#but hey at least this somewhat answered her questions
klausysworld · 6 months
Hey,I like your klaus mikaelson stories very much. Can you do one in which klaus and reader(yn) were in an arrange marriage and they cant stand each other?And they slowly fall in love and at the end he gets her pregnant? As in arranged marriage I mean,something like the marriage between hayley and Jackson. And if you can please add smut,fluff,jealousy and daddy kink. Thank you
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An Alliance or a Marriage?
Y/n could not believe that she was doing this.
Y/n was Jacksons sister, they always had each others backs and protected the other. So when Hayley came into Jacksons life, had him falling in love while she had feelings for Elijah Mikaelson, Y/n knew they couldn't get married. The only reason they were actually getting married was to unite the werewolf clans and to share Hayley's hybrid abilities as part of the marriage ritual.
But it would come at the cost of Jackson's happiness and most likely his life. Y/n was not stupid. She knew the price of loving a Mikaelson and it was one that Jackson could not afford and one that Y/n would not let him pay.
So without thinking, she made a fast decision.
"What if Ione of the wolves married Klaus? That way Hayley gets to be with Elijah and Klaus doesn't have to be so wary of Jackson around Hope or whatever his worry is? Wouldn't it just be easier?" She questioned and she felt everyone's gaze turn to her, most genuinely considering the possibility while Klaus looked both pissed and amused.
"I wouldn't trust anyone with Hope and under no circumstances will I be marrying anyone." He answered before storming out without another word. Jackson was second to protest then some of the other wolves.
They all went back to the bayou and tried to forget about the day.
What the wolves were unaware of were the arguments in the Mikaelson compound. Mostly between Rebekah and Niklaus. Rebekah was telling Klaus that for once, he should think of Elijah's happiness instead of only being selfish yet again. She continued to go on about how it was for Hope, how he should be the one sacrificing for Hope, not Hayley as she had already given up so much. The fight went on for hours but by morning it was settled. Niklaus would marry a wolf of his choosing.
Y/n was his choice. She was quiet but smart. Small but strong. Which meant she would be the best of his options. He knew part of her feared him, unlike some of the wolves there. She may challenge him a little but she wasn't stupid enough to truly go against him. This was proven when she silently accepted his decision.
Jackson was entirely against the entire thing. His sister was getting married to the original hybrid, moving into the beasts den and becoming apart of his twisted family. But he too kept quiet after Y/n told him it was what needed to be done. It was the only chance for everyone to walk out somewhat alive.
That was why she was walking down the aisle, Jackson unwillingly giving her away to Klaus Mikaelson before Mary began the ceremony. As the words "you may kiss your bride" left her lips, their fates were sealed. Klaus stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his brides soft lips and watched as her and every other wolf in the rooms eyes lit up with golden flames, united as one.
The compound remained busy for the rest of the day, Klaus and Y/n stayed in opposite sides of the room at all times. Elijah urged his brother to at least be kind, Klaus however ignored any and all advice and instead drank the night away. Marriage was not in the cards for him. It was not what he wanted and he now knew that he was tied to this girl, a girl he harboured no feelings toward and a girl who only looked at him with distaste, for at least one lifetime. He knew the likelihood of them every liking each other was slim and he also knew that there were lots of rules in this werewolf marriage that he would have to follow in order to have the wolves protecting Hope. So he got off his face drunk, to the point where he couldn't get himself up the stairs at the end of the night.
It wasn't the best way for Y/n to find him on their first night 'together'. When she gave him that look of uncertainty and upset when she found him at the bottom of the stairs slurring his words, he just rolled his eyes and told her to piss off. But she didn't. Instead she fought against his sloppy attempts of pushing her away and instead managed to get him up the stairs and to bed. He fell asleep in seconds leaving Y/n distressed and alone on her wedding night. Instead of sleeping she went back downstairs and cleaned up the mess left over from the wedding.
Klaus had come down in the morning to find her scrubbing the corner of the room. He glanced around and noticed everywhere was spotless, his eyes travelled to the stairs and he was hit with the memory of leaning against her as she struggled to carry him up each one. Guilt bubbled in the pit of his stomach but he ignored it and made his way into the room and past her.
Y/n just stared at the nonexistent spot on the ground and tiredly rubbed the sponge against it.
Rebekah came downstairs after a little while and frowned when she saw Y/n, exhausted and leaning against the wall while her arm moved almost robotically to scratch away at the floor.
“Y/n? Darling we have maids for this” she whispered softly, supporting her new sister-in-law and guiding her to stand up and walk toward the stairs.
“I was just helping” Y/n mumbled, “wine was spilt” she stated as she glanced over to the area she thought was stained with alcohol but when Rebekah glanced it was completely clean. She lead Y/n toward Klaus’s room but paused when she noticed the mess it was in and began to realise why Y/n hadn’t been to sleep. With a soft sigh she brought the she-wolf to her bedroom and helped Y/n out of her wedding dress.
“I suppose this isn’t the way you had hoped to get out of your dress” she joked gently but Y/n didn’t look amused.
“I’d rather you than your brother” she murmured and Rebekah gave a small laugh.
“One day you won’t think that” she whispered as she grabbed some of her pyjamas and passed them to Y/n. “He’ll become kinder after some time, it’ll be a difficult ride but you’ll get there. Besides he must already like you to have chosen you out of all the wolves” she convinced but Y/n just scoffed as she crawled into Rebekah’s bed and let her head hit the pillow
“Lucky me.” She quipped and Bekah hummed.
“I’ll get him to let you rest for today” she told her as she exited the room and let the girl sleep in her room for the day.
Klaus claimed not to care what Y/n did with her time, where she went or who she was with but Rebekah reminded him that she was his wife. Whether he was happy about or not.
“You either need to set her up a nice room for her to have for herself or you need to actually be her husband and have her feel comfortable enough to share one with you. My god Niklaus, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with her. It won’t give you a disease if you smile at the poor girl.” She scowled and Klaus glared but kept his trap shut.
Klaus knew Y/n was beautiful. She was delicate little thing, from what he had seen she could be very sensitive for a werewolf at times. But he knew she had a certain fire in her. He wondered what he would have to do to light that flame and have her snap at him. He wondered if her fear would override that anger.
It was much later in the day when he went to check on his new wife. Part of him worried she had ran away but he knew that she would stay, for the survival of her pack.
He found her curled up in his sisters pyjamas and bed. Reluctantly he picked her up and brought her to his room, tucking her into his bed and leaving her to rest there instead. After all, his bed was where she belonged now.
When evening came around, he made his way back to his room. As soon as he started getting ready for bed, Y/n forced herself up despite her still clearly needing sleep. He sighed as she left the room, ignoring his presence and going downstairs for the rest of the night.
Some days she would stay downstairs and behave almost zombie like as she tried to keep her mind running and eyes open, other times she just went to sleep while she knew Klaus was busy.
It annoyed him to no end but at the same time he was relieved that he never had to really see or speak to her. Still, whether either of them liked it, she was his wife and the fact that she wouldn’t stand in the same room as him was not something he appreciated.
So he did what he assumed to be best.
Forced her to spend time with him.
Often it would be in a painful silence as he stared her down and made sure she wouldn’t get up and leave. However after some time, she would have little conversations with him so that he would be sated and leave her alone for a little while later.
When in front of the other wolves, Klaus would become a different person. He would make sure to kiss Y/n’s cheek or head, hold her waist or hand. One because he had to make it seem as though they were some what happy so that the wolves would not turn on him and two because he liked to piss Jackson off. He took amusement in how the wolf would growl and scrunch his face up in distaste.
Y/n knew what Klaus was doing but didn’t see the point in arguing or getting all stressed about it, besides it only happened every now and then so it didn’t matter much.
However when Klaus began accidentally doing the little gestures when others weren’t around, as though it were his second nature, Y/n felt confused. She didn’t understand his motifs or what he wanted from her.
Rebekah told Y/n that he didn’t want anything, that he was just warming to her but Y/n was still skeptical. Even when Rebekah came into her room grinning and held out a piece of paper with a beautifully sketched version of Y/n’s face.
“He must’ve been bored out of his mind” Y/n mumbled dismissively as she handed the drawing back to Rebekah who rolled her eyes.
“He likes you” she argued and Y/n scoffed.
“He does not. He just wants me to do whatever he says”she countered and the mikaelson sister sighed
“He isn’t all bad, you know?” Bekah questioned
“Sure he isn’t. He’s quite lovely towards his daughter” she agreed and Rebekah hummed as she watched Y/n pretend to have no clue about Niklaus’s thoughts or feelings.
Klaus wouldn’t admit that he had become accustomed to Y/n’s presence and began to want it more often. He wasn’t too sure why but he had taken a fancying to her, he just had.
And he most certainly didn’t like when other people took a fancying to her as well. Not at all.
Now he knew that she would never peruse anything with anyone else, that would break the magical marriage binding the wolves together but it didn’t mean he didn’t get angry. Especially when another wolf could make her smile or blush better than he could. His teeth would bring, jaw would clench and his eyes would flicker gold.
It fuelled something ugly and twisted inside him.
“Jealousy is a weak man’s disease” Niklaus had told Elijah many times over the centuries. “A man who knows his worth and his strength never had to fear that his girl would stray. Jealously means they are nothing. I am not nothing, I never will be.”
And yet, as soon as Y/n’s attention was given to an attractive werewolf, Klaus would feel as though he was nothing. He would feel that weakness that he loathed so deeply.
The only way to diminish that jealousy was to eliminate the threat. To pick away at the weakness piece by piece until only strength was left.
But that didn’t go well.
When Klaus killed a werewolf, Y/n went ballistic. It was the first time she had actually yelled at him, expressed her anger and threatened his position.
“It’s like you’re actually a fool! You hurt my pack and they will not protect you nor your child, this marriage will be pointless and finished-“ she ranted and his anger bubbled.
“This marriage will not end just because our pack says so” he growled and she glared at him, her pointer finger jabbed at his chest aggressively and it took everything within him not to snap it in half.
“It is hardly a marriage and it had only happened for the benefit of my pack and for your daughter. It is you that has a hundred enemies banging down the door at night and it will be you that suffers if you do not have the protection that I offer you.” She snapped and he sneered in her face. He wanted to kill her in that moment however at the same time, for whatever reason, he had never been more attracted to her. His wolf wanted to force her into submission. To spank and pound her until she admitted that she was his and wouldn’t ever threaten to leave him again. But he was also beyond furious at the possibility of his daughter’s life being on the line and so stormed past her before he would harm her.
He ignored her mutterings of how pathetic he was and locked himself in his arm room which was utterly destroyed by the end of the hour due to his never ending rage.
The next morning he had expected a pack of wolves to be stood at his door, angry and threatening. However he found them all sat at their long table, Y/n was at the head informing them that they had ‘found’ the pack member already dead and had brought him here so that they may take care of his body accordingly.
She lied for Klaus.
She let her family believe that it was someone else who had killed the wolf. When they accused Klaus, she snapped back at them that he was with her all day and had helped her take care of the body.
Y/n gave Klaus a look that dared him to contradict her words but he didn’t utter a word. He just stood at her side and placed a hand on her shoulder as he listened to the others discuss the traditional funeral that the wolf deserved.
Once they left, Y/n walked straight past Klaus and to her bedroom. She was unwilling to speak with her for the next few days. The only time she would was regarding Hope.
The small toddler had taken a strong liking to Y/n and often asked for her. Nobody could not love Hope once they spent some time with her so Y/n was always happy to have the baby in her arms.
Klaus too, very much enjoyed the sight of his wife holding his child. His mind began to spin together images of Y/n pregnant with his child. His wolf craved the thought. He could imagine how beautifully round her stomach would be and how he would press his hands to the bump while nuzzling into her hair.
And then he would think of how he would get her pregnant. She would be so gorgeous sprawled out in his bed.
Since their wedding day she had been in her own room but now Klaus desperately wanted her in his.
He wanted to be inside her. To claim her. To love her.
Never did he think he would love her.
Then again, never did he think he would be getting married or having a baby.
But all of those things had happened and he wouldn’t take them back. Perhaps he might’ve gone about them a little differently but he would have still wanted them to happen.
He told her that once.
One night when they were having dinner.
Somehow he had managed to convince her to share a meal with him and him alone. She couldn’t be bothered to fight over it so complied.
Y/n hadn’t expected him to actually make such an effort. Or to have been so lovely the entire evening. It was clear he wanted to impress her and to engage her, and he had but she didn’t understand why.
Until he told her of how he wouldn’t have changed things,not fully. He had admitted to her that he was somewhat happy with the fact that they were married. He didn’t say he loved her, he knew that would through her off but he made it obvious that he liked her much more than he had initially expressed.
She wasn’t so sure how to respond to him.
Y/n had thought that he was only nicer to her lately because he too was avoiding arguments but she hadn’t truly believed it was because he was being genuine.
Klaus noticed the frown on her face and looked down at his plate. “It’s a little silly I suppose” he muttered to himself, he couldn’t help the deflated feeling that travelled through him as he placed his fork down. “Neither of us wanted this marriage” he mumbled while standing up from his seat making his chair scrape against the floor with a painful sound.
Y/n felt the guilt sink in and she quickly got up also and rounded the table as he started to walk away. “Klaus,” she called softly, reaching out for his hand.
His eyes fluttered when she held onto his hand, he hadn’t felt the softness of her touch since their first and only kiss of their relationship from their wedding day.
He glanced to her and reluctantly shrugged her off. “No it doesn’t matter, I was being a fool” he argued and kept walking.
Y/n sighed to herself and rubbed her hands down her face in frustration.
The next morning Klaus ignored her, barely looked at her even.
It was later that day that she finally caught his attention and pulled him off into another room.
“Klaus” she murmured in annoyance when he went to open the door she had just pushed shut. “You’re behaving like a child” she tutted and he growled. “Would you just stop?” She told him and he glared at her.
“What do you want?” He asked, not bothering to soften his tone which made her frown again.
“I want you to talk to me” she whispered and he narrowed his eyes.
“You never want to talk to me.” he snapped, “you only want to because I made a stupid mistake”
“It wasn’t a mistake” she told him, her tone much gentler than his. “I just wasn’t expecting it”
“Why? Because it’s so shocking that I could possibly feel something-“
“God, Klaus no. You know I dont think you’re a heartless monster-“
“That strongly contradicts things you’ve said in the past-“ he argued and she made a sound of frustration.
“Well I’ve changed my mind” she told him and his jaw tightened. “Klaus I’m serious. I know you now, I’ve seen you”
“Then what is it about me that you cannot love?” He whispered and her eyes softened further. They stared at each other until Y/n stepped forward and pulled him into a hug. Her arms went around his midsection and his went over her shoulders.
“It isn’t that I can’t” she mumbled and he closed his eyes
“You just don’t want to” he whispered but she still shook her head.
“I just don’t know how to” she corrected and he hummed quietly.
“But I love you” he uttered and she nodded.
“I know that now” she agreed “and I’ll make sure that I take that into consideration but Klaus, you can’t just expect that I’ll suddenly be all over you and madly in love” she told him and he frowned.
“Why not?” He asked and she scoffed softly. For centuries woman had been falling at his feet but the one woman that he married wouldn’t?
“Because the world doesn’t revolve around you?” She whispered, a little laugh in her voice that made him a little annoyed at first but when he saw her face he couldn’t help but laugh a little bit with her. Eventually he sighed and looked down with a small smile and a nod.
“I’ll earn your affections” he promised, kissing her forehead before exiting the room.
And from that day, he tried his very best to do just that.
Though of course they still had their arguments and disagreements, now he would be the first to apologise or to admit his wrong doings.
And slowly, like he had hoped, Y/n began to love him too.
Rebekah, Elijah, Hayley, Jackson and all the other wolves began to notice the much softer side to them both when they touched to spoke to each together. Some were happier than others about the change in dynamics between the two.
Jackson for one, was very put off when Klaus kissed his sister in front of everyone. What was worse was that she kissed him back and asked him to grab her a drink. They behaved like a real married couple. The wolves didn’t like it.
Some of them went as far to verbalise their opinions but Klaus’s siblings were quick to shut them up before they could upset Y/n. They reminded them that it was in the best interests of everyone that the two got along rather than Y/n living a miserable life just for the benefit of the pack. Eventually the majority agreed and kept quiet.
Jackson was most concerned.
Especially when he came round to visit and found Y/n sprawled across Klaus’s lap while reading a book..
“Y/n” he called, his gaze hard as he watched her lift her head and smile before getting up and going out for lunch with her brother. He expressed his worries and she assured him that Klaus was much better now and that she felt that she could love him. Jackson knew that her using the word ‘could’ was solely for his benefit. She wanted to say that she did love him.
With a small sigh he nodded and told her to just be happy and thanked her once more for everything she had done for him and their family.
When Y/n came home Klaus had made her a bubble bath for her to relax in. She laid in the water for a while before getting changed into comfy clothes and wondering downstairs. Klaus was in the kitchen grating Parmesan cheese over two dishes of pasta.
She smiled and sat at the table quietly, smiling at him when he placed the bowl infront of her before sitting down opposite with his own dish.
Klaus twisted his fork in the spaghetti and asked how her day with Jackson was. They chatted while they ate before loading the dishwasher and heading upstairs.
Y/n had been sleeping in his room lately. Mostly because they would accidentally fall asleep beside each-other when watching a film before bed but then Klaus asked if she would feel comfortable sharing a room with him and she agreed.
So this time they naturally just went to Klaus’s room or rather their room.
His eyes watched as she disappeared into the bathroom, a soft hum left her and her hips swayed gently. The tap started running which meant she was brushing her teeth and he followed her in and grabbed his own toothbrush to do the same. He glanced at her in the mirror as she focused on her mouth. He cleared his throat and finished cleaning up before kissing her head and going into their room to get changed into his sleep pants which he had only been wearing because he wasn’t sure if she would be comfortable with him in only briefs.
Klaus was unaware of how Y/n would imagine his naked body against hers, pressing and sliding against hers while they panted beneath the sheets of their bed.
It was why she started wearing tinier pyjamas to bed, in hopes it would entice him that extra bit.
The little shorts would allow him a glimpse of her ass, as though it was teasing him. And the little matching vest top would wrap around her upper body perfectly.
Klaus sat down on the bed and watched as she walked back in. His eyes glanced to wear her taut nipples would press against the Cotten of her clothes down to her long bare legs that he desperately wanted to bury between.
She let out a yawn as she slid into bed beside him and beneath the covers. He pulled her closer so that their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces and sighed quietly as though having her touch soothed something inside of him.
“Thanks for tonight” she whispered as she leaned up and kissed his lips before laying her head down on her pillow. Klaus hummed and laid down with her.
“Thank you for having dinner with me again” he smiled and she returned it, her hand moved to caress his gently and he held onto hers tenderly.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, I love having dinner with you” she told him and his eyes flickered between hers as he took in her words because they both knew what she was actually saying.
“You do?” He whispered and she nodded.
“I do.”
Klaus kissed her again, for a few seconds longer this time. Just as he pulled his lips away from hers, she pushed them back together with a little more force. He groaned softly, his hand sliding down her back and over the curve of her ass to grip the back of her thigh and lift her leg up so her knee slide over his hip. His hand slid up under her shorts to feel the soft warmth of her pussy against his fingers.
Y/n moaned quietly against his mouth. Both her hands caressed his neck gently before one moved lower. Klaus grunted softly and pulled away from their kiss as he felt her hand cup his erection through his pants.
Their eyes locked as both their hands moved slowly, teasingly.
A small whimper left Y/n as Klaus’s fingers rubbed over her clit. She brought her hand under the waistband of his pants and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip as she felt the length and thickness of him. Klaus’s mouth fell open slightly as he breathed shallowly.
Her hand pumped his cock slowly as he slipped a finger inside her. His thumb glided over her sensitive little bud, his eyes urging her to please move her hand faster. She complied and stroked him quicker, squeezing as she went.
His hips thrust against her hand while two fingers curled inside her to find her spot.
The whole room became hot and dark as the night deepened and the blankets were pulled over their heads to make them feel closer. Their breathing mixed together and little moans left them both as their hands moved faster.
Their mouths moved together sloppily as moans vibrated from both of them and their body moved in time to meet the other’s hand.
