#i don't have an otp tag for them but tbh i don't think i ever remember the ones i makeup lmao
circle-bircle · 11 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
omg thank you @neotula for tagging me!!! i love being tagged in things!!! yay!!!!!!
Three Ships:
I guess I'll do the first three that come to mind????? I don't have a #1 OTP or anything like that so
Sonya/Genny. They're just so freaking pretty together. I love women!!!!!!
Jecht/The Emperor: ok hear me out. HEAR ME OUT. why wouldn't someone ship them? when Tidus dies or whatever and Jecht gives him his lifepower/energy/whatever the hell happens, the Emperor takes JECHT when he's like that and gosh their conversation in Dream's End where the Emperor is all like 'actually I've been lying to you this entire time lol' UGHGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!
Cecil/Rosa/Kain: ummm idk i just had a fleeting thought about mind-controlled kain and mind-controlled cecil and which one would be the lesser evil to rosa. like. i don't know. but mind-control shenanigans aside they love each other very much and that is fact. i love ffiv
First Ever Ship: it was probably len/luka tbh. i feel like people got peeved at it because len is supposedly 14 and luka is supposedly 20 but i just aged em up. something about the yellow/pink combo (and the fact i was obsessed with vocaloid for like a decade too)
Last Song: I'm currently listening to the Tetra Master theme from FFIX :)
Currently Reading: Allen Ginsberg's A Supermarket in California. It's for class. I hate poetry, but I have to do it for my grade. I also have to read a bunch of other poems. Gosh, I hate poems. I don't know what my professor wants me to interpret from poems because it feels like he wants a "right answer" but my answer is that "it was a poem and it did things."
Currently Watching: I don't watch TV. Or movies. The last thing I watched was the first Twilight for the first time! I wish I sparkled in the sunlight.
Currently Consuming: Nothing ATM, but me and a friend went to a bakery and I got her a whoopie pie! So yay for her! We also got coffee before that, and it was delicious.
Currently Craving: I'm not hungry right now, so nothing. But I could go for some of Miss Vickie's Spicy Dill Pickle chips when I do want to nosh. I wonder if the vending machine has been restocked...
i don't know 9 people who would want to do this. i feel like @lil-melody and @ashnwolves might get a kick out of it. um. if you want me to secretly add your name to that list let me know because when people are like "anyone can do it!!!" it still feels kinda awkward. or just steal it! that's ok too i think :P
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emeraldhazeart · 4 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @hikamaus 💚 This looks really fun.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
At this moment, I have 32 works on Ao3 (most of them oneshots)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
At the time of posting this, it's 146,576, but I'm very close to posting the next chapter of Solace
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Undertale right now, but I also occasionally write for Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Sonic the Hedgehog
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Leaving a Mark
2. Robin's Nest
3. Solace
4. In Your Corner
5. Riding Therapy
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! Even if it's just an emoji, I try to say thank you in reply, so they know I appreciate them taking the time to leave a comment.
I know there are some comments that I haven't gotten round to responding to, and those haunt me. Please know that it's either because I don't have the spoons at this moment, or because it's been so long that I'm shy about replying. But I genuinely do appreciate each and every comment I receive. 💚
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably No Man's Land (which also happened to be my first Undertale fic)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've got to say Photograph for that one. It still brings tears to my eyes rereading it, but they're happy tears.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No one has said anything directly to me, but I did stumble upon a comment someone left elsewhere saying that one of my fics wasn't their thing because they "[didn't] like how the story is being told".
That really hurt at the time, especially as there was no other context as to why they felt that way. But my friends gave me encouragement and support.
Please be aware that anything you say online can eventually find it's way to the author, so please be kind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, sorry.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really. I've written crossovers featuring characters from separate games in the same franchise before, but nothing that spans entirely different franchises
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I would be delighted if anyone enjoyed my work enough to want to translate it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would love to 💚
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Do Canon Character x Reader stories count? No?
Hmm... I can't think of any that would be my OTP. I generally prefer familial/platonic relationships, tbh
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None of my WIPs are abandoned. But probably most of the original stories I've started and then never finished over the years. It's just much harder for me to maintain motivation when I don't have anyone reading my work and cheering me on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've always loved painting a scene or an emotion with words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oof, so many 😅 one thing I struggle with is wanting to post what I've written straight away. Sometimes that can work, like freshly baked bread. But most of the time it's like a plain cake: it needs time to cool, and then be assembled/decorated/finished in order to get the best experience from it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'd only do it if I was totally confident that I'd gotten it right. A common or short phrase would be my limit otherwise. If I really wanted to write dialogue in another language, I'd ask someone fluent in the language to help me with the translation and proof read my work.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was actually Legend of Zelda. I was about 12, and my brother, his friend and I made ourselves LoZ Ocarina of Time OCs. We started writing a fic of them, but never got very far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably Photograph. I'm a sucker for a moving reunion scene, and that fic genuinely brought tears to my eyes as I was writing it.
No pressure tags (I'm going to try to avoid tagging anyone that @/hikamaus already tagged 😅) : @sneakyfox55 @hannah-heartstrings @lizzie-tempest @robanilla @thebeckster and anyone else that would like to have a go 💚
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bonecarversbestie · 1 month
I'm doing this tag bc i've never done one before. thx @zenkindoflove for always tagging me in these even tho i never do them pls don't stop.
Doing this tag feels a little funny since i'm so new to writing and i only have 2 fics, but here we go
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 23,375
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  whelp this is awkward bc i only have two 😅
The Scenic Route(Elucien multichapter WIP)
Reverie(Elucien week oneshot)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I literally sit by my computer after i post waiting for them to come in bc i love attention.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? N/A. All my angst is in the beginning/middle. my endings are all happy so far.
