volumehypeplay · 10 months
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It's been a while. Right? Sorry to have let you lot hanging, but life be life-ing. To welcome a return to me posting; this little blog re-animating into its cultural goodness, I bring you great tunes. FlyLo (also known as Flying Lotus) dropped an anime on Netflix around this time last year, based on Yasuke to middling reviews. But what wasn't middling was the music, especially not the stand-out 'Crust'.
In 'Crust' Flying Lotus has a track that's equally hypnotic, thanks to it's guitar driven melody as much as it's somber. Nothing about this is loud, braggadocious, in your face. Yet this hs all the energy of a Samurai walking calmly... through a town where he just slaughtered every enemy. Lowkey efficient.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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I love when musicians combine genres. Be it Collision Course (with LP and Jay-Z) or Distant Relatives (Nas and Damian Marley), when done well it's the sort of project that can shift the industry or create a new kind of earworm.
Melancholia by Hugo Kant is the perfect mix of hip-hop with a traditional Asian influence. From the flutes to the rhythm of the melodies Melancholia wears it's influences on it's sleeve. Unlike a lot of my recent recommendations this track, is the perfect song to put on as a soundtrack to a workday, or a quaint walk-outside. It's never overbearing, or too bombastic; it simply is. With each subsequent listen I'd pick up on something new: be it the monotone trombone drone, the way Kant strips back everything but the foundations of the track (around ¾ through) or the intermittent flute that actually cycles channels each times it appears.
If your looking for a new favorite this would be a good place to start.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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It's been a minute since a track lived up to it's name, but The Mad King by Rok Nardin fully embraces its notorious title. The opening salvo is deeper than the ocean; slowly driving and ushering the bass through your speaker system like a dark, alien entering it's host.
Then. Drums HIT. Your blood is congelieng, the foreign body has entered and it's taking over - time is running out. The immediate urgency of these drums never let up, instilling a state of panic and action. The strings come in, (things take a turn) the pace and high frequency of the instrumentation changes the narrative. No longer are you worried about death; you feel a power taking over. Whatever it is that has entered your body was never looking to conquer, rather enhance...
Then a sudden lul in the track (led by a simple piano melody), gives you all the time you need to become acustom to the force now surging through your body. With one monumental hit of the drums all hell breaks loose.
Everything peaks in crescendo; the strings layering on top of the drums, rising higher and higher in key as you defend yourself in a sudden attack, bobbing and weaving with your new found power. Abruptly a rush of energy leaves your body destroying site you were fighting in. A drop in volume, a return to the original melody (only declining) the outro to you leaving escaping unharmed, with a slight glimmer in your eye and the world at your feet.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Live, Die, Repeat (with Gunfire Reborn and Returnal)
I think I found my new favorite game genre. When I first finally decided to play Hades after seeing it all over my timeline for the past few years I wasn't prepared for how much I'd like it. The way it delivered story with an action packed, die-based-progress-system really threw me and combined my like for competitive games but with some great storytelling.
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Recently when we were looking for a new game, we decided to give Gunfire Reborn a go. A roguelike at it's core (and an FPS), this polygon take on the genre became an addiction quickly. Playing it regualrly with @yestheframed we have found everything from the punchy and unique guns to the downright annoying enemies a lot of fun. Icing on the cakebeing the way levels and enemies adapt upon each death, introducing a new ability, spell or change up to the level design that really move the challenge of run. I can see us playing this one for a long, long time.
My hype for Returnal has been simmering ever since I saw it played on PS5. Technically it has everything I love in a game. It's an FPS, it's difficult, it's a rougelike and it has a story - whats not to love? So when SONY decided to port this game over I pre-ordered immediately and I've had the chance to play 2 hours so far and I'm not dissapointed.
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Disclaimer: my first two hours were played co-op with my wifey, and outside of a few minor problems trying to connect it ran smoothly without any issues.
Upfront, Returnal is a lot creepier than I imagined. From the background audio to the weird, Lovecraftian enemies the world Selene inhabits is much more horror than I had expected. Also compared to something like gunfire there is a lot more downtime than I imagined, with many areas being devoid of enemies and either being used for story or some really awesome platforming. The shooting though, when it happens is excellent; from the sound design, to the awesome alternate fire variety I imagine the further the world progresses the more wild the gunfire variety will become.
With Returnal I still have a ton more to discover but that little opening salvo (with our untimley death at the first boss) showed me enough to get excited.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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I'm a huge fan of the original Dying Light. It's a game that somehow balances Mirror Edge parkour madness with genuine scares a pretty interesting story and perfect co-op. My want for it's sequel to be great was huge, but unfortunately it didnt do anything for me; really feeling let down with what was put out.
So who knew, when I began listening to the soundtrack behind the game recently that it almost... almost made me click the re-install button. That's how good this thing is... especially my stand-out track Empowering Yourself.
Composed by Olivier Deriviere and played by the London Contemporary Orchestra, in one song, this does more for Dying Light 2 than my entire 15 hours of playtime did.
The urgency in which this track enters my ears is crazy. From the sharp violins (that shift between high and low throughout), to the deep bassoon? bellowing in the background; this is the perfect runners soundtrack. You can almost visualize Kyle Crane running, sliding and jumping on the rooftops of Villador as we are proppelled forward by the strings. But it's when we get the electronic throwback to the original games soundscapes that this composition truly begins to sing with both the orchestral and electronic blending into a beautiful, run-for-your-life crescendo that closes the song.
