#i did also get him a little birthday hat but he hates it so i won’t torture him with it
neondiamond · 3 months
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Today is Noodle’s first birthday!! 🥳🩵🥹
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demonpiratehuntress · 7 months
The Straw Hats realise they like you and confess
Featuring: Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp x F!Reader
Warnings - angst to comfort (Zoro and Sanji). this is my first time writing for the anime, I'm still very new (only on episode 194) so please be nice, and let me know if they're ooc
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"He's avoiding me."
"He's not-"
"He can't stand to be in the same room as me."
Despite Nami's protests and reassurance, you were convinced that the green-haired swordsman was doing his utmost best to stay away from you. There was a distance between you two that hadn't been there until two days ago. Two days ago being the moment he realised he had feelings for you - unbeknownst to you.
"I'm sure there's an explanation-" Robin started.
"Well whatever it is, I don't want to hear it."
You were hurt. He had just stopped talking to you, stopped seeking you out for naps, and stopped being in your presence entirely. You don't even know what you did, and that hurt even more. You stood up from the table, brushing past the frozen swordsman as he entered the room. Tears evident in your eyes to all of them as they watched you go.
Why were you crying? Zoro was immediately concerned. He cared about you, after all, much more than anyone else on the crew. He hadn't realised that until he learned his feelings towards you were romantic, which is the reason for his distancing. He was, admittedly, scared by the fact that he liked you, and his defense mechanism of avoidance kicked in.
"What did you do now?" Nami practically growled at the swordsman.
"Me?" He protested. "I didn't do anything."
The orange-haired navigator rolled her eyes, "You're an idiot. You're avoiding her, and it's making her think you suddenly hate her."
Zoro's mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he didn't know what. You thought he hated you? That couldn't be further from the truth. He, the man who had your favourite colour, favourite food, and favourite everything committed to memory, he who knew your birthday better than his own, he who looked through every store on island stops to find something you would like, could never hate you.
But, he supposes avoiding you might have sent the wrong message.
The next day is pretty much the same, with you being in the room and Zoro not. You sighed and buried your face in your arms, just as the swordsman walked in. This time, he didn't leave.
You looked up, surprised to hear him saying your name. Then you frowned, and dropped your head onto your arms again. You weren't in the mood to deal with him right now.
"I'm...sorry," he got out, a little slow but he managed. "Please look at me."
You sighed again before lifting your head, "What?"
You froze in place, seeing a familiar flower being held out to you. The green-haired swordsman had a bright blush on his face, but he had his head turned as he offered your favourite flower to you, probably too embarrassed about blushing to look at you. You took the flower gently, your own blush forming on your cheeks.
"I like you."
You were stunned for a moment, before your burst into laughter. His eyes widened, his blush darkening as he frowned at you.
"What-what's so funny?!"
"You're adorable."
The rest of you laughed as he grumbled and hastily trudged off, and you smiled as you looked at the flower in your hand.
"I like you too."
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It was a well known fact that Sanji was a massive flirt. Everyone knew about the cook's flirtatious antics, because he got heart-eyed over every woman he saw and everyone had witnessed it at some point. Even Nami and Robin were victim to his advances. But you, for some reason, were not. And it was confusing, to say the least, but it also sparked a deep insecurity.
Were you not pretty enough?
Little did you know, Sanji's aversion to flirting with you was only because every time he tried to say something to you, his tongue would tie itself up into a knot. He would not be able to get a word out, and would just end up looking like an idiot. He didn't want to give Zoro more ammunition. Because even looking at you sent all the thoughts in his head flying out, made his heart beat faster than he thought possible, and stole the breath from his lungs. He couldn't look at you without feeling faint.
"Why am I so unattractive?" You groaned one day, flopping down on the kitchen counter while he was cooking.
His eyes widened at your words, because there was simply no way you really thought you were ugly. He stared at you for a moment, and set down what he was holding to come over to you.
"You're not unattractive."
You scoffed, sitting up to look at him, "Please, you should be the last one to tell me that."
Before he could say anything, your eyes filled with tears and you retreated to your room, leaving him feeling so guilty. So it was because of him you felt that way. He thought it would be more romantic if he didn't flirt with you like a common woman, but it seemed that only made you think you weren't worthy of his affections.
Sighing, he followed you and stopped in front of your room door. He tried calling your name, but you didn't respond. Then he began to call you by other names - sweetheart, love, darling, anything romantic he could think of.
"You're the most beautiful woman in the world," he leaned his forehead against the door, "And I'm sorry I made you feel like you aren't. But I just like you so much that you have me tongue-tied every time I set my eyes on you."
You slowly opened the door, "You like me? You have a weird way of showing it."
"I'm so sorry!" He apologised, falling to his knees and clasping his hands together, "Please forgive me! I promise to make you feel prettier than anything and anyone else in the world, my sweet (Name)."
He looked on the verge of tears, so you shook your head with a smile and grabbed his arm to make him stand.
"You're so lucky I like you too."
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Lord help you. That's pretty much all that can be said. Because when Luffy develops feelings for you, he has absolutely no idea. He doesn't think much of the fact that he constantly wants to be around you, that he constantly wants your attention and that he suddenly shares his food with you. He's so oblivious that romance could smack him in the face and he still wouldn't know a thing about it. So, naturally, Nami and Sanji have to help him realise that what he feels for you is not the same as what he feels for the rest of the crew.
"Oi, (Name)!"
"Luffy, I-" Nami sighed. There was no point in trying to talk to the captain now, you had come into view and stolen his attention. He could simply not focus on anything but you.
You laughed as you came towards the pair, "Luffy. What did you do this time?"
He pouted, "Why do you always think I did something?"
"You're Luffy," you replied, "When are you not doing something?"
"I just wanted to show you this funny fruit!"
He held up a fruit that he had picked from one of the trees on this island, which did admittedly have a funny shape. He then proceeded to break the fruit in two, and gave you a half. Nami practically fainted. You took that half in shock, but upon closer examination you realised it was no ordinary fruit and you tossed it aside, jumping on Luffy.
"Luffy, spit it out!"
"Why?" He asked, mouth already full.
You groaned, and then slapped his cheek. He spit it all out, stunned by your slap and you sighed in relief that he hadn't swallowed any.
"Why did you hit me?" He asked. "I thought I was showing you that I like you. Do you not like me?"
Your eyes widened when he said this, and a deep blush crossed your cheeks, "I do like you, why do you think I was trying to get you to spit out that poisonous fruit?!"
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Pretty sure the only guy to react in a relatively normal way to liking you is this guy. He probably wouldn't notice at first, but he did realise it mid-battle. Some pirates jumped the ship, and his first instinct was to run until he saw you in trouble. You were fighting them off, but one grabbed you from behind and got you into a dangerous chokehold. The bravery to stand up for you that overcame him then was his first indication he had more than friendly feelings towards you.
"(Name), duck!"
That's fair. You could barely talk, but you had managed to scream at him. The sharpshooter raised his shaky arms to take aim at the grinning scum that was hurting you, and without hesitating fired one of his exploding stars at him. You gasped and rolled away from the pirate, clutching your throat as you tried to inhale as much air as possible. Usopp rushed over to you, kneeling beside you as the rest of the pirates were dealt with by the others.
"Are you okay?" He asked, so concerned he was fussing over you, checking for any serious injuries and almost fainting when he saw one small cut on your neck. "You're not okay!"
"Hey, I'm fine," you rasped, "It's just a small scratch."
"CHOPPER! CHOPPER!" Usopp was already screaming for the reindeer.
Once you were treated - in other words, given a plaster for your tiny cut - you smacked Usopp on the back of his head, "Zoro and Sanji had much worse injuries, you know."
"W-well, I-I-" Usopp started stammering, his legs wobbling like they always did when he was scared or nervous. "I came down with this new disease, you know-" He rambled. "It's called 'i-like-you-osis' and it's very serious, you know."
You laughed as he took off on his shaky legs to hide after saying that, apparently too flustered by his own words to face you. You smiled and shook your head in dismay.
"I have the same disease, idiot."
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manofbeskar · 8 months
i’m so obsessed with mishanks because they’re so opposite and will fight and divorce, but there’s nobody they know better than each other. they are yin and yang. they share a birthday. shanks is probably the only person who can convince mihawk to party spontaneously because he knows shanks enjoys it. mihawk is probably the only person shanks would set aside his pacifism for to fight because he knows mihawk enjoys it. red hair and black hair, black coats and capes that are red inside.
i’m also obsessed with how mihawk, someone so isolationist and cold, loves shanks. if he sees shanks on the opposite side of a war, he is no longer in that war. in fact, the rest of you should quit, too. i don’t remember the face of every insect i crush, but i remember the name of the little boy he told me about once a decade ago. he’s a pacifist but i make the trip to duel him every single day because i know he’ll humour me. i don’t try to lay a mark on him because i want to come back tomorrow—he doesn’t try to lay a mark on me because he wants me to come back tomorrow. i will cross the grand line with a poster of this kid if it will make him smile. yes, he would have seen this anyway, but i want to see him smile. in fact, i’ll just keep staying out of this kid’s way because that’s what shanks wants. i have been looking for someone who excites me more than him, and i have failed. there is nobody who excites me more than him. i have his vivre card so i always know where to find him; he will welcome me if i arrive; he will invite me to drink horrible ale from his cup and i will accept because he likes ale and it tastes like him; if i am ever without a home, i tear a corner of his vivre card and know that home is there.
