#i do think abt this…dreamy sigh
secret-whump-basement · 8 months
I love a whumper that hems and haws about how, well, they don’t really want to hurt whumpee but it’s a punishment and how else will they learn how to behave if they’re allowed to do whatever they’d like without consequences?
If whumpee does anything from trying to escape, to name calling, maybe even just being a bit sarcastic, anything whumper doesn’t approve of, it’s just pain in store for them. Even struggling during their punishments can get them in trouble, depending on whumper’s mood
Whumpee is on edge, not ever really sure what whumper’s limits are sometimes. And that cold dread that settles in their stomach when whumper gives them that disappointed look and sighs.
And maybe one day, whumpee just gives up. They don’t struggle against their bonds, they don’t plead for the pain to end, they hardly even cry out. Once it’s all over, whumper smiles and strokes their cheek. Isn’t it so much nicer when they can behave properly?
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ln444 · 6 months
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cw: strangers to friends to lovers, uni au, idiots in love, fluff fluff fluff, slight angst; comfort/hurt (reader comforting lando), sad and tired lando:::(((((, mention of blood/wounds/bruises.
words: ~1,5k
notes: hii i'm finally back:D, i've been thinking about abt spiderman lando for weeks now omg!!! anyway it took me so long to write this pls don't hesitate to leave feedbacks😭 enjoy<3
playlist (to listen to for a better experience !!!): daylight by harry styles, yellow by coldplay, sparks by coldplay (my fav song in the whole world)
lando norris. the adorable, clumsy guy you spot every day in class. he's always in his own world, snoozing on his desk and consistently late –somehow managing to still have good grades. you've been watching him for a few weeks now, totally fascinated by the curly boy. a goofy smile always creeps onto your face when he does something silly like accidentally bumping into people and mumbling apologies or drooling on his notes while falling asleep in class.
oh, you definitely have a small crush on lando norris — or maybe even a big one. your mind has been filled with all sorts of ideas on how to approach him –daydreaming about it during class or as you're trying to fall asleep at night, finding yourself staring at your ceiling with a stupid grin, lost in thoughts of that adorable guy you've been keeping an eye on.
today, you stayed a bit longer in class, diligently recopying your notes from the previous lecture. however, you weren't alone; a dozing lando occupied a nearby table, blissfully drooling on his notes. concentration became a struggle as you wrapped up quickly, sighing as you stole glances at the dreamy boy. rapidly packing your bag without a sound, you approach him, taking a moment to admire the sleepy boy, a smile instantly gracing your lips as your heart melts. inhaling deeply, you find the courage to gently tap his shoulder.
"hey," you softly whisper, lando whimpering and stirring slightly. patiently, you wait, hoping his eyes will finally open. when they don't, a suppressed giggle will finally open, and you tap his shoulder again, a bit more insistently this time.
"wake up!" you whisper-scream, a blush coloring your cheeks as a hint of regret surfaces –maybe it was too much, maybe you should have let him sleep, uncertain if he'd appreciate your wake-up call. his eyes eventually flutter open, struggling to grasp the situation. once he does, he clears his throat, quickly fixing his posture and adjusting his glasses. the sight makes your heart feel like it might burst out of your chest.
"class is over," you say sofly, standing in front of him, resisting the urge to run your hand through his messy hair.
"what?" he groans, still attempting to shake off his sleepy state. "already?" he glances around in confusion, seeing the empty room before turning to you, finally becoming aware of the one who put him out of his sleep and his cheeks slightly turns red.
"do you need notes?" you ask, eager to have a conversation with him. the pink on your cheeks persists since he opened his eyes, intensifying as he looks at you with big, confused and sleepy eyes. his gaze shifts down to his notes, damp with drool, and suddenly his cheeks burns. clearing his throat once more, he nervously scratches the back of his head.
"oh... right... uh," his eyes return to you, hesitantly meeting yours, and you stand there, fighting the smile on your face. "i guess i could use some of your notes," he chuckles nervously, "if that's okay for you, of course!" he quickly adds, causing your heart to race dangerously close to exploding because of how cute he is.
"of course, you can give it back to me tomorrow," you smile, your stomach tightening with the anticipation of talking to him again.
"thank you," he softly says, still clearly in a sleep state and a bit lost, but he manages to offer you a shy smile that almost brings tears to your eyes.
"see you tomorrow, then," after giving him a final smile, you turn around, hearing a small "see ya!" behind you before leaving the class, feeling happier than ever.
lando runs a hand through his hair, attempting to process what just happened. conversations with people at uni is rare for him, making it a surprise when someone approaches. he gazes at the notes you handed him, lost in his thoughts for a few more minutes before reality hits him—he just embarrassed himself in front of a pretty girl.
"fuck..." a groan filled with frustration and embarrassment escapes his lips as he buries his face in his hands, his cheeks bruning.
since that day, you and lando start having study sessions, usually at the library or in relaxed coffee shops. the transition is a bit of a mystery; lando returned your notes, and somehow, conversations about the lecture led you to offering help, which he accepted without hesitation.
your study sessions became more and more friendly, both of you getting comfortable in each other's company. you couldn't be happier, realizing that you get the chance to see him every day and appreciate the subtle details, like the way he crunches his nose when he is thinking or how his glasses slide down when he attentively listens to your explanations.
it's the way lando consistently gives you his full attention, not just during study sessions, but also when you share bits about yourself, your interests, or even random stuff you've seen on the internet or the way he never forgets to bring two snacks, always excited to share it with you and making sure you're eating and drinking well. despite his lateness, he puts effort to be present, sincerely apologizing and making it up to you everytime.
you somehow got used to his habit of arriving late, accepting that it's a part of who he is. even though frustration and questions nag at you occasionally, you never found the courage to ask and feel like you don't have the right to say anything. of course, there have been moments when you were mad, waiting for over an hour, but you're way too whipped for him to stay mad forever.
just like that, you find yourself slowly falling for lando. what started as a silly crush turned into something more profound; it's evident when butterflies go wild in your stomach at the sight of him, and your heart races unusually fast whenever he smiles at you.
lando can't quite understand how you've become a constant presence in his thoughts. the frequency of your hangouts has become unexpectedly high, something unusual for him. being spider-man and a student was already challenging enough; adding a social life seems nearly impossible. he tried before –having friends, attending parties, socializing –but it never lasted, the fatigue and busyness making it hard to keep up.
with you, everything feels different for lando. falling this hard was unexpected from the moment he first asked you to study with him. slowly, he starts making time for you, always finding a way to see you, even if study sessions became an excuse. you became a ray of sunshine in his life, bringing light to his otherwise tiring days. whenever he feels miserable, a glance at you makes everything feels right.
beyond study sessions, you both start having dates –that's how you secretly both call your hangouts. lando takes you to the arcade, introducing you to his favorite games, while you share cherished spots in your favorite park; sitting there, watching swans, you engage in lighthearted conversations, while your hearts secretly beat for each other, missing the subtle starstruck gazes and the way your cheeks burn when your hands accidentally brush against each other.
the worst part for lando is finding himself thinking about you even in the midst of fighting villains, getting distracted more than he should. it frustrates him how he can't shake you from his mind, even when he's spider-man. at first, he hated himself for it, attempting to ignore his growing feelings. but it become undeniable the day you smiled at him with the most sincere and loving expression. in that moment, he realized he was already too deep into it and let himself drown deeper into the feeling.
letting out a frustrated whimper, you bury your head in your hands. you've been attempting to finish this essay for hours now, but thoughts of the curly-haired boy persistently invade your mind. you've tried to push him out, if only for a moment, to focus on this stupid homework, but he always finds a way back into your thoughts. being stuck in your small apartment due to villains doesn't make the situation any easier.
sighing for the umpteenth time tonight, you stare at the almost white screen of your pc, hoping that motivation will miraculously appear. amidst your frustration, a subtle noise catch your attention. you turn around, your eyes scanning outside. you notice nothing out of the ordinary, brushing it away and convincing yourself it was just a passing bird. you had bigger problems anyway.
as you try to refocus on your work, the persistent noise grows louder, intensifying your unease. determined to dismiss it, you turn around for a second time, only to be shocked by the unexpected sight of lando. his face is covered with bruises, and he's struggling to climb the last steps of the fire escape stairs. reacting quickly, you jump from your chair, urgently guiding your steps as you open the window to lend him a hand.
