#i def stole her idea
non4ry · 2 years
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I think about turk aerith a lot
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jvzebel-x · 3 months
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readychilledwine · 8 months
hello helloooo! I’m back with another fic idea if it interests you ✨so little Nyx is old enough to go to school maybe like kindergarten-ish age? And one day the IC is eating dinner and Nyx is like “I have a mate!” And obviously he doesn’t but still Rhys and Feyre are like WTF and then read his little bby mind and find out he’s just infatuated with his teacher. (Nyx gave her a cookie that he baked with the help of Elain which she ate and now he thinks they’re mates bc he’s too young to understand that that’s not how it works) and then during a school carnival or gathering or cute kindergarten level graduation the IC attends with Nyx and ofc Azriel is there. He doesn’t even know who Nyx’s teacher is but then he sees Nyx dragging a young female over to him where he introduces her to him, proudly saying “this is my mate!” And she just laughs but then the bond snaps for her and Azriel. And then fluff ensues from there with everyone trying to explain to Nyx that she’s not his mate and that she’s Azriel’s to which he takes forever to understand. He keeps trying to give her treats and flowers so that they’ll somehow be mates. Azriel becomes public enemy #1 in Nyx’s eyes because he stole her from him. And then fast forward to when Nyx is older, maybe finally with a mate of his own and they tell him the story at his wedding and he’s so embarrassed about it. could def see this as an OC fic but x reader works just as well!
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I love writing little baby Nyx 🥺🥺🥺
Warnings - Nyx being a bit of a menace to society *well Az*
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Nyx was beaming. Bouncing as he ate his dinner, little wings flapping every so often.
It wasn't unusual. Being surrounded by this much love, this much joy, this much devotion had made the little heir the happiest of babies, then a happy toddler, and now a happy 5 year old.
He picked up his little cup, sucking on the straw and took a big drink as Rhysand and Feyre shared a look. He set it back down with a satisfied lip smack and went back to his mashed potatoes.
"Alright, I'll bite," Cassian put his knife down. "What happened at school today?"
"I met my mate," Rhysand's face dropped at his son's little confession. "And she's perfect, and nice, and prettier than mommy."
Feyre hid her laugher behind a mask of concern before gently digging into Nyx's head.
There, as Nyx thought about his mate, was Miss Arianna, legs crossed as she read to them on the floor. Her black hair was tied up in two buns with pieces framing her face. She had a big smile on her lips as she read in different voices from the children's book.
Feyre and Rhys, despite their status, sat on a waiting list to have Nyx in her lessons. She was highly sought after, her students were all advanced for their little ages, and she allowed time in their schedules for naps. Something many teachers felt was unnecessary.
Rhys had loved you the moment he made the choice to ignore his morals and enter your mind during their interview.
You didn't care who they were.
You didn't care about their status.
You cared about the faelings.
You took children from every walk of life in Velaris. The poor, the rich, high fae, low fae. It didn't matter to you.
Rhys and Feyre both shared a look and chuckled. "And who is your mate, Nyx?"
He sighed with a dreamy look in his eyes, mind now flashing to you comforting him after he got hurt at recess, "Miss Arianna. I gave her a cookie, and we shared it, so I'm a taken male now."
Nesta had her hand over her mouth, eyes sparkling. "Well," Cassian started before a slap came to his thigh, warning him to let Rhys and Feyre take care of this gently. "You did better than Auntie Ness. She offered me a stale biscuit."
"Your mom made me a can of soup. Worse can of soup I've ever had. Lucien, what did Elain give you?"
Lucien smirked and leaned back, hand on Elain's pregnant stomach. "A five course meal with dessert."
They were all hoping Nyx would understand the implications of what they were saying, but the far-off look and content sigh told them he didn't.
A few weeks later, the inner circle and all of their partners and mates were at the school's end of the year celebration.
The grass had been packed with games, little events for the children, vendors charging nothing for sweets and foods at the kindness and generosity of the High Lord and Lady.
Nyx had long abandoned his family. Opting to run and play with his friends. Cassian and Nesta stood with their daughter, looking over the schools information sheets and the application to join Miss Arianna's class for next year.
"Mommy!" Feyre turned at the voice, beginning to laugh as Nyx dragged his teacher behind him. "Mommy! You were supposed to be behind me!" The heir tapped his foot, Miss Arianna looking away as she hid her smile at his little antics. "I had to bring her all the way over here!"
Arianna and Feyre held eye contact both of their eyes sparkling and knowing where this was going. "Mommy, this is my wife and mate, Miss Arianna," he pulled her to Mor and Emerie first. "This is my Auntie Mor and her wife Emerie." He didn't wait before ripping her to Amren and Varian. "Aunite Amren and Varian. You'll like Auntie Amren. She's real smart." She was pulled to Rhys next. The two adults shook their heads, smiling. "This is daddy. You can call him.... uh. Daddy?" He pulled her to Cassian and Nesta. "Auntie Ness and Uncle Cass," he looked around brow knit in confusion. "Where's Uncle Az and Clarissa?"
Rhys patted his head. "Ris wanted cotton candy, so Az took her to get cotton candy. Why don't you go play too? Then we can talk to your wife."
They watched as Nyx ran off. Clearly not looking to play but trying to find his missing uncle. "I tried telling him, but he's so attached to the idea of us spending the rest of our lives together that he doesn't fully understand."
They all laughed. "We tried too. He told us that we didn't understand."
"Strange. He said to me that the bond didn't snap right away for you either, High Lady, so he'd find the Suriel to tell me, and I'd feel it after that."
A soft pout came to Feyre's lips. "He doesn't understand why you won't be their teacher next year."
Arianna's face fell, the fine features morphing into sadness and longing. "I introduced them to Alexios and even had him sit and answer questions during round up day. I can talk to him. I'm so sorry. I wish I could keep them until higher level learning. We just-"
Feyre hugged her, stopping the unneeded apology. "We know. Cassian and Nesta were hoping to get Clarissa in your class."
"And we were hoping to hire you for private tutoring," Rhys, like his son, was not ready to let Her go. He had spent countless nights looking for ways to keep Nyx in her classes. "We would pay you well."
"That wouldn't be necessary," she turned to Cassian and Nesta, a big smile on her face. "Would you like to see my room? I'll have a different theme next year, but it will give you an idea of my environment."
"Lead the way," Cassian held Nesta close. Watching the two females interact, inserting questions as they walked into her classroom.
The Inner Circle all went to find food and place to eat, enjoying the small screams of joy and laughter around them. "She's really pretty," Emerie started slowly. "Maybe we should hook her up with Azriel. He hasn't dated since Gwyn."
Varian visibly flinched at the mentioned of Gwyn. "Does he still hate Tarquin?"
"Yes," they all answered together.
Azriel joined them seconds later. He was carrying Risa and holding Nyx's hand. "She crashed. Where's Cass? I'm going to take her home?"
Rhys motioned towards the schoolhouse, pulling Nyx to him and telling him to sit and eat. "Arianna offered them a tour of the classroom. A quiet place out of the sun might perk our niece back up, too."
Azriel nodded, carrying the small illyrian into the school house and following his shadows. He could hear melodic laughter and Cassian's loud voice, pausing at the doorway as his niece stirred and snuggled back into him, whispering for daddy. "He's right here, princess."
Nesta motioned for Azriel to join her. His jaw dropped at the sight of the classroom. It was a domed open glass ceiling, but the second it he entered, it began filtering light. "It knows she's sleeping," that voice had his shadows dancing. "I enchanted my room for my students so they're always in a comfortable environment. Never too bright, hot, or cold."
The room was filled with toys and exotic stuffed animals for snuggling. It was decorated like a rain forest from the continent, and an occasional call of something wild could be heard. "I suppose you enchanted all of this too?"
Azriel didn't look her direction, a look of shock and amazement going Nesta's way. Lady Death nodded eagerly, her eyes almost watering. She'd be heartbroken if Clarissa wasn't here next year, Azriel realized.
"Is this the little potential enrollee?" She walked over to Azriel, and nothing else was heard in the room. They didn't hear Cassian or Nesta respond, they no longer heard the soft sounds of animals and birds calling in the distance.
It was like everything in Azriel's life fell onto a new axis.
Arianna was his mate. The female he'd spent forever looking for.
And his nephew was obsessed with her.
Arianna spoke first, "We can't tell Nyx."
Azriel nodded. "I'll get banished to Mother knows where if we do."
Cassian looked between them before smiling, "Did you just secure my daughter's spot in her class? What kind of Aunt wouldn't teach her niece?"
Nesta smacked him hard, smiling from ear to ear. "Have dinner with us tonight? We share one of Rhys' and Feyre's houses with Azriel. He could fly you up for dinner, and we could all get to know each other."
"Only if you want that," Azriel nodded the second the sentence left her lips. "As, am I allowed to be blunt now?" They all nodded. "I was going to take her regardless," she turned to Nesta. "Morrigan scares me. It's why I took Nyx, too."
Arianna held Azriel's hand tight as they walked to the Riverhouse.
They had spent the summer getting to know each other. Going to coffee, to dinner, on long walks along the Sindra. It had taken all of a month for the two of them to decide this was serious, and they both wanted to move forward with the bond.
But that meant telling Nyx, who was still very much infatuated with her.
Azriel sighed as he grabbed the handle, "Ready?"
She nodded, hand stick folded delicately on his bicep. "Only if you are."
Azriel pushed the door to the lavish home open, smiling at Rhys and Feyre, who were waiting for them. They, Cassian, Nesta, and Azriel, had all decided the best way to do this was over a full family dinner.
"Uncle Az!" The shadoesinger stiffened. He had thought they would at least get to the table before the little heir appeared, but the Mother must have had other plans.
He came bounding into the room before stopping at the doorway with a loud gasp.
Azriel had never felt more like chopped liver as Nyx ran to his mate, hugging her legs. "Uncle Az brought my wife to dinner, Daddy!"
Rhysand scratched the stubble he had allowed to grow out due to his days being spent caring for Nyx as Feyre sat the throne. "We should all go sit on the couch, buddy. We need to talk about something."
Arianna allowed Nyx to pull her with him, looking back at Azriel with tears in her eyes.
