#i dated a metalhead boy for four years
cacoetheswriting · 1 year
can you do a angst with fluffy ending with eddie x reader on reader birthday (but not that he forgot pls 🙏🏻) you can decide the rest
thank you so much!! 💖💖
gosh i am sooooo sorry for only getting this out to you now! it's been sitting in my drafts, half-finished for far too long! again, super sorry for the delay - and i hope you enjoy 🤍
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.3k content warnings: talk of breakups / heartbreak (eddie & reader are exes), adult language, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol consumption, - very much unedited - pls let me know if i missed anything!
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Birthdays weren’t really your thing.
Celebrating getting older stopped being fun when the gifts turned from colourful toys to cards with generic wishes, and when parties went from having bright bouncy castles to drinking cheap wine alone in a messy apartment at the end of an even messier night. From pure, unfiltered joy, to misery and feeling like your life was slipping through your fingers, fast.
There were a few expectations over the last few years — four lucky birthdays to be exact. And these happy memories came into existence thanks to a certain curly-haired, brown-eyed boy.
Eddie first asked you out a few days before your nineteenth birthday and even though the two of you never really talked prior, there was no denying he was really fucking pretty and you had a big fat silent crush on him for quite some time before that faithful afternoon.
He invited you out for burgers, and in the midst of natural conversation, when you let slip that it was your birthday, Eddie also got you ice-cream, asking the waiter to place a single candle in the colourful sundae.
Till this day, it was the most genuine thing anyone has ever done for you. The most romantic too.
And every birthday that followed, every birthday you spent together with the metalhead was beyond special. He made them special.
From balloons and love notes, to heartfelt gifts, various activities during the day and dinners at his trailer or out in town. He even rallied your friends and threw you parties that no longer ended with loneliness. No year was the same. Eddie made them unique and memorable — which you adored him for wholeheartedly.
Unfortunately, the genuine love you shared was not enough and the relationship came to an unforeseen end.
Eddie had big plans of one day becoming a rockstar, practicing guitar in his free time till his fingers bled, and you were studying day and night, working towards your dream degree. Your lives were heading in completely different directions and there came a point where you only saw each other once every fortnight, while your already irregular phone calls were often cut short.
That was three months ago. A breakup as natural as breathing, yet equally as earth shattering.
Even though it was a mutual decision, the pain was ever present and you cried yourself to sleep for weeks after. Eddie took a piece of you when he left and your whole body was in mourning. It didn’t help that everything in what remained of your life reminded you of him. Physical items like the printed t-shirts in your drawer or the mug he branded as his and you never let anyone else use. A Dio song you’d hear randomly or the diner he took you to on your first date. Then there was the emotional side, the soft glimmer in his eyes you remembered when you closed yours and the sound of his laughter you wished you’d hear again.
Things eventually got easier ‘cause it’s not like you saw Eddie often when you were together. Plus studying for an ungodly amount of hours kept you busy, distracted. And after giving yourself an appropriate time to feel everything, there was honestly no more time for heartbreak.
That is until your birthday rolled around.
When you opened your eyes late morning, you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole — which in Hawkins was more than likely to happen. The last four birthdays were nothing short of perfect and now…  
The nausea followed shortly after.
Your plan was to stay in bed all day, and it was going quite well since at six o’clock that evening you were glued to the same spot, until Robin barged into your room, Steve close on her heels, with a glass of water and a poorly decorated cake. Their singing gave you a headache, but you were still grateful for their attempt to make this day end on a better note.
“Now, go get your ass dressed,” Robin orders, glancing at Steve for his rehearsed words of encouragement.
He’s wide-eyed at first, nose buried in icing, but quickly nods at Robin’s words and looks in your direction.
“Y-yes, yes! We have an evening of fun planned!” Steve exclaims after swallowing a mouth full of vanilla cake.
Your roommates, however sweet they were trying to be, failed to realise the one place you really didn’t want to spend your birthday was The Hideout, and that’s exactly where they brought you.
The Hideout, presenting its usual lurking charm from the moment you stepped inside, was the one place in Hawkins you knew guaranteed an awkward bump-in with Eddie. Or maybe a needed interaction? Seeing him in his element could possibly bring some sort of closure after three months of no contact… No. No. Seeing him would only bring back the pain you tried real hard to bury.
A stench of old man sweat mixed with spilled booze hits your senses while you hurry closely behind Robin and Steve. In the dim light, your eyes are focused on the floor below, partially because you’re trying not to slip or trip over your own two feet, but mainly ‘cause you’re fearful of catching a glimpse of a certain head of wild brown locks. You only look up when the three of you approach a table closer to the back, away from most of the noise, and are greeted with hugs from Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. 
Settling yourself on one of the chairs, you exchange pleasantries with the rest of your friends while Steve orders a round of shots for the group. They all raise a toast to your health, their cheers attracting some attention in the process, but you don’t think anything of it, starting to instead feel glad you agreed to this.
“Birthday girl isn’t allowed to pay for her own drinks, got it?” Robin addresses the group and they all nod in unison. You wanna protest, but she swats at you from across the table before the words escape your lips. Her eyes saying that you need this, your eyes saying that you’re grateful she’s your friend. I know, Robin mouths as Jonathan takes everyone’s drink order.
Every shot you take, you chase with a rum and coke. The liquid burns down your throat. Third, fourth, fifth round down. You’re feeling buzzed, happy. Most importantly, no longer thinking of the boy that would normally also be hanging out with this group — blissfully unaware that he was actually watching your every move from the other side of the bar.
Eddie hadn’t initially planned on going out tonight. After a long day of working at the garage, then band practice right after, he really just wanted to smoke and fall asleep. As he got out of the shower however, instead of jumping into bed, he reached for a clean t-shirt. He couldn’t really explain why. It was stupid to think something inside of him was urging him to come to The Hideout tonight. He was wrecked beyond belief, yet his feet carried him here.
Then he heard it. Your name, followed by a mini-eruption of woohoos.
Head snapping in the direction of the sound, Eddie’s gaze found the source of the noise and then scanned the small group until he reached your relaxed frame. Christ, he thought, palms getting clammy. To say you looked gorgeous would be a vast understatement. And to say he didn’t realise just how much he missed you until this very moment would be nothing short of the truth.
Sure, after the breakup, Eddie found it hard to get through the day-to-day. Constantly distracted, thinking about you and second guessing the decision you both made. But then he reminded himself this was for the best, convinced himself that people can have more than one great love in their life, and things got easier.
There were days he hoped he’d accidentally run into you. At the store, out for coffee, or just wandering the streets of Hawkins. No such luck. When he started working at the shop to save some extra cash, he thought maybe you’d come in with your clunk of shit car since he was always telling you to get it looked at, but again, it never happened. 
Three months passed like nothing.
Eddie would’ve never thought that today, your fucking birthday of all days, would be when he saw you next.
Cold beer in hand, he thought about walking up to the table you sat at with your mutual friends. And he was about to, but then you laughed at something Argyle said and the honey-like sound froze him in place. Clearly, you were having a good time. Eddie didn’t want to ruin that, so he opted for watching you like some fucking creep. 
Four beers later, he’s still in the same spot.
Nancy takes over the jukebox duties. Billy Idol’s White Wedding starts to play as she pulls you to your feet, an excited squeal escaping her lips when you don’t protest. Swaying your hips to the music, you feel elated. Even more so when Robin joins in, singing along as Nancy twirls around the two of you. The boys clap, grinning like idiots, and you know you’re going to remember this moment forever, or at least until you unintentionally go over your drink limit and black out.
A smile tugs at the corners of Eddie’s lips as he continues to shamelessly stare at you. Carefree, is the word he’d use now to describe you and in all honesty, he hasn’t seen you like this in a while. Then his smile falters before it really fully appears ‘cause he finds himself wishing he was the reason for your current mood. Was ending things a mistake?
Mid-song, you spin and as you do, your eyes skim the bar, passing a set of curly hair. The air hitches in your throat as you double back. Just to make sure your drunken gaze wasn’t deceiving you, you tell yourself, but the reality is much different. Please be him, please be him, please be him…
When your eyes do lock with his, your tummy burns.
The copious amount of alcohol trifling through your veins right now gives you that extra push you need to start a short strut towards your ex-boyfriend. Someone’s arm is on you, attempting to pull you back slightly, but you don’t pay attention to it. Then you hear Steve say, “let her go, she needs this.”, and you’re free to continue your journey. 
In a trance, gaze glued to Eddie’s chocolate one, you push through the people until you’re leaning against the bar he was sitting at, observing as his features turn from awe into something you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Eddie greets nonchalantly, as if no time has passed, as if nothing has changed between the two of you.
So you follow in his footsteps, carefully hoisting yourself up on the stool next to his, bare knee brushing against his denim-clad one. 
“Wanna order me a drink?”
Eddie smirks. “Straight to the point, as always.”
“Well, since it is my birthday, Robin said I’m not allowed to pay for my own poison,” you tell him, shrugging lightly, “So if you have a problem with that, you gotta take it up with her.”
He huffs out a laugh. 
“I’d rather not go against Buckley.” And with that he orders a shot of tequila each.
When the small glasses are in front of you, accompanied by a lime wedge, he takes your hand without asking, then licks between your thumb and index finger, doe-eyes never leaving yours. 
A shiver runs down your spine at the sudden contact and you try to play it cool, but in reality your heart is racing. Though Eddie doesn’t give you time to think about what he’s done with no warning, pouring salt in the spot he’s just salivated. He then hastily repeats the action on his own hand and pushes a shot glass in your direction. 
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
The toast is short and sweet. He raises the glass in front of his face as the words escape his lips, licks the salt off his own hand (which you’re a little disappointed in, unsurprisingly already missing the sensation that was his gentle touch), and downs the liquid in one go.
You quickly follow suit, not wanting to seem like he got you all flustered. But as the two of you sit and stare at one another while sucking on the lime wedges for a little longer than normal, you realise he’s just as rattled as you are — good.
“I hate tequila,” Eddie announces, discarding the wedge.
“I don’t mind it,” you say, wiping the corners of your mouth.
His gaze drops slightly, to where your finger presses against your puffy lips, and he bites down on his own rather shamelessly. There is a brief moment of silence in which Eddie thinks back to seconds before, when his tongue caressed your soft skin. He hates himself a little ‘cause he doesn’t wanna mess with your head, but fuck did that feel good. He’d like to do it again, if not more. Is that crazy?
And while you continue to look into his eyes, the butterflies in your stomach are going wild since you know exactly what he’s thinking. The only problem is you don’t know how to tell him because there’s so much else to be said first. Three months of catching up, to be precise, but did exes even do that?
“How about we get out of here?” Eddie offers, voice nothing short of a murmur.
You nod. Of course you nod. You’d go to the end of the world if he’d ask.
Before you know it, Eddie’s hand is on the small of your back, leading you through The Hideout crowd and out the front door. You don’t say goodbye to your friends, you can apologise tomorrow for leaving without a word. Instead, you inhale the fresh air, a wobble in your step as you turn to once again look at your ex-boyfriend.
“Where do you wanna go?”
Eddie throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in as close as he possibly can. He tilts his head to meet your gaze and smiles. A genuine smile.
“There’s this diner not far from here,” he answers simply and your heart swells. Then once again, tenfold, as he places a kiss to your crown before whispering in your ear, “Back to where it all started, pretty girl.”.
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as always, thank you for reading! pls don't hesitate to reblog & tell me what you think - ily!
eddie munson masterlist | main masterlist
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zoke-coke · 8 months
Okay here’s some emo band au shit. There are multiple bands, as the total drama part of the au itself is a battle of the bands competition. We got
The Drama Brothers
The one canon band. They’re a combination of every boy band—nonfiction AND fiction—ever. Consists of the same four (+ Sasquatchanakwa) as in the show.
System Flowers
I know I always call them “the emo band”, but they’re not really one set subculture. I mean, Duncan’s punk, Alejandro’s emo, Mal’s a metalhead, and Zoey’s goth at her core, but if you asked me to list their songs I’d give you an MCR album. Which makes me wonder, if they’re this universe’s MCR, does Twilight exist? Does 50 Shades exist? Does After exist, but as Drama Brothers? Anyway, their #1 rival band is the Drama Brothers. They also all kiss sometimes. They consist of:
Zoey - lead vocalist, can not play an instrument (represented in logo as a pink violet)
Mike (Mal/Svetlana) - guitar and bassist AND stunt artist (Svetlana) (represented in logo as a blue forget me not)
Duncan - drummer (represented in logo as a green button pom)
Heather - manager/keys (represented in logo as a white……..heather)
Alejandro - guitarist and vocalist (represented in logo as a red rose) (added to the band as competition to Justin)
Prime Time Lobotomy
Dark folk band composed of loons (affectionate and serious). Occasionally, they have screamo-like vocals with their fairy folk instrumentals. They’re probably all sapphics but I won’t say who dates who. The women:
Dawn - lead vocalist, but plays the flute when not singing.
Izzy - fiddle player, constantly tries to convince Dawn to let her yodel in the middle of random songs. She says she IS the lobotomy in the band name.
Jo - acoustic guitar. She was a last minute addition, but was convinced by Dawn. She said her soul needed some fun.
Eva - hand drums, or anything she can bang on.
Courtney was a ghostwriter who wrote music for various artists, who after her teenage years put out her own songs on YouTube and became an internet singer. She eventually became a big pop star, and that’s where she’s at now. I’d say she’s like… this universe’s Taylor? But I don’t know if I CAN say that
True goth girl. She writes on her own, but doesn’t really put any music out; she was accepted into the battle of the bands through a random raffle. Princess Charm School style. The first friend she really makes in this whole thing is Courtney. Courtney finds her weird, but… charming.
Before Alejandro joined System Flowers, he was in a duo music act with his brother. While their act was extremely successful, it was obvious José was the favorite and he knew it. He’d constantly put Alejandro down and take any spotlight he had. One performance Alejandro has enough of his bullshit and they have a very violent split, and he joins this competition as a way to get back at him.
Geoff and Bridgette
They’re married :) talk show hosts, a lot easier to talk to than Chris.
Chris McLean.
The main host. Put the show on to not give popularity to others, but to gain it himself. He was a one hit wonder years ago, for “I Wanna Be Famous”.
Yeah that’s it 👍 uhhhh oh yeah to clear up any confusion the contestants are all in their 20s, out of college. And it’s kinda just gen 1 and gen 2 cast. For now
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delikaitxx · 11 months
Hey y’all! Just really quick before we hop into chapter four! From Friday to Wednesday I’ll be out of town. I was initially going to do a double post with Chapter Four and Five, but I’m still planning Five. I’ll probably write it this week, type it and have it ready by Monday as per usual! Thank you so much for the support! It means so much 🩷 okay bye enjoy I love you guys!
‘86 // Chapter Four: Take On Me
“Hey Harrington.” I crack a smile as Robin and I rush in. Steve, who’s talking to a female customer, sees us and mutters “Goddamit” before looking back at the customer. “Have a great day.” “You too, thank you.” They both smile at each other as she walks away. “Hey Rox, what’s up? How did Eddie like the cabin?” My smile grows lightly. “He loved it! His eyes lit up when he saw it. He was like a kid in a candy store. Thank you for the mattress by the way.” Steve nods. “Yeah, of course! I’m so happy he loved it… What did he give you?”
I eagerly take out the shirt from my bag when I start thinking about earlier. When I saw Eddie with Chrissy. Robin told me what had actually happened. They were arranging a drug deal. How could I be so stupid? How could I think Eddie would cheat on me? Steve notices my worried state. “Roxie, are you okay?” He asks looking at me concerned. “Earlier today, when we got back from the cabin, Robin and I saw him talking to fucking Chrissy Cunningham. According to Robin, it was to arrange a drug deal… But…” “You still feel maybe something was going on.”
I nod pathetically. “And that’s why we came to you two hours before Eddie’s campaign and the game to get advice.” Robin was irritated, tapping her wrist with an non-existent watch. “Shush Buckley the adults are talking.” Steve puts his hand on his hip and the other on the counter, looking like an actual overprotective mother. “So, you think there’s something going on? I can tell you right now, that boy loves you so much. I’m telling you, I don’t know how you do it, but he’s in love with you.”
I chuckle looking at the shirt on the counter. “You think so?” “Look, you may think I’m an asshole, but I know what I’m seeing.” I act like I don’t know what he’s talking about. “What are you talking about? I don’t think you’re an asshole Harrington…. You excited for awkward date number two?” I laugh as I catch him off guard looking pathetically at Robin. “BUCKLEY YOU TOLD HER?” He freaks out. “It’s fine Harrington… You just need to lay off the Farrah Fawcett spray too.” I joke even more. “Robin.” “Don’t look at me, that was Dustin’s tidbit.”
Robin joins me at my side of the counter. “And Steve, she’s my best friend. Of course I had to tell her how awkward it was.” Steve realizes I’m somewhat deflecting. “Okay, besides my awkward date, we’re talking about you and Munson.” We go back to business. “Listen Rox, Eddie loves you. You’re his ‘Cherry Bomb’. Or whatever term metalheads use.” I smirk looking at the shirt thinking of the year we had together. “He made me my own Hellfire Club shirt… I was thinking about wearing it tonight… Be his ‘Cherry Bomb’.” “Aren’t you his ‘Dungeon Mistress’?” Robin asks, messing with me. Steve is bewildered. “His what?” He raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh…. You know how in campaigns, there’s a dungeon master? And Eddie’s the Dungeon Master?” I begin to explain to Steve, who’s just absolutely clueless. “I think I get it. You’re his female companion.” “Yes. Exactly! We need to hurry and get ready.” Robin freaks. “Hold up. Do you guys want me to take you? I’m meeting Brenda there anyway.” I consider it. “Yes. We’d greatly appreciate it. Just bring the hairspray. I may need it… also, red lipstick?” I ask the two, Robin perks up. “Eddie loves when you wear red lipstick.”
I begin to notice Steve grow uncomfortable. “He does go crazy when he sees me with red lipstick. Almost animalistic. Like feral-“ “Okay, we get it. He goes batshit crazy over how hot you look… and he’ll ravish you…” Robin and I look at Steve stunned. “Yeah… exactly…” Robin says looming at me. “Rox… I think we freaked Steve out.” I nod agreeing with her. “Yeah… I’m more concerned with how he called me hot.” “Yeah that was interesting.”