"oh my god lando!" you choke on your own split, and lando lets out a pained groan, fighting to maintain his balance as he relies on you. with careful effort, he makes it to the sofa, collapsing upon it. you rush to his side, cupping his bruised face, your heart sinking as you take a look at the injuries. the sight nearly brings you to tears, a mix of concern and distress filling your stomach.
lando looks drained, the effort to keep his eyes open visible on his face. despite the weakness, he manages to maintain an unwavering gaze locked onto yours. the pain you're reading in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine, making your heart heavy.
"lando... what happened?" you say softly, your voice betraying the dryness in your throat. his response is delayed, taking a minute for lando to found the strength to answer. throughout this time, his hands grip your shirt, and his eyes remain fixed on yours, unbroken since he arrived.
"just a stupid fight... i'm fine," his voice is deep and weak, feeding your concern. despite the fatigue, he manages a small, gentle smile.
"what do you mean you're fine? are you kidding me?" you try to keep your voice soft, not wanting to add tension. "let me take care of you first, then you're going to tell me everything," with a sigh, you stand up, but lando's hands on your wrist stops you. you can't miss the painful groan that escapes him.
"i'm fine... i promise," he says weakly, his words carrying a weariness that tugs at your concern. "you're not fine, lando!" you voice unintentionally rises, a reflection of your worry, but you regret it the moment you lock your eyes with lando's softened gaze.
your hand instinctively reaches for his cheek, your thumb gently tracing the lines of his bruised skin. "it's okay, let me take care of you, please?" you implore, your voice adopting a softer tone. lando's heart seems to respond, warmth spreading as he relaxes, gently releasing your wrist.
"okay," he mumbles, too tired to resist, and you hurry to the bathroom to get your aid kit. returning swiftly, you find an exhausted lando, battling fatigue. your heart tightens, and you take a deep breath, holding back tears. lando starts regretting coming to you, the worry on your face making him feel guilty. as you come back, without a warning, you put an arm around him –and he's surprised that even in this awful state, you manage to make his heart beat faster. "let's get you on the floor," you gently suggest, doing your best to avoid hurting him. with a few soft whimpers, lando makes it to the ground, and you sit in front of him, getting the closer you can.
you gently take his chin between your fingers, inspecting the wounds again, unable to get over the extent of his injuries. lando feels his cheeks burn from the closeness and attention, his heart racing. without wasting any time, you start cleaning the bruises, handling him carefully.
your eyes shift to his white shirt, now stained with fresh blood, revealing notable marks underneath. a gasp escapes you, and you look at lando, your hands gripping the bottom of his shirt. "can i?" you timidly ask in a quiet voice, and lando don't hesitate to nod, trusting you more than anyone. you proceed to gently take off his shirt, ensuring not to cause him more pain. he winces, and your eyes fall on his wounded body, your hand instinctively covering your mouth. "oh my god..." you fingers trace the big and deep wounds, and lando watches you with remorseful eyes.
you don't add anything, wanting to take care of everything as soon as possible so he can finally rest. a comfortable silence fills the room as you begin with his face, gently cleaning and bandaging the wounds.
on the other hand, lando can't tear his eyes from you, enjoying your pouty expression because of your concentration. occasionally, he closes his eyes when you touch a sensitive area, his lips parting to release small groans. you find yourself apologizing each time, looking at him with sympathetic eyes.
you take a second look at his blood-covered body, and a million of questions race through your mind. this can't be a simple fight. lost in your thoughts, you don't notice lando's gaze or the flush on his cheeks due to your intense staring of his chest. he's about to call your name, but you're quicker than him.
"are you hiding something, lando?" you gently speak, your hands cupping his face with tenderness. you give him a soft look that seeks not just the truth but a shared vulnerability. lando opens his mouth to respond, but the words gets stuck in his throat, caught between the desire to tell you everything and the fear of exposing too much.
"i..." he starts, the weight of unspoken words evident in his eyes. sensing his struggle, you lean in closer, a soft and reassuring forming on your lips. your fingertips dance gently over his cheek. "you know you can tell me everything, right ?" you whisper, your voice filled with understanding. lando don't even dare to blink, drawn into the sincerity in your gaze.
without hesitation, he closes the gap with a tender kiss. your mind momentarily pauses, trying to process the situation. slowly, you kiss him back, feeling the heaviness of his heart in the softness of the kiss.
pulling back slowly, your eyes meet again, and there is a change in lando's expression. the warmth is replaced by a hint of concern, even sadness, making you rise an eyebrow curiously; "wh-"
"i'm spider-man."
his words hang in the air, and it takes a moment for you to process, leaving lando feeling like he's on the verge of a breakdown. completely petrified, he continues, "i understand if you don't want to see me anymore... i-"
"lando," you try to cut him off, but he's panicking, his eyes welling up, and it tugs your heart. "god, i'm so stupid," the instant regret hits him, he keeps mumbling, expressing his fear of messing everything up. it becomes too much for him, and he bursts into tears. without hesitation, you wrap your arms around him, holding him as tight as you can.
"hey, you're okay. it's okay, i'm here," you softly whisper in his ear, your hand gently rubbing his back. the sound of his sobs makes your heart ache, as if it's breaking into pieces. "i'm so tired," his voice is muffled, but you can hear all the pain and exhaustion in it. your stomach tightens, feeling your own eyes burn as you try to hold back the tears.
you let him cry in your arms for a moment, letting him take it all out, whispering sweet and reassuring words in his ears. your hand hasn't left his hair, stroking it gently. you feel him finally calm down, his sobs getting quieter.
he finally decide to look up, meeting your eyes and the sight breaks your heart; his eyes are puffed and red, accentuated by his bandaged bruises. you immediately grab his face, overwhelmed by a sudden rush of empathy and affection.
"do you still want me? even if i'm spider-man," his voice is soft, and you could feel all the exhaustion in it.
"of course, lando, why wouldn't i?" you reply without any second thought, sincerity evident in your eyes, softening lando's heart.
"i don't know... i'm always late and... tired," his voice is weak and hesitant, and you wish he'd stop talking and just rest.
"you're always late, but you're always here. you always do your best to make it." you reassure him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer with a soft smile. "it's okay to be tired, especially with your life, you should never apologize for that." your hand finds its way to his hair, "even when you're tired, you find the strength to take care of me and spend time with me. and for me, that means a lot," you gently stroke his hair, comforting him.
lando's eyes remain locked onto yours, caught in the sincerity they hold, and he swears his heart could explode at any moment just from hearing your words.
"you're so good to me..." he says in a whisper, pulling you into a quick but sweet kiss that makes both of your hearts melt. "of course, you deserve it," you whisper back, stealing a other kiss. "let me finish taking care of you, and then you can finally rest." you don't give him the time to complain, pulling back to resume cleaning his wounds.
after what felt like an eternity, you finish bandaging the last wound, looking up to find an exhausted lando. he fell asleep multiple times but insisted on staying awake until you finish. without wasting a minute, you put your arm around him to help him up, struggling to guide him to the bed where he manages to use his last drops of strength to remove his pants. once he's laid on the bed, you turn around to clean up the bandages on the floor, but lando immediately stops you, pulling you down.
"don't go," he whispers, and you smile, laying beside him without any hesitation, welcomed by his warm embraced.
you gaze at the sleepy boy beside you, your fingers gently ghosting his cheek.
"thank you," he says softly, and the sincerity in his words resonates. you offer him a loving smile, putting your lips on his for a passionate kiss. you manage to pull away just in time before lando succumbs to the sandman.
in that moment, it hits you—the boy you've fallen in love with is spider-man. a proud smile spreads across your face as you look at the peacefully sleeping lando beside you.