He had discovered during their time together she had a Cauldron gift, one that had never been trained and just thought of as a personality trait. Arianna was an empath. She felt the emotions of others so deeply and could manipulate them if she tried.
It explained why she was so attached to children and them to her.
It also made her very useful in stressful situations. "Just breathe," Azriel mouthed as they all followed.
"Oh shit," Nesta whispered quietly. "We're doing this now?"
Rhys nodded. His eyes were already lining with silver as he sat across from Nyx with Azriel on one side and Feyre on the other.
The room was very quiet until Azriel spoke. "Nyx, Miss Arianna and I really need to tell you something, and we need you to try to stay calm." The shadowsinger sent a silent prayer to whatever Gods would listen and watched as one of his shadows held Arianna's free hand.
"Miss Arianna is my mate. I asked her to marry me."
The heir's face morphed into a little look of betrayal, his eyes starting to water as Rhysand and him held eye contact. "She's my mate, though."
Nyx looked at Feyre, hoping for support before looking back to a defeated Rhys. "I'm sorry, buddy, but She's Uncle Azriel's mate. Do you remember me telling you about the thread that connects me to Mommy?"
The heir cuddled closer into Arianna, glaring hard towards Azriel. "Why are you so mean?"
Feyre gasped at the question, immediately grabbing Azriel's hand. "Nyx!"
"He's trying to steal my wife!"
Arianna was in tears. The heirs emotions were overwhelming. She took over the conversation, blocking everyone from Nyx by taking both hands and sitting on the coffee table. "Nyx, honey, I'm so sorry, but Az and I are mates," they all felt the small tinge of magic shift. "I know this is hard for you. Your feelings are so valid, and it's difficult when you feel something this deeply to let go of that notion. It's hard processing such big emotions."
She wiped one of his tears. "Your mate is out there, hun. And she's wonderful, kind, smart, and closer in age than I am to you. You two will have so much more in common, and you will find joy and happiness in her that you never will in me."
"But she won't be you," Nyx sobbed heavily. "We're supposed to spend forever together."
She smiled softly. "And we will. You will always have me in your life. We will always be friends."
He glared towards Azriel, and Arianna turned his little head towards her. "You are hurting his feelings. Uncle Az loves you. We've spent a lot of time talking about how to handle this because he knew it would upset you, and it hurts his heart to see you so sad. You don't want to hurt Az. I can see if in your little face."
Nyx still glared at Az. "What if you two break up?"
"You'll be the first to know, bud," Azriel said softly.
"Good," Azriel repeated.
"Fine," the heir smiled as his Uncle teased him.
It was then that Nyx decided to dive on Azriel, the Illyrian coming out of them as he started a tickle fight. "She was mine first!"
Azriel was laughing, holding the smiling boy close to him and allowing him to win. "And now she can be our. We can make her go places with us, bug her while we fight with our training swords, do pranks."
The heir stopped, that dimpled smile coming back out. "Prankies?"
Arianna's face fell as everyone started laughing. "Wait. What?"
Azriel smiled at her, sending her his love as Nyx whispered in his ear.
"We good?" She mouthed to him. He nodded, holding Nyx close. She stood to go comfort Rhys and Feyre, only for a shadow to trip her. "AZRIEL!"
The heir and shadowsinger ran off laughing as the other couples watched Arianna with shared grins, "Don't worry, sweetness," Cassian helped her up. "They're just getting started."
.General tag list:@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager
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il-miele-che-scrive · 8 months
Please have your asks open okay so hear me out
Charles Leclerc x Greek ! F1 driver ! Reader
You can choose the brand anything Ferrari because I want it to be like a little rivalry to lovers . Social media au or not . Reader being in f1 more time than Charles or Charles with rookie reader .
Thank you in advance
Hello!! I decided to go with rookie reader, hoping you'll like it❤️🙏
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scuderiaferrari We are thrilled to announce a historic moment in Formula 1 as we welcome Y/n Y/l/n to our racing family! 🚀 Introducing Y/n Y/l/n, the first woman to compete in F1 since the iconic Lella Lombardi in 1976, and proudly representing Greece! 🇬🇷 Teaming up with our Charles Leclerc, Y/n brings a fresh wave of skill, determination and passion to the track. Together they'll conquer the 2024 season with the iconic Prancing Horse🐎
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yourusername I feel extremely honored to become a part of this family❤️
username1 Miss girl has no idea what she signed up for 💀 wishing her all the best tho
username3 I have a bad feeling about this...
↳username1 wtf? care to explain?
username3 By the summer break she'll have hooked up with half the grid
username1 bye I'm not even participating in this conversation, misogynistic brain rot
carlossainz55 Goodluck @/yourusername 💪
↳yourusername Thank you Carlos 🙏
↳username4 Help why does his comment seem kinda salty
username2 wdym salty lol he literally wished her goodluck
username5 I get him tho, a girl stole his seat
username2 what "stealing" are you talking about? his contract expired, they didn't prolong it and went with some fresh blood that happened to be a woman, not to mention you have to be like the best of the best to get into F1, there was def no stealing done
charles_leclerc Exciting times ahead, let's see if you can keep up
↳yourusername Buckle up 🤠
↳username2 now THAT'S what I'd call a salty comment
username5 Charles forgot they're on the same team lol
achi_of_greece Hellenic Hurricane 🌪
↳yourusername I'll never escape from this nickname will I? 🫶
↳username3 Let's see if the hellenic hurricane can keep up with Lighting McQueen
username4 keep up? 🤡 miss girl will beat his ass up
username5 once again, i kindly remind, they are a TEAM!
lewishamilton History in the making
↳yourusername Omg sir Lewis Hamilton I'm gonna cry 🥹
username1 Y/n being a fangirl just like us
username4 she's so real for this frfr
oscarpiastri Finally🥴it was a bit lonely
↳yourusername Hi f2 bestie 🫶
logansargeant What about me
yourusername you know Oscar and I love you!!
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f1 A historic day at the Imola Circuit as Y/n Y/l/n, the Hellenic Hurricane, wins the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix! Congratulations to Y/n and the entire Ferrari team for this outstanding performance.
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yourusername A dream come true honestly 😭🙏
↳carlossainz55 Great job👏
↳lewishamilton So proud
↳username4 Someone explain why the 7 (8)times WC and Charles' ex teammate are more supportive than Charles himself
username2 I think it might be an ego thing? He could be jealous? Personally I think it's Ferrari's fault, they kinda messed up the friendship between CL and CS too at the end
username5 yeah Y/n is definitely the 'favorite child' to Ferrari because she's new and they want to focus more on her or smth
maxverstappen1 Well deserved
↳yourusername THANK YOU MAX
↳username6 Why is Max here and Charles is not😭
username2 The haters are pretty quiet rn
username4 No cuz I was gonna ask if she found a therapist yet... But she might not need it
username6 Excuse me it's been a few weeks and we get a Y/n win already?? I love it here
landonorris Max Verstappen is screaming crying throwing up
↳maxverstappen1 I'm literally not
landonorris You must admit it was refreshing not having to listen to the Dutch anthem again
oscarpiastri Best rookie fr
↳yourusername I learn from the best (even though you didn't have a win in your rookie year)
oscarpiastri Wdym i didn't, i won sprint in Qatar. Not to mention rookie of the year
yourusername Yeah yeah, stop flexing pookie
logansargeant Go bestie
↳yourusername Can't fvck with these hoes cuz they messy 💅
username7 live laugh love Y/n
username1 the Verstappen curse has ended🙏
↳username3 you know it's probs her first and last victory in F1 right?
username1 I just wonder why is Charles so quiet
charles_leclerc Congrats 👍
↳username7 not Charles commenting after people started to wonder why he didn't say anything 😭
↳yourusername How did you enjoy looking at the back of my car? Oh wait, you couldn't even see it from P8
username1 maybe it was better when Charles didn't comment 💀
username3 if that was how my teammate talks to me I'd be pissed too
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username1 if this is angrily my name is Ayrton Senna
username2 pls if he was angry, it was only cuz he's in love with her but can't do anything about it
↳username3 he can, they're both single, if he wanted he would've, but he knows they have to keep it professional
username2 that's why I said he can't do anything, literally. i predict a relationship the moment one of them leaves ferrari (or f1 in general)
username4 dude is so in love it's embarrassing
username5 I just know he's thinking about unholy things
↳username7 angry sex lmao imagine
username6 oh to have someone who'll look at me the same way Charles looks at Y/n
username7 okay so my theory is they're attracted to each other okay? but neither of them can talk about emotions, but they tried to have a talk about it, which turned into an argument cuz both are short tempered pookies
↳username3 this is so delusional 🤡 why would they talk about it in that exact moment?
username7 let a girl fantasize
↳username5 quietly manifesting this to be true
↳username2 I'll never believe in true love if this doesn't turn out to be real
username8 No cuz hear me out guys. The LONGING gaze in the second picture? There is chemistry between them whether they admit it or not
↳username6 I totally see it, that is the stare of a man in love with the woman he's just argued with. Look at him. He doesn't look angry. He looks upset. Why? Because they had this argument and didn't make up. Now he's worried they'll get in the cars and something bad will happen either to him or Y/n and... You can imagine how the rest goes
username3 And i thought the previous person was delulu wtf
username9 I can die happily the day I see CharlesY/n happen
↳username7 be careful what you wish for, I feel like it can happen sooner than we'd expect
username10 I need to know HOW didn't Y/n fold after being looked at like this
username11 My friend went to Monaco for the GP and she has a paddock pass, she told me she overheard Y/n talk to some girl from her team that she liked Charles AND they even had "THE talk"™ (which could mean they did "IT"?), but Y/n can't imagine a relationship with him
↳username3 out of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most
↳username1 I can see that, they're very similar - competitive, short tempered - each of them is like a ticking bomb alone, so in a romantic relationship they would be truly a nuclear weapon (which doesn't mean I don't want it to happen)
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yourusername A great day for some karting 🥴 summer break!
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username1 did I gaslight myself that hard or she's really in the number 16?
↳username5 nah, I see that too
↳username2 girlie giving us hints, is it soft launching yet?
username2 16 I'M SCREAMING
username4 enemies to lovers?
