#i don’t think he wants to do long distance
fuckmyskywalker · 22 hours
𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬 — 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫.
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18+ smut, angsty, hurt/comfort. | Word count: 2.2k
Slowly finding my will to write <3.
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A soft knock on glass drags you out of your slumber. Who could it be at this hour? It would be impossible for someone to be outside your window, right? It must have been the wind. Mourning the remains of a sweet, warm dream where you had everything you’ve ever wished for, you walk out of bed rubbing your eyes, wrapping the silky robe around you. Coruscant can be quite cold when the sun falls, and the spacious bedroom does little to shield you from it. 
Pushing the curtains aside, you slide the window open and peek your head to look side to side. “Hello? You mumble. It definitely was the wind. What a silly thought it was to think you’d find someone outside in the middle of the night. With a sigh, you take a step back, ready to return to the comfort of your warm bed— when a gloved hand grips the edge of the window and jumps into your room.
Gasping, you take a step back, eyes widening in shock when the unmistakable black robes come into your view. Anakin’s chest is heavy, and his cheeks look flushed, perhaps outside it was colder than you imagined. “Listen to me,” He calls, reaching behind his back to close the window with a quiet click. “Don’t push me away this time, please listen to me.”
“Anakin,” You start, wrapping your arms around yourself as if you were trying to protect yourself from the imminent heartbreak. “You know you can’t be here. I told you we can’t be together anymore,” The words burn your throat harder than any liquor. Having him in front of you is even more painful, but there is no easy way to do this— again.
His gaze flickers over you, taking in your beauty, even freshly woken up. “I didn’t come all this way just to listen to that,” He growls, stepping forward, trying to close the distance between you two. His flesh hand reaches out, cupping your face, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek. “You didn’t mean it, my love. You couldn’t have meant it.” The longing that fills his words works to pulverize your heart— or the pieces that are left. 
“You can be here—”
“You know I can’t live without you. We both know what we share is real, and I won’t let anyone tear us apart.”
Slapping his hand off you delicately, you turn around, keeping your head high in a pathetic attempt to appear more composed— just trying to hide the tears burning your water lines. “You know I don’t mean it, but there is nothing we can do about it,” Your reply wavers at the end, the convinced façade slowly slipping away. “This hurts me as much as it hurts you— but you know this wasn’t my decision. It was my father’s.”
“And what if I tell you I’m not leaving until you agree to run away with me?” He counters back, his stubbornness never doubting. He’s determined, even reckless. Approaching you, his hand rests on your hip, tracing the curve with his fingers. “I’ve been thinking about it— about us. I believe I can make a life for us, away from all this. You are worth it, my sweetheart. You are worth fighting for.”
“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” Your voice breaks. His touch should be calming, but with the inner turmoil inside your heart, it only shakes you up more. 
“Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me you don’t love me, and I’ll walk away.”
It was an impossible request, he knows as well as you do that you’d rather die than to say those dreadful words out loud. “I… I don’t—” You do try, a sad, futile attempt. “Anakin, please. I have no say in this, my father arranged my marriage— there is nothing we can do to stop it.”
His jaw tenses, letting go of your hip to grab your wrist, trying to make you face him. “Then we’ll make it work. You and me, against the world. We’ll find a way to make it work in our favor. I won’t let you go. I can’t. Not tonight— not ever.” You can read the desperation in his voice, you mirror it. 
“What then?” You ask, complying with his need to see your face. Spinning around, his eyes soften when he sees the tears trickling down your burning cheeks. “We ran away, and then what? Just be fugitives? Live in fear of getting caught and separated?”
Wiping away your tears with his thumbs, Anakin’s voice lowers. “There’s always a way, I’ll find a way. A safe haven for us to start anew, a place where no one can find us. We’ll build a life together, us against the galaxy.”
“Do you think it is that easy?” Your mind races with possibilities, none of them good. It can’t be that easy, it never is. “My love, you know I’ll do anything to be with you, to fulfill all of our dreams, to have our family— our home…” Your words trail down at the end, replaced by sobs of despair. Is this really how it has to be? “Why do you have to make it so hard? Why can’t you accept that we can't be together, no matter how much we want to?”
“Because I can’t give up on us. Not when being with you makes every moment worth living— I refuse to let you go, not without a fight,” The same resolve he finds in butterflied, he finds it with you. Anakin knows when a cause becomes a lost one, and you’ll never be a lost cause. “Let’s make a plan, figure it out together. No matter how far we have to run, or how many obstacles we have to overcome, as long as I have you by my side, I’ll have the strength to fight.”
“I’m scared,” You confess, sobs ripping out of your throat, your body shaking with them.
“I’m too,” Anakin sighs, his shoulders deflating. “But we’ll risk it,” Wrapping his arms around you, he cradles you closer, resting your head against his neck, not caring how your tears soak through his black robes. “If losing everything means keeping you, then it’s a price I’m willing to pay.”
“Are you willing to leave the Order for… me?”
“For you, angel, I’ll burn the Galaxy down,” He vows, a promise thick with raw emotion. “The Jedi Order can’t hold a candle to the fire that burns inside me for you. Nothing matters if I can’t have you. Us against the Galaxy, and we’ll win.”
Gripping the leather edges of his robe, you sob harder, “I want to be with you, even if that means going against my father’s orders, even if that means giving up my crown.”
Gently, he lifts your chin. The blue eyes that convey all the love he has for you, boring into your soul. “Just us, then. Forever,” Anakin leans in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. A promise in every brush of his lips, in every curve of his mouth. At this moment, no one else exists. 
Kissing him back, your heart swells with hope; maybe there is a way, a ray of sun amidst the chaotic storm. A chance for you two to be together in this timeline. “Please don’t leave me alone.”
“Not even in a million Galaxies would I leave you alone tonight, love of my life.”
Letting yourself go, you sigh in contentment, this is where you belong, this is where Anakin belongs. Pushing you towards the bed, Anakin slides the robe down your shoulders before laying you down. Your hands work on his belt, craving the contact of his warm skin against yours; Anakin helps you remove his clothes before helping you with yours, pulling your sheer nightgown up your head. Between kisses, he mumbles more sweet promises, promises you to keep close to your heart. Trailing his lips down your neck, his teeth nip at your collarbone. 
“At this moment, and in every moment to come, I swear my love for you,” Tracing lazy circles on the side of your thigh, Anakin traces the curve of your breasts with his tongue. “You are my heart, my soul, and I’ll fight for you until my last breath.”
Spreading your legs wide, he peels off your underwear, throwing it behind his shoulder to the pile of clothing at the end of your bed. Delving between them, his fingers find the wetness that coats your entrance, his thumb brushing against your clit making you gasp and arch into his touch. 
“My world revolves around you.”
He slides one finger, then two, deep and steady, pumping them in and out slowly. It’s a heavenly sensation you weren’t sure if you’ll ever have the pleasure to experience again. “Together,” You choke, jerking your hips as he spreads you enough to fit him, eager for more, craving the love that only Anakin can give you— two souls entertained by the Force itself. 
Curling his fingers, Anakin watches with a heated grin how your tight walls swallow them whole, the slick trickling down your core. He can’t take it anymore, he needs you— possibly more than he has ever needed you. Withdrawing his fingers, he lifts them up to lick the clean, humming at the familiar taste of you. Barely illuminated by the pale moonlight seeping through the curtains, Anakin wraps a hand around his hard cock, guiding it to your entrance, “Yours,” He whispers, pushing inside you. 
The sensation of being filled up by Anakin will never cease to make your thighs quiver and your eyes roll. It is like a relief to an uncomfortable, burning itch that only he can fix, always almost too much. “Mine,” You breathe, circling his broad shoulders with your trembling arms, digging your nails into his shoulders. Your hips rock, aiming to match his slow thrusts.
He plunges deep, the tip of his fat cock brushing against your sweet spot in no time. “Forever,” Anakin captures your lips in a fierce kiss, tongues tangling and dancing in tandem with his growing thrusts, every push of his hips acting like a confirmation of your love. Pushing your hips firmly against the bed, he holds you steady as he drives into you relentlessly, watching you teeter over the edge.  “Fuck— You feel so good, my pretty girl,” Anakin grunts, his voice thick with lust.
The smell of sex is heavy in the air, mixed with the sweet sound of your slick pussy welcoming his cock over and over, flesh slapping, rough kisses— everything is just a culmination of weeks of being apart, weeks of frustration… that will finally end.
Anakin pulls out of you, his length throbbing and glistening with your essence. He helps you straddle him, hands cupping and groping your ass. “You are so beautiful,” He praises you, watching you lower yourself over him. His cock parts your folds once more, the new position making him reach a deeper part of you. Swearing under his breath, Anakin finds leverage on your hips while you do on his shoulders, keeping his eyes open to not miss any second.
With the way you are riding him, Anakin knows he won’t last long. Gritting his teeth, he lifts his hips, meeting you halfway and making you yelp louder. Your breasts bounce with every stroke, the perfect view giving his eyes a possessive, primal gleam. 
“I love you,” You pant, chest heaving. You mean it, you’ve always meant it.
“I love you more,” He growls, gripping your right breast, giving it a firm squeeze before he starts to roll the stiff peak between his calloused fingertips, the action causing your velvety walls to milk his cock. “Faster, baby, show me how much you love me,” He pinches your nipple harder, mixing a slight pain with mind-blowing pleasure. Despite your trembling legs, you ride him faster, the lust and passion sending shivers down your spine. 
“I’m gonna come— please, come inside me,” You beg, needing the release and needing his load to fill you up. Anakin is weak under your spell, delighted to please you. 
Lowering his head, his lips capture your nipple between his teeth, biting down and suckling, his blonde curls brushing over your chest. He keeps you midway with his hands, thrusting up harder, and faster, building up his orgasm even more. The symphony inside your little bubble will be engraved in your mind forever, etched with fervor and a pulsating desire. You are so close now, sweeter than nectar, just as weak as Anakin is for you. 
His name falls down your lips one last time before your walls spam around his cock, being sent in a spiral of bliss, ripples of ecstasy crashing through your body. Anakin follows suit, biting down harder on your nipple— surely leaving a mark— before his balls tighten, and he empties his seed inside you, thick ropes of cum painting your walls white.
Slumping back onto the bed, he wraps his strong arms around you, letting you collapse on top of him. Breathless and covered in a sheer layer of sweat, you couldn’t be happier. Anakin hugs you closer as if he was afraid you’d disappear. You fit perfectly against him— always have. There are no more words to be said, everything is done, and your oaths now have changed. 
For now, all that matters is your warm body lying on his chest, the weight of the Galaxy forgotten… at least for tonight. 
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satormi · 1 day
synopsis:you’re sitting pretty on the beach and gojo can’t pass up the opportunity of talking to a babe like you.
(rewritten from old blog)
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the movies lied—college really isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. what student has the time to constantly go clubbing, deliver assignments on time, maintain a social life, all the while be expected to have a blooming love life?
you don’t even want to get started on the summer trips that are included at least once in those cliche movies; the young adults who go on road trips, blasting the radio and singing to their heart’s content and apparently have enough gas money to take them to their long destination. your childhood self used to dream of the day you’d get the chance. now that you have it, you’re starting to regret getting your hopes so high.
because instead of living your dreams of the perfect summer getaway, you’ve somehow managed to get stuck watching over your neighbor’s sons along the way.
you see, your friends had made last minute plans to book a hotel near the beach. the beach that nearly all students who attend the same college as you go to as their ‘vacation.’ of course, they wanted you to come along, (even though you come back a day before your new job) and you just so happened to spot your neighbors at the same beach you were at, which led you to not only be watching over two young boys—who are angels, by the way—but left alone because your friends went to go buy some ice cream for the boys.
leaning back against your elbows, you decided that instead of sulking in your own misery, you would enjoy the fresh scent of ocean water and the feeling of sand between your feet. your eyes drift towards the horizon, squinting at how sunny it is today. should’ve brought sunglasses.
you turn your attention back on the two boys you are babysitting, watching them as they continue working on the sandcastle near the ocean. when the water comes to splash at the surface, you debate whether or not you should call them back.
right as you’re about to yell out to them from your lying position, your vision is blocked by a pair of legs whose owner seems to be a 6 foot tall white-haired man, with a huge smile on his face — holy, crap! have you finally met an angel?!
“beautiful morning, isn't it?” he beams down at you, his smile rivaling the rays of light he’s now blocking. “the best time to watch the shore."
“is it?” the words are curt, but you still chuckle at this random stranger who insisted on starting a conversation with you at ten in the morning. you look back down towards the children, and from the distance, you can hear their laughter. “i think watching the shore near sunset is more appealing.”
now here’s the thing with you; you weren’t one to engage in small talk and you certainly weren’t the type to have conversations about the ocean with random strangers. but seeing as you have, well – a lot of time on your hands, you figure you might as well be doing something new on this ‘getaway.’
“makes sense,” he looks at the ocean, then sits down beside you. “and what are you meant to be, a mermaid?”
you stare at him in confusion at first, but seeing as his eyes are on the bottom half of where your legs are supposed to be, you had nearly forgotten the activity you and the boys were doing before they wanted to make sandcastles, which involved you being their base to make a mermaid’s tail.
you sigh in embarrassment, “i guess so, yeah.”