don’t even fucking talk to me about the way shanks loves mihawk. openly passionate and unashamedly loving shanks. yes i know mihawk is not that kind of guy and that’s ok. i can be affectionate for the both of us. if he ever decides he doesn’t want to be alone, i will be there with a shitty drink. it’s not red wine but i know he’ll drink it anyway because it’s my cup. i hate fighting but if he enjoys it, then i’ll entertain him. at least i get to spend time with him every day. i think i’ve told him everything about myself by now; he still remembers the name of that kid i saved a decade ago; he remembers which of my hands was my dominant one; he remembers all my favourite spots. i gave him my vivre card because i know he’d never use it to harm me; i know if he arrives that our fight will be fun; i know if he arrives that he is looking for me. if he is looking for me, i will welcome him home. is he a moody guy who could lighten up every once in a while? sure. i’d love to see him smile more; i know he likes seeing me smile—he came all this way to bring me the poster of a boy i mentioned to him once a decade ago. he is cold and i know he loves me, because we’ve been divorced and he crossed the grand line to see me because he saw my hat. he doesn’t need to tell me he loves me because he wouldn’t make all that effort for a poster if he didn’t.
mishanks is so!!! i think you’re the most insufferable person ever but you’re so fucking exciting. you’re nothing like me but there’s nobody i know better. i don’t understand you but i love the way you think. i hate this thing you did a week ago and i’m divorcing you for it, but if you showed up right now, i’d forgive you. it was stupid anyway. even if we’re fighting, please look for me if you need me. i’ll welcome you. it was stupid anyway. we can go a few months, even years, without meeting, but if i see something that reminds me of you, i have to come see you. i haven’t seen you in a year. i think about you on our birthday. there’s nobody i understand and misunderstand more. i wish you told me you loved me more often. i wish you gave me more space. we fought every single day but i had no desire to defeat you. i am happy to be your equal. it was stupid anyway. come home. i’ll be here.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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duchezss · 1 year
My favorite details/new moments from The Little Mermaid (2023)
Buckle in this is gonna get long cause i’m obsessedddd
EVERYTHING (jk...kinda) 
Ariel not being allowed to go up to the surface at all in the first place, so when she went up to Eric’s ship during his birthday party it felt that much more defiant from her
That they explained right away that Ariel’s mother was killed by a human, and that helps explain much of Triton’s hatred 
Humans hate/fear mermaids as much as mermaids fear humans, it really makes the divide between Eric and Ariel feel more tense
The fact that the daughters were all getting together for an annual meeting rather than a concert. I really did miss daughters of Triton, but I also really liked how they are portrayed as leaders of the ocean
How Ariel helped Max swim to the lifeboat 😭 😭 
How Eric’s compassion is shown right away, and that’s the main thing that intrigues Ariel, not just his looks
Eric’s mother forbidding him from sailing again after the shipwreck, it makes him feel cut off and mirrors Triton banning Ariel from land
Ariel’s not instantly in love with Eric, she’s taken by him, but her love of the human world is equally acknowledged
That Ursula talks directly to Ariel and it’s not her Eels speaking for her
Can I say the entire sequence of For The First Time? It was so cool to see Ariels inner dialogue and the whole buildup to Eric “meeting” Ariel for the first time was fantastic 
How much Eric’s Library mirrors Ariel’s Grotto, and how their love for their passions really connect them. I loved these scenes because it really felt like they were bonding
Ariel immediately smashing that stone, I felt that really set the stage for how Ariel would open Eric’s eyes to even the simplest of things
“My little mermaid” melts...
That the kingdom was based on Caribbean culture instead of European, I really nice touch that makes the remake have a vibe of it’s own
When Ariel stops and takes notice of how kind and compassionate Eric is, and when Eric stops and takes notice of how curious and lively Ariel is
Jodi Benson’s cameo 😭 😭 
Originally I didn’t like that Ariel couldn’t remember she had to kiss Eric, and thought it just made pointless conflict, but it was actually very cute. It caused both of their feelings to be entirely true, and even caused some cute moments of Eric chasing after Ariel. 
Ariel and Eric sneaking back into the castle and just being silly goofy guys
Eric’s hat had a lot of focus and I thought it was very cute ngl
The symbolism of Ariel’s dress and Eric’s mermaid statue to each other. Both were lost when one thought the other was gone, only for them to come back
How even under Vanessa’s spell Eric still longed for Ariel 
The party being for an engagement instead of a wedding, made it feel more realistic
The party being at the castle instead of on the ship, originally I wasn’t a fan, but I thought it made the scene where Ariel runs to the castle more tense than when she swam for the boat
Grimsby kicking away the ring, what a wingman
Ariel cat fighting with Vanessa for the necklace instead of her being more passive in the fight for the shell
Eric hugging Ariel when he finds out she’s a mermaid instead of standing there in shock, by far my favorite small detail from the movie I love them so much 😭 
Eric trying to stop Ursula when she was coming after Ariel
Ariel yelling for Eric when Ursula grabbed her versus Eric yelling for Ariel in the original
How when they surfaced both of them had to look for each other rather than finding one another right away
Every time they were deep in the water Ariel would grab Eric and help pull him up to the surface 
Ariel saving Eric at the end, I actually found myself liking the change
Even after both of them went back to their respective worlds, they both still longed for each other, I liked this small break rather that her turning back human right away
When they first see each other again, they hug and then kiss, not just go straight for the kiss, that was a slay
Their marriage signifying more of a union between humans and merfolk
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Evermore: Part. 4
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Warnings: Tissues are needed for this chapter.
Listen to this song, as you read this chapter:
Time McGraw Please Remember Me
Amazing Grace
I also wanted thank my babes @hollybee8917 for this wonderful Mood Board!
The room started to fill as family members and friends came to pay their respects to your husband. His friends in the Army, Sam and Rachel were present. Each one greeted you with hugs and sympathy. Your daughter, Chloe, was thankfully asleep in her stroller. In the background, were photo memories. In the table next to Ari, were the sentimental things. His beloved Boston Red Sox hat, car keys to his truck you hate driving, and a photo of your wedding. 
At this point, you did your best to be happy. You tried to fill your thoughts of the happy times with your husband. You always had good memories with Ari like the day you first met him when you were just a young girl at a birthday party. You were being picked on by a girl named Audry when you didn’t do anything. Ari came to your rescue and since then he along with Andy had become best of friends with you. 
There are so many memories that you can talk about and all of them made you smile. After the greetings were done, Andy went up the podium and everyone in the room took a seat. He cleared his throat and looked around the room, “Hello everyone, if you don’t know who I am by now, that’s okay. My name is Lieutenant General Andy Barber. Or just known as Andy. I’ve known Ari since we were both little kids. Our families would attend parties and we would sneak away to play legos. We went to the same elementary school, middle school, and High School. As kids, we both made a pact that we would join the military. He wanted to go to West Point and I wanted to join the Air Force. And we did.” 
Andy paused and wiped his eyes, “Throughout the years, we supported each other. I was there when he graduated from West Point and he went to my graduation at the Air Force. Ari was a man of great honor. He would do anything for anyone that he was close with, and he even got me out of trouble in our younger days. As I did the same. Ari had told me once that he fell in love and I looked at him, and I asked who it was. I didn’t expect him to say Y/N. I didn’t believe him at first, but when I saw them together one day, it came together. The love he had for her was so strong. When he told me that he was going to be a father, after trying for so long, I had never seen anyone so happy. But now, my best friend is gone. He died for this country and he died so that his daughter and his wife could have a better life. Ari, buddy. I’m going to miss you, your stubbornness, your obsession with beer and everything in between.” 
Andy then took a seat next to you. You took a moment for yourself before getting up.  
You’re normally not like this, but your hands start to shake. You're used to talking to large groups of people, a preschool teacher. You took a deep breath and let it out, “Hi everyone, I'm Ari’s wife Y/N Levinson. I’ve known Ari since I was a young girl. Our families went to the same parties, and we all went to the same school. I was younger than the two, but as Ari would tell me I was a monster when I got mad and I always act older than my age. Ari was a genuine, caring, and loving man. I knew that I was in love with him when I needed to be picked up from a friend's house. I was tipsy, and my boyfriend at the time had dumped me. Ari was in town from his deployment. He bought me food from McDonalds because I kept insisting that french fries are the best when piping hot. He took me back to his house and we sat on his rooftop. We talked all night and I ended up sleeping in the guest room in his house. He took care of me the next morning. He knew all the things I loved, and without me telling him, he knew exactly what I needed, when I was feeling down or when I was having a panic attack. His voice was always calming for me.” 
You paused, sniffed and wiped your eyes, “We married young, but that didn’t stop us. The times when he was gone for 6 months at a time were hard. Ari absolutely hated it when I ate on the couch. I was a messy eater and crumbs were always on the couch. His big GMC truck, that he would purposely block my car, so he would make me use it. Even when he knew that I hated that truck. So, in return, I would park his truck in the garage and leave my Outback behind it. He would call when he can. Emails were the only way I could get a hold of him when he didn’t have access to a phone. There were times when he surprised me by coming home early. If I could live in those times again. The last thing that Ari told me was that “Angel, I can’t wait to see you this Friday. I have plans for a vacation for us and Chloe. I love you Ms. Levinson.”
You paused and this time you couldn’t continue. You tried, but all that came out was gibberish. Holly and Andy came up to the podium and they both hugged you. You gave yourself a few minutes then you cleared your throat, “I don’t know what I will do now that you’re gone. Your baby girl will be without her daddy. But I promise you that she will not forget you. Rest easy, my Ari Bear. Sarge is waiting for you.” 
The next morning was the day that you were dreading. You didn’t get any sleep and Chloe was up the whole night just to add to the stress that you were already under. Your family, Andy, and Holly stayed the night so that you wouldn’t be alone. You found yourself up before anyone else and went downstairs to make yourself a cup of coffee. The house was quiet. You were used to it, but it’s different this time—empty, full of heartache, and without Ari. 
