#i didnt link all asks
astrolaurical · 1 year
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ミ☆ #indigo
~☆ is nj still hung up on his ex? ~☆ change pt 2 ~☆ is closer a twin flame song?
ミ☆ #namjoon twin flame
~☆ #namjoon twin flame ~☆ nj insta song recs analysis ~☆ did nj finally discover twin flames? ~☆ is beebts namjoon's twin flame? ~☆ did nj meet his tf? ~☆ How do you know if someone isn't Namjoon's twin flame?
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~☆ who in bts has dabbled with escorts? ~☆ bts as plants
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~☆ bts rising signs ~☆ jimin not a cancer rising?! ~☆ nj jan 16 astrological transits ~☆ jimin's 7th house ~☆ what other rising signs could you see for BTS
ミ☆ #bts twin flames
~☆ who in bts is spiritual?
ミ☆ #bts fs
~☆ Has anyone else in bts has met their fs apart from v? ~☆ who in bts could marry a foreigner? ~☆ namjoon's change of stance on marriage
ミ☆ #jin
~☆ jin's twin flame ~☆ Has there been any dating rumors about Jin?
ミ☆ #jungkook
~☆ when will jungkook meet his twin flame? ~☆ why jk is not on the twin flame journey ~☆ are your eyes tell a tf song? ~☆ 2021 jungkook soulmate post ~☆ jungkook party party yeah ~☆ is jungkook a dick?
ミ☆ #jimin
~☆ my thoughts on jimins song vibe
ミ☆ #taehyung
~☆ is taehyung on a twin flame journey? ~☆ when will tae get married? ~☆ tae is an ass man video evidence ~☆ Taehyung mentioning twin flame in his new song
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ミ☆ #jhope
~☆ jhope and irene pt 1 ~☆ jhope and irene pt 2 ~☆ jhope and irene pt 3
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~☆ vedic astrology ~☆ pluto transiting 5th ~☆ libra jupiter 5th house child ~☆ learn more about future children with astrology ~☆ is vedic astrology more accurate than western astrology? ~☆ does having a 12th house stellium mean its your last life?
ミ☆ #twin flames
~☆ twin flames communicate through music ~☆ carl jung's anima and animus ~☆ twin flames and parallel lives ~☆ How To Know If We Have Twinflame In The Natal Chart or celebrity twin ~☆ are twin flames superior to soulmates? ~☆ birth charts and twin flames
ミ☆ #life in korea
~☆ engrained misogny in korean men ~☆ sexual assault ~☆ korean bosses and work culture ~☆ korean hard work culture ~☆ korean men and escort culture ~☆ korean apartments
ミ☆ #about me
ミ☆ #jackson wang
~☆ jackson's drinking problem ~☆ jackson pepsi controversy
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mischefous · 1 month
Maybe (if you want to) you could do legend just hanging out, or getting thrown by monsters, ANYWAY! Love your art and one of these days I'm going to explode from the shear amount of serotonin it gives my silly little brain.
decided to give poor Legend a break and do a part 2 to this one X and have him just hanging out, drinking that red potion Warriors was shoving in his face XD
thank you for your request @bleper!💙 you have a fantastic dayyy! (sorry I couldn't do the other idea, my art was not arting T3T)
CW! blood, but not much, it's more like old dried blood
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kazehita · 2 months
hi! i noticed your recent post recommending the fic natural satellite and i think i've noticed other isat fics around your blog too. because of that, i was wondering if you had a list of recommended isat fics! i will admit i am not someone who just peruses around on ao3 but i love reading about these characters so if you have any recs, i would greatly appreciate them! thanks and i hope you have a lovely day :3
I love ALL isat fic - each and every one is so special and wonderful - but if I listed the whole archive that wouldn't really help huh... So! Im going to list just some off the top of my head., this is in no way definitive. Isat spoilers ahead - get all the way through the game and the secret before proceeding.
Big recommendation list below:
Additionally, mind the tags for each fic - I wont be specifying the content warnings here.
(don't just read the complete ones!!! Incomplete fic is just as delightful I promise :3)
Complete: Bloom - Level99Eevee Most people know it, it sits at the top of the tag! It's my every wish fulfilled for post-cannon moments.
Memories of defeat - dirtbagtrashcat Stuff in and immediately after the loops, fantastic extrapolations!!!! Very much Loop <33 I find this very grounded and realistic!!!!
Emotion Sickness - dirtbagtrashcat Post cannon fun/trauma with siffrin and the gang.
Memories of Touch - dirtbagtrashcat look i just really like their work sjkdjkfjkasdf its all good go through their profile. This is Isa thoughts.
And if I were not myself, would this be easier? - rabbit_soup Post-game! I love how they flesh out the world.
