#i do have this idea that jenna and jake had similar ideas of wanting to find out what happened and what mortals know
lohstandfound · 1 year
hmmm.... deities au might become a fic or something
#lohst.txt#a series of oneshots? or an actual plot?#who knows#because I haven't figured out an exact plot other than trying to find each other#which i suppose is a plot i guess#i havent fully figured out how jenna and michael fit in yet#or what exactly chloe's doing#jake and brooke hang out at the museum#christine and jeremy are street performers#rich is sort of like a nomad. urban legend of a guardian angel#i do have this idea that jenna and jake had similar ideas of wanting to find out what happened and what mortals know#obviously doesnt take the same route as jake who entered academia and the glam sector#maybe she takes more of a journalistic approach?#i have this concept of jenna finding out about the exhibition and show up at the museum#demanding to talk to whoever is in charge of the exhibition#the workers are all 'are you sure? hes very busy he doesnt like to be interrupted'#we dont really know who this guy really is#jenna doesnt give up so they go and get jake (and brooke)#jake's all moody because he was interrupted but brooke recognises jenna first#her eyes light up and she basically launches herself and jenna#who is equally as surprised#but hey at least this somewhat answered her questions#i also have this image of jeremy and christine get into some sort of trouble (magic or not im undecided)#and in swoops (maybe literally) this person to save them#this guy turns around with a grin and says some dumb phrase about being the hero#and he's immediately tackled by jeremy because its michael they found michael#(more like michael found them but its whatever)#anyway#all this to say im attempting to write some sort of fic for this au#deities au
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swagcoolcat · 11 months
So I want to write something for this, and I’m working on it, but I’m not promising it’ll ever come to light. Until then, I’ll talk a bit about it.
I have a bmc Wizards of Waverly Place au!
Michael is the center of this au, and he’d kind of be a stand in for Alex. Not exactly, but kind of. He does have siblings for the family wizard competition, but unlike Alex, he’s the youngest, and by the time the events of the au start, the competition has likely already happened, and he got to keep his powers. His mom gave up his powers to be with his other mom, who’s a mortal. Because he’s a full Wizard in this AU he’s very powerful.
His best friend, Jeremy, is a mortal, who has no idea of Michael’s magical abilities. Again, as this is sort of following WoWP Jeremy will eventually be let into the secret, as a huge display of trust, similar to Harper getting to learn about Alex’s powers. Jeremy’s very excited about it at first but learns very quickly how serious he needs to take this information, as giving away this information to another mortal could cost Michael his powers.
Christine is a werewolf mutt. She’s very excitable, but has learned to keep her more dog-like traits down. She’s accepted being a werewolf, and she’s accepted the fact that being a mutt changes things for her romantic life. When she meets Jeremy and they fall in love, eventually Jeremy would either turn into a mutt for her, or she’d turn into a human for him, as being a mutt means she spreads the curse through kissing. She can transform whenever she wants, and the full moon doesn’t affect her.
Rich is also a mortal. Unlike Jeremy, he starts the story already having knowledge of the world outside of mortals, as his best friend Jake is a werewolf, and while werewolves don’t generally tell mortals about their powers, Rich and Jake are very close. His knowledge on werewolves is very in depth, while his knowledge of wizards, vampires, and other creatures, is very limited.
Speaking of, Jake is a purebred werewolf! Like in the musical, Jake’s parents have pretty much abandoned him. He lives with his grandmother, who’s also a purebred. Being a purebred, he doesn’t spread the werewolf curse through kissing, but he also can’t control when he transforms, only doing so when extremely angry or agitated, or when there’s a full moon. He’s very protective of his friends and family, almost territorial in a way. His jealousy is what caused he and Chloe’s breakup in this au.
Jenna, like Michael, is a wizard! She’s got several siblings, some older and some younger, so unlike Michael, she’s still preparing for the family wizard competition. Being a wizard in training, her powers are much weaker and limited than Michael’s. When Michael and Jenna get to know each other, he helps her train for the competition one on one. Her parents were both their family’s wizard, so the competitiveness between her and her siblings to live up to their parents’ expectations is intense. I don’t know if I want her to win her family wizard competition or not.
Brooke is a vampire! She was turned into a vampire as a teenager, making her appear as a teenager forever. She was the only one in her family turned centuries ago, the rest of them being mortals, so she now lives with the people that turned her. She originally had a strong hatred for them, but she’s since come to accept her fate. Due to her being turned centuries ago, she’s a bit out of touch with the present day. She still uses slang and common phrases from the time she grew up in. I haven’t decided on exactly what century she’d be from.
Chloe is also a vampire! She was born a vampire, and presents as a teenager to stay with Brooke. Her mother is the one that turned Brooke, so they live together, and although in the beginning, Brooke wanted nothing to do with her, they’re good friends now. Vampires generally stay together, so her family from multiple generations live together, and Brooke is the newest member. Unlike Brooke, Chloe makes a very strong effort to keep with the times, and is up to date on pop culture and trends, although she’s still noticeably off. (Kind of like Azi and Crowley from Good Omens! They live on earth and know how to blend in but even with 6,000 years of experience they still seem not human sometimes.)
I think this would be a no SQUIP au.
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acesaurus · 3 years
Sorry to be a bother but I just discovered your blog today (and thank the lord that I did because I'm late to this fandom and seriously thought it was dead), what are your bmc headcanons??  I'm just curious djskdk (also sorry for sending this as a post but I'm unable to get a Tumblr account so I can'tsend an ask)
That's all good! I'm not really sure where to start and it's been a little bit since I've rewatched the musical. Gotta get on that. Anyways be prepared for some randomness.
First of all, (I'm most proud of this one) I like to think that Rich is the fashion master of the group. It started with the SQUIP transforming his sense of fashion and trying to get him to become friends with Brooke and Chloe. It didn't work as the SQUIP was hoping, but soon enough Brooke came up to Rich to ask where he got his yellow flannel and suddenly his whole friend group was based on Rich's fashion advice. After the squipcident, the squip squad begin to realize how much they've grown to rely on richs fashion advice and individually continue to ask him advice, not realizing that the squip was mainly in control of that. Nervous and unsure how to reply, Rich gives honest advice and his friends are like ??? But realize its 10x better than the advice he was giving when he had a squip and life is beautiful
I feel like Rich and Jenna are both 100% aware that when you mix Jake and Jeremy's last names you get 'deere' and use that to their full advantage
Book jeremy has a beanie baby squid named squip ironically
(I don't really like the books portrayal of most of the characters as much as I'm obsessed with the musicals depictions of the characters, but I like chloe having dyed red hair because it immediately makes me think of cat from victorious and I have trouble liking musical Chloe sometimes :/)
That being said I'm not a big Chloe fan and don't really ship her with anyone, but I kinda love the idea of her and Madeline having an enemies to lovers kinda thing
I hate how Jake and Chloe have an implied thing after the squip and i don't like it >:(
Jeremys squip began blocking Michael immediately like I like to imagine Michael just hanging out in the back of every song in between dywr and upgrade just vibin
Or more realistically and sadly trying to get jeremys attention in little ways that the squip blocks out
Also I'd like to know how many things the squip can do
Like if it can shock Jeremy and block his optic nerves what else can it do?
If it wanted to could it just kill him?
Sorry this turned into more of a rant ill try to get back on track now
Michael and rich always argue about the inferiority of the xbox
I imagine they had a conversation similar to this:
𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉: 𝐻𝑒𝑦, 𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙, 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡? 𝐽𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑓 𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑢𝑛 𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍: 𝑈𝑚 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒?
𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉: 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. 𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑦 𝑥𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛? 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝐽𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠.
𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍: 𝐷𝑖𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑥𝑏𝑜𝑥?
𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉: 𝑌𝑒𝑎ℎ, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒?
𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍: 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡? 𝑁𝑜. 𝑋𝑏𝑜𝑥𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑.
*𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡 :𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒*
Brooke has a golden retriever
Not a fan of the Pinkberry ship. I think its weird that Chloe treats Brooke like a dog so much, but it also says a lot about both of their characters just wish they didn't have to be like that you know
Actually thats kinda how I feel about a lot of the show I love all of the characters but I primarily just feel so bad for them
OH Jake is like a master baker... yeah.
He doesn't typically bake but its like his hidden talent (i say that but he probably has many)
Also rich spent sooo much time with his squip compared to Jeremy (depending on the timeline of it all idk if its a spring musical that starts in the beginning of the year for some reason or if it's only like a few months because I always felt like it was spring during voices in my head but thats also just the vibe the music gives me and has nothing to do with anything) so like how has that affected him compared to Jeremy and were their squips different? What made them different? Was roch constantly battling with his squip since he got it freshman year? Or was he friends with it until he began to see what jeremys had done to him? He began to mistrust it? Idk. Also its 100% kermit the frog right?
You know how the squips costume changes to slowly become darker and darker as the musical progresses, I imagine in richs head the squip becomes more and more like evil kermit until all of a sudden it comes out with an evil looking cloak.
Part of me kinda loves book Christine and the other part of me absolutely hates her
I love how kind and passionate musical Christine is though I feel like she would pack an extra lunch for rich because he would never bring one or grab a hot lunch and Christine was like :o dude you need to eat and would always ask him what he wants for lunch the next day
Chloe has really nice parents but was adopted and feels like she doesn't belong so she makes sure that she stands out above every one else
Idk I feel like somethings up with Chloe but I can't put my finger on it
Brooke is ironically 1/8 French
Are these even really headcannons anymore idk
Anyways I've been just saying a bunch of random stuff so I'm gonna stop here
Also btw I based most of this off the broadway version
Sorry this took so long I had to formulate my ideas
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imsuchotometrash · 5 years
Obey Me as Be More Chill Cast
Holy Shit this ended up being so long but I really wanted to explain myself. So I’ve put it all under a cut (hopefully). This is just how I’d cast them, and I did include understudy roles with explanations so if anybody happens to write a crossover fic/ does some art with idea they have options (please feel free to do so and please tag me I don’t trust myself to do it I’d butcher my idea with a meat cleaver but I wanna see it so bad).
Jeremy - Leviathan
Honestly the whole vibe of BMC feels like Levi’s aesthetic.
And Jeremy’s big character flaw is that he’s not satisfied with his lot in life/jealous of the life the popular kids have.
You have to pry my head-cannon of Levi already having “Two Player Game” memorized from my cold dead hands.
Understudy - Mammon
Meet dumbass #2 who just wants people to like him would jump on the chance to have a squip.
Actively argues with the casting director about making him Jeremy until he settles with understudy once he finds out MC’s role.
The Squip - Belphegor
Now, now, listen. Belphie is cannon manipulative, and Belphie is also cannon violent.
So is the Squip.
Also I like the significance of the the Squip being a character that takes a hot second to be introduced to us, and Belphie is the same.
Understudy - certain MCs (like mine for example)
Like my MC would turn “Pitiful Children” into a song just dripping with sex.
And I feel like if Levi had the chance to choose what his Squip looks like that weeb would pick either Ruri-chan or his crush you can fight me on that.
Michael - Lucifer
This seems like a stretch but it’s really not. For one, imagine Luci singing “Michael in the Bathroom”. I need it.
Michael is the only character who doesn’t get squipped, and a main reason for that is because he outwardly embraced his lot in life. I feel like that becomes a sense of Pride, like a certain demon.
I also like Lucifer as Michael because Lucifer does try to understand his siblings, and is very accommodating of Levi’s social struggles. Idk i think it makes him a good candidate to play Levi’s stage best friend.
Let Lucifer live vicariously through Michael and experience a relatively laid back life for just a moment please he deserves it
Understudy - Beelzebub
Would naturally fit the role of a stoner without having to be one just for the munchies alone.
A very good friend who deserves the world and instead ends up having a suicidal panic attack in a bathroom
Christine - MC
Obvious reason #1: both are main love interests. And I am a fan of the theater fic trope of your crush in real life is your love interest in the play. Fight me.
I feel like some of the cannon options provided for MCs naturally give way to Christine’s quirkiness.
I feel like this one is very self explanatory and kinda lazy but c’est la vie.
Understudy - Belphegor.
This is partially because one option for casting of Jake is Beel and I feel like he’d enjoy getting to interact with his brother more than the Squip interacts with Jake.
But it’s mainly because I personally thinking Belphie would enjoy pulling the switcheroo on Levi in “A Guy that I’d Kinda Be Into”
Also Belphie singing “Play Rehearsal” is a hilarious thought
Rich - Mammon
My sad greedy boy who craves attention. Would understand freshman Rich. SO MUCH.
Mammon is a hipster. He has to be, you can’t convince me otherwise. This need to know upcoming trends most definitely includes obscure drugs.
Understudy - Leviathan
Rich and Jeremy are actually really similar characters. They have important differences like Levi and Mammon do, and I think both can understand Rich.
Levi would 1000% buy the Squip just because it’s a rare, limited item from Japan
His Squip is Ruri-chan in a bikini
Chloe - Satan
Hierarchy wise, Chloe is above Brooke, just like Satan is above Asmo in the demon pecking order.
Chloe is vindictive when she feels slighted, and cunning about her execution, just like our resident bookworm which is a trait he picked up from Lucifer BUT I DIGRESS
Short tempered bitches have to stick together
Understudy - Diavolo
Queen Bee of the School meet Prince of the School
For the Prince of Hell fuckers, I bring you a feast: The baby costume (ignore the diaper part and focus on how he’ll most likely be essentially naked)
Jake - Beelzebub
Jake = confirmed jock beefcake. Beel = confirmed jock beefcake. It’s just simple math.
Turns out that Jake has family issues that bother him that he hides behind a happy go lucky, go with the flow attitude and hmmmmm that sounds really familiar.
Also turns out that Jake is decently in tune with his emotions, I swear I’ve seen this before.
He literally becomes wheelchair bound as a result of risking his life to save his friend. Guys they are carbon copies of each other.
Understudy - Lucifer
This mostly revolves around the fact that I think Lucifer’s Pride will not allow him to be anything less than a lead role.
Also, Jake is technically the second antagonist, and Lucifer ends up being an antagonist to his brothers with his strict rules and sadistic punishments.