"i'm so proud of you," you whisper, determined to repeat those words to him tomorrow and every single day after that.
tysm for reading! don't hesitate to leave a feedback if you liked it<3
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mountainficss · 4 months
HIHIHIII 🦈 HERE !!! having a wonwoo thoughts again .. (im crazy in love with that man.) but anyways thinking abt him making u wear his glasses while he fucks u cuz it just turns him on ..
or vice versa where he wears his glasses just cuz he likes to see every expression and reaction u have while he fucks u😭😭😭
anyways love u take ur time cuz poopoo bum school is a pain in the ass giving u all these assignments u got important things to do. like writing these fics (super important business!!!) LOVE U 💗
!! mentions of: unprotected sex
HIHIHI ANON I MISSED YOU AND I LOVE YOU SM! 🩶🩶🩶 no and honestly i feel you wonwoo is so pretty…i have the fattest crush on him it’s unhealthy. and omg i know school is so lame 🙄 it’s never even hard work it’s just sooo time consuming. i’m telling you my professors want me to be bored out of my mind. but anyway!
ohhh the idea of wonwoo being turned on by you wearing his glasses is so…UGH i love that. you’d probably just snatch them off his face for fun, running away with them and sliding them on to see his reaction. you’d smile at him widely and you’d be met with an astounded look from wonwoo. he would know you took them just to mess around and had an innocent intent, but oh seeing you in his glasses would turn him ON. his brain would flash him an image of you underneath him wearing nothing but his glasses, and he would feel his cock immediately stiffen in his pants. he’d hastily make his way over to you and pick you up, practically throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to your shared bedroom. in seconds wonwoo would be tearing off your clothes, giving you needy kisses while you let out dreamy sighs. his glasses would still sit cutely on the end of your nose, and your eyes would meet his through the lenses with a dazed look. he felt like he was going insane seeing you looking so cute in his glasses. and your bare body would just make his cock throb harder. “keep them on,” he’d command breathlessly, tugging his shirt over his head and untying his sweats. “’m gonna fuck you while you wear those.” you’d smile devilishly at him as he fishes his cock out of his boxers, twisting his hand around it and throwing his head back in pleasure. “do i look cute in them?” you’d tease, reaching a hand up to adjust them playfully. wonwoo would groan as he peered down at you, fisting his cock faster at your actions. “you look so good,” he’d sigh, feeling you wrap your legs around him and pull him closer. “need to feel you.” he’d line his length up to your hole, pushing in slowly as both of you gasp at the stretch. he’d bottom out in one thrust, your tight heat making him feel dizzy. he’d study your face as he gives you time to adjust, admiring the soft blush on your cheeks and your cute expressions as he starts to rut into you. his cock always made you feel so full, and this time would be no different as he glides easily into you. he’d cup your cheek with one hand and you’d wrap both of your hands around his forearm, turning your head to teasingly kiss his palm. he mutters a small fuck and runs his thumb along the temple of his glasses, feeling you tighten around him. “can i take these back, baby?” he’d ask, his voice strained from trying to hold back his quickly-approaching orgasm. “need to see you. wanna see the faces you make.” you’d chuckle at him asking for permission as if they weren’t his glasses, releasing his arm to take them off. you’d slide them back on his face slowly, watching the moment he seems to really see you. his pupils would dilate at the sight of your lewd expressions, and he’d struggle to not roll his eyes back in ecstasy at the way you look at him. his hips would pound into you with quick thrusts, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot and bringing you closer to climax. “you’re so pretty,” he’d mumble mindlessly, leaning in to press a kiss onto your forehead. “really like when you wear my glasses.” you’d thread your fingers through his hair, gripping the strands as your orgasm washes over you in a powerful wave, threatening to send wonwoo over the edge too. he fucks you through your climax, feeling his cock pulsing inside of your heat and filling you full of his cum with a drawn-out moan. he’d hover over your weak form as you both try to catch your breath. “well,” you’d pant, releasing your grip on his hair and running your fingers through it to soothe the sting. “i like when you wear them too.” <3
taglist: @imprettyweird , @jeonghanpill , @bangantokchy , @caratboy , @bewoyewo , @c-hanniehae , @wonvsmile , @haolovre , @aaniag
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hobiespick · 16 days
Sam Winchester x reader headcanons
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a/n: if you thought I only made shitty Sam headcanons, WRONG‼️ cuz I also made a shitty moodboard (i'm extra like that yeehaw)
- Takes notice of the books you read, that is if you don't give him recomendations bc if you do that boy has a whole ass notepad and is a fast writter so try him.
- "Y/n would like this" "Y/n would probably know" "Y/n was right"- Dean gets seriously tired and makes jokes about how often Sam talks about you
- you think he's joking untill Sam isn't glaring daggers at him- but instead he starts blushing and straching the back of his head like a damn schoolboy.
- reads your body language very well- "What's wrong?" Sam asks putting all of his attention onto you. "Nothing" You shrug it off (you're not slick at all). "Bull." Sam chides still looking at you hoping you'll tell him.
-literally the happiest when you sigh defeated and tell him what's wrong but shakes it off to actually listen to you.
- uses the soft tone he talks to victims with on you- not because he thinks you're weak or fragile
- you're a badass and he knows it
- you complimented him once on it (his voice) saying he is good at comforting and how no wonder people open up that easily when he talks like THAT to them.
- "Miss, when was your neighbour killed?" All puppy eyes furrowed eyebrows and soft tone almost sticking his chin to his chest + that fake ass FBI badge, You: "Yes-"
- Sam probably met Jess through the art courses he took I'm sobbing-
- I watched that episode and I had no idea (I'm so happy google exists) what he was talking about and I'm damn art student jesus christ
- "It's good for meeting girls." So good- SHHSAJGSS I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH SAM PLEASE
- Artsy Sam save me, Please Artsy Sam
- So touch starved, hug this man PLEASE
- If you're an artist yourself and draw, sketch, paint whatever, he'll want to see it
- even teach him some stuff, LAWD
- researches stuff abt you when he can't get you out of his head- for example : the meaning of your name, your zodiac sign, which celebrity you share your bday with, etc (he can't help it)
- reads banned literature (isn't he so dreamy? 💞)
- his favourite movie is the notebook or pride and prejudice (and book!) because I said so
- Unconciously mirros your movements or tics, for example if you rub your nose with your wrist, he starts doing it too (it's contagious)
- Dean points it out but Sam wasn't raised to be fair so he justifies himself by saying he had that tic first and YOU are the one who started mimmicking him
- it's an ongoing war for some time but beacuse the system's corrupt the bastard lawboy Sam wins
- you two share an interest? HE IS SO HAPPY
- oh no! His t shirt accidentally made it's way into your bag! How did that happen? (It's him officer, that is the loverboy take him away)
- Alexa/google play good old fashioned loverboy by queen
- really likes earthy smells (freshly cut grass, pine trees and so on)
- Dean when he says your instead of you're
- love language is definetly quality time and touch
a/n: it took alot of self encouragement to post this so feedback would be very much appreciated<3! And for every person who voted "YEAHHH" on the poll, I hope your pillow is cold tonight 💞🫶
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subskz · 4 months
So this is kind of my personal head canon,but what do you think about sleepy sex with Bang Chan?Since he works all day,he wouldn't have the energy to get intimate,so he leaves the reader to do what they want to him while he dozes off
yes!! i adore the idea of sleepy sex with channie both in the sense of helping him fall asleep and free use somnophilia <3
sometimes he comes home so desperate for you but too exhausted to do anything. he’s already extra cuddly when he’s drowsy but when he’s in that kind of headspace he needs you more than ever, there’s no chance of getting him off of you he clings to you like a koala ㅠㅠ the moment he rests his head on your shoulder, breathing in your scent w a soft, sleepy mumble you know he needs you to take care of him until he drifts off. he’s complete putty in your hands, gazing up at you through half-lidded eyes as you ride him/cockwarm him or lazily jerk him off under the covers until the release of endorphins when he cums eases him right into sleep ♡ he might be out like a light even before he reaches his climax bc the gentle rhythm of pleasure is so soothing, it makes the haze in his mind take over immediately
he’ll collapse into bed after a long day and hold his arms out to cling to you, even when he’s worn out he still uses the last of his energy to nestle into you and press your bodies together. maybe he nudges his nose against yours w a quiet whine to ask you to kiss him as he rubs himself sleepily into your thigh. just cute, uncoordinated movements on pure instinct bc he needs you so bad but can barely stay awake enough to grind his hips properly. his eyes start to droop and eventually his lips stop moving, they just sta puckered uselessly against yours slipping out sweet sighs as his breathing gradually slows and he falls asleep. he never feels safer or more loved than when he drifts off in your arms <3
other times he lets you use him in his sleep bc channie is such a little giver who always wants to please you. even when he doesn’t have the energy for sex, he loves being of service to you and is more than willing to let you have your way with him, he might even be the one to bring it up. it helps that he tends to sleep shirtless most of the time too so you have easy access to his body without disturbing him too much~ he’ll pass out still half-hard for you, all you have to do is dip your hands into his boxers and use all the precum that’s leaked out of his dick to start stroking him to full hardness so you can use him however you want. he’s so vocal even in his sleep, he lets out so many tiny whimpers and moans inbetween his snores, and it’s so cute to hear the sound of his breathing go from that peaceful rise and fall to heavy panting the more you toy w him. he definitely wakes up a few times throughout, esp if you give him head bc he’s super sensitive to your tongue and he might even start bucking up weakly into your mouth in his sleep. he drifts in and out of consciousness, waking himself up with a weak hiccup or mewl of your name when smth feels especially good. he looks disoriented for a second, blinking up at you like he doesn’t even know where he is, but the moment he registers it’s you, a lopsided, dreamy smile forms on his face and he reaches out to hold your hands or grab on to you somehow, only for his grip to loosen once he starts to doze off again
some days he doesn’t even make it to the bedroom and you come home to find him just passed out on the couch, wearing that specific hoodie that lets you know anything goes (in his own words…“this body belongs to you” hehe) you can put a cockring on him to keep him hard as long as possible and ride him to your heart’s content, sweet baby would be so happy to wake up finding you in his lap using him for your own pleasure, he slurs out smth abt wanting to make you feel good then drops his head against your chest and falls right back asleep. you can also admire his body to the fullest when he’s asleep, running your hands along his muscles, toying with his nipples and pouty lips and dick, and kissing all over his skin without him shying away or trying to cover up for once 🥰 you can take your sweet time prepping him too if you want to peg him, pumping your fingers gently and methodically in and out of him for as long as you want before adding another, maybe even a third until he’s perfectly stretched out for you
he’d be the cutest sight when he wakes up w his messy curls and puffy face and droopy eyes ❤️‍🩹 he’d feel so relaxed and satisfied and maybe a lil sore, but he beams when you cover his face with kisses and coo over him for being a good boy who takes you so well even in his sleep
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td-scenarios · 1 year
Request: Confessional about s/o for Cody, Scott, Justin, Heather, and Lindsey? Have a great day!
