#i do nearly nothing with them but that's fine
ckret2 · 2 days
So a while ago some friends were talking about fans who claim the Same Coin theory is canon. And I made the mistake of saying:
Do you know who also has tons in common with Bill? Mabel. Yet nobody claims Bill reincarnated as Mabel. …wait now I want a "same coin but it's Mabel" AU. Funniest Bill reincarnation option. The all-seeing arsonist is making macaroni glitter art. The omnipotent tyrant is crying because a unicorn called her a bad person.
And then I overthought it for two months.
So—AU where after death, Bill's soul shoots 13 years into the past and reincarnates as Mabel. I'll call it ✨ Sparkly Coin AU ✨
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Don't leave yet. Lemme show you why it works. Behold the eerie amount of parallels in their personalities, dialogue, behavior, mannerisms, tastes...
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I could have kept going but my attention span ran out. All right, we all on board now? Convinced we could segue from one personality into the other? Great. Now here's why you should be interested: the juicy post-Weirdmageddon angst potential.
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As long as a small fringe of the fandom still thinks Weirdmageddon is Mabel's fault, why not amp that up x100 and have some fun with it?
Is everyone sold now? Great. Let's get into the details. I've got 8 more pieces of art under the read more.
So the AU starts the instant Bill dies. Thanks to invoking his deal with the Axolotl—one way to absolve his crime, a different form, a different time—the Axolotl gives him a new shape and shoots him thirteen years into the past. Apparently, the Axolotl thought it would be very funny to stick Bill in the family that defeated him.
Which probably made for a jarring transition.
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(It's fine, she's like 10 minutes old, she probably can't even tell who she's looking at. Not being able to tell who she was looking at is what got her into this situation ayyyy)
When Dipper & Mabel come back from Gravity Falls complaining about this triangular jerk Bill, their parents mention that Dipper's name was nearly Bill. See, after they knew they were going to have a boy, one night their mom dreamed about a visitor—some kind of magic pink salamander??—calling her child "BILL." Then at the next sonogram they found out they were having twins, the girl must've been hidden at a weird angle the first time, and they wanted matching names, so they thought, Bill and Bell. But they didn't really like Bell; but eventually they stumbled on Mabel, so to keep the names matching they switched from Bill to Mason. Isn't that the darnedest thing?
(Of course, Mabel and Dipper assume Bill harassed their parents to try to trick them into naming a kid after him. To be a jerk.)
When Bill meets Mabel, he's unaware that she's his future self—Bill's notably bad at doing things like, say, double-checking to see whether he's going to die anytime soon—but like... he can tell something's up.
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Naturally, before visiting Gravity Falls, there were echoes of who Mabel used to be—but nothing anyone would be able to identify without context. All her Bill-ish quirks either smoothed out with time (see: how between second grade and fourth grade Mabel went from being the "freak" to the popular girl in class), or else they were accepted by her family as Mabel-ish quirks.
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After they meet (and kill) Bill, they have the context to understand some of Mabel's behaviors... and unfortunately, some of Mabel's latent Bill-ness starts surfacing after she's been directly exposed to her prior incarnation.
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The part of the Pines family familiar with Bill thinks the worst case scenario is that maybe Bill's survived and is slowly possessing Mabel; but far more likely, they think this is just some weird way of trying to subconsciously process last summer. Mabel doesn't think she's being weird, you guys are being weird, stop giving her weird looks. They get attacked by one triangle and now she can't wear yellow or pick up macrame as a hobby??
(It's not all red flags and uncomfortable triangle imagery, though. When Stan asks her what she'd like as a gift for some important event, she shyly admits that she thinks she's starting to outgrow her plastic gem jewelry and maybe she's old enough to get her first piece of real gold jewelry, if that's not too expensive? And Stan's never been so proud of her. Thirteen years old and already thinking about buying gold!)
But of course, the real fun starts when Mabel finds out.
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That's the face of a girl who's just discovered that she tortured her great uncle. Now imagine running into the brother she possessed.
But I've already spent a million words and thirteen images on this post. If enough folks are interested in the AU maybe I'll expand on it later. Let me know what y'all think.
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reiderwriter · 1 day
The Thrill of the Chase
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Chapter Seven of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: Waking up in Spencer's arms suddenly feels wrong, but you have to convince him everything is fine before your big secret is revealed.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, morning sickness, and triggers for emetophobia.
A/N: Welcome to Chapter Seven!! It's been a bit of a hectic week for me, so this is a bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! It's crazy to think there are only three chapters left now!