Jake = Mr. Perfect, always gets what he wants (in Jeremy’s eyes). Lucifer = Mr. Perfect, always gets what he wants (in Leviathan’s eyes).
Jenna - Solomon
Shady characters unite.
Still holds power/prestige because she’s the school’s go to source for gossip because she just knows things. Kinda like Solomon, but I was thinking more along the lines of because he has immense power/so many pacts with demons.
Tricky bitch who is actually the person who almost causes the end of the world because a pretty person told them to do it. (Do I think Solomon is very weak to Asmo because he’s a pretty face? Yes, yes I do)
Understudy - Asmodeous
Our actual resident king of gossip
Third person in the show to be squipped, and honestly I think Asmodeous would also be the third demon to do it behind Levi and Mammon, for a plethora of reasons/head cannons.
Asmo hitting Jenna’s note in “The Pitiful Children” hits me different and I want it.
Brooke - Asmo
First off: “Do you wanna Ride”. That’s it. That’s my argument for this casting.
Actually, Brooke is a very sexualized character, but turns out to be caring and genuinely likes Jeremy at one point, and that fits my specific thoughts of Asmo’s insecurities.
Understudy - Solomon
Is this just because Solomon was last on my list to find a second role? Yes Of course not. I’m classier than that.
In actuality, I think Brooke gets screwed over pretty hard during the play, and us fans don’t particularly play nice with our resident sorcerer, what with our distrust of his shady character.
Mr. Heere - Diavolo
Diavolo playing the dad who is trying to connect with his kids? Sign me up.
Also, Diavolo singing “The Pants Song”. I don’t know if you noticed but I base a lot of these off of people singing certain songs and I’m not going to apologize
For all you Demon Prince fuckers out there, this character decision requires Diavolo to walk around on stage with no pants on for 90% of his stage time. You’re welcome
Understudy - Simeon
A guiding influence in the play, a part of the character Simeon would easily relate to and take some pride in.
For all you angle fuckers out there, Simeon in boxes for 90% of the play. You’re welcome.
Mr. Reyes - Simeon
My main motivator for this decision was Mr. Reyes’ speech during “The Play” because he snaps off and I really want Simeon to loose his shit.
Mr. Reyes is also relatively chill and goes with the flow. He’s got a lot of patience, like our favorite angel boy, and I feel like Simeon could relate to that.
Understudy - Satan
A fellow advocate for the arts.
Mr. Reyes ends up having quite the temper, and Satan would definitely enjoy his blow up scene.
A more background role, which gives Satan ample time to learn more about backstage work or anything else that strikes his fancy during all his free time in rehearsals.
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Ninjago Be More Chill AU
This is really long whoops guys I have so many Ninjago BMC headcanons y’all have no idea. This won’t leave my head especially since I’ve been seeing some great BMC / Ninjago stuff recently mmm
Who would be who?
Jay as Jeremy:
Okay so like that not original but, Jay gives off such Jeremy vibes! Jay is really self-conscious, as we see in s1 ep8, aka his true potential episode, as we see in season three with the love triangle, and as we can see in season six with the fact that he knowingly makes wishes to “better himself” from Nadakhan. Jeremy also does some things he regrets, some things that come off kind of creepy and not okay, like what he did to get with Christine, luckily, he realizes that, and it’s one reason why most people don’t think they end up staying together. Jay had a few not necessarily okay and kind of creepy actions towards Nya, again specifically in season six, also a little in season three. But, Jeremy is an all around good person, he didn’t intend to hurt anyone and neither did Jay. Jeremy took the SQUIP, which gave some pretty bad advice much like how and why Jay made wishes from Nadakhan. Jeremy is also awkward and fidgety, again, Jay traits. He ditches his best friend for a girl (kind of season three?) but ends up apologizing and trying to make up for it (kind of season four). Not to mention, Loser Geek Whatever is such a Jay song.
Cole as Michael:
Okay so, this is kind of a popular one but? So Michael Mell is the free spirited, I’ll do what I want and if you don’t like it well leave me alone kind of guy. He’s more closed off towards others, but he’s one of the best best friends a guy could have. Cole isn’t as free spirited as Michael, per say, especially with his father, but in the end he can be. Cole doesn’t necessarily care what others think of him all the time (though he does in season 5 after turning into a ghost and kind of in season 3 because of the love triangle and my take on it). Most people in the fandom associate Cole and Jay as best friends, yet another reason why Cole is a good Michael. In the Jay / Jeremy description, I put some blame on Jay / Jeremy for hurting Cole / Michael, but they messed up too. Michael, while being the best friend, knew that Jeremy was unhappy and knew he wanted more, he chose to ignore that. When Michael approached Jeremy at the Halloween party, yeah he had good intentions but he didn’t do it the best way, and heck yeah, not helping Jeremy who was clearly under the control of the SQUIP at the play until he got an apology was a trashy move. Cole’s messed up too. He shouldn’t have tried anything with Nya, and in the way I view the love triangle, it makes more sense as to why, but he knew how much Jay cared about Nya and he knew that “pursuing” her was bad, but he did it anyway. He ignored what he knew about Jay for his own good (Michael ignoring Jeremy wanting more to keep him as his best friend). Cole also did some crappy things in response to what Jay did in Skybound. Sure Skybound is a little ooc and not always the best, but, hey, I’m proving a point haha. Cole and Jay shared unfair words with each other as well, but they made up for it. Michael went to the play and brought the Mountain Dew Red, Cole gave up the jade blade in Tournament and went back for him in Skybound even though he felt hurt. Not to mention, I mean, their love for music (because even though not necessarily show canon, most people believe Cole has a deep love for music). Not to mention, I headcanon both of them as gay also. I also almost made Cole Christine just for Bruise but like... Michael Mell... also most people think it’s canon that Michael has feelings for Jeremy and I think that Michael like tries to kiss Jeremy in the revival during Two-Player Game sooo...
Kai as Rich:
Okay so, another obviousish one. Kai is one of the most self conscious people in the show, but one with more of a self destructive mode that can effect others. Rich, much like Jeremy, was unhappy and ambitious. He wanted more from himself and he genuinely cared about the way people viewed him (much like Jay and Jeremy). Even in the first season with Kai wanting to be the green ninja, we saw Kai trying to prove himself and prove himself but failing sometimes (aka his intense want to be the green ninja). Kai was also the first ninja to wish himself away in Skybound (again, not always the most credible but, still). Rich and Kai share a lot of similarities on that part. They also have a fierce protectiveness for what they care about. Kai is loyal. He is so insanely loyal and one of the best friends anyone could ask for, he is incredibly dependable. Rich is a good friend too. While he didn’t always have control over his actions, he truly cared for Jake and for his other friends. Heck, Rich set a fire to prevent the SQUIPs from spreading because he didn’t want his friends to go through this. Kai would also definitely set a fire to protect Lloyd and his friends. Kai and Rich are / were both insecure, but the both grow and I love them both. So much. Also sometimes they’re both angry boys and I headcanon Kai as bi and Rich is bi in canon just those lovely little things!
Lloyd as Jake:
This is where it began getting harder, but I will FIGHT FOR THIS ONE!! Let’s start with Jake. He’s the most popular boy in school, he does pretty much every activity and runs or plays an integral part in those activities. The school has standards for him that they in a sense expect him, popular boy Jake, to live up to. He mentions to Christine that he feels the need to be perfect to please everyone all the time and it’s so much pressure and it’s clear that he dislikes that. Not only that, but he says in Upgrade that: “my parents wont be home so it’s alright, they laundered money now their on the run. Which means the house is empty so that’s fun”. Jake has absent parents, he lives alone. He most likely absorbs himself in what he does to distract himself from his home life. Okay now, let’s talk about Lloyd. Lloyd is the green ninja. He did not choose this, he did not choose to have all of this happen to him. The world looks up to Lloyd. They depend on Lloyd. Lloyd’s teammates depend on him. The pressure this boy faces is incredible. He’s popular, yeah a lot of people like him, but the pressure and the expectations everyone has for him... well we’ve seen him snap a few times. Not to mention, LLOYD GREW UP WITH NO PARENTS! His dad was evil and his mom left him to try and make his dad not evil, he was alone. So, Lloyd distracted himself by trying to be evil and trying to get revenge on the tribes and people that wronged him and stealing and just he distracted himself with so many things so he wouldn’t have to focus on “my parents left me”. Jake and Lloyd both face absentee parents, both of which aren’t necessarily good (I mean... Jake’s parents are criminals and Lloyd’s dad is Lord Garmadon...), they both have so much pressure to be the best and be amazing and be popular and happy. They both have to be happy because you can’t be popular in school if you’re sad and you can’t save the world if you focus on your problems. You can’t lead after school activities or lead a team of ninja if you get too much in your head. These boys face a lot, a lot is expected of them, and sometimes, the things their parents do do effect them in ways they don’t see. Jake isn’t always the nicest. He knows Rich is a bully, he lets it happen. He called Jeremy a freak at the mall, he’s probably (I headcanon) a sweet guy, but his upbringing causes some problems, much like Lloyd’s (I mean... the first half of season one). Plus, they both have a best friend who would burn their house down to protect them (because let’s be real here, Rich burned it down to protect others by killing himself and Kai would burn the world for Lloyd) pLUS Jake broke his legs saving Rich and they got worse after the SQUIP made him walk on them and Lloyd broke his foot fighting his father and faced the Overlord with a broken foot. *mic drop* I rest my case.
Nya as Brooke:
okay so I feel like this is kind of a weird one, but like, hear me out. So, Nya as Brooke. My first thought when trying to figure out who Nya would be was, obviously, Christine. But when I think about it, I do see some Nya in Christine, I do, but I kind of see her a little more in Brooke. Let’s start with Brooke. Brooke is popular Chloe Valentine’s best friend, she’s, in a sense, a tool, but more than anything she just wants to belong. She wants to be popular, she wants to not only have her status, but to earn her status. She doesn’t just want it because she’s Chloe Valentine’s best friend, she doesn’t just want it because she’s dated a few popular guys, she wants that status because of who she is, which is one thing that makes her different than Jenna (I can say a lot more about that but I won’t get into it because I LOVE JENNA ROLAN). Brooke is sweet, she’s kind, but bruh she is fierce and she could probably destroy you if she wanted, maybe not in the same aggressive way as Chloe, which she grows into in the show. We see Brooke as the second best all of the time, always in Chloe’s shadow and she’s pretty insecure about it, and herself in general. She wishes to be more, she wishes for someone to love her as her and to have the right to speak her mind and to just be herself, which she gets near the end of the show as she begins sticking up for herself, and most people in the fandom believe that she becomes the right amount of assertive after the show. Now onto Nya. Nya is always second best, she’s always in the ninja’s shadow. She literally gave herself a false identity so she could be enough and more than “the girl”, “Kai’s sister”, “Jay’s girlfriend”, and “the smart girl”. Much like Brooke, she wants more. So she does it herself, which isn’t something Brooke has the courage to do until later, but then again Nya hid for awhile too. Nya can be sweet, she can be gentle, and yo this girl is fierce too. She often feels second best as well, second best to Kai, to the team… not to mention how she feels in season five, trying to get an understanding of her identity and her place in the team (as opposed to her place in school). Brooke gets mad too. She gets mad at Chloe when she wrongs her. She gets mad at Jeremy. Nya gets mad as well. She gets mad at Jay, she gets mad at Cole and Kai and honestly Nya’s probably gotten mad at all of the ninja at some point. But she can still defend herself, and it may have taken Nya some time for people to realize that and to be assertive enough to tell everyone that and freaking mean it, but she does it. Brooke gets the nerves to do that too in act two. Plus Brooke dates Jeremy at one point but then they break up and if I had made this Bruise wouldn’t it have fit perfectly?? I know this one is weird and maybe isn’t the best, but Nya and Brooke are both sweet, kind, and freaking fierce girls and I love. Also it just makes complete sense in my head. (Also I know Christine has this thing about discovering herself but... just read the last part...)
Some other ones I’m thinking for right now but won’t type because this is long enough as it is are: Pixal as Jenna Rolan, Skylor (or Harumi but mostly Skylor) as Chloe Valentine, and Nadakhan as SQUIP (though the Overlord was my original idea and does work… I’m liking this Nadakhan as SQUIP thing a whole heck of a lot as I started writing all of these descriptions…) and for the life of me, guys, I just can’t figure out Zane! Like maybe Zane as Christine, especially since Christine has this whole discovering who she is bit and it takes her and Zane awhile to figure out who they are and be comfortable with it, but I didn’t really want to go the Techno route here (nothing against Techno, it just doesn’t seem like a very BMC ship I don’t know… don’t get me wrong though, I LOVE TECHNO!) I mean I suppose Zane would be a rad Christine if we went the Boyf Riends shipping route with this… Anyways that’s all! Do you agree with any of these? If you have different opinions please tell me because I love headcanons so much and I would genuinely love to read them! If anyone wants to hear anymore BMC / Ninjago AU headcanons please lemme know because I honestly might post some more anyways for the heck of it because I want to because I love this okay love y’all bye!