Y/n went first, her neck arched making Klaus move his lips down to suck along her throat while his hips thrust and his fingers fucked her fast. He panted as her cry of pleasure left her and he felt her pussy clamp down and release. It only took a few more squeezes of her hand around his cock for him to cum across her stomach.
They both lay, breathing heavily and looking at eachother. Y/n’s eyes squinted to see him in the dark, his hands were moving her onto her back so he could slot on top of her. Her thighs were nudged open and a gasp left her as the head of his cock started to push into her.
Klaus leaned down and kissed her again, deepening it in seconds so he could taste her while his cock finally felt the soft, wet warmth that he had longed for.
A strained cry of relief left her and her back arched off the bed as he filled her completely. His hands slid up her body and scrunched her shirt up above her breasts so that he could lean down and wrap his lips round one of her nipples.
“Klaus” she whimpered as his hips thrust slowly and his tongue flicked teasingly. He moaned softly around the bud before sucking it between his teeth. He released it with a pop before kissing up along her chest and throat until he took her lips to his. She kissed him back hungrily, accepting his tongue into her mouth without any resistance as his hips rolled faster into her.
He only pulled away from her lips when her pussy went unbearably tight on his cock, he let out a loud groan as he fucked into her as quickly as he could.
The harsh slap of his skin meeting hers repeated through the room alongside her moans for more. Klaus could feel himself getting closer to cumming and he was determined to fill her up. He wanted her to carry his next child.
His tongue traced the shell of her ear as she cried out and his fingers reached between her legs to rub at her clit until she was crying to cum.
“Shh sweetheart” he purred to her, “let me fill you” he whispered and the realisation of what he meant dawned on her.
“Klaus” she whimpered as she felt his cock release inside her. His hips slowed but didn’t stop as his cock softened momentarily before hardening again inside of her still.
He grunted softly as he glanced down at her, his fingers gently rolled over her clit while watching his cock slide in and out of her. He could see his cum spilling out of her and he desperately tried to fuck it back inside.
“I want you to be full of my child” he muttered to her and she moaned softly, her hand lifted to cup his cheek to draw his attention to her eyes.
"I love you" she whispered and he groaned quietly as he kissed her lips just briefly so she could speak again, "and I'll love our children" she told him making his hips buck roughly into her. She moaned in response and wrapped her arms around his neck while resting her head against his. "You''ll be such a good daddy to them" she murmured and a low growl rumbled through his chest as he took the praise and thrived off of it.
Y/n felt his pace quicken and her pleasure heighten making her kiss across his cheek to his ear slowly, "Please daddy?" she purred while her cunt clenched repeatedly and her lower stomach twisted into a series of knots. "Please give me your babies" she begged and he couldn't stop from snapping. His mind and body went haywire making her scream his name. Her body was practically vibrating as her body met his for the hundredth time and her head went back allowing his mouth to reattach onto her neck.
Her eyes rolled back when his teeth sunk into her throat.
Bliss rolled through both of them until their bodies were a heated, sweaty mess amongst the sheets.
His hand held the back of her head holding her face into his chest as they panted heavily. Her eyes closed as she felt him stroke her hair soothingly while he slid his cock out of her and caressed her swollen clit ever so gently with his thumb.
Y/n whimpered weakly and he smiled as he glanced down to watch her brows furrow together while her hips slowly rode the pad of his finger until one last cry left her alongside another orgasm.
Once he had ensured she was finished, he cleaned them both up and then their bed before dropping her down onto the fresh bedding and taking warmth in her giggle when she reached out and pulled him to lay beside her.
Klaus kept her snuggled up to him all night and into the next morning before reluctantly getting up and going downstairs to join the rest of the family.
He knew that everything was finally working out.
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morbidlcve · 23 days
it's just love
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pairings: natasha x reader
word count: 2.5k!
cw: oral (n! recieving), scissoring, internalized homophobia? (nat not knowing who she really is)
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From a very young age, you knew you liked girls,  you were never interested in talking about boys with your friends. You were awkward around them and didn’t know what to say. You once tried kissing a guy to see if you were just sprouting late, never again. You had one or two girlfriends from here and there, but there wasn’t much receiving through your giving. You’d be the one to put all the effort in, to show up and be present, and you were always left hanging. You told yourself when the time was right, you’d find someone. 
Natasha had an idea of who she was, but growing up where she did, she thought it was wrong. As much as she tried to break through all the KGB ideologies, a few stuck, and unfortunately, the one that would limit her from finding someone to call her own.
She was strict with herself; some may argue that she was too strict, but she didn’t like to think so. Having a daily routine made her feel free and able to do what she wanted in the order she made for herself. She had never felt more free, getting out of bed at 6 am to go to the gym, shower, and then attend breakfast. She loved her routines… until she didn’t. 
You showed up after a month of you being here, you started working out at the same times as her. She wasn’t a fan; she liked you and respected you, but there was something about you that made her feel uncomfortable, like an internal battle. She would often find herself on the treadmill, letting her eyes wander until they grounded on you, whether you were doing curls or crunches or squats, her eyes would be fixated on you. She would realise what she was doing and soon shake herself from her stupor before you noticed. Or so she thought.
You could always feel when Natasha’s eyes were on you. You yearned for it and relished it when your body would slightly heat up from her attention. Right now, Natasha was on the Stairmaster, and you were doing dumbbell squats. You could feel the molten stare of her eyes on you. Before she looked away, you turned to look at her, sending her a wink. Her eyes quickly averted from you to bounce around the room. You smiled, gathering your things and leaving. 
The next day, Natasha made sure to take the treadmill facing outside the compound. You found it amusing. Little did you know, she watched you through the window’s reflection. 
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One afternoon, Natasha was sitting in the kitchen doing some work, so you decided to join her. “Hey Natasha!” you smile, sitting across from her with your book. She muttered a ‘hi’, looking down at her reports. You two sat there for at least an hour or two doing your own thing when Natasha got up packing away her things. “Do you want to go for a walk with me, maybe a coffee?” she asked, looking at you expectantly. “Yeah, sure, let me go get my cardigan”, you smile at her. 
You two walked and walked and talked and talked. Natasha was telling herself it shouldn’t affect her; she was out of that place and shouldn’t care. Yet she somewhat found herself caring. “Can I ask you a question?” she asks shyly. “Of course” you smile at her. “How did you.. Like.. when did you know you liked girls?” looking down at her coffee. She almost didn’t expect you to answer, yet you did. The question took you off guard a little, until you realised that she was still waiting for you to answer. “I knew when I was little, my friends were going out with boys, yet I wanting to go out with them. I had zero interest in any of the opposite gender and still don’t,” you said, looking ahead of you. 
You knew that it must’ve taken some courage for Natasha to ask you a question like that to keep looking at her; it felt almost cruel, especially when she was asking questions about her sexuality (you figured, anyway). “Didn’t any part of you tell you it was wrong?” she asked quietly. You stopped and then turned to look at her, “It’s just love, Natasha. I don’t know what you have been told, but love comes in variety, just like everything else. You really needn’t worry about what everyone else would say; if you stay true to yourself, you’ll find yourself happy, if not, then you will live a sad, miserable life.” you say softly, gently taking hold of her hand, to which she held tighter. “I’m trying to come to terms with it,” she says, looking at you once again. “When you do, you’ll know where to find me”, you smile at her. 
That night, Natasha couldn’t sleep; her mind was too loud. She found herself reading poetry of all things, sapphic poetry. She was looking up pictures and watching videos of girlfriends going about their lives all in love with each other, and she found herself wanting that. Over the week, she ventured more and more into the media, absorbing all she could find and educating herself. 
She was still hesitant, of course she would be, it would take some time to adjust to this ignored and locked away part of herself, yet the more she read into it the more and more freedom she felt.  
Natasha decided she was going to take you up on that offer, she messages you, ‘I’ll be at your door at 6, be ready.’
When the time rolled around, she was indeed at your door at six sharp, holding a bouquet of flowers. You beamingly thanked her and placed the flowers in a glass on your dresser. Natasha took you on her bike to a nice little restaurant in the city, and then you went to get some ice cream. 
Over the few weeks, Natasha and you doted on each other, it was nice, happy. You two would work out together, shower, eat breakfast, and then head to the city. You would bring her to the bookstore, where she would find herself looking through Emily Dickinson and Saliva Plath whilst you did your thing. She started to grow quite a collection of books too, thanks to you. She slowly grew to like reading, whenever she had free time, she would have her nose in a book. You two would sit in her or your room and read or sometimes watch a movie. Natasha felt more and more at peace at being in your presence. 
You guys didn’t talk about that conversation you had in the park, you knew she was trying to come to terms with figuring it out, you weren’t going to pressure her into talking about it, that had to come from herself alone and unprecedented. 
Early one morning, you met Natasha in the gym, as usual. She wasn’t doing anything though; she was sitting on the benches by the lockers, her hands locked in front of her, looking down at the floor. She heard you come in, and her eyes looked up to meet yours. “Are you okay?” you ask her, coming to sit next to her. She turned to face you, her hands taking yours, intertwining your fingers. “Just let me,” she whispers, looking at you and slightly nodding. Your heart felt as though it jumped into your throat as she inched further and further towards you. First, you felt her lips lightly brush against yours, then you felt her hands holding the back of your head, pressing herself further into you. Your eyes fluttered, your hands moving to hold her arms circling your neck. Her lips were slowly moving against yours, sensually exploring you. You dared to slip your tongue into her mouth, earning a slight whimper in response. You kiss her back, aching to have her in this way, all those looks shes been giving you, made you want her all the more. Her delicate lips work against yours, her own tongue pressing against yours. The kiss turning sloppy as you both try to absorb all each was willing to give. 
Pulling away, most reluctantly, you whisper “Nat.. are you… Are you sure, I mean?” taking her face in your hands, thumbs slightly stroking her cheek. “Yes, I want to try,” she says, pressing her lips back to you. “Try as in?” you ask against her, holding her hips as she came to situate herself on your lap. “Yes,” she whines, her hips lightly rolling against yours. 
“Natasha, listen to me. Are you sure you want to? I don’t want to seem to push you into this.” She looks at you, smiling softly. “I do. I’ve been thinking about it, and I want to,” she says. “Your room or mine?” you ask, standing up and holding her against you. “Yours,” she whispers, softly pressing kisses to your heck, her hands wrapping around you. 
You’re quick to return to your room, softly depositing her on your bed. The sight of her in your space makes your heart melt. She’s quick to pull you down atop her, her arms bracing you against her. You slowly kiss her, trailing your hands up her body. She sighs against you, taking your hands and pushing them onto her chest. “Touch me,” she says hotly in your ear. “I want this. You won’t hurt me,” she continues. Your mouth moves to her neck, softly nipping at the skin, soothing it with your tongue. 
Her sighs and whines feel like music to your ears. You pull her shirt off, working at the sports bra she also had on. “So pretty, for me?” your mouth is quick to attach to her nipple, softly stroking your tongue over it, she nods. Your fingers rolled the other nipple, softly pinching it. Her hands scraped through your hair, her hips rising to work against your thigh. “Oh, that’s good”, Natasha whimpered. Slowly working over her, you switched to the other one, licking and sucking. “Please, more, please.”
“So needy,” you whispered, slowly working at her shorts. She slightly raised her hips further, allowing you room to pull them off. She wore nothing beneath the shorts, which made you groan. “Oh Nat, you’re killing me here”, you mutter, pushing your fingers through her folds. She was so wet, you nearly came right there and then. “Fuck” she sighed, shivers running down her body. “Tell me what you want me to do to you,” you tell her, wanting her to guide you through this time. “Mouth, please use your mouth!” 
“Yes ma’am” you smirk, you take your time travelling down her body, pressing kisses to her stomach, kissing her scars. “You’re so damned beaufitul” you whisper to her, she whines, trying to push your head down to her centre. “And so impatient” you laugh, kissing her clit. 
You languidly lick your way from her enterance up to her nerves. “Taste so good” you murmur against her. 
Her noises are to die for, shes whining, moaning, whimpering below you. “Oh fuck, that feels so good” she cries, gripping your hair. You fingers come to press against her entrance, slowly pushing into her, your tongue working double time with her clit. “Oh yes, fuck, keep doing that!”she sighs. Smirking against her, your fingers start to speed up, coming to add another in her sopping cunt. 
Your tongue alternates between licks to slow suckles. Her body started to shake, her hips coming to buck against you frantically. Your fingers continue to bully her walls as she reaches closer and closer to her high. You could feel yourself starting to ache watching her come apart beneath you, makes you feel some type of way you couldnt quite describe. “Cum for me Nat” you say, trying to work your fingers at an increased speed, curling them into her. 
She cries above you her orgasm hitting her hard, her back arches and her thighs tremble as she releases on her fingers. “y/n! Fuck!” 
You continue your ministrations, letting her ride out the throes of her orgasm. You slowly take your fingers out, rising up to her. She takes your hand, sucking your fingers of the remaining essence of herself. You groan, feeling her lips around you. Pulling your fingers out of her mouth, you press your lips against her, your tongue working its way into her mouth. She returns it with equal fevour, tasting her self on your tongue.
You gasp when she rolled you underneath her, kissing your neck. “Nat, you, dont have to” you sigh when she licks that sensitive point behind your ear. “Can I try something?” she asks, pulling away from you to look you in the eye. “Uhuh” you nod. She quickly undresses you. You watch her looking at you, the intensity of it all made yout insides feel molten. You had no idea of what she was going to do. But the minute she spread your legs, your head fell back in a groan. 
You felt her pressing your centre against yours,”Oh” you smirk up at her. She laughs and adjusts her legs, the movement sending a ripple through you. You both moan when she begins to move, grinding aginst hers, the sound is downright shameful as your hands push and pull her hips against you, bucking up to apply more pressure between the two of you. She pulled one of your legs up so your ankle is resting on her shoulders. 
The newly adjusted position has both of you panting and moaning, rutting against each other. “God keep going,” you cry when she comes down to suck one of your nipples into her mouth. The added stiumulation making you shiver, your spine feels hot as she works your body like never before. “I’m so close,” Natasha whines against your chest, circling her hips at a renounced speed. “Me too baby, cum with me,” you reply, crying out when she lightly bites your chest. 
Natasha’s mouth detaches from you as her mouth hangs open in a silent moan, your hands continue guiding her hips as lightning rains down you, sending you into a spiralling storm of pleasure. You feel white hot as you feel natasha release all over you, gripping onto her for dear life. 
You guys don’t know how long you stay like that, until Natasha detaches herself from you and rolls to the side of you. You huff turning to face her “Are you sure that was your first time with a girl, because like wow,” you laugh. “I’ve been researching” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “Natasha Romanoff, are you telling me you’ve been watching lesbian porn” You giggle when she throws a pillow at your head. “Shut up!” she says worming her way into your arms. 
“Does this mean i can ask you out on an official date now?” You whisper into her ear. “Yes, i think it does” she says kissing your shoulder.
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welp, i lowkey hate how this turned out 😃
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amsznn · 3 months
can you do one with dad matt?
him and the reader have a potty training toddler who walks around with a naked bottom half for easier access to the potty 😭 .
the kid has to tell the reader or matt when they need to use the potty so they can take them and theres a lot of accidents and stuff and its really cute
ACCIDENTS - m. sturniolo
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it was a regular sunday evening for you and matt. at least, it’s your regular. typically if it was two years ago you and matt would be cuddled up on his bed enjoying the sweet silence and each other’s company.
well those times have changed. especially with your new edition to your family. your baby girl, aria, brought a whole new world to you and matt’s life. bringing joy and sometimes destruction.
and as of right now? she’s bringing destruction.
all you were trying to do was relax a bit on the couch. no matter what anyone says, parenting was not easy. especially not chasing around a toddler that refuses to use the bathroom.
“aria, baby, i need you to go potty.” you try and plead with the stubborn two year old. but she only pouts and turns her back on you letting out a stern, “no!” before running off again.
you heavily sighed before walking towards your daughter. swiftly picking her up, you removed the diapers that were on her. she needed to learn how to use the bathroom on her own eventually. you set your baby down, now bottomless, watching as she ran towards her dads room.
aria bursted into matt’s room as you followed behind, plopping down on the bed. “dada!” your girl’s sweet voice rang through the room before she collided with matt’s leg as he was seated on his desk chair.
“hey my beautiful girl, where are your diapers?” matt questioned softly before holding her up by her armpits. aria only pointed at you that was nearly passed put on the bed from exhaustion.
“she didn’t wanna potty.” was all you mumbled before dozing off. matt could only chuckle but somewhat felt bad since youve been battling with the girl to potty on her own for weeks now.
matt rose up from his seat and carried his daughter to the bathroom before stopping infront of her potty that was next to the big toilet. he sat her down and she only looked at him in confusion.
“sweetheart, if you go potty ill give you ice cream, okay?” maybe bribery wasnt the best parenting technique, but hey, you seemed desperate and worn out so if this could work maybe it could help you. at least thats what matt thought.
“okay, dada!”
matt smiled and nodded before walking out towards the door, making sure to leave it open just in case. “i’ll be right here sweetheart.”
a couple of minutes had passed before matt heard aria yell out, “done!” matt smiled to himself before yelling back. “did you wipe?” the girl answered back with a yes and matt walked into the bathroom.
lets just say..
she did go potty,
she just missed.
the potty.
after cleaning up both the bathroom and his daughter, matt made sure to put a diaper back on aria to avoid the same outcome. by the time he was done you had already woken up to see both your husband and your daughter eating ice cream on the kitchen island.
“guess what?” matt said as he saw your figure emerged from the room. “i went potty, mommy!” your baby proudly said with a mouth filled with ice cream. you couldn’t help but smile and give her a bunch of kisses on her chubby cheeks that you loved.
you also gave matt a bunch of kisses as well as one on his lips, as a thank you.
“i can’t believe you did it.” you said in disbelief as you also grabbed a bowl for ice cream.
“yeah well, there were some accidents.” both your husband and your daughter started giggling like a secret was shared but just for the two of them. you only shrugged, just happy about this milestone.
a/n: ugh this was so cute chat i love dad matt
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dollarbils · 14 days
wish you were gay | b.e.
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billie eilish x fem!reader
context. billie’s feelings towards your friendship changes as you battle the question of your own sexuality.
warnings. angst kinda, making out, fluff, idrk.
your sexuality had always been a lingering question throughout your friendship with billie. you found yourself thinking about certain interactions more than you’d like to admit. and despite her own sexuality, you’d always chalked it up to being platonic.
however, recently you’d seen a change in her behavior. she wouldn’t touch you like she used to. she wouldn’t say the same things, call you the affectionate names she usually would. and you found yourself missing it more than a friend should. it was confusing to say the least.
“hey, is everything okay?” you set down the glasses of water you’d gotten for the both of you, and sat next to her on the couch as her gaze lifted from her phone and she took the glass of water to her lips.
“what do you mean?” she cleared her throat, her phone still capturing most of her attention. it was hard to express your current emotions through words, especially when you felt like the topic might be too heavy to discuss.
“i mean you’ve been acting different recently.” you told her as she looked up from her phone again, biting the inside of her lip slightly before speaking.
“what do you mean different?” she was now aware of what you were getting at but didn’t have the courage to speak on it, and neither did you.
“come on bils.” the nickname stung her heart with the recent switch in your friendship. but she kept up the dumb act, out of fear that if the truth came out, it could mean the end.
“what do you mean by different?” she asked again, this time urging a real answer. you pondered on how to say it without really saying it. the avoidance of the real question between you, palpable.
“you’ve been so distant, like somethings bothering you.” you admitted truthfully. you began to wonder if you had something to do with her sudden change. and when she didn’t reply, you voiced this, “have i done something?” her eyes widened slightly, her expression still somewhat sorrow.
“no, baby, of course not.” there it is. that nickname you’d missed so much these past few weeks. she cursed herself silently as she realised she’d let the name slip, but you’d caught it all the same.
“then what is it bils?” you asked, a feeling of helplessness washing over you as she refused to open up. the silence between you was deafening and made you grow worried.
“has it really affected you?” she asked after some time. the doubt evident in her expression as she put her phone to the side, giving this conversation her full attention.
“of course it has, you’re my best friend billie, how could it not.” she looked down with a heavy sigh at your words. it gave an impression of how tired she was.
“i thought that’s how best friends should act. i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” she admitted, her eyes now big and sincere. filled with emotions destined to break your heart.