Masterlist || (tag list is currently being repaired, thanks tumblr)
When you woke up, you immediately wish you hadn't. 
The comfortable position immediately became a crick in your neck. The warm fuzz of sleep became sharpened memories of the night before. Your bed became Spencer Reid, though of course it did. 
If you were stiff, you were so sure he was. 
While you'd been wedged between his head and his shoulders, fitting nearly perfectly into his shoulder, he'd been forced up against the sofa, head pushed down at an awkward angle as he tried, and failed, to get comfortable.  
You blinked your eyes open and immediately closed them again as you cursed inwardly.  
 You wondered how you were going to extricate yourself from the solid grip he still had on your hips, but you weren't wondering for long.  
Not when the second time opening your eyes had your stomach somersaulting in your belly, a pair of legs or a head or something pushed right up against everything you'd eaten in the last 24 hours. 
You shot up, not caring if you woke him but absolutely caring that you didn't throw up all over him.  
He joked awake and only  really gained full consciousness when you bolted the bathroom door shut behind you.  
He tried his best to shake off that sleepy feeling, the fatigue of sleeping somewhere unfamiliar. For a second, he felt a pang of sympathy for you, having spent a full week sleeping in unfamiliar territory.
Truthfully, he'd been able to sleep just fine on the couch. His back was stiff, but it was nothing like the ache of the solid prison beds. He wasn't alone at least. 15 years with the FBI, and Spencer had seen enough to never want to sleep soundly again, but you had put your head on his chest and he'd gone from horny to humming contented as he slipped into sleep. 
It was his own relaxed state that had his senses sharpening as he heard the tell-tale signs of your morning sickness. You wretched and heaved over the toilet, mostly expelling nothing except all your comfort and joy. 
Whoever said the female body was purpose built for baby making obviously had never been through it themselves, as it seemed your body was more than likely trying to destroy itself to create life. You weren't even sure what was even left in your stomach at this point.
Spencer knocked quietly at the door. 
“Y/N? Do you need something?” He called, resting his still weary head on the door. 
“No.” You called back, tone a lot sharper than you intended. 
“Come on, what's going on in there?” He asked, still calm and content. Your only reply was another dry heave and a shaky sob of pain. 
You heard his footsteps retreat from the door as your head collapsed against the porcelain, and you rode out your pain once again. 
When he returned, his voice was firmer. 
“Y/N, we have a doctors appointment in 45 minutes at a clinic across town. If you can, open the door.”
“No!” You cried, throat closing up in panic as you heard his words. You weren't sure whether to be pissed at his presumption, steam-rolling you into a doctor's visit even though you knew exactly what it was that was wrong with you, or happy that he even cared enough to ask. 
Either way, you hadn't the energy to lift yourself up and open the door for him. 
You laid back on his bathroom floor and closed your eyes, the cool floor wholly more comfortable than the toilet had been.
You didn't get to relish it for long, though, before he had beaten the door down. You barely registered the first shoulder push before the second one carefully carried Spencer into the room.
He took one look at you and lifted you into a sitting position, even as you groaned, your head now pounding.
“Spencer, leave me alone,” you moaned, even as you hugged closer to him. He pulled you up to a standing position but kept his hands locked around yours carefully and walked you out to the front door, effectively marching you to the door before you could even tell him there had been a misunderstanding. 
You came up with every excuse in the book to get out of the car, bit you didn't have the time to utter a single one before he was strapping you in gently, closing the door behind you, climbing in himself and starting the engine.
“This is a misunderstanding,” you said, as your morning sickness began to fade rapidly. Finally. 
“Oh, so you weren't throwing up?” 
“No, I was but-”
“But what?”
“I do it every day,” you said quietly, knowing it was only going to confuse him more. 
“Then we're absolutely going to see a doctor.” 
You said nothing for the rest of the ride there, staring instead out the window as you felt your world implode beside you. 
In the doctors waiting room, Spencer sorted your insurance and medical details, checking boxes and dealing with the desk staff as you sat silently in the corner. 
You knew you couldn't hold off telling him much longer. Your body had already begun changing, stomach expanding just enough to be noticeable now you were approaching five months. It's why you hadn't changed clothes around him, hoping that he'd just assumed the change of scenery and stress had led you to gain some weight.
Still, you didn't want your hand forced like this.
“Miss Y/N,” a nurse asked from the desk, and you instinctively replied “Doctor,” though that really wasn't relevant here of all places. 
You stood, and Spencer stood with you. 
