#i did see the phase two transformation tho
lilbittymonster · 1 year
Belated but I healed my way through Eden's Promise last night and I didn't totally suck at it! Maybe I can actually play healer!
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
I thought about Huebei and thought of a couple of really cute ideas.
First and foremost, I can see archeology and paleantology being a special interest of hers even going into her adulthood. Girl wants to work on archeology dig sites and stuff and loves the museum. In Soft Boiled Wukong asks MK to help him out by taking her to a trip to a museum while he and the rest of the Noodle Gang set up a surprise party for her on the island the first time her birthday comes up after the monkey family met the group.
Second... and I don't really know WHY, but I can see her being a dancer. Maybe a ribbon dancer or something, but I think of her dancing gracefully as her tall, lanky teenage self and as her buffer adult self and think,'Yeah, that fits.' I can only assume it's the bit of Macaque's dad's influence that she likes performing. Goodness knows she didn't get it from Wukong! Although he can be just as artistic too and as someone who is artistic from an artistic family, I find that if an inheritance trait, even if my style of art is completely different from my siblings' preferred media. We all joke I'm the only one who can draw even tho all the rest of them can play music, something I frankly am terrible at no matter how much I practice altho that could be the stage fright speaking
Third, I can totally see her and Red being inseparable as babies. They were born not far apart in age and basically have similar powers to each other, whenever Uwkong needed a break he'd go to DBK for babysitting and vice versa up until their falling out and Wukong being forced to seal DBK away. It's for this reason I imagine she would like to sneak out to Uncle Bull's resting place just to be near him again. She knows her dad didn't really have a choice, but she misses Uncle Bull and Red. She makes sure Red never sees her or knows she's there when the Bull Family visit.
The first thing Wukong teaches her, besides how to control her lazer eyes, is the transformations. This was a bit of a necessity since, during the journey and shortly afterwards, Wukong would find himself in a situation where demons and celestials of all walks in life would try to sneak onto the island to search him and his cub out. While most were just curious, a few beings did not mean them well, but luckily for Wukong, they only ever searched for a monkey and his baby... they never searched for a sparrow or a tiger. Fresh from the Journey, visitors were the last things Wukong wanted to deal with!
Yuebei quickly starts to see MK as a sort of big brother figure, in spite if her jealousy that he of all beings got picked to be her father's heir and not her. It didn't matter to her that she had explicitly told her father once she never wanted to follow in his footsteps, that staff is her BIRTHRIGHT! Even so, the first time MK got hurt in front of her (Calabash episode actually) she near lost her shit.
Haha! I do love having Yuebei be interested in bone-based sciences due to her literary association with bones. She was def a "dinosaur-kid" who would run up and down beaches, digging up little shell fossils to bring home and show to her baba. Wukong isn't 100% sure what a trilobite is, but his cub is super excited to explain them to him when she found a weird fossilized pillbug. Wukong just loves that his babygirl has such a passionate interest in the world.
As Yuebei gets older, she goes through phases of hyperfixating on different archaeological eras and cultures. As someone who has an ornament cabinet full of Egyptian god statues from one such phase, I can imagine a few sections of the Stone Palace treasury has been organized so Yuebei can display her interests.
I can imagine (even pre-series) Tang running into Yuebei at the museum, the little glamoured demon just fascinated by a display/diorama on Tang-era trade routes. The scholar thinks its the cutest thing ever! The two become sort of nerd buddies once Yuebei warms up to the Noodle Gang.
And ooo ribbon dancer Yuebei!!
I have watched some performances, and many of the dancers are buff af.
I can see Wukong struggling to find a creative or physical outlet his daughter would enjoy, only to turn around to find the cub dancing with a stray phoenix feather. He sighs, knowing that the theatrical spirit of Macaque has lived on in some way. Heavens know Yuebei is far more confident on stage than Wukong will ever be!
Yuebei and Red Son were def tight as cousins well up until Bull got imprisoned, and they still have an "older sibling, younger sister" relationship in the modern day. PIF and Red never held Wukong's actions against his child, and if the little rebel liked to visit her auntie and cousin without her baba's permission, then they would accommodate her.
I love the idea of Wukong training his daughter some key powers, like the transformations. Yuebei's different transformations tend to be dark furred/scaled/feathered with little red-orange flecks. Almost like a certain Macaque's... one thing she has trouble changing is the age of the animal she turns into. She's almost always a juvenile of the species no matter how hard she tries.
Yuebei, showing off: "Watch this! I can turn into a tiger!" MK, excited: "Sweet!" Yuebei: (*transforms into a tiger cub*) MK, wondering if that was intentional: "Umm..." Yuebei, furious: "Not. A. Word."
And ofc the baby girl had a problem with her lazer eyes shooting off whenever she had a tantrum - so Wukong had to devise a way to help her control those early on. Welding goggles and sunglasses help a lot on his end, but Guanyin also helped teach younger Yuebei meditation techniques so she could calm down in the moment and avoid triggering a shot.
In the end, even if Yuebei naturally developed a lot of her baba's powers, she sort of resents that MK was chosen as his successor and not her. But she also *knows* it killed her baba to give the Nüwa-made cub up to give him a "normal" life. A life that she couldn't have...
She wants MK to realise his responsibility and not waste it. But also wants to be a kid like he does. The two have to work together to make a balance.
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sablegear0 · 10 months
Finished TotK Finally
As in, finished the story. End numbers after buying the last boss pictures and completing the Compendium were 87.72% complete. I may go back and do koroks and minigames sporadically when I want to wander around in the world again.
So I suppose people might expect my thoughts or a review. Idk if I have anything unique to say but I may as well so: Plot and BIG ending spoilers under the cut. Also extremely long detailed opinions. Like this one got REALLY long. TL;DR at the very bottom.
The End Bits The Light Dragon In a previous blog I applauded Nintendo for letting their women characters turn into incomprehensible beasties lately (TotK, Dread). For the record, I posted that shortly before being spoiled on the fact that Zelda changes back at the end. Needless to say I was re-disappointed. I get WHY they did it. Permanently removing the title character from the game via 10,000 years of ego death doesn't really seem like a great reward for the player seeking out the plot; BotW/TotK Link and Zelda have gone through more than most of their incarnations to get where they are, so it's nice to give them a happy ending, etc. It just... kinda sucks because that was a really cool move otherwise. But Nintendo will not tell us an intentionally tragic (or even bittersweet) story so we got our girl back.
Also she was fine, by the way. She just woke up fully able to move and speak like she'd just had a bit of a rough nap. She also canonically does not remember her millennia spent as a dragon in any fashion. I know the fan writers are probably having a field day with injury/trauma recovery fics for her and I don't blame them. 10k years of ego death and a monstrous transformation should come with some consequences, shouldn't it?
To be honest the nature of the deus ex machina in question bugs me more than the fact that it happened. "Idk Sonia and Rauru did something" is the actual explanation we get (thanks Mineru, you're a real one tho) and it feels... hollow. Like, if the two dragons had clashed and injured one another, and "dying" knocked Zelda out of the transformation the same way destroying the Secret Stone that Ganondorf had taken destroyed his dragon form, that would make more sense, right? You still get your dramatic ending that's a cinematic reflection of Skyward Sword and a symbolic close (presumably) to Ganon's cycle of reincarnation. The arbitrary "power of love" (and not even the Hero's love, come on) ending just doesn't sit right.
Ganondorf Neither did the actual fight with Ganondorf, to be honest. I prepped some pretty high-value weapons, assuming that like BotW I'd have to break a few swords on him before the fight was over. But they just, again, deus ex machina'd that the Master Sword was indestructible for that fight and at no other time. My big scary weapons did see some good use in the wave fight beforehand, which was kind of neat but also kind of underwhelming. I guess that's the point where the game checks if you can handle that many enemies (ie. did you bring enough friends), similar to how doing the Divine Beasts halves Calamity Ganon's HP in BotW.
The duel-style fight for the first two phases was kind of cool. Made a bit annoying by TotK's tighter timing on parries and dodges. And the fact that the legitimate pressure of having your HP outright destroyed (cool, stressful) was removed by the third phase (annoying, no consequences for doing poorly in that part of the fight).
Third phase was neat. It was cinematic, but with no actual danger. I don't think I took any damage that wasn't just gloom-ticks from standing on the demon dragon to attack it. Didn't even get to use my cool bows in the aerial battle. Additionally I didn't have any need for the cool armour I had worked so hard to upgrade. I spent quite a lot of time and effort upgrading the Ancient Hero's Aspect and a second high-defense set (Champion's Leathers, Soldier's Greaves, Amber Earrings). The latter I did use in the demon dragon phase because it looked cool. The former I completely forgot that I had (despite having had to kill an ungodly amount of King Gleeoks to complete it). I used the Depths set for the first two-thirds of the fight because of the Gloom resistance it offered.
The Mechanics Devices All that said, what TotK set out to do it did decently well. It expanded on the physics-heavy improvisational gameplay of BotW with the addition of the Ultrahand fusion mechanic and Zonai Devices, improving on their base engine to create a system that I have heard other devs consider basically magic. Devices and weapon fusion, however, were clearly balanced with the early-to-mid-game in mind. The devices were tools, not weapons, even the ones that were nominally weapons. They simply did not put out enough raw damage to be used offensively, and were better as deterrents or distractions for enemies.
Weapon Fusion I know people weren't crazy about weapon degradation in BotW and I think TotK managed to make it slightly worse. In BotW, all you had to do was find where a desirable weapon spawned and make note of it so you could come back to pick it up after the Bloodmoon respawned everything. In TotK, you have to do that AND fight a monster with a good fuseable part to improve it. You have to do twice as much farming for about the same amount of gain. And that's not even accounting for the weapons you'd break fighting something big like a Lynel - sure they drop good parts, but you might break 2 or 3 weapons taking one down, even with help from your sages. You're operating at a net loss.
Granted the fused part of a weapon does the bulk of the work, but TotK did the interesting thing of making each flavour of weapon ("Soldier's", "Zonaite", "Gerudo", etc) have its own unique properties. This is very cool, until you find a type you like and struggle to find enough of them. Again, you have to trek around to find them and also hope you have the materials for a good fusion. It has its moments, like sticking a Silver Lynel horn on a Gerudo weapon to get a damage value over 100 (which is absurd, most "good" weapons cap out around 50 on average, barring any extra effects), but again, you're usually operating at a slight loss with respect to weapons.
Armour Upgrades To be frank: It's bad. It's bloated and way too resource-intensive. In BotW there were a limited number of sets you'd actually want to upgrade, as each had its own unique thing and that's it, there's one of each. Even doing all of them for completion's sake was achievable. In TotK they have those basic sets, plus a few more unique sets, plus a few redundant sets, and a frankly absurd number of generic aesthetic sets (which flavour of Link would you like? Ocarina of Time? Twilight Princess? Link's Awakenng Remake?) And in all of this they never thought to rebalance the amount of materials required for upgrading.
And on top of THAT, I think they messed with the item drop-rates too! Most enemies can drop 2 kinds of resources, some potentially have more, some only drop 1. in BotW I don't think (thought I may have to check) each type was a guaranteed drop, but you saw every type fairly frequently. In TotK each enemy now has distinct rare drops. And they can be RARE. And the worst part is you need a LOT of them for some armour upgrades. For example; Lizalfos tails are the Lizalfos rare drop, and the armour sets that need them can need up to 15 of the stupid things from a particular species of Lizalfos. Have fun grinding, because now you're playing Monster Hunter instead of Zelda.
Vehicles and Horses The vehicles both did and didn't trivialize crossing the map; a significant amount of grinding is needed before you have enough batteries to cover any distance, Wings (the bird-shaped gliders) have a limited lifespan to keep you from just flying everywhere, and the overworld is generally complicated enough that any fast wheeled vehicle will not be useful for long, and any all-terrain vehicle moves only at a modest speed. Ironically, just use horses where available. They're faster, more versatile, and can be called to you if they're within earshot. Also horses can spawn with overall higher stats than in BotW, and can be upgraded, though with significant resource investment. (It is worth noting that the "best" horse in base BotW, the royal white horse, is only middling to above-average stat-wise when compared to a good wild-caught horse in TotK. They power-crept the horses!)
The most interesting vehicles/movement devices, to me, were the rockets and hot-air balloons. Both add a lot instant verticality in a game that is all about traversal. Fusing a rocket to a shield gets you a huge boost for little resource expenditure (rockets are a bit rare until you can purchase devices). And once you find the Autobuild schematic for a hot air balloon base, all you need to add is a flame-emitter and you can ascend as far as your batteries allow.
Shrines In my humble opinion, TotK knocked it out of the park with its shrines. The ones that have actual puzzles, anyway. There is an unfortunately large proportion of "blessing" shrines that have no puzzle in them, and not all of them even need to be worked for that hard. The ones that do have puzzles are excellent. There are quite a few that highlight different uses for devices, and a good handful that take the Eventide Island/Master Trials-style challenge of stripping you of all your gear and put some twist on it. (Notably these are most interesting in the mid-game, when you have enough hearts to survive but not to trivialize the no-armour combat difficulty.)
They also did the very classy thing of not locking outfit parts behind hidden chests in Shrines. All the hidden chests were perfectly optional bonus chests that required no frustrating re-visits after finding out where that last piece of armour was hiding. Also the slight variations on the music theme was a nice touch that kept the shrines feeling fresh. No shade to the Sheikah Shrine theme, but the strong synths could get a bit grating at times. TotK's gentle, plinky shrine theme variations were an improvement.
The Map The Overworld Probably(?) the most common complaint about TotK and one I share. It's too damn big. In addition to mostly recycling the map from BotW (which bothered some people more than it bothered me, I think), they added an equivalent-sized map for the Depths. Now, BotW's overworld already felt a bit sparse, but it fit the tone of a literal post-apocalyptic world and encouraged you to poke around looking for koroks and investigating enemy camps. TotK's surface overworld is dotted with far more enemy camps and significantly fewer koroks, so it is about as dense but more dangerous/annoying (depending on your hp and gear) to traverse.
