#i do have karen opinions
dimitrscu · 3 months
everyday i go online and get exposed to the worst takes imaginable and everyday i have to fight the urge not to kill
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About the Mean Girls musical movie
I know Ive had conversations before about the cultural context stuff, that it seems like the message was not as effective as the first movie when the stuff its talking about, how girls are wrong whatever they do and everything is up for criticism and filming, and you have to pretend to be sweet and kind fairy princesses instead of being allowed to be human. And Id have to go back and find those posts to see what I do and dont agree with now. Because I just saw the movie. And honestly, I liked it. A lot of the visuals were really fun and interesting, which I think is impressive in a movie that mostly takes place inside of a high school. Regina more than once looks like she's in a music video, and that works because shes so hyped, its like she lives in a reality where not only do people break into song, but she's always in a music video. She really sells the character, self-assured and in charge and perfectly manipulative, and even when she's being vulnerable you're like, but is this another deception? She's more villainous in this version, and by the end maybe more human as well. (also the costuming is phenomenal, that Halloween angel dress?? The entire Halloween Someone Get Hurts sequence might be my favourite. )
Also Renee Rapp, who plays Regina, is just incredibly hot. She also played Regina on Broadway so it makes sense she has the character down. Thats not film critique thats my personal admiration. Its almost a little silly with the "oh no Regina is gaining weight she cant fit her clothes" because she looks amazing. [Edit: She's also obviously - I was gonna say she seems older than the other "teens" but actually she's 24, so Im having a moment of feeling old. And she's actually the same age as Auli'i Cravalho who is a lot younger in my mind because holy shit Moana came out EIGHT years ago?? Angourie Rice/Cady is 23, Jaquel Spivy/Damian is 26, Avantika/Karen is 19, thats more the age I thought they were but not the cast seems to be mostly 23-26. Its so weird when times moves the same for people while your image of them in your head stays the same. So Rapp isn't older she's just a bit bigger (neutral/positive). And she's been playing the role for a long time. And Im allowed to find her hot because she's a goddamn adult and so am I. This paragraph is not critique it is me blogging on my blog. Now Im annoyed at myself for Caveats of Fear but Im gonna stop dwelling on that now.]
On that note, though I originally liked the musical quite a lot, the significant fatphobia in it soured it for me. And Im happy to say in the musical movie, they changed or omitted those lines. I was waiting to cringe and they just sang something else. So that was great. I think the only fat character was Damian (why does that suddenly look like a vampire name?) - Jaquel Spivy - and he seemed comfy and cool, no self deprecating fat jokes or anything. Generally the lines/jokes that were uncomfortable or a bit bigoted have been changed. Though there isnt any disability rep, and theres a random character the burn book claims puts alcohol in her inhaler, like a 3 second joke.
And the big thing is that a lot of the meanness is shown in montages of vertical video and comments - no-brand tiktok obviously - and I think thats pretty realistic, and also in the original theme of not being mean to peoples faces but talking all kinds of shit behind their backs. And I think the montage format is effective in mimicking that endless scroll eyes glazing over stuck in the doom scroll/stuck in the spectacle. The music was good. I really liked how they overlaid the Spring Fling/thematic music with the math competition. If anything, Cady is not as good of a character, her Plastic switch is basically overnight, the scene with Aaron at the party is still kinda of awkward, she doesnt get as much room to breathe, while almost everyone else comes off really well. Heck even the candy cane/glen coco guy did well, I was actually suprised at how differently and yet excellently the actors acted their lines, compared both to the previous movie and the musical. Auli'i is fantastic, scary Janis is *scary*. And I simultaneously want to be her best friend. (It certainly helps that her art is augmented with embroidery and she's carrying embroidery hoops in multiple scenes. Fiber arts my loves.)
When I first saw a trailer my thoughts were "ugh we dont need another movie of this," but I think Ive changed my mind. Its similar enough and different enough that for me its a good adaptation. Also - I almost forgot to say - Janis gets a girlfriend for Spring Fling. Its not a plot point, we're just montaging getting ready and Janis goes to pick her up (in the lavender suit), and Damian is taking photos with two other sapphic couples. And he gets a crush/admirer who again, is just there to be there and doesnt interfere with the main story. I might change my mind again once its had time to settle in my thoughts, but initial impression is that its a fun movie I would watch again. Maybe we want the social commentary to be more incisive than it is, and in the end it is entertainment that needs to not be too boring to hold peoples shortening attention spans. (also neutral). Maybe thats wishing for it to be a movie that its not trying to be, and thats always a recipe for disappointment and also not great or fair analysis. What a fantastic line to end on*.
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heloflor · 1 year
After seeing a playthrough of Bowser’s Inside Story, I gotta say I’m kind of mixed on Starlow, and no, it’s not just because of the Luigi bullying.
The thing with Starlow is that, on one hand, it’s great to see a female character who has no hesitation talking back and who can be a bit of an ass. But at the same time, the way they wrote her just…it really makes it hard to like her sometimes.
I think the main issue is that she’s written as someone who talks back but most of those interactions are with people doing their jobs and messing up. This leads to moments with Starlow criticizing someone for the things they’re doing, but then proceeding to do nothing whatsoever to help. On top of that, she’s kind of useless in the game, making her “I’m better than you” attitude really come off in a bad way.
(btw that moment with the doctor/fortune-teller calling her out on it is very satisfying)
The best way to describe the issue, and that’s when it gets interesting, is to compare her to how Bowser is written in this game. There are essentially two things that are similar yet different about those two.
1. Like I said, Starlow is often criticizing people for what they’re doing, which is something Bowser does as well. But where Starlow goes “Man you suck at your job. Do better !” Bowser goes “Man you suck at your job. Here, let me do it for you !” and that automatically makes Bowser more likeable. Because instead of just complaining, he actually does things (the section with the Monty Moles for example).
2. A bit longer to explain but the Tl;Dr is that Bowser actually learns from his mistakes and grows while Starlow doesn’t. To explain this, I want to describe two interactions between those two.
The first interaction is when Bowser forgets the code to his safe and orders Starlow to find it, to which Starlow gets angry with his tone and tells him to fuck off, only accepting to help once he politely asks her to search. That right here is really good, and is an example of a moment where I really like Starlow’s attitude.
But then you have their next interaction. Bowser just spent hours stuck in a safe (btw someone stuck in a liminal space like that is a form of torture), was thrown into the garbage so hard the safe broke, and understandably is in enormous pain. Because of that, Bowser asks Starlow to help with his back, and his dialogue here echoes the previous one in a good way.
He starts off his sentence as an order, only to catch himself halfway through and ask politely. Bowser just went through hell, is in a huge amount of pain, and yet still finds it within himself to be polite because he knows that’s how Starlow wants to be addressed. This also shows that he respects Starlow since he remembered that detail about her and is willing to avoid falling into his usual bossy attitude despite his terrible state.
And what does Starlow do in return ? She basically calls him a whiney bitch for complaining. Yeah….this is not a good look.
This actually reminds me of one of their first interactions, when Bowser can’t produce fire and panics about it, with Starlow telling him to just deal with it. The first time I saw this dialogue I was like “Hey Starlow, buddy, how would you feel if you suddenly lost your ability to fly, with no idea of why and the only one that might help is some random voice you don’t know anything about coming from your stomach ?” Although, I’d cut Starlow some slack for this one since this is very early on, so Starlow has every right to be mad at him.