I really hope I get to listen to this live soon, it's that good.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Only a few weeks after putting together my HYPE list for the year, we finally have our first *official* Flash trailer.. and what a trailer this is.
Over the years there have been very few trailers that made me press replay as many times as this one (the last one being the original Justice League trailer back in like 2018). This film has been through something like 5 directors, 14 writers and one attempt by Miller himself to write this thing into fruition. Now, 5 years after it's original release date, we are only a few months away from the thing finally coming out.
With all the hype behind it, it would have been easy to be dissapointed but thankfully this first trailer is *chefs kiss*.
Clearly a spin on the fantastic Flashpoint Paradox storyline, this is the great reset for DC and in only 3 minutes we get a crazy amount of awesome. Thankfully never revealing the full twists and turns of this plot.
We get: - Two Barry Allen's, one much more world weary, and another that I think might not even have his powers? - A new take on Barry's mom's death scene with some really cool timetravel shenanigans - Ben Affleck's Batman looking like he hasn't lost a step and seemingly acting as Barry's moral compass - Keaton's Batman, with yes... that line - ZOD! - The World Eater battle from Man of Steel, but now with a whole new set of characters - My favorite shot of the trailer with the two Flashes' - Kara Zol-El asbolutely wrecking shop
And more. I'm sure the more I look at this trailer the more I'll pick up, but knowing the Paradox storyline I kinda want to make this my only trailer for The Flash to leave some suprises for me (will Superman or anyone else make an appearence?). Either way, this is now my most hyped movie this year. What do you guys think? Let me know.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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What I'm HYPED for
Already, it's somehow February 1st. The older I get the more I believe time is a construct with how quickly months, weeks and days go by. 2023 is full of things I'm looking forward too (and many things I'm not yet aware of) so I thought, why not give you guys a little look at the games, movies and tv shows I can't wait for in 2023.
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Diablo IV
Probably my favorite series in gaming, is back once again and with being in the midst of reading 'The Sin War' seeing both Lilith and Inarius being the titular villains in this sequel has me extremely hyped. I have high hopes for the story, but seeing the return to the dark and macabre style, some fantastic visuals, the additions of verticality and a refined skill system lines up Diablo IV as potentially the best in the series.
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Stalker 2
I still remember making a PC just to be able to run Stalker, back in like 2004; being in awe of the atmosphere the game could muster. Now with Stalker 2 finally on the horizon I really hope the team manage to capture that dread and fear of walking through the ZONE and throw some awesome creature design at us.
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Sometime 2 years ago I stumbled upon No Man Sky using gamepass and actually found it so much more fun than I expected. Seeing Bethesda basically put their own RPG-heavy spin on that idea has me excited. Although I was never a fan of Skyrim its now 10+ years since that game and if they can blend a great story with some fantastic survival / world building mechanics they've got me.
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Any game that gives me an excuse to be able to play with my best friend is a great game in my eyes and Nightingale looks like a fantastic spin on survival games. The crutch of this one is being able to realm walk between worlds, which hopefully gives us a ton of diversity; from building your base to the weapons and monsters that are their to ruin our day.
I think it's meant to be out in the first-half of 2023, in Early Access anyway so this is one i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for.
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The Invincible
I don't know much about this one, but The Invincible looks to be in the same vain as the fantastic Firewatch. It's an alternative-scifi with you playing a Russian astrobiologist thats stuck on a planet and has to get out. Story heavy games never had me very interested as a teen, but these last few years I've found some fantastic tales spun by the likes of Prey, Dishonored, God of War etc. and I have a feeling The Invincible is going to be another one of those games.
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Nine Sols
This is actually the only game I have ever backed and I don't regret a penny. Imagine Sekiro, but 2D, hand drawn and a rogue like - that's exactly what Nine Sols is. You play Yi, who has to take down the Nine Sols in a asian influences cyberpunk world.
Having played the demo (and some beta) Nine Sols is shaping up incredibly; the combat is looking to be outstanding for a game of this type and I hope the guys deliver on everything I've seen so far.
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The Ranchers
This is one of those unicorn games that apparently and hopefully will be able to do it all. Much like Raft, Grounded or Len's Island this is sort of a farming-simulator / survival game... but multiplayer. From what we've seen from the dev's in early trailers this could potentially be fantastic, with so much detail being on show. I would normally be hesitant with a game that trying to do so much, but having found a love in these more relaxed games of late I really am rooting for The Ranchers.
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The Finals
The only straight up FPS on my list is The Finals by the dev's behind the Battlefield series. This looks nuts. A modern, highly-destructive team FPS where you can literally mash up everything, with some incredible physics defying fights. I've missed a great shooter in the vain of something like a Quake / COD mash up and I think this might be it.
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Banishers: Ghost of New Eden
Ghosts. Ghost hunters. Co-op. That's all you need to know. Or just read my other write up on this here.
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The Killer
The undisputed KING of macabre, serial killers stories David Finicher is back and this time he's bringing Michael Fassbender for the ride. Based on an obscure French comic book, we see Fassbender play the titular Killer, whose conscience comes into play the longer he is away from his last kill. Yup, that's enough for me. I'm in.
