#i did coke last night hahah i never do coke
survey--s · 1 year
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If you have a job, how long is your shift? Generally I work 5-6 hour days which is plenty long enough considering I’m on my feet all day walking dogs - it’s pretty physically strenuous.
What was the last thing you received in an envelope? A letter about the cats’ insurance renewal.
Do you ever wear your hair in a pony tail? Not really, I tend to have it up in a messy bun 99% of the time as it’s quick and easy and keeps it out of my face.
When was the last time you got a new phone? About eighteen months ago I think.
Do you wear your watch on your left or right arm? I don’t wear a watch.
What was the last kind of pop you drank? Pepsi Max.
Do you think you’re single because you repel the opposite sex? I’m not single but what the fuck kind of question is that? lol.
What language did you take up in high school? I took French from about age 5-6, then Latin for a couple of years, then German for five years until I went to university.
Why are you home? Because it’s Saturday night and I have nowhere else to be lol. Plus I’m out first thing tomorrow morning.
Do you like sunflowers? Yes.
Whose bedroom were you in last? Mine.
Are you counting down for anything? Meeting Reuben the puppy tomorrow morning! He’s not even mine but I am ridiculously excited hahah,
Are you watching TV? What’s on? Re-runs of Mock the Week.
Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito? Sure.
Do you have a sweatshirt on right now? No, it’s waaaay too warm for that.
Where is your ex? I have no idea. I think he still lives in the same town but who knows with him - he probably lives with the latest poor girl to believe his sob stories.
Have any pictures on your dresser mirror? No.
Did you hang out with anyone today? What did you do? Just Mike but we haven’t really done anything particularly exciting. Just chilling out at home and enjoying not having to be anywhere.
Have you had any beer this week? No.
What channel did you last watch on tv? Channel 4.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? I have no idea, probably an Amaretto and coke.
Currently waiting on something/someone? Nope.
Last time you painted your nails? I painted my toenails a few days ago. For my fingernails, probably when I got engaged in Lanzarote lol.
What was the last thing you watched on television? Mock the Week.
Is your shirt yellow? No. I don’t own any yellow clothes.
How old will you be in 12 months? 35.
What did you do last night? Watched TV, messed around on my phone and had an early night.
What woke you up this morning? Mike’s phone vibrating for no apparent reason.
Do you sleep naked? No, I normally wear underwear and a t-shirt. I don’t find it comfortable to sleep naked, I get too sweaty.
What should you be doing right now? Nothing.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? I honestly never imagined that my life would turn out this way but I’m eternally grateful that it has.
Do you have make-up on? No.
Have you kissed anybody in the last 4 days? Yes.
Have you ever held hands with someone in a car? Sure, loads of times.
The last person you kissed whose name started with a J or R? J - Joshua. R - Richard, but both of those happened about a decade ago lol.
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches? Yeah, by about an inch and a half.
Would you rather be called honey or baby? Neither really, but baby is probably the best.
The person you have the most feelings for calls you right now, what do you do? Ask him what he’s forgotten as he only left home about 20 minutes ago.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? ^^ because he just left a while ago to go fishing. And I don’t really feel the need to be in constant contact all the time.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yeah.
Your last kiss meant nothing to you, right? Wrong.
Where is your phone? On the sofa to my right.
Will you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I don’t want to have a baby with anyone.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? eBay.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I hope I’m still married in five years, yes.
Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I was vegetarian for a few years as a teenager but it’s not something I’d willingly choose to do again.
Did anyone call you babe yesterday? No.
Did you ever slam a door on someone? Of course.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yeah, plenty of times. I live five minutes from the beach.
I bet you’re thinking about someone right now? Susie as she just liked something I posted on Facebook.
Are you in love with someone right now? Yes.
What have you watched so far today? The Simpsons and Mock the Week.
What is the weather like right now? Hot, muggy and sticky. Bleurgh. It’s gross.
Are you talking to anyone on AIM right now? Who? Ha wow, how old is this survey? I miss AIM.
What is your favorite card game? I’m not really into card games.
What kind of pet do you have? Any certain breed? Two black moggies (one long hair and one short hair) and a tan & white beagle.
Do you wish someone was dead? No.
What’s your favorite ice cream? Lately coffee or vanilla.
Have you ever given a toll collector 75 cents in pennies? Not personally, but my dad used to pay them in coins.
Give me the link to your favourite Youtube video: I don’t really have a specific favourite.
The last time you hurt yourself-how did it happen? Just getting jumped at by a dog - I think it was Ollie lol.
What’s the name of dance you can actually dance to? YMCA.
If you could have any pet you wanted, what would it be? Another dog lol.
Did you ever have an invisible friend? Yeah, one called Rosie and one called Samantha.
How many emails were you sent today? A few but they were just from random companies rather than specific people.
Favorite sleeping position? Curled up on my right and cuddling my bear.
What are you drinking right now? Nothing, I’ve just finished a Pepsi and debating what to get next.
What’s your favorite alcoholic drink? Raspberry vodka mixed with lemonade.
How many hours of sleep do you get each night? It depends, normally anything between 6-9.
Are you a good morning person? Yeah, I’m actually fine to get up early as long as I’m left alone for the first hour. Physically I’m really productive, I just don’t want to talk to anyone lol.
Have you ever been on a diet? Yes.
What’s your favorite dessert? Cheesecake, tiramisu or pavlova.
What was your favorite Christmas gift you got last year? My dad gave me £1000.
What have you thought up yet for this year’s list? Nothing really, I would rather have money so I could just choose what I want/need over time.
What’s the best activity you’ve done so far this summer? It’s not quite summer yet.
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heroin-antiheroine · 5 years
had a weird n wonderful nye night last night. met up with 4 other smackheads n beautiful ppl & went wandering rly. we walked for miles in search of a free party after the one we were supposed to be goin to was shut down early. we didnt find anything where they normally are, but we picked up a random straggler who was kicked out of a local event for being too ketty. we walked more & accidentally headed out of town across the bridge & saw the city & it was so beautiful at night. then we walked back, ran into some dude who was clearly k-ed off his head. he said there was a party at a local swingers club & we wanted to go, so he tried to show us the way in exchange for some of my mate’s k. we walked thru a housing estate & found a random girl who was crying. she’d been beaten & strangled by her bf & had stabbed herself in the stomach. she was alright tho, it wasnt bad. she kept hugging me, it made me rly sad. we wanted to help her but she was just there to pick up crack so we all understood. we didnt find the swingers party but we went to a local pub where they had a night on. did some dancing even tho the music was shite. my 2 other friends called us about a squat party but by then it was fuckin late & me & my mate needed a hit so we had to go back. we did massive shots to see in the night & i almost ended up fucking him but idk i dont wanna fuck things up by doin that like i did with another friend recently. he’s a rly cool guy, a 50 yr old punk who’s hung out with jello biafra. n a fuckin lush person. a friend of mine posted a pic of the squat party on fb this morning & it looked fun so that kinda sucks but honestly i just had fun walking for miles in the cold with all the beautiful lights & taking in the city that i love so much. i’m so happy to be here & surrounded by such positive ppl....& it’s amazing & funny to me that these guys, who are all heroin addicts, are the most positive ppl ive met in my life. & it’s like a beacon of happiness & everything can be good. i hope all u guys had a fun night too, bless u all i love u <333
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What is your least favourite thing about your full name? I don’t know if it’s right to say I have a least favorite thing about it. At this point in my life I’ve gotten over complaining about anything about my name and I’ve ended up liking it, actually.
How good is your grammar? My fluency in both English and Filipino is pretty much perfect. Kinda called for when it comes to communications graduates, haha. But yeah I grew up speaking Filipino and then learned English through media, school, and my English-speaking friends, so my exposure has always been balanced.
Do you like the age you are? Idk I feel like age loses its significance when you’re like 20. < Yeah, same. The last age I got excited about was 20, but turning 22 this year felt a little boring and not just because I had to celebrate at home. I’m imagining it would be the same for 23, 24, 26, 27, etc and that I’ll only look forward to milestone years now, like those that end in 5 or 0.
Music. It’s amazing. Do you agree? It’s great, but I’m not as attached to music as most people are. It’s hard for me to get into new acts and I mostly stick to the artists and albums I’ve listened for years. Music can also sometimes be too emotional for me, so most of the time I prefer flocking to content that will entertain me when I’m sad, like sitcoms or YouTube videos.
What’s your favourite kind of poptart? I’ve mentioned this before but only like, five flavors ever get shipped to the Philippines. My favorite is chocolate fudge, but I’m sure I would have other favorites if we were able to have their whole flavor roster.
Do you like sunglasses? I don’t really care for them. They look nice and there are certainly a lot of cute and classy sunglasses designs out there, but ultimately I don’t like how it impairs my vision. No matter how bright it is where I am, I tend to not feel comfortable when everything I see has a black or brown tint to them. 
Do you think dreams can give us insight to things? I don’t know if it can give insights, but I believe that your general emotions and life experiences can have a hand in what dreams you end up having. In my case, whenever something is currently heavily troubling me I always, always end up dreaming about them.
Have any cheesy kids songs memorized? Depends on what you mean by cheesy kid’s songs. I don’t actually know what that refers to.
Besides your computer, what else is cluttering your desk? A Tupperware with peanut brittle, another Tupperware with a half-eaten brookie, two notebooks, my copy of Midnight Sun, my phone charger, a nearly-empty glass of water, and my night light.
Why is your worst enemy your worst? I don’t have an enemy...haven’t had one since, like, grade school.
What does your dad do? He’s an executive sous chef at a luxury liner. But his company and the nature of his work is obviously one of the most affected by Covid, so he hasn’t been in his workplace since February and it’s impossible to tell when he’ll be needed again.