“and they’re your kids, i assume?” he looks out at the kids before looking back at you, getting back up to his feet. it’s only now that you finally get a good glance at him, and wow he is handsome.“beautiful family, by the way.”
“thank you, but they aren’t mine. currently a family of one.”
“a majestic creature like you?” he smacks his teeth feigning disappointment, “now that’s a tragedy. mermaids shouldn’t be alone.”
“are you flirting with me?” you deadpan.
you’ve been talking with this man for five minutes now, and he still has that smile on his face. “if that’s what you want to call it, then yes. i am.”
you let out a chuckle, “you haven’t even given me your name.”
he stares at you for a second, squinting his eyes as if he’s deep in thought. “can i see your arm?”
when you simply nod and bring your arm out, the white-haired man with ocean blue eyes pulls out a sharpie and begins writing. though he’s trying not to show it, you can tell he’s trying really hard not to make any extra smudges on your skin.
“there we go,” he grins, closing the marker. “my name’s satoru, but that’s what i want you to save my contact as.”
toru <3
and you smile up at this handsome stranger, biting your own lip to hide the grin that wanted to escape because this was certainly not how you expected this morning to go. “okay, ‘toru. i’ll text you later.”
“i like the sound of that. maybe we can get something to eat if you’re down.”
“i’m down,” you nod.
in response, satoru mirrors your previous action, biting his own lip to prevent breaking character and places his hands in his pockets. “cool.” he says.
and with that, the handsome stranger strides away, not only before tripping against the sand and you can’t help but genuinely laugh, something you haven’t done this whole trip. you have no idea what it was about him, but you’ve never felt more safe with a stranger than you did just now.
so – the movies did lie about summer trips. but in all honesty, you’d rather have this little interaction than relive some cliche summer movie.
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6esiree · 1 day
Alastor x Reader x Lucifer
Randomly thinking about Lucifer going to a bar during what’s supposed to be his and Lilith’s anniversary, and he ends up befriending you, the bartender. He likes you but he doesn’t want to get into a relationship because he’s scared, so he just comes around like, once a week to see you, drink and talk and all that fun platonic, not so platonic kinda stuff. Lucifer is just lowkey flirting with you.
Charlie finds out about you somehow and she’s like, hey, why don’t you introduce them to me, to all of us at the hotel? She wants to meet the person who’s been making her dad’s days a little brighter. Lucifer is hesitant about doing that, maybe because introducing you to his daughter would probably give you the wrong idea, but he eventually acquiesces and brings it up to you.
Just to his luck, you accept, and he’s horrified to see everybody waiting for the two of you in the parlor, including Alastor. He brings out the worst in him, and the last thing he wants is for you to see an unsavory side of him. The interesting part is that Alastor doesn’t actually do anything to provoke Lucifer, at least not directly. He notices the longing looks the King of Hell shoots your way.
You try to shake Alastor’s hand, but instead, he slightly bends down and brings your knuckles in for a soft kiss. His lips linger long enough for Lucifer to see, and oh, it pisses him off. But what is he supposed to do about it, especially when you seem so moved by him, unused to the old-fashioned way of greeting when you manifested in Hell just recently? Your cheeks are flushed.
Alastor continues to chat you up, and you’re charmed by his persona. You honestly think his way of being is cute, like he’s out of a story book. Meanwhile, Lucifer lingers nearby, shooting Alastor displeased looks every time he turns in his direction to smile wickedly at him. At least you didn’t have to come back, and he’s relieved by that—until Charlie offered you a place at the hotel.
When you say yes, Lucifer instantly felt his heart plummet into his stomach. Alastor notices this, so when you move in, he immediately befriends you. He’s enjoying fucking around with Lucifer, but you actually end up growing on Alastor, so this whole situation backfires on him. He doesn’t realize it, though, mistaking his rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and bouts of jitters as an illness.
Alastor eventually consults Rosie about this, and she’s like, well, when did it start? He says around the time he met you, mentioning that these symptoms strangely only occurred with you. Rosie shrugs, suggesting that maybe he hadn’t fallen ill, just in love. Upon hearing this, Alastor immediately distances himself from you, but then he realizes it only makes him feel worse.
Idk, y’all. I’m just yapping while I’m stuck in the car, but I think it would be interesting to have these two pining for you. Lucifer can’t get mad at Alastor because you were supposed to be his friend, but Alastor? He doesn’t hesitate to fault Lucifer. By the time they both accept that they like you, though, they had accidentally pushed you away in the process.
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone’s done something similar to this already, but uhh, I don’t read fics with multiple ships. I just like the idea of Alastor using you to get on Lucifer’s nerves, but he accidentally falls in love with you. He’s like, damn… that’s crazy, anyway I’m going to blame Lucifer for my actions, LOL. Rosie would help Alastor throughout all of this, and Charlie would do the same with Lucifer.
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clangenrising · 17 hours
Month 16 - Greenleaf
When Aldertail had volunteered to go herb gathering with him, Oddstripe had been delighted but he had definitely expected her to get tired and lose interest by this point. The day was hot but there was a nice breeze and, as they meandered the territory looking for patches that hadn’t already been harvested, Oddstripe couldn’t help but smile. 
“Y’know, I’d really love to find some thyme or juniper,” he said, hopping over a stone in his path. 
“What do those do?” Aldertail asked, carefully picking her way after him. Her legs were the best he’d ever seen them. There was almost no redness and the fur had nearly grown back in. Oddstripe was so proud.
“Thyme is very calming and juniper berries are just all around useful. On top of being calming, they soothe belly aches, help with coughs, and they can even treat aching joints when mixed with the proper herbs. I’d love to get some for Sagetooth.” 
Aldertail’s ears pressed back briefly. “Mm, would that help?”
“Oh, yes,” Oddstripe nodded. “When she isn’t suffering from her aches, she’s really, actually very kind. It can just be hard for her to stay that way when she’s in a lot of pain.” 
“I guess,” Aldertail shrugged. “I feel like you don’t just start being mean to people though, if that makes sense.” 
“I get what you mean,” said Oddstripe, “but something you have to remember is that your body and your mind aren’t two separate entities. They’re both you and they influence each other.” Aldertail winced in an attempt to seem less skeptical. Oddstripe laughed a little and tried to think of a better way to explain. “Oh, for example, when your mind starts to run wild, you feel sick to your stomach right?”
“Yeah,” Aldertail nodded. 
“So that’s your mind influencing your body!” Oddstripe grinned. “But the inverse is also possible. Like, if you’re very scared, we do those deep breaths and the act of calming your body calms your mind.” Aldertail hummed thoughtfully. “So when Sagetooth’s body aches it makes it harder for her to control the way she speaks to people. You’re right that it doesn’t make her something she isn’t but it’s also not entirely her choice. Even I can get snappy when I’m stressed or ill.” 
“Really?” Aldertail didn’t seem convinced. “I can’t picture you snappy.” 
Oddstripe blushed and laughed as he replied, “Oh, that’s very sweet of you.”
“It’s true,” she said. “You’ve only ever been kind and gentle.” 
“Well, I’ve been lucky that I’ve never felt ill enough to snap at you,” he said, full of pride. 
“Mm,” Aldertail chewed her lip. “So where would we find juniper berries?” 
“Hmm,” Oddstripe scrunched up his face in thought. “I know a place they’ll definitely be but its a bit of a distance. Would you still want to come along?” 
“Of course!” she nodded vigorously. “I like learning about medicine.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe. 
“Mhm,” nodded Aldertail. “It’s so… powerful. I can’t imagine being able to do what you do.” 
“Oh, it’s really not that hard to learn,” Oddstripe said, changing course. “I’ll show you.”
As they made their way towards the juniper bushes, Oddstripe went over all of the basics he could think of. Healing was something he was intensely passionate about and Aldertail indulged him in his ramblings for the entirety of their walk. Oddstripe couldn’t remember the last time someone had let him ramble like this. It felt amazing. 
They crossed the eastern border and Oddstripe assured Aldertail that everything would be alright. Eventually, the grass petered out and the earth beneath their paws turned to dry, sunbaked mud patterned with cracks and ridges. Oddstripe smiled at the feeling of it under his paws. It had been too long since he’d stepped foot in the desert and he had missed it. They passed little burrows and scurrying lizards and dry looking shrubs and then finally came across the big juniper bush.
“Tada!” Oddstripe declared, unfurling his tail towards the cloudless sky. 
“This is a juniper bush?” Aldertail asked, glancing around its leaves as if something would jump out. 
“Mhm!” he purred. “The berries near the bottom are usually gone because creatures eat them but we can jump up and snag a few branches to take home. Maybe we could even plant one closer to the territories.”
“That would be a good idea,” Aldertail squirmed. “I don’t like this place.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe, tilting his head.
“Yeah, it’s too open,” she shuddered. “Let’s hurry up and go home.” 
“Alright,” he frowned worriedly. He’d never considered that someone might not enjoy being able to see the world stretch out endlessly around them. He bunched his legs underneath him and sprang into the bush, but failed to grab onto any of the branches. “Mousedung. Let me try again.” 
He jumped again, this time snagging a branch in his teeth, and his weight pulled it down to a place where Aldertail could help him snap it off. He handed the branch over to her and tried again. The leaves rattled as he fell through them, this time taking another two tries before he caught another branch in his claws. It nearly slipped and he had to scramble to clamp his jaws down around it, smearing berry juice all over his muzzle. 
“Are you okay?” asked Aldertail. 
“Uh huh,” he said awkwardly. “‘Ah you ‘reah ih?” 
“Oh, right! Sorry!” Aldertail hurried forward to start chewing through the branch.
“S’alrigh’,” he chuckled, feeling silly. She met his eyes and flushed pink, quickly averting her gaze to focus on her work. He laughed again. She was such a sweetheart. 
A voice startled them both. “You shouldn’t be out here.” 
Aldertail squeaked and flattened herself against the ground. Oddstripe tried to turn around but struggled to do so without letting go of the branch which didn’t occur to him at all. The cat who had spoken, thankfully, stepped to the side into his view. She was a plain looking grey tabby with bright, golden eyes, and she was watching them with an expression that read to Oddstripe as professional. 
“Oh, sahhy,” he tried to say around the branch in his teeth. 
A small smile poked at the edges of the stranger’s lips and she glanced carefully at Aldertail before asking, “Would you like a paw?”
“Mm!” Oddstripe grinned and nodded clumsily. “Mhm!”
The stranger chuckled softly, dropping her gaze to her paws for a moment, before she stepped up and swatted the branch where Aldertail had been chewing it. The force of the blow was enough to snap it and Oddstripe stumbled away as the rest of the branch sprang noisily back into place. Aldertail squeaked again, and scrunched herself closer to his side. 
He laid his tail over her back, dropped the branch, and then licked his muzzle before speaking. “Thank you! I really appreciate the help. My name’s Oddstripe, what’s yours.” 
“Oscar,” the she-cat smiled with a polite dip of her head. “I’m glad to be of assistance but I really must urge you to leave this place.” 
“Oh?” asked Oddstripe, ears perking. “What for?” 
“This is coyote territory,” she said, scanning the area with a sharp gaze. “You aren’t safe here.” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize the coyotes had come so far west,” Oddstripe said. 
“You live here?” asked Oscar, brow furrowing. 
“No, no, but I used to live near here,” he said. “Now I’m out in the grasslands.” 
“I see,” Oscar nodded. “Well, I must insist you return home, for your own safety.” 
“We will, thank you,” smiled Oddstripe.
Oscar glanced around again and said, “Should you require an escort, I would be happy to oblige.” 
“I don’t think it would hurt,” Oddstripe said. “Aldertail, honey, is that alright with you?” Aldertail simply shrugged, eyes wide enough to show the whites. 
Oddstripe’s ears drooped in pity. “Oh, you poor thing. Here, let’s head back to camp.” He licked her cheek and helped her stand, then handed her one of the juniper sprigs to carry. Having something in her mouth would keep her occupied, he thought. Picking up his own branch, he glanced at Oscar and said, “It’s just this way.” 
“I follow your lead,” she deferred with a bow of the head. Oddstripe blushed, a silly little flutter dancing in his stomach. Something about her seemed right out of a story. He’d never felt that way before. 
Shrugging it off, he led the way, tail wrapped around Aldertail’s leg reassuringly. She stayed close to his side, ears flat against her skull, and Oscar stayed on the opposite side of him, at least two tail lengths away. Oddstripe wanted to walk closer but the distance was probably best for Aldertail. How considerate of their new companion, he thought. 
“So, Oscar,” he asked, able to speak around the sprig this time, “why are you out here in coyote country?” 
“I’m patrolling,” she said. “I look for creatures like you and give them the warning.” 
“Creatures?” Oddstripe chuckled but Oscar nodded seriously.
“Yes. Anything I can speak to. Cats, deer, snakes, most birds.”
“Wow!” Oddstripe marveled. “That’s amazing! I didn’t realize you could talk to those kinds of things.” 
“It’s simple if you have a teacher,” said Oscar humbly. 
“It seems most things are,” laughed Oddstripe. 
It wasn’t long before they reached the edge of the grass again. Oscar stopped under a scrubby little tree and said. “I should return to my patrol. Will you be able to get home from here?” 
“Oh, yes,” nodded Oddstripe. “Thank you so much, Oscar, it was lovely to meet you.”
She shook her head. “I’m simply doing my duty.”