The moment you got to the kitchen, you smelt the scent of breakfast and coffee brewing. You walked into the kitchen to see Andy, Holly, your parents, and your extended family all around. Even Chloe was in her high chair, eating her breakfast. As you walked in, you stood there with all your emotions pouring out again. Andy looked up from his coffee and saw you. He immediately put his mug down and went to your side. 
“I know, I know-” Andy said, as he hugged you. 
You held onto him, and your mom went to your side as well, “Honey, I know it's hard and that’s why we are here to help you. You can’t do all this on your own.” 
Your mom said as you pulled away from Andy. You wiped your eyes and sighed. 
“I know, I’m just overwhelmed with emotions. I didn’t get any sleep last night, because Chloe wouldn’t go down and-”
“I know, honey, that’s why we all let you sleep in a bit more. Come have some breakfast, we can clean up here, while you get ready.” 
You sighed once more and let go of Andy. You then looked towards him and let out a giggle, “Um, sorry about your shirt.” 
Andy looked down and he smiled, “Oh don’t worry about it. It’s only a shirt. “ 
Despite everything that you're going through right now, a simple laugh warmed your heart for that brief moment. You wiped your eyes once more and then took a seat at the counter. Your dad handed you a cup of coffee and your mom placed down a plate of eggs, turkey bacon, hash browns, and two slices of toast with some butter. 
You didn’t feel like eating, but you had to. You haven’t eaten since lunchtime yesterday. You’re going to need all the energy for today.  
You sat on the floor of your daughter's room, as she laid down. She’s fresh from a bath and you were dressing her. A little black dress with white stockings and a black bow. 
“Who’s a pretty girl? Yes, you are!” You say, tickling her sides and she lets out a loud squeal. 
Once she was done, you scooped her up onto your hip, and hurried down the stairs. By the time you got downstairs, everyone was ready. Your mom took Chloe from you and you went to get her baby bag. You made sure that she had extra diapers, milk, snacks, and her food. Once you did, you placed on your shoes and were out the door. 
Locking the door behind you, you went to your Subaru where Andy was waiting along with your mom and Holly. Your dad and the rest of your family in another car. The drive would be an hour to get there.
“Are we going to the church first then to the cemetery?” Your mom asked. 
“Yeah, a private ceremony, then to the burial at the National Cemetery. Father Duncan will meet us there.” 
One Hour and 15 minutes later…
Andy entered the Massachusetts National Cemetery, where her extended family, Sam, Rachel and his platoon. The army guards, and along with the Army Band. It wasn't long, when the carriage pulled up. 
The moment you got out of the car, reality hit you again. You kept telling yourself this is a sick dream and you would wake up and your husband would be right next to you. But it wasn't. 
Your mom had Chloe in her arms, as you walked up to the carriage where Major. Sam was a Captain. Rachel. 
“Hi Sam,” you greeted him. 
Sam gave you a sympathetic smile and hugged you and to the same with Rachel. 
“How are you holding up?” Rachel asked. You let out a small sigh and tried not to cry. 
“I'm hanging in there.” You say. 
Before you could say anything else, Father Duncan came up to you and let you know that it was time. You turned around and the Hearse pulled up. 
The Army Honor Guard went into formation and marched towards the Hearse. As the casket was pulled out, you felt your heart tighten with pain. You watched as they marched towards the carriage. Once he was in place, you stood behind the guards. Amazing Grace from the bagpipes started and you marched on.
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legoflowrs · 10 months
HII i was wondering if you could do some hcs like you did for Kyle and Kenny but with Craig?? No pressure ofc! 💗
cw: drug use, drinking, smoking, slight nsfw
a/n: hiya! so in the head cannons craig is with tweek but obviously in the relationship ones he’s with reader xx
i’m also in my craig era rn! hope u like this anon <3
Craig Tucker
- I’m a firm believer in Peruvian Craig!
- He was adopted by Laura and Thomas but Tricia is their biological child.
- Struggled a lot with identity issues when growing up because he didn’t know much about his birth family.
- Laura being the angel she is worked extra hard to make sure Craig was in touch with his birth culture. Took him to a lot of events and tried to cook the food to the best of her ability.
- Out of all the families in South Park I think the Tucker family is the healthiest.
- Craig decided to not put a label on his sexuality. He just wants to go with the flow and see where life takes him.
- That being said it took a long time for him to accept he was attracted to guys. He had a lot of internalised homophobia because of the culture in South Park.
- He was petrified when he realised he had feelings for Tweek.
- I think his family were his rock during this time.
- Still flips everyone off. He thinks it’s peak humour (dumbass).
- Plays football 100%
- Dies when he sees that Tweek is cheering for him on the sidelines.
- Has a touch of the tism (lol).
- I think he really struggles to verbalise his emotions so he sticks to physical touch and acts of service.
- I think he’d probably also plays violin he finds it super calming.
- Listens to R&B.
- Goes to the gym a lot it relieves his stress.
- Goes for runs when he can’t go to the gym.
- Gets a job at Tweek bros and all the grandmas love him.
- Tea drinker!! His favourite is chamomile and honey.
- Tries to do some boxing with Tweek. Gets beat up by Tweek.
- Plays Roblox religiously.
- Likes cooking but hates baking.
- Wears slippers in the house like a little meemaw.
- I think he’d sell vapes on the dl lmao.
- HATES school dances but his friends force him to go anyway.
- Might not act like it but would die for his friends, he has a super soft spot for Clyde. They have been bestfriends for years.
- I head cannon he would become a firefighter lol (i have a fic idea in my head like firefighter!craig and paramedic!reader lol).
- Is still super obsessed with astronomy.
- But absolutely hates astrology he thinks it’s so dumb.
- Will go to the planetarium very often.
- Still wears his hat all the time. But in high school learnt to style his hair so started wearing it less often.
- Smokes weed with Kenny.
- Takes his alcohol well but gets super clingy when he’s drunk.
- He would say he hates parties but somehow is always at them.
- He HATES reading.
- Prob had to be tutored by Kyle during high school.
- Kenny pierced his nose.
- Has a good relationship with Tricia even though they bicker a lot. He takes her for ice cream.
- Loves kids but they find him intimidating lol.
- Is really good at calming babies down (meow).
- Royal blue is his favourite colour.
- Got into the bad habit of smoking cigarettes after having a fight with Tweek.
- Would have sleepovers with Tweek often. They make breakfast together 🥹
- He starts doing media in high school and buys a video camera. Makes little montages of his family and friends. Probably makes them for his friends birthdays as well. (this head cannon is inspired by the fic “ladies and gentlemen we are now floating in space” on ao3, go read it bc it changed my life).
- Plays chess.
- Listens to classical music.
- Likes hiking and discovering new trails.
- Guilty pleasure is Dolly Parton!!!!
- Avid milk drinker makes fun of others for drinking alternative milks.
- Grows flowers and gives them to Tweek. It takes ages cause he always forgets and they end up dying.
- Only drinks room temperature water.
- He has so many tattoos that Tweek designed (my head cannon is that Tweek is really good at art).
- Fucker is tall. 6’2!!!
- Is pretty defined from all the physical activity he does.
- When he’s older he rides a motorcycle.
- Exclusively wears converse. All his friends draw and write on them.
Craig in a relationship
- Okay let’s get down to business hehehe.
- Once again my major head cannon is firefighter!craig and paramedic!reader.
- He is super affectionate with you because that’s how he verbalises his love for you.
- Will do little things for you like tie your shoes or refill your water bottle without you asking.
- Absolutely froths when you wear his letterman jacket.
- He loves linking pinkies with you.
- He has a polaroid of y’all in his phone case.
- You guys have sleepovers often!
- You, him and Tweek go on day trips together.
- He’s not the best at consoling you when you’re upset but he really tries
- Y’all play Roblox together.
- He sends you gym gain updates (meow).
- Loves when your head is on his chest, he strokes your hair.
- Y’all always share headphones whenever you go anywhere.
- You are his passenger princess!!!
- He’s pretty experienced with sex. Loves making you feel good!
- Will hold your hand during sex he finds it super intimate.
- Is super insecure that you’ll leave him for someone who’s better at dealing with their emotions.
- I think he might have a tendency to blow up during arguments. He kinda shoves his feelings down so it all comes out during arguments.
- Goes for a run after y’all fight.
- Also head cannon that he will be super protective over you if you’re pregnant 🥹
- Would love to have a mini version of you guys running around.
- Likes to stargaze with you in the back of his truck.
- Y’all go camping together and roast s’mores on the fire.
- You beg him to go midnight swimming. He caves cause he can’t say no to you.
- Bends down to give you kisses.
- Loves holding your waist or hips.
- Holds your face in both his hands and gives you tender kisses on your nose.
- Will literally body slam you on the mattress cause he thinks it’s hilarious.
- You guys and Tweek have movie nights super often.
- When he falls in love he’s in deep.
- Will propose to you under the stars.
- Makes a video of all your friends saying happy birthday and a heartfelt message from him. Makes you cry for hours.
- Will pick you up when he hugs you.
- You braid Tricia’s hair and go get your nails done together.
- His parents adore you. Laura is a second mum to you.
- All in all Craig is super in love with you 10/10 boyfriend.
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ahoppingmagician · 13 days
Stolitz Rant
Now before I shit on the ship and Stolas' whole character, I have to give Spindle Horse some praise. Seeing Blitzo go off on Stolas was like eating your gran's food, comforting, something that you waited for, and fulfilling. Blitzo pleading like a desperate animal for the book was actually very potent, I won't get too much into my life but I have done things similar for people in my past to stay even though it was a dysfunction mess.
