#i did two practice tests today that i did okay on and i just decided that was that
collectingthestars · 1 year
i have a maths test tomorrow and for some reason, i'm not all that freaked out
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emithecharmer · 1 year
Husband!SKZ Reacting to you telling them you're pregnant
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Severe baby fever while watching them with babies- so here's for all of the stays that want to be moms one day :)
Tw: Sex talk (duh, she's pregnant), Changbin wants to have sex with his wife (but they don't), fluff, some hurt/comfort
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Christopher Bang
Chris and you had always talked about having a family, he made it perfectly clear when you two started dating that he wanted to be a father. You had always wanted to be a mom, learning empathy and compassion from your own mother, you'd always had a very strong motherly instinct, which is how you just knew. You had always heard of women who just knew they were pregnant but you'd always just thought that it was a myth, until you felt it. You were walking down the feminine hygiene isle, about to pick up a box of tampons when your mind immediately just said 'you don't need them.' It was like a switch had flipped and your brain chemistry was altered. So instead you walked a bit more and grabbed a pregnancy test.
Now, you and Chris has also talked about how if you suspected a pregnancy, that you would tell him, and he would stay with you and watch the test together. But that was easier said than done, as you as you got home..you choked up.
"Hey baby," He leaned forward and kissed your lips sweetly, "how was the store? Thank you for going by the way, I'm sorry I got held back at the studio later than expected." He explained, going and unloading some of the groceries.
"It's okay, it was um..interesting."
"What do you-" He stopped his sentence and that was when you noticed what bag he was going through. He turned toward you, eyes wide and in disbelief.
"Are you-? When did you.. When did we-?"
"I don't know, but I- Today in the store, I had the strongest feeling about it! And I remember you told me your mom just knew and I just- I feel like I am Chris." He practically tore open the box with excitement.
"Can you take it, please baby, take it!" You nodded and you two walked to the bathroom together.
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"How long does it take to pee on a stick?" You heard Chris whine from outside.
"I have performance anxiety!" You whined back, getting frustrated.
Finally you finished the test and washed your hands before letting your, impatient, husband in.
"Hey.." He sounded serious now, making you look at him. He grabbed your hands before deciding to bring you in for a tight hug instead.
"No matter what the test says, we have to agree to take time for the two of us, I don't want us growing apart at all, okay? If we have a baby..it's going to make us stronger okay? And if we don't just yet, we'll try whenever we're ready okay?" You smiled, pulling away and nodding, brushing a small hair that had fallen into his face and glancing at the test.
"Chris.." He looked at the test and you felt you heart clench at the way his eyes sparkled when he turned back to you.
"Thank you.." He whispered, bringing you in for a passionate kiss.
Lee Minho || Lee Know
"Min, what do you think of having kids soon?" You asked, making your husband turn around and raise a brow.
"Why would we have a baby when we already have three?" He asked, smiling when Soonie walked by and brushed against his leg.
"Ah, yeah." You said half-heartedly.
"..I'm also super busy, you know with our new come back and everything that we have planned- I wouldn't get to be there." He explained, trying to give you a better reason.
"Mm, no that makes sense." He smiled at your answer and turned back to cooking, missing the way you brought your hand to your stomach and the way that tears gathered in your eyes.
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Three months flew by without suspicion, you never drank or smoked to begin with, so Minho thought nothing of it, that was, until you started to experience the horrible morning sickness.
You first woke up at 3 am, rushing to the bathroom and heaving into the toilet, you were trying to be quiet before remembering that your husband has chosen to stay at the dorms that night. After you were finished you shakily stood up and brushed your teeth. When you stood up from bending over, you noticed it, Minho's t-shirt tried its best, but there was no doubt, you had a bump. You had a baby bump and when you saw it you collapsed on the floor at the realization that you were hiding your child from your husband. You sobbed on the floor, not hearing the door open and Minho call out your name. You only noticed when he entered the bathroom with his jaw slack and a look of confusion on his face.
"W-What happened? What's wrong baby?" He asked, immediately going to bring you into his arms, lifting you up and taking you to your shared bed. You didn't know if it was from pure exhaustion of the hormones, or if you were just tired of keeping it a secret, but you just blurted it out to him.
"I'm- I'm pregnant Minho. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" His heart broke as you wailed your apologies, he hadn't realized that he'd come across not wanting children.
"Y/n- you- Oh God, please don't be sorry, precious." He whispered, pulling you in for a hug and rubbing your back.
"I hid it from you though.." You whimpered as he shook his head.
"No, no, that was my fault, you should have never felt that you couldn't tell me anything, especially this..You're- We're going to have a baby." His smile was even wider than it was on your wedding day as he brought you in for a kiss and then peppered kisses all of your face before he tilted your head up so he could kiss behind your ear.
"Thank you, so much, honey" He whispered as he squeezed your hands.
Seo Changbin
"Changbin!" You screamed, running to your husband whom you hadn't seen for almost 3 months.
"Y/n." He said, closing his eyes as you two hugged, he wanted to breathe you in for this moment. They were on tour and you'd decided to come and join them.
"I missed you." You said, smiling as he pulled away and grabbed you two suitcases, showing you where the elevator was.
"I missed you too, baby. I can't wait to show you the hotel room, it's insane!" You chuckled at his excitement.
"And we can go see the boys in a little bit too, if you're not too tired." He offered as the door opened and you two stepped out.
"Mm, I'm not tired, I actually slept for most of the flight, so I think I'll be okay." He smirked as he entered the key into the door and opened it.
"Not tired?" He asked, making you shake your head as you looked around the room.
"It is pretty here, I like the-" You we're cut off by your husband, who brought you in for a long-overdue kiss. You felt his arm wrap around you back, caressing your spine before reaching for your shirt.
"Mm, I should warn you, the doctor said that intercourse while pregnant is okay, as long as it's vanilla." You informed him.
"Huh?" You giggled at his reaction, staying quiet as he wracked his brain for a few seconds before his eyes widened.
"But that would mean-"
"Right before you left, yeah." He frowned.
"I left you.." He said.
"Neither of us knew, and I only found out when I saw..this." You lifted your shirt to show him your stomach, which now sported a small bump.
Your husband dropped to his knees and cradled your bump so soft that it almost tickled before he looked back up at you, tears in his eyes. He stood back up, bringing you in for a deep kiss, never once letting his hand fall from your stomach.
Hwang Hyunjin
"Jinnie." You smiled at your husband as he sketched the landscape in front of you. He hummed, looking down at you as you laid on the blanket you two had laid out.
"You'll never guess who's pregnant." You said.
"..You?" He asked warily, making you sputter a laugh.
"No, my sister in law." You said, giggling at Hyunjin's sigh of relief.
"What, you don't want to have a baby with me?" You pouted in a joking manner.
"What- No! No, I do! I do, I want to have like 10 babies with you-"
"Woah bro, slow your roll." He cackled at the hand you held out to him as a sign to stop and the look of utter horror on your face.
"Just not right now, I'd want to be there, not caught up in schedules." You nodded and hummed.
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'Pregnant' You had to have read it wrong.
'Pregnant' Okay one faulty test, but four? You sighed and held your head in your palms as you tried to figure out how to tell your husband.
"No time like the present." You told yourself, grabbing the four tests and unlocking the door and walking into your guest room, which was more of an art room now.
"Hey, love, you okay? You were in there for a while." Hyunjin asked as he put down his brush and turning to you.
"What are those?" he asked, pointing to your hand.
"They're-.." You took a shaky breath before continuing, "They're pregnancy tests..and they're positive." You tried to decipher the look on his face as he stood up and came to you, holding out his hand, which you put a test into. He looked at the screen, 'pregnant,' for a few seconds before he looked back to you, that's when you noticed he was about to cry.
"Aw, Jinnie." You cooed, opening your arms to comfort him.
"You're pregnant.." He said.
"You- You're going to have a baby. And we'll be parents." You nodded again, chuckling at your husband.
"You're going to be the best mom." He said, eyes watering a bit.
"And you're going to be an amazing dad, Jinnie."
"Power couple." He winked, a tear falling as he did, making you two giggle.
Han Jisung
You'd gone shopping right away after you read the positive result on the small screen. Jisung had always told you that he wanted kids, and being his wife, you knew he'd make a great dad. After finding out that you were expecting, you knew you had to make telling him special. You went to the store and bought a, blank white, newborn onesie and some fabric paint, painting in small words 'STAY' on the front and 'HAN' on the back. You put the onesie and the test at the bottom of a small box before filling it with other mementos you'd collected since the two of you had started dating.
"Jagi! I'm home, and I got us some sushi!" You heard your husband announce his arrival and quickly shut the box, making sure it was ready.
"In the kitchen!" You said, smiling when your husband's face popped out from behind the wall.
"You somehow get prettier every time I see you." He said, setting down the food and kissing the tip of your nose and nuzzling into your neck, hugging you close.
"Mm, missed you." He cooed at you, pulling away to kiss you properly, cupping your cheek softly.
"I have something for you." You said giggling as you pulled away, snickering at the slight pout he momentarily had.
"Ooh!" He accepted the box from your hands, setting it down to open it.
"Woww, this is from our first date! And is this in Japan?" You nodded as he increasingly got more excited.
"That's me at your first Stray Kids concert,- wow am I hot or what?" You giggled as he kept digging. You held your breath as he picked up a set of keys that you two had kept after locking your locks on the bridge, and then picked up your wedding photo.
"You look stunning in this photo. What was this all for, baby?" He asked, kissing you again.
"There's more, babe." You smiled, pointing down at the box.
"Oh, oops!" He looked back into the box, freezing when he saw what was inside. He picked up the onesie, setting it on the counter, before picking up the test. He turned back to you, taking one look at your face, making sure it wasn't a joke, before hugging you.
"I love you," kiss, "I love you," kiss, "and I love you." He said, poking your belly softly.
"I love you." Jisung said, kissing your forehead.
"I love you more, Ji."
Lee Felix
"Practice is kicking my butt." Felix groaned, flopping onto your bed and sighing as he felt the plushness under him.
"New comeback?" You asked softly and he nodded.
"Yeah, just- need something good you know? Not that you aren't good, baby." You smiled, setting your book down and leaning down to brush his hair with your fingers. He sighed at the feeling, he'd missed your presence for a few weeks, being so held up in schedules, he'd decided he'd go back to his old dorm for the time being, just so he wouldn't disrupt your sleep schedule, you being a nurse and all.
"Can you kiss me?" He asked.
"Course, bub." You said, choosing to move up, letting him scoot up as well and sit between your legs. He leaned forward, kissing your lips and the down your neck, and then back to your lips. A few minutes later he noticed that you weren't as into it as you usually were, so he stopped.
"You okay, pretty girl?" He asked, rubbing your hip.
"I'm a little tired.." He pouted, kissing your cheek before leaning over and turning off the lamp. The moonlight outside still illuminated the room, coming through the curtains and giving the room a soft glow.
"You should've said something, baby, we can sleep."
"It's okay, really, I think it's just the pregnancy hormones, my sex drive will fluctuate a lot through pregnancy."
"Ahh, yeah that makes sense." He said, laying down with you and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.
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"Wait what." He said a few minutes later, making you burst into laughter.
"It took you that long?" You asked, watching him reach over and turn the lamp back on.
"You're pregnant? Like with a baby? Our baby, like one that we made?" You blinked at him.
"..I'm going to say yes?" He started to cry as he pulled you up to hug you, muttering thank you's and I love you's as he rubbed your back softly.
Kim Seungmin
Right when he gets home, you were going to tell him, right when he walks in, there was no stopping you.
"I just want today to be over, can no one do anything right?" Nevermind. You said to yourself as you heard the door slam and your husband walked in, slinging his coat onto the back of a chair before he took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry..I shouldn't bring work in with me, I'm sorry baby." He apologized, walking up to hug you in greeting.
"Hi Minnie." You said, nuzzling into his chest.
"You should just come in with me, just hearing your voice makes everything better." He said as he ran his fingers through your hair, kissing the top of your head every few seconds.
"Happy to be of service." You giggled, looking up at your husband, all of whose tension was released upon seeing you.
"I have to use the bathroom." He said, pulling away, making you chuckle.
"Okay, I'll start on dinner."
"Thank you, baby, I'll help you when I'm out." He promised.
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"..Babe?" You turned around to see your husband holding something.
"Is this- Are you pregnant?" He asked, looking up at you, seeing your reaction, he knew you were.
"Ah- I was supposed to tell you when you came home- I kinda chickened out.." You looking down at the floor.
"Oh my gosh..Baby- Babe- Y/n- We're going to be parents." He smiled, walking over to you.
"Yeah, we are." He lifted you onto the counter, making sure you didn't hit anything before he kissed your softly, lifting his hands to your stomach and rubbing it softly.
Yang Jeongin (I.N)
"Innieeee!" You called as you knocked on Chan's studio door. Jeongin was with Chan and Jisung today going over some lyrics, but he'd texted you to come over for lunch so he could see you.
"Come in, it's only me." He said but opening the door anyway.
"Ooh, what'd you bring?" He asked.
"Cookies, but we have to eat lunch first, I brought subway." He gasped, holding out his hands as you handed him the bag.
"Thank you, love." He said coyly, kissing your cheek quickly.
"I got you two since you started working out again." You said, making him flush.
"Ah, you didn't have to." He said.
"But you wouldn't have been full if I hadn't, hm?" He nodded shyly. Despite you two being together for around two years, you still had your shy moments.
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"Mkay, cookie time, gimme gimme." He said, throwing his trash into the empty bag. Chan and Jisung were back and their eyes lit up.
"Cookies?" Jisung asked with wide eyes.
"Jisung." Chan shoved his arm, making Jisung sit up straight.
"Sorry." You laughed.
"You can have some too, I got a batch."
Jeongin opened the box and shut it immediately, not even letting the boys see the cookies. As fate would have it, the rest of the boys arrived at the door, wanting to say bye before heading home, but now they were confused in the scene.
"You're a liar. You're literally lying." Jeongin accused, tears in his eyes.
"Innie, what happened?" Chan asked, trying to figure out what was happening.
"Uh-uh, I went to the doctor today to confirm." You said. Jeongin sniffled loudly as he stood up and walked to you, quite literally falling to his knees to hug you.
"So..Is everything good?" Hyunjin asked as he stood awkwardly outside the door. Jisung, the impatient man he was, had opened the cookie box and gasped, pointing at you.
"She's pregnant!" Chaos followed after the revelation that their youngest member was on the road to fatherhood.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 months
Wouldn’t It Be Nice
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you think you may be pregnant and tell Peter (characters are 18+)
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“Can I help you find anything today?”
You momentarily broke out of your stunned state and looked at the CVS employee that was talking to you. You hadn’t even heard her walk up to you from how deep in thought you were.
“Um…” You trailed off and turned back to the row of pregnancy tests in front of you. You had been walking around for the past few weeks with a strange feeling in your gut that something was different. After realizing that morning that you couldn’t remember when your last period was, you took yourself to CVS to get a pregnancy test. Part of you thought there was absolutely no way you could ever possibly be pregnant, but the other part of you couldn’t shake the feeling that you definitely were.
“Did you have any questions?” The employee said when you took too long to answer. An overwhelming sense of dread fell over you when you realized you had no idea which one to choose. Your eyes suddenly filled with tears and you sucked in a sharp, panicked breath.
“Hey. It’s okay.” The employee said and put her hand on your shoulder.
“It’s not okay. This isn’t how I wanted this to happen. I wanted my first time buying a pregnancy test to be exciting and joyful. But I’m scared to death right now and I don’t even know which one to get. If I can’t even make one stupid decision on what test to get, how am I supposed to raise a human?” You blurted and looked at her desperately for answer. The young employee blinked a few times and you immediately felt embarrassed for dumping all of that on a girl who looked fresh out of high school.
“Um, I can ask my manager?” She weakly offered. You laughed lightly and wiped your tears.
“Sorry. I’m just really emotional right now.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be right back.” She told you and practically ran out of the aisle. You knew you had scared her away and assumed she’d never be back but to your surprise, a manger came down the aisle. She took a test off the shelf and handed it to you.
“I use these. They’re pretty accurate. And you don’t have to worry about misreading the little lines because it has a digital screen. If it’s your first time, you want to know for certain. And it comes with two so you can double check.” She told you. You stared at the box in your hand and for a moment, you didn’t feel as scared.
“Thank you.” You said sincerely. The manager smiled at you and took a tissue out of her pocket and handed it to you.
“You’ll be okay, hon.” She assured you.
“What if I’m not?” You asked quietly.
“Don’t worry about that. Because that’s not gonna happen.”
“I’m really scared.” You admitted and clenched the box in your hand. She looked you up and down for a moment before nodding towards the back of the store.
“Come with me.” She said, and you did. You followed her to the employee bathroom and watched her unlock it for you.
“It’s a single stall so you’ll have privacy. Go in there and take the test.” She said and held the door open.
“But…won’t you be able to hear me pee?”
“Yup. And you’ll be thinking about that instead of what that test is gonna say. So go on.” She said again.
“Thank you, magical CVS lady.” You smiled in sincere appreciation before going in and taking the test. After peeing on it, you put the cap back on, washed your hands, and left the bathroom.
“I can’t look at this. You do it.” You grimaced and held the test out to her.
“What’s it say?” You asked nervously.
“I’m not touching something you just peed on. You have to look yourself.” She told you. You sighed and decided that if you were gonna check the test, it had to be with Peter. You nodded your head and put the test in your purse.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked her.
“I’m not you from the future.” She shook her head.
“Psh. What makes you think I was gonna ask that?” You scoffed. “Unless you are me from the future and already knew I was gonna ask that.”
“We are not even the same race.” She reminded you.
“Oh. Yeah. Unless in the future, people-“
“Go pay for that.” She cut you off. “And talk to your boyfriend. It’s going to be okay.”