“Well, thank you anyway,” said Oddstripe. She smiled, dipped her head in a polite bow, and then turned and bounded back into the desert. Oddstripe watched her go like he was trying to catch every last moment of her before she disappeared forever. Eventually, her shape disappeared into the shimmering edge of the horizon. 
“Oddstripe?” asked Aldertail quietly. 
“Oh,” he blinked and looked down at her. “Yes, dear?” 
“I’d like to go home, is that okay?” 
“Oh, of course it is,” he said, “let’s go home.”
“No, no, that’s alright. Sorry I got distracted.” 
“What was her deal?” Aldertail asked, craning her head to see if she could spot Oscar in the distance.
“I don’t know,” Oddstripe breathed softly, doing the same.
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starlightsuffered · 2 days
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Info - dom fem, cnc, dub con, a little knife play, kidnapping, hunting a human, blood licking, possessive dom, hard dom, pet play, pegging (rough), making someone addicted to you, leash and chains, stepping on someone’s crotch, some sweetness, sub male, mistress kink, prey sub
“Let me go!” Spat Duke Paul Atreides at my throne. I giggled almost sadistically. He’d been kidnapped days ago and he still had just as much anger and fight in him. He had to realise that he was no longer on Arakis. He was no Duke here.
The power of the voice did not work on me. My elite species had long ago mastered a way to become immune the Bene Gesserits powers.
“You really think you could just take over the world and only one group would oppose you? Little do you know we have been plotting for centuries as well. You have been worried about the Lions Duke, but also beware the sneaking, slithering viper.”
“Fancy speeches are for mindless masses,” Paul snarled.
“Really? I hear your voice holds quite the power,” I purred.
“Let me go!” Paul tried to use his powers once again. Nothing happened at all.
“Nice try,” I said in a sing song tone. Paul was glaring at me with emerald shards. I waved to my guards. They clamped the metal collar around Paul’s neck. I was handed the chain.
I began to pull with a grin. Paul was yanked forward. He was pulled towards me. I loved the way he crawled. He was utterly under my control. Finally, he was where I needed him to be; kneeling before me.
“Beg to be let go,” I whispered. “Say I am the true superior in this universe.”
“Never,” Paul snarled.
“Oh little puppy,” I simpered. I put my finger under his chin to lift his gaze to me.
Both our eyes widened at the sound seemed to echo through the room. I think only Paul and I had actually heard it but it had been deafening to us. Paul had whimpered.
“Oh precious boy,” I cooed now. He looked scared, but I’d wager he was scared of how he would react and not the things I was doing.
“Does everyone expect you to be a big strong leader? All those people follow you around like you’re a God; you don’t want to be a God do you? No, you like this power being stolen from you. You like to follow. Isn’t that tight little one.”
“Mistress,” he gulped. It was the first time he’d called me by what my subjects did. Up until now it had all been “scum”, “dirt”, or “worm”. I was breaking him.
“Kiss my boot,” I whispered in his ear.
“N-No,” his voice trembled.
“Oh Paul,” I tutted. I let my tongue slither out. I licked a slow stripe from his chin to his ear. He let out a shaky breath.
“Come on, don’t you want to worship me instead?” I asked him.
“I-I, I have a duty,” he gritted out.
“Can’t even leaders have little pleasures?” I asked as I stood up. I placed my booted foot over his crotch and pressed down.
His eyes inadvertently rolled back into his head. He let out a low groan. I felt his cock grow hard and throb.
“That’s it, submit to me,” I coaxed.
“N-no, I c-can’t,” He said, easing his head proudly. He tried to sit up straighter but this only pressed his aching cock more harshly against my boot.
“Ohhh,” he sucked in a breath.
“Oh fine Paul,” I sighed. I removed my foot and I saw his eyes go soft with need. I smirked and turned away from him. I picked up my knife gracefully.
“Guards, take him to the escape gate,” I ordered.
I heard the chains and the murmers od confusion. The gates were opened. Paul was held at the opening like a hunting fox who hadn’t been given the signal.
“What is happening?” Paul asked.
“I’ll give you a five minute head start,” I said in a sickly sweet voice.
“Wait what?” Paul demanded.
“Guards, unchain the emperor.”
“Holy fuck,” Paul rasped.
“Three, two, one….. go!”
I turned slightly to see the slight of a man pounding off into the distance. I flipped my glass and sand timer. I watched the graduals slip downwards.
“Mistress,” questioned a guard.
“Silence,” I boomed.
“Yes Mistress.”
“Here I come,” I grinned as the last speck of sand dropped down.
I raced out of the room. My hyper sensitive senses could hear his breathing and smell his sweat. I loved hunting prey, especially prey that was so pretty.
Sending him off with a boner was smart of me. He was dazed and his blood was confused. I could tell he was still a bit turned on by this whole scenario, as was I.
“Oh Paul,” I taunted.
He screeched to a halt. He turned this way and that. The poor boy had been told he was special for too long. He’d relied too much on his god status and here he was nothing.
“Where are you?” He called. He was trying to figure out which way to go.
“Everywhere,” I giggled.
“Bitch,” he said under his breath, but I couldn’t hear it. He didn’t seem to know just how much of a predator I was.
He began to run again. I threw a stick that way. He went sprawling on the floor of the forest. He was cursing and groaning. He turned over and tried to assess his surroundings again.
“What are you doing? What is the meaning of this?” He cried out.
“I call it…. Playing with my food,” I said slowly.
I pounced. I tackled Paul to the ground and pinned him under me. He was panting as he looked up at me. I did what he probably least expected. I crashed my lips to his.
He made a muffled sound, but he was kissing back. Our mouths moved together but mine dominated his. I ran my teeth over his bottom lip. He whined, and I smiled smugly.
“Such an innocent little Duke,” I purred.
“M’not innocent,” he gasped. I just laughed as I made quick work of his pants.
“I’ve done things you could never dream of,” he tried again. All his bravado faded away as I blew some air on his now exposed hole.
“Mistress!” He squirmed.
“That’s it boy, just submit. You were made to be prey after all. Let me reduce you to pieces,” I told him as I now worked on my pants.
“I can’t, what would my father say? What would my mother say? What would- oh!”
I’d ran the tip of my strap over his hole all while massaging his hip bones. I smiled as his eyes struggled to stay open at the euphoric feeling.
“Come on bunny, let the wolf have a taste yeah?” I crooned.
“I can’t, I-I.”
I was pushing the head in. I slowly plunged the length into him. While I did this I raised his legs. He was accepting it even if his fingers clawed at the dirt. His small noises told me it felt good, better than anything he’d been exposed to. Finally, I had him in a mating press.
He looked weak and submissive as his knees were pressed against his chest. My strap was nearly all the way inside him. One of my hands was working on spreading his ass cheeks, the other was gripping his rock hard cock.
“Mistress, it’s touching something. It feels good,” he whispered.
“That’s your prostate little lamb,” I snickered. “So knowledgable about everything except how to make this tight little body feel good.”
I started with one thrust and he moaned. I felt the special piece touch my clit. I began to pump in and out wildly.
“Oh, oh, oh, s’too much, oh mistress,” he whined and squirmed. He was such a pretty sight.
I held my knife to his neck. I smirked as I bit his skin. He was panting as I kept bucking into him.
“Don’t struggle my little trapped lamb, I just want a taste,” I demanded of him. I sliced a small part of his neck. I attached myself to his throat and completely owned him. He was mine. I had his blood in my mouth, my strap in his ass. I had cornered, captured, and defeated him. My prey was completely mine, and now he was fully giving into pleasure.
I pulled out and he whined in protest. I turned him over and bit one of his cute cheeks. I watched as a dribble of precum left his cock. He was so bad at hiding his arousal.
“Please, take me again,” he said in a small voice.
“That’s it, I’ll get you addicted to me,” I laughed as I slammed home. He squealed like a small animal. I chuckled again. I held his hips and began to thrust again.
“Oh yes, oh baby, what a tight ass you have,” I praised. To my surprise he pushed his ass up higher. I stuffed myself deeper.
“Oh fuck, ohhh fuck,” he gasped. His fingers were again grasping at nothing.
“Look at you, dripping everywhere,” I hummed as I smacked his leaking member. “Messy dog.”
“I can’t help it,” he panted. “I-I think I’m going to cum!”
“Slut,” I cooed. I yanked on his cock now, milking it for all I was worth. I completely let go to my pleasure. I let my dominance encompass me. I was jerking his dick, slamming into his ass, and making animalistic noises.
“Oh fuck yes!” I growled possessively. I felt my orgasm begin. I was just rocking and pumping inside him as stars sparkled before my eyes. Bliss was flaming in my veins. He was whining and squirming and crying out as I felt him shoot his seed. He was trying to push against my hand and back onto my strap at the same time.
“Alight,” I said in a satisfied breath. I slapped his spent ass as I pulled out. He collapsed on the ground. He was a mess of cum and sweat.
“You’re free to go Duke Atreides,” I allowed.
“Go?” He asked in a submissive voice.
“Yes, go,” I nodded. I stood up and stretched. His eyes were on my breasts and my large strap.
“What if I don’t wanna go yet,” he said, looking down as his shrinking but still sticky cock.
“You don’t wanna go baby?” I asked in a sweet voice.
“Mm no,” he shook his head.
“Okay Little Duke, come with me,” I said. I clicked a collar around his neck. He obediently walked back with me on all fours, looking up at me with admiration. The bunny entered the wolf’s den willingly.
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Hold me if you can
Grayson x reader
Trigger warnings: there isn't anything much but overthinking I guess??
A/n: I was sitting on this for such a long time cause I got into a writing slump but I like actually like this one
Tagging: @lanterns-and-daydreams @shuhuaspookie @hearthown @reminiscentreader @f4iry-bell lemme know if you wanna be removed it added
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The house was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of the wind against the curtains. I was lying in bed next to Grayson, his breathing the only sound in the room. It was well past midnight, but sleep wasn’t coming easily this time .
It was one of those days again. Where every single bad thing which everyone had ever said came in and out of my head. Usually I would be able to handle it and distract myself but this time it was not possible. The weight of it all felt too much, with my throat closing up, my eyes burning , and tears began to well up in my eyes.
I went outside my room so I didn’t disturb Grayson, hoping that he continues to sleep and doesn’t come find me. I quickly went to the living room and sat in the corner of the room and pulling my knees to my chest let the tears fall freely. Sometimes it was better to let my emotions out than stifle them but this time my tears weren’t stopping.
Lost in my head, I couldn’t hear Grayson’s footsteps enter the room. "Love?" His voice was soft, filled with concern. "What are you doing up?"
I quickly wiped my tears, trying to compose myself. "Nothing Gray," I said, my voice shaky. "Go back to bed. I'm fine."
He stepped closer, his eyes searching my face. "You're not fine," he said gently while holding my face in his palms. "Talk to me sweetheart. What's going on?"
The dam broke, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "I just... I feel like I'm not enough," I admitted. "Like everything which everyone has said to me just rushed into my head and then I started overthinking and that maybe they were right and I’m not a nice person and you deserve better than me. I'm scared, Gray. I'm scared of not being good enough for you. I'm afraid that one day, you'll realize you made a mistake being with me. That you'll see all my flaws and decide you deserve better."
Grayson's expression softened, and he closed the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me, his warmth grounding me to earth. "Hey," he murmured, holding me close. "You are more than enough. You belong here, and you belong with me. I love you, Y/N. and anyone who knows you, knows that you’re the most amazing person in the world and people who say otherwise need a reality check and are idiots."
I chuckle while wiping the remnants of my tears. Grayson smiled softly and kissed my forehead. "Sweetheart, listen to me," he said firmly. "I love you. I chose you because of who you are, not despite it. Your flaws, your strengths, everything about you makes you the person I fell in love with. I don't want perfect. I want you. You are everything to me. Don’t let anyone or yourself think otherwise.
"I don't know how to shake these feelings," I said quietly. "Sometimes its easier to handle but I don’t know what happened today"
Grayson pulled back slightly, saying “It’s good to let your emotions out love, but please let me help you through it. You don’t have to be alone”
"Thank you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for being here and for helping me."
"Always," he said softly. "Now, let's get you back to bed. You need rest, and we'll tackle whatever comes our way in the morning."
Helping me to my feet, and we made our way back to the bedroom. As we climbed into bed, Grayson wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my ear was a soothing lullaby, and I felt a sense of safety and belonging, helping me drift off to sleep.
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ntonluvr · 3 days
Can't Help Myself Falling Endlessly 2
synopsis: anton and y/n spark a secretive affair together word count: 4k status: 2/? (trying to update 2 times a week) genre: non idol au, fem reader, mutual pining, friends to lovers content warning: explicit sexual content, blow jobs, oral (fem), fingering, slight nipple play, man idk how to tag sorry
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As the door clicked shut behind Anton, you leaned against it, trying to calm your racing heart. The memory of his kiss still lingered on your lips, and a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. It felt surreal, but you couldn’t linger on it for long. Sohee would be back downstairs any minute. 
Sure enough, Sohee appeared at the top of the stairs, now dressed in his pajamas. “I was coming to help, but it looks like you and Anton did everything,” he said, glancing around. 
“You only went upstairs to avoid helping, so don’t even try to lie,” you scoffed, folding the blue blanket. 
“You two seemed to be having fun,” he remarked, completely unaware of the emotional storm you had just weathered.
“Yeah, it was a good time as always,” you replied, trying to sound casual. “How was work?”
