#i could see so much improvement in my waist n thighs in just a few weeks hehe ♡🙈💗
sugarcandydoll · 7 months
everytime i workout it messes w my periods! :(♡ they either get irregular or stop altogether like for a month! it hurts my tummy sooo much n cause me to break out n makes me sick! :( pls pls share tips if ur a girly who's into working out ♡🎀🫶🏼
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NorthShore Nowheres Prt 2 ||
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(i myself an poly)
|| Warnings: swearing, brief mentions of death, Regina being extra touchy with reader, reader gets into a fight, brief hookup mention
|| Summary: Reader goes to the movies on her date with the plastics, Regina's being extra flirty with reader. Outside, reader gets into a fight with the rival biker gang. Employee breaks up the fight and the girls take reader to Regina's for a patch up.
Requests open!
Started: May 15th
Finished: May 26th
Read part 1!
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In no time at all, it was Friday. You had gotten yourself all dolled up- well, to a degree. You didn't really have fancy clothes and you hated makeup. But you put on your nicest leather jacket and ripped jeans, not your usual baggy jeans. Your hair was put up in a half up half down styled ponytail. Taking one last look in the mirror, you nodded your head in approval and made your way to your front door. Hearing the horn of Regina's jeep outside.
When you get outside, you see the girls waiting for you in Regina's jeep. Regina in the front, passenger seat left open for you, Gretchen and Karen cuddled up together in the back.
Regina flashed you a smirk, her eyes trailing down your outfit and raising an eyebrow." It's an improvement, I guess."
"Hey! Not all of us can have designer clothes." You rolled your eyes and got in the passenger seat, she eyed your jacket and scoffed.
"But you can spend $400 on a leather jacket?" Leave it to Regina George to call you out. You blushed a little, hand covering your cheeks as you looked away.
"Oh fuck off." You retorted, she simply laughed and started up her jeep.
Gretchen leaned forward and smiled at you," I really like your outfit." She whispered to you, you gave her a smile.
"Thanks, baby." You winked, she blushed and leaned back in her seat, Karen snuggled back up to her again. You thought they were just adorable together.
Regina glanced at you before looking back at the road. Her hand rested on your inner thigh, tracing soft circles. You shivered under her touch and looked back at her. Her expression remained neutral, but she knew exactly the kind of effect she had on you.
When you guys got to the theatres, you all walked in together. Gretchen and Karen had their arms linked up while Regina had her arm wrapped around your waist, an almost possessive grip on your hip. You leaned into her touch, headed rested on her shoulder. She was taller than you so it was easy to reach her shoulder without much trouble.
You guys got seats in the back corner of the theatre, looking down at some of the people. Gretchen recognized a few and was whispering rumours she had heard about them to Regina, you raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. It almost made you wonder if she had dirt on you. Probably, given you had a bit of a rough reputation with your biker gang. Karen was just happily eating popcorn next to Gretchen, you reached over and took a handful. Plopping them into your mouth as the movie started.
You could barely focus on the movie. Why? Regina's hands were all over you the whole time. Not that you minded, of course. Her hands trailed along your inner thighs, purposefully messing with you. She kept her eyes on the movie and face neutral. Much like how she had in the jeep. Meanwhile you? Your hands gripped the sides of your sheet, knuckles sheet white and cheeks soft red. You tried hard to keep your breathing steady and eyes on the movie, instead of Regina. Though that was almost impossible. By grace of God you managed to keep it together throughout the whole movie, though you wouldn't be able to describe a word of it if anyone asked.
As you guys left the theatres, Gretchen walked up to you and smiled." Oh my Gosh, that movie was so fetch! Y/N, what was your favourite part?"
You racked your brain for any detail. Regina looked at you expectantly, though you could tell she was fighting a smirk at your struggle.
"Uh- the ending?" You decided to go with a safe vague answer. Gretchen looked surprised. Why was she surprised?
"The part where the main character died?"
Regina scoffed to hide her laugh, looking away from you. You glanced at Regina and narrowed your eyes before looking at Gretchen.
"Oh, well- I just- think it's very.. different from how movies usually go. You know? It's a nice change up." You rambled out a lie, Gretchen nodded a little as she listened to you.
"Yeah, that's true! It did make for a nice change." She agreed with you, you sighed quietly in relief. Jesus.
You were about to respond, when you heard some familiar shouting from the parking lot ahead of you. Your head whipped around and eyes widened at the sight of your rival biker gang. Of course they would be here. That's on you for forgetting this was their hangout place.
Instinctively, you grabbed Gretchen's hand. Which caught her off guard a little.
"Let's get out of here. Now." You stated, Regina looked back at you and narrowed her eyes before seeing the biker gang. She put two and two together and smirked.
"They don't seem all that tough." Regina folded her arms and walked over, you panicked.
She didn't listen. Why would she?
"Hey! Tough guy!" Regina kept her stance, the leader looked at Regina and raised an eyebrow.
"The hell do you want? If you're looking for a hook up, strip club's that way." He smirked, gesturing vaguely in another direction.
You tensed and walked over, grabbing Regina's arm and trying to pull her away.
"Come on, Regina." You urged, maybe you could get of here before you were noticed.
"Oooh, lookie here fellas." He glanced you up and down, then bent to be eye level with you," its the NorthShore Nobodies." His buddies laughed and fist bumped him, you rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest.
"Real clever. Did you spend all week coming up with it?" You replied, which just annoyed him further. Great. Why couldn't you ever learn to keep your mouth shut?
"Somebody thinks she's tough. How about we find out just how tough she really is, eh boys?"
"I bet she could kick your sorry asses any day." Regina piped up, oh she loved this. You wished she would stop trying to start something you weren't sure you could end.
"Sorry asses, huh?" The leader repeats, turning his head to Regina now. "You'll be sorry in a minute." His hand raised, Regina didn't flinch or even tried to move. She held her ground.
You, on the other hand, weren't about to let that happen. You reacted just as his hand came down towards Regina's face and grabbed his wrist, holding it with a firm grip.
"Let's all just calm down for a moment and we'll get out of your hair- or... head. I guess." You corrected with a smirk, looking up at his bald head for a moment before meeting his eyes.
Karen and Gretchen stood a distance behind you, Gretchen tense the whole time while Karen ate her popcorn with wide eyes. She handed some over to Gretchen who side eyed Karen.
He was faster than you this time, his fist met your face and you stumbled back into Regina. Who caught you in a firm hold. You could feel a bruise forming around your left eye, your head spun. But you couldn't back down now. Not in front of your girls. Regina's eyes scanned your face and was about to say something but before she could you lunged forwards towards the leader.
"Woah! Woah! Okay!" Someone from behind you shouted, you stopped mid tussle with this guy and looked to see who had spoken. Judging by the outfit, she was a theatre employee. She walked over and gently separated the both of you, stepping between." Alright, friends. We're going to use our words instead of our fists, okay?"
Was she gentle parenting the two of you? You both looked bewildered, Regina was laughing her ass off behind you.
"Um... I don't like the way you were treating my date?" You said awkwardly and looked at the guy, the employee grinned and nodded in encouragement.
"I don't like what you said about my bald head?" The guy replied, just as confused as you.
"Good job!" Oof, the baby tone. Yeah you were being gentle parented by this damn theatre employee. "Now let's shake hands and say sorry, okay friends?"
You awkwardly shook his hand and both mumbled an embarrassed apology.
"I'm so proud of both of you for using your words!" She grinned and gave each of you a hug, you didn't hug back. You felt too awkward to do so.
"Come on, let's go." You mumbled to Regina and headed to her jeep, Regina was still laughing as she followed you. Gretchen and Karen quickly caught up, Gretchen placing a hand on your shoulder as she frowned at your eye.
"Is your eye okay?" She asked, you shrugged slightly. It hurt moving that side of your face but otherwise you were fine.
"I'm fine." You assured her, she didn't believe you.
Regina got the four of you to her place, as soon as you were there Gretchen took you to the bathroom with the first aid kit and tended to your eye as Karen followed to watch.
You sat on the toilet seat, Gretchen crouched in front of you as she dabbed your eye with an ice pack. You winced a little.
"Maybe I should go to Chris' Halloween party as a pirate. Get myself an eyepatch." You joked, Gretchen smiled a little at your joke while Karen nodded in agreement.
"You could be a sexy pirate!" She grinned, completely agreeing with you even though you were only kidding.
Honestly, maybe you should go as a sexy pirate. It would definitely be a look.
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multifandom-worlds · 11 months
Getting to Know the "Other"
Genre: angsty fluff
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: N/A
Author's note: This is a poly fic with Loki x Bucky x Olivia. If you;re not into it, just scroll past.
Tagging: @simplyholl @holdmytesseract @ladyofthestayingpower @winterslove1917
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Olivia sleeps on the couch, her head resting safely on Loki’s thighs while he reads a book to pass the time. Olivia had protected everyone with a violent hurricane - using the heavy rainfall as a shield for the Avengers to escape - to the detriment of her health. It has been a week since that mission, and Olivia can barely keep her eyes open for more than 10 minutes before she requires sleep. Loki and Bucky have never left her side.
“I hope she’s just sleeping on your lap, reindeer games!” Tony’s voice calls from the doorway, which Loki waves off. He was far too concerned for his partner to entertain Tony’s drivel. Loki places a protective hand on Olivia’s waist, a faint green glow emanating between his fingers. “Easy there, buckaroo. Suit up; we have a mission. Meet us in the jet in 10.” 
“We had a deal, Stark. Not until Olivia is fully back to herself.” Loki spoke; the tone of his voice could make a god crumble. “We had a deal that neither Bucky nor I would be on missions until she is deemed healthy. You are the reason she is like this. You asked her to give us a diversion so we could escape; she hardly made it out of there alive.” 
Tony raises his hands in surrender, stepping back, not wanting to anger the god further. “I didn’t know she hadn’t improved yet. I didn’t realize how much energy she had used up. I need to figure out some way to monitor that. That will be my first project when I return.” Tony mumbles to himself, walking out of the room.
“What is Stark going on about?” Bucky asks, coming into the lounge to find Loki and his girl. He sees her sleeping on his lap, a frown on his lips as he brushes his hand along her leg. "Any improvements?" Bucky kneels beside the couch, running his metal hand across her fevered forehead. 
Loki shakes his head, brushing the hair from her face. Bucky clenches his fists, the scowl on his face more prominent than ever. "I'm going to destroy him," Bucky mutters, standing up and looking back towards the hallway he last saw Tony down. 
"You're not the only one who wants to destroy him for what he did to Olivia, but acting unbelievably recklessly will not only come down on you but also on me and Olivia,” Loki says, keeping his voice even. He was not necessarily pleased about sharing his love with another, but given Bucky was dating her first, he accepted he would not have her whole heart. “Here, I need to stretch my legs; you sit with her,” Loki spoke again, carefully lifting Olivia’s head so he could slide out from beneath her.
“L-Loki?” Olivia’s weak, tired voice hits Loki’s ears. He turns to look at her, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes. “Where are you going, Loki..?” She asks, her words soft. Loki crouches down, cupping her cheeks with his hand. “I just need to stretch my legs, Dove. Bucky’s here; you won’t be alone. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He kisses her forehead, a faint frown, feeling how hot she is. Doctor Banner hadn’t found any reason for her to be fevered, which concerned him greatly.
Bucky sits down where Loki once sat, wrapping his arms around Olivia. “I’m here, babydoll. Loki will be back in a bit; why don’t you go back to sleep? You are still tired, my doll.” Olivia rests her head on Bucky’s shoulder, relaxation quickly overtaking her. Within a few minutes, she was asleep again.
Loki’s heart hurt, seeing how quickly Olivia relaxed in his embrace. He leaves the room to grab a glass of water, pushing his feelings down. He watches out the window as the other Avengers go, briefly debating joining them, but the image of Olivia’s face when she woke up to find Loki leaving her was enough to keep him at the compound. 
He heads back into the lounge, opting to sit by Olivia’s feet, a burning question in his mind. “Bucky, why did you allow Olivia to enter into a relationship with me when she was already with you?” 
Bucky looks between his girlfriend curled up into him and Loki, a faint chuckle falling from his lips. “I was wondering when you’d finally ask. It boiled down to the fact she loves you, too. I wasn’t the only one her heart wanted. I saw how she lit up every time you entered the room, and her smile was a little brighter every time you said something. I offered to break it off with her so you could have her, but she didn’t want that either. She would have been loyal to me, but I knew she would always long for you. Her thoughts often went to you for those first two months when it was just us. I knew she wouldn’t be truly happy with just me. This way, I know she’s protected when I cannot be around.”
Loki ponders what Bucky told him, wondering how a man who lost so much could still be so selfless. “Thank you, James, for allowing me to have Olivia too. She makes me feel like I’m not the monster I was made to believe I was. She doesn’t cower in the presence of my true form; she embraces me for who I am. She makes me think there is some redemption for me in the end.” Loki spoke softly, a far-off look to him.
“You know, Loki, you and I are not that different. In physicality, sure, we are different; you’re an immortal god; I’m just a mortal man, but we were both made into monsters.” Bucky says, absent-mindedly running his hand up and down Olivia’s waist. “I don’t claim to understand your life and what Odin made you think, but he made you into the monster you always believed you were. Hydra, well, we know what Hydra did.”He pauses; flashbacks briefly cloud his vision before he pushes them down. “I’m trying to say we aren't that different.”
Loki contemplates what Bucky has said. He always thought no one else would understand him; no one would know what goes through his head in the quiet morning hours when the world sleeps. But perhaps Bucky does. Bucky may understand the fear and turmoil he keeps hidden away. He might know what Olivia’s love means.
Bucky and Loki continued talking for several hours while Olivia slept, getting to know each other on a level neither previously wanted to reach. They found countless similarities they shared, such as a love of reading and having the same fears and anxieties. Loki admits his jealousy and feelings of inadequacy for the first time since entering a relationship with Olivia. He admits to himself and Bucky how he believes he is less than Bucky in terms of being a proper boyfriend, to which Bucky refutes. 
“I suppose you’re right. Why did you pick Olivia?” Loki asks, previously not caring about it. He never cared about the “other man” in the relationship.
Bucky sighed. “She almost died trying to save me. She got shot on a mission about seven months after she joined. I realized then, sitting beside her in the hospital, watching her cling to life, that I had feelings for her. Like you, she makes me feel like I’m worth something. Like I wasn’t the monster that everyone painted me out to be. She separated me from the Winter Soldier and chose to get to know me as me. I am forever thankful for her.” Bucky smiles, looking at her fondly, recounting how she has helped him through panic attacks or nightmares.
“There is no such thing as a perfect boyfriend. There are times when Livie will need something that I cannot give her, and there will be times when only I can help her. It’s not about you being less than me; it's about who you are with Livie.”
Olivia smiled softly; having woken up an hour ago, she listened to their conversation, thankful that Loki was beginning to open up with someone other than her.
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pedropascalsx · 2 years
Target Practice {Din Djarin x F! Reader}
Summary: You get distracted by the Mandalorian cleaning his weapons, and he can see right through you and what you’re needing from him.
Warnings: Gun kink, gun fucking, weapon fucking, p in v sex, creampie, mentions of oral, slight fingering, breastplay and some dirty talk. Please tell me if i’m forgetting anything.  - obvious canon divergence. Canon? we don’t know her. No use of y/n.
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: So as usual I am a little nervous about posting this but I had so much fun writing it, I really hope y’all enjoy it and if you did please let know! I love hearing your feedback. I am REALLY trying to improve on my writing and my smut, i promise!!!
Shoutout to my best girl @djarinispunkk for beta reading this for me. Shoutout to @prolix-yuy for being the best supportive enabler and helping convince me to run with this idea.
And shoutout to my girl @pedrito-friskito​ for being the sweetest person alive; i love you to pieces - happy birthday, i hope you enjoy this.
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He could spot it from a mile off - he was certain he would be able to even without zooming in on his helmet - a look that was reserved just for him, a look that you were sure only he could bring out in you. A look that said more than your timid self could muster to say aloud, one that was drenched in want and lust. The first time you had given him that look, he had all but ran across the hull to you, whispering ‘are you sure?’ into your ear and then ripping your dress over your head in one clean sweep the moment you replied with a breathy ‘yes’. He’d taken you entirely by surprise; he was gentler than you’d anticipated, and it seemed to surprise him just as much. You’d found him leaving the door to his room slightly ajar for you every night since. The conversation still slow but day by day, he revealed more and more to you. Most the time he’d just ask questions, little things to get to know you more and more, and when you’d ask the same back, you’d get a nod or a short reply. Some days he wouldn’t ask you a thing, he’d keep himself as quiet as he needed to and communicate with the tiniest of touches: letting his hand linger on the bottom of your back, or resting his hand on your thigh for a few seconds before letting it go with a quick squeeze. The last time you’d given him this specific look was when he was taking apart one of his guns; you were mesmerised, watching him methodically take apart each piece and polish it until it gleamed perfectly. It wasn’t until you’d realised his hands had stopped moving entirely that he’d caught you staring, his helmet poised with a slight tilt. He stared back intently behind the beskar and your breath hitched as you realised that you’d been caught. You couldn’t see them, but you felt the burning gaze of his eyes burrowing into you, seemingly reading the filthy thoughts floating around your brain.
Before you could speak, a wordless command in the form of his finger pointing towards his cot was sent your way. On shaky legs, you immediately made your way into his room and removed your clothes. He always liked it when you were ready, not wanting to waste time in removing your layers – he likes when you’re bare. Bare and waiting for him. Ready for him to strip off his gloves and run his rough calloused hands all across your body, silently aching behind layers of beskar for you to do the same to him. You were sure that he’d never allow it, honestly you weren’t sure he could. So utterly devoted to his creed.
His hands were one of two parts of him that he’d revealed to you. He’d gotten into the habit of removing his gloves the minute his kid was snoozing soundly in his crib, waiting for you to notice and to slide your hand into his. You also loved the way he wasted no time in pulling you to the bottom of his bed, spreading your legs so he could slide in between them and tapping your thighs in the form of a command for you to wrap your legs around his waist. Only then would he begin to run his hands all over you, taking his time to squeeze and play with your tits. Telling you how badly he wanted to suck them, run his tongue across them and bite down until you squealed beneath him. But this time was different, he breathed out the usual ‘good girl’ at seeing you spread bare for him, the two words he knew went straight to your core and made you leak arousal for him. He kept his hands to himself, his helmet tilting upwards and back down again as he took in the sight in front of him in.
“You look so good like this” he grunted, before finally reaching down to run his palms up and down your thighs. Spreading your legs, a little further before slotting himself against you, gripping up to your hips to stop any movement until he’s ready, “Tell me what you were thinking when I was fixing my gun back together, sweet girl.” His cock twitches as your breaths become shaky and your chest heaves up and down. He’s always more vocal when you’re like this, always more giving with words when he’s got you where he loves you the most. “Tell me, don’t make me ask again,” he growls out. You feel your core clench down around nothing with a desperate need. “I was thinking… thinking about how it-it would feel” you murmur, your voice small and shaky as he runs his thumb across your cheekbone.
“How it would feel where, baby? Tell me what you want.” You bite down on your lip as his fingers trail down your torso, just lightly sweeping against your skin until he gets to your core. A finger slightly circles the area beneath your belly button before he drags it down to the top of your slit, millimetres away from where you want to feel him the most, waiting until you give him the answer he is chasing.
“In-inside of me,” you splutter out, and he rewards you with a firm press against your bundle of nerves. “Good girl.” he grits out as he starts to draw circles around your clit, “You want it, sweet girl?” he asks as he reaches behind his back and pulls out the very rifle you had been focusing on minutes before. “Yes,” you moan as he continues working your clit. “Safe word or hit down on the bed if you need me to stop” he says whilst dipping two fingers into your entrance, gathering up as much slick onto his fingers before removing them and spreading it down the barrel of his gun. You groan as he removes his hand from your core and places it on one of your thighs, spreading you open a little more before rubbing the cold metal against your clit.
“You ready?” You nod your head ferociously as he moves the gun down slowly through your folds, until it reaches your entrance and he pushes it in, relishing in the soft moans escaping your mouth as the barrel breaches you more and more.
“Play with that pretty little clit,” he orders as he slowly starts to pump it in and out, studying your face as it contorts in pleasure and the pretty little sounds you make escape through your plump lips. He fucks you with his gun until he feels your pussy grip hard around it, until your eyes roll back into your head, and you beg to feel his cock filling you instead. He then flips you on your stomach and thrusts his achingly hard cock in and out of you until you’re a quivering mess, pussy lips sore and swollen from being railed into his cot and your bundle of nerves trembling from overstimulation. He left for a hunt the very next day and didn’t return for almost 10 days. He had told you he wanted to watch you fuck yourself with his gun the very first night he returned, but he quickly pulled it away and pressed himself into you, the gun quickly forgotten about.
And now you find yourself stood in the hull of his ship, your fingers tracing his pulse rifle. Feeling the cool metal against your fingertips as you run them slowly up and down the prongs. You’d never been brave enough to touch it before, knowing the power the rifle holds and having seen his disintegrate threats with it in a single blast, but today you couldn’t keep away. Memories of his gun rubbing that sweet spot inside of you replaying in your head, over and over as you dripped your arousal into your panties.
You couldn’t help but wonder how this would feel. How Mando would look draped in his armour as he stood over you again fucking you with another one of his weapons.
A gloved hand squeezes your shoulder, and you jump at the unexpected intrusion, so lost in your own filthy thoughts you didn’t hear him enter, “S’okay baby” he groans into your ears, a hand sneaking around your front and down to cup your mound, “You’ve seen what that one can do, sweet girl, I don’t think you could handle this one” he whispers. “I can handle it” you reply sounding braver than you’d expected to, “I want you to fuck me with it, Mando.” “Go get ready for me, sweet girl.”
You slowly walk towards his room, and just before you get to the door, you spin around to face him. Keeping your eyes on the visor of his helmet as you reach up to pull the straps of your dress off of your shoulders before letting it fall down around your ankles. You swear you hear a shaky breath escape through his modulator before you reach back and unhook your bra, swiftly pulling it down and letting it join your dress on the floor. You take a small step forward before dipping your fingers into the waistband of your panties and you slowly start to pull open the door, slightly swaying your hips as you do so. You step out of your panties slowly, and instead of letting them drop to the floor you let them hang from your index finger and you reach your arm out for him to take them from you.
You watch his chest plate rise and fall for a few short moments before he takes two long strides before you and snatches the flimsy lacy material from your finger. A smart contented sigh leaves your lips, and you hear him mumble something about not getting them back as you enter the room and lower yourself onto the bed you share. “Such a dirty, dirty girl” he groans as he sees you laid bare and waiting, “Fuck, you’re dripping, baby girl.” Your breath hitches as he lays the pulse rifle down beside of you, “Not yet, gotta get you ready first” he says, sensing your anticipation.
He holds his hands out in front of your face, and you take the silent order to remove the gloves as quickly as possible, the moment the first one is free he takes the opportunity to run his fingers across your cheek. “Such a pretty girl,” he murmurs before pulling the other free from your grip and plunging a thick finger inside of you, praising the way you clench around his digit immediately.
“Good girl, baby,” he coos as he slowly pumps it in and out, over and over until you’re begging for more. Eventually, he adds a second and reaches up to grab your own hand, moving it down to your clit. Your soft mewls fuel his need for you to cum on his fingers, and he orders you to rub your clit harder as he roughly palms at your breast with his free hand. You whimper the only name he had given you as you clamp down onto his fingers, vision blurred and seeing stars as he praises you throughout your high.
“You sure you want this?” he asks, gripping your jaw gently as he studies your face. “I do.” “And you’ll use the safe word if you want me to stop?” “Yes, Mando. I promise.” “Good girl.”
