#so i focus more on strength training ♡
sugarcandydoll · 7 months
everytime i workout it messes w my periods! :(♡ they either get irregular or stop altogether like for a month! it hurts my tummy sooo much n cause me to break out n makes me sick! :( pls pls share tips if ur a girly who's into working out ♡🎀🫶🏼
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sollis-occasum · 2 months
you think i'm gone 'cause i left - anakin skywalker/darth vader x fem!jedi!reader (part 1 of 3)
summary: After failing to save you from a painful death, Darth Vader remembers his past with you and realizes why he can never completely leave Anakin Skywalker behind.
warnings: angst, no use of y/n, reconstructive surgery, blood, mentions of major character death (or not who knows), darth vader is his own warning
word count: 3.8k
a/n: First of all, I must say that English is not my native language. Also this is my first x reader format fanfiction. I'm pretty sure I made some mistakes but I hope you don't mind guys. I am always open to your suggestions ♡
part 2
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Darth Vader, the master of the dark side of the Force, the legendary lord of the Sith, the tyrannical leader who terrorized the galaxy, remembered very well the moment when he swore to dedicate his worthless life to Lord Sidious, his lord and savior.
While his body, burned and torn apart by the lava, was trying to be fixed by the health droids, he was writhing in despair and moaning in a painful voice. The wave of pain spreading from his lungs to the rest of his body with each breath showed him a type of physical pain he had never experienced before, and even the cold metal hands touching his burned skin were insufficient to alleviate his pain.
"He should be unconscious by now," he heard a distant and very deep robotic voice, which he thought belonged to one of the medical droids. Yes, the pain he felt at that moment would be enough to kill another human being and maybe even drive them insane, and God knows that's what Anakin wanted with all his heart as he lay on the operating table screaming. But how could this be possible when he sees your lifeless body over and over again every time he closes his eyes?
In fact, he had calculated all the possibilities down to the smallest detail while making his plan. There was no war he wouldn't fight, no enemy he wouldn't face to create a future that included you. He was ready to turn his back on the entire galaxy just to see you smile one more time. Moreover, Palpatine had made a promise to him. He said that contrary to popular belief, it was possible to resist death and that he knew how to do it, and that he would help Anakin in trying to save you. All he had to do was accompany him to the dark side. Anakin had done everything he was told. He had given up on who he was, accepted the name his new master had given him, brutally executed separatist leaders, and led thousands of clone troopers in attacking the Jedi Temple he once called home. Even killing those little children who looked at him with admiration with the lightsaber they saw as a symbol of peace was not important to him. Of course, he wasn't proud of himself for betraying what he believed in in his past, but he also knew that what he did was a small price to pay to save you. So why didn't what he did work? Why couldn't he prevent the scene he had seen many times in his nightmares from happening?
He gripped the operating table tightly with his mechanical hand and mumbled your name in a voice only he could hear. He kept saying your name over and over again, as if he was drawing strength from you, as if you could come and save him if he said it enough times.
He closed his eyes tightly and tried to focus on something other than your pained facial expression and bloodied body. If he wanted to survive, if he wanted to rise up and take revenge for what was done to you, he had to find a way to endure the pain he suffered, and what was there in this life that gave him as much strength as you? He tried desperately to remember the moment you first met.
Nearly a month had passed since Qui Gon Jinn's death, and during this time his new master Obi Wan Kenobi had begun training him to become a Jedi. He was grateful for the opportunity given to him and did not want to be ungrateful. However, there were so many moments during his training that he despaired and wanted to return to Tatooine... First of all, Obi Wan Kenobi was not the person he imagined. Yes, it was an undeniable fact that he was a powerful Jedi. He was also smart, very smart. Anakin knew there was a lot of thing he could learn from him. However, it hadn't been long since he had ended his life as a padawan and Obi Wan had obviously not yet fully figured out how to be a good master for his young student. There was no distance or formality between them that there should be between a padawan and a master. They were more like two brothers who fought often. Obi Wan was pushing Anakin very hard to teach him basic things as soon as possible, and Anakin was always managing to drive Obi Wan crazy with his smarty-pants attitude.
He could also sense how the younglings at the temple felt about him as he began to learn how to use the force. Although none of them were directly mistreating him or making a rude remark, Anakin would sometimes catch their gaze. There was displeasure in those looks, obviously his presence disturbed them. A child who appears unexpectedly becomes a padawan without training in the temple and becomes the center of attention of the entire Jedi council... The other younglings must have felt unfair. But one day, he met a young girl who looked at him differently than others: You.
With your bright smile that could light up the whole galaxy and your compassionate gaze, you extended your hand to him and introduced yourself, telling him that he could always come to you if he needed anything. They said you were 9 years old like him, but it was so hard for him to believe it.
You were different from all the other children Anakin had met at the temple, with your confident demeanor and room-filling presence. Your surprisingly mature attitude and wisdom gave those who saw you the impression that you never made mistakes and that you always knew what was right, causing them to respect you.
Moreover, you were beautiful, very beautiful. Even your messy hair waving in the wind, your face dripping with sweat, and your loose-fitting uniform couldn't prevent Anakin from seeing this beauty. When his eyes met your beautiful, understanding eyes, he immediately looked away and wanted to run away. There was no doubt that you were the angel the pilots who came to Tatooine were talking about. However, he could not find the courage in his heart to admit this to himself or to tell you. He felt so small, so helpless in front of the being that he wanted to get away from it as soon as possible and think about what this warm feeling that filled his heart that he had never felt before was.
Yes, he wanted to run away from you when your eyes met. But ironically, this was the first time he didn't want to return to Tatooine to his mother.
For the 3 years after you met, you had no communication other than chance encounters at the temple and furtive glances at each other. Even a life form without eyes could easily understand that you wanted to be closer to each other, but you had neither the time nor the courage to do so. You were very busy with your studies. In the future, you wanted to be a female Jedi as respected as Shaak Ti, or even more so, and you were working very hard to achieve your goal. Anakin, on the other hand, began to go on missions given by the council with Obi Wan, and the difficulty of these missions was increasing. You were so close to Anakin, yet he felt like you were hundreds of light years away from him. You were unreachable to him.
Anakin heard that you were accepted as a padawan by Plo Koon when you turned 13. According to rumors in the temple, the Jedi knight from Dorin noticed your great potential and volunteered to train you. Maybe you weren't as good at using a lightsaber as the other padawans, you might not have been as strong or as durable, but you were smart, very smart. Your dangerously high intelligence level, combined with your composure, easily compensated for your other weaknesses, making you a promising Jedi knight candidate. Even the council had high hopes for you. That's why they didn't interfere with Plo Koon's training style and allowed him to take you out early on missions that could be considered at least partially dangerous.
It was thanks to one of these missions that you came together again. The Senate thought that a small newly established weapons factory on one of the republic's planets was making some irregularities and put pressure on the Jedi to resolve this situation. The council assigned you and Plo Koon to inspect this factory.
It didn't sound that difficult, actually. You would make a short journey to reach the planet in question, tour the factory, talk to the engineers, examine some documents and intimidate the managers.
What could go wrong with such a simple task? To be honest, you weren't known for being lucky, and as usual, trouble had found you.
Anakin and Obi-Wan didn't even need to contact Plo Koon to realize that the Senate was right about the factory producing weapons for Mandolorian terrorists. Less than a day after you arrived on the planet, you reached the council and reported that the factory was completely abandoned, saying that you were trapped and surrounded by thousands of droids and asked for help. The council also assigned Obi Wan and Anakin, who had returned from a mission to a nearby planet, to support Plo Koon and you. Anakin still remembered Mace Windu's explanation word by word when he explained the urgency of your situation to his master Obi-Wan. And how those words filled his little heart with fear.
"You must reach the weapons factory as soon as possible, Master Kenobi." Mace Windu said in a stern tone. "Or it might be too late to save them."
Even if these words had not been spoken, the more serious expression than ever on Mace Windu's face would have been more than enough for even the most primitive creature in the galaxy to understand the situation.
As the spaceship they were on made a sudden return to your planet by order of his master, Anakin was wondering why he was so worried about a girl he had only talked to a few times. While he could keep his cool even during missions where his own life was threatened, why did the idea of ​​you in pain make his heart beat faster and his head spin? He was trying to breathe to calm down, but even his breathing was so irregular that Obi Wan felt the need to turn to him and reassure him that everything was okay. How could Anakin explain to his master that he was afraid for you, not himself? Would he understand if he told him?
While the young padawan was in these thoughts, the ship entered the atmosphere with a sudden jolt and landed near the factory. As the deafening noise of explosions and droid weapons filled his ears, he got off the ship and started running without waiting for his master's command. He could hear Obi-Wan calling to him to stop, but he didn't have the time or patience to wait. This was not a scene they were unfamiliar with anyway. When all this nonsense was over, he would happily hear Obi Wan's scolding and humbly accept his punishment, but right now wasn't the right time to think about that. The only thing that mattered at that moment was saving you, and he was going to do it no matter what it took. Because it was his heart, not his brain, that told him to do this, and Anakin was not mature enough to resist his heart. With a swift move, he pulled out his lightsaber and sliced ​​the first droid he encountered in half.
When he heard the sound of your footsteps mixing with the sounds of the battle droids, he realized how close he was to them, but he didn't even slow down for fear of being late for you. He was destroying all the war machines in front of him, clearing the way and moving towards the direction where he sensed your presence.
When he and his master, who finally managed to catch up with him, arrived at the production facility where you were fighting the droids, he started looking around for you, without even bothering to check how Plo Koon was doing. Plo Koon was one of the most powerful Jedi, someone like him could survive without the help of a padawan, but not you. He could feel with all his being that you needed help, but no matter how much he looked around, he couldn't see you.
While Anakin was looking around the burning production facility to find you, he saw two silhouettes in the smoke. One of these silhouettes, the one leaning on the ground and cowering against a wall, belonged to a young girl. The other was the silhouette of an armed droid, as tall as a human but as skinny as a skeleton. Moreover, this droid's gun was pointed at you and was about to be fired. Anakin knew his feelings were not wrong. You were in a difficult situation and needed his help.
He was sure that he wanted to run towards you, save you by smashing that droid into thousands of pieces, and then kick its ugly metal head and throw it to the farthest corner of the galaxy. But he knew he didn't have time for that. So he did something even he didn't expect and threw his lightsaber towards you, hoping you could catch it in time. He knew that this move was madness. What kind of maniac would give up the only weapon he had among thousands of battle droids and leave himself defenseless? Especially if he doesn't know the other person well?
But Anakin had never regretted what he had done, not even for a moment. He saw you pull the thrown lightsaber with force and catch it, then slice the droid in half before he could fire to you. Yes, you were safe, but that safety was only for a brief moment. He had no time to relax, otherwise he knew you would be open to attacks from other droids. Without wasting any time, he followed the green lightsaber shining among the smoke and reached him. You were finally in front of him.
To be honest, your situation wasn't looking so bright. You were seriously injured and your body was covered in blood. Anakin had knelt down next to you and gently held your face between his fingers, afraid of hurting you even more. He could feel the warm drops of blood running down your face, flowing from his fingers to his wrists, but he didn't care about anything other than your safety at that moment. "Are you okay?" he asked, trying to hide how worried he was. Just by looking into your eyes, he could see how much the conflict you were experiencing had worn you out, but you put on a brave and determined expression and nodded, trying not to let the pain you were feeling reflected in your voice, "I'm fine." you muttered. "I'm fine, but I think my legs are stuck and I can't move them."
"Don't be afraid, I'll find a way to get you out of here."
He could see a shattering mass of metal pinning your legs. He took the lightsaber from your hand, carefully opened it, and held it up to the metal plate. "I'll try not to cut off your legs," he said, trying to smile to calm you down, and then added. "At least one of them."
You must have liked Anakin's little joke, too, because your lips turned slightly to the side despite your helpless situation. "Don't worry." you said, laughing. "They will break off on their own anyway, even if you don't cut them."
After receiving a sarcastic approval from you, he began to cut and separate the metal pieces with great patience. He made every move carefully and attentively, afraid of hurting you. When your legs were finally free, he took a deep breath and looked at your face again.
"It's not safe here. We have to get out of here."
"But my master is still fighting." Even though you tried to object, Anakin did not accept it. "He can take care of himself, and the support sent by the council is on the way."
