#i don't even need to be paid WELL i just want one of the bin trolleys
notquiteaghost · 1 year
every time i leave the house i pick up litter. it would bring me genuine joy to pick up litter six hours a day five days a week. and yet i can't even find out how my local council hires litter pickers. they exist! i've seen them! i want to join them! apparently i'm not allowed!
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atlasscrumpit · 8 months
Miguel O'Hara / Doctor au
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<< Miguel is your Doctor at a mental hospital, after a rough night he sets out on a search to find your missing teddy bear >>
Miguel came into work at 8am like he usually he did.
He passed one of the other doctors who he was taking over from.
"Heads up, it was a rough night with Y/N." The doctor said before heading off, Miguel sighed and got himself ready for the day.
Once he was done he made his way to your room and gently knocked on the door.
He opened it up to see you laying in your bed crying softly.
"How's my favourite patient?" Miguel said as you looked up he could see some relief in your face.
"I want him back..." You whispered as you began crying more.
Miguel knelt beside your bed and looked at you.
"Who, sweetheart?" He asked as you tried to stutter out some words.
"They took my bear." You whispered through your tears.
"You mean your teddy bear, Bernard?" He asked as you hiccuped and nodded.
"You stay here, sweetie. I'm going to go see what happened, okay?" He said as you nodded again.
He left your room and found one of the nurses who was on the night shift.
"Have you seen Y/N's teddy bear?" He asked as she looked up from her clipboard.
"Doctor Harry said he wanted to see how she would go without it." She said as Miguel groaned and rubbed his head.
"She will go horribly! I'll go see him thank you." He said before walking away, he made it to Doctor Harry's office and didn't even bother to knock.
"Where's Y/N's teddy bear?" He asked, glaring at the other doctor.
"Miguel, she's well over the age to not need a damn teddy bear. She relies on it too much." The doctor reply as Miguel bit his lip, trying to not curse the doctor out.
"That teddy bear is all she's had her entire life, sure to us it's just a bear but to her it's everything. She is never going to be normal and that's okay, she needs to heal from what happened and taking away her only comfort is not the way to do it, damn it!" Miguel shouted as the doctor looked at him with an unamused face.
"She needs to learn how to survive without it." He replied, only making Miguel angrier.
"What did you do with it?" Miguel demanded.
"I donated it to one of the thift shops down the road." He grumbled before dismissing Miguel.
Miguel bit his tongue and walked out, making sure to slam the door just a little too hard.
He made his way back to your room to see you sitting up in bed rocking back and forth slowly.
"Y/N? Hey, it's okay." Miguel whispered as he sat on the side of your bed.
You tried to speak but no words would come out.
"It's okay, sweetheart. You don't need to say anything. I've got a lot to get done but as soon as my lunch break comes I'm going to go find Bernard for you, okay?" He whispered as you nodded, trying to not cry again.
"H-He's scared." You whispered as Miguel looked at you sadly.
"Y/N... Okay, how about I take my lunch break early? I'm going to go look for him right now." He said standing up as you smiled a little.
"I'll get one of the nurses to bring you your breakfast, I'll be back soon." He said offering you a soft smile.
"Thank you..." You whispered before he left.
Miguel set out on a mission to find your bear, he ran down to the thrift shop and first looked through the bins to see it wasn't there.
He went inside the store and saw a lady with it in her hand.
He gasped and ran up to her.
"Hello, hi. Yeah, I need that bear." He said as she looked at him strangely.
"Why? I'm buying this for my grandchild?" She replied as Miguel groaned internally.
"It's a long story but it was accidentally donated, and I need it back." He said as she narrowed her eyes.
"I've paid for it." She retorted as Miguel quickly grabbed out his wallet.
He gave the lady $20.
"Take this money, give me the bear and I don't kick you in the shins." He whispered as he grabbed the money and handed him the bear, looking at him in shock.
"Thank you!" He shouted and thanked everything that he had found the bear.
He ran back to the hospital and took a moment to catch his breath.
He came back to your room to see Doctor Harry talking to you while you cried.
"Y/N, you need to get used to not having a toy as a comfort. You are a grown woman." He said as you cried and shook your head.
"I just want him back! He's my property!" You screamed as the doctor shook his head.
"Enough! You are too old to be acting this way!" The doctor screamed back as you looked at him in fear.
Miguel quickly stepped in.
"You are way out of line, doctor. Out, now. The boss will be hearing about this." Miguel warned as the doctor huffed and left your room.
"I didn't do anything wrong! Why did you take him!" You screamed as you gripped at your own hair.
Miguel quickly knelt beside your bed.
"Y/N, hey look at me for a second." Miguel said as you looked at him still sobbing.
"I've got someone that wants to say hello." He said holding up the bear, your eyes widened as you grabbed the bear and hugged him as tight as you could.
You rocked back and forth while you cried and held onto your bear.
Miguel sat on the side of your bed and stayed quiet while you calmed down.
When you eventually stopped crying you sat still and just patted the soft material on your teddy.
"Thank you..." You whispered making Miguel smile.
"Of course, Y/N. What Doctor Harry did was wrong, okay? He's new here and he was way out of line. We all have something that helps comfort us, he shouldn't have taken away Bernard. I'll be dealing with him and it'll never happen again, okay?" Miguel said in a calming tone as you nodded.
"You've done absolutely nothing wrong, I promise. Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked as you shook your head.
"I couldn't sleep without Bernard... And then I was scared and I started screaming so they gave me a sedative but I didn't sleep I just laid there crying." You whispered as Miguel nodded a little, looking at you sadly.
"Alright, sweetheart. Well, now that Bernard is back to keep you safe, do you want to get some sleep? I'll save your breakfast and you can have it when you wake up, does that sound good?" Miguel asked as you smiled a little and nodded, giggling to yourself.
He loved to see you react this way, knowing you'd barely ever known any kindness.
"Perfect, you get some rest and I'll see you soon, alright?" He asked as you laid down, he helped to get you tucked into your bed before dimminng the lights.
"Sleep well, Y/N. And sleep well, Bernard." He whispered as you giggled, he shut the door and sighed, he knew it would be a long day of paperwork after this incident, but he was happy knowing you were safe.
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cmncisspnandmore · 10 months
One Night Stand; Part 3
Pairings: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
Warnings: OOC Simon (kinda?), fluff, alcohol, pregancy, talks of abortion, vomiting,
Summary: Its been 3 months since your night in the sheets with Simon and your life just got a whole lot more complicated.
A/N: I know, I know. okay. I get it. Not everyone like the pregnancy trope, so if you dont im sorry. If i lose some readers for this then im sad to see you go but i hope to see you in future writings i do for the COD men. This is not going to be like other pregnancy tropes that get all mushy and fluffy and light after. This story will be filled with dark themes coming in later chapters that i hope will keep people interseted. We all know Simon Riley's life cant be easy, so if you're still here after this part. Buckle up. Its a wild ride.
Word Count: 5,015
New to the Series? Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2
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The bar looked exactly the same as it did three months ago. The music wasn't as loud, but that was probably because it was still early. Many people were still at work at 5pm on a Thursday.
Not you, you had found a job working online, writing articles for business pages. It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but it paid well, and it occupied most of your time. An added bonus of not leaving for work was you never had to worry about coming home from the office to find someone on your couch. You shake your head trying to clear the thoughts. You weren't even 100% sure why you were here, the chances that Soap even knew Simon were slim. But he had said he knew almost everyone that came to the bar. 
So there was a chance.
One you couldn't pass up, you had to at least try.
Wrapping your coat around you tighter, you walk into the bar. The dim lights reflect off the shiny tables. A few people sit at them, watching a replay of a game on tv. You glance around behind the bar, looking for the familiar mohawk. 
It pops up from behind the bar towards the end, Soap holds a bin of limes in his arms. He sets the bin down on the shiny black countertop, pulling a small cutting board out from the top of the bin and a knife. He slices a lime in half as you slide into the seat in front of him. His blue eyes meet yours and a smile breaks out on his face. 
“Lass! Good to see ya, you disappeared on me the last time ye were here!” He smiles, turning the lime and cutting it again. 
“Sorry about that, I needed to clear my head, I hope I didn't upset you,” you smile back, placing your hands on the bar.
“Nay, what can I get for ye? Vodka Soda?” he asks, setting the knife down as he turns towards the shelves of alcohol behind him.
“Uh, actually, can I just have water instead?” You bite your bottom lip and Soap nods, grabbing a glass and filling it. He slides the glass of water in front of you, and you stare down into it. 
“Everything okay?” he asks, looking at you with one raised eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine. Early day tomorrow ya know? Don't want to be hung over is all.”
“Aye i get that, so what brings you here?” Soap leans his forearms against the bar, “Miss me?” He smiles.
You can't help but roll your eyes, “Oh totally,” you laugh.
“I knew it, not many women can resist the MacTavish charm,” Soap grins, he stands back up and picks up the knife. He cuts each lime into wedges before putting them in the bin, you reach over grabbing one from the cutting board and squeeze it into your water. 
“Aye! Paw off,” Soap smiles, shaking the knife at you. A smile of your own breaks out on your lips as you watch him. 
“You have plenty to spare, plus someone around here has to keep you busy.”
“I assure you Lass, the folk around here keep me plenty busy,” Soap points over your shoulder where Price and Gaz are walking in. They’re deep in a conversation as they make their way over to where you are sitting in front of Soap. 
Kyle is the first to notice you, and he pauses looking at you over. “Y/n, it's good to see you again, not going to lie. I was kinda sad you left without a goodbye last time,” Gaz takes the seat on the left.
“Sorry about that, I promise to say bye this time. I don’t want to bruise your ego,” You say over the rim of your glass. 
“Good, I don't think I can hear him wallow about it anymore,” Price says as he sits in the stool on your right. “So what do you think of London? Everything you could’ve imagined?”
“It’s alright… It rains a lot more than I'm used to, but it's not too bad. Definitely different from the small town I'm from,” you look over at him. He gives you a small smile, and turns towards Soap. 
“Soap, we ship out tomorrow morning, be ready at 0600 hours,” Price grunts as Soap puts the last lime into the bin. 
“Yes sir,” Soap turns towards the bottles of liquor on the shelf and grabs a bottle of bourbon. He sets it down on the counter with a soft thud, he then grabs two glasses for them, pouring each man two fingers. He slides the glasses across the bar to them, the acidic smell of the bourbon makes your stomach turn. Saliva pools in your mouth as you desperately try to swallow. 
“Oh uh, Soap, I wanted to ask if you knew someone actually,” You take a sip of water, your eyes following him as he moves behind the bar. Soaps bright blue eyes look over at you, his brows furrowed together. 
“I might,” he smiles. A loud noise from behind you startles you, and a drunken man tumbles into the back of your stool. His drink spilling down your back as he leans against the back of the barstool, the smell of the alcohol hits your nose. 
“Oops,” the drunken man mumbles, his breath wafting over your face.
Your stomach rolls, as Price and Gaz help the man up. Gaz and Price half drag him away from you as he continues to mumble about his drink. Gaz says something and pats him on the chest as they pull him to the door. You stand from the chair, the fabric of your coat and shirt now sticking to you. Nausea rolls through you as you try to breathe through your mouth. 
“You alright lass? You look a little green,” Soap is now standing in front of you, a clean bar towel in his hands. He gently pats the towel against your soaked shirt and coat trying to soak up some of the liquid that's seeping into your skin. 
You can't answer, if you open your mouth you’re sure you’ll throw up so you push past Soap and hurry towards the bathroom. Soap follows behind you, pausing at the door to the women's room. You shove open one of the stall doors and drop to your knees. The cold tiles bite through the fabric of your jeans, as the contents of your stomach is emptied into the porcelain bowl. It takes you several minutes to stop dry heaving, your stomach clenching painfully with each contraction of your abs. When the feeling settles you stand, before rinsing your mouth out with some water from the tap. You grab a paper towel, wiping your hands and mouth.
“You alright in there?” Soap calls through the door, his voice laced with concern. 
“Yeah..” you call back, tossing the paper towel into the bin and pulling open the door, “Sorry about that.” You shove your hands into your pockets as you come face to face with Soap. His eyebrows knit together in worry as he looks over you, one hand hovers in the air as if hes going back and forth on if he should touch you or not.
“You su-” he pauses looking over your shoulder, his eyes widened slightly.
“MacTavish, the bar can't run itself…” A familiar voice rumbles, the hair on the back of your neck stands on end. Memories of your night 3 months ago rushes back, that same voice that murmured praise to you as he pounded into you. 
You whip around, at the end of the hall stands Simon, his black hoodie pulled up over his head, his mouth and nose covered by a skull print face mask. His brown eyes widen slightly as he sees you. “Y/n…” he whispers. 
“You two know each other?” Soap muses from behind me, his hands coming to rest on my shoulder as he walks by. An uncomfortable silence settles over the hallway and Soap slips by, muttering “I’ll leave you two alone…” 
Simon takes a few steps towards you, and it seems like he takes up the whole hallway. You look up as he towers over you, his face is unreadable, he lifts a hand, brushing his fingertips across your cheek. It sends electricity skittering across your skin, your breath catches in your throat.
Over the past 3 months you have tried to forget about the man whose brown eyes haunted your dreams. Whose touch caused your mind to go blank. Like someone wiping a harddrive. But there was no forgetting, not anymore. He was here in front of you, sure, you had come to ask Soap if he knew him. But you hadn't expected to run into him tonight. You still had no idea what you were going to say to him. How do you justify just leaving his house at 3am?
“You could've said goodbye, you know… You didn't have to sneak out and call an Uber at 3am..” Simon whispers, and guilt slams into you. He knew you left. He wasn't asleep like you thought…
“I-I..” you stumble over your words, unsure what to say. There wasn't anything you could say really. You knew you should’ve just waited, dealt with the awkward small talk. Maybe even exchange numbers you would never plan on using. But nope.
Instead you fled. Just like you fled after your sister's funeral.
At least you were consistent. 
“I’m not upset, I understand.” Simon adds after a moment, his hands shoved deep in his pockets of his hoodie. 
“Simon.. I.. I’m sorry.. I’ve been going through a lot. And i didnt .. I couldn't face you after that. Not, not that you did anything wrong. Because you didn't! I mean you were great. I just,” You run a hand through your hair. “God, this is not how I wanted this to go.” 
“Breathe. Love, breathe.” Simons hands cup your face and you freeze. “It’s okay, like I said I'm not upset with you,” he lets his hands drop, and you nod. 
“I didn't know you knew Soap,” He muses, leaning against the wall. You shuffle your feet, taking a deep breath.
“Yeah… I met him the same night I met you… You know him too, yeah?” 
“Soap, Gaz, Price and I all serve together,” Simon rubs the back of his neck with his hand, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Oh! I don't know how I didn't pick up that you were military,” You bite your lip looking down at his black boots. 
“We didn't exactly get to know each other very much that night..” Simon says, and a small blush creeps up your cheeks at the mention of your night together. “So what brings you here tonight?” Simon asks.
The familiar feeling of nausea swirls in your stomach again, you clench your fists, nails biting into your palm. Something you have come to do a lot over the past few months. “I came here to ask about you, actually. I needed to talk to you..” You whisper, and Simon's brows furrow.
“Well you found me.. What did you need to talk about?” He asks, as you chew your bottom lip. Anxiety creeps into your chest, wrapping itself around your lungs like an icy hand. The air rushes from your lungs, your eyes burning with tears.
 How the hell could you turn this man's life upside down?
“Hey, hey,” Simon whispers, his large hands clasp your shoulders steadying you. The world feels a million miles away, like you were floating out in space untethered. Everything sounds muffled, and the lights are suddenly too bright in the hallway. You raise your shaky hands, running them through your hair. A large hand guides you down the hall a little until the bitter cold air of winter in London hits you. You gasp, your lungs filling with the cold air, goosebumps break out along your heated skin. 
The world slowly comes back into focus, soft murmuring in your ear as large arms wrap around your middle holding you against a solid chest. “Breathe, you’re alright, you’re okay… Just breathe, Love.” Simon murmurs into your ear. Tears fall from your eyes, trails of hot tears stream down your cold cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I left that night…” you gasp in between sobs, “and i am so sorry im going to say this…” You whisper the last part. At first you aren't sure Simon heard you but after a moment he turns you around. His arms are still around you as he looks down at you, your teeth starting to chatter from emotion and the wind.
“Whatever you have to say can't be that bad, love. Did you find out you had some like STI or something? Do I need to get tested?” He asks, his brown eyes searching your tear stained face. His hands moving up and down your body in an attempt to warm you up and comfort you at the same time.
You shake your head, if only an STI was the least of your problems. “N-no, i didn't give you anything like that…” you choke out.
Simon watches you as you stand face to face with him in the same alley you met him in 3 months ago. Although this time you’re different, instead of the woman who was caught in her own head. Who was running from demons he couldn't see, trying her best to show the world it couldn't break her. Instead standing in front of him was a woman who was scared, who looked so lost in the world, like she was barely hanging on. He studies you, even as you stand in front of him crying, your entire body shaking. You were still beautiful, and he would be lying if he said he didn't think about you. 
You had haunted him every moment since he heard you leave the apartment. When he heard the door click shut it took everything in him not to follow you out. But he didn’t, he laid there staring up at the ceiling until almost 5, before he got up and started making himself some tea. It was then he noticed the note you left your swirling handwriting on the scarp paper wishing him well. He was saddened to see you hadn’t left a way to contact you, but part of him understood. He had offered you a chance to get out of your head for a while. He hadn’t asked you on a date. He DIDN'T date. 