Alright that's my little hat's off to you Viv. Now let's get to my problem with this ship.
Unhealthy in a Bad Way
It's unhealthy. Now that inherently isn't the bad thing, now before you judge me too hard, I'll explain. If a pairing is presented as toxic that's not my issue but rather how it is handled. Stolitz isn't really presented by the show's narrative to be a horrible mess that should of died as soon as the two grew apart in their adult life. Instead it is presented like a us verses them. Romeo and Juliet type of romance. Now it doesn't really work that way because of everything that one side has done.
Stolas Sucks
I hate this fucking rich bird man, he was such good villian potential, until someone named Vivziepop got to attached to him, and tried to change the story for him to be a hopeless romantic who has a tragic home life, a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shiny armor to save him, instead of what he is a creepy rich man taking advantage of someone, and is definitely just seeing Blitzo as a toy in every since of the word.
If Stolas wants Blitzo to fuck him then it's fine because HE wants it. If HE decided that his daughter needs to be around someone who has ruined her family then she will because Stolas wants it, not even bothering to ask the man in question if he's comfortable with that arrangement. Blitzo doesn't like how he treats him, doesn't matter because Stolas likes it. HE doesn't want Blitzo to have the book anymore and Blitzo will just blindly accept it because that's what Stolas wants. This man with a child acts like a whiny little baby because the man who he has harassed, stalked, coerced into having sex with him, and treats like some kind of exotic pet, doesn't trust him when he gives him the stupid crystals because it goes against want HE wants to happen.
All of that was to point out how self serving this dumbass is.If Stolas wants it to go that way it just will because he deserves it after having an abusive wife. Now abuse is a serious subject, but it's clear as day that Stella was made to be abusive to make Stolas seem understandable. Also doesn't help that the story neglects to inform you that Stolas and Stella had Octavia at 19 and were both victims of the higher class by being forced into this marriage at like 16.
My Big Problem
Now I'll get into the whole contract to sex thing and how morally backrupt he is. This rich man knew how vital that book was for his obsession's business, to the point that he was literally stealing it from him on his birthday. Now like a reasonable man he kicked him out and never made any terrible decision ever, sadly no he fucked him and really liked it. So sometime later the bird man was in his bathtub and called his side piece, while Blitzo is in obvious distress he gives him an offer and won't shut up till he verbally agrees, which the imp did. Now what part of this is romantic? Or even sexy in a taboo way. Like what in the Wattpad is this arrangement. This feels like a ripoff of a book that just shows a toxic relationship like it's suppose to be good, Fifty Shades of Gray. A similar dynamic to our two men here weirdly enough. Which originally was a fanfiction. Now my dear reader like I said a toxic relationship in media isn't inherently bad, but if it is written badly then we have a problem. Why? you may ask me. Simple early teens watch this show, edgy kids watch this show. I personally think kids are fucking radical little guys, but they are also easily influenced. A show that paints this unhealthy relationship as good and worth all the fighting, that it is worth all the heartbreak and trauma because one day it might get better, key word might. For some viewers maybe it was their first gay relationship they were exposed to. This could shift the way they look at LGBT+ relationships as more taboo or sexy instead of it being just another relationship.
Now I'll wrap this rant up, next will be M&M relationship a d how I think it has some accidental toxic underlining, hopefully I can also get my solutions to this and M&M out today aswell.
As always you look fabulous, I'll eat your least favourite organ if you don't say something nice to yourself today. If your having a not getting out of bed day, it's alright the world is scary and you can try again tomorrow.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
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js a little blurb for ryans birthday! crazy how he would be 46 today :((, i miss him a lot everyday but hey at least today dico finally posted on the internet again! but hope u enjoy this little blurb abt u being ryans friend/partner and celebrating his birthday with him :))
WARNINGS: alcohol, drugs, thats it.
ryan when it comes to birthdays is kinda complicated
hes absolutely fine with spending his whole birthday comfy in bed, listening to music and relaxing
bc as we all know the man hates people
but he also loves his friends
so having a day were they all js hang out, talk, tell stories and maybe even have a few drinks together like old times is also just as good
hes not super complicated or would want any type of crazy over the top birthday
u could give him a jar of dirt for his birthday and he’d be like “thanks i was looking to start a in house jar garden anyways”
so when u and bam had to come together to plan a party for his 28th birthday
u knowing ryan very well knew he wouldnt wanna do any big things involving strangers so probably no clubs
as u and bam talked it out yall decided to wake him up early. take him to breakfast, drive up to the country side and go camping in a field
bam knew a guy who knew a guy who had a field they can use, it was actually the same field that would become “state of bam” in viva la bam
so u call up the guys (minus ryan bc u and bam wanted it to be a surprise) and tell them the plan
everyones was so hyped
rake was bringing music, bam was bringing booze, raab was bringing the gear, dico was entertainment (yes he brought a whole ass speaker and mic to sing ryan happy birthday with) and u were in charge of the food
for food, once again u knew ryan like it simple, js some pizzas, wings, sandwiches, yk things that u could easily have at hand, but u also brought some things to cook over the fire like chicken and steak bc ITS A CAMPING TRIP!
u also brought cake and smoores stuff!
the plan was perfect!
early the next morning, u and bam get to ryans house, its abt 8:00 in the morning
the two of u find his spare key and sneak in, making ur way towards the basement where his room is
you and bam had stopped at the dollor tree to get hats and balloons and noise makers
so as u two snuck closer to his bed bam got the camera out and u counted
“ 3…2…1…”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the two of u screamed and blew into the noise makers making ryan almost fly outta bed
“come on ry get dressed and oack a bag its gonna be a long day” you say
“…… how did u guys get into my house??” ryan says
you immediately point towards bam like a child getting rid of the blame on their sibling
after ry gets dressed and gets a small bag the three of u hop in the car and drive to the local ihop
“dont worry guys bills on me” bam says
“no way free ihop, thanks guys this is actually sick” ryan says not even being sarcastic
the three of yall sit down and get to talking, ryan ends up getting strawberry pancakes with a side of bacon bam gets some crazy fucking waffle that also has a face for some odd reason and u just get [whatever u want from ihop idk ur preference]
after breakfast and a lot of talking and story telling the three of u leave, with bam paying lol, and head to the final destination
ryan was fully convinced that u guys were hiring a hitman to take him out or something when bam started driving to the country side
it was always out of character for bam to PAY for something that didnt have to benefit him in some way
but u assured him from the backseat that nobody was gonna take him out
after a long ride of listening to rys fav bands you guys arrive and see raab and rake sitting on chairs around a fire pit while dico is up waving his arms around probably doing a skit to pass the time while waiting for u guys to arrive
“SURPRISE RYAN!” bam and u say
ryan was kinda in shock, growing up he lived in the country side (ohio) and used to go camping with his dad and brother a lot
“wow guys…i havent been camping since i was like ten, let alone with friends, thanks guys!” he gives the bpth of u a warm smile
the three of u meet with the rest of the group, all of them ready to give ryan their gifts
rake had gotten ryan these sick new glasses, the were similar to the ones he usually wears but in gold and black
raab got him a drawing of himself, painted from a guy he new and it looks sick, ryan was in shades of blue with a yellow background
dico got him a few graphic tees, some with just text on it (one saying mustang girl in glittery font) to shirts of his favorite bands
bam got ryan a bunch of cool mod decals for his cars, he also got him some things to mod his cars with, tools and such
and you got ryan 2 plane tickets to go to iceland, and a tour package thing to sight see and go to some new places the crew and him had never seen before, u told him he could pick anyone to go with him, from the crew, family, anyone it was his choice
he was so happy with all his gifts, they were all perfect but he liked urs the best, he ended up picking u to go on the trip with leaving bam to in the future by his own ticket so he could go with u (hes not missing a trip to iceland ofc)
after the gift opening the party begins
the night consisted drinking, dancing to music rake brought, telling jokes and stories, smoking a bit of weed and bran freestyling his heart out
it was a perfect night
the rest of the crew went to bed at 3:00am, dico being first then raab then rake then bam
u and ryan had stayed up still talking, watching the sky and reminiscing on early days
the two of u ended up falling asleep on a blanket in front of the first while star gazing
u had ur head on ryans shoulder as u was talking it made u fall asleep bc his voice was so calming
when he looked over u and were sleeping he wasnt mad
he pulled u closed and started to doze off himself
“thank you, so much, for the perfect birthday y/n.” he whispered as u slept
you really knew him well, he was so glad to have u in his life
the next morning the guys found the two of u put there, surrounded by red cups
but even tho u guys got woken up to the crew poking fun at u two
it didnt matter
because ryan was happy, his birthday went beautifully
and thats all that mattered to u
ryan being happy
hope yall enjoyed the little drabble i decided to write out of nowhere. i promise u guys a pt 2 to the bams sister story will be coming soon, also a bam/reader/ryan will DEF be coming soon i js have been studying for finals week so ive been hella busy, with this story i tried my hardest to add some actual facts into it, like ryan living in ohio, the gifts he got, the things they did, etc,. sorry if its not exactly accurate i tried lol, see ya guys!
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
reply roundup!
had to put these on hold for a while for personal reasons </3 they're likely to still be infrequent, but in honor of kirb2k!