“No,” you said immediately, as he began to march to the doctors office. 
“What?” He asked. 
“Spencer, you…you can't come in with me.” 
“Why not? You're sick, you're suffering, you probably aren't even aware of your symptoms, Y/N. I have to make sure the doctor knows everything so he can accurately diagnose you.”
“Spencer,” you said, closing your eyes as your tone grew angry, attempting to calm yourself down. 
“You are not my father, legal guardian, and you're certainly not my husband. You are a colleague I have been forced to share an apartment with because there is some maniac possibly stalking me, though I haven't heard anything about that in a full week. So,” you said, dropping your voice to a whisper and stepping closer. “Back the fuck off and stop acting like I'm some pet project you have to take care of. I'm not a victim, I can talk to a doctor alone.”
You turned and left him in the waiting room, and went to apologise to the doctor for wasting his time. 
Luckily, the doctor was more than understanding of the situation. Even after you subtly undermined her professionalism by asking she really stick to her HIPAA oaths or whatever and not let on any information to Spencer at all. 
You knew you had to tell him. You were beginning to sound like a broken record in your own head, and you knew it. But you were sure as hell telling him on your own terms. 
“Could I possibly make a quick phone call while we're here?” You asked as the doctor performed a quick check up on your baby. You got the go-ahead and dialled Emily's number immediately. 
“Y/N, hello. What is it, is something wrong?” she asked as she picked up. 
“No, I'm… Emily. I'm going to be honest with you now, and I need your full cooperation. You can't speak a word of this to anyone, especially Spencer.” 
A moment of hesitation on the other line, and then she agreed. 
“I'm pregnant,” you said. “Spencer is the father.”
“I know,” Emily admitted, sighing slightly. 
“Penelope?” You asked, hoping that you didn't have to make another call after this.
“Penelope knows? Irrelevant, sorry. No, there was an ultrasound picture on your desk last week. And I'm good at my job.”
“Is Spencer good at his?” You asked, not sure you wanted a truthful answer. The only thing worse than Spencer finding out you were pregnant by himself was him finding out by himself and not telling you this entire time, his resentment building. 
“Yes. But he isn't good at anything when you're around.”
“He's good at pissing me off,” you scoffed, but it caught somewhere in your throat and turned into a sob. 
“I'm sorry, I just-” you started crying and your doctor offered you a tissue. 
“Y/N, what happened?” 
You explained the morning to Emily. Except that you didn't explain your predicament fully, so you explained your week, and then your month, and then eventually your entire acquaintance with Spencer Reid.
“So, yeah,” you ended, chest still shaking with quiet sobs. 
“What are you going to do?” she asked, and you replied as honestly as you could muster. 
“I don't know.” 
You wiped tears and continued before Emily could say anything else.
“But I need time to think about how to tell him again, and I need space. Can you call him into the office?” 
“He's at the doctor's office with you?” 
“He tried to come into the appointment with me. I yelled at him.”
“You do that often.”
“It's the only thing that works,” you sighed, and continued. “Please, Emily?” 
“I'll call him with an excuse. JJ’s close by, I'll have her come and pick you up while the doctor fills your prescription.”
You smiled and felt the pressure wash off your shoulders as you hung up. 
Then you stepped out of the doctors office and back into the waiting room and were almost knocked back on your ass when you spotted Spencer in the corner of the room. 
He was exactly where you'd left him, bit at some point the waiting room had been populated by young mothers, and Spencer was now animatedly locked in a conversation with a toddling small boy, playing with the toys as he passed the time. 
Your lip wobbled and you almost broke down before he looked up at you and you blinked back the tears. 
He gave you a confused smile, checking that you were okay before you nodded. 
You didn't move to join him, though, and like clockwork, his phone rang. He excused himself, pointing at his phone to let you know where he was going, and you finally breathed easily, knowing that Emily was sticking to her promise. 
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I just got the best idea! Vampire villain with a strong moral code who refuses to feed on blood, making themselves weak with hunger. Hero notices and purposefully cuts their finger on villain's fang to get them to eat🤍
The villain had never thought they could be overpowered by a human. It was terrifying to say the least.
Once the blood was in their mouth and the hero's hand off their throat, the villain started to suck on the hero's finger involuntarily. The instinct was ancient, something older than the vampire themselves. They had forgotten how good fresh blood tasted.
However, they could collect themselves pretty quickly.
"You're stupid," the vampire whispered. "You had a perfect physical advantage. You could have killed me..."