How late do you usually stay up? During weekdays, I’m in bed by 9 or 10 PM. Work is exhausting most days. But on the weekends, I’m able to stay up til midnight or even a few hours beyond that.
The political spectrum. Where do you fall? The more radical side of the left.
Do those commercials from the ASPCA make you cry? They’re a US-based org so no I haven’t, but their ads probably do have the ability to make me cry.
When was the last time you visited a nail salon? I remember going inside a nail salon with Gabie in like 2017? 2018? because she had been trying to get me interested in pampering sessions for myself haha. I never saw the appeal though and if I remember correctly that was the only time I ever found myself inside of a nail salon.
What was the last thing you used sliced bread to make? My breakfast yesterday. I just used the bread to wrap a hotdog. 
If you had to eat one type (Chinese, etc.) of food which would it be? I would have absolutely no problem eating Indian food for the rest of my life. Their spices, the curries, breads, chutney, samosas, paneer? *chef’s kiss*
Enough about food. Have you used Wikipedia for a school report? I used Wikipedia all the time but use the sources on the bottom of the page. It was so easy to go around the whole “don’t use Wikipedia for research” when the sources cited in Wikipedia articles are always subject to strict review by the site’s moderators to ensure their credibility lol.
What is your favourite glass to drink from? I love my mom’s Starbucks mug. I use it all the time when she isn’t home.
When did your family immigrate to wherever you live now? We’ve never migrated, even though my mom had always wanted us to. If we pushed through with it, we most likely would have landed in either the US or Canada.
What does your room look like when you sleep? Completely dark. I also like keeping my windows open and my blinds partially open, because the cold air at night feels nice.
What tabs are open on your computer? The window I’m currently on is pretty loaded actually. There are six Tumblr tabs, 12 Bzoink tabs, two tabs on Google search, and one Wikipedia tab.
Are your fingers long, or short? They’re rather long. 
Reality TV: Love it, or hate it? OMG hahah I like most of them, but I can’t stand dating shows. As a demi, I just could never relate to the idea of casual dating and dating shows have always been super boring to me. I can binge most of the other reality TV shows though, especially cooking ones and KUWTK.
What time is it in the country you get the most of your heritage from? Welp, that’s a creative way to put it. 6:47 PM.
Do you use a top sheet? My current bedsheet doesn’t come with one but I do have other bedsheets with top sheets that I routinely change to.
How often do you engage in illegal behaviour? It comes up every now and then but it’s nothing more than illegally downloading books and movies lol.
Who is your favourite comedian? I’m not big on comedians but I came across Sindhu Vee’s stand-up comedy on Facebook a month ago and she’s sooooooo fucking hilarious. Jokes about extreme Asian parenting will never get old for me. I definitely wish more of her acts were available online.
Do people say you have an accent? Sometimes I’ll get compliments for being able to speak in English well, but idk about accents.
Could you tell me what the capital of Bosnia is without looking it up? Nope. I wouldn’t even be able to point at its general region on a map. Soz.
AOL: Do you use it? No.
Do you find Family Guy’s cutaway scenes funny, or annoying? I generally find cutaway scenes funny. I’m sure I would find Family Guy’s funny as well, considering I’ve enjoyed their humor styles in the past.
What colours are on your current shirt? Brown.
How many children do you want/have? Two.
Would you rather live in this decade, the 1960’s, or the 1910’s? 1910s. The very limited women’s rights and social issues of the time would be sucky to witness, but I’m still interested to see how different life was back then whether in terms of technology, how different my city used to look, or whatever.
Pepsi vs. Coke? Neither.
Do you think you look good with a hat on? Sure, I like hats :)
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vanchlo · 4 years
fifty questions you’ve never been asked
thx krisp for tagging me @toenialls sorry it took 4eva
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? rose gold 
2. a food you never eat? radishes or cucumbers came to mind first, i hate them both
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? watching buffy the vampire slayer
5. what is your favourite candy bar? twix!!!!!!
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? mmmhmm 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? idk something to my dog like “bye ily”
8. what is your favourite ice cream? chocolate or target has this awesome mint cookies and cream 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water 
10. do you like your wallet? yeah i got a new one recently i love, its blush and has a little handle to slide onto your wrist  
11. what was the last thing you ate? a piece of dark chocolate 
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? a dress off target’s website i guess 
13. the last sporting event you watched? hahah a soccer game last fall 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? there are flavors? i guess kettle corn 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my kinda best friend 
16. ever go camping? nah i never liked it, but i’d be up for trying it again 
17. do you take vitamins? yeah just a daily one 
18. do you go to church every sunday? hell no 
19. do you have a tan? yeah no 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza always, i dislike chinese
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? first it’s called pop, and yeah if it’s in a lidded cup like from a fast food place 
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? um i have different colors but they’re usually white with a colored toe and hell 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? heheh yeah but not much 
24. what terrifies you? losing people i love and failure 
25. look to your left, what do you see? my door 
26. what chore do you hate? mopping and sweeping i guess, had to do it all the time at my old job 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? "aye mate” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
28. what’s your favourite soda? *pop and it’s coke, tastes better from a can cold 
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? um mostly i go inside 
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my dad 
31. favourite cut of beef? idk imma just say a steak, they’re better than burgers 
32. last song you listened to? currently listening to painkiller by beach bunny 
33. last book you read? i just finished eleanor and park for the second time last night and fuck that ending 
34. favorite day of the week? friday 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? ooooo yes i learned it at my first job bc the preschoolers were taught it. its so funny seeing how amazed people are when i can do it lol 
36. how do you like your coffee? decaf, lots of cream and sugar and some vanilla 
37. favourite pair of shoes? my fake silicon-ish birks from target
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? im trying to fix it lately but rn its like 2-3am 
39. at what time do you normally get up? noon haha but thats after struggling and pressing snooze 
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 2 and 1 at the end 
42. describe your kitchen plates? idk i hardly use them and theyre my parents’ and i hate them, i prefer bowls 
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? um a bacardi coke or a fruity wine cooler 
44. do you play cards? yeah i guess like solitaire and cribbage and some poker and other card games 
45. what colour is your car? red
46. can you change a tire? hell nah 
47. what is your favourite state/province? idk i guess minnesota bc i live there i dont really have a fav 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? workstudy - you get paid to do your homework once your duties are done 
49. how did you get your biggest scar? i have one on my cheek thats from a glass ceiling light bulb falling on my face when my brother’s head hit it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? idk my dog was probably happy that i played with him and found his tennis balls he loves 
whoever wants to do this you can tag me 
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Tagging game!
@primruesabcd tagged me and i decided to indulge:
How old are you: ya bro’s 23
Surgeries: none at all
Tattoos: four of em, a colourful unicorn on my left upper arm, line art of a key and a lit math on my right arm, and then i got the deathly hallows in my neck
Ever hit a deer: pretty sure we did when i was young, also did it once with my ex bf but it was all cool, we basically just bumped it and it ran off hahah 
Sang karaoke: only on like sing star with friends when i was younger
Ice skated: oh yeah, lots. pe when i was little was basically ice skating in the winters
Ridden a motorcycle: on the back a few times with a few different people but never driven myself
Ridden in an ambulance: nah
Skipped school: def. not often but yeah it happened
Stayed in the hospital: nope
Broken bones: never
Last phone call: my girlfriend last night!
Last text from: a girl who thought i was someone else hahhahah
Watched someone die: never irl no
Pepsi or Coke: coke for sure
Favorite pie: ehhhh ham and cheese, or blueberry
Favorite pizza: i’ve gotten a real nice thing going with tomatoes, mozzarella and pesto!
Favorite season: eh... spring?
Received a ticket: nicht
Favorite color: turquoise and purple
Sunset or sunrise: sunset
Favorite Christmas song: Mer Jul by Adolphson & Falk
Cupcakes or cookies: did you mean Cupcakes AND cookies?
I aint tagging no one, but if you feel like you wanna do it, you’re now tagged!
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Are you disrespectful to a lot of people? I don’t think I’m disrespectful. When was the last time someone called you pretty? I don’t know, but the other day this lady told me I have beautiful eyebrows. Hahah. Weirdest compliment. Do you like the color pink? Yeah. I like various shades of it. Are you in your pajamas at the moment? Of course. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? No.
