#i couldnt afford to stay in our old apartment just by myself nor could i afford a new place
milkweedman · 1 year
It's really something to hear my sister talk about how much moving was a mistake. Given that she is the only one who wanted to move and it was supposed to decrease her commute which it did not at all, and also cost me my entire life savings and a semi functioning knee. Like wow. It was a mistake you say. That's crazy bro. If only someone had told you this multiple times and tried to talk you out of it. Fucking alas.
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I know nobody cares but I'm going to vent anyways.
It all started summer of 2018, everything started to fall on top of me like a big giant weight.It was the time to go to Warped Tour,but getting my car ready for it to travel 2 hours away was a big hassle.Note: I've been living with my parents to help them financially,they also didn't want me to leave home.I didn't want to leave them my 12 cats as well so I stayed.Back on track my mother and I, had been fighting on weather my car was going to make it or not.Not only that, she didnt want me to leave because my father had been sick,and my aunt was in the hospital. But I had been planning to go to warped tour forever,I already pay for the tickets.So when I left warped tour only because I had cared about my friends well being,not only that I felt as if I should have gone home.But when I got back I found out what my aunt was diagnosed with,the reason why they do not tell me until I got back,was because it was cancer.Therefore she didnt have much time to live,so as I waited everyday I started painting my room(https://youtu.be/gZmTxMSS22oen) then I reranged it.But then my father was having complications,so the next morning we took him to the doctors.That's when we found out he was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer.It was a devastated moment,as we went back to the house to grab his clothes,my father was on his way to a farther hospital.I decided to stay home I had a feeling in my gut that I needed to be home,and that's when I got a call.So my aunt picked me up then took me to go so my aunt,she was not doing so good.Right when the visit was over I had gotten a voice message from my friend,and it was just a fucking disaster.I rather just leave it at that who knows she can be stalking me right now,and will start drama again.But she didnt understand what it had been like going through all that shit nor did she respect it,I'll leave it at that.My mother was let go from work to take care of my father, I was working to pay for the bills in this time.As time went by one day my dad was in so much pain he couldnt stand it.Hospice called the ambulance,got him in there and left as my boyfriend and I followed behind them.When we got there,my mother had told me that he had lost his sight on the way there.It was 12:10 am, I'm telling my boyfriend that I can't work tomorrow so I need you to go in for me.So he left we all had been crying waiting for father to pass on,but he kept holding until 1:18 came around.He finally took his last breath,so we got up(my mother and I) kissed him goodbye,and we drove home.My Aunt passed away in August and my Father passed away in September.
I had a week leave off from work,I had people around me telling me I should have been paid for my leave.I went back to work I was still emotionally unstable,and my boyfriend kept hurting me emotionally. He thought I was taking everything out on him,but honestly he kept on telling me I had no reason to be upset.I had no reason to cry,and my friendship was coming to an end with the one I went to Warped Tour with.It made me more sadder to end it but she wanted me to be there for her when I could not,I had ALOT going on.So this kept going on for almost about a month but during that month,We Came As Romans put out they're doing shows to help raise money for Kyle Pavone's family. I donated with what I could supply,and I bought tickets.However my back was damaged from work, it was so bad I had to wear a whole back of lidocane patches,and we left to go to the concert(me,my mom,and her friend).We made it to our hotel.Then we had dinner at IHOP afterwards the time came to go.We stayed there donated more money,and bought more merch, said our condolences then left.
On our way home.
My mom got a puppy when I told her I didn't want it, because I knew I would have to raise it and take care of it.I took her puppy to work with me because I worked at a animal sanctuary,they said I could bring her there,and that they had room.
Weeks later? Can't remember clearly
My new coworker that was there for I think a month got fired,but was told she can stay until she finds a new job.I had pulled a muscle during my day's off which were Sunday and Monday,the worker just up and left.She left because she was not getting enough hours anyways,she found no point in staying there any longer.I know when she left I couldn't stay there any longer either, because they would want me to stay late.But I had pulled that muscle,not to mention the next day would be vet day where someone would have to stay late.So I freaked out,took everything I had there,hopped in my car.My boyfriend parked behind me, and my boss was coming as I quickly got out of there I hit the dumpster with my car.
Week later
It was Friday, that was the time we got our pay checks I sent my boss a message saying I was coming at 10:00 am to pick it up.So I showed up at 10:00 me,and my boyfriend got into a fight again so I broke up with him.I got back in my car I tried to call her my phone said she was blocked, I forgotten that I had blocked her.I take it off block to call her again,she picks up to say to pick it up at 5:00pm.So I drive home ,then my car starts acting up I drove it home as slow as possible.
I forgot to mention a week before I quit I had my dad memorial at my house,it was a fucking disaster thats all I would like to say about it.But we got Dad's death benefits check for $30,000.