And more on that topic, the thing with comparing Bowser and Starlow is that you quickly realize how much better Bowser is than her. I already mentioned Bowser doing things himself and showing respect to her, but then there’s also moments like him being humble enough to eat Wiggler’s carrot when being ordered to to “take responsibility”, or when he out loud says he will break the rocks in his path to free the Koopas, and decide to commit to it upon realizing the Koopas heard him. In that second case, he could’ve easily gone a different path and tell the Koopas to shut up if they were to say anything, but he didn’t. Instead, he said he will break that rock and that’s what he’s going to do ! Same for the Wiggler btw. He could’ve beaten them up instead of eating that carrot, which he does end up doing afterwards when Wiggler loses their shit.
So yeah, when you look at how not-very-useful Starlow is compared to Bowser, when you look at how they treat others, and when you look at their interactions with each other…it’s kinda hard to find Starlow likeable when a literal villain is a better person than she is (granted Bowser is more of an anti-hero in this game but the point still stands).
Funnily enough, some of those moments like the Wiggler, the Koopas and him saying please to Starlow while in pain actually show that yes, Bowser is a pretty decent king. At the very least, you can understand why his people respect him.
So all-in-all, yeah, I’m kind of 50/50 on Starlow. It’s great to have a female character on the hero team who has a lot of flaws for once, but it’s also hard to find her attitude likeable. Ultimately, I think the issue is how she’s acting the same with everyone. Like I said earlier, it is satisfying when Bowser is being a dick and she tells him off. But when Bowser is being nice, or when she’s interacting with someone who’s only trying to help, Starlow really comes off as an ass, which is not a good look.
And yes, while still a minor thing in BIS, her bullying Luigi doesn’t help either.
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papirouge · 7 months
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neon-vocalist · 2 months
there is nothing i hate more than demondice antis who call themselves mori calliope fans.
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gayhoediaz · 1 year
call it childhood trauma or whatever but i'm weak as fuck for storylines where a couple meets an angry teenager and goes "anyway we're your parents now i guess cause no one else seems to be doing it"
bonus points if one half of the couple is like "we're NOT getting involved!" and the other one is like 🥺👉👈
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demigodofhoolemere · 8 months
When someone leaves such an unnecessary reply to you that you just sit there wondering why they felt the need to say that at all
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Trying to quell the existential dread re: [local election] results tonight so if anyone wants to send me prompts/knock knock jokes/vampire taylor conspiracy theories/really cool emo songs from 2004 this is a GREAT NIGHT to do so.
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The Jay fan’s dilemma of being excited for him to possibly return and being terrified that something will be revealed about him so horrifically inexcusable and vile that you’ll start to question if you can even justifiably like him anymore.
#awful hospital#text post#shitpost (?)#I’m not talking about like “oh he was a serial killer in the Grey Zone too and he tortured people!”#I mean like#he was an abusive husband to Karen and THAT’S WHY they got divorced#I know their marriage definitely wasn’t the best but I hope that’s not why#I really hope it was just a difference of opinions and world views#or that she was justifiably scared and upset that he was killing people#or that he just like complained too much#I would be like actually upset if we find that out about him#I know he’s just a fictional murderer but he really IS one of my biggest comfort characters#even the hidden pages with Harold put me on edge because it was staring to imply a pattern of abusive behavior that 100% could’ve#carried over to his marriage#I know I shouldn’t expect outstanding morals from Jacob fucking BATESON but still like#you know what I’m getting at right?#I know it’s possible to like morally corrupt characters without condoning their actions or have headcanon versions of characters you like#but still I DO have limits to what will turn me off from a character completely#and I hope he doesn’t do down that route#maybe I’m just being stupid and overly sensitive and morally righteous#over a fictional unhinged killer#idk#in the end me being upset about where the character might go in the future should not be held as genuine criticism#of the story or character writing of the comic#bog has had planned who jay will become and will be all along#and just because I became attached to an incomplete view of that#character it doesn’t mean that the character or the story are bad because something that made me uncomfortable was introduced later
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iluvapplesxh · 2 months
☞☞☞☞Kissable II.☜☜☜☜
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summary: Regina discovers something 'shocking' about herself and also finds out who you really are. So, with the promise of an apology, she approaches you once more.
other parts: part I,
warnings: use of 'y/n' like twice, curse words, mentions of body shaming, set after the 2024 movie, fat shaming, !ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!
A/N: the mf title is not in the middle. Istg. anyway, yay! long awaited pt2!
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Regina didn’t know what to make of her thoughts. Thoughts which have been all but haunting her for the past weeks and it was killing her. She couldn’t stop thinking about you and your stupid lips. Or your stupid glasses you wore all the time. Or the way her mind would wander what was going on under all those baggy hoodies and jeans.
And so, she decided to get a ‘professional’s opinion.
“You’re gay”
Regina’s mouth hung open at Janis’ words while the other girl stared at her with a blank face, leaning against her locker with crossed arms. 
“That is absurd!” Regina gasps, clearly offended. Her eyes narrowed at the shorter girl and she crossed her own arms over her chest.
Janis snorted and shook her head. “Nope. Just the truth” The artsy girl shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “I mean, look at the obvious factors; you can’t stop thinking about her, you can’t stop thinking about kissing he-” 
She was cut off when Regina slapped a hand on her mouth. “Okay, we-well…how do I stop?” Regina asked, her voice filled with desperation.
Janis laughed once more. “You don’t. Well I mean, after a while maybe, but you have a crush” She smirks, gazing up at Regina with a mischievous glint in her milk chocolate brown eyes.  
“What?!” Regina exclaimed loudly, making some of the gazes of the students surrounding the halls shift to the two of them. Regina looked at them before cooling herself down and taking a deep breath. “I do not have a crush” Her eyes widened while she spoke in a demanding tone. “I don’t even know who she is!”  
Janis rolled her eyes and uncrossed her arms. “Y/N L/N.” She turned and opened her locker, rummaging through her books, notebooks and random sketches. 
Regina blinked. Once, then twice before finally gathering up her words. “Fatty girl Y/N?” Her voice was low as her eyes widened. “I..I mean, I didn’t-...I thought she moved schools” Regina swallowed harshly, the lump in her throat making it hard to do so.
Janis huffed and zipped up her bag. “Yeah, no. She didn’t” She mumbled and turned back around. “She just lost weight…and all her friends” She shrugged her backpack onto her shoulders. “And she’s known as forever 2nd in her classes” She added, shutting her locker.
Regina’s brows knitted together and her lips formed a straight line. “I have to talk to her” She muttered then felt a harsh pat on her arm. She looked up from the floor to the shorter girl.
“Good luck with that.” 
Was all the dark-haired girl said before walking away, catching up with Damien halfway through when she saw him walking down the hallway.
A soft, heavy breath slipped past Regina’s plump lips before she pressed them together. She uncrossed her arms and turned on her heel, walking towards Karen’s locker where the 3 other Plastics were standing by and chatting between each other.
It was once more after school and you found yourself-unsurprisingly- in the library again. The sun was still up, peeking through the large gothic-like windows as you sat by the very same table you sat at every day. Your glasses sat neatly next to your propped up elbow on the top of the light-wood desk. Your legs swung back and forth, your eyes tracing over the words on the semi-new paper page you were reading. The tips of your fingers barely touch the book's paper cover, tracing over the big, bulging letters of the title.
