#i didnt even check word count until i finished it so that was wild lol
marcspectrr · 2 years
sin descanso
words: 6k
summary: essence is 6k words of jake and marc having much-needed slightly-fatal injuries lead to them finally airing their shit out.
excerpt: '“There were nothin’ wrong with the plans! It was fine until you—” Marc pauses, closing his eyes and bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You know, last time I checked, guns didn’t leave stab wounds.” Marc vaguely gestures to Jake, a pained expression on his face. “I mean, how’d you even get those, huh? You get them before or after you killed a bunch of innocents?” 
Jake glares at the mirror now. “Innocents that would not have hesitated to kill you and your wife.” 
Jake says it, low yet calm, fully expecting it to be the last thing he ever said to Marc Spector. He waits for the mirror to morph back into a stranger, to lose this oddly comforting tether to this person he’s made sure to avoid all his life. Prepares to continue hiding, erasing every imprint, leaving nothing more behind than what Marc could not achieve on his own.'
trigger warnings: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts (mentioned), ptsd, c-ptsd, gun violence, blood and injury, referenced child abuse, slight depersonalization/derealization.
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irevanity · 3 years
Hi! 15, 21, and 26 for the ask game 😊
AIGHT LETSS GOOO!! Also sorry for any weird wording problems lol I just woke up and its 8 am
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Oh boy. This is bringing back some wild memories. I don’t know if this counts, but I was a diehard k-pop fan back in 2017-2019 (or something like that.)
I know it doesn’t sound bad, but consider this: I was a diehard kpop fan with wattpad. The amount of shit I saw there traumatized me. 💀💀 And lets not talk about my horrible attempts at writing smut. I stopped reading/writing those kinds of fanfics now, and I’m more of a casual listener to kpop. If someone brought up how I acted back in 2017-2019 I would literally jump off a cliff. THATS HOW BAD IT WAS LMAOO
I’m so glad I grew out of that…but I hope that answers your question!
21. Favorite pairing to write for? Platonic or romantic.
OKAY SO! I don’t exactly have a favorite, but if I were to choose it would be between lawlight/mikalight/mikavanni. There’s so many scenarios that would actually work for these three. And their dynamics(?) are pretty interesting, too. You have a serial killer x detective, god x worshipper (is that even the correct term LMAO) and another serial killer x detective (sorta) but one is stalking the other. 💀
For platonic, I love me some Mikami/Kiyomi! They’re bros in canon, despite Mikami literally murdering her lol.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
OH MY GOD! I’m so glad you asked that. Theres too many, but I’ll list the ones I love the most.
A Death Note Demigod AU. I read most of the Percy Jackson books, and those books are literally my life and my soul. If you don’t know Percy Jackson, it’s basically a story that revolves around the children of human x greek god couples and their quests. I would love to write a fanfic about this, BUT, the amount of research I’d have to do makes me cry. At this point, I’ll just plagiarize Rick Riordans work and replace all the names lmao.
A Death Note AU, of course, but this time they have powers! I wrote a fanfic on this and posted it on AO3 before. I think it was called, “Powers of the 4.” And the main characters were Team Kira. I never finished it, and looking back, it was so bad I deleted it LMAO. I really didnt check over my own work.
Anyways, I’m talking about powers like telekinesis, cryokinesis (ice powers), pyrokinesis (fire) and etc. I think it’s so fun to play around with concepts like this.
A Death Note AU, but this time in the Attack on Titan universe. It sounds so fun until you get into all the details of everything. It’s gonna be a “what realistic thing would Light Yagami say in this situation” and I’m pretty bad at sticking to character, so thats gonna be a challenge.
And no, I’m not talking about plopping in the DN characters with the AOT characters, I’m talking about the Attack on Titan story with the DN characters. I’m not gonna be stealing the already canon Titan powers and slapping them onto a random character from DN, I’ll make my own Titan powers. Which is gonna be a challenge LMAO! Out of all of the ideas listed, this one will probably never be started on. It intimidates me bruh 😭😭😭This one will just stay in my day dreams
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league-of-thots · 3 years
Pairing: Hawks x female reader
Word Count: 3.3k+
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, riding, is cowboy kink a warning?