There are some major changes to the surface, beyond adding ruins to some spots; most of Death mountain is now safe to travel on foot (probably to encourage use of vehicles) and is no longer superheated, and there are a few spots where the road network is broken, dividing the map into 2 halves that cannot be crossed between on horseback. (In BotW, by comparison, all the roads were connected and you could auto-pilot a horse from one end of the map to the other, provided you took roads marked on the map.)
The Sky The Sky islands were relatively few, for all the hype they got in the promotional material. However I think their self-contained structure and handful of unique features (the "death star" islands, the dive challenges) helped them not overstay their welcome. Besides, the islands themselves are technically also ruins, 10,000 years old and finally visible to the naked eye from the surface, It's a wonder there's as much left and it's as functional as it is. They are beautiful, though. I did enjoy just loitering around in the sky to take in the view and the relaxed atmosphere, as there are fewer enemies up there.
The Depths The Depths... I think I share the majority gripe with the Depths. They're too big. The Depths are another whole open world that is more hostile with even less in it. It exists to grind for resources and pad the playtime. The challenge of the depths is in initially traversing it, having to light your way through impenetrable darkness and navigate dense enemy encampments and find Light Roots to fill out the map. After that, provided you have enough battery power, it can generally be ignored by flying over it. Which is unfortunate. If I were to fix the Depths, I would make it more akin to the Sky Islands; more self-contained, make it a series of winding, interconnected discrete caves, like one big dungeon crawl, rather than a second open world to ignore. Still have the Light Roots be important to vision and mapping, but have the general landscape be more contained. Maybe even have a few more areas that are inaccessible at first except by dropping into the correct chasms, like they did with the Eventide Island and Tingle Island Chain areas of the Depths.
Everything Else Side Quests and Koroks Honestly I enjoyed the variety of sidequests in TotK, and also enjoyed that some of them were quite involved. TotK had two "Tarrey Town"-equivalent long-form side-quest lines; one being visiting all the stables with Penn (I am counting this as one quest because you get drip-fed armour pieces from a unique set throughout it), and the other being the Mayoral Election / Local Cuisine questline in Hateno Village. There were also side-quests to optionally construct the Champions' weapons, which was neat, and to build a house with crazy Ultrahand powers, which was totally frivolous but fun to do. The one thing that bugged me a bit about the side-quests was running into NPCs that reasonably should have remembered Link but didn't. It felt odd, especially poking around Tarrey Town initially.
The Korok puzzles had some new variety to them, which was nice. The block puzzles were given the extra interest of being able to rotate things with Ultrahand, and the vehicle/towing mechanics were given a chance to shine with the "help me reach my friend" puzzles. Having Hestu appear in some less-than-ideal places to begin with (and the whole Lost Woods thing omg what a pain) kind of sucked, but getting those sweet sweet inventory upgrades is always worth it.
The Characters I love all the Sages, I'm going to say it right now. It was really cool to see some familiar faces from BotW (that actually recognized me) and learn what they'd been up to in the ambiguous time-gap. Teba being the slight exception but honestly - meeting Tulin and realizing this sweet bean bird boy looks just like both his parents hit me right in the heart. Mineru was also very cool and I'm glad we got to hang out with her (and bid her a tearful goodbye... my lovely lanky lady...). I also appreciated that doing the Ancient Writings quest teases Mineru's introduction. That was a nice touch.
Penn and Purah are fun, and the Lucky Clover Gazette and Monster Control Crew quests add some depth and background progression to BotW's Hyrule. You get to see how ordinary people are faring and how things are advancing post-Calamity. Seeing the various peoples of Hyrule gather at Lookout Landing after clearing a regional temple was neat, even if it was really only for show.
I know some people have beef with Rauru and that's maybe a blog for another time, but I don't think I have a strong enough opinion to bother. I didn't mind him, I think his arc was clear enough, I think I would have liked to see more of him and Sonia interacting with Zelda in a more everyday fashion - it seemed like she had a lot of fun in the distant past and something more than just a text log of that and a couple cutscenes might have been nice. Honestly I think I would have liked to see more of Sonia especially, she seems like an interesting lady (again, something more than Chaucerian text as proof would have been nice).
I'm honestly kind of mid on Matt Mercer's Ganondorf? I get that he's a big name and people were excited to hear him in the role but idk if the voice was entirely a good fit. They rocked the hell out of his visual design, though. Very good updated look, borrowing elements from some of his previous incarnations. Again I would have liked to see more elaboration on him though; what was the Gerudo tribe like under his rule? Were there dissenters? Give me more worldbuilding or I'll be forced to do it myself.
Music Mostly the same, actually. Overworld themes were recycled. Shrine themes were different and an upgrade imo. Combat themes were slightly different but I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart at a listen. The Temple music though, oh boy. I loved these themes; they took the ramping instruments from the Divine Beasts control panel gimmick and mixed the Divine Beast Approach themes with each Sage's unique motif to create some really cool but pleasantly unobtrusive tracks. The Depths ambience was appropriately spooky, and the dynamic theme that kicks in when you high-dive was a nice touch, especially since there are distinct versions for diving to the surface and diving to the Depths.
But the standout tracks for me? First, the intro sequence where you descend with Zelda into the foundations of Hyrule Castle and hear the ever-layering Zonai chanting with the spooky reversed voice clips? MMM. 👌 So spooky, so tasty. Genuinely had me on edge even though I knew nothing would happen because it was the intro. The return sequence by the endgame has it build even more intensely as you descend even further and it's fantastic. Second is the Gloom's Approach / Gloom's Source battle theme. The distinctly electronic drone and beat associated with the Depths/gloom-related stuff gets room to shine when this tense bass-heavy track kicks in.
The Little Things I am actually going to stop this one here because I think this part deserves its own blog. There are a ton of little details in TotK that I absolutely adored and I want to gush about them with proper space allotted.
TL;DR TotK is alright. I know I'll catch flak for saying it's "good", so I won't. Settle down. It's alright. Some things it does extremely well, some things could have been edited for time, and some things remained just kinda mid from the original.
If I have to give it a number, it's a solid 6.5-7/10 . Competently constructed, technically impressive, mostly cut-and-pasted, mildly bloated, narratively kind of boring with no sense of stakes and an ending that undoes some otherwise interesting choices.
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ellabellabugz · 2 years
Danny couldn’t help but hold back a cackle. 
Tucker had insisted he come into this random manor and place a whole bunch of pranks on the rich man who lived there. It wasn’t even Vlad. Apparently, his entire group now had a thing against billionaires. That was okay tho.
Billionaires sucked anyway.
He couldn’t help but smirk at the giant portrait of the man, with black hair, and blue eyes. And a freshly drawn mustache as well as an eyeglass. Gotta make the rich dude look more prim and proper. 
Grinning as he floated back, taking in a better view of his masterpiece. Danny did wish he brought some other colors, but hey he only had the sharpie on him. 
Time to share his masterpiece. He smirked as he pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of it and sending it to the group text.
Themasterpiece: UndeadKing
Nothing like making a rich man look the part: UndeadKing
GothGirl101: … Danny. 
GothGirl101: You do know who that is right?
Uhh. Some rich dude:UndeadKing
TechGenuis: Not justany rich dude! 
GothGirl101: That’s Bruce Wayne
TechyGenuis: HA It is! Oh man, he’s gonna flip when he sees it.
 You mean if he sees it, Bruce Wayne is kind of ditzy. : UndeadKing
 I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t even notice: UndeadKing
GothGirl101: And if he does?
TechyGenuis: Don’t worry about it Danny will be out there before he even gets home.
TechyGenuis: What’s next on the prank list
Rearranging the fruinitreu ever so slightly: UndeadKing
That way they’ll keep on running into the corners: UndeadKing
Mwhahahaah: UndeadKing
Gotta be somewhere well used: UndeadKing
GothGirl101: Like the living room?
Danny couldn’t help but smirk as he slipped his phone back into his pocket along with the marker. It shouldn’t be that hard to find the living room. Or the kitchen. A living room would be the better option. 
Danny moved down the hallways, smirking as he saw the round decorative table in the middle of the wall. Easily sliding it over an inch from the normal place. A wicked grin appeared on his face.
He continued downwards, phasing through a wall. His grin grew. 
Change of plans: UndeadKing
I found the kitchen: UndeadKing
TechyGenuis: OhthisisognnabesoooGOOD!
GothGirl101: Spaces exist for a reason Tucker.
TechyGenuis: Yeah to beignored
Danny shook his head setting down his phone as pulled out his screwdriver.
He would have to stick around to watch the chaos unfold. How can he turn down an opportunity to watch this?! Oh, he had so many plans. Time to mess with the bathrooms.
Tim slipped past Alfred heading towards the cupboards. “I’m sorry, but I really need some coffee right now. The cases are starting to stack up-”
His words cut off as the cupboard dropped out from under his hand, eyes wide as he looked around the kitchen watching as a chain reaction started. Cupboards fell from the wall and crashed to the floor.
“What the-” 
“Tim, what the hell did you do?” Tim glanced upwards, eyes widened as an angry Jason came storming in. His face was stained blue. “What happened in here?”
“I didn’t do anything. Somebody rigged the cupboards to stop me from getting coffee.”
“Not everything is about you Tim.” Jason growled taking a step forward.
“Yeah but apparently if something bad happens it’s my fault.”
“You rigged the bathroom door to explode blue on the person who opens it!”
“I did not! We aren’t currently doing a pranking way. I had no reason to prank the bathroom!”
“Someone did! The bathroom is sacred, a prank-free area.”
They both went silent.
“He shoots! He scores! And the crowd goes wild!” Dick cheered as his ball landed in the hoop. “Woo!” 
A creak pulled him out of his celebration as he turned back around, watching as the basketball hoop seemed to fall apart before his eyes. “What?!
“Dickkkkk” He turned to stare as two of his brothers came marching towards him, anger evident on their faces. 
“It was like this when I found it!” Dick quickly declared, before squinting at Jason. “What happened to your face.” 
“You did!”
“I didn’t do anything to make it blue, maybe some pointers about better care, but never blue.”
“Then who did?!” 
A small explosion sounded within the house and the three brothers went running, following the sound they reached the stairs, eyes widening at the elephant toothpaste rolling down the stairs, as Damian stood on top of a desk cursing. The foam-like liquid covered the kid as he glared down at them.
“Drake!” The murder was evident in his voice. 
“Damian?” They all glanced up, staring as Bruce raced into the room slipping on the toothpaste and skidding across the floor. He looked up at the boys, disappointment across his face. “What did you do?”
Bruce sighed as he sat down, his seat creaking and breaking under the weight. He stood up before he would tumble to the ground. “So you expect me to believe, none of you guys did this?” He asked going to move around his desk, only to hit his side on the corner.
“We didn’t it!” Everyone besides Jason
“I didn’t but I wouldn’t put it past them” Jason spoke, earning an elbow to the gut from Dick. He wheezed, coughing slightly as he tried to find his breath. “But I wouldn’t put it past them” He coughed watching as Bruce sighed
“If you didn’t do it, then who did?”
“I did.” The voice was echoing and eerie followed by a laugh as the shadows contorted within a corner. Slowly revealing a
A child.
With snow-white hair and glowing green eyes, floating in the corner.
He laughed. “And you should have seen your faces!”
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habitual-creatures · 5 days
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I stole borrowed an absolute ANCIENT biology book from my dad lmao, too bad it’s in French tho :(
What in the fuck-
Where did your dad even get that?
ps. According to google translate lens. This is what it's garnered:
to establish for the form are also numerous for the volume. The latter can vary in quite large proportions, and, while we find very many nodules on the same subject, they do not generally exceed the volume of a pinhead or a grain of hemp. When, on the contrary, they are isolated, they can reach the volume of a hazelnut, be very apparent under the skin; but it is very rare that they reach these proportions. The most frequent cases are those where the encounter of the dimension of a grain of wheat.
on Number. It is essentially laughable; often we have found only two or three on each leg of the subject examined; sometimes, but more rarely, we have found only one; other times, it was a veritable colony of very small grains rolling under the finger like grains of lead. Chemical composition. From a chemical point of view, these nodules all contain carbonate of lime. In some of them, the presence of calcareous phosphate is beyond doubt. Hydrochloric acid, when poured on one of these pulverized nodules, causes a lively effervescence. A solution is then obtained
true, we have by dense fubrous, lamellae, isolated spaces, flat- tis, oblong, bone lacunae or osteoplasts, which, extended with water and treated with ammonium oxalate, gives a precipitate of lime oxalate. This same liquid, treated with ammonium sulphate, gnesis and ammonia, gives a white gelatinous precipitate of ammonium-magnesium phosphate. Histological characteristics. All the nodules that we submitted to microscopic examination remained for about 60 hours in one-third formic acid, to be decalcified and then immersed in 90º alcohol for 24 hours. The sections that were made on these nodules were always perpendicular to their major axis, because their shape is more often elongated or oval than round.
business anastomosed between them by canaliculi which put them in communication. This preparation of ossified nodules gives rise to many disappointments. Indeed, depending on the degree of hardening of the nodules, the shell which surrounds them is more or less eburned. Now, formic acid acts slowly in decalcification when the bone is eburned, so that after three days this shell is still very hard and sometimes chips the razor. On the other hand, very often this shell does not completely surround the nodule, and formic acid, penetrating easily inside, destroys almost the entire central part and especially what is adipose. It is understandable that it was difficult to have the appearance of the shell and the cavity of the nodule on the same preparation: it was only after numerous failures that we were able to note the drawing of a section of these bone nodules, an absolutely typical drawing, and which, showing fatty vesicles in the center, leaves no doubt as to the origin of these nodules (figure 1).
Fig. 4. Third stage of calcification.
All around we see a large cortical layer, entirely eburnated and stratified with scattered and rather rare bony corpuscles. In all this compact substance we see no trace of vessels. What is striking is the concentric arrangement of the lamellae and the irregularly distributed corpuscles. In the center, we see a rounded and sinuous cavity, containing fatty vesicles with walls thickened by a calcareous deposit. In other cases, the nodules are not due
In real bone we were able to follow, so to speak, the phases of development and calcareous transformation. We make a detailed historical description of it, in order to clearly show the process of this transformation.
