#i do think they are transbians together
mechadeath · 4 months
felt like 2023 again drawing them
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dennisboobs · 9 months
#the reason cisswap lesbian macden does nothing for me is bc i get my dose of lesbianism from canon charden <3#i say it (jokingly) all the time but i think if the sunny fandom was more open to charden y'all would have more fun#everything ppl do with macden to make it ~more fun~ is literally. already there with charden#macden is a lot of fun in its own way but if i want butch/femme lesbians i have charden already--#this is literally why i ship both. if i want to fuck around with gender i can throw charden together#if i want to fuck around with weird codependent loser roommates i can throw macden together#they have different dynamics and both bring different shit to the table#also idk such a massive part of dennis is his (often unapologetic but still stifled) more 'feminine' gender expression#so making him a cis woman who likes being feminine is like. yea. that sure is. cis woman dennis.#as someone who has an extremely complicated history w expressing femininity or anything that is even seen as being remotely femme#it doesn't grab me#the genderfuckery is not there#but TRANSBIAN CHARDEN???? YEAAAAAH#i think mac being so focused on upholding traditional mascilinity IS a very interesting dynamic to have next to. you know. dennis.#wheras charlie could not give less of a fuck#i think gender exploration with macden would take a completely different form but still be extremely interesting for both of them#but there's a lot less initial acceptance and a lot more hiding on den's part#especially if the two are in a relationship#because mac coming to terms with being gay took so long so dennis being at all feminine or even transfem is like#mac needs to do. more introspection#which is an entirely different set of issues to charden gender exploration where like#charlie being nonconforming. not shaving. not caring abt using she/her pronouns. being nontraditional in every way and not giving a fuck#would be absolutely fucking absurd to dennis who is very conformist after she comes out#and would probably be content to conform to whats expected of her as a woman with mac IF she did manage to come out at all#bc dennis would have to actually manage to come out. instead of hiding the fact she's trans > looking at carmen and the way mac treated her#i think both paths have additional challenges and that's. you know. whats interesting.#is cisswap den butchy? does she hide her masculine interests? is denise transmasc...??#cisswap mac being butch is like. you know. nonconforming so it doesn't quite do the same thing as canon mac either#mac being Traditional and catholic and having to push past homophobia (internalized and externalized) to be himself is. pretty huge#would cisswap mac be a tradwife. like. thats sort of the equivalent
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lylaaaaaaaaaaaaaa · 8 months
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planetarymesss · 11 months
LONG overdue headcanons post
yippee doodles here we go !!!!
nonbinary lesbian ashlyn
gender apathetic bisexual aiden
aroace transbian taylor
ace transgay tyler (i love both the twins being trans that's so cool to me)
agender pansexual ben
arospec achillean transmasc logan
all of them autistic and aiden ADHD idc idc
taylor plays the tuba. DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME she plays the tuba.
ashlyn used to take a pen and connect some of her freckles together and make "constellations" on her arm
ben cannot contain himself when he finds a dog. like the big ones that are full of energy and don't bite like ben will just fall apart and smile at the dog. and pet it. bffs now.
aiden probably says he like the most abhorrent food combinations for shits and giggles (ie cherry yogurt and lettuce, salmon and peanut butter)
logan on the other hand actually loves those combos and you could not even beat that information out of him.
tyler's allergic to like 2637447848494 different things (ie any and all types of nuts, glucose, lactose, etc)
ashlyn's acne prone and she HATES HATES HATES IT (me too 😔)
if bens eating like carrots and ranch he will lick ALL of the ranch off bc he feels horrible about wasting anything
aiden can't stomach eggplants. he just can't. he once choked on an eggplant and got sent to the hospital so he just; can't eat eggplants anymore.
logan and ashlyn are constantly getting sick like logan will text ashlyn with " Down with a horrible cold 🤕" and ashlyn will be like "you too?"
tyler can't fathom anyone drinking cold coffee, but taylor on the other hand will ONLY drink cold coffee
ben actually offered to test some of aidens bleach for him so ben has this random lock of blonde, damaged hair while the rest of his head is healthy and silky and this wonderful dark brown
ben used to hate his really sharp, hooked nose because he thought it was ugly, and logan used to hate his small button nose because he thought it made him look weak. now they love their noses :3
i might make a part 2 lemme know what you think!
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totaldrama-showdowns · 7 months
Submissions for Most Transgender that didn’t make it into the bracket!