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crusty-the-snowman · 6 years
Part 2
So some nights later Jake (he tries very hard) to carry Rich out with him to Jeremy and Michael who has a saddle, both to learn how to if he can fly rich, and incase Rich doesn't know how to fly since hes yet to see Rich do it. Rich is also a bit bigger than Jake so to move quickly once they get out to the wilderness Jake sets Rich down and is happy to find Rich knows his name and follows when called (Michael while waiting knows Jakes arrived when he starts hearing " come on Richie, Richie, Richie, good boy almost there, youre remember Mikey? Mikeys got a nice surprise for us! Yes he does! Yes he does!) Jakes saddle is made with a specific horn and stirrups even because Rich will climb on walls and Jake doesnt want to fall if Rich does that Rich takes a moment to recognise Jeremy can't hear any noises he makes but they adjust quickly and play for awhile Jeremy is excited "the dragon is here!!!!!!! I smelled him on the fleshy dragon and he is here!!!!" Jeremys dad arrives and is excited "my son has made another friend!!!!! Friend is nice!!!" he thankfully only feeds Rich meaning no puked up fish for Jake and Michael It takes some work to have Rich hold still to put on the saddle ( hes excited to play with Jeremy) but as long as Jake keeps scratching him it works out Seeing Jeremy and Michael fly makes Rich a wiggly boi like he wants to fly but it takes Jeremys dad giving a nudge for Rich to attempt to even get off the ground Rich can fly but he just neeeded encouragement bc hes never done it before They end up flying for awhile and its really nice, Jake and Michael even race eachother acouple times Michael won Jeremys dad trailed after mainly following to make sure they were okay. -- Eventually after several days of racing and flying around suddenly Rich, Jeremy and his dad began flying off towards a place that seemed to be a whole nest of other dragons And there was a dragon called the Blue Death (squip) that it seemed all the dragons were feeding. If they didnt feed it enough a a dragon might get eaten Jake was very shaken up about this and honestly very happy that Rich wasnt going to be part of that if he could help it. Michael felt similar about Jeremy but both were worried about Jeremys dad who they couldnt exactly stop Eventually Michael amd Jake were given a ceremony to kill a monstrous nightmare so they could graduate Only Michael couldn't And because the monstrous nightmare was in an enclosed space it went after Michael who screamed in a panic because he couldnt calm down a dragon thats trying to kill him out of fear Until a certain flamewhipper dove in through the opening and curled around Michael before shooting fire at the monstrous nightmare to protect him Jake then hopped in through the wire above to stand by Michael and Rich Chloes parents were pissed, took rich to find the islabd with the blue death and Michael and Jake were left to think about the fact Rich was being sent into a death trap as was everyone else Christine admitted though that she thought it was cool and thats when Michael got an idea Christine was introduced to a scauldron named madeline (i wanted a shakespeare ref but also to include canon vmc characters for consistency) A dragon that was kept in the academy like Rich Jenna got a stormcutter she named Dustin Chloe was met with a Nadder/changwing she named Brooke Most movie events happen the same except Jake had to free Rich and the blue death destroyed the ship the were on, breaking both of jakes legs in the process and Rich had to carry him to somewhere safe Considered ideas though if not all of those are quite fitting to ur liking: Jake didn't get a dragon until he decided to obtain get a whispering death that soon after laid an egg. Unbeknownst to him a screaming death was born which he then named Rich upon learning such Rich is a potentially dangerous and destructive dragon but he thinks Jake is his brother so he wouldnt do anything unless Jake wanted him to. Jake: ow my legs hurt Rich: !!! D:
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
connect [rich g. x fem!reader x jake d.]
( Can you do a Poly Rich x Fem Reader x Jake fic? Preferably where the reader is a big geek and likes to cosplay. (Probably met when reader was doing the costumes for the play)  )
ok but i love this
ok this also went from ‘big geek who likes to cosplay’ to ‘geek, likes to cosplay, does costumes for drama dept. and knows shit about theatre’ because i couldnt resist tbh
this is 10,000 words. brb gonna go die
pls dont expect this from me since this was just something that i got rly rly into writing and got rly carried away
warnings: uhhh none that i can think of other than general language but let me know if im forgetting stuff
        Alright. You could do this. All you had to do was come up with costumes, take measurements, make everything by yourself, and have everything ready in time for dress rehearsal to begin - along with keeping up with schoolwork, going to Hobby Lobby (which, thank fuck you were getting a huge discount for, because otherwise you’d basically be destroying your own shit in order to make anything) to get everything you needed,  and basically do everything your average person needs to survive. So basically, you were ready to die a bit more inside and start multitasking - and lose sleep, but that was normal. What wasn’t normal was the show you were doing costumes for. When Mr.Reyes mentioned doing Midsummer, you imagined you’d be spending your nights sewing costumes for fairies - not... zombies. But you forced a grin and told him you’d do your best, and clutched your sketchbook to your chest, the paper with the cast list and roles jammed in, and the script for the play sandwiched between binders in your bag.
        This was fine. You’d go and watch one of their rehearsals to get an idea of how long everyone would have between costume changes, and Mr.Reyes would be speaking his vision to you as you would hastily scribble notes down, basically becoming a bobble-head as you tried to take into account everything. You’d start doing homework during classes, read online for whatever book and bullshit your way through any quizzes. Maybe you could copy some (or almost all) answers off of Christine if she’d let you. Then eventually you’d start spending your last class taking a nap with Christine in the drama room while the rest of the class did whatever - or working on whatever schoolwork you could if you weren’t tired.
        The things you did for costume design.
        Christine was the first person you measured. She’d been through this numerous times before, telling you her height and weight happily and smiling at you. Her smile fell at one point as you were measuring her chest.
       “You might want to be careful, [y/n],” she said softly, “I mean, I don’t mean to be rude but...” She glanced over to where the rest of the cast sat, chatting among themselves. “I don’t think they know how this works?”
       “You don’t sound rude!” You chirped, “they’re new to drama, right?”
        She nodded. “I don’t mean to sound mean or anything - I just thought I should warn you that someone might take offense to you asking their weight? Sorry, I know that sounds kinda weird-”
       “Nah, it’s cool, Christine,” you shrugged, “I’ll explain that this is just for me to know and that this won’t be shared with anyone else. Thanks for the heads-up, though.”
        Christine only smiled. After her, you had Jake Dillinger next on your list. He gave you the information you needed without question, and you took to measuring. After the awkward silence began to creep in between you, he finally spoke.
       “Do you do this a lot?”
        You hummed as you looked up. “Measuring people?”
       “Yeah!” He smiled, “like... costume stuff.”
        You nodded. “It’s kind of my passion.”
        Jake smiled at you. God, you knew how many people would kill to have Jake Dillinger even look their way - and here you were, tape measure around his waist without a second thought to it while you were fairly sure you had at least one pair of eyes on you. It didn’t click until half-way through measuring his inseam that some of these people probably have never seen anyone taking anyone’s measurements. 
        Well, this was going to be fun.
        Next was Rich Goranski. He raised a brow when you asked for his height and weight, but the moment you were about to launch into your ‘I need to know this because it’s legit important for costuming-” speech, he shrugged and told you. 
       “You do realize how this looks, right?” He said, slightly smirking while you slightly slapped at his leg. “What?”
       “Move your leg.”
       “What?” He repeated, before moving his foot slightly, “oh.”
       “How does this look, Rich?” You said, looking back up at him.
       “You don’t know?”
       “Enlighten me.”
        After a pause, he only frowned. “Never mind.”
        That’s what you thought.
        Jeremy was fine. He might have been somewhat awkward for a second, his eyes kept flickering from a spot on the wall to you as you measured anywhere below his waist, but he was quiet and didn’t ask questions and let you work - taking any instructions without hesitation. Brooke was similar, although much happier and barely hesitated to give you her weight and height. Heck, she actually complimented you on your dress at one point - something you’d made earlier in the year. Jenna was similar, although much chattier - which was definitely fine. You actually liked it, compared to how quiet everyone else had been while you’d taken their measurements.
        Then came Chloe. You’d known about her and Jake’s relationship in the past, so maybe that was why she’d been glaring at you the entire time you basically breathed around Jake. But she smiled.
       “Height and weight?”
        She hesitated. “Why?”
        You sighed. “This will stay between you and me - I just need it for costuming reasons.”
        Chloe clicked her tongue before answering your question. Barely half a second later, she spoke once more. “I saw Jake was talking to you.”
       “And so did Christine and Rich and Brooke and Jenna.” You shrugged, “look, Chloe, if you’re trying to say there was anything going on - there wasn’t. I took his measurements, he asked if I do this a lot, and I told him I did since costumes are my thing. Heck, we haven’t talked before today, so if you’re worried about anything between us-”
       “I’m not worried,” she snapped. “I just-” She frowned as she watched you fumble with the measuring tape, “I wouldn’t want you to get any ideas since Jake obviously has his eyes on someone else.”
        You finally looked up after straightening out the tape. “We’ve barely ever talked before. I’m not going to fall in love with him after one talk.”
        Chloe only stared at you for a moment, before letting you finish up your job. You shut the folder you kept, making sure all the papers were secure, shoving your measuring tape into your pocket, and snatching your bag from a chair. You thanked them for being patient, forcing your smile as you make a comment about how you’ll pick up supplies and get things done as soon as you can, only receiving a halfhearted response from everyone but Christine and Mr.Reyes, which managed to evoke something from both Jeremy and Jake, which in turn managed to get the rest of the cast to give you more than you’d expected.
        Well, that really showed you how fickle people could be. Not that you needed it - but still. You weren’t sure whether it was Jake or Jeremy that made them change their minds, but you left without thinking too much into it. 
        You had work to do.
        A week later and you’re already buried in your work. The contents of your room have practically been shoved into the closet as you invested all your time into each little detail in each costume. You spent your days either working on small details while in different classes, spray painting shoes during drama, or scribbling in answers to homework due the next period (or day, if you were lucky), courtesy of Christine. If you had a chance, you’d crash on the small, cheap couch in the drama room for a bit, and then you were back home and sewing and (rarely) burning your fingers on hot glue.
        It was hell, but it was worth it.
        The rustling of paper and plastic bags caught your attention, snapping your attention away from the warming glue gun, which wasn’t warming up fast enough for your liking. There stood Christine, admiring the different pieces of costumes that were strewn about - the bare bones of Brooke’s dress that still needed the bows fixed and lime green details, Christine’s own dress hanging on a hanger only needing tiny touch-ups, a shirt you found for Chloe that you had yet to touch, and one of Rich’s costumes already near completion.
       “You need a break. C’mon,” she said, sitting on the edge your bed, “I brought food... and more hot glue sticks.”
       “Yes!” You smiled, hopping up. You shoved your backpack from it’s spot, sitting cross-legged as you took one of the Chipotle cups from her.
       Christine sat on your bed, unfolding the bag as she hands you your usual order. You thank her and almost immediately break into your food. Sometimes you wonder how you ended up with such a great friend, considering she lets you copy off her work without question during your sleepless weeks and memorized your order (not that you haven’t done the same, but still). Then again, ten years of friendship have made the two of you this close. Sleepovers and doing theatre together until high school - when you decided you didn’t like doing it as much - and movie nights where the two of you screamed at stupid horror movies or shifted uncomfortably at random sex scenes or jammed out to movie musicals; all built up your friendship over the years, even if there were a few fights from time to time. In the end, you two were closer than anyone else you two knew.
      “Jake asked me to come to his Halloween party on Friday,” she said as she opened the container containing her own order.
      “I think I might go.” She shrugged, “he’s so sweet, [y/n]. He suggested that we go as prince and princess.”
      “That’s cute,” you smiled, “do you still have that-”
      “Renaissance costume? Yeah,” she smiled, “it still fits! I mean, it was only a year ago, but still.”
      “Well... have fun, I guess,” you shrugged. She stared at you.
      “I was... actually going to take you with me? Jake said it’d be okay, and you’ve been pretty stressed about all the costumes, and I just thought you could use a night out-”
       You traced circles into the condensation forming on the cup, awkwardly taking a sip. You did have a costume, so it wasn’t like you weren’t prepared. Albeit it be based off of a video game character, it was still something. “People are gonna say I’m a geek.”
      “So? People know that I’m a theatre geek. Besides, if anyone says anything, at least you have the satisfaction that you made your costume yourself!”
       You eyed the pair of long-fall boots in the corner of your room, the portal gun you’d ordered resting against them. Maybe you’d at least ditch the portal gun for Halloween - you didn’t want to risk damaging it, considering the house would probably be full of drunk teenagers. You looked back to Christine.
      “I’ll go if we can have movie night on Saturday. Me, you, and a couple bags of discount Halloween candy,” you brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. 
       “No horror movies,” she said. You frowned.
      “Fiiine. No Singing in the Rain.”
       She was taken aback, “but [y/n]-” She paused, “actually, I have something better. I’ll pick you up.”
       The backyard was the quietest place, for some strange reason. The music wasn’t threatening to knock pictures and paintings off of the walls, there wasn’t the blazing heat of a hundred teenager bodies - quite the opposite, in fact, and you were wishing you brought some sort of jacket - and the lighting was dim. Sure, it wasn’t dead silent - people littering the porch and lounging around the pool (or, if they didn’t care enough, they stripped down to next to nothing and jumped into the icy water before letting out a scream at how fucking cold it is), but it wasn’t too much. You sat in a porch swing, hugging a pillow and swaying back and forth as you wondered where Christine was. Maybe you’d convince her to leave a bit earlier than the two of you had planned, and you’d crash in her bed since fuck the couch, the couch is always cold. 
        The swing suddenly jerked back, sending you immediately gripping onto the back and arm. When you turned to confront the fuck that decided to throw themselves into the spot next to you, you were met with the familiar face of a certain boy who asked you if you realized how ‘this’ looked when you measured him. He sort of grinned at you, as you sink back into your spot, clutching the pillow closer to your chest. Just what you needed: Rich Goranski.
        “Y’know, I didn’t expect to see you here,” he began suddenly, not caring to greet you, “but Christine n’ Jake both mentioned you were around here somewhere, so...”
        “I’m taking a break.” You ran your thumb over the corner of the pillow. “From costumes,” you added on, “Christine’s making me.”
        He nodded and smiled again. “Good. You deserve to let loose sometimes.” He paused, “who are you?” You looked at him, before he just gestured toward your body.
        You glanced down to your costume. “Just a video game character.”
        He didn’t respond at first, but the moment your attention drifted back to the pillow, he spoke. “That’s cool. I’m Jason,” he said, “from the movies? Friday the 13th?” The mask gleamed in the low light from overhead, and you could barely see the red streak peeking out slightly from underneath it, boldly standing out against golden brown.
        You sort of smile. “I know. I like horror movies.”
        “You do?” He sounded genuinely surprised. You didn’t blame him, honestly - especially with the reaction you had earlier when all he really did was sit next to you.
        “Yeah. I mean, I get fucking terrified, but they’re still good.”
        He chuckled a little, reaching up and pushing at the edge of the slipping mask, poising it back at the top of his head, “you wanna grab a drink?”
        “I’m fine.”
        Rich pressed his lips together, obviously not expecting you to reject his offer. He pushed back slightly, basically swaying the swing back and forth slowly. “You do costume shit often?”
