#i don't feel like a real streamer
jofiah · 11 months
I need to stop looking at the front page of twitch and popular vtubers on twitter, it's not good for my mental health
what would be better for my mental health, however, would be to stop being so jealous of everyone else or feeling like everyone else is a threat/competition to me, instead of something to aspire to or take inspiration from. sigh
wish i could just talk to people and reach out but. all i feel able to do is make posts like this (that will probably only drive people to unfollow)
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Finally watching the Tommy and Quackity video since I'm getting some food ready and can't look at the subtitles on Pac's stream while I'm doing that, and man :') It's nice hearing Quackity immediately say "Hey, I don't do that anymore" when Tommy tries to initiate an old sorta uncomfortable bit using "Mexican" accents (it's also nice hearing Tommy be like "yeah that felt vaguely offensive when I used to do that as a 16 year old")
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waitineedaname · 4 months
a svsss/hlvrai crossover au. is this anything.
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amiharana · 1 year
My thoughts are still plagued with revalink streamers au 🛀😟🪑
THE EMOJISKDJFD i miss streamers au too </3
i'm thinking about the champions coming back for another round of Love or Host with link as the bachelor of the game. at this time, the CSMP is in full force and is gaining popularity at an exponential rate, the champions are now a well-established streaming group, and revali and link are now in their weird bickering/flirting stage where no one really knows if they're being fr and both revali n link are starting to realize they might? have? feelings? for each other? i've decided that for this au, kohga is going to be fulfilling the role of austinshow (this one's for you lucha john---baptist i love u)
if you've never heard of Love or Host before, it's kind of difficult to explain if you've never watched it?? if you have some time to spare, here's a link to a video of quackity's LOH when he participated a couple years back. but basically, it's like a livestreamed dating show where one person is the "bachelor" looking for love and the other contestants are competing to "love" or "host" — "love" meaning they are also looking for love and "date" after the show (it's not serious though, it's just for the drama. they don't actually end up dating if they don't want to lol) whereas "host" refers to looking for fame and wanting to get their stream hosted to get more views or something. idk it's kind of weird but still a fun twist to dating shows.
link gets invited by TheKohgaShow (this shit has me howling i'm sawryy) to be the bachelor for this round of LOH, since he's one of the most popular streamers at the moment. he agrees because why not and tries to get the rest of the champions to apply to be contestants for the game. daruk and urbosa call off because they aren't comfortable with the idea of possibly playing for link's hand romantically given their age gap, but they are livestreaming the show on their own streams and providing commentary, but mipha and zelda are fine with it. except for revali because he's a party pooper :]
"this is ridiculous," he grumbles over their discord call. "why are you going on that show again? wasn't meeting there enough?"
"it would be fun!" link insists. "it would be funny to see how much our dynamic's changed since we all first met on LOH. it's not that serious anyway, bird brain. unless you're scared you'd fall in love with me?"
"shut the fuck up," revali snaps. thank goddess he has his camera off right now because he can feel his cheeks beginning to burn. "the whole event is just... asinine. i didn't even want to be there the first time, and i still don't understand why you would want to go back."
"don't be mean, revali," comes mipha's voice, soft and cheery like a little bell. "it is just a casual event for fun anyway."
"and you could get a leg up over link by choosing host," urbosa muses. "you don't have to choose love, you know—"
"i'd eliminate him before he could try," link snickers.
"shut the fuck up," revali repeats, scrunching his nose up. "the entire format of such a show is just absurd. all dating shows are. none of it is genuine and it's all for drama and views anyway. there are far more productive ideas of substantial quality that could achieve the same goal."
"revali, it's really not that serious," link says, rolling his eyes and sitting back in his chair. his camera is on and revali can't help but follow the movement. "whether you apply or not, i'll be there as the bachelor. just don't get jealous if i do find love there."
daruk guffaws and mipha titters on the other ends of the call, but revali's jaw tightens. he wouldn't actually care if link found love on that stupid show. he wouldn't.
(once the notification that applications are open drops, revali applies and interviews for a position on the show in the next two hours. he gets it. after he logs off for the night, he realizes that doesn't really know why he ended up applying, but urbosa is going to bully him so bad when she sees him on the show tomorrow.)
the show goes live on kohga's channel the next day at noon, with the final contestant lineup as follows: revali, mipha, zelda, sidon, yunobo, paya, beedle, pikango, regan, and traysi. (in canon, regan is an npc who left lurelin village and who you can save from monster attacks, and traysi is the girl who writes the rumor mill articles left around hyrule). revali scoffs at the roster; if link was really looking for love, this wasn't exactly a group of prime pickings. (sorry to miph n zel. revali loves them as friends even if he won't say it out loud, but he knows they've been seeing each other on the downlow. LOL). when kohga starts the show and has everyone turn on their cameras, all of link, zelda, and mipha's eyes bulge out of their heads when they see revali in the roster. he rolls his eyes at his friends' reactions and tries to keep a straight face. his phone is buzzing with messages, probably from all of the champions in their shared gc, but he keeps his eyes on his computer screen.
i'm too impatient to write out a whole bunch of scenarios of link getting to know everyone and eliminating people and shit, so here's a bullet point list of ideas instead
surprisingly, link goes for zelda's head to bicker with first instead of revali (he didn't think revali would actually apply so now he's nervous), and he threatens to eliminate zelda in the introduction round. they bicker for a full a minute, escalating until kohga has to step in and stop the fight
sidon is absolutely flirting with link and link is flirting back. revali's face grows even more sour as he watches the whole exchange. his phone buzzes again, and this time, he can't help but check his phone. it's a message from urbosa that says, "Hey, Link told you not to get jealous if he finds love on the show." he rolls his eyes and reacts to the message with a thumbs down. whatever.
traysi pisses everyone off right away from how annoying she is. it's going to be a real surprise if link doesn't eliminate her right away.
pikango, regan, and beedle are all smaller streamers that link has interacted with in passing or has collabed with before so they're playing a game of catch-up for the few minutes they talk. something about how casually link talks with them irritates revali. he doesn't know why.
paya is a smaller streamer who voices in the nearly most inaudible voice ever that she's been a big fan of link's content. "awhh, thank you, that's very sweet of you," link says, smiling kindly at her. a vein twitches in revali's temple.
when link finally gets to him, for a moment he stares with wide blue eyes and if revali squints hard enough, a faint pink flush dusting his cheeks. "revali," link says. "fancy seeing you here."
"you should fancy me at every point in the day, no matter where i am," revali replies smoothly. flirting bickering with link is an instinct at this point.
link laughs. "i don't think i want to or ever will," he says, resting his chin on his hand and smiling into the camera.
"well, trust me," revali says, the corner of his lip curling up barely as he sits back in his chair. "by the end of this, you will." shit, where did this bravado suddenly come from?
but link's eyes widen and this time, the pink flush revali thought he was hallucinating makes itself known. kohga makes an "oooooooh" and ends the introduction round, introducing the premise of the next round, but link and revali are still staring at each other, watching each other's webcams.
(later, a clip of zelda rolling her eyes at this moment of time goes viral. she qrts the originating post with "these two are going to make me homophobic.")
LIKE I SAID I'M IMPATIENT I JUST WANNA WRITE THE SCENES I WANT TO SEE so yadda yadda yadda the elimination order goes traysi → regan → pikango → beedle → yunobo → paya until mipha gets eliminated and zelda votes herself out in an act of solidarity, telling revali to win for the honor of the champions LOL. only sidon and revali are left, so kohga alots 10 minutes for each contestant to go on their final "dates" with link and prove that they should be the one that link chooses.
sidon goes first and it's very cute :) he's very gentlemanly and sweet and talking about where he would take link on their first date, and just some sappy shit about how he'll give link the world. link is very enamored with him and his promises <3 leaning on his chin and gazing dreamily at sidon while he talks, sidlinkers are going nuts in the chat
but when it's revali's turn for the "Date", ohoho....... a tension so thick you can almost taste it develops in the call and the stream the moment sidon is taken out of the call and revali comes in and unmutes. link immediately straightens from his leaning posture on the desk and he's on high alert, chewing on his bottom lip and watching as revali settles into the call. revali looks relaxed and nonchalant, the complete opposite of the electricity beginning to fizz throughout link's veins. the timer has already started, but neither of them say anything, just staring at each other in the call.
"are you going to say anything or are we just going to stare at each other for 10 minutes?" revali finally says, the corner of his lip curling up just slightly into a hint of a smile.
link rolls his eyes and scoffs. "i would, if i had anything to say that you deserve to hear," he replies playfully. he resumes his initial position of placing his chin on his hand and leaning into it, smiling into the camera with half-lidded eyes.
"is that so?" revali says, raising an eyebrow. "do you mean to say that i'm leaving you speechless right now?"
link gives revali a look through the camera. "i have plenty to say, thank you very much."
"then say it all," revali says, his smirk growing a little bigger. "or do i make you too nervous to speak?"
"shut up," link responds, squinting. and they continue bickering for another 3 minutes, before kohga steps in to re-navigate the conversation back to the "Date".
"okay, okay, fine, revali where would you take me on our first date?" link says.
"i would take you to the top of a tall building and throw you off," revali replies smoothly.
link slams his head on his desk. "are you ever gonna give me a genuine answer?" he groans.
revali rolls his eyes. "i suppose i could attempt entertaining the subject of the question, just this once," he sniffs. then he sits back and looks up, crossing his arms and humming thoughtfully. "if i ever felt the desire to take you out, it would be an all-day endeavor."
"all day?" link says, tilting his head to the side. his curiosity has been piqued; sidon's first date plan consisted only of a dinner and a late-night walk in the park. "you'd plan the whole day for a first date?"
revali gives him a look. "do you think so lowly of me that you think i'd half-ass our first date?" he says snippily. "perhaps some reminders are in order for you; i actually care for the quality of my work, you know. i'm more than happy to welcome you to my twitch and youtube channels to assist in the rejuvenation of your memory."
link returns revali's look. "just continue."
revali hums and settles back in his seat. "right, well before i was so rudely interrupted," he says, "i would utilize the entire day for our date. we'd start with brunch at the new cafe in lanayru promenade, because goddess knows you are not a person of the early morning."