Have fun with that hell segment. I don't even know if it's right.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 1 year
As I said anime
Also maybe some slight spoilers for the two anime I'm about to talk about sorry
I finally got round to watching sailor moon
I mean I did star it like errrr half a year ago but I only watched 5 episodes cos I wasn't in an anime nor a magical girl phase, but now I am and here we are on episode 20
Okay first things first it's, so far, a 7/10. It's aged pretty damn well all things considered and I'm having a lot of fun with it and my brains gone "wouldn't it be fun to draw your dnd party in sailor moon style"
I listened to my brain idk why. I'm like decent at drawing but this is errr a bit too far above my skill and attention span level but here we are. Illve literally set everything up now so woo
Anyway getting back on track
So I started watching cardcaptor sakura back in errrrr Fuck 2020, damn it's been a while. Anyway I chose that one over sailor moon initially because my friend, who really gets my tastes and raised me to be the big anime fan I am, preferred this one so I thought "hell why not it's shorter than sailor moon"
These too massive influences on the magical girl genre as a whole are really interesting to compare and contrast to another. Sailor moon, being the bigger phenomenon that it was obviously had a bigger influence on the genre as a whole than cardcaptor but you can ignore what sakura put into the genre
And so like you'd ask "well skelly which do you prefer"
Both do things that I really like and don't like
Pros of cardcaptor sakura:
• her power scaling compatency is really well highlighted by collecting the crow card
• the crow cards are useful from the minute she collects them and I really enjoy seeing her use them in different
• the fact that her magical girl outfit is different each episode and are made by her friend (they're related but I don't know the name of the relationship cos it's her mother's cousins daughter)
• the fact that clamp are insane JoJo fans (okay but like legit tho it's one of the reasons I started watching cardcaptor cos cos cos JoJo part 3)
• her and her magical rival both having a crush on her brother's best friendisy adorable (they're like 12 while the brother (16) 's friend is 15 and obviously is just being nice to his friends family and family friends) [I know the end results if the relationships so it's fine]
• it's does a really good job of balancing one magical girl
Pros I'd sailor moon:
• usagi feels 14. Like she feels like a 14 year old in the 90s. Shes the most a magical girl protagonist has felt their age
• the astetic if sailor moon is just too notch
• most of the filler episodes feel good and not wasted time
• well passed and not excessive magical girl transformations
• villains (these don't exist in cardcaptor per say)
• the author is married to the author of Hunter X Hunter and they couldn't be more night and day in terms of style
• the three sailor soldiers (so far) balance out really well with each other
• their powers don't all just do damage. Mercury has a mist bomb essentially. Mars has a fire gun that damages and sailor moon has seems to bind/trap/ kill the opponent which is really cool
However, there are certain things that each one does that I'm just like whyyyyyy. Since sailor moons 'offences' are ones that are mainly yet to come and could turn out to be okay I'll start there first
Cons of sailor moon:
• chibi moon. This child hasn't and won't turn up till episode 14 of season 2 but I already don't like her. I don't like child characters with powers in magical girl anime let alone considering her relationship to the other characters. They might do her well but I'm very much expecting her to be my least favourite
• usagi is 14 and tuxedo mask is 18 when they first meet. Granted usagi is the only one who has feelings for the other perosna at the minute but since I'm like 99% sure of where this relationship goes it's so weird in heinseight
• (okay this is the weirdest one but) so far... It's had the straightest vibes. Know I know what your thinking "But but it's so gay" and I know I'm desperate to see Neptune and Uranus (totally not mad that they get introduced after chibi moon but what ever) and that the filler has some good shopping potential but like both mars and usagi are so man hungry at the moment. Granted usagi did describe mars in a very sapphic way when they first met all with a blush on her face which I definitely appreciated but since then they're just both been fighting over tuxedo mask and other men. Mercury is my saving grace cos at the minute she just don't care, giving real ace aro vibes which I like
Cardcaptor sakura cons:
• I only really have one of these so far
• and it's a doozy
• technically it's two/three but it all falls under the same issue
• student teacher relationships. Sakuras mother was 16 when she met her husband to be... Who was her teacher.... This broke me when I first found this out. And this isn't great. Entirely not aged well. However is the show had played this off as normal maybe I could let it go. Oh what's that. Sakuras mother's family fucking hate the dad's guts for it. Oh oh so your telling me they tried to so everything in their power to get her to not marry him and they did it anyway and it's shown as a whole love conquers all thing. Okay errr let me just throw up for a bit. Oh oh oh what's this there's a new female teach. Mmh okay sakuras smitten but Li gets uncomfortable around her. Oh sakuras brother knows her. She was previously his teacher. He's also having a wired reaction to her being back. Eh what's this HIS WEIRD REACTION IS COS THEY USE TO DATE WHILE AHE WAS HIS TEACHER WHEN HE WAS 14 AND HIS FATHER WAS OKAY WITH THIS AND HE DOSNT LIKE HER COS SHE BROKE IS HEART NOT THAT YOU KNWO THIS IS A FULLY GROWN ADULT DATING YOUR 14 YEAR OLD SON OH WHAT YOU WOULD CARE COS YOU DID THE SAME THING.
• there's another relationship that's like this but that I ky exists in the manga so imma ignore it cos I don't think I can take much more if it... This time the child is 12... I think this show wants to kill me
• after I found this out it's taken me ages to pick up the show again and whenever I do I just can't shake the uncomfortable feeling
So yea
Both shows have their ups and downs to say the least
And I can't really form a verdic till I finish cardcaptor sakura, clear card, and all of sailor moon
Bruh I finally remembered the point of this post
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voidendron · 2 years
tagged by @vespertine-legacy for a Get to Know the Blogger - thanks, November! :D
1. why did you choose your url?
okay, so there's actually a bit of story behind it so this answer's gonna be long.
I was a roleplayer...god. years ago (6? ish years ago?), for the Transformers fandom, and because of the character I played, I got called "Blitz" and the nickname just kinda stuck, even after I left that fandom. before I'd realized I was trans, my username had "Queen" in it, and I had a separate account for RPing as that character. well, I had both accounts logged into the chat at the same time once cause I'd been chatting on my main, then decided to hop onto the RP one and forgot to disconnect my main (DeviantArt Chat, haha), someone didn't know which one to tag to get my attention, so just caps-locked BLITZQUEEN at me
it didn't take long for me to change my user to that. I eventually drifted away from that fandom, but I decided to name my mascot Blitz for the nostalgia
I started to get uncomfortable with my user, realized I was trans, and started looking for alternatives to the "queen" part of it. I came across the word "indite" which is a synonym for "write." I liked how symmetrical the I's were from each other in "Blitzindite," so decided to roll with it
so yes. my username is literally just "Blitz Writes" (it's also why my writing tag is "blitz indites")
2. any sideblogs?
@thevehszlegacy - where I keep track of my SWTOR OCs. needs updated, but soooo nice to have for sorting reasons
@swtor--screenshots - haven't posted there in a long while, but as the username says
@fr-thecollectors - my Flight Rising blog. currently in an inactive phase on FR, but I still adore my dragons there
@jse--deep-blue-sea - I had a crossover fic from my previous fandom that I stopped writing like two years ago, but decided to try and at least finish it now (mostly bc of the Subnautica part of the crossover). I only post chapters there so I can keep this blog to Star Wars content
I've got a few others I don't really touch anymore, but these are the notable ones
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
4. why did you originally start your blog?
JSE and Markiplier Egos
5. why did you choose your icon?
my current one is my SWTOR main, but I usually have a gas mask one because my mascot has one in place of his face
6. why did you choose your header?
but I just really really love that screenshot. one of my favorites I've ever taken
7. what's your post with the most notes?
art from my previous fandom. not gonna link it because of eyestrain (glitching effects) and blood/gore. in this fandom, my post about being able to use headpieces (even the toothpick!!!!) to hide Vette's shock collar in vanilla
8. how many mutuals do you have?
is there even a way to check that?
9. how many followers do you have?
10. how many blogs do you follow?
11. have you ever made a shitpost?
yeeee. my followers are probably tired of my dumb posts tbh aksjld;sldk
12. how many times do you use tumblr a day?
If I'm on my laptop, I have it open. so I'll just say "quite a bit" and leave it at that
13. have you ever fought another blog?
14. how do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
can't stand them. the moment I see "everyone should reblog this" "if you don't reblog-" blah blah blah I scroll past whether I liked/agreed with the post or not, oftentimes without even reading the rest of the post.
15. do you like tag games?
sure! makes me nervous tagging others for them, tho
16. do you like ask games?
yessss I love ask games. haven't been doing em much lately, tho. I should get back into them.....
17. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I...don't actually know. but I know some of them are more fandom-famous
18. do you have a crush on a mutual?
tagging: @thedinalixlegacy @raven-of-domain-kwaad and whoever else wants to do it! like I said, tagging others makes me nervous 😅
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
can i get an interpretation for my main three tho 👉👈 (scorpio sun cancer moon pisces rising) i love ur blog soo much btw
Hello lovely @ayabrat !!! Here’s my interpretation of your Big 3!!🤍
Please read the newly added Rules regarding “Asks” here before reading this interpretation.
Scorpio Sun:
Okay WOW. I love how you have a fixed sun, cardinal moon and a mutable rising! Best of all three worlds!! I see a lot of intensity, but in cuteness?!? Like OMG YOU ARE SO CUTE🥺🥰!!!. And I sense that you are definitely surrounded by fire signs in your life! Confirm it for me? I just feel like, if you do, they definitely influence this beautiful energy that you radiate. To you, your individuality and originality is very important. You may not mingle with everyone but when you do, it’s fun! Cunning under all of that cuteness 😏. Not everyone mentions this enough but Scorpio suns live life the way they see fit. Your passions are kept under wraps unless you see someone fit enough to open up to about them. You’re practically married to whatever you love doing and you’re so okay with that. You’re grounded and there’s no way somebody’s going to tell you otherwise. In this sense, your fixed energy jumps out for sure!😌 Do you blush and make others blush a lot?😏 confirm it for me please!
Cancer Moon:
Oh how I wish I had this placement as a selenophile myself!🥰 You may not realise it but Cancer moons fluctuate in their moods so much because they’re in tune with the phases of moon. Observe your emotions during the full, half and new moon! You’ll find out a lot about yourself. Now I know that it’s hard to see a loved one suffer when they do but you have to remember that not everyone who’s in pain needs nurturing okay? Tell me, have you been nurturing and showing yourself the same amount of love? Have you? I sense a few emotional wounds here and there and I recommend that you soon do something about it. Let the dark moon come out for once and play, she won’t bite. She isn’t evil, she simply needs love and affection like anyone who’s hurt. Something tells me you need to do shadow work soon. Your transformative Pluto (Scorpio sun) and Cancer Moon want you to look deeper into yourself. These two placements are really pushing for it. There’s a side to you that suffers everything quietly no matter how bad it hurts and it’s not okay. This type of behaviour is often seen in Scorpio sun and cancer moon combination. You love your friends so deeply, I see it clearly. Do you keep a journal? Confirm it for me? If you don’t, start soon. I know trusting maybe more than one person seems so scary. So a few pages and a pen can be your best friend.
Pisces Rising:
You see, being a mutable rising sign isn’t so easy. I believe that mutable signs are much more Stubborn and fixed in nature than the actual fixed signs of the zodiac. Why? Simply because you guys hate the change. You guys end up feeling like something has been taken away from you all the time. It’s unfair. I mean come on, the word ‘mutable’ is literally related to ‘mutation/mutate’. No wonder all the anger, rage and sensitivity. You don’t get to peacefully feel your own emotions because you automatically soak up someone else’s because of the empathy you’ve been gifted. But it’s nothing you can’t control with a lil time to yourself in isolation. In this case, your Pluto (Scorpio) sun will help your Neptune (Pisces) rising heavily. Being isolated and learning things about your spiritual beliefs in what this combination will bring to you. Also, trust yourself. Your intuition is actually stronger than you believe it to be. I see a huge interest in the occult. And my oh my, not only are you cute but you might just be a person of many people’s dreams you know. Neptune surely did it’s magic there. I don’t know what it is, but the image of a beautiful warrior keeps coming to my mind. You are so brave, emotionally. No matter how people might perceive you, you know who and what you are.😤💖.
I hope that this interpretation resonated with you and that you enjoyed reading it 🥺💜! Leave me your feedback through the comments!!
Love, Roy.
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Mother's day
It was mother's day in Chaldea and like with many other holidays things got just a bit more lively then normal. Most servants weren't able to properly celebrate, being either children without their mothers or mothers without their children but some made do.
Jack insisted on a gift for master, even tho he wasn't a fan of the "mama" label. Raikou expected gifts from her children aswell, Kintoki was willing tho he found it a bit embarrassing, but Rex never saw her as a mother so he didn't bother at first, only giving in to prevent her from crying.
But an interesting question was raised.
Rex: mi corazon, do you think your mother will expect something for mother's day?
Quetz: I don't see why she would! It wasn't really a thing back in our day and she's not likely to gain any of that info so I think I'm fine.
*knock knock*
Rex: quién es?
BB: it's the amazing BB!
Quetz: qué quieres?
BB: got a message for ya Quetzy!
Quetz opens the door, seeing the chaotic AI holding what looks to be cloth.
Rex: a message in cloth?
Quetz: lemme see
BB hands it to her, the cloth had many characters on it. It looked to be the characters used by the aztecs back in the day.
Quetz: ...aye...
BB: don't like what you read?
Quetz: as soon as I mention it!
Rex: ...is it from your mom?
Quetz: ...no, it's from Coyolxauhqui, but she says mamá is expecting mother's day gifts now!
BB: wow! Isn't that interesting?
Quetz: how'd she send this to you BB?
BB: not sure! Popped into one of my tentacles and I could tell it had to be for you, since no one else can read those characters!
Rex: hey I'm trying!
Quetz: *sigh* what in Xibalba do I even get her?!
Rex: ...some food? Maize?
Quetz: she has plenty of that!
BB: my you two have seem to have found yourselves in a pickle! At least you're trying tho! None of my dear children even consider getting me anything!
Rex: gee! I wonder why!?
BB gave him a stink eye before continuing.
BB: anyways! I'd love to stay, but I've got chaos to sew! Seeya!
And with that the AI leaves
Quetz: aye... what could I even get her?