(Although, I do have a bullet point in my fic ideas file that is a Haunting of Hill House rewrite but Autumn Court/Forest house, and if you've ever read the book, you know that calling the ending "angsty" would be an understatement)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? So Reverie is very short and is sorta set after Elucien have already had their happy ending(in more ways than one ;) The ending of the Scenic Route is also happy and it took way more work to get there, so I'd say that one.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm like the writing equivalent of a toddler right now--I'm still learning to write regular stuff haha. I want to write smut one day, but need to take my baby steps to get there. Even when i do, though i think it will not be as explicitly descriptive of the acts themselves, but more emotionally driven (I really like the style of the sex scenes in Song of Achilles if that gives you the vibe)
9. Do you write crossovers? I don't think i'm creative enough for that tbh
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. maybe one day.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I don't even know how that would work esp bc i am a control freak, but i'll never say never.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? I have a handful of OTPs the primary one right now is obviously Elucien, but I have a special place in my heart for The Doctor and River Song(Doctor Who) and Dramione(who i never really shipped when reading the books, but this was the ship that got me into fanfiction and now i'm addicted)
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So my Current WIP is already completely drafted, i just have to edit and post it, so i'm not worried. I do have an outline of a really long High King Lucien fic started that i worry i won't finish before their book comes out (and that once their book comes out i won't be motivated to write it any more, but we'll see)
14. What are your writing strengths? This is hard because i'm so new to writing, i feel like i don't have any strengths yet, but I'm gonna say dialogue, because it's what i enjoy writing the most. most of my first drafts are very dialogue driven and i fill in the story around the conversations
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Internal monologues/explaining characters emotions. I tend to leave out details/explanations of a character's feelings because I know what they're feeling and i just expect the reader to inherently know everything that I know even though it's impossible.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love when people do this, but my spanish and french are both so rusty i don't feel confident enough to try. Maybe some latin in future works for spells and stuff, but in terms of dialogue, probably not.
17. First fandom you wrote for? Acotar! I only just started writing in June of this year, so i haven't had the chance to write for other fandoms yet, but i'd like to eventually.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? The Scenic Route! i mean i only have two to choose from--and i have a soft spot for Reverie since it was the first fic i ever posted--but I've put a lot of time and love into The Scenic Route, and I'm excited to finish sharing it. ❤️
I'm not tagging anyone bc i don't know anyone(who wasn't already tagged). 😬
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grishaverse-chaos · 6 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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the-sage-libriomancer · 8 months
i got tagged in an ask game by @bleachbleachbleach! pretty excited about this bc i've been wanting to participate in a tag game ever since making an account - this one is my first ^^
Three Ships: i'll go with my comfort otps: Ichihime from Bleach, Kyoru from Fruits Basket, and Gajevy from Fairy Tail.
First Ship: probably Miroku x Sango from Inuyasha! that was my first ever anime and i was far more invested in them than i was in the main leads lmao. turned out to be pretty formative bc a lot of my otps have the same "openly competent badass x surprisingly competent dumbass" dynamic lmao.
Last Song: My Mother Told Me (specifically a cover by The Hound + The Fox). it's an old Viking shanty, very melancholy with lots of bass, and it's been stuck on a loop in my brain for the past several hours.
Last Film: technically Trolls 3 bc i was babysitting yesterday, but i don't want that one to count lol. the last film i watched of my own volition was the 2017 Murder on the Orient Express, which i HIGHLY recommend!!! it's a masterpiece *chef's kiss*
Currently Reading: Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. it's...okay-ish so far. i can see why people like it, but tbh i think the clumsy translation is holding it back. i've also been really into reincarnation/isekai stories but specifically ones where the MC does Not want to be involved in this shit and spends the entire story searching for a way out lmao.
Currently Watching: Ghosts (UK version). it's by the same group who did Horrible Histories, and i'm not exaggerating when i say every episode is laugh out loud funny - it combines typical British humor with black comedy and just a dash of historical drama, and i've had to stop myself from binging the whole thing in one go multiple times.
Currently Consuming: double-salted licorice, which is a Dutch candy that's exactly what it sounds like. it's burning my tongue and drowning out every other sense i have with its overpowering flavor, just the way i like it :D
Currently Craving: more double-salted licorice.
thanks for tagging me!! sorry it took a few days, i kept forgetting to do it lol. i'm gonna tag @wondrousmayy, @jade-efflorescence, and @hemisphere-ortsa because you're in my notes all the time and i wanna get to know you better! No pressure ofc - this is just for funsies <3
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amethystina · 7 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much, darling! Though I'm not sure how good I'll be at it x'D
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don’t care anymore?
Honestly? None. While I did have some ships I was interested in, I wasn't obsessed with any of them. And I kind of still care about them? In a very nostalgic way. So I kind of fail at both parts of this question x'D
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
If I'm going with the one I got really invested in? Destiel tbh. Mainly because I was very much a late bloomer who didn't really discover fandom and fanfics until I was 20-21. I mean, I HAD read some before that but since I didn't have internet in my apartment until I went to university (I was too poor xD), it wasn't easy for me to access them. Shipping is just easier when you have internet.
But, once I had it, I DID revisit a couple of ships that were technically older than Destiel that I had never really gotten into before that, many of them from video games, anime/manga, and books I'd read. But they were all overshadowed by Destiel so that's the one I remember as my first.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Are we talking reading or writing? I guess I'll do both?
Reading: I think it was a Zell Dincht/Seifer Almasy one from Final Fantasy VIII that a friend printed out on actual paper and gave to me back when I was 16 or 17 (again, no internet). And I honestly can't say why he picked that pairing xD (I'm definitely more of a Squall/Seifer girlie now)
Writing: Sterek. Because it felt interesting but also not too intimidating. And I also just like werewolves?
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Not really, no. Since I've been drawing for so long I spent more time looking for art than fanfics when I was younger so I probably stumbled over a lot of them without even knowing it.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not if I can help it, no. I tend to stay away from that sort of thing as best I can and just let people ship whatever they want. It's honestly none of my business.
6. Did you use to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I have several, mostly based on what I find triggering or squicky. But I don't announce them publically because that's just rude to those who DO ship them. And, as stated above, I try not to get involved in what other people ship or don't ship.
7. Who were the couples in the last fanfic you read?
Choi Yoon/Yoon Hwa Pyung from The Guest. Because who doesn't love some pining and Catholic guilt?