“I hope you’re right. Thank you for helping me.” You said sincerely before going to the register.
The pregnancy test was burning a hole in your purse as you walked to Peters apartment. May let you in and your legs felt weak beneath you as you knocked on his bedroom door.
“Oh, hi, honey. I wasn’t expecting you.” Peter smiled when he opened the door.
“I need to talk to you about something.”
“Is this about my YouTube search history? I wasn’t watching Jake Paul I just wanted to know if he still uploaded and-“
“It’s not about that.” You cut him of.
“Oh. Serious face.” Peter realized. “Have you been crying? What’s going on?”
You sighed and shut the door behind you before sitting on his bed. Peter sat beside you and took your hands.
“What’s going on?” He asked softly.
“I’m….I’m late.” You said slowly.
“For what? We didn’t have any plans.”
“No, Peter. I’m late.” You said and emphasized the last word.
“For what?” He mimicked your tone and laughed at his own joke.
“It’s not funny. I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you.” You said as your eyes welled up with tears again. Peters head jutted back in surprise at your unexpected tears and he immediately pulled you into a hug.
“Woah. I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” He said as he rubbed your back up and down.
“I think I really messed up, P. I think I’m in a lot of trouble.” You sniffled as you wiped your eyes.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
“My period never came this month.”
“I didn’t get it last month either. I drove to an all night McDonalds last night because I specifically needed their sweet tea. My emotions are all over the place.” You listed and gestured to him to fill in the blanks.
“I feel like you’re leading me somewhere but now I can’t stop thinking about how good McDonald’s sweet tea is.” Peter said out of the corner of his mouth.
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “Peter, I think I’m pregnant.”
“Pregnant?” He whispered harshly. “Like with a baby?”
“What else?”
“Hold on. Let’s not freak about before we have all the answers. A missed period doesn’t automatically mean you’re pregnant.”
“No, but this pregnancy test does.” You said and wiped out the test from your purse.
“You already took a test? Why didn’t you lead with this?” Peter asked in shock as he took the test. It was face down so neither of you could see the result.
“I haven’t looked at it yet. The magical CVS lady told me we should look at it together.”
“You went to CVS without me?” He whispered in betrayal.
“Peter. This is serious.” You whined and shook his arm.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s look at it.” Peter said and flipped it over.
“I can’t look. You do it.” You said and quickly turned your face. There was a long pause of silence that sent your anxiety into overdrive.
“Well?” You asked. “What does it say?”
“I haven’t looked yet. My eyes are shut.” He admitted.
“Oh, just give it to me.” You sighed and took the test back from him.
The word “pregnant” were staring back at you on the little screen of the test in bold letters. You read that one word over and over, half expecting it to change. You looked over at Peter and watched him peak his eyes open.
“What does it say?” He asked you.
“Pregnant.” You said and you both sat with the weight of that. There was a long silence as you both stared at the test that was in your shaking hand.
“Maybe it’s false. Don’t people get false positives all the time?” Peter asked quietly. He was white as a ghost and you knew he was just as terrified as you were.
“The lady at CVS said this brand was pretty accurate. And I told you. My period never came.”
“Okay. We still don’t have to freak out. A missed period and a positive pregnancy test doesn’t automatically mean you’re pregnant.” He repeated his words from before with far less conviction.
“I think it kinda does, P.” You said apologetically. “And I just have this feeling. I’m pregnant. I know it.”
“This is all my fault.” Peter sighed and rubbed his face up and down.
“What makes you say that?”
“I made us watch look at the full moon after Thanksgiving and it got me in the mood because I was so overwhelmed with my love for space and time and now you’re pregnant.” Peter said as his eyes welled up with tears as well.
“What does you loving space exploration have to do with the potential of our teen pregnancy?” You laughed and relaxed a little.
“Well aren’t girls more fertile during the full moon? And how is this a teen pregnancy? We’re both 21.”
“Yes, but girls are teenagers their entire lives.” You reminded him. “And I don’t think the moon has anything to do with fertility.”
“Oh, so you think it’s just a coincidence that both the lunar and menstrual cycle last 28 days?” He asked you.
“Well when you say it like that.” You mumbled. You looked down at the test again and felt the overwhelming sense of dread return.
“I can’t believe I let this happen.” You said quietly.
“Hey. This was both of us, okay? It takes two to make a baby. Unless you secretly found a sperm donor and did an in vitro fertilization and then forgot about it but I don’t think you did that so this was probably our doing. So don’t put all the blame on yourself.” Peter said and pulled you back into his arms.
“But I could have been more careful. Now what am I gonna do? I can’t raise a kid, P. I’m not ready.” You said as you cried in his arms.
“Whatever happens, we’re gonna handle it together. You won’t be alone.” He promised you.
“But we’re just kids ourselves. We don’t know anything about looking after a human being. I don’t know how to cook and you put a bar of soap in the laundry machine last week and made all the other tenants mad. We were irresponsible enough to accidentally get knocked up so how are we responsible enough to raise a kid? What if we can’t do this?” You pulled out of his arms to ask him.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “Should we tell an adult?”
“Who?” You laughed sadly. “My parents? Not unless you want my dad to put your head on a stick Lord of the Flies style.”
“Thank you for that imagery. But I was thinking May. She might be more sensitive to what you’re going through.”
“Won’t she be mad at you?”
“I don’t think so. She’s extremely sex positive. Like, uncomfortably so.” Peter said and grimaced a little. You nodded in agreement as you recalled all the conversations you’ve had with her about your “changing bodies”.
“What if we never tell anyone?” You suggested after a beat of silence.
“We’re gonna have to tell them eventually. And if we don’t, they’re gonna notice. It’s kinda hard to hide a pregnancy for the entire ninth months.” Peter reminded you.
“What if there is no pregnancy? What if I get an abortion?”
“If thats what you want, I’ll support you. It’s your choice.”
“I don’t know if I can do that.” You admitted. “I made this baby. I feel like I’m supposed to take care of it.”
“You’re supposed to do whatever you feel is right for you. We can do whatever you want.” Peter assured you.
“Maybe adoption?” You suggested. “I could have the baby and we could find a nice couple to raise them.”
“We could look into that.” Peter nodded.
“I don’t know if I can do that either.” You sighed. “I know adoption works for a lot of people but I think I’d always wonder about our kid. And what if I regret giving them up when I’m older? I’m not ready now but I wanted kids one day. We can make another baby but we can never remake that baby. What if I want to be in their life but they don’t want to know me?”
“I’d wonder about them too.” Peter admitted. “But we have a lot of time to think about what to do. We don’t have to make any decisions right now.”
“I want to talk to May.” You decided. “She’ll know what we should do.”
“Okay. Let’s go see her. But later, uh, an we stop at…” Peter trailed off and gave you a look.
“Yeah. Fine.” You sighed. “I want sweet tea now too.”
You and Peter splashed cold water on your faces to make it look like you hadn’t been crying before going out to see May. Peter took your hand and squeezed it as you watched her from the hallway.
“Okay, we have to be strategic about this. We don’t want her freaking out and making us more nervous. Let’s just ease her into it.” He whispered to you.
“Good idea.” You whispered back before going out into the kitchen to see her.
“Oh, hi guys.” May greeted. “I’m starting to get hungry so I was thinking of making some-“
“I’m pregnant.” Peter’s blurted.
“What?” She laughed in confusion.
“Oh my God. Peter!” You groaned and smacked his arm.
“I’m sorry. You were saying you could make us something?” He asked May. May ignored him and looked at you with an expecting glance. You sighed and pulled the test out of your pocket before handing it to you. Her eyebrows went up in surprise but when she looked at you again, she didn’t look disappointed.
“How did this happen?”She asked you.
“Well, when a man and I woman love each other very much-“ Peter began.
“No.” May groaned. “I know how this happened. But don’t you guys use protection?”
“We do.” Peter nodded. “Most of the time.”
“Most of the time?” May asked skeptically.
“We don’t always have a condom handy but I have really fast reflexes.” Peter said in defense.
“Oh, really? Do you?” May asked with a huge smile as she grabbed the stick of butter beside her and launched it at Peter. It stuck to his face and everyone fell silent.
“Not fast enough, apparently.” She said finally. Peter took the butter off his face and went to clean up as you sat down to talk to May.
“Are you mad?” You asked her.
“I’m surprised.” She admitted. “But I also believe everything happens for a reason. This could be the universe telling you that this is the path for you.”
“Or, this is the universe telling me I should’ve wrapped it before I tapped it.” Peter said as he rejoined the conversation. May gave him a look and he went quiet again.
“Do you have any questions?” May asked you.
“Yes. What if it comes out covered in all the gum I’ve swallowed?” You asked with genuine concern.
“That…can’t happen.” May said slowly. “Do you know that? It’s important to me that you know that.”
“What if she farts too hard one day and gives birth in her underwear and then the baby can’t breathe?” Peter asked.
“What if I teach the baby to share and it ends up a communist?” You added.
“Oh no. We can’t have a commie baby.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“What if it’s just a giant spider?” You asked. “Or a regular baby but with eight legs?”
“Or a spider with a baby face. That would be so spooky.” Peter added.
“He’s right.” You said and pointed to him.
“No, he’s not right. Did either of you take sex Ed?” May sighed in disappointment.
“All I remember from health class is watching Inside Out.” Peter admitted.
“I love that movie. Except for the Bing Bong part.” You said and started to cry again as you thought about the movie.
“He sacrificed himself to let Riley be happy.” You said through your tears.
“Yeah, she’s definitely pregnant.” May sighed. “Who else have you guys told?”
“Just you. And some lady at CVS.” You told her.
“Understandable. I think you should decide if you want to keep the baby or not before telling anyone else.”
“She’s right. What do you want to do?” Peter asked you.
“I can’t make any decisions right now. I need to sleep on it. Can I sleep here tonight? I really don’t want to be alone with all my thoughts.” You sighed and rubbed your head.
“Can she?” Peter asked May.
“I mean, it’s not like she can get more pregnant.” May shrugged. You said nothing and went back to Peter’s room for some alone time. He was about to follow you but May stopped him and told him to give you some space. You laid in his bed and stared up at the ceiling for a long time as you thought about everything. Part of you wanted to scream for being so irresponsible but another part of you believed what May had said about everything happening for a reason. Peter came into the room after about an hour with a bowl of cut up fruit. You gave him a sad smile and sat up as he sat on the bed.
“How are you feeling about all of this?” You asked him.
“I’m kinda, I don’t know, excited.” Peter admitted.
“You are?” You asked in surprise.
“Yeah. I mean, obviously I was shocked when you first told me. But now I can’t stop thinking about what our kid will be like.” Peter said. You ate some of your fruit and took a moment to think about what it would actually be like to have a baby with him. You looked over at Peter and saw his big brown eyes staring back at you with full attention.
“Hopefully they’d have your eyes. That was the first thing I noticed about you when we met. Big doe eyes that can’t hide anything you’re feeling. It’s my favorite part of your face.” You replied with a soft smile.
“That would be cute. But my biggest hope is that they get your heart. And your kindness. I’ve never seen you turn someone away who was in need. You’ve taken on so many others people’s problems even when you’re drowning in your own. You take care of people. I hope our kid is like that.” Peter said, making you smile softly.
“Well I hope our kid gets your creativity.” You told him. “The things your brain comes up with never fails to amaze me. When you can’t find something you need, you make it yourself. I hope our kid gets your brains. They’ll be able to think themselves out of anything.”
“I hope so. With me as their dad, they’re gonna need a lot of help.” Peter laughed softly.
“No. You’ll be a great dad.” You insisted. “I already know you’re gonna be the fun parent and I’m gonna be the one that has to keep everyone in check.”
“But they’ll love you. It’s impossible not to.” Peter replied. “You’re where they will go for advice and comfort. They’ll come to me when they want to do some light scheming and plotting.”
You laughed and nodded in agreement as you stared off into the distance. The thought of a child that was half you, half the boy you loved didn’t seem as scary anymore. The more you talked about it and imagined what it would be like, the more excited you felt to start that chapter in your life.
“It might be kind of fun to have a kid running around.” You admitted. “One that you and I get to raise and watch grow. I always thought I’d have a kid one day. I didn’t think it would be this soon, but maybe May was right. Maybe this is what was meant to happen.”
“Maybe it was.” Peter agreed. “Maybe this is exactly when this was supposed to happen.”
“It’s gonna be a lot of sleepless nights, though.” You added when you found yourself romanticizing all the good parts of being a parent and none of the bad.
“Oh, totally. I heard it’s terrible the first few weeks. You don’t sleep at all.”
“God. I do not want that.” You laughed and rolled your eyes a little.
“Me either. It’ll be brutal.” Peter groaned and you nodded in agreement. You knew you had to consider how hard this would all be, but all you could think about was the cute baby clothes you’d get to dress your kid up in.
“I heard babies heads smell really good, though.” Peter said after you had sat in silence for a moment.
“Me too. I used to have a babydoll that’s head smelled really good. Like cake.” You smiled at the memory.
“Cake baby.” Peter replied, making you chuckle softly. You were starting to get a little too excited about the idea of this baby and had to bring yourself back down to earth.
“They smell really bad too, though.” You added. “And that’ll make us smell bad because we’re gonna be the ones who have to deal with all the throw up and poop.”
“You’re right. Ugh, I am not looking forward to that.” Peter blew out a breath. “We’re gonna have to change dirty diapers for the next few years of our lives. I worked in a daycare one summer and the diapers are never ending. And we’re probably gonna live in a super small place because that’s all we can afford and the whole thing is gonna smell like a dumpster.”
“Gross.” You grimaced and remembered why getting pregnant this young was a bad idea.
You put your bowl down once you finished the fruit and got into the bed. You stared up at the glow in the dark stars on Peter’s ceiling as he got in beside you and shut off the light.
“Would you hope for a girl or a boy?” You asked and rolled over to face him.
“Girl.” He said immediately.
“Really? Why?”
“Because. Imagine having another little you running around. Only she’d grow up with unrelenting love and support from us. She’d be running the world by her 6th birthday.” Peter insisted.
“What would we name her?” You asked through a smile as you imagined the little girl.
“Matilda.” He answered.
“Matilda? Like the movie?”
“Not just any movie.” He prefaced. “The greatest movie of all time.”
“I can’t argue with that.” You chuckled and rolled back onto your back.
“What would you want?” He asked you.
“A boy. For the same reason. Another little you. And all those adorable little bow ties and sweater vests I see at Target. Imagine our baby in a newsboy hat and little suspenders. Ugh. I want a baby every time I pass that aisle.”
“Okay, but tiny little girl dresses? With matching bows? Imagine wearing a matching dress with your daughter to a party.” Peter said to challenge you.
“That is adorable. I would love that, actually.” You agreed and looked over at him. Peter stared into your eyes and felt less scared about the uncertain future.
“What are you thinking?” You asked and pushed some hair off his forehead.
“So many things.” Peter admitted through a chuckle.
“Me too. But I feel less panicked than I did when we first found out. The pit in my stomach feels more like butterflies now.”
“I know we have a lot to learn but I don’t feel scared anymore. I’m kinda, I don’t know, happy. Is that weird?”
“You know what? So am I. As long as we have each other, what’s the worst that could happen?” You asked.
“We could raise a brat that grows up to be a menace to society.” Peter said and instantly regretted it when you looked at him in horror.
“Oh no. You’re right. I don’t know how to teach someone to be a good person from scratch. What if our kid ends up one of those annoying kids who screams when they don’t get their way?”
“Or worse. What if our kid is the kid who says they weren’t even playing when they’re found in hide and seek? Even though they were totally playing but can’t stand to lose.” Peter cringed.
“I hated those kids.” You whispered.
“I did too. But what made them that way? I’m guessing it was their parents but how? How do we make a kid happy without raising them to expect to always get their way?”
“I have no idea.” You sighed. “And I don’t want a kid who can’t eat without watching an IPad but I also don’t want to have to listen to crying all day. What’s the balance?”
“Is there one?”
“I don’t know. Oh God, Peter. I don’t know anything.” You realized and began to panic again. You laid in silence for a while as your minds ran wild. You were both busy thinking of every annoying kid you knew in your childhood and wondered how they became that way.
“Imagine they’re a good kid, though. What if our kid is the one that sits with the kid who’s sitting alone? Or makes a circle bigger to include everybody in the conversation? You do things like that. I do too. What if they’re a good person that we can both step back and be proud of?” Peter asked into the night. You felt a tear roll down your cheek and slid into your ear as you stared at the stars on the ceiling.
“What if I’m not capable of raising a kid like that? What if I’m too young and inexperienced to teach someone else how to be good?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that. I think you’ll be a great mom.” Peter said and sat up to look at you. You stared into his eyes and smiled a little.
“You’ll be a great dad.” You said quietly. He smiled and bent down to kiss you before laying his head back on the pillow.
“What do you think my dad’s gonna say?” You wondered. “How’s he gonna take it?” “
“Probably not great. And then he’s probably gonna take a bat to my head.” Peter replied, making you laugh at the honesty.
“My parents are gonna be so disappointed in me.” You sighed. “They’re gonna think I’m so irresponsible for this. What if they kick me out?”
“Then we don’t need them.” Peter said simply. “Whatever happens, I’m not going anywhere. We’ll always have each other. And once your parents see our squishy and adorable baby, they’ll have to forgive us. No one can stay mad at a squishy baby.”
“You know what? You’re right. We’re not teenagers. This isn’t exactly what we planned but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe this will be okay.”
“I think it will be. I don’t know anything about raising a baby but I know that I love you. And that I can’t wait to do this with you. There’s no one else I’d rather be starting a family with.”
“Really?” You asked hopefully.
“Really.” Peter assured you.
“Okay. You’re right.” You decided. “Whatever happens, it’s gonna be okay. We’re in this together.”
“We’re gonna have a cake baby.” Peter said with an excited smile.