"i could wake up early if i really wanted to, thank you very much," link grumbles. "but lanayru promenade?"
"you mentioned that you've been wanting to try it in the discord calls..." revali says, voice petering off and he looks away. he actually didn't think about what his plan would be if he took link out on a date. he hasn't! it's not like they'd ever date in the first place! but the words just keep spilling out of him and he can't stop... "but that you haven't had a chance. i think you'll like the hylian mushroom toast. it's just as absurd of a meal as you are."
when revali looks back at the screen, link's eyes are wide and he's staring intently back at him. "yeah?" he says. "and what do you have planned after that?"
"i'd take you to the great plateau museum," revali continues, rather softly. "i heard they're opening up the temple of time ruins to the public again. you said you had been waiting for the opening for a long time, but you weren't able to get tickets because the exclusive opening sold out."
"you remember that?" link says. his eyes are wide, shimmering in surprise. "i only said that in passing and that was months ago..."
"well, unlike you, i actually listen when people talk," revali says, finding his bite again. but now he's nervous; why did he remember that? and why did he bring it up as part of the date? "we'd likely be there for the rest of the afternoon, and for dinner, we'd eat at 'sanidin'."
"mm, that's fancy," link muses. "you have 'sanidin' money?"
revali shrugs. "being a quality streamer and youtuber pays when you actually put the work into it."
"is that supposed to be a read?"
"if the shoe fits, you can wear it, darling."
"oh, shut up—"
"and for the grand finale of the night," revali swiftly cuts link off, "i'd take you to my favorite spot in the city and admire the stars." he says it with a level of finality and the call goes silent, as if link and kohga were waiting with bated breath for revali to continue. but he doesn't.
"and where would that be?" link says quietly, his voice almost a whisper.
revali tries to imagine link with him under the cherry blossom tree at the satori observatory park, the night breeze tousling his golden hair. revali tries to imagine link smiling up at him with that pink flush dusting his freckled cheeks and nose, wide blue eyes sparkling. he tries to imagine wrapping an arm around link's waist to pull him close and— surprisingly, it's not hard to imagine at all.
revali leans back in his seat, the barest trace of a smile across his lips. "that's for me to know and for you to find out, if you choose me," he says.
and link pauses and blinks. "what," he says. "you can't just cut your plan off like that when—" the timer signaling the end of the "Date's" duration rings. link stops mid-sentence, mouth agape as kohga unmutes and calls the time. "no, wait, i— he wasn't done—"
"the ten minutes are over, link! play fair!" kohga cackles. "it's time for you to choose your final contestant — one to keep, and one to eliminate! alright chat, we're going to set up a poll for you to guess who link is going to choose, while link DMs me his choice—"
the chat is going fucking nuts, full of #SIDLINK and #REVALINK, people have already clipped revali's entire date plan and it's going viral on twitter, they're #1 on trending, both of their mentions are blowing up, the champions gc is just full of urbosa and zelda teasing revali, and revali is starting to sweat. what if link doesn't choose him? it would be embarrassing if link didn't and that clip of revali talking about their hypothetical first date was just always held over his head. not that any of this is real anyway. he and link would never date. they wouldn't! he's just in it for the views... right, the views...
"okay, chat, everyone!" kohga announces. "link, it's time to make your final decision! according to the name that link has DM'd me... the one he's carefully spent time with and chosen... the winner of this round of love or host..."
"are you going to continue to drag this on?" revali drawls into his mic, but his heart is slamming against his chest. "i think we'd all like to find out who won within this lifetime, you know."
"stop!" kohga whines. "it's for the dramatic effect! you wouldn't understand, this vocal craft of pausing was carefully passed down from my father's mother's father!"
"you are going to become the 'father's mother's father' of your great grandchild by the time we find out who link chose," revali replies wryly. "get on with it, will you?"
"hmph," kohga sniffs. "no appreciation for the arts whatsoever. the winner of this love or host is..." kohga's mic is suddenly full of the sound of paper being shuffled around. "in a strange twist of fate, revali!!!"
revali blinks as kohga screams wildly and sidon smiles good-naturedly, clapping politely. link is smiling but he's averted his gaze away from the camera. revali thinks his face looks a little pink. he wasn't actually expecting to win.
"congratulations on your victory, revali!!!" kohga yells. "however! remember that the contestants had the opportunity to choose either 'love' or 'host' in this game. and sidon chose... love!!!"
sidon tilts his head to the side and smiles again. "i think we would have made an excellent pair if you chose me, link," he says. "i wish only the best for you in the future. thank you for allowing me the opportunity to play with you."
"oh goddess, why did you phrase it like that," link says, turning red and covering his face with his hands. kohga wheezes in the call.
sidon blinks. "what do you mean? i meant playing the game with you."
after sidon is removed the call, it's time for kohga to reveal what revali chose, and now link is the one sweating. he thinks back to the discord call from yesterday, where urbosa said that revali could choose host just to ridicule link. if link knows revali, he knows that revali would take any chance to do so. and why would he choose love anyway? he was probably just bullshitting the whole date idea (which somehow makes link wilt internally; it sounded like a really nice date idea, too...)
"the results are in!" kohga says. "before the show began revali had the chance to choose love or host: love as in looking for a chance to fall in love with link, or host for a chance to get hosted and get those views in! the time has come for us to finally reveal the choice that revali made before the show!"
"it seems to be that i've made a choice before the show started," revali says dryly, and link snickers. "i wonder what the choice was about."
"and revali chose...!" kohga continues, pointedly ignoring revali's comment. there's more papery shuffling behind the mic (why is kohga shuffling papers? both revali and link made their choices over dm), and suddenly a loud, prolonged gasp. "he chose love!!!"
while kohga continues screaming over the mic, link's eyes widen and he blinks. it's revali's turn to not look at the camera, rubbing at the back of his neck. the chat is exploding with messages, "HE CHOSE LOVE???", "get it link lmao", "REVALINK IS REAL".
afaik it's customary for the two people to go on a "date" after the show ends if the contestant chose "love", and by "date" i mean they just sit in a call together and livestream it. idk it's kinda weird KDJHFDKJ but link and revali do exactly that, the livestream gets moved to link's twitch channel and it's just him and revali's cams side by side on a screen, the both of them just silently staring at each other while the chat blows up. neither of them know what to say, fucking losers KJHDFJKD
"so... you chose love?" link finally says breaking the silence. "i didn't expect that from you."
"i had the element of surprise on my side," revali replies. "there's not a better feeling in this world than catching you off guard as much as possible."
link snorts. "you're such a dickhead. i really thought you weren't going to apply for the game."
"call it a change of heart." they're both silent for a couple moments, just staring at each other. the chat is still going a million miles per hour. link's camera quality is so good, revali might be able to count all the freckles on his nose if he really tried.
"were you being for real about your date idea?" link says next. his voice is soft, uncertain, and revali is unnerved by it. link never sounds this vulnerable...
revali waits a beat. "it's real if you want it to be," he answers vaguely.
link's mouth curls up into a smile. "even the dinner at 'sanidin' part?"
revali rolls his eyes. "i told you, caring about the quality of your content pays well. don't doubt me."
and the blond giggles, a sweet sound (that unbeknownst to revali, softens his expression on camera to which revalinkers immediately clip and post onto twitter). "okay. i'd like that, then."
"okay," revali repeats softly. "let me know when you're free, and it's a date."
"it's a date," link echoes, smiling bigger. they're quiet again for a couple moments, link's cheeks turning pink and revali beginning to fidget. "we still on for CSMP tomorrow?"
"of course, we need to build bigger and better spaces for medli and epona. i grabbed some vines from our last trip to the jungle for medli's room, and i think we should add more hay bales to epona's. you're practically starving her, you know."
"i am not!" link says indignantly. "i feed her so many golden apples. how dare you accuse me of starving my child."
they continue bickering for 10 more minutes about their minecraft plans, and then sign off for the night. after link ends his stream, revali sits back in his chair and sighs. what a simply asinine day.
"feeling okay?" link says. revali almost forgot he was still on the call with link and that he still had his camera on. link's eyes are as wide as they always are, shimmering blue with a look of concern on his face.
"i'm fine," revali says. "love or host was longer than i remember."
link hums. "yeah, i guess." he chews his bottom lip for a moment, then continues in a quiet voice. "did you really mean it? the date?"
revali pauses and blinks. "as i said, it's real if you want it to be." the thought that link might want to back out instead makes his heart sink. "unless you don't want to—?"
"i want to," link says firmly. "i want to go on that date with you. if you want to, too." he adds the last part quietly, shyly, unsure. revali doesn't like it.
"then we'll go through with it," revali says softly. "as long as you want to, then... i wouldn't mind going out with you either."
"okay," link whispers, eyes impossibly wider. "okay. let's do it, for real."
revali snorts. "are you sure this time?"
"yes i am, birdbrain, let's fucking gooo—"
"shut the fuck up," revali replies, but a smile is growing on his face. "i'm logging off. you should too and rest up. you've had quite an interesting day."
"you and me both," link says. "bye revali, have a good night. and... thank you."
"mm, a good night to you as well." link waves at him and revali waves back, letting himself smile a little wider. he disconnects, shuts off his computer, and goes to wash up and get ready for bed.
(as he settles for the night in his bed, the distinct sound of a discord notification pings from his phone. revali grabs his phone and checks the message:
Discord master streamer zero 💯 gn vali :] <3
revali snorts and taps on the notification, beginning to type into the app.
Revali 🪶 Goodnight, Link.
and after a moment's hesitation:
Revali 🪶 ❤️ [😧][🫶][⁉️]
Revali 🪶 Dumbass.
master streamer zero 💯 YOU SENT A HEART IM KDJFDKJDFJKD
Revali 🪶 Goodnight, Link. [🫡][😴][❤️]
revali shakes his head, snorting again, and puts his phone down settling into bed. perhaps today wasn't as asinine as he originally thought it was.)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
Nobody tell this website that egg jokes aren't annoying because the concept of someone potentially being a trans woman instead of a feminine man is somehow bad (it's not in the slightest and if that does turn out to be the case, said woman should be treated with nothing but respect in terms of her gender identity). They're annoying because you do not know that person and misgendering anyone is rude and even if you're right, that's not anyone's business but theirs and you're still misgendering them now.