Duncan (2)
Idfk transmasc Duncan who also happens to be misogynistic is hilarious to me and makes him such a better character
Sammy (2)
How to make poorly-developed characters infinitely more interesting: transgenders them. That is a nonbinary egg
Demi-girl. fuck it, gives her cool gender juice
Crimson (2)
transmasc crimson
She's got that transfem swag. to me
DJ (2)
nomebinary. he likes lemonade
dj is so transgender in all ways but ive recently become rather fond of transfem dj. people keep telling her to man up and she's like huh? :(
Mal (2)
agender. He's been he/it
Yeah I know I just submitted svetlana but mal is also trans...
Wayne (2)
Raj (2)
gay AND trans because i said so
Geoff (2)
He is canonically dickless. (That one moment in X-Treme Torture where they did not censor between his legs despite him lacking pants). Also he’s totally the type to display his top surgery scars proudly.
katie and sadie (2)
changing their names to be similar to eachother. its cute.
cody (2)
t4t coderra please please please
he's got toy cringe
Chase (2)
ripper do you think I'm transgender
he's rep for trans guys who are assholes!!!
Justin (2)
nobody will get it but me but trans girl justin please...
Intern Girl / That one intern that wayne helped (2)
Mike (2)
Tyler (2)
T4T LYLER SEE MY VISION..... he could go any way for me i love transmasc tylers i love transfem tylers....... i love you tyler
Jen (2)
You know Bulletproof heart... yeah Johnny/Jenny
she just gives transbian
Staci (2)
She's got that "just started transitioning" haircut
actually her great great great great great great grandparent invented gender. mhm. yah.
Junior (2)
i like to think the reason dwayne sr is all "man men manly men" is because he's trying to bond with his recently out son and supporting him in his transition. he's just being weird about it
She’s just an egg!!
Emma (2023)
Wanna know why we got another Emma after ridonculous race? It’s because TD Emma named herself after RR Emma during her transition
nonbiney swaggr
transfem ennui
Chris McLean
Trans rights, sure, but Chris supports trans wrongs
the mtf creature ever
all of them
none of these fuckers are cis
both shawn and dave together
maybe its just all the fanart but they really bring out each others transmascness
she is just so non-binary to me
Ripaxel can also be yaoi
Blaieneley (is that how u spell it??)
divorced trans swag
i can see it
Gwen's face
Gwen is trans therefore the boat "Gwen's face" is also trans. In this essay I will
he has fucking voice dysphopria
cant grow his own fucking wizard beard
stupid lesbian
he transitioned just to rival chris
i need to give him a redeeming feature
Emma tdr
transfem swag
milf and also trans. the whole package
that is just a trans woman in stem
she'z cute
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catgirlforeskin · 3 months
can you please stfu about forcemasc? 
i'm transfem and it has been a kink of mine FOR SEVERAL YEARS (mostly inside my head as fantasies because i was too afraid to verbalize it and share it with anybody [and with the way other transfems like you demonize it, i see why i kept these fantasies to myself for so long :/], and the recent boom in its popularity does make me happy, even if it comes from transmascs and not my own demographic. 
forcefem does nothing for me because i have been naturally feminine from a young age and openly displayed that femininity. unlike many other transfems, i never repressed my femininity and i refused to conform to standards of cishetero male masculinity. so the "force" part just turns me off, because there's no erotic appeal to forcing femininity on myself as a "release" for me. because i have been openly feminine since i could talk. 
however, from a young age, i did end up brewing a bitter resentment towards masculinity and men, mostly as a result of how boys and men treated me for refusing to be masculine and being feminine as an amab. 
i was already non-masculine by default, but their abuse and scorn as a reaction to that only made me despise masculinity and all things male even more. 
even though i don't believe misandry is real, i began calling myself "misandrist" and adopted radfem-lite beliefs (unsupervised internet access as a kid is a blessing and a curse at the same time). 
i began hating boys and men so much, which soon caused me a great deal of pain, because when puberty arrived, i discovered i was sexually and romantically attracted to them. 
this contradiction of being attracted to boys/men, but also hating them because i believed they were inherently cruel violent mean and evil caused me SO MUCH PAIN as a teenager, on top of the dysphoria i was already struggling with (luckily i had a pretty weak puberty but i was still dysphoric about my height). i felt like a hypocrite and a pathetic coward for falling in love with the same people who tormented me since i was a kid, because i thought all boys/men were violent and evil by default, because i thought that was what it meant to be a boy/man.  