A/N: not the way y’all wanted me to return, but the way y’all deserve lol. i didnt really have the energy to give it an in depth edit but sometimes it be like that
         You wipe the sweat from your brow, the sun is high in the bright, cloudless sky. It means that the heat is just pouring down in waves from the sky though, and you curse the fact that you’d agreed to switch shifts with one of the other farmhands that had asked you the day before. Part of you wants to find Kirishima and reem him out, but you know he’s a sweetheart and wouldn’t have ever done something that would make things harder for you on purpose.
         Having said that, imagining giving the man a piece of your mind makes it easier for you to grit your teeth and put your back into heaving large packets of grains into a wheelbarrow for the pigs, so that you wouldn’t have to make as many trips. Instead, it would just be one hellish trip, and a lot less walking in the heat.
         Wiping the stray dirt on your pants you sigh. You feel sticky and can feel the grit on your face, on your arms. You must smell something fierce, though you know compared to the pigs you’d be feeding in a few minutes, you smelt like a bed of flowers.
         You feel the strain on your back as you finally finish loading the wheelbarrow and start to haul it over to the south side of the Academy farm. The ground is rough, and you feel the jarring of the weight in your shoulders, you’re going to be so sore tomorrow.
         After you finish feeding the pigs, you take the supplies back to where they belong and head off to start some of your final tasks of the day. One is milking the cows, and the other being your favourite, plowing some of the dirt to prepare for the new season.
         Is it a bit stupidly cliché that you love riding the big tractor while the sun lowers in the sky? Maybe. Is it worth it? Absolutely. It’s one of the best views you’ve seen in your life. Plus, it always helps clear your mind from a day of hard work so that when you enter one of the farmhouses, you’re ready to do whatever else you need to get done.
         When you park the tractor back to its spot in the barn, you see a few of the other farmhands talking together. They’re laughing with one another, and you wave to them as you walk out with your overcoat and keys.
         You’re in a daze until you realize you’ve somehow already started up a warm shower, standing under the steam to relieve your body from the stress of the day. Your muscles feel so much better with the hot water on them and the steam makes you feel as if you’re in stasis. It’s good because tomorrow is going to be a big day, the August festival, a celebration that the community holds as a sort of last hurrah before the season gets busy once again.
         After you’re clean and put together, you head downstairs to have a quick conversation with the couple other farmhands that share the house with you. You need to check if there’s anything else you need to do to help with the final preparations for tomorrow. The four of you had made some homebrew cider to share with the other townspeople, and it tasted quite good, despite being a little heavy on the alcohol. But nobody would be complaining about that, of course.
         “Mmm, I think its fine.” Mina says, faced scrunched up in thought. “We did pretty well with it for sure.”
         “I agree,” you reply. “Just wanted to make sure I could pass out for the night. I’m fucking dead.” She laughs a little at that.
         “Gotta make sure you have the energy for tomorrow. I hear that it’s going to be extra wild.” She waggles her eyebrows. “You know that there’s going to be a horse-ridin’ performance from our sheriff’s department, but there’s also gonna be some cowboys over here to show off some of their skills too.”
         You’re slightly intrigued at that. Maybe, you’ll even get to see him again… but, better not get your hopes up too much. Instead, you say, “That would definitely be a treat for all the hard work that this year’s been.”
         Mina nods sagely at that. “If I see that blonde, twink of a cowboy I’m goin’ to make him my bitch. Because I deserve it.” That brings a snort out of you, but you pray a little for Denki if you do see him tomorrow, because lord knows he’s going to need it.
         The two of you chat for a little while longer before you wish her a good night and head up to get some rest. You do have a busy day to get ready for after all.
           You wake up early the next day, ready to quickly get your tasks done so you can let loose with friends and community members that night. You wish that you don’t have to do any work, but you can’t have everything you want.
         So, you drag yourself out of bed, muscles tight and body sore, to quickly grab a protein bar and a cleaner pair of working clothes. Your overalls are starting to sport holes and there are some dark stains that just won’t ever come off. You need new ones, you think, as you walk towards the horse pen.
         You love the horses, how sweet most of them are and how peaceful it is in their separated area. It’s especially nice in the early morning, with a crisp breeze and the sun peeking out on the horizon. You grab the feed mix that someone had mixed the day before and drag it over to the troughs, where there are already some of the animals waiting for you to arrive. The horses have learned to expect people in the morning, and some of the more assertive ones wait at the fence to be the first ones to get to eat.