“what do you mean?” you asked confused. it felt like a stupid excuse at first glance, but when she gave you some time to think on her words you understood. “billie, you could never make me uncomfortable.” your words were softer now.
“that’s the problem.” she sighed. closing herself off, urging you to reach for her again.
“why is it a problem?” the million dollar question with an unbelievably simple answer.
“because it means two different things to the both of us. for you it’s the way best friends act, for me-” she stopped, struggling to get the words out. she was scared and it was evident.
“for you?” you urged her to finish the sentence.
“for me it’s different.” that was all she managed to get out, and it left you with just as many questions as it did answers. “don’t pretend like you don’t know what i’m talking about, i know you do.” she said when you didn’t speak.
“billie i just don’t know if what your trying to say is coming across the way you want it to.” you replied finally, pondering your feelings and emotions.
“i can’t stand another day of me touching you the way i do, without it being something more. i just kinda wish you were gay.” you let out a small breath after her words, not having known this was how she’d been feeling these last couple months.
“bils, i don’t think i-“ you started.
“don’t say I’m not your type.” she cut in, before you could explain yourself. she was right, you’d always thought she was incredibly attractive. but it had never crossed your mind that you could be attracted to her.
“billie, you’re so beautiful. genuinely, but i don’t know if i can love you in the way you want me to.” you told her honestly. it was just as confusing for you as it was for her.
“then why do you miss my touch. why do you blush when i call you baby. cause let me tell you something, that’s not how best friends act.” she left you somewhat speechless, because it’s not like her words were untrue.
“i just. i’ve never been with a girl.” her eyes were piercing into you, her mind clinging onto the words falling from your mouth, searching for the fine print.
“i know. but i’d like to think the way you feel about me is a little more than platonic.” you nodded at her words understanding what she was saying and silently agreeing. “i’d like to think you were gay.” she continued, matching her previous words. needless to say your heart was racing.
“i don’t know,” you said honestly, “but there’s kinda only one way to find out.” you breathed, it was barely a whisper but she heard it and her senses were alert.
“yeah?” she asked if you meant what she thought you did. while her eyes were constantly travelling to your lips.
“yeah.” you confirmed as she moved closer to you. subconsciously you felt yourself staring down at her lips in return.
“what if we’re wrong?” she asks, almost making you whine at the hold up, but the weight of your friendship suddenly becoming apparent when she brought it up.
“then we’re wrong, but i don’t want to miss you like i’ve had to in the past few weeks again. so i think it’s worth it.” she smiled at your words as her lips touched yours, before moving, until she was kissing you and you were kissing her back.
you’d never kissed lips this soft before. and it was addictive. and when she darted her tongue across your bottom lip, opening her mouth, letting you taste her. you’d never tasted someone so sweet before. you whined at the taste and she moaned into your mouth, before lifting yourself off the couch as her arms reached for your hips, guiding you onto her lap. As you straddled her, she broke the kiss. your eyes fluttered open to find her smiling at you.
“what?” you asked, her smile so infectious it caused your own.
“i wanna stay with you, forever.” she spoke
“i’ll never let you go.” you told her, holding her head in your hands as she pulled you closer by the waist.
“five words i never thought you’d say.” she replied biting her lip as she looked up at you and you reconnected your lips with hers. the moment between you two feeling like a dream you never wanted to wake up from.
note: is this cute or not? it’s my first post so i’m sry if it’s trash. anyways, pls request if you trust me to write your ideas, i need inspo 🙋‍♀️
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janeyseymour · 4 months
Scrubs- pt 2
part 1
for @sweetpinkstrawberriez with the prompt: the reader getting to meet the rest of Melissa’s family
*entirely unedited*
WC: 3.75k
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Since that first seventeen minute, quite the unconventional first date, you and Melissa have been on a multitude of other dates. Some are in between little lulls and breaks that you have during your shifts, some are dinner dates when you’re able to make it work, and others are overnight when all you can do is collapse onto the couch with her and curl into her figure to fall asleep after a particularly hard shift. It’s not conventional by any means, but the two of you make it work. And you find yourself falling for her more and more. But nothing is official between the two of you, not yet at least. Nobody has brought up the words ‘girlfriend’ or ‘partner’ or ‘significant other’. So you remain in a little bubble of limbo land. You’re oddly okay with that if it means that you continue to get to see her.
“I have off tomorrow and the next day if you wanted to do anything,” you tell the woman you’re seeing softly over the phone.
“I unfortunately am not available tomorrow,” Melissa tells you. “Nonna is having everybody over for a luncheon to prove that her stroke was ‘bullshit’. But Sunday, I would love to see you.”
“Yeah,” you smile into the device. “I’ll see you Sunday. Tell Bea I’m glad she’s feeling better.”
So, Melissa shows up to her nonna’s on Saturday alone. And immediately upon being spotted, Bea is pestering the redhead.
“Where is that pretty girlfriend of yours?”
“What do you mean?” Green eyes are rolled. “I don’t have a girlfriend, Nonna.”
“Y/N, the nurse?” Bea says as though it’s obvious. “Your ma says you’re still seeing her relatively frequently, and everyone else’s significant others are here, so she should be here too.”
“Nonna,” the redhead sighs. “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s not my significant other, she’s not my-”
“You’ve been on dates?” A nod of the head. “You’ve kissed her?” Another nod. “You have feelings for her and still see her?” One final nod. “So, you’re dating. She’s your girlfriend whether you want her to be or not.”
“Unofficially,” Melissa tells her grandmother.
“So invite her over,” Nonna instructs. “And before you try to lie to me and tell me that she’s working, I already know that she isn’t.”
“And how would you know that?” the second grade teacher asks, eyes narrowing.
Bea just smirks. “I know a guy. Now go call her and invite her over. If you don’t, I will.”
You’re sitting out on your front porch reading a book on this exceptionally nice day when your phone starts to buzz to life next to you. Melissa’s smiling face is on the screen, and you can’t help but furrow a brow as you place your book down and answer your phone.
“Hey hun,” you hear her deep voice, and it sounds somewhat agitated.
“Hey,” you turn your voice to butter. “Is everything okay? I know you said you were supposed to be at Bea’s house right now.”
“I am,” Melissa sighs. You don’t know it, but she’s rubbing her temple as she prepares to ask you this question. “Are you doing anything right now?”
“Besides sitting on my front porch reading my book? No. Why? What’s up?”
“How would you feel about coming over to Nonna’s? She’s practically begging for you.”
Your eyebrows creep up your forehead. “Uh, yeah, sure. Send me the address?”
“I’ll just come pick you up,” Melissa tells you. “I’m not far from your place anyhow… only about ten minutes.”
When she pulls up to your house, you’re sitting there looking effortlessly beautiful in a sundress and a light bit of makeup. She makes her way out of the car and up your steps.
“You didn’t have to get out of your-”
She shushes you with a soft kiss as she pulls you in gently by the waist. You’re left somewhat breathless as you pull apart, although you aren’t sure why. It wasn’t an intense kiss by any means- maybe it’s because you’re swooning at the softness of her touch this time.
“You look beautiful,” she compliments you quietly.
“Thank you,” you smile softly as you tuck a few stray hairs behind her ear. “You look… wow, Mel.”
“I look like I always do,” the redhead laughs softly. “Probably worse considering we’re all just hanging out at Nonna’s house. We should probably get going too, before I hear anymore from Nonna. She’s already texted me eight times since I left her house… ten minutes ago.”
You allow her to lead you to her car and climb in. When you pull into a spot, your eyes go just the slightest bit wider at the amount of cars in the driveway as well as running up and down the street.
“Don’t let it get to you,” she tells you softly. “It looks like a lot of people, and it is; but everyone is spread out and doing their own things.”
You hum softly in response before undoing your seatbelt. You climb out of the car. By the time you’re closing the door and spinning around to face the house again, Melissa’s hand is in your own and squeezing gently- as if silently telling you that it’s all going to be alright. 
The two of you make the trek up to the house, and as soon as she’s opening the door, all eyes land on you. Well, those who are in the front room- including Bea Schemmenti herself.
“There she is!” the matriarch of the family claps her hands in delight. “Oh, Y/N! Get over here!”
You chuckle as you drop Melissa’s hand gently and make your way over to your former patient. She’s hugging you tightly, kissing both cheeks of yours, and telling you that she’s absolutely thrilled you’re here.
“Glad to be here,” you smile softly, a deep shade of red creeping into your cheeks. Nonna only continues to hold herself close to you until you feel Melissa’s presence.
“Nonna, let her go,” the redhead rolls her eyes as she takes your hand back into her own. When Kristen Marie coughs and looks at her expectantly, the woman sighs. “Guys, this is Y/N. She was one of Nonna’s nurses at the hospital-”
“That I did not have to be in!” Bea interjects.
“And we’ve been hanging out for the past month or so,” Melissa finishes.
The family just eyes you warily before turning back to their conversations. The teacher just pulls you along into the kitchen, offering you a drink. You smile and gratefully take a glass of wine as she pulls herself out a beer.
She gives you a tour of the house, holding your hand the entire time as she does so. She introduces you to everyone in the family with a smile on her face, but she never once uses the word ‘girlfriend’. You don’t much mind- the two of you haven’t spoken of it. That is, until she’s showing you the last room- the den where all of the kids hang out.
With such a big family, there are about ten kids playing in the den. It’s loud, it’s exciting, it’s everything that you would expect from a bunch of rowdy kids. But upon ‘Aunt Lissa’s’ entrance, they go silent and wide eyed. They’re only that way for a second though before they’re all cheering and tackling her in hugs to the point that she has to drop your hand to hold onto a few of the little ones as she tumbles to the floor. 
“Good grief,” the redhead groans playfully as she pulls herself up from the floor. “I told youse, Aunt Lissa is getting too old to tackle, and youse are getting too big.”
They all just give her cheeky and not at all apologetic smiles as they continue to cling to her in any way they can. And then their eyes land on you.
The youngest, who you would later learn is her cousin’s daughter, cocks her head to the side as she inspects your looks. “You’re pretty.”
“Thank you, hun,” you smile warmly, keeping your voice soft.
“Who are you?” another asks- and it isn’t rude or ill-intentioned. It’s a simple question full of curiosity.
“That’s actually why Aunt Lissa came down,” the redhead cuts in gently as she scoops the smallest one into her arms and settles her on her hip. “This is Y/N, and she came to join us for today. I wanted to introduce you all to her.”
The oldest of the group, maybe about nine, looks between the two of you with a knowing look. “Aunt Lissa?”
“She your girlfriend?” the kid asks bluntly.
Green eyes meet your panicked ones, and you can see the same look in hers. You give her a small little shrug and a smile- one that you hope conveys she can saw whatever she feels is right to explain your situation to a bunch of young children.
“Something like that,” Melissa chooses to say. “Something like that.”
“But Aunt Lissa,” the littlest one lays a gentle hand on the woman’s cheek.
“Yes, Elizabeth?”
“Nonna only lets family over,” Elizabeth states finitely. “So… she gotta be your girlfriend.”
Melissa looks to you again with a sparkle in her eye. “I would say she’s definitely something like a girlfriend to me… we just haven’t gotten that far to talk about if she wants to be a girlfriend to Aunt Lissa or not.”
The little girl shrugs as she starts to twirl the red curls around her little finger with a yawn. “She should be. She’s pretty.”
“I’m glad you think so, Lizzie,” Melissa chuckles as she strokes the little wisps down. “Is someone getting sleepy? Is it time for nap time?”
The young girl shakes her head adamantly, but she does lay her head down on her aunt’s shoulder. “Just like Aunt Lissa cuddles.”
“And Aunt Lissa never says no to that,” the redhead says gently as she drops a kiss to Elizabeth’s temple. “But I am going to head back upstairs with Y/N.”
Lizzie shrugs and tightens her hold around Melissa’s neck. The three of you head back up the steps, you now holding both your wine glass and her beer bottle as your… something like a girlfriend… carries the little girl.
You end up settling on one of the couches in the family room, just taking everything in. What Elizabeth had said about Nonna only letting family over for gatherings like this sticks with you. Does she think that you and Melissa are girlfriends? Does she not know that you’re really not together yet- at least not officially?
You shake those thoughts from your mind though as you feel a hand interlace with yours with a gentle squeeze. Melissa is looking at you with that soft look that you’ve grown quite fond of as she keeps another hand gently on Lizzie’s back, the little girl now dozing softly.
“I think we may be stuck here for a while,” the redhead jokes with you. “Liz loves her sleep, and if she wakes up too soon, she’s a cranky little bugger.”
“You’re really good with her,” you compliment softly, leaning over to kiss her cheek. 
She smiles back. “I try. She makes it easy for the most part. They’re all really great kids down there.”
You hum softly before leaning into her figure a bit more. The two of you take in the chaos around you for a bit until you hear Nonna’s voice calling that lunch is ready and to start filling up plates. But Melissa still has the little girl on her.
“I can grab our plates,” you offer quietly.
She smiles at you and kisses your cheek before nodding. “That’d be great.”
“What should I put on your plate?”
“A lil scoop of everythin’,” she tells you. “The Schemmenti’s can cook.”
You chuckle softly before heading into the room where all the food is, and your eyes widen just slightly. You don’t think you’ve ever seen this much food in one room before. 
You oblige her requests, filling two plates with a little bit of everything laid out before heading back to her. You hand her the plate and utensils intended for her before taking Lizzie out of her hold.
Once you have the little girl settled on your own chest, you glance over to see Melissa looking at you curiously.
“So you can eat,” you shrug softly and continue to hold your… girlfriend’s (?) niece close to your chest.
Others start to fill in the room, and they look at you with a sense of warmth as they see you holding onto the smallest member of the Schemmenti family while Melissa eats.
Lizzie wakes up in your hold a bit later.
“Y/N?” she asks quietly.
You just nod with the softest of eyes, ones you know show warmth and kindness and that you use with patients consistently. “Yeah, hun. Are you hungry? Should we go fill up a plate for you?”
The little one climbs off your lap before holding out her hand and looking at you expectantly. You take it, of course you do, and allow her to lead you to the spread of food once more. You fill up a plate for her before taking her back to where you were sitting previously.
Voices had filled the living room as everyone questioned Melissa and the fact that you were sitting in on a family gathering, but as you entered, they all hushed.
You just smile at them all as you sit back down next to Melissa, holding Lizzie’s plate. The little girl climbs back into your lap before beginning to feed herself. The entire time, you just watch with such a fondness in your eyes. You ignore the fact that almost the entire Schemmenti family is staring at you.
Eventually, she’s finished, and she’s holding out the napkin that you had brought for her. You clean up her face, wipe down her hands, and let her decide what to do next.
“I go play,” she tells you with gusto. Before she runs back off for the den though, she squeezes you in a tight hug, her cheeks squishing into yours. And then she’s off. 
Only then do you reach for your own plate, now cold. It doesn’t matter though- Melissa was right: the Schemmenti’s sure do know their way around the kitchen. You lean into Melissa’s side a bit with a smile as you start to make your way through your own lunch. 
A throat clears, and only then do you look up. All eyes are on you.
“Hm?” you hum through a mouthful of food.
“How did you do that?” One of Melissa’s cousins looks at you wildly.
“Do what?” you ask, once you’ve swallowed.
“Get Lizzie to sit with you like that? She literally only goes to Nonna, Mel, and her parents.”
You shrug and look to the woman sitting next to you, silently asking if that was true. She nods. Then you shrug again. 
Once you’re finished your meal, you insist on helping clean up as a thank you for allowing you to join their apparently sacred family meal.
“You don’t have to, Y/N,” Bea tells you.
You wave her off. “I insist, Bea.” You take everyone’s plates and stack them high before carrying them off into the kitchen like a waitress.
Melissa goes to follow, but her mother coughs, stopping her.
“What, Ma?”
“When are you gonna just ask her to be your girlfriend?”
“We haven’t talked about it yet,” the redhead rolls her eyes.
“You ain’t dating her?” A cousin pipes up.
“They’s datin’,” Nonna cuts in. “Whether Melly wants to admit it or not. Why you think Y/N’s here with us for family lunch?”
“We aren’t dating,” Melissa huffs. “At least not yet.”
“Well, you should be,” Kristen Marie tells her sister. “I see them puppy dog eyes she gives you, and you have a lovesick look in your face- disgustin’.”
“Shut it,” the redhead glares at her sister.
“Is all I’m sayin,” the blonde sister shoots back with a smirk.
The two of you do the dishes in a peaceful manner, much like how you usually do them in the comfort of either of your homes, before she wraps a hand around your waist.
“So,” she sighs softly as she kisses you.
You kiss her back gently. “Yeah?”
“How you like the family?”
“Love ‘em,” you reply with a cheeky smile. “Especially the little ones. Lizzie is adorable.”
“She is, but what Gia said is true,” Melissa tells you. “Liz won’t go to anyone but 
Nonna, me, or her parents.”
“You’re something special, you know that?” the redhead tells you as she tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “Just bein’ able to waltz into my life, into my family… An’ so, I was thinkin’-”
Whatever she’s about to ask you, and you have an inkling of what was to come, is interrupted by Lizzie running up the steps and flying into both yours and Melissa’s legs, using them as a shield.
“Liz!” Melissa gasps out in shock.
“Sophia’s trying to catch me!” the little girl squeaks out. 
Somehow, this ends up with the two of you roped into their little game. It’s a little bite of domesticity with Melissa, and something in your head tells you that you’re going to be a part of this family for a long time- even if just as a friend. The Schemmenti’s have already welcomed you in, specifically the oldest and the youngest, and of course Melissa.
Eventually, you’re able to get out of the game, the redhead telling them that Aunt Lissa is too tired and needs to go be a boring adult upstairs. They protest, but she stands her ground. She goes to take you with her, only to be met with a chorus of protests.
“I’m a little tired too,” you chuckle softly as you crouch down to meet their eyes. “But I promise I’ll come play again before your Aunt Lissa and I leave, okay?”
“Pinky swears?” Lizzie holds out her pinky.
“Pinky swears,” you interlock your finger with hers before kissing your thumb and pressing it to hers. You stand up straight, smooth out your dress, and take Melissa’s hand in your own before heading back up the steps.
You can’t help but smile at the little voice giggling to her cousin’s, “Y/N even knew about sealin’ it with a kiss!”
It’s a long while before you and Melissa go to head out. Her family had fully invited you into the conversation, wanting to get to know you more, catch up on life, and spill the little secrets of Melissa as a child to you. It’s… it’s something special that you’ve found yourself in. And then of course, you couldn’t break your promise to the kids, so you head downstairs and promise them ten minutes of playing before you were to really head out. Melissa stays up with her family, who all look at her with a sense of urgency.
“J’ask her out yet?” Nonna looks at her granddaughter expectantly.
“Well, I was gonna,” the redhead sighs dramatically. “But then Liz came up and roped us into their game.”
“She’s real good with them,” a family member notes. “My Alex said that she adores Y/N and thinks you two should be together.”
“‘Course she said that,” Melissa rolls her eyes playfully. “I’m gonna ask her, okay?”
“You better, ‘fore she realizes what a shit show you are and runs,” Kristen Marie teases her sister. 
Melissa goes to smack her sister, but you walk back up the steps, Lizzie on your hip. The little girl has her one hand twirling your hair around her finger while the other hand plays with the necklace that hangs from your neck.
“Hey,” you smile and make your presence known. “Lizzie wanted to know if Aunt Lissa would come down for the last five minutes to play?”
Lizzie nods excitedly.
“What are they playin’?”
“The big kids playin’ fort, but I wanna play dolls,” the little girl mumbles. Then she looks at her aunt. “Please, Aunt Lissa.”
The three of you head back down the steps, and five minutes turns into fifteen before you really do try to head out.
“No!” Lizzie protests. “Keep playin’, Y/N.”
“Y/N will be back,” Melissa tries to placate the little girl.
The three year old looks at her aunt with big green eyes, ones that nearly mirror Melissa’s. “You pinky swears?”
“Pinky swears,” the redhead smiles as she promises her niece.
By the time the two of you leave, you’ve had a million more hugs from the little ones of the family, Bea has kissed your cheeks multiple times, and Annette has handed you multiple Tupperware containers full of food to take with you.
You and the redhead end up in her car with warm hearts, fully stomachs, and a slight blush tinting your cheeks now that you’re finally alone.
“Your family is precious,” you tell her with a smile, taking her hand in your own.