what does this have to do with forcemasc?  
forcemasc is a fantasy for me. it's therapeutic for me. it makes me feel more comfortable in my skin. 
it's a "release" for me in the sense that enables me to let go of these unhealthy, hateful beliefs i've held since i was a child (which only end up hurting me), and also feel at peace and more accepting of my attraction to men, as well as discover new sides to who i am. 
the idea of trusting a partner enough and us being intimate enough for me to allow him to make me explore a more masculine side of myself when i am with him is a very powerful fantasy to me. not only do i feel at ease with his natural masculinity, but also with myself uncovering different aspects of my being which are masculine. and both of us are being masculine together in that moment and deepening our relationship that way, even though he is a man and i am still a trans woman. i trust him enough to display a more masculine side of myself around him. 
because imo, most people, regardless of gender, have both feminine and masculine traits. and even if i am 99% feminine and was completely avoidant of masculinity my entire life, the "forcemasc" kink is all about connecting with that 1% and deepening my bond with my male partner in the process.
you're a transbian so you don't understand it, but guess what? some of us are straight. some of us like men. i really hope that isn't what upsets you so much.
transfem experiences are not monolithic. even if i'm the only transfem in the world who likes forcemasc (which i highly doubt, but whatever), i deserve a space for my fantasies.
please don't rain on my parade.
I think “forcemasc” is a psyop to get more people to play Overwatch or something what even is this why are people suddenly yelling at me about it. I don’t care if people wanna have sex with cargo shorts on and fuck through the zipper.
That being said, straight sex is an unforgivable sin and any caught practicing it should be tied to the backs of horses and dragged through gravel
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d4t-webserial · 1 year
D4T: Page 5 (Lu POV)
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On one of the rare instances that Lu told Alice about his life he mentioned the school he was going to, to which she excitedly told him she lives in the same city. This is awful, no matter how much he’s become a man, part of him will always be that transbian who wants to uhaul after the first date (and even more so fall hopelessly in love with your friend who’ll never like you back ;-;). Even the moment after this information came about she suggested they hang out, he brushed it off with a simple “hehe maybe later” but knew he couldn’t resist for long, he was under no circumstance going to being to able to deny his only close friend (and an upsettingly pretty one too) the opportunity to hang. 
Looking up at his ceiling he thinks about how over it is, when they meet she’s gonna realize how lame he is, and even if she’s fine with that he’ll be completely unable to hide his infatuation with her (he’s surprised he was even able to so far), and then she’ll be grossed out and not want anything to do with him. Life is hell. After a lot of pestering he agreed to hangout, at first she wanted to do it at her house (which is horrifying! what if he was a murderer, or a rapist!) but he convinced her to instead hang at a small restaurant near where she lived. He unfortunately couldn’t get her to untell him her address, but what can you do? 
After around 15 minutes of waiting for her, Alice finally arrived. Lu, waiting for her outside asked… 
Lu: “do you always come this late?” 
Alice: “well i had to walk here”
she looks at him pointedly
Alice: “if you picked me up it would have been easier.”
he doesn’t make eye contact
Lu: “u-um yea i g-guess… i just,, it uh,, would’ve seemed a bit strange no?”
Alice: “whatever you say”
They walk in and order their food. Lu can’t help but notice that her outfit tho masc enough to throw off her parents, is still incredibly attractive (and also that it compliments… nothing, absolutely nothing,... he’s normal). She looks up at him with a small smirk as she drinks, her eyes are stunningly b- no no nonononono. Taking a deep breath in, Lu decides to engage in conversation, because tho he isn’t good at talking, it is something to keep his mind… where it needs to be. They talk about the food they had and what they liked or disliked about it, they talked about the things that they usually do, friendship, hobbies, life and so on. And in that Lu had a brilliant idea.
Lu: “so have you been talking to any guys”
she picks at her napkins
Alice: “...umm there’s one i’m kinda talking to”
Lu: “that’s sick! are you into him?”
she sits more upright and looks intently at her food
Alice: “ye, but it’s complicated…”
Lu: “how so?”