Steve chuckles anxiously. “I just meant he’s gonna combust at how hot you are. Show him who’s boss. Besides, you’re like a sister to me.” Shock goes through my body. “I’m like a sister to you huh?” I ask him. “Well yeah. We bicker, joke, act like brother and sister. And Dustin is like a little brother to me.” “Aw that’s sweet… I would’ve barfed if you actually called me hot.” I say making Robin laugh. “I still can’t believe you thought Robin liked you and she in fact…” I trail off into a whisper. “Likes boobies.” Robin cringes as Steve laughs.
“Don’t say that word. It’s so gross.” She groans. “Why? Vickie loves boobies. You like boobies. Harrington likes boobies. I like boobies. BOOBIES!” Steve’s eyes widened. “We are really like brother and sister.” “We have a ‘hive mind’ apparently.” “Let’s test it. Are you thinking about wearing those black boots?” “Yes actually. With a leather jacket too. It gets cold in there.” “Oh Eddie will warm you up so fast.” “Gotta show him who’s boss right?” “EXACTLY!”
“Look at you taking advice from Harrington.” Robin teases. “He does have good ideas… Steve, what about a black shirt?” Steve seems to like the idea. “Yeah, that works.” “See genius.” “Well, we’re gonna have to see ‘Genius’ in an hour so that we can get ready and you can fuck Eddie before the campaign starts.” Steve and I look at her astonished. “BUCKLEY!” “It’s not like y’all are playing patty cake. We’re teenagers with hormones.” “Eddie’s twenty.” I mention. “And he’s got raging hormones. LET’S GO!” Robin says as she grabs my arm and pulls me out. “See you in a few!” Steve yells in the distance.
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weliketheiroldstuff · 2 years
Lamb of God's Omens Tour brings Killswitch Engage, Baroness, and Suicide Silence to Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre
After the Cleveland debacle last night I was so unbelievably stoked to work this show with four truly awesome bands. Suicide Silence is one of the heaviest bands ever. Baroness was the only one I haven’t seen live yet and they were so good. Killswitch Engage is responsible for a massive amount of influence on so many bands and musicians and artists. Then there’s literally one of the biggest bands in all of metal music over the last 20 years, Kings… Lamb of God. I really can’t think of a bigger band when it comes to the new wave of American heavy metal that isn’t lumped into Nu Metal or Metalcore…
I mean, Slipknot are kings right, then who after that, as far as weight? Manson, but he’s a turd so he got flushed. Um, Deftones? Sure maybe, not Kings though. Kings of the hypersexual metal kids yeah. I mean there’s like Parkway Drive and Avenged Sevenfold. But now we’re talking two bands who have sacrificed their credibility for a broader audience. See what I’m saying? God, don’t take that the wrong way, or do, who cares anymore? I think for the metal band with their hands still stuck in the roots of the underground, LoG has a rightful stake at the throne. I mean, I just disqualified all the bands mentioned, not much left after that… Korn, but that’s Nu Metal royalty, it’s different. Five Finger Death Punch, nope fucking can sell out Wembley and I won’t acknowledge that blue line supporting dorky cop rock bull shit as a part of this. Nine Inch Nails, I mean fuck no, industrial Lords, yes, kings of new wave of heavy metal? Shut up. They’re barely on the outskirts of this network of bands. And they pre-date pretty much all of them. System of a Down? Maybe? But ya gotta play some shows and make music to be the current Kings. Safe to say, Lamb of God is up there, and do they ever deliver. The new record drops the day this comes out and everything I have heard from it says it’s going to rip and tear metalhead eardrums for a long time coming. Ya know what, I will save it for my review of the record this weekend.
I have been a fan of Suicide Silence since the first record. Mitch’s voice and the grooves Chris writes have always been some of my favorites in deathcore. They helped define a genre. They helped push it. And they dropped a new tune recently and oddly enough so did Torn Within, which features former members Rick Ash and Josh Goddard who were on the original lineup and releases, Mark actually replaced Rick. And then Lopez replaced Josh. Wild. What’s crazy about this is that the Torn Within song is a basement demo in comparison to the newest Suicide Silence song “You Must Die”. Hear it below!
What did I say? Told ya it rips. Should’ve seen my face when they played it live while we were photographing them. That “FUCK YOUR LIFE…. DEATHWISH” breakdown felt like my chest was caving in. Granted they were on a massive amphitheatre stage setup, still. It hits so fucking hard. When the next Suicide Silence tour comes up and they roll through your town, if you skip on this band, that’s on you. I have no idea what’s going on with them but I fucking love it. I don’t know if it was Covid revitalized the boys, or personal lives have gotten better, or just being back on the road and working on a new record, if it’s all of it. All I know is when I witnessed them play that new shit it bitch slapped any remaining negative about their previous songwriting choices. I honestly feel like when they stay in that early wheelhouse, they fucking write the coolest riffs and breakdowns. I know that a lot of bands try to evolve their sound and style but I think this is one of those bands that will continue to grow their audience by getting back to this just belligerently heavy deathcore. The fuck you attitude works perfectly with it. The band is called Suicide Silence not Happy Fucking Metal Guys. Like, smoke the weeds, drink the whiskeys, write the heaviest shit, and you will remain atop the deathcore world. You could feel it watching them that all of this has been a piece of it. Let’s just do what we’re good at, and the truth is they’re way better than just good at it. Master of the breakdown man. I love it. It’s taking the heaviest riffs from downtuned Nu Metal and giving it death metal drums and my fucking whole existence just wants to hug these mother fuckers.
I don’t have a history with Baroness. I have heard some songs over the years. I know a little bit about the backstory and stuff but this was a pretty virgin moment for me. I try to be as much of a connoisseur of music as possible, especially of the heavy variety. My wheelhouse is hardcore, nu-metal, punk, deathcore, and emo, and then I know a little bit about most of the subgenres of metal. The droney, stoner, more 70s-influenced style of bands has always kinda blended together for me. Over the years I have been so picky about this stuff but Baroness was always one that stayed on the list of bands I was intrigued by. I literally have them and I like Mastodon, Clutch, Melvins, Down, Kyuss, and my favorites Corrosion of Conformity, and I dive into a little Doom with Pallbearer, Neurosis, Trouble, Cathedral, and Candlemass. It’s all derivative directly from Black Sabbath. This is Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler fans more than anything, don’t @ me you old bastards! Baroness is like a weird step outside of the box. I didn’t feel the way I did after watching them as I did watching High on Fire or Mothership or The Melvins. All like ripped my face off with their energy ya know? Baroness won me over with just straight-up incredible songwriting. Like I loved the 3 songs I photographed by them and I walked out feeling more disappointed in myself. Usually, I’m relieved that I finally photographed a band I’ve been chasing for a while. That’s the normal feeling. I left being upset with myself for not being into them more and earlier. It’s like I knew walking back to VIP that I had to reward myself with Chicken Tenders because there was no way I would be able to sit there for the next 45 minutes and not beat myself up. I need energy, I need food, and I need to get over the fact that I tell people not to sleep on bands, and I legit slept on Baroness.
After Baroness, we walked back to VIP and I let them know I was going to get food. I asked if they knew where the chicken tender stand was, and I was informed that it was the first booth, on the opposite side of the venue. Ughhhhhhhh. So, tubby mchighasfuck starts to speedwalk or so it seemed in my head, then I realized I was just regular walking and just buzzed. It seemed like it took the entire time to get there. Once I finally got there I then did a light yogging around the amphitheater to get to where the media hounds were chilling amidst drunken VIP’s and bored security. I then noticed we were leaving to go to the photo pit and my dinner is in my hands. Look, I understand it’s kinda funny to some people that a stoner photographer would be walking into a photo pit eating chicken tenders and fries… but it was so much funnier to me. I have always loved seeing people getting down with food, or with their cameras, or in a weird outfit, or whatever. But a chubby stoner with a beer and a chicken finger basket is just, it’s so on brand.
This is the second time I photographed KSE this year and my third time in total. They are one of the 2016 bands. A reminder any band photographed in 2016 is earmarked for being a foundational piece to the photography side of ILTOS. No one from Warped Tour 2016 used my work besides The Interrupters. But when I photographed the final Dirt Fest in Pontiac, almost all those artists shared my work. Jesse was I think the first one to do so. So crazy. With that being said, this was a special set as I got my chicken tenders and literally walked into the photo pit eating them. I was so elevated and had all sorts of emotions and tons of adrenaline going, but I was so fucking hungry… I shoveled the rest of my food into my face while laughing about how ridiculous it was and then photographed the dudes rip through 3 songs, one of them being “My Last Serenade” which was the first one that hit me directly, back when it was released. Bands, it should be obvious how we feel about you playing your older material. You gotta throw us a bone here. And KSE does it so well.
Shoutout to the Chicken Tender Booth Staff.
My photographic history with this band is one show, Slayer’s last in Michigan. I have relished that experience for years. To me, that night solidified I was willing to do whatever as I wobbled on a sprained ankle the entire time. Fun walking up and down Pine Knob’s steps after walking through the rain too. Wild experience and so thankful for it. Although I have been waiting for a Lamb of God headliner here that I could get access to for the entire time I have been doing this shit. This band has been dropping singles for their new record Omens for a minute now and today is the day it dropped. I waited to finish this piece so I could release it today along with a few new assets that will drop to help promote the post and the record. Straight up, it’s heavy as fuck and it basically shuts every Art Cruz doubter the fuck up. 10 songs and now these dudes can shut up. So fucking good. I’m not going to go any further about the album… The dudes came out ripping into “Memento Mori” and got the fire going in “Walk With Me In Hell” and absolute chaos during “Now You’ve Got Something To Die For. As an older Lamb of God fan, I could not be more impressed with their live show. It was fucking HELL in the photo pit though. We had you know, two dozen security, a dozen VIP’s, tour guys, and about 10 photographers. It was a bit crowded. Thank Fuck, it is a rather deep pit and there is room, but yeah it was a bit too chaotic to do the job at 100%. It’s why you just gotta roll with what ya get. Sometimes the situation is not ideal whatsoever. This was very frustrating but it just happens sometimes. Be fluid, and just do what you can. No reason to be a dick about anything. And besides, being a dick at a Lamb of God show to another LoG fan or someone working the event is pretty counterintuitive to the ideals pushed by this band. Which has always been soaked in the DIY Hardcore ethos of which they came from and are most influenced by. Remember, these are hardcore kids playing metal and that’s why this shit is so special. These aren’t heshers. These aren’t black metal dudes or death metal guys. These are badass open-minded folks who literally got to go to hardcore shows in DC in the 80s and 90s. I feel like I’m repeating myself.
Check out the gallery below! All photos by yours truly! Thank you Lamb of God for having me out for this one, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and am glad I could get some shots and add an experience to my memory banks.
www.lamb-of-god.com www.facebook.com/lambofgod https://twitter.com/lambofgod http://instagram.com/lambofgod https://www.facebook.com/killswitchengage https://twitter.com/kseofficial http://www.killswitchengage.com https://instagram.com/killswitchengage http://yourbaroness.com https://www.instagram.com/yourbaroness https://www.facebook.com/YourBaroness https://twitter.com/yourbaroness https://suicidesilence.store/ https://www.facebook.com/suicidesilence/ https://www.instagram.com/suicidesilence/ https://twitter.com/suicidesilence
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nowgiveusakiss · 2 years
if eddie was dating someone with opposite music tastes to him, he is def making fun of you. and when you make him a mixtape of all those cheesy romance songs, fully knowing he will hate everything on it, he will tell you to keep it. that he’s “not listening to that shit”. but you play it for him anyways. he’ll pretend it annoys the hell out of him but secretly loves when you sing those cheesy lyrics to him. squishing his face in your hands while you sing to him about being head over heels. he will roll his eyes, push you away. “babe, stop. i don’t find this amusing.” but hearing your endless giggles at his annoyance makes him fall even harder. 
and during those heated make out sessions in the back of his van at lovers lake, one of those cheesy songs will come on the radio. god help him when you can’t stop yourself from putting on a show for him. the first beat is enough to stop you in your tracks, both of your eyes widening. yours in excitement, eddie’s in fear of what has just been unleashed from five seconds of a shitty song. “sweetheart… don’t you dare…” but oh, you do dare. straddling his lap, hands wandering his entire body as you belt out the lyrics. on the outside, he is the picture perfect definition of pure frustration but really his heart is about to beat out of his chest. so full of adoration he thinks he might just die. when the song ends, you’re a mess. out of breath, chest heaving, cheeks flushed, a grin of satisfaction on your lips. a mess, yes. but his mess. eddie’s pretty little mess.
you pretend that the mixtape is purely a joke. a fun thing for the two of you. not to be taken seriously. however, you don’t go anywhere without that mixtape. on those lonely nights away from eddie, you’ll listen to those songs. maybe shed a tear or two. it’s silly, you think. how silly of you to get attached to such corny songs. it’s not like he’s gone forever. it’s only been two days since you last saw him. but you just can’t help but let your mind wander to the moments those songs have been the soundtrack of. in the back of his van. in his trailer. your emotions are just too much to bear. so sure. you let a few stray tears fall. there’s no shame in that.
if you think you have it bad, think of how eddie feels. dropping you back off at your house late at night. watching you walk up to your front door from his van. not after pulling you back several times to share a kiss or two… or three… or who are you kidding, you lost count after the eighth time. “eds, i really have to go. i work tomorrow!” but you know putting up a fight is pointless. “it’s just one more kiss, doll! don’t you want to give your man another kiss before he has to watch you walk away?” always the dramatics with eddie. he’ll finally let you go. counting down the minutes until he can see you again. back at his trailer, your smell still lingers. a shirt of yours on his bedroom floor. a hair tie on his dresser. and something else.. your mixtape. he’ll consider using it as an excuse to drive back to your house. but no, you really should get some sleep. he doesn’t want his angel losing any sleep. he should put it somewhere for safe keeping. he’ll toss and turn all night, missing you. your warmth next to his. your hair tickling his face. the way his arm falls asleep from the weight of your head. he gives up the idea of sleep for the night. opting for a cigarette on the trailer steps instead when he notices your mixtape. still just sitting there. “this is so stupid” he’ll think to himself as he puts the tape into his stereo. and so he listens to your mixtape all night. missing you. as much as he tells himself how those songs are utter shit, he finds himself humming along. blushing at the memory of you on his lap, whispering the lyrics in his ear, goosebumps running down his spine. finally lulling himself to sleep.
a few days later, you’re back at his trailer. “i was looking everywhere for this!” he hopes you don’t notice that it had been sitting in his stereo since the night you left. you most definitely do. obviously you have to ask him what this “shitty” music was doing in his radio. a smirk on your face. he denies denies denies. “you must’ve left it in there, babe. you know i wouldn’t listen to that crap on my own free will.” you drop the subject. he’s glad you do because he can’t damage his image by letting you know he spent every night listening to that god forsaken tape.
he pretends the mixtape is just a joke. a fun thing for the two of you. but to him, it’s a collection of little poems that remind him just how truly loved he is by you. should he ever forget. and that means everything to him. he would move heaven and earth just to save that dumb mixtape. of course, he would never admit that to you. 
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Maneater | Steve Harrington
A/N: besties i was gonna post this sooner but i had to let my drunk fade away, anyways i present to you sub!steve (season four steve to be exact bc he is so fucking MMM MMMM MMMMMMMMM), also had to make the reader a lil punk rock bitch ok
Summary:   “I thought she’d be like mean and shy but not she wasn’t shy at all-she’s like-she’s like a man eater-Definitely an apex predator if I’ve ever seen one. Steve she was looking at you like she wanted to eat you”
Warnings: so much smut but theres plot!, cussing, spelling and grammar errors, kissing, spitting, hand jobs, crying, dirty talk, oral (f and m receiving/giving), P in V sexy time, praising, degrading, marking, biting, sub!steve + dom!reader
Word Count: 9k (way more than i thought there would be like jfc the plot came out the cut, then the smut is like omg ok bitch period)
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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Steve Harrington was a lot of things, and as of late a ladies man was not one of them. Sure he could get dates now that he actually listened to the advice that Robin gave him, however he wanted more than just meaningless hookups and dates with girls who could barely hold a conversation. He wanted a relationship, craved the closeness and intimacy of it all, he wanted a best friend and a lover in one, but somehow day by day he lost hope that he’d find that in Hawkins.
That was until he laid eyes on Y/n Y/l/n. He remembered her from highschool-solely because she hung out with Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson and his group of metalhead losers-granted now Steve didn’t consider them losers, after all he did experience a large amount of character growth throughout his senior year of high school. He’d still won prom king though. 
People knew Y/n, not because she was stereotypically popular, but because she was a hot commodity-people wanted her but she let a very select few get that-hell Steve knew exactly zero people who’d managed to get past her mean facade-or get past the layers of black, denim, leather, and eyeliner. 
The girl was attractive-that much was a fact. Guys always talked about wanting to see “if she was as freaky as the shit she’s into”-something that Steve usually brushed off, ignoring them due to his relationship status alongside his social status. He had English with her, and for their Shakespeare analysis project she’d been partnered with Tommy H. The same Tommy H. decided to brag about sleeping with her for two weeks after the project was presented-that was until she’d smashed his front windshield with a baseball bat in the school parking lot during lunch-then he admitted to lying about it-she was suspended for two weeks.
However Steve wanted more than to sleep with her-there was something else to her-something he’d noticed the day she walked into the Family Video with Max Mayfield in tow. While Max said her hellos to Steve and Robin, Y/n looked around the comedy section-a shock to Steve as he expected her to be a Horror kind of girl. That’s when he realized that there was always more than meets the eye.
She worked at the arcade next door to his job, and after cornering Lucas and Dustin he found out that she was rather close to Max, the redhead had gone to the Arcade often-trying to find a distraction while she grieved her brother’s death-and Y/n just happened to be the one on the mid-day shift.