“No they ain’t,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “But they sure as hell love you.”
You smile at her.
“I- I know it’s probably a bit too soon to say this,” she fiddles with the ring that sits on your middle finger. “But… they love you, and I love you.”
Your eyes go almost comically wide at her words. She was right, this was very early to be saying that word. “I-”
“I don’t expect you to say it back,” she tells you quickly. “But I wanted you to know… and I’ve wanted to ask you this the entire day, but any time I went to, we were interrupted.”
“Yeah?” you ask, a smile dancing across your face. You know exactly what she’s going to ask you.
“Do you wanna… you know, actually date? Be my girlfriend?”
You laugh. “Wow, Mel. How romantic. Really, such a charmer.”
“Hey… I’m not great at the hard questions,” she rolls her eyes. “But, what d’ya say?”
“I’d be honored,” you chuckle as you lean over the center console to kiss her. “And so you know, I love you too.”
Neither of you know it, but Nonna is standing at the window watching the two of you. She smiles and claps her hands as she turns back around to face the rest of the family. “Melly’s got a girlfriend.”
“About damn time,” Bea’s daughter chuckles.
(and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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melrodrigo · 8 months
Pain Relief - Mabel
Mabel Black Label x Reader
Summary: Mabel gets back from an intense day at work, and seeks comfort from her girlfriend.
Word Count: 800+
A/N: I’m back babies
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Look, dating someone in the Boston crime gang was never on your bucket list. Sure, you’ve read your fair share of enemies to lovers mafia fan fiction, but you’d never expect it to actually happen.
You were always a good kid, steered away from drugs and sketchy stoners. But Mabel, Mabel.
She was the most beautiful girl you’d ever laid eyes on. Tan skin and messy hair, it was never an option not to fall in love with her.
But in your defense, Mabel was nothing like the rest of them. She was kind, the most thoughtful soul you know, and inspiring in all aspects of her life.
She was put in a tricky situation since childhood, but she always made the most out of it and always strived to get out.
You knew she could be cold. Some of her friends referred to her as “Mabel Black Label”, but her cut-throat personality disappeared whenever she was with you. It was like she turned into this nicer, more exciting, wondrous person. Or at least, that’s how she felt.
So, when she didn’t come to see you as she’d promised, you knew something was wrong.
She had mentioned earlier that she was doing a big deal that night, and that she was going to come get you for your date right after.
By the time she called you, a little after midnight that exact night, you’d practically jumped up at the sight of her name across your phone.
Anxiety stirred deep within you.
You bit your nail as you answered the phone.
“Hey babe…” Her voice exhaled, shaky like she’d just run a mile and immediately called you.
“Baby? Where have you been? Are you alright?” You breathed, question after question tumbling out before she even had the chance to answer.
“Don’t be mad…I’m at your house now.” She says, slurring her words slightly.
You’re up and striding toward your door before she can even finish her sentence, heart racing a hundred miles a minute.
“Why would I be mad? God, Mabel, I swear you had me-“ You stop abruptly, taking in the sight before you.
She’s standing somewhat bashfully, rocking on her heels, the right side of her face facing away from you. You furrow your eyebrows, sensing immediately that something’s terribly wrong.
You reach out to tilt her face so you can see all of it, and your mouth falls open at the sight. Her face is beaten. Spilt lip and everything, the bruises that look like they’ve just been formed are already turning a different color. You grab her by the wrist and immediately drag her into your home. Your annoyance disappears instantaneously as you take her in again.
It’s so purple, you can’t help but reach out to graze your fingertips against it as she winces quietly.
“Oh, baby.” You sigh, hooking a finger under her chin so she looks into your eyes. She can’t meet your gaze, eyes flitting between your couch and the lamp, things she suddenly finds very interesting.
You get up and feel her hold on your wrist tighten, signaling to not go. You reassure her you’re only going to get the first aid kit, and you’ll be back in a minute.
Mabel begrudgingly lets you go, looking so small and fragile sitting there.
“Look at me.” You tell her, sternly, when you get back. You take the cotton bud and apply some alcohol, gently dabbing it against a cut on her lip.
She hisses, unable to keep the pain at bay. You tut, telling her you’re almost done. You know she needs some tough love in moments like these- she was never the best at receiving affirmations.
“Whatever happened…” You start, biting your lip, trying to grasp the right words. Mabel looks at you intently.
“I’m sure you did your best. And it definitely wasn’t your fault.” You know the way she works, better than you know yourself, and she blames herself for this. If anything didn’t go her way, she’d always get like this. You’s always loved the perfectionist type, after all.
Mabel opens her mouth to speak for the first time in what feels like eternities.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t- couldn’t get here on time for the date.” She blubbers, tears spilling out of her eyes.
You hold her for a while before you chuckle lightly, and watch as she looks up in surprise, eyebrows raised.
“I could care less about our date. What I care about is that you’re alive.” You tell her, cupping the side of her face that isn’t bruised. Your other hand pressed against her chest, right where her heart is.
Her eyes soften, turning into those big brown puppy-like eyes you love so much. And you can feel it before she says it.
“I love you.” She says as she takes your lips in a fierce kiss, surprising but not at all unwelcome. You happily lean in, kissing her like she might disappear tomorrow.
You lose yourself in the moment, push against her a little too hard, and she winces.
“Shit, sorry.” You mumble sheepishly. She pecks you on the lips again before whispering huskily.
“You know…I heard kisses help with pain. I think you should help me out over here.” She points to her split lip, eyes suddenly twinkling.
The twinkle in your eye doesn’t fail to match hers.
“I suppose I could help out someone unwell…it’s the right thing to do anyway.” You say with a little nod, though neither of you is listening to what you’re saying at this point.
“Right.” She grins, grabbing you by the nape of your neck and into her arms.
Even like this, bruised and bloody, you’re proud to say, that Mabel Black Label, your girlfriend, never fails to charm the pants off of you.
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mariclerc · 1 month
hello, i have a poly request. danny ric x single mom and they're just starting their relationship and max somehow finds his way into it and in the beginning it's smooth sailing just him and his two "friends" and the kid but then he beginns to question his feelings and gets insecure etc. but danny and reader notice it and they talk and in the end they're one (not so) little happy family?
Thanks for this request!! It's the first time I write something about Max and Daniel, it's a little short so I hope you like it!!
Three plus one | dr3 & mv1
Summary: your partner's best friend somehow enters your relationship Warnings: insecure Max and fluff.
request by: @kigieri
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You and Daniel have been dating for a couple of months now, at first it was quite awkward for you to date, being a single mom and going on a date looking for your ideal match it didn't feel good, or at least not to you. But when you introduced him to your little Ally it was like everything was in its perfect place, Daniel is someone quite nice and who can easily adapt to everything and, honestly, you were grateful for that.
So now you find yourself in the comfort of your apartment as you make a light dinner for the three of you and while he plays with Ally to build with blocks.
“Wow Ally, you're a real pro at this! You're going to be a champion builder one day!” Daniel laughs.
Ally giggles. “I'm gonna build big towers!” she smiles.
You smile, leaning against the counter. Your heart melts watching them interact. “She's so happy with you Dan” you say softly.
Daniel turns to look at you. “I know, right? It’s incredible, it's like she’s got so much energy.” he smiles warmly.
A comfortable silence falls between you. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. “Yeah, she's a whirlwind.” you giggle.
Daniel gets up and walks towards you. “Hey, are you okay babe? You seem a bit quiet.”
You look down, avoiding his gaze. “I’m fine. Just... thinking.” you say softly.
He cups your face gently. “Look at me. You can tell me anything, you know that.”
You meet his gaze, your heart pounding. “It’s just that... everything is moving so fast... I mean, I’ve never felt this way before.” you say hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly at you. “I know it’s a lot to take in baby. But I want you to know that, I’m in this for the long haul. I really care about you and Ally.”
You feel a lump forming on your throat. “Thank you Danny... That means a lot to me!” you smile shyly.
Daniel pulls you into a gentle hug.
“I promise, I’ll always be there for you both, okay?” he says in a whisper and you close your eyes, feeling safe and loved.
A few weeks later, the atmosphere is still warm and inviting. Ally is a little sleepy as she snuggles up next to you while you and Daniel are on the couch, watching a movie.
“Can you believe she’s already learning to count? It's amazing.” he says while smiling.
You giggle. “I know, right? It feels like just yesterday she was crawling. Now she's a big girl!”
Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Daniel gets up to answer it while you put Ally to her bed.
“Hey Max! What a surprise, come in mate.” says Daniel, somewhat surprised by Max's presence.
Max enters the apartment, he’s clearly out of breath. “Sorry, I just finished a run around the block. I hope I'm not bothering you, I just wanted to pay you a visit.” He says, scratching the back of his neck.
Daniel smiles. “No mate, it’s okay. You can come by here whenever you want!”
You come back from putting Ally to bed and greet Max, the atmosphere in the apartment is nice and light, you find out that Max is a pretty calm person despite all the things they always say about him.
Over the next few weeks, Max becomes a regular visitor in your apartment. His charm and easygoing nature make him a natural with Ally and you couldn't be more grateful for it. However, things start to shift subtly...
One night you and Daniel were alone on the couch.
“Have you noticed Max lately? He seems... off, I don't know what's wrong with him.” you say a little concerned about the situation.
Daniel nods at your words. “Yeah, I have noticed... He’s been quieter, more withdrawn... Something is definitely wrong.”
You two drink simultaneously from your cups of tea, there’s a long pause as you both contemplate the situation.
Suddenly you speak up. “I think he might be feeling insecure about something... I don't know, but my hunch tells me so.”
“Maybe love. He’s always been so confident and awesome.” he says in a whisper.
A few days later, Max is in the apartment and Daniel decides to talk to him... Or rather, Max decides to confess.
“I don’t want to mess things up mate... I just don't know what's wrong with me.” he say hesitantly.
“Hey, we’re friends, right? You can tell me anything mate, you know that neither I nor y/n are going to judge you.” he says while putting a hand on Max's shoulder.
Max let out a sigh. “Well, the thing is that... I think I’m falling for you both. And I know it’s complicated, and I don’t want to come between you and I care about Ally too.”
Daniel is quiet for a moment, searching for the necessary words to tell Max.
Daniel smiles. “Max, I care about you a lot. And I think we’re building something special here, maybe we should talk about this with y/n.”
Later that evening, the three of you have a heart-to-heart conversation. It’s a vulnerable and emotional exchange, but in the end, you decide to explore this new dynamic together.
“I love you both guys and I think we can make this work! Also Ally will be super happy that you are here with us day and night.” You say with a smile on your face as you hold Max and Daniel's hands.
As the night deepens, the three of you share a tender moment, realizing that love can take many forms. A new chapter begins, filled with both excitement and uncertainty.
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jsprnt · 9 days
still being somewhat friends with your ex brings up some jealousy in your relationship
kenan yıldız x reader
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A/N: jealous kenan🤌🤌!!! based on this request.
W/C: 1.440
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"this one looks better on your feed.." you tell your best friend, scrolling through the pictures you just took of her.
"I know. what would I do without a bestie like you.." she coos, wrapping her arms around your body.
"you'd be stuck with your boyfriend who takes ugly photos.." you chuckle, hugging her back.
"travis can't take pictures for shit. at least kenan takes good pictures of you.." she says, sitting up and fixing her hair.
"I got very lucky.." you beam, grateful for your boyfriend's artistic skills.
"he needs to give travis some tips when he gets here.."
"when does he arrive?" she asks, playing with the frills of your jeans.
"he said he'd be here in ten.." you answer, looking around the house.
your big friend group decided to organize a get together after not being able to meet for a long time. everyone was encouraged to bring their partners, so you didn't hesitate to ask kenan if he would join you.
your boyfriend was an incredibly busy guy, especially with the serie a games starting in a couple days.
but of course, he'd always make time for you.
"hey, y/n can you pass me the chips?"
you look up when you hear a familiar voice, making eye contact with adam.
he was one of your friends, and unfortunately, also your ex.
you didn't even know if you could classify him as an ex, since your relationship lasted a mere month or two, and when both you realized it wasn't going to work out, it ended.
no hard feelings.
well, you could only speak for yourself..
"you want the guac too?" you ask, sitting up to grab the bowl of chips in front of you.
"nah, I like 'em plain.."
you frown at his answer, he must've turned into a crazy person since you broke up, because who enjoys eating plain chips without a dip?
"oh, here.." you slide the bowl over, leaning back into the couch.
you look at your best friend, her face incredibly still. you know, that if you make eye contact with her, you'd both burst out in laughter.
"thanks, y/n.."
you give him a small smile, watching him shove the crispy nachos into his mouth.
"so, where's your boyfriend at?" he mumbles, his mouth unaesthetically full.
"he's coming over in a couple minutes. he's a busy person, you know." you explain, scratching the back of your hand.
you look to your right, silently asking your best friend to break the tension, or save you from the conversation..
"adam, where's your partner? I didn't see you walk in with anyone.."
"yeah, I thought you were dating halle from your finance class?" you question, trying to steer the topic away from your own personal life.
"didn't work out- again.." he sighs, looking directly into your eyes.
you press your lips into a line, shivering, you look at your equally nosy best friend.
"well, it'll work for out for you too eventually. like how I'm with kenan now.."
you try to reassure him, confused when adam suddenly sits up, fixing his posture. his hands move down, and he starts wiping his oily fingers on his jeans.
why did men do nasty things like that?
"what's going to work out eventually?" 
you gasp at the familiar voice, turning around to see kenan behind you.
"you're here.." you beam excitedly, feeling his loving touch from behind. his arm wrapping around your shoulders, as he presses a kiss behind your ear.
"of course I’m here.." he mutters, pulling back when you stand up from the couch to walk around it.
"thank you for coming.." you hug kenan, his strong arms wrapping around you, a little tighter than usual.
"a promise, is a promise.." he mumbles into your ear, kissing your temple. you can feel the soft fabric of his hoodie brush against your cheek. the scent of his musky cologne entering your nose, calming you with its familiar smell.
you hum, feeling his hands trail down your back, a hand touching your lower back.
kenan loved showing his love through touch, but he'd never been a 'pda' person. he always chose to hold your hand or hug you outside the four walls of your shared apartment, so the sudden intimate touches were confusing to you.
not that you would mind, you were in private company, so you'd savor everyone of his touches anyway.
"hello, good to see you.." he tells your best friend, giving her a smile before averting his gaze to adam.
"nice to see you, man.." adam speaks when he notices the look, immediately standing up and walking over.
while you watch your ex walk towards you, you can feel kenan's grip tighten around you. nothing painful, of course, even when not aware, he'd never do anything to hurt you.
he absolutely cherished every second you spent together. whether it was a quick lunch date in between his training sessions, and your university classes or just spending his daily life with you.
never letting you get too cold or too hot. bringing a drink from your favorite café, while you were already sipping on your crappy, watered down, homemade iced coffee. tying your shoelaces without you even realizing they came undone.
at this point, you could request for the urban dictionary to make 'kenan' a synonym for 'gentleman'.
you look up when kenan doesn't greet adam like he usually greets your other friends.
you weren't naive enough to not know why. your boyfriend had long known adam and you had dated briefly, since you didn't feel like it was morally right not to inform him..
of course, kenan had not doubted your loyalty to him. he trusted you, as much as you trusted him.
you couldn't lie and say you were completely fine with still being friends with adam. you'd shared intimate moments together, and going back to that platonic relationship wasn’t something you were 100% comfortable with.
"you arrived pretty late. I guess being a baller is keeping you away from our dear y/n.."
you watch kenan's jaw clench, his jawline getting even sharper as you feel his fingers trace your back.
"I made time, like I'd expect a boyfriend to do.." your boyfriend retorts, his voice steady and firm.
"I would be crazy to lose a person like her.."
your eyes flicker back up at kenan, knowing that jab was obviously about adam and you breaking it off.
"ken.." you call out, patting his chest to get his attention. 
"what is it, baby?" you almost laugh at the voice change. It switches from a rough, deep one to the most honey-soaked tone ever.
"please don't start anything, come on. let's go get some snacks, ‘kay?" you ask, smiling to convince him.
you watch your best friend get pulled away by her boyfriend, it giving you the perfect opportunity to dip.
"okay, that's fine.." your boyfriend agrees, squeezing your hips one more time, before he releases the tension in his jaw. turning around and pulling you away from the frazzled adam.
"jealous boy.." you tease him when he pulls you into a corner, poking his cheek. where his dimples would dent when he’d smile or pull a face.
"I'm not jealous.." he dismisses, reaching up to remove a fallen eyelash from your cheek.
"should I go back and bring adam? ask if he wants a drink?"
"come on. I can have an opinion.."
"that is?" you question, grabbing and popping a grape into your mouth.
"I don't trust the guy for a second, like- what guy befriends his ex?"
"if the ex is as nice as me, I would.." you tease.
"what if I were friend with my ex?" he questions, using elaborate hand movements.
"I would- wait, but this is different, ken. I can't cut him off easily since he's a part of the friend group. it's already kind of awkward between us.."
"awkward? thank goodness.."
you roll your eyes at his happiness, shoving a cracker into his mouth.
"shush, just eat it this, and stop talking.."
"no sharing chips with him, no more.." he hums, chewing on the crunchy snack.
"you saw that?"
"obviously, your friends kept me at the door until I took pictures with them.."
"can we hook him and his ex back up together?"
you scoff, raising a brow. 
"what did I say?"
"stop talking.." he grins, his dimples showing as he looks at you. his brown eyes lighting up in amusement.
"never mind, just give me a kiss.." you say, looking up when he eagerly cups your jaw.
"don't even worry about it .."
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 3 months
okay saw that you also write for ethan morgan and could you. write a siren!reader thats like SUPER into him and he finds it unnerving (hes not used to girls Actually liking him) and he agrees to go on a date w her?? you can choose where!
"Bright like blue" ~ Ethan Morgan x Siren! Reader
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tw! siren
erm idk which episode had the siren i cant find it 😖 i was gonna rewatch it but nvm ig, anyways ik what sirens are so i'll js thug it out. Also this guy is such a geek that he fs does dates at his house and gets his family to leave the house. he's also broke. i hate this.
(backstory: friends w sarah/erica they knew you were a siren, told the group thats how everyone knows)
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Ethan kept his distance from her, to the best of his abilities at least. The thought of her luring someone out and killing them just by using her voice was.... frightening to say the least.
Yet, every time she flashed him the smile he remembered the kind of person she was. That she wouldn't make random men fall in love with her and then lure them out to sea and drown them! Right?
He knew you liked him, Sarah told him awhile ago. He didn't know what to do though, a girl hasn't ever liked him before. He's never even been on a date. I mean he's never really been too interested in dating until last year! Except he would be lying if he said you weren't attractive, I mean you're one of the prettiest people he's seen. Like ever.
"Hey, Ethan wait up" You called for him.
You were going to the same class together, he already knew that. It scared him, but he knew. Why was he so terrified of you? He knew you wouldn't actually kill him, but every once in a while he'll catch a glimpse of a scale or gill thats usually well hidden and it freaks him out.
"you wanna walk to class with-" He cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
"Do you wanna go on a date?" He asks looking at you, "wi-with me! i mean... do you want to go on a date with me..."
The last part of that was less of a question and more of anxiety and muttering. Yet, you could only smile at him and his dorky self.
"yeah sure" you respond, contently.
He was confused, why was he more anxious about this than you? You're the one that likes him! He doesn't even know if he likes you! Ok, he does like you a little bit... but why aren't you freaking out? Jesus just answer her!
"okay, uhm uh do you wanna just meet me at my house then..?" He was trying to play cool but there was clear anxiety in his voice. His stutter with every other word.
"yeah, sounds cool. So... do you wanna walk to class together or what?" You say, almost teasingly. With that same smile you always give him. God, you're pretty.
He just nods his head and you guys walk and talk with each other to class. You were doing the majority of talking, but you were so funny and so interesting. He hadn't ever talked to you for this long before. Once you reached the class your shared giggles died down.
After sitting through the hour long class he was thinking about what to wear, he had a good idea of what it would be. In the halls you went with Sarah and Erica while he went with Benny and Rory. You both just happened to be talking about the same thing though.
You came over an hour after school ended, there were no cars in the drive way. It looked as if no one was home, except the lights were on. You knocked on the door.
He answered wearing his and blue collar shirt with his formal pants. He looked at your somewhat formal (dress/suit/etc) attire.