Rex: hmmm... maybe some modern chocolate or something? I can only think of food at the moment...
Quetz: you need some food then.
The two left for the cafeteria to eat and brainstorm.
Rex: what does your mom like?
Quetz: ...sacrifices...
Rex: mmmm! Anything else?
Quetz: she's a very violent woman mi amor... most things she'd like aren't much of an option.
Rex: well fuck!
As the two go on, Ehecatl comes running in, accidentally bumping into Rex.
Rex: woah there!
Quetz: ehe? Are you ok?
Ehe, nervously: m-m-m-m-ma-ma-ma
Rex: ehe! Speak clearly!
Ehe, clears her throat: Coatlicue is here!!
Quetz and Rex: Que!?
Then a rumbling is felt, turning the corner of the hall came a large being.
The being was tall, and vaguely humaneque in appearance. Instead of a human head, there were two huge snakes, a skirt made of snakes adorned her lower body, her hands and feet had huge claws to rip apart flesh, the only thing covering her chest was a large necklace with human hearts and hands going along it, with a human skull at the center.
Coatlicue: H̸̡̧̡̺̩̗̬͉͈̖͔̲̠̣̼̠̗̪͎͛̀͌̋͊̊͛̈̓̈́̏͝o̸̧̨̨̢̧̥̣̥͕̩̺̦̲̼̜̳̮͇̫͑̀̃̃̾̑̄̅͌̍̏̈̊̒̐́͘̚ͅl̴̺̬̗̻̫͖̜̪̲͓̲͕̒̃̓̈̈͗́̂̽̆͜͜͜͝ą̷̛̫͍͔̹͕͙̤̺̣̜̎͂̇̓͋͆͗͌̀́̒̃́͑̕̕͠ ̴̯̩̩̥̪͚͎̤͆̀̈́̎̽̐͛͆̀͑͗͊̄͗͐͘̕̕͠ͅm̷̧̡̛͉̼̫̳̜̮̰̱̬̯̿͋͋̉͊͑̌͑̑͂͜i̸̩̒̇͆̎͗̍̀̀̇͂̋͂͘͝j̵̛͎͕̱̣͍͉̯̤̙̪̹̪̫̤̞̜̀̽̽̽̎͂̎͂̏̕͜ͅą̷͙̖̦̫̯͈̖̙̱̟̩͍̯̪̳͔̦͈͈̼̄͑̓͒
While Ehecatl clung onto Rex in fear, both Rex and Quetz were just annoyed. They were already used to seeing nightmarish beings ever since coming here, so this wasn't new.
Quetz: mamá, can you not with that look?
Coatlicue: ...? *sigh*
Then the large being transformed into a much more normal human appearance. An older looking woman, with a much more normal looking outfit, tho you could see a resemblance to what she looked like before. Snake motif on her skirt, and much simpler necklace with a small decorative skull, and what looked to be stitches on her neck.
Quetz: mamá, what are you doing here?
Coatlicue: what, I can't visit my daughter and her husband every once in a while?
Quetz: not without warning.
Coatlicue: well, ever since I heard about this mother's day thing I wanted to feel appreciated! And I thought it'd be nice to spend the day with you since I don't see you often anymore.
Quetz: mamá that's nice but you need to tell us ahead of time, you scared dear Ehe here.
Coatlicue: she shouldn't be scared! She's seen me plenty of times!
Quetz: no she hasn't. She mostly stayed in my place in the heavens, and rarely left.
Rex: so... is she just gonna stay for the day?
Quetz: looks like it.
Coatlicue: it's nice to see you again Rex!
Rex: good to see you too Mrs. Coatlicue...
Coatlicue, to Quetz: has he been treating you well?
Quetz: of course! I've never been happier then with him!
Coatlicue: that's so good to hear! It's good that even if it took so long you managed to be happy with marriage!
After some time the group was in the cafeteria.
Coatlicue: wow, is it always so lively?
Quetz: not really. Things got more hectic with mother's day.
Coatlicue: are there many other mothers here?
Quetz: si! Tho most are without the children they had.
Coatlicue: how unfortunate! Can your husband not summon them?
Rex: it's not that simple...
Quetz: there's very little control in it all...
Coatlicue: he seemed to be able to summon you with plenty of ease.
Quetz: I'm the exception mamá.
Coatlicue: well that's unfortunate. Speaking of mothers, do you plan on becoming one any time soon Mija?
The question caused Ehecatl spit out her dirnk.
Ehe: *cough cough* isn't it a bit soon to talk about that!?
Quetz: actually we were thinking it over.
Ehe: Que!?
Rex: you need to relax.
Quetz: Ehe, you shouldn't be so surprised. I've talked to you about the idea in the past.
Ehe: it's still so soon! Have you even been married a year yet?!
Rex: no... but we don't plan to actually do anything just yet. Just talking.
Coatlicue: I'd love to see what precious children you two make!
Quetz: ehehehe, let's table this topic for now.
Ehe: yes! Please!
Coatlicue: so what have you been up to since we last saw each other?
Quetz: well... some interesting things have happened since...
Rex: she got to be Santa for Christmas.
Coatlicue: really?! Didn't the people of Mexico try that back in the 30's?
Quetz: si... didn't work out...
Coatlicue: but did it work out better this time?
Quetz: better is... debatable...
Rex: I think you were great mi corazon! If I could I'd have you be Santa every year!
Quetz, blushing: ehehehe, mi amor...
Ehe: the outfit leaves much to be desired tho...
Coatlicue: what's wrong with it?
Quetz: well... I misheard the whole Santa thing and thought they said Samba so...
Coatlicue: seriously!? Mija how do you make that kind of mistake?
Quetz: she wasn't clear! And besides they're basically the same since both bring happiness to others!
Rex: yeah! Mistake or no, she was the best Santa!
Quetz then proceeded to hug Rex, happy with all the support he showed.
Quetz: gracias mi amor!
Rex: anything for you!
Coatlicue: aside from that... anything else of note?
Quetz: ...well I also got to be a superhero.
Coatlicue: ...que?
Rex: well... a superhero is basically someone with extraordinary powers and uses them to protect others!
Coatlicue: hmmm... then weren't you already one mija?
Quetz: well superheros also usually have a bombastic costume to go along with it!
Ehe: wasn't it also your swimsuit?
Quetz: kinda, I had a normal red one but at the same time I also had the costume on me!
Coatlicue: you've been dressing up interesting outfits lately huh?
Quetz: si... things get very interesting in Chaldea.
Rex: whenever we're not dealing with a lostbelt it's usually something far more ludicrous then normal.
Coatlicue: no wonder some of these servants look so ridiculous... I just thought that's how it was outside of Central America.
Rex: ...sometimes that's still the case.
Quetz: it does take some getting used to... but I've been here so long nothing phases me anymore.
Ehe: how anyone can get used to this is beyond me.
Rex: it's all about how long you've spent here...
After some time Coatlicue got to look into Rex and Quetz's room, despite protests from Quetz.
Coatlicue: good size... nice and clean... but a little bare...
Coatlicue: I didn't expect you to be so relaxed in your room mija.
Rex: we don't do a whole lot here... just cuddle and lay in bed together.
Coatlicue: that's good at least, I'm happy your husband's been able to accommodate for you here.
Quetz: well I have other rooms for fun and such. A gym, a rec room, and so on.
Rex: Quetz is my sun and I'd do anything for her happiness!
Quetz: ehehehehe! Mi amor, you're making me blush!
The two embraced again as they talked.
After more time spent with Coatlicue, it was eventually time for her to go.
Coatlicue: I had a really good time mija! I'm so proud of the relationship you've found yourself in!
Quetz: gracias mamá!
And then she went back to the heavens, leaving the couple once again.
Rex: she's surprisingly nice all things considered...
Quetz: it's because you're such a good husband to me mi amor!
Rex: thanks...
The two finished up with a nice kiss, before going back to their room.
A/N: since it's mother's day, it felt appropriate to make a story featuring Quetz's mom! Sorry if the ending felt rushed, kinda lost ideas towards the end.
@hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasereshdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @renmeo @kazmetic @grievouslyxorvia @has-gilgamesh-doneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong
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moonlightchn · 4 years
𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘, 𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘
and basic shit you should know before interacting I guess~
*Disclaimer: all the information this post contains will be based on things I’ve learned over the years and my personal modifications are NOT to be taken as the general rule. This is MY abo concept for this bot in particular. Yall are free to agree, disagree, take ideas, adapt to your own bot, etcetcetc. Bye. Also sorry this doesn't have a read more;;;; I tried :(
Hello, this is (not) JYPe,
and welcome to the first episode of “Admin’s abo concept isn’t probably what you think so we gonna go in dept on this shit hehe ”. This was originally going to be a one part documentary but I realized I would probably keep coming up with or remembering stuff and these would be so LOOONG so I decided to just do it as I go and I’ll use the hashtag “admins abo tmi ” for this yeah. But also remember you can ask questions if you have any or if you don’t understand something because I usually ramble a lot.
Today we’ll be talking about 3 things that seem to be the most important since they’re the most brought up on my RP’s and they are:
Heat vs Rut.
So let’s begin!
🌙 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌/𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌…
There’s two meanings to this concept, one is the concept of turning from human form to wolf form, and the other one is being transformed into a wolf by different means (these usually depends on which story you’ve heard, it can be being the 7th boy child in a family, it can be a bite or a scratch, it can be eating raw meat, etcetcetc).
*This change has now also been added to the Chan’s pack introduction.
What are the definitions of this words? Cambridge Dictionary defines them as:
Turn: to (cause to) become, change into, or come to be something.
Example: “Chan turned into his wolf form”
Explanation: Chan, already a werewolf, turned and changed into his wolf form.
Transform: to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
Example: “Changbin was transformed into a werewolf.”
Explanation: Changbin, a regular human, was transformed /by a wolf/ into a werewolf.
In the classic folklore, turning consists of 2 phases, human with NO wolf characteristics whatsoever, (which is what makes it so hard finding out who the werewolf in town is) and fluffy wolf with some human like characteristics (being biped, having arms instead of four legs, body structure humanlike. The best examples I can think of are the underworld lycans mmm tasteful). Another general rule for classic werewolves was that the person and wolf were two different minds, the person never remembered turning and had no idea they were the werewolf terrorizing town. While being human, the person didn’t even have the wolf skills like hearing or strength. They were just regular boring humans. Another thing was that they had no control whatsoever and ONLY turned during full moon, but I’m not getting into that yet.
Here are some examples (it’s basically furries oop).
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Moving on to my concept, I decided to have 3 phases of turning, consisting on:
Human: Basic, simple, boring human. No presence of wolf features whatsoever. YET they can still make use of their skills such as sensitive hearing, smell, extra strength among others.
Half-turn: Heavily inspired by Teen Wolf tbh, SOME features are present and can generally be controlled, such as eyes, ears, tail, fangs, claws. Can even be confused for hybrids. (sumn like this please appreciate my art)
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Full-turn: they become big scary fluffy puppies. Let’s remember how they look like.
Channie Chan Chris
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As mentioned before, transforming depends on which story you know and what you’re settling for. Generally we always talk about bites and deep scratches. Some of the most known stories about how to become a werewolf are being the 7th boy child born in a family on a full moon, or in Greek mythology, Zeus transformed some dudes into wolves after they tried to feed him human meat. There’s many different stories you can pick from, they’re just one Google away~
On my concept, though, the only way to transform is through a bite, even though I always keep options open.
I will probably be talking about the 3 types of wolves and deepening this a bit more later on.
🌙 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖛𝖘 𝕽𝖚𝖙.
Imma give you a wolf biology class because I know too much useless info and I WANT TO.
Rut: The rut is the mating season of certain mammals. The rut is characterized in males by an increase in testosterone, exaggerated sexual dimorphisms and increased aggression and interest in females.
Heat: The estrous cycle or oestrous cycle is the set of recurring physiological changes that are induced by reproductive hormones in most mammalian therian females. Estrous cycles start after sexual maturity in females and are interrupted by anestrous phases or by pregnancies. This cycle presents four phases, the one known as “heat” being the second one, estrus or oestrus, that refers to the phase when the female is sexually receptive.
What are seasonal breeders and what is mating season?
The breeding season is when seasonal breeders reproduce. Seasonal breeders are animal species that successfully mate only during certain times of the year. These times of year allow for the optimization of survival of young due to factors such as ambient temperature, food and water availability etcetc. Male seasonal breeders may exhibit changes in testosterone levels, weight, and fertility depending on the time of year. Female seasonal breeders will have one or more estrus cycles only when she is “in season” or fertile and receptive to mating.
Wolves fall in all of these descriptions.
What does all of this shit mean and why do I care lmao?
This means that if this was a logical bot I should only be doing NSFW like one week during 4 months a year LMAO no frfr
This basically means that RUT and HEAT are the seasons when the MALE and FEMALE respectively are ready to mate with each other to reproduce.
I’ve seen many male idol hybrids having heats instead of ruts, which I have no problem at all with and am sure no one else does really, but I think you should KNOW that a heat would not make them want to fuck, but get fucked. Heat would be the need to be filled and not fill others. A heat and a rut does NOT have to equal dominance or submissiveness in bots, anyway, that would be like saying being top or bottom determines who is dom/sub and that’s wrong, so just a PSA I guess.
Now, how does this affect my CB and ABO concept?
I’ve never, anyway, read anywhere of classic werewolves reproduction, which leads me to believe that they’re probably sterile. So I will stick to real life wolves rules but on my own way. Wolves are even monogamous and I dont go by that one lmao.
Reproduction rules on my ABO are really simple, ruts are once a month, around 5 days, and each of the guys have different characteristics for them. They’re only capable of getting someone pregnant during ruts, too. I just generally believe all girls are on the pill tbh and I never really use condoms but guys irl please practice safe sex wrap your or your partners willy before going freaky and stay safe.
Not sure if there’s something else to mention here? Let me know.
🌙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘…
Mates are the wolf equivalent of soulmates, but that’s bullshit. I mean, I’m not gonna say they’re not real, I just mean that the general idea of only one person for the rest of your life and if it’s not them you’re miserable is dumb when we’re talking about beings with feelings. Did you know wolves irl are monogamous and mate but if their mate dies they just look for another one and move on? Now you know.