Alice: “i don’t think i wanna talk about this, with you”
Lu: “me?”
she goes wide eyed like she misspoke and quickly tries to correct herself
Alice: “or like, right now”
Alice: “right now i just wanna chill”
Lu: “o-oh o-o-of course, s-s-ssorry for uhh,, bringing it up”
Maybe his idea wasn’t so brilliant. He wanted to hear her talk about some guy she was obsessed with, so that his “supportive friend” drive would beat out his “god i love women” drive, but instead he touched on a sore spot… “with him” why him? did she still think he liked her (well he did but he thought was doing a good job hiding it), is it just like a guy thing, like this is something you talk about with the girlfriends not your dude friends? It was probably that. They sit in silent awkwardness for a while since he is completely unable to navigate social situations like this. Eventually the conversation picks up again, and it’s like nothing happened. After an hour or so hanging out Alice asks if he wanted to come hang at hers, he again insisted they didn’t know each other well enough but…
Alice: “cmon! we can even watch your stupid shows together!”
Lu: “f-ffine… for a bit…”
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lesbianp1lled · 1 month
as a fellow gold star who's never been lucky enough to experience reciprocated love and has been led on by many bi women, I probably do read more male gay fiction than lesbian fiction tbh. because I obviously don't get anything out of straight romance, osa makes me nauseous or feel nothing at best, however every time I even watch a video of a lesbian couple or read lesbian fiction I get so deeply envious and sad, not in a toxic hateful way ofc, just flat out crying out of loneliness like an idiot.. so m/m fiction is the only emotional relief for me to relate to homosexual love while also being completely detached from any personal feelings since I'm not male nor into males.
I have no trauma with men, have thankfully never even had to pretend to have any romantic feelings towards any in my 25+ years and have never had any self-insert thoughts about any of the gay fiction I've read other than the occasional 'I wish I had a lesbian version of that relationship'.
I want to make it clear that it's not about internalized misogyny, just plain lesbian solitude and the feeling that no woman is really attracted to women (I know it's ridiculous but that's my trauma) and specifically to me. which is all the more upsetting since as I guess a conventionally attractive feminine woman I have to beat straight men off with a stick.
although I do realize now that this sort of escapism and detaching yourself from your own sexuality to get secondary emotional fulfillment from fictional relationships completely unrelated to you isn't healthy in the long run. it's just very hard to find a gf in my homophobic country so I've used fiction as a crutch to not deal with my own personal life.
I do think most so-called 'fujos' who actually fetishize gay men are bihets though who think thirsting after fem gay men makes them qweer, when that's literally ultimate het behaviour. just saw one call herself a lesbian while openly lusting after a gay man, saying she wishes she wasn't a lesbian and that he wasn't a 'man kisser' so they could be together because 'she needs him bad'. girl, you never were a lesbian, probably not even bi, also actually consider ki!!ing yourself, these homophobic fakebians have 0 shame nor logic denying the existence of homosexuals of either sex.
no lesbian would ever conjure up such a homophobic double 'conversion' fantasy, I'm enraged to the point of wanting to hurl. the gen z larpers are so unhinged now that they genuinely don't even respect homosexuality existing, all they do is fetishize opposite-sex homosexuality while spouting actual 'corrective' r*pe level hetero fantasies which I've noticed a lot of bihets from either sex have. a lot of this obsessing over 'p3gging' and feminizing men is born out of their fetishization of gay men, doubt any of them would even enjoy any of that, they just want to 'queerify' their zesty straight sexuality to look subversive, they even pretend it's 'feminist' somehow.
and ofc they either support the homophobic tiffies who larp as gay men of eventually become them, straight up admitting to wanting to r*pe gay men under the pretense of totes being men as well while wanting to have het aka piv sex with males.. it's sinister how every gay fandom is overrun with transhets or normie hets, don't even get me started on the yuri hentai fetishizing het male 'transbians' invading 'lesbian spaces' made up mostly of bi women anyway.. it's just way too personally offensive and painful to even witness.
what should be the only safe haven and a joyous source of entertainment makes me spiral with rage against the hetero machine instead. so often I see sb seemingly decent, exclusively posting about gay topics only to eventually reveal they are a bihet thirsting after opposite-sex homosexuals and my heart drops again. where are the real lesbians?
so while I know from personal experience that people can enjoy fiction that doesn't relate to their sexuality, it is rare and usually related to some sort of trauma. I know het women who never consume het romance because it's so unrealistic/ insulting to their experiences and only read f/f fiction. whereas for me I do now admit it stems from loneliness and trust issues with women, fearing all women will turn out to be hetero and leave me to the dust again. my ex told me I was the perfect woman for her and that she'd never date a male again only to ghost me randomly and get married to a male who looks like he could be her uncle within a year or two lol.