         While they feed, you prepare the cleaning tools inside the small stable that is connected to the fenced off pen. You take each horse that’s finished eating into the small shelter to clean their hooves, brush out their mane and body, and then your favourite part, riding them for a few laps of the enclosure to make sure they run a bit each day.
         It’s while you’re dismounting a cute mare named Starlight when you hear a low whistle from behind you. Someone’s obviously been watching you, and sitting there just outside the enclosure.
“Damn, baby, wonder if you could ride me as good as those horses there.” You feel a vein ticking in your head as you recognize the voice. He’s supposed to be getting ready for the group event, not bothering you while you try to get some fucking work done before you can finally relax and celebrate.
         You turn your body and inwardly groan as your suspicions are confirmed, sitting there waiting is a certain cowboy who’s always managed to piss you off greatly every time one of his short visits brings him to the UA farms.
         “Hello, Hawks.” You grit your teeth as you move towards the next horse that you’re about to take care of.
         “I’m wounded, really, that you don’t sound pleased ta see me, angel.” There’s a satisfied smirk on his face. He really does get off on toying around with you and seeing how much he can piss you off. So, you take a deep breath and calm yourself.
         “Now, why would you expect anything different? I haven’t forgotten the last time you came aroun’-“
         He waves you off. “You’re bein’ ridiculous. It was a harmless joke.”
         “I had to clean the stables for TWO WEEKS.” He just laughs at your anger, totally unphased. It grinds your gears more, the cheeky grin on his face that charms everyone around him, whittling down your intense irritation.
         “Well, if anythin’ everyone else certainly enjoyed it.” You grumble out some choice words about him, making sure they’re loud enough for him to here, as you start brushing out the mane of the mare in front of you. He seems pleased with himself, leaning on the fence, head on his hands.
         “Do you not have somewhere to be? Something you should be practicing for?” He lazily waves away your attempts to get him away from the work you’d like to finish up.
         “Who needs practice? I know exactly what I’ve gotta do so there’s no real reason for me to waste my energy before the actual performance.” He says it with a casual arrogance, that you know comes from years of experience and absolute confidence in his abilities. “The only thing I wanna do right now is try all of the good I know y’all made for the party tonight.”
         You give him an unimpressed look. “Just because we know each other does not mean that I’m going to just give you the cider meant for the community.” He pouts “You can try it when everyone else does later.”
         “Yeah, but we have a special connection.” He grins and you splutter, embarrassed and trying to put away the memories of your bodies pressed together and calloused fingers in your cunt.
         “Jesus, Hawks. Shut up.” You look around furtively, checking to see if anyone would’ve overheard.
         “You like me loud.” God, his smug look makes you feel hot and bothered.
         “Get outta here so I can finish my work, damn it.” He just laughs, turning around before turning back.
         “You better save me some of the goodies y’all made up for after the performance.”
         “Yeah, whatever,” you grumble, face flushed and mind now distracted with memories of Hawks’ hands tangled in your hair.
           “Well, now. This is delicious.” Your eyes follow his tongue that darts out to lick the drop of the cider that had dripped onto his lips. You’d made sure to fill a plate up with the treats that had been spread around the outdoor tables, lanterns hung up around them not only for ease of finding them, but also to light up the evening. “You helped make this?”
         “Yup. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was between never having done it before and Mina’s enthusiasm. God bless Momo, without her we wouldn’t have gotten it done.” He laughs, and you can’t help that you can’t keep your eyes off of him.
         He was slightly sweaty from his earlier performance, which had been perfectly executed, tank top tucked into worn jeans with a feather-like buckle. His eyes are scanning the crowd around as the two of you lean on the outside of the saloon, the inside being too filled with inebriated or high adults to even try to squeeze into a seat.
         “So, how’s life been around here since I last visited?” he asks between bites of some spicey brisket, obviously enjoying it.
         “Ah, not much. Just the usual social drama. Actually, Shinsou almost got his dick sliced off by some machinery someone had fucked around with. I swear to god that man has the worst luck I’ve ever seen.”
         “Holy shit, sure does sound like it.”
         “But yeah, it’s just living day to day for me now. Not much new happens out here, as you very well know.” He shrugs.