        You had to admit - you weren’t fond of his word choice. But you shouldered your thoughts, squirming uncomfortably against the wood, “yeah. Kind of my passion.” You nearly decided against it, but you were already speaking, “I made this,” you gestured slightly toward your outfit. “And the boots, too,” you tapped your fingers against the metal curving out of the back.
        He didn’t speak, just staring. “Can I?” He reached out a hand. You slowly nod.
        You barely knew Rich Goranski - at least, personally. He sprung up during sophomore year and was Jake’s friend, and has slept with numerous girls if the rumors surrounding him were anything to go by. Plenty of people didn’t catch his attention - you and Christine were never the object of his eye, as were many of your friends - but the ones that did seemed to be the popular, gorgeous girls that seemed fawned about by everyone. You heard about how he was one of those guys who’s focus was basically getting into girls’ pants and to watch out because his fingers like to roam or some bullshit.
        But here he sat, right next to you, tracing over the detail of your boots. His attention didn’t wander to your thighs or chest or anything, and a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as he let out the softest gasp at the metal curve of the brace of the boots. Rich seemed genuinely interested, soaking in every part of what would be a complete cosplay if you had your portal gun - and heck, you kind of regret not bringing it if your boots were enough to stun him. For a moment, the cool Rich Goranski who makes stupid sexual comments faded away. For a moment, you saw someone else.
       And within a moment, his hand jerked back and he was gone. He leaned back, gave you a half of a grin, and eased back into his usual cocky, too cool for this shit persona. “I’ll, uh, see you later,” he stood, the swing drawing back a little too quickly.
        The swing threw itself forward, and you nearly fell out if it weren’t for Rich, quickly catching you by the shoulders, his fingers warm against your bare skin. He chuckled softly, tracing circles in your skin with his thumb.
        “You alright?” He said softly. You dumbly nodded, movements slow as you leaned back. He smiled again, and for a split second, you swore you saw the fainted, thinnest pattern of a circuit creep onto his features, etched out across his freckled cheeks ever so faintly. “Good. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to someone as cute as you.”
        His touch lingered a few seconds more before he stepped away, making another comment about how he’ll see you later. The warmth of his touch seemed to haunt your skin, the circles he traced feeling as if it had been tattooed there, just as a reminder that that was real and Rich had just been talking to you. You dismissed the thoughts quickly, standing slowly and stretching, bones popping softly. You’d find Christine and see if you two could leave. Passing out in Christine’s room sounded amazing, and the promise of sleep sounded like it might be able to wash off the ghost of a touch.
        You eventually found her on the couch, talking to some kid in a cyborg costume - Jeremy? You remembered his face and his body too well, honestly, but his name seemed to slip your mind - albeit it looked more like he just wore a onesie to the party as a last minute option. You couldn’t really judge - he seemed happy. Whether it be from the fact he was talking to Christine, because who wouldn’t be happy talking to Christine, or because he was at this party or because whatever, you couldn’t be sure.
        “Hey, [y/n]!” She smiled, “you remember Jeremy, right?”
        Awkward kid that kept getting nervous when measured below the belt. “Yeah. Hi,” you said, sinking into the spot next to Christine, waving at Jeremy. He sort of awkwardly smiles - that sort of smile that’s just oozing with damn it her friend is here. The sort of shit you often saw in movies.
        “Anyway, you were saying?” Christine said, looking back to Jeremy.
        He stared, looking from her to you before deciding on whatever he was about to say. “I was wondering if, uh, you wanted to go out with me?”
        Oh shit, he actually went for it. You looked to Christine, before snagging the keys out of your pocket after seeing how tense she had immediately grown. You whispered, “I’ll go get the car. Meet you in five.” And left the living room as quickly as you could.
        Thirty minutes later and you’re almost to Christine’s house, listening to her ramble about how Jeremy used to be kind of a sweetheart in the past - he didn’t really talk to her, but he was “kind of adorkable” whenever she saw him. Awkward, but adorkable. And now he’s changed and he’s changed from a dork to a dick sometimes, being one of the popular boys who hangs out with Rich and Jake. 
        You ditched your boots in the car, following her into her house, listening to her now talk about the shit that Jake pulled and how she dumped him after seeing that he wasn’t over Chloe. Within the next few thirty, you had showered and had donned the comfiest of pajamas and crawled into bed next to Christine.
        When you woke up, she was crying.
       “It’s Jake.”
       “They’re saying Rich burned down his house-”
       “Jake had to jump out of a window-”
        You took her phone, it buzzing to life endlessly against your palm. Rumors were flying, blocked by your palm “hey, c’mon. Halloween candy, movie day. Singin’ In the Rain. Alright?”
        Her arms were wrapped around you within seconds, her face hot with tears and buried in your neck. “... Yeah. Alright.” She felt your arms wrap around her, and you peek at her screen. Numbers she didn’t know, numbers you’d never recognize, kept spitting rapid-fire across the screen. 
       You shut off her phone. Sure, none of it was directed toward her, but jesus it was a lot to take in - especially because you knew where Christine’s mind was, even if it wasn’t an active thought. There went multiple roles - roles she and Mr.Reyes probably couldn’t handle alone. You traced circles in the thin fabric of her shirt.
        “Everything will be alright.”
       click click click
      “He-ey, [y/n]!”
       click click click
       Was it rude to speed up when the other person was on crutches? Well... at least you had somewhat of a reason. You were Christine’s friend, and you still weren’t completely sure how she felt about him - so you’d play it safe and avoid him as best as you can. But you slowed eventually, turning to face him, smiling a little.
       “Hey, Jake,” you said, awkwardly shoving your hands into the pockets of your dress, rocking slightly on your heels. “... How are you?”
        He doesn’t seemed phased by the fact you were kind of ignoring him, but smiles ever brighter now that you are talking to him. “I’m great!”
        For a second, you swore he didn’t even realize he broke both of his legs. “That’s good.” You sort of smiled, “where’s Chloe?” Fuck, why did you ask that-
       “I’m... not really sure. Probably with Brooke,” he said, “hey, have you finished any of my costumes?”
       “You’re still in the play?” You asked slowly, before he nodded.
       “Yeah! It’s been pretty great, and I can still do most of my stuff, so... why not?”
        You nodded slowly, “I’ll talk to Mr.Reyes about a costume parade tomorrow, since almost everything's done,” dear fuck, was that a lie, “and I’ll make any fixes necessary!”
        Jake nodded, still smiling. He had no idea what a costume parade was, did he? Whatever - he was smiling and he’d learn eventually.
        Time to buy as many energy drinks and stay up finishing every costume you could. Scratch that, finish every costume because you needed to. Would Christine probably get mad you were pushing yourself like that? Probably. Were you going to tell her? Nope. At least, not until after everything was done.
       “Tomorrow I won’t be here to help you all with costume changes.” You announced, standing next to a rack of costumes backstage, “so I ask that you all please be careful and to help each other if possible. Yes, you might miss a cue since this will be the first time,” you ignore the look Christine gave you, “but I will be here specifically to help with the quick changes after that. I’ve spent weeks making these costumes with quick changes in mind,” you plucked Jeremy’s reversible off of a hanger, “which is why I’ve kept most things simple and things that don’t need much help getting in and out of. For example, this-” you hold up the jacket- “is what’s called a reversible.”
        You slid your arms into it, it hanging slightly longer due to Jeremy being a bit of a string bean, “on one side, it looks like this. But,” you removed the article of clothing, flipping it inside out, “it becomes this when reversed. Hence the name: reversible.”
        At the lack of questions, you went on. “I assume you all have been informed of the costume parade? Basically, all you all will be doing is trying on your costumes and I’ll be discussing any changes that need to be made. Understood?” You barely had any reaction, before forcing another smile and continuing, “good! I’ll be sitting out in the audience, so just come line up at the front of the stage when you’re all in your first costumes.”
        At the lack of any protests, you were out n the audience, planted in a seat next to the kid who does lighting - Josh. He didn’t look up, eyes pinned to the phone in his hand as he switched from app to app, not really giving a shit. Eventually, after moments of dreadful silence, he looked over to yu and smiled a little.
       “Costume girl, right?” He said, and you realized the smile had been more of a smirk, as if he was planning something. You shrugged off the thought - he wouldn’t be that stupid, messing with any of your costumes... unless he had a death wish.
       “Yeah. Lighting boy, right?” You replied. If he wasn’t going to even ask your name, you wouldn’t use his.
        But he chuckled. “Yeah. Right.” He looked back to his phone. “So I hear you and Jake are... something.”
        What the fuck. “We aren’t? Where did you-”
       “I dunno. I don’t just ask a cute guy’s best friend shit about how to woo him when I like him,” he shrugged, “I get my friends to do that shit so that I don’t fuck it up halfway through saying his name.”
       “That doesn’t mean-”
        He cut you off, “plus, not naming any names, but a certain someone kept blabbing about how Jake never shuts up about you sometimes.”
        You rested your hands in your lap. How many times had you and Jake actually talked? Then again, how many times had he and Christine said a word to each other?
        Jake was cute - you couldn’t deny that. But... did you really know him? At all? The question weighed down on you - and to no one but Christine, it was obvious you were distracted as you made small comments about each costume. You all but completely skipped over Jake, dealing with the thought that he was talking about you proving to be more difficult that you first hoped. Soon enough, you packed up your shit and left, practically dashing to the school parking lot, jamming your key inside the car and throwing your shit into the passenger seat.
        Jesus, fuck, you needed to be alone. Just for the rest of the day. You had plans you had to take care of tomorrow.
        The hospital was quiet, the only noise being the soft bustle of nurses and family members or friends and such. Your steps felt like they were echoing around you, your bag hanging low on your back as you searched for Rich’s room. Eventually you find it, knocking softly first before slowly pushing the door open and slowly walking in. The lights were dim and you almost left, only to end up lingering for a moment. Was he asleep? Or... had he not woken up?
        The pale light of a cloudy morning flooded in the room, brushing over Rich’s features and causing the faintest glint of light to reflect onto the floor from one of the balloons. You felt like an intruder, standing in near silence as  Rich breathed, burn scars creeping slightly up his neck and into sight. How badly was he hurt? Hell, how did the fire even start? He was fine when he was talking to you, wasn’t he? Fuck if you knew. Part of you was glad that you and Christine had left earlier - but still rested the pit of dread in your that maybe you could have stopped this or something. Maybe you could have helped him, even if you weren’t sure how. The gentle, doe-like eyes that greeted you as he stared in wonder at your effort, your sleepless nights, your patience - all wrapped up in a pair of fancy cosplay boots. His eyes were burned into your memory.
        You should go. Maybe you could come back in a few hours and maybe Rich would be awake-
       “.... [y/n]?”
        It was broken through a yawn, but Rich had definitely called your name. You turned away from the door, and his eyes were on you, squinting as he tried to make out your features before he suddenly smiled at the sight of you. You sort of smile awkwardly, walking in but pausing a the light switch, reaching up only to be stopped by Rich.
       “Don’t. I... like it dark in here.”
        Whatever. His decision, right? Your hand fell back to your side slowly, and eventually you walked over to his bed. You hesitated to speak at first, but finally settled on the only question you could muster up, s you wrapped your fingers around the straps of your bad awkwardly. “... How have you been?”
        He frowned slightly. Oof. Probably not the best question to ask. He answered with a soft, “I’m here.”
       “A lot of people miss you,” you said, cautiously sitting at the foot of his bed, ready to move back up if necessary. He doesn’t say anything about it. “If anyone wanted to find your locker, they could. A lot of notes and shit are all over it,” you forced a smile. “It’s really sweet, honestly.”
        He doesn’t respond at first. Rich just sat there, eyes on you as he tried to think of something - anything - to say. Gone was that cocky, flirtatious exterior for a moment. He was unsure, trying to muster up any words. “What have they been saying about me?”
        Holy shit, Rich Goranski has a lisp. You sort of smiled at the thought - what a cutie. “Different shit. I... think there’s a couple people try to curve the rumors, but-”
       “Yeah. I get it.” He frowned.
       “Rich?” You were going to regret it, you knew it, but you couldn’t shake the desire to ask. “What happened?”
        He doesn’t answer again. 
        “The play’s going well,’ you said, breaking the silence.
        “Good. Is... Chirstine mad about-”
        You cut him off quickly, “no! Definitely not, dude. No one could be mad at you.”
       “What about Jake?”
       “Jake’s... Jake. He hasn’t been holding anything against you, honestly,” you said slowly.
       “How’s Jeremy?” He suddenly asks.
       “Jeremy? He’s... still Jeremy, I guess.”
       “Alright.” He paused, studying your face. How tired did you look? Fuck, you knew you should have put on something - just enough makeup to cover the bags under your eyes at least. “Have you been sleeping?”
        You tensed at the question. Maybe not as much as you should... Fuck, you downed a energy drink just an hour ago to give you the strength to live through Sunday and not sleep until five in the afternoon.
        Apparently, your silence was enough of an answer. “Go home and sleep,” he said softly, “I’ll still be here, i-if you want to come back-”
       “Yeah. I’ll be here the day after the show.” You stand, “we can talk more then, alright?”
        He nodded. He wanted to say something, but he left the words unsaid as you slowly leave the room. He looked over to the bear sitting on the table next to his bed, and frowned. “Fuck.”
        Jake missed one of his cues the first night you helped him. Could he help it? He had a cute girl helping him in and out of his costumes. He liked the way you’d gently smooth out a wrinkle in a shirt or the way you’d smile after making sure everything was right. Was it stupid that he thought about your fingertips running across his chest as you blindly found the edge of his jacket, and that the fact your arms were around him for barely a minute drove him crazy? Fuck, he wasn’t sure, but you were cute and it distracted him because you were so serious about this and he didn’t wanna mess up but how could he focus when he had a cutie like you hanging around him, specifically there for him. Everyone else was fine on their own for the most part - maybe you had to zip up Brooke’s dress and help Jenna at least once, but other than that, you were the center of his attention.
        Was it bad that he really liked that? Fuck if he knew.
        He was going to ask you out. Sbarro? Sbarro. Sbarro was a good option - who didn’t like pizza? He at least knew you did, considering one night Mr.Reyes ordered pizza for all of you before the second run through of the night. Then again, maybe Sbarro wasn’t a good idea then - you’d probably be tired of pizza. Maybe just the mall in general - he’ll try to pay for you if he can and maybe you two could just talk and maybe there wouldn’t be someone to steal the attention away with their performance art. 