(my notes would only load back to mid september so I missed a couple weeks sorry :c but be warned that this is a long one! it's 3 entire months' worth!)
also, reminder that kirb2k ends tomorrow!!! preorders, commissions, and auctions will all close at noon pst on sunday december 17th! everything is linked in the pinned post or filed under the tag kirb2k!
first is one more birthday kirb from my friend @sleepy-sheep-wizard:
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Realized halfway thru that I don’t know what Kirby looks like off the top of my head, so I got funky with it. Happy birthday, thank you for being a good friend
thank you again friend <3 getting funky with it is truly in the spirit of just drawing a little guy for fun, I love his little hat in particular.
on [mirror] @shapeshifterwithafez said: uuuh is Scherben bringen Glück/ Shards bring luck a universal saying? sounfs clinky as a direct translation. anyways in germany we say that shards of stuff you broke brings luck so I hope the luck finds you or smth sorry for rambling ^^
I'd never heard this saying before, but I think it's very sweet! thank you for sharing it with me :)
on [pipefight] @hauntedppgpaints said: goalies with a skate blade and their stick in hand
big hockey vibes for real yeah lol
on [pink] @gaydiation-poisoning said: ...I wanna eat that pink
honestly same, it's sooo pleasing
on [rain] @hive-heart said: Everything alright, daily kirby guy?
not really but sitting by the window in the rain is a good thing lol thanks for asking <3
(also the person who tagged that same post myhouse.wad made me laugh)
on [photo] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a picture of their cat and said: get adored idiot!! see the hate in her eyes? I’ll make her love me yet!!
me @ my partner's cat
@violet-dragongirl said: oh! I have been meaning to ask! Have you played Kirby and The Forgotten Lands? I assume you did but just wanted to say that I did about a week ago and I loved it and thought of your art! ^.^ And if you haven't, yes, Carby is super adorable and amazing :3
I have! I got it very shortly after it came out, I had a really good time with it. I've been slowly replaying it recently with my partner, they were kind of fond of kirby just by proxy but since we started playing they adore bandee now and say he never gets enough screen time XD I'm glad you also had fun!
on [mice] @ceylonsilvergirl said: girls like swarms of things, right?
idk bro my wife wasn't so big on it when I got a gig housing 30 mice, but maybe she's weird. I liked them. (sadly one of the best paying jobs I've ever had up until the owner lost it and abandoned them with me, yes I still took care of them for the rest of their little lives) (and yes I also got my wife's okay before I took them on in the first place)
on [covid] @mordantivore said: reading posts from when the era of covid safety was declared anathema and ended is haunting. we were so desperate to find ppl willing to help us stay alive. there are fewer of us now bc “allies” are worthless & more of us have died
yeah. fuck. I'm lucky that the people in closest proximity to me are at least moderately careful, but me and my wife and partner are usually the only ones wearing masks anywhere we go except sometimes the employees and I know they don't always wear them when they're out without me.
on [swim] @northeasternwind said: Jdjdjfkg imagining Kirby being way more bouyant than your average human so them gotta exhale REAL HARD or attach nega-floaties (sinkies?) like weights to dive
lol yeah they probably gotta try So Hard to actually get under the water. (I think diving weights/ballast is a thing that humans use too? I've never gone diving, having my face underwater stresses me out -n- )
on [float] @nickiemoot said: he has to go now. his planet needs him. *slide whistle*
I can only hear this as that one similar part from one of the asdfmovies, it delights me
@vampiricarus said: if you see this just know i love your art so much
aww thank you! <3
anonymous said: just wanted to say I love Kirby and I love your art! I’m always excited to see it on my dash. thank you for bringing a little joy to my life :) I need it once in a while like I’m sure a lot of others do too! Keep up the good work :))
thank you! drawing a little guy brings me a little joy too, I'm glad it can do the same for others <3
on [drain] @ceylonsilvergirl said: I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Existing is hard work sometimes. A lot of the time
fuck dude it sure is <3 especially when my body keeps trying to shut down lol
on [mud] @why-are-all-the-fun-urls-taken said: Hey man are u doing ok
I am not, thanks for asking <3
on [tummyache] @hobgirl said: :o kirby the gorb why would you do that!!!!! why!!!!!
I didn't want it to go to waste!!! everyone is dumb sometimes!!!
on [wizard] @eau-the-agony said: not enough appreciation in the wizarding world for garlic salt spell. its all kung pow penis tgis and ketamine ape that. not enough of the small joys which carry us through the horrors like a dinky garbage raft
you are so right. the small joys are the most powerful of all.
on [wizard] @beepbeepdespair said: somehow didnt know garlic salt was a thing until this moment. now i really want some. i think i just found a kg of it online for 12 quid??
I am so pleased that you now have the knowledge of Garlic Salt Spell, I hope you got to try it out for yourself :D
on [zelda] @chaos-squared said: Good job!! I’ve had it for longer yet still haven’t completed it ;w;
nothing wrong with that! I only finished it as quickly and thoroughly as I did because I was basically bedridden for all of october, as long as you enjoy the time you do spend with a game it doesn't really matter how much time you spend or how far you get.
on [brave] @gudetamalover said: me tomorrow afternoon when I get all four wisdom teeth out
I'd already had several other oral surgeries on account of Weird Teeth before I got my wisdom teeth out but it still knocked me on my ass for a couple days, I hope your recovery went as smooth as possible! (altho that was also like. 15 years ago. and general anesthesia has gotten a lot better since then.)
on [shiny] @angst-and-fajitas said: Like to slap his bald head reblog to slap his bald head
bald! bald! bald! bald!
on [powerwash] @chronicdilf said: decemberb 16 im goign to walk across the damn stage get my damn diploma folder im going to go home and POWERWASHER SIMULATOR JUST LIKE KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah!!! you're gonna do it!!! you might be doing it right now even!!!
on [cooked] @hobgirl said: oh mood kirby..... struggling with the very last paper i need to write before i can graduate and its got me feeling this way fr
ough, I hope you made it through your paper! lots of people graduating tho that's so cool, congrats to both of you!
on [bears] @jupiterlandings said: I get so happy every time I see Cake and the name Cake being tagged :)
it's such a good name for a bear, I'm grateful you thought of it!! especially given the best I could do for the other one was "kirbear" lol
@violet-dragongirl said: omg seeing that Fav Grobs Post you recently put up makes me so happy! over a thousand (and then some!) GORBS?! :D I'm not only impressed but so proud ya made it this far and I'm so glad you got possibly more to go of Kirby!! :D!! Really great job 🥰🥰
thank you! I'm gonna hit 2000 days of drawing kirby tomorrow, that's so wild!
on [popular] @timeturner-jay said: Op your Kirby art brings so much utter joy you have no idea <3
yay I'm glad <3 I love to draw a little guy, it's good I'm not the only one having fun lol
I got a lot of "good blaze op" on the [macarena], and you're all correct, thank you for recognizing my great decision making B) (I'd been meaning to add the music and blaze it from basically the moment I drew it, I've just been really sick so it took a while.)
(also even if I don't always gather them in the roundup there are names I recognize showing up repeatedly in the tags, some of whom have been here for years, and I'm always glad to see you're still around!)
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nerdforestgirl · 9 months
I think this is the tenth years I've written an Amy's birthday story on my birthday. Enjoy if you feel like it.
“Stay in bed,” Sheldon yelled at his wife just as she started to put her feet on the floor. She wasn't quite sure how he knew she was awake and starting to get up, but she stopped questioning exactly how he seemed to just know everything a long time ago. This was just life with Sheldon.
Amy Farrah Fowler was fairly certain that Sheldon had some kind of surprise planned for her birthday, but it was also a normal work day for her. She did need to get up and get ready for work. Plus she had to drop Leo off at daycare on the way. Still, she never minded being a little spoiled by her husband, so she slid her legs back under the covers and waited.
A few minutes later, Sheldon walked in with a tray. It had a pile of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Following him, in the cutest tiny chef's hat and apron was her son Leo. He was toddling behind his dad with a bowl of fruit in his hands. He stopped to eat a strawberry before he continued on and right into Sheldon's legs.
Sheldon just looked down and smiled at the boy. Leo could get away with murder in Sheldon's eyes, and touching without permission was honestly right up there in severity of crime. Still, Sheldon just placed the tray of food on Amy's lap. Then he picked up Leo so the nineteen month old could place the bowl of fruit on the tray with the other food.
“Can you say 'happy birthday, Mama?'” Sheldon asked his son. Leo didn't try, but he did smile at his mother, and to Amy that was just as good.
“Did you two wake up early to make me breakfast?” Amy asked them.
“Yeah!” Leo shouted. He didn't have a lot of words yet, but that was one he had down pat. He was such and enthusiastic and kind child that Amy could not feel any luckier every single time she interacted with her son.
“I need to get ready for work,” Sheldon told Amy. “Do you want to keep him or should I put him in front of a Bluey?” They didn't use screen time often to distract Leo, but it certainly came in handy on occasion.
“He can stay,” Amy said. Amy was debating just calling in to work and staying in bed with Leo all day, but she couldn't really justify it.
Sheldon kissed Leo on top of his head and put him on the bed next to Amy. Then he left to shower and get dressed for the day with a wish of a happy birthday to Amy.
“Thank you for making me breakfast,” Amy told her son. Then she started picking the strawberries out of the bowl of fruit. It wasn't like she didn't love strawberries. They were her favorite, but they were also Leo's. She also cut up some of the pancakes for her son. Giving to him always felt a little like giving to herself.
Leo was happy to snack on his mom's special birthday breakfast with her. He took off his chef's hat and leaned against Sheldon's pillow. Amy made a mental note to change the sheets because she was certain that the boy was getting juice and syrup on the sheets.
“Baby like strawberries?” Leo asked.
“Maybe. She just eats what I eat right now just like you did,” Amy explained as she rubbed her belly. They had only told Leo about the new baby two weeks ago, but he seemed to understand and was even excited about his little sister.
