#i decided to make a promo post for every blog I have
yoohyeon · 2 years
Hi I’m Alex ! I’m a multi stan (gg & bg), which means I stan way too many groups, but I think my sweet personality make up for it (idk ask my mutuals) 🥺💕💞
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nerd4music · 2 months
I think overall there’s one of two „big“ problems happening for people who have a problem with TOWL (racists and the likes aside… 🙄).
1- The misunderstanding that this was truly much more a Rick and Michonne story than a TWD one. This was not TWD S12. It was about telling the story of these 2 characters and being able to put a dot at the end (or a dot dot dot). And you’ve laid all of that out perfectly. Like yes, in TWD, Beale (& the CRM) would have been draaaaagged out. But this was much more of a Terminus approach than a Saviors one if we will…
2- TWD was never the most ..subtle show. They tended to hit the audience over the head with stuff. And I’m not sure I would go as far as calling TOWL subtle outright either (idk, didn’t think about this until right this moment lol -obviously elements of it are, sure -just as elements on TWD could be on the subtler side) but compared to TWD, it certainly is lol. And there has been a very big „media literacy“ and „basic comprehension skills“ problem happening for a minute now. And I really don’t say this to be mean or make fun of people or anything but these are just facts. Some people really struggle with getting the information when they are not being hit over the head with it, over and over and over again. After the finale I saw several posts on my tl of people wondering why this, that or the other was not addressed or how/why this, that or the other did happen… and I was utterly confused because those things they claimed were missing were very much shown? I was like, there was literally a scene dealing with all of this? And it didn’t require any reading between the lines to be honest, no subtext, it was very much the text of the scene?! So it seems like some people just didn’t get a lot of things that were happening 🫤
(BTW I don’t mean that even if someone didn’t have these specific problems with the show, they MUST love it then. Likes and dislikes etc etc. As much as I really loved the show as a whole, if I decided to put down the Richonne-colored glasses I wanted to and did watch to the show with.. I’d definitely have a few complaints lol, though still very much enjoyed the show even then)
That's definitely what happened. And to some extent, I get why, considering Rick and Michonne are 2/3 of the main show's Big Three. But when the press and promos started, and people were still talking about some Marvel-style meet-up, I was like...oh they're definitely not listening to what's being said, because it's six damn episodes, and also The Richonne story, not the Team Family jamboree. And then acting as if it's somehow 'insulting' to the rest of the characters if Rick and Michonne didn't talk about them. The man had PTSD so bad, he couldn't remember his own son's face. Why would you think it would be good time for him to pause in the middle of his wife telling him about a traumatic moment during her pregnancy to ask about anyone else? Please be fr.
I feel you on the comprehension thing, which is nothing new for this fandom. The fact that so many people legit thought Rick didn't know how to drive stick and questioned the 'realism' of it but never stopped to think that it was because he only has one damn hand. Y'all were fine with every silly ass moment that happened in the main show, that was either sheer dumb luck or handwaved away, but now we need a complete breakdown from experts on how Rick managed to fight off walkers one-handed. Now y'all want the realism, when you've been so giddy for weeks because you need one of them to die for the show to be 'interesting'.
I'm really not listening to people who need the narrative to hold their hand through everything, or need to see every piece of the plot onscreen for it to be considered 'legitimate'. (I'm officially banning the phrase 'plot armor' for the foreseeable future).
People didn't get things, because they don't take a minute to sit with the damn material anymore. From live reactions videos to live tweeting/blogging, people are just watching TV to make content and have an online moment, not for what's actually being shown. And yeah, TOWL isn't perfect, but the minor criticisms I have for it doesn't take away from the fact that it is very enjoyable and easily the best material from the TWD landscape in a long time.
(sidenote: I will say one of my favorite things from these past six weeks is everyone struggling to figure out the overall TWD timeline, lmao.)
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levyfiles · 1 year
Since it happens a lot less frequently now, I have less cause to say it but one train of thought hits me every time an anti decides to start a misguided crusade all "hurricane in a box" style. The train of thought follows the memory of all the fans in the past who made it their most important mission to shame, bully and harass anyone who participated in fan spaces for themselves; not the creator. Who didn't follow a subset of rules they just made up.
What I think about is how content must have seemed to them, the deeper they got into it. Every time Ryan or Shane would do something particularly fond for each other, I'd see at least twenty comments spread out on the video, in the tag, or even in the Twitter mentions going "Ahh, the shippers are going to be SO ANNOYING about this".
And were we? I mean if I were an anti, and I was thinking that and my first thought is to hate-scroll through my blog. I remember posting on my own blog, reblogging from the shyan tag, posting in the shyan tag, cackling in group chats. There was a while there when some antis liked to screenshot things we said on our blogs or on servers (some who were lurking in group chats) declaiming how annoying and twisted and creepy we were. It didn't really get anything done. It annoyed a few people but we moved on because the content continued to be fun; the guys kept doing their thing and having fun doing it.
My point is that every time one of these righteous crusades bombs, I catch myself thinking about what it must be like for that anti. To watch something and to be thinking about how someone else is receiving it, how that someone else is someone I have an irascible hatred for is probably somehow going to have more fun with it than I ever could. Because I'm so busy receiving each moment, teeth clenched that it might vindicate someone having fun in their own spaces when I've explicitly said It's Wrong.
