont need the focus same w billy and white my god i just want the ventures . so many things that could have been explored but werent so instead i have to see kimberly and the guild dude try to have a romance across several episodes w development and tragedy and everything but my ventures get nothing irt to any of them except ig deans speech that comes out of left field bc i havent seen the family interact in what feels like forever . also brock sucks
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forgottencillian · 9 months
OOC | Cillian &
so i thought id go ahead and put this into this kinda format so we can find it later when we inevitably can't remember details nad need a reread heehee <3
so it started w kate using the @ feature to ask when papa malconaire died...
lizzydobbs: Yes! So it was during the war that he [LORD MALCONAIRE] died. Cillian was also fighting in that same battle and was there when it happened #fun
forgotteneithne: @lizzydobbs oof... that's not traumatizing or anything for cillian...and also adds ANOTHER LAYER OF GUILT to Eithne's cake of confusion when it comes to Arthur XD
forgotteneilionora: this is why cillian cannot forgive the varmont boys...well, ONE of the reasons laksjfklsjdf omg poor eithne aklsjfkjldf arthur 'my dad killed your dad' varmont: wanna dance? ldskfjklsdjafkj
forgotteneithne: @forgotteneilionora Oh yeah both my ladies are definitely half a step away from a breakdown/existential crisis and I’m living for it 😂
forgotteneilionora: @forgotteneithne honestly if that aint the perfect place for a character idk what isssss <333333
phabblebabbles: @forgotteneilionora @lizzydobbs okay so wait now I’ve thought much too much about this and have more questions— Roderick’s sons took part in this battle, yeah? If they did…Do the Malconaire ladies know? Obviously Cillian must?! GAH ITS A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL OF DRAMA!
giadesstrin: @phabblebabbles @lizzydobbs OMG OBSESSEDDDDD so!!! Idk exactly which battles the sons personally took part in bc I feel like there were def a number raging in different places etc so this might’ve been under the command of one of the boys, or some rando general, or even if roderick himself. It’s also equally possible that all either none of the varmont or that ~all the varmont were present w each having command of a different flank or whatever so yeah! I’m open to anything! 👀 wait wait (sorry I just woke up my brain isn’t 100% working yet 😂😂😂) I think?? Somewhere??? Lizzy might’ve already answered this!!! Bc I think she said ooc to me asp that Edmund was in charge of the Varmont forces at that battle iirc? 👀 @lizzydobbs am I wildly misremembering things??? I only skim read before I’m ready to do replies so I sometimes get things wrong 😂😂😂😂 no pressure if this is one of those moments 😂😂😂😂 ok yes! I found it! In the edmund/cillian ooc lizzy suggested that perhaps it was edmund who orchestrated the battle wherein lord malconaire died!!!! AHHHHH I love itttt sfjkjfdfhh ok so idk honestly if cillian knows that honestly?? He was lord malconaires aide so he would’ve been privy to ~some info but not all and his line of sight would’ve been limited to just seeing varmont banners-he may have known that royalty was involved if he saw a personal crest? But I doubt he id’d it? just cuz I doubt he was familiar enough w varmont heraldry to know whose that was beyond like maybe ~Roderick’s himself? If such a thing exists in this world? But! If it does abd if edmund has a personal crest that he used that day and cillian saw, he is deffff searching for it but yeah obv a lot if ifs there 😂😂😂 if we do go that direction, it could be interesting if maybe all the varmont boys have similar motifs to designate that status or whatever so there could be a mistaken identity ;D
lizzydobbs: @phabblebabbles @forgotteneilionora ahhhhh I hadn't even thought that they might know edmund was in charge of that battle if they recognized his personal crest!!! b/c yeah I was thinking that edmund WAS in charge of that battle but I don't think he did a whole lot of fighting and was mostly leading from behind the lines from a strategic pov and never came across lord malconaire or cillian, himself. however, I like the idea that eventually it COULD come out and whether .. that is through cillian discovering edmund's crest OR mistaking it for one of the other varmonts and blaming them instead for it haha I'm up for either eventuality
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @forgotteneilionora the OOC within the OOC is giving me life lol. That all makes total sense— I sort of assume the sisters might not realize the princes are actually active in the battle? (Which might be somewhat just turning a blind to the whole thing which honestly, who could blame them at this point? #trauma) so maybe the whole point of “oh they indirectly (or maybe directly) are the catalyst of our current terrible situation” hasn’t really hit home… yet
giadesstrin: @lizzydobbs @phabblebabbles I def agree that I don’t think rosie, at least, knows edmund had anything to do w it (at least yet 😉) but honestly that could def be a sort of willful ignorance on her part if we prefer! Rosie has a way of not seeing things she doesn’t want to until she has no choice haha but I can also see cillian playing that close to the chest re: the malconaires bc he worries for their safety if they displease the varmonts so he probs feels they’re safer if they don’t know At least until he discovers (whether correctly or not 😂😂😂) whose banner he saw. That being said he’d def share absolutely everything w the resistance—and Ciara might know who the commander was there? He might ask her abt it asp, too? @phabblebabbles omg IKRRRRRR I’ve been laughing abt the ooc within the ooc tooooo
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @giadesstrin honest it’s on brand lol also just laughing at poor cillian trying to protect what’s left of his adopted family only got literally allllll the emperor’s sons to roll in. 😂 he’s probably like GOSH DARNIT JUST STAY INSIDE MALCONAIRES.
