#i couldn’t do that to elder onion…..
shalpilot · 5 months
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canary0 · 1 year
May 5 - Dracula 2023
The morning’s mist has faded, and despite the sun being high in the sky, I can’t tell whether the jagged spires on the horizon are built of mountain peaks or trees. It’s so distant that it just melds into a distant faded blue. I won’t be called upon until I wake, so I will write until I’m finally sleepy. It’s been a very strange day, and it wasn’t like the other day where I can point to paprika as the culprit of any strange imaginings. The evening before I left, I had frigărui, Romanian-style kebabs with beef, bacon, onion, and capsicum, so it wasn’t anything too rich or spicy.
When I went to meet the bus, the driver was outside, speaking to some of the hotel staff. They kept glancing toward me, so I can only assume that they were talking about me. The others waiting for it got into the talk, as well. It was mostly the older members of the group – the few young people didn’t seem to have much interest in the conversation. If I’m not mistaken, I spotted a few eye rolls.
I didn’t catch everything that was said, but a quick translate search turned up some less than comforting responses. Among other words were “ordog” and “pokol” – “devil” and “hell” in Hungarian, and “vlkoslak” – “werewolf” in Serbian, Slovak, and Slovenian. Their manner was one of utmost seriousness, which is troubling to say the least. The young people didn’t seem to believe it from their mannerisms, but it did make me wonder if something is happening out here to make the elders think in terms of werewolves so apparently sincerely. I will have to ask the Count about the situation.
As I got onto the bus the group, that had swelled more than expected, crossed themselves and pointed two fingers for me. I asked what they were doing, and after a bit of prodding and finding out I was English and totally unfamiliar with the gesture, and it was explained that it was a guard against the evil eye. I think they were trying to guard me from it, since their expressions ranged from fear to genuine sympathy and sorrow. Given I was going to be going to an unknown place to meet an unknown man, it drained my confidence about the trip even further. I couldn’t help but be touched by their concern, though. I will never forget the last sight I had of them, sitting in the bus and looking out at the group, set against a backdrop of the oleander and orange trees near the hotel’s entrance.
The dark implications were quickly wiped from my mind as we took off, though. I still noticed a few glances my way, and if I had known the languages those around me spoke quietly in, I likely wouldn’t have been able to shake off the mood so easily if I could have understood what I was hearing. We were heading into the foothills, and it was emerald green and covered in forests and fields. Some of the hills were topped with little farmhouses or clusters of trees, and there were so many fruit blossoms I couldn’t identify all of them as we passed. The grass under the trees looked like it was covered in little snow drifts of petals that ranged from pure white to nearly electric pink.
The road was winding and seemed to disappear around every hill and dip in and out of the pine forests that ran down the hillsides like tongues of flame. After the wildfires that seem to have become more and more common as the years have gone on, I can only hope they won’t eventually become literal tongues of flame.
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Photo by Andrei Calin from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/photos/mountain-sunset-tihuta-nature-2791233/)
The road was rough, but that didn’t seem to slow down the driver, who took us along the winding curves with all haste to get to Prundu Bârgăului. There were even a few curves that made me nervous with the height of the bus and the forces as we went around, as well as the road that hadn’t been fixed up since this year’s snow. I’ve been told this road is normally excellent. There was a time in history, I read, where they wouldn’t keep the roads through the Carpathians in order, as a peacekeeping method. Fixing up the road might make the very nearby at the time Ottoman Empire think that they were preparing an offensive. I suppose, with the tradition in place, that really would have been the reason.
Just outside of the little towns and isolated farms, as you look up, forests begin to fill the land as they climb up toward the peaks of the mountains. The afternoon sun lit them up in all their colors – green and brown on the hillsides, blue and purple where the crags hid the mountain faces from the sun. the snowy peaks rose further above that in the distance, almost looking like especially stark clouds from the way the mountains faded into a paler blue in the distance. Every once in a while the sun lit on the reflection of running water where a stream of melted snow cut through the rock with the arrival of spring.
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Photo by Vitaliy UA from Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/zhtvE8s2Hxo)
One of the other passengers got my attention and pointed to an unusual flat formation that rose high among the mountains. “Look! Isten széke!” He said. Connection was well lost by then, so I’m not sure what it meant, but he crossed himself when he said it, so there must be some connection to religion.
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Photo by Kántor Lajos in Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Isten_sz%C3%A9ke.jpg)
We had headed out quite late, and as the hour wore on, it seemed like twilight came early. The sun dipped below the peaks, its rays lighting up the snow that still capped the mountains in a delicate pink, link the fruit blossoms before. In the low light, I could see sights that were new to me – hay bales lifted into trees, and copses of weeping birch, their silvery bark seeming to shin in the low light between the leaves that hung about them, bright green in their newness. There were a few small religious shrines on the side of the road, which seemed almost always occupied with a person. The people at each one didn’t even look up when vehicles passed, seeming lost in their devotion. I mentioned to another passenger how I wish I had the opportunity between my work to take a walk through the hills, and the man turned to me and gave the least smile-like smile I had seen on a person, an upturn of the lips that didn’t meet the eyes paired with a voice that bore grim finality. “No… you must not walk here. The dogs are too fierce… and you may have enough of such matters before you sleep.
He glanced at those nearby and received similarly humorless chuckles in turn.
As the sun dipped further, the driver accelerated, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the speed we were going was legal on roads like these. The bus lurched stressfully around curves, and the older riders seemed to lack any concern for it, glancing out the window and urging the driver faster, it seemed like, if anything. I gripped the seat ahead of me, my teeth clenched as I gave a silent prayer that the bus didn’t overbalance entirely around the next tight curve. As we went, despite the lack of stability, some of the passengers offered me a variety of strange gifts… or rather, they gave them to me, since the offer seemed to include no room for argument. Always with a ward against the evil eye, like at the hotel before.
The clouds had gathered thick and fast as we traveled, which may be why it seemed that night came so quickly – it was like midnight not long after dusk, and only the headlights of the bus lit the darkness. Many of the riders seemed to peer out intently into the darkness as if expecting something, but I couldn’t see much of anything in the deep shadow.
Finally, the headlights lit upon a pale track and the bus rolled to a stop, but the driver didn’t turn off the engine. The driver muttered something in Romanian and checked his phone and the clock on the front console of the bus. He turned toward me, as I was sitting at the very front, just to his side. “It seems that your vehicle isn’t here. It is fine, I will be happy to take you on to Bucovina-”
His statement was interrupted by the appearance of a calèche – an actual honest-to-goodness horse-drawn carriage like you might see carrying tourists around London, but with four horses instead of one, a lantern hanging from a hook on it. The passengers gasped, some crossed themselves, and some seemed as confused as I was. The bus driver sucked in a breath through his teeth that I could hear from my seat and tensed as though bracing himself for the unmoving bus to ram into the thing. The horses, where they waited in the headlights, were deep black and elegant creatures, and would have blended into the darkness if not for the bus. The carriage was driven by a man with a long brown beard and a wide-brimmed black hat that concealed his face. I only got a brief glance at his eyes, bright and the sort of unusual shade of brown that looks red in the right light.
He rapped on the door of the bus and the driver opened it, moving down the short stairs with trepidation. I could hear their conversation, as close as I was to the door, and see them as they stood in the night.
The tall man who drove the coach spoke first. “You’re early tonight, my friend.”
“Th-the Englishman was i-in a hurry,” the driver replied, body even more stiff than when he braced on the bus, now looking like a rabbit ready to bolt at the sound of a wolf.
“That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bucovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend; I know too much, and my horses are swift.” He grinned, or bared teeth, at least. And what teeth. Deeply white enough to gleam even in the darkness, the light reflection almost making them look sharp, set in a mouth with deep red lips.
Across from me, I heard an older man murmur a line from Burger’s “Lenore”:
“-denn die Todten reiten schnell.” “For the dead travel fast.”
The carriage driver seemed to overhear him, because he looked up, straight at the passenger, and smiled. The man shrank back in his seat and went silent. He turned back to his conversation with the bus driver, instructing him to give him my luggage.
As the bus driver opened the underbelly of the bus and took out my bags, I disembarked from the vehicle and stepped up the to carriage, which had gotten surprisingly close to the bus. It was a little awkward, since I had only ever seen one of these, and never ridden in one. The driver reached down with a grip like a tempered steel band.
The bus shifted into gear nearby once I was settled and returned to its route through the night. I could briefly see the faces of some of the passengers backlit in the windows as they rode away before the interior lights turned off. A few of them did the sign warding against the evil eye one last time before it disappeared into the night. When it did, a lonely feeling came over me, intensified by the fact that I couldn’t help but be struck by the enormous kindness of the people here.
A chill came over me with their disappearance, but the driver draped a cloak over my shoulder on top of my coat and a warm blanket over my lap. “The night is chill, sir, and my master the Count bade me take all care of you. There is a flask of slivovitz underneath the seat, if you should require it.” Slivovitz is a plum brandy of the country, and while I had hoped to try it at some point during my trip, it seemed wise to keep as much heat internal rather than external as I could. Besides, with the tension and such a strange situation, a clear head seemed the wiser course. Fear held onto me, and I wondered what would have happened if I really had simply continued on the bus to Bucovina… But who knows what would have happened then.
The driver went hard on the horses and we rode relatively rapidly along the dirt track that headed out into the hills. It went a long way in one way, then we turned along another long track and continued. There’s an old joke that two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do. I made note of a landmark, a vividly red peony, standing out to me and reminding me of the coachman’s eyes as it caught the light. In a while, we did indeed come by it again, confirming my suspicions. We were going in circles.
We must have been doing it for hours, as it was close to midnight when I finally risked running down the battery to check my phone for the time. I tucked it away and looked around, waiting in the rattling, bouncing conveyance with trepidation. Perhaps the days events were clinging to my mind.
Soon, a dog in the distance sent up a howl. Then another joined it. One by one, more howls joined until the land itself seemed to be raising a wail to the heavens. The horses began to strain and rear in a panic but the driver seemed to be able to quiet them down. I couldn’t help but notice their trembling, though. Then another howl picked up, sharper and different somehow. Is this what wolves sounded like? I had never heard a wolf howl before, and it seemed a wholly different thing from a mere dog’s howl. It awakened a primordial fear ion me, and I felt as ready as the horses to bolt. They seemed to panic, and the driver did everything he could to keep them from bolting. Keeping them under control was a feat of effort that needed the kind of strength I’d felt in his hand.
He managed it, and then got down to pet and soothe them once they were relatively still. Once they were still, we took off again once more, this time taking a much smaller track sharply to the right off the dirt road – or series of roads – we had traversed until now. We had to be heading up into the mountains, because those forests I had seen in the distance were now hemming in all around us, creating a tunnel of wood and occasionally great rocks on either side of the coach. The wind grew as it does up a mountain, and a fine snow soon began to fall, making me pull the cloak tighter around me. Whether it was from fear or cold more I’m not sure, because the sound of the wolves now grew louder while the howling of the dogs faded away behind us.
Suddenly, I saw a blue flame off to the left, and the driver suddenly stopped us and hopped out onto the road, disappearing into the darkness almost immediately. I heard the wolves coming closer and wondered for a moment what he was thinking just leaving the horses and myself behind, but he soon reappeared and we were off again. I wonder if I fell asleep at that point, because it seemed like it happened many more times, over and over, as if in a loop.
One time he stopped at one close enough that I could see what was going on somewhat by the lamplight. He built a small caern at the location where the flame appeared and… I think they must be some sort of optical illusion, because at one time he was standing before the flame and I could see it through him. I suspect the night had gone on too long and frayed my nerves too thin at that point.
Of course, that is not to say they could not be shaken further. At one point, he went much farther away, and the horses became much more alarmed than before. They reared and screamed, and I didn’t know why until the moon emerged from behind a tall, jagged rock, illuminating the surroundings. The wolves, which had gone silent when I was paying more attention to the coachman’s strange activities, now surrounded us. They were graceful, moving silently in the night, all the more frightening for their silence.
As the moon lit on their fur, it almost seemed to have an effect on them – they let out a long howl. It was a beautiful, mournful sound that froze my heart to ice in terror. We were surrounded – the horses clearly wanted to bolt but could not. Their rearing and rattling of the calèche broke me out of my frozen state, at least, and I shouted into the woods for the coachman, and beat on the side of the vehicle to perhaps scare the wolves into backing away a little to give them a way in.
It seemed my efforts were unneeded, however. He appeared down the road and spoke to the wolves in an imperious tone, making a sweeping gesture before him. The wolves seemed to be cowed and backed away farther and farther. The wind obscured the moon behind heavy cloud cover again, and I was left in blackness again. The driver soon climbed into the calèche again and the horses were driven forward again without incident, the wolves apparently gone.
We went up and up, only dipping briefly in deference to the natural shape of mountains, interminably to the point where I lost track of time. It seemed to me like it should have been dawn long before, but stress and the strange choice of conveyance had clearly made the trip seem much longer than it was. I was starting to understand why it was a calèche. I doubt many motorized vehicles could have gone the way we were.
Eventually, I came out of the fog of endless rattling, rising terrain, and into the realization that the coachman was pulling us into the courtyard of an ancient, ruined castle. We were above the clouds now, it seemed, but even with the shine of the moon, the castle was dark. No light shined from its windows, and its crumbling towers stretched into the sky, as spire to match the grand and terrifying peaks that surrounded it.
I suspect what I thought was mere mental fog must have been sleep from physical and mental exhaustion, because otherwise I certainly would have seen a place like this approach. Or perhaps I did, and I simply mistook it from one of the grand formations of rock around us, a monument to the forces of the earth. Even the courtyard seemed large, with many exits that went under round archways. It was difficult to tell the size in the darkness.
The coachman helped me down – and once again, I noticed the unyielding strength of his hand that could have crushed mine whenever he wishes – and took my bags down. Once again, he alighted on the calèche and drove it away, leaving me before the door to the castle.
The door itself was massive and of ancient wood, with iron nails driven into it. A massive stone frame ensconced it that looked like it had once been elaborately carved, but time and the cutting wind of the mountains had worn it down. The whole thing was built on a scale that suggested something much larger than a mere human, an entrance for some titan.
I wasn’t quite sure what to do – there was no bell or knocker, my voice wouldn’t likely penetrate the thick stone walls, and I doubted I could move the heavy wood and iron door myself. I was left only with the cold, the silence except for the wind, and my own thoughts.
What had I gotten myself into, and with whom? Was this some right of passage for a solicitor’s clerk – strange ordeals to see strange clients for what should be a mundane legal matter?
Clerk… No, I was a full solicitor now. Mina wouldn’t want me to sell myself short. And Mina… what I wouldn’t have given at that moment to be able to call and hear her voice. But this adventure had left me truly alone up here – more alone than I realized I had ever been. I’ve been surrounded by connections my entire life, held them in my hand. And now… nothing. Just me, the mountains, and a dark castle, as though the rest of the world had simply ceased to exist.
I thought for a moment I was having a terrible nightmare, but a pinch didn’t lead me to wake up at home. All I could do was wait.
Just as the thought came upon me, I picked up the sound of movement. Heavy footsteps – and light! That had come to feel like a precious resources tonight. The clanking of heavy chains and the scrape of stubborn iron bolts sounded behind the heavy door. Something creaked and then there was a sharp clack as an old lock finally gave. The ancient timber groaned as it moved in what sounded like the first time in ages.
Revealed as the door swung back was a tall man, old, his long, white mustache his only facial hair. He was dressed from head to toe in black. There was not a single spot of color on his entire outfit. He was wholly monochrome, the ancient silver lantern in his hand the only hint at anything about him not wholly black or white. When he spoke it was in English, in an odd tone.
“Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own will!” He stood entirely still after he spoke, as if he had turned to stone. It was eerie, much like the odd specificity of his statement. It wasn’t easing my mind further, to be sure.
Once I stepped over the threshold, he became more animate, reaching out to take my hand once I had put down my bags. The stone analogy only seemed more apropos when he did – his hand was enormously strong and very cold. He seemed like a man made of marble. When I type that out here, I can’t shake off the memory of a story in a horror anthology about a lily being turned to marble.
“Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring!” he said again, and his handshake brought to mind the coachman and the strength in his hands. I had to confirm, and asked, “Count Dracula?”
He nodded. “I am Dracula; and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house. Come in; the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest,” he said as he put his lamp in a bracket on the wall and picked up my luggage. I didn’t have time to stop him, but he clearly noticed what I meant by stepping forward and holding my hand out. His words brushed off my aborted effort, though. “Nay, sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my people are not available. Let me see to your comfort myself.”