And it's like? Yeah, of course, I'm not having fun. Every time Ryan or Shane makes some dumb joke about how close they are or their body language shows fans just why these two started a company together, that would be intolerable to me because I'd be thinking so hard about how much a stranger online probably liked that more than they're "supposed to". Work husbands??? Why did they say that? Now the shippers are definitely enjoying the content and I'm uncomfortable because I gotta think about the implications of the phrase "Work husband" and between my irl responsibilities, have to craft some reasoning as to why homosocial male friendships are a bitter victim to the love spectrum.
I'd get so bored; the content wouldn't bring me any joy. So imagine how that person who decided to make a second blog to craft a 2017-era "breaking my silence" call-out post about Simone is going to experience content now. They won't be able to so much as make it through five minutes of a video without thinking of every single damn fan who told them their post was dumb and how much more fun y'all are going to have as the social media posts get all the more funnier; how Simone's fandom origins give her a good and easy insight into why we enjoy Watcher. Every time there's a promo and it becomes obvious that thanks to Simone's hard work editing clips she knows we'd like, the bloopers are a fans smorgasbord lol.
In the end, is it ever really a surprise why vocal antis leave fanspaces? They dive bomb into spaces to start a fight instead of making friends and end up with a bitter scar that ruins the content for them.
Best I can say is RIP, ya know?
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bd-charlie · 7 months
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hey guys!! inspired by all the cooler people in the bdhsc i decided to make a silly little mod blog. if you don't know me, hi! i'm charlie, and i run @badlydrawnjohn , @badlydrawnjake , and @poorlydrawngamzee
i'll be using this blog mainly to keep stuff like ooc announcements off of the blogs, but also so i can be goofy and shitpost and talk to you guys out of character! if you have any questions about the blogs, or about me- shoot me an ask!!
shameless self promo but if you like what i do on these blogs go check out my main @eridude i post homestuck art there every day its quite fun
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annbourbon · 3 months
After reading What is...? by @creativepromptsforwriting (if you haven't read her blog or follow her WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?)
I decided to add some of my notes here too. Because it's on the little things I've been studying every night to get better at writing. So please consider this post as part/collab of "What is...?"
★Please keep in mind that this comes from someone whose first language it's not english, so, what for some might be obvious, for others it is not.
Blurb? is a short promotional description on your book. But can also be used to promote movies and other things.
Needs: Hook + Keywords (define an audience) + keep it short and leave them wanting for more.
* Remember to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Nowadays you can use quotes from your book as promo too. Pinterest is your best ally here. Make a bunch of attractive images with a colorful quotes and upload it on your social media! ^♡^
Honestly when it comes to promos you should exploit it all (meaning: create quotes, collage, your cover, promos, etc!) Be your own fan. Create a playlist, ambience, set the mood. Let your own world drag you into the woods, do not resist it.
If you love it, other will love it too.
W.I.P.? Means Work in Progress. So you have yet a lot to do to finish your story. it's okay, it takes time \^♡^/
Pathetic fallacy Vs Personification?
Pathetic fallacy
It's specifically about giving emotions to something non-human (objects, nature, or animals)
Writers use the pathetic fallacy to evoke a specific mood or feeling that usually reflects their own or a character's internal state. While I have seen some detractors of using this technique, think of Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights, or Shakespeare in several of his works like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. Or Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. So study it and use it carefully and you should be fine. Times change but you should write however you want too.
On the other hand, is giving any human attribute to an object.
Think of The Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, and Toy Story as great examples of what personification is.
Atmosphere?  is the way an author uses setting, objects, or internal thoughts of characters to create emotion, mood, or experiences for the reader.
For me Mary Shelley with Frankenstein is one of the most accurate examples I can give, but when I think about it, Robinson Crusoe, and Moby Dick, both feel tremendously claustrophobic and desperate to the reader, full of details, the time passes slowly and it's insufferable. Which in theory is not okay because the reader can drop the book but guess what? They're classic because you want to know what happens next. Which brings me to my next point, if you want to know more about the art of writing, you should try the following channels on YT:
Abbie Emmons
She has some interesting videos, but one crazy tip that will change your mind. It actually works. And don't worry, she keeps repeating it over and over so you learn it too. She also offers some courses and several activities like writing together (in case you're trying to write but can't, now you have a date!)
Ellie Dashwood
If you're into social dynamics, subtlety and want to get better writing period stories wether they are romantic or dramas, then she's your best bet. While she doesn't teach you how to write better she does teach you literature and history. And trust me, some of these things can be more than helpful. The way she analyzes and provides for clarification over social situations has made me understand not just Jane Austen but my own time in a different way.
Fiction Beast
This is showing me a lot of literature and making me read classics. Of course it wouldn't work if it wasn't because of Ellie but it's a must! because it does explains a lot.
Ana Neu
I just discovered her and Ellen so I can't say a lot of things but their videos have been really helpful with some of the things I've been working on especially with Fit or Die, so you should check out both of these girls.