Leo handed over one of his prized strawberries for Amy to eat.
“For the baby?” Amy asked.
Leo nodded.
“Thank you,” Amy said. She was holding back tears, but mostly failing. How had she gotten such a sweet son? Part of her had always been a little afraid that her son would be too much like Sheldon. Then Amy remembered that Sheldon had made her this breakfast and brought it in for her to eat in bed because she was pregnant and it was her birthday even though he hated eating in the bedroom. Maybe Leo was like Sheldon. Like that side of him that mostly only she got to see.
Leo wiped away his mom's tears with very sticky fingers.
“Thanks, bud,” Amy said.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Ok so @galactic-knightmare as a au in we’re king boo and Luigi have a father-son relationship and I really needed to practice drawing king boo so what did I decide to do is use this AU as fuel and inspiration
So here’s a bunch of doodles of king boo and some boo’s as well as lovely little Ghost Prince Luigi. full warning though as u can see I don’t necessarily know how to draw baby Luigi and I’m still getting the hang of drawing king boo I did this without reference (because my phone was charging) so it’s not the best of the best but either way I figured I’d still share it because at the very least I think the interactions are cute
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These first couple of doodles are old their When the first few chapters were out so these were just to try and find out how exactly they would look. So it’s nothing but a bunch of faces and me trying to figure out how in the hell does baby anatomy work my favorite in this page has to be Luigi trying to climb onto king boo
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just more practice in general, you can see that I tried drawing king boo kind of levitating Luigi but I gave up on drawing baby Luigi halfway and then jumped to adult Luigi but with these doodles I had an actual reference of what king boo looks like
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Here i start doodling little scenes of what I imagine has happened in the AU so kind of little head cannons I just realize that (I made Luigi a little bit of a problem child when it comes to washing) and you know what I stand by it I don’t think he would like it when he hast to put his bandanna or hat or himself to wash
On the top right Luigi is a little upsetti spaghetti because he’s constantly being changed into a bunch of different outfits because of course the boos need to find out which clothing actually fit him (although king boo is pretty sure that’s just an excuse) you can see that I have a little list and it’s basically just what I imagine Luigis first three words to be I think it’s Canon that the first word he says is papa and boo but I imagine that the third thing/1st phrase he’d ever say is “stop it” (or at least try’s to say it)
you can see just a bunch of different scenarios in we’re king boo would say stop it Because of course I had to give examples
There’s king boo with a flashlight with Luigi on top of him this is from the shenanigans chapter in where one of the ghosts find a flashlight and starts basically flashing everyone even poor Luigi got blinded :(
Then there’s ghosts who are just tossing the painting around of the boo’s that did the whole shenanigans I imagine king boo says stop it but won’t do anything else
And then at the very bottom right you can see Luigi running away after being told that he needs to take a bath
Although my favorite Has to be the drawing to the left of the ghost that you capture in the first Luigi mansion‘s game that was taking a bath helping Luigi out also the little bubble mustache (don’t worry Lu one day)
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Top left you can see three ghosts stealing baby clothing from some wire hangers because that’s where I believe they get them 
Just below that there is a painting of king boo and baby Luigi I imagine that king boo wanted to have a serious painting but someone gave Luigi sugar beforehand so he couldn’t stay still so this ended up the outcome although the king doesn’t hate it and probably prefers it this way because he can see Luigi being his silly goofy self
To the right of that is one of the ghosts from the Mario party games holding maracas
And then at the bottom is an entire scene of what I imagine Luigi‘s first birthday to be like. him with shorts and a frilly shirt some ghosts dancing to the left and to the right you can see a pin yada or the poison mushrooms from the games and three ghosts doing the how low can you go game then there’s a floating violin and piano 
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And last but certainly not least A Polaroid photo of Luigi eating his birthday cake with icing all over his face I tried doing another little false mustache but clearly failed that’s ok though
Btw you can find the fanfiction of this on ao3 it’s called phantom interference
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cryptid-moose · 7 months
tattoo hcs for psych characters
Shawn: - Has a shitty, partially faded stick n poke tattoo of a pineapple on his ankle he did when he was 18 or 19 and couldn't afford to get a professional one done - He also has his mom's birthday tattooed on his wrist (professionally done this time), first line in roman numerals, the second in regular english numbers. Having that little reminder of his mom helps him during times when his mental health gets really bad. - Sometime after Henry gets shot Shawn considers getting his dads bday on his other wrist, idk if he went through with it or not tho.
Gus: - Gus doesn't have tattoos cause if his mother were to ever find out it would break her christian heart....and also she'd probably murder him lol /nsrs - He almost got a tattoo when he was drunk, but he bailed out at the last second. This actually happens quite often. - If he did end up getting a tattoo I'd like to imagine it'd be something space themed :)
Juliet: - Has this really cool floral design with lots of big flowers on the back of her shoulder - She wants to get DOZENS of other tattoos but currently hasn't found the time to schedule an appointment, especially cause most of the tattoos she wants to get done would take multiple, hours long sessions
Carlton: - He, unfortunately, committed the cardinal sin of getting your partner's name tattooed. He's got his ex-wife Victoria's name in a fancy font across his collarbone, probably another attempt to save his marriage -He's going to tattoo removal sessions tho thank god -His pain tolerance is usually higher than most people (he literally drank scalding hot coffee without screaming out in pain lmao), but getting a tattoo makes him so physically uncomfortable that i dont think he'd every get one again, despite how fun getting a tattoo of his favorite gun sounds lol.
Buzz: - Buzz canonically has had a Baha Men tattoo (removed), although this was according to Shawn so you can take that information with a grain of salt lol - Probably has a silly little lineart doodle of an alien somewhere - He and Francine have little matching tattoos of baby ducks <3, Buzz's has a cowboy hat and Francine's has a Wild Rag (the bandana thingies), the artstyle is very similar to the soft fluffy artstyle you see in older children's books, kinda like peter rabbit (but not quite peter rabbit) - Little banana wearing a cowboy hat 💪, Buzz likes cowboys and their hats - A couple doodles of his pets - He's like Kurtis Conner except not edgy (i dont actually think Kurtis is edgy thats just the only way i can describe the difference between them and their tattoos lmao)
Karen: - Has an Iris flower tattoo on her upper arm dedicated to her daughter - Probably has a book/movie quote somewhere - Other than that i don't really see her as being much of a tattoo person, she only ever gets tattoos if its something super meaningful to her
Woody: - Woody has a y2k style hello kitty tramp stamp, why? cause i think it would be funny as hell HSUADFVHUFE - He got it completely seriously too, was a gift from a "tattoo artist friend" (random guy he barely knows who bought a tattoo gun on amazon) - The linework is awful, Woody has never actually fully seen the tattoo, he just took the guy's word for it when he told woody it looked sick as hell. - Has shown it off to everyone at the sbpd, no one has the heart or guts to tell him how bad it looks, Lassiter almost did but Chief Vick stopped him - Has genuinely never occurred to him to ask someone to take a photo of it for him so he can properly see it
Henry: - You'd think he'd have a tattoo but surprisingly he doesn't yet - He would've gotten one already if not for the fact hes very indecisive about that stuff, the whole "drawing that will stay on your body for the rest of your life thing" is a lot of pressure for him - He just worries about getting something that he'll end up hating a few years down the line - Has considered getting a tattoo dedicated to Shawn on multiple occasions, but then Shawn pisses him off once more and he drops the idea again for another couple months lmao
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keerysquinn · 6 months
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ship: Chrissy Cunningham/Steve Harrington wc: 3.4k A/N: this one was requested by my favorite person @sherifftillman <3 it was originally supposed to go up on their birthday, but I am terrible at time management. hopefully, I did our blorbos justice. also, apologies in advance for the minimal angst. I apparently can't write cheerscoops without making one of them a little sad.
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“We don't have to stay long,” Eddie said as he parked his van. “I promise. As soon as I'm sold out, we can go back to my place and watch whatever movies you want. It probably won't take more than fifteen minutes.”
“It's fine,” Chrissy replied. “I don't mind being here. I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to come with you tonight. If it takes you longer than that, I'm sure I can find someone else to talk to. It is a party after all.”
“And that's why you're my best friend. You ready for this?”
“As ready as I'll ever be.”
Chrissy knew the real reason why Eddie had invited her to go to this party with him. He could say it was just because he wanted the company, but she knew the truth. He just wanted to get her out of the house and back around other people again. Ever since Jason had unceremoniously dumped her during halftime at the basketball game two weeks before, she hadn't really left the house for anything other than school. She hadn’t been feeling very social, and she knew she was starting to worry her best friend. So, even though the last thing she really wanted to be doing was attending some weird Christmas rager filled with people who witnessed her most recent humiliation, she agreed to go because it meant Eddie wouldn’t worry about her anymore.
The fact that they wouldn’t be there very long helped, too. If she had to spend the whole evening there, she wouldn’t have been able to force herself to go. She wasn't sure if she was really ready to face this crowd - the people that would either be hyping Jason up or looking at her with those horribly pitying glances that made her feel about two feet tall - but there was another reason why she didn't want to be at this house in particular: this was Steve Harrington's house.
It wasn't that she had anything against Steve. It was the opposite really. Back when she'd been a freshman, she'd fawned over him just like all of the other cheerleaders did. It had been so easy to develop a crush on him because she'd always thought that he was so out of her league. It was just a sweet little fantasy that occupied most of her daydreams. 