Lucas and Dustin did a horrible job explaining her friendship with Max, however from what they did know she was the only person Max found herself talking to-telling her about the things she was going through-and opening up to. In a way Y/n filled in the role of an older sister for Max, and when she found out some of the Junior and Senior boys at Hawkins were trying to bully Max, while simultaneously bringing up her douchebag brother’s death she did not hesitate to show up to the high school, bat in tow.
Everyone knew Y/n wasn’t afraid of being arrested-she’d been arrested more than once, Hopper letting her off the hook each and every time because the missing Sheriff-supposedly deceased which Y/n did not believe-had a soft spot for her. After all, the girl was just a troubled teen-and she found her way by standing up for herself by any means necessary.
All Y/n had to do was speed into the parking lot, get out of the black Monte Carlo with her bat in hand and make her way towards the convertible full of jocks-some she remembered others she asked Eddie about-and hop on top of the front hood. She pointed the bat at the boys, a smile on her face, black lipstick perfectly applied as she smiled down at them. 
She only said two sentences: “You see that pretty little redhead over there-Max-yeah talk to her again and I’ll personally knock your teeth in” followed by “Nod your empty little heads if you understand me”, then got off the car, knocking the bat into the hood, leaving a sizable dent before blowing them a kiss and walking off. Of course the teenage boys tried to explain what had happened at lunch-however the beauty of it being the Fall of 1985 was that there were no active security cameras monitoring the outside of the buildings and because the boys were all bullies-there were no other witnesses to prove their case.
After it happened Dustin explained the entire scene to Steve, Robin excitedly nodding along while mumbling about how badass Y/n looked, then going on a tangent about how pretty the girl was-all the while Steve found himself thinking more and more about her.
Then a week later he finally saw her in the parking lot, the two pulling into work at the same time. She stepped out of the black car wearing a black The Ramones baggy shirt tucked into a pair of black frayed denim shorts, ripped fishnets on her legs, her voluminous hair framed her face. He watched as she slid her black sunglasses off, eyes adorned with black eyeliner and messy eyeshadow, lips lined with black, colored red. 
From that moment he was Smitten. She was the pretty, mean, punk rock girl that worked behind the Arcade counter and he wanted nothing but her. 
The only problem was that Y/n Y/l/n did not like Steve Harrington. The minute she spotted him staring at her all she did was raise a brow, before telling him to “fuck off pretty boy”. But even then the way she said ‘pretty boy’ made him blush and he thought about it all day.
All of that happened four months ago, it was now January and he was still smitten. He’d see her walking into work, and occasionally when he’d close so would she. He’d see her walk through the front doors of the Arcade, locking it up, and he would wait in his car in the parking lot, looking around, making sure she was safe before she got into her car and sped off. That was also something he’d noticed about her-the girl drove as if she was training for a NASCAR race. 
He’d noticed a lot about her, and anytime she caught him staring to any capacity she’d repeat the same four words “fuck off pretty boy”. Sometimes she’d add more, always something along the lines of “Can I do something for you Harrington?” or “Don’t you have VHS tapes to rewind?” whatever it was-it was always sarcastic-and that had Steve in too deep.
So deep that in fact once he found himself asking Max what kind of flowers he thought Y/n would like while the fifteen year old was in the Family Video, finding a rental for their weekly movie night-to which Max replied with “I don’t know-why don’t you ask her you weirdo”. 
That was the last time he asked Max anything about Y/n. 
Some days he was positive there was something else in the way that Y/n looked at him, a glint in her eye-something floating through her piercing gaze-then suddenly it’d be gone when she’d flash him her middle finger before walking into her job, Arcade vest in hand. 
“Steve, you cannot be serious right now! You want to ask Y/n out? Y/n Y/l/n? She wants nothing to do with you! No offense dude but I don’t think you’re her type” he scoffed at Robin's words, taking his eyes off the road for a second to glance at his best friend, mouth agape and brows furrowed in shock.
“You really think that lowly of me?” Robin laughed, nodding her head “She’s like this totally cool, hot, punk rock chick and you’re a guy who probably owns more hairspray than does! You two are like polar opposites, you were prom king and she smashed car windows with a baseball bat!” he scoffed again, shaking his head a few times while he focused on the road ahead, turning the steering wheel as he pulled into the parking lot in front of their job.
“Oh come on! You really don’t think I have a chance?” Robin tilted her head, brows knit in concentration while she pursed her lips inward before nodding her head a few times “I’d say you have a .0001% chance with her” just as Steve was about to respond, he noticed Y/n’s car speed into the parking lot which was definitely more packed than usual. 
Then she pulled into the spot next to his, her window tint not dark enough to disguise the way that she grabbed her Arcade uniform vest-screaming into it-then closing her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. Steve’s lips were parted as he watched her-mesmerized by the simplest of actions-granted he’d never really seen much out of her past her being mean, cussing him out, and the few soft moments she had when she was with Max, the two laughing in an aisle of the video rental store.
He was dazed-so much that when she turned her head to open her door she caught his stare, immediately giving him a dirty look as she rolled her eyes, then her gaze flickered to Robin who was now looking at her as well, so she flashed the girl a closed mouth smile, then she gathered her things and got out of her car, shutting the door and locking it before making her way towards the front door of her dreaded job.
Before Robin could make any comments Steve practically jumped out of the car, calling Y/n’s name as he sped walk towards her-by the time he shouted her name a second time and she stopped in her tracks to turn and face him he was only a few feet away from him. 
He’d taken a few moments to trail his eyes along her moving figure while she walked, today she had on a pair of black thin stockings-the tops of them slightly showing, accompanied by a black leather miniskirt-something he questioned due to the forty degree weather outside, but he guessed her black knit sweater and oversized leather blazer were evening out her body temperature.
When she turned to face him he practically lost his train of thought-eyes focused on hers while she stared at him, the thick black eyeliner and shadow around her eyes only accentuated them-an expectant look on her face while she slightly shook her head, a brow raised. 
“Pretty boy I don’t have all day. Speak-I’m waiting” the slight dominance in her tone was bringing heat through Steve’s body-his cheeks flushing slightly as he nodded his head a few times with his lips parted as if he was about to speak but he couldn’t get the words out.
After a few more seconds of looking like a lost puppy he finally blinked, nodding his head “Yeah uh-hey-so I was wondering if you were free-uh maybe tonight? After your shift” she blinked a few times, furrowing her brows before smirking at him. “Are you asking me on a date, pretty boy?” 
There it was again, the underlying dominance-something he wasn’t used to-something that had his mind melting. She was confident as she spoke, the smirk on her face made him want to get on his knees and worship her, not to mention the way that she shifted her weight to one foot, one hand holding her black leather bag and uniform vest, the other near her face-one finger resting against her bottom lip as she lightly brought the black acrylic nail between her teeth as she smiled.
But the glint in her eye was evident. 
“Uh-uh yeah-yeah I am” she nodded her head “and where do you plan on taking me hmm?” her tone was almost degrading, it made his already melting mind feel fuzzy while she spoke to him. “Any-Anywhere you wanna uh-go” she moved her nail from between her teeth, now puckering her lips slightly, finger tapping against them while she mimicked a thinking expression.
“Seeing as I close the rest of this week-and based on the fact that you and her are just getting here-you do too-nothing’s open after we leave work Pretty boy. So where’s that leave us?” Steve so desperately wanted to say ‘your place or mine’ but he knew that she’d just scoff and walk away, that was the only thought he had, he had no other real answer so when he turned into a stuttering blubbering mess she smiled before shushing him.
“I can think of a place-or two you could take me-but what do you wanna do huh?” At this point she stepped closer to him, the same confidence in her voice and she sounded so sultry-Steve couldn’t tell if it was because he was a blushing dizzy mess, or if this was actually happening.
Before he could respond she simply patted him on the chest twice-then she gripped his denim jacket-tugging him a little closer “Cat got your tongue Pretty Boy?” with that she let go, turning around and walking off-the cocky smile now on her face.
Robin got out of the car, wide eyed, jaw dropped, mouth gaping like a fish out of water while she stared at Steve who was still staring in Y/n’s direction, his hand now on his chest where hers was while he processed everything that just happened.
“Are you serious?! She’s so into you? How is she into you?! Steve C’mon” with that Robin quickly grabbed the keys from the car, locking her door then running to the drivers side and locking it before running towards Steve-grabbing his sleeve and pulling him with her into the Family Video where their co-worker Ryan was already clocking out-the older man not saying a single word to the two as they got behind the counter.
Steve was still stunned at everything while Robin smacked his arm excitedly.
“I don’t know how you did it Steve-but she’s so into you! I mean did you see the way she was looking at you! She was laying it on thick” Robin rambled while she took their time sheets, clocking the two of them in “I thought she’d be like mean and shy but not she wasn’t shy at all-she’s like-she’s like a man eater-Definitely an apex predator if I’ve ever seen one. Steve she was looking at you like she wanted to eat you” he blinked a few times, processing Robin's words.
However his mind was still fuzzy, and his filter was long gone by the time the words left his lips “I wanna eat her out” Robin gagged slightly, a look of horror on her face now “TMI Harrington! TMI!” 
In the building next door Y/n sat in the worn red stool behind the counter, chewing gum while she thought about Steve. Sure she knew Steve in high school-he was a douchebag, he was mister popular, the star of the show, prom king himself. She hated his friends, especially Tommy-God she was so glad that she’d smashed his windshield in. But she always knew Steve was different-he wasn’t as much of a prick, he wanted to be popular, wanted to fit in, so he stuck to those that were popular.
Then something changed their senior year-after he’d broken up with Nancy Wheeler-he wasn’t the same, hell he changed for the better. That wasn’t enough for Y/n to want to associate with him though, she liked her friends, she liked Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, and the rest of the Hellfire club-hell she designed their shirts. 
But now things had changed, they were out of school, still living in their hometown, working next door to one another, and she had to admit, his continuous pinning was cute. The way he’d stare at her, the way he would stay late to make sure she got in her car safe, and the way that he’d always have a deep red blush on his cheeks anytime she called him Pretty Boy-that blush made her mind wander, she wanted to see him blushing, see his chest rapidly rising and falling, see him flustered, a stuttering flushed mess-that’s how she wanted to see him.
That’s what she wanted to do to him. However she was never a fan of making the first move-mainly because people never really caught her eye. She wasn’t a virgin-that was a fact-but she wasn’t someone who enjoyed casual hookups often, she liked relationships, some days she missed having a partner-but other days she simply rolled her eyes and went about her day because relationships meant commitment and they also meant heartbreak. 
Steve Harrington made her question that, he was a change of pace, she’d only had a few actual conversations with him, most of the time telling him to fuck off for staring too hard-but secretly under her hard exterior she loved the way he stared at her, and the way he payed attention to her. The way his eyes would rake across her figure, not in a ‘I wanna fuck you’ kind of way but more in a ‘you’re so beautiful’ kind of way. She knew how to differentiate the two because of Steve-he was the only one who showed her the ladder.
She’d been waiting months for him to make a move, she was patient, and honestly she didn’t care-she wasn’t interested in anyone else nor did she feel the need to rush anything. She was content with her sex life and romantic life, of course being content didn’t mean she’d decline Steve Harrington’s head between her thighs.
Y/n spent her entire shift rolling her eyes at teenagers and kids, reluctantly helping them and acting as if she was doing something on the large computer at the front desk-rather she was just playing pong. She hadn’t spoken to many of her co-workers today, most of them walking around the arcade and working in the storage room, so her day was pretty simple and very boring. Her mind constantly floating back to the possibility of Steve actually making a move tonight.
Then it was time for her to close, everyone was already leaving while she finished sweeping, then she wiped the counters down and washed her hands, thankful one of her co-workers cleaned the bathrooms already. Finally she grabbed her things, and left through the front doors, locking them up-glancing to her left to see Steve standing there, leaning against the Family Video windows with his hands in his pockets-to most he would look relaxed and maybe even cool-but Y/n immediately noticed the way his chest was falling a little too fast.
He was nervous, and that lit a fire inside of her.
“So did you figure it out, Pretty Boy?” Steve practically jumped at the sound of her voice, he was too busy hyping himself up to notice Y/n locking up a few feet from her-and now he was embarrassed as she spoke to him. He expected her to stop a few feet away, but no, she walked until she was inches away from him, now slightly looking up at him, a smirk on her face while they held eye contact, one of her fingers gliding along the length of his denim jacket.
“I’m waiting for an answer” her degrading tone was back and it only made Steve blush even more, he bit his lip, eyes dropping from hers to her red lips, all the while his lips were slightly parted. 
Steve Harrington had never in his life been this flustered. He usually did this to other people-he wasn’t used to the change of pace and yet he was melting under her touch. She moved her fingers, now gliding along the white sweater he wore below the jacket-he felt her apply a little more pressure-just enough to make her touch known. She was teasing him, luring him into her trap-and he was falling head first.
“Yours or mine?” was all he managed, he tried saying it with confidence but her gaze shot right through his facade, eyes still focused on her lips, now they were upturned in a wicked smile. She leaned closer to him, lips right next to his ear as she whispered “make sure you can keep up, Pretty Boy” with that she placed a gentle kiss right below his ear-and due to her close proximity she didn’t miss the small whimper that slipped past his lips.
She quickly moved, shooting him a wink while walking to her car, easily unlocking it and getting in-the sound of the car roaring to life was what reminded him that he had to follow her-so he ran to his car, nearly tripping on the way-then he got in and the second he was inside, she was pulling off. 
To say that it felt like a game of cat and mouse was crazy-especially because Steve felt like a mouse chasing the cat. Hell he had no idea where she was taking him and for all he knew she might just be ritually sacrificing him under the moonlight. 
But his doubts were gone by the time he pulled into a driveway behind her, the house was in the same neighborhood as Dustin’s place, she only lived four houses down-it surprised him that he never noticed. He was always here dropping him off and picking him up, and Y/n’s Monte Carlo was hard to miss, maybe he’d just been too wrapped up in his ‘adopted’ little brother to see it.
He shook his head while hyping himself up again, now was not a time to think of Dustin, he was about to hook up with Y/n Y/l/n-the girl of his dreams-literally he’d had more than one dream about her. However none of them had her as dominant as she seemed, they usually involved him holding her hands above her head, while he was above her. Occasionally she’d be riding him, other times he just dreamt of the sweet sweet sounds she would make while he laid between her thighs, her hands tugging at his hair.
The second she knocked on his car door window he blinked a few times, turning the car off before opening the door-she was thankful she stepped out of the way, this wasn’t the Steve Harrington she’d heard so much about-he was smooth and in charge-this Steve was awkward, nervous, and somehow kept tripping over his own feet.
He cleared his throat while she looked at him, a small smile on her face, and a devious look in her eye.
“Don’t worry Harrington, I’ll take good care of you” with that she grabbed his hand, and his heartbeat immediately quickened-hell it felt like it would beat out of his chest as he followed behind her. He watched as she unlocked the door with one hand, kicking it open as she twisted the knob, then they were inside.
For some reason he never thought of Y/n’s house-or of the fact that she probably lived with her family, he always just thought of her so when he followed behind her in the house he was somewhat taken aback. The warm hues of color throughout the furniture, the plants delicately placed and taken care of, alongside the framed photos-including Y/n’s graduation photos side by side with her kindergarten graduation photos. 
He didn’t have much time to admire the house, instead she was guiding him upstairs, and he couldn’t help but focus his eyes on her ass, her skirt slightly sliding up as she walked-the material hugging her curves perfectly. It was driving him crazy.
Then she stopped in front of what he assumed to be her bedroom door, dropping his hand-now turning to face him. He was already flustered-she thought it was so cute-the way he stared at her while he blushed, unable to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds at a time.
“Tell me Pretty Boy, are you gonna let me take care of you tonight?” His mind was now a jumbled mess of Y/n, he didn’t have one coherent thought outside of her, so instead of responding and babbling, he simply nodded his head-lips apart while he stared at her. “Do me a favor-” as she spoke she trailed a finger along his jawline “-use your words”
“Y-yes” she raised a single brow “yes to what?” “I’ll let y-you t-take care of m-me” his stuttering made her smirk, with that she opened her door, easily pulling him inside-her strength somewhat surprised him but his gaze caught hold of her room, something he definitely didn’t expect. Much like the rest of the house it was decorated in warm tones, not a single black item anywhere-outside of the leather jacket placed on her desk chair, she had plants hanging near the large bay window, brightly colored pillows along it, the girl had stacks of books, she had dice sets on her desk, a singular small lamp on letting a dim red orange hue spread throughout the space, and a few paintings leaning against the wall next to her large mirror.
“Surprised? It’s called duality” she spoke as she watched his eyes scan the room, her voice snapping him back to her gaze, she looked at him expectantly, before cracking a smile. 
“How long have you wanted me, Harrington?” he bit his bottom lip for a second “too long to tell” she nodded her head “aw, we’re gonna have fun huh? I wanna see you red and begging” his eyes widened at her words, her sweet tone a direct contrast in comparison to her words.
His lips parted now while he nodded his head, brows slightly raised, unable to say anything-watching as she took her blazer off, tossing it towards her closet-then her hands were back on his chest-both of them gliding along his jacket while she held eye contact with him. She slowly slid her hands under the denim, pushing it back until he finally took it off, throwing it elsewhere-too focused on her to care where his clothes ended up. 
“Are you gonna be good for me?” he nodded his head “y-yes, an-anything” she smirked at that “All it takes is one little touch to get you dumb huh?” she spoke as she tugged at the hem of his sweater before sliding one hand under it, her cold fingertips against his warm abdomen, fingers tracing the toned muscles. 
Steve's mind was a haze and she’d barely touched him, he would never live this down-even if it was just coming from himself. 
“Take it off” she didn’t have to ask twice, it only took a few seconds for Steve to pull the Sweater over his head, revealing his toned chest, she smirked at the patches of hair along his chest, and the evident happy trail he sported “uh-I-sorry for the hair if it’s not your thing-” before he could continue rambling on Y/n shushed him. 
“You’re so pretty Steve” she spoke as she glided a finger along his happy trail, resting it against the waistband of his hands, tugging on it slightly before hooking her finger onto it-all while she held eye contact with him.