"You look great" he says with a nervous smile.
"Thanks," you say with a genuine voice, "you look... geeky"
You both chuckle and he invites you in, offering his hand to you. You grab his hand and he gets a vision of water and a dock and a song.
You being a siren this freaks him out and he lets go of you instantly. While you just look at him confused, why did he drop your hand so fast? He had finally just stopped acting weird around you, kind of. Is he going to start again?
He leads you to the dining room where he set up candles and music, with food that looks surprisingly edible.
The room looked nice but, you had to poke fun.
"Everything looks great, but." Your voice trailed off at the end, teasing him.
He looked at you nervously, "but?"
"Take off the sweater vest. It's killing the mood." You say, playfully making fun of him. Lightly laughing.
He just rolled his eyes, taking off the vest and throwing it somewhere behind the two of you.
You two were talking and laughing the whole night, besides eating the enormous amounts of food that the two of you happened to finish somehow?
"Hey, I wanna show you something c'mon!" You say excitedly, standing up while wiping your face.
He looked at you confused, was this the thing in his vision? What were you showing him? He got up slowly, following you out.
You finally both arrived, hand-in-hand, walking to a somewhat abandoned dock. It didn't look old and dangerous but there were no boats or any signs of recent human life. You leave him and go to the edge of the dock, sticking your feet over. Humming some olden siren tune.
Same song as in his vision, thus making him panic. He stays off the deck completely, scared of what you might do. You turn around, suggesting him to come over as you scoot over. Making room for him. Kicking your feet in the water. He walks over, slowly, to sit with you. He takes off his shoes and socks and puts his feet in the water. Kicking with your feet in the water.
Maybe some visions aren't bad.
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If you are accepting Shin angst requests, how about him getting a S/O but his friends (Black Dragon Founders) don’t like her so he ends up breaking up with her but comes to regret it?? It might be a bit OOC for Shin but I just want groveling BD founders 🥺
Too Late {Shinichiro Sano}
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A/n: I usually don't publicly comment on my requests and keep any comments or thoughts to myself but I will comment on this one. Shinichiro would never and when I say never I mean NEVER break up with his partner because his friends don't like them especially when their opinions are based on nothing or pure bs. He is proud of himself for finally finding someone and he is also proud of that someone.
ON THAT NOTE, I changed it because I don't write non canon stuff and made him break up with her for another reason. There are many ways to write og Black Dragons angst and I won't choose this to do so
Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x reader
Trigger warnings: breakup, implied sexual relationship, jealousy, slight if not entirely toxic relationship
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You and Shinichiro becoming a couple was rushed to say the least. You had met during one of his rare nights out with the Akashi and Benkei -Wakasa was on a date- and at first it was all butterflies and rainbows for Shinichiro. He would look at you from his table at the pretty chill bar, make a few comments about how beautiful you were to his friends and overall just admire you.
Now, Shin has been through twenty rejections. His pride has been hurt but he is not one to give up. So, when he caught you gathering your things and getting ready to leave, he excused himself and walked towards you.
"Hey." His introduction was simple, honest. He introduced himself and told you that you were beautiful in the most straightforward way you can think of.
By the end of the night, you were tangled in your sheets, cuddled up after a quite intense session. Both of you were half asleep, partly because of the exhaustion the sex had caused and partly because of the difficult day the two of you had respectively.
When Shinichiro suggested you become his girlfriend, you were over the moon. I mean, despite the unpopular opinion, this guy had the whole package. He was sweet, good in bed, kind, hot, handsome and treated you like a queen... what else did you want?
The first few days were great, you met his family, his friends and he met yours. And it wasn't until you met Wakasa that the whole thing started going downhill.
Shinichiro knew -like most of the women and men- that Wakasa was one hell of a man. Even back to their teenage years, Wakasa had somewhat of a plethora of girlfriends and an insane amount of girls asking for just one date.
Shinichiro never had that and it was eating him alive because he was 24 and he had never had a girlfriend.
When the day came for you to meet the guys he was fine for the most part. Akashi wasn't your type and neither was Benkei, but Wakasa? Wakasa was everyone's type.
Those two hours you spent at his shop felt like an eternity. Suddenly everything bothered Shin. The way he had placed the chairs for you and his friends to sit, the way Wakasa's eyes constantly travelled between you and Shinichiro... he ran out of cigarettes, Mikey had misplaced one of his tool boxes for fun... everything was going horribly wrong.
And then he heard it...
"Would you like me to take you home?"
Wakasa's voice was loud and clear in his ears and that was the moment Shinichiro lost his mind internally.
Your eyes fell upon Shinichiro and you could swear that you could see his knuckles turn white from how hard he was holding the key. But to you? It was only because Mikey had messed up his entire shop.
"I... Shin are you planning on staying late?" You asked him with a smile on your face. Your question was more than justified, it was past the shop's closing time, Shinichiro had finished an order for a motorcycle just a few minutes ago and had already got started on another one.
But he didn't answer.
"Oi, man." Akashi slapped the back of his neck.
"No, let's go."
Maybe it was because of Mikey because despite his messy nature, Shinichiro was pretty organised when it came to his tools, but at that moment? All he could see was red and he had no idea who to blame. Wakasa for being such a flirt even when it came to his best friend's first girlfriend? You for not outright declining the offer no matter the case? Or himself for being so insecure and downright sure that even now that he had you, he wouldn't get his happy ending?
Wakasa exited the shop first and then you did, both of you waiting for the others.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Akashi whispered as Shinichiro was locking the door of his shop, Benkei standing next to him.
"You know he just wants her to be safe. All of us do," Benkei said, already having seen past his best friend's thoughts.
Shinichiro only smiled at them and naturally walked you back home without saying another word. Alone.
"You're not going to say anything?" You asked him, slightly concerned. He was far more calm than he was back at the shop but there was still an odd aura around him.
"Do you find Wakasa handsome?"
"Excuse me?" His question shocked you for a number of reasons. It was so out of the blue and not once during the two hours you spent hanging out with him and his friends did you ever imply that you preferred Wakasa over Shin.
However, Shinichiro had his mind fixed and the trauma from all those rejections was something that he had always brushed off as something not really important. Whatever your response was going to be, he would say the next words.
"I am sorry but I cannot be in a relationship with someone who likes my best friend."
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. And to say you didn't try to bring him to his right mind would be a lie. You asked, almost begged, for an explanation but all he said was that everyone liked Wakasa and kept mumbling to himself.
After an arguement that lasted more than an hour, you just got tired. It was as if you were talking to a wall. Shinichiro wasn't listening to you and from the first moment you understood why he was telling you all this. He hadn't hidden his rejections from you and it was something that the two of you would often joke about but you had never realised it was actually bothering him. Especially when everyone around him joked about them too.
"Fine, let's break up." It pained you to say this. Yes, the whole meeting and confession had been extremely sudden but it was love at first sight for you and all this time, you had believed that the same went for him as well.
So Shinichiro left and it wasn't until one week later when Mikey and Emma kept bugging him to see you that he finally realised what had happened. During this one week, he had kept himself so busy that he would return home and fall asleep on the couch without even removing his shoes. He rejected whatever calls he received from the guys but would constantly check his phone for messages from you; it was almost like a muscle memory.
"I am... slightly concerned that's all." Akashi leaned agaisnt the door of the Sano household.
"I'll talk to him."
Grandpa Sano rarely entered Shinichiro's messy room. "So where's your girlfriend?" He asked casually when Shin opened the door.
"It's ten pm on a Monday. I am guessing at her house?" He sighed and laid back down in bed.
"Why don't you tell her to come over for dinner tomorrow?" Grandpa Sano's questions stung like needles if not knives and even though Shinichiro wasn't aware of it, the old man knew far to well what he was doing.
"Good because you are such an idiot that you didn't deserve her," his grandpa's tone was sharp; it hurt more than it should have. "You are a joke of a man, breaking her heart and being angry at your best friend just because you made an assumption based on nothing." The old man sighed and turned around to leave. "Your mother didn't raise you like this, Shinichiro."
Shinichiro waited for his grandpa to leave before grabbing his helmet and his motorcycle keys and storming to the cemetery.
He told the whole story, sitting down with his hands on his knees as if he was being scolded and he didn't care that he was repeating the events of the first few days; he had found himself visiting the cemetery more often just to tell his mum all about you.
"...but I think it's a little too late, mum. I called her on the way here and she wouldn't pick it up."
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brokenpieces-72 · 18 days
Note: I have been working on this oc for a while, and there's a lot I wanted to do with them. This story is oc reader insert, so I leave the name open but the hero name is already established.
CW: Foster system (abuse of it), injured reader, financial abuse, car crash, let me know if I missed anything.
You know that feeling when everything seems to be falling apart? You’ve had it before, when you lost your parents and separated from your sibling in the foster system. You feel it now too along with plenty of soreness from your injuries.
You lay in the hospital bed, with your cracked phone screen. Foster parents hadn’t seen any of your texts and no phone calls had been answered. You messaged your sibling but they wouldn’t be able to make it to you. Your friends were either stuck at work or asleep right now. The nurses and doctor suggested calling a lawyer for yourself, since the other driver is a lawyer and his family wants to press charges. Insurance company has you covered for any other surgery or treatment they need to do so no need to contact them.
Still, you stare at your phone screen staring at the small text message history you have. You could try. He might be busy, but you could try. While your boss wasn’t the softest or kindest person, he still cared. Many not a lot, but at least a little. Then again, maybe it would be a chance for him to stop mentoring you, and go solo again. The pros and cons fight over what to say in the text. Regardless you wouldn't be out of hospital for a while so he needed to know that.
E: Hey boss, sorry but I can’t come in to work for the next couple days.
You shut your phone off after sending it. Then you turn it back on again, debating whether to delete it, edit it, or leave it. Honestly with the drugs in your system, it’s a little hard to make proper decisions. You know he’ll ask, you know he’ll be hard on you for reckless driving, but he’s all you’ve got right now. Right now you just need another person with you, even if they’re somewhat of a stranger.
Your phone rings. Holy crap it can still do calls? Whatever not the point. You answer the call without paying attention to the screen, though you briefly see the name. This would not be pleasant.
“Hello?” You answered, before coughing. Maybe you could cover up your sore voice as a sick one.
“What's going on?” Your boss asked.
“Uhh… can I…” you pause a lot, the war still going on, and fighting over your vocal cords. To your boss's credit he’s patient right now. Finally, you get something out. “Are you on patrol?”
You rub your head, praying you don’t have a headache coming on. Your boss takes a moment to answer.
“Yes why?” He asked. He sounds irritated. You don’t want a lecture when he gets here.
“Nevermind. Forget it.” You say quickly.
“Outlaw, answer the question.” He said.
“… I…” you swallowed. “I’m in hospital. No one can make it, and… was wondering if you could come see me?”
There’s silence again and you shut your eyes. This was a bad idea. You hear a sigh over the phone, and regret sinks in.
“Forget it, I’ll be fi-“
“On my way, give me a few minutes. Do you need anything?” Your boss asked.
“Maybe a change of clothes.” You suggest. “That’s kind of it.”
He hangs up, and you sigh. He was gonna lecture you, but at least he was coming. Especially if they needed to do more surgery. God knows your fosters wouldn’t come anytime soon.
Jason Todd arrived at the hospital, jacket on, hood up, and a small backpack with a change of clothes for you. Trying to see you as your boss likely wouldn’t work very well, but seeing you as your brother could pass. He approaches the desk where a nurse is typing away. The nurse looked up, seeing him almost towering over her.
“Here to see Y/N L/N.” he asked.
“Down that hall, room 168.” The nurse instructed. Jason made his way down the hall, keeping an eye out for the room. He stopped himself just outside your door, ensuring the face mask he brought covered his face. His eyes were uncovered, but the hood shielded them enough. Then he overheard you on the phone.
“It was an accident, I swear I did-no it wasn’t for attention. I was just-“ you tried to get a word in as your foster parents demanded to know why they were getting medical bills. Jason steps in, quietly as you continued to plead innocent. “I just went out to meet a friend, I wasn't even drinking. Insurance money will cover it, I checked. I'm not asking you to cover it, I'm just telling y-...Okay. I'll transfer the mon-I'll take it out when I get the chance.”
You’re on the phone getting yelled at until they finally hang up. Your head is down, and you're holding back tears. When you looked up you nearly jumped out of bed, seeing the large figure that had come into your room. The red hoodie was a dead giveaway. Jason stepped in and set the bag down nearby.
“What happened?” He asked, not bothering with a greeting.
“Car accident… don’t quite remember. I swear I was driving on the right side, and I tried to move out of the way, but…” you trailed off.
“At least you’re alive.” He pointed out.
“Yeah so I can get medical bills, foster parents barking at me, no car for the next who knows how long, and now I even have to get a lawyer because the family of the other driver says it was all my fault, and I won’t be able to go to work or go on patrol or even train.” You say, trying to keep the lump in your throat down. The last thing you wanted was to start sobbing.
Jason sits in a nearby chair. “You’ll need more than a couple days.”
“The couple days is just for me to get out of hospital, the rest I can do easily enough.” You say, shrugging. As if shrugging really got rid of the weight of everything. Red Hood needed Echo, they were close to a breakthrough in a fighting and drug ring.
“You need rest.” Jason told you.
“For a couple days, then I’ll be back on my feet. The next load is coming Thursday, I'll be fine by then.” You said firmly, but there was a crack in your voice from emotion. Sidelining is the last thing you want. You’ve worked too hard for him to take you out of the game. Jason is quiet in the chair. It looks like he staring at the floor or the bed but you know he’s looking at you under his hood. You refuse to break.
Jason knows you are though. You’re tired, you’re injured, you have morphine in your blood stream, and financially you’re fucked. When he sighs, you think it’s pointed towards you and your stubbornness. It’s not. He realizes that you’ve been carrying a lot more than he thought. Now he has to call for a favour, one he didn’t want to ask for.
“Kid, right now, you are unfit to fight-don’t interrupt.” He said, holding his hand up, before you could argue. “You’re injured, you’re stressed, and you’ll be distracted. The last thing I want is your death on my conscious because I let you get yourself killed.”
“I don’t need to be sidelined.” You said, your voice breaking.
“You’re being benched for your own good. When you’re ready to get back into the game, I’ll pull you in. Don’t rush it but don’t waste time.” Red Hood ordered. You nodded. It’s a bit of a relief, since you haven’t had much time for regular life, let alone time for yourself.
“How long do I have?” You asked. Of course you wanted to be on a time limit. Jason did it to you for a lot of your training, whether it was posting up or reaching a checkpoint.
“Knowing shit like this, it will take maybe a week or so until you’re out of here.” Jason thought out loud.
“Then I have to get a lawyer which is a week or so, I have enough money… I should. I can do that while I’m recovering, and then I have work, and my side job. Chores, extra because I’ll be away. Then getting my vehicle repaired which will take a while…” your voice broke again thinking about the work you had after you leave the hospital.
“Hey.” Jason said. You looked up at him and it’s the first time you’ve seen his eyes. They were more natural than you thought. For some reason you thought they’d be red or maybe yellow. “This isn’t a fight, focus on what’s in front of you. I’ll give you a month.”
“I won’t need a month.” You said, take a deep breath to calm yourself.
“You’re getting one. Consider it mandatory vacation or something.” Jason said.
You want to thank him, and hug him but you’re a little incapable. The relief is massive wave, almost drowning you. You look down at your broken phone, feeling it vibrate.
“Thank you.” You said, the tears finally breaking free from your eyes. You sniffle and wipe at them. “Sorry.”
“Just fucking cry kid. Your life is falling apart it’s a normal response.” Jason said.
You let out a small noise that he thinks is you laughing. You nod, wiping your eyes, and a small smile on your face. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you. You wouldn’t happen to know any lawyers would you?” You asked. Your phone vibrated and you checked it, seeing your friend had replied, saying he was close by.
“Recover for the first while, then worry about a lawyer.” Red Hood said. Jason notices you smile at your phone, and takes it as his cue to leave. “Rest. I’ll be in touch.”
Jason gets up, leaving the backpack. Once he steps into the hallway he sighs. He doesn’t want to make this call, he really doesn’t. But you’re his partner, his apprentice. Hell, you’re basically his Robin. Jason had a rough life. You might have what he didn’t, but that didn’t make your life perfect. He’d been pulled out of that struggle and sure it wasn’t perfect, but it was at the very least decent.
Once he’s out of the hospital, he dials on his phone. He didn’t want to but with the bs justice system Gotham has, you would need some help.
“Alfred?” Jason said, hearing a familiar older voice on the other end. “Is Bruce there? I need to talk to him.”
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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sturnsdc · 7 days
pair: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader
synopsis: a secret relationship can be hard to maintain, especially if it’s kept secret out of fear of someone. 
Daryl finds himself in a dangerous situation when the truth is uncovered, and he must make a decision that will change everything.
did he make the right choice?
warnings: ANGST, typical TWD scenes, fools, violence, mentions of death, fight, abusive father is mentioned, slight fluff, somewhat obsessive behavior, happy ending, depressive thoughts (due to a breakup).
era: prison
words: 9,3k
A/N: i said i was inspired by “Cake,” but then i was also listening to the album “Silence Between Songs” by Madison Beer, and i got inspired by the songs “At Your Worst,” “Dangerous,” and “Spinnin”... so, yeah.
btw, i don’t know why, but i always end up writing some scene with Daryl’s father, and it’s always violent. I’m sorry.
dividers from: @cafekitsune ! ♡
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if both of them had to describe last night, they would say it was magnificent, even perfect. After being together for some time, they finally decided to take the next step, calmly and lovingly. Daryl felt loved in a completely different way, in a way he had never experienced before. He gave a significant part of his soul to Yn that night, and he knew she did the same.
however, when he woke up, Daryl’s thoughts shifted after a few minutes, and soon his mind started racing, filling him with doubts about his partner.
‘what if she regrets it?’  
‘what if it wasn’t as good for her?’
his eyes wandered over his now-exposed scars, and he could feel his entire body tense up.
‘what if this is weird for her?’  
‘what if she expected something else?’
his mind didn’t seem to want to give him peace, and Daryl began to grow more anxious with each passing second. He even felt tempted to get out of bed and get dressed, to at least avoid the embarrassment of being seen once again in one of his most vulnerable, and in his view, "disgusting" states. However, before he could act, a few kisses on his neck pulled him out of his thoughts, and as he looked down, he was met with a smile on his girlfriend’s face. That made him breathe a sigh of relief, although the doubts still lingered.
“hey, sleepyhead, how long have ya´ been awake?” the girl asked, snuggling into her boyfriend’s arms.
“jus´ a while. Ya wanna keep sleepin´?” he asked, trying to hide the trembling in his voice, caused by nervousness.
“no, but i wouldn’t mind stayin´ in bed with ya all day tho,” she confessed, still smiling, watching as her boyfriend blushed at her comment.
“gotta go home at some point,” he replied with reluctance, sighing afterward, and she nodded, feeling defeated.
“it was worth a shot,” she said, leaning in to kiss Daryl’s chest.
they stayed in bed for a few more minutes, in complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
Yn could sense that something was wrong, the atmosphere felt a bit tense, and she swore she could hear Daryl’s thoughts forming, but nothing came out of his mouth.
“Dar,” she called out, catching his attention. He looked at her curiously. “´s everythin´ okay?”
the boy remained silent for a few seconds, considering his options, but the questions seemed louder and were all he could think about, so he decided to take a risk. He had to know the truth, even if it hurt him.
“we okay?” Yn didn’t expect that question, and she coughed, surprised and confused. “sorry, didn’t mean to—”
“we’re okay, Dar,” she replied firmly. “´s this about what happened last night?”
Daryl’s silence seemed to be the answer, and then she understood, so a small smile formed on her face. She tried to make her words sound as sweet and firm as possible, so they would reach him.
“i really loved what happened last night. Ya made me feel safe, loved, and wanted. I enjoyed every second with ya, and i would love to experience it again,” she confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed by how excited she sounded. Her face flushed at her own words.
“ya don’ regret it?” he murmured, and she quickly shook her head.
“never, i loved it,” her hand gently caressed his chest, sharing her body heat with him, relaxing him. “how did ya feel last night?”
“safe,” he answered. “ya always make me feel tha´ way, but it was different, don’ know,” he shrugged, and though his response was brief, she understood that he had enjoyed it too.
she observed him for a few moments, and out of embarrassment, he avoided her gaze.