“Cake baby!” You laughed and leaned into his side. Peter wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
You fell asleep that night with your mind at ease. When you woke up, you accidentally knocked a few books onto the floor. You sat up and looked around at the sea of baby books that Peter had put on the bed. He was sitting up as well and reading a book with a pregnancy bump on the cover.
“Morning, honey.” Peter turned away from his book to smile at you.
“Good morning. What is all this?” You laughed sleepily and picked up one of the books.
“Just some light reading.” He chuckled as well. “I went to the library this morning to get some books for expecting parents. I would’ve taken you with me but I wanted to let you sleep in since you’re making life in your body and all that.”
“Aw, wait. That’s so sweet of you, P. And incredibly crazy to think about.” You said and lifted your shirt to look at your stomach. It was hard to imagine that there was a person growing in there.
“That’s not the only crazy thing. These books are insane. Did you know babies can’t have water until they’re at least 6 months old?”
“No, I didn’t know that. Wow. You learned that in there?” You asked and curiously picked up one of the books.
“There are so many interesting things I didn’t know in here. I checked out as many as they’d let me so that we could start reading up.” Peter explained as you flipped through one of the books. You touched one of the pictures of a mother holding her baby and then touched your stomach.
“This is perfect, Peter. Thank you.” You smiled sincerely and squeezed his shoulder.
“It’s the least I could do. You’re the one doing the hard part. I also asked May to help us find a good doctor. She said we should make an appointment for an ultimate sound soon.” He smiled back.
“It’s ultrasound.” You corrected with a chuckle.
“Oh. Right.” He laughed as well. “See? I’m learning already.”
“You are. And I’m proud of you. But this is a lot of information to read.” You sighed as you scanned the sea of books on the bed.
“It is.” He agreed. “But we’re two people. And a lot of this stuff repeats between the books. I’ve read about cradle cap six times already.”
“Ew. What’s that?”
“I’d tell you but you haven’t eaten yet.” Peter mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.
“Speaking of eating, I would love to do that right now.”
“Of course. You’re eating for two now.” Peter’s said and got out of the bed. Before you could respond, he scooped you up and carried you to the kitchen.
“Peter. I can walk.” You laughed as he gently set you down in a seat.
“I know. But I don’t want you to slip and fall and have our baby come out with a flat head or something.”
“I don’t even think they have a head yet.” You pointed out. “I’m pretty sure the baby is just a blob in my uterus right now.”
“Don’t call our child a blob. They’ll hear you.” Peter whispered.
“Will they?”
“They could. Now can pregnant people eat cereal?” Peter’s asked as he read the side of a box of Reese’s Puffs.
“I’m pretty sure they can.” You chuckled.
“Okay. Then this should be safe.” Peter nodded and poured some into a bowl for you to eat. You thanked him as he sat beside you at the table.
“I hope our kid doesn’t play sports because I really don’t want to sit through games for the next 18 years of my life.” Peter said once you were both eating.
“Maybe they’ll be like you and be a total nerd with no extracurricular activities.” You teased.
“As long as they’re not a band kid like their mama.” He mumbled.
“Watch yourself.” You warned. As you ate breakfast, you discussed all the little hopes and fears you had for your future kid. Peter theorized that the kid would be into science but you saw them being more artistic. Peter was sure you were going to have a genius kid but you imagined them more as a kid who wasn’t a natural at anything but tried their hardest at everything. The more you debated what your future kid would be like, you more excited you felt to meet them.
You and Peter decided to give yourselves a week before telling your family about the baby. In that time, you became fully confident in your decision to keep the baby. Throughout the week, you and Peter read up on baby books and spent countless hours watching mommy bloggers online to begin to prepare yourselves. You swung by Peters apartment one morning to pick him up before going to tell your parents together.
“You ready to go?” You asked Peter.
“Wait one second.” He said and disappeared into his room. When he came back, he had a yellow gift bag with some crumpled tissue paper poking out.
“For you.” He smiled proudly and handed you a bag.
“What’s this?” You asked as you reached into the bag. You pulled out a pair of little black converse, fit for a baby.
“Well, we don’t know if we’re having a girl or a boy yet but I know you love your converse, so.” He said sheepishly. You stared at the little shoes in your hands and felt your eyes well up with tears.
“Can you believe anyone’s foot can be this small?” You asked and held the baby sneaker up.
“Our kids foot is gonna be in there.” Peter said proudly and rubbed your arms up and down.
“We made a foot.” You whispered in disbelief.
“We made a kid.”
“With a foot.” You squeaked in excitement and shook the little shoe.
“Hopefully with two.” He chuckled.
“These are so cute. Thank you.” You put the shoes down and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back for a long time and slowly swayed back and forth.
“You’re welcome. You ready to go tell your parents?” He asked once you pulled out of the hug.
“I guess so. Let me just pee first.” You said and went into the bathroom. Peter went on his phone to pass the time but noticed you were in there for awhile. Once twenty minutes had gone by and he hadn’t heard any sound from the bathroom, he knocked on the door.
“Honey? You okay in there?” He asked you. You unlocked the door and opened it so you could peak your head out a little.
“I got it.” You said with a sad smile.
“Got what?” Peter wondered. You took a deep breath but didn’t let your forced smile falter.
“I just got my period.” You told him and watched him carefully for a reaction. Peters eyebrows went up and he threw on a smile to match yours since he didn’t know how he should be feeling with that news.
“Oh.” He said and nodded his head.
“Mhm.” You nodded as well and blinked a few times to fight back the tears that were threatening your eyes. You didn’t know why you felt as emotional as you did, but at least you had your period to blame.
“That’s great, right? That means you’re not pregnant.” Peter said and kept his forced smile. He knew he should he relieved, but he felt disappointed. He just didn’t want you to know that.
“Yeah. It’s great. Now we don’t have to tell my parents anything. Because I’m not gonna have a baby.” You said and tried to force a laugh but it came out like more of a whimper.
“Honey?” Peter asked softly when he saw you fighting back tears.
“I’m not gonna have a baby.” You whispered and started to cry. Peter pulled you into his arms and let you cry into his shoulder until you could speak again.
“You’re sad?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think I wanted a baby right now. But I also thought I already had one. I guess I was more excited than I realized.” You said as you wiped your tears with your sleeves.
“I don’t understand. You took that test.”
“I looked it up. A bunch of things can make you have a false positive. I peed on the other test just to see.” You sighed and pulled out the other test you had taken. A big “not pregnant” was displayed on the tiny screen. Peter looked at it for a long time and didn’t understand the way he was feeling. If you had asked him two weeks ago if he wanted a baby, he would’ve laughed and said no way. But now, he felt disappointed that positive had been false. He knew he probably wasn’t ready to be a parent, but the emotional roller coaster of thinking he was about to become one only to be told it wasn’t true left him feeling empty inside. Whatever he was feeling, it seemed like you were feeling it ten times worse. It had hit you a lot harder than you expected and you felt silly for mourning the loss of something you never actually had.
“What are you thinking?” You asked as you studied his face.
“I don’t know how to feel.” He admitted.
“Me either.”
“It’s for the better. We weren’t ready.” He said and shrugged slightly. He didn’t really believe it, but he felt like he needed to make a decision for the both of you on how to feel in that moment.
“Yeah. That’s true. We’re too young. Maybe one day we can try again. But I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” You nodded and smiled weakly.
“I would’ve been nice, though.” He said after a long beat of silence. Tears slowly filled your eyes as you stared down at the shoes that were not going to be filled.
“Yeah.” You said quietly as you toyed with the laces. “It would’ve been nice.”
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k0zumine · 4 months
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CW: slight angst to fluff, lack of eating?
You were already let out 7 minutes late from your class as your teacher had pulled you aside at the end of the lesson to discuss your grade. Yeah, you failed.
Your jaw clenched as your teacher expressed his disappointment in your grade and how he expected better from you questioning what happened for you to get such a low grade all of a sudden. He even went so far as to question if anything was going on at home like it was any of his business.
After a long 7 minutes of him questioning you whilst you tried your absolute hardest to hold in your tears, he finally let you go. Well if that didn’t just ruin your mood.
Releasing a shaky breath you swiftly make your way to the bathroom finally letting us the tears you were holding in. The truth is you studied all week for this test. It even led to staying up all night because of how stressed you were, your brother Tetsuro often coming in to check if you were okay placing a small snack at your table whilst you were buried in your books.“Y/n I think you should take a break”
“Tetsu shut the fuck up I’m trying to study but I can’t if you’re here chewing my ear off” you hissed back hands pressed to your forehead trying to process the information you had written down, in response he slammed your door. Yeah okay, it was a horrible response to a brother who was trying to care about your wellbeing but he should know better than to interrupt your studies.
Looking back at how much studying you did you should have passed. More tears streamed down your face from the frustration, now you’d have to work twice as hard to get back on track. Fuck. As if life isn’t stressful enough.
Sniffling into a tissue from the roll of toilet paper you’d ripped you calmed yourself down taking deep breaths, great now your eyes were red and puffy. You knew as soon as you got home you’d bury yourself into your textbooks and study extra hard, the talk your teacher gave really brought down your confidence as well as your mood.
Brother: where tf are you? we always walk home together w kenma on this day
Just the person you didn’t want to speak to, your brother, you weren’t in the mood for his teasing today. You mentally cursed forgetting about one of the few days that you walked home with Tetsuro and your boyfriend Kenma.
You were in the same year as Kenma but unfortunately only had two classes together it sucked, it was only in the middle of your first year that you guys started dating. Tetsuro and Kenma had been best friends for as long as you can remember and along the way you’d gotten closer with the boy which then led to you becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
you: sorry
you: go off without me
Brother: hahha no. you think Kenma would allow you to walk home alone? neither would I
you: I literally walk home alone when you guys are at volleyball practice…
Brother: just hurry up
you: no i’ll be a while just go bye.
You sighed bringing out makeup wipes to fix the mascara stained down your cheeks mentally noting to wear waterproof mascara next time. Finally after another 5 minutes of calming yourself from the breakdown your eyes still were still red and puffy but you decided it would be best to walk home now.
As exiting the school grounds you pulled the hood up of the hoodie you borrowed off Kenma that was under your blazer praying nobody saw you as you connected your airpods disconnecting from the outside world.
“y/n!! why did it take you almost 20 minutes to leave school?” Testuro shouted, your jaw clenched. Why did they wait?!
Avoiding his gaze by staring at the cracks in the floor you walked past him ignoring his presence, if you’d engaged in a conversation with your brother right now you’d snap and say some hurtful things you didn’t mean as currently your head wasn’t in the right mindset.
“Hey missy I was talking to you” Getting in front of you but you walked around him. “What’s your problem?!” Grabbing your arm and turning you around, you tried wiggling out of his grip but he was too strong. “Get off” you mumbled attempting to pull his hand away.
“Not until you tell us why you’re acting like that” God he sounded like a parent scolding their child.
“Like what? I’m fine” you hissed back refraining from saying more.
“First of all you’re not even looking me in the eye, I can’t even see your eyes, secondly you ignored Kenma and I”
“L-leave me alone testuro” Your voice cracked, yeah you fucked that up well done!!
“What you get in trouble with your teacher or something?” He smirked, your jaw clenched even tighter.
“Tetsuro seriously fuck off you’re so fucking annoying!” you shouted sniffling a little and catching him off guard, the grip on your arm loosening giving you an escape route walking away slightly quicker than usual.
Kuroo stood there slightly taken back at your hurtful words, Kenma the same as he’d rarely see you act like this, especially to your brother who you claimed you loved dearly. He sighed seeing the hurtful expression on his best friend's face “I’ll talk to her, there must be a reason why she’s acting this way, you know she’d never mean that” reassuring the boy who’d just had his heart shattered in a matter of seconds. “yeah…okay” he mumbled hands in his pockets keeping a large distance from his sister.
Kenma jogs up to you “y/n love”, you keep walking your head down holding in your tears. Kenma is now in front of you gently holding both your wrists stopping you from moving, “…are you okay?” his voice was full of concern but was met with no reply. “Hey I can’t help you if you’re not replying, please look at me in the eyes” pulling the hood of the hoodie you were wearing down and gently lifting your head up to be met with your red puffy eyes on the edge of crying. “what’s wrong baby?? please what's wrong, I love you so much” he pleaded his face looking distressed which caused tears to fall down your face as you began crying. “Ken I wanna go home…please” you sniffled as he wiped the tears off your face. Cupping your cheeks he brought your face closer placing a kiss on your forehead “Okay we’ll go back to your house and you can tell me what’s wrong kay?” interlocking his fingers with yours.
Kenma turned back to see Kuroo urging him to explain what was wrong with you but was met with a shrug of Kenma's shoulders, Kuroo sighed as he walked behind the couple.
As you all finally got back to your house you rushed to your room letting go of your hold on Kenma. “Hey! Wai-“ Kenma called but you had already shut your door. “Did she tell you anything?” Kuroo asked him. “No..but she was crying her eyes really red and puffy, I’ll go talk to her now”
Kenma slowly opens your door to see you sitting at your desk deeply buried in your books, he takes a seat on your bed watching what you’re doing “y/n”.
“Hm?” You replied not taking your eyes off what you were doing. “Come to bed and talk to me please” He sighed patting the bed.
“I’m busy studying Ken” you mumbled rubbing your already red eyes, “I’m sure you can take a 10-minute break plus I doubt any of that information is even going to your head right now you know…since you were crying before”
“Ken just leave me alone you’re really starting to piss me off” You hissed gripping the pen tightly.
“Yeah no that’s not gonna happen especially when you’re acting like this” He rolled his eyes standing up and walking closer to you “I’m fine!”.
“You have tears in your eyes and you’re telling me you’re fine?” A face of concern spread across his face and gently tugged your wrist and guided you to the bed, you gave in sniffling as more tears came out lying down on your bed. Kenma joined in after you then pulled your head towards his chest and you wrapped your arms around his waist crying even more “I-I’m sorry Ken I didn’t mean to say that”.
“Shh it’s okay I know you didn’t mean it, now will you please tell me why you were crying?” He pleaded running his fingers through your hair to calm you down. That’s when you explained to him the events that occurred after school. “Is that why you were hardly answering my messages this week?” He asked, you rolled your eyes.
“I’m gonna go grab you a snack kay? Stay in bed please” Pressing a kiss on your forehead as he went to the kitchen where he was met with his best friend.
“So did she tell you?” Kuroo asked, that’s when Kenma relayed everything you told him to your older brother. Kuroo sighed “She’s been overworking herself too much on this test, I come into her room and she’s constantly studying hell she’s barely eaten anything these past few days!”
Kenma runs his fingers through his hair “I’ll make her some toast, are you making dinner soon?” Kuroo nodded whilst Kenma popped two slices of toast in the toaster.
“Hey love-“ Kenma entered your room when he saw you sitting on your bed looking through your notes…again. Kenma rushes to place the plate of toast on your bedside table and moves all your work away from you. “Yeah no more studying today, Kuroo told me you’ve been overworking yourself, that's probably why you didn’t get a good grade” Kenma sighed.
“Ken please” You pleaded reaching to grab your work when Kenma gently grabbed your wrist preventing you from doing so, he sat beside you on the bed. “He also told me you’ve barely eaten so I’ve made you some toast whilst dinners being made” Placing the plate on your lap. “thanks..” you mutter taking small bites of the toast.
“y/n take some bigger bites please?” he pleaded caressing your cheeks with encouragement. After a few more minutes you’d finished your slice of toast whilst Kenma reassured you that it was going to be okay muttering sweet words in your ear.
“Do you think you can apologise to your brother now? He was quite upset earlier” Kenma asked now playing with your hair.
“For what?- Oh yeah…that” You frown leaning into his touch. “It’s okay I’m sure he’ll understand if you apologise to him..he was really worried about you” He sighs letting go of you and getting off the bed. Kenma gently grabs your hand and leads you off the bed and to the kitchen where Tetsuro was busy making dinner.
He softly pushes you towards the kitchen and walks back into your room giving the two siblings some privacy.
“Tetsu?” You softly called to your brother, he looked up for a second and looked back down at the food he was making he hummed waiting for you to continue.
“Listen..I’m sorry for before and for being a bitch this whole week..I just really needed a good grade and I was stressed” You explain sighing, Testuro looks up and stops what he’s doing.
“It’s fine sorry for teasing you before I should have known better…are we okay now?” He replied opening his arms out for a hug which you happily accepted.
“How was it?” Kenma asked as you walked into your room to find him lying on your bed playing on your game's console.
“Fine..thank you” You said joining him on the bed and watching him play the game. One arm made its way around your waist and back to the controller as you leaned into his side.
“I love you”
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updownlately · 9 months
no, you don’t have to hide (the things you feel inside, i feel too)
| leah williamson x reader | hurt/comfort | 1.3k | a/n: heard 'lonely eyes' by lauv for the first time today and i got obsessed. whipped up a tiny little h/c fic based on the song! if you want the full effect of the fic (imo) listen to the song as you read! (it's linked above :)) sorry for slightly depressing content, im in a mood.... but anyways, happy reading!
"i don’t mean to be rude there’s things in myself that i see in you lonely eyes she had those lonely eyes i only know ‘cause i have them too lonely eyes no, you don’t have to hide the things you feel inside, i feel too ‘cause i’m lonely just like you ‘cause i’m lonely just like you"
“Had you not moved your arm a few seconds ago, I swear I would’ve called an ambulance or something…”
The words came from the blonde stood above you, her voice teasing yet cautious, softly testing the waters as she took in your sprawled out state in the middle of the training field.
It was much, much past the time practice had ended, Leah’s rehab session what brought her to stay after, to be there to notice your crumpled form on the pitch. 
You, who was still in your training gear, a light hoodie on you however, limbs sprawled out save for your left arm, which was haphazardly slung across your face, hiding your eyes. 
Your hum of response barely audible, had the midfielder’s eyebrows furrowing in worry, head tilting to the side as she crouched down beside you.