He felt as if he was about to combust, his skin on fire while she looked at him as if she wanted to devour him. Her gaze had him holding back a whimper-and when she pushed him back against her bed he didn’t expect it-knees buckling over the edge of her frame as he fell flat onto the mattress. In the moment he was embarrassed-but then he watched as she easily pulled off her top, tossing it on the ground, a black lace bra holding her chest ever so perfectly.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” her words were teasing as she straddled his lap, the evident bulge straining against his pants while she looked down at him, both hands now on his waist, thumbs slightly grazing his skin-back and forth.
His body was on fire-it had to have been on fire-she had to have tossed a match on the bed before pushing him into it. His mind was melting away as he tried to figure out how her subtle touches were sending him higher and higher up the ladder of sexual frustration. He was so turned on it hurt, and seeing her, looking down at him with the faux innocent look in her eyes as she sat on his lap-sat against him-it was enough to have him start begging.
“Tell me what you want Pretty Boy, tell me what you think about when you can’t take your eyes off me” his lips parted as she leaned lower, supporting herself on top of him, her face now less than a foot away from his. “I wanna hear it, I wanna know what you’re thinking about, what you wanna do to me” he swallowed hard, breath picking up slightly
“Y-you, fuck all of you, wanna kiss you and hold you, sh-shit” his words left his lips without a single thought, all rushed out and jumbled. She bit her bottom lip, a smile on her face now as she moved her hands off his waist, now placing one next to his head on the bed-she was in charge and he knew that. 
“Yeah? You wanna make me feel good? Wanna feel me cumming around you?” he nodded his head, lost in her-it was like she was sending his senses into overdrive. “You think you deserve that? You think you deserve to touch me?” her degrading tone made him whimper while he nodded, she was quick to lean over, talking directly into his ear “I want you to beg for it, tell me how much you want me” with that she started peppering kisses along his neck, red lipstick stains on his skin before she started licking and sucking at his warm skin-sure to leave marks behind.
He couldn’t hold in the moan that slipped past his lips the second he felt her lightly bite against his skin-his hands now finding her waist-but when she stopped kissing him-he immediately moved his hands-somehow knowing what she was expecting. “C’mon Pretty Boy-let me take care of you” he let out another low moan at her words, her kisses now against his collar bone as she worked on leaving another mark against his tanned skin.
“Fuck-want you so bad, need you, God I need you so bad, I’ll do anything-please” she smirked, now moving back, her lipstick smudged while she looked at him, then she pressed her lips against his, it didn’t take long for him to kiss her back-one of her hands now on the side of his face as she deepend the kiss, sliding her tongue against his soft lips-slipping past them as he let her in. 
She started moving her hips against his, he moaned into the kiss feeling her move-the friction giving him some sense of relief. The kiss only getting more heated the longer their lips stayed together, Steve poured everything he had into the kiss-all of his want-his desire-his everything, and she gladly took it.
When she moved apart she let out a whimper against his parted lips “do you wanna touch me? Wanna make me feel good?” he nodded his head “fuck please-please let me touch you” she smirked, nodding her head, his hands immediately on her exposed waist, then she winked before getting off of him-easily pulling at his arms-directing him to hold himself above her-and the second he did she was kissing him again, her hands now tugging at his belt loops-pulling his hips closers to hers while she parted her legs. 
He was in heaven-this was it-he was in actual heaven. 
She tugged on his hair-the feeling making him groan-then she did it again, a little harder this time-getting him to move back-but his blood was flowing south. He panted while he sat above her-in this moment he knew she was in charge-regardless of the position-regardless of how he was fucking her-she was in charge.
Her hand was still in his hair as she spoke “Use your mouth Pretty Boy” that’s all she had to say, his lips now against her neck, kissing down her body, he cupped one of her tits, groaning at the sound of the high pitched moan she let out, then he slid the bra down-he didn’t bother taking it off of her-rather letting the straps fall as the cups now leaned against her stomach, tits out, nipples hardening at the cold air against them. It wasn’t long until his hands were back on them, one hand cupped her left breast, fingers tugging at her hardened peak making her moan, then he peppered kisses along the right one, his tongue finding her other peak, lapping at it before lightly sucking against it before bringing it between his teeth-tugging at him-earning a louder moan from her.
Her hands were back in his hair as she tugged at the soft brown locks, moaning as he switched his position, making sure to pay attention to every single part of her. He had to make her feel good, that’s all he wanted to do, so he continued kissing down her stomach, eyes meeting hers as he reached the top of her miniskirt. She smirked “hike it up, I want your mouth, want you to be good for me, you wanna taste me?” he bit his bottom lip, nodding his head as he moved his hands to her thighs-easily hiking the skirt up, moaning at the sight of her black thin lacey panties-they left little to imagination.
He was quick to spread her thighs more, laying between them as he licked and sucked marks into the skin of her left thigh before placing it over his shoulder. The sight of him between her legs had y/n biting her lip again, one hand in his hair, tugging at it, the other holding onto her tit, squeezing it, toying with her nipple while she watched him.
“Please-can I taste you-fuck need to taste you on my tongue” she smirked “such a desperate little slut huh? Been waiting months for this-just imagining what I taste like-tell me Pretty Boy-do you think of me at night? When it’s just you?” he nodded his head, looking up at her, lips parted, heavy breaths.
“Yes-fuck-yes, always you, everything about you-please” “then show me” he didn’t hesitate to lick a stripe up her clothed slit, the motion making her whimper, then he slid two fingers along her damp panties, easily pulling them to the side, exposing her to him-and he couldn’t stop the gutteral moan he let out at the sight of her glistening cunt. 
“So pretty like that, between my thighs, begging to tongue fuck me” he groaned, nodding his head before licking another stripe up her cunt, then he lapped at it, moaning at the way she tasted against his tongue before focusing on her bud, he rapidly flicked his tongue against her clit, groaning against her at the feeling of her tugging his hair. Her back arched off the bed while she moaned-loving the feeling of his mouth against her.
She bit her lip, grinding her hips closer to his face, moaning. “Just like that-so so good” her praises made him moan, he slid two fingers between her thighs-his other hand gripping her left thigh, holding it close-practically pinning her in place while he harshly sucked at her clit-her moans only motivating him to keep going. Then she felt him slide two fingers right into her entrance, her moans louder now while he curled them into her-over and over again. 
He needed to make her cum, needed to taste her, needed to make her feel good. 
“You feel so good, oh my god, right there Pretty Boy-fuck make me cum like a good fucking slut” Steve moaned again, her degrading words mixed with praises only sending heat throughout his body as he grinded his hips against her bed-needing some relief while he chased her high-then he felt it-felt the way she tightened around his fingers and tugged at his hair.
She was cumming, her toes curling and back arching even harder while praises slipped past her lips, soaking his lips and chin in her nectar. He moaned while she came, lapping up as much as he possibly could-wanting to keep going-but he knew not to-knew to listen to her.
He slid his fingers out of her, bringing them to his lips, moaning as he sucked every last drop off off of them. She watched him with a smirk on her face.
“C’mere” with that he got up, leaning over her-and she pulled him into another heated sloppy kiss-this time her hands working at his pants, unbuttoning them, followed by his zipper, then she slid her hand inside of his briefs making him moan against her lips. She started to palm him while they kissed, each time her hand lightly squeezed the base of his cock he’d lose rhythm in the kiss.
Y/n thought it was cute, the way he couldn’t even focus on kissing her back while she toyed with his constrained cock. When she pulled away from the kiss she kept palming him.
“Please-” she tilted her head slightly “please what?” “Please-fuck please need you-need you to stop teasing” she pouted for a second “but you look so pretty like this, you’re so red, and your eyes are barely open-I’ve barely touched you and you’re already fucked dumb” he moaned at her words, nodding his head.
She shoved him, rolling so she was now on top of him, and she straddled a little lower than his waist, easily sliding his hard, thick, cock out of it’s confinements, she bit her lip while gazing at it. His veins were so prominent, it curved slightly to the left, and the tip was swollen, red, and dripping pre cum. 
“The tip of your cock is the same color as your cheeks-nice and rosy-just for me” she spoke in a degrading tone as she placed a singular hand on the length of his cock, slightly tightening her grip as she slowly slid it up and down his length-she then paused-gliding her thumb across the tip, swiping it against the slit-spreading all of his precum around then she leaned over and spit on it-making his cock a wet sticky mess-all while he moaned and whined under her.
“Please-fuck please y/n-please” she raised a brow “tell me what you want-you want me to fuck you like the whore you are? You want your cock down the back of my throat-you wanna watch me gag on it? Make you cum over and over again until you cant even think straight?” he nodded his head rapidly at her words, vision hazy while he watched her above him-she was like an angel-but angels didn’t do things as sinful as this.
As she spoke her hand’s pace picked up, squeezing him tighter while she pumped his dick, holding eye contact with him-only going faster and faster-while he moaned and whimpered-his hands gripping her sheets. “Such a pretty fuck toy” he felt himself getting closer and closer-and based on the way he twitched in her hands-she knew it too.
“You gonna give me the first one? I want you to cum for me my sweet, sweet boy, cum all over my hand” he nodded his head, chest rising and falling, feeling himself closer and closer to the edge-then she leaned over him, now pumping his cock at a different angle while licking and sucking at the other side of his neck-making sure to leave more marks.
He moaned, his head thrown back slightly as he gripped the sheets “you wanna touch me? Wanna let me know how much you like me fucking you?” he moaned at her words, she was near his ear, low words sending vibrations down his spine-leading him to letting out a loud moan “you can touch me baby, hold me while you cum for me” he nodded his head, his hands on her hips now-fingers digging into her skin as his vision greyed over-feeling his orgasm flow through his entire body.
She smirked, feeling his cum land on her stomach and his, then she sat up, still smirking while he struggled to catch his breath-but she was nowhere near done. She leaned over, tongue tracing the ropes of cum on his stomach, all the while she looked up at him.
Then she moved on to her hand, licking his cum off of her fingers “you made such a mess-can’t let it go to waste, you did so good for me-but now you’re gonna do even better” he simply nodded, biting his lip while he stared at her through hooded eyes-never in his life had he experienced the amount of pleasure that was surging through his body.
She moved further down, kneeling on the bed while she looked at him “lean against the headboard” he nodded, doing as told, chest rising and falling rapidly while he watched her lie between his legs, he winced and whimpered as she grabbed his sensitive cock, not wasting a second before placing the tip into her mouth, lapping at it-sucking on it-and sending him into a pool of overstimulation-hands gripping the sheets while he felt dizzy. He’d never came more than once during a hookup-everything about this was new to him-and he was going insane. 
She pulled back “you gonna give me another one? Cum down my throat? Be a good boy for me?” he nodded “use your words” “gonna be good-gonna be so fucking good” he was whining, whimpering as her mouth was back on him-his cock slowly growing harder in her mouth as she sucked on him, toying with his length, using one hand to pump him while she bobbed her head along him-all while holding eye contact with him.
She moved away to spit on his cock again-except she used the tip to smear her spit along her lips, Steve placing his hands over his face after seeing that-letting out loud uncontrollable moans. She wanted him desperate-and that was exactly what she was getting. 
It didn’t take long for him to have to cum, his eyes watering from the pleasure while he gripped the sheets, constantly shifting in place-trying to stay as still as possible before she stopped all together.
“Please fuck-please can I cum-please-fuck can’t-cacn’t hold it” she smirked, taking him out of her mouth, still pumping the length of his cock while looking up at him-the string of saliva connecting his tip to her lip was driving him insane. 
“You look so good when you cum-so flustered-so fucking pretty” he moaned “gonna cum all over my tongue for me? Be a spoiled little slut for me?” he nodded his head, watching as she stuck her tongue out, tapping his cock against it a few times-the sight sent him into overdrive as he shot ropes of cum along her tongue-one landing on her cheek slightly. She swallowed it all gliding her index finger along her cheek before smirking. 
She sat up, smearing her finger across his bottom lip-before sliding it into her mouth-watching as he sucked on it “look so good like this-so fucked out-haven’t even been inside me yet” she leaned closer to him, taking her finger out of his mouth, sliding it along his lips and chin.
“Haven’t even felt how wet, warm, and tight I am-just for you to fill-to stretch-want my pretty boy to cum inside, wanna see how you look while I fuck you hard” he moaned at her words, nodding his head, whimper, lost in his world of her and overstimulation.
She grasped his cock again, pumping it over and over, slowly with a tight grip as she peppered kisses along his jaw-she moved to straddle him again-making it easier to kiss his skin. He looked like a fucked out slutty mess, hair in every direction, lips slightly parted and swollen, eyes hooded, skin flushed and covered in lipstick kisses and bruises and she loved every second of it.
“You gonna give me another one?” he nodded his head, unable to speak-words all jumbled in his head “good-cause I wanna feel you” he moaned at her words which made her mock him “such a cum drunk slut huh? Never been fucked like this huh? Never had someone use you pretty boy?” he shook his head-moaning as her grip tightened. 
She smirked at his hard cock in her hand-he was so easy and she knew it was only for her. 
She moved against him, sliding the tip of his cock along her dripping slit, he bit his lip so hard he thought it would start bleeding “u-use me” she smirked at his words “I already have been” it hadn’t occurred to him exactly how much pleasure she got from this-from watching him squirm and moan under her-watching the way she affected him. 
“Look at me while I fuck you, wanna see those big brown eyes” he nodded his head, now gazing at her-eyes hooded while he tried not to shut them-tried to stay focused on her as she lined him up with her sopping entrance-sliding right down his cock-inch by inch.
She didn’t bother holding back a single moan, her head thrown back slightly while she felt him stretch her out and fill her until he finally bottomed out-their thighs touching again while she moaned.
“So big-feels so good-fuck I’m so full-can’t get enough of this cock-can’t get enough of you” he nodded his head, his loud moans never stopping as she started grinding herself against him before bouncing on his cock, up and down-then deciding to slide up his cock until only the tip was inside of her before slamming down onto him-the pleasure making his eyes start watering again.
She set her rhythm-fucking him as hard as she could-finally looking at him, her hands on his shoulders-using them for support as she continued bouncing on his thick cock, moaning his name alongside praises about how good he felt in her.
“Oh God Y/n-fuck-I can’t hold it-fuck so close” she bit her lip, her gaze had been held between their bodies, watching as he disappeared inside of her cunt, cock coated in her slick while she fucked him. Then she looked up, practically moaning at the sight of the tears running down his face while he threw his head back, biting down on his bottom lip while he tried not to cum.
“Look at you-” she moved on hand-grabbing his chin-forcing him to look at her “a crying stupid mess-hold it for me-or I’ll tie you up and make you cum all fucking night” her words had a slightly slur to them as she bounced on his cock, listening to him fall deeper and deeper into his world of pleasure. 
He didn’t expect for her to lean forward, tongue against his jawline-licking the tears that rested there before sucking a mark into his skin-the feelings making his vision blur and all he heard was static-he was so lost in her that he felt like he couldn’t find his way out.
Then she let out a loud whimper-leaning her head against his shoulder while gripping his skin. 
“Gonna cum-want you to cum for me-pretty boy I wanna feel you cum inside me” he moaned at her words, nodding his head-hands now gripping her waist-guiding her movements while he fell apart-the feeling of him filling her made her moan his name, eyes rolled back slightly as she quickly followed suit.
After the both of them caught their breath she slid off of him, walking-rather slowly at that-to the bathroom. When she came back Steve was trying to get dressed, eyes still hooded while he tried to balance himself-the sight made Y/n laugh, a smirk on her face.
“Really fucked you stupid huh?” he gazed at her, now blinking as he noticed the oversized t-shirt covering her figure, he watched as she trailed her eyes along him-smirking at his disheveled state. 
‘Do yourself a favor Pretty Boy and stay the night-you’re too fucked out to be driving anywhere-you look like you can barely see” he sat down on her bed-running a hand through his messy hair while shaking his head “because I can barely see” his voice was strained-so she tossed the waterbottle on her desk his way-it landed on the bed next to him and he gladly opened it and drank most of it. 
“Do you do that to all of the guys you’re into” she laughed at his joke, glancing over-watching as he took off his jeans completely before laying back onto her bed-staring at the ceiling. His thoughts were all on her-on the way she had him in tears less than fifteen minutes ago to the way she was now taking her smeared makeup off.
“Only the ones that end up being my boyfriend” his eyes widened at that, immediately sitting up while staring at her. She simply shrugged her shoulders, eyes now focused on the small mirror sat on her desk as she continued wiping away her makeup.
“Y-y-your boy-boyfriend?” she rolled her eyes, tossing the cotton pads into the trash can under the desk before glancing at him again, her hands now on her hips while she gave him an ‘are you serious’ expression, head slightly craned forward-brows knit together while she stared.
“I mean that’s c-cool, I didn’t know you were like-into that? I guess? I just thought-” she nodded slowly at his rambling, he ran his hands through his hair a few times while he tried to figure out what to say next-and truthfully his brain was still a pile of mush-recovering from the three orgasms and mind blowing sex.
“Into what? Having a boyfriend-or you being my boyfriend? Is the thought of me wanting to be in a relationship really what's shocking you the most Harrington-as if you haven’t stalked me for the past four months” his jaw dropped at her words-she wanted him to be her boyfriend-his mind now solely focused on that. He’d been into her for what felt like forever-and even after everyone told her that she’d never want him-she was here-telling him that she wanted him to be her boyfriend.
“No-no! No not at all! It’s just I didn’t really-uh think I was your type is all” she scoffed “I took you to my house and fucked you until you literally cried. I think it’s established that you’re my type”
He nodded slowly “but you’re all-like punk rock and like into metal and you wear leather and black, and you hated me in high school and you’re friends with Munson, and you’re-well you-uh-” she nodded her head slowly, brows raised, holding in a bubble of air in her cheeks while his words started to melt together as he tried to save his ass.
“Steve do you or do you not want to go on a date with me-If you don’t want to eventually probably end up being my boyfriend that’s cool-just say no. You’re being weird and I’m about to make you sleep in your car outside” 
His eyes widened at that, the red flush back on his face, and now as she sat in her bed, only in his boxers, she noticed the way the blush traveled through his neck and onto his chest as well. He was covered in marks, the lipstick stains and hickies making Y/n smirk-proud of her work.