#Hayley Speaks#I don't even know or care about that one streamer and I couldn't care less about what he identifies as#Because it's no one's business but his#But I have my personal beef with people who are THIS mad about people not liking egg jokes#Because it's like...I think what it boils down to is that you don't know that person#You do not know what they might identify as in the future#It is literally NO ONE'S business but theirs#And even if you're right; it's not cool to push your own personal labels onto them if they are NOT there yet#By making jokes about what they MIGHT identify as down the road; you are literally putting them into a box they are not in#No matter where the journey of gender identity might go for them; that's not okay at all#IDK I feel like if I saw someone trying to egg a real woman with short hair and a butch style as transmasc I'd also be really uncomfortable#(I say real bc like...there's a difference between egging real people and fictional characters)#(REALIZING VERY QUICK after typing my tags that I should specify that; egging fictional characters is totally different and I support it~!)#You don't know her#And even if that IS the case for her later on; what business is it of ours?#I don't get the anger outside of people just being mad that people don't like them misgendering someone#Yes I can understand hoping that someone you might look up to might fall into the same gender identity as you#But that's still a human person#IDK this Finnster shit is annoying to see from all sides#Literally who cares?? Let him be whoever he wants and stop being weird about it.
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This was the first time that I've ever had a long form dream about the dsmp and it was literally about bedrockverse
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noctomania · 4 months
Just a reminder: you do not have to pay a fee to be part of a community. Anyone who suggests otherwise is a gatekeeping capitalist.
Also, to clarify, community =/=ideological bubble. Community is diverse and hard to develop. You don't just get a bunch of people together in one spot and say that's a community.
Community requires trust in one another, an understanding that differences of perspective can and will happen, and each oerson putting in effort. There is no leader. There is no heirarchy. There is no creator. Every individual must choose for themselves to either be a community member or be distanced. Either choice is fine. Just don't conflate community with a group of people in one spot together.
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sailorrhansol · 3 months
Chat, is that Rizz? | j.ww (m)
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Pairing: Streamer!Wonwoo x Streamer! F.reader 
❀ Summary: Your rivalry with Wonwoo has existed for as long as you’ve been streaming. It’s fun, and both of your communities love it. Wonwoo is happy to play along - at least until you question his rizz while live, and he feels like he should remind you just how much rizz he has.
❀ Word Count: 5,366
❀ Genre: Established Relationship, Faux Rivals 
❀ Type: Smut, a hint of fluff
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging in and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
❀ Warnings: This is so cheesy and stupid and I don’t care!! Explicit language, teasing and light antagonization, gamer and streamer speak in spots, sexually explicit content including spanking, fingering, unprotected sex, hint of overstimulation, playful banter and teasing during sex, bodily fluids, soft dom if you squint. UNEDITED.
❀ A/N: I don’t care that parts of this are kind of cringe, @daechwitatamic tells me to write so I write and I needed to  get out of a writing slump. Yes the game they are playing is Valorant. No I did not call it Valorant. Have I played Valorant in the last year? No! Anyway, please enjoy this shameless porn no plot! Also please don't arrest me for the fucking TERRIBLE puns.
❀ Disclaimer: Disclaimer: All members of Seventeen are faces and name claims for stories. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios. Moreover, none of my works accurately reflect, represent or take a stance on the nuances of Korean culture, cities, people etc. Seventeen members are not Seventeen culturally, intellectually, physically, or representationally in my stories, and should be considered name and face stand-ins for made up characters.
Main Masterlist ❀ Tag List Request Form ❀ Ask ❀
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“You’re never going to hit Immortal with that strat, Wonwoo,” you tease, cringing as he gets gunned down by the enemy team’s Reyna. “Rotated too early.” 
“Here they go,” Seungcheol mutters into the mic, his exasperation making you grin as you fix your eyes on the screen. Like both you and Wonwoo, Seungcheol has already died in the round, watching as Mingyu navigates the map to pick up the bomb to attempt to save the round. 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you while you were dead,” Wonwoo shoots back. You scrunch your nose, knowing that it is, unfortunately, true. “I was in the land of the living. You know. Because I didn’t dry peek long and die.” 
“Seungcheol told me to push site!”
“Maybe push with util, though? Or be better.”
On the right side of your screen, you can see your chat blowing up. You grin and roll your eyes - you aren’t actually bothered by Wonwoo and you know he isn’t mad either. Playing games with him always elicits teasing and a steady back and forth.
Once upon a time, his poking might bother you. Now, you’ve played enough games with Wonwoo over the last two years to know better. It’s all in good faith, and it’s part of the joke, this ongoing way the two of you bicker and go tit for tat. 
“I am nothing if not an accommodating teammate,” you offer back. Mingyu manages to get to the site, swinging wildly to check for enemies. “I’m a helper. I like to help people.”
“You can help me by shutting up,” Mingyu mutters. 
“Yeah,” Wonwoo echos, a smirk prominent in his voice. “Shut up.” 
“No I’m talking to you too,” Mingyu assures. “And you did rotate without me and too early. So she’s right.”
That shuts Wonwoo up, a chorus of laughter echoing in the headset as your team watches Mingyu try and go for the clutch. Your laughter fades and you mute yourself on Discord in an attempt not to distract Mingyu, eyes flicking over to the comments flooding in on your stream.
It’s a rewarding feeling to see how many there are, donation notifications popping up on the top of your screen making your heart stutter a little. You can see Seokmin moderating as usual in the chat, reminding people the commands for frequently asked questions and removing anything weird. 
There is a lot of weird. 
“Thank you for the dono, Shaezy98. Yes, PiCheolwinning, I hit Immortal a few days ago! What do you guys think about doing a nonstop stream until I hit Radiant? Would that be fun?” 
Resounding yes responses flood the comments. You grin, pulling your legs up into the chair to make small talk with the community you’ve so carefully built over the last few years. You see a suggestion in the comments that makes you laugh, leaning forward to unmute yourself in Discord. 
“Hey Wonwoo,” you ask. “My chat wants us to try 1v1 where we customize each other’s settings. Thoughts?” 
It’s a common question. People love the dynamic you and Wonwoo specifically have, enjoying seeing the friendly rivalry grow over the years. You can recall several streams you’ve done just playing together, hosting charity events and promoting new games as a dynamic duo. 
Some wonder if you’re together. There’s no hard evidence, but there's chemistry there. A lightness to your banter that comes with a familiarity your fans try to piece together, a gentleness that sounds the edges of your insults to make sure the other knows your kidding. 
Wonwoo lets out a deep hum. “You’re gonna go demon mode on my settings. Then I’d have to change them back.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. Of course he’s worried about his settings, as if he can’t export them. “Is that a no?”
“What’s in it for me? Besides my fucked up settings and the risk you change all my weapon skins.”
Clearing your throat, you put on your best telemarketer voice. “The benefits to this offer are endless. For a limited time only, you can take advantage  of quality time spent with me-” 
“Not a benefit.” 
You ignore his interruption, a vein in your forehead ticking at the comment. “You can protect your honor and pride as a gamer, and as a special early bird offer, I’ll give all donations from that stream to a charity of your choosing. Thoughts?” 
Mingyu ends up losing the round, earning a resounding sigh and curse from everyone on the team. You move your mouse around to click through weapons and set yourself up for the next round. “They’re going to force,” you say, momentarily distracted from your sales pitch by strategy. “Wonwoo I can buy you a marshall.”
You make the transaction for him and drop the weapon so he can pick it up, noting the comments coming in from viewers.
NoLo88: See, she always does stuff for him - I swear they’re together!!!
EzBoyZ: No way would she date him.
NoLo88: Are you kidding? Have you seen Wonwoo? He’s like the hottest streamer ever.
LoLPog69: Ugh I hope they’re not dating, she’s better single. 
 “See, I’m fun. I’m nice. I’m a team player who helps win games. What do you say?” 
“Fine, it’s a date.” 
The way he so casually says it makes your stomach flip. You hesitate for a moment, blinking in surprise before you realize he’s said it without really thinking about it. Biting  your bottom lip to fight a smile, you ask, “Oh? A date? Chat, is that rizz?” 
“Oh fuck off,” Wonwoo huffs, trying to cover up his mistake. You can’t help it - your smile spreads as he rushes to gloss over what he said. “It’s a figure of speech.” 
“He’s trying to rizz me, chat!”
“In your dreams.”
“You should change your tag from WonuWizard to WonuRizzard.” Wonwoo curses as he gets killed. You cackle, killing an enemy and taking their gun. “Oo, an operator. Do you want this, Wonwoo? What about changing your tag to RizzardOfOz?” 
Wonwoo groans on the other end of the mic and you can imagine the way he pushes back in his chair, sinking a little further down as he spectates the match. “Yes, save the op for me, please. Also, get your chat out of mine. I’m going to get a Rizzstraining order.” 
You note the way he says for me when he asks for the weapon you’ve picked up to keep for him. It is a favor to him, intended for him. Your viewers notice. 
Seungcheol swears. “You two are insufferable to play with sometimes. We’re trying to win a game.” 
Mingyu huffs. “Just stop Rizzsponding, Cheol. They’ll shut up eventually.” 
With a laugh, you settle in and focus on the game. Even as the teasing dies down, you and Wonwoo fall into a comfortable give and take, working together to win the next few rounds and eventually, the entire match after Wonwoo closes out the game with an ace. 
“Wow.” You lean back in your chair, stretching. It’s getting late at night, and you feel a little tired. “Mad Rizzpect, Wonwoo. Up your rizz game and maybe I’ll go on a date with you.” 
“Up my rizz game?” His tone has shifted as everyone starts talking over one another, Seungcheol and Mingyu getting into it over something sports related. You’re focused on the soft purr of Wonwoo’s voice, though. The raspiness of it. “If I wanted to rizz you, I would.” 
Fuck. His voice. You shift a little in your seat, clicking around your secondary monitor that is off stream to pull up Wonwoo’s stream. It loads, immediately showing his dark room with slow pulsing RGB lights in the background and shelving displaying different collectible items. 
Wonwoo looks like he always does: leaned back casually in his seat, the glow of his computer reflecting in the lens of his black-frame glasses. Dark bangs hang in his eyes, the rest of his hair hidden by the hood that is pulled up over his head. He’s chewing on one of the strings of his hoodie as he talks to his chat, voice gentle.