The Understudy - kittyorange Suuuuch a loop fic I love it to bits. Post cannon loop and the gang stuff.
Star-Speckled Skin - Lora_Blackmane Funn angsty moment, title is very descriptive. Lives in my head rent free.
Clinging to dying embers - Coffeewolf67 Odile's perspective of sif using the dagger. appropriate content warnings apply :)
between the end and a new start - glowingjellyfishtreelights SICKFICCC I had a very funny experience with this one where due to memory mishaps I got to read it for the first time twice! Absolute banger.
What's in a name? - Raaj Explores siffrins love of plays. I have to regularly reread this for my brain to function.
Starstruck - Dusk_Illusionist Isa yearns. The fic. It rocks.
Saturn Devouring His Son (Time Choking on Stone Choking on Blood)- BasilPaste Post cannon moment... I like it...
(Why) you can't let them know by Mayasynth sasasap fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like it. i hold it. i like it. UGH theres more but I have already listed so many.. my other favorites... im so sorry.,.. i love you guys too... Incomplete:
How To Rest by rabbit_soup Sequel to "And if i were not myself, would this be easier?" Loop is here and I love violence.
TRY IT AGAIN, CHEATER! by discatded "[Loop returns to their own universe after everything. It's hard.]" - from the summary. Love it love it. I will never get enough of this premise.
To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above by Cinnamin_Is_a_Star "Sif if he was team rocket" and is so fun. Very excited to see this one pan out!
until we move on. by Anonymous (also known as lozy) LOOP MY BELOVED..! loop returns to their universe and promptly looses it like the universe intended. Cant get enough of it.
Natural Satellite by dirtbagtrashcat If a single fic makes me the Most insane its natural satellite if I'm honest.... like bro... It just gets right to me...
Sunder by Miranda_tries_their_best Post-cannon Loop fic!! They travel on their own for a bit (but not forever), and I love it dearly.
Face the Light by Kaimiiru Post-game, I hold it close to my heart.... Ah... It's so dear to me.
These next two are sloop so if that's not your thing you have been warned :]
raconte-moi qu’on puisse crier tout bas by bibliomaniac I'm holding this high above my head so everyone can see it the characterization is off the charts.
To Cut You Open With a Knife and Find Your Sacred Heart by Hexea_Art Changeling Loop fic!! What a fun concept. I am excited to see where it goes. yay! AGAIN... THERE ARE SO MANY I LOVE SO MUCH but im forcing myself not to look through the tag else I'd add everything. Honestly, I do recommend just launching right on into the ao3 tag for ISAT even if you aren't super familiar with ao3. Just be sure to filter out anything you don't want to see!
Consider this a good starting point ^^
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shepscapades · 1 month
Hello I might be be completely missing something but is there somewhere I can find an updated masterpost? The one I found is definetly missing some story stuff lol
HI hello! You're not missing anything! I get asks about this a lot-- that master post is very very old, and I have a new one i've been keeping in a word doc and yknow what i'm going to freaking post it tonight if its the last thing i do so I can stop putting it off!!!!11!
I'm saying it now and here so that I can hold myself to it tonight after i get done with rehearsals and whatnot haha
but yes!! New masterpost on the way :]
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
How do you feel about totk shrine reward now that its been a bit? I know originally you were saying zonai, but it has a tail and different face shape, do you think maybe its another species? I feel like we got a lot of species from totk with little explanation, like the beast things in the depth statues. How do you feel about them
my initial thought was half zonai half hylian based purely on visuals. he's got the long snoutlike nose & mouth we see in rauru and mineru, a similarly dark greenish skintone, and his left arm matches link's right one which we know for a fact came from rauru, but he also seems to have a more hylian build, hylian ears, and his face/body paint is quite similar to sonia's. we know that rauru and mineru are the only zonai left in hyrule by the time zelda gets there, meaning that if this character IS half zonai & he came after rauru & sonia's time, it's likely that he's descended from either rauru or mineru. (most likely rauru, since he's the one with a canon hylian wife and an offscreen half-hylian child. lol) supposedly we ALSO have implication that this character may have been the hero from the botw tapestry, the one that saved hyrule from the FIRST calamity. (I haven't actually bothered to find this dialog in-game so i can't confirm 100% but supposedly impa says it.) If we roll with the idea that this guy IS descended from rauru and sonia somehow, that means the tapestry's events and the imprisoning war were fairly close on the timeline, since the zonai bloodline is still pretty strong in this hero. it also means that the hero and princess were potentially brother and sister, which would be a first for this franchise. truly not sure how i feel about the lore implications of this motherfucker. also i still think hes ugly LMAO
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1nvad3rz1m · 8 months
On recapkidd/ang
So news is getting around about ang's unfortunate fate as they're allegedly on EOL (end of life) care after being unable to access health insurance from being deprived industry jobs. It's true that zadr (p*rn) is what kick started these events but it was not just invader zim fans that did this. This was, based on the timeline and evidence, a calculated attack from a few of ang's previous friends and acquaintances
So here's a run down, you can make your own judgements but here is the best I can offer as a timeline of events. PLEASE BE AWARE i am linking some twitter accounts that may have nsfw content! I am only linking to specific tweets with nothing explicit in them but I cannot promise the accounts themselves are clean.