“Hey, you okay?”
The gentle words caused you to smile wryly, bloodshot eyes hidden underneath the protective cover of the crook of your arm as you did your best to make your voice sound normal.
Clearing your throat as nonchalantly as possible, you took a deep breath before speaking out. 
“Yeah….why wouldn’t I be?”
Sighing at how you were clearly not okay, the tear tracks on your cheeks very much visible in the setting rays of the sun, Leah shook her head to herself. 
You were stubborn- she very much knew it from having had the privilege of playing with you for the better part of the past season, and if there was one thing she definitively learned about you, it was that you hesitated to show any excess emotions, much rather choosing to let out whatever it may be on the pitch.
Right now though? Right now you looked utterly exhausted, the lack of games clearly taking its toll on you. 
Stretching her neck, Leah decided to take her chances at getting through to you, at least enough so that whatever it was you were feeling right now disappeared, her only goal at the moment to make you feel better. 
Gently tossing her water bottle a few feet away from where the pair of you were, Leah took a seat beside you, leaving a considerable gap so as to not make you uncomfortable.
Legs extended out as she stretched them, the blonde watched as your chest rose unevenly, almost as if she could hear each shaky breath as it escaped you, you still hellbent on trying to claim you were doing alright. 
“You can tell me you’re fine but it doesn’t mean I have to believe it…”
The words were hushed, just whispered quietly enough to stay between you two, even though no one else was around to hear it. 
The blonde eyed you warily though, her eyes scanning your face as she saw you register the words. 
Watching keenly, she saw you clench your jaw impossibly tight, shoulders tensing, you swallowing hard at the words as your breathing stilled for a second until you realized how you had frozen and quickly picked it back up again. 
“You might be doing a good job of hiding it, at least from the others, but- and I don’t mean to be rude- but there’s things in myself that I see in you…and those things aren’t fun, at least in my experience.”
You didn’t realize it, but you found yourself nodding subconsciously at the words, a part of you relieved that your mind wasn’t the only one this messy. 
Seeing the way your head moved had the Gunner beside you smiling slightly, glad to see your walls crumbling ever so slightly. 
Pausing to see if you would say anything, Leah patiently waited, head turning as she gazed around at the scenery around you two, bathing in the calmness of Mother Nature as she gave you a minute or so to collect yourself. 
So caught up in watching a baby bird as it shakily flew from one branch of a tree to another, Leah was pleasantly jolted out of her reverie by your faint voice, your words lowly mumbled, as your arm came to move down from your eyes, revealing your bloodshot eyes to Leah, your gaze not meeting hers one bit as you looked up into the pinking sky above.
“It- it sometimes gets loud, y’know?”
Your hesitant tone, coupled with the tired words and red eyes had the skipper’s heart quietly breaking, well aware of what you were referring to.
Staying silent to urge you to continue, the blonde leaned back on her elbows, humming near soundlessly, 
“The voices up there, they just don’t stop. I wish they did so bad, but they don’t…”
A bubble of comfort took over the both of you at the words, the breeze blowing between as you basked in the freeing relief of being understood.
It just so happened that the blonde unfortunately knew exactly what you were referring to- the little voice, sometimes voices, that never stopped. Reminding you of each mistake in a game, each misspoke or awkward pause in your conversations. Voices that held the weight of the fans’ emotions, their expectations, their disappointment, each and every criticism ever uttered into existence, all meshed into a voice that followed her everywhere, not a moment of reprieve, as the assault battered her down day by day, no matter how hard she pushed through it. 
Nodding in understanding, breathing deeply as she felt herself feel seen, Leah exhaled softly before speaking.
“I wish I could tell you it gets better, but I can’t promise that…”
Her words hung in the air as you felt another wave of emotions cross you, the sentiment not really what you expected nor wanted to hear at the moment. 
Eyes tearing up at the admission, exhaustive frustration seeping into your bones, you sunk deeper into the grass beneath you, too afraid of the hurricane of emotions within you to speak up. 
Doing your best to hold it together, you willed the tears to not fall, keeping your eyes open for as long as possible so that they’d dry out faster, hoping the unshed tears would disappear. 
You were almost successful too, nearly getting a grasp on your emotions, before you heard shuffling from the girl beside you, feeling your arms brush as you just barely tilted your head to the side, watching from the corner of your eye as Leah settled down beside you, joining you in laying down.
Feeling her body warmth near you, you took a shuddering breath, the heavy weight of being alone earlier slowly rising from your chest as breathing became a tad bit easier. 
“What I can tell you- no, promise- what I can promise you is that I’ll be here beside you through it all if you’ll have me. We don’t even have to talk if you want. If you want someone to sit beside you when your mind gets a little too loud, your heart a little too heavy? I can do that. You don’t have to do it alone…I rather you not, to be honest.”
Lips turning ever so slightly as you closed your eyes, head nodding microscopically, you took in a deep sigh, flexing your jaw as your lungs loosened, the weight not completely off your chest just yet, but just enough that you believed for a second, for a moment, that maybe things could be alright.
“I think I’d like that…”
And when Leah intertwined your hands together, letting them rest between your bodies as you watched as the pink sky slowly molded into orange and then purple as the sun finally set, you took the chance to look over at her, her eyes meeting yours at the sound of your movement, two pairs of lonely eyes recognizing your shared emotions, any differences pushed aside as you stripped down to nothing but understanding and relief- grateful to find someone just like you, to be there for you. 
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hi!! i was wondering if i could ask for something with ethan landry, ofc our husband obvi
could you write something that revolves around him kinda teasing the reader (gn or female please, whatever is more easy for you to write though!) about little things, like them wanting attention or just being needy and bothering him while he’s trying to do something
then eventually he just kinda is like "you want all the attention? okay" and then basically overstimulates them to the point of the’ crying and him licking up their tears kinda? with praise and degradation?
thank u!! i know this is a lot to ask :’)
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    — attention
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You and Ethan had been dating for years, and the one thing he loved about you was how needy you were. It was natural for you to be needy; you had been since you first had sex, begging and muttering needy words anytime the two of you were alone.
Today was no different.
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He was busy studying econ in your apartment, one close to school so you could go back and forth easily with classes, tutoring, and practice. He liked your place more than he liked his, especially because every time he came over, you got all clingy how he liked you to be.
Ethan smiled as he felt your hands rubbed up and down his back, your face tucked into his neck as you pressed soft kisses against his skin. You were smiling as you nuzzled into his neck, hands moving from his back to rub against his chest, sighing heavily. "Can't you do this tomorrow? I need you, E."
He smiled, deciding to look back at you with a hum. "I have a test tomorrow, honey. I can't do this tomorrow."
You whined, hands rubbing against his chest. "Ethan, please. I need you to fuck me."
He wanted to fuck you, so so bad. "I can't fuck you, honey," he whispered, but slowly pushed himself back in the rolling chair. "Why don't you just sit on my dick, honey? So, I can get my work done and you can get off, does that sound good?"
It makes you pout, but you slip off your sweatpants and underwear, bending down to take out his cock. You were careful to lick his cock, humming as you let your saliva gather on his tip and shaft, pumping him to get him harder.
He held back a loud groan, biting his fingers as you slowly pulled away, spitting into your hand and cupping your cunt before sitting in his lap, pulling his cock into you. You were already stretched out from your vibrator that wasn't enough to pleasure yourself, humming softly as you pushed his cock into your cunt, humming as you settled on his lap.
You were always pretty good at cockwarming, mainly because he would always let you ride him until he lost control and fucked you until you really did sob.
This time, it wasn't like that.
He gripped your hip, leaning over your shoulder to see his textbook, and every time you attempted to move, he would softly tap your butt. "Ah ah, don't you dare."
"Ethan! You're so mean, come on!" You whined, trying to shake his shoulders before he slapped your ass. It makes you yelp, but for fucks sake, you loved it when he gets all riled up from your antics. "Ethan, please."
"Don't start, Y/N. You want me to fail this test?"
You whined, pulling your face out of his neck. "I want you to fuck me, Ethan, I need you to fuck me. Please don't leave me like this, desperate and needy for your cock and cum, please!"
"For fucks sake, you're so fucking needy." Ethan basically growled, shoving his textbook as he stood up and pulled you off his cock. It makes you yelp as he threw you on the bed, pumping his cock as you spread your legs, already preparing yourself to be used. "You want to be used like a fucking gloryhole? You want to be fucked until you can't cum anymore?"
The thought made your eyes roll back, the bed sinking as he slowly pushed into you, cursing. "Y-Yes, yes I do!"
"Well then I might as well give you what you want and pump you so full of cum it's the only thing you think about you fucking whore."
"Yes, yes! Yes, I do want you to fuck me like a whore, please."
Who would he be not to listen to you?
Your words led him to drag his hands all over your body, pulling your clothes off after he took off his own, easily sliding his cock back into you and fucking you like there was no tomorrow. He couldn't help himself, your words of confirmation on wanting to be fucked until you couldn't think about anything else but cum fueling him.
You weren't sure how long he had been pushing your body into different positions, abusing your cunt until your walls were surely molded to every vein and every groove of his cock. You were so fucked out you could barely think about anything other than his cock ramming in and out of you, his mouth sucking hickeys against your skin as his fingers rubbed against your nipples.
The position you were in had your face pressed against the mattress, your bed slamming against the wall with every thrust as he cursed into your ear, both of your stomach's twisting in overstimulation but the only thing on either of your minds still your next orgasm. "Please don't stop, don't stop Ethan!"
"You're such a fucking whore, honey," he basically growled, his voice rough and gritty from the fact that this was one of the first times he was speaking between grunts and groans. "Your little fucking cock obsessed cunt is already clamping down like you're going to cum again, you've been such a good cum dump that I might just let you cum again. Do you want that? Do you want to cum again?"
You screamed out, sobbing around his cock as he leaned forward enough to lick up your tears, kissing against your wet cheeks and whispering soft praises. "I know your slutty little cunt wants my fuckin' load, you practically need it now. You're so fucked out that all you can think about is cum, aren't you? My perfect little cum whore, my little cum dump."
"Yes! Yes, Ethan, please, I need to cum again! I need your cum, please please please!"
Your stomach clenches as he thrusted into you, eyes rolling back when he came again, the feeling of it filling your stomach making you scream out another sob. His tongue running along your cheek made you choke, head falling forward before he caught your jaw, supporting you with his hand.
"You did so good darling, you're such a good cum whore for me. Let's clean you up, yeah?"
It makes you whine as he started to pull out, bucking your hips. "N-No, don't stop. Please don't stop."
Ethan couldn't help but laugh, nodding. "Alright, darling. You don't want to stop being fucked? Might as well use you until you're passed out, that's the only way you'll stop begging for cum anyways."
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© asterias-record-shop
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lolita-lollipop · 6 months
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(mostly Shinso)
WARNINGS: suicidal threats from the reader, not detailed but mentioned depression and dissociation, the reader is not okay, unwanted comfort. yandere(and all the things that come with it)
it's cold outside today.
As you dragged yourself through the front yard, scratches already lining your knees,you wished that you grabbed a jacket, or decided to do this during the summer season. The sedative they had given you hours ago was in full effect, putting weight on your shoulders and making your vision blur, putting you off balance again and again as you sprinted through the front door out into the garden. Everything just hurt, your head, your heart, your hands. You were just so finished with this bullshit, so done with fooling yourself into thinking you’d be okay.
Harsh sobs left your lips as you fumbled with the door trying to get any further, ever since they’d taken you it was made very clear that if you tried to escape, they would confine you to their side 24/7, but as times flew by and your desperation slowly pooled in the bottom of your soul, you stopped caring. You hated that these people treated you like a child, you hated how they belittled you, you hated the way you never had a say in anything, and especially you hated how you could never do anything about it.
Today was your breaking point.
They were doing what they usually did, pushing and pulling and shoving you around as if you were nothing but a baby, you already had very little sleep last night after your crying fit, so you weren’t very keen on being nice to them this morning.It was simple really, all you had asked for was some Tylenol for your headache, crying takes it out of you, they know that best. but they said no.
So out the door you ran, screaming and crying the whole way there. You knew that eri and shinso were here too, you knew that escape was practically impossible, and that your attempts would be worth nothing. But you needed this. You really did.
You regret it now. Now that you’re lying down on the grass in the front yard, your hands and knees covered in scrapes. Your head fuzzy and throbbing. It was quite the surprise that they hadn’t come out to get you yet, your sobs never halted though. It was a sad sight, just a puddle of a young girl crying herself into a migraine. It into got worse when you heard footsteps, and saw that familiar purple hair you could recognize as shinsos.
He said nothing, but he had a scary look on his face. He just grabbed your arm and tugged you up into his arms harshly. This of course did nothing for your intense panic.
“Please. Please don’t make me go back- please I can’t go back in there- shinso I love you- please I love you” you stammered out through sobs, punching at his test with all the force you could muster, as a hero in training it did nothing physically to him, but you could see the resolve behind his eyes falter.
“Should’ve thought about that before you ran. I made them calm down. You’re lucky it’s me instead of Aizawa out here” he spoke as he always did, coldly and lacking emotion. Only holding you tighter and beginning to walk back to the house. You dug your bare feet into the dirt, pulling back at him. it was pathetic, you knew. the lengths you were willing to go in the name of escape.
“Please. I can’t do this anymore- shinso I’m so tired. They make me so tired I can’t even think straight anymore. I just can’t take it anymore” you were begging in desperation at this point, squirming and scratching at him, anything to get him off, to let you go.
“They’re giving you the life you wanted. A life you would’ve killed to have” The chirp of the crickets in the garden overtook the conversation, and a long silence overtook the two of you. you could hear and see everything, the water flushing through the fountain,the buzz of the bees, the chirp of the crickets, it was too much, everything was hazy and blended together and you were left overwhelmed and terrified.
It's cold outside today , maybe that's the reason you keep shivering, maybe it's fear-actually, terror is a better word for it.
“I wanted that life willingly! I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to be taken from my home in the middle of the night. Even if I hate my parents, I can’t stand that I have no power! Please, you have to understand, I’m rotting away here, I have no purpose at all- please shinso-“he paused in his trek towards the door, taking a deep, calculated breath.
“Tell that to them.”
“shinso please- please I love you. I can’t go back there, please don’t make me, I can’t, if I go back they’ll hurt me, they’ll be upset shin, I don’t wanna get hurt again” you begged as he began to walk again, your heels were begging to bleed out of the cuts the harsh ground was making. Tears flowed freely down your face now, and you flailed and kicked and cried, he was stronger than you, the both of you knew that. You could see a little sympathy in the back of his eyes though, maybe he wasn’t dead internally. not yet.
“You know that isn’t true, they would never. Now hush. You’ll be fine, I love you too.” Planting a kiss on your forehead, he hoisted you up, brushing your hair out of your face and beginning to rub circles that usually would be soothing on your neck. A long pause rung out, a deafening silence overtook the two of you as you fully came to the realization that he wasn’t going to help you, and your attention was drawing to the crunch of hit boots on the rocky mud.
“I’ll kill myself.” He paused, and his head shot down towards you faster than you could even see. Your resolve had completely shattered by now, any words you said were mumbly and overridden by your tears and your heavy breathing. You were broken completely, utterly done with the world for putting you in this situation, you had been shattered into a million pieces, and shinso could see it. He could see how desperate you were. Something flashed in his eyes.
“I will, I would rather die. I can’t go back in there, if you make me I’ll jump off a roof, or I’ll fall down the stairs, or I’ll hang myself. I just- I won’t go back- not alive” you rushed out in between sobs, you had stopped fighting, instead opting for intense teary-eyed eye contact to make your point heard. Your hands now gripped the collar of his shirt, quivering. your heart was trembling, and so was your body, it would only be minutes till you would feint. This is it.
“Don’t say that- you don’t have to hurt yourself for freedom, just ask them and they’ll give you whatever you want, anything. They love you-“ he begun, stroking your hair as he held you. Your hands continued to shake as his eyes met your gaze. You wouldn’t go back, you couldn’t, shinso saw what it was doing to you. He saw the way you shrank from loud noises now and winced when getting up from the couch, how your eyes would sometimes go glassy as if you were in a different place entirely. He wouldn’t do this to you, he loves you too much right?
“I DONT WANT THE FREEDOM THEYLL GIVE ME, I WANT TO LEAVE. I WANT TO LIVE MY OWN LIFE. I’ll do it, you think I won’t but I will. Please- even if you don’t take me away from here- just let me run, say- say you couldn’t catch me. Just give me enough time to get in a taxi, you don’t even have to help me. Please shinso, I’m begging you” your silent years now turned into gut wrenching, stomach aching sobs. He was going to let you rot in that house, with your stupid dolls and toys and cats that you were far too old for. There… there’s no hope for you… I’d he doesn’t help- if he doesn’t help than you’re stuck for all eternity till you are nothing but a skeleton.
“You know I can’t do that” at his words your hands begun to dig in his neck, your cries hurt your stomach, that endless pit of despair slowly settling at the bottom. this is it. this is the end of your life.
“I would rather go live in hell than have to live here ever again. I- I just can’t do this anymore, they hurt me just so they can feel good helping me, everything I do makes me so tired, so weak. I can’t pick things up on my own, sometimes my knees are so weak I can’t even walk. I need them. Fuck I need them Shinso. Do you know how humiliating that is, how infuriating that is? They've ruined me, I’m not a whole person anymore. Please… please just- just let me have this” You could barely breathe at this point, your lungs filling up with that depressing feeling. As you spoke your sobs got worse and worse, till you were almost incomprehensible. You can’t do this anymore. You just can’t. Too locked up in your internal monologue you missed out on the shift in shinsos eyes, how his sympathy increased with every word you spoke.
“Oh baby… I-“ tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, and a deepset frown splayed across his face. He loves you, god he loves you so much. But… maybe you would be better off away, you aren’t happy here, you cry day and night till your stomach aches, you don’t eat, or sleep. You’re a shell. A shell of the girl he loves, is it so bad to want you back?? He can’t keep you like this, unhappy, in pain.
