#i couldn’t tell if the anon ask before this was someone trying to be rude or
lnfours · 2 years
God was that a threat? Oh well *puts hair in a ponytail*
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
I just discovered your blog from your fake dating story and I am in love with everything you have written! I would like to request one if you are open to writing it. Sebastian and f!mc’s relationship is at a standstill after a big fight. Rumors floating around the castle that they have broken up, a student who fancies MC takes his chance to flirt and ask MC on a date. MC hesitantly, like she’s unsure, claims she’s with Sebastian. He does not believe her, perhaps because MC does not believe it herself. Possessive!Sebastian appears.
AHHHH thank you so so much, you're wonderful anon! This was such a fun one to write---I really enjoy Possessive!Seb haha, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for the request!
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC/Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Possessive!Seb, Andrew Larson being rude, making out lol
She and Sebastian had fought before, but never like that. 
What made it worse is she knew it was all her fault. It had started out like many of their disagreements—she had been late coming back from the Forbidden Forest, and was a bit banged up. Sebastian, as always, had waited up for her. He’d made a habit of doing that, always telling her he’d be unable to sleep until she was safe. Most of the time, she would let him worry over her for a few minutes, heal whatever wounds the Wiggenweld had missed, and then kiss goodnight. But that night, everything had been too much. 
She had failed to save the puffskeins she’d been fighting to save. A quick cast of Depulso had caught her just at the worst moment, sending her flying back into a cliffside. As she crumpled to the ground, the poachers had grabbed their loot and aparated away. So when Sebastian fussed over her—and that time she didn’t even have anything worthwhile to show for it—she snapped. 
How she wished she could take back the words she’d said to him. What she wouldn’t give for a time turner to slap some sense into her past self. She accused him of being too controlling, of telling her what she could and couldn’t do (that was completely false—he’d always let her go where and when she wanted, as long as he let her know). Then he fired back that perhaps he’d allowed her too much freedom, had she been hit so hard she’d lost her bloody mind? It only escalated from there. It ended with her storming out of the room, without even a hint of remorse. 
Oh, how she felt it now.
It hit her as she curled up in bed, staring up at the ceiling as her anger cooled. The tears flooded her alongside the regret. She had said some horrible things. What if he couldn’t forgive her? 
She didn’t sleep that night. Or the night after that. Or any for the several days that followed. 
Because when she had gone to apologize that morning, she… couldn’t. It wasn’t that she was stubborn or wanted him to say sorry first—it was fear that he wouldn’t accept her apology, that she had permanently ruined things between them. Maybe that fight would finally make him realize how much better he could do than her. 
So she didn’t approach him. And he didn’t approach her. For an agonizing week they went on in silence. She could swear she felt his eyes on the back of her head, but when she turned, he would be talking to someone else. For as much as she stared, longing to see that lop-sided smirk she knew so well, he didn’t turn her way. It was awful.
And now there were rumors—rumors that she didn’t know what to do with. People began to whisper that they’d broken up, that the Hero of Hogwarts was back on the market. It made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t want to be with anyone but Sebastian, and the thought of them not being together—well, it tore her apart. 
What made it even worse was Andrew Larson trying to take his chance with her. 
Throughout the week, he began to make sly remarks in class about how wonderfully she had performed the spells. He walked with her, even offering to carry her books, which she nearly scoffed at. Every time he said something like that, she couldn’t help but glance at Sebastian, seeing if it would garner any reaction from him. He never said anything or stepped in, but she could see the way his jaw tensed—it gave her a bit of hope that perhaps there was still something there for them. 
It all came to a head nine days after her and Sebastian had fought. She was in the courtyard, studying—normally she would have gone to the library, but Sebastian was usually there that time in the evening. She read through the pages of her textbook, trying her best to get lost in the pages. Evidently, it worked; she hadn’t heard Andrew Larson’s footsteps as he had approached her. 
The clearing of his throat startled her from her reading, and she looked up at him. There was a smile on his face–-one that filled her with much more dread than it should have. 
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“In a way, I suppose,” he said. 
She frowned. “Well then, what is it?” 
“I was wondering if you would join me on a trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow.” 
Her heart dropped. She hadn’t once played into his attempts at flirting—never showed any sign she felt that way towards him, yet he still had the gall to ask her out? 
She stood, starting to gather her things to get out of there as quickly as possible. “No, thank you, Andrew.” 
“And why not?”
“You know full well I—” her throat felt suddenly dry. Her voice came out weaker as she continued. “I’m… with Sebastian.”
Andrew let out a laugh, one that made her stomach churn. “Oh, please. You two haven’t even looked at each other in a week. It couldn’t be more clear you’ve gone your separate ways. I promise I’m an excellent candidate to get you back into dating.”
“We haven’t broken up,” she said. But it sounded like she was trying to reassure herself more than anything. “We just…” Just what, she thought. 
Andrew seemed to read her thoughts and made a strange attempt at a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. I promise I can help that little broken heart of yours.”
“You won’t be doing anything of the sort, Larson.” 
She whirled around toward the familiar voice. Her heart fluttered at the expression on his face. He wore a deep scowl, lip curled slightly from disgust. His eyes were dark and menacing. 
It was pretty hot.
His wand was clenched in his hand, and she couldn’t really find it in herself to tell him to calm down. 
Andrew didn’t seem nearly as phased as he should have been. She had seen looks like that cross Sebastian’s face before, and it never ended well for the person on the receiving end of his fury. Instead of running like a sensible man might do, Andrew stood his ground, arms crossed. “Oh really? And why is that, Sallow?”
“Because she’s mine.”
The way he practically growled the word sent shivers down her spine.
Andrew narrowed his eyes. “She didn’t seem too sure about that just a moment ago. Maybe she needs the chance to see what she’s missing out on.” 
And suddenly Sebastian’s dark and angry eyes were on her, and he was stepping closer, and some instinct in the back of her head warned her to run, but of course she won’t, not from Sebastian, never from Sebastian—and then his lips crashed into hers, his hands on either side of her face, and she felt like she would combust on the spot—
He’s kissed her before, too many times to count. There kisses stolen between classes, when he insisted he just could resist her lovely smile, kisses in private, where he let his lips linger and part until they were overtaken with laughs and smiles . Kisses that were passionate, hungry, leaving her aching with a strange need. None of them held a flame to this.
Her arms lift to wrap around the back of his neck, pulling herself closer to the heat of his mouth. One of his hands left her face to pull her hips to his, and he took advantage of the gasp that parted her lips, letting himself taste her even more deeply. 
It was ghastly. Indecent. Provocative. Heavenly.
She was barely aware of all the students that cleared themselves out of the courtyard (though not after a good moment of gawking at the sight). Andrew Larson stomped away among them. Finally, the pair broke apart, gasping desperately for the shared air between them. It was a good few minutes before either of them had the mind to talk. 
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian said. His voice was husky in a way that made her want to reclaim his lips, but she knew she could wait until they got some things settled. 
“You better not be referring to that kiss,” she breathed out. “Because that was… it was…”
He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose, a stark contrast to their ministrations mere moments ago. “Oh believe me, I’m not sorry for that one bit. It seemed to get the message to Larson pretty well, too.” 
She blushed, the realization that they had more than just a handful of witnesses to that scene hitting her. But she shook the thought. “Then you better not be saying sorry for our stupid fight, either.”
Sebastian’s brows furrowed. “Am I not supposed to apologize for fighting?” 
“Not when you did nothing wrong,” she sighed, burying her head in the crook of his neck. “It was all my fault. I was frustrated and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” 
“I still could have come to talk to you this whole time,” he said. “But I didn’t. Thought maybe you’d be better off without me.”
She nearly laughed at that. “That’s silly. I was thinking you were better off without me.” 
“Then maybe we can agree that both of those thoughts are ridiculous.” 
She pulled her face up to look at him. “I love you, Sebastian. And I promise if we ever fight again, I’m not going to be an idiot.”
“I’m not sure I can promise the same.”
She laughed, and he grinned at the sound. One week had been much too long without it. 
He bit his lip a bit. “I um… I’m sorry I sort of… lost control over Larson.” His gaze trailed away from hers. 
She blushed. “Don’t be. It was hot.”
His eyes widened as they met hers once again. “Hot?”
She gave a small nod. “Yes. What was it you said? I’m yours?”
His grip on her tightened as he grinned down at her. “And don’t you forget it.”
“I think I could use another reminder, if you don’t mind.”
He didn’t mind at all.
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hockeyboysimagines · 10 months
okay we need a sequel to practice makes perfect where matthew is proven right and knocked hallie up first try 😂
Your wish is my commend anon. Please read part 1 before this, as it won’t make sense otherwise. I hope this is everything you’re imagining.
“So what?”
“Did you take it?”
Hallie rolled her eyes “No I didn’t take it yet. I’m not late, we still have another week.”
Matthew slumped down in his seat and crossed his arms “Ugh. Can’t you hurry it along? Like talk with your uterus and tell it to do us a solid?”
“The fact that you know nothing about the female body is amazing considering how good you are in bed.” She looked down at her abdomen “Excuse me in there. Can you tell us if you’re sending a period this month? My baby daddy wants to know.”
His mouth fell open and he started laughing “Baby daddy.”
“Is that not what you are?” Hallie asked reaching forward to run her fingers through his hair “I mean after all wasn’t it YOU.” She said jabbing him in the chest with her pointer finger “Who was just bragging about being 2 for 2 the other week? The cabin? The bar bathroom? Ring a bell?”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember the bar bathroom.”
“Can’t remember my ass!”
“Oh no. I remember your ass.”
He ran a hand up her thigh and gave her hip a tug, pulling her over to straddle his lap, and looked at her smiling cheekily “Kidding. Of course I’m your baby daddy. Thomas looks just like me, now Lilly…..”
Hallie’s mouth fell open and she slapped his chest “Rude.” And then she reached down between them to palm him through his shorts “I guess if that’s how you feel I’ll find someone else to give me this.” She ground her pelvis into his, and he felt himself get hard.
“Never.” He reached forward and let his hands travel up her thighs to her hips and then leaned up to kiss her collarbone. Hallie closed her eyes and felt goosebumps erupt across her skin as his lips moved across her skin, tongue sliding across her neck, and up her jaw to her mouth. He had just started to kiss her, hand coming up to grip the back of her neck when-
He stopped and his head fell forward with a sigh.
“Daddy come play!”
She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek “We’ll finish this later. Your mini me is calling you.” she climbed off him and helped him stand, turning to head towards the kitchen when she felt his hand on her ass “I like these pants.” He said hand coming to the other side of her hips “They make your-“
“OKAY!” He yelled back, scowling and huffing “He’s so impatient.”
Hallie started laughing “You sure you want another one?”
“Ha ha. I want 4 more.”
“4-what I-4?!” Hallie’s sputtered at him until he started laughing.