Doesn’t it annoy you when couples post things to each other’s wall on Facebook that are all mushy and gross and NO ONE CARES? It seems that you care. Does your cell phone have a case on it? What color? Yep. It’s like one of those clear ones that has glitter in it, but mine is a Christmas one that has green and silver little stars floating in it with a giraffe wearing a scarf and holding a Christmas tree. So what do you think about Chris Brown now? I haven’t heard anything about him in a long time. What was the last song you had on repeat? I don’t listen to songs are repeat, but I’ve listened to my Christmas playlist quite a bit so I have heard a lot of the same songs a lot. Ever kissed someone your parents hated? No. What do you think about your cousins? I was really close to two of them, but over the last 3 years I became distant and withdrawn from everyone, including family outside of my immediate family. Do you think the name Sage is for boys or girls? I see it for a boy, but probably because I’m thinking of this male rapper named Sage the Gemini. Do you have a favorite radio station? There’s 2 we’ll listen to now and then, but it’s very, very rare because my mom plays her Spotify playlist in the car. Do you ever save things as a draft or a note in your phone so you can remember them later? Yep. I do that a lot. Do you use Sharpies often? No. What didn’t you get for Christmas that you asked for? Christmas hasn’t happened yet, but soon! It’s Christmas Eve-Eve. Any weird fears? Probably my fear of outer space and deep water. It’s just the idea of them and I can’t even look at pictures. Would you say that you’ve become more of a slut or less of a slut since a year ago? I’ve never been a slut, but wow what kind of question is this. Are you older or younger than most of your friends? I’ve always been like a year older than my friends. Does anyone you know exaggerate a lot? Yes. What are your plans for your next birthday? It’s December and my birthday is in July, like I’m really not thinking about that. I’m in no rush. How are your nails? Very short and ugly. Your most recent ex says he/she hates you, you say? Whatever. How is life going for you right now? It’s been rough. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? I don’t think so. Have you met anyone new lately? No. What color are your eyes? Brown. Look to your right what do you see? The TV tray next to my bed with 2 bottles of water, a glass, my coffee tumbler, my medicine, a bottle of Coke, nail clippers, and a pile of napkins. Are you drifting away from your best friend? Not from my mom, but I drifted away from my friends over the last 3 years. Would you feel hurt if your last ex was in a relationship? No. If someone you wanted before came back now, would you take them? I really don’t know what would happen if Ty and I reconnected again. If given the chance, go back to fix a past regret or take a million dollars? That’s really hard. The money would be a huge help, but given all the health stuff that I’ve been dealing with and having a hard time because of... if I were able to go back and change something that would keep some of this stuff from happening... I think I’d have to take that chance. What’s more important, your pride or your life? I don’t have pride in myself, and my life should be important but I haven’t been taking care of myself for awhile like I should have been and I’m not doing some things that I should be doing. Would the last person who texted you hurt you? I don’t believe they would. Your ex is sitting next to you with their new partner, what do you do? It would be awkward and kind of weird, but I wouldn’t do anything. I’d be civil. Do you have a reason to smile right now? Not at the moment. Have you ever had to choose between two people? I’ve felt that way. Last thing you drank was? Water. What did you do last night? My mom and I made a spontaneous trip to Kohl’s last night to make a return and get a few more presents. We also stopped by Panera Bread where my brother works to say hi and get some goodies from the bakery. Where is your mother? At work. Have you had sex today? No. Are you afraid of losing a boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m single. Do you have siblings? I have 2 brothers. Last person, you talked to in person? My dad. Do you think someone’s thinking about you? Nope. What made you the happiest today? Nothing has. Today hasn’t been good. What is your hair looking like right now? Like it needs to be dyed. Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? It’s Christmas Eve. Are you currently wanting any piercings? Nope. Are you looking forward to something as of right now? I’m looking forward to Christmas and giving my family their presents. Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it? Nooo. I don’t know how people do that.
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majesticmarais · 6 years
tag game woohoo
tagged by the lovely @treegelbman
drink: coke!
phone call: my friend Brianna last night
text message: i think it was my boyfriend?? or one of my friends
song you listened to: sweater weather by the neighbourhood (i know #basic)
time you cried: LAST NIGHT
dated someone twice: no actually and very thankfully
kissed someone and regretted it: yes LOL, only once though
been cheated on: nope!
lost someone special: yeah, multiple
been depressed: yeah i would definitely say that i have
gotten drunk and thrown up: i’ve done it once but it wasn’t actually because of the alcohol, it was another reason but i was drunk and ended up throwing up so technically yes but they weren’t correlated 
fav colour: i have lots! purple or red or royal blue i’d say
In The Last Year Have You…
made new friends: yes i have!! ones i am very grateful for
fallen out of love: no :)
laughed until you cried: this is me on a regular basis so most definitely yes
found out someone was talking about you: LOL YOU DONT EVEN KNOW, oh yeah
met someone who change you: i would say yes
found out who your friends are: i did indeed
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: LOL yes
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: i think all of them except for like 2 internet friends from a few years ago and one family member who i’ve never actually met lol
do you have any pets: a doggie!!
do you want to change your name: no not really
what did you do for your last birthday: lol well considering it just passed, i spent the day with my boyfriend, brothers, and some friends and had some dinner and ice cream, and last night i had all my friends over for a party!!
what were you doing at midnight last night: partying with my friendos
what is something you cant wait for: uhhhmm for the semester to be over LOL
what are you listening to right now: Robbers by the 1975
have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so actually??
something that gets on your nerves: people who walk really slow, hypocrites, and people who are really self centered and dont care about anyone
most visited website: tumblr i think
hair colour: iss brown
long or short hair: pretty short it’s a bit above shoulder length
do you have a crush on someone: yeah ;))
what do i like about yourself: my big heart
want any piercings: a nose ring or a septum
blood type: i think i’m O neg?
nicknames: A, lil red, Auttie, Fall
relationship status: taken :)
zodiac: virgo!
pronouns: she/her
fave tv show: probably this is us, or the fosters or degrassi or gilmore girls or greys, i love lots of shows
tattoos: none:(
right or left handed: rightie!
ever had surgery: on my teeth, i guess that counts?
piercings: just my lobes
sport: dance!!
vacation: is this favorite vacation or somewhere i want to go?? my favorite vacation was to Costa Rica!
More general…
eating: sour patch kids
drinking: nothing although i want water
about to watch: nothing, maybe some youtube later
waiting for: idk?? nothing?
want: my boyfriend to get out of the shower and come cuddle
get married: yeah!
career: homicide detective hopefully
Which Is Better…
hugs or and kisses
lips or eyes
shorter or taller
older or younger
nice arms or stomach
hookup or relationship
troublemaker or hesitant
have you ever
kissed a stranger: ...yes
drunk hard liquor: yup
turned someone down: yeah multiple times
sex on first date: no ma’am
broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so?
had your heart broken: yeah
been arrested: no!
cried when someone died: obviously?
fallen for a friend: HAHAH this tag game is coming for me
Do You Believe In…
yourself: sometimes
miracles: i like to think so
love at first sight: yes and no, not purely from looking at them but i think you can fall for someone after meeting them once
kiss on a first date: yeah i don’t see why not, some people make a big deal out of it but i don’t really care
angels: yes!
best friends name: Skye
eye color: brown!
I tag: @samithepixie @yagirlcammmm @lilah-or-lily @daddy-avery and literally anyone who wants to do it just say i tagged you
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survey--s · 3 years
Tumblr media
When’s the last time you spent time with your cousins? Uh, about three or four years ago, I think. My cousins all live in Australia so we pretty much never see each other, especially with what’s going on with COVID. I think Catherine was the last to visit and that was only because she was travelling and came to stay for the weekend.
What kind of lip balm do you use? Burt’s Bees.
Are you frustrated with anything? Period pain, lol. Luckily it’s nowhere near as bad as it was yesterday but it’s still not very pleasant.
Why did you fall for the last person romantically? Because...I don’t know, I just did, I guess.
What’s your younger sibling’s name? I don’t have any siblings.
Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? Yes, French and some very basic German.
Do you ever fear of falling asleep? No, I love sleep. I worry more about not being able to sleep when I need to.
Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? I love what I do, which is dog-walking and pet-sitting. It’s genuinely the best job I’ve ever had, and even on my worst days, I never dread going to work.
What’s the last thing you had to eat? I haven’t eaten anything yet today, but I had apple pie with cream last night.
Which beach would you say is your favorite? I forget the name, but a beach in Sardinia - white sand, clear blue, warm waters and it wasn’t rough so you could swim. It was lovely. Around here, the beach five minutes away is my favourite.
When’s your birthday? December 10th.
What kind of cookie is your favorite? Warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies.
What is it that you really want right now? Nothing much, I’m just waiting for my lunch to cook. I’ve had the laziest morning and I’ve not really done anything, haha.
Do you write? Not really anymore, no.
Is there a map hanging in your room? No. I’ve seen some awesome LOTR-style maps of the world, though, and I think owning something like that would be pretty cool.
Have you ever gone to see a movie past 9:00 PM? Sure.
Do you ever pick up your house phone? We don’t have one. Archie chewed the cables up as a puppy and we never bothered to replace it. Mike’s mum was the only person to ever ring us on it and she now just uses our mobiles.
Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? Neither.
Have you ever had a churro? I LOVE churros.
Are you smiling? Nope.
What is irritating you now? I have a weird sweat rash under my arm and it’s itchy, lol.
When did you last eat pizza? A few days ago.
Are you tired? No, but I slept really well last night and didn’t get out bed properly until nearly 11am this morning, hahah.
What is your favorite thing in your room? My bed.
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi, though I always used to prefer coke.
Did you ever throw up while kissing someone? No.
Do you like Batman? I have no strong feelings either way.
Who is in the room with you? Purrlock is asleep on the table - everyone else is upstairs.
What were you doing before this? A previous survey and putting my lunch in the oven.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? Uh, the internet router has blue lights on.
Whose house did you go to last night? I was at home last night.
What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Neither - I pretty much live in leggings.
What is the last movie you watched? Pocahontas.
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literarystorm · 7 years
85 Statements Tag
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @fangirl-alsomaybeahipster Much love!
I’m leaving this open for anyone who wants to join.
The last…  
1. drink: Diet Coke
2. phone call: Motherbear
3. text message: Best Friend
4. song you listened to: Holy Grail by Hunters and Collecters
5. last times you cried: like last night watching youtube
6. dated someone twice: lol
7. kissed someone and regretted it: again lol
8. been cheated on: loooool
9. lost someone special: My dog passed away in April and now my bedroom is lonely
10. been depressed: um?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never thrown up on a night out thank god
Favorite colors
12. dusty pink/purple
13. greeny-blue
14. dark purple/pink
In the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes, finally in my second year of uni!
16. fallen out of love: out of a crush I suppose?
17. laughed until you cried: YES
18. found out someone was talking about you: No..