I wanted to protest further, but it seemed rude past that insistence. I followed along behind him through a passage, then up a winding staircase upward, and down a long passage again. Our footsteps echoed on the stone all around wherever we went with nothing to soften the sound of our passing. He pushed open a heavy door, and behind it was what felt like the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.
A warm, well-lit room, with dinner set out and cheerily burning logs within the fireplace. After everything else that has gone on tonight, I could have cried to see it.
He inclined his head courteously to me. “You will need, after your journey, to refresh yourself by changing. I trust you will find all you wish. When you are ready, come into the other room, where you will find your supper prepared.”
I was so relieved by everything here that my fears were dispelled for the moment, and I changed quickly and went to the room he’d indicated. When I arrived, dinner was already laid out, and the Count stood to one side of the fireplace. He gestured to the tabled. “Please, have a seat and dine as you please. I have already eaten, so you will forgive me if I do not join you.”
I didn’t sit down just yet – instead, I brought out the letter Mr. Hawkins had entrusted me to deliver. The count read it solemnly, then smiled and handed it back for me to read as well. Looking it over curiously, I was pleased to see one passage in particular.
“I must regret that an attack of gout, from which malady I am a constant sufferer, forbids absolutely any traveling on my part for some time to come; but I am happy to say I can send a sufficient substitute, one in whom I have every possible confidence. He is a young man, full of energy and talent in his own way, and of a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service. He shall be ready to attend on you when you will during his stay, and shall take your instructions in all matters.”
Once that was read, the Count took off the lid of my supper, with turned out to be of exquisite quality. A whole roast chicken, cheese, a salad, and a bottle of sweet Tokaji wine. I had two glasses, which went very well with the rest of the food and admittedly did some to calm my feelings further after this evening’s harrowing journey. He asked me many questions about my journey, and I shared all I could with him; though after the veiled threat of his coachman to the bus driver, I may have left out some of the actions of the people I’d encountered that might cause them trouble.
Now that I had a chance to look at him, he was very unique in his features. A strong jaw and a thing, aquiline nose, with thicker hair than I might expect from someone of his apparent age. His ears and teeth almost looked pointed, and he had quite thin lips, though very red, which reminded me again of the coachman. His cheeks were very thing, and between that and his very cold hands, I had to wonder if he had been ill in some way.
His nails were cut to a point, and when he reached over and touch my hand, the mood of the evening before made me shiver, thinking of the damage sharp nails and strong hands could do. He apparently noticed and drew back with a grim sort of smile, settling into silence for a while.
Eventually, the sound of wolves echoed up through the window from the valley below, and I glanced at the window, the image of them surrounding the coach rising vividly to mind. He seemed to notice the change in the direction of my gaze. His eyes lit up, and he said, “Listen to them—the children of the night. What music they make!”
I swallowed, not sure what to say. It was beautiful, genuinely, but haunting… and I had certainly had enough of that feeling for the night. He picked up on my mood – if nothing else, he is certainly observant. “Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter.” He rose. “But you must be tired. Your bedroom is all ready, and to-morrow you shall sleep as late as you will. I have to be away till the afternoon; so sleep well and dream well!”
With that, he left for an octagonal room, and I went into my bedroom and set up something I got before I went, when Mr. Hawkins warned me that there likely wouldn’t been much in the way of electricity up here – a small solar generator, and some panels I can set up on the window sill, or hang from the window, perhaps. It will let me continue to charge my laptop, at least, so I can keep writing this and do the electronic portion of my work for the Count.
This day has been all too strange, and going over it again in my mind, I can’t help the fear from before that rises back again on the reminder of it all. I wonder, and my thoughts are strange – things I dare not admit to my own soul.
I hope I can keep it together, if only for the sake of those dear to me.
(A/N: Oh my god, that was a lot… especially for how little really changed between this and the book. Dracula is a bit stuck in the past… and with the location of the castle, it would be a gigantic pain to get gas up there, so he still uses the caleche. I rather enjoy how bizarre it is to a modern mind.
I think it’s appropriate for Jon’s connection to the outside world and ability to sort out his thoughts (and keep his sanity) is now powered by the sun.
I did my best to put all this in my own words. The only thing super unchanged are Dracula's lines and some descriptions that were too vital to the ambiance not to use. Because Dracula's an unaging undead creature and you gotta have vibes.)
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sassylassy123 · 1 year
The Sun And The Moon
Chapter 12 - Wedding
"I ask you one last time, are you sure you don't want to elope?" Divyanshi asked Dushala while placing the mangtika on her head.
"Heavens no! Sindhraj is such a good man." Dushala pouted.
"Babe, he isn't." Divyanshi sighed.
"Yes, he isn't." Draupadi agreed.
"Exactly, he isn't." Krishnn agreed.
"See, he is agreeing too!" Divyanshi spoke, "But only if you want to marry him, we can spare his life."
"What do you mean by sparing his life?" Dushala asked, "You weren't going to kill him, right?" she chuckled. Divyanshi didn't say anything, avoiding eye contact. Draupadi cleared her throat and Krishnn left the room before being questioned. "Right?"
"Obviously no! Silly!" Divyanshi hugged Dushala, while hugging her she signed Draupadi to hide the sword under the pillow.
"You almost gave me a heart attack." Dushala said.
The moment finally came which Dushala waited for but Divyanshi didn't much. Dushala sat at the mandap and the rituals were performed. Divyanshi felt the sudden feeling to puke when she looked at Sindhraj, the thought that Dushala, a beautiful angel like woman was getting married to a man who looked worse than Freddy Krueger made her sick. Which reminded her of Draupadi, she looked sick too.
"Are you ok?" she asked Draupadi.
"Yes, what would happen to me?" Draupadi lightly laughed at her question.
"Did you see the vaidya after the ring ceremony?" Divyanshi questioned.
"Oh! I forgot." Draupadi remembered, "I will after the wedding."
"I don't think you will. I will make sure to take you to the vaidya with me." Divyanshi said.
"Yeah, yeah." Draupadi muttered.
It was done. The wedding was over and Dushala was now married to Jaydrath. Divyanshi was uncomfortable by seeing Dushala standing next to Jaydrath. The newly wed couple stood in front of the palace, the elders gave them their blessing, Jaydrath didn't like the idea of bending down to touch his elders feet; he grunted each time he had to touch someone's feet.
Divyanshi hugged Dushala and sneakily handed her a mini dagger and a small vial of some liquid, assumingly poison, "If he hurts you-"
"You want me to kill myself?" Dushala questioned.
"Oh! Hell no!" Divyanshi said, "Either kill him in his sleep or poison his morning tea. Remember, I am always there for you and if you want to run like right now blink once. Also, if you change your mind and will elope afterwards, you can go to Dwarka, your brother will send you back otherwise."
"I hope those thing to not happen." Dushala assured her.
"What is this strange feeling? Who's cutting onions?" Divyanshi couldn't hold back her tears.
"I know you love me and I would love to elope with you in my next life but listen here," Dushala started, "I absolutely support your relationship with 'him' but wait till you guys are married."
"Wait for what?" Divyanshi asked.
"And I thought you were the bad influence." Dushala sighed and hugged her once again before leaving with Jaydrath.
"I wonder if I did wrong." Divyanshi heard Duryodhan as he watched his sister leave.
"No, Yuvraj Duryodhan. It had to be done or else there would've been a war." Dushasan said.
"I am sorry what?" Nakul objected raising his voice.
"What happened?" asked Dushasan.
"I guess I heard you wrong. It's not 'Yuvraj' Duryodhan because the last time I remember it was 'Yuvraj' Yudhisthir and oh, it still is!" Nakul said.
"No, it my brother who was crowned to be the king." Dushasan protested.
"Well, we forgive you for your mistake, Pandu putr Nakul but it is now Duryodhan who is the Yuvraj." Shakuni interrupted.
"If the people who tried to burn us alive in Lakshagraha succeeded, I am sure it would've been Duryodhan who'd be the next king but as you can see, we are alive." Bheem said, "He is not the Yuvraj."
"Why is it always me who gets stuck in family drama?" Divyanshi questioned her life then remembered she didn't have one.
"Who cares about what happened in the past?" Duryodhan spoke up, "I am the Yuvraj! And I get to be the next king!"
"Tell your 'bestie' to calm down!" Divyanshi whispered to Karn.
"What's a 'bestie'?" he asked.
"Ugh! Why can't just I die?" she muttered.
"You did die once. It wasn't so pleasant." Krishnn reminded her.
"This is injustice!" Arjun spoke, "Pitamah, why don't you say something?"
"I understand you, putr but now is not the time to discuss this." Bhism said, "I will discuss with elders and announce about this topic tomorrow."
"Such a good day which is ruined. Wonderful!" Divyanshi sighed and went to her room.
She lied on the bed without taking of her jewellery. She groaned at the thought of Draupadi leaving, it was obvious that the Pandavs would get Indraprasth. She heard a knock on the door. She got up and opened it, it was Karn.
"You didn't come at our place, I thought you were sick." Karn said. They both spend time together in the palace garden. They both knew that their feeling were mutual but both didn't have the courage to admit it.
"I am not sick. I am worried." her voice was low. She motioned him to enter and he did. "I don't like the idea of the kingdom being divided between the brothers.
"But nothing has been announced." Karn said.
"I know what will happen tomorrow and I am worried about it." she sat on the bed.
"Maybe it will." he sat beside her, "Maybe the kingdom wouldn't get divided and the brothers will live peacefully."
"I would dye my hair pink if that comes true." she scoffed.
"Pink would look good on you." he tried to make her smile.
She didn't respond with a smile, instead with a sigh. "Kill me already!"
"Don't say those bad things!" he said, "God forbid but I won't be able to see you-" he couldn't complete.
"I am not dying soon. Don't worry about me and you aren't dying soon too. We can enjoy." she said.
"You've seen me die? Was it satisfying?" he asked. She looked at him with confusion in her eyes, she opened her mouth but closed it. "My death, was it peaceful? Did I do good?"
"Please don't make me answer that." she couldn't look into his eyes anymore.
"I did something bad, didn't I?" he questioned, "That is why you made me promise to-" he sighed, "I will choose. I choose you." he said with a firm look.
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leyhejuhyunghan · 1 year
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2023.1.25. At the park with mom near mom’s house in the Busan city. Today in the morning ate a meal with sea mustard soup and cooked rice. In the afternoon ate lunch with the same menu. Drank coffee and ate chocolate cookie. Shared butter ring cookie with my sisters. Did dishwashing. My sister Susan gave me hand creams and body lotion sample. Today sister Susan cleaned her room and made package for train luggage. My sisters Sujung and Susan are trying to find boyfriend of future good life partner. In the evening ate dinner with sea mustard soup and cooked rice and pickled onion. And ate butter ring cookie. Listened to the radio hr-iNFO and the classical music on YouTube. Today in the afternoon wrote a letter to boyfriend Stephan on messenger. I hope to marry him in the near future. And my boyfriend doesn’t need to prepare money for our wedding. After I could see Stephan in person and introduced him to my mother, with the help of my mother and her documents, I could go to the bank. After meeting Stephan, I hope to prepare wedding rings and wedding photographs, and lunch dining with my mother’s relatives. I couldn’t afford to wedding ceremony on my present social status. I would like to give my boyfriend Stephan small amount of dowry and prepare him laptop and cell phone. And if I could prepare for wedding vacation, I would like to go to Jeju Island with my mother and Stephan. My mother could drive fluently around Jeju Island. Today set budget for spending of my future wedding. And I hope to prepare ginseng tea set and dried sweetened ginseng product gifts for Stephan’s parents and his elder brother and family. Thankful mind for my boyfriend Stephan’s father Frank. Tomorrow in the afternoon I will do blankets laundry and dishwashing. In the evening will put out recycles and food waste. Have a safe and good day.
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stiltonbasket · 3 years
The babies. Anything about the babies. The babies getting lost in the rabbit field, the babies trying (and failing) to make breakfast for their parents, The babies and LQR. ANYTHING. as long as it involves the wangxian babies being cute and good babies
Lan Xiaohui's First Errand
by stiltonbasket
“Do you have your hat, A-Yu?”
“And your basket?”
Lan Yu holds up the meal basket dangling from his arm, full of delicious home-made snacks from his A-Niang’s kitchen. “Xiao-Yu has the basket!”
A week after his fourth birthday, Xiao-Yu sets off on his very first errand.
It goes (mostly) as expected.
魂兮歸来!何遠為些 室家遂宗,食多方些 稻粢穱麥,挐黄梁些 大苦醎酸,辛甘行些 粔籹蜜餌,有餦餭些 瑶漿蜜勺,實羽觴些 挫糟凍飲,酎清凉些 華酌既陳,有琼漿些
O soul, come back! Why should you go so far away? All your household have come to do you honor; all kinds of good food are ready: Rice, broom-corn, early wheat, mixed all with yellow millet; Bitter, salty, sour, hot and sweet: there are dishes of all flavors. Fried honey-cakes of rice flour and malt-sugar sweetmeats; Jade-like wine, honey-flavored, fills the winged cups Ice-cooled liquor, strained of impurities, clear wine, cool and refreshing; Here are laid out the patterned ladles, and here is sparkling wine.
—from Zhao hun (招魂), The Songs of the South
“Do you have your hat, A-Yu?”
“And your basket?”
Lan Yu holds up the meal basket dangling from his arm, full of delicious home-made snacks from his A-Niang’s kitchen. “Xiao-Yu has the basket!”
Xiao-Yu kicks up the hem of his short white gown, showing the toes of two tiny cloth boots as his A-Die secures his hat strings. “I have my shoes, too!”
He stands still while Papa inspects the rest of his outfit, making sure that his hair is brushed smooth and that his mo’e is straight, and then he smiles from ear to ear when his parents swoop down to kiss his chubby cheeks.
“Xiao-Yu will be careful,” Lan Yu declares, peering into the precious basket and wriggling with delight at the sight of the wrapped-up snacks tucked neatly inside. “I’ll be good all the way, and bring Shugong his lunch.”
Today is the day of Xiao-Yu’s first errand: now that his fourth birthday has come and gone, he’s finally old enough to begin helping his A-Die and Papa with their duties around the Cloud Recesses, and the first important duty that A-Die decided to delegate to him was the task of delivering a lunch basket to the meishi where his Lan-shugong lives.
“Shufu has been tired lately, so he would rather not go to the senior refectory to dine with the rest of the elders,” Papa explained at breakfast. “He could have his lunch delivered out, but the food from the sect kitchens does not help to build strength. Wei Ying will cook luncheon for all of us and set aside a portion for your Shugong, and you must climb up the stairs to the meishi and deliver it to him.”
A-Yu has never even been allowed up the stone staircase to the meishi without Yuan-gege or his father holding his hands, so he spent the morning of his fateful adventure in the kitchen, almost quivering with excitement as he watched A-Niang prepare their lunch. Today’s lunch is sure to be delicious, since A-Niang made sanxian doupi filled with green onions and sweet succulent shrimp, and fried mustard greens cooked with a sprinkle of sesame seeds—and there is even a pot of hearty vegetable soup, which Xiao-Yu was permitted to stir with an enormous wooden spoon almost longer than he is. Papa packed up the doupi in a clean waxed cloth, and wrapped Shugong’s serving of mustard greens with hot rice and lotus leaves, and A-Niang put the soup in a covered dish and bundled everything into Xiao-Yu’s little reed basket with three steaming honeycakes for Great-uncle’s dessert.
“Maybe I should take it,” Yuan-gege frets now, as Xiao-Yu hefts the basket and trots past the scrubbed wooden table where he, Jingyi-ge, and Qing-jiejie were doing their homework. “Isn’t that too heavy for you, A-Bao?”
“I’m not a baby anymore,” Lan Yu declares. “I can pull A-Die’s vegetable wagon all by myself, and now I’m going to climb up the big stair to Shugong!”
Yuan-gege whips around towards Papa, probably to ask whether someone so small should be climbing up that long, winding staircase all alone, but Xiao-Yu hums his favorite lullaby and continues on his way unperturbed. When he looks back on the threshold, Yuan-gege, Jingyi-ge, and A-Qing-jie have all gone away to study somewhere else; but Papa and A-Die are still there, and A-Yu blows them a kiss before jumping down the porch steps and setting off up the path that leads away from the jingshi.
“I’m a great adventurer, climbing a mountain,” he giggles to himself, as he trundles along the grassy track and passes the smaller, straighter footpath that goes to Uncle Xichen’s hanshi. The main Lan family lives along the slope of a hill, with Shugong’s house at the very top and the jingshi close to the bottom, and Uncle’s house is right in the middle; but the hill only gets steep past the hanshi, which is why Xiao-Yu is never allowed to climb above it alone. Or at least he never was until today, because now Xiao-Yu is big enough to help Papa and A-Die with all the important things they have to do as Excellency and Xinhua-jun, so he’ll get to the top of the hill in no time at all.