This document is directly from ang themself, and gives a pretty detailed timeline of when this started (~2020) and features the most prominent ringleaders (jeraspat, holly, kyle, tai). i'll abbreviate it regardless but i highly recommend you read it
Ang's response
Basically, BEFORE their account as reapkid they joined jera's friendgroup. This group, for reasons unrelated to ang but they joined in the moment of, fell apart. If you've ever been unlucky enough to experience this you know where this goes, Ang's addition was blamed as the reason it fell apart.
Eventually Ang separated from this group but due to the scapegoat status and Jera's idolization of them (which you can read about in the doc) it wasn't over. This point is when Ang started drawing zadr and we knew them as recapkid here on tumblr. Jera is the primary reason Ang was targeted for this because as we all know after florpus release there was uptick in anti-zadr sentiment. What happens next is a long process of callouts by multiple different users and eventual doxxing of ang.
There's some max v jera drama (jera's callout for max, any orange block out is ang's name) that drags ang in but that wasn't the killing blow. tai (toydrill on twit)'s call out is what dealt the most damage. This almost definitively drove everyone away from ang. if you want to read the tweets and replies here it is. it isn't full of receipts like a typical callout but it does lead into the subsequent events.
Something important to note is the people turning against ang have their own taboo aspects and i want to point those out. tai has an obsession with a character from venture bros that is a "redeemed pedophile", vince (former friend of ang who was lamenting in the comments of tais tweet) was allegedly into monster furry porn so egregious that it made others call him a zoophile. my point here is that these people who crucified ang had their own questionable fictional tastes but justified it for their own benefit, their own moral stance doesn't hold up. That is not me passing judgement, just an aspect of the behaviors exhibited to consider that most people learning about the issue don't know about.
what happens next is a domino effect of people responding again i urge you to read the doc, this is the point i think that people turned on ang BECAUSE of invader zim. More of jera's friends get dragged in to antagonize ang, something important to remember is this was deliberate attacking they did not leave ang alone.
It starts to cross over into reality with holly (creator of lemonhead and lollipup, if youre familiar) who makes a callout post tagging all of ang's real friends and employers. Holly exhibited some strange behaviors in their relationship with Ang which is all documented but again, I am just focusing on the callouts.
Something I want to stress as Ang does in the document is that while Holly did go after their irl support system they did not get them fired from any job at this point for any online behavior. This is however setting up the eventual blacklisting that Ang suffered from, preventing them from work because of the public spectacle. Holly's narrative that Ang claimed they were fired for this did however impact some of their relations specifically from spindlehorse who believed ang was using them as a scapegoat and eventually viv cut off communication with them.
Ang worked on the mighty magiswords show and the show creator, kyle carrozza, allegedly spread their private nsfw content with coworkers and DID fire them for that reason after the callouts. This is the first documented case that I'm aware of of Ang being fired for this specifically. Here is Ang's account of it.
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I want to highlight holly's response and call to action here, as it proves that this was not done out of a genuine need to keep others safe (or that ang was ever dangerous to begin with) but because of petty reasons. especially considering the behavior documented.
What happens after is an inability to get and keep jobs and being cut off from their health insurance. No, invader zim fans didn't get ang killed (they were a rather big part of it but alone that is not the issue). According to their friend puppy on twitter it wasn't just social backlash, it was also the flaws of the US healthcare system. It was unfortunately interconnected, especially when it's an industry that hinges on connections.
You can have your opinions on ang's content. You can have your opinions on how they responded. You can believe ang is leaving out a lot of information (based on all the info provided in the document im hard pressed to believe that is the case, but i digress) and you can believe that the industry can choose what content they think is permissible to work with (though the industry has and still does protect active predators, and people pick and choose which individuals they want to blacklist. rebecca sugar, anyone?)
The bottom line is this didnt start out as a moral issue, it started as a personal issue between friends. morality and fiction were simply an easy selling point, buzzwords to get people to rally on their side. the fact remains it was a years long orchestrated attack on someone that ultimately impacted their health and later their life.
