#i did not know this was a genuine thing now and i kinda wanna vomit
himimosa · 1 year
attractive things bsd men do pt. III
you know there are things men do without being aware that makes them look hot (fixing watch, undoing tie to relax) I will try to add some more~
jouno, tecchou
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Jouno Saigiku: smirking when he catches you glance
You were walking in a hurry to arrive at the meeting room on time. Unfortunately, you didn't have a stable 9-5 job where the tasks and meetings were clear... If you were working for the government's military department, and especially with the Hunting Dogs department, that basically meant that you had no life... You didn't have regularity with your work hours, you could work on a file even if it was pasts midnight, or leave your house for another one because you had an urgent phone call at 4 am...
It was also not very possible to have a relationship with all these messy schedules, top secret files of government, and very little explanation about your life... But well, any of these were not your problem with your boyfriend, since he was a member of the Hunting Dogs too...
When you arrived in the meeting room, you meant to apologize for being late, but when you saw the scenery, you changed your mind quickly. Teruko was having a breakdown because her last victim was so "weak" that he confessed everything the moment he saw the infamous vice-captain of the Hunting Dogs... She was devastated because she wanted to make him vomit blood and cry!... Fukuchi was (kinda) trying to comfort her but he was no better, you could tell from the shake of his hands that this man was still high and woozy. Tecchou was eating some mixture of food you didn't even wanna question what it was and your poor boyfriend was trying to stop him. When you greeted them, Jouno left Tetchou alone quickly and hugged you
"Babe... I am about to lose it... No one has written these in the job description... And they gave me all these idiots without an instructions guide..."
You chuckled lightly "It wasn't also written that you were going to be my boyfriend... Are you regret that too, Sai?" Jouno opposed "Y/N, you know I didn't mean that-"
When the meeting began, you all started to listen Fukuchi and the other more experienced members. You were only making the explanations when a question is directed to you or the topic comes to your files...
You were mostly staying focused on whoever was talking to take notes. But when the meeting started to get out of the topic (as usual chaotic meetings), you couldn't help but stare at your boyfriend from your eye corner. He seemed focused, with his arms crossed and brows frowned. He made some strict yet sensible comments on how to approach the case on the desk. He was so serious, and you love that about him. He wasn't someone who takes his job or injustice lightly.
When your eyes lingered a little longer than usual, he suddenly smirked lightly with one corner of his mouth. You averted your gaze with surprise. Did he notice you? You were not underestimating Jouno but thinking of his disability, it felt too surreal for a second. You thought it might be a coincidence so you wanted to check again. With your second attempt, he smirked again, this time wider. Now you had to cover your mouth with one hand because you felt your blood rushing to your cheeks.
After the meeting ended and everyone left, you couldn't help but ask: "How?.."
Jouno answered with another smirk but softer this time: "I don't need to see to know you are watching... The sounds of your heartbeats and breath tell me enough darling..."
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Suehiro Tetchou: stretching and exercising
You looked at the "thing" on the kitchen stall... You blinked a few times. It smelled rice, egg, caramel, and spice at the same time(?) and some... vegetables you hoped so?... For the last ingredient, you could make sure by tasting of course, but getting food poisoning was not on your today's-to-do list...
"I cooked it for you"
You turned your head to your boyfriend's innocent facial expression. The worst part was you knew he was genuine. This man woke up early to make you a surprise, and looking around the mess of the kitchen, you could really say that he tried...
You sighed and slowly put your hands on his puffed cheeks. Tetchou was sulking, you couldn't help but give him a small peck, he was so adorable right now...
"Honey, I love you and appreciate your work and all, but please step out of the kitchen.."
He only nodded. Which made you feel bad, and you tried to offer something else: "What about you go and make your morning stretch while I make us some coffee? Afterward, we can try together to cook something more... beginner-friendly for dinner?"
He nodded but was more eager this time. He took off his "It's not burnt, it's just crispy" apron, this was a gift from Jouno. He meant to give it as a roast, but Tetchou really liked it in the end. He kinda accepted it as an acknowledgment of his big interest in the kitchen and cooking.
When Tetchou left the kitchen for exercise, you couldn't help but smile behind him. Yeah, the kitchen was a mess, but you could clean it up with him later. Even though he was not skillful in this, he was getting better... The "thing" you were going to eliminate later was so much better than his first attempts at cooking (You were still trembling with the memory of frog eggs... No you don't even wanna remember that one now)
You started to make two cups of coffee, Tetchou's taste habits were getting better too... He used to drink his coffee with soy sauce, just the thought was able to make you gag. But now you knew his little obsessions, so you convinced him to add brown sugar syrup.
When you were done, you went to the room where Tetchou was. He was stretching his back at the moment, shirtless as usual. All his back muscles stretching slowly yet clearly.
You could see that Tetchou was so focused so you didn't want to disturb him. You slowly put the cups on a shelf, only to lean on the door while crossing your arms. It was something else to watch him like this. You knew your boyfriend was not always as sweet and cute as he is with you, he was a soldier. A specialized soldier to be exact, to eliminate all threats to the government and innocent people. He was taking his job very seriously, and as the one having the strongest ability in terms of physical prowess, he was caring about his training and exercises too...
When he was about to do push-ups, he saw you standing at the door, watching him intently. You expected a sarcastic remark for a second, instead, he asked "Can you stand or sit on my back? I feel too light-weighted.."
You hesitated for a second "Are you sure? Wouldn't you hurt your back or something?.."
"Don't worry. Jouno stands with his boots on my back all the time, I don't think you could be worse than him..."
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ending notes:
this was the last part of "attractive things they do" series. i like hunting dogs a lot (except fukuchi, that pig can go ahead and die in a pit), so i want to write more for them ♡
the fact that amuse me is, pt 2 almost caught up to pt 1, even though i released it later. is it about characters? i am not sure but i want to think of it like that :D
also next week, i will post a chuuya drabble i guess :3
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clockworksir · 1 year
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Alright this is a big post... but I was so stupidly much into this, I just vomited all these pages over the last two weeks. After I did that mini-comic based off the Museum Ending, I realized... i like doing this? Drawing dumb comics. I grabbed the Confusion Ending by the sleeves and ran with it. AU - Narry concentrated his consciousness into a body so he can keep Stanley company. I wanted to make a two-page thing but I ended up with a whole ass mini-script :’) I have ideas about this , uh, fanfic (?) and I know what I want to do with this. Question is, will I manage to stick to it? :o I had genuine fun drawing these pages and I kinda wanna keep going. Might start posting on my old AO3 account too. Can you even post comics on AO3? Boy I have no idea. (I also need a title for this thing, hmm.) Last page is here: 
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  because Tumblr can only take up to 10 images per post (weak) I’m aiming for making 2 pages a week now... I, just like Stan-man, work a soul rending 9-5 and sometimes I just don't feel like drawing at all after work hours an after I’m done with chores. Quality of art will vary greatly. What is consistency and how can I obtain some Last note: Stan is not gone (obviously) I have big plans for him. Big plans. :)
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
I would like to run over Lexa, resurrect her, kiss her better and run over her again.
She loved (loves) you for fuck sake, she told you that and you broke up with her?!
I know she had reasons, and I know Clarke is not entirely innocent here (even though until now she's just a babe but I trust you), but I would be so furious if I was Clarke when Lexa will eventually confess her feelings.
Can you imagine feeling not enough for someone you love? To know to be not enough because even though you are indeed soulmates, the person you are sure to be THE one, broke up with you? And you know why, or maybe you think you do, but she's still rejected you.
I'm so mad.
I know Lexa comes from a place of survival instinct and pain, but I'm so furious.
I'm... I'm so sad for the both of them, but because I was once in Clarke shoes, it's so sad I want to hug her.
In most of the ff Lexa is the one portrait as tough and still fragile, strong and delicate, but to observe Clarke being put aside (I know they still keep seeing each other, and being cute to each other and loving but it's... Not... You know? Enough?).
And to marry someone that you know, you KNOW is not the one for you but you do it anyway because you gave up on your soulmate, you chose the second best option... I really wanna run over Lexa.
I want to hug her really tight and punch her with love until she understands.
And then I want to hug Clarke and push their faces together while I whisper "And now... Kith... AND STAY TOGETHER OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN."
My doctor would be a little bit disappointed about my heart rate right now.
I read this 3 times cackling 😭 (not the part about you, that im very sorry for and I'm sorry you can relate 😔 if you ever wanna send asks aboit Clarke's perspective you can! It help balance this out a bit because so far everything has been filtered through Lexa's pov)
Listen these are all valid things to feel. Lexa is very stupid in some ways, but those ways are indeed born out of insecurity and problems with accepting her self-worth.
I do want to point tho, just as a possible way to kind of... console the anger we all feel here, Clarke was not at all alone in how much she threw herself into this relationship. Lexa absolutely, 100%, just melted herself into Clarke. This 19 year old kid went from having no stability beyond her own work ethic, and no one who she felt cared about her, to having this sarcastic, mouthy, and genuinely weird little blonde lady who was very pretty and very much in love with her. And she did devote herself and her time and every ounce of her disgustingly robust affections to Clarke whenever they were together. Lexa forgot the world just to be near her, because that was obviously the only place she was meant to be.
But that was the problem.
Just how much she actually devoted herself and her time to Clarke became the problem. I mean it did more than that, there are other thoughts and emotions and insecurities at play that Lexa will word-vomit out eventually, bUT the crux of it all came down to her not having the emotional maturity to know how to balance a love that big, along with everything else.
But she never stopped loving Clarke. Not once. And while, no, she wasn't entirely truthful with Clarke or herself about what kind of love for years, and while it certainly wasn't "enough" (i know, for lack of a better word here), it was still incredibly palpable to anyone around her. It was tangible and demonstrative enough that it kept Clarke right there with her for almost a decade. It was intense enough and blatant enough that Costia gave up even trying to compete in under a year. There is just no questioning it when they're together. Everyone sees it pretty much immediately: Lexa is head over heels in love with that girl.
And that was the thing... Clarke saw it too. She felt it every single day.
She's just kinda stupid too 🥴
So I hear you, I do. Breathe lol. Check the pulse bby it's ok I promise. Just distract yourself with thoughts of them married with lil Griffin babies that Lexa cooks up herself simply because she loves Clarke that much
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miintsprigz · 5 months
I decided to liveblog my thoughts on the new amazing digital circus episode!
Another long post incoming…
But uh SPOILERS!!!
•Oh this is a nightmare…just based on the weird movements…
•That’s such a terrifying nightmare legitimately. I know the “I don’t wanna play with you anymore” jokes will abound but…imagine if she DOES actually abstract at some point. And this was foreshadowing. Also, the fact that she’s so terrified of being forgotten… Oh honey… we could never forget you!
•I don’t ship them (PLEASE DONT KILL ME) but Ragatha and Pomni are so sweet. But goshdangit Ragatha your fEELINGS MATTER STOP FAWNING.
•”Zooby” PFFT.
•Idk why but I really like that gummy elephant. It’s so cute!
•”They’ve even got little candy bugs here!” D’AWW.
•So…Caine’s God, huh.
•”I’m not a child you don’t have to hype me up.” Fair point. Still get icked out by r34 tho.
•”I call shotgun!” Ok I admit he’s fun at times.
•The graphics did get a serious upgrade. I love it.
•Huh, so the AI have personalities even when they aren’t being watched, if the gummy bandits are AI.
•Ok never mind Jax is a pain again.
•Aw well at least Kinger is trying to help.
•”Now I have no bridge!” EAT IT RABBIT
•Gosh this really is so silly I like it.
•Jax makes me hate him more almost every time he opens his mouth.
•Sorry I’ll stop talking about Jax, I just really don’t like him (love him as a character, pisses me off as a person).
•Oh no that poor gummy dude! I love his Aussie accent too (I think he’s an Aussie)
•Yeah that must be unnerving. Poor guy.
•There’s our girl!
•”Under the map” makes me think she designed it. “What are you on about?” Makes me think he IS an AI. But he’s becoming self aware. “Where’s mum…” oh no this poor guy…
•Aw Pomni is being nice to him.
•Well I love this fella already. …but I already know…things…hhhhhhhhhh.
•Hah, Willy Wonks reference.
•OH SHOOT ITS A RAGGEDY ANN MOVIE REFERENCE. Fudge is silly, I kinda love him. But also YIKES HE ATE PEOPLE.
•”Is it really murder if it’s delicious?” FFFFFFF
•I STILL HATE JAX BY THE WAY, please don’t kill me for that. Really only cares about himself, I so badly want to see him get his just desserts. I’m sorry if you love him, I love to hate him, I promise it’s nothing personal
•Poor gummy havin a crisis. I wanna hug him.
•See Pomni is actually nice. Imo anyway. She wants to help she’s just nervous. Attagirl, Pomni. You’re trying your best.
•I’m seeing the I Have No Mouth references. And AW she’s inviting him to come with!!! Good lass.
•Gummigoo, good lad good lad
•Her knowledge on the programming. Her KNOWLEDGE. EEEEE.
•This is an oddly pretty landscape here, with the teapots.
•Kinger with a bucket on his head HAHAHA
•”I don’t think she really likes me that much.” Honey if only you saw what ONE EPISODE spawned in regards to art of you two.
•KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD. I REPEAT, KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD! “I remember when you were new here too…” And just like that, he lost it.
•PFFT ya know as a mildly emetophobic person, I normally hate vomit jokes, but these are kind of funny.
•”Good to see you lads.” AWWW.
•Aw the duplicate worked out.
•”I’m so unbelievably disappointed right now” GOOD, COPE SEETHE MALD
•Pomni is genuinely a sweetie. We can see it now. I love that.
•Also the Princess is lovely, I adore her, hope we see her again.
•Oh shoot. Big boom. OH NO FUDGE.
•NO!!!! GUMMIGOOOOOO!!!! I knew it was coming but STILL.
•It’s so sad that she got all this development and now it seems like she’s back at stage one
•Could gummi have been human after all? Is that why Caine looked horrified???
•Awww Zooble’s little comfort.
•Oh shoot, funeral for Kaufmo…that’s so sad… aw… that’s good though. It’s how they keep their humanity.
•Even Zooble seems sad. Zooble’s nice deep down too I think, they’re just apathetic. And who can really blame them? When you’re stuck in a digital reality, completely disconnected from your own humanity, sometimes that’s how you cope.
•Notice the only one NOT MOURNING is FRIGGIN JAX. What a dingus.
•I really love seeing a resolution to Pomni’s nightmare, where she realizes that people would miss her, and that they would mourn her if she was gone. I think that’s an important thing for her to realize. I guess she isn’t back at stage one after all.
•But yeah, this episode was absolutely amazing, it made me feel so many emotions, and I can’t wait to obsess over the TV tropes page with all of its new details!
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theemporium · 10 months
Hi royal lestappen anon again
1) SORRY I have a lot of ppl I follow f1 wise and I know sOmEoNe has a princess I just can’t remember who rn
2)you call it making it worse, I call it making it more interesting (read: better (imo))
But YES the isolation is what does max in in the end. Like queenie (I’m sticking with it fuck it) is so fucking lonely and that little scenario where max notices a comment is bothering her and she isn’t immediately abusing power (let’s assume this is something her parents are known for) and firing them/imprisoning them for slander of the crown?
And that’s the moment where he starts befriending her, cause this whole time he���s thought this girl is going to be a tyrant like her parents, and really he realizes that as soon as she offered to cover for him and Charles he should have known then she wasn’t anything like her parents but THIS Is the moment he kinda starts falling for her.
And when Charles gets back max kinda takes him aside and tells him to talk to her since they’re better friends so that she has a chance to vent with him, bc yes queenie and max are friendlier now but they’re not “besties” like Charles is atm with queenie
So Charles talks with queenie and she’s starting to word vomit and hes trying to interrupt her and tell her she’s doing great as a queen but she just won’t stop talking so he just yanks her into a bone crushing hug (cause he can’t kiss her yet, he still hasn’t talked with max bc he knows max is falling for her now too, and something happened while he was gone) to shut her up.
And with her silence he’s doing that head cupping, chin on the shoulder type thing where he’s in a good spot to quietly tell her what he wanted to the whole time she was talking over him.
Of course max is guarding the outside of the room, he heard the rambling stop and is wondering what the hell charles did to get her to stop talking. And he has an image of them kissing in his head and he physically has to shake his head to rid his mind of the image.
Oh god it’s long again but do with that last snippet what you will 🫡
And you know what I have a feeling I’ll be brainrot anoning the royal stuff and I can’t choose an emoji so assign me one. I’m indecisive and can’t choose.
no but the way the boys try to make an effort after they realise how lonely she was😭and she’s come to terms with the fact she will never have that romantic relationship with a happy ending she dreamed of, so she settles for the friendship and she seems genuinely happier with it. she has people now. she isn’t totally alone
and the way charles and max start to learn about how different she really is from her parents. they hear the cruel acts and experiences she dealt with first hand, and yet here she is. still so nice to them. still keeping their secret
and they both notice pretty quickly that they are falling for her but she doesn’t believe she’s deserving/capable of love😭she thinks she’s destined for a life where she’s just friends with them at best and she’s made peace with that. but these boys are doing the best they can to prove to her that she deserves that love and they wanna give it to her
and the way max is just SO PROTECTIVE of her now that he knows how she’s being treated. this boy is always one step behind her, glaring at anyone and everyone. and he knows she’s too nice to abuse her power, but he’s ready to throw hands or pull a sword on anyone who dares to disrespect you🫠
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catwalkvivi · 6 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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gothsuguru · 6 months
i am going feral over this and idk where it even came from but????? this might even be ooc but i HAVE to tell someone about it or i'll go insane!!!!!
imagine? suguru?? in his slump and really sad and just angry and depressed era and idk he's become borderline toxic while dating you [reader] and POTENTIALLY cheats on you oh god i can't imagine that sweet man doing it BUT BARE WITH ME!!
ur ass leaves him of course maybe even ghosts him when u find out and he is devastated and shoko/satoru give him shit and no one wants to indulge him in anything about you
then a few years later ur back? maybe u even unblock him because u've moved on and all and he's trying so hard to win u back but u always say once a cheater always a cheater but over the years he's gotten his shit together and he knows what he did and he's willing to take every precaution possible so that u never have doubts! AND HE's 100% changed! but ur so hurt!!!!!
AND IDK WHERE IT GOES BUT IN SOME SCENARIOS IN MY HEAD! u guys end up sleeping together!!!!!!! but u do not want to go further into anything emotional and he just wants to be so close to u that he doesn't even care if he's just a part of ur roster.
but omfg… I SEE THE VISION omfg why do i kinda wanna write this now (since it’s your idea i won’t don’t worry! i’m NAWT an idea stealer!)
ALSO! i feel like i can see suguru being somewhat of a cheater just because he in canon is a Betrayer… he’s devoted in certain lights he’s scummy in others and in this case i can see him being a toxic “bf” and cheating on reader and then vomiting with guilt </3 ALSO YESSSSSSSS SHOKO & SATORU BEING ON YOUR SIDE AND NOT ENTERTAINING SUGURU!!!!! i think satoru especially would be disgusted w suguru… maybe satoru used to have a latent crush on you or smthn and now he’s like? i didn’t go after reader bc of THIS fucking fool and THIS is what he does to reader???
AND YES!!!! even if suguru has genuinely changed, i PERSONALLY would never forgive him + would pray on his downfall + would break everything in his house and also his bones in a fit of rage 🩷 but reader is better than me ig 🙄 so them unblocking him in a way of moving on does make sense! it’s like… he’s not even on their radar anymore!
OOOH AND THAT LAST PART… maybe it’s bc i’m a Certified Hater™️ and have extreme pride and it’s informing the way i would see reader but i don’t think i can see reader sleeping w him 😭 but i do see where you’re coming from, it’d be delicious to see that for reader it’s just a physical thing w no emotional attachment and for suguru it’s So Much More… it’s emotional to him! i also think suguru would be like “i’ll take what i can get” but i can’t even grant him that bc he’s gotta suffer hehehehehe
it’d be so fun to see reader get w someone like toji and reader + toji genuinely hit it off and suguru sees them one day and he’s like oh i fucking hate my life… well… DESERVED! SUFFER BITCH!
anyways omg your Mind anon……. Your Mind…. it’s so deliciously evil i’m in love <333
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airbendling · 9 months
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
My thoughts during and after the first two episodes.
Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers!
Disclaimer: This is unedited. The story is still unfolding and this is just my opinion as a long time fan, recently graduated film major, and a storyteller.
I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
"Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood." AAAA A A AA AAAAAA. I am so hype for this.
"Hey fellas, wanna come hear about the imaginary things I see? Not a thing you want to be saying. To anyone."
The doodles in his notebook! So sweet. And he plays Mythomagic... I'm reeling. Can't wait to meet Nico though I know it's years away.
Percy's very quiet without his narration and such. Wish we had more of it throughout the episode.
His signature and it not fitting in the name box on his worksheet is a nice touch.
Percy owns this emoji 🤨
His friendship with Grover is everything. Swapping sandwich fixings without a second thought, the genuine smiles. I'm loving it.
That Ms. Dodds transformation was clean though I wish she was more threatening.
The insistence of the line "I didn't touch Nancy" caught me off guard. Simply, "I didn't push her." Would've sounded more natural.
Love the Jackson sass in Sally, but I'd prefer more from Gabe. He wasn't angry and irrational enough, not gross enough, he conceded to Sally too quickly. If This guy got turned to stone by the severed head of Medusa I'd just feel kinda bad for him.
I was really hoping for the "Not a scratch on this car, brain boy." and Percy's "Like I'd be the one driving 🙄"
The word vomit from Sally was a little much but Percy's Jesus line was gold.
"You are singular." Just kinda took me out of the moment. Odd wording in such an emotional beat.
I hear all my film professors screaming in my head. Why did Percy stop running when his Mom was fighting the Minotaur? He started, then just stood there and watched. Run, Percy, run!
This moment would have a lot more impact if he was running to her when she disappeared.
His battle with the Minotaur, the lack of music until he rips off the horn, well done. Very well done.
Stunning end credits art!
I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
I'm so happy they're keeping the chapter titles for the episodes.
Okay why was the "You drool when you sleep" so ominous and random. Like it was filmed and edited as an afterthought just to check the "Iconic Line" box without understanding why it's iconic. It's funny cause he's thinking she's gonna say how cool he is or whatever. Then she says "You drool when you sleep." and runs off. Real 12-year-old energy there.
Grover's nervous energy I know and love. Aryan is killing it!
"I think my dad must be around here somewhere. I don't know how to ask for him. I don't even know his name. But I think I should see him, I think I really need that right now. Can you help me?" ...What is this?