You didn’t look up when you heard the big double doors of the library open and close, since considering the time, it could be anyone and you really just couldn’t care less. You were way too invested in the plot of the book anyway.
And you didn’t look up when you heard footsteps approaching, either. You just assumed they needed something from the shelves on the other side. But when they stopped right next to you, your eyebrows furrowed and you placed your book down, carefully placing the bookmark in between the pages before closing it. You looked up slowly and saw your literal worst nightmare.
Regina stared down at you, her eyes flicking over your features. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw you without glasses, the lack of air making her head spin and heart pound in her chest for a moment before she could breathe again. 
“Uh-...” You began speaking in a small voice, your now trembling hand reaching for your glasses. “Regina. How can I help you?” You finally muttered out as your shaky hand placed the glasses on your face, pushing it up tightly on the bridge of your nose.
Regina swallowed thickly and crossed her arms. “Stand up” She didn’t mean  to sound mean, or bitter, but you were making her feel things and it was so confusing, and weird, and distracting, and suffocating, and warm-
You stood quickly, fear filling your eyes. Your arms hung by your sides before you began fiddling with your fingers, hands in front of your torso while you waited for Regina to speak.
Regina’s expression softened as her eyes took in your panicked and alarmed state. She uncrossed her arms and sighed. “Don’t…Don’t be scared” She muttered out, her jaw going slack as an unusual feeling of guilt washed over her.
Your eyebrows furrowed at her words and your breathing slightly calmed for some reason, but the fiddling and fidgeting of your fingers didn’t stop. 
Regina’s eyes flickered down to your fidgeting hands and she gulped before looking back into your eyes. “I uhm…I know who you are” One of her fingers hooked into the thin silver bracelet on her wrist while she shifted on her feet.
Your eyes widened once more the slightest bit before you cleared your throat and looked anywhere but the blonde-haired girl’s icy blue eyes. Your bottom lip was trapped between your teeth, and you bit so hard the tips of your cuspid teeth drew blood from the soft tissue of the inside of your mouth. The metallic taste made you slightly nauseous and you swallowed hard.
Regina took a deep breath, her tongue darting out to moisten her drying lips. “Look, I-...” She exhaled harshly. “I know it’s too late to apologize and that it’s useless, but…” She trailed off and shrugged her shoulders. “Shit, I don’t know” 
You blinked up at her, your head cocked to the side. You actually weren’t that mad at her for body shaming you for a whole year, at least it reached positive results. Yeah, that was a stupid way of thinking about it but you didn’t care. I mean, of course, it hurt. Like a fucking bitch. But you weren’t mad at her. Nonetheless, her sudden apology left you pretty much speechless, your lips parted and eyebrows knitted together tightly.
Regina quirked an eyebrow at your reaction and waved her hand in front of your face. When you didn’t even blink, a huff left her lips. Her hand twitched the slightest bit when she felt your breath fan over the skin of her palm.  And in a swift, thoughtless motion, her ringed fingers wrapped around your chin, making your snap out of whatever trance or alternate reality you were lost in.
Your eyes widened when the cool metals touched your skin and you swallowed hard.
“Are you there?” Regina’s voice seemed a little distant as blood rushed to your cheeks and your heart beat in your rib cage at a dangerous pace. A soft scoff escaped her lips and her grip tightened on your jaw, pulling you closer to her. Her eyes stuck on your plump lips for a moment too long when she did so, her breathing ragged. Then her eyes looked into your distant ones again.
God, get your damn head out of the gutter.
But your lips were so alluring and inviting and kissable.
“I literally just apologized for your life trauma and you just stare at me” She said in a hushed tone and the way she tilted her head made you feel dizzy. “Hello? Are you with me?”
You blinked multiple times before clearing your throat and stepping away from her, looking down as your face grew red. A soft pang of pain shot through Regina’s chest when you pulled away but she covered up her hurt expression. “Uh, y-...yeah. It’s fine” Was all you could mutter.
You took haste breaths and hurriedly packed up your stuff from the desk. Regina’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Wait, no, where are you going-” Her hand reached out for you again but you had already slung your backpack over your shoulder, the unfinished book in your hands as you stepped away.
“I gotta go” 
The words which came out of your mouth were rushed and mumbled before you turned around so fast, you were surprised you didn’t get whiplash. You basically ran out of the library once again.
Regina huffed out a heavy breath in frustration as she watched you go. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, hands clenched into fists as you once more left her. Alone. And feeling new things again.
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A/N: guyssss, the new Billie and Charli xcx song??? holy shit. I literally had a panic attack when I first heard it... anyway, pt.3?
tags: @autorasexy
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miwiheroes · 12 days
Season 1 Mike Wheeler Queer-coding
Just some of my favourite pieces of queer-coded Mike evidence that I have found from season 1. Let me know if you have never seen these before because I'd love to add to the conversation <33
My overall conclusion from season 1 is: Mike gets taught that being queer/ not liking girls is dangerous. It means you die/ disappear. Being 'normal' or straight is therefore easier. Take this conclusion in mind as you read this.
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. If you want to interact with this post because you disagree with me, please be respectful.
(Yes I will be doing all the other seasons at some point but it will take a while because this one took me a WEEK)
1. Ted's Comments
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Take these with a grain of salt, because when I watched the show again I was a little unsure of whether these are actually implicitly homophobic or due to other things.
So here Ted says 'see Michael, you see what happens?' after Nancy storms off and goes to her room. This could be in relation to Mike shouting at Nancy earlier and that's why he's scolding him a little, but also Mike was talking about how it isn't Will's fault that he's gone missing. It's also kind of established that adults in the town think that Will is gay (more on that later) and was hatecrimed, so Ted could be referencing that.
It's also notable that Mike thinks his dad is talking about Will's disappearance because he then says 'what happens when what? i'm the only one acting normal here. i'm the only one who cares about will.'
So I think it's pretty clear what he's insinuating here. He didn't want to explicitly say 'see what happens when you're not like everyone else' but you can tell. And why would this be said to Mike in relation to Will's disappearance if not for queer-coding? Even early on in the show, Mike could associate being queer with going missing.
Ted, later on in the season, says 'our son? with a girl?' which tbh i thought could be because he's a nerd and only likes hanging out with his friends.
But now that I'm thinking about it, they also say that kind of stuff about Will in season 3. And people on twitter who were against Will's queer-coding before season 4 figured that a lot of the reason people called him slurs was because of him being shy/ stereotyped/ a nerd/ sensitive. But it was confirmed after season 4 that the slurs were queer-coding aka we were right. So the same could easily be said for Mike in this situation.
2. The 'Talk' tm
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We've all seen a lot of people talk about this, but I have a teensy bit more to add onto what others have said already because it's sort of funny.
This scene is different to both Karen and the audience. To Karen, she's basically asking Mike if he's feeling particularly sad about Will being missing because of reasons. But to the audience, and Mike, this is a moment for him to be worried about the fact he's hiding El in his closet.
Karen says: 'with all this that's been going on, with Will, i can't imagine what it's been like for you. i just-- want you to feel like you can talk to me. i never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. i'm here for you. okay?'
