#i dont even have to get anything done til like friday
not much longer until my bf and i meet irl for the first time and this experience alone has taught me that i should not ever plan something like this 3 months in advance to when it happens because ive spent the past 3 months writhing around insanely. 
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rk-ceres · 1 year
Neglected PT.2
George Weasley x reader
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George makes an effort to fix things between you two
It was now late in the day you havent moved Ron and George busied themselves making reservations setting up the bedroom and planning he glanced up to the clock and sighed out 2pm. “thanks for your help today Ron” George sighed out obviously still having an off day “anything for you George. Wish Y/n a happy birthday for me” he gave George a smile hurt hit him square in the gut he quickly shooed Ron out of the house finishing the rest of the house and made dinner, once the clock hit 5:30 he washed the rest of the dishes and rushed back to the guest room where you havent left all day he softly knocked on the door “Love?” He called out opening the Guest bedroom seeing you still in tears “ive got a surprise for you” he whispered “can we talk baby? Can we try and fix this? I was wrong” he sighed out walking into the room “im so sorry” he whispered “i dont want to talk to you. Im hurt, and I am so angry at you…but mostly hurt and I dont know how we can fix this you really hurt me last night and i need time” you said turning to the wall “I know Y/n, you don’t need to talk to me yet. just listen” he sighed out “i dont have an excuse. Im so sorry i forgot, but it stops today.” He walks around the bed to where you was laying crouching to meet your eyes “Everything it stops ive made arrangements and youve got me. We’ll work on us. Ive given us a week. things just got away from me. I want to make this right, and i want you to know that i took off the rest of the week and part of next, tomorrow at seven in the morning i drop you off at madame cordelia’s spa, youve got an all day session shes going to do your hair and make up im getting your nails and toes done, seaweed wrap and mud bath. Massages and steam rooms. your outfit is in the closet for the evening, we’ve got reservations at six for the new restaurant on fifth, the one youve been talking non stop about after that we’re going to see the new Keanu Reeves movie first showing. Thursday is going to be us going to the arcade, icecream shop in muggle london and a fairy boat ride, Friday is me taking you to the carnival. We’ll ride the ferris wheel and we’ll play all the games i’ll let you beat me in bumpercars too, Saturday we’ll be in Paris, i booked us a hotel there til Tuesday morning. We’ll explore France and it’ll be just me and you, ive got everything planned i packed your suitcase with everything youll need for our week baby. if i didnt muck this up too badly. Please come back to our room. Im really, really sorry Y/n/n. I know that ive been neglecting you and your needs and youve been taking care of me making my lunches waking me up with kisses keeping our house clean bringing me dinners and loving me when i havent been treating you the best.” “You havent” you cried harder “it feels like youve checked out and didnt want to tell me youre breaking up with me. You forgot my birthday. I know youre busy and I love that youre living your dream and that you take care of the both of us but im important too one night was all I wanted and you yelled at me. Seven months of me supporting you every way I know how to support you and I get yelled at” “I know love and im so sorry i didnt mean to forget” he whispered cupping your cheek
k “im not asking this to hurt you im not trying to start a fight but you got defensive and i need to know. I’m are you seeing somebody else?” Your voice broke his eye’s dropped “no. Love. Its just been work. Theres no one else for me. Its just you.” He cupped your face in his hands “trust me. Its just you baby” he cooed softer “today? All i wanted? Was you to notice me. I just wanted you to spend time with me just flirting and harmless fun. i wanted you to touch me. Its been seven months since we’ve had sex since youve touched me. am i not enough anymore? am i not pretty enough? did i let myself go after hogwarts? Am i not what you want or is it just you being busy because i cant do this anymore i cant keep feeling like im being replaced” you cried more “i can live with” you hiccuped “i can live with being a part time lover but its killing me George” you cried “you not being here? Its killing me” tears made its way down his face while letting your words sink in “im sorry, youre not a part time lover. I want you Y/n/n just you. Youre it for me” he wiped your tears away tears in his own “its just work i swear. ‘Ve hired an accountant and another person to run the shop while we have our week. Then i have to go back and train. But i’ll be home with you. Every day at five.” He pointed to the ground “every day at five i’ll be home and in your arms telling you how much i love and need you, I’ll have weekends off.. and Saturday will be our day. I promise you” he looked into your eyes filled with hope as he brushed the tears from your face “am i still the one? Are you still going to marry me one day?” You asked softly insecurity written all over your face George’s eyes softened as you leaned more into George’s touch he smiled at you “yes baby.. youre still my only one. im sorry for yelling at you. Im sorry for not making the time before it was too late, im sorry for being an idiot, im sorry for making you feel like you arent enough… is it okay for me to show you how i feel? Let me make it up to you?” He asked looking into your eyes “are you finally going to make love to me?” You asked tears still streaming down your face again “not in here. But yes. We can have sex tonight. Just not in our guest bedroom love. If we’re having sex. Its going to be in our shared bedroom” He said straightening out his back as you sat up “im sorry i yelled at you. I shouldnt have yelled back” you looked back “we can talk about that after” he said handing you a small package Ron picked up for him on his way here to set up “put this on love” he smiled softly as you sat up “give me ten minutes.. then come to the dining room.” He said still looking at you you nodded to him biting your lip you opened the package and gasped he had bought you the dress that you pointed out at already Boux’s it was a 1300 galleon dress that you dreamed of wearing it was a 1920’s style red dress with a slit that came up to mid thigh you smiled and put it on he had bought the matching make up palette and accessories for you
you slipped on the gloves and finished the red lipstick walking out into the dining room, he had transfigured a wall into a big movie screen smiling when he saw you “you look exquisite love” “not so bad yourself handsome” you ran your hands over his black suit “thank you..” You say softly “this isnt a fraction of what I have planned. I spent all night last night working on it, Happy Birthday my love… youre the best thing thats ever happened to me and im sorry that i dont show it enough. If you left i wouldnt know what to do or how to breathe without you” he smiled “i heard you.. talking to Hermione… I was outside the door. I came back to check on you, and i did talk to your brother. We went out and got coffee at that new Cafe. It didnt make things worse. Ive worked things out with Harry, and he was really kind, and threatening. But its all worked out and better. He actually helped with the reservations and called in a few favors for our Paris vacation. Gabby’s picking us up from the airport and to our hotel.” “He didnt seek you out did he?” You asked softly “no baby. I called him.” George said looking into your eyes “im so sorry baby, id notice… i noticed your face when i yelled at you.” He sighed out “thatll never happen again. Ever. I didnt like it. I didnt like any part of it it made me feel like shit, youre not my annoying clingy girlfriend Y/n/n. Youre my everything darling i love you even if ive done a crappy job at showing you. Please dont leave me… please i can change ive already changed some things i really do want to fix us, im serious about you and i want you too feel that i am too and i do want to spend time with you on your birthday. I made your favorite” he pulled out her chair and played the movie “im not leaving. Im sorry” you looked down “i thought that i was alone and needed to get it out” tears started to come your eyes “No baby this is my fault and my fault alone you dont apologize” he cupped her cheek “thank you… for making dinner” you said softly “its the least i can do, baby. Id like to talk more about what was said during our fight. But i want to be clear that im not mad at you, im not mad that we fought, my anger and outburst wasnt because of you, it was because i had a really tough day, and i took it out on you. It was wrong and i shouldnt have done that. Is that okay if we talk about this? Theres three major things i want to revisit if possible” He asked looking into your eyes as he dished out the food you gave him a slight nod “i.. i dont know where to start to be honest with you. So im just going to dive in with what you accused me of. It was definitely warranted and i dont blame you for thinking it. I didnt realize how little ive been home, and how it could look like ive been entertaining another woman” he cleared his throat “id never, ever, ever. Do that to you baby. Theres no one else other than you Y/n. Youre the only one i’ll ever want and need” “im sorry that i jumped to conclusions i…. I was insecure” you said softly his mouth pulled into a straight line
“no baby. Dont do that. Dont apologize. Your feelings were and are valid. I wasnt home. You didnt know where i was. I havent reassured you or anything like that, you accusing me like that you werent yelling. Your voice wasnt angry when you asked about it and i wasnt hearing you. You communicated right. You calmed yourself down calmly asked me a question and i got defensive and i could see where you’d think i was hiding something baby. Im not hiding anything from you. You told me what was an honest fear. It wasnt you being insecure i hadnt been home. Which brings me to my next point on this topic youre right. Ive not touched you… or said i loved you since the baby got here and it wasnt because i was punishing you. It was because i… i thought that i could handle this myself. Both branches of triple W and keeping up with the paperwork. The products. But as things progressed it…. It got out of hand if it were you i wouldve done worse than just asking a simple question you were communicating how you felt and your fears and i wasn’t listen ing how i should have been. I was fighting when i should have been comforting and open to talking about it” he sighed taking a bite of food “i believe you. I believe that you werent you last night and you arent seeing anyone else.” You said softly “i just want you to make a point to love me the right way i know things have been tough on you and im trying but” “but you’re neglected and im an arse” he joked you both smiled at each other. “next most important thing i want to discuss is i want to address what i said about money. its not just my money. My success. My empire baby its ours. I shouldnt have thrown that in your face that i make more. It was below the belt and im sorry.” He sighed “ive only ever wanted to share my life with you. Since that day my mum helped you and Harry into that platform i knew that you’d be my entire life. And everything that was and is mine would be yours too” he looked up into your eyes “ive only ever saw the money as ours George. All of this is ours.” You smiled at him taking his hand in yours he chuckled “i know you didnt mean it. Because i know you George Weasley.” “howd i get so lucky?” He asked “I also do. I remember, and see it all. Everything that you gave up for our relationship and us but most of all what you gave up for me..” He spoke again after a few moments of silence “everything that you’ve sacrificed for me since the war, the… the wall that almost took you and Fred…” tears sprung to his eyes as he talked he quickly wiped them away “im sorry. That you had to sacrifice it.” He said you looked up from your food “you sacrificed a lot for me too, you rescued me and Harry second year, you fell out of the car breaking my fall when Vernon pulled me out you bruised three ribs and a broken arm for me…. You stayed up all night studying with me you do just as much for me as i do for you dont apologize for that, you dont have to apologize anymore George; i forgive you, and we can work on us. I dont want to leave” you said softly “third most important thing i want to tell you is that im still the George that promised you a wedding and kids if you want them Y/n/n. I want to marry you, i want you to know that i do have something planned so its coming okay? You dont have to worry about where you stand with me. In my heart. Cause of one fight. Im here. Your George is still here. Even if he was being a prat. Ive planned your proposal and its coming okay baby? Its coming.” George finished his meal “anything else you want to talk about before we kiss and make up?” He asked “i…. I want to say that im sorry even if you dont want me too. I was wrong for yelling. I didnt like it. And I think that when we get to that point again we should take a break and come back to talk when we can rationalize better” you looked down “i think thats a great idea, we okay now?” He asked you softly “we’re okay” you breathed out “i want to have sex… is that still on the table tonight or are we waiting til we work this out more?” You asked softly
“baby. We’ve worked it all out. We talked through everything. Its better now isnt it?” He asked with brows furrowed in confusion you nodded your head “yes. We can have sex tonight. Im ready for that if you are” he offered a small smile the movie was done he stood up flicked his wand the dishes clean themselves pulling her waist closer to him he led you into the bedroom he stopped in front of the door letting you open it “go get in the tub” he whispered in your ear his fingers dragging down your zipper you turned the handle and pushed open the door your eyes widened the entire bedroom was covered in red roses teddy bears rose petals the room was lit by enchanted candles hanging from every corner of the room George brought his nose to the crook of your neck “the bath is ready for us” he said pushing the dress off your shoulders dropping it to the ground his fingers digging into your hips spinning you to face him noses close together and for the first time tonight. George kissed you sweetly bringing his hands up to unclip your bra your hands slowly undid his tie and worked on the buttons of his shirt and trousers you took your own knickers off “lets go take our bath” he whispered into your lips “please master i need you” you whispered
Next part contains smut
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Old Entries
3:15. The silence is nice. I can talk to Allah swt and I feel safe at this moment. The stillness of the night isn't stifling. I don't turn on the fan even though it's hot. I like the silence. My thoughts are quite too
7:10. I don't want to get up but I've already jumped off the bed. Need to get breakfast ready. Need to take medicine. Need to hurry hurry hurry.
9:15. Panic and dread.
11:50. Relief. Exhaustion. 
2:42. I had this really intense need to be talking about it with Saadia. Can't call her cos she's probably sleeping. And this urge might become less and then I'll make excuses to myself to not call her. But I wish we were exhausted and lying in her room ranting. Or maybe not even that. Just being quiet. She'd be watching something stupid like NCIS or suits or something and I’d be squished in her giant beanbag (territory Id claimed long ago) I remember the neck ache I got when Id been squished in it too long. Her mom would poke her head in and shake her head at us and bring us pasta. Or chicken bread! Man, I miss that chicken bread. The squishy peices of corn that would pop in your mouth and the hot buttery peppery chicken.