giadesstrin: @lizzydobbs @phabblebabbles cillian, in the middle of another snowpocypse but this time the varmonts got snowed in at the malconaire estate: come on, ladies, it’s time to move into the woods! Who needs houses anyway *sweating nervously*
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @giadesstrin omg I’m dead poor cillian 😂😂😂😂Honestly between his war trauma, Brigit trauma, and the Varmont bros just existing its really a wonder he hasn’t had a breakdown lol
giadesstrin: @phabblebabbles @lizzydobbs honestlyyyyyy I feel like the resistance is keeping him sane rn bc it means the fight isn’t over!!! They haven’t won yet!!! There’s still more he can do but sdghjhfddg yeahhhhh he is really going through it tbqh
@forgottenedmund -- ill probs ask this in the edmund/cillian solo thread too but just in case i forget...if you think edmund ~does have a banner that cillian might've seen, what do you think the sigil is? i ask bc im 100% sure that cillian would be on the hunt for it if he saw it
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Potentially cursed or depressing though: Alfira/Dark Urge?
we've landed on a rare I Don't Ship This... but it's not because it's depressing or I think it's badwrong etc., but because I just... don't like Dark Urge in general, so that kinda torpedoes any ship involving them.
Why don't you ship it?
Somewhat clownface to say as a relentless shipper, but often I find that adding romance to an already fucked-up dynamic makes it less fucked up. It either adds an explanation or a motive or a stake where there shouldn't be one, or shifts the focus just so. If Durge starts to fall for Alfira then kills her, the guilt becomes "but I liked her!" and the player/viewer wonders "why would they do that to HER!", not "am I a monster?" and the player wonders "why would they do that?" and the latter is what Durge is about. The point is that it's a senseless killing of someone cute and sweet (and literally doesn't matter who), just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What would have made you like it?
Probably nothing within the context of canon, to be honest. I do think the whole Durge-Alfira story beat would have been vastly better if you could recruit Alfira, and then the urge snaps and kills her (no saving rolls) in Act 2 or 3 (similar to or replacing the urge-vs-lover interaction). It was too easy to resist the urge, so having an unavoidable kill mid or late-game would shake things up and add an element of "am I fighting a losing battle? Should I just give in?" that would make it more interesting for me in general, and give a Durge/Alfira romance room to develop and breathe so it's not as distracting as it would be like 90 minutes into the game.
A post-canon, redeemed Durge/Alfira could potentially work though. I don't have any particular ideas, but I think placing them in a healed, post-canon setting would shift the vibes back to more my speed (general angst, forgiveness, redemption as an act, not a given).
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I appreciate the boldness; there's a lot of fandom pressure to be 'safe' and 'pure' nowadays and this is def a ship that takes some courage. I see the vision, it's just not For Me.