His tone and expression were so determined that you gave up and surrendered to Anakin. You didn't have the strength to resist even if you wanted to. He wrapped his arms tightly around your body, stood up and started walking towards the factory exit. To be honest, you were a little heavier than you looked, and your blood was staining his clothes, but as long as you could rest your head on his chest and he could feel the warmth of your body, nothing else mattered.
Your next meeting was in the infirmary at the Jedi temple. 3 days had passed after your unfortunate duty at the factory and you had just regained your consciousness. During this time, Anakin began to help Jocasta Nu in the archives, upon his master's orders. It could not be said that he was very happy with his situation, but he still considered himself lucky that the punishment for his disobedience during duty was so small. Besides, even though organizing the archives was a tedious task, it kept his mind busy, and he definitely needed it.
Every moment he wasn't busy with something, he was thinking about you and what happened at the factory that day and trying to make sense of what he was feeling. That strange feeling that he thought he had forgotten years ago was back. Why did his heart beat faster and his face turn red every time he thought of you? Were these normal? His master had told him that a Jedi should not become attached to anything, but he should also be compassionate. Anakin could not understand this contrast. He was also afraid of being attached to you. But this was very illogical. Could one person become so attached to another person in such a short time? All these questions confused little Anakin more than ever. Finally, he realized that he could not bear these questions any longer and decided to visit you in the infirmary at the end of the 3rd day. Besides, he also had something that belonged to you, and he had to return it to you as soon as possible.
When he came to you, he saw that you were much more cheerful than he expected. You still looked very weak and you were obviously going to be in the infirmary for a while longer. Still, without letting this demoralize you, you were patiently waiting for your recovery, and in the meantime, you were trying to pass the time by reading the war history texts you took from the archive.
Still, you smiled so widely when you saw Anakin that he was convinced you were glad to see him, too. Trying to suppress the uncomfortable feeling he felt in his stomach, he put on a confident expression and quickly walked over and sat on your bed.
"You look better." he said with the light of hope appearing in his eyes.
You smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Anakin." you said. "I feel better too."
After a brief hesitation, he pulled a lightsaber from under his cloak and handed it to you, "I think this is yours." he said. "I found it at the factory."
Just seeing the familiar blue color of the lightsaber brought peace to your soul. You happily took the saber from Anakin's hand and began to examine it. "God, thank you so much Anakin. I thought I had lost it."
"My master always tells me that the lightsaber is a Jedi's life and they must protect it at all costs."
Even though you lost your lightsaber for reasons beyond your control, what Anakin said made you a little embarrassed. "Of course, I'm not trying to justify my irresponsibility, but what happened that day was unexpected. I must have dropped it during that chaos."
"To be honest, I've lost my lightsaber too many times."
The confession of the padawan in front of you made you smile a little. Actually, what you should have done was to politely thank Anakin for saving your life, and when the time comes, pay him back at all costs. However, owing your life to him placed such a heavy burden on your shoulders that you felt crushed under this weight, no matter how humble the attitude of the boy in front of you. Before you even thought, the words were coming out of your mouth. "Master Kenobi says that our lightsaber is our life, right? So, according to the master's logic, you entrusted your life to me in the factory, and you also saved mine by finding my lightsaber."
Anakin looked at you in surprise, not knowing what to say at your words. Yes, your reasoning based on his master's words was correct, however, he did not expect you to approach the subject from this perspective. Fortunately, you continued talking without a long pause, and he was spared the trouble of finding an answer to give you.
"I am grateful to you for saving my life, Anakin, and I swear that one day I will repay you. Please give me your lightsaber until that day, and you can take mine."
"So you want us to surrender our lives to each other?" Anakin asked with mixed emotions. Wouldn't this agreement create a commitment between you? Anakin could not comprehend the depth of this devotion.
You nodded decisively in response. "Yes. So we can remember this promise between us for the rest of our lives. These sabers we exchanged will be a symbol of our friendship and trust in each other, and one day I will repay my debt to you. Until then, I want to remember the promise I made to you every time I look at your saber."
Then you added timidly, "If you want too, of course."
Anakin thought for a few seconds, then without a word, he handed you his lightsaber and accepted this pact that would bind your hearts and bodies together forever. Thus, a very special bond was formed between you that will never be broken again. Who knew that this innocent bond established between two children would one day bring disaster to the galaxy...
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warabidakihime · 3 months
Rules and Roses Chapter 2
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★ characters: kibutsuji muzan x reader x akaza
★ plot summary: Kibutsuji Muzan has finally decided to expand his empire, and the way he intends to do so is by running for the highest political position. With you, his darling wife, at his side, he believes he can achieve and have everything the world has to offer. He is, after all, the Phoenix of Phario.
★ fic playlist: sometimes, same day, as time stops, wolf’s song (this is also the vision board for the fic). 
★ content warnings : implied violence and abuse, profanities, toxic relationships, smut.
★ Previous Chapter
first of all, i am so sorry for taking so long to update this story. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
life happened and i got sooo busy. the time i uploaded this fic was when i just started at my new workplace and shortly after a few weeks, i was already preoccupied with work. at first, i was laser-focused on getting used to my new work and the culture. then later on, i found myself playing a more important role in the office that required my undivided attention lol. besides that, so many things happened in my personal life as well that i didn't have the time and energy to write.
btw i'm now a writer by profession as well so oftentimes i would feel drained af after writing corporate write-ups. tbh, i also got hit by writer's block, especially for this fic because the plot i have in mind for it is lowkey intricate, and for the most part, i haven't decided on what route i should take story-wise. so during those 2 years, i was constantly trying to reconstruct the story in my head, and here we are!
i'm back but i'm not so sure about updating regularly as i'm still incredibly busy, but i will do my best! the latest kny seasons inspired me to write again (aka my crush for muzan lol).
hopefully, everyone is still here to read this. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
as always, comments and kudos are highly appreciated!
happy reading!
"Can you outline your key policy platforms should you be elected President of Phario? Given your extensive background in the human resource industry as well as your rich connections owing to your business ventures in Obelisk Kibutsuji, do you first plan to address the pressing issue of the national unemployment rate?"
"Indeed, that's correct. As President, one of my top priorities will be to strengthen our nation's workforce, which is crucial for advancing our economy. I have a comprehensive plan focused on job creation, vocational training, and support for small businesses. These initiatives will not only reduce unemployment but also stimulate innovation and competitiveness within our economy.
I also aim to implement policies that ensure equal access to education, equipping our citizens with the skills needed for the evolving job market. Healthcare reform is high on my agenda. I'll ensure healthcare assistance is accessible to everyone, public hospitals are well-maintained, and healthcare workers are fairly compensated and protected by the state in any dire situations. Additionally, I'll push for technological advancements and infrastructure development to attract both local and foreign investments.
Addressing social issues is equally important, and as a devoted ally of these communities, I'm committed to fighting all forms of discrimination, especially against women and the LGBTQ+ community. We must ensure everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or identity, has equal opportunities and protections under the law.
Moreover, I'll advocate for the rights and welfare of people with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the necessary resources and support to lead fulfilling lives. This includes improving accessibility in public spaces and promoting inclusive employment practices.
Animal welfare will also be a significant focus. We need to enact and enforce laws that protect animals from abuse and ensure humane treatment.
Lastly, I'll champion the rights of minorities and immigrants. Our nation is built on the strength of its diversity, and it's imperative we create an inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected. This includes reforming immigration policies to be fair and humane and implementing programs that support the integration and empowerment of minority communities.
In essence, my administration will be dedicated to creating a sustainable and inclusive economic environment where every Pharian has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our nation's progress."
Muzan stood confidently at the podium, a modest yet proud smile gracing his face after addressing a journalist's question amidst a room bustling with media personnel.
Today was the day where presidential candidates shared their platforms, which also served as an open forum for engaging with the press and fielding inquiries on a wide array of topics—from current events to personal matters.
With his seasoned composure before cameras and crowds, Muzan navigated the spotlight effortlessly. His articulate delivery drew admiration from all corners as he outlined his plans for the presidency, filling you with pride as you watched from the audience.
Among the attendees, your smile beamed with pride and unconditional support for him. Akaza, who is sitting right beside you, maintained a stoic demeanor outwardly, though inwardly, he couldn't deny a hint of impressed regard. Muzan's comprehensive platform and commanding presence left an undeniable impact on him.
Eloquence had always been Muzan's forte, a skill honed through years of being a businessman and somewhat of a public figure, as among his peers and in the business landscape in general, he is well-revered and widely celebrated.
Beyond his ability to articulate ideas, he possessed a magnetic charisma—an invaluable trait for navigating the intricate world of politics and public service.
Several hours later, the policy speech slash press conference finally ended, and now you were on your way to meet up with Muzan at the lobby of the hotel where the gathering was held when a few journalists spotted you among the sea of people who were also exiting the function room.
Akaza was right behind you and is also on full alert, an important instruction your husband told him when he appointed him as your personal bodyguard a few years back. Committed to his duty, he stood there in a stance where he is ready to take action should anything happen that is out of the ordinary.
Mics were stretched out and placed within just a few inches of your face, and one of them took the liberty to ask you a question: "What are your thoughts on Kibutsuji Muzan's campaign platforms?” 
Very much like your husband, you also wore a modest yet confident smile on your face as you held eye contact with the journalist who asked you that question before displaying your own version of eloquence as you answered,
"To say that I am proud while listening to him share and advocate for the causes he wholeheartedly believed in would be the biggest understatement of the decade," you said with a fond chuckle before continuing, "even before he filed for his candidacy and even way before he became the man we all know now, he has always been outspoken about these things. He would always share with me his desire of making significant changes in the world, hoping no more children would have to endure what he did. As many of you know, Muzan, my dear husband, came from very humble beginnings, and unlike me, he has faced challenges far beyond my own. His vision and intuition surpass that of most, and so, as cliché as it may sound, his words and strong convictions carry a weight and authenticity that are strong enough to enable him in doing the impossible and inspire others to believe that a better future is within our grasp."
Akaza listened intently to your answer, finding himself captivated by your words. The way you addressed the press made you sound like a candidate yourself who's also sharing her platform. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of pride as he continued to absorb your statements.
The journalists surrounding you mirrored his sentiment, clearly impressed by your response—no surprise from the esteemed Ballerina Queen of Phario.
It had been quite some time since you last entertained interviews, having retired and chosen to stay away from public engagements.
"Among the plethora of initiatives he wishes to take action on once he's elected, what resonated with you the most?"
You paused, contemplating the list of campaigns your husband had presented earlier. Just as you were about to respond, an arm encircled your waist and gave it a tender squeeze.
It was Muzan.
"Knowing my wife's love for animals, I'm certain she's most excited about what I have planned for animal welfare," Muzan interjected warmly.
You playfully rolled your eyes, eliciting amusement from not only your husband and your respective bodyguards but also the press. "You say that as if it's a bad thing," you quipped.
Muzan chuckled fondly. "Not at all, my love. Your passion for animals is one of the many reasons I fell for you."
The same journalist who had asked you the second question now directed his attention to Muzan, eager for his response. "Based on the most recent public survey, you're likely the most favored candidate to win the elections. What can you say about that, Sir Kibutsuji?"
Muzan smiled bashfully at the reporter, his eyes reflecting a mix of humility and determination. "I'm incredibly honored and thankful that our fellow countrymen have placed such faith and confidence in me. It's a humbling reminder of the trust they have in our vision for a brighter future. This campaign has always been about bringing real change to Phario, addressing the pressing issues our nation faces with innovative solutions and inclusive policies. The support we're seeing reflects not just my efforts, but the collective desire of our people for progress and unity."
He paused briefly, his gaze sweeping across the room, before continuing with renewed conviction, "Though I would like to emphasize that I don't take this trust lightly, it actually fuels my commitment to serve with integrity and purpose, to listen to the voices of every Pharian, and to lead with compassion and foresight."
By now, the press was highly satisfied with the answers both of you had given, granting you the freedom to depart. Clearly spent after the eventful day, you exchanged farewells and well-wishes before going your separate ways.
With Muzan's arm still draped around your waist, he guided you towards the grand entrance of the hotel. Meanwhile, Akaza made his way to the basement parking lot to retrieve your car, preparing to drive you both home. Kokushibo remained close to Muzan, ensuring your security as you awaited the car's arrival.