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The Flash
This movie is finally coming... who'd believe it after it initially meaning to be realesed in 2018. With Miller spending a good part of 2022 doing his best portrayal of Eobard Thawne; the rumours surrounding Flash are that it's the best DC movie since The Dark Knight. I'm not one for that kind of hype, but the ground work is there. Miller (although a mad man) is clearly a fantastic actor, Keaton is back as Batman and we have Supergirl entering the fray. This could be the best CBM of the year if it lands right, and I think it will.
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Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning
It's another MI film... whats not to look forward too? Cruise has been trying to kill himself for entertainment for a good 20 years and I don't think Dead Reckoning is going to buck the trend. Fully expect this to be awesome.
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After Bale and Damon put on such a masterclass with Ford v Ferrari, there's a lot to live up to for any car-related movie. Yet Ferrari directed by the great Michael Mann, led by Adam Driver has every chance of shaping up deliciously. I love Driver's ability to channel this suave-rage with his characters, something I think will tie nicely into his portrayal of Enzo.
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Killers of the Flower Moon
It's been a while since a film starring DiCaprio had me excited - so a movie about the Osage Murders led by the afromentioned DiCaprio directed by Martin Scorcese could not have come at a better time. Im a sucker for anything with the words serial-killr so I'll be there day one hoping for another masterclass by this duo.
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Air Jordan
Affleck is finally back. It's been years since this man has directed a movie but now he's back with his buddy Matt Damon, telling the story of a Nike salesman trying to capture Michael Jordan for the sports juggernaut.
Say less.
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Directed by Mathew Vaughn (of X-Men First Class and Kingsman fame) is a spy movie, sporting Henry Cavill with quite literally the most millitant hair cut known to man. Steve Zahn would be proud.
P.S. theres nothing else out about this movie but thats more than enough for me to be excited.
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True Detective: Night Country
This show is a bit of an oddball. The first season is seen as a classic, the second a huge step back and the third a slow return to form; so can this new season starring Jodie Foster finally rekindle the magic that was season one? It has just about everything going for it, especially the setting; Alaska, during the Winter - a perfect brew for death and mystery. This is one I'll be crossing my fingers for.
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A series set in 17th Century Japan, based on the legendary book, led by Hiroyuki Sanada? Oooh you crazy bastard I'M IN. I'm a sucker for stories like this and knowing the ever awesome KANEDA is leading this story of samurai, deception and survival it feels like it was handmade for me - and you can bet I'll be there day one.
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Three Body Problem
The Three Body Problem, might just be the sleeper hit of 2023 if the men behind GoT get this story right. Having read (2 of 3 books) in the series, this is quite possibly the most wild sci-fi story I have ever red. Set in China, during the 1970s (and onwards) the way this story takes such a simply concept about alien contact and flips it on a dime is incredible. Really hope this does well.
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GIF by loveyazy
Secret Invasion
I can't believe I'm actually excited for something Marvel, but this espionage thriller led by Samuel L Jackson is it. I have loved the more serious takes Marvel have attempted (The Winter Soldier) and this looks like a straight continuation in vibe and style. Adding Ben Mendehlson, Olvia Colman and more to the cast (with it being a mini-series as well) I fully believe this will be the best thing Marvel does the whole of 2023.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
A Nun, a bunch of zombies, a viking farmer, a psychological sleuth and a trio of ghost hunters walked into a bar...
There hasn't been much going on at our local cinemas lately, so I have been jumping between shows like it's a game of the floor is lava. My lack of focus, often allowed me to find some shows I've been looking forward too, some so-so movies and a great suprise.
Prey for the Devil
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This one is a film me and @the-loose-braies have been wanting to watch for a while; fully expecting shlock. And the shlock delivered (a bit more than we expected).
The film follows Sister Ann as she prepares to perform her first exorcism on a demonic entity. The jump scares were fun, the little twist at the end was a nice and it's always good to see Colin Salmon in a movie .
If your looking for a movie to put on while doing some work, this one pairs as well as crispy onions do to a hotdog, and a well chilled can of pepsi/coke.
The Last of Us (ep 1-2)
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GIF by diver5ion
The hype for this show has been a bit crazy in my opinion, especially with the early reviews crowning this as the greatest achievement in achievements. Realistically, The Last of Us, so far, has been decent?
I won't waste any time retelling the story of this extremely popular game, but what I'll say is, what's worked, has worked brilliantly, while the rest to me shows, the narrative of the game isn't as brilliant as it let's on.
I've absolutely loved both cold opens to both episodes (especially the one set in Indonesia), really elevating the existing material and adding extra depth and world building where it previously didnt exist. Craig Mazin (the man behind Chernobyl) clearly has a knack for making the extraordinary feel relatable, with his small changes and touches throughout the first two episodes really helping me get engrossed.
I also loved the city-escape scene from episode 1 (almost shot for shot from the game) and the introduction to the clickers. To me though the episodes standout was Olivia Anna Torv. In only two episodes she fully sold me on her character, why she was important and went out with a bang (with one of the weirdest kiss scenes I can remember... urgh).
I'll be keeping an eye out on this one and fully expect it to keep on improving week, on week.
Vindland Saga - S2 (ep 1-3)
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I've been waiting patiently for the second season of Vinland Saga for years. The first season, has become one of my favorite seasons of any show (or anime) and Askeladd is probably my favorite villain (??) period. With that in mind season 2 has had a lot to live up to, but thankfully, the first 3 episodes have been fantastic.
