#i don't know all the details because i refuse to be in the family chat and now i can't ask for them bc
I think I have not been invited to the dinner where my 18 year old cousin - a literal teenager - is introducing her 24 year old boyfriend - a man old enough that if he'd gone to college he could have graduated college, could have a master's degree - to our part of the family because I expressed concern at their age difference.
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vespersposts · 9 days
An Evening with the Midorimas
Shintaro Midorima is the most tender of fathers, but...
what happens when his son gets a crush? 💚
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Shintaro Midorima had noticed something, but he didn't really care. Or at least, that's what he wanted to believe. Perhaps he had been influenced by your constant chatter about how cute your son Shinji and Mirai looked together. So, he too had begun to see things less objectively. A cognitive bias: the herd effect, a well-known phenomenon in psychology.
"Yes, it must be so," he told himself. "It can't be otherwise."
After all, Shintaro hung on your every word: he would never admit it, but he could have sworn he'd seen a donkey fly just to make you happy. This was one of those moments when you were so sweet and charming, lost in your romantic musings, that he would have agreed with you just to enjoy a few more moments of that delightful heartbeat that only you could give him.
Driving home after a friendly match with his old friends from the "Generation of Miracles," Shintaro glanced at his son in the rearview mirror: he had really grown up in a flash.
Stopped at a traffic light, he lingered a few seconds longer in contemplation of his face, those delicate and harmonious features he had inherited from you.
"What is it, Dad?" Shinji suddenly asked, looking up from his phone, his green eyes darting with curiosity.
"Always glued to that phone, huh?" the man gently chided, receiving a grimace and a cheeky response in return.
"Mirai is telling me that her father thinks you're a bit out of shape," Shinji exclaimed, aware he was playing with fire.
Shintaro smiled, rising to the challenge. "Tell Mirai her father Daiki should just be grateful he found a saint like his wife to put up with him. I don't think there's a more irritating man on the face of the earth!"
His response made both your son and you, seated beside him, laugh.
"Mirai's father is really a strange guy," Shinji agreed, "but don't you dare say that to her, or she'll jump at your throat!"
Shintaro couldn't ignore your smug look, proof that he remained the only skeptic about the reciprocal feelings between the two teenagers. As the traffic light turned green and the car resumed its journey home, Shintaro found himself reflecting on how much his family had grown and changed over time, and he sighed because he didn't know if he was ready for this new chapter in your story.
He opened the front door and let his son pass, who seemed eager to lock himself in his room to read comics and chat with his sweetheart. "Night, folks!" he heard his voice quickly bid farewell. "To think that when Shinji was little, he refused to sleep until he had told me every detail of his day," Shintaro sighed nostalgically.
"He's just growing up, but nothing will make him forget the affection of that wonderful man who is his father," you smile, caressing your husband's handsome face and looking at him with love.
Shintaro felt your gentle touch on him and in an instant took you in his arms, slowly caressing your hair and your neck. "You really are the most incredible being that exists... Every problem disappears with you," he commented, surrendering to that kiss he had desired all along.
Outside, the cicadas sing their evening melody, while a light breeze rustles the leaves of the large maple tree in the garden. The Midorima house, an elegant two-story villa in Tokyo's residential district, is wrapped in a pleasant calm. The soft lights in the living room create an intimate and welcoming atmosphere. The couch is comfortable, the jasmine tea you prepare for him every evening perfumes the room and breaks the comfortable silence of your kisses. It is in this serene and familiar environment that you begin your conversation, with voices blending sweetly into the relaxed atmosphere of the house.
"Admit it, you saw them today, didn't you? Mirai and Shinji... they seem made for each other."
Shintaro makes a face, crossing his arms over his chest. "Let's not exaggerate. They're just kids playing together."
"It's not just about playing," you retort, shaking your head in amusement. "Did you see how Shinji lit up when Mirai took his hand during the game? And that smile..."
"Smiling is a normal reaction between friends," Shintaro replies, rolling his eyes.
In an affectionate but pointed tone, you continue: "Shintaro, you know they're a couple in the making. It's written all over them. And sooner or later you'll have to accept it."
Shintaro snorts, almost annoyed by the idea, then finally admits, joking: "Honestly... if it were to happen, do you know what worries me the most?"
"What?" you ask, intrigued, raising an eyebrow.
Shintaro pauses dramatically and, with a serious but ironic look, exclaims: "Being forced to spend the holidays with Daiki as *my* relative!"
You burst out laughing, almost choking on your amusement. "Really, this is your biggest fear , my love? Of all possible scenarios... Daiki as an in-law?"
"Imagine it," Shintaro continues, simulating an exasperated tone. "Family reunions would become hell. Him telling his usual basketball stories loudly, while I try in vain to avoid discussions about who's the best three-point shooter."
You laugh even harder, wiping a tear from your eyes. "Oh, Shintaro, I didn't think it scared you so much! You should be grateful, at least Mirai is an adorable girl."
"Mirai is wonderful, I admit it," Shintaro concedes, shaking his head with a strained smile. "But if there's one thing I can't stand, it's Daiki bragging every time he wins at basketball. And this would happen every Christmas, Easter, and birthday! I might not survive."
Shinji, attracted by your laughter, peeks through the living room door. His green hair, inherited from Shintaro, is ruffled as if he had just gotten out of bed. He's wearing an oversized t-shirt with the high school basketball team logo and shorts. His curious expression lights up his face, still marked by sleep.
"What's so funny?" he asks, stifling a yawn as he looks at you with sleepy but interested eyes.
You and Shintaro exchange a knowing look, then Shintaro turns to his son with a serious expression but with a twinkle in his eyes: "We were just discussing your future, son. Always remember: if you ever get married, make sure your father-in-law isn't an ex-basketball player with an ego bigger than his talent."
Shinji stares at you perplexed, while you burst out laughing again. "Dad, are you talking about Uncle Daiki?" the boy asks, beginning to understand.
"Oh no," Shintaro groans theatrically, "he's already started calling him 'uncle'. We're doomed."
Your crystalline laughter fills the room, bouncing off the walls and blending with the sound of cicadas filtering through the window. Shinji, infected by the cheerfulness, joins in the family hilarity, though not fully understanding the situation. And so, between jokes and laughter, your family concludes the evening. The atmosphere is charged with affection and complicity, while outside the night envelops Tokyo in a silent embrace. Shintaro, despite himself, begins to accept the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, the future might hold some unexpected surprises... and a rather annoying brother-in-law.
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queenofbaws · 2 months
top 5 vhawke moments <3 (whether that be vhawke in general or your own interpretation)
gasp!!! challenge accepted ;)c heuheuhehueuhe guess i have to ramble now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the numero uno is always going to be returning the tethras signet ring, because um??? hello???????? helLO????? hey i found this. the last real remaining physical object connecting you to your family. i thought you'd probably want it. yeah, it's a ring. yeah, no, there's nothing symbolic about that. it's fine. it's cool. i know you thought you'd never see it again. yeah, don't mention it :) LIKE WHERE DO YOU EVEN START WITH THAT THO??? the two characters. who slowly but surely. have suffered the agonizing losses of every. last. member. of their families. hawke knows what that ring means. varric knows hawke knows. they joke about the whole thing to avoid admitting it. HOW AM I MEANT TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS BIOWARE?!
"you people have done enough to her." just. just dig a hole for me to lie in. bury me. the ANGER in varric's voice. throughout 2 and even up until then in da:i, he's our fun little guy. jokes galore. sure there are moments here or there where that facade breaks, but in that moment, that fight with cassandra? he is. pissed. and he is. tired. he watched kirkwall eat at hawke for so long, watched the chantry take more than its fair share, and here's cassandra, suggesting it still wasn't enough? that she should've been at the conclave too? that after everything the powers that be took from her, stole from her, ripped out of her, how dare he hide her from them to protect what was left??????????? screams
i don't know if it counts as a "moment" per se, but god. just. hard in hightown. in general. aslkdjfalksjdf i don't know who reads. any snippet of that story. and walks away with a conclusion other than "oh, so like, he's in love-in love, huh? all right.' laughter like chantry bells. eyes the color of jewels. the picture of elegance and beauty even when she's in mourning. i see you, varric tethras. i fucking see you.
"i skipped the parts about us." 🥺 i will never. ever. recover. from knowing what we could've had, lmaooooooooooooooo. PERSONALLY, i am...so in love with the idea of a vhawke romance being completely off-screen, all considering. like there's no world in which varric was going to tell cassandra the details of his and hawke's relationship, no way. not happening. that little wink at the end would've been all i needed, and so i refuse to let it go 😫
finally, this is...so small comparatively, but in da:i, once you finish everything leading up to here lies the abyss, hawke and varric just hang out together in front of the war room, and...idk man. idk. it touches my heart every time. it's such a tiny little moment, absolutely unimportant, but you see them standing together like that, and for a moment - just for a SECOND - it feels like they're just. together. and chatting. and things are okay. you know things aren't normal. they know things aren't normal. but there they are, pretending and hoping the way they've done a million times before. *sniff*
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
best friend Ari and Reader! I LOVE THEM.😌❤️
But I wonder why reader is single most of the time😢 it's hard NOT to like her...
and I'm thinking, is it because of Ari? Maybe a couple of weeks after they get together, ari went to a bar with her (a real date as bf and gf?)and someone reader used to date came up to chat with her and said something like "I'm glad you are finally together" "I knew it was the two of you when you see him and your eyes light up and vice versa"
*sing-songs* I have no chill.... (see series)
Ah, the blorbo-force is too strong with this one and I think you've created a whole new series! Whoopsy 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm gonna do this as a history and then after you two are together, so it's a bit disjointed (smut will be separate). Just a bit of angst (mild language) and more fluff. WC 1.8k (what is there like a magic range of stuff I write fast?? weird.)
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Ten years ago, you met Philip through a mutual friend. He was a nice, military-minded (and enlisted), simple man who shyly asked you out. He had long-term goals similar to yours. It seemed like a good match, but there was always deployment looming over both of your heads.
Over the couple of months you dated before he first went overseas, Philip took you out with some of his service buddies, and you met Ari.
Ari was a flirt and a bit of a douche at that time, a big bear of a man with a huge heart and an even bigger libido. It was pretty amusing to watch, actually, because you had the outsider's view of knowing he was perfectly respectful to you--his friend's girl--versus his playboy behavior toward others.
Philip got deployed a few weeks after you first met Ari.
You were all nerves and no ground wire, grasping for a rational answer to 'what happens next' without a chance of knowing, so you went to familiar places like Philip's regular bar. All the guys who hadn't been deployed were still there, and so was Ari.
Again, even without Philip there, Ari was friendly and totally respectful of you. You were basically one of the guys. You rubbed Ari's back when he puked in the parking lot after a shot contest one night. He regularly spoke about his 'relationships,' if that many one-ish-night stands count, and you'd politely give your perspective. Ari seemed to appreciate that.
He invited you out to group things every so often and drove you around--like Philip offered when he was around. Ari's not a very patient man, so he complained the entire time, asking why you didn't have a car. You were honest that you wanted certain things in life and that they would require saving as much money as possible. You don't mind the time spent on public transport because the cost of your own vehicle would be too high. Ari's version of that same concept was to spend as close to zero dollars on housing as possible because, just like all the boys, deployment was always right on the horizon.
Philip returned a different man.
You knew it. Ari knew it. No one really said a damn thing.
Philip just slowly evaporated from your life, transferring to a different base another few months after his homecoming, and it ended up being Ari who told you he was gone.
Because Ari kept up with you. He was your best friend as well as the lifeline to the future you thought you'd have.
Then Ari was deployed.
You wrote some letters with as much detail as you could think of--down to the stupidest little changes at your local bar and about any potential boyfriends you'd met--until Ari came back.
He was gone again within a week, and he could never tell you where he was.
So you see, Ari changed a lot over the ten years you've known him, but he never became a different person. Some of his more ridiculous qualities were weeded out or simply lessened like he's still a flirt but he's not a fuckboi anymore; and you've changed, too.
You used to be so desperate to align that perfect future that you stayed in shitty relationships even after you could tell it wasn't right. Now you refuse to settle. Having a family is only worth having with the right man, and it becomes crystal clear pretty quickly when a guy is not the right man.
By the time you might have considered Ari a romantic option, he was gone, and then you always expected he might return like Philip. Only after he retired from the military could you tell how his personality had truly changed. He'd always be your best friend though, and you would always be there as his. Beyond that, why rock the boat? It was too important to hold on to the steady relationship you had. You simply didn't see anything but a friend.
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It's hot as hell on the roof.
Ari fleetingly misses the desert compared to this stovetop beneath him, but he keeps going, only listening to pieces of the other men's conversation.
They're yammering on about what's great about so-and-so's wife and why whoever's latest girl walked out.
Ari's just sweating and trying to finish the day. Each day working construction convinces him that that first, cold beer afterward is the closest he'll get to heaven.
The guy beside him starts describing his perfect woman, and Ari absently says, "sounds like my friend."
"Really?" The hammering pauses. "Think you could introduce me."
He has no idea why, but Ari shakes his head, hard hat slipping a fraction of an inch against his slick forehead.
"Taken," he mutters.
"Shame," the guy grumbles.
But you're not. Ari knows you aren't seeing anyone, and he still said no. If he considers it, his coworker is not someone he'd set you up with anyway. He didn't have that thought before answering though.
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You're in a great mood on the drive to the bar.
The music's turned up so loud that Ari is physically leaning toward the cracked open window to dampen the sound, but you're drumming on his dashboard and unabashedly singing at the top of your lungs.
He hated this song when it first debuted, but you've whittled him down. He doesn't like it; he just tolerates it and thinks of you whenever it plays in public somewhere else. His radio station would never play this.
Today though, today you got a promotion, a promotion which Ari had to argue with you to apply for--"I'm not leaving until you see sense, woman," he'd shrieked, holding your front door shut so you couldn't kick him out--and as a bonus, you get control of the music plus your first two drinks on him.
Right before the last refrain, you scoot across the bench seat of his truck and move the drumming to the steering and his outstretched arm, and...and...
Ari smiles just like he normally would, but his usual amusement snowballs into something overwhelming. The pressure pushes against the inside of his chest and makes him feel heavy.
It's hard to breathe even while the wind whips his face, and even though he's watching the road again he just sees your face. He struggles for the few minutes it takes to pull into his usual spot in the dirt lot, and only when he too harshly slams on the break to park does it hit him.
Ari's in love with his best friend.
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About two weeks later, Ari drives by a house, and he's hit with this thought. It's so clear to him, this life he suddenly considers having with you, that he has to pull over and stare from the sidewalk.