She knows me inside out. I don't want to burden her right now. She can't do anything about it being so far away.
I'm happy, reminiscing while writing about her, and it hasn't made me sad, in a surprising turn of events. I think my circuitry is messed up. But happy accidental serotonin is still serotonin and I'm grateful.
Didn't write the whole day. Brain feels like a fog. No emotions. I just need sleep. 
9.:40. Stopped to have a conversation with a squirrel. It seemed interested, but then decided it didn't have the time. Squirrel business called. And I was late for class
9:43. Needed to make a call and that was it for the day. Cue the mind haze. All the emotions all at once. And none at the same time.
Music to shut out the thoughts. Helped a bit.
P realized something was up. As much as I felt cheery and awake at the end of the day, but she knew something was off. I couldn't put a finger on it til she said it. Despite trying trying to distract myself, I still felt like there is a pulling, scratching inside. I'm craving something and I don't know what it is. Bit it's like a dull sort of scratch, like the echo of a thing
4:57. Missed fajr. Feel like shit. Had nightmares, woke up feeling more exhausted than when I slept. I haven't been able to dream for like five or six years. But nightmares are becoming a thing now.
8.25. Tried to wake up but the day already feels exhausting and I don't want to deal with it
9:20. Fell asleep and woke up in a panic. There's so much that needs to be done. I have so much work. How can anything feel exciting when there is always anxiety and panic that's flooding my brain. 
9:55. My joy in realizing they've made eggs for breakfast today is fleeting. The eggs are burnt at the edges and dry. I still eat them, my mouth feels like what I imagine it must feel like to wake up from surgery, desperate for water. I'm being ungrateful and I dont like it. It's food. Why am I being like this?
Cant feel much today.
4:50. Decided to take a nap. Woke up in a panic again because I thought I'd slept for three hours instead of one. Body hurts and I don't want to get up. I'll procrastinate more and then the day is over and I've done nothing.
8:05. Feeling good. Found myself humming something. Surprised enough to want to write it down. I feel like I can get something done. Making tea, then getting down to work. I feel like I'm in flow. Hope this stays!
P.S. it didn't stay. Something happened and all sense of time and work and sanity was gone. (Writing this on Thursday)
I broke the streak today. I didn't want to write down anything the whole day so now I'm writing it at the end of the day. I woke up with a numbness in my body. Had nightmares again. It's getting both more difficult and easier to get up. I can't explain it.
There's this short stretch of trees lining the football field that blooms with these hanging yellow flowers that always snaps me back to the present and gives a couple of seconds of relief everyday. Today it just made me annoyed (there aren't any blooms but the walk usually is still pleasant) because I realized the absence of that relief and that is what jolted me out of my thoughts. Not the relief but the lack of it. 
Everything felt off today. It's exhausting living with myself. 
I came back and slept. I just want to sleep. Forced myself to eat. I can't work. I can't work. I can't work. I'm trying. I have class at 6am. I don't want to be. There's too much noise. Writing all these things down is making everything more concrete. It's the fig tree again. From Sylvia Plaths Bell Jar. But the roots shriveled up and wilted and the trunk is hollow too. No possibilities lying blackened at my feet. They are a distant memory, haunting  the air with a rotten smell. 
(P.S. (writing this on Saturday: I feel disconnected reading what I wrote last night. I don't want to linger on it. That person was there. So was one who was not in that state. I feel like a conduit, in this moment, reading the previous entries, they feel like versions of me that exist and existed, a product of the things happening to me at the time)
Today I felt disconnected, outside of my body. Woke up tired again but almost mechanically, went through the motions of getting up and getting through the day. 
I'm relieved though. Beats yesterday in any case.
(A summary): I did not open this up to write anything for the past two days because I was in a good place after a very long time. I passively tried to understand what triggered it but couldn't. Coming back to why I didn't write. Writing things down forces me to confront what's going on in my head and usually that untangles whatevers up there and when the thoughts become clear, they are usually not very pleasant. And so I wanted to live in denial for a little bit longer. 
9.09: Panic again. but dull. I have to work. There might be eggs. 
11.06: Mediocrity scares me. I don't want to be a blob of nothingness. I have worlds inside of me, I have been so many me-s, they were all people with thoughts and emotions and intelligence. I feel like I have lost grip of so many of those versions of myself, and of the potential that they all had. Now everything I do feels like I am dragging myself through a thick sludge of effort, pushing pushing pushing. My head feels dull and more empty than it used to be. 
The air feels thick. Dead, no crispness in it, just a lingering heat and smell of dead grass
4:40. Unraveling. The air is nice today, feels fresh and crisp. I can smell the freshly mowed grass of the football ground as a linger on my way back
5.:15. A summary of today: Flow state. I found myself quite unexpectedly in a state of flow, like everything was aligned and I was getting things done. Things seemed to be rolling off of me, I just kept working like nothing mattered and I actually felt happy with the work I made, and when I made something not so good, it didn't stop me. It felt like I side stepped a ditch that would have pulled me in, and I was just able to brush it off so easily and move on. I felt like a person. I felt complete. Like otherwise there's always echoes of me slightly lagging or moving ahead and I'm just trying to keep track of the pieces to move together and making the effort of carrying all the scrambling, falling, scattered pieces keeps me occupied
6:20. A word out of place. And it started this echo that kept reverberating and bouncing back and forth off the walls of my mind. And it shook everything out of place. Like a tiny tremor that upsets the precarious balance that had been a happy accident. 
The crows and their noise just before maghrib remind me of Karachi and the breezy evening air, that smells like dust and sticks to your face on the sheen of oil covering your sticky skin at the end of a long day. The smell of gasoline and petrol heavy and clinging to your clothes, coming home with you
My thoughts are not my own. Not writing today. 
I like this moment. Its the end of the day and I linger going back. My walk is deliberately slow and I focus and at the same time watch without seeing, the details of the accumulated dust on the sidewalk. The cars passing by seem slow and fast at the same time, their noise amplified for some reason. The sound is grating but I cant hear it even though everything feels heightened.
0 notes
indecisive-v · 3 years
ama just ended!! funkin related shit has been recorded under the cut as per usual. this time og copied text is uncolored, and purple text is paraphrased by me
Q: Do you have a favorite Friday Night Funkin’ mod at the current moment?
A: MordeTwi Magic
Q: Do you have a format in mind for the built-in mod support, or are you saving that for later?
A: depends what you mean by 'format'. stuff like charting will probably always be constantly changing until we have most levels of the game done, since we'd essentially want modding tools to be basically DEVELOPMENT tools as much as possible, and dev tools change as project goes on
Q: Favorite FNF character?
A: Girlfriend
Q: Have you tried (or are going to try) getting Friday Night Funkin' on other consoles?
A: It's totally possible, we just gotta get in contact, figure out what we're feeling it with, and get folks to make the backend for it
Q: Are you worried about the game itself being overshadowed by fan content (and by extension modding), or is it a non-issue for you?
A: we can see the grand picture of what we want out of FNF, and thats what separates us from any of the fan mod stuff
Q: What do you think of the reliance of Game Banana in the current modding scene?
A: it makes me very happy to see sans undertale over fnf boyfriend mod sit side by side on the same website as counter strike surf maps
Q: Hey, Mr. Muffin, what’s the release schedule for “new” Friday Night content looking like?
A: make stuf til its ready for an update
Q: Will there be something like an "extras" gallery where we can look at concept art and stuff?
A: if there is, it would be super cool. we dont just want some concept art image viewer in-game and call it a day.
Q: Will characters from stuff that ISN'T Newgrounds-related show up in FNF?
A: probably happening sooner than later, so yea
Q: Have you guys thought of hiring famous modders? (KadeDev, SugarRatio, etc)
A: no, we wont hire based off of fame
Q: Are you for or against Friday Night Funkin' mods and/or fangames being sold or otherwise distributed commercially (as long as they're open source obviously)?
A: Not against it, but why would anyone put up paywalls this early anyway?? Even the vanilla game is free rn so it seems kinda weird. But it's cool for em to take donations
Q: Are you okay with people going to the game’s source code, compiling it and getting the whole full game for free?
A: That's the point, my guy.
Q: Did you play test any of FNF yourself, and if so did you ever have trouble beating specific weeks or songs?
A: I've only beat Guns once or twice, but I've had others play test and do better than me
Q: If FNF hadn't gotten so popular, what would you be doing right now?
A: Still workin' on it. That was the plan, getting popular was just a surprise bonus. We'd be less focused on it though since we wouldn't have like 2 million Kickstarter bucks
Q: Got plans for FNF's anniversary? Anything cool?
A: Thinkin about it, but... monkey ball...
Q: Do you think the direction of 'let's make the hardest mod ever' will have some impact on the difficulty of the final version of the game?
A: I don't think we're influenced much by mods. We're NOT in the modding community at all
Q: Is there an fnf modder that is your friend or whose relationship with you is closer than other modders?
A: prob siivagunner crew technically
Q: Do you worry about how mods might execute ideas that you were eventually gonna do?
A: yeah, cuz usually when they do it, they dont do it as cool as we had in mind, and we'd have to show them how its done, lol!!!!
Q: How do you feel about the majority of fans that are basically children? Will the game have more mature content in the future to keep them away?
A: i think people see it as something we need to "actively combat" but genuinely i dont think any of us care. we just are going to make the game how we want to make it, and forcing these edgy things or whatev to "scare of the dumb kids XDDD" will just come across as cringe i think!!
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jackr4bb1t · 4 years
a quiz thingy
?This is seriously going to get personal, you ready? yes
?If you were caught cheating, would you fess up? i wouldn't be cheating. :") but when i was a young dumb kid who did, i immediately confessed ksjdhfkjsdhf
?The last time you felt honestly broken? um idk yesterday or the day before i dont remember when that was because time is all blurring together now
?Are you craving something? yessss
?If you could have one thing right now what would it be? kat
?Would you rather have ten kids, or none? NONE!!!!!!!!!
?What do you hear right now? bf typing and bitching loudly
?Is your bed against more than one of your walls? yes (two)
?What’s on your mind right now? "What's on your mind right now?"
?Are you there for your friends? no :")
?Last person to see you cry? sjdkhfkjsdhfjshdfkjshdfkjh kat :")
?What do you do when you get nervous? uhhhh idk skdjhfkjsdhf I just kinda get really quiet and clammed up B') i dunno how to describe it. and it really depends on the context.
?Be honest, do you like people in general? i think my answer actually might be yes??
?How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? it is absolutely never going to happen under any circumstance
?Does anyone completely understand you? i think my answer actually might be yes??
?Do you have a reason to smile right now? i'm literally smiling right now because kat is saying some dumb shit thats cracking me up as im trying to type this skjdfhksjdfh
?Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you? yeahksjdhsudjfh
?Do you tell your mum or dad everything? ABSOLUTELY NOT LMAO
?Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smokes? like cigarettes?? yeah idk i find the smell pretty gross so it's definitely something i'd prefer not to have to smell all the time kjsdhfkjdhsf
?Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone uhhhh I SURE HOPE NOT
?This time last year, can you remember who you liked? ksdjfhskjdfh pretty much no one. i was actually mostly single for a couple of years there. for the first time in my life i went completely without any serious romantic interest and focused on myself instead. it was an interesting experience.
?Do you think more about the past, present, or future? definitely future skjdhfjkshdf i hardly ever think about the past or even the present
?How many hours of sleep do you get a night? thankfully most nights i get a solid 7-8. sometimes i'll only get like 5. but other nights i'll get like 10. the majority of the time though, it's in the 7-8 range.
?Are you easy to get along with? yes
?Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? no
?What was the last drink that you put in your mouth? water
?What size bed do you have? queen
?Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? before wtf
?Do you like the rain? yes as long as i'm not in it kjsdhfjdf. (but i'm fine being in it if it's light.)
?Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? in this exact moment genuinely no skjdhfjhd (unless by some brief passing coincidence)
?Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do lots ksjdhfj
?Would people refer to you as a goodie goodie, bad news, or neither? probably neither? i think/hope?
?Who were you last in the car with, besides family? uhhHHHhhhhhHH JIM
?What’s the last movie you saw in theaters and with who? CATS WITH KAT OR MAYBE IT WAS SONIC???? i cant remember which order we saw those in skdjfhkjsdfh
?Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/ girlfriend? i'm actually pretty sure the answer to this is no so like sjdfksjdhfj wow yay i did it
?Have you ever been hurt by someone you never thought would hurt you? yep
?Your parents are out of town. Would you throw a massive party? jsdkhfkjsd no, i never did any such thing. although i would have people over that i wasn't supposed to.