“Can’t help it. You’re just so easy to get pregnant.” He shrugged and winked at her turning to find Thomas and take him outside to play hockey in the driveway, a daily past time for them.
4 kids. Was he crazy? She thought as she made her way through the house and upstairs to check on baby Lilly, as Thomas called her, who was taking a nap. On her way she passed the bathroom, and stopped.
Biting her lip she reached under the sink and pulled out a test. She didn’t feel pregnant. Last time she’d known right away, after said romp in the bar. Exactly 5 weeks later she was holding a positive test while Brady celebrated before the Battle of Alberta playoff series. When at home, some form of protection was always used unless they were trying. But there wasn’t much thought that went into spontaneous bar bathroom sex, or her last minute availability to be in Ottawa some weeks ago, both of which had been protection free. She held it in her hand, doing a mental count and pulled her jeans down.
Today would be 5 weeks exactly, and taking one couldn’t hurt. It would however prove his theory, and he would now be 3 for 3 on getting her pregnant on the first try.
Thomas was the night in the cabin, the first time they’d had sex.
Lilly was the bar bathroom, the first time they’d been out celebrating the trade with his new teammates.
And now if she was pregnant today, it would be after the game in Ottawa, all three being on the first try.
She would never hear the end of this.
She set the test on the counter, pulling her jeans up and washing her hands while she waited for it. She however was not alone before it finished because Matthew himself threw the door open and stopped, surprised to see her but then his eyes zeroed in on the test.
“What the- your taking it without me?!”
He pushed past her and peered at it, eyes moving between what appeared in the bubble and the difference between positive and negative. A smile spread slowly across his face like the Grinch when his heart grew three sizes and he turned to her.
“3 for 3!”
“No WAY!” She said grabbing it and holding it up. There it was. A pink plus sign clear as day in that tiny circle.
He thrust a fist in the air and gave a very loud “YES!” Before he pulled out his phone, fumbling to unlock it with the amount of excitement running through him.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling my parents to tell them that their son has successfully knocked you up 3 times on the first try. Let them tell me again that Brady’s more talented.”
“Matthew do not-“
But Chantal had already answered the phone.
“Hello I was just going to-“
“Hallie’s pregnant!” He yelled gleefully into the phone.
“AH!” Chantal screamed on the other end. She heard a clatter in the background and Keith yelling “What?! What happened?!”
“Hallie’s pregnant!” She yelled voice breaking a little.
“Again? He’s out of control.”
“Yeah remember that next time you tell me Brady is better. I’d like to see him do that.”
Hallie’s face burned with embarrassment as she accepted ‘congratulations’ from Keith and Chantal, who promised to come visit soon and hung up. But Matthew wasn’t done, he texted several teammates, all of whom chirped him, including Sam who said he didn’t think he had it in him, and then made one last phone call, looking at her and cracking a large evil smile.
“Now what are you doing?”
“Calling Brady to tell him that C on his chest is nothing compared to the C in my pants.”
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gingerjunhan · 6 months
Can you write something angsty with jiseok (college au) where he's popular and reader isn't so he wants to keep your relationship a secret? I love your writing!
☆彡 I wrote this one in class lmao- hope you enjoy it anon :)
word count: 689 | pronouns used: none | genre: angst, college!au | cws: starts fluffy, Jiseok is rude, Jooyeon is also rude, implied breakup?, lmk if I missed something!
part two here!!
It was your lunch break between classes, and you and your boyfriend Jiseok were enjoying some of the springtime sun. He was already done with his classes for the day, so you had decided to meet up and eat lunch outside. This was rare for the two of you, seeing that Jiseok was typically off with his friends for some club stuff at this time.
“I’m telling you Jiseok,” you sigh, “I’m not gonna pass.” You were put into an English composition class, and writing was not your forte, and your grades weren’t something to brag about.
“Just drop the class,” Jiseok offered. “There’s nothing wrong with dropping a class you aren’t gonna pass. It’s better than sacrificing your GPA.”
“I know, but…” you look away from him with a frown, “I’d be disappointed with myself.”
“Hey,” Jiseok said softly, taking your hand in his. “It’s alright. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. I had to drop that one philosophy class last semester, remember?”
“And did it work out in the end?”
You give him a small nod.
“Exactly,” he brings your knuckles to his lips and gives them a soft kiss. “It’s all gonna be okay.”
You exchanged soft smiles, but your sweet moment was short-lived.
Jiseok dropped your hand onto the table you were sitting at as if you had burnt him. He looked up in the direction of the voice that had called his name. You looked as well, seeing his friend, Jooyeon, jogging your way. You quickly looked down at the table.
“Hey man,” Jiseok greeted him with a smile and a small handshake that you would guess that they’ve practiced before. “What’s up?”
“Why aren’t you at practice?” Jooyeon asked.
“Oh, uh,” Jiseok struggled, “I’m tutoring,” he motioned to you across the table. “This was the only time we could both meet up, so I couldn’t make it.” Jooyeon nodded and looked over at you. You gave him a smile that he didn’t return.
“Can you come after you’re done with your nerd stuff?” Jooyeon asked, quickly brushing off your polite gesture and giving you a side-eye.
“I’ll see,” Jiseok answered shortly. “I shouldn’t be here much longer.” He looked over at you, and you could almost make out the apologetic look in his eyes. You looked back down at the table again.
“Alright, cool,” Jooyeon smiled at him. “I’ll tell Gunil you’re on your way.” The two of them did their little handshake again while exchanging goodbyes, and Jooyeon trotted off.
“Seriously?” You asked once he was out of earshot.
“What?” Jiseok asked as if he had done nothing wrong.
“You lied to him about us. Why would you do that? I thought you said the guys knew.” Your frown was evident, and Jiseok didn’t seem to care.
“They will,” he said quickly, clearly just trying to appease you. “Just give it some time.”
“Jiseok,” your voice shook ever-so-slightly, “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” You watched as Jiseok's face grew a little pale. It was evident that he had been caught. You knew that Jiseok was more popular than you. He played in a band that was well-known around campus, he was involved in sports and clubs, and he was attractive, smart, and (supposedly) kind to the people around him. If this was high school, someone like Jiseok probably would’ve bullied someone like you. You frown.
“(Y/N)-” he started, “it’s not like that-”
“It’s not?” You started to get angry now. “Then why can we never hang out in public? Why can’t you invite me along to parties or take me on dates? Why can’t your friends know about us?” You tried your hardest to keep it together, but his lack of response was starting to get to you. “Is it because you think I’m not cool enough?” Jiseok tries to stutter out a response, but he can’t think of an answer that won’t hurt your feelings. “Whatever,” you scoff, standing from your seat. “I gotta go to class.” You grab your things to leave, giving him an angry look before you go. “Have fun at practice.”
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , @odesonnets , @weluvjeong , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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jackhues · 1 year
(mockingbird au!) better things - platonic!hughes
request: quinn's gf treating the reader shitty
requested by: anon : )
notes: hehe, this took very long bcz i've had writers block for so long, but i hope you enjoy! continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
mockingbird! au request rules!
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @zegras2crosby , @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley @huggyhugh , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002 , @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73, @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 &lt;3
join my taglist!
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the first time you met marianne, you tried to tell yourself she had a bad day. 
after all, it happens to everyone. you’ve had many yourself. days when you don’t want to talk to anyone, where you especially don’t have the energy to talk to someone new.
it was a universal experience.
there’d been a knock on your door that afternoon, followed by jack yelling, “i’ll get it!” you were washing the dishes, so it wasn’t like you were going to go get it anyways.
once you put the dishes away and dried your hands, you made your way to the door, trying to figure out what was taking jack so long. he was a bit of a chatterbox, and on more than one occasion, you had to pull him away from a scared looking deliveryman.
“jack, who’s here?” you asked.
“damn, y/n,” quinn clicked his teeth as he shook his head to himself. “and here i thought you’d recognize me before my own brother would.”
“quinn!” you laughed a little, hugging him. “oh my god, i completely forgot you’re in town! the game’s tomorrow, right?”
“yup,” he agreed.
“great, remind me to prepare myself for hearing ‘jack hughes’ brother’ on the broadcast all night,” you muttered to yourself.
jack laughed, while quinn merely rolled his eyes. 
“this is why you should watch the vancouver broadcasts,” he rapped his knuckles against your head.
you swatted his hand away as someone cleared their throat.
it was only then you noticed a pretty redhead standing behind quinn and looking a little… bored? it was hard to tell, she didn’t look very expressive.
“y/n, meet marianne!” quinn said, putting an arm around the girl. “anne, this is jack’s girlfriend, y/n.”
“hi, it’s nice to meet you!” you grinned, unsure if you should step up for a hug or handshake.
anne nodded in your direction, still looking vaguely bored by everything around her. you decided on neither form of greeting.
jack and quinn were deep in conversation, sending luke snaps and telling him to hurry and make his way over to your’s and jack’s apartment. the three boys would be staying at your place over the weekend.
the rest of the quinn and anne’s visit went by alright, as long as you didn’t count the fact that you and anne never spoke to each other, despite living in the same house for two days.
you stayed at home to watch the devils and canucks play each other, even inviting anne as a gesture of goodwill.
“um, no thanks,” was her simple response. “i’m meeting up with a few of my friends to go clubbing.”
you merely nodded to yourself, doing your absolute best to try and pretend her tone wasn’t rude, and that she was just tired.
a bad day can be a bad few days, right?
the second time you met her, things hadn’t gone any smoother.
this time, you and jack were visiting quinn in vancouver, staying over at his house for the visit. you weren’t even supposed to be there, but jack had convinced you to go along and surprise quinn.
luke had arrived at quinn’s apartment a few hours prior, leaving you and jack to go on an impromptu date around the city. 
you knocked on the door, stepping back and squeezing jack’s hand. you couldn’t wait to see the shocked expression on quinn’s face when he saw you guys together.
except, he didn’t open the door.
anne stood inside quinn’s apartment, narrowing her eyes at the sight of you. her gaze travelled towards jack, who she recognized immediately. 
“hey, jack, right?” she asked.
jack smiled, “the one and only. is my brother here?”
she nodded, giving you a onceover, before stepping back and allowing you guys inside the apartment.
“quinn! your other brother’s here!” she called, before heading towards one of the rooms.
you and jack shared a glance, before entering the apartment. you’d spent some time here occasionally, usually when jack was visiting vancouver on a road trip, but you didn’t remember the exact layout of this apartment.
quinn, who must’ve been eating lunch, shouted something in response, before making his way over.
“hey - oh my god, y/n!” he moved jack out of the way to give you a hug.
you laughed loudly, sticking your tongue out at jack who had crossed his arms and was pouting slightly.