For real, though, I read very few fanfics right now and actually had to go check my history on AO3 to figure this out x'D The second to last fanfic was a Strangers From Hell one. And the one before that was a Guardian one!
8. Currently do you have any OTPs?
Several. Honestly too many to list x'D I'm one of those people who don't really let go of ships I like. They're not always at the forefront of my mind, though, but I remember them fondly and coo a little when I think of all the fond memories.
But if we're talking about the ones I'm the most focused on right now I'd say Kang Yo Han/Kim Ga On from The Devil Judge, Yoon Sa Wol/5-8 from Black Knight (currently struggling with chapter 6 x'D), the aforementioned Choi Yoon/Yoon Hwa Pyung from The Guest, and Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan from Guardian.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Sterek. But that has less to do with my dedication to the characters and more to do with the queerbaiting and how extremely shittily Jeff Davis handled that whole thing. To use the Sterek shippers for publicity and hint that maybe it could happen, only to turn around and do everything within his power to not make it happen?
I take that personally, not because I have a huge stake in Stiles and Derek as characters, but as a queer person who, for once, thought that maybe we would actually get to see a couple we really liked get together, and then didn't.
I had more hope for Sterek than I ever did for Destiel, which technically had more in-canon queerbaiting, because the people behind Teen Wolf did their damndest to give me hope. Only for me to be ignored and basically told I was being gullible for ever thinking it would happen.
And that's a betrayal I'm probably never going to forgive.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Not... really? I can't think of any, at least. But that could be because I always have a pretty good reason for disliking the ships I dislike. As mentioned, it's usually based on triggers and squicks and those don't really change. So my opinion on ships I dislike aren't likely to change, either.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I mean, considering the social climate right now? Even Sterek qualifies because Stiles was underage when I started shipping them and Derek most certainly was not xD That said, I always prefer the fics when Stiles had time to turn 18 before any of the sexy stuff happened.
12. What was your favourite crack ship?
Okay, so, I've actually read a lot of fics for ships I don't actually ship, just for research purposes. Like, I find it FASCINATING to watch what other people like, how they choose to write about the things they like, and how they decide to portray the characters. Basically, I like to analyse authors just as much as I like to analyse characters. It's a hobby of mine.
And one of my absolute favourites was reading fanfics for Newt Scamander and the original Percival Graves from the first Fantastic Beasts movie (Sidenote: She-who-must-not-be-named is an asshole and this is not an endorsement of her franchise or shitty beliefs). And why I loved that so much was because the fics were about THE ORIGINAL Percival Graves who, technically, was never IN the actual movie (he might not even be alive anymore?). Like, it was Grindelwald all the time. We never actually SAW the original Percival Graves, just Grindelwald's impersonation of him.
And I just had so much fun reading various authors' takes on this character who was never actually seen but, based on Grindelwald's impersonation, can sort of be hinted? Because he must have done a good enough job of it that the people around Graves didn't notice? It was like an anthropological dig of Percival Graves transpiring right before my eyes and since I got on the train pretty early, I could see authors being inspired by each other and how the fanon developed over time. 10/10 would recommend if you're interested in watching a fandom evolve.
(also, some of the fics were so fucking good. So there's that, too xD)
13. Who is the couple you read most fanfics of?
I'm not entirely sure if it's Destiel or Stony, but definitely one of them (Sterek is most likely in third place). Partly because there are just so many to partake in (those fandoms are HUGE), but also because they've been with me for so long and numbers accumulate. That said, I haven't read any for those ships in a long, long time. But considering how many fics I devoured during the time I was the most active in those fandoms? It's going to be difficult for any of the ones I'm currently into to catch up.
Also because I tend to be in much smaller fandoms now >_>
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
WELL. A while back I would have said that even if there are some enemies-to-lovers tropes and antagonising in some of them, they're all mostly unproblematic and pretty healthy.
... I can't really do that anymore, can I? x'D
I mean, Kang Yo Han is problematic all on his own, but even HE is a green flag compared to Seo Moon Jo. That fucker is just a straight-up psychopath x'D
A more serious answer: An interesting dynamic. Which sounds like a given, but is actually a bit more tricky than that. Because I've only gotten more and more picky over the years. I've actually spoken to my wife and friends about this, because I've seen a pretty noticeable shift in my own shipping practices lately.
I gather fewer and fewer new ships and that's not because I watch/read fewer things, but because I'm getting pickier about them. There has to be an extra spark that interests me, often connected to the characters' personalities and how they play off each other, while, before, a bit of chemistry was enough.
But that also makes me more versatile, I guess? Because I focus less on tropes and more on characters and dynamics. But that also makes it harder to spot similarities xD
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I mean, hate is a strong word. But, again, it would mostly be connected to my triggers. I don't like ships that are too abusive and unbalanced. A little bit of danger is fine, but things like abuse, infidelity, grooming, non-con etc. don't work for me, personally.
I don't really know who to tag so just do it if you want to! :D
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @autumnwoodsdreamer 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Prospect. I used to write for The Last of Us but alas, the rot has shifted
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Uncle Joel
Tell Her
These are all short little one shots for tlou
5. Do you respond to comments?
I really try to but I think the honest answer is no 😭 every once in a while I go on a bender and respond to like 50 comments but I get so anxious responding because I'm like hiii thank you 🧍‍♀️ the best way to talk to me is on here tbh but please please don't stop leaving me comments I love them with my entire soul
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Joel. It's a death fic, but honestly it's not very good lol I have a death fic for Prospect that is mostly written that's gonna be wayy angstier, I just have to finish it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To see myself reflected in your eyes 💜 Cee and Ezra deserve to live a happy life thanks
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't, I've been lucky. People have been super supportive and so so nice on my fics (I love you all).