I was just happy to see a lovely post from a woman about her wife only for her entire feed to be about obsessively thirsting after a ton of famous men. imagine just getting married to a woman as a same-sex attracted woman only to write insane s3xually harassing comments like a het coomer towards a grown strange man (who at least presents stereotypically gay btw, common denominator), saying bs like he's 'her pwecious pwetty boy' whose abs give her an aneurysm.. and it's just some skinny twink, no offense. I've never even met het women this male-crazed. bet her wife's the same if she tolerates that. they genuinely think calling a vaguely 'pretty' man their 'girlfriend' justifies their hetero attraction towards males as a supposed 'lesbian'. they truly are our worst most insidiously evil enemy, they're the ones who embolden trans-identified het males to believe they can be included in lesbianism. I'd rather stay single and loveless forever than humiliate myself by dating a bihet like that..
I would never trust sb is actually a lesbian if they have a dedicated account for posting about men, fictional or not, obsessing over a particular man/ men. nah, I'm a fan of some male singers etc but having an account for posting about everything they do is simply not lesbian behaviour even if they pretend it's platonic admiration. no lesbian is that obsessed with a man/ men.
that’s the main sign to look out for, it's one thing to root for a gay couple and completely different to have any ideation about inserting yourself into that relationship or fantacize about the men in question. which is so disgustingly homophobic as well, idk even if the characters are bi, having het thoughts about people in a same-sex relationship is gross peak bihet behaviour. I'm also generally heterophobic to be fair, spare me of any mention of osa.
so it does bother me that anyone female who consumes any male gay fiction/ media is automatically associated with these homophobic osa lunatics, however as mentioned, it is unfortunately often justified. there is ofc gay fan fiction in particular written by hetero-attracted women which fetishizes gay men but a lot of it is just general escapist romance from a female perspective, reading more like a lesbian relationship which is why it's relatable to lesbians as well while retaining that sense of detachment. I truly just need one good woman to fix me lol and bring me out of this self-destructive denial of myself as a romantic/ sexual person who deserves love.
I have hope for you anon that you will find the woman of your dreams one day, even in a homophobic country it’s still possible 🙏
I get why you read m/m fiction. It’s just when these women are SO OBSESSED with m/m fiction and nothing but m/m fiction that I side eye them. Like I said before, I have read books with m/m characters in them, even though it’s not my first choice, i’d go for a sapphic book first, but I think there are good m/m stories too! I read Maurice which is one of the first classic gay books by e.m foster a few years ago and it’s really good even though mid-way through to the ending it’s quite sad.
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fipindustries · 1 year
cute little anectdote:
like a month ago or so i went with my girlfriend to the real state office where she had to sign the contract for the lease on her new apartment. it was nighttime, it was cold and we were both pretty tired. it was a really small, almost hole in the wall, cozy office attended by one cheerful lady.
i do have to clarify we are a couple of transbians otherwise this story wont have as much punch.
so as the lady is getting the papers in order and my gf is signing we are making small chat, she is very friendly, conversation is lively and polite, my girlfriend is thanking me for spending all day with her through out all the paperwork and talking about how eager she is to finally be able to move to an apartment and through this i can tell the realtor thinks we are going to move in together so i put a hand on my belly and add "yeah, we are so happy to have a place, specially now that the baby is coming".
my girlfriend of course picked it up immediatly and played along with the bit.
and, how lovely, the realtor seemed really happy with this. she was congratulating us, telling us that she was really happy for us, wishing us luck. it was genuenly heartwarming.
so yeah, that lady to this day still probably thinks we are living together with a baby on board and fully ok with that so, you know. peace and love on planet earth
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vatican3 · 2 years
I think that you should give us your ghost gender headcannons. I think.
Alright let's get into it.
Copia: Transmasculine agender thing going on. I responded to an anon about this once, but I think that they realized in their teens and then kind of froze about doing much of anything about it for a few years. Mostly out of anxiety and unsureness about how to approach it in the first place, not because they thought anyone in their family would mind.