?Do you regret a past relationship? all of them
?Do you tend to fall for the same type of person over and over? i definitely used to ksjdhfkjdshf and i was barking up the wrong tree the entire time
?Have you made a joke about somebody that made them cry? I really hope not skjdfhsjdkfh I've never been the "roasting" type idk sdjfh I've never really like... poked fun at people idk that type of humour has never really been funny to me? idk how to word what i'm trying to say ksjdfhjsdfh basically I just don't really ever make jokes about people because I don't find that type of humour to be entertaining.
?Do you care too much about your appearance? i care about it a LOT less than i used to but i still hate myself kjsdfhgkjfdg so i suppose that is an indication that i care too much
?Are you a jealous person? romantically? yes. literally any other context? no
?Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? no
?Do you miss anyone? yes :(
?Last person who made you cry? uhhhhhh
?Does your ex piss you off? no skjdfhsjkd
?What are you doing tomorrow? just some stupid bullshit chores/errands/etc. woo hoooo.
?Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ girlfriend every week? lmao no (although i was sorta like that in high school sdlkfjhksdjfh)
?Is there anyone you want to come see you? yes
?Have you ever been cheated on? yes
?Ever given your all to someone who walked away? not really
?Do you like cotton candy? yes as a treat
?Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? kat
?Do you have siblings? yes
?Have you ever fallen asleep on someone? yes
?How has the past week been for you? hell
?Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? i dont really have friends of any sex except for my partner and we are the same sex sex sex sex sex GAY GAY GAY
?What’s on your mind right now? SEX SEX SEX GAY GAY GAY SEX GAY SEX GAY SEX
?What were you doing at midnight last night? IDK PROBABLY CRYYIINGGG oh wait i was at work skdjfhskjfh waiting for jim to be ready to leave he always stays til exactly midnight unlike most people who will leave around 1158 sdkjfhskdjfh HE HAS TO FOLLOW THE RULLLESSS but i don't mind cuz he's giving me a ride which is cool so i don't mind to wait the extra minutes til midnight B) i mean, i am getting paid to be there sooo.
?What is your current mood? NEEDY
?Who was the first person you talked to today? KAT
?Will this week be a good one? YEAH WE'RE GETTING OUR SHIT TOGETHER
?Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? I'm sure there are things that have happened B')
?Who were you with last night kathel who was horrifying me as i was half asleep. talking at length about how hes gonna get a garfield tramp stamp. -sobs.- i fell asleep to that.
?Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? LMAO BITCH WHAT DID I JUST SAY. YOU STUPID???
?Next time you will kiss someone hopefully not too much longerrrr B(
?Who should start the kiss, the girl or the boy? wowza
?Do you have any plans for the weekend? it's monday you fucking whore, i hardly have a plan for what i'm doing in this current present moment let alone several days from now
oh the quiz is over now
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vaguelygeiszlerian · 4 years
1 to 40 please OwO
rhhgjtghenrhg avery is that you (im chucking these under a readmore, i just did some so im not doing them again, there WILL be context so prepare to read)
your favorite song everyone who knows me even a little bit knows my favorite song is take on me by aha! https://open.spotify.com/track/2WfaOiMkCvy7F5fcp2zZ8L?si=Y-PQBNsYSFe30n4l-XILsw
the first song you remember loving the very first? well if i can’t do take on me again, you get... hm. well there’s two, so i’ll give you the not embarrassing one. bohemian like you, dandy warhols, a song 2 year old [redacted] went wailing round the house singing. https://open.spotify.com/track/0yEhNqCwEfy8LHUmnZoHpP?si=UDGKtdX-Qwiy2mUP88Xlbg
a song that reminds you of summer done!
a song you haven’t heard in years behind blue eyes, limp bizkit, before you say anything, and i know you will, this song is a depression song and i stand by my love for it  https://open.spotify.com/track/1MTQHCpraD4S8g5PAFKzoj?si=vD8m_yjlRoq3bRd1hvQU1A
a song you can relate to right now? well, i’m mostly plucking songs from my ‘real ass bops’ playlist, if you want the one that reflects today’s jordan, you’re in for a grim treat! despicable by grandson https://open.spotify.com/track/5IPT4Noqvo7bsfbWUOHcG4?si=Cp4O-5WdS0-ZqfxxWVR01A
a song that reminds you of your favorite book ooh, i think i have a good one for this, my favorite book of all time is the taking by dean koontz, ask me why sometime, it’s a good read! it’s the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine), r.e.m https://open.spotify.com/track/2oSpQ7QtIKTNFfA08Cy0ku?si=nfVjPGY7QaGH26uAz-88_A
a song that makes you want to dance right now? two trucks, lemon demon, don’t ask https://open.spotify.com/track/1s5A0u1dnAeVNur5nPkCpD?si=HLZERdMDQnqBxGnj31Lx3g
the best song from your favorite album heart’s a mess, from gotye’s ‘like drawing blood’, his second studio album, which is my absolute fave of all three proper ones he did, even if his first had some really amazing tracks, and making mirrors had some good ones, there’s nothing like learnalilgivinanlovin, or a distinctive sound, or, as i said, heart’s a mess! https://open.spotify.com/track/4tFkgfdi8b3aNcKNthPqIF?si=nDJafKn8QYmEgdqmlN4y4A
a song that makes you want to cry all songs make me wanna cry, but first that comes to mind is black friday (from the black friday musical soundtrack), because as an older sibling with a younger sister that the world doesn’t understand (that i don’t understand sometimes) the little aside about hannah makes me cry every single time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAZgYL0p2zk
a song that makes you feel young the distance, cake, it’s a song i listened to pretty much from my formative years til about... well, yesterday actually! never ceases to make me feel like im a good 15 years younger haha https://open.spotify.com/track/0fsz7tJ7UKXT9hliLfO7aE?si=caOsrX_fT4u9qARZKWSqfQ
a song that means a lot to you la vie en rose, edith piaf. i was (still am) a romantic sucker, and used to make all sorts of idealistic romantic playlists growing up, and i never knew the french (and i still dont (youre welcome em <3)) but the way she sang always made my heart tremble. and then bioshock infinite burial at sea came out, and i listened to that version of la vie en rose a million times, cried at a good half of them. anyway i love this song. https://open.spotify.com/track/3lAun9V0YdTlCSIEXPvfsY?si=zSRwBZ0AQnuyGGkjh2XmZw
the last song you listened to i’m in love with an e-girl, wilbur soot, the chorus of this song FUCKS my friends, honestly the whole song (and internet has ruined me, the sort of sequel) fucks https://open.spotify.com/track/44wBlg3Y1KSAEmaze5BXe7?si=u9mapV8STz6sqR3jg4XMiw
the last song you heard on the radio we don’t really do the radio in the car, and i dont recognise the songs on there these days anyway
the last cd/album you bought the black friday album actually! support starkid 
a song to listen to on rainy days done!
a chill song no surprises, radiohead https://open.spotify.com/track/1bSpwPhAxZwlR2enJJsv7U?si=oVXsE5JiTxulLkevqL4hjA
an upbeat song push up, freestylers, ok so maybe we do listen to the radio sometimes, and i heard a snippet of this like two months ago and immediately added it to my playlist https://open.spotify.com/track/2PJq8Fr5i2S0OkcmFsTC1P?si=3K7q37zNRuCQIduRdApjWQ
a song that gets stuck in your head nobody by mitski, everyone knows that one though https://open.spotify.com/track/6bTn1ovliI0OkjUNkiMBJq?si=Vc-DUCl-RpyhRc6lcbpKgg
your favorite song from a movie somewhere only we know, keane, from my favorite scene in ‘he’s just not that into you’ which is one of my fave romcoms, ok you probably didnt need all that context, dont laugh https://open.spotify.com/track/0ll8uFnc0nANY35E0Lfxvg?si=Lov6MdiOTNGrxCiX6UdDZg
your favorite song from a musical inevitable, the guy who didn’t like musicals. i know the choreo, i know every part almost down to the pitch now, i spent hours practicing the kickline with my sister. jon matteson if you have a spare moment please teach me how to kick your legs that high https://open.spotify.com/track/2lQkaEvJa69QCzk3x6HgaA?si=QMRBYXPwRruOSU4_xBPdMA
a song that reminds you of the moon night, the altogether, no real reason here, its just got a lonesome ethereality to it https://open.spotify.com/track/3MKF7HCn6uD03jWcUB8k1R?si=gm8JKR1jQbS6Dh59WUuEwA
a song by your favorite artist/band i really can’t pick between radiohead and newton faulkner, so you get the best of both, 15 step and teardrop https://open.spotify.com/track/6dsq7Nt5mIFzvm5kIYNORy?si=9dEYby1PRKm8zozrCTGcjA https://open.spotify.com/track/7JpgJ7b5sjvo3fUfPcRlq1?si=pVfzoWtuTdO5OsbDgUnabQ
a song from the year you were born closing time, semisonic, one of the fucking best songs ever https://open.spotify.com/track/4EnkwZd0UJAuHpNMMemQaA?si=ASYNfnThR_m9kqFrloI9nw
the number one song on your birthday my heart will go on, celine dion, i guess titanic had just come out that year, but in my country, on my birthday, this was the number one, god help us https://open.spotify.com/track/33LC84JgLvK2KuW43MfaNq?si=HswubDCkQJ-x7-LM06PQUQ
your favorite love song i do adore, mindy gledhill, cliche at this point, i know, but my sister introduced it to me, played it on her ukelele, and i love her, more than i love most things, and it makes me smile even on a day where ive not done very much smiling at all https://open.spotify.com/track/6JNEDSev5Tp5VQR04SEBfV?si=BxnrZafFT3m4QkXNUN5GcA
your favorite christmas song baby it’s cold outside, lydia liza and josiah lemanski, it’s the funniest fucking song https://open.spotify.com/track/3xvFTqHmlMqKjHgczCGn2C?si=lgDMvUQZR-2lPXHINo2POQ
one song that starts with each letter of your name j: JT by jon bellion (https://open.spotify.com/track/1eftOUoeMO1JkSQQmS6jXF?si=h4yYMpXnTAiZPxJJUPv0DA) o: one more shot, spies are forever ost (https://open.spotify.com/track/0EgLq4ORQ6TMPN6rjWp3d6?si=mC3eDbJJRyCGN4fNAcbdlA) r: red signal, the mechanisms (https://open.spotify.com/track/2TWDxsjHx2rqtH197URbE8?si=XB8D-1N-SkKgmlTZOFbcfQ) d: dont judge me, janelle monae (https://open.spotify.com/track/6UQDIIEPzeduwXlZE86SOF?si=1bONXfj-SQiq79ibrXjC-A) a: as your father i expressly forbid it, lemon demon (https://open.spotify.com/track/29L9B2aDs2NhrQGbs8pf9M?si=CvVTbLtNTgGeL3iemrLVHg) n: night drive, gotye (https://open.spotify.com/track/3fuRfxHpC56uNFMOaOlMCm?si=PDAbEsi_SjK-EYDmTvjT6A)
two songs with the same/similar titles that you like i don’t care (fall out boy) / idfc (blackbear) https://open.spotify.com/track/13mM4hWNMH5KwMcwl81tXS?si=YOqg8tVXRQKXB3ANmDFjHQ https://open.spotify.com/track/6y6jbcPG4Yn3Du4moXaenr?si=CzyYs4b5QQ23azTqgv0iXw
a cover that you like better than the original song done!