During most of his walks through the Cloud Recesses, Xiao-Yu stops to look at wildflowers and peer into fish ponds along the way; but Shugong is counting on him, so he turns away from all the tempting zhuge cai blossoms and plants his chubby little foot on the bottom-most stair, staring dizzily at the steep steps as they climb up, up, up before vanishing from view. He doesn’t have A-Niang’s hand to hang on to, to keep his balance, and it wouldn’t do him any good if he did—because A-Yu has to carry the lunch basket and take care not to spill the hot soup inside, and it takes both of his dimpled hands to keep the basket steady.
“Don’t worry, Shugong! I can do it!” Lan Yu exclaims, climbing up a few more steps before squeaking in alarm as the basket lurches to the side. Xiao-Yu stops and takes off the lid right away, dreading the sight of A-Die’s delicious soup splashed all over the honey cakes—but the tiny soup pot is still tightly closed and shows no signs of leaking, so he marches up the stairs as calmly as he can before coming to a halt again when he hears quiet footsteps behind him.
The hill is completely empty aside from shrubs, a few trees, and Xiao-Yu himself, so he frowns and walks for another minute or two before he spots a pair of footprints in the grass right beside the staircase. A-Yu keeps going this time, blinking curiously when the footprints keep pace with him all the way up the mountain: one set on his left, one on his right, and one on the stairs just six or seven steps below him. They must be friendly ghosts, who saw him by himself and decided to keep him company, but they would have made their presence known if they wanted Lan Yu to see that they were there—so he pretends not to notice them while he climbs the last several chi, putting one foot in front of the other until he struggles up to the top.
“I did it!” he cries, clutching the precious basket to his chest as the meishi comes into view. “Shugong, shugong, Xiao-Yu is here!”
The doors to the meishi slide open as if by magic, and then Great-uncle is there, and Xiao-Yu toddles towards him as fast as he can before offering up the lunch basket.
“A-Yu,” Great-uncle smiles, lifting Xiao-Yu into his arms. “How did you come up all this way alone, ah? You’re too small to walk so far alone.”
“Xiao-Yu was too small,” Lan Yu announces, bubbling like an overexcited teapot when his Shugong peers into the lunchbox and makes appreciative noises at the tasty meal inside. “But now I’m big, so I can bring you food from A-Niang and Papa when you’re not feeling well! Shugong, do you like it?”
Shugong hums low in his throat. “I can see...hm, is that doupi? And Wangji’s favorite honey cakes?”
“It’s A-Niang’s best doupi!” Xiao-Yu nearly glows with joy as Shugong carries him into the house and brings out the food, transferring it to a set of serving dishes with plum blossoms painted on them. He tastes one of the doupi squares first, closing his eyes as the flavor of shrimp and scallions hits his tongue, and Xiao-Yu grabs a stray chopstick and pokes the lid off the soup pot so that Shugong can smell how wonderful it is: light and rich and savory-sweet, with pieces of soft eggplant and red tomatoes floating on top.
“It tastes divine,” Great-uncle praises, unwrapping the lotus-leaf package that holds the rice and mustard greens. “If I eat another meal like this tomorrow, I might be able to run all the way from Gusu to Lanling without even stopping for breath.”
Xiao-Yu dances back down the mountain after that, so quickly that the friendly ghosts who accompanied him on the way up keep falling behind, and collapses into Papa’s arms in the jingshi with all the satisfaction of a job well done.
“Shugong will get all better now,” he sighs, snuggling into his father’s sandalwood-scented robes. “A-Niang’s food is magic.”
“Aiyah, Xiao-Yu,” A-Die teases, as Papa chuckles under his breath and hugs A-Yu a little tighter. “It’s not magic, sweetheart. But Uncle will eat well if he likes his food, and eggplant soup and honey cakes and greens are some of his favorite dishes.”
“Honey cakes are Xiao-Yu’s favorite, too!”
A-Die throws his head back and laughs, and Papa reaches for a honey cake and feeds it to Xiao-Yu piece by piece while he regales them with the story of his perilous trip up the mountain.
“It was so high up, and I got tired,” A-Yu says importantly, licking honey off his fingers. “And there were three nice ghosts with me, but I couldn’t give them a taste of the doupi because it was for Shugong.”
“Such well-mannered ghosts! Did they ask you for some of Shufu’s food?”
“There were ghosts on the hill when Xiao-Yu was on his way to the meishi?” Lan Jingyi squawks, peering around the jingshi’s kitchen door. “Where?”
A-Qing reaches up and deactivates her invisibility talisman before pinching Jingyi’s ear.
“Silly melon!” she hisses. “He must have seen our footprints in the grass. We were the ghosts, remember?”
“...Oh. Right.”
“Hush, both of you,” Lan Sizhui whispers, his heart swelling to nearly twice its size as A-Yu yawns and falls asleep right in Xian-ge’s lap. “We can’t let Yu’er know we were there, so hush and go along with him when he asks you to help him look for his ghosts, all right?”
(And with that, the three of them tiptoe away, leaving little Xiao-Yu to his dreams in the warmth of his parents’ arms.)
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illegiblewords · 3 years
NOTE: This was originally going to be a collection where everything was in one post, but it legitimately got so big that the post couldn’t save. And doing by halvesies broke all the links. So instead, I’m going to try and separate it into smaller chunks and see if that works.
I’ve mentioned in the past, the main thing that made me start playing FFXIV properly was seeing people’s character designs. I’m still blown away by the creativity and range of approaches people bring to this game, so I’ve decided to be an absolute madwoman and break my favorites into subcategories to share with anyone curious.
And to be clear. I’m not going to do something so broad as “oh top ten in-general :3″ because that would be sensible. No, I’m going to do it for all the current combat jobs. And all the current races. And different genders within the races and combat jobs as things stand. And I’m going to make a face-focus subcategory. And there are gonna be LOTS. Because I seriously cannot understate how inspired I’ve been by this community, and after however many years I just feel the need to vomit some incredible visuals I’ve encountered at you guys lol.
ANOTHER NOTE: In an abundance of caution, I want to stress this list isn’t a value judgment on anyone but a fragment of things that blew me personally away. Looking at the DRK sections it will be immediately clear that I Illegible really like that edgy dark knight aesthetic lmao, but there are plenty of non-edgy dark knights that I also love to bits. Other people might not like edgy dark knights. Due to a combination of size and search constraints plus trying to keep gear somewhat varied, these glamours are just what wound up on this particular list of mine. I could make another list one day. Other people can make lists too that are totally different.
Without further ado, let us begin.
- Leviathan’s Envoy by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Durium by Mihna Nhokiri
- Crimson Dragoon by Kotone Khatayin
- Heavenly Knight by Ciel Leblanc
- Gold Dragon Knight by Makenshi Dragonsbane
- Athena - The Goddess of War by Lohia Aihol
- Ryubi Warrior by Korkana Ryubi
- Native Warg by Schan Starfall
- Stranger from Across the Ruby Sea by Vederah Kilmister
- Onion Knight by Tess Tickle
- A Slumbering God’s Herald by Lud Wachtel
- The Elder Primals - Neath Dark Waters by Cassius Toledo
- The Occupied Drow City of Skalla by Leon Aquitaine
- Dravanian Viking by Sarafina Vadre
- The Wolf by J'roric Citlalloh
- Tribal Hrothgar Dragoon by Noxelus Virmire
- whitewind by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Edensguard by Kyo Ise
- Dragonblood Knight by Sylvaire Catrevaut
- Mercenary in Mixed Metals by Filibert Lilibert
- Of Crimson Plumage by Cyrene Devana
- Crimson Wanderer by Sierra Delacroix
- Warmonger by Ethelin Aldren
- Yoroi of the Black Dragon by Mog Champ
- Cute war criminal by Nunui Nui
- Sirens Beckon by Adeline Grace
- Black Tide by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Kotetsu by Leisha Aysheen
- Neo - Universe’s Echo (SAM) by Goelia Sarantia
- Samurai Vagabond by Tranquil Rain
- The Dragon of Doma by Ky Tanimura
- Shadow of the Shifting Sands by Dai Tachibana
- Homura by Remearus Maes
- Monster Slayer by Kaien Shimazu
- Good Hunting by Remearus Maes
- Jury by Remearus Maes
- Ronin of the Steppe by Remearus Maes
- Dominicus Secutor by Remearus Maes
- Warg Samu by Fena Mizu
- White Dragon by The Solideizer
- Midori no Ninja by Dezel Windriders
- Phtonos by R'yo Aderyd
- Neo - Flower Bowknot by Goelia Sarantia
- Church Assassin by Ien Torr
- Little Bat by Messenger Pigeon
- Birdkeep by Nya Nya
- Astrological Sign - Taurus by Leisha Aysheen
- The Nothing by Vederah Kilmister
- The Trickster by Little Toussaint
- Bloodborne-inspired Rogue by Valentyne Louvier
- Armored Ninja by Ludger Magniar
- Desert Scar by Magnus Wolfwood
- Righteous Assassin by Lys Aludra
- Classic Shinobi Traditional Ninja Garb by Mog Champ
- White Dragon by King Resh
- Deadly Emissary by Lys Aludra
- night’s blessed by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Umbral Blade by Arik Nergui
- Ascianssin by Dragoon Scythe
- Wolf of Twelveswood by Punch Mage
- Night Walker by Madoras Yorigami
- Elegant Scavenger by Mia Fletcher
- Wild Rose by  Ihon Nuzhysa
- Astrological Sign - Cancer by Leisha Aysheen
- Neo - Fist of Suzaku by Goelia Sarantia
- Sting Like A Bee by Arsibra Therion
- Orochi no Kaze by Liesel Mahora
- Heavensent by Ren Sakurai
- The Burn’s Wraith by Arsibra Therion
- Fists of the Sun by Alois Lefleur
- Inner Beast by T'yan Ardeo
- Vathliege Samurai by Austen Bloodspatter
- Ala Mhigan Monk by D'jango Dojango
- Bozjan Brawler by Sahl Suh
- Liberator by Thriced Talon
- Flightless Hawk by  Remearus Maes
- Firebrand by Lys Aludra
- Debugging in Process by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Falling Eagle by Feather Relanah
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Book Two: Sapphire (Ignis x Reader) Chapter IX
As the sun peaked over the horizon the next morning, (Y/n) left the caravan to get some fresh air. She admired the rising sun as it gradually rose into the sky. She watched the light vanquish the dark before wandering over to Wiz. From what she learned yesterday, the man not only ran the outpost but also managed the eatery here.
"Howdy, lass!" Wiz greeted her with a smile. "What can these ol' bones do for ya?"
"You wouldn't happen to sell ebony, would you?" She asked.
"We do. Would ya like a freshly brewed cup?"
"Please. How much do I owe you?"
Wiz shook his head. "It's on the house! Consider it a small apology fer our chicks yesterday. My stablehand told me what happened."
"That's very kind of you, but the chicks really weren't a bother. They were a welcomed distraction," she smiled.
"Still, lemme get ya that cup o' coffee. I'll be back in a jiffy."
Wiz sauntered off and returned a few minutes later with a warm cup of ebony. She thanked him for the free coffee and returned to the caravan just as the door gently opened. She placed the styrofoam cup on the table and smiled at Ignis as he joined her outside. "Good morning."
"It truly is," Ignis replied. "You are up earlier than usual. Did you sleep well?"
"I didn't realize we were sharing a caravan with a snoring behemoth last night," she sighed.
The tactician chuckled lightly, knowing exactly who she was referring to. "A cacophony only possible by Gladio. He can be quite clamorous while slumbering."
(Y/n) grabbed the cup of coffee off the table, handing it to him. "I figured you'd be up soon and went ahead and secured your morning dose of ebony. Wiz was kind enough to give it to me for free, even though I insisted on paying for it."
Ignis accepted the cup with a gracious smile. "I do appreciate this, (Y/n)." He took a sip of the warm beverage before lowering the cup. "Would you indulge me for a bit?"
She nodded. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"
"Remember our talk yesterday before departing to dispatch the behemoth? I do believe scavenging would be a tranquil undertaking on this placid morning."
The guardian gasped, remembering their conversation from yesterday. "I completely forgot. But yes! It is a lovely morning to search for ingredients. Let me grab the basket from the car and we can take the chocobos."
She ran over to the Regalia, Ignis watching her as she did so. He figured they could save some gil if they located some ingredients in the wild and it would also provide him some private time to talk with (Y/n) without the fear of being interrupted by the other boys.
Returning with the wood-knitted basket, (Y/n) called their chocobos while Ignis finished his coffee. She hooked the basket to the saddle of her bird before climbing onto its back. The advisor did the same, allowing her to take the lead due to her senses being more enhanced than his. She could practically sniff out any ingredients that were nearby, which made her an excellent scavenger.
It wasn't long, maybe a few minutes, before they discovered a batch of wild onions. (Y/n) dismounted her chocobo and immediately picked a few, placing them gently in the basket. They moved on to the next location, where they discovered some beetroot. They added it to the basket and proceeded to their third destination. There, they found various nests filled with eggs. The girl giggled as she picked up a few of the birdbeast eggs. "You did mention eggs yesterday, Iggy."
"A fortunate guess on my part," Ignis responded with a hint of a smile at hearing her melodious laughter. "Alas, your comment was what led to such a thought."
(Y/n) gently placed the eggs in the basket. That's when she realized it was full. "We should probably head back. The basket can't carry anymore."
"Before we depart, may we speak of our conversation in Keycatrich Trench?" Ignis asked, hopping off his chocobo and approaching her.
She combed a hand through her (h/c) locks with a small, sorrowful sigh. "I was wondering when we were gonna have this talk..."
"What you said... Is it true?" He inquired.
Without hesitating, she stared into his emerald eyes. "Yes. My happiness does not matter, only yours. By guardian law, I am bound to protect you and do what makes you happy no matter what that may be. Many of my people deem the laws to be unfair and choose to undergo the rite of annulment, but one risks corruption doing such a dangerous act."
Ignis has been an avid learner of all things guardian ever since he was blessed with (Y/n). He read numerous of books and articles in regards to spirits to learn all there was about them, but not once had he heard about this rite she spoke of. "Is there a possibility of you sharing more about this "rite" you spoke of?"
"The rite of annulment is a ceremony a guardian can undergo if they wish to separate from their master. It unbinds their souls and lengthens a guardian's lifespan. However, the ritual has proven to be dangerous. Guardians risk corruption once their soul is severed from their master's. Those who suffer from corruption lose their minds and eventually...kill themselves. Some masterless guardians have also been known to slaughter humans once they've been consumed by madness." She hugged herself, rubbing her hands up and down her upper arms. "It's a dark side of my people that very few humans know about. The rite is still performed today, but the practice isn't known by many spirits. I only heard about it when I met a much older spirit in Insomnia one day while you were busy at the Citadel. He went through the rite himself and was happily living his life."
Ignis couldn't help but be curious. "Have you ever desired to undertake this rite yourself?"
Her eyes widen in horror at the question. "Never." A dark thought crossed her mind as she recalled the rest of her conversation with the elder spirit. She took a few steps back as fear courses through her veins, causing a chill to ricochet down her spine. "H-He also mentioned some humans have used the rite to get rid of their guardians once they've learned of it. Are you thinking if we went through with the rite, I could pursue my own happiness? Do you wish to get rid of me, Ignis?"
He felt a pang of guilt strike his heart at hearing her questions and watching her retreating form. He could see where the misunderstanding was and quickly tried to remedy the situation. He closed the distance between them and gently placed his hands on her cheeks, cradling them gently. His thumbs caressed her cheekbones, wiping away the few tears that had trailed down them. Peering into her sparkling sapphire eyes, he gently spoke. "I could never conceive the idea of your absence, (Y/n). The mere thought alone is enough to wound me."
She stepped closer to Ignis and collapsed against him the moment his hands were gone from her cheeks, winding her arms around his waist to hug him. "Thank the Six... I know I said I would leave if it meant your own happiness could be achieved, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope you can find your own happiness with me by your side. If you find someone you love most in the world, I hope I won't be in the way." Her cheek pressed against his chest as she clung to him like a child in need of love.
"Nonsense, (Y/n)," he whispered, snaking one of his arms around her waist as his other hand came to cradle the back of her head. His gloved fingers entangled in her (h/c) locks and raked through them gently. The motion was enough to ease her and release the tension from her body. "Although my duties to the crown may prove to be a hindrance, I do yearn for your own merriment and hope to provide such. You deserve your own jovial life."