Turning to Muzan, unfazed by the bustling activity around you, you placed a tender kiss on his lips, smiling warmly. "Great job out there, my love. You did so well today. I'm incredibly proud of you."
Clearly elated, Muzan mirrored your smile and returned your affection with a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Thank you, darling. Your support means everything to me."
"Truly, I was beaming throughout your speech. You were absolutely amazing. Phario is fortunate to have such an admirable leader like you," you praised sincerely.
Right there and then, Muzan couldn't help but raise his eyebrow and playfully smile at you, prompting a confused raise of your own eyebrow.
"What's that look for?" you asked.
Muzan shook his head with a playful smirk before replying, "You're not showing favoritism now, are you, my love? I know you adore me, but let's keep it fair, hmm?" he teased, his tone light-hearted and affectionate.
You rolled your eyes at his playful accusation. "Ha-ha. Very funny, Muzan. I'll take it back, then."
Muzan laughed wholeheartedly, drawing attention once again. "I was just joking!" He then smiled warmly at you, his eyes reflecting pride. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "Hearing that from you means more than any applause, you know?"
You reached out to pinch his cheeks. "You play too much sometimes, you know?" you said with a chuckle before continuing, "But like I said, hearing you speak today—and in all those times you shared your aspirations with me from when we were students up to now, as you finally have the opportunity to make all come true—it's evident how deeply committed you are. Beyond your skills and capabilities, your passion is what makes you so compelling, Muzan. It's what makes me believe in you, too."
Minutes later, while waiting by the entrance, Akaza finally pulled up with the car. You and Muzan bid farewell to those around you before stepping into the comfort of your vehicle.
As the city lights blurred past the windows, you reflected on the day's events.
"You know," you began, glancing at Muzan beside you, "I have a feeling your speech today touched more hearts than just mine."
Muzan smiled softly, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
"I hope so. Though the election is still months away, and who knows how things might shift, that's why I don't want to take any of this for granted. I'm in this for the long haul. You'll be there with me, won't you?"
He looked over to you, and in that moment, despite his big words, he looked absolutely adorable, with his ruby eyes shining at you and his lips slightly pouty as he waited for your response, which you gladly provided through the means of placing yet another sweet and passionate kiss on his lips and squeezing his hand reassuringly. 
"I'll always be here for you, Muzan, through every challenge and triumph."
"I love you," he whispered lovingly, his expression sincere and heartfelt.
"And I love you," you replied with equal affection.
With a comforting squeeze of your hand, you nestled against Muzan's shoulder, feeling a sense of contentment as the car navigated through familiar streets towards home.
Meanwhile, in the driver's seat, Akaza's face remained unreadable. He was outwardly indifferent to the tender exchange between you and Muzan, but inwardly, he was seething with rage.
You think you're so clever, spouting all those promises and pretty words, playing the saint for the public eye. But I see through you. You're nothing but a manipulative snake, a liar wrapped in a facade of righteousness.
His gaze hardened and his grip on the wheel tightened as he stared ahead, the streetlights casting shadows on his determined expression.
One day, your mask will slip. 
I will fucking rip it off your face, even if it's the last thing I do.
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Suo Hayato x Reader — My master, my love
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Suo x gn reader
Summary: Suo took you as his disciple and you train often together. However, you admire Suo deeply and have fallen for him.
Warnings: Physical confrontation, power dynamics (master-disciple relationship), light suggestive language
Word count: 1.9k
A/n: I hope you like my first contribution for this fandom! I definitely enjoyed writing this♡
You bow respectfully as a signal for the training fight to start. Moving first, you rush forward, hoping to test his defense, but you are outsmarted.
A simple sidestep destroys your plan as your wrist gets stopped by a determined grip, using your power to spin you around. Stumbling slightly, you notice that the next attack was already coming. With a well-timed jump, you succeed to escape.
Yet, the offensive stance of the person across from you remained. Now was it your turn to defend yourself.
However, in the next moment, drift your thoughts to your opponent and master, Suo Hayato. You had always admired him since you had met.
His brown hair is fluttering in the nightly breeze with his yellow tassel earrings, the two crimson spheres on both sides of them. The moon highlights his features and glistening ruby eyes. His right eye was concealed by a leather eye patch, adding a mysterious but striking touch to his presence.
Suo's fierce concentration during battles was totally different from the warm smiles he gave you, reflecting his gentle and friendly character.
Altogether, his whole being has been out of this world.
Quite often had you found yourself thinking about him. In the beginning, you didn't really consider it of importance at first. Then you were just looking up to your master, his strength and personality. Yet, you know that it wasn't completely like that. With the time you realized it—that you had developed feelings for him.
Abruptly stopped your daydreaming as you got thrown onto the ground. It was a gentle, but firm lead, a direct contrast to the hard and unrelenting earth under your feet.
"Out spacing again? You need to learn to focus more on the current moments during a fight, (Y/N)-san."
Raising up, you meet Suo's stern, assessing face.
"I-I'm sorry Suo-sama." you stutter, clapping your hands together to apologize.
A smile hushes over his face as he reaches his hand out to help you up. Accepting his offer, you feel a comfortable warmth spreading through you as your hands make contact.
Standing again, Suo pats your back and says with his usual friendly and at the same time lecturing tone : "And how often have I told you to just speak to me using '-san' or at least '-sensei'?! You are my disciple and no worshiper. Are you even paying attention to anything?"
"B-But you are my master! There's no other form which would suitable to address you!" you argue and pout.
After that, he let out a small sigh and his lips curve up again. "Okay, I won't mind that for now. Let's… come back to your performance." Nervousness washes over you. His evaluation was always something you looked forward to. Then, through his comments and feedback, could you draw a lesson and polish yourself.
"You've been all in all pretty solid in this session. And your defense has also improved. So… nice work (Y/N)-san! You get steadily better! Still, a thing we definitely have to work on is your concentration and technique." Nodding approvingly, you reply full of motivation at his words: "Okay, I will try to get better, Suo-sama! Thank you for teaching!"
The two of you decide to sit down so you could talk a bit. You did that almost every time during training to take a break and continue afterward. Knees drawn up to your chests with legs bent, the two of you sat next to each other on the soft grass which shined brightly in the moonlight. The cool air added something peaceful to the late hour and the soothing silence, making you feel safer and calmer than anywhere else.
"It's been some months now since we started training together, right?" Suo says while gazing at the sky. "Y-Yeah. And I'm still utterly grateful for our meeting. I wouldn't know where I would stand now in life, if I hadn't met you."
You remember it like it had only happened very recently—he had saved you as some rowdies brought you into a predicament when you were wandering alone through the streets at night. At that time, you weren't strong enough to stand up and fight for yourself. But Suo had helped you and didn't even wanted compensation for that. Also, you got the option to train from him. Once you realized the benevolence and kindness in his offer, it was obvious to you: Suo was one of the nicest persons you had ever encountered, and you were going to devote yourself to him and his training.
Suo shakes his head. "No need to praise me in such a way." says he, his voice sincere and full of modesty. His eyes soften as you make eye-contact. "You have really made progress since then by yourself. I have just given you a few tips and shown some techniques, nothing more. That's why, (Y/N)-san, you can be proud of yourself."
You blush slightly at his compliment. On the one hand, you feel grateful that he acknowledged the achievements you've made over the time, but on the other hand, you are also exasperated by him not recognizing that his assistance itself helped you to become better and change something in yourself.
"I object to that! Humbleness shouldn't be made out of lies! The reason I'm even now capable of defending myself and getting stronger was only due to your decision to take me as a disciple and I will tolerate no dissent, Suo-sama."
A sudden touch on your arm, let your thoughts spin endlessly in flusteredness. Suo had closed the distance between you and laid a hand on your arm. His grip, gentle and full of empathy, conveyed comfort. Knees brushing against each other, the physical contact providing something you just couldn't put into words. "We will see. However, you should always have in mind that it was your determination and will which has shaped you to the person you are now." The color on your cheeks turned into a darker shade of red, sight of field lying on the ground as you turn your head away from him so he can't see your embarrassement.
"And there's also another point I wanted to talk with you about."
Looking slowly again at him, you ask curious: "W-What do you mean?" Your stomach churned nervously as you saw him smirking full of mischief, assuming that he was up to nothing good for you. His eyes shined full of anticipation towards his only too well-known teasing.
"I noticed that whenever I say something positive about you, there's a tint of red coming up on your face. You could say that my words seem to influence you quite extraordinarily."
"T-That's not right!" you stutter, hugging your knees in an attempt to cover your blushing appearance. "I-I just think that… your comments are too good-hearted for someone like me. I do not deserve that with my skills and personality altogether."
Suo laughs, clearly amused about your flustered answer.
"Well, it shows at least that you are being honest with your feelings. And I like that about you."
Your heart stops for a second at his words and a comfortable warmth spreads in your chest, as you struggle to find the right words. "T-Thank you… Suo-sama" you say, smiling shyly, but full of gratitude.
You clear your throat and ask him then something which had been bugging you for a while now: "I don't want to let it look like I want to change the topic desperately to escape your teasing, but… why do you have even offered to train me? I mean, having a disciple must prevent you from making yourself stronger. So why did you ask me back then?"
Suo scratches the back of his neck, thinking for an answer. A minute of silence follows until he finally breaks it: "To be honest… I thought that you had potential. At first glance it may seem like you didn't had any power to protect yourself, but I deeply believe that, on the second view, there was an undeveloped strength within you, awaiting to shine. And that's why I wanted to help you to develop yourself."
"That was too nice of you, Suo-sama. In my perspective, I was definitely without any talent. I appreciate your thoughts a lot." you say and smile.
"No problem." Suo looks at the clock of his phone and then again up to you. "Shall we resume our training now? It's been a bit since we have begun our break."
You nod and punch the air. "Yes, of course! I'm always ready to continue our sparring!"
As the next battle between you began, you lunged again forward in his direction, pretending to use a strike at him. You know that he would read your actions and prepare some measures against them in order to fight back. However, this time you are determined to improve.
At the moment your distance was close enough for him to conter, you backed away from him. Suo didn't let him bother by that. Even if your movement wasn't anticipated by him, he would surely find a way to turn the situation into his favor.
Straight away he was approaching you, his movements precise and fluid. But this time you tried to catch Suo off guard.
Realizing the perfect moment, you bend down just as he is about to attack your side. As you feel his foot colliding against your body, you sprint forward, turn around and then start another offensive at him. Indeed, your plan had worked out, as you saw him losing his balance. Still, he wasn't completely taken aback by that.
Instead, he fooled you, shifting his body and putting one hand on your upper-arm and another on your shoulder, using your own force to take you down.
And like the last time you were brought down to the ground.
Suo used no rough strength to immobilize you, he pressed his knee firmly on your shoulder and helds your wrist, arm extended.
Looking up at him, you feel how the coldness of the ground is the absolute opposite to the hold of Suo, who was caring and gentle.
"You are already better than before, (Y/N)-san." Suo locked eyes with you, his lips curved slightly upwards.
"Only because of your great tutoring, Suo-sama."
"That's not quite correct, just like my reasoning before about my choice to take you as my disciple."
You tried to catch your breath at his unexpected revelation. "W-What do you mean?"
His eyes lighted up with a playful glint in his eyes. "Besides the skill to become a good fighter, I found something else in you. Your persistance. The way you held on to seek a way out of your situation, even when not having the strength at that moment, was just unique in my eyes and I wanted to help you. However, after some time, my beliefs about that changed a bit."
Still not sure about what to say to him, you ask, curious: "In… which way? Was it because I disappointed you?"
He chuckles and slightly leans down to your ear. You could feel his warm breath tickling your skin and sending a shiver down your spine.
The next words he whispers to you, you would never forget:
"On the contrary, being with you is pleasing. I care about you a lot. You've… become more than just a normal disciple to me."
And with that your cheeks flush again in embarrassment, leaving you dazed and unable to answer.
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
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.⁠ 。⁠*⁠♡ request: May I request Sebastian and Lilia Vanrouge as reader's father figure, pretty please?
.⁠ 。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: i really like papa lilia, i just know that he would take very good care of the reader if he had the opportunity to adopt you lol. Well, I hope you like it anonie! Also Sebbys part here.