The thing with mates and marks, in my humble opinion, is that they don’t mean anything. Peoples hearts change, feelings come and go, and my wolves are NOT about to drop everything they have for some person they don’t know who happened to be their true mate. In fact, Channie is the only one who believes in them. The mates issue is a bit complex if we think about it over each of the Chan’s, but on a general idea, the mates are not exclusive for the guys, and I’ll probably make a tmi on the boys at some point, but Chan met his mate and it didn’t work out, for example. Mates go further than the marking, btw, mates are a special, cosmic bond. Marks are just that, marks.
And talking about that, we do not vibe with marks. The original folklore states marks as the way a wolf has to claim their partner as theirs and keep away others, especially from an alpha, and they’re supposed to go both ways, so marks between human/wolf, for example wouldn’t be possible. There’s also two marks.
The first bonding mark is generally given during sex between mates and heals, and the second one in front of the pack (there’s a whole social status thing involved here but were not touching that yet) and its permanent. Also marks are literal WOLF BITES so no, they’re neither small nor cute. Just look at these teethies and picture the scar in a neck-shoulder. That’s your bonding mark.
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(they're cute tho I uwuuu)
What I’ve been reading around in fanfics and seeing around is that bots have been mated and claimed with marks, which is ok if you’re into that. My chan’s, though, find physical marks archaic, possessive and toxic. And honestly I personally do too.
You may have noticed by now that even though the boys are quite possessive, they’re never trying to scare away others and their sole way of marking is love marks that heal eventually and scenting. Permanent marks are a nono.
They will NOT mark anyone as their mate. Especially Channie plz he’s baby.
This is a personal decision and it does not mean that marking is RIGHT or WRONG. I just personally see marking bites as marking your partner with fire or something and I dislike the idea a lot.
ALRIGHT I THINK THAT’S ABOUT IT FOR TODAY I FEEL LIKE I WROTE TOO MUCH ALREADY??? Feel free to ask questions or request certain topics! I think next topics will be Social Structure, Skills and maybe Self control or Moon Cycles.
If you read all of this WOW CONGRATS??? I LOVE YOU EXTRA MUAH
One question I got on the asks was “since their fur color seems to correspond with their hair color, what happens if they dye their hair?”
Nothing happens babe! When they’re half turned they will have really funny colorful hair, but when they fully turn their fur stays the same! hehe Don’t worry, Chan won’t be a clown red wolf heh
Tags (hmu for removal:] if you don’t care about this hehe)
@yandereminholee @bunjihyo @shinhaneul-oc @sub-chungha @song-mingi-cb @grungeyuta @yourhwaa @bunny-woong @princess-yeji @xash-axx @7deadlysins-chan @camgirl-jihyeon @hybrid-wooyoung @vampirehhj @ghoulxbaekhyun @mafiaxnct127 @deadly-skz-gods-cb @mafia-chaeyoung @vampiresanha @sub-minho @starsirah-oc @femboy-minho @subbyhyunjinchatbot @weeb-wonwoo @yandere-wendy @musiclovermino @galaxy-ateez @chanlix-koalas @vampirechangbinnie @mafiafelixlee @madmanwoodam @sweetandsleepyjamie @yanderedahyun @hunter-chaeyoung @hwangyeji-cb @artsydahyun @gamer-yeji @yourminju @seulgi-foxy @kittensua-cb @softbabieinnie @softboyfriend-cb @iceskater-sana @irregularchatbot @yandere-miya @doll-seungmin @skz-cb @subbylino @babie-sanie
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just-some-gt-trash · 5 years
Oh you should write a patton x Virgil fic? Like maybe Patton is a cutie princess and Virgil like a dragon but he is nice?
Yes, I loved this idea (and maybe I’ll make something with it on the future-)
So you can request a part two if you want!
TW: being misgendered, dysphoria, bad relationship with parents, crying.
Ship: Moxiety (it can be platonic tho)
The princess’s cries one again woke Virgil up, all the princesses he had guarded before cried sure, but it’s been days since this one was locked on the tower and she hasn’t stopped, the dragon hadn’t even had the chance to see her, he just knew she cried and cried and Virgil was getting tired of it.
He knew he wasn’t supposed to talk to the princesses, but he couldn’t help it, he was a caring creature, unlike most dragons, that’s why his job was to protect princesses and take care of them until the right prince came to the rescue.
Virgil stood up and yawned, the sun was starting to rise already, but it was way too early for him, he walked to the tower of the castle, the only part that wasn’t on ruins, and peeked inside from the small window.
There she was, her hair was blonde, curly and short and she was wearing a pretty blue dress that was ripped for some reason, what was she trying to do when she did that?
Since Virgil was very big, his head covered the window entirely, avoiding te few light that was outside to come in, that’s what brought the princess’s attention as she turned to the window an yelped when she saw a giant eye staring at her.
Virgil backed away a bit “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, your majesty”’
“Y-You can talk?” She asked, cleaning the tears on her eyes.
“Uh... yes? I’m very sorry if I’m bothering you, but I just wanted to know if you’re okay”
The princess looked away “Why do you care? Nobody does...”
Virgil frowned “Of course I care, you’re my princess, my job is to take care of you”
She looked back at the dragon with sad eyes “I’m fine, you wouldn’t understand either way”
Virgil sighed “I’m sorry if I don’t believe you your majesty, but you’ve been sad since you arrived here almost a week ago, I know being ripped away from your family and isolated is hard, but this is way too much...”
“I wasn’t ripped away from my family, they left me here” she said looking away once more.
Oh. That explained why she was on that mood, though Virgil knew there was something else, h sighed and closed his eyes, using his magic to transform into his humanoid form, he still had his wings, horns and most of his magic, but it was an easier way to talk to humans without them freaking out, he flew to the window and sat at the edge of it, not receiving a response from the princess.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want” she turned to see the dragon, her eyes going wide when there was a person instead “your dress, what happened to it?”
The princess looked down at her skirt “I don’t like dresses, but it’s the only ting I have to wear... I was trying to rip the skirt off”
“Why don’t you like dresses?” Asked Virgil confused.
“They’re too feminine, my parents didn’t like when I wore suits, that’s why they forced me to put this on before they brought me here, it wouldn’t be a punishment if I could do what I like”
“Punishment? Most princesse dream to be on your place, it’s one of the best ways to meet a prince”
“I don’t want a prince, and that is not why they left me here” she said, grabbing her skirt tightly.
Virgil raised an eyebrow confused, he stood up and walked to the princess’s bed, sitting on it next to her “then why are you here?”
She kept silence for a while, glancing between Virgil and the floor “they said that, I should act more like a princess instead of a price...”
Virgil’s eyes went wide, the dots connecting on his head, he had heard stories about people who claimed they were born on the wrong body, girls that dressed and acted lie boys, and boys that let their hair grow to appear more feminine, and his new princess was one of those people.
“You should be able to be a prince if that’s what you want”
“Tell that to my parents, they swear the kingdom will go mad if I decide I don’t want to be a woman anymore, they’ve been doing everything they can, but I just can’t help feeling that, the person they want me to be it’s not me, and no one takes me seriously, it’s just a phase, you’re confused, that’s not what you really want, I’ve heard those and more over and over again”
Virgil truly felt bad for her- him? He couldn’t imagine feeling trapped on the wrong body, he hugged the prince with one arm “Then, how should I call you my prince?”
He smiled and cleaned the tears from his eyes “Patton, I’m prince Patton”
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theseerasures · 4 years
@counterpunches​ submitted:
Once again there are too many to choose so I’m going to pick too many, but really it’s your fault no I won’t be taking any criticism.
how me that solvable problem
ethically sourced kid!Elsa
well this prompt feels custom made to talk about self-harm
she drops the silver chain of sound
a love sTRONGER THAN BLOOD SISTERS r u kitten me
oh hey! you picked some that actually ended up too unwieldy to keep writing in longhand
show me that solvable problem: post-Frozen II canon divergence where Arendelle sank under the sea like a good little metaphor on sins of the father. kinda your typical “but what does it actually MEAN to step into ur power, mum” thing on both Elsa and Anna’s side, with a side helping of Honeymaren/Elsa, Kristoff discovering ~his past, and uh. a lot of political talk on indigenous knowledge and politics of redress (Arendellians are refugees now, Northuldra have been settler colonized for decades, what do?? that kinda stuff)–almost too much, but ultimately a reasonable amount!
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ethically sourced kid!Elsa: stems from my…uh. inability to understand the appeal of present day Elsa meeting a POST-Incident kid!Elsa when obviously her meeting a PRE-Incident kid!Elsa has so much more inherent drama. kid!Elsa steps into an idk portal and shows up at the castle in the post-Frozen II world. it’s been a few years; Anna is VERY comfortable with her current life and is expecting her first child, so um. the child version of her older sister showing up out of the blue throws her into a not-insubstantial tailspin. present!Elsa superficially is more capable of keeping it in stride, but the elephant in the room of “well do we TELL her what’s coming” just looms larger and larger until it all ends in tears, because Elsa and Anna disagree about what to do, and it ends up being their first no holds barred FIGHT, where they both accuse each other of being selfish and they’ve somehow turned into the worst parts of their parents. Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf spend most of their time basically being Bow from season 4 of She-Ra; Honeymaren meets the kid version of her now-girlfriend, immediately and justifiably is like “wow! weird vibe,” grabs Ryder and leaves. poor, poor kid!Elsa is a) kind of a hellion, pre-Incident, which everyone forgot about, and b) comes to a whole slew of horrible realizations, beginning with the fact that her parents are both dead now, Anna is being weird and closed off around her, her present self is being less weird but apparently did something HORRIBLE that no one will talk about, and it’s. it’s bad. if someone has any advice on how to tag dialogue with two characters that are the same character, just time-displaced, that would be lovely, because the closest i came was that kid!Elsa would be called Kid Elsa ala Kid Flash and obviously present!Elsa would be The Elsa (and they fight crime! jk they cry a lot and kid!Elsa ends up throwing hands with her older self, by which i mean Elsa gets a nice taste of what being shot to the heart with ice magic feels like)
well this prompt feels custom made to talk about self-harm: the prompt was “angst, loss, scar,” so. five times Elsa didn’t scar. the self-harm part comes in a few times, but the reason i approached it at all was because i imagined Elsa going through a ~phase as an adolescent where she tore through every medical text she could get her hands on to find out what’s wrong with her, and it…spiraled into thinking some dark thoughts about what would happen, since the magic mostly comes out of her hands, if she…hurt them in some way. she ends up being too chickenshit to go through with it because she’s THIRTEEN, ELSA WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK YOUR THUMB. it ballooned out into a longer meditation on Elsa grappling with her not-quite humanity, where she’s never entirely sure what rules of mortality apply to her (all of them actually! Elsa u fucking melon), going all the way to post-Frozen II, where she’s…weirdly maudlin about her death leaving no trace on her physical body, until Anna shows up. they actually end up talking about Mattias, and the ways he’s visibly aged from his portrait (Anna commissioned a new one for him)–it all ends with something about how, like. yes living does leave its marks on you but maybe Elsa should stop thinking about it in such extreme ways, and also see a therapist
she drops the silver chain of sound: another *sigh* RWBY fic, this one charting Winter and Robyn’s relationship in universe, from Academy years to post-canon. i haven’t been able to find any fic about them that responsibly handles the nuances of Winter a) being abused a lot of multi-layered ways, but also b) being complicit in war crimes and her own transformation into an instrument instead of a person, and (as of V7) STEADFASTLY COMMITTED TO IT. basically starting from the place of “Robyn doesn’t owe Winter jack shit and is Busy, it’s Winter’s responsibility to change herself,” and trying to be realistic about the ways Winter would and would not let herself change. truth kink! it’s a thing with them. a lot of talk about agency and identity, and weird detours about how Cartesian dualism is a tool of the colonizer–but honestly, you can’t make one of your main mechanics be “an extension of the soul” and not expect me to inject some woo
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a love sTRONGER THAN BLOOD SISTERS r u kitten me: to answer your PS about which fires i’m embleming: i started with Sacred Stones and then moved through Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (still have no idea what a Fire Emblem is, which i think is v sexy of me). Radiant Dawn has some BONKER-TASTIC sapphic moments–your standard “i’m queen but i’m shy” archetype has a ladyfriend who is the CAPTAIN OF HER GUARD. Captain gets taken hostage, gets her hair lopped off (…by a professional hairdresser i guess, since this is what she looks like after) and sent to Shy Queen in a VERY STANDARD “i have your precious” moment and then has to debate over saving the Captain or the Kingdom and it’s just. so
anyways of course the extreme gayness goes blithely unacknowledged for the rest of the game, and the epilogue has the AUDACITY to say that their bond was “stronger than blood sisters,” which is…fine! it’s fine. the fic is mostly just about actually ADDRESSING the intimacy that they have through some hair washing.
PS: i’ve started Awakening, which a) looks promising re: knowing what a Fire Emblem, and b) has caused me to start a new WIP called “NO YOU’RE NOT YOU’RE OBVIOUSLY LAURA BAILEY”
PPS: appreciate the recurrence of Standard Nintendo Plot Pattern Sigma (gender fuckery to stop a bad time thing), which i THINK is what’s happening in Awakening–no one tell me if i’m right tho!!! i wanna keep speculating about whether ~~~Marth is my daughter or my grandma’s niece or Taylor Swift’s second cousin
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coefore · 5 years
Can I see the deeper TFA analysis pretty please? 🙂 I personally like TFA for it's uniqueness, but I can understand why people don't like it, with how many changes there are to the lore and characters...
Oh sure! I apologise in advance if any of this sounds too direct or rude maybe? I don’t know, I just don’t want people to think I’m being that on purpose.
First off, my experience was coming after reading some of the IDW comics and watching TFP, who have a way more mature take on TF as a concept on a general basis, which is not good/bad per se, it’s just a different take. With this said, I think TFA is really bound to its time period: the characters are so intrinsically linked to the kind of ‘lol loud and random’ mood that was very popular in the late 00s I have never enjoyed as a child, and I surely don’t enjoy it now. It pushes  the American type of comedy a lot (for obvious reasons, please don’t think I don’t take into consideration this is an American media for an American audience) that doesn’t make me laugh/I don’t find it funny (this is not isolated to TFA, I just find american comedies very hard to laugh to. Ex. I’m sorry I don’t like the office :( ).