“told you he loves me more,” you grinned.
this time around, you went to the stadium to watch the devils and canucks game, along with ellen and jim. anne joined you guys, but she didn’t seem very interested.
you wore a red devils jersey, sporting ‘hughes’ and the number 86 proudly on your back. hockey wasn’t a huge part of your life growing up, but after meeting jack, the sport grew on you. it was hard to date a hockey player and not be a hockey fan.
you watched the game intensely, cheering whenever one of the three hughes had the puck - but you were loudest when it was jack. nico scored near the end of the first period, leading to you and jim cheering and celebrating with one of your handshakes.
while ellen loved all three of her kids, her oldest had a special place in her heart. she couldn’t just cheer against his team.
“devils are winning this, ma,” you told her, laughing during the first intermission. jim had left you guys, with the promise of coming back after grabbing some food.  “i’m telling you, we’re getting a jack goal, maybe two, and then… i’m not sure, i feel like dawson’s gonna score one.”
ellen rolled her eyes, “keep dreaming honey. but anne and i know that quinn’s gonna win this one.”
you turned to anne, momentarily forgetting she was there. 
“what do you think, anne?” you asked, trying to appease your guilt-ridden conscience at forgetting her existence. “what’s the score gonna be?”
anne looked up from her phone, bored, “does it matter? it’s just a dumb game. i don’t even understand why you’re so interested. like honestly, i have better stuff to do. everyone should have better stuff to do.”
you blinked, slightly taken aback.
“excuse me?” ellen said to her, also put off by her words and tone.
“what?” anne looked up. “did i say something wrong?”
“you don’t have to be here, you know,” ellen told her. “in fact, if you’re not interested in the game, if you’re going to talk to my daughter like that, and if you ‘have better things to do’, go ahead and leave. no one’s stopping you.”
anne stared at ellen, at a loss for words.
“ma, it’s okay, really,” you said, trying to deescalate the situation. there were lots of people around, and you just didn’t want anyone to accidentally catch wind of the conversation. “let’s not do this right now. i’m sure we’re all just misunderstanding what’s going on.”
ellen huffed, crossing her arms and looking back at the ice. on the other side of you, anne did the same.
“okay, so i’ve got candy, hot dogs, and some pop. someone please take them from me before i drop them,” jim froze at the sight of the three of you, obviously catching the tension.
at your warning glance, he wisely remained silent.
the rest of the game was tense, but jack had scored two goals - he liked scoring against quinn - and the devils secured a win over the canucks. quinn had come away with two assists, but it just wasn’t enough in the end.
the tension remained, even after the game, but no one brought it up. not until months later, when you sat around the fire at the lake house.
“okay, but that move i pulled on you was still better than your goal,” quinn was saying to jack.
“no, no, no,” jack argued. “the goal was so much better.”
you, ellen, jim, and luke watched the two older boys argue, laughing amongst yourselves.
“hey, after the game, why were you all so tense and awkward?” luke turned to you suddenly.
jim shrugged, “i was just following what the rest of them were doing.”
ellen’s smile had turned sour, but you understood. you didn’t like thinking about that day very much either.
you waved it off, “you remember quinn’s girlfriend, anne?”
“oh, the redhead?”
“yup,” you nodded. “anyways, she was just being a little rude-”
“y/n, don’t sugarcoat her actions,” ellen shook her head. “y/n and i were having a conversation about the game while jim went to go get us some food. y/n tried to be nice and include anne in the conversation, but anne was rude and i didn’t like it, so i told her off. when someone’s being nice to you, you can’t just say stuff like that. i didn’t like her.”
luke laughed, “me neither, honestly. i don’t know why… something about her attitude just rubbed me wrong.”
“okay, okay, enough,” ellen said. “i don’t want to talk about her anymore.” she yawned, “on second thought, i don’t want to talk at all anymore. g’night guys.”
jim sighed, collecting the smore’s sticks and following his wife inside. you and luke watched jack and quinn argue, laughing whenever the other made a comment that didn’t make sense.
you were so tired, you didn’t even realize when you fell asleep.
jack smiled down at you, using his your hoodie as a blanket to cover yourself as you slept.
“i don’t care if you guys have been together for years,” luke muttered as he walked by, “staring like that is still weird.”
“wait until you get a girlfriend,” jack muttered, rolling his eyes at his younger brother.
he leaned down, lifting you up off the chair and into his arms bridal style. your eyes fluttered, but at the sound of jack’s soft voice, you nestled comfortably in his arms and fell back asleep.
luke and quinn waved at him as he carried you down the hall and to bed.
“i keep forgetting to ask,” luke turned to his oldest brother suddenly. “what happened to anne? why’d you guys break up?”
quinn shrugged to himself, “after the last devils and canucks game, she said she didn’t like y/n very much, and she didn’t like how mom talked to her or something. and obviously, mom’s not going to be rude unless she was rude first. i told her that, she got mad and said i can’t talk to y/n anymore. i said we can’t be together if she doesn’t like y/n or mom because those are two of the most important females in my life. if she doesn’t like my mom or my sister, how’re we supposed to go on?”
“so you broke it off?” luke asked.
“so i broke it off,” quinn agreed.
luke nodded, as if the explanation made sense.
you were a part of the boys’ lives, a huge part. there was no way they would compromise when it came to you. there was no better thing than the relationship they had with you.
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cjonesjr · 11 months
This is my first time actually requesting someone for something-
So, is it possible to do a fluffy oneshot of a Jax x Pianist/Musically inclined reader?
The reader is someone who in the real world used to play a lot of music and wrote a couple of pieces, and some of that managed to translate into the circus when the got sucked in.
Now for the actual scenario, Reader has been in the circus for a week is taking it pretty well (probably because they begged Caine to put a piano in their room once they realized he was practically God in this place-). After a while, they noticed that they kept on either staring at a certain rabbit, or will write about him in song at a random time at night when they couldn't sleep.
One fateful night, they decided to play one of the pieces they wrote for him, and Jax just so happened to be at their door to prank them, and he hears the song playing in the reader's room.
Whatever he does to the reader is up to you!
(The reader is gender neutral because I want others to like it as well, and you can make it romantic or platonic. Tho, I had a more romantic view of this thingy- sorry if it's a bit too lengthy to get to!)
・﹒・ keys of affection - request
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Summary: You were playing piano that Caine had miraculously gifted you in your room when a certain rabbit decides to stop by
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jax x pianist!reader
Requested by: Anon
You were new to the circus and the only thing keeping you from going insane was the piano in your room. Music was the one thing you actually remembered from the real world that made up your entire being, you played piano so much it was ingrained in your head despite not even being able to recall the name you were called for all your life. Because of that, you called yourself “Chord”, as in a piano chord. From the very first day, you asked Caine if he could put a piano in your room to help you keep you sane and he complied happily, however, you had hidden it from everyone else.
The main reason being that you didn’t feel like you could trust them enough- not in the sense that they would make fun of you or anything- but the fact that it was such a big part of your life back home, it was difficult to be open to them. Eventually, you would tell them because they weren’t bad people, well...except for Jax. He was rude, arrogant, and for some reason, you couldn’t help but hold your gaze a little longer at him. Nobody liked him, so why were you so inclined to be around him? Dare you say, you were good friends with him. Yet, he often plagued your thoughts when you would try to sleep, causing you to get up and simply just write songs about him. Songwriting was your way to calm down and express your thoughts in a healthy way, so that’s what you did.
You had a journal filled with your random songs on your desk, your music sheets all in a binder on the shelf. The day was winding down for you as you stuck to a routine here to stop yourself from getting abstracted. You would soon crawl into bed and then get up after a few hours because your mind was plagued by the purple rabbit, thinking of him too much. However, before that, you sat at the bench and prepared to play one of your newest pieces of the man (one of many). Taking a deep breath in to steady yourself, you flipped up the cover and looked at the music sheet and then down at the keys.
You know I’d never had thought I’d love someone like you.
Someone who is just so cute.
Cute but a bit rude, abrasive,
Brutally honest, and invasive.
But despite these things that others call flaws,
You’re still the one for me above all.
With your:
Lovely ears that perk up whenever you smile.
Charming voice that can be recognized for miles.
Your pretty eyes, your sparkly teeth, your purple fur.
That has indigo, violet, and many many more.
Oh my lovely lovely bunny,
Who is quite a prankster.
I can’t believe that I’ve fallen for a-
My lovely lovely bunny,
Lovely lovely bunny,
Who may not act sweet at all.
Oh lovely lovely bunny.
I can’t believe that I've fall—
-en for you.
By the end, you were slightly breathless as you took your keys off the keyboard with a small smile on your face. However, your peace was disturbed as your door flew up with the subject of the song sprawled out on your floor with a very shocked expression. Jax scrambled up quickly as he realized he was caught, you gaped at him as he looked at your piano and back at you.
“What are you doing?” You asked accusatory as his usual jackass demeanor was completely replaced with what looked like awe. You didn’t have any patience for him though as he knew your secret now, he knew that you played piano, you just hoped to whatever deity above he didn’t hear what you were playing.
“You play piano?” He ignored your question in favor of his, almost unbelieving that you were a musician. You didn’t know if you felt offended that he didn’t think you were capable of having secrets, or that you could play piano. It’s like he didn’t have secrets of his own, you knew there were things swimming in that rabbit’s mind that were never let out, so why can’t you have your own fair share of secrets?
“Well…yes. But what were you doing outside of my room?” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at him boredly, waiting for his excuse. Anxiety bubbled in your veins as you considered the fact that he heard absolutely everything, and that was not ideal. What if he did? What would that mean for your relationship?
“It was uh…I didn’t…” He heard everything. He heard everything. But he wasn’t making fun of you or teasing you, he genuinely did not know what to say. What do you say to this? Should you just confirm that you like him? Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t stay mad at him, it was obvious that he wasn’t sure how to handle this. His usual rude attitude was just a persona in this digital plane. Nobody could remember much of their old lives, so you wondered if anyone ever even had genuine feelings for him before. Placing a hand on his arm, he looked back up at you with an unreadable expression. Was it sadness? Guilt? Or was it vulnerability?
“Well I was uh…gonna prank you but then I heard your singing and playing…” Everything that made Jax who he is was washed away, it was the first time you heard him sound so soft. His ears flopped down as he stared down at the floor, kicking at it, it was like he wasn’t sure what to say or do from that point. He looked like a dog being scolded for doing something they know they shouldn’t have been. He was twiddling his thumbs with his hands interlocked.
“I do like you Jax I just…I just never told you because I was scared alright? I…didn’t want our friendship to be ruined. As for the piano thing, it was the one thing I remembered from my old life and I was scared to share it since I haven't been here for long” You looked at him with a reassuring face, wanting to make sure he knew he was safe and trusted. He looked back with big, sad eyes.
“I…I like you too. Just don’t tell anyone what I told you! Got it?” You smiled as he began to get defensive again, not liking being so vulnerable for so long, this was your rabbit back. But maybe, hopefully you can help him to open up to you over time, you do love him for his flaws, but you also want to know what’s underneath.
“Yeah, got it”
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hyungieyoongi · 2 years
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: FLUFF + Strangers to Lovers + Woozi from Seventeen playing matchmaker
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: Requested by anon for my follower milestone celebration! 