        Did that sound needy? Fuck, it probably did. He’ll have to figure out how to ask you out. Hopefully Christine didn’t say anything to you - then again, she didn’t seem like the person to, and... she was oddly okay with him subtly bringing up the idea of dating you.
        "I can’t believe it,” you hissed softly, “I spent weeks making costumes - and now Jeremy doesn’t even fucking show up!”
        Jake frowned. You were pissed. 
       “I mean, Jake, you broke both of your legs and you’re here. I just... I don’t know,” you murmured. Your gaze fell to the floor, your arms crossed across your chest as you held back tears. You worked so fucking long and Jeremy just straight up blew off the entire play. Now Mr.Reyes had to make time to get through Rich’s changes, and Jeremy’s and-
        Jake’s hand was on your cheek. “Hey,” he cooed softly, “it’ll be alright. Jeremy will be here - he wouldn’t blow off something this important.”
        You looked up at him and he was blown away. God, you had beautiful eyes. “You think so?”
       “Yeah!” He smiled, slowly tearing his hand away from your cheek, gripping the handgrip tightly. He hesitated for once, unsure about the timing, but decided hes go for it. “Hey, [y/n]? I was wondering if maybe you’d-”
        The two of you looked up as Jeremy strolled in, usurping your attention away from him. He could tell it was taking everything to prevent yourself from marching over to him and chewing him out. Maybe he’d tell you after the show - give you time to calm down since you were practically burning, hatred oozing out of every pore. He watched as you stared, watching Jeremy talk to Christine, holding up something before watching her turn and walk away from him.
        “Places for scene two, people!”
        Jake left you standing alone, seething as you stared down Jeremy. If looks could kill… Jake left you after a few moments, hesitating slightly.
        You kept staring at Jeremy. Something was off. He seemed… anxious, uncertainty beginning to practically drip from every inch of him, his hands still clutching some pink shoe-box he had drawn out of his bag. What was wrong with him? He used to be different - acting cool and so sure, save for Halloween night. He moved, intending on running out on stage - something that’d ruin the show for sure - and before you could stop him, Mr.Reyes was already there, hand curled around his arm, fingers digging in and likely leaving bruises. He spat something in his face, only to push him back, exiting onto the stage.
        “[y/n]!” He said, voice shrill as he grabbed you by the shoulders. “You haven’t drank from that beaker, right?”
        You’re confused, staring him down. “Dude, that’s a prop - I’m not going to-”
        “Good! Fuck, I need you to go out there and take the beaker-”
        “Jeremy, that’d ruin the show for Christine, I can’t-”
        “No, you don’t understand-”
        “I’m sorry that some of us care about the show! Seriously, call time was an hour ago and you’re late-”
        “[y/n], I wouldn’t-”
        You were caught off guard by the sound of Brooke’s voice becoming rougher as she spoke her lines, filled with an newfound passion. You looked back to Jeremy. “What. Did. You. Do.”
        He tensed immediately, “I need you to get that beaker.”
        You nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
        He tore away from you. You’d apologize to Christine later, as you crept into the shadows of the curtains, putting on the headset, hearing soft humming.
        He’s immediately quiet, “huhwhat-” and, you assume, scrambling to sit up. “What? You aren’t supposed to be on here-”
        “I need a blackout on stage.”
        “Uh… it’s not the end of the scene? I mean, I’d do it but I don’t have a death wish right now since my life’s been pretty baller-”
        “Fuck, Josh, I need-”        The door swung open, and in strolled some nerdy looking guy with glasses and a red hoodie, holding up a bottle of red soda. You nearly snapped at him if it weren’t for the relief that immediately washed over Jeremy. You grew silent as you watched the two talk, Josh questioning everything as you then watched Jeremy go near silent before beginning to attack his friend - Michael, you were pretty sure. You whipped off the headset, tossing it down as you went to try and stop him.
        “Jeremy! What the hell-” You managed to say, only to be met with the cold wooden floor seconds later.
        He had shoved you away, before he tearing himself away from Michael. “It’s taking over my body,” he said, “I need your help - I’m sorry!”
        Michael was immediately after him, managing to somewhat hold him down. He nearly spoke to you if it weren’t for the familiar click of Jake’s crutches - and maybe it was better than he ask Jake, considering how Jeremy flailed against Michael’s grasp and considering you probably wouldn’t have been able to do shit with Jeremy writhing like that.
        “Jake! This is gonna sound weird but -” he was cut off for a moment, tightening his grip around Jeremy’s wrist as he struggled, “if I hold down Jeremy, can you make him drink this Mountain Dew Red?” He didn’t wait for an answer before tossing the bottle over to him, immediately returning to the task of keeping Jeremy down.
        Jake stared at the bottle, eyes catching a glimpse of you. He looked back to Michael, “actually… that doesn’t sound weird at all.”
        Pain overtook him, spiraling through his head as the bottle slipped from his grasp. His head hung low with his face scrunched in pain, before it suddenly evaporated from his features, and he looked up. He felt…
        Pretty fucking amazing, honestly.
        “Jake?” You said softly, standing as you stepped over. “Are you alright?”
        When he looked back up to you, you recognized everything. The familiar, faint circuit pattern you swore you had seen on Rich seemed to disappear within seconds. And he smiled at you, unnerving you completely as he reached up and gently brushed a strand of hair out of your face.
        “[y/n], I feel boss.” He didn’t stop smiling. Dear god. “No,” he said quickly, “I feel more than that. Here, watch-” He said, throwing down his crutches. You nearly scrambled to pick them up if it weren’t for Jake stopping you. “Don’t. I don’t need them anymore.”
        Jeremy piped up softly, staring at the phenomenon before him. “It… healed your legs?”
        Jake only chuckled softly, “no! But I can’t feel the pain anymore - it’s awesome!” He smiled, “you could be like this too, y’know. Painless,” he lowered his voice as he looked to you, “happy. [y/n], you could be pretty boss with-”
        “What’s wrong with me now?” You said, staring at him.
         He seemed at a loss for words for a second. “Nothing! But you could be more-”
        “Jake,” you tore away from him slightly, “I’m fine with the way I am. I don’t need,” you motioned toward his head, “whatever you have to change me.”
        He seemed rejected. The moment Brooke and Chloe walked in, however, you had stumbled into his arms, scared from the sudden appearance. He didn’t feel content, though. There you were, in his arms, warm underneath his touch, and he didn’t feel as good as he should feel. 
       The voice in his head snapped at him. Kiss her, was spat into his ear, or... get her the Mountain Dew yourself. She’ll be much happier if you-
       Then you were gone, out of his arms as you moved out of the way of everything - trying your best to avoid anything. Everything. You were fucking terrified and it showed in your eyes and in the way your arms were folded too tightly across your chest as you only took in everything that occurred before you. Michael had sprinted out after seeing the bottle resting at Jake’s feet, the pool of red soda hiding in the bottom. When the other four circled around him, you broke out of your spot, shoving past them.
        “Michael!” You had cried, arms ending up around him as the two of you fell back. When the group parted around you, you were awkwardly squished against him, both of you completely disheveled. You didn’t notice Jake’s eyes pinned to you, the voice in his head cooing it’s bullshit as it mocked him because look at her, she’s all over Mell - she probably likes Michael because Michael Mell is a loser who likes video games and Michael wasn’t like him-
         When Christine walked backstage, she was positively glowing. You went to say something, only to realize there was something so fucking wrong and that wasn’t Christine. She was too rehearsed - as if every step had been laid out in front of her, every motion planned down to the exact millisecond, her smile plastered onto her face as she approached Jeremy. She said something to him, and he just stared in awe. You balled your fists, Michael’s hoodie becoming crumpled in your hands. He reached up, fingers brushing over your arm.
        “[y/n], right?” He said softly, “look, fuck, I’m sorry-”
        You watched Christine lift the bottle to her lips, drinking. And then she screeched. One right after another - Chloe, then Brooke, then Jake, Mr.Reyes, then Jenna - and finally, Jeremy. And then they all collapsed around you, leaving you and Michael to cling to each other as you two let out a scream.
        Well. You two were fucked.
        A month later, your friend group had grown from just Christine and a couple other people to include not only Jake and Rich, but the rest of the play’s cast. Jeremy and Michael were giant nerds and you actually had plans to go to a con with them, them maybe also in cosplay if they could pull something together in time. The three of you spent the day sending endless selfies to the group chat of you all in last minute cosplays. At some point you fell asleep in the backseat of Michael’s car, and when you checked the group chat later, found a picture with “she slep” underneath it. You expected to see some sort of comments from anyone else, but only saw a “let her slep” from Christine. You shrugged it off.
        At least, you did until Rich was sitting at the end of your bed one day, watching you sew a dress for a Zelda cosplay you’d been planning for months. It was only in the bare bones stage, but he was entranced with your fluid motions. He was supposed to be focused on math homework, pestering you with questions over content if he needed it. Heck, that’s why he was there - you were going to tutor him unless he waved you off, telling you to work on your cosplay and he’ll ask questions if he needs it. But he ended up getting through two problems before he gave up, watching your face as you furrowed your brow, humming softly as you continued to work. Fuck, the amount of concentration you had was adorable.
        … Adorable? No. No, you weren’t adorable. Well, you were, but you and Rich were only friends. He liked Jake, didn’t he? Jake was cute and tall and kind of interested in him except neither of them made a move toward each other because… because.
        Because Jake was conflicted. Rich didn’t know it, and neither did you, honestly -  but Jake often sat between the two of you, his heart aflutter in his chest as he realized almost daily that he was absolutely smitten with the both of you. But he was convinced you didn’t like him - you liked Michael because Michael was kind of a dork and you were kind of a dork and why wouldn’t you like Michael? Michael didn’t try to convince you to change yourself. Michael didn’t try to convince you that you could be better if you took some… weird thing that caused a voice in his head - hell, he still wasn’t sure what happened that day. But he remembered what you told him, burning with anger as you recounted the shit he said to you only to realize that wasn’t him and profusely apologize. 
        Jake liked you. Jake liked Rich.
        Rich liked you. Rich liked Jake. 
        You liked Jake. You liked Rich.
        And there you sat, Rich’s eyes practically burning a hole in your back as you worked, not knowing that you were busy shoving thoughts about how soft his hair looked sometimes and how you kind of wondered what it’d be like to kiss him out of mind. He didn’t know your fingers fumbled and that you sort of ended up nicking your skin - not terrible, but breaking the skin enough that there was a bead of blood as you hissed. You heard the clatter of Rich’s binder hitting the floor, breaking up as he’s beside you within seconds, taking your hand in his own.
        “I’m fine,” you mumbled, “sorry-”
        “Fuck, hold on- where are the band-aids?” He said. You stared at him, before softly chuckling.
        “I’ll be fine, Rich. It was just a little nick.”
        He stared at your finger, before his eyes met yours after a moment of hesitation, “you sure?”
        You couldn’t help but smile - was he worried about you? “I’ll be fine, dude. Unless you wanna kiss it and make it better or some shit,” you laughed softly.
        Dear god, did you not know how much he wouldn’t mind doing that? Even as fucking joke, it was probably the closest he’d get to kissing you honestly. He couldn’t fucking help staring at you and wondering what it’d be like to smash his lips against yours and run his hands through your hair or what it’d be like to explore every inch of your skin. His thoughts kept running elsewhere and you chuckled as your attention wandered elsewhere. What were you-
        “You should probably clean up your binder, Rich.”
        He followed your line of sight, only to find that his math binder had snapped open upon hitting the floor, papers askew. He sort of smiled, the warmth of his fingers leaving yours as he walked over, picking it up and throwing it onto your bed. He carelessly snatched up his papers, not caring whether shit got folded or crumpled as he shoved it all into the open plastic - he’d just fix it later, probably.
        “Did you finish your work?” You asked softly, bouncing on your heels. He looked to you, swiftly nodding -which was a lie, but you didn’t know that.
        Before you knew it, he shoved his messy folder back into his backpack and left you, making up some excuse about how he needed to get home or whatever. He was gone before you could protest in any form, not giving you a chance to muster up any possible excuse for him to stay a bit longer.
        And you had to wonder. What made him leave so quickly?
        “So… let me get this straight. You like Rich.”
        “But you also like Jake?” 
        You turned over, resting on your stomach as you watched Christine look through her closet, trying to find a cute shirt. “... Yeah.”
        “Why don’t you tell them that?”
        “No, [y/n],” she said, “tell them that you like both of them?”
        “Christiiiine,” you whined, “then I’m gonna ruin everything because they probably don’t even like me or - if they did, I can’t have two boyfriends, can I?” 
       “Who says you can’t?” She shrugged, pulling out a black shirt with flowers on it. “It’s called polyamory-”
        “I know about polyamory,” you cut her off, “but I don’t know about Rich or Jake- I mean, they’d probably laugh at the idea, right?”
        She frowned as she looked back to you, “why don’t you just… ask them?” 
        “Just… try?”
        What you didn’t know was that Christine knew. Jake and Rich trusted her enough - and honestly, who didn’t trust Christine? She was an angel and you often considered yourself blessed to be her best friend, honestly. Jake came to her days before you did, mentioning something about how you were cute and vaguely mentioning Rich in the same, love struck way. Rich, on the other hand, had been blunt - asking her for advice straight out only to be told the exact same thing she told you: to talk to both of you.
        The situation was this: you definitely weren’t going to make the first move. That means you had to actually mention the idea and kind of confess your feelings for the both of them and essentially make the first move, which was just a thought that absolutely terrified you. Rich wasn’t going to say anything either - more out of the fact he wasn’t sure how to bring up the idea that he’d basically be down for banging both of you (without saying it like that, since he wasn’t sure how you’d take it considering he was... kinda serious about it) without blurting it out. And Jake wasn’t going to say anything, mainly out of the uncertainty about how to bring up the topic at some point.
        So that left Christine with the decision that she’d try to push the three of you together, with some help. She may have vaguely mentioned the idea to Jeremy, and eventually managed to convince the rest of the group to get on board with this little scheme. They’d find a way to push the three of you together, since it was beginning to get blatantly obvious that there were mutual feelings between the three of you.