Dionysus trying to trick him into thinking he's his father was funny but Percy actually believing it...? Would've loved that inner commentary in this moment.
The Camp Half-Blood grounds looks so barren and underdeveloped to me. The cabin area is wonderful though.
I was so scared that tree nymph with Grover was Thalia. I think this only character design I'm not a fan of so far. Her eyes felt uncanny and too human. Maybe a bit more color variation in her face bark(?) or some kind of framing, textural detail.
Yes! They're including weird demigod dreams!
I'm loving the portrayal of Luke by Charles Bushnell. He's caring, understanding, laidback. The masterful cold delivery of "Hermes is my father," but brushing it off like the Cool Guy he is, "But that doesn't matter, we're all on the same team here."
His arc is going to be devastating.
Oh and Percy's message to his mom, so happy to report he's actually making friends but he's talking about Luke and Chris Rodriguez.
Percy: Hey guys! Can't sleep huh?
This line and the cutaway was utter perfection.
ANNABETH!! !! !!!!!!! My beloved.
Never thought "Sunshine" would be a nickname for Percy Jackson.
Aww Annabeth fixing his crooked armor.
Great Capture the Flag battle scene! Dynamic and interesting. Nice fight choreography.
Percy: No maiming. That's like, the one rule?
Clarisse: Yeah I guess I'll lose dessert privileges for a while. 😌😁I'll live.
Loving it.
Luke's utter shock after Percy getting claimed. Ooohhohoooo.
The Poseidon cabin was a jumpscare. The outside is a little... on the nose. Like, make it look Greek, paint it blue, slap a Trident symbol on there, done. And all the hanging bones and stuff? I mean, sure, I guess. The cabins were so fun and unique in the books.
More "singular" usage by important characters. Is there a reason for this?
Amazing Dionysus casting. Truly.
Final thoughts...
Let's start with some positives.
The set design, production design, and costume design are remarkable. With a handful of exceptions, overall, it looks gorgeous, especially with the A+ cinematography and lighting. Gorgeous!!
The porch of the Big House with the stained glass was an phenomenal choice. I love it so much.
The action is well-paced and dynamic, keeping the fight scenes interesting and believable.
And the acting is wonderful despite the writing.
Oh, the writing... Yeah, I don't like it.
It doesn't do justice to the actors or the characters.
Walker is naturally funny. Watch him in anything, any interview ever. The kid played alongside Ryan Reynolds as a younger version of him. Dare I say he outshined Ryan himself in The Adam Project.
Percy narrated everything, for five whole books. And them some. We know this kid. He's funny. He's observant, sarcastic, imaginative, impulsive, a bit clueless, but sweet.
I think regular or even occassional voiceover commentary from Percy would be gamechanging. I mean that with my whole heart and soul. If I could change one thing about the whole series it would be this.
Walker could really shine but I feel like his dialogue is lacking. And sometimes just a bit odd. Like, who talks like that? (There's my professors again). Sounds kinda AI-generated to me. (not speculating, I think it's just bad writing.)
There was a lot of great lines, don't get me wrong. But I think overall, everyone's dialogue is coming up short. The PJO we know is clever and fun and I don't think it reflects that well at all.
Percy Jackson is one of the most popular series ever with a very distinct style that makes it stand out from other YA fiction stories. I feel like more could've been done to preserve those vibes and translate them to the screen.
Movie/show adaptations of books are often hit-or-misses. I think the PJ fandom has always been so passionate about getting it right is because of that distinct style.
Rick is there. They have a phenomenal cast. It's good, but it could have been extraordinary. It could have been groundbreaking. But they settled.
There were many, many moments I saw could have been instantly improved but the smallest change. But they settled.
All this to say... I'm disappointed, but I'm not surprised, and I'm not mad.
When the rest of the episodes come out, I think it'll come together to be a decent adaptation and a fun show. I'm staying positive.
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absyyynth · 2 months
⚠️ !! word vomit incoming! be warned !! ⚠️
okay time to follow up on my dt thoughts now that it's not midnight and ive slept on it. i didn't get into the details before bc i didn't have the energy but now i wanna. let's start with my biggest problem- sphene.
sphene! (or rather, "the queen eternal") where to start with sphene? by all accounts i should love her; she's cute, she's creepy, she's kinda sinister, and she wants to kill me. she's got all the ingredients for a top tier villainess! but despite it all she fell flat. let's break it down
so first off. her status as a construct born from the memories of the living sphene and imbued with the unquenchable desire to protect her people. that's interesting! it puts me in mind of glados from portal (construct imbued with the essence of caroline and given a compulsion to endlessly 'test') and i love glados! what sets them apart and what makes glados work and sphene not for me is that without caroline glados is still a fun character, but the queen eternal is just nothing without sphene. there is no character there beyond the desire to "protect her people." and like, okay, that's clearly intentional. the choice of making the queen eternal nothing but a hollow wish of those who created her is very much an intentional one. but it's a choice that makes it very difficult for me to care and connect with her actions at the end of the game. deleting the memories of sphene so she can better perform her duty and not get bogged down by sentiment? makes perfect sense. i just don't care. there's nothing left for me to connect to.
which leaves me with only the resolution to the queen eternal/sphene's story, which uhh also did not land for me. wuk lamat breaking in during the trial (which is it's own thing that honestly i'm fine with for the most part) and connecting with the vestigial memories of sphene could have worked if we'd gotten to learn more of who sphene was as a person, but in the end all wuk lamat could do was appeal to sphene's sentiment for the alexandrians with wuk lamat's own sentiment for the turali. it ultimately doesn't work for me because sphene and the queen eternal are too closely aligned in desire; if there had been more tension between what sphene's memories wanted and what she was compelled to do as the queen eternal, with wuk lamat pushing and straining that tension to a breaking point, i think i would feel very differently about the ending. it can be argued that that is what happened, but sentiment alone cannot carry a story dealing in themes as heavy as the themes of the final two zones. there needed to be just a little something more.
speaking of the final two zones, i'd also like to dive into those for a little bit, because i have some complaints there as well
so. heritage found. there's a lot to like here honestly. the interdimensionally fused setting is cool. the way souls are treated as a commodity is cool, especially in the context of how souls and reincarnation has already been established in the world of ffxiv. it's unsettling on a very fundamental level both for me and the characters which i like! that being said, i wish there was more tension there. for as horrifying as it should be to the characters (and they are horrified) it's also undercut by the constant refrain of "oh we must learn and respect their culture even if it is gross". which is a genuinely good message that i agree with! but it comes too easily! the struggle to accept what is going on should have been given more weight; it's certainly not ignored but it also does not go far enough to satisfy me. and then. there is the Big Issue. the one i have a much harder time ignoring. which is: why the fuck is solution nine there in the first place?
here's what we know (and perhaps i missed a crucial detail but i don't believe i did): the world alexandria is from was ravaged by a calamity of lightning. embroiled in a war over electrope during said calamity, they erected the everkeep to preserve the memories of those they had lost and recycle their souls to keep the living alive longer. they also at some point sealed themselves inside a dome of lightning (unclear to me where the energy for said lightning was coming from but whatever) to protect themselves from the calamity and the war. what's unclear to me is exactly when the everkeep was interdimensionally fused with other realities. we know it got fused with the source for 30 years but it seems to me that it must have been somewhere else before then, because otherwise the 'top floor' actually being on alexandria's reflection of origin doesn't make sense- memories were being sent across the rift directly into living memory for a LONG time, or at least that's how it seems? if the everkeep was on the "unlost world" as the game calls it, where on that reflection was it?? surely it could not have been too far from living memory, right? my first thought is that it was just chilling on the reflected version of the northern continent but that's SO far away from the gate in the skydeep cenote. anyways after zoraal ja travels through the gate he must have spent a little time on the unlost world before convincing sphene to fuse the everkeep with tural, and from that point on things make a bit more sense to me. bleghh. sorry this line of thought got away from me.
which leaves. the unlost world, living memory. i found this zone to be so tonally strange. i personally really don't like the ideas being presented and i felt pretty uncomfortable the entire time, which i do think was intentional. the desire to see departed loved ones again is one i can very much understand but the actually doing so? no fucking thank you. i don't want to bring anyone back. i would much rather she had kept living. taking a dead soul's memories and storing them in a server forever and occasionally letting them wander around a holographic paradise disgusts me on a fundamental level, i guess. the only real emotions the zone evoked were lots of disquietude, some sadness, and frustration. frustration because it seemed like none of the characters you were there with were on the same page as me. i wanted to shut down those terminals as fast as i could and each one was a relief. yes i felt sad for evenville and krile but not sad enough, i was more angry that this was a situation those characters had to deal with at all. i understand what the developers were trying to achieve with living memory and far many it seems to have worked but it really really didn't for me. one of my favorite things about ffxiv is exploring new zones and i think living memory might be the only one where i actively wanted to spend as little time there as possible. it ended up being a very upsetting zone and not in a good way like ultima thule (my by far and away favorite zone in the game) was.
i'm also a little confused about the state of the rest of the reflection that living memory resides upon. where is everyone? surely the entire world wasn't destroyed in the calamity because that doesn't line up with what we know about calamities, and like. living memory is a giant glowing cityscape that's been just sitting there for multiple centuries. did none of the native inhabitants of the unlost world ever wonder what the hell is going on there? i guess sphene could've kept them out with robots but now that she's gone and the cityscape is barren are they just gonna leave it be? in fairness i expect this stuff to be elaborated upon in the future so it's not as big an issue for me as everything else but it does bother me at the moment.
ending this post here bc i don't wanna keep rambling but uh yeah. the entire alexandria plotline fell flat for me and as a result the latter half of dawntrail ended up being pretty lackluster. i know i'm gonna be in the minority with this opinion but i vastly preferred the rite of succession and exploring tural and kind of wish the entire expansion had just been that. perhaps alexandria could've been the post-dawntrail msq or something and it would've worked better for me. i dunno. i'm hopeful for the future because there's some interesting stuff they can do with the key and all but i'm not nearly as hopeful as i was before dawntrail released. really wish i could have liked it more :(
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salemwritesbaybeee · 2 years
mutual understanding
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hiii everyone, i hope u r doing well! first, i wanna say thank you so much to everyone who liked my last fic! i did not expect anywhere near this much engagement so yay :))))) i'm glad you guys enjoyed it :D secondly i finally got to a point where i'm happy with this fic! yay! so here it is i hope you enjoy <3
yaoyorozu momo x gn!reader (they go into the same bathroom so just assume their school has gn bathrooms)
word count: 5.4k jeez louise
summary: you and momo are paired together for a project that you don't understand as well as she does. later, you guys party together. (sorry y'all i hate this summary i just don't know how else to summarize it)
warnings: cursing, teenage alcohol/drug comsumption, vomiting, kissing, implied sexual activity kinda?
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Yaoyorozu Momo has always strived to be the best she can be. It goes without saying that this is her attitude towards her academics, demonstrated by her consistent top marks and articulate nature. It felt good to have those achievements and she was incredibly knowledgeable about a variety of things. This was in part because of her quirk, but she genuinely enjoyed reading encyclopedias and she didn’t care if it was nerdy because she loved to learn. She carried that passion with her to school every day and that is why she is staring at you with furrowed brows, trying to figure out how to help you do this project, and trying to figure out why you look so…upset? Tired? Perhaps they didn’t get enough sleep last night, she thought. 
She sat at the desk in front of you. You had gotten your tests back at the beginning of class and were going over the answers. After, Momo turned around to face you, clearly trying to bit back a smile.
“What did you get on the test, Y/n?” She asked politely.
You looked at her and paused. “A passing grade.”
“Glad to hear it.” She said, giving you a sweet smile. 
Cute, you thought. She bit her lip a bit and you realized she wanted you to ask her what she got on her test. You decided to indulge her (why not?) and asked her what her score was.
“I got 50/50 correct!” She beamed. “Thanks for asking.” She said a little softer. Cute.
Your teacher finished the review and then began to introduce a group project where you were working in pairs. Your teacher showed you the group pairings and you were paired with Momo. You both turned to look at each other and she gave you a big smile. You gave her a half-assed smile back. She immediately dove into an explanation of her view for your project, which you zoned out on about midway through. Instead, you looked at how her eyes lit up as she used her hands to explain whatever she was talking about. You observed her dark, thick lashes, her beautiful gray eyes that looked like smoky quartz, and her light pink lips. She was so pretty. You wondered if that was something she even cared about - academics seemed to dominate her life, at least, from your perspective. 
“So, what do you think?” She asked, finally done with her explanation.
You blinked. “Yeah, sounds good to me.” You were sure whatever plan Momo had would be a good idea, she would know, wouldn’t she? She gave you some things to research and you began doing just that. And that’s when the comments began. 
The first was about how you had organized your research (“I think it makes more sense if you split it up into these categories..”), the second was about how shocked she was that you didn’t know about “basic Japanese history” (you’d never heard of it), and the third was about you being on your phone because “we should take advantage of the class time given to us to work on this project” (you were checking the time, you had it out for like 2 seconds). 
And now you sat here, with Momo looking at you with confusion and slight pity which made your frown deepen slightly. You could tell the gears in her head were turning, trying to come up with her next criticism. 
You cringed ever so slightly when she opened her mouth and then she said, “You misspelled Mesopotamia.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes but then Momo said, “Are you okay?” 
You looked at her face to see if she was joking, but she wore a look of genuine concern. “I’m fine. Just because I don’t know the answer to everything and misspelled a word doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with me.” You said in a cool tone. 
Momo turned red instantly. “I-no I didn’t mean it like that! I just-um, I noticed, um, you kind of have, um, bags…” she paused, gauging your reaction before continuing, “...under your eyes. I just was wondering if you, um, if you got enough sleep.”
You gave her a wry smile. “I definitely did not get enough sleep last night.”
“Why not?”
You shrugged. “I was at a party.”
A party? Momo had never been to a party before, despite being well into her second year of high school. Despite Momo’s studious lifestyle, she desperately wanted to go to a party. The sensationalized high school parties from media had hooked her since she was young and she longed to have that experience at least once in her life. And here Momo saw the perfect opportunity to get into a high school party.
“Whose party?” She pressed.
You smirked at her persistence. “Kei’s party.”
“When’s the next party?” She asked in a tone that conveyed nonchalance, yet her face gave away her excitement.
“Why, you wanna come?” You teased, making her blush.
“Maybe.” She muttered out, looking away. “Depends on whether or not I can make it.” She said, tilting her head to the side and shrugging, still trying to play it cool.
You paused, trying to discern what her motives were, and then told her, “He’s having another one tonight actually. Do you know Kei?”
“Kei Yukiji, right? We have biology together.” She stated with a smile. She was certain she was going to this party tonight and was already planning how she would ask Kei to come, her outfit, her ride, etc.
“Yeah.” You smirked at her then the bell rang. “Well, I hope to see you there.” You said, gathering your things and heading out. 
You will, Momo thought to herself as she pulled out her phone to text Kei.
Kei never responded to Momo. She huffed as she threw her phone on her bed and went to work on the project. She decided to thoroughly review the work you had done so far, leaving numerous comments and suggestions. She smiled when she was done, feeling productive. 
The next day at school she sauntered into your class she was excited to further discuss edits for your project. She walked with a bounce in her step and she sat down rather abruptly, causing you to look up from your seat. 
“Hello, y/n!” She greeted you cheerfully.
“Hi, Momo.” You said, offering her a small smile.
“I made some edits and left some comments on the work you did yesterday, have you had a chance to look at them yet?” She asked, eager to discuss the intricacies of ancient history.
“No. I can look at them now.” You told her, opening your laptop.
She nodded and got out her own materials, beginning to do her own work.
You made your way through her edits and suggestions. Some you accepted, some were a bit hypocritical so you ignored them. She was very thorough with her suggestions but you didn’t mind too much. They were just that, suggestions. 
You both continued to do your work in peace. When you finished your write-up, Momo said she could review it. You nodded in response and began working on something else. 
“I think it would be better for you to talk about the government first, or at least before talking about their systems of trade because I think that would be a better way to introduce the class system and the various jobs people had.” Momo began. She continued to tell you how she thought you should reorganize your writing, without pausing to ask for your input. 
You knew she was the smartest kid in your class, she was probably the smartest kid in your year. She knew all the answers, turned in the best, neatest, work, and went above and beyond to ensure her academic success. You knew her teachers all adored her and that any work she turned in was perfect in their eyes. You knew that however she was telling you to organize your work was probably better than what you had originally done and you knew that she was trying to be helpful. 
But you weren’t the smartest kid in your class. You didn’t know all the answers, you didn’t go above and beyond in your work. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be an outstanding student, of course, you did. It just wasn’t that easy for you to turn in outstanding work and understand everything your teachers were trying to tell you. And seeing how easily Momo could succeed made you feel insecure. It felt condescending, really, her telling you to reorganize everything you had done like it wasn’t good enough. Like she thought she was better than you. (You knew deep down, of course, that she didn’t think that, but that’s still how you felt).
“Momo.” You interrupted her. 
“Hm?” She looked up from her computer screen.
“I clearly don’t have the grasp on this concept that you do, but I don’t need you telling me how to do my work. You can make your little suggestions, but you don’t need to redo everything I did.” You said to her, the bite in your words more intense than you intended it to be. 
Momo’s mouth opens slightly, her eyes wide and her face red as a tomato. Your eyes widen too, both of you a bit taken aback by what you just said.
“I-I’m sorry-that’s-that’s not what I meant to do at all-” she stuttered out, very embarrassed. She turns away from your desk for a second, then turns her body back towards you, although her face is looking down at her hands in her lap. “I’ll just, um, make suggestions from my computer.” She says, looking up at you for a second, then quickly looking back down again. “Sorry.”
And then she turns back to her desk, back to you, and begins to make edits. But as she begins to type a comment, she can’t even focus on what she’s writing. Then her vision blurs and she realizes she’s about to start crying. She is not about to cry in class because you told her to make fewer edits on your work, absolutely not, she can’t let that happen. Her hand shoots up.
“May I use the restroom?” She asks, doing everything in her power to make sure her voice doesn’t crack. She seems to succeed as your teacher simply nods at her and she bolts to the bathroom. 
The second she leaves the classroom she can already feel the tears beginning to fall. Dammit, dammit, dammit, she thinks to herself as she speed-walks to the bathroom. Once in the safety of the stall that’s furthest from the door, she leans against the door and cries quietly. She feels so stupid, why is she even crying? She feels awful, she never meant to make you feel like she knew more about the project than you and she definitely didn’t want you to feel like you had to redo your work at all - she thought your work was good, actually, just that certain sentences and paragraphs went together better than how you had originally written it. She feels awful because she thought she was better than that, that she had more self-awareness and that she wouldn’t let herself be condescending towards her peers - it had happened before in elementary school, and she felt horrible when she realized that while she had been trying to help her classmates, she had actually just been making them feel stupid and belittled. She vowed then to never make anyone feel that way again, but dammit she did it again! Why couldn’t she just keep her big mouth shut and let you do your own thing?
She moves to the toilet and sits down, leaning forward to put her face in her hands as she continues to cry quietly, consumed by her thoughts. She doesn’t hear the door open, nor does she hear you walk in. 
But you can hear her quietly sobbing, and you curse under your breath because you heard her voice break when she asked to go to the bathroom. Fuck, you thought, I made her cry. 
“Momo?” You ask softly.
Momo’s head shoots up at your voice. Why were you here?
You don’t wait for an answer. “I’m so sorry about what I said, that was rude and mean and I know that you were just trying to be helpful and you didn’t deserve that. I just-” you pause and let out a short, breathy laugh. “You seem so knowledgeable about this stuff and you’re obviously very intelligent and a good writer and I’m not. And it just…it’s hard to not feel like you’re way above me and looking down on me, I guess, even though I know that that’s not how you feel-”
The door to Momo’s stall suddenly opened, stopping your speech, and she stood there, eyes red, glossy, and slightly puffy. Her cheeks and nose were bright red and she sniffled slightly as she offered you a small smile. You instantly felt a pang in your heart at the upset you had caused her.
“Thank you for saying that.” She said to you, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand and sniffling again. You felt strongly compelled to hug Momo, so you wrapped your arms tightly around her shoulders. Momo stiffened slightly at first, not expecting you to hug her, but then hugged you back. She smelled like jasmine and orange blossoms, a pleasant surprise that caught you off guard, making you blush slightly, but thankfully she couldn’t tell. 
“I’m so sorry I made you cry, Momo.” You told her. 
“It’s okay.” She said, lightly patting your back. You smiled at that and released her. She took a deep breath.
“I’m glad that you said that because I really don’t want to be condescending or to make you feel belittled, that’s the last thing I want to do and I-it makes me feel horrible to think that I made you feel that.” She paused and took another shuddery deep breath.
You offered her a kind smile. “I know you mean well.” You told her, then paused. “I think it was a bit overwhelming to hear all of your critiques at once.”
Momo nodded aggressively. “Okay, thank you. I’ll try to be more mindful of that.”
“I’ll be kinder and calmer if I do have any more issues with your critiques.” You told her, nodding once.
You both smiled at each other for a bit, both relieved to not have upset the other and to be reassured that you were on good terms. 
“Did Kei respond to you about the party?” You asked.
Momo frowned and pulled out her phone. Then her face brightened. “Oh! He did!” Momo opened her phone to read Kei’s text.
kei yukiji: hey yaoyorozu! i’m having a party this friday at 7 and you’re totally welcome to come! you can bring a friend too if you’d like :)
sent 12:34pm
Momo couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. Finally, she was going to a party. She was ecstatic. 
She looked adorable, you thought. “I take it you’re coming on Friday then?” You asked, smiling at how excited she was.
“Yes!” She nodded. She clenched her fists and let out a little squeal. Oh my god, she’s so cute, you thought to yourself, blushing lightly and laughing with her. Momo let out a little laugh before taking a deep breath to calm down. 
“Should we head back to class?” You asked. Momo paused and looked in the mirror. She frowned, the evidence of her crying was still present on her face. 
You knew what she was thinking. “Splash some water on your face,” you offered.
She turned on the sink and let the water pool in her hands. She splashed her face a couple of times and you grabbed some paper towels for her. 
“Thanks,” she said with a smile as she took the paper towels from you.
“You’re very welcome.” You said, matching her smile.
Momo dabbed at her face and stared at herself in the mirror for a bit, watching the redness slowly fade. When she felt ready she turned to you and nodded.
“Thanks for waiting for me.” She said with a grin.
“No problem.” You said, “it’s not like I want to go back to class anyway.” She laughed at that.
You started walking back to class when Momo paused. “Y/n?” 
You turned back to look at her. “Yeah?”
“You do have a good understanding of what we’re working on and I think you are a good writer. Everything you wrote for the project was good, aside from maybe some grammar things, but you are smart.” She told you with a very serious look. 