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It's faerie custom to steal human children for themselves, so the first moment your eyes met in the cafeteria he knew he needed to keep you close. I mean, you were a cute little thing that was brought into a world where you didn't know anything or anyone. A cute little thing that managed to hold Lilia's attention and focus, and he just can't help but be in awe of your strength and courage.
He's very sweet and attentive when he interacts with you, bordering on condescending, but having a fatherly presence takes a lot of weight off your shoulders so you don't mind too much. Lilia loves helping you with your homework and he explains so well that there is no room for doubt during your study sessions with him. He also likes to show you magic tricks since you don't have magic and teaching you how to cook traditional dishes from this world, for your own good, don't eat anything he cooks.
Every little problem you venture into, every little action you take and every word you speak, papa Lilia is by your side - not that you realize it - protecting you from harm. And slowly getting rid of bad company, he is jealous and possessive of your time as he now sees you as one of his children and you should only interact with him and his sons, they're such good companies.
Malleus absolutely adores your company, he sees how the two of you walk down Ramshackle at night while you talk and laugh and because of him, still accepting the situation, Sebek finds himself spending more time with you, listening to you, trying to understand why Malleus like you so much. Lilia is sure you'll be best friends eventually and oh my, you're even napping next to Silver, you two adorable humans.
Lilia likes to wander around random places and he often takes you and Silver on a walk with him through the woods behind campus while he tells stories of ancient times and collects various fruits. He plans to bake a dessert with these fruits to celebrate the arrival of a new member in his little family.
Lilia likes to teach you about self-defense and sword fighting, slowly training you to defend yourself if he or his kids aren't around. And it's also a fun moment where Sebek and Silver are there to help and motivate you, showing you ways to execute a move if you keep getting it wrong. Your brothers know much about this, they've been training since childhood.
He especially loves watching you interact with others. The shy way you offers Malleus a handcrafted gift, watching the expressions of joy on his face, or how you and Sebek are constantly teasing each other and bickering, but you stick up for him when someone badmouths him. And there's even the loving way you let Silver use your lap for a long, restful nap while you sit under a willow tree. And of course, the way you depend on him, listen to his words and let him comfort you when you hear Crowley say that there is no way to return to your world.
It is especially difficult to notice Lilia's manipulation, but not impossible. He is a loving father who is there for his children but he is also a general and a great strategist, there are little things that over time you can see. The fact that you keep getting sick after drinking something he offered you, the fact that whenever you are with one of them people get scared and move away from you and that all your friends don't spend as much time with you anymore, they don't invite you to parties or study dates, or anything. Still, Lilia convinces you that you're just imagining it and sometimes you wonder if it's true.
While escaping from them would be very difficult due to the power and influence they have, Lilia could use his magic to control people and manipulate situations to ensure that you are always by his side. Or Malleus can put you to sleep to prevent you from running away or getting hurt while you try to fight them. It's all for your own good, darling, they're worried about you.
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devildomcrybaby · 8 days
Are the kink requests still open? If not please ignore me ksjdpik
I'll have one angry Illumi with a side of edging please
Please know that I adored and daydreamed about this since I read it but I couldn't find a reason that would realistically make Illumi angry before, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to post after the game was over.
Angry Illumi ♡ Edging
18+ only Minors do not interact Warnings: dubcon for both reader and Illumi
You and Illumi were keeping watch over a nen user that one of his clients didn't want dead yet, following them in a cave made of rock and earth where every little movement meant rubble rolling down everywhere. The smallest shift causing a noise that would easily echo all over the empty space.
Disregarding the times that he trained Killua and the exchange of favors with Hisoka, Illumi Zoldick cherishes working alone. It's quicker, more effective and it means there's no room for failure. He trusts his expertise way more than he could ever trust any ally, therefore he rarely has a necessity for anything of the sort. Most of all he never needed nor wished for no clumsy air-headed wannabe Machi Komacine.
It was frustrating enough having an inexperienced trainee assassin tagging along blabbering about how cool Nen Threads are and having her show him her defective attempts at recreating it. However, not as frustrating as having that same neophyte, you, on top of him, as you press your hands between his legs and narrow your eyes in such a dense confusion. He quickly slaps a hand over your mouth tightly enough to hurt as soon as he felt the nen of target, not even trusting you to simply keep your mouth shut.
Illumi looked at you like he wanted to kill you. Hell, you could even feel his blood-lust oozing all around the two of you, giving you the chills and making you gulp. He mouths to stay still. And you do. For the most part at least.
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For some reason, as soon as he pulled you down to hide away from the eyes of your target, having you ended up basically sitting on him straddling his hips and he inadvertently twitched as you first brushed against him, you found his crotch extremely interesting with your hand prodding at it, squeezing even.
Illumi closes his eyes throwing his head back in anger, his fingers digging in your face as his cheeks get redder and redder. You can even see droplets of sweat running down his neck. And yet you keep looking at him with those narrowed, confused eyes as you keep curiously touching him all over. Are you an idiot? Are you doing it on purpose? On the job? What's wrong with you?
Illumi doesn't let you explore for long. He soon grabs your wrist with a strength that makes you wail against his hand, effectively stopping your movements. He squishes your hand against his chest after he removed it from above his pants and keeps it there.
When your target is at a safe distance and you can carry on with your task, you get up from the ground (and him) as if nothing happened. Illumi begins walking, pants feeling tight and cheeks still bright red, completely ignoring you. You do the same, following suit as you rub your sore wrist grumbling words he can't quite catch.
As soon as you gather enough information and you can retreat for the day, you want nothing but lock yourself in the room his family rented for the mission and chastise yourself for your behavior, drowning in the embarrassment of it all. Unfortunately for you, Illumi doesn't even let you cross the threshold of the hotel room that he has you pressed up against a wall with a hand grabbing your hair and another down your pants. A high pitched squeal leaves your lips when his fingers meet your hot flesh rubbing your clit harshly right away. Are you enjoying yourself now, you negligent little degenerate?
He knows you mustn't have had any too ill-intention with your bizarre action, you probably were aghast and disoriented by the whole situation. It doesn't mean that he cares in the slightest. He's never lost focus on a job like that. He can't believe that such a little touch would distract him so much. Well, now he intends to pay you back in your own coin.
"Illumi", you whimper squirming against his body that's keeping you caged against the wall. "Illumi... Sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that". You gasp and writhe and try your best not to moan as his ruthless fingers rub your clit. Illumi pushes your head against the wall. "Quiet now". You whimper and close your eyes, submitting to your fate.
You would think, hope, that he would get bored at the umpteenth time he brought you close to relief just to stop whenever your breathing got too quick and your moans began to sound too high-pitched. No, he doesn't feel boredom, he has an aim and won't stop until he's satisfied with its outcome. Of course he wouldn't even stop because he got tired and if he did he'd just throw you on the bed, better the floor - you don't deserve such courtesy - and continue his infliction in a more comfortable position (for him).
After what feels like hours, Illumi's fingers finally slow down yet keeping rubbing circles over your sensitive clit.
"Die... I'm going to... Please..." you sob, cheek pressed against the gritty wall. Your hands thrash around not being able to grab at anything but digging your nails in the plaster.
"Maybe I should have...let you die this morning. Since you wanted to play cocky and risk the mission, you filthy little deviant. I could have stopped using In and let you fall prey of our target, now that you're not even strong enough to fight such a low level parasite".
Despite his harsh words he draws a deep, exasperated breath, his tone getting more mellow. "I don't believe you can actually die like this". He punctuates the words as if he's bothered by the notion. "Doesn't mean that we can't try". His voice so low and soft that one could be easily fooled to think it was gentle even. But you know Illumi. Gentleness in him was so bone chilling that it makes your blood run cold as you slump against him, sighing heavily before jolting as soon as he resumes his slow yet heavy handed movements.
Divider by @cafekitsune (thank you for making them so cute and with so many variants<3)
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shitsndgiggs · 28 days
reader being a gymnast but she gets injured, and she cant go to the olympics because she has to have surgery, and kenan is there to take care of her and when shes allowed to walk again he takes her to his football matches so she isnt bored home alone…
angst at the beginning, then fluff at the end
Kenan helping you through your injury
Kenan Yildiz x gymnast! reader
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It was the day that everything was supposed to fall into place—the culmination of years of relentless training, early mornings, and late nights. The Olympic trials had been circled on my calendar for as long as I could remember.
But instead of celebrating a dream coming true, I was lying in a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling with a dull ache in my chest that was far worse than the pain in my knee.
The injury had happened so fast. One moment, I was in mid-air, performing a routine I had practiced hundreds of times, and the next, I was on the mat, my knee twisted in a way it wasn’t supposed to go.
The pain was immediate, but it was nothing compared to the realization that followed—the realization that my dreams of competing in the Olympics had just shattered in a single moment.
Kenan had been at the gym when it happened, watching from the sidelines like he often did, offering quiet support that meant more to me than he probably realized. He was by my side in an instant, his face pale with worry as he called for help.
He didn’t leave my side, not in the ambulance, not in the hospital room, and certainly not when the doctor came in with the news I had been dreading.
“You’ll need surgery,” the doctor had said, his voice gentle but firm. “And recovery will take time—several months, at least. The Olympics… I’m sorry, but it’s not going to be possible this time.”
Those words echoed in my head over and over as I lay there, feeling like the ground had been ripped out from under me. The Olympics were gone, and with them, everything I had worked for.
Kenan sat beside me, holding my hand, his thumb gently stroking over my knuckles. He didn’t say much, but he didn’t need to. His presence was the only thing keeping me from completely falling apart.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
I shook my head, tears spilling down my cheeks. “It’s not your fault. I just… I don’t know what to do now, Kenan. This was everything to me.”
He squeezed my hand a little tighter. “You’re still everything to me. And we’ll get through this together, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
The weeks that followed were a blur of doctor’s appointments, physical therapy, and long, quiet days at home. The surgery had gone well, but the recovery was slow and painful.
There were days when it felt like I’d never get back to where I was, when the weight of what I’d lost was too much to bear.
Kenan was there for all of it. He made sure I took my medications, helped me with my exercises, and never once let me wallow in self-pity for too long. He was patient and kind, even when I was short-tempered and frustrated.
He cooked my favorite meals, kept the apartment tidy, and somehow always knew exactly what I needed, even when I didn’t know myself.
But as much as I appreciated his care, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being a burden. Kenan was in the prime of his football career, and here I was, holding him back. I tried to tell him to go to practice, to focus on his career, but he wouldn’t hear of it.
“I’m exactly where I need to be,” he’d say with a smile, brushing a kiss against my forehead.
It wasn’t until I was finally allowed to start walking again that things began to change. The first steps were tentative, shaky, but they were steps nonetheless. Kenan was there, of course, cheering me on like I had just won a gold medal.
His encouragement meant everything, and slowly but surely, I started to regain some of my strength.
But the long days at home still dragged on, and Kenan could see how restless I was becoming. So one day, after another grueling physical therapy session, he surprised me.
“How about you come to my match tomorrow?” he asked as we sat on the couch, my legs stretched out on his lap.
I looked at him, surprised. “Really? But won’t it be… you know, distracting?”
Kenan chuckled, shaking his head. “Distracting? Are you kidding? Having you there would be the best motivation I could ask for. Plus, I think you could use a change of scenery.”
He was right, of course. I needed to get out of the apartment, to feel like I was part of the world again.
So the next day, I found myself sitting in the stands at the stadium, surrounded by the roar of the crowd and the smell of freshly cut grass.
It felt strange at first, being on the sidelines instead of in the spotlight, but as the match began, I found myself getting caught up in the excitement.
Kenan was amazing to watch, his focus and determination on full display as he moved across the field with the kind of grace and power that had always taken my breath away.
But every so often, he’d glance up at the stands, searching for me, and when our eyes met, he’d smile, and it was like we were the only two people in the world.
After the match, which they won, Kenan came straight over to me, still in his kit, sweat-soaked and grinning like a kid.
“What did you think?” he asked, practically glowing.
I smiled, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. “You were incredible, Kenan. Thank you for bringing me.”
He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “You being here made it even better.”
From that day on, I started attending more of his matches, and it became our new routine. It wasn’t the same as training for the Olympics, but it was something, and it felt good to be out and about, supporting him the way he had supported me.