The onslaught of disappointment was tough for him to swallow. Simon was never upset when a woman he brought to bed left with no goodbye, and a hasty note. Simon preferred it that way, it was better if the one night stands didn’t stick around but for some reason Simon couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how your curves felt beneath his palms. The silky smooth expanse of your skin. The way your moans stirred something deep in him, or the way your eyes told him more than you ever would. 
Now as he looked down at you, standing in the darkened alley way. He knew whatever you wanted to say was about to bring his world crashing down. But instead of the overwhelming feeling to flee, that he normally had when confronting emotional issues like this. Simon wanted to hold you close and tell you that it was okay, that whatever it was you could face it and make it out the other side. During his years of doing interrogations and studying people he had learnt the signs of when someone was teetering on the edge. It was clear in your face and body language that you were one gentle gust of wind from toppling over. Crumbling into pieces he wasn’t sure anyone could put back together.
“What is it then Sweetheart? I’ll help you figure it out, whatever it is.” He whispers, pulling you closer to him, his body heat seeping into you, as the wind blows. You sniffle, your shaking hands coming up to swipe at the tears under your eyes. You take one last breath, eyes closed as you brace yourself.
“I’m pregnant.” 
It’s like the world stopped spinning.
Time was suddenly suspended, as you pried your eyes open to look at Simon. His brown eyes were guarded. His brows pulled together, as his hands stopped their motions for a fraction of a second. Your lungs burned from holding your breath, your throat tight. Every muscle in your body was tense, as you waited for him to say something. Do something. You needed some sort of reaction from him. Yelling, screaming, swearing, anything was better than the earth shattering silence that took place after you muttered the two words you hadn’t yet said out loud since you found out.
It wasn’t like you planned on getting pregnant by your one night stand. Hell. It was the LAST thing you wanted. You were always careful to get your birth control shot every 3 months. But with the chaos of the last few months, somewhere along the line you must’ve missed your last appointment. It wasn’t until you went into your appointment earlier today to get a shot that they had informed you they couldn’t administer it. That you were already pregnant.
The word shocks you, and for a moment you aren’t sure you hear him right. You raise an eyebrow, as you look at Simon.
“Okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll figure it out.” Simon states, his hands resuming their soothing motion up and down your sides.
“You’re not.. not going to freak out?” You whisper.
“There’s nothing to freak out about, this isn’t just going to go away. So we need to talk about our options, and we will. Just got standing in the back alley of a pub.”
“Okay…” you whisper, as Simon’s hands guide you towards the emergency exit door that he brought you through. The inside of the bar is louder than before, more people have shown up. Soap, Gaz and Price are all talking at the end of the bar. Your glass of water is filled and sitting on a napkin. They all look over when you two walk over.
“Ghost, Soap was just telling me that you and y/n know each other. Small world isn’t it?” Gaz smiles, his brown eyes looking between us. 
“We do,” Simon turns to Price, “I’m going to be bringing her home, I’ll see you at 0600 tomorrow, Captain.” 
There’s a look that passes between Price and Simon, but he just nods, then turns towards you. “I hope to see you again, dear, maybe next time we can all have a nice meal.” 
“Maybe,” you smile, after waving goodbye to Soap and Gaz, Simon leads you out to the street where the cars are parked. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks, looking down at you.
“No I took the bus,” you shove your hands into the pockets of your coat. It was still wet from where the guy spilt his drink, and you shivered.
“I’ll drive you home,” Simon takes your hand, pulling you towards his truck. He pulls open the passenger door and waits for you to get settled in the seat before shutting it. You run your hands together as Simon climbs into the driver's seat. He starts the truck, turning the heat on high.
“Where do you live?” He asks, as he turns on the headlights. 
“On Ashton street, the apartment complex there” from the corner of your eye you see Simon visibly stiffened, but he doesn’t say anything as he pulls away from the curb. The ride is mainly quiet, neither one of you having much to say. As you get closer to your apartment your anxiety starts to grow again. What if he tells you to get rid of it? 
Is that what you wanted? What if he decided he would rather give it up for adoption? Would he help you find a family? Maybe he would tell you he didn’t want anything to do with a baby? Could you deal with a baby? Bile burns in the back of your throat, and you try to swallow it back down. You weren’t about to throw up all over his nice truck. The grimy bathroom of a bar was one thing, but Simon’s leather interior of his car was not an option. Simon turns down a side street, there weren’t many streetlights on this stretch of the drive. You try to focus on the passing shadows but the rolling and twisting in you hug doesn’t let up.
“Can you pull over please?” You whisper, and Simon glances at you. Your hands bunched in the fabric of your coat, your eyes closed as you take deep breaths. Simon eases the car over, barely putting the car in park before you flung the door open and hop out. You move a few feet into the woods, your hands scraping against the tough bark of a tree, as you get sick. Bile burns your throat and nose, tears stream down your cheeks. 
Warm hands gather the hair from your face and hold it back. Holding your hair back with one hand the other rubs up and down your back. It takes several minutes of dry heaving for you to be able to stand up. A handkerchief is suddenly floating in front of you. You take it and wipe your mouth with it, shoving it into your pocket after.
“You okay?” Simon asks, as you take a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m okay, sorry..” you mumble, as you turn back to the car and climb back in. Simon doesn’t say anything as he climbs in and continues to drive to your apartment. As he parks his car, he glances around, his eyes resting on the boarded up windows of the glass door.
“Everything okay?” You ask, noticing as he stares at the glass like he’s trying to get it to tell him what happened to it.
“Yeah. Sorry, let’s go inside,” he mumbles, climbing out and coming to your side. He pulls open your door and offers you a hand. You walk towards the building Simon’s entire body is tense as some residents barrel out of the door. They’re shouting and swearing as they stumble out, a lit cigarette dangling from their fingers. Simon pushes you behind him, as they pass, he watches as they head over to a parked car and continue arguing in front of it.
“They’ll stop arguing after a while. They do this often..” you mutter to Simon as you take his hand pulling him towards the door. He grunts and follows you up the three flights of stairs to your apartment. You hesitate, your hand on the knob as you take a deep breath. Entering was always the hardest part now, every time your hand touches the handle the images of your family break through the mental box you shoved them into. You let out the breath you were holding and pushed open the door. Flicking on the light switch next to the door. 
Your eyes falling on the empty couch against the far wall in the living room. Some of the tension leaves your shoulders as you stare at the threadbare fabric. You step further into the apartment allowing Simon to slip in behind you. He turns the locks on the door, and reaches down unlacing his boots. 
“I don't have much to offer.. Is water okay?” You ask as you shrug off your alcohol stained coat. The fabric is a sticky mess, the fabric ruined from the drink spilt on it at the bar. Tossing it onto the counter, you head over to the cabinet and take down two glasses. 
“Water is okay,”  Simon walks into your living room and takes a seat. He watches you fill the two glasses with water and you come and sit on the other side of the couch, handing him the glass. 
“When did you find out?” Simons asks, taking his face mask off and shoving it into his pocket and taking a sip of water. 
“This afternoon… I went in to get my birth control shot and they make you do a pregnancy test…” You pull your legs up to your chest, holding the glass of water in one hand. The other hand wraps around your shins keeping them pulled up to your chest.
“Did they tell you how far along you are?” He asks, “So we know what our options are, I mean.” 
“They said based on the blood work, 12 weeks. But I have to go in to get an ultrasound next week..” 
“Okay, so we don't have a lot of time to make a choice… have you thought about what you want to do?” Simon sets his glass down on the table next to the couch.
“I .. I don't know.. I was waiting to hear what you had to say before I made up my mind.” You mumble, your eyes trained on a spot of carpet that is fraying.
“If I'm being honest, I never wanted kids. They were never in my cards… I'm not saying I don't like them, kids are great, I just never pictured myself having any,,” he admits.
Your heart sinks.
Here we go, he's going to tell you to get rid of it, and tell you to delete his number, forget he exists and move on with your life. 
“But, with you, it feels right.. There's just something about you that I can't get out of my head and at the risk of sounding like a total barbarian. The thought of having you in my life until I die because of this baby fills me with excitement. I wanted to go after you when you snuck out of my apartment but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. The night I spent with you was one of the best nights I've ever had. So if you would like to, I would love the chance to raise this baby with you. Even if it's as friends and nothing more. Because I know that you were put into my life for a reason, and I'm going to take any chance I can get to keep you around,” Simon finishes, his hand coming to rest on your ankle. 
You sit there for a few moments, mind reeling with everything he just said to you. He wanted to raise a baby with you? Just so he could get to know you? Did you really have that much of a profound effect on him? Would he still feel the same when he found out what had happened to you? Could you do this? I mean really do this?
Babies are huge commitments. They were for life; there was no backing out. But the way Simon was looking at you, like he would take on the world for you with barely knowing you. It made you feel like you could do it. As long as you didn't have to do it alone, well, at least not completely. You chew on your bottom lip for a few more minutes, the thoughts rolling around in your head as Simon's eyes trail around your apartment. 
“Okay…” you finally whisper and Simon's head whips towards you.
“Yeah, okay. I-i don't think i can get rid of it anyway… The thought makes me feel sick,” you confess and the tension in Simon's shoulders all but disappears. 
“Alright, we can figure this out. No pressure for us to be together, we can just start by becoming friends, and seeing where things go okay?” He smiles, and its a real genuine smile. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you can't help your own smile that spreads across your lips. 
“If we’re being honest here,” you sigh, wringing your hands together in your lap,”I couldn't stop thinking about you either… I mean, even before all… yeah.. You know.”
Simon's hand comes over to rest on the side of your face, and he leans forward pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one with lingering thoughts,” he chuckles.
Simon drops his hand and looks around your place once more, a furrow deep in his brow. He opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it, before he notices the time on the clock hanging on your wall. It was almost 10 and he needed to check over his gear before he shipped out in the morning. 
“I hate to do this… but I have to go,” his lips pulled down into a thin straight line.
“Oh right.. You told Price you would see him in the morning…”
“Yeah… Look, i can't tell you much, but i don't know how long i’ll be gone…” he looks around, and grabs the notebook you write your ideas for articles down in and scribbles on a spare piece. “This is my number, i won't promise i’ll respond while i'm away, but if anything happens, call this number 3 times in a row and you’ll get through to someone who can get a message to me okay? But that is only for emergencies, otherwise just text me and i’ll do my best to get back to you, alright?” He tears the paper out, coming to stand in front of you. He presses the paper into your hand. It crumples slightly as you close your hand around it.
“Okay,” you murmur, looking up at him from your spot on the couch. His fingers crush along your cheek as he brushes a strand of your hair back from your face. 
“Be safe, keep the door locked… i’ll be back soon and we’ll go do something fun and get to know each other.” Simon smiles, as he takes a few steps backwards towards the door. 
“I’ll hold you to it,” you smile, “Be safe out there.”
The only response is the soft click of the door.
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Next: Part 4
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moon-child-goddess · 6 months
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Characters: Miguel O'hara X Reader
I wrote this for a friend who asked for it. I told her i would have it out for her birthday. Honestly don't know how i feel about this. Also not proofread completely.
Summary: Miguel and the reader are working on a project and after something happens the reader ignores him.
Warnings:  Language, some yelling I guess, mentions of sexual harassment, I am sure there is more, but I am tired lmao.
Miguel and I sat on opposite sides of the dimly lit lab. Each of us glued to our portion of the project we had been working on for the last three months. Our nights had been exactly like this working together in silence with the occasional conversation. Where I would try to get Miguel to laugh. But it was him, and making him even exhale in a way that could be considered a laugh was nearly impossible. We were working on building a nanobot that would help the other spiders out in the field.
A grunt came from Miguel who was hunched over a table placing pieces together. I chewed on the end of my pen watching him work. He was distractingly, incomprehensibly attractive. He paid no mind to my staring even though I knew he could sense it.   
I watched him fix his hair before reaching for his soldering pen. He quickly glanced up in my direction. There was a faint uptick at the corner of his lips that any normal person would miss. It was the closest I would ever get to a smile from him.  
A blush rose up my neck as I violently turned back toward my computer. The force of my turn was a little too fast and I almost toppled the chair over.  Miguel let out a ‘laugh’ under his breath. I pulled at my neck trying to get rid of the blush.  Lord help me if he ever actually laughed my heart may stop.  
Miguel working on soldering meant that he was almost ready for me to add a code, and I was nowhere near ready right now. Maybe just maybe If I had spent less time ogling him, I would have found a solution to the exploding problem we had last time. The cursor blinked at me in a taunting manner. I should be able to do this; I could code in my sleep.
After the last bot had exploded Miguel tried to kick me off the project. Which means I need to prove myself even more right now. I don’t want to disappoint him again. It took me over a week to convince him to let me help finish this project.
But now I didn’t know where to fix it. I was tempted to start over from scratch, but this code was a long one and it would take longer to start from scratch than I had. The trash bin next to my desk was filled with scribbled out notes and energy drinks.  
“It is ready.” Miguel spoke lowly now standing directly behind me. I flinched, even with my heightened senses he moved faster than I could detect.
His hand rested on the back of my chair, fingertips barely grazing the back of my neck. My heart skipped a beat at the contact. I need to get in control of myself. This is my boss. Well kind of boss.
“I need some more time. Let me come back to it tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin another bot.”  I ran my hand over my face. I wanted to finish but I knew he wouldn’t leave me here to work.
Miguel nodded, fully understanding where I was coming from.  He stayed close behind me watching as I closed the computer down. His gaze was making me nervous my heart rate sped up. When I went to stand up, I stumbled a bit my legs were like Jello the nerves making it worse. Miguels hand shot out helping steady me. The small smile was back on his lips. I ducked my head down avoiding his gaze.  
“We will meet here tomorrow at the same time?” There was a question in his words. As if he doubted, I would show up. I nodded.
“Good night, Miguel.” I whispered, fixing strands of his hair that were sticking out of place. His eyes closed at my touch.
I was in the cafeteria with an unfinished sandwich sitting in front of me.  I had a tablet with my code pulled up. I wanted to… no needed to have the code ready for tonight. However, looking at my mistakes I was beginning to think I was not cut out for this. 
I let out a groan before hitting my forehead on the edge of table. It was going to leave a mark.
There had to be an answer.
My brain was exhausted from staying up all night going through all my notes. No amount of energy drinks was fixing that problem.
There was so much background noise echoing in the room. Other co workers were in here chatting with their friends. It kept pulling my attention away from my task. I just didn’t want to sit in the lab any longer. It was making me restless.
“I am aching from sparing, so I am going to hit the ice baths. I need to cool down.” Someone down a table from me announced to their group. I watched as he walked out the room.
That’s it!
 Holy crap that is the answer. Before I could think of anything else I ran to find Miguel.
“Miguel!”  I called out over the moon to share this with him. “I think I figured it out!”
I entered his office abruptly, not bothering to knock. There was no indication to whether or not he was in here. I found Miles standing in a corner, eyes wide clearly shaken about something, but I may have just caught him breaking into the office.  
Miguel made an appearance from the shadows stepping off his platform. Ever the dramatic one.  He was pissed, his eyes a dark black and jaw clenched. His thumb and pointer fingers were massaging the bridge of his nose as he worked through a breathing exercise.  
In a blink it changed, and he was looking at me. That stupid small smile took over, and his shoulders lost tension.  
“Figured what out mi vida?”
“The code! Of course.” I grabbed his hand yanking him down the hall to the lab. Miles better thank me for saving his ass. Before I dropped his hand, he squeezed my palm.
I wasted no time in getting my computer started. The glow of the monitors was the only light in here, as Miguel went to turn on the overhead lights.  He pulled up a chair and sat next to me leaning in.
“I am adding in a few more lines that should start a cool down process; if it starts to get too warm.”  I looked over my shoulder as he nodded at me. He watched my hands fly over the keyboard and I explained everything I was doing.
We plugged the code in to the nanobot and ran some tests. It didn’t overheat, it performed its functions flawlessly. After months of work we had a finished prototype.
It works! I jumped up standing on the stool and did a happy dance. Was it cringe? Yes, but I was too tired to care. Miguels large hands were on my waist keeping me from pummeling over on to the floor. They were warm and made my skin burn. My mind short circuited at the touch. It was all to much.
“It works.”  I whispered. My face moved closer, our eyes meeting. Staring one another down.
“It does.”  His minty breath fanning over my face, his hands moving up my waist a bit.  
I giggled lowly and without thinking I kissed him. He froze like a statue, his hands dropping from me. He stopped breathing and didn’t blink. It sobered me up right away.
“I am so sorry.  I will just go now.”  I leapt down to the ground. Backing away, slowly assessing the damage I had done. He slowly came to his normal self just slightly confused.
“Y/N-” His voice was soft almost begging me to listen, but I didn’t. I took off to my room.
It had been three weeks since that incident, and I got good at avoiding Miguel. After working with him so closely I knew his routine, so I did the opposite. And went on more missions with the other spiders. My reports were given directly to spider women. One mission had taken four days, which was a relief. Miguel was nowhere near so I could relax. He had called during the mission once, but I ignored it.
Eventually I was going to have to face him and pay pence for sexually harassing him in a workplace. For now, I was going to pretend I wasn’t embarrassed. I had better self-control than that.  How could I be so stupid?