He does not have the balls to tell you how he feels. Too much could change. Too much could go wrong. One thing he does know, however, is that you've always wanted the life he never truly considered before, so you should see this.
He knows you. You'll want this house. Somewhere swirling in that pressure rooted in his chest is also the hope that you'll want that life with him.
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Um. So this isn't the house he thought you'd go for originally, but he meant it when he promised to help. This isn't the time he thought would be right to tell you either, but there's something so stupidly domestic about working on the house together, and something so frustratingly intimate about your hands on him--even in a perfectly reasonable, friendly way--that makes Ari crack open and lunge for you.
In Ari's defense...ahhh, screw it, he just wants you.
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It's all still new. Between you working, and him working, and the both of you working on your house, this is actually the first time back at your usual haunt since...something changed.
Ari's taking it easy on affection, indirectly touching you by draping his arm over the back of your chair, angling toward you to listen whenever you say something. It's possible that for anyone else, you two still look like best friends having a drink.
In fact, it's obvious that nobody notices because the other two men sitting around the table haven't said a thing, and they are not subtle dudes.
Randomly, José leans across the table and crooks a finger to make you come closer.
"Hey, if you're interested," he whispers very loudly, "my cousin moved back into town recently, and I think you two would have fun."
"Um," you say at the speed of molasses, settling back into your seat so that Ari's forearm lays clear across your shoulder blades. You glance at him, not knowing whether it's okay to tell the others what's happened.
His face is blank, perfectly schooled with military precision, but Ari's eyes are brilliant blue and sincere. You feel his thumb lift from the chair to your arm.
It's up to you. It's your call. Always so respectful.
"So...I don't think..." You glance at Ari again and hold his gaze this time. The rest of his hand wraps around your arm before he slides it over to the base of your neck.
He shuffles nearer and plants a kiss on your temple, muttering, "here it comes."
José and Dimitri explode.
"Fucking FINALLY!"
"You have got to be kidding me!"
You're confused and a little defensive. "What?!"
"I fucking knew it. Bro, I told you."
Ari straightens slightly and holds up his free hand. "Wait a minute, Dim-tree. That was like five years ago."
And he'd meant it then; you were just friends. You aren't even the same people as five years ago, not entirely.
Dimitri punches José's shoulder. "Drinks are on you, loser." He's cackling, exaggerating a laugh directly in his buddy's ear.
Your hand slaps the table to get their attention. "Did you two bet on this?"
The idiots look stunned for a split second.
"To be fair, the over-under was on three months," José says.
"And we just assumed we both lost," Dimitri adds, grinning, "until NOW!"
Ari's chuckling, too, focused down at his nearly empty beer glass, letting his hand sweep back and forth across the strap of your tank top.
While the other two bicker more about the agreed prize, Ari leans back over to your cheek again.
"I'm glad though." He pecks right beside your ear. "I'd rather it be right than have screwed this up back then."
He's right. You waited and you're both better for it, better for yourselves and better for each other.
You do sorta wish the two idiots hadn't seen it before you though. That stings.
Oh well.
You turn your head and kiss your boyfriend in public for the first time, but the most wonderful part--the thing that hasn't changed--is that you're still seated by your best friend.
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Tell me why I cried at the end of this? What the hell? What have I started???
[Next Part; Bedrock and Blueprints Masterlist]
The two blurbs that I have written so far are linked in their chronological order, but you can also find them under Ari on my Masterlist.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you're enjoying this so far!
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cilil · 7 months
☽ Late Night Musings - The Halls of Mandos ☾
My personal take on Mandos is that it's a place of limbo, not heaven, hell or any sort of afterlife really.
For Men (including all mortals), that's already a given due to the fact that they don't permanently stay in Mandos and move on to an unknown place outside the circles of Arda. For Elves, it's the case because they weren't meant to die in the first place and the goal is to get them reembodied eventually; the same applies to Ainur. For Dwarves, it's their belief that Aulë gathers them in a different part of Mandos and they'll eventually aid him in rebuilding the world and receive a place among the Children of Ilúvatar.
(For Orcs as well as any other creatures who possess fëar, it can be assumed that they would also be called to Mandos and be met with a fate either like Elves or Dwarves, though we don't know any details. I have headcanons about the fate of Orcs in particular, but that's a story for another time.)
While Mandos is very much a place that physically exists and can be visited - even entered, though I would guess that Námo probably doesn't allow the living to come and go as they please - I think that it's also a spiritual place similar to/possibly located in the same plane of existence as the Unseen Realm and the Olórë Mallë in Lost Tales, and that the experience of those who come to Mandos in spirit after death is rather abstract and varies from soul to soul.
The purpose is not just to be judged if you have done great evil throughout your life, but more importantly self-reflection and healing, and each soul goes on their own individual journey.
For those who were good people in life, accept their mistakes and are ready to make peace with themselves and others, Mandos is a cozy, comfortable place where you may in time find loved ones, have a chat with Námo, Nienna, Vairë and their Maiar, admire the tapestries and rest. For those who committed great evil and are refusing to let go of their anger and spite, however, Mandos appears like a labyrinth or prison that they can't escape from. The key to their way out is not only Námo's judgement, but also - and this will influence his decision - the state of their being and the amount of healing they need, as well as any others they might have wronged.
It may be that this entire journey is like a dream, from which you will in time awaken to find yourself face to face with Námo for one final time - for he, his family and his servants may have visited you already a few times to offer guidance, wisdom and perhaps one or the other harsh truth - and hear his judgement.
For Men, he has no power to hold them and will always send them beyond the circles of the world. For Elves, he will offer them to return to life in Valinor, safe for the ones whose crimes and/or lack of repentance warrant a longer stay; the procedure for slain Maiar, provided they heeded his call, may be similar. For Dwarves, he will let them take their place among their ancestors and relinquish them to Aulë. Orcs may or may not share the fate of Elves.
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year
The Beryl Coronet Part 1 - Notes!
I'm having a lazy Sunday morning so I'm going to luxuriously type out my thoughts while I'm reading today's letter! I'm especially excited because I don't think I've properly read this one.
bow-window looking down the street
I have however read this little nugget of detail because I tried to find any and all descriptions of Baker Street for a game I'm making (The Beekeeper's picnic, you can wishlist it on Steam if you like...)
In a different story it's described as having a bay window. Both bow windows and bay windows project from the exterior wall. Bow windows usually have more panes of glass to make a smooth outward curve.
Both are also fiendishly difficult to convey when you're working with 320x130 pixels.
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“Holmes,” said I as I stood one morning in our bow-window looking down the street, “here is a madman coming along. It seems rather sad that his relatives should allow him to come out alone.”
Outdated attitudes towards mental health aside, I think it's sweet that Watson is able to see someone in distress at a distance and immediately find it sad nobody is looking out for him. His doctorly instincts are aroused!
Sherlock Holmes pushed him down into the easy-chair and, sitting beside him, patted his hand and chatted with him in the easy, soothing tones which he knew so well how to employ.
Likewise, Holmes is knows by now how to handle someone in distress. There's a really sweet illustration of this moment by Josef Friedrich
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We have done a good deal in this direction during the last few years, and there are many noble families to whom we have advanced large sums upon the security of their pictures, libraries, or plate. “‘It is absolutely essential to me,’ said he, ‘that I should have £50,000 at once.
B-b-b-Blackmail, methinks. Either that or this is some kind of scam on the bank (perhaps they upfront the money for the coronet but never receive it, or receive a fake) But since we're apparently dealing with a famous notable person, I don't think that's going to be it)
‘You have doubtless heard of the Beryl Coronet?’
There has already been a mountain of discussion about coronets in the LfW server - what precisely it is, how the word is pronounced, the etymology...
I'd always thought a coronet was something like this - basically a tiara but a little more gender-neutral!
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Turns out it's actually a small crown which has a top to it.
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“‘I should be happy to advance it without further parley from my own private purse,’ said I, ‘were it not that the strain would be rather more than it could bear.
I really hope this is just lip service and he wouldn't have really done that. Please Mr Holder, don't lend clients your own money! I feel he's being set up here, either by the narrative or by this Mysterious Notable Man.
I determined, therefore, that for the next few days I would always carry the case backward and forward with me, so that it might never be really out of my reach.
I just want to sit all Sherlock Holmes characters down and give them a long lecture about how the most vulnerable time for any precious or valuable object is when it is in transit. Also the the bureau of your dressing-room is not actually more secure than a safe at London's second largest bank.
Another, Lucy Parr, the second waiting-maid, has only been in my service a few months.
She gets a name, and is therefore Suspicious.
I could not trust him in the handling of large sums of money. When he was young he became a member of an aristocratic club, and there, having charming manners, he was soon the intimate of a number of men with long purses and expensive habits
Libertine son Arthur is also Suspicious.
Twice my boy has asked her to marry him, for he loves her devotedly, but each time she has refused him.
...... they're cousins? Right? I mean they are cousins. Not just cousins, but she's been adopted by his father. Right?!
I thought that first-cousin marriage was a bit of an eyebrow-raiser at this time even though it did happen sometimes.
Where are the jewels which you have stolen?’ “‘Stolen!’ he cried. “‘Yes, thief!’ I roared, shaking him by the shoulder. “‘There are none missing. There cannot be any missing,’ said he.
Ok, I think that was actually a "Stolen?!" and he's as surprised as anyone. The beryls were already gone by the time he got there. I'm sure Lucy's disappearance has something to do with it!
at the sight of the coronet and of Arthur's face, she read the whole story and, with a scream, fell down senseless on the ground.
I feel bad for laughing at this.
I am enjoying this one SO MUCH so far! The missing item genre of Sherlock Holmes story is one of my favorites, and so far we've had a really tense tragic narrative with lots of complexity.
I am a little worried that this story isn't a well known one and so perhaps it's a bit of a flop towards the end - but who knows, perhaps it's appropriately a hidden gem!
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willel · 10 months
Vecna and his choice of victims
This has probably already been written before but I've had some more thoughts since the play. I also have like, 20 asks people have sent in that i haven't answered and I'm pretending to not see until I figure out what I want to say in response >.> (I do appreciate the asks but phew my brain juices are running low. Ha)
Most of this is related to season 4 so I won't be putting them under a read more now. I'll also be making a lot of assumptions here.
I hadn't known until now but apparently people have been getting into fights because of their theories and well, I don't want any part of that. THESE ARE JUST THOUGHTS~. I'm not an ST writer and I have no idea where they're going with things, so let's just chill and have a chat alright?
General assumptions
I know I and some others have discussed this in the past, but it's pretty obvious Henry is deeply connected to El and Will. He has a lot of parallels with them. Not just surface levels ones either, they seem pretty intentional and the writers/actors themselves have been hinting at it.
But what if it doesn't stop there? What if he relates to ALL his victims which is why they were chosen in the first place? What if it's not just "they were teenagers suffering" but it's a specific kind of suffering he could relate to?
#1: Chrissy.
Chrissy was suffering from bulimia and it seems one of her major triggers was her mother constantly talking about her weight. In Vecna's depiction of her mother, she was called a fat pig, her mom constantly readjusted her clothes at the sewing machine so they would "fit". Her father was either dense as hell or refused to see what was happening since his eyes were sown shut in Chrissy's waking nightmare. Food was depicted as rotten and disgusting, which is probably how she felt due to her eating disorder caused by her family situation.
With the extra bits we've gotten from the play and what was in the show itself, I believe Henry faced a similar situation. He was going through stuff and his mother was unsupportive and visibly disgusted by him. Even though Henry and his mother obviously had a tense and extremely negative relationship, Henry's dad Victor seemed completely unaware of what was going on or refused to acknowledge it.
When Victor retold what happened to his family, in his opinion, his life was pretty picturesque. I haven't heard many details about Victor in the play but he completely glossed over all of his son's odd behavior or why they even moved to Hawkins in the first place. In fact, he thought his son was sensing the danger rather than his son BEING the danger.
It's almost 1 to 1 of Chrissy's home life. Terrible mother child dynamics. Emotionally absent father. Irrelevant sibling.
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#2: Fred.
We know a lot less about Fred's home life, but there's still a little bit we can pick apart from what we do know. We know that Fred was involved in some kind of accident a year or so ago. Instead of helping his fellow victim in the crash, Fred ran all the way home, terrified. Either people blame him for the other victim's death or he blames himself so harshly that he believes others blame him (guilt basically).
If I stretch things a bit, it sorta lines up with Henry hurting a kid at school while he lived in Nevada before moving to Hawkins maybe?
Or maybe it's that situation they created with Patti in the play with Principal Newby? I don't know all the details but Patti blamed Henry for what happened right? At least temporarily.
When Fred has his vision in the woods, a little girl grows a weird ugly finger and starts the "Murderer" chant. Maybe that's similar to Henry's sister Alice approaching him and telling him he's a different person now?
This one is a stretch I realize, but hey.
#3: Patrick.
This one is pretty similar to Chrissy situation but in reverse I suppose. It's not Patrick's mother that's the problem, but his dad. When Henry selected Patrick as his target, we heard Patrick's dad basically call him worthless. Lucas mentions Patrick coming into practice with bruises sometimes and feels bad for not being there for Patrick more having realized belatedly what was going on.
I don't believe Henry was physically abused by his parents, BUT "Papa" certainly was. Brenner, the obsessed scientist weirdo has done plenty of things to Henry and the rest of the kids so I'm sure I don't need to go into detail.
We've even seen him berate El multiple times for not doing what he wants. He even tried to pin blame on her for everything that was happening in season 4 before she rightly pushed the blame right back on his shoulders. (and then he stabs her with a needle and puts a shock collar on her.)
Maybe it doesn't match up for you but I dunno, I think that lines up pretty evenly.
#4: Max.
Unsurprisingly, Max's situation is what triggered this entire post. I was just thinking, "All these people moving to Hawkins and it kinda sucks there." Then a light bulb went off. "Wait, Max also had to move to Hawkins because of something Billy did." And it spiraled from there. Nevada isn't California, but I bet Billy, Max, and Henry all preferred living where they were before they had to move to Hawkins.
I wouldn't exactly call moving across the country traumatic, but Henry could possibly relate to Max's feelings of isolation and moving with your dysfunctional family so that things would "get better" but they do not get better at all.
If we look at the play again and coat Max and El a little bit in Patti and Henry's colors, then I guess Henry and Max can relate to the isolation of losing your closest friend, but that's a stretch I admit.
I could make another header for Billy but I think I'll just leave him in Max's section since the situation is pretty identical. Billy is a mixture of Max and Patrick, he's way closer to Henry's situation than Max is.