"Take more," the hero said, pushing their finger into the villain's mouth quick enough to make them gag. This time, the villain grabbed their enemy's wrist and nearly pushed them off their hips.
"I'm good," they said through gritted teeth. The vampire didn't really enjoy it when the hero was so adamant about absolutely everything they did. The hero always found a way to get what they wanted. They were a pain in their ass. Annoying and heroic.
"You're still pale," the hero said. "Interesting..."
They pushed the villain's chin up and managed to slip one finger under the villain's upper lip, lifting it to examine the villain's fangs as if they were a doctor.
"I am a vampire," the villain reminded them. "Sunlight doesn't turn me to ashes but the sunburns are out of this world."
"And you are sure you are fine?" the hero asked. They turned the villain's head to the right and then to the left, continuing their examination. Christ, they even put their hand on the villain's chest to search for a heartbeat.
"I'm great, just - get off, will you?" The hero stood up but the villain still needed a moment. They feared they would pass out again if they stood up.
They looked around the room but there was nothing. No furniture. Just a door that looked like it couldn’t be opened from the inside.
What a joke.
"You know," the hero said, hands on their hips, "this is actually quite interesting. I certainly didn't expect my dear nemesis to end up in the same cell as me. I guess they wanted you to eat me. A little grotesque if you ask me."
"But not too far-fetched," the villain said. They pushed themselves up but ended up leaning against the wall. "Hunger turns everyone into an animal."
"You still don't look too good," the hero said. Once again, they kneeled beside the villain. Their hand raked through the villain's hair and stopped on their forehead.
The villain didn't know why the hero was always so touchy. They never crossed any boundaries and the villain actually welcomed those soft hands on them, but still...it was strange. Strange to feel someone's warm skin on theirs like this.
"How much blood do you usually drink?"
"God, I don't know...I'm trying to quit." The hero stared at them. The silence was uncomfortable and the villain didn't know if they had said something wrong.
Then the hero huffed.
"And you say I'm the stupid one." They rolled their eyes. "So, severe undernourishment, I guess. That's why you're so weak."
"Ey, I am alright-"
"Which makes this even more baffling. What is an undernourished vampire doing in a supervillain facility?"
"What is an annoying hero doing here?"
"Saving a dumb vampire, apparently."
"Ugh. I was experimented on," the villain said. The hero had probably saved their life. That was something the villain certainly did not want to think about. Gosh, the hero was so annoying with their caring nature and their stupid curiousness. When they looked at the hero, though, they looked horrified. "No, all of it was voluntary. I got some money for it in return. Nothing bad, really."
"I got caught when I tried to steal some documents. They weren't that nice to me." The hero lifted their shirt and the villain saw two giant fresh bruises. The hero's ribs were definitely damaged.
"Shit..." the villain mumbled. "Scoot over. Are you okay?"
They let their fingers ghost over the hero's skin. Unsurprisingly, the hero flinched and threw their head back, cursing quietly.
"Looks broken. We need to get you out of here," the villain said.
"Wait, the experiments...they knew you were trying to quit with the blood?" the hero asked. They let their shirt fall down again but the villain couldn't help but think about the bruises.
Their own injuries healed pretty quickly. But they had totally forgotten that this would take days, maybe even weeks for the hero to get better. Humans were so fragile. They feared the hero could fall apart any second.
"...yeah, they encouraged it even."
"Great," the hero said. "This is the next phase of their experiments, then."
The villain stared at them. They thought they were on rather good terms with the company.
"Wait, you don't mean..."
"Yup. They really want to see if you'll eat me," the hero said. "Which also means we are definitely under surveillance."
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howlingday · 2 days
nother crack idea for jaune's exes: artoria pendragon has come to beacon to bring back her love to the safety of their little village! she knows jaune's dream is to be a hero but between his father giving him no training and him not getting into a combat school she worries about him, the only solution is to bring him back home for her to train in safety until he's ready! NO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER WANTING TO EAT HIS COOKING! SHE'S DOING THIS FOR NOBLE REASONS!
The classroom had gone hush with the sudden announcement of the young, blonde woman in armor. The target of this stranger had a mixture of reactions, including the reddening of his cheeks and the swiftness of his hand to his face. The woman made her way down the steps to where Jaune was sitting.
"Jaune, I command you to return home at once!"
"Please, no..." Jaune groaned.
"Excuse me, young lady, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until class is over to-"
"BE SEATED!" Professor Port responded to this decree by immediately sitting at his desk. "It is rude to interrupt the royal business of a king."