This feels like something Joyce will say to Will in season 5 LMAO like-
If you aren't queer, you will never understand how obvious this is that it's a gay talk. The word 'hide' is so often used in these situations. What is she insinuating? I understand that the 'i want you to feel like you can talk to me' might just be about Mike's sadness, but the emphasis on 'hide anything' is crazy. Also this is about Will and nothing else because at the beginning she pointedly says, 'with Will'. She's basically insinuating there's something different about Mike's relationship/friendship with Will.
What she could also be insinuating is that she thinks that Will's disappearance had something to do with him being queer, (which is rumoured about). She then applies this same logic to Mike. She may be thinking 'oh if Will didn't feel safe about being queer, I'd better let Mike know he is safe.' -- This could be far-fetched though.
Okay so what is very interesting is that El's in Mike's closet at this time. There are multiple reasons for the directors to put her in there: One, to show a flashback from when she's in the lab, and Two, for her to be in the closet during the queer-coded conversation.
Walk with me here folks... To the audience, this is funny because Mike is hiding something. He's hiding El. But. Also the sound came from his closet. He's hiding the fact he's in the closet-- *gunshots*. Double meanings exist i swearr
3. Lucas's Teasing
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This whole scene is so interesting to me. I used to ignore it because it's possible Mike and El proof but...
It reinforces the heteronormativity of Mike and could even feed into how he acts in his relationship with her. First of all, Lucas tells Mike that just because he is being nice to a girl he must want to marry her and love her right?
This could be a 'Mike could like El' scene, but no. Mike is literally like, 'Lucas what are you talking about?' HE IS CONFUSED. He's also fed-up, he's not embarrassed. He's not flustered. He's not like 'omg shut up hahaha' he literally bluntly says 'shut up Lucas' in this voice that sounds kind of tired.
What Mike learns here is that being with a girl is kind of expected. He's not allowed to be friends with a girl or care for a girl without people assuming they're a thing.
This leads perfectly onto the next point.....
4. Bullies' Homophobic Comments Exhibit A
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Straight after learning that Lucas assumed he had heterosexual feelings for El, Mike learns that being gay is a 'bad thing'.
These comments could just be coding for Will, sure, but there are indications that it could be Mike queer-coding as well.
First of all, 'He's dead, that's what my dad says. Probably killed by some other queer', is a very weighted comment. The fact that Troy's dad said this to him implies that Will's sexuality is like a rumour amongst adults in the town. It's also the show portraying how hate like homophobia can be taught from parents.
Mike's then the one to be like 'just ignore them' and goes to walk away. SPECIFICALLY IT IS HIM THAT IS TRIPPED. I REPEAT!!! HE IS TRIPPED NO ONE ELSE.
This could imply that the bullies were targeting him as well as Will for homophobic bullying, maybe in the past as well, and the 'killed by some other queer' comment could be directed at him. I guess you could say that he was tripped because he was the nearest person, or that he was the one speaking, but the directors chose him to be the one walking there. And SPEAKING. Why??
So: Mike has just learnt from Lucas that being nice to a girl can be seen as attraction and means he has to love her. THEN Mike has just learnt from the bullies that maybe Will died because he was gay, and that being gay gets you hurt (tripped over).
Mike is given a choice between the lesser of two evils: choose to fit into a heteronormative society but get made fun of Lucas, or embrace being gay and get killed/ bullied like Will.
Later on in the season, he finds out Will has died. Let me repeat that. He. Believes. Will. Has. Died. Would this maybe reinforce what the bullies said? That being gay = disappearance. Oh poor MIKE OMGGG
Queer coding all up in this scene lads. (+ a reason for internalised homophobia uwu)
5. Bullies' Homophobic Comments Exhibit B
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This scene and the previous scene are inherently linked.
Mike is the one to confront the bullies about Will, defending him, so the bullies instantly resort to homophobia. This means that they may be implying that Mike trying to defend someone who they view as gay is also gay.
In the last scene, I guess you could say that the comments weren't particularly targeted at Mike as well as Will because he wasn't at the forefront of the group (even though he was tripped over). But in this scene he definitely is. They chose to utilise homophobic language about Will because they know it touches a nerve with Mike: This homophobic language doesn't just affect the person they are talking about but also the person they are saying it to.
So here's what they say: 'Besides, what's there to be sad about anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay.'
The words that Troy is saying here are obviously more linked to how Will is queer-coded throughout season 1, but the way that the scene is shot, the music, the implications, they're all coding for Mike.
'Will's in fairyland now, right?' is posed as a question. They didn't have to make it a question, but they did. This is basically them saying 'oh we've told you this before, shouldn't you know?'/ implying that Mike would know because he's also gay.
Another line they didn't have to include unless it was queer-coding for Mike is: 'Flying around with all the other little fairies.' They could have just written Troy to say 'Will's in fairyland now. All happy and gay,' or something along those lines etc. The jab at Mike is that other gay people exist, and that Will is being gay 'with them'. The words 'all happy and gay' here doesn't actually imply Will's sexuality by itself, but the act of 'being gay together' or in a gay relationship so to speak.
So if you put the pieces together, they're making a point about Mike and Will's friendship in a sense. Also the fact that Troy at the beginning of this insult says 'What's there to be sad about anyway?', basically means that he's trying to get under Mike's skin by saying 'Why are you sad that Will's happy and being gay with other boys? Are you sad he's not with you?' I know that's like, on the nose, but whatever.
(Also Mike has tears in his eyes during this part showing how the words are also affecting him and not just Will)
Another thing I want to talk about is the music. Obviously this music is foreboding and is trying very hard to make the audience uncomfortable, trying to let you know that something bad is going to happen. When Troy walks away, the music swells and the camera zooms in on Mike's angry expression.
Then, Mike pushes troy over for the homophobic comment. This is interesting why? Because Troy tripped Mike over in the previous scene I talked about. Meaning: the scenes are linked. Troy was being homophobic to both Mike and Will. Mike's had enough, so he retaliates in the same way that Troy had treated him earlier.
I'd also like to add that before El saves Mike, he just stands there as Troy stands up and says 'You're dead Wheeler, you're dead.' He was ready to take whatever Troy was going to throw at him. Which is interesting because in the previous scene I talked about, Troy spoke about how being 'queer' means you'll get killed. ('He's dead. That's what my dad thinks, probably killed by some other queer.') So Troy is going to kill Mike, just like how Will is dead too.
A lot has happened between the previous scene and this one. Mike thought Will had died. Yes, during the assembly scene, he doesn't believe it anymore, but he watched Will's body being dragged out the water just recently. Just like in the scene where he jumps into the quarry, this is yet another instance of Mike not caring if he gets hurt in regards to bullying/ Will.
6. More Lucas Comments
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"Screw you Mike! You're blind, blind because you like that a girl's not grossed out by you! But wake up, man. Wake the hell up!" (btw I'm not saying that Lucas is being homophobic here, they're little kids and they've been through a lot)
I mean, come on. This basically implies the classic compulsive heterosexuality concept of Mike choosing which girl to have a crush on because she's the easiest option, since she didn't know him growing up or didn't go to the same school together. Even if this isn't accurate, it is still coding because they wrote Lucas to say that jab at him, it hurts Mike inside, because he knows deep down it's at least a little true.
He looks saddened by this, not angry. Mike usually gets annoyed much quicker than this and whenever he's insulted he looks shocked or has a scowl on his face, but here he just looks... sad. Because he knows that Lucas is touching a nerve. (The top pic btw)
He's completely silent. Until, of course, Lucas starts talking about Will:
'She knows where Will is. And now, she's just letting him die in the Upside Down.'