She nuzzled her face against his chest, inhaling his scent. It was a mixture of his favorite cologne and blend of coffee, ebony. "Thank you, Ignis."
He held her in his arms, praying to the Six she too could find happiness. He didn't care whether it was with him or another man as long as she was content with her life. He just hoped he could preach his true feelings soon to prevent the latter from happening.
They remained in each other's arms until Ignis' phone rang. Reluctantly, he pulled away from (Y/n) and accepted the incoming call. Before he could even greet the person on the other end, they cut him off and demanded they return to the chocobo ranch.
The girl watched in amusement as he rolled his eyes and hung up. "Who was that?"
"Gladio," he replied, putting his phone away. "It seems we've been scavenging for quite a while and lost track of time."
She looked up through the trees and saw the sun was almost directly overhead. "Well then, we better get back."
They both mounted their chocobos and returned to the outpost. They hadn't ventured far, but it did take them ten minutes to get back to the chocobo ranch. As they returned, they spotted Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio waiting for them outside the caravan. Ignis went directly to their companions while (Y/n) stored their ingredients safely in the trunk of the Regalia with their other supplies. He dismissed his bird after he dismounted it and adjusted his dress shirt. Unlike previous days, he was wearing his crownsguard fatigues without the jacket.
Gladio, who was smirking like a child who learned a new secret, eyed him. "You and munchkin seem a little closer than usual. Did something happen?"
Ignis was already all-too-familiar with the way Gladio functioned. He knew why he was asking and wouldn't provide him the satisfaction of the truth, knowing it would only cause relentless teasing. "Nothing of the sort. We simply enjoyed each other's company while scavenging. (Y/n) did educate me on something quite eye-opening in regards to her people."
"Really? Like what?" Prompto, just like Ignis, was interested in learning about guardians. While he wasn't as invested as the tactician was when he was younger, he too had read plenty of documents and books about spirits.
"The rite of annulment, a ritual where the souls of a guardian and master are severed."
"Oh, that's pretty cool!"
"Something else happened. I can tell. You really gonna leave us to hang out to dry, Iggy?" Gladio sighed.
"My lips are sealed," the advisor replied with a hint of a grin.
(Y/n) walked over after storing the new, fresh ingredients and her chocobo returned to its pen. "Now that everyone's up, we should make our way to Lestallum. I think if our side trip lasts any longer, we'll worry Iris."
"Might be too late for that," Gladio muttered. "She started blowing up Noct's phone this morning. I don't even have a single message from her, and I'm her brother. Can you believe it?"
"You...don't want me to answer that."
Before Gladio could retort, Prompto hopped to his feet. "To Lestallum!"
The group piled into the Regalia and left Wiz Chocobo Post. (Y/n) sat in the front with Ignis at Prompto's behest. She wondered when the seating arrangement would be ideal so everyone was comfortable. She appreciated the marksman's kindness, but she felt as if there was another reason why he no longer rode shotgun.
Halfway to Lestallum, Noctis shattered the silence in the car. "Hey, (Y/n), Specs said you wanted to visit this place called Costlemark. What do you think you're gonna find there?"
From the prince's question, she figured Ignis hadn't mentioned the voice. She wondered how to respond and fabricated a lie on the spot after remembering what Ignis told her. "Costlemark Tower was once part of the ancient civilization known as Solheim. I was hoping to check it out and see if my people happened to have any presence in their ancient society. I figured what better place to check than Costlemark. I want to know more about my people." She turned around in the seat and met Noctis' gaze. "Is this a selfish request? If it is, please don't worry about it."
"Nah, don't worry 'bout it," Noctis reassured her. "If you're that curious, I don't see why not to visit. We can visit after we're done in Lestallum."
She smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you, Noct."
The rest of the drive was practically silent until they reached the outskirts of Lestallum. Prompto was chatting with Noctis as they traveled through the tunnel leading to the town. Gladio and Ignis didn't join the conversation until they exited the tunnel and Lestallum came into full view. The boys expressed their awe whereas (Y/n) looked around silently in astonishment. She was looking forward to see what the town had to offer.
When the Regalia was parked, everyone exited the vehicle. They made their way up a small spiral staircase, crossed the road, and wandered into the main thoroughfare. At that moment, Gladio called Iris and learned she was staying at the Leville. Now all they had to do was locate the hotel.
As they were walking through the main thoroughfare, passing the various food carts offering a variety of items, they were suddenly stopped by an energetic voice. "Hold on a moment!" The group turned around and spotted a man with shaggy sable locks, silver eyes, and glasses. He even had a beauty mark on his left cheek that stood out against his pale complexion. A camera hung around his neck, swinging back and forth as he approached them.
Noctis looked around before pointing at himself. "Uh, us?"
"Yes, you! Well, more like her!" He pointed at (Y/n).
Gladio eyed him suspiciously. "And who're you?"
"Name's Luca. I work for Meteor Publishing." He raises his camera and aimed it at the girl. "I may be a photographer for a major publishing company, but I've got my own dream project I'm working on in my spare time."
Prompto wasn't cautious like Gladio and was excited to meet another person passionate about photography. "What's your dream project?"
"To photograph my people."
"You're a guardian, correct?" Ignis asked after analyzing his appearance.
"I am," Luca smiled, rolling up the sleeve of his t-shirt to reveal the silver gemstone located on his upper arm. "And your friend here is the second spirit I've met since moving to Lestallum. Guardians are few and far between, which kinda makes us a minority no one really understands even with all the formal text across Eos. You'd be surprised how little those books cover. Most of them are repetitive and do us guardians no justice. I want to photograph the various guardians I meet so I can write a real book about my people in order for humans to truly understand us."
"This dream project of yours sounds admirable," Gladio confessed.
"It'll be a lot of work, but I know it'll pay off. I'm tired of people discriminating against spirits."
Noctis' brows furrowed together, displaying his bewilderment. "Guardians are discriminated against?"
"We are," (Y/n) chimed in. "There are many humans who see us as secondary citizens and have no real contribution to society. There were some establishments in Insomnia that banned spirits from entering."
"There are some here in Lestallum, too," Luca said.
"Why would people do such a thing?" Prompto asked with a frown.
"It's the fear of the unknown," the sapphire-eyed girl answered. "While guardians are vastly documented, many people still fear us for what we're capable of. It's mainly due to our connection to the mana that flows through Eos."
Luca nodded. "Exactly. People are afraid we'll walk into their establishment and use our magic willy-nilly to blow things up. But we work just as hard, maybe even harder, than humans to achieve our goals."
"You should've told me about this, (Y/n)," Noctis said. "If I'd known crap like that was happening in the city, I would've done something about it."
She lowered her head. "I would never use Ignis' position as your advisor to change politics. Even if I had told you and you did do something to change that, it's impossible to erase people's fears."
"Luca!" A voice shouted. A man with slicked back blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a pair of sunglasses on top of his head came bounding over. He placed his hands on Luca's shoulders before glancing at the others. "I hope he isn't causing you guys any trouble."
"Not in the slightest," Ignis said.
"Thank the Six," the man sighed. As he looked around at the faces of the group, he noticed (Y/n) and gasped. "Another guardian!"
Luca nudged the man. "Why do you think I ran off like that, Jasper?"
"How was I supposed to know you saw another guardian?" Jasper smiled at the girl. "It's nice to see another spirit wandering these parts. Luca's been hunting left and right for his own kind."
(Y/n) glances down at Jasper's hand, seeing a ring with a silver gemstone on his finger. Just below it she saw what appeared to be an engagement ring. "You must be Luca's master."
"That, I am. And who is...?" He looked around and spotted the skull necklace with sapphire gemstone eyes around Ignis' neck. "Ah, you're her master!"
One by one, the group introduced themselves to Jasper and Luca. The silver-eyed spirit snapped a few pictures of (Y/n) before lowering his camera. "Whenever you have time, I'd like to talk to you in private, (Y/n)."
"I would love to," she giggled.
"You can find me at the outlook. My boss and I usually hang around there and chat from time to time."
Jasper linked his arm with Luca's. "But for now, we're heading to lunch. You're paying this time, right?"
Luca groaned. "Fine..."
The two men walked off. Prompto glances between them. "Are those two...?"
(Y/n) smiled ear-to-ear. "They are. Jasper was wearing an engagement ring."
Gladio then smacked Ignis on the back and whispered to him, "Maybe you can ask that Jasper guy about your doubts."
The tactician adjusted his glasses. He had thought of the idea before the words had even left the shield's mouth. The main reason he had yet to confess his feelings to (Y/n) was because of their status as guardian and master. Jasper could shine a light and help him. "A course of action I am willing to take."
"That's the spirit, Iggy." Gladio shoves his hand into his pocket. "With that pushed aside, let's go meet Iris."
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yoongi-sugaglider · 4 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, blood, gun shot wounds, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2588
Part 14===Part 15===Part 16
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The sound of screaming voices awoke me the next morning to the sight of an empty room. The dull aching in my chest and leg only grew the more my mind woke up.
The screaming escalated, followed by a series of crashes and thumps from downstairs. I sighed, shifting to the side and almost having to roll myself into a sitting position. It wasn’t unusual to wake up to the sound of yelling, but from the way things seemed to be, this one might just actually be serious.
Throwing my legs over the edge of the bed I inhaled deeply, steeling myself to stand when the bedroom door swung open and a wild looking Jeanette and Rose bolted inside before slamming the door shut behind them.
Rose slid down the back of the door, arms folded over her knees as she leaned her head against it and closed her eyes. Jeanette inhaled, exhaling the breath slowly through her nose in a quiet whistle and humming to herself as she shook her head at the closed door.
“What’s going on out there?” I asked, wincing slightly when the two women jumped and whipped their heads around to stare at me with terrified gazes.
“Shit! You’re awake!”
“Oh thank god you’re awake!”
Their voices swirled and merged into one single unit of confusing emotions and I couldn’t help but snicker at their faces. “Okay, conflicting moment aside there. I’ll repeat, what in the ever loving fuck are those idiots up to downstairs?”
The two began talking at once, each speaking animatedly and raising their voices in an attempt to talk over the other. I raised a finger, instantly silencing them to sheepish glances between each other.
“I am...one person. With two ears, and half a brain coming down off of some pretty intense pain killers. Please...one at a time.”
Jeanette glanced at Rose who shrugged in defeat before dropping her chin to rest on her folded arms. The younger woman gave her a nod of deference to speak on the subject.
“Well...okay so like this morning when I got up everything was pretty quiet so I thought I’d go to the kitchen to start breakfast. Hobi was there balancing dishes from the dishwasher in one hand while trying to open a cabinet with the other. Your uh..Jungkook was sitting at the table kinda staring off into space when Tae came in and scared Hoseok. He dropped all the dishes and that’s what set Jungkook off. Jimin jumped in and they started screaming at Tae about some mission and well... They’ve been fighting ever since and it’s only getting worse.”
I let out a long suffering sigh, scrubbing the heels of my hands into my eyes before looking up at them. “Help me up.” 
“But…” Jeanette paused as I shook my head.
“I’ve got to get down there. Those idiots are going to kill each other and I’m the only one that can stop them.”
Rose groaned, banging her head against the door and fisting her hands through her hair. “This is all my fault…”
“That’s not true.” I grunted, shifting my weight to the edge of the bed. 
“But if I hadn’t been there you wouldn’t have gotten hurt and they wouldn’t be fighting over it.” She groaned again, head hanging as teardrops fell to the floor.
“Tae and Jimin have been at odds for a very long time. And Jungkook...well… Kookie can be the absolute sweetest and smartest man you could meet. But when it comes right down to it the man is an actual blonde. I joke with him all the time they dipped his brain in bleach before they handed him off to his mother.”
Rose snorted, glancing up to me as she wiped her tears away. “Isn’t that all men though?”
The three of us giggled, sharing a moment of joined exasperation before sobering up as another crash echoed through the house.
“Alright, for real. Jin’s gonna cry if any more of his kitchen gets destroyed. Come on, help me up. I’ve got to end this.”
True to form the dumb asses were still fighting by the time we’d made it down the stairs. 
Jimin was off to the side, standing by the fridge as he screamed obscenities at Taehyung. Jungkook and Tae were on the floor, pulling at each other’s hair with their legs wrapped around one another to keep the other from escaping.
A massive bruise had bloomed just beneath Tae’s right eye and Jungkook’s lip was split and seeping blood all over.
“It’s all your fault Tae! Every time she’s gotten hurt it’s always you to blame!” Jimin screamed. He moved as if to launch himself into the scuffle but Hobi, who’d been watching from the stove reached over to stop him, effectively wrapping him in a bear hug and pinning his arms to his sides.
“Oh no you don’t Doc. We don’t need you getting hurt.”
“Let me go! Let me at him! This has been a long time coming Hobi!” The boy was basically foaming at the mouth, tears streaming down his cheeks as he struggled in the dancer’s hold.
I couldn’t help but sigh, knowing the only way to stop this was if I intervened. Glancing between Jeanette and Rose I shrugged them off, taking a step forward on my own and muttering under my breath. This was going to suck.
“Boys! Please! Stop this!” I yelled, internally cringing as my weight landed on my injured leg.
The offending limb buckled under the pressure, causing me to yelp out in pain as I staggered forward a half a step before falling to the ground. It was worth it though.
All activity in the room ceased. For a moment it was quiet as I lay there wheezing and whimpering in pain. And then chaos ensued.
From my vantage point I could see the boys scrambling to my side, Jungkook and Tae disentangling themselves from each other as Jimin and Hobi pushed each other out of the way in an attempt to reach my side. Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi walked into the room just in time to see Rose and Jeanette reach me first, shooing the boys out of the way as they helped me into a sitting position.
“Fuck sake. What are you all in here tearing the place up for?” Namjoon growled, giving the younger boys the stink eye as Jimin crouched at my side to check my bandages.
“They’ve been arguing for the last hour, how have you all not noticed till now?” Hobi grumped as he stood to his feet and dusted off his jeans.
“Because unlike you idiots we’ve actually been doing something.” Seokjin frowned, leaning his broad shoulders against the doorframe as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“And what’s got the three of you so wrapped up in each other that you couldn’t notice the idiot brigade trying to off one another?” I huffed, pushing away the pain of my leg.
“Securing the satellite links, setting up better firewall protections for the security cameras.” Namjoon replied.
“Reinforcing the front gate, making sure our rear’s covered in terms of fortifications.” Yoongi added in.
“Adding more cameras to the sides of the house just to make sure we have every inch of the lawn and side yards covered.” Seokjin frowned, glancing at the three younger men. “I can’t believe the three of you are grown ass men. And to think one of you is in charge of giving me orders.”
He shook his head, eyes darting back and forth between them before landing on the mess that was his kitchen. It was almost comical the way his gaze went from mildly frustrated to all of a sudden full blown horror and betrayal.
“M...my… MY KITCHEN!!!”
The series of events that followed may have been comical but it certainly managed to squash the feud and rising tensions that’d settled over my boys in the time I’d been unconscious.
Jeanette and Rose managed to help me off the ground, settling me into a chair at the center island as Seokjin screamed and ranted about how ungrateful the younger men were while demanding they cleaned up their mess.
Jungkook and Taehyung actually managed to look ashamed and remorseful as they swept up the broken plates together and wiped down the counters before settling into mopping the entirety of the area. They stayed silent, barely glancing at each other or speaking until Jin tore into Namjoon who’d resigned himself to ‘helping’ cook breakfast before getting scolded about holding the knife upside down as he attempted to chop an onion.
“Ya! How can someone have such a high IQ and STILL not know the meaning for sharp side down?? All those brains and muscles and no common sense!” Jin’s face shone bright red as he screamed, barely stopping for breath as he smacked poor Namjoon over the head with a wooden spoon.
Taehyung snorted, Jungkook giggled, and after a shared look between them they burst out laughing, leaning against each other for support as they lost their minds over the sheer visual of the genius level man getting scolded by his elder.
Jimin all the while did his best to address my leg, crouching beneath the ledge of the island as he checked the skin above and  beneath the bandage.
“It hasn’t bled through, so the stitches are holding. But I really wish you would stay off it as much as possible.” He frowned up at me, tiny hands wrapped gently around my ankle as he balanced on his heels.
“I’m sorry Doc. It’s just, you all were so worked up over nothing and I just had to do something to get it to stop.” I shrugged, not sure if it was a valid enough reason for almost dislocating anything that was still left to injure.
“I mean, you could have just fired in the air or something. Thrown something at them, anything but literally throwing yourself to the ground and risking actually breaking something.”