↳username3 when were they enemies?
username4 well they never seemed very fond of each other
username3 then just say rivals 💀
charles_leclerc You forgot to mention I won this time
↳yourusername first and last time you got a higher place than me
username4 I can see them having "the winner gets to be on top" kinda bets
↳landonorris 👀
username11 i told yall, there's too much tension between Y/n and Charles to not be AT LEAST fuck buddies
oscarpiastri What's the longest you can go without being on track?
↳yourusername Mate as I'm writing this I'm waiting for a plane home, won't sit behind the wheel for like a week or more 😭
↳username2 Y/n is dedicated to her job
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yourusername είσαι η αγάπη μου❤️🤍
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username1 the red and white hearts?? just saying but they're colors of the Monaco flag
↳username2 and the guy lowkey looks like Charles🤔
username3 looks like Charles? The best you can see is the back of his head
username2 and it looks exactly like Charles' 😌
francisca.cgomes Where credits for the last pic?
↳yourusername Pierre said not to tag either of you 😭 safety reasons or something 🙄
username3 Okay, she's in a relationship, y'all can stop shipping Charles with her
↳username5 wdym 💀 this is literally Charles
username3 And y'all say that based on the back of his head, delusional
oscarpiastri @/landonorris and I want an invitation next time
↳yourusername Sorry pookie, it's not for kids
landonorris I'm not a kid
yourusername Then don't act like one
username5 lmao Ferrari had no idea they're getting a sassy queen
username6 Y/n is in love 🥹
↳username2 She's winning, she's in love, what else could a girl want?
username7 Not the soft launch as if we didn't know it's literally her teammate
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username1 WHAT.
username2 I TOLD YOU. I TOLD YOU.
username3 You know it's totally normal for friends to hang out? I'd take it as they finally made up
↳username2 UP OR OUT
↳username4 they totally look like just friends, sure😐
↳username7 I'm super curious how it went. "Mom, dad, this is Charles my teammate, I hate his guts. Oh, and we're also lovers"
username6 So where is the person who said they can die happily when CharlesY/n turns out to be real?
↳username2 dead probs lmao
username7 The power couple we needed 😭
username8 imagine their PR team lurking onto gossip pages seeing this
↳username1 I know FOR A FACT that the pr people do look at the gossip accounts
username9 Y'all remember how once someone said Y/n will hook up with half the grid? Staring with the teammate is easy, let's see who'll be next
↳username3 Yeah, I'm so surprised it didn't happen earlier
↳username2 stay mad lol Y/n is living her best life with the man she loves
username5 THIS and it doesn't matter that they met through being on the same team
username6 They knew each other before tho! Y/n used to be friends with Arthur, so she def met Charles in the past
username3 Oh so she tried to get with Arthur but because it didn't work out she went for Charles?
username6 That's literally not what I said. She was friends with Arthur. FRIENDS
username3 You know there's no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman?
username6 look at who is delulu now 🤡 I'm not having this conversation
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charles_leclerc Partners on and off the track
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username1 Man literally said fuck a soft launch 😭
↳username2 as he should! we've been dying for them to announce it
yourusername Je t'aime 🩷
↳charles_leclerc Je t'aime avec tes défauts et tes qualités
yourusername EXCUSE ME
charles_leclerc That's adorable ❤️
pierregasly Remind me, who took the first photo? 🤔
↳yourusername Kika did 🫶 @/francisca.cgomes
francisca.cgomes First and foremost I am the biggest CharlesY/n fan
pierregasly But you took the pic with my phone, I am the author just as much 🙄
francisca.cgomes No❤️
landonorris OH
landonorris I thought you won't have the balls to hard launch
↳yourusername The balls are there indeed
yourusername And more
landonorris EWWWW TMI
yourusername 😐
landonorris exactly my face rn
oscarpiastri So that's why Lando and I weren't invited
↳yourusername It's a couples trip 🤷‍♀️ there wasn't space for the Aussie and his emotional support extrovert
oscarpiastri fuck Lando, what about the Aussie and his GIRLFRIEND?
oscarpiastri Because I do have a girlfriend, you know?
landonorris HEY that's mean
logansargeant I can't say I didn't see it coming
↳username1 We all did, Logan
↳yourusername You were literally the first person I told about my crush on Charles...
logansargeant But who said I believed it would work out?
oscarpiastri HE was the first to know?
yourusername And you were the first to know about the night Charles spent in my hotel room in Monaco
charles_leclerc You talk to them about these things, chérie?
yourusername Don't act like you didn't run to Lando to tell him all about it on the next day
username4 So the theories were real after all, the spicy night in Y/n's hotel room was the cause of their argument
↳username3 She didn't say that...
username4 But it's obvious. Look - the night happened, they felt weird about it and boom there goes the argument. It makes a lot of sense
username5 However it happened, I'm glad it happened
username6 What happens now? Are they even allowed to be a couple?
↳username7 wdym allowed lol it's better than if they were from different teams, they'd have to sign NDA or something
username6 Isn't the team worried they'll distract each other or something?
username7 At least they'll be traumatized together
scuderiaferrari 🇬🇷❤️🇲🇨
↳username6 The team is indeed not worried
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yourusername The benefits of having birthday during the summer break
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username1 I love the Y/n and Charles/Kika and Pierre friend group
↳username2 they're everything I want fr
username4 okay but I NEED to know whose idea the cake was
↳username2 I would expect it from Logan and Oscar, honestly, but they weren't in Greece with them
↳yourusername ofc it was Kika's idea!!
francisca.cgomes and I'm proud of it
logansargeant It hurts to know you're making new friends 🙄
↳yourusername I figured I needed some girl friend after spending so much time with you and Oscar 🙄
logansargeant Do you even remember about us anymore?
oscarpiastri I bet 10 of your american dollars that she doesn't
yourusername how could I forget? You two still haunt me in my nightmares 🫶
username1 lmao Charles wakes up screaming box box and Y/n wakes up screaming what's a kilometer and shoe thongs 😭
yourusername that's an accurate description
charles_leclerc I swear I once heard you talk in your sleep something about running a mile in shoe thongs
yourusername And I don't even know how long a mile is, so you can only imagine how terrifying that was
lewishamilton Happy birthday to my favorite rookie
↳yourusername Every time you appear in my comment section I cry a little
lewishamilton The good tears I hope?
yourusername happiness tears of course😭
username5 Do y'all think Charles is jealous seeing his gf interact with THE Lewis Hamilton?
↳username2 No? Why? Lewis is Y/n's idol so obviously she's gonna fangirl a lil
username6 Y/n being a WAG and a driver at the same time, iconic
username7 My fav wag duo for real
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astralnymphh · 1 year
patterned palmistry ⋆ | ellie williams headcanons
༺ ellie x witch!reader headcanons/scenarios ༻ ☽𖤐☾
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✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
an: being the witchy little gremlin i am i just had to throw some hcs together for myself but ofc i'd share them here🙄ive been practicing witchcraft since i was 15 so it felt fitting to incorporate it whenever i brace my delusions at the bootycrack of midnight that r all abt ellie 💀 regardless this def isnt gonna be my only witchy hcs post i just didnt wanna spoil all my ideas right away <3 tags: MDNI, slight nsfw (no detailed smut), boob jokes, witchcraft (obv), tarot, palm reading, mostly convos, flirting, not mentioned in the writing but u 2 r alrdy dating, playful bickering, more natural casual writing with some bigger words, no specific religion tied to the practice, generally a fluff piece, lowk cute moments. °________________________⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆__________________________°
I. ☆ ellie definitely had a peak in curiosity the first time you mentioned you immerse yourself in the world of the craft, her ears perked figuratively and were tuned in to learn what that entails. she may not forfeit a nip of skepticism right away but she's more than happy to engross herself in the idea of it. you'd stay up till first light rambling on about the 'rituals', 'divination', the history tied to it and why you practice it. you'd be lying in bed adjacent to her, heavenward to the ceiling, but interwoven in a warm and loving cuddle with her palm residing on your lap whilst you chatted.
"mmmmh-" ellie's hum churns 'round your bedroom, "so that's why you collect rocks."
"same thing," she drones an inwardly giggle, "which crystal will give me superpowers?" a witty remark springs from her tongue.
"babe.." you pout, acting offended yet none is taken.
"didn't mean it like that, y'know I believe you, it's all just new to me." ellie tapes an assuring kiss to your temple, "tell me about your favorite crystals, hmm?" 
II. ☆ now because of this, anytime you're out on patrol and delight the opportunity of scavenging, she always keeps in mind to find you flowers, rocks, unused candles and other oddities of nature.
"hey babe! I found a black candle for'ya." ellie bolstered a long glass cylinder filled with an opaque charcoal wax, wick still intact, "and- ..some wild lavender." her other arm swings from behind her back, twines of dusty purple lavender upheld in a pinch.
"fuck yeah, needed this stuff.." you graciously tweak the lavender from her, whiffing up its poignant scent.
"always on the lookout.." her voice resembles her proud countenance outwards, essentially, a dorky smirk.
III. ☆ obviously, the second you mentioned the art of tarot to her, she begged for a reading. whenever a card flew from your shuffling motions, she'd patiently wait for you to place it before her and then she'd swipe it up and admire the art piece detailing the cardstock.
"whew! look at the boobs on this one!" 
"oh- my god, of course you'd point that out." you snatch the card from her, shamelessly ogling the nude depiction that had her attention.
"you're looking at them too!"
"cuz' you said something 'bout it!" you flick the card towards her face, noting, "those are some nice boobs though." 
"why thank you~" 
"wasn't talking about you, idiot!" 
"eh, but.. urs' are the best." her hoarse tone binds a nonchalant flirtiness in its rumble.
"oh really? should we compare the.. four?"
that really stole her attention.
IV. ☆ the first time you entertained her with a palm reading, it had her all dappy and touched to the essence at the paltry contact you made with her hand. your fingerprints drafting her calloused palms with such a gentle focus on every river lining her hand. she just wanted to smother you with kisses.
"and… this is your heart line." your finger hovers the crevice of her palm-pads stretching from index to pinkie, "ah.. it's a broken one.."
"is that.. bad?" her juniper eyes study your expression meticulously.
"it just means u're closed off, stubborn, have some emotional trauma.. stuff like that." you mindlessly fiddle with her fingers, "lines can change though, so.."
she nods, taking in the insight. she licks her slightly chapped lips clean, "am I stubborn?" her voice rises partially an octave, bending playfulness in her question.