Terzo: I've made many posts about Terzo boygirl but we can unpack that a little. I suppose Terzo is technically transfeminine, but mostly masc-presenting bar a few days where they feel adventurous. But she happily accepts he/she/they with no particular preference in general, but definitely has days where one feels better than the others.
Secundo: You know what I'm going to say. She's a transbian. She's so repressed. Or, was. She's there now, I think, I do think she got there BEFORE they murdered her. She's doing a butch lesbian thing. Her gender is butch.
Primo: Primo is a cis man but does not fucking care about it. He's not invested in being a cis man he doesn't think about it and if you used pronouns that weren't he/him for it he would notice and find it a curious choice but he wouldn't bother enough to ask nor would he care.
Nihil: I've been known to take a transmasculine Nihil happily (I have drawn Nihil several times with top surgery scars). In my personal canon Nihil is an intersex dyke with an exceptionally complicated relationship to gender, in which she was mostly raised as a boy either out of convenience or because parents wanted a boy and her situation allowed for them to just pass her off that way, and then at some point in her twenties put together the pieces of discomfort about that, but can't deny that it's much easier to exist as a straight man publicly. So there's this grey space of, would much rather be a girl [insert Will Wood's "I/Me/Myself" here] but just doesn't find it feasible on a public scale. Imp is the only person that really understands and accepts this lovingly.
Sister Imperator: The most straightforward relationship to gender that any of them have. She's trans. She's a woman. She's known this since she was, like, four years old.
Ghouls en masse: Gender-nonspecific and don't care. Generally get referred to by the pronouns that people assume from their bodies but they really don't give a shit and don't have this concept naturally.
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termagax · 1 year
That one transbian college anon from way back when here… got the motivation to work towards college with the prospect of getting with another trans woman if that rings a bell. Thought I’d give an update on all that (sorry if this is unwarranted or inappropriate). Now as it happens, my dorm-mate happens to also be a trans woman, and for a while I’ve had my focus squarely on academics and stuff, but recently I think I’ve caught feelings for her and think there’s a small possibility she reciprocates!We’ve eaten out together (I’ve gotten her dinner a handful of times), and she’s bought me saltwater taffy and loaned a copy of this one transfem comic she was reading. Unsure about how she feels but I do feel simultaneously jittery and “at home” around her… it’s odd. I’m either gearing up to tell her my feelings or just letting it simmer for the next week or two just to see how things go. This all might be kinda brash or premature. But who knows! It’s nice. OK that’s all
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skyfiresibs · 6 months
One of the things I like about this game is how gentle the kid is with Yorda. Like okay he can yank her around a bunch while they're running, but he is an energetic child and they are operating on somewhat different timetables I think.. Outside of that though, like with the animation for helping her up onto a crate, he takes his time.
Another thing Bestie really liked is, when they wake up after you load a save, she wakes up first and she's looking around and vibing but she keeps her hand -almost- touching his, like she doesn't want to wake him up but she just likes being near him. Just little details that show how, even though they're kind of bound together by this circumstance, they do care.
The way that he catches her when she has to make a death defying leap, every time. Egg me playing this when it came out and I was like 10 thought, if I have to be a boy, I'd like to be this reliable. Like if I can't even match that energy what's even the point.
Fast forward to now and I'm a transbian with a best friend that chastises me if I fret over her too much when she's sick but like, I tried lmao
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aimingatnothing · 2 years
Back to the gay shit though.
Aaaaaaaagh I'm damn nervous. I'm worried about being too much and making her uncomfortable or that she dislikes me for being flaky. Or that I've annoyed her with always trying to fix instead of being able to just support. Anyway. Tomorrow I'm gonna ask to do another check-in since it's been ages since our last. Honestly I think it'll be fine? Going by past experience I'm just insecure and overthinking.
This is helpful. I'm feeling calmer. I think I'll keep using this space to irregularly journal. I did promise gay ranting though, so let's go.
I'll call her Miss Nyx here, because TBH that's what I want her to have me call her. We met in a Facebook polyam dating group, and got to know her when she started streaming.