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Yoongi was exhausted. His feet were dragging along the tile floors of the Hybe building, eyes blinking slowly as he tried to get his bearings after his international flight. The jet lag was kicking his ass, but his upcoming deadline for the project he was working on made him choose coming to the studio rather than passing out at home.  
Hearing two voices he wasn’t used to, he squinted down the hall, seeing Woozi laughing with someone outside of his studio door. Yoongi frowned, wondering what the producer from Seventeen was doing on the BTS floor. Woozi noticed Yoongi standing there with a confused expression on his face, giving his hyung a small head nod as a greeting.
“Hyung, what are you doing here? Are you looking for someone?” Woozi asked. Yoongi watched as the girl he was with turned to look at who Woozi was talking to.
“I, uh, guess I got off on the wrong floor,” Yoongi murmured, eyes never leaving the mysterious girl’s shocked expression as she stood frozen in place next to Woozi.
“Oh, well, maybe get some rest, hyung,” Woozi chuckled, opening his studio door for the girl to follow him inside. Yoongi took a step forward, his body moving before his mind could catch up. He didn’t want the girl to leave. He wanted to know her name, know her story. The door to Woozi’s studio closed.
Yoongi knew he had to see you again.
You couldn’t believe you had just seen him. Min Yoongi. In person. And you had stood there like an idiot, gaping at him. You just let Woozi talk to him and acted completely rude.
What an idiot, you thought to yourself, groaning.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Woozi asked, left ear covered by his headphones, right ear uncovered and able to listen to you groan in embarrassment.
“I cannot believe I didn’t say anything,” you said, falling on the couch in Woozi’s studio with a dramatic thump. “I have loved Yoongi for years, and the one time I get the chance to tell him how much he means to me and how much I love his music, and I blow it. Completely. I’m so embarrassed.”
Woozi laughed, opening a Coke Zero and handing it to you before opening his own can.
“Listen, if you really feel that badly, I’m sure I could introduce you to Yoongi-hyung another time,” Woozi reassured you.
“No, no, that would almost be worse. I don’t want everyone around here knowing I’m ARMY. Then they’re going to assume the only reason I became a stylist for Seventeen is to get close to BTS.”
You were hired by Hybe a few months ago, working exclusively with Seventeen. Once Woozi discovered that you were an undercover kpop fan, he started using you as a sample audience for songs he was working on. Unfortunately, Woozi also knew that he technically wasn’t your favorite producer in the Hybe building. That label was reserved for Min Yoongi and Min Yoongi only.
“Alright fine, you can stop with the dramatics—your secret is safe with me. Yoongi probably didn’t even notice you were acting weird.”
“Fine, fine, just play the song you wanted me to hear. Distract me, I’m begging you,” you groaned, leaning back on the sofa.
“Gladly,” Woozi said with a chuckle, pressing the space bar on his computer so you could hear what he was working on.
A couple of weeks later, you were still trying to forget the run-in with Yoongi every time you entered the Hybe building.
Woozi had texted you to meet him at his studio in the afternoon; despite it being your day off, you couldn’t say no to your friend. You rapped your knuckles on the door, not expecting Yoongi to open the door to the studio. You let out a little squeak, quickly dropping in a bow in front of him.
“Y/N, hey, this is Yoongi-hyung,” Woozi said nonchalantly, spinning back toward his desk in his chair.
“Um, it’s…it’s an honor, I mean, it’s so nice to meet you,” you stumbled on your words, trying not to embarrass yourself.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Y/N,” Yoongi said, a shy smile on his face. You had to remember to keep breathing as you took in the man in front of you. His long, dark hair was tucked behind his ear, pale skin contrasting with his dark hoodie. Yoongi looked down at your hands; you were carrying two iced coffees for you and Woozi, hands trembling slightly with nerves.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I would have gotten you something if I knew you were going to be here,” you apologized. You could tell Yoongi was trying not to laugh at your flustered state.
“No worries, please don’t be sorry,” he reassured you.
“Y/N, would you get in here please, and stop being weird?” Woozi said from his chair. You glared at the back of his head, annoyed with him for outing you like this.
Yoongi stepped to the side, letting you pass him to enter the studio. You put Woozi’s coffee down on his desk, unsure of what to do next.
“Woozi told me you’ve been giving him feedback on some of his songs,” Yoongi said, startling you slightly. You nodded, throat feeling incredibly dry and your mouth unable to form words all of a sudden. “I actually stopped by today to see if I could get your opinion on something I’ve been working on.”
“What?” you asked, surprised. Yoongi scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“I’m a bit stuck on a track, and he mentioned that you’re ARMY, actually. I was hoping for some help,” Yoongi explained.
“Did he?” you questioned, giving Woozi a pointed look. He held up both of his hands innocently.
“Hey, I’m just trying to help Yoongi-hyung out here,” Woozi said defensively.
“Sure you were,” you murmured to him, hoping Yoongi couldn’t hear. Based on the way he was trying—and failing—to look uninterested when you looked back up at him, you were pretty sure he could.
“Would you mind? I don’t mean to be a bother.”
“Of course, not a bother at all,” you reassured. “You know I’m not like a professional or anything, right? My opinion probably won’t be all that much help,” you joked.
“ARMY’s opinion is the opinion that matters the most, isn’t it?” Yoongi earnestly replied. You flushed under his gaze.
“Right. Of course.”
“Shall we?” Yoongi asked, holding the door open for you. You glanced back at Woozi; you made a mental note to kick his ass later for the knowing smirk that was painted across his face.
“Lead the way,” you said, following him.
Your stomach was filled with butterflies; you couldn’t believe this was happening to you.  
Little did you know that a few steps ahead of you, Min Yoongi’s heart was racing, anxious to get your thoughts on the song, nervous to be alone in a room with you, excited about the thought of getting to know you.
Glancing shyly at Yoongi in the elevator, you noticed the pink tinge of a blush on Yoongi’s cheeks. Maybe you wouldn’t yell at Woozi after all.
Check out my other work! ❤️
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok​ , @delacyrose224​ , @aianloveseven​ , @dulce-pjm​, @milk-and-moni​​, @wittyreader​​, @royallyjjk​, @themochiverse​, @moondearing, @jiminshairline
If you’d like to join my permanent taglist, let me know!
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Fili/Kili x sister!reader - unlikely bonds
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Hey, I really want to request a Fili + Kili x sister reader however I know there aren’t female dwarfs, so maybe they come across a young elf who is stranded in the middle of nowhere. They take her in and plan to return her to her kind, however along the way they grow very close. Perhaps they never find her family, and so they try and find someone who will take her on however she doesn’t want to leave them. - Anon💜
A/N: italics will be elvish
If there was one thing you had learned being in the middle of nowhere it was not to trust anybody you came across.
So, when a small group of travellers stumbled across you, you were quick to ready your weapon, and they did the same thing.
“By the time you get near me I’ll shoot you all down where you stand.” You sneered.
The tallest of the group raised his hands.
“We mean you no harm, we are just travelling.”
“I do not care, go around.”
“We cant. The passage on the other side of the mountain is full of danger, it is not safe for anybody to go that way.”
You narrowed your eyes a little bit, shooting an arrow at the foot of a blond dwarf who attempted to move closer to you.
“It is not safe for a young elf to be out here in her own either, do you have company?” The taller one asked.
“It is none of your business.”
He smiled a little.
“Perhaps not, but I worry about leaving you behind. Perhaps we can accompany you to the nearest village?”
You stared at him in shock.
“You understand me?”
“Oh very well, I good friend of my taught me the language. Perhaps you know of Lord Elrond?”
You nodded.
“I do, many of the elves do. He was very well known in our small village. Who are you?”
“Where are my manners? I am Gandalf.”
“I see, I recognise your name, and I know of your quest.”
Gandalf smiled to you.
“So will you allow us to escort you safely to a village?”
You had heard stories of the wizard, and of his recent adventure with the dwarves and the halfling.
Though the idea of travelling with dwarfs didn’t appeal to you, you knew it was safer than trying to travel on your own with no map and little food.
So you nodded.
“Wonderful, let us get aquatinted.”
You realised how much you didn’t get along with dwarves and why elves and dwarves didn’t get along.
While you were clean and organised and polite, they were messy, chaotic and at the best of times rude.
But it was the two younger dwarves who caught you attention, they were nosy of course, but they did their best to respect you and stayed away from you when eating or when you were taking a few moments to relax.
But of course they couldn’t fully stay away, they just wanted to be friends.
“Come on, surely you can tell us something about your village.” Fili said.
“Exactly, what was it like? Where is it?” Kili asked next.
Glancing at the two smaller men next to you, you went back to eating your dinner.
“I cannot tell you where it is, and there is not much to say about it. It was a small village hidden away so we could live in peace.”
“Is it like Rivendell?” Fili asked.
You shook your head.
“Nowhere near as elegant. While Rivendell hides in the mountains, and Mirkwood in the forests, my village preferred between two raging rivers where people could not cross and plants were plenty.”
“Well how did you get there?” Kili asked.
“Leave the lass alone.” Balin scolded.
He gave you a small smile and rounded the two young dwarves away from you so you could eat.
It was like a routine, they would sneak away to join you but eventually get dragged back by one of the others.
And soon enough you grew used to their company, and enjoyed having them around.
Before you knew it you had been travelling with them for a while, and Fili and Kiki had adopted you as their own.
“What if we take you to a nearby elf village and see if one of them can look after you?” Thorin asked.
“The nearest one is too far from your mountain, you needn’t trouble yourself.”
“Do you not wish to return home?” Dwalin asked.
“Of course I do, but my village is long gone, I do not know where my family is. I do not mind travelling with you all.”
“It is nice having somebody to talk to.” Bilbo smiled.
“If we take a detour we may never make it in time.” Fili said.
“Which is why I will carry on travelling with you.”
The dwarves seemed conflicted.
“I don’t understand what the issue is.” Bilbo whispered.
You knelt down next to him.
“It is because compared to many of my kind I am young, not quite an adult, not quite a child. They do not want to travel with somebody so young, even though I am in fact around the same age as most of them.”
Bilbo nodded a little bit.
“It’s just not safe, we don’t want to put you in danger.” Kili mumbled.
You smiled at him.
“My brother, I will be okay.”
Thorin looked at you.
“When we pass the next town we will find somebody there to take you in for the meantime.”
You sighed.
You couldn’t protest with the dwarf king, it was not your place.
So you simply accepted it and made the most of the time you had with the group.
Stopping at a town, Thorin began going from door to door, asking people if they would be willing to house you.
“You will stay here where you will be safe.” Fili said.
You narrowed your eyes.
“I will follow you.”
“You can’t, Thorin as spoken. You are to stay here (Y/N).” Fili sighed.
You shook your head.
“Yes he may have spoken about me travelling with you, but not about me travelling alone.”
Kili grinned a little.