'Shut up!' -- Mike suddenly shouts either because a) he doesn't like that Lucas is insulting El or something OR b) he hates that Lucas is implying that it is his fault that Will is dying in the upside down because he's being blinded by the fact El isn't grossed out by him.
I think it's B tbh <3 (this scene isn't toooo important for my overall conclusion but it's a little nugget of info i guess)
7. Mike Jumps Into the Quarry
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Let's be honest here, before this scene, almost everything seems hopeless for Mike finding Will. Firstly, he physically saw Will's 'body' being dragged out of the same water that he's about to jump into. Then he found out he was still alive but somewhere extremely dangerous and he could be dying there for all he knew. Then his one hope at finding Will (Eleven) is gone and he can't find her ("She's a weapon!... We're no use to Will if we're dead!") and Lucas won't agree to help him find her.
This scene was foreshadowed earlier on, making it a very important scene anyways -- Hopper said that no one would survive the jump and the water 'turns into cement, hits you like a tonne of bricks'. Mike would have died if El didn't save him. And he seemed okay with it.
The camera focuses in on him, and if you listen closely, you can hear his heartbeat. You could say that he's only really doing this to save his friend, but like, why is he so willing and why did they so pointedly zoom in on him?
Here's where we get a little serious: Mike would have committed suicide if El wasn't there at the last second. He would have died in the same place where Will's body was discovered.
Quotes about how being gay gets you killed:
'See Michael? You see what happens?' --Meaning: What happens when you're gay? You disappear.
'He's dead, that's what my dad says. Probably killed by some other queer' -- Meaning: Being gay gets you killed/ means you should die.
'Besides, what's there to be sad about anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay.' -- Meaning: Will's dead along with all the other gay people, that's where they should be etc.
'You're dead Wheeler, you're dead.' -- Meaning: Mike you should die too, because you're just like Will, and you should join him in 'fairyland'.
(from this scene) 'Jump [into the Quarry].' -- Meaning: Mike you should die just like I told you earlier and in the same place that Will died. (Honestly I believe the whole town now think that Will is dead and his body was found in the quarry, so Troy would know too and use it against Mike.)
Then, after Mike survives this queer-coded death (which can be paralleled to Will's hypothetical death because it's in the same place), he says to the girl that he cares about and has been presumed to 'like' by his friends: 'You saved me. You saved me.'
(just wanna note that i think that is a very sweet scene and doesn't just have to be all about Mike's queer-coding. it's a bond between the party as friends because Dustin also hugs El. But still.)
You tell me what this scene means then.
8. Mike wasn't Lying (Theory)
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Okay so this is more of just a theory than queer-coding, because there is something about this scene that I just find... weird.
I personally think that this scene with both Nancy and Mike talking about their so-called 'crushes' is meant to be so you can see the difference between someone who is lying and someone who is telling the truth. Their reactions to the questions are very different to each other (although it could just be a difference in their characters).
Mike: 'Do you like Jonathan now?'
Nancy: 'What?' *looks to the side, fighting a smile* 'No... no, it's not- It's not like that.' -- She's clearly lying because she's being vague, looking to the side, stuttering over her words etc. However, Mike nods like he believes her. This is key for later.
Nancy: 'Do you like Eleven?'
Mike: 'What? No. Ew. Gross.' *looks her up and down in disgust* -- Telling the truth because he stares at Nancy, doesn't stutter over his words and is very direct.
The fact that these reactions are so different (and we know that Nancy likes Jonathan lets be real) is purposeful in my opinion. It shows that at this point, Mike doesn't like insinuation that he likes her in that way.
Something else that happens later in the episode is also quite interesting to me, which further points to Mike 'telling the truth', which is that Mike thought his and Nancy's conversation was mutually truthful.
Why? Because he was completely confused when Lucas says that her and Jonathan are romantically involved later:
Mike: 'They're gone. Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone.'
Lucas: 'They're probably just sucking face somewhere.'
Mike: 'What? No. No way.' -- Clearly showing that maybe he thought that Nancy was being truthful, meaning he thought their exchange was mutually truthful.
This seems a bit far-fetched but... something to think about.
Btw, I was going to talk about how the First Kiss between Mike and El is queer-coded, but tbh, it's more like... weird. Because they're 12/11 years old and El literally has no idea what a kiss is and they have this exchange about being brother and sister (ew). Then Mike kind of says 'oh i want to go to the snow ball with you, but not if you're my sister', just gives me vibe that he's just doing what he thinks is normal as a result of what others say. But that's it, not much else to say abt it really (also im tired of writing this post ive been doing it for so long <3)
In conclusion: Mike gets taught that being queer/ not liking girls is dangerous. It means you die/ disappear. Being 'normal' or straight is therefore easier. He internalises this for a while poor child <3
Thanks for reading!!! I love you <33 Let me know if you have anything you want to add or if you have contradictions idk byeeee
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thatfandomslut · 2 months
Opposites Attract
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Trigger Warning: mean Regina bullying r a bit
r is a new student, a sweetheart, sunshine vibes and regina is randomly mean towards r, but r is just gentle and kind and eventually Regina falls in love, maybe some confessions and a bit of their relationship as a couple
Mean Girls requests are open.
Other Accounts: hoe4flo | ghostyanne
Discords: Mean Girls
Regina could feel her pulse quicken when she saw (Y/n) enter the cafeteria with that dumb, bright, beautiful smile that always adorned her features. It made Regina’s blonde boil to see her over there, laughing. Even though she wasn’t even sure why this bothered her so much. When (Y/n) glanced up, sending a small wave over to Regina and a smile, Regina felt her eyes widen and cheeks heat up as she rolled her eyes and looked away. Why would she, the Queen of North High, have anything to do with her?
“Hey,” Gretchen greeted, her honey blonde hair cascading in waves over her shoulders as she sat across from Regina with a smile. However, when she didn’t get a response, she turned around to see Regina staring at (Y/n) again. She was unsure if she should say something and if Karen didn’t whisper ‘Danger,’ under her breath when Gretchen was about to, she would’ve. Instead, she remained quiet as Regina crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the girl across the room. “Do we have any plans this weekend?” It was an attempt to get Regina’s attention and to see if she needed to plan for any kind of party.
It was successful as Regina blinked, suddenly realizing that Karen and Gretchen were sitting in front of her. “What?” She questioned, processing Gretchen’s words. “Oh, right, a party. I don’t have one on my radar, but I’m sure I’ll find one.” She hummed, glancing at her nails, pretending to be nonchalant.
“I heard (Y/n) was going to have one for her birthday this weekend.” Karen spoke up, her voice filled with a bit of nerves. (Y/n) was always a weird subject for the trio. It seemed only Regina could talk about her. Gretchen and Karen had no problem with the girl, but because Regina did, they had to pretend to. “It’s supposed to be really big, and her brother is getting drinks for everyone.”
Regina sucked her bottom lip in, nibbling it for a moment while she thought about Karen’s words. “I guess we could make an appearance. I’m not really sure how a party by Little Miss Sunshine could be big though. I just don’t see her throwing a wild party that’s actually… good.” She hummed, grabbing the apple off her tray to take a bite off of it as she glanced up, making eye contact with (Y/n). She made sure to give her a look before glancing at her friends to see what they thought. Even though they were bound to do whatever Regina wanted to do regardless of their opinions. After all, this was a monarchy not a democracy. There were no votes.