(I hope u dont mind if it's pre-relationship! u didn't clarify, but i thought them talking abt their crush on reader would be cute :] )
He looks slightly disturbed being here. A shifty look in his eye, almost as if he was nervous to look directly at the camera. Every time Scott had been in to make a confessional up until this point was to explain whatever he had been planning for the competition, so this was unsettling for him to say the least.
"So, Y/N, am I right?" He started before the camera fizzed out and came back to him in a different position. "Nevermind this is stupid."
It would take a while until Scott would brave the confessional again. This time, he was gripping his head like a madman. Slowly, his head tilted up until he was holding onto his face with his eyes framed by his fingers.
"I can't take it anymore. They're perfect! My schemes can't touch 'em!" His hands had left his face and he was gesturing wildly. "I don't think I even WANT my schemes to affect them. Woah. I never thought I'd say that."
Scott blinked dumbly at the camera before a scowl took over his expression.
"Y/N I'm comin' for ya."
"Oh my gosh!" Lindsay twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she stared off into the distance past the camera. "Do you guys think that Y/N likes me? 'Cause I toooootally like them. Like, I like-like them." A dreamy smile plastered on her face as she kept talking. "I hope they like me back. Like who wouldn't?"
She thought about what she said for a second, her expression a bit grave as it finally focused on the camera.
"People like me, right? Yeah, they do. That means Y/N has to like me." A pause. "Ooooooh, but what if they don't?" Lindsay tapped her chin in thought at the idea. "Whatever! They're really cute and like smart and amazing!" The blonde finally stopped talking and just sat there with her head resting on her hands as she let out a wistful sigh. This pause continued for about a minute before she finally perked up and tilted her head at the camera.
"Wait, is this still going?"
The model tapped his finger on the vanity as he was thinking about what he should say. He finally looked up and fixed his hair in the mirror as he started talking.
"I never thought I'd meet anyone as gorgeous as me. And I haven't. But Y/N comes pretty close and that's dangerous. They're stunning and their wit is unmatched." His lips puckered in defeat since his hair wasn't falling the way he wanted to. Ultimately, he gave up on it as he kept talking.
"Maybe I should go for an alliance with them. The thought of getting Y/N voted off just...doesn't sit right with me. But I also can't have this sort of competition."
Justin sat there with a frown, not really knowing what his plans would become at this stage. He sighed before he shot a smirk back up at the camera.
"I need to stop with all this thinking, it's making me ugly."
"They're insufferable!" Heather growled, folding her arms across her body while glaring off to the side. "All they do is be stupidly kind and have a dumb face and...and...and well they piss me off!"
"I need Y/N out of this game. Pronto! If I am to keep my game face on then Y/N has to go. They're totally messing everything up!"
Heather huffed and continued stewing in her anger. Eventually, she kept sputtering on some anger fueled words before letting out a frustrated groan.
"I can't believe this is happening..." She grumbled, scrunching in on herself more.
Before the camera fizzed out, a slight smile was seen on Heather's face as she let out a dreamy sigh.
"Wow. Y/N..." Cody sat there, staring at the camera with the most overjoyed look on his face. "They're probably the first person I've ever found attractive that is actually giving me the time of day! This is great!!"
Cody silently cheered, raising his arms in the air with a big smile on his face. Once his tiny little self-contained celebration was over he finally began speaking once more.
"I really really hope they like me back. Wouldn't that be awesome?" He got a bit closer to the camera, a smile on his face.
"I mean, they don't push me away, they're not mean to me, and they actually laugh at my jokes! I think that the Codemeister has finally done it." His ecstatic boy-ish demeanor quickly replaced with a more smug one.
"Or, at least, I hope so."
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kdwg · 15 days
Medicine Pocket x Reader : “Isn't it good to be a dog?”
i wrote this at 1.4 China sever, I know Medicine Pocket here might be ooc, i didnt know Chinese, everything i knew abt Medipoc through using ggl translate their story. MediPoc in my fic using he/him pronouns (in game Medicine Pocket said i can call whatever pronouns i want for him so...)
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---English Version---
Medicine Pocket finds you very annoying. He doesn't know if it's because of all the drugs he's taken recently, making your baseless babbling deafening. “Like a fly”, that's what Medicine Pocket bluntly told you, unfortunately you didn't even bother and continued to cling to him like a horseshoe crab.
Today is even more so, Medicine Pocket is almost drowning in a sea of ​​reports, dense numbers filling the mind, and even reprimands and reminders from sources above, even, one must say, Medicine, who had always ignored public opinion, was now exhausted as his brain was constantly repeating the cruel and disdainful judgments of some of the researchers who had chatted in the kitchen a few minutes ago. I don't want to pay attention, but somehow people always pay attention to how others comment on them. Medicine sighed, he raised his hand to rub his temple very roughly, threw the pile of papers on the table, he slid off the chair and lay on the floor. Closing his eyes, feeling the darkness weakly trying to cover itself in the bright light, he wondered where you were now? Honestly, sometimes listening to you talk silly is more entertaining than having a very social and fake conversation with a co-worker. You've warned him so many times, so many times that just by remembering it, he can see the image of you angrily waving your index finger to remind him that no matter how much he hates people, he can't call them assholes, then step on their foot and leave.
“Hey, what do you think?”
Medicine was startled from the impending sleep. Seeing your appearance, he was a bit surprised. Medicine didn't respond and simply looked at you with wide eyes.
“What's wrong, did you fall asleep?”
You were a bit confused when you asked two questions but still no scolding to kick you out of the room was uttered.
Medicine lay half on the floor, his upper body raised, looking at you in bewilderment like a puppy that had just met its owner a few times. You tilted your head to survey the situation. Could Medicine have tested something strange on himself again?
You walked closer and crouched down to Medicine's level. The eyes are still normal, the skin is a bit pale, the lips are not pale, overall you can evaluate Medicine as being fine.
“Give me your hand.”
You spread your hands. Without hesitation Medicine Pocket placed your hand on it, you took off his gloves trying to find something unusual, but everything was fine, the temperature remained stable and the warmth of his skin made you feel strong. The heat in the room also gradually increased. You gently squeezed his hand. When you raised your head, you still met his dreamy eyes from before. You couldn't help but giggle, breaking the silence:
“Are you a dog?”
Medicine was silent for a few seconds, he looked away from your face and then shifted his gaze down to the five fingers embracing his hand. His eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully, he really took it as a serious question. Medicine stroked his chin and sighed softly and answered without any excitement:
“Isn't it good to be a dog?”
This time you couldn't stop yourself from laughing out loud, oh my god, what were you thinking? You reached out with your other hand to pinch Medicine's nose. Instinctively, he angrily glared at you and coldly pushed your hand away:
“Don't laugh.”
“Why do you think like that?”
“See if I were a dog, everyone would definitely love me. I also won't have to find a way to please anyone, not to mention I'll be very cute.”