“She has a point, he never said she wasn’t able to travel by herself. Perhaps she just happens to be going the same way.”
“You know he will disapprove!” Fili hissed.
“He would never see me!” You whispered.
Fili looked at you.
“Do not encourage this!”
You frowned a little.
“I do not want to leave you to do this alone…”
The dwarf sighed, sitting next to you but the fountain.
“I know, we do not want to leave you either, but this was we can assure you are safe.”
You glanced at him.
“I cannot assure you are safe though, so I must come with you. Perhaps I will never find my family again, perhaps I will, but you two have become my family, and I cannot let you leave like I did the others.”
You stood up, looking at them both.
“Whether you go with or without me, I will still follow you there. I will make my way to that mountain myself if I must.”
They both smiled at you, getting up to hug you, and you hugged them back tightly.
“We will talk Thorin around.” Fili whispered.
Because truth be told, they would stay if you couldn’t go with them.
You were their best friend, their sister, and they needed to make sure that you were okay as well
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slut4tangerine · 2 years
helloo!! i adore your writings sm, can i pls request one where the reader feels horrible in the morning like she's basically sick but she doesn't want to tell rafe because later that night they will have midsummers and she has to accompany him so when it happens she passes out during midsummers
midsummers meltdown
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— pairing: Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
— type: fluff
— summary: read request!
— a/n: anon i hope you like it <3
— warnings: mentions of dizziness & nausea // passing out // mentions of the menstrual cycle
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Tonight was one of the biggest nights of the year; it was Midsummers. Unfortunately you had woken up feeling lightheaded and you felt extremely nauseous. You weren’t sure what was going on.
Although you felt like you had gotten hit by a train, you felt obligated to attend Midsummers with your boyfriend, Rafe. You refused to tell him how you felt, as he would go into overprotective boyfriend mode and he wouldn’t attend the event just to prioritize your health. You couldn’t do that to him. Not when this was the biggest night for him.
- at the Midsummers venue -
You still felt like absolute shit when you arrived at the event, but you somehow managed to hide it well enough for Rafe to not notice.
You had decided to wear a beautiful white dress that fit you perfectly, while Rafe sported a light blue tux that looked amazing on him.
You and Rafe walked around, hand-in-hand as you spoke to the others. To be honest, you were kind of using him for support, as you felt like your legs were going to give out any minute, but you refused to ruin the night for him.
A few more conversations later and you had excused yourself to go to the restroom. You were able to walk a few feet on your own before your vision faded to black.
A unanimously loud gasp startled Rafe. He looked in the direction in which the gasping had come from, only to see you collapsing to ground.
He quickly ran his way through the small crowd that had gathered in such a short amount of time to get to you. He managed to catch your head before it collided with the ground.
He was on the verge of a meltdown as he tried waking you up, though you were unconscious.
- later -
You began seeing glimpses of Rafe’s figure as you tried to adjust your vision. You blinked a couple times until it was nearly adjusted, as your vision was still a tad bit blurry.
You were blinded by bright lights when you were finally able to fully adjust to your surroundings.
“She’s awake” Rafe whispered to someone behind him, trying not to startle you. You couldn’t even tell where you were.
“Rafey? Where am I?” You looked at him confused.
“You’re at the hospital, baby. You passed out at Midsummers” He reached out and grabbing your hand, slowly stroking the back of it.
The person behind Rafe came into your line of sight; it was a doctor.
“Hi, Ms. Y/l/n. I’m Doctor Emily. Mr Cameron brought you here after you passed out. Let me ask, when did you start feeling ill?”
“Uhm I’m not ill… I’m fine, I promise” You reassured the doctor and Rafe as you nodded your head aggressively.
“Babe, not to be rude or anything, but you look like you got ran over. Twice. You’re definitely not fine” Rafe admitted as you sighed.
“Fine. I started feeling lightheaded and nauseous in the morning. I took some medication to ease the dizziness, but that clearly did nothing”
“I see… we’ll run some tests to find out why this happened” Doctor Emily stated before leaving the room.
“Why didn’t you tell me you felt bad, babe?” Rafe asked, causing you to look into his eyes.
“I know how important Midsummers means to you and I didn’t want to ruin it because I felt bad” You softly smiled at the boy.
“Babe, I don’t care about Midsummers. I care about you and making sure that you’re okay” He had tears forming in his eyes.
“Is Rafe Cameron getting all emotional right now?” You teased your boyfriend as you lightly poked his stomach, causing him to flinch.
“Shut up” He rolled his eyes as he wiped his tears.
“I love you” He smiled at you.
“I love you too, my little sentimental sap” You poked him again.
Doctor Emily entered the room again.
“I have the results. It’s simply because of your period”
Your jaw dropped at how anticlimactic that was, though Rafe didn’t hold back.
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine Feanor being like a father figure to you.
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(I had some troubles with this one because there are already a lot of fics with being Feanor’s daughter concept, so this was the best that came to mind. I hope it still satisfies you anon.) 
Requested by Anonymous. 
Warnings: mentions of child negligence, stealing,  loneliness, being rivals with Curufin, Feanor being a dad and some fluff. 
-You were a lonely child back then. Your parents didn’t pay much attention to you, so you often wandered alone, causing trouble and being into your projects. 
-You wanted to be a smith and an inventor, but your parents did not support your dreams, and not many agreed to mentor you when you tried to ask yourself. 
-You were a little girl, so you should like what all the other girls like and grow up to be a fine lady than being in a messy place like the forge and doing hard work like smithing. 
-You weren’t happy to hear such things and get told what you should like and do when you knew what you wanted to do and become, so you tried to teach yourself after several fails trying to get a teacher. 
-You had a specific allowance to buy the parts you needed, but when it wasn’t enough, you resulted in stealing the parts you needed for your projects. As a result, theft became a terrible habit because otherwise, you couldn't finish your projects.
-In the process, you gained a little experience at barely getting caught or noticed when you stole things without paying for them.
-One day, one of your stealing trips didn’t go as planned. 
-You were spying on a dark-haired elf: who had one of the parts you needed. You made your way toward him since his back was turned on you and quietly took the thing you needed and walked away unnoticed. 
-It was almost a success if the shopowner did not alarm the elf and pointed at you for the thievery. That’s when you had to bolt, and the elf gave chase. 
-You knew the streets like the back of your hands, so you managed to lose him after some time and safely return to your secret workshop and continue your little project.
-Unfortunately, you didn’t hear the elf come in and observe you as you worked on your latest invention, muttering to yourself and testing the mechanics. 
-The elf made himself known by giving you a little advice when you had trouble making your machine work. 
-The sudden sound of his voice made you shriek, and your fea almost jumped out of your body. You had to calm yourself before demanding how he managed to find you. 
-You were even more scared when you realized you had stolen from Feanor himself, the prince of the freaking Noldor. The best craftsman Aman has ever known. 
-You admired him because he was like one of your biggest idols, but this time your excitement had been replaced by fear because you crossed the line by stealing from a prince. 
-Feanor scolded you for stealing and questioned what your parents would think by this if they learned their daughter was a stealing hooligan. You got angry at the mention of your parents, so you snapped back, telling your parents didn’t care about your hobbies, so why should you care what they think if they learned you got into trouble again? The worst thing they could do is forbid you from crafting ever again. The only thing you loved doing. 
-Feanor pitied you when he heard what kind of relationship you had with your parents, then questioned about your workshop. 
-He was impressed with the little workshop and questioned about your latest project that made you need to steal. It caught you off guard that he asked about your things instead of taking you to your parents or throwing you into the dungeon.
-You explained your latest inventions, and he listened. He offered some improvements to eliminate flaws you had not noticed before.
-You liked someone was listening while you rambled even though it was the elf you stole from, and his critique didn’t sound rude or try to downgrade you. They were helpful and far-sighted. 
-He asked if you were dreaming of becoming an inventor, and you told him it was what you wanted to be, but no one was willing to teach you, and your parents didn’t support the idea – saying you should do something ladylike. 
-He then offered to teach you since he was one of the best craftsmen in Aman. You were shocked but thrilled about it. You questioned whether it wouldn't bother him to teach a girl, and he said he didn’t care if you were a girl. You showed potential to become a good craftsman, and it would be a waste to throw it away. 
-You were happy as a bunny could get in a meadow full of flowers. 
-You might have hugged him, but he didn’t seem to mind, giving you a little smile and a pat on the back. 
-He then left, leaving you with a sigil so you could enter the forges he works in and join his class with other students he mentors. He also gave you a date to arrive. If you didn’t show up by then, it was your loss. 
-The day didn’t go as planned, but it was one of the best days of your life. You gained Feanor as your teacher. It was one of the best chances you could ever get, and you were taking it to achieve your dream of becoming an inventor. 
-You did not tell your parents what happened, knowing they would disapprove and most likely forbid you from going to the forges, even if your teacher was the prince of Noldor. 
-When the day finally arrived, you went to the forge and found Feanor, who welcomed you and gave you some smith garments to begin your first lesson. 
-He was glad you could make it and introduced you to his son Curufin. He was your age and also learning to become a craftsman. You didn’t think much of it, but it turned out; you and Curufin did not get along. 
-The two of you would always join in the banter of some sort, and he was just genuinely pissing you off most of the time. Looking down on you like the prideful snob he was. 
-It was a day you two became eternal rivals. 
-You did listen and followed Feanor as he taught you both in the smithing and crafting. You were an eager learner, so Feanor was happy with that, though: it was disappointing that you and Curufin refused to get along and not accidentally cause a mess when you began fighting again over something inconvenient. 
-The rivalry between you two did make Feanor chuckle sometimes. You were surprisingly a quick learner and focused on your projects, while Curufin was a bit slow and sometimes eavesdropped when Feanor taught you alone so he could catch up with you and make something better over your assignment. 
-It always pissed you off, and Feanor had to scold you both for fighting again. You for getting temperamental, and his son for trying to one-up with you. 
-Curufin would whine while you shove him the angry tongue. 
-It almost felt like he was teaching two of his kids in his forge.
-You never missed a day from his class, wanting to learn everything and work hard for your dream. Feanor admired your ambition and energy. He was also amused because you promised you would become better than him one day. 
-He said he was eager and couldn't wait for that day to arrive. 
-You often stayed in the forge, wanting to continue the assignments he had given or continue one of your own projects. You didn’t like going home, so you tried to spend as much time as you could before returning to your home. 
-Feanor felt sorry that you had a complicated relationship with your parents because no child should feel looked down upon or criticized for their interest. And you felt like you couldn't depend on anyone, so he sometimes stayed with you to spend some time. 
-He sometimes bought you treats for a job well done and sometimes just talked with you about random things. 
-You felt a bit confused by these gestures, but it made you happy inside, not that you would admit to him out loud. 
-You possessed independent pride. You were confident in your abilities and didn’t want to rely on the help of others.  So, you had difficulties admitting you liked spending time with Feanor, mainly since he chose to spend time with you.  