        One day, you and Jake and Rich ended up at the mall all at the same time, the rest of the group nowhere to be found. Then one-by-one, texts came in, an excuse given to why the rest of them weren’t there. Sure, it was weird, but Rich won you and Jake stuffed bears out of a claw machine after betting that he could beat the machine, and the three of you ended up getting pretzels so the trip wasn’t a waste at all.
        One night you ended up sitting in Jake’s hotel room with both of them, watching some crappy movie. You forgot about the homework due the next day, the impending weight of a test in a few days or weeks, the world outside passing by. For once, you were content. Rich was happy, his head in your lap as you absentmindedly messed with his hair - which was definitely as soft as you thought it would be, honestly, what is his secret? And Jake had rested an arm around you, pulling you closer to him slightly, his other hand resting near Rich’s. You’d barely remember the movie, as you sort of sunk into Jake, his warmth lulling you to sleep. Rich looked up as he noticed you slowing to a stop, your head resting on Jake’s shoulder. He couldn’t lie - he was pretty sleepy too, but the sight of you snoozing away was adorable.
        The next morning, you woke up tangled up with Rich and Jake, the awkward imprint of a zipper going down one of your cheeks, and Rich’s arms around your waist and his face pressed against your back. You didn’t want to move - the both of them sleeping soundly. So you didn’t - or at least, you avoided moving as much as you could. You only listened - the rise and fall of Jake’s chest underneath you, his breathing soft and quiet, and Rich at your back, shifting in his sleep, snuggling closer to you. Everything felt tranquil, as if the world wasn’t bustling outside with the business of morning. As if the only three people that existed were you and Jake and Rich. You smiled a little - because, well, that was a thought. Eventually you shut your eyes and somehow managed to realize one thing.
        You loved both of them.
        The group was conflicted. Because on one hand, the three of you were extremely close and seemed like everything had been resolved and that this was happening. On the other hand, none of you said a word about any of it. No announcement that hey we’re all dating, that’s cool right of any sort, no kisses, nothing that would give anything away. Because, apparently, you three weren’t dating. No matter how much Rich’s hands rested at you and Jake’s hips, sometimes squeezing gently to get any sort of a reaction from the both of you - usually a gentle nudge from you while Jake would become slightly flustered and glance down to Rich. You had the habit of bringing the two of them little things more often than anyone else - setting down one of Rich’s favorite energy drinks in front of him on the days he needed it, or bringing them both coffee and muffins in the morning. Jake would get invested in what you or Rich was doing - plans, current problems, anything and everything. 
        So then there was a bet. Christine said you weren’t dating officially, and Jeremy sided with her. Jenna had bet that it was just a secret. Michael shrugged and said it hasn’t happened - and after a moment, Brooke agreed. Chloe didn’t bother to look up from her phone, hanging onto every word.
       “Why would they hide it from us?”
       “I dunno, maybe they’re just nervous-”
       “Rich would have blurted it out by now, and [y/n] tells Christine everything.”
       “[y/n] doesn’t tell me everything. She still has her secrets and I have mine-”
       “Christine, we all know that’s bullshit.”
       “Oh my god, they’re dating,” Chloe said, breaking the conversation up, “and Jake’s not going to say anything about it yet because this is new to him. Rich respects that, and [y/n] obviously wants to tell Christine but she doesn’t want to ruin everything. Let. It. Go.”
        The first time Rich had kissed you was after a convention. You had just gotten back to your house, fumbling with yours keys when he had turned you to face him, smashing his lips against yours. Your keys hit the ground, your hands finding their way into his hair and he tugged you closer to him. It was sloppy and quick, but you didn’t care. Thirty minutes later, you were curled up  with your head on his chest and dressed in the softest pajamas, looking up at the phone in his hand as he texted Jake to get his ass over here. 
       The first time you and Jake kissed was the following morning as the two of you were up before Rich and the house was empty, so breakfast seemed like a good idea. Besides, Jake had bragged enough about his boss cooking skills, it was time to put them to the test. So while Jake searched your fridge for ingredients, you sat on the kitchen island, humming as you watched him. At one point the two of you began making small little comments toward each other, before Jake ended up standing between your legs, forehead against yours. You had closed the distance, pressing your lips against his for a quick, gentle kiss.
       A gentle kiss that ended with Jake all but on top of you, hungrily kissing you. Rich swinging into the kitchen was what broke you two up. He chuckled, made some comment as he walked over, getting a quick kiss from Jake - and then another from you - before the three of you teamed up to make breakfast.
       And by team up, you and Rich watched Jake make pancakes.
       The group found out one day when you had accidentally sent a selfie into the group chat, Rich in the background with a dog that was definitely too big to be called a puppy, captioned with “jake our bf is paying more attention to this puppy than me and i dont blame him” and then a quick “ hurry up and get here before we buy a dog love you” before you shoved your phone in your pocket. You realized your mistake the moment there was a symphony of buzzes and chimes, and you saw literally everyone but Jake or Rich.
       “Rich?” You croaked, pulling his attention as your nerves bundled themselves tightly, your hands shaking, “Rich, fuck-”
        He was up and to you within seconds, “babe? You alright?” He said softly, only to look to your phone once you held it up. “Wait-”
       “Rich, Jake didn’t want us to say anything and I fucked up and texted the group chat and not him a-and he’s going to hate me-”
        So Rich did what he could: he called Jake, and within the next hour, the three of you were sitting on the bed in near silence. Phones kept buzzing will calls every so often - Christine being the most predominant of the names that popped up. Jake wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He wasn’t mad - you didn’t mean to and he saw how upset you were over the entire thing. Sure, the three of you probably would have waited a lot longer to say anything to the group, but at least that wasn’t a problem anymore, right? That picture of Rich was cute.
       Speaking of Rich, he had been the first one to break, checking his phone. After all, everyone could learn to love the real Richard Goranski and his lovers. Instead of happiness or anger, you and Jake were met with Rich’s silence. When you looked, you saw why.
       First came a chorus of “i knew it” in varying forms, before then there was the realization that none of you had responded. Then the chat turned to love: Christine beginning with saying she supported you three, and then there was just messages upon messages of how they supported the three of you, that they wouldn’t go parading this around the school because who the fuck would do that, that they’d all be here when you all finally decided to say something.
       You had to wonder how you came to have so many people like this in your life. First Christine, who you had years of friendship solidifying your bond stronger than steel. Now you had two boyfriends who you adored more than anything, a constellation of pure love developed between you three as you had nights where you three would just sit around and watch dumb movies and eat pizza while making stupid jokes, or dates around the town where the three of you played Pokemon Go and argued about who’s team was better over lunch. The days where you and Rich would find Jake at work, making jokes about how he worked at Dick’s Sporting Goods (one time of which Jake responded with how Rich is “sporting goods,” which ended that conversation as you laughed and Rich grew flustered) or when you started working at Pinkberry and you had both of them with the rest of the group “bothering” you during work. And dear god, how you loved the rest of the group. They all supported you all, refuting any rumors before they could really take off (especially Jenna and Chloe, the two being extremely fast to stomp out anything before they could really start blazing). The three of you had undying support from them: something you all were grateful for. Heck, you had noticed that Christine had put stars by your, Jake, and Rich’s names. When asked about it, she smiled.
       “You guys are a constellation. That’s what poly relationships are called!”
       For the first time in months, you realized how loved you were. Jake had pressed a gentle kiss to your neck, arms around your torso. Rich pressed a soft, quick kiss to your lips, arms wrapped around you and Jake awkwardly as the three of you laid in near silence, the soft chatter from the TV filling the room.
      “Hey... Rich? Jake?” You mumbled, “I love you.”
       They had both smiled. “We love you too.”
since people wanted me to mention them:
@love-doesnt-discriminate @fly-like-a-grayson @heatherchandlxrs @linslovelylocks @1two-player-game1 
sorry if i forgot anyone!!! this is just based off of the list i have
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jacob-dillinger · 7 years
post your thoughts about richard goranski.
what was he like before the squip? with jeremy, the squip obviously takes a more chill approached– it pushes jeremy into cool and suave and aloof, but that doesn’t seem to be the same with rich. with rich, it pushes off a sort of abrasive behavior to make rich popular, but how did rich have to act prior to receiving a squip for it to decide that this was the easiest course to take? i so often see pre-squip rich being expressed as similar to jeremy– shy, awkward, quiet– but post squip (although, honestly, that may not be the best thing to base squipless rich off of), rich is obviously none of those things.
prior to the squip song, the scene between rich and jeremy in the bathroom, rich seems frantic. not even when the prospect of the squip comes up, but even just when taunting to jeremy, he’s not COOL. he’s not chill, he’s LOUD, aggressive in getting his point across. i don’t necessarily think pre-squip rich was like jeremy in his awkwardness, more so the fact that he was only awkward once it was time to regret it. he was an easy target because he initially said stupid things so shamelessly, and then may have immediately regret them once realizing how stupid they were. the loud and aggressive statements squipped rich makes may have been the ones that put pre-squipped rich in the hearts of so many bullies, that made him seem like such a loser, and, inevitably, were what the squip would utilise in making rich seem ‘cooler’.
obviously, my word isn’t law, and there are things in canon that can easily disprove statements made based largely on my own personal opinion. for example, the line where rich tells jeremy that the only reason he might believe rich didnt go to middleborough freshman year was because he didn’t notice largely implies that rich was just quiet, something to be unnoticed. however, i can argue this with the idea that rich just means he didn’t notice rich as a person. no one knew rich’s name, maybe just knowing him as “the guy who did/said ___”, and by the time he was squipped, he was probably borderline unrecognizable compared to the weird kid most others knew. newer, cooler wardrobe and hair, a confidence people probably didn’t recognize compared to the spastic and erratic tendencies he used to hold (and sort of still does, based on the panic that sets in and lets his lisp slip right before the squip song).
also, what objective was he trying to achieve with his squip? sure, the squip’s main use is to make its user cool, but with jeremy we clearly see an attempt to make christine like him, right? that’s not to say rich HAD to have an objective beyond just being cool, but what if he did? what was it?
and how do you think rich and jake really fit into the squip squad after the events of the play? like, everyone just portrays everyone as just instantly fitting in together and generally the play ends on a happy note, but surely it couldn’t have been THAT easy. michael openly expresses distaste for rich at some point in the musical, and i doubt it didn’t take some forgiving towards jake and rich on michael and jeremy’s behalf. as for christine, yes, she’s generally recognized as a ‘cinnamon roll’ or whatever, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t necessarily get to be pissed off or at least BOTHERED by the fact that jake kinda cheated on her. like, she kinda got mad at jake just for not being able to show up to one of the play rehearsals? and i can’t really imagine she likes rich all too much, but that’s just me? and you can assume jake, chloe, and brooke are all kinda on a good note due to the fact that they shared the verse in ‘voices in my head’, but is that just because jake and chloe are 'dating’ at that point? what happens if they break up? if chloe hates jake when they break up, she probably won’t be too fond of rich, either, and brooke and jenna will probably follow in suit, not wanting to piss chloe off.
and last but not least, how does jake dillinger react to the real richard goranski???
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pariswrites-blog · 7 years
So I decided to make a large list of plots / faces / ships that I want, which you can find below the cut. It’s long. Check it out and message me/like this if you’re interested in any of them!
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So I’ve got 3 ships that I want most of all: Niels Schneider x Xavier Dolan, Daniel Sharman x Frank Dillane, and Niels Schneider x Daniel Sharman. I’m completely open plot wise for any of these though for the Niels x Daniel one, I did make this post earlier and still 100% stand by it. I will love you forever if you do one of these with me.
I love this show too much and am so sad to see it go so why not do some 1x1s for it? 
I love playing Isaac tbh and would love to have some ships for him. Allison x Isaac is like my OTP so if someone did that with me I would scream? I’ve also always been intrigued with the idea of Lydia x Isaac so I would totally love it if someone did that one too (and I’m cool with changing Holland’s face if you’re uncomfortable with her). Scott x Isaac, Stiles x Isaac, Jackson x Isaac are all some other suggestions. I’m intrigued with Boyd x Isaac as well so that’s a suggestion there too.
Also, sorry Thiam shippers, but I’m 100% forever on the Briam train so if someone would play Liam against my Brett, I’d be in heaven.
Okay so, fun fact, this blog was re-purposed from an rp blog for a group that sadly died. It was an ITF inspired rp and I loved the character I played there and would love to bring him back. There was also a wanted connection I had for him that never got filled but that would be really great as a 1x1. You can read about my character Apollo Bellerose (Niels Schneider fc) here but here’s also a summary of the idea.
(Muse A is Apollo, Muse B would be your character.)
M/M -- Muse A was a wild child, a feral animal of fire and rule-breaking. Hopes for him were dashed at an early age as he set himself up as the trouble-maker. Muse B was the opposite -- tempered and popular. The only reason their paths crossed was because they grew up in the same small town, in the same class. But that should’ve been it. It was a surprise to everyone when Muse B and Muse A started hanging out together, soon becoming inseparable. They were just children but they were attached at the hip, growing into adolescence and teenagers. Muse A was still wild, Muse B was still calm -- fire and water, red and blue. When they were sixteen, their friendship evolved into something more intimate. Though the relationship could be fraught at time -- Muse A to blame in almost every case -- their bond ran deep. Or it did, until Muse B died suddenly. It was an accident or heart failure or something similar, sudden and unexpected. Too soon. One might’ve expected Muse A to go off the deep-end but, rather, he was numb, going through the motions. That was until the Rising happened and the dead came back. The world ground to a halt but with the PDS sufferers in treatment centers, the world is returning to normal and Muse A is getting back on his self-destructive track. He refuses to acknowledge that overwhelming possibility that Muse B would be one of those PDS sufferers, going so far as to avoid Muse B’s grave. With the PDS sufferers returning to Roarton though, it’s only a matter of time before Muse A wouldn’t be able to deny to it. But will an apocalypse be enough to sever their bond? Probably not.
My main suggestion for B was Xavier Dolan though I also originally suggested Daniel Sharman and Keith Powers. Matt Daddario, Bob Morley, and Dominic Sherwood would also work though Xavier and Daniel would be preferred. This is, like, one I really, really want to do still.