19. met someone who changed you: Yes
20. found out who your friends are: Hopefully still the same from last year
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: If you count friends on Facebook...
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: A lot but not all are close friends, some are just people I’ve seen around school/uni
23. do you have any pets: @9

24. do you want to change your name: Nah
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went out and partied in the city
26. what time did you wake up: 9:30ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching adam hills (aussi comedian) on youtube and I have no idea how I got there
28. name something you can’t wait for: Outlander season 3 pleeeease
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: This morning 
31. what are you listening to right now: a podcast for my contracts subject at uni (kill me)
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ....no?
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my mum complaing about work
34. most visited website: Netflix or less legal versions
35. hair colour: Brown
36. long or short hair: well long, I’m quite tall so It feels medium to me but my hair is actually really long
37. do you have a crush on someone: not really, I’ve had a few lustful moments with cute guys that come into my store
38. what do you like about yourself: I like my taste in books, music and my travel history
39. piercings: just ears
40. blood type: no clue
41. nickname: Sam, Sammy... pretty simple
42. relationship status: Single
43. zodiac: Capricorn
44. pronouns: She/her
45. favourite tv show: Outlander, Stranger Things, Sense8
46. tattoos: None
47. right or left handed: Right
48. surgery: I had my tonsills out during my senior year of HS.
49. piercing: didn’t we already have this question..?
50. sport: I have over a decade of netball up my sleeve
51. vacation: I’ve travelled around Australia with a caravan, been to the east and west coasts of the US plus Hawaii and gone to a few Islands in the pacific.
52. pair of trainers: Nikes
More general
53. eating: trying the healthy thing
54. drinking: nothing right now but
55. i’m about to: drink coffee
56. waiting for: my Nan to be ready to sell me her car
57. want: money to save me from bankruptcy after I buy her car
58. get married: I think I need someone to be interested in me first
59. career: Law degree = Lawyer, Reality = Who knows?
60. hugs or kisses: that weird hug/kiss greet you do with people you know hahah
61. lips or eyes: Eyes
62. shorter or taller: Taller, but I’m already 6ft 
63. older or younger: Older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: can I be weird and say back...?
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: I need a troublemaker beacuse I’m the hesitant one
67. kissed a stranger: No
68. drank hard liquor: YEP
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
70. turned someone down: yep
71. sex on the first date: nah
72. broken someone’s heart: I hope not
73. had your heart broken: Not really
74. been arrested: Nope
75. cried when someone died: Yes
76. fallen for a friend: I had a crush, I feel like there’s a difference
Do you believe in …
77. yourself: Sometimes
78. miracles: not in the spiritual way but things can be strange
79. love at first sight: why not
80. santa claus: Nope
81. kiss on the first date: Depends how the date goes
82. angels: not int he spiritual way but people can be angelic in their character
83. current best friend’s name: Brittany, Aamina, Kristy and Ashlee
84. eye colour: Dark Brown like actually black
85. favourite movie: this is an impossible question don’t ask me 
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nc-ty · 7 years
Another Tag
idk if this has a name?? but it’s just a load of questions ahaha
I was tagged by @day21-97 (thank you💕 you aren’t bothering me, don’t worry!!) 
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: milk 2. Phone call: my mum 3. Text message: my dad 4. Song you listened to: super star - gdragon 5. Time you cried: this morning because I went to a leaving assembly for my p2 teacher in my old primary school and it made me emotional because now I have to leave school to be an adult  6. Dated someone twice: yeah but I was like 13 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: no and I hope it never happens to me 9. Lost someone special: not yet 10. Been depressed: nope 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no, throwing up from alcohol is for the weak (I bet I throw up at my formal lmao)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, white, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yep 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve never been in love 17. Laughed until you cried: yeah lots of times 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. Met someone who changed you: idk I feel like most of my personality has been formed by the people I’ve met throughout my life?? so yeah I guess 20. Found out who your friends are: eh not really, I’ve always known 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them I think 23. Do you have any pets: yep I have two cats💖💖 24. Do you want to change your name: no I like my name 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went out for dinner with my friends, had a family party and crashed someone else’s house party woo 26. What time did you wake up: 6:30ish (by accident) 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: in a car on my way home 28. Name something you can’t wait for: going on holiday, I just wanna leave this country pls 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I’m pretty happy with my life rn tbh, uhhh I wish I knew what I wanted to do in the future though 31. What are you listening right now: divina commedia - gdragon 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that it’s summer and I somehow still seem to have no free time?? 34. Most visited Website: tumblr or youtube 35. Elementary: done (what is this question even asking) 36. High School: done (I’m emotional about this) 37. College: we don’t have college here really.. I guess I’m between high school and college (uni hopefully) 38. Haircolor: ginger 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes and I hate it 41. What do you like about yourself: I can never think of anything specific.. um I think I’m nice to other people which is good 42. Piercings: 3 in my earlobes 43. Bloodtype: idk, I wish I knew 44. Nickname: I don’t really have one, sometimes people call me gracie 45. Relationship status: single 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: friends or the 100 49. Tattoos: none (I don’t think I would ever like anything enough to put it on my body for the rest of my life tbh) 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: ye I got my tonsils out 52. Piercing: already covered this 53. Sport: no thanks 55. Vacation: this year I’m going to ibiza but my favourite place to go is carvoeiro in portugal and I’m really disappointed that I’m not going this year 56. Pair of trainers: ?? uh I have a pair that are good because I have a crappy knee and they help it lol
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I actually don’t enjoy food that much which I feel is really weird hahaha I eat because I’m hungry BUT if it’s sweet then I’ll eat it no matter what 58. Drinking: water and milk, and if we’re talking alcohol then malibu and coke 59. I’m about to: sit on my ass for 24 hours and either start a new drama or watch ikon related shit 61. Waiting for: nothing really for once, I guess to go on holiday or my exam results (but I wanna forget about those) 62. Want: a hug would be good tbh, and also to see my family in scotland 63. Get married: I would like to but it’s not something that’s particularly important to me 64. Career: I wish I knew, probably scientific research
WHICH IS BETTER: 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: eyes for sure 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older at the minute, I think it’ll matter less when I’m older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS (generally stomachs are nice to me no matter what hahah they’re either cute or sexy so it’s all good) 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive please 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: … I wanna say hesitant but I do have a soft spot for troublemakers tbh as long as they don’t take it too far, cheeky people just make me happy idk ahahha
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: yes 75. Drank hard liquor: yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no I don’t wear them 77. Turned someone down: yep 78. Sex in the first date: nooo (zero dates zero sex) 79. Broken someones heart: not that I’m aware of 80. Had your heart broken: yeah 81. Been arrested: no and the thought really scares me for some reason ahah 82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: oh yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: mostly 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: no (I wish I did - it’s a favourite concept of mine but surely you can’t fall in love when you know nothing about a person?? it makes no sense) 87. Santa Claus: sadly not 88. Kiss in the first date: sure if you’re both feeling it then why not?? 89. Angels: not really
(I always find ‘believe in’ questions hard to answer because I have no idea what I believe but generally I don’t really believe? I’m open though)
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: megan 91. Eye color: I literally don’t know my eye colour lmao, dark blue-grey sort of 92. Favorite movie: peter pan 2003 (also I love les mis, musicals are the best)
i’m going to tag @jeno-jeyes @hydranoel @griffinrunes @cherry-ten @yongguksgummysmile anddd @lemmetalkaboutkpop💞
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vaporeonmaster · 7 years
Get To Know Me
I was kind of tagged by @kokoro4kakashi because she tagged anyone with an R in their URL, hahah :P But it looked kinda fun to do so why not!
Rules : Answer these 92 statements and tag however many people you want
THE LAST : 1. Drink : ice tea. I wish it was coke. I’m trying to kick the stuff though. BUT OMG NOTHING IS BETTER THAN A COKE ON A HOT DAY. 2. Phone call: My stepdad? 3. Text message: My friend who rarely texts back... not sure why I even try hahah. 4. Song you listened to: Pumped Up Kicks  5. Time you cried: A few weeks ago when I moved out of state after living with my best friend for a couple years. I missed her lol
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice : Not really. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yeeeeep. 8. Been cheated on: Pretty sure I was. 9. Lost someone special: Yep. 10.Been depressed: Whenever I’m not manic... (I’m not joking)                           11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Almost, only once, after only one glass of wine, because of a medication I was taking. So I don’t drink anymore.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Blue, Green, Purple :)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yep! 16. Fallen out of love: I think so. Emotions are weird to figure out. 17. Laughed until you cried: Of course!! 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Don’t think so. 19. Met someone who changed you: Kind of.                                                      20. Found out who your friends are: Not sure. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’ve met just about all of them in real life. I don’t like adding people I don’t really know or haven’t met at least once. 23. Do you have any pets: One crazy goofball cat, who my mom is currently trying to make hers hahah. 24. Do you want to change your name: I have. I went to court and everything. But now people at the DMV or college office of where ever ask “Oh, when did you get married?” when they see I have a different name. And when I tell them I didn’t, they give me a weird look... 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Nothing really. My roommate/best friend tried making me a cake and we watched Friends haha. 26. What time did you wake up: 10 am, kind of late. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was half awake, playing pokemon shuffle on my phone while petting my cat. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: my apartment move in date!!! I’ve been staying with my mom for a month now, can’t wait to get my own space again! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Today, since I am kind of living with her haha. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I never know how to answer this type of thing, because I never know what I could change about my life that wouldn’t change who I am... that being said, I think someone showing up at my door right now and telling me I won 5 million dollars would be okay. 31. What are you listening to right now: My mom watching TV 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes. I’ve known a Tom since high school who I still talk to (he’s a really great person!) and I’ve worked with a Tom before too. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Oh, so many things... I won’t go there! 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, Facebook, and usually YouTube (but my mom doesn’t have the best internet, so I haven’t lately)
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Yeah. 36. Mark/s: Marks as in scars? I definitely have scars. 37. Childhood dream: Being a vet who has a flying car so I can treat the animals ASAP. (No, I am not joking!) 38. Haircolor: Blondeeee (well, faded pink right now since I last dyed it pink) 39. Long or short hair: I wish I could grow my hair long, but I haven’t been able to since I was like a teenager. My hair is curly so even when it’s long, it doesn’t look like it, so I have to grow it like, EXTRA long for it to just look long. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Does Kakashi count? But yeah, I’m okay being solo for now. Now big crush right now. 41. What do you like about yourself: My eyes. 42. Piercings: multiple ones on my ears 43. Bloodtype: Nooooo clue. 44. Nickname: Just ones when I was a kind, like Meggy. 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Scorpio 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: I love so many TV shows, not sure I could pick just one.