“No-wait no that’s not what I mean! Y-yes-yeah-of course-yeah” she nodded, walking towards him until she stood between his legs, she then pulled him into a soft kiss, one hand toying with the hairs at the base of his neck, the other gently caressing his jawline. He was quick to kiss her back, his hands on her waist while their lips moved in sync.
Then she pulled away, resting her forehead against his “stop being such a weirdo Steve-I like you-clearly-now shut it” 
The next day the two of them woke up late, both of their shifts scheduled to start at two in the afternoon and the clock read one fifteen, Y/n was quick to shake Steve awake, telling him they had to go to work-and once he noticed the clock he practically shot out of her bed, rushing to put last night’s clothes on while Y/n pulled a new outfit out of her wardrobe-changing without a second thought.
The sight of her pulling on her clothes-stepping into her panties-had Steve’s jaw dropped while he stared-only to be met with “fix your hair-you look like you just got laid” when she turned around, facing him in just her bra and panties. She then pulled on a pair of black jeans, accompanied by her hellfire club t-shirt, and the faux fur lined leather jacket she kept for colder days. 
She pulled Steve behind her to the bathroom across the hall, grabbing him a toothbrush and shoving it in his direction-the two of them still rushing-to the point that Steve hadn’t realized he still had lipstick stained kiss marks along his neck-plus the few hickies that were visible above his neckline.
What shocked Steve the most was Y/n tossing his keys at him, telling him that he was driving today.
So when he pulled into the strip parking lot just as Y/n finished applying her black lip liner and red lipstick combination-Robin opened the front door of the Family Video-fully prepared to curse him out, however when she noticed Y/n sitting in the passenger seat of his car her jaw dropped. She then noticed the way that Y/n grabbed Steve by the collar of his jacket, pulling him into a kiss before shoving him away and getting out of the car.
“See ya later Pretty Boy.”
Y/n simply waved at Robin, she then made her way towards the entrance to the Arcade, a smirk on her face the entire time.
Steve however got out of the car with a dopey smile on his face, glancing in the direction of his future girlfriend while locking the doors. 
When he finally headed in Robin’s direction the look of pure shock was hard to miss-so much in fact that all Steve did was shrug-the smile still on his face. Then as the two got inside and stood behind the counter-Robin practically screamed.
“Holy shit! Your neck! Wait are you wearing yesterday’s clothes-oh my god you are-oh my god you two had sex-oh my god you drove her here? You stayed the night? Holy shit-these are like purple-she’s like a damn vampire!” Robin spoke while she poked and prodded at Steve’s neck-his eyes widening as he looked around for any reflective surface-when he came up short he walked to the back room-then into the employee restroom-eyes widening at the lipstick kiss stains on his neck accompanied by hickies.
Usually he’d be mad that a girl left marks on him-however in Y/n’s case it only made him smile, the familiar blush on his face-he was head over heels and now he finally had a date with her.
Taglist: @anxietyandtacos @dmonchld (my slutty friends)
If you’d like to be added to the Steve Harrington taglist heres the link :)
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hey! how are u? I don't know if you've watched the Metal Lords movie on Netflix, but if you did, could you make a imagine of Hunter Sylvester? (sorry if any words are wrong, english is not my first language 🥲)
Hi :) Even though I have specified that I don't take requests right now, I will make a small exception and write this one and maybe some others because there aren’t enough fics about this pretty guy. I am doing very good, thanks for asking, and your English is fantastic :))
Hunter Sylvester x gn!Reader - 10 things I hate about you
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SUMMARY - Your band is performing at the battle of the bands, you singing lead vocals. What happens while your singing a song targeted at Hunter about how he hurt you. 
WARNING - Language, possibly sexual references, jokes, bullying???? maybe something else.
GENRE - hurt/comfort
A/N - I haven’t written in a LONG time, probably like a year or two, so please point out any mistakes, and criticism is always appreciated, thanks :)) Ths is something i whipped up in an hour. No beta, we die like men.
@novastotallylame @demigirl-with-problems @dorotheasversion
''I caught you cheating, You had the nerve to say you're sleeping. Just not with her, but tell your friend that I'll be lost without you'': You loudly sang into the microphone in front of you. You and your best friends were competing in Glenwood Lake's ''Battle of the Bands'' with a song targeted at someone. That someone being the boy you loved more than anything in the world. You even changed up some of the lyrics from the original to fit. ''And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it So I made a list so I never forget all the things I hate about you,'': You continued singing, thinking about how his hands felt around your waist. The way he would look at you when he thought you weren't looking his way. But fuck that bullshit, he fucked this up himself. ''Ten, you're selfish Nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it'': You screamed into the silver-coated microphone in front of you. You know he's listening, and that only keeps fueling you on. That and the audience in front of you cheering you on, some, who know the song, singing along, having felt very similar to you. ''Five, you're toxic Four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues'': You turn your head, looking him in the eyes, as you sing these lines. You can practically see the pain and regret in his beautiful green eyes. That almost makes you feel sorry for him. If only he had realized how he fucked up sooner.
''Two months of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you'': You look at him again. He's frozen in place, still looking at you. Admiring you with your messed-up hair, a little faded dark red lipstick, black eyeliner. You could never tell what he was thinking until this point. ''Your friend must suck if they think you're cool A sloppy drunk, obsessed with his Juul Keep buying guitars with your daddy's money'': Ouch, that's a low blow. But it's true. Hunter can have anything he wants, and he's still a piece of shit. You can feel him and Kevin watching you. Even after you screamed how you felt at Hunter, Kevin stuck by your side. He's a good friend, unlike the long-haired brunette. ''And I don't know how I fell for your shit You gross me out and now I've got the ick And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me'': You look at your bandmates now, they were there too, when all your bottled-up emotions burst out. They know how important this is to you. And to them too. Heartbreak sucks. ''Ten, you're selfish Nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it'': Fuck does this feel good. Shouting and singing your broken heart out without anyone realizing this is about a certain metalhead. ''Five, you're toxic'': It's for the better you thought, regret and realization sinking in. ''Four, can't trust you'': He's not a good person. ''Three, you still got mommy issues'': He ignored and neglected you. ''Two months of your bullshit I can't undo'': He doesn't deserve you. ''One, I hate the fact that you made me love you'': He would have never loved you back anyways, right? Right? ''You made me love you You made me love you Ooh, ah How'd you make me love you?'': You slowly turn your head to where Hunter's standing. Both of you gazing into each other's eyes while you sing these lines. Your eyes full of hurt, his full of regret. ''And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it'': You do miss him, so fucking much. ''So I made a list, yeah Ten things I hate about you'': It's for the better. You try to convince yourself again, but now it doesn't seem to be working anymore. ''Ten, you're selfish'': No. ''Nine, you're jaded'': No, you think. ''Eight, the dumbest guy I dated'': Realization sinks in. You still fucking love him. ''Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked'': After everything, he's done. ''Only six seconds and I had to fake it'': Even though you want to, you can't hate him. ''Five, you're toxic'': Not even a little bit. ''Four, can't trust you'': Not even at all. ''Three, you still got mommy issues'': He has so many issues. ''Two months of your bullshit I can't undo'': But if he apologized, you'd forgive him instantly. ''One, I hate the fact that you made me love you'': You now silently singing, finish the song. Everything is blurry, even the sound of people cheering for you and your band. You abruptly turn to where Hunter is standing and walk his way. While walking, you two make eye contact. He's surprised, amazed, and scared of what you'll do next. But you just walk past him. Hunter tries and fails miserably to grab your arm and turn you around. You continue walking to where the exit is, trying to get out. Everything is stuffy, blurry. Fuck, you gasp, feeling the cold air outside hug your body. You can hear someone calling your name in the distance. Distress. You can sense the distress in Hunter’s voice. Then, the main glass doors are thrown open by him. The boy you love more than anything and can't even properly hate him for what he did, so you continue ignoring him until he stands in front of you. He's crying and that catches you off guard. ''Listen, please, just hear me out,'' he begs you, looking into your eyes. ''Fine,'': you snap back, interested but too stubborn to show that ''what do you have to say?'' ''I know I've been such an asshole to you. I insulted you. I ignored you, even though you supported me and were there for me either way. '': Tears are still streaming down Hunter's face while he tries to make coherent and audible sentences. He grabs your hand, both of your's rings making a clinking sound. '' You have every right to hate me, but I just need you to know, I'm so fucking sorry. I regret everything I said, everything I did, and I'm so so so sorry. Please, just don't leave me, please stay, please, I love you, I'm so sorry, please..'': Hunter goes on pleading, his voice barely louder than a whisper. His words are finally sinking in. He's still whispering silent apologies and even I love you's. You let go of his now cold hand and gently put your own on his pale cheeks, leaning in for a kiss. For a moment, Hunter's whole body is frozen, eyes wide, but moments later he's kissing you back, with everything he has. Moments later, you turn your head away, gasping for air. ''I forgive you, Hunter,'' you say, looking into his eyes, both of your's foreheads pressed together,'' I love you too much to ever be able to hate you.'' He laughs a little, smiling widely, and pulls you in for a really tight hug, a silent I love you.
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fagboysupreme · 2 years
okay im attempting again to post my
RDR2 Modern AU Music Taste Headcanons
and if this crashes tumblr again i’ll be upset beyond belief
Arthur: Honestly enjoys whatever’s popular at any given time, but has a deep love for country classics. Johnny Cash in regular rotation.
John: 2000′s emo shit, grunge and Vocaloid. probably wanted to look just like Machigerita-P at some point. (ditto, honestly.)
Abigail: 80′s chick music and riotgrrl rock. Very fervent enjoyer of all things Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Nicks and Courtney Love.
Dutch: the most godawful mix of incel indie and RYMcore post-rock. ever wanted to hear a constant rotation of Swans and Weezer?
Hosea: showtunes and comedy music. big fan of Weird Al, Bo Burnham and ESPECIALLY Tom Lehrer. adores the original Cats soundtrack.
Micah: hideously tryhard noise music that he moreso enjoys tormenting others with. this guy will play Whitehouse on any and all first dates.
Charles: his autism is anti-loud noise flavor, so he errs towards ambient chill pop stuff like Animal Collective and Beach House. (the kind of thing i hate sorry charles)
Sadie: any and all country songs about killing or inconveniencing your husband. also Paramore.
Bill: bro-country. got tricked into listening to Ram Ranch once and cried for three hours.
Javier: gives me metalhead vibes but also the only artists I think he really cares about are Gorillaz and Arca and i cant explain why
Lenny: probably enjoys most things. i think he likes late 90′s conscious rap like De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest a lot tho
Sean: goofy boy rock bands like Tub Ring and The Presidents of the United States mixed in with the most awful 2000′s trash rock that he pirates
Kieran: white gay twink indie like Car Seat Headrest, Cavetown and a little bit of Jack Stauber
Mary-Beth: unironically, movie soundtracks. this the kind of girl who sits around listening to the LotR score like a dork.
Tilly: any and all mainstream 60′s-70′s music no matter how lame or dorky. absolutely adores the really early boy band era of the Beatles.
Karen: rave music, hyperpop, breakcore, basically anything that’d cause a victorian child to explode.
Uncle: his playlist is just a russian roulette game, most of the time you’ll get prog rock and sometimes you’ll get Jimmy Buffett and it’s pretty much a crapshoot.
Grimshaw: mostly likes jazz, is usually too busy to listen to any music and if you asked her her favorite artist she’d shrug and say “leonardo da vinci i guess”
Swanson: enjoys metal and punk, is basically just that one joke that was in every ad for Monsters University. (you know the one)
Strauss: Field recordings of people screaming. nah but fr i dont think he actually gets much out of listening to music. classical maybe. hes old.
Pearson: old-timey folk songs and sea shanties. big fan of The Pogues as well. Javier told him about Scottish pirate metal once... big mistake.
Molly: mid-2010′s tumblrcore girl pop. every argument with Dutch is usually book-ended by relistening to “Cry Baby” or “Norman Fucking Rockwell” again
Jack: fucking baby shark or some shit idk hes four years old
Trelawny: 90′s and 2000′s r&b and pop. this man WILL scam you and then go home and listen to TLC.
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samnyangie · 3 years
Hehehehe I was bit hesitant to post this but it’s too gold not to share it! Plus, it’s a great contrast to this interview as he was being mature discussing acting in depth and overall, just serious(but cute haha). This one is light hearted (also bit cringey) as it talks about his past crush, Love letter, ‘snogging’ aka kissing(!!!!) and Romeo and Juliet, it’s more gossipy in a way? But I wholeheartedly love this interview, he’s so adorable.
So, I hope you also like this as well:D
*warning: there’s a slight mention about suicide and shooting!
"Robert Sean leonard's Lip Service..." (My Guy & Girl Interview Feb 1991)
Robert Sean Leonard's Lip Service...
What a kiss-and-tell merchant this boy is!
Robert couldn't wait to talk about snogging...wet ones, ones that make you want to puke! Eee...yuk!
But first we wanted to find out what he'd been up to since Dead Poet's Society and what his new film Mr and Mrs Bridge is about.
So Robert, what have been doing since Dead Poets Society?
"Oh, I filmed that a little over two years ago now. At the moment I'm in the stage production of Romeo and Juliet with the Riverside Shakespeare Company in Manhatten. I've also just made a movie called Married To It. I hope the title will change 'cause I don't like it very much. It's about three couples and I play the husband who's married to Mary Stuart Masterson. Cybil Shepherd is in it too.
"For a While after Dead Poets I went back to college. I took a year off and did some theatre. I also wanted to wait for a good film. A lot of the films that came my way were just typical teenage American junkie films. I waited and waited for something special until Mr & Mrs Bridge came along. I was so thrilled to get it."
What is it about then?
"It's about a family at a time before the war when four individuals spoke up, rebelled. It's sort of the last family unit in America where father knows best. The children don't have any rights-because they're the children.'
I play the strong silent type, who rebels when his father won't let him join the army. Paul Newman plays the father, and he's just such a brilliant actor. To me Mr and Mrs Bridge is about the importance of communication.
Going back to Dead Poets, is it true you got the part because you were unknown?
"Yes. The director, Peter Weir, had the talent and the guts to tell Touchstone pictures that he didn't want any famous actors. I was 19 when I got the part of Neil Perry, but i'd been working on stage in New York for five years before that-I started young.
"I still remember the weekend when we filmed the shoot-it was really depressing, just like the whole film. I'm just glad I didn't have to shoot myself on screen-all that mess!"
Was your school much like Dead Poets? All those stuffy traditions and horrible uniforms?
"My school was very, very, very different. I went to an ordinary public high school. It was much less restrictive. And we didn't have to wear uniforms. At my school there were the metalheads, leatherheads, deadheads and band fags -and I was a leatherhead, wore all the biker gear!"
So you were a rebel just like Neil then?
"Ha ha ha! Well I wasn't exactly a goody goody, thats for sure! I suppose I was a bit of both really. I was so focused on acting I didn't become too rebellious as a teenager. Besides I got to rant and rave on stage every night.
"But I was never at school that much anyway. I had to leave lunchtimes to go to the theatre. Strangely I didn't have many good friends like "The Society" But I did get along with everyone. There were a lot of similarities between Neil and myself, though. His passion for acting and learning. But unlike his parents, mine were, and are, incredibly supportive. The Dead Poets Society still get together you know. Most of the guys from the film live in New York and I've kept in touch with them all. There was a real camaraderie between us on the set that's carried over.
What subject did you hate the most at school?
"Well I loved things like history but my worst subject was gym. I always 'forgot' my trainers. I mean I like sports, but it's just that i'm such a miserable failure at them.
Did you get lots of Valentine cards when you were younger?
"I got a lot of cards at school, but not since. Actually I got a Valentine card last year from a fan, a girl in London would you believe. I don't know if I'll get any cards this year, but it would be nice. Am I sending any this year? Ahh Now that would be telling....!"
Have you ever sent love letters?
"I've never sent a love letter to someone I didn't know. I sent a secret one at school. There was a girl in High School that I had a heavy crush on, for four years! But I never had the guts to ask her out. I wrote her a card and I actually quoted a Blues Bothers song. 'I have everything I need, almost, but I don't have you. And that's the thing I need the most'. But I didn't sign it. She may have thought someone else sent it.
So, who was this lucky girlie, then?
"Her name was Joanna, she was my first big crush. From 13 to 17! She never ever knew 'cause I was really shy...I still am! Her last name was Lenz, so her locker was right next to mine, Leonard. So I got to see her every morning when we got our books. I did talk to her, and tried to make her laugh. Her house was pretty near mine too. I had a few pretty late nights where I'd go and sit on her lawn. She didn't know, but i'd just sit on the grass and think. I suppose that's just a normal thing about growing up."
Have you met her since you've become a famous filmstar?
"Well she moved to Florida when I was 17. It was the last I heard of her. Maybe I'll see her at our class reuinion. In America you always have a five-year reunion when you're 22 and you go back to school. I don't know if I'll still fancy her though..."
What first attracts you to someone?
"When I was 13 it was simply the way a girl looked and talked, and moved. Those things are still important now. But also someone who can make me laugh and talk about the same things and who has the same dreams"
What is your favourite romantic movie?
"It has to be 'Singin' In The Rain' I just loved the dancing and the scene where Gene Kelly sings to Debbie Reynolds in the studio. I'd love to do something like that, but I don't think I'd have the talent for it.
Have you, erm, heard of the word 'snogging'?
"Ha ha ha! That's a really English word. If you had asked me before I'd done Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't have had a clue! But our stage director is English.
There's this one scene in Romeo and Juliet, the kiss goodbye, and he used to snap his fingers and shout "Come on, come on you two, we don't want this to be a snogging session"."
Do you remember your first snog?
"My first proper girlfriend used to play the piano and I played the guitar...we used to play music together (we'll bet!). That was when I had my first real kiss. I was terrified! She blew me away. There was a lot of fumbling, not knowing what to do. I remember kissing, then feeling nauseous (ie. wanting to puke). I just wanted to go home. I didn't feel pressurised into doing it, or anything. I just felt strange 'cause it was something new. In some ways I wasn't quite ready for it. Like it was something you're expected to do. But it's kinda hard to tell a girl you feel nauseous and you want to go home!!"
What's your biggest snogging turn-off?
"Gosh! Well it really turns me off when girls kiss wildly, when they try to swallow you. Or when their mouths are wet. I prefer it when it's relaxed and tender."