“Same old, same old,” Sohee said, plopping down on the couch. “But at least I got paid for a full shift.”
You nodded, your mind drifting back to Anton. “I’m pretty tired, so I think I’m going to head to bed,” you said, stifling a yawn.
“Alright, goodnight,” Sohee called after you as you headed upstairs. 
Once in your room, you climbed into bed, your mind buzzing with thoughts of Anton. You couldn’t wait to talk to him again, to see where this new development would lead. As you lay there, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You reached for it, hoping it was a message from Anton. Sure enough, his name lit up the screen.
anton: I can’t stop thinking about tonight. Can we talk?
y/n: absolutely. im still wide awake.
anton: Same here. I still can’t believe we kissed. How are you feeling?
y/n: honestly, my heart is still racing. i havent been able to stop smiling lowkey…
anton: Me too. I’m going to say something, but don’t judge me haha
y/n: judgment free zone
anton: I have wanted to kiss you for a while now.
y/n: really? because me too, i’m glad i finally did 
y/n: might i just add, i like the way your lips felt on me …
anton: Oh, I’m glad you think so. Maybe we should do it again.
y/n: god i wish i could have some of you right now. i wish we didn’t get interrupted …
anton: Trust me, I wish the same thing.
y/n: maybe we can just have a little fun now … 
anton: Mmm, tell me what you have in mind. 
y/n: i really want to feel your hands on me and your lips exploring every inch of me
anton: I want that too. I swear I can feel you right now. 
y/n: i would love to feel you right now, i barely got the chance earlier
y/n: i need you now… what if you snuck over tonight? sohee is playing video games downstairs
anton: My one question. Are we both on the same page about keeping whatever this is a secret. Until we figure out what it is we want?
y/n: yes, i agree. but pls can you hurry over. i’ll run down and unlock the door.
As Anton read Y/N’s last message, a surge of desire coursed through him. He glanced around his room, heart pounding with anticipation. The idea of sneaking over to your place ignited a thrilling excitement within him, but he knew they needed to be cautious. 
Quickly, Anton grabbed his keys and silently crept down the stairs, careful not to make a sound. The night air was cool against his skin as he stepped outside, leaving his car behind and opting to walk the short distance to your place. Every step felt charged, thoughts of your touch and their shared desires racing through his mind. 
Arriving at your doorstep, Anton took a moment to collect himself, his heart racing at the thought of your touch. The house was dimly lit, the silence broken by the faint hum of appliances and Sohee yelling at whatever game he was playing in the basement. Anton tiptoed through the hallway and up the stairs into your bedroom. 
After entering, Anton closes the door with deliberate care to dampen any noise from the latch. When he turns around, he finds you still in the oversized hoodie from earlier, now accompanied by a pair of light blue panties instead of the gray shorts. 
Anton had always been the shy type, reserved and cautious in his interactions with others. But with you, it was different. There was something about the way you looked at him, the way your eyes held a feeling of warmth that emboldened him like nothing else. Your presence alone seemed to dissolve the barrieres he usually kept around himself. 
Anton stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of you in the low-lit room. The soft glow accentuated every curve he could see. His gaze lingered on you, a mix of desire and admiration evident in his eyes. Without a word, Anton crossed the room, swiftly taking off his shirt in the process. He reached out, his touch gentle yet determined, conveying a depth of emotion that words could not capture. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, sending a shiver down your spine as you pressed closer to him.
You could feel the heat radiating off his body, matching the heat building between you. His lips found yours, igniting a fire that had been smoldering since your last encounter. The kiss was hungry, passionate, filled with a longing that spoke volumes of unspoken desires and shared moments.
Anton’s lips trailed down your neck, his breath warm against your skin as he murmured, “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” His voice, usually soft-spoken, carried a husky edge filled with some desperation.
Anton's hands roamed over your back, tracing the lines of your spine beneath the fabric of the hoodie. His touch was electric, sending sparks of pleasure through you, making your breath catch in your throat. Every caress, every touch seemed to deepen the connection between you, erasing any distance that had existed.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as you whisper back, “Your hands feel so good, Anton.” your words hung in the air, as you traced patterns over his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles release under your touch. 
Anton’s hand caressed her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over your lips. “I have wanted to kiss you like this for so long,” he admitted, his voice thick with longing. 
You smiled softly, eyes locking with his, “I’ve wanted this too,” you confessed, your voice above a whisper. You leaned in, capturing his lips in another kiss, deeper and sloppier than before. Anton carries his touch under your hoodie and takes your breasts in hands, now carefully playing with your nipples, eliciting a soft gasp from your lips. You allow him better access to your body by taking off the hoodie, now exposed to the chill in the air. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he tells you, voiced with awe. He leaned in, this time pressing his kisses right on your chest. He takes in one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around. You arch into his touch, loving the way his gentle motion takes you over. His fingers dance along your sides, teasing the sensitive spots that make you gasp and moan in delight. 
With a sudden surge of boldness, you gently push Anton back onto the bed. He looks at you, eyes wide with surprise and lust. You smile, teasing a glint in your eyes. Your fingers trace the outline of his jaw, moving down his neck to his chest. You place soft, lingering kisses along the path where your fingers had been, feeling him tense and relax at your touch. You savor the way he reacts, the way his breath hitches and his body responds. 
You continue your journey downward, your kisses trailing from his chest to his abdomen. You can feel the heat of his skin, the way goosebumps appear as you leave wet kisses here and there. When you reach the waistband of his pants, you pause, looking up at him with a mischievous smile. With just that look, Anton’s eyes darken with desire, lifting his hips to slide his pants down and kick them away. 
As you take in the sight of him, your breath catches in your throat. You had always found Anton attractive, but seeing him like this–completely exposed, eyes filled with hunger, muscles taut with anticipation–leaves you momentarily stunned. The way his chest rises and falls rapidly, the glisten of sweat forming in his skin, the intensity in his gaze… it’s almost too much to take in. The reality of having such a powerful effect on him hits you with a force that takes your breath away. “Wow” is all you can manage to say at that moment. 
Your eyes travel down, and when they reach his member, you’re taken aback by its size. Not truly getting to notice from your earlier encounter. You blink in surprise, a flush creeping up your cheeks. It’s larger than you expected, and for a moment, you’re unsure of how to proceed. The sheer size of him is intimidating, yet only fuels your desire to pleasure him even more. 
As you move closer to his most sensitive areas, you take your time, savoring the taste and feel of him. You start by trailing gentle, wet kisses along the length of his shaft, feeling him throb under your lips. He lets out a low groan, the sound sending a thrill through you. You swirl your tongue around the tip, tasting the salty essence of his arousal, and his reaction is immediate–a sharp intake of breath, his hips twitching involuntarily. 
You wrap your hand around the base, feeling the thickness and heat of him. Slowly, you take him into your mouth, inch by inch, adjusting to his size. The sensation of him filling you, stretching you, is intense. You hollow your cheeks and create a tight seal with your lips, moving down further, feeling him slide deeper into your throat. His hands find their way to your hair, fingers tangling in the strands, a gentle pressure guiding you but allowing you to maintain control.
You set a steady rhythm, your mouth moving up and down his length, your tongue tracing patterns along the underside. You vary the pressure and speed, taking him deep into your throat one moment and teasing his tip with light flicks of your tongue the next. His moans grow louder, his breaths more ragged, as you drive him closer to the edge. 
You glance up at him, locking eyes as you continue your attack. The look of pure pleasure on his face, the way his muscles tense and hips lift to meet your movements. You increase the intensity, taking him deeper, your hand working in tandem with your mouth.
His moans become more urgent, his grip on your hair tightening. When you sense he’s closer you pull back slightly, focusing on the head, your tongue swirling and lips sucking with increased fervor. His whole body shudders, a deep, guttural groan escaping his lips. 
You pause for a moment, your hand still working him slowly, looking up at him with a playful yet serious expression. “Anton,” you whisper, your voice barely audible but filled with authority. “You need to be quiet.”
His eyes widen slightly, and he nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. You continue, this time more slowly, more sensually, your mouth working in perfect harmony with your hand. You maintain eye contact, watching as he bites his lip, trying to stifle his moans. 
You resume your rhythm, your mouth moving up and down his length with renewed determination. His body tenses and relaxes under your touch, his attempts to stay quiet adding an extra layer of intensity to the moment. You can see the effort he’s making to remain silent, his face contorted with pleasure and concentration. You feel his body shudder again, signaling his impending climax. You increase your pace, your tongue paying more attention to the tip, your hand stroking the rest of his member. His grip tightens in the sheets, and you can see the strain in his eyes as he tries to keep from crying out. 
When he finally releases, it’s with a muffled groan, his body convulsing with pleasure. You take in every drop, swallowing and continue to suck gently, milking him of every last bit of his release. As you lie there, you both breathing heavily, Anton looks you in your eyes, a mischievous smile now forming on his lips. “My turn,” he murmurs, his voice low and filled with promise. Before you can respond, he rolls you onto your back, his hands exploring your body with a new purpose. 
His fingers trail down your sides, sending shivers through you. He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “Remember, we have to be quiet.” The huskiness in his voice makes your breath catch, the anticipation building within you. His mouth moves to your neck, placing soft, teasing kisses along your skin. You bite your lip, stifling a moan as he finds the sensitive spot just below your ear. His hands roam over your curves, caressing and kneading your flesh with a gentle yet firm touch. 
He continues his journey downward, his kisses trailing from your neck to your collarbone, then lower to your breasts. Once again, his tongue flicks over one nipple while his hand massages the other one, the sensation making you arch into him. You struggle to keep your moans quiet, his touch so overwhelming, but so good. Opting for holding one of your hands over your mouth. Anton pauses, much like you had, looking up at you with a devilish grin. “You have to stay quiet,” he reminds you playfully, his voice barely above a whisper. The challenge in his eyes only makes you want him more. 
He returns to his actions, his mouth leaving a trail of fire down your abdomen. When he reaches your hips, he takes his time, kissing and nibbling the sensitive skin there. Your hands grip the sheets, your body begins trembling as you wait for what he does next. You had purposely chosen your light blue panties, knowing it was Anton’s favorite color. Anton’s fingers brushed against the edge of your panties, and he looked up. “Mmm, light blue, huh? Trying to drive me even more crazy?” he teased, his voice low.
You let out a little laugh, cheeks flushing. “Maybe,” you murmured, your gaze locking with his.
His touch became more deliberate, his breath warm against your skin as he leaned closer. “Well, it’s working,” he whispered, his eyes hard with desire. His fingers brushed against your panties, and he smirked. “God, you’re so wet for me already,” he says in a breathy tone. He let his fingers press gently against the damp fabric, feeling the heat emanating from you. “I can feel how much you want this,” he added, his tone laced with excitement. When his lips finally meet your core, a soft gasp escapes your lips. His tongue flicks out gently, exploring your folds with tender curiosity. You arch your back, a quiet moan slipping past your lips as pleasure courses through you. 
Anton’s movements are deliberate and skilled, something you didn’t know until this very moment. His tongue tracing patterns that make your toes curl. He finds your clit, circling it with gentle pressure, and you bite your lip to mute a louder response. His fingers join in, gently parting your folds to expose your most sensitive spots. He dips a finger inside you, his touch sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body.
You squirm beneath him, overwhelmed by the sensations he evokes. Anton’s pace quickens slightly, his ministrations driving you closer to the edge. You grip the sheets, trying desperately to maintain composure as pleasure builds within you. 
As you near the peak, Anton’s tongue becomes insistent, his fingers working in tandem to bring you to the brink. You struggle to keep your breathing steady, the need to stay quiet intensifying the pleasure. 
Finally, you can’t hold back any longer. With a soft cry that echoes into a stifled whimper, you release over Anton’s fingers, waves of ecstasy washing over you. Anton continues his gentle assault, prolonging your pleasure until you finally relax into your bed. His touch is gentle yet firm as he kisses your inner thigh, then comes up to capture your lips. You respond eagerly, pulling him closer as your hands slide up his back, feeling the tension in his muscles under your touch.
As you both lie together, catching your breath after the intensity of your passion, a thought crosses your mind. You shift slightly, breaking the silence in the room.
“Anton,” you mumble softly, your fingers tracing light patterns on his chest, “do you have a condom?”
Anton meets your gaze with a warm smile, his eyes hooded but still gleaming. He nods and reaches for his tossed pants, retrieving the condom. “Yes,” he replies in a low, reassuring voice, “I came prepared.” he breathes out. Feeling his hardness against you, you instinctively press closer, craving more of his warmth and closeness. The intensity of your mutual desire pulses between you, palpable in every touch, every caress. Anton’s hands find their way to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer as his lips find yours in a hungry kiss. 
“I want you,” Anton murmurs against your lips, his voice thick with longing and urgency. His confession stirs a response in you, a deep yearning that matches his own. You reciprocate eagerly, your hands threading through his hair as you deepen the kiss, pouring all your passion into that moment.
“Anton,” you whisper, breathlessly, “I’ve been wanting this…wanting you.” As he rolls on the condom with practiced ease, his eyes never leave yours, filled with lust and reverence. You feel his hardness against you, a tangible reminder of his attraction to you. 
“Y/N,” Anton breathes against your ear, his voice thick with need, “Are you sure?” 