#5: El.
This one is so obvious that I don't need to go into detail but it still needs to be said. Henry and El's stories are extremely similar. The super powers. The lab. Brenner. The kidnapping and isolation in general. The experimentation. Being forced to kill things. Afraid of hurting people because of your powers.
She even shares the "being separated from the people you care about" stuff, she's had to deal with that multiple times on repeat.
Luckily for El, all of her real parents are chill (Terry, Hopper and Joyce) so in that regard, other than Hopper being a punk bitch a few times, she's been blessed there.
#6: Will.
Finally we get to Will. It's interesting how different Will and Henry's stories are and yet they're also so similar.
Will has an amazing mom but an absentee dad. It's hard to say what is worse between Henry and Will's situations but at least Will had support at all with Joyce.
Apparently, Henry also disappeared once into the Upside Down and returned a completely different person. Not only that, apparently Henry was possessed by the Mind Flayer in the same manner that Will was. This is so obviously related to Will's story that I don't think I need to expand on it.
Like El and Max, Will also had the pain of moving away from most of the people he cared about, though this pain is very understated for Will in the show. Will seems pretty content with just having his family and long distance friends even though the long distance friendship was secretly eating at him too.
Apparently in the play, Virginia forced Henry to visit the "doctor" (lab) like Joyce did to Will. Someone described it as almost exactly like the beginning of season 2. Not only was Henry's lab experience just like El's, but Will's as well. Luckily, Will's doctor was Owens and not Brenner, though I'm sure Brenner was watching (I got an ask related to this btw I will get to it because I wanna talk about this more)
If Henry's life was segmented into parts, then it'd be "before the UD", "after the UD", "before the murders" and "after the murders"
Chrissy, Patrick, Max and Fred are all "after the UD" and "before the murders". A part of Henry's life that is seemingly drastically different than the life he had before.
El is "after the murders". His life in the lab leading into who he is today.
Will is.... a little bit of everything. He was Henry "before the UD" and "after the UD", that transition into a different person specifically after the UD experience. He's also "after the murders" when he's possessed by the MF and "before the murders" when he's a little bit of a lab rat at Hawkins before things go south.
Through the circumstances of the show, Will has literally become the closest person to Vecna. They'll likely understand each other more than anyone else, which kinda sucks for Will.
But I suppose the fundamental difference between them will be.... El. Funnily enough. You know how Henry (and Kali) taught El that hatred and sadness is the key to becoming more powerful? Well, El has already discovered that love is infinitely more powerful.
Not only that, El has chosen her friends and family. She rejected Henry. She rejected Kali. But there is one kid she hasn't rejected that could really use her insight on breaking through the pain to find something greater.
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in-any-universe-ever · 2 months
if you're in a giving mood for the crime au may we have more details on the wedding
Was their a reception/ after party at a later date?? Like their family is rich af and I refuse to believe vizzy t let his favorite grandson from his favorite child only have a courthouse ceremony
I can imagine the grandkids calling Viserys Vizzy T but last he heard Vizzy was a type of alcoholic beverage teenage Daeron and his hooligan friends from Oldtown were into, so he's unsure if it's affectionate or if they think he's a drunk. ANYWAY
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The night had been perfect; the meal, the wine, the candlelit atmosphere. Aemond was sentimental to the point of tears; several times he reached across the small table and laced their fingers together, always accompanying the touch with a specific memory or a simple declaration of love. Dessert accompanied sunset, just like their first date, and they turned their chairs to look over the balcony so they could watch it disappear beyond the horizon.
There had been several moments when Luke thought this is it, he's going to ask. He's going to do it.
But then the check was settled. They got in the car. Aemond suggested a walk and Luke quickly agreed, hope igniting again. They walked hand-in-hand through the park, past the fountain, beneath archways and gardens and a thousand spots where Aemond could easily drop to a knee and ask.
But again, they returned to the car. Luke was growing frustrated but reasoned with himself yet again. Aemond probably had a surprise at home. All their family or maybe just a simple set up with flowers and music. He would do it at home.
Aemond entered the house first with Luke behind him.
It was just their house, and they were alone.
Luke's heart sank and tears sprang into his eyes. He couldn't stand it a moment longer so he stopped at the base of the stairs, watching Aemond ascend while unknotting his tie, and finally blurted, "Are you seriously not going to propose to me?"
Aemond turned around, hands at his neck, shock on his face. The expression said it all.
"Oh my gods," Luke said. He blinked back tears. "You aren't."
"I'm such a fucking idiot."
"Luke, no --"
"I don't even -- I don't even know what to do right now."
Luke wiped his eyes; Aemond had descended the stairs and now stood directly in front of him.
"I'm sorry," Aemond said. "I want to marry you. I do. But baby, you're nineteen."
"And that fucking matters? At nineteen my mother was married and pregnant with Jace."
Aemond sighed with sadness and delicately wiped Luke's cheeks with his fingers. Luke was holding back the rest, the loud wail bubbling in his chest, the punches building in his fists.
"Do you want to marry me?" Aemond asked in a whisper. "And I don't mean are you expecting this next step because it's what people do, or because we've been together a year, or that you know that I want it. Are you, Lucerys, ready to marry me?"
"Yes," Luke said, another set of fresh tears falling from his eyes. "I've wanted to marry you since you kissed me on the yacht. I've been ready for you for what feels like my entire life, Aemond. I don't care how old I am. I want you and I want everyone to know it."
Aemond dropped to his knees, both of them, and slid his arms around Luke's waist as he pressed the good side of his face against Luke's abdomen. Aemond took a deep breath and Luke followed, one hand on the back of Aemond's head, the other furiously wiping away tears.
They were silent for a long time, until Luke's emotions settled and they were two people breathing in sync. Aemond was no longer holding him together, but simply holding him.
"Tomorrow," Aemond said. "We go to court and get married in the morning."
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If you're free come to this address RIGHT NOW
Helaena was already on her way when they sent the text to the family group chat.
The marriage license was simple to obtain, and the moment they had the application in their hands, they ran across the street to the Royal Sept where they demanded a rite from the first person they found.
"I'd be happy to conduct the ceremony," the septon said, even if they'd been a little crass in asking. "You need two witnesses, however."
The Sept was empty, and so the text was sent with desperation.
Helaena arrived a few minutes later, smiling happily at both of them. No one else responded in the chat, but she seemed confident that they'd get at least one more person to arrive. That person was Joffrey, who meandered up the stairs with no haste, looking confused to be there.
"What's going on?" Joffrey asked. "Did someone die?"
"Luke and Aemond are getting married," Helaena explained.
"Ew," said Joffrey, but he accompanied them inside all the same.
The ceremony was short. Luke held Aemond's hands in his, looked into his eye, and swore to love him for eternity, for he was Aemond's, and Aemond was his. While Luke's voice was thick and his eyes were full the entire time, Aemond had trouble even speaking the words. Helaena held onto him for support, offering tissue after tissue while Aemond continuously wiped his eye.
The declaration was not even complete when Aemond stepped forward and kissed Luke, who held him close and kissed him with the same desperation, the same burst of love that could not be contained a moment longer.
Everything came to a head when they separated, both crying but laughing as well, and Luke was the first to say, "I love you."
"I love you, Luke. With everything I have," replied Aemond, and they kissed once more while Helaena took photos and Joffrey asked if it was over.
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Rhaenyra blinked.
Alicent did not react.
Viserys, however, clapped together what was left of his hands and spread his arms wide.
It was only a few hours after the ceremony, and while it was neither Aemond nor Luke's intention to marry the day of a family dinner, it still happened. Rumor had spread between the children and grandchildren, and so Aemond and Luke were given the middle seats at the table, right across from Viserys.
"My boys!" Viserys called. "This is the best news I could have heard today. My son and my dearest, brightest grandson."
No one overlooked the slight to Aemond, or the insult to the other grandchildren.
"My wife," Viserys said to Alicent, who remained stubbornly impassive, "you must prepare a beautiful reception for them. No later than next weekend. This is an event to be celebrated. Rhaenyra --"
Rhaenyra looked over and forced a smile on her face.
"See to it that the villa in Dorne is opened and staffed. I know neither of you have been to Dorne, my boys, but you must spend a moon there at least. Corlys will undoubtedly give you the time, Lucerys --"
Corlys nodded from the end of the table.
"-- And Aemond, I will see that Ser Criston can take your workload in your absence. Open the best champagne we have! I must give a toast!"
Luke took Aemond's hand, causing him to look over. With a shaky hand, Viserys picked up his knife and tapped it against his water glass. The others joined in, and amid the clinking crystal and Viserys' approval, they shared a gentle kiss.
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🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
For Mona canon/ Laserhawk and Floyd! : D
For Canon Raymona, she's over one hundred and twenty years old. Captain Laserhawk Raymona is in her 50's/60's but this is up to change if we get some confirmation on Rayman's age in future episodes of Captain Laserhawk. Both Raymonas don't look a day past her 20's.
Floyd is in his early 30's
Canon and CLH Raymona's best memories depend on if she's shipped with Rayman or not.
If shipped with Rayman: it's always going to be their first date together. Rayman's always gotta take his partner stargazing and that was the first date. Canon Universe they go stargazing outside the fairy council. CLH Universe Rayman took her to the roof of Murfy's place and they just sat there watching the stars all night.
If not: Canon and CLH Raymona's best memories are when she first met Rayman when she was a wee little bean child. Raymona didn't have very many friends growing up in the glade. Ly and Betilla introduced the two and they spent the entire half of the year together. That's something that applied to both Canon and CLH Universe. Their first meeting is the same. They've been looking out for each other since.
For Floyd: His best memory is when he first met Murfy. He was still a performer at the United of Eden. He was young and was trying to scrape money together to afford college to get his medical degree. It's very hard for Hybrids to get these kinds of jobs and the fees for college were high. This was Murfy's first time catching one of Floyd's shows and he remembers when the bug's jaw dropped when he first saw him. Feeling cheeky, Floyd would go to his table mid performance and begin doing gestures like running his claw gently beneath Murfy's chin. Turned the guy into a flustered mess. After attending a few more of his shows, Murfy got the courage to ask Floyd for drinks. The two chatted for HOURS. To those two, that time they spent chatting together they figured out really quick that they were soulmates. They started dating very quickly after that night and Floyd doesn't have any regrets.
Canon Raymona's worst memory is of the Robot Pirate Invasion and the effect it had on Rayman's mental health. She was one of his biggest supports during that time. Canon Raymona's not normally an angry or violent woman, but she curses the very name of Admiral Razorbeard for just how much he hurt everyone including her loved ones.
CLH Raymona's worse memory is when she was on one of her missions with Murfy. This was during a time before Bullfrog or Ramon joined the team so she was his primary field person. During the escape after a completed mission, she got her hair caught in a machine and she was almost scalped. She had to cut her hair to save her live and avoid severe damage. Since that day, Raymona's kept her hair cut short. She hasn't told Ramon about that event and doesn't know if she can without making him feel guilty about not being there to keep her safe. She just told him that she cut it and never really went into detail on why. Asking Murfy about it gets nothing because he won't share that story unless Mona gives him permission.
Floyd's worst memory was the day his parents died. He was a child when he lost both his mother and his father. His sister, Merideth, stepped up to take care of him after the event and became his guardian. He had a very rough childhood because of it, yet Merideth was trying her absolute best to provide for Floyd. Merideth was a teenager at this time. She fought very hard to keep what was left of the family together and refused to accept foster care for herself or Floyd.
Canon Raymona's design has stayed true appearance wise over the years. I do believe this was the first design I came up with. It's been so long since I originally created her. CLH Raymona actually went through a major design revamp. I had first created her back before Captain Laserhawk first announced. After the series launched and I watched everything, not only did Raymona go through a design change but also a major backstory overhaul.
Floyd's design? It never made it to paper. I've tried so hard to draw him but I fail at drawing Lion Hybrids. The design in my head was always the same. I like saying that he looks like a Lion Hybrid version of his voice claim: James Monroe Inglehart.
I'd love to commission people to help get a reference for the guy, but with my current financial situation, it won't let me spend money on things like commissions.
Canon Raymona doesn't have any phobias, but she does have a deep fear of Demona. It's not easy to get Raymona to be hesitant around your presence. The lady has made friends with a number of Rayman's old foes. Demona has caused so much harm to her loved ones that she's become terrified of her doppleganger. Even after she's able to function a lot better. It's very hard for her to share the same room with Demona.
CLH Raymona doesn't have any phobias. Neither does Floyd.
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saffron0v0 · 1 year
Okay guys, I'm sorry but there has been a change of plans with the therapy arc in my future hashira au, I realized that it would take forever to write so I'll have to cut it short. I'll give the basic rundown of what happens during each of their therapy sessions.
Tanjiro: ends up getting a motherly hug from Sayaki after pouring his heart out about his responsibilities and worries. He does get embarrassed about his actions later and apologizes profusely to her (Sayaki) later.
Inosuke: Was pretty tame, he tried to explain what he remembers, and Sayaki understands it to an extent, trying her best to console him when he gets incredibly heated at douma's memory. He gets slightly reminded of shinobu when he looks at Sayaki, so he brings her acorns later. Basically, the session wasn't really productive.
Giyuu: Had to be asked to clarify or get into more detail when he spoke, because he was very vague, and made incomplete statements most of the time. She (Sayaki) knew of tomioka's personality beforehand, because shinobu would mention him from time to time in her letters. Sayaki considered tomioka's company quiet lovely and offered to be his friend, which made him smile. After speaking of his life long trauma, he felt a little lighter after being assured that it wasn't his fault. So yay tomioka has a new friend now!
Murata: Since we don't know anything about his backstory, I'll just assume he was orphaned, and then joined the corps for shelter and revenge. He'll just simply talk about his trauma to which Sayaki will comfort him and ask him some questions, all in all it was a nice chat for him and he would give a short and grateful 'thank you', and then leave to go take a nap.
Senjuro: He happened to be around, so he gave the session a try, and came out sobbing, finally just talking to someone that wasn't himself about his problems. He hung on to Sayaki tightly, feeling warm comfort he was craving for. Sayaki was furious that a young child such as himself was so mature and traumatized most of his life, and offered to visit later. (she was going to give shinjiro a talking to, and was taking Tanjiro with her because he wanted in too.)
Tengen refused to get any therapy, he said "I'm too flamboyant for this! Thank you for the offer though."
The girls would also get therapy we don't discriminate.