You blushed, a bit taken aback. “I-” you let out a short, breathy laugh, “Thank you, Momo. That’s very kind of you to say.” You offered her a small smile.
“It’s the truth.” She said, smiling back at you.
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you just smiled at her, a smile that said thank you. “Shall we?” You asked, nodding towards your classroom. She nodded and you went back to class.
Yaoyorozu stood in front of her full-length mirror beaming. She had chosen a deep turquoise lacy top and matched it with a nice pair of brown corduroy pants and a brown flannel. She decided to wear her hair down (which Mina had told her to do) and put on some jewelry. She was very anxious on the way to Mina’s, constantly fiddling with her fingers and hair. When she arrived, Mina dragged her inside, sat her down, and did her makeup.
When they were done, they headed to Kei’s.
“Are you excited?!” Mina asked in the car, giggling and grabbing Momo’s hand.
Momo nodded, “but I’m feeling a little nervous.”
“I don’t know, I guess ‘cause it’ll be a lot of people and stuff and it might just be overwhelming .” She responded, looking out the window at the houses they were passing. 
“Well I think it’s mostly people from school so you should know them and if it’s too overwhelming you can wait in the bathroom and call me!” Mina said matter-of-factly.
Momo laughed. “Thanks, Mina. I’m mostly excited.”
You were at Kei’s, standing in with your usual group of party people. You had done shots and were now having hard seltzer, joking and talking with your friends all throughout, but you kept glancing at the door to see if Momo had arrived. You hoped you weren’t being too obvious, you couldn’t help but be excited to see Yaoyorozu. What will she wear? Would she do something different with her hair? You could imagine how beautiful she’d look with her long dark hair framing her face. You imagined all the different outfits she might wear while you chatted with your friends.
“Hey y/n?” Kei asked, tapping you on the shoulder. “Wanna help us set up for Rage Cage?”
“Of course.” You responded, turning to follow Kei to his dining table. 
As you walked inside, the door opened and Momo and her pink friend (whose name you didn’t know) walked in. She beamed at you and Kei, exchanging hugs and greetings. Momo looked gorgeous (obviously) and she had worn her hair down which framed her face beautifully and you felt lucky to be able to see her look like that. Her outfit was fairly modest but it accentuated her body nicely. You bit your lip, slightly taken aback by her beauty. 
“It’s good to see you.” You told Momo with a smile.
“You too!” She paused to smile at you. “This is my friend Mina! Mina, this is y/n, we did our history project together!”
“Nice to meet you, Mina.” You said.
“Likewise.” She responded.
“We’re about to set up a game of Rage Cage, do you guys wanna play?” You asked them.
“Absolutely!” Mina squealed. “Yaomomo, you’ll love Rage Cage, it’s super fun.”
Momo gave you an almost expectant look, which was incredibly cute and you realized she was hoping you would explain the words to her so you did. You filled and placed the cups, announced to everyone that the game was starting, then took your places around the table. Yaomomo stands to your left and you can smell her perfume despite the sweaty teens, alcohol, and weed. 
The game starts and everyone becomes engrossed in bouncing the balls into the cups. When it was Momo’s turn she felt a rush of anxiety and excitement trying to get the ball into the cup. On her third try, it went in and she fist-pumped, cheering as she passed the cup. 
“Nice!” You said, high-fiving her. 
“Thanks!” She giggled.
The game went on and Momo and you had to take a few drinks. Towards the end of the game, there were only a few cups left in the center. When it was Momo’s turn, only the bitch cup remained in the center. 
“You can do it, Yaomomo!” You cheered from her right.
“Go, Yaomomo, go!” Mina cheered from her left. 
She shot once, twice, three times, and missed each time. You both yelped each time the ball began to roll away and you scrambled to get the ball to her when she dropped it. 
The other cup was slowly making its way toward Momo, and if it passed her she would have to drink the bitch cup. She took a short deep breath and focused on her bounce. You watched with anticipation as the ball hit the edge of the cup and then bounced in. 
Momo and you turned to face each other, cheering, and Momo suddenly leaped into your arms, squeezing you in a bear hug. You paused at first, slightly shocked, then quickly hugged her back. She was warm and smelled like jasmine and you silently thanked the dim and crowded party atmosphere for hiding your flushed cheeks. 
Momo released you and you turned your attention back to the game. Momo was filled with adrenaline from playing a drinking game (an essential component of high school parties that she had dreamed of) and slightly buzzed from the drinks she had. She was exhilarated after the stressful game. 
“Hey, wanna do shots?” Mina asked, grabbing her hand. 
“Yes!” Momo responded with a big grin.  
After three shots Mina handed Momo a drink and pulled her over to where people were dancing. She felt warm and loose and she and Mina kept giggling while they were dancing. Momo felt elated and she lost herself in the moment. At some point during their dancing, Mina grabbed Momo’s shoulder and whisper-yelled in her ear. 
“Look at that guy behind me! He’s so hot!” 
Momo scanned until her eyes fell on a boy with red and white hair.
“Yeah, he’s cute. Are you gonna go talk to him?” She asked.
“Yeah, let’s dance our way over there!” Mina exclaimed.
So they gradually pushed their way over to the boy until Mina was looking him directly in the eye. She gave Momo’s hand a squeeze and then yelled “I like your hair!” To the boy. 
Momo continued dancing as she watched them flirt out of the corner of her eye. She rolled her eyes, suddenly feeling self-conscious because her one friend had left her to talk to some boy.. 
Meanwhile, you had been drinking and talking with your friends, who eventually decided they also wanted to dance. As you made your way to the dance floor, your eyes found Mina’s pink hair easily in the crowd, but you didn’t see Momo next to her. Frowning slightly, you scanned the crowd for her, eyes landing on her slightly to the side of where Mina was. She looked a little bit somber, and you wondered why. You watched as she danced, slowly pushing her way through the crowd, probably attempting to escape the gaggle of kids dancing. As she reached the edge of the crowd she caught your eye and smiled, and you smiled back. You both began to approach one another but right before Momo reached you she rolled her ankle slightly and fell right into you.
Her drink spilled all over you and you attempted to catch her. You were able to grab under one of her arms so she didn’t hit the ground too hard. 
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry, I totally ruined your shirt!” Momo exclaimed, completely embarrassed.
“It’s totally fine, Yaomomo, don’t even worry about it.” You reassured her, helping her stand back up. “Are you okay?”
She nodded aggressively, looked you directly in the eye, and asked, “Would you accompany me to the bathroom?”
“Of course.” You told her. She smiled and grabbed your hand, guiding you both to the bathroom. Her hand was soft and warm and her fingers are long and wrapped tightly around your hand. She has purple nail polish on. You thought about how nice it would feel if she cupped your face with her pretty hands. You wanted her to drag her thumb across your bottom lip. You wondered what her fingers would taste like. 
You reach the bathroom and shake yourself from your thoughts. Based on the party atmosphere, they’d probably taste like sweat and alcohol. Ew… You probably wouldn’t mind the taste if it was her fingers.
Momo pulls you into the bathroom and you turn to shut the door behind you. Momo seats herself on the edge of the bathtub while you walk up to the sink and inspect the stain on your shirt in the mirror. You frown, the stain was basically centered on the front of your shirt. You would have to take it off to wash it. You turn back to tell Momo, who quickly looks at the ground when you face her. Weird.
“Um, I’m gonna take my shirt off to wash it.” You told her.
“Ok, do you want any help?” She asked.
You smiled. “No, that’s okay. I’ll let you know if I do.”
She smiled and nodded, resting her head in her hands. She watched as you turned back to the mirror, and held her breath as she watched you pull your shirt over your head. She could feel her cheeks getting red and hoped she could blame the alcohol. She was definitely drunk. Her head was spinning, and she couldn’t help but slightly rock from side to side; if she didn’t she was sure she would fall asleep. Or vomit. Or both. Plus, it felt fun to sway, she could feel the alcohol moving in her body when she did. Her gaze was locked on you as you scrubbed your shirt in the sink. Were you always this beautiful? She knew you were pretty, sure, but she never put much thought into it. But watching you now, she felt dumbstruck by how simply beautiful you were. Just standing there, washing your shirt, you looked so effortlessly beautiful, so…
“...perfect,” Momo mumbled. Fuck, did she say that out loud?
“Huh?” You said, turning around to look at her.
Momo’s face was bright red, she could feel it. “No-nothing.” She said, trying to give you a convincing smile. She averted her eyes to the ground. She could feel her heart beating faster as self-conscious thoughts swarmed her mind. Why was she staring at you? Why did she let herself get caught? She stared at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She could feel her stomach churning uncomfortably. 
You noticed she was staring. Was she uncomfortable with you being shirtless? As you turned back to ask her, Momo slipped off the tub and was kneeling in front of the toilet. Oh god. You hurried over behind her, throwing the toilet seat up and sweeping her hair into your hands right as Momo began to vomit. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay…” you cooed, attempting to soothe Momo. You ran your hand over her hair until she stopped heaving.
“Ugh…” Momo groaned as she slumped back and leaned against the bath. You let go of her hair and went to grab a towel for her to wipe her face. 
“How do you feel?” You asked as you handed her the towel and sat down next to her. 
“Crappy.” She responded, lightly snorting. She took the towel from you and slowly dabbed her face. Her cheeks were very red, she was certain of it. Her mother would highly disapprove of her behavior. How could she let herself drink so much? If there was one thing Momo had mastered, it was self-control, due to years of discipline from her family, but tonight Momo felt like almost everything was out of control. She glanced over at you, still shirtless, and she felt her cheeks heat up even more. Dammit! She put her head between her knees to hide the redness. Why was this happening? It’s not like she’d never seen a naked person before. 
You were watching, concerned that Momo’s stomach was still upset and she would need to throw up again. 
“Are you gonna throw up again?” You asked, putting a hand on her back to soothe her. She jumped at your touch, which surprised both of you, and you retracted your hand. You locked eyes with a very clearly embarrassed Momo, and that’s when you realized what was going on. 
Momo barely heard the small ‘oh’ that escaped your lips over the pounding of her heart. She shook her head and you smiled at her.
“Good.” You said. 
“Thank you.” She said, averting her eyes to the floor.
“Of course, I don’t want you to be sick.” You responded matter-of-factly.
“Sorry for spilling alcohol on you.” She continued, still not looking at you. 
“You already said sorry.” You paused, waiting for her to look at you. She didn’t. “You don’t need to apologize again.”
She smiled, finally meeting your eyes again. God, you looked beautiful. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining what it would be like to kiss you right now. Your lips looked plump, soft, perfect. She wanted to feel them on her lips, her face, her neck. 
“Yaomomo?” You asked. She was staring at you again. You smirked as she blushed and looked away. “I know it’s hard to not get caught up in my amazingly good looks.” You joked. 
Momo blushed harder. “W-what? I wasn’t -”
You laughed at her reaction. “You’re so cute.” You told her with a smile. 
“I didn’t mean to stare, I’m sorry-”
“Oh my god, stop apologizing, obviously I don’t mind!” You interrupted her. Does she not realize how beautiful she is? You had no qualms with her looking at you.
“...you don't?” She asked, meeting your eyes.
“Well, not from a beautiful girl like you.” You said with a smirk, reaching out your hand to lightly touch her cheek. Momo’s eyes shifted to the side, registering your touch, before looking back at you. 
Momo didn’t know what to say. Was this really happening? She looked down at your lips and leaned into your hand. Then she looked back at you. Maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that you seemed so comfortable telling her you were attracted to her, but she felt the need to be kissed. And yet, you still weren’t kissing her. You were just sitting there, staring at each other, waiting. 
Frustrated, she asked, “Are you gonna kiss me?”
You laughed. “If that’s okay with you?” You asked with a smirk. 
And then you kissed her. She tasted like alcohol and bile but you didn’t care. Her lips were soft and plump and they fit perfectly with yours as you kissed her again and again and again. Her hands landed on your shoulders and yours fell to her waist as you pulled her towards you. She pulled away momentarily to straddle your lap before sitting down and resuming your make-out session. Your hands roamed her body and hers hesitantly began to do the same. The high of having her like you back felt glorious.
Suddenly there were a series of loud knocks on the door.
“Are you done in there? I need to pee!” A loud feminine voice called from the other side. 
You and Momo paused and looked at each other. She couldn't help but start giggling. She felt so giddy. You joined her. You were both very very happy. After her laughter subsided, Yaomomo stood up and helped you back up. She watched as you put your shirt back on and you grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. The girl waiting to pee gave you guys a look that neither of you registered.
“Let’s go find a closet or something.” You told her. She giggled and nodded and you wandered off in search of a place to continue your activities. 
<3 i hope you all enjoyed! xoxo
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Hello internet!
It’s officially been over a week since the release of the ‘Moon’s DEATH in VRCHAT’ episode and I am FINALLY done with this essay on the show. IRL stuff be damned, this was important lol.
Not really sure how to explain what this post is, so I guess it’s just my thoughts on some stuff from the show overall, focused in around this specific episode. It started off as a why I liked and didn’t like the idea of Moon’s “death” and kinda spiraled into something more as things tend to do for me sometimes. It’s a collection of opinions and observations from my perspective, so if you do happen to read this, uh, hi! Thanks!
I began writing this about five minutes after I finished watching that episode on the 15th of April, and have spent the last couple days doing most nothing BUT writing. I held off on watching the most recent lore episodes, (after Lunar’s death) because if I didn’t I’d just have to keep rewriting it and rewriting it and then it would just never get done. There are many things in this post that have been resolved at this point, but I chose to keep writing it anyway because I was having fun (Like, Moon’s been resurrected at this point and I have NO IDEA if he’s got his memories back. Which is a… large portion of this post lolol). There’s also references to some of the stuff I did see and while I did go through and read it through several times, some stuff still got through I’m sure. It’s a bit all over the place. So keep that in mind if you do choose to read this!
I wanna make clear really quickly that these are all my personal opinions and insights, based on my experiences of the show. I like this show, and doing stuff like this is fun for me. It’s a way for me to show my enjoyment, and at the end of the day this is a silly role play show featuring characters on the internet, that I like to watch. Please don’t come into the comments of my posts or my ask box trying to start fights over stuff I’ve said. I’m all about hearing people’s opinions and I’d love people to give me their own insights about the stuff I’ve talked about (if I didn’t my ask box would be closed.), even if we don’t see eye to eye!
My own opinions may change in the future. I’m open to that. Welcome it even! There’s so many different interpretations and likes and dislikes about different characters and I love that so many people have been brought together by their enjoyment of SaMs, even thought sometimes there are bumps in the road. It’s genuinely my favorite part, that we all enjoy this show for such varied reasons. But I won’t entertain outright hatred, insults, or attempts to start discourse with me. I will simply block people who do so.
Now that it’s out of the way, though, LET’S TALK! Prepare for sloppy thinking and many lots of words below the cut because my brain has been all over the place for several DAYS and I’ve been super excited to deep dive into this. I’ve been vibrating thinking about all this and trying to get this done!
They killed Moon.
(Porbably. 2% chance and all that but let’s… let’s be real folks cam’ahn. Ya know? Ya know.)
I’ll be honest, this decision took me completely by surprise. I was not expecting the death of such a titular character, after all it is called the Sun and MOON Show. But, taking a look back on stuff that’s happened in the show, specifically with Moon himself, it’s not all that much of a jump that this happened.
Let’s talk some meta first. I’ve been somewhat worried about it, and I know other people have asked both here on Tumblr and in the comments of many of the recent lore videos about the show possibly ending or the VA’s moving on to other things.
META/ Behind the Scenes Word Vomit
So there was another show, called the Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs Show and I’m pretty sure there were others, but I know about this one for certain. They have the Huggy Wuggy and Poppy Playitme show listed in their Home page and as of writing they still have 2.33k subscribers. I know at one point the Huggy Wuggy and Poppy Playtime Show was listed under the channel page of all the FNAF Reacts shows. It isn’t anymore.
Whatever used to be on the Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs Show is gone. If there were videos on that channel, they are no longer there. If you are actually worried that they are going to end the Sun and Moon Show channel, be aware of the possibility that eventually they will probably do the same as they have done to the Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs Show. Same for any of the FNAF Reacts channels that you enjoy.
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO CAUSE PANIC! Even if the show were to end, I don’t believe they would delete all the videos right away or anything like that, and most likely we will have confirmation that that is the intended path for the show. But take those facts as you will. I’ll be keeping an eye on the Huggy Wuggy and Poppy Playtime Show, just to be certain. I won’t be surprised if at some point those videos get erased too.
I don’t think they’re ending the Sun and Moon show, for several reasons.
One of the reasons I saw someone call out as for why they might cancel the show is views and subscribers. So I went and pulled some numbers from various channels. As of today, (April 19th, 2023) here are the subscribers counts for some various shows in the FNAF Reacts verse as well as the Huggy Wuggy and Playtime Poppy Show, a show which was made by the same company but which HAS ended. The last episode of that channel aired on the 23rd of February this year and still has all their videos up, but it appears they have stopped uploading.
Huggy Wuggy and Playtime Poppy Show: 193k
Sun and Moon Show: 422k
Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy Show: 238k
Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica Show: 113k
Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show: 348k
As you can see, the Sun and Moon Show still has the most subscribers of all the channels. I didn’t include the Monty Gator and Foxy Show because that show is so new, and I didn’t include the Springtrap and Spring Bonnie show due to the recent re-branding which I feel would have messed up the numbers. I didn’t include the Freddy and Funtime Freddy show because I forgor. But each of those channels also has less subscribers than the SaMS. I also went and looked at the view counts for the past thirty days of videos (not including todays) and pulled an average view count from those episodes.
Huggy Wuggy and Playtime Poppy Show: 21.5k
Sun and Moon Show: 59.5k
Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy Show: 35k
Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica Show: 9.9k
Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show: 23k
The Sun and Moon Shows still got higher view counts than any of the other shows too. From a, I guess, business stand point, I really don’t think their highest performing show is the one they’re going to give the boot. Besides, people love this show beyond the numbers. I went and watched that most recent QnA video again recently and like… just the sheer love from them scrolling through all those comments and questions people had? Fuck guys. Makes me emotional.
On a somewhat related note, which stems from genuine curiosity about behind the scenes stuff and because I need to just word vomit for a second, I wonder if they’ve lost a bunch of subscribers or if their view counts have been affected by the death episodes? I don’t really surf the tags on Twitter so much, but in the comments of the videos and here on Tumblr I’ve seen quite a lot of people say they’ll stop watching or that they’re taking a break from watching. I also wasn’t paying attention to the subscriber counts before and after so I don’t know! Did people really leave?
I wonder what the reasoning, the thought process was behind the decision. They had to know there was going to be backlash! Did they not care? Killing two major characters back to back? Maybe they thought spreading out the deaths would be too much and decided to drop all the bombs all at once? Maybe it really was just to set up for the next plot line? Like, it’s a HUGE thing to kill one of your main, load-bearing characters! (I can’t particularly articulate why but, like, this is really big? It’s HUGE? Especially in the middle of so many separate story lines?)
How long have they been planning to do this? How far in advance is the show planned? We don’t really know anything about the behind the scenes for the show. Who writes plot points and ideas? The VA’s? Someone else? Whoever did, they’ve been setting up for it! It felt really sudden to me, and in a really weird place, but it had to have been in the works for some time! With everything else going on all at once, it just felt like a really sudden wrench in the gears, caught me by surprise for sure! It’s gonna throw everything out of whack! I like thinking about things like that. Yus yus yus.
Anyways, it doesn’t seem to be the path the creators are taking from a story standpoint either. If they were planning to end the show they’d be wrapping up plot threads, and instead they’ve been setting up for new stuff. If they were planning to end the show, why have Moon leave a message for Sun? Why even suggest the 2% at all? Why introduce Earth? I think it was in the ‘Killcode and Moon’s Final Conversation in VRCHAT’ episode where Kill Code suggested Eclipse might seek out the Creator since their goals aligned. But, like, that’s the introduction of a new character motive as well as setting up for a team up between two main show villains.
They’ve done character building on Sun, they gave the Creator motives for his plans, they’re building Eclipse up to be even more threatening. Hell, why even suggest there was a possibility to save Lunar if they were just going to end the show? Monty wouldn’t have found a nanomachine, and they wouldn’t be teasing us about it in the description. Lunar would just be gone. Like, you don’t make cliffhangers for a piece of media you know is going to end, that you intend on ending, that’s not very good in any aspect. And these folks know what they’re doing, they’ve been doing it for awhile.
I think the more likely option is one or both of the VA’s are taking a break from or leaving the show. For those who don’t know the two voice actors for the Sun and Moon Show are InvisibleDavis Studios (Who plays Sun, Eclipse and Monty) and EC_Universal Productions (Who plays Moon, Lunar, and Kill Code).
Both actors have their own channels and their own projects outside of the Sun and Moon show. Invisible Davis has Bonnie’s Adventures, another FNAF RP series, and his Undertale series and EC_Universal has the Punkrocks FNAF RP, which is part of TheFamousFilms greater FNAF MC RPVerse (also known, I believe, just as the FNAFverse) and has also recently been previewing another new and upcoming RP series based on Danmachi or Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon. Invisible Davis also just started the Monty Gator and Foxy show.
This wouldn’t be the first time this has happened in the collection of FNAF React shows. The Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica show “rebranded” to the Funtime Foxy and Lolbit Show for a while, but that was in the titles inside of the videos themselves only. As far as I can tell, the voice actors did not change nor were the cast credits changed during that time. There’s also been several times where main characters were “replaced”, as with Freddy and Shadow Freddy or the different variations of Roxy, Circus Baby and others (Shattered Roxanne, Lovesick and Scrap Baby, Eclipse and Lunar).
However, many of you, if you keep up with the other shows, are probably aware that recently the Glitchtrap and Glamrock Bonnie show recently completely re-branded to the Springtrap and Springbonnie Show. They changed their banner, their channel name, as well as their cast credits in their most recent videos. This is a full on channel re-branding, which has not happened to this degree before, except maybe to the Freddy and Funtime Freddy show, as the original videos on that channel actually didn’t have Funtime Freddy at all. The cast credits are now the VA’s for the characters on the Freddy and Funtime Freddy show and the previous VA for Glamrock Bonnie is no longer listed. I am not in the Discord for any of the FNAF Reacts shows, so I do not know if there was an announcement for this change.
I mention this re-branding for two reasons only. The first is to establish that this is a possibility for the Sun and Moon Show. A decision could be made to replace Sun or Moon or both with new characters as it has already been done. These are most likely different scenarios, it is simply a possibility. The second is to establish that if there IS a VA change or if the channel is being re-branded, however they approached doing so with the Springtrap and Spring Bonnie show they will probably do again for the Sun and Moon Show. Whether that be no announcement at all or what, again I didn’t see how they advertised the GtaGBS/StaSBS switch over, regardless it will most likely be approached the same way.