His hoodie has a little animated version of him over the left side of the chest, the character winking and giving finger hearts. You feel your lips twitch - you always loved the little cartoon version of himself. As always, he looks totally at ease. It’s the same even in an intense game, Wonwoo never feeling the need to lean closer to the screen or showing the tension in his shoulders.
Calm. Cool. Collected.
Except when you can force a rise out of him, of course. 
A bunch of notifications flood in your chat. You look over to them, reading through them and grinning. You pull your mic toward you, shaking your head. “Ugh I have all the Wonwoo apologists in my chat defending your rizz.” 
“Good” he shoots back. You watch in delayed time as he smirks on his end. He so rarely does a full smile, but you know it’s beautiful when he does. “You need to take Rizzponsibility for implying I have no rizz.” 
“No way,” Mingyu gasps. “Two Wonwoo puns in a single night?”
“Puns and attempted rizz?” You ask, cocking your head. “Huge day for Wonwoo fans everywhere.” 
“Again, that wasn’t rizz. You’ll know it when I use it.”  
“Sure, sure. Or maybe you just… don’t have any.” 
You watch the tick in Wonwoo’s jaw. A grin spreads across your face and you try to suppress it, knee bouncing in anticipation as you watch the minute changes in his expression. He drums his fingers on the armrest of his gaming chair, hypnotizing you for a moment. He has long, elegant fingers paired with a beautiful set of hands. 
“You really think I have no rizz?” he asks, voice low and oh you know that voice. You suppress a shiver and shake your head ‘no’ before realizing that he can’t see you. Or he does - because he says, “Use your words like a big girl.” 
If you weren’t on stream, your eyes might roll back in your head at the soft purr of his voice, the way in which he immediately switches gears, put out by your accusations that you already know are false. 
And because you’re you, you push him a little more, interested to see where it goes.  “Are you watching my stream, Jeon Wonwoo?”
“Mhmm. Trying to learn rizz, since apparently I have none. Go on, show the class. What have you got?”
Seungcheol and Mingyu both ooo and quiet down, putting you on the spot. Heat tiptoes up your neck to your ears. Being a streamer by nature is being under the spotlight, especially when you have a high follower account. This is different though, the pressure suddenly flipped to you as your friends settle in, waiting. 
“It’s all about the charizzma,” you joke, voice a little raspy. You swallow, eyes flicking to your secondary monitor where you can see Wonwoo watching his screen with a growing grin. “I can’t teach you how to have that, Jeon.” 
“What can you teach me, Angel?” 
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You know that commanding tone anywhere, the soft shift from teasing to something a little darker, a little sharper. He doesn’t care that you’re both on the screen for live viewers, that this will be recorded, or that you have friends on the call, who have taken a backseat to watch the fencing match. 
And the angel. Sure, it’s a small part of your brand and gamertag, but the way Wonwoo says it implies something intimate. Darker. A gentle caress of the word against your skin. 
When you come up with nothing, Wonwoo grins on screen, devastatingly handsome. He knows he’s surprised you. “Not a problem,” he quips. “I’m an excellent teacher. I can teach you how to rizzpond to a direct question.” 
He surprises you by ending the stream suddenly. You blink in surprise, both Seungcheol and Mingyu calling Wonwoo’s name, assuming his internet has gone out or has been interrupted. With shaking hands, you remove one side of your headphones, listening. Heavy footsteps sound in the hall and you squeak, hitting the hotkey to show be right back on your stream.
Wonwoo stands in the doorway. He gives you a single, lopsided smirk before waltzing toward you, a predator stalking prey. His dark eyes are focused on you, drinking you in. 
“Noooo,” you yell at him, giddy and panicked all at the same time. You hold your hands out to push him away but he links your fingers instead pressing his palms against yours and pulls you toward him. He jerks your computer chair toward him, your knees crashing against his. “Hiiiii.” 
“No rizz, huh?” his voice is barely a murmur. 
“Ummm,” you glance over to your set up where the be right back glows. Wonwoo follows your line of sight before dropping his gaze back to you, eyes asking a question. “Do you… want to?”
Elation falls across his face. “I’m down if you are. You know that.” 
Chewing your lip, you smile and nod. You’ve long been planning to reveal that the two of you have been dating for a long time, and the present feels right. Not to mention the implication of him ending the stream and you slamming the be right back on at the same time. 
Wonwoo leans down and grabs the arms of your computer chair, spinning it around and pushing you back into the frame. He leans over your shoulder, the smell of sandalwood and lavender enveloping you, making your head spin. He hits the hotkey to turn your stream and mic back on. 
Your eyes drop to where you’re displayed in the camera, Wonwoo leans against the back of your chair, chest pressed to your shoulder as he grins at the camera. Your thighs clench, seeing that same cocky smirk you’re used to making a brief appearance on camera. 
“Sorry chat,” Wonwoo announces. “Sorry Cheol, Mingyu. I have to handle the disrizzspect going on in my own home. Say byeeee to chat, Angel.” 
“Byeeee,” you squeak on instinct, watching as he waves while your comments explode. He closes out the stream and cuts off the Discord call where Seungcheol and Mingyu are screeching, shutting down your computer entirely so there’s no chance for accidents. 
Stomach fluttering, you take off your headphones and look up at Wonwoo to find he’s already staring down at you, dark eyes hungry. You slide down a little in your chair, feeling your mouth go dry. You got what you wanted, but now that he’s there and you can feel the intensity crackling between you, you can’t help but balk just a little.
“What?” he asks, lips twitching at the corner. “Rizz got your tongue?” 
“I guess maybe you have a little rizz.”
“Ohhh, I see.” Wonwoo pulls your seat backward, spinning your chair around so that you face the bed. He lets go of the chair and walks backward, sitting on the edge of your bed. You stare at him, heart beating, breath quickening. “Now that there’s no one here I have rizz.” 
You pout. “It’s our brand.”
“Mhmm.” He leans back on your bed, the mattress dimpling under his weight. He pats his thigh with one hand. “You just love getting under my skin, don’t you?”
You climb out of your computer chair, stumbling a little as the blood starts to flow from where they were crisscrossed. He tsks at you as you regain your footing, padding over to where he sits, legs spread, thighs straining against his athletic shorts. 
Carefully, you climb into his lap. Your body buzzes as you settle over him, one knee on either side of his hips. You lean your weight into him, hands resting on top of his shoulders. Even through his hoodie, you can feel how warm his skin is. 
“Are you happy now?” 
One of his hands leaves the bed and cracks against your ass, starling you. You squeak and lean forward, the sting making your eyelids flutter. “You’re not even listening, are you?” 
“I wasn’t.” 
His hand kneads your ass through your shorts, soothing the sting from the slap. “I asked, are you happy now? Did you get what you wanted?” You nodded, letting your head hang down, burying your face in his neck. It’s warm and safe there, your thoughts sticky as his hand continues to explore your ass. “Remember when I said use your words like a big girl?”
“Yes. Yes, I got what I wanted.”
“And what was it you wanted?”
When you hesitate to answer, too focused on your slamming heart and stuttered breathing, his hand comes down across your ass again. You curse, melting into him, letting him bear your weight entirely. “Wanted to rile you up.”
“It worked.”
“I can tell.” 
Wonwoo’s hand trails to the edge of your shorts, fingers dancing along your thighs. You’re hype aware of his touch and the way it sends fire through you, stomach in knots and cunt aching between your legs as he fingers the hem of your shorts. 
“Is it okay that I interrupted your stream?”
The question is so much softer than he was a second ago. You lift your head to look at him. His face swims into focus, a momentary flicker of nervousness. Wonwoo is rarely impulsive, but the move to announce your rivalry is more romantic than most people knew was unplanned and spur of the moment. 
“It’s definitely okay. Is it okay with you?”
He nods, leaning forward to run his nose up the side of your neck. He inhales, taking in your scent and humming while the hand running along your shorts pulls at the fabric. “Just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be upset.”
“No. Now the people in your chat know you’re mine.”
“Yours?” His mouth brushes against the hollow of your throat, hot and wet. Your head tilts back, lips parting as his tongue flicks against your skin. “Just wanted to claim me, is that it?”
“Your fans are horny?”
He nips your neck and a moan drips from you. “Yours aren’t?” 
“Not like yours.” 
“Too bad for them. There’s only one angel who can get under my skin.” Wonwoo takes you by the waist and rolls you over. Your breath leaves you in a huff as your back hits the mattress. He leans over you, knees caging you in on either side of your hips as he presses his mouth to your jawline, sucking kisses up toward your ear. “Only one drawback - she thinks I have no rizz.” 
You bring your hands to the hem of his hoodie, desperate to feel him. Sliding your hands under the fabric, you press your palms against his stomach, feeling his muscle flex as his skin warms your hands. His mouth is wet against your skin, teeth nipping your earlobe teasingly, drawing a raspy sound from you. 
“I think,” you gasp as he drops a hand between your legs to press against your clothed cunt, “That she might be wrong about the rizz.”
Wonwoo’s fingers apply pressure, barely circling your clit through the fabric. It worsens the ache between your legs, your thoughts getting scattered as you squirm underneath him. He brings his mouth to yours, stealing a greedy kiss. 
This is the part of Wonwoo that you know only you see. Where the calm and collected gamer turns into an all consuming force, stealing the breath from your lungs as his tongue presses against yours. You kiss him back with equal want, whimpering into his mouth as he presses his fingers a little harder against you. 
“Please,” you breathe against his mouth between kisses. “I know I was mean but please.”
“Why should I?”
“Because I’m sorry!”
“Are you, though?” He mouths down your neck to your collarbone, the sting of his teeth soothed by the rough pass of his tongue. “You got exactly what you wanted and more.” 
“I ammmm.”
His laughter is rough. The hand between your legs comes up to the top of your shorts, dipping past the waistline to sink downward. He groans when he feels the dampness of your underwear, the way he’s already worked you up. 
“No rizz,” he mutters to himself. You throb when you feel his fingers pull your underwear to the side, knuckles running up your wet folds where he stops at your clit to press down. Your nails scrap against his abs, body tensing under the stimulation. “This is a wet fucking fucking pussy for someone who has no rizz.” 
