#i don’t usually do these
ciearcab · 2 months
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musing over a priest or something like that
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inusmasha · 9 months
Sometimes it’s hard to read fanfic when you’re studying herbalism.. when they have the character preparing a tincture to use that same DAY!!?
Baby those dried herbs need to sit in that jar with high proof alcohol for at LEAST a month!
That’s why before the use of calendars ppl use to prepare their tinctures either on the new moon or full moon. A a full moon cycle is usually 28 days or so. And they would give the moon names so it’s easier to remember when/what month said tincture was bottled.
This is also why herbal medicine is prepare in small batches. You have to take your time preparing your bottles. Making sure everything is clean so you don’t end up with mold. Diluting your grain alcohol. Heckkk knowing when to pick your herbs for max potency! Drying your herbs! That takes a lot of time too!
I didn’t mean to rant lol
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addamii · 1 year
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Empty’s just another word for clean.
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nuppu-nuppu · 5 months
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Blue and red are my least favorite colors Idk how this happened
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 302
Look, when they had decided to reincarnate with Tucker this cycle they hadn’t exactly expected this. Tucker didn’t either, so thank fuck it’s apparently not a normal thing, but still! The matching gold eyes are pretty cool, and at least their fangs and claws have stayed but like, everything else? Ugh. So very not good. 
At least all four are together still, even if it’s in this absolutely crazy scenario of rich cults, undead child assassins, and wow this is like some sort of ridiculous novel or anime scenario when you put in the whole reincarnation thing… 
Alright, so they’re getting out right? Yeah they can all agree on that- and thank fuck these new bodies of theirs are Liminal or else they wouldn’t be able to communicate. Seriously, who slits kids’ throats? The cult people, apparently, so honestly fuck them. They're getting out of here.
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starheirxero · 7 months
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All gods have to start their fall from grace somewhere…
A few close-ups under the cut :3
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khytal · 1 year
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heiji heiji heiji
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silverstoneddd · 6 months
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f1 + @screenshotsofdespair
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thewisestdino · 7 months
Send me a random character and a random number 1-100 and I will draw a piece with them corresponding to the song on my Spotify top 100
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andradrawsstuff · 2 months
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Tried my go at anthro art with these dorks
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zarvasace · 8 months
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This was going to be far less finished than it is. I am simple. Friday the 13th, I draw goths. They are awful and in love.
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heraldofcrow · 7 days
I need to apologize to Miquella because I ALMOST did the thing where I “stopped liking a character because of fandom drama surrounding them” and I feel bad because back when I was a young teen I swore to never judge a piece of media or character based on how other people discussed it or how popular/hated/overhyped/underhyped it was.
I swore I would always make my own judgements first and be fair to every new character/piece of media, because I never liked it when someone would tell me they hated a thing I was into just because it had annoying fans. It felt like when a parent punishes all the kids for something one sibling did and I didn’t want to repeat history. I still almost do this with certain things, but I am trying to stop. The fights surrounding Miquella are the mind killer. I must not pay any attention to them.
Miquella is a piece of FromSoft lore! A fascinating character! It’s not his fault the fandom argues about him.
So! *clears throat* by way of apology, I have taken him to McDonald’s!
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Happy ending!
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lotus-piers · 9 days
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me defending jiang cheng on the internet
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parasocial-hermit · 25 days
TIOS art dump
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salty-an-disco · 4 months
I feel like I’ve seen way too many posts about how Shifty is way too unmoving and arrogant in her position during the final battle, even saying she’s dismissive, and guys guys– in the gentlest way possible:
That’s the entire point.
Conflict is in your nature, the both of you pushing and pulling against each other. If she was calm, and understanding, you’d both stay unmoving and unchanging, and that’s just not in your nature.
She pushes, so that you’ll push back, so that new avenues of experience can be born, so that the both of you can keep changing each other. Change doesn’t come without conflict and push back, so of course she’s going to push against you, that’s simply in her nature.
Shifting Mound is always going to be relentless, and the Long Quiet is the only one who can answer in kind and push against her. That’s just how their dance go. The question is on whether you want to join her on it as two beings too larger to be comprehensible to anyone but each other, or if you’d rather be something smaller but easier to comprehend.
There are no wrong choices. Only new beginnings, and fresh perspectives.
This is a love story.
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mossy-paws · 3 months
Coroika Splatoon but it’s PHIGHTING! Roblox
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Hi to my Coroika and phighting fans so how are we feeling about this one
cooked these up in a few hours! These honestly didn’t really take that long at all and were really fun to do since I got to play around with some charcoal brushes (I love doing everything in my power to NOT use midtones lmfao).
I tired to mimic the style of the manga a bit and I think i did relatively okay! I have a lot more of these planned so yeah >:3! Really excited to get to do them sometime
Og Panels:
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