To be clear this possibility is pure speculation based on already accessible information about the on goings outside of the show, mixed with my own personal experiences to theorize what may happen in the shows future. I will admit, I had several more paragraphs written detailing why I thought this might happen, but I decided against putting it in because I think it was inappropriate to make theories on the real life people behind the scenes. I don’t know anyone who works on the show, and it’s not my place to speculate about anything personal the real people behind the show may have going on to affect decisions. Don’t take my word as fact on anything. It is ONLY speculation.
Please be respectful to the voice actors and the folks working on the shows. They put in a lot of work to create something that we all love and enjoy in our own ways. Be mindful and don’t bug anyone. Until we are given explicit facts from someone who works on the shows, or an announcement from a trusted and related source, we just need to trust the process as they say.
(As a quick plug, because I truly do enjoy the content these folks put out, if you like the Sun and Moon show or the FNAF Reacts channels, especially for their lore I recommend checking them out! They’re really fun, I have been personally enjoying the hell out of the Punkrocks series. That series specifically is only on episode #69 so there’s not a ton you would need to catch up on this point and while I haven't had time to watch the Undertale series as regularly as I want, the stuff I have seen is fun!)
Now, with that out of the way let’s move on into the good sauce.
Les talk about the storrry.
What happens now? Where do we go from here?
There’s kinda three big paths I can see this taking at this point,
The first is that 2% comes into effect. Moon comes back with all his memories in tact and he’s (relatively) fine and is reunited with Sun.
Second, the 2% does not come into effect, but Moon does eventually regain his memories!
Third, the 2% does not come into effect, Moon is reset and does not ever regain his memories.
There are other options of course! Maybe a Moon from a different dimension pops in, maybe he doesn’t come back at all and another character takes his place (there’s plenty of options), but these are the three main ones I can think of. There’s also the option of there being a recent backup of Moon somewhere, but I see that being too similar to the first option, just with an additional fact of he would probably be missing memories of all the things that happened in his mind, if not a little more.
I see the first option as the most ideal outcome of the three, at least for the characters, because it comes with the least amount of consequences. Moon comes back, and he and Sun are reunited. Moon meets Earth. Kill Code is alive inside of Moon’s computer. AI1 is restored, as they themselves stated a backup of them was made pre-entering-Moon’s-mind, and they are reunited with AI2 (though I would have LOVED to see AI2’s reaction to AI1 being gone. Do you think he would have been sad? Do you think he would have missed him?). Everyone is ‘fine’ and we move on with the story.
At this point, we just head on and start dealing with all of the plot points in the same manner we would have if the 2% thing had never been a thing at all. There are a couple things that need to be addressed, that were established after Moon’s “death” like Lunar and getting Kill Code a new body and all that but it’s pretty much all the same problems and no new added ones that come from Moon losing his memories.
Eclipse is the big one, of course! His obtaining of the Newton Star is something they’ve been trying to prevent since practically the beginning of the show. With Kill Codes added suggestion that the Creator might try and seek Eclipse out or the two might join forces due to similar wants, we have an incredibly interesting threat on the horizon.
By the way, I was going to mention Eclipse resetting the world as an option since that seemed to be his original plan, and it would be a really easy way to ‘reset’ the channel to 0, but he himself stated that he didn’t want to do that anymore. Just thought I’d mention it!
Some other stuff they could build stories around:
- Sun’s powers and Moon’s loss of magic, which includes the circle being destroyed
- Monty Gator and Foxy having their own show and what led to that happening (people picked up that there seemed to be something going on between the Celestial Siblings and Monty that required them all to take a break from one another for a bit)
- Earth! Moon hasn’t actually met her yet! Also, I made a separate post about this, but the Creator has outright stated that Earth was made to be better than the boys in EVERY aspect. Which, considering what we now know of the Creators motives, most likely includes killing humans. I cannot WAIT to see where they go with her. (Her reaction to learning that Sun killed someone clicked some switches for me, it struck me as weird. Little details from the last couple episodes are striking me as really interesting and I’m getting more and more excited.)
- Lunar. Monty dealing with Lunar, the nanomachine, Lunar’s trauma, all sorts of stuff with Lunar. (Maybe he’ll become a major side character on the Monty Gator and Foxy Show!)
- Puppet???? Mentioned, like, twice? This is 100% a personal thing but GIVE ME MAH WIGGLY OG CHILD CARE TAKER. They’ve set up for the character, also excited to see where they’re gonna go with them.
- Solar Flare. It didn’t seem like he was actually dead, but instead fighting back inside Eclipse's systems. Maybe he’ll be the final puzzle piece to taking the down the long cheeto.
- Blood moon and Sun dealing with his first murder still.
As well as:
- The last time Sun saw Moon, Moon had trapped him in a small, magical barrier in a bunker by himself and left him.
- The message Moon left for Sun and dealing with the repercussions of that basically being a suicide note.
- Sun dealing with having Kill Code around, especially when just recently they were talking about killing him.
- A whole bunch of other things I can’t even remember right now
And of course.
Sun and Moon themselves, and their relationship with one another.
If Moon does not get reset, we’re still dealing with the same Moon we’ve had for the past year and beyond the beginning of the show, and he has a lot to atone for.
This isn’t to say that Sun doesn’t have things he’s done that need to be addressed, quite the opposite. He’s not 100% in the clear here.
I believe both of them are flawed and complex characters who have both made mistakes and done ‘bad’ things. I believe both of them deserve to have a spotlight put on them so we can see how they react and evolve afterwards. I do not want anyone to think I’m demonizing either one, by the way, or think that I’m infantalizing Sun as some weenie baby who’s never done anything wrong. Nor do I want anyone to think I’m excusing either of them for their actions farther down in this post. They both have growing they need to achieve, things they need to answer for, and diminishing them to singular character traits is to do the character’s a disservice.
But, right now, this is about Moon and I DO think between the two Moon has many more things he’s done that he needs to answer for and I do think that a lot of it revolves around Sun.
I’ll get into that, because there’s a reason I feel this way about Moon that actually has nothing to do with his character but rather with the show itself, but not here, because I’d like to address both of them separately and I’m still talking about possible outcomes. We’ll get there.
Point is, if they don’t actually kill/reset Moon, there are still so many stories to go with! That’s only stuff I remember, stuff that was established and can be built on from the most recent lore episodes. And I didn’t even touch on possible episodes with character interactions (Monty hasn’t met Earth! Earth and Lunar haven’t met anyone! Eclipse and Earth! The Creator and Earth! Moon and Monty after Lunar’s splosion! GOOD EcliPSE LeaRNINg AbOuT LUNaR. So much s tufffffffff!)
I’m pretty sure they are not going to go with option one.
Option two and three are more likely and we won’t know which for awhile. Like, I mentioned up in the meta section, they probably wouldn’t have set up the 2% at all if they were ultimately not going to do it.
So, option two! Also known as Moon’s Amnesia Arc!
Moon appears in his own body, back in the daycare. Kill Code is in the computer, AI1 has yet to be restored, for any various number of reasons. Sun and Earth are there and they either find Moon or are contacted by Kill Code/ one of the AI.
And Moon doesn’t remember anything.
I’m trying to think of all the things a reset would encapsulate. It was a total reset and all his memories, so probably anything you can think of that wasn’t part of his base programming. He probably doesn’t remember any of the other characters, unless those names were a part of his initial known information. Which would include Sun.
(Fuck. Do you think Sun would think he was messing with him at first? As like a really awful prank?)
Like. Sun. Jesus. It’s going to be so bad, if it happens. Sun’s already dealing with SO much, I don’t even know if Earth could pull him back from the spiral. He’s already blaming himself for Moon getting trapped in his own head because of the destruction of the magic circle. He’s already feeling guilty and dealing with the Bloodmoon hallucinations. If Moon loses his memories, and like, doesn’t even remember Sun (which he’ll probably see as a consequence of his running off to fight Eclipse alone and destroying the magic circle) this is going to fucking BREAK him.
Followed by the message. “Sun. I don’t know if I’m awake already when you’re gonna hear this or if I’m gonna be still repairing myself. I had to do something. I had to do this. In order to not feel responsible for killing another person. Kill Code’s getting better. He WANTS to live. He wants to be his own person. But he needs help. He needs your help. And I’m gonna need it too. In order for Kill Code to exist one half of my AI’s have to delete themselves, which they can be fixed. That’s easy. But I… I got reset. More than likely. There’s about a 2% chance I didn’t, so maybe you got lucky. But I… I can’t kill another person. I love you brother. I know you understand what I did. And I know why you left. I know you wanted to help me. Now’s your chance. Just be my brother. That’s all I’ve ever needed.”
Just. The emotions that will come with having a memory-less Moon show up and see Sun. Kill Code in the computer. Do you think Sun will blame him? I don’t even think he’ll believe Kill Code until he hears the recording. I wonder if he’ll believe him even after! I’ve already written about how the two of them, Sun and Moon, don’t really know each other in a different post. I DON’T think Sun will understand this decision at all. Like, deep diving into that message could probably constitute another essay all on it’s own. I’m excited. I’m dreading it. I can’t fucking wait. Arghargharghargharghnamnamanamnomm
His memories about magic. His memories about the daycare. All his experiences, gone.
Think of all the other characters who are going to have to deal with the effect’s of Moon’s death, too! This is going to have blow back that reaches to other characters who knew him! All the different opinions. There’s going to be characters who did like Moon, who did NOT like Moon, who were helped by him. He wasn’t unloved in the FNAF Reacts Verse, people came to him for help and advice a lot, enough that, an entire other universes Pizzaplex failed without him. Fucking Monty, guys. KC having to live on with the realization of what exactly Moon saving him cost and what that actually meant. When he sits and thinks on it, what really happened. LUNAR.
And on top of all of that, every plot point I listed above, is still open to be addressed. Every single one is a loose thread still, except now Moon doesn’t remember anything. He can’t help with Eclipse or the Creator as well as he could before, because he doesn’t remember. He won’t have any reaction to hearing Lunar is dead, because he doesn’t remember who Lunar is.
And he can’t attone for the things he’s done to Sun and the other people he’s hurt, because he doesn’t remember doing those things.
However, with option two, eventually Moon remembers! I saw a couple suggestions for how this could happen. Backups somewhere. Maybe the AI’s can find them, maybe they were in Lunar and when (if) he gets ‘resurrected’ they’ll get Moon back too, I think I saw someone say that Moon outright said he had backups somewhere, maybe he put them somewhere and one of the side plots will be trying to find where they’re hidden since the only one who knew where they were was Moon himself.
I think, if they do go this route, there will probably be more severe consequences for the message and the choices Moon made in his head. Because, unlike in the first path where nothing ‘bad’ came from the choice, in this path there were severe consequences for people other than Moon that happened because Moon lost his memories. Especially to Sun. But there is once more room for growth, because now he can face those consequences, possibly even with a new perspective! I saw someone suggest that Moon with no memories (and no trauma!) watches the show and realizes he was an asshole, and it helps him take strides to making amends as best he can and growing as a character even after he regains them.
Which now brings me to the third and final path I see this entire thing taking.
OPTION 3 (Kinda)
The 2% comes into effect and Moon loses his memories.
And he does not ever get them back. A true reset.
Maybe there are no back ups. Maybe there are backups, but Eclipse finds and destroys them all and with it any chance of Moon coming back. Maybe they find the backups but they’ve been corrupted somehow. Point is Moon is forever the way he is now, with no memories of his past beyond the recordings provided him and anecdotes from the people who knew him.
I don’t particularly love this option. I don’t hate it, I can see reasons for why it could happen, and also reasons why it would be a cool path to take! But I think, of the three I listed, I want this option the least.
I’m going to veer for a moment, twice. We’ll get back to that topic in a little bit, but I’d like jump to what I mentioned before and talk about Sun and Moon themselves, and their relationship with each other as well as another kind of major opinion I have for the show.
I’m going to talk about Sun first, because I think my opinions on Sun are a little different than other peoples. I’ve never actually seen anyone talk about him like this, so I’d like to get it out of the way because it does kind of lead into what I think about Moon.
Initially, while I was writing this piece I couldn’t quite figure out what to write about Sun. So I started off this section with ‘Sun is boring’. Which I don’t think that so much anymore. I spent some time while I was writing this, going back and watching some older lore episodes, ranging from all the way back at the beginning of the channel to more recent episodes.
And I think a better description for how I feel about Sun is that I think Sun has been very overshadowed over the course of the show. And because of that, until recent episodes where the show has started to focus on him, I just didn’t really care about him all that much. I realized this while I was trying to figure out how to characterize him, because I was trying to think of specific moments where he did something that jumped out to me, that put his character on display and or story arcs where he has been an active focus and, besides the most recent stuff, I couldn’t think of any. Which is weird, because I can think of a TON of stuff for Moon.
I’d like to clarify quickly that I am not a religious watcher of the Sun and Moon Show. I don’t always have time to watch episodes day of, and I often don’t watch gaming episodes, so I don’t get the little tidbits of characterization and character information that happen in those episodes. I started watching the show regularly sometime after the Interview episode way the fuck back in July of last year because I saw an animatic or something that got me really interested, but I never went back and watched anything before now. I’ve also missed lore episodes so I’m most likely coming from a place of less understanding than someone who has watched the show regularly, seen every episode, or watched and paid attention to Sun’s character specifically. I don’t know everything, and I don’t want anyone to think that I think I know everything, I very much do not.
Eventually I hope to watch the show in it’s entirety (which I know is a huge undertaking, but I want to do it anyway at some point because I just really like this show). Even with the few episodes I’ve been re-watching so I can find little details for my writing, I’ve discovered so many more cool little things so I’m sure in the future once I’ve re-watched it all, my opinions will change (for sure!).
But from my perspective (which is, again, very limited. I will outright admit that), Sun is a very overshadowed character on the show despite being a title character.
The basic character points I know about Sun are:
- He’s anxious
- He’s hot headed/ impulsive
- He likes things being organized and clean
- He’s very much a caretaker, good with kids
- He tries very hard to be optimistic and cheerful
- He’s very often the butt of jokes
In the early days of the channel, Sun was much more joyful than he is now. He’s always been optimistic and back then nothing ever really got him down for long. This early show version of Sun actually comes back in the ‘How Sun and Moon FIRST MET in VRCHAT’ episode. He’s super happy, cheerful, super excitable, singing to himself. His voice is FULL of joy. He comes across a problem (trying to figure out where nap time is going to be) and he bounces back from being confused about it and not finding an answer immediately. He’s not unhappy about it at all, nor is he unhappy about not being able to figure it out, he decides not to dwell on it, optimistically stating he’ll figure it out in the future.
That optimism and impulsive decision making has remained but he’s less cheerful, less excitable. He’s anxious all the time and he questions himself a lot, which has been focused on often in response to his actions with Bloodmoon. A really good example that I personally like is in the episode ‘Sun LEARNS Moons SECRET?! In VRCHAT’, the way Sun reacts to finding out to Moon telling him he has no plans to stop Eclipse, that he tried everything and that he’s failed, is to say, “No. No. There has to be something. Like, like literally anything. There has to be something!” Even when Moon is telling him that this is it, they’re out of options, Sun continues to hold on to that hope. Of course, right after he starts to panic because he doesn't want to die, but the point is that his initial reaction was that hope!
Even after he starts to panic about dying, about Moon possibly dying, he’s still trying to come up with options. He says, ‘Maybe we can be stuck together!’ still looking on the bright side! And when Moon starts panicking, Sun assures him that he’s not a virus, he’s not a mistake. It’s very good.
But that’s it. That’s where my, even with all of my re-watching and reevaluating, understanding of Sun ends. And that’s not a lot. It’s paltry in comparison to what I know about Moon.
Which brings me over to talking about Moon.
In the same way that I started talking about Sun with a less-than-accurate description, I’m gonna start off with a less-than-accurate description of Moon. Contrary to my description and personal understanding of Sun’s character, I’m gonna say something I have seen a ton of people say about Moon’s character.
Moon is an asshole.
I actually very much dislike this summation of Moon’s character because while it is true, Moon IS an asshole, it’s only a fraction of his full character. There are other things that supply his characterization.
The basic character traits I know about Moon are:
- He’s generally rude and mean to other people
- He’s apathetic
- He’s emotionally closed off
- He often resorts to threats and violence as an answer to his personal problems
- He has a lot of unresolved trauma stemming from his time under the virus/ Kill Code and being stuck in a body with Sun
- He has incredible technological and magical prowess
- He dislikes kids, and taking care of them (also not very good at it)
- He has a lot of self loathing
- He has a need to protect the people he cares about at all costs
We’ve heard often about how Moon was trapped in a body with Sun for the longest time. The breakdown he has about not wanting to be stuck again just before October started always sticks out in my mind, it’s one of the clearer moments I always remember from the show. But we never really got a look at that time, despite it being so important to the both of them, until the flashback episode ‘How Sun and Moon FIRST MET in VRCHAT’ and, from their first moments, Moon has always been an asshole to Sun. Their very first interaction with one another was not good, and it came from Moon.
But that was a VERY different situation. And I think it was a very normal response.
Not okay. But normal.
He’s stuck in a body he has no control over. He has no control over himself. He may even feel that he doesn’t have a self. Nobody can hear him (and considering the events of Security Breach are canon in the show, it’s possible nobody cares either). Trying to wrestle control is impossible, and trying to do it anyway is painful for both him and his counterpart. So, he responds to it by taking his anger out on the only other person he can take it out on, the only other person he can reach. Sun.
Sun even tells him in that episode that it’s not his fault they’re like that, he knows it’s not fair, he doesn’t have any control over it either (and in typical Sun fashion, Sun tries to offer solutions, he tries to come up with something that works for both of them) but Moon doesn’t care. He’s mad. He’s not thinking straight.
Different people react to different situations in different ways. Feeling trapped, being stuck in an abusive or awful situation changes people in different ways. Some people become very timid and submissive. Some people get angry and violent. You do things in the name of survival and sometimes these things aren’t good or reasonable. These are completely normal responses for this type of situation, even with the fantastical nature of it in the show.
I don’t know how long they were like this. I do remember a line at some point that they had been separated for a year before the first episode of the channel. They’d had some time apart from each other, so we didn’t get to see much of the immediate backlash of finally being separate, nor have we gotten to see any of the time they were together besides their very first interaction. We got long after. There had to be some reconciling for the two of them to be calling each other brothers by the beginning of the show.
This is Moon’s big traumatic incident, which has never actually been addressed on the show. This is the thing that so much of him revolves around, that fuels so much of him on the show, this powerless situation he was trapped in for years, being stuck in his own head. His need to take care of his siblings, his apathy and issues dealing with personal and emotional issues, his self loathing which stems from his actions (he feels like if he isn’t fixing things, making things, solving problems for people, he doesn’t serve a purpose, he’s worthless). All of it can probably be traced back to this.
It is the thing that a lot of his character revolves around, is this time where he was stuck in his own head with no power. He never wants that to happen again. Yes, he’s an asshole. But in character context, there is an explanation for him to be.
I think regardless of your opinions on Moon, most of us can agree he is often mean to the people around him. Sun, Eclipse, Monty, he doesn’t really pick favorites when it comes to being rude to people, though he is more/less/ mean in different ways to different people. Except for maybe Lunar, in fact he seemed really nice to Lunar even with that small section of episodes where Lunar took over Moon’s body in mid September. He certainly wasn’t as harsh with Lunar as he was with Eclipse. And he’s certainly not as mean to Lunar as he is to Sun.
Though he has made decisions for Lunar in the same way he’s made decisions for Sun, without his consent or understanding. With Sun of course I’m thinking of the trapping episode, because Faffers is incapable of shutting up about the trapping episode lol. For Lunar, I’m thinking about the Good Eclipse stuff. Moon lied to him about needing Lunar to scout a dimension, a dimension he told Lunar right after he “would enjoy” and then sent him to the Good Eclipse dimension without any information. He knew where he was sending Lunar, he most likely knew what was waiting for Lunar there.
Ultimately, it ended up fine. Lunar made a new friend and he started visiting Good Eclipse often. But the issue is that Moon made that decision FOR Lunar without communicating with him and I think also without quite understanding what was wrong, because Lunar has a lot of unaddressed trauma when it comes to Eclipse. Lunar panics when he gets there and sees Good Eclipse. It might not have gone the way Moon wanted and it could have made the situation worse.
It’s just another example of Moon making a decision that wasn’t as well thought out as it should have been, because Moon thought he knew better than the people he was making the decisions for. However, these decisions GENUINELY STEM FROM MOON’S CARE FOR THE PEOPLE HE DOES IT TOO/FOR.
One of my favorite quotes about Moon actually doesn’t come from an episode of the Sun and Moon Show, but from an episode of the Freddy and Funtime Freddy Show. Some quick context: On the FaFFS they introduced a character in August called Shadow Freddy. I’m not so caught up on the lore of FaFFS but I believe Shadow Freddy is a manifestation of Freddy’s magic, which gained corporeal will and form due to Freddy’s lack of use of it. Shadow Freddy’s purpose was to protect Freddy or something. This eventually manifests as Shadow Freddy completely taking over Freddy in maybe early/mid October and he was actually on that channel all the way up until either mid December or mid January (I’m not sure I was just looking at thumbnails rip).
On the 11th of December FaFFS aired an episode called ‘Moon SAVES Ghost Freddy in VRCHAT’ and on the 12th of December, FaFFS aired an episode called ‘Moon VS Shadow Freddy in VRCHAT. Both videos canonically take place in time before the ‘What if ECLIPSE had won?’ episode on SaMS. In these episodes Freddy has escaped his body in ghostly form and run away from Shadow Freddy to try and figure out a way to get his body back. Freddy explains the situation, Moon and Lunar help him out, giving him a temporary body made out of magic and then send him on his way.
The quote in question comes from the second episode here. Shadow Freddy has tracked Freddy to the Daycare, broken in and gives Moon his tragic backstory. Moon is being patronizing the entire time, calling him an idiot and clearly not giving a fuck. Shadow Freddy tells Moon a couple of things about the four wellsprings of power, and about how if Freddy dies Golden Freddy will get mad (which Moon says sounds like fun). Shadow Freddy of course gets frustrated that Moon doesn’t care about any of these really important repercussions he’s telling him about and Moon goes, “Listen here buddy. You don’t understand. Hi! I’m Moondrop! I don’t care about anybody aside from my brother.”
Which is such, it’s such, it is such a good fucking line! It is such a good line to describe Moon! He cares very deeply about Sun, he truly does love Sun! His actions towards Sun stem from a genuine place! A lot of his actions in the show stem from wanting good things for his brothers!