You can’t think of a response, mind reeling as Wonwoo plays with you properly. You writhe in his hands, melting as his fingers brush up and down your slit before coming back up to gently circle your clit. Your feet kick a little under him, unable to sit still as he works you - teases you. 
Fuck you realize he might do this all night. 
“You have a lot of rizz,” you breath, pressing the back of your head into the bed, gasping in surprise as he sinks a finger into your entrance. Already you’re clenching down on him, wanting more. “Fuck.” 
“I don’t know… maybe I just… lack what you need.”
“No,” you answer quickly. “Just… ugh like that.” 
The ease at which he knows how to touch you makes everything feel tenfold. Wonwoo knows you like the back of your hand, both intimately and mentally. What had started as two streamers annoying one another had turned into friendship at some point - you’d met him at a convention and realized he was far gentler and softer than you imagine. 
That had turned into something further - something deeper. The want when you were around him was something that you hadn’t expected, but it hasn’t gone away since. Even though you get to have him like this, finger stroking your inner walls and palm pressed against your clit, you always want more. Can’t stop wanting him. 
“Want,” you mutter, the only word you can think of. You feel the smile pressed against your skin, the wetness slicking his fingers as he presses in a second, stretching you. Your hips can’t off the bed but he pushes you back down, making you whine. 
“Why should I?” 
“Not a good enough answer.” 
Wonwoo starts to retract his hand and you scramble, digging your nails into his hip to claw him back toward you. “Cause I love you.” 
“Cause I want you.”
“So close.”
“Cause I need you.” 
He hums in thought. “Good enough. Help me take these fucking shorts off.” 
Wonwoo pulls his hand out of your shorts and leans upward. You rip your hands from his hoodie to slide your shorts off, peeling your underwear down as you do. He taps you on the thigh, fingers sticky from your arousal as he shifts higher. You know what he’s asking, scooting backward on the mattress to give yourself more real estate.
His mouth comes back down to yours, lips soft. You love kissing him, tongue tangling as you bring your hands up to slide your fingers through his hair. He makes an appreciative sound, one hand supporting his weight as he hovers over you while the other slots back between your legs to resume where he left off.
Unrestricted by your shorts, he’s able to thrust his fingers properly. Your gasps break his kisses, hips rolling to meet the stroke of his fingers. He’s always been skilled with his hands, able to peel you apart, pressing the pads of his fingers into that sweet spot over and over again. 
His thumb presses against your clit, adding stimulation as he moves it from side to side slowly, aided by the wetness gathered there. You let yourself get lost in him, pressure tightening in your stomach as you climb toward an orgasm. 
Your hands are everywhere - pulling at his hair, pulling at his shoulders, pulling at his arms. He lets you grip at him, lets you squirm beneath his ministrations, letting you have free reign. It’s a favor to you, in a way. He’s letting you get away with your earlier teasing, not drawing it out like he’s known to do, not making you beg.
Moans bracket the wet sound his fingers make in your cunt as he works you to the edge. Your breaths come out in short hisses behind clenched teeth and your thighs squeeze his hand. He’s unfettered, laughing roughly against your ear, breath hot.
“What would your chat say?” he asks. “Huh? What would they say if they knew you fell apart like this? That your cunt melts around my fingers.”
“Fuck,” you whisper, so close to your orgasm that your ears are starting to buzz. 
“All this time they thought we were frenemies. Have no idea I get to have you like this whenever I want.”
“I’m gonna-”
“Yeah, you’re gonna.” His fingers press harder, the pressure mounting further. “Gonna come all over my fingers, yeah? Just like you always do?” 
You do. 
Everything comes together in one, cohesive snap. You arch into him, muscles squeezing, teeth clenched, eyes shut. It feels good when you unravel, coming around his fingers as they fuck you through it, determind to extend your high for as long as he can. 
Your breathing is ragged by the time you start to come down, shirt sticking to your skin and neck and face flushed as you try to escape him. He laughs a little, hand slowing until his fingers are still inside you, pressed deep. 
When you open your eyes, the room is spinning. It takes you a second to focus on him. His head is hanging, gaze focused where his fingers are still shoved in your pussy. You can see your arousal shining on his wrist and feel where you drip down the curve of your ass. 
“A lot of cum for someone with no rizz,” he notes, lifting his head to grin at you. 
“Oh shut up.” 
He retracts his hand and you make a pitiful sound at the loss. He stands up, suddenly leaving you cold and shivering. He brings his fingers to his mouth absently, popping them between rosy lips as he sucks your fluid off easily, making an appreciative sound. 
“I mean if you want me to leave-”
“No, no! No need for that.” He smirks. “You’re already… here and stuff.”
“And stuff.” 
Rolling his eyes, he peels the hoodie up and over his head. You watch, suddenly entranced by the blue tint on his tan skin and the way his muscles flex when he leans to kick off his sweats. Wonwoo is beautiful, his body made up of equal parts streamlined edges and softness. 
Sleeper build, you’d joke the first time you saw him shirtless. On stream, he’s always hidden in baggy shirts and hoodies. You’d never realized he was hiding a body that was at peak athletic form, oversized clothing giving way to rippling arms and a hard chest. 
Naked, he shuffles back to the bed. You let him pull you out of your top, thankful for the warmth of his hands skating over your chilled skin. Your nipples tighten in the cool air, your toes curling at the sensation as you lay back on the bed and look up at him.
Haloed by blue light, Wonwoo looks like some sort of demon or angel. You’re not sure - perhaps he’s equal parts. His hands reach behind your thighs and lift, pressing your legs upward toward your chest. The stretch feels good but it also pries you open, making you writhe when you feel the weight of his cock on your pussy. 
“Hold yourself open for me,” he murmurs gently. Your hands reach behind the back of your knees, pulling. He gives you a lopsided grin, leaning over you to press his weight into the backs of your thighs, helping. “Stay just like that, fuck.” 
You do as he says. You have no other choice, especially when he presses the head of his cock into your entrance, sinking in slowly. You let out a loan moan shaped in his name as he presses in, the fit tight and the pressure delirious. 
Wonwoo bottoms out, holding himself to you, hips to ass for a second. He presses in all of his weight, the mattress creaking under you as he does. He drops his chin to his chest, curses as he takes a few deep breaths, chest heaving. 
You fuck him up too. You know it and you love it, watching as he looks up at you, eyes glazed over with lust, but still full of love. It simmers right at the surface, so obvious that you wonder how anyone could ever not see it when it’s right there.
Slowly, he starts to move. You suck in a breath, head falling to the side. Your fingers ache where you grip your thighs, knuckles shaking. A light sheen of sweat wicks your legs, making your hold slip a little. It’s okay, though. Wonwoo leans into you, keeping you pried open as his hips fuck into you at a steady pace. 
Each thrust feels like it punches the air from your lungs. You draw in deep breaths when you remember, otherwise distracted with the way he crowds you in, crushing you to the mattress. The feeling of him is insane, your thoughts cobwebbing together, the only word you can think of being his name. 
He pants, his arms scooping around your shoulders to pull you into him. A curse leaves your mouth. He’s got you folded in half, no escape from the drill of his hips, the air turning to static between you. Wonwoo is pressed close and you somehow wish you were closer, wanting to drop the grip on your thighs to hold him instead.
Wonwoo reads you like a book. “Go ahead,” he hisses between thrusts. 
“Thank you,” you gasp, dropping your legs in favor of sliding your hands through his sweaty hair, nails scratching his scalp. You feel him shiver and you do it again, pulling his face to you so that you can brush your mouth against his, barely a kiss. “Fuuuuuuck, Wonwoo I-”
“I know.” 
“Close close close.”
He doesn’t pick up his pace but he throws his weight into you more, fucking you deep and hard. You see stars, squeezing your eyes shut as you slide against one another, muscles aching, lungs screaming. You feel like you can’t breathe but you don’t care, skating the line of your second orgasm so close.
Your heart pounds in your ears. Your breath scrapes your throat. There is a moment of absolute nothing but white noise and then you’re crashing, slamming into your orgasm with enough force to knock your head with his when you lurch forward.
It doesn’t even hurt, the electric pleasure outweighing the knock to your head as his fingers dig into your shoulders, cradling you harder as he pistons faster, getting himself to peak. You go limp, held tilted back as he growls your name and loses a rhythm, breath hissing between his teeth. 
For a moment everything is disjointed until he slows to a stop, letting you unfold but pressing his body down onto yours. His weight is comforting, grounding you as your thoughts wander, a little confused and without navigation as your system reboots from the orgasm, tired and staticky. 
Wonwoo kisses your jaw lightly, a gentle contrast to seconds ago when he folded you in half. 
Slowly, he slides to the side, giving you room to breathe. Your body is slick all over - especially between your legs - and the room cools your over-warm skin. You crane your neck to face him, eyes fluttering open as you come back to, a little more lucid. 
His dark eyes find yours and he grins before tossing an arm over your waist just to keep you connected. You place your hand on his arm, returning the gesture, just wanting to touch him. 
“I think I died,” you joke, voice rough. “God.” 
“Yeah? Hey chat,” Wonwoo hums, a grin splitting his face. “How about that for rizz?” 