tbh I don't think my writing is popular enough to get hate lol.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written so many crossover fics that will never ever see the light of day lol I do not have any on ao3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of (again I don't think my writing is popular enough for either of these things to happen haha)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Tumblr user tlouobsessed and I cowrote a fic (sobbed in our dms together). I took all the ideas we had talked about and wrote a little ficlet from them and I consider that cowriting
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh, how to answer that. Willow and Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) were my original OTP, I shipped them before I knew what shipping was. Nomi and Amanita (Sense8), couple of all time. There are more but I think those are my top two.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
No Light 😭 I have ideas but no rot left. Maybe season 2 will reignite it, but I just don't know. Also, Stolen Future, the Prospect death fic I mentioned earlier. Idk why but I'm having so much trouble just finishing it. I do hope to actually finish that one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write some good dialogue and fight scenes sometimes
I think I do a good job with storytelling sometimes? Combining different threads across a story to bring it all together. I'm thinking of how the present and flashbacks interact in By Midnight Time and something from Stolen Future
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot describe things to save my life. All of my fics happen in empty white rooms good luck I hope your imagination fills everything in. It's such a fundamental aspect of writing that I am so so bad at lol I'm trying to learn from my friends and reading published books but it's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Prev also said this but I agree, italicize other languages. Otherwise, go for it, but do your research if you don't speak the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer back when I was a teenager. Didn't know what fanfic was, but my sister and I had a LOT of feelings about Buffy and we had to express them somewhere so we wrote our stories.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
By Midnight Time. Now I just need to freaking finish it 😉
Although I'm also very very fond of Blood of the Covenant and Water of the Womb, a one-shot told from both Ezra's and Cee's pov
Absolutely no pressure tags: @orangechickenpillow @blooming-gwens @dilf-din @ellies-little-gun @ellies-enrichment @outer-edges @steeb-stn @wicked--loving--lies
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skylessknights · 5 months
Oooo I haven't done one of these is a while! Thanks for tagging me @sainteda 🥰️💖
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? - Gosh I just looked and I have 66!!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - 175,399k!! That's insaneeeeee
3. What fandoms do you write for? - You know what I don't really write for specific fandoms, it really just depends on my hyper fixations or my otp list. But my main ones are:
9-1-1 (it's been a while)
The Bear
Lord of the Rings
4. Top five fics by kudos - I just looked and...it's literally all my 9-1-1/Buddie fics (I'm not even proud of these ones)😭
Answer Truthfully 
One Step Closer
Morning Surprise
I Miss You, Honey 
Thinking Of You
5. Do you respond to comments? - OF COURSE! I love reading comments, they are the source of my happiness and motivation! 💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - You know what ? It has to be the 4x13 speculation fic I wrote for Buddie: Grief Is The Price We Pay For Love (Major death and a whole lot of angst!)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - There's so many to choose from!! But I'll pick my Sydcarmy fic called Love is not our enemy because they kiss at the end!
8. Do you get hate on fics? - Erm...no?? I don't think I have.
9. Do you write smut? - I may write fics with sexual tension and implied sexual content but I never venture into smut.
10. Craziest crossover? - I'm glad you asked! It's not a fic but it's quick edit I did based on a Hannibal x The Bear AU I had in mind. May I'll actually write the fic one day...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Noooo, like I didn't even know this was a thing??? People do this???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - I can't remember honestly 😅
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - No, I don't think I would want to tbh.
14. All time favorite ship? - Gosh that's too hard!! I'll give you my top 3:
SydCarmy (Sydney x Carmy - The Bear)
Kastle (Karen x Frank - Daredevil/The Punisher)
Buddie (Buck x Eddie - 911)
5. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - Gosh there's so many!!! I won't answer this because I will eventually get to them...hopefully...one day...
16. What are your writing strengths? - I would say my poetic style?? I just love using metaphors and allegories to describe characters, worlds and all sorts. I thank The Song of Achilles for inspiring this tbh.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - I think dialogue and my poetic style, because sometimes I can go overboard and just miss the mark 😅
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - LOVE IT!! Any chance I get I will use it!
19. First fandom you wrote in? - I thought it would be Disney's Descendants because that was how I got introduced to Tumblr. But it was actually 9-1-1!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - I'm going to be biased and say the one that I'm writing right now which is called: The Final Bow
It's a Feyd Rautha x OC multi fic and I'm having so much fun! 💖
Tagging: @drrav3nb, @matan4il, @lemonzestywrites, @tabbytabbytabby, @cinematicnomad
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wordsinhaled · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @landwriter <3 thank you, gloam!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
14! (yes, only 14)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
so far, it's been the sandman, good omens, and merlin - though i don't have any published (or finished...) merlin fics. i also just finished dead boy detectives, which may result in a bit of fic - we'll see!
Top five fics by kudos:
just pull on your hair, just pull on your pout - shameless excuse to make dream & hob make out in the cold like teenagers, inspired by the cure & a beautiful fanart of professor hob by @pomegranateruin!
eternity is in us now - dreamling proposal fic <3
if the walls were too thin, you would break right in - this was the first dreamling fic i wrote! :D
while the little moments dream - the one where dream offers hob godhood at the end of the world. soft <3
we are the cosmos fleeing the night - i think this was my second dreamling ficlet? dreamling FWB but make it still romantic
Do you respond to comments?
i'll be honest, i'm pretty bad about responding to comments - NOT because i don't appreciate them! i love each comment i receive dearly and they all mean the world to me. but being less generally flustered and knowing what to say in response to comments is something i'm working on. <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
maybe this one? all night or a hundred years is my take on the wine-sharing scene from season of mists. so you know, angst comes with the territory but that one hurts me particularly badly, so it probably fits the bill.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's DEFINITELY this one, which has no name and which i should probably crosspost to Ao3 at some point, but it's basically dreamling being sappy and getting married. that's it, that's the plot
Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully i never have!
Do you write smut?
i write... smut-adjacent? i don't think i've ever written like, a pure PWP before or anything i would say rates as explicit. it's just something i've never tried and feel kind of intimidated by tbh, though i'm sure it would be fine if i ever do get around to it! if anyone wants to cheerlead me through my first smut fic i am game, lmao (is there ghost detective smut on my horizon???? IS THERE??? listen. it's not an impossibility is all i'm saying)
Craziest crossover:
i am not sure i've actually written a crossover, but i just finished dead boy detectives and i have many crossover thoughts! oh, also sandman/the old guard, of course. though that's not so much crazy as reasonable, i think
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't believe so, but i would be honored!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never, but it sounds fun!