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gundamcalibarney · 1 month
I feel like what a lot of fans miss regarding G1 Hot Rod's character because they hate him so much is the fact that bro did not ask or want to be Prime, his whole arc is about how he can't be Optimus + literally isn't him and is thus weighed down by trying to live up to Optimus' legacy
Like what's so tragic about him In-Universe and Meta wise is that he literally isn't Optimus Prime at all and that he can't BE Optimus since the standard for what a Prime should be is "Be like Optimus Prime" to a Tee and when he isn't and can't ever Be Optimus the people get mad
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buggbuzz · 6 months
my gender is like meat leaf i think. boy materials in the structure of girl. like im a girl made out of boy things but not in a transman way like i like being female im just. a girl-leaning boygirl. maybe??
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#u dont understand ive been insisting to all of my friends for like 6 years that im NOT a trans man#i cannot be proven wrong at this point i'll lose it#and anyways im not actually a guy#im definitely a girl just like. a type of girl that scientists haven't discovered yet#and that sounds like a joke but im soooo fucking serious#im a fucking student geneticist dude#i think theres some autosomal gene (or probably multiple) that regulate gender in convoluted ways#probably linked and i think there's probably multiple types of fem and masc genders not to mention non fem OR masc genders#codominant? incomplete dominance? is it different on different scales?#its a completely possible and furthermore plausible concept like from my perspective it'd be really weird if gender genetics weren't a thing#i think theyve already lowkey been proven to be a thing cause of that paper comparing trans brains to cis brains#& finding a link where trans men had a certain section that was the same as cis men#and that same section in trans women was the same in cis women#its an OLD study too#anyways i want to research this one day but i also dont because i dont trust humanity with that information#but if i found proof that it exists maybe it could seriously back trans people with scientific evidence#not that they should fucking NEED it testimony should be fucking good enough#ive been bio obsessed since i was born and im a natural skeptic#but when i was 11 i asked a trans person i knew like 2 fucking questions and they answered me and i was like 'yeah this makes sense'#figured anything that didnt make sense was just something i didnt understand yet#and now that im older and in college level biology and genetics classes i know i was right#it would be really really weird if trans people didnt exist did you know that? all the kinds too like nb genderfluid agender genderq demi#i dont fucking care it makes SENSE#'nonbinary' was a good term to adopt because it really just fits perfectly#nothing in biology is ever ever ever truly binary especially not a neurological and psychological phenomenon#especially not in a species with a brain so overly complex and tangled up like HOMO SAPIENS??#are you kidding?? the fact that we even have a concept of art and music let alone have talents and passions for them is proof alone dude#that shit doesn't help us survive its a modified version of pattern recognition and uncanny valley#combine that shit with the fact that intersex people exist?? like#nonbinary gender is literally the combination of intersexuality and human neurology
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
have any Mikey fanfic recommendations? for 2003 or Mutant Mayhem?
i did a whole tumblr post but apparently tumblr couldnt handle it so i just copy pasted it to a drive doc lmao
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staryarn · 3 months
Limbus company id stories - https://retcons.github.io/limbus-identitylogs/
Limbus company abnormality log - https://limbus-logs.vercel.app
Limbus company story log - https://retcons.github.io/limbus-storylogs/chapters/prologue.html#seven
All of limbus company datamined (as in audio, cgs, character sprites, assets, etc. Up to date as of 4.5)- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Nk9WWMxEcovs5Ewku5ICT1PbfByNcV_z
Lobotomy corporation and Library of Ruina story (playlist) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6s9uHSLoU-DA-ngu-dtZ1n_lHQbH70kh&si=SvCr4xv7Kzqi8PF8
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
obligatory intermittent post once again requesting more people make pjo askblogs. pretty pretty please. they're very fun I promise and askblogs are a dying species. i'm very sad that for like the past 6 years there's usually only been one or two riordanverse askblogs active and I'm one of them.
"but i can't-" there's options! text-based askblogs! illustrated/drawn-response askblogs! cosplay askblogs! voice acting askblogs! combinations of the above! whatever else your heart desires! get funky with it! getting funky with it is really cool!
also do your local askblogs a favor and send them some asks sometimes. here's a list of illustrated pjo askblogs I have curated, and a list of other formats of pjo askblogs. I'm also working on another list of general askblogs so if you have any other askblogs you should tell me about those ones too.
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
Hey detective could you help me find the post that's like "who's the prettiest girl?" and has a finger pointing to the reader and then a bunch of men reblog with pictures of their reactions?