         “Might as well see. What’s even keeping you here, then?”
         “Not everyone needs to be on the road their whole life to be happy, Hawks.”
         “I suppose. More cider?”
           You’ve drank way too much, you know that. But the fuzziness in your head just makes you want to keep going, to have fun and make up for all the time you lose working long hours every day.
         Besides, Hawks is there beside you, egging you on and matching you drink for drink. His hands always seem to be on your body, either squeezing your ass, wrapped around your shoulders or waist. It makes you feel warm, and you know he’s teasing you, trying to rile you up. He wants to see how bothered he can make you before you snap and drag him off to some private place.
         You’re determined to beat him out though. So, you lean into his body space and trace your hands over his arms, the insides of his wrists. You hear his breath hitch, though his attention is kept on whatever conversation is happening in front of you.
         Of course, this is Hawks, who has just as much patience as a saint, despite being as far from one as possible. But you’re drunk and turned on and the teasing is too much for you to handle, so when there’s a brief pause in the activity around the two of you, you pull him down so you can whisper in his ear how much you want him.
         He grins, “Might as well head back to your place then.” You agree and drag him with you.
         The moment you’re in the house, you wrap your arms around his neck so you can bring his lips to yours. Its messy and rushed, but it’s relieving at the same time. The two of you have done this enough in the few times that he passes through that he’s comfortable enough to let you take charge for a bit.
         “You can’t even wait ‘til we’re upstairs, sugar?” he chuckles, drawing out each word. You feel the rumble of them, pressed up as you are against his chest.
         “Shut up, Hawks.” You grumble, pulling him towards your room if that’s what it’ll take to get his dick out faster.
         After rushing in the room, you kick the door shut behind you and immediately get back to kissing him. This time, he makes more of an effort to assert himself, holding your face in his hands and licking into your mouth. You sigh into him, your hands finding his heated skin beneath his shirt as the pace slows down from the frantic rush it had been. It becomes sensual, and you can feel him getting more aroused as he slowly shifts his hands, starting to grind into you.
         You pull away from him, getting some air as you start to take off his shirt. He enthusiastically moves to help and you get to admire his muscles stretch as he does. Obviously, life constantly on the road does wonders for your abs.
         “You too, sugar. You’re gonna make me feel underdressed.” He says as he moves to take off the rest of his garments. A laugh slips out of you as you hastily get out of your outfit. When you turn your attention back to him, he’s sitting on the bed and he gestures for you to join him.
         When you do, he kisses you again, intensely, as he guides you onto your back. You sigh as he kisses down the side of your jaw to mark your neck, reaching blindly for the lube and condoms beside the bed.
         He quickly slides it on and you hear the squelching of lube as he moves in a rush. You don’t have time to make fun of him though, because as soon as he’s finished, he spreads your legs and puts the head of his dick at your entrance.
         He groans, closing his eyes as he enters you, and its uncomfortable for a little bit. Soon enough though, you relax, and start to feel great as he moves his hips slowly against you. Hawks fucks deeply, you know this from your times before, but each time it feels just as tantalizing as the last.
         “Hawks, please.” You pant, trying to wiggle a little bit just to get some friction, some tiny relief for the edging you’ve been through. He just gives you a smirk, as he keeps you completely locked between him and the mattress. You tense so hard he groans on top of you, but he doesn’t let you move, dick still sitting snug inside your cunt.
         “Well, let’s see those barebacking skills you were showin’ off earlier then, hmm?” he says, his voice low and gruff. With ease, he gets the both of you turned around so you’re now sitting with your ass on his thighs, hands clamped tight on your waist keeping you in place while he lays back on the headboard. He nods satisfactorily, looking you up and down with lidded eyes. “Y’know, I like this view much better, baby. What a pretty picture you make right on top of me.” Part of you wants to roll your eyes, but the warmth that his words give you makes the impulse disappear.
         “You know, Hawks, in order for me to show you said skills, you’re going to have to let me move.” He laughs as you try and lift yourself against the pressure he’s putting, obviously unable to really do anything. “Seriously, you dick, lemme move.”
         “But the face you make when I play these little games with you is so cute, sugar.” He’s got a faux innocent smile across his face and you pout and cross your arms in response. “Okay, okay, I’m done. I promise,” he says, letting off all the pressure, but keeping the two of you connected at the hips.