Mitsuri: She would talk about her trauma and insecurities, wanting some comfort. She cries a few times, and was practically in Sayaki's embrace the whole time. She feels better after talking about her troubles, and letting it all out, so she invites Sayaki to come visit her family with her later. Sayaki agreed of course, and she secretly really wants to see that slow witted scumbag that rejected mitsuri because of her unique and gorgeous beauty. She really wanted to slap him. (She did when she saw him, and felt no remorse. Mitsuri was stifling laugh after seeing the whole thing, and was openly proud of her new friend's actions.
Kanao: It was very tough for kanao to be suddenly asked to open up about her emotionally scarring past, and she slowly, but surely did so. Sayaki's blood was boiling at this point from how horribly people treated the people she gave therapy to so far, and she made sure to hug all of them and treat them to their favorite dishes later. For kanao, since she came from an abusive environment, Sayaki figured she would be sensitive to loud yells and curses, so she touched up on the subject to which kanao stayed completely silent. She also asked her about her relationship with everyone and, and if she still had trouble with socializing with kids her age, to which kanao responded that she was able to make a fair amount of friends, and was glad to have them by her side. All in all, kanao was pleased to be finally able to speak about her past and just get all of it out of her chest. It was a very fulfilling session for her.
Aoi: Aoi spoke of her trauma and fear of demons, she said she passed the final selection because of luck and all of that nonsense. Sayaki was almost angry at aoi for belittling herself so much, but she understood her insecurities and issues, since they were very common, but shouldn't be normalized. Sayaki gives aoi a lecture of how great and emotionally strong she is, and that just because she didn't kill any demons that she was weak. She also told her how full of talent and life aoi was, and that we just need to go on living. Aoi was so grateful, and even though she heard those words from tanjiro already, hearing them again assured her they weren't made up lies and pity words, which moved her to tears. After the therapy session, aoi had a firm resolve and goal in mind now, she would pick up her darn blade and get out there to avenge every single person who died in battle, she told senjuro who had agreed with her and wanted to help her too!
Nezuko: Her memories of her time as a demon were very fuzzy, but she remembers the people she lost, all the blood that was shed, and all the faces that cried. She cried and cried hugging Sayaki, begging for her family and friends back, she is only mentally 12 with the body of a 14 year old after all, she's a literal child. Sayaki ended up singing her to sleep and carrying her back to bed, promising to take care of nezuko as if she were her own.
Did I miss anyone? If so comment and let me know. Anyways, the actual story of the future hashira au starts here! Watch our main characters embark on adventures to avenge all the people who were lost along the way!
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blazlngblade · 2 years
Rosa Rambles about Leon/Elletrix Story Ideas!
This has been in my drafts for the last week and a half or so. I've come back to it constantly to make small edits. But, I think it's time to post it.
I am going to become the CEO of shipping Leon and Elletrix, and nobody can stop me!!
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And they will be called "Elleon" as it easy to say, and it puts both "Elle" and "Leon" into it very naturally.
They just look so cool! The awesome seafarer pair! Two beautiful people! I love them both so much! The ex-pirate turned merchant, and the current Grandport Kingdom's lord with the reputation to rehabilitate pirates, it makes for an interesting romance.
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I like the idea of their earlier meeting that I wrote up a long while ago, which you can read here.
Just disregard the ending where I said that I don't ship it, I've changed my mind! The chemistry between them and shipping potential is amazing.
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So going with that, and expanding on the story ideas in more detail, The idea of Leon still wanting to "make it big" by attacking a Grandport vessel in order to get his motivation back as a pirate is still what would happen. Though, Leon is defeated by Elletrix, so him and his crew are taken into custody by Grandport's army.
No matter how sad he was about Baltazar's passing (or if you're like me and actually prefer the idea he just faked his death, changed his identity, and left to the East to fulfill his dream of becoming a merchant), I can't see Leon wanting to look defeated or show those emotions in front of Elletrix (this would be before she's the lord of Grandport, she's simply just a princess right now). I'm sure there's no a pirate that hasn't heard about the princess of Grandport who can change a pirate's outlook on life just by defeating them. He's pretty prideful and he wouldn't let up so easily, even if he was beginning to doubt things after he lost his friend. We know that he is very prideful thanks to the flashbacks in chapter 3 for Tressa's story.
So after being taken in, I imagine a lot of his crew were pretty quick to just bail out from being pirates, and join the Grandport navy. We're told this is common with pirates she has defeated (mostly because they all love strong women!). Left alone as the singular person who refuses to join her army, Elletrix has no choice but to have him imprisoned. Of course, it doesn't end there, since Elletrix makes it her goal to get this man to change his mind and to walk a better path. I'm sure she likes a challenge every once in a while, as she's the stubborn and strong willed princess, but is in no less a kind person just like her sister.
With that as her goal, perhaps she often visits him, maybe tries to chat, and get to the root of what she can work with. It probably takes a while to make even the smallest breakthrough. This could take months (I'll say about 2-3?), it wouldn't be that easy. After some time, she manages to get the info about Baltazar, whether knowing the two were rivals already and asking herself or he told her himself eventually, perhaps she managed to have him talk about some of Baltazar's last words told to Leon; “Do ye have somethin' precious to ye?”
Now if you read the other post, you would know that I believe that the Eldrite was originally the royal family of Grandport, and the reason behind Elletrix's name. Assuming this is true, that would mean that Elletrix has already met Baltazar in the past, as he was the one who stole it from Grandport, and that he was one of the only pirates to have resisted her forces and successfully steal the Eldrite. With this feat, he gained the title "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Whatever her opinion is on Baltazar now, it needs to not overtake her approach on trying to get to the bottom of everything.
Putting it aside, she relates Baltazar's words to her family's quote of "do you have something to protect". She asks Leon this, and which reminds Leon about when Baltazar asked the question, he had no answer for it then or now. Maybe something about this question causes his demeanor or attitude to change and Elletrix notices it. She knows she struck a nerve and it's something to work with. Not being able to give her an answer, they're left in silence. For the moment, she leaves it alone, simply just saying to think about it. The next time she visits, she asks the question again, to which he says, "I don't know". What I like most about Leon taking a bit of time to open up is because we get told in Tressa's chapter 1 and in the Gate of Finis journal for Graham that he doesn't place his trust in others easily. This time she would say that she can help him figure it out, but he has to let her try. Not being able to do much else, and knowing that if both Baltazar and Elletrix have asked him the same question, he finally agrees, knowing enough that it must be important.
At last being let out of the cell, Elletrix decides to take him around Grandport, perhaps down the docks or into the market. She would talk about the benefit of not being a pirate, being able to instead help people than to take from them, probably reminding Leon of his quote, to which she does know. We know in the later parts of life, he dislikes this saying a lot, and I don't blame him. It's a terrible reminder of the things he might have done to other people, likely even innocents.
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Perhaps after a long walk around the town, seeing all the merchants selling all kinds of wares and being happy while doing so, Elletrix can point out that people worked hard to gain those things in order to sell them again to customers. They earned their wares through honest means, not through stealing. It could remind Leon of the dream that Baltazar spoke of; the dream of being a merchant. This would help remind Leon that his old friend wanted to do something good despite all the sins as a pirate he might have committed. It gives Leon some food for thought.
Obviously, we can't forget about the fact that Leon is supposed to rebuild Baltazar's ship. We'll get to that soon!
I like to think that after a bit of time and the frequent visits while he is in custody, Leon has decided to actually open up about things with Elletrix. Maybe if she learned about the race between Leon and Baltazar, and how it's assumed that Baltazar had died as his body was nowhere to be found. Perhaps when Elletrix learned this, she told the tale of losing her sister to Edoras, not because she wants to share the story with people, but sometimes it helps to relate to someone's problem or grief by talking about your own. Or at least that's how I've always seen it, I struggle to understand something if I can't relate it to something I know. it would show a growing trust between the two. Elletrix and Leon both cared about their deceased loved ones a lot. Remembering that Leon said he found his friend's ship wrecked on the coast, he thinks about that.
Since the questions of what Leon's precious treasure is, or what he protects have been brought up before, this could be where he decides that Baltazar and his ship are his some of his precious treasures. He decides to rebuild the ship as a major step of his rehab. Elletrix chooses to support this idea, and perhaps after a time, she even helps him rebuild it too. At first, I could see Leon being a bit stubborn to wanting her help, as this is his way to atone and to really understand why this ship is his precious treasure, but after a while I think he would accept her help. She's the daughter of the lord of Grandport and is the captain of her own vessel, so I am sure she knows a thing or two about building a ship. Elletrix is a "hands-on, get-it-done" kind of woman. What better way to bond than to work on a difficult project together? You can work on the ship together and just kind of chat to get to know each other. This project would be the thing that would help deepen their friendship.
Building a ship with very few people would take a long time, so this is something he might have worked on for 7+ years, as well as learning the ins and outs of business to be a merchant. Thanks to being in Grandport and having a connection with the respected daughter of the lord, these things are possible. He was likely very busy in the town, and I know that she was involved with his rehabilitation heavily, and perhaps even tagging a long during the times he was learning about being a merchant, you know, if she didn't teach him herself. Again, daughter of the lord of Grandport, I 100% believe she knows this kind of thing.
And during breaks of rebuilding the ship, I could see Elletrix insisting that he tags along with her on her patrols to protect Grandport from nearby pirates that threaten her seas. If he were to do this, he would gain the trust of Grandport's army, the townspeople/merchants, and Elletrix's father, Lord Benedict. At around this time, Benedict would have also grown sick and would have begun to give his role of lord to his daughter. While she may be busy with that kind of thing, and the trust of the ex-pirate is more apparent to her, perhaps he could offer to step in as her replacement to patrol the surrounding waters?
If Leon has been doing this while she cannot, it could tie in perfectly with Elletrix's Traveler Memory later too. Please feel free to watch it! It's a pretty good story! We loved translating this one!
She might have been busy with lord work while he was out at sea to which he rescued a castaway from pirates. The fact she comes in and already has heard about it means it was somewhat connected to her own patrols out on the ocean. He tells her about the Miedo Pirates (Avery, Gacco, and Wappa) and then suggests she deals with them. Plus, when the idea of a battle comes up, she says, "Battle? Sounds exhilarating!" as if it's been a while of being able to do it herself. The use of the exclamation point and quick response was like, "At last!" She's been busy with lord training, that these moments of excitement are likely rare now.
The irony that Avery doesn't like Leon, but I wonder if he's aware that it was Leon that allowed Avery to meet Elletrix at all? It'd be funny if he didn't know that though, or if people told him, he'd just brush it off as false..
In the Traveler Memory, I'll always love these exchanges. There's something about the way he says "my lord" is great. Some people have pet names, but he just calls her as the "lord" or "my lord".
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This one has that right amount of casual humour, something very few would ever be brave enough to do, helping imply that these two are close. Sure, her subordinates have said some things and she normally pays no mind, but that's exactly it, she pays no mind to it., But, in the next dialogue I will share, she does respond.
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This one is after she sends her soldiers to go get ready for battle. He comments about her commanding skills as "scary", but it's got that right amount of humour to it. The fact she responds with a "Hm..." and a somewhat half-laugh audio too. <3 She doesn't often laugh or respond to these kinds of comments, but was able to with his comment? It's intriguing. Something about the fact her eyes are closed as well, I'd believe this comment made her smile as well, another thing she hardly does. To be fair though, people think Leon's pretty scary too. If he can make tease her about that, she can right back. Heck, maybe this is how they would flirt...? <3 I've actually been in the process of drawing this scene. <3
Though honestly, given Elletrix's situation in life, I would not be surprised if she didn't really believe in love all that much. Losing her sister, and Ulrica having to marry someone like Pardis III, is obviously not a form of "love" (Elletrix wouldn't know about Rembrandt/Ulrica though, that was obviously more true love), we don't know who or where Elletrix's mother is. Maybe she left her family and husband after Ulrica was given to Edoras...? Making love seem less real from a younger person's perspective. Not to mention the fact that Elletrix's army, almost half of them or more claim they are in love with her, it probably also sullies the idea it's real. As mentioned earlier, she doesn't react to them when they say things like that to her. So then if you have someone like Leon who manages to prove that it is real, seems kinda interesting. Basically, Paramore's "Only Exception" is now an Elleon song.
My brother tells me he likes the idea of them just keeping it more to themselves for a while, perhaps not really sure how it would be taken as a famous pirate being with the new lord of the kingdom. I do agree though, I find it might be difficult for people to process at first. It's very opposite to what a person would expect from her at first assumption. But, that's what makes it so interesting. On the brightside, it's clear that lots of people actually don't know who Leon is. His story tells us that he has done a very excellent job keeping his identity hidden. I'm sure that was also the help of Elletrix as well. I imagine she has the ability to make sure any of her rehabilitees are protected from people's judgement. If anyone's doing the judgement, it will be her if they step out of line.
Having mentioned his Traveler Story now, the possible timing of the story works out. Since it takes place in Grandport, it might be the most recent visit of his. The great thing about when he gets to Grandport is he says that it "smells of treasure... and danger". Let's be real, he was talking about Elletrix. He was likely going to visit his girlfriend, as well as go do some merchant business, but learned she wasn't there (if we're going with the Bestower of All plotline, she's busy helping to save the continent right now!). So instead some other things happen, and he helps out the painter Bastian instead, as well as help deal with the Chimera Pirates while she is absent.
We will have Leon's Traveler Story uploaded in time, so please be patient with us!
As for the current year of the first game. I'll say that the reason Leon was not a part of the Merchant's Fair competition in Grandport was because he was spending time with Elletrix and watching the competition from a more "VIP" area. I'd say that by this point, they're a little more public about their relationship. I'm not entirely sure what Benedict's status is either, but the two of them might be the true standing rulers of Grandport by now.
As for the Eldrite, since I did mention that, but never mentioned it again, and we just brought up the Merchant's Fair. I would imagine that Leon has confessed to her that he as allowed Tressa to keep it. Honestly, I think she'd be okay with that, even if the Eldrite was once Grandport's treasure, and likely the thing she was named after. Over time, just like Leon, she learns that her own treasure was not the gem, but probably the love of her kingdom. She cares about her home a lot, so the city would be her most precious treasure.
I am really thinking about writing this story out.
For a timeline of the events I'd probably write, it'd be like this:
Ages in the first game would be Leon at 33 and Elletrix at 41. There is an 8 year difference between them.
Elletrix (~17) | Ulrica (~20) | Leon (9) | Baltazar (~13) --- 24 years to Present Time - Elletrix loses her sister, Ulrica, in an exchange for "peace" by the kingdom of Edoras. Ulrica marries King Pardis III. - Leon and Baltazar are struggling to live in the old quarter of Victors Hollow. They result to thievery to survive.