49. Tattoos: Yep! Two (well, three, but one of my tattoos is covered up by the other tattoo) 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: No, no actual big time surgery. 52. Hair dyed in different color: My hair has been colored every color in the book at least once hahaha. Naturally blonde though. 53. Sports: I used to LOVE playing volleyball back in the day. It was the only sport I actually enjoyed and was serious about. But I didn’t have the stability in my life as a kid to be able to per-sue it. 55. Vacation: If I could take one, as silly as it sounds, I would want to go to Disneyland in the fall or winter if I could afford it. 56. Pair of trainers: ...what? The only trainer I know how to be is a pokemon trainer, sir.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Not gonna lie, I might be getting myself ice cream soon. 58. Drinking: Ice tea. I thought I already told you that. Stop being so obsessed with my drinking habits bro. 59. I’m about to: eat ice cream, unless I stay on tumblr even longer and forget. 61. Waiting for: ice cream. 62. Want: a new macbook. My poor buddy is becoming an old man, and he has been very reliable for many years. I even got him used and he’s still working for me. But now he is getting slower and angrier in his old age. 63. Get married: I sure hope to one day :) 64. Career: I have worked so many jobs, but right now I am working on my Bachelor’s Degree to hopefully get an actual career.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS. They have way more love in them (that’s how I feel at least). 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. They’re beautiful,except on creepy people. They are the windows to the soul, I swear. 67. Shorter or taller: Well, I am short. So it’s nice when people are taller than me and can reach things on the top shelf. 68. Older or younger: I’m not sure? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I wish I had a nice stomach. So stomach? 71. Sensitive or loud: Why not both? 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: A little of both!
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Nope! 75. Drank hard liquor: I have been tricked into it.                                                  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yesssss. But luckily not for long. 77. Turned someone down: Yeah :/ 78. Sex on the first date: Well that’s a pretty personal question. 79. Broken someone’s heart: I hope not but probably have :( 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah :/ 81. Been arrested: Nooope! 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah. :/
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Sometimes. 85. Miracles: I like to believe in them. 86. Love at First Sight: Kind of? I believe in chemistry at first sight/meeting. 87. Santa Claus: I am 25. So I hope not. 88. Kiss on the first date: Yep.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: Katleynn :) 91. Eye color: Blue! :) 92. Favorite movie: Little Miss Sunshine :)
Tagging... I dunno. Anyone who wants to do it!! :) How about @holdmeeeee if you haven’t done one yet? Or @nataliebgdh? Or @team7fangirl? I am probably so late on doing this thing that you all have probably done it already!!
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markwatneys · 7 years
heyy i was tagged by the wifey @betsbraddock ilysm bb u know
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
the last
1. drink: coke 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: my best friend to tell her i hope she has a good day 4. song you listened to: michael in the bathroom 5. time you cried: like 2 days ago bc i missed my friends 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
3 favourite colours
12. yellow 13. red 14. pink
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yess!!! 16. fallen out of love: i’ve never been in love but i did like this boy and now i dont bc hes a homophobe but i like his sister now :) 17. laughed until you cried: def def 18. found out someone was talking about you: lowkey ya 19. met someone who changed you: yea 20. found out who your friends are: ehh not really 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:don’t have one 23. do you have any pets: a doggo! 24. do you want to change your name: nope ;) 25. what did you do for your last birthday:went to the mall then i saw a movie with my bestbestbest friend
26. what time did you wake up:9:43 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeepppingggg 28. name something you can’t wait for: to see my best friend next week 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterdayy 31. what are you listening to right now: anything by coin (im going to their concert in november!!) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no 33. something that is getting on your nerves: nothing im just chill 34. most visited website: tumblr 35. hair colour: pink rn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
36. long or short hair: short short 37. do you have a crush on someone: on like 3 people rn
38. what do you like about yourself: pretty much everthing hahah 39. piercings: ears!! 40. blood type: a something??? idfk 41. nickname: daners!!! danerson!! dane!!! 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac:cancerrrr 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: the west wing!!!!!!!!!!! 46. tattoos: not right now lloll 47. right or left handed: righhttt 48. surgery: never 50. sport: i dont like doing sports hhhhh 51. vacation: just came back from pennsylvania!!! 52. pair of trainers: nikes lmaoo
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: leftovers from last night 54. drinking: coke 55. I’m about to: get lit 56. waiting for: my best friend to come back 57. want: to hurry and start school 58. get married: yea 59. career: mathematician maybe
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: no but i have had the chance omfgg thats wild 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: nahh 73. had your heart broken: no 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: used to have a crush on my best friend b4 we were best friends
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: yep 78. miracles: maybe 79. love at first sight: eehhhhh 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: no 82. angels: idkkk
OTHER: 84. eye colour: hazell 85. favourite movie: xmfc or clueless or a new hope
ok higkey dont wanna tag anyone bc im lazy
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dinatlou · 7 years
DO ALL 100!
Here we go… I’ve finally done it!
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?Nope, I’m a single Pringle
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?It wasn’t actually one person it was a group of people and absolutely not. I can’t forgive them for what they said and did (I’m not going to get into it tho)
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”My cat :)
4: what’s something you really want right now?Idk, I’m not sure I want to get too deep about it lol
5: are you afraid of falling in love?Me!? Afraid of falling in love? What would make you think such a thing (you’re totally right)
6: do you like the beach?I do! Although I don’t go loads of tbh. The beach is so calming and peaceful. I just get stressed in the summer bc bees and wasps are about.
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?I slept on one half of a sofa while someone’s sat in the other half?? Does that count? Wasn’t like cute or anything. It’s family so like????
8: what’s the background on your cell?Just generic one that came on my phone. My lock screen is me, my sister and two of my cousins
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?Mine x3 and my sisters :’)
10: do you like your phone?Yeah I do!! Idk what else to say ahaha
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?NO OMG?! It’s actually the complete opposite to what I had in mind. I never even imagined my life would be remotely like this but I suppose my minds like a little dream land or something?
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?Probably two of my friends. I never had their numbers because we would just talk on Facebook or whatever.
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?Poodle!!
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?Emotional!! If you get a cut, it’ll scab over. If you break a bone, you get a cast. If you’re hurt mentally/emotionally/psychologically there isn’t a quick fix to that
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?Hmmm, idk. Maybe a zoo? Don’t hate me I know they shouldn’t be there but..idk
16: are you tired?Always ahahha
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?I’ve already answered this one and I cba to write it out again ahaha
18: are they a relative?The girl I talked about in the other ask isn’t no, she’s a friend.
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?I mean, maybe if I had an ex to even get back with?
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?Never apparently, never kissed anyone
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?Well, one I’m single. But if I was with someone and I knew I was going to be with them forever I would marry them…but not now. I’m only 17 and I can’t fork out for a wedding rn ahaha
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Again, seems impossible.
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?0 haha
24: is there a certain quote you live by?I guess “Ohana means family” from Lilo and Stitch? I used to say it a lot as a kid. It’s stuck really. Family is really important to me but I’m also a believer that family isn’t always blood
25: what’s on your mind?lol too much
26: do you have any tattoos?No, but I think I might get one at the end of the year (hopefully school won’t notice)
27: what is your favorite color?Hmmm, probably purple
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?Erm….unlikely
29: who are you texting?Currently no one. The last person I text in general was my sister lol
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?They’re non existent!
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?Yes, think I have a sixth sense or something. I know when people are being off with me, don’t like me, I can kinda guess if they’re lying or not telling me something.
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?Nope! Don’t really have many friends anyway
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?No, probably not. But if someone out there does, hiya! Make ya self known (although a relationship is probs the last thing I need rn)
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?Nope! My eyes are small and so dark brown they’re nearly black so…
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?Again, weird concept bc someone will be stood in front of me kissing no one?
36: were you single on valentines day?Of course I was? Have you noticed the pattern here?
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?I’m going to continue to be sarcastic about this until the end you do realise?
38: what do your friends call you?My name? Mads or Maddie.
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?Idk, I’m upset a lot of the time anyway ahahah
40: have you ever cried over a text?Yep! I know ew
41: where’s your last bruise located?I’m not too sure? Probably my leg or something ahah
42: what is it from?Probably knocked it off a table or my bed lol
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?Now :) contemplating changing my plans to get awayyyy (it won’t happen tho lol)
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?Apparently my dad last week! You can tell I like never ring people.
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?Any of my trainers tbh. My trainers or another pair of shoes that idk what they’re called lol
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?Na bc school. Can’t wear hats. Don’t really have any to wear anyway
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?Probably not? Idk
48: do you make supper for your family?Nope!
49: does your bedroom have a door?It does but I barely close it?