Admittedly, Regina knew why she found it hard to like (Y/n). It was because she was in love with her. She had loved her since they were in the third grade and (Y/n) came running to help Regina up when she scraped her knee. But afraid of the school’s thoughts, she had shoved those feelings down. Instead of being nice to the one girl who made her feel any sense of normalcy, Regina would treat her to icy stares and her infamous scowls. She couldn’t allow herself to allow anyone to know about her feelings. Even if she knew deep down that Gretchen and Karen had caught on a long time ago.
On the night of the party, they were immediately greeted by (Y/n) who had a grin plastered onto her face. “You made it,” she cheered, hugging Karen and Gretchen. She didn’t want to overstep with Regina, so she opted to only extend the girl a polite smile. “The drinks are in the kitchen guarded by my brother. Do you want anything? He is an awfully great bartender.” She said, leading them to the kitchen.
“Sure, we’ll take some drinks,” Regina answered, knowing that she would call her mother when they were ready to be picked up. She nodded over to Gretchen and Karen who enthusiastically accepted themselves, taking drinks. “So, any party games?” Regina questioned, quirking up an eyebrow.
A smirk made its way onto (Y/n)’s lips as she crossed her arms. “I’m glad you asked. You three arrived just in time for a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven. A classic game that somehow never gets old. Shane Oman just spun on Aaron.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she walked into her living room where a group of people were talking, waiting for the timer to blare when it was up. When it did, (Y/n) took the liberty to knock on the door, and when it was opened by Aaron, he and Shane had accidentally swapped shirts, causing the group to snicker but say nothing. “Go ahead and take a seat,” she told the three, who sat on a couch that was suddenly open with one look from Regina.
“I think it’s the birthday girl’s turn.” Aaron winked, wrapping an arm around the girl with a wink, hair tousled by presumably Shane’s hands. Everyone but Regina started cheering for (Y/n) to spin the bottle except Regina. She wouldn’t be able to watch her go into that closet with someone else. Her chest felt tight as she glanced over at Gretchen, who looked back at her nervously. It irked her to know that Gretchen knew her so well. Though, it was also pretty comforting to not feel so alone in that moment. “Well, the people have spoken. Go on, birthday girl.”
(Y/n) shook her head with a playful smile, kneeling down to spin the bottle. Regina’s breath was sucked in and held there as the Bud Light’s amber bottle started to slow. She couldn’t even exhale and relax when it stopped, making a clear point to her. “All right,” Shane said, opening the door with a wide smirk. “The birthday girl paired with the Queen Bee. This should be interesting.” Regina almost knocked him out, fist clenching as she made her way into the closet, pushed close against (Y/n).
When the door closed, darkness ensued. Before Regina could think of something- anything- to say, (Y/n) spoke first, surprising her. “I’m sorry you’re stuck here with me.” She said, her voice quiet, and very unlike her. (Y/n) was usually loud, and her smile could brighten up even the darkest of rooms. “I know you don’t like me very much.” She said solemnly.
Regina’s eyes closed before she released a sigh. “That’s not true,” she confessed. The words surprised them both, causing a silence to fall upon them. The closet was stuffy and hot, but neither minded being pressed against each other despite that. “I wish it was, it would make everything easier. The truth is… I do like you. Maybe more than I should.” Regina admitted, wishing she never said anything.
“What do you mean?” (Y/n) questioned, confused on what Regina was meaning. After all, she could never figure the blonde out. She was always staring, but when (Y/n) made eye contact, she would suddenly turn icy. “You like me?”
“I’ve liked you since the third grade. I just never felt like anything would happen.” Regina began, biting her lip for a moment. “Well, that and… I was scared for what others might think of me. Stupid, huh?”
(Y/n) didn’t agree nor disagree. Instead, she stayed silent for a second, processing Regina’s words. “Regina, it’s okay to be worried about personal perceptions. I think that’s very human. Though, you can’t allow it to control your happiness.” She stated simply, and Regina knew she was right. She just struggled with the idea of being happy if the entire school didn’t fear or love her.
Then, she decided fuck that because (Y/n) was here, telling her to stop allowing her fears to control her happiness. “(Y/n), I really want to kiss you,” she finally said. She decided to be bold. She wasn’t going to allow herself to hold onto her fears. Instead, she decided to be happy and to let go of what controlled her.
There was a small snort from (Y/n) that made Regina smile a bit. “Then do it,” she said before Regina crashed her lips against hers. There was a muffled squeak from (Y/n) before she quickly reciprocated, kissing her back deeply. Their hands were left exploring each other, but before they could fully enjoy it, there was a knock. Regina pulled away, rolling her eyes. Opening the door slightly, she narrowed her eyes at Shane, the person who knocked. “Seven more minutes.” She stated before reclosing the door, making the cheering barely audible.
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Desire for your Affinity
|| Regina George x fem!reader
|| Warnings: y/sport means your sport of choosing, y/sexuality means your sexuality, y/position means your team position, use of y/n, hook up briefly mentioned, some stalker-ish tendencies from both Regina and reader (nothing too crazy)
|| Summary: You're a mystery kid that's apart of y/sports team. Regina doesn't know anything about you, so she sends Gretchen to gather information. Eventually you become a plastic and then more.
Request from: @syarinaxo Can I request a stalker x stalker with Regina? Thanks ❤️
Requests open!
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It was another regular lunch. Regina, Gretchen, Karen and Cady all sat together at the usual 'plastics' table. Talking about the latest gossip and whatever else when someone catches Regina's eye. A girl from the y/sport team who seemed to be looking directly at her from where the y/sport team usually sits. Whispering to her teammate while pointing at Regina. Regina George knew basically everyone. From loners to jocks. She knows them all. Some just by face others by face and name. So when she didn't recognize you? Someone who was clearly on a sports team... it didn't make any sense to her.
"Gretchen." Regina interrupts whatever conversation the three were having before. Though, it was mostly Cady and Gretchen talking while Karen kinda just stared.
Gretchen turns her attention to Regina, "Yes, Regina?"
"Who's that?" Regina nods her head in your direction, not turning to look at Gretchen.
Gretchen turns to see where Regina's looking and frowns," I don't... actually know who that is."
"Well find out." Regina says with a slight hiss to her tone, making Gretchen tense and nod, "Now!"
With that, Gretchen left the table to go learn more about you. She found it odd that she didn't know who you were. She walks over to the y/sport table and smiles at the group.
"Hi, ladies!" She makes her presence known. You and your team look at Gretchen, exchanging a couple of confused stares amongst each other. Why was a plastic over at your table?
Gretchen immediately sat down next to you as she smiles. "Oh my God, I like totally love your shirt! So fetch!" Gretchen looked at the shirt you're wearing, you give her an awkward smile.
"Um, thanks?" You reply, your confusion evident in your tone. One of your teammates stifles a laugh and you shoot her a 'well what would you do?' look. She shrugs.
"Do you have instagram?" Gretchen asks, getting your attention again. Why was this plastic so interested in you? That's when you notice Regina watching the interaction from the plastics table. You quickly change your gaze back to Gretchen. A soft blush on your cheeks. If you're being honest, you've had a crush on Regina George since you first realized you were y/sexuality. She was literally your awakening. Since then, you've been obsessed with her. More than you care to admit. A few times you've caught yourself just following her around. For her to take notice of you? That was a pretty big deal in your books.