"Aren't you a girl, though?" Cardin asked, brow raised at the intruder.
"BE STILL!" A roar proclamation erupted, forcing Cardin to fall backwards, mouth held shut. "Jaune, I command-"
"I refuse." Jaune said, knocking the woman off-guard. "Also, I'm attending Beacon."
"Jaune, who is this?" Pyrrha asked, confused by the casual way Jaune spoke to the stranger after watching her emasculate both Professor Port and Cardin Winchester. As annoying as it was, both were two of the most masculine people in the room, yet the woman shut them both down, only thrown off her high horse by the response of her team leader. "Do you know her?"
"Yeah." Jaune nodded. "She's my ex." Gasps resounded throughout the classroom. "Why is everyone so surprised?"
"Because it's you?" Weiss answered.
"Because she's so scary!" Ruby replied, putting up her hands in and waving them in defense when the woman glared at her. "Uh, not scary in a bad way!"
"What other way is scary supposed to be taken?" Blake asked.
"Er, when- when you say ex, do you mean ex-friend, or ex-lab partner, or ex-"
"Girlfriend." The woman answered. "And I refuse your claim."
"You said you were fine when we broke up." Jaune clarified. "You even said that you were thinking about travelling around a bit, too."
"Yes, and I did travel around as we discussed." She held an armored hand to her heart. "I've seen many things on my journey, but all of them paled when compared to you." This brought about a coo from the classroom, taken in by the romantic statement. It seemed she genuinely cared about him.
"You got hungry for my cooking again, didn't you?" The classroom nearly fell on their face.
"N-No! Of course not!"
"Then why did you suddenly decide to come find me here at Beacon?" Jaune held up a finger. "A good king doesn't lie to their people."
"Ghk!" The woman flinched. "I... You are correct. I did feel hungry for your cooking again."
"Uh-huh, I thought so."
"But regardless of my reasoning, I still intend to complete my mission!"
"If you're hungry, then just wait until class is over. It's almost lunchtime."
"No, that's not why I'm here." She dropped to one knee. "Jaune Arc, will you do me the honor of becoming Mr. Artoria Pendragon?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" The class was in shock. Partially from the proposal by Artoria, but also from the refusal of this act by not Jaune Arc, but his partner, Pyrrha Nikos. All eyes fell on her and felt the urge to shrink back from them, but when her green eyes fell to those of the woman holding Jaune's hand, such urges dispersed. "Jaune Arc is a student of Beacon Academy and the leader of Team JNPR. I refuse to allow you to strip him of him of both titles and responsibilities just so you can eat."
"And who are you to challenge the King of Knights?" Artoria asked, standing tall against her foe.
"My name is Pyrrha Nikos, the partner of Jaune Arc." Though the word held different meanings, in this instance Pyrrha's words held them in their most simplest form. Even if Pyrrha wished they meant something deeper. "And I refuse to allow you to take him away from me."
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late-draft · 1 day
I had hoped that it was obvious enough that 5 minutes of talking with Zuko in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se and hearing him start going on a "speech of self-pity" about how his scar marked him as a banished prince, shouldn't have been nearly enough for Katara to not just apologize to him for yelling, comfort him, but to even go into his personal space and offer to use her super secret important healing water to try to help him, if she had no deeper feelings for him underneath the enemies role.
If everything Zuko did to her and her friends thus far truly bothered her that much, if she couldn't have separated everything of Fire Nation's actions from him as a person, she wouldn't have been written to do what she did.
There's also a difference between strong feelings based on friendship and regular attraction. The latter can exist on its own, it's enough to move a character (or a person, shrug) to reach out. And it's only strengthened by the former, if that develops. What I'm saying is that she didn't have to be written as having had a positive friendship with him up until that point for the possibility of attraction to even exist. And she did express interest even before, not to mention that she does know things about him such as his dogged determination, fair-play and implicit respect during their combat. Add to this the sudden reveal of his empathy and sensitivity in the catacombs.
Zuko threw out a bait unintentionally, completely unaware, and she took it because it naturally resonated with her. And it was clearly more than enough weighed against all her pain, frustration and hatred towards the Fire Nation and even him as their enemy.