And slowly, as the weeks turned into months, I started to find a new rhythm to my life.
The pain of missing the Olympics never completely went away, but with Kenan by my side, it became more bearable.
He helped me see that there was more to life than one moment, that there were other dreams to chase, other goals to reach.
One night, as we lay in bed, Kenan wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. “You know,” he murmured against my hair, “you’re the strongest person I know. I’m so proud of you, Y/N.”
I turned in his arms, looking up at him with a small smile. “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you, Kenan. You’ve been my rock.”
He kissed me softly, his hand gently brushing a stray lock of hair from my face. “We’re in this together, remember? And we always will be.”
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rootsonjupiter · 3 months
— ♡ Jean Kirstein x f!reader
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warnings: fluff, sfw, mentions of death (my boy Marco), SAD, but with a HAPPY ENDING.
description: you & Jean meet again after the rumbling. The end of one story marks the beginning of another
wc: 1.9K
a/n: sorry for any mistake in the writing, english is not my first language. I am just doing it for fun (even if it´s a lil bit sad)
You didn't really know how to tell, but a feeling told you that it was finally over.
You felt like your head was spinning, and you couldn't focus on anything clear in the smoke and fog.
You were on your knees on the ground. Beside you was your ODM gear, destroyed. If something unexpected happened now you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. You looked at the palms of your hands covered in a mixture of dirt and blood. You also don't think you would want to defend yourself at this point.
You were trying to calm your breathing, you still had little hints of the adrenaline rush that had helped you survive the final fight. You didn't remember much of the last few minutes but… had you become a titan?
Then it felt like a sharp punch in the stomach. Levi, Mikasa and Pieck flew away on Falco's titan, you had stayed with Gabi, Connie and…Jean. Where were they? Where were you?
During the attack you had been separated, now you could be miles away from them. And they… did they make it?
You jumped up, your hands on your broken swords. In your throat you felt a knot starting to grow.
«Jean! Jean!»
You called out, but there was no answer. In the distance you heard voices, but none that you could make out clearly.
No, no, no, no, no. Please.
All the years came upon you. The first attack in your city that led you and your brother to join the 104th cadet corps, the training, the battles, the… your brother's death… and how it brought you closer to Jean, someone you never thought you could exchange more than two sentences with without thinking he was a complete asshole; the strength that moment gained you to join the legion. The years that followed—first humans against titans, now humans against other humans—.
You also remembered your missions in Marley, where the excitement and curiosity for everything new, made you wake up very early in the morning and sleep very late at night. You discovered things you would never have dreamed of, and he had been with you every step of the way. At first you thought Jean just wanted to keep you out of trouble, but in the end you noticed that he enjoyed everything as much as you did. That new sense of a normal life, the one that at times made you forget all the chaos you were in, and where you talked fearlessly about the future.
«How do you imagine it?» he had asked once.
You two were sitting looking out over the city, the sun had just finished setting.
«Mmmm…just like that» you pointed to a couple looking out to sea from the balcony of their apartment. They were drinking tea and laughing as they chatted.
Although you didn't notice it at the time, Jean turned for a second to look at you. The last rays of sunlight illuminated your face. Your rosy cheeks, your smile, and your eyes always wide open so as not to miss anything. You were wearing a green dress that made it impossible not to look at you. You looked beautiful, you always did.
«Can you picture it?» you said without taking your eyes off the couple.
«Yeah. I do»
The last conversation you had with Jean before you set off to stop Eren came to your mind. Maybe it had been a mistake to have spoken at that moment, maybe now you wouldn't be going crazy looking for him if it wasn't for those last words. By saying this you were clearly trying to fool yourself; you would be desperate to see him anyway.
«Jean! please… Jean!»
You screamed as loud as your throat would let you, but you didn't move from your place. Your feet were afraid to move another inch from your place into the unknown. Tears fell uncontrollably down your cheeks.
You embraced your own trembling body. For the first time in many years, you felt like a little girl again.
What if there was nothing left out there?
The voice came from behind you. When you turned around you felt like your heart stopped.
Despite the time, he was still taller than you. His uniform was impeccable.
His face, which without realizing it you had begun to forget, was perfect. His freckles intact, and his smile, one you had known since the day of your own birth, was unblemished on his mouth.
He was untouched, without a trace of pain, of sorrow, of war, of death. He was the same as always. Your brother. Marco.
The boy spread his smile even wider, if that was even possible, and offered you a hand.
«Come with me»
You had missed him terribly. You felt that something inside you was complete again.
You were going to take his hand. You wanted to go with him wherever he had to take you.
But just before your fingers could touch you remembered Jean's words hours before: I don't know how this is going to end. But I do know that if I ever have a future, I want to spend every second with you. If you want, of course.
It had taken you by surprise. You hadn't answered anything, and he said he understood.
The word left your lips without you being able to stop it and you put your hands close to your chest.
«No, Marco. I–I can´t»
Instant regret? No. Guilt? Maybe. You felt you had just failed him, again. You remembered how you had found him on the side of the road, already a lifeless body. You tried in vain to look for any sign of life, screaming and crying as Jean and another companion dragged you out of the place.
Now you don't even remember what was the last thing you said to him before you both left for the fight. How you wished that day it would have been you instead.
You could have gone with him now, it wasn't a bad choice. Maybe there was nothing else in the world for you, maybe this was the chance to leave it all behind.
But you had just said no. Because of Jean, and you didn't even know if he was still alive. But you were sure you weren't going to make the same mistake again of leaving without getting any answer… or without giving one yourself.
You waited for Marco to turn around and leave without you, but he didn't. There wasn't even a single change in his expression.
«Relax, it's not what you think. Now, shall we go?»
This time you did take his hand. It was warm and soft. Marco managed to pull you out of your place to guide you through the fog that was slowly dispersing.
You didn't know what else to say. Words scrambled in your head. Ask for forgiveness? Say thank you?
The walk went on for several minutes of silence.
There was so much you wanted to tell him, but nothing seemed to bring together everything you really felt.
Before you could decide, he stopped.
You looked around but still couldn't make out anything clearly that could help you get your bearings.
«Stay here»
Your brother turned to look at you. You didn't want to look away from his eyes ever again. In those brief seconds you promised yourself to memorize every part of his face, every little freckle, faction and all his colors.
Marco made an attempt to let go of your hand, but you held on to it.
«Just…» you hesitated «Just one more minute, please»
«Not today, y/n. But someday we´ll meet again. I promise»
«I'm…I'm so sorry» tears came again. With one of his fingers he wiped your face «I don't want…I don't want to be alone again…»
He smiled again, sending a warm wave to your chest.
«You never have been»
«Is there…wha–what is out there?»
The boy stepped forward. One of his hands was on your cheek while his lips left a kiss on your forehead.
«Everything. And it´s waiting for you»
You wanted to throw yourself into his arms, but you feared his image was going to disappear too soon. You closed your eyes against the feeling, wished it would last forever.
The last word hung in the air between the two of you, and you could never tell which one of you said it. By the time you opened your eyes Marco was gone.
Your chin went to your chest as you let yourself finish crying.
You recognized the voice immediately. You squeezed your eyes shut, this time you were afraid to look again. You slowly turned around and looked through your tears.
You were a couple of meters apart, you couldn't tell if it was another illusion or if it was true. Jean was dirty, very dirty, and had several scratches on his face.
The brown-haired boy advanced in your direction.
«No, wait» you stopped him «Are you…are you real?»
His expression took a turn you didn't expect. It wasn't confusion, it was as if he knew exactly what you meant by your question. Jean looked back over his shoulder for a second. Had he seen someone too?
«Are you?» he said.
You both stood looking at each other. It was ironic how after risking your lives so many times, it was having to cross a couple of meters on foot that caused you the most fear.
The boy sighed and looked down. He was completely exhausted. Then you panicked that he was going to turn around and walk away. You took a deep breath and walked.
The steps took forever.
You stopped with only a few centimeters of distance from his body. Jean still didn't dare to raise his face.
You touched one of his hands; it was cold, trembling. With your other hand you ran up his arm, up his shirt until you reached his neck. You touched his tangled hair. It was falling over his face.
You used both hands to lift his face and force him to look at you. His cheeks were wet, and despite all the pain he was feeling, he tried to form a small smile.
There it was: this was everything.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you. His body collided completely with yours and you felt his arms around your waist.
Marco wasn't real, he was long gone, but for the first time you felt something other than sadness at the thought of him. You felt calm.
Jean was real, he was dirty, he was tired, he was clumsy, and many times he could be a jerk, but he was also the best thing that could have happened to you.
You managed to get far enough away to have his face in front of yours again. You smiled, that was your real response to the conversation the other night.
Then he pressed his lips to yours. You didn't hesitate for a second to follow the kiss. He had imagined many times what it would be like the first time he dared to kiss you, but nothing could beat that precise moment. Because even though everything had collapsed around him, the truth was that there was nothing to fear anymore.
When you broke away, he refused to let go of your waist.
«No, no, wait. Just one more, please»
He caressed your cheek. You hid your face in his neck as you hugged his huge back with your arms. You left one more kiss just under his jaw.
«Don't worry. We have our whole lives ahead of us for this»
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 6 months
Passion and flames
Alice needed to become stronger. He had to become stronger. He couldn't constantly rely on his evil cycle as his last resort.
He needed to be stronger. So he could protect his precious soulmates. He couldn't let them do all the work. Both Iruma and Clara had clumbed the ranks. It was about time he did the same.
So as much as he loathed it. As much as it wounded his pride. He knew he had to improve himself. The best place to start was with his bloodline magic. He had hoped this day would never come.
His mother smiles cheerfully from across the room. Not a single scratch on her. Not a bead of sweat. You'd have never guessed they had been training for hours looking at her.
It made his blood boil. What was he missing? Why wasn't it working? "You're approaching this the wrong way~" His mother wags her finger disapprovingly at him.
He grinds his teeth. "What am I doing wrong! I'm doing exactly what you said! I need to get stronger!" She sighs and shakes her head at him.
"Our bloodline magic isn't about strength. It's about love." She struts around him. Each step of her heels echos around the room.
♡I see you're driven by your detestation. Your every step is stoaked with animus.♡
Alice backs away, eyes widen. His mother usually never uses her magic with her voice. He felt a chill down his spine.
♡You need a different type of motivation. Or there's no way that you can handle this!♡
Her power pulses with each note. Her body swayed to the tune she's created. Invoking her succubus magic into keeping his focus on her. She grips his chin.
♡I know you're thirsting for vengeance, darling. You're out for blood. But you'll only stand a change if you're out for love!♡
He barely ducks out of the way of her tail lash. Attempting to strike back with his claws. She was too fast for him.
♡Out for love~, lo~ve! Think of who you care about. Protect them and be out! For love~ Lo~ve! You're gonna fight without gloves, long as you're out for love.♡
He flinches away from the high kick she sends. It barely missed his nose. She was serious in this lesson.
Her words felt like iron weights. Latching onto him and dragging him down. Hitting him harder than any strike.
♡Fuel yourself with the fear of losing those who are your reason to live! Harness your heart, and you can't help choosing to fight with all you can give~♡
Iruma... Clara... if something happened to either of them. The thought enraged him. He was feeling that familiar sensation that came with his evil cycle.
Only it was different. It was a more primal and raw feeling. Like flesh tearing. Was it because he felt threatened by his mother's actions? The fact that she was using their magic against him?
No... it was more than that. She was using his feelings against him. It was in their kinds nature to do so after all.
♡I know your thirsting for vengeance, darling your out for blood. But you'll only stand a chance if your out for love.♡
He started letting his emotions go. He let instincts take over. His strikes are more reckless but more powerful. More aggressive.
♡Out for love~, Lo~ve! Think of who you care about, protect them, and be out. For lo~ve, lo~ve!♡
He was able to predict her movements now. Or maybe it was just because he was not holding back. He wasn't restraining a part of himself anymore.
♡You're gonna fight without gloves, and when push comes to shove, yeah, you just might rise above! Long as you're out for love!♡
He takes flight. Having the high ground to strike. His mother snatches his leg in mid-air. The pair tumbles down.
At first, he's frustrated, thinking it's his loss. But then he sees it. His mother's amused smile as she holds up her palm. Blood. He made her bleed. He had won this round!