Thanks in advance :)
after takin' a bit of a break, i was jumpin' back into my work. and boy did i have a laundry list of posts to clean up. this is the hellsite that never sleeps, so neither must i...
either way, i found this post relatively quick. down at the Search Bar, i asked Google for "tumblr prettiest girl post." they chuckled and slid me pictures of pretty women. now, i can't argue these dames were rather good lookin', but this wasn't what i was lookin' for. i reworded my request several times before i was finally handed a screenshot. i grabbed that photo, checked the last address in the chain, and found the post with no problem. i took it back to my office and filed it away.
here's your post! trackin' this one down was rather simple, but i managed it! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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micahmaeve · 10 months
you have been slowly converting me with all your icemav posting, and i recently rewatched top gun and i am s o l d. it has been consuming all of my thoughts! do you have any favorite fics??
omg, am I really?? welcome to the club!!
I’ve thrown myself head first into icemav recently so I can ABSOLUTELY rec some of my favorite fics I've read so far!!
When We Get Around to Talking About It by @compacflt is the pièce de résistance of icemav fiction I think, for me personally. It's masterfully written and nuanced and just so heartbreaking. the characterization feels so true to how these men would really be in real life and how they would deal with coming to terms with their feelings for each other and sexuality while being in the navy. and as if 90,424 words of beautiful prose wasn't enough of a gift, there is also a sequel/other stories called Debriefing (& Other Stories) which includes a more truncated version of the original but from mav's pov which is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Dreams of Impact by thecarlysutra is also very good. It involves a little supernatural flavor, which I enjoy, and revolves around how their lives could be different if they'd just made one single different choice.
come the same colors by susiecarter is a fav. It's a classic 'you got hurt and it's made me reckon with how I really feel about you, but I haven't figured out how to express that'. So basically it's amazing. this author also has a great catalogue of icemav, so it's really a jumping point to read all of her great work. A Shared Cup is another personal fav of mine from this author. it involves soul telepathic bonds. soooo good
a binary star by vannral is a really yummy piece of fanfic. the first line of the description is the perfect primer for how great the rest of the fic is: "Ice hasn’t ever given much thought to celestial things up in the sky but he knows that Maverick burns like one." like. c'monnnn
i'll ride in this life with you by sassenach082 is an ice and mav raise bradley after carol passes away fic, and it's full of sooo much lovely hurt/comfort that is so sweet it will rot your teeth. any fic with a plethora of baby bradley is going to be good for me
I saw beauty to the north by sortalively (tiisis) is a delayed injury fic set post TG:M. It has a lot of rooster and ice and mav reconciling in it which I'm a sucker for. and, if you like the exploration of rooster and mav's relationship (I'm a sucker for parental figure fics lets not unpack that) this author has some greaaaaaaaat fics on their page for that!
cloaked in the bruises of our failures by faerie_ground will rip your heart out. It takes the mission from TG:M and moves it to the 80s with our favorite class of '86 being trained to fly it, all while Mav and Ice are a few years post a messy 'break-up'. I should warn you that this one comes with a trigger warned from sexual assault from a person of authority to an employee, so if you aren't interested in that maybe skip this one. It is so beautiful though and treats the subject with the respect it deserves. slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) is another by this author that is very good and I am waiting patiently for an update
a higher fidelity by basedchamp is a classic slowburn with ice and mav developing their friendship before they realize their feelings for one another
no brighter diamond by qin_ling is a wonderful 'five times...' fic and it's so good. Everything by this author is fantastic so you should def check out their other stuff. as lions is about time travel. delish.
You're Gonna Be The One That Saves Me by an orphan_account is amazing. It's got mav struggling post hop 31 and Ice being there to offer emotional support and more if you know what I mean
'Til I Understand by Katastrophe (Karrington) is about Mav punching out of dark star and kind of fills in some blanks about what his loved ones went through while he was missing. Katastrophe is another author with a large catalogue to just go crazy in
PurpleArrowzandLeather has 153 tg fics on their page with a huge variety, some icemav, some flyboys of '86 (which I adore, I love fics showing their friendship). you can get lost in their page for a while haha. they also have their bookmarks public! so you can dig around in there, too
Sailor's Delight by saurora_borealis can be read as ice and mav or icemav and I think we both know which one I infer it as. Mal de Mer by them is like that, too
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you by boasamishipper and simplecoffee is 'five times mav proposes and one time ice says yes' fic. It's sweet as candy
Is this arguably too long a response? yes. are all of these worth the read? also yes
I hope you enjoy!!