But you can want good things for people and still mess up. You can do good things and still have bad outcomes. You can have good intentions, but they can still be wrong. Different situations call for different solutions and not every answer is the right answer for certain problems. Moon falls into this a lot. He thinks he’s doing the right thing, he’s convinced he’s doing what’s best for people! He’s does things out of the kindness of his heart, doing his best. But he doesn’t have a correct understanding of what the right thing is.
Moon never gained the social skills to effectively deal with problems like this. These skills were warped by his time trapped with Sun and he never got help for it. I saw someone describe it as ‘socially incompetent’ and he himself stated at one point that he doesn’t think he’ll ever understand it (I could not find said quote but I do remember it being said). Which is that self loathing coming back. So he resorts to what he knows.
(It’s one of the reasons why I enjoy that idea someone else had where he watches the show and realizes he was an asshole before he lost his memories. He’d be coming at it from an unaffected angle, with no pre-established effects from that traumatic time which could help him grow those skills without any interruption! There’s no trauma that he has to push past, so it’ll be easier.)
He has good intentions, he wants to fix everything for the people he cares about and he does care very deeply about his siblings and the people that he loves. They’re very important to him, the most important to him. But taking away other people’s agency, making choices without their consent, even if you’re doing it for love? It’s not okay.
There’s more to all of this, but now I’m going to switch over to that second thing I mentioned before, that major opinion about the show.
So, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been re-watching episodes from different times on the channel. As of now there are 134 episodes in the VRCHAT playlist, with most of them being ‘lore’ episodes. I skimmed through most of them, taking a look at the different arcs the show has been through and watching episodes I didn’t remember very clearly or hadn’t watched at all.
And I kind of realized that there hasn’t really been a Sun-centric story lines until recently, with the Bloodmoon death arc. Let me try and explain what I mean by Sun-Centric. With the Bloodmoon arc we are looking at a choice Sun actively made and the direct repercussions of it, which still revolve around Sun’s actions. Sun’s killing off Bloodmoon and his subsequent decision to hunt down Eclipse by himself have affected more people than just himself. There is a reverberating effect to his actions, something I don’t really think we’ve had from Sun before. This was the hardest thing for me to explain, so my apologies if it doesn't come across well.
Like, I can’t remember any arcs where Sun has been the primary focus of the story in this way. There’s plenty of them for Moon. For Eclipse. For Lunar. Hell, even Monty has had a couple of episodes dedicated to him on the channel. But for Sun, like, maybe there were some episodes at the beginning of the Eclipse stuff that focused on him alongside Eclipse and I’m sure there was some focus on the Roxanne stuff at one point. ‘Sun Goes on a DATE with ROXANNE WOLF in VRCHAT’ was about Sun and his feelings towards Roxanne, with Moon playing a supportive role in that episode! But none of those really stuck, there wasn’t any butterfly effect from Sun buying Moon a room in space or Sun visiting Golden Freddy for advice after the first fight.
Like, what important events can I think of that might have related to Sun?
July 16th? That wasn’t Sun’s fault, that was Eclipse and Bloodmoon. Sun had no hand in that at all. The Witherstorm? He helped solve it, but he was with Moon and again that was caused by Eclipse. Roxanne’s maternity chip stuff? Eclipse. Sun broke Moon’s computer? Sure, he caused it but then we flipped immediately to Moon and the resurgence of his Kill Code.
Shit! Sun barely even had anything to do with the pre-October stuff. Moon was the one doing all the planning then. He dragged Lunar back to switch him out with Moon that one time, but most of September was about Moon and Lunar. And he was literally GONE for all of October! I remember we saw him one time at the beginning and then he was literally just gone for a month. At the end of the episode ‘The Future of ECLIPSE and LUNAR in VRCHAT’ we see Sun get transported to a strange mindscape away from Moon. That episode aired on the 2nd of October. The next time we see Sun is in the episode ‘Moon REVIVES Sun in VRCHAT’. That episode aired on the 25th of October. 23 days! We were missing a title character for 23 days in October! I remember it, I remember people wondering where he went, being so happy he was back because he’d been gone for so long.
And I want to say that I’m blowing this out of proportion a little but, like, I’ve scrolled through EVERY episode in the VRCHAT list and the only stuff I can find where Sun has had a primary focus in the story is the last couple months. Please, please, PLEASE talk to me about Sun if you like him because I wanna be wrong about this. I want someone who loves his character and knows a lot about him to tell me all about how Sun’s actions have actually been driving the show alongside Moon and tell me all about their favorite Sun episodes where he’s been a driving force in the series. But as of this point, with all my research I just don’t see it!
So. Here’s that big ‘ol opinion I mentioned before.
The Sun and Moon show is a show that’s all about Moon.
Or at the very least the story is! There are, of course the gaming episodes which usually feature Sun and Moon, which I’ll touch on in a bit. For now, I’m just talking about the story/lore stuff.
Moon is an extremely powerful character in two fold. He’s super intelligent. We get examples of this all the time, either just from him being knowledgeable about various things or solving problems with his inventions. He created his AI’s, he’s upgraded the other animatronics, he regularly offers solutions to problems with ideas and inventions and he’s been doing so in the show for a long time. In fact, he’s so integral to the world of the show that they literally established in the ‘What if Moon didn’t exist in VRCHAT’ episode that the daycare was shutting down and the entire building was being closed because Moon wasn’t there to do tech work, which I brought up before.
He’s also a magical prodigy, to the point that Golden Freddy (who is, like, THE magic guy) said both he and Sun have huge destinies in front of them. Even recently, in the FaFFS episodes I mentioned earlier in the post, he gained access to another tier of powerful magic (PRIMORDIAL FIRE BABEY!). He may focus on his technology, but he has solved problems before with magic and has access to very powerful forms of it. When people have magic problems, they go to Golden Freddy or they go to Moon.
I think that, from a narrative standpoint, this makes Moon a weaker character in all of the stories he’s in. By being so powerful, he renders most regular problems moot. There isn’t really any threat behind threats because Moon has proven over and over again he can just solve them with his intelligence and technology or his magic.
I mentioned this in a post back in mid March, around the trapping episode, that I believed the only person who could reasonably contend with Moon is someone with incredible magical power and intelligence to combat his abilities. Which is why I was so excited when Sun got his own magic! Moon, with no context, compared Sun’s magical outburst to Golden Freddy. Again, like, THE MAGIC GUY, Golden Freddy. It’s possible that Sun’s natural abilities will surpass even Golden Freddy’s.
Now, you think this would be held back by the fact that Moon doesn’t like anyone other than his siblings. In fact, bringing up that FaFFS episode, Moon reveled in the idea that Golden Freddy would get pissed off if harm came to Freddy. He was excited about it! Considering his actions in that episodes you’d think he would have sent Shadow Freddy off on his merry way with no help at all, right? Except he did help Shadow Freddy! He still helps people he doesn’t like! Even when he’s expressed that he would enjoy the alternative. Like, he butts heads with Monty all the time but he still assists Monty when he could just do nothing. He helped Lunar, despite Lunar’s participation in Eclipses plans.
This is also the reason why I like the October episodes and the Kill Code resurgence stuff because those were problems that Moon couldn’t solve and we were outright told that. He needed outside help to ultimately solve the problem in October, which came from his connections with Monty and Lunar’s own separate development which didn’t involve Moon at all really. But even with all of his skills, he couldn’t initially fight off Eclipse. He lost.
And in the case of Kill Code, we were told over and over and over again that there was no way for Moon to remove Kill Code without killing Moon! All of Moon’s skills were useless in that scenario, and he had to make a compromise with Kill Code.
But Moon ultimately intended to use magic to destroy Kill Code. And at the end of October, Moon was the one who escaped first and told Sun how to cast the magic. I was expecting Sun to be the one to ultimately solve the problem, because he and Eclipse were so entwined, they were trapped together in the same body for months before October. I still liked how they did it, with Lunar recognizing that what was being done to him wasn’t good and him choosing to betray Eclipse. But at the end of the day, of the two main characters, Moon is the one who figured everything out and gave Sun the tools to fix the problem! Sun didn’t do any of the work to get there, he just cast the spell.
Eclipse was the first big thing that happened. Like, SaMSs first episode aired on 3/24/2022 and they introduced Eclipse barely a month and half after the first episode, possibly even before that because I’ve seen it theorized he was around in some gaming videos I haven't watched (Two months later, in June, was the wither storm battle. 2 months after THAT, in August, they introduced Lunar and it hasn’t really settled down since it started. This show came out fuckin’ SWINGING.). He’s been a main player since the beginning.
After Eclipse showed up, Sun didn’t really get anymore episodes that focused on him until recently, where he took charge and went off to find Eclipse by himself. It was always about him AND Eclipse or about Moon and Eclipse and, like I said before, I can’t really think of any episodes that just focused on Sun.
I think a lot of Sun’s characterization was also built alongside Eclipse, focusing heavily on the similarities and differences between them, without ever focusing on just Sun. They shared the same body, and their story lines were so threaded together that I remember one of the main plot lines between the two was ‘How much different IS Sun from Eclipse?’. Like, Eclipse was Sun. Eclipse was also Moon. Eclipse was also Kill Code. Whereas Suns character is who he is not, and who he is not is Eclipse The main differentiating factor between Sun and Eclipse before now was that Sun did not kill people! And then he killed Blood moon! And his demeanor has shifted enough that Lunar straight up told Sun he was turning into him. I know that whole explanation is confusing. It’s very confusing for me. Hard to articulate well.
(Actually had Eclipse actually killed anyone in the show before Bloodmoon died? I’m sure it was mentioned. Did we visually witness Sun kill someone before we saw Eclipse do so?? I can’t remember and now I’m really freakin’ curious.)
He feels like a main side character in his own show, at best. I think this show has very often over shadowed Sun in favor of Moon, and other characters to a lesser extent, even when Sun probably should have been an integral part of whatever was going on. Moon is often in the center of the plot, a focal character in almost every single arc on the show, and of the two main characters, the Sun and Moon Show is very much a show that has been about Moon.
Which finally leads me into the final stretch of this post where we bring it all together.
I like the idea of killing off Moon. For a couple reasons.
To start, I think it was just done really well. Like I said, it may have been planned, but for me it was very sudden and took me by surprise. Which is fantastic, because sometimes that’s how death is. Sometimes it’s sudden and it leaves things forever unanswered. When someone dies, that’s it. There are things that will never be resolved, words that will forever remain unspoken, explanations that will just never be received. It leaves characters reeling, and opens up paths for interesting character developments and scenes.
This was also completely in character for Moon. His personal self loathing, which has only been exacerbated in recent episodes as he’s had to face his past mistakes over and over in the last couple weeks, mixed with his regrets over killing people and hurting them making him not want to do so anymore makes his decision to spare Kill Code a perfect decision.
Jumping back to Moon’s message to Sun, he told Sun, “I had to do something. I had to do this. In order to not feel responsible for killing another person.”
“Kill Code’s getting better. He WANTS to live. He wants to be his own person.”
“I can’t kill another person.”
Kill Code had changed. He no longer wanted to kill. He was making the ACTIVE decision not to kill and was then forced by the Creator to do so. He was making the choice to get better, he tried to fight it, he tried to fight his own programming. And Moon saw that. He knows what it’s like to kill, and he doesn’t want to kill anyone, especially someone he believes doesn’t deserve it and Kill Code did not deserve it.
Also throwing this in at the end here, AI1 also straight up told Moon this was the only option. Moon built the AI’s to assist him, they ARE him. He has a lot of faith in them. So when AI1 told him that, Moon trusted them.
It was a fantastic choice on the part of the people who run the show and it’s completely in line with what we know about Moon.
We’ve also removed Moon as the dual-wielding powerhouse he was in the story. Without his magic or his memories, problems that he could have easily solved before with a flick of his wrist or a new invention now have to be solved by the other characters without him as a support net! Also, with him momentarily down for the count, we’re going to get more Sun-centric content!! We’ve already started! It’s already happening and I’m so, so happy about it! I’ve been living for the Bloodmoon stuff. I’ve loved seeing Sun have to deal with the repercussions of what he’s done. I love seeing, well, Sun!! Sun finally feels like a main character in his own show, he’s finally gaining agency in a show about him!
And there’s so many things we could focus on!
Personally, I’d love to see a focus on helping Sun with his own trauma of being stuck in a body with Moon. Because as much as I’ve talked about Moon being stuck in his own head with Sun, you have to remember that Sun was stuck with Moon too! On top of that, Sun was also stuck with Eclipse! Two characters who went out of their way to make Sun’s life ‘a nightmare’, ‘a waking hell’ for something that was both not his fault and out of his control, there is no way in hell that didn’t have some sort of effect on him!
But I also don’t like the idea of this option.
Because I want Moon to have to stand for the things he’s done.
I mentioned above that I felt that Moon has more to answer for than Sun and the main reason I felt that way was because Moon has had so much more focus, he’s had more opportunities given to him to be mean to Sun. The gaming episodes also tie into that! Like I said before, the gaming episodes are where a massive amount of little characterization moments happen, and tidbits of information are dropped. Almost every gaming episode on the show features Sun and Moon so we have seen them interacting a TON. There literally is just more content for us to pull from as examples, for both of these reasons.
Don’t get me wrong! One of my favorite tropes to read about, watch and write about is memory stuff. I LOVE that shit. I think it’s one of the most fucked up things you can do to a character. Loss of memory, the threat of memory loss or theft, memories as a cost, amnesia arcs, because I feel as if memories are such an important part of ones self. Your memories are what make you you and what direct your decisions.
(I also literally JUST SAID that was one of the reasons I like that it did happen this way. But I like that more because it’s very realistic and can bring about interesting things in a story, not because I necessarily want it to happen.)
I’ve also been referring to this as a death this whole time. This is why. To take someones memories is akin to death to me. Death without death. In my mind, if they take his memories, they have effectively killed Moon. Just so folks see where I’m coming from here.
If they truly are planning on replacing one of the VA’s or reset the series somehow, this ‘reset’ is a really easy and quick way to do it! Makes sense!
Narratively? In this instance? I don’t like it at all and I really, really hope they don’t go with this option.
I, personally, have been waiting for catharsis from the trapping episode. I have wanted Moon to answer for that SO badly. And I have seen post upon post upon list from other folks about the things Moon has done and about his actions and the way he treats Sun and the people around him. Moon has effectively spent his entire life, from the moment he woke up trapped in Sun’s body, lashing out and causing harm to the people around him, and while there’s more to it than that the harm has been done.
Wouldn’t it just be so great to see him have to stand for those things?
Learn from them?
Grow as a character?
I want THAT more than anything.
Instead, he’s now become Bloodmoon.
In Moon’s own words, “He couldn’t change. He’s DEAD.”
If the reset goes through, if Moon loses his memories, whoever comes out of it WILL NO LONGER BE MOON. There is no room for character growth, the Moon who did those things will never be able to repent for his actions or face consequences, he will never be able to atone for the shit he’s done because THE MOON WHO MADE THOSE ACTIONS IS GONE. Any apologies he makes beyond that point will be hollow. There won’t be any weight behind those apologies because the memories of what Moon did will be gone and he won’t actually understand exactly what it is he did. He would be apologizing for the actions of somebody else. The Moon we get back will be a completely different person forever. This is an easy escape from his multitude of problems, whether he knew it or not.
And that’s tragic.
And that’s unsatisfactory.
To quote Earth from a couple episodes ago “The choices we make, we have to live with”.
Moon hasn’t really taken steps to get better towards Sun. There’s a lot of unresolved conflict between the two. And he’s never taken steps, that we’ve seen, towards tackling his trauma and the effects it had on him. Maybe he never would have. Maybe he would have never gotten better.
But I don’t think that’s the case! Moon recognizes he has issues, which is the first step towards fixing them! And if Kill Code, an AI designed in his code explicitly to kill things, can decide against his own coding, then Moon is capable of change too. He’s already started! We’ve already seen he’s capable of kindness, and he’s got a ton of love to share. I truly believe he could extend that towards Sun and begin to heal fully.
After 10 days, several late nights, and… ohlord 11,500+ words I am finally done with this thinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
That felt like an adequate amount of ggggggggs. I think I earned that.
I kind of don’t know what to say. If you did get to the end of this, thank you again for reading the ramblings of a mad man! I’m not one much for interacting in communities online, so this is a new leap for me and I’m very nervous about putting this out there. I’m still so nervous I didn’t even tag this post under the Sun and Moon Show tag lol. Oh well.
Buuut, I spent a lot of time on it and like I said waaaaay back up at the top, if I didn’t I’d just regret it. So yeah! I’m off now to watch the checks watch six episodes I’ve missed over the last couple days and listen to some goofy music! Farewell! Have a nice day.
Some Final Notes:
- Need bean bag factory lore. Head canon that it’s just TF2.
- Wanna see Eclipse before and after Lunar’s death
- Earth being evil? Who knows?
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Empire of Storms, day 8
Ch 45
“And maybe the fact that Dorian could even look at a female with interest after seeing Sorscha beheaded was a miracle.”
I wanna be real clear. The reason Dorian x Manon kinda makes me uncomfy has nothing to do with Dorian’s heartbreaking loss of his former lover Sorscha. I support Dorian finally getting a chance to heal, to change, to grow as a character, to return to his slut era if that’s what he wants to do, and I know Sorscha would be happy to see his heart healing too. Manon is really hot and amazing and Dorian should be beyond thrilled that she would ever consider being with someone like him. I just… don’t like how random it feels? I don’t know how else to say it, lol. It feels like everybody else has some chemistry, an underlying reason to be in love… Even Aedion and Lysandra have a certain dynamic. Manon and Dorian don’t really, and they kinda went from 0 to 100 in the last chapter and it felt really forced and unnatural.
“Dorian had once been notorious when it came to women, but this ... Aelin snorted, wishing Chaol were present, if only to see the look on his face.”
He’d be upset, and then he’d want a turn with Manon, because he likes to date everyone Dorian dates. He’s very normal and that’s a very healthy way to treat your ultimate platonic best friend who you love…
Ch 46
I got kinda bored in this chapter
I’m genuinely not sure how
It’s like, the action can only escalate so far, ya know? I need a dang minute to breathe. I thought we were gonna have a nice quiet time on a sailboat. With the only conflict being the interpersonal conflict of Dorian wanting to set Manon free… and Aelin wanting to not set Manon free…. And Rowan wanting to do whatever Aelin wants to do…. And no fierce ferocious demons, or bloodhounds, or ilken, until we, y’know, get where we’re going.
Idk lol
I just don’t have time to care about the high stakes action element, not right now for whatever reason.
Ch 47
I’m glad they all won, everybody relatively unhurt.
Fenrys seems to be the most at risk of dying but I don’t really know him that well, so, I’m not attached to him if he does go.
A little bit of a moment for Aedion with his estranged father, aww, how sweet.
Dude, are Lysandra and Aedion ever gonna talk about their impending wedding?
Ch 48
I wish I could be normal about Dorian and Manon, lol. They still aren’t doing it for me.
“He tried to scent her, but the vomit was too overpowering, the space too small and full of brine. He stumbled back a step, shutting out the thoughts.”
OMG. ALIEN. He has pregnancy trauma! You better be hurling because you’re scared. Or else you better be prepared to deal with the fetus… Rowan cannot handle the concept of a pregnant girl in eminent danger. And you guys are pretty much ALWAYS in eminent danger. Get yourself some plan B, and talk to your boyfriend about conceiving a child when you’re ready and when there’s not a scary war happening.
Ch 49
Elide and Lorcan. Nice to see you again.
They stepped off the river and right back into eminent danger.
Ch 50
I’m so glad Elide has the sheer rage and righteous anger inside her to murder that thing!
She did it for Manon. I miss Elide and Manon. I think they are a way better ship than Dorian and Manon, lol. My heart is just gay, and Manon is just a dream.
(I think Elide and Lorcan have pretty good chemistry, and I don’t mind reading about them. But deep down inside I guess I’m still shipping Elide and Manon.)
(I know it’ll never happen, but it SHOULD have)
Ch 51
“They had only discussed the matter once last week. When she'd crawled off him, panting and coated in sweat, and he'd asked if she was taking a tonic. She merely told him no.”
I’m glad you guys talked about it like responsible adults. But um. I’m still team don’t-plan-your-pregnancy-around-war, lmao. Maybe try to keep some Plan B around, at least until the Erawan is defeated, and good triumphs over evil, and you can, you know, carry a pregnancy to term without giving your boyfriend severe PTSD
“She'd kept the thoughts about it at bay. But now, with that flower-smelling wyvern vanishing over the horizon.
The last piece of the Wing Leader had vanished with him.”
I hate this
I’m way too emotionally invested in Abraxos and Manon…
NO! Please don’t go! You can’t do this to me!
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skelly-words · 9 months
i have more sukuna hcs <3
this is more of a word vomit than anything i almost didn’t wanna tag it T_T
some are nsfw, so 18+ only please and ty
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he hardly ever smiles unless he’s laughing, but getting a bright genuine smile out of him is really rare. he looks so sweet when his confident smirk is switched for a pretty smile. if you tease him about it, he’ll get a little shy.
on that topic, i think any overt happiness or joy would make sukuna really guarded. over time, he’d get more comfortable with how much joy you give him. when he feels that happy, it’s easy to remember that at any point you could just leave. (not that you would. plz)
not necessarily a jealous boyfriend, though. sukuna is more protective than jealous. he keeps you from bumping your head on the doorframe getting out of his car, gently guides you by the hand so you don't stumble into objects or other people, and adjusts your clothes when skin you don't want out starts to show.
he likes to see your different reactions to things, finding them more interesting than whatever the two of you are doing; how you softly smile when your favorite song comes on or startle at a loud noise.
sukuna is thoughtful and attentive but he hides it under a really thick layer of assholery. even later in your relationship, he will roll his eyes so far back if you ever call him sweet. the only time you're allowed to dote on him is his birthday, maybe. on any other day, you have to be just as flippant about your small favors and affection.
he’s so A$AP rocky. my evidence is just a song list, ima pyo; goldie, babushka boi, lord pretty flacko jodye 2, far away (by yebba). he be that pretty motherfucker, idk that else to say.
he’s an undercover nerd. heavily reads sci-fi to make it even worse (because now he’s a geek too). he’s not embarrassed about being smart, but it’s not expected of him. trust he wears reading glasses while reading Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. but his grades are decent too, he’s just a thinker like that.
the glasses hc is kinda based off how i think he’s far-sighted from playing sports a lot growing up and not getting into reading until later. he also thinks glasses are really cute on you too, twins!
sukuna just doesn’t care for school. In fact, i'm gonna say he drops out during his senior year (your junior year). which tested the quality of your relationship because you had to do long distance for a while. and that’s why (if you read my other hcs) he wants to get married after you graduate, because you’re crazy to think you’re ever leaving his side again.
did i mention that he has the worst fucking avoidant attachment issues ever (i have). “you’re smothering me.” “i’ve just been busy, i’m not dodging your calls.” but then you get hurt and ignore him and then he has a whole episode where he realizes that he’s not an emotionless robot and he really misses you so much. what a complicated guy, thank god he’s not my man, right? 🧍‍♀️hell yeah
i’m very torn between what he does after dropping out though, naturally i wanna say one of the trades (mechanic because he’s a car guy, ew). but this is sukuna, so a life of scamming and stealing is entirely possible. does he own an unregistered firearm? idk. either way, he provides, and that’s what counts.
he has a horrible habit of undressing you with his eyes while in public. sometimes you catch him looking straight through your clothes, like he’s perfectly memorized how you look naked. nobody else can really tell, but you get so flustered over it anyway. he’s so embarrassing.
okay, maybe controversial, but i don’t think he likes receiving head that much. i mentioned before that he jokes about it in the car, but in reality blowjobs just aren’t that satisfying to him. not that he’d ever turn one down either, but he’d rather do something where he has more of you to hold and sink his teeth into. from the back?
he’s a spicy food kinda guy. all he knows is be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie. oops, yeah, i think he’s bi too. it’s just a male athlete thing, getting all sweaty in those locker rooms makes them a little gay, or so i’ve been told.
he eats pussy like a comfort meal, so the best brain is on his worst days. he woke up late, got stuck in traffic because of the rain, forgot his gym bag for practice, stepped in a puddle, didn’t bring his laptop charger either, the card reader on the vending machine was broken, etc. etc. getting lost between your thighs is self care for him. because at the end of the day, no matter how hard it was, he can still have you cumming in minutes.
he’ll pull out just to shove his fingers in your pussy instead. not entirely for your enjoyment, but because he needs his fingers lubed up so he can put them in your butt.