@jespecially @asyre @eoieopda @todorokiskitten @pyeonghongrie-main @sebbyswifu
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astonmartingf · 6 months
max verstappen x streamer!reader
. . . the long awaited stream, and in charles conditions to let max and lando join, they become the third wheelers of maxyn
amgf wow, i'm back! i love max honestly he's fun to write, also bestfriend!charles is the best thing that happened. enjoy this 👍
previous: chase
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 108,752 others
yourusername call me max verstappen with the way i'm winning these games 😎
view 23,698 comments...
user1 gamer max!!!!
charles_leclerc he didn't even win the last race 🙄
yourusername you didn't win the last race either?
charles_leclerc change it to carlos sainz then
yourusername is that jealousy i'm hearing?
charles_leclerc are you playing that game with me?
yourusername i'm sorry cha 🥺
maxverstappen1 Stop teasing YN
yourusername see charles_leclerc 😛
charles_leclerc i don't know what max told you but i can still take back what I said
yourusername I WAS JUST JOKEINH 🥹 AHAHAHA how funny right?
charles_leclerc i'm always on the lookout
user2 me a yapper and nosy person waiting for charles to reveal what first he has on yn
user3 i'm sure it's about max, because he's so curious about it
user4 he has a crush on yn i fear
liked by maxverstappen1 and charles_leclerc
user5 they're actually so funny it's adorable
user6 i want what they have 😭😭
user7 is the caption max approved?
yourusername hehehehe its because i kept winning in mario kart
user8 technically it's call me YN because he didn't win at all
yourusername WAIT... you're right
maxverstappen1 just wait when your sim setup arrives you'll be looking at my rear wing
yourusername why would you say that to a noob like me 🥺
maxverstappen1 you kept teasing me because i was complaining about the controls, i definitely could've explained it properly
yourusername it's not my fault mario kart is better than sim racing, look at the characters!!! we all know mario can drive the RB20 but can Max Verstappen use the daisy glider? exactly, you can't!
maxverstappen1 because it's not real?
yourusername haters are always yapping thinking they can prove it 👄🤏
user9 they're my parents /real
user10 is this what it feels to have a love story unfold in your eyes
user11 they're already fighting and arguing 🥹 don't talk to me
maxverstappen1 uploaded a new story
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[it's not sim racing and that's okay 👍]
charles_leclerc replied to your story
you're down bad...
what can i say
the game is actually not that bad
you're sickening
you and yn
well i'm sorry i like yn charles 🙄
what can i do to make it up to you?
just don't hurt yn
yourusername replied to your story
i told you so!!!
also thank you for helping me buy a racing set up
i've been browsing to surprise charles since he's been wanting me to play
no worries, if it arrives tell me and i'll help you set it up
won't you be busy?
i'll make time, i always do 😉
okay max
i'll tell you when the setup arrives ☺️
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amgf ★ superstars: @namgification @lpab @the-untamed-soul @xjval @yoremins @thedecalcomania-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @youre-on-your-ownkid
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Okay, remember Shape shifter farmer reader? [Tdlr: they're a shapeless entity who rounds up endangered monster/hybrid species and attempts to help them bond with each other to continue on, but they all want the farmer as their mate as they can literally shift to be a suitable partner] That, but with a reader who's like a breeding bull. They're still trying to help those in need to an extent, but with a more hands on approach by donating their fluids to those who request their services. They simply shift into form compatable with the requestee and get down to business. Maybe they'll also a streamer to help with production - they're a cat-boy Twink one stream and a big, beefy cow hybrid the next.
The only problem with business is that their clients and fans want the full package. Reader is discreet as they can be when it comes to certain aspects of their job, but there's always prying eyes. Eyes who may put two and two together and realize their favorite streamer is also selling their precious seed for what feels like chum change to most. Cue obsessed weirdos buying their stock for any reason other than its intended purpose - I mean, there's definitely some who want their kid, but there's a bigger audience who'd chug that shit like gamer girl bathwater.
Shape-Shifter Reader: Got your supply right here. You said you were paying in cash right?
Yan Client: Y-yes, I hope this will be enough..
Shape-Shifter Reader: It's definitely more than we agreed. I don't have any change on hand. Lemme check my car real quick.
[Reader grabs some bills from their car and returns to hand them to their client. Their client stands their with moist lips and an empty vial.]
Yan Client: .... It's not what it looks like..... But - if I let you keep all the money can I have more?
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pretzel-box · 25 days
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Since Sunkissed ended, I introduce you to Light. Camera. Action.
aka Streamer AU! This is a small idea I had and won't affect the other stuff I write.
Like Sunkissed, it will be short chapters and only a few posts long.
The Plot?
"Pressured_Solace is streaming again!!" "Quick, let's watch him!"
"Whoa someone send a donation of 1000!!" "IS THAT Jellycatfished?!"
You happen to be a famous gaming streamer, called Jellycatfished, who happened to live together with a certain raven haired guy. The twist? You don't know that your roommate Sebastian is also a famous streamer, called Pressured_Solace. While crushing on each others streaming personas in between video collabs and donations, you hate each other in real life, not knowing about each others secret hobbies.
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-1- Lights. Camera. Action.
words: 1,5k
tags: fluff, gn reader, reader, and seb are rivals and yet secretly in love with each other
status: POSTED
-2- Beanies and Shoelaces
words: 1,6k
tags: fluff, doubt, slight comedy, start of some drama
status: POSTED
-3- Double Sided Love
words: 2,7k
tags: jealousy, comedy, conflicted feelings
status: POSTED
-4- Call me Yours
words: 2,7k
tags: slight fluff, stolen identity, betrayal
status: Posted
-5- Paint your Doubts
Words: 3k
tags: fluff [not with jelly], angst, doubts, drama, painter
status: Posted
Words: 4k
tags: Allison Exposed
status: posted
Extra: Streamer AU Facts
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
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"I lose my voice when I look at you
Can't make a noise though I'm trying to
Tell you all the right words
Waiting on the right words"
i literally went to her with a sketch like "hey 👉👈" AND SHE AGREED !! I'M SO HAPPY WITH THIS COMM !!!!
if you don't know, or maybe you do bc you've seen me ramble in CC's (@/misc-obeyme) ask box under ✨ anon, THIS IS MY COFFEE SHOP AU WITH MAMMON, SOLOMON, AND MC AND HOW THEY INEVITABLY END UP TOGETHER !!! <333 my silly lil poly ship
Mammon as a barista/owner, Solomon as a college student, and my mc as a record shop owner. Mammon short circuits on a Wednesday (Solomon never shows up on Wednesdays) because the two people he finds a little too attractive are both a counter's width away (for the first time, at the same time) and he can't handle it. Fate (a late bus and upcoming exams) brought them together on this day.
I have so many ideas and lore and other characters make varying appearances (fashion student asmo, tattoo artist/piercer thirteen, streamer levi, photographer belphie LIKE ASDKDDJ. IT'S FICTION OKAY AND POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN).
I'm so crazy about this AU, i daydream about it at work but have not managed to put words to paper </3 fanfic coming soon™ hopefully. if you ask me about it i will probably end up writing an essay because I have too much to say (will also profusely sob bc i can't fathom people being into my ideas)
And Solomon is a little shit who teases both of them, but is also the only reason this slow burn isn't slower. My poor mc is both oblivious and scared of their feelings </3. Mammon stress bakes and loses sleep over how two regulars wormed their ways into his heart without even trying.
Lucky Brew AU is one step closer to being real !!!! WHEEE
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
imagine an Observation Duty-type game, but there actually. aren't any anomalies. and if you sit through the full game doing nothing, the music will ramp up and you'll get multiple warning messages, but you'll still always win so long as you don't report anything. because there were never any anomalies to report in the first place
...but if you do try to report an anomaly, the second you do it, shit starts for real. you'll have walls changing texture, stuff falling from the ceiling, ghost intruders poking their heads through doors, the works.
it'll be immediate hard mode, ramping up to the point where the game is near-impossible, with sneaky anomalies along with very obvious ones, as well as some that the game will just simply refuse to fix, because fuck you that's why
and the streamers and the youtube gamers will suffer, and pull their hair out, and find themselves in an endless loop, never to truly feel the satisfaction of victory
because I don't think a single one of them could go the full length of a game without either imagining an anomaly where there isn't one, or getting desperate and guessing wildly out of anxiety and because they think it'll help
anyway I'd probably title it something like "Unobservant", because somewhere in the tutorial it'll have a guy full-on saying, "but don't worry! surely this house doesn't have any anomalies! >:3" and honestly, it's the gamers' own faults at that point if they choose not to believe him
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luvfy0dor · 5 months
Heyy, I was thinking about a concept with Fyodor (or whoever from BSD) having a streamer bf, but like, one of -those- streamers where every word they say can be quite questionable (in a “good” way/ironically). For some reason it amuses me to imagine it with Fyodor and Reader occasionally teasing him, calling him their ‘discord kitten’ or streaming for 5 hours (or more lol) saying nonsenses or playing video games instead of paying attention to Fyodor. What do you think?
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“Get Off The Game ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dazai Osamu
Description; BSD men with a streamer!reader
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A/n; these are in headcannon form, I hope that's alright!!! I think Dazai or Nikolai would be a better person to have this occupation w so I also did headcannons for one of them
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor thinks it's stupid at first, but when he realized you made money from it he learned to tolerate it. He wasn't too fond of the noise, though.
• I don't think he was too fond of the nickname 'discord kitten', always raising an eyebrow when he's called that, he also strongly dislikes brainrot cause what do you mean you're so sigma? No you're not, you're y/n. That's unrelated, but I thought I'd add that in there.
• "A discord what? Kitten? What even is that? I am nothing of the such."
• Catch him dead before he makes an appearance on camera, he much prefers to keep his business private. He doesn't mind you talking about him though, he loves that. He loves that people know you're already taken by him and that all those losers in your chat don't have a chance with you.
• Sometimes he'll watch your streams from a different room in attempt to understand your work and the art of gaming. He enjoys when you play horror games, especially the ones that get you thinking. He sometimes finds your facial expressions when you get jumpscared funnier than anything else in the stream.
• When it comes to the duration of your streams, Fyodor can entertain himself for as long as you need him to, but he can't help but feel like he'd rather be spending that time with you every now and again.
• He usually just takes the time to work on his DOA stuff, and occasionally he'll get so lost in it that he doesn't even realized you've finished with your stream and whenever that happens, you make some tea and go to fetch him to spend some quality time together, whether it's you laying in his lap while you both read a book or having a conversation about whatever comes to mind
Dazai Osamu ★
• Dazai is your #1 supporter since day one. There's a conversation going on about content creators? He's immediately bringing you up. You need new items for your set up? He's manifesting that said items go on sale ASAP!
• Oh my god, and he LOVES it when you get recognized in public. He's very prideful of you and likes that it's only him and a select group of people that get to see the real you outside of the camera frame.
• He, unlike Fyodor, does have an issue with the long hours, so he busies himself with the ADA and otherwise to keep himself from walking in and talking your ear off while you play your games for umpteen thousand people.
• He doesn't despise being called a discord kitten, but it does confuse him a little bit. But whatever, as long as you have 'my' in front of any name he doesn't care.