Elletrix (~20) | Ulrica (~23) | Leon (12) | Baltazar (~16) --- 21 years to Present Time - Elletrix decides to keep herself preoccupied from losing her sister by head to the ocean to protect her kingdom. She also recruits ex-pirates as soldiers for Grandport's navy. - Leon and Baltazar have chosen to become pirates in order to better support themselves. Stealing from the rich and weak alike.
Elletrix (~24) | Ulrica (~27) | Leon (16) | Baltazar (~20) --- 17 years to Present Time - Elletrix knows of her nieces, Elrica and Araune, and she travels to Cragspear to rescue them and her sister. Ulrica refuses, and Elletrix leaves before the Edoras soldiers find out. She swears she will never forgive Edoras for stealing her sister from her. - Leon and Baltazar have come to be known as the Sea Serpent and Wild Eagle.
Elletrix (~26) | Ulrica (~29) | Leon (18) | Baltazar (~22) --- 15 years to Present Time - - Leon and Baltazar have a sort of on/off "relationship". It's less of a real relationship, mostly just sexual tension. "Rivals", you know. - Ulrica chooses to protect her daughters by ending her own life. King Pardis III chooses to let his kids live. Elletrix hears the news about Queen Ulrica's death, causing her to hate Edoras even more. - Leon hears about a famous ore called Eldrite that resides with the royal family of Grandport. He aims to try and take it, but Baltazar is quicker to action. - Baltazar goes to Grandport and attacks Elletrix's ship. While she's still grieving from the loss of her sister, her ability to defend her treasure is lesser. He comes out as the victor and steals the Eldrite from her. This earns him the title of "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Elletrix might have asked him if stealing from the "hurt", making a reference to Pardis III taking her sister, was worth it. Since then he has questioned his role as a pirate, remembering his childhood dream of being a merchant.
Elletrix (~28) | Leon (20) | Baltazar (~24) --- 13 years to Present Time - Since stealing from Elletrix, Baltazar has begun to act different. He acts distant, and Leon has no idea why. Baltazar asks Leon what his most precious treasure is, Leon cannot answer. - The race between them happens, and Baltazar is the winner as his boat made it to the island first, but he is also assumed dead and no body is found. Leon grieves for his lost friend. - Baltazar used the storm as a way to fake his death, and he escapes, hiding away from Leon to one day making his way towards the East to become a merchant.
Elletrix (~29) | Leon (21) --- 12 years to Present Time - Leon's drive as a pirate has lessened since losing Baltazar. He makes his way towards the Coastlands, where he chooses to challenge a Grandport vessel, to which it ends up being Elletrix's. - Unlike when Elletrix lost to Baltazar, she succeeds against Leon. Taking him and his crew into custody, many of his crew choose to abandon pirate life and pledge to join her army. Leon refuses, and is imprisoned. - Elletrix makes it her goal to get Leon to change his mind, seeing value in him, despite his crimes. Stubborn to agree, it takes about 2-3 months to finally accept her offer of help. - Another month passes, and Leon chooses to rebuild his friend's ship to keep himself busy while being reformed. Elletrix supports the idea and chooses to personally watch over his progress herself. Occasionally, Elletrix helps him with the construction, much to his dismay at first, he gets used to it and eventually accepts her help. - During the months of rebuilding the ship, Elletrix and Leon have begun to develop a bit of a mutual trust. Leon tells her about Baltazar's dream of becoming a merchant. He decides he will do it for him. Elletrix offers to have him trained.
Elletrix (~30) | Leon (22) --- 11 years to Present Time - Leon's training as a merchant has gone smoothly, having already the talent to appraise an item's worth during the time he was a pirate. Alongside ship construction and merchant training, he sometimes accompanies Elletrix on her patrols to protect the Grandport seas.
Elletrix (~31) | Leon (23) --- 10 years to Present Time - At the 3rd anniversary of losing Baltazar, Leon requests to borrow a ship from Elletrix to travel to Victors Hollow, so he can pay respects to his friend from now on. Having more trust in the ex-pirate, she lends him a ship and a small crew of her army, giving them permission to cut Leon down if he makes even one wrong move. "Scary as ever, my lord." :') - She uses this as an opportunity to test his morals. Along with his goal of visiting his old town, Elletrix suggests taking this chance to put his business methods to the test. - The journey goes smoothly and he has a toast to his celebrate Baltazar's life, thanking him for the opportunity to become a new man. Before he could travel back to Grandport, he is approached by Graham Crossford who asks to board his ship to reach Bolderfall quicker. Graham's journal is left behind. - Having been gone for ~2 months, he finally returns back to Grandport, Leon reports to Elletrix that everything went well. Since coming back, their construction project of the ship continues, as does accompanying Elletrix's patrols.
Elletrix (~33) | Leon (25) --- 8 years to Present Time - Lord Benedict, Elletrix's father, has begun to grow ill, but he doesn't shirk his duty as lord. However, he begins to make sure that Elletrix is prepared to take the role one day. She becomes less available for helping ship construction or patrolling the sea. Leon offers to take her place.
Elletrix (~34) | Leon (26) --- 7 years to Present Time -Elletrix has been busy with transitioning as the lord, that she sometimes feels "trapped", not being able to go to the sea as often. However, she takes her duties seriously and is becoming a great lord. - The Miedo Pirates have been targeting the Grandport area, taking down merchant ships. Leon hears of it, and reports to Elletrix. Elletrix's Traveler Memory takes place and she recruits Wappa as a helmsman and Avery and Gacco as soldiers.
Elletrix (~36) | Leon (28) --- 5 years to Present Time - At this point, Leon and Elletrix are very close friends. Though Avery is very loyal to his new lord, he is bothered by the closeness that Elletrix has with Leon, especially with all the time she spends helping him rebuild his ship. - Seven years total have past since the ship construction project begun. The ship is completed. Elletrix gives Leon full freedom to travel away from Grandport without her watch. He accepts, and goes on a journey to prove his mettle as a merchant.
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent begins. Major spoilers ahead for "Master of All", "Bestower of Power", and "Bestower of All". This won't be written in full detail, as it will one day be written in the CotC story about Shelby (our story's Chosen One). I still feel the need to summarize events anyway. Feel free to quit reading here!
Elletrix (~38) | Leon (30) --- 3 years to Present Time - The news about Princess Elrica's trial arrives. Not wanting to see Pardis III, Elletrix sends a Grandport official in her place to vote to keep Elrica alive. The Meeting of Kings ends with Pardis III winning, giving him permission to execute his daughter. This refuels her hatred for Edoras. - Being gone for two years, Leon finds himself missing Grandport and Elletrix's company. He makes his way towards Grandport again. Upon arrival, he learns that Elletrix has officially taken the role as the standing lord now that Benedict is too bedridden to continue on. He sticks around to support her as the new lord and helping her get through her father's illness, as well as the execution of her niece.
Elletrix (~39) | Leon (31) --- 2 years to Present Time - The war with Orsterra and G'roha begins. Elletrix is approached by Queen Araune of Edoras to ask for help to defend Orsterra. After a direct attack on her city happens, she accepts to aid Araune. Leon, who has remained in Grandport since coming back, also helps out. - After the war, he decides to confess his feelings to Elletrix, but has a bit of doubt they would be reciprocated knowing her stance on "love". Since almost all of her whole army is in love with her, he doesn't want to come across as "just another one". To his surprise, she tells him she feels the same, and they choose to be a couple, but decide to keep it to themselves while the city is still healing from the scars of war. After the final battle with G'roha, he leaves Grandport again, but promises to come back soon.
Elletrix (~40) | Leon (32) --- 1 year to Present Time - Elletrix is called by Finis to meet with other heroes on the Isle of Orsa to witness the sealing of the Divine Rings with the Chosen One. It ends in betrayal by Sazantos as he wounds Finis, steals the rings aside from the Flamebringer's, and he escapes. Elletrix helps support the Guardians of the Light against Sazantos. - At some point, Leon's Traveler Story begins as he makes his return to Grandport to see Elletrix again. Finding out she's absent, he sticks around Grandport, meeting Bastian, and deals with the Chimera Pirates (as they claim they murdered himself and Baltazar at some point) in place of Elletrix. - With permission from Benedict, if he's not dead anyway, haven't had word from him in forever, Leon tells him that he loves his daughter and would like to ask her hand in marriage one day. Benedict approves, and Leon acts as the substitute lord in her place. - Whatever else happens in Bestower of All, I have yet to learn.
Elletrix (~41) | Leon (33) --- Present Time - CotC plot is over, first game events happen as already written.
If you made it this far, you deserve a pat on the back, because this got long, and I know it's full of rambles!
I've been very "Noelle" in these last few days, I had so much fun thinking about all this story potential.
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thinkoutsidethefox · 1 year
So I had some mixed feelings in a phone call with my dad last night. I found out he is in the same state as me for work so I called him to make some plans for him on his least busy day. But I got to talking with him and it was like -- you know when you talk to your best friend and then everything is going great? And then they bring up their other friend who used to be your best friend but now you are little more than people who know each other? Yeah. So my dad started talking about my mom. Saying she is off doing this and that. And I thought that was funny because as her daughter, she never has time for me. I message her and I get an "Okay" or "Nice" or sometimes I just get 👍. And I am reaching out to her to talk with her. At first it was like tv shows, movies, games, any common subject we usually share. Radio Silence. Then I would tell her about things that excite me or things that bring me dopamine or events I'm attending. Radio Silence. Last week I messaged her about my quilt I'm making and how I wanted some old clothes(fabrics) from her and my dad so I can include them in my blanket. All I got was a "Can do." Not once did she take interest in the fact I am learning a new art because until now I've never sewn before only cross stitched. Didn't ask me anything at all. BUT-- She will go out of her way to tell me when a cat on her property that I have never met before has run away, gone missing or has passed away. IN FULL FUCKING DETAIL! Like I'm not a grim person, I know things die but that doesn't mean I wanna talk about it ALL THE TIME! But it is the ONLY thing she reaches out to me about. Now if it wasn't clear before I am ADHD, I would like to say I'm pretty manageable. I do tend to forget to message people sometimes and I don't tend to start a conversation with a "Hello. How are you?" because I don't really do the chit chat. I WILL message you if I find something funny and think "Man you know who would like this? Blah blah blah." So I send you this message. Maybe give you a good laugh right? Anyway, I have sidetracked a little for backstory purposes. My dad starts making excuses as to why my mom doesn't message me back. "You know it is pretty hard to set a craft project down to text people sometimes? I barely get answers back."(I craft and I still answer people) or "She has her cats to take care of and that is ALOT of work."(I know I used to run her 'sanctuary' before it became a hording problem.) Or "Sometimes she just doesn't feel like talking to people." (I know I go nonverbal alot!) Just excuse after excuse and I finally cut him off. And I was like: "Look. I get it she is a busy person. But I AM HER DAUGHTER. She doesn't take my calls. I'm not just talking about right this second. I'm talking about EVER WHEN I CALL HER! She doesn't have a conversation with me -- AGAIN -- Not right this moment but EVER WHEN I MESSAGE HER! You can keep up this delusion you got going if that makes you happy... But I will not. I have friends and family who call and answer me when it is bad timing for them BUT THEY STILL PICK UP THE GOD-DAMN PHONE! Hell, my godmother answered her phone and FELL OFF A LADDER on the phone with me once. And she didn't rush me off the phone. Didn't blame me for the accident. EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING KEEPING THEM BUSY. Which is fine. But I refuse to sit here and think she is busy ALL THE DAMN TIME. I won't allow it. So she can talk to me when it is able to be marked in her very busy schedule. I'm done. I don't want to waste my time anymore." He was very quiet after this. But I think I am being more than fair. She has treated me like I was the thorn in her side for YEARS. Like literally since I was 13-14... I am 28 years old now. Either step up and be my mother or don't. But at the end of the day, blood or not, I will cut ties to keep my own sanity and I will mourn that loss as just that: A loss. I will pick myself up and I will move on. I deserve a parent who is there for me. You don't have to be there 24/7.. But right now she isn't even there on weekends and holidays. I deserve better.
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iamshay · 2 years
My side of story.
They are discussing the idea of addressing a situation publicly. Allow me to provide the full context. Please note that I will be providing a comprehensive account of the events, including any relevant details. Despite the possibility of others twisting or misrepresenting the information, I will share it openly.
It all started when I met Zovo randomly. He was recommended to me and we quickly connected over shared interests. He offered to mod me in his chat, and I accepted. Shortly after, Social also modded me in his chat, and I gifted him 20 subs as a gesture of goodwill.
As we continued to talk and get to know each other, we all hung out in Discord calls. That's when I met Baba, who I didn't know was a streamer at the time. They would often speak about female streamers and pornographic content on the platform, among other things. I also noticed that they would restream other streams and make derogatory comments about them.
While I signed up for the streaming platform Kick in December, I have not streamed on it yet. I had some issues with getting my name right and feeling comfortable without it. I reached out to Kick support, who advised me to contact them on Twitter. However, this is not relevant to the current situation.
The issue at hand is that these individuals are claiming that I have said toxic things. In reality, I was trying to moderate a viewer who was being disrespectful towards me, using derogatory language and insults. Despite my warnings, he continued to act inappropriately, and I had no choice but to take action.
Furthermore, I have been accused of being entitled, which I find unjustified. I have seen other streamers on Kick get verified, despite having a minimal following or audience reach. My concern is that the verification process is not based on quality, and that it is unfair to those who have put in more effort and dedication.
In light of these accusations, I would like to share all of the DMs exchanged between us, so that everyone can have access to the full conversation. I take this matter seriously and would like to ensure that my side of the story is heard.
Everything was going well until this point. I messaged Zovo and told him that I don't want to associate with Social anymore because he has shown his true colors. I know they are friends and he will have his back, but I just wanted to let him know that if Social is going to twist things, he should do it now and not later. Then, he said something that changed everything.
During my interaction with Zovo, everything was going smoothly until a person named Baba appeared. I joined the Kick Discord call where a few individuals were present, none of whom I knew except for Baba. After socializing and connecting with them, I noticed that Baba was also present. While on the call, one of the guys who was playing Valorant with Baba, began to display toxic and hateful behavior for no apparent reason. At no point did I mention that I was going to report Baba, but I did express my intention to do so because of the behavior of his friend. Given that Baba and I had a prior relationship, I messaged him to ask why he wasn't speaking up against his friend's behavior, even though he wasn't responsible for the actions of others. As someone who claims to be cool with everyone, it's common courtesy to stand up and say that such behavior is not acceptable. Baba and I have been in the same call for over a week and have had conversations on various topics, including verified accounts and people breaking terms of service. I had certain expectations from Baba because he had been going around saying that we are all a community, family, and content creators. However, his silence towards his own friend's toxicity was disappointing. I responded in a negative manner, but it was only because I refuse to allow anyone to walk over me for no reason.