You met his gaze with unwavering intensity, your own desire burning brightly. “Yes,” you tell him, your voice tinged with anticipation and longing. “I’m begging you.”
A low growl escapes Anton’s throat at your words, his own yearning mirroring yours. With a swift movement, Anton positions himself above you, his gaze locked in with yours as he enters you slowly. He grunts when he feels your folds pressing against his cock. The sensation of his sizable member filling you up completely sends a rush of pleasure throughout your body. 
You gasp at the intensity of the feeling, arching into him, yearning for more of his touch, more of the overwhelming ecstasy only he can bring. Anton’s movements are deliberate and controlled, each thrust drawing a moan from your lips. “Y/N,” he breathes against your skin, his voice rough, “you feel so good.”
But then, unexpectedly, he changes his rhythm. Instead of deep and penetrating thrusts, Anton begins to move shallow, teasing strokes. Each shallow thrust grazes against your most sensitive spots, sending electric currents of pleasure through you. Your breath hitches as this new sensation overwhelms you, and you find yourself gasping for me.
The teasing trusts drive you wild, making your body tremble with need. “Anton, please,” you whimper, your voice shaky with desire.
He smirks against your neck, enjoying the effect he has on you. “You want more?” he murmurs, his voice a low growl.
“Yes,” you gasp, your hands clutching at his back, your nails digging into his skin. “Harder, please.” 
Anton’s restraints snaps at your plea. He adjusts his position and begins to pound into you with a powerful, relentless pace. Each movement is intense, his hips slamming against yours with a force that makes you cry out in pleasure. The feeling of him driving into you, hard and deep, sends waves of ecstasy crashing through you, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge.
Anton’s hands roam your body, exploring every curve and eliciting shivers of pleasure. His touch firm yet tender, heightening the senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating blend of lust and longing. Desperate for more contact, you whimper softly, your voice thick with need, “Anton, please, touch me.”
With one hand steadying himself beside you, his other hand slides down your body, fingers finding your sensitive bud. He circles it slowly at first, teasingly, before applying just the right amount of pressure and speed that has you arching into him with a cry of pleasure. 
“Fuck yes,” you moan, your voice trembling, “right there, please don’t stop.” 
Anton’s grin is both wicked and tender as he watches your reactions, his own desire evident in the controlled urgency of his actions. “You look so beautiful when you beg,” he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin. As the tension builds, Anton’s breathing becomes heavier, and his movements become sloppier. You can feel him starting to tremble, his control slipping as he nears his own climax. “Y/N,” he groans, his voice raw and filled with need, “I’m so close.”
“Then come for me,” you whisper, your voice laced with anticipation. Your word spur him on, and with a final, deep thrust, Anton comes undone, his body shuddering with the force of his release. His moan of pleasure raw and primal, his eyes squeezing shut as he surrenders to the overwhelming feeling of ecstasy. The sight and the sound of him losing control sends a rush of heat through you, pushing you closer to your own edge. 
As Anton’s climax subsides, his fingers on your clit maintain their motion, the pressure and speed perfect for driving you over the edge. “I want to see you let go,” he tells you. His words are the final push you need. Your body arches up, and you cry out his name as your orgasm takes over you, each wave more intense than the last. Anton watches you, his eyes filled with admiration, his hand stopping until you are completely spent. 
As the final tremors of your climax fade, you collapse back onto the bed, your breathing heavy and uneven. Anthon gently pulls you into his arms, his touch tender and reassuring. “That was incredible,” he says in a hushed tone. 
You smile up at him, “It really was,” you agree, your voice still breathless. For a moment, you both lie there in the quiet, the intensity of the moment slowly giving way to a warm, comforting afterglow. Anton’s fingers trace gentle patterns on your skin, and you snuggle closer to him, feeling content and safe in his embrace. 
Finally, Anton breaks the silence, his voice soft but filled with sincerity. “Y/N, I like that we’re keeping this a secret for now, just to see what we really want.”
You nod, understanding the importance of this discretion. “I agree,” you say, your eyes meeting his. “But whatever this is, I’m glad we’re doing.”
Anton smiles, his eyes shining with affection. “Me too,” he says, pulling you closer.“ The room is filled with a comfortable silence, only the sound of your breathing and occasional creak if the house settles around you. Eventually, Anton shifts slightly, his voice a low murmur. “I don’t want this to end, but I should probably go before Sohee comes upstairs.”
“You’re right,” you say softly. With one last lingering touch, Anton slips out of bed and begins to gather his clothes. As he dresses, you can’t help but stare at his body, still in awe at how good he looks. Anton pauses at the door, glancing back at you with a smile. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Anton,” you reply, your heart full as you watch him leave. The door closes softly behind him, and you lie back on the bed, a contented smile on your face. 
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apomaro-mellow · 8 hours
King and Prince 22
Part 21
They went outside in silence, Steve deciding not to talk anymore until Eddie revealed more. And Eddie was waiting for the right moment. They got horses from the stable, one for both of them and set off for the same forest as before. The one where Steve had seen his first demobeast. Eddie waited until they got to the treeline before speaking. He was honestly appreciative of the fact that Steve hadn’t asked too many questions on the way.
“I know you’ve been learning a lot about the creatures here. What do you remember?”
“They like the cold and hate the heat. That’s why they start hibernating in spring and don’t come back until the first frost usually”, Steve replied. “They’re carnivorous and will eat people too, but they don’t come near human settlements.”
All things he hadn’t known before coming here. He had been taught that those monsters always sought out human flesh and that they roamed uncontrollably all over these lands. That exterminating them was the right thing to do. 
“What about where they come from?”, Eddie asked.
“When their numbers get low, offspring will pop off a fully grown demogorgan.” It was odd to know of a creature that didn’t need to reproduce the traditional way.
“No, I mean where they all came from. Originally.” Eddie stopped and Steve did too. They had come to the same small clearing as before, the one with a cave where many of the beasts were waiting out the warm spring and hot summer. Eddie dismounted and tied his horse off to a tree. Steve stayed up, unsure of where he was going with this and Eddie understood.
“No one has told me that. I didn’t think anyone knew”, Steve said. Besides the fearful whispers that they came from the darkest of nightmares. 
“There’s more than one world”, Eddie started. “And they come from one different than ours. It looks like ours but it’s colder, darker, less forgiving. The kind of place they’d normally thrive in.”
“How’d they end up here?”, Steve asked.
“Long time ago, longer than anyone else remembers, a dark wizard came to this land”, Eddie leaned against a tree, keeping within eyesight of both Steve and the cave. “It probably seems silly now but he wanted to destroy everything. He wanted to make it like the world he came from.”
That clearly hadn’t happened. At least not in totality. “So you stopped him?”, Steve asked, finally dismounting.
Eddie smiled ruefully. “In short, yes.” He didn’t want to keep Steve out here too long with the whole, sad story. “The wizard was destroyed and the gates between our worlds closed. But that left a lot of his army still on this side. They’re neither good nor evil, they’re just beasts and I couldn’t bring myself to kill them all once their strings were cut from their master.”
Eddie sat down on the ground and Steve joined him. They didn’t touch, still a bit of distance between them. The only sounds in the forest were the rustling of trees in the wind and bird whistles up high. 
“I became their new master”, Eddie continued. “I meant for this place to just be for us. Humans… they took everything from me. I didn’t want to be around them if I didn’t want to. But eventually the land healed from the war. And with that, people came.”
A twig broke somewhere and Steve wondered what it was. He hadn’t thought of predators in these woods outside of the demobeasts. But surely there had to be something else that took their place on top when they slumbered.
Steve was never taught the history of this kingdom. Only that it was a stain on the map, a blemish to be cleaned. That the people here would be grateful to be absorbed under a new, fair ruler as opposed to an abomination. Now, he could see how untruthful that was. Eddie was beloved by his subjects. A coup would only destabilize the area. It had Steve thinking briefly about his heir situation. But he supposed a king that lived on for centuries had no need to procure a royal line.
He looked up right at the exact moment to meet Eddie’s eyes. Those same eyes had watched him with another man, almost transfixed.
“Why were you watching me?”, he asked.
“I wanted to know who had gotten your attention. I was…” Concerned? Drawn? Allured? ….Jealous? “Curious.”
“Well did you sate your curiosity?”, Steve asked, arms crossed.
“In one way.” But in others… “I shouldn’t’ve intruded on you and Jason. I told you that you were free to come and go. Stalking you was never my intention.”
“But you did. And you stayed, even when I noticed you. Why?”
“I couldn’t look away”, Eddie confessed. 
The moment felt frozen in time as Steve looked from his intense gaze to his lips, already so close. It wouldn’t take much to bridge-
Eddie pushed him down out of the way before Steve’s ears processed the thundering roar behind him. As he looked up from the ground, he saw Eddie’s hands pressed against the chest of a large bear, keeping it at bay. He only saw that sight for a split second because he blinked and suddenly Eddie was changing. He grew in size into a bear more massive than the one that attacked them, fur bristled like a dark cloud, and teeth revealed in a snarl as he pushed the other bear back.
The horses were whinnying in fear and Steve’s even ran off, untied and untethered. Steve back up and got to his feet, feeling helpless without a weapon to fight back with. Eddie let off a roar that shook the trees and the other bear sized him up for only a moment before backing off and disappearing back into the forest. Eddie fell forward, standing on his four paws now and looked to Steve. It had been so quick. Just a moment ago it felt like they were sharing something, well, something rather tender. 
Then like a shock of lightning, Eddie had shown a display of power that Steve had yet to see. Bears were nothing to sniff at, had Steve been alone and without a weapon, he would’ve been skewered on its claws. With a trembling hand, he reached out towards Eddie. Eddie stepped closer and let Steve feel the fur on his cheek. It was softer than he imagined. And it made him imagine that Eddie’s hair felt just as nice. Steve dropped his hand and Eddie turned back to his human form.
“Sometimes when they hibernate, another animal will come and try to disturb them”, Eddie said. “I can’t save them all, but I try and keep most of the predators away.”
“My horse…”, Steve said, looking to Eddie’s still tied to the tree.
“It would’ve gone back home to the stables”, Eddie said. Which meant they had to return before someone saw Steve’s steed return without him and went into a panic. Eddie was about to suggest he take a winged form so that Steve could take his horse when the prince spoke up.
“I’ll ride with you then.”
Eddie was too stunned to disagree, or to even think of why Steve shouldn’t ride with him. Wordlessly, he went back to the horse, calm now that the danger was gone and allowed Eddie to mount first. He reached a hand down and Steve took it, settling in behind him. Eddie felt arms wrap around his middle. Arms that felt more thick, more solid than he had initially thought. Steve felt broad and warm against his back.
At least in the back of his mind, while he was distracted by the need to steer the horse properly, he was jealous of anyone who was allowed to touch Steve without any sort of pretense.
Part 23 coming soon
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geotjwrs · 3 days
Hello do you think u can do Jenna x Male Reader based off the lyrics from Mac demarco’s Another demo 2 and the lyrics are “Feelin’ so confused. You don’t know what to do. Afraid she might not love you anymore.” Please and thank you
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The room was dimly lit by the golden hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the wooden floor. Jenna sat at the edge of the bed, her posture tense and her gaze fixed on the wall. The familiar of a song floated through the air, but tonight, the melody seemed to amplify the tension rather than soothe it.
Y/N stood by the window, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He stared out at the cityscape, the vibrant colors of the day now dissolving into the approaching dusk. His mind was a storm of thoughts, each one more unsettling than the last. He turned to look at Jenna, his heart heavy with worry.
"Jenna, we need to talk," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, yet it felt like it echoed through the room.
She looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the same uncertainty that he felt. "Yeah, we do," she replied, her tone equally soft, almost fragile.
He took a deep breath and moved to sit beside her, the bed creaking slightly under his weight. He could feel the distance between them, not just physically but emotionally, a chasm that had slowly widened over the past few weeks.
"What's going on with us?" he asked, his voice trembling. "I feel like we're drifting apart, and I don't know how to fix it."
Jenna sighed, her shoulders slumping as she looked down at her hands. "I don't know, Y/N. I just... I feel so confused. Everything's been so overwhelming lately, and I don't know how to handle it."
He reached out, taking her hand in his, the warmth of her skin a small comfort amidst the turmoil. "I'm afraid, Jenna," he admitted. "Afraid that you might not love me anymore. That I'm losing you."
Her eyes widened in surprise, and she squeezed his hand. "Y/N, it's not that I don't love you. I do, so much. But I'm scared too. Scared that I'm not enough, that I'm failing you."
He shook his head, his grip on her hand tightening. "You are more than enough, Jenna. It's me who's failing. I should have been there for you, should have noticed how much you were struggling."
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to lose you," she whispered, her voice cracking.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You won't," he promised, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. "We'll get through this together. We just need to talk more, be more honest with each other."
She nodded against his shoulder, her breath hitching as she tried to steady herself. "I want that too. I don't want to feel like this anymore."
For a moment, they sat in silence, the song's gentle melody filling the space between their words. It was as if the music was giving them the strength to face their fears, to confront the doubts that had been haunting them.
"I love you, Jenna," Y/N said softly, his voice filled with conviction. "And I will fight for us, no matter what."
She pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, a small, hopeful smile forming on her lips. "I love you too, Y/N. And I want to fight for us as well."
But as Y/N looked into her eyes, a wave of uncertainty washed over him again. He needed more assurance, more than just words. "Jenna, I need to know that you really mean it. That you're not just saying it to make me feel better."
She cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs gently brushing away the tears that had started to fall. "Y/N, look at me," she said firmly. "I mean every word. You are my anchor in this chaotic world. Yes, things have been tough, but that doesn't change how much I love you. I'm committed to us, to making this work."
He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. "But what if I mess up again? What if I can't be what you need?"
Jenna shook her head, her grip on his face tightening slightly. "Y/N, we're both going to make mistakes. That's part of being in a relationship. But we learn from them, we grow together. As long as we keep communicating, keep supporting each other, we can overcome anything."
Y/N opened his eyes, searching hers for any hint of doubt, but all he saw was sincerity and love. He took a deep, shuddering breath, feeling some of the tension leave his body. "I want to believe that," he said softly. "I want to believe that we can get through this."
She smiled, a warm, reassuring smile that reached her eyes. "We will. I know it. Because I believe in us, in what we have. And I need you to believe in us too."
He nodded slowly, feeling a sense of peace start to settle over him. "Okay," he whispered. "I'll try. I'll try to believe in us."
Jenna leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to his lips, a kiss that spoke of promises and hope. When she pulled back, she rested her forehead against his. "We'll take it one day at a time, Y/N. Together."
He closed his eyes, savoring the closeness, the connection. "Together," he echoed.
As the last notes of the song faded away, they held each other tightly, their hearts beating in sync. The fear and confusion still lingered, but they knew they had taken the first step towards healing. Together, as long as they held onto the love that had brought them together in the first place. And in that moment, with Jenna in his arms and the promise of a new beginning, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.
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tanzalatazaa · 1 day
English isn't my first language, so there are probably mistakes. I didn't proofread it before uploading it, so any constructive criticism is welcome.
My angel
Bakugou’s vision blurs, everything happened so fast. From one moment to another he wasn’t standing anymore. As his eyes slowly close, he can see lights in the distance. He can hear screams, and battle sounds. Lying on the ground in silence, he tries to keep his eyes open. All he can remember is that they were fighting some villains, then suddenly his head hit hard on a wall, and now he is on there trying not to faint. 
The world becomes slow through his vision, his head hurts, and he thinks that maybe closing his eyes for a couple of seconds wouldn’t be that bad, right? but, as soon as he does it a face appears in his mind.
Bakugou opens his eyes as fast as his injured body lets him, he scans the place. He has to find her, that's all he can think about. Everything is chaotic, there are a lot of heroes fighting almost the same amount of villains. There’s fire, and buildings collapsing. He needs to find her, he tries to stand up but he fails. Bakugou curses at his body for not responding, and tries again, falling again. He would’ve cried out of frustration if he weren’t to focus on trying to find Akira. 
Katsuki drags along the ground, seeing some dead bodies. This attack was huge, unpredictable. Since The War he hasn’t seen something like this. In one moment he was patrolling with his pro hero girlfriend, and in the other they splitted fighting a lot of villains. 
Bakugou realizes that has been staring at the bodies, and his stomach feels sick. The mere thought of Akira ending up like them, makes his whole body sick. He continues dragging, looking for her, he can’t stop, not until he finds her. He prays for his body to react, and it finally responds, now that he’s standing, he can look faster. His head still hurts, but he doesn’t care, not when he doesn’t know where the love of his life is.
‘She’s dead’
That voice. It has been a long time since Bakugou haven’t heard that voice. He started therapy a couple months ago, after Akira practically begged him for it, saying that it would help him through his anxiety disorders, and damn she was right, like she always is. What would he do without her? he thinks.
‘Akira’s dead, and that’s your fucking fault’
That voice again. He tries to fight it. He just can’t break down, not now. He wants to move, but he can’t.
‘With such a fucking useless number one pro hero, no wonder why she’s dead’ 
Bakugou repeats to himself that she is not dead, trying to calm himself. He can't breathe, he can’t shut that damn voice.
‘You can’t save everyone, and you certainly can’t save her, you useless piece of shit’
Bakugou wants to scream his lungs out. He wants, no, he needs to shut this fucking voice down, but he can’t.
‘Akira didn’t deserve to be stuck with someone like you. Someone so fucking coward that waited years until finally grow a pair of balls to confess his love’ 
He hates that everything it says is true. Bakugou did love her from highschool, but never had the guts to tell her. He even moved away just to not face her, to not face the sour reality that he never felt good enough for her. So he ignored her, just waiting for that feeling to go away, but it never did, indeed it only increased by seeing her a the news as a hero prodigy. Every night he tortured himself for being a coward when it came to love, when it came to her.
‘Akira could perfectly get whoever she wants kissing her feets, but she fell for a stupid asshole who doesn’t know how to love, who doesn’t know how to walk either apparently’ 
Bakugou is trying to breathe through his nose, but the intense sobs that are leaving his body don’t let him. 
‘You are broken, and nobody should love broken things, right?’
His entire body is shaking and he can barely feel his face. Katsuki wants to stop that, but he can’t, he’s a prisoner of his own body, his own mind. He knows that he needs to keep looking, he has to find her, he needs to calm down, but why can't he?
‘You break Akira’s heart when you left her, just saying that your dream of becoming number one hero was more important, liar, you were so fucking scared to get hurt, that you hurted her instead’
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you” Bakugo mumbles to himself, hitting hard on his chest with his fist, hurting himself.
‘You shouldn’t have come back, you just should’ve left her fall for someone else, someone better. Because she deserves to be happy, unlike you’
Bakugou wants to refute that, but he simply can’t, he knows that it’s right, he’s been knowing it for a long time. He feels like dying as he collapses on the ground, crying like a baby. Those words were getting into his head. Maybe they were right, maybe he was just a piece of shit that deserved nothing. 
Katsuki can’t stop thinking about that night, three years ago. The night he called her after four years of no contact. Bakugou remembers the week prior like if it would've been yesterday, he was at his lowest point, utterly alone. All he could think about back then was how stupid he was in the past for letting Akira go. It was a surprise for no one that he was so in love with his best friend, that everyone was shocked when Bakugou left the city without confessing, and just pushing you away. Even ignoring her calls, until he finally answered, just saying that he needed to focus on his career, Akira as always, understood him, she swallowed her tears and supported him, because she loved him, and if that was what he wanted, she would understand. She let him go, hoping that he would come back.
And she was right, he did. Bakugou was alone, yeah, he had Kirishima and Denki, but they each had their own lives, they talked from time to time, but that didn't take away from the fact that he was alone. And he knew he could blame no one but himself for that. The morning before his call, was the morning he climbed the hero rankings, he was finally the number one hero, his life's dream was coming true, but he couldn't feel more miserable. He was the number one hero, but what good is it if he has no one to celebrate with?. If the only person that he wanted a praise from was in another city, and he pushed her away until they no longer talked for years. And just then he realized that pushing her away from his life to focus on becoming number one pro hero was stupid, because without her, that title meant nothing. 
After hours of overthinking any possible way this would end up, he finally called at night. He didn’t know what to say, in fact he never thought that Akira would answer, all he wanted was to hear her recorded voice asking to leave a voicemail. Just hearing her voice would’ve made him less miserable. So when he heard a soft “Hey Bakugou” he couldn’t stop himself from crying, silent tears rolling down his cheeks “You did it, I knew you would. Congrats number one hero” On the other line Akira could only hear soft sobs.
She knew she was in love with him back in highschool, and she knew he loved her back.  She knew him like the palm of her hand, so she knew he would need time. When Bakugou left with no warning, she was heart broken, she tried to reach him, and after she did, and heard his response, she knew she was right. Bakugou was scared, he has always been a stubborn boy, she knew he had to figure thighs out in his mind alone. So she decided to wait for him, she always knew she would wait as long as it would take, she never mind it though. She loved him and only him, and she knew it was the same for him, he just needed time. 
So when she saw his call, Akira almost cried out of excitement. She saw the ranking in the morning, and she couldn’t feel more proud of him, but deep down, she wished she could’ve been able to celebrate with him. That’s why she answered her phone right away, and praised him. Her heart ached for him as she heard him crying alone. Her mouth, running on its own, started to say everything she wanted for years. “I’ve been waiting for this call for years” Bakugou tried to say something, but he couldn’t stop crying, he didn’t know how much he needed that, until that moment “I know Bakugou, I’ve always known” She said, knowing what he wanted to say “Just come back home. You have a place in my agency, I mean I’m not the number one hero, but you are always welcome here. I love you Bakugou, just come back, come back to me. We can talk here” When Bakugou could finally stop himself from crying all he could say was a soft “Thank you”.
He took the first flight back home, back to her. Their relationship continued just where it stopped four years before. After a few months they started dating, and everything was coming up together where it was always meant to be. 
‘Akira gave you a space in her life, just as nothing happened, after four years. She forged right away, no hesitation. But you still don’t, deep down you know you never deserved how well she treated you when you came back’
Laying on the ground Bakugou cries, all the insecurities he had been trying to avoid are haunting him. A part of him doesn’t want to fight anymore, doesn’t want to be a burden, and just for a couple of seconds he thinks that maybe everything would be better if he wasn’t
alive. He thinks that Akira’s life would be better if he’s not there. But the other wants to keep fighting, fighting for his life, fighting for akira.
Both sides of his head are fighting against each other. Bakugou closes his eyes, and he can almost see each side running against each other as if they were wrecked trains with no brakes going at full speed, about to crash to see which one survives. His chest aches, and a known voice gets into his mind “I love you Bakugou, just come back, come back to me” A only thick tear rolls down his left eye.
It is at that moment that he realizes he is not ready to die,  in fact he doesn’t even want to, not now. Please, somebody get him out of this train wreck, somebody help him! Today more than ever he is aware that he is not the best, that he is just a failure, but he still has a home here, he has Akira. After so many years and so many obstacles they are finally together.
Bakugou opens his eyes quickly, gripped by terror, feeling more and more trapped between the ropes, in his mind, that force him to fall. He gasps in despair, feeling as if he were on the edge of a precipice, completely bound by chains that try to pull him down. He runs, screams and struggles until his arms run out of strength, until his lungs run out of air. His legs become unstable and Bakugou stumbles and falls to his knees, terrified he tries with all his might to escape, but it is too late, he has reached the edge.
And then he knows.
It is the end.
But not just any end.
It's his end. 
The chains win.
He has lost.
He failed again.
Bakugou feels how he falls in slow motion to the bottom of that precipice that has none. He closes his eyes waiting for that impact that never comes, instead a dazzling light is present bringing him back to reality. Katsuki opens his eyes and sees her.
She is there in front of him. He opens and closes his eyes frantically, no doubt it's her. From her body emanates that bright light and that does nothing but confirm to him that she is a point of light capable of illuminating even the darkest darkness. Bakugou sees her lips move, but does not understand her. He hears the sound of her voice, but cannot recognize what she says. Bakugou can only think that Akira is his angel, that bright and pure being who saves him from his demons. 
Angels are not supposed to fall, so why did he see her fall to her knees?
“Kat-suki!” She speaks while falling “Akira!” Bakugou runs to her, kneeling beside her “Akira babe, I’m here, I’m here with you” Akira drops herself into her beloved's lap. Right there is when Katsuki notices the blood gushing from his girlfriend's abdomen. 
He desperately pulls her to his body, holding her body between his arms and sitting her on his lap. While one spleen holds her close to his chest, the other presses into her wound. Bakugo's body trembles in terror, unable to utter a word.
“Katsuki, my sweet Katsuki” Akira smiles at him, while little tears leave her eyes “My love” She closes her eyes a few seconds. “Akira! I’m here, okay? You’re safe, you are with me” Bakugo feels the lump in his throat tighten “We’ll get out of here together”.
“After you left, I thought I lost everything, you know?” Akira opens her eyes “I was so in love with you, I think I’ve always been” Akira lifts her hand and gently caresses her boyfriend's cheek. “I had the girls, but I felt so lonely, all I wanted was you” Bakugou starts crying again “After the first time you answered my calls I was so happy, even when you ditched me” Lets out a little chuckle “Just hearing your voice was enough to make me happy”
“I waited for you for years” She settles on his chest “I always knew you would come back to me” She gives small caresses to the arm that holds her “People said that I should move one, and get over you, because you wouldn't come back. I never heard them, I believed in you. And I wasn’t wrong, because you did call, after all” She smiles as she closes her eyes disguising a moan of pain “You don’t know how happy I was that you finally called, I felt like a little kid on the candy action of a store, when I knew that the man I had always loved was coming back”
“I never told you this, but before you called I was at my lowest, wondering if life was worth living, but after you came back, you taught me what it was to feel like living and not surviving, again” Little sobs left Bakugou’s body “You were my reason to live”
“N-no” Bakugo bites the inside of his cheek, trying to control his sobs.  “You are not doing this. No!” Akira caresses Katsuki's trembling lower lip “Don’t you dare say goodbye, because I won’t let you, I refuse to” He pulls her closer to his body, putting pressure on her wound.