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marsupieaux · 1 year
Using this inaugural grad school tumblr post to just yell about my woes bc idk, life is objectively not bad but I am really feeling the frustrations of living in a new city and the time crunch of only having 2 years in this mf.. mostly just feel old and lonely, and I can't think of a sadder more pathetic combo ~
on the plus side: i've never been hotter in my entire life, i finally found a groove and a crumb of inspiration in my coursework, arguably had the best summer of my life meeting new friends, and even more debatedly experienced a type of romantic connection for the first time in nearly a decade that i actually believed in.
what sucks is a lot, but lets start with that this masters program is presenting a lot more annoying and (frankly) heartbreaking challenges than i anticipated that have fractured my perception of this place and my purpose being here. i had such high hopes and expectations and truly just fantasized about this opportunity for years, and now that i'm here, i just feel more let down than inspired. at least for right now. i don't know if this is for me; i feel like i can be successful at it, forsure, but i end most days feeling empty inside. at least a little bit. i'm adding all these caveats bc it's true, some days and mb even quite often i can find something positive about this experience and how i'm growing bc of it, but good lord.. i do not fuck with at least half of the people im obligated to interact with in this program, everybody kinda already has their own people and i don't feel like there's opportunity for me to actually find friends to be with, and the coursework itself was off to a bumpy start and is just not giving what i thought it would. i'm mustering up the patience to push thru this bc i know it's not even a month in, but fuck! i'm lonely and old and i only have 2 years here to make the most of it.
secondly, and i'm probably gonna just word-vomit right now bc i'm still not entirely sure of what to make of things, but i definitely got my little heart broken recently. i started going on dates with a guy in an open relationship, and long story short, i for some reason was led to believe that maybe i could be his boyfriend too. it turns out that was never the case and probably won't ever be the case. i'm trying to make peace with that fact bc, like, i obviously respect that boundary and the kind of love that this person and their partner have with one another, but fuck! what the fuck were we doing all summer long then? just opening up our hearts to one another, sucking each other's dicks, going on picnic dates, kissing and cuddling in our beds—doing all of this just for fun?
i'll forever be grateful that this person touched my heart and helped me unearth a side of myself that i hadn't experienced in so fucking long. like, just genuinely grateful bc romantic love has felt so weird and shameful and like something i had to forbid myself from experiencing. and so when i got to really feel that feeling again... i felt so lucky and so happy and so grateful. but fuck! now i'm left with lingering hopes and mixed emotions about it all. did he lead me to believe that this could've been something greater? or is it more that i walked into this blithely ignorant, setting myself up for disaster? idk what version of reality stings the most. i wanna believe in not just the goodness of this person's heart but also the righteousness of it, idk. if i liked him so much.. if i trusted him like i did, then how could he do this to me? i say this jokingly but also not, i am just a baby when it comes to dating again. and i also wanna believe that i did the right thing, chased after love rather than ran from it. that i was brave and gentle and that it was okay to let my guard down for once bc i was gonna get the ending that i deserve. i spent years, especially the last 1.75, building myself back up to a place to let this kind of romantic love back into my life. i finally felt confident and ready. to think that i myself made a mistake and played with my own heart... that just makes me hate myself with how much disappointment I feel.
just so im clear with myself, i do believe that i'm coping much better with these stresses in my life much better than i ever would have before. *screams internally* but it sure as FUCK isn't any easier. i think i would be in a much better head space if i felt like i had a stronger network of friends here, but i just don't have that. and my own network of amazing beautiful loving friends and family—they're just so far and have their own things going on. with time, they're all growing more in their romantic partnerships and other friendships nearer to them in a way that's so cool to bare witness, but it also means that i get left further and further behind. im not asking to be more of a priority in their lives by any means, but shit i guess i wish that i even had anybody that saw me in that way. someone or some kind of community that i can feel connected with and love on back. i fear that i don't rly have that anymore. it's hard to find that again in new places, too.
i'm cautiously optimistic. i've been hurt and scorned and disappointed, but i don't think i'll turn (prolongedly, incessantly) weak or sour. life is always gonna remind me that i can't have it all, but god damn it, this is all that i got. i'm gonna find the wherewithal to persevere even if it means fashioning out of my ass the inspiration and purpose to keep going. like mitski said, you kinda just have to buckle up and take the good that comes with the bad. so if these first few weeks i find myself white knuckling my way to peace and happiness, then so fucking be it. by any means necessary, im gonna be okay.
i'm gonna be okay.
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missgeniality · 4 years
A Date With Destiny (m)
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“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves, alone - we find it with another.” - Thomas Merton
➺ Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader
➺ Trope: Strangers to Lovers, Idol!AU
➺ Genre: Fluff, Smut, one comedian in the mix
➺ Rating: 18+
➺ Word Count: 11k
➺ Summary: You are a boss lady in the tech industry travelling to world for work. He is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. Luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
➺ Warnings: dom!jk, unprotected sex (sex is cleaner when you pack your weiner!), hickeys galore, lot of spit, oral (male and female receiving), balls receive attention, throat fucking, cum eating, edging, masturbation kinda?, cum play, pussy slapping, pussy sniffing, fingering, squirting, spanking, pain kink?, tit slapping, reader teases a bit but this man is a tease maestro, cum stuffing (is that a thing even?), Jungkook’s THIGHS need their own warning
➺ Author’s Note: @ppersonna​​ is an angel among us peasants. Thank you so much for all your help with this!   This is my first attempt at writing, and the tiniest feedback goes a long way! Hope you enjoy! 
When you die, the first pit stop you make is to the coffee gods. 
Without coffee, this whole month would have been a disaster. Back-to-back meetings, daily flights, countless documents being read, it’s a miracle your eyes are open and fully functioning. 
Being the Chief Technical Officer of a well-established company at your age had been anything but a cakewalk. You had strived hard and crossed many boulders to come to where you are. But if reaching that point required huge amounts of effort, now your work is tenfold. 
“Why can’t I just get longer flights so I can nap in them?” You mumble into your nth cup of coffee - not keeping count is for your own sanity. 
“Because longer flights apparently have crying children. You, our resident baby-magnet hypothesized that shorter flights equal more time in hotel rooms ‘sleeping’. Guess who sleeps in said hotel rooms? Everyone but you.” Your personal assistant and part-time truth-spouter Jake offers helpfully. 
“Past me was such an idiot.” You shoot back, wondering if you could inject the espresso right through your veins.
Jake pouts. “Woman, you take on jobs that an intern could do. If you weren’t such an unnecessary perfectionist I would be on the beaches of Thailand, getting sensual massages and eating some pretty pussy. But here we are, on our way to Seoul. So quit your whining because clearly, I have lost more.” 
“What if I wanted to do that too?”
“Can I watch?” 
“Right.” And that was the end of the conversation. 
Passengers on flight KE654 from Bangkok to Seoul are requested to report for boarding at Gate 45A. First Class passengers will be boarded first, followed by Business class and lastly Economy. Please keep your boarding pass ready for checking.
Jake stands up, groaning. “This is where we say goodbye. Do you wanna pretend like we’re strangers and have a hot one-night stand when we land?” 
“Sometimes I think it’s your natural response to flirt with a breathing being. Do you ever accidentally just, you know, flirt with a tree?” You try to sound sarcastic, but you’re genuinely curious. 
“If a day comes when a hot specimen like me has to flirt with a tree, humanity is doomed. Catch ya later!” He blows you a kiss before leaving for the restroom. You shake your head in awe, a small smile finding your lips. He knew how to get your mind off things.
For all his flirting, Jake’s interest in you is perfunctory. He looks after you, keeps you from starving or gouging your eyeballs out, and calms you when things are too hard. He’s seen your worst. You’ve seen him drunk out of his mind, bailed him out when he “accidentally” smoked up, and heard every new pick-up line his ingenious brain churned out. Basically, you’ve seen his worst as well. 
You take a look at your boarding pass. 3C. Jake would be in business class, and you in first. Not your choice, the company makes the rules. It's for the better, he says. Apparently, he can ‘prowl for his hunt better’, without your judgmental glare. You nearly vomit on him just for his choice of words.
Entering the flight, you stash away your hand baggage the first place you find the room and head to your seat and-
Holy. Shit.
Jeon Jungkook is sitting on your seat.
Jeon Jungkook is on your flight? 
BTS is on your flight? 
What are the odds?
Granted, you’re not a 16-year old obsessive fan, collecting photocards and waving light sticks through the screen, but even in your adulthood you’ve admired their music and shows, routinely keeping up with their discography. 
Hell, you even learned Korean years ago to better understand their songs. Maybe you are an obsessive fan.
But you can’t approach them like that. They no doubt want some privacy and not be recognized. God forbid you approach Jungkook with crazy eyes, just to be escorted off the plane for stalking. While you liked their work, you had your own, and getting thrown off this flight does not help you there.
So, you’re just gonna have to speak to him like just another passenger. 
BTS who? 
Biggest boyband who? 
You only listen to Frank Sinatra. 
“Excuse me?” You call out, a shiver of a whisper leaving your lips. You immediately chastise yourself for being so star-struck.
Big, round eyes glitter under the bucket hat. The softest ‘huh’ throws a lasso over your heart, and holds it captive. He adjusts his hat, inked fingers making a brief yet lasting appearance. The epitome of tenderness, you muse as his eyes flit here and there to figure out the situation. After finding no one to help him out, he gently offers “Yes?”
You feel extremely guilty for marring his serene face with creases of trouble. “I think this is my seat. See, 3C.” you say, pointing to the seat and then to your ticket for good measure. Did he suspect you recognize them? No. Do you look like you’re over-gesticulating? Totally. 
“Oh.” His brow distresses further, the sight has you ready to give the man your seat and hide in the bathroom for the rest of the flight. “But even I am 3C.”
His ticket shows the same characters as yours. 
With both your faces contorted in confusion, an air hostess comes forward to help. 
“We both are booked on the same seat. How does that happen? Do I need to catch another flight?” You suddenly pour out, remembering the countless commitments you have in Seoul that would go down the drain if you don’t make it by tonight.
She's quick to reassure you. “Do not worry ma’am, I’m sure there must have been an error in the printing. I’ll be right back.” At the same time, Jungkook is approached by someone, probably one of their staff, to discuss the issue.
The air hostess returns smiling. “Ma’am, you both were booked on the same seat but this adjacent seat was left empty. We are extremely sorry for the error. You may take 3B.” She reiterates the same message to Jungkook in Korean, who then looks mighty relieved. 
Goddamn, his eyes got bigger. How much bigger can they get?
“All okay then?” He glances sideways, smile irradiating your senses and waking you up better than all the coffee could. 
“All good. Sorry for the trouble.” You add, even though it isn’t your mistake in any way.
“No no. No trouble” He beams back. 
Aw, you are in trouble. 
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As the flight is about to take off, you can see the rest of BTS in the rows ahead of you, with some other staff members taking up other seats. There’s one old man with a scowl on his face, whom you can’t place with the BigHit group. Great, no crying kids. Unless the frowning grandpa snores to the heavens, you can actually catch a good four-hour snooze. Take that, Jake. Hope a kid blows snot in his face. 
Looking at your neighbor, you find him busy searching for a good video game on the screen. The other members seem to be using this flight to catch a nap, except him. You always wondered whether their on-screen persona was real or not. Now you could say at least one of his characteristics is true. 
Turning away, you bring your focus back to the document at hand. The schematics for a new product your company was launching. You had spearheaded its conception and looked over every single detail in its manufacturing. The Seoul branch is one of the main players in its production, and your last stop before heading back home. You must have every word in this file burnt in the back of your eyelids to make this deal smooth. 
Reclining your seat, and putting your legs up, you got down to business.
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An Angel was calling you. 
You want to wake up, but you couldn’t, fearing the Angel would stop singing to you. Something is poking you, but the voice just drowns it all out.
Fluttering your eyes open, you see Jeon Jungkook staring right at you. 
“Hi... They, umm--Food? Want to eat?” the Angel utters. Jungkook utters. Tomato, to-mah-to. 
“Oh!” you exclaim, wiping non-existent drool on your face. His palm on your shoulder quickly retracts at your exaggerated attempt to hide your embarrassment. “Thank you so much.”
Then, he does that thing. He smiles. Eye scrunch and all. 
Fuck the coffee gods. When you die, you want to meet the Grand Master and ask him what crack he was on to hand over so much power to one man’s smile. 
The food is placed on your table, and you thank the hostess graciously. 
“Do you need anything to drink?” She asks, to which you only shake your head. There was enough caffeine in your system to shoot a horse to the moon and you were still drowsy. There was no need to catalyze this process with booze.  
“Your Korean accent is pretty good.” Your next-seat resident comments. Ah, you had conversed with the hostess in Korean. 
“Thank you very much.” You giggle, roleplaying an acne-prone teenager talking to her hunk of a crush.
“Have you been speaking for a long time?” He pops a huge morsel of food after asking. Well, that’s another on-screen quality found to be accurate.
“Six years now. Comes in handy for my work.” 
“Oh! Did you have to learn it for work? That’s fascinating.” Another mouthful went in. You didn’t even know it was physically possible to hold that much rice using chopsticks.
“Uhh.. no..” You tussle your hair, trying to stop your cheeks from turning beet red, “I just listened to some music and consuming more content.. and subtitles are a bore, plus I needed a hobby at the time so..” 
Your unnecessarily long explanation was cut short by Jungkook’s child-like laugh, enjoying the pickle you were putting yourself in. 
“Hey! I just didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, that’s all.” you try to be cross, knowing it’s inconceivable since God himself seems to have given him whatever he wanted. If big ol’ Almighty can’t stand against his charms, you are but a mere pleb. 
He looks at you kindly. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful. I’ve been speaking to so many foreigners trying to get across to them I got surprised when you spoke so fluently.” 
He went back to chomping on his food like it was his last meal, completely unaware of your staring.  
You both speak for a long time. He explains their latest shoot and fan meeting, and you listen to him pour out his love for his job and fans as much as he could articulate. The rest of the emotion is portrayed by his now widest eyeballs (they cannot get any wider, you confirm by asking him - a request he apparently gets a lot) and intense gesticulation. It is very gratifying to listen to his past schedules, and you slip in a quick prayer for not having a job where you had to maintain public appearances while having a schedule as persevering as theirs. Sure, you had a ton of commitments. But can you throw your hair in a bun and aggressively scowl at a monitor and still meet your target? Fuck yeah.
You went on to tell him about yourself - your job, your travels, the reason you were in Seoul. He listens to them with rapt attention throwing in appropriate questions without interrupting your flow. He gives the right amount of sympathy; just enough to show that he understands why you have three sets of nightwear and a futon in your office, but not too much where it seems like you should “take a break” and “think about the joys of motherhood” - as you are often told. 
During the conversation, you digress a little to take in his slight features. The apple of his cheeks, in full display, when he tells you about how he pranked his members. The light pout of his lips when he talks about the times their path seemed too far-fetched, when every single obstacle felt like the end of their career. The stars in his eyes when he speaks of how he feels during tours, meeting the endless number of fans, the drive that keeps him going. They all make an endearing package. Eager to please, you kept the conversation going with gusto. The meal is followed by a snack break, after which you had effectively exhausted all conversation topics that could be brought up with near-strangers.
A quick alcohol break later, (yes, you caved, the catalyst was welcome) you both doze off, seemingly exhausted from recollecting respective timetables. He wakes up soon after to play video games and talk to the other members. But you fall into a deep slumber, with an Angel’s chuckles in the background guiding you through the sleep. 
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Jungkook wakes up to see his character dead. The video game was forgotten after his conversation with you began. 
He spent an inordinate amount of time talking to you. And now that you’re asleep, he is only thinking about how much he enjoyed the conversation. Jungkook is not a speaker. His introversion leaves much to be desired in that department. Most of the time, his members cover for him, play the role of dutiful wingmen, and introduce him to their friends. And still, it took him a long time to talk freely.
But something about you made him open up.
Maybe it was the way you listened to him, lips slightly parted when you were absorbing every single word he let out. Maybe it was the questions you asked, treading lightly and skirting any personal questions. Maybe it was the fact that you pretended to not know him at first, mindful of his privacy. The butterflies in him could be explained by this.
It could also be how graceful you looked, even though you’re dressed in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. It could be how you carried yourself, with great elegance and poise, even though your work was taxing. It could also be your toe socks, and your glee when he showed you his.
Your personality is infectious. He already misses you, despite you being inches away, desperately wants to exhaust every second of this journey engrossed in you. 
He wonders if you feel that way too.
Speaking of whom-
A snicker escapes his lips when he turns to face you. 
In your sleepy haze, Jungkook sees that a) your mouth is wide open, b) your hands mindlessly fiddle with the reams of pages on your lap, and c) your eyes scrunch as sunlight pierces through the flight to bounce off your face. Cute, he muses, trying to locate the source of the criminal rays irking you. 
The window letting the sunbeam in is beside an old man sitting on the other end. He is eyeing the magazine in his hands with abject disapproval, like the booklet had sullied him and his family. 
Gathering up the courage, Jungkook calls out for the man.
“Excuse me, sir. Do you mind pulling the window shade?” He asks, in the sweetest voice that his hyungs would melt at first listen. 
Puppy eyes are met with the geezer’s piercing glare, making Jungkook wonder if he accidentally said something strikingly offensive instead of what he thought he said. About to backtrack his words and try again, he gets interrupted by the man letting out a big grunt, after which he continues in his endeavor to telepathically set fire to the magazine. He does not forget to give a nasty side-eye but completely refuses to comply with Jungkook’s request. 
“And my team thinks my glares are spooky.” You pique, having witnessed the whole interaction, “I ought to have him on board”. Jungkook snorts, and you take that to be his agreement. 
Pausing, you throw caution in the wind and add, “Thank you though, that was very sweet of you.”
He eyes you demurely. “No problem, you looked like you needed the rest.” 
“Listen, I-”
“So I was think-”
Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Incheon International airport. Please ensure your backpacks and suitcases are stowed away in the overhead compartments or underneath the seats ahead of you. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you.
High-quality curses almost make it to heaven (speakers). The announcement dissipates all the courage you had mustered, feeling a rush exit your body. You had almost asked for his contact - and by the looks of it, he had wanted it too. Or maybe your hair is a rat's nest and he was just going to point that out. Guess you will never know.
You shyly smile at each other before going about following the instructions. Your half-read document gets stuffed back into its bag, to be read once you have no distractions in the form of eye candy armed with saccharine speech. Well, you have Jake to distract you plenty, but you can shoo him away by threatening his paycheck. 
As the flight descends, you look over to your neighbor - one last time, you guess - and surprisingly lock eyes with him. Anything that had exited you comes rushing back, veins in full alertness. A moment’s awkwardness later you both burst out laughing, each doing their best to hide their crimson cheeks. You find one more online fact to be true - Jungkook’s peak happiness laughter, eye crinkle and nose scrunch, can melt your whole entire heart. 
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“Hey mami, come here often?”
“For the last time Jake, I will not hesitate to donate your bones for science.”
“Well, I heard bone, it's already a win for me.”
You let out a sigh of exasperation. There is no reforming him. 
“How was the flight?” Jake questions as you approach the baggage belt. Looking out for your somber black suitcase, you try to play it off like you did not spend the whole time in the company of a stranger who is on the fast track to your heart.
“The usual. Sleep, eat, read needlessly printed out documents that could have been shoved into on email, repeat. What about you?”
As Jake starts an account of his flight experience in exorbitant detail, you took the opportunity to try and find your ride. Once you locate it and get in, you catch the end of his sermon. 
“-and the name of the book will be ‘How to manage a farm - ‘cause chicks gon’ be crazy!’. What do you think?”
“I think it was a good idea I chose to zone out.”
“Y/N come on! It’s a self-help book for poor souls born without my raw charisma. Men and women out there want me, but I can’t satisfy them all. I will just resort to making more of me! It will have pointers, DIY’s and pick-up lines crafted by yours truly - wanna hear one?”
You throw your bag in front and turn to him. “Do I have a choice? Go ahead.”
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, he starts. “Am I cute? Squish my cheeks. Am I hot? Clap my cheeks.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Points for creativity. You’ll still get wine splashed at you.”
Jake was not one to give up. “‘It’s good we don’t need eye condoms, or you’d be on your way to delivery.’”
“Just… don’t have kids, okay? This gene must be stopped, right here.”
“Okay, this one is my all-time favorite. ‘Rack so big, I don’t motorboat, I motorship.’”
That’s it. The guffaw itching you since the start of this conversation is out of its cages, populating the air in the car. Wiping stray tears from your face, you face Jake, seeming very pleased with himself. Undoubtedly, he is coming up with absurd scenarios to ease your nerves. No book is in the works (one could only hope).
“Thank you, I feel much better now. You can stop coming up with these.”