Have you had any other dating disasters?
"Not lately. I'm much to busy for girlfriends just now. But there was something in Romeo and Juliet, though. On the opening night I was in the tomb and I had to kill Paris then go and talk to Jiliet. I realised my dagger was missing, and she needs it to kill herself. So I just had to stop the show. I just looked at the audience and said 'Er, excuse me, but I've just lost the dagger! We'll have to stop until I find it'.
So I looked and looked until I found it...underneath Paris actually, who was lying dead in the corner. So I put it back in my sheath and said 'Okay, move on!"
Are you a good Romeo?
"Yes, indeed. Luckily I didn't have to climb up the wall to the balcony or anything.
Shakespeare really made an error at that point. If Romeo and Juliet touched or kissed in the balcony scene I think Shakespeare would surely have written about it. Whereas there's no indication where they touch at all. Did I have to wear tights? Oh, yes, I had to wear them all right. I've worn them before too. You get used to it. You forget you're wearing them after a while." Could be dangerous that...
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themiddlelayer · 4 years
Dreams of Nomad
It’s been 2 years since the quad blew up, as of next week. Two years since my entire world exploded over a 48 hour period during which time my then-family should have been celebrating Solstice together. Two years since I lost not only Nomad but his kids, Boy1der and Lil Hulk. 
Last night, dreamt about Nomad and the boys. It was a long, drawn-out dream with details that escaped me as soon as I woke up but I felt all of that loss all over again. I know it’s a kind of grief, and as such there are unexpected waves of it that still hit me. They are fewer and farther between but no less painful when they happen. 
First, there’s the ache in my chest and flowing tears that I can’t talk myself out of. Next comes the anger in thinking about the way that I lost so much more than the rest of the quad when it all went sideways... anger at the way I was the one who kept trying to get us to sit down and work out our issues and accept that the individual marriages had ended. 
We had something totally new that we could have grown if we could have just let go of the way things were when we were just 1+1 and 1+1 making four. But MM and Nomad couldn’t stop chasing Gypsy. And Gypsy couldn’t stop running away. Ultimately, the love between me and Nomad was more of a trauma bond while the love between me and MM was more about our home and family, not us as a couple. 
When it all ended, I was sleeping alone while life went on for Nomad, Gypsy, and the boys for the most part. Gypsy and MM kept in contact through “secret means” so as to not upset Nomad but they “ended things” at least twice. One of those times, MM’s voicemail to his boss led to uniforms at my door at 6am for a welfare check. I had to basically cover for him and assure his superiors that it was safe for us to be under the same roof before I locked myself back into my bedroom.
I was sleeping alone while MM began the process of self-discovery that brought him to the identities pansexual and polyamorous, dating a handful of women at a time while coming to me for relationship advice. 
Last fall, after I moved out of the house MM and I bought, we were first trying to be friends again, and he told me that he invited Gypsy and Nomad to his going away party. He thought about inviting me but wanted to let me know what the guest list looked like in case they showed up. 
MM later told me that the three of them got together and talked through things, mending those wounds. He extended Gypsy’s invitation for me to do the same, but my wounds were too deep. Apparently, they still are because it’s the end of my workday and the ache in my chest that I woke up with is throbbing again. 
I never saw Gypsy after that Solstice weekend when I left her saying that if she couldn’t love Nomad and the boys the way they deserved that she should just leave them.
I only saw Nomad and the boys one more time, the day I brought their Christmas gifts to the house where MM and Gypsy had spent so much their time together. Boy1der was on the spectrum and wasn’t as affectionate towards me as Lil Hulk always was. That day, Boy1der ran to me as I was getting out of my car crying, “Don’t leave us forever!” and wrapped his arms around me. 
That moment only hurt my heart a little more than the look on Lil Hulk’s face the last morning of Solstice weekend when he came into the bedroom expecting to see his mother under the covers and found me there instead. He still asked if he could make me a cup of coffee as his little heart sank. That was the moment I knew I had to make the choice to leave that home and go back to the one I shared with MM. 
I had to leave the home where Nomad and I cooked dinner together and helped the boys with homework on “non-nesting nights.” I spent mornings in the kitchen in that home making the coffee, and sipping on my own mug while his mother and I chatted. I would pack up the boys’ lunches and backpacks, then Nomad would drive them to the bus stop. Even when he was running late, Nomad always came back to kiss me goodbye as I handed him his travel mug in the doorway. 
It was as much my home as the house that MM and I bought together earlier that year. After Solstice weekend, neither address felt like home anymore. I stayed another 9 months at that address, then spent 6 months somewhere else trying to build a home... only to have that explode spectacularly when I was blindsided by another man. But those are all different stories...
Maybe it’s just the time of year that brought this up. My biggest personal losses have all happened around the holidays- specifically late December. All the breakups, except the last one that happened at the end of January this year. The weather gets cold and my life falls apart so around the time I need to turn the heater on, I start drifting in and out of time in my dreams, feeling all of those feelings again. 
I remind myself that life is good now. I’m so very loved and appreciated by my partner, Pirate. MM and I are staying married on paper so that I can keep the health insurance and he can get the tax breaks. The three of us started a group chat where we talk about the shared phone plan, job opportunities and, the occasional non-business related stuff. They are both my family, and the bonus kid, Metalhead has come back around after a brief stint of closing himself off from the family time stuff we’ve done regularly for the last 6 months or so. 
My bills are paid, my job is stable, and we don’t have to go out and risk COVID for any reason. My biggest worry is what to make for dinner, and how much it will cost in pet rent when we move into a house with Metalhead and all 4 dogs if we can’t keep the ranch. Either way, we can always go month-to-month in the apartment into spring if we don’t have that settled in time. 
On that note, I’m making taco casserole tonight and thinking about whether or not I should have a medicated cracker before I log out of work for the day. I wish I could turn off all of these feelings when they surface like this. I wish I could have just talked myself down this morning and did leg day. But I made it through the workday, accomplished a lot, and can go melt into the couch for the night soon enough. 
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calliecat93 · 6 years
Callie Reviews: TMNT 2012 Season One (Part One)
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Ever since 1984, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has gone form a cult-status indie comic to a massive mass market. There have been various comics, movies, video games, merchandise, and of course cartoons. And it’s easy to see why. TMNT’s concept, a group of mutated teen turtles fighting evil in New York, is both incredibly bizarre and incredibly appealing to a mass audience. You have action, science fiction, martial arts, and of course plenty of mutant ideas to make toys out of. The fact that this Fall will be releasing the fourth animated TMNT series and that a new movie series is in production shows that even over 30 years later, this is a franchise that is far from losing it’s power.
As a kid, I of course knew that Turtles as a thing and I even watch parts of 2k3. But I was never really a fan until the day I stumbled upon the 2012 show. I fell in love with it and, since it started when I was just starting this blog, it was a huge focus for me for several years. I have since moved on and while I’m going to check out the 2018 show, I don’t think I’m going to be as crazy as I was with this show (but never say never). Back in 2012, I was someone who... lets say ignored the flaws and defended the show far too passive aggressively to the point that looking at my older stuff makes me want to blow up by blog. 
Nowadays, while some of my opinions hold true (like the ‘Donnie is a stalker’ accusations are still bullshit), I am more willing to admit the shows problems, especially now that I can take the show in fully. I also like to believe that I’ve become a better reviewer since I was 19 years old, plus it had been far too long since I went back over the show form the very beginning. So does the show still hold up? Will 25 year old Callie feel differently than 19 year old Callie did? Well we’re about to find out. This is the TMNT 2012 Season One Review!
The Premiere (Episodes 1-2)
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Our story begins with a training sequence that introduces us to the titular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Along with some minor character establishment, like Mikey being the funny one and Raph the violent one, the biggest thing here is one of the shows strengths: the choreography. It’s best exhibited in Leo and Raph’s duel. The movements are very fluid and well-paced. It’s fast, but not too fast, it’s enough to move things along but still let you take in all the impacts. It’s very well done. Raph ends up winning and we are introduce to the boys mentor and father, Master Splinter. Aka, the best written character int he show, but we’ll get to that later.
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After the opening theme, we cut to the boys 15th Mutation Day where we get our backstory. Borrowing from the 80′s show origin, Splinter was once a young man named Hamato Yoshi. He had just bought four pet turtles when he stumbled across a shady dealing. Being a ninja master, he was able to fight back, but he ended up getting splattered with a strange green substance. This turned him into a rat, as one brushed his ankle while the baby Turtles become anthropomorphic. Yoshi, taking on the name Splinter, fled to the sewers and raised the four turtles as his own as well as taught them ninjutsu. It’s a simple, but still solid telling of the origin that pays tribute to previous origins, leaves some mystery about the substance and who was dealing it, and is told with use of comic-style panels reminiscent of the original comics.
The Turtles, having lived in the sewers since their mutation, are hoping to convince Splinter to let them finally go to the surface. After some begging, Splinter reluctantly agrees. We then cut to Leo watching a Star Trek: The Animated Series parody where we learn of his desire to become a great hero and leader. This is interesting for several reasons. One, it establishes that Leo isn’t the leader of the group yet, a departure form normal as he’s normally put into that role automatically. And second, ti does a great job at character establishment. In previous versions, Leo is often seen as the boring, overly leader type. Not a bad character mind you, but he lacks the quirkiness that the tough Raph, genius Donnie, and wild child Mikey present. Here? Leo is shown to be an idealistic, naive, but good-intention kid who aspires to be a great hero like he sees on TV as well as give shim some dorky characteristics, like quoting cheesy one-liners to sound more heroic. It helps make him more relateable, funny, and sets up a character arc for when he does inevitably become the leader. Very well done.
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The boys finally go to the surface, and are in awe of what they see. They even discover their trademark favorite food, pizza. Given that they only ever ate worms and algae until this point, it makes their love of it all the more understandable. But not all goes well as they soon witness a group of business men kidnapping a red-haired teenager and her father. They attempt to help, but end up only beating each other up and the bad guys get away with their captives. Mikey ends up beating up one and discovers... a brain with tentacles... yipe... he tries to tell the other three, but they don’t believe him. A common trend in the show.
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Upon returning home, the boys try to blame each other for the failure before Splinter accepts it for not giving them proper training as a team. While he considers keeping them down below for another year, Donnie convinces him to let them go help the girl due to seeing how terrified she was and how they failed to help her... and because of the crush he developed in a record five seconds. Splinter agrees, but first assigns Leo as the official leader, much to the ire of Raph. They’re eventually able to find the kidnappers vehicle and wreck it, capturing the driver named Snake and they discover a vat of a glowing green substance. A vat that they recognize as the same one that caused their original mutation.
Snake, after Raph threatens to mutate him, leads the boys to the facility where the captives are... and uses the boys bickering as a chance to escape. Leo uses this to trick the crook into thinking that they’re going to plow his van into the place as he conducts a plan to sneak in. All while Roah is an asshole who refuses to listen and outright undermines Leo’s orders. Yeah, Raph is a real jerk during this season. FYI. When Leo shows hesitance about his plan, Splinter tells him of his final confrontation against his rival Oroku Saki, aka The Shredder. It ended in his wife being killed, his house burning down, and his infant daughter nowhere to be found. Well, that won’t be important in any way, shape, or form later! The point being that he lost everything, but gained the boys, easing Leo’s worries about how much is riding on the plan.
So yeah the boys crash the van, Snake gets mutated, the boys break in, fight some guards, and Mikey proves that he isn’t crazy about the aliens.. and then trips an alarm. Smooth Mikey, smooth. They find the captives, that being this version of April O’Neil and her scientist father. Now in most versions, April is an adult woman. Here? She is aged down and is around sixteen years old. We’ll talk more about that later. The bad guys, aka The Kraang, take the captives away and as the boys give chase,t hey are confronted by the mutant Snake... who is a weed monster. Hey, that’s breaking supervillain rules writers! If you have an evil sounding name, that’s what you turn into! Donnie is sent to rescue the O’Neil’s as the other three face Snakeweed... Mikey’s idea, not mine.
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The boys eventually defeat Snake via Leo’s direction and mass electrocution while Donnie is able to rescue April, but her father is taken away. April plans to find him however, no matter what it takes with the boys promising to help in whatever way they can. Once home, Leo finds out the complex reasoning for why he was named the leader over everyone else... because he asked. Ming-boggling, right? Well there is actually another reason, but we’ll talk about this in S4. The boys also made the news as their shruriken got found, but come on, what could one tiny news story do that would be bad? Well... being seen by your master’s worst enemy and re-igniting his lust for vengeance might count! Woopsie!
Overall, a solid two parter. It establishes the characters well, has fun fight scenes, the animation is a little dated now but still pretty good, the dialogue is funny, and it does a good job setting up future plotlines while fulfilling it’s own plot. It started 2k12 off on the right foot and was still enjoyable over five years since it’s initial premiere.
The Beginning (Episodes 3-8)
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The episodes following the premiere create a steady flow of creating the status quo. You have episodes like Turtle Temper, Metalhead, and Monkey Brains (kinda) that have the boys dealing with the Kraang’s Plan of the Week as they continue their mutagen experiments. It helps with character development and some minor plot progression, such as Raph learning how dangerous his anger can be and Donnie learning to rely on his instincts rather than on his mind 100% of the time. Some are going to want me to comment on the shipping stuff, But I’m gonna save that for later. The biggest issue with these episodes, aside from Monkey Brains, is the Kraang. They are not interesting as villains at all. As great a VA as Nolan North is, the Kraang’s way of talking just gets... annoying. It doesn't help that the threat ultimately becomes either an accidental mutant or Donnie’s robot... well okay a Kraang possessed the later, but it shows that those are more interesting villains than the Kraang themselves and they exist mroe to just have an excuse for a plot. It’s really irking after awhile.
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As far as plot goes, it’s mostly your usual ‘Monster of the Week’ stuff. But it has some small things that have a larger impact later. For one, in Monkey Brains, April begins to tap into what looks like some strong emphatic abilities. More on this next season. But due to this, Splinter decides to take April on as a student and train her to be a kunoichi (a female ninja). This will be the largest part of her character for the remainder of the series. April herself... is not utilized as well as she could have been in these early episodes. She’s described as the boys guide to the outside world, and she does serve that in some respects. For example, introducing Mikey to social media in New Friend, Old Enemy to let him make friends without exposing his mutant identity. And in Never Say Xever she takes them to a blind man’s shop so that they can actually experience life topside for once. The issue is we never see April establish bonds with the boys or Splinter after her introduction. In New Friend, Old Enemy she just acts like she’s been friends with the guys for awhile and after showing Mikey the net, doesn’t appear or is even mentioned in the episode again. She disappears after her importance in Metalhead as well, but she is given mroe to work with there at least. I glossed over this when I was watching the show and April does get mroe time with the guys, her relationship with Splinter being one of my favorites. Still, they didn’t do a lot with having April become part of the group or really act on her role as their ‘guide’ and I feel they just wanted to ignore it to get to the other stuff. Which is just a bummer.
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So you’re probably wondering about Shredder stuff, right? Well thankfully the Foot Episodes are also the most plot relevant episodes. It starts with New Friend, Old Enemy where Shredder arrives in New York and assigns one of his lieutenants, a famous martial artist named Chris Bradford, to find out about Splinter. The Foot end up encountering the Turtles, with Bradford later using this to manipulate Mikey after accidentally becoming online friends with him. He captures him and use shim as bait to lure out the other three and then follow them to where Splinter is hiding. It fails with the boys using their knowledge of the sewers to literally wash Bradford and his partner, Xever, away. Along with the dangers of meeting people you don’t really know on social media, the episode presents a very unique lesson. In a fight for your life, screw fairness, You fight by any means necessary to stay alive, including fighting dirty. Most shows emphasize on being fair, but this one actually acknowledges that if your life is on the line, you do what it takes to get out alive. It’s a unique message for a kids show and one that I really appreciate.
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Next is Never Say Xever where Xever gets to lead the charge. After the boys track down the two and get beat up, Xever receives inlet from the Purple Dragons, who int his version are pretty much a trio of teen thugs. The Turtles fought them off earlier at the shop April took them to, with Leo sparing the leader as an act of mercy. Something that Raph takes umbridge with... as he does with most anything that Leo does in the first half of the series. It’s no surprise that Leo and Raph butt heads, as they do in most series, and it follows their respective arcs. Leo having to deal with being leader as well as realizing that it’s much more pressuring and unforgiving than he thought, while Raph act son his jealousy that Leo got the position even though he’s the better fighter and therefore questioning Leo’s orders or outright just being an asshole for no good reason. But after the shop owner is kidnapped to lure the Turtles out, Leo’s act of mercy ends up saving them as the lead Dragon repays the favor by throwing him back his discarded sword. Which Leo uses to break a water tower to wash the bad guys away again. Angered, The Shredder decides to handle the Turtles himself.
The episodes do a good job in establishing a solid status quo. Bad guy does a thing, one character has their B-Plot to deal with, there’s a clash, the plots intertwine, bad guy gets defeated, and the lesson of the day is learned. A simple routine, but it works here. Plus we get plenty of character establishment and moments which makes you care about them. For example even though Raph is a massive jerk, the end of New Friend, Old Enemy has his comfort Mikey after the deceit and have him see that he’s a good kid who simply got duped as anyone else would. With this being after Raph mocked him wanting to make friends throughout the episode, it helped show that he does have a caring side. Leo frequently has issues with being a leader, such as dealing with Raph and moments like in ITHNiBS where the guys outright refuse to listen to him when he tries to remind them that they’re grounded. Even Splinter has a lot of moments, being a stern but fair parental figure and wise mentor, but is also snarky as Hell. We also see hints to how much the past has affected him, like after April agrees to undergo kunoichi training and leaves the dojo, there’s just a brief moment where he looks down with a forlorn expression. As though wishing that he was telling this to his own MIA daughter. It’s so subtle, but it speaks volumes about his emotional state. 
The characters are ultimately what makes these episodes works and what I would say is the strongest part of the series. You are likely going to relate to or like someone from this show and their progression. But now that we have a fully formed status quo, it’s time to shake it up a little bit and have the Turtles experience their first hard dose of reality.