“Sweetheart, my baby, my love. You gave me everything any person could ask for” She ignores him, and continues between teers “I swear that you made my world so perfect. You pushed away my demons, and I don’t even know how, but you chased hell away and gave me a paradise by your side”
“Since you came back, three years ago, you made me pray” She laughs out of her own words “I’m not a believer, but you had me praying every night to any god that could exist, that everything we had didn’t finished” She smiles hiding her pain “On my knees I asked the air that if this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. Because the love of my life was back”
“Since you came back I dreamed that all these sleepless years, waiting for something I thought impossible, would be enough for you to stay with me. I knew this love was worth it, because I am destined for you” Akira cradles Bakugo's cheeks lovingly “I knew it from the first moment I heard your voice that first day of school" She settles into her boyfriend's arm "I felt a spark, a connection. I couldn't explain it, I just felt it, I just knew. That impulsive boy would steal my heart and my every sigh" Akira looks at him with pure love 
"For a moment I saw it hard, very impossible, but I never stopped having faith. I never lost hope that you would come back to me and today I am more grateful than ever" She closes her eyes sighing for a brief moment “Akira, please. Stop, don’t do this to m-” A hard sob don’t let him continue. 
“If- if I don’t make it through the night” Her voice breaks “NO! Don’t you dare to say what you are about to say” Bakugou desperately holds her tighter as she starts sobbing “N-no, you can’t just go, no when I could finally say that I love you” The image of both of them sobbing creates a scene full of pure pain “You have to fight, for you, for me, f-for us”
“Kats” She mumbles “No, you can’t” He interrupts her “You can’t leave me alone. You promised you wound’t abandon me, you said we would be so happy together. You said it!” The sobs get intensified “I-I just can’t imagine a world without you. One where your jokes or your laughter are not ringing out. How do you expect me to see myself in a world where I won't be able to hug you? You are the light that lights my path and my reason for getting up in the mornings. P-please... don't do this to me“ Bakugou hides his face on Akira’s neck silencing his sobs there.
“Suki, don’t make it harder than it already is” She shakes as she cries “Your joy, only your joy can order the chaos of my mind" He doesn't separate from his body as he speaks "Only you are able to give light and order to my life, to give it purpose. I-I would be so lost if you left me alone."  
“Katsuki” Her voice is desperate "I-I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know that I'm tired o-of all this shit" She looks around "And I also know that you gave me the best life so if I don't make it through the night, know that you saved me in every way someone can be saved. You painted my gray days with colors and gave life to my already dead heart" She pulls him away from her body and caresses his cheek with the back of her hand.
"If today is my last day and it's my time to go, don't forget me okay?" She presses her grip on his cheek gently "Keep me in your memory" She continues caressing with her thumb on the same spot "Remember me fondly, remember our dates and our kisses, remember the little jokes and every 'I love you'" She takes a breath of air before continuing "Let me be your favorite angel from above just like you were for me down here" She kisses Bakugou's chest without much force as he denies desperately in tears.
"And r-remember that life always gets better" She nods, pressing her lips tightly together and releasing more tears "As much as it may seem like it doesn't, it always does. I've known since the day you came back to make every part of my day better, to heal every wound in my heart, to assemble every loose piece of my lost soul, you came back to brighten my gloom and rebuild each of the broken pieces that make me up. You took me in your arms, preventing me from falling into the void. You saved me, my number one hero" She takes between her hands, her boyfriend's hands and kisses them tenderly "So you can cry, but you have to promise me one thing, babe" Her tone of voice and her look harden "You have to promise me my love, that you will remain strong".
"H-how do you expect me to do that if the one who gives me strength every day is... y-you" His voice cracks. "You are the bravest and strongest person I know Katsuki, I know you can do it" Her face is looking paler and paler and a large red stain decorates her hero suit. "But I don't want to" Bakugou intensifies his grip, sobbing louder and louder, sounding almost like screams. "Kat-suki please don't leave me alone now" Her voice sounds terrified "I don't want to die, I-I don't want to die alone, I'm scared" She speaks between sobs "I-I don't understand what I did wrong. I'm a bomb that's about to explode, I never meant to hurt you. But here I am, leaving you without keeping our promise" She bites her lower lip "Please forgive me, I never wanted this. I-I wanted to grow old together with you, being happy. I hope someday you can forgive me for not being able to do that."
The sobs that burn Bakugou's throat do not allow him to speak, however, he does as she asks, he does not leave her alone. He takes her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers making them fit perfectly. He lets out a cry of pain at the sight of the promise ring he placed on her ring finger a couple of months ago. "O-our love is strong honey. There is no love without pain, so they say" He tries to smile, but only manages to grimace sadly "We have suffered enough in this life, in the next one we will keep all our promises and there we will be very happy."
"W-will you promise me?" her voice trembles. "I promise you, my love" Bakugou places a soft kiss on her lips, a few tears sneak in, though they don't mind it too much. They just let themselves be carried away by the moment, enjoying their, probably last, kiss. "This is a promise with no chance of breaking" He assures firmly "Because my love for you will never change, a life without knowing you will never be real" He takes her hand and kisses right where that silver ring is "You will always stay here" He puts her hand over his heart "D-don't you dare forget me" She starts breathing heavily "T-that could never happen. A heart that loves doesn't forget and mine loves you more than anything" Akira loses more and more strength "Look at me, look into my eyes Katsuki Bakugou" As best she can she manages to raise her hand to his face holding both cheeks "You've given me a perfect life, the best I could have had. I promise this is not goodbye, e-everything is going to be alright. I love you."
Her voice fades and her arm falls to the side. Lying in his arms Akira releases her last breath, leaving forever, and taking with her a part of Bakugou's heart. What do I say a part, taking his whole heart with her. "I-I love you" He whispers against her neck. He screams and cries as loud as he can. His throat burns and his body trembles. He hugs her with all his might, laying his head on her chest as he does every morning, only this time he doesn't hear a heartbeat, he hears nothing but his desperate cries. 
"NOOOO! NOOOO!" He throws his head back screaming into the wind "Please don't leave me!". Between spasms and sobs he screams without letting go of the lifeless body of the love of his life "COME BACK! Akira come back!" he shakes her body as if that could bring her back "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?". He screams at that god he's been told so much about "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU!". His sobs begin to choke him "Give me back .... give me back my love, I beg you" Rivers of tears run down his eyes. For the first time he stops to look at his girlfriend's face and gently closes his eyes that were still open. Bakugou can almost hear his heart break into a thousand different pieces. With a trembling hand he caresses her cheek. He moves closer to her and deposits one last kiss, his heart breaking. He hugs her body seeking comfort, hoping to hear her voice telling him that everything will be alright, but that never happens, Akira is dead and will never come back. He will no longer hear her voice, nor kiss her lips, she will no longer fill him with kisses in the mornings when he wakes up, she is gone.
"My love wait" He hugs his body rocking it back and forth "I-I still love you" He bites his lower lip hard "Y-you have to come back, I still need you, I need your 'goodnight' kisses. I need your hugs every morning before I leave for work, I need you to say those jokes that I don't understand and I-I need...you" Bakugou breaks into tears again, letting out heartbreaking sobs that he could swear are heard all over Japan "Let me hold your hand, baby" He takes her now cold hand "I'll fix it, I swear I will. I promise I'll love you all my life, but please come back. I promise I won't get mad about silly things anymore and I'll always make your breakfast, I-I'll kiss you as many times as you want and we'll watch those stupid Christmas movies you love so much, I'll even wear those Christmas sweaters with lights if I have to. But, please come back my sweetie, I still need you here with me, I'm not ready to let you go, not when you taught me what it's like to want to live."
"I love you, I love you, I love you" Bakugou gently pushes aside a few strands of hair that fall over her face, as he kisses her forehead gently "Only a kiss of true love can make you wake up right? That's what that movie you like so much used to say -Why don't you wake up? I love you. I still love you with all my heart, so you have to come back" He shakes her expecting something that won't happen "I can't let you go, I don't want to, I'm not that strong" He whispers against her lips, between sobs. "T-tell me one last time that you love me, just one last time please" His eyes hurt from crying so much, his throat from screaming so much, but what hurts the most is his heart that withered, died leaving along with the love of his life, his soul mate.
Just as those voices said, he couldn't save Akira, she died in his arms and he couldn't do anything but cry. They were right, all he can think is that he is a useless failure who doesn't deserve to be loved or to be happy, but why did she have to pay for that? A shiver runs through his whole body, this has to be a nightmare. Akira can't be really dead. He tries to run, to escape from this bad dream, to free himself from those chains, but this time there is no light to save him.
His angel fell.
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nabibeans · 3 days
Eternal Sunshine
Summary: Seonghwa, 19 has been in an online relationship with Hongjoong, 18 for nearly two years now. Due to high school they’ve never met. However now that they’ve graduated and have the whole summer before college Seonghwa’s family takes a trip to Los Angeles, coincidentally where Hongjoong lives.
Disc: they’re high school age here. So no smut! Just lots of fluff of two long distance boyfriends meeting.
Seongwha laid on his bed on his stomach, headphones plugged into his laptop while he worked on filling out paperwork for multiple colleges. He’d been offered to study at Seoul National University, Yonsei, you name it he probably got a scholarship for it. On the computer he’d forgotten the whole reason he even had it out. “Babe? You listening?” Seonghwa’s eyes snapped back to the screen, his boyfriend sat on the floor of his messy bedroom. Messy brown hair pulled up into a ponytail, he wore a sports bra with pajama pants, Seonghwa couldn’t help but smile at the bit of pudge his stomach had as he bent over to get closer to the screen. “I was asking what color I should dye my hair.” Seonghwa smiled softly, setting the paperwork aside for now. “What colors do you have this time babe?” The boy grabbed a few bottles holding them up. “Pink, red, and blue.” Seonghwa tapped his chin. “How about pink? You’ve never done that color.” The boy smiled, “okay I will! I gotta call-“ , “Hongjoong! Mom says clean your room!” A voice called from off camera. “Ugh, I gotta clean my room. Can you keep me company while I do?” Seonghwa laughed, “of course babe.”
Hongjoong smiled, picking up the laptop he had face time on and setting it on his dresser. Now that Seonghwa had a full view of the room he could see the state it was in, clothes scattered the floor with multiple art supplies, his bed was a mess of plushies and blankets, a trans pride flag hung on the wall next to a gay pride flag, the windows were covered by sheer black curtains. “Damn babe, when was the last time you cleaned.” Seonghwa joked. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, beginning to grab the clothes off the floor first. “I told you I got really sick recently, I was in the hospital for a day or two because I was dehydrated.” Seonghwa hummed. “I remember, we didn’t video chat for a couple days while you were sick.” He watched with nothing but love in his eyes as his boyfriend cleaned his room. He liked when he could see Hongjoong like this, his full body figure, the way his mullet reached just the tip of his spine. Hongjoong was skinny, but he also wasn’t. He was slim with the tiniest bit of fat in all the right places, it was cute. Seonghwa just wanted to squeeze him.
“Oh babe! Did I tell you? I was thinking of going to college in Korea. But I also don’t really want to go to college, plus the paper work of moving to Korea only to come back to Los Angeles. I haven’t spoken Korean since I was a toddler too.” Seonghwa nodded as he listened. When they first began dating Hongjoong had told him he was born in Korea but moved to Los Angeles at a young age after his mother booked a very large job there. He spoke mostly English, but knew a good amount of Korean. Seonghwa had learned proper English to be able to communicate with his long distance boyfriend, making it much easier for them both. “If you don’t want to come all the way here for college don’t baby. Do what makes you happy.” The door to Seonghwa’s door opened, “hey Hwa! Mom says dinner is ready. Gotta hang up on your boyfriend.” Seonghwa sighed, “I gotta go babe. I’ll call before you go to bed okay?” Hongjoong was tugging on the sheets when he looked up. “Okay babe, I’ll call you later. Bye! I love you!” Seonghwa smiled. “I love you too babe.” He hung up the call putting the laptop aside. “What’s your lover boy up to now?” His brother rubbed his head. Seonghwa pushed his hand away, “cleaning his room. Thinking about college.” , “so normal kid things.” The two laughed sitting at the table.
Hongjoong had finally finished cleaning his room, collapsing onto the bed he grabbed his AirPods of the nightstand, putting them in his ears before grabbing his phone. Scrolling through Apple Music he opened the playlist Seonghwa made for him and started it, he’d listen to music while coloring his hair. Grabbing a pair of gloves and a bowl for the dye the boy got off his bed and headed into the bathroom connected to his room. Normally someone would dye his hair for him, but this time he wanted to do it himself. Humming along to the playlist Hongjoong began to run the pink dye through his hair, suddenly a Group FaceTime notification popped up. “Damn it guys.” Answering the call he went back to dying his hair. “Hey guys what’s up?” The group were all scattered around right now, though Wooyoung and San were clearly in the same place. “We have a plan to go to the beach sometime next week. What do you think?” Hongjoong hummed, he wasn’t normally a fan of the beach. “I don’t know, I’ll have to see what Mom and Bumjoong have planned. We’re supposed to take a mini vacation to Hollywood sometime this month.” Hongjoong tugged the gloves off, throwing them away before grabbing another pair. “Let us know! Yeosang’s family is out of town and he’s alone with his sister, she said it was chill if we all hung out there sometime.” Yeosang nodded in agreement. “Maybe we could have a sleep over before Yunho leaves to Florida for college with Mingi.” Mingi and Yunho had both been accepted into the same college, deciding to move to Florida once the college season started. “Yeah that sounds nice, but..I kinda want to go to Korea and meet my boyfriend.” Hongjoong blushed, he’d been thinking about it for a while, his mother had even agreed to buy him a plane ticket. “You haven’t asked him yet? You guys totally need to meet!” Wooyoung gasped. “We will! We agreed we want to, but my schedules never line up with his.” , “you’ll figure it out. Hey wanna go out for burgers at about 6? San is paying.” Hongjoong nodded. “Yeah burgers are good. I’ll let my mom know.”