"mm.. no."
"why'd you hesitate?"
"well- the only times ur' stubborn is refusing to let go whenever you hug me- ur' a life-size sloth!" 
"I like huggin' you though." a puppy pout frowns on her lips, "you're like a pillow!"
and oh, how your heart capers a beat, "is that all I am, williams?"
her swift speech conjuncts, "whaddid' I say about that name?!"
"I don't know, I think you like it." 
"nuh-uh I don't!"
you pepper a haste kiss to her knuckles still forcepped in your clasp, totally deterring the crime you've just committed when a half impish half taken aback smile creaks her lips.
"c'mere." vaults from her tongue before she lunges her body forward and tackles you in a saucy position riddled with love bites. guess you'll be reading her palms in a different way tonight.
⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆ V. ☆ an bonus hc, you'd totally mention out of the void about her tattoo n the mystic meanings surrounding moths, like, its for sure one of the topics you'll ramble about one night cause you just feel so wise for knowing. "y'know, moths play a pretty large role in the metaphysical world." "really? i mean, i knew they had some kind of.. 'symbolism' to them-" ellie's hand rolls over the knoll of her forearm, reading the bumps glamoured in that beautiful inking. "yeah, like- luna moths represent transformation, renewal.. oh! and death-head moths are an omen of death.. an- and black witch moths mean either good luck, or bad-" ellie is amused at your prattle shown by her raspy giggles, legitimately having to conceal her scrunched face. "what?" "nothin' you- you're just so cute." "stop.." the embarrassment catches up to you, now having to hide your face to the shadows beneath your hands. her finger cranes out to hook and uncover your nerdy grin, assuring, "never stop tellin' me bout this stuff, ok babe?" a wide delighted beam syncs on her cheeks. goddess above, her dimples and nasal lines are to die for. ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
in general; she's a curious dork n will ask you oh so many questions, i mean, she loves space and a futuristic sci-fi comic for crying out loud, she's alrdy so imaginative so ofc she'd be open to a realistic amount. she'd also be so respectful and helpful n defend ur practice with so much love. maybe she'd pick up some little traditions and customs like folding letters a specific amount of times, drawing little pentacles, mixing liquid in specific directions, just the simple things that grow on her.
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transboysokka · 10 months
tell me about autistic Zuko (modern au or canon. Like how he grew up, why it’s justified in canon, how people around him react to it/are they assholes or not) bc I’ve been thinking about him but I can’t seem to articulate all my feelings into words and you’re good at that <3
hahahaha gladly here is a smattering of Facts and Evidence, in no particular order
Fact #1: His special interest is the Avatar. That boy’s done so much research!! (I’m joking with this one and yet… 👀)
Evidence #1: His father was embarrassed of him when he was a kid. This could have been for a variety of reasons including that he’s gay but also if you are trying to raise an heir of a powerful nation, you would see a lot of autism symptoms as a weakness, especially things like awkwardness, difficulty making eye contact, etc
Evidence #2: He doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends growing up which can also be explained in different ways but a kid just following around his sister and her friends all day? sus
Evidence #3: The way he rehearses what he’s going to say to Aang at the Western Air Temple… and the awkwardness of it makes it So Much More… it’s the most really, THE autistic of scenarios. We GOTTA practice big conversations like that before they happen, we just do…
Evidence #4: He borrows from other scripts for social interaction. You know when he’s trying fo get along with everyone at the air temple and he makes tea for them and try to tell a joke? Why does he do that? Because he’s mimicking Iroh, who is probably the most outgoing person in his life, and following exactly what Iroh does to be friendly and ingratiate himself with others…
Evidence #5: Missing social cues. I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head but I think we’ve all seen it. Also “That’s rough, buddy” is something he TOTALLY stole from someone else because he had no idea what he actually was supposed to say in that situation
Fact #2: now HERE’s a guy who feels deeply but is SO bad at expressing or controlling his feelings. Remember when he was worried about the comet and instead of talking about it just ATTACKED HIS FRIENDS?? oof yeah
Important Headcanon #1: Zuko is really sensitive to texture and has ARFID, which does have a high overlap with autistic folks. This “pickiness” causes real problems for him, especially when he’s v busy being the Fire Lord…. He tends to eat the same foods a lot to sustain himself (fire flakes) and makes the same exact tea for himself every single day. He DOES like to bake and cook though, and is quite good at it, even if he won’t eat it all
Headcanon #2: Our boy’s special interests are history, dao swords, and baking
Headcanon #3: Not a fan of eye contact
Theory #1: Our boy Sokka def has that ADHD and I just don’t think it’s that common or easy for ND folks to be in a relationship with NT folks (I have no proof of this but just think about it for a sec) so therefore Zuko must be neurodivergent
This is a big ol’ mess but for a MUCH more comprehensive and comprehensible Auristic Zuko explanation, please refer to this masterpiece of a post which I just found after spending a bunch of time answering this ask lolol
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forestryfae · 10 months
i like to think klarion just. stole a house and put it in his own magic pocket dimension or something.
either that or vandal just kinda got him a house so hed stop waking up in the morning, walking into the kitchen to get some coffee, only to be greeted with the sight of klarion dead asleep face down on the couch, teekl on top of the kitchen counter licking a brownie, and the kitchen looking like masterchef if masterchef allowed you to put grenades in the batter
also lowkey like the idea of klarion just. not living anywhere. once hes done doing chaos in one place he moves to another place and does chaos there, and never actually stops anywhere for long, at most around the time it takes to steal food from someone and eating it before youre caught or possibly taking a catnap. hes chaos personified, he doesnt really need magic artifacts or spellbooks to do chaos or magic, so he doesnt really need anywhere to store that stuff. if he needs something he takes it from wherever and leaves it wherever. altho def think klarion enjoys theft and stealing stuff just cus he wants it so it would make sense hes got like a lil nest of stolen shiny stuff hidden somwhere even if he doesnt live there
the point is, vandal does not allow klarion into his kitchen unsupervised (not that that helps since klarion refuses to listen) and hes NOT eating anything klarion cooks (could be poisoned) (definitely has cathair in it) (vandal knows that because he SAW teekl put her paw in the batter) (theres hazelnuts in the brownies) (vandal doesnt like hazelnuts) (or cathair)
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cubeshapedlemon · 3 months
hii !!!! I think this is where we request! so I have some ideas for norm (ofc)
yk when vault 32 got attacked ?
what if YOU survived,and hid,trying to defend yourself and surviving by stealing in vault 33 (stole a pip boy to access it) food and other stuff,because u think that every vault got attacked (no communications) so u are always undercover for bad guys,
and even if sometimes rations were low nobody ever suspected a thing or saw you,until norm got charged with giving the prisoners food,and one day in the kitchen he caught u stealin,and he was like « i’ve never seen you around » so you’re scared obv but you open up when u realise he wouldn’t hurt a fly,and because lucy and his dad’s gone,he keeps u in his appartement in secret,stealing supplies for you,letting you use the shower,till you’re ready enough to wander in the vault because it’s safeee! (hes def in love with u)
that’s it bye :3
i finally finished this apologies for the wait🫶 i tweaked the plot a bit and this might be more angsty and smutty than originally expected but in my opinion its pretty good so enjoy and ty again for the request<3
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Two Slow Dancers
When the raiders first attacked 32, your life was forever changed. Going to 33 gave some insight, thanks to one sad-eyed Maclean
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Norm Maclean x f!reader
5.1k words
cw and tags: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, piv, oral sex (f receiving), light biting, hair pulling, hickeys, love confessions, non-sexual intimacy, blink an you'll miss it lewd sexual harassment-esque comments (not by norm), brief description of panic attack, brief hospitalization from said panic attack, cannon typical descriptions of violence, parental death, the quickest slow burn you will ever read, gratuitous use of song lyrics in a narratively appropriate way ( i snuck a lyric in from two slow dancers by mitski in there so brownie points to you if you find it)
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authors note: hey! sorry this took so fucking long! so much stuff was happening plus laziness plus forgetfulness plus life in general so please forgive me! i really enjoyed writing this request and even though i tweaked your original request a bit i hope you still enjoy it! if i missed any misspellings or i missed something in the tags please lmk! anywho if you enjoy this please send me more requests! (info in pinned post) reblogs are greatly appreciated but please don't translate or repost this anywhere without my permission!
I will never forget that day. The sounds of shots ring out, followed by the useless fizz of tranq guns, skulls shattering against the walls with a now all too familiar crack. I lead my life holding onto aspirations and hope, the thought of a husband, children, of reclamation day. How stupid was I truly, to hold out hope for something like that. Gods, I never thought I would have to worry about anything else.
Until that day dawned, I could have fought and died honorably, my mother did, my father did. I never thought I would ever see my father cry. Nothing could have prepared me for the rageful sob that he let out once they got to my mother–the grief that beat through him with gnashing teeth and blood red rage. I could do nothing but follow my father's orders, dragging my mother and hoping somehow, somewhere, we could be safe.
The boiling hot tears in my eyes made it nearly impossible to see. My hands were occupied, trying to stop the bleeding. Nothing was working, every movement and bit of pressure lathering my hands in crimson. I never thought I would know what death looks like; that day I learned several versions of his ugly face. The endless, malice filled stare of my father, the desperate simpering expression of the children. The most memorable of them being the one that covered my mother.
Pity. A pitiful expression, a soft, challenging smile. She wiped my tears, her dying breath a word of comfort to me. “It's ok, you did what you could baby. It's my time, you need to promise me one thing though. Can you do that?” Anything I nod, slipping my fingers between hers. “Save yourself, make me proud.”
So I ran. I hid. I moved quickly when I needed to, stealing whatever I could from them, breaking into whatever room that had what I needed. I started hearing the footsteps less and less. After a day or two they ceased all together. I could wander freely, the click of my boots the only sound.
☆ ☆ ☆
The next few days pass in unimportant washes, each day I discover another body, another busted up apartment, another tragedy. I force myself to move on.
Resources are sparse. The raiders took anything that wasn't directly bolted down it seems. Even that didn't entirely stop them. It quickly became clear that I had no communication with the other vaults, the overseer's computer now a busted hunk of scrap.