All time favourite ship?
well, i'm a multishipper, so this one's hard - i can list my OTPs per fandom... the sandman - dreamling, gaulcienne, hob/destruction (honestly hob/all the endless thanks to @softest-punk but i particularly love how you write hob/desire) doctor who - tenrose / doctor/rose & thoschei my beloveds (particular shoutout to twelve/missy, no one's doing it like them) bbc merlin - merthur, merwaine, mergwenthur dbda - obviously edwin/charles [and edwin&charles of course\ (whatever their ship name is I REFUSE TO CALL IT CHEDWIN... PLEASE... SAVE ME...). but i was absolutely also rooting for crystal/niko in addition to that...
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh my god i have so many. SO MANY. TOO MANY. i really want to finish the dreamling fealty fic one day because i literally have 2k+ words for it already sitting in my drafts, but i have no idea if i will. also it would be nice to finish ANY merlin WIP sometime this century. i am also debating if i want to start any dbda WIPs but they are... percolating still
What are your writing strengths?
i would say conveying atmosphere in a small number of words, if i had to say something!
What are your writing weaknesses?
FINISHING THINGS! god, and i'm terrible at turning fic ideas into actual writing. the ideas form faster than i can even write them down, but writing the ideas instead of having them play out cool music video-style in my head is SO HARD! also longfic is my kryptonite, i have no idea how authors do it!!!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think it can work, but if it's in a language i understand i find myself focused on if the grammar is correct and such. russian usually... has not been (stevebucky fandom i'm looking at u)...
First fandom you wrote in?
harry potter ages and ages ago was my first fandom, but i don't recall if i ever had any actual proper finished fics that i posted anywhere, until sandman fandom. i wouldn't say i considered myself a "proper" fic writer until dreamling actually
Favourite fic you've written?
hard to say - i like them all for different reasons but i'm proud of the opposite of blindness !
tagging whoever wants to do it as i'm sure most of my mutuals have already done this! <3
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kila09 · 8 months
tagged by @gloster
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
-not really obsessed, but I'd have to say Nick/Maddie from PR: Mystic Force. I really liked their dynamic and tbh, it was that couple that introduced me to fanfics because I went googling for info on Melanie and Firass
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
-oh that's an easy one: Tommy/Kim. The moment I saw them on screen, I started shipping them before I even knew what shipping was. They were my OTP before I even knew what that was. Even at that young age, I was taken in by their chemistry, their understanding and acceptance of each other, the slow build up of their relationship...just...their everything. Honestly, it was because of this ship that i could not get into Disney fairytales because they did more to convince me of true love than any Disney movie ever did.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
-Tommy/Kimberly. After I learned what fanfic was from searching Maddie/Nick...I stumbled upon a Tommy/Trini story and it didn't sit right with me lol. I kept thinking "Tommy and Kim are meant to be" and then I started writing a story about them. Took my weeks, after I'd written the first seven chapters, to work up my courage to actually post that first chapter.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
-more than likely Nick and Maddie.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
-uhm....I mean, not really? I've responded to one or two anon posts or even made a post or two about a ship but actual discourse? I usually have those discussions with my friend
6. Did you used to have a NOTP or have it currently?
-ha! Did I ever! And still do: Kataang, Klance, Hinny, McRolls, Tommy/Kat, Jason/Kim, Dramione, Romione.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
-well, I'm currently reading three fanfics right now, so the couple in those are: Zutara, Tododeku, KinnPorsche
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
-ohh yeah: Tomberly, Drarry, Sheith, Zutara, KinnPorsche, Tododeku, DickKory, Geraskier
9. Is there any couple, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
-yes. I'm pissed they broke Kim and Tommy (rumor was, the letter wasn't even the original storyline but they did it because they wanted the fans to let go of Kimberly and accept Kat); Sheith (they had the best chemistry and the show kept drawing parallels between them and other couples on the show, including Keith's own parents); Zutara (they just made sense and I think Katara would've really blossomed even more because Zuko never would've stifled her or encourage to forego her own culture); Drarry (sure as shit, if one of them was female, it would've happen, so I don't see why it couldn't happen anyways. Plus, I feel they would've understood and balanced each other a lot better than their Canon couples).
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now would be canceled over?