Ok so listen. I knew she wanted to do sex work but I STG I thought plexstorm was just some twitch alternative. And it kind of was! Except one where she'd get naked and I could have her call me Good Girl/Pet/Test Subject for tips. So I got hooked on her praise, hard, and honestly I'm still addicted. It wasn't all sexual though. We talked a lot: about the games she was playing (V:tM Bloodlines, Code Vein, Hades) and ok also about kinks and shit. I ended up on her discord for Vampire games, and we went to a 2020 uprising protest with her. Forget which of those two happened first. Anyway the protest was basically a bust but we talked a lot driving there and back. We really hit it off, then; you know, one of those magical moments where transbians just *get* each other. So anyway Im crushing hard, and really yearning for a comrade to get into the struggle with. And she's not disinterested back~
It was kind of weird for my autistic ass to figure out the rules for how to interact when you're pursuing a friendship (and maybe more) while simultaneously patronizing her sex work. That discomfort has mostly faded since at this point we've spent much more time together playing Vampires than we have interacting while she was working. That's, uh, come back a little just now. Like. Ok, let's put on some perspective. Even if it was just in-character praise that's still so, so delicious.
Ok yeah, let's leave that here for now. Like, I want her to be hungry for me for real (that's almost true. I want her uncontrollably ravenous for me) but you know what? Even if I'm "just" her sweetest doll for staying subscribed and occasionally interacting? That's still swoon-worthy. I still love that.
Anyway this was fun. I'll continue the stream-of-consciousness homosexuality later.
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genderisareligion · 2 years
Happy New Year 🖤 Anons I got y’all soon. January is a nostalgic month for this blog cause it’s the two year anniversary of me being (formerly) shadowbanned also January 6th 2021 was what I like to call a Peak Everything moment for me. Peak Christianity, peak crackerdom, peak toxic masculinity, peak gender, peak humanity lol shit. Spent a year and some change invisible (but not termed 🙏🏽) for the crime of making too many trans racial jokes I guess and the blog I tried to make a replacement for this @genderisareligion immediately received the same fate. I suspect what actually caused it was my constant participation in my pinned post back then and the lack of answers anyone had for me but who knows. And I don’t know why because I didn’t request it but my blog’s visibility came back suddenly this April I wanna say. Here’s hoping it sticks🤞🏽
Anyway in 2023 along with finally publishing WOCTBI (Women of Color Taking Back Intersectionality, a little chapbook/magazine I wanna put together documenting nonwhite radblr’s posts and conversations, will likely be an ebook now instead of print) I do kinda wanna go in a different direction here. It’s not that I don’t think the trans conversation still needs to be happening, it does, homosexuals and women’s boundaries are still being eroded at an alarmingly rapid rate, I’ve just always been critical of all gender, “cis,” trans, up, down, no matter who’s participating. I’m not a “TERF blog” it’s in my url as a joke lol I’m just a black woman who got fed up with being polite on main being told to kill myself for reminding people humans are sexually dimorphic. Never even been a “TERF” cause I fully admit I’m a hypocrite and will in real life fully respect the pronouns/experiences of transmed normies who mind their own business, especially lesbian TIFs, but crackers like Dana Rivers and Dylan Mulvaney and all these “suck my girldick” transbians get he/him idgaf. So many of these males are so comfortable in their privilege they won’t combust if one less black women gasses them up
Wild how hypocritical and unable to admit it the “tolerant progressive left” is claiming that actually trans liberation is the key to ending black women’s oppression despite it being a recent invention and inherently having nothing to do with us and causing these crackers to run around telling me I look more like a male than other females. Like until this backwards shit ends I guess my opinions will continue to be “TERFy” cause I will never think this is okay, black women always come last and are always expected to be an expendible emotional and rhetorical resource to activist groups. This is why I’ve been politically homeless for so many years, doesn’t seem to matter where I go the message is the same: you exist to prop someone else up and you’re not allowed to complain about anything or it means all the help I’ve been giving you is bunk. BLM is something a shit ton of people just say and don’t do anything about because it’s too difficult. #SayHerName couldn’t keep the masses attention long enough and black women are still being killed with seemingly no end in sight. Will never not be crazy to me that in a decade “lesbians don’t like dick” did a complete 180 and became sacreligious to liberals.
I’ll just be here with my popcorn waiting for when inevitably sometime within the next decade or two a lot of these begendered crackers and their allies wake up and look back at the catastrophic mess they caused for some people and scramble to wipe their hands of it and act like it was all a conservative psyop they played no part in or whatever. Fact of the matter is that not everyone on HRT or going under the knife for SRS are doing so for good reasons and fact of the matter is transtrenders are making a mockery of those with actual sex dysphoria. Acting like any criticism of that at all is “transphobic and genocidal” is batshit insane. Like my intention with this blog at first was to try and help if anyone out there is saved by understanding that gender is fake at the end of the day, like I was.