It appears that he went to Zovo to vent about a situation that arose after I was removed as a moderator. Zovo had assured him that he was working to resolve the issue and re-modded me without specifying the reason for doing so. Now he is making accusations against me without providing any specific details about my alleged wrongdoing. To clarify, I had not taken any action against Zovo other than serving as a moderator for him.
Based on my observations, it seems that he came after me because of a message I sent regarding a person I saw on the Kick call Discord who is frequently in calls with Social and active in his chat. I believe that the toxicity originated from Social and that all of them are part of a group.
Narcissism is characterized by extreme self-involvement that leads a person to disregard the needs and feelings of those around them. While it is possible for anyone to display occasional narcissistic behavior, individuals with true narcissistic tendencies frequently exhibit a lack of concern for others and a lack of understanding regarding how their actions affect others. The behavior of this particular group of individuals demonstrates how they have thrown someone under the bus and exhibited narcissistic traits.
To clarify, I never stated that I would report Baba. I did, however, express my intention to report his friend if they continued to display toxic behavior. I also mentioned that I would speak with the staff because I did not want to engage in a back-and-forth exchange with them. Following this, I left the call, and a trans individual who was present called out the toxic behavior, stating that the person needed to stop behaving inappropriately towards females. I am uncertain of the identity of this individual, but I found it annoying that they inserted themselves into the situation. Later, I learned that the individual had been speaking negatively about me. Additionally, a streamer named Randomzfx had been streaming during the call, and I overheard them discussing me. I later discovered that they had deleted the VOD, along with others that incriminated them, in an attempt to manipulate the situation to their advantage.
He has accused me of harassing him, but he is twisting the truth and pretending to be ignorant of the situation. During the Kick VC Discord call, there were several people talking simultaneously, and I did not direct any comments towards him. Instead, I expressed my frustration to a third party that his friend was behaving in a toxic manner, and I asked him to intervene since I thought we were on good terms. I have noticed that this group of individuals frequently pretends to be friendly and uses phrases like "we are family," but their behavior suggests otherwise. For example, there was drama between verified users, Elisabetexo and Social on Twitter and in the verified chat. Social was accused of harassing Elisabetexo.
During the incident, one person in the group warned me that these people pretend to be friends but never vouch for anyone. I have also heard from other sources, whom I will not name, that many people in the igypc chat took their side without considering the full context of the situation. They were mocking me and insulting me about my age and skill level in Apex, despite the fact that I had been streaming for hours and was exhausted. I eventually blocked them after posting screenshots, but they continued to harass me on their streams. Baba even told them that he never watches my streams, but I know that they lurk in my chat and restream my content for their own purposes. They never offered a sincere apology and their attempts at apologies were insincere and inadequate.
It's frustrating when someone doesn't seem to be taking your evidence or context into consideration, especially when it comes to a situation that's causing you stress or harm. It might be helpful to try to have a calm, clear conversation with the person and explain your perspective in a way that's easy for them to understand. You could also consider involving a neutral third party to help mediate the conversation if you feel that it would be beneficial. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize your own mental health and well-being in situations like this, and to remember that you don't have to engage with people who are causing you harm or stress.
It is remarkable that despite providing all relevant context, including screenshots and video recordings, the recipient has reneged on their initial agreement. They seem to have expected someone who merely watched the videos, without taking into account that I had no opportunity to make changes since I was streaming while downloading the VODs.
Furthermore, the individual in question had deleted their VOD and had reportedly received coaching from kick staff on what to say in response. I have known the recipient for some time, and during her stream, she even asked if it was too much, to which I responded affirmatively. Despite this, the support I received was insufficient, and I was met with hostility from members of the same community who referred to me as a slut in her chat. Although the recipient was reading the chat, these comments were ignored, and the perpetrators were not banned. Even after being harassed on stream for over an hour, I banned these individuals, yet they continued to watch me in their stream and engage in negative commentary. The entire situation is frustrating and unacceptable.
This is the record of our conversation since we are discussing the topic of clearing the air. I am taking this opportunity to express my full transparency.
During our offline conversation, I provided the full context of the situation to igypc since she was unable to grasp my perspective during the stream. I also informed her that I intended to explain myself on her stream and wrote down everything in detail, as per her request for a full context. I requested that she approach the conversation with an open mind.
In the message above, I was informing igypc about the harassment I had been experiencing and had sent her a screenshot of the chat as evidence. As the VOD was too large to be shared over Discord, I had emailed it to her, and she had watched half of it before stepping away from her computer.
At present, I have not had the chance to watch the VODs as I was in the middle of my own streaming session. However, I had noticed that Amir was live, and I clicked on their stream. It was then that I saw that they had my stream pulled up, which prompted me to download their VOD immediately as I suspected that they would delete it.
I have shared the direct messages (DMs) that I sent to baba, and I can confirm that there was no instance of harassment or any other form of inappropriate behavior. I communicated with him in a normal, civil manner, but he still twisted my words to suit his narrative. I have provided unedited screenshots of our DMs, with only minor corrections made to ensure that my words were accurately conveyed. Nothing was deleted or omitted.
It is frustrating to hear that they are twisting the situation and portraying me as the aggressor. In reality, I have always been upfront and direct with anyone that I have had an issue with, and I do not talk behind people's backs like they have done with me. I have no qualms about sharing all of our DMs as evidence.
In my previous message, I mentioned that Zovo had claimed that he is not anyone important despite being verified, while they continue to spout the same nonsense in that guy's stream and to igypc. Baba, on the other hand, was likely only verified due to his large following on YouTube, which I can show you as evidence. He has been bragging about his connections to Eddie, the owner of the platform, and acts as if he is untouchable. Baba believes that Eddie won't see anything wrong with him encouraging harassment, and they do not seem to see anything wrong with their actions.
While Baba has been verified, it is not a significant accomplishment in my eyes. He is not even a partner on Twitch and has paid for his Twitter checkmark. Baba has a false sense of importance and thinks that he is a big deal, but in reality, he is just another Adin Ross fanboy.
The exhibited behavior is indicative of narcissism. I defended myself against the harassment inflicted upon me and was met with a haughty attitude. Meanwhile, the person in question was typing away on VOD, exhibiting traits similar to those of a wannabe XQC. The glorification of such behavior is disappointing, and the fact that it was ignored by others is equally disheartening. I must confess that I was unaware of the identities of these individuals until I saw them on Kick.
To be clear, I have been in the streaming industry since the days of Blog TV, and I am well aware of the movers and shakers in this realm. I am not implying that certain people are unworthy of their status; however, favoritism is undoubtedly prevalent, and some individuals are spoken about in a derogatory manner. Furthermore, if viewers dislike the content presented, what are their options if the streamers proceed to mock them?
The staff at Kick has chosen to feature such content on their front page, and their solution to the ensuing harassment is to ban the affected parties. I must acknowledge that I am not without fault; however, I have never intentionally wronged anyone. Rather, I have simply expressed my views and opinions, as is my right. Some have accused me of harassment and entitlement, but I have been advised by both staff and others that such discussions are not advisable as they reflect poorly on Kick.
In December, I created an account on Twitch. Some individuals who were subsequently banned from Twitch joined Kick. While I have not yet streamed, I have observed and spoken with other individuals who are aware of the process. Verified individuals have shared with me that they were able to obtain verification despite having a relatively small social media following. Meanwhile, despite my streaming efforts on Kick for several days and hours, I have yet to receive verification.
It is disheartening to see others obtain verification after just a few hours of streaming, while I have been overlooked. I cannot help but wonder if there are individuals who are intentionally impeding my progress, as they may hold resentment towards me. A third party even expressed to me that they noticed my contributions and kindness, but feared informing me directly. I, in turn mad at them, encouraged this individual to share their thoughts with me, as I tend to be overly trusting of others.
Expressing my personal opinion cannot be deemed as harassment. It appears that there is an inherent double standard at play, where individuals are free to express their views without repercussion, while I am unjustly criticized for doing the same.
The level of narcissism and gaslighting that I have witnessed, particularly in the context of the individual's podcast, is concerning. It is unfair and unwarranted to label me as entitled, simply for voicing my view on the matter. It is disheartening to see individuals receive verification based solely on recommendations from friends, while professional players are made to wait for their turn. Such a system undermines the integrity of the verification process and is not reflective of a merit-based approach.
Those who are familiar with me understand that I am a straightforward and honest individual who does not shy away from expressing my thoughts and opinions. I pride myself on being direct and never engaging in backbiting or gossiping about others.
When I have an issue with someone, I address it with them directly and in a respectful manner. It is simply not in my nature to be dishonest or manipulative, and those who know me can attest to this fact. Therefore, it is clear that any accusations of entitlement on my part are unfounded and baseless.
It is concerning that individuals who have harassed and spoken negatively about me are now seeking to involve others in their behavior. Such actions are unacceptable and demonstrate a lack of integrity and respect for others.
It is important to address these issues directly with those involved, rather than engaging in gossip or backbiting. I remain committed to maintaining a respectful and honest approach to all interactions on the platform, and I expect the same from others.
It is concerning to hear that individuals are receiving verification on the platform without having put in the required work or effort. Such actions undermine the integrity of the verification process and disadvantage those who have worked hard to build a following and establish themselves on the platform.
It is essential that the verification process remains fair and unbiased, and that all individuals have an equal opportunity to be verified based on their merit and efforts. As a community, we must prioritize transparency and accountability to ensure that all members can thrive and succeed on the platform.
There is a group of individuals who have been spreading rumors and distorting my words. I am not bothered by their attempts to report me or silence me, but I have become the victim of their harassment. These individuals are part of a group that was invited by IGYPc, as seen in the screenshots, and they expect me to sit down with them despite their reputation for terrorizing women on this platform. They seem to believe that they are untouchable due to their friendship with the owner.
I have received requests to add these individuals on Discord, but I have declined as they cannot handle being called out for their shady behavior on Kick. They engage in view botting, play police, and seek out female content creators to restream and mock. They often delete their vods after engaging in such behavior. This pattern of behavior was first directed at ASMR creators and now it has come to me.
I have blocked these individuals and moved on, but they continue to talk about me on Discord calls in Kick VC. It's amusing how they claim that I am new to Kick when, in fact, I have had an account since December. These individuals have zero content and rely on restreaming and watching others grind on Kick. After spending hours grinding with randoms on Apex, they suddenly appeared and started baiting me with views and mentioning social media.
I have only defended myself against their attacks, but they cannot handle being called out for their actions. They claim that the issue has been resolved, but in reality, they only had their own talk. I will not participate in a group call with individuals who have harassed me. Kick staff has not shown me any respect, nor have they demonstrated that they value my safety or comfort.
In conclusion, I have already shared my DMs with these individuals, and they have responded by claiming that their behavior is not harassment. However, I will not remain silent while they continue to attack me. I have removed them from my contacts, and I will not engage with them in the future.
The fact that these individuals engaged in harassment towards me live on the Kick platform is unacceptable, and their claim that it was not harassment is incorrect. I have posted the entire vod on my YouTube channel for anyone to see.
If Kick allows this level of harassment to continue, it will become a platform that condones such behavior. These individuals do not see their actions as harassment, but it is clear to me that they are wrong. If any other platform with terms of service, such as Twitch, YouTube, or TikTok, were presented with this evidence, these individuals would be taken down.
However, it seems that some individuals on Kick are playing favorites based on their personal relationships with others. This is clear favoritism and Kick is no better than Twitch in terms of unfairness. They claim to value transparency and want to improve, but the fact that this happened on International Women's Day, when I was already being harassed earlier in the day due to my time zone difference, is unacceptable.
If Kick were to ban me, despite me being the victim of harassment on the platform, it would be yet another example of the pattern of behavior that other female creators have experienced. If these individuals were in my shoes, they would be making endless videos about it. It is unacceptable that one of the individuals engaging in this behavior was verified by a Kick admin, as this person represents Kick and their behavior reflects poorly on the platform.
I want to make it clear that I was never informed by Bangleaf that this was going to happen. As you can see from our DMs, she did call them out on their behavior, but I was not made aware of their intentions.
It is concerning to me that this group of individuals goes around talking about me and others, and even people like Zovo and Lauren Yuppy have discussed Kick's lack of quality checking and how they hand out partners and verifications. I have noticed this trend since I signed up in December. It is also troubling that Kick admins allow these individuals to talk about creators in meetings and only give them a slap on the wrist when they are schooled.
I fear that Kick may ban me simply to prove their point and silence me when I am being attacked. This type of behavior is driven by ego, as these individuals believe that they can act this way when they receive even the slightest bit of attention from Train or Eddie. It is unacceptable that Eddie, as the owner, does not seem to care about the impression these individuals are giving of his platform.
It's troubling to me that the individuals in the group call were not able to understand the definition of harassment, as demonstrated by their behavior towards me on stream. It's disheartening that I have to bring up an example like Pokimane's harassment to make my point clear. In her case, her stream was pulled up and she was told to go over it. This is not acceptable behavior, and the fact that it was supported by the individuals in the call is concerning.
I had hoped that the female member of the group would understand my point of view as a fellow woman, but instead, she seemed to be glorifying their behavior and viewing it as content. I encourage anyone who wants to see this behavior firsthand to look up the VOD of igypc.
I also want to point out that my messages have been deleted by the mod, and that nothing has been resolved. All I have seen is the individuals in the call supporting each other, rather than acknowledging the harm they have caused.
This is the platform's response: a ban or departure. They believe this is a welcoming approach. Essentially, they are communicating that if you do not agree with their methods, they do not care about your feelings, and you can leave. If this platform is not holding individuals accountable for their actions, what happened to me on stream, when I had blocked and moved away from them, and they came to my name and mentioned me, attempting to make me answer them, is outrageous.
The entire video on demand (VOD) is evidence of harassment. I was minding my own business, streaming for hours, and some people left, while others stayed and kept the tab open for me. HOW IS THIS NOT HARASSMENT?! I am a female streamer who has been having a difficult time off-stream lately, and I get on the stream to work hard, mind my own business, and become frustrated because of random individuals being a pain in the ass in-game. They all laughed and mocked my age, asking me for it and ridiculing it. This is what verified individuals do. Please watch and approach this with an open mind. Put yourself in my shoes. As a woman and as a human being with a soul, you should never consider this acceptable.