“I could have sure. But that would have meant risking the ceiling and Yoongi’s room. Not about that life if I’m being honest.” I grinned at the doctor, earning myself an exasperated glare and a pat to my uninjured leg.
“Really, and here I thought you were the rational one in this group of misfits.” Jimin stood, brushing his pants off and then walking around the island to wash his hands at the sink.
“I may be irrational at times but at least I have the ability to forgive people.” My blunt words hit home. I could tell. He’d paused all motion, staring down at his hands as the water ran over his fingers.
I reached across, turning the sink off and folding my hands before me on the cool countertop. Patiently I waited, watching the emotions flit across his face faster than his expert fingers stitching up a wound.
“Jimin...we’re going to have to talk about this eventually.” I spoke calmly, knowing that anything could set him off if I misspoke.
“I know it’s just…”
“We were all attached. The first truly good thing to come out of all our awful work.” Pausing I focused for a moment on the tiny scrapes and scratches I’d gotten from being out in the thick of it.
“We got comfortable. All of us did. And sloppy. But Taehyung can’t be blamed for that. We were all at fault. But more importantly those bastards that kidnapped me and tried to hold me hostage were at fault.” I turned slightly, watching as the others went about their business.
“When it came down to it he had to make a choice. Yes we’re always family first but everything was on the line. Literally everything Jimin.” I turned back to him, watching the frown deepen his brow and tug that sweet face of his into a scowl. “If it weren’t for Taehyun,g half our crew would be dead or in jail. Including Namjoon and Jungkook. Do you think I’d have ever let him live it down if he had chosen any other way?”
He shook his head, tossing the towel in his hands on the counter. “No… No you’re right. You wouldn’t have. You’d have torn Daegu up, burned the whole city down.” He chuckled and I joined him, my shoulders shaking with the snickers joined between us.
“You’re not wrong. But considering the circumstances I didn’t need to do a thing. The city’s already burning.” The mood chilled at those words and we sat together in silence, watching the others fuss and fight over cooking and who was on dish duty.
“This could be the end days huh?”
Turning back to him I sighed, though the motion left me wincing at the pain in my chest. “That may be so… and if it is, if everything is ending and the world is burning...shouldn’t you go make up with your best friend?”
“...Yeah….yeah you’re right.” his eyes crinkled as he smiled at me, reaching across and giving my hand a squeeze. “Thank you for talking some sense into me.”
“Jungkook may be the brawn but we all know I’m the brains of the operation here.” I snorted at my own words. My heart warmed as I watched Jimin walk over to Tae and begin whispering softly to him.
Both men, grown as they were, became teary eyed, suddenly lunging forward and hugging each other as close as two men could.
“Damn, look at you.” Rose plopped into the chair beside me, nudging my arm as she grinned at the two now openly sobbing gangsters. “You get paid to be the family shrink?”
“Nah, they couldn’t afford me if I were to actually charge them.”
Jeanette ambled over, hand subconsciously rubbing her belly as she leaned into Rose who wrapped a gentle arm around her waist. “I don’t think even the richest man could afford your services. You really out here keeping these boys from killing each other and still surviving in this world? Absolute boss if you ask me.”
It felt good to laugh with them as we sat there. It’d been a good long while since I’d had female friends. Not that I didn’t love my boys but there was something about being around someone who got my mind without me having to say something that just felt so right.
Things settled down as we all gathered around to our meal, the chatter subdued and amiable as food was passed around in abundance. It would last us a while sure, but the idea that at some point it might run out had us all appreciating it that much more.
As I munched on my toast my mind wandered, but my thoughts were abruptly by Taehyung and Rose cheering as they jumped out of their chairs and began laughing and hugging each other.
“YAH! What the hell!” Jin demanded as he scrambled to wipe the juice he’d spilled on himself at the shock of their cheering.
“We did it!” Tae grinned, the biggest boxiest grin on his face as his ears blushed crimson from the kiss Rose had planted on his cheek.
“We managed to fix all of the security issues! Cams are on lock and all internal systems are now free of amature hour hack jobs!” Rose’s smile was infectious, cheering the whole table and causing the others to whoop and holler their appreciation for the two computer experts.
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 15.5
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 15.5 summary: You take your kitten over to meet Archie and Douxie gets a little jealous. Fluffy!!
A/n: I don’t know why, but I always picture Douxie living at the bookstore??? My sister does too and that's just how I wrote it. Also for the name I went with Mao because I fell in love with it, but thank you so much for the other names y'all suggested. They were lovely.
Through your tireless search for a name for your kitten you had come across the name Mao. It had been around midnight a few days after Jim and everyone had left. You had been searching through the obscure baby name websites when you saw it. It had come up as a similar name to Mai and you had imidietly fallen in love with it. The name just seemed so fitting for your little kitten.
The two of you had really bonded over the past few days and it was nice to have her around. She was very comforting and today she was giving you an excuse to leave your baby ridden house.
After NotEnrique had given the cradle stone to your mom and Strickler they had decided to adopt the kids. Now there were cradles all over your house and you were a little tired of all the crying. However, you did love to see your mom so happy and the babies were very cute.
You placed Mao on a pillow in the passenger seat of your car and you pulled out of your driveway. Today you were taking her to meet Archie. You really hoped they would get along.
You were able to find a parking spot close to the bookstore and you gently placed Mao in your arms. The bell to the bookstore rang your arrival and you heard Douxie call that he would be with you in a minute.
You immediately located Archie sunbathing on a chair. “Hey Arch, I want you to meet someone.”
Archie sat up and looked at the fluff ball sleeping in your arms. “Who’s that?” Archie asked, sniffing Mao.
“This is Mao, she’s a stray that I rescued from the Nyarlagroth. I wanted you to meet her.” You gently woke your kitten up, and she looked around confused. Eventually her eyes settled on Archie. She leaned towards him and sniffed a bit before burying herself back into your arms.
“Looks like someone is being shy,” you hummed. Slowly and carefully you turned her so she was facing Archie again.
“Hi little one,” Ariche said, stepping closer to you.
“It’s alright,” you soothed when Mao hesitated to step on the table. She began to slowly but surely gain her confidence though and she put one tiny little paw on the table. Then she put another one on. Now it was just her back paws on you.
You gently stroked her with your other hand and she finally stepped onto the table and hesitantly walked towards Archie, who was standing still so not to scare the kitten.
Mao began to get braver and braver. After she had investigated Archie and deemed him safe, she began to sniff at the rest of the table.
“She’s precious,” Archie mumbled.
“Aww, I’m glad you like her.” You took a seat at one of the chairs and watched as Mao came back to Archie. He nuzzled the kitten and it was so wholesome to watch them interact.
“Oh hey, Y/n,” you heard DOuxie say as he came up behind you.
“Hey Douxie,” you responded, keeping your focus on Mao.
“So, um, did you need anything?” He asked.
“Nope, I just came here to introduce Archie to Mao,” you explained, completely unaware of the jealousy Douxie was beginning to feel.
“Oh, you, uh, picked a name for her?”
“Yep, it took a lot of searching, but I found ‘Mao.’ I just like how soft and smooth the name sounds. I feel like it fits her perfectly!”
“Nuclear,” Douxie said, taking a seat across from you. You kept your focus on the two cats. Mao was gently batting at Archie’s tail while the elder cat just watched. You giggled when she swatted at Archie’s tail a little harsher than before.
“Here, maybe you shouldn’t play with his tail, dear.” You pictured butterfly’s they same way Douxie had taught you in Bulgaria and you waved your hand.
Orange butterflies flew around Mao and she began to play with them, Archie occasionally helping her. You were over the moon with joy at seeing them together. You hadn’t been this happy since Jim had left.
Douxie reached his hand out, hesitantly towards Mao and you nodded, giving him the go ahead. His hand was inches away from Mao when she turned and hissed at him, quickly jumping to hide behind Archie.
“Oh,” Douxie pulled his hand away in shock.
“She’s probably just nervous,” you explained.
Douxie was about to say something, but the bell tolled, signaling the arrival of a customer. Douxie sighed and got up. This struck you as odd and you noticed something different in Douxie’s aura.
You didn’t have much time to ponder on it before you were back to focusing on Mao. She almost rolled off the table after a butterfly. You caught her with magic and she glowed orange. She seemed more curious than scared to be floating. She gently kicked her paws as if testing the air. You moved her to the floor and Archie hopped down with her.
“Can I show her around?” Archie asked and you couldn’t remember when you had last seen him this excited.
You nodded. “Of course.”
You gave them their space as they roamed the store. As more people came in you began to get a little nervous, but Archie took her upstairs and you relaxed. Time passed and you just relaxed. You had been really busy of late with all the babies and with Mao, it was nice to just chill. You picked out a book off a shelf and began to browse through it. You had gotten pretty far in the book by the time you felt Mao nuzzle your leg.
“How was your day?” You cooed, picking her up.
“I’m sure she enjoyed it. It was so much fun to meet her,” Archie said, hopping back up onto the table.
“Good.” Mao yawned and you mimicked her. “I think it’s time to be getting home.”
Standing up, you held Mao in one arm while you put the book away with the other. Douxie was helping out the last customer and you were about to follow the young girl out when Douxie called your name.
“Wait!” He called, jumping out from behind the cash register.
“What?” You asked, yawning again, you hadn’t been getting a lot of sleep lately. “I need to get Mao home.”
Douxie winced. “Er, can’t you stay just a little longer. I haven’t seen you since the Eternal Night.”
“I don’t know Doux, I’m really tired. My mom and Walt-sorry-Strickler, adopted all the changeling babies from the darklands. I haven’t gotten much sleep lately,” you explained.
“Then stay here,” he blurted and you coughed.
“I-I mean on the couch,” he clarified, blushing a brilliant shade of pink.
You hesitated, but you realized staying here meant a full night of sleep and you wouldn’t have to drive home while you were so tired.
Douxie seemed to take your hesitation as a no. “I know that you’re busy and I understand that your brother just left, but I...I’ve missed you at the bookstore. You’ve been spending so much time with Mao that I haven’t gotten to see you in a while.”
A realization hit you. “You’re jealous,” you accused, grinning. It was hilarious to your tired mind that he was jealous of a tiny little kitten. You were also very flattered that he cared enough to be jealous.
Douxie looked ready to defend himself, but he decided against it and mumbled, “Maybe.”
“Aww, Douxie’s, I was gonna say yes before your little speech. There’s no way I would pass up an opportunity to sleep through the night.”
“Oh, well then I’ll get you some blankets. I don’t have much food, I have pasta though.”
“I can do something with pasta,” you mumbled, walking up the stairs after Douxie. You went into the apartment and set Mao on the couch and Archie jumped up after her. He cuddled up next to her and you smiled.
You walked into the kitchen and got to work on the pasta. Douxie had some tomatoes and onions so you decided to make some sauce as well.
While you were letting that simmer and boil you helped Douxie make the couch. He went to move Mao, but had woken up. She backed away from him, and you noticed that Douxie looked sad.
“She’ll warm up to you,” you consoled. Exhausted, you plopped down onto it, sitting in the middle. Douxie sat down next to you.
Getting an idea you picked up Moa and scooted closer to Douxie till you were pressed up against him. You carefully set Mao into his lap and for a second she stood there stiffly, but she calmed down as you gently patted her head. Slowly you removed your hand and you had Douxie replace it.  
“She’s really cute,” he said, petting her.
“Thanks I’m glad I was there to save her. Though, neither of us would be there if it wasn’t for you.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here.”
You leaned into Douxie. “Me too.”
So this was a very fun and fully little thing to write!!! I hope y'all enjoyed it and are excited for more. Also seriously thank you so much for all the support y'all have given this!! Stay safe and have a fantastic day!!!
Also, this chapter was based off of two wonderful requests:
@almachroma's Yet another great chapter! Might I suggest Mao as the kitten's name? And perhaps a fluff chapter of the kitten and Archie? @demon-trees's Maybe for the half chapter douxie getting a bit jealous of the kitten because they getting along with everyone else but him but the kitten slowly starts to warm up to him but its baby steps. For the name maybe ember, Venus or Mars as a tribute to Aja and Krel? Cause you know space theme
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
P.P.S. I'm totally open for requests on fluffy half chapters! If you have any ideas for the half chapters send them in and I'll do my best to include them.
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dhwty-writes · 4 years
We Were Born Sick - 1
I love how we as a fandom somehow collectively decided that homophobia is Not A Thing on the Continent. However, I live for angst. So, naturally, I had to write a fic where this is not the case. I blame @spielzeugkaiser for this with their art and also their encouragement. I also guess that I should preamble this fic that I felt absolutely horrible and upset writing it. It is (for some parts) not a nice thing to read either. Read the tags. Read the warnings. Take care of yourselves.
Summary: The bard leaned against a pillar and propped one leg on a stool, strumming his lute loudly. Well, maybe he could wait a bit longer. Just a few glances more. Humans were so inattentive; they never saw him looking. If they did, if they suspected even for a moment, he'd be willing to do more than just stare- Let's say his parting from Blaviken would have been almost idyllic in comparison. 'Prejudiced pricks, the lot of them,' he thought angrily.
OR five times Geralt and Jaskier kept their sexuality a secret and one time they were found out.
Warnings: implied/referenced homophobia, homophobic language (or that can be interpreted as such)
Read on AO3
Geralt eyed the bard blaring in the corner warily. Why did humans have to be so loud about everything? It was maddening, truly. Since his own trials he could understand Vesemir's complaints much better. Despite the decades gone by since then, he still envied them sometimes. They at least didn’t have to witness how obnoxious they were. No, most of them appeared to be completely oblivious to their loudness. 
Like this one, for example. It wasn't necessarily that the bard was bad — his voice was pretty enough, as was his face. But his songs were dreadful. And horribly inaccurate at that. As if that wasn't enough, that specimen wasn't just loud in his singing, he was loud about everything else, too. His clothes were too colourful for Geralt's eyes, his smiles too sweet, his gestures to grand. The witcher couldn't wait to finish his drink and be able to get out of the shitty town he was in.
The bard leaned against a pillar and propped one leg on a stool, strumming his lute loudly. Well, maybe he could wait a bit longer. Just a few glances more. Humans were so inattentive; they never saw him looking. If they did, if they suspected even for a moment, he'd be willing to do more than just stare- Let's say his parting from Blaviken would have been almost idyllic in comparison. 'Prejudiced pricks, the lot of them,' he thought angrily.
He could remember Vesemir's stern talk as if it had been yesterday. He had caught him and Eskel behind the barn, entangled in an almost innocent embrace, exchanging not so innocent kisses. With a heavy sigh he had separated them and led them back into the keep. "I won't say a word," he had said, "as long as the two of you won't be slacking. But in a few years the two of you will set out on the Path and humans disdain it when two men lie together."
"Why?" they had asked naively.
"Why do they call us monsters? Why do they abuse their peasants? Why do they despise whores? Most of them can only see as far as their noses. Just be careful, lads."
They had promised him and to this day they had kept their oath. Once on the path Geralt had discovered that he liked a woman's embrace just as well as a man's and that was that. It was alright. Still, he wasn't immune to the charm of a handsome young man. Especially not one with a pretty voice, who-
Who was coming right towards him. Shit.
"I love the way you just... sit in the corner and brood," the young man said with a sly smile and leaned against another pillar. Seemed to be a habit. He had fidgety hands, too. Geralt hated fidgety hands.
"I'm here to drink alone," he grunted and looked away. Best not be caught staring.
"Good, yeah, good," he answered quickly. Geralt could feel curious eyes sizing him up. "No-one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance, except..." He drew closer. "...for you." Before Geralt had a chance to respond he continued. "Come on," he drawled. "You don't want a man with...," he made an emphatic gesture, "... bread in his pants waiting."
Geralt gritted his teeth. Was this some kind of come on? If so, it was terrible.
"You must have some review for me," he babbled on and took a seat he hadn’t been offered. "Three words or less."
He half expected him to keep on talking. Instead an awkward silence stretched between them. "They don't exist," he answered trying to keep a straight face. 'Shit.' The bard was annoying as fuck, why did he find it endearing?
"What don't exist?" He started fidgeting with his hands again.
"The creatures in your song."
"And how would you know?"
Geralt almost snorted with laughter. Really? 'Why do the pretty ones always have to be that dumb?' Instead of saying that, however, he just glared pointedly.
"Oh, fun." The bard barely kept himself from drumming with his hands and licked his lips. "White hair..." He rubbed his hands and repeated that... tongue thing. Annoyingly adorable. "... big, old loner, two very..." Geralt reached for his coin purse and stood up, leaving his last coin on the table. He had heard quite enough. This conversation was getting out of hand. "... very scary-looking swords. I know who you are."