I was made aware of the drastic tone shift from the prologue (to what now actually is the start of the manga) for a very long time, but honestly the story just flows. There has been no wild disconnect for me from season 1 to 2, whatsoever; yet the shift in character makeup (especially for Thorfinn) has been engrossing. Seeing the rage filled, revenge driven boy be turned into a shell of his formerself, completely devoid of want for life has been really powerful.
The scene where Throfinn steps in for Einnar (to spare his life) and receive cut after cut without moving a muscle. Only because he wanted Einnar to get back to work, told us everything we needed to know where Thorfinn is mentally at this time.
I really hope the show continues as well as it has started, because this really could end up becoming one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of watching. ↓
Poker Face (ep 1-2)
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We all love a good mystery right? Poker Face (created by Rian Johnson of Knives Out fame) recently released as somewhat a modern homage to Columbo (a show my wife loves). If Poker Face could be half as good as Columbo we'd already be onto a winner and thankfully, two episodes in, it's already been a wild ride.
Led by the awesome Natasha Lyonne, we've already had: shootouts, murder, attempted murder, theories on theories, chases and the sexy Benjamin Bratt. What I've loved so far is how the show has chosen to essentially do a case per episode but also tie the episodes together by an overarching story (something I really hope continues).
Really looking forward to sitting down and taking in the next 2 episodes before the end of this week.
Lockwood & Co (ep 1-3)
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I'm so happy doomscrolling on Netflix at 11pm led us to this. Lockwood & Co is a throwback to my yesteryears when I used to watch a lot more of these 'teenage' british shows. It has a bit of Misfits, Being Human and even Ghostbusters thrown in for good measure.
Created by Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) and based on a book-series, we follow 3 ghost hunters in London, trying to figure out The Problem. It's the perfect blend of serious and whimsical, with a really easy to follow story that has enough mystery for you always wanting to know more. It's the characters though, from the reckless Lucy Carlisle, to the oddity that is George Karim and the mysterious Anthony Lockwood that really get you invested.
You know I'll probably be done with this by the end of the day and I cannot wait.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Mist In The Mire has completely taken over my play button at the moment. Composed by Frida Johansson & Henrik Oja (off the Unravel Two OST), this track is an epic... a voyage if you will. Clocking in at over 9 minutes, It's hard to describe how dreamy and beautiful this musical oddysey is.
Formed around a very minimalist drumloop, the song opens with a subdued pair of chords accompanied by very similar strings that echo in and out of view. The melody keeps rolling, sporradically, adding in beautifully layered strings that help move the story along; but it's when these strings all tie together where we hear the song really come together.
The moment the bass comes in, I become completely lost in the beauty of this world; vividly feeling all the lushness Frida & Henrik paint sonically. This is one to close your eyes and let flow through you.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
I've just started episode 2 season 2 of #hisdarkmaterials Fricking brilliant.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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His Dark Materials (actually good?)
I'm a bit late, I admit — but in my defence, no one in any of my circles has ever said a word about this show. His Dark Materials; a retelling of the famous Philip Pullman trilogy grabbed me from the very first episode and only pulled me in the further we went in.
Having finished season 1 at 3am this morning, I really felt like I had to bring up this show, as it's been a little while that a show had me so invested so quickly. Knowing next to nothing about the source material, I have to say Mrs. Coulter is the perfect conniving crazy dress twirling villain, while Roger is the most adorable foil to our fearless lead.
--- SPOILERS ---
That ending was brutal. Not only did we lose Roger, but then seeing the waste of a man Lord Asriel essentially beg his wife to follow him into the universe after sacrificing a child annoyed me to no end. Seeing Lyra also cross over with Will crossing the opposite way clearly sets us up to a season of both characters understanding a new world. I have a feeling by the end of season 2 we will see Lyra cross over into multiple worlds and her actions will either bring in an alternative reality Roger or ressurect the original using the help of the witches.
Season 2 is nigh this evening, so come back in a few weeks (or days) for the wrap up of the remainding seasons.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Favorite songs of 2023
With the speechless list already out, I want to close out my end of year lists with my favorite songs of 2022. Some expected artists pop-up (with unexpected songs?) and some wild cards thrown in for good measure. So rather than wasting your time, get started below.
Ms. Mural
When Lupe Fiasco announced he would write and record an album in 24 hours, even as a huge fan of his work, I wasn't exactly expecting much. What felt like years later, we had a name 'Drill Music in Zion' (goat album name?) then a few months later a single 'AUTOBOTO'. A good track, but nothing out of the ordinary for Lupe; a song he could make in autopilot, yet still lyrically dropping gems 'What's an infrared dot to a whole dot gov?'.
What really had me excited though was finding out DMIZ would house the next in the Mural series, this time Ms. Mural was taking center stage. It does not dissapoint. Hearing Lupe rap over some classic Soundtrakk production, while narrating the song from the perspective of a painter and his patron (as well as the painting itself?); is the kind of mind-blowing goodness I anticipate from the Chicago emcee. The are bars, on bars in this song that I could point out, but from;
Man does not become superior 'cause you connect him to a cape, Nor does become inferior because you connect him to a ape,
we get a masterclass in subject switching (gender roles, ethics etc) while tying it into the artistic narrative of a song. Like every Fiasco song, this one will take months to unpack, so why not join me and help me understand?