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carefulfears · 11 months
Explain what you said on Twitter
assuming that you're talking about when i said that imo the conversations around "scully, you're making this personal" aren't aligned with the intent/impact of the scene (actually i think what i said was that the scene is very serious but y'all never talk about what's serious about it so you loop back around to being unserious) and tbh i can do a post on my own feelings about the scene sometime when i'm feeling more with it if y'all want but i just meant that people bitch about that line every single day talking about how it's hypocritical and how infuriating it is and how much you hate mulder in s6 etc etc but i literally never see anyone even think about like...the actual meaning of the scene and implications of the line and the context and where they're each coming from. it's all just a very shallow and reactionary discussion in my experience
(i ended up talking more in the tags lol i never shut up in the tags)
#interesting to watch byers' reaction in that scene tbh. considering he's the one who said he 'always wondered' why mulder and diana split up#he very much has a look of 'don't go there' when scully keeps pushing it#as pointed out in randomfoggytiger's analysis of the scene which is linked on their page#this obv isn't shade to anyone who's talked about the scene lol#asks#scully LOATHESSS diana lol and has literally every reason and more#i just think the convos around that scene are missing the biggest emotional aspect (scully's violation in relation to diana's participation#to like.....focus on a totally different angle and blow it up#when i say that the scene IS very serious but never in the way discussed#i mean that it's very much about scully begging to be heard and kind of quietly betraying how much her own exploitation impacts her#how much it IS personal#and it's also kind of a last ditch effort to try to get the person she loves out of this abusive/manipulative situation using evidence#and he IS listening to her (he goes from there to check diana's apartment and tells diana he has doubts about her. which he didnt before)#but she doesn't know that bc she just hears 'scully you're reaching' 'scully you're making this personal'#my interpretation of the line is that he's talking about her criticism of diana. which we know she's been vocal about from her#'you KNOW what i think THAT woman is' in the previous episode#i think he's taking it as input on HIS personal life and what he does with HIS relationships and HIS ex (wife) (lol)#but what makes the scene serious and kind of haunting is that that actually is not what she's talking about at all#she's talking about the chip in her neck. she's talking about her dead daughter. her dead sister. HIS dead sister. the dead MUFON women.#all things that she KNOWS diana is involved with. but she can't MAKE him see that or believe her#(even though he does take in her input moving forward)#they're just not on the same page for once and they're not talking about the same thing#like it's a very deep and very very difficult conversation because it's so convoluted in abuse and power structures and trauma#but my main thought on it is that like...i never see anyone think about the implications or even the aspect of scully's personal history#all anyone ever says all the time is like omg of course it's personal to her i hate him for this men are so stupid#NO ONE EVER EVEN REMEMBERS WHAT THE SCENE WAS ABOUT#and ofc people are allowed their jokes and not every post on every scene is gonna go into how people think about it or how they interpret i#it's just always a very shallow conversation surrounding a very important scene which bothers me! that's all
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vaxxildamn · 3 months
very happy Matt decided to clarify his stance on the genocide of the Palestinian people rn. Pretty unhappy with the way he worded it, who he centered in his video, and disappointed to see the responses to it on Twitter.
kinda scared to even post about it bc CR fans can get so defensive about their favorite white people that they can often leave little room for criticism or nuance. but man I have thoughts.
#lemme just say. if you have a public platform that has set a precedent for philanthropic work. messages of positivity and love.#and have called attention to various political and social conflicts *in stream*. & whose employees and cast members are vocal#on socials about political topics#then it is NOT unreasonable for fans to expect them to address one of the deadliest orchestrated conflicts in recent history#a literal genocide is happening. thanks in part to the US.#it is good that they donated as a company and as individuals. so good!#but to everyone saying that publicizing good deeds like donations is virtue signaling or demanding CR cast to show their support is#or that activism shouldnt be all about what you post bc then it becomes performative#are kinda missing the point. and theyre not listening to palestinians at all#a huge issue with this conflict & the way its being received in the western world - ESPECIALLY the US bc of its partnership w israel -#is the sheer amount of disgusting minsinformation and propaganda convincing ppl this genocide is either not that bad or that its necessary#everyday citizens CANNOT change foreign policy. we cant do anything!#so what have Palestinians been asking us to do?? SPREAD AWARENESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. MAKE PEOPLE AWARE. UPLIFT PALESTINIAN VOICES. SHARE LINKS#SHOW PPL THE TRUTH.#and yes its hard! its difficult to watch what theyre going thru. but we HAVE to.#i didnt rlly like matts statement. he said he didnt have the spoons to engage in the discourse. which i get. god i get it.#but ive also seen many many creators/influencers who are also disabled or whose families are directly involved gather their spoons to help#and no one was asking CR to harm themselves in the name of helping palestine. we only wanted them to spread awareness#bc the comments on their tweet about finally donating were full of mostly white centrist takes not able to see any benefit to donating or#addressing the issue at all. which is EXACTLY why CR should addresss it. bc they can reach so many who dont understand#but theyd been radio silent for almost 5 months. i didnt like that he didnt really apologize. i didnt like that he centered himself#i didnt like his lowkey flippant language either. saying all that.. ridiculousness in regards to a genocide not well worded.