I was handing over some gadgets to Spider-women.  I was thinking about swallowing my pride and talking to him before I made his anger any worse.
“You will have to talk to him soon. I can’t deal with his mood anymore.” She took the tools from my hands, giving me a stern look.  She had to be reading my mind. I winced. Miguel valued space and I crossed the line.
He had to hate me for sure, maybe he was going to banish me back home.
“I know.” I mumbled leaving before she could say anymore to me.
Miguel was leaning up against the stark white wall opposite the door glaring down at me. I backed up to run away. Call me a chicken, I was not in the mood to deal with this yet. I was thinking about tomorrow once I had a chance to rehearse.  I don’t think I could handle rejection from the one person I have liked in a very long time.  Before I could get anywhere though he was grasping my forearm, dragging me behind him. A cold sweat ran through me.  
He opened the door to the lab. He dropped his hand placing it on my lower back guiding me into the room. As the door slammed shut, I turned to face him. There was a spot on the wall behind him that was fascinating, and I gave my full attention to it.
“Y/N can we talk? Please?” He was pleading for me to give him time. I wanted to I really did. I just- couldn’t do this now.
I tried to slip past him back through the door, but he was too quick, blocking my way out.  He was going to be stubborn about this he made that very clear.
I did the next best thing and back up till there was a table between us. Just in case he started to yell. He raised a brow not missing one move I made.
“You have been avoiding me.” He stated. Coming over standing at the table in front of me.
“No, I have been busy-” Miguel raised his hand shaking his head. He had a frown that seemed to deepen with my lies.
“Don’t lie Amor. I walked down the hall, and you were running the other way. Sick for all our meetings. That says avoiding.”
“It’s not like that.” I had no legit argument, and I knew it…he knew it. I was avoiding him. 
“I have been thinking of you… and that damn kiss all month.” He rubbed his jaw emotions ticking through his face.
“I got something I wanted. For you to run and hide like a coward. Which by the way you are far from being one normally.” He growled out with his teeth bared. It was kind of terrifying, almost threating. I could see why Miles was scared of him.
“I did not mean- I am sorr-”
“Do not apologize.”
 I bit down chewing on my bottom lip. I didn’t know what to say or do. I was at a loss.
He stepped towards me and I took a step back. I needed to keep my distance, so I could make an escape after he broke me.
“Do you not like me?” The words hit me like a tornado. There was hint of pain behind the idea.
“No! no.”  He took two long strides towards me and this time I didn’t move. I stood my ground.
“Then you should not have avoided me. That kiss is far from over.”
Before I could react, his lip were on mine. There was a millisecond where he waited for me to respond, and as he was pulling away, I met his lips. Once I did, it was passionate and messy. He fought for dominance. His warm hands were on my hips moving to settle on my thighs. There was a gentle tap telling me to jump and I did. He moved us so I was sitting at the table behind me.
Miguel tilted my head up, so he had better access. I let out a soft sigh tangling my fingers in his soft hair. I don’t think anyone else could kiss me like this. I didn’t want anyone else to really. It was more than the fireworks they say in the movies. This was a roaring fire engulfing my senses.
He pulled away slightly and bit my bottom lip ever so softly, and I shuddered. I could feel a ghost of his smile against my lips. I couldn’t catch my breath before Miguel went back in. Slower this time. Miguel used one hand to pull me closer settling between my legs. I let ous a gasp at the sudden movement and tugged at his hair. Which earned me a small groan. It was my turn to smile.
When he pulled away, I was panting, needing air. Miguel began to trail kisses down my neck to my shoulder nipping at my skin. Before setting his forehead on mine.
“I didn’t want you to run mi vida it just surprised me. Please don’t run again.”
“Sorry, I honestly thought you wanted nothing to do with me.” “Never.” He murmured and placed a kiss to the tip of my nose
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Dude you have no idea how thrilled I am to find another blog that appreciates the concept of a yandere solid snake as much as I do. Oh my God just imagine him and Liquid in a yandere rivalry over the same person-
Welcome to the tiny circle of hell @bweoo and i populate :3 (they made my pfp i love it soooo much mwah)
Not sure what took you to my blog since I'm a literal nobody, but thank you for asking! That Good Yandere Mg s content is in tragically short supply both here and on ao3, though what exists is pretty good.
(You can take my thoughts with a grain of salt since i haven't finished twin snakes yet hehe. Bweoo gave me that sweet infodump)
For Liquid and Solid, their issues comes from a conflict of perspective
As we've semi-established, Solid is an overprotective type yandere. The kind of man to lend a hand unprompted when needed- whether it be a ride home, a steady hand or a warm word.
(The kind of man who lights his cigarette under a streetlamp across the street from your appartment. Keeping an eye peeled. Just in case)
Overbearing, watchful, observant, in a way the average person could never comprehend. He's lucid enough to know his actions are strange - swiping clothes from your beloved's laundry bin is hardly normal- but he cannot for the life of him pull away, helpless to escape their orbit.
Despite these acts, Snake's desperate to preserve a sense of normalcy.
His end goal is ensuring his beloved's happiness + wellbeing no matter the cost to his mind, body, and sanity. And if those costs are paid by other people uninvolved in his balancing act...no one (especially not you) needs to know
At the end of another mission, tossing and turning alone in his quarters, Solid yearns for your warm warm hands.
Liquid however, is a whole other can of crazy. A churning sea riddled with insecurity, daddy issues, and zero impulse control wrapped up in a set of chiseled abs
Where Solid is "selfess," Liquid is greedy. Where Solid is stable, Liquid is erratic. He demands every iota of your attention while denying he wants it.
Don't be fooled by his british rage, Liquid craves validation like a flame craves oxygen. He needs the addictive high of your eyes on him. Only him.
He's your world entire, after all (as you are his).
Why would your pretty little head think it needed anyone else?
Unfortunately, Liquid does not take to anyone breaking this illusion. As shown by canon, he deems violence an appropriate problem solving skill. Just last week he jammed his thumb in agent's eye socket for "flirting" (read: asking your name)n. After that, no one breathed a word in your direction.
While he's never turned that blazing heat of hatred on you, it's only a matter of time. A stray glance here or a head tilt there and his beloved might find themselves in hot water with their big bad terrorist 'lover.'
(He's not all bad, not all the time. Not in the dead of night, his arms wrapped around your smaller frame so tight you feared fusing into a single being.)
Ok I went off too long . Anyway...
Solid and Liquid's rivalry/relationship is already tumultuous, but add a common obsession to the mix and their fight would reach a fever pitch.
Solid's careful meticulous planning all goes out the window when Liquid snatches you from the compound. He sees no problem in taking - id might as well be his middle name- and claiming the ultimate prize.
Solid panics -> rushes off to save them -> spirits them from Liquid's maniacally laughing arms -> Liquid devises a way to strike back in rage -> and so on and so forth until one of them explodes.
Not to mention a good chunk of Liquid's insecurity stems from being the "inferior" twin. Losing his partner to Solid is too crushing a blow, so he fights tooth and nail to bring s/o back. Even if he has to drag you kicking and screaming all the way to his base.
Snake wants a peaceful Alaskan retirement, while Liquid wants to set the world ablaze with his beloved by his side. Obviously these futures are not compatible.
Both have a vested interest in securing s/o to "protect" them from their twin. Both see themselves as s/o's ideal lover
As for who would win? While Liquid has boundless passion, Solid and his more lax demeanour might win s/o over.
It's up to you viewers! Stay tuned maybe for other things if you want.
I'm running out of steam
(Big boss is a whole other can of worms. To me. He is a fusion of both solid and liquids best/worst traits. The snake yandere gene is real)
Hope this helped (?) Somehow. Have a good day !!!
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thegainingdesk · 2 years
The Crossroads of the Goddess
Zach heard the front door open and close, and frantically shoved his erection into his pants and buttoned up his trousers. Zach took one last look at the image on his phone, a man easily weighing over 400 pounds, hoisting his gut up with one arm, the other arm straining down to grip a small nub of cock still visible poking out of the soft pillow of fat at his groin, before he closed the window, hiding all evidence of his wrongdoings.
"You're back early," Zach said to Ellis as he came down the stairs.
"You're one to talk" Ellis snapped. "Why aren't you at the gym?"
Zach stifled a sigh. It was going to be one of those evenings. "I just think I pulled a tendon, I was going to take it easy for a while," he lied.
Ellis scoffed. "Do you really think that's a good idea? Do you remember what you looked like when we started going out? That gross little pot belly?"
"I remember," Zach said sadly. What Ellis remembered as a pot belly, Zach thought back on as a starter belly, the seed of something that could have been so much more.
"Then you understand why you can't just decide to take days off at the gym." Ellis marched into the kitchen and pulled out two tupperware containers filled with portioned out rice, chicken breast and broccoli. "I'm going to take some out of yours," he told Zach matter-of-factly. "You've not spent the energy at the gym so it'll be excess calories."
Zach felt his stomach ache as he watched the food fall into the bin.
"Would you like sex tonight?" Ellis asked bluntly, not looking up from his phone.
Zach looked up from across the room. He was gripping his phone tightly and unnaturally high, so that he was sure his screen was hidden from Ellis. "No, it's fine," he said. "I'm quite tired." He went back to reading a story about a man who was magically gaining one pound a day, imagining himself as the protagonist.
"Okay, that works for me," Ellis replied. "I might go to the gym early tomorrow so that I can get to work and prep for that meeting."
"Oh, umm, yeah. Good luck with that, you'll do great," Zach tried to offer.
Ellis stared. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. Zach recognised the tone Ellis used when he wanted an argument. "Do you think it won't go well?"
"No, that's not what I- I was just trying to say something nice," Zach said quietly.
"Well I don't need luck, I'm good at my fucking job, alright? Why don't you try and remember that while you sleep in the spare room that we can only afford because of my job."
Zach bit his tongue, knowing that pointing out that his job paid more than Ellis' would just make things worse. "I'm sorry, you're right,' he said instead, as he did so often.
Ellis left the room in a huff.
Zach rubbed his face with his hands and stood up to get some bedding for the spare room.
A woman stood at the crossroads in front of Zach. Despite the cold wind he felt through his pyjamas, her long dress and hair were unmoving. Zach almost began to think she was a statue until she began to speak.
"I am Morgana, Zachary. We have both been brought here by the Goddess to this space between time." Her voice was imperious, strong and clear. Zachary thought he could hear the ocean in it, could hear memory and mercury and power. As he approached, she smelled of gunpowder and ancient forests. "Actually, could we speed this up? I know you're in awe and stuff but actually I've got this date with this hot lesbian who looks like Aubrey Plaza and I'd quite like to go get eaten out, if it's all the same to you." Zach could hear impatience in her voice now, and a slight whine.
"Am I dreaming?" Zach asked.
"Are you- is he dreaming, he fucking asks," the woman, Morgana, said. "You went to sleep, right, and now you're stood at a misty crossroads with a mysterious and powerful woman. Yes you are fucking dreaming." She felt distinctly less mysterious and powerful now, but Zach thought it better not to say anything.
"This doesn't feel like a normal dream," Zach said.
Morgana rolled her eyes. "You've read the Sandman? Or at least seen the show?"
"I'm listening to the audioboo-"
"Oh, I haven't listened to them yet, are they good? It's that sort of shit, anyway. Dreams define reality, reality defines yada-yada-yada." Morgana looked at a watch on her wrist. "Anyway, I've been sent here as an emissary to the Goddess as the patron saint of sad sacks or something, despite the terms of our agreement being quite clear, and previous exchanges being very adequate!" She said this last part up to the sky, her voice raising to its previous grandeur, but still tinged with the whine she'd adopted. She looked back at Zach. "You're not happy," she said simply.
"I'm not happy," Zach replied, just as simply.
"Good," Morgana said. "Not good, sorry, but at least, like, you're the right person."
"No, it's fine," Zach reassured her.
"I'm here to give you a do-over, another chance," she told him. She pulled out a pocket watch from somewhere in her dress. "This dress has pockets!" she told him gleefully. "I'm going to send you back to a point in your life where you made a choice," she continued. "And let you make that choice again, see what might have been. Then I'll bring you back here, and you can decide." She looked closely at Zach.
"Why me?" he asked.
"Because you're sad," she replied.
"But why me?" he repeated. "There's loads of sad people. People who would choose differently. Why me?"
Morgana shrugged. "Luck of the draw, guardian angel, interesting narrative device. Take your pick." She raised the pocket watch. "I hope you make the most of this chance Zach."
The pocket watch opened.
Zach fell, through the ground, through a swirling mass of colour and sounds and smell and sensation. Zach fell through clouds made of time and felt winds made of potential. Zach fell and fell and fell, spiraling so fast and so long he thought he would die. The clouds dissipated, the wind stopped, and he could see the ground below him. He was going too fast, he had to slow down, he could see buildings and streets and gardens and oh god he was going to hit the ground he was going to hit the ground and die and this was it this is how he died the ground was so close now there was nothing he could do he was going to die he was going to die in his pyjamas and the ground was coming closer and closer as it hurtled up to meet him he was about to crash into it and he would die and that would be it.
Zach stood outside The Rabbit and Stoat, a pub he remembered fondly from his time at uni. Wasn't he dead? He was sure he was about to die. He didn't feel dead.
He looked down at himself. He was wearing his favourite shirt from uni. Light blue with little pictures of otters all over it. What had happened to this shirt? His jeans were tight as well, far tighter and sexier than he'd wear nowadays. In fact, wasn't this-
"My date outfit," Zach said out loud to himself. "This is my old date outfit, I'm about to go on a date."
"Good for you love," an old woman said as she walked past.
Zach examined himself in the reflection of a nearby shop window. His skin looked youthful and fresh, and he laughed as he caught sight of the wispy stubble that grew along his sharp jawline, remembering how proud he was of what was in hindsight, barely a beard at all. His hair was the same dark orange he remembered, although perhaps his hairline was a little fuller and further down than he was used to.
There was nothing else for it. Zach squared his shoulders and walked forwards through the door, and looked around. Morgana said he'd be going into his own past, so he should recognise someone surely. And old flame? Some poor Grindr date he'd met once and rejected?
Zach froze when he spotted him. Josh. Sat nursing a pint and eating a bag of pork scratchings, handsome and tall and bearded and… well, and fat. A gut hung over his waistline, his shirt hugged his torso, and a heavy beard failed to hide heavy cheeks.
Josh was where it had started. The gainer porn, the stolen glances at beer bellies and dad bods in public, the obsession with all things fat. His relationship with Josh, all too brief, was the spark that ignited it all.
Josh was also where it ended. After they broke up, Zach was too scared, too self-conscious, to ever act on his desires again. Instead, Zach had to make do with his mind wandering back to Josh time and time again, while he returned to convention and expectation.
Josh had spotted him, and he raised his hand in greeting, a smile further rounding out his chubby cheeks. Zach forced his legs to move.
"Hi, Josh right?" he asked as he approached.
"Yeah, yeah. Zach?" Josh extended out a large hand, which Zach took. A jolt of electricity ran down Zach's spine. "It's so awkward on a first date isn't it, trying to guess what the other person looks like based off a few pictures."
Zach gave a small, nervous laugh. "Yeah, awkward."
Josh grinned, downed his drink and stood. Zach forgot just how big Josh was. Over 6 feet tall and broad, he'd have been heavy without the gut. Zach's eyes briefly slipped down to the meaty bulge at his crotch.
"I'll get the first round," Josh said with a wide smile. "What'll it be?"
Josh came back shortly after carrying two pints and a bag of scampi fries. Zach was mesmerised by his thick thighs and the pot belly they supported. Josh placed the pints down and settled down himself, grinning at Zach, opening up the bag of crisps and putting them on the table between them.
"So, tell me about this Zach character I keep on heating about," Josh said with a wink as he took his first sip.
The date was as easy and carefree as Zach had remembered. Josh was charming and funny and smart and so very sexy, and Zach felt his confidence growing as the date went on, flirting back, making his own jokes, hell, he even felt pretty sexy himself. Even if this was just a dream, Zach was determined to make the most of it.
As the night wore on, and the two drank more and more, each round accompanied by snacks, it became more difficult to keep their hands off each other. They would steal glances around the bar, checking no one was looking, before grabbing a squeeze of a thigh, or a pec, or of Josh's gut. Eventually, the two couldn't contain themselves, moving into a dark corner to steal a snog. Josh's hand moved slowly across Zach's tented chrotch, and he had to stifle a moan.
"We should go," Zach whispered.
Josh nodding, breathing heavily. "I live round the corner," he said. "If you wanted to?"
Zach didn't reply, simply pulling Josh up with him, and the two stumbled out of the pub laughing.
By the time they'd reached Josh's room, the two couldn't keep their hands off each other, and Josh began to unbutton Zach's trousers before they even got in. "Your housemates…" Zach began.
"Fuck 'em," Josh growled, before continuing with his groping and kissing. The two stumbled through the door, Zach clumsily unbuttoning Josh's shirt, finally getting to run his hands along that wide, heavy gut, sinking his fingers in, feeling the size and weight of it.
Josh smirked. "You like that, do you?" Zach simply nodded and kissed Josh hungrily, never taking his hands off of Josh's gut.