“You've always been cute.”
You wrapped your arms around Medicine's neck, this time he didn't pull away, he let you bury your face in the crook of his neck. Medicine Pocket does not have the scent you like, on the contrary, it is very unpleasant to smell, but it sticks to him for so long that the smell of antiseptic and rubber soon becomes an indispensable part of his daily life.
Medicine felt itchy when you whispered under his throat, he felt your warm breath stick to his skin, it was so annoying that he couldn't stop.
“What's wrong, does this great scientist care about what other people say?”
Whenever he gets caught talking about something, Medicine tends to react violently and deny it, but when it comes to you, he simply stays silent, indifferently avoiding your gaze. This time too, you didn't get his answer. You raised your head to look for his eyes, but Medicine looked at you. It's a look of boredom and acknowledgment, somewhere a little sulky, indicating why you haven't pampered or comforted her yet. “It's no different than a puppy that forgets to be petted.” That's the first thought that pops into your head. You leaned forward, your hands cupping Medicine's face, gently placing light kisses on his cheeks.
Medicine still didn't seem very satisfied, his ten fingertips wrapped around your hand, his eyelashes drooped down in a state of confusion, he tried not to look into your eyes but in the end he couldn't resist. Medicine remembers the words that want to be buried deep in the throat:
“Do you think like them?”
Your two noses touch, you smile:
“Of course not, if talking to them makes you feel that bad then just step on their toes and leave.”
“You call them stupid?”
“They deserve it.”
Medicine Pocket let out a dramatic sigh. After that, he kisses you.
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---Vietnamese Version---
Medicine Pocket cảm thấy bạn rất phiền phức, anh không biết có phải do đống thuốc bản thân vạ miệng uống gần đây khiến những lời lảm nhảm vô căn cứ của bạn làm đinh tai nhức óc. “Như một con nhặng”, đó là điều Medicine Pocket đã thẳng thừng nói với bạn, tiếc rằng bạn còn chẳng bận lòng mà tiếp tục bám lấy anh như sam.
Hôm nay còn hơn cả vậy, Medicine Pocket gần như chìm trong biển báo cáo, những con số dày đặc lấp đầy tâm trí, và cả những lời khiển trách nhắc nhở từ những nguồn chi phía trên, thậm chí, một người phải nói là luôn bỏ ngoài tai dư luận như Medicine giờ đây cũng mệt nhoài khi bộ não của anh đang liên tục lặp lại sự phán xét coi thường ác ý của một số các nhà nghiên cứu đã tán gẫu ở nhà bếp mấy phút trước. Anh không muốn để tâm, song con người một phần nào đó luôn chú ý về việc người khác bình phẩm mình ra sao. Medicine thở dài, anh đưa tay lên day thái dương hết sức thô bạo, ném đống giấy lộn lên bàn, anh trượt khỏi ghế và nằm dài trên sàn. Nhắm mắt lại, cảm nhận bóng tối yếu ớt cố gắng bao trùm trong ánh đèn sáng chói, anh tự hỏi bây giờ bạn đang ở đâu? Thành thật mà nói, đôi khi nghe bạn nói ngớ ngẩn còn giải trí hơn là có một cuộc trò chuyện hết sức xã giao và giả tạo với đồng nghiệp. Bạn đã dặn dò anh rất nhiều lần, nhiều đến mức chỉ cần nhớ lại anh có thể thấy hình ảnh bạn cáu kỉnh vung ngón trỏ nhắc dù anh có ghét người ta đến mức nào cũng không thể bảo họ là thằng lỗ đít, rồi dẫm vào chân và bỏ đi.
“Này, em nghĩ gì đấy?”
Medicine giật mình khỏi giấc ngủ sắp ập đến. Thấy sự xuất hiện của bạn, anh có chút ngỡ ngàng thái quá, Medicine không đáp đơn giản chỉ tròn mắt nhìn bạn.
“Sao thế, em ngủ quên à?”
Bạn có chút bối rối khi hỏi đến hai câu mà vẫn chưa có lời mắng mỏ đòi đuổi bạn ra khỏi phòng được thốt ra.
Medicine nằm nửa người trên sàn, thân trên nâng lên ngơ ngác nhìn bạn hệt như một con cún mới gặp chủ vài lần. Bạn nghiêng đầu dò xét tình hình, Medicine không lẽ lại tự thử nghiệm thứ gì kì quặc lên bản thân nữa rồi?
Bạn tiến lại gần và cúi xuống ngang tầm với Medicine. Tròng mắt vẫn bình thường, da hơi nhợt nhạt, môi không tái, xét về tổng thể bạn có thể đánh giá Medicine vẫn ổn.
“Đưa tay cho chị.”
Bạn xòe tay. Không chần chừ Medicine Pocket đặt bàn tay lên, bạn cởi găng tay anh cố gắng tìm kiếm một điểm bất thường, song tất cả mọi thứ đều ổn thỏa, nhiệt độ vẫn ổn định và hơi ấm từ da thịt anh khiến bạn cảm thấy sức nóng căn phòng cũng dần tăng lên. Bạn siết nhẹ tay anh, khi bạn ngẩng đầu lên vẫn chạm phải ánh mắt mơ màng ban nãy, bạn không nhịn nổi mà bật cười khúc khích phá vỡ khoảng lặng:
“Em có phải là chó không?”
Medicine im lặng vài giây, anh hết nhìn vào khuôn mặt bạn lại chuyển tầm mắt xuống năm ngón tay đang ôm trọn lấy bàn tay mình. Đôi lông mày anh nhíu lại đầy nghiền ngẫm, anh thực sự coi đó là một câu hỏi nghiêm túc, Medicine vuốt cằm khẽ thở dài trả lời không một chút hào hứng:
“Là chó thì không tốt sao?”
Lần này bạn không thể ngăn được mình cười thành tiếng, ôi trời suy nghĩ gì thế này, bạn đưa tay còn lại véo mũi Medicine. Theo bản năng, anh cáu kỉnh lườm bạn và lạnh lùng gạt tay bạn ra:
“Đừng có cười.”
“Tại sao em lại suy nghĩ như vậy?”
“Chị xem nếu là chó, mọi người chắc hẳn sẽ rất yêu quý tôi. Tôi cũng sẽ không phải tìm cách để làm hài lòng bất kì ai, chưa kể tôi sẽ rất dễ thương.”
“Em luôn dễ thương mà.”
Bạn vòng tay qua cổ Medicine, lần này anh không gạt ra, anh để bạn vùi mặt vào hõm cổ anh. Medicine Pocket không có mùi hương bạn thích, trái lại còn rất khó ngửi, nhưng bám dính lấy anh lâu đến nỗi mùi thuốc sát trùng và cao su sớm trở thành thứ không thể thiếu hàng ngày của bản thân.
Medicine thấy ngứa ngáy khi bạn thủ thỉ dưới vòm họng, anh có cảm nhận được hơi thở ấm áp của bạn dính vào da thịt mình, vô cùng phiền phức đến nỗi không thể dứt nổi.
“Sao thế, nhà khoa học đại tài nay lại để ý đến người khác nói gì sao?”
Mỗi khi bị bắt thóp chuyện gì, Medicine thường có xu hướng phản ứng dữ dội phủ nhận nó, nhưng nếu với bạn, anh chỉ đơn giản là im lặng, thờ ơ né tránh cái nhìn bạn. Lần này cũng vậy, bạn không nhận được câu trả lời của anh, bạn ngẩng đầu để kiếm tìm đôi mắt anh, nhưng Medicine nhìn bạn. Đó là ánh mắt chán chường và thừa nhận, đâu đó có chút hờn dỗi ra ý rằng sao bạn còn chưa nuông chiều, an ủi mau mau đi. “Không khác gì một con cún con quên được vuốt ve.” Đó là suy nghĩ nảy lên đầu tiên trong đầu bạn. Bạn dướn người, bàn tay ôm lấy khuôn mặt Medicine, nhẹ nhàng đặt những nụ hôn phớt lên má.
Medicine có vẻ vẫn chưa hài lòng lắm, mười đầu ngón tay của anh bao bọc lấy bàn tay bạn, lông mi cụp xuống hết sức thất thểu, anh định không nhìn vào mắt bạn song cuối cùng không cưỡng lại nổi. Medicine lí nhỉ những câu từ muốn chôn sâu dưới cuống họng:
“Chị có nghĩ như họ không?”