Much to your surprise, he slowly placed you on the ground, staring right into your souls with those eyes of his, letting a “shhh” come from his mouth, he pointed towards the road. Your eyes widened as you looked up at your big brother, immediately you threw yourself on him and squeezed as tight as you could in a hug, still crying all the way through. You didn’t know you could love somebody this much.
“I love you” he spoke, and immediately you pushed off your bare feet in a dash for the road, willing to run all the way back to town if need be. You didn’t even notice the blood seeping out from your feet due to the excess adrenaline running through your system, you were simply ecstatic. You made it a couple yards, not even sparing your brother a glance, you were free! YOU WERE FREE! You ran as fast as you could….
Only to be yanked back harshly. You let out a sob as arms engulfed you, swallowing you up whole, along with your dignity and will to live.
“That’s enough shinso. Oh don’t cry sweet girl, we’ll make you better don’t worry. If I had known you felt so- so awful I would’ve helped sooner” you recognized one of your captors, mic, by not only his voice, but also his smell, and how hard his arms were gripping you. You could feel the muscles he had squeezing you, holding you ever so close to him, and warming you up. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Immediate panic set into your bones, he’s gonna be so mad at you for running , and he’s gonna be livid that you threatened yourself. You can feel the punishments coming. you shivered in his arms, panic and terror washing over you, clouding any sense of judgment you had managed to keep.
"Please- Please don't make me go back- ill die pleas-" you sobbed, scratching at him with your short nails, digging your feet further in the dirt, you found yourself wincing as mud made its way into the cuts in your feet. It only made you cry more and more. you were halted in your begging though, all the air in your lungs being knocked straight out of your chest.
Mic hoisted you up much like Shinso had previously done, however his grip was iron l, impossible to budge and honestly, painful. He squeezed you and cooed into your ear in attempts to calm your nerves. Nothing was working however, you were too fragile, too easy to break. and you were broken all right, with the way you were sobbing into his chest, that was for sure. You just need time, comfort, safety, security. they would give you all of that and more, but you had to stay with them, you just had to.
It's cold outside, but god you would rather be frozen alive than brought back into that house. this is it for you. you're over. It's done.
“Don’t worry baby, we’ll make it all better soon.
I promise” ---------------------------------------------------- its been a while huh. I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO A "Keep reading" CUT! YAY! I havent written something platonic in months but I feel like it was warranted so enjoy, this is pretty self indulgent so I hope it works for yall too. have fun. I hope everybody reading this has a lovely day, and remembers that they are loved somewhere by someone. Have a great day! see you next time!
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mqsi · 1 year
Gavi in love with the reader on the female team of Barca and everyone knows it even their coach. To the point where their coach set them up as a date to go to a Barca event. To which he ask all shy and sutters, and everyone teases him about there, but the reader kisses him to shut everyone up
Hi, thanks for requesting🫶🏻 I had fun writing this so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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You waren’t particulary close with the men’s team but tried to attend more important games, such as El Clásico. You and your teammate managed to go today and you were glad you did, It was an enjoyable game with Barcelona taking the win.
As the players were heading towards the tunnel you met eyes with a certain hothead. Gavi’s eyes locked with yours and this wasn’t the first time you noticed his eyes on you. Everytime you encountered each other in some way, he would look straight into your eyes. At this point it became a game of who can last longer.
Pedri noticed Gavi’s gaze and followed where his eyes were focused at just to see you. He smirked to himself, nudging Gavi with his elbow.
“Seriously when are you gonna make a move?”
Gavi turned his head but his eyes remained locked on you for another second or two before furrowing his brows at Pedri.
“Don’t what me, everyone knows it”
Gavi scoffed and sped up to the locker room,leaving Pedri behind.
Next morning at practice, Gavi was struggling to focus. You were the only thing on his mind. Maybe Pedri was right, when was he gonna make a move? Should he? Xavi’s voice snapped him out of his daydreaming.
“Gavira, what is going on with you? The ball just passed you and you didn’t even notice”
“Sorry, I dozed off. It won’t happen again” Gavi replied a bit emberassed that he was caught.
“Couch, Gavi has a lot on his mind,you know”
Pedri said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Gavi was about to fire back when Xavi said
“Oh,let me guess,you’re thinking about y/l/n?”
Silence. Dead silence. Until everyone started laughing and making fun of Gavi. He was standing there, cheeks flushed “No, I’m not” he replied but it came out broken and definietly not convincing.
“Don’t even try to deny it, it’s too obvious” Xavi said laughing himself “Now that I mentioned her, we are having a combined event with the female team this weekend, I want you all to dress formal and be polite” he continued making everyone turn to Gavi once again. He is not sure how he survived the rest of the practice but was for sure happy to leave.
Saturday came fast and Gavi was not prepared for it. You, most likely wearing a dress, combined with his teammates who are ready to tease him. Pedri and him arrived at the place. As they stepped in, his eyes were roaming the room, trying to find your pretty face. And he for sure did. He was so focused on looking at your face that he didn’t even notice you were in fact coming over to them. Pedri cleared his throat, nudging Gavi and signaling Kounde and Raphinha who were standing near to turn their attention to them.
“Hey boys, It’s good to see you. Nice game against Madrid last week” you said greeting them.
“Thanks, good to see you too” Pedri replied, hoping Gavi will actually say something. But he didn’t, he was just smiling like an idiot.
“Gavi, you okay?” You asked smiling at him. “Yeah,um I’m fine” he replied before rushing off. Pedri, Raphninha and Kounde just stood there, mentally slapping Gavi for not starting a convo with you.
As the night went on you noticed how Gavi was always near you and you became suspicious of basically the whole room. So you decided to test your theories by going out on the balcony. It was actually really pretty outside, the balcony was overlooking the city shining in the night. And just as you were expecting,you heard the boys voices behind you.
“Gavi I swear to God if you dont go there now and do something” Pedri whisper yelled, trying to push Gavi outside. Him, Kounde, Balde and Raphinha were currently “hiding” behind a glass door trying to push Gavi outside.
“Okay, If I go out now would you leave me alone about her for like forever?” Gavi asked.
“If u actually do something,yes” Balde replied
“If you don’t,no” Kounde filled in.
“Okay just shut up and leave I’ll talk to you later” Gavi said, hesitantly opening the door.
You knew they were there but just now turned around.
“Hey Gavi, what are you doing out here?”
“Better question is what are you?”
“So you came to see me?” you laughed
“Maybe” he replied, now leaning on the balcony next to you. Two of you actually engaded in the conversation and truth to be told, all this time you were also waiting for him to make a move. Gavi noticed how you were getting closer to him and was subconciously backing away.
Meanwhile, the boys did not leave as Gavi told them and were glued to the glass,trying to hear what you were talking about.
“Will they kiss?” Raphinha asked, growing inpatient.
“This is getting ridiculous. GAVI KISS HER FOR FUCK SAKE” Pedri yelled,stunning everyone. Gavi’s head snapped at their direction.
You decided this was it, he obviously wasn’t going to do anything himself so you took matters into you own hands. You grabbed his cheek, turning his head and pressing your lips against his. Gavi’s hands instinctly landed on your waist, pulling you closer to him. The boys were screaming, their voices very much clear trough the glass. You smiled against Gavi’s lips, pulling away and meeting his soft gaze.
“Sorry, you were taking too long” you said.
“I didn’t know if you wanted anything to do with me” Gavi laughed, rewinding the whole night and realizing how ridiculous he was acting. “And I was quite DISTRACTED” He emphasized the word and looked over at his friends who were looking at him like proud dads.
He turned back to you and leaned in slowly “But now I’m sure so” he whispered before capturing your lips in a kiss again.
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unamused-boss · 10 months
Kiss the Chef
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Billy Hargrove x Fem Reader
Summary: You and Billy had to take career tests at school to see were you should go in life... and you got baker. Well it says banker but you like the sound of baker way better! So you decide to practice your baking. While your loving boyfriend gets to taste everything!
(yes I am basing reader off of Aimee from sex education)
At the ring of the bell at 3:15; those were the holy trumpets that released you and Billy from school for the weekend. You sigh with such relief knowing you have no homework to do over the weekend. Putting your books into your locker to not be touched for the next two days. Just as you were putting you last book up, you felt two bulky arm wrap around your waist. Giving it a good squeeze.
"What do you want Billy." You giggled to your boyfriend. Billy kept his arms in place on your waist. You feel his head dip into your neck slightly giving you a light kiss on the neck. You giggled once again taking your neck away from his lips. Giving a quiet "Stop".
"What?" Billy questioned. "Can I not kiss my pretty girlfriend?"
"You can... just when there aren't as many people around." You said with a smile. You take Billy's hand within yours to make your way out of the school to the parking lot. Once to Billy's car you both wait outside of it for Max to come from the middle school.
"What did you get on that test thingy today?" You asked. Billy turned to you, a little confused, with a cigarette in his mouth as he lit it.
"What test?" He said as he puffed.
"The career test, silly." You said it like it was obvious. Which it should have been if he was in class. Billy gave an acknowledged "Oh" before reaching into his pocket for a piece of paper before handing it to you.
"I didn't read all of it, but most of it is true." Billy said taking another huff of his cigarette. You look over his results.
"Mechanic, Marine Biologist? ooh that sounds fun." You said as you read through the rest of them. "Yours fit pretty well baby."
"Thank you, gorgeous." Billy smiled. "What did you get?"
"Oh the usual." You started, taking out your paper. "Teacher, veterinarian, baker-" You were about to continue when Billy stopped you.
"What did you say babe?"
"Sweetheart, baker wasn't one of the options." Billy said, stomping out his cigarette then taking your form to look over. "Babe this says banker."
"Well I like baker better." You put it straightly.
Billy laughed," Whatever you say, pretty girl." Handing you your paper back when Max finally arrived. "In the back shit-bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You softly snapped to him.
"Okay." He breathed. Max laughed a bit at the interaction; Max saw a slight change in Billy when you guys started dating. Plus she loved you. You were so nice and mellowed Billy out a lot. Tones of people say you're a bit ditsy, but Max knows you're just really sweet. Billy drops Max off first so he can get some more time with you. Once you reach your house, you collect your things to go in. Giving Billy a quick kiss you say.
"Can you be here later on Saturday?"
"Of course sweetheart." Billy answered.
"Great see you then." You smiled, then shutting the door of the car to make your way up to your house to get inside. Once Billy saw you were inside he made his way home.
For the next 10 hours you worked your butt off on baking a cake from scratch. It was a simple vanilla cake with home made whipped frosting. It was adorable. You did everything the way you were supposed to. Flour may have gotten everywhere, plus you spilt a lot of salt but your parents don't come home till Sunday so you're fine. You put your heart into making this cake just for your boyfriend. And just in character you didn't taste the cake, cause to you it would already be wonderful. So you set your cake in the fridge for the night. Was it mentioned that the cake was shaped like a heart... well an uneven heart with as well as uneven pink icing spread on it. But you knew Billy was going to love it. So you cleaned the kitchen, got ready for bed, and couldn't wait to see your boyfriend tomorrow.
Billy made it over to your house at 12:30. He couldn't wait to see you, seeing you is the best part of his day. He knocked on the front door waiting for you to come answer it. When you opened the door you gave Billy the biggest smile you could jumping into his arms giving him a hug. Once he puts you down you take his hand and lead him into you house to your dining table.
"Okay sit down, I have a surprise for you." You say. Billy takes his seat as you rush to the fridge to grab his cake. Coming back over with the cake tray in your arms you place it down on the table. Billy just stares at it.
"You made me a cake?" Billy said, somewhat shocked.
"Yes, you're my boyfriend." You answered. "And I love you, so it's made with love. Here let me get you a plate." You get up to grab a plate for him as well as some silverware. You cut Billy a slice hand it over to him, all the while Billy is still sitting there shocked. Shocked that you made him a cake. The last person that made him a cake was his mom on his ninth birthday. Billy really did love you.
As you set the cake in front of him, he take the fork digging a piece of the baked good out. Bringing it up to his mouth to take a bite. And.. with one chew...
It was the worst thing Billy has ever eaten. But he couldn't tell you that. He sat there, with the piece of brick in his mouth, looking at your beaming face waiting for his response. But Billy was panicking, what was he going to tell you.
"So?" You asked Billy. "What do you think?"
"It's.. It's good, really good." Billy answered. "It's really good pound cake, sweetheart." Billy was fighting for his life eating this piece of cake. He started rot slouch over cause of the intense chewing he was doing, he jaw was starting to somewhat hurt. It didn't help that the cake was dry and the frosting was salty.
"What? It's not pound cake?" You said, confused.
"It's not?" Billy's head shot up, hoping you didn't catch him in his small lie.
"No, it's vanilla cake." You said. Billy had a small sigh of relief, you didn't catch him.
"Oh... well it's a great piece of cake." He just conformed to his fate.
"Why are you making that face?" You ask innocently. Billy froze.
"What face?"
"That face, you look stranded." You say.
"No I'm not, I'm just enjoying the cake my girlfriend made me." Billy finally being able to swallow down the piece of cake that was in his mouth. "And I don't think I can eat anymore, I'm gonna get water to wash it down." He said as he made his way to get up.
"Billy you only took one bite?" You said. Billy froze again.
"Babe, it's was so good I just can't eat anymore right now." Billy said getting a cup from your cupboard to drink some water.
"Billy, If you didn't like it just tell me it won't hurt my feelings." You reassured.
"Babe, I am telling you it was a great tasting cake." He said after drinking some water. As he went to get another cup you take the fork an grab a piece for yourself to eat.
"Wait babe..." But Billy couldn't save you. You were already eating the cake. By the contentment of your face, you now understood Billy now.
"Oh my god Billy!" You ran to spit the cake into the trash, "Why did you eat the?!"
"Cause you made it for me."
"But it was awful, why would you do that?!!" Still shocked that he actually ate your disgusting cake.
"Like I said, you made it for me." Billy answered " And I love you, and didn't want to hurt you feelings."
"Well hurt them next time." You laughed. You walk up to Billy taking him into a hug. He held you at your waist, while you held him at his back. Just standing there for a moment. You bring you head back to look up to him, you chests being pressed together.
"I don't get you Hargrove, and I never will." You said, "But I do know the I love you."
"I love you to baby." Billy answered. Both of you brought your lips together for a soft kiss. After a second or two you pull away.
"So, I guess being a baker is out of the question?" You laughed, Billy laughed as well to your joke.
"I don't know, you got one hot buns yourself." He flirted.
"Og shut up." You laughed. "You're so corny."
"Hey, you said yes to me." Belling retorted. "That sounds like a you problem."
"So, what are we gonna do with the cake?"
"Eh, I can give it to Max or Harrington as a peace offering."
"Oh my god, shut up Billy." You laughed. Billy pulled you tighter into another hug, this time you bath stay in the position. Embracing each others warmth.
Hey! Hope you enjoyed this. This was a cute idea I had, I hope y'all like it.
Part 3 to California Dreaming is in the works, I'v just had writers block and school. So I decided to write y'all a cute story real quick!
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which you really don’t want to get upset at jungkook, but you are.
> fluff, angst / wc: 3.2k
> warnings: uh lots of crying? T_T
note: my brain isn’t working very well right now but i was hoping writing could help me get back on track </3
+ forgot to say there’s a quick reference from this drabble ^^
“baby, are you crying?”
“i’m just-” you pause. your tears leak freely from your eyes, and you sniffle loudly against your will. “annoyed. i’m really so fucking annoyed at you right now, so please go away.”
jungkook leans his forehead against the door, fighting the urge to give his head a good smack for being so stupid. but he can’t do that when you’re sitting on the other side as well. you’d probably think that he’s throwing a tantrum, and . . . he doesn’t even want to imagine what would happen after that.
“but you’re crying.” he protests weakly, sounding rather pained. and he is, but he did this to myself.
“just leave me alone before i get mad.”
you don’t sound threatening. and that makes it scarier to jungkook, how you still have some patience left in you after what he did. no, after what he did not do. so as much as it pains him to leave you to your own devices in such emotional state, he thinks it’s best not to test your patience any further than he has done today.
“okay.” he responds softly, swallowing down the stubborn lump growing in his throat. “just, you- you know i really am sorry, right? i was the worst boyfriend today. i’m so, so, so sorry . . . i’m sorry. i’ll make it up to you. i promise . . . i’ll be in the living room if you need me or- um, when you decide to come out. you don’t have to forgive me, just eat dinner. please.”