J.I.D, for years has been on the verge of achieving his final form. Clearly, incredibly talented, with easily the most interesting flow in the game, ferociously adaptable and having an innate ability to find THE pocket in any beat. The thing that was missing was always the album that would focus his potential, the ability to cohesively tell a story while standing out like the always does. In 'The Forever Story', he thankfully delivered on his years of promise. in a short, dense 12 track album.
J.I.D spent a chunks of the album doing what he was already excellent at (Surround Sound, Raydar, Lauder too) but better, as well as introducing us to sides of him that were not as obvious. I couldn't decide between Crack Sandwich, Kody Blu 31 or Sistanem for a long time as the highlight of the album, but the latter seemingly mixes what the former do fantastically but in one 6-minute track.
Produced by James Blake, Sistanem is the perfect amount dark and brooding as it is comforting and melodic. The drums are quiet, delicate and subdued, perfectly complimented by J.I.D's more graceful than usual delivery.
His sing-songy delivery of:
Back on the road, gone with the wind blows Packin' the shows, hoes and the nymphos, platinum and gold You know how this shit go when family's gone You don't know what you here for, uh
is the soundbite of the song.
Blake, cleverly adds instruments as the story of the family / sisterly squables evolve (adding to the animosity) - as J.I.D experctly adds tired inflections to his voice, helping sell the ongoing turmoil being re-told.
If you have any interest in modern hip-hop I would definetly give this song and the album a listen.
Survivors Guilt
It's been a long, long time since a Joey Bada$$ song hit me the way Survivors Guilt has. The death of Capital STEEZ has been hanging on Pro Era and Bada$$ for years now, never entirely being addressed (definetly not like this). On Survivors Guilt, Bada$$ pulls back the curtain and burns it down; revealing a much more vulnerable side to him, I wasn't aware he was willing to put on record. With the final verse from Joey and the outro from Ab-Soul (especially after HERBERT) closing the song at an incredibly emotional crescendo.
This is the best Joey Bada$$ has sounded to me in years and I hope what he managed to achieve with this track, specifically on this 1999 leaning production that Rahki produced — we'll be seeing more of this Joey, more often.
London born, US based IDK has been growing on me these past few years. With tracks like Just Like Martin, Once Upon A Time and Black Sheep / White Dover; I've been seeing a much more confident artist taking form, constantly diversifying his features, production and delivery.
When I heard IDK was partnering with the incredible KAYTRANADA on an EP, I had a feeling it could be special. Spoiler alert, I was not dissapointed. KAYTRANADA wild' out on every song, creating the sort of grooves I would have just loved to see Smino over, but thankfully IDK took on the challenge and delivered such a good collection of songs, I couldn't imagine anyone else rapping over these beats so well. Drugstore is the EPs standout; over a bouncy, ever-evolving beat IDK delivers a tour-de-force, that when the song ends you'll be pressing the replay button without even realising. Would love to know what others think of this one.
Please Do Not Lean
It's been so over half a decade since the release of the timeless Freudian. Since then he's been much quieter than I had hoped, with odd loosies here and there, but thankfully 2022 delivered a song worthy of his name. Produced by the ever-great BBNG, Daniel spends the next 3 minutes (or so) letting us in on his confession — the unstable and trying relationship of his with his bride to be.
Just how long will you stand next to me? For we both know, it's more than a load For you to bear / It'd break my heart, but I'd understand if you'd Leave me for another man with a little Less on his mind, less on his plate Less in his brain,"
The intimate nature of the lyrics is only magnified by the stripped back, acoustic production pieced together. Supposedly Please Do Not Lean is the introduction to his next album, which hopefully arrives sooner rather than later.
An Interlude 'Circus'
I was unfortunately whelmed by Saba's most recent album A Few Good Things. The fault lied with me, expecting Saba to keep his incredible streak going after the excellent CARE FOR ME; but it wasn't to be. That's not to say everything is doom and gloom with this LP providing another few outstanding tracks in the chicago born rappers repetoir.
An Interlude 'Circus' commited the cardinal sin, of a fantastic song being simply way too short. Clocking in at little over 60seconds, Circus is a beautiful, perfect for a summers day, quiet storm musical concotion, that only Saba could deliver with that unique cadance of his. I really hope eventually we get a longer version of Circus, but for now at least I can appreciate the fact I can run this track 3 times before your typical Abba song finishes.
Dark Hearted
I've always had a love / hate relationship with Freddie Gibbs. More often than not, his particular brand of modern gangsta rap rubs me the wrong way; skewing too far to the right for me to really appreciate. Yet, once every while, Gibbs delivers a song so good I can't help but pay attention; that's where Dark Hearted comes in.
Found on his latest album $oul $old $eparately, this is a level above anything Gibbs has come with i the past. Thanks to the once again ridiculous work behind the boards of James Blake, Gibbs has the dark and forebodding tapestry his carefully slick lyrics demand.
A relentless display by Gibbs, completely contrasting the moody production in the background running through his troubles moving from the streets to stardom. With the song really being tied together by Gibbs delivery; his innate ability to combine his dark lyricism with a much more accessible melodic delivery over this kind of beat results in a stand out song of 2022.