Josh maneuvered Zach backwards and pushed him down. Zach didn't hit the bed. He thought for a second that Josh had miscalculated and pushed him onto the floor, before the room dissolved into clouds, and he fell further and further down. Far above him, Josh seemed to blur and spread like ink in water, until he too eventually joined the storm that Zach was falling through.
He felt his shirt tighten around him, buttons straining against a thickening body. His jeans slid down, until there was a gap of several inches between the waistline and the hem of his shirt. As he fell, he pressed a finger into the fresh fat of his newly grown stomach, watching as it sunk into the second knuckle.
He landed on his feet, still wearing the same clothes, now in his own bedroom from uni. Light streamed in through the wide window he'd loved so much while he lived there, and he stood in front of a full-length mirror.
His shirt and jeans, once his favourite, once a mainstay of dates, were comically small now. A paunch swelled out over his waistline, and buttons gaped around soft flesh. A full-blown muffin top rose like dough between his shirt and jeans, filling a gap that could never hope to be closed.
In the mirror he saw Josh walk up behind him, chuckling. Leaning down, he kissed Zach's neck from behind and stroked Zach's gut with both hands, one finger dancing around his belly button. "Mmm, I'm not sure this fits anymore," Josh teased. Zach could see a smile growing on Josh's face, and his gut pressed into his back. "To be honest, I thought it was a little small when you wore it to that buffet last month, but you were just so cute that I couldn't bear to say anything."
Zach turned around, his face flushing. He remembered this moment, in vivid detail. It had played in his head hundreds of times since. He knew what happened next. He'd stormed out, tearing off the too small shirt and throwing it in the back of a cupboard, never to be seen again. He calmed down, but there was a tension in the relationship from that moment on, and they broke up a few weeks later. It wasn't long before he met Ellis, who whipped him back into shape.
It took a long time for Zach to respond. Eventually his eyes flicked up to meet Josh's. "Do you mind?"
Josh's smile grew wider and he leant into Zach's ear. "I fucking love it," he whispered, before kissing Zach slowly. He pulled back. "But best find another shirt for tonight. I'm not sure the fine patrons of Nandos will appreciate it quite so much, eh?" Zach laughed, relieved. Josh began to unbutton his shirt for him. "You want me to get rid of this for you?" Josh asked.
Zach shook his head. "I might keep hold of it," he said. "A reminder of the good times." He looked into his wardrobe, most of which, he admitted to himself, was no longer fit for purpose. "I'll go through all of this tomorrow though, donate a load to a charity shop." He pulled out a shirt that once fit perfectly, and winked at Josh. "I'm not sure I'll be fitting back into them anytime soon."
The room once again collapsed, and Josh's bulky body dissipated into the ether. Zach felt gravity twist and pull and warp in unfamiliar ways, tossing his body like a rag doll. Just as quickly as it had started, an unfamiliar room coalesced around him.
He found himself lying on his back, Josh straddling his waist above him, holding a box of donuts. Zach could feel Josh's hard cock press into his own, and was surprised to see how close their respective bellies were to touching.
"This is so hot," Josh said, pushing a donut into Zach's mouth. "I can't believe you're finally the same size as me, it's insane." Zach tried to chew, taken by surprise by how forcefully Josh had pushed the pastry in.
He looked down at himself. While he was shocked by Josh's statement - Josh was just so big, they couldn't really be the same size, could he? - he couldn't deny that it was believable. While Josh looked roughly the same size as he remembered him, maybe a little bigger, Zach's own body had swelled in size, his once small paunch now filling his middle and spilling up and out, covering up both his and Josh's cocks from his point of view. Josh's thighs were spread wide to accommodate Zach's fresh girth. Zach knew that Josh still probably weighed a fair bit more, due to having a taller and broader frame, but their guts were very much matched.
Zach swallowed the donut that Josh had fed him, but immediately another one was pushed into his mouth. He tried to speak around it, but only muffled sounds came out. Josh grinned. "Shh, shh, don't worry about a thing, you just concentrate on eating and growing for me." He tossed the now empty donut box to the side. Zach swallowed the barely chewed fried treat, suddenly aware of how tight his stomach felt.
Josh leant over to something on the bedside table, his own gut drooping down as he did so. When he straightened up, he was holding a large jug of some thick, brown liquid. "I blended some Ben and Jerry's into it this time, I think the chunks should have broken up enough."
Zach opened his mouth to respond, but the only thing that came out was a low, rattling burp. "I'm so fat," he said simply, once he'd finished.
Josh grinned and brought the jug closer to Zach's face. "You're so fucking fat," he said. "And this is just the beginning, just you wait and see." He began to pour the shake slowly into Zach's mouth. At first Zach choked a little against the cold, but quickly found his rhythm, muscle memory kicking in. The taste was sweet, and oily, and rich, a mad deluge of flavour and calories. The texture was thick and gritty, so that he had to concentrate on swallowing.
With Josh's free hand he reached down. Zach could feel him searching between the two soft pillows of fat that swaddled their torsos, until he found Zach's hard, leaking cock. He began to pump his hand at the same pace as he rocked his hips, the friction of the two motions working together to make Zach's eyes roll back into his head. He heard Josh moan above him. "You were so skinny," Josh sighed, his voice strained and barely audible. "Now look at you. I thought that I'd just put a bit of a gut on you, get you a few stone heavier, but you wanted it so so much, you just couldn't stop yourse - oh, oh, ohhhhh." The pace of his rocking became erratic as Zach felt a warm wetness spread across his belly. Without stopping his swallowing, he reached up with one hand and rubbed Josh's gut, now comparable to his own. Thankfully, Josh continued his attentions to Zach, and Zach wriggled beneath him until the large jug was completely empty. Josh tipped it up to drain the last few drops, and Zach gasped as he too reached his climax.
Josh rolled off of Zach and lay down next to him, both panting. Zach tangled his fingers through the hair on Josh's belly. "Did you not want to get fatter too?"
Josh laughed. "Would you like that?" he asked, a smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, yeah, I could see myself putting on a bit more. Can't be looking too skinny next to my big man, can I?"
Zach smiled and sat up, surprised and aroused at how much effort it took. "Right then, I'll go get some more ice cream." He turned back to Josh. "It's your turn."
As he reached the door, the room span and fell apart. Clothes formed around his body from the fog around him, and shafts of sunlight came down from below as shadows rose above him, growing higher and higher until-
"Say cheese!" an elderly woman told him, before a bright flash dazed him. The woman shooed him away, before grabbing a small, timid looking woman in the same graduation cap and gown that Zach was wearing and hurriedly taking her picture too.
"Here you go," a man with a receding hairline said to Zach, holding up a tablet to show him a picture of himself against a plain blue backdrop, holding his diploma. "That alright?"
Zach studied the face in the picture. He had to be over 300 pounds, he thought. His cheeks were heavy and round, and while he'd attempted to grow a beard in a clear attempt to hide his double chin, it was far too sparse to do anything to disguise just how plump his face was now.
Josh walked up and kissed his cheek, grinning proudly. "Well done! I was sat with your parents for the ceremony." He gestured over at his parents, both looking a little dismayed at the size of their son.
Zach looked Josh and himself up and down, and realised his parents might have good reason for their dismay. Zach had ballooned, his graduation gown covering him like Homer Simpson in a muumuu. Even Josh, as heavy as his frame naturally made him, probably weighed less than Zach now. Even so, Zach noticed how Josh's suit stretched to accommodate him, and it was clear that Zach's growth was contagious.
"Hullo son," Zach's dad said, walking over with a thin smile and shaking his hand firmly. "We're so proud of you, of course." Zach's mother hung back a little, the slight woman staring silently agog at the size of her son. "We thought we'd take you for some cocktails," his father continued, "to celebrate before we head back home. There's a bar down the road that looks quite nice."
Josh cleared his throat. "Oh, we booked a table at a restaurant, actually Fred. You're more than welcome to join us, of course, we booked it for four."
Zach's dad's face twitched. "A restaurant, of course. Got to eat sometime I suppose." He looked at his wife, who shrugged nervously. "Uhh, yes, we can come along and maybe have something light, can't we Mary? Bit of a funny time to eat isn't, not quite lunch, not quite dinner." He made a show of looking at his watch.
Josh laughed and patted Zach on the shoulder. "Oh, we're not too bothered about mealtimes are we Zach, we just sort of eat when we feel like it."
Zach's mum made a sound like a squeak. "Yes, well, umm, maybe that's something to think about a bit, eh?" his dad said. "Well, we got you something, to say congratulations, anyway, on graduating, and the job." Zach's mum took her cue and pulled a small box out of her handbag.
"Job?" Zach asked, looking confused.
"Merton and Wainwright," his mother said in her small voice, speaking for the first time and handing over the box. "Very prestigious, we really are very proud." She gave a small thin smile and leant up to kiss his cheek, but when she realised she couldn't reach over the swell of his body, settled on patting his arm a few times.
Zach opened the box and looked at the expensive looking watch inside. Merton and Wainwright - not a name he'd thought about in a longtime. He'd interviewed with the law firm shortly before graduating, but their feedback had been that he was bright but lacked a lot of confidence. He'd gone on to get a series of perfectly fine jobs at a number of other firms, never quite settling, until Ellis had kicked up a fuss about not having bought a house yet, so Zach had settled down for a bit of stability, and they'd bought their perfectly nice modern-build in the suburbs.
"Right, yes, of course, Merton and Wainwright," he said. "Thanks so much, the watch is lovely."
"On second thought, maybe best we leave you to it, eh?" Zach's dad said. "I'm sure you've got plenty of friends to see." Zach hugged them both, eclipsing both of their bodies with his, before they awkwardly shuffled off.
"They're not big fans of your new and improved look then?" Josh asked Zach.
Zach shook his head. "You know, that actually might have been the least awkward conversation I've had with them in years."
Josh laughed. "Come on, let's return your cap and gown. I'm hungry, so you must be starving."
Zach reached for Josh's hand, but his fingers passed through, the world once again spinning into a blur. He knew what to expect by now, so just closed his eyes and did his best to ignore the rushing sensation he felt.
He opened his eyes to the bright glare of fluorescent lighting, and the sterile floors of a supermarket. The bottom of his gut was cold, where it hung out of his t-shirt and sat directly on the handle of his trolley. He attempted to lift it off but it was large enough that if his hands could reach the handle, so could his gut, and he had to choose between his gut bumping into it continuously, or laying on top. He elected for the latter.
He walked forward slowly, having to focus on moving each thigh out and forwards, rolling each around the other in a slow, methodical waddle. He could feel his love-handles, each uncovered by his t-shirt no matter how he pulled it down, bounce up and down with each step. He felt something collide with his side, pressing into the wall of flesh like playdough before bouncing away.
He turned to see a man his age apologising. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going and I sort of-"
"Ellis?" Zach interrupted.
Ellis looked confused. "Sorry, have we met, I'm not sure that I remember…"
Zach realised his mistake and quickly made up a lie. "No, no, well, yes, but ages ago, some uni party. You went to Newcastle, right?"
Ellis smiled slightly. "Uhh, yeah, that's right. Sorry, I really don't remember your name, you must think I'm so rude."
Zach waved his hand. "It's Zach. Don't worry, we only met briefly, I've just got a good head for names. And anyway," he gestured down at himself. "I look pretty different now."
Ellis gave an unsure chuckle. "Tell me about it," he said, patting his own gut.
Zach looked Ellis up and down, surprised that he wasn't the skeletal gym-bunny he remembered. Ellis was actually fat. Nothing like him or Josh of course, but far fatter than he'd ever expected to see him. Ellis' t-shirt clung to doughy moobs and love-handles, and his arse looked positively gelatinous. The faintest hint of chubby cheeks and a double chin warped the face that was oh-so familiar to Zach.
"Babes, there you are!" Zach looked up to see a god walking towards them, pushing a trolley and smiling at Ellis. The man must have been well over six and a half feet tall, with the muscles of a bodybuilder and a waist smaller than any part of Zach's body. The man's complexion was flawless, his eyes were a dazzling blue, his jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds. As he reached Ellis, he reached down and unsubtly squeezed his large, soft arse. "I thought I'd find you in the ice cream aisle." He turned to look at Zach, eyes taking in his body appraisingly. "I see you've met a friend!"
"This is Zach," Ellis said. "We were at uni together."
The marble statue of a man grinned wider. "Well well well, we'll have to invite you round sometime Zach. I'm Dylan. It looks like Ellis could learn a thing or two from you." He peered into Zach's trolley. "And look Ellis! He's got all your favourite types of ice cream as well." He leant down to whisper in Ellis' ear, loud enough for Zach still to hear. "Why don't you go and grab every single thing that your friend has in his trolley for yourself, hey? Would you like that?" Despite speaking to Ellis, he didn't break eye-contact with Zach.
Ellis nodded, and Zach could see him reach down to adjust his crotch, before dutifully obeying, checking Zach's trolley diligently to make sure he didn't miss anything. "Thank you," he said quietly to Dylan.
"What was that Ellis? I couldn't hear you," Dylan said loudly, smiling down at the shorter man.
"I said thank you sir," Ellis said, flushing bright red.
"What manners! Well Zach, lovely to meet you," he reached out and shook his hand. "Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of Ellis in the near future." He reached down and stroked one of Ellis' love handles, causing his t-shirt to ride up and expose soft, pale lard.
"Christ," Zach heard Josh say behind him. "Who was the giant?" He turned to see Josh with an armful of biscuits, which he tipped into the trolley.
"New boyfriend of someone I met at uni," Zach said, watching the two of them walk away. "And I don't think he was that big, was he?"
"Well no, I reckon weight-wise we probably both had him beat." Josh shook his own gut, mammoth by most standards, but dwarfed by Zach's. "Tall though. And hot. Will we see them again do you reckon?"
Zach shrugged. "Maybe. Hopefuly. He seems a lot happier now. He was always a bit miserable when I knew him."
"That's good then," Josh said.
"Yeah, yeah it really is," Zach replied. He picked out a couple more tubs of ice cream and added them to the trolley as the harsh lights of the aisle were shrouded in shadow. The world revolved around him and he fell once more.
A bed formed underneath Zach, in an unfamiliar room. Zach sank into the mattress, deeper and deeper, the bedsheets curving above him in a large dome. He struggled to sit up, using both arms and legs to push himself into a sitting position. His gut pushed his thighs apart until they were almost at right angles, with his gut sagging onto the mattress, the duvet slipping down its wide slope to reveal its full glory. He was surprised that even this simple action left him slightly out of breath.
Josh's gut entered the room, followed by the rest of him. With both hands he supported a tray on top of his belly. "Happy one year anniversary babes!" he said, a smile beaming on his face.
Zach looked down at his hand, where a simple wedding band cut slightly into his ring finger. He looked up. "Happy anniversary," he replied.
"I thought I'd bring you breakfast in bed, but don't worry, there's more downstairs, it's just what would fit on the tray," Josh said, placing the heaping tray down on the bed next to Zach and moving around the bed to kiss him on the cheek.
Zach picked up a slice of French toast and took a bite. "This is a lot of food," he said, eyeing up what must have been several pounds of food.
Josh laughed. "You've finally realised you eat quite a lot, have you?" He rubbed Zach's soft gut. "Shall I take some away then?"
Zach's stomach rumbled. "No, no. I was just saying." He took the top off a boiled egg, and dipped a slice of bread in the yolk. "Are you not eating anything?" he asked.
"Don't worry, this is all yours, you won't starve to death. I had something downstairs." He reached his fingers down Zach's gut, towards his crotch. "I can't believe your appetite sometimes, but then, look how big you've gotten after all these years." He squeezed his hand under Zach's gut, and Zach could feel him rummaging around, until he grasped Zach's cock and started to work it. Zach picked up several rashers of bacon and put them in his mouth, whole. "Is this big enough, do you think?" Josh asked as he stroked, his flabby arm jiggling with the motion. "Or will you keep going?"
Zach's eyes rolled back in his head. "More," was all he could say around the bacon. On instinct, he brought one hand up to play with his stretched nipples, the other grabbing more food, even as he tried to swallow his current mouthful.
"I could tell that first night, you know," Josh said. "Have I ever told you that? The way you stared at me, all those comments about how 'big' and 'strong' I was, how you couldn't keep your hands off that cute little gut I had." Zach moaned and did his best to thrust into Josh's hand, but his weight hindered him. "Do you remember how big you thought that gut was? How fat you thought I was? Could you imagine being so skinny ever again? I knew then that you'd want to get big as well, but I never imagined how far you'd take it. How small you'd make me seem, even as I gained right alongside you." Zach's moans reached a fever pitch, toast crumbs falling out of his mouth and onto his chest, as he came with a mighty shudder. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply between mouthfuls as he recovered.
Zach felt the weight of the bed shift around him, and opened his eyes to see Josh removing his sweatpants and lifting up his gut to reveal his once mighty cock, now more than half submerged by his fat pad. "Turn around," he grunted.
Zach struggled around, twisting and grunting and having to physically heft his gut to move it. The tray got pushed onto the floor with a clatter as his gut brushed past it. Finally, Zach was on all fours, his gut pressing against the mattress. He felt the mattress sink further as Josh knelt behind him, and felt the weight of Josh's gut on his back.
Zach could tell that Josh's cock wouldn't be able to overcome the twin obstacles of Josh's crotch fat and Zach's arse cheeks to reach his hole, but it seemed like he was building up enough friction to enjoy himself anyway, from the way that he groaned and animalistically gripped huge wedges of Zach's fat on his back and sides as he thrusted. The bed must have been specially made, Zach thought, because although it groaned and creaked under their combined weight, it was holding up valiantly.