Mũi hai người chạm nhau, bạn mỉm cười:
“Đương nhiên là không, nếu nói chuyện với họ khiến em cảm thấy tệ như vậy thì cứ dẫm vào chân họ rồi bỏ đi.”
“Em chửi họ là đồ ngu?”
“Họ xứng đáng.”
Medicine Pocket thở dài một cái hết sức kịch tính. Sau đó, anh hôn bạn.
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ARI FIRST THINGS FIRST I'M SORRY I DIDN'T TAG U I DIDN'T WANNA PRESSURE U OKAY I'M SORRY second of all how many of them can i ask about bc......... what if i wanna know about all of them? what then ari???? have u thought about that?????? okay okay no but i do NEEEED to know about sappy drunk!sugu bc helloo??? that sounds so good and also woLFY SUGU AND LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD????? you're crazy i'm so obsessed already and actually sick!satoru too bc he's gonna be such a baby i need to hear about it OK ONE MORE BECAUSE NOBARA??? OH MY GODD SKATERGIRL NOBARA PLEAAAAASEEE that's literally genius wow i can't wait to hear about all of them i'm so excited!!!!!!!
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY PLS DONT APOLOGIZE PHSJDHD i wasnt planning on doing it at first cause i didnt know if ppl would be interested 😭😭 BUT then i saw that u and everyone else was doing it so i immediately caved AND IM SO GLAD I DID u picked some of my personal faves !! ari/mickey connection going steady hehe
i’d apologize in advance for making this long but i feel safe w u this is just our average communication let’s go <33 here is some tea for u while u read !! 🍵
OKOK SOOOO first of all ; sappy drunk!sugu x reader….. yes. this one is sooooo special to me its been downright rotting in my drafts since the beginning of time and its literally all written out ?? but i need to delete some stuff n polish it overall….. </3
BUT yeah the plot is basically just: sugu goes out to a bar w satoshoko, gets drunk even though he literally never gets drunk, and so reader discovers that he is, in fact, the sappy kind. (shocker!) it’s just sooooo sickeningly fluffy and he’s so whipped. ☹️☹️ he’s like a puppy. all he can think of is reader and how much he wants to put a ring on their finger HE’S SOOOOO
here are a couple snippets hehe. literally just disgusting amounts of Fluff for my soul
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sho 🚬 : anyway he’s been asking me where u are for the past ten minutes pls come i can’t stand him sho 🚬: he’s crying. you: HUH???????? you: WHY??? 😭😭😭 sho 🚬: dude i dont know sho 🚬: pls come get him he’s being so sappy that satoru’s abt to throw up
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”— and i have you.” a stutter of your heartbeat, a jolt throughout your chest. his stare almost burns, but you can’t avert your gaze — suguru looks positively lovesick. admiring you with a dreamy gaze, as if he can’t believe you’re real. he reaches a hand out; cradling your face with one big palm, the rough pads of his fingers smoothing down your skin so very gently. smearing his fondness from your jaw to your cheekbone, so loving your breath hitches in the back of your throat. a soft, content sigh spills into the air, like a prayer that doesn’t need any words. his smile is serene.  ”my angel.” that peaceful smile changes shape, shifting into a big, giddy grin. it lights up his whole face. a chuckle leaves his lips, content and delighted. ”i’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
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”sugu,” you whine, dragging his name out childishly. ”we need to sleep…” ”sorry,” he only murmurs, muffled into your skin. he doesn’t stop, though, planting a wet smooch on your cheek, and then another. you squirm a little in his hold, and he emits a shaky breath. ”jus’ love you so much…”
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i just think sugu has so much love in his chest that he like Never lets out bc he knows it can feel overwhelming unless he shows it in small doses but then he gets drunk and everything just SPILLS out . idk but my knees would buckle
AND THEN ….. wolf/hunter!sugu x little red riding hood!reader OHHHH MICKEY IM SO HAPPY U ASKED…. this concept entered my brain and has Not left even once but its still just this vague idea in my head. im just so interested in fairy tale aus!! i figure its probably gonna end up kinda twisted? or maybe a mix between sweet/twisted if i can pull it off 😭😭 bUT the main idea is that sugu plays the part of both the wolf AND the hunter, reader doesnt know who to trust but sugu is their only option either way. at first i was thinking of making him like a whole Wolf Man but now im leaning towards it being more symbolic … the trustworthy hunter was the ”wolf” all along yk? IM SO FOND OF THIS ONE i cant wait to write it !!! ive been itching to write something a lil more gritty anyhow :33
AND AND SICK!TORU X DOTING!READER ….. our babyboyyyy he’s so :((( he’s just so sick and delirious and trying to convince reader that he’s Fine Actually but he’s just burning up :(((( and so he has no choice but to face the terrifying reality of Being Taken Care of By Someone He Trusts. horrifying. as soon as he’s slightly better he’s just throwing himself over u and begging for kisses though (he’s an opportunist <33)
this is another one that’s just veryyyy fluffy n sweet!! AND another one that i have written out i just need to delete a lot of stuff bc its like . over 10k i think I GOT CARRIED AWAY OK…… 😭😭
aaand here r some snippets from this one!! just overflowing w gojo love <333 he’s our sweetiepie our little baby angel i need him tucked into bed
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”really, baby,” he slurs, voice raspy and dry. attempting to get up, arms straining under his shivering body. ”there’s no need f’ —” unceremoniously, his limbs give out beneath him, and he tumbles back down. face falling back into the mattress, as he croaks out a meek little wince. (the sound makes your heart squeeze tightly in your chest.) ”ah,” he hums, muffled into the sheets. resisting the urge to close his eyes. ”that’s… annoying.”
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”baby, i think my fever’s going up again…” satoru pouts, looking up at you. ”can you check?” a raise of your eyebrow. you give him a smile. ”this is the fifth time you’ve asked me to check your temperature, toru.” ”just wanna make sure,” he whines. ”please?” an exaggerated sigh. then you’re leaning down, soft lips meeting his forehead, humming against his skin — and, just like last time, and the time before that, his temperature hasn’t gone up. ”you’re good.” ”oh, thank god,” satoru exhales. ”are you sure? like, a hundred percent sure? maybe you should check again. just in case.”
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”you’re cute,” satoru croons, still cradling your cheek. tenderly, soft fingertips against your heated skin. all you manage is a meek little furrow of your brows, but that only makes him chuckle again. after a silent moment, you part your lips. ”… you can.” he blinks. still smiling. ”stay forever, i mean.”
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yeahhhhhh. yeah. u know how it is. (i am consumed by love for this silly little 28 year old man)
AND FINALLY LAST BUT NOT LEAST … skatergirl!nobara x reader <333333 my most beloved ever. i only have a vague outline but im sooo in love w this concept mickey im overjoyed that it caught ur eye….. just . picture nobara being covered in hello kitty band aids bc she’s not very good at skating but she just thinks it’s SO fun and she goes to the skate park w maki while wearing acrylic nails and she’s just having such a blast :(( grinning and giggling!!! she’s literally my daughter i adore her ….
my idea for the fic is basically just that reader has this weird one-sided rivalry w nobara bc they’re a bit jealous of her + she’s so pretty it makes them angry LOL and they assume that she doesnt notice them at all… but in reality nobara is like HIGHKEY crushing on reader she does these complicated flips JUST to impress them she’s a lovergirl!!! so it’s basically just super duper fluffy n sweet hehe <33
TYSM FOR ASKING MICKEY i had to take my time w this one hehehe . i hope u’ll enjoy these fics when theyre posted although it’ll probably take a while… COVERING U IN KISSES WATCH OUT
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churomo · 1 year
hi its the chiscara anon again.....Chiderer picnic in the forest after they met again (they meet UP! FREQUENTLY!). fatui chiscara stargazing because tha night is peaceful and its one of the few things they can do together under coverrr..Childe pointing out the stars and scara is just like "I know." but he's paying him so much attention and when childes nawt lookin at him he's just staring. it isnt obvious what hes thinking about but he's all "sighhhh...sigh dreamy sigh why does this idiot make me feel so ridiculous!!!!". clenches fist. i like chiscara i perhaps even... Love them?! chscr after a sparring session and taru is like laughing on the ground (typical postfight exhilaration) unable to move because of Course he had to fight the sixth Again and now he'll have to recover Again stupid eleventh wowwww... But scara walks up to him, n childe thinks the guys gonna kick him but, no he actually pats the guys head! and he doesnt process it until scaras like "good." and he walks away (Average childe tartaglia ajax behavior)
ooh… wait i like these actually
personally i hc fatui-era chiscara to be sort of… cold(?) to each other? in my head they have a tense, not-quite-enemies but definitely-not-friends type of relationship, and it’s after scara becomes wanderer that he’d try to be more cordial. idk if he’d tell childe he used to be a harbinger, he’d probably want to leave that bit of his past out in favor of building a newer less-violence oriented relationship wwwww
even then, thinking abt an occasional intimate moment despite all of that feels. right?? esp the sparring one… idk if i’m describing it right but thank u chiscara anon (*´∇`*)
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dabisbratz · 1 year
pookie what do you think about nagi from bblk👹
he. . . he’s so. . . dreamy sigh
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his face is so. . . so cute?? there’s somethin so,, captivatin abt his design! but his demeanor n attitude?? his voice? his height? 6’3???? yea i need tclimb him now. think he’s jus like sho in the sense he’s into somno!! whether it’s him ruttin his hips against you while you’re asleep or you’re ridin him awake!! n he’s definitely got the softest, warmest hands ever, with a bad habit of restin them under your shirt n on your shoulder-blades!