Hoping for more of this from Freddie Gibbs in 2023.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Favorite Speechless songs of 2022
I know it's been a while and I apologise. After getting lost addicted to The Witcher 3 (I kinda hate that it finally happened), I also discovered a game called Len's Island that have been taking up any free time in my life. But I didn't forget my promise, so today, I will be dropping not one but a double-bill of my favorite songs of last year. We'll be starting with my speechless addiction (meaning OST's, classical etc) and then ending with traditional songs. Let the countdown begin. ↓
I still remember finding this song in between layers and layers of songs in the seemingly limitless archives of Spotify. Ganbatte by Pogo is one of those tracks that effortlessly get better with every listen. Pogo manages to keep me listening, even as he weaves multiple instruments and genres throughout the 5 ½ min runtime, without ever losing the songs thread. Ganbatte is a wonderful example of sonic storytelling; Pogo using instrumentation and key switches to forward the story and keep you guessing.
Will have this one in constant rotation for years to come.
Aramid has already cropped up on VHP so I won't waste my breath re-iterating why you MUST listen to this one. If your ever needing to outrun a pack of lions, just put this on and you'll be gucci.
Try telling me I'm wrong.
One of my favorite movies of the last decade is Leigh Whannel's Upgrade. An amazingly clever and violent movie that has a just as impressive soundtrack (check A Better Place). FOUNDATION, to me is the perfect accompanying track to the movie. It continues the themes of Upgrade brilliantly with it's dank, neon singed soundscapes, fitting perfectly in any one of the city scenes. BRONSON (& Odesza) hopefully get a chance to work on a movie at some point, because if the coherence of this album taught me anything, is they have the knack to create something special together.
Me and my wife have a running joke in the house about this song. The first time we heard this, we immediately saw it being the backdrop of some modern monster feature. Discovering where Precipice was from, made us double-take 3 or 4 times — and it still didnt register correctly. What kind of scene, deserves the dark, ominous undertones of Precipice in something like Around the World in 80 Days??? Eventually, we'll have an answer to that mystery, but for now, turn the lights low, get under the covers and try not to get creeped out.
Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation
Perfection. This is it. Of all the new songs I discovered last year I think the most suprising one was Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation. Composed by Nicholas Britell, this song does such a good job in conveying the emotions of a scene without me having ever even watched the movie.
From the downtrodden opening; followed by strings (adding anxiety) only for the volume to be raised, the strings to be layered and the tempo increased. Immersing you in a feeling of dread - while being bathed in a very beautiful ambience of the song itself.
Katana Zero
This one snuck in really late; right at the eleventh hour. It's probably the most gym appropriate song on this list, if your simply looking to go in: rep, after rep, after rep.
The monotone nature of the production makes it extremely easily to zone out, focus and follow the bass line as it grows. If your looking for a song to vibe out too, or simply have playing in the background as you get on with your day-to-day this is perfect.
Impressions Lastly we have another track by Portico Quartet called Impressions. It's possibly the best introductary song to this London based group.
Impressions delivers on everything you'd want out of a Quartet song; it's diverse, groovy and melodic. Immediately your hit with a ridiculous drum-line that just doesn't stop. The amazing thing is how the drums are layered by both live instruments and electronic echoes - while also being abruptly stripped away when the track needs a breather.
If your loving Impressions, definetly check out Monument by Portico Quartet and the Nest remix.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Favorite Shows of 2022 With movies behind us, we can now talk shows (not TV); since if we are being honest, most of us don't watch them on our TV's and most of them arent even on TV channels. I tuned in to around 30 shows in 2022, and once again settled on 7 to highlight from the year. I chose not to include The Boys S3, as I tried to include shows that were new to 2022 not simply an additional season. With that we can begin the countdown (once again in no particular order).
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Pantheon I mentioned Pantheon a few weeks / months back and I only want to say a few words. Arcane was the best animated show of 2021 and Pantheon is just as good. Different, sure. But the storytelling they manage to achieve in just 8 episodes is fantastic. A must watch for any sci-fi fan.
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Severance Not sure if its a co-incidence I managed to book end my year with two fantastic sci-fi shows, but the one to kick everything off in 2022 was Severance.
Directed (and created) by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle, this show felt like a cultural phenomenon in my small bubble... it was everywhere. Taking a concept we've rarely seen, placing it during a time-period where many couldn't leave their home and wanted escape. Severance struck gold. Beyond its amazing performances, THAT final episode and a story that actually had a pay-off at the end, it was the art direction and atmosphere that truly drew me in. The cold, mundane, colour barren offices of Lumon paired with a soundtrack that would throw you off center without warning, made the actors unnerving performances (especially Milchik played brilliantly by Tramell Tillman) all that more captivating. It was a show I couldn't wait to watch every week and I only pray that they take as much time as they need to deliver a just as good season 2.
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Tokyo Vice A show set in a 90s Tokyo directed by Michael Mann? IN. Though Mann unfortunately only directed the opening episode, the tone he set was brilliantly continued in every subsequent episode. For those unaware, the story follows Jake Aldestein (played by Ansel Elgort) who is the first non Japanese reporter hired by the prestigious Yomiuri Shimbun paper. Through his neivety Jake gets embroiled in the Tokyo underbelly; with both the Yakuza and Japanese police taking the character on a wild journey. I'd feel bad without mentioning Shô Kasamatsu (who played Sato) as the standout of the show. His charisma and style commanded my attention even surrounded by a seasoned actor like Ken Watanabe - I'll be super interested to see what he does next. If you're a fan of crime shows, I highly recommend Tokyo Vice. (oh and the way language is used in this show, is so so good).