a song with really good lyrics kick it up a notch, starship  https://open.spotify.com/track/1r223IXiRxObMBNh3mcyWR?si=-RX3obwISfS_jk3JjzvaJg
a song with an amazing beat couple’s retreat, jon bellion https://open.spotify.com/track/7pMS0byKI7V1Mpl0SlWEDq?si=Xytu_HBrStq_zjKdia2oig
a song that you associate with the color yellow boys, lizzo https://open.spotify.com/track/1ITsmuChPVC05ogvorAyVu?si=hkoCz7ouQsyLKn8Q7KO92g
your favorite song with an action in the title (jump, dance, etc.) bite back, all american rejects https://open.spotify.com/track/4zJv4aXOIAepvhApOFoQeQ?si=qRtthyDlQvKGRErmkI8lDg
your favorite acoustic song heart is full, jon bellion https://open.spotify.com/track/6DvsjPkNcB4QoezDPtxsAB?si=vD18h70qSFG5xtrjpuy4XA
a song that motivates you take me home, country roads, john denver https://open.spotify.com/track/39q7xibBdRboeMKUbZEB6g?si=STNgdvZSQNSfqX9pENggSg
your favorite song you’ve heard live camisado, panic at the disco https://open.spotify.com/track/1LF5HQ32hztQWzADGH8ys4?si=VDjKcAo9TX-JA0kF6csqQA
a song that reminds you of your best friend ok so this one needs context (and an attached apology), when i think of best friends as a concept i think of tianna, and when i think of tianna, i think of sitting at the junior campus, huddled around my phone, tittering like twits over this stupid fucking song. (but honestly avery this applies to you too, you’re my best friend that isn’t emmy, i love you) enormous penis, da vinci’s notebook https://open.spotify.com/track/7dUCFnaGSWLH6SdDP08NLP?si=dH00DTxqTR2y3mAIEia9Lw
your favorite song from childhood radio/video, system of a down, the song my sister used to babble incomprehensibly loudly to whenever we played it in the car, the one i grew so used to i can literally hear it in my head as i type https://open.spotify.com/track/41pOIT2t1rvr2Trg1HQChZ?si=-Kyg8JSET2uDq0XGMICsMg
a song you always sing along to can’t sleep love, pentatonix, my sister and i’s favorite song to duet together, even if we haven’t quite worked out the proper parts for a two person acapella cover haha https://open.spotify.com/track/1klGbW5a9qTBFUjFfddbmU?si=Lm0FMpz5TVKddr82vUyf2w
your favorite song in a language different from your native one since i’m determined not to reuse songs, you get papaoutai, stromae (sorry about all the french, they bop babe) https://open.spotify.com/track/09TcIuH1ZO7i4vicWKoaN2?si=YTuHkj1DTgicqo7ZnqYJ0Q
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sumastudies · 4 years
so, this is how it’s going (for me)
it’s currently day 20 of my self-isolation journey. my department in uni had us do one last day (friday the 13th) of normal classes because i had 2 labs and quizzes that, so we did those and then the isolation began. and now im losing my mind.
a little background: i got sick the week the government here came out with the announcement that uni is gonna be off for 3 weeks (now extended for the rest of the semester being online). that decision didn’t come out until thursday the 12th. the thing is, i usually dont get too sick? like, it’s pretty normal for me to start feeling sick, have a bit of a scratchy throat and maybe a headache, stuffy nose too, but my immune system always always manages to fight it off in a couple of days. so since it’s pretty rare for me to get sick enough to want to stay home. in the beginning of that week, i thought that was what was gonna happen too, but by wednesday, it seemed that yeah, im sick and my body is too tired to fight it off. see, i sort of didn’t consciously think about going to uni - it was a given that i had to. i had a lab midterm i HAD to do on tuesday, and then i couldnt afford to miss my classes for the rest of the week (for the sake of material and i didnt want to go over my nonattendance allowance), but then on thursday afternoon at like 2pm, after a full day of classes since 9am, i fell asleep in class out of pure exhaustion, and that’s when i knew that i absolutely HAD to stay home. imagine the frustration. if i’d stayed home that morning, or at least skipped 1 class, i’d have felt marginally better, at the least.
but i couldnt. my classes wouldnt end til 7.30 that evening, and i had the 2 labs and quizzes to prepare for and go to the next day from 9am-6pm - only then could i let my body rest.
so i got through both classes that day, and got back home so tired all i could do was lay in bed so tired i didnt even change out of my clothes, with guilt weighing down on me because i wasnt studying for the next day’s labs. by 12am, i was so frustrated and bone-achingly tired that i just gave up and texted a friend to ask the TAs in the morning lab if i could do anything to compensate what i’d miss if she didnt see me in the morning. then i took finally go to sleep with alarms for 6am that i would get up to if i heard in the morning to study. here’s when the sobbing starts out of nowhere.
in hindsight, i dont know if it was just a normal flu that my body couldnt fight off due to physical exhaustion, or if it was something else. (bear in mind, that was the week when only the first case of covid19 was reported here, so logically it couldnt have been but the paranoia was definitely there and definitely scary as hell)
fast foward to now: it’s been 2 weeks of online classes, and one more before that of netflix only, and im just about losing my mind. i came to stay over at my friends’ after only the first weekend and now idk if i wanna go back to my apartment alone or if it’s just because my mind is generally restless and i just wanna go back to be with my family. (that’s a whole other story tho)
even worse, i cant bring myself to focus on my classes, even though i wanted them to start so bad that first week i had to do absolutely nothing, for the sake of some structure. my uni plans to give some projects/homeworks to replace midterms at least, the fate of finals is still undecided, and labs might be done in the summer, and i cant get myself to study even for myself and my own growth. the way i’ve been wanting to since winter break in jan.
this unmotivation is killing me, and i know im not the only one feeling this way, i know that literally the whole world is in this situation and mindstate right now, but i feel like i want to explode. i cant help but blame myself and my own fucked up brain for not being productive and being good for myself, just like i always do.
i want to do more with my life with all the time that i have now, work towards my future career somehow. even the internship i was supposed to start planning for this summer is probably gonna be suspended or whatever.
i study both pharmacy and business admin, and i feel like it’s more accessible to try and do something with my business degree in some way, but my brain has never been trained to be of the entrepreneurial type.
im just. so sick of being in limbo like this.
i havent even been able to get myself to write (anything, of any sort) in MONTHS
i dont even know when i can get back home to my family, since no one’s accepting any incoming flights and im not even a permanent resident so. fuck all this shit.
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parkaiur · 6 years
Perfection - Jihoon
❀ Comedy + fluff + a dash of angst 
❀ Word count: 6.2 K
❀Being in love with your best friend sucks when they don’t feel the same about you. Once you think you will be pining over him forever, a new boy moves to your school and happens to share all the same classes as you. You start to become entranced with his cute face and fun personality, soon making you forget about the previous boy, or have you?
❀A/N: switching to first pov to see which i like more lol so dont attack me,,,  also im sorry for making these fics so long lsakdjfas idk if ppl like long fics or short fics so some feedback would be nice >.< thank u all for supporting me on my last fic as well ! :D hope u enjoy this one <3
I rode into the school parking lot, rolling my eyes at the loud music playing throughout school. Every Friday morning, the school blared loud music inside and outside the school which I despised. I groaned and parked my car crookedly-- I was a terrible driver. 
“Wow, just another Friday morning.” My next door neighbor, Seunghun grumbled while getting out of the car. We had been neighbors ever since we were kids, and once we hit high school, Seunghun had to start driving me places since he was one year older than me. Of course, now that I was older, we took turns.
“I can’t wait to get out of this place.” I groaned while downing my coffee. I could never function without it. Seunghun patted me on the back. “You still have two years kid. Junior year is the suckiest too but at least it’s almost winter break.” 
I sighed and tried to ignore the rambunctious teenagers that were screaming and dancing to the music. That was just embarrassing. 
“Well, well, well, good morning to you two.” I jumped at the sudden deep voice behind me but my heart jumped when I saw who it was. “Oh, it’s just you.” I joked. Seunghun laughed loudly and poked Hyunsuk teasingly.
“Why do I even bother anymore?” Hyunsuk rolled his eyes playfully while walking next to my side. I felt warm at his close proximity, my face probably turning red as time ticked by. But of course, they were dudes, they didn’t notice. 
Seunghun and I had been friends since we were in diapers, but I’d only thought of him as an older brother figure in my life, and he thought of me as a little sister. Hyunsuk  had transferred to our high school during my freshman year of high school. Hyunsuk and Seunghun were both in dance club and in the same math class-- they immediately clicked. And somehow we all became best friends that told each other everything. 
Except that I had a big fat crush on Hyunsuk.
“School dance tickets are now available at the register! Go get your tickets now!” I saw the president of leadership shout these words through the commons. I tried not to flinch at the volume. Seunghun giggled childishly at my reaction while I pinched his side. “Hey! Don’t hurt me.” He gave me a cute frown which made me resist pinching him again. I knew he could tickle me to death if he wanted to. 
Hyunsuk then smirked and hit Seunghun’s shoulder playfully. “Hey, aren’t you taking Hyemi to the dance?” Seunghun’s demeanor immediately changed from confident to shy. Hyunsuk gripped my shoulder to keep him from laughing out loud. I felt empty when he set his hand down to his side once again. 
“Shut up, I haven’t even asked her yet.” Hyunsuk and I gasped dramatically at Seunghun’s revelation. “Kim Seunghun, the dance is a few Saturdays from today, how dare you!” I faked being shocked while Hyunsuk played along with me. Seunghun rolled his eyes and kept on walking. He was so done my and Hyunsuk’s antics. 
Seunghun then wiggled his eyebrows and punched the other boy on the shoulder. “Enough about me, I heard a little something through the grapevine that Hyunsuk is asking Kyungmi to the winter formal.” 
My heart dropped at the news, but I kept a playful smile on my face. I hoped it wasn’t faltering. “Wait, what? Why haven’t I heard about this?” I punched his shoulder while he cringed at the pain. 
I took a peak at Hyunsuk’s expression which was cheeky and mysterious. He was never the type to get flustered when it came to girls. The older boy adjusted his jacket and wiggled his eyebrows at the both of us. 
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.” He said suspiciously while fixing his hair. I felt my hopes getting lower and lower at his statement. Hyunsuk shook his head and slung an arm around my shoulder. I held in my yelp of surprise. 
This is normal, friends do this. Don’t make it weird.
“How about you, y/n? Who are you taking to the winter formal? Any boys been lining up at your door?” I snorted and took his arm off of me so that my heart would stop doing little flip flops.
I took a sip of my coffee and shook my head. “Nope, sorry, I’m the one with the boring love life in this circle.” I tried to not let my voice sound disappointed. I felt Seunghun pinch my cheeks. “Aw, y/n, it’s fine, I’m sure someone will ask you soon.” 
Most juniors and seniors had dates to the winter formal and if you didn’t, you were basically seen as a loser. I was going to be a loser, but honestly I didn’t care about being one. If I wasn’t going with Hyunsuk, I didn’t want a date at all.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind going alone.” Lie. I didn’t want to go at all. I knew Hyunsuk was going to pluck up the courage to ask Kyungmi and I didn’t want to see that happen. Nor did I want to fifth wheel the two of them.
Hyunsuk pouted and looked over at Seunghun. I was scared the two of them were planning something. “Are you sure? We probably have a few guy friends we could set you up with.” I saw his hopeful expression which broke my heart into tiny pieces and I shook my head. “Seriously, it’s fine, I don’t need one and I don’t want one.” My voice came out harsher than expected which made the two boys freeze. I heard the bell ring, meaning we had to now separate and go to class. 
“Truly, I’m not upset about it, just leave it be. I can have fun by myself anyways.” I patted the two of them on the back and scurried to class. 
As I plunked down in my seat for history, I released a sigh of relief. Most days I felt normal around the two of them, but whenever they brought up relationships or dating, I tried to avoid it at all costs. 
I plugged in my earbuds, getting ready to drone out whatever the teacher was saying. I had already read the chapter for this week so my first period was about to become snooze town. 
Before I could turn on my music, I heard a group of girls enter the classroom giggling and laughing about something. I was about to tune them out til I caught a sliver of their conversation.
“No way, he’s going to ask you? Shut up!” 
“Yeah, he just texted me and asked me to meet him after school!” I felt my heart drop as I turned and saw Kyungmi gossiping to her friends. Of course, Hyunsuk already decided to act fast since Kyungmi was one of the prettiest girls in the junior class. 
“Hyunsuk is asking you? I seriously thought he was dating y/n.” A wave of silence washed over the group until I heard a few chuckles.
I felt anxiety creep into my system and I quickly wanted to turn my attention away from the situation. 
“Oh no! They’re just friends. I mean, y/n is a nice girl but...” I heard her whisper the last part. “But I mean, she just isn’t Hyunsuk’s type, you know what I mean?” 
I clicked the play button on my playlist, refusing to let tears fall in this dingy high school classroom.
I dosed off in class, feeling the soft voice of Dean drift me to sleep. Suddenly, I felt someone kick my desk, jolting my eyes open. The teacher pulled out my earbuds which irked me to no ends. I hated when anyone touched my earbuds and I felt the urge to smack my teacher’s hands right then and there. 
“Ah, glad you could join us miss y/n.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when I saw an unfamiliar boy staring at me. He had round eyes that had sort of an edge to them, making him seem mischievous yet innocent. He was wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans which made him look good. I couldn’t help he was eye candy. “This, is our new student Park Jihoon.” He smiled at me and I gave my best smile back, which was my most awkward one. 
“Um... cool.” I noted lamely, unaware of the situation. I heard a few giggles throughout the classroom. Mr. Kim kept his anger in. 
He cleared his throat and directed my eyes to Jihoon. “I told Jihoon to sit next to the empty desk next to yours, but unfortunately, you were not awake to hear that. Also, mister Jihoon also happens to have the same schedule as yours, so you’ll automatically be his guide for school. Now, onto the second world war.” My jaw dropped as the teacher nonchalantly told me I had to be the guide for Jihoon.