Ellen Brock
and of course, he needs no introduction, but if you didn't know, he has several classes posted on his channel which have been helping me tremendously.
Brandon Sanderson
*Disclaimer: They're not paying me for doing promo. I just do this on my own account because I truly admire their work and effort put into it. Plus, I always do this for anyone if I truly admire the way they work. And I believe this is helpful for anyone with hopes of becoming an author. Even if it's just a hobby. Have fun~!
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mdzsartreblogs · 11 months
hey! i'm so glad i found your blog, its like a blessing to me! not exaggerating! i wanted to ask, do you have all official art from mdzs in your collection in your blog? like from the donghua, novel, game, and novel and all? i'm looking to make my own private mdzs art collection, so a reply would help!
also what would you suggest as the best sources for collecting mdzs official art? any twitter acc or zerochan?
Hi! Thanks for getting in touch!
I don't have all the official art, because there's just so darn MUCH of it, and because it's actually much more complicated to curate than most other art.
See, I try not to post duplicates, and usually I can easily ensure that by just searching for the artist and checking what of theirs I've posted, and/or by looking at the notes and just seeing if mdzsartreblogs is already in the "reblogged with tags" part of the notes.
But official art mucks that system all up because multiple people post it! I might have reblogged that piece, but not from that OP, and not in that post version. So if something isn't brand new, I'll often toss it in my likes for a later date when I can check if I've reblogged a different version of it, but I've been so busy recently that said later date really hasn't been coming, oops.
I also haven't been super consistent about reblogging art that's only on merchandise - sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, without much rhyme or reason. *sweatdrop*
There's also the complication, from the curation point of view, of where to draw the line on what counts as "art." So like...the donghua is composed of cels of drawn art, so should I count every screen cap I see of it as "official art" and reblog it? Or what about the manhua, the entire manhua is "official art," so should I try to collect every single panel? I've decided to draw the line on "no" for treating donghua screen caps as art for this blog, and I don't (usually) count comic pages from the manhua (though I've definitely made exceptions) but I'll reblog more "arty" stuff, like promo posters for the donghua, or chapter lead-ins for the manhua (or the incredibly sexy stuff that the manhua artist has been posting on Twitter of late, coughcough). But you may choose to draw the line in a different place, so what I have may not include whole categories that you'd want to collect.
That said, I've reblogged approximately 500 posts with official art over the almost three years I've run this account (three years this September!). And I can probably help a little with your question!
Resources from Me:
#official art on mdzsartreblogs: https://mdzsartreblogs.tumblr.com/tagged/official%20art
My (six months out of date) organization spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrSuFDL12MZ4O9_LFcbm7Tq47z_aiOl6I-xj8BNHs-c/edit?usp=sharing
This is the sheet I've used to organize these blogs and to keep the tags organized, though during 2023 I've had no time to maintain it. The reason I'm sharing it now is because the last sheet is a list of official artists (now a couple years out of date) with examples of their work and select links for finding them, so that might help.
Other Resources:
I don't really use twitter and have only vaguely heard of Zerochan, so I'm no help with those. Tumblr is my primary social media account, though I did recently make a Lofter account and I'm gonna try to find some official accounts there to follow directly. I can report back on that if people want, my Chinese isn't great tho so it's slow going and, as I've mentioned, I'm stupidly busy rn so it's hard to find the time.
For other Tumblr blogs that have a lot of official art, here's a few I know of that post it often:
@hanguangjunn - especially active recently, has done a lot of compilation posts that I don't always reblog because I often have some or all of the pieces as solo posts already
@t110n - posts a decent amount of MDZS, and posts official art for a huge range of danmei fandoms. One of my favorite blogs for that kind of thing; I super appreciate how much work they've put into sharing manhua art from a huge range of danmei fandoms.
@fluff-crt - also doesn't post everything, but is still active and has been active since before I joined the fandom; they also have posted some scanalations/translations and reposts with permission, though not as much recently.
@shandian-go - this is a Group Order account (the one I use personally, in fact, highly recommend) but from an art standpoint they're also a great resource for finding official merchandise art, as Mel always posts about the new merch with pictures and doesn't delete the posts advertising closed GOs.
@mdzs-equine-archive - posts official art that includes any equine (Apple, Lan Wangji's horse, etc.)
@minmoyu - in general, Minmoyu is one of the most incredible, helpful people I've found running a danmei account, and I've used resources they've written to help me buy print books, to find new danmei to read, and more. They also fairly regularly post official art, and have done so since the early days of danmei fandoms on Tumblr.
@p-h03n1-x - not active anymore, but used to post a lot of official art.
@zam81 - not super active, but basically all their posts are official art and/or photos for MXTX fandoms.
Those are the ones that spring to mind; if you scroll back through the tag on mdzsartreblogs and see who I've reblogged from, you'll spot some more; if you go back to waaaay in the beginning you'd probably be able to spot some folks who were more active once upon a time and are less around now (@aliceindanmeiland springs to mind, they haven't posted official MDZS art in a long time as far as I know, but were very active in the period when MDZS first hit Tumblr as a fandom, around the summer of 2018. Note that I personally joined the fandom in the fall of 2019.)