“ya want breakfast?”
and so they ended up in the kitchen, both fully dressed now, more relaxed and finishing the breakfast they had prepared together.
“so now yer goin´ back home, right?” the girl asked, and he nodded in response. “see ya later at the lake?”
“sure, what time?” he asked, placing his now empty plate aside.
“around 3?” He nodded again, then got up to leave the dishes in the sink. “i’ll wash it, don’ worry.”
“ya sure? can help.”
“nah, i got it,” she said, so he shrugged.
she wrapped her arms around Daryl’s neck, their faces much closer now. He quickly placed his arms around her waist, and then she felt completely at peace, knowing this was where she belonged — in his arms.
they gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment, not even needing to speak. It was something they both loved, the ability to understand each other in silence, sharing the calm and love they felt for one another.
but they wanted more, so soon their lips met in a kiss full of emotions; confessions; a secret love they wanted to keep for the rest of their lives; a shared dream.
they wanted to stay like that forever, but they had to pull apart, both now with small smiles on their faces.
“see ya at 3,” Daryl said, though inside, he knew he didn’t want to leave, that he’d rather stay there, in that same position, kissing his girlfriend again.
“sure babe,” she replied, but neither made any move to leave until Daryl finally did, letting go of her and walking to the door. “bye,” she said, still smiling as she watched him walk toward the door, opening it and holding it for him.
he stepped out, but turned to look at her one last time. She leaned against the door, and they exchanged one final glance, almost unable to believe how perfect life felt with each other. He then approached her again, giving her one last kiss before leaving.
what they didn’t know was that they were being watched by someone who shouldn’t have been returning home yet but had decided to, and now felt their blood boiling at what they had just seen.
by the time Daryl was nearing his house, he began to feel that something was wrong, as if something bad was about to happen, and suddenly, a wave of dread hit him when he stood at the front door. However, he went inside anyway, and the first thing he received after closing the door was his father’s fist crashing into his cheek, sending him reeling in shock.
Daryl growled, tasting the metallic flavor of blood in his mouth, but he knew this was just the beginning.
“wha´ have i taught ya yer whole life? huh? how many times have i told ya to stay away from whores?” Daryl froze on the floor upon hearing those words, and his father took advantage of that to start kicking him with all his might, over and over. “how many times have i told ya they’re all the same?” the boy couldn’t even defend himself, as the man didn’t even let him catch his breath. “ya know how they are, and yet ya chose to be with tha´ bitch! fer what!? to hook up with ´er and be like yer brother?” he stopped kicking him after the question, but his breathing was erratic, and he was ready to hit him again.
“she’s not like tha´…” Daryl responded with difficulty, coughing up blood from his mouth, staining the floor of the house. “she’s not…”
“liar!” then the man threw himself onto his son’s body, slamming his fists into his face again and again. “yer a fucking liar! ya’ become a pussy ´cause her!” his voice was filled with disappointment and anger. “yer gonna leave that bitch.” Daryl wanted to interrupt, wanted to defend himself and yell at him. He shook his head while blood poured from his mouth and his face grew numb. “yes, yer gonna. Yer gonna leave her, or ya know i’ll kill her. Ya know i can do it.” he stopped hitting him, bringing his face close to his son’s as he spoke in a threatening tone. “yer gonna leave that whore, ya can come up with whatever excuse ya wan´, i don’t give a damn, but yer gonna leave her, and if i ever see her again…” he paused, catching his breath. “if i ever see ´er again, her head will be hangin´ on yer damn door, do-you-understand?”
Daryl remained silent, feeling powerless, afraid, sad, and in pain. So much pain.
“do you understand!?” he flinched at the shout, but then nodded, making the man finally release him, leaving him lying on the floor, bleeding and with horrible marks on his body that would take time to fade.
his father then went to grab a beer from the fridge, placing it for a moment on his bloody knuckles before opening it, all without looking at his son again, who remained on the floor.
Daryl thought about his options, though he felt dizzy, and his body was growing colder and heavier.
he knew his father was a dangerous man; he had lived under the same roof his whole life, but he didn’t remember him threatening Merle in the same way, though he knew he was capable of carrying it out.
‘she shouldn’t suffer’ was all he could think, and the fear that something might happen to her consumed him. He couldn’t let her suffer, not because of his stupid father. However, Daryl knew perfectly well that she wouldn’t let him go easily, especially if she saw the state his father had left him in, so he had to think of a way to convince her to stay away, had to do something to make her not want to come near him again.
anyway... he would probably think about it later, as his body started to feel too heavy, and his eyes closed without him being able to stop it.
the last image in his mind before losing consciousness was of his girlfriend. The only person who had respected, accepted, and loved him despite all the bad things that came with him. The only one who wanted to see the good in him, even when he couldn’t.
she had always been there, and she knew the things his father did, which was why their relationship had remained a secret all this time. Now he would have to convince her to stay away, even though their last interaction had been an immense display of love, after having shared the best night of their lives.
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that day, Daryl didn’t show up at the lake as they had agreed, which worried Yn. Her first instinct was to be concerned, immediately thinking that something could have gone wrong at his house. However, Daryl had made her promise not to come near that place, no matter what, so she decided to give him some space. ‘Maybe he’ll come to my house later,’ she tried to convince herself.
that day, she didn’t see him again, and the worry kept her from sleeping all night, even though she had to go back to school the next day.
it was hard to get up for school, considering how heavy her body felt from exhaustion. However, the desire to see Daryl and make sure he was okay was much stronger, so she forced herself to get up, taking a record-breaking shower and putting on the shirt her boyfriend had left a few weeks ago, which still had his scent, giving her comfort.
when she arrived at school, she started walking through the hallways looking for her boyfriend, but there was no trace of him anywhere. The same thing happened in the classes they were supposed to have together that day.
‘where is he?’ she asked herself over and over, checking the doors and windows of every classroom and hallway, hoping to catch a glimpse of him in the most unexpected places.
but he was nowhere to be found.
after school, she retraced their usual spots again and again, and the idea of going to his house became more and more tempting.
‘what if something happened to him?’ ‘what if his father did something?’ ‘or Merle?’ her mind wouldn’t let her rest, and the worry planted a painful weight in her chest. ‘what if he’s regretting it?’ her thoughts started to turn against her, and the anxiety began to overwhelm her even more than before.
this became her routine for a few more days, until she finally got tired of keeping that promise and decided to follow her gut. Before she could even consider it a few more times, her feet had already taken her to the entrance of the Dixon house, and she knocked on the door as calmly as she could.
she realized she wasn’t prepared when the door opened, revealing her boyfriend’s bruised face, who looked just as surprised to see her.
“wha´…?” but he didn’t finish the question, instead clearing his throat, his expression hardening instantly.
“i was worried. You hadn’t shown up, and i didn’t know if… ya were okay. Dar, what happened to ya?” she tried to approach him, her face filled with concern, but it soon turned to confusion when Daryl dodged her touch. “are you mad at me?”
“i told ya not to come here. Why couldn’t ya jus´ listen?” his tone was angry, and his gaze was cold, which caught her off guard.
“i was worried, i thought somethin´ really bad had happened, and the anxiety was killing me, ’m sorry.” she still tried to remain calm.
“ya couldn’t wait a little longer, could ya? always so damn clingy and anxious.” his venomous words struck a different kind of pain in her chest, wounding her.
“Dar, what do you mean?” she let out a nervous laugh, not understanding what was happening so suddenly.
“we had sex already, the hell ya want now?” he raised his voice, startling Yn.
“you think ’m here to have sex again?” now she sounded offended. “You disappeared fer days, Daryl! i thought somethin´ bad had happened to ya, and i held back fer days, and when i finally come to check on ya, i see yer bruised face, and i get this shitty attitude from ya. What the hell?” she waited for a response, but he stayed silent. “gonna tell me what this is all about?”
“ya shouldn’t have come,” he replied.
“cut that shit. What did i do to ya?” his evasive responses only fueled her anger and confusion.
“’m sick of this! yer so annoying. I just wanted some time fer myself, and ya weren’t supposed to come here!” he took a step forward, and she stepped back. “jus´ leave me the hell alone. Don’t wanna see yer stupid little face ´round here. ’m done with this.”
“what?” her eyes widened, and she felt frozen in place, unable to believe what she had just heard. “can i at least know what changed?” this time, her voice came out low and weak, her eyes fixed on his.
“just can’t do this anymore. I tried, but yer… too much.” before she could respond, he slammed the door in her face, leaving her standing there.
she could feel her heart breaking, and she even started to feel sick. She took a weak step forward, considering knocking again, but quickly dismissed the idea. She couldn’t bear another humiliation. Her heart couldn’t take it.
when she got home, still in shock from the recent events, it was time for dinner, but she couldn’t eat. Her stomach had completely shut down, so she decided the best thing to do was change her clothes and lie down in her bed. When she did, she didn’t even have the strength to pull the blanket over herself. Instead, she curled up in a fetal position, breathing shakily until everything hit her.
tears began to flow from her eyes, her body started to shake, and she realized how tense she was only when she tried to move her fingers, feeling the intense pain from clenching her fists tightly as she cried.
she had never felt like this before.
Daryl was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She adored the way his fangs showed every time he smiled, or the way his eyes seemed to light up whenever he looked at her. He was usually rough, but when he touched her, it felt like he did so with the utmost care, trying not to hurt her, even when he was just hugging her.
she couldn’t forget the afternoons when he watched her study for her exams, even kissing her when he got tired of congratulating her for answering correctly.
she couldn’t forget their dates at the lake, or the hunting practice in the woods.
she couldn’t forget the nights spent listening to music in his room, or the first time they both smoked.
she couldn’t forget the mornings spent watching TV while eating breakfast.
she couldn’t forget the first time he gave her flowers, telling her about their history and meaning, making it a tradition for both of them every month since that moment.
she couldn’t forget the first time she had her period, and Daryl had to learn every possible way to help her because he had promised not to let her suffer for anything.
she couldn’t forget the first time their bodies came together, sharing the most special night where she gave something she could never get back.
he had taken everything with him, including that night.
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when Daryl walked back into his house that day, he ran into his father, who looked at him with the same contempt as always before sitting on the couch with another beer in hand and the TV on.
Daryl took a deep breath, trembling, and quickly locked himself in his room. That day, he felt something die inside him. He had always promised to keep her safe, that she wouldn't suffer again if he could prevent it. But he never expected that, in order to save her, he would have to hurt her himself.
the image of Yn’s face turning into an expression of pain and despair would haunt him for the rest of his days, but there was no turning back now, not anymore.
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days passed, and when Yn returned to school, she looked destroyed, which caught the attention of everyone who knew her.
she was described as a kind soul, a gentle and selfless person, someone full of light despite all the crap she had been through. That’s why many were surprised when they saw her so close to the younger Dixon, someone who seemed to be the complete opposite of her. They couldn’t understand how someone like her ended up falling in love with someone like him, and many of her “friends” decided to turn their backs on her when she "didn’t understand" their warnings.
“he’s going to break your heart,” they told her over and over, but she would just frown and defend him to the end.
‘they were wrong, he wasn’t the problem,’ she thought day after day, even when her best friend tried to make her see that it wasn’t true.
setting foot on school grounds brought back a wave of sadness she had tried to avoid that morning, and soon she felt her eyes burning, eager to release the tears still stained with Daryl’s name. However, before she could turn and run home, her friend’s face appeared in her field of vision, clearly worried but ready to help.
for a while, every day was like that, and it only got worse when their eyes met in a hallway or when they had to share a class. Both had to muster the strength not to run into each other's arms and beg for forgiveness, and with every second apart, they felt a part of them breaking, unable to heal without the other’s presence.
months filled with pain, tears, and immense suffering that sometimes kept them prisoners in their beds, unable to get up and face reality. At least in their long, unhealthy hours of sleep, they could be together again.
it took Yn a year to go through the worst of it, even though she had already finished school. She couldn't even enjoy her graduation and fled the place shortly after receiving her diploma. Neither attended dances, celebrations, or events they might have at least considered if they had been together.
then it took her another year to try to piece together her heart, though the new parts weren't enough to make her feel whole, they made her feel stronger and more protected from her emotions.
during all that time, she was only able to talk to one person—Mel, her lifelong best friend—who offered her a new chance when they both applied to a university in Boston.
it was far, an opportunity to start fresh, without him.
‘sounds good, right?’ that’s what she tried to think, and that’s what led her to accept the offer and take the scholarship.
she was going to forget him completely.
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well, at least that’s what she thought would happen, but every passing day, she realized how much it still affected her. At first, it was anger, and when she arrived and settled into her new home for the next five years, she was so excited about the idea of starting over that her mind decided that to maintain that peace, it would make Daryl Dixon her number one enemy. And for a few months, it worked—she regained her self-esteem and started to feel more confident in herself. But then, the first guy tried to get close to her, and that’s when everything started to fall apart.
she tried, she wanted to give each guy who seemed genuinely interested in her a chance, but she couldn’t even breathe near them without her mind searching for something in them that reminded her of what she felt with Dixon.
she grew frustrated every time she realized she didn’t feel safe with them, didn’t feel even half as loved and respected as she did with Dixon, and whenever she looked into their eyes, all she could see was either a purity she didn’t want and couldn’t accept, or a lust that made her feel disgusted and vulnerable.
they weren’t him, and that was something that made her angry.
during the three years she had spent in Boston, she never had an official relationship, and she never neglected her studies. She only made time for taking care of Madison, Mel’s daughter, who she cared for even more than her best friend did.
unfortunately, Mel gave in to the temptations of university life and let herself be swept away by momentary pleasures, having to deal with the next nine months of her second year of school while pregnant with a little girl whose father remained unknown. And when the baby was born, Mel continued her old ways, leaving Yn to raise her.
Yn tried again and again to make her see reason, especially when the baby began to speak and called her "mom" instead of her real mother. But Mel didn’t change, and even though their friendship became more distant, Yn could never leave the little girl uncared for.
however, despite everything that had happened over the last three years, when Mel suggested a weekend trip back home, she accepted almost without thinking, feeling her heartbeat quicken and something inside her light up like a flame.
so, the three of them made the trip back. But just when it seemed like they would finally make it home, things took an unexpected turn. The sick began to appear everywhere, ending the lives of many people... or not?
Yn didn’t understand anything; before her eyes, she could see death rising and walking, seeking new victims as if everything they once were vanished in seconds.
‘what the hell is happening?’
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Dear Diary,
a year and a half has passed, or at least i think so.
things have really changed since the last time i talked to you, about a year ago, right?
Mel 's dead.  
those walkers killed her, took her from the camp we had built, and almost took Madison the same way.
now we don’t have a place to live, and we go around together, trying to survive this disaster.
i still don’t know anything about Daryl. The last time i wrote to you, I think i mentioned that i looked for him from day one. I don’t even know why. I’m still mad at him, and i don’t think i could bear to see him, but something inside me wants to know he’s alive.
damn, he hurt me, and i still care about him—it's pathetic.
but i know he was made for this world, for this. I think even if everything got worse, he’d be the last man standing on earth.
still, i haven’t tried to look for him recently. I just focus on keeping Madison safe, fed, and teaching her as much as i can.
a while ago, she started calling me “mom” permanently. I’ve tried to correct her, but she won’t stop, she keeps calling me that.
would she be happy to know i’m taking care of her? i remember how she screamed while they killed her, begging me to save her because she didn’t deserve to die—especially not Madison.
i love that little girl. I’d give anything to keep her safe.
well, there’s not much ink left in this pen, so i guess it’s time to leave you. It was a good chat. Now we’re going to check out a store we found. Hopefully, when i open this thing again, i’ll have more to say than this.
bye, i guess.
i closed the notebook gently, placing it back in my backpack, which i slung over my shoulder as i stood up from the log i’d been sitting on. Beside me, Madison looked up at me, copying my actions as she got up from her own log. I extended my hand to her, which she quickly took, following me toward the store i had seen a few hours ago. I had kept an eye on it, making sure nothing was going in or out, and nothing was moving inside.
i put her behind me. She keeps watch—she’s very smart and observant, noticing things with impressive ease since what happened with Mel. Meanwhile, i took my gun, feeling the weight of my knives, ready to be used if anything went wrong.
we searched the place, and i stuffed as much as i could into my backpack, trying to make as little noise as possible and moving as quickly as my body allowed. Then Madi gently tugged on my shirt, catching my attention. When i looked at her, she pointed to the store’s entrance, where an unknown woman, armed and looking in all directions, had just walked in.
i considered my options, but she was blocking the exit, and another woman with a sword strapped to her back was following her.
i looked back at Madi, trying to explain in sign language that she needed to hide and that i would handle it. Mel and I had learned this form of communication in college, and now it’s what keeps us safe. Madi only understands the basics, but that’s enough.
Madi took the backpack and hid, and i tried to approach the women discreetly, but eventually one of them saw me and pointed her gun at me.
“what are you doing here?” she asked rudely, narrowing her eyes as she looked me up and down. I raised both hands, still holding my gun. “Drop it,” she ordered. I raised an eyebrow but complied, tossing it to the ground and kicking it toward them. The woman with the sword picked up the weapon, and then the other one spoke again, “i asked you what you’re doing here. We’ve been watching this place for a while.”
“apparently, not long enough,” i responded. “just came for supplies. We all need to survive these days, don’t ya think?” i said in a tone bordering on sarcasm, and neither of them spoke. They just exchanged glances. Then i heard the gun’s safety click off, and the other woman made a move to draw her sword.
“are you alone?” asked the one with the sword, to which i swallowed, feeling the familiar tension in my body, along with cold sweat and shortness of breath. “are you alone!?” she asked again, more harshly.
“mama!” Madison shouted, scared by what she was seeing, then ran to me, hugging my legs. “please, no!” i closed my eyes, sighing in defeat, realizing i could no longer hide her.
that’s when i heard the gun's safety click back on, and i opened my eyes to see both women lowering their weapons and looking at us with pity.
“what’s her name?” asked the woman holding the gun, looking at Madi attentively.
“Madison,” i croaked, still afraid.
“and you?” asked the one with the sword.
“’m YN,” i answered warily. But then both women crouched to Madison’s level, smiling at her.
“i’m Maggie, and this is Michonne,” said the woman with the gun in a much sweeter tone. “we’re not gonna hurt your mom.”
“ya won’t?” Madison blinked, and i could feel her relax a bit. I looked down at her, and she raised her head to look at me, as if asking whether we could trust them.
“will ya let us go?” i asked before Maggie could answer Madi’s question.
“are you alone?” she asked, this time looking at me, but unlike before, her gaze was honest, much softer. “Do you have a group?”
“nah,” i swallowed, feeling distrust flood through me. ‘What if they’re just pretending? They could easily catch us off guard and attack, or try to take Madi.’
“we have a group. We’re staying in a prison not far from here. Let us take you both there,” Maggie said as they both stood up. “we have a doctor, food, clothes for children, and we all sleep in the cells.”
“if it’s so perfect, why ´you here?” i asked, narrowing my eyes.
“cause we wanna give those people the best. The group is getting bigger, and we need to make sure everyone is okay,” Michonne replied.
“we have a council. They’ll decide if you can stay, but i’m sure they will. They wouldn’t let you go back to this. I give you my word,” Maggie said.
“and we can leave whenever we want?”
“yes, you can go if you choose to.”
“we just need you to answer three questions,” Maggie said, and Michonne nodded.
‘I hope I won’t regret this. I just want Madison to be safe.’
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we've been in this place for a couple of hours, and i’ve already lost count of the people who have tried to talk to me or meet Madi. It's overwhelming. In all this time, i had forgotten what crowds feel like, the people enchanted by children, and the panic of losing sight of a child among everyone.
an old man made sure we were fine, and the committee accepted us much faster than i expected, especially when they asked about Madi and i told them our story.
people talk about themselves very easily, and that’s how i learned who is part of the original group and who arrived later. Most of them seem to come from an enemy group.
after settling into a cell, two women came in after asking me, and they were the most interested in talking to me. One is named Carol, she’s very pleasant and knows how to interact with Madi without making her uncomfortable. The other is Olivia, and she’s spent the last few minutes non-stop telling me that one of her heroes should be back soon, and that i’ll surely love him as soon as i see him.
she hasn’t even told me his name, she just keeps talking about how much this man has done for all of them, bringing food and being “a great protector.”