The Escalation (Epsidoes 9-13)
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Episode 9 begins as a typical ‘Mutant of the Week’ plot with the guys trying to catch a pigeon mutant that was after April. But when they do, they discover that he was simply trying to deliver a message... from her father. The message warns her to get out of the city due to a mutagen bomb, but she refuses to leave without him. As such,t he Turtles... somehow... find where Mr. O’Neil is and try to save him. While they get him out of the cell and get the location of the bomb, Mr. O’Neil sacrifices himself when the Kraang outnumber them so that the boys can protect April. All while poor April can only watch, helpless to do anything. Ouch...
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The Turtles can only go to where the bomb is to disarm it, but things get further complicated when Bradford and Xever attack, wanting payback from before. Fortunately Donnie disarms the bomb and the four corner the two, but Bradford refuse sot go down quietly and stabs the bomb, but all it does is mutate himself and Xever. But ti also washes them away.... again. I should also point out that this point,t he Turtles have gotten incredibly over-confident since they’ve beaten every bad guy so far, feeling unstoppable. So then... Shredder arrives. Yep. And he kicks their shells HARD. Liek he holds no punches, he easily over-powers all four of them and almost stabs Leo int he head. The only reason that they escape is Shredder getting distracted by his now mutated lieutenants. But the boys retreat, badly beaten up and completely demoralized.
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The next episode focuses on the fallout. The four are mostly feeling better, but their fears are being escalated by, of all people, Splinter. This is due to the boys nearly getting killed by his long-time rival re-igniting his own trauma and having nightmares over losing them, causing him to again keep them in the sewers and be far more harsh with his training. The only one doing moderately well is April, who gets intel about the Foot planning to destroy the sewers. The Turtles try to stop it, but get pounded by Bradford, who is now a giant dog mutant named Dogpound. This forces April to get the inlet herself, but she gets caught an captured by the Foot. This further brings Leo down, but to his surprise Raph actually encourages him to pull himself together and lead the team. The Turtles manage to both save April and stop the Foot from destroying the sewers with Splinter apologizing for allowing his fears to affect both himself and his sons. Overall, a solid pair of episodes that bring the boys down a bit, finally has all the plots meet somewhere, and deliver a strong message about not letting fear control you or the others around you.
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After a filler episode where the only importance is Shredder forcibly recruiting Stockman to his forces, we get some more Kraang stuff with Episode 12. Where we actually show them being dangerous. Shocker, right?! It also introduces us to long-time supporting character within the franchise  Leatherhead. Here he is an alligator mutant who the Kraang experimented on and it causes him to have violent fits of rage if he so much as hears the word ‘Kraang’. The Turtles end up saving him when the Kraang try to re-capture him, but find his angry bursts, well... dangerous. But Mikey is able to befriend him and it becomes more clear that LH is actually a rather intelligent, good-hearted mutant who has been put through Hell. He gets run off by Splinter though when one of his trauma-induced bursts causes him to attack the boys, forcing the rat master to intervene. Mikey, and by proxy the other three, give chase to an old subway car where LH reveals how the Kraang took him to their home, Dimension X, and experimented on him. He escaped and also took their Power Cell, cutting them off form Dimension X, in hopes of saving humanity from them. The Kraang want it back and act like a zombie swarm as they break through the car. LH fights them off, leaving the Power Cell in the Turtles care.
While Episode 11 sucks (to put it simply Leo and Raph are overbearing assholes while Donnie and Mikey are just made to be as weak as possible), the other three do a good job at making the villains more solid threats. Shredder was built up as intimidating and powerful, and boy did he deliver. The Turtles face their first major loss and have to deal with the fallout, Leo especially dealing with his first real failure as a leader. Even the Kraang come off as a scarier hivemind and we get mroe stuff on them, like Dimension X and their plans to mutate the Earth. Add that with a strong supporting character like Leatherhead, who is understandably traumatized but is an intelligent being who is trying to prevent others form suffering like him. and it helps make some strong episodes.
The first half of the season concludes with the 13th episodes... that aired as the 14th for some reason. But I’m going in order of my DVD’s and this was after Episode 12, so it’s what I’m going with. It both concludes a lot and opens up a lot for the future. The episode I am talking about is, of course New Girl in Town.
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TBC in Part Two....
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years
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KATAKLYSM unveil 'Meditations' cover artwork & track listing!
"And then I saw blood ..."
Canadian hyperblasters KATAKLYSM have completed work on their latest effort, ‘Meditations’ - the soon to be released album which consists of 10 blistering tracks. Produced by the band's own guitarist J-F Dagenais and drummer Oli Beaudoin, the record was mixed by Jay Ruston (ANTHRAX, STONE SOUR a.o.). Mastering duties were handled by Paul Logus (PANTERA a.o.).
Today, the band are pleased to unveil the ‘Meditations’ cover artwork, which can be seen above. It was created by Ocvlta Designs by Surtsey, who also crafted the artwork for KATAKLYSM's previous record, ‘Of Ghosts And Gods’.
Singer Maurizio Iacono commented, "This is a very personal album to me with old wounds being revisited – I felt a big urge to pour my soul into this release. The boys and I were isolated under the same roof during the writing process, just like we did in the early days...with no worries except having fun, being honest and delivering a serious album that represents us today but respects our past. Our new story is coming and we are eager to share it with you!"
--- ‘Meditations’ - Track Listing: 01. Guillotine 02. Outsider 03. The Last Breath I'll Take Is Yours 04. Narcissist 05. Born To Kill And Destined To Die 06. In Limbic Resonance 07. And Then I Saw Blood 08. What Doesn't Break Doesn't Heal 09. Bend The Arc, Cut The Cord 10. Achilles Heel
‘Meditations’ marks the return to old work ethics. All four band members wrote and composed together under the same roof for the first time in over a decade and returned to the old days of songwriting efforts which saw the band's classics such as ‘Shadows & Dust’, ‘Serenity In Fire’ and ‘In The Arms Of Devastation’ come to life.
KATAKLYSM live: 01. - 03.06. CZ Pilsen - Metalfest Open Air 14. - 16.06. D Ferropolis - With Full Force 21./22.06. D St. Goarshausen - RockFels 23.06. F Clisson - Hellfest 06./07.07. RO Bucharest - Metalhead Meeting 20./21.07. D Bertingen - Rock unter den Eichen 15. - 18.08. D Dinkelsbühl - Summer Breeze
Order your copy of ‘Of Ghosts And Gods’ (CD), here:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghosts-Gods-Kataklysm/dp/B00YJPUMBE/nuclblas-21 Order the black vinyl (Double LP, Limited Edition), here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghosts-Gods-VINYL-Kataklysm/dp/B00XBIVL10/nuclblas-21 Order your digital copy of‘Of Ghosts And Gods’ here: http://apple.co/2Aq5E9h
More on ‘Of Ghosts And Gods’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO7wA88N8Qg&list=PLB4brr7vf-P7cxUOOK49epqvAz_EsRkdz
Born in 1992 from the cold winds of Montréal, Québec, Canada comes one of the country's top extreme musical exports to date: KATAKLYSM. With a career spanning 25 years, KATAKLYSM is a leading force in the most brutal & powerful genre in heavy metal and has conquered territories such as Europe, North & South America, Australia, and Asia while recently becoming the first Canadian metal band to ever play South Africa.
They've spent the last 25 years cementing their legacy in the extreme metal genre. 2016 marked a whirlwind of excitement as the band added a Juno Award to their collection as well as landing their highest Billboard charting. They are one of a handful of bands that have the title of "Longest Standing Artist" on the Nuclear Blast roster.
More info: www.kataklysm.ca www.facebook.com/kataklysm www.nuclearblast.de/kataklysm
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schwermetallisch · 4 years
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Artist: Witchcraft Title: Black Metal Genre: Doom / Psychedelic Release Date: 1st May 2020 Label: Nuclear Blast Sweden and me: A Love-story… The last time I had the joy to do a review about Magnus Pelander’s WITCHCRAFT was not so long ago (I reviewed ‘Nucleus’ last year because I was on hiatus for a few years and had to catch up with a list of bands that awaited a review). So, for you WITCHCRAFT fans it has been four years of desperate waiting but for me it was just a few months. Whereas ‘Nucleus’ was a paradox of psychedelia with raw energy, ‘Black Metal’ is an acoustic album (no drums to be heard) and almost feels like a singer / songwriter meets dark Country approach. I am as always fascinated with Pelander’s vocals, there are only a few vocalists that are (or seem) so cocksure about every aspect of their vocal capabilities when it comes to highs and low in tone and even volume. WITCHCRAFT’s compositions are well executed and conjuring as always but ‘Black Metal’ is a deeply sad collection of songs. The sound really differs extremely from the past records while at the same time it is a hundred percent WITCHCRAFT due to Magnus Pelander’s distinctive voice which always has an underlying sadness and is really heart-wrenching at times. This whole output feels a bit apocalyptic as it is laden with a hard to describe depressive mood which I never heard on a record. The beginning of the song ‘A Boy and a Girl’ really reminds me of old Elvis songs at first, a great tune. My favourite track is the opener ‘Elegantly Expressed Depression’ but my preference aside: you should and you will listen to this as a whole, the whole musical journey feels incomplete if you do otherwise but I really think that the narrative will lead you to do as I did anyways. At this point I don’t want to call it a masterpiece but if it grows on me even more, I will say so later this year, promise! #schwermetallisch #reviews #picoftheday #nwothm #nwobhm #heavymetal #metal #rock #music #metalhead #hardrock #thrashmetal #metalguy #metalmusic #metalband #doom #metalheads #headbanger #powermetal #guitarist #concert #rockmusic #heavymetalmusic #speedmetal #blacksabbath #ironmaiden #doommetal #metall (hier: Neumühl, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MjM6VogHi/?igshid=jcrbwormnis0
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bthenoise · 5 years
Yes, Another Decade Recap List: These Are The 16 Most Impactful Records of the 2010′s
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Look, to be honest, when it came to constructing some sort of “end of decade” list looking back on the 2010′s, we here at The Noise really had no idea what we wanted to do. 
With literally hundreds and hundreds of amazing releases over the last 10 years, how in the world are we supposed to pick “the best” of the decade? 
The answer: We aren’t.
See, the idea of something being labeled “the best” is subjective. It’s simply one person’s opinion vs the other. And truthfully, the idea of us thinking our opinion on something is any better or more important than yours makes us look like a bunch of assholes. 
Really, who cares what we think is the best? 
So, after constructing a colossal playlist featuring 1000 of our favorite songs from the 2010′s, something became very clear to us. Of all the songs we picked, there were a handful of records that contributed way more songs than the others. 
Simply put, these albums made a lasting mark on this decade that go way deeper than them being any good or not. These particular albums helped influence a generation, jumpstart artists’ careers and ultimately solidify themselves as the most impactful releases of the 2010′s. 
The albums we decided to shine a light on from the last ten years are records that carry more weight than just being a fan-favorite. We’re talking about releases we’ll look back on as a moment where everything changed for that artist.       
To check out the 16 albums we think are the biggest movers and shakers from our scene over the last ten years, be sure to look below. Afterward, if you hate our list and really want to tell us your opinion, you can file a complaint at: [email protected].  
16) Movements - Feel Something
Starting our list off is a debut record from 2017 that helped propel a band from opening act to headliner in no time. With an impressive six-track EP released the year prior, SoCal act Movements quickly solidified their emerging star status with their flawless LP Feel Something. Following their first-ever full-length, Movements went on to sell out 27 dates of their first headlining tour and perform on the main stage of the final cross country Warped Tour. With a new album on the horizon, we’ll see just how far Movements and their unique brand of alternative pop-punk are able to take things leading into a new decade.  
15) Dance Gavin Dance - Acceptance Speech
How does a band with two former frontmen and four fantastic LPs continue to thrive eight years into their career? Enter, Tilian Pearson. Following another departure of original vocalist Jonny Craig, post-hardcore experimentalists Dance Gavin Dance turned to the former Tides Of Man singer to handle the vacant role of clean vocals. The result? The game-changing release of Acceptance Speech which helped spring-board the band to another level of musical perfection. Six years and three more genre-defining albums later, DGD and Pearson are still going strong gearing up to headline their own hometown festival and release their ninth full-length album all thanks in part to their 2013 LP.      
14) Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream
Coming in as the most recent record on our list, this horror-based release will be seen as the turning point in a band’s seasoned tenure. After 10-plus years of honing their craft, Boston’s Ice Nine Kills finally saw the fruits of their labor with the groundbreaking, career-defining album The Silver Scream. Taking the passion of metalheads and scary movie fanatics and combining them into a blood-soaked, breakdown-heavy package, Ice Nine Kills constructed a record that will easily withstand the test of time and help them extend their careers well into the 2020′s.   
13) Code Orange - I Am King
Dropping the “Kids” from their moniker and shifting gears into their first album as just Code Orange, the Pittsburgh bruisers constructed an unrelenting metal record that shook listeners to their core. With a punishing opening track that literally warns you about what you’re about to experience, it was pretty evident I Am King was unlike anything people have ever heard. Coupled with the mind-altering “Dreams In Inertia” and the utterly pulverizing “My World,” Code Orange quickly and deservingly so became the metal megastars they were destined to become.  
12) Ghost - Meliora
Speaking of metal megastars, after slowly creating word-of-mouth with their cult-like presence, throwback metal sounds and revolving door of Papa Emeritus frontmen, Sweedish act Ghost finally put it all together with their third studio album Meliora. Lead by the Grammy-winning single “Cirice,” Meliora fused haunting heavy metal imagery with roaring and anthemic songwriting creating the perfect package of evil-yet-accessible music. Debuting at number 8 on the Billboard 200 chart selling an estimated 29,000 copies in its first week, it was clear no matter which Papa was fronting the band, Ghost was ready to claim their spot atop the metal hierarchy.    
11) Issues - Issues
Not many bands can say that their first full-length album debuted inside the top ten of the Billboard 200. But then again, not many bands are Issues. Fusing djent, hip-hop, metal, pop-punk, R&B and more to create their sensational self-titled album, Issues proved they were more than just a band featuring former members of Woe, Is Me. Instead, Issues showcased a group of talented, trendsetting musicians destined to change the landscape of metalcore music for the better.     
10) I Prevail - Lifelines
After a famed cover of a well-known pop artist quickly put them on the map, Detroit’s I Prevail instantly had all the pressure in the world as they started to create what would be their debut album. Riding the success of their first EP Heart Vs Mind and tours with the likes of Hollywood Undead, Crown The Empire and Pop Evil, the Michigan act suddenly shot to the top of the metalcore ranks with the release of their remarkable, sonically-charged LP Lifelines. Charting at number 15 on the Billboard 200 selling over 19,000 copies in the first week, I Prevail went on to play Warped Tour for the first time -- finding a home on the main stage -- and later headlined the Rage On The Stage tour with scene veterans We Came As Romans, The Word Alive and Escape The Fate. Now Grammy-nominated and continuing to grow even larger, thanks in part to the accomplishments of Lifelines, I Prevail is without-a-doubt one of our scene’s biggest acts.
09) PVRIS - White Noise 
In the midst of metalcore’s supremacy in the Warped Tour scene -- thanks to the never-ending list of “Risecore” bands -- came an act no one saw coming. Featured on a roster with the likes of Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Like Moths To Flames, Crown The Empire and more was a pop-savvy, synth-lead baby band mistakenly pronounced “p-ver-is.” With their infectious, critically acclaimed debut White Noise landing at number 88 on Billboard and totaling nearly 50 million YouTube views on its TEN music videos, PVRIS proved it was possible to make an impact in this community with sheer talent, hard work, and catchy-as-hell lyricism. After just one listen to the undeniably great lead single “St. Patrick,” you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.    
08) Knocked Loose - Laugh Tracks 
15 years from now, if we haven’t burnt the earth to the ground yet, we’ll look back on the Laugh Tracks era of Knocked Loose and remember where we were -- you know, because by 2034 Knocked Loose will be one of the biggest bands on the planet. Anyway, for us, the most memorable moment was watching them play “Billy No Mates” on the 2017 Vans Warped Tour at the Full Sail Stage. It was easily the largest and most insane side stage set we had ever seen in our 10 years of attending Warped Tour. From that very moment, we knew Knocked Loose and Laugh Tracks were going to be a big deal. Fast forward to 2019 and the band is now selling out 2,000-capacity venues on a semi-nightly basis. 2034 here we come!  
07) Beartooth - Disgusting 
Very rarely does a member of a former band make it bigger with his second act. In those situations though, those people aren’t Caleb Shomo. Venturing out from his teenage band Attack Attack!, Shomo started Beartooth as a fun project with zero expectations of anything blowing up. Little did he know after building buzz with his chaotic 2013 EP Sick, Beartooth was about to take things to a whole nother level with the release of their massive breakout LP Disgusting. Fiery and fearsome from start to finish and full of nothing but hits like “In Between,” "The Lines” and “Beaten In Lips,” Disgusting is definitely the fuse that lit Beartooth’s outstanding career.
06) Every Time I Die - Low Teens
How does a hardcore band 18 years into a well-respected career keep things relevant and progressing to a point where they’re anointed into “cult” status? Well, how about releasing their darkest, most emotionally charged album of their discography. After a life-altering scare to frontman Keith Buckley and his family, the longtime vocalist constructed some of his deepest and most honest lyrics for Every Time I Die’s soul-crushing LP Low Teens. Featuring guest vocals from Deadguy’s Tim Singer and Panic! At The Disco’s Brendon Urie (plus their most moving song to date “Map Change”), ETID showed off their versatility with their eighth studio album and were treated to a successful two-year touring cycle with the likes of Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Motionless In White and Turnstile as well as a memorable run on the last-ever Vans Warped Tour. Not to mention, following the success of Low Teens, the band’s hometown of Buffalo, NY officially proclaimed December 15th, 2018 as “Every Time I Die Day” and a year later inducted them into the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame.     