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Players This show was so much better than it had any right being. Players, a mockumentary on the esports scene (league of legends specifically) was quite possibly the most emotional and hype show of the year. The creators managed to take the fall of Nightfall, the introduction of Organizm (as the hot new thing) and invest us in their relationship in no time (from the train-wreck lowst, to the down right inspiring highs). I somehow managed to get enjoy a show, about a game I had 0% interest in, purely based on it's characters and writing.
If you love workplace comedies and have any semblance of an interest in esports, Players might just be for you.
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The Bear What happens when a fine-dining chef returns to his hometown in Chicago to run his fathers small eatery? Chaos, rage, shoot-outs, hilarity and some amazing food (thats' what). The Bear is a hyperfocused dramedy, immaculately led by Jeremy Allen White (playing the lead Carmen), throughout 20ish minute episodes where we see Carmen journey from his return to Chicago, to hopefully elevating his dad's eatery to something profitable. Each episode is jam packed with high-heated clashes between characters, especially those between Richie and literally anyone else, but there is one specific episode (a one-shot 15minute nerve-jerker) that will have you absolutely stunned. Definetly give this one a go and I recommend binging it if you can (its little over 2 hours I think all together) to really experience the madness.
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Black Bird I've been mourning the loss of Mindhunter for what seems like 3 years, but finally a show has come that tickled the itch Mindhunter had left. Written by Dennis Lehane (of Gone Baby Gone, Shutter island and Mystic River fame), Black Bird tells the story of Jimmy (a low-level drug dealer) becoming entangled in a plot to catch a notorious serial killer. No show made me feel so uncomfortable, so on edge, so nervous as the interactions between Jimmy and Larry. The show acted as an acting masterclass by Taron Egerton and Paul Walter Houser, with both using each other to elevate themselves. The scene where Larry so calmly and eloquently spills his guts about his doings with the girls to Jimmy, leading to Jimmy's complete breakdown in his cell was incredible to watch. Very few scenes stuck with me, like that did.
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Abbot Elementary Lastly for something a bit more lighthearted. I was hoping Blockbuster would fill my work-place comedy sized hole this year (lol no chance), but thankfuly, we took a chance on Abbot Elementary and were rewarded handsomely.
Like any great workplace comedy, it's all about the characters and thats what Abbot nails so, so well. Created by Quinta Brunson, this show turns so many teacher tropes into relatable characters; from the crazy and unqualified Headteacher (Ava), to the stoic but weird teacher (Gregory). I loved coming in every week, to see what this group of people would get up to, and how at the end of the day they always wanted to do right by the kids (well almost). I know season 2 is currently airing (and sounds just as good) but I / we decided to wait till its all out, as once you start Abbot Elementary is really hard to put down.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Favourite Movies of 2022
It's almost the end of the year; which means it's the perfect time for me to look back at the awesome things of 2022. Over the next few days I'll be compiling lists for my favorite movies, shows, games and music I had the pleasure to endulge in over the last 12 months, beginning with the motion-picture category. You could call it my oscars? (please dont) I took 45 new releases I had the opportunity to watch and simply chose those which stood out to me, those which I never stopped thinking about, those that have stayed imprinted on me.
So sit back, relax and take a look at my 7* favorite movies of the last year. ↓
The Batman
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What a movie! If there was one must see movie for me, this entire year it was The Batman. Being a huge DC fan, I was always going to be looking forward to a new take on the caped crusader, but hearing Matt Reeves (the man behind the Planet of the Apes trilogy) was inspired by Se7en and Zodiac, it couldn't come soon enough. The Batman is unlike any previous incarnation before it. It's real. It's gritty. It's dark and brooding. Roberts Batman is angry, rough and emotional, something the movie's villain (portrayed briliantly by Paul Dano) uses to his advantage. My memory of this movie is it's tone. The red hue's running through every scene. That eerie, drum heavy score that never let's up. And THE batmobile; a character in on itself (a scene I wont forget anytime soon). I can't wait for what this team come up with next, but even if it fails to deliver I am thankful I got to experience this at the start of this year.
Top Gun: Maverick
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Top Gun: Maverick was always a movie I was going to see. The first trailer sold it to me immediately. Knowing the madman that is Tom Cruise would probably be doing all of this for real, was the icing on the cake. Having seen it though... this is cinema!
Unlike many other movies that really win me over with their story, Maverick was pure emotion for me. I only really remember 3 scenes but those 3 scenes made me feel things that shouldn't be allowed at a movie screening. Mach 10? 😨 Tom Cruise deciding to break the Mach 10 speed limit with a crazy futuristic jet. Pure adrenaline, with some of the most beautiful scenes of the entire movie. 2m 15s of ego 😲 An exquisite display of pure skill by Maverick. From the jet tickling the mountains on it's side, to Maverick pushing the jet past its boundaries while threading a bomb through the eye of a needle; I don't think I took one breath during the entire scene. OOF. Jet jiu-jitsu🤯 The best way to describe this scene is. Imagine if Tony Hawk knew how to fly a fighter jet and it was possible to do a 180° kick-flip using one. And then it happening. It's a must watch.