Carol hasn’t said a word about him, she just smiles and tries to change the subject, asking me questions to get to know me better, but without being... overwhelming.
then the sound of a motorcycle made several people move toward the entrance, including Olivia, who murmured something about that man.
‘Is he really that incredible?’ i wondered for a moment, but soon decided to ignore it, chatting with Carol about everything and nothing at the same time as i braided Madison's hair, who was sitting with her back to me.
“Carol is in that cell, sir,” i heard someone say in the distance, so i figured my conversation with the kind woman would soon end.
“woman, hell ya doin´..." a man entered the cell, and it was then that i felt like i was the teenager from a few years ago again.
he’s standing there, right in front of us, his wide blue eyes full of surprise.
i can feel myself stop breathing, and without realizing it, i let go of Madison’s hair, who turned to look at me in confusion.
“mom?” i heard her ask me, but her voice sounds... so distant, i can’t even focus much on it.
he’s right here, alive.
he looks older, and he’s growing his hair out. I remember when he used to complain about how tired he was of cutting his hair so often and how one day he’d stop obeying his father and let it grow, like some of the band members he used to like.
he’s more tanned, probably from all the hours outside. I used to make him wear sunscreen, and he pretended not to care, but i know he listened when i talked about its importance and what could happen to his skin.
he has a beard now; it barely grew when we were last together, but he shaved because he didn’t want to irritate my skin, even though i told him it was okay.
his eyes are unmistakable, i could recognize him by them alone. I know because i could spend hours just looking into his eyes, until he blushed and turned his face away.
his body is bigger now. He used to have muscles, but nothing like he does now. He looks even better, stronger.
then my mind starts to play tricks on me. I can remember the nights he’d knock on my window, hoping to sleep beside me because only then could he have a peaceful night. I can remember the dates, our first kiss, the first song we listened to together, the first time we shared a cigarette, the first time i heard him say my name, the first time he looked at me, the first time we went shopping together, the first time he cooked for me, the first time he taught me to hunt or use his crossbow. I can remember the words of love, the times he defended me, the times he gently pulled my arm to make it clear we’d do some class project together, and the times he’d pull me by the waist so i wouldn’t leave. I remember our first time, and the love i felt when he undressed in front of me, letting me see not just the nakedness of his body but also his soul.
“mom” before returning to reality at Madison’s call, i remembered the day of the breakup. The day my world crumbled because he looked at me like i was some kind of dessert he could consume before leaving, making me feel guilty and broken for the next few years. I remembered my pain, the times i couldn’t get out of bed, the times i wished it were all just a nightmare. “Mom!” And then the image cleared.
he’s here, the same Daryl Dixon who made my life a living hell from that day on.
“we're leaving,” i whispered, almost breathless, trying to think clearly but failing as i couldn’t string words together in my head.
‘I have to get out of here.’
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since that day, nothing has been the same. I had to stop myself from running to her every time i saw her at school, and the pain was so that i even considered dropping out, getting away, and disappearing from her life.
i could see the damage. Damn, i can still hear what they used to whisper about her every day, and i remember having to punch every idiot who thought they had the right to say something bad. She doesn’t know that, of course.
every day i remember how her eyes lost their light, like i had ripped her soul out with my words.
until the last day i saw her... she could never be the same. What my old man made me do killed both of us at the same time.
i found out she moved in with Mel, and i felt happy knowing she was achieving one of her goals. Besides… her best friend was going to take care of her. She did it for two years by keeping us apart.
i had to start working, at least to get a place to sleep, though it was really a shitty home, but it was what i could afford.
there were nights i cried thinking about her. Too many to give just one example. Sometimes i didn’t even have to wait until night. She was the only good thing in my life, and he ruined it, i ruined it by not being strong enough, by not being able to protect her like i promised i would.
i still see her in my dreams. She’s older, and we live together like we always should have. We talk about starting a family, moving, getting a dog, and living in peace. The worst part is waking up.
when all this shit started, i tried to find her, but with Merle, it was too complicated, and we had to join a group.
now i try to find her in every place we go, but there are no signs.
i wanna believe she’s still alive. She’s always been strong, much stronger than she thinks. That’s one thing we’ve always been different in. She wasn’t made for this, but she’s so smart she knows how to adapt, how to make plans and stay safe. She never needed me, but she doubted herself so much that she felt safer with me.
hell, if she only knew it was me who felt safe.
most of the group doesn’t know about her, only Rick and Carol, because those bastards know how to get information out of me. But even they don’t know what she looks like because they’ve never seen the only picture i keep of us, from when everything was okay.
that’s why i felt like i was going to faint when i opened the curtain of an empty cell and found Carol, a little girl… and her inside.
i could see the expression of surprise on her face, how she went through so many emotions in seconds while the little one tried to get her attention.
“mom,” i heard the girl call her over and over again.
‘Did she have a daughter?’ ‘When?’ so many questions started flooding my head, but i tried to come back to reality when the little one raised her voice, finally pulling YN out of her thoughts, though now she had an expression of pure pain.
“we’re leaving,” i heard her say, and then panic overwhelmed me.
“no,” i quickly responded, making all three of them turn to look at me. The little girl and Carol in confusion, but her… her gaze was unreadable, like she wanted to tear my head off and cry for the rest of the day at the same time. “i mean…”
“Madison, come with me for a moment? I want to introduce you to Judith,” Carol said to the girl, who looked at YN. She just nodded, now staring at the ground and not saying a word. Carol took the little one’s hand, and they both got up and walked out of the cell. The woman gave me a supportive look before leaving. 
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both are trying to keep their composure, but the truth is they´re failing miserably. Still, can anyone blame them? they never believed this moment would finally come. All the situations they imagined, all the possible responses they once thought of, everything vanished the moment Daryl walked into that cell.
she couldn’t look at him, almost as if she was afraid to, and he... he couldn’t stop looking at her, fearing that if he stopped, she might disappear in front of him.
“we’re gonna leave, don’ worry,” she said in a low, trembling voice, loaded with the emotions she was trying, unsuccessfully, to suppress.
“ya don’ have to,” he replied softly. However, he received no response, so he tried again. “ya’ll be safe here, Yn…”
“shut up,” she quickly said, finally looking at him, her eyes wide and red. Hearing him say her name after so many years ignited a different flame inside her.
all the anger she had built up towards him, towards the things he said and made her feel, everything was coming back.
“we’ll be fine, we’ve always been,” she said, her voice filled with anger and frustration.
Daryl could feel the deep pain in his chest intensifying. It was as if all the worst scenarios he had imagined were coming true.
“listen, i really…”
“no,” she interrupted him, stepping back when he unconsciously took a step forward. “jus´ forget it, we’ll leave, and it’ll be easier that way.”
“don’ risk the kid over this.”
there were a few seconds of silence, and Yn’s eyes slowly filled with tears from all the overwhelming emotions.
“can’t be near ya, Daryl, i really can’t do it,” she confessed, almost whispering. “can’t be in the same place as the person who destroyed my entire world in a matter of minutes like nothin´ else mattered. You treated me like scraps of food you no longer wanted, like a piece of cake for… for your discard… and then you walked away. You know what it took to recover even a little of what you took? what it was fer to understand that ’m not just a piece of cake or somethin´ insignificant? damn it, Daryl! i can’t get back my last year of school, my graduation, the moments that should have been happy and memorable but instead were depressing, horrible, ´cause the pain was so intense i could barely stop crying. How ´you expect me to be near you when all i remember is the suffering you caused? how!?” she didn’t even realize when she started crying, but when she finished speaking, she felt her cheeks burning from the hot tears, her throat aching, her eyelashes wet, and her eyes irritated. Still, after releasing what she had been holding inside, she took a moment to think, using the silence of the man to do so.
she thought of Madison, the little girl who had been by her side just minutes ago in that place, settling into what could be a definitive, safe place full of more children of various ages, with animals and people interested in getting to know her. Then she sighed heavily, wiping away her tears and regaining her composure.
“i’ll think about staying, fer her, but please don’ come near either of us.”
Daryl couldn’t even speak; he felt he would break down in tears if he dared open his mouth. So he simply nodded slowly before turning around and leaving the cell as quickly as he could, allowing them both to catch their breath.
it definitely hadn’t gone as he had dreamed.
however, there was one detail that didn't leave Daryl's mind.
she was wearing his shirt, the one he had left at her house a couple of years ago.
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weeks had passed, maybe months, and Daryl had honored her request to stay away from them, though that didn’t stop him from watching over them as best as he could. He always asked, always showed his concern, and that was something everyone in the group had noticed. But they also noticed the sadness in his eyes, different from what they had known before. Even his appearance seemed more unkempt than usual, and at times his attitude was more hostile.
Yn wasn’t much better, and her obvious avoidance of being near the archer only confirmed the group’s theories, though no one said anything. They feared losing the trust of either one.
she tried, but she couldn’t get him out of her mind. She would glance at him out of the corner of her eye, listen in on the conversations of the women who were in love just to learn a little more about him. Even the romantic dreams had returned, and she could tell they were affecting her when she woke up with her heart racing, as if they were still together, as if nothing had happened, only to come back to reality and feel all the frustration return, leaving her in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
now, in the current situation, we have a more dramatic scene unfolding.
Yn had gone on a supply run with Glenn, Rick, and Maggie. At first, everything was quite normal. Everyone followed Yn’s plan, as she was now in charge of planning most of the missions, sometimes joining them like today. However, there was something no one had considered this time: the structure was much older and more unstable than expected, and there were some intruders inside that weren’t visible from where they were investigating.
that’s when two walkers managed to corner the young woman. In a desperate attempt to draw one of her knives, she tripped, and one of them lunged at her, pinning her down and preventing her from using the hand with the weapon, while she desperately tried to keep its face away from her body with the other.
“help! help!” she screamed desperately, kicking and struggling to get the walker off her. But it seemed impossible. It was enormous.
her trapped arm began to go numb, and her body thrashed violently in an attempt to free herself, but it didn’t seem to be enough.
then she felt the walker stop moving, and some blood splattered on her face. Soon someone pulled the walker off her, and she saw Rick, panting. When she looked at the floor, she noticed the second walker was also down, apparently was unable to reach her because part of its clothing had gotten caught on a protruding nail in the doorframe.
“thank you,” she said, panting and still on the ground. But when she looked at Rick’s face, she noticed how it paled as he stared at her, more specifically at her abdomen. So she decided to look down too, and that’s when she noticed the new problem she was facing.
the side that had gone numb must have hit something as she fell to the ground, tearing her shirt and her skin, causing a worrying amount of blood to spill out, made worse by all the movement she had made to shake off the walker. Now she had a severe open wound, gushing blood, staining her side, leg, and the floor. It was a mess, and seeing it made the young woman start to panic. 
“no, no, Rick, i can’t die, not here, not like this. I need to see Madi, i have to get to Madi, to Daryl, i…” she began to say quickly, snapping Rick out of his shock. He shouted for the others and bent down to lift her. But the abrupt movement made her whimper, feeling how the wound seemed to stretch. “Stop, stop,” she sobbed, terrified and clutching the man’s clothes, now equally stained with blood.
when the others arrived, they had similar reactions, and soon they had to head toward the car they had come in. This time, Glenn was behind the wheel, Maggie next to him, and Rick and Yn in the back seat, trying to control the bleeding.
saying that many were horrified would be an understatement. Carol felt as if her soul had left her body and quickly covered Madison’s eyes, leading her away from the entrance where the girl had been excitedly waiting for the woman’s return.
however, nothing, nothing could have prepared them for how Daryl reacted upon seeing his best friend enter with Yn, bleeding in his arms. The man turned pale and ran to find Hershel, shouting his name desperately and helping him prepare the bed where they needed to lay her down.
the woman had arrived almost unconscious but finally passed out when her back touched the sheets. That’s when the old man took over treating the wound, and Daryl, without hesitation, offered to donate whatever blood was needed to save her. This is what brought us to the current situation, just a while after Hershel left the cell to inform the others. Daryl was looking at the photo he cherished so much, until he heard small footsteps approaching, and then a small figure appeared. Her face was tear-streaked, red, and she was pouting.
the man swallowed hard, trying to think of how to handle the situation, but nothing came to mind.
“she dead?” the little girl asked, almost whispering. She took a few steps to stand next to the man, who was sitting in a chair by the bed.
“nah, she’ll be fine,” he nodded, though it seemed like he was trying to convince himself of that too.
then the girl did something unexpected: she threw herself into the man’s arms, crying uncontrollably again. Daryl felt his heart break at the sound of her sobs, but even so, it was hard for him to return the hug. It took him a few seconds to decide, but he finally let his hand stroke the little girl’s back, trying to comfort her.
when Hershel returned, the girl had to leave for a moment, but by the time the process was finished, and Yn was resting and out of danger, no one could get Daryl or the girl to move from the side of the bed.
it wasn’t until midday the next day that Daryl managed to get the girl to go outside for some fresh air and eat a decent lunch with Carol, but he had to promise her that he would stay to watch over Yn.
it’s not like he planned to leave anyway.
however, when Yn opened her eyes, she didn’t expect to be in an unfamiliar cell, much less in a bed, with Daryl Dixon sitting right beside her, looking at her in surprise.
“i thought i told ya to stay away,” the girl said, her voice hoarse but without a hint of anger.
“’m sorry, i got scared when they brought ya and…” he stopped talking, looking at her now-bandaged side and swallowing hard.
Yn looked as well, and then all the memories started flooding back, making her sigh deeply.
“that was close,��� she said, fidgeting with her hands, avoiding his gaze.
“i thought ya were goin´ to die. I felt like i was goin´ to lose my mind.”
“why?” she frowned and turned to look at him.
“´cause no matter how many years pass, Yn, i’ll keep worryin´ like the first day, even if ya don’ wan´ me around,” he confessed with a bravery he didn’t even know he had.
he saw her eyes widen for a moment before returning to normal as she cleared her throat.
“you have no right to worry about me, not after…”
“i know what i did to ya, i know what i caused, and i can’t even forgive myself fer it, but please, listen to me now,” he pleaded, making her fall silent. He was tired of this situation and was going to speak once and for all. “that day, when i came home… he had seen it, he had seen our goodbye and how we treated each other.” He swallowed but kept looking at her. “he gave me a beating that knocked the shit out of me, ´n said he was goin´ to kill ya. He said so many things… and i promised to protect ya, Yn, i swore i´d do whatever it took to keep ya safe. And i had no way of doin´ it, but then ya came to my house, and don’ know, i took the chance to push ya away, even if ya had to hate me in the process,” he confessed, feeling a weight lift off him. “i never wanted to do what i did to ya, but i’d rather protect ya, and i can’t regret that.”
“Daryl, why didn’t you talk to me? we had been seeing each other in secret for a while, we could have hidden it more, we could have pretended…”
“nah, he would have killed ya. Tha´ day he was listenin´, and he made sure we didn’t get back together. He followed ya durin´ the first year and made sure i knew… i didn’t want him to hurt ya, but to do that, i had to hurt ya myself.”
they were both silent for a few minutes, but then she couldn't take it anymore.
ignoring the protests of her body, the girl stretched out and hugged the man beside her, surprising him. However, this time he responded quickly, inhaling her scent and merging into her warmth.
they were both home.
“i can’t forgive you so easily, ´cause i can’t forget the last years of my life, but i believe in your story… and i can try,” she whispered.
“thank you.”
“mom!?” both heard the little one, who joyfully threw herself at them, earning small laughs from the adults.
“hey, little one, be careful,” Yn said, pulling away from Daryl and letting the child lie down next to her, between the two adults, as the man remained seated by the bed. “have you met Daryl, Madi?”
“we talked a bit while ya were restin´,” the man said.
“well, Daryl, this is Madison, Mel’s daughter,” Yn said, unknowingly answering a question that had been on Dixon’s mind for a while. “Madi, this is Daryl, an old friend of mine,” she said this time, not taking her eyes off the man, who was looking at her as well.
it would take time for her to forgive him and move past what she had lived through. He needed to regain her trust and show her that he was worth the risk of trying.
and he is ready for that and more. He won’t let her go again.
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Dear Diary,
it’s been a while since i last talked to you, huh?  
i think you’ll be glad to know that i kept my word, and this time i can say that things are better. Maybe better than ever.
we found a group; they’re good people with the same goal. I guess this is what it feels like to have a family.
he’s here too.  
he’s alive.
for a while, i didn’t want to know anything about him, i even thought about leaving with Madi.  
but i suppose it was inevitable.
he explained what really happened that day.  
i can’t help but think that maybe things would have been easier if he had just told me… but i can understand why he did what he did.
still, i was upset for a while, knowing that we could’ve found a solution that would have spared us so much suffering...
anyway, now we’re in the same place, and since Madi met him, she can hardly stay away from his side. She follows him everywhere, except when he goes on supply runs. She loves him, and i understand why.
he tries every day to earn my forgiveness; he works so hard, even though i’ve already told him the truth.
i’ve already forgiven him.
still, i’m scared of how much Madison cares for Daryl. I’m scared she’ll get too attached and start calling him… you know what, or that something will happen, and i’ll have to watch her suffer.
but i guess those fears won’t go away anytime soon.  
for now, i can tell you that we’re okay, safe with these people. Safe with him.
taglist: @jamiesturniolo
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kwanisms · 2 years
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genre: smut (sorry, this is pure filth lmao)
pairing: bff!Mingyu x (f) reader
wc: 908
warnings: smut (minors dni), size kink, bulge kink, big d!ck Gyu, cursing
a/n: I have no excuses. Sky asked me to torture her with Mingyu instead of Hongjoong, so this is the result. The happiest of birthdays to my love, my soulmate, my other half. This one is for you @yoonguurt
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It had been a simple question, asked by your best friend.
"What's the biggest dick you've ever had?"
Totally innocent question for Mingyu to ask you. Best friends ask each other that all the time, right?
So how did it lead to you on your back, Mingyu between your thighs with quite possibly the biggest dick you've ever seen in your life resting on your lower stomach as if measuring how far it would reach inside you?
If you weren't nervous before, when Mingyu slyly suggested he showed you that his was bigger than any you'd ever had, the idea of this monster splitting you open certainly made you nervous now.
Mingyu, sensing your apprehension, gently ran his hand up the outside of your thigh, as if to quietly say "hey, I'm here. I've got you." His touch helped ease some of the tension but it didn't go away completely. Not when you could see and feel how absolutely huge, and heavy, his cock was.
"Is that even going to fit??" You managed to squeak out, trying not to eye him up. Mingyu smiled down at you, that sweet almost innocent smile he always gave you.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I promised I'd go slow and be careful," he answered, fingers skimming over the skin of your knee.
He had taken his time earlier, before he showed you his cock, working you up, teasing your clit with his tongue (which he was fantastic at by the way) and stretching you with at least three of his fingers to prepare you. Even then, you still didn't think it would fit.
Nodding your head silently, you gazed up at him with wide eyes, bottom lip pulled between your teeth as you nibbled on it softly.
"Okay," you finally said, letting out a breath you forgot you were holding in. "I trust you," you added.
Mingyu valued your trust and loyalty in him more than anything. He was your best friend after all.
Taking his massive length in his hand, he leaned back a bit, guiding the tip of his cock to your entrance, slowly rubbing the tip against you and coating it in your arousal. He had a small bottle of lubricant on hand if he needed it but hopefully, with how much attention he gave you earlier, you wouldn't need it.
Keeping his eyes on your face to watch for any sign of discomfort, Mingyu slowly pushed the head of his cock into you, stilling momentarily to gauge your reaction. You nodded, waving your hand almost nonchalantly, as if it was perfectly normal for your best friend to be filling your wet cunt with his monster sized dick.
Totally normal.
He continued, sliding further in, eyes threatening to shut as your tight walls tried to pull him in deeper. It took almost every bit of willpower in him not to slam his hips into yours, filling you in one quick thrust. As much as he wanted to be full inside you, he didn't want to scare you, or worse, hurt you.
Mingyu kept his eyes trained on your face, watching your expression morph into one of shock as he slid in slowly, inch by inch until he felt the tip of his cock press against something that somewhat hard, stopping him from stuffing his entire length inside you.
He glanced down and saw that while most of his shaft was inside you, there was still a good couple of inches left. He looked back up to meet your gaze, one of his hands moving to your thigh and caressing it gently.