-You even saw a strange friend in Curufin, but that was a thing you would never admit. You will even take that secret to the grave if it’s necessary. 
-Feanor once tried to improve the relationship between you by letting you play some board games, but they only made you very competent with each other, and he would have to break off another fight. 
-He decided that day board games were useless between you and Curufin. 
-As you two got closer, Feanor invited you to dinners with his family, and you met the remainder of the family. You thought it was an honor and liked spending time with him, so you accepted. 
-You got to know the rest of his sons pretty well, and you adored Nerdanel. 
-She was very kind and welcomed you with open arms. She was very motherly, unlike yours. 
-Curufin thought he could be smug with Celegorm on his side, but that did not stop you from being superior because you even managed to make Celegorm afraid of your famous temper.
-Some of their relatives were frightened by you when they first met you. You might have insulted Fingolfin on a bad day, and the elf had to stop for a moment and question Feanor if you were one of his. 
-He was even more surprised when Feanor told him you were not one of his but a student from his forge. 
-Finfolfin didn’t almost believe him because the looks could be different, but you almost possessed the same temper as Feanor. 
-Feanor might have bought you a little treat after the amusing encounter. 
-When the years passed, you moved out from your family’s home to live closer to the forges and to get away from your family. They finally caught on to what you were doing, but it was already too late, and you technically chose to disown yourself so they won’t have any power over you. 
-They had other kids they paid much more attention to, so it didn’t matter if you left or not. 
-You grew up to be independent. Feanor helped you find a house for yourself and taught you how to manage adult things for the first time, but you adapted quickly and enjoyed your new life away from your parents. 
-You grew relatively close with Feanor, even seeing him as your father figure. However, now you were on the road, trying to become a better craftsman, so you often tried to compete with him. 
-Your banter with Curufin had not subsided in the least. You stopped fighting physically, so you fight with each other by using words, trying to come up with better insults to roast each other. 
-Feanor only shook his head when your rivalry with Curufin had not ended. 
-You became good friends with Maedhros. He sometimes visited the forges and invited you to spend time with him. 
-Your relationship with Maedhros might have grown more than on friendly terms. You developed a crush on him ever since you met. He was friendly and kind, and you often found yourself controlling your temper with him around. 
-It made you silently mad because you weren't sure if he felt the same and what Feanor would think if you decided to pursue one of his sons. You liked to compete with him, but you also respected him too much to make him upset. 
-So, you tried to suck it up and deal with your disastrous feelings for the eldest of his sons. 
-That was when you noticed Maedhros was showing interest in courting you. You were not so tense when it came to these things, but you tried to play ignorance for a while, trying to progress things. When Maedhros continued showing interest, you decided to come clean with your feelings. 
-He was delighted and returned your feelings, so you two started courting. However, you kept it a secret because you were still anxious about how Feanor would react to your relationship. 
-It was difficult to hide it from him, especially when he seemed to sense something was going on with you. 
-He managed to get you to reveal that you were courting someone, and he technically demanded to know who it was. You were startled until he said he just wanted to see if your partner would be the right one for you.
-You felt touched that he was looking out for you and a little relieved that he didn’t seem to sense it was with Maedhros, so you managed to hide your relationship for a while. 
-Maedhros tried to assure you that Feanor would be acceptive. You appreciated the assurance, but it did not help your growing anxiety. 
 -You would never know what Feanor would think if you told him the truth. 
-Until the day it finally happened. You thought you were careful and alone when you and Maedhros decided to get a little frisky in your workplace. You thought you had closed the doors. 
-Feanor came through the door, wanting to talk to you. He then saw you and Maedhros kissing each other. 
-You were mortified when you saw him and ready to face backlash and the ruining of your relationship with him and Maedhros. 
-However, Feanor only chuckled and apologized for the intrusion, turning around to let you continue. Before leaving, he congratulated you and said he could now refer to you as a daughter.
-The horror turned into embarrassment, and you just dropped your head against Maedhros’s shoulder, who only chuckled and hugged you while saying he told you Feanor would be okay with your relationship. 
-You were relieved, but your fea almost left that day.
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folklauerate · 1 year
Please, please, please, is there any chance to get that final part of "an affair, three ways"? These stories (perspectives?) were just so damn perfect! I have re-red them like a million times by now (I'm not obsessed, you are!) and not having Anthony's point of view just bloody kills me! It is literally driving me insane! So, please?
First of all, thanks for reading and re-reading. That really means a lot that you enjoyed the fic that much. I appreciate you and feel really touched that you’re spending so much time with the words 🩷
I hesitate to say no, because never say never, but I really don’t see myself ever writing the Anthony POV, and that’s for a multitude of reasons.
Perhaps first and foremost is the anon hate I received over this fic. I received multiple, really long hate comments on this fic, that were exceptionally rude, hurtful, and seemed to think that I, as a person, was condoning cheating just because I wrote about an affair. This was a wildly crazy accusation to make, not in the least because this anonymous person doesn’t even know me, but also because this is a work of fiction. You would not read a murder mystery and think that the writer is promoting murder! Hell, there’s so many books, plays, films, and tv shows that talk about people cheating, and none of them are “promoting” it or trying to make it seem like some really moral act. The anon commenter made plenty of comments about my character, bashed my friends, bashed my writing ability, berated me for being racist, and this is just stuff that I happened to see because I couldn’t even bring myself to read the entire comment. Everytime I deleted the comments, they would repost them in their entirety. I have also seen friends get anon hate comments and those comments might reference my fic or think a friend wrote it or something. I have seen people reference this fic derogatorily in their tumblr asks. I have seen people disparage it everywhere. I’m currently receiving constant emails from AO3 informing me that someone is attempting to reset my password, either in an attempt to hack my account or just harass me, and they’ve been doing it to a few other writers as well who have posted works that people have seen reason to disagree with, despite everything being an act of fiction.
Writing a third POV to this fic would open myself up to a wave of new hate and I sincerely cannot bring myself to do that at this time. It’s a small act of courage to even keep the fics up knowing it draws so much ire. I’m a little aware that people loved it, but also need people to understand this—unless you’re leaving a comment or telling me directly that you liked my fic, I do not know that you enjoyed my fic. And if you’re re-reading it, I don’t know that! And I’m not writing fic to get any sort of recognition or kudos (writing fanfiction is probably the worst way to get recognition because you don’t get recognition for it lol, we’re all truly just writing because we have a story in our hearts), but this is all to say that while I’m vaguely aware that people enjoy the fic, the love doesn’t necessarily outweigh all of the constant harassment I’ve received from it. I don’t want to expose myself to any more.
I suppose if one day in the future, I feel so moved, I might write it. I do warn that my plans were not to write an Anthony POV of the events of the Kate POV and Tom POV either. I was going to write the Anthony POV of before the affair and after the affair, and I also don’t know that readers would want that. It’s not your typical HEA after the affair; they’re both flawed and wounded people with an unhealthy attachment to one another and huge trust issues. There’s a lot to overcome and it’s not super rosy and happy at all. It would be an emotionally taxing fic to write and tbh it doesn’t even seem worth it to write it if I’m going to risk alienating the people who enjoyed the fic because now they’re upset that theyre not seeing the HEA they wanted and I’m going to risk digging up more harassment and hate for myself. Writing fic is already a thankless job which is in and of itself okay if you don’t go into writing it for thanks, but if you go into it and get hate, it makes it worse.
I’m sorry for the likely depressing answer, Anon :( I am truly happy to hear that you enjoyed that AU! For a while I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for spending time in those words.
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arrowpunk · 6 months
no I just wanted to show you that trads who aren't homophobic exist.
the fact you are married at all is already a tradition. :)
the fact you seem to have passion for treating your wife with the upmost respect and love is something all spouses do healthily regardless.
if you didn't care about any traditions why bother being married at all? why live together? why care?
I'd love to know genuinely how you think you being lesbian makes your relationship totally different from someone else in love? honestly?
Ok so once again confused as to why you’ve decided to make this a whole Thing, unless you’re looking for validation or something which I’ve already said I’m not gonna give you. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m doing my best here to take what you’re saying/asking in good faith, and I’d like to ask you to do the same for my response here. I’m not trying to be mean, though I’m sure an amount of it is gonna come off that way regardless, because I’m not gonna police my tone here. 
Damn there’s so much for me to go into here I don’t even know where to start. 
So like in your first ask you referred to yourself as a “catholic trad wife” that already tells me pretty thoroughly that we are incredibly different people and that our respective relationships couldn’t be more different. 
I am not speaking from a place of ignorance about Christianity or Catholicism. As a matter of fact, my wife’s maid of honor at our wedding is Catholic. And we were both raised Christian. We were married in a church, actually, the church paid for our wedding. Contrary to what you seem to think I have no hatred for Christians or Christianity, or Catholics or Catholicism. I don’t personally consider myself a Christian anymore but my wife still does, and we do actually attend church pretty regularly (we like the sense of community that regularly attending a decent church brings, our last church before we moved to where we are now was genuinely the only reason I wasn’t homeless for a year). 
I know it’s possible for someone to be a Christian and not be homophobic, I know it’s possible for someone to be both Queer and a Christian. But I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, I have no way of knowing what your personal definition of homophobia is. I have no way to tell whether you’re actually affirming of queer love and queer relationships and queer sex, or if you’re ‘Side B’ or ‘Side Y’ or whatever the fuck the middle of the line, trying their hardest to be centrist of all things when it comes to this topic, Christians are calling themselves these days. All I know is that you’re a “Catholic Trad Wife” who claims she isn’t homophobic. You’re on anon so I’m apparently just supposed to take your word on this. Which is kind of weird. I mean literally why the fuck should I, some random queer on the internet, give a shit about whether or not some random internet stranger that I do not interact with is homophobic? It’s a weird thing to show up in someone’s inbox and just say these things. Like do you want a pat on the head? Validation for being ‘one of the good ones’? I’m not gonna give you that. I do not know you. (Ok I’m actually like pretty sure I know who sent me this, but like I do not know you personally, and the time I spent looking at your blog and seeing the people you interact with frequently on here does not give me hope that you’re actually ‘not homophobic’ but I’m not gonna put you publicly on blast like that)
“If you didn't care about any traditions, why bother being married at all? Why live together? Why care?” -Okay see this right here makes it a lot harder for me to take any of this as said in good faith. I’m still going to. But it’s wild to me that you might’ve actually genuinely asked me this. Because I fucking love my wife and enjoy being around her???? And because there are legal protections that come with a marriage license???? Ma’am what the fuck kind of question is ‘Why care?’. Genuinely. What the fuck. Like it feels like I should insert that ‘I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people’ meme here. So like my wife and I love each other very much and we don’t need a marriage license to know that, like the strength of our love and care for each other didn’t change one iota after we said ‘I do’. BUT that marriage license is still really fucking important, there’s a reason queer people fought so fucking hard for the right to be married legally. There’s protections that come from being legally married that you just don’t get without that special piece of paper. And those protections are Really Fucking Important. Some of the big ones we, personally, were concerned about were hospital visitation rights, and legal guardianship. My wife is disabled, my wife’s mother has a history of being incredibly controlling. If she found out we were queer she wouldn’t have wanted my wife to be able to see me anymore. Now, the fact that we are married, and that we have moved many states away across the country from her family, mean that if her mom finds out about us, she likely will not be able to successfully get a conservatorship over my wife. I do not have legal guardianship over my wife, and I don’t want to, she’s an adult, she’s her own person and I should absolutely not have any legal control over her, that’d be really fucked up, but we also want to be absolutely certain nobody else is able to get any legal control over her. My wife is disabled, and I am her primary carer. If she was hospitalized for some reason, and we were not legally married, I might not be able to visit her in the hospital because I wouldn’t be legally considered family. That is a legitimate Safety Risk especially given that I want my wife to be able to get medical care and her mother doesn’t(Her mother is an anti-vaxxer who doesn’t trust doctors and put my wife through years of medical neglect in favor of ‘just praying harder’).