         “Thank you.” you quip, starting a quicker pace than the one Hawks had been setting, gravity still making it just as deep as before.
         Being drunk obviously makes Hawks that much louder, or maybe it’s the change up in position, you can’t be sure. But, his praises, his deep moans, the lewd noises from the slapping of your body against his hips, it all makes you feel hot as hell.
         You look down, seeing Hawks’ eyes widened and excited, he grins when he notices your look and begins to rock up into you. You throw your head back in as he hits deep within you, crying out his name. Hearing it obviously enthuses him as he grunts in exertion, starting to thrust upwards harder, and you feel your body responding, muscles tightening as you get closer to your climax.
         “God, you’re gorgeous like this, y’know?” he gets out through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to be able to last much longer…” He’s panting, fingers digging into your hips sharply, sure to leave marks.
         “Please, I wanna cum Hawks!”
         “Tell me what you need, sugar, I’ll give it to you.” Hearing that makes you smile, he was always so attentive to your needs.
         “Touch me…”
         “You gotta tell me where for that.” Even when so close to his climax, somehow, Hawks manages to be cheeky. However, when he’s fucking you this well, it’s much easier to let the teasing roll off your back.
         “My clit, Hawks. You do know what that is, right?” He lets out a genuine laugh at that, before sending one hand down towards the bundle of nerves.
         It’s enough, between the stimulation and the deep thrusts into your cunt, that you feel yourself tighten and cry out, cumming hard onto his cock. You lean into him, kissing him hard as pleasure courses through your body.
         He works you through it, breathing heavily, you can feel his pulse skittering under your hands. You feel him twitch within you, and an idea forms in your mind. Mind wrapped up in pleasure, you act on the thought immediately, bringing your hands to his chest to play with his nipples.
         He loves it, making keening noises as you work, legs shaking with effort to stay up and keep pace with him. You let him take the lead and you hear him shout and arch up as you pinch his buds, feeling him release.
         He thrusts a couple more times, lazily and slowly, kissing the top of your head as you settle down to lie on his chest for a few minutes.
         You breath deeply, content in the moment. You know after you clean up and rest, he’ll be gone on the road once again, so you relax, enjoying the presence.
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
jaehyun x reader
librarian! au
genre: fluff
words: 1.7k
warnings: realistic portrayals of college life lol
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ive said before that im being self indulgent with posts
but this is really it
im really out here writing this
lets get into this mess
so youre studying right
and you yourself do not have a laptop of your own
bc welcome to being a broke college kid im calling myself out
so you decide that youre gonna go to the library on campus bc sis,, cash in on the tuition money ok
so you go and youre like wow hahahaha i dont have a library card better sign up for one
so you go to the desk and theres no one there
just your luck really
you decide to wander around a little to see if theres anyone who can help you
and low and behold you stumble across someone
this young man knelt down by a shelf with a book rack next to him just humming softly and organizing books
and you catch his attention by clearing your throat slightly
he looks up and his eyes are big over the rims of his wire framed glasses that are clinging to the tip of his round button nose
and his hair is a little mussed from being bent down
but holy hell
youve read enough novels to know that this must be exactly what the characters are talking about when they say things like ‘love at first sight’
“sorry” he says as he standcs and brushes himself off “can i help you with anything?”
starstruck really
you manage to stutter out something about needing to register for a library card and he smiles so kindly it makes u want to melt
“sure!’ he says, motioning for you to follow him back up to the desk
is this what a trance feels like???