"Talk to me," he whispered, trying to hide exactly how difficult it was for him to hold back. "You okay?"
You nodded. Surprisingly, it hadn't hurt as much as you thought. Sure there was a stinging but thanks to his preparation, he went in without much resistance. Although it took a toll on your body; trying not to cum instantly on his cock was a challenge itself. You didn't think you'd last long when he started moving.
"I'm not fully in," he admitted with a sheepish grin. You glanced up at him, eyes widening. "What?" you asked incredulously. He nodded, looking back down to where your bodies met.
"Yeah, still got a couple inches left," he continued.
You let your head fall back against the pillows. "Jesus fuck, Mingyu," you cursed, causing a cheeky grin to appear on your best friend's face. "Mingyu is fine," he said jokingly. "You don't have to call me Jesus." Your eyes snapped up to meet his dark gaze.
"But fuck?" he continued, pulling back slightly only to thrust forward slowly, leaving you breathless as he shoved his entire cock into your pussy. You gasped out, grabbing the sheets below you.
"Oh my god!" you panted, feeling as if he was going to split you in half.
"Oh, would you look at that," he said, eyes no longer on your face but instead looking down at your stomach. You lifted your head to get a peek and let out a whimper at the sight.
Down, just past your navel, was a small bump. A little bulge that you just knew was the tip of his cock. Your eyes traveled up the tanned and toned skin of your best friend, already finding his gaze on your face, a mischievous glint in his eye, and a devilish smile on his lips.
"Looks like it fits after all."
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷:Blue lock au where Y/n got invited to join the Blue Lock program as a player. She crossdresses as a boy and is friends with Reo and Nagi (they don't know she is a girl). I didn't change much abt Y/n's appearance, except that I made her around 5'10" tall and that she has a similar hairstyle to Chigiri's (the color is up to you, tho)
Warnings: None in particular. Reader uses she/her when narrating, otherwise the characters use he/him for Y/n. Requests are open for this AU.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Blue Lock... so this will be my new escape...' (Y/n) gulped as she looked at the building in front of herself. She saw a lot of people, well known high school players enter the place, making her nervous over the whole idea. Sure, she was excited over finally leaving her home, her adoptive parents for a while, but she was just entering a bigger hell than she already left. Now, some might be confused what a girl was doing at Blue Lock? A project meant for the best football players in Japanese high schools. For male football players. Well, the question was pretty easy to answer, kinda. (Y/n) was adopted at a pretty young age into a somewhat well-off family, but the life she had wasn't the best. Her parents always wanted to have only boys, and while they had 2 biological sons, they didn't want to have a daughter.
'The only reason we adopted you was because I was indebted to your father.' She shuddered as she remembered her adopted father's words. (Y/n) knew they didn't want her, so she did her best to survive the household till she can be free. One of the ways was giving into her parents' demands on changing her personality and appearance to suit a stereotypical guy. (Y/n) didn't want that, at all, but for now she had to be someone she wasn't.
'At least they let me grow out my hair... and they allowed me to leave to this football camp.' She thought, touching a few strands of her (h/c) hair.
"Hey! Earth to (Y/n), are you alright?" She jumped, looking over at her teammates, Nagi and Reo. The two looked at her in worry for a moment, which caused her to smile and nod her head.
"I am fine! Don't worry... Just a little nervous." She thought as Reo grabbed her hand and pulled her into the building while Nagi followed after them.
"Don't be. All three of us are highly ranked football players, I am sure this thing will be a walk in the park for us." Reo laughed.
"Yeah, you worry too much." Nagi yawned as they got into the main hall where the other players were. (Y/n) recognized some from her previous matches, and some were unfamiliar.
'Oh... that Kira guy was invited here too? Figures, he was a good opponent back then...' She thought, recognizing the white haired boy. She then turned her attention to another guy standing next to Kira, they seemed pretty close.
'Who is he? I never saw him before...' (Y/n) thought while observing the blue-eyed boy.
'That sprout is cute tho.' She smiled, noticing the few strands of hair that were sticking out.
"Who are you looking at? Come on, we need to catch up to Reo." Nagi ground as he tugged on the pants of her uniform.
"H-huh? Nobody! Let's hurry up." She said, glancing a few more times at the unknown boy.
They soon reached Reo, only for him to scold the duo for getting lost.
"Congratulations, you unpolished lumps of talent." The trio froze for a moment and then looked at the stage, only to find a guy with bowl-cut black hair and glasses looking at all of them.
"Who is he?" (Y/n) muttered.
"Dunno." Nagi shrugged.
"What did he just call us?" Reo wondered.
"According to my personal judgment the 300 of you are the best strikers under 18. My name is Jinpachi Ego and I was hired to give Japan a World Cup victory." Everyone kept silent as (Y/n) stared at Ego in shock.
'World Cup victory? Japan can't qualify for semi-finals, what does he mean by victory?' She thought skeptically.
"I'll say this plainly. One thing is needed for Japanese soccer to become the best in the world: the birth of a revolutionary striker. From you 300 players gathered here today, I will forge the best striker in the world through a certain project."
Ego continued his speech, not giving anyone time to digest anything.
"What a bore." Nagi groaned, earning a kick to his leg by (Y/n).
"Shh." She warned, then looked back at Ego.
"All of them revolutionary strikers!! Their extraordinary egoism is the one thing Japan’s football lacks. You will not become the greatest strikers in the world, unless you have the ego to match. My purpose here, is to create such a player in Japan."
'Egoism? Shouldn't football be treated as a team sport? What good does it bring to act like that on the field?' (Y/n) raised her eyebrow, tuning out whatever Reo and Nagi were saying.
As Ego kept on talking, (Y/n) was getting lost in her thoughts.
'So we are basically training for our national team now... Getting out of one hellhole into another, but at least here... at least here I feel a little bit more like myself, as odd as it sounds. While I can't tell to anyone I am not a guy, at least I can play the sport that always saved me from going insane.' (Y/n) thought, looking back at the crowd as Ego finished his speech. (Y/n) listened as he talked about reaching the goal he set up for them, and if the players who were gathered had what it takes to become a striker. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the boy from before rush to a open door, and something struck her. She wasn't sure what it was, but something about him and the look he held in his eyes made her hypnotized, and she quickly ran after him.
'Who are you? And what's up with you?' She sprinted faster after him, ignoring Reo and Nagi's calls, both desperate to catch up with her.
"Huh? Thank you... so you said I am in Team X, Teieri-san?"  (Y/n) asked the woman, who smiled and nodded her head.
"Yes, that's just down the corridor. I will keep your phone and other items safe while you are at our facility." (Y/n) thanked the woman and started walking down the hallway, looking at all the rooms in curiosity.
'Probably the storages...' She thought.
'This place is like a prison, but I can welcome it. I wonder how I will keep myself hidden now... now that I have to share a room and everything with some dudes.' She cringed and sighed, then slowly walked into Team X's room. Inside were, as expected a bunch of other guys, some changing, some just talking.
'Oh brother....' She thought, looking to the side.
"Ah? You are our other teammate?" A guy with brownish hair asked.
"Y-yes! (L/n) (Y/n) is my name." She said in a little bit deeper voice.
"(Y/n)? Isn't that a girl's name?" Another guy asked while walking up to the duo.
"My parents have a thing for feminine names." She answered with the same lie she's been using for years.
"Wait... (Y/n)... (L/n) (Y/n)? Hakuho's eagle?"
"What?" (Y/n) she raised her eyebrow as a blonde approached them.
"You are known as a beast with those precise shots. I should have expected someone like you being here."
"Ah... thanks." (Y/n) answered, unsure what was going on at this point. By now a group has been formed around her and the guys started asking her different questions, until someone cleared his throat.
"Can you donkeys shut up?"
(Y/n) tensed up and looked at a pair of red eyes staring directly at her.
'Ahhh!! Scary!' She thought.
"Sorry, Barou." A few sighed out as the boy and (Y/n) had a stare down.
"Barou... I know you. You are that guy from Akudo Academy. We played against you at the quarterfinals." (Y/n) recalled, remembering the sheer force he used back then.
"So what about it?" The boy asked, obviously annoyed that she brought that up. Some of the teammates backed away, scared of a possible infight.
"I see you unpolished lumps have all found your room." The group looked at the monitor, only to find Ego staring down at them.
"Good, now it's time for the first elimination round."
"What?" (Y/n) and Barou asked at the same time.
"Every team in our 5 buildings is playing a game of tag, in a football way. You will be given a football, the person you hit with it will be it, and will chase someone else." Ego started explaining as a football fell from the ceiling, landing between Barou and (Y/n). The duo glanced at the item and then at each other.
"You are given 2 minutes. The person who stays it when the time runs out, is eliminated from Blue Lock..." The room fell into a tense silence.
"And, subsequently they are losing the opportunity to ever play for Japan."
"Haaa?!" Barou and (Y/n) yelled in shock.
"That's rediculous, how is a game of tag going to help here?" Barou wondered.
"Especially if you only give us 2 minutes."
"2 minutes is the most a player spends in the possession of the ball during a game. Now hurry up. On your sleeves you will see your current rankings, the one with the lowest is the 1st it."
(Y/n) quickly went to look at hers and scanned the tag.
"Currently the highest ranked one here is (L/n) (Y/n), at 252."
"How does this ranking even work?" She wondered to herself as the screen flashed the name of the first it. She looked at the boy and felt a little sad, he looked pretty meek.
"Donkey." Barou started, hitting (Y/n)'s head.
"Ow! What? And did you just call me a donkey?" She asked in disbelief.
"Don't get too distracted, can't have you eliminated this soon." Barou warned, confusing the girl a little.
"What? Why would you care?"
"Because I still need to prove to you that I am far better than you are."
The girl sweatdropped as the siren signaled the start, causing everyone to disparage across the room. She watched as the boy nervously looked around before his eyes fell on her.
'Shit.' She thought, dodging the ball that came flying to her.
"Huh? Why aren't you kicking back? You are the higher rank here." Barou questioned, annoyed at her move.
"What? The goal here is not to be it!" She watched as the ball bounced off the wall and back to the boy, who seemed more and more determined to get her instead of someone else.
'I can't be eliminated.... I don't want to go back home...' (Y/n) thought, glaring back at him.
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s/o with yelan, shenhe, navia, xianyun that got badly injured and s/o is treating their wounds ^_^
take your time!
(Genshin Impact) Yelan, Shenhe, Chiori, and Xianyun's S/O treating their wounds
Navia has already been done in this post, so I shall compensate with the newly arrived Chiori!
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Yelan winced as S/O finished wrapping her arm, giving them a wry smile.
(Yelan) "Thanks. Sorry for showing up like this."
(S/O) "As long as you're okay, it's fine. But what in the world even happened?!"
Yelan was silent for a moment, thinking of how to answer S/O's question before giving them a kiss on the cheek.
(Yelan) "Bad fall."
(S/O) "Really? A bad fall looks like slashes all over you?"
(Yelan) "What can I say? It was sharp. But trust me, you won't have to worry about it hurting me again."
(S/O) "Just...please don't scare me like that again."
Despite her coy tone, she gives S/O a reassuring squeeze on their hands. Yelan truly did appreciate having someone to come home to, and it was a reminder of why she was out there to begin with.
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Shenhe remains still as S/O helps wrap the bandage around her stomach, exhaling a little in relief.
(S/O) "Is it too tight?"
(Shenhe) "No, I will recover just fine, thanks to you."
(S/O) "Okay..."
S/O knew Shenhe wasn't the type to lie. If she said she was going to be fine, then she was.
But their anxiety must've been easy to read, since S/O was quickly hugged by Shenhe.
(Shenhe) "You do not have to worry. I will not go down so easily."
(S/O) "I...I-I know, Shenhe. I still don't like seeing you get hurt."
The faintest hint of a smile forms on Shenhe's lips as she somehow hugs them even tighter.
Unintentionally almost snapping something in S/O and cutting off their breathing, but they could literally feel the love almost crushing them.
(Shenhe) "If it means I do not see you harmed, then I will endure whatever pain awaits."
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Chiori hissed in pain when S/O rubbed the cloth on her leg, gripping onto the chair.
(Chiori) "Gah, that stings!"
(S/O) "I didn't think something like that could happen in a clothing shop! Your leg looks like it was slashed by a sword!"
(Chiori) "I was lucky it wasn't my hands or arms that got injured, but this will certainly make work a lot more annoying..."
(S/O) "C-Come on, at least act a bit more concerned about your own health! You can't work if you're dead!"
Chiori hummed in acknowledgement as she rose to get up, S/O helping her with one hand grabbing hers.
She clenched her teeth when she properly stood up but turned to S/O with a small smile.
(Chiori) "...Thanks. I'll make you something sweet when we're back home."
(S/O) "Just rest up instead of working yourself more, please."
(Chiori) "Alright alright, I promise."
Chiori didn't need S/O to baby her, but it was times like these where she was reminded how much better S/O made the work day.
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Xianyun looks at S/O curiously as they wrap her hands in cloth.
(Xianyun) "This One must bring up the point that bandaging my arm is moot. The form one currently takes does not entirely reflect-"
(S/O) "It'll give me peace of mind knowing you're at least somewhat taken care of. Can I at least say that?"
Xianyun chuckles, adjusting her glasses but then quickly recoiling in pain from doing so.
(Xianyun) "Ack! R-Right. One appreciates your concern, then."
Xianyun tries to play it off cool, but honestly S/O made her heart skip a beat with acts like this.
This injury was truly nothing, and they definitely knew that.
But that didn't stop them from caring about her.
However, the real consequence from her injury was the fact she could not indulge in eating her food as much as she wanted.
(S/O) "H-Hey! That much fried food will make your injury flare up!"
(Xianyun) "Nonsense! Such delicious delicacies has nothing to do with one's-"
(S/O) "The doctor told me that you should at least wait a few days before eating something that hot."
Xianyun pouted, annoyed she had to put the food on hold.
(Xianyun) "Hmph, One does not need a doctor to tell her what one can't eat!"
(S/O) sigh
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queenslimeball · 8 months
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Sounds like a dream
Part two here
Gator Tillman x fem!reader
Contents; Angst, fluff, mother!reader
Summary; Y/n visits Gator in jail to introduce him to their son.
It's been a long time since Gator was first sentenced to prison. It was even worse for him to begin with, considering he had to deal with it blindly, too. To help, he'd been given a mobility cane, of which he struggled to use it within the first few weeks.
Gator hasn't had many ways of keeping track, but he assumes he's already been locked up for almost two years now. He assumes so because he can visualise the layout of the prison in his mind – he knows where everything is by now. Every day is Groundhog Day, so it doesn't take very long to learn.
What isn't hard to keep track of is the number of visits Gator has gotten. Two. Both from Dot. Both with cookies. Both several months apart. Other than that, nothing. At least she is a woman of her word.
Gator is sitting on his bed in his cell when he hears a loud bang at the bars with a guard's batton. It startles him, and he looks in the general direction to which it came from.
"Oi, Tillman. You got a visitor comin' in. Get up." The guard says. The recognisable sound of the door creaking open echoes through the jail. Gator carefully stands. He reaches out for the guard's shoulder and keeps it there so he can be lead away.
Gator's mind is filled with wonder. Who would be visiting him? Surely not Dot again. She didn't visit too long ago now, and she rarely visits. But it's not like anyone else does.
Gator is instructed to sit at a table, and then he hears the guard walk off. It seems that he's alone in the room. He can't hear a single sound of someone else. Disappointment floods his heart for a moment, his shoulders sinking.
The sound of shoes on the floor brightens his spirits suddenly. He hears someone sit opposite him. Gator feels his excitement come back.
"Hey, Gator." It's Y/n.
Y/n's voice soothes Gator, somewhat. He hasn't heard the sound in so long, yet it's so refreshing. She was Gator's girlfriend. But, when she found out Gator wasn't as good of a guy as she thought he was, she broke up with him. She was one of the last people he saw before his eyes were taken from him. He'll always remember the sight of her, no matter how long passes.
"Y/n? What're you doin' here?" Gator asks softly, not quite believing that this is her.
"Visiting you." Y/n replies.
"I– I know that." Gator pinches the bridge of his nose just below the black-out sunglasses he wears. "But I mean... Why?"
"I wanted to see how you are." She shrugs simply.
"Well, I'm shit, yeah, I'm in jail." Gator scoffs.
"That's not what I meant."
"It's not?"
"No." Y/n responds firmly. "I meant I wanted to see if you've changed. If this this has done you any good."
The truth is, it has. Even losing his sight was enough to flip his whole world upside down. Now, jail has flipped it about continuously like a washing machine. He's not the old Gator anymore. Or at least he's not the Gator that tried to be a Roy. He's the Gator trying to be a Gator.
"I hope so." Is all Gator musters up to say. "How've you been?" He asks.
"Good. I actually moved out to Chicago not long after all that shit happened." She answers. "I got a new job, new friends, the whole lot."
"New boyfriend?" Gator can't help but ask, a hint of jealousy in his tone.
Y/n laughs and shakes her head, but then she remembers that Gator can't see her and quickly tries to verbalise it. "God, no."
"That's a... shame. You deserve someone nice." He tries not to make it sound too forced, but he's more just excited that he still has a chance with her.
"Thanks. I, uh... I brought someone that I'd like you to meet." Y/n finally says, as if she's been debating to go through with this. Gator hears the sound of her rising to walk away, then shortly after start to walk over to his side of the table.
"What's goin' on? Is this some kinda prank?" He questions, sceptical of her behaviour.
"Turn around." She ignores him. Gator huffs and does as told on the bench, spinning around to face where her voice comes from.
"So who the hell am I–" He starts, but stops himself when he feels someone lowered into his lap. A small someone.
"What's this?" He questions. His hand gently reaches to feel whatever is in his lap. He finds a face and quickly repositions his hand, finding hair instead. "I mean, who?"
"Meet your son."
Gator's whole world stops. His heart stops beating, and his brain stops working. His son? When did he ever have a son? He tries to ask her about it, but he just can't get any words out as his mouth gapes open. His bottom lip quivers slightly, and he gently wraps an arm around the small boy, holding him closer.
"My.. My son?"
"Well, our son." She corrects. "I found out I was pregnant after we broke up."
Gator can't help but smile. "Our son.." He murmurs to himself.
Y/n sits next to Gator. She leans her head on Gator's shoulder to get a view of Gator and their son. Gator feels his skin heat up at her being so close, but she doesn't think much of it whatsoever.
"What's his name?"
"Alex. I couldn't think of anything creative, so I just named him after the midwife. Luckily, she had a gender neutral name." She recalls with a soft chuckle.
"Hey, Alex. It's Daddy." Gator softens his voice, looking where he thinks Alex's face will be.
"Daddy..." Alex mumbles, a small hand reaching up to grab at Gator's face. His heart melts, and he smiles widely.
Gator's smile vanishes, although. The sweetness of his son has quickly become something he doesn't know if he could live with. He'll never see his son. His face slowly falls into one of despair.
"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, peering around to study Gator's facial features that she can read from his eyebrows, cheeks and mouth.
"No, no, I'm–" Gator stumbles on his words. He makes a noise, like he's about to speak, but it just comes out as a shaky breath like he's about to cry. "I'm never gonna see my son."
Y/n gently rubs Gator's back. There's not much she can do besides that. She can't give him his sight back. If she could, she would. She feels bad for him.
Gator tries to calm himself down. He slowly relaxes himself, for now, even though he knows this is going to be keeping him up all night. He won't be able to sleep with that thought. It's terrifying. Terrifying that there's nothing he can do about it.
"What does he look like?" Gator questions after a moment of pure silence. He gently pets Alex's hair, enjoying how soft it is.
"Honestly, better than I'd imagined." Y/n answers. "He's got the same shade hair as me. It's all messy. He's got your eyes and your nose. Freckles. The cheekiest, cutest smile you'd ever see."
"He sounds like a dream." He says, voice wavering as his hand gently combs through Alex's hair.
"He is. He reminds me of you in a way." She chuckles. "Because, he–"
The buzzer for the end of visiting.
Gator finds himself sitting on the edge of his bed. His mind is still on Y/n and Alex. She was about to say something good about him. He knows it. Surely she wouldn't badmouth their young son, so surely he's onto something here? Gator wishes he had just a few more seconds to hear what she likes about him. Or to hear more about his son. Maybe next time...
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