I have nothing against ‘traditions’ in general. What I take issue with is the culture surrounding ‘Trad Marriage’ the term ‘Trad Wife’ is a really loaded term, which heavily implies a Complementarian marriage wherein the husband is head over the wife. The whole “Umbrella of Submission” thing, the relationship hierarchy which goes ‘God -> Husband -> Wife -> Children’. I grew up in evangelicalism. I know what the fuck I’m talking about when I get pissed off about evangelical Christianity/conservative Christianity/what have you. You don’t get to performatively tell me ‘well not ALL Christians-’. I was a Christian, I grew up deep in Christianity, I have read the Bible front to back and back again. I went to a Christian University for a time. I still regularly attend church. I have yet to encounter any Complementarian marriage that is actually healthy, where the husband actually fully respects his wife as a fully autonomous human being who gets to have rights and opinions outside of him. I get that you think your relationship is healthy! I get that you think your husband loves you! I don’t know you- I don’t know your husband- I don’t know the ins and outs of your relationship so I cannot speak on the health of your personal marriage. 
What I can say is that I know it’s a heterosexual relationship. You said yourself you are a catholic trad wife. “I'd love to know genuinely how you think you being lesbian makes your relationship totally different from someone else in love? Honestly?” I didn’t say it was totally different from ‘someone else in love’ I said “if you are a fundie or conservative christian or evangelical or what have you#and you see my posts about my wife and enjoy them#I NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT THIS IS ABOUT QUEER SAPPHIC GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY LOVE#I have gay sex with my gay wife I am the homosexual lifestyle incarnate#I am a queer liberal leftest punk etc#my love for my wife is as queer as it gets#you need to know these things#there is nothing straight about this#anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk or whatever#pls do not repurpose my posts about my love for my wife for your trad fundie evangelical marriage it is NOT the same even a little#thank you” So I feel like it’s pretty damn clear here that I’m placing the divide here between my love for my wife, and trad/fundie/evangelical marriage. Because yeah, they aren’t even remotely similar, and since you said you genuinely wanted to know why I think that I’ll give you a whole list of reasons (I’m generalizing here about cishet white Christian/Catholic ‘traditional’ marriages). 
My wife and I are on equal footing in this relationship. Neither of us is in charge of the other one. There isn’t a designated person who ‘gets the final say’ in everything that we might disagree on. We don’t have fights, we always approach conflict as the two of us together vs. the problem at hand. There is no “head of the household” here and there absolutely doesn’t need to be. 
Now I’m making the bold assumption here that both you and your husband are heterosexual, cisgender, and white. But if I’m right- it was never illegal for you two to get married. You don’t have to worry that your right to exist is ever going to be a topic of debate in your church, in your family, in your friend groups, in the country you live in as a whole. You don’t have to worry that your right to get married might be revoked at some point. There are not any significant societal/cultural barriers in place that would stop or make it more difficult for you and your husband to get married. 
You don’t have to hide your marriage from your parents or your in-laws out of fear of your personal safety. You don’t have to worry that if your family found out about your relationship you might be disowned or disinherited. You don’t have to worry that if your family found out about your marriage your parents might no longer let you talk to your younger siblings. You don’t have to worry about whether or not your brother would physically harm you or your husband, if he found out about your marriage. You didn’t have to take all of these factors into account and then decide that it’s all worth the risk anyway because you love your partner just too damn much not to. 
You don’t have to be constantly aware while existing as a couple in public spaces that there are people who are disgusted by the fact that you even EXIST. You don’t have to worry about the possibility of corrective rape. You don’t have to worry that you might be attacked because you decided to exist in the vicinity of someone who doesn’t think you should. You don’t have to worry that someone might straight up try to kill you because of who you’ve chosen to marry.
You didn’t have to pack up your entire life and move across the country, just to be sure that if your partner’s parents found out about your relationship, that members of their church wouldn’t show up at your door and shoot you. You didn’t have to sit through an entire sermon at that church, pretending you and your partner weren’t a couple, because your family was visiting and they couldn’t know you went to a church that was okay with the existence of queer people. And sit through the entire sermon about how f*gs will never see the light of heaven, while the man at the pulpit made direct eye contact with you Every. Single. Time. He brought up queer people. As if to let you know he knew what you were. You didn’t have to meticulously plan out where you would stop for gas on your 20+ hour long road trip to make sure none of those places would be somewhere with a higher likelihood that you and your partner would get hate-crimed. Two weeks after your wedding. 
You don’t have to worry that your sexuality might get you fired from your job or make it more difficult to get a job in general. 
You don’t have to know that you cannot ever safely spend any holidays with your parents because they live in a place that is so incredibly hostile to queer people.
You haven’t had to deal with friends trying to be so so teeth-grindingly polite as they let you know that they really just can’t agree with your personal choices and think that what you’re doing is sinful when they find out you’ve become affirming and decided to get married. They still love you though! They just really feel the need to make sure you know that they don’t approve of your life choices and think that you’re sinning- solely based on the gender of your partner. Of course they can’t stop you from doing anything, but they feel it’s only right to let you know they disapprove. It doesn’t matter that your relationship is healthier than most cishet relationships you know, all that matters is that they think it’s sinful. Even if it’s not hurting anyone. 
So I’m saying it’s different because the very foundations of our relationships are different. The risk factors of our relationships are different. Of course ‘Love is Love’ but there is something transgressive and subversive about queer love that just isn’t there in cishet white Christian/Catholic trad marriages. My wife and I are married and love each other deeply and devotedly in spite of all of these many many genuine dangers and obstacles. I’m not trying to say that you and your husband don’t love each other. I’m not trying to say you and your husband wouldn’t ‘risk it all’ for each other if you had to, that you wouldn’t also overcome the same obstacles my wife and I have faced, but you haven’t had to, you obviously haven’t even had to consider it if you’re genuinely asking me these things. I’m not trying to say that my love for my wife is somehow ‘better’ than whatever is going on in your marriage. But it is inherently different. I’m not saying it’s totally and completely separate and different. Apples and Oranges are both still fruits, but they’re not the same. And I hope you can understand why I, a very very queer human being, who has suffered much abuse at the hands of the church, would prefer if my posts about how much I love my wife weren't co-opted by cishet Christians to meme about their own relationships. 
I’m not trying to be mean or rude. But I do genuinely hope you can understand how you speak from a place of privilege and that what you’ve said is, at best, in poor taste. 
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facks-stories · 1 year
Note: this isn’t proof read, sorry for any confusion on wording
Summary if you don’t wanna read it all:
I’m basically quitting the social part of Tumblr because I remembered how I hate talking to people online. Also art I said I’d make i will, but *Insert excuse* I’m not even going to say it will be done or even started soon, also even if you don’t want to read the next nine paragraphs, please skip to the end to appreciate the art that @colbyandmillie and @art-mushroomy made for me
Extra shit:
What are you not doing?
What’s going to happen to the blog
So if you didn’t give a shit why are you doing this?
Cool, but what about the promises that were already made? 
What about the ask blog?
I won’t be reposting, commenting,asking [anon included] maybe even liking anymore posts or blogs, I just don’t feel like having someone angry or upset about me for something I can’t control, I will still follow pages but that’s about it, this blog is probably but be art every blue moon.
But now that I won’t be socializing on this account I’ll just post all art I will make and all story scenes I will make after posting it on it’s right blog [the 1-2-3 au blogs] so really this account will be somewhere to see all my art if you don’t wanna check all 3 other blogs
I hate when I can’t tell if someone doesn’t want me to do or not say something/ wants me to do or say something. And online its hard for me to try and see what you mean. This goes for almost anything. Like being rushed, I can’t tell if someone online is rushing me while being angry or not, and using things that look negative to me [using a . Or 😑🫤😐😬 ect.] make me think you are angry whether you are or not, so I’m not going to ask people to not use them, I don’t feel like possibly getting into a argument because my ego/feelings is hurt.
Normally I wouldn’t care if someone is being a ass knowingly or accidentally being a but rude, I probably would have forgotten about it but it’s because what they were asking be was something I didn’t want to do because of lack of being excited for it and energy. Now normally I only need one/only have one, but right now I couldn’t give a shit about drawing fanart, and honestly I don’t think if you asked me to draw Mimu in like 5 days I’d want to. Then I dreaded it for 2 days just to draw something I might delete later in a hour. Like holy shit my ego needs to be worked on because all of yesterday and Friday night was spent being pissed because I didn’t want to draw 4 characters despite having fun those two days 😀
It wasn’t even procrastination at this point the only thing I actually want to draw is Mimu and probably pretty soon I’m not going to want to do that, I don’t don’t think I will be non-petty if I keep talking and making promises,
Eventually i will draw all the peoples characters that i said I would, but I don’t want to half ass it because I’m angry and tired so it might not be anytime soon and they all may have honestly forgotten that I said I would in the first place
“Who the hell am I talking about” for the one random person that might see this, basically inde asked me to complete what I said I’d do so a bit is based off of that but I don’t blame him [if you are wondering why this feels a bit short it’s because I already wrote it but didn’t save before my phone died]
Despite me barely getting asks that aren’t art request [with the few I do get] I will still keep the ask blog open, but still keep in mind that I don’t feel like drawing as many characters so it may just be Mimu for now
I did have people draw Mimu, and they will be in the background of the ask blog posts so thank you @art-mushroomy and @colbyandmillie
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
Alright thats all thanks for reading me being a crybaby for 10 paragraphs (or you came down here for the art, but thats good too)
[also not tagging inde because I want to let him be-]
Womp womp
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idontlikeem · 2 years
Well maybe it’s because you and your group of friends are domineering and annoying, so…
Hi, anon! Interesting you couldn’t say this with your name attached.