And best of all, their interaction in the catacombs feels natural, even if surprising. Nothing in their behaviour hasn't been strongly founded in their previous characterization. Foundations have been set, viewers don't have to be completely conscious of them. And, it's also fine for Katara to be written as again making a "mistake" and deciding she'll easily go over everything Zuko did to them to grief them, and then getting burned yet again (like with Jet). Narrative doesn't pretend she isn't doing a risky thing, there are consequences for everything. But it also allows her to make such a choice to go into Zuko's personal space and touch him. It also later allows her to be so furious with him for siding with Azula - it doesn't force her to suddenly be mellow with Zuko and forgive him because she felt something for him. (And after everything, he proves he changed, switched to their side, regularly risks his life for them and listens to Katara. And she fully forgives him. This whole plotline feels believable, natural and characters have agency.)
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hanniedream · 2 days
promise ring with joshua hong.
a/n: at first i was like "haha shua brainrot" but now i don't think it's a laughing matter anymore. once again, i would like to blame this on @synthetickitsune bcs whose fault is it if not theirs?
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something feels different to you tonight. maybe weird, even.
it's close to 10pm when you decide to leave your room to see what joshua was up to and you find him in the living room, at the far end of the sofa with his back towards you. you see his box of colourful beads and various other materials laid out on the armrest and you know he's making more of his diy accessories again. that wasn't the weird part though, it's the fact that he didn't ask if you wanted to join him that felt off to you because he always does. or he'd at least asks if you want to watch him as you tell him about your day.
"what are you doing?" joshua jumps slightly when you appear behind him and tries to look past his shoulder.
he quickly lowers whatever was in his hands in an attempt to hide it with his body. "nothing," he twists around to look at you and he sees your eyes scanning the materials scattered before him.
"are you making something for the guys again?" your eyes leave the mess to land on his face.
you watch him knit his brows together like he's thinking hard about something then he's shoving the thing he was holding below his crossed legs.
"you should go to bed, i'll be done here soon." he says instead of answering your question.
"oh, i was going to offer my help." you try again but he's quick to shake his head.
"it's fine, i'm almost finished anyway." joshua silently prays for you to leave so he can go back to working on it.
you look like you're about to say something else but ends up only giving him a small nod and a soft mumble of "i won't get in your way then, don't stay up too late" that he almost didn't catch before heading back into your room. he doesn't miss the disappointment on your face and he can only hope that the finished product he ends up with will make up for it. once he hears the door click shut, he quickly goes back to what he was doing and he can't stop admiring his own work when it was finally done after nearly 20 minutes of threading tiny beads onto a thin wire.
by the time he was done cleaning up everything and ready to go to bed, it was almost midnight. he opens the door to the room gently, trying to make as little noise as possible in case you were already asleep and he knows you're still awake when he sees the dim light coming from your phone. you don't greet him or tell him to him to hurry up so you can cuddle like you usually would though, which was strange to joshua. instead, you just look up at him briefly then set your phone aside and goes to sleep with your back turned to him.
"hey," he murmurs behind you as he crawls into his side of the bed. "are you upset with me?"
"no," you mumble then turns to face him. "why? does my secretive boyfriend finally want to spend time with me now?"
joshua lets out a whine then he protests, "i always want to spend time with you, babe. you know that."
"then why didn't you want me around earlier?" you let out a dramatic sigh, "i always knew i wasn't as good at handicrafts as you are but i thought you appreciated my effort and enjoyed my company at the very least."
"i do! you have no idea how much i love it even when you're just sitting there and watching me," he rushes to tell you. "i just thought you should get some rest earlier since you had a long day at work today."
his arms wrap around you instinctively and he's relieved when you don't move away.
you tilt your face up to look at him and give him a questioning look, "really?"
joshua immediately gets up to turn the light on and retrieves his box of materials from the closet to lay them out in the middle of the bed. "let's make something together right now."
you start laughing at his reaction and joshua feels his heart blooming with every sound of it.
"fine, i believe you. put them away. it's getting late."
he packs them up and goes to sleep with you enveloped in his arms that night.
you wake up the next morning and everything seems normal until you finally notice it in the mirror as you're brushing your teeth. a small, beaded ring you have never seen before is sitting on your finger. you rush outside to find joshua in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
"babe, what's this?"
he turns around and sees you standing there with a very confused look on your face and your hand up. he quickly turns the stove off and sets the spatula down before making his way across the kitchen to stand in front of you.
his bright, glistening eyes meet yours and there's a small smile tugging on his lips, "a promise ring."
you don't say anything and the confused look is still on your face.