50: top 3 web-pages?Idk. I don’t use a computer or laptop too often unless it’s for school stuff or Netflix
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?Erm, probably. My dad likes food shopping but not like shopping shopping.
52: does anything on your body hurt?My shoulder, I pulled a muscle last night!
53: are goodbyes hard for you?Depends who it is and how long it’s for?
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?Probably Coke :/
55: how is your hair?Erm, it’s good?? Idk what this questions really asking tbh?? It’s short and thick and kinda blond now??
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?Roll over. Then go on my phone when I pull myself together
57: do you think two people can last forever?I like to think yes. That there’s someone for everyone and all that. But people change and grow naturally so it’s easy for two people to move apart.
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?OF COURSE!?
59: green or purple grapes?Either I don’t mind. I eat purple grapes more bc that’s what my parents buy
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?Idk
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?Erm yep
62: when will be the next time you text someone?Idk. Tonight, tomorrow? Normally it’s me texting my sister a video or smth
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?Asleep!
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.Sleeping, I woke up just before 9.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?No one. This time last year was difficult. Didn’t have time for that
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?Yep! My two friends
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?No. Did yesterday though
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?“I feel so sick”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yeah of course I have? But then again, hasn’t everyone?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?Currently 0, I’m not on my computer.
71: how many fingers do you have?All 10 :)
72: what is your ringtone?Generic iPhone one
73: how old will you be in 5 months?Still 17…but I’ll nearly be 18
74: where is your mum right now?In the living room
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?Bc they were a twat (I didn’t love them but said person fits this question best)
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?Nope!
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?Well, two people….I’m not going to get into this though
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?Yes. Kinda links to the earlier twat
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?Yep! One of teachers hahah
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?No I don’t think so
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?0
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?Nope
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?Nope, don’t like anyone
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?Unlikely scenario but probably my best friend
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?Well…yeah I would if they’re killing themselves everyday?
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?We got given the tickets for free off a group of lads!!
87: who was your last received call from?Sadly the doctors ahaha
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?This screams butterfly effect to me….couldn’t
89: what is something you wish you had more of?Time? Energy? Confidence?
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?I have total trust issues. So probably :)
91: do you sleep with your window open?Occasionally
92: do you get along with girls?More than boys yeah. Idk. I haven’t found my people
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?No?
94: does sex mean love?Apparently not to some
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?Yeah? Bc I’m locked in a room by my fkn self
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?:)))
97: did you sleep alone this week?Erm yeah every night?
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?I guess yeah!
99: do you believe in love at first sight?I think it’s more lust? Or love with their looks/vibe? You can’t love a person by just looking at them
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?Couldn’t tell you!
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xoxopandapanda · 7 years
Tagged by @iliveondaydreams​ :) :)
1. Drink: Vanilla Coke (I have a problem)
2. Phone call: My mom to tell her one of my high school teachers got arrested for weed.
3. Text message: My bestie from college
4. Song you listened to: Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld
5. Time you cried: Sunday so 4 days ago?
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Been Cheated on: Hahahaha does my ex ‘wife’ friend count?
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes. They licked me afterwards. Worst first kiss ever.
9. Lost someone special: Yes, but the beauty of it was that I found how to be happy within myself
10. Been depressed: #yassss
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, but I did get drunk and do some great things. Good story. I should share. 
12. Green. But like, a bright green. The type of green you look at and your eyes burn a little. An obnoxious green, just like me.
13. Bright pinks. Favorite lipstick color.
14. Yellows, but soft yellows. Not bright ones. I like my yellows subtle.
15. Made new friends: I have! Friends from all over
16. Fallen out of love: Yes, and I’m proud of it because I fell back in love with being me.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yep!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, but they aren’t worth the energy it takes to care hahaha
19. Met someone who changed you: Yep! Quite a few! :)
20. Found out who your true friends are: In a good way - not in a horrible ‘end of a relationship way’
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: LOL. See #8
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: All of them
23. Do you have any pets: Yasss, two cats and a dog. I love my pets. 
24. Do you want to change your name: No, I am proud of it. 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to an aquarium and a museum collection about the art and trade of the Middle East starting during Ancient Egypt. (SO AMAZING)
26. What time did you wake up: 6:00 AM like the full fledged adult I am hahaha
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping like the full fledged grandma I am hahahha
28. Name something you cannot wait for: Girl’s Weekend trip in July with my besties from High School!!!! #ROAD TRIP
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: A few minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I could be a happier person and that the kindness I choose to extend didn’t get taken advantage of.
31. What are you listening to right now: Hard Times by Paramore
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, in my church choir. He got a Blue Apron subscription service and he thinks he is a professional chef now. :) 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Being nasty for no reason or trying to be emotionally manipulative. I ain’t got time for that. 
34. Most visited website: Tumblr according to google haahah
35. Elementary: Private Catholic school. 
36. High School: Slightly larger private Catholic school. (WHERE ONE OF MY OLD TEACHERS GOT ARRESTED FOR SELLING WEED HAHAHAHHHA GOLD)
37. College: A terrible school who is going to go bankrupt and I’m getting my folding chair ready for it. 
38. Hair color: My natural brown, although I want to dye it an auburn color. 
39. Long or short hair: Long I guess, but I like the shoulder length hair on me more than when my hair went past my waist.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Hahaha no. 
41. What do you like about yourself: I can make people feel better in rough situations, and I have a sense of humor most of the time. 
42. Piercings: Technically double ear piercings but only one set is still able to get an earring through it. 
43. Blood type: A something. Not huge in America hahah

44. Nickname: Lala, Panda, Roara

45. Relationship status: Single af 
46. Zodiac sign: Leo
47. Pronouns: She/her
48. Favorite TV show: Depends on my mood, but I like to watch vloggers lately (TaylorR is my favorite)
49. Tattoos: Nope, but maybe in the future. 
50. Right- or left-handed: Right!
51. Surgery: Wisdom teeth- another good story. When I woke up and wound up making a break for it and taking out three nurses before someone could catch me hahahahah
52. Piercing: Ears at 8
54. Sport: Tae Kwon Do!
55. Vacation: Up north somewhere, visiting relatives
56. Pair of trainers: Are we talking training bras? Training pants? Training skills?

57. Eating: Nothing right now, but I made a good supper so that’s cool!
58. Drinking: Pop (I have a problem)
59. What is the question (???)
61. See above (???)
62. Want: To be happy and not have a sucky job lololol
63. Get married: Yes, eventually.
64. Career: Right now, legal assistant. Goal for 2018 EFL teacher! Yass!
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs (See #8)
66. Lips or eyes: I like looking at people’s eyes more?
67. Shorter or taller: I’m good. Short, and good. 
68. Older or younger: Life is as life is. I’m young in some places, but old in others. Matter of perspective. 
69. Light or dark eyes: Eyes are good either way. 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I would like to not have an irritable stomach.
71. Sensitive or loud: I’m sensitive to loud noises. Yes?
72. Hookup or relationship: Relationship. 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m gonna go with troublemaker because that’s how Monica would describe me.

74. Kissed a stranger: No. I don’t approach strangers
75. Drank hard liquor: And would up chasing after a dog and rubbing chapstick all over my friend’s arm. Good times. 
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: I don’t have those :P
77. Turned someone down: Yep.
78. Sex on first date: LOL. No. 
79. Broken someone’s heart: Probably.
80. Had your heart broken: Yeah ahahahahahahha good times. gooooooodddddd tiiiiiimmmmmesssssss.
81. Been arrested: Nope.
82. Cried when someone died: Yes
83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah, the ex ‘wife’ friend. 
84. Yourself: Yes. I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN. 
85. Miracles: Yep!
86. Love at first sight: No not really hahahah
87. Santa Claus: Yes! :P 
88. Kiss on the first date: I have never had a first date go well so no.
89. Angels: Yeah!!

90. Current best friend’s name: Monica, Amanda, Virginia
91. Eye color: Golden green
92. Favourite movie: Zootopia or Princess Mononoke or Your Name. Sometimes out of love I’ll watch something Moe wants to watch. 
I tag whomever would like to fill this out! I would love to learn about you!! 
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Did you talk to anybody taller than you today?: Everyone, besides small children, are taller than me. Have you seen “A Cinderella Story” w/ Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray?: Yep, many times. What is your favorite brand of chap stick?: ESO or EOS I always forget the order, but yeah that one. Have you ever been to New Brunswick in the summer?: Nope. I’ve never been there at all. Have you ever been to Florida in the spring?: I’ve never been there at all either.
Have you ever been to Vancouver in the winter?: ^^^^^ Have you ever been to Boston in the fall?: ^^^^^ Have you ever been to St. Louis or St. Paul?: Nope. Have you ever been to both in the same 11-day period?: Have you ever driven down a red dirt road?: No.
Do you think horses could run faster on the road or through fields?: Fields, probably. Why do you feel this way?: I just do. Is it past 6 AM?: No, it’s 12:27AM. Is it past 6 PM?: Yes. Are you wearing shoes?: No. Describe the worst time you’ve ever been shocked.: Hmm. I don’t know what I’d say was the worst time. Have you ever been shocked when a cashier was handing you change?: Yes. Have you ever had spicy sweet chilli doritos?: I have. What’s the longest song title you can think of?: Just about any one of Fallout Boy’s songs. And the shortest?: Freebird. Have you ever went to sleep after the sun came up?: Many times. Were you scared of Y2K?: Yeah, even though I was pretty young. Are you scared of Y2K12?: Nothing came of that either. LOL, can you type 2012 in roman numerals?: No. Which button on your cell phone did you last press?: I It was probably the home button. Who did you last call?: My mom.