Please carefully review all the screenshots I have provided. In their kick video, Igypc is from the channel. They claim that I have harassed them via direct message, among other things. I want to assure you that this claim is entirely false.
Also, if you cannot locate their video on Kick, I have downloaded them talking to IGYPC. copy that I can upload onto YouTube for you to look at. Please leave a comment on my YouTube video in which they are seen harassing me, and I will be more than happy to post the entire video for your convenience.
In the so-called podcast vibe, igypc had
Due to her closed-mindedness, she expected me to participate in a call with the same individuals who initiated harassment against me and play the victim, despite their failure to provide any evidence of me harassing them. I resorted to name-calling only in self-defense, after they started attacking me. However, I did not engage in any activity to gather my community to harass them. Moreover, they are accusing me of using the word "pack," but the timing of the DM suggests that the person in question was streaming a boxing match featuring Ice Poseidon, a fact that their friend Sponge is aware of. I was watching Sponge's stream at the same time when he mentioned that a fat guy was streaming the match, which is not allowed. Unfortunately, Zovo weakly and foolishly failed to consider the timing. I only used the word "pack" to communicate effectively in their language, as I had learned that they use this term whenever they report someone to kick or ban them.
Requesting that a victim join a call to explain the emotional distress caused by harassment is not only insensitive but also disrespectful. This behavior is particularly concerning when it comes from someone who associates with the harassers, especially when that person used to be a friend who was known for a while. It is especially disheartening to observe this behavior, particularly given that there has been no resolution to the issue at hand.
When we glorify problematic behavior and amplify it by giving those responsible a larger platform, we contribute to the problem. Additionally, when individuals engage in harmful actions and then attempt to evade accountability by playing the victim, it only exacerbates the issue. Furthermore, if we fail to acknowledge problematic behavior and even encourage it by condoning or even enjoying it, we become part of the problem.
It is regrettable that the person in question is only now noticing the problematic behavior of their associates, even going so far as to befriend those responsibly. Unfortunately, I cannot maintain a friendship with someone who glorifies and supports individuals who engage in such behavior. Had I known the true nature of these people, I would not have wasted any time or energy trying to show them love and support. Like tf since breezy knew each other.
It is difficult to believe that the deletion of my comment was a mere coincidence, especially given the circumstances surrounding it. The fact that the person in question deleted my comment only after becoming a mod in IGYPc, but did not do so when someone else called me derogatory names, suggests that their actions may be disingenuous. In light of these events, it is understandable to question the sincerity and authenticity of this individual.
Individuals who engage in such behavior are unlikely to find lasting success, even in their streaming careers. Ultimately, they will only be supported by their most devoted fans, while others will be repelled by their actions. Moreover, as evidence of their behavior becomes more widely known, they will find it increasingly difficult to find allies or supporters. In the end, those who engage in this type of behavior will be left with a narrow circle of supporters, while the wider community moves on without them.
Over the years, I have observed individuals being "canceled" in the streaming industry, some justifiably, and some unjustly. This is a well-known phenomenon. As people become more attuned to the impact of problematic behavior, they tend to be more focused on promoting empathy and respect towards others. While some may continue to be drawn to more sensational or provocative content, there will always be those who find such behavior unacceptable. Ultimately, when the truth comes to light and receipts are shared, here those who engage in inappropriate or harmful behavior will face consequences, while those who act with integrity will continue to thrive. It is unfortunate that in my case, despite providing my perspective, I have been subject to unwarranted harassment from others.
It's important to remember that everyone is responsible for their own behavior, and it can have consequences for their career and reputation. It's also important to recognize that success in streaming and content creation is not guaranteed, and requires consistent effort, hard work, and a willingness to adapt and evolve with the industry.
Platforms like Dual and Twitch rely on their community of content creators and viewers to thrive, and it's important for everyone to treat each other with respect and professionalism. Poor behavior can have a negative impact not only on an individual's career, but on the platform as a whole.
It's also worth considering that while big content creators may have a large following and a lucrative brand, they still have to work hard to maintain their success and stay relevant in a constantly changing industry. It's not always easy to build a sustainable career in streaming and content creation, and it requires a lot of dedication and hard work.
Ultimately, success in streaming and content creation requires a combination of talent, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow. It's important for everyone in the industry to work together to create a positive and supportive community that can thrive and evolve over time.
Behaving in such a manner is highly unlikely to result in any positive outcomes. I can assure you that these individuals lack the necessary awareness and understanding of how businesses operate. Their misguided belief that viewbotting will lead to fame and sponsorship is a fallacy. Any reputable company will scrutinize their activities and analyze their viewership metrics thoroughly. If their chat activity fails to correspond with their viewship and if their viewership is not genuine, companies will not be inclined to work with them, even if they happen to be an admirer of Adin Ross. Which he got dropped from his sponsorship dual his bad behavior on stream. See how easy is that for company find out.
It is regrettable that these individuals may choose to mock me, but they are clearly unaware of the inner workings of real businesses. They likely live at home, receiving support from their parents, and have no experience in the business world. As someone who has worked in business all my life and has gained an intimate understanding of how companies operate, I can attest that they will search and analyze an individual's history in detail before deciding to work with them.
Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.
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Click watch on youtube. I had to put it into mature cuz of youtube told me so.
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spookybias · 3 years
wheresoever you go ‣ [ choi yeonjun ] ✧
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn! reader
genre: fluff, angst | established relationship au | long distance trope.
description: yeonjun as your long distance boyfriend. in this one, the reader lives and goes to college in seoul, south korea (at first).
warning: insecurities. brief mention of suggestive content.
word count: 1.4k
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yeonjun was a clingy boyfriend. when he greeted you, he'd give you a big hug and kiss the top of your head. he always insisted on walking you home, whether it was day or night when the two of you would part ways. and since both of you had pretty busy schedules, yeonjun would make time to talk to you or meet up with you whenever he could.
when you broke the news that you were moving, yeonjun wasn't too phased at first. in his mind, there was nothing in the world that could tear you two apart. you were in love with each other and that was all that mattered. but as soon as he learned how far you were going, the weight of the situation became too much for him.
you picked a tile on the cafe floor and decided that you'd keep your eyes there so as to not see the look on yeonjun's face when you told him the bad news. "yeonjun, my family's moving and i want to go with them."
yeonjun gave you his famous smile, the one that was reserved for 'you're so cute' moments. he chuckled, "that's so sweet of you. where are you guys going? daegu? ansan?" he stirred his drink with his bendy straw and you watched as the chocolate milkshake swirled around. that, along with the bomb you had to drop on your boyfriend, was making you dizzy. you had chosen the cafe for a reason; neither of you were bold enough to make a scene in public.
you swallowed, but couldn't seem to make your throat feel less dry. "outside of the country, jjunie."
yeonjun stopped stirring his milkshake. he leaned back in the brown leather armchair of the cafe. "like, japan?"
you blinked back tears and tried not to think about crying. "farther than that," you replied, twiddling your fingers.
"singapore?" yeonjun's eyes darted back and forth. he looked like he was about to start gasping for air, maybe even lose consciousness. you hated that the place was much farther. why couldn't it had just been a couple cities over? why did it have to be in a different continent?
after giving him all the details, yeonjun chuckled and ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. you knew he wasn't losing his mind, but he sure was losing himself over the situation. he tried to convince you that you didn't really have to move with your family. you were an adult now, and you couldn't quit school. he said you could move in with him and the others, live at their dorm, but you knew that the idea was unrealistic. neither of you were ready to move in together and his boss would never allow it. you explained that you chose to go with them, and that you could transfer universities. yeonjun wanted to get mad at you, but instead, he respected your decision.
yeonjun got used to the idea of you being away from him for some time. that's just it, he got used to the idea. it hadn't actually hit him that you were moving far, far away until one day he came over, and you showed him pictures of what your family's new house would look like.
that's when yeonjun started to feel overwhelmed and anxious. he kept thinking that when you finally went over there, you would find someone within reach who was better than him in every possible way. so to fulfill his own insecurities, he would come at you with expensive gifts and outstanding dates. but then one day you told him that the two of you needed to talk and his fear of being broken up with went from a level 2 to a level 7. every time you tried to discuss the fact that you were moving away, he'd distract you with more expensive gifts and physical affection. afterwards, he always pretended to fall asleep or that he had to rush home so that you couldn't break up with him.
yeonjun wasn't sure what to do next. even the others knew there was something going on with him. it was two weeks before you would be leaving, and he was too afraid to talk to you because he thought you were going to dump him. though, he knew he needed to talk to you if he wanted you to stay with him.
it didn't take long for you to figure out what was going on with your boyfriend. so one day, you asked him out to breakfast, acting as if it would just be a regular date. yeonjun was stressed out the night before, wondering if you'd mention that you were leaving soon. when he showed up he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. he picked at his food the entire time, awaiting heartbreak. however, you weren't going to break up with him, and you needed to make that clear.
you reached across the table and took the fork out of yeonjun's hand. you intertwined your fingers with his and looked him straight in the eyes. "jjunie, why don't you talk to me anymore ?"
"y-you still call me jjunie?" yeonjun sniffled, but he refused to cry. you had your reasons for dumping him and he would just have to accept it.
"why wouldn't i call you jjunie?" you squinted at your boyfriend and sighed. "yeonjun, i'm not breaking up with you. i know you think i am."
yeonjun relaxed his shoulders. it felt like the weight he had been carrying for a few months had finally lifted. he closed his eyes, leaned back in his seat like he did the day you broke the bad news, and took a deep breath. he covered his face with his hands and asked in a tiny voice, "why did you want to talk to me?" he concluded himself to be a total loser.
"jjunie, are you dumb?" you giggled. "you're my boyfriend. i wanted to talk to you about what the plan was. you know, like what time is best to call, when you think we'd be able to see-"
yeonjun leaned over the cafe table and kissed you hard, cutting off your sentence. he loved you so much.
the day of departure, yeonjun accompanied you and your family to the airport. he held you in his arms, and tried to ignore the fact that it would be a long time until he got to hug you again. he wanted to put the moment in a bottle so that he could return at any time, and hold you for as long as he wanted. but he you knew he was okay. he knew the two of you would be okay.
yeonjun is still a clingy boyfriend. you guys would always shower each other in romantic gestures, but now it's triple the cheesy messages, double the cute playlists, and a whole lot of phone calls and video chats.
when he visits a new place, he always takes a picture to send to you and adds, "when you come back, let's go here together."
he sends you a whole lot of videos and voice messages, and you do the same, especially if it's a very busy day for one of you and you know you might not get the chance to talk. yeonjun's favorite thing to do is send you a voice message right when he wakes up so you can hear his raspy voice, and send videos of him blowing kisses at the camera.
it's much easier to tease you now. when he sees an outfit that's cute and a little sinful while walking past a store, he takes a picture to send to you and goes, "you would look cute in this. should i ship it to you so you can call me while wearing it?" please forgive the man, he doesn't get any action now that you're gone.
you spam him with tons of selfies. he saves all of them... until he runs out of storage and has to choose which ones he loves more and it's harder than any exam he's ever taken.
the idea of seeing him again is always on your mind. you miss the times he would walk you home, kiss your forehead, let you sit on his lap. and yeonjun constantly thinks about all of your old cuddle sessions and movie nights. he misses you so so much.
as far as insecurities go, yeonjun isn't worried about you ending things with him anymore. you, on the other hand, get a little nervous whenever you're on the phone with him and hear a charming voice in the background. yeonjun senses you're uneasiness, and has no problem explaining who it is and what's going on.
there's nothing to worry about, though. neither of you are going anywhere. long distance is a piece of cake to yeonjun now, and you know you'll hold each other soon.
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all rights reserved | © spookybias. do not repost, translate, moderate, or copy any of my works.
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anxietywriter · 2 years
character quirks
just details/little habits if you have a character in mind and want to flesh them out some more
singing a few lines of the song currently stuck in their head, not in response to anything specific just whenever they're bored i guess
being unable to relax without noise but also unable to focus with noise
adamantly hating and refusing to watch horror because they were scared of it when they were little
picking up jokes from role models/people they're close to (matching their humor in a way?)
liking games like Minecraft and Stardew Valley more when playing with someone else.
enjoying puzzle games/escape room games even though they're awful at it and have to look up solutions a lot
knowing internet safety and being very smart but also being bad at internet safety (you're supposed to update browsers and your computer in general for a reduced risk of viruses.. i swear i'll do it later)
a joke they like to play on their fellow glasses-wearers starts by taking off their own glasses, proceeding to laugh and point at their friends and very ironically say "haha four eyes!" and then putting their glasses back on and pretending nothing happened
they like using google docs for everything. lore and mysteries in a game? all the details in a doc. composing their thoughts for a long, serious message? docs. usernames and passwords? on the docs.
they cosplay characters from their favorite games, series, or books. its a little janky, but recognizable and they're happy
not being confident at all on own, but when there's someone they're interested in they put in 110% effort to make their interest flush because they think it's cute
whenever they don't feel like being verbal they just send DM's or make generally understood noises (m-hm/uh-huh, nuh-uh, mmm + seesaw) for more established friendships they could definitely have modified noises (m-hm turns into just a high pitched nn, nuh-uh is just a short mm)
fine with socializing in public but nervous when online, like discord servers or stream chats
gets the mail everyday because they like seeing if they got letters, even if it's just junk mail
waving or making half a heart (w/ their hand) every time they see someone they recognize
having dozens of photos and videos of their pet on their phone. they had to get an sd card for it all.
having the messiest room, papers on every desk, a small corner full of assorted stuff, bins full of yet again more papers and trinkets, surfaces packed with knick knacks, photo frames, and various lamps
keeping stuffed animals on their bed and having a name for each
having only 5 or so hoodies, one casual and good for family, one casual and for chill idgaf vibes, two fandom art merch which no one is allowed to borrow, and one is merch from a show/music artist/content creator/etc., which is also on a no borrowing policy
playing online card games like yu-gi-oh and shadowverse. enjoying playing it but only getting the interest/motivation to do so when playing against someone you know.
only liking iced/cold drinks or conversely only liking hot drinks (hot cocoa, coffee, tea)
knows various swears in spanish and one in french
preferring dms through an app over texting
seeing neurodivergent experiences saying that they hyperfixiated on a certain show or movie and being like "hmm can't relate, so maybe i'm not as neurodivergent or something" then realizing that sometimes they would watch the same show over and over again or stay up late reading the same fics/tropes/books.
being able to keep their cool in a you laugh you lose for the most part but will break at the dumbest joke or unexpected twist
instead of waving goodbye to some people, they instead make a little grabby motion with their arm outstretched towards the person
they have a little journal where they write what they wish they would've said in the moment if they were a little braver
they don't like it when people stand just behind their shoulder or touch the back of their neck or scalp, so it's a sign of trust when someone can hug them from behind or run hands through their hair without them being uncomfortable and pulling away
loving flower and color symbolism
having two freezers (one full refridgerator and a freezer) and naming them so they no longer have to say the location of the freezer. at one point they feel like the non-freezer portion of their fridge is left out so they end up naming that too
any time they dye their hair they try to pick a different color each time
they wear an ankle bracelet which has emotional significance to them
they really like collecting shiny things and glittery rocks
they have a favorite dinosaur of all time, a favorite carnivore and herbivore. optional: fav omnivore and if they know a lot about dinosaurs then a favorite for each period
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Tease (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this was requested. I hope you guys enjoy it! And send in your own request!