The characters themselves range from bland to very annoying to This Is My Enemy. My Enemy is Bumblebee. I cannot stand him. Another one I couldn’t bear when he was on screen was Starscream, he was absolutely useless and I cheered so hard when Megatron killed him ahahaha Ratchet was another one I did not like at all; he was mean. Like, legit mean and not in a fun way. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sure he had seen the war etc. but he was not written very well in my opinion, as an old-men-with-ptsd connoisseur tm
I also have a huge problem with Prowl and how he’s designed/acts, it’s a bit like the same problem I have with IDW Drift but... at least IDW Drift is more interesting and leaves the Japanese aspect more to the vague aesthetic. Prowl was removed from his character completely and doesn’t seem to have much of a personality besides zen monk ripoff :( Just invent another character, then. Just, do it. He was born in the phase of ‘we love Japan, samurai kakkoii kiyaaa’ and I really did not like what they did with his character. It was kind of forced.
Why are there just two Constructicons and why are they Italo-american parodies
Why is Blitzwing like that, why does he have a stupid German accent
Sari was not a well written child, imo. TFP Miko, which is extremely flawed as a pre-teen/teen character (she is 14 afterall) gets on your nerves, but it makes sense! She also learns a lot during the course of the show! Sari is pretty much the same loud child, and the change in her is prompted because she just... magically grows up. At least she becomes more bearable. Weird she’s a transformer tho-- I mean, cool idea, weird execution.
Optimus was fine. He was fine. It is fine. He was fine. Optimus Prime was fine.
Megatron was cool but I have 0 recollection of what he was supposed to be besides smirk man sipping a glass of energon lmao I mean I guess???
Tfa megop had no chemistry and I don’t think I even like, had any prompt in the show to even think they could be interesting together.
The plot existed only in the third season, the first one was mostly useless and I had to skip most of them by pure boredom. I think the deterrent was mostly the villain-of-the-week + humans. 
The worldbuilding might have been interesting, since they clearly throw in the fact that the autobots are not *good* per se, they live in a pretty authoritarian society and they wanted to keep the war frames secluded from civilian frames anyway; but even if you heavily hint this and never really address it full on, it’s just an interesting glimpse of what could have been. Also, autobots = hinted authoritarians, but decepticons? they bad!!!!!!!! they are. bad! ok? they are bad. autobots are authoritarians dicks, but the decepticons are just bad. they just are
Well, the designs to me are ugly. I can’t really describe it in any other way, completely subjective reaction here. 
And that’s it probably!
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inyoursheets · 4 years
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
oh my goodness i WISH i had clear insight into my own writing process from start to finish, but honestly? im not that methodological, i think.
i usually start out with a collection of ideas -- and these ideas can be VERY vague. it can be a collection of random objects to scene ideas to themes. i throw them in one document and keep adding things until something of a plot emerges.
it depends on the nature of the fic a little -- most of my PWPs just start out from three bullet points, for example something like this:
beth showing up without panties
rio’s chain makes an appearance
and then i just start writing, wherever, whatever. but warm water in particular started out with a list of descriptions of their apartment! that entire fic was inspired by me seeing an illustration of an apartment with a lot of blues, but it somehow still conveyed a lot of warmth. that made my mind go *bing* ROOMMATES FIC. so i started out by thinking about the apartment itself. the initial apartment list included:
Floor pillows (beth insisted)
Lots of blues
Long standing mirror (scene)
Tiny, messy kitchen with a fridge filled w/ left-over takeout and Greek yoghurt (for protein), cupboards full w/ rio’s protein shakes
Plants on stacks of books
Big windows, lots of light, one window that creaks
Lights draped places, definitely candles around
One leather couch, kinda worn, needs blankets
some of these things changed -- no floor pillows made it to the final cut, the greek yoghurt has become skyr, idk if draped lights are a thing or not but later on i realized it would clash too much with rio’s aesthetic. so it’s really just a collection of random details that helped me get a sense of the space.
then i made a list of scene ideas. mind you, at this point i had 0 plot in mind besides “ok so it’s gonna be friends-to-lovers”. some examples:
Beth getting ready for a date, standing in front of the long mirror, Rio helping her get her necklace on (top-tier romance)
Working on the couch together, Beth’s legs in Rio’s lap, him rubbing her feet at some point?
rio coming home w/ a pierced nose and beth driving him mad by not even mentioning it
beth lotioning her legs while rio bursts into her room to ask something but getting distracted by All That Leg
falling asleep together on the couch?
again, some of these never made the cut, and some of these grew way beyond their initial idea. then i made a list of plot points, which includes zero actual plot points, a list of “symbols/motifs” -- demonstrating that idk what those mean -- which has only two things on it:
Blue -- the apartment; the hottest part of the flame like the romance inside their friendship
Windows and doors – cracked open, closed off, indicating their closeness? Movement? Transformation?
and a list of phrases i wanted to use in the fic; and a list for each OC. aria’s original list was:
Likable pls
Great humor – maybe her and beth already have a good thing going before she asks rio out?
Never connected how well beth and rio knew each other bc they never show up to the coffee shop together
that first bullet point was very important to me hahaha, as ive talked about here, tho i wanna emphasize again that likeability is not that important.
from then on, i just started working on whichever scene idea sparked the most inspiration that day, kept adding onto different scenes until it started to come together a bit more, and then as i was working on the scenes i suddenly drew connections between them and could build the bigger story.
THEN i listened to hozier while the sun set in my apartment and i wrote the final scene in one go, which changed the ENTIRE fic. i initially wrote this fic as beth not being in love with rio yet, but with the final scene i realized -- nope, wait, actually i want the feeling to be mutual from the start, but they’re both just not gonna know and not talk about it and miscommunicate for chapters on end. this whole incident made me consider the emotional truths of the story instead of just the fluffy, rom-com-esque scene ideas i had, which forced me to do a lot of rewriting and planning and thinking that, as you can probably tell, i hadn’t done from the start. the start was just “omg big windows!!! floor pillows!!!! let’s go!!!!!”
the oh-i-should-consider-emotional-truth realization made me write with a lot more depth and throw in a bunch of reflections in different scenes. i went back to different scenes to look at: ok but how can i add some more... depth here? how can i show where beth’s at, here, in terms of headspace? bc initially it was just “haha, he sees her in panties and is AmazedTM” whereas now it’s also about...idk. friendship. communication. boundaries. the fear of being known, whatever.
im still in the process of writing this fic -- it terrifies me, but there’s a gap somewhere at the end of the fic where i need to justify something else ive written later in the fic -- so this isn’t start to finish, but here’s how it goes for me! there’s ofc also a very tedious editing phase for each chapter which is NOT my favorite part, lemme tell you.
the instigator had a pretty similar process, though warm water takes the cake bc it is not as “contained” as the instigator. the instigator had a clear prompt and then developed much like warm water -- it started out with a list of random lines/interactions/details/sex positions i wanted in the fic, then i made the infamous sex schedule, then i just started working on whichever position i felt like working on, and every now and then work on the prelude to the sex (which was, of course, the hardest, bc how does one get from point one to point threesome?) and the aftermath.
so yeah! that’s how i do! it has a hint of chaos, but i like it, bc i just go with what sparks the most for me in the moment, then figure out the connections later. sometimes that part of the process is less fun bc i don’t always know how to connect all the random writing i did, but once i do figure it out, it’s sooooo satisfying!
thank you for asking!!!!!! writer ask game
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Ninjago: Ongeki Hibiki - an idea of Kamen Rider X Ninjago
Ever since I came back to the Kamen Rider series, one particular Rider-Ninjago match up has been stuck on me for a while. Believe it or not, it's between Kamen Rider Hibiki and Cole's dad, Lou. There's a reason why I gave his surname (and by extention Cole) as Hibiki.
While I haven't watch the entirety of Kamen Rider Hibiki (or Kamen Rider in general, really) save for some YouTube clips, I at least have the general gist of the plot and how the staff changes affect the second half of the season.
But enough of that, let's get to the proposed story of Lou as Hibiki.
Overview and Brief History
Back in 20... what? 10? 12? It was when Gaim was the latest Kamen Rider on air. There's really not much premise since it was still in a "casting agency" phase, meaning I still playing matching up without much story put on thought.
Lou is no different. I assigned him to be Hibiki simply for the latter's theme in music. He's in a team consisting of Dr. Julien as Kabuto and Ed Walker as Den-O, both of which doesn't have valid reasons to be matched up with like Lou did other than it sounds cool on paper. You could argue that Ed is Den-O because Den-O is one of if not the quirkiest Heisei Phase 1 Rider and Ed is that quirky while Kabuto has technological emphasis in which Dr. Julien is related to but these kinda stretching it.
Come this year. 2020.
Lou's Story as Hibiki
The idea is that, since it's confirmed that Onis exist in Ninjago's World, there's supposedly a small Oni tribe known as the Ongeki tribe, famous for their usage of music in battle. This again split into 4 clans. The clan of Ibuki which specialized in wind instruments, the Zanki clan specialized in string instruments, an unnamed clan which specialized in keyboard instruments, and the Hibiki clan which specialized in percussion instruments. They are separate from the usual Onis of Ninjago's Continuity in that they rather left out of the never ending war between Onis and Dragons, only come out to the battlefield whenever necessary. However, this in turn causes friction with the other Onis, the latter deeming them to be cowards. It resulted in a genocide against the Ongeki tribe, with only one (or a few, maybe) survivor.
Lou (original name unknown) was an Oni from the Hibiki clan. He specifically mastered in taiko drums, in leu with the original Hibiki. Not much known about his past except he was a trained warrior. While skilled, he's considered to be one of the lowest ranking warrior. On the day of the genocide, he managed to escape to the realm which would become Ninjago with the help of another Oni, which may or may not be Mistaké.
As an Oni, his form is closer to that of the Oni of Kamen Rider Hibiki, in particular Hibiki himself, rather that the Oni of Ninjago. Once settled in Ninjago, he changed into a form that we now know as Lou. As a disguised human, he often changing identities and jobs. But each jobs he had were always have to do with music, something he felt reminding him of his home.
This might be forced but let's talk of how Lou transforms into his Oni form using a device rather than at will like most of Ninjago's Oni. Cuz I like the Henshin Onsa :P
Lou, back then know with a different name that suspiciously similar to the OG Hibiki (Hitoshi Hidaka) down to the alletrative name, was involved with helping the First Spinjitzu Master fending off the Oni forces sent to capture him. However, since he's weaker than the FSM, he's captured quickly by the Oni. Believing that having his powers would be an obstacle to them, the Oni forces decided to seal away his Oni powers and form, rendering him a normal man. They didn't manage to do the same to Mistaké tho, as they're driven away from Ninjago.
It is at this time that the FSM offered to help him tapping into his Oni powers, which led to the creation of the Henshin Onsa, a tuning-fork shaped transformation device. It lets him to access his Oni powers and ability yet not enough to return him to his Oni form. He only finally able to turn into his Oni form again after a tougher training, and even then he still need to use the Onsa for it.
Due to the extended lifespan of an Oni, Lou had lived long enough to know the history of Ninjago itself in the making. However, he only known as what he is now when he met with The Elemental Master of Earth. They both fell in love quite fast and not even the revelation of Lou's true identity hindered their love for one another. This led to their marriage and later the birth of Cole.
Cole was unaware of his heritage as an Oni as Lou tried his best not talk about his other activity, often disguised it as something related to his current occupation as the Royal Blacksmith. Speaking of Royal Blacksmith, he established it with three other people not long after Cole's birth.
Now for something related to his injury, that is his broken foot. See, while he presented it as some insignificant accident, in reality he was injured while fighting against a giant creature similar to the Makamou of KR Hibiki. In his defense, it did happened during a big party in which he's invited to.
General Appearance as Hibiki
While his Oni form is that of OG Hibiki's, Lou's transformed or powered state is usually signified with his suit turning into a simple purple colored hakama with brown ropes fastening a golden Oni face similar to the early Ninja gi where the Oni face is replaced with elemental symblos. His footwear is a pair of wooden sandals and a pair of white socks. A red taiko drumstick known as Ongekibou usually appears on his back in a crossing manner fastened by the ropes.
Rider AU vs Symphogear AU vs A Canon Divergance
Here's the deal. I have two or three idea for Lou as Hibiki.
The first one is a Canon Divergance, in which I have elaborated above. His relationship with Cole is still strained, even more so once Cole found out that Lou isn't what he appears to be. But it does work around later on.
The second is the Rider AU. While the whole Ongeki tribe thing still exist, its demise is instead causes by a group known as Shocker (the OG Kamen Rider's enemy). The circumstance of his transformation is different as well. In here, Lou was almost got killed and went missing, leading to the then teenager Cole to go after Shocker in revenge. This leads to him nearly dying, only surviving thanks to Dr. Julien turning him into a cyborg and become Ninjago's equivalent of Kamen Rider Black. Lou returns to his only family after recovering from his wound.
The last is Symphogear AU. His circumstance is that he's an early expermentation of Symphogear's prototype, utilizing the power of music (specifically taiko music) as opposed to the more well known song. In appearance, he is also different to his successor in that he wears a hakama instead of armors. Of course, his son Cole become the next Symphogear wielder who utilize the power of Gungnir relic. Lou's relic is left unknown.
7 notes · View notes
roominthecastle · 5 years
Ok so since you’re a believer/supporter of Agnes Gate I have this question. Lizzy’s memories were wiped, but how do you explain Red? What does he know/suspect? How do you explain his behavior? Where does he stand in all this? Hope you got my point because I’m sick and I’ve lost my ability to think clearly and transform thoughts into words 🤒😂
*cracks knuckles*
Yes, you’re coming across clearly, anon, these are all valid points/questions, and I hope you’re feeling better.
Now “believer” is a strong word but I do believe there’s enough wiggle room in current show canon to accommodate this theory. In other words (bc I really don’t want anyone to misunderstand me here): there’s still enough story space for this idea to emerge but there is no direct, overt proof that it is there or that it will.