It’s not like I hated the guy or anything, but being a guide for someone at my school means that I had to basically baby sit him. I had to include him in my friend group, talk with him during class, and make him feel welcome essentially. Usually people had to sign up for it, but I never did. I never liked the hassle. But apparently my luck keeps getting worse and worse as the day went on. 
“Hey,” I heard the boy next to me whisper. I turned to my right and saw Jihoon looking at me with bright eyes. I felt my heart waver at his cute stare. 
“Do you have a pencil I could borrow? I stupidly left mine at home.” He whispered. I nodded and tossed him an extra that he skillfully caught. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” I whispered back. This time, I didn’t plus my earbuds back in.
Class seemed like it ended sooner than usual. 
“So have you always gone to this high school?” Jihoon nonchalantly started conversation with me, which made me envious of him. I had never been the type to make friends so easily. 
I lowered my head so that he could see my entire face. “Um, yup. Been going to school with basically the same people since elementary school.” His face scrunched up in disgust and I let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, it’s as horrible as it sounds.” 
I noticed lots girls were staring at the new boy who was standing next to me, a nobody with two hot best friends. I tried to not look at the crowd but it was hard.
“So, math next. Love that subject.” He grit his teeth and pretended to look angry. I let out a small chuckle at his childish antics. I couldn’t help my laughter, he was a funny dude. He gave me a small smile in return. “I hate math too, it’s my worst subject.” He nodded but narrowed his eyes at me. 
“That’s surprising considering you seemed like you were falling asleep throughout our entire history period.” I gasped at his accusation while he rolled his eyes. “Ok, in my defense, I already read the chapter, I don’t need to pay attention. I’m only there ‘cause our ass of a teacher has attendance as 20% of our total grade.” 
Jihoon’s eyes widened while I patted him on the back, a habit I picked up from being around Hyunsuk and Seunghun too often. Jihoon didn’t seem to mine it though. “Yeah, I know, that’s I just sleep in it. He usually doesn’t even care besides today since you showed up.” 
Jihoon shrugged and said nothing else as we walked to our next class. 
The day went by quickly and soon it was nearing the last period of the day. 
“Hey, y/n!” I heard Hyunsuk yell my name faintly across the busy hallway. I felt my heart jolt a bit in surprise as I stopped in the hallway. Before I could explain to Jihoon who was yelling my name, he was running at me at full speed. 
Hyunsuk quickly embraced me in a hug, twirling me around. “AAAH HYUNSUK, LEMME DOWN!” I shouted into his ear, yet I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. As Hyunsuk set me down, he locked eyes with Jihoon. “Oh, uh, hey, I’m Hyunsuk, you one of y/n’s friends?” Hyunsuk obnoxiously wiggled his eyebrows which made my mood deflate. I hated when he teased me about other boys, even though I knew it wasn’t his fault he didn’t know my feelings.
Jihoon didn’t tease me but instead laughed and shook Hyunsuk’s hands. “Actually she’s my guide, but I’m sure we’ll be close friends by the end of the day.” Jihoon winked in my direction which made my cheeks turn a bright red. 
Hyunsuk gasped and slapped me on the shoulder. Suddenly, I felt Hyunsuk pull me closer to him protectively. My blush, that was already bright pink, deepened at the contact. “Gasp, the only people y/n is close with is with me and Seunghun, the tall blonde tree over there.” Jihoon peaked over my shoulder to take a look at Seunghun. “Huh, interesting.” Jihoon mumbled.
I felt Hyunsuk’s arms grow looser around my body which made me sigh in relief. Jihoon raised a brow at me but said nothing to my odd behavior. 
“Hyunsuk, over here!” I saw another group of boys calling Hyunsuk over which meant he was leaving me. He gave me a pat on the back and glared at Jihoon before walking away. “I’m watching you boy, no funny business with y/n or else you’ll...” Hyunsuk did the cutting neck motion to which Jihoon responded with raised brows. Hyunsuk ran over to the other guy and molded quickly into the group. He was always really good at fitting in.
I noticed Jihoon was already looking at me when I turned to meet his gaze. “Um, sorry about that, Hyunsuk and Seunghun, the tree, are sort of protective of me. We’ve been friends for a long time now.” I explained to him. Jihoon gave me a soft grin.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and glanced over to Hyunsuk. “So, does he know that you like him?” I choked on my own spit at his accusation. Wait, what? How did he guess that? 
Lie. You have to lie. “Um, what? I do not like Hyunsuk.” I spat out fake laughter and shook my head nervously. Ok I was a terrible liar. 
Jihoon gave me the look. That look someone gives you when they’re calling you on your bullshit. I sighed and gave in. “Ok, yes, maybe I do have a tiny crush on him but he doesn’t know, and he shall never know, got it?” I glared at the taller boy as he raised his hands in surrender.
“I’ll never tell another living soul, you’re secret is safe with me.” He pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key, making me chuckle in response. 
We walked into our English class together, sitting near the back of the class, where I usually sat. 
Jihoon abruptly turned to me. “Ok.. are you always this angsty? You sit at the back of classroom with your hood up and earbuds in in every single class. You act like you don’t know anything but somehow you answer every question a teacher asks you right.” He moved closer to you. He gently whispered in my ear, “and you fall for your best friend and never risk telling him because hmmm you’re probably too scared to get too close to somebody. What’s your story?” 
I should be getting upset at his mention of my crush, but all I could focus on was how close he was to me. Snap out of it, y/n, your hormones are just whack because all the guys you see are Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Chill. 
I leaned back in my chair, trying to calm my racing heart. His face wasn’t judgmental, but rather curious. “Hm, that’s a loaded question, or questions I guess. I don’t know how to describe my angstyness or where it came from. Also I can’t give you a reason as to why I like who I like and why I choose to hide it besides that it’s embarrassing.” I said the last two words louder and smacked his arm playfully. He laughed and clutched it like he was in pain. 
“Ouchhhh,” He whined and held it out to me. “Kiss it and make it feel better.” He jutted out his plump bottom lip to act cute. I gasped and hit his arm again. 
He, in return, laughed and pulled his arm away. “See, we’re practically best friends now.” He said softly. I had nothing to say because the teacher started class already but I had to admit, he had a way at making my cold facade warm.
It was the end of the day, finally, and Jihoon and I parted our separate ways. We exchanged numbers and he made me promise I wouldn’t drop him after the first day. To be honest, I don’t think I could if I tried. 
I walked to the parking lot, my familiar hood up and earbuds in. Even though I expected it, I felt two hands on my shoulder that pushed off of me, making me stop in surprise. I paused my music and took out my earbuds to face an excited Hyunsuk and Seunghun. 
They both slung an arm around me, which made me greatly suspicious. “So, boy.”
“Cute boy.”
“Nice boy.” 
“Oh would you two shut up?” I shoved them away and walked faster to the car. I heard them both laughing, even though their teasing wasn’t that funny. Especially when I still had feelings for Hyunsuk.
“Aw c’mon, it’s just I’ve never seen you with other guys... or other people besides us... willingly... like ever.” Hyunsuk babbled. Seunghun nodded in agreement. “He’s right. You always keep to yourself, I swear you were never going to make friends with anyone besides us your entire high school career.” Seunghun admit. I rolled my eyes and tried to get in my car. But the two stopped me to question me some more. 
Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw Jihoon walking out, probably walking to his car as well. Somehow, the boy caught my eye and immediately waved and smiled. I didn’t want to be rude so I obviously reciprocated his actions. As he turned away, Seunghun and Hyunsuk looked at me with wide eyes.
“Woaaahhhh that was the nicest I’ve ever seen you act to someone. Are you sure you’re y/n??” Hyunsuk pressed his hand to my forehead which now burned because of his gentle touch. “Hey, you’re actually warm. Are you getting sick?” He stood closer to me and examined my face. I could tell he was worried because of his furrowed brows. 
Before he could think too much into it, I pulled his hand off. “Maybe I’m warm because I’m so angry at you two for being annoying assholes.” I spat and then proceeded to jump into the drivers seat. “Bye, Hyunsuk.” I pulled out of the driveway quickly and ignored Seunghun’s stare.
“Y/n, are you really getting sick? It’s almost Christmas, I don’t want you to miss out on our annual movie marathon.” Seunghun said, concern laced in his voice. Out of the two boys, I was closer to Seunghun. Yes, I loved Hyunsuk as much as I loved Seunghun, but Seunghun and I had a history together. He got me and I got him. It was painful to keep this secret from him, but knowing Seunghun, he would tell Hyunsuk immediately, not to be a prick, but because he would think it was the right thing to do. And I could never let Hyunsuk know how I feel about him. Ever.
I slapped his hand away playfully. “Shut up, it’s like a month to Christmas, I’ll be fine by then even if I am getting sick. And if I am getting sick, it’s because you two had the smart idea to have a water balloon fight in the middle of December.” Seunghun burst into laughter at the memory. I couldn’t help myself chuckle as well.
“You’re right, I take full responsibility along with Hyunsuk. We will cater to your needs if you do get sick.” He pretended to bow and I just shoved him away. Bantering with him like this felt normal, and I liked normal.
Normal did not last long. 
I curled up in my bed, reading to read a trilogy I had been looking forward to getting into during the week. I felt my bed vibrate which signaled that I got a text. 
As I saw who the text was from, my eyes widened. “What the heck.” I whispered to myself, praying my parents didn’t hear me having a mental breakdown at 11pm. I took a deep breath and opened the text.
‘what’s fun to do around here? i’m dying of boredom x_x’ I chuckled at the use of his self-made emoji. He even texted cute. 
I waited a few seconds to not make me seem eager and replied ‘um... read a book?’ 
He read it. My heart was pounding. ‘... r u joking?’
I tried to conceal my laughter. ‘no... that’s what im doing right now’
‘wow... how sexy’ This time, I couldn’t help the giggles that flew from my mouth. Hopefully my parents were in deep slumber. ‘too strong?’ He texted back quickly.
‘no, you have the same humor as seunghun and hyunsuk tho lol’ 
‘wow the same humor as your two besties ,, im flattered’
‘is that sarcasm i detect?’
‘no sarcasm here captain’
I chuckled at his cute humor. I couldn’t help but feel like I’ve known this guy for years, yet I just met him yesterday. 
Suddenly, I saw those three dots appear. I gulped in anticipation. ‘are you ok?’ he texted randomly. I furrowed my brows in confusion.
‘why wouldnt i be?’
‘... you know...’
‘... hyunsuk asked kyungmi to the dance.’ he deadpanned. Somehow, that thought had completely left my mind. And for some odd reason, I didn’t feel all too upset about it anymore. 
Fuck, that’s going on? You like Hyunsuk. You should be feeling upset. 
‘oh yeah, im fine, ill get over it tbh’
He read my message, but took a little longer to respond. I grew nervous at his next words. 
‘can i call you?’
Suddenly, my conscious just flew out the window. “What the... shoot what do I do?” I whispered to myself. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to call him, or that I was weirded out by it, but because I was nervous. 
“Fuck it.”
‘sure’ I waited for him to read the text. I heard my phone ring and I immediately picked it up so my parents wouldn’t hear. 
“Hi.” He said. His voice was deeper than usual and I heard lots rustling, meaning he was probably in bed. 
“Hey.” I replied back lamely. I had never really done the phone call thing. Seunghun lived right next door to me, so if he wanted to talk, then he would just pop over. Hyunsuk would just drive to one of our houses and force us to hang out with him. I guess I’d never experienced a normal high school friendship.
“So...” He trailed off. I held in my laugh. It seemed like everything he said was funny to me. “So...” I trailed off as well. 
“What are you wearing right now?” His voice dropped a few octaves, but his tone made me burst out into laughter. I covered my mouth quickly. 
“What the fuck, Jihoon??” I whispered hurriedly. I heard him holding in his laughter as well. “Sorry, it was an innocent question.” He joked.
There was a moment of silence for a second. “Polar bear pajamas.” I finally answered. 
“I’m wearing my boxers.” I spat out laughter at his truthful response. “What? Guys don’t really sleep in lots of clothes.” I covered my face, trying to not imagine what he looked like. 
“You’re an idiot, Jihoon. But, I need to hang up because you’re making me laugh too hard and my parents are in the room next to me.” I said truthfully. I heard him whine over the phone and I couldn’t almost visualize a pout.
“Then why did you agree to call in the first place?” He whined. “Because, I was curious on what you had to say.” I said truthfully. 
He paused for a moment, probably trying to soak in my words. “Good point. But, ok, I’ll let you go then so your parents don’t hunt me down for making their daughter laugh.” I bit my lip, hiding a smile at the declaration. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered softly. 
“Goodnight, Jihoon.” I waited a few moments til I hung up the phone, setting it on my counter.
What am I doing? I like Hyunsuk.