Hope this helps! Happy collection building!
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strangertheories · 1 year
I usually don't care about cons if i am being honest but whenever actors say something the fans don't particularly like or things that make them 'doubt byler endgame' i just tend to wonder what will happen in the fandom if Byler isn't really endgame because it seems like the fandom will just blow in itself and there wont be any fans left in this fandom anymore. Of course everyone can decide what they want to do and leave the fandom if they want to, but basing your (almost) whole show/fandom experience on a ship doesn't seem that... great? Maybe it is just me but I do not get putting your expectation on a ship that it causes you this much stress and 'doubt' and it also would end up making you hate an entire show just because a ship that you prefer did not end up happening, when there are too much stuff happening on the show that you can still continue talking if you want to.
A lot of accounts I used to enjoy interacting with and mutuals deactivated after Volume 2. But before that, I remember when I first joined the fandom, the Byler pessimism really got to me. Every ask I got was someone talking about how scared or sad they were because a new promo or interview or whatever contradicted Byler and I made a few posts on Byler pessimism.
But Stranger Things is my special interest outside of shipping and I didn't make this blog to only talk about Byler and it was easier for me to ignore. I think for a lot of people, Byler is just really stress inducing to the point where they can't enjoy the show which is a shame to me. I think Byler endgame would be amazing queer rep but it's not the only reason I like the show and I think that if it's making you miserable you need to take a step back for a second because fandom is supposed to be fun. Easier said than done however.
But yeah, I'm also scared for what's gonna take place if Byler doesn't happen. Noah was asking people not to blame him if it doesn't happen recently, and I get why. I'm scared that Byler doesn't happen, not just because of the quality of the show as I've never fully expected it to happen, but more for the quality of the fan base. I really enjoy this blog and posting my thoughts and reblogging my mutuals and all that stuff but the community feels so tenuous. Even if I have Byler doubts, I love the ship and it's dynamic and I enjoy analysing the show from a Byler standpoint. I also love Will and Robin and Eleven and other characters who I can relate to for whatever reason. But it feels like the fandom breaks apart every time there's bad news.
I don't know if this makes sense. Don't cancel me, guys ): I'm so terrified of bringing down the vibe in this community because I know how sad it makes people. I guess my point is that Byler should be making you happy and of course you're allowed to be disappointed if it doesn't happy or overjoyed if it does, but take care of yourself first.
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final-kin · 7 months
hiii. how do i make a kin blog. kinda overwhelmed tbh LOL
(no pressure to answer this dw)
- 🐈
It can definitely be overwhelming, I entirely understand!
First, I'd say you should make the blog look all nice lookin! /lh Basically set up the colors, the ask box, profile pic, banner, all that jazz. For me personally this helps me decide how my pinned post is gonna look and how I want my tags to look and operate.
Then you can decide what types of requests you're gonna do. Make sure they're things that you enjoy doing! And don't be afraid to rotate out anything that you find too tedious or annoying or just not fun for you to make. This is supposed to be fun for you so don't be scared to keep it fun!
If you feel like you'd get too overwhelmed with a bunch of requests then set up a limit (like how I have!) and you make your own rules so you can always enforce the limit on low energy days and things like that and on days that you're feeling inspired let beings go ham!
Don't feel like you need every little thing you see other kin blogs have! If you don't feel like you can upkeep a to-do list don't have one! If you can only make two kinds of requests then stick with those two! You don't need ask games or anything like that, so long as you're loving what you do then you'll attract a good audience!
Uhhh, Feel free to use my Pinned post or blog in general for inspo! (/gen) if you need a visual guide, sometimes seeing it all laid out helps a bunch. Don't be afraid to tag people in your promo post, most beings who run kin blogs are super nice and won't mind at all (i know i personally love being tagged in promos! I love seeing new kin blogs and I always try to pop in and req if I can!)
uuuhhhh thats all i can think of? Just have fun and take it one step at a time! No need to get it all done in one day or even one week! If you have any more questions please feel free to ask! I don't mind helping at all!
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sunsummnr · 1 year
okay so a little heads up for the 6 of you who are here already lmao !! i’m in the middle of a re-read atm because it has been a hot second and i personally feel like this will help my confidence with alina but yeah basically like i said on my multi i’m mostly going to be book based with show verses in case any of ya’ll need them !! but yeah basically expect just little sprinkles here and there from this blog because i still need to fix up graphnics n shit / decide if i wanna go iconless for the time or spend my weekend to actually do them !! also in case any of you still use legacy editor: i didn’t make a new blog i just deleted anything on the old alina blog so i do still have access to legacy here just in case anyone feels more comfy on that !! i will also post memes over the week and try to answer them during the weekend since i started a new job like two weeks ago and i am tired every single day i get back home atm because setteling in is a lot harder than expected... but yeah basically what i think i wanna say is: i haven’t really written alina in a hot second ( even tho she was on my multi but yea multis always get overlooked kinda or maybe it’s just me lmao ) and i’m gonna keep my following low atm / post no real promo until i regain my voice for my gal here / feel a little more comfy with her <3
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cagedchoices · 1 year
name:  mel 
pronouns:  they/them/theirs
preference of communication:  mainly tumblr IMs these days, but i have discord and wire and occasionally i will drop my info on tumblr, give it out privately if asked, or add if someone else is looking to add. it can take me a while to work up the courage to message someone in the first place and i'm really... not good at the usual social cues of "hey how are you/good how are you?/what have you been up to?" but i'm usually game to chat about other stuff
most active muse:  Caleb. i've had a lot of other muses but he's been the one i've been most consistently able to write in the slightly over 3 years since i first started writing him.