How long was the conversation?: Just a few minutes. Do you enjoy stepping on ants?: No. What state is nearest to you?: Arizona. What city larger than yours is nearest to you?: Los Angeles.
What country is nearest to you?: Mexico.
What town smaller than yours is nearest to you?: Hmm.
Does the color purple remind of you of anything or anyone?: It’s my mom’s favorite color. Also, Prince’s song “Purple Rain” and the movie, “The Color Purple.”
Did you talk to your bf/gf last night?: Single.
Can you honestly tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi?: Yes.
Do you wish Pepsi never existed?: I don’t care that it does. I just think Coke is better.
Do you think love is the most beautiful thing in the world?: Sure.
What do you want thrown at your wedding?: You assume that I will get married. Or that I even want to.
Do you plan on getting married in the near future?: Noooo.
Have you ever been to: Timbuktu, Mali: Alberquerque, NM: Avondale, AZ: Evansville, IN: Evansville, IL: St. Petersburg, FL: Richmond, VA: Vancouver, BC: Chihuahua, Chihuahua: Memphis, Tennessee: Portland, ME: Portland, OR: Springfield, PA: Indiana, PA: Eerie, PA: Eerie, IN: Lake Erie: The Pacific Ocean: The Indian Ocean: India: South Africa: Peoria, AZ: Peoria, IL: Flagstaff, AZ: Huntington Beach, CA: West Hollywood, CA: New York, New York: Toronto, ON: Henderson, NV: Henderson, KY: Indonesia: Dubai, UAE: Cincinatti, OH: Newport, KY: Newport Beach, VA: Virginia Beach, VA: Washington, D.C.: Puerto Rico: The largest city in your state/province/etc: The largest city in your country: The largest city on your continent: The largest city in the world (Tokyo): The largest city in your county/parish/etc: The largest city in every state/province/territory/etc boarding yours: The largest city in every country boarding yours: The largest city on every continent: Nunavut: Spain: Dawson City, YK: Dawson Creek, BC: Do you eat quiche?: It’s been years, but yeah I like it.
Do you eat Butterfingers weekly?: Uh no. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had one.
Do you read the newspaper more often than once every 2 weeks?: I don’t read the newspaper, I read the news online or watch it on TV.
With what color toothbrush did you last brush your teeth?: White and blue.
Do you bathe your dog?: Not me personally, but yes we do.
Does it have a collar?: Yes she does. She has a cute collar and ID tag.
How long were you last sleeping?: I took a 2 hour nap yesterday. I haven’t slept since then, yet. I’m really tired, though.
Have you ever played “Dungeon Explorer: Warrios of Ancient Arts”?: No.
What brand PS2 controller do you think is best?: I don’t know anything about that stuff.
Do you like Keith Urban?: I like a song or two.
Have you ever been to urbandictionary.com?: Yeah.
Do you have a porch swing?: We don’t even have a porch.
Is that a good thing?: I don’t see why it would be a good or bad thing if we did.
When did you last feed goldfish (whether they were yours or not)?: Not since my own when I was a kid. What is the last sweet thing you ate?: The strawberry milkshake I had.
Spicy?: I can’t have spicy food anymore. :(
Salty?: The soy sauce I dipped pot stickers in yesterday.
What is the last dream you remember having?: Something random and weird as usual.
Do you know anybody whose language you speak better than they do English?: No.
What’s your favorite pokemon?: I liked Jigglypuff.
What’s your favorite pokemon game?: Never played any of them.
Is anything good on TV right now?: I doubt it seeing how it’s almost 1AM.
Have you ever worn a blue hat?: Possibly.
What about a sweater and a sweat shirt at the same time?: No. I’ve worn a hoodie and a jacket or a sweatshirt and a jacket at the same time, though.
What’s your area code?: Nah.
How many area codes would you recognize?: Not many.
Do you know where sponges grow?: In the ocean.
Have you ever read “Where the Red Fern Grows”?: Yeah, in 5th grade.
Who is the author?: I don’t recall.
Do you like suspensful books?: Yes.
What about scary ones?: I like mystery and psychological thrillers.
Can you name every hamster you’ve ever had?: I had two when I was a kid, but I don’t recall their names.
What’s the last building you were in that had more than 4 floors?: Not sure.
How far away is it from your house?:
Did you drive there?:
Have you ever driven to Utah? No. Have you ever been to OK, TX, NM, and AZ in one day?: No.
Do you like road trips?: Depends.
Isn’t it awkward when someone mentions they just lost a loved one?: Only because I never want to say. There’s nothing you can really say. I’m also not good with comforting others.
How do you react?: I express my condolences but other than that I’m just like awkwardly there not knowing what to do or say.
Have you ever been to a funeral and everyone else seemed more sad than you?: It wasn’t something I paid attention to. There wasn’t like a who’s sadder than who thing going on. It was just a sad, rough day for everyone.
Do you even like scary movies?: Some.
Do you have a bus pass?: Nope. No need for one.
Do you take a bus daily?: I don’t take the bus at all anymore. I used to have to sometimes while I was still in school, but those days are over.
Do you know anyone named Roger?: No.
Is he older or younger than you?:
What’s the age difference in the youngest and oldest people you’ve dated?: One year.
If I told you that answer was 8 years for me, would you believe it?: I don’t have a reason not to.
Do you answer your own surveys?: I don’t make any.
Do you like go-gurt?: Wow, I haven’t had one in yearssss. I liked the strawberry banana ones.
Have you ever eaten something, and the food stayed on your hands forever?: No...
Is that worse or better than it staying on your breath?: I’ve never had that problem.
What did you last drink that was brown?: Diet Coke.
When did you last deficate?: Ew why do you wanna know that.
When did you last suffocate?: Never.
When did you last relocate?: As in moved to another house or something? Five years ago.
When did you last perspirate?: It’s freakin’ hot here, so it’s not such a rare occurrence. Ugh, I hate summer.
Who did you last irritate?: My family, I’m sure.
Who (or what) did you last imitate?: I don’t know.
What (if anything) did you last irrigate?: Not sure.
Do you think it’s annoying or cool when I rhyme questions like that?: I didn’t care, sorry.
Do you watch pro wrestling?: Nope.
Why or why not?: Not my thing.
What are your plans for the next March 11?: Uh I have no idea. That’s a long ways away.
How many days do you think it snowed where you live in the last 365 days?: It doesn’t snow in my city, unfortunately.
Is your birthday less than 8 months from now?: Yeah, it’s next month.
Will you wake me up when September ends?: Nah I’ll probably forget cause I’ll be asleep, too.
I have been to 28 US states. Am I beating you?: Yep, by a long shot.
Do you like yarn?: I don’t have anything against it.
Do you enjoy my geography questions?: They’re whatever. It’d be more interesting if I actually traveled.
What is the last thing you used a brush on?: My hair.
Who was your best friend from your high school while you were there?: Amanda.
Do you have any pants you’d be embarassed for your friends to know about?: No.
When did you last stand up?: Never.
Did I just make you realize how long you’ve been doing this survey?: Nope.
Have you ever shopped for 2 hours at Dollar General?: No.
Do you think that’s crazy that I witnessed someone do that today?: I don’t care lol.
Have you ever dated a teenager?: When I myself was one as well, yes.
Were you popular in high school?: Hahah nope. That was perfectly fine with me, though.
Does your city have a Poplar Street?: I think it does.
Do you know what a poplar is?: Yes.
Do you like lemons?: No.
What color are your eyes?: Dark brown.
Got any plans for July 24, 2009?: Well we’re in 2018 now and I have no idea what I did on that day 9 years ago. This July 24th I don’t have any plans as of now, but that’s 4 days away from my birthday.
What about July 24, 2012?: I don’t know, man.
Or do you think minimum wage doesn’t need to be $9.65?: It’s $11 here, I believe.
Do you think the raise in minimum wage is partly why our economy is ruined?: Not getting into that right now.
Did you watch your favorite television show today?: One of.
Did you listen to your favorite song today?: I haven’t listened to any music so far today.
Did you play your favorite video game today?: I’ll be playing The Sims 4 soon.
I don’t know how many pairs of shoes I own! Do you?: Like 6.
I have about 4. Do you have them organized?: They’re just in my closet.
So when did you last go to the zoo?: A couple years ago.
Have you ever filmed a movie?: For a class project in high school. A very, very crappy one.
In the zoo?: Filmed a movie in the zoo? No.
Who is your favorite teacher from high school?: I had a history teacher my sophomore year named Mr. Coffey who was really cool.
What’s under your bed?: Nothing.
Do you think money should be green?: I’m used to that.
Do you have children?: Noooo.
How much did you pay for your last meal?: Like 5 or 6 bucks, I think.
What’s the longest period of time you’ve had a goldfish?: I had fish for a few years as a kid.
Would you rather go bowling in the spring or summer?: I don’t care to go at all, but why would the season matter for something like that?
Do you like lazar tag?: Never been.
What about miniature golf?: Never been.
Have you ever been to a casino in Canada?: Nope.
Have you ever been to Bear Lake in Saskatchewan?: No.
Do you have any t-shirts you’ve owned for 7 ½ years that still fit you?: How specific, but yes. Some older than that.
Do you know how it feels to be heartbroken?: I do.
Is your house currently on fire?: Uh, no. I wouldn’t just be here chillin’ taking this survey... Do you like ramen noodles?: Yep.
How far away is the nearest fire station?: Pretty close by.
Is your dog a real barker?: Nah. She barks if someone knocks, sometimes when she’s in a playful mood, or when she wants something. It’s not excessive. Our neighbor’s dogs on the other hand....