So i picked up my check it said 9 hours on there when I had 17 I didn't bother though,and I cashed it.That day was so bad I drank,and got drunk.Everybody was just upsetting me when my father was sick, friends were redoing our kitchen ceiling,and well it got shitty.Me,and my boyfriend got into a fight so cried to my mom,and her friends, then one of her friends just talked about herself so I told her to shut the fuck up and stop being selfish.But it had been a rough experience until now (where we are right now in the story).So time goes by I'm without a car and a job my distant relative married to my cousin I add,but he's been coming over to "hang out" recently.It gave me a shitty vibe so one morning I hear my mom moaning,and I find out she's fucking my cousin's husband.She tried to come in to talk to me,I pretended I was sleeping until she tried to walk over to my bed to put her hands on me to wake me.I told her "Get the fuck out you're absolutely disgusting how can you do this when dad had only been gone for two months".
The paragraph after this, if you're triggered by self harm PLEASE DO NOT READ IT SKIP It, I DO NOT wish that for anybody.
The whole day I cried,and cried again,and again.I relapsed so hard,I cut myself over and over again.I had been clean from self harm for 7 years but this put me off the deep end.I also put my phone on airplane mode,i just could not handle social media at that moment.But I had been keeping tabs on my exboyfriend for days,through my friends because I was worried about him getting in the habit of drinking,and driving after we broke up.But that night when my mother started to cry over my dad being gone with her friend,as they were getting drunk.I realized that I always lived lying to myself,using my mom as an excuse to live.So I called my exboyfriend up said"I was sorry" and hung up, he contacted my friends to see If I was okay. Then he contacted my mother he didn't know he did wrong but after he did that,she came in my room got on top of me, held me down then was shaking me while saying "what's wrong, why don't you tell me anything" I told her.She said that if my ex boyfriend comes over she will make sure he does not come in,I screamed at her and said "he's done more for me then you ever will".Of course he came over we made up, he made sure I was okay, I had a lot of head pain for he gave me a full oxy.The biggest mistake is I didnt eat that day so the next day I had therapy,but I was puking, I felt like absolute complete shit.I just wanted to see my therapist that day,my mother gave me the excuse that just meant she didn't want to take me because she was a hung over piece of shit.So I end it up not going.
So over time everything got worse she left her dog at the house for me to take care of,while she went off every night to fuck my dad's friend.But of course I didn't find out until she started moving out,she left me the house but would not put it in my name no matter how much I begged.Before all this we were looking for a trailer to put in to replace this old falling down trash trailer, well that didn't happen.She kept buying things for her new boyfriend and new daughter as she did that she either spent the $30,000 herself, or someone got a hold of our information.She left me with all the bills overdue,she over drafted my bank account $200,and she spent my $3,000 I saved for a new car.My boyfriend started to live with me to help pay for things,I started cleaning the place up to look decent.Its been almost two months since my cars been broken down,ive begged her to fix I so I can get a job to pay for all this shit she left me.So because my boyfriend and I cannot afford it were moving out,to me its been real fucking awful.I've been so depressed I'm drowning in it,so has my boyfriend however I've been a shitty girlfriend. But he hasn't been that great either yet his family is the reason why I can get a apartment,and bring all my 12 cats with me.I'm grateful like beyond but leaving a place ive been living my whole life is tough, especially when my dad and I had been working to fix it.My boyfriend and his fmaily have been trying so hard to help me, I just feel uncomfortable accepting food because they've done so much for me as is.I told my boyfriend we should have stayed broken up so he didnt he have to deal with my bullshit,because I didnt want him to be stressed.But I fucked up by saying that but when I tried last night to confine in him about a post my mom made,he said he didnt care and to block her.He does not understand I cannot yet, I also dont want drama I have enough already on my plate.I told him he hurt me by saying he did not care about my feelings,and that all I wanted ever was someone to give a shit about me.Man its so tough,I won't be getting my taxes back either because of my college loan.I trusted her by giving her the money to pay it,I guess I was wrong. She says she paid it so she contacted the people who did my taxes.So I don't think my car will be getting fixed and my fucking cat is meowing so much because he's horny and just wants to fuck some bitches.But theres not bitches for him to fuck.That's another thing though cat food my boyfriend won't buy it so I have to sell stuff just to buy cat food.I'm not excited about moving out because it will be super sad for me because of memories you know? It just hard.My boyfriend hasn't talked to me sense last night because I said something shitty things but his thing is he avoids shit.I've thought about taking a fucking hike right before he comes home(if he does) just so I don't have to see him.I truly need a break man I'm trying so hard not to be suicidal,I just want to be happy,to have a better life,and to escape all this shit.I know I've been truly selfish against my boyfriend,not thinking about him feelings.But he doesn't know how to apologize and he hurt me when I'm already hurt.He keeps fucking up to in the kind of ways I need him as emotional support not as physical or financially. But I feel like I'm asking for to much.My friends have been distant as well i only ask them to hang out with me or to play game with me,but i cant get that even though they say "im sorry i dont know how to be there for you if there is something i can do please let me know".Well its simple be a friend thats all.Thank you for reading this I hope you're okay too,I hope I did not trigger you,I'm sorry this time around I cant say I hope you have a nice day just because I feel like complete shit.I have no motivation or will in me to be there for people that's why I just make YouTube videos.I try to use it to escape,have fun,and be okay if they can do the same for you I'm happy I can help somebody.
My YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtIzAObiIH040IJf46te9w
Again Thanks for reading.
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