Seemingly the only piece of tech they didn't destroy was the control panel to the door connecting us and 33. Oh gods, that means-
They've surely invaded them now too. Against my better judgment, I need to see the proof for myself. With shaking hands I press the button, the door slowly groaning open. A dark hall greets me, the deafening silence of my vault giving the air an eerie tinge that infests every corner of the room. Taking a deep breath, I step inside.
At first, I only hear my own steps. The same sound I have heard for weeks on end. Trudging forward, I start to hear more. Muffled speech, walking, the soundtrack of normalcy. It's not long before I see the creators of this sound. They seem to be true vault dwellers, though I have no evidence that they are. Sure they are wearing the suits of 33, but who knows? Maybe the raiders infiltrated them and decided to take over?
Either way I need to stay vigilant. I'll just do a quick scan for supplies then leave. It'll be ok. I can do this. Following the oddly familiar path I make my way to the pantry. Quickly checking the small glass panel in the door, I see that it's empty. Taking my chance I make my way inside, closing the door behind me silently.
I look at the labels for each of the cabinets. There are plenty of rations, much more than 32 ever had. Certainly more than we have now. Poking around a bit more I decide it's probably a good idea to only grab small amounts. I don't need someone finding me out. Distracted, I don't notice the door click open. That is until I hear the loud rumble of a cart. Drawing my tranq gun, I turn and point it at the unfortunate soul who found me.
Surprise befalls his face, hands going up. The man is rather small. Shorter than me with a slight build. Dark hair plastered into an unnaturally perfect styling. “Who are you?” I demand, my voice deepening as I attempt to intimidate him. He gapes pathetically at me for a few seconds, looking back towards the glass panel in the door, seeing no one in the surrounding halls.
“Norm- Norman Maclean.” he manages to get out, his eyes searching over my expression, looking for something.
“Maclean?” I question, why does that name sound so familiar? “As in overseer Maclean?” That seems to give him some relief, he lets out a held breath, arms sagging slightly.
“Yes! Please don't shoot me,” he says, his voice high pitched, as if he expected me to shoot him then and there.
“Fine,” I say, holstering the gun again. He's probably not dangerous.
Seeing that he lowers his arms, taking a step away from me. His eyes scan me more intensely now, gaze falling on the vault-identifying pin on my collar. Clearly not believing what he was seeing, he backs himself into a wall. “You're- from 32?” he asks, voice quivering slightly, though he was clearly trying to cover it up.
“Shhh,” I chastise, walking towards him, a hand smacking over his mouth in the process. “What's it to you?” He attempts to speak something into my hand, which obviously gets muffled. Moving my hand away he speaks again, in a now quieter tone.
“I thought all of you had died, because of the-” he looks to the side, as if looking at the walls would help sugarcoat his statement. “Raiders,” he completes his statement, crossing his arms defensively.
So he does know about them
“No,” a bitter laugh forces itself out, guarding whatever I had left in me. “I wasn't fortunate enough to.” My face is adorned by a tight-lipped grimace. Looking down I feel tears start to well up again. I force them away.
I look back up. The man's face is no longer defensive, it's almost solemn. His arms now at his side, “I-” he goes to speak, tone sympathetic but whatever pity he had prepared dying on his tongue. “Follow me,” is what he decides on. Wait, follow me? What the hell is he talking about? My internal reaction must have played out on my face, he goes to speak again.
“You need to get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days.” Wow, rude, although true. “You can stay in my apartment for the time being, I need to tell our council that you're here.” Oh, gods no, what if they kick me out? I broke in! I'm not supposed to be here! My worry kicks up again, the energy filling the room.
“It will be ok, they just need to know, so you don't have to hide.” He places what is probably meant to be a comforting hand on my arm, though he removes it swiftly. Deciding to bite the bullet, I follow him.
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The door opens with a thunk, a home identical to mine in 32 stands before me, identical to what was in 32. “This is it.” He leads me inside with a hand hovering at the small of my back. Not touching, but just enough of a beckoning presence that I instinctively go. It's so clean. It's practically sterile compared to what 32 has been reduced to at this point.
“Make yourself at home, I'll be back soon.” With his last word, he promptly excuses himself. The home is eerily empty, like something is missing. Typical aspects of a lived-in home are present, dirty dishes, a half finished board game on the living room floor. Something distinct is off about it still.
Though, that is not something that is particularly important right now. Following his instructions, I make myself at home. It's been an unfortunate amount of time that I have been forced to go without the typical luxuries that the vaults provide. The luxuries I will not go without for any longer.
A shower being the first thing on that list. Unfortunately I don't have anything different to change into after, my once perfect blue suit now tinted with memories and rusty red stains. But, it will have to do.
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About half an hour later, I hear the distinct thunk of the door opening once more. Stepping out of the bathroom I see him waiting for me, what looks to be some folded regulation pj's and a fresh suit in his hands. “They uh, said you could stay with me for now,” he begins, tone nervous, as if I would turn him down in some way. “I grabbed you some clean clothes. I just took a guess for your size.” Letting out a sigh of relief, I walk forward grabbing the carefully stacked clothes from his arms. Our hands brushing briefly as he hands them over.
“Thank you, really.” My tone is much lighter than earlier today, though still firm, hoping that he would understand the honesty in my statement through it. If he believes me he doesn't show it, his eye contact breaking as he gives me a cordial nod. I return it, walking back into the bathroom to change. The smooth cotton of the t-shirt and the slightly loose sleep shorts give a simple level of comfort. He seems to have guessed correctly, almost impossibly so, when it comes to sizing. The basic outfit somehow looking vaguely flattering on my figure.
Stepping out of the bathroom once again I see that he has busied himself in the kitchen, something popping and sizzling in the pan in front of him. He acknowledges me with a slight turn of his head before going back to his task. Walking around a bit more, I find a collection of holotapes. Every genre you could think of, labeled and organized alphabetically.
Choosing a random one I click it into place on the player. With a press of the button a familiar tune fills the air.
…Everybody loves somebody sometime…
“So,” he says, voice raising over the soft playing of the music. “They want to meet you, the council,” he informs, tone conversational yet careful.
“Oh?” I question, walking over to him.
“Yeah, they uh- want to help you acclimate to the new environment and all.” The stove clicks off, turning around he brandishes two plates with a simple meal, handing one to me before walking over to the table.
“I-” he pauses, rethinking whatever he was about to say. “I think they might, make you talk to them. See them at least,” he says, tone careful. Pushing the food around his plate a bit, he takes a small bite. Them.
“You captured them? The raiders?” There is a bite to my words, accusatory and harsh. “You kept them alive? After all they have done?”
“Unfortunately.” His tone has a similar bitterness. At least he understands where I'm coming from. Walking to the table, I sit across from him, taking a few bites from my meal. Each of our frustrations and anger sizzling out slowly in favor of a comfortable silence. Every once and a while he would attempt to make polite conversation. I of course return it, continuing the conversation when I can. He really is quite nice, funny too. Really is a shame I had to meet him under such harsh circumstances.
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After the meal I offer to clean up out of politeness, he gives a grateful smile when he accepts. The picture was almost domestic, the scent of the sweetpea dish soap and the sound of some old Cooper Howard film in the background. This picture soon became part of a routine. Many would probably question how quickly Norm and I got along, though I don't. After what we have both gone through recently, normalcy is what we crave, and this is about as close as we could get to it.
Days pass, weeks along with them. The comfortable relationship we have formed only continues to get better. The council calls me in every once and a while, trying to figure out what to do with me. Placing me in a job for a while, moving me to another. While my number of attempted jobs aren't quite as impressive as Norm's they're still worth noting. He makes sure to mention this when I start a new one, adding a tally to the board he made on a whim one day.
Eventually they do make me see them. They assured me it would be ok, that I was safe, that nothing could hurt me. They know nothing about hurt. About that pain. Norm, of course, insisted on coming with me. Neither of us knew how much I would need that support.
The walk to the cell was silent. A deafening silence. Far away from the comfortable, peaceful, loving silence I had grown accustomed to with Norm. Getting closer the sounds of fists against metal walls and reinforced glass make themselves known. Peering in, I see them. Not many of them recognize me, nor do I recognize them. Except one.
I will never forget the expression on his face. The pure giddy delight at seeing me again, knowing what he had done. The beady eyes staring me down now, the very same ones that rolled back in almost orgasmic pleasure as he slashed down everyone I had ever known. His face still splattered with specks of the now crusted over blood of my mother. A scar on his neck now healing over, gifted to him by my father.
He walks slowly over to the window, holding eye contact with me as a sneer covers his face. Licking his rotted teeth he looks me up and down leisurely. Assessing me like I'm a piece of meat. I feel Norm tense beside me, his jaw clenching in anger. The raider looks to him and laughs, a loud, hacking laugh. “Come to visit me? Well ain't that just sweet. Your little lapdog there looks like he's ‘bout to burst a blood vessel.”
Truly he did, but he continued to hold his tongue. The piece of shit in the cell just turned his attention back to me anyway. “You know you look just like your mama? Pretty thing she was, your daddy didn't let me take a bite outta’ her but he's not here to keep you safe now is he?” That strikes a nerve, as hard as I might try to suppress it, I can't stop it. My eye twitches as I attempt to force back an onslaught of tears.
Noticing this, Norm places a comforting hand on my back, “We're done here.” His tone is firm, about as close to threatening as he can get. With a small push he leads me back down the hall. Though of course that fucker had to have the last word, lewd comments and insinuations of violence following us. As soon as they dissipated everything came crashing down. My legs crumble beneath me, heart thumping in my chest like I had just run a marathon. My diaphragm crushes my chest from the inside, constricting my breathing further. I hear blood rush to my ears, vision spotting. The last thing I see is Norm, his panicked expression as he holds the back of my head. It all goes black.
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“Please wake up please.” My eyes slowly flutter open, the familiar voice catching my attention. My back is stiff, the bed beneath me having only a thin mat-like excuse for a mattress. Bright fluorescents blind me, forcing me to turn my head to the side. Then I see him, sitting in a regulation chair, half bent over. Perfectly quaffed hair now rumpled, natural waves making their presence known. A few lone tear tracks are left on his face. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, ever-present bags under them deeper than usual.