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the-fandom-abyss · 2 years
Then and Now
Sara Lance x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff ♡
Word Count: 1,860 words
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Sara has become a frequent flyer of the time realm, jumping from place to place. She has been on dangerous adventures, heart warming journeys and has heard the occasional heart breaking story. However nothing prepared her for her next mission, a mission that would test her strength entirely.
The year was classified for reasons unknown, but the mission stayed the same. A big evil has threatened innocent people to gain more power. The team was quick to gear up, no questions asked. When they emerged from the wave rider, they surveyed the familiar surroundings. They were home, they looked at each other in confusion, waiting for an explanation from Hunter. He walked down the ramp, oblivious to the stares that were directed his way.
He fixed his coat and looked up to see the confused team. "What?" he asked, shrugging off the obvious.
"What do you mean, what?" Jefferson raised his hand, sarcastically quoting the word 'what'.  "Why are we home?"
"This may be home but it is not your time, we are a few years behind the life that you all know and love" Hunter picked at his nails, unfazed by the questions
Sara stepped forward, placing her hands on her hips. "Okay then, next question, what are we doing here?" She motioned towards the city, grasping the big picture
"We are here to save a very important person from walking into a death trap, that's all you need to know" Hunter put his best foot forward and began to make his way to the desired destination. Ray poked his head out from the group, puzzled by the recent statement.
"Isn't that against the rules?" Ray stood still with his features scrunched while he figured out the repercussions of their future actions
"Not if it has already happened" Hunter made another attempt to walk away, this time succeeding, leaving the group to soak in what he just said. The group watched in confusion as Hunter walked away, they were left with little answers and a load of more questions.
They trailed behind him, looking over their shoulders for their past selves. As time went on Sara developed a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she couldn't quite pin point why. When they reached their destination, the team looked around for clues. Anything would be helpful to piece together this puzzle Hunter had created. They watched on with curiosity as a hooded figure walks into their eye line. There was no doubt this person was shady, but were they the one they needed to save?
The feeling in Sara's stomach grew stronger as she observed the hooded figure. There was a sense of familiarity that surrounded the person in front of her. Ray looked over his shoulder to find a large group of people heading towards the hooded figure. He tapped Hunter's shoulder, causing him to look behind him.
"Just in time" he quietly stated, grabbing the attention of the other team members. They followed the group carefully, grabbing their weapons, just in case.
"All this talk and there's only one of you?" Their laughs echoed through the empty parking lot
"All I need is one" the dark figures voice was distorted but Sara knew something was wrong
"Show yourself so we all know who we're burying tonight" they stepped forward in a way to intimidate. They followed their lead and slowly pushed off the hood to reveal a young woman. A loud gasp was heard throughout the car park. Heads all turned in that direction, focusing their sights on the noise.
"Are you trying to get us killed?" Jackson angrily whispered, pulling Sara down
"You have to keep your emotions in check" Hunter's eyes trained on Sara, sending a message through his harsh stare. Sara grew silent, only to continue the mission, Hunter will get more of what he deserves afterwards. When the onlookers agreed there was no threat, they turned their focus back to their target.
“So who will be the first to test their luck?” The woman was confident, provoking the group of men. One man bellowed the loudest, pushing through the huddle. He was burly, tall and looked like he had buried a few bodies in his day. However this didn’t stop the woman from assuming a defensive position, in preparation for a fight. The team watched on in suspense, waiting for Hunter to order them to intervene but he never did. In a split second the burly man lunged for the woman, who easily ducked under his grasp. He grunted in frustration, before he charged at her. In one swift movement, she was able to manoeuvre herself up and over his head, landing feet first behind him.
“That’s it, no more taking it easy” he commanded, his voice reaching the depths of the empty lot. This elicited a laugh from the woman, who clearly was amused by his display.
“I didn’t know you had other settings” now this is what truly set him off, he roared at the woman, throwing all his weight into his punches. She ducked and weaved through each hit, never once colliding with his fist. This angered the man more as he signalled to his men to join, who surrounded the woman with ease.
“She doesn’t look like she needs our help” Jackson commented, his eyes trained on the battle like it was an old kung fu film.
“This is not the help she requires” was all Hunter would say as he patiently waited for the right moment, whenever that was.
One by one the men fell to the floor, some unconscious, some barely alive, some ran the moment they saw they were outnumbered. Either way, the woman was left standing over a pile of worn out men who simply couldn’t pull their punches. That was until one runner decided to be brave, face the threat head on. This created a domino effect and soon enough, the men remerged and attacked.
“We need to do something” Sara couldn’t bear to see them hurting you, bringing pain to your beautiful features. Sara went to stand up when a hand held her tightly by the shoulder.
“Not yet” Hunter intervened, holding her in place. Sara was fuming at how calm he was, knowing full well who you were and what you meant to Sara.
“She is going to get beaten to death”
“This is not why we’re here”
“I will not stand here and watch”
“I thought you would have had more faith in her”
“I do”
“Then wait”
The men piled on, pushing you further into the ground. Each man producing blow after blow as payback for making them look like fools. Blood could be seen grouping underneath their feet and judging by their satisfied smiles, it would have to be yours. “Fuck this” Sara grabbed her weapons and was in the process of standing up when a bright blast was delivered. Suddenly the men were thrown across the lot in all different directions. All that was left was a beacon of light, radiating from the epicentre. The team collectivity had their jaws on the floor, undecided on whether to be amazed or fearful. Sara was simply shocked by the power you possessed. For all the years she had known you, she had never seen you express such light. You only ever gave her little increments for show and tell, even in battle you stuck to hand to hand combat.
The longer you radiated, the more unstable you became. The floor began to rumble, like the earth underneath it was about to cave in. The lonesome cars scattered around the parking lot started to sound their alarms, all at staggered times and decibels. Then suddenly the street lamps burst, leaving the area pitch black except for your shaking body.
“Now we help her. You have the net I told you to bring?”
“Of course”
“Better find a way to toss it on her and quick before she does more damage”
As a team they improvised a plan, which nearly singed the eyebrows of most of them. The closer they got, the hotter it became. Some of the suits began to malfunction due to the rise in temperature. It was quickly decided that only firestorm would be the only being that could get close to you. This was how they successfully caught you in the net which suppressed your powers. When the afterglow wore off, your body was left cold, shaking and burnt in some places. It took all of her being to not run to you and wrap you up in her arms.
“Are you okay?” Sara offered you a hand, pulling you into uncertain legs. She held on to you to keep your body balanced and the action didn’t go unnoticed.
The feeling of her warm skin, the sight of her worried eyes was enough to render you useless. The words just seemed to stutter on their own accord. “I..I’m okay, thanks”. Looking away from Sara, you turned your attention to those that seemed to stare. “What happened?”
“You went all nuclear and nearly created a hole to the centre of the Earth. No big deal” Jackson shrugged his shoulders, trying not show how excited he was to find another enhanced human.
“So glad that you found time for sarcasm”
“There is always time for sarcasm” In sync, both you and Sara rolled your eyes which earned a laugh from Kendra who could already see the significance.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” The vulnerability flowed through Sara as she quietly checked your body for injuries. She knew it like the back of her hand which means she would know very quickly if something was wrong.
“I’m okay, the burns seem to be healing”
“Well we best be off” Hunter as always interrupts the pleasantries, already on to the next mission.
“That’s it?” The team was in utter disbelief, they spent all that lead up just to wrap someone in a net and then leave? This seemed to be a joke.
“Yep, we have a busy day tomorrow and we mustn’t be late for it” By now Hunter is already half way to the wave rider, without even sparing a glance.
“Do you know how silly that sounds?” Kendra called out to him, following his lead to further tease him for his chose of words. The rest of the team were hit on her heels, confused by how quick the mission was.
“It was nice to meet you…”
“I’ll remember that”
“Make sure that you do”
As a parting gift, Sara left a gentle kiss on your forehead that tingled where her lips had touched. She walked off into the dark night, only offering you a wink before she disappeared. You had hoped to see her again, you just didn’t expect it to be a couple of years later. You had bumped into her on a walk around the city. This time it was your turn to remember and for her to meet you for the first time.
“You look very familiar, do I know you?”
“How about we get some drinks and find out?”
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luneariaa · 2 years
☀︎ 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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❥︎ - ; x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
❥︎ - 𝐭𝐰 : ᴘᴜʀᴇ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ. ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʙʙᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ꜱᴡᴏʀᴅ. ʙᴀʀɴᴀʙᴀꜱ ɪꜱ ᴇᴠɪʟ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ɢᴏʀᴇ (?) ɪ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏꜱᴇ. ♡︎
☾︎ - 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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The rain falls steadily, creating a soft patter whenever it hits the wet ground. Their bodies soaked up slightly due to the rain, yet they didn't have any intention of stopping their journey for now. (Y/N)'s body is a bit sore due to killing several creatures along the way before. It didn't help the fact that her bandaged shoulder wound aches a lot-- the rain just added to the stinging sensation. She refuses to tell him yet, for fear that she might worry him even more.
The sudden sounds of several people screaming have interrupted her train of thoughts. Glancing up at Clive, she had taken notice of his darkening expression as his eyes are still staring ahead cautiously.
"Come on," he urges her not too long after, taking the lead while the two went towards the source of sound. She tried to ignore the burning sensation on her shoulder as she follows him; their clothes sticking uncomfortably against their skin.
The pair moved in a rather fast pace, before they halted to a stop all of a sudden.
"Stay behind me, (N/N)." Clive merely spoke in an almost commanding tone once they arrived at the suspicious-looking area.
She began to look confused and a light hint of frustration, "What, why? I can handle myself--"
"Because I suspect that this is a trap for us." He states simply yet in a firm manner-- tightening the grip around his sword and continuing to observe their surroundings. She obeyed without hesitation while trying to remain calm and looked around as well.
He notices a movement close to the rather large tree and it immediately draws his attention. (Y/N) wanted to help at the last possible moment, but Clive took a protective stance and told her to stay behind him.
The movement came from the King of Waloed himself, who had emerged from the shadows.
Barnabas Tharmr.
"Barnabas." Clive retorts venomously, growling at the mere sight of the dark king. He has a complete unhinged aura surrounding his very being, a smirk gracing his face.
"Hmm.." He hums in amusement at the two.
"Instead of trying to finish me off, why don't you focus on your precious little lady here? I could have EASILY finish her off instead..."
The air grew tense as he spoke even more.
"She is YOUR weakness, is she not?"
Her eyes widen a bit at the words he have spoken, preparing to defend herself even more despite the aching pain she felt on her shoulder. Clenching her jaw ever so slightly, the young lady tries her best to hold back her tears. She couldn't even bear to look up at Clive's expression.
But she could tell that he's very ticked off. He could feel his soul burning with rage at the words he threw upon his sweetheart. Clive couldn't bear the sight of his beloved being hurt.
Is it appropriate for him to call him his beloved though? He did plan to confess his undying love towards her as soon as they got out of there, and to a nice, proper place.
The words that keeps spewing from Barnabas' mouth is enough to make her feel even more unconfident towards herself-- as if he's straight up taunting her.
"How pathetic can you be? You even choose to keep this poor lady by your side. Is this your very wise decision?"
His remarks are enough to trouble her frail mind and emotions. She was briefly distracted by it before she turned her attention back ahead. Clive releases a rather loud scoff-- charging towards Barnabas swiftly, who grins wickedly at his actions while drawing his weapon as well.
"You will pay for everything you've done!" Clive spats while swinging at him with every ounce of strength he possesses. The only thing that stops him momentarily is when he could feel the sharp blade grazes a tiny bit of his cheek.
Clive easily avoided Barnabas' attack by getting up and striking him again before he could hit him further. All the while, she keeps mentally debating on whether she should stay put or help him. She doesn't want him to be mad at her actions-- she wished to fight too.
But her thoughts got cut off when Clive stumbled back from the fight-- realizing that he has now fallen to the ground with a groan of pain escaping his lips. Barnabas has casted some sort of spell to temporarily tie him to the ground.
"Clive-!" (Y/N) cries out in terror, rushing towards him without a care on what might befall to her very being.
Though, she freezes in her tracks once she notices that Barnabas has reappeared in front of her-- the tip of his blade is dangerously close to her stomach. He smiles maliciously at her once she's stunned at her position; pushing the blade deeper into it, her weapon dropped to the ground.