The goof has the gall to look appalled. “I was going to cut you ten percent of my book commission but I guess that’s out. Hmph.”
“I’m at the receiving end of all these pick-up lines. I should make twenty at least for all the nuisance I’ve put up with.” 
“All right mami, we’ll shelve this for later. Here’s the schedule for today. You have a 10 a.m. breakfast meeting with Dr. Park Shin Young, Lead Research Scientist of the project. Then you have a bunch of seminars to attend, which will go on all afternoon. There’s a bar right beside this venue.”
“How is that pertinent?”
“So you know where to find me.” He continues, unperturbed. “After which there’s an evening meeting with the whole team to demonstrate the product and a marketing meeting right after.”
“Am I required for the marketing meeting?” Your expertise is limited to the technical field. PR work isn’t your cup of tea, but they stubbornly demand your presence. 
Jake exhales. “We’ve been through this. You CAN doze off during the meeting, but you have to be there. Just pretend you’re a college student, sitting in one class, completing assignments for another.”
“But if I’m there I feel the need to pay attention.” you whine.
“Clearly you weren’t one of those college students,” Jake says, perusing through his diary, “Stop being a pedant and do one of those things people do. Loving their jobs and whatnot.”
Before you can retort a reply, the driver pulls up to your destination and you exit the car. 
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Eleven at night is when you finally check in to the hotel. The tedious day warrants your heels coming off before you even reach your floor. There’s an irritant drumming, from the balls of your feet right up to your temples, that beg for your attention. Setting your footwear on your bags, you massage your feet for temporary relief as the lift took you closer to a more permanent one.
Once your suitcase gets parked in the closet, you head to the bathroom to soak your day away with the bath bomb kit you were gifted in one of the seminars. The ball fizzles as soon as it hits the water, dispersing in tiny bubbles and a heady aroma of vanilla and lavender. The soft amber tones of the walls, the lambent gold lighting, and the ambrosial air put all your senses at ease. You sink in; the bathwater permeating warmth through your skin. Crackling bubbles with every move; the water teases your neck, soothing the laceration with every lick. Every pulse point on you is enhanced - you let yourself float wherever your mind takes you. 
A familiar face makes its presence known. You allow yourself to think about him, after pushing his visage away all day. Something about him… felt like home. Soothing, comforting, always speaking in dulcet tones unless something humorous pulled out a loud laugh. Even that wasn’t jarring; it was the exact opposite. Felt like sunshine filled your lungs every time he cracked up. Made you want to keep talking to him, keep him amused and entertained. You can’t imagine he converses with every stranger like that. 
But maybe he did; maybe this is some unspoken celebrity culture you were unaware of. 
All you know is that this was a once in a lifetime experience. There’s no way you are encountering another personage ever again. There’s no way you’re encountering him again. Luck can only thrive so far. 
So when you exit the bathroom, clad in a towel, remnant bathwater dripping from every end, the last thing you expect is Jungkook, spread out on the bed, casually flipping through his phone like it’s his own abode. 
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Y/N. In his room. In a towel. Dripping wet hair. Emanating a delectable aroma. 
Y/N. In person.
He is dreaming. He has to be. He's been thinking of you ever since the flight, so now he is delusional. Nothing else. There’s absolutely no chance that you’re in his room, let alone… like this. 
“What are you… what are you doing in my room?”
Jungkook knows he should say something. He should not be gawking at you like he is doing now. But God. You look so pretty, eyebrows arched up in confusion, jaw about to be unhinged, hands fluttering around not knowing what to do. 
He forces his body to action.
"Y/N!" He exclaims, finally averting his eyes to face the wall. 
"Wait, what do you mean MY room? This is my room!"
You’re baffled. "Huh? How is that possible? This was given to me!" 
“I really don’t know, Y/N, there must have been some confusion! Please, you have to believe me!” 
Jungkook wants to turn around and face you. He desperately wants to clear the air. He can see that this looks bad. He obviously looks like an enamored creep, waltzing into your space. You probably think he does this all the time. Many a time people have misunderstood him, his celebrity status not earning him many points. You must think the same.
And now you’re going to tell him to get out and never see you again, he hypothesizes. His brain is working overtime trying to remedy the situation, without noticing your now relaxing demeanor. 
“Oh, okay.”
“I’ll fix this, I’ll go to the reception and fix this. You don’t worry, I didn’t see anything, you can trust me, I’ll go an-”
“Hey, hey,” your tone gentle, “it’s okay, trust me. Just, let me get dressed and I’ll come down with you.”
Your soothing response almost has Jungkook on his knees. Whoever orchestrated this meet, he is just thankful for this good turn. Anyone else would go berserk, and rightfully so. 
But you’re not anyone else. 
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He isn’t just anyone.  
Technically, he isn’t a stranger, you try to justify. You should have been more shocked, enraged, or at least doubtful of his intentions. But you weren’t. You had accepted his explanation, let him stay in your room while you changed in the bathroom, and now are en-route to the main desk to rectify this error.
The air around you two is strained; he won’t even look you in the eye. Any question you have is replied to concisely, leaving no room for a chat. Nothing to disperse the tension between you two. 
Like now, in the elevator, Jungkook has done the math and maintains the maximum distance between you. Opposite ends of the diagonal of this lift, his peripheral vision probably barely picks you up. However, his evasion helps in a way--you are able to study his full form.
He is dressed casually, and any lesser man would have seemed casual enough. On him, it is a whole new game. Ripped jeans hugging his sturdy legs, the slashed fabric allowing you a peek of his dangerous thighs. A plain white t-shirt tucked in to show off his lean waistline. The only thing holding you back from having a full-blown wet dream, wide awake, is his chestnut overcoat, saving his modesty and yours. 
Jake was right, eye condoms are the need of the century. 
To be fair, Jungkook had the worse end. He saw you scantily clad, post-bath glow and everything. You wonder what is going through his mind. 
Definitely nothing like the debauchery unfolding in yours. 
He has probably seen his fair share of women, and one hot to trot lady isn’t anything new. If anything, him dodging you is a sign of his civility, something you are lacking apparently--ready to jump his bones.
Stop thinking about his thighs, you whore. Get back home and trusty old Vlad the Impaler will take care of you.
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The employee’s jaw almost hits the desk as Jungkook explains the situation. 
“Ma’am, Sir, we are extremely sorry about this confusion. We usually keep another key for family members, but somehow you got them both. We are deeply apologetic.”
“Yes, it’s okay, I’d just like my room key now and-”
“We will give you the best of our service to make up for this disorder. Not that we didn’t plan on giving you the best anyway, but now it will be top-notch! Please allow us to have your room cleaned again ma’am. Kyuyoung-ah! Get the people to prep 5338 and set 5337 again, and add more flowers!”
“Hey, that really won’t be necessary, we can just go back and forget about all thi-”
“And!” She continues, relentless, fully intent on doing her job, “Here are coupons for our round the clock pub! The ambiance is phenomenal, and our bartender makes a mean drink! You can use the facility for free during your stay. Hope this compensates for our gaffe. Once again, we are extremely sorry!”
She extends two passport-sized coupons that you hurriedly grab, wanting this quandary to end. 
The walk back to the elevator is less tight-lipped, only because Jungkook starts his deluge of apologies. Even though you had felt the same way on the flight, he was going overboard. You quickly assuage him and deflect his concerns.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. It really is. I know it was a mistake.”
“I know, but I shouldn’t have just walked in like that. I should have checked.”
Your expression is the visual form of a question mark. 
“Do you go around making sure your hotel room doesn’t have a surprise occupant?”
You’re taking this too lightly; it's obvious you are doing it for him. He can only laugh, broad delicious shoulders loosening in relief.
After a delay, you add, “You can’t help it if fate wants us crossing paths like this.” 
The quip makes Jungkook lose a beat. He cocks a brow in surprise - at that juncture, his features lose all boyish charm and turn unquestionably irresistible. 
Then, in a flash, the expression is replaced by his usual grin, back to his boy-next-door spirit. Are there world records for this speed? Jungkook needs to sign up to one.
Collecting the stars floating around your head, you return the favor, thankful that the barrier is now broken. 
After a quick break of courage gathering, you turn to him. “How come you’re staying in this hotel? Thought you’d be home.”
A thought is building in your mind; that this is too personal a question. But before you can take it back, you hear a chime. Jungkook moves. And somehow, you are moving with him. 
The elevator door opens, and people walk out. 
But that’s not where your attention is. 
You are focused on the sole patch of your body in contact with Jungkook’s arm. 
The palm of his hand sitting at the small of your waist is what had guided you away from the elevator. Even through the fabric of your t-shirt, his hand is sending goosebumps all over your body. The air feels twenty degrees too hot for you.
Jungkook is simply being his chivalrous self, while you are ready to get arrested for public nudity.
Woman, you are a disgrace. Get laid.
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Jungkook will high five himself once he gets to his pad. 
Is it right to get so euphoric about the smallest act of intimacy? That too with a near stranger? He has no answer. You are special to him; that much he knows. And someone up there agrees with him as well, letting him run into you again (albeit under crude circumstances; he’ll take what he gets). In this proximity, he can hear the slight gasp that escapes you once you recognize his hold, feel your muscles tense, smell the flowery fragrance you still carry. The fragrance that takes his mind on a rewind routine; one he forces to a halt. He feels lewd for taking pleasure in that misfortune, but he can take pleasure in the present. 
Entering the elevator, Jungkook has taken note of one thing: the roles have been reversed. On the downward voyage, it had been him avoiding you. Now, even with the closeness, you refuse to meet his eye. Something on the carpeted floor has your unrelenting attention. Letting his gaze dip to you, he bit back a smirk. Good to know you are as affected by him as he is by you.
“It’s a shoot.” 
You relent, looking up to him. “Huh?”
“You asked me why I’m here, it’s a shoot. The site is close by, so we don’t waste time traveling. Once the shoot is done, we will get back home.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” 
You beg your grey matter to find some topic of conversation to halt the blood rushing to your cheeks. The atmosphere is frozen again, but not like last time. Any unease earlier present has drifted. The tension that once kept you from closeness now keeps you from moving apart. His hand sits unmoved, continuing to rest on your hip. Jungkook can hear the loud thudding of a heartbeat, but he cannot discern whether they are from his heart or from yours.
Continuing after a pause, “I will be here for a few days now.” he adds, the suggestive hint of the words masked by his innocuous smile. 
“Ah.” You lamely add. You ought to kick yourself - but at this closeness, you might hit him too. 
The span of your separation is contracting, even though none of you move. Like the land underneath you is shifting, because even Mother Earth can’t handle the sexual tension in this confined space. 
“Ma’am, Sir, you’re here!” 
The booming voice of an employee disrupts the scene. You jump, wondering how you didn’t hear the door open, while Jungkook takes a graceful step back unscathed. 
“Your rooms are ready, please follow me.”
The walk back is quiet, except for bashfully exchanged glances and racing pulses. When you finally reach your respective rooms, he speaks again. 
“Want to accidentally cross paths with me at the bar?”
The heat reaches your ears. A moment of silence prompts you to look up, and you are held hostage by his eyes. His gaze flickers, intense and probing. Then, as if it never happened, his eyes narrow and his smile softens, harmless and easy. Again, this has to be witchcraft.
“Maybe we’ll let destiny decide. Hasn’t failed us so far.” 
Now, alone in bed with nothing but your thoughts, you wonder when it will ever happen again.
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Three days. Three days before it happens again.
Three days filled with conferences, a ton of files, and a lot of battery acid disguised as coffee. Apart from the success of your work, the highlight of your time is when Jake tried to fix his shoe heel at a meeting and ended up gluing his fingers together. In a quiet room filled with immersed employees, he had yelled, “Superglue, my ass!”. 
The punctuation was not vocalized. 
Tonight was your last night in Seoul. It was supposed to be a night to yourself, but an office party pulled you out of your cavern to get dressed. You put on an elegant dress, a black and silver number, only to find the ‘party’ was the most monotonous excuse of networking. High-end businessmen exchanging cards over non-alcoholic fizz was not your idea of a party, so you quickly excused yourself. 
The coupon still weighed heavy in your purse, carrying memoirs of the last time you saw him. You had wanted to go earlier, but always held yourself back. What if he wasn’t there? What if you missed your chance? Why did you have to sashay away with a cool statement that night instead of clawing your way through the lust-filled air and settling things then and there? 
You supposed a drink at the hotel bar on your last night couldn’t be a bad thing, even if Jungkook didn’t show up.
So here you are, sipping on your wine and trying to appear nonchalant as you look out the window overseeing the city’s skyline. One ear is trained to the door of the pub, the slightest peep from that corner alerting your antenna. 
So far, no sign of him. 
This won’t work, you tell yourself. Second time’s a charm, third time’s pushing it too far. 
But as you wave the bartender to top up your drink, the corner of your eye catches movement; one, two, three heads appear through the door. Signature multichromatic mops of hair make their way in, forcing your pulse to marathon mode. 
And then you hear it. 
You hear his trademark cachinnate echoing through the structure. Multitudes of contrasting sentiments fill your gut. Are you sensing relief, that fate served its purpose without fail? Or is it the anticipation of how events will unfold? A sense of titillation, that a three-day old bond makes you feel more than year-old relationships you’ve had? You pry your eyes from that direction, trying to appear aloof when you are anything but. 
When you think you’ve gathered your composure, you look up. Like a hare falling for its bait, you are trapped, because he is looking right back at you.
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Jin and Jimin are laughing about something that happened on set today, but Jungkook only has eyes for you. He can’t believe his luck. 
The past few days, his schedule had no give. After every shoot, the only thing he remembered was taking off his shoes and falling into a deep slumber.
So today when the shoot wrapped up earlier, Jungkook grabbed his trusty wingmen and open bar enthusiasts to utilize his coupon, and possibly test his kismet.
“Wasn’t she on our flight?” Jin observes, tracking Jungkook’s sight. 
“Oh yeah! Dude, is she the one?” Jimin keenly notes. “How do you keep bumping into each other like this?”
Jungkook downs his whisky, the burn felt from the throat to his diaphragm. “I don’t know, hyung. I don’t know what to do.” Beckoning the bartender for a refill, he tears away from your sight. 
 “Okay, liquid fortification is all good but how about,” Jin stops briefly to pluck the coupon out of Jungkook’s hands, “we handle the drinks department while you attend to her?”
Jimin nods in assent. “The worst thing you could do is spend time with her slurring and garbling while she ditches your sorry ass.”
“Hey! I won’t do that. Just, ” Jungkook gulps, “I don’t know... We’ve met like, hardly a few times. It really doesn’t make sense. What if we’re not on the same page?”
Jimin frowns, and even Jin seems unhappy with his reasoning.
“Things don’t have to make sense. You’re two consenting adults. You like her. By the way she’s eyeing you right now, I’m sure the feeling is mutual. You said it’s easy to talk to her right?”
Jungkook pouts, but sees his point.
“Then go with that. Don’t chart out a plan, just go with your heart.” Jin adopts a soft smile of encouragement. 
“Meanwhile we will grab the others and exploit this coupon to the full extent!” Jimin gleefully appends.
Jungkook’s eyes crinkle as he laughs with the other two. They are right. Carpe diem, right?
Finding you again, his breath hitches. You look beautiful. The sleek black dress with silver embellishments over the torso. It hugs you in the right places, accentuating your already alluring frame. Your shoulders bare, elegant collarbones waiting to be tasted. Hair tied up, exposing the delicious curve of your neck, a stretch Jungkook wants to pepper kisses onto, without missing a spot. You look exquisite against the backdrop of the night.
Carpe noctem it is. 
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“Did you really dress up to use the coupon?” The tongue-in-cheek query breaking your line of thought.
A breathy chuckle leaves your lips, hopefully masking the frenzy in your heart. 
“I had a party. A very dull party. Figured I preferred my own company over that.” 
“Do you prefer your own company over mine?”
He’s still standing, tall frame waiting for your permission to occupy the next seat. God, he looks amazing.
“Not at all.” The words leave huskier than you intend, but they convey the message.
He takes the seat, a mere step away, his cologne wafting over to your side. The alcohol buzz makes the scent feel stronger, every bone in you wanting to dive in nose-first. 
Apparently you have been staring, because he nervously chuckles “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Should you go the modest route or fuck it?
Fuck it.
“You look... great today,” is all you get out. Stupid brain spewing half-baked goods.
Understatement of the year. He looks like sin incarnate. All black attire highlighting his golden skin, the dichotomy of his whole look has you understandably tongue-tied. Black jeans - no rips, sadly- with a dark grey high-neck t-shirt, tucked in of course, because pain is the only constant for you. A black trench coat is thrown on top to seal the look. The obsidian outfit sends desperate need through your body, an intense desire to rip it all off surging through you. Somehow, through all these layers you can sense his fit body, his rippled muscles, his sturdy pecs, like they have an aura of their own. 
“Ah, thank you. You look amazing as well.” Halting a moment to sip his drink, he resumes.  “Sucks that you dressed up for nothing.”
“Well, you liked it. So it's not for nothing.”
If looks were potent, Jungkook’s own could set you on fire. Gaze coolly raking over your figure, the tick in his jaw betrays his reaction. A chill passes through every part of your body under his intense scrutiny.
“Are there other things you would wear… if I liked it?” He carefully treads.
“There are certain things I’m wearing right now that I’m sure you would appreciate.” 
If not for the shrinking distance between you two, you couldn’t have caught the low hiss. His animalistic need, usually kept well under control, is raging against its bonds, screaming to let go. Your exquisite gown, flowing down your curves, accentuating the swell of your ass - God save this dress from his feral hands. Against his will, he restrains himself. He would make this a lasting encounter. 
“How many drinks have you had?” He needs you to remember every single moment.
“Two glasses of wine, don’t worry. You?” 
“A shot of whisky, that’s all. Haven’t even finished my second drink.”
Gone were his cherubic appearance and dimpled smiles; the man in front of you is oozing pure sex appeal. His clenched jawline, furrowed brow, and perfectly placed tresses add to his raw masculinity. The cusp of your thighs is damp; if this is his effect here, what will it be behind locked doors? You wonder whether this is the same man that gushed about old-era video games in the flight. 
“Well, if you are wearing them for me, I’d be a fool to miss them.” he brings you back to the present. Twinkling eyes match your eager ones as you give a small nod.
Every step you take shoots a thrilling tingle through your spine. Every inch of distance closed forces you to close the next with doubled speed. Every foot forward adds to the thick air, laced with hunger, desire, and an inordinate amount of trust placed in the hands of a stranger. 
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The first time you two walked back to the elevator, his move had caught you unaware. 
Now, the arm wraps around your entire waist, body flush against his, yet you yearn to get closer. 
Last time, you couldn’t match his gaze, skin burnt a crimson hue. 
Now, your eyes are locked together, any movement in your surroundings be damned.
Michael Jackson rising from the dead and performing Thriller wouldn’t tear you away from your current view (sorry MJ, maybe next time).
When the doors close, he places a palm on your bare back, bringing you to his chest.
“I’ve wanted this so bad, ever since I met you. It’s insane.”
The hand caressing your back makes you sigh. “Not if I wanted the same.”
His grip tightens. “The things I want to do to you...” eyes searching yours, ”tell me you can handle it.”
“Oh baby,” you drawl, “I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever it is,” your lips hover on his, “I can take it.”
The elevator doors opened too soon for your liking, and Jungkook drags you through the corridor. You’re practically hanging on to him, feet barely responsive, the faint buzz of wine making you giddy. His hawkish gaze soaks in everything you do, memorizing every response to his touch. 
You lean over to lay wet kisses on his neck. Pleasure searing through his veins, Jungkook’s knees almost buckle. He pushes you against a wall and locks you in with his form.
“Uh-uh-uh, honey,” he tsks, “you’re not making this easy on me?”
You pretend to ponder. “Well, I didn’t plan on making it easy.”
He smirks, all sex, and the wetness between your legs is making its presence known. Leaning into your ear, he whispers, “Unless you want me to have my way with you right here…” and all your brattiness dissipates. 
Satisfied, he grins. “Your place or mine?” 
“Hmmn, depends.”
He cocks a brow. “On?”
“Am I gonna be able to walk tomorrow?”
That damned smirk. “Your place it is.”
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Jungkook’s lips are on yours the moment your door is locked. He cages you against its frame, teeth clashing and biting anything they find. You let your hands roam all over, searching for something to hold on to. A throaty sound leaves Jungkook when your digits card through his hair and tug on it, a sound you gladly swallow.
Time seems to have taken a break. Your thoughts are blank. You chase the kiss like it's the only thing you know, the only thing you’re born to do, your sole mission in life before you die. The bruising pace Jungkook set is eagerly matched by you. Gravity is slowly losing its meaning, and you’re nothing but a stray entity floating in space. And this kiss is your only source of air. 
Jungkook pulls you towards him, closing the nonexistent distance between you. Heat rises from his chest, the feeling is hypnotic beyond reason. A taste of you has ruined every other flavor. He kept his eyes half-open, sneaking peeks at your flushed face whenever you come for air. His fingers explored your body, grabbing your ass and pulling you into him. Your clothed crevice jolts at the friction, hips hounding for more.
The moan that leaves you gets muted, because Jungkook takes this opportunity to take control. Tongue forcing its way in to explore every corner of your mouth, it melds with your own muscle. If this were a dance, it would be a fierce tango, oozing with sexual tension. Breathing is now trivial, this kiss is imperative. 
Jungkook’s hands grab your hips and twirl you, both of you now facing a full-length mirror. You can witness your neckline being abused, mulberry blossoms left in place. The sight has your sex clenching, and lips liberated, you couldn’t stop yourself from mewling.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m going to make you scream so loud, the hotel reception will hear you.”
With your head spinning in lust, you try to form your words right. “An- And what? Discuss how a second room for you was - oh god - was useless?” 
Jungkook pauses to admire his craft; your neck, shoulders, and collar are now littered with bruises, like a garden of hyacinth at his disposal. The view is maddening, your lusty gaze locked on to him in the mirror. His mane is tousled, no doubt your handiwork, and his hand is tracing the outline of your dress. 
“That cursed day,” He chokes out, “You were so fucking hard to resist you know?”
You turn back to face him, hand reaching back to undo your halter neck, “You have me now.” Stepping back, you let your gown fall.
He froze. You are standing in front of him, robed in only your black lace-embroidered strapless bra, and matching panties, each adorned with a white bow. The swell of your breasts barely caged in the cups, making Jungkook drool at sight. All the wind was knocked out of his lungs; you look like a prisoner’s last meal, waiting to be devoured. 
“On your knees.” he commands.  
Not a second is put to waste. You begin undressing him, unbuckling the pants and aggressively pulling them down. Next come the boxers, and you are faced with-
You mean this in the nicest way, but, what a dick.