experience/how many years:  i had a couple false starts trying to set up rp blogs for Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall back in 2014 and 2015? but i just never really managed to get off the ground and start writing in-character for them because i was super heavily intimidated by the rpc and too nervous to approach anyone. finally in january 2017 i stumbled across a parody of Portal 2 on youtube called the Unauthorized Musical and discovered that there were already a handful of muns on tumblr who had picked up characters specifically based on that production and regularly hosted rabbit streams where they'd watch the video again together and welcomed anyone who wanted to join to do so. i noticed nobody was really writing any antagonistic characters against them so i wound up setting up a blog for GLaDOS and following everybody i met during the stream and that was essentially how i became hooked on tumblr rp. i've been kicking around on and off for about 7 years now.
best experience: there's so many to choose from, but i think i'd have to say my best experience was when i started writing Caleb. i was just fresh off watching Westworld season 3, i was actually feeling more compelled at the time to try and write either Dolores, Maeve, Clementine or Teddy but i felt like i wouldn't do any of 'em justice. i ended up making a sideblog to my old multimuse after deciding i would try writing Caleb, and that's where i almost immediately connected with melody/aworldofyou/copiesofme and was enthusiastically introduced to a bunch of other muns residing in the tiny but mighty westworld rpc. 🥰
rp pet peeves: one is pretty much the same as Sandra said; making a new main blog in the spur of the moment. exhausting all energy on curating a distinct aesthetic for icons/banners/promos/custom themes/etc, and then completely losing interest in a week or 2 without ever getting to write that character. and then more often than not the process gets repeated down the line until that person either becomes overwhelmed from having too many blogs to manage or too many memes to answer or too many starters to write.
i also don't particularly love memes that promote making rp into a popularity contest or seeking an almost constant stream of validation from other people. things like "send a _ and i'll rate your blog on a scale of 1 to 10/using a scale template" i try to stay far away from. arguably every notification you get on tumblr is an instant dopamine hit just like all social media is but. idk there was just something about those blog rating/character rating memes that made them feel more addictive to send and receive than like, taking the time to give someone your honest opinion on how you feel about them as a person or on their writing and characters and such.
another similar thing is reblog chains to the effect of 'reblog this if you actually like following me/seeing me on the dash.' i really don't like these. there's a level of self-deprecation and guilt-tripping involved and when people already feel awfully low and vulnerable to negative self image this just makes it worse. especially when people post with side commentary like 'oh nobody will reblog this from me lol.' and i don't think they're always necessarily aware that this is manipulative behavior, but...it is. even just the way the source post is typically phrased, it preys on insecurity and it makes me sad when i do see mutuals reblogging posts written like this because then i'm like. just sitting there thinking "i'm not a spambot so...if i didn't like following you or seeing you on my dash i would not be following you??"
other forms of reblog chains like 'reblog to give the person you're reblogging from a hug' or 'reblog this and say something nice about the person you reblogged from' are far better in my opinion because they don't inherently contain that same level of insecurity. they put the focus on lifting up and supporting the person you're reblogging from instead of centering on yourself.
plots or memes: i like both but i am very much a memes person because i feel like i'm not very good at plotting.
long or short replies: i don't really have a preference! but lately my thing generally seems to be letting the length creep up so my replies just get longer and longer over time. i never expect anyone to match me, but like. the one thing that would crush my soul is me posting like. 5-7 paragraphs and getting back a one sentence or one word response 😭
are you like your muses: i have a few things in common with caleb, one of them being that we're both neurodivergent and just trying to exist in a society where it is typically seen as undesirable to be classed as such. i stumbled across a venn diagram a while back comparing and contrasting common traits associated with ptsd and autism and it has given me a lot to take into consideration in the way that i portray caleb
tagged by: @k4ndall
tagging: @gunslingcr @paddyfuck @weirdwonderful @killjoysanonymous @prettydead & you (not labeled)
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simpychocochan · 2 years
F/Ovember Promo (now a bit more official)
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God, it's been ages since I've written something on social media. Anyways...
Hi! Choco left the blog for me and the other 3 man she loves dearly so we can do a... F/O Takeover? I think that's how she called it!
O. I didn't introduce myself, did I? Sorry... I'm Leon. The guy she posted about 24/7 the last week. Not gonna lie, I am honored she thought of me so much...
Back to business. The other F/Os want to introduce themselves as well, so I'm passing on the laptop! See ya around!
Ok- one last thing! After all the introductions, you will find the rules and how long this lasts and everything like that. Ok ok, sorry bro, you can have the Laptop now.
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And I thought I was talkative, huh! Sup'. Name's Dante. You know, the legendary devil hunter. I'm also one of the main parts of this little event!