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toomuchopulence · 1 year
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1. HOW U FEEL 10/10
2. RAVER 9/10
3. IFLCK 8/10
4. FLY SHIT 7.5/10
5. WHICH ONE 6.8/10
FLOWING: 7 (flows so well that it became repetitive especially since the first few seconds of each song sound the same)
DISK: 8.0
1. CAME IN WIT 9/10
3. ALL THE TIME 8.5/10
4. BY THE POUND 8/10
5. CHRIS PAUL 8/10
INSTRUMENTALS: 7/10 easy cook ups but high In dopamine so I love it
FLOWING: 9/10 all of the songs fit each other
DISK: 8.0
1. SUPERSTAR 10/10
2. NEW NEW 9/10
3. RIGHT NOW 8.5/10
4. WHICH WAY 8.3/10
5. WAGWAN 7.5/10
REPLAY VALUE: 9.5/10 (10/10 if wagwan wasn’t on it)
INSTRUMENTALS: 10/10 easy cook ups but high In dopamine so I love it
FLOWING: 10/10 all of the songs fit each other yet so diverse
DISK: 9.3/10
2. PASSENGER 8.5/10
3. BRAZY GIRL 8.3/10
4. GOIN UP 8.2/10
DISK: 8.8
2. REDLIGHT 8.8/10
3. PROMO 6.8/10
4. WORTH IT 5/10
DISK: 6.5
1. SAFETY 10/10
2. MONEY & SEX 10/10
3. YOUR EYES 10/10
LYRICS/MEANINGFULNESS: 8.5 ($X is more of a fun track and not a meaningful song)
FLOWING: 9/10 (Since $X is a Bonus track)
DISK: 10
After listening to this album nine times today, I decided to review it and dissect the contents. Initially, my experience with the album was not ideal because I listened to it out of order. I started with "Snitch," then moved to "How You Feel," skipped "IFLCK," and listened to "Fye Shi." The movie associated with the album was released at 11 PM, and I watched it immediately. Although I enjoyed the movie, I didn't have a fresh mindset for the album.
I began with track four and, influenced by my friends' mixed reactions, I initially thought the entire album sounded the same due to Lone's voice. As I continued to listen throughout the day, I realized I had approached the album incorrectly. I listened to it during a test at school, during a school event (although I could barely hear it), and even dissected the album into multiple playlists based on sound.
I made another attempt to create a playlist of only good songs and which songs had different vibes , but that didn't work either. Finally, I listened to the album while riding my electric scooter and found myself vibing to nearly every song. However, I couldn't remember the song names once my ride was over. I decided to listen to the album again at night, as if it had just been released, and took notes to help me identify each song And listened to it like 6 EPS with the help of the discs track-list . That's when it clicked - this album is perfect. I should have approached it this way from the start. If an album doesn't sound good to you, it's probably not the album itself, but the way you listen to it. The album in question is "If Looks Could Kill" by Destroy Lonely.
In summary, my various listening experiences shaped my understanding and appreciation of the album. My initial impression, based on starting with track four, was part of my first listening experience. The key takeaway is to approach an album with a fresh and open mind, and to give it a proper listen before forming an opinion.
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project-feive · 2 years
Ranking my versions of my Five based off of her levels of unhinge-ness.
Read more below just because there could be some stuff considered spoilers?
1: NL!Callista Glover. “The Red Soldier” (my own personal AU) This bitch crazy and traumatized. Lived in Red Scorpion Base and was basically a test subject and didn’t meet Team Abel until S9. Do not turn your back on her ever. She will kill with no remorse. Feels everything and nothing all at the same time. Girly is in her Reputation Era and doesn’t plan on getting out of it any time soon.
2. ZR!Callista Glover. “Runner 5” (main series) She isn’t in her Reputation Era just yet but she’s close. Her mind is literally breaking and she’s been traumatized ten times over and her marriage fell apart in front of her eyes. Like girl needs therapy, meds, a vacation, the whole works. She’s approximately two seconds away from snapping and killing everyone.
3: Ista-Glow. “Rookie” (Dystopia Rising) She is a mercenary. What would you expect? Also major parental issues. Has died before and in Dystopia Lore coming back is a horribly kind breaking thing so def has baggage from that.
4. Evangeline Freeman. “Walker” (The Walk) Has mental health issues at the beginning but isn’t really unhinged at the beginning of her story. Slowly becomes more unhinged as the story goes on. Will definitely need therapy.
5. Callista ‘Cal’ Glover. “Rider” (Dragon Flight) This version of Callista is 14. Do you know how unhinged 14-year-olds are? I don’t think I need to say any more.
6. Glass Woman “Five” (Endless Sea add-on story) Poor girl loses her memory and has black glass armor. Doesn’t talk to the aliens on the planet she resides on much and doesn’t let them ever see her in the forest where she lives. If unhinged because she is very casual about breaking and entering into the literal castle of the alien royalty and bossing the king and queen around and getting them to do what she wants. Isn’t super high on the list just because she doesn’t ask for much or anything drastic.