Clive struggles to free himself from the magic ropes, unable to bring himself to witness the horror and devastating sight of his beloved-- slowly being murdered in his very own eyes. The way Barnabas drew her in while driving the blade even deeper is enough to fuel his anger more.
Yet there is something so painful when she stood there helplessly-- she knew she couldn't do anything anymore.
As if she has accepted her cruel fate.
"Look at you; willing to fight me despite your current state..." He laughs evilly, pushing the blade a little more. Losing her ability to speak, she coughed in response to the horrible feeling.
At this point, blood pours out from her body. Barnabas didn't mind that his hands might get dirty in the process—not at all. He would've killed her even earlier, but it was Clive's expression and struggle that pushes his motivation further. It was amusing to him.
The way he screams to her with a tearful gaze-- the feeling of sorrow and agony is evident in his eyes. Oh, how Barnabas is sure that Clive will hold himself responsible for her possible tragic end.
Leaning his head a bit towards her ear, he began to whisper as his eyes are focused on Clive. "You should probably listen to your darling knight next time, sweetheart." Her eyes merely widen at his words, unable to respond.
"He's begging for mercy." He taunts for one last time, before withdrawing the sword from her stomach with such force. She falls almost instantly when he lets go of her, her own pool of blood surrounding her.
Helpless, miserable... She didn't want to die this way. Not yet. Everything seems out of reach to her, so far from her very own grasp.
She lets out a bloody cough while her eyes are starting to get blurry-- not being able to see or even hear clearly at this point.
Is this how death is supposed to be? It feels so... odd. Empty, even. The pain that she experiences from earlier slowly vanishes into nothingness as her eyes slowly close on its' own.
Forgive me, Clive.
The hill that she currently stood upon is indeed breathtaking; various types of flowers blooming almost everywhere. (Y/N) held onto her necklace; a silver, sapphire-colored star, which was given by Clive on her last birthday.
It really means a lot to her. She loves the necklace dearly.
Despite the lovely view, however, she couldn't help but to feel as if something is missing. One that is so far and hard to reach. A small, sad smile graces her features at the mere thought. It feels so serene to her soul, yet the feeling of longing is evident to her heart.
Her eyes flutter shut momentarily, feeling the soft breeze as it passes by. Oh, how she misses the feeling of peacefulness-- almost forgetting on how it really feels like.
A small squeak escaped her lips when a pair of strong arms embraces her from behind; almost losing her balance. Of course, she knew who it was. The way he wraps his arms securely around her form-- turning her around slowly without breaking the hug, just so he can rest his head on top of hers.
"Clive," she managed to speak almost breathlessly. "You..." Her voice starts becoming shaky as she stops herself from continuing further, trying her best to blink away her tears. Clive simply holds her tighter, not wanting to let go. His expression changes to a deeply concerned one as he notices the drop of her expression.
"...You came for me, did you?"
Clive brushes her tears away that has fallen tenderly as he spoke. "Of course I did. I have promised you before-- I will always be looking out for you, remember?" She doesn't answer straight away but managed to reply with a small nod.
"I'm so sorry..." She apologizes quietly with a tinge of guilt, trying to contain herself while avoiding his gaze at the very moment. With a soft sigh, the ravenette man cups her cheeks delicately once more with both of his hands.
"There's nothing to apologize for, (N/N). You have not done anything wrong." The warm and loving gaze that's present in his eyes is enough to give her a bit of reassurance.
"But I was selfish! I'm weak; I couldn't even bring myself to... tell you the truth, back then." It was at this point that she has decided to be honest with him about her true hidden feelings. If she didn't-- she might lose this chance forever.
"You mean a lot to me, Clive. I'm so sorry for having these feelings for you; you deserve someone far better--" He silences her ramblings by placing his lips against her soft ones gently. Frozen for a few seconds by the sudden unexpected contact of his lips, she eventually melts into the kiss-- wrapping her arms around his neck. It gives her the feeling of complete warmth and security by the kiss, along with the way he wraps his arms around her form. It makes her feel safe and protected.
The two gradually separate themselves from the kiss after several moments, slowly opening their eyes to face one another. Though, it didn't last long when she was the first to break the eye contact-- wiping a bit of her tears that she didn't even realize has fallen.
"My dear, I shall never forget the day I fell in love with you. You deserve all the love and happiness within this world. You worth so much more than you can imagine. Without you, I never would have made it this far."
Clive's hands drew her even closer and eventually came to rest around her waist, holding on to her tighter than before-- refusing to let go of her just yet. (Y/N)'s eyes widen slightly, feeling the warmth emanating from his presence alone. She wants to say something; anything, yet she's tongue-tied at the moment and her mind is jumbled up with countless thoughts.
"You have to leave. You shouldn't be here." The slight tone changes in her causes for Clive to be taken aback. Why would she request something as such...?
"I don't want to separate myself from you. Not now-- never. I love you too much to do such thing." He sincerely admits, stroking the back of her head gently. She wants to push him away from her, but... her heart tells her otherwise. Slowly, she lifted her head up while bringing her hand to his face-- to which he leans into her touch as she caresses it softly.
"Clive… You don't belong here. Not just yet…" The tears are flowing down freely from her eyes at this point. "I'm truly sorry… Please forgive me. I hope you understand."
He brings one of his hands up to hold onto her hand that's on his face. The painful expression that's displayed on his face-- she couldn't bear to look at it any longer. She could feel her heart clenching in sorrow upon the sight in front of her.
It just breaks her small, fragile heart even more.
"We will see each other again someday, hopefully..." (Y/N) manages to murmur, avoiding his stare while shaking a bit.
Clive was about to respond; anything, just to make her stay, yet he went against the idea as he notices his beloved begin to slowly fade away, dissipating into tiny crystal shards that soared upward into the sky.
No matter how desperately he tried to grasp a part of her, he was unable to do it at all. His heart aches terribly at the realization. He feels so powerless... Tears are running down his face, his body trembles slightly. Why can't he do anything to stop and prevent her from going? Everything is happening so fast.
Does he not deserve happiness at all...?
As if he snapped back to reality, Clive could feel on how sticky his gloved hands were-- along with the metallic smell that's present in the air. When his blue eyes fell downwards, however...
It was at that exact moment; he became painfully aware of how his beloved's blood was staining his gloved hands. Her head was rested on the front part of his shoulder, motionless. He choked back his own tears at the sight, before carrying her limp body into his arms gingerly and put her somewhere safer-- next to a large tree, the surroundings are filled with a bit of flowers.
Once he sets himself down near her, Clive instantly buries his face on the crook of her neck; finally releasing a rather loud sob as he held onto her body tightly. He wants to believe that she's still alive somewhere. That she would return to him eventually. Not in the condition as she is right now-- no, he refuses to believe that.
Yet he's painfully aware about the situation right at this moment. He could live in denial as he wishes to, but the painful truth will inevitably catch up onto him.
"Come back, please... Forgive me for everything..." He whispered to her pleadingly, not getting any reply as he had anticipated. Tracing her slight cold, pale face with his hands, he places a light kiss on her forehead.
Clive couldn't take it anymore-- the awfully hurting feeling in his heart, so he screamed as loud as he could. He doesn't care about anything anymore; he just wanted the pain and everything to end. The scream echoes throughout the forest, and into the silence of the night. He tries so hard to control himself while cradling her body close to him; breaking into a sobbing mess after as his body shakes uncontrollably.
He's lost. He's so lost. It's all his fault.
"(Y/N)..." He chokes out her name before his eyes slowly darkening in anger. Though, he remains gentle with her lifeless form as he brushes her hair tenderly; his eyes are now sharply focused forward.
"I will get my revenge, I promise you." Clive vows to her almost quietly, "I will make him pay for everything he has done to you... He dares himself to take you away from me."
He inhales shakily after, not stopping his little actions while kissing her lips lovingly as possible.
"When I get my revenge, will you forgive me then?" Whispering out the words, Clive rests his forehead against her with a small sigh-- moving away a little from her after a few seconds as he averts his gaze towards the moon above. The stars shine so brightly around the moon, creating a beautiful scenery to gaze upon.
She would've loved this... He thought to himself, feeling a tear slipping down past his cheek and onto her hand that's on his lap.
I will avenge you... I swear it on my very own soul.
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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stardustbee · 2 years
Our hearts are one by @kimageddon
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Again a beautiful piece by @kimageddon and one that really means much for me because it is based on something @eloquentmoon wrote for me when I was feeling really down.
Please consider on getting a comission from Kima if you get the chance!
And also give El a little visit on her blog! She is a great writer and friend 💙
So Honey did allow me to post the little snipplet! I decided to put in here untouched as it is BUT this will definitely find its way into the story of Fly me to the Moon!
And if you are thinking that this Background doesn't really look like Star Wars AT ALL, then this is what I intend to! Because Fly me to the Moon is an AU and things are different there 😘
I imagine it like that there are opportunities where you can travel with trains through the Hyperdimensonal routes!
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You'll find the snippet and some close ups under the cut!
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Ayane sits on the edge of her seat, her hands gripping the arm rests so tightly that her knuckles are bone white. Her bright eyes are wide and fixed on the turbulence of the vivid blue tunnel in front of her. She watches each strand of light with wild focus, trying desperately to lose herself in the captivating swirls. The echoes of violence roar up and down her body, scars of the past ripping her apart from the inside out. The icy lick of hyperspace caresses her bare arms, and the cold air settles on and in her. The cool sensation does nothing to quench the heat of her agony, is not enough to soothe or to ease her sorrows. She feels a looming presence behind her that suddenly breaks her focus, and she knows that he is watching. She tries to relax, exhaling softly and leaning forward, strands of her long inky hair falling over her shoulders. 
"Good morning," she whispers softly. Tears threaten to fall down her pallid cheeks as she feels Maul's gloved hand rest on the back of her neck.  
His voice is rich, flooding her freezing body with the warmth she doesn't know she needs. "What troubles you, my dear Ayane?"
She is silent, and minutes pass. Her eyes slowly close, and she basks in the echo of his words, his concern. When she does not reply, Maul swiftly moves in front of her, kneeling to be at eye level with her. "You cannot speak it," he says, the reassurance of his understanding making the lump in her throat ease some. "Look at me."
She opens her eyes, and finds his golden irises staring back her, reading her. One look, and he knows. He believes. He can delve into her very core, the part of her that is him reaches out and clings on, like a frightened child desperate for familiarity.
"Your words may fail you, but your strength does not." His hand is then caressing her wet cheek, and she leans into his touch. She can feel the warmth of his palm, even through the leather of his gloves.
"Do not be disheartened, sweet Fairy. You will rise from this. You will find the words, and the strength within you will awaken once more."
She begins to nod in agreement, the fire inside of her that was raging now reduced to embers by his calm, undeterred belief. She feels the cold, the warmth, the spark.
"You are resilient," he whispers. And with those three words, he brings her back to life.
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Tagging some of you! ♡ let me know if I shall add you!
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @elledjarin @oh-three @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @kimageddon @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @botherbother-blog @misogirl828 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @inquisitorius-sin-bin @gran-maul-seizure @herbalina-of-yesteryear
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beyondthebackup · 1 year
[Carefully folded, a delicate pink note tucks itself between the tree's undulating seams. The ripples of bark, communion ash against the blushing paper, a meek sail cresting dark waves blissfully unaware of its existence on the periphery of an expanding whirlpool, a crater left by bruised knuckles. The note reads:] "I daydream of reciting bible verses in backless Sunday dresses, brushing my fingers through your hair as proverbs pour out of me. I would shiver against your lips pressed lush and hot between the valleys of my unguarded virtue. I want you to kiss me so hard that I bruise like bitten fruit, I want you to sink your sanguine carnality into me, divorce modernity and pretend we are in some distant century, sincere and snarling into each other's skin - my muse red in tooth and claw, my savage love... You could infiltrate me so tenderly, daring my will to resist this pull from God with your succulent serenade. My voice would grow small and sharp as a misericord's blade, glinting promises of mercy asking you to slip it between the petals of my armor, all that's left to guard sense from sin. - ♡"
The early morning jogs began as a necessary staple of B's training regimen.
Victory is less about raw strength than it is about stamina and endurance, his trainer told him, if you can outlast your opponent in a fight, you win.