“So remember how we take a family vacation every month?” Seonghwa’s mother spoke. “Yea, what’s up?” Seonghwa’s brother, Seungmin spoke up. “Well, looks like Los Angeles is next on the list! Isn’t that where your boyfriend lives honey?” She smiled at Seonghwa. His jaw dropped, he’d get to meet Hongjoong!? “Yeah! He lives near Beverly Hills I think?” Seonghwa didn’t remember details, just that Hongjoong and most of his friends lived in a nice neighborhood. “I think it would be nice if you met him dear, you always talk about him and I can tell you really love him.” Seonghwa blushed. “I’m supposed to call him later, I’ll tell him I want to meet him. We’ve discussed him coming here a few times but his mom is so busy it never works out.” His brother nodded, “definitely ask him without saying we’re going. You want to surprise him.” His father who had been silent spoke up, “tell ya what kid, we’re gonna make sure you meet that boy. Regardless of how hard it is.” Seonghwa smiled. “Thank you.”
It was around 9pm when Hongjoong got home, a bit tired from his outing; after dinner he and his friends ended up doing a bit of shopping at the mall then got boba. “Mom! I’m home!” He called out, “Hongjoong! Welcome home honey!” She called from the kitchen, where she was making kimchi with Bumjoong. Hongjoong walked into the kitchen, bags in hand. “Here, got your favorite.” He handed one of the drinks to Bumjoong, then another to his mother. “Thanks shortstuff, how was it? What did you get now?” Hongjoong sat on the bar stool, pulling a few shirts out of the first bag. “I got a few shirts to wear for our trip, they’re all short sleeves. I also bought a swimsuit.” His mother looked up, “you haven’t worn an actual swimsuit since you came out. Let’s see it.” Hongjoong pulled out the swimsuit next, it was a tankini, the top red and the bottoms black. “I figured this would suit me best, so I’m not too aware of my boobs.” His mother nodded her approval. “It’s cute! I promise we will get that surgery scheduled as soon as possible honey. There’s just so much to do.” Hongjoong smiled softly. “Mom it’s fine, I’m in no rush to get top surgery, especially if Seonghwa and I decide we might want a baby.” Bumjoong spoke now, “do you want kids?” Hongjoong thought about it. “I think I’d like to have a baby yes, But not any time soon. I’m only 18.” His phone rang in his pocket, taking it out Seonghwa’s caller ID flashed across the screen. “It’s Seonghwa, I’ll be in my room!” Hongjoong grabbed his bags, answering the call as he walked upstairs. “Hey babe! I just got home!” He smiled seeing his boyfriend’s face. “Hey babe, did you have fun with your friends?” Hongjoong nodded, stepping into his room and switching the light on. “I did! We went shopping after we ate, I got some clothes and a swimsuit.” Seonghwa smiled affectionately. “I have to change and pee real quick, I’ll be right back babe.” Hongjoong set the phone down on his nightstand, giving Seonghwa a view of his plushie net. Going into the bathroom Hongjoong did what he needed to then changed, deciding on a pink tank top and some shorts to sleep in. “Okay I’m back!” Grabbing his phone he walked over to the light switch, switching it off. “I’ll show you my clothes tomorrow, I’m really tired.”
Seonghwa smiled at his boyfriend, “I can see that, you do look tired.” He laid in bed himself. “It was fun, but exhausting. Wooyoung dragged us everywhere.” Hongjoong settled into his bed, rolling over so he was facing the wall. Seonghwa’s eyes softened, his boyfriend was so cute. “You look cute, oh by the way. My mom wants us to meet up. Would there be a time we could?” Hongjoong choked on the soda he’d grabbed to sip on. “I uhm..yeah! Next week! I’m going to the beach with my friends we could meet there!” Seonghwa nodded. “Great! I’ll let her know. Do you know what day?” , “ah Friday, it’s the only day Jongho can come down from San Francisco.” Jongho was Yeosang’s boyfriend, they’d also been long distance before Jongho moved from Korea to San Francisco for college. “Okay, I can’t wait to finally see you. Get to hold you.” Hongjoong blushed, grabbing a plushie. “I can’t wait either! I want to bring you to my house to meet my mom and brother, could you maybe stay the night too?” Seonghwa nodded, “I’ll ask my mom babe, it would be better than staying in a hotel but it’s still a family trip.” He almost let it trip. “I know babe, my mom runs an air bnb I can send a link to a home that’s available right now.” Seonghwa was excited. He’d finally get to meet his boyfriend, the love of his life. “Thank you, I can’t wait to see you.” Hongjoong yawned softly. “I can’t wait to see you baby.” He mumbled sleepily. “Don’t fall asleep yet, last time you did that you called me at 3am your time while you walked to seven eleven for snacks.” Hongjoong laughed. “But I’m so sleepy baby.” The two chatted for at least two hours before Hongjoong fell asleep, hair covering his face and the tv making noise in the background. Seonghwa couldn’t wait to meet him.
It was raining when they got off the plane in Los Angeles, much to Seonghwa’s dismay; turned out it’d be raining the whole week so plans had changed with the beach. Instead Seonghwa would go straight to Hongjoong’s house and spend the next few days with him while his parents were exploring and having some much deserved alone time. “How excited are you to meet your boyfriend buddy!?” Seonghwa’s father shook the boy gently. “I’m very exited! I can’t wait to see him. He looks so small when we video chat but I think he’s shorter than that.” Hongjoong was very small, his testosterone hadn’t done much in that area. “You have to send us pictures of each other!” His mother cooed, “don’t worry I will, I’ll see you guys in a few days.” The family split up, Seonghwa walking nervously to the entrance. Hongjoong had said he’d be coming to pick him up, which shocked him. He hadn’t know Hongjoong had his license, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out his stomach began to do flips,
🐿️: I’m in the bathroom, I really had to pee and couldn’t hold it. It’s right by the entrance.
His boyfriend always had a small bladder, he couldn’t remember how many times Hongjoong left their calls every night to use the bathroom. Walking over to the restrooms entrance he decided to wait outside , leaning against a pillar. The next few people that exited the bathroom were definitely not Hongjoong, Seonghwa’s nerves began to build up. That’s when he saw him, Hongjoong was in fact very short, probably no taller than at least 5’7 on a good day, he wore a black cropped tank top and blue skinny jeans; pink hair messy. His face was buried in his phone, typing away at something that had his brows furrowed. Seonghwa carefully approached the boy, wrapping his arm around his waist. “Hey I’m looking for my boyfriend.” Hongjoong flinched. “Hey get your hands off me fucker-Seonghwa!?” The phone slipped out of his hands, immediately Hongjoong’s body was pressed against his own; both of them locked in a tight hug. “Oh my god! No fucking way this is happening! Are you real!? Are you really my boyfriend!? Oh my god you’re so hot in person!” Seonghwa smiled, pulling back from the hug to properly admire his boyfriend. “You’re just as cute in person as you are through a screen.” Hongjoong nodded, tears falling down his face now. “I’m so happy, oh my god.” Seonghwa smiled, pulling him back in. “I am too, you have no idea how long I’ve been dying to meet you.” The couple held each other a bit longer before pulling away. Hongjoong bending down to pick up his phone. “How was your flight? Are you hungry? Tired? Wanna drop your bags off at my place then get lunch?” Seonghwa chuckled. “Yeah sure sounds good. The flight was long but I slept most of it.” Hongjoong laced their fingers, blushing at the warmth of Seonghwa’s hand. He finally got to hold his boyfriend’s hand! “That’s good! I parked close not too much of a walk, my car is messy though so I’m sorry.” Seonghwa giggled at the boy’s obvious nerves. “It’s okay babe, I’m just happy I’m with you.” The two made it to Hongjoong’s car, putting Seonghwa’s bags in the backseat. “Your car is not messy! A few bottles of soda is nothing!” Hongjoong blushed, “it’s messy to me.” He slipped into the drivers seat, Seonghwa getting in on the passengers side. Hongjoong started the car, then looked towards his boyfriend shyly. “Can I kiss you? Is that okay? I really want to kiss you.” Seonghwa reached out to cup his cheek, gently running a thumb over the warm skin. “You don’t have to ask to kiss me, we’ve waited this long.” The pair leaned in, finally sharing a kiss. Their lips stayed pressed together for a few seconds before separating. “Wow, your lips are so soft.” Hongjoong blushed, “so are yours, nice chapstick by the way.” They shared another kiss, this time longer. Breaking apart again Hongjoong took his boyfriend’s hand. “Let’s go! Mom is excited to meet you.”
Seonghwa and Hongjoong chatted the whole ride to Hongjoong’s house, their hands never once separated. “I live in a gated community by the way, curfew is at midnight.” Seonghwa nodded. “I plan to have you in bed by midnight, you barely sleep.” Hongjoong giggled. “I did last night! I was really tired.” Opening his door a bit Hongjoong typed in the password to the gate, getting back in the car as it opened. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Seonghwa was shocked to say the least, Hongjoong’s house was huge; surrounded by a well kept yard and two other vehicles sat in the drive way. “This is my home, don’t be intimidated.” Hongjoong smiled as he leaned over, kissing his boyfriend once more. Seonghwa returned the kiss, “I’m not, well..maybe a little.” The two got out of the car, grabbing Seonghwa’s bags then heading inside. “Mom I’m back! And I have someone with me!” He tugged Seonghwa into the kitchen area. Seonghwa felt nervous as they entered the kitchen, Hongjoong’s brother and Mother were packaging the kimchi they’d made. “Oh my goodness! Are you Seonghwa!? It’s so nice to meet the young man my son has been so happy with.” Bumjoong bowed. “I’m Bumjoong, his big brother. Nice to meet you.” Seonghwa bowed back, “nice to meet you both, I’m so happy to finally meet Hongjoong in person after so long.” Hongjoong smiled, hugging his boyfriend’s waist. “We’re gonna get Seonghwa settled then go out for lunch, is that okay?” Hongjoong’s mother nodded. “Just be careful my baby!” Hongjoong’s ears turned red as they left the kitchen. “Your mom and brother are really nice. I like them already.” Seonghwa followed his boyfriend up the stairs, and into his room. It was much cuter in person than on camera. “This is my room, you’ve seen it on camera though.” Hongjoong sat on the bed, “I might change, the jeans are making me sweaty.” Seonghwa joined his boyfriend on the bed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to hold him close. “You look cute no matter what. You know that right?” Hongjoong nodded, “I know.” He yawned. “You’re tired.” Hongjoong nodded. “Only a little, I haven’t drove that long in a while and it’s raining.” Seonghwa smiled. “Let’s take a nap instead then. I want my baby well rested.” Hongjoong thought about it then nodded. “Yeah okay, let me take my bra off and change into shorts. You can change too, I don’t like people in my bed with jeans on.” He smacked his boyfriend’s thigh. “Didn’t think you would.” Seonghwa stood up, grabbing his small boyfriend and picking him up. “God you’re tiny, perfect for me.” Hongjoong squealed. “I’m not that tiny! Now put me down!” Seonghwa put him down, but not before kissing his lips one more time.
The couple slid into bed after changing and Hongjoong shut the blackout curtains, the sound of rain was loud over the low voices coming from the tv. Seonghwa was only starting to fall asleep while Hongjoong snored softly in his arms, a sleepy smile on his face. “I love you.” Seonghwa whispered, pressing a kiss to his lovers head. As he fell asleep he heard a soft groan, followed by a sleepy, “I love you too.” The couple cuddled togeher, finally able to fall asleep in each others arms. No screen to separate them now.
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We’re not technically dating or official but we’ve literally kissed like four times just today (more including this past week), held hands, kind of cuddled/his arms wrap around me in such a way that I practically swoon, his hands were rubbing up and down my thigh, and we’ve been on two dates already like JUST ASK ME TO BE YOUR GF ALREADY 😭😭
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emmafallsinlove · 10 months
recently i’m thinking about how both of rory’s lovers left her on her graduation day. first it was jess who literally went without saying goodbye, end up not taking her to prom and didn’t showed up for her graduation. but he was 17 and he didn’t know better. and later it was logan, who proposed and when rory had told him “i love you, i love the idea of being married to you but i can’t do it right now at this moment” literally gave her an ultimatum - marry me or else. he was 25 but acted like a literal child at this moment. and i hate it because rory worked so hard for both of these moments, especially for the second one, after having a meltdown and taken a time off and yet, her boyfriend, the person who told her “you base your decision based on what you want for you” left her because she didn’t wanna marry him right at 22 when she graduates, and it sucks.
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giddlygoat · 6 days
that scene in pacific rim where his brother dies while they’re linked and he describes it as a sudden nothingness that will never leave him. like half of his mind and soul became empty but did not vanish, because he carries that emptiness with him forever now. yeah man. that’s just what having a close sibling is like
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coachbeards · 1 month
the beauty of beard’s ending is that i genuinely think he’d be unhappy no matter where he ended up
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facetsofthecloset · 2 years
Every so often you have to reread Unseen Academicals
that’s it that’s the post, if you haven’t read UA in a while or haven’t read it yet, take this as a sign
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