-i dont think so, no.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
-i don't think I had or have one tbh.that.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
-its split btwn most of my OTPs tbh.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
-hmmm...idk, equality, I guess. The way they understand each other, how they are each others safe space in a way, how they can be themselves (all facets of themselves, e.g., angry, happy, messy, etc.) with each other, the way they're different but also the same in some ways
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
-a bully/victim dynamic that is labeled as enemies-to-lovers; when a miscommunication happens and the person immediately runs away/avoids the other without giving them a chance to explain, which leads into the miscommunication going on for more than 2-3 chapters (even worse when it's a 15 chapter story and the miscommunication happened in like ch 2 and you're on ch 12 and it...is...still...going on)
Tagging: @tomberlylove, @the-badger-mole, @moerusai, @teamironmanforever, @luckydragon10, @ink-and-dagger, @mymcdanno, @angstosaur
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foralleternityidiot · 7 months
tagged by @negrowhat
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Hmmmm. I wasn’t the biggest shipper as a teenager and all the ships I did obsess over still own my fucking soul. I ship for life.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
That’s a toss up between Monica x Chandler (Friends), Mulder x Scully (The X Files), Cory x Topanga (Boy Meets World), and Rick x Evie (The Mummy) I can’t remember which came first because they all were pretty simultaneous.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Romione. Although I remember dabbling in writing fan fiction in a spiral bound notebook at the age of 14, it was always sort of self-insert non-romantic LOTR character building. My first actual fanfiction (reading and/or writing) was Ron x Hermione when I was 19.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
100% LOTR… but I don’t remember which pairing. Probably like Frodo x Sam or Legolas x Gimli, but I didn’t get into MM shipping until I was a full blown adult about to finish college.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Somewhat when I was in the Glee fandom but that fandom was a clusterfuck of ship discourse. I pretty much lived on the corner of fuck off and leave me alone.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Maybe? But I didn’t really care too much about looking at anything outside my own ship OR I was a multi-shipper. So I don’t really remember a specific notp. I’m sure there were some though. There was so much trash in the glee fandom, I’m sure I hated something.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I haven’t touched a fan fic in over 10 years so (I should get a chip!) the last one I read was likely Klaine. Holy shit wtf time has flown.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Approximately 1.9 billion. Oh you want names? Well Hualian (TGCF), Wangxian (MDZS) and most recently Ranning (2ha) are the top three out of the 1.9 billion. Remember, I collect ships and keep them in my heart for all eternity.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Sam x Jack (Stargate SG1). It’s somewhat implied but my god I still yearn.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I didn’t dislike Cory x Shawn but I didn’t really get it back in the Girl Meets World hay day and it wasn’t even on my radar at all during Boy Meets World. (Remember, I’m old and the internet was not what it is now during my youth so I didn’t even know about the Cory x Shawn ship for literally decades). Sometime after GMW ended and tiktok became popular there was a resurgence of BMW popularity and a lot of CxS analysis that opened my eyes. I enjoy the ship now but I’m still Cory x Topanga 4eva.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Tbh not really. I used to be pretty boring. I definitely have some in the present that would though. 🤐
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
There were so many in the Glee fandom but I gotta go with Sebastian x Cooper just because it brought two of my friends together in a RP group and they ended up actually getting married. Ah… memories. I’m gonna tag @believesinponds in this post for the nostalgia.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
None. But if I did it would absolutely be wangxian or hualian. Don’t fucking tempt me.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
In the past: Canonical.
Now: Canonical and Queer.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Im gonna keep was Eboni wrote because it’s spot on: “Miscommunication and the noble idiocy trope.”
I'll tag @believesinponds @linameka @ommited-miscellaneously @ipromisedthesunset @kennyomegasweave @youdontnohme
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breitweisergallery · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Ooooh ooooh thanks for the tag @killerandhealerqueen <3
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Oh boy. The list... TenRose (Doctor Who), Rachel/Schuester (Glee) (I don't want to talk about it), I was deep in Broadway fandoms so I REALLY don't want to talk about some of it (I had my Hamilton moments, but I was deeply invested in some American History RPF stuff before that. Talk to me about John Andre and Benjamin Tallmadge sometime).
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not really? I think a lot of it is stupid tbh.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Oh, for sure. Plenty. It'd be hard to narrow down any. Anything involving Draco or Ron was generally a no-go for HP-related stuff. Will/Alana was generally a no-go for Hannibal.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Eadwulf/Jester/Fjord from Critical Role!
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Lucien/Caleb, Essek/Astrid/Eadwulf/Caleb, been on a quiet Verin/Fjord/Jester kick too.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Not really. Canon never mattered that much to me when it came to ships.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Vax/Keyleth. Took a Long Time to grow on me but they're fucking adorable.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Yes. All of them? The TV show Smash, Karen/Derek was absolutely end-game but Derek would simply not be able to exist on TV without teenagers losing their goddamn minds nowadays. (the man's a predator but also. hot).
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I didn't really have any, I don't think?
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I know there have been some good Tomarry things published after 2010, I know. I'll get around to reading them sometime.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Deep levels of trauma and unhealthy codependency <3
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
A lack of ups and downs. If there isn't miscommunication, some fighting, maybe even a little distrust sprinkled in there, then I don't want it anywhere near me.
Tagging @highflyerwings @technitango @godotismissingx and anyone else who wants to!
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daybreakrising · 28 days
Tumblr media
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
i absolutely cannot say i have one ship that i favour over any others for any of my muses. do i have ships that i am occasionally more feral over? yes, absolutely, but that is always down to ongoing discussions, plotting, etc with my ship partner(s), and it doesn't mean another of my ships isn't going to take the Feral Spot in a couple of days.
also, having one favourite is just boring and restricting. going feral over multiple ships is way more fun.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
asides from the obvious themes and tropes which i shouldn't have to list but will anyway (age inappropriate, teacher/student, incest, dub/non-con, a/b/o, etc), i'm fairly open to a lot of things - my only condition is that things have to be discussed. i can't jump into a ship without at least establishing the basics, because i don't auto-ship even if i already enjoy the idea of a ship between those characters.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
as already said above, age inappropriate ships are a big no. minors are only shipped with minors of the same age range and only in a light way, and i refuse to "age up" anyone for the sake of shipping.
but in regards to the adult muses, generally it depends on a few factors. for example: general setting of canon, the species' involved, etc. when you write characters who are thousands of years old, age gaps don't really mean the same thing. in that case, as long as the characters involved are of similar emotional maturity, i'm fine with it.
Are you selective when shipping?
yes, absolutely. i have to be comfortable with the other person (or people, if we're doing poly ships) as well as comfortable with the ship itself, and there has to be chemistry between both muns and muses, otherwise it's... just not going to work. i also want to avoid being 'collected' for shipping, because i actually like to develop deep and complex dynamics with people and not just empty ships based solely on aesthetics.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
if you're going into detail, that's too far. it's really that simple. suggestive elements, insinuations, implied actions, they're all safe. but if you're giving a blow-by-blow (pun intended) explanation of what's going on..... yeah, that needs the tag.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
gestures at all of my ships ????? i ship my muses with whoever i end up shipping them with. i don't have expectations for ships, and i actually treasure the ones that spring from absolutely nowhere.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
yes, absolutely. i don't auto-ship and i need to actually know you want to ship bc i'm not psychic and i won't make assumptions based on "hints" bc i probably won't pick up on them in the first place. be direct. the worst that'll happen is i'll say no.
How often do you like to ship?
how often is a weird question tbh. i ship when i ship ??? i do enjoy shipping and developing those bonds, but there's not like... a set pace to how often i like to ship. it's not my focus for writing here. i suppose once i have a ship going, i do like to delve into it as often as possible, whether that's through actual writing or just discussing the dynamic with the relevant people.