Could you see yourself with short hair?: I had short hair for years.
Can bad hair alone make someone unattractive?: I hate when my hair looks really bad, which it always does now. Have you ever eaten bad spinach?: I don’t believe so.
Have you ever had banana nut cheerios?: No.
How do you know how to spell Mississippi?: I just do.
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Hey b I know you like asks so answer all 200 because I'm just that nice :^)
200: my crush’s name is:as if you all don’t know at this point. it’s sarah
199: i was born in:2002
198: i am really:gay
197: my cellphone company is: i’m so fuckin stupid i’m not sure what the question is asking
196: my eye color is: brown
195: my shoe size is:eight and a half/nine
194: my ring size is:i don’t wear rings
193: my height is:5′5
192: i am allergic to:nothing
191: my first car was:never had a car
190: my first job was:never had a job
189: last book you read:hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
188: my bed is:small
187: my pet:is a beautiful orange cat named danny and i love her
186: my best friend:is lovely
185: my favorite shampoo is:i don’t care 
184: xbox or ps3:i’ve never played a ps3 so i guess xbox
183: piggy banks are:ok??? why are we trying to start piggy bank discourse
182: in my pockets:are trash
181: on my calendar:i don’t use a calendar
180: marriage is:alright?? i’d get married if my partner wanted to
179: spongebob can:?? exist??
178: my mom:is not very nice
177: the last three songs i bought were?uhhh i havent bought music in a while idk
176: last yt video i watched:for him.
175: how many cousins do you have?fuck dude. so many. i don’t know.
174: do you have any siblings?two, a brother and a sister
173: are your parents divorced?well my parents tried to get divorced but my dad died before it actually got worked out and my mom and my stepdad aren’t married and have never been so
172: are you taller than your mom?i believe so  
171: do you play an instrument?yeah, piano
170: what did you do yesterday?not much, just sat around and then walked in circles around my house for hours and then hung out with my siblings in the yard
[do you believe in]
169: love at first site:no, what if that pretty girl u saw on the street is an asshole?? what if she’s racist and homophobic dude u don’t know her
168: luck:sure
167: fate:yeah i guess
166: yourself:haha no
165: aliens:ya
164: heaven:idk
163: hell:idk
162: god:idk!! 
161: horoscopes:idk they’re fun to look at 
160: soul mates: i’d like to believe in soul mates
159: ghosts:idk
158: gay marriage:gay marriage isn’t a fuckinhg cryptid, yes i believe in it i’m gay and i’m gonna probably get married
157: war:god fuck i don’t know
156: orbs:??????????
155: magic:could be real, might not be, who knows
[this or that]
154: hugs or kisses:kisses
153: drunk or high:never been either so
152: phone or online:phone, can text my friends whom i lov
151: red heads or black haired:black haired i guess
150: blondes or brunettes:someone’s gonna get sad when i answer this but brunettes
149: hot or cold:i don’t know actually
148: summer or winter:summer, it’s better than having seasonal depression added onto my normal depression
147: autumn or spring: spring
146: chocolate or vanilla:vanilla
145: night or day:night
144: oranges or apples:apples
143: curly or straight hair:curly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
142: mcdonalds or burger king:don’t really eat at either but if i had to choose, mcdonalds
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate?white chocolate
140: mac or pc:pc
139: flip flops or high heels:high heels
138: ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:wtf 
137: coke or pepsi:don’t really drink soda
136: hillary or obama:man i don’t know too much about politics all i know is that i’d choose hillary over trump any day
135: buried or cremated:man i’m not sure,, i guess i’d prefer to be cremated Please Rid The World Of My Horrible Body
134: singing or dancing:singing
133: coach or chanel:i have like fifty cents do you think i can afford that shit
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks:who
131: small town or big city:i love the city, maybe that’s because i live in a small town but i love the city
130: wal mart or target:target
129: ben stiller or adam sandler: idk
128: manicure or pedicure:well i don’t want anyone touching my feet i don’t even like taking my socks off around friends unless i very much trust them
127: east coast or west coast:well i live on the east coast so
126: your birthday or christmas:my bday bc we go on vacation for it bc it’s over the summer
125: chocolate or flowers:flowers
124: disney or six flags:never been to disney so six flags
123: yankees or red sox:sport???
[here’s what i think about]
122: war:didn’t another question p much ask the same thing
121: george bush:idk??
120: gay marriage:p much already been asked bud
119: the presidential election:not my president can’t believe u fuckers let trump win
118: abortion:if someone wants an abortion, they should be able to get it. no one else should have a monopoly over that, not even the father, because their body does not belong to him.
117: myspace:never used it
116: reality tv:eh
115: parents:some are good, mine i am not fans of
114: back stabbers:i don’t think i’ve ever really been backstabbed
113: ebay:it’s ok?
112: facebook:don’t really use it
111: work:don’t have a job
110: my neighbors:i don’t talk to them much but everytime we go near their dogs on the otherside of the fence they call the dogs back or pull them away one of the kids went “haha you can’t touch our dogs” and?? idk why??
109: gas prices:i don’t drive
108: designer clothes:can’t afford them
107: college:haven’t been 
106: sports:Throw Ball
105: my family:my sister is lovely, my brother is really mean, and my parents are also p mean like i don’t realize sometimes until i tell something they said and they’re like “??? that’s really not ok??”
104: the future:hasn’t happened yet how would i know
[last time i]
103: hugged someone:earlier today i hugged my aunt because she’s over for easter
102: last time you ate:just ate a tootsie roll a lil bit ago
101: saw someone i haven’t seen in a while:i guess the only person i haven’t seen very recently is spence and the last time i saw him was a few weeks ago
100: cried in front of someone:long time ago
99: went to a movie theater: went to see beauty and the beast a while back but i don’t remember exactly when that was
98: took a vacation: last summer
97: swam in a pool:last summer at my aunt’s probably 
96: changed a diaper:many years
95: got my nails done:i painted a clear coat on them a lil while back does that count
94: went to a wedding:year or so ago?
93: broke a bone:never broken any bones
92: got a piercing:when i was like five
91: broke the law:idk
90: texted:a few mins ago
89: who makes you laugh the most:hahah. u
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is:oh man. all my friends, hubbard hall, the school playground, as much as i wanna leave this town i’ll probably cry leaving it behind
87: the last movie i saw:moana!
86: the thing that i’m looking forward to the most:death
85: the thing i’m not looking forward to:school starting again
83: the most difficult thing to do is:tell someone you’re in love with them
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket:never??
81: my zodiac sign is:leo
80: the first person i talked to today was:probably my mom
79: first time you had a crush:seventh grade
78: the one person u can’t hide anything from:apparently you because u always figure me out
77: last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, spence was talking about how his bf had big hands and i said “u know what they say” and i was about to say “big gloves” but he beat me to it
76: right now i am talking to:i’m not talking i’m typing
75: what are you going to do when you grow up:idk
 74: i have/will get a job:i don’t?? know??
73: tomorrow:is easter
72: today:is not easter
71: next summer:??
70: next weekend:idk man??
69: i have these pets:one cat, two fish
68: the worst sound in the world:chEWING
67: the person that makes me cry the most is:haha
66: people that make you happy:my friends
65: last time i cried:about a month ago
64: my friends are:the best!!!
63: my computer is:alright
62: my school:is the fucking worse
61: my car:is non existent
60: i lose all respect for people who:support trump
59: the movie i cried at was:i cried over the shitty mario movie when i was seven
58: your hair color is: dark brown
57: tv shows you watch:i don’t really watch tv
56: fav website:i dont kno
55: your dream vacation:to go to the beach with friends
54: the worst pain i was ever in was:emotional
53: how do you like your steak cooked:well not burnt
52: my room is:alright
51: my fav celebrity is:does dan avidan count? he still holds a special place in my heart
50: where would you like to be:my answers for these kinds of qs are always so gay 
49: do you want children:used to not want them, but i guess depending on the person i’d have them with i MIGHT
48: ever been in love:ya
47: who’s your best friend:asdgkjgf
46: more guy friends or more girl friends:many of us are nb
45: one thing that makes you feel great is:being loved
44: one person you wish you could see right now:u know, u all know who
43: do you have a five year plan:???????
42: have you made a list of the things to do before u die:1. kiss a girlthat’s it
41: have you prenamed your children:no
40: last person i got mad at:probably my brother
39: i would like to move to:nyc
38: i wish i was a professional:animator
[my favs]
37: candy:sweedish fish and jolly ranchers
36: vehicle:idk
35: president:i only remember obama
34: state visited:idk
33: cellphone provider:also idk
32: athlete:don’t pay attention to sports
31: actor:i don’t freakin know
30: actress:well,
29: singer:wELL,,
28: band:not sure
27: clothing store:idk
26: grocery store:hannaford??
25: tv show:no idea
24: movie:so many good movies
23: website:i think this was already asked??
22: animal:not sure
21: theme park:only ever been to like one
20: holiday:xmas
19: sport to watch:uhh i guess soccer?? i’ll actually understand whats happening so
18: sport to play:also soccer
17: magazine:don’t read them
16: book:carry on
15: day of the week:saturday
14: beach:no specific one i just like the beach
13: concert attended:only ever been to one, it was a top concert
12: thing to cook:grilled cheese
11: food:not sure
10: restaurant:idk
9: radio station:don’t really listen to the radio
8: yankee candle scent:??? idk???
7: perfume:don’t really wear it
6: flower:roses or tiger lillies
5: color:blue
4: talk show host:i don’t know??
3: comedian:bo burnham
2: dog breed:shiba inu
1: did you answer all of these truthfully?ya
i didn’t move the whole time i answered all 200 help me
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