I'm looking forward to this and if you see any memes on here. Well. That was me. ;)
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Test test test. Oh! it works. Fascinating. Greetings. I'm Dream. Or Morpheus. You can decide how you wanna call me. I've been here for as long as humanity exists, but this is my first time taking part in such an event.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all.
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It's been a long time, since the little wanderer let me on her blog... I'm glad I am back again!
"I have no name, I am but two days old". Just kidding. You all can call me V. I'm Choco's true husband, but don't tell the others. They might get jealous~
I already took over Choco's blog once, and it was fun! So I'm glad and honored I have this chance once again. See you around~
O? Wait. The little wanderer wants to write down the rules. Here you go Choco, here's your laptop.
Thank you, darling ;/////; Anyways. The rules for the F/Ovember on this blog! The Event is being hosted by @cherry-bomb-ships btw!(hopefully it's ok I tagged you ;-;) Please check em out!
The four F/Os who just introduced themselves will be mainly taking over the blog! However, all my other F/Os will also be available for asks and might write something here! That includes my F/Os of my F/O list (found here) as well as my OCs, which I mostly count as my platonic F/Os! (found here, warning, they are a LOT).
For interaction and asks, my DNI counts. That means DNI if you are a pr*sh*pp*er or the typical DNI. Also, don't flirt with my romantic F/Os, thank you /lh
Every F/O will have their own tag for this takeover. It's "F/Ovember: Insert Name of the F/O" as well as the tag "F/Ovember" for all of them.
You can ask either about the Ships between my main S/I Choco or the Ships with their S/I from their media! :o
You can basically ask them almost everything! Except n/s/f/t stuff or anon hate. Anon hate will be immediately blocked!
I will try to make the F/Ovember last for the entire month! However, sometimes I will also post some art in between. ;W;
Like mentioned, all of my F/Os might appear here. But my main 4 mostly lead this blog now. But you can literally ask everyone! :o
This promo is ok to reblog! In fact, I would be super happy if you could reblog it ;W;
I wish you all a wonderful F/Ovember :D
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faithdevotion · 1 year
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#FAITHDEVOTION, a 2022 established indie multimuse consisting of original & canon creations. produced & written by rosy, 24, spain.
• private, highly selective, explicit material. viewer discretion advised. 21+ only. slow & low activity. currently most active on weekends.
• before interacting, please read my rules under the cut & carrd for my muses list & further info.
• using the beta editor since I'm on mobile all the time.
dash icon & header ©.
rules. | interest tracker. |  promo. | carrd. | memes. | my edits. | wishlist.
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✶ language ✶ 
first and foremost, i’m not a native english speaker. my mother tongue is spanish, so any misspelling/grammar errors I may have… do forgive me, please.
✶ interactions ✶ 
I love establishing connections ooc, so please don’t be shy to approach me. i believe the person behind the screen comes first before characters & i love getting to know wonderful muns, although i may not talk every day since i’m a shy, introverted person. i’ve been here for quite a while and i know the ups and downs.
i won’t tolerate drama, hate or any kind of insult towards me, my blog & my partners. callouts, vague posting and negativity in general will make me unfollow & block. i reserve the right to use the block button if i consider someone to be problematic, dramatic or one that could make me extremely uncomfortable. i’ll be very selective with who i choose to interact with, and i’ll only write with mutuals. not only that, but i’m strongly attached to my muses and, therefore, i don’t wish for them to be a part of a face/character hunt or just another face on a list.
✶ activity ✶ 
my activity will most likely be frequent during weekends, that is, if i don’t have any plans. i’m married, working as a web developer and studying at the same time. besides, i have a social life. please don’t rush me when it comes to replying! i hate making my partners wait, but real life comes first. also, don’t ever feel rushed to reply to our threads. take your time! i’m patient and very understanding. you can take months, even years, and i’ll never grow upset. like i said: the person behind the screen comes first. 
✶ shipping ✶ 
i love shipping. so if you wish to ship a muse of yours with mine, don’t hesitate to approach me. i’ll most likely end up accepting it.
✶ threads ✶ 
over the years, i’ve grown to be a plot based writer because plot driven threads motivate me, so i believe a good plot should be discussed before threads. i love long threads. one-liners will only be accepted upon previous discussion or if they’re meant for crack or short stuff.
✶ formatting ✶ 
i’m not picky with formatting. i’ll always go with small text and gifs, but i don’t mind how my partner formats.
✶ smut ✶
 i love writing erotica & this blog may have a lot of it. smut will be tagged under #sutra. there will be plenty of nsfw (smut and other potential triggers) but it will be tagged accordingly as ‘trigger tw’.
✶ themes that I won't write ✶ 
anything involving abuse, excessive violence is a no & not welcomed here.
✶ first time interacting?✶ 
always feel free to reach out to me and send memes as icebreakers! do remember to specify muses, please.
✶ memes ✶ 
send as many memes as you want! (mutuals only, of course.)
✶ godmodding ✶ 
no godmodding, please. it’s a major turn off for me and it will most likely end up with me deciding to drop the thread.