#but i dont feel right holding that against him. should he have thought it through better? sure but i get it#& unfortunately his parting message left a bad taste in my mouth - one of positivity & self care & hugging each other#nice important words but it didnt feel like he was talking about ppl who are affected by this conflict. but rather ppl who are watching#it just felt like a very white thing to say in response to this. we are not burdened and easily victimized bc of it#we are responsible. and so we must center palestinians.#if i were him i wldnt have gone in detail about how hard the palestinian genocide is for me to watch.#but thats just me#*CORRECTION: radio silent for almost 4 months
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
you also have to consider that i don't think Zelda had a lot of high thoughts about herself because of everything her father told to her, it's pretty clear she thinks of herself a failure not fit to save anyone or even be a royal in botw especially the closer to the calamity we got in the memories. if they just had her and link go around hyrule helping people (which is what I assume they did) in the timeskip they should attribute people liking her so much to her being helpful and literally fending the calamity off for 100 years instead of being royalty, which they could have done easily because it's pretty obvious she did go around hyrule to help (the school is a pretty good example)! it would make zeldadorf going around being malicious way cooler as link has to clear her name around Hyrule
Yeah, Zelda's helpful and all the level of obsession the NPC's in the world have with Zelda doesn't at all match up with all the (fairly basic) nice things she's done, and ESPECIALLY doesn't work with how everyone is totally cool with Fake Zelda raising hell. Ensuring that one village has an elementary school should not generate enough goodwill to let people forgive brainwashing and attempted murder. Not to mention the long list of Good Deeds she apparently has time for is just... bizarre, and a sign that she's actually a pretty crappy leader considering she has zero time management skills. Like lady, you're rebuilding a fucking kingdom after a century long apocalypse, I really don't think you should be spending your time teaching people how to cook random recipes and helping to plant flower gardens. And the random carved little monuments for everyone who died in the Calamity also strike me as just... no. You can commission the fancy monuments later, everyone fucking knows it happened right now. Hell, why don't any of the villages have memorials for the Calamity victims, they're the ones that actually had to deal with the immediate aftermath. Having Zelda place generic memorials everywhere just makes me wonder why the hell there aren't any old memorials made by survivors in the immediate aftermath, in the places where people actually live and can visit them.
Also while I know all of the memorials having a respawning silent princess flower on them is just the game continuing to be wildly unsubtle about "look this flower represents zelda DO YOU GET IT GUYS", from an in-universe perspective it's absolutely hilarious. Those flowers are extremely endangered, and not even the best pre-calamity conservation efforts were enough to help. They're STILL very fucking endangered, and were believed to be extinct! They canonically cannot cultivate this plant, it's very rare and only grows in the wild... which is why they're picking these extremely rare flowers to use as decoration on a memorial. And now you can't find them growing in any of the spots they used to florish in, except the Lost Woods. They're not even tied to the fairy fountains, because there's none of them growing around the new fountain locations. I like to think that Zelda decided to make all the stupid memorials and have a silent princess flower left on each one, and so her loyal followers have been replacing all the cut flowers every time they wither, and as result the silent princess flower is on the verge of extinction again. I know it's not what the game was trying to say, but it's the logical conclusion to make - people have been picking this very endangered plant all over the country, and now you can't find it anymore. And also it's a really funny mental image that Zelda was so concerned about their conservation back in BOTW that she spent a whole memory talking about it, but now she's having them picked en-masse to make sure her vanity project has the correct aesthetic. I hate Zelda in TOTK for many reasons, but her new habit of intentionally killing an endangered plant is easily the funniest problem the writing accidentally gave her.
Anyways as for her mental state before the Calamity, I do see that as being very complicated. She's got a lot of Issues, mainly stemming from her family, religion, stress and powers. No need to go over all that though, as I think everyone has long since analyzed that to hell and back. BUT at the same time, while her personal life is fucking miserable, we can't ignore that she's still literally the crown princess of an extremely powerful nation, and has spent her entire life being told that she is fundamentally a better person than everyone else. She was being emotionally abused by her father, but that does not change the fact that she's incredibly privileged, and doesn't seem particularly aware of that fact. I mean fuck, the BOTW memories show Zelda had a habit of actively trying to lose her bodyguard and run off alone into the wilderness on a whim. And when said bodyguard caught up with her (with zero judgement or displeasure), her only reaction was to emotionally abuse him. She genuinely did not seem to understand or care that it's a universally bad idea to let an unarmed teenager run off alone into the monster infested wilderness, with nobody knowing where she's going or when she'll be back. And that's without taking into account people actively trying to kill her.