“You look awful,” I say, voice still laced with a cotton-mouthed raspiness. That catches his attention, Looking up to meet my eyes, he lets out a breathy laugh. Pulling his chair closer to the bed he clasps his hand in mine, using the other to push his mess of hair off of his face.
“I feel it, good to know I'm giving off the right image.” A small smile works its way onto my face. He mirrors it, squeezing my hand. As much as I enjoyed the peaceful joy of the moment, there is a nagging question hanging in the air.
“What happened?” While my question did dampen the mood, he nods, giving me my answer.
“They said you probably had a panic attack, you passed out and I brought you here.” The memories of what transpired flood back, if not for the comforting weight of his hand in mine, I would have been swallowed whole by them. “They cleared you to leave, if you want to go home.”
Home. I want nothing more.
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The weeks following my hospital stay, Norm became more doteing than ever. I was not allowed to cook a single meal, make a pot of coffee, or clean up around the house. Really anything he could reasonably convince me of. Not that I was complaining. Something about the recent events must have struck him in some way. While he was always open about his past and the unfortunate things that had happened since the raiders, he truly started to bare his heart to me.
It just makes me wish I had known him longer. It would be a hundred times easier if we were young again. Starting fresh. Though, I could not be happier with how we have gotten to grow together. It's funny how long it took for us to realize our affections for each other. To identify the source of the pang in my heart when he smiled, the swell in his when I laughed.
This all culminated one night. Dinner had been cooked, eaten, and cleaned up. The credits of A Man and His Dog scrolling on the Tv. With a small sigh I get off the couch, turning off the Tv, and waltzing over to the holotape player, putting on one of my favorites.
… I don't want to set the world on fire…
Humming along with the music I walk over to Norm, grabbing at his hands and attempting to haul him up from the couch. “Come on dance with me,” I coo, putting on my best guilt-tripping doe eyes. With a huff, and a sarcastic eye roll he gets up, allowing me to drag him to the open space near the player. “You know,” I begin, grabbing his hand, “to dance you actually have to move.”
“Do I really?” he jokes back, his free hand going to the small of my back.
“Mm-hmm,” I hum, my other hand going to the back of his neck, cradling it as we begin to sway to the music.
… In my heart I have but one desire…
Sighing, I lean closer into him. A familiar ache finding itself in my chest. The lyrics of the song spell it out perfectly to an almost cliché level. Mirroring my own actions, he pulls me farther into him, delicately leaning his head across my shoulder. “Thank you,” I say, my tone is soft, almost unsure.
“For what?”
… I just want to be the one you love…
“For everything, for giving me a place that feels like home.” He makes a small sound of acknowledgement, squeezing me just a little tighter. “For being a person that feels like home,” I tack on, leaning my head against his.
“You don't have to thank me,” he says, almost absentmindedly. “I don't know what I would do without you at this point,” he says, a half laugh poorly covering the honesty in his statement.
And with your admission that you feel the same…
Letting out a hum of agreement, I throw caution to the wind. Placing a gentle kiss to his temple, I allow myself more. More of him, more of what I need. Raising his head from my shoulder in surprise he looks up to me, desire swirling in his eyes. “Please,” he whines, with a laugh I bring my lips to his, pausing just before they meet.
“Don't have to ask me twice,” I joke, finally locking our lips together.
… I don't want to set the world on fire, honey. I love you too much…
He returns my kiss straight away, whining something unintelligible into it. The saccharin sweet taste of Nuka Cola invades my senses. Deepening the kiss I run my tongue along the seam of his lips, asking for permission. Allowing me in, the kiss becomes mostly tongue and teeth. Removing my hand from his I place it on his hip, squeezing I begin to lead him back. My subconscious bringing us down the path to his bedroom.
… Darlin’ I have only one desire. And that one desire is you…
As soon as we are over the threshold of the doorway, both of us are in a rush to feel eachother skin to skin. Boots and socks toed off before either of us could get a breath in. He quickly unzips my suit, forcing the material down and off of me. My hands soon do the same. With a lonesome whine he breaks our kiss, running his hand across my waist he looks up at me with an expression of pure need. “Gods, you are gorgeous,” he professed, placing a languid trail of kisses along my neck and collarbone.
Taking hold of me, he turns us, pushing me back onto the bed. After a moment, in which he looks to be mostly admiring, he joins me on the bed. Scooting back, I lay against the pillows positioned at his headboard. Grabbing his wrist, I pull him up to meet me. One of my hands goes to the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine once again.
The kiss is slow, passion dripping from the soft pillows of his lips. His hands work their way behind my back, undoing the clasps of my bra. Bringing his hands to my front again, he guides the straps off my arms, returning them to their original position after. Tossing the bra away, his hands busy themselves. Palms run across my stomach, moving up my torso to cup my breasts.
Squeezing softly, a thumb rubs across one of my nipples, the bud hardening to a peak. Breaking the kiss, he moves down my body, leaving light nips in his path until his face is even with my chest. Looking up to me he gives me a pleading expression, clearly asking for permission. With my nod, he quickly gets to work. His warm mouth envelopes one of my nipples, his tongue flicking at it. The sensation causing pleasure to spark, the feeling traveling downwards.
My hips buck up, independent from my body. Though, he pushes them back down with one of his hands. He releases from my breast with a pop, leaving a soft kiss on the side before swapping to the other. Sucking desperately, his hips begin to grind against mine, his hardness pressing against me with the subtlety of a freight train.
The hand that was currently occupied on my hip leisurely trails itself to my core. Middle and ring fingers pressing into the fabric. Finding the thin cotton to already be soaked through, he lets out a hum of surprise, pulling off my breast. He looks up, eyes filled with excitement, the silent question present as well.
“All for you, pretty boy,” I inform, letting out a giggle at how quickly he moves to remove my underwear, tossing it somewhere in the room. With an air of urgency, his hands venture down my body. Though, they stop every inch or so to give an appreciative squeeze. His lips follow the path, leaving a soft kiss or a teasing bite. Once his face is even with my core, he lets out a sigh of contentment.
Pulling my thighs apart, he settles between them, tossing my legs to rest on his shoulders. “All for me huh?” he asks, a teasing tone interwoven into his speech. Looking up to me, he begins his path down my inner thigh, his eyes stay locked on mine the whole way down. Though, he breaks once he finally gets to where I need him most. Breathing deeply, his eyes roll back. Placing a delicate kiss on my pubic bone, at long last, he indulges.
Two fingers move to separate my folds, the wetness there coating them. A satisfied groan racks itself through his body, fulfilling his ultimate need, he finally places his mouth on me. Flattening his tongue, he releases a whine, arms wrapping around my thighs, pulling me even closer.
“Fuck- just like that.” The firm strokes of his tongue start to push me towards the familiar edge. Waves crashing deep inside of me, another round of wetness releasing. His hips stutter into the mattress, his desperation becoming painfully obvious. With a well-timed grind of my hips, he slips his tongue inside of me. The bridge of his nose presses against my clit, the sensation causing me to clench around him.
The waves begin crashing harder, forcing me closer and closer to the precipice. His pace doesn't falter once, edging me closer and closer by the second. My hands tighten, fisting the sheets below me. It isn't enough, bringing one to his head, my nails scratch his scalp lightly before grasping firmly at the roots of his hair. The moan that he lets out against me is sensual, like nothing pleases him more than the light, stinging pain I'm currently inflicting on him.
With a new found ferocity, he moves to suction his lips around my clit, suckling lightly as his middle finger prods at my entrance. It slides in without a lick of resistance, which he seems quite pleased by. He thrusts the single finger in a few times, his ring finger joining it soon after. Curling his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion, the gradual crashing of the waves begins to spark into more.
The tips of his fingers press diligently against the spongy spot inside of me, forcing me to the edge. Sooner than I ever imagined, I was forced off of it. My eyes drag themselves closed, stars exploding behind them. My grip on his hair only gets firmer, which he seems all too pleased about. The consistent thrusts of his fingers and flicks of his tongue working me through it, only stopping once I pull his face away.
The entire lower half of his face is covered in my essence, his expression is divine. Lips reddened and plump, eyes dazed and pupils blown out. “Fuck, I love you,” he confesses, voice thick with both lust and honesty. I don't know if it was his confession, or the pure need for him deep within me, but I pull him up to me. Crashing my lips onto his I taste myself, grabbing at him urgently wherever I can reach.
“I love you too,” I breathe out, breaking the kiss briefly. My wandering hand makes its way down his body, finding the heavy tent in his pants. He whines, hips pressing forward into where my hand is cradled. I pull his head back, forcing him to look me in the eye. “Now fuck me like you need to prove it.”
Taking that as an order, he gives me a quick peck before kicking off his boxers. Reaching forward towards my head, he grabs a pillow, lifting my hips to place it under. Using his already slick fingers, he grabs hold of himself, rubbing the tip against me lightly before easing it in. Inch by inch my core swallows him down until he is buried to the hilt.
He pulses inside me, though Norm is clearly holding himself back. He nearly chokes on his own spit as he steadies himself with my hips. With an impatient mewl and circle of my hips, he gets the message to get on with it. His pelvis smacks into mine, the pace he set being slow, but intentionally firm. His fingers curl into the fat of my upper thighs, the pressure enough to leave bruises. Something that neither of us seem to mind.
He makes a small adjustment in his posture, sliding my hips up just slightly. The small change creates an ocean of impact. The slight upward curve of him now hitting perfectly inside of me on every stroke. My moans uptick, getting louder as they mingle with his own. The exquisite sensation reawakens the crashing of waves. Noticing this change in my demeanor, he moves one of his hands to my center, his thumb rubbing short circles on my clit.
His eyes are half lidded now, glazed over with lust, though his gaze could not be more loving. Giving him a lopsided smile I pull him close to me again, his head now cradled to my shoulder. The proximity gives me delicious access to his neck. Placing a few sloppy kisses, I latch on, my teeth sinking carefully into the flesh.
He lets out a guttural moan, a trail of mindless whimpers and mewls following. Breaking away for a moment I softly lick, soothing the now irritated skin. “P-Please, more- please,” he manages to whine out. His hips stutter for a moment before picking up again, his pace faster now. Smiling against him, I fulfill his wish.