✶ banned fcs ✶ 
jennifer lawrence, amber heard, anime/cartoon, kardashians, problematic & deceased people in general
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scorching-passion · 1 year
About Shipping: 
(This is a bit long so please bear with me)
Okay, so I understand that rules can be a real slog to get through, typically if you follow A LOT of people, so I’ll just pop this here and then add it to my pinned post/promo just so there are no misunderstanding. 
This is a single-ship blog.  And it has been since I created it, it even says it in the description of my drop down menu on the dashboard. 
That being said I will not ship with multiples of the same muse. This DOES NOT include ask meme’s where shippy responses are required. I’ll quite happily write flirty and suggestive responses as long as it’s clear that this doesn’t mean I am entering a ship with your muse. It is just a bit of fun at the end of the day.
As much as I enjoy the build up and development it takes for a ship to form, past experience has made me realise that it applies too much pressure on me as the mun, and the level of drama it can create just isn’t worth the multi-ship status. That isn’t to say I will not write with multiples, I love each and every take of everyone’s muse and I want to write with all of you, but I just can’t with the shipping element and there are criteria which would need to be fulfilled. 
> - I need OOC interaction for me to maintain an interest in the ship.  Without that it all just falls apart for me. I come to the assumption that you aren’t invested in our ship and I lose interest as a result.  > - A ship must (and I cannot stress this enough) be discussed and plotted between the pair of us before I can consider it. I refuse to be smut fodder for anyone, it’s unfair and it actually makes me feel like I’m being used for the second party to get their rocks off. That is not what I’m here for. 
My mains are not subject to these rules - for the reason being that they are my friends and I trust them implicitly both with my muse and my own feelings. And know that my mains list is always subject to change. Don’t think that there’s never a chance to become my friend, I love making friends!! 
It’s certainly not my intention to throw anyone’s nose out of joint, and I really don’t want to upset anyone by denying them a ship. But for my own sanity I need to keep this blog neat and tidy and drama free. In all fairness, given that Roche is - in effect - a background character with very little screen time, I had hoped that shipping preferences would be harder to attain, forcing me out of comfort zones to actually work for it, you know? 
Thus far, I’ve found that this hasn’t been the case, and I’ve already been subjected to some quite uncomfy instances where I’m being pressured into a ship I don’t want. And I’m the kind of person who finds it very difficult to say no. I ask that you please don’t take advantage of me this way, but know that if I don’t want to ship with you I will start refusing and it is in both of our interests that you take this with the best of intentions. I’m not out to hurt anyone, this is for my own comfort, and it is up to me to decide what content I do and don’t want on my blog. 
Thanks so much for understanding and I hope you all have a fantastic New Years Day~ <3
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gnzma · 2 years
[ i have decided to reply to all the salty munday asks except one here to avoid clogging the dash with negativity
why except one? beacuse. thinking about it, that one in particular ended up being more an excercise for me to let out some really bad memories that. turns out i suppressed until now? i guess. and i’d rather approach it in another way, explain it in better details and give a proper warning before talking about it
for the rest
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join me under read more! and fair warning my mood isn’t one of the best so don’t expect me to have. the best english nor a lot of tact asfndmg ]
4. What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community? asked by @tellnxlies & @badmusejail​
[ people not putting their money where their mouths at? like the amount of ppl who preach about sending stuff before reblogging memes and not doing anything about it? or seeing promo hour, posting their promo and moving on without promoting anyone else, even worse if later on they complain about cliques.
it’s this... problem that a lot of fandoms have, i’m sure, but i literally have no problems with this kind of stuff in any other RPC i’m in. it’s this constant complain about lack of interactions, and then not daring to take a step further to take the first step ]
7. Things that you will not tolerate? asked by @kotoyin & @tellnxlies
[ ofc the usual stuff; p/edophilia, r/acism, you name it. the usual things that i don’t even mention in the rules because the few people who were into that shit literally didn’t give a damn about much lighter rules, they wouldn’t have cared if i said, hey! maybe don’t interact with me if you want to do unspeakable things with a child?