When she started dating Jason, her crush had faded away, and she'd figured that she was completely over that fantasy. They were at the same sporting events and the same parties, she talked to him on occasion, and she didn't think she felt anything for him. But then Jason dumped her and everyone started treating her differently - except for Steve. He stopped Tommy H. from making jokes at her expense when he started up with his stupid comments at school, and he didn't look at her with the same pitying glances that everyone else gave her. He treated her just the same as he always had, and it made her realize that maybe her crush had never really gone away. It was just lying dormant and waiting for an opportunity to resurface. The fantasy was back, and she was feeling more delusional than ever. Steve would never go for a girl who'd been dumped in front of the whole town like that. She wasn't good enough for him, but it was nice to dream. 
That dream was why she couldn't be at his party though. It felt too risky with her crush. Every other time she'd been to a party at his house, she'd been with Jason, so this hadn't been an issue. Now, she didn't know how to act.
As Eddie ushered her into the house, she scanned the crowd in front of her. It wasn't hard to find Steve in the midst of it all. He stood out on a normal day. For this party, however, he was wearing one of those sleazy Santa hats that had mistletoe on the end, and Chrissy hated how that wasn’t a turn off for her. As she watched Rachel P. make her way over to Steve and point at the mistletoe on his hat before reaching up to give him a kiss, Chrissy couldn’t help but think she wouldn’t mind getting to have that same opportunity herself. She’d never be bold enough to go up to him on her own though, and she certainly wasn’t bold enough to say whatever it was that Rachel P. whispered in Steve’s ear after their kiss that made his eyes go wide before shaking it off and adopting his signature confident smirk again. She was content to keep her distance and avoid any and all potential humiliation that would undoubtedly come from her being anywhere near him.
But she was hanging out with Eddie that night, so she should have known that he was going to unintentionally put her face to face with the guy she was trying her hardest to avoid. She loved her best friend more than anything, but he was oblivious to the chaos he caused her. Sometimes it was through more over the top means, but tonight it was via the simple action of calling for Steve’s attention. He acknowledged Eddie with a slight nod before saying something to Rachel P. and abandoning her to head their way.
Chrissy started panicking almost immediately. He was going to be standing in front of her wearing that ridiculous hat, and she'd have to find a way to kiss him without being awkward about it. Of course, there was always the chance that Eddie would jump in and kiss Steve to mess with him. Or worse, he could push Chrissy forward and urge her to kiss him and make a big deal out of it. She felt like she was going to be sick.
But then something that she hadn't anticipated happened, and it was maybe even worse than anything she had imagined. As Steve got closer to them, he noticed Chrissy was with Eddie for the first time, and he stopped dead in his tracks. He recovered after a moment, and as he started walking towards them again, he pulled the hat off of his head and ran a hand through his hair. That settled it then. He didn't want to kiss her at all, so he was taking away any chance that it would happen. Even though she'd been panicking about it, she'd be lying if she said that didn't sting.
“What? No kisses for me?” Eddie asked. “I'm wounded.”
 “I'm sure you'll survive,” Steve told him before turning his attention back towards Chrissy. “I didn't know you were coming.”
“That's because I forced her out of the house. We're just staying until I sell out, and then it's a night of debauchery.”
Eddie threw an arm around Chrissy's shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows, and she turned bright pink before slapping his chest.
“He's kidding,” she insisted. “We're going to watch Christmas movies and probably end up annoying his uncle.”
“I think he'll be charmed by our antics and just how often I plan on pausing the movies to add in my own scenes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have party favors to hand out.”
Eddie gave an exaggerated bow before heading into the party, leaving Chrissy standing there awkwardly with Steve. She didn't know what to say to him, and he didn't appear to have anything to say to her, so she was standing there wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow her when Heather Holloway appeared and threw her arms around her in a bone crushing hug. Whatever was in the cup that she was holding sloshed, and a little bit dribbled on the floor.
“You came!” she said as she pulled away from Chrissy. “You said you weren't feeling up for a party, but you came!”
“I did.”
Heather was clearly more than a little buzzed already, and Chrissy watched as she turned her attention towards Steve.
“Stevie. Would you mind terribly if I stole Chrissy for a minute?” she asked. “I can never get her to go to parties anymore, so I need to go get her a drink or seven to make up for lost time, okay?”
“She's all yours,” he replied. “Don't get too crazy.”
“Me? Never.”
Heather grabbed Chrissy's hand and started to pull her towards the kitchen, but as Chrissy glanced back at Steve, she noticed that he put that stupid hat back on the second he wasn't looking at her anymore, and she felt that same sting from before again.
“Can I just say that Jason is a rat?” Heather said. “A stinky garbage rat. The lowest of the low. He was never worthy of you, and you can do so much better than him anyway.”
Jason was the absolute last person Chrissy wanted to be discussing right now. Tonight was supposed to get her mind off of everything, and already she was feeling awful. She knew Eddie had meant well by bringing her here, but she needed to not be around these people.
“I'll be right back,” she told Heather. “I need to find the restroom.”
“Use the one upstairs. The one down here is probably super grody by now.”
Chrissy made her way upstairs and easily found the master bathroom. Luckily, no one was in there already, so she was able to lock herself inside and take a moment alone. She took a few deep breaths as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She could do this. She could be at this party and act normal and pretend she wasn't hurt by what Jason did to her and how Steve had clearly been repulsed by the idea of kissing her. She had to handle this. Just a little while longer, and then Eddie would be ready to leave. She could make it that long. She knew she could.
She exited the bathroom and started to make her way back downstairs. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Eddie leaning against a wall and flirting with Nancy Wheeler. He was trying to look cool, but Chrissy could tell that he was freaking out on the inside. This was a new development, and while she was happy for whatever was happening with her best friend, she had a feeling that she was going to be staying at this party a lot longer than she originally intended.
She would just have to make small talk with people and try to handle being there the best she could. Maybe if she stuck by Heather, she could get away with not doing any talking at all, and she could just let her friend talk at her for a while. However, that plan was ruined when she walked back into the kitchen and found Heather making out with Jason. He had her sitting up on the counter, and he was standing between her legs with her hanging all over him. So much for him being the lowest of the low.
Chrissy turned on her heel and ran out of the room knowing Heather wouldn’t have seen her. She was too invested in Jason’s tongue to notice her hurt friend or care if she did. She couldn’t grab Eddie and make him leave. She didn’t want to be a burden on him, so she tried to go hide in the bathroom again. This time, the door was locked, so she ducked into the first unlocked room she could find. 
After locking herself in said room, she sat down on the edge of the bed and willed herself not to cry. She wouldn’t give Jason the satisfaction of knowing he still had the power to hurt her. She couldn’t. She just needed to stay isolated from the rest of the party until it was time to leave. Eddie would come find her soon enough, and she could put this whole stupid night behind her.
She was only alone for maybe five minutes before someone tried to open the door. When they realized it was locked, they pounded on the door.
“Hey!” a voice called through the door. “No one is supposed to be up here!”
Chrissy got up from the bed and opened the door to find Steve standing there. Once again, as soon as he saw it was her, he pulled that stupid hat off of his head and held it behind his back. This was the last thing she needed, and she could feel herself crumbling from the inside out. She had to get out of that party, and she had to get out now.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t know. I’ll just leave.”
Her voice cracked as she spoke, and she moved to exit the room, but Steve was blocking her path.
“Were you in there by yourself?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, and she didn’t want to cry in front of Steve. She didn’t need to add on to the humiliation she was already feeling. She tried to push past him, but he moved to stop her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Wait. If you need to be alone up here for a while, you can stay. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. Or I can go get your boyfriend for you if you don’t want to be alone.”
Chrissy let out a dry laugh.
“What boyfriend?” she asked. “Jason dumped me two weeks ago. You were there. Don’t you remember?”
“What? I wasn’t talking about that jackass. I meant Eddie.”
“You think Eddie and I are dating?”
“Well, yeah. Aren’t you?”
Chrissy was silent for a moment before doubling over from the force of her laughter. She moved back to sit on the edge of the bed as a way to steady herself because even in this laughing fit, she knew she didn’t want to fall to the floor in front of Steve.
“I’m so sorry,” she said once she’d calmed herself down enough to speak. “I’m not laughing at you. I promise. It’s just that the idea of me dating Eddie is the most ridiculous thing to me.”
“So, he’s not your boyfriend?” Steve asked. He moved to sit down next to her, and he set the hat on the bed in between them as he did.
“I certainly hope not considering the fact that last time I saw him he was very clearly flirting with another girl. He’s just my best friend, and he lacks all sense of personal boundaries when it comes to the people he’s closest with. I guess I can understand why someone would think we’re dating, all things considered. It’s just that kissing him would be the same as kissing my little brother.”
She scrunched up her nose in disgust before wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes.
“Thanks for that though. I really needed that laugh.”
“Glad I could be of service,” he told her. “Can I ask what had you upset enough to lock yourself in my bedroom in the first place?”
“It’s stupid,” she told him. “I saw someone who I thought was my friend making out with Jason. Which is fine. He’s allowed to do whatever he wants. We’re not together anymore, so it shouldn’t have had this effect on me. It’s just that he chose Heather, and she let him choose her after just telling me what a piece of shit she thought he was. But it’s fine. I just didn’t want to be forced to see it, and I didn’t have anyone else to talk to, so I came up here to get away from everything until Eddie was ready to leave. It’s easier that way.”
“Do you want me to kick him out? Because I can make him leave if you want.”
“He’s not worth the effort. I’m already ruining your party enough by keeping you away from your guests. I don’t need you to make a scene on my behalf.”
“I could spit in his eggnog then. Or accidentally spill some punch on him. Maybe trip him or something? Whatever I can do to help you get back at him.”
“It’s fine. Really.” She let out a tiny giggle. “Technically, he didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’d say he did plenty wrong if you asked me.”