• Dazai watches your old streams when he's bored and can't help but giggle at the out of pocket or questionable things you say. He likes to watch the compilations of you on YouTube, too.
• Sometimes he'll quote you out of the blue.
• He doesn't like people trying to flirt with you or talk to you on the Internet as any partner wouldn't, so he is in the comment section of every post reading through individual comments. Type guy to see '❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥' comments on your posts and reply '🧯🧯🧯'
• All in all, Dazai is well received by your fanbase, especially the ones who don't try to romance you and are normal. They think he's funny and a good match for you.
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A/n; I hope it wasn't to short!!! I thought it was a cutsey idea, I think Nikolai would be pretty similar to Dazai in this scemario.
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taintandviolent · 10 months
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morally violating ; Kai Anderson x reader
warnings: kai is the warning. okay okay, real warnings: hatefuck (surprise, surprise), female receiving, clothed sex, rough sex, spanking, aggression, choking, degrading language, unprotected sex. a/n: 2.7k words! turned out to be part 2 to my howlin' for you fic. i feel like an anon requested this, but I'll be damned if I can remember which one. if it was you -- here you go! it's late, but who cares. you guys don't care, it's Kai. was originally part of my lazy (and embarrasingly late at this point) kinktober. week two AND three; spanking, clothed sex and degradation. so uh... enjoy. sorry if it's clunky and bad and weird and rushed!
full fic & taglist under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! /
​​You swept the blush brush over your cheeks and heaved a sigh. Ultimately, you were disgusted with yourself. Right? It might not have been surface-level, but somewhere, deep down, you really were. You had to be. It was sickening that you hadn’t stopped thinking about the furious fuck you two had had almost two weeks ago. You, as a proud feminist woman, found that very morally violating. Actually, you found Kai very morally violating. And yet, here you were, threading the ribbon of a Red Riding Hood costume through the faux-corset front. You knotted it tightly and gazed in the mirror.
You made a cute Red Riding Hood and your tits sat nicely in this corset. At least there was that. There was the possibility that he wasn’t even going to come, which was probably the best option. There was also the possibility that he would walk through the door with Winter. If the latter happened, you’d feel like a fool in front of your friend, and an absolute pathetic, begging whore in front of her brother.
Which is what you were. You knew Kai would make sure to tell you that.
You heard the first ding of the doorbell. Giving yourself a final once-over, you turned and bolted down the stairs. Your eyes swept over your living room, making sure it was presentable. You’d decorated modestly. Streamers of orange, black and purple hung from the ceiling, those little table top decorations were clustered on your coffee table. Carved pumpkins greeted guests at the door.
With a bright smile on your face, you swung open the door. A cluster of friends from college stood on your doorstep; hugs were exchanged before you ushered them inside. It was non-stop after that. Your guests flooded into your home, and before you knew it, you had to hold your drink above your head to navigate. Within a few hours, you had yourself, by all definitions, a successful party. You were two Red Solo cups deep, and you still hadn’t spotted either of the Anderson siblings.
Your eyes unfocused, watching the throngs of people as they undulated to music and clustered in corners of the room. Reminiscent activities of a college party, some playfully slapped each other, some made out, while others danced, feeling the beat of the song playing. Others had taken to sitting on the staircase, lounging against the wall and the bannister as they chatted.
“Hey there, little Red Riding Hood…” a voice said. Your eyes refocused onto a particular head of blue hair, wavy locks hanging on either side of his face. His dark, brown eyes penetrated — no, violated yours.
“You sure are looking good.” Song quote. Cute. Not.
Everything he said sounded so threatening, even when it was complimentary. Especially when it was complimentary. He was scanning your body like a drill sergeant examining a soldier, scrutinising every minute detail. Intentionally, you puffed your chest out, lifting your cleavage and squaring your shoulders.
“Did you let yourself into my house?” You snapped, incredulously. “Where’s Winter?”
He stiffened, obviously put off by your immediate attitude. “She’ll be here. Later. Had something I needed her to do.”
“The fuck?”
A beat.
“…did you let yourself into my fucking house, Kai?”
“Did you intentionally dress up like Little Red Riding Hood after I dressed up as a wolf?”
Your open mouth closed wordlessly, lips rolling inwards. The question was rhetorical, and answering would only humiliate you further.
“Why don’t we go discuss your choices upstairs?”
You stared at him, a vicious fire burning behind your eyes. Hoping he’d… what? Retract his statement? Run back out the door, finally realising that you weren’t one to be fucked with? Doubtful. He never backed down in front of a woman. Besides, if he did, you’d likely stop him, catching his arm at his bicep and yanking him back towards yourself — because you didn’t want him to leave. And you knew it.
With a huff and a sharp turn, you headed up the stairs, navigating around the people that sat on the steps. Every feminist cell in your body screamed perilously at you as he followed you up your carpeted steps, the heavy stomp of his boots following closely behind you.
You were in no mood to self-rationalise, you were too busy trying to calm the drooling monster between your legs. You squeezed your eyes shut, silencing the thoughts as you opened the door. The guests would entertain themselves — this wouldn’t take long. It didn’t last time.
He began surveying your room, walking it with his hands behind his back as if grading you. When he came to your bathroom, he toed open the door with his boot, and peeked his head inside. He seemed satisfied with whatever he saw — maybe his own reflection. All of this made you acutely uncomfortable. You shifted your weight, flipping the frill of one of your petticoats.
“Come here.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said… come…. Here.” He repeated, more sternly than before.
For whatever stupid reason, you obeyed him. You marched your sorry little ass over to where he was standing, staring up at him like a lost puppy. The bathroom door was still ajar, and you could see inside, courtesy of the little butterfly night light that was plugged in above the sink.
Kai reached in, flattening his hand against the wall and flipped the light switch.  
“Put your hands on the counter.”
You hesitated. This didn’t sound good. But as soon as Kai jerked his head in the direction of the countertop, you hurriedly flattened your hands on the counter, keeping your eyes locked on his reflection.
“Good. Good. Now we’re getting somewhere. You’ve thought about our little encounter at Winter’s party often, haven’t you?”
You shook your head.
Your jaw dropped, stunned, as a burning red welt swelled on your right ass cheek, the flesh tingling with pinpricks of pain as the blood rushed to the surface. There had been no warning for the first, and there wasn’t a warning for the second, or the third.
“Let’s try that — wait. Oh. You like this.” He spat. “Don’t you?”
You shook your head again, indignantly, and Kai reared his hand back. You flinched and tightened your muscles, waiting for the impending impact. You knew it would piss him off — maybe that’s why you did it. Filling your mind with horrible things that would hopefully keep the arousal at bay wasn't working. You were failing… miserably. Spanking wasn’t something you’d explored in the past, never would have thought to. But the way that he was leaving large, burning handprints on your ass cheeks had you leaking out into your underwear. You could feel it, you knew it. Fuck, so wet… fuckfuckfuck.
As if he could hear your thoughts — a terrifying thought — Kai hooked one finger around the crotch of your panties and harshly yanked them to the side, exposing your slick folds. The tip of his middle finger explored curiously, unsurprisingly finding the beginnings of a juice-fest. Slippery, clear liquid oozed from your opening, and you heard Kai chuckle through his nose.
“Oh, no? What’s this?” He asked, knowingly. You had yet again lied to him. You personally didn’t see it as a lie but as a vicious betrayal from your own body. A wet, vicious betrayal.
“Nothing,” you rasped, ashamed, and knowing full well what was coming.
“What was that?”
“I said… nothing.” Might as well accept your fate now. You gripped the edge of the counter, bracing for impact.
THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Your knees buckled in pain, a desperate whimper falling from your lips. Welts rose until your entire backside was a crimson, burning masterpiece of his hands.
“Clearly, you haven’t caught on. Allow me to explain this to you. Every time you lie to me, you’re going to be punished. And I know what you’re thinking. ‘Oh, but Kai, I like it when you spank me like the disobedient bitch I am.’ Maybe so.”
You didn’t appreciate the mockery of your voice.
Kai flattened his palm on the searing mound of flesh, caressing it tenderly as if deep in thought. Somehow though, the gentle touch made it sting more than before. You writhed away from his hand, only getting an inch or two away before he crudely yanked you back into place. Tossing you around like some sort of rag doll. “But, eventually, pleasure turns to pain. It’s up to you if you reach that point.”
Condemn yourself or liberate yourself? The answer was obvious. You sought pleasure not pain, and if Kai was willing… You met his eyes in the mirror, boring deep into them. You bent your arms at the elbows, stretching them across the counter and arching your back, pressing the curve of your juicy ass against his groin.
“Just fuck me,” You begged. Pathetically, desperately, whiningly. “That’s all we both want. It’s why we’re — why we’re here. There’s your truth, Kai.”
For a moment, Kai didn’t speak, he just stared. Just… watched you in the mirror. You drew your bottom lip in and bit down hard, hoping to entice him further. Slowly, his large hands slid up your back, going as far as the fabric would allow before dragging them back down again, his nails raking against your bare skin. Abruptly, he took hold of your ass, squeezing the soft flesh too hard, twisting your expression into one of pain. With the still warm pain of the spanks, you couldn’t help but wince at the sensation.
“Is that really wha—
“Don’t ask me if it’s what I want,” you groaned. “Don’t fucking ask me that.”
That launched him into action; his hands leaving your body. He unbuttoned his jeans, reaching in to pull his throbbing cock free. His gaze drifted from you to himself, looking down at it. Decently hard, but could be harder. The chase hadn’t been as long as last time, giving him less time to get worked up. He gave it a few angry pumps before lining it up with your slit. 
This was the second time you were going to fuck Kai Anderson — and in a similar way; pissed off and completely clothed. Behind you, Kai used the tip of his cock as a toy, slapping it messily against your swollen, blushing cunt, threads of precum stringing from your clit to his head.
You shuddered. Kai dragged his cock down, pressing the bulbous tip into your pink, weeping slit. Gushy and searing hot, the spongy walls clenched, forcing it back out. Kai grit his teeth and pushed the head in harder, breaching it. Slithery warmth washed over him, gripping it tight. His cock twitched inside of you, seeking out depth. “Ohhhhh…. Fuck. Fu-”
With the head of his now rock-hard cock planted inside you, he no longer needed his hands and let go, moving them up to sweep his hair out of his face. He was embedded inside of you now, slick walls gripping his shaft, carnally begging for more. Using only the strength of his core, Kai backed out and plunged his cock back in repeatedly, popping the head in and out of your wet pussy. With one determinate thrust and a deep groan, he pushed himself all the way in, his lower abdomen bumping against the fullness of your ass cheeks. 