Latching on again I suck a deep bruise into his skin. Moving down, I place another on his collar bone. The stimulation motivating him to pick up his pace even more. Reluctantly he leans back, allowing himself to reach deeper. This new deeper angle forces me to recognize the sparks deep in my stomach, the intensity of them catching up quicker than before.
I go to tell him, though he shakes his head, silencing me. “I know, I am too,” he establishes through a groan. The circles on my clit get faster and sloppier, shoving me closer and closer to the edge as every moment passes. I whine out his name, falling off the edge again.
He follows just behind me, thrusts deep and sure as he pulses inside of me, releasing himself, the pleasurable warmth of it consuming my being. He falls forward, catching himself, he falls to my side. An arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against him, he cuddles into the crook of my neck. A sigh of contentment is shared between us.
I can definitely get used to this.
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gentlefangz · 5 months
my grandmother basically confiscated my fucking Xbox (aka last thing i have social media access on currently. i stole it back, shes def gonna be pissed if she finds out, which is most likely.) during a discord vc i was in. she doesn't like the idea of me having any social media access, which is really bold coming from her whenever i dont even get to hang out with irl friends after school because of her. (i could just allow her access to my accounts, but she and my grandfather are huge right-winger trump dickriders so i would be in danger if i let that happen.) so basically she takes the last thing i can actually talk to people outside of my household on. cool i fucking guess.
i cant do the school chromebook thing because my school made it impossible to use a personal account on them recently. just my fucking luck.
so i snuck the Xbox away now while she's smoking and watching YouTube in the garage. and you wanna know what i find out when i try to log back onto Discord because it *mysteriously* logged me out? my account was disabled. they thought i was under 13. im not.
i will likely make another account. im supposed to get a new phone in 2 weeks or so and ill try to figure out a way to get on Tumblr and Discord on there if my grandmother doesn't try to surveillance everything i do on it.
@ariesthebarry im tagging you because we're pretty good friends on Discord and you were in the VC. im fine, ive been occupying myself w/ continuing my HS readthrough via watching the Let's Read on my Roku and drawing and tidying my room since its a shitfest. im already close to act 6 and im starting to like it. im not sure when ill be able to get communication access again. i just know im supposed to get a new phone soon so maybe this situation will get better.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
what to name this jess x rio x jeff au? 🤔 eh it ont need a name rn
anyway i’mma just make a list of ideas
they’re all married
jess is miles’ other mom (because i say so)
miles’ jess and jeff’s child
billie’s jess and rio’s child
jada’s jess and rio’s another child
they’re a happy family
miles, as the oldest, is protective of his baby sisters.
jada n billie always ask for miles as much as he plays with them
jada is a february baby
miles (canonical but i’m addin it away) is a august baby
billie’s a june baby (idk her canon birthday but late june - early may seems right for her)
jada has 4c hair, billie has 3b hair n miles has 4a-4b hair
all of them except for jada are tenderheaded
they all have thick hair tho
jada’s clinger with jess than with any of her other parents (rio fake pouts about this because “my baby doesn’t spend as much time with me!”, the two women laugh it off tho, lil jay’s left oblivious)
the babies are a year apart, jada’s the youngest.
since miles is 13-14 years older than the babies, he likes to act like they’re his babies.
jess is trusted with the kids’ hair most days because of rio’s work schedule and jeff can’t braid.
rio and jess mostly speak spanish amongst themselves and the kids, jeff is left out convos most times but he doesn’t care too much as his wives are just so beautiful when they speak spanish.
rio is transfem (to me 😭😭) and her partners are widely supportive, she began to transition once miles was born.
(if we’re talkin bout transfem miles) rio would be absolutely estatic once she told her that she feels more of a girl than a boy (transfem genderfluid miles has my heart 🫶🏽) she still dresses ‘masculine’ and uses her name n he/him pronouns (genderfluidity at its finest, can you tell i’m slightly projectin?)
jess and jeff would be excited as well, they’d have a party n everythin (he would be shocked how all out they went from her)
(closin transfem miles section)
hobie comes over from time to time to see billie and jada, jada’s his favorite (jkjk, they’re both so lovable)
(punkflower thingy) once rio, jess and jeff heard about miles dating hobie, i’d say jess was the most accepting. she loves the kid, he kinda reminds her of herself so obviously her favorite boyfriend of miles’ (the only one *cough*)
(miles and miles 42 as twins) miles is older by 10 minutes, myle gotta big head and miles would tease him relentlessly about it when jess told them the birth stories. (actually i’mma add this to the au !!!)
myle n jada just clicked when she was born, same with miles n billie but they all love each other equally (or do they? /j)
(au where miles’ spider man and myle’s the prowler) they didn’t know about their secret identities until they went home one night and found each other in their suits. there was a lot of questioning after.
(punkflowerbyte au) jess was really happy when she heard that her son’s dating a black girl (let’s be so honest, black queen’s his type fam) along with his childhood friend who she loves like a son. she was really keen on getting to meet margo, the two hit it off instantly and they’re like best friends (miles sometimes jokes how his momma stole his girl, hobie agrees)
that’s all i gots now, more may be added. i really like this au, it may stay talked about from me really. i’mma def make oneshots on ao3 about it <3
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rulanarinrush · 7 days
drdt ch2 ep 13 spoilers, just some general thoughts
This was a really good episode I think, the logical train of thought in this episode compared to the last episode feels a bit more consistent. I don't mean the last episode was bad, just that David is just wowza^tm. Speaking of David, dang dude, do you want a cookie to go with that face you made? drdt really is starting to double as a comedy for me but only bc it appeals to my weird sense of humor now.
I'm now really suspicious of Ace and Hu, congrats those culprit believers. I didn't actually realize how similar the attempted murder was to this one, but I guess now that I know that the mechanism used was shockingly simple(I would not have expected the support beams to hold under that much force...) it does make sense in hindsight. I think there's some merit to the idea that Nico, whether intentionally or unintentionally, covered up for maybe Hu's potential murder attempt(the wire), and that Nico was actually trying to save Ace. But something that gets to me is when Hu would have found the time to grab the fish(assuming Eden is being honest about being with her from 7-10). I have a hard time believing that Nico would willingly give up the fish to be killed, or would cover for her alibi in the morning, or would simply just... let her get away with even their life(killer wins the trial and all). This may in fact be where both of their secret quotes comes into play, if Hu really did attempt that, Veronika is the only one I see as willing to give Hu the fish, and I can't remember how long she and Teruko were together, so maybe it's possible. But if we're going off the assumption that the note is real, that still does not negate the fact that Hu was with Nico that time in the morning. I'm also really curious how Nico would have agreed to steal the turpentine for this purpose if they didn't try to kill Ace on their own. What, did Hu say she needed the turpentine to drink it or something?
At first I just assumed that since Nico is apparently a thief(/lh) they just stole the wire from Hu, but perhaps not. Perhaps they agreed to this and the condition that Hu would immediately confess if she killed Ace? But since that didn't happen, Nico is holding up their end of the bargain.
The main problem I see with Hu being the killer besides the fish is just that I cannot believe Nico would willingly cover for Hu with their life on the line. She'd probably know a lot about hangings and all, but when would she have found the time to commit murder? If it occurred between 7:30 and 8:00, that is a very tight timespan. I guess she also knows about the clothes too, but it's still one of those pieces of evidence that's like, I think anyone who went in the dressing room could have found it.
I do think that anyone could have gotten the tape(as Ace could have simply kicked it away while standing up) but ppl r right that it's a suspicious detail to just disappear. Levi is still a little suspicious to me(im sorry) because his whole secret did not, frankly, contribute that much to the murder besides getting the other motives out, and he could have investigated the gym after the murder attempt, but there's still no smoking gun yet, so I won't jump him.
Ace is clearly suspicious bc he could have followed Arei after her and David's convo, as well as his missing alibi, the fact that he def. has motivation to kill, and that he could have been eavesdropping on their convo specifically to find a moment to get the fish. He would also probably know best about the murder attempt besides, again, Nico and Hu. He also would probably know where the turpentine is later too.
Also dang, was Eden the one that stabbed Xander? Part of me feels very suspicious because this revelation feels far too early in the story, but of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that she's the mastermind or traitor. The figure in the prologue says they were wrong to trust them(i think...) so unless they're talking about nico it refers to multiple people. Also, the figure isn't wearing gloves in the prologue? though that can easily be explained through the bleeding, you wouldn't want to touch an open wound with dirty gloves. But anyway, due to their height difference, I'm guessing Eden somehow got Xander down on the floor based on the angle of the shot. What, did she tackle him or something? Guess she coulda gone pro if she hadn't joined hope's peak.(bad reference). She looks upset in the shot... that's all I can say about that scene really. I don't think it's enough to say for sure whether she's involved in the establishment of the killing game, it's just as likely she could have been forced to do that somehow.
(This is only relevant if you are one of my friends)
If Ace actually ends up being the killer, I literally haven't drawn anything that wasn't related to a diagram in years(basically I draw things but not like. what you'd consider high art/anime art... ) but I suppose. I am honor bound. I'm mostly a fanfiction writer but I'd better start practicing drawing Ace's face on my phone for that meme lmfao...
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blkkizzat · 2 months
Okay would I be wrong to say that-
First of all, gojo would be an EXTREME Drake/Nicki (Meg too) fan?? Choso definitely blasts Rod Wave and XXXTentacion in the car, at home, and sometimes with his brothers. Toji is giving BIG DaBaby and Kevin Gates energy (Choso freaky ass listens to Kev too it’s just always in private😂😂) Geto is like a mix of Khalid, Tory Lanez, 6LACK, Giveon, and a lil J. Cole sprinkled in dere🤏🏽. Sukunas def giving Desiigner, King Von, Nardo Wick and mayyyybe Travis Scott…? Anything aggressive. (I would say Baby Kia but that’s the easy way out and we die like men😤) And Nanami fs listens to Miguel religiously, even before he meets usss. Also Fetty wap, T-pain, OutKast, and Akon after he meets us.
Anywayyyyy… just a thought😏 I’m dying for your opinion on thisss😫
omg yasss! you get it!!! do we share a brain cause YESSS to ALL of this!!! waiit i love u sm for this cause i have many thots when it comes to music and jjk...