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merakiui · 9 months
bro that last ask thing u reblogged.. 😈😈
1- SEAGLASS im a little asshole and love to read fics where the reader is shared ✌️✌️ SUE ME seaglass was the first fic i ever read from u too so its like omg the perfect pick....
8- ur writing style is so goddamn sophisticated 😭😭 every word feels very purposeful if that makes sense? my writing (and most yan x reader fics i find on tumblr for the characters im into) is very simple and verb-focused for comedy's sake so whenever i find an author who uses descriptive, specific adjectives and themes im like 🗣📢 SAY IT LOUDER!!! WE LOVE WELL-CRAFTED, ARTIST FANFICTION!!!! u literally eat up every fic and even just ramblings abt ideas bc u go ham with descriptive words and imagery [dreamy sigh] lovely!
9- seaglass 2 BAHAHAHAHA im sitting on the sidelines reading ur jade sk posts and shit like "sooo good... well back to my merakiui roots" and re-read seaglass again BAHAHAHA anytime u post anything with floyd in it tho im like 🤤🤤 like theres no question as to whether or not im gonna drop everything and read it every time when u post new floyd stuff ykwim they go crazy
13- kinda BAHAHAHA i have a friend who found my old yan writing blog bc i ACCIDENTALLY REBLOGGED ONE OF UR FICS FROM MY REBLOG ON THE YAN ACCOUNT 💀💀 so not technically but in my heart yes....
ANYWAY i think ur fr one of the best writers on yan tumblr if not just in general bro 😭😭😭 continue eating it up SLAYY! ❤️
(ask game)
SEA GLASS YES.... >:) my first ever twst fic and the beginning of my spiral into Octavinelle hell. 😌 I'm so happy you like that fic so much!! I'm also weak for fics where the reader is shared and Octavinelle is such a fun group to write for with that dynamic!!!!!
ALSO ALSO!!!! My writing... Sophisticated?!?!?!?! Σ(°ロ°) I'm so flattered omg,,,, thank you for saying so!!!! I always do my best to eat up every prompt and concept, so I'm pleased it shows in my writing and overall style!! >0< if I don't describe even the smallest of details in a story or rambling, I will go crazy. orz I love love love writing descriptions so much.
The merakiui roots... PLEASE LOL I LOVE THAT!!! Thank you for looking forward to Sea Glass's sequel hehe!! I'm certain it will be a banger!!! >:D and thank you for liking my Floyd stuff!!!! He's so fun to write for. I go so feral for him,,,, he's on my mind all the time. I just love how Floyd he is. OTL so unhinged and silly and true to himself at all times. I'm honored you would be willing to read the Floyd posts right away aaaaaa!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
OMG BEING FOUND FROM THE REBLOG??? T_T in my heart I will count it. ;;;; if it was an Octavinelle fic, I hope your friend enjoyed the fish LOLLLL. >:) everyone deserves to feast upon a delicious seafood buffet. (˘ ˘ ˘)
Truly, thank you so so so so SO SO SO MUCH for your sweet words and praise!!!!!! 💖💖💖 I'm happy you can consider me a good writer and that you can enjoy my work! I will continue to slay and devour!!! No crumbs will be left!!!! (`・ω・´)ゞ this is a merakiui promise!!!!!!!
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sunnitheapollokid · 1 month
hi sunni !!! ik we literally became moots like yesterday🫣 but congrats on 200 followers that's huge!
anyway if ure not totally bogged down with requests i'd love to do thirteen going on thirty one becus i too love 2000s films
so i'm very introverted and i love just hanging out by myself and watching tv, writing, drawing, etc. i'm a big fan of tv shows such as gilmore girls, b99, derry girls, and cunk on earth. i'm a big english girly, and lowkey such a suck-up for my english teachers (my toxic trait😖) uhhh i do theatre, i was in ballet from age 3 to 12, just super artsy in general. i also love music (ts, beabadoobee, jeff buckley, just abt everything atp). i don't know what ur fandoms r besides pjo so i'll just list my fav pjo characters: percy, annabeth, and grover (specifically as a trio), nico, frank, hazel, and leo ^_^ okk ty :)
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HIII CERRII thank you so much lovely!!! i'm so glad were moots,, i love your vibe and the aesthetic of your blog overall ugh i was drooling. BUT! BESIDES THAT! i freaking love everything you're interested in like.... B99?? BEABADOOBEE?? 😱😱
okay ima stop yapping about that. based on your description of your personality and such! not going to lie, i was between the movie i've chosen for you and "high school musical," but i found the more perfect one i think!!
so drum roll please!! 🥁 i chose, "SHE'S ALL THAT." <3 by robert iscove. she's all that is a super charming, " boy never expected to fall for her x girl who also never expected to fall for him." !!! 🙁🙁 and they ended up being head over heals for one another. and honestly, laney reminds me of you a lot!!
the artsy, theater, english girly, y'all give almost the same vibe!! laney is introverted and shy, like how you said you were! but she's drop dead gorgeous and i bet you are too <3 💐
she's all that is your typical high school rom-com that's super sweet, and romantic and just made me dreamy sigh the WHOLE ASS MOVIE. it was actually fire, and i went "i want what they have" 90% of the time. and i think it really fits you in a way that's romantic and such a crowd-favorite. 🫶
AND THAT'S CERI'S MOVIE!! i hope you think it's accurate cutie and hope we get to interact more <3 love you!!! 💛💛
lots of love and sunkisses, — sunni!
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mothboypoison · 2 months
pls i wanna know abt drhdr fight club, is it doro AS figh club or is it like underground boxing??
God this one is such a bare-bones idea I don't know how I started writing it without an outline. I'd like to finish it one day. It would probably be a couple of chapters.
The premise is that the baseball field in Hole gets closed so to keep themselves entertained, Vaux and Kasukabe open a fight club. Vaux gets to make bets and Kasukabe gets to do research. There's no magic allowed and they convince a bunch of sorcerers to take part. Dokuga and Tetsujo don't want to enter. Then Dokuga learns that Shin is entering and he decides to enter so he can have a rematch after he lost to him when they fought at Kai's apartment.
I don't know where it was going to go from there. I was gonna have Dokuga lose the fight lol. And 'cause Noi would be on standby for healing she could befriend Tetsujo and talk about feelings or whatever. And then Dokuga and Tetsujo would fuck. Of course. I wanna finish it one day but god it needs an actual outline. Here's an excerpt:
“Don’t you think it’s just fascinating, though? They’re built to use magic. I want to see how they fare when they don’t have it. The very thing they depend on—” his grin takes on a dreamy quality and Vaux grimaces in distaste. “It would be truly educational to witness.” “We know how they fare,” points out Vaux, still entertaining this for some bizarre reason. The disruption to his routine must already be getting to him. “When they don’t have access to magic, the Cross-Eyes kill them. It’s happened already, Professor.”   “Not in a controlled environment!” Kasukabe says. “That’s what I’d like to do. Haru could provide me with a location in the magic user world, and I could observe what happens. Volunteers only, of course.” “Of course.” “So, will you help? We could do it on the days we had baseball practise. You might even enjoy yourself, Vaux!” Kasukabe laughs. “Absolutely not, I—” but he stops himself as he begins to actually think it through. Haru will get them a location – an arena – and volunteers will sign up to fight each other without magic. Presumably not to the death. Kasukabe was describing it as an experiment but to Vaux it seems almost like a sport. He supposes it’ll keep him sufficiently entertained. “Well?” Kasukabe says, a smirk on his face like he knows he’s won. “Fine,” Vaux sighs. “It could be fun, I suppose. I’m in.”