He grabbed his swords and fled as calmly as possible. Fuck, why was the bard still hurrying after him?
"You're the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia." He gritted his teeth again. Just his fucking luck. First time in years his stares had been noticed, then the bard had wanted to fucking talk and now he'd been recognised, too. "Called it," the bastard shouted as if nothing had happened. Geralt just hoped that he got out of town fast enough before a freaking mob formed.
His hopes sank when he heard heavy steps behind him. Oh, great. Fucking bards. Not a stealthy bone in their body, the lot of them. "A job I've got for ya," a young voice said, but Geralt kept on walking. He had quite enough of Posada. "I beg you."
'Shit.' He stopped. Vesemir always said his heart was too soft.
"A devil- he's been stealin' all our grain," the man explained and Geralt exhaled forcefully and turned. "In advance, I'll pay you. A hundred ducats."
He sighed. "One fifty," he demanded.
He pulled out a hefty coin purse, weighing it in his hands. "I've no doubt you'll come through. You take no prisoners, so I hear." As he offered up the purse the bard from before stepped into view again, looking at him intently. ‘Oh, hell no.’
Geralt swallowed the words that had been on the tip of his tongue. He grabbed the purse and left as quickly as he could.
He was far more surprised than he should be when he heard hurried steps behind him, the wheezing of the bard announcing his presence. "Need a hand?" he called and Geralt rolled his eyes. "I've got two. One for each of the, uh, devil's horns." Was this another attempt at flirting? He could only hope not.
"Go away," he answered gruffly. The last thing he needed was that... that... bardlet trailing after him. No matter how cute he looked.
"I won't be but silent back-up," the bardlet promised, nearly smacking him in the face with his wildly gesturing hands. Geralt doubted that very much. Apparently, he was waiting for a response, because there was a pause before he continued: "Look, I heard your note, and, yes, you're right, maybe real adventures would make better stories."
Roach snorted in amusement. The bard didn't care, though, and kept on babbling: "And you, sir, smell chock-full of them. Amongst other things. I mean, what is that? Is that onion? It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak."
Geralt had to take a steadying breath. How one human could spout so much bullshit in such a short time was beyond him. "It's onion," he grunted, hoping that would shut him up.
It didn't. Why was he even bothering? "Right, yeah. Yeah," the bard said with a quiet voice. This time Geralt didn't hope for silence. Still, what came next was so exceptionally stupid that he had to stop in his tracks: "Oh, I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the- the Butcher of Blaviken."
He closed his eyes and barely kept the pained grimace off his face. This lad was giving him a headache. 'Fucking idiot, don't you think, Roach?' He looked at his horse for a moment before turning to the bard. "Come here," he requested and motioned him over.
"Yeah," the bard said eagerly, a wide smile on his face. Geralt almost felt bad for the blow that punched that bard's air from his lungs. Almost. There were a lot of things he didn't need. Least of them a barker.
As the bard was still wheezing and groaning on the ground, Geralt turned and rolled his eyes with exasperation. "Come on, Roach," he said and tugged on her reins.
In hindsight, Geralt shouldn't be surprised that the lad kept following him. He also shouldn't be surprised that he didn't stop talking for one fucking minute, except for when he was unconscious. He really shouldn't be surprised that that got them captured.
'Fuck,' he thought as he woke up, bound to the laughingstock of a bard who, of all things, probably thought his smug comments about 'escaping' and 'witchering' were funny. Shit, how on earth was such an idiot allowed to travel unsupervised? 'Probably isn't,' he thought angrily. By the looks of him he had just escaped from his wetnurse. 'I hate humans sometimes.'
He guessed he should be allowed some surprise given the bard's apparent knowledge of Elder speech. Especially at his impeccable accent. 'Oxenfurt trained, then,' he noted. They really did admit any idiot these days.
As if to further prove his utter idiocy he kept. on. talking. 'So, he's not only stupid but blind, too.' Who the fuck kept teasing their captors about their golden palaces while obviously bound in a fucking stone cave?
In the end, he didn't remember how he'd managed to talk them out of that death trap. Or why it had been him and not the one who made money with his words. Or how he'd gotten a new lute for the bard on top. Or why. Shit, he was going to get an earful from Vesemir that winter. And Eskel. And Lambert, gods above and below, he'd never hear the end of it.
Still, somehow, they walked free. And the bard kept on talking: "Credit where credit is due, that whole reverse psychology thing you did on them was brilliant, by the way." His voice dropped as he tried to imitate Geralt. Annoyingly accurate, if he was honest. "'Kill me. I'm ready.'"
He looked down at him disbelievingly. Did the bard really think himself in a place to humour him?
Judging by the innocent look on his face, yes, he absolutely did. "That's the conclusion," the bard continued. "They just let us go and you give all of Nettly's coin to the elves."
"Filavandrel's lute not gift enough for you?" he asked, doing his best to keep a smile from his face.
"Yeah, she is a bit sexy, isn't she?"
Geralt was glad the bard couldn't see him grin at that. He didn't listen to what he was spouting next, but then-
Then, the bard started singing. "Will the elf king heed / What the witcher entreats? / Is history a wheel / Doomed to repeat?" Thankfully, it was him who said: "No, that's... that's shit." Geralt couldn't agree more.
"This is where we part ways, bard, for good."
He expected another joke at that. Maybe even an undignified gasp, or something of that sort. He didn't expect solemnity: "Look, I promised to change the public's tune about you. At least allow me to try."
To his even bigger surprise, the next lines out of the bard's mouth weren't complete rubbish: "When a humble bard / Graced a ride along / With Geralt of Rivia / Along came this song // When the White Wolf fought / A silver-tongued devil / His army of elves / At his hooves did they revel // They came after me / With masterful deceit / Broke down my lute and / They kicked in my teeth // While the devil's horns / Minced our tender meat / And so cried the Witcher / 'He can't be bleat!'"
Geralt tightened the reins sharply. "That's not how it happened," he accused him. "Where's your newfound respect?"
"Respect doesn't make history," the bard answered simply. As if that was a line, he could just come up with without carefully having to craft it for hours. While Geralt was still busy staring dumbstruck, the bard already carried on with his song.
'Shit,' he thought as the slightest of smiles curved his lips upwards. If he hadn't been able to discourage him before, there was no getting rid of him now. He suspected he should care more about that than he did.
Geralt soon discovered a lot of things about the bard. Firstly, his name was Jaskier. 'A pretty name for a pretty man,' his mind supplied unhelpfully.
Secondly, he was dramatic. Came with the profession, he figured. Still, who monologued about a torn seam? For three hours at that?!
That was the third thing — or rather the first: Jaskier never shut up. Not while setting up camp, not when he was wheezing from an impromptu sprint, not while eating, not even while pissing, if he knew Geralt was within earshot. He even talked in his sleep, for fuck's sake. It should be more annoying than it was. And way less attractive.
But Geralt quickly discovered that he enjoyed listening to Jaskier's tales. He also discovered that his stories were decidedly more accurate than his songs. He liked hearing of his time in Oxenfurt, of his lessons, his friends, his mischief. He loved to see his eyes light up when Geralt inquired about a particular professor he'd known in his youth. He adored to hear of his various conquests, always listening intently to hear if he was stumbling over pronouns. He didn't. Pity that.
But even if he had, he was human. And way too young. 'Eighteen, for Melitele's sake,' he thought, 'and still wet behind the ears.' At his age Geralt had already passed the Trial of the Grasses twice, slept with half the witchers his age and slain his first monster. 
Jaskier walked the Path blind for any danger, as if monster teeth and steel swords couldn't hurt him. He gave him three months before he begged to be returned to Oxenfurt, naive as he was. Always chasing skirts, too, blatantly ignoring the marital status of his conquests. He exclusively female conquests. “What do you think, Geralt?” Jaskier asked, unabashedly ogling the barmaid. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
“Hm,” he answered. It had become his standard reply to the incessant flood of words spilling from the bard’s mouth. ‘Not as pretty as you,’ he thought in the privacy of his mind. “Deserves better,” he muttered quiet enough he hoped the bard wouldn’t hear.
Of course, he did. And pouted adorably. “What, are you doubting my abilities as a lover? I assure you I never left a lover wanting.”
He snorted. “Thinking highly of yourself, do you?”
“Of course. Confidence is practically part of the job description as a bard. Well, excuse me now. I have to see to the needs of a pretty m- uh, maid.” He got up and quickly slipped away.
Geralt was left with his thoughts and his ale. ‘Huh,’ he thought. Jaskier usually didn’t stumble over his words like that. Maybe- He strained his ears but all he could hear was Jaskier conversing with the barmaid. ‘Not a queer, then,’ he decided finally. Still, a pity that. He was very pretty indeed.
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kyoshi-lesbians · 4 years
(or, the beginning of What If Ty Lee's Great Grandmother Was An Air Nomad - verse)
When Ty Lee was a little girl, her Nanna used to tell her and her sisters the stories that her mother had told her. She whispered to them tales about people who could fly and built cities in the clouds. They could dance beautifully and they didn't believe in hurting people or animals and they liked to have fun. 
Whenever the sisters helped Nanna pick weeds in the garden, or cut the onion basil for dinner, Nanna would bend her head close and weave stories about these flying people with strange names −  they were friends and elders and mentors. “These stories are just for us,” she reminded them, each and every time. “You must promise me that you won’t repeat them. Not to your father, not to your friends, not to anyone except each other.” 
And Ty Lee would puff up her chest with pride and say, “I promise,” as her six sisters chorused the same. You couldn’t break a promise because it wasn’t honorable or kind, and Ty Lee didn’t want to be dishonorable or unkind. 
“Good girls. Now, where were we? Ah yes. Young master Tenzin had just gotten his tattoos −” 
It felt good to have stories just for them. Even though the stories were shared with her sisters just like everything else, Ty Lee felt a bit more like herself when she remembered them. 
Father wasnt around much to tell the stories to anyway; and all the sisters agreed here wouldn't like them. Ty Lee’s mother knew all the stories, but she didn't look happy whenever she found Nanna telling them. Her sisters even said she tried to stop Nanna.
“Are you sure?” Ty Lee asked.
“We heard them arguing last night in the garden,” said Ty Lat.  
“Mom said it’s not safe to do in this house,” said Ty Lum.
“No,” said Ty Lin, “Mom said we’re too young.” 
“She must think Nanna is telling us naughty stories,” said Ty Woo. 
“Ugh, I wish she was,” Ty Lao complained. 
"I'd be more interesting," Ty Lui agreed.
But Ty Lee liked the stories and Nanna kept telling them. As they got older, she started teaching them other things too. Nanna taught them intricate dances and strange songs; she taught them herbal medicine and how chi flows in the body. Ty Lee liked the dances best of all. When the sisters collectively decided to pick one hobby each, Ty Lee claimed acrobatics. The movements reminded her of Nanna’s flowing dances, and somersaulting through the air felt like flying −  felt like maybe she could live in the clouds too.
But best of all, Ty Lee liked when Nanna told the tales about the two girls who lived in the cloud city. They were best of friends and had crazy adventures as they grew up together. It sounded nice to have friends like that -- friends that would stick with you no matter what.  
"What did they do as grown ups?" Ty Lee asked once. Nanna never mentioned their grown-up lives; maybe she forgot to, and needed Ty Lee to remind her. "Did Nyima keep making experiments that blew things up? Did Dorje become a mentor to the flying kids? Did they ever get their tattoos?"
Nanna got real quiet. For a long time she didnt say anything. So long, that Ty Lee wondered if she'd heard her at all. "Nanna I asked if-"
“I heard you Lele,” she said softly. “Dorje had a family. Nyima learned many things while traveling.... They never got their tattoos."
Ty Lee frowned. "Why not?"
Nanna reached over and brushed the hair out of Ty Lee’s eyes. She cupped Ty Lee’s chin with her hand. "The course of life isn’t a clear path Lele.” She said this very sadly and seriously, so Ty Lee tried to put her Serious Face on to show she was listening. “Sometimes the universe has plans for us that we never expect.”
Dorje and Nyima didn’t expect their destinies, Ty Lee guessed.
"I am sure, however, that they earned their tattoos, even if they did not get to have them. Their teachers would have been proud."
Ty Lee didnt understand why the teachers weren't around to give them the tattoos. Where did they go? 
Oh well - from the look in Nanna’s eyes, she was pretty sure that she would tell her the full story one day. Ty Lee could wait.
She just hopped that the two girls got a happy ending.
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feastofcadavers · 3 years
Small talk wasn't Mint's strongest suit. In fact, holding a conversation with a stranger that was not there simply for business was something that he was never the best at. Thankfully this seemed to be understood by Truffle, who simply sipped her tea and smiled at him when he happened to make eye contact with her. There was so much to be asked, to be spoken of, but most of what he could ask had his mouth dry. At least the quiet was more comfortable than he expected it to be, what with the warmth in the air and the knowledge that he... More than likely would be safe for this night at least. 
If this refined woman knew Sandwich, then she must not mind those who eat others, right? That, and... perhaps he wouldn't have to worry about where to go tomorrow. This place was much larger than Sparkling's bar, had more accommodations than Sandwich's shop, and- to his knowledge- lacked any form of horrors beneath the ground floor. The two of them could stay here with Truffle, right? Otherwise, where would they go? Back to the forest? Attempt to find some sort of hotel to take them in and hopefully not question their insectoid nature? Their lives would be in danger the whole way through, and...
"Something is troubling you, isn't that right?" A sound that was almost that of a squeak came out of the musician as he glanced up to see Truffle staring at him with a compassionate gaze. With the clinking of her cup being set down, her eyes remained trained on the musician. "Perhaps it could be your future? Where does one go from here- with all of the bloody feastings that have been going on in relative quiet... Until a few particularly famous individuals caught it." 
Mint's worry went from just that to becoming mixed with confusion. "Perhaps I could be getting ahead of myself, but you are one of those who feast on blood and bone, are you not? That vial on your wrist is quite a giveaway for those observant enough to realize that it is more than just some wrist charm..." A hand felt its way to his wrist, realizing that, yes, that vial he'd received so long ago was still there. He hadn't needed to use it yet, so... Remembering it wasn't too much of a priority. There was a small nod, Mint averting his gaze as the elder gave a... laugh? A hearty one, at that.
As much as he didn't wish to look, Mint would pull his gaze back as much as he could, watching nervously as he listened to the other party. "I remember the days before these shenanigans become a part of the press... You could catch entire groups of poor souls and no one would bat an eye, save for the few that made it their job to hunt us." As morbid as the topic was, the smile on Truffle's face showed that of reminiscent joyousness. "Though I suppose all that came to the fault of that thief... Who made it a priority to spread this 'curse' as everyone calls it to more and more people... It did not have to be that way, not at all, we could have just lived our lives with the small amount of us afflicted. There would have been fewer of them starving in that place. Grand banquets where it became first come, first serve used to be just a table between however many there was of us with plenty of leftovers... Whatever convinced them to spread this too far too many must have certainly frayed their mind..."
A sigh of regret came from Truffle as she spun the edge of her finger around her teacup. "The future is... Bleak for those like us, truthfully. I do not like to think negatively, but if even those that used to be such wonderful and famous performers like yourself have fallen from grace... This town will run out of usable meals sooner than my life would have run out if I had not stumbled into this in the first place. Soon enough it may spread beyond this little place of our's... Out into the rest of the world. But-" The spider-lover's finger lifted, nearly flicking itself to point at Mint- who had shuffled back in his seat at the motion. "You, dear, what would you do if you were given the chance to cure this?"
"M-me?" Mint sputtered, "I-I, well, uh-" The violinist would wring at his wrist as he attempted to come up with an answer, gaze darting around as if something in this environment would help him figure out a proper answer. "Well, um, I would certainly like t-to attempt putting all this- um- c-cannibalism behind us... It- it's hurt a lot of people and killed even more." And despite the small flashes of gore in his mind, Mint shook it off and finally gained some confidence in his words. Some, at least. "If people are going to starve- if others are going to be killed unnecessarily- and those who live have to be in... Just... Constant danger or whatever else, I'd... I'd do all that I could." The response seemed to be satisfactory to the pale listener, who had gone to take another sip of her drink when the sound of an opening door alerted both of them.
Aloe... Though they were attempting to hide what was likely the remnants of a very emotional moment, there was a sniffle that couldn't help but lend itself to be audible. Mint simply blinked at them, before waving and offering the seat next to them. Behind them, with thousands of skittering legs, would be the pile of spiders that accompanied the scientist. "Ah... B-by the way, Miss Truffle..." Mint had finally found his tongue, and he was going to use it as best as he could, even if he was still nervous about speaking something wrong. "Those spiders that are all over each other... Are they a person, some kind of strange species of spider, or...?"