he asks you a few basic questions, like your name, your age, and what building your dorm is in so he can put it all on your new nifty library card
and then he turns around this lil webcam on top of his computer and asks you to stand in front of it and smile
and you do, awkwardly
and as hes looking down at the computer counting “3, 2, 1” he has this smile on his face like hes trying to hide it
and if that didnt make ur heart jump you dont know what ever would holy
so he prints off your card as youre still trying to recover from being in the presence of an angel
and he hands it to you and smiles
“library hours are 8 am to 12 am every day, but on the weekends i’m the one that closes. which means if you ever need some extra time to finish that essay you pushed off,,, i wont tell anyone”
and not lot a hot wink
but a cute?? wink??? if thats possible
like you have a secret with him now and its safe
you wonder absently as you stare down at the black and white picture of yourself on the back of your new card if he tells everyone about him closing on the weekends
and if he doesnt does that make you special???/
you smile and thank him again, maybe a little more confidently than before and head for the door
you realise as youre halfway out that you came here to study on the computers but you really need some time to sit down and process the fact that you just say an actual angel
you can do your math homework on your phone for one more night if it means you can turn down your body heat from screaming blushing mess to slightly embarrassed rosy cheeks
the next time you get a chance to run by the library on campus, it just so happens to be sunday
you catch yourself wondering if dream boy meant friday and saturday or saturday and sunday when he said weekends
thats not important right now
what is important is that you have actual business to do in the library today
and that business is to pick up hamlet for your english class
you check in and someone else is at the front desk
you try not to let yourself feel disappointed
i mean you met him once for christs sake
the guy at the front is equally as attractive as dream boy from the previous week, but a little more relaxed to talk to since he isnt giving you any flirty subtones
the kid is all business really
he tells you that his name is doyoung if you need anything else
you ask how he got the job there, out of curiousity
because really, both of the librarians youve encountered seem pretty young for the standard librarian stereotype
doyoung explains that its a work-study job, so nearly all the people that work there are students at the university and work in between classes or on their off days to make some extra cash or pay off some tuition
and you can get behind that!!
so doyoung is cool and you decide you can go to him to ask questions instead
because while dream boy is a dream boy with pretty cheekbones and nice lips and a smooth voice and a good sense of style and a great height without insoles and looks great with glasses and has the most captivating eyes
hes a lil distracting lol
anyway you find yourself in the shakespearean section
and you grab a hamlet off the shelf and head back up to the front to have doyoung check the book out to you
and as hes handing you the book back you get a classroom notification saying that, despite common belief, the book rental wasnt due by tomorrow, but the whole book reading is due by tomorrow
you wonder how the fuck professors get away with shit like this and then you remember that you didnt bother to read the syllabus so you cant really get too mad at anyone but yourself
so you find a table that looks like it has the comfiest chairs and cozy up for a long evening of reading and annotating
(depending on who you are you either love or hate hamlet, either way it is exhausting to annotate anything from that man so bear with me ok)
five hours later and ⅔ of the annotations later it is 11:56pm
and you havent noticed
you hadnt noticed much of anything happening in the real world after you popped in a headphone and started reading about guards seeing a ghost
that is until someone plops down in the seat in front of you and asks
“so what are you studying”
and you look up, a little delayed because youre finishing a notation
only to find that its dream boy
and your brain blanks for a sec bc wow every time you see him its kinda like?? ouch???? my heart bro
so you just kind of shake your head and mutter some “im not really sure anymore”
and theres some truth to that!! first there were ghosts and now theres dead girlfriends dads and dead girlfriends and talking about a skull in a graveyard
that play is really a wild ride brother
and dream boy sits there and laughs, wholesomely
you could die happy
“yeah i get that” he says, rubbing the back of his neck
theres a pause that carries on a bit too long
“wanna hear a dumb joke?” he asks suddenly
you smile then, partially out of exhaustion and partially because wow?? cutie
“sure” you say
“okay. what do you call a nervous javelin thrower?”
you pause for a sec bc wtf
“dunno. what do you call them?”
he flashes this cute fucking grin that you know is supposed to be slick but just comes off as wholesome and says
and you shouldve seen that coming wow
and its so dumb that you actually??? giggle????? and that turns into a laugh??
youre probably just exhausted from annotations but maybe that was actually funny
and his smile softens like hes made progress on something
“y/n, right? i dont think i ever actually introduced myself. i’m jaehyun”
he smiles and reaches across the tabe and you take his hand
its warm and strong and you try not to think about it too hard
“well, y/n, library loses here in another two minutes or so.”
he sees the look on your face fall
“but never fear!” he leans forward and lowers his voice
you hold your breath
“i told ya you could stay, didnt i?”
his smile is closed lipped and cute and genuine
before you can say anything hes up and ushering the last few people out of the library, telling them good night and good luck with their classes tomorrow
youre kind of caught in a brain dead daze after finally being pulled from your studying to watching this cute librarian named jaehyun bustle around and lock doors and turn off lights
and when he finally gets back to you he clicks on the lamp on the table youre working at and sets a cup of coffee in front of you
he mustve made it as you were falling asleep with your eyes open
you thank him copiously before asking
“i thought you let everyone stay after hours when you closed”
he looks up over the rim of his mug with a surprised look in his eyes
he shakes his head as swallows the clearly too hot coffee
“not at all. most of the time i kick them out and study by myself.”