So anyway I’ll be posting more on just feminism in general and gender criticism in general because imo radical feminism is just feminism or at least it used to be. This “TERF” shit gotta go can’t believe such a boogeyman nondescript term got so popular
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natalieironside · 3 years
“In the Court of the Namelss Queen“ masterpost
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Hey, everybody!  In addition to NaNo prep, a bitch is currently hard at work on the 4th and, for at least the next little while, final installment of In the Court of the Nameless Queen, my dark fantasy erotica series.  That means there are three thrilling and titillating tales currently and another one forthcoming.  Wow!
Come visit the Queendom of Corynnod, a dark and mysterious realm of sorcery where everybody is nasty.  Here we explore themes of sexuality, gender, and identity while balancing swashbuckling sword-and-sorcery adventure with good old fashioned f/f transbian smut.
If you’re nasty, we have for your perusal:
Brood:  Fantasy hero Freydis Thorkilsdottir makes her glorious debut with much bloody derring-do wherein many swashes are buckled, and receives some very peculiar favors from the mysterious Nameless Queen of Corynnod.  [this is that infamous “weird spider sex” story that started it all]
The Apostate:  Freydis Thorkilsdottir, now Freydis Gothi, makes her triumphal homecoming and meets a strange woman seeking to start a new life in the land of her ancient enemies.
Transmutation:  This one follows the (mis)adventures of a very confused young woman as she travels to a magical place in order to become a cooler wizard and meets some very helpful people along the way while she’s forced to think real hard about some stuff she’s been dealing with.  Since, as we all know, a bird can’t stay in the egg forever.
And, forthcoming (i.e., as soon as I can finish the damned thing), we’ll have The Carnival of Carnal Delights, wherein we get the whole gang back together to explore a place of magic and mystery where nothing is as it seems, and things already seemed pretty suggestive to start with.
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detransexual · 3 years
what is the point of that one post???? yes ssa t4t exist but they're so rare compared to exclusively osa trans ppl AND t4ts are significantly less annoying so it's ezpz to ignore or even forget about them when they generally aren't causing any harm but LOL i guess i am not galaxybrained enough 4 that post
Ur right, ur not galaxy brained enough <3
Im not even talking about explicitly t4t aka homosexual trans people tho, im saying that a "gay trans man" is most likely bisexual since ur not allowed to call urself gay in the trans community unless ur attracted to a specific "gender" rather than a specific sex.
Im not saying not to critisise homophobic "trans gays" because they're more commonly bisexual than straight in the case of ftms atleast (bc ofc women r less deserving of boundaries even in a community that doesnt call them women), i think heterosexual "transbians" might be more common since "oh no being with another transwoman gives me dysphoria :(" is taken as a valid excuse from them. Anyway, im literally just saying that assuming they're all straight is stupid and not accurate lol. I think its important to emphasise the role bisexual trans people have played in the genital preference discourse, sure there's trans people who spread the horseshit too despite not being attracted to both sexes themselves, but the majority of them have gotta be bisexual?
Like how else could the idea that genitals or biological sex doesnt matter get so widespread if the majority of the people spreading it werent themselves capable of being attracted to both sexes?
And what do you mean what was the point girl oh my god this is my blog where i spew out unhinged and barely held together rants, Why's there gotta be a point other than it annoys me personally? when people misrepresent the truth to give more "punch" to their argument? Its annoying so im gonna whine about it whats confusing you?
Ngl i dont actually remember which post ur talking abt but im pretty sure my point is literally just "annoys me when the terfies assume all trans people are heteros bc a majority of ftms r ssa and a lot of them r homosexual, many of them struggle from internalized homophobia and maybe blanket disdain and hostility might not be ideal"
Also its rare compared to exclusively osa trans people?? Im sorry, based on fucking what lmao, are the majority of them loud n proud about how they have a genital preference? (in this economy?) you do realize that a majority of ftms are ssa right? Like thats an actual feminist concern, that young ssa girls r increasingly trying to identify out of womanhood? everyone and their uncle is complaing that all gnc lesbians / masc bi women r transitioning? The whole "transition is the new conversion therapy" thing?? Hello?? Would any of that be a concern if the majority were straight?
Or am i flippin the fuck out and am thinking of a different post? Mayhaps
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