Are you multiship?
of course! i like to be open to all kinds of dynamics! however i am very selective on which dynamics i'll pursue more than one iteration of - they generally have to be different enough from one another that there's no chance of overlap or reusing of elements or ideas, and i won't ever do more than 2-3 of the same combination for that reason. for the most part, a number of my ships are unofficially exclusive in that regard (but not actually exclusive - yet). any ships that are a combination of characters you'd never normally think to throw together generally fall under that category.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
neither? i'm not ship obsessed because i'm not here just to write ships, but i do really enjoy writing and developing those dynamics when they come along. so... somewhere in between, i guess??
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
gestures at my blog: see my current ships. they're all my favourites. all of them.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
talk to me. see potential between our muses? have an idea you want to explore? we did a stupid crack thing as a joke but actually now that you think about it, wouldn't that be a fun dynamic to develop seriously? hop into those dms and tell me because as i said earlier, i'm not psychic. i can't read your mind and know that's what you want. please help out a socially inept idiot like me and just tell me you want to ship. chances are, i'll be up for it.
Tagged by: @apocryphis (thank u <3) Tagging: @iniziare, @delusionaid, @ofpathos / whatever blog you wanna do it on myrd, @ccaptain & anyone who wants to steal it
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ghostly-penumbra · 11 months
20 Qs for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @summerssixecho!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Thirty-six as of now! Most of them are still from events (I put all the filled prompts in one work per event, don’t @ me), but when I really like one of these I post it as a stand-alone :) and I have a few fics outside events too! Woo!
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
132,746 as of right now, but I’ll still finish Ectober so that’ll change quickly. (and as I said before, some fics I post "twice", in the event's work, and as a stand-alone)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Danny Phantom almost exclusively, the exception are the CrossOvers :p
I love The Sandman and Supernatural ones. I’m into DPxDC as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Seven Ways to Summon the Ghost King (1,187 kudos): Seven different ways in which a tired, stressed and sleep-deprived King of Ghosts can be summoned!
Results may vary.
Holiday Gift 2022 (439 kudos): ALL ghosts need to honour the truce. Including those who don't know they're considered part ghost.
Poison Blood and Weighted Crowns (408 kudos): The Justice League asked for help to the Ghost King.
The King demanded Jason Todd in exchange.
Jokingly, Robin accepted.
King Plasmius had the deal be honoured.
Ectober Week 2021 (365 kudos)
DannyMay 2021 (243 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
YUP. Sometimes I forget and only see it years later tho. But I do like answering comments so I try my best! If I don’t answer is ‘cause I can’t think of anything else to say but I still try! (I don’t really answer in FFN anymore tho, because I forget if I’ve already answered and I don’t remember how to check that, and I don’t want to accidentally answer twice lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh… not a big fan of angst, and even though I tried my hand at it in the past don’t remember where I put it anymore
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dragon :') Danny gets dental! (lol ok, I can’t really tell, idk)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My fics ain’t popular enough to get hate I believe lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL. I WROTE LEMON ONCE. YEARS AND YEARS AGO (almost ten year now. I was fourteen). After that, I haven’t, but I have an idea for a fic and if I actually get to write it I know it would be explicit.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
asdfghjjklñ I fucking love CrossOvers so much. I’ve written some "niche" ones but I believe the craziest/crackiest was Doors :))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
None that I know of. (Again, not popular enough lol)
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Other than ramble with the discord buddies, nope I haven’t.
13. What's your all-time favourite ship?
None tbh, I do like some ships but I’m aro and I don’t really have an OTP.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not much in the way of WIPs but I do have several plot bunnies I entertain before discarding.
On DPxDC I had a demon twin AU where Damian killed Danny as a kid with pressure from Ra’s al Ghul, and they met again after many years, with Damian as Robin and Danny as the Ghost King… and Danny didn’t forgive Damian. I had a lot planned and wanted to include a lot of worldbuilding, but ultimately I decided I couldn’t give Damian’s character justice as I was projecting heavily on my broken relationship with my abusive brother, and Damian deserved better than to be compared to my brother.
Also DPxDC, the aforementioned explicit work, which would be Danny/Valerie/Jason, with them dealing with being ecto-entities with the ecto-acts in place, Danny dealing with being King and trying to be an astronaut, Valerie coping with her feelings on her nature and her Wayne scholarship, and Jason being a crime lord with a family of vigilantes, and their broken yet existing relationships. As they navigated the complex ensuing dynamics, they dismantled the GIW and took down the Ecto-Acts.
I would also like to do more for Dragon, but I really don’t feel like it rn
16. What are your writing strengths?
Instrospection and mindscapes, if I can say so.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Anything that isn’t introspection and mindscapes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto :)
20. Favourite fic you've written?
aughdabdsufsda, I don’t really know, I love several of them for different reasons, but maybe Father and Sons? I love Clockwork and I love my Sandman crossovers, so I liked mixing both.
I’m not tagging anyone, but I encourage anyone to try! It was really fun!
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apocrypha73 · 11 months
20 questions writer meme
Thank you @heyholmesletsgo for tagging me :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
76 (and counting)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,095,178 at this moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm currently writing for Visual Prison and The Untamed/MDZS fandoms, but in the past I've written for Star Wars Rebels, the mcu, Supernatural, and a few others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe not so accidentally (899 kudos). A kalluzeb (star wars rebels) canon divergence AU
A Blind Goddess (657 kudos). Another kalluzeb fic. The star wars rebels fandom is a big one, so I guess it's not a surprise my top 3 fics with most kudos belong to it. It doesn't necessarily mean they're my best fics, only that more people have read them. But I'm grateful anyway.
The Reasons Why (426 kudos). Also a kalluzeb fic, and the first one I ever posted in English (I had only written in my own language until then). It was nerve-wracking to take that step but everyone's response was so kind it encouraged me to continue.
We Weren't Always Like This (413 kudos). This is a matchablossom fic (SK8 the Infinity), the first of the two fics I've written for that pairing.