So consider what follows NOT a proof post but a simple, albeit long AF - thought experiment that presupposes two things:
Liz and Red slept together while on the run (canonically that’s the period when Agnes was conceived)
Liz’s memory of this has been either altered or removed by Dr. Krilov
Now, behavior was, in fact, the one thing that initially put me off this theory bc I didn’t think Red would be willing to just step aside if he suspected he might be the baby’s father. BUT the following seasons revealed a couple of good reasons why he would not speak up (Kirk and the never-ending list of other hostiles, Liz’s “I hate your guts” phase, Liz clinging to Tom, Liz’s selective memory - courtesy of Krilov, fake-DG & the issue of the suitcase, an illness).
They also continued to show just how apt both Red and Liz are to not deal with stuff that’s not an immediate threat (e.g. Liz’s ‘I love you’ which they both willingly continue to just not address), and the thing is: despite not contesting paternity in any overt way, Red never actually stepped aside.
I think this paternity issue and its various complications - from Red’s perspective - can be separated into 4 major time blocks:
Even if there’s a reason for Red to think he might be Agnes’ father, I don’t believe he works off anything more than mild suspicions in the S3B–S5A period.
During this time, his relationship with Liz is rapidly unraveling and several other roadblocks and threats emerge that likely discourage him from openly broaching this issue. Then he gets to raise Agnes for 10 months, which provides the perfect opportunity to safely run a paternity test and maybe even another genetic screening (they made a point of telling us that baby Agnes was getting a standard one back in S3 + it was emphasized how having the correct info about her parents’ medical history is crucial for accurate testing - info Tom couldn’t provide). The beginning of Red’s collaboration with Dr. Stark roughly dates back to the time period when he had Agnes with him. If Red has a hereditary (late-onset) illness, he could have been driven to seek a cure once the tests confirmed his suspicions, and he’s now testing it on himself to make sure it works and is safe before giving it to Agnes.
– more on all this behind the cut – (apologies, mobile users)
- [ S3B ] -
Confirmation of the pregnancy is a wedge between Liz and Red, and it’s Red who screws up first when he rejects the baby right off the bat and tries to bury himself in work. It understandably hurts Liz and the tense tone of their interactions begins to snowball. The main issue concerning Red’s behavior in S3B, right after Liz tells him that she’s pregnant and he bounces back from his initial rejection, is that he becomes “suffocating” and more committed than ever to keep her and the baby in his orbit (which also alarms and later sets off Mr. Kaplan). Red has little sense of boundary, he starts isolating Liz, and he barely tolerates Tom’s presence. When he makes an effort to tolerate him, that’s bc he is trying his best to respect Liz’s choices/wishes (just like in “Ruin”) regardless of his own feelings, but it doesn’t prevent him from repeatedly trying to push Tom out of the picture. He saves him from going to prison but he still has a hard time dealing with Liz having a close relationship with him. This also echoes his original plans for Tom: being there for her but also keeping his distance. This, in turn, echoes his original “invisible benefactor” role he cast himself in (and both of them clearly crossed these lines as the years went by – more on this later).
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Despite telling her that he’s known about the pregnancy for some time, Red does not act out until after Liz doesn’t deny that Tom is the father. Red knew about the pregnancy already, he had weeks to vent and get used to the idea, so his spiraling is kind of puzzling unless it’s not the pregnancy itself that sets him off. The only thing he wasn’t sure about was paternity (why?), so the only emotionally logical reason for his weird spiral is that part of him was still hoping that the baby was not Tom’s (tho, in theory, nobody else was in proximity other than the two of them + a more closer look at the timeline reveals that Tom was, in fact, nowhere near Liz when the baby was conceived).
But when Liz didn’t deny it, that’s when it became too much for Red: he didn’t want to have a child (for several reasons) but what he wanted even less was Tom to be confirmed as the father. Then his entire outlook on this subject changes by the end of the episode (after reminding himself how Katarina, too, dreaded having a baby but changed her mind completely). This also brings that Samar/Aram conversation to mind where she tells Aram how being around him changed her attitude towards having children, but now she cannot raise one bc of her condition.
But back to 312 and the “I’m pregnant” moment:
This whole conversation is just weird. Red is tense from the moment he sees Liz at the Post Office, then feeds her the answer to his own question, presenting it as a statement: “I assume Tom is the father.” Why not just give her the opportunity to name him? What this feels like is him giving her an out instead, and his closed-off, prickly, I-am-being-very-inconvenienced-by-this behavior (and Tom’s enthusiasm) is practically willing Liz to take it. And she hesitates for a moment, then instead of saying “yes” she just says, “I haven’t told him yet.” And this is where Red’s barely civil behavior veers into total assholery rejection, then he does a 180 at the end of the episode. By then Liz is sufficiently pissed off and is already pushing him away and sliding back into Tom’s arms. So in many ways ep 312 is where things truly turn and then get worse, and it all happens over Tom, essentially.
After this fallout, we get the episode where Red is thinking back to Josephine who was maneuvered into marrying an abusive scumbag for strategic reasons (as usual, we have parallels too). It was all arranged by a third party, which reminds me of Mr. Kaplan referring to Tom as her “confidant”, which makes me wonder about the extent of their off-screen interaction. Mr. Kaplan was doing everything to tear Red and Liz apart bc she saw that bond as fatal to both and a danger to the baby. Maybe she arranged that 2nd session w/ Krilov (who might have planted images that switched Red and Tom like he did w/ the fire memory where the roles were switched around), then she tipped Tom off, urging him to rekindle his relationship w/ Liz (his proposal was so out of the blue, I still don’t know what to do w/ that).
When Liz wants to give up the baby for adoption, she is told that she has to discuss this with the father, too, as his consent is also needed. Liz says the father is busy with work, then she has 0 conversation about this w/ Tom and goes to Red who, now being very pro having the baby, tries to talk her out of it. He also sabotages Tom’s teacher job and, at the same time, swoops in and presents Liz with a trust fund he set up for the baby, insisting that it’s for the child. As far as symbolic actions go, this one is screaming “I am the provider, not him”. And if it’s not clear enough, he also spells it out by telling her Tom’s not worthy of being her husband and of raising the baby. But it’s too late. Liz rejects him and clings to Tom. She even re-watches the video of Tom being interviewed as a potential adoptive father, which we saw in S1. Liz has been show to chat with potential adoptive parents, so her watching Tom’s adoption agency interview kinda makes it look like she picks Tom to “adopt” Agnes.
S3B is the time period when the threat from Kirk starts emerging. Mr. Kaplan also begins to view Red and Liz’s bond as sth to sever and Red himself as a threat to Agnes, saying that the baby hasn’t even been born yet but is “already paying the price for her association” with him. Then Liz kicks Red out when he asks to see the newborn baby, and soon after Liz’s “death”, Tom tells him that Agnes would only need protection if Red remained in her life. The three of them manage to gaslight Red to such an extent that he completely breaks down. He begins to contemplate ending it all and wanders around, cataloging the reasons.
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And that episode-long contemplation is where we get to see (his version of) Katarina in this exact position, her pain at losing the man she loved at a time when there was so much anger and tension btw them, at not being able to raise her daughter, and all her reasoning for committing suicide (all paralleling Red’s). We can also glimpse Red’s innermost thoughts/feelings regarding Liz, Agnes, and Tom. He says “her mother is dead. All she has is the father.” Somehow he cannot bring himself to call Tom “her father” and this is reflected in future real-life interactions w/ Tom as well, when he switches between calling Agnes “Elizabeth’s child” and “your daughter” in his presence. Liz similarly switches btw calling Agnes “my” and “our” around Tom, and initially she refuses to refer to Agnes as anything but “my baby” even after Tom corrects her. It’s almost like both she and Red need some time to adjust. She does. Red? not so much.
Dom further adds to Red’s crushing guilt by reminding him how his choices doomed Liz like they doomed Katarina before. But then he also reminds him that he still has a reason to live as there are others out there who depend on him (“God help them.” - I LOVE Dom). So Red returns to make sure Agnes is safe and to exact vengeance for Liz’s death, two goals which are tied in his mind as he claims that the only way to protect Agnes is by killing Kirk who’s responsible for Liz’s death. He makes a deal with Tom: he lets him participate in the hunt in exchange for being allowed to spend time with Agnes. Again, this whole exchange has a vibe of negotiating visitation rights.
And Red’s interactions w/ Scottie give us a feel for why he will not argue much in the future when Liz decides to pick her to look after Agnes: Red calls Scottie “a brilliant strategist” who - despite Red’s visceral dislike of her - is a suitable “guard” as long as she believes Agnes to be her granddaughter. So not giving any reason to undermine that belief is in the little girl’s best interest (for now).
- [ S4 ] -
This is a period dedicatedto the overarching theme of “truth vs. appearances”, and we have afew interesting ideas and info snippets introduced that can help furtherexplain Red’s behavior if (he suspects that) Agnes is his.
First of all, we meet Kirkand gain some insight into the relationship dynamics of the past - dynamicswhich reflect those in the present.
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Mirroring is a curiousfeature that’s utilized right at the beginning, in 401. It’s briefly touchedupon (here) but what makes the Red-Kirk-Liz scene especially interesting isthat the mirroring btw this exchange and the Red-Tom-Agnes one in “CapeMay” is not merely visual but also verbal, giving some weight to thesuspicion that they are linked by design. In both scenes we have the“designated dad” in a room with his daughter while the real father(Red is not Liz’s father but in 401 he “stands in” for real Reddington) is separated and looking in from the outside. On top of that, the dialogues are verysimilar, too:
Red (401): Are you okay? || Red (319): She’ll need protection.Kirk (401): Unlike you, I’d never hurt my own daughter. || Tom (319): Only ifyou are in her life.
And to push it even further,Kirk’s words (“What I desire is to raise my child. To watch hergrow.”) reflect Red’s innermost wish he voices in 319: “ I’d giveanything to be a part of that child’s life […] see her, hold her, watch hergrow.” And this also echoes Liz’s fantasy she shares with Red when theyare on the run. And Red’s retort to Kirk in 401 (“She was never yours toraise.”) also matches Red’s dance around the issue of Agnes’ paternity in319 where he refuses to directly call Tom her father, paralleling Katarina’s pain that she feels due to being separated from her daughter.
So I think what we can statewith certainty here is that there is confusion around paternity inboth scenes.
As the season unfolds, we dolearn that Kirk was a “cover dad”, designated as such by Katarina formultiple reasons (that happen to match Liz’s reasons for wanting to“escape” Red in S3 and be with Tom instead):
best chance at a normal life: Kirk did not work as an agent or any kind ofoperative, he had a (relatively) stable life in Russia. Katarina wasmarried to him and they lived together until real Reddington, believing Mashato be his daughter, took their daughter back to the US.
safety: asRed put it, “Your safety was guaranteed because Kirk believed you to behis daughter.” This belief was cemented in by a fake DNA report andentries in Katarina’s journal where she writes about their relief that Mashawon’t be exposed to the genetic illness that plagues Kirk’s family as it canonly be inherited by sons.
“no other path”: despite loving Reddington, Katarina accepted that she was never gonna endup with him. The circumstances were forever against them. This is why she began distancing herself from him and this is why she didn’t want to know ifhe was Masha’s father.
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If Katarina had written apro/con list for her baby, I bet it would have looked a lot like the one Liz wrote, exceptit would have said “Kirk????” instead of “Tom????” But, as Redtold Liz, being Katarina’s husband didn’t make Kirk her father, which is apotentially relevant observation given how Liz kept trying to marry Tom at allcosts to force a “normal family” into existence that was never more than anillusion + how she was trying to distance herself from Red.
Those three main reasons abovealso provided the motivation for a cover-up that Kirk refused to acceptas the truth until multiple tests confirmed it when he fell ill and needed agenetic donation from a blood relative. As Red pointed out, “You saw whatKatarina wanted you to see.” This also echoes Mr. Kaplan’s words to Red atthe end of S3: “You saw what we needed you to see.” which might godeeper than “merely” faking Liz’s death and could be a hint at Kaplan’srole in arranging the 2nd memory manip session with Krilov.
In this season, Red alsostruggles with appearance vs. truth, with the cost/benefit ratio of deceptionsand false assumptions. This happens indirectly when he “auditions” hisnew cleaners in a pristine white apartment where one of his friends wasmurdered. He is both upset and marvels at how clean everything looks –“your cleaners removed even the memory of his blood”.
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This practicality takes on asymbolic meaning as it carries over into Red’s relationship with Mr. Kaplanwhom he calls his confessor: “every trespass I committed, expunged.Cleansed as if it never happened.” Mr. Kaplan claims that Red betrayed Lizand held her “emotionally hostage”. These are rather extreme accusations… unless Red and Liz slept together while on the run and Redconfessed this to Mr. Kaplan. Now that act could be easily and understandablyconsidered trespassing by her, a crossing of a line that never should have beencrossed (= a betrayal). Red felt rage when he learned that Tom had become intimate with Liz. He considered this a betrayal, too, and Tom an immediate threat. He went about correcting the situation the same way Mr. Kaplan goes about correcting Red’s behavior in S3B-S4. Perhaps the trigger was the same type of trespassing too.
Mr. Kaplan makes it her mission to separate Liz and Red,and it all begins back in S3, around the time somebody hired Dr. Krilov to takecertain memories from Liz. Red is very close to directly confessing his feelings for Liz in 302. If he ended up confessing that he’s in love with her and they ended up in bed, that can be considered “a truth” about him that Liz uncovered – a truth that someone who doesn’t want them to be together would definitely object to.
Mr. Kaplan urges Liz to “do what yourmother never had the courage to do: walk away from Raymond.” IF Red and Liz slepttogether and Agnes was the result, then Dr. Krilov’s 2nd memory manipulationdid what Red’s cleaner(s) did in the white apartment: the “trespass” got “expunged”. Even the memory of it.Truth became elusive and assumptions took its place (like “I assume Tom is thefather.”).