I’m a little confused by this, not gonna lie. How, exactly, am I “domineering and annoying”? I have a queue set to post twice a day and I contribute to the liveblog probably less frequently than other posters. I answer a tiny fraction of the asks I’m sent and I rarely put stuff in player tags because I don’t want to flood them.
Nobody is making anyone follow me or reblog my stuff. This is a community in which people can interact with whoever they want—or at least that’s what I thought it was meant to be. Am I supposed to not post at all? Tell people to not reblog from me? Not talk to people? Is there some arbitrary test I need to pass before I’m allowed to just exist on my blog? I wasn’t aware I needed to get permission to contribute to a fandom; who was I supposed to check in with before I started posting?
I would really, really love some concrete examples of how I’m “domineering”. What is it I’m doing that’s bending people to act how I think they should?
It’s childish to send shit like this on anon, just as it was childish last summer to spread shit about my friends and me to other blogs in an effort to get us to leave because we had the audacity to make a fest surrounding a topic we were interested in.
If you’re the same anon who sent the message to that other user that I got tagged in, you really need to find something better to do with your time instead of hate-reading my blog and keeping such a close watch on my friends. It’s creepy. Nobody is making you (or anyone else) follow me or look at my posts. You can even block me and then you’ll never see anything I post at all! It’s a simple process, I’ve done it myself many times.
Something you might not know about me is I love making friends. I will talk to basically anyone who messages me unless they’re rude. So, you might think this was a funny anonymous zinger to send to someone you don’t like (yet are very invested in keeping tabs on). But it’s not. I’m a person with feelings, and I’m not doing anything wrong by making posts on my own blog. What is it that you are getting out of sending shit like this to people? Does it make you feel good? If so, why? Getting a rush from being mean and hurtful to others is not normal.
The point of a fandom is community. It dies without that. You can curate your space to not see stuff you don’t like, but if people stop participating out of fear that there’s some arbitrary list of rules set by…someone, who even knows who…well, that’s how a fandom dies. Same if there’s some toxic person sending nasty messages to make themselves feel better. Fandoms require new people making new contributions; if you’re so annoyed by that concept to the point where you’re this hostile to others joining in, you’re gonna end up self-selecting until the fandom is gone.
I’m allowed to be here. I’m allowed to make posts on my own blog. If you have an actual problem with me, you can simply leave. Barring that, you can say it to my face, like an adult, and we can try to figure out why you hate me so fucking much when I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING.
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sintreaties · 2 years
Let's be real u love the anon who asked u lots of question right?
Allow me to thank you for this question, because it gave me the chance to speak about something that’s been intriguing me for a while (albeit it’s more of a personal reflection, rather than a conversation with you specifically).
I’ve been answering anon asks for years and because this was my first experience being active in fandom spaces, I’ve come to consider it as a sort of social experiment.
To answer your question: no, I do not enjoy the last few asks. I don’t appreciate when people don’t take the hint and keep sending them.
In part, of course, it’s because I’ve grown tired. Tired of Kakegurui, but also of some of its fans. The asks I used to receive were also much more engaging and some were actually quite funny! Some anons were nice enough to come here just to share something they enjoyed, something unrelated to KKG, because they thought that I’d enjoy it too. I appreciate those anons a lot and I hope they’re having a nice day, just like the anons who reached out to talk about my fics and discuss what they liked or disliked about them.
I can’t remember if I mentioned it here, but for me, the anons of this blog are the equivalent of strangers stopping me in the streets while I’m minding my business. Some people ask for directions (meaning, some come here asking for writing advice and such) and if I can help them, it is my pleasure to do so. Some people come up to me to strike a conversation, and although I don’t always have the patience or the interest to indulge them, I do my best to reply.
And then there’s… the others.
Those are the ones that puzzle me. I don’t take what they say personally, nor do I give it much weight, because in the end, they’re still just strangers on the internet, but I’m still genuinely curious about why they do the things they do. It’s not like I’ve lost sleep over it but even as a writer, I’m very, very interested in understanding this kind of humanity. Everything has a reason, if you care to search for it.
So those anons, right. Some of them don’t even follow me: Why are they here?
Of course, one of the reasons is that this is an open space. You can come in, do your thing, get out. I’ll never know who you are so you don’t really feel like there’s going to be any substantial consequence to what you say.
There’s this quote by Robert A. Caro that goes, “When you have enough power to do what you always wanted to do, then you’re really gonna see what you always wanted to do.”
So you have the power to be rude, and stupid and nonsensical, right?
But why would you do it?
Like, if someone was to tell me “Hey, I don’t appreciate your avances”, well, I wouldn’t send them this kind of stuff:
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I’d feel like a loser, you see? I’d show no manners to the person who’s repeatedly said that they don’t appreciate this kind of messages (most importantly when those who send them are really trying to get my cell number!!!) and I’d also show such an incredible loneliness and hopelessness that I couldn’t help but be ashamed of myself.
Plus you’re doing this where everyone can see you! You’re on anon yes, but you know that you’re the one who wrote that stupid, rude or nonsensical ask. How can you not be embarassed about it? I suppose you’re either dumb enough to lack self-awareness or you’re so insecure that you’re much beyond that to torture yourself with silly concepts like dignity and self-respect.
I don’t mean it as an insult, really, I’m just trying to draw my own conclusions here. My power fantasy is to be a good, kind, interesting person in a community of equally good and nice and interesting people and yours is… this? Why?
Reading some of these asks feels like getting a glimpse of someone’s intrusive thoughts. You can tell that they didn’t stop to think before sending them. My mutuals have to thank me, because despite what I’ve been told recently by a friend, I still spare them the worst ones (which, curiously, have only really started to appear recently). This kind of stuff gives me such bad second-hand embarassment that if I try to put myself in the anon’s shoes I deal myself psychic damage.
Most of those people don’t even come to me because I’m Sintreaties and they have a problem specifically with Sintreaties. The problematic anons either disregard or forget the fact that they’re real, living people talking to another real, living person — who, incidentally, has nothing to do with them.
And it’s incredible, because again, I wouldn’t be able to act like some of you! Sometimes it helps to think that no matter how many times I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve never sent anon hate nor have I ever harrassed someone online just because I could. But then, even in videogames I never pick the “bad route”. What’s the fun in that? If I have to be mean and pick a fight with someone, hell, let it be a fight that can win me something more than whatever you get from arguing with Twitter users.
In the end, the question for me isn’t “why are you doing this to me”.
For me, the question becomes: why are you doing this to yourselves?
Bro, go for a walk! Talk to your friends, and if you’ve got none, go ahead and make some! Go for a coffee all by yourself and joke with the guy at the counter! Jesus Christ man, you can do better than waste your time sending that kind of asks to a random person on the internet! You show so little self-love that I can’t help but feel compassion. Where’s your dignity? Where’s your self-respect, the innate, human drive that pushes us to be better, no matter what? If you’re so lonely and insecure, do something about it! The world is full of people who wish to be your friend and to know you for who you are. Take care of yourself, for god’s sake!
“Lighten up, it’s not that deep” — for some of you, yeah. We’re talking about the same people who can barely read and comprehend a manga, I don’t expect them to understand my point.
(And I don’t mean it as a “look at me, I am so superior to you, because I actually use my head to think things critically and I’m still in touch with my emotions even in online settings.”)
For you it’s just one or two weird asks. Since 2019, I’ve received hundreds of them.
Again, I’m still relatively new to fandom. I’ve “only” been around for a few years and I’ve mostly only interacted with KKG fans. I’ve also always tried to curate my experience, which is already lacking on its own compared to someone who’s been around for decades. On that note, I wonder if some older, more experienced users would like to share their opinions on the matter — on anon too, or course.
I still want to keep my askbox open, because some anons really have something new and interesting to bring to the table. Remember though: it’s not 2020 anymore. From now on, I really do suggest thinking well about an ask before sending it.
And on a final note, I’m told that one of my asks made it to the KKG struggles account on Twitter so I’d personally like to thank and shake hands with all the anons that made it possible🤝🍾🎉
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redbayly · 1 year
Hey, guys. I normally try to live free of drama, but drama sometimes just catches up to me. In the last 24 hours, someone started leaving some really rude reviews on one of my most popular fanfics on Fanfiction.net. Now, this is not something new. Despite how well-liked this particular fic is and how many wonderful, kind, and thoughtful reviews I’ve gotten, the nasty ones stand out.
These latest reviews were, by no means, the worst I’ve ever gotten. I once had someone spam me with some of the vilest, most disgusting insults and threats I have ever seen. What set these reviews apart is that they wrote them under their own account. Normally, these guys like to post their nastiness under the anon/guest heading, so it’s fairly simple to just delete them. Not so when posted under an account.
The messages, as I said, were initially just rude. Insulting my OCs (who were basically just background extras) and just generally not contributing any critique of substance on this roughly ten-year-old fanfic. They then left one neutral comment and then one actually kind of nice comment, but then completely shifted into saying I was making “stupid decisions” and that I was “going to destroy everyone’s character” before saying they were dropping the fic. 
They then wrapped it up by telling me to kill myself.
This is the first time I have ever had to report abuse. Again, I normally just delete anything hateful or rude because it’s usually anonymous, but I couldn’t do that here.
What’s more, no one ever, EVER, has any business telling someone to kill themselves. Not only is it incomprehensibly cruel, it is actually illegal to do online. I told my father (a retired lawyer) about what had happened and he said, “Yeah, no, they can’t do that, it’s a federal crime. If Fanfiction doesn’t do anything about it, that is a liability to them.” So I’m fairly confident that there will be some consequences for this person’s atrocious behavior.
Thing is, though, I’m not even angry about it. I’m just really disappointed that someone feels that it is acceptable to say such things to a stranger online. I had sent a couple PMs to them before I reported them, but got no response. I really do wonder what is so messed up in their life that they didn’t see what they were doing as wrong. The gentler, more nurturing side of me really wants to sit down with this person and ask if they are okay. 
I recently applied for a teaching job (English) and one of the things I’d like to do, if I get it, is teach my students about how to give good critique. I’ve seen too much toxic stuff online and I feel the best way to combat it is by teaching young people how to express their opinions on other people’s work in ways that are constructive and healthy. Part of the problem with reviewers like the one I dealt with, I think, is that they weren’t taught that disliking something doesn’t give you the right to be abusive. And that is something that needs to be learned as soon as possible.
All in all, though, despite how that person treated me, I just feel sorry for them. It doesn’t matter to me that they hated my fic. If I’m totally honest, I’ve fallen out of love with that fic, myself. But the amount of anger that has to exist inside of someone for them to tell another human being to kill themselves (over a crappy, old crackfic at that) speaks volumes about what kind of a place they are at in their life. I only hope they find better outlets for that anger than leaving comments like those. I have had some problems with mental health and suicidal thoughts in the past, so telling me to kill myself really strikes at a sore spot. However, I was able to take it in stride and, while it will definitely linger for a while, I will be able to move on.
What worries me most is that they might say something like that to someone who can’t move on. And that could have far more serious consequences.
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