Campy 90s shows for the win (oh, and fuck you Looper -- it’s still perfectly watchable now). Anyways. I really want a Xena x Gabrielle plot, two bad-ass women travelling through the ancient world, kicking godly asses. As much as I love Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor, I realize that they’re not really usable so I’m totally down for changing the faces. Just... Please. Badass women and a canon that totally allows for AUs in all time periods -- it’d be awesome.
So um... I don’t want like a really super canon 1x1 here but like, after Koleb died, I got in my head this idea of what if, when Davina brought back Kol, Kaleb hitched a ride back. Kaleb’s bitter af but he was always kind of the way in my mind. The pairing would be Davina x Kaleb and we could also make this an OT3 if there was someone who’d like to play Kol as well but that’s not necessary for me.
Uh... Indie French cinema for the win? Yeah, I know this won’t get any bites but I’m gonna try anyways. Basically a few years after the end of the movie, Francis and Nicolas meet again. There’s been some maturing, maybe Francis isn’t as close to Marie anymore (or maybe she got married or something). It’s slow-burn reconnecting and falling in love.
So... I know Troy’s a POS person but I think there was potential for evolution in his character. He was isolated from a young age with an abusive father and alcoholic mother which didn’t give him much of a fighting chance in becoming a better person. Off the ranch though, I think he could have evolved. He also had a ton of useful information about walkers. Anyways, I’d like to give him that arc. Also I want to explore that mad chemistry between Nick and Troy so yeah. This masterlist might be good for some general plot ideas and tbh the “Who’s baby is this?” one just screams Trick to me.
This can be like modern or actual myth -- either’s cool. 
Zeus x Ganymede. Either historical like Zeus kidnaps him to be the wine-pourer and Zeus wants him but Ganymede is just perpetually pissed with him for KIDNAPPING him and Zeus has to win him over. Or maybe something modern that’s more sugary daddy/baby-ish?
Telemachus. I really love my baby Telemachus? Or Telemaque as the French would say. But, basically, there’s this suitor and he’s one of the younger ones, probably 25 or less, and not really in the running to win Penelope’s hand but eh. He doesn’t really care. He likes to tease Telemachus but as things get worse in Ithaca, he realizes he’s worried about Telemachus and starts teaching him how to fight and defending him and they start falling in love. He be all like ‘I’ll go with you’ when Telemachus goes to find his father (even though he doesn’t) and, when Odysseus returns, Telemachus has to defend him because he was technically one of the suitors and just... Please. (I’d play Telemachus.)
Odysseus x Penelope. Clever Odysseus and clever Penelope, dominating and tricking the world with their superior minds. A modern!AU.
I love this universe so I’m super down for anything. I won’t do anything set at Hogwarts because I can never remain interested in that tbh but other stuff is cool. I highkey ship Remus x Sirius and would love to write them as long as the faces aren’t Andrew Garfield or Ben Barnes. I also love all the potential in the fucked up dynamic between Fenrir and Remus. I usually end up playing Fenrir but if someone wanted to let me play Remus in that, I’d adore you forever. A Regulus x Remus one would be awesome too. A Nymphadora x Remus ship would be cool too, as would a James x Lily or Lily x Marlene. Outside the Marauders era, someone needs to give me a Ginny x Cho ship. I also wrote a next gen son of Greyback (Lycus Greyback) once that I’d love to bring back. Maybe with Teddy? Or OCs -- OCs in the HP universe are totally okay with me.
So this tag has the plots I want but some I particularly want.
X. I’d like to be Muse B and maybe like have Tom Ellis as A? Or Jason Momoa? Idk. I’m open but I think it’d be super fun.
X. I’d be cool with playing either in this plot; I’d love to see Troye Sivan as A but again open but fun sounding.
“you’re supposed to be on a blind date with someone but you sat down at the wrong table and i haven’t been able to get a word in edgewise to tell you that and it’s been thirty minutes” from this post. I’ve no preferences on genders or faces just I think this could be cool.
Yo I’ve mentioned this multiple times not but THIS PLOT with Daniel Sharman as A and Niels Schneider as B -- let me play B and love. me.
“what is the ONE thing i asked you NOT to do tonight?” “raise the dead…” “AND WHAT DID YOU DO?!” “…raised the dead…” from this post. I really want to play a necromancer? Maybe we could do a Trick!AU where the walkers are because of necromancers and Troy has had to repress the fact he’s one his entire life and then Jeremiah and Jake are dead and yeah. But we could also do this as entirely OC. I’d still love it be necromancer-caused zombie apocalypse but I’m cool with other stuff.
“i’m a ghost and i’m trapped in the graveyard and i don’t normally talk to mortals but bro i have to ask wtf are you doing hanging around a graveyard is your life really this sad” from this post. open and fun again!
X. PLEASE. Any sort of serial killer plot would be awesome. Which is a weird fucking thing to say but okay.
“you and your friend always sit at the table a couple down from mine and gossip in [insert language here], which happens to be a language i’m currently learning. i’ve been eavesdropping to try and improve my listening comprehension and oh my god are you actually talking about how hot i am???” -- this please, from this post. maybe like a daniel sharman x tyler posey? or idk.
literally anything from this post but like i mention “who’s baby is this? au” for Trick in a canon divergent plot (ie. after they leave the ranch, before they get to the dam)
also this could also work for xavier dolan x niels schneider.
So how about a Xavier Dolan x Daniel Sharman? Or Jenna Thiam x Niels Schneider? Also Jack Falahee, Crystal Reed, Kat McNamara, Conrad Ricamora x Daniel Sharman. Other ones that don’t include Daniel, Xavier, or Niels: Eva Green x Caitlin Stasey (I’d also be cool with playing Eva if we used them for Xena and Gabrielle), Riz Ahmed x Fawad Khan (Fawad as a multi-billionaire playboy and Riz as a devoted grad student, maybe?), Charlie Hunnam x Jason Momoa, Marlon Teixeira x Willy Cartier, Andreja Pejic x Hari Nef, Andrew Garfield x Ben Barnes (but not as Remus and Sirius), Sofia Boutella x Charlize Theron.
It’s very clear that I love Daniel Sharman and Niels Schneider so they will always be most wanted, with Xavier Dolan as a close third. I feel most comfortable with them tbh and have the most muse for them (also I’ve made like 400 gifs of Niels). If you want to make me happy, let me play one of them and play one of the others against me. I would like to branch out at some point though so some others. There are honestly too many for me to list in their entirety so I’ll list only ones I have mentioned already. Bold are ones I want to play, italics I want used against me, plain are the ones I have no preference about (though I’d be open on most of the bold ones too).
Alycia Debnam-Carey, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Samuel Larsen, Adrianne Palicki, Laith Ashley, Elliot Fletcher, Iskra Lawrence, Lisa Teige, Iman Meskini, Hale Appleman, Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Adelaide Kane, Alexandra Daddario, Amber Heard, Josh Holloway, Angelina Jolie, Arden Cho, Barbara Palvin, Alex Saxon, Alexander Koch, Bianca Santos, Caity Lotz, Camila Quieroz, Cara Delevigne, Blake Michael, Avan Jogia, Austin Butler, Diego Barrueco, Bill Skarsgard, Booboo Stewart, Chloe Bridges, Byun Baek-Hyun, Diane Guerrero, Carlos Valdes, Josh Thomas, Dichen Lachman, Christopher Larkin, Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller, Gaspard Ulliel, Emeraude Toubia, Emilia Clarke, Famke Janssen, Gabriella Wilde, Halston Sage, Dev Patel, Douglas Booth, Godfrey Gao, Harry Shum Jr., Karen Fukuhara, Kiowa Gordon, Landon Liboiron, Matt Hitt, Matthew Gray Gubler, Keira Knightley, Kiana Lede, Lana Condor, Liza Soberano, Maira Walsh, Jamie Blackley, Jordan Fisher, Jamie Campbell-Bower, Megan Fox, Naomi Scott, Max Irons, Reece King, Richard Harmon, Natalia Dyer, Phoebe Tonkin, Priyanka Chopra, Madelaine Petsch, Seo Kang-Joon, Steven R. McQueen, Steven Yeun, Seychelle Gabriel, Shelley Hennig, Skyler Samuels, Haruma Miura, Lee Hyun-Jae, Thomas McDonell, Toby Regbo, Tom Holland, Tyler Blackburn, Joe Manganiello, Tyler Hoechlin, Cengiz Al, Froy Gutierrez, Tanya Beatty, Victoria Moroles, Zoe Kravtiz, Yoon Jeonghan.
This is not all-encompassing. There are plenty more faces. In fact, I’d love to use model faces without any resources -- just some old-fashioned writing, maybe some static icons if we feel like it.
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acindra · 7 years
Sooo I’m gonna ramble about my ideas for coming up fics under the cut.
kingjoethecat- I love your michael with touch issues, I would love a fic that focused only on it, maybe it all boiling over and yelling at his friends? It would have to end in a happy note thou ~
Anon- I wish you would write a fic where jeremy comforts michael !
I’m gonna combine these two prompts into one fic. I think it’ll probably be about sensory overload in addition to the touch thing. I’m not sure if it’s going to be exactly like my touch thing where I can feel it if people touch me and it leaves behind a ghost feeling until I wipe it off or if it’s just gonna be that Michael doesn’t like people touching his bare skin. Possibly going to include my texture thing. No real solid ideas on it beyond that, yet. 
thisisnotveryspecial- 42.“I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
This is gonna be put into We Only Want To Have A Good Time but I’m not sure the situation it’s gonna be used in yet. My general idea for the fic so far is the next chapter involves them joining Christine and Rich in setting up their campsite/booth for the Relay for Life. “I don’t know how I feel about doing manual labor on our first date.” They’re gonna have problems setting up the tent/canopy because Jeremy is the only tall person there but luckily Jake shows up with a cooler full of drinks and height. 
The next chapter will involve the beginning ceremony for the event which will probably be glossed over because I don’t actually remember too much of it. Everyone in the squad will show up and they’ll do an initial lap or something to scope out some of the other booths. The booth they’re running is for the theatre club and they’re gonna do improv sketches for money, dramatic readings of bad literature (like my immortal or something), as well as selling fake-flower crowns that Brooke and Jenna helped Christine make the day before. Since they didn’t finish making all of them and people are buying them, people will be delegated to make some more in the camping tent so there’ll be some of that eventually.
The next chapter will involve actually going to booths and buying things as well as shenanigans probably. Like. One of the clubs has a ‘jail’ you can spend a dollar to get someone put in and then in order to get them out again you have to spend 5 dollars. The MC for the event will also hold like a soccer game in the middle of the field and like dancing stuff. There’s probably going to be a dress up contest.
anon-  Hello, do you still take prompts? If yes, then its not usual lovey dovey boyfs prompt. I was thinking that in this fandom is needed a fic where Michael has s crush on Jeremy and confesses it in 7th or 8th grade and Jeremy gently rejects him and Michael gets over the crush and they stay best friends and maybe way later they got curious and date each other when they are in college.
thisisnotveryspecial- 48.“You make me want things I can’t have.” 
anon- 42: “ I need a hug. ” and 43: “ You’re special to me. ”
These all will probably be combined. The fic (which I’m currently writing) is loosely based on the first prompt but I don’t think I’m gonna make Michael get over his crush. It’s going to be called Our Loneliness Will Keep Us Warm probably. Basically it starts off with Jeremy buying The Hoodie for Michael’s birthday the summer before they start freshman year. He buys patches of stuff he thinks Michael will enjoy and then gives it to him hoping it’ll be ok. Michael, of course, loves it and is overcome with emotion. Jeremy’s like ‘only the best for my best friend’ and Michael admits that he thinks he’s gay. Jeremy is like that’s cool it’s not like you have a crush on me. And Michael tries to hide it but fails and Jeremy’s just like. OH. UM. OK. But also sorry I don’t think I like you like that. Michael shrugs it off and is all I know, this is a me-problem, don’t worry about it.
Fast forward to year 3 of uni and they live together in an apartment. They’re all still friends with the squip squad but everyone has moved away probably. I’ll probably touch on Christine dumping Jeremy because she’s aro just so I can show that Jeremy still makes jokes about Michael having a crush on him (not in a cruel way but in a ‘i acknowledge this really awkward thing happened and it’s totally fine, we made it through it and are still hella close bffs) as well as the squip stuff but, at least on that front, i’ll try to not make it angsty.
Anyways so Michael has a late class that prevents him from going to clubs on tuesdays but he insists Jeremy goes to the GSA (gay-straight alliance) without him (Michael still participates in the club events for the GSA he just can’t go to the proper meetings) and IDK I might make Rich go to their school too so Jeremy has someone to go with cuz I don’t think he’d go by himself. Anyways, one of the students does a presentation on sexuality, romanticism, and gender identity which gets Jeremy thinking about his own identity. He texts Michael asking if he’s going to come to the Starbucks hangout after the club meeting (which is what we used to do after GSA at my uni) but Michael says he’s gonna head home because he didn’t get a chance to eat between classes. He comes back to the apartment with a drink for Michael and finds Michael finishing his dinner. He hands over the drink and pops the question ‘how did you know you liked boys?’ which has Michael doing a spittake. They discuss the presentation (Michael’s like Christine gave a very similar presentation when she came out as aro why are you questioning things now and Jeremy admits he hadn’t really been paying attention because he was upset over being dumped or something), specifically about romantic attraction and sexual attraction and how they’re two separate things. Michael admits that he knew he was gay because one day he was over and Jeremy was ranting about something and he really wanted to kiss him. And then he started noticing other boys. And wanting to do stuff with boys. But not girls. 