No es la sangre (401 kudos). A thorki AU. This one is in Spanish
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! The comments are a place to fangirl with people who are just as enthusiastic about the OTP as you are, what's not to like? Maybe I don't always reply as fast as I should, but I enjoy doing it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think most of my fics have a happy ending, I'm a basic bitch and proud of it. The only exception I can recall is It's not over, a destiel fic that was inspired by episode 5x04 of Supernatural and there's no way a story set in that alternate timeline could end well tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The other 75? XDD. Okay, fine, there are two fics in which the happy ending felt very satisfactory to me because the characters went through quite a lot of angst to get there: Under the Spotlight (songxiao, The Untamed/MDZS) and Take my hand, take my whole life too (sagamist, Visual Prison)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I've been really lucky in that regard
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I'm pretty vanilla about it. I think the kinkiest thing I've ever written was some light bondage and very soft dom/sub dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
El vínculo más profundo. It's more of a fusion than a crossover actually. The characters are from the movie "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" but the story is set in the Pacific Rim universe. It was fun to write
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, it happened a couple of times with No es la sangre. Someone took it and posted it as their own, first on ffnet and then on wattpad. I don't think it was the same person in both cases. One of the (many) advantages of writing for small fandoms, as I do now, is that the chances of that kind of thing happening are almost zero.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Partially. Someone started translating No es la sangre into English, but they got busy and stopped after a while. I've thought about translating it myself but to be honest, I don't have the energy.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a very long time ago, with a very dear friend of mine. It was for the X-Files fandom.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is the most difficult question of this whole meme. I can't choose one, I love my ships dearly. I'd have to name at least five.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have two wips currently in the works and I intend to finish both of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes, I think. Sometimes dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, infodumping, knowing how to let a story breathe and not rushing it. Those are the things I find more difficult to get right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If the story needs it, and if it's a language I know well, why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files. Yeah, it's been a while
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I changed my mind, this one is actually the most difficult question. Aaah, I don't know, I tend to associate my fics with the community I get to enjoy through them, you know? It's not about how proud I am of the fic itself, it's about the whole experience. I am very fond of En la prórroga because I wrote it as a birthday gift for a friend and she loved it. I'll always love Under the Spotlight because it was my doorway to the songxiao fandom, where I have met some of the most amazing people you can find on the Internet. The same for Can't go back anymore, my first visupri fic, because I got to become part of an incredible group of friends thanks to it. And then there's Baby, It's Cold Outside and all the fun we had while I was posting that one. I'm overwhelmed by the response I've received to Maybe not so accidentally and No es la sangre, because I never expected any fic of mine to become so loved by anyone. So how am I going to choose just one?
Tagging @dreamyguns @ardilla-cocainomana @malalechan and whoever else wants to answer
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montygatorguy · 4 months
all the question for the fic ask thing just all of them
this took ages but thanks for the ask dude :D
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
i love all my fics, but i think im most proud of look all around at the mountains you haven’t climbed
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
ill go with an easy one, terrible things would be terrible things by axie
📝 How many words do you have posted?
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
either when i saw your (reggies) bookmark on my autistic may fic or the guest that commented a bunch on my alenoah sickfic
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
i don’t write that many, but bringing romeo back as a ghost in glass half empty was fun
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
i won’t use maycois here, imma use gweather from td. they remind me of good luck babe by chapelle roan so that
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
probably just fluff. it’s fun
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
my friends and my parents all know i write, but if one of my classmates said something i would probably stay quiet.
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
“When you’re a superhero, no one thinks you can die. They think that with every injury, big or small, you’ll always get back up. But that’s a lie. Superheros, no matter how strong they may be, are still human. And for the first time since they were bitten, the police saw the two of them as such.” from chapter 1 of glass half empty
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
a couple, maybeimamuppet, onthelasttrain, and flylikeajailbird. all really good writers that i read on my early days on ao3. also all of my insanely talented mutuals here <3
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
may and frankie would make great parents and i could imagine them probably adopting :)
🐗How do you handle trolls?
never had to deal with any thankfully, probably would just ignore
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
not really that long tbh
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
school, usually when im supposed to be doing something else lol
💪What motivates you to write?
its fun getting to share the ideas i have with others and seeing what they think
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
almost all of my fics started out as scenarios i would think of before bed.
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
from the other tags catagory it’s alternate universe - high school, canon divergence, and modern setting
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
my chromebook from my school, but i started out writing all the way back in first grade where i wrote a story about a superhero fish (that was vaguely base off shark tale lmao)
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
probably just finding different ways to have people express affection, idk
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
if any of you ever do this i will lose my mind /pos, please tag me (but give credit!)
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
my one singular fnaf sb fic. i don’t understand why it has 300 hits. i need to write a better one sometime
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
that APPARENTLY the canadian date format starts with the year. it was interesting
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
i hope sometime i get the motivation to finish terrible things because i have lots of ideas i just don’t wanna write them
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
in sequence, but i usually plan things out first
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
like you said, the actors reading my fics. that would be terrifying if i just woke up and checked my inbox and there was a comment from like. justin david sullivan. i don’t know what i would do.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
i don’t like hot drinks. usually i just drink water
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
throwdown (chase and mk sibling fic, 8) blaze (alenoah sickfic, 7) and haven (hg/ss lance and silver fic, 5)
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
terrible things (let’s just pretend it’s finished) id love it to be a 2d animated show but im not sure on what network
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
oh god, i have no clue. maybe like a swap au thing or something with &j idk
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
the only movie i can associate with maycois or jumeo is moulin rouge tbh
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
im just a high schooler with a chromebook, blorbos, and a dream
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
that people won’t think you’re cringe or anything. people love your writing
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
20 general, 8 teen. none for mature/explicit
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
comments or bookmark messages!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
maybe. i do love pirates.. yargh
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
ill pick may, they like spring. cause flowers :)
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
nope. i just listen to my fnaf playlist most of the time
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
holy shit, my vacation simulator fics. hats off to the one guy who commented on them, i love you
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