B defeated A in the athletic realm a long time ago, that was undeniable, and yet it wasn't enough. The envy rolling A's eyes whenever B showed off, the pounding of his heart betraying fear as B pinned him to the ground again and again and again until it was insisted that B spar with someone closer to his skill level...
Ah, the humiliation was palpable. It was an amazing feeling.
Alternative even lowered himself to a full-scale retreat, begging Roger to remove him from the class because he couldn't handle it.
Now, the early morning jogs are something B does of his own volition when he is in the mood and the weather is tolerable, to keep form and assure Alternative that in this avenue he would always be inferior.
On days like this he is usually awake before anyone else, which is what makes the odd little sign of human activity in the form of a pink note in a tree particularly eye-catching as B slows to a stop in front of it and catches his breath.
This is the tree he used as a sandbag and passed on his usual route around the orphanage. Still, besides that gaping wound he left in its trunk, it is one unremarkable tree in a sea of many. That note could be meant for anyone. B plucks it from its perch anyway, immediately thinking of the previous letter he discovered in his desk and reads it.
The letter could be meant for anyone, but twice is quite the coincidence.
Trained to be a detective from the time he was small, that glaring focus takes over and he almost doesn't take the time to enjoy what the letter is saying.
Sunday dresses?
---------- Obelus Yoriko Umbral A ----------
Though Obelus is Catholic and the only person on B's mental list he's seen carrying a bible, he has a baffling insecurity about his bare arms and taking off the stupid flannels he wears all the time. B still intends to compare their handwriting, but unless he's playing some elaborate game (which B feels he is too lazy for) it is highly unlikely that Obe is the author of these notes or interested in wearing backless Sunday dresses. Besides, if he wanted to fuck, he'd just say so.
Even more than the hunger inherent in the delicately penned words on the page, B is struck by one thing in particular -
My voice would grow small and sharp as a misericord's blade, glinting promises of mercy asking you to slip it between the petals of my armor, all that's left to guard sense from sin.
B recognizes the blade from books he read on the High Middle Ages years ago.
Specifically, that it was meant to be a last resort - to kill your enemy during a struggle, or kill a knight with a fatal wound to gift them a more painless death. Usually with the aim to pierce the eye, the brain, or the heart.
It's a morbid way of putting things.
Whoever this person is, they consider their situation dire. The note says so itself - sin and death.
Whoever they are, there's a reason why they're hiding behind pretty little notes.
B smirks to himself. He's having fun.
He pockets the second note, and resumes his jog.
[Lavender Note]
[Pink Note]
[Blue Note]
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llyznotes · 2 years
As of 01/12/2023, my fics will be written in 3rd POV, exceptions will be made through requests, drabbles, oneshot, and projects. Please do read my rules before interacting with me and my content.
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tl;dr; i write stories solely because of manga; to convey the multitude of universes that floats about and around in my head in an art form i greatly adore. but i also do hope that my stories would be able to give comfort and place to people in need, a warm pillow to rest on and be cozy for as long as they need—something to look forward to when nothing else is worth looking forward to, but also something to give people strength when it's time to get back up.
who are you? ⎚-⎚
Good day!
You may call me Yuan, it means 'fate'. Also low-key wanna be called 【先生】 / Sensei which is a general honorific but are also used to addressed mangakas in Japan, it just really gives me that boost of energy whenever I hear it lol. I am born in the 04', and I am not a Japanese for those who think so!
what is the purpose of this blog?
A practice blog where I study, experiment, and hone my craft as a future professional mangaka, a space to train myself with my passions; future mangaka/manhwa artist/children storybook's author, etc. — to hone my creative skills such as illustrating and storytelling. I'm a terrible perfectionist as you see, so I try my best to let myself make mistakes without overthinking every single detail. You might see my stories having different writing styles at times but that's just me practicing, experimenting, and finding my own writing style someday so yea!
who do you write for?
K-pop groups are mostly my muses and the MCs for my works, mainly my fave ones; &TEAM and ENHYPEN. I do not represent the real them in my works, rather that they're the actors in my stories. Also, I may write for anime characters in the future but that's still under consideration.
love : koga yudai ♡ &team // muse : yang jungwon ♡ enhypen
what type of a writer am i?
i am a slow updater, it stems from three reasons:
1) i am a perfectionist in my craft; editing, rereading, and rewriting a dozen times till i'm satisfied, and with the determination that i will be able to be filled with pride once i hit the post button. (this doesn't include my practice drabbles/oneshots) but since this is a practice blog, i try my best to ignore my perfectionism habits.
2) i do not and i cannot focus one on one series/story, so you'll find me updating multiple series at the same time. i have to constantly refresh my brain with new materials when i got stuck in one story, and it goes on a loop.
3) i have a life. i am a student, i do not only focus on writing. any questions, please go ahead and read the main rules.
what genres/themes are my favourite and often explore?
mostly dark themes as i am a dark writer; yandere, dark fairytales, dolls - toys, maid cafes, jesters & clowns — circus & carnivals, orphanages/boarding schools, survival games, zombies, apocalypse and many more with the same vibes mentioned above. for more info, please go to the rules section.
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thasdorah · 1 year
Did Alleria develop any coping mechanisms to deal with the thousand years war she fought away from home? Did she ever hit a breaking point during this time? How did she stay sane through it all? Does she have any lingering habits that stayed with her now that the war is over?
meta asks ♡
— @shxwmaster
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the first and most important thing that kept her going was her motivation to fight in the first place. in the war against the horde, depression and suicidal ideation, as well as a desire for vengeance, are what lead her back to the field — without a let out to her grief, she turns it into violence. but by the time she agrees to fight beside the army of the light, her perspective is considerably different.
starting from the beginning, i think it's important to point out just why alleria believed it was so fundamental to be part of the fight against the legion — because on a personal level, she did want to go back to azeroth and her family. but she is made to believe her role in fighting the legion is fundamental, to an extent denying to fight would be denying her planet a chance to survive. and this isn't at all out of any notion she is just that special (alleria certainly doesn't feel she is). but when a naaru, who she would have seen as the closest thing to a divine being she's ever interacted with (and not any naaru, but the so-called mother of light, older than azeroth itself, who she had no reason to doubt had the purest intentions at the time) suggests that you have to fight the legion, you specifically, or everything is lost, how can you say no?
Within you two [alleria and turalyon], there is hope for the universe.
that's like. one of the first things she says in that conversation. hope for the universe. and even then, when she suggests azeroth will be endangered, alleria's immediate reply is then we go back immediately and rally every nation to war, and even when xe'ra replies it won't be enough she argues it'll have to be, and after a whole speech about how they're fundamental to find something that'll destroy the legion, alleria agrees, not despite not being able to go back to her family, but for the ones she wishes she could go back to.
"I would do anything to protect Arator, to protect my people and my world. If there are enemies bent on destroying it, then I will not rest. I will give my life if necessary."
ultimately, that's what keeps her going. growing weary of fighting isn't an option any more than not staying to fight the legion was, no matter how much she may wish otherwise. and of course, ultimately that doesn't change that so much war takes its toll on her, that she's certainly a lot more hardened when she comes back to azeroth, that she doesn't know how to relax and enjoy peace because she spent a thousand years not knowing what that was. but, much like her strength against the void is found in love, i think that's true generally speaking. alleria holds on to the things that are important to her, the reasons why she's doing it in the first place. and it keeps her going.
like with any war, she would have had rest on occasion and eventual periods of whatever passed as leisure in a spaceship with the army of the light. in her free time, it would've helped to try to not think about the war — but she inevitably thinks a lot about the things she misses from home. i headcanon she took up drawing in that time as a way to remember and pour those feelings somewhere, when she missed a place or a person with particular intensity. there were likely books to be read, and maybe the occasional game to be played.
but staying in the xenedar for too long would have left her restless. she never liked staying inside for long periods of time; she's particularly prone to restlessness when there are demons to fight and kill before they can act against her planet. dealing with that would involve keeping herself busy with something that required her focus or would tire her out, like physical training.
overall, though, i think alleria's biggest problem was not having to deal with war, but that she came to not know how to exist outside of it. she brought a lot with her that quite frankly she can't get rid of, such as an enormous avoidance to talk about things or be in situations that remind her of distressing events (and even repressing thoughts of those things), constant alertness to her surroundings, and being largely desensitized to violence. she's exceptional on the battlefield, and it seems nothing can rattle her nerves — but you put her in a different situation and tell her to live a normal life and she wouldn't know where to start.
i think it's important to note she's already lived for centuries when she joins the alliance, and that she's been a ranger (and raised to be a general) for most of her life. she's not new to losing comrades and seeing people hurt, or being in life or death situations. the change here is the time the conflict lasts. but even when you think of what she's fighting, there's no great coping mechanism required to kill demons, they aren't seen as people as the people of azeroth's various races would be.
alleria also spent some time not necessarily at war while initially deserting the army of the light to seek out the void and the locus-walker (though she was still fighting on her own, and continued to face the legion, which eventually led to her imprisonment in niskara), her time training in the void itself, and her later imprisonment by the army of light. none of those circumstances were without their own share of stress and mental strain, nonetheless (quite the opposite). in many ways, those extreme environments also reinforced some of her behaviors mentioned before, be it in holding on to what she loves not to lose sight of what this is all for, or making her even more watchful of her environment, suspicious of most things, desensitized to violence and even more stressed about any mildly confining space, to name a few things.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Can I request yandere pro heroes Bakugo and Kirishima being so so gentle as they train their darling to take their cocks, alternating between comforting and praising her and discussing her reactions amongst themselves?
♡ So Good ♡
(A/N: Ohhhh, I loved writing this one 🥺🥺🥺💖 I honestly have been in a smut writing mood so this came in at the exact right time!! I need to write more poly!BakuKiri honestly lol!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, NSFW, DUB-CON (I think), double penetration, praise, slight size kink, slight cockwarming
Summary: Eijiro and Katsuki train you to take them both at once (Yan!Bakugou x Fem!reader x Yan!Kirishima)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You drop your head, diggings your nails into Eijiro’s shoulder. He doesn’t mind though, you’re just trying to support yourself and hold onto anything you can. You’re currently smushed between Eijiro and Katsuki, Eijiro underneath and Katsuki above you.
“You’re okay, angel. You’re doing so well” Eijiro says, bringing one of his hands up to cup your face. You don’t respond much other than trying to even your breathing. Eijiro’s already inside you, as much as it hurt him to just sit there, he did. He was going to be taking you from the front while Katsuki was going to be taking you from the back.
You whine as Katsuki pushes further into you. You can’t find the strength to say anything so you shake your head, a sign for him to stop and to let you have a break. “You want to stop? But I’m half way in, you’re being so good” he mumbles in your ear. Outright praise from him was rare yet now he was telling you how good you are for him.
“Mhm, you’re such a good girl, baby. I know you can take it” Eijiro praises, feeling your grip get even tighter as Katsuki pushes even deeper. You just feel so full. You can not even imagine what it will feel like when both of them start actually start moving.
“I-It hurts...” you mumble, letting out a small whine after. Your watery eyes meet Eijiro’s and he can’t help but just hold you. You look so sweet. Although there’s a deep part of him that wants to see you cry more, cry out of pleasure that both of them bring you as they pound into you.
“Aww, I know it hurts. But you’re doing so good, and soon enough you won’t even notice that it hurts because it feels so good” Eijiro says, flashing you a smile you feel like you can’t refuse. Katsuki lets out a grunt in agreement, not talking as he’s focus on how good you feel around him.
Finally, both of them bottom out inside of you. “We go one round like this but then we switch. I wanna see how her face looks right now, I bet it’s so fucking hot” Katsuki says, as if you can’t hear him. You let out a small whine at his words, embarrassed by the whole situation.
“Oh, it is. She looks so pretty from this angle” Eijiro coos, lifting your chin so you’re forced to look at him. Your pretty face has a small pout on it, your eyes watery, and your eyebrows scrunched together. Yup, definitely pretty from this angle. Although, he imagines how your beautiful body looks from Katsuki’s angle.
Katsuki leans forward, his cock going even deeper into you, his chest now flush against your back. He bites down on your neck, making sure it’s hard enough to leave a mark for a couple of days. Eijiro smirks at your small moan, loving how flustered you look.
“Well, shall we start moving?”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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