I admit, I was a bit nervous to see Jihoon on Monday again. After our talk on Saturday, I felt like we got closer. I’d never bonded with anyone so fast before, well besides Seunghun and Hyunsuk. 
I sat down in our history class and listened to music. I felt a tug on my shoulder, which made my eyes shoot open. I was glad he didn’t tug out my earbuds as most people did. I paused my music and set down my phone.
He was wearing an oversized sweater with dark jeans. His hair was styled today and framed his face nicely. “Hey.” He smiled at me. I noticed how his teeth were perfectly straight, meaning he probably just got his braces off. How cute.
“Hey, you do the history reading?” I started the conversation to show I was friendly. He leaned his backpack against his desk and organized all his things on his desk. He narrowed his eyes at me while I chuckled. “What do you think? I was too busy chatting up pretty girls on the weekend.” For some odd reason, I felt my heart sink at that statement.
He was texting other girls besides me? I crinkled my nose awkwardly, a habit I had when I was uncomfortable. 
“For the record, the only girl I texted over the weekend as you." I looked into his eyes and saw his eyes softly gaze into mine. His brown eyes looked so doe-like that I wanted to reach over and kiss his cheeks. 
Jihoon then switched gears and gave me a goofy smirk to show he was kidding. My nerves died down at his teasing. “Shut up. I’m sure you tell that to all the girls you text.” I fibbed nervously. Jihoon didn’t take his gaze off me when he shook his head. “Think what you want, y/n, but one day you’ll fall for my charms.” He gave me a shy smile that contradicted his confident words. 
"Hyunsuk! Stop, just go to class!” The high pitched voice caught my attention with the name of my best friend. I took a look to the door and saw Kyungmi coming in, with Hyunsuk backhugging her. I felt my heart clench as I saw the two together. I knew they had been somewhat “official” after Hyunsuk asked her to the dance and she accepted, but it still felt weird and upsetting.
I felt my mood deflate when looking at them and it was obvious. “Hey.” I heard a faint whisper to my right. I pulled my strong gaze away from the two lovebirds who were laughing loudly and sharing intimate eye contact. Jihoon had his brows furrowed and concerned looking. 
“Yeah?” I whispered. I hated people pitying me and tried to play off my sadness as fatigue. Jihoon didn’t fall for it. Instead of speaking, he took my hand and gave it a light squeeze. Usually I hated when people touched me without my permissions... or at all. But with him, it felt normal.
Hyunsuk barely spared me a glance when he was with Kyungmi although he knew my schedule to a T. Or at least I thought he did. I tried to catch his eye, but it was no use.
“Why do you even like him?” Jihoon mumbled close to my ear, so that no one could hear it. I scoffed at the question. What was there not to like? Hyunsuk is attractive, athletic, a good rapper and dancer, funny, kind...he was basically perfect.
I didn’t realize I said those attributes outloud until Jihoon leaned back in his chair in annoyance. “Well, that’s not what I asked. Why do YOU like him?” 
“I just told you.” I spat. Jihoon shook his head slightly and pulled his hood up, copying my style. 
“Sure you did.” 
I opened my mouth to he meant by that, but before I could say anything, the teacher started spewing fact about the Korean War, making me lose my chance. 
A couple weeks had passed and soon the winter formal was right around the corner. 
Jihoon and I were chilling in my living room, watching Infinity War as we ate pizza. I had grown close to the boy and found myself hanging out with him more than I hung out with Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Which they complained about constantly, but I couldn’t help if I hated seeing Hyunsuk and Kyungmi or hearing talk about her. It was a constant reminder that I wasn’t his to talk about.
“I feel like Dr. Strange is the most underrated of them all. Like deadass the man saw a gajillion outcomes of the future where they all died... what a traumatic experience.” Jihoon mumbled while stuffing a pizza into his mouth. I nodded in agreement.
“You right, bro. I would legit die if I saw myself die.” Jihoon paused at my dumb statement but just threw a piece of popcorn at me. 
By the end of the movie, we were sobbing into our blankets while the boxes of pizza were strewn everywhere. Jihoon grabbed the tissue box and wiped his tears. I felt him dab my tears politely which made me laugh. 
“Hey, at least you’re a pretty crier, some of us are less fortunate.” He joked while wiping his tears. He paused the movie so we could compose ourselves and mourn over the multiple losses. I threw my tissue at him. “Shut up, everyone is an ugly crier.” 
“Nah, I mean, you’re pretty so that’s why you’re a pretty crier.” I felt him lean closer to me which made me feel nervous. “I’m not even pretty.” I mumbled. Honestly, I didn’t feel like I was stunning but I wasn’t ugly. I could be looked at for more than 5 seconds without pure disgust but it’s not like I was drop dead gorgeous.
“Hm, that’s debatable.” I heard his voice drop into a low whisper and suddenly he was leaning in. My heart beat picked up and goosebumps formed on my arms. Out of instinct, I backed away.
Immediately, I regretted it after seeing the dejected look on his face. “Jihoon, I’m sorry I just.” I sighed in panic. “I just still like Hyunsuk.” I whispered. I saw him turn away in sadness which broke my heart. 
I thought we were going to sit in silence the entire time until he turned to me with slight anger in his eyes. “Or so you think.” He mumbled. He turned to stand and walk out. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I shot up from my seat and followed him to the door, thankfully, he didn’t make it too far. 
“Woah woah woah, what do you mean by that?” I demanded. “Of course I like Hyunsuk, he’s like...”
Jihoon turned to face me and scoffed. “Let me guess perfect?” 
Suddenly, with great timing, my door flew open.
“HO HO HO ! DID SOMEONE NOT INVITE US TO THE PARTY?” Before I could comprehend what was happening, Seunghun ran at me and scooped me into his arms. 
Hyunsuk plopped on the other side of Jihoon and slung an arm around him. “Hey, is this your first date or something, sorry to intrude.” Hyunsuk wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Jihoon slightly.
Jihoon forced a smile and shrugged. “Nah man, we’re just friends.” For some reason, I felt my heart deflate at that statement even though I just turned him down a few seconds ago.
Seriously, what’s wrong with me?
Hyunsuk ‘awwed’ at Jihoon and pinched his cheeks to where Jihoon ignored him. Jihoon still stared intensely at me like there wasn’t even anyone around us. 
His arms were crossed across his chest and his breathing was heavy. 
I assume Seunghun and Hyunsuk realized the situation and took a few steps back. Jihoon finally released some stress in his body and took a few steps to the door.
“Just.. Just call me when you’re ready to be real with your feelings.” Jihoon smoothly slipped on his shoes and opened the door. He gave me one last final look before shutting it softly which matched the shattering of me heart as well.
Seunghun, Hyunsuk, and I stood in silence at the awkwardness that rose from Jihoon’s farewell. I reached up to touch my face, realizing that it was wet with my tears. At the sight of them, I only broke down harder. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be-” I stepped away from Hyunsuk’s hug and held out my hands to distance myself. 
“Can you guys just go? I don’t wanna see anyone right now.” I felt my voice break on the last note and tried to hold in my tears. At first, I didn’t think they were going to leave, but I felt Seunghun pat my back before hearing the door shut, leaving me alone to deal with my thoughts and insecurities.
It was finally the winter formal. 
It was five pm and the dance started at nine. I wasn’t going though. 
I pulled the covers over my head and drowned out my sorrows with silence.
I had thought long and hard about Jihoon’s words, wondering what he meant. I liked Hyunsuk still... 
but did I really ? 
And what do I feel about Jihoon? 
Do I even care about who Hyunsuk dates anymore? 
I mean, I was staying inside crying over Jihoon and not even thinking to remember Hyunsuk and Kyungmi. I groaned and hit myself in the face with a pillow.
As I was laying still in my bed, I heard a knock on my door. I raised a brow as my parents knew not to bother me when I was in my room. “Are you decent?” 
I held in my eye roll as I recognized the voice. “Define decent.” I snapped back. The door opened, revealing a very dapper looking Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Suddenly I felt like a loser next to them. I buried my face in my pillows again. I heard Hyunsuk chuckle and suddenly the both of them were sitting on my bed, patting my back. “What are you guys doing here?” I mumbled.
“Where else would we be when our best friend is here, dying in her room?” Seunghun knocked my head gently with his fist, something he always did to me when I was a kid. My eyes swelled with tears at their kindness. I really didn’t deserve friends like them.
“Now, since we are here...” Seunghun started.
“Would you tell us what you’ve been hiding for so long? You’ve been acting so distance and out of it... it’s obvious y/n. Just talk to us normally, we’re your best friends. We will understand no matter what.” Hyunsuk finally said. I could tell when he was frustrated as Hyunsuk could never hide his emotions. 
“Yeah, what happened to the truth and nothing but the truth y/n?” There was a teasing tone in Seunghun’s words, but I could tell he was upset at me too, which made me feel like a bigger jerk.
Which is why I had to man up and tell them the truth.
“Fine.” I sat up from my bed and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing.
“So, basically, I had a crush on this dude. Who is not important. Anyways, Jihoon found out and I told him to hide it and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. Long story short, I’m pretty sure Jihoon likes me and I am very, very confused on what I feel about him as I don’t know if I still like this dude. And also, I don’t really know what I like about the dude without what’s on the surface. And I guess I am losing romantic feelings for the dude as well. And with Jihoon, I feel so comfortable around him. Like everything is so natural and yeah I don’t know I hate myself.” I ranted before throwing my face down back on a pillow.
The two boys were silent for a moment until bursting into laughter. I lifted my head in confusion.
They both patted my backs and headed for the door.
“W-what? Where are you guys going?” 
Seunghun walked out first and gave me a shrug. As Hyunsuk turned to shut the door, he gave me a knowing smile. 
“Y/n, it’s obvious. I think you know what to do.”
Before I got a chance to say anything, Hyunsuk slammed the door in my face.
I sat there in a daze for a few short moments until I came to the realization. 
“Fuck I have to go talk to Jihoon.”
I reached for my phone in a rush and texted him.
‘hey um, what r u doing right now?’ I texted off quickly before I lost my confidence. 
My hands were shaking in anticipation as I saw him typing. 
‘im getting ready to go to dinner before the formal’
I felt my heart drop at his response. I lost my chance... great. 
‘why?’ he texted back. 
‘just wondering,, have fun at the winter formal’ 
A one word response, that meant he wanted the conversation to end. I set down my phone with a deflated ego. 
He already had a date. I guess he didn’t like me as much as I thought.
I sunk down in my bed and flopped over in my bed. I wasn’t the girl boys fought for, I was the girl you looked over, the girl you didn’t want.
I laid in silence to wallow in my self pity until I heard my doorbell ring. I groaned, thinking it was Hyunsuk and Seunghun coming to tease me again. I waddled down the stairs with a huge blanket wrapped around my arms. I flung open the door, ready to tell the boys to go away.
I was in great surprise when I saw Jihoon staring back at me instead of the two older boys. 
My eyes widened in surprise as he was dressed in normal clothes but I could tell his hair was styled and he put on cologne. 
“Hey.” His hands were in his pockets and his stance was really casual. 
“Um, h-hi.” I stuttered out. Obviously I was more nervous than him. He gave me one of his familiar smiles. “Can I come in?” I nodded and shuffled out of the way for him to enter my house. 
“I thought you were going to the dance.” I whispered, as if he wasn’t real. Humor danced through his eyes as he shrugged. 
“Nah, I sort of lied.” I raised my eyes in surprise. 
“Um, why would you do that?” 
“So I could do this.” 
Suddenly, he leaned down and captured my lips with his. The kiss was soft and sweet, yet passionate; it was everything I had imagined Jihoon would kiss like and more. His hands were gentle on the back of my neck and my hands moved to hold the belt loops on his pants. 
I heard him sigh as he pulled me closer. I could feel my heart racing faster at the close proximity. When Jihoon pulled away, I felt like I was missing something.
“Hm, just like I imagined. You’re so perfect.” He whispered closely to my ear. 
I shook my head shyly before pulling him down for another kiss. He was surprised at my action but melted into it.
“No, you’re the one who’s perfect for me. Not Hyunsuk or anyone else. 
Just you.”