After some time, Josh gave one final grunt and rolled to the side. Zach collapsed, relieved that his shaking arms no longer had to support his weight. Slowly, he rotated himself once more onto his back. Both lay panting for some time before Josh cleared his throat.
"I know we said we wouldn't do presents, but I found the fabric and remembered how much you used to love that shirt," he rolled off the bed and walked slowly over to the wardrobe, standing on tiptoes to take something from the top. He looked back at Zach and winked. "Figured you probably can't reach up here anymore." He turned back holding a wrapped gift, holding it out.
Zach tensed his body, and threw his weight to one side, rolling onto his side. Josh placed a hand on either shoulder and leant his strength to help Zach sit up on the side of the bed. Zach shooed him away, before haltingly standing. He took the present Josh was holding out, and began to unwrap it.
Inside was his old date shirt, with the same pattern of little swimming otters, but huge. There seemed to be entire yards of it. "I love it Josh, thank you," Zach said, leaning over to kiss his husband.
"Try it on then," Josh said, smiling. "I hope it's not too small." Zach laughed, imagining the circus tent he was holding being too small for anyone.
As he laughed, the room spiraled into colour and light and shadow once more. This time though, he felt himself rise through the maelstrom, up and up and up. He realised, as he did so, that the fat enveloping his body shrank and dissolved. His soft, sagging flesh rose and firmed, withdrew into a pert belly and tits, which further shrank and shrank and shrank, until he once more had the taut abs and toned muscles Ellis had cultivated on him over the years. As Zach's feet touched solid ground, he mournfully stroked his now thin body.
"Oh for fuck's sake."
He looked up to see Morgana, now dressed in an oversized Phoebe Bridger's t-shirt, her legs and feet bare. She tapped her foot impatiently.
"Date with Aubrey Plaz-a-like go well?" Zach asked.
"Absolutely bloody incredible," Morgana said. "But I didn't expect to come back here to find out I'm the patron saint of chubby chasers all of a sudden." She motioned with her arm behind Zach.
"What? I-" Zach turned to see what Morgana was gesturing at. Two Zachs stood before him, both dressed in the same light blue otter shirt, but while one was the same weight as he was now, the other was the same mammoth proportions of the vision he'd just experienced. Both were perfectly still. Neither had eyes.
"So not only am I apparently at the Goddess' beck and fucking call now," Morgana grumbled behind him. "But now apparently my speciality is fulfilling the deepest, darkest, heaviest wishes of the fat fetish community."
"This has happened before then?" Zach asked, looking over his shoulder at her.
Morgana sighed and walked towards the two eyeless Zachs. "Not this exactly, but when I-" She looked over at Zach and seemed to consider something for a moment. "Anyway, the Goddess made one of my friends monstrously fucking fat as well, and now it seems like, through me, you get the same thrilling opportunity." She rolled her eyes and looked the larger Zach up and down. "Not to yuck your yum or whatever, but I don't get it."
Zach turned back to the two stationary figures. Behind them, the sky was beginning to brighten, the first sign of dawn. "So what do I do now?"
Morgana peered into the smaller Zach's eye sockets curiously. "Choose," she said simply.
"Choose what?" Zach asked.
"Which one," she gestured at the two Zachs. "You made a choice once." She played with the hem of the larger Zach's shirt. "You've seen the consequences. Two lives. One you. Choose."
Zach looked at the two of them, avoiding their faces and their blank, hollow stares. He looked at the toned muscles of the smaller Zach. Remembered how out of breath even the smallest action took the larger Zach. He remembered how people would look at his sexy body in the gym. He imagined the disgusted stares his body would attract. He thought about Ellis. He thought about Josh.
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and stepped towards his choice. He felt himself sink into the body, losing form and shape and features, becoming one with the unmoving statue. He opened his eyes to see an achingly thin version of himself without eyes. It stood for a moment, before a strong gust of wind seemed to shake it for a moment, and the fine dust that made it up dispersed and swirled around, carried away on the breeze.
He turned to look at Morgana. "Sun's almost up," she said with a small smile. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get eaten out by a hot bitch again."
A bright glow filled the horizon, filling the landscape with light. Zach threw up one hand to shield his eyes, but struggled against the duvet covering it.
He looked around at the dark room he was in. He lay, enormous and quivering, in an empty bed.
"Josh?" he called out. "Josh?"
He clambered out of bed as quickly as he could, shaking the furniture around the room. He left the room, not bothering to put any clothes on. "Josh?" What had he just done? Had he just given up his life, everything he'd known, for a fantasy that didn't even exist? Was this his fate now? Fat and alone?
He thundered down the stairs, the house creaking with each step. Somewhere in the house, he heard the sound of glasses and crockery rattling against each other.
"Babes?" he heard through an open door. Josh appeared in it, wearing a huge dressing gown which barely reached his knees. "What's going on?"
Zach stood on the bottom step. "I uh…" He tried his best to catch his breath. "You weren't in bed."
Josh sighed softly. "It's this cold, I couldn't get to sleep and you were like a bloody radiator," he said, his voice bunged up and hoarse. "Come in here, I'm watching some old Doctor Who."
Zach followed him through to a living room, where he crashed down into a crater in the sofa that he assumed had been formed by himself over time. Josh draped a blanket over his naked body, and grabbed one for himself.
"Didn't bother putting on any clothes?" Josh asked.
"I was worried," Zach replied.
Josh smiled and rubbed Zach's thigh. Zach returned the smile and turned to the TV to see Tom Baker hiding from an oversized mummy.
"Hungry?" Josh asked.
"You'll miss the episode," Zach protested.
"Ah, I've seen it loads, it's a classic. Besides, I can hardly expect you to get up and fetch it, now that you're sat down, can I?" He groaned and strained as he stood up. "I tell you what, I think soon we'll reach a limit on how big we can get purely based on the amount of calories we'll burn just getting up to get food."
"Not for a while yet though," Zach said.
"No, not for a while," Josh agreed, rubbing a hand through Zach's hair as he passed, his love handle brushing against Zach's arm.
As Zach relaxed, the dream that woke him up left his head. A witch was there maybe? And he was so thin! At one point, he remembered, he'd freaked out when he'd outgrown a favourite shirt, eventually leaving Josh for their friend Ellis, but he'd turned into some fatphobic twink rather than the soft sub Zach knew. He laughed to himself - outgrowing clothes was now a regular, and greatly looked forward to, occurrence.
Josh came back in and handed Zach a thick sandwich, piled high with fillings, an entire sharing bag of crisps to the side . "Anything good happen while I was out?" he asked.
Zach nodded. "Oh, yeah. The daleks and the cybermen have gone to war with those" he gestured at the screen, "mummy things."
Josh fell down on the sofa with a soft "oof!" "You're not even paying attention! You can make your own sandwich next time." He took a bite out of his own giant portion of food.
Zach looked down at his body. "Do you ever regret it?" he asked. "Getting so fat with me?"
"Well first off," Josh replied. "No. Secondly, I don't think you're in any position to call anyone fat. And thirdly, what's all this about? You going to start P90X and live off celery?"
Zach shook his head. "Just a dream I had."
"Do you?" Josh asked, peering closely at Zach. "Regret it? You've taken it a lot further than me, it's okay if you want to scale it back a bit."
Zach smiled. "No regrets," he said.
Josh returned his smile, reassured, and turned back to the TV. "Good, because I don't think you're capable of dieting."
Zach leaned over and grabbed a handful of Josh's gut. "You're one to talk. We'll see how good at dieting you are when you're my size." The two kissed.
Zach smiled as he forgot his dream entirely. No regrets.
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nancypullen · 1 month
Well, Hey There!
Gosh, I let the last few days get away from me and this poor ol' blog paid the price. I don't even have anything exciting to report, I've just been puttering - a bit in the yard, a bit in the house, even did a little Xmas shopping, but mostly a whole lot of nothing.
A decision was made that we would not be joining the Y, so I'm trying to discipline myself into at least a 30 minute dance workout every day. Let's just say I'm not very disciplined. There's a treadmill in the garage that works perfectly fine and I really don't mind turning on some music or a podcast and killing 30 minutes on it. Unfortunately I can always find something else that I want to do more - like reading, painting, watching a murder show, writing limericks, picking fuzz out of my navel, watching clouds, naming birds at the birdfeeder...see? Busy, busy. Speaking of that treadmill, until recently it was blocked by that desk/hutch combo that I bought at an auction for 7 dollars.
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I finally painted it and got it moved into my craft room!
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I'm still organizing it and will probably switch the items on the shelves until I'm satisfied. I'll move that basket out from under the desk too. I suppose it's the lighting, but the handles and knobs really do match. Know what my favorite bit is?
The bottles.
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Those are just old Starbucks bottles. I painted the lids with the same paint I used on the desk and then sorted my buttons into them. I need a couple more for black and brown, so I have to keep drinking.
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I'm tickled with the extra storage (the drawers are so tidy!) and I love it when organization can be pretty.
The drawers have glues, scissors, blank cards & envelopes, cardstock for printing my dead people, etc. The shelves hold everything else I use for my silly cards.
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My paper is sorted in those clear bins on the right - I only bought four, so it's sorted into florals, patterns, holidays, and "special" stuff like maps, sheet music, and that sort of thing. I didn't have to buy anything else, the baskets and stuff were hanging around the house waiting for a job to do. The wooden crate holding markers, colored pencils, and paint pens was gifted to me from Tyler & Jamie's wedding.
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Remember that Goodwill print that I was turning into a witchy picture? I finally stopped dabbling with it and put it back in the frame. First I painted the frame black, and because I ruined the original mat (oops) I had to fish around and find one that would work. Nothing I had on hand fit the print and I wasn't about to buy a new mat, so I edged the print with gingham and lace (my answer for everything) and slapped it in the frame.
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Poor photography skills, but you get the idea. What was once a prim and proper street scene is now giving Halloween vibes. now it can go into the back of a closet with the rest of them. Why do I do this?? I should take them all and donate them back to Goodwill and let them find homes. I'm home alone. For the last two days Mickey has been out day and night snapping photos of Summerfest, Denton's big bash marking the end of summer. I hope Mother Nature sees it and turns the heat down. It's been drizzling on and off today, so I'm sure everything is steamy. No, thank you. Hard pass. There will be a handful of vendors selling stuff I don't need, no decent food or food trucks, a decent selection of bands playing at different times and on different stages, a great area for kids with slides and bouncy houses, and at the end of the night, fireworks. I may go sit on the front porch later and take a peek at the fireworks. I was spoiled by attending the Wilson County Fair every August , that was always the official goodbye to summer for us, even though the weather didn't break until a month later. Annnd speaking of weather, I saw that The Old Farmers' Almanac issued their winter forecast. I was disappointed.
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We're up there under "Mild,Wet". Every year I cross my fingers for "Cold, Above Average Snowfall" and it never happens. Thanks to Climate Change I think it's going to become rare if not extinct.
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Oh well, I need to tidy up a bit and then choose a movie to watch with the girls. This is who I mean by "the girls."
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They keep begging for the BBC version of Jane Austen's Persuasion, so it looks like tonight is the night. I'll try to think of something more interesting to write about tomorrow. The rest of the week may be a wash. We're getting the grandgirl on Monday and returning her Thursday, so I'll be busy and tired. It's her last week before school starts so there needs to be some fun. She's had a great summer, vacation and camps, but we'll have some Grancy-style fun. Look at these cute sprinkles I picked up for back-to-school cupcakes. Perfect for a first grader!
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I'll have to see if there's a movie playing that she might be interested in, and I'll bet she'd like to go on a treasure hunt in Target with me. The rest of the time it will be Barbies, pool, books, and probably some arts and crafts. The only things that she requested I add to the grocery list (I asked) are apples, pretzels, and pizza Lunchables. I have a feeling her parents may want me to get some veggies and good protein into her. Grandpa sees nothing wrong with that list. If I turn my back he'll have her at the 7-11 getting a blue Icee right before dinner. Anywayyyy, I'm rambling. I'll wrap this up by saying that I hope your Saturday evening is a delight. If that means running wild with friends or being in your jammies by sundown, I hope you love every minute of it. Sending out loads of love tonight. Take what you need and pass it on. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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quokkahans · 1 year
Double Catfished! [Special Chapter]
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A/N: Hello, J here! So, this special chapter serves as the alternate ending! In other words, how will the story go when Changbin would drink the mysterious shot.. For context, please read the previous parts. If you have or at least remember the plot, enjoy! ;)
WARNING: This fic contains feederism, and intentional weight gain which are all SAFE FOR WORK / SFW and in this chapter, obsessive behavior which can be triggering. If you are uncomfy with this type of story and/or its elements, please look away and scroll before the cut.
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
Should I drink it? Is it worth it?
These questions were flooding Changbin's mind before he thought over it and made a decision, although it seemed sketchy, there could be a reason behind it. After all, maybe it was just one of the bar's promos for new customers.. Nothing malicious can happen on the first date, right?
Even if it wasn't the bottle of soju Jisung ordered, the older boy thought he had more than enough room for a couple of shots so he decided to take it, thanking the waiter as he left.
"Fuck it, I've been holding myself back for just a shot.. It's no big deal.", the black-haired man muttered before drinking the contents of the small glass in just one go. Little did he know, Jisung got out of the bathroom just in time to see his boyfriend really fall for his trap, making him smirk.
The younger boy decided to hold off walking back to the table and buy his gullible boyfriend some time, watching his Binnie slowly get antsy with a couple of shots. Good thing he wasn't that visible while having a good view, bless the layout of this bar. But one thing needs to be discussed: how did this happen?
Remember when Han had to go to the bathroom, right? Well, that maniac didn't have to go to the bathroom since he requested an empty shot glass and mixed in vodka with something.. special, just to keep his special someone knocked out throughout the night and buying Jisung some time to make his plan flawless. After that, this brings us back to around 30 minutes after where the light-haired boy was just watching his date down the special "shot" and some additional shots when the soju bottle finally came plus some snacks he snuck, a dirty grin splayed on his face before he came back, acting like a fool (well, he is a crazy fool, so there's the point).
Upon seeing his lover, Changbin's eyes lit up and the alcohol must've been taking its course now.
God, he's such a lightweight...
Jisung thought before cooing softly, hearing the older whine. "Where were you, Sungieee? You took so longgg.. I thought you left me!", he pouted deeply before being shushed by Han.
"Ohh, my sweet sweet Binnie.. don't think like that! I just had to take a really long call, okay? Sorry for leaving you.."
The sweet tone just made Changbin more confused but it was too enticing not to contest it so he just nodded slowly and cling to the quokka boy just a little bit more. "Hmph, okay thennn.. You owe me some kisses!", he declared, as if it was a debt to be paid (but it was true) and to his surprise, the other complied and gave his boyfriend the needed kisses, making Bin blush furiously.
"Happy now?"
"Very. You're the besttt~"
The couple now took their time with some more shots being shared—mostly being given to Changbin since Jisung turned down those being offered to him, in the guise of helping his now-drunk boyfriend but in reality, the squirrel-like boy just wanted to watch how the older boy was falling deeper and deeper into his trap and in love. But then, they had to go since the bar was closing so a taxi needed to be called.
"Let's go, baby~ We need to go home for you to rest, you're so wasted now.", Jisung teasingly said to a very clingy Changbin who was mumbling somewhere between "Nooo, I wanna stayyy~" and "I-I'm not drunkkk!" before they got inside the taxi and that's where the dwaekki placed some drunken kisses on his lover's forehead and cheeks until they arrived at Jisung's place, with Bin still highly clingy and enamored.
Upon arriving, the baker helped his drunk boyfriend off the taxi before paying the fare and then carrying him bridal style to the bedroom. As Jisung checked back to see how Changbin was doing, the older boy was already fast asleep and slightly snoring much to the quokka's dirty grin as they were now settling in the bed.
"Finally.. I got you wrapped under my fingers, hm? If you knew how obsessed I am with you, but lucky for you, when you wake up.. you won't have any choice but to stay with me."
Those words were laced with sweet venom as Han let out a small, maniacal snicker before looking for his phone and taking pictures of the sleeping frame of his boyfriend.
Another playful giggle came out of Jisung's lips as he looked at the finished pictures. "So cute while sleeping.. How much more if he gets bigger and so cuddly? Ahh, such a thought~", he muttered before cuddling his lover.
Such a fool when it comes to love.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
It was a fun time for Changbin last night, he had his first date with the boy who he talked to for almost a year in an online dating app and recently dating as well. So nothing could go wrong after this, right?
When the dark-haired boy tried to get up, he felt like something was attached to his arms so Changbin opened his eyes slowly and stirred awake. What he saw made his whole soul awaken and almost separate from his whole body.
"Wha- Hello? Jisung?", the shorter boy struggled to unravel the handcuffs that were tied to his wrists, feet and the ends of the bed, the cold air poking through more than usual but when he looked at the mirror, Bin realized that he was half-naked. As much as Bin wanted to blush, it was really scary since he was basically trapped on all four limbs.
"Let me out!", he begged once more before footsteps were heard outside, making the boy sigh in relief before Jisung entered the room with an obsessive look towards his boyfriend.