He reaches down to pick it up and you watch as he slowly studies his weapon, trying to work out the best way to do this, the way to do this without potentially harming you. He keeps his hand off of the trigger and holds it tentatively with both hands. After watching him think for a few moments about how to do this, you carefully reach down and guide the rifle towards you, keeping it straight as you encourage him to push the bottom prong inside of you as the top slides across your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck yourself down on it” he orders, “I’ll keep it still, baby. You cum on this and then you’ll cum on my cock.”
You keen over his words, and the way he lets the sweet endearments he keeps just for you slip out when you’re at your most vulnerable for him. Slowly, you move your hips, rocking downwards slightly and gasping at the way the cool metal feels against your clit. Your pace increases as you get used to the feeling, moaning louder and louder as the prongs rubs against the spongey spot inside of you and across your clit at the same time. You can see how affected he is at the sight laid out in front of him by the obvious tenting on his pants; you desperately feel the need to reach down and palm him he’s too far away. Desperate whimpers and moans fly freely from your mouth. “I know baby, I know” he soothes as your orgasm builds up inside of you, “I’ve got you, baby.” “I n-need… I need you, Mando” you stammer, as blinding pleasure explodes behind your eyes and you fuck yourself down harder and harder throughout your orgasm, chanting his name over and over as he continues to tell you that you’re his good girl, his and no-one else’s. The moment you come down from your orgasm, he slowly removes the blaster from your heat, discarding it as quickly as he can before freeing his almost painfully hard length from his pants. “My mouth,” you stutter as you attempt to pull yourself up, but a strong arm pushes on your shoulder to keep you laid down.
“Next time, baby… I need to be inside of you. Fuck. Need to feel that warm, tight pussy cum around my cock.” More arousal drips from your core as he continues letting filth drip from behind his helmet. You watch as he pumps himself a few times before dragging the tip of his cock through your folds, hovering at your entrance for a few seconds before filling you in one swift movement. Heavy breaths run through his modulator as he lets you adjust for a few moments.
“Look at you, so fucking perfect. My perfect sweet, sweet girl. Always so good to me. Always taking my cock so fucking good. Maker, how did I get so lucky as to stumble across you?” Before you can say anything back, he rolls his hips back and starts thrusting back into you. Your hands grip on to the cold beskar draping his shoulders as he fucks himself into you at an unforgiving pace, hitting that sweet spot with perfect precision. You squeeze down around him, choking out as his name as the feeling of euphoria begins to build inside of you; with each calculated and rough thrust, you feel the course patch of his pubic hair brush up against your clit and as you whimper his title, he whispers a simple one syllable word into your ear. “Din.”
“Din?” you repeat back to him. “Scream it, baby, as loud as you need to.” His name, you realise. His name. Din. “Din” you moan over and over, and you feel the affect it has on him - the way his shoulders seem to relax and the way his hands palm your breasts a little bit softer as he coaxes your next orgasm out of you.
You feel a gush from between your legs as you begin to soak him with your pleasure, before clamping down and screaming his name as you cum. He follows shortly behind as he thrusts in and out, painting your walls with his cum as he does so. “Fuck” you blurt out with a giggle, “That was… incredible.” “You are incredible” he says with a smirk that you can’t see but you can hear as he rolls down beside of you. You breathe out another tiny giggle as your hand slides into his. “It’s kind of perfect. It’s nice. Simple.” “What?” “Your name. Din. I like it.” “I like hearing you say it.” He says as he squeezes your hand three times. “I think you like hearing me moan it more.” “Mhm. Next time you moan it, it’ll be because my face is buried between your thighs.”
You gulp at the promise leaving his lips; never before has he tasted you, never before as he taken his helmet off around you, but the idea of finally feeling his lips against yours makes your heart stutter. You don’t press him on it, instead you snuggle up next him; letting the coolness of his beskar soak into your warm skin as he wraps his arms around you.
Letting him fuck you with his weapons was the best idea you’d had in a long time.
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kenzumekodma · 3 years
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summary: “L-look at you, humping the mattress l-like a bitch in heat,” you tease, using his own words against him. “Gonna cum for me, baby boy?”
pairing: denki kaminari x fem reader
wc: 1541
warnings: sub m, f!reader, domme reader, thigh riding, ‘princess’ as a title, oral (f recieving), roommates to fwb to lovers a/n: for @httptamaki​ ’s subby boys collab! find the masterlist here <3 thank you to @angelashido​ for beta reading for me!
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You fiddle with the hem of the black mesh panties of the matching set you had bought earlier on in the day. Denki should be home any minute. No doubt he’ll be a little out of it from work, but honestly? That might just work in your favour. Confidence hasn’t always been your strong suit, although since whatever this is between you and Famous Pro Hero Chargebolt started, it’s improved quite a bit. Being around him is like listening to an audiobook of Ulysses on repeat, as if he’s thinking out loud.
You shiver as you sit on the armchair in your apartment. Maybe this is too much, you think to yourself. Just as the thought crosses your mind to put on a pair of jeans and a sweater, Denki’s key slides into the lock. Well fuck, it’s now or never. You steel yourself in the few seconds you have before he opens the door and hope he can’t see from across the room how your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest.
“Heeeeell-” he starts. “Oh,” he finishes quietly, drinking in your form. He’s not subtle about eyeing the way the rose appliques tastefully cover your nipples. You swallow, and put on a figurative brave face.
“Long day?” you ask.
“Y-yeah, uh huh,” he answers, distracted by the way the elastic of your panties pinches the soft flesh of your hips.
“Thought... “ you clear your throat and reset yourself. “I thought you could use something to relieve some stress after your patrol.”
“Yup, sure,” he says, eyes trailing down to your thighs. He licks his lips.
“You’re not hearing a word I say, are you?”
“Nope,” he confirms. “Gimme.” Denki kicks his shoes off at the door and makes to take you by the waist. Hands gliding along your sides, he leans in to kiss you. You pull back. A sly smirk tugs at your lips.
“Ah, ah. I don’t think so,” you tut. Denki raises an eyebrow. “On the couch.” The order feels foreign in your mouth. Not a bad foreign, though. More like the first bite of a French macaron. To your surprise, the blond man obeys without question. “Gonna have to earn it.”
He watches, eyes wide, as you settle yourself on his lap, straddling his thigh. You take his wrists in your hands and hold them above his head. Your lips rove from his jaw, down his neck, down to his chest, leaving a trail of kisses and bites in their wake.
“What do you say, baby?” you ask.
“Y-yes, god yes, p-please,” he chokes out, pupils blown wide.
“Please, what?” you lead, slowly grinding against his thigh.
“Please let me earn it. Please, P-Princess, let me be a good boy for you,” he groans. You ghost your fingers over his clothed cock and feel it twitch under your touch.
“So eager already, and for what?” you say smugly. You release his hands and climb off of his lap. “Pants. Off. Now,” you demand.
“Y-yes, Princess!” Denki scrambles to unbuckle the utility belt of his hero costume. There’s nothing deft about his movement, not an ounce of grace left in the man. He tosses his pants and belt on the chair across the room and sits as he was again.
“Good boy,” you coo. You find your place on his lap again and grind down. He hisses at the friction of your knee nudging his balls through his boxers as you move. Your lips part and a soft moan falls from them. Denki’s hands drift down to your hips, unconsciously guiding them as he stares at the wet patch forming on your panties. You tap his cheek lightly twice and stop moving.
“Up here, baby,” you say, guiding his hands to your chest. Greedily, he takes your breasts in his hands, massaging and playing with them as if he’s never gotten the chance to before. “Flex your thigh for me, won’t you? That’s a good boy,” you sigh, leaning forward and rocking your clit against your roommate. At any other time if he had you like this, he’d tease you for acting like a bitch in heat, making you edge for him. The thought of turning the tables on him is delicious. You suck a dark spot on his neck to bite back a groan that Denki can feel in his throat as you cum. He runs his fingers through your hair, the softness of his touch making you lean into his hands.
“I wanna see you do that again,” he whispers.
“I’m not here to care about what you want,” you murmur back sweetly. For the first time this afternoon, you glide your hand up and down his clothed shaft. His hips buck up, sending you closer to his face. You bump your head against his, and giggle.
“You okay, Princess?” He kisses your forehead.
“Mhm, I’m fine, don’t worry.” You give him a chaste kiss on the lips. “Floor, please, baby,” you say, standing to let him follow your command. As he goes to sit on the floor you disappear from his view for a moment, only to return with your favourite toy. It’s thick, and a transparent yellow that reminds you of Kaminari’s electric hero persona. Your panties on the floor, your legs spread, and your roommate’s face the most delectable, deep shade of pink, you have everything where you want it.
Keeping your eyes locked onto Denki, you slide your hand between your open legs and rub your clit lightly once, twice, three times… You watch as his eyes follow your fingers. You slide your middle finger from the bottom of your slit to the top. Denki chokes on a groan seeing the string of your essence connecting your pussy to your finger when you pull away.
“Wanna touch, please, Princess. Can I taste? Y’look so delicious,” he begs.
“If you’re good and patient, baby,” you promise. You guide the dildo into yourself and bite your lip. Inch by agonizingly slow inch you take the toy up to the base. By the time you’re able to move it, your head’s thrown back and you’re only barely aware of Denki watching your every move with bated breath. Each time he goes to touch himself, he mentally swats away his own hand. Even when you’re in your own little world, he wants to be a good boy for you.
It’s not long until your second orgasm hits you. Your hips lift off of the couch and you whimper with a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The overstimulation of fucking yourself past your climax makes you mewl. Your eyes flutter open and you see Denki staring at you, jaw dropped. You run your thumb against your clit and groan. After all the hard work he puts in as a hero, you think he deserves a bit of a show.
“W-was so good, didn’t touch myself at all or nothing,” he pants. “Lemme taste you, please. I-I wanna taste you so bad, need it, please!” You nod. He scrambles to his feet and picks you up. “Wanna be comfy when I make you feel good,” he says, carrying you to his bedroom. He lays you down gingerly. “Can I take my clothes off?”
“Go ahead,” you affirm.
Within seconds Denki’s naked, lying on his stomach between your legs. With his tongue broad and flat, he licks a long stripe up your cunt. He moans into your skin.
“Taste so good, Princess. Better when you make me wait,” he mumbles. Another stroke of his tongue like the first, then a third before he delves into your hole. He brings his hand up around your thigh and flicks his thumb over your sensitive nub.
“F-fuck,” you whine. “S-such a good boy for me.” Denki whimpers at your praise, the vibrations going straight to your core. A loud moan escapes your lips. You lace your fingers in his hair and tug lightly. Hand firmly at the back of his head, you guide his lips to your clit. He seals them around it and sucks with a gentle hunger. His tongue flicks against you desperately.
“L-look at you, humping the mattress l-like a bitch in heat,” you tease, using his own words against him. “Gonna cum for me, baby boy?”
He nods into your sex, the extra friction making you choke out a sob. You feel yourself reaching the familiar precipice.
“C’mon baby, just a little more, just a -- j-just like that just like that!” you cry. Denki slides two large fingers into your velvet walls and curls them just right, the way that has you coming undone on him in seconds. He chokes out a sob as he cums, staining the sheets of his bed with white. He takes his time lazily cleaning up the evidence of your pleasure, peppering kisses along your thighs, to your hips, up your tummy, your chest, and finally ending with a tender kiss to your lips.
“Gonna have to wear that more often, sweetheart,” he murmurs, a grin plastered across his face. “I’ll be your good boy if you’ll be mine.”
“If I’ll be your what?” you ask, breathless. He places a sweet kiss on your nose.
“Just mine.”
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years
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corrupt; draken, ken ryuguji [01]
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In which you met the man of your past, but he didn't come back to remind you of the bitter break-up. Draken had one thing in mind and it was to never let you leave his side ever again. Distance made the heart grow fonder but he'd rather let you spend the rest of your life hating him if it meant you'd never leave his sight.
"I don't wish you well when you ain't with me, I want you crying."
mention of suicide, oral receiving (reader),
a/n: taglist are open up to 10 users! comment '☁️'
Word count: 2.1k
series masterlist
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[01: jealousy]
Draken wanted to take you away.
The curves of your spine, flowing down to the slope of your well-rounded bottom flesh, he watched the symmetrical dimple right above your butt - mocking him that those precious intimate spots were no longer his possession to own.
It wasn't only him who shared the same thought; everyone in this crowded room had their eyes glued on you. As if you were holding those guests captive, you felt immense pressure on your feet and thighs, quivered before you wrapped your leg around the shining pole.
Spinning, spinning, spinning.
Those blinding lights showered your sweating figure in all fairness, the sound of Abel's voice had long dimmed down, it meant that your show was done. It was silent in a minute,
lifting your face - your lips curled into a hunting smile and the room soared with cheers, crumpled money tossed across the stage, but your sense of content was suppressed by the overwhelming tension.
A pair of black pupils were starring at you - pinning you to where you stood. He was among the crowd, all in his glory without care but you. You felt something burst inside your chest, unable to tear your focus from him.
This longing for him is toxic.
Flashes of memories where those sober eyes bore into yours when he pumped his fat cock into your tight cunt until his thick cum over spilled, the same eyes that once shone with so much love but turned cold.
A shout from backstage startled you from your daze, another coworker came up and escorted you down, assisting you to take off the painful high heels.
"What's with you?" She threw a curious stare your way.
You still couldn't wrap your mind. He was there. Flesh and soul, presented in front of you. It was a brief eye contact but it was enough. Enough to tell you that he was coming back for you.
It had been years since the two of you chose to split up, making your paths without each other's companion.
"I, I've got to go. I forgot that I locked the windows, my cat's probably waiting for me. He's been out for 3 days so he's starving I think. Y'all can continue without me,"
You stood but your knees turned weak at the sudden arrival of him, standing by the door. A few steps taken back, you lost all rationality to stay calm because your heart thumped loudly.
Standing tall on his 6' ft, athletic and young Draken was nowhere to be seen but replaced - with a mature adult man that induced everything he carried into lust.
The robust body looked incredibly fit, lean, and you could see the strong outlines of his defined chest and abdominal muscles from the black shirt. If it was years ago, those leather jackets wouldn't suit him - he'd look like those up-start wannabe gangsters.
But it was different now. It clung to his broad shoulders perfectly, he wasn't as cheap as those local pranksters. The dark jeans also did little job in hiding his long legs. He was indeed a member of a gang; eerie and cruel - but he had never look this good that you want to fuck.
Draken's presence was enough to brush away every man in the room that you belonged to him. Your little admirers couldn't even look at him in the eyes, let alone make up a fight.
They left with a strong sense of defeat; no wonder you never once accept any confessions, turned out you have such a man waiting.
"Why is he here? This area is off-limits. Only staff is allowed. Naoki, guide him out." You forced yourself to mutter those words, uncaring to look at him with your back facing him.
Naoki sighed, this man literally slipped $750 under the table just to meet you. Those incompetent flies who claimed to love you didn't even spare this much effort. She only signaled him to step in before she whispered to you,
"Remember the guy I told you? The one that booked a whole session for your private room? He's that guy. It's just that he arrived a little early than the arranged meeting but it'll be great if you can build a connection with him."
You glared back, "Then send him back. We still have a week before that, right? I'm tired. I can't keep up with this," You pushed off her hand from your shoulder, began to take off your wig. His eyes were still the same; always undressing you naked.
Naoki could only grit her teeth, the money already landed in her pocket. What if he asked it back? She can't let such a great deal slip so she greeted him,
"She's a bit tired from the recent show. How about we push this to tomorrow? She's got free time on her hand to rest too." At least, this would do, right?
"If I have so much time on my hands, I wouldn't have come a week early. So you guess it yourself." His voice has changed too. It was an octave lower, you immediately rubbed your thighs together before you waved a hand.
"Haaa... leave us, Naoki. But I need you to go to my house. I wasn't joking about what I said earlier."
Naoki hurriedly nodded, clutching to her pocket before her eyes warily darted from Draken to you. Is this a couple feud? She noted in her head that she'd help this guy soon in the future - who doesn't want easy money?
"Okay, I will. Sir...? Err.. hope you have a pleasant chat with Dollface. I will excuse myself then ." The hindrance in Draken's eyes finally left the room, the door closed in a thump and the subtle tension thickened.
He didn't say anything, only leaned his body by the door as he watched you wiped off your makeup. This was his morning view back when you were still wet behind ears about pole dancing. You'd come back at the crack of drawn and he'd already been out to his workshop.
Stubborn like a little cat, your doe eyes didn't look up from your make-up bag and he could see through your act to be so busy. He loved how feisty you've become after years. It eased his heart that you could chase off those little shit.
"It suits you, [Y/N]. Face so pretty like a doll. Make one's heart itch to keep around. But I wonder why the name sounds so familiar."
"State your business. I'm heading home straight after this so don't expect a lap dance or something."
"Then that's the plan. I'll drive you home, eh?"
That damn 'eh'. He picked up your habit too well that the time he spent with you shaped him into copying your habit. It sounded cute but your heart still couldn't forgive him. Let him suffer a little.
"Don't need to. My boyfriend is great at doing his job. So do me a favor and let me rest quickly, how about that?"
Now, you were looking at him through the mirror. It was just too hard for you to muster yourself to face him directly. Draken didn't seem shaken. He stood straightly, you clenched your thighs tighter.
"Have I ever been quick in everything when I'm with you, [Y/N]?" His towering figure gawked over your smaller frame - casting his shadow over you as his sharp facial features caught your attention.
"Can't remember. Maybe? Because I said it just now almost like a reflex." You replied, not backing down but instead, squaring up to him that your ample breasts brushed against his torso.
His cologne didn't smell like the tacky, cheap body spray he used to own. This one smelled so expensive, alienated your memory of his familiar scent.
"Now you're getting older, your memory is getting rusty, dollface. Should I put on a play and see if you can call anything in mind?" You felt your breath became heavier but he didn't let you lose your focus yet.
Your chin was tugged upwards, the shadow of his cap cast upon his face and you remembered now; it was his eyes. Because he wasn't vocal about his feelings, you could understand everything from his eyes.
"You've grown softer, Draken. I almost threw up listening to you talk like this. What, are you changing jobs now? Don't tell me you went from a gangster to a con artist."
No, you were lying to yourself. Draken didn't change but improved. Change can be something bad but he never did anything that would bring him down. He just got better.
And it was true when the velvety touch on your beating pulse suddenly moved to your lips before he squished your cheeks in his hand.
"Fucking hot as hell but so damn annoying." He laughed, the light from his eyes never return, only replaced by a wicked glint.
He wanted to take you to his place, fuck you in his bed until you couldn't walk properly so he'd have more reasons to keep you at his place. He wanted to swallow you whole and he barely even started but why was it so damn hard to have you?
"Don't dare to think of anything nasty. You might not care about commitment in a relationship, but I do. So take your hands off me, Draken."
"Kenie. It's Kenie for you."
Your lips were so plump and wet, his other arm wrapped around your waist - hoisting you up to his body before he leaned by the dresser.
You shrieked when his scalding hot palm touched your naked back and as he untied the strings of your bra, he smiled at your face as he said,
"Do you think I'm going to believe that, dollface? Do you really think I don't know that this pussy hasn't been fucked well for months? I have eyes across this ward. You don't get to fool me."
Heat rose to your face, your small hands pushed on his shoulders, "You're still up in my business? Sounds like someone can't fucking move on."
He nodded, ripping off your lacey bralette and his big hands began to palm your heavy breast - carelessly rubbing your nipple with his thumb. You fought the urge to moan, you hold onto his shoulder for dear strength.
"You're right. I can't move on." Your breath hitched, he nuzzled his face to the column of your neck, inhaling so deep, and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. He missed you so much. So much that if you ran away again, he'd just kill himself.
"I fucked my fist thinking of you. I got this hard just by thinking of you. I'm not ashamed of it."
"That's your problem, Draken. I'm not you. I'm living my best life right now, and sorry that I can still cum just with my fingers."
"That's my girl," He pushed you until your back met the concrete wall, your eyes widened when he took off his cap and put it on you before he dropped to his knees.
"I am aware of your appetite, [Y/N]. You won't be happy with such a small meal. You always keep coming back to have your tight pussy stuffed. Even when we were living together, you couldn't stop begging my dick every night."
"What the hell are you talking about-" You pushed his forehead away from your private part, one hand covering your pussy but he gripped the side of your hips - bringing you straight to his mouth.
"I don't care if you use me as your favorite Cherry Twins. But don't deny that I made you cummed the hardest when I was in your life, dollface."
Your eyes became misty, his words just flew through your head - empty when his mouth latched on your clothed crotch, lapping on the small fabric that the nudge of his tongue probed on your budding clit.
Cherry Twins were the name he gave to your vibrators. Since he was always out when you were at home, he'd make you use them to your greedy cunt - even made a video call so he could jerk off in the public restroom.
You were wild, but he taught you to live even wilder.
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Next page: chapter [02] →
a/n : next chapter is full smut bcs thats the only thing my brain's capable of. Taglist are open up to 10 users! Comment '☁️’.
Taglist: @hanmascult @q-the-rockaholic @hikkarins
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unwantedtomost · 3 years
it had been months — sebastian stan
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sebastian stan x fem!reader
word count: 4,401 words
summery: it had been nine months since you and your first real long term boyfriend broke up. but as they say, time makes the heart grow fonder ... and it also made the lust build up.
warnings: angst, smut, thigh riding, cheating, kind of a breeding kink at the end, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
a/n: i have never actually posted a whole thing on here before, so i hope this goes well. i know my writing can improve, but it’s pretty good i would say. enjoy!
It had been months since you had broken up with your long-term boyfriend. Your first long-term boyfriend you had since you arrived to the Hollywood scene. Nine months, to be exact. The same amount of time it would have been to carry a child. A hypothetical child. The same hypothetical child that ruined your relationship in the first place.
“You don’t want kids?” Sebastian questioned as soon as you entered the shared apartment. The topic of children came up at dinner with your shared friends. You, offhandedly said: “God, no,” with a laugh, not giving it a second thought. Not till now.
“Not really,” you said as you unzipped your heeled boots. “I never really have, not since I was younger.”
“Never?” He asked, heart starting to beat heavier.
You looked up to him, concerned when you saw his face. It was the same face he had on every time you guys got in a face, mixed with disappointment, maybe even hurt. You smiled, trying to lighten the situation.
“Maybe not never,” you said, putting your shoes away. “But not at least for ten years, maybe even longer. I mean, I am only twenty-two. I would like a good life without children before bringing them into the mix.”
Your warm smile and calm demeanor did nothing to elevate the tension, something inside you saying it did the exact opposite. He looked serious and upset, a combination you never saw much.
“In ten years I’ll be almost fifty,” Sebastian states.
“So? Guys never really stop shooting out good rounds. All my parts will still be intact by that time too.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is it?” You were confused. Why was he acting like this?
“I shouldn’t be old enough to be the kid’s grandfather.”
Anger started to bubble up as well. This tone that he had made you pissed off. He was talking like you were stupid like you didn’t get what he was saying. The brassiness you had in general not helping your temper.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you started dating someone sixteen years younger than you,” you shot back.
Then the yelling started. Something that could have been a deep, meaningful conversation (one that frankly should have been had way before this point) turned into a full-blown fight. You both started going in at each other, picking at old scabs that you knew would hurt. That was the point, after all, you just wanted to hurt each other. Because you were mad and upset, you guessed, but by the end of it, you weren’t even sure.
The fighting ended two hours later, you sat, slumped on the couch, huffing. You tried to catch your breath from all the yelling. Your throat was hoarse, your cheeks sticky from dried tears.
“It seems like we’re not gonna work out then,” you said, numb.
“Seems so.”
And you left that night, grabbing nothing but your phone before making your way to your closest friend’s house.
After that, you cried for two months straight. You really thought that Sebastian was endgame. That you would be together forever. That you would be happy. Ever since you caught sight of him at your first audition, you felt that he was the one. Then the universe laughed maniacally as it showed you just how fucking wrong you were.