"Oh, dear, you are right in both regards." The spider-lover lit up at the prospect of her special interest becoming the topic. And although Mint juggled comforting Aloe once they sat next to him- mostly with just some back rubs since he had no idea how to properly comfort one such as him- he'd listen to what she had to say. This was her home, after all, it was best to respect the owner. "This here is my sweet daughter Onion. Her death was untimely, to say the least, but she has been able to find comfort in the little things that killed her and... She has altered these spiders to be of their own breed. Nothing too significant, really, just a few differences in how they act- clinging to each other and such- along with their bites being far worse than that of a regular brown recluse. And thankfully she eats the same as I... so we share meals. I find it very sweet to watch all of their little mouths feast upon whatever I've prepared for her and me."
"Not to interrupt, but if we are asking questions..." Aloe's voice was surprisingly dark, or was it desperate, it was always hard to tell with them. "We know of spiders and spirits and all, but what of the dolls that you can make? Sandwich had one, and I wish to inquire about one for... Someone you have felt in our presence." The smile that was upon Truffle's face widened, though it was almost unnerving just how ecstatic she was. "Oh, how I adore making dolls...! Once night falls and the minty one here has gone off to bed, we can discuss the matters further, understood?" The researcher narrowed their eyes at the eldest, but... Nodded in agreement. If it was for Co, they'd be willing to do much more than most.
"...Now then, would you two like any snacks to go with your tea?"
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 06
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BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader | Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary: Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right? What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8k 
< masterpost >
A/N: This is a short chapter entirely focused on BTS’ point of view, and it basically addresses their thoughts and opinions that have developed since Chapter 1. (I’ve been re-editing some things from the original version)
Enjoy :)
»»————- <<prev | next >> ————-««
      BTS POV
  “Hyung, I’m not burning this am I?”
Seokjin clicked his tongue and wandered over to where Taehyung was hovering over a sizzling pan. The contents within steamed thickly, and the hissing sounds were noisy enough to drown out a horde of hungry trainees.
“No, it’s meant to be like that. Let me know when the onions turn golden.”
Taehyung exhaled sharply and stirred whatever was in the pan once more, trying his best to avoid splatters of searing oil. The younger vocalist was known for his smooth and seemingly perfect tanned skin, so having little burn marks littering its surface would be super annoying.
Suddenly, the front door jolted open, and both men working in the busied kitchen whipped their heads upwards at the sound of loud voices filtering through. 
“Confidence is seriously so important,” Jimin’s voice was raised, as if he was agitated. Hoseok responded with his own murmur of agreement, but both dancers drew to a halt when they finally inhaled the scents emitting from the kitchen.
“Wow! Hyung that smells amazing,” Jimin praised. The young dancer took a seat at the countertop while making sure to rest his sports bag underneath the chair.
Taehyung pouted and stirred again, playfully whining to gather everyone’s attention. “Hey, I helped!”
Seokjin chuckled and reached over to turn the heat of the stove to a lower temperature, finally allowing Tae to stand upright with no danger of getting burned.
More compliments towards the delicious smells emerged when a couple of the remaining members, Namjoon and Yoongi, trudged into the living area. The two rappers soon returned to their conversation regarding their recent tracks, barely seeming to take in the world around them as they lost themselves in musical discussion once more.
“Can someone get Jungkookie? It’s almost ready,” Jin then spoke, and shifted to taste the food with a small spoon, smacking his lips and groaning at the heavenly mix of flavours.
Hoseok snorted at the sight. “I thought you always said to never taste the cooking,” he quipped, then shrugged at Taehyung’s blankly confused expression. Nobody had gotten up to rouse their napping maknae, but they all knew he’d be drawn to the smell of food sooner rather than later.
“Were you guys just out for practice?” Namjoon questioned in a slightly louder voice once he spotted the dancer’s sports bags under the bar stools. He, Yoongi and Hoseok had plopped onto the plush couch in front of the TV to relax, waiting for dinner to be dished up.
Jimin swirled around in his stool, almost toppling over a glass of water in the process. He ignored Seokjin’s warning mumble and focused intently on their leader. “Oh, best practice ever!”
“True, wait what happened after I left?” Taehyung gasped and rested his wooden spoon inside the steaming bowl of vegetables, much to Seokjin’s disappointment.
“Well, we didn’t get to stay for too much longer, but we taught her the chorus part.”
Hoseok broke off into loud sniggers as he recalled the memories, while Jimin slid off the stool to contribute better to the conversation.
“Wait, you were teaching a girl how to dance?” Namjoon lifted an eyebrow while Seokjin reluctantly turned the stove off to let the food simmer gently. He was too curious to miss out on this news.
“Yeah, it was just (Y/n),” Jimin provided, and Namjoon eventually nodded slowly, still seeming utterly confused. Taehyung, after receiving the eldest member’s permission, bounded over to where everyone was gathered either on top of or in front of the couch.
“She dances really well but doesn’t give herself enough credit for it.” Hoseok’s eyes were blown wide, and his voice had an almost offended tinge to it. Jimin nodded, smiling and shaking his head at the thought.
“It was so funny, I never expected her to just start dancing like that.”
“Neither did I!” Taehyung exclaimed with a voice full of shock, “I was laughing way too hard, I feel kind of bad now.”
“Nah she was fine, she’s actually super laidback. It’s really strange to see, but it just makes her fun to be around.” Hoseok grinned when Jimin and Taehyung nodded eagerly in agreement. Before anyone else could input, the sound of shuffling footsteps brought everyone’s attention to the hallway.
“Why are we talking about (Y/n)-noona?” Jungkook rubbed his eyes, which were bleary with sleep, and hastily joined Taehyung on the floor in front of everyone else. Most of the boys chuckled at their youngest member and how it looked like he’d abruptly roused himself from his comfy bedsheets just for this conversation.
“Wait, if we’re talking about her, why hasn’t Yoongi-hyung told us off?” The dark-haired maknae’s question triggered various sounds of realisation, and everyone’s eyes swivelled to the mostly silent member in question.
“Well, I’ve met her now, so I can’t get that angry over it anymore,” he revealed, and Hoseok blinked rapidly.
“What? You didn’t tell us?”
“When?” Jungkook and Jimin chorused, the latter giggling quietly afterwards.
“It was only last week sometime, so I would’ve brought it up eventually.” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows suddenly. “And I told Namjoon, so it wasn’t as if it was a secret.”
Namjoon nodded, his smile stretching wider and his dimples making an appearance.
“Yeah I knew, I just didn’t think it was a huge deal…obviously I was wrong.”
“You’re all missing something really important!” Seokjin suddenly cried out, his voice rose as he playfully slapped the armrest of the couch next to him.
“Why am I the only one who hasn’t met her?”
Everyone laughed loudly at their eldest member and his angry outburst. Hoseok grasped both of Seokjin’s shoulders and coddled him, fussing in a high-pitched voice.
“It’s okay hyung, your time will come.”
“Why are we overreacting about this? It’s just like meeting anyone else, for crying out loud,” Yoongi’s insulted tone battled his small smile as he protested loudly.
“Well, s-she’s different than the average person!” Jungkook stammered, and Jimin made a loud noise of agreement, pointing to Jungkook and nodding. “She’s a foreigner, and I’ve never seen her be shy about anything, it’s actually really interesting.”
“Well, she’s been embarrassed, that’s for sure.” Hoseok covered his mouth to stifle his laughing, and Jimin turned his pointed finger to the rapper, sharply exhaling in amusement.
“Damn right. Jungkookie even promised he would make her blush one day, but Hoseokie-hyung and I bet him to it,” the blonde gloated.
“Hey, not even fair,” Jungkook clicked his tongue. He was suddenly reminded that he had, in fact, told her he would accept the challenge of bringing colour to her cheeks again.
Seokjin shook his head, still bewildered over the conversation that had transpired. This girl had suddenly appeared in their lives and now she had somehow left her mark. He could only grow annoyed because he would never admit it, but he was fairly jealous. Why did he have to miss out on every single time she was there? He shook it off, trying to regain somewhat reasonable thoughts, and got to his feet to dish up dinner for the night.
“No more talk about (Y/n), we have delicious food to eat.”
“I don’t care what anyone says, I think she’s really pretty. Jiminie, please tell me you felt how soft her skin was.” Hoseok held out his open palms towards Jimin, and the younger widened his eyes.
“I thought I was the only one who noticed that!”
“Hey, that’s weird, I hope you guys didn’t do anything creepy,” Namjoon huffed in disbelief and a look of concern crossed his features. He was completely stunned, but he was still smiling.
“No hyung! It was just her arms!” Jimin buried his head into his hands, face erupting just like it had back in the dance practice room. Hoseok only laughed and slapped Namjoon’s back in retaliation.
“Yeah Joon-ah, not everything has to be perverted.”
Jimin didn’t hesitate to jump to his own defence along with Hoseok, but his head just wouldn’t rid itself of memories of the woman in question. The way she’d felt underneath his careful touch. How she’d seemed so small standing beside him, attentive and eagerly watching to obey his every instruction.
In the car during their first meeting, she’d had such an outgoing and charismatic presence that made Jimin want nothing more to befriend her and gain a sense of mutual respect, but in the studio, her sudden shyness and undertones of vulnerability made him want to hold her closer instead. He wanted her in ways he never thought he’d want someone he realistically should’ve still known as ‘stranger’.
On the other couch, Yoongi eyed Jungkook who was just sitting there looking dazed and confused about the entire situation. The elder of the two couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter before diverting his attention to the darkened window, the mere view of their struggling maknae too comical to stand. Taehyung was giggling, and he reached forward to slap Jimin’s knee.
“So that’s what happened after I left! You guys are terrible.”
Jimin groaned and batted away anyone who tried to tease him further. He wondered why nobody was beating up Hoseok, seeing as though he was the one to bring up the topic of touching girls in the first place.
“Yah! I’m serious, if you all want dinner, no more talk about (Y/n), if I hear (Y/n) one more time…” Seokjin shook his head, also concerned about the shift the conversation had taken.
When not one of them responded, the black-haired man craned his neck around to see what had caused the silence to befall them.
Jungkook was observing the floor with a tiny shy smile plastered on his face, his eyes darting side to side and his lips pressed together apprehensively.
Jimin’s smile was wider as he brought his hands up to his face, the blush still dancing across his cheeks as he tried to gently massage it away. He ruffled his blonde hair, as he usually did when he was feeling bashful, and for some reason swallowed nervously.
Taehyung had regained a fairly blank expression, but Seokjin knew he was thinking hard because the boy’s teeth gnawed occasionally on his bottom lip before running his tongue over the pressured skin.
Yoongi was still gazing out of the window absent-mindedly, his brows knitting together from time to time, and that was the only indication that he was thinking about anything at all. The rapper bounced his left leg whenever he lost focus like this, so it wasn’t hard to see that he was currently lost in another world.
Hoseok was busying himself by organising the contents of his bag, but his lips would suspiciously quirk every two seconds, and he even chuckled randomly once before getting up to make his way over to the dining table.
Namjoon had gotten to his feet as soon as Seokjin had warned him, but his gaze was glazed over with deep and conflicted thoughts. His fingers fiddled with the bottom of his long, black shirt in heavy distraction, and Seokjin observed with astonishment how his leader’s full lips eventually tugged up into a meaningful smirk.
“What, are you all fucking whipped!?”
          Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.  
tagged:@l4life​, @joyful-jimin​
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Things I want drawn on my birthday Pt.1!
Elder Cadia : That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie.
The Librarian: Ooh, can we get some actual pie?
Elder Cadia : I like the way you think.
The Librarian: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
Elder Cadia : Those are Pokemon cards.
The Librarian: You got a magikarp.
Elder Cadia : ...
The Librarian: It means 'fuck you'.
The Librarian: I’m 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.
Elder Cadia : That’s 200%.
The Librarian: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
Elder Cadia : Do you even know what an amulet is?
The Librarian: Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions!
Elder Cadia : The Librarian, those are omelettes.
The Librarian: Oh. Then I’ve got nothing.
The Librarian: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why.
Elder Cadia : Only if you also don't ask why.
Elder Cadia : *pulls four pristine human skulls out of their bag*
The Librarian: ...
The Librarian, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
The Librarian, holding a fork: You know your talking a lot of shit for someone who has 2 perfectly good eyeballs each cost about $16,000 on the blackmarket.
Elder Cadia : ....
The Librarian: *lip smack*
Elder Cadia : A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Elder Cadia : And I started thinking.
Elder Cadia : Like, it was just trying to get food.
Elder Cadia : What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
The Librarian: Are you ok?
Elder Cadia : I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
The Librarian: All I drank was Redbull!
Elder Cadia : How many?
The Librarian: Eighteen.
Elder Cadia : Come on, The Librarian! How any times do I have to apologize?
The Librarian: Once!
Elder Cadia : ...No.
The Librarian: I think it’s time I get my life in order.
Elder Cadia , narrating: But they did not get their life in order. In fact, they got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
Elder Cadia : Can I have some water?
The Librarian: *starts chugging their water bottle*
The Librarian: *chokes from drinking too fast*
The Librarian: *spills water all over themself*
The Librarian, coughing: I don't have any water.
Elder Cadia : That sounds like a terrible plan.
The Librarian: Oh, we've had worse.
Elder Cadia : What do you have?
The Librarian: A KNIFE!
Elder Cadia : NO!
The Librarian: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride.
Elder Cadia : Actually The Librarian, it’s salt.
The Librarian: That’s what I said, sodium chloride.
Elder Cadia : Uh The Librarian, that would be salt.
Elder Cadia : *takes salt packer from The Librarian* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
The Librarian: Here you go, Elder Cadia , a nice hot cup of coffee!
Elder Cadia : It's cold.
The Librarian: A nice cup of coffee.
Elder Cadia : It's horrible!
The Librarian: Cup of coffee.
The Librarian: Cup of coffee.
Elder Cadia : I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
The Librarian: C U P.
Elder Cadia : I made tea.
The Librarian: I don't want tea.
Elder Cadia : I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
The Librarian: Then why did you tell me?
Elder Cadia : It's a conversation starter.
The Librarian: It's a horrible conversation starter.
Elder Cadia : Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
The Librarian: Elder Cadia , you risked your life to save me!
Elder Cadia : And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
The Librarian: Elder Cadia ...
Elder Cadia : Oh no, 'Elder Cadia ' in B flat.
Elder Cadia : You're disappointed.
The Librarian: What is this!?
Elder Cadia : That’s the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend.
The Librarian: Ow! Make it stop!
Elder Cadia : Surrender to your kindness, The Librarian. It’s nice to be nice.
The Librarian: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness!
Elder Cadia : *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
The Librarian: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
The Librarian: I have a new hoodie.
Elder Cadia : Wrong.
Elder Cadia : We have a new hoodie.
Elder Cadia : I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on The Librarian.
Elder Cadia : Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for.
Elder Cadia : But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it.
The Librarian: Hmm... I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either.
Elder Cadia : I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though.
The Librarian: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it.
Elder Cadia : Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Elder Cadia : Who's in charge here?
The Librarian, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
The Librarian: Isn’t a bit dangerous?
Elder Cadia : The Librarian, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
The Librarian: ...
Elder Cadia : Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
The Librarian: ...
Elder Cadia : Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves in the way home.
The Librarian: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
Elder Cadia : I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.
The Librarian: Why are you like this??
Elder Cadia : I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Elder Cadia : Dearly Beloved, we are here today to remember The Librarian, taken from us in the prime of life; when they were crushed by a runaway semi, driven by the Incredible Hulk.
The Librarian: Aww, you knew my favorite cause of death.
Elder Cadia : The Librarian! I thought you were dead!
The Librarian: No, just in deep cover.
Elder Cadia : ...But it was an open casket.
The Librarian: It was very deep.
Elder Cadia : *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride.
The Librarian: Actually Elder Cadia , it’s salt.
Elder Cadia : That’s what I said, sodium chloride.
The Librarian: Uh Elder Cadia , that would be salt.
The Librarian: *takes salt packer from Elder Cadia * This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Elder Cadia : You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
The Librarian: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
The Librarian: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Elder Cadia : For the dogs.
The Librarian: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs?
Elder Cadia : They don't know how.
The Librarian: So, what are we doing?
Elder Cadia : Wasting our lives.
The Librarian: I meant for lunch...