"Well well well.. good morning~", the quokka smiled widely before walking closer to his lover and grabbing a handful of the older's heavier belly, shaking it subsequently. That shot already did some damage, making Bin's tummy a bit larger than usual.
"L-Let me out!", Changbin whined before trying his best to get his arms and ankles out of the handcuffs but it was no use, Jisung was totally in control now.
"Aww, why would I though? I wanted you to stay.. forever."
What happened to the sweet, loving boyfriend that the news writer once knew of? This wasn't the cute quokka that he met on the first date, he was a maniac! An obsessive maniac!
Changbin looked with horror on how his Hannie turned into such a monster, but this has to be a joke.. right? The news writer got agitated and his eyes got glossier by the minute.
"W-Was this your plan all along?! I thought you really loved me!"
"Oh, I do.. I really do! Just on the level you don't expect from me.."
Jisung got closer and caressed his lover's cheek, squishing it in the process but the older swatted his hand away, tears trickling in and heart breaking at his date's psychotic behavior. "Don't touch me!"
That made Jisung a bit sad, not going to lie, but the fact Changbin was so powerless made his ego just a little bit higher.
"And then what? You're going to talk your way into leaving me? Bin, I know you better than that.. You'd be such a dumbass if leaving all of this behind would be your first option!", the younger boy shook his head, eyes brimming full of tears.
"But I know you won't do that.. right? So what do you say?"
Bin was still silent, but inside, he was brimming with anger. It looked like such an easy decision but his heartstrings were tugged so strongly, it may have swayed him to the other side..
"Still can't make a decision? Poor Binnie.. Time is ticking, my love. Too bad, I prepared breakfast just for us and I can't let it go to waste."
Changbin's eyes widened softly, his mind and heart getting conflicted with each other but he couldn't let Jisung hanging.
So, he made the decision for himself. "F-Fine! I won't leave you.. just, let me out here please! I can't stand not hugging you..", the black-haired pouted before his boyfriend gave in and uncuffed him, the couple hugged together before Jisung pinched his chubby cheeks as they headed to the kitchen.
"Such a good boy, hm? Come on, you must be hungry~"
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
"Look at you, my sweetheart~ You're getting bigger and bigger! Such a piggy for me, hm?"
2 years later, after love won out, Changbin didn't regret his choice. At first, it was hard but he got used to Jisung being obsessive because when you really love someone, you learn to be obsessed too.
But that wasn't the only thing that changed, even Bin's body. He doubled his weight in those years, the once chubby belly turned into a massive one that would jiggle with every step and hang over Changbin's enormous thighs, several rolls littered on each side and stretchmarks on his navel and all over the soft flesh. His chest melted into big breasts, and even if Jisung would grab it with his hands, it would still overflow.
The shorter boy's lower body wasn't safe though, as his already big ass got enlarged with fat and was a primary target for Jisung's groping habits.
But when you have a boyfriend who loves your curves and body, Changbin wouldn't even settle for less. He loved and will continue to love Jisung. For now, he'd just have to savor this moment, gorging on one of his huge meals.
"This piggy's obsessed with you~ Love you, my Sungie!"
"Love you too, my big baby."
== THE END !! ==
A/N: Whew! It felt like years since whipping up a new post so here you go! Thank me later ;).
Anyways, y'all can drop some suggestions or we can have a story RP! <3 Again, thank you for reading!
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keyn-jender-bite · 11 months
The Dark is Getting Darker in The City
part one
It's getting later now in this big, cramped city and I'm awake and on the case. I haven't got a bedtime, which is bad news for the ne'er-do-wells and would-be meanies prowling these damp, cramped streets.
I've got my light pink thermos of dark, creamy coffee in my right hand and my left in my pocket, holding my pocket knife gently.
A tall, worried fiancee named Aurora Hildebrandt wants me to track down his second in a triad and I'll do my damndest, because I've been paid properly and that's all that matters.
Like any hard-boiled private dick, I have access to certain resources in the tightly-packed dirty laundry hamper that is this great big city. My shoes splash in the shallow puddles which gather on the pebbled street, making an echoing clippy-cloppy noise. I've pulled the collar of my coat up around my face and retrieved my well-worn hat from the waste bin. I look the part, now to get some answers.
The bell above the doorway into Sal's Gentry rings out a melodious tintinnabulation as I enter the small grocery store on the corners of 139th and Gasoline avenue. Ribbons the black cat winks at me from his perch atop a stack of pop cases. I give him a quick scritch behind the ears and wind my way to the service counter, past shelves of cans and bags filled with various brick-a-brack.
"Yes?" Sal asks distractedly, not even bothering to look up from the rifle magazine in her tattooed hands.
"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water." I say gruffly before taking a sip of steaming coffee from my thermos. This got her attention.
"Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill swore revenge on the bastard that pushed him." She replies, folding closed her manuscript and looking up at me. "Detective, what brings you in here on a rainy night like this, all dark and whatnot?"
"Evening, Salisbury. I've been recently visited by a certain someone looking for a different certain someone. Thought maybe you had some information."
Sal smiled a small, thing grin. "That is-incredibly vague. Can you be any more specific?"
"Let's just say that star-crossed lovers get lonely even when we can't see the stars in the night sky."
"Okay, sure. That's very poetic, but there are like, 12 million people in this city without counting the tourists. I'm going to need a name or something to go on. Really."
"It starts with an A."
"Are you kidding? Geez-ok...Astor Pangolin?"
"Is that a real person?"
"I don't know! They could be! Come on, you have got to give me something here!"
"He's fond of the color red."
"The Rouge Moron?"
"That doesn't start with an A."
Sal scowled aggressively and slapped me full across the face on my left cheek.
"Aurora Hildebrandt." I say coolly, taking another handsome sip of my delicious coffee.
"Ah, little Mr. lost his fiancee and wants to be able to make his wedding work on time? I suppose I could have guessed that, given enough time."
"Slapping me seems mean now in hindsight, doesn't-"
"His fiancee is Klevin Morose, the theoretical electrical engineer, did he tell you that?"
The name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on exactly why. "Is Klevin theoretical or the engineering?"
"As far as we know Klevin is real, but the work they were doing was pretty out there. Wild, inventive stuff having to do with neutrons and plutrons and something called a groupon. Here, Thyme did a whole puff piece on them." she said handing me a magazine from two months ago.
The cover was a bit smudged with chocolate fingerprints, but the main photo was legible enough. Klevin appeared to be some kind of wunderkind in the theoretical electrician scene. The main photo displayed them wearing a lab coat with their arms crossed in front of them like a super hero. Their piercing blue eyes were distorted by the thick lenses of their glasses. Their shock white hair was parted on the side and swept behind one ear, revealing a single pearl earring. Their smirk of confidence revealed what I read as a certain self-assured egotism.
"Thanks Sal." I burped, laying down a few chips on the counter in payment.
"Any time, you obscure little wank." she laughed, returning her attention to the firearms in her catalogue.
Stepping out into the dripping exterior, I thumbed through the magazine's wrinkled pages to the interview with Klevin.
"The thrust and details of your work is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, Dr. Morose, but surely there's something you can tantalize our readership with?" the interviewer asked in italics.
"Even if I was allowed to disclose the main thread of my work, which I am not obliged to do, I'm afraid you wouldn't find it edifying in the least unless you're familiar with experimental electrical theory, something I highly doubt that you are. I don't mean it as an insult, but a statement of simple fact. Am I wrong?" Klevin responded. I could almost hear their pompousness through the page.
Skimming the rest of the article one thing stood out to me as plain as day. It wasn't an item of interest so much as it was an unmistakable absence. Nowhere did Klevin mention being affianced to Aurora, or their third person.
Evidently I was in a privileged caste of the few who knew Klevin and Aurora were engaged.
"Interesting." I muttered to myself before the window beside me shattered into a cloud of glass shards.
The gunshot rang out half a second later as I threw myself to the ground, covering my head and showered by the remains of the window.
Another shot echoed just after a nearby streetlamp exploded into a halo of sparks. I crawled towards a nearby vehicle, keeping my body as close to the Earth as possible, dragging myself through the puddles and trash of the street.
"Keep your nose out of places it doesn't belong!" an anonymous voice shouted from an unknown location.
Just as I managed to roll behind the car, the front door of Sal's Gentry slammed open and a hail of shotgun fire erupted from inside, aimed nowhere in particular but effective nonetheless.
"Keep your bullets to your goddamn self you kurwa shit!" Sal screamed, unleashing hellish fire from her firearm again and again. Windows, doors, lights and dead trees blew up in riotous fashion as she leveled the neighborhood in a sweeping arc.
All I could do was shield myself from the flying detritus, pulling my hat over my eyes and praying.
After what felt like forever, when the last shell bounced on the ground near my head, all was quiet. I slowly peered out from the small pile of spent ammunition and debris that had collected around me to see Sal fuming and scanning her surroundings, steam rising off her skin like the smoke billowing from the snout of her gun.
"You ok?" she asked without looking at me.
"I guess?" I answered, slowly dragging myself to my feet, glass and wood chips tumbling off of me.
After a minute or two spent surveilling the carnage, Sal slung her shotgun over one shoulder and turned to frown at me.
"Whatever you've got yourself into, looks like it's heavier than normal."
I nodded, shaking a small tree branch from my ear. This case was already turning out to be more interesting than I preferred.
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kobblefort · 1 year
The End of Rushsly
Endgame spoilers for Dwarf Fortress under the cut
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In the third cavern layer, one forgotten beast shows up to kill the previous, as tends to happen with forgotten beasts. Up above, the kobbles finally make a refuse pile and discover just how much mussel shell waste they generate. The butchers got to work fixing the "why do we have 30 stray dogs here" problem. And down at the bottom of the world, after all hope was given up on and we just started digging massive chunks like wild cunts...
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A pocket of water, obsidian, and gems. Well, it's not adamantine just yet, but I've never even seen a "star ruby" before. And on top of that...
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It literally explodes into flames when you hit it sometimes.
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Treasure, treasure!!! Literally buried in the walls! A twisting metal scimitar named Leto Bemta - the Boat of Salves - worth more than one of our entire bins full of gems thus far. Obsidian and diamonds. It has to be close. And there's also...
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blood? But Zirga wasn't a miner, they never even came down here. And R'eekeek, didn't they die years ago?
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It needs to be carved out fully and completely. Nobody's been hurt by the water gushing forth yet, which is a blessing - it's already slow enough for the miners to get down here from the tavern or their apartments. But it's not adamantine yet. More, more. Come on, give me more.
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I get more.
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Anl was pretty cool. Getting his head exploded by the stomp of a snow wraith is at least a quick way to go, if not a glamorous one. The snow wraith earned herself a name with that kill: Shosclylr. "Badfogs." She takes a second to acquaint herself with the world of the living for a moment, then charges up the stairs. The marksbolds have already been sent down to deal with her. There's no reason we'll have to seal the whole shaft up over one single monster, right?
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Even a well-made steel helm only offers one extra second in the face of this beast. I didn't really know Almic. She kills a woodcutter who was in the area picking up gems the same way, Driliv. I didn't really know Driliv either. Tulys Worthspun and Case Griffonboats are next, marksbolds. She just kicks the poor bastards' heads into paste. Kikli Shakenmarks and Syl Destinedechoes die just as fast, and she hasn't even taken a scratch.
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A new title, "the Mongrel of Mirroring." I'm calling it off. I'm sealing the shaft. Urd Putridcharms, Alcr Dressworm and Rota Tickbrave barely escape before the hatches are sealed and the doors are barred.
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But there was one last person in the shaft. Nucra Framegarnishes.
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It ends the same way.
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With the last of its prey killed, pulped in a mere instant like all the rest, it just sits there, self-satisfied. It doesn't need to eat or sleep or anything else; it can wait forever.
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I can't know how everyone in this room feels about having been turned away before going to face it, but I can't imagine it's good.
This would be a good place to stop, you know. The fortress is entirely self-sufficient, fully stocked, we could just say that we learned our lesson, closed off the shaft entirely and never went back. That avarice's wage can only be paid in blood, that there are things kobble kind was never meant to find.
But what kind of climax would that be?
I want my adamantine.
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We've dealt with beasts like this before. There's a way to do this without any more undue bloodshed. There's absolutely no reason to stop. We still have five miners left, and plenty more layabouts who can become one if the need arises.
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Once the shape of the monster is revealed, most kobbles that come down to assist in preparing the fortifications turn tail and flee as soon as they enter the firing chamber. Nucra Framegarnishes has begun rotting, stinking, seeping the miasma of death through the walls - and reminding everyone of the agony that not being able to bury them provides. Winter ends, and the year 256 begins. A seventh year of Rushsly. That's supposed to be a lucky number. But even the marksbolds don't believe they're safe, and make up excuses - just before reaching the chamber, "oh, I've got to fill up my waterskin." "Am I sure these are the right bolts?" "I think there might be a better-fitting pair of gauntlets upstairs, I should try those on first."
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More goddamn gnolls. The two that almost make it in are crushed in the drawbridge. Why now?
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Cire Ghostivy, who always seems to be out on the surface when this happens, is bludgeoned repeatedly by a gnoll thief using their bag as a weapon. It goes on for agonizingly long until he finally dies. These gnolls are from The Ace Seductions, for what it's worth, so they probably didn't get the memo about the fake entranceway with all the traps, as evidenced by one letting his hand get sliced off by a serrated iron disc before, you guessed it, stepping right on a cage trap.
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Those who don't anticlimactically step on cage traps end up shredded by the weapon traps instead. Their lives and deaths are hardly worth mentioning. But down at the bottom of the earth...
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It takes a few handfuls of bolts, but the snow wraith is finally defeated, bursting into chunks of its constituent snow before us. Finally, it's safe to bury the fallen kobbles. You might notice by the absurd little patrol route that it took some real finagling to actually make the kobbles attack, but finagle we did.
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I'm not sure "pyrrhic victory" is the right word to use here, and I can't be assed to look it up, but it certainly isn't a feel-good story. Dralas Containedbanded got the final shot, so we won't be congratulating a new Beast Slayer. Tomb space is starting to come at a premium, and it's hard not to think: all that just for some gems? We already had gems. Adamantine, damnit, adamantine. What I want is adamantine.
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Anl Crystaldepth, son of clan leader Alsrta Moltenend, created this magnetite scepter during all that chaos, with a truly impressive value, though it's not particularly interesting. It feels like a lot of the artifacts we've created just have images of gems on them - along with the gems, obviously, sometimes it's like they can't get the gem they actually want and just draw it on there. Very few pieces that tell any kind of story, though if we're here in a few years, that'll probably change - Badfogs the Mongrel of Mirroring might not be the catchiest name, but it should prove hard to forget.
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The butchering spree had very predictable results.
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Some action from the second cavern layer gives me a pretty good idea of where, exactly, my framerate went, so I cheer on Ashan Plaguehole's optimization efforts. I notice a bunch of kobbles canceling jobs and panicking and start wondering why until I remember...
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they can literally see into there, lol. And unfortunately...
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It takes this many goddamn names in the combat log to do it, but Ashan goes down at last. The ant people go back to their business, and we've got to get back to ours.
I don't learn my lesson.
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Through Zhasrca Foldcounselled's sacrifice, it is finally revealed to us.
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One little completely inaccessible tile of adamantine deep at the bottom of the great magma sea.
You know what?
Fuck this.
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I'd grown tired of this fort a while ago, thus the slowing pace of updates. The deep-digging schtick ground all our industry and the actually fun stuff going on in our fortress to a halt. After checking with "reveal hell" in dfhack, I discovered two "HFS Tubes" with the tiniest bits of adamantine to recover from them that are completely inaccessible from just about any angle without going through the hassle of waiting for kobbles to set up pumps and die stupidly channeling out magma. I could just go gung-ho straight into the hole and unleash all the demons and everybody dies, but why? Is that really funny? Is that really interesting? Of course you thought I was going to do that because I am unhinged and it's funny to make all the pretend little virtual people die stupidly but I don't want to. I like my kobbles. I like Ace Steel running around with her three kids in one hand and her massive steel axe in the other casually being one of the greatest warriors kobblekind will ever see. I like Acl Controlledown running around doing the most menial fucking chores like fetching water and burning logs into charcoal despite being the literal founder of the fortress, I like Alsrta Moltenend randomly freaking out about the prospect of someone not making her a bunch of rings fast enough, I liked Cire Ghostivy's dumb ass always being out fishing when trouble came and finally having to pay for it, I liked Zil Dentedleaks being so miserable it was on the precipice of snapping for every moment of its entire life yet never actually doing it. I know it would be totally freaking epic o_O;; for everybody to just all suddenly die stupidly but this game is about stories and that's a dumb story. Rushsly isn't about kobbles getting Punished For Avarice it's about bird towers and were-turtles and drawbridge accidents. So it's going to end here.
There will be plenty more forts because I really like to play this game and writing about it makes it feel a lot less like a waste of time. We're still going to find out what my deal with David Cage is but not today. I said this much earlier but Rushsly will quite literally still be here, persisting in the world as the self-sufficient fortress we created, maybe even becoming the kobble equivalent of Mountainhome in time if the next schmuck who runs it doesn't get everyone slaughtered by gnolls and ratfolk. It's not like there wasn't a climax here: I think the carnage Badfogs caused was more than enough of a big final action sequence to satisfy me and Zhasrca breaking into the magma sea was exactly where I'd like to cap off the denouement. So that's it. Rushsly is retired. As long as they can keep the meat off the floor and the forgotten beasts on their own side of the walls, they might just make it indefinitely. I'd like to make a much less ambitious fortress next, one with a twist - this one was plenty of fun but very straightforward. I'm thinking about either Untamed Wilds or a glacier, and since Rushsly was so isolationist (visitors were never actually allowed into taverns or temples, just for trading) I'd like to do one that's a bit more "public." Whatever the case, we'll be back in Daarunbay Detevay soon. Very soon. I mean like, probably tonight soon.