“i’m not hungry. only cook for yourself.” your voice quivers and cracks. and as odd as it sounds, the padding of your hands and knees across the wooden floor of your bedroom is a sound he can recognize within a heartbeat.
he nods reluctantly, not realizing at all that you can’t see him. with a heavy heart, he forces himself to get up from the floor. and he just stands there for a minute or two or three, looking at the doorknob. he’s not even sure if you locked it or not. you went straight to the bedroom and slammed the door on his face and he just assumed. either the click of the doorknob never came or he spaced out in shock and guilt when it did.
when you texted jungkook in the morning saying that you were excited to see him tonight, with that smiling emoji decorated with hearts you adore so much, he assumed you were referring to him coming home from work. you do that often— sweetly declaring that you already miss him after being apart for only a few hours. and so, he replied saying he feels the same, but it was wrong. it was wrong of him to assume. he took a shower after dance practice, went for a nap on the soft couch in his studio, told his namjoon-hyung he was definitely free to record demos when he woke up to him knocking on the door. you patiently waited at the movie theater for three hours, for a person who never even once thought of coming.
you knew what you signed up for when you decided that you want a relationship with jungkook. he does everything in his power to spend as much time with you as possible, and in turn, you do the waiting while still doing your own thing. there’s always been that strong assurance holding you together, that’s why despite feeling disappointed, you knew he had a reasonable explanation as to why he wasn’t able to show up for your movie theater date.
you were getting ready to leave the mall when the final screening was already halfway finished, as well as the snacks you bought for two. until you caught sight of your boyfriend in all black jogging to you. you greeted his frantic face with a sad, yet playful, look on your face, jutting out your lower lip. you told him that it’s okay, atleast you came to pick me up and cuddled up to his side all the way to the parking lot.
but then he started explaining himself in the car— about how he totally forgot that your date was today; and of course, of course, he left his phone on the couch so he didn’t see your calls and texts until he came back in his studio after the recording. that was when he realized that he messed up, and he sprinted to his car immediately before he could miss you leaving.
jungkook, for the life of him, is not capable of lying to you. so you feel silly, soaking your pillow with tears and screaming at him in your head you should’ve lied to me and said something important came up because it’s better to feel less important than forgotten. it’s been two months since you had a date outside the house because of your busy schedules. unfortunately, it just happened to slip away from your routine at some point. maybe that’s why he forgot. you can understand that. you can see yourself making the same mistake, especially when there’s too many things in your brain to list and to organize. but the thing is . . . you miss going to the movie theater so much, and no explanation will relieve the fact that you just feel so upset.
on the other hand, jungkook only cries a little in the shower of the guest bedroom. he feels so shitty for being an irresponsible boyfriend and leaving you there all alone for hours without even realizing. but wallowing in self-deprication won’t make anyone feel better, so he heads straight to the kitchen to cook galbitang. the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, they say. besides, the weather is starting to get cold. he wants something warm to fill your stomach.
yes, he clearly remembers you telling him that you’re not hungry, but he’s sure you will be in about two hours. the food should be ready by then. you only had popcorn and slushie at the mall, and he knows you well enough to accurately predict when you’re going to look for real food later on. courtesy of the countless late nights you told him you were too full for dinner then woke him up two to three hours later to say i want food now. with those innocent fluttering of your eyelashes and nonchalant expression painting your face. how could he ever dare to deny you?
he is already in the middle of waiting another hour of boiling the meat under reduced heat when he hears your familiar wailing from the bedroom. the sound activates the red giant alarms in his head. he drops his phone on the dining table, and his agile feet takes him to you in record time.
“what’s wrong? are you hurt?!” it takes a few seconds for his big eyes to focus on your figure sitting on the middle of the bed, clutching the bunched up comforter to your chest as tears drip down your chin and jawline. there is a nearly empty box of tissues on your side of the bed, surrounded by a bunch of crumpled tissues from the past hour or so.
you’re no longer wearing the outfit you spent thirty minutes of your afternoon deciding on. instead, you are enveloped by your blue fluffy matching pajamas designed with pink swirly clouds. he vividly remembers folding up this pair neatly the night before, along with the other clothes you wore for the past week. over the years, it has become one of the many indications that the year is closing in on an end. as he mentioned, it’s beginning to get colder these days. however, you don’t feel like cranking up the temperature in the house just yet, so instead, it starts appearing in the hamper weekly because it’s the warmest and comfiest pair of pajamas that you own.
impulsive buys are always a hit or miss. this one- it’s definitely a hit. the friendly ghost of your past self’s voice echoes in his head.
you shake your head furiously. quick pause to make room for an epiphany. then you change your mind and begin nodding with your face buried in your hands, tense shoulders shaking under his gaze.
“by me?” his knees give away, and he ends up sitting on the foot of the bed. he feels like his entire body is on fire and yours is the cure, but you are distant and unreachable.
he takes the blame for both his problems, so he sits tight on his spot and endures the consequences.
you whimper, roughly blowing your nose into fresh tissues. you explode into an incoherent sobbing fit. “no. yes. no. i-i don’t know. but i’m soooo annoyed right now, and i can’t stop crying because of it. so now i’m even more annoyed!”
you swallow thickly, scrunching your nose after. “and my nose hurts.” stings almost. stupid snot. stupid nose. stupid, stupid tears.
a fresh batch of tears flood your eyes, and it’s beyond unbearable for jungkook to just watch and be useless. “will you get more annoyed if i stay?”
you merely give him a lazy shrug.
his frown deepens, almost resembling a sad face emoticon. “and if i hug you?”
another shrug, accompanied by the slurred words- “you can try. once.”
he drags himself across the covers to reach you. he encloses you between his thighs, gently pulling you in for an embrace. the fire color changes from blue to orange, and he hopes to put it out once and for all.
“i’m annoyed.”
his heart drops to his stomach. oh, it stings.
he squeaks sadly. “why?”
“you smell like the kitchen. it’s making me feel better.” you sniffle as your tears pour like rain, and he feels them soak through his shirt until it sticks uncomfortably on his skin. “but i should be annoyed. how could you forget me?”
it adds fuel to the fire, and it’s excruciating, but he hugs you tighter and buries his face in your hair.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” he apologizes for the umpteenth time. “i won’t make any more excuses. i was an idiot.”
“but i want you to!” you whine, struggling free from his hold out of frustration. “how could you remember our i-love-you-sary but not the date we planned three days ago?!”
“it just . . . happened.” he scratches his head in shame, not knowing what to say. those two occasions are in no way comparable. “i guess i’ve just been tired lately? i fell asleep right after practice. then rapmon-hyung kept knocking on the studio and i agreed to record still half-asleep.”
that doesn’t really . . . okay, atleast he tried.
you grimace as you harshly wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, trying to release all the built up frustration in your body using your smallest body movements. “but you already forgot even before practice? when you texted me back?”
he moves your hand away from your eyes, holding down your wrist so you don’t make them redder than they already are. he looks deep into your eyes this time, to show you how sincerely apologetic and disappointed he is as well. it hurts him to see you this upset. he knows that you trust him to witness you feel the ugliest o emotions, but he wonders if this outburst came about because you hit your limit. was him forgetting your date the last straw? is there something else going on in your mind you’re not telling him?
“that’s why i said i wouldn’t make excuses, baby. i’m sorry. all i can do now is make it up to you, so i hope you let me.”
you stay silent as you reassess the situation. it was an honest mistake, and there is nothing he can do to reverse it. the embarrassment settles in, for crying like a child infront of your boyfriend. you tried to be calm and collected, you really did. but emotions can be triggered so unexpectedly, like poking an approachable-looking bear can get you mauled. except you don’t bare your teeth, you cry and send a flood.
you tug at your bottom lip with your teeth, inching closer to jungkook because you miss his skin against yours.
“i’ll forgive you in one condition.”
and you watch his face light up like he just discovered a new planet, his slumped shoulders back to his proper posture. he holds your hands in his excitedly, squeezing them. “anything. anything that you want, i’ll make it happen.”
however, you’re not really one to ask for much.
“add our dates to your calendar from now on. or set alarms. whatever works.”
“i’ll do both.” he nods eagerly. he should’ve been doing that from the start, anyway. he wants to beat himself up for being too lazy to organize his time. “i promise this won’t happen again. ever. i’ll make my friday night free. we can even watch two movies to make up for it. or watch the same movie all over again.”
“if it does, you’re sleeping on the doorstep.” you sniffle with a frown, hitting his arm after.
he offers you a cheeky smile, testing the waters. “on the street, even.”
you roll your eyes, letting the faintest of smiles grace your lips the same. “mkay. you just dug your own grave.”
“i’ll lie down in it willingly.”
“for your pride?”
he squints his eyes and shakes his head in disagreement. “for you.”
and then he hugs you once more, leaning his weight on you until you collapse backwards on the bed. his knees sink in the mattress to hold himself up, and your legs wrap around his waist, your thighs fitting his curves like puzzle pieces.
you feel his heart beating hard inside his ribcage, until he inches away to hover over you.
two pairs of glossy eyes meet.
jungkook repents in the softest form of intimate affection. he presses his lips on your forehead, scatters tender kisses all over your face, wet kisses down to your jaw (your tears or his saliva, you’re not quite sure), all the way to the expanse of your neck. you cup the back of his head, gripping his fluffy hair but never pulling.
“i’m sorry again, baby. i still feel like shit.” he confesses quietly, nuzzling his face on your neck. “still annoyed at me?”
“mhmm, not as bad. you’re lucky i love you.”
he cranes his head to the side to look up at you, corners of his eyes wrinkling as he flashes your favorite bunny smile. “i am. the luckiest.”
you and jungkook remain unmoving from that position until he gradually slips under the spell of drowsiness and most of all, your scent. the fabric softener he uses, the green tea perfume you rub on your neck using your wrist (it seems that it has applied for permanent residence on your skin), and you. just you. soothing, soul-cleansing. almost paradise. he feels like he’s floating on a cloud— he imagines it as the pink swirly one from your pajamas.
he doesn’t even realize that he has surrendered his whole weight on top of you, and you don’t have the heart to wake him up just because . . . your bones are getting crushed. and your legs are getting numb. nope. not as important as his rest.
that is before you squeeze him closer and give his temple a kiss, and you get a whiff of the kitchen from him again. uh-oh. please, no. you really hate the sound of the smoke alarm.
“baby boy?”
“did you finish cooking before you came?”
a moment of silence.
a choke on a gasp.
you, almost getting smacked by his head.
“oh shit!”
he rolls off the bed in the blink of an eye, almost like a trained ninja. which you don’t dare to say out loud because you know he’s going to fucking naruto run his way to the kitchen.
you see him infront of the stove when you arrive after painfully waking up your legs. he greets you with a thumbs-up and a smile so big his facial muscles are shaking. “we’re safe. right on time! it’s perfectly boiled!”
you giggle at his theatrics, pulling out a chair from the dining table. you hug your legs close to your chest so you can rest your chin over your knees as you watch your boyfriend work hard in the kitchen. for his precious, precious galbitang to be served for his lover.
straining. chopping. seasoning. chopping. boiling. more boiling.
“you still cooked for me, right?” you question with a pout, the grumbling of your stomach becoming too painful to prioritize your ego above all.
“come on. of course i did, baby.” he places the bowl of rice infront of your chair, which you originally assumed to be his. he gives the top of your head a quick kiss, finding you so endearing when you get all pouty. “you’re so cute.”
the side dishes continue to take up the space of the table, and the main dish follows suit. once jungkook is settled infront of you, you both start filling your tummies.
“why are you only drinking the soup?” he asks a few minutes later, watching you carefully scoop up another spoonful of the tasty liquid.
“i’m cold.” you respond before putting the spoon in your mouth again. addicting, because the soup warms your stomach and eases the pain of your throat. it’s what you perfectly need.
the legs of a chair scratch against the tiled flooring. you stare at your boyfriend in confusion when he stands up holding his bowl and utensils. he journeys around the table to sit down next to you, abandoning his food on the table to provide you his natural warmth by cuddling up to your side.
“i’m keeping you warm so you can have your rice now.”
“oh my god, i love you.” you mutter with a chuckle, instantly melting in his arms because you do feel so much warmer.
hearing you say that you love him so easily and casually, this isn’t the first time. and so, jungkook thinks— what is this feeling? relief? is it irrational of him to think that he could’ve lost you tonight because you’ve gotten sick and tired of having to wait around?
“eat up, my love.”
a spoon poking his lips snaps him out of his intrusive thoughts, and he welcomes it appreciatively.
“can hear the gears inside your head moving.”
“you know i love you most in the world, right?”
his groan borders into a whine, and he drowns himself in your scent once more to seek comfort. “god, i’m gonna marry you someday. just you see.”
“good. i just hope you don’t forget our wedding day.”
you abruptly stop giggling when he lifts up his head and frowns at you sadly.
you offer him a guilty smile. “aww, i’m joking. still fresh?”
“aren’t you supposed to be the one sadder?”
“exactly. i’m trying to cope here, jungkook!”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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beplerblurbs · 1 year
hello ! may i rq some head-cannons for ricky and gunwook with a flirty reader ?
reactions to a flirty y/n
pairings: VERY SHY BOYS !! ricky x gn!reader, gunwook x gn!reader, keita x gn!reader, gyuvin x gn!reader
genre: fluff!!!!! suggestive in keitas, slightest suggestiveness in rickys
warnings: you drink in keitas, implying sexual activities in keitas??
w/c: 2k
authors note: hiiiii anon thanks for the first request i'll try hard to give what u asked for! i like doing these reactions in sets of four so i'll add keita and gyuvin :P its a little rushed so forgive me
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it was korean thanksgiving and everyone had gone home. yet you and ricky being the only international trainees of your dorm, decided just to spend it together.
theres already been some tension during group practice, but nothing had been established. today you wanted to test the limits since it was just you two for a long weekend.
“okay everythings ready. we can start topping!” ricky cheered. you guys decided to do a pizza making competition, better tasting pizza wins, loser has to do something of the winners choice.
you guys start rolling out the dough and flattening it. both of you saucing your flat doughs at an equal pace. the similar pace had caused a conflict with the cheese though, you both grabbed it at the same time. your hand over his, but no one moving.
“you’re moving so quick, its not a timed competition,” ricky tried to be strong, but on the inside he was melting at your touch.
“mmm you should slow down too, your hand is really warm.” your sultry voice halted rickys brain function, it was enough for you to move his hand and take some extra cheese for your pizza.
he regained his composure and tried catching up to you because you were taking more toppings.
throughout, you kept knocking ur hip into ricky’s to distract him. he was playing along too, not without showing his blushing red ears.
“stop~ you’re so annoying y/n,” ricky grumbled, he was trying to put on his final details on his pizza but you kept tickling his sides softly. you were already done your pizza waiting for him to finish to put both in the oven together.
“okay…” you pout and turn to the counter sink, starting to wash some dishes. you knew he was joking but wanted to tease him a bit by acting upset.
“okay okay! i’m sorry, don’t be mad!” you felt ricky’s arms wrap around your waist, and the weight of his head on your shoulder, “get your saucy hands off me! freak,” you laugh and turn around, thankfully you had an apron on to stay clean. you both loved playful moments like these.
“i didn’t know you were so clingy,” you smile and poke his shoulder, “am i?” he genuinely asks, hoping your tone would indicate if his personality was a good thing or bad thing, “yeah but its cute so it’s okay… hurry! our pizzas need to be cooked!”
even though rickys ears are streaming from redness, he turns to quickly finish his pizza and you help each other put the pizzas in the preheated oven to cook.
once they’re done, you bring them out onto cutting boards, to cut and serve from the board since you guys were too lazy to plate it. your secret ingredient was brushing on some sweet and sour sauce on top of the pizza (a/n: its a really good dipping sauce u should try it).
ricky cuts up the pizzas and you both take a bite of your own pizza and then each others. by the time you’re half done your slice from ricky, he’s already finished two slices, relishing in your yummy cooking.
hes a talkative person but now that he knows he’s lost he can’t admit to anything. so you help him out, testing the upper limits of your guys’ relationship.
you come close to his body and lean over to whisper in his ear, “i really like you, ricky,” you can feel him tremble, gripping the counter, “but my pizza is way better.” you pull away, smirking knowing you’ve successfully broken him.
“god, you’re gonna kill me y/n.”
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"no, i swear he did it like this!"
"that doesn't make any sense though," you sigh, gunwook seems timid.
you were an established idol with 2 years of experience already. gunwook though? he was newly debuted and his manager said it would help solidify his reputation as an idol dancer.
right now, you guys were arguing between which move was correct to the original choreography video, your interpretation or his. its not exactly clear due to the low quality of the video, but the choreographer said he would come soon to help out anyways.
both you and gunwook were being stubborn about what you saw.
“i need a water break,” you walk to the back of the studio to get your waterbottle, gunwook does too.
you sit down on the bench nearby, gesturing gunwook to sit with you. he seemed afraid to go against a senior but didn’t want to stray from the choreo of an even more astonished kpop choreographer.
“look, i get it, you don’t wanna seem rude to me or our sunbae. so i’ll let you have the chance to fully explain why you think you’re right,” you close off your waterbottle and let him have the floor to talk.
he goes into detail about why his version makes the most sense and how well it relates to the story the choreographer is trying to portray. he gets up to show the dance move in slow motion
gunwook was both well-mannered and detailed, leaving no room for rebuttal. “wow, its like you’ve been on a debate team.”
“i have! we always won province championshi— thats not the point anyways y/n, do you see where im coming from?” he looks over his shoulder.
gunwook did have a fair point, he was also became more cute in your eyes. his passion for dance, his nerdy tendencies and his kindness kindled a warm flame in your heart. his attractiveness helped even more.
you stood up and walked up to gunwook, “okay, i’ll do it your way.” you leaned in closer to, his boba eyes widened as your face was mere inches away from his, his eys tracing down to your lips, “you’re lucky you’re cute y’know?” you know you’ve weakened him and let him go with a small smile.
“okay, let’s continue with practice,” your nonchalant manner caught gunwook off caught but he caught up to your pace when you played the music.
you adjusted to gunwooks moveafter practicing for about 30 minutes, and in the middle of cleaning the moves the choreographer came in.
you both bowed and dove straight into questions about the choreography.
“sir, gunwook and i were debating on this one 4-count, can you tell us which one in correct?” his simple nod led you to play the music and both you and gunwook show your two versions.
“wow, as per usual, y/n is correct. they’re very keen on the details and always on top of things.” the reassurance settled the debate between you two.
“ahh and gunwook convinced me i was wrong now we have to practice with my version.” you sigh and walked closer to gunwook, your presence seemed to be his weakspot, “maybe i shouldn’t let him off the hook very easily.”
the bright blush that gunwook’s cheeks grew was unavoidable. he couldn’t debate this one, he just accepted he was wrong. he found you really captivating and as a sunbae he had nothing but respect and attraction for you.
after practice, gunwook stopped you before you left with a snack from the vending machine in the building. “thank you for practice today y/n, i hope we can get closer m-maybe?” his nervousness at the end made him even more cute. he was whipped for you and no one could stop him.
“of course.” you smiled, taking the snack.