Elder Cadia : I know every song to ever exist it doesn't matter if it's from the past, present or the future.
The Librarian: Oh yeah? Then continue this.
The Librarian: I don't cook I don't clean-
Elder Cadia : So let me tell you how I got this ring.
Elder Cadia & The Librarian: .....
Elder Cadia & The Librarian: GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME-
Elder Cadia : What are amphetamines?
The Librarian: Drugs that can go on land and water.
Elder Cadia : Ohhhh.
The Librarian: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Elder Cadia : The Librarian, it's four o'clock in the morning.
The Librarian: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Elder Cadia : I know this isn’t going to end well and I don’t care. So don’t you try and stop me, The Librarian!
The Librarian: I wasn’t stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.
The Librarian: Don’t preach to me about romance, Elder Cadia . I had a three-way in a hot-air balloon.
Elder Cadia : *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
The Librarian: Yes?
Elder Cadia : We’re in too deep.
Elder Cadia : The Librarian! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
The Librarian: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
*Elder Cadia falls over*
The Librarian: Elder Cadia ! Are you alright?
Elder Cadia : Is that you, God?
The Librarian: What?
Elder Cadia : It's just, you sound a lot more like The Librarian than I expected.
The Librarian: Truth or dare?
Elder Cadia : Truth.
The Librarian: How many hours have you slept this week?
Elder Cadia :
Elder Cadia : Dare.
The Librarian: Go to sleep.
Elder Cadia : I don't like this game.
Elder Cadia : If it’s any consolation, they got me here on a very misleading text message.
The Librarian: Technically, you are about to be screwed in the biology room.
The Librarian: What are your three best qualities?
Elder Cadia : I’m hot, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
The Librarian: What’s sexting?
Elder Cadia : I'm not having this conversation with you.
Elder Cadia : *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Elder Cadia : *turns around and helps The Librarian through it* Breaking and entering is wrong The Librarian.
The Librarian: Okay.
The Librarian: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Elder Cadia : *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
The Librarian: Alright, listen up you little shits.
The Librarian: Not you Elder Cadia . You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
The Librarian: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Elder Cadia : *loads shotgun* I got this.
The Librarian: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
*Elder Cadia sends more than 5 messages in a row*
The Librarian: I ain’t reading all that.
The Librarian: I’m happy for you tho.
The Librarian: Or sorry that happened.
Elder Cadia : *is visibly upset*
The Librarian: Elder Cadia , what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Elder Cadia : It’s nice to be wanted, you know?
The Librarian: Not by the law!
Elder Cadia : So what do you have planned for the future?
The Librarian: Lunch.
Elder Cadia : No, like long term.
The Librarian: Oh...um, dinner?
Elder Cadia : We’re all in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall. Nobody is expendable on this team.
The Librarian: Sounds fake but ok.
The Librarian: Just be careful, Elder Cadia !
Elder Cadia : *heading out the door* I'm always careful, The Librarian!
Elder Cadia : It's everything around me that's careless.
The Librarian: How are you today?
Elder Cadia : Please don’t make me think about my life.
Elder Cadia: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen.
The Librarian: That’s a snake.
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Whisper in the Stars 
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia x Elf OC
Word Count: 2,251
Warnings: cursing? 
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I woke the next morning to the sun coming threw the curtains, rudely shining directly into my eyes. It was the first time since we left home I had awoken in a bed and warm, and not on the floor of the woods. It was also the first time in many, many years I had woken to a man's arms around me. I didn't know when or how his arms had made their way around my waist. His chest to my back, and his breathing soft and calm on the back of my neck. The warmth of it makes my skin crawl. I wanted nothing more than to ravish in his touch. But I figured the witcher wouldn't be too happy about the sleeping arrangements once he woke.
Softly and carefully, I removed his hands from around me making him stir. His eyebrows furrowed together and I quickly stood up looking at him. His eyes were now open, but barely. His lips twitched into a half-smile.
"I hope I didn't offend you, princess." His voice was even deeper than normal and gruff with sleep.
"You didn't witcher. I just wanted to get a start to the day. Maybe wander around town, look for new clothes for Ciri and Dara." I said with a smile. He sat up placing his feet on the ground, I could hear his body cracking.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped your boundaries last night." I blurted. Knowing how many male elves I had been with in the past, hated when I didn't go their pace, whether it was slower or faster.
"I wouldn't have let you, little elf if I didn't want it. I enjoy your company. We all do. And your heartbeat is a great lullaby." I couldn't help but smile as I walked over to him, his golden, warm eyes looking up at me. I new the witcher never showed this emotional side to others very often, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
"It's a good thing you stumbled upon us then." I bent down a tad and kissed his forehead. His eyes never left my face. I was more drawn to this creature than I had ever been to any man in my life. And after 1,389 years there had been plenty of men.
"Common get dressed and come with me." He nodded standing up, putting his shirt back over his head. I grabbed my dagger, sliding it into its sheath and tying my top.
Once he had his boots on we exited the room, to find Dara and Ciri sitting in a group of kids on the ground below the inn. They were playing some form of game. All laughing and smiling. It warmed my heart to see them being able to be kids. Legolas was sitting on the stairs, willing something onto his new bow. I couldn't tell what type of pattern it was but he was extremely concentrated on it. Jaskier was sitting on a log not far from Ciri writing in his book.
"Would you like to come and get some new clothes with me?" I asked walking up behind the two, kneeling down.
"Oh yes, I'd love to." Ciri cheered and jumped up Dara following.
"Thank you for letting us play!" She said to the group of kids who all smiled and waved at her.
"There was a jeweler merchant set up across the clothing shop. I'm gonna stop in there." I told Geralt who looked at me with a brow cocked.
We walked into the jewelers to see an elderly man talking to the elder that had "greeted" us. Their heads turned as we walked threw the door. The man behind the table stood and smiled brightly at us.
"Good day, Geralt of Rivia and friends. How can I help you today?" He greeted and smiled. Geralt looked down at me as I walked up to the counter, Ciri at my side.
"I have something to possibly trade," I said and pulled out the necklaces I had been wearing. I broke the chain around my neck and let the ring fall into my hand and placed it on the counter.
It was a golden ring with gold leaves that came together around a stone native to my homelands. The man took it, looking at it with eyes wide.
"This stone. Where did you get it? Why are you giving it up?"  The man asked and looked at me. I could now feel Geralt's presents behind me as he examined the ring.
"Its a stone called Adamant, a white jewel. It's one of the most valuable jewels to my people. But it hasn't meant a thing to me in many, many years. It was an engagement to a betrothal about 500 hundred years ago, I only kept it due to the value I know it holds. I'm only willing to give it up for the right price." Ciri was now holding the ring. Looking at it closer.
"I have a queen who would kill for a peace like this." The jeweler said and pulled out a chest, full of coins.
"I'll give you 3,000 Orens for it." He said as he started to weigh the gold coins. I had very little knowledge of the currency of this land so I looked to Geralt.
"Does that seem fair to you?" I asked and he titled his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I've killed monster for 3,000 orens. I feel you could do better man. If this queen is willing to kill for a peace like that, I do not believe you will only be selling it for that amount. Do not try and scam the woman." He said, his voice gruff and his eyes set in a glare. He slowly moved closer to me, his chest nearly touching my back.
"Try again." He growled.
"The highest I can go is 5,000." The jeweler said now looking even more intently at the ring. I looked up at Geralt and he nodded.
"Deal." He smiled and started to fill a pack full of coins before handing it to me. With a quick thank you, we exited the store and I tied the sack of coins to my belt.
"So you were betrothed?" Great asked quietly as we sat and watched the woman who gave me my clothes measure and dresses Ciri.
"I was, a long long time ago. Before my father realized I wanted to marry for love. Not for the kingdom. And I was also a fierce warrior even then. My father thought my talent would be wasted on the elven king who just wanted a bride to produce his kin. I kept the ring tho. Thought it'd come in handy one day. And it did." He chuckled softly.
"I never took you for the settle down and marry type anyway." He said glancing at me.
"I'm only open to it, with the right person. Someone willing to treat me as an equal and not just want me for my uterus. Unfortunately, many higher up elven men in my home only care about spreading their seed and continuing their line. My father was the first in many years to not go threw with a betrothal." I now met his eyes.
"I'm not a housewife. I'm not a trophy wife. I want to be a wife who's known for defending herself and her family. And not just a woman pregnant all the time." I said and he smiled a little.
"I believe any man would be lucky to have your hand in marriage little elf." He was so close to my ear as he whispered and it made me shiver.
After Dara and Ciri were equipped with new clothes and shoes, I walked to the woman who was now placing all her tools back. Placing my hand in the bag of coins I pulled out a handful and placed it on her table.
"For everything you've done. We appreciate it so much." She smiled and took the money off the counter and I turned to leave.
"Oh, my dear don't forget your cloak and new knickers." I turned to her again and she handed me a bag full of I'm guessing the new nickers which I was more than happy about. And she wrapped the cloak around my shoulders.
"Its a sheep's wool cloak. It'll keep you plenty warm out on your adventures with the wither. If you're ever around again. Don't hesitate to come to see me. Good luck young one." I smiled and she leaned up and kissed my cheek before pushing me towards Geralt and the kids who were waiting by the door. The cloak was beautiful. It was black all over but the inner fabric was a beautiful blood red.
As we exited the shop Jaskier and Legolas were walking up to us, Legolas had two new horses by his side. He handed me the reins of a beautiful black mare. She was stunning. Her main was thick and her tail was almost to the floor.
"The town elder said these were the ones he was willing to give up." I placed my hand gently on her nose and she leaned into it.
"Hello, lovely," I whispered softly, she huffed in response. I softly pressed my forehead to her snout and closed my eyes. Feeling her bond connect with my own. She had never had a true owner, I could feel her sadness and wanting for a real person to care for her. Not to just be a show pony to the town.
"Vega..." I whispered. She huffed again.
"Such a pretty name," I whispered again and stepped back from her. I slowly walked around her petting her as I went.
"I wish I could do that," Ciri said looking at me as she pets Vega's nose.
"I know you have talents of your own. Embrace those, don't be jealous of someone's abilities when you've been gifted by the gods with your own." I softly kissed her head.
"You will soon come to master those powers and become a very fearsome warrior like Geralt." She smiled wildly at me.
"Or like you." I couldn't help but smile at her words.
"I'm nothing compared to the Witcher of Rivera but I'm more than happy to teach you anything you ask." I heard Geralt hum softly before he turned and walked towards the inn. We all followed behind him, and I tied Vega to the post outside next to Roach.
We all went to our rooms to collect the items we had left in. I grabbed all the new clothes I had acquired and placed them in a bag rolling it with a blanket and, grabbed my swords placing one in my sheath on my belt and the other next to the door. I walked over to the bath and picked up the lemon-scented bar soap and looked at Geralt who was putting his armor on.
"Would it be bad if we took this. I'll leave them a coin." He chuckled softly not looking in my direction focusing on trying to tie his gauntlets that were studded along the outsides of them. I walked over to him and gently took his arm and rested it on my thigh while I tied them for him.
"I didn't need you to do that, princess." He said looking at me as I finished his other arm.
"No, but it was painful watching you struggle, witcher," I said with a smirk and stepped back.
"I'm taking the soap. You can smell pretty bad some days. What does Jaskier say, Onions?" I asked with a laugh and he just grunted, rolling his eyes.
We walked out of the inn and down to the horses. I placed my second sword in the sheath on the saddle and my pack on the end of it, strapping it in. My bow and quiver were also strapped onto the saddle. Not too long after I finished everyone else had their belongings packed to their horses. We all went to the well in the center of town and filled our water packs.
"Where to next?" Jaskier asked as we walked to the horses, Geralt mounting Roach after helping Ciri and Dara onto their own. I followed suit, mounting Vega after untying her lead.
"Where ever the monsters take us. Hoping to find a village willing to house us for when winter hits. I don't want you all out and open to the harshness of the snow this winter." He said as he begins leading Roach to the main road us following.
"Well, I think we should let Apha do all the talking. She's nicer than you Geralt." Jaskier said before he jumped into song as we left the town behind us.
"Toss a coin to your witcher-"
"No Jaskier!" Geralt yelled behind him. But the bard continued, Ciri and Dara joining laughing while they sang. I couldn't help but giggle at the Witcher's stone-cold glare. I gently poked his arm as we rode side by side and he looked at me.
"Where the monsters take us?" I asked, his lips twitched and I could see a shadow of a smile.
"Yes, little elf. Are you with us." He also glanced back at Legolas who was pulling up the rear to make sure no one was falling behind. He heard of course. With his enhanced hearing. He nodded to Garelt wordlessly.
"We're here Garelt. Where ever the monsters take us."
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rcguna-archived · 3 years
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@primomade​ sent:  This is... what, the thirteenth time in two weeks that Noelle's stopped by this Home Depot? Goodness, the conflicting schedule of her workdays and Raguna's must have made the endeavor all the more harder, but finally, today's the day! He's spotted tending to some of the store's merchandise, and almost immediately, her heart beams in excitement. "Raguna!" She bounces over to him -- pauses. She hadn't come with anything in mind. This is the first time she's found him since she's started looking...
But that's okay.. ! She just has to think of something to say! ... Quickly! ... before the silent awkwardness following the 'oh, hey miss Noelle! How are you?' draws out for too long. Was she sweating? Was it hot in here? Oh, darn it!! Why didn't she come prepared!? " Would-- " That smile falters only slightly, before it's forced to be just a little bit wider so it didn't seem like she was panicking. "--- you like to help me with a -- garden!? " Gosh.
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A coworker had just left for another department after helping Raguna open up a few pallets of fertilizer. A somewhat frustrating ordeal for him, if only because they were only an hour into what was a pretty short shift compared to usual, and they had already started their complaining. Was it really weird that Raguna enjoyed this work? Some would say so, but they were focusing on the bad encounters and arguments with customers that multiplied lapses in passive productivity. Raguna thinks instead on the people he’s been able to help and the things he’s been able to learn. Tending to the plants at the garden section and befriending far more people than one would expect of a retail worker.
...how many old ladies said they wished they had a grandson like him? Aha, probably too many to count at this point. And yet each time the young man couldn’t manage a proper response besides a fluster that brought even further cheer to the elders. S...sometimes he thinks they may have playfully flirted with him. That was always odd.
Best keep those thoughts outside of his head. There’s only one person he had an interest in after all, yet he had no idea how to go about pursuing it. Other coworkers had heard mention of the girl who had caught his fancy, and this unfortunately lead to Raguna being teased that his reluctance to make a move was surely to lead to her getting with someone else. He needed to man up. He needed to be aggressive. . . but that really wasn’t his thing! Also wouldn’t that mean being rude to Noelle?
“I can’t do th--” And that’s when she shows up. Here. At his work. She knew where he worked of course. That was only fair seeing as how often he saw her at hers. So her showing up to here shouldn’t be weird at all. And yet he’s totally thrown off thanks to the ironic meanderings of his mind just a minute before. He jumps up at the sound of her voice, a brisk patting of his apron and knees before offering the best customer service smile he can do. But she’s wearing a cute outfit and--
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“Oh hey, Miss Noelle! How are you? Did you need something?” That was pretty likely of course. She just trusts his input on things or maybe she needed some more assistance with her grandparents home. It wouldn’t be the first time after all. He wants for a moment, she looks nervous... what is she--
“Would-- you like to help me with a-- ..garden?!”
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“Oh. A garden. Well... uh, yeah! Sure!” For some reason he felt some sort of relief? He can’t put his finger on why, but it was much easier to talk on this work related topic compared to other things. Quickly his thoughts are collected, and after a tap of a finger to his chin he starts rattling off thoughts.
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“Actually, this is a really great time to get started with gardening now that we’re moving into spring! What were you looking to grow? Herb gardens are the most common, and the easiest to get going if you’re just looking for fresh ingredients for cooking. There’s a nice authenticity of using your own compared to what you get at the store. I grow a lot of rosemary, thyme, and oregano myself. I think I told you about my huge green onion that refuses to die as well, aha. Ha. Ehem.”
This is where someone would typically pause for input, but Raguna keeps going, more suggestions and thoughts springing to mind that mix in with his enthusiasm and excitement to be talking about something he was passionate about with the young woman. Is he trying to impress her? Well... maybe a little bit. By the time he realizes what he’s doing he’s already laid out tips for vegetables and fruit as well as shown her where the seeds and soil and tools could be found.
Then he pauses and turns to look at her. His ears just about turn red.
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“A-Ah, sorry, I think I got a little bit carried away there. I didn’t even think about the flowers! ....did you mention what kind of garden you wanted to start, come to think of it?”
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