Requested by: @universefangirl (Tumblr)
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I sighed typing away frustratedly at my computer attempting to get my work done for the night. Taking another sip of my wine I looked over to the couch to see my boyfriend scrolling through his phone.
"You know? It must be nice being a paid actor during a pandemic" I spoke catching his attention. A grin began to form on his face as he stood up making his way over to me in the kitchen.
"It has its perks. Can't say the same about you baby" He teased rubbing my shoulders. I rolled my eyes continuing to type away.
"You know you could take a break" He whispered getting near my ear.
"I can't. If I don't get this is by tonight I'm so fired"
"Fine. I'm just gonna go live for a bit. And relax afterwards. I'm pretty busy tomorrow"
"Yes Charles getting to sleep in and doing a live interview late afternoon sounds so exhausting. Meanwhile I have a term paper for English due and on top of that I have to do two more sets of these for work" I spoke holding up my papers.
"For your information I'm going on a hike tomorrow morning. Then I'm going live" He said another deep breath leaving my mouth.
"Aww baby. It's okay"
"Is it though?" I asked frustrated at his lack of sympathy. I love him and all but he seems to forget that his totally normal girlfriend works a 9 to 5 and still goes to college. And as much as I appreciate the times he said he could put in a good word for me with Kenny. I refused to be exposed in the spotlight more than I already was for being his girlfriend.
"I'm sure you can do it. You always do"
"Your right. I'm amazing. I don't know what you'd do without me" I joked trying to lighten up my own mood more than his.
"I don't either. I'd miss you too much" He said placing kisses just below my ear.
"Hmm really? Care to find out Gillespie?" I asked biting my lip. This was my opportunity to get him back where it hurt.
"What do you mean?" I smirked continuing to do my work. Without another word leaving my mouth.
“Baby. What do you mean?" He asked again standing up.
I stayed quiet as he repeated the question a few more times finishing up what I was doing. I had to get through all my stuff for school and work tonight if I wanted tomorrow to go as planned.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Glancing over at the clock I smiled. On schedule. I moved over to the empty spot beside me with a grin. Charlie was really in for it today.
I quickly got up making the bed when my phone suddenly dinged. I smiled seeing it was a good miring text from Charlie himself.
“Good morning my love. Just finished my hike. On my way home with coffee.
“I'll see you in a bit baby" I read aloud. I smiled at the cute detail before continuing on with my plan.
Changing into yoga pants and a sports bra I made my way to the living room setting up for a morning workout. Something I rarely got to do since my second term started and I became ambushed with work. It'd been nearly half an hour before I heard the front door open. The smell of coffee carrying itself through the small apartment.
"Baby your awake" He stated taking in my appearance. No doubt the sweat droplets on my body making me look shiny as hell.
"Yeah. I finished all my work last night so I figured I'd have a day to myself. I did a morning work out and I'm gonna do more things I haven't done in a while" I smiled innocently.
"Mmm am I one of those things by any chance?" He smirked pulling me close. Placing a kiss to my sweaty forehead.
"You wish. Actually I invited y/b/n over. We were thinking of painting to clear our minds"
"Oh but you can't paint looking like this. So sweaty. So wet" He whispered rubbing circles on my hips.
"Yeah I'll probably hop in the shower in a bit" I grinned before pulling away to go finish my workout.
“You know I need to shower too. What if we hop in together? To save water"
"Um I don't know. Can you keep your hands to yourself Gillespie?" I asked bending down in front of him to stretch.
"I can't answer that" He growled coming to stand behind me. As soon I felt his hands on my waist I stood up turning around to face him.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk" I whispered pulling back.
“What baby? Why won't you let me touch you?" He whined.
"Because it's my only free day and I'm going to enjoy it babe" I said placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips before walking away.
"Where are you going?" He called.
"To shower"
"Can I join?"
"If you can keep your hands away" I heard him groan as I shut the bathroom door behind me. Giggling to myself I entered the shower washing myself down.
Purposely forgetting to bring in an outfit. Knowing Charlie didn't enter for a reason I called out for him after I was clean.
"Charlie!" I shouted waiting for him to come in.
"Yes baby?"
"Can you bring me some clothes please?”I asked peeking my head out the curtain.
"Can I touch you?" He asked.
"Uh how about no"
"Then no" He said hoping that would get a reaction out of me. It didn't.
"Fine. If you insist" I spoke shutting the water off. Within a matter of seconds I exited the shower. Feeling his eyes piercing through me.
"Close your mouth. Your gonna catch flies" I said wrapping my towel around my body.
"Mm baby you don't know what your doing to me" He moaned out.
"I don't? Or do I?" I asked opening the door further so I could slip past him. Heading to the bedroom I smiled to myself knowing it was working.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Rushing over I peeked through the hole to see y/b/n standing there. Thankful both of our COVID tests came out negative I smiled welcoming her inside.
"Hey y/n/n"
"Y/b/n!" I shouted happy to see her after so long.
"So how's he doing?" She asked knowing all about my plan.
"Not good. I love him I really do but paybacks a bitch. I can't wait til his interview" I smirked walking her to my room.
I was quick to change into a cute matching set with only one of his band shirts layering on top.
"Wow. He's gonna be drooling"
"That's the plan. Thanks for doing this again"
"Its no problem. What are best friends for? Just promise me you'll give me every detail tomorrow. You know after he breaks"
"I promise" I said as we both giggled exiting the room. We made our way towards the living room pulling out the supplies she had brought over for our eventful day.
Y/b/n and I enjoyed each other's company for a while. Catching up on our new quarantine rituals. It wasn't long before Charlie came out of the restroom completely shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I bit my lip coming back to reality when y/b/n bumped my shoulder.
"Y/b/n. You're here" Charlie said running his fingers through his hair. He knew what he was doing.
"Yeah. I came to spend time with my best friend. Did you see her today by the way?" Y/b/n said taking my hand and playfully spinning me around. I chuckled at her antics realizing she'd done it on purpose to give him a full view of what I was wearing. If something drove Charlie Gillespie crazy. It was me wearing his band tees.
"I didn't. Thank you for that" Charlie spoke sending daggers through me.
"I hope you don't mind. I barrowed your shirt to paint. I can change if you wa-"
"No! No no baby keep it on. It looks amazing on you" He said a small smile playing at his lips.
"Thanks baby. When's your interview?"
"In like 20 minutes. I'm gonna go get ready"
"Sounds good. We'll be on the balcony painting. That good?"
"Of course baby" I smiled walking out on the hard cemented area placing down our stuff.
We specifically chatted those 20 minutes waiting for Charlie to come out of the bedroom.
"I'm going live" Charlie called through the screen door.
"Okay good luck" I called back. I saw him send me a wink before setting up his phone where the sun was hitting him perfectly.
"This is perfect" I whispered to y/b/n as we pulled out our paints.
"I know. I can't believe he set himself up right there" She whispered back. I giggled pulling out the pastel pink from the bag.
"Charlie!" I heard the interviewer shout. My boyfriend clearly estatic.
"Hey man what's up?"
"What's up with me? What's up with you? Your our first cast member of the day. So for starters we wanna know what's up with you?"
"Nothing much man. I mean I've been writing a lot recently"
"Oh yeah can we be expecting any music coming out soon away from the Julie and the Phantoms band?"
"Uh no. That's kind of where I'm at right now which is amazing you know? Working with such great cast and bandmates it's great"
"Sounds like it. So where do you get inspiration from during this whole new situation we're in? It must get boring"
"Uh it does at times when I'm alone. Which is rare since I've been quarantining with my girlfriend. She's amazing company and overall my biggest inspiration"
"Girlfriend? Are you guys at her place or yours?"
"Hers man. I didn't wanna disturb her peace but she insisted and it's just been amazing. I love her" He said my heart fluttering at his words. I looked over at y/b/n to see her smirking at me.
"What about your cast? Do they know her?"
"Oh yeah. Like my family, they absolutely love her which is great. You know their approval means a lot to me so it's nice that everyone gets along with her just fine"
"That's good to hear so moving back to your music" The interviewer continued changing subjects. With his wholesome answers I almost felt bad denying him my touch today. And almost felt bad what I'd be doing next.
After about 15 minutes I began to laugh at nothing signalling it was go time. I glanced back see Charlie staring up at us. Clearly trying to focus on the interviewer speaking. Clearly.
"Stop!" I whisper shouted at my best friend who splattered pain on me. I repeated her actions earning a giggle from the girl.
Suddenly I felt a cold sensation hit me. She had thrown our water cup at me in return I splattered more paint towards her. Trying to stay as quiet as possible.
"No yeah thanks man. I had fun" I heard Charlie say. Signifying the interview was nearly over.
"No thank you. Charlie Gillespie everyone. Up next Owen Patrick Joyner!" The man shouted before the living room went silent.
"Done?" I asked turning back to look indoors. The door screen being the only thing between us and the indoors.
"Yeah. What happened?"
"I don't know y/b/n what did happened?" I asked the girl in a teasing voice. Moving back slowly letting the sun hit my body. The white shirt on my body becoming see through.
"Cover up baby"
"Y/b/n doesn't mind right babe?" I asked her.
"Nope. We've been best friends forever Charles. I know her inside out. I also know you should probably get changed out of that"
"Or I could just do this" I replied removing the shirt from my body altogether. I watched as Charlie's jaw dropped in surprised.
"Cute set. Victoria secret?"
"Pink" I answered walking into the living room.
"Huh. I would've never guessed. Oh shoot it's already 5:00 o'clock? I should get going. I have to get to Dylan's house. Do you need help cleaning up?"
"No!" Charlie shouted before I could answer.
"No. We've got it y/b/n. No worries"
"Thanks guys" She smiled pulling me into a hug then Charlie. I watched as he walked her towards the door.
Not knowing which one was rushing more him or her.
"Thanks for coming!" I called out grabbing some paper towels to wipe off the water still on my body.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Charlie asked once the door shut.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You've been such a bad girl"
“Me?" I asked looking behind me jokingly knowing I was the only one here.
"Teasing me all damn day. Having y/b/n come over to be a cock block. And then pulling that little stunk during my interview"
"I don't know what your going on about Charles. I didn't know y/b/n name was gonna- Ahhh" I squealed feeling his strong arms wrap around me from behind lifting me up.
"Charlie!" I shouted as he carried me towards the bedroom.
"Yes?" He questioned when he put me down on the bed gently.
"Seriously?" I asked ask he removed his shirt.
"Seriously" He confirmed moving in to kiss me. It was gentle at first but that gentleness soon became hunger. From both ends we fought for dominance. Tired of fighting I gave in as he pushed me further up the bed.
"Charlie please" I pleaded beginning to palm him through his jeans. Feeling him get harder by the second.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Not yet" He whispered making me whine. He chuckled before speaking once more in a hushed tone.
"Now are you gonna tell daddy exactly why you teased him all day?" I groaned knowing there was no way of getting out of this one.
"Nope" I said hoping to move on.
"Mm I don't like the sound of that" He said removing his jeans. I moaned seeing his full body. He was too hot for his own good.
"Now are you gonna tell me or should I return the punishment" I internally groaned not in the mood to be teased.
"I-I just feel like you forget sometimes that I have so much on my plate. And maybe sometimes you could be insensitive about it" I muttered the last part hoping he wouldn't hear. But judging by his features softening he had heard every word.
"I make you feel that way?" he asked caressing my cheek.
"Not all the time but yeah sometimes"
"Baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" He mumbled placing soft kisses on my lips.
"I guess I just forget sometimes that you have so much to do. I just wanna spend all my time with you since that's all I have. I also guess offering to pay for things like your college doesn't help either when your girlfriends independent"
"And capable of doing everything on her own. Including paying for her school and home necessities. I mean it's a nice gesture baby but I'd just appreciate it if maybe you could take a step back and realize I'm only human. And not everyone wants to become an actor. I'm studying really hard to get to where I wanna be. And even if I'm working a boring desk job right now I won't be in the future"
"I know baby and I'm so proud of you for that you know that right?"
"Of course Charlie. And I know your my number one supporter just like I'm your number one fan" I said as he placed small kisses on my nose.
"Good....So you did all this today to get back at me?"
"Well yeah I wanted to have fun. But it's no fun when I too need to resist the urge to jump on you when you come out of the shower shirtless"
"Yeah about that I didn't know y/b/n was here or I wouldn't have walked out like that"
"I know baby. But now that we're alone so can we please just-" My words were cut off by his lips once more.
Giggling at his eagerness I began to palm him through his boxers once more.
"You don't know the things you do to me baby" He whispered pulling my bra down letting my breast fall free. I moaned as he began to suck on the left one and toying with the right one.
"God I missed these"
"Charlie please hurry up" I spoke. He didn't hesitate to remove my panties and his boxers immediately lining himself up at my entrance.
"You've been taking your birth control right?"
"Of course you idiot"
"Ooo aggressive much"
"Charlie if you don-" My words were cut off by a moan as he entered me. Not hesitating to start moving at a steady pace.
"Charlie" I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist.
"I'm so close baby"
"Me too" I panted as he sped up. His thrust becoming sloppier by the second.
"I'm gonna-" He groaned being the first to release. My climax coming not long after. I sighed as we rode our our highs together.
"I love you baby" Charlie said standing up and cleaning me off with a t-shirt of his.
"I love you too" I said as he finally came to lay next to me. Pulling the covers over us.
"You do know I really am proud of you right?"
"I don't know I think you need to prove it to me" I halfheartedly joked.
"If you insists" He whispered pulling me in for a sweet tender kiss.
Time slowing down as we spent the night tangled in each other's arms. Enjoying each other's company. Each other's love.
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