I'm convinced Gojo and Drake the same people in different timelines dkhskdjahsdkjads Drake literally calls himself the 6 god.
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Gojo reppin young money til the wheels fall off (and they wont cause he rich! hfjchsdkjhsk) he love him some nicki and wayne too!
This was one of the first headers I made for my blog
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sidenote: Dogtooth by Tyler the creator is one of my fav gojo coded songs.
LMFAO Choso DEFINITELY bumping xxxtenacion and rod wave. Although I do think Tory's Alone at Prom album (a MASTERPIECE BTW) is super Choso coded. WAIT u got me HOWWWWLING though cause I'm picturing Choso door locked, under covers headphones on listening to Kevin Gates with a college ruled notepad taking fucking notes like "okay...feet facing the ceiling, then i put my tongue in her ass and kiss on her kitty..." (supergeneral freestyle)
Toji definitely got black air force energy so Da Baby and Kevin ALL DAYYYY. Rockstar by Da Baby reminds me of Toji so much. Workout by J. Cole and Mask off by Future. FUTURE IN GENERAL LMFAO. Fitting that Gojo is Drake and Future is Toji and they have beef now lmfaoooo. Cause I def see Toji being tight Gojo stole his bitch jfdhsdkjhaks. He also listens to Migos and 21 savage.
OTW by Khalid is like my FAV Geto coded song, you on the MONEY with that. I also think he is hella Travis Scott coded imo. Also Geto smoother than a motherfucker so yass to Giveon and also Chris Brown (like Under the Influence??? omg). I also think Geto is very The Weeknd/Abel coded cause of the self destructive/dark themes of some of his songs... like "Blinding Lights" and "Faith". OMFG so guilty pleasure headcanon is Geto is into the reggae scene in Japan (which is actually pretty big) and he loves dance hall music so he be bumpin Daddy Yankee and Sean Paul LOLOL. But then also Afrobeats in general cause he would blow your BACK OUT slow and sensual to love nawantiti by ckay fhjkadshsdk.
I can def see Sukuna bumping Desiigner and King Von! My fav Sukuna songs are "No Church in the wild" by JayZ and Kanye. Also Power by Kanye. Also I think Sukuna would bump Kendrick when he on mad time lmfaooo. Notorious Thugs by Biggie and Bone thugs is SO Sukuna. So is steady mobbin by young money tbh. "try me and ill have yo people reading eulogies" (gojo tease lmfaooo). Lmao infact wait Sukuna is Wayne and Toji is Gucci Mane on that song dhkadkahsdk.
Nanami is the one who is the hardest for me to make a playlist too but i like your ideas, I can totally see outkast being his vibe and I never thought of that before OMFG. I also think we could really influences his choices too. Idk if you like Glass Animals but Gooey gives me Nanami. So does French Montana and Swae lee "Unforgettable". Here is a screenshot of my Nanami playlist its all over the place LOL
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what do you think???
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xdreamie · 3 months
I know u probably didn't mean to open up the hannah discussion again but man! From a few situations in recent months she kind of seems like a very proud person who sees certain things as a bit humiliating? Like being the one to reach out first or admitting you treated a friend badly
I remember her answering a chatter that she wont go where she wasnt invited when asked about why she hasnt visited saps kitties (whats so bad about ASKING to visit? Did she expect to be invited?) or when she let sylvee wait cuz she wanted dnf on her stream and didn't even seem apologetic but threw a fit on her priv twt when sylvee 'stole' her mcdonalds stream idea (???)
So what im trying to say is that im not shocked that she resorted to bashing george and dteam after being rejected (reaching out way after the situation settled) by them after her behavior because it very much seems like defense mechanism to call your exfriends shit in order to protect yourself from the responsibility of aknowledging that maybe YOU were the shit friend and not them
Man this got so much longer than expected im sorry loool
yeah. it wasn’t really her first response that irked me (because her rashness was understandable), but how she doubled down, brought up her own follows as a sign of who fans should “trust,” and is now mulling over not being answered once the whole story came out. with the examples you gave, i can def see the pride and projection aspect of the situation.
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avkizi · 3 months
🌞, 🥥, & 🌧️!
🌞; what’s one specific scenario or thing from your dr that you get the nervous jitters for?
i have two big ones and I'm saying them both
def the whole sorting ceremony/ritual/whatever you wanna call it + meeting the rest of my house ESPECIALLY the marauders + the valkyries like it's the I am going to know these ppl for the next over 7 years holy shit + i'm so excited feeling yk?? // marauders dr
(bnha/mha dr) two words, school festival. that wole arc is probably one of my all time favs (probably bc it's not actively traumatizing us) and i'm so excited to experience it!!! also the CONCERT THING?? dude I am such a sucker for y/n moments and this is literally my time to shine fr bc ik me n jirou r gonna eat that shit uppppp (adding a read more bc this is long asfff)
(lil bit of bg info) so when I was scripting this arc I was like huh... what part should I do in the concert thing?? and I had the idea to do tech crew and I was chill w/ it bc like ok I can fly thats useful asf and wings would get in the way of dancing anyway, but then I was listening to hero too (don't judge me its motivating asf) n I was like oh yk what there are a LOT of moments in here that would benefit from added harmonies or have unexplained backup singing (an example is around 3:13 in the song but it's everywhere) bc it's supposedly live right??? like idk if its supposed to be just layered vocals or an echo or whatever but I took that shit and RAN and was like yk what I didnt script I could sing crazy well for nothing bitch I'm singing backup now <3 also I absolutely stole that whole outro bc it fits so so well w my backstory how could I not??? anyway tangent over but yeah i'm genuinley soso excited ajdskjskj
🥥; list three specific smells from your dr and explain them.
fun fact I have an amazing sense of smell in my cr but apparently god had to fucking nerf me so I'm congested like 80% of the time
anyway let's go fr (all of this is from my bnha/mha dr bc thet's the only place i've shifted)
this super specific type of cleaner spray for countertops that we use, it kinda smells like very citrus-y but with notes of mango i've never smelled anything like it here, so it's probably not a thing here, but my and hawk's apartment smells like it like 24/7 (it's called zesty sparkle 😭😭)
kei always gets this spicy ass garlic-y chicken when he comes back from a really crazy patrol, and it smells SO GOOD but i risk my life every time i eat that shit on godddd
i use this shea butter/oil stuff for my feathers so they're nice and shiny and clean looking, and it smells literally the best i would eat it by the jar if i could holy shiiiiiiit
🌧️; who will be the first person you talk to in your dr that you’re excited to meet? how will the convo go?
so i scripted that i'll wake up on the morning i go school shopping w/ lily (i scripted that we're childhood friends <3) so i'm really excited to meet and talk to her tbh!!!! //marauders dr
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writingonleaves · 7 months
clementine sandoval x the blue au: stadium series edition!!! i'm still a bit pissed at myself that it completely slipped my mind while i was writing the first part apologies that it's so long lol i wish i was normal
on friday when devs had their night practice and there was the family skate, clem was not there bc realistically, she couldn't get a night off right before a full day off on saturday. but she cannot skate for her life so this was probably a good thing that no camera could capture her eating shit
saturday comes, clem's bundled up, a devils sweatshirt under her puffer jacket, a red scarf she knitted ages ago, fuzzy red socks and a devils beanie she stole from jack's closet. she didn't want to have to choose between jerseys.
ellen and jim flew in, and so did maeve since MA public schools just started their february break. all the hughes family around the area showed up too.
i was gonna say clem would meet nina and reno now but i have that already planned out in the next part so we're gonna say they dont cross paths and chalk it up to everyone being busy with their own families
i can imagine clem wanted to take part in all the tailgates and excitement tbh so to me she's like jason kelce at the bills tailgates. i heard somewhere that at the nhl awards, ellen was knocking shots back like a champ the night before, so in my world, ellen is def with her walking around these tailgates. at least for an hour or so
and obviously, a lot of devils fans recognize ellen and welcome her into their celebrations and then she introduces clem to everyone as "my daughter! the fourth hughes child!" or something like that
does she shotgun a beer with a fan as people cheer her on? yeah. does she knock a few shots back with ellen and that gets the crowd pumping? hell yeah. were videos of both instances circling around social media with captions like “quinn, jack and luke who? met the superior hughes sibling today”? you bet. devils twitter / hockey twitter in general ate it up
one of clem's fave ever pics of her and ellen is taken by a kind fan at one of these tailgates
the vibes are just so incredibly high even before they head to their seats. it just keeps going at the start of the game right until to end
i like the idea of clem not knowing at all what the boys' entrance outfits were and finding out along with everyone else. she is with the fam waiting to get to their seats and just bursts out laughing when she goes on twitter (her eyes widen when she sees nico's fit but no one needs to know that!)
wont bore anyone with play by play of the game. yes clem screamed her head off when nico scored. she chugged a beer after toffoli scored (its cold!!! gotta keep warm), she almost falls when smith scores. she misses nate's 1st but still screams bc everyone around her is screaming. she jumps out of her seat so quickly for nico's 2nd goal. clem is full out vibing for nate's 2nd and is just dancing around
she has this moment where she realizes that …. if this is what the start of her next chapter of life is going to look like, it ain’t so bad. first time since she’s moved back east where she’s like …. okay yeah this could be home <3
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divorcedwife · 6 months
iirc you mentioned being inspired by queen margot for emelin so every time I see her I always imagine her looking a bit like isabelle adjani so I would def let her poison me, gortash gay as hell
oh true, isabelle adjani in queen margot my most beloved! that story and the movie version are definitely major inspirations, especially the way isabella adjani carries herself at her wedding, stone faced and completely cold. and the setting, this horrible family that's so selfish and doomed and barren. margot also has this sad way of making claims she already knows arent true - that her family loves her, that she's in control, that she only cares about her family. rip...
i think i mentioned it in the tags but i also specifically stole the plot point about poisoning a book, that happens in queen margot. a book is poisoned and they mean to use it to kill margot's husband, but it ends up being found by someone else and that person dies a horrible death
originally my idea was that emelin would write a letter like "hey please read this book, i love it so much, ps : do wear gloves, i think one of the acolytes meant to use it to kill someone and poisoned it" but then i was like and what if she did it on purpose over a petty (and wrong) assumption. i think it's much better that way >:)
and she'll do it again btw
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