05) Of Mice & Men - Restoring Force 
While some may point to 2011′s The Flood as the record that “broke” scene-favorites Of Mice & Men and others might argue their debut self-titled release was what laid the foundation for one of this decade’s most successful acts, we’d like to focus on 2014. Continuing to climb the metalcore ranks following the release of two very well-received records, Austin Carlile and Co. put out their career-changing LP Restoring Force featuring new bassist and clean vocalist Aaron Pauley. Laying to rest any displeasure about their changes in sound or lineup, Of Mice & Men went on to sell over 51,000 copies in the first week peaking at number 4 on the Billboard 200. Riding the success of their third full-length album, OM&M later went on to support bands like Linkin Park and Rise Against out on tour thus solidifying their spot as one of the biggest metalcore acts of the 2010′s.       
04) A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy 
Some people remember A Day To Remember’s Common Courtesy for different reasons. Maybe it was the hilarious “reality series” made to promote the record -- the “Golden Eagle” episode was our favorite! Or maybe it was the seemingly never-ending lawsuit battle between the band and the notoriously greedy Victory Records -- we’ll never forget when ADTR broke the news on stage that the album was actually coming. For us, what we remember most was the first time we saw the music video for “Right Back At It Again.” We watched that goofy, cartoony music video 500 times trying to catch all the different things they put in the video -- like did you ever notice the surfing dog or aliens abducting cows? Well, whatever it was that got you to check out Common Courtesy, there’s no denying the impact it had on A Day To Remember’s career as the Ocala natives have only gotten even bigger since that 2013 release. With a new album on the way from the not-at-all-greedy Fueled By Ramen, it’ll be exciting to see where the 2020′s take ADTR next.        
03) Architects - Holy Hell
With all the biopics being made today, there is no doubt in our mind one will be made about Brighton’s finest, Architects. With an already established career under their belts dating back to 2006, the band was continuing to see growth following their signing to Epitaph Records and the release of breathtaking LPs Lost Forever // Lost Together and All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. Then, just like that, on August 20th, 2016 founding guitarist and primary songwriter Tom Searle lost his fight with cancer. Leaving the band in an obvious state of disarray after losing their bandmate and brethren, Architects were left with the choice of giving up or continuing Tom’s legacy. As with most biopics, this story has a positive ending as Architects decided to fight through the pain and ultimately release not just one of the best records of their career but one of the best records in metalcore, period.       
02) Bring Me The Horizon - That’s The Spirit 
This can go one of two ways: You either accept That’s The Spirit is Bring Me The Horizon’s most impactful career-defining record to date or fight with us to the death that Sempiternal is deserving of this spot. Either way, there’s no denying Bring Me The Horizon’s influence on this decade. With their boundary-pushing LP That’s The Spirit, frontman Oli Sykes traded his growl for more of a pop-laced bite as BMTH ushered in their most successful era as a band seeing their fifth studio album land at number 2 on the Billboard 200. Still doubting That’s The Sprit’s impact on the scene? In 2018, only three years after its release, the gold-certified record amassed over one BILLION Spotify streams -- billion, with a B!  
01) Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky 
Want to talk about a life-changing album? For San Diego scenesters Pierce The Veil, the famed four-piece went from a successful slow-building career to becoming a full-blown force with their third full-length record. Building off two well-received albums in A Flair For The Dramatic and Selfish Machines, Vic Fuentes and Co. (with the help of a Kellin Quinn-featured song) absolutely exploded into another stratosphere -- no pun intended -- with their now-gold-certified album Collide With The Sky. Lead by their platinum-selling single “King For A Day” and their Spanish-styled song “Bulls In The Bronx,” Pierce The Veil took the scene by storm thanks to their angsty, heart-pounding Fearless Records debut.
Honorable Mentions:
Deafheaven - Sunbather  Falling In Reverse - The Drug In Me Is You  Neck Deep - Life’s Not Out To Get You Nothing More - The Stories We Tell Ourselves  PUP - PUP State Champs - Around The World And Back The Amity Affliction - Let The Ocean Take Me  The Story So Far - What You Don’t See The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation Wage War - Blueprints
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demonikdownpourr · 7 years
Dream Boyfriend
Religious Beliefs: Anything BUT diehard religion In four words: Loyal, Protective, Understanding, Relaxed Relationship type: Believe monogamy 100% Sunday nights are for: Video Games and Cuddling Foreign or domestic: Domestic Ideal age: 18-21 Perfect date: Walking the mall, seeing a movie, getting ice cream and buying each other gifts Body type: Healthy; not too skinny not too heavy Expert or Generalist: A bit of both Beach house or country house: Country house, more adventures to be had! Nice atmosphere. Mommy issues: No; preferably a stable family relationship. I'd want to spend holidays with his mom and family! Dietary restriction: Healthy? Wants kids? Absolutely. But I mean I'm a teenager, so he'd have to understand waiting a few years until we're married. Does he cook? No, I do! But hey he can try with me! Drinking habits? I don't mind if he drinks a bit, but I don't date an alcoholic. Or druggie. Cats or Dogs? I'm a cat person, but either or are fine. Sarcastic? I like a ton of personality. Sarcastic, silly, vibrant and witty. Who’s prettier? Him. I want a pretty boy who's also emo trash and totally hot? He shouldn’t be: Abusive, addicted to drugs, or trashy/rude. Confidence from 1-10? 7 Chivalry is…? A must. Man? Woman? Either? Man preferably. Likes your job? Yes, he must support me and my decisions. Has he ever cheated? I really hope not. Trust issues. His turns on: Playfulness, Body Language, Emotional Bond Takes charge or takes orders? A bit of both. Furry or smooth? Both. Either. Whatever. Times for work? I could care less as long as he makes time for me. No shorter than: 5’5 Selfies: Eh? Maybe with me or family. Hair style: I have a massive fetish for guys with long dark hair; but it's not that big a deal. Anything works. Multi-lingual: Doesn't much matter to me. Views: Positive, Optimistic, Confident and Selfless. Night owl or early bird? I'm both; so either works! I don't sleep... What’s his style? Grunge, Emo, Goth, Punk, Rocker, Metalhead; but capable of cleaning up nice for my family. And acting the part. Hobbies? Whatever floats his boat; as long as it doesn't break trust, start drama or get him into trouble with the law. First weekend away? Anything really. Degree? Doesn't matter as long as he can hold himself a stable job, housing and whatnot. Clean or Messy? Clean, no slobs! Politics? Doesn't matter. I'm a political-atheist! I don't follow that garbage. He should…? Love my personality and appearance alike, like the fact that I'm bubbly/loud/vibrant, enjoy doing the things I do, and yearn for physical touch. Sport? I think hockey, soccer and swim team are hot. But I don't really care. Art? I mean hey that's my job, but an art boyfriend is pretty cool! Colab?!?! Job? Anything that brings in cash and makes him happy. Family matters? God yes. Absolutely. No-no #1? Drugs. Alcohol. Smokers. No-no #2? Cheating, Betrayal and Abuse No-no #3? Leaving me behind, making me feel worthless when I can do that myself, choosing others over me and making me feel like nothing.
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weliketheiroldstuff · 5 years
Rockstar Energy Disrupt Festival comes to an end, here's a look at their takeover of Michigan's DTE Energy Music Theatre
Rockstar Energy Disrupt Festival came to an end yesterday after a 6 week cross country inaugural run. It helped fill in a 10 stage hole with dueling stages since June. Disrupt is a stacked lineup that hit ampitheatres across the US and was an absolutely sweaty and humid blast in mid July Michigan. The Michigan lineup was as follows: The Used, Thrice, Sum 41, Circa Survive, Atreyu, Sleeping With Sirens, Four Year Strong, Memphis May Fire, Trophy Eyes, Juliet Simms, and Hyro The Hero. The first six bands and artists played in a side stage in the parking lot.
It was like standing in a fucking frying pan for most of the day. I could definitely be sweating more. But at the moment I'm perched under a tree at DTE trying to stay cool. All I keep thinking about is how a full mid week Siesta should be normal for everyone. I’m lucky enough to have a day job that allows me to have Wednesdays off and here I am at DTE at 2:30 already feeling like I need another shower.
Trophy Eyes are playing as a four piece today and still sounding excellent. The official word came July 16th that Kevin Cross’ last show with the band would be Splendor In The Grass. Kevin will be missed for sure but his departure comes as he is going to start a family and live the adult life and no one can really complain about it. Touring is grueling and brutal and if you don’t want to do it forever, then eventually comes a day where you gotta hang it up. We bid thee adieu Kevin!
After their set I took my sweaty ass to the bsthroom to wipe the sweat out of my face. I ventured closer to the main ampitheatre to pop a squat in some shade next to the waterfall. I forgot how truly hot pavement festivals are and am dreaming of 2.5 hours from now when I can go back to my car. And Hyro the Hero just skated by to go check out soundcheck at the main stage.
Reminds me of the days at Warped when Rick Thorne would ride by or Steve Caballero would skate by and before you can say "Hey Steve!" he would be gone.
Holy shit, $5 for a 20 oz warm water and a cup of ice. Of course they gotta keep the cap of the water. I feel like this dates back to policy from the early Ozzfests here where bands like Limp Bizkit and Sevendust got the rowdy crowds on the hill to chuck sod, dirt, and bottles of whatever down onto the pavillion. It was fun at first until bottles full of dirt were being chucked.
Memphis May Fire have elevated the technicality and strength of sound with a set that packed the parking lot stage and set the bar quite high for the rest of the day. This was my first time seeing them, shooting them, and enjoying their live experience. I get it. They fucking wail. Matty Mullins skillset as a frontman keeps the crowd into it through their entire set.
Four Year Strong is one of the most underrated bands on the face of the planet. Rise or Die Trying is one of the absolute best pop punk or technical punk albums I've ever heard. The boys have never let me down live and today is no fucking different.
Sleeping With Sirens got the biggest crowd in the parking lot and also what seemed to be the hottest set of the day so far. I'm absolutely dripping sweat through the first three songs. It's not the hottest day but it seems like each trek to the photo pit is during a cloud break and pulling the sweat out of me. As this dehydration is happening the dudes in SWS are going fucking off.
“Kick kick kick me when I'm down... errrgggahhhh!”
Those of us in the photo pit are actually matching the energy on stage, it’s fucking chaos. Crowd surfers going off and Kellin Quinn is right in my fucking face and this is one of those moments where the camera drops down for a few seconds and I just scream along with him. Fucking a. And there are photographers and journalists here who don’t know who half these bands are btw, and here’s one screaming all the lyrics to “Do It Now Remember It Later”. In this little section cut out of time I realize how so many people would do so many fucked up things to be in this situation. I can feel an epiphany coming…
I realized after the set that I’m celebrating a few months off the dabs on 710 but it is different because I’m not off concentrates as I wolf down on this fucking cartridge. Although sitting around dabbing myself stupid has stopped and for that I sweat out some toxins and know that today is about releasing a lot of energy and unveiling creativity and perseverance. My throat itches from screaming a ton and shooting more in the crowd and I run into my good younger friend from my day job Nate who is enjoying himself thoroughly as I shoot from the crowd. I’m glad someone from my job has seen me in action and knows I’m not fucking full of shit. I still have “friends” that don’t believe I even do this shit.
My mind is racing in down time awaiting the opening of the main stage. I don’t feel good at all. Mentally my life in this moment is held together by a couple cameras and the promise of free water all day. I have the ability to go back to my car and smoke herb and get in the ac for a few which removed a shit ton of stress as I started to cool off. I think if it was a beautiful day my mind would find it easier to wander and maybe this day would be more painful mentally. Instead it’s physically grueling as temperatures near 95 before the humidity. And you know your boy was in all black too baby!
Atreyu haven't missed a beat since seeing them at the Shelter damn near 20 years ago. It makes sense how these guys are in such good shape as their running all around the stage and not taking any time to stand still. Their chaotic and melodic dueling vocals lead for a broad audience of metalheads who appreciate the rhythmic harmonies these incredible musicians create. And well, Porter McKnight is one of the wildest bass players in all of music with energy that really can’t be matched by many. If him and Steve from Every Time I Die had a bass-off our faces would melt. Atreyu bring the heavy and give us a show unlike any other on the lineup with guitar solos that shred and double bass rhythms to make your fucking chest cave in, this is what summer festivals are about my friends.
Circa Survive is a band that connects me to friends no longer on this planet. So to be able to photograph them for the 3rd time since Dec 2017 is an absolute privilege. Act Appalled into (2nd song) into Child of the Desert ending in absolute chaos and catharsis.
Releasing negative energy is what I associate with Circa Survive. Forever will they be a band of existential wonder that repairs the connections between loose and broken heart strings in my chest. It does not get better than this band or this music. I would be flat out lying if I said I wasn’t happy with sweating right now as it’s blending in with the crying. I’m literally soaking my fucking camera as I shoot this shit. And like that, I’m walking back up the steps. I left a massive part of me in that photo pit. I left it there to fade into the pavement and never be a part of me again. So much negativity gone. So much fucking animosity, gone. So much just fucking gone. To Circa Survive, thank you.
Now that I let go of a ton of emotional shit while my past partner of 7 years was sitting 25-30 rows behind me, sending me photos of me shooting and I’m realizing we’re both where we need to be. Apart. My back to her and her watching me from afar. In this moment I realize this is the absolute end of the line and we are both free to live the way we really want to. Now for gratitude… I adore the two women who help run media for 313 Presents. I feel for both of them as they have to sit out all day with us and suffer in this fucking humidity. Holy shit, how dare I say I’m moist as fuck, I hope that makes you feel weird. I am missing the breeze while waiting for Sum 41. The sweating continues. Don't give up your dreams of free ice water kids the ladies at the Arbor bar will hook you up. And for that I tipped her 5 bucks (and now know it should’ve been 10) and will be getting another after Sum 41 as proper hydration should always be important when festing.
Sum 41 is another band that I’m shooting for the third time today, others include Thrice, Circa Survive, and Four Year Strong. I know the level of showmanship is about to be through the roof. I should just ask a security guard for a water but I’m not about it at the moment as it seems they’re about to come out on stage.
This is the third time I’m photographing Thrice. Thrice times I’ve shot Thrice. This is weird. I’m high. I’m stinky. I’m soaked in sweat. All I keep thinking about is can I get a fucking towel before I shoot another fucking outdoor show this summer? Like a white towel that rappers would have on stage with em during this shit? I’m sure I’ll forget it like I consistently forget the bugspray and sun tan lotion and end up frying like an egg in a parking lot frying pan baby!
Thrice is using more smoke than I wish they were. Sure, some of the photos look super dreamy and artsy and that’s great but it creates so much noise and it seems like now the last three shows I’ve shot, the guys and gals running the fog machines have been a tad on the trigger happy side. Regardless, I’m able to hit the vape pen because of it, and elevate myself while watching one of the best bands of the last 20 years go the fuck off. Thrice could easily be headlining this show but more than anything I hope they made a ton of fans at this tour because outdoor ampitheatres are where they belong. Their sound is so fucking big it just feels right on huge stages with massive production. The more ethereal and moodier they go the bigger the stages would fit. Even the older music like “Under a Killing Moon” and “The Artist In The Ambulance” vibe so hard on these huge stages. Fuck I wish they would’ve played “Silhouette” that fucking song rips so fucking hard and Riley’s fucking drums are so fucking good live regardless of what they play, but man that first snare hit. BOP!!!
The Used and I have history. I dated a girl when I was about 19 from north of Detroit. She was something else, and so were her friends. One of which became my connection to this band. I won’t go into further detail as I don’t know everyone’s personal histories on the road and shit, I just know the shit I was told led me to understand we walked very similar paths of chaos and chemicals. I’ve been bonded to them for so long, it makes perfect sense that I would finally shoot them the first time I get to see them. Yeah even with that connection I never tried to go see them through those other people. It was something I almost avoided for a while too. I’m so fucking happy I waited as they are in such better shape mentally, physically, and overall health wise. This leads to what becomes such an unforgettable performance. They used the entire stage to rip through “Take It Away” then “The Bird And The Worm” and then “Listening” before I was making my last trek up the staircase to head back to my car and make the hour+ drive home.
The drive was almost as cathartic as the whole fucking day. The freeway was closed only a few miles down the road from the venue and I ended up taking Telegraph for an hour and a half back home. A nice doob cruise that helped me cap off a day of release, new experiences, meeting new people, and saying goodbye to old relationships. I could’ve gotten this post done in time to be relevant for marketing but once I got home I knew it was time for a break…
My personal life had done a 180 degree turn since early June and I had been dragging my knuckles on moving forward completely. I’m no longer with my cats. No longer at my condo. No longer with this person I’ve been with for almost seven years. It was massively important to me to make the time away from this, my time I took away from my day job, and being away from everything the reason I could go on much further. I thought a few days might do it. That turned into a week. And then two weeks. Then I woke up this morning the last day of Disrupt and felt like I could let go of it all. This is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I could stop doing this. Put all my energy into being that guy the other person wants and try to get them back. I’ve done it before, and it literally led me back to the same exact conclusion. On my own.
2 years ago I started really pushing live photography. I started brainstorming about what the next website/blog/media outlet would be as at the time I was doing one called Shrbrt, which was just my own personal branded website. I knew I wanted to work with other contributors. I knew I wanted it to be snarky but also counter-snarky in title. I knew that it had to be nostalgic. I knew I had to not give a fuck. A few months later ILIKETHEIROLDSTUFF was born. Now, we’re ready to take it to the next level. A level that would never get encroached on if my personal life stayed in the shambles it was in. I can breathe again. I feel like my inspiration is coming back. I feel like my muse is now myself and not someone else. I feel like as much as I left at Disrupt on the floor of that photo pit, I took away so much new shit. So much new information. So much new intel on myself and who I want to be. See when people get shitty about music festivals and say “How could it change your life?” those fucking people don’t have a clue about the power of music. They don’t love it like we do. That’s what festivals are for. For people like that to have their mind open. I hope plenty understand how dope this shit can really be and how truly we are all spoiled musically to have so many choices and genres and artists and bands who want to create. Not just for us but for the sake of creating.
Disrupt your fucking life. Disrupt your way of thinking. Disrupt what you’re supposed to do. Disrupt the status quo.
Thanks for reading. Check out the multiple galleries below and give us a follow on our socials too! Here’s to next year!
www.instagram.com/iliketheiroldstuff www.instagram.com/sherburtphoto www.twitter.com/oldstuffmedia www.twitter.com/sherburtphoto weliketheiroldstuff.tumblr.com
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