In the past nine months, you had seen him approximately sixteen times, most being in passing, a few being at parties, and one time being at a coffee shop that you both loved. You started to frequent it less after the breakup, too scared to bump into him. Little did you know, he was doing the same thing. The day you two saw each other was both of your first times in three months.
It was all stupid small talk until it wavered, forced laughs and fake smiles fading as the reality of the situation simmered in.
“Look, y/n—”
“Don’t,” you interrupted. You knew what he was going to say, and you didn’t want to hear it. You simply couldn’t. “It was nice seeing you again, Sebastian. I hope you have a good life.” You took a few steps before turning back around for a moment. He looked at you like he was expecting you to run into his arms and make everything go back to normal. “And I really hope you meet a girl that can give you what you need.”
He tried to reach out to you, but you wouldn’t let him. You simply walked away and left him, alone. That was the last time you had spoken to him.
It was five months after the breakup until you let your friends talk you into going out again. And that night you had run into none other than the Timothee Chalamet. Numbers were exchanged then the next thing you knew, you were naked in his hotel room. After that, you went through a bit of a “hoe stage.” Every two weeks you were on a cover of TMZ, E!, or any other celebrity gossip magazine that existed with a “possible new thing.” The people ranged from Tom Holland to Madison Beer, and no one knew what was true or not. After the first few batches came out, you stopped giving a shit. You were allowed to rebound with whomever or however you wanted to, and you were taking full advantage of that.
You were so busy juggling so many people that you hadn’t even thought about Sebastian. Not till right now. Your eyes catch his from across the ballroom that you’re currently in. Your pulse quickens rapidly, you feel like you might even faint. If it wasn’t for Timothee’s hand on your waist, you were sure you would have collapsed on the spot. You watched as Sebastian’s jaw clenched just like it did whenever you did something he disapproved of. Just like it did every time he gave into himself and read one of those stupid gossip sights and saw you all over whatever arm candy you had chosen for the week.
“I’ll be right back, okay babe?” Timothee said, kissing you on the cheek. He waited for you to nod before making his way to one of his friends.
You don’t know what to do and those beautiful blue eyes you fell in love with all that time ago refuse to leave yours. You feel like you want to cry, or scream, or throw up, but you know that you shouldn’t actually do any of those things. You’d draw attention and you don’t want any more people talking about you.
Luckily, one of your best friends, Elizabeth, pulls you into a tight hug and brings you back to earth. Her body feels warm and it makes you feel safe, the smell of her strawberry shampoo bringing you comfort.
“I know,” she said before you spoke. “I saw. Are you okay? I’ll leave with you right now if you want to.”
It takes you a minute to process everything, and even though you’re running everything through your mind, nothing really sinks in.
“I’ll be fine,” you say with conviction, though you don’t know if it’s true at all. “Leaving wouldn’t accomplish anything.” You stop talking for a minute before smiling at Elizabeth. “Now, let’s go give the people what they want and take some pictures together.”
It had been two hours and the event was finally coming to a close. No more than forty-five minutes and the place would be cleared out. With that knowledge, you went to go take advantage of the free bar stocked up with expensive liquor. After schmoozing with people you did not even want to interact with, you deserve it.
“Two shots of tequila and a rum and coke, please,” you say to the rather cute bartender, shoulders slumping.
As soon as the two shot glasses were in front of you, you downed them. It burned like hell and you could only imagine the ungodly face you made. You tried to chase it with the rum and coke, but it didn’t help much. You heard a gruff voice beside you order something, one that was very familiar. When you heard a chuckle, you knew for sure who was right next to you. You froze again, that same dizzy, sick feeling coming back. You turned your head slowly to see those big blue eyes for the second time tonight, your heart surely beating loud enough that anyone in a mile radius could hear it.
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n,” Sebastian said, leaning against the bar, facing you.
“You do too,” you blurt out. Face turning red after you realized that you’re fucking stupid. “I mean, you look—shit. You look very nice, Seb—Sebastian.”
You’re so flustered and red, you want to simply sink into the floor. For a moment, you wonder why he isn’t acting the same way. It could be that he had already had some to drink or maybe he was just better at controlling his emotion. And the thought that makes dread flow through you is that maybe he is just over you.
“Are you going to an after-party?” He asks, sipping from his glass.
“I don’t think so,” you say. You were supposed to go to one with Timothee, where you were finally going to announce that you two had become official, but now you just want to go home. “Are you?”
“Probably not,” he said simply. “I’ll just have a few more of these back home and go to bed.”
“Drinking alone is no fun,” you say, hinting. You know what you are trying to get across but you don’t know why. It’s like your mouth was moving before your brain could understand what you were doing.
“It’s not ideal,” he said. “But I really don’t have a date to drink with, unlike you.” He pointed towards Timothee talking to a director you hastily met.
“He’s not my date,” you shot out. “I mean, he is, but we’re not like, dating.” Why the fuck are you talking!?!?
“It’s none of my business,” Sebastian said. He didn’t sound mean, he sounded like he was trying to comfort you.
“I know … but we’re not … if you were wondering.”
He chuckled, placing a hand on your elbow. “It was nice to see you again, y/n.”
He turned to start walking away but you called after him, making him turn back around. “Wait!” Once he was facing you, you felt like you were in a movie. “I could go for a drink.”
Sebastian smiled but his eyes dismissed you. “What are you doing, sugar?” He warned.
“I don’t know,” you said honestly. “But don’t shut me down.”
With a shared smile, he took your hand and you both left the party. On the car ride back to his apartment (that used to be your apartment), you thought briefly about how you would explain this to Timothee in the morning. Then you turned off your phone so you didn’t have to feel guilty if he decided to text you. Neither of you spoke much on the way. His hand never left its place on your thigh before you were finally there.
When he opened the door, you stumbled lightly into the apartment. Sebastian caught you by wrapping his arm around your waist. He lightly sat you down on the chair by the entrance (the same one you had sat at nine months ago). Once he had closed the door and put his things down, he came back to you to help slip off your heels.
“Are you already drunk?” He chuckled.
“No, just a wee bit tipsy.”
“Your ‘wee bit’ is usually a lotta bit.”
“Not this time, I really mean just a wee wee bit.” You suddenly burst out laughing at the fact you just said wee wee, giving away the fact that you are indeed close to being drunk.
“Maybe you don’t need anymore to drink,” Sebastian said.
“C’mon, Sebby, take that stick out of your ass,” you say, making him laugh. It makes you feel lighter like you weren’t fucking shit up again. Like you weren’t making a mistake you would regret in the morning. 
You watched as he made his way into the kitchen, pouring both of you a glass of red wine. Your favorite and most expensive red wine, the one that you had left at the apartment after the breakup. You wondered if it was the same bottle, or if he had done the same thing he was doing with you with another girl. When he came back, he handed you the glass which you placed down on the coffee table, realizing you were still in a designer white dress that you didn’t own.
“Shit,” you muttered after your realization.
“What is it?”
“This isn’t my dress.”
His eyes wandered down your figure as he thought. “You can take that off and I can hang it up for you. I’m sure there’s something here you can wear.”
You nodded before he was walking towards the bedroom, the one you once shared. You followed after him through the small hall. You looked around the room, noticing how boring it looked now. None of your decorations you had were up anymore, but the small mural you once painted in the middle of the night was still in full view. Did he think about you every time he saw it? If he did, why didn’t he just paint over it? 
Sebastian placed one of his shirts (that was your favorite one to wear) and a pair of shorts you had thought you lost on the bed.
“Well, you can get changed in here,” he stated before going for the door.
“Actually,” you called out, stopping him from leaving. “Can you unzip me please?”
He paused for a moment before nodding, slowly making his way back to you. The room went silent as he softly collected your hair and moved it to one side. Heat started to rise through your body at the close proximity he held. His hands grazed your shoulders momentarily before he steadily unzipped the expensive dress. You caught his eyes in the mirror in front of you, your cheeks immediately burning red. He finished unzipping the dress before helping you slide it off your arms. You had to cover your breasts with your arm since you hadn’t worn a bra. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen your body before, he knew his way around there better than you did, but not covering yourself just felt inappropriate. But, to be fair, the entire situation felt inappropriate. The dress fell to a pool around your feet, leaving you in nothing but a pair of lace black underwear, ones that Sebastian had bought for you one month before you broke up. You stepped out of the dress, eyes never leaving his. He bent down to pick it up, blue orbs never leaving your eyes.
“I’ll go lay this on the guest bed,” Sebastian said plainly before leaving the room and closing the door.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you let your arm fall. Even though you hadn’t even had a conversation with Sebastian in six months, being in that moment felt more intimate than anytime you had sex with Timothee—or anyone, for that matter. You pulled on the worn-out gray tee shirt that vaguely had ‘Coca-Cola’ printed across it before going out to the living room where you found Sebastian sipping on his wine, now dress in an old tee and grey sweatpants.
The next hour felt like a blur, it was filled with giggles and stupid comments. By the end of it, the wine bottle was empty and you two were officially wine drunk. Now, you were slumped on the couch (the one that you picked out), leaning towards Sebastian, hand dancing along the cushion space between you two.
“Have you realized we never had a goodbye?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean?” He asked, not wanting his guess to what you were talking about to be right.
“I mean, we had a fight and I left then we were done. There were no ‘this is for the best’ speeches or attempts at a goodbye kiss. One day there was an us and the next it was … nothing.” You looked up at him, an innocent yet quizzical look on your soft features.
“We don’t have to talk about this,” he said.
Not this shit again. “I know,” you said, “we don’t have to talk about anything. We’re not together anymore. We don’t even need to acknowledge each other’s existence anymore. But tonight, you did, and now we’re on your couch.”
“I don’t—” he started, but you wouldn’t let him finish.
“We don’t have to talk about it then. But, I do have another question. Did you ever fuck anyone here?” The words flowed out before you could think any longer, nothing but courage and alcohol running through your body.
“It’s pretty self-explanatory, Sebastian. I just want to know if you ever fucked someone in my—our—this place.”
His eyes bore into yours as he spoke, voice sharp and clear. “No, y/n, I have never fucked anyone in this place. No one but you.”
That answer made you happy. This place, your place, was still pure. No random hookups had tramped through the place where you lived.
“Good,” you accidentally said out loud, making him upset.
“Why does it even matter? It’s not like you weren’t fucking those young things you were all over in public.” He started to get angry at the thought. “Who are you to question me about my sex life after you broke up with me then pranced around tabloid covers for months with different people each week?”
“Because this was our house, I just want to know it wasn’t tainted by blonde bitches with names you didn’t even remember in the fucking morning.”
“Sorry to disappoint, but you’re the only blonde bitch I’ve fucked.”
Suddenly, your hand was moving and your palm was connecting with his face. It shocked both of you, making you both freeze in place. It took ten seconds before Sebastian grabbed the wrist you hit him with, yanking it so you were closer to him. So close you could feel his breath on your face.
“Slap me again and see what fucking happens, I dare you,” he spit out.
Then your heart was in your ass as your stomach erupted with butterflies and your panties soaked with arousal.
It was almost like you lost all control over your body as you smashed your lips against his. Your hands went to the back of his neck, pulling him in closer and tugging at the hair there. The intentional scruff on his face was harsh against your smooth skin, but it only elevated your pleasure. Sebastian’s hands went around the sides of your neck, one kind of cupping your face while the other was closer to the back to pull you closer. You felt like you needed to get closer to him, get as close as possible. You needed every single inch of him over every single part of yourself. Your leg swung, straddling him.
Without thinking, you rutted yourself against his thigh, a guttural moan coming from your lips as you did. It’s not like you hadn’t been touched in a while, you just got fucked a few days ago, but you hadn’t experienced something as hot as this in so long. It was rushed and needed, you felt like you would die if he stopped. Your hips absent-mindedly grinded down against his thigh again.
“Fuck, ride my thigh baby,” he ordered. You listened, slipping into your old ways. You continued to rut against his thigh as you kissed. He knew you were getting close by the moans you were letting out into the kiss. He pulled away from your lips, watching as you were losing yourself. “I want you to cum for me, sugar.”
Your hips slowed as your mind raced a mile a minute. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making you cum from just his thigh. What would that do to his already inflated ego? It sounded like bullshit to give into him.
“No,” you mumbled out, your hips threatening to halt their movement.
“No?” He repeated.
You sat there for a minute, silent as his eyes frantically studied your face to see what the point was. He wondered if you wanted to stop, he would understand completely, but he knew that wasn’t what it was by the way you keep clenching your thighs together. Sebastian smirked as he realized what was really happening. He grabbed your hips and started to push you down on his thigh. The problem was that you wanted to cum, but you didn’t want to cum for him. Too bad he was determined on it.
You moaned loudly as he started to drag your hips. You were inching so close, the fact that you didn’t want to give in to the feeling made it feel like it was only becoming stronger. Your hands grabbed his old t-shirt as you frantically moved your hips back and forth. Your nose scrunched and your eyes shut tight, your mouth letting out a whisper of “oh fuck”s on a loop.
“That’s it,” you heard Sebastian say even though his voice sounded like it was miles away. “Cum like a good girl.”
Suddenly, all the pressure that was building up deep within your tummy snapped and you were on cloud 9. Your heat pulsed as you road out your orgasm, Sebastian's hands helping you immensely. It took a good minute of pants as you caught your breath before you opened your eyes and came back to reality.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” you muttered to him when you finally made eye contact again.
“I know,” he smirked. “Now be a good girl, sugar, and take off your pants.”
You questioned arguing with him more, but you decided not to. You wanted him, you wanted him so fucking bad. You stood up and pulled down your shorts, doing a little spin so Sebastian could marvel at how wonderful you looked.
“As beautiful as those look on you, darling, they’d look better on the floor.”
You playfully rolled your eyes as you stripped out of the underwear as well, leaving you in nothing but an old grey t-shirt. You went back to your place on Sebastian’s lap, pulling him in for another passionate kiss. You felt like you were melting into him entirely as everything snapped back into place. Your hands roamed lower, palming him through his grey sweats. You smirked to yourself at the realization of how hard he was already and at the fact he wasn’t wearing boxers. He lifted his hips to help you pull down his pants. Just as you were getting ready to place his member in the place you wanted him the most, he halts your movement by grabbing your wrist.
“Shit, I don’t have a condom, y/n,” he warned. You frowned, upset that he had stopped you.
“I don’t care.”
“But you still have that IUD in, right?”
You grimaced because no, you did not. Your five years had run out two months ago and you hadn’t gotten around to making an appointment for a new one. You shook your head slowly side to side before he sighed. He went to pull you off of him but you stopped him by holding onto his shoulders
“I don’t care,” you repeated.
“Y/n, you know why can’t.”
“Why not?”
He looked at you in disbelief. “Besides the fact you could get pregnant?”
“I don’t care,” you said one more time. “I want you.”
He looked into your eyes, trying his best to decipher your intentions.
“Y/n …”
“Get me pregnant, Sebby,” you said, meaning it too. “I want you, I want your kids. Fuck, I want us back. I don’t care if that means kids and a white picket fence. I just want you.”
“Are you sure?”
In response, you slowly leaned down and your lips touched. It was nothing like the kisses you had shared preferably, it was slow and soft. He pulled you closer, finally letting you lower yourself down on him. You both let out loud moans as you sink down on his member.
It was like you had forgotten what making love felt like, probably because you did. In the past nine months since you had split, you hadn’t made love with anyone once. It was all just meaningless sex or hot fucking, but there was no love behind it. You didn’t love Timothee, you hadn’t loved any of your flings. Maybe it was because you never stopped loving Sebastian—you were almost sure it was because of that.
You moved up and down whilst Sebastian thrust up into you. The room was filled with moans, grunts, and praises from both ends. He started to kiss your neck as his thumb started to rub your clit. The multiple amounts of stimulation only brought you closer to your climax.
“I’m gonna, fuck—I’m close.”
“I know, babygirl,” he cooed. “Look at me.” You looked into his blue orbs, feeling your climax inching ever so closer. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whined out as your hips moved faster. “Cum inside me, Sebastian. Get me—fuck, god—put a fucking baby in me.”
With your confirmation, he flipped you on your back, thrusting harder. The hand that wasn’t toying with your clit interlaced with yours. Your grip on each other squeezed harder as you neared your finishes. You wrapped your legs around him as his hips started to stutter.
“Cum with me, baby,” Sebastian groaned.
You finally let the coil that built inside of you snap with his permission. Moments later, he busted inside of you, making you both yell out. He collapsed on top of you, trying his best not to crush you under his weight. You both panted for minutes before you finally spoke up.
“I love you,” you said. He lifted his head, looking into his eyes. “I never stopped.
“Neither did I,” Sebastian said. “Did you mean it, you want to have kids?”
“I want to do anything if it means I can be with you. Anything.”
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mooniefics · 3 years
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— personal punishment
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pairing : nanami kento / fem reader
word count : 1.8k
tags : pnp, degradation, authority kink, office sex, semi-public sex, boss / secretary, nanami literally being the sexiest man to ever live and breathe
warnings : nsfw, power imbalance
summary : He couldn't expect you to be perfect—but he could definitely expect you to pay for each imperfection in more ways than one.
notes : thank u so much to @suna-reversed for hosting the incredibly creative jujutsuhub collab and allowing me to participate !! much love (୨୧•͈ᴗ•͈)◞*♡
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you couldn't exactly say you weren't proud of your performance today.
for one, you'd come into the office late, knowing that your penalties would be formally waived by your boss but well aware that you would have to face his own personal punishment. it was just your luck that this very day was the most busy the office had been all month, leaving you running papers back and forth from your boss' office for hours, nearly tripping over your own heels three times too many before you even reached your lunch break, praying that you weren't screwing anything else up in your frantic rush.
but before you could even think about escaping the confines of the office building to make up for your missed breakfast at a cafe nearby, your boss was already calling back into his office. you already knew exactly why he was requesting your presence, fear and anticipation immediately tangling into a heavy knot in the pit of your stomach. but still you went, obediently as you always did, keeping your head low as you passed your coworkers in the hall.
your fate had been sealed the moment you made a mistake, the same outcome that had been repeating for months now each time you made an error, whether it was as small as not taking the trash out from the waste bin when it was too full for his liking to something as grievous as spilling his morning coffee all over one of his pristine white button-ups. for any and all errors, you were certain to face this punishment.
the position you were in wasn't unfamiliar, bent over nanami's desk, pencil skirt hiked all the way up to your waist with your underwear around your knees, completely at the mercy of the man caging you in with his body from behind.
"if you keep making all that noise, you're going to end up getting us both fired." he growled, voice low in your ear, one hand still pressed firmly over the center of your back, forcing your chest down onto his desk. the other was occupied between your legs, two thick fingers plunging mercilessly into your needy cunt as you struggled to hold in every whimper and moan each snap of his wrist drew from the back of your throat.
"'m s-sorry, s-sir..!" you barely managed to breathe out, nails beginning to scrape at the edge of the wooden tabletop, teeth digging almost painfully into your bottom lip.
"'sorry' doesn't even begin to fix everything you've fucked up today," his stern tone persisted, ribs aching between the pressure of the heel of his palm and the hard desk, "you know just how much stress i've been under and yet you went out of your way to make it worse."
"no, n-not that..! p-promise!" you whimpered, breath coming in pants, struggling to not rock back into his hand with the knowledge that he'd stop entirely if he noticed you doing it.
you had no choice but to keep your eyes trained on the door in front of you, thighs trembling with anticipation, muted gasps and mewls managing to find their way out into the open air despite your efforts. you knew he didn't mind the noise as long as you were making a conscious effort to keep quiet, only loud enough for him to have the pleasure of hearing, only expressing the pitiful broken attempts at showing remorse that seemed to arouse him to no end.
he curled his fingers to rub at spot inside you that made your knees weak, barely chuckling when you writhed under him. "enjoying your punishment like this... you're just a pathetic slut. That's all you'll ever be, isn't that right?"
Your head hung low as you came over his fingers, shuddering, biting firmly at the inside of your cheeks to hold back the whine threatening to escape your heaving chest. you knew you should be ashamed to be so excited in the face of his cruelty, but when it was his voice and hands—discipling you harshly but still paying such good attention to you and your body—you couldn't help yourself.
before you had enough time to begin catching your breath, you could already hear the clinking of his belt buckle as he pulled it free from the belt loops of his pants, the warmth of naked skin as the length of his cock met the back of your thighs, already hard. the hand resting at your back slid up to rest at the base of your neck, fingers working their way into your hair to firmly grasp, holding you still while he eased himself between your thighs.
"please, s-sir.." The words spilled out of you before you could even think to maintain your obedient silence, earning a tug at your hair harsh enough to jerk your head back, arching your body further.
"snd who are you to be making any demands?" He muttered scornfully, the head of his cock now rubbing directly over your dripping pussy, making no effort to do anything more than painstakingly tease.
"i'm not, i j-just—" You sucked in a quick breath as you felt a sharp sting over your ass, certain there was a reddening welt where his hand had just struck it, "i pr-promise i'll be better..."
"and how can I be certain that you actually will? you say the same thing every damn time, and you still have yet to show me any improvement."
your eyes watered as you searched for a proper response, stammering over your words for just a moment too long—long enough to reignite the anger you'd found a momentary mercy from. you just barely pressed your hand over your mouth in time to muffle your own cry as he slammed himself inside of you, the desk shifting across the ground with a harsh squeak, insides struggling to accommodate his size all at once. he found a quick, ruthless rhythm of thrusting almost immediately, paying your quick gasps and pitiful whimpers no mind, almost painfully deep.
"is this is really the only thing you're good for?" he huffed, groaning lowly despite his apparent ire, "just taking cock and nothing else?"
"n-no!" you protested, barely able to hold your voice steady enough to respond, swallowing down each hiccuped breath interrupting your words, "this is the l-last time, i swear..! p-please sir, please—"
he shushed you harshly before you could continue, large hand rubbing over the aching flesh he'd previously slapped in a silent threat to repeat the action. you wouldn't be entirely opposed to feeling his large hand strike you again and again, leaving prints of red across your skin that wouldn't fade until hours after you'd left the office for the night, but you knew that you still had the entire second half of your day ahead of you to pretend as if he hadn't completely ruined you just meters away from the rest of his hardworking employees.
"at this point, i might as well just be paying to fuck you." he muttered callously, the speed of his hips slowing the slightest bit, each thrust still hitting deep enough for you to feel in your stomach, "then what does that make you, hm? a prostitute? my personal little plaything.."
you strained to vigorously shake your head side to side, fingers aching from how tightly they were clenching around the edge of the desk, your own arousal trailing down between your trembling thighs, hot tears dribbling down your flushed cheeks. you should've felt more inclined to deny his assertion, to prove yourself to be more than just a toy for him to used whenever he desired, when he needed to take out the pent up frustration he saved for your errors and your errors only—but you knew in the back of your mind that you were perfectly content with your position, as immorally lucrative as it was. you would embarrass yourself everyday for the rest of your career if it meant you could experience this at least once more.
"sorry, s-sorry..! oh fuck, sir, 'm so sorry!" the apologies you knew he loved so much spilled from your lips in a pathetic, broken moan, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head as you held out for a few more mind-numbing moments before cumming around his thick cock.
you barely registered his hand grasping your hair painfully tight as he grunted a few low curses beside your ear, shakily exhaling a sigh when he emptied himself inside you, finally letting you rest back against the hard surface of his desk while you both caught your breath. it was all over far too soon, the intense intimacy that never lasted longer than the half-hour of your lunch break, even though you were sure he could steal you away for far longer without anyone daring to question him.
you wiped at your damp under-eyes with quivering hands, trying to not further disturb your already ruined mascara, swallowing down a whimper when pulled himself out of you and tugged your underwear back into place, readjusting your skirt for you before moving away from your body entirely.
he had already tidied up his own clothes by the time you pushed yourself to stand, that familiar expression of cool indifference having already resettled onto his handsome features. he barely ever let you see his face when he was disciplining you, always making sure you were facing away from him, or that you couldn't lift your head enough to get a good look at his face. it made it all feel so impersonal, inspired something that felt like sadness in the back of your mind, despite how you tried to remind yourself that what you had wasn't true intimacy, and that he could really replace you any day if he felt so inclined to do so.