"Who doesn't?" You respond to Gretchen's question, she laughs at your joke. Though in your opinion it seems forced.
"Can I have it? I'll totally follow you back!" Shrugging, you take out your phone and open instagram. Showing her your handle," your aesthetic is so fetch!" She smiles at you. Again with the fetch? What the hell is fetch? From context, you assume it's good.
"Thanks, Gretchen." Gretchen takes out her own phone and searches Instagram for your account, giving it a follow. You were already following her; because who isn't?
Gretchen looks at your bio for your name and smiles to herself: Y/N L/N. Now that she thinks about it, she's definitely heard the name at least once in passing. But not too many people outside of y/sports team really talk about you. You were kind of a mystery to everyone. Gretchen stays and chats for a few minutes longer, just keeping up with gossip and seeing what else she can find out. If she had left right after she got your Instagram that might have looked suspicious. Soon enough, she returns to the plastics table and Regina looks at her expectantly.
"That's Y/N L/N, on her insta it says she's y/sexuality and plays y/position for North Shore. The rest is still like totally mysterious but I'll see what else I can get." Gretchen explains to Regina, who hasn't taken her eyes off you.
"Send me her handle." Regina demands, Gretchen immediately listens and messages it to Regina. Regina takes out her phone and looks at your account. Going through your various photos and seeing what all she can learn about you.
The next few days; Regina's started noticing you more. How you always seem to be around her. She's even gone out of her way to dig up as much information on you as she could find. Your birthday, favourite colour, school grades, hangout places, etc. She's had Gretchen keeping tabs on you.
The two of you never interacted. Until one day when you left your science homeroom and she walked right up to you. You felt your heart flutter and cheeks burn.
"Y/N. Right?" Regina smirks at you, hands rested on her hips as she watched your movements. Almost in a studying like manner. Was this really happening? Was Regina George actually talking to you?
"I... yes!" You responded quickly, internally facepalming at yourself. Regina laughs.
"Oh my God, she's so cute." Regina says to Gretchen, you couldn't tell if it was in a mocking way or not. Gretchen just nodded and smiled while Karen kind of stared at you.
"Wait, isn't she that Y/N girl Regina keeps talking about?" Karen suddenly speaks up, looking at Gretchen for confirmation. Regina rolls her eyes as Gretchen nods. Hold on. Regina talks about you?
"You should sit with us at lunch tomorrow." Regina says, ignoring Karen and Gretchen. Her full focus seemed to be on you, you didn't know how red your face looked but if it was anywhere near as red as it felt... God, that would be embarrassing.
"Okay! Yeah! Totally!" You nodded, Regina internally rolled her eyes at how quickly you agreed to her. Part of her found it endearing in a way, though. Knowing that she would already have you wrapped around her finger without much effort on her part.
Over the next week you would start spending more time with the plastics, which in turn made you popular and more noticed by everyone. You and Regina grew closer. Until you inevitably hooked up one night at a house party which kicked off a relationship between the two of you. People weren't overly surprised when the news spread. But still. No one dared to comment about it or even you. Most people straight up avoided you. Not wanting to do the wrong thing and risk pissing of Regina George.
Hope you like it! 🫶
Sorry for the ending being a little rushed, I wasn't sure about how to end this one
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myfandomrealitea · 4 months
By the way, you're certainly not obligated to do things for people or return effort, but if you frequently refuse to do so you cannot blame other people for your social relationships crumbling away or for the opinion they form about you.
I see so many posts about how; "you're not owed my time!! If I want to ignore you for weeks I can!! You just have to accept it and be ready to accept me whenever I give enough fucks to speak to you again!!"
And while its absolutely true that, yeah, technically, not even your friends are owed your time. And plenty of people need respite from social engagement, if you're someone who frequently ignores your friends, cancels on them, blows them off or just generally doesn't reciprocate the effort they're putting in....
Sooner or later they're not going stop that effort. They're going to think of you as a selfish or ignorant person who isn't suitable for friendship.
My friends are understanding of the fact that sometimes I'll go a few days or a week without replying. Everyone has a life, everyone gets busy, everyone gets overwhelmed. But I always make a point of reaching back out to them the moment I have the time or energy to.
I thank them for being patient. I ask how they are. If I've really got enough time and energy I make plans to meet up or call them. I put effort into actually maintaining the friendship, valuing them as my friend, and making sure the relationship is even.
The amount of vitriol I see aimed at friends or family who have genuinely and in good faith expressed that people aren't putting in effort or maintaining an equal relationship is fucking astounding.
"I don't have many friends. Everyone is so fucking selfish these days, always expecting people to be available at the drop of a hat or answer every single text."
Are they though, Karen? Or are you just acting like a child with its toys, expecting people's lives to be put on pause until you're ready for them?
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ptq3000 · 1 year
bakusquad w/ quiet but caring fem!reader,pt.2
reader still got the portal quirk that allows her to make portals and teleport
> ok, so we know how bakugo is an aggressive cook. and even though he eats the food you prepare for the class, that doesn't mean he still won't critique you on it
> yes, you guys had multiple cook-offs, which by the way, you have another scoreboard in your room for it. is it necessary..? no. does it make you more competitive? yes. does it provide any other use than to make you want to beat bakugo? well, it looks pretty :))
> sero is a very refined judge in this cook competition that you and bakugo got going. you even got aizawa to also judge, having him as a 'guest star' as mina puts it
> other classmates like iida and yaoyarozu encourage the friendly competition. it is anything but friendly.
> you and bakugo are literally yelling at each other, him more than you. but it's probably the loudest the whole class has seen you and bakugo takes some pride in that
"bakugo, move!" you shout as the pot your holding feels hotter and heavier by the second.
"use your stupid quirk, portal freak." he retorts back at you. you huff as you do. setting the pot down on the other side of the counter, you mumble to yourself, "fat ass." "what did you say." he demands, glancing at you as he plates his food.
as you also plate 3 dishes, you smirk as you confidently repeat it. "i said, fat ass." you grin as you see his cheeks start to go pink. he grunts as he says, "wipe that smug look off your face, you extra."
> there's not enough love for sero, in my opinion
> whenever you and sero hangout one on one, you usually just prank bystanders or the cashier at the local convenience store.
> him with his tape quirk and you with your portal quirk, you make small portals behind people and sero shoots small bits of tape on people. harmless, right?
> you and sero did it this one time to a karen that was yelling at a server in a small cafe, and sero accidentally pointed upwards when he shot through your portal which...it uh..it accidentally grabbed her weave and pulled it off. the karen turned around so embarrassed and immediately looked at everyone as she grabbed her wig. it took all both you and sero's willpower to not burst out in giggles as she looked at everyone in the cafe.
> also, i feel like sero's dorm is the dorm you always go to when you want to be left alone. people always check your dorm first, so you made a habit of hiding in other people's dorms. mainly sero's.
> you always manage to fall asleep. you don't try to! honestly!! it just..happens.
as sero enters his dorm, his face shifts to fear when he sees a figure on his hammock in the dark. quickly going into a defensive state, he instinctively turns the lights on and he creeps closer to whoever or whatever is in his hammock.
"sero... it's too bright. turn the lights off," he hears you mumble.
he sighs and his face softens as he realizes that it's just you. again. for the third time this week.