"you don't have to promise me anything back but i just wanted you to know that i want to be in your life forever, if you'll have me." his hands reach for yours and he brushes his thumbs against the back of your hands softly. "especially after last night when i thought you were actually upset at me, i started thinking about what would happen if i don't have you in my life anymore."
tears begin to well up in your eyes and you feel a lump in your throat. you pull a hand out from his to slap him lightly on the chest, "what the hell, joshua hong. you can't just make me cry right after i wake up."
he chuckles as he pulls you into an embrace then you feel him pressing a kiss to your temple before you hear his soft voice in your ear, "so what do you say? will you let me stay in your life forever?"
the smile on his face grows when he feels you wrap your arms around him.
"only if you let me stay in yours."
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666writingcafe · 2 days
I should have known that my free evening would get ruined.
I had originally planned on spending time with Solomon, since I haven't been able to do that lately with the amount of responsibilities I have as both attendant and founding RAD member. We even made reservations at a fairly nice restaurant downtown. But of course, the moment we get presented food, I get a phone call from Lucifer telling me to, and I quote, "get my ass over to the castle now".
And I know better than to mess with an angry demon, especially when it's Lucifer.
Solomon and I don't even have to step inside the castle to see why my presence was demanded: the grounds alone are in complete shambles.
"What the hell?!" I exclaim. "Who could have done this?" Seemingly in response, the sky opens up and begins dumping a bunch of rain, making the two of us drenched in a matter of seconds.
"That's not good," Solomon mutters. He casts a spell to protect us from getting even more wet. Then, we begin walking, following the path of destruction all the way to...
The colosseum? Why is it surrounded by black smoke?
"Their magic must have combined," Solomon whispers. At first, his statement has me confused, but then it hits me.
Diavolo's magical energy is black, and Beel has the ability to control the wind.
And when we enter the colosseum, the two of them are in the midst of a fight.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Asmo quickly rushes up to us and hugs us tightly. "You have to help us. Beel's out of control!"
"What happened?" I ask him.
"I don't even know! One minute, he was fine, and the next he's flipping tables and smashing walls! It's making Satan's tantrums seem tame in comparison!" Beel's roar pierces the air, interrupting our conversation. In a matter of seconds, Diavolo has him pinned to the ground.
"You need to calm down," he warns Beel. "As strong as you are, you're no match for my power."
"Get off me!" Beel bellows.
Various voices begin yelling at once, making it impossible to focus on any particular one. Beel manages to wiggle out from under Diavolo and starts attacking everyone attempting to grab him.
As a human, the sheer amount of motion would be enough to make me sick. But as a demon under Barbatos' guidance...
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, willing time to slow down. While I can't control it for nearly as long as Barbatos can, I don't need a whole lot of extra time to come up with a plan.
I need to knock Beel out. That's going to be the quickest way for him to calm him down. Unfortunately, there's nothing in the colosseum that's substantial enough to do the job. I could channel some of Solomon's magic through the pact I have with him, but his power is chaotic enough that I might inevitably do more than simply make Beel pass out.
Glancing at one of the undamaged walls, I'm suddenly reminded of a particular memory. For a few moments, I had enough strength to knock Diavolo down to the ground. Granted, it wasn't entirely my own, but it wasn't all Lucifer's, either.
I wonder...
The scene speeds up again, and I begin running.
A monstrous yell.
Pouncing on Beel sends the two of us sliding across the floor.
Beel's out cold, but he at least still has a pulse. He's probably going to have a headache when he wakes up, and I will take full responsibility for it.
However, that is far less important at the moment.
Brushing the dust off me, I storm past everyone gawking at me, making a beeline for my dear sorcerer.
"How dare you!"
My slap across Solomon's face echos throughout the colosseum.
"Do you realize what you've done?!" I will admit, some of this is for dramatic effect, but a fair amount of this is genuine. He yelled my name loud and clear for all to hear.
My actual name.
He may have very well put this entire trip in jeopardy with his Freudian slip.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch
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cookieslittleocs · 10 months
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couple of random sketches?
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genesis-quoi · 6 months
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nine after destroying the universe
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
oh i guess this is also the part where i mentioned i've started using he/they
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eivor-wolfkissed · 11 months
Listen I don’t hate my wealthy friends. But it really is something to hear someone way outside of my tax bracket who invests in the stock market, just bought a hot tub today, complain about being so broke cause their last couple pay checks were shit recently. I get how awful the medical system is in the US but brother it would not take much for me to become homeless. I lose a few weeks of pay and I am out of my house with nowhere to go. I think I’m a hell of a lot closer to broke than you will ever be.