"go clean up in the bathroom." he said without looking at you, straightening his tie back into place and checking the time on his watch, "you will need to take a call from a new client soon, and it is imperative that you give them the perfect first impression of our company. i expect you to be back here within the next ten minutes." his brow furrowed, the look of someone who'd just thought of something unpleasant flashing across his features when he finally met your gaze. "no more exceptions today."
"yes, sir." you replied obediently, voice hoarse, quickly turning away before the weight of a sudden sadness could show, advancing towards his door as briskly as your state allowed you to. you didn't look back on your way out, even though you so desperately wanted to, maybe deliver a genuine apology now that you knew he was genuinely irritated with you.
but you didn't, and the day continued as it always did, phone calls and document filing keeping you occupied for the rest of your shift, not receiving another word from your boss regarding anything. you tried not to take it personally when he didn't bid you farewell before leaving the building, reminding yourself that it was most likely just the pressure of a busy quarter, cursing yourself for screwing things up and enjoying your momentary bliss before the true consequence of genuine disappointment from nanami anchored you back to the somber reality of your situation.
it was foolish of you to think you'd be anything more than a secretary in his eyes.
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675 notes · View notes
Grumpy Softie (Spencer Reid x Reader) Smut
Summary: There are a few sure-fire ways to improve a frustrated doctor’s mood.
AN: This is my fic for @reidgraygubler​ for @imagining-in-the-margins​ and @sunlight-moonrise​ fic swap! I hope you enjoy it! Reader is AFAB and uses they/them pronouns. 18+, Minors DNI!
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Content Warnings: Grinding, mild choking, mutual masturbation, desk sex.
Your name: submit What is this?
Spencer had been cantankerous beyond belief these last few days. His passive aggression seeped through to every action: the harsh clinking of the teaspoon against his coffee mug, the pen scratching against a student’s homework, his brow determined to iron in wrinkles while he read one of many bills.
Mandatory days off from work would have driven him insane were it not for his position at college. Finally, it was Doctor Spencer Reid’s turn to take on the lecture theatre alone, only a hint of nostalgia in his chest for when Gideon was at his side or when he would poke his head around the door with a casefile pressed to his chest. Still wet behind the ears and barely filling out the FBI’s smaller sized vests – let alone the windbreaker.
Now he was leading the class, all eyes on him, and more students were laughing at his jokes.
With a loud sigh, Spencer took off his glasses, leaning back with his fingers rubbing darkness back under his eyes. As if his fractioned sleep schedule wasn’t doing enough of that for him. His desk was weighed heavy under the piles of essays he printed off. He hadn’t moved for three hours and he had no reason to: no classes, he wasn’t hungry nor did he need the toilet. Only one thing could save him from his dismal mood continuing for the rest of the day.
Y/N crawled over his lap with the knowledge that Spencer would not try to push them away. Working his soft spot for them, they settled down upon him and squeezed his shoulders tight.
Blinking against the light, Spencer’s half-closed lids focused on the shadowy face and the left corner of his mouth lifted for them.
“Hey,” He said, his voice low and gravelly.
Y/N leant their nose against his for a second, “Hi.”
“I’m busy, you know?”
“I do. I just missed you.”
“My door is open; you can see me from the couch.”
“Not close enough.”
Prison had done that to the couple. Made them “clingy” despite Spencer’s aversion for touch, but it was understandable. The proxemics between Spencer and Shadow meant nothing but agony if they weren’t touching. That divider, the guards keeping eyes and reaching for guns, batons, at an inch’s worth of movement, those signs screaming: “NO CONTACT BETWEEN VISITORS AND INMATES”. What a hierarchy.
Shadow kept up their smile despite the meaning behind their words. A decent mask to cover the pain on their end because why would they want to burden Spencer with theirs as well as his own? Except that was what their relationship supported and Spencer was able to lift off the mask to welcome all emotion it had been hiding, because that was exactly what Y/N had done for him once he was released.
“This close enough?” He said, wrapping his arms around their waist with his left wrist in his right hand. The link pressed against Y/N’s lower back and nudged them closer. Y/N’s smile was hidden in a bitten lip as they shook their head.
“Oh?” Spencer raised his eyebrows, clicking his tongue. With deliberation, he moved so that Y/N was trapped now by his forearm. His free hand closed tenderly around their neck and gave a light squeeze, “How about this?”
Y/N let out a cross between a whine and a hum. That was the push they wanted and all the confirmation Spencer needed.
Taking the lead, Y/N was up to strip off their trousers and underwear while Spencer undid his belt. There was only so much time; the waistband of his trousers caught underneath his thighs when Y/N returned to his lap. Fluid and practiced motions removed his cock from his underwear, the sound of spit hitting skin followed by the touch of a loving hand. He lavished in the attention for a few seconds. Then he matched their stroking with his own nimble fingers, simultaneously grounding them in each other’s grasp and lifting them away into heaven-like states.
He used Y/N’s own tactics against them and won as they moaned against his lips, pulling away only at the will of his hand. Their own feeble attempts at pulling his hair did nothing to dissuade his speed; the whining only made him more fervent.
That faux innocence, as if Y/N didn’t know what they were doing while practically humping his clothed cock in the middle of his work day, it was intoxicating and he breathed it in from the slope of their neck. Open mouthed, he gripped their cheeks tight and grinded against them.
“Please,” Y/N whispered.
Only because they asked so beautifully. Y/N wobbled before they settled onto his cock. Their clit was flush with his pubic bone before Spencer started moving, digging his heels into the carpet. Seeing, hearing, feeling their bliss, it didn’t take long for him to cum inside them, leading Y/N to climax. They were so needy, so loving as they came in his lap. Spencer kissed their cheek, whispered a few words of gratitude in their ear. He revelled in the moan he got as a reply that was accompanied by a squeeze around him.
“This is almost perfect,” Y/N sighed.
Spencer stopped, his confused pout still pressed up against their skin. “Almost?”
“Too many clothes in the way.”
“Hmm. I agree.” A little laughter was shared between them. “And you’re missing a ring.”
Flexing their fingers behind his neck, Shadow said, “So are you. You want one that vibrates?”
“I uh wasn’t talking about that.”
“I know, hun. I know.” The teasing in their tone was clear. One might not believe they had been begging for release just minutes prior.
“Good idea though.”
“Hmm, I like yours better.”
“Can I tell you something?”
Y/N lifted their head up to look Spencer in the eye, giving him a lazy nod. The twinkle in his eye spread to his smile while he tipped his head over Y/N’s shoulder, “I kinda wanna get the ring from the drawer. But I don’t wanna move.”
Now it was Y/N who was confused. “You’re torn between proposing and not pulling out?”
“Well, since you’ve been good for me…” Spencer began to shuffle on his seat. He stopped instantly as Y/N groaned and clung tighter around to him. Willing some self-restraint, he cupped their thighs and stood slowly with a hand on his chair’s back.
“Spencer please-”
“Almost there, I promise.”
Their laughing hitched with gasps as Spencer placed them down onto his desk, their hands falling amidst paperwork to support themselves with Spencer slanted against their chest. A slide of the desk’s top drawer accompanied the fiddling of documents and Spencer’s craning neck. Y/N couldn’t help themselves. Despite wanting him to achieve his goal, they distracted him with tickling kisses that disturbed his giggles more.
“Got it.” Spencer finally withdrew the box in one hand until it opened and handed over his ring – which he then held between himself and his partner, “So, Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes, I will.” Y/N still couldn’t believe this was happening. Only the cool ring sliding along their finger kept them anchored, dizzying them with happiness as Spencer kissed it. “We can never tell our kids about this.”
Spencer’s gaze broke from the ring, that and his tone being only things soft about him. “Our kids?”
“I mean,” Y/N looked down, “You’re still inside me. It’s almost like you’re making sure you get me knocked up.”
As per usual, Spencer’s mind worked fast. He licked his fingers and reached down, rubbing their clit. Arching into him, Y/N’s forehead glued to Spencer’s and their eyes studied each other’s reactions. Not even as Spencer guided Y/N to lay back on the desk did they break form and Spencer took advantage of this pull up one of their legs and push himself deeper inside once the angle was right for them. Every time he bottomed out, Y/N let out a squeal. This orgasm was silent as it crested over them. No sound left their agape mouth, no breath for several seconds. When that deep sigh finally left their lungs, Spencer released his too, his hips finally slowing down now that the spike of pleasure threatened to take his control.
“Orgasms help when trying for a baby,” panted Spencer, “Supposedly.”
“Whatever you say, doctor, professor, darling.” Y/N swallowed and sighed, “I hope I didn’t crease any of your students’ assignments.”
“They’re copies. Don’t worry, I’ll just print them off again.”
Shoulders rising and falling, Spencer looked like he had just been freed of the weights of the world, and his face was gentle in expressing his relief. The only tension was in his cheeks with his smile, the apples firm and rosy.
Rolling their eyes was the only response that Y/N could think of, that and: “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” Spencer turned his head just to keep eye contact wherever Y/N was avoiding it, following their lolling head and beaming still, “I just took you twice at and on my desk, and now you can’t smile at you?”
“Ugh, go back to being cranky, would you?”
“I can’t, not now I’m engaged to the most wonderful person I know.” Oh, a reminder – if he was able to forget, but his mind was rather occupied beforehand. “When anyone asks, we’ll tell them I got down on one knee at the park after a dinner date.”
“How romantic.”
Unable to discern if this was sarcasm or not, Spencer welcomed Y/N’s arms around his neck and their lips locked to his once more as he sat them up but kept them close – just a little longer.
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Let’s take a little break
|Dreamcatcher Yoohyeon x Gn reader
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Request: 8th member reader goes on a break from practice to Yoohyeon parents house and spend time there together with her mom and then in her room with pie, Yoohyeon gets jealous and wants readers attention
Genre: Fluff / 1.6k words / No warnings
Today was yet another day of practice for the upcoming comeback for you and your members. The choreography was once again more complicated then the last, but you like that part of your job, to be able to improve each comeback for your fans to enjoy. It was now a few hours since you arrived this morning. The manager had just called a break for all of you to eat something and also for Sua to review the choreography with sooyeon before continuing on. You sat down breathless, you let your head rest back on the sofa in the practice room and closed your eyes. Gahyeon jumped on the sofa making you jump, you looked over at her with a smile
‘’Really?’’ You question teasingly
She mumbled an apology through her laugh.
You closed your eyes once again and reached for your water bottle which you knew you had left right by where you were sitting. After trying to reach it for a good 30 seconds you opened your eyes only to be met with your girlfriend grinning teasingly at you.
‘’Yah! i'm trying to drink water Yoohyeonie’’ you whined earning coos and a giggle from the older girl. Minji chimed in as she sat down on the same sofa, ‘’Yoohyeon leave y/n alone’’ she said trying to stop the puppy.
‘’Thanks Minji, I don't know what I would have done with this one’’ you said half jokingly, earning a gentle hit on your shoulder. Yoohyeon pouted, scooting closer to your side and then resting her head gently on your shoulder. She started playing with the strings of your pants. ‘’Since we were on a break I thought we could go back to my house! It's just 10 minutes away from here’’ she looked up excitedly at you. You smiled back unsure at the thought of having to finally meet her mother and perhaps even her brother. She was quick to catch on about your feeling of uncertainty and gently rubbed your thigh, ‘’y/n they will absolutely love you… just like i do’’ yoohyeon smiled at you which caused handong to fake puke to tease her best friend. You both laughed at Yoohyeon once again pouty face. ‘’Okay, i'll go, sounds like fun’’ you reassured her.
It was now later, you were sitting in the car next to Yoohyeon, now both in front of her family's house. You breathed in nervously before looking back at Yoohyeon to tell her you were ready. She gently rubbed your hand and kissed your cheeks before getting out of the car, you followed after her. you followed her to the front door and before she opened it she turned to you and cupped your face in her hand, ‘’ready baby?’’
you nodded and she entered her home hands in yours. It wasn’t too long before her mom appeared from the kitchen to greet you both. She approached with a big smile just like the one your girlfriend always has. She embraced her daughter before turning to you, you quickly bowed and presented yourself to her, she quietly laughed which made your heart stammer even more than it already was in your chest.
‘’Welcome y/n!’’ She hugged you before continuing, ‘’My daughter has talked to me so much about her members, but you guessed it, definitely more so about you’’ she winked at you which made you blush in embarrassment. Yoohyeon laid her hand on your waist and gave you a reassuring squeeze while smiling up at you. ‘’Oh, well your daughter is absolutely amazing Miss Kim, it's nice to meet you’’
‘’It's nice to finally have this littles one lover home’’ she laughed after teasing Yoohyeon. Without a warning the mother pulled at your arm toward the kitchen, your girlfriend followed closely behind excited to see you finally spend time with her mother. The older woman left you standing in the kitchen and grabbed an apron to put on you, you blushed again at how close her mother was to you, already treating you like one of her own children. Yoohyeon couldn't help but giggled at your flustered state.
‘’Here, i'm glad you arrived this early on, if you don't mind i'll get you to help me cook dinner!’’ Her mom exclaimed. ‘’I would absolutely love to Miss Kim’’ you smiled at her. ‘’Oh please drop the formalities, were family now alright?’’ She questioned to which you nodded happily.
You helped yoohyeon’s mother cook dinner, you were quite skilled at cooking so you were happy to be able to show that her daughter was in great hands when it came to nutrition. She kept complimenting your skills, amazed by your cooking. ‘’You didn't tell me you got yourself a chef Yooh!’’ She looked over at her daughter who was sitting quietly watching the whole scene. ‘’They are indeed really good’’ she smiled before excitedly shouting something she just had remembered. ‘’Oh y/n! You need to show my mom your cheesecake you make! Its amazing Omma i'm telling you it's the best!’’
Her mother nudged your arm ‘’Well looks like you'll need to visit more often y/n’’ she teased you making you smile. ‘’It would be my pleasure!’’ You exclaimed feeling immense happiness that her mother had been so warm and welcoming to you. All three of you finished the meal together, your time mixed in with Yoohyeon singing and you and her mom joking around. Yoohyeon couldn't help but smile. She was feeling immense relief and joy that her mom loved you just as much as she did. She kept pulling up her phone and taking pictures of the both of you and would exclaim how cute you were each time she looked back at them. After many conversations and having dinner, you and yoohyeon cleaned the dishes for her mom.You picked her mom's plate and walked over to the sink Yoohyeon followed behind you. As you started washing them down with water you felt arms snake around your waist and a head gently resting itself on your shoulder. You smiled and turned around to kiss her cheek. ‘’I'm so happy my baby gets along well with my mom’’ she said, looking up at you with stars in her eyes. ‘’I'm happy your mom is cooler than you’’ you said smirking at her, earning another smack on your arm, ‘’Yah! I'm the coolest, okay, take it back’’ she said, inching her face closer to yours.You hummed in agreement and closed the gap between your faces to lay a gentle kiss on her lips.
After the dishes were done you and yoohyeon went to her room. She took your hand and sat you down on her bed before leaning down to kiss you. You kept getting lost in her kisses before a bark and little claws were heard approaching her room. ‘’Pie!!’’ You screamed excitedly at the puppy. You got up from your place leaving yoohyeon to sit by herself on her bed and watch the both of you. ‘’Hi puppy!’’ You hugged pie close and cooed at how cute the dog was in your presence. You decided to go get Pie’s toy in the next room and come back to Yoohyeon’s to play with pie. While yoohyeon was finding it adorable how Pie seemed to love you just as much as she did, she found herself craving for your touch once again. She didn't want to interrupt and so she let you play for a while thinking you'd get tired of the energetic puppy. But after a while, you were only now asking Yoohyeon to take out pie on a walk, the ladder whined at you and tugged at your arm. You were surprised at her actions. ‘’Y/n, please give me love too, Pie is fine…’’ she said, playing with the strings of your pants once again, you looked at her with an adorable grin spreading on your face. ‘’i want attention too y/n’’ she whined while putting her arms around you to pull you against her. She nuzzled her face in your shirt and breathed in, now content to have you in her arms again.You laughed at how cute she was being
‘’so i guess i'm not going outside with Pie then?’’ She simply swayed her head side to side while still pressing against you. Pie barked once again trying to play with you earning a grumble for Yoohyeon. She got up and picked up the puppy to put it outside. You sat down on the bed and checked over your phone while waiting for yooh to come back. You didn't even notice her entering her room again. She took your phone out of your hands and jumped into your arm, making you fall back and earning a giggle from you once again. She nuzzled her face into your neck ‘’let's just stay here before we have to go back to practice later’’ she proposed.
‘’Whatever your heart desires darling’’ you smiled down at her. You pulled the cover over the both of you when her mom passed by the door making you blush out of embarrassment. You were so close to her daughter and in her bed at that. Her mother saw your red face and laughed before reassuring you that it was fine after you had sat up. Yoohyeon laughed at you before pulling you back down where she gently laid your head on her chest.
‘’Lets sleep for a bit baby’’ she hummed and you closed your eyes more than happy with how your day had gone. You were quick to sleep with yoohyeon hands rubbing your back.
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kkusuka · 3 years
3rd year hinata, beefy, 5’8 hot af volleyball, ace of karasuno and he’s just walking around like he normally is, he has no idea why so many girls blush when he talks to them be just assumes they all are overheating. He doesn’t understand why you gasp or get all flustered when he brushes up against you or when puts his hand on your waist when he needs to get by or when he lays his hand on your thigh causally cause he noticed your friend doing it so he thought it was okay and normal for him to copy. He also doesn’t understand why he wants to kiss you so bad when he has you pinned against the bus wall cause it’s crowded on the way home ((like he accidentally pins you to the wall cause the bus gets crowded)) ✨Puppy🤩
hinata can be my fluffy almost boyfriend for as long as he wants.
cw: none
synopsis: a series of small events make you realize how wonderful hinata is.
if you asked hinata if he thought he was attractive, he would stare at you. known from the sheer amount of times you’ve tried to ask him that, many, many times. (apparently he’s also extremely dense)
though his looks have evolved, his intelligence hasn’t improved all that significantly. test grades still bordering the 40’s, can remember vocabulary only if his life depended on it, and
“y/n! help, help! they’re trying to kill me!” pissing of kageyama and tsukishima to no end.
before you could even see him coming. you could feel is hands resting on your hips, pulling your body to his in a sad attempt to hide from the two, much taller, boys. of course after the two boys failed to arrive within five minutes, his arms wrapping around your waist, head falling onto your shoulder.
“that was close, sho, what’d you do this time?” your face was almost and inch away from his, you didn’t know when but he must have turned his head to your neck. “i told sucky-shima that kageyama was interested in his dinosaurs, he didn’t like it very much though.” accompanied with his explanation, the ginger shooting you one of his sunny smiles.
his valence shifted, using you as support to start swaying like the two of you were dancing. you could feels his thumbs twirling around the hem of your uniform skirt. before you could think on his movement all that much, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class.
“hinata-kun! come sit with us please?”
lunch was...per the usual. apparently going to nationals three years in a row, garners more than attention from the female population.
but dense-less doesn’t even cover what hinata is, if he were the sliver smarter he would know why they got so excited when he smiled at them and how blushy they got when he rolled his sleeves up and leaned on their table.
but without fail everyday the readhead plops down next to you, inquiring what his favorite manager has for lunch. though today you decided to sit at one of the tables outside the volleyball gym to watch kageyama berate hinata for about 20 minutes before hunger overruled their passion.
bouncing over to you, hinata dropped his body onto the bench, shoving his face into the fabric covering your stomach throwing his tired arms around your waist. you didn’t really care until his hands moved under the cloth of your shirt and moved to the skin of your back.
“what- what are you doing!”
“huh? what- oh! i saw hari and matsuko doing it! and you look so comfy!” he smiled up from your lap.
‘because they’re dating’ goes unsaid.
you were in a predicament.
this math assignment had to be uploaded to your teacher my midnight and it was now 11:15. that in itself was not the problem, the problem was your hot best friend was napping in your lap. he’d actually been asleep since 10:40 and you’d spent more than an embarrassing amount of time looking at him.
did you realize how long his hair had gotten? or how but his hand, that so happened to be resting on your thigh, was compared to yours. and how pink and plush his lips looked— or how generally angelic he was as he slept.
that it self was a problem, he was your best friend, but the real issue was how you were going to somehow lean over his sleeping form to get your assignment done. well you didn’t really have a choice, you aren’t going to wake him up know big how early he was up for practice and you can’t just not hand it in, hopefully he won’t suffocate.
hinata awoke to a soft pressure on his face. opening his eyes he didn’t see anything other then your shirt and a small sliver of dim light spilling through the cracks of your body. he could feel that you were asleep, not really knowing how long or the time, ignoring his moral compass, he nuzzled himself back into the comfort of your lap.
the metro has always been a huge pain in your ass. specifically on friday’s after hinata s practice, that he so gentlemanly walks you home from. but today you decided a detour would be in place, to an out of town ramen shop that he begged you to try with him.
but 6pm on a friday is rush hour, which means all the people getting off work are on the same train you and your favorite ginger were squeezed on.
you were lock in a heavy conversation about kageyamas idea for a new quick when a rush of people crowded your train car, forcing hinata off his balance pushing him strait into your body. your eyes shut in preparation for impact while an arm aligned around your waist and you were met with a chest.
cracking your eyes open you saw brown irises staring back into yours. you could feel his breath on your lips as his hands tightened around you waist.
the two of you burst into a synchronized laughed drawing attention from a few people surrounding you.
“you have very pretty eyes y/n”
“as do you sir hinata! onward to the ramen!”
tags: @bakugos-cumsock
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Can you do one where vinnie gets jealous over y/n and then punished her but goes to rough and y/n has to use a safe word and vinnie feels bad afterwards- <3
Please I want Vinnie to punish me for being a brat😎
Vinnie Hacker x reader
Words: 3982
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink ofc, smut, dom!Vinnie x sub!reader, face fucking, mouth spitting, choking!Kink,rough sex in general.
Another morning at the Hype House, Thomas had decided to have a party with the Sway house, despite the fact that Bryce and he did not get along very well, the situation between the two of them had improved a lot, now they were shaking hands and could have a normal conversation not like before they hit each other.
The party would be at night and in this case it would be at the Sway House not at the Hype House like the last times, Bryce promised to behave and not do anything crazy at the party, Vinnie and you would go together with which you would only take a car ( akka Vinnie's car)
It was still 7 o'clock and the party would be at 8 o'clock with which you started to get ready, you got into the shower while Vinnie was talking with Thomas and Michael about any stupidity of theirs, when you finished you wrapped the towel around your body drying it, Then you put on a set of black lingerie that Vinnie had given you last week, debuting it next to a tight black dress, which perfectly marked the correct places on your body, making the fabric conform to your shape, when you were about to apply mascara on your long lashes Vinnie opened the door.
"Hey Y / n have you seen my- wow" he stared at you in the mirror reflection, his eyes roaming you up and down repeatedly, blinking in amazement.
"Hell, you're Gorgeous, I-I..., god"
You turned around looking at him smiling, "Thanks Vin, you don't look bad either"
He supported you on the bathroom sink, your butt against the marble surface, he placed his arms on either side of you, slowly approaching you, making the difference in height noticeable, Vinnie grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him.
"Hey" he says in a whisper.
“Hi” you answer back smiling, his hand flying to your waist.
“What if we skip the party and stay here in my room doing some ... wild activities? Huh? How does that sound love? "
"As much as I enjoy that ... wild activities I actually want to go to that party, I miss my girls"
“Oh cmon you see them another day, please?” He begs hiding his face in the crock of your neck, leaving some kisses there.
“Vin, we are going to be late” you say grabbing his cheeks, pulling him close to leave a soft kiss on his red lips.
“I just do this because I love you” he kisses you back but with more passion.