Thanks for reading
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nightiingaled · 9 months
Moros Returns | Pt 1.
tagging @badassxbirdy for angst reasons
It was her off day and wow did something feel wrong.
She should have felt calm, cosy and warm. The fire was going, the pups were sleeping around it. She was wearing a cute little sweater that Tyler had gotten. But the big old house was empty besides her and the animals. Elisiel had been spending time at the Great Library with Eden lately. Thanatos was off doing what Thanatos did. And Tyler, as far as she knew, was off on a quick gig.
But the emptiness of the house wasn't what was wrong. There was a cold chill Mel couldn't shake, the feeling of being watched, the eyes on the back of her neck that wouldn't go away.
Then suddenly the feeling grew stronger and the aura became a stench she knew all too well. By the time he fully appeared in her living room, Mel was ready. Or at least, she thought she was. Moros had her by the throat before she even caught sight of him.
"Hello again little one."
"Get. Out. Of. My. House." She managed the words through clenched teeth and tried to reach out to grab him, to suck the life from him. To drain him of everything that made him alive.
"Oh you're so adorable to think that will work," he laughed and this time he tossed her away like a bag of garbage into the bin.
Mel landed on her shoulder and kept her groan to herself. The force with which he tossed her had sent shockwaves through her entire body, but thankfully her floorboards remained intact. Silly thought to have at this moment, she chided herself.
"What do you want this time?" she snapped, "I'm not going to 'eat the world' or whatever, haven't you learned that yet?"
Moros circled his side of the room as if waiting for her next move. And gods she was going to give it to him even if it was the last thing she did. She was getting real tired of this shit.
"You will...one day...maybe sooner rather than later. But right now I need a favor."
"A favor!" Mel disappeared from where she stood, but Moros grabbed her by the wrist before she finished materializing, flipping her and slamming her down to the ground. Something sharp pinned her shoulder in place and she let out a loud cry.
"I need Thanatos. Call for him!"
"Eat shit."
The sharpness in her shoulder twisted and she grit her teeth against the pain. This was far less agonizing than the last visit for sure. Something was off. Something was always off when it came to Moros. "Call to him!"
"Fine. I've already paid a visit to your girlfriend, she was no help either..."
Mel drug herself up, digging the sharp edged knife further into her shoulder. She grabbed him by his perfect suit and pulled him closer with a yank. He did not stop her. How strange. What was his game?
"You touch her and I'll kill you - I'll find a way to end you. I won't rest until you burn."
He grinned, a sideways crooked kind of smile that lit up his features in a grotesque way that didn't seem like it belonged there. "I'd like to see you try," he said yet again and some part of Mel started to wonder if he really DID want to see her try. If that was the point of all of this.
"But alas, our time is up. The Doorway is here to take you away."
Mel felt her stomach lurch with a sudden sense of fear. "No. Not again. Don't do this...." The Doorway would keep her from getting to Tyler, would keep her from her home, would keep her away again for who knew how long.
"Just call for Thanatos. And you get her back. You save the day!"
That's all she had to do. Than, I need you. But she couldn't say it out loud, couldn't give in. No matter how much she wanted to avoid the Doorway, no matter how much she wanted to save Tyler from Moros.
She had to do it. For Tyler.
"Than...Thanatos please..."
He grabbed her by the chin and smiled. "Good girl."
And the air behind her grew chilly as the Doorway opened behind her, tugging violently at her with a gust of wind. "No! You said -Moros you--"
"I didn't promise."
And then he pulled free the knife holding her in place, the Doorway pulling her back into it's reaches yet again. Falling back and back and back into that place in between worlds. The place in between everything.
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selene-tempest · 2 years
I'm alone in the flat tonight, but I don't feel lonely. It's a rainy, windy, cold night in Camden, but I don't feel cold. I'm warm and safe inside and I love it. It's something I often find myself missing when I'm on the island, we never get a truly cold, rotten night like this.
I quite like the cold months, they're not my favourite, but there's always something positive to love about them. Winter for me has always been a time of reflection, of semi-hibernation where I take some time out to focus on self care. It's a time of indulgent activities that I rarely have time for back home.
It's funny how I've come to count the island as home more than this place. But I guess it's true, home is where the heart is, and my heart is with them.
But that doesn't stop me enjoying my time away and making the most of it. This little flat has always been my sanctuary since the moment I moved in. At first it was my refuge from the nastiness of my past and a place where I could truly be myself without anyone judging or telling me I was wrong. Then it became the place where I fell in love, where I spent quiet nights talking to the love of my life, drinking in everything he wished to share with me, getting to know the amazing man that he is away from International Rescue and his duties. Just him, just John, with no siblings to compete with for attention, and just me, with no fear because this was my place and I was safe here. Then it turned from my refuge to ours. Our place to snatch some quiet time without brothers popping up at random times, where we could be ourselves by ourselves.
Yes, right now I'm alone but I'm not lonely.
Tonight I'm curled up on the couch, under a blanket my nan made years ago, wearing a hoodie I stole from Jeff a few days ago. It's well worn, but that just makes it softer and more special. It's warm and cozy and it smells like Jeff and the inhumanly strong aftershave he wears and it still feels like a dad hug. I'm wearing one of John's T-shirts and a pair of Gordon's sweats and I'm comforted by the knowledge that I'm surrounded by my family even when I'm not there.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely.
When I moved in one of the first things that caught my eye was the antique wood burning stove set back in the old fireplace. It hadn't been used in years but my dad paid to have it serviced and the chimney swept so I could use it. It's lit now, crackling merrily, the colours of the flames dancing on the walls just as the flames of my candles are. I've got no other lights on, I don't need them.
I've got a flask of hot chocolate so I don't have to move, I've got a book on my lap, soft music on the stereo and a big bar of chocolate. This is my spot for the rest of the night. I've nowhere to be and nothing to do but please myself and that's a good thing. Once upon a time I might have felt useless, like I should be doing something for someone but now I'm content to know that I do enough, I am enough.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely because I know I could go home if I wanted to.
But I like it here. The rain is battering the windows, the wind is howling around the building, the trees are swaying outside and I think I just heard one of my neighbours bins take off down the road. Yet, being Camden, there are still people outside, shrieking as the rain soaks them to the skin, running as they try to get away, yelling for taxis that haven't turned up yet and calling goodbye to their friends.
I'm alone, but I'm not lonely.
There's a quiet peace in the noise of the British weather outside. The rain is comforting, its pitter patter on the glass reminds me of nights I spent at my grandparents house where I'd lay in bed with Nan and she would read to me until I fell asleep. John does that sometimes, he'll start reading something that he found interesting in his book because he wants to share it with me and, even though I understand maybe ten percent of it, I'll listen and I'll relax just as I did then.
I'm alone but I'm not lonely. I'm lucky. I've had bad times in my life but they are outweighed by the good. There were times when I was so terribly lonely when I wasn't alone because I wasn't with the right people. It was only the thought that those right people had been there and still were there that got me through.
I don't have to worry about that now. I know that I could reach for my phone and talk to someone that wants to talk to me, someone that wants to be there for me.
Others might think this is a rotten night and wish they were on a tropical island somewhere where the sun is shining and the palm trees are swaying. And I can understand that, I used to be like that, but tonight I don't.
There is a peacefulness in solitude if you care to find it. I'm physically alone through choice and I'm not lonely because I know that I'll never truly be alone again.
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margridarnauds · 1 year
morleans but specifically the german one
I had hoped to answer this when I was in the Gaeltacht and had the excuse to respond in Irish, dammit
Honestly, the German version of Orléans' song was the very first one I watched -- when I first tried to watch the German MA, I actually didn't make it that far, I made it about as far as the Brothel Scene™, literally JUST BEFORE Weil Ich Besser Bin, but when the Toho version was announced, I watched the curtain calls, and when Orléans came out to the instrumental of it, I was like "VILLAIN SONG? Okay I need to listen to this." And I did. I went back to the German production and listened to it. (Under a readmore because (1) long and (2) ...we're going to go into some dubcon territory.)
Unlike the Toho/Korean/Hungarian, which sometimes includes some subtext between Orléans and Margrid here, but which depends on the actors, the German is EXPLICITLY sexual, with lyrics like "And I want you just for myself/and I won't accept a no."
It's creepy! It's undoubtedly creepy!
Margrid is not in a place where she can easily say no, because he's the highest paid customer in the brothel. This is her first job. I'm not going to sugarcoat that aspect of this one.
That being said, despite the weirdness, there are some signs that Margrid is...confused around him. I do think, on his end, he is actually TRYING for a seduction, which is interesting in and of itself.
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The choreography in this scene is very strange, honestly -- I wish I knew what they were trying to do.
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Because you sometimes have Margrid more or less unresponsive, you sometimes have her doing things like above, where she puts her hand over his, and it doesn't seem like it's to remove it , you sometimes have her looking confused or unsure about herself, but then...as the song progresses...
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She seems to steel herself, and then she strokes his shoulder.
From that point until the end of the song, she starts to become more assertive.
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She isn't cowering so much as taking him head on.
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And then we end by it turning out that Orléans wants her to go to an opera ball with him, mainly to troll Antoinette and Fersen.
Again, I'm going to emphasize! There's a lot of creepiness here! For Margrid, the implication appears to very much be that this is her first time having sex at all, Orléans is older (even though he wouldn't be that much older historically, especially since the age gap between the two of them is even LESS in this production since Margrid's the older sister, not the younger, giving them only about a 7 year gap, for anyone counting), he's more experienced, and he's more powerful.
But I do think there are some interesting things going on as well, including Margrid not flinching by the end, her starting to take the initiative in seducing HIM, and, from the very beginning of the song, him actually supporting her ambitions, telling her "You're standing here where you don't belong/It would be dumb for you to stay there" (paraphrasing). (Of course, because in the world of the OG MA, ambition = evil, not staying in your place = evil.) There's even an interesting bit in the Tecklenburg production where he tells her, outright, "Take an example from me." (In that production, Margrid also dances to it, which is adorable.)
Despite this being the most outwardly canon that Morléans ever went, we get very little on what...actually...HAPPENS after that? He takes her to the ball, she runs away, but they seem to be on good terms afterwards, she's wearing a better dress than she'd been wearing before and is still attached to the Madame of the brothel, so I'm GUESSING that she's still working there/specifically servicing Orléans, because he's already made it clear he's not going to share, but it's never said directly. (Again, strange, because you think that would be something that would be...mentioned.)
He does hire her for the Diamond Necklace Affair and then cackle maniacally when Margrid tosses a bloody rag at Marie (...not that kind of bloody rag) and accuses her of being a murderer, so...still encouraging Margrid's dreams and ambitions? He then gets her freed from the Bastille when she's thrown in there, mainly as an excuse (once again, for Agnés to preach at us while showing how Margrid Is Going Down a Dangerous Path.)
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He hits on her briefly during the March to Versailles, just before he bribes the women to go. But one of the most interesting moments for them, and the thing that imo gives us the most insight on their relationship, happens several years later, during the September Massacres. Orléans, leading a mob, has Agnés cornered, accusing her of not being a nun, but an aristocratic woman in disguise, and Margrid rushes up to them.
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He starts off teasing/taunting her: "Is this Margrid Arnaud, the darling of the convents? The heroine of the March of Versailles?"
They go back and forth a little bit, Orléans calling Agnés a "filthy aristocrat" (Orléans...Philippe...sweetie...look in the mirror.)
But Margrid stands firm.
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"She was my teacher."
Orléans holds her gaze for FIVE SECONDS or so and then makes the decision to let Agnés go. He doesn't gain anything from this -- the mob doesn't care one way or another, he could be accused of sympathizing with an aristocrat in disguise, which in his current situation, is DANGEROUS...but he lets her go because Margrid gave him the puppy dog eyes and wouldn't take no for an answer.
I think it's interesting that the last thing we see is Philippe getting arrested at the end while Margrid flees into Agnés'....loving...arms, because...the show wants us to believe that this is Orléans getting he deserves -- Michael Kunze has made that VERY CLEAR. But, then again, I think Kunze is a sexist hack, so I don't care. Is Orléans arrested because it's what he deserves and because the audience expects it, or is he arrested to show that Sinners Will Be Punished? And, more to the point, is he arrested because, if he HADN'T been arrested, Margrid running back to Agnés, while she had at least ONE OTHER potential protector, wouldn't make sense? And because I'd have written a fic where she breaks out of the convent and goes back to him? Margrid can't have any connections left but Agnés, she has to flee to the one person she has left.
Tl;dr: I think that he actually does care for her in some capacity, even if it's not love. I think that he has a soft spot for her that he's not willing to acknowledge. Her feelings on him are more complex, I don't think it's reciprocated, definitely, but I think that the dynamic suffered from the aggressive conservatism of the script, which said that Margrid had to be a Good Girl who goes down a Bad Path because of an Evil, Bitchy Goth Atheist who likes SEX and, as a result, that means that MARGRID can't like sex, she can't like him, she has to be driven by some higher calling and never be willing to, say, offer bribes to protestors. Because she's a Good Girl™ whose good ending is to end up in a convent, sobbing, while the woman who's continuously shamed her for trying to SURVIVE graciously accepts her penitence. I have been intrigued with it since then, since I think there's a lot of potential, I'd be interested in reading/writing fic with the dynamic since I think it's under-explored, I went into the Toho production thinking this WAS the dynamic we were going to get, but I do like the more mutual respect from the Toho/Korean productions.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Here's that Yakuza!KK au I promised!
Yakuza au
Today had been an absolute mess for Akito.
First he woke up late, then his motorbike stopped working halfway to work, meaning he was late for work. And after he finally made it to work, his boss yelled at him in front of all the other workers.
He was only further humilated when the other workers started teasing him, bascailly harrassing him for their own amusment.
He hated working here. Everyone was an asshole, especially his boss, but alas, he had no choice. He needed money and this job was the only one he's been able to keep recently.
Every other job he had before let him go because they found someone better, and that pissed Akito off to no end.
Like, what the hell?! He worked his ass off for days, weeks, maybe even months, and you fire him just because someone that was considered 'better' came along?!
"You sure you don't want my help, Akito?" Unlike Akito, his brilliant little sister Mari had her dream job. One that paid good money and made Mari happy.
Despite wanting to say yes, Akito tells her no. It might be a pride thing, but he didn't want to take her hard earned money. It just didn't feel right.
"Done..." Akito sighs in relief as he finished the last of his work for the day. It was nighttime, and he was the only one left in the office still working.
Mostly because everyone dump their workload onto him. The sad thing was he couldn't complain because the last time he did, his boss gave him even MORE work to do!
"Those jerks better be grateful..." Akito mutters as he gathered his things and made his way outside, shivering when cold air bit his face.
Since his motorbike wasn't working, Akito had to go home on foot. It was seriously nerve wracking walking home in the dead of night...
"Cold..." Akito shivers again, tugging his coat closer for warmth as he walked down street after street, slowly getting closer and closer to his cosy little apartment.
Akito was soooo tired... Gosh. He was so glad he didn't have work the next day! That meant he could sleep in late! YES!
With the happy thought of sleeping in the next morning, Akito finally smiles the for the first time that day, or well, night.
But the Akito's smile slips from his face when something darts out from the alleyway he walking by and slams into him.
Akito stumbles back and looks down to see- "A kid?!"
There sitting on the ground was a little boy. He looked to 6-7, maybe even younger, dressed in a dirty yellow coat, and was trembling as tears dripped down his face.
Akito immediately drops to his knees, frantically asking the boy if he was alright. However the boy doesn't answer, he just lets out a whimpering cry and latches onto Akito, burying his face into Akito coat.
It was at this moment that loud yelling could be heard down the same alley way the little boy came from. "Where the fuck did that brat go?!"
Hearing this, Akito tenses up and holds the trembling boy close as he stood up, desperately looking around for a place to hide!
Akito ends up hiding behind some nearby trash bins. Once settled, Akito looks down into the terrified face of the little boy and silently puts his finger to his lips. Whispering the single word, "Quiet..."
The little boy nods, burying his face back into Akito coat as men in black suits came out the alley way. They sounded angry, and Akito sure as hell didn't want himself or this kid on the other end of that anger.
The men were now standing by the trash bins Akito was hiding behind. "You sure he went this way, Ken?"
A growl was heard. "Yes, you dumbass! I saw him run down that alleyway! He couldn't have gotten far! Come on!"
After a few minutes, the men's voices fade away, leaving only Akito and the little boy alone on the streets.
"Okay. I think they're gone now..." Akito breaths a sigh of relief before looking down at the boy who was still shivering in his arms.
"...Really? They-They left?" The boy whispered, not quite believing it was true.
"Yeah, they're gone now." Akito carefully stood up, cradling the child close. "What's your name? Mine's Akito." Baby steps. Akito needed to understand this situation better if he wanted to help this kid.