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keita was in the zone lyric writing for some upcoming collabs. he was an underground rapper and was seeking some inspiration, rather than being inside a cramped studio all day, he went to a pub.
it was moderately busy for a thursday night but keita was able to focus well. that was, until a bartender put a beer and some fries in front of him.
keita had already finished his drink but he never ordered another one. “oh sorry, i didn’t order this,” he tilted his head and pushed back the fries back to the bartender.
“sir, the pretty person there bought you this.” keita turns around to, well, you, a stunning person.
your attractive looks and sultry gaze as you stirred your own drink made keita blush and suddenly his hands felt clammy. he turns around to hide in embarrassment.
you frankly, find him endearing for it. you grab your drink and sit next to him at the bar. “hi handsome, got a name?”
keita tries to laugh off his nervousness, he didn’t want to ruin his chances by being weird, “keita, and yours is?” he tilts his head, “y/n.”
you end up asking about his notebook with lyrics and why he came out tonight and he answers with honesty.
“oh, for inspiration huh,” you say curiously, “maybe you’ll rap about me,” you giggle leaning in close, “you should memorize my face for better writing.”
you were coming on strong and keita couldnt handle his nerves, he wanted to show he could be strong too. he chugs his beer for some liquid encouragement, “don’t worry beautiful of course i will.”
your smile became bigger, not for the reason keita thought though. you took your thumb and wiped away the beer foam on his upper lip. he froze.
“sorry, you had a little something there cutie,” you lick off the remains off your finger.
keita grew even more red, not because of his asian glow but out of your bold flirting, he was loving the attention.
“you okay? nothing to be embarrassed about,” you say sipping your drink, “no you’re just so hot…” keita couldn’t believe how bold he was being now.
“maybe we can get out of here and see where this goes? how does that sound keita?” the way you said his name came out so seductive he couldn’t say no.
you took his hand and led him out the door, leaving the drinks and fries unfinished.
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being a barista in a cafe near the han river was gruelling work because of how busy it gets during weekends and afterhours.
the nice part was always the empty hours, usually morning weekdays, this is usually when retired folks or people living near the river on their morning runs. this is where you can take things a bit more slow.
while cleaning a counter you saw a tall young guy with brown fluffy hair come in, particularly with a cute dog. “awww whats their name?” you tippy toe to get a better look at the dog from over the counter, “eumppappa!” the dog owner said excitedly.
getting a better look at the boy you realised he was really cute and you wanted to shoot your shot. but with the cameras on and your manager having a surveillance obsession, you couldn’t be too obvious.
the boy tapped his chin before making a decision, “uhm~ i’ll do a ice caramel latte.” you punched it into the register and grabbed a cup, “name?” and he told you.
“gyuvin… such a cute name,” your mumbling was loud enough to where you saw the tips of gyuvins ears get red.
he waited for his drink, sitting and scrolling on his phone. oblivious to his opportunities to talk to you while the cafe was empty. so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“order for gyuvin!” you said loudly, he grabs a tissue before taking his coffee but you stop him, “oh i got a tissue for you,”
“oh thanks but its okay,”
“just take the extra then,” you take his hand and put the tissue in it.
he could see the black ink that spelled out your phone number. he looked puzzled,
“ma’am, someones number is on it.”
“yes its mine”
“oh what? why?”
“it’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“no, why would someone give a stranger their num—“
“its because you’re cute and i wanna talk to you! just take it!” he was frustrating and embarrassing you at this point. gyuvin couldn’t be this oblivious, right?
“ohhh… you could’ve just told me. i think you’re cute too,”
nope, you were wrong, he was that oblivious.
“thank you but if my manager catches us, i’m screwed, go… go!” gyuvin wasnt catching the hint at first but then scrambled out with his dog.
later that night, he texted you and apologized for causing you trouble and you couldn’t help but laugh at his cute texting style and his apology
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Bikini Bump
A/N: two posts in one day?? Who am I?? But thank you so much to @corrodingmycoffin for allowing me the honor of writing a full length piece for this post! I love this idea so much! I hope I did it justice 😊
Please comment and reblog!
Pairing: Eddie x pregnant!reader
Warnings: pregnancy, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex
Italics are flashbacks
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“Guys, no running by the edge! It’s too slippery!” You called out to Dustin and Lucas. You decided it would be nice for everyone to have a pool day to cool off in the summer heat. Eddie begrudgingly agreed to tag along, but you knew deep down he loved spending time with his chosen family.
He set down the cooler that he insisted on carrying instead of you and peeled off his shirt. He sat down under an umbrella and decided to take a nap. He was just about to doze off when he saw you taking off your coverup, revealing a new swimsuit he had yet to see.
His eyes nearly popped out of his head (sorry vecna) when he noticed how the bikini bottoms hugged your ass perfectly. The skimpy top left little to the imagination but what was really catching his attention was your growing baby bump that you placed a hand on fondly.
You had just entered your third trimester and had really begun to “pop”. Everyone liked to joke that Eddie knocked you up the first chance he got, but what no one knew was that it was your idea to have a baby.
You loved Eddie with every fiber of your being and you knew he didn’t have a traditional family upbringing.
You were nervous to bring the idea up to him, but as soon as the words left your mouth he literally swept you off your feet and carried you to the bed, insisting on starting right away.
“I’m not even ovulating until next week!” You said through a fit of giggles. He pressed a million kisses to your face and down your body.
“Well I guess we’ll just have to practice until then,” he smirked from between your legs. It was a passion filled night, and every night after.
That was your third favorite memory. Your second favorite was when you had your first ultrasound. Eddie likes to deny it but he definitely cried a little.
Your favorite memory, however, was the day you told him you were pregnant. It was after a few months of trying and disappointment that came along with the negative tests. You didn’t get your hopes up, you couldn’t be let down again.
You sighed before looking at the test before tossing it in the trash bin. Only a second went by before you were grabbing it back out and holding it to your face.
Two pink lines.
You chugged a glass of iced tea and went to the bathroom to take another test- just to be sure.
Two more pink lines.
You screamed in excitement and looked around the room frantically. How would you tell Eddie? It had to be something good. You grabbed your keys and headed off into town to grab some supplies.
When Eddie came home you had the oven on but you were nowhere to be seen.
“Sweetheart?” He called out. You practically ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him. “Miss me?”
“So much,” you beamed.
“Whatcha got cookin?” He asked.
“Oh, I just have a bun in the oven,” you said nonchalantly.
“Just a singular bun?”
“Well it could be two, even three. I’m hoping for just one though,” you answered.
“Uh, okay?” He laughed awkwardly. “New flowers?”
“Baby’s breath, you like?”
“They’re pretty. New dress too, huh? Someone must’ve had fun in town today,” he said with a smile.
“Yeah, I wanted to try something new, welcome some change,” you said slowly. “It’s baby blue.”
“You can rock any color, sweetheart.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple and you wanted to scream. Did you have to hit this man over the head to get him to take a hint?
He went into the bathroom and you were certain he’d figure it out. You waited and waited and nothing. He opened the door and saw you standing there.
“Everything okay?” He asked.
“Seriously?!” He was shocked by your outburst but noticed your hand was pointing to the sink counter. He looked down and had to do a double take.
“You’re pregnant?” He whispered. He looked at the two positive tests and touched them softly, not willing to believe it. “I’m gonna be a dad?”
“You’re gonna be a dad,” you said, holding back your tears. He pulled you into a bone crushing hug and you both cried.
“There’s not really buns in the oven are there?” He sniffled. You couldn’t help but laugh at the poor man.
“Took you long enough,” you laughed.
“I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad,” he whispered. And that’s the happiest you had ever felt.
Eddie watched as you poured lemonade for your friends, taking a glass for yourself. He watched as the condensation dripped from the glass onto your chest and between the valley of your breasts.
Eddie felt his cock twitch in his swim trunks; he couldn’t help himself. He had always thought of you as the most beautiful woman in the world, but seeing your stomach swell with his child only made his attraction to you stronger. He took comfort in knowing you were his and the whole world could see it.
He got up from his chair and stalked toward you without you even taking notice. You jumped when you felt his hands wrap around your waste, cradling your stomach.
“Leaving little to the imagination, huh, princess?” He asked, growling in your ear.
“Thought you might like it,” you laughed.
“I hate it actually, wanna tear it right off.”
“I guess you have something to look forward to when we get home then,” you said with a smirk. His arms dropped but he gripped your hand and pulled you after him.
“I can’t wait that long.”
“Eddie, wait! What about the kids?”
“They’ll be fine. I’m more worried about burying my cock in you at the moment,” he grunted. He slammed the locker room door shut behind you, twisting the lock once he made sure you were alone.
He had you pressed against the lockers, his hands roaming your body. He moaned at how much skin he already had access to. He dropped his knees in front of you and pulled the strings to your bottoms, letting them fall to the floor. He put one leg over his shoulder and pressed warm kisses up your thigh.
“Eddie, please,” you whined.
“Shh, I know, baby,” he said, looking up at you past your pregnant belly. It had gotten to the point where he had to lean back just to look you in the eyes.
He attacked your pussy without warning, his tongue circling your clit and teasing your entrance. You wriggled against him but his hands held your legs in place. One of the things he loved most about you being pregnant was that you were more sensitive and he could have you coming undone in a matter of minutes.
You threaded your fingers in his hair and pulled him closer. You were grinding on his face which made him moan. His tongue worked faster, bringing you closer to the edge. You threw your head back against the lockers as you came, moaning his name as you came down from your high.
He was quick to drop your leg and kiss up your body. He brought you over to the counter and helped you hop up. He nestled himself between your legs, freeing his cock from his trunks. He ran it through your slick folds and it sent shockwaves up your body. He pushed into you slowly, relishing every second that passed by.
“Fuck, Eddie. Please, fuck me,” you cried.
“Is that what you want baby? You want me to remind you who you belong to?” He asked, quickly pulling out and thrusting back in. “Like you could forget though, with our baby growing inside you.”
He continued to pump into you at the perfect speed. He freed your breasts from their tiny top and palmed at them.
“You’re so beautiful. You’re gonna be such a great mom,” he moaned. “You like that? You like that I made you a mommy?”
“Yes, oh my god, yes!”
Your pussy clenched him tighter, causing his rhythm to falter. He rested his head in the crook of your neck as he continued to piston into you.
“Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me,” he whispered.
Tears welled in your eyes as your second orgasm crashed over you. Eddie continued to fuck you through it, waiting until you were satisfied to finish. A few more pumps and he stilled deep inside you.
The two of you caught your breath while he slowly pulled out. He watched as his cum dripped from you, pushing it back in.
“For good measure,” he chuckled.
“I’m already pregnant, Eds,” you laughed.
“Mm, yes you are,” he said, kissing you sweetly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And I love the both of you, but Jesus Christ! The locker rooms? Really?” Steve yelled from the other side of the door. You covered your face with your hands while Eddie just grinned like a proud fool.
“Come on, you better put that sorry excuse for a bathing suit back on before they break down the door,” he said.
“Don’t worry, babe; you can still tear it off of me when we get home.” You shot him a wink before slipping your bikini back on and unlocking the door. Steve rushed into the stall past Eddie.
“Really? You couldn’t just pee in the pool like a normal person?” Eddie scoffed.
“You’re gross, dude!” Steve yelled.
Eddie just rolled his eyes and headed back out to his friends. He saw everyone sitting on the edge of the pool, popsicles in hand. He saw you sucking on a red one and his dick twitched again.
“This is gonna be a long afternoon,” he groaned.
Taglist: @mellomadness @munsaniac @thebookbakery @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @rafecameronswhore @dootys @tiredwritersworld @lily-sinclair-2006 @dylanobriens-love @moonbeampillgoth @lady-hellfire-1985 @lagataprrr @whore-of-many-hot-men @crimsonsabbath @moldy-khunt @wheaty-melon
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hi i hope you dont mind but if you're not that busy is it okay if you write this? huhu thank you!
reader telling jjk men (geto, gojo, nanami, toji, choso) that they are preggo and they've been trying for a few years already and are already thinking of surrogacy. please please please this can be months after they have a miscarriage too!
a rainbow baby! 😭
Hi hon!!! Sorry this came so late I got a bit caught up with school than my mom and aunts wanted to have dinner so that’s what I did today! Tysm for the request! I try to remain as respectful as possible when I write requests like this or about sensitive topics so pls tell me if I misphrase or say anything poorly so I can correct it!!
Ps. I didn’t do choso because idk his personality well and I don’t know if I’m confident in writing him😭
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Tw- mentions of past miscarriages, rainbow baby, infertility, surrogacy, anything mentioned in the request, grief, (in Geto’s people besides parents try and explain death and miscarriage to the twins so reader gets upset)in gojos the pregnancy is both unplanned and not known about, birth, pregnant reader if your uncomfortable with anything relating to loosing a child/pregnancy I advise that you do not read this one! Pls let me know if I missed anything!!
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He took it hard, he loved the twins with his whole heart he truly did but he missed having babies to look after, maybe it was just baby fever but he felt like your little family wasn’t quite complete.
Unfortunately when you’d found the missing piece, it didn’t work out, unfortunately in your second trimester you had miscarried. You and Geto were both devastated, and everyone for a while everyone treated the two of you as ticking time bombs ready to explode at any moment.
The girls didn’t quite understand, they knew that they were supposed to have a sibling soon and now they weren’t going to but that was it, they couldn’t comprehend it yet and the amount of times you both had to stop people from explaining it to them horrified you.
This time when you’d fallen pregnant, you decided that maybe you two should keep this one a bit secret just in case, so when you’d first told Geto it was in the safety of your bedroom you’d sat beside him your hands behind your back before quickly pulling out the test.
“Are you serious” his voice is a bit quiet as it crackles.
You were his only weak spot, of course besides his children…but of course he would never let you know that…not like it was obvious or anything. He practically sobs when you give him a little nod, he lets out the same quiet muffled sobbing noise when he sees his son for the first time laid on your chest.
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Honestly it hurt you a lot. His family was really into the idea of you carrying a biological heir, but sometimes it felt like you just weren’t capable of doing so. Honestly you’d started to even look into surrogacy because you couldn’t handle all the unfortunate things that continued to happen every time you would even talk about pregnancy.
When you’d been getting intense abdominal cramps you decided maybe you shouldn’t test it and checked yourself into the hospital, where you found out you were in labour, within the hour Gojo had arrived to see you sat up in the hospital bed with the cutest little baby girl laid on your chest. You smile dazedly as he stares down at the two of you in wonder.
“She’s real” he whispers as he touches the little fluffy whisper of hair she has. His fingers just barely graze her scalp and she scrunches and thats what triggers his tears.
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It was just bad news after bad news, it was beginning to feel like maybe you shouldn’t have a baby at all. Of course when Nanami had heard you mutter this one night after you’d talked about trying for a baby again, he smiled guiltily, “if this doesn’t work there’s surrogacy or even adoption” he knows that you don’t want either of those, you want what everyone else is able to have, he can hear the way you cry in the bathroom after another negative test about how unfair it is and how cruel the world can be.
But this time there’s no crying no shouts of how unfair it is, there’s silence and Nanami at first thinks you’ve fallen and hurt yourself but when he hears your squeal he knows that isn’t the case.
He pushes the door open softly to see you holding the test you smile up at him as you show him the two little pink lines, “it’s positive” you tell him and it takes a moment to register but when it does he’s got a wide smile as he bends down softly peppering kisses along your face.
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He was rather reserved already but after you’d lost the baby, it became worse. Toji not only was reserved but he was reclusive, not eating dinner with you and Megumi not even greeting you anymore.
He’d come out at night and creep around the house to avoid seeing you two, he didn’t understand how to process the loss and had resorted to cutting off the world while he grieved.
One of these nights however he’s not quiet enough and you flicker on the lights, Toji is stood over the sink as he chugs down tap water.
“Toji” you call out, “Will you come to bed?” And when he lays down beside you it feels like heaven. He’s wrapped in your warm embraces as you whisper soft reassurances he doesn’t tell you that your comfort and soft touch made him cry long after you fell asleep.
Almost a year after that, you’d fallen pregnant, and Megumi was the one to help you tell him as he pranced around the house all day in a tee shirt that said big brother on it.
Honestly it was adorable and you loved seeing little Megumi be so happy when his dad furrowed his brows holding his boy up by the armpits to get a good look at what his shirt said glancing down to your belly than back to Megumi before his eyes meet yours.
“You’re serious?” He asks still holding up Megumi.
You give him a little nod paired with a nervous giggle and he sets Megumi down softly going over to hug you as Megumi continues to stomp around the kitchen.
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If anyone wants to see anything else pls let me know!! Omg guys!!! Do you want to see reader and maybe like teen Megumi?(reader is with Toji, but maybe like reader being a mom figure to Megumi and while he’s got a fever he unintentionally calls her mama, which he hadn’t done since he was really young?? And Toji like hugging reader a bit when she cries because she misses him being a baby and being affectionate???? I’m gonna sob someone request it pls???)
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sardonic-courtney · 6 months
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Spencer Reid x Reader.
Words: 1182
Warnings: Suggestive. Mentions of Sugar daddy. OOC Reid.
Summary: The team decided to go to Spencer's for take away and find out about his girlfriend.
»»———-  ———-««
The BAU had finished for the week, which means…yep a long Friday full of paperwork from the usual case they had finished yesterday. A normal case, well as normal as a murder case could be. Relatively smooth and simple, bodies in different doll outfits lead to a woman who had a a bad childhood and was using the victims as dolls. So everyone was tired, even Rossi looking worn out.
Spencer Reid, wearing a light grey shirt, top button undone, a black tie with a little embroidery that seemed to be his new favourite and some trousers, grabbing his dark grey jumper was just ready and excited to go home to see her. She was not a secret, but Spencer had also failed to mention his girlfriend of a year and a half..to anyone. He had no reason to. He was ready to leave until Derek came up to him.