“I love you too Vin”
You both got into the car, the trip was not very long, about 15 minutes at most, Vinnie's hand was always on your thigh, given gentle caresses and light squeezes, when Vinnie arrived, he parked the car, along with all the expensive cars of the other guests, Vinnie got out first and walked around the car to open the door for you.
"Oh, such a gentleman"
"Only for you madam" you giggle grabbing his arm to hold him close, "are you nervous?" "No whaaatt? Pufff no "
"Oh god, yes you are" "just a little"
"It's all of our friends you don't need to be nervous, everything it's going to be okay, I promise" "okay" "good" he smiles and starts walking with again to the inside of the house.
~time skip 1 hour~
You started to feel really needy, so you go to Vinnie asking him to go to a bathroom and do something, but, to your surprise he said no, you stood there with a surprised face asking him why,he just shrug his shoulders and keep talking with the people around.
When “into it by Chase Atlantic” began to sound, you took Vinnie to the dance floor, bringing him closer to you,he followed you, it started like an innocent dance, everything was perfect, and there your plan was put into motion, when the song reached the chorus you get closer to him a lot more, sliding your hands down his chest, taking them over the fabric that covered his abs, hooking your fingers in his belt, “what do you thing you are doing huh?” He grabs your hands turning you around, to have a beautiful sight of your butt, grabbing your hips hardly he puts your butt against his covered cock, moving his hips a little just to make you more flustered, “Vin pleas-“ “no” you turn around to look at him in the eyes. Then you feel how he looses his touch on you, just walking away, not before giving a good squeeze to your ass, making you moan in his neck.
He goes to talk with Bryce and Noah again, so you just search for Ness,Maddy and Nai (NAILEA MY LOVE)
“Omg hiii Y/n” all of them say to you
“Hey gurrllsss, how are y’all been?”
The girls start to compliment you con lo cual tú también hiciste lo mismo con ellas.
“Hey Y/n that dude on the bar table is staring at you” Ness tells you
“Huh? Who?” “The one with the red shirt”
You looked again noticing how the dude still have his eyes on you, you smile politely at him and he smiles back at you.
Your head starts to think in a way to make Vinnie fuck you senseless or at least to give you a little time of pleasure, you smirk at your idea, Nailea look at you knowing what do you think “Y/n if you do that, you are not going to walk in a week” she says.
“God Nai that’s exactly what I want, but he has just been teasing me all the party” you say with a sigh.
Ness and Maddy hype you up to do it and Nai just start laughing.
You start walking to the guy in the bar table,he smiles at you again, you two start talking a little and you discover his name was Zach, and he was an old Bryce’s friend, you two were talking about likeness when you noticed Vinnie’s gaze on you, giving the dude death looks, he takes his phone and send you a text.
-What do you think you are doing pup?
•Just talking with a friend? Why?
You give him a inocent look and he looks back at you clenching his jaw.
-Don play with fire if you don’t wanna get burn princess.
•Maybe I want to get burn.
You put your phone into your pocket and go back talking with Zach,then you think, -what if I just flirt with him to see Vinnie’s reaction?- so you did it, you start to touch his arm, knowing how Vinnie hates when you do that to someone who it isn’t him. You lean a little to get close to Zach’s ear whispering something when your phone buzz again.
“Oh, I’m sorry give me a sec”
You looked at your texts noticing a message from Vinnie.
-You better stop doing what you are doing pup, or I’m going to make you.
You ignored the text and keep the flirting with the guy, he grabs your waist pulling you closer to him, and you smile at him, feeling Vinnie’s intense look in you, your phone buzz again.
-come here. Now.
-You know what? I’m coming to you.
Then you feel a hand on your waist,grabbing you pulling you close to a toned chest, oh lord,you know you messed this.
“Sorry for the interruption dude but my girlfriend is a little too friendly when she’s drunk, I’m sorry again”
When the dude grabs Vinnie’s wrist “I saw her first dude, don’t play the -she’s my girlfriend- with me”
“Excuse me? Oh god you are going to-“ “hey let’s go home okay? Vin, please” he looks at you, and with that look you know he is mad,really mad, you have been acting like a brat all day, talking back, teasing him, flirting with others to make him jealous.
“Leave us alone, right sweetheart?” The dude asks
“No, he’s my boyfriend and I just use you to make him jealous so, no”
Vinnie grabs your wrist roughly but not to hard to hurt you, he makes signs to Thomas and scream a “we’re leaving” with a smirk on his face.
You both got into te car, the ride was silence until Vinnie puts his hand on your thigh again, you look at him opening your mouth to ask him for forgiveness when he cuts you off “ don’t you dare to try to explain it, I know perfectly what you were doing, and when we get home I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, got it? I’m going to edge you for hours, tide your wrists to the headboard, spank you ‘till you cry, then I’m going to eat you out and overstimulate you ‘till you can’t cum anymore,and even there I will fuck you senseless, because you are going to take everything I will give you, got it?”
“Yes I got it” you say with a whispers
“You got it who?”
“Yes I got it daddy”
When you arrived at the Hype House, it was empty since everyone was at the party and because of how they were they would not arrive until dawn, with which Vinnie had all night to make you pay for what you had done, and that was not very pleasant for you. As soon as you enter the door Vinnie guide you to his room, entering it, he blocked the door and hit you against the door,
"If you act like a whore, you'll get treated like one"
He began to kiss you roughly, his kisses descended rapidly towards your neck, marking your hot skin with his lips, from time to time he left a small bite at the base of your neck, descending towards your clavicle, leaving hickeys in the area.
"Jump" he said in your demanding tone.
You obeyed and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands traveled to your butt, giving it a good grip as he kissed you again in a desperate and demanding way, his tongue entered your mouth without warning, dancing with your tongue, at a slow speed, both of your lips red from the intensity of the kiss.
He sat on the edge of the bed, untying his belt, your eyes widened, you stared at the belt. "Come here" you swallowed and approached staying in front of him, he got up from the bed, taking your wrists, wrapping the belt around your wrists in such a way that it was hooked.
He sat back on the bed, motioning for you to get into his lap.
You looked at his hands, and as his rings were still on each finger, you waited a few seconds praying that he would remove the rings, but that moment never came, this time he would leave them on, which would be more painful.
You lay on his legs, your butt between his thighs and your body on the bed.
His hands caressed your butt on the fabric of the dress, he lifted the dress up to your hips, leaving you exposed, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your thong, lowering it, passing it over your legs letting it fall on the floor.
"You act like a brat all night ..."
"I don't act like a brat-" he leaves a hard smack on your ass cheek making you whimper.
"Are you talking back little slut?" He asks in a fake innocent tone.
"No daddy"
"That's what I thought" he start caressing your butt cheeks.
And then he laid the first smack into your left cheek "o-one" you let out a whimper. He laids another one into your right cheek, you moan and he leaves another smack "I said count" he said in a rougher tone "Two and three, I'm sorr-" another smack "f-uck, four" at this point tears fall from your eyes, falling into the sheets. The smacks laid on your butt in a fast pace, "cmon baby three more" "th-three?" "Do you want them to be five?" "N-no!" "Then count!" "Thirte-en" the cries leaving your mouth between sobs, "Did that hurt puppy? Good, it's supposed to", "f-four-te-en" you say in a whisper, and the smack "five teen!" You scream because the last one was harder than the others.
The three smacks laid on you butt making you moan and scream at the pain in your butt, Vinnie caress your cheeks covered in his handprints.
"You are such a good slut for me, don't you?" I have smirks caressing your back.
"Stand up" he helps you to get up, his hands grabbing your waist, his hands travel to your back, grabbing the zipper of the dress and tugging it down, he slid the straps of the dress down your shoulders, letting the piece of fabric fell to the ground remaining on your ankles, you stepped outside the fabric, you were completely exposed to it, the only garment that covered your body was your bra.
You whimper in response, he could feel the arousal between you legs, but he never been this helpless to relieve the pressure. You squirmed, your hips bucking in desesperation. Vinnie chuckled, gently brushing the hair out of your face, “that’s what I thought”.
“Please, please...”
“Please?” Vinnie mocked, making you start to sob in frustration.
“You know you have to do better that that”
You gasped “Daddy, put your hands on me.Touch me,or fuck me I don’t care”. Tears run down your face.
“Please just use me”
“Touch me please, I can’t take it anymore...”
Your legs were spread open by Vinnie’s hands, your hands chained to the headboard with his belt.
Vinnie had done anything but tease you, touching your thighs lightly, brushing his hand against your nipples or pinching them.
“And what if I don’t?...”
He softened a bit with the tears.
“Good” he murmured, positioning himself between your legs.
At the simple touch of his hand on your heat, your entire body convulsed with pleasure. Vinnie smirked “Now, that wasn’t to difficult, was it?”
The moment when you were about to cum. Your eyes roll back , your shoulder pushed off of the bed as you tremble and shiver in Vinnie’s arms. A high pitched whine resounding in the room before you started mumbling and begging for Vinnie to touch you again. And he just smirks, the thrusts with his fingers stopped as he smiles devilishly and kisses you.
“Dad-ddy please, more” you mumble pulling the belt.
“What baby? You want more? You are begging for me so well. But are not allowed to come,not now. You can cum only when I say it okay baby?” He said with a fake caring tone.
He grabbed you by the hips, getting you out of bed, placing you on his lap, his hand slowly lowered over your abdomen, his fingers brushing your hips, he put his hand in your pussy,cupping it, his fingers quickly found your clit, playing with it lightly, just making pressure, making you moan with pleasure, then he start fingering you while you are sitting on his lap, you started feeling so embarrassed, you just hide your face in the crook of Vinnie's neck. He eventually grabs your jaw roughly and he makes you look at him, telling you to hold eye contact or else you won't get to cum "open your eyes and look at me whore"
His fingers start pumping in a fast pace making your head fall backwards,you bite your lip to not make a sound, he curls his fingers to reach that spot inside of you.
"Stay nice and quiet, if I hear a moan slip I'll fuck your throat raw, understood?"
The pace goes faster again, you try so hard to contain your moans and whimpers,little tears running down your face, he brings up his hand cleaning and drying your cheeks with his thumb,"oh cmon slut you can moan now"
You let out loud moans as your walls clench around Vinnie's fingers,he grabs your throat kissing you roughly while you moan in his mouth, this one is your first orgasm because Vinnie denied all the ones before,then he pulls you close to whisper in your ear "shut up and take it princess, do it for daddy" you nod your head biting your lip again, has he goes rougher, leaving kisses and more hickeys on your neck, you try harder to be quiet until you can't take it and you moan his name and cum all over his fingers.
He starts laughing at how pathetic you are, groaning in your ear "good fucking girl" he grabs you putting you into the bed laying on your back, he kisses your lips, biting harder at your lower lip making you moan, his kisses traveled down again, leaving more hikers on your breasts and abdomen, his lips leaving ghost touches on your skin.
His mouth reach your hips making they way down to your clit, he starts playing with the little bud, kissing it softly before biting it, making you scream in pleasure.
"Oh god Daddy please" you whimper.
His tongue start moving in a fast pace between your folds, playing around your hole, his tongue moving in and out at a torturing slowly pace, his tongue giving your hole little strokes, he goes up again at your clit, sucking on it harshly.
You started to feel the tight sensation in your stomach, getting more closer to your release Vinnie's tongue doesn't slow down for a second, in fact it just speed up 'till you cum all over his mouth and chin, you expect him to stop,but he shoves his fingers into your hole and attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking on it harshly, making you scream again, "Thank me" he growls, pushing his fingers further into your hole. "Thank me for the orgasm I just let you have" you moan loudly, shaking with the force of Vinnie's fingers moving in and out. "Fuck, tha-ank you"
Vinnie smirks at you and you cry out as you feel his fingers twist and his tongue drops down to play with your clit in slow motions.
It was so much pleasure for you to handle, you start to move back from Vinnie's mouth, just to hear a groan from his throat and to feel his hands grabbing your thighs harder to pull your pussy closer to him. "No,no,no. Get back here I'm not done with you "
He goes back at pumping his fingers inside of you all the overstimulation making your chest raise up and down at a erratic pace, your orgasm start to build up again, your moans loud and your hand gripping at the sheets, your third orgasm explodes, "Aww, look the poor thing accidentally came" this time Vinnie stops, cleaning your mess with his tongue, lapping every drop of your cum.
"You taste fantastic slut, now get on your knees"
You make up from the bed, your legs feeling numb for the hard orgasms, you gent on your knees, your hands moving to take off his trousers, sliding them down to his ankles, then your hands reach his underwear, caressing him through the fabric of his boxers. "Take them off" you slide them down his ankles too, his cock already hard pressing against his lower abdomen, leaking with pre-cum, you grab it with your hand, liking the pre-cum in his tip, making him groan in pleasure, you take him in your mouth, but Vinnie has other plans for you, he grabs your hair pushing himself deeper into your throat making you gag, he start at a fast pace, making you gag every-time he hits the back you your throat, you separated from his cock, breathing hard, "vinnie" you said with a ragged breath, he put his cock back in your mouth, "shut up and take it" he proceeds to fuck your mouth again. "Aah just like that, taking all my cock like the slut you are" he groans, tears start running down your face, Vinnie grabs your hair tightly making you moan against his cock, you allow your cheeks to make force on his cock, "aah shit, I'm going to cum" his seed explodes in your mouth, you swallowed all of it, some of his cum falls to your chin so you grab it with your finger pulling it back in your mouth.
"Get up" he grabs your hand to help you to stand up, he makes his way with you to the bed, again, he grabs you and puts you into the bed, laying on your back, he approaches you, positioning himself on top of you, he doesn't waist time, pulling his cock inside of you, you moan, again tears running down your face for the overstimulation you where receiving, Vinnie's strokes are deep and hard, making your head spin, the line between pain and pleasure was invisible now, the pain in your legs was more than the pleasure, you try to push Vinnie out of you, but he grabs your wrists pinning them to the bed, "V-Vinnie..."
He just moans in you neck, 'till you start moving to much, you want him to stop, you need him to stop, so you just scream it.
"Book!, Vinnie book!"
He stops instantly, pulling out of you,grabbing your face, strolling your cheeks. "Oh lord Y/n I'm so sorry, I shouldn't push you that far, I'm so sorry love"
"It's okay, I say it because I don't feel pleasure anymore"
"Shh, love you don't have to say sorry, if you ever want me to stop just say it and I will stop"
"Cmon let's get cleaned okay?" You hummed a “Mhm” agains his shoulder "I'm so sorry baby" he whispers against your hair.
He gets up, leaving you in bed,the puts the sheets over your body, he puts his boxers, and walk to the bathroom, the las time you heard was the water running into the bathtub.
While you where sleeping in the bed Vinnie prepares a bath, with warm water to help your sore body, some slow music,a red bathbomb making the water look red, a couple of candles on the sink and bubbles, a lot of bubbles.
He makes sure everything was perfect for you, the goes to the dorm again, caressing you cheek waking you up. "Hey love" "Hey" you say in a sleepy tone, "let's get you cleaned up, how does that sound?"
"Mhmm perfect" he kiss your forehead and carry you in bridal style to the bath tub, both of you get inside the warm water, Vinnie grabs a sponge and puts some soap in it, massaging your shoulders and washing your arms, chest and back, when he finish he cleans the soap with water, giving little kisses on your shoulders and nape. "I'm so sorry..." he mumbles against your back "I'm truly sorry, I would never hurt you in that way, and I'm sorry that a make you say the safe word" "Vin I promise that it's okay, when I say the word you stopped and help me, you take care of me and give me all your attention, I promise that it's okay" you smile at him, leaning back on his chest,moving head to look at him,he looks back at you making eye contact, "I love you so much Y/n" "I love you too Vin" he leans down and give you a little kiss on your forehead, another on your left cheek and the last one on your lips,that one a little longer than the others.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
omg omg i know matthews birthday isnt for a couple weeks but i would die for a bday sex one shot omg
i made you wait so long for this i'm so sorry omg. one-shots usually take me longer bc i want them to be detailed!
summary: reader has plans for Matthew’s 41st birthday, but things take their own turn. 
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, oral (male receiving), degradation, Soft!Dom Matthew with some fluff, too; fingering, creampie, implied age gap. 
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
word count: 4.3k
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I haul the enormous bag of flour onto the counter, grunting. it's early afternoon, and my day has been spent wrapping all of Matthew's gifts and trying to plan out the perfect birthday celebration. he's turning 41, and all I want is for him to feel as special as he feels to me. the cake is the last piece of the puzzle, and I'm hoping that my less-than-excellent culinary skills improve over the course of the next few hours.
I set out all the ingredients first, swaying to my music while I go through the recipe and decide how much I need. it shouldn't be too complicated, right? just chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. I thought I'd try to recreate the Rumple Buttercup cartoon with it, but now I'm not so sure. that might be flirting with disaster.
instead of deciding right there, I just get started on the batter. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
the air is thick with sweetness and warmth as the oven slowly pre-heats and I stir together the silky smooth chocolate batter. I pour the mix into a round baking pan, tapping it a bit to make sure it's even, before pushing it into the oven. naturally, I lick the whisk clean.
my phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Matthew's texted me.
on my way home now!
my heart stutters in my chest as I check the time. he's definitely early; he told me this morning that he wouldn't be at home until at least seven. my eyes flicker to the cake, over the messy kitchen, and back to my screen.
yep. can't wait to see you. followed by a series of heart emojis. I start to panic a little. this throws my whole schedule off; I was going to do my hair, pick up food from his favorite restaurant, set the table, litter the bed with rose petals. I wanted everything to be just right for him; it's the first time he's had a birthday with me.
and now he's going to come home to me with flour-dusted cheeks and a half-baked cake. I quickly clean the kitchen and wipe my face before running off to the bedroom, rifling through my closet for something nice. thank god I already showered this morning because there's no way I'd have time now. I find the dress I'd planned to wear, red and slinky and pretty, before dropping my clothes and changing right away.
truly, I move at the speed of light when I do my hair, scatter the rose petals, and call the restaurant to get our order started. we'll need to run out and get it, but Matthew likes going for walks, so that shouldn't be a problem.
the smell of chocolate wafts through the house while I tie an apron around my waist and get a bowl out of the cabinets. the cake needs to cool for a while, but I might as well get started on the frosting. who knows how long that'll take?
too damn long, apparently.
Matthew opens the front door while I'm halfway through my crumb coat, the soft green shade of the Rumple Buttercup colors coming along nicely. I start to panic a little when I hear his footsteps on the stairs.
"Y/N!" he calls out.
"kitchen!" I respond without moving. he probably shouldn't see the cake, but at this point it's too late. there's fluffy buttercream frosting and food coloring all over my apron. all I can do is wait patiently as he strolls into the room.
"what are you up to?" he sets his hand on my back, smiling.
"making your cake, birthday boy."
"mmm." he wraps a hand around my arm, drags it down while leaning his chin on my shoulder. "looks really nice so far."
"you like the color?" I ask.
"I do." he mumbles, starting to touch my waist. "what material is this?"
"you know I love that." he squeezes my waist and I have to resist the blush spreading up my cheeks. he's affectionate right now, and I want to resist, but it's hard.
"what're you doing?" I question playfully in response to the drifting of his fingers down my thighs.
"I'm excited to see you."
"I'm excited to see you, too, but we have a strict schedule tonight."
Matthew groans and drops his head into the space between my neck and shoulder. his hands don't leave my hips.
"why?" he whines.
"because I want you to have the best birthday ever." I smooth off the top of the cake, sighing when he digs his fingernails into me. it feels heavenly, and the featherlight kisses he's leveling on my jaw are making me woozy.
"making me wait?" he brushes over my ass, squeezing the flesh lightly. "that's cruel."
I laugh a little and swipe my finger through the frosting.
"try this and tell me if I'm still cruel."
he grabs my hand in both of his, sliding my index into his mouth and licking it off of me. my jaw drops in surprise before he pulls away and drops it. it's unbelievably sexy.
"that is really good." he smiles, then kisses my cheek in an alarmingly innocent manner. he knows what he's doing. "don't be a tease, darling."
"you--" I stutter, trying to regain my concentration. it's futile at this point; it isn't until he moves away from my body that I'm able to keep working on the cake. he only glances with a knowing smirk, walking around the counter to sit across from me.
"how was your day?"
"my day was jam-packed with planning for a little ingrate's birthday." I joke.
"I'm not an ingrate." he protests. one look at his pout and I feel guilty for teasing. standing on tiptoes, I lean over the counter and plant a kiss on his mouth.
"you're right, I'm sorry," I sigh. "I just had a whole plan and when you came home early, I didn't have time for all of it."
"what can I do?" he offers immediately. I scowl.
"you're not gonna help me prepare your birthday celebration, silly."
"but I wanna make it easier."
"you wanna make it easier?" I ask, the corners of my lips quirking up. he nods enthusiastically and I hold his gaze. "I need to go pick up our dinner, so you can walk with me."
"ooh, yes!" he leaps up in an almost child-like manner, coming around to my side again. I nuzzle into his shoulder as I finish piping the face onto the cake. he snorts when he sees the completed project. "is that Rumple?"
"shut up, it looks so bad." I complain. my body leans into his in defeat. even though I tried, Rumple looks like he's been possessed and exorcised in one sitting: he's got crazy eyes and a lopsided face.
"no, it's beautiful," he pecks the top of my head. "he's supposed to look funny."
all I can do is turn around and hug him, giggling at the absolute monstrosity that I've created. he wraps his arms around me tightly and we start to sway a little.
"I feel like Victor Frankenstein." I laugh. he untangles our bodies to tilt my chin up and look at him.
"you're way cuter." he rubs my nose with his own. I'm smiling so big, it hurts. he makes me so unbelievably happy, I can't imagine not being by his side. Matthew is the best boyfriend in the world, and I really want everything to live up to his expectations.
our fingers thread together briefly before we get ready to go pick up our food.
"I am literally going to combust." I giggle, throwing my napkin onto the table. red wax drips down the sides of the candle between us, and Matthew's eyes are starry as he watches me talk.
"good?" he asks.
"amazing. how was yours?"
"could barely get it down." he gestures to the empty plate. I throw my head back and laugh more than I should. Matthew frowns. "what?"
"that's such a dad joke."
"really?" he laughs along with me until we're both just smiling brightly at each other. I don't want to step too far; we've been dating under a year, still. but I see myself with Matthew forever. we've already moved in together; I've never felt so strongly as I feel for him, and I think that he feels it, too. in our bones.
"yes, but I like dad jokes."
"come here." he holds his arms out and I get up from the table, walking over to sit on his lap. he shifts so I can be more comfortable, and I place both hands on my stomach.
"I have such a food baby right now."
"do you?" he sets one hand over the bump. I lean my head into his shoulder, curling up a little. he starts to rub my tummy gently, holding me close while we sit in a relative quiet. "I like it."
"mmm." I hum, wrapping my arms around his neck. although he could easily turn this sexual, he doesn't. we just linger, breathing and letting our food settle. I really am full; the chances of me falling asleep are higher than not.
I ask Matthew to tell me more about his day as I sit there, and the rumble of his voice in his chest is soothing. as the candle wax drips further and further down, I watch it with lethargic eyes. I've had a hard year-- Matthew's made it better. he can read me like a book, and he listens like I've got all the answers in the world. I love him. and when I head to the kitchen to slice the cake, he follows me with his arms around my waist. we move like two people who have been together a long time, like we can anticipate the next person's movement down to the flicker of their eye contact, down to their step.
"I can't believe you have room for dessert." I grab a knife from the drawer, along with some plates. Matthew kisses my head.
"I've got room for multiple desserts."
"was that a sexual allusion or are you actually hungry?" I turn briefly to gauge his behavior. if he hasn't had enough to eat, I'll feel horrible. but he leans down to my ear. it still sends a shiver down my spine.
"definitely sexual," he smirks, then retreats. "let's do this, though, first. I want a piece of Rumple's eyeball."