Red is trying to complete a white puzzle in the white apartment,which takes on potential relevance after we can hear him compare memory toa jigsaw puzzle in 514. The possible relevance? Maybe he’s wondering (puzzled, if you will ;) why Lizacts as if nothing happened between them on the run, as if her memory of it were wiped clean. And while it is undoubtedly simpler and safer thisway, and it’s best to leave that topic alone, it is hard for him to accept, esp with Tomin the picture and taking on roles Red wishes to be able to fill, roles Liz now rejects him in.
In this episode we can also hear Gale make a pointed, suggestive remarkto Liz about her time with Red in S3A: “What was it like on the run withhim? Did he charm you?” And all this happens while Mr. Kaplan is hell-benton tearing Red and Liz apart for the sake of all of their safety, claiming thatRed’s presence in their lives is a threat to Agnes, Liz, and also to himself.
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Memory manipulation - or the presence of holes in one’s memory - has itsown “footprint” in the show. It usually manifests as images drifting outof focus and echoing voices. There are two instances where this happens to Liz with no apparent reason. One is in 308 when she is in a gas stationbathroom - already pregnant - staring at her reflection in the dirty mirror. The other is in 317when Red marches towards her in the church, calling out her name and interrupting her and Tom’s wedding -both are situations where her baby’s father and her husband are likely on her mind. In317 she even connects the two by saying she wants to build a life with thefather of her child and Red keeps pleading with her to not marry Tom.
We are periodically reminded that Red is a Proust fan, and Proustjust happens to be the author of À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) - a monumentalexploration of the various connections that web reality, perception, and memorytogether. The concept of involuntary memory originates from this novel series,and we can see this in action on The Blacklist, too, when Liz’sburied memory of the night of the fire gets triggered in 222. It’s also possible that she was close to being triggered in those twoscenes mentioned above, and maybe she won’t even need Krilov’s help in regaining the memories she’s lost the 2nd time as they could also be triggered unexpectedly by the smallest, most random thing - a smell, a taste, a voice, a gesture.
The white apartment incidentalso coincides with Liz, Agnes, and Tom moving to a new apartment. Redhas a hard time adjusting to this change, to no longer being able to see Agneswhenever he wants (and he was visiting her regularly while they were in his safe house, always showing up w/ the request to see her in particular), which brings the downside of deception into focus: separation. And Redstruggles with this despite understanding the safety that lies in it and inhiding truths - something Katarina knew a lot about, as well.
It’s not surprising that he soon starts musingabout the importance of truth (in 412):
“You said something before. The truth doesn’t matter, that the only thing in this world that matters is just the appearance of truth. I fear you might be right about that. Lately I find that the truth has become… so elusive. Often imaginary. But in the end, it’s all that we’re left with, isn’t it? What is real, what you can taste and touch and feel. The words that pass between us as we look each other in the eye are… all we have to hold on to. The truth. I hold it dear.”
then he proceeds to make a cuckoo clock forAgnes in the following episode (x, x). His first remark on how he is no longercomfortable with the idea of dying at any second also pops up in 412, and itgets reaffirmed in 415, in the same episode where the bad guy of the weekexpresses the same sentiment: his reason for clinging to his miserable life is fatherhood andhe wants a family even if he is barred from being physically present in their lives.
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Red faces this issue, too. Tom remains Agnes’ (designated)dad and Liz’s husband while he is now kept away. He stillkeeps prodding that family unit, though, keeps teasing Tom about his pastand keeps involving him in missions to strip away his thin veneer of “normaland safe” to prove to Liz that she is mistaken about him. (sidenote: Tom also“takes over” the sentiment of Liz - and Agnes - being his future; thisis Red’s “thing”, has been since S1)
Meanwhile, Red keepsflip-flopping between accepting Mr. Kaplan’s accusations and rejecting them (“Maybe I am the person you need protection from.” vs “She was wrong to think Elizabeth and Agnes were safer without me in their lives.”). Hecannot seem to make up his mind as others join the chorus of blaming him forhow badly things turned out.
This is also the seasonwhere Red has an awkward and out-of-the-blue exchange with Cooper about thelatter’s sick daughter (414), and in another ep (404) - one featuring a parentand child sharing the same disorder - Red is asked point blank if he has achild with special needs but he doesn’t answer.
His personal struggle with appearancevs truth, however, is temporarily suspended when Liz blindsides him with the DNA test in 422. Despite his visible discomfort, Reddoesn’t correct Liz’s false assumption because it happens to provide theperfect cover he so desperately needs to find the skeleton Mr. Kaplan unearthed.But this strategic move comes with the price of having to keep his silenceabout Agnes for the foreseeable future. Thanks to Mr. Kaplan’s parting gift andCooper’s (accidental?) “antidote” of running that DNA test and providing cover, Red is now backed into a corner where the only way topreserve his secret is by not challenging appearances.
- [ S5A ] -
this block is nestledbetween two high-impact turning points: the DNA test and Tom’s death. The DNAtest locks Red into a false role, that of Liz’s father, which holds throughoutS5 and to a lesser extent in S6. The only reprieve is the 10-month period duringwhich he gets to take on the role of father in Agnes’ life (=inhabiting thetruth). Liz spends this time unconscious, which I find quite symbolic, as well (her being not conscious of his true role).
The DNA test is both a curseand a blessing. Red undoubtedly enjoys the sudden warming of his relationship with Lizbut he clearly does not enjoy her referring to him as “father”. Everytime it happens, we can see him wince, cringe, or glare in silence. But it happensto be the perfect cover for him to keep searching for the skeleton since it preventsLiz from asking the very questions he doesn’t want her to wonder about.
So Liz confrontinghim with the DNA test closes the window of opportunity Red still had in S3B andS4 to contest paternity. This turn of events also forces him to prioritizepreserving his secret over almost everything else (he is only ready to give it up when he thinks Liz’s life is at stake), so the struggle we can see him having in S4 - the onebtw appearances and the truth - promptly takes a back seat as keeping upappearances becomes the #1 strategic necessity.
That being said, Red still onlydoes the bare minimum (= not denying it outright) to play father to Liz. And this time block brings some interesting remarks about geneticsand secrets, which may have more significance than simply serving as empty redherrings until the impostor reveal hits at the end of the season.
Smokeydrops some comments about being “just like daddy” and having “noway to avoid the family curse” because “DNA is what it is.” Onthe surface this ties into the (beyond grating) tendency of some characters to blame-shiftand refuse to take any responsibility for their shitty life choices. But what makesthis exchange stand out is the wording “family curse” becauseKatarina uses a similar phrase (“this accursed disease that has afflicted his family for generations”) to describe Kirk’s condition.In 506, Tom also remarks to Red that “family secrets” always comeout. And now Red is sick and is in need of a pioneering geneticist’s help to find a cure. Somehow I don’t believe this is all just coincidence. + judging from those (brief) (glimpses) we get at Agnes, she is already a lot like her dad. ;)
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Ep 504 in particularhas some curious details because they don’t line up with Red and Liz’s pretendrelationship but they do line up with the idea of Red having “a familycurse” that puts Agnes at risk. In this episode, asoldier gives up her child to get him out of harm’s way, but when the child presentswith an incurable disorder, she takes him from his adoptive parents, thencommits suicide to provide the donor heart needed to save his life. Witnessing this,Red remarks that “given the same circumstances, I’d like to think I’d beas brave as her. I know I’d wanna be.”
And then Tom dies, Liz endsup in a coma, and Red is left to take care of Agnes. If she is his, this 10-month period gives Red the perfect opportunity to finally confirm it and, asI mentioned above, have her tested for whatever disorder he knows he - and thus she too -carries. The timeline is always tricky on this show but by my rough estimateRed invested in Dr. Stark’s gene hacking research around the time he still had Agnes or not long after.
- [ S5B–present ] -
In this period, Red shouldalready have confirmation about paternity, about whether or not Agnes is atrisk, and Dr. Stark is already working on the cure for both. However, theskeleton and all the threats attached are still out there, circling them, and Liz is stillunder the impression that he is her father, which Red cannot push back againstif he is to keep his main secret secret.
We’ve seen how far he is willing to go tokeep his identity hidden, so letting Liz believe he is her father is really notall that out there for this guy. Only life-and-death situations can push him to reveal certain things, so it might be unruly genetics that will end up forcing his hand this time around. If Agnes needs treatment, that’s gonna be tricky to administer w/o somebody eventually noticing.
Red is still in a false role for now but its confines have weakened since he realized that Liz now knows he used to be someoneelse.
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WhenLiz decides to go away for a while and entrusts Agnes to Scottie, Red questionsbut eventually goes along with her decision. “It was what youwanted,” he tells her later on. Even locked in his assumed role hecould have dug his heels in and claimed that he had a say in this matter, but he letLiz make the decisions and respected them. It carried way more risk to let her disappear alone than to let Scottie take Agnes, yet Red did not argue and did notrepeat the mistakes he made in S3B when things got so out of hand, Liz began toresent him and he was genuinely worried he was suffocating her. So he did what everybody toldhim to do in S4: he let her - and Agnes - go. And then she came back to him.
But for now, it is best if Agneshas safe distance from both him and Liz. In 520, Red told Jennifer that she was notabandoned but protected. That’s Agnes, too. Red may detest Scottie but he doesacknowledge that she is an excellent strategist with the skills, insight,motivation, and resources to keep the little girl safe. Shebelieves her to be her granddaughter, which - imo - in Red’s book ensures her loyaltyno matter how he feels about her otherwise. And in ep 512, we can see that Redknows exactly where Agnes is and, knowing him, he has his own invisiblemultilayered security web in place, monitoring everyone in Agnes’ life 24/7 and sendingdaily reports to him.
Whenhe and Liz observe Agnes from a distance at the end of the episode, the topic oftruth once again emerges, making it the third time that Agnes and talk of“the truth” co-occur: one is earlier in this episode (“If I misseven one more day with [Agnes] than is absolutely necessarybecause you’re not being completely honest…”)and the other is the cuckoo clock scene in S4. Red tells Liz heknows how hard this separation is and that they want the same thing here, whichechoes his remark in S4 about how they are in lockstep where Agnesis concerned. It also reminds me ofhis stunned reaction when Liz shares her fantasy with him in S3 (“I’mwalking in a park with my husband. Inbetween usis our little girl. I’mholding her hand in mine… and Inever let go.”). They do want the same thing and they are on the same page about Agnes, but everything else is still in disarray. For now, there is safetyin separation and keeping up appearances, even uncomfortable and painful ones.
In 514, Red gives us and Liz areminder when he points out that in the criminal underworld you can neverreveal how important someone is to you without making them an instant target. Theshow continues to provide examples of this specific danger, and the cases thatdirectly touch upon this topic “borrow” elements from Red’s situation: in518, Mosadek’s son is abducted by business associates because they suspect himof being an informant, and in 610, criminals attempt to extort money from a fatherwhose daughter was born premature with a condition to which there was no cureat the time, so the father came up with one.
Ep605 is extra curious because it features the story of a guy who never knew hisfather and only learned about his identity when he was unexpectedly summoned to the readingof his will. Van Ness was fighting an illness, too, and decided to change hiswill to include his only son that nobody even knew about. His last written message to himwas: “I loved your mother but didn’t have the courage to stay withher.” Van Ness’ seat and vote in an international criminal syndicate are also automaticallytransferred to his heir, making him a target for various reasons. It’s also a reminder of what kind of dangerous entanglements thechildren of international criminals have to deal with once their family ties arerevealed. In this episode, we also get a reminder from Aram that “in arelationship, the truth always comes out.” and Dembe continues toplead with Red to be honest with Liz, tell her the truth and leave the rest to fate. Red, however, stubbornly keeps his silence.
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Theparallels btw Red/Liz and Samar/Aram also continue in S6, and what Samar tells Aram in 613has potential relevance to deciphering Red’s perspective and reasons for not speaking up about Agnes. Samar says that she made peace with the idea that she was never gonna havechildren (back in S3, she told Liz she picked career over family) but meeting Aram changed everything. After that, she wanted nothingmore than to try and balance the two, to build a family with him. But now that she knows she has anirreversible condition, she cannot raise a child, and she feels he deservesmore than what she can give.
Ifeel all these sentiments also play a role in how Red evaluates the possibilities of hisrelationship with Liz (even if Agnes is not his). His initial reaction to the baby was rejection,remarking that a child would make their difficult work infinitely harder. But then he changed his mind. In 319, he confessed that hewould give anything to be able to raise Agnes but he was also painfully aware of the factors preventing him from realizing this wish.“Your baby deserves more than we can provide,”Mr. Kaplan told Liz right at the moment she decided to separate her from Redfor good. This idea also emerges in 614, when Red notices Liz staring at thephoto of herself with Katarina, and tells her that the photo represented everythingKatarina wanted but couldn’t have after she became a hunted woman. Being a fugitive himself, Red facesthe exact same problem. And now he alsohas an illness to overcome, so him having the same attitude as Samar - i.e. writing himself off as notbeing a suitable match and accepting not being with “the one” - feels right on the mark, imo. Katarina also shared in this heartbreak where realReddington and their daughter were concerned. She, too, had to let go of what she really wanted.
bottom line (bc it’s time to wrap this up): everything that’s happened since Liz confronted Red with the pregnancynews has been discouraging him from “coming out” as Agnes’ father:
initial uncertainty regarding paternity
Liz’s growing resentment towards him that culminated in a faked death
Tom + Liz choosing him over and over again coupled w/ Red starting to accept that Tom somehow makes Liz happy while he only manages to bring pain and hardship into her life
the constant threats and Red’s growing worry that he might indeed be athreat to Agnes and Liz
the unexpected DNA report that was also the perfect cover
Red’s emerging health issues
Liz’s missing memories (without which how would he even begin to explain it or have any hope she will not freak completely or worse?)
But we are in a period now where there is tangible improvement regarding these main issues. Red now knows whether or not he’s Agnes’ father, so that uncertainty is gone. Tom is dead. Liz’s resentment subsided and she knows Red is an imposter yet loves him anyway and told him so. He also knows about Krilov’s 2nd interference that explains some of Liz’s behavior. His illnessis being treated, too. But the risks and threats in their lives still remain. For now they are mitigating this by staying away from Agnes, but if theimprovements hold, hopefully the time will come when this issue of paternity - along with some other questions - can be broughtforth and sorted between the two of them.
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