he blushes like its a confession and it makes you feel,,,, something
but you dont want to press
so you just reach out and offer your other headphone to him because if you dont know what to say then you can both enjoy some good study music
so he pulls out his homework for the night and the two of you sit there and study
you sip off your coffee occasionally and both of you nod your heads to the music playing in your ears
he hums along to the ones he knows and a thought skips across your mind
you could get used to this
(theres a 100000% chance there will be a part two to this)
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kookingtae · 7 years
You have to make a huge post and tell us all the dreams I wanna hear 👀
omg so ive been putting this off for forever bc iTS SO MUCH but i think ive finally got enough time to sit down and type it all out (this is really long so if you want to read some of them, theyre below the ‘keep reading’)
the very first dream i ever had about bts was about jungkook big shocker there except it was long long ago in a galaxy far far away when i biased tae! it was me and jungkook making out on my bed, like full on making out with tongue and teeth and heavy breathing and everything (fUCK im getting flustered just thinking about it) and then all of a sudden he sat up and whipped his dick out! it was vivid af too so when i woke up i felt like i had really seen his dick. then he got back on top of me and we were about to fuck but mY FUCKING MOM WALKED IN!!!!!!!!!!! SHE COCK BLOCKED EVEN IN MY DREAMS WTF i was so mad at her when i woke up
my second dream (i pretty sure it happened while i was still biasing tae as well) took place in this olden day village on a cobblestone street, i dont remember the story behind it but all i remember is jungkook whipped out his dick aGAIN AND THAT SHIT WAS FUCKING HUGE!!!!!! like abnormally long LMAO i was like O.O and he just kept on stroking it and jacking off and i was like jUNGKOOK WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and then i woke up 😂
after that i lost track of the order they happened but i’ll just list them out (btw i know ive had more than this but these are just the ones that are most memorable)
one of the ones that had the biggest impact on me happened the christmas of 2015, and still remember it so clearly bc it was the dream that made yoongi wreck my bias list for the very first time. before then he had been like 4th? 5th? but this made him move all the way up to 2nd O.O
it started out as he and i were dating and i had just finished listening to a song he released where he SANG INSTEAD OF RAPPED!!!! AND IT WAS ABOUT ME. it was such a big deal bc that had never happened before and i was literally crying???? after i listened to it i was super emo and just wanted to see him and love on him and tell him how lucky i was to have him in my life. but when he called to say that he was outside my house to pick me up, i went out there all happy and excited and opened the passengers side door to see hoseok -_- i was annoyed to say the least. here i was on the verge of tears and wanting to spend time with him, and he brought a car full of ppl to accompany us on our date.
i proceeded to squeeze in the small backseat next to an already squished jin, namjoon and jimin. and to make things worse, yoongi was basically ignoring me the entire time to goof off with his friends. i hadnt even gotten a chance to tell him i’d listened to the song he’d just released bc he wouldnt give me the time of day. plus, the topic was too emotional to bring up around his friends. so as we went out to eat and squeezed into that tiny ass booth, yOONGI NOT EVEN SITTING NEXT TO ME, i got the bright idea to make him jealous. maybe then he’d finally notice me.
i did some subtle things at dinner, but nothing too serious until we got back to yoongi’s bedroom and everyone started drinking. i wasnt drunk, but jimin was so he was an easy target for my scheme. at one point he and i were laying down on yoongi’s bed, my back against him and curled into his embrace with his arm slung over my waist and lips lightly pressed to my neck. thats when yoongi saw us and snapped. he kicked everyone out, “that means you, dongsaeng. get your hands off of jordan” he even hissed at jimin and gritted his teeth. “ok, jeez,” jimin had said defensively, to which yoongi replied “thats hyung to you.” needless to say, he was pissed.