"just get out the candles so I can do this for you." I push him away. he heads to the cupboard and returns with the pack of candles that I begin to spear into the cake. I only put in ten because there's not room for forty-one, but he doesn't seem to mind as I light them up individually.
"go sit down! you weren't even supposed to come in here." I laugh as I lift the dish into my arms and shoo him into the other room. Matthew gives me a sidelong look, smiling for an unknown reason, before following my orders.
he pretends to look surprised when I bring the thing out to him, mouth making a pleased O shape.
"wow!" he cheers.
"make a wish, then, my love." I tell him. he inhales deeply, then blows out the candles. one or two stragglers remain, their flames flickering before he tries again and snuffs them out. I clap my hands.
"happy birthday, baby!"
he grins at me and starts to pluck the candles out of the cake. "you didn't sing to me." he says.
"trust me, that was a gift in itself." I laugh before picking up the knife. "how big a slice do you want?"
Matthew seems to think for a second on this, squinting as he examines the thing.
"alright then." I cut an enormous hunk out, making sure to get one of the maddened eyeballs on it before sliding it onto the plate and giving it to him. "enjoy."
"oh, I will." before I can move to sit across from him, he reaches out and pulls me into his lap. I let out a surprised noise, but settle in anyway on his thigh while I cut my own slice of cake. we eat together.
"it's actually pretty good." I'm impressed with myself. sure, it's not a super complicated recipe. but I still did well. Matthew wraps his arm around my waist, one hand holding his plate while the other digs the fork in.
"it's amazing." he nods through a mouthful of food.
"how's the eye?"
"how you'd expect a vitreous humor to taste." he jokes, laughing as I elbow him in the ribs. "ow!" he complains. I swipe some of the frosting off the top of his slice and tap it over his nose. he wrinkles it at the sensation.
"maybe I'll just leave." I move to get up, but he keeps me in place. his little smile, so determined in its happiness, makes my heart soften. for all of his teasing, he's weak for me, and I love it. when I lean down a little to lick the icing off, he blushes.
"when can I have you?" he asks quietly, one hand resting on the top of my bare thigh. it tightens around my skin, growing more aware of my presence in his lap. I bite my lip and mull this over, subtly draw the hem of my dress up a bit just to tease him.
"I'm thinking..." this time, he lets me get up. my fingers slide through his, dragging him with me. "now."
Matthew gets an excited grin on his face before I spin around and lead him to the bedroom. a couple candles are burning, filling the room with a deep, sensual smell that he inhales as he stops in his tracks.
"did you put rose petals on our bed?" he chuckles, staring at me with his eyebrows raised in an adoring expression. I run my palms up his chest, stopping below his shoulders. I poke my tongue between my teeth as I smile.
"yes, I did."
"very romantic."
"is it?" I lift an eyebrow. it takes everything in me not to pounce on him right then.
"consider me seduced."
"if you ever use that word again, I'm calling this off." I laugh. he silences it in a kiss, eagerly gathering my body up in his arms as he tilts his head to deepen it. a slight moan slips through me, pleased with the gentle, innocent pleasure he elicits. he's softer than velvet. when he crushes the silk of my dress in his fist, lifting it over my ass so he can touch me without barriers, he groans.
"did I pay for this?" he rolls the fabric between his fingers.
"mhmm." I hum.
"good." his breath hitches when the zipper comes down easily, the garment falling to the floor and leaving me in brand new black lingerie. his eyes move hungrily over my body, pupils dilating further as he takes in the curves of my figure.
"this is new."
I twist around a bit, showing him the back as well, his grip on my waist loosening only to allow me this movement. "you like it?"
he groans. "I love it."
I want to start undressing him, greedy for the sight of his naked body, but he reaches down and lifts me into his arms, my legs wrapping around him while he carries me to the floral-covered mattress. I sink into a rosy paradise, almost give into the alluring sensations he causes with his fingertips over my skin.
he's between my legs, teeth seeking out collarbone and the swell of my chest. it would be so, so easy to remain here, pinned down and allowing him to let loose on me. every deliberate shadow on my body is like a sunburst. but I can't.
I grab his shoulders and yank him down next to me. he peers at me with a smile, wondering what I've got in store. the answer is too loaded to fit into one sentence, so I watch him move up the bed until he's resting his head on the pillow, my legs moving to straddle him.
"taking control?" he questions. he knows I don't usually like to be on top. instead of replying, I reach behind me and undo the clasps of my bra, sliding it from my arms before tossing it somewhere else. his eyes widen and he goes to grab at my tits, but I'm too quick. I lean down, unbuttoning his shirt and drawing my nails over his chest as I lower myself to his pants.
Matthew is silent, open-mouthed at the red marks I leave behind on his smooth skin. it's intoxicating for me, too, and I work quickly to tug his bottoms down his legs, the boxers with them. when his dick is released, I let him struggle through a moment of no contact.
"let me touch you." he goes to stroke himself. my gaze flickers between the length he's now gripping in his hand and the needy look on his face. I want to fuck him right now. every cell in my body aches for him, for the pleasure that so violently rips through my veins when he's inside.
"not yet." I betray myself, and his hips buck into empty air when he sees my torso so close to his erection. when I drop my head and lick up the underside, he lets go of himself and allows me to tease him. I pause at the tip, then hold the base while I spit on it.
"shit!" he grunts as I start to swirl my tongue around him. his fingers run through my hair. "suck on it, baby."
all I do is moan, the vibration torturing him. I peek up through my lashes and see the veins in his neck throbbing while he resists the urge to fuck my mouth. I soften and lower my head slowly, inch by inch swallowing his cock. he hits the back of my throat. the slight gag that runs through me makes him sigh. it's then that I tap his hand as our signal to push my head down.
Matthew loses it. he starts to shove my mouth onto him, fucking it, one hand reaching behind him to grab the top of the headboard while he groans.
"choke on it... fuck." he moans. there are tears in my eyes from the pressure, but I keep looking at him the whole time. he's gorgeous, mouth dropped open in ecstasy while he goes between rolling his eyes into the back of his head and staring with an intense desire.
every time I gag, he lets out an unholy noise and gets excited all over again, his hips moving to meet my lips until he's on the edge of falling apart. his cock twitches and I moan, but he's not willing to finish.
"get over here so I can fuck you." his voice is borderline raspy as he forces himself to release my head. I sit up and wipe the spit from my mouth, crawling on top of him again to leave some of my favorite marks on his neck. he's mine. every bite stands to prove it, and his quick breaths let me know that he's not going to wait much longer.
his fingertips hook in the waistband of my panties and he pushes them down my thighs, purses his lips while he watches me shimmy out of them. it's wonderful, seeing the disarray in his face whenever he catches sight of my naked form. he never knows where to touch first, moving over my breasts to my waist and hips down to my legs. like he's trying to blend our bodies together by simply drinking me in.
I tense when he reaches out and sinks two fingers into me. I'm so wet, it takes almost no pressure.
"fucking soaked, huh?" he smirks. my hands steady themselves on his shoulders as he starts to pump in and out of me. I groan.
"get inside, please." I murmur nearly incoherently. he starts to go faster, his cock throbbing against his stomach. but he wants me to squirm and beg.
"oh, so you've got demands?" he teases. his fingers curl in my pussy, brushing over my special spot, and I almost gasp at the pleasure. "after making me wait?"
"I just--" I start to defend myself, but it's fruitless. he guides my face down to his, whispering in my ear.
"let me guess: you just wanted me to have a good birthday?"
"yes." a choked, desperate reply.
"let me show you what kind of present I want, then." he removes his fingers and lines himself up at my entrance, pushing me all the way down before sliding the pads of his digits into my mouth. I lick them clean while I moan. his cock is so deep inside me, I can barely breathe.
the combined pressures between my hips and on my tongue, make me give up on drawing this out. it feels so good, I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to. I rise up a bit and sink onto him again, his jaw clenched at the sensation. he lets me do this a couple times and then pauses my actions.
"get on your hands and knees." he orders. I lift myself obediently, whining slightly at the loss of contact, before he sits up and switches positions so that he's kneeling behind. I wait patiently for him to do what he wants with me. he doesn't disappoint.
softly, he pushes my head down so that my cheek rests against the pillow while he slides in from the back. it's a completely different angle and I can barely handle the way he works through the tightness, his moans louder this time.
"thought you could sit on it and I would just let you?" he chuckles darkly, pulling out and moving in. my breath rattles in my chest at the repeated, delicious intrusions. my eyelids flutter shut while he keeps talking to me in that commanding, low tone. "you're my little slut."
the moan that comes from my lips is pathetic, like a mewl. he plows into me and my face presses into the mattress.
"such a perfect little pussy," his hands lure my hips to him while he groans at the new depths he keeps finding. "so responsive for me."
"faster, Matthew." I whine. although he's not going slow, I need more. the slam of his body against mine, from this angle, creates just short of enough friction for my clit. he follows my request, however, and fucks me at an insatiable pace.
"you like that?" he grunts. I literally don't have the mobility to nod, so I shove my ass back instead to take more. he bucks. "you feel so fucking good."
I whimper and he starts to stimulate my clit by reaching around, lowering himself a bit to do so. he keeps his arm pressed to my stomach so he can feel the bulge of his cock sliding in and out of me. "good girl. take it."
my fingertips fist the sheets and I whine as my orgasm approaches. he switches the pattern of pressure, finding what makes me fall apart fastest. I'm on the edge, my mouth dropping open in a silent cry. my hips start to move on their own, working against his cock as I moan his name and tumble into the abyss.
"Matthew, right there-- fuck me, fuck me--" I moan. he rams his hips so hard, the headboard slams the wall and he groans.
"you're gonna make me break you, baby." he warns. I bite my lip so hard that I almost puncture the skin, feeling like a planetary collision is occurring within my lower stomach. I'm coming up on a second climax.
"break me, then." I dare.
Matthew wraps his arm around my chest and brings me up so that I'm leaning against his chest while he whispers in my ear. "defiant little whores don't get my cum."
"but--" I complain, hips wriggling for more while he thrusts into me.
"apologize or I'll stop fucking you right now." he slows just to demonstrate the torture of not being inside me. I grasp at his hips to coax him, but he's determined. I take a shaky breath at the smooth, slow movements.
"I'm sorry." I beg. he reaches down and starts to play with my bundle of nerves again. as much as he wants to make me crash, he loves the way this feels, too.
"mmm," he hums while laying sloppy kisses along my neck. "good thing I wanna fill you up for being so sweet today."
his thrusts are uncontrolled and needy, rapid pushes between my legs that cause me to start shaking all over again. he rubs my clit and moans in my ear, spilling.
"I love you so much." he mumbles. the hand holding me to him squeezes one of my tits while I arch my spine and enjoy the slowing pace of our bodies. I moan his name.
"I love you, too." I'm in awe of how he changes for me, his attitude shifts whenever we're in bed. it's cosmic, how we fit together. and his withdrawal from my body causes both of us to collapse onto the bed with exhaustion.
I can only suck in air for a while. my limbs are like lead, in the best way.
"that was hot." he mutters. I turn to him, admiring his beautiful features, and nod lazily.
"a successful birthday, then?"
"after that cake? yeah." he scoffs jokingly and I giggle before curling into him. he traces his fingertips down my skin. "do you wanna take a shower?"
"I'm so tired." I groan. Matthew glances at me.
"I'm the one who just turned forty-one."
"shut up."
"come on, then. let's get you cleaned up."
he rises from the mattress, bringing me with him. a few stray rose petals flutter onto the ground.
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candyflosstoxicity · 3 years
Wanna Be Your Setting Lotion
Endeavor x Black!Reader
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI. Power imbalance. Unsafe sex. Creampie. Breeding kink. Breath play. Pain play.
Despite the sizable uptick in his popularity after triumphing over the High-End Nomu, Enji still felt that his ability to relate to the everyday civilians was sorely lacking. There was still some doubt amongst the masses that he could be a suitable replacement for All Might. As much as that stung his ego, Enji knew that their misgivings weren’t unfounded.
He had promised his son that he would become a hero that he could be proud to call his father, and that meant more than just saving lives. Enji had to work to build a relationship with the public, and be a hero that was not only powerful, but approachable and relatable.
So, with his secretary’s assistance, Enji reached out to the most highly recommended media relations agency in Musutafu and requested that they pair him with a very particular type of publicist. He made sure to specify that they had to be thick-skinned and prepared to undertake all the work that would come with being the publicist to the number one hero. Though he had certainly made some important changes within himself, he still didn’t know how to talk to people and didn’t want to send the publicist running for the hills.
That was how you ended up standing outside the Endeavor Hero Agency. The glass skyscraper gleamed brightly under the sun, and really impressed upon you that this was happening. You had been assigned your first hero, but not just any run of the mill hero and it honestly had you feeling nervous in a way that you never had before. It’s not as if you doubted your ability to manage and improve the Flame Hero’s public image, but this was a major assignment that could either launch your career into the stratosphere or sink it like a stone.
After taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself, you walked briskly through the front entrance and into the main lobby, where you were greeted by the receptionist. You explained who you were and what you were there for, and she immediately hopped up from her desk in a panic and hastily led you to the elevator. It did nothing to quell your anxiety, because if his receptionist was losing her cool, what chance did you have against the man?
Upon reaching the top floor, the receptionist all but shoved you out of the elevator, giving you a hasty “good luck” while frantically pushing the button to close the door. You stumbled forward and were faced with a large, hardwood door. Having decided that you simply could not delay your assignment any further, you squared your shoulders, took decisive steps forward, and knocked on the door.
That was several months ago, and you could say with hindsight that you were right to be anxious. While working for Endeavor was the best way to cut your teeth as a publicist, the man himself was...something fucking else.
It wasn’t just that he was physically intimidating, with his towering height and mountains of muscle. Honestly, you were able to quickly get past that and start working towards building a friendly, yet professional relationship with your boss. Except, he was the most tight-lipped, awkward person you had ever dealt with when he wasn’t in the process of saving lives. And when he was actually somewhat talkative, he was so intense that it left you flustered.
However, Enji always treated you with respect and courtesy, and when you did well, he told you as much. Heat would crawl its way from the top of your head to the tips of your toes whenever he would tell you, “You’ve done excellent work this week, (L/N)-san. Your efforts are appreciated.”
To anyone else and coming from anyone else, it might not mean much, but Todoroki Enji wasn’t just anyone. He had high standards for all of his employees, and you were no exception. Praise from him was hard to come by, and when it was directed at you, it made you feel some type of way.
It was obvious to everyone with a pulse that Enji was an incredibly attractive man. Indeed, every interview you scheduled for him with a female journalist found him being inundated with coy smiles, flirting, and pointed questions about his relationship status.
To be fair, you had asked him the same question, but only because it was important for you to know as the person who handled all of his public relations. It definitely wasn’t because you were lusting after your client and hoping that he was free to maybe, someday, knock your walls down.
Still, you had always prided yourself on being the consummate professional, so you refrained from asking any questions that were too personal. Even though you were so often alone with Enji in his penthouse office, with little to no interruption, and a lot of plush furniture he could fuck you on…
You shook your head sharply, your dark, curly hair moving with the motion. ‘Focus, bitch. Don’t be a goofy and try to fuck your boss. He would probably fire your ass before you could ask for a crumb of dick.’
It didn’t matter if you hadn’t gotten laid since you started working as his publicist; you were NOT going to fuck Todoroki Enji.
Little did you know, Enji was enduring his own share of suffering and sexual frustration. And he had no intentions of denying himself. For him, it was simply a matter of opportunity.
It was finally Friday evening, and Enji was more than ready for the weekend. After a solid week of double patrols, while squeezing in PR appearances that you had set up for him, he just wanted to sit down in his recliner at home and have a stiff drink. He was sitting at his desk with his laptop open, finishing up some last minute paperwork on a report he needed to submit to the Hero Public Safety Commission by Monday.
Just as he put the final signature on the last page, you came bursting through his office door, without knocking, of course. Not that he minded; it was always a treat to see you, even if you were a bit...distracting. Your shapely legs carried you briskly towards his desk and he couldn’t help but admire how enticing they looked sheathed in your sheer stockings. He almost missed what you were trying to tell him, too busy imagining them wrapped around his waist.
“Endeavor-san, I’m sorry to disturb you right before quittin’ time, but I just finalized the details of your appearance on Present Mic’s late night radio show for next weekend,” you chirped with no small amount of satisfaction. Ah, right; Enji had agreed to make time for that, considering Mic was very popular with the young crowd and an appearance on his show would do wonders for his popularity with that demographic.
“He promised to keep it light and casual, and most of the time block will be spent playing some music that you both enjoy. I cross-referenced his playlist with the list you compiled, and y’all have some bangers in common. We’ll need to go over your note cards again, but I’m sure you’ve got that part covered by now.”
Your eyes were focused on the folder in your hands, flipping through the papers there as you went over the last minute details. Enji’s eyes were watching you, though, and he found himself struggling to give a damn about Present Mic or his radio show. Not when you were standing before him, a radiant vision of smooth brown skin and a halo of curls. How badly he wanted to sink his fingers into them and tug your head back, make you submit to him…
“Endeavor-san, are you listening?”
The question coming from your pretty lips, in that sweet, but sharp voice, was enough to finally get his attention. He tore his gaze from your petite frame and looked up to see your dark brown eyes staring at him sternly. Enji coughed and shifted in his chair, trying to subtly adjust his now rock hard dick.
“My apologies, (Y/N), I’m a bit worn out from this week,” he hastily assured you. “If you wouldn’t mind emailing those notes to me, I will look over them again this weekend.”
Your expression softened and you tossed the folder onto his desk before walking around to the side and perching yourself on the edge. Enji could practically feel the blood rush to his dick with you sitting so close to him, the scent of your perfume immediately clouding his mind. Your already short skirt rode up even higher and he had to force himself to look you in the eye, which he regretted shortly after.
“Have I been riding you too hard, sir?”
Enji’s eyes narrowed slightly at you, thinking that you must be toying with him. But, your face was devoid of cunning, and you seemed genuinely concerned for his well-being. He wasn’t used to that kind of consideration from really anyone, especially not one of his employees.
“No, far from it. You probably take it a bit too easy on me, but you still produce amazing results. I would be completely clueless about this public relations crap if I didn’t have someone as bright and clever in my corner,” Enji rumbled, almost bashfully, the tips of his ears still pink from your accidental innuendo.
He had no way of knowing, but the feeling that Enji’s praise gave you was like a shot of adrenaline to you. Warmth bloomed in your cheeks, and you quickly began stuttering and trying to downplay your contribution. However, Enji was having none of it and reached out to grab your anxiously fluttering hands, which had the desired effect of shutting you up.
But, Enji didn’t stop there. He was tired of you not giving yourself enough credit. More than that, he was tired of only being able to show his gratitude in words. So, he took advantage of your size difference and tugged you into his arms and then settled you on his right thigh, forcing you to straddle the muscular appendage.
“E-Endeavor-san?!” you squeaked out. Your tiny hands were encased in his much larger ones and even that small bit of skin to skin contact was enough to set a fire low in your belly.
“Please, call me Enji. It seems a bit formal considering the things I want to do to you.”
“And what exactly do you want to do to me, Enji?” Your voice was low and breathless, but he could see the excitement clearly in your deep brown eyes.
He released your hands and let his own wander down the curve of your sides to settle on your hips. Still maintaining eye contact with you, he engulfed the soft flesh there with a gentle, but firm squeeze. You gasped softly and instinctually ground down against the flexing muscles of his thigh.
Enji growled lowly in his throat and took one hand off your hip, and reached up to bury it in the soft curls that framed your gorgeous face. At first, he gently massaged the scalp with his fingertips, but when he felt you relax, Enji used the curls at your nape to tug your head back.
He loved how small you were in his arms, how easily he towered over you and controlled your movements. And there you were, gasping and squirming in his lap, letting him touch you in such a dominating way. It stoked a fire within him that he hadn’t felt in a long while, urging him to make you fall apart under his touch.
“There are so many things that I want to do to this tight, little body,” Enji whispered against your throat. He placed a heated kiss there, followed by a gentle nip before continuing, “But, for now, I want you to ride my thigh.”
To his delight, you didn’t hesitate to start meekly rolling your hips forward, your skirt bunching up around your waist with the motions. Still, you seemed to be holding yourself back, and he was having none of that. Using the hand that was still gripping your hip, Enji forced you to press down harder and move faster. Getting the message, you braced your palms against his broad, solid chest and began grinding against him in earnest.
The filthy moans you let spill from your plump lips were music to Enji’s ears, and he struggled to refrain from just ripping your stockings off and sliding your down onto his aching dick. There would be plenty of time for that later, but in that moment, he wanted to make you felt just how appreciated you were.
“Come on, little sparrow, I know you’re close. I can feel you soaking my pants leg.”
The desperation and desire in his voice drove your lust even higher. That, combined with the friction of your nylon stockings against your bare pussy, had you teetering on the edge of release.
“Please, sir!” You didn’t know what you were asking for, but he seemed to. And he was going to make you beg for it.
“Please what?”
“I...I want you to fuck me, sir! Please let me cum on your dick,” you pleaded with a breathless whine, never ceasing your wanton grinding.
“Oh, you will be cumming on my dick. But, first, you’re going to make yourself nice and sloppy for me.”
Enji gripped your hair tighter and pulled your head back until your spine arched. Now, your nails were digging into the skin of his pectorals, but he didn’t care because the end result was you humping against him with reckless abandon. No longer needing to guide your movements, he reached up and wrapped his other hand around your delicate throat, squeezing just enough to make the blood rush to your head. That was just enough to tip you right over the edge.
“Oh, oh!” Your hips began to stutter slightly in their movements as your orgasm crept up on you. A scream that surprised you, but made Enji growl in triumph, was ripped from your throat as you bucked wildly through the peak of your release. Letting go of your tresses and throat, Enji pulled you gently into his chest and ran his hands soothingly down your back. As your body trembled and quaked through the vestiges of your orgasm, he murmured soft praises into the crown of your hair.
“You did such a good job for me, baby girl. I’m so proud of you and all your hard work. Are you ready for your reward now?”
Despite the fact that you had just cum your brains out, his words of praise had you moaning wantonly, your head bobbing lazily in consent. Enji wasted no time in standing you up between his legs, supporting your weight effortlessly as he slid his hands up your inner thighs towards the crotch of your stockings. A brief, but loud ripping sound echoed in the spacious office, and then you felt a cool breeze against your soaked lips. Enji took a moment to run a thick finger through your dainty folds, making you shudder and moan.
Enji considered having you ride him again, but a glance at the large sectional he had in the corner of the room gave him other ideas. Picking you up as if you weighed nothing, he carried you to the luxurious piece of furniture and laid you down on your back. He immediately covered your body with his own and locked his lips with yours, the kiss quickly turning heated. While your lips moved together with unrestrained passion, he busied himself with undoing his belt and slacks. Once he got them undone, he freed his aching length from the confines of his underwear, hissing at the sensation of the cool air hitting the too hot skin.
Pulling away from your soft warmth, Enji made you look him in the eye before he asked, “It seems a bit late to ask, but are you sure this is what you want?”
Thinking he was just being considerate, you smiled softly up at him and nodded in affirmation. He kissed you hard, one more time, before looking down to guide his more than impressive dick to your dripping entrance. As soon as he pressed the head in, you knew what he was really asking you before, which was whether you could handle being stretched to your absolute limit.
You threw your head back, pressing into the soft cushion underneath you, and struggled to breathe around the sensation of his girth splitting you open. It was a good thing he made sure you were wet enough beforehand, otherwise, you were sure that you wouldn’t have been able to take all of him.
Enji made sure to take his time pressing in and withdrawing, inch by inch, enraptured by the sight of your pretty pussy stretching around him. It was a couple minutes more before he was fully seated inside you, the head of his dick pressed snugly against your cervix. He paused his movements to press sweet, but rough kisses along your jaw and collarbones. You reached up and buried your fingers in his hair, applying the barest pressure to bring his face closer to yours so you could press your foreheads together.