His hands dropped heavily to your ass, taking fistfuls and pulling the cheeks apart to watch as it slid in and out, coated in your arousal. You whimpered, eyes rolling back, lids fluttering speedily. You hated him so much, but it felt so good. To turn dick down this good… would just be a waste. Not only was it long enough to hit your cervix, his cock was thick and veiny and massaged your insides in all the right spots.
“Look at yourself,” he growled, reaching one hand around to pinch your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. Your lips puckered out like a fish. “Look at what a little whore you are.”
Slowly, you lifted your eyes to the mirror. You couldn’t deny your reflection; your red and white petticoats fluffed up around your waist, your previously perfect curls knotted in his fist, and your face distorted in a whorish display. The cherry on top was every time Kai’s cock bottomed out inside you, you winced and let out the most pathetic, whimpering moan. It was like a bad porn moan, and it was coming from you. Kai’s hand retreated from your face, slithering down to your neck, where he gave a firm, warning squeeze before returning to its place on your hip.
“I bet…” He paused, thrusting hard into your cunt a few times. His words were breathy and laboured. “I bet you’ve been thinking about this since that night. You like this.”
You had — that part was true. The other part about ‘liking’ it? Up for debate. Your pussy certainly did with the way that she clenched her slick walls around his thick cock, hungrily gripping it every time he tried to slide out.
“You fuckin’,” You clenched around him, letting out a shrill moan through gritted teeth. Your voice cracked. “You fuckin’ wish, Kai.”
That one really hurt. Hot tears welled up before streaming down your cheeks, leaving lines in the rouge. Kai slowly leaned over you, pressing his toned stomach against your back and even through clothes, you felt the muscles tensing.  He angled his lips right next to your ear, and hissed: “I don’t have to wish for anything. I get everything I want.”
His hot whisper made you shiver violently. And he didn’t — he was right. You were giving him everything he wanted, everything he asked for. Just like one of his little pathetic, whinging groupies. He started pulling you onto his cock, hard, and your entire body seized up, your walls shuddering, pulsing, quivering with the sensation. You pressed your head into the countertop, moaning loud into the sink. The wet, slapping sounds drifted into a singular dull thudding noise; your ears were ringing, your chest heaving. His pace quickened, his thrusts merciless. The taut coil in your tummy wound tighter, creating a deep pressure above your bladder. Your thighs quivered, knees feeling like jello as you tried to hold yourself up against the counter.
“Fuck, Kai - fuck-fuck-I’m gonna’ fucking—
With a winded groan, Kai tensed up, and plunged himself as deep as he could go, pulling your hips hard onto his cock. Hot, white euphoria erupted inside of you, filling you up and oozing out the sides of your cunt with each unsparing thrust he gave. Unable to hold it any longer, you arched, screaming towards the mirror. Kai leaned back and pulled out slightly, just enough to watch as your pathetic little cunt clenched through your own orgasm, fluttering desperately around the tip of his dick. He gathered your underwear again and pulled them up, before snapping them down on your ass. The strings of cum that dripped from you seeped into the fabric, sticky and warm.
Kai reached around again, lifting you up by your neck. This time, his cheek pressed against yours, rubbing it like a dog nuzzling its owner. “You’re going to spend the rest of your little gathering feeling that, understood?”
You said nothing and he gripped harder; slight pressure on your windpipe.
“Understood?” Again, nothing and Kai pressed his palm against your throat until you gasped, thrashing your head up and down in a panic. “SAY IT.”
A weird whine came from your throat as you desperately gasped for air. Your pupils dilated. Finally, you croaked: “I-I’m going to feel your c-cum between my… my-legs all night long.”   
The pressure released, and Kai had turned away from you, busy stuffing his heavy, flaccid cock back into his dark jeans. Shakily, you straightened up, pulling your skirts back down where they were intended to sit. Thankfully, he hadn’t fucked up your makeup like he did last time - you could pass as just a tipsy girl who had just smeared her mascara a little.
Once you two were downstairs, you paused at the bottom of the stairs. The party thrived; nobody had noticed you were gone. You heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that now, nobody could pin it against you. No questions, no accusations. Me? Fucking Kai Anderson? Absolutely not, I’d rather die. Gag.
“We’ll have to discuss your constant lying at a later date.” And with that, he was gone. Gone to spread the good word of his weird little fucked up cult, and get more people to campaign for him, or whatever it is he did. You watched him, eyes narrowed, as he manoeuvred through the groups of people. He’d done it again. Motherfucker. You shifted your weight, feeling the sticky mess between your legs as dried into the fabric of your panties.
Coming down off the orgasm was one of the worst feelings; reality set in, and you were painfully reminded that you’d just fucked your sworn enemy. A poster boy of toxic masculinity had just filled you up with his seed. Sickening. A voice from behind jolted you out of your fuming stupor — Winter.
“You should really stop lying to him.”
You barked out a flabbergasted laugh. “That’s what I should stop, Winter? Lying to him?”
“Yeah,” she muttered lowly. “He hates liars.”
t a g l i s t : @kaismanwich / @garykingz/ @elsamars / @silverzoomies / @tatesdisasterofalover / @thewolveswithin / @80strashbag / @twinkiemaximoff / @spill-the-t / @stucktothetwo / @enchanting-evan / @yesdevineruler / @anonymous0316 / @eventually27 / @violetharmonscupcake / @my-own-walker / @kai-slut / @demxnicprxncess / @fuckedbykai / @iluwmycats / @dewberryobssesed / @the-goblin1 / @dirtyfairy97 / @jellyluvr / @strangerthings420 / @kai-anderson-whore / @piecesofcain / @lilthbunny / @quickandsilvers / @tatelangdonsweater / @ifeeltoofuckingmuch / @howtobesasha / @randominstake / @throwinginmythai / @hyperharlz / @poltoreveur
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Duke dennis x black!reader
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Summary: y/n being a streamer and being a part of a amp like her boyfriend duke, until in her stream she tries to do a cartwheel but her boyfriends pop up and starts laughing at her failed attempt, which became roasting to affectionate love.
You've been a part of amp for quite some time now. When you were younger, you always wanted to be a social media star, but people alas told you that your not gonna make it, but that didn't stop you from where you are today until you met kai, fanum, agent, Chris, duke, and Daviss and together you guys became one of the most popular YouTube group. And you love all of them like they were your own family.
Yeah, being the only girl in the group is kinda hard because there's niggas on the internet trolling, but you didn't give a fuck before they accepted you anyway, the more you got comfortable will all of them the more you loved all of them. You have a crush on Duke. You both were pretty close, and y'all both became best friends, and everyone in the group thought y'all was dating even if your fans thought y'all was dating, but it wasn't true.
You hide your feelings because you thought Duke would reject you or didn't like you until he made the first move and your relationship started from there. Y'all both were lucky to have each other, y'all would both come to each other streams, pranks, and all of that other stuff.
Your love language with him is roasting. People make it seem like y'all mean, but it ain't true both you just be joking with each other.
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You were streaming playing a horror game, you was tired as fuck, but you wanted to finish playing the game.
"Bruh, chat, I'm not gonna lie. I'm tired as fuck I've been playing this game for and hour, I've been trying to stay awake for y'all." Y/n said tiredly as she picked up her water drinking it as she looked at the chat.
"Bro, somebody in the chat told me to do a cartwheel to stay awake." Y/n laughed as she pushed her chair back and stood up.
"Yo chat, I ain't gonna lowkey don't know how to do a cartwheel, like I'm being so deadass, I'm not an athletic person, hold imma try for you guys." Y/n stands up as she pushes her chair farther away so she can have some room.
"Bro, I'm scared. What if I bust my ass!!" Y/n yelled as she looked back at the chat. Y/n raised both her hands as she placed both of them on the ground, trying to kick her legs up, but ended up falling on the ground.
"Shit, hold on chat. Let me try again, damn this shit is harder than I thought." Y/n got herself up as she tried to do another cartwheel. Y/n puts both her hands on the ground. As she tried to kick her legs up, she heard her door open.
"Aye, bae do you got my charg-" Duke was about to finish his sentence as he saw you trying to cartwheel he started busting out laughing, making you laugh as you got up.
"It's not funny, nigga. I'm trying to do a cartwheel. " y/n laughed, feeling embarrassed as Duke started laughing.
"Nah, that gotta be one of the worst cartwheels I've seen bruh you don't know how to do a cartwheel?" Duke said, still laughing, making fun of you.
"Shut the fuck up, nigga can you do a cartwheel?" Y/n said asking him as she was huffing and puffing form those failed attempt cartwheel.
"Yes, way much better than that, bro. Imagine not lifting yourself up." Duke said, laughing at you.
"Nigga, I know you talking you pushing 40 and you was in the back of the bus with rosa parks, with yo old ass." Y/n commented as she started laughing as the people in the chat start making fun of Duke going crazy.
"Oh, so that's how you gonna do me, for real." Duke said, smiling in disbelief as you roasted him.
"Yes, imma do you like, ayo chat spam 1987 in the chat, that's the year you was born at with you old ass." Y/n started laughing as everyone in the chart started spamming 1987 in the chat.
"Yeah, I got you on mute. You were serving in ww2 with yo old ass. " You still kept roasting as you both were facing each other as Duke started smiling at the smile that you melt.
Duke wasn't listening to anything you were saying while you were still roasting him. He was looking at your lips as he grabbed your waist and started kissing you. You were caught off guard by this, but you kissed him back. You broke this kiss as he looked back at you. "You so gorgeous, bae." Duke smiled at you as was still holding you close, as he was still holding your waist. "Aww, thank you, bae. I would say something nice about you, but you were making fun of me." Y/n teased.
"Damn, that's fair, I love you y/n" Duke said, genuinely looking at you with so much love in his eyes.
"I love you too," y/n responded as she kissed him on the lips. As Duke lifted your legs up, carrying you as laughed, he was yours, and you were his.
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