Sorry this answer is long as hell lol
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wheelcr · 2 years
hi flora! i loveeee your new theme! it's so so pretty and u did so well on the icon ^ anyways i wanted to ask for like, more info of finn in ur actress dr?? im so smitten for finn ajsnsa and i just wanted to know more abt him
- 🏩 nonnie
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ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐑. ✧ ˚ ༘ ゛
hiii there my pretty pretty nonie! tysm i'm so so happy you like it darl <3 and ofc!! i love talking about finn obv i'm smitten for him too [ dreamy sigh ] i think i also received an ask about finn from @timotheesl0ve but accidentally deleted it and forgot about it so :/ this post might be a lil diff from my other ones ^^ includes some text msgs and scenarios from my dr
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♡. okay, jesus, where do i even begin?? finn is a tall, lanky, chaotic, super loud, force of nature
when i first met him, he was kinda awkward— like fidgeting and stuff, stuttered out a "hey, i'm finn" "oh i know" "oh.. well then" was not really how i wanted to kick off our friendship
♡. once he warms up enough, he's super goofy and playful. also really sweet!! :c he told me i looked pretty and that he was a huge fan of my show, and i never blushed as hard as i did that afternoon i swear
and the thing about him, he knows damn well what he's doing. the tiny smirk that crept up on his face when he saw my cheeks redden definitely told me so
♡. whatever confidence and charm he has in real life is totally amplified at work! i wouldn't say that finn is a perfectionist, because there are definitely a shit ton of moments where he's lazy and chill, but when he does something, he puts his whole finn - ussy into it yk what i mean?? you can tell that he really enjoys what he does and works hard for it, and it pays off bc the shit he makes turns out so so so good!!
♡. one thing i like about finn is that he's honest, makes it so much easier to communicate tbh ^^ he's straight up about everything, doesn't like to beat around the bush he's super genuine and sincere and i find it so akaioqjdjwfujd he's so perfect :ccc
♡. adding to the last one, he's also sometimes too honest.. like in a spontaneous oversharing kinda way...
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bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 25 ] — flor flora florie floorwax
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 28 ] — what do you wajt its 11pm finn
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — bird outside my window c:
bambi 😼💤 [ 11 : 29 ] — also i really need to pee
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — good for oyu wolfhard
🥓 sunshine. [ 11 : 32 ] — goodnight.
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♡. love love loves!! vintage aesthetics! when discussing movie night in our gc he has to suggest at least one old chick flick. has tons and tons of playlists just filled with 80s music. also loves taking polaroids and low quality videos with like the grain that makes it look super old
^^ which is why finn was super hyped about the take on me cover he did with calpurnia. wouldn't stop talking my ear off about it for weeks and i honestly didn't mind. the dreamy look in his doe eyes when he talks about something he's passionate about is to die for
♡. super touch starved. doesn't initiate anything super touchy - feely at first but trust me, he enjoys it very much. he loves having his hand held. says it makes him feel grounded and safe. also loves when people play with his hair!! isn't afraid to ask for affection but will bite me if i question it
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"lili can you play with my hair?" he mumbled once, face smushed into one of my velvet cushions
me being me, i just couldn't pass the opportunity for at least a little bit of teasing over my friend's little request "awww, puppy wants pets? you need me to play with your hair hmmm?"
"..." "..haha, do you still want—" "good fucking bye >:c" i almost died from laughter watching his tall figure retreating to my kitchen to eat all my banana bread as payback
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♡. moody moody boy. one moment he's bouncing off the walls and joking around and having the time of his life, then he reads one hate comment or remembers something that he didn't want to remember and his mood goes super duper sour :c
like if he's upset he won't be rude or snappy but he'll definitely be super quiet and really really dry. ( his annoyed voice is kinda h— ) if he's upset by something someone did, he's not one for confrontation at first, but he's gonna make so many jabs and sarcastic remarks
♡. super sentimental lil man. he loves to take pictures and short clips, and basically document everything going on 'just for the sake of it'. i think this mainly comes from the fact that our friend group consists of a lot of vloggers. finn likes keeping memories stored in a safe place where he can edit them and make them look all pretty just for him and his friends to look back on and laugh, and i find it so so endearing
♡. okay but like despite the whole mysterious, almost like untouchable kinda aura he emits because of his thick lashes and half - lidded eyes, he's just a boy. a boy who still makes 'your mom' jokes and finds farting funny. a boy who completely bursts my eardrums with a rickroll everytime he joins discord vc. a boy who went skating with me down the street while yelling "THEY SEE ME ROLLING—" and i love him so much. he's my best friend <3
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jovenshires · 7 months
I was trying to think abt what type of student I'd be and I reckon I'd be one that spends the whole time talking abt the most crazy, heinous idea and everybody is just like uh yep! But I spend the whole time talking so somebody has to throw me some chocolate or something to make sure I eat
KAJSJSID if IM an icon then what the hell are YOUUU. But seriously I'm so honoured🙏
OMG THANK YOU and all ur choices make so much sense tysm I've been trying to figure those albums out for a while now. ALSO SHAYNE LOVER IS SO REAL I was gonna say that before but I wasn't sure if I'd straight up be wrong
Thank you, I feel seen🫡
Cigarettes after sex is rlly great music for when u just need to be chill for a sec! I like to have it on while I need to focus cause it gives my subconscious or whatever something to be distracted by. I just think the vibe is so shaynse, very soft, dreamy, love songs vibe
-shaynse anon
SDWAHLKLFNLREN honestly relatable. that was me in high school. tbh that's me Now. i do not stfu so i will just keep going until someone stops me.
sigh ig we'll both have to be icons..... no but fr you opened up my brain with that ask im a different person now. pre-smosh cast as albums and post ya know.
dude shayne IS lover. that man is soft. he is pastels. he is wifey material. im so glad you understand me. where's that one photoshoot of him in a selkie dress that shoot has always Screamed lover to me
oooooh i do love a vibey musician. while finishing domo i've been listening solely to dodie pretty much which is my 'i must accomplish work rn and i need a mellow vibe' artist so im gonna have to give them a try bc i Need that head empty background noise rn.
thank you but honestly if you think im sick in the head @lilac-hecox has since opened my third eye to ianthony & exile and i have not stopped thinking about it since. if you need me i'll be. idk in the ground.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
Ask game! Headcanons: but for Agustín!
Agustín, this is your time bby
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He's the most dad a dad could ever be, he loves to coddle his daughters, even now and he still likes to sing for them, or tell them stories if they're upset, and because the blue sisters kinda feel robbed of their childhood in a lot of ways, they always accept when he does this.🥺🥺🥺
Malewife to the end😤😤. Him and Julieta hardly ever argue, I like to think they share a lot of the same opinions and are on the same page a lot of the time. If he accidentally upsets her however, he'll literally try to cook, or get flowers, or do anything romantic to make it up to her, but the thing is, every time he gets hurt and has to present his 'sorry' gift looking like an absolute wreak. This always makes Juli smile and forgive him tho. I actually drew something inspired by this headcanon for encantober lol.
When his girls were younger, he'd read to them every night and always make a dramatic; funny entrance into their room. I wrote abt this too🥺😳
He has his own nicknames for his girls, Mirabel: hermoso milagro (beautiful miracle) Isa: la rosa (rose) and for Luisa: la princesa (princess) that last one always made Luisa happy, since Isabela was usually referred to as that by everyone else. But Agustín knew that Luisa always loved princess stories💞
Him and Julieta had been flirting for a bit before she kissed him, because she made the first move DAMMIT. During the flirting, Agustín's stupid but kind and respectful brain was like: she probably didn't mean that romantically, I bet loads of girls ask for a kiss as a joke, then proceed to hold someone's hand. She most likely just wants to be friends? But I think I love her!!??😭
Agustín: so are we dating now? Julieta: wtf we've been dating for 2 weeks???
Julieta ties his shoelaces😭because malewife
Once him and Julieta were a thing, his family custom made all of the Madrigal outfits 💞💞
He prefers sweet things over savoury.
Even after all these years, he still sees Julieta as his dream girl💖💖🥺
He mainly fed his girls when they were babies; he'd do that thing as he fed them, with the silly faces and the baby noises-
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Yall know what I mean😭😭🥺💖
*sighs* conclusion: he's so dreamy😭😭😭💞💞💞💞
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