“I’d really like for you to move now,” you panted softly. Sure, it was quite the stretch having him inside you, but it didn’t hurt and you were still filled with a burning desire to be wrecked by the giant hovering over you.
Withdrawing slowly, so slowly, Enji paused again to watch your face as he gave a quick, experimental thrust. The cry of pleasure you let out snapped his resolve to continue taking it slow, and he began to fuck into you with a vigor. All you could do is tighten your grip on his red locks and hold on for the ride.
“God, you feel so good wrapped around me. Do you have any idea how long I have wanted this? How many times I’ve fantasized about fucking into you like this, making you my little cumdump?”
Enji was actually caught off guard with how visceral your reaction was to his dirty talk. He didn’t think it possible, but you became even tighter around his dick, nails biting into his scalp, as well. You began trying to thrust back up against him, but he was having none of that. Enji pulled back just enough to take your legs and throw them over his shoulders so he could put you in a mating press.
“Oh gods, yes, just like this, Daddy!” you wailed loudly, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. You were overwhelmed with the pleasure from his rigid member rubbing against your velvet walls with the new angle.
A groan that sounded like a snarl rumbled in Enji’s chest at the sound of your fucked out voice calling him ‘Daddy’. It made him want to grind his dick deeper into you, until all you could see, feel, or taste was him and the pleasure he was giving to you.
“Fuck, if you call me that again, I’m going to fucking cum and I’m not going to pull out.” He expected you to object, or something but instead, you attempted to pull him in closer with the strength of your legs alone.
“Please, please, please fill me up, Daddy! I want it all, please, give it to me!”
Pace quickening at your filthy words, Enji leaned forward until you were practically pressed in half and his thrusts had the tip of his dick bumping your womb with every plunge deeper. You were unable to even scream, the air knocked from your lungs and your brain foggy with thought-warping ecstasy.
“Goddammit, you’re gonna make me cum, baby. I’m gonna fill you up to the brim. Gonna make you round with my child. Is that what you want?”
All you could do was nod frantically, incoherent pleas and his name spilling from your drooling mouth in an endless stream. You would do anything, say anything, just to feel his hot cum paint your walls.
From the way you were clenching and pulsing around him, Enji knew that you were close to the precipice again already, and he was ready to tumble over right along with you. Letting go of the last bit of restraint holding him back, Enji captured your lips in a searing kiss and swallowed your cries of passion as he began to piston into your tight heat, chasing his orgasm and hurtling you towards yours.
A shrill scream muffled by his lips and the sharp tightening of your walls around him signaled to Enji that you were cumming, and he quickly followed after you. His powerful hips stuttered once, twice before he drove his entire length fully inside you and stilled, his head pressed to the opening of your womb. Much hotter than you were expecting it to be, spurts of cum that seemed endless gushed deep inside you, prolonging both of your orgasms to the point of over-sensitivity.
When you both finally came down and got your breathing under control, Enji slowly pulled out from you and gently eased your legs off his shoulders. He gathered you up in an embrace and flipped the two of you over so that you were laid on top of him, head resting against his chest. Again, he stroked your back and sides soothingly, murmuring words of praise and comfort.
For your part, you were fucking wiped, your heart still racing and brown skin dewed with sweat. You could feel cum leaking out of your abused hole, but could hardly be bothered to care with exhaustion and satiation weighing so heavily on your eyes.
With strong arms wrapped around you and every bone in your body feeling like marshmallow, you snuggled closer to Enji and fell asleep to the steady pulse of his heart in your ear.
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kimnjss · 4 years
petty games | pjm
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⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader // jimin focus. ⇢ genre: smut. // pure unedited filth. ⇢ word count: 6.2K ⇢ theme: established relationships. ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, fingering, light dry humping, oral sex (m. receiving), orgasm denial, jimin is petty as hell lmao, squirting, unprotected sex, two quick handjobs, interrupted orgasms, blowjobs, masturbation, finger licking... i think that’s it?? idk let me know . ⇢ A/N: sooo if this feels all over the place it’s because i wrote this nd the newest update for ‘be my baby’ literally an hour apart from each other nd my brain is fried.
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Jimin has always been the biggest tease out of your seven boys. He loved to watch you squirm and never passed up an opportunity to make you beg. You could always tell when he was in a particularly teasing mood because he'd always start out by flat out ignoring you. Denying you the attention that you wanted throughout the day, that sexy smirk weighing on his lips the entire time.
Today was one of those days. It had started when you opted to ride with Jin and Jungkook on your way back to the mountains. A lighthearted joke about his reckless driving which was met with a playful eye roll and mocking laughter.
Not thinking much of it after that, you enjoyed the smooth ride back. Filling up on the yummy food from Tae's mom and chatting with the other cars through the walkie-talkie's.
It's when you're pulling up to the house land do you realize your mistake. May have laughed a little too hard at the fact he left his luggage behind, joining in with Hobi on the teasing. Jimin laughs along too, not entirely annoyed – especially after he's finding out his luggage is being brought in a different car.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to get his own version of payback for all your teasing in the few hours you were with each other.
He's moving in close as you make you way up toward the house, strong hands landing on your hips as he halts your step – pulling your body into his chest. You're instantly surrounded by his warmth, can feel the ripples of his stomach through the fabric of your clothing. The blow of breath against your ear has a shiver running down your spine.
And warmth pooling between your legs.
“You just think everything's so funny, huh?” His voice is gruff in your ear, much deeper than the usual sweet tone he uses when he's talking to you. Without even making the effort to peak at his face, you just know there's fire in his eyes.
You were never one to just cower away, though. “Is it not funny?” You challenge, feeling his grip slightly tighten around you.
He's scoffing quietly in your ear, brow lifting as he tilts his head. Your body shivers when you feel the sharpness of his teeth nibble at your lobe. “Alright, we'll see.” He mumbles, all at once releasing you.
Walking the rest of the way into the house as if he didn't just shake you to the core. Easily had you near drooling, ready for him with a set of simple words. 'We'll see' and you were more than ready to figure out what that was.
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After a delicious lunch, where you spent the majority of it sat close to Hoseok, joining in on the random conversation that flowed around you, you're following Yoongi up to the Upper House.
The entire short walk up, he's filling you in on how much he improved on the game he was currently interested in. A long arm wrapping around your waist as he speaks. Not forgetting to mention how he once asked Jimin what his score is, laughing cutely when he reveals what the young boy's answer was.
Yoongi is easily pulling you into his lap as his long fingers tap against the mouse, waking up the desktop. You're able to relax against him at once, his strong arm wrapped around your waist and your head resting on his shoulder.
The sweet smell of him intoxicates you, always smelt a bit like honey. But beneath all of that a scent you can only describe as him. His chin rests on your shoulder, eyes staring on the screen and you're sure this is the most comfortable you've ever felt. He's focused on the game but the gentle stroke of his fingers over your belly never falters.
Drawing random patterns against your skin, soothing you against him. You don't talk. Simply enjoying the comfortable silence that comes with being in his arms. Watching as he mumbles at the screen, controlling his character on the screen in hopes to up his ranking.
The touch against your skin never strays too far from innocent. Even with the cool dampness of his fingers from his drink against your warm skin, he doesn't push it. No matter how many times you shift in his arms. Fingers dragging down the front of your body until he's able to grasp your thigh, the shorts you're wearing allowing him to meet the smoothness of your skin.
“You just shaved?” He wonders, eyes never lifting from the screen. He speaks like it's an afterthought, a mere observation instead of something that was done for his benefit. Either way, you're nodding, tilting your head up so you can steal a glance at his features.
Lips brushing gently over the shell of his ear as you speak. “Full body wax,” His brow lifts, fingers twitching against your skin as if he's daring to check just how 'full body' you're talking. Yoongi doesn't go right for it, takes him time with his advances. Half his focused still on the game, but now he's a bit more tuned into you.
Open-mouthed kisses are pressed against the skin of your shoulder, tongue lightly brushing you just before he's closing his lips around a bit of skin. That paired with the teasing stroke of his fingers on your thighs has you squirming in his arms. He's gentle with the way he touches you, simply enjoying how soft you feel underneath his fingertips.
Yet, each movement is inching higher every time. His kisses growing a bit more heated, teeth coming out to scrape against your skin. Still, one hand still remains on the mouse, directing his character on the screen and even though he wasn't doing all that well, you still didn't have the full attention you wanted.
So you're shifting in his lap, wiggling until you're straddling his thigh. His eyes flicker from the screen to your hand that travels down the front of his body, the tips of your fingers sneaking underneath the waistband of his pants. And he hisses, you've barely touched him and a sharp hiss has left his lips.
Sat in anticipation as you take your time with lowering your hand underneath the band, fingers tense on the mouse. “Shit,” The curse falls from his lips in the same moment his character loses, but you're positive he's referring to the fact that you've wrapped your hand around his shaft.
He's warm in your hand, quickly hardening as you move your hand toward the tip – rolling your thumb over it slowly. Without the game stealing his attention, Yoongi's hand moves more deliberately on you, fingers sneaking into your shorts to meet the lace of your panties.
“Let me take care of you, baby.” His words mumbling into your ear, free hand lifting to pull yours from his pants. Needing a clear head to concentrate on pleasuring you. A jolt of pleasure rushes through your body from the feeling of him teasing your clit. Slowly rolling it between his middle and ring finger as whimpers fall from your lips. “Feel good, baby?”
You're nodding, breathlessly, legs spreading wide for him. It's not long before a wet patch is forming at the front of your panties, the fabric sticking to your skin as he strokes you through it. The feeling has grin pulling at his lips, instantly sliding his hand underneath to meet the softness of your bare pussy.
“Soft,” He sighs in appreciation, a finger dipping into your wanting hole. Walls squeezing around the digit, protesting each time he draws back. His thumb comes up to tease your clit with each thrust, loosening you up until he's able to slide another finger inside of you.
Yoongi pushes in deep, despite the tightness of your walls around him. Groaning along with you when they constrict around the digits. “You're so tight... would feel so good around my cock,” His hips lift at the thought, ready to try out his theory.
He doesn't make any moves to do so, fingers staying buried deep inside of you as his thumb teases your clit. Your hips are doing all the work, fucking yourself on his fingers and he watches with great fascination each roll of your hips. Soft lips press against the side of your neck, allowing you to have your fun.
But only for a moment. It's not long before he's lifting his hand, stilling the movement of your hips, and pulling his fingers back. You're whining out in protest, attempting to chase his fingers with your hips – but he's got a good hold on you. 
“Oh!” You're shouting when his fingers drive back into you. Curved upward to drag over the most sensitive spot buried inside of you. Your legs shake with the sudden pleasure, fist gripping his thigh, taking advantage of his loosened grip to rock your hips. “I'm c-close, fuck, Yoongi!” The tingle starts between your legs, quickly traveling throughout your limbs.
It's not long before your hips begin to buck, walls clenched tight around his fingers. Eyes rolled back as your teeth cut into your lower lip. So close you can almost taste it. Just needed a bit more...
And then it's gone. Ripped away from you so fast it takes you a moment to piece it together in your head. Yoongi's pulled his fingers from inside of you, busying himself with licking them clean. An innocent smile spreading across his features when you whip around to face him.
“What was that!?” You're out of breath and it's evident in your tone. Cheeks flushed and head foggy from your near orgasm. Barely able to sort out your thoughts, but that doesn't stop the glare from forming on your features.
He's leaning up, wet lips pressing to the tip of the nose. Finding your angry face extremely adorable. “What was what, baby?” He asks pulling out, so casual that you're wondering if you hadn't just imagined the whole thing.
But the shine on his lips says otherwise. Yoongi's leaning up once more, lips catching your cheek this time. “Think I'm pretty tired. Wanna go join the others while I rest?” And you're so confused that all you can think to do is nod.
Sliding off of his thigh so he can stand, he gives an exaggerated stretch before he's leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. You watch as he takes lazy steps toward the outside door, hand lifting to ruffle his own hair.
Your mind stuck on one thing. What just happened?
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Taehyung is the first person you see on your way back to the Main House. He's heading in from the lake, shirt slightly damp and hair floppy cutely around his face. He smiles brightly when he spots you, an arm lifting to wrap over your shoulders – tucking your body into his side.
“You look happy.” He nods, the cute smile he wears growing slightly. “It's so peaceful here,” There's a dream-like tone in his voice which has a grin breaking onto your features. Pleased to see him so relaxed, so in his element here.
It's what he deserved with such a hectic lifestyle. It's what they all deserved. Your arm is wrapping around his waist as you nod in agreement, walking wrapped around him the rest of the way to the Main House.
A sleeping Jungkook is the first thing you spot when you're entering the house. Sprawled out not too far from him is Jin, who is also fast asleep a rolled pillow underneath his back. Hoseok and Jimin build quietly side-by-side, cautious not to make too much noise in fear of waking them up.
Taehyung is carefully unwrapping himself from you, moving to take a seat at the table, finding interest in the half-finished game laid on it. Just with a quick survey of the room, you're instantly noticing someone is missing.
“Where's Joon?” Words directed to either Hoseok or Jimin, but Hoseok is the only one that turns his attention to you.
Jimin on the other hand doesn't look up from the game that he's holding, reading the words that are printed on the back as if his life depended on it. Not paying him much mind, you shift your gaze onto Hoseok.
“He went upstairs to read his book,” He tells you, eyes dragging over your frame before he's turning his attention back to the building blocks he's been working so hard on since you've arrived.
Joon is as advertised, sat in his room with a book in hand. One long leg cross over the other as his large hand holding up his face, pretty eyes scanning over the words on the page. His head turns to you as you enter, lips lifting into a smile while sitting up, tucking the flap of the cover inward to hold his place.
“Don't stop cause I'm here, I like watching you read.” Sinking your bum into the comfort of his bed, you lean back on your elbows. Able to look at him over the bridge of your nose and boy, does he look handsome.
He looked really good in nature, you're deciding. Of course, the hairspray and makeup that came with his one stage persona were eye-catching, but there was something about a bare-faced Joon with messy hair, doing something as simple as reading that had a different type of feeling bubbling in your stomach.
With a quick shake of his head, he's standing, setting the book down on the wooden table set at the foot of his bed. “I'd much rather pay attention to you,” His voice is deep, smile revealing the dimples you have fallen for ten times over.
The bed dips as he lifts his body onto it, arms caging you against him. His face is just inches from yours, close enough that you can see the shades of brown hidden in his dark eyes. Soft bangs tickle your forehead as he leans in, the gentlest of kisses pressed to your lips. “I'm glad you came back with us. They've missed you.”
Always one to speak for the time, hardly ever bringing up his own feelings unless he's provoked. Usually, you're taking what he says as a whole. Assuming that when he speaks of the other's he's also speaking for himself. Not this time, though. 
You want to hear him say it. They had gone back to Seoul for a few days and with how busy their schedule instantly got you weren't able to see them at all while they were there. Which wasn't unusual, considering how in demand these boys were. But, it was a harsh change from being able to fall asleep with them, wake up in their arms, play whenever you wanted, laugh happily together... to absolutely nothing.
With the lift of your arms, you're able to wrap them around his neck – back falling against the soft mattress with the absence of their leverage. Joon's leaning with you, arms moving quickly to keep himself from completely crushing you as he hovers. “What about you?” Eyes searching his as confusion furrows his brow.
“Did you miss me too?”
There's a soft tint in his cheeks, the dust of pinkness that gives way just how much he missed you. Either way, the sight of the blushing smile that pushes on his lips, the heartwarming: “Missed you like crazy,” That falls from his lips, has your heart rate rising in the best way.
So much so, that you don't hesitate to press your lips back against his. Mouth moving over each other's slowly as your fingers knit themselves in his soft hair. His lips taste like sweet coffee, warm. He's able to pull a soft moan from your lips by sucking your lower lip between his teeth. 
Hands sliding down to grasp your waist, holding your body to his just for a moment before he's reaching down. Joon's fingers dig into your thighs as he lifts your legs, wrapping one around his hip so he's able to lower himself in the space he's created.
Your hands slide underneath his shirt, nails scraping over the toned skin. His cock jumps from the contact, paying great attention to the drag of your fingers that seems to slip just low enough to barely graze the growing bulge in his pants. He's pushing his wet tongue past your lips, rolling it with your as his hips roll down.
The slow drag of his hard length against your cover clit has a whimper falling from your lips. Hips lifting to his, moans dying on his tongue. His hold on your thigh tightens, tugging your body flush against his until it feels as if there's nothing separating you. A loud pop parts your lips, and you're only allowed a moment to admire how he looks right now.
Eyes hooded, cheeks flushed, and lips wet and bitten red from your teeth. Joon is quickly lowering his head into the crook of your neck, sucking marks into the skin as the thrusts of his hips pick up in speed. He's using his grip on you to guide your movements, ensuring that your clit is meeting his cock with each lift.
Quickly, you're growing desperate. That familiar pressure building in your stomach from the consistent stimulation to your most sensitive area. Lips, teeth, and tongue work to create pretty bruises on the skin of your neck, following a wet trail until he's reaching the tops of your breasts.
Light kisses are placed against your cleavage, while a hand sneaks up to tease your nipple through the fabric of your shirt. This has a pang of arousal shooting through your body, back arching as a panted moan flies from your lips. “Fuck, Joon.” There's no point in hiding the whine that coats your voice.
His smirk is felt against your skin, teeth baring to nibble at your skin while his finger tweaks and pinches your nipple into a peak. All the while, his hips haven't slowed down their roll into your core. Legs wrapped tight around him, you can feel every inch through the fabric of his sweats.
You're close, can tell from the way your walls clench around nothing. And he can tell from the frantic lift of your thighs, desperate to reach your high. His hips slow, head leaning back to reveal that teasing smirk to your dazed eyes. “You close, baby?”
“Yes, yes... please,” Not even able to finish your sentence, because his hips are stopping completely. Stealing away any ounce of friction you once had. A soft kiss is pressed to your protesting lips, body moving from yours before you can properly objection.
Scrambling to sit up, your eyes narrow at him from where he now stands across the room. Picking his book up as if he hadn't just had you right at the edge of an orgasm. “Joon!” Your shout has his head lifting, mocking confusion written on his features.
“Yeah, baby?” A wide gesture of your hand is directed toward you, in a type of 'duh' motion that's also written across your features. He acts as if he has no idea what you're talking about, hand lifting to push his hair back on his forehead. “I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back.”
Despite your annoyance, he's still leaning over the bed to press a soft kiss to your forehead. Hands buried in his pockets to keep from pulling you toward him or anything of the sort. His book tossed and forgotten on the chair and you're laid back on his bed watching as he stalks into the bathroom.
Not a care in the world. Not even sparing a backward glance.
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“Jimin, do you want to come play ping pong with me?” Asking as you enter the room, Hoseok in the same spot as before with even more Lego pieces placed out in front of him. Jimin holds an iPad in his hand, eyes focused on the TV as he scrolls through for a song to Karaoke. 
A quick glance is spared in your direction, so quick if you hadn't been staring at him the way you were – you would've missed it. “No thanks, I'm gonna do this.” He's gesturing to the screen, a pout instantly taking over your features.
“Are you still grumpy with me?” He's not answering, ignoring you with that smirk on his face as he waits for his song to load.
It seems like whatever he's on has spread throughout the house. First the build up with Yoongi, that took you longer than it should've to put together that it wasn't just in your head. Then, the whole thing with Joon upstairs. Being teased by both of them and ignored by Jimin who couldn't seem to get rid of that smirk.
Yeah, something had to be up.
With nobody to ping the pong with, you're entering the room. Sitting crisscross in front of Hobi while Jimin sings his heart out behind you. “Can I build with you?” He's nodding instantly, two large hands pushing the pieces closer for you to reach. The rest of the night continues like that.
Happily building with Hoseok as Jimin sings in the background, now joined by Taehyung. Joon chimes in here and there from the deck where he paints. If it weren't for the dull ache between your legs, called from the two denied orgasms earlier – you'd be the most relaxed you've ever been.
Because it's nice. And you're able to stay in this semi comfort zone until dinner is rolling around. Called up by a hurried Jungkook, a proud smile on his face as he fills the room in on his newfound flat fish filleting skills. You're all heading up to the set table at once, taking seats around.
Sat between Jungkook and Jimin, body leaning toward the elder subconsciously. In need of some type of attention from him and he's enjoying depriving you of it. Not sparing a gaze as he shovels food into his mouth, but you don't miss the way he transfers your favorite bits of soup into your cup.
Still grumpy with you, your foot. It's sad, how the simple action has you buzzing, but it does. And the dopey smile doesn't drop from your features the entire time you're sat beside him eating. Something as small as this having you swooning, so imagine your excitement when his arm is wrapping around your shoulders as you stand. 
“Think you've been teased enough tonight?” His words are mumbled into the ear, the only thing you hear over the member deciding on who was going to stay back and clean up. So he did have something to do with it! Not sure how or when he rounded up his Hyungs to play along with his little game, but it made so much sense now that you knew they were in on it.
The 'we'll see' he had mumbled in your ear earlier holding much more weight now. That doesn't keep you from leaning into him, nodding your head quickly. “It's not so nice, now is it?” Sharp teeth graze over your lobe, the heat of his body pressed to yours and if you had a little bit less decency you'd be pushing him down onto the now cleared table.
The thought lingers in your mind a moment longer than you're willing to admit.
“No, it's not.” You try not to pout, but it's hard when you're emotions are on a high and all you want is some type of release. It's like Jimin is somehow reading your mind, his hands dropping to grasp your hips. He's leading you away from the table and into the house.
The giddy feeling grows in your stomach, the closer you get to his bedroom. 
The moment the door is pushed closed, his lips are on yours. Body pressing yours against the wall as he moves his mouth in time with yours. His hands dropping down to reach for your thigh, lifting it off the floor to wrap around his hip.
“It's so hard to stay away from you.” He's mumbling through a groan, the pull from his teeth on his lower lip sending a shiver down your spine. You're pushing into him, arms wrapping around his neck as you pulling him closer. Wanting to feel more of him. Desperate for more of him. So worked up, from the teasing through the day. You're sure you'd fall apart with a simple swipe of his fingers.
Words swallowed by the plushness of his lips. “Don't do it again,” He's grinning against your mouth, pulling back to show off those straight white teeth of his. Loving the sight of the pout that curves your mouth. “You're so cute when you get pouty, though.” As if he needs to prove his statement, his fingers are reaching out to poke your pushed out lip.
“Never again.” You warn, attempting to sound intimidating, but it doesn't work in the way you think. Jimin's arms are reaching down to circle around your thighs, easily lifting your body off of the floor. Body higher than his, you're able to look down at him. Hands braced on his shoulders as he rests your back against the wall again.
He's leaning up, mouth attaching to the exposed skin just above your collarbone. It's the slow drag of his tongue that has your body squirming in his hold. Lips parting in a gasp when his teeth tug at the skin, your fingers curling into his messy hair. Your hips roll against his in response, pulling a grunt from his lips at the friction.
His shaft gently pressing against your thigh has you aching for more. Quick to reach your hand between your bodies, determination in your movements. Jimin's hissing out a breath when your hand is covering him through the fabric of his jeans.
Only resting your palm over his bulge and it doesn't take long before he's grinding against your fingers. His mouth on your neck leaving much sloppier kisses, concentration faltering with your hand on him. Meeting him halfway, you're stroking your fingers over him, spreading them so you're able to reach his balls too.
“Fuck,” Jimin grunts, head bowing so his forehead is rested against your shoulder. You feel him harden under your touch, his hips rocking freely in tandem with the movement of your hand over him. Hips twitching as your fingers squeeze around him, teeth digging into the plush skin of his lip.
He's reaching down, grasping your wrist in his. Slowly, he guides your palm into beneath the elastic waistband, lips finding yours at the same time he's curling your fingers around his shaft. A moan is falling from your lips with the feel of the velvety skin. One experimental thrust has a drawn-out groan falling from his lips, hips lifting to chase your hand.