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poorlittlevampire · 7 months
ohhhhh the new argenti trailer. nevermind. i MUST have her
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pathsofoak · 1 year
I tried to build Justin's house/farm in the Sims last night and I regret to announce its mental image in my head breaks the laws of physics and therefore it cannot be visualized
#Look. I just want the outside walls of both floors to be precisely on top of each other even though the downstairs hallway#and landing upstairs are right on top of each other#yet the rooms attached to them are deeper on the ground floor than on the first floor#also the entry downstairs is as deep as the bedroom right beside it which is also about three times as deep as the entry hope that helps#and the basic shape of the house is one large rectangle on both floors even though the backside of the house on the top floors has nothing#there and is practically unreachable#could I fix this by looking up some floorplans online and revising my idea? Yes. Do I want to? Ehhhhhh#I also have this problem with the camper they use to get around throughout parts 2 and 3 because I keep forgetting that Brenda and Chuck#excluded no one in this story is nearly as small as I am so I keep underestimating how much space they'll need#Technically I took care of it by putting little narrow bunks over the twin bed in the back of the camper and adding in an extra backseat#(making the camper quite long but fine)#and it already had convertible driver's and passenger's seats plus one of those foldable sleeping areas up top#but this is a recurring problem#I'm gonna build the WCKD facilities from part 4 after I solve the farm problem that's gonna be fun#I would love to build the house they all live in after everything's over but it relies on attic space and custom-design beds which the sims#is simply not capable of doing justice to#so. I guess I'll practice some drawing skills though I don't think that's a project I'll finish in the near future
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jeezypetes · 2 years
Ahhhh the job I thought i didn’t get bc they never got back to me after my interview (which I thought went really well) just reached out to me bc apparently the person they tried to hire backed out.,.. and now its gonna be like another month of wondering if I’m gonna have to decide if I want to move to another state where I don’t know anyone. And i was kind of relieved when i never heard back bc I’m really happy here with my family and gf and friends but the fact is my job here is a contract with very slim hopes of developing into a real job with benefits and i live with my parents bc i love them and our house and our town but i know i have to seriously consider this opportunity bc it would be a good career move and i want to live a rich and interesting life. But I don’t want to talk about it with anyone irl because my dad has covid which has been my number 1 fear since the start of the pandemic (he’s 71 and immunocompromised but he’s doing well and not needed the hospital) and I just want to be able to only worry about that I can’t even talk about the job thing which i drove myself and everyone around me crazy with already back in October. Which is why I’m just posting it vjfdhk I’m being tormented by forces beyond my control i feel like this is the sort of thing it would be really helpful to believe in God about
#like people who say He has a plan which i guess is comforting but his plans are so inscrutable they may as well be random. but some people#think he wants the best for us??? which seems so unlikely to me I can’t even try to believe it#anyways i think my dad willbe fine but I’m worried about long term health issues which would make it really really hard to move away bc my#mom is already basically disabled. and i want the house I want it so bad but I can’t afford to buy it from them bc our neighborhood has#gotten sooo much more expensive then it was when they moved here in the 80s and i know they’re planning on selling it to fund their#retirement. but i love it here so much I want to live here forever and die here but its not realistic and maybe it would be easier if i#moved away and put down roots somewhere else and then it will be less painful when they sell the house and less painful when they die#i just want things ro stay likethis forever I’ve#spent so much time these past few years walking around this neighborhood its like the veins in my arms i can live other places i have for#years but they never get this deep im so scared for the futuy#future but there’s absolutely nothing i can do to stop it. except kill myself i guess but it’s#not nearly at that point yet ckgdf it would make a lot of people very upset. it is sort of comforting to remember though i have that option.#god i hope they don’t offer me the job I’m a wreck just thinking about it#i really haven’t made any special efforts to reach out to them or anything. obv I wasn’t their first choice i have no idea if I’m their#second. i think they really liked me but I’m guessing im younger and less experienced than other candidates#hi if ur reading this btw its me a stranger on the internet and you know something my closest friends and family don’t know. congrats#I’ll talk to someone in a few days when my dad is feeling better. really hope my mom doesn’t get sick too she’s been coughing a bit but#testing negative. idc if i get covid i actually hope i get it bc that will prove I didn’t give it to my dad asymptotically#that’s not a secret i toldmy mom she was like jesus Christ don’t think like that
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halfelven · 2 years
psychologist who clearly adored me and told me none of my friends who were being mean to me deserved me permanently altered my brain chemistry ✨
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starfleetwitch · 2 years
Fell face first down a sick induced rabbit hole yesterday... and I am once again considering saving up and going to uni for 1-2 more years
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