“How do you figure?”
“I mean, setting aside him making out with your friend, the way he treated you at that basketball game was one of the worst things I’ve ever witnessed. He was needlessly cruel, and you deserved better. Frankly, I don’t think he treated you very well while he was dating you either, but that’s a whole other thing entirely. You always seemed too nice to be with a guy like him, and he didn’t appreciate you enough.”
“Maybe that’s just your opinion.”
“Well, it should be everybody’s opinion. I bet there are loads of guys in this school who would realize that you're the best thing that's ever happened to them.”
“You're sweet, but I'm not that special.”
“Not that special? Chrissy, you're -”
Steve paused for a moment and ran a hand through his hair.
“I remember this one day from back around when we first met. A bunch of the cheerleaders and the guys from the team were hanging out outside the gym. Barb Holland was walking past on her way to her next class, and she tripped and absolutely ate it in front of everyone. Jason went to make some stupid comment, but you scolded him and told him to shut up before getting down on the ground to check if she was okay and help her gather her things. I'd already thought you were cute before that, but I think that's when I started to have a crush on you. I never said anything, and then you started dating Jason a week later, so I figured I'd missed my shot and kept quiet. Anyway, my point is that you are special. Anyone who doesn't see that is kidding themselves.”
Chrissy smiled, but avoided looking at Steve to hide the fact that she was certain she was blushing.
“So, you have a crush on me?” she asked.
“I kind of let that slip there, didn't I?”
“Yeah. You did.”
His admission only confused her though. If he liked her, he should have wanted to kiss her, and yet he took that hat off every single time he saw her. It didn't add up.
“Can I ask you something?”
Steve nodded.
“If you're really into me, why'd you take the hat off? Why eliminate the perfect opportunity to act on your feelings in a non-obvious way?”
“A couple reasons. First, up until about five minutes ago, I thought you'd just started dating Eddie, and I didn't want to kiss another guy's girlfriend. Second, the hat wasn't even my idea. It was Tommy's. He gave me this line to use about how it's bad luck if you don't get a kiss when you're standing under the mistletoe, and said it works every time, but I kind of hate wearing the thing. And maybe most importantly, I didn't want you to feel obligated to kiss me. The whole idea of it made me feel gross. If you kissed me, I wanted it to be your choice.”
The sting from earlier had vanished completely and was replaced by a swarm of butterflies that were making her heart flutter. She wanted to be cool about this, but she didn't know if she could be. She had to try though, so she grabbed the hat and pulled it into her lap.
“You know, I kind of have a crush on you, too,” she told him.
“You do?”
“Mmhmm. And I would have welcomed the opportunity to kiss you even if it came with Tommy's admittedly terrible line.”
“Duly noted.”
She picked the hat up and placed it on her head.
“Well, would you look at that,” she said as she pointed at it. “I think that's mistletoe.”
“I think you might be right.”
 “You know, I heard it's bad luck if you don't get kissed when you're underneath the mistletoe.”
“I think I've heard that somewhere.”
“You wouldn't want me to have bad luck now, would you?”
“That sure would be terrible.”
“So, what do you say, Steve? Wanna help me make sure I don't have any bad luck?”
With that, Steve leaned in, and Chrissy pulled him closer for the first of many kisses.
Later on, when Eddie was finally ready to leave the party, he felt terrible for how long he'd ended up leaving Chrissy on her own. But, when he found her sitting on the sofa, snuggled up to Steve and looking happier than he'd seen her in months, any trace of guilt vanished away.
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
The Madrigal Triplets headcanons because it was their birthday recently
Julieta Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, random headcanons
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!  
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she loves her daughters to the moon, but secretly wishes she had at least one son
for that reason, she became very close with her two nephews
she has only cried seven times in her life: every time she found out she was pregnant, every time Pepa found out she was pregnant and when Bruno left
every morning she takes some leftovers from breakfast and puts them in Agustín‘s pocket just in case
her love language is touch
she’s afraid of small animals, like mice, but loves big ones, like jaguars
when she and her siblings were little, they would experiment with Julieta’s gift like checking if using expired products for cooking would affect the food’s healing abilities
she’s very minimalistic and hates when there’s a mess
when she’s stressed or exhausted, Agustín plays on a piano for her for hours till she falls asleep, she loves it
cleans Mirabel’s glasses because her daughter forgets to do it herself
when Isabela’s sad, she brushes her hair very very tenderly, she also hums a song while doing so
loves to squish and kiss Luisa’s cheeks
secretly loves reading books packed with a lot of action
can do a cartwheel
the most infectious laugh and when she laughs out loud you know that whatever joke she had heard was hilarious
as a teenager, she was really insecure about her hair because it was always tangled an unruly, only after she started dating Félix who turned out to be great at braiding, did she start loving her curls more and more
her siblings envy her for her height
she gets easily sunburnt
 the weather mixes when she gets drunk, she feels a lot of emotions at once so it can be hailing while there’s three rainbows above the house
she’s addicted to coffee
her love language is words of affirmations
when someone cries around her, she’ll also start crying
she misplaces a lot of her stuff
both coffee and tea person
fixes her children’s hair at every given occasion
sometimes when she’s bored she places Antonio on her feet and holds his hands while walking like this around the Casita, she used to do that with Camilo and Dolores when they were little
used to make tea for Camilo when he’d get upset as a kid, he picked up on it and that’s why he does it for her now
still calls Dolores “my baby” or “my little, sweet girl”, basically refuses to acknowledge her oldest is all grown-up
awkward with children, the thought of being a parent stresses him out
meditates in his free time
is the kind of person to get the joke after like ten minutes of it being said
eats really fast
always hurts his fingers when sewing
bites his lip a lot
is actually very intelligent and gets annoyed when he has to explain something for the third time
uses boring visions as night lights
knew Félix and  Agustín prior to his sisters
his love language is gift giving
loves making sand castles
after he had to give Antonio his jaguar plushie back, Bruno asked Mirabel for one
enjoys wearing a birthday hat
has a spare hair tie on his wrist at all times
 when they were kids and Alma was measuring their height, Bruno would cheat by standing on his tiptoes
after he came back, everyone would make sure that he would always stand in the middle while taking a family picture
happy birthday to my favorite triplets <3
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spaghettiddy · 2 years
♡ Eddie Munson random headcanons ♡
Random headcanons - in some of them the reader is mentioned and it can be read as gender neutral, romantic or platonic. (No use of Y/N)
Contents and warnings: nothing really :) maybe a little bity if fluff. (664 words)
A/N: i’ve been collecting these in my journal in the past few days, beacuse yes, sometimes i write by hand about a man in my journal like an infatuated 19th century woman! Some are quite long, more like short drabbles. (English is not my first language so be kind :))
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Eddie loves when his friends and partner give him drawings or little notes. He acts cool when he gets them, because they're often for the d&d campaign or they’re simple christmas cards, but then reads them when he’s alone in his room, smiling to himself. He keeps them in a shoebox and hangs up on his walls the drawings he likes most. (OMG if he ever met Will! !! Aaaahhh)
THRIFT KING. He spends the money he makes by dealing on music gear, so he has a limited budget for stuff like clothes. He's been doing it for a while now so he has a precise itinerary of thrift stores around Hawkins, fidelity cards, and all. He even once did that thing of hiding a jacket he wanted between other clothes and came back the next day with enough money to buy it. When he comes back, he puts on a little fashion show for you and explains in detail how he’s going to modify the clothes to match his style. (We’ve all seen those pictures of Joseph Quinn trying the different versions of the costume. That's the vibe. Chaos basically. )
Every Christmas and birthday he gets his uncle a new hat and has been since he was in elementary school. It turned into a tradition and now uncle Wayne proudly displays his collection in the trailer living room (you can actually see them in the show in the background and in that backstage tour of the van)
When he’s having a tough day, he goes to skull rock with his walkman and/or a book. He likes the walk from and to his house the most, it’s an opportunity to clear his mind and spend some time alone. He's been doing it for a few years and more than once he had to go back home because the spot was already taken by a couple. He didn’t know him personally yet, but at least twice the rock was occupied by Steve and the girl he was going out with at that time.
He read in a magazine that some metal band members use women’s perfume as an act of rebellion and provocation. So, he bought one and wears it, hoping that if anyone smells it they think it rubbed off a girl he was with, instead of making fun of him.
Asks you to help him collect bottle caps, can tabs and safety pins to make diy pins. He always makes an extra few to give you as a thank you.
Kind of an arsonist, out of curiosity though. He just has to set fire to different small objects and materials. He knows they will just burn but what if this time something else happens, doesn’t even think about how the something else might be something dangerous, like a small explosion or toxic fumes.
He has an ever-changing, but very detailed list of tattoos and piercings to get in the future. Yes, it includes at least one nipple piercing and a tramp stamp. He says it's not a tramp stamp, but the position and design say otherwise.
His weirdly specific childhood interest was Norse mythology. He still remembers some very specific events and details and adapts them to put in the D&D campaigns. Just imagine the joy of little Eddie learning there was a god of mischief!? It took him a while to spell mischief correctly but he got there.
When you spend the night at his and have breakfast together, he insists on doing stupid stuff, and you have to go along even if you’re still waking up. You have to throw him cheerios, because it’s fundamental to know how many he can catch with his mouth at 9 in the morning on a Friday. And you have to pour him maple syrup on the pancakes, and also directly in his mouth still full of cereals, because he doesn’t want to get his fingers sticky.
Eddie hates the feeling of stepping on anything like sand, grass or rocks barefoot, so when you go to Lovers' lake, he jumps on strangers' towels on his way to and from the water.
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