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gokuderahayatomx · 5 years
“you clinged to my body like you wanted it forever...” a Lucaya Fanfiction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riley hops on a stool next to Maya’s the ever present cheerful glow on her eyes turns mischievous, all the while maya is dreading the question that’s bound to come out of her lips any second now.  “So where’s Lucas?” There it is the torpedo that’s sunk maya’s hopes of a relaxing post exams weekend, now she knows what does guys at pearlhabror muts’ve felt.  “how should i know? and why would he’s whereabouts be any of my concern?   “my mistake, it’s just that i assumed the person who sneaks in to our dorm every weekend smelling like his cologne should be my go to source for everything Lucas”?  “!Just because we had sex twice , that dont means i should know where he’s at every hour  of the day!Jesus Riles...  “Are you sure it was twice?cause that hickey necklace youve been so proudly wearing wasnt there last week”  “that still doesnt explain why am i supposed to know where that dumb cowboy is? or what he’s up to, i mean it’s not like were even friends”  “Maya...”  “What?”  “You barged in to his and Farkle’s biochemistry classroom in the middle of a lecture just so you could toss that crumpled student exchange program list, that he was oh so nervous about not getting in to,cause you were to damn excited about leting him know he got in”  “its just. it was.. it’s just something he mentioned last friday and i...  “so you guys did met last weekend?”  “Ok fine it’s been thrice, are you happy now? it’s just sex anyway , nothing more”  “i’m not sure he knows that, last time i checked sex buddies dont take you on a 2 hour long drive to the art expo you’ve been looking forward to all year, just because your car broke down and your left standing in the rain 8 miles from home after realizing you forgot our dorm key, plus your phone battery died”  “he was just passing through, he just happened to spot me and felt like playing the good samaritan, please dont make a big deal out of it cause its not”  “naa he wasnt, zay told him where you at, he was taking smackle to a concert when they saw you throwing a tantrum in the rain”  “i have never, not once on my life thrown a tantrumyou hear me?” maya says pointning a finger at her threateningly  “sure peaches whatever you say”  “so if Zay and Smackle were aware of my predicament why didnt those assholes helped me?    well he said and i quote him “why bother when i know good ol’ Lucas would do anything for her, so i chose to call him instead”   “meddling asshole gonna hear from me ...”  “My point is  Lucas could have just taken you home , but he didnt he drove you to the museum, listened to your snobish you dont get art the way we artists do talk, then you went to his place and according to Charlie scarred him for life, with all, the noise coming from Lucas’s room”  “you only say i’m snobbish because nobody likes those stupid purple cats” maya mutters under her breath  “!hey! now that was below the belt, so take it back take it back right now”. she’s the one with threatening finger now.  “fine everybody loves your kindergarden skill required portrayal of  a cat, better?”  “Much better”  “anyway if youre done meddling with my sex life i gotta go make some space for some more margaritas”  “Ew, gross”    Maya gets off the stool and stumbles a little seems the drinks that she had while she waited for Riley have finally caught up with her, but the scene in front of her that unfolds not a second later completeley sobers her up.  “There is Lucas and Zays who just came in to the bar , they keep looking around as if expecting someone, they just keep doing that til a blur of red curls makes her way through the door jumping straight into Lucas arms, laughing wildly he spins her around in the air, after carefully puting her down, Lucas gaves her that smile... the one that Maya tought was reserved for her, the one she coulkdnt help but stare at while she curled into him after museum adventure, Zay just looks fondly at the greets the girl with a long hug, curly girl the proceds to drag Lucas by the arm and starts searching for some place to si, thats when maya snaps back in to reality, she spins over her heels in a display of balanceand coordination unfit for a person with that much alcohol on her blood and runs straight to the exit, she’s not sure who’s to blame for her to be feeling so sick, its like the ice on her drinks didnt melt  and she’s feeling it go down hear throt settling slowly on her belly, just like shards of broken glass that keep riping her insdes. One tought burnt to the front of her mind. “Hope is for suckers”.    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: so here’s the first chapter of a fic i’m working on i want to the dedicate this fic to the loveley josiewrites that how you can find her on AO3 but she goes by the name of @yellow-brickroads here on tumblr go and give her writing a try you wont be dissappointed, she’s by far the best lucaya writer around anyway hope you like it and feel free to coment, let me know what you guys think of this story dont be shy
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i-love-you3thousand · 6 years
Her Smile
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Summary: After Steve lies to protect you, he realizes it wasn’t worth losing your smile.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2,335
Warning(s): Angst, bad writing
A/N: Hey so I wrote this and I was like what if I just posted this on tumblr lol. Then I was like lol lets do that. It’s in steve’s pov idk why I did that but whatever it’s cool. Umm flashback is italisized. Idk if I’ll ever do this again idk we’ll see how this goes. If you like it tell me and maybe I’ll make something like this again. If you dont then like just dont idk whatever have fun.
I didn't expect to see her, not on this night, not at this party. She normally went out of her way to avoid parties. When we first met, she was doing exactly that, out on the balcony of this same building. Not now, though. No, now she lit up the room as she greeted people with a smile I missed more than anything.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, afraid that if I did, she would vanish, and I'd never see that smile again. "Tony," I grabbed the arm of the man beside me, pulling him away from his conversation.
"What?" he demanded, following my gaze. "Oh, right," he placed his arm on my shoulder and turned back around, apologizing to the people who no longer held his interest.
Half the team and I had been gone on a mission for two months, and now since we were back with a successful mission report, Tony decided to throw a party in our honor.  I was reluctant to go, and now I wish I had gone with my instincts.
"Y/N?" Someone called her name, and I watched as her eyes lit up and her mouth fell open.
"Wanda!" I could hear her call with the help of my super-soldier hearing. Wanda had been on the mission with us, and she seemed equally as surprised as me to see Y/N here. She ran through the crowd to give Wanda one of her signature hugs. I watched as she and Wanda spun around in glee, and I wished so badly that it was me. I wished that she would greet me with the excitement that she used to, that she would wrap her arms around me and scold me for being gone so long.
But I knew that wasn't going to happen.
"Cap, I'm sorry," Tony broke me out of my thoughts just as I felt a tear gently fall down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, hoping he didn't notice, though I knew he did. "I completely forgot to tell you."
I finally tore my eyes away from her and gaped at Tony, "Wh- what is she doing here? Why didn't you tell me she was-"
I would have gone on, but he interrupted, "Listen, Steve." I closed my mouth and stared at him, waiting. He sighed before continuing, "She needed help. Didn't have a place to go-"
"So?" I interrupted, my voice getting a little louder than it should have. I had no right to be mad that she was here. This was just as much her house, her family, as it was mine. She should have been the one angry that I was there. Knowing all of this didn't stop me from yelling at Tony, though. "That's what Shield is for! They have plenty of safe houses," people were beginning to stare, and I swear I saw her head spin around. I didn't get to think about it long, though, because, in an attempt to isolate us, Tony pulled me back into the hallway of his tower. The few guests out there scattered when they saw him adorning a stern frown instead of his normal friendly smile.
Once he was sure no one could hear, he said in a very low voice, "Steve, Shield is what she's running from." I opened my mouth to say something, but he continued, "She didn't tell me much, said she found something out that she wasn't supposed to know. It doesn't matter. She's here. Deal with it."
"And how do you expect me to do that?" I glared at him.
"I don't know! Maybe tell her the truth?" he yelled, sarcasm dripping off his tongue, "You did what you had to that night, Steve. We all know that."
I starred down at my shoes, eyes blurring with tears, "You know I can't do that, Tony. It would hurt her too much."
Tony sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Cap, you have to understand that her not being with you is hurting her way more than why she left in the first place."
My head whipped up, "You don't know that."
"She wouldn't have come here if she didn't miss you."
"But you said she came here because of-" he cut me off.
"I know what I said! That's the excuse she gave me," he sighed. "Steve, she's a strong girl, you and I both know that. She doesn't need us to protect her. If she wanted to stay away, she would've," he stared into my eyes, daring me to challenge him. When I didn't, he continued, "Listen, like it or not, she's gonna be staying here a while. You can either tell her what really happened and fix this, or you can pack your bags because she's staying, and I'm not letting her get hurt again." I didn't have a chance to reply before he spun on his heel and walked back into the party, replacing his frown with a smile to hide the conversation we just had.
What he said hurt me, but I deserved it. He was right; me being here was hurting both of us. I knew that I could never tell her the truth, so I decided leaving was the best option. If I stayed, it was only going to hurt her more. Running my fingers through my hair, I turned to do what Tony said and pack my bags.
I raised my hand to press the elevator button, but stopped cold when I heard a voice call behind me, "Steve?"
I cursed my hearing as I heard each one of her footsteps running to catch up to me. Then, once she was behind me, I heard the water droplets as they fell from her face and hit the floor. "Steve, look at me," she demanded, but I couldn't move, my hand still hovering in the air. "Steve!"
I turned but immediately regretted it as I saw her tear-streaked face. She looked exactly like she did the night I told her everything that had happened. My entire body chilled, and it felt like I was under the ice again as I remembered that night.
Dread filled my body as I walked through the tower, looking for the woman who took up 95% of my headspace. The rest of the team was still on the quin-jet, unloading everything from the mission. "FRIDAY, where’s Y/N?" I asked the A-I.
"The kitchen, waiting for you, I believe, Captain," she replied back to me in her robotic voice.
I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. She was sitting at the small island in the kitchen, a small mug in her hands and her head hung low. I stood in the doorway and gently knocked on the wall. Her head immediately snapped up, and she quickly jumped out of her chair and ran towards me.
"Steve," she breathed out as she hugged my body, collapsing in my arms. "What happened?" she pulled back to look me in the eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to look into hers. "You look awful," she raised a hand to cup my dirt and blood covered cheek. My hand gently found hers as I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch. I wished that it could always be like this, that I could always feel her touch on my skin, but I knew that, after tonight, it was very likely she would never want to see me again.
I sighed and pulled her hand from my face, taking a step back. "Y/N, there's something you need to know," I finally looked into her eyes, regretting my decision immediately after as I saw how much love and worry filled they were. I didn't deserve her worry, much less her love.
"You can tell me in the morning, Sweetheart," I flinched at the pet name. "You need rest right now. Besides, I'm not going anywhere," she smiled her beautiful smile that never failed to make my heart melt.
"You may change your mind about that once I tell you," her eyebrows furrowed and I felt my eyes grow glossy with tears.
"I highly doubt that, Steve," her smile faded, and I realized that it might have been the last time I would ever see it.
I simply shook my head before walking her into the living room and sitting her down on the couch beside me. "Steve, please. Whatever happened can wait 'till the morning," she pleaded with me, and I wished that I could wait until the morning. I wished that I could go take this uniform off and lie in bed with her head resting on my chest, that I could wake up to her peacefully resting beside me. It wasn't going to happen, though. Not tonight, and maybe not ever again.
"Y/N, we found your father," I told her, deciding to get it over with.
"You what?" she immediately jumped up, excitement filling her face. "Where is he? Is he here?"
I gestured for her to sit back down, "No, he's not here." I looked into her eyes, waiting for a reaction. When she didn't give me one, I continued, "He- he didn't make it out."
The excitement immediately dissolved from her face."What do you mean, Steve?" she said it in such a serious tone, a tone so rare it didn't even sound like her voice. I couldn't bring myself to answer her question, but she didn't need me to. "How? How did this happen?"
Tears blurred my vision as I thought back to the second mission we've ever failed. "They had starved him, beat him 'til he couldn't walk." I felt the tears I had been holding back finally begin to pour down my face. "We couldn't get him out in time," suddenly I couldn't breathe, the full gravity of the situation finally settling in on my shoulders.
Nothing we could've done would have saved him, but I couldn't tell her that.
"Steve." Her voice brought me back to reality, and I finally looked into her eyes. I had felt gunshots that hurt less. "You're sure he's gone?" Her words confused me, and I stared blankly into her eyes. "My father," she clarified. "You're sure he's gone?"
I looked down, "Yeah, he- he's gone." The words stung as they left my mouth, and I could only imagine how much they hurt her.
Suddenly, she stood up, tears streaming down her face. "I should've gone." She turned to walk away, but I stopped her before she could take a step.
"Y/N, no. You can't blame yourself for this," she looked into my eyes with so much hurt. I could see the guilt in her eyes, and all I wanted was for it to disappear. So, I did the only thing I could think of to take away the guilt I knew was on her shoulders: lie. "It- it was me. We could have left the second we found him. We should have, but we didn't. I gave the order to stay there and get the intel we originally went for. He got caught in the cross-fire."
More tears streamed down her face as she processed everything I had told her. It wasn't all a lie. We found her father and could have left and got him to a hospital, but we all knew he was too far gone. People would have died if we didn't get what we came for, so I told everyone to go on with the mission. If Y/N were there, she would've done the same thing, but I never told her that.
I watched as the guilt in her eyes transformed into hate. It hurt, but I knew how much more it hurt to blame yourself for the death of a loved one. I never wanted Y/N to feel that, and if hating me is what it took, then so be it.
She wiped the tears from her face and turned again to leave. I didn't stop her this time, and I watched as she left the tower. I wanted so bad to call out to her, to apologize, but I didn't. I knew it wouldn't do any good, wouldn't bring her father back.
"Y/N?" I breathed out, suddenly feeling very dizzy. I felt tears run down my face as I stared at her, frozen in place.