All of that behaviour right there is just a combination of teenage dumbassery and Zelda being extremely privileged. She lives in a world without any serious consequences, why would she need to learn self preservation? And her abusing Link was a hell of a lot more serious than the fandom likes to see it as. Being a knight is literally his lifes work, he's been training since he was a small child, he has no idea how to support himself in any other way. And he answers directly to the reigning monarch, which is currently King Rhoam... but in the very near future would be Zelda. If he doesn't follow Rhoam's orders to be Zelda's bodyguard, he's fired and his life is ruined. If he does follow his orders, he's angering Zelda, and then in the future she'll probably retaliate by firing him, and his life will be ruined. I absolutely hate that most of the fandom has decided Link was reacting to the verbal abuse with just "wow she's so smart and pretty, what a girlboss", because that's completely insane (and in the context of shipping, wildly unhealthy for Link). I see Link silently tolerating Zelda's harassment as just him desperately trying to minimize how much she hates him, because she can absolutely destroy his life on a whim, and her actions all suggested she will absolutely do so. Princess Zelda does not want Link to ever exist in her presence; why the fuck would she want to keep him employed after she becomes Queen?
...To be clear, I think all of this is a good thing. I mean, Zelda being a privileged little shit and coping with stress by abusing her personal servant are very negative traits for her as a person, but as a character I really like it! These are very serious flaws, but they're understandable - she's not a total bitch because she's pure evil, she acts like a bitch because she's a stressed teenager lashing out at the easiest target, and she genuinely does not realize how harmful her actions are. I liked that the game wasn't afraid to show us an uglier side of Zelda, and trusted the audience to understand that she was more than just her worst impulses. I think the closest we've ever gotten to that was Skyward Sword Zelda admitting that she pretended to be in grave danger to manipulate Link into doing her dirty work, and he should not be okay with that... but that wasn't quite as nuanced, because that was more Zelda literally being a god in mortal form, and doing something morally sketchy for the Greater Good. BOTW Zelda is just a person that hurt someone because it was an easy way to make herself feel better. It gives her a depth that very few Zelda's have been allowed to have.
And it really bothers me that apparently all of that is just gone in TOTK. Zelda, who is inexplicably still a princess for some reason, is the unquestioned almighty ruler of Hyrule. The Zora King and Gerudo Chief both swear eternal subversience to her in the ending, and Zelda happily accepts their submission as just what she is rightfully owed. When she's in the past she feels completely entitled to declare that Link will finish the battle for them, even though the last time she saw him he'd lost his entire fucking arm and was falling to his death, and also the entire situation is very political, and she has no idea which side Link would interpret as being correct. For fucks sake, she stole his goddamn house, made extensive renovations, added a large second room for herself, and still did not allow him to have any space in there. They're not sharing that bed, shippers. Link just does not live there anymore. That's why one of the TOTK sidequests is... Link getting a house again, on the other side of the country from where Zelda is living. The game repeatedly tells me that Zelda is actually the single bestest person who ever lived, but she never shows any real consideration for the wellbeing of someone who isn't Rauru, Sonia or Mineru... apart from the opening where she expresses concern that Link was seriously wounded by slapping three keese with his sword and killing them instantly. Which is more condescending than anything else.
And as I think I've mentioned before, all the apparently great and noble deeds Zelda performs are done with the overall goal of ensuring the Kingdom of Hyrule continues to exist under the control of the royal family. She's the current reigning monarch, so literally all of this is for her own benefit. There's nothing wrong with doing good things that also benefit you, of course, but once again the game constantly insisting that Zelda is a perfect selfless martyr... doesn't really track with the fact that she's the only one with a real motive to want Hyrule to remain under her rule. Everyone else has been getting by just fine without her for the last century, and Zelda going missing at the start of a crisis doesn't really cause any issues with leadership; things keep running smoothly, the only issues that ever show up is from Zelda not being there to do specific tasks she said she would do, like help plant a flower garden. Idk, it just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth; there's absolutely no reason for Hyrule to be a monarchy post-calamity, and the fact that everyone is so fanatically loyal to Zelda makes me feel like she's actively working to keep herself on the throne because she wants the power. If her first priority was being a good leader, people wouldn't be scared to question her.
But I'm with you on the Puppet Zelda plotline being wasted, it's like the whole thing was just there bcause the devs realized the main story quest (regional phenomenon) had nothing to do with the supposed main quest (find zelda), and just threw in a fake zelda to chase so the players would feel like they were making progress on that, but couldn't be bothered to make the fake zelda subplot have any consequences. That or they were just cowards with no faith in the audience, and figured if the fake Zelda's actions made NPC's express fear and hatred for the real one, the player would also be convinced that the real Zelda was bad. Which is ironic, considering the NPC's refusing to express any negative thoughts about the fake Zelda is a massive red flag about what the real one is like, and has convinced a lot of the audience not to like her.
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