once jimin got off of me and i started to get up, yoongi turned to me and said “not you” in a less angry but just as stern voice. i remember being filled with rage, like “oh, so now you notice me?!” yoongi acted confused at first, but once he realized what i was talking about his expression softened and he seemed to feel bad. he silently pulled me into a hug and we laid down on his bed, both sad and feeling guilty at the turn of events. then the dream ended with us both cuddling in his bed, his cheeks between my hands and my waist in his arms, where i told him i’d listened to his song about me and we were both crying and saying how much we love each other and kissing sweetly.
after that, i had aNOTHER yoongi dream in the same night where i had the job of cleaning a dormitory that yoongi lived in. so he was basically my boss, but not really bc he wasnt the one who signed my checks. i still had to respect him tho. the thing was, i didnt speak korean very well (yes, it was a language barrier dream!!) and so he had to teach me some of the words and customs of their culture. a lot of the things i was doing were considered rude, so we didnt like each other at first bc he thought i was bratty and i thought he was an asshole. we fought all the time, eSPECIALLY after he made me call him oppa. i didnt want to show him that kind of respect.
but after a while we ended up bonding the more time we spent together (i was there everyday doing housework after all) and i developed a crush on him. it was unspoken but both of us liked each other, and at one point i confronted our feelings bc it was getting frustrating always having to walk on eggshells around each other and pretend like there was nothing between us. i wanted to be together, and yoongi did too, but then he told me that we couldnt bc he was in bts (which hadnt been brought up the entire dream until now lmao) so basically, it had a sad ending :”)
needless to say, after i woke up that christmas morning i was fucked up.
another one of my favorites was one with tae that i actually wanted to write a fic about when it happened!
i worked at this prestigious company of some sort, and i was in my high-rise building office and had a perfect view of my car in the parking lot below. at one point i was looking out the window and saw tae (who i didnt know at the time) in this black leather jacket breaking into the cars one by one and stealing all the belongings. he was going thru them in order and getting closer to my car, so i panicked and quickly ran down there to stop him.
i reached him rIGHT when he was rummaging thru mine, and i forget the exact dialogue but i remember bickering with him and we were both assholes to each other bc i was mad he was stealing my shit and he was annoyed that i had interrupted him. he told me he was taking everything to a pawn shop, and i managed to talk him out of cashing in all my stuff except for one ring that a family member had given me. he seemed shocked to see that i had it and told me that he had to take it to his boss right away. i was all liKE HELL YOU ARE so i jumped in his old beat up pickup truck with him and rode with him to go turn in it.
it was a long drive and along the way we started talking and figured out there was some sexual tension there beneath all that hatred and next thing i know, im practically on his lap while hes driving sucking a hickey into his neck. and then fucked in his car O.O needless to say, we hit it off.
he ended up parking at the pawn shop where he planned on cashing in all the other items, and for some reason there was a photo booth outdoors in the middle of parking lot on a median???? regardless we went inside of it and tae wanted to fuck. i was super reluctant about it bc i was like tAE ITS OUTSIDE SOMEONE COULD SEE OR HEAR US and he was like “so? live on the wild side a little” like the bAD BOY HE IS (my weakness is bad boy tae ok) and then we ending up fucking in the outdoor photo booth and i woke up!
another one was where i was on this pirate ship trapped as prisoner trying to escape, and i got the help of jin who i think was one of the pirates or something?? idk but i was super skeptical to trust him at first but then we started making out (it escalated really quickly lol) and i remember the feeling of his lips were sO PLUSH. after that im pretty sure i trusted him and he treated me like his girlfriend that he cared about and would keep on kissing me and eventually helped me escape!!
i planned on telling a lot more dreams than this but i dont have as much time as i thought lol :/ most of them are about jungkook tho, and ive had more soft, fluffy dreams about him than i can count on all my fingers and toes. language barrier ones, shy!jungkook ones, boyfriend ones - you name it, ive dreamt it.
my most recent one took place at a water park, and all of bts and my friend and i went on a day trip there. jungkook and i ended up breaking away from the rest of the group and were just being cute and doing our own thing. we would float in the wave pool a lot with my legs wound around his waist and my arms around his neck, and his arms around my lower back holding me against him, and we would kiss and laugh and do a bunch of cute relationship things 😭😭😭 IM GETTING EMO JUST THINKING ABOUT IT
but the majority of my dreams have been romance-based and made me curl up into a ball of sorrow when i woke up bc i know they’ll never be real :”)
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