"Oh? That's a nice name." Akito nods with a smile and starts walking speed walking home. He didn't want to stick around incase those men came back.
"Alright then Satoshi, can you tell me why those mean men were after you? I need to know so I can help you, okay?"
By the time Akito got home to his apartment, he had a basic idea of what happened to Satoshi. The poor boy had been snatched up eariler that day while he was playing outside his home.
"Dad had gone back inside to talk with someone, so I was just playing outside with my toys." The little boy explained as Akito bundled him up in some warm blankets.
Satoshi sniffled, looking ready to cry again at any moment. "I-I think someone grabbed me? Th-Then I was somewhere diffferent!" Yeah, he was crying now. "I-I want my dad!"
Somehow Akito manages to calm him down enough to ask if he knew his dad's phone number.
Honestly Akito should be calling the police, but something in his gut told him he should contact Satoshi's father first.
After dialing the phone number Satoshi gave him, Akito handed the child his phone, letting the him talk to his dad. When Satoshi's dad answered, the boy started crying, telling his dad what happened, and that he just wanted to go home!
The converstation between father and son went on for a few minutes before Satoshi handed the phone over to Akito, saying his dad wanted to talk to him.
With a little hestiation, Akito says hello.
"...You the guy that found my son?" A deep, gravely voice spoke over the phone, startling Akito for a second. "Y-Yeah, I am."
The man then he asks where Akito lived, saying he was coming to get Satoshi. NOW.
Akito barely got out his adress and apartment number before the other man hung up on him.
Not even 20 minutes or so later, a knock at Akito's door was heard, and when Akito cracked open the door, he came faced to faced with the scariest looking man he's ever seen!
Tall, dark, and were those tattoos on his hands?! This man had to be a Yakuza or something!
"Dad!" And this scary looking man was Satoshi's dad!
The look the terrifying looking man gives Satoshi was that of pure relief. He drops to his knees and hugs Satoshi, saying he was so glad Satoshi was safe.
Akito couldn't help but smile. Despite being scary, this man clearly loved his son very much, and that warmed Akito's heart.
The father son duo leaves after that, well, not until Satoshi gave Akito a quick hug. "Thanks for saving me mister Akito!"
The little boy darts back to his father, who then picks him up, and the three of them walks outside Akito's apartment.
Akito felt a spike of nervousness as he sees more scary looking men standing nearby.
"Hey kid." Akito is pulled away from his nervousness when the older man calls out to him. "Thanks for helping my son. I-" The man expression becomes dark, sad. "I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't..."
Akito too didn't want to think about what could've happened to Satoshi either. The boy had already grew on him after a short time, and Akito didn't want to imagine the boy being hurt, or worse.
"Well, he's safe now, and I think you should probably take him home." Akito smiles as he points at Satoshi. The boy was sound asleep in his dad's arms.
To Akito's surprise, the older man returns his smile. "Yeah, you're right."
The older man leaves with his scary crew, and Akito retreats back into his apartment.
"What a night..." Akito mumbles, flopping down on his bed. "Can't wait to tell Mari about this..." He mumbles again, finally drifting off to some well needed sleep...
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violetjedisylveon · 5 months
Tour Or Date?
Kaesoka Mermaid AU chapter 4
Summary: The docks are still closed, Kaeden goes to Selda’s until Ashla (Ahsoka) asks for a tour of Raada from her. One-sided Gay panic ensues.
Word count: 1,998
Warnings: implied death, mentions of death.
A/N: Happy MerMay and May the Fourth everyone! I have more gay mermaid stuff for you(even though Ahsoka isn't in her Mer form at all this chapter) and also world building! Yay!
Kaesoka Mer AU Masterpost
Sagen hit the deck with a loud thump, Selda flinched at the force of it, he didn't get up right away. Selda felt colder the longer he didn't rise.
Alameré stared at her husband's limp form, Selda glanced between her hand hovering over his wound and Sagen, he gripped Alameré's hand, her head snapped back towards him.
"He needs you more. I'll be fine." He assured her.
The woman blinked for a moment, then snapped back to her senses and nodded. She ran over the slippery deck to her husband's side and ran her healing hands over his body. Sagen lurched up and retched up water.
Alameré was naturally gifted with healing, and gifted with an intuitive knowledge of the sea. It's why she was, er, had been such a great captain.
The ship lurched, Selda raced to the steering wheel to regain control of the ship. The sea serpent was certainly determined.
It had been stopping anyone from leaving for months, they needed to clear the trade routes, it was blocking some more important routes too.
Alameré was known for dealing with sea monsters, the noticeable lack being part of the reason she had moved to Raada, so she had been contracted to handle it. Of course, there was a reason Alameré and Sagen had given up their seafaring days. Two reasons.
Their daughters.
I will get them back home. Selda swore as he watched his friends stagger back onto their feet.
Kaeden checked the port, as she had done every day this week, it was still closed.
Odd. It's not closed this long without a reason. She thought.
She made her way over to Selda's, also as she had done everyday. She was starting to debate quitting her sea farming job and working at Selda's full time as an actual employee, she'd get more money that way.
Selda paid about as well as her job did, the only reason she had stuck with such a hazardous job was the pay (and full health coverage for injuries sustained on job), it gave her enough income to cover most of her bills, and Miara's income covered whatever was left and they usually had a little left over for emergencies.
Of course part of the reason Kaeden made that was because she worked so much. She might not have to work as much and about make the same if she switched her job.
All of it depended on if the Empire would let her quit, they might keep her on as a seasonal worker.
She slipped in through the backdoor and found everyone preparing for the day. Miara waved to her.
"Ports still closed?" She asked.
"Guess you'll have to work here again." Miara shrugged.
"If we want to keep the house, yeah, guess I will." Kaeden said.
It was an uneventful morning bussing tables, it passed in a dull blur.
She cleared off a table and took the dishes to the back. She almost dropped the dish bin when she saw who was waiting there.
Ashla was leaning against the wall by the employees only door, she smiled at her.
"Just who I was looking for." Ashla said.
"You were looking for me? Why?" Kaeden asked, struggling to hold the bin up with her shock.
"I was wondering if you could show me around town." Ashla said, giving her a warm smile that made her heart race.
"Why do you want me? To do that, I mean." Kaeden said. Maker, her face was burning.
"I know you, and if memory serves, you don't actually work here." Ashla said.
Kaeden knew she needed to say no, her wages from Selda were less than if she was an actual employee (not enough to cause her any further financial strain, Selda was too kind for that), but they helped her pay rent, bills and food costs without having to take too much from her and Miara's meager funds. Of course when she did her actual job, she added to those small funds.
She needed to say no.
But couldn't.
Something about Ashla was enchanting and she couldn't deny her. It was like the trance sirens put their victims in. Wow, that was dark.
"If you're worried about losing money, I can pay you." Ashla offered.
"You would pay me to be your tour guide? Why not just get an actual tour?" Kaeden asked.
Ashla cocked her head slightly.
"I think you will be far more interesting." She smiled softly.
There was such warmth in her gaze, Kaeden could feel it heating up her cheeks and insides.
"Oh gods, just go with her, you're blocking the way." Viserric, a Mikkian busser, groaned behind her.
Kaeden, horrifyingly, squeaked and jumped away from them, nearly crashing into the wall before Ashla caught the sleeve of her shirt.
I wanna die! She cried internally. She wished she could sink into the floor.
"So I guess you're free?" Ashla prompted with a cat-like grin.
“So have you lived here your whole life?” Ashla asked.
They were walking down the path towards the main road along the port. Selda was smart enough to build his place further inland and significantly up to avoid tsunamis. Her parents bought a house in a similar location, close enough to see the ocean and any trouble from it, but comfortably away from the tsunami line.
It made her work commute a bit of a pain, but the safety of mind was more important.
The extensive coral reef system that grew around the entire island of Raada helped diminish the effect of tsunamis.
“No, my parents moved here when I was four, basically as soon as Miara could travel they came.” Kaeden answered, fastening her coat against the cold sea breeze.
“Why were they so eager to come here?” Ashla inquired as she swayed down the steps with an ethereal grace.
“Selda retired out here, it was a calm, safe place to raise children away from nosey people.” Kaeden said.
“Prices weren't half bad either.” She joked half-heartedly.
Ashla laughed a bit at her bad joke.
“What do they do?” She asked, looking at her with those mesmerizing blue eyes.
Stop thinking like that! She's a stranger! A pretty stranger but a still stranger! Kaeden internally scolded herself.
“My mother was a captain, she was apparently successful enough to retire young and care for her family. My father worked on her ship. Apparently my mother was quite good at dealing with troublesome sea life.” Kaeden tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice.
Troublesome sea life was what the sea monster that cost her parents lives and Selda’s arm was called when they were contacted to take care of it. In the later years there really hadn't been much difference between the old regime and the Empire, it just wasn't as openly hostile towards the magical creatures.
“What happened to them?” Ashla asked softly.
“They died when I was twelve. They were contacted to deal with a sea monster causing trouble. The sea monster got dealt with but neither of them made it back.” Kaeden said shortly.
Selda had been the one to tell them, she could so clearly remember the moment, she didn't remember the words he said, but she remembered his devastated face, and the bandages on what was left of his arm.
Miara blamed him. Screamed it was his fault and that he should have died instead. Looking back on it now, Selda wished the same in that moment.
“I'm sorry, that's horrible.” Ashla said, gentle and sincere in her song-like voice.
“It happens to everyone.” Kaeden shrugged.
She'd had to adapt quickly to the loss of her parents, dropping from school to take care of her sister's needs. Her mother's library was a sufficient replacement, she had whatever subject she wanted at her fingertips.
“I’m still sorry that happened to you.” Her companion said.
Kaeden looked out to the sea, studying the storming waters intently.
A jet of water shot up, followed by another, then another, close to the shore, much closer to the docks than they normally got.
“Look!” She pointed the pod of creatures out.
“Oh whoa!” Ashla pulled a pair of macro binoculars out of her bag.
“Those are Corellian dolphins! They almost never come near inhabited islands anymore!” She exclaimed.
“Really? I saw them all the time as a kid.” Kaeden commented.
“Was the port this busy when you were a kid?” Ashla asked, not looking away from the dolphins.
“No, it's a recent development.” Kaeden muttered.
Once the Empire showed up, a lot of the stranger sea life fled.
The dolphins left after a few minutes, probably heading to the other side of the island.
“So, is this the only town on Raada?” Ashla asked as they walked through the winding streets. 
The pier was almost completely occupied by Imperial facilities, the local shops and goods started in the street behind that. The Empire had forced a lot of shops to move.
“Yeah, it's the main settlement. There's some fishing villages built up along the east and west sides, they usually come in by boat to sell, but more inland it's either small groups or people who just want to be left alone.” She said.
“And of course a few of the houses closer to the shore are rented out to visitors for vacation, as you know.” She added.
“Interesting, the area you directed me to was certainly very quiet. It had a wonderful view of the stars.” Ashla hummed.
I'm glad I didn't send her to a shitty house. Kaeden thought.
“Who lives along the south beach?” Ashla asked her.
“The southern coves are completely empty, they're really hard and dangerous to get to. I think there's only a few old ladies who live anywhere near there.” Kaeden said.
Her mother had visited with those old folks as regularly as she could for living on the other side of the island. She would bring them freshly made food and produce grown in their garden, Kaeden regretfully had neglected their garden since her passing.
Her mother would bring her, and Miara, when they could handle the journey, her father never came, something about the old ladies not liking him very much. Whenever she asked, her mother would say that they always be aware of the needs of others and be willing to offer help when they needed it.
“Kaeden?” Ashla’s voice shook her from her thoughts.
Ashla smiled that mesmerizing grin and laughed a little, it was a bright, cheery sound.
“I was just asking if you could direct me to the quickest path to where those old ladies live.” Ashla said.
Kaeden stared at her.
“You want to talk to them?” She asked.
“Yes, in my experience the older folk have weirder stories.” Ashla said.
“Oh.” Kaeden scratched her neck uncertainly.
“I don't even know if any of them are still alive.” She said cautiously.
“Would you like to find out?” Ashla asked, leaning towards her.
“Uh… Kaeden glanced away from the memorizing blue eyes, now that she was so close she could see flecks of deep storm gray in the beautiful blue.
“I understand if you don't want to, it just sounds like you've been out there a few times.” Ashla said, leaning back.
Kaeden glanced up at the sky, it wasn't noon yet, and if she hurried, she could be back at a decent time. Yeah, that could work and-
Fuck it, she was lying to herself and she knew it.
She didn't want Ashla to leave.
“Sure, at this rate, the docks aren't going to be open by tomorrow, so what's the harm?” Kaeden decided.
Ashla smiled warmly at her.
“Wonderful.” She said.
She smoothly stepped to the side, gesturing for her to take the lead.
Is this a bad idea? Kaeden ignored the thought.
“Right this way.” She said, gladly leading Ashla to the little used paths to the other side of the island.
Sagen and Alameré are Kaeden and Miara's parents.
If you have any questions about this AU please feel free to ask!
May the Fourth Be With You!
VJS Out!
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Endless Possibilities
At some point - people have theorized - every thought will be written, every plot executed and every opinion expressed, but not today. And I think maybe even not ever.
It is easy to look at the world as so sophisticated and complex, but the challenging part is to find meaning in the most minute things.
For instance, a rock. A small plain boring rock with no value, no fancy gem or polished shine. It's a rock and the proud never dream it could be anything more. But on this rock can be carved something truly substantial. You just need the eyes to think of it. A birthdate. Death date. Quote. Symbol. Image. The rock doesn’t even need to have an engraving, it could just be a gift or a worry stone. It doesn’t matter because something can be irreplaceable to someone and worthless to another.
It all depends on perspective.
Now let's revisit my first thought - check back if you don’t remember but I can’t promise I won’t judge you for it.
Of course there are similar stories and ideas, but the reality is that no two people are exactly alike. Just like everyone’s DNA and fingerprints are unique, so is the perspective on the world around us. Someone’s attachment to something small, such as that rock, can influence their life as well as their work. This means that there will always be more thoughts to be written, plots to be executed and opinions expressed. No one can put a cap on free will. Once before the past was the future and eventually the future will be the past.
This is the exact reason why I love art and reading. Artists sprinkle pieces of themselves into their work and as readers or consumers, we can connect with them in a completely different way. We know their thoughts and feelings, as well as their deepest fears and greatest desires.
Two years ago, on February 28, 2021, I bought 2 CDs of music and artists I had never heard before. In total, I paid one dollar and nine cents. Just the thought of someone pouring their heart, soul, and mind into this music had me inspired. Every person has felt that way about something they have done. I also wanted to give this music a better home than the dollar bin at Vintage Stock.
So, after I bought them, I rushed home to find my CD player. 
Now there were only two ways that this could have gone. I could have despised the music or artist and turned it off without a second thought… or I could have found something I’ve been missing in my life and cherished listening to the albums I took a chance on. It's a leap of faith. That’s all it was. I think the risk of the unknown was the most appealing aspect of this adventure.
Fortunately, the CDs I bought weren’t scratched beyond repair - that was something I was worried about - and I can report that the music gave me feelings I could never describe in words alone. 
That music reminds me of the library and the security it brings me, just like wearing noise canceling headphones. Books stacked on shelves, thousands of pages and thousands of life times. Happy fables and sad tragedies woven together on the same shelves. A low hum of computers running and the smell of ink sits in the air.
Needless to say, I continued buying CDs of artists I had never heard of before and I landed on my favorite album and song from the bunch.
Notwithstanding by Chalk FarM
In particular, my favorite song on this album is “Live Tomorrow.” Where the entire theme of the song is ‘living tomorrow’ because there is no time today. The best thing is to go listen to the song yourself before we continue, but here is a verse that stands out to me. 
“I can't take the time, but I plan to when I'm done
I can't waste the day, nothing ventured, nothing
I don't think it's wise, to be idle when you're young
Oh, I have to go, I'll have time to live tomorrow.”
We live in such a fast society where it is expected to know exactly what you want to do with your life. Our expectations are for people to be successful almost immediately or they have somehow failed. This causes the mentality seen in the verse above. It's sad to say, but the speaker in the song never learns his lesson. This song reminds me that even though there are deadlines and appointments to make, we still need time to spend with the people we love. Above everything else our loved ones should be the most important to us, through our actions, not just words. 
Buying these old, battered CDs taught me a lot. Art can be found anywhere, not just the museums. I want to revisit the perspective that people have on art, as well as the world around them. This was one of the first points that I touched on. I’m not really talking about the perspective as in a view aspect where something is very close or far away. I’m talking more about perspective as in attachment to the things around us. Every single person has different attachments so the details that they might highlight in their designs would be completely different. The interpretation of these works may result in an outcome that is different for every person. 
I feel like art also has the opportunity to teach us the important lessons in life. Right now, time will never stop ticking away. Although, I don’t want it to because it only gives the opportunity for artists to create their own masterpieces. Of course, there will always be similar themes but that doesn’t stop unique aspects from peaking their way through the similarities. 
Just as a line on a graph gets closer and closer to an asymptote, it still never reaches it completely. That is the concept of infinity. In the same way, art and plots and music can never run out of ideas as long as humans exist to create and experience life. The future is uncertain, so I guess all I can add is that your guess is as good as mine.
This was my entry for a Creative Nonfiction writing challenge I participated in. I finished it on March 5, 2023. I didn't win ofc but I tried :D
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