He is already hard, the mushroomed tip angry and red, leaking a drop of precum begging to be tasted. The girth exceeds your expectation, already visualizing the delicious visual of your cunt stretched thin. He is going to reach places even Vlad the Impaler couldn’t; you are already brimming with anticipation for the final act.
And his thighs. Nothing angelic about them. Taut. Muscular. Sinewy. Something uncivilized in you wants them to trap your frame between them, caging you, pinning you down. You press kisses on his inner thigh, letting your tongue poke out when you hear him exhale. A sharp bite shocks Jungkook, but you only smirk.
“Wanted to do that since I saw you.” 
The stare that meets you is practically challenging you to try that again, and perhaps reap some delicious consequences.
You bring yourself back, giving his cock the full attention that it deserves. Looking up, you see his half-lidded eyes, assertive and arresting, compelling you to go on. 
You bring your palm up to him. He raised a brow in question.
“Spit for me.”
Jungkook almost busts his load when he hears you. “Fuck, so dirty.” he garbles out. Rolling his neck in an attempt to divert his blood, he takes your hand and drops a thick glob at the center of your palm. 
A throaty moan arises from you, and his dick is harder than ever.
“Go on baby, show me you can suck dick like a champ.”
You give him a confident look; you’re about to rock his world. Starting with small licks, you tease the slit and taste the pre-cum lodged in it. Meanwhile, you work the spit along the shaft; you spit on it again, the original amount insufficient to cover the length. You can feel his dick twitching against your attention, eager to be sheathed. Interspersing with some long drags on the underside, you zero in on the pinched skin under the head. 
Jungkook is staring at your jerking him off. The sight of you, clad in lingerie is blowing his mind. If that was not enough, the mirror in front is providing a sumptuous secondary perspective. The smooth stretch of your back, the swell of your ass, the panty fabric barely able to cover the expanse, everything on you is making him short circuit. Seeing you on your knees, your deferential nature stirs something in him. If he doesn’t control himself, he will bend you in half and ride you to sunrise. He doesn’t want to scare you, but fuck, his depraved early man instincts are telling him otherwise. 
“What are you- ohhh, holy shi-”
Instead of slipping his cock fully into your mouth, you hold it up, and pay careful attention to his balls. Jungkook’s hands come to rest on your head, a telltale sign of his unraveling. With a smile, you let your tongue swipe through every nook and corner till they are coated in saliva.
“You think you’re such a fucking tease, ” He grabs you by your now unraveled tresses and pulls you back, “Ease up baby, your throat is in for a treat.”
In one quick swoop, he lodges himself at the base of your throat, provoking your gag reflex, but you restrain the urge to pull back. Breathing through your nose, you suck and swallow whatever you can; his girth isn't giving you much to work with.
Jungkook growls. “Such a tight fit. Like you’re meant to be like this. Forever.”
The last word slips out unwittingly. 
Alarmed, his eyes flit down to gauge your response, but all you are doing is looking back at him. 
Fuck, your dovelike eyes are captivating. They look so angelic, a complete contrast to the perverse posture you are in. Not an ounce of displeasure in response to his words. Pure, unadulterated affection for him. Only for him. 
“God, you’re going to be the death of me.” Jungkook husks. “You’ll do anything for me, you said?”
Muffled whimpers impart your compliance, and you bob your head up and down for good measure. The tip of his cock hits every ridge of your throat, the vibration releasing more fluid down.
“Pleasure yourself, baby. Touch yourself, but don’t you cum.”
Your brow distresses further, a disgruntled whine leaving you and reverberating around him. Already so turned on, the lightest friction would make you combust.
Jungkook’s teeth clench. “Edge yourself for me, sweetie.” 
It's like your body is tuned to his command. Slipping two fingers under the band, you part and slide them on either side of your throbbing nub. Despite you avoiding any pressure point that might push you over the edge, the pleasure threatens to tip you over. 
You look over for his approval. Swallowing, he nods. Your self-stimulation is making him dizzy. It's time to get serious.
“Such a good girl. Don’t stop, okay? I’m going to fuck your throat raw.” Starting with mellow jerks, “Hope you don’t have to speak anytime tomorrow.” he rasps.
The carpeted floor grazing your knees only adds to the revelry. You’re not in control of yourself anymore. The back of your gullet is aching as Jungkook shoves into you again and again. An amalgamation of his salty juices and your dribble lewdly coats your chin and neck; you must look ravished. Everything with Jungkook feels augmented; every single motion of his making your sex clench. 
He is close - you can feel his grip on your hair tightening. 
“Can I cum on you?” words slither through his clamped teeth. You frantically nod. 
With a loud grunt, he pulls you off and releases all over your chest, a stray pump landing on your chin. Thick liquid, dripping from your jaw onto your collarbones and breasts, the whole scene is filthy good. Your unfilled cunt is aching to be replete with the cum. 
Post-orgasmic glow is dazzling on him--hair drenched in sweat, tufts sticking to his forehead. His breathing is heavy and resonant as dilated pupils take in your soaked state. Bending down, he crooks a finger under your chin, anchoring his attention on your dewy stare. The onyx embers in his eyes bore into yours, studying for any hesitation in them. A microscopic moment of tenderness, unspoken words exchange between you. 
Satisfied to find only searing hunger, his digits collect the beads of cum on your jaw, pushing them back into your mouth. Your eyes roll skyward, relishing the briny taste, nearly asking him to do it again. Leaning further, he grabs the wrist of your hand that is thoughtlessly rubbing your sex - you didn’t even realize you were still doing it. You feel drained, like you orgasmed vicariously through him. 
“My turn.” He wears a devilish expression on his archangel eyes.
Lips connect once again as he pulls you up. If he tastes himself, he is relishing it, with his tongue exploring the deep cavern. With wobbly ankles, you let him guide you to your bed, dropping on your back. He follows you, pouncing on you, plunging into your mouth again like a beast hungered. Bodies melting together like an icicle under the summer blaze, your hands hunt to frisk his skin. Realizing he is yet to undress, you yank at this t-shirt, attempting to liberate him from the offending fabric.
“Tsk, greedy.” he bit your ear, soothing the sting with a kiss. 
“Cruel is what it is.” You huff, like everything he’s doing is not a blissful affair. 
How do men do that? Violently ripping their shirt off and leaving a messy mop of hair in its wake, nevertheless looking like they could walk a runway the next instant. Jungkook was no exception. The moment he pulls his shirt off, you are rendered speechless.
Chiseled chest like the work of an artisan. Droplets of sweat race down the paths traced by the sculpted abs, an intense desire to taste them forming in you. He is a mesomorphic dream who puts Greek gods to shame. Swallowing, you let your hand trace the outline of his pecks, feeling him shudder against your touch.
“Jungkook, please.”
Who was he to deny you?
Leaning up to you with a wicked smirk, Jungkook drops a thick line of spit right on your hardened nipple. The concoction of his cum and spit soaks through the lacy material. A lone finger circles, avoiding the spot that requires the most attention. You arch your back, begging him for more, just more of anything. The wet fabric amplifies the emptiness in your cunt. 
“Aww,” he coos, clearly amused by your neediness, “undo this for me, sweetness. Let me see you.”
Moving at lightning speed, you unhook the bra, swinging it away to a corner of the room. 
“Oh no.” He mock-frowns, veins bulging on his arm as he controls himself. “Look at these tits, fuck.” Mind reeling with ideas, filthy ideas, of all the things he wants to do to you. “You’ve ruined everything else for me.”
You tremble. “Good, so have you. Want you for myself. Want you,” pulling him close, “to do your worst.” you end with a whisper.
Jungkook’s jaw tightens. “Careful what you ask for,” he grits before diving headfirst into your bosom. 
He licks and laves and bites and laps--your breasts are on fire. Continuing his marking spree, new blemishes make an appearance on your torso. Nibbling on one nipple, he pinches the other; pulling moan after moan from you. 
Your hips barely touch the bed, bucking up in response to Jungkook’s sinking teeth into your ample bust. He has decided to not leave an inch without his saliva, and like a man on a mission, covers every part with rapt attention. 
“Yo- You don’t have to--oh holy fuck--you don’t have to, cover me in marks you kno--ohh my go-” The sentence is spastic, piercing mewls breaking your flow of speech and thought. 
“These fucking tits,” roughly clasping your pert breast in his large palm, “they look so much better like this.” The proud smile he shows has not the slightest hint of regret. 
Catching a break, he twiddles your nipples, letting his other hand sit on your covered sex. He is teasing you; you recognize that. Just giving you opportunities to disobey, to take all the pain he has to offer.
It’s a good thing you like the pain.
You slowly roll your hips, trying to grind against his palm, taking whatever help you can get.
A sharp smack lands on your clit, shooting your eyes open - you don’t even know when they closed. Jungkook’s hand is soothing the site of the blow, the pain converting to pleasure under his touch. 
“Patience, sweetness,” the gravely whisper sending tingles down your spine, “such a good girl for me.”
You give him a slight nod - he smacks you again, once, twice, thrice, without a break. Your entrance is smarting, but you want to give him everything. Biting your lips to stop the labored moans escaping, you clench your eyes and savor the burn.
Your show of obedience has Jungkook’s heart thronging. Fuck, he was enjoying toying with you. Playing you like a fiddle. You produce every tone he desires in the form of wanton melodies, he wants to play them over and over again like his favorite song.
“How are we doing?” he asks, a shit-eating grin plastered on him. Before you could answer, his fingers shallowly enter your soaked pussy, still hampered by the cloth. 
“You- fuck, you said I was the tease here?” Your hands are at his wrist, begging to pull the scrap of cloth aside and have his way. 
He comes to face your sopping mound, pausing only to speak “Never said I wasn’t,” and starts pressing soft, feathery kisses. “That day, seeing you dripping in that towel, I dreamt of having these legs around me.”
“I swear, at least take it off - oh Jungkoo-”
Without warning, he kneads your ass and pushes you into his face. 
You feel like you’ve been on the edge for hours. The suckle on your engorged clit along with the abrasion of the lace gets you so close. So damn close. So, so clo-
The tightness in your belly finally snaps and you howl, gushing your vat of arousal onto his face. The high was more intense than you had imagined, so high that you wonder if you will ever find your way back to reality. You feel like a rock in space, aimlessly floating in the vast nothingness.
You dimly notice Jungkook toying with the lacy hem of your panties, pulling it back to snap it against your hip. The sting is soon forgotten, along with your panties flung across the bed, as he parks himself back between your legs.
“You smell incredible.” He approves, taking a long whiff of your honeyed center. “Look at you, so messy.” He licks a long stripe along your crease. “Messy girl, I should clean you up.”
“Wait Jungkook-” you oppose, lids heaving in pleasure. “I need you inside me, please. I can’t take -oof”
Gnawing at your sodden folds, he let his nose press against your clit. “You’re so fucking tight, you think you can take me?” He shakes his head. “Gotta stretch you out, gotta make me fit.” He presses his tongue against your nub, feeling it throb in anticipation. “And I think you can give me one more.” He ends, before invading your drenched channel with two fingers. You are putting up with his torments the best you can; walls fluttering against his lips, legs entwined behind Jungkook’s back trapping him between your thighs. 
“Ah! God - I, I can’t-” Your eyes are screwed shut, hands bunching the sheets in your grasp.
His fingers fluctuate between scissoring motions, their lengths opening you up for him and curling inside, fingertips finding the rough patch inside. He adds a third finger, pussy straining to accommodate them all. Your thighs clench in the burn, and he groans into your pussy at the pressure. Increasing the pace, he pumps into you harder and faster, sucking your puffy lips in tandem. 
“Please, please, harder - let me cum - please oh go-” 
“Fuck yeah baby, your pussy is just sucking me in. You like that? You like me shoving into your cunt?”
“Uungh yes yes I love it!”
“Doesn’t it hurt? Or are you such a slut for pain? Tell me, tell me you’re a pain slut.”
“Fuck, Jungkook, don’t you stop- I am! I am a pain slut! Your pain slut!”
“Goood girrrll,” he husks out. Even though he is taking charge, your words are what control him. “Only mine. My pain slut will come for me now.”
A spray of cum ejects out of you, coating Jungkook’s chest and inundating your legs. The coherent part in you recognizes that you just squirted, but the neanderthal side shuts all recognition of anything that is not Jungkook’s cock. Even after two climaxes, you are hungry to get more. More of him. 
If you don’t fuck him now, you will lose your capability to reason. 
Limbs still heavy and reeling from the ravaging, you pick your pieces and drag Jungkook to the headboard. 
“I’m going to ride you.” you declare and straddle him. 
Jungkook is staring fixedly at your still-leaking cunt. Running his tongue over his lower lip, and licking the remnant syrup of your release. You position yourself, letting the drippage fall directly on his erection. He twitches, eyes still feasting on the mess you are making. 
Finding purchase on his shoulders, you lower yourself. Jungkook’s breath staggers as you drag your inner lips along his hard shaft. You repeat this motion till your fluids drip to his balls. 
“Y/N, I swear to God, if you don’t stop with this-”
“You’ll do what?” you challenge, an eyebrow raised in response to his threat. 
He grabs you by your waist, jerking you up before bringing you down on his dick. Your cunt, creamy from his earlier ministrations, gives no resistance to his hardness. His cock twitches inside as you bottom out. Pulling you closer, he bites your lip and tugs at it. 
“I’ll do this.”
A sharp spank makes you clench around him, the supple flesh of your ass ricocheting in response. 
“Go on baby, ride me.” 
The low-grained command sets you in motion. Slowly gyrating your hips, you feel every ridge of this length inside. Jungkook’s grip on your waist tightens, and you’re sure you will see evidence of it tomorrow. Your grasp on his shoulders isn’t faring any better. 
“You’re so tight, fuck, and so wet. Who made you like this, huh?” A second spank punctuating his question.
“Oh God, you-”, you barely manage to recognize your own voice, “You, Jungkook! Only you!” 
“That’s fucking right, only me.” 
Hips snapping, he meets you halfway. Both of you are lost in each other, lewd sounds of your skin slapping and juices quelching barely muffled by your desperate whines and moans of passion. Eyes locked in like magnets, neither of you could look away. 
Jungkook pulls back a little, slapping your jiggling tit. Your sex clenches, and the following slap has you lodging yourself in the crook of his neck, searching for a reprieve. 
“Want some help?”
One swift move and you are on your stomach, face pushed into a pillow, and ass out. A final spank lands right in the middle, and you can feel it pulsate everywhere. He pushes back into your glistening core, taking control of your pleasure and pain. One hand carding through the nape of your neck, pushing you down, the other hand grabbing your waist and setting the pace. The new angle hits deeper, you feel so full. 
“Jungkoo--unghh I need to cum! Need to- umph- cum so bad!” You are wailing at this point, shame lying somewhere near your flung clothes.
“Fuck, babe, me too. Go ahead and play with yourself, nice and slow.”
It takes a few swipes for the tightness in you to detonate. Tears flood your face as you unravel, your orgasm crashing into you like waves of a tsunami. You clench tight, wetness flows out of your hole as Jungkook pumps in and out, chasing his high. 
He comes undone soon after, ropes of his ejaculate filling your insides. He stays in, plugging you as if to not allow any of it out. But as his member softens, he gives in, turning you on your back to meet his face. 
Butterfly-soft kisses are exchanged after the blazing encounter. He asks you if you’re okay between breaths, a tender murmur you almost miss, as if you weren’t screaming your lungs out moments ago. Nuzzling into his neck, you confirm.
A snort disrupts the silence. Looking up, you see Jungkook chuckling.
In response to your cocked eyebrow, he says “Want to talk about what a freak you are?”
“Want to talk about what a hypocrite you are?”
“Hey, you asked me to spit on you!”
You mock-gasp, hand on chest for the extra effect. “My breasts need medical attention after your attention! Freak!” 
Laughter echoes in the room as you two tumble in the blankets, and you feel his release seeping out of you. Turning to him, you pout, “Your mess is leaking out of me.” 
Jungkook gets up to leave the bed, and you expect a wet towel coming your way. 
What you don’t expect is him parting your legs, gunmetal eyes following the rivulets escaping your abused hole. 
“Your cunt smells so good with my cum on it,” he purrs. 
He gathers the escaping thick liquid and pushes it back into your quivering core. 
Jolting with oversensitivity, you try to stall him but he is fingering you with a vengeance. The ache and soreness soon dispel, bringing forth a new wave of ecstasy. His unrelenting stare concentrates on the mix of fluids on his fingers. With a few strokes on your sensitive bundle of nerves and fingers stuffed inside, you come again, legs shivering and pussy overflowing, his juices intermingled with yours. 
You are dazed; you’ve lost track of everything. The room is spinning in front of you and your body feels like lead. All you can manage is to arch your neck, and plead, “No more, you freak.” 
Jungkook giggles, eyes crinkling in good humor. Ah, the duality of this man is a force to reckon with. You can’t believe this is the same man that fucked you into your bed like a primordial beast. There’s no way you can move anytime soon. 
After a clean-up interval, you are wrapped in each other's arms, melting into the embrace. His musky fragrance putting you at ease, you tuck your in the nook of his neck, basking in the aroma. Hands pressed against his broad chest, exuding warmth for you. His hand cradles your head, snuggling in closer till there is no space to cover. Sweet nothings whispered into each other’s lips, tender kisses exchanged in place of the scorching ones that had passed. You drift in and out of your slumber, fearing the sun would ascend too soon and break you apart. 
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A dim glow from the other end of the bed wakes you up. On turning you find Jungkook, dressed in his now-wrinkled clothes, seated on the edge. His gaze, pensive. You lay a hand on his thigh.
“Oh, did the light wake you?”
The alarm on his face makes you smile. “No, your absence did.” 
The corners of his mouth turned up, eyeing you with softness. 
“I have an early schedule. I didn’t want to wake you, but, ” he lets his palm rest on yours, “I also didn’t want to leave without it.”
Neither of you know how to walk away from this. The silence is deafening, unuttered sentiments hanging in the still air. Jungkook’s chest is heavy. 
This is insane. He wants to lay you against a bed of flowers, treat you like the delicate petal you bear resemblance to, worship your body till the sun succumbs to your blazing passion. How is he to explain that his heart is beating through his chest for someone he knows for mere days? He rifles through his memories for a similar instance. 
He finds none. 
Maybe you don’t feel the same way. Maybe, you are blissfully unaware of the tumultuous emotions lurching in the pit of his belly. He can’t assume you will echo his lovesick needs, but he can’t let go. 
You inch closer. 
Fervid feelings die hard. He probes your eyes searching for an intensity matching his. 
You let your lips convey the answer.
Passionate as ever, you draw him into the kiss. His lashes flutter against your rosy cheeks. At the moment, there is no dominance in him. Almost like his tongue, dragging across your swollen lips, is healing the brutality of last night. If you pull back, he comes after you; an incessant tug of war no player wants to win. 
“Please Jungkook,” you choke between kisses, “Please tell me this isn’t the last of us.”
He is hovering on top of you, the galaxy in his eyes twinkling at your words. 
“Please, I don’t want this to end.” You continue against his lips. Head versus heart, you fought a losing battle; how were you to stall the inevitable? Fueled, you plunge your tongue into him, determined to make your ardor known. The void of ferocity is filled with slow sensuality; like he is the sole reservoir to quench your thirst. 
“Y/N”, he breathes out, “I feel like I know everything about you and nothing about you at the same time.” Resting your foreheads against one another, he continues. “I’m not about to let fate decide when we cross paths again.”
A grin finds your lips. “Destiny really pulled its weight here, didn’t it?”
He wordlessly nods, not wanting to break the tranquility in place. However, it is short-lived; his phone’s ringer makes sure of it. 
“Yeah, I’ll be right down.” Something the speaker says turns Jungkook scarlet red. “I said I’ll be right there!” he yells before ending the call.
“The members are asking why I wasn’t in my room.” he clarifies, waggling his brows.  You join his laughter, happy to have just the simple moment with him. 
After exchanging numbers (and a photo for keepsake), Jungkook presses one last kiss, lips promising to find each other again. Somehow, you don’t say goodbye. You just stare at his disappearing body, confident that the next encounter is not far. 
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Jake is babbling about his night, how he managed to ditch the god-awful party and hang out with some overenthusiastic college-goers who paid for his drinks with their trust fund dough. This is usually the time you ask him if he’s proud of mooching off of children, but today his exaggerated narrative is cracking you up. 
His forehead creases. “What’s up with you today? You haven’t vowed to skin me alive even once.”
“You like it when I threaten bodily harm?”
“I’m kinky like that.”
You just shrug. Erotic images make a fleeting appearance in your mind, but they are interrupted by your flight announcement. 
“Aren’t you glad this is over? You can go back to overworking yourself in your office instead of a hotel!” Jake remarks, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “At least your back won’t break in the travel.”
Thinking over your experience in the city, you confess “Actually, I look forward to returning here.”
A thought slips in, curving your mouth into a smile. You quietly add,
“And yeah, my back was broken all right.”
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Thank you for making it to the end! Please do let me know what you think!
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dykesymmetry · 3 years
YOOO LMAOO im the one who sent the original ask where i kinda “””vented””” abt niki getting mom-ified, i sent it to you bc i noticed you were on the topic of viewing the fic with a more critical eye yknow & like,,, twitter getting angry abt it??? im sorry but thats the funniest shit💀
yall ever heard abt different opinions??? no??? go outside and talk to someone i swear itll change your life.
And yknow what, the fact that they had the audacity to claim people were “attacking” their fic like,,, you did it on YOUR blog, you didnt go out of your way to shove it into the authors face or whatever. Speaking abt that though i was actually a bit surprised this didnt happen sooner; ive kinda noticed the author is a bit,,more,,sensitive(??) towards critiques but i wasnt really sure until now lol. something i feel worth mentioning is based on what they vented abt on their account, its important to know that: having a backbone ≠ getting genuinely upset and defensive abt criticism.
If you are writing threads and asking constant validation from readers because a small minority of ppl dont like your writing/characterization, that sounds like a you problem bro
One last thing, if you are a 21 yr old adult that is “actually in tears” because someone criticized your minecraft fanfiction go drink a glass of water and chill the fuck out, maybe take a nap.
sorry if this came out as word vomit, i was about to go to bed when i saw this fiasco lol
yeah lmao like. i totally get if ur upset at ppl commenting directly on ur fic or at u. that absolutely sucks. but i was very careful to avoid that? the whole like. tagging system and everything i was Incredibly cautious to make sure u could not just stumble across it!!! bc i DONT wanna just shit on ppls art thats a rly shitty thing to do. i just like. i love pirates. i like to talk about pirates. if someone asks me to talk about [specific thing about pirates] then i will. the literal only way to find the "criticism" is if you are specifically searching it out
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