"y/n, you scared me," he laughs as he continues. "warn me next time." he turns the lights off, and he grabs a spare blanket and lays it on top of you. "goodnight," you both say in unison. he can't help but smile at you as you start giggling to yourself. "jinx," you both say together again. both of you burst into laughing as your tired form sits up on the hammock to look at sero who's on the floor.
"sero." "what?" "jinx, you owe me!" "you little-"
> mina. oh, mina. as much as she loves herself, she also loves to take care of you. multiple skin care nights in her mess of a dorm. if you could even call it a dorm.
> most times, she invites jirou and the other girls over. she always finds comfort in her friends, so doing something she loves with her friends is the best to her. but if you had a stressful week and just want it to be the 2 of you, she's all for that too!
"stay still, babe," mina requests as she applies the last bits of the clay face mask on you.
you stay still, as quietly as you can. which is easy since you're always quiet. you close your eyes as you relax to let her finish her work.
"babe, i finished." you hear her and when you open your eyes, she's looking at you with pure adoration. you smile at her softly as she pulls out her phone. your face drops because you know what she's doing.
"now..pictures!!" she smiles devilishly as she quickly took a 0.5 picture of you. she snorts through her fits of giggles and you yank her phone from her. "no, don't delete it!! y/n! it's for the group chat!!"
> don't want to make kirishima feel left out, so herewego
> kirishima is always the one you can trust. like sure, you can trust all of your friends, buttt, kirishima is the #1 person you go to
> whenever the couches in the common room are crowded, it's normal for you to go over to kirishima. you sit on his lap and he welcomes you with a warm smile, always greeting you with a, "hey babes."
> kirishima, i feel like, would call most of the girls, babe or babes. that's just something they do, so it's something he does. at first, everyone thought you 2 were dating because of the nicknames and sweet gestures. and you do admit that kirishima is very attractive, but you denied everyone's statement of you 2 dating.
sighing as you find no seat yet again, you head towards kirishima with the bowl of popcorn for class movie night.
he has a thin blanket covering him. he smiles as he sees your tired figure and you can't help but softly smile at his goofy grin. you sit yourself on him, adjusting slightly and he pulls the blanket over the both of you.
"hi babes," he quietly greets you, leaning on your shoulder as both of his arms wrap around your waist in a hug. you melt into his touch with a quiet sigh and he places a small kiss on your cheek
> denki. hm.. almost the same as kirishima. some differences, but most people thought you and denki were dating too. and while he is one of your first friends, you're not dating him. damn.
> the lingering stares, constantly needing homework help, him leaving small kisses on your cheek as you do something so mundane. the touchiness and the cringey nicknames. if you were an outsider, you would've thought you 2 were dating. but you're not. sadly..
> he normalizes touching. you didn't realize how touch starved you were until he starts hanging around you. you guys constantly link arms or hold hands. even at group sleepovers, his hand somehow, in his sleep, find your hand as he links them together.
> you even started going to him first, which makes him so ecstatic. he did accidentally set of his quirk on you the first time you hugged him from behind though..-
seeing denki, you smile as you had the idea to go to touch him first. engulf his body in love. that's what friends do, right?
you quietly walk over, not making any footsteps as you slowly wrap your arms around his middle in a hug. you feel jolts of small zaps around your arms and you quickly step back.
"ow- what the-," you rub your arms as they start to feel fuzzy. "ack! sorry y/n, you scared me," denki quickly apologizes as he wraps his arms around you in a warm hug.
"it's ok, just don't do it again babe," you assure. he backs away from the hug, his arms still around you. a smug look replaces his previous concerned expression. "didn't know we were on babe terms now?" he teases. your eyes go wide as you struggle to find words. you bury yourself in the crook of his neck in embarrassment. damnit mina. you really needed to stop picking up her way of talking. i mean, you call everyone babe like she does. that's what friends do. right..?
> ahhh, omg, jirou!! finally, jirou.
> you definitely hangout with her the most. you both have the most inside jokes and you constantly will find yourself laughing at her stupid jokes.
> she's also your go-to girl for any feminine products. yeah, mina keeps pads and tampons with her, but she constantly misplaces it.
> jirou always has her dorm open to you all the time. she has sleeping problems and when you just surprise her with blankets and snacks, she's so grateful that you already knew.
> i feel like you would trust jirou the most when it comes to your body. i mean, everyone in bakusquad is super touchy already, besides bakugo, but jirou is one of the more respectful people.
> like if you needed to change in front of jirou, without hesitation you'll start undressing. jirou either looks away and distracts herself or she changes with you because 9 times out of 10, you're having a sleepover in her dorm. you barely use your dorm at this point.
a colored blob appears in the middle of the room. jirou glances up from her phone to be greeted by you.
"what are you doing here, y/n? it's..," jirou glances at her phone. "2:37 am." she finishes with a yawn.
"and you should be asleep." you state in a motherly manner. before jirou can get a word in, you disappear back into your portal and reappear a few minutes later.
you close the portal as you set down multiple blankets and many snacks on her bed. "i couldn't sleep either, don't worry." you assure her.
"movie night?" jirou asks.
"movie night."
a/n: AHHHH, the long awaited pt.2!! sorry for the wait :))
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nthspecialll · 3 months
Historical accuracy
When it comes to Red Dead Redemption historical accuracy plays a massive role in the characters every move, from the way they dress to the way they talk and naturally their opinions and because Rockstar are so good at remembering that it is crucial to remember it when thinking about the characters.
No it is not weird Bill is a racist, even around Dutch. No Javier is not just cruel in chapter six. No Dutch is not an all good progressive guy. No Arthur would not "treat you right." However these opinions are not completely popular amongst the fandom because some don't understand it. What do you mean Arthur who helped women believes in gender roles? What do you mean Dutch who saved Lenny is a raging racist against others? What do you mean Bill who is in a fairly progressive gang still dislikes people of color? What do you mean Javier who yelled at Abigail could be understood when doing so?
Even if all of these things don't make sense to us, doesn't mean it doesn't actually make sense. When looking at it from a historical perspective it makes perfect sense, however, a lot of us lack the general knowledge about that time for it to naturally fit for us.
This makes headcannoning and theorizing a lot harder, not just because it is not everyone who can just have access to all of this information which often would make a historian frown if they read the headcannon, but also because these characters are so diverse and comes from such diverse pasts.
For example, another piece of knowledge that most of the fandom lacks that would put a stick in many headcannons is that men in the 1800's were generally affectionate with one another and weren't afraid of sweet words or physical touch. A lot of VanDerMatthrews is based on their physical touch and sweet words, however that said Arthur does say people could mistake their affection for something else, meaning they would sometimes go over what was considered normal.
Another headcannon I can quite fast debunk is "Arthur is an alcoholic," a headcannon I have so far only seen based on the fact that he drinks every time there is a bar scene, however people forget that there was a different drinking culture back then and it was normal for people to drink more than what we do today. Karen is an actual alcoholic and there is a massive difference between her who had found the bottom of the bottle at 10pm and Arthur who drank whenever he came into a bar.
The same can be said with "Arthur is so addicted to nicotine! That is why he took the cigarette Seamus threw on the ground!" No there just wasn't that good hygiene back then and there was an appreciation for not letting a good cigarette go to waste.
Again, some of these minor details can be so hard to get right that I do not blame people for getting them wrong, I have myself had to delete posts because there were things I did not know, but they are there some bigger ones that I do think are more commonly known or at least should be.
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