but for more personal stuff, i despise people who treat me like a moron. i had my fair amount of “oh i’m sorry i don’t have a tumblr” from anons who def have it, or “i know you have this in your rules but since we’re friends i figured it was worth a shot” when it comes to ships or fandoms i don’t rp with. ]
14. Your opinion on muns making canon characters Trans/ gender fluid etc.? asked by @hxdrostorm​
[ the same i have for any other interpretation when it comes to gender, sexuality or even mental health: i don’t see the problem as long as they don’t make it into their character’s Only Personality Trait or turn it into nothing but fetish (because, yea, been there, seen that) ofc if the mun is cis it’s heavily encouraged to do research or contact trans/NB friends and mutuals to ask for help, but. yea ]
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? asked by @turnecoat​, @hxdrostorm​ & @skullkxd​
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[ People Who Just Want To Ship Get Out Of Here
seriously ik i’m digging my own grave by playing characters that are. arguably “the fandom favorites”, but if i had a nickel for every person who jumped in my askbox expecting my muses to be immediately in love with theirs, ESPECIALLY if they’re characters, ocs or canons, i 1) don’t know anything about since even every canon character has very personal interpretations and 2) i have no idea if they’d have chemistry i could buy this entire site
i know some want to rp just to have a ship, and that’s FINE, i don’t judge! but don’t shove me into your nothing-but-ships blog my dudes
especially if you expect me to do all the hard work and your muse is perfect/did nothing wrong/deserves to have my well-known often antagonistic and shut-in muses to bend over and be lovey dovey to yours right off the bat ]
16. How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last? asked by @hxdrostorm​
[ sdfnmdf it depends so it turns out!!!i have problems dealing with my anger, and that mixed up with funny mental health issues really make my patience change from day to day. if one day i could laugh at something, the next day it could frustrate me right away; sometimes it lasts five minutes, sometimes all day :^) ]
20. Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want. asked by @kotoyin & @turnecoat​
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[ if i see the height discourse again one more time i will start biting people ]
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koyukoyukoyukoyu · 1 year
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I posted 79 times in 2022
That's 79 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (13%)
69 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 16 of my posts in 2022
#outsiders smp - 7 posts
#letters on the fridge - 6 posts
#koyu’s fridge art - 5 posts
#mcyt - 4 posts
#outsiders smp fanart - 3 posts
#mcyt art - 3 posts
#important koyu post - 3 posts
#krowfang - 3 posts
#owengejuicetv - 2 posts
#ggacho - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#ngl the monochrome color scheme does have its appeal but. sometimes all we need is a teal wall
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi again outsidersblr. i asked people on twitter to send me clothing items and a c!outsider for me to style that clothing item in. i still have some that i need to do because procrastination but still take them
under the cut bc this post is LONG
if this (readmore) doesn’t work then oh well at least i tried
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c!mohwee and c!ori requested by bees on twitter @/PogchampBees
clothing item: crocs. matching crocs
See the full post
27 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
i come out of my little hole to bring treats
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this is the piece I did for the outsiders fanzine !!!!! go check it out now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time: 10 hrs 49 min
layers: 373
canvases used: 3
the outfits explained here (a tweet bc im too lazy to explain it here
anyways toodaloo I got nothing else to say
45 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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✨its ayngel and krow time✨
here outsidersblr, i painted ayngel and krow together a few days ago! speedran the skin and clothing but i rlly love the hair :0
52 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
heehee hi hello outsidersblr (or whatever it’s called)!!! im koyu and I just joined tumblr !!
im an artist and i’ve done some promo art for owen’s outsiders streams!! im pretty sure they weren’t posted here so i’m doing myself !!
yes if you check twitter they are all the promo art for every stream where c!owen murders a c!outsider who is a demon. i have become a harbinger of c!death
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See the full post
60 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Carpe Diem.
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WOOOOO THIS SHIT TOOK SO LONG (click pic for better quality)
happy wednesday outsidersblr! how are we doing after the Angst Hell that was the Finale Part 2? i haven’t coped from that! but whatever! im making a fic of post-finale shit!
i made this hell of a group art piece and posted it on monday but i was too lazy to post it on my other socials so im doin it now. also my friends and i are still wondering why a) they are inspirations to the outsiders and b) how im not included in the artist section despite doing art for like 4 lore streams and an animatic when we all saw the end credits
the world may never know.
layers: 573
time: 45 hrs 26 min
canvases: 6
AND YES. i did put them in designer clothing. im too lazy to attach it to this post so here’s a tweet of it
also a lil bit of lore: this piece started out as initially a redraw of this art but then i decided to make things worse for me
153 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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m0ose-idiot · 2 years
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I posted 3,810 times in 2022
63 posts created (2%)
3,747 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,077 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#bbc ghosts - 324 posts
#comics - 177 posts
#bbc ghosts spoilers - 82 posts
#six idiots - 78 posts
#yonderland - 73 posts
#horrible histories - 72 posts
#crochet - 72 posts
#tumblr sure is a website - 68 posts
#poorly drawn lines - 60 posts
#mooseidiot crochets - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also mike didn't join cos every time alison asked himfor directions while driving fanny shouted her own advice over him & they got lost lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Goddammit Kiell don't make us come over there
247 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
If it's not going to be on Spotify (in which case, what is the point of Spotify?), at least it can be here 🤘👻
Sorry not sorry
254 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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The little ones were also super-excited to see @bbcghostsupdates‘ post about series 4's promo picture   👻🥰
305 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
“You know, you sound a very educated man for a barbarian,” said Rincewind.
“Oh, dear me, I didn’t start out a barbarian. I used to be a school teacher. That’s why they call me Teach.”
“What did you teach?”
“Geography. And I was very interested in Auriental* studies. But I decided to give it up and make a living by the sword.”
“After being a teacher all your life?”
“It did mean a change of perspective, yes.”
“But…well...surely…the privation, the terrible hazards, the daily risk of death…”
Mr Saveloy brightened up. “Oh, you’ve been a teacher, have you?”
*The Ankh-Morpork name for the Counterweight Continent. It means ‘the place where the gold comes from’
339 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The crochet Button House Inhabitants project I began in lockdown 2020 is finally fully assembled! Well, until some future season when some rascals may give me another reason to make the next character, anyway... 👀👻♥️
370 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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