They settle down with their laptops to do homework or whatever  and Jeremy thinks about his relationship with Michael. He ends up googling things like ‘how do best friends act around each other’ and ‘signs of a crush’ and ‘am i gay?’. He gets increasingly concerned and anxious and Michael notices and is like what’s going on. Jeremy’s like uhhhh I think I’m bi. Or at least biromantic. Maybe. I’ve never really wanted to kiss people I just really want to hang with them? And then he stumblingly explains that he wants relationshippy things like holding hands (which he does with Michael) and cuddling (which he also does with Michael) and going on dates (they don’t go on dates, but they DO do a lot of things one-on-one). Michael is like well you haven’t had a lot of experience with kissing either. There was Brooke and Christine (and Chloe, Jeremy shudders) and that unnamed girl from the party last year. Plus not everyone likes kissing so it’s hard to tell. Jeremy’s getting this sinking feeling in his stomach that he has a crush on Michael which quickly switches to a fluttery feeling because Michael is, still, his favorite person and totally awesome.
Jeremy is like “I have an idea!” Michael is like “No.” because he sees that glint in Jeremy’s eyes and it’s never a good thing. Jeremy convinces him to hear him out and is like “Ok, so you’re a boy.” “I don’t like where this is going.” Jeremy suggests they kiss, for various reasons and Michael is reluctant but also hey he still has a crush on him this is his chance. They kiss for a while and then Jeremy is like sooo I’m definitely biromantic. Um. I might be bisexual? 
At this point it could go one of two ways, smut or not smut. I’ve only vaguely developed the smut idea cuz I wanted to be sure I could fit it in if I was going to write it. So Jeremy continues- But I’ve never really been in contact with anyone else’s dick before. To be fair I’ve never come in contact with anyone else’s genitals in general so I don’t even know if I’m sexually attracted to girls but that’s not the point. The point is right now we’re both here and you have a dick so. Then awkward handjobs. Michael makes an offhanded remark about how it’s funny Jeremy is his first time having sex; he had often dreamt about it but never thought it would happen because Jeremy was straight and haha see I told you you wouldn’t die a virgin. And then Jeremy realizes he just had sex with Michael and starts reeling but Michael calms him down. And then Michael awkwardly makes the ‘this doesn’t have to mean anything’ speech and Jeremy’s quietly like ‘but i want it to mean something?’
And that’s as far as I got with that idea.
anon-145: “ Go back to bed.”
I’ll probably put this into my possible vent fic about being mixed race raised american and not being in touch with your heritage which I kinda touched on here. I only have a vague idea about Michael’s cousin coming to visit and then shunning him because he doesn’t know any Filipino or Ecuadorian culture or maybe Christine talks about her Chinese heritage one day and starts asking Michael about his to try and be friends with him.
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josephkellywriter · 4 years
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In my previous post on naming characters, I discussed how I research names but only briefly covered how I choose them. In this post I will give some tips on finding strong names for your characters.
I generally create a list of potential name candidates, narrow them down, then assign them to characters. This is the most important thing I consider:
Setting — the time period & location
This is a good time to know the relative popularity of names at different points in history. Justin and Jen are probably in their thirties or forties now, and Steve and Linda are probably not from the Victorian era. ‘Willy’ is more likely to be a great-great-grandfather, ‘Billy’ a great-grandfather, ‘Bill’ a grandfather, ‘Will’ a father, and ‘William’ a child. However, baby Richard in A Stir of Echoes worked in a 1950s setting. For fantastical settings, you could use some ‘Earth’ names if they’re unusual enough, but probably want to avoid a Rachel or Jared in your high fantasy.
Considering the time and place, I create a list of candidates based on what catches my eye. First, I would eliminate any that are too similar.  Eleanor and Leonora sound too alike, as well as Marcus and Julius. Next, I would remove any that are just a little too strange or ill-suited. One day I will include Edmundina, but probably not soon.
Now some practical considerations–
Does it sound/look different from the other names?
A couple guidelines — Avoid names with the same starting letters. No Andrew & Anders and avoid even a Jaden & Jennifer unless the cast is large. Keep rhyming in mind. I once had a couple named Julie and Ellie before I noticed. Try saying the names aloud. Try to mix up how many letters are in a name. Jennifer and Winnifred would be better as Jen and Winnifred. Ben, Ann, Lee, Ted, and Kai differ enough, but are difficult to tell apart in a group. Names that are very ‘normal’ can be hard to differentiate too. I remember a story with a Peter, Mary, Tom, Ellen, and David. One was a child, and the other two were adult couples, but I kept mixing them up. Very confusing and off-putting to think someone’s husband is their son for a whole scene until they kiss! You could also add a ‘Dr.’, ‘Mr.’, ‘Agent,’ ‘Professor,’ etc as appropriate. An initial name like JT or CJ can mix it up even more. 
Is it easy to parse?
Avoid names that can be mistaken for common words. I’ve heard of a story with a character named Even, so sentences starting with this character’s name could be confusing and make the reader have to go back and re-read. 
Have I used it before?
As I showed in my previous names post, I keep a file of potential names. I mark off the ones I use and try to avoid using them twice. A modification might be okay; a Jim and a James are sufficiently different in my opinion.
Now you should have a good list of names that are easy to tell apart and suit your setting. But how to assign them? Here are some considerations…
Character’s circumstance — their role in society
Names seem to divide on class lines. Baby Henry is more likely to be upper-class than Baby Jaxon. Statistics on this phenomenon can be found, but one simple way to get a feel, is to look up the names of royalty versus the most popular names. These days working-class parents tend to pick exotic spellings like Kaelynn but in the past very plain, standard names were more common. An unusual biblical name like Japheth might imply something about their upbringing, as could a name like Rainbow or Hamlet. 
Character’s personality
Though we rarely get to choose our own names, they can imply a certain temperament. You can play with expectations — a genocidal villain named Laci could be interesting, but you’d be fighting against stereotypes. Victor probably doesn’t seem like a sweet softie, but he could be with some effort. We also display our personalities through how we modify our name– Jen, Jenny, Jennifer, and Jenna are very different people, likewise are Alex, Alexa, Alexandra, and Lexi. Someone might prefer to go by their last name, or a completely unrelated nickname. 
Avoiding cliches
On that note, there are no doubt thousands of villains/anti-heroes named Vincent and thousands of video-game protagonists named Jake. Look up your potential names and try to avoid ones very common to certain kinds of characters. Russian names for villains and British names for fussy professors can be dull and play into stereotypes. 
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Here is a mind map I used when choosing some names for my story. Like in that previous post, I wrote down the connotations people voted for on the names, including keywords in comments. (These words are not my opinions, just ones I noted from users.) I used some other name review sites and marked down any significant notions. I wanted the names to seem unique compared to the others. One might end up with a list of super manly-men, or only studious types. Is one of  your characters more childish than the rest? Their name should reflect that by being the most childish of the bunch. You may have noticed I did not include name meanings. While this can be interesting, as I noted in my previous post, I don’t find the meanings significant. It can be fun for a reader if they look it up, but most people don’t know the meanings of names other than their own. Some names can have strange or arbitrary meanings that aren’t pertinent. Do all Calvins have to be bald?  Does Mallory have to be unfortunate? Must Persephone be a murderer? Of course not! Consider the meanings if it helps you decide or if you think it’s fun, but to me this is the least important consideration.
I hope this has given you some things to consider as you name your characters, but don’t stress about it too much. Renaming your characters down the road is as easy as running a find-and-replace. Also, you can run the names by people, but don’t let them decide for you. Just because some people dislike a name or have certain ideas about it, doesn’t mean you can’t buck the trend. Remember– they’re your characters, and what you say goes!
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soullesscoyote · 7 years
All the asks
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?My process for naming fics is eitherA) a joke name because i can't help myselfB) or a name that just sounds like "yeah that's a fitting title name"B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?Plenty! I try to follow the rule "write what you know" in a way to convey maybe something I've experienced, but also use it to write what I don't know about.For example I have a lower middle class family, but to write a more well off family i base it on things I've seen and experienced when younger like those times we got home from the grocery store and that first day with a ton of food and i felt like i wouldnt have to worry about eating a ton of it, or even back when i was younger (7) with a loft bed and having all my stuff organized with a spot in my room had me feel really content with my life where i felt like i had everything i wanted and couldn't ask for more. I had a 3d puzzle of the inside of a frog, an ant farm, a hamster, a framed picture of a praying mantis, a very small binder of pokémon cards, a room painted green and at that age and time felt like my life was really together despite not knowing how to articulate it. It felt like my own personal space that i had control of so to write a well of family i try to write in things that give off a similar feeling of a well put together room except a entire house that way where everything feels like it has its place. If that makes sense.C: What character do you identify with most?In Marble Hornets, Jay Merrick who just wanted to help everyone despite how many time those people tried to kill or hurt him.In Voltron, Keith in terms of not always feeling like I belong in groups and sometimes struggling to understand myself. Also Hunk whos a very caring person with a big heart.In Be More Chill i relate to Jake where in freshman year of high school i worked really hard to be the best in my classes to a point that id cry from stress every night.Jeremy feeling unimportant and more like a background character with nothing really notable about him compared to everyone else.Brooke feeling constantly like she's second best to Chloe and people using her.Christine being unsure of what she wants in life as she nears the last year of high school where she feels like she needs to decide.Rich while unsquipped seeming like he hardly knows how to handle himself in social situations and seeming incredibly anxious without a squip also being a big nerd D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?Typically if its a musical depending on viewpoint i listen to songs with those characters in it.In other things its songs that give me a similar feeling to the thing i'm writing (for example i imagine things as color pallets so i try to match them with the colors another thing gives me. Or the corresponding emotion i feel/need to feel as I write a scene.E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?Starting From Square One? The sequel would be more of Rich adjusting to life without a squip and living a pretty happy life with Michael and them going about their lives be it them going to college and struggling or as adults with jobs and trying to figure themselves out during that since i kinda feel like life is constantly a thing of trying to figure yourself out.Out of the tons of Voltron Fics probably more on Keith being glara and the lives/background behind the galra species with how it affects keithIn hu it's hard to say. A lot of them would be hard to find a way to make sequels of but considering Starting From Square one is the only fic i managed make myself work on currently i wouldnt say its impossible to find/make sequels for any of those ficsF: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?For Be More Chill http://archiveofourown.org/works/11671890/chapters/26267448 Both because its from Michaels viewpoint and it definitely doesn't seem to go out of its way to make Jeremy a monster and make Michaels personality center around hsi panic attack like plenty fics do.G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?I'm not too big on crack fics because i personally love really long fics with character development. (crack fics are good, for me it's just my preference where most of the time i'm not in a huge mood for them) but i know this one has been p funny https://my.w.tt/UiNb/v4KNrRgajJ H: How would you describe your style?Id say i write in whatever sounds right in my mind while i'm reading to fit the mood of what i intend to portray. Its really hard to sayI: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?Already answeredJ: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].Starting from Square Ones Alternate ending would be it ending where Rich snaps at everyone and it would have a sequel of everyone in the squip squad meeting Rich in college after not seeing him for an entire year. They'd find who took online classes because he didn't want to see anyone and was still pissed and during that time he had gotten several jobs and was barely even supporting himself with how his dad doesnt care for him. (potentially where he may take up selling drugs) and everyone does try to apologize but it takes awhile for anyone to convince Rich they actually mean it.K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?In Starting From Square One there was a scrapped idea of everyone actually hating rich and him trying desperately to convince them it wasn't his fault he started the fire only when everyone finally does get proof from Jeremy who actually understands Rich's struggle because he had a squip longer Rich hasn't gone to school in well over a week and has goes missing because he's hiding from his dad. L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?I based one on a dream i had which was like a Xiaolin Showdown, meets high school au, meets almost one pieceLike if you touched these specific items they latched onto you and gave you abilities that typically corresponded to an animal or gave a animals trait to you like enhanced sense of smell, stronger legs for jumping, wings etc. It wasn't fully thought out or planned so it's a very vague idea.M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?Im writing bits and pieces of terraverse, its hard but i'm getting somewhere with it! There's others but they're like aus based off dreams that i'm yet to figure out how to explain or develop in a way they make sense.N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?All of them tbhO: How do you begin a story--with the plot, or the characters?Typically plot first and then i'll add characters to match the plotP: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)It's a little bit of bothI try to plan in advance but as i write Point A going to Pont B i do find things in the story that unfold as I go and then proceed to go to my planning to find a spot to mention it again later.For example i mainly planned on in Starting From Square One that Rich would have known Michaels older brother from when he was a kid but didnt know his last name therefore didn't know he and Michael were related and as I wrote more in my planning it sort of unfolded as I wrote and became me writing in that Michaels older brother dropped out of college because of how stressful it was and Rich gos to stay with him and that's when he finds out michael and him are brothers.Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?While writing if i decide suddenly I want to change something I take what i've already written of that version and paste it into a Google doc of scrapped ideas. That way if i can find a chance to implement them in another fic or other point in a chapter even if written differently i can have the general idea for what i may have intended to go off of.R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?None in particular but I feel like a little bit of everything I've read and written influences my writing since i always find something somebody may have written i want to implement in a fic.Not like their idea. But small things like reading people write about Michael's parents did influence me to include Michaels parents in my fic. Not the same way they did but it was something i read that had made me stop and realize.I never considered what some of these character's families and cousins and such are thinking as they may hear about this from another viewpoint like Michael’s, Jeremy’s, Rich's, Brooke’s, Chloe's, Jenna’s, or Christine's.S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?In voltron (before it became canon) i liked a trope that Keith isn't as angry as everyone makes him and actually is just really defensive and afraid of being seen as weak to everyone else because lance seems to constantly go to pick on him for things.In Be More Chill i stand by the Trope Jake is really smart just perhaps Ditzy and gets really excited over something and struggles to pay attention to the other details because of a long theory and research i did with all the extra curriculars jake did paired with his need to be the best. T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?G o dIn Hollywood Undead stuff I always hated Aron being an unreasonable asshole by default.In Be More ChillJeremy's character being reduced to having been an asshole to Michael because it erases how they were friends for TWELVE YEARS and Jeremy in the bathroom did say "I missed you" TO MICHAEL. Or how Jeremy did have a lot of stressful shit happen to him minutes prior which made him get really defensive over the squip.Everytime people center Michaels personality around his panic attack i love 7 years to my life because they only go as far as Michael hates himself but never even delve into things like how Michael said to Jeremy how he wouldn't be glad to see him after he heard about his research on the squip Kinda like he anticipated Jeremy wouldn't be happy and Michael had a feeling Jeremy wouldn't outright be happy about it.(asks cut me off hold up)
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