7. Callista Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Glover. “Apprentice Five” (Abel’s Buccaneers). Literally became Dr. Samuel’s apprentice because her sister abandoned her on the streets of a place she’d never been in because she flew off the rails after her fiancé died. Fell in love with Dr. Samuel because he gave her the tiniest bit of affection. Girly needs therapy. Not unhinged as the others but as some issues she needs to work on.
8. Callista Glover. “Specialist Five” (Venus Rising). Goes on a mission while dying so she can spend more time with her secret bf. When secret bf does she blames the Captain for not doing anything and plots to kill her even while running for her life. Ends up doing so after the last mission of the series. Ironically becomes the last one surviving when she is dying of a terminal disease. Although that last part doesn’t make her unhinged. Everything else though…
9. Callie Morse. “Stoker Five” (Mystery at 4000 Fathoms). Slightly unhinged due to grief. Literally loses it when she can’t find her locket with her late husband’s picture in the beginning. But she does start the healing process at the end of the new adventure.
10. Celeste. “Bellhop” (Hotel Hijinks). Not really unhinged, but does whatever unhinged stuff she’s told to do, like getting into a dumbwaiter to spy on others. This is especially unhinged for Celeste because she’s hard of hearing/mostly deaf so she’d have to peak through and read lips.
11. Quinn (Rule Britannia series). Not really unhinged, although we could say she’s crazy for dealing with so much bullshit for as long as she has. But for the most part is very level headed and isn’t completely murderous.
12. Detective Glover. “Runner 13” (The 13th Runner). The most level headed of them all. Has a brain cells and actually uses them. No inning was unless we consider how the story could end which can go which her going to most unhinged or remaining least unhinged. But during the mission she is not unhinged and is super prepared. Is a bit of a workaholic though.
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cursedauxiliary · 2 years
Dreams Feb 17
I went to a fancy celebrity party where there was ppl like Walter White and ht ecast of gravity falls but real. I was wearing my flower earrings except they were pierced into me cheeks which hurt like hell so I have tu take the stoppers out of my reg ear earrings to put onto them, Walter was very nice complimented my look bc he said it works by having a rounder face (it was like a dad being proud type of compliment) I gave him a hug. Then the party moved over to the back and the front became like a convenience store with snacks and Gatorade. I was still fiddling with my face piercings. Next thing you know the conscience store starts to look more like a home with couches windows, a kitchen and some windows. I was bored and went on discord and was devastated to find the one art server I lile discontinued but thankfully it was just an internet glitch. Then there came a knocking and this pudgy dude tries coming in hes like this big anti vax sexist dude and I kick his ass and push him out of the house, he drops his fake med card that he flaunts and I pick it up. I lock the doors n windows, his buddy comes to join him saying how I'm gonna get sued for assault but I say it's my house and yadda yadda you dont have any documents proving shit, and he goes sure we do amd pulls out his med card, remember his pudgy guy dropped his, this makes him furious bc now all the points he made were obsolete and just embarrassed himself. They argue, I throw the card onto the card and go "uhh is that it" and they turn and grab it, this makes the partner just so pissed and humiliated that he just says "yknow what I'm sorry, we dont have to sue each other, if you want we add money to the proceedings, have it get canceled and you can get the untaxed cash later" that seemed a bit uh sketch so I refused, and the 2 dudes went on there way bc apparently the beliefs are mostly for show to get money from stupid ppl willing to donate and angry ppl to sue.
Then the dream changed, I was like sully from monsters inc and me and my were going thru diff doors to help kids, no longer just making them laugh, but neglected ones lile cleaning them and their place up and well medical treatment. Sometimes when stuck outside we would be in a human form disguise. Lo and behold we get caught outside si we become human and mistaken as the babysitters for this family's kids. They run around and play and then this girl seizes up and freezes, she starts to flail on the ground scratching and hissing. It looked like rabies ngl, everyone comes over concern and strap her down to take her to the hospital but she quickly ends up dying and now it's become a thing where we have to figure out the disease. Due the rapid onset of symptoms and decline of the body, I think we determined it to be some kind of fungus, since we were playing outside, (def nothing irl bc lile nothing just has such a short incubation time and just straight kills the host... I think).
I leave and take s car ride through the country that I thought was Michigan bc of how flat and fieldy it was but I could just straight up see NYC and its skyline so I thought oh I'm in Connecticut (the geography does not make sense) and all it did was reassure my belief that, god I have to live near some terrain I cannot stand flat
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