“Take away at your house today wonder boy” Derek states, not a question but also not a demand…and as usual Spencer is too awkward to say no, especially when the team seems to perk up at the idea and is excited about it.
Penelope squeals, “Yes! Oh, we haven't been to Spencer’s in aaggeeees. Brilliant idea Chocolate Thunder”.
"I could definitely go for a Chinese," Emily states nodding.
"Wills got the kids so I'm happy to come," JJ adds already grabbing her coat.
That's how the whole BAU team ended up on the sofa and chairs in Spencer's apartment. Hotch and Rossi instantly took the two-seater undoing some shirt buttons to relax. Derek, Penelope and Luke on the three-seater. JJ and Emily sit on the armchairs all chatting and making themselves at home. Spencer stands in the half-joint kitchen, shirt sleeves rolled up and he turns to the cupboard about to get drinks for them as they wait for the takeaway…
But the front door opens, and Y/n walks in from her classes, tired but happy to be home. She takes her shoes off at the door and places her bag on the kitchen counter not looking towards the couches or chairs that joins the kitchen she walks up towards Spencer, oblivious. The now silent BAU team looked confused, Derek slightly amused. 
“You” Y/n starts walking towards Spencer with a big grin, “Are a genius”. Her smile is infectious and one Spencer loves. Spencer's focus is on her now and only her as he chuckles slightly, the team are surprised by the look on Spencer's face, affectionate caring and amused. She gains all of his attention, but he forgets to mention they’re not alone as Y/N wraps her wool scarf around his neck.
“Honestly, a Genius,” she smiles, emphasizing the word whilst admiring him.
“I am aware of that, but do care to elaborate love?” Spencer asks amused, his eyes flick down to the scarf about to comment but Y/n does before he can.
“What? I think it suits you” She bites her lip. “Well, okay,  maybe not like this… But if it was in a more Sherlock way…”
She adjusts the scarf, folding it in half then wrapping it around his neck and threading the end through the loop, nodding at her handiwork, proud of herself clearly the two are comfortable around each other it wouldn't take a profiler to notice.
“That's not what I was going to say, '' Spencer commented looking at her, his brain noting her cute expressions.
“Oh right…Well, I got my test results back.”
“Really?” his face lights up, curious, “What did you get?” 
Y/n pulls herself up and sits on the kitchen counter, her back facing the on-looking strangers. “On what?” she asks with a teasing smirk.
“Results Y/n, what are your results,”
“Oh see that depends on what you are asking about” 
He shakes his head, and a little stern he says “All of them princess”.
With a faint blushing on her cheeks, she pretends to think, “Hmmm let’s see… Practical assessment Distinction, Witten assessment pass, pregnancy negative and the Oral assessment distinction”.
Spencer gives her a look.
“What you said is all of my results, that's all of them.” she chuckles.
“Well good job I'm very proud of you” he says, chuckling, shaking his head a little but is cut off by her stomach growling. His face fills with concern “Did you buy food today?”
“With what money? I'm on my apprenticeship wage, I looked in my account today and I have £32.48. I'm two days away from standing on the corner of my street”
Spence rolls his eyes at her dramatic comments.
“You know what I need..” she asks eyes lighting up a little.
“What?” Spencer asks seriously, missing the playfulness in her tone, removing the scarf from his neck, gently and neatly folding the scarf in his large hands and placing it on the counter by Y/n’s legs.
“A sugar daddy” Her face is relaxed and serious even though she's joking, and she gives a small grin.
He shakes his head chuckling again to himself “You do not need a sugar daddy”
“Oh right because I've already got one” Y/n nods smiling as if it's obvious.
“Hmm, you do, do you?” He raises an eyebrow crossing his arms in front of his chest, his work shirt tightening his body.
“Yeah you,” she states with an unspoken, duh. 
Derek has to fight a laugh.
“I'm not your sugar daddy” The sternness in his voice and the towering position over Y/n isn’t supporting his statement.
“Hmmm, are you sure about that?” Y/n has a bratty smile on her face.
“Definitely,” Spencer replies, his tone not showing any amusement.
“Spence, define sugar daddy.”
“Well the Oxford dictionary defines it as a well-to-do usually older man who supports or spends lavishly on a mistress girlfriend or boyfriend,” he states factually not clocking her plan. 
Smlining as her plans works, “Exactly, you are even a little older than me”
“I don’t…” Spencer starts but is cut off by the look on Y/n’s face.
“Well technically”
Reid blushes
She giggled as she looked past him to the side, “Oh you got me more sodas?”
“Sure did, oh by the way” he goes to his coat that's hanging on the hook getting a small box from the pocket and tosses it her way. “It's a well done for all your studying and tests and passing your apprenticeship, I saw it and thought you would like it.”
Opening it she sees it's a beautiful ring, her favourite metal and in a tiara shape.
“Spencer, oh wow, I love it…you shouldn't have you are the reason I passed. All those study sessions and notes and prepping”
“I wanted to” he walked over, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it on her pointer finger, perfect fit. “And I knew you would like it”
“Not a sugar daddy my arse” she mumbles.
“Quiet,” he says a little dominance coming out as he kisses her lips, deepening until a certain Aaron Hotchner clears his throat, causing her to freeze and Spencer to pull back, “Oh right, we have guests”
Knowing who it would be she hides her bright red face into Spencer's chest.
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kinzis-writing · 6 months
Christmas Miracles | Tee Higgins
Kinzi’s 25 Days of Christmas: Blogmas Day Five
Summary: In which Tee and Y/N have been trying for a baby and they receive a Christmas miracle.
Pairing(s): Tee Higgins x Wife! Reader
Warning(s): mentions of pregnancy, mentions of trouble conceiving, mentions of morning sickness and puking.
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The snow fell slightly in the city of Cincinatti, it was around two weeks until Christmas and Y/N had woken up in her and Tee's house alone. She knew that he had early practice, and he would be home later at a decent time. Usually, Y/N would become very active while Tee was at work and get everything on her to-do list done. However, today that was far from the case.
When she woke up, she had felt sick to her stomach. She wasn't sure what would make her feel so sick, but she was hoping eating would improve her nausea. After fixing breakfast, she started washing her dishes before the wave of nausea hit her and she went running towards her master bathroom. Everything in her stomach was emptied into the toilet before she flushed and decided to take a shower to feel better.
While she waited for the shower to get warm, she picked up her phone and texted her friend, Olivia. She had met the girl when she was introduced to her boyfriend's team, when they, tee and Joe, had both got drafted.
"Hey, can you come over and bring me some ginger ale? My stomach hasn't felt the best." Y/N reread her message before hitting send and jumping in the shower. She knew that Olivia didn't work today so she was sure that the girl would head on over, especially since Joe was at practice with Tee.
Y/N went ahead and took her shower and was hoping for the best. That was until she got out and felt a bit faint. She had wrapped herself in a bath towel and her robe before sinking down to the bathroom floor, sitting on the bathtub rug.
"Hey, you didn't answer the door so I let myself in-" Olivia's voice broke through the room before her eyes widen and she rushed to her friend's side. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Y/N blinked a few times, hoping the feeling would go away. "I thought I was going to pass out." she spoke honestly before looking at her friend.
Olivia thought for a moment, she knew that Y/N had mentioned that she wanted a baby, and she had mentioned that they were actively trying. Tee and Y/N had an appointment to meet with a fertility specialist next month to see if there was anything to help them become successful in their trying.
"I know you don't want to hear this," Olivia started thinking of the way she could suggest it without being insensitive to her. She knew that it would hurt her if she took the test, and it was negative. "Maybe you should take a test? Just to make sure you aren't pregnant..."
Y/N's head shot up when her friend made that suggestion. She would love if she was pregnant and that would be a perfect gift for Tee, but she also knew it would harm her mental health if the test was negative. "There's no way. We've been trying for over a year and haven't been successful." she muttered, her fainting feeling slowly going away.
"Gracie told you that she felt like this before she found out." Olivia reasoned before going to the double sinks in the master bathroom and pulling out a pregnancy test that Y/N had stuffed in the back of the shelf. "Please, just to make sure you're fine."
Y/N sighed but gave in and grabbed the test. Olivia helped her stand before seeing her way out and waiting in the couple's bedroom for the girl to get done. Y/N did what needed to be done and laid the test on the bathroom sink before washing her hands. "This is a bad idea!" she yelled through the door to the future Mrs. Burrow.
"Are you okay?" Olivia asked concerned when she could hear the anxiety in the girl's voice. She knew that it would be a breakdown if the test was negative, but the girl needed to know before she went to any more parties. "Has it formed yet?"
In the bathroom, Y/N's hand covered her mouth as tears formed in her eyes. the two pink lines were super dark on the stick that she was holding in her hands. The tears fell freely as she let out a small laugh in disbelief before letting a grin overtake her face. She was currently carrying Tee's baby and she could not be any happier.
"It's positive." Y/N said as she opened the bathroom door. Happy tears still flowing freely. "It finally happened."
Olivia gave the girl a wide smile, happy for one of her best friend's to be taking this next step in her life. "We should go buy a few things and let you announce it to Tee tonight." Olivia suggested.
Y/N agreed and off they went to go get some things to make an announcement for Tee. She was planning on beating him home, so she could get everything set up.
When Burrow texted Olivia saying that he would be leaving the stadium within five minutes, the girls booked it back to Tee and Y/N's house so she could set up the surprise for him.
"Thank you for everything." Y/N told Olivia as the girl bid her farewell and left to head back home so she would not risk running into Tee. Y/N quickly fixed the present and laid the white box with a black satin ribbon on the foot of the bed. She knew now that it was a waiting game.
Y/N waited for about 20 minutes before she heard the front door open and Tee's sports bag being thrown by the door. She made her way down the stairs to greet her husband with a loving smile. "Hey, baby." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, his doing the same to her. "How was practice?"
"The usually." He mumbled before pressing his lips down on hers to greet her properly with a warm and caring kiss. "How was your day?"
Y/N shrugged, trying to play it cool but she was freaking out on the inside. "Fine. I invited Olivia over." she spoke softly, placing a quick kiss on Tee's cheek before separating from him. "What do you want for dinner? I was thinking we could order in, just for tonight?"
Tee's footsteps followed hers as they made their way through the house, "Anything you want. baby."
Y/N smiled before grabbing her phone and door dashing their favorite take out and paying for it. "Done." she smiled before turning her full attention back to Tee. "While we wait on food, I have a present for you."
Tee's eyebrows raised in shock as he followed Y/N towards their shared master bedroom. "Is it an early Christmas gift?"
Y/N thought for a moment, "You could call it that." She agreed before pushing open their bedroom door and urging him to go in and open his present. Y/N stepped forward to watch his reaction to what he was about to open.
He carefully took the ribbon off before opening the box up, he read the top and then look at the shirt and the stick in the box. "Are you-" He cut himself off not knowing if this was real life or not. He knew how sensitive of a subject it was to both of you. Y/N nodded so he would know that she was in fact pregnant. "I'm going to be a father?"
"Surprise." Y/N muttered almost shyly. "I just found out this morning and I couldn't wait to tell you because we have been wanting this for so long and-" Tee cut her off by pulling her close and placing his lips on hers.
"You have made me the happiest guy in the world." He spoke softly to not ruin the moment. "I want you to know that I will be there for you and our baby. No matter what, I'll always take care of you and make sure your needs are met. I love you two so much."
"We love you too."
again, this could have ended better, but I suck with endings. Maybe I will eventually get better at them. I sure hope so.
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are together. When he failed his qualification again, you tried to teach him.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, 1x6 spoilers
-Word count: 1361
-Note: (Repost from Wattpad!) Hey y'all, I want to all thank you so much for the love I've received! Means a lot. Thank you!
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I placed myself on the chair by my desk, sipping my coffee. Emily walked in, looking a bit sad.
'Spencer failed his qualification.' she told us, as the same sad expression appeared on my face. We all knew, Spencer had a bit trouble, working with a gun. I felt really bad for him, he didn't pass.
'Well, he can re-test in two weeks.' David spoke, matter of fact.
'Yeah, but he's going to be embarrassed about it, so let's not mention it.' Emily continued, as we all nodded.
'Not a word.' Derek replied.
On that moment, my boyfriend walked irritated in, crashing on his chair. The first thing Derek did, was getting up, making his way towards the genius.
'Hey, we're all here for you.' Spencer gave him a look.
'I'm serious. If you ever need anything... Just blow on that.' the muscular man did the rope with a whistle around his neck, chuckling at the sight. Spencer quickly took it off, walking angrily away.
'Derek was that now necessary?' I lightly hit him on his chest.
'(Y/L/N), can I talk to you for a moment?' Aaron joined the conversation, while I nodded, and followed him towards his office.
I took a seat, waiting for him to begin.
'I guess, you already heard about Reid's failed qualification?' he asked, as I agreed with him.
'Well, as you know, profilers are not required to carry a gun. But, I know, he really wants it. I've tried to teach him, and I would do it again, but I can't. Jack's teacher just called, he got sick on school, and I need to pick him up and take care of him. Since, we have no case today, it would be the perfect opportunity to practice again. If you don't mind, would you want to try teach him?'
'Yeah, of course!'
'But, can I ask, why you chose me?' I genuinely wondered.
'Because, you're really good with a gun. And, I know, you're patient, and close with Reid.' a smile crept on my lips, happy from the compliment.
'Thank you, Hotch. I will start right away.' I stood up, and placed my hand on the door knob, before turning around.
'And, I hope Jack gets better soon.' my earlier smile mirrored on his face, as I now walked out the office.
I couldn't see Spencer anywhere, considering he's still pissed. I decided to go to the break room, guessing he was there. Apparently, my guess was right, as I saw the tall man pouring himself some coffee. I walked closer to him, and placed my hand on his shoulder.
'Hey, you're okay?'
'I'm fine.' he simply answered, but we both knew, it was a lie.
'Spence, I'm sorry about you qualification.'
'It's okay, don't worry about it.' he said, but I could see the disappointment in his eyes.
'What about, I help you with it?' I tried so sound more enthusiastic, hoping to brighten up the mood a little.
'What do you mean?'
'Well, I just spoke to Hotch, and he asked me to teach you, if you want. He can't do it himself, since Jack it sick.'
'You really want that?' he asked, with a bit insecurity in his voice.
'Of course, I want to! Come, let's go.' soon enough, we were in the exercise room, the target already in sight.
'Alright, safety first.' I handed him the hearing protector and safety glasses.
'Now, we're going to load the gun.' we both filled our guns with bullets.
'Hotch always learned me the three steps. One: front sight, you need to focus on the front sight. Not on the target.' in the meanwhile, Spencer stood for the target, gun in front of him, ready to shoot.
'Two: controlled trigger press.' I contiuned.
'Three: You need to follow through. After the shot you come right back to the target. Try.' he did what I said, shooting on the target.
Sadly enough, he shot wide of the target, not hitting the drawn black person, he needed to hit. He sighed, lowering the gun.
'Don't worry, love. Now, what did you do wrong?'
'I didn't follow through.' he answered, knowing his fault.
'Right. You came off the target to see where you hit.'
'(Y/N), I barely passed my first qualification, now I failed my second one.' he stated, irritated.
'You're going to be fine, sweetheart. I'm going to help you till you can do it perfectly. Now watch.' he made room for me, as I took place. I holded my gun in perfect position, placing my finger on the trigger.
'Front sight, triggers press, follow through.' my finger pressed the trigger, hitting the target almost perfectly in the middle. It was only a few inches away for the perfect shot.
I lowered my gun, and turned around.
'I'm not so good as Hotch, but-'
'Not so good? (Y/N), that was perfect!' Spencer looked with disbelief and proud eyes in mine. I smiled from his confession.
'Alright, try again.'
He placed himself again for the target, aiming with his gun, and shooting. It was better than the last time, the bullet hitting now almost a part of the drawn black person, but it still wasn't on it.
'They're going to take away my gun.' he stated, insecure.
'No, they're not. Let me help you.'
I gave a good look at Spencer his position. His legs weren't at the right spot, and his gun needed a bit more to the left. I improved the mistakes, while talking:
'When I joined the BAU as last one, Hotch told me something, Gideon told him: "You don't have to carry a gun to kill someone.".'
'Look at me, without a gun on my belt, I look like a teacher's assistant.' he joked, making me laugh.
'You look fabulous, gorgeous. With or without a gun. Now, why don't you try to shoot again?'
He gave me a soft smile, and nodded. While staying in position, the bullet shot through the target. However, this time it was in the drawn black person, just in the middle. He did exactly the three steps, making the perfect shot.
'YOU DID IT, SPENCE!' I yelled, excitedly, as he placed his gun aside, and wrapped me into a tight hug.
'I can't believe, I did it!' the most happiest smile was painted on his soft lips.
'I am so proud of you!' we gently ended the sweet hug, admiring one another.
'Thank you, (Y/N). So much. I couldn't do it without your help.' I smiled, giving him a loving kiss.
'I'm glad, I could help. Now, you need to practice a bit more, but you'll be fine.'
He nodded in agreement, and we went back to practicing. Not every shot was as perfect as that one, but it got better and better. I'm sure, when the test comes, he's ready.
2 weeks later:
It was a normal morning for the BAU. Everyone by their desks, chatting with each other. Suddenly, Spencer came running by, happiness visibly in his expression.
'I did it! I passed my qualification!' I immediately crashed in his arms, hugging him proudly.
'Congratulations! I knew, you could do it!'
'All thanks to you, love.' we slowly ended the comforting hug, looking in each others gorgeous eyes.
Everyone congratulated him, I could see they all were proud and happy for him. As Spencer and I, lost eye contact, he turned around to gave a look at Derek. He trew the rope with whistle towards him, a grin on his face.
He then, walked away, leaving Derek behind with a shocked expression. It was quickly replaced by a big laugh, looking proudly at the object.
'Touché kid.'
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