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RRR* is absolutely bucknutty. This 3+ hour extravaganza was probably the most confused I've been all year. A B-movie with the confidence and swagger of the best blockbusters of yesteryear. A movie that can't be described, only experienced. With that, I'll simply jot down some of the highlights one might expect when watching RRR* - Man fights tiger 🐯 - Man vs a 1000 person rebellion ⚔️ - A shoot-out with a one man on anothers shoulders while wielding guns 🔫 - Saving a child, while diving off a bridge with a flag 🇮🇳 - Walking underwater 🤿 - Animal fight club 🦁 🆚 🐯 🆚 👨 & I'm sure there are more that I can't remember. I know I'll be rewatching this regularly, but will you?
Bullet Train
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They say immitation is the sincerest form of flattery and Bullet Train directed by David Leitch (of Deadpool 2 and Atomic Blonde) fame delivered a Guy Ritchie inspired, non-stop action thrillride. Bullet Train is entirely driven by its witty dialogue and awesomely convuluted story, fronted by a madcap cast of characters. Among the crop we have Lemon 🍋 and Tangerine 🍊 (brothers) that just happen to be assassins (crazy ones at that) with a love of Thomas the Tank Engine. The movie knows when to be funny and when to simply mesmerize you with an awesome set-piece. It's over 2.5 hours long but never feels like it, quotable for days and has Michael Shannon. What more could you want?
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I cant remember much about Nope, but I do remember the unnerving feeling I had while watching it. Jordan Peele crafts a delightful story thats the right amount spectacular as it's creepy.
The way the narrative is presented as a mystery that was initially hidden in plain sight really worked for me; with the reveal of the alien being only the beginning. Yet it was Keke Palmer and Daniel Kaluyaa that really sold the film for me (playing brother and sister) and how their relationship and trust in one another evolved throughout the film. It was so cathartic seeing them succeed right at the end. From the allegories to the metaphors, Nope is a movie you need to watch and let simmer in your mind - only then will you know how you feel about it. For me it was well worth my time.
The Menu
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I think Kitchen Nightmares might be masquarading as The Menu. The most recent film on this list, was one I knew little about and little did I know how much I would enjoy it. The premise is simple. Ralph Finnes plays a world renowned chef, who happens to invite a select few guests for his new tasting menu. From there the story unravels like an onion, with each layer taking us deeper and deeper into the sinister underbelly of this restaurant. Each character; from the start-up bros, to the down on his luck actor to even the staff members give us a peak behind the curtain and the maddening that ensues. The less you know the better but be ready for a mighty good time.
Decision to Leave
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Like clockwork... there it is. As the year was coming to a close, no korean movie had really grabbed my attention in the last 12 months; but then came Decision to Leave. This movie, quite honestly had me confused. I watched it across 1 night in 2 parts, having to rant and rave to @the-loose-braies to try and compute what I was watching. The creative acrobatics Park Chan-wook had to do in this movie (with his cinematographer and editor) deserve a round of applause 👏. Every transition and every scene are delibrately constructed, with the director using reflections and camera trickery to constantly shift our perspectives through the two main characters, even changing the color grading based on mood (without any of this ever looking out of place). This is the first time since watching Mr. Robot where I actually became engrossed by the DIRECTION of a movie. PCW somehow managed to craft a movie, that essentially is a love story, but tac on some deliciously violent fight scenes, chases, clever comedy and poetic dialogue. It's the one movie this year if regularly thought about and that says a lot. If you havent watched it, give it a watch as its well worth it. *At this moment in time I'm yet to have seen Broker or Glass Onion so they might sneakily be added to the list at some point.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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Kenny Beats is probably one of the most prolific producers around at the moment, with him also producing one of my favorite songs of 2022, for J.I.D's Dance Now. So when I find out Kenny was putting out an album of his own, I immediately gave it a listen. LOUIE is an awesome listen throughout; with one clear stand out in 'Hot Hand'. 'Hot Hand' wastes no time; immediately pulling you in with a groovy drumloop that's complimented by a beautiful guitar melody. Seconds later a quiet, subdued set of vocals rap in the background. Thanks to how Kenny had decided to dillute the vocals, they feel like more of an instrument than a rapper taking center stage in the song. The song goes through highs and lows but its at the end when we are introduced to a female vocal (well more of a drone) where they keys change and the energy switches. A song that was no more than a bop, taking form of a last minute, horrowing escape. An awesome example of sonic storytelling.
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volumehypeplay · 2 years
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I still remember the hype I had when 'The Witcher 3' was coming out. Having never at the time played any of the past games, all the screenshots, trailers and glimpses drew me into the world - this looked like the next RPG that would obliviate my notion of time. When @the-loose-braies dropped the game in my palm, I rushed home, put the DVD in (lol what madness was that) and waiting in anticipation. All that hype unfortunately fizzled out pretty quickly. I just didn't get it. The story was slow, the combat wasn't sharp and there was just so much to do. Then 4 years later I tried again. The game hooked me for longer and I started to appreciate the story but once again, it just never took.
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Now with the remaster coming our recently I'm giving it one LAST go. With my recent gaming-loves like Prey, Dishonored and God of War among many; my appreciation for slower moving, story driven games on a high-difficulty hopefully will make this try the one. Oh and shoutout to Hollow for getting me to even consider this endevour stirring up my interest once more.
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