You've shifted in his arms, managed to straddle his thigh instead. You're impressed with the amount of strength he's putting forth to hold you up, all while pleasure racks through his body. Not one to have a muscle kink... but right now, who knows?
Jimin's moans follow the movements of your hands, the twist that you had when you reach the top. How you've still managed to palm his balls with your free hand. It's when your thumb is teasing the sensitive clit that his hips are stuttering to a stop, a murmured cruse falling from his lips.
“Suck me off,” Enough space between your faces now that you can clearly see his face. How fucked out you were able to make him, just in the few minutes you had been jerking him. “Please.” He adds, not wanting his desperation to come off as rude. Which has a giggle falling from your lips.
Clambering down in front of him, kneeled down in front of him. And you look pretty even at this angle. Lips slightly swollen from the amount of enthusiasm he put into kissing you. His hands scramble to lower his pants off his hips, your eyes being met with the large bulge that strains against his briefs.
Hands moving faster than his this time, you're grasping the sides of the underwear, taking your time with pulling them down his legs. His cock bounces in its release, long, pretty, and glistening with a thin layer of precum, which has drool pooling on your tongue. Hands set on his thighs, so he's reaching down to wrap his hand around his shaft.
The muscles in his stomach constrict as he strokes his palm against himself. He looks so good standing over you like this, firm grip holding his cock in place while his free hand reaches to pull your hair into a makeshift ponytail. Jimin uses his grip to pull you closer to him, and your mouth is opening instantly.
Tongue pushed out, the head of his cock is warm against the wet muscle. The breathy moan that leaves Jimin's mouth as he's pushing deeper into your mouth fills the room, sending a shock of arousal throughout your core. A single hand wrapped around his base to properly guide him into your wanting mouth.
Hips following the movement, eyes fluttering as he glides deeper past your lips. “Fuck, so warm, baby.” Fingers flex with the grip he holds in your hair, hesitating to pull you further onto him. His hesitance is met with the way your hands slide from his thighs to the roundest part of his ass, tugging him closer.
A hissed breath falls from his lip, the hand that had been clutching his shaft lifting to move his shirt out of the way. Only so he can watch you properly, hips slowly thrusting into your open mouth. Eyes lifting to take him in, head slightly tilted back, jaw clenched revealing that vein at the side of his neck.
His eyes are meeting yours, which awakens a fire in his stomach. Pulling back slightly, only to push back harder into your mouth. He watches the way you're able to swallow him down with each thrust, mouth wide and watery eyes staring up at him. “So pretty,” Jimin mumbles, fingers tightening in your hair.
He holds your head still this time as he pulls back, moving slowly as he pushes further. Throat instantly constricting from the tickle of his hip, you fight the cough that claws its way up your throat, urging your throat to relax.
Jimin's quickly falling into a steady pace. Hips rocking against your face as he watches his cock disappear inside of your mouth with each forward push. Drool pools around your lips, mixing messily with the precum that leaks from his tip. Eyes watery from the strain, but still pretty in Jimin's eyes.
There was something different that came with sucking Jimin off. The way he looked at you, the desire written in his lust-filled stare. It always made you feel hot. Wanted. And this time is no different, wetness pooling between your thighs and you're not sure if it's from his stare or his cock between your lips.
Either way, it has a hand sliding down the front of your body. Two fingers easily pushing past your dripping walls. Jimin's eyes are following the movement of his fingers, a soft gasp falling from your lips once they're between your legs. He fastens his pace almost on instinct, never tearing his gaze from the push of your fingers inside of you.
Concentration split between sucking him off and fucking yourself, hips rocking to help you along the way. The movement of your fingers matches the roll of his hips. Heel of your hand hitting against your clit each time you're pushing in deep, forcing a muffled moan through your lips.
He watches the skillful way your fingers move inside of you, how deep you push them, and the attention that you pay to your clit. Hips rolling to meet the thrust of your fingers. You had been so worked up all day that you're reaching the edge sooner than usual. The stretch of your fingers, paired with him cock down your throat has you teetering until you're tumbling over with one powerful thrust.
Your orgasm washes over you like a wave, thighs threatening to close which only results in lifting your hips. The spray of your orgasm is forcing your fingers from inside of you, quickly lifting them to tease your clit as ride the rest of it out. Whimpered moans muffled by the cock in your mouth.
The vibrations of your voice shoot through his shaft, stomach caving in while his cock twitches on your tongue. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His chant is followed by the drag of his cock leaving your mouth. It's wet with your saliva, a thing line of it keeping your lips connected to him. 
Jimin scrambles to reach for you, lifting you off your knees. There's haste in his step as he crosses the bedroom, laying your body onto his bed. He's just as fast with hovering over you, mouth capturing your as he pushing his tongue against yours. Tongue twisting and swirling with yours and he can taste himself heavily through the kiss.
One hand nudges your legs apart, the other wrapped firmly around his shaft. “I didn't want to cum before I fucked you,” He's explaining through an embarrassed laugh; which has a laugh falling from your lips as well, legs parting wider for him. “Fuck me, then.”
He doesn't need to hear it twice before his bulbous head is pushing against your entrance. Wet from your previous orgasm, the wet squelch fills the room as he breaks through the first ring of resistance. 
His dark eyes burn into yours as he pushes his way past your tight walls. Soft groans falling from his lips with each inch that sinks deeper into you. Your fists grip the bedsheets beside you, the pained pleasure of the stretch of him clouding your senses. He's got one hand firmly set on your hip, the other keeping your leg lifted and out of the way.
“Oh, God.” You whimpering, when the last bit of him pushes past your walls. Hips flush against yours. His grasp is moving from your hip to lift your other leg onto his waist, sliding just a bit deeper.
Only a moment is spared for you to get used to the stretch before your hips are wiggling, silently begging from some movement. Jimin's quickly drawing his hips back. “Your pussy feels so good,” He whines, the feel of him and the sound of his voice pulling a moan from your lips.
Hips meeting each other's in stuttered thrusts until you're falling into a steady pace. Jimin is rolling his hips against yours, smoothly pumping in and out of your aching core, and you meet each one of his thrusts with one of your own. “Look at this greedy little cunt,” He's pulling back until his head catches on your entrance. 
“Desperate to cum all day, huh?” Surging forward, forcing your body upward on the bed. He repeats the action twice more, broken cries falling from your lips. “Yes!” Head bobbing up and down in agreement, which has a smirk lifting onto his lips.
He's fucking into you with new found confidence, pleased that his little plan to get you worked up had worked. Eyes widening, a whimpered squeal leaves your lips from the feeling of his cock brushing against your gspot. Back arching as you reach for his arms. 
“Right there, baby. A-again.” You gasp. And he's granting you with the same swivel of his hips as before. “That good, baby?” Brain to fogged to form a coherent sentence, you take to nodding your head, a long hum sounding from your closed lips. He's concentrating his thrusts on that spot, loving the way your thighs shake against him.
Your orgasm nearly knocks the wind out of you, walls constricting around his shaft as your back lifts off the bed. Broken sobs of praise and his name fall from your lips, toes curling as your hips buck. Jimin manages to fuck you through it, groaning hotly in your ear from the new tightness that comes with it. It's not long before his thrusts are growing sloppy, hurried as he chases his own release.
“Fuck, Yn!” He grunts, pinning his hips to your as his cum leaves his body. Painting your walls in thick spurts, that has a buzz of pleasure starting in your core. Out of breath and sweaty, he's placing a quick kiss to your lips once he's regained his strength.
The smile that takes over his features has your heart skipping a beat, hand lifting to push your hair from your face. “You're so perfect,” Sighing, he leans up for one last kiss, drawing his hips back to pull out of you.
Both too tired to go properly wash off, you're falling asleep wrapped in each other warms. Enveloped by his warmth and the gentle stroke of his head on his back. He's asleep before you, the steady rise and fall of his chest lifting your head.
Not far behind him, you keep an arm wrapped around his torso. Legs intertwined with his and a smile on your face. Yeah, you definitely had to tease him more often.
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- seven days in the forest spent with your seven boyfriends while they film their upcoming reality tv show. there’s no telling what the eight of you will get into when the cameras are off.
⬷ masterlist ⤖
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @dee-ehn @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @sw33tnight @butterflylion @withlovestudyblr @soulstaes @bangtansonyeondayyyum @samros95 @korkanswers @houseofarmanto @marifujioka @tae165 @uxwi @jinhitwhore @preciouschimine @yeontanie21 @aa-ronpa @taefect94 @lee-karliah @codeinebelle @mochibabycakes @diminieshoe @fuddyize  @soloikeadates @0xmysticx0 @bbyjoonies @amoreguk @tricethecharm @diminieshoe @jayyayyy17 @softlyjins @bangtan-noona @fan-atic-blog @fuck-expectations-people @paradisetaemin @nyamjinnie @lilacdreams-00 @vsugakookie0104 @koostime @la-evforia @betysotelo18 @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @delicategukkie @kookieswithtaeq @jeon-ggukkie @angjeon @bangtansbun @flamboyant-louie @elliemeetsevil @angiexyoung @stonyiscanon @strawberryforever25 @mipetronella @rageyoudamnednerd @hellotherehoneybee @joonies-babyy @mypurplelamp @jikooksgirl19 @sushi-date-ghost @bigimpression @kookiesjoonies @amour-quinn @diamonddia-mond @alterlovess @gemad08 @daydreambrliever @acc3ssdenied @silentlyimpractical @bella-victoria002 @ashleyjoyx @yoooonie @diamonddia-mond @btsbed @sungieshines @thia-aep @taeshuworld @hopiebabie @trynavibewhileicry @illwritetomorrow @kookoo-kachoo @prettxyliies @triviasjms @ratking101 @elephantdoors @feel-like-gold @kelitt @itsponybeaches @alpaca1612 @jeonkookiebangtan @rather-not-sayy @kimsouthjoon @beeeb05 @dreamcatcherjiah @yoongiverse @aethrav @studyroy​ @miinoongi​ @fangirls94​ @catsandstrawberries​ @jiminsreads​ @gee-nee​ @dreamingaboutyousworld​ @seokjinslittledumpling @meowmeowyoongles​ @loisje123​ @honeyspillings @taehyungsmatcha @kuppyjiminie @kookitykook @rjsmochii @hobidyll @jrobmorebangtan @xxstrangegirlxxx @saymynamewithluv @kookunot @stvvcks @moments-of-melancholy @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @holaaaf @hobiismyhopeu @ayyyocee @purpleheartsfortae @cecedrake2217 @joontoxicated @uppiespuppy @cjphoenix135 @kookscrescent @oii-f-eli-x2 @aesthetic--fangirl @sweeneyblue1
2K notes · View notes
narutogwriting · 3 years
hii, could you do a naruto x reader fic the day/evening before naruto becomes hokage n he and the reader are discussing their future , if they want kids, if they will get married and reminiscing about the past ( maybe about how they met or significant moments ) and he confides in her that maybe he’s a lil nervous n it’s just cavity inducing fluff ,,, sorry if that was a little long but thank you! <3
Hey did you take this prompt straight out of my heart?<3 This may need a part 2...
Long Live
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: fluff
Length: 2.9k+
Inspired by “Long Live” by Taylor Swift because that song always makes me think of Naruto 🥺
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Why is he so pretty
His whole life had led up to this. He’d spent years alone and isolated and hurting. Years being left in the background, unseen, forgotten. All Naruto had ever wanted in life was to gain the acknowledgment of his village.
And now he had it.
In just a few hours, by this time tomorrow, Naruto would officially become Hokage. Everything he’d ever worked for was finally coming to fruition.
Naruto was sitting on the Hokage heads, the same stones that he’d spent years vandalizing as a child, just wanting someone to notice him. Specifically, he was sitting on the formation of his father’s head, a small smile on his face. He’d always said that he was going to become better than the fourth hokage… He wasn’t sure if he could ever surpass his dad. But at the very least, he would do his best to make him proud.
The Sun was beginning to set over the leaf village, casting a brilliant orange glow over the town he loved so much. It was a powerful, flawed village that had done a fantastic amount of good and created imaginable pain. It’d taken Naruto years to understand it, that nothing was black and white, that things can be good and bad, and that you can love something, but still want to change and improve it.
The Leaf Village had simultaneously been a place that had broken him and the place where he had become healed. Now that Naruto was a little older, a little wiser, he understood that things had to change, and that’s what Naruto would do.
He would become the change, lead the village into a new era. One of healing and restoration. Not only would Konoha change its way, Naruto was going to do his damndest to right all of its wrongs.
Finally, just before dark, Naruto got up and decided to head back home. He couldn’t imagine that he would be getting much sleep tonight; he was too excited, too nervous. Of course he’d always believed that he would become Hokage, but now that it was happening… It was almost too much for him to handle.
He expected you to maybe already be in bed by the time he got home. It wasn’t super late, but you were just getting back from a mission that day, so he was sure you’d be exhausted.
He opened the front door slowly, quietly, not wanting to wake you.
He was surprised to find you not only awake, but waiting for him with a big smile. You looked so beautiful, he thought, in the tight red dress you were wearing. The lights were dim, the living room and kitchen only lit by candle light.
Blinking in confusion, Naruto looked at you as you came to give him a big hug. “Hi, I missed you…” Naruto said, wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you into him. He placed a kiss on your head, getting a whiff of his favorite perfume that you had.
Just over your head, he could see the table set with a pretty red table cloth, flowers, romantic candles, and the unmistakable aroma of your homemade ramen.
“I missed you so much,” You told him, pulling away just enough to press up on your tiptoes and give him a kiss. “I’ve been waiting for you. Were you at Hokage Rock?” You questioned. You knew him way too well.
He gave you a sheepish grin. “I was,” He told you. “Just taking it all in, ya know? Before…” He trailed off. He couldn’t even speak the words; it would make it all too real and then he was sure he’d implode.
Instead, he nodded to the set up in the kitchen before pulling away from the hug. He took your hand, pulling back so he could check you out properly, giving you a little twirl as you giggled. “What’s the occasion?” He asked you, causing you to stare up at him with a dumbfounded expression.
“What do you think, dummy!?” You asked him, playfully smacking his arm and making him laugh.
“I thought we were gonna celebrate tomorrow night?”
You shook your head, exasperated. “Yes, but that’s with our friends, Naruto. “Tonight, I wanted to celebrate, just you and me.” You explained to him, smiling up at him fondly. You reached up to touch his cheek gently. “I’m just so proud of you, you know? I wanted to do something special. I always knew you could do it.”
Naruto eyes began to tear up instantly as he grinned happily. He ran the back of his hand across his eyes. “Geez, you really know how to make a guy all choked up…”
You giggled. You were well accustomed to Naruto’s happy tears by this point. It never failed to make your heart well up, knowing that you could fill Naruto with such joy that he would cry tears of happiness.
His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you to him as he pressed his lips against yours softly. “I love you so much, you know? Believe it!”
“I do believe it,” You teased, kissing him one more time before taking his hand. “Cmon, before your food gets cold.” You told him, pulling him to the kitchen. “I made your favorite.”
The two of you made small talk while you ate your food. He asked about your mission, and you gave him the exciting details. He slurpped down the ramen hungrily; somehow you made it just as good as Ichiraku ramen, maybe even better. It was just one of the many things he loved about you.
When the two of you finished eating, you cleared the table, leaving the dishes in the sink.
“Cmon,” you said, leading Naruto to the living room.
You had more candles set up on the side tables, and in the middle of the floor, a blanket with lots of pillows for the two of you to lounge on, chocolate covered strawberries, two glasses of wine, and a present just for Naruto.
“How did I get so lucky?” Naruto asked quietly, staring down at you with love filled eyes. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, dipping his head down to place light, open mouth kisses against your neck. You tilted your head slightly, placing your hands over his arms.
“Sweet, thoughtful, a good cook.. Not to mention so gorgeous.” His hands began to trail over your body, starting at your waist and slipping slowly down your hips and thighs before moving back up.
You felt your stomach clenching in desire, always so responsive to his touch.
“Naruto,” you moaned softly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him. “I have a nice night planned; stop trying to seduce me!” You scolded.
Naruto just gave you a cheeky smile. “I can’t help myself. Look at you…” He muttered.
You bit your lip, blushing as he followed you to sit down on the blanket. Naruto pulled you between his legs to rest your back against his chest as he peppered your cheeks with kisses, making you giggle and squirm in his arms.
Picking up a chocolate strawberry, you placed it in front of his lips. He took the fruit in his mouth, the juices spilling over his lips before you pulled you in for another sweet kiss.
It would have been easy to let that become the rest of your night with Naruto, getting lost in his arms, letting his lips trace over every part of your body, spending the night in ecstacy. And you wanted that. You really wanted that.
But tomorrow was going to be the best day of Naruto’s life. Honestly, it was probably going to be the best day of yours, too. You were giddy with pride and adoration; you could only imagine the way you would feel tomorrow, watching Naruto stand in front of the whole village, all eyes on him as that hokage cloak was finally, finally*, placed over his shoulders. The way the people were going to scream his name, look at him with reverence and admiration. It made you start to tear up just thinking about it. Naruto was going to be hokage. His life long dream would be his reality. You always knew it would be. You couldn’t think of anyone more deserving to become the leader of the village.
“I got you something,” you told him, your head a little dizzy with the champagne you two had been drinking in between your kisses and giggles. You were so in love with this man.
“I thought I was going to unwrap you,” Naruto flirted, but you batted his hands away, pushing to your feet. You grabbed the present bag, specially chosen for the little foxes that littered the wrapping.
Walking back over, you sat cross legged in front of him, holding the bag in your lap.
“Naruto,” you said, giving him a silly smile. “Ever since the day I first met you, I’ve been in awe of you.” You told him. It was hard not to blush at the way that Naruto was gazing at you, those beautiful blue eyes glistening and intense. “From the way you carried yourself, to how hard you worked, to the way you changed people. Your heart is bigger than anyone I know. I wish so much that I would have met you sooner, so I could have been there for you, so you never would have had to be alone…”
You wiped at your eyes. The more you spoke, the wetter they became. “Whenever you tell me about the things you experienced when you were little, the way you grew up… It breaks my heart. I never want for you to feel sad or alone or abandoned like that… Never.” Scooting closer to him, you took his hands.
“I wish I would have known the little boy you were before you became the ninja I love. I wish I could hug him and tell him it’s all going to be okay… Could you imagine if he could see you now?” You’re smiling and crying and Naruto is smiling and crying and you’re both such an emotional mess. Everything he’d gone through, all the pain he experienced, he’d do it all again if it meant he could be here.
Naruto kissed your knuckles as you worked to compose yourself. You never knew it was possible to feel so deeply before Naruto. He’d taught you to love the way he did, and you couldn’t thank him enough for that.
“It’s been the best thing of my life, watching you take on the world.” You told Naruto in earnest. “The greatest honor. I just… I love you so much, and I want you to know how proud I am of you… And I never want you to forget how far you’ve come so… here.”
You passed him the present, and he took it with shaking hands. How? How was this his life? How had he gone from being four years old, wandering the streets of Konoha without a friend in the world to becoming the leader of the village, with the most beautiful, caring, magnificent woman he could have imagined by his side?
He opened the gift slowly, so contrary to the way he may normally rip into a present with excitement and vigor. This, right now, this entire night, this moment. He wanted to savor it, remember it forever. He wished it never had to end.
Eventually, he pulled the gift from the bag slowly, he’s mouth dropping in awe at what it was.
It was his goggles, the one he used to wear on his forehead to pretend he was a ninja before he got his headband, framed.
In your pretty little script, you’d written:
Long live the mountains you moved,
I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.
Long live the look on your face,
And bring on all the pretenders.
One day, you will be remembered.
Naruto was speechless; the gesture was so thoughtful it blew his mind. You believed in him. You really did. He thought about what you said, wished he could go back in time and tell himself that is was all going to be worth it. That one day, he’d never be alone, never feel that pain again. He would be happy beyond his wildest dreams. “This is… This is…” He looked up at you through blurry eyes. “I don’t know what to say… I thought I lost these.” He told you.
“I found them when we moved,” you explained to Naruto. “You hadn’t mentioned them, so I decided to save them to frame. For this moment.”
Naruto stared down at the goggles in his hands. “This is the best gift ever… Really. You don’t know how much this means to me. I’m going to put it in my office, look at it everyday…” His gaze trailed up to meet yours. “Until we have our first kid. Then I’m gonna give it to them.”
Your heart began to flutter, your lips trembling. “O-our first kid?” Naruto nodded, grinning at you.
“I think it’ll be a boy. And he can wear them just like I did, until he graduates the academy. He’ll make it the first time, unlike me. And even if he doesn’t, it’ll be okay. I’ll practice with him until he’s confident and strong enough to pass.”
Placing the frame aside, he pulled you to him, lifting you so you were straddling his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his face in the crook of your neck, breathing you in as he quivered just barely.
“What about after that?” You asked Naruto, wrapping your arms around his neck and threading your fingers through his hair. “I want three boys, all mini yous. The older two will be crazy like you, loud and hyper and determined…”
“And the third will be like you,” Naruto finished. “He’ll be kind, gentle but fierce. And a kick ass ninja. And they’ll all get the goggles, so we have to space them out just enough. It’ll be a tradition!” You could see by the excitement in his eyes that he meant it. The two of you had talked about a future together before, of course. But not like this. This felt different. It was there now, just ahead of the two of you.
“We could start now…” Naruto teased, his hands once again trailing over your body as he grinded himself against you.
Feigning shocked, you gasped. “And have a child out of wedlock? How scandalous, Hokage-sama…” You joked, as if you could care less about doing things “traditionally.” You didn’t need traditional. It was you and Naruto forever; there was no doubt in your mind about it.
“Of course! Our first little guy is gonna be our ring bearer.” Naruto told you as if it was obvious. “Maybe even help me when I finally put the ring on your finger…” Naruto took your hand, lacing your fingers together as he examined the ring finger. “Gonna get you the biggest rock in the village. You’re gonna need sunglasses when you look at it, it’ll be so bright.”
He was ridiculous, this man you loved so much. “You know I don’t need that. Only you.”
Naruto smiled. “I know.”
You loved this, talking about your future. It was unfolding before you so vividly. “Tell me more,” you insisted, still playing with his hair. “How are you going to propose?”
Naruto laughed, shaking his head. “Nice try,” He teased. “That’s a surprise. But if you really want, I’ll tell you about our wedding…”
You, of course, nodded in earnest. “Tell me,” You practically begged, making him laugh and kiss you.
“It’s gonna be the biggest party of the year. Everyone’s gonna be there. We’ll pull out all the stops… Kakashi can officiate. Our little guy will carry the rings down the aisle… I’m gonna say vows that will make you cry…” You laughed, shaking your head.
“MY vows will make YOU cry,” you countered, and he just shushed you because he knew you were right.
“Anyways,” he laughed. “After the ceremony, we’ll have a huge reception. Music, food, dancing, games. Ninja games, and I’m gonna win them all, obviously, because I’m the hokage…” He grinned at you. “Everyone’s gonna be having the best time… But, when it’s in the full swing of things, everyone’s drunk and distracted, I’m gonna pull you away…”
To emphasize his point, he pulled you closer into him. A hand gripped in your hair as he pulled you into a deep kiss. “Cause I’m so in love. And somehow, that night, I’m gonna find even more* love for you, even though I can’t imagine my heart being able to handle all that…” He murmured against your lips.
“I’m gonna pull you away to have you all to myself. To admire you. To kiss you. To make love to you. It’s gonna be official. You’ll be all mine forever…”
And honestly? When Naruto said forever, it didn’t sound too bad. It sounded like an adventure, a never ending story. It would be a wild ride you never wanted to get off of.
Tomorrow, Naruto would become Hokage. He would achieve his dreams, and you would be right there by his side for it all.
But right now, there was just the two of you. Together, in love. Supporting each other through it all.
That much would never change.
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