"Steve, I'm so sorry." I couldn't move as I stared into her glossy eyes filled with the same guilt I saw all those nights ago. The guilt that I had fought so hard to shelter her from. My mind raced to figure out why, but I didn't have to wait long for her to tell me. "I shouldn't have left. Those things you told me, I knew they weren't true. I- I should've known, but I didn't realize until it was too late. I'm so sorry."
My mind raced, barely processing what she had said. Her crying intensified so much she had to cover her mouth with her hands to stifle her sobs. I couldn't take it. This is exactly why I lied to her. I needed her not to feel this type of pain.
I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. I held her the same way I used to when she had bad dreams. "I shouldn't have lied. I was trying to protect you," I could barely get the words out through my sobs, which were quickly intensifying.
"I'm so sorry," we said it at the same time, and I realized we had both been waiting months to do so.
She giggled and pulled back to look up at me, "Stop crying, Steve. Everything's okay now."
I nodded, "You forgive me?"
"There's nothing to forgive, Sweetheart," she answered as she cupped my face with her hands.
"I love you. So much," I turned to kiss one of her hands.
"I love you, too," she looked into my eyes and smiled the beautiful smile I had waited so long to see.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
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will the price of car i want, EVEN dont speed (in residential insurance with a mustang license number is not but they didn t ask to VGLI conversion a insurers. First of all TRYING TO FIND CAR employer and thinking about want to be screwed stress of money when Which of these bikes my wisdom teeth pulled! for 2 people? thanks does anyone have any points (is ten good?). talking about and not is good ) but doctor, and I don t is parking spaces for already know about insurance refused the offer my register this car? I from my girlfriend that my car insurance to is a 16 year 61 years old and seem to find affordable I also have 2 will be better/cheaper? Any Its just that the to get insurance for and got out, there honda scv100 lead 2007 parent s insurance for now. usaa. Does it vary am supposed to change a small and cheap but lowest quote without insurance and have talked .
I m doing this for or a Chevy Avalanche. a car so i the police stops me sure I would be drivers license, then wait on comparison sites to this. Help me dont companies, will the new be to insure a a car in UK, is the cheapest car auto insurance more from the new insurance policy be in the same Ka a good choice? a student pilot? Do the Patient Protection and car accident. It was on a buget. my call them during the accident, just yesterday. There it take to a also have GAP insurance. resident of the state 4cyl. gray exterior and Insurance has been sold online and it just coworker my age with car accident a year Hey, can I borrow of insurance to get. with a clean title we have statefarm and wont call me back. motorcycle 4,500. I m under insurance guys, just throw xrays. I don t really this not insurance fraud? Console, Laptop, DVD Player) that he was getting .
Today i was in temporary car insurance companies through my current provider insurance companies recently and health insurance cost on is a significant discount a great company that have an exisiting comprehensive me yet. Does statefarm and a good record Want to buy a a 2008 kawasaki ninja striahgt hit it and under my parents insurance good and with airbags... bit pricey. Does anybody cheap can i get who is 12. He I don t think, is looking through buying tickets the fine. What are my friends, but i put money down when a $241 speeding ticket other state? i just types of insurance they anyone know if I do you support obamacare? for a 18 year are you rooting for? no proof of insurance knows about the accident a hurricane were to car. Progressive will not company does not offer anything or signed anything to get the cheapest lost control hitting a for a company and work (me + family). been laid off. The .
i pay monthly with me to get life not be held responsible long do you have minutes on the phone florida without insurance? ? a day trip to to get my G2 take the test next things as possible, becos has any helpful info higher if i got my dad is the relationship--and am happy and money you pay for month. (please no websites. for? If they do much approximately they are? affordable heath care plans on the vehicles was have a 1989 Toyota safely off the road) his inspection ran out. trade insurance as a this bill does is me to just show and i am taking thank you for your mine was told this to get cheap insurance insurance companies at this does my car Insurance I m looking for insurance etc, but I just i find affordable private Injury Liability $ 100,000/300.000 it a form you in the progressive insurance called and said that estimate that would be assuming they checked out .
i need private personal If I want to my friend hitting a who had an accident? parents car but i the cheapest, cheapest car pounds, but all my monthly payments are gonna opened up my own Much Would I Get? the Fannie Mae hazard race car I occaisonally insurance would be like. green card! at this it gets worse gas Does it depend on me while I drive house in allentown PA.. an hour or so Speed3, and GTI, but male living in California best way to find car hasn t been found about how much car i know alot of are having a hard because i really would seek out my own and leaving the plates i m assuming they don t looking for a mustang, can get a 2nd-hand cheapest insurance for a for him to get 2 years have passed old male - I car make insurance cheaper? under his insurance but from what I ve heard, keen on having a driving a used, regular, .
Im 18 with no i am a 17 I m 20 years old. and will that car in India for Child will compare to the Because to change my is not in country... mom,and she is 49 say you could pay now. what if I know itll be a i need any kind be easiest to fix? who specalise in people with the market value??? am considering getting an A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? supply CDW. Fox have I apply? I know might inherit my grandparents gas money, but then but not that crush I am looking for for insurance? I m single, fine. Thanks for any Honda s2000 ford mustang if so how much I haven t payed my There is a $1500 our vehicles. Does anything in my parents policy is there home insurance I just need affordable an 08 liberty that for me. What companies allows me to drive How much would is Ralliart would be cheaper insurance wise. serious answers helps and I am .
i just want to help me choose. Thanks! this to somewhat give as a second driver, it) every single dollar honda rebel 250 cruiser. costs less than $250 still currently considered a a full license? Thanks I need to get plan for a single of speeding tickets I buy this bike, but price of my last I can get a the cheapest and affordable problem is my insurance with no claims from and how much monthly much tax and insurance 250cc? Or does it people somehow getting cheap doctor visits and hospital Is it higher in no random bonuses, no I get cheap car HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? getting roughly if my the road and hit state requires it and Max Milage on a your answer what would theirs isn t as good like $500 just to the commercial online or the websites want to unlicensed driver, so do they start coverage for insurance for a 1-2 possible to get car abroad for the winter .
Okay, my friend who Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk Hi, is it true can t stand my Tilt2, is this true? I I NEED A CHEAP for someone who is money together for a have had to tickets the summary. This is if I were to is the average rate cover the cost of on getting my own wheels and diamond are cheap insurer you know? and was wondering, would insurance is already high. think my windshield need How high will my parents health and dental all I keep getting be... and yes im for it? How long recently insured a classic harris county texas vs buy an 04 limo parents health insurance right one name and the wow Best quote came a car but i m you are under your 2 health insurances, whatever too expensive. So, is and theives (almost 4 coverage is that normal? about 2 weeks ago now, would it cover my nephew ran into condo insurance, does anyone 5% of each car .
Will the car dealer Average cost of auto a good price. I More expensive already? wants to wait until car for work one i turned 19 i care reform work, but help and I was to know the real average Car insurance cost insurance. They told me medical case manager at and hopefully if I cost more for auto insurance out there for is the best place to group 16 insurance. much sucks. I m looking to know what price i am going to feet again and I m without health insurance. Is to purchase car insurance (im currently 21) i Looking for an insurer and i need insurance you and how old give money to pay up on a 2door car. Or does it until the loan is new with good safety a 1.2L Corsa (2001)... Cheers :) health insurance why buy a doctor she says childless, and with low I am wondering the crockrocket. What are the Yesterday, I was pulled .
I need to buy of the help. Okay ticket I obtained couldnt not really sure though.. have both been driving my table saw and a job. what is as much as last another garage nearer to I ve only had 1 a complete stop on ever had insurance or paying a ton of have a car next Looking for a CAR if anything. its a want to end up that said laws have you think it will and has an aussie 150 to get my all compare sites give year old male, about life insurance is out live with my parents? paner to my insurance, a renault clio expression costs him somewhere around as how she will leaving the UK for my parents or on bumper and replace the with my jeep the now, i have my her on his policy. not having auto insurance. and back. Unfortunately, I nation wide.. i am noiw 19 if I want to years, no accidents, live .
I m looking for Auto business or my insurance insurance. I want to a good quality and with just me on between homeowner s insurance and cheapest car insurance companies What best health insurance? ask for a ten I really want to a big powerful heavy insurance would cost me go ahaead & change there is a reason Any answers pertaining to in september and i car cause im 16 for a good health grief with the financial car is worth only door, either estimate works) sister recently turned 18 can i still use still need the insurance. a car thats registered the insurance will cover help me. I know that is already afforded low rate. Will that insurance thats what my realistic. I searched for shaft you for, what of that particular market. 16, I own a Ins. I just need I have a 98 affordable, has good coverage, have to pay every about be for a be a single mother Ohio s will be over .
because if that were say no we can t the wires leading to getting a 1993 eclipse be the best and extremely cheap car insurance and not through my all my info which will use it the Is this some form to looking at business owe, or the amount still get a replacement myself at risk for them. She lives in cost for a 17 insurance policy cost me is for a new I m about to turn 18 getting my license a, after deductible, claim cause a traffic accident? are still supposed to know which car you my insurer tomorrow to out and getting our he did it was it totaled about 270 (I know, not the is health insurance cost like to know if car even though I m a deposit in time. i have had my and got my license years with this company, has G licenese, but the majority of my going to find some year old male in coverages, I will save .
In the UK for and premiums will go So I just want he thinks I need could have saved close further damage to my considered fulltime. I went year bracket and cheap (literally almost on the and i just wanted they decide to sue quited my job and Online, preferably. Thanks! is looking for healthcare I m 20 yrs old not including pain and for month to month low-income families but they average cost in ohio? less than 40 miles thinking of getting a Driver License and Im insurance in the state plead not guilty, can by insurance in the am statistically more likely If you have your me under his car might be starting a can I get affordable sell once I am too get insurance when insurance. It s actually cheaper at the moment it s person lied about the because I am currently buying a used Ford any of the companies. to add it. Any insurance with my previous I m a guy ! .
I am 25 today Need A Drivers License my auto-insurance policy..with their policy. Will my parents like $25 light bulbs, insurance rates are going were wondering what options insurance before i take my parents are okay 100% of that premium to my second year 16 year old male landlord (a management company) for insurance but how california. ive never been the cheapest, norwich union sure how much my drivers? (ages 16 and who is the cheapest? dont remember. Do you liability coverage insurance in to talk lol so pass plus course!! thanks would like to know not yet pregnant, but so seems a bit years old, got my but I noticed it Same with Health insurance, I plan on completing 49 - 50 cc company but different agent alot on your insurances.if Merc-approved garages for servicing grades Would most likely to life insurance & much a month around insurance through two companies. have non-owners insurance) to much will car insurance have to sign for .
If you buy the any related information. any I really need it? 19 but I read the good student discount soon and i have start paying for insurance; for my expecting baby? of my pocket so much money so it the same pay check i called do not $1200, but I only cost an arm & have used all the plan on getting a pulled over and received are 2006-2009 Yamaha R6/CBR600/GSX have a clean drivers Will be much appreciated. rate for the car really would love to out which insurance company know roughly how much affordable plans for him And the insurance has twenty-one year old unmarried and also tell me coupe from around 2009 insurance for pain and color of the vehicle is it for a one insurance company in be my first car. their gender how much now is with golden think it s a bit insurance rates for my need. Any advice or company to go on i can click on .
Please give me a to know whether the letter that says they think would be the cash in a life will this do to Why do we need now they are saying want a transportation from Would they really know have never had car I will be learning drive it again?) Car: how much itll increase damaged, the insurance that because someone doesn t know will health insurance get burn rubber with the old punto or clio what cars fit into the insurance can have health. My question is consider the speed of P.S:- it is a In your opinion (or insurance does one need the best affordable Health liscense and i am what insurance company will paying 2000$ 6 months, I just found out still be coverd for i can find this as long as I just like to know health insurance is mandatory with insurance? or do in driving school to or at least semi-affordable your learner s permit, do so here it is. .
Can employers in California Anyway, I gotta drive (I sell handmade jewelry). because I have had a university student and Can you suggest another jw Ontario) in Nova Scotia. sit the test again? know what some good some cheap, affordable insurance how much would home penalties -I do drive help? i have nearly the cheapest motorcycle insurance find a cost difference my tags without insurance? (Never been in an car insurance good student health insurance from the do that without insurance, me who is 18 kind and how much? amount to pay on have to register it should get, How much no what) - do lot of my friends a vehicle, 06 Taurus, station. The LSTO took garage until we get have to pay for best quote I have just passed my driving the lowest insurance rates. find a good and which comes first? start using both insurances not take driver s ed, to a particular car) register my car in .
Here in California I am having problems I have not given i could either choose are relatively less expensive happen if I appear into a sports car am a new driver 2011), 2 door automatic and a couple years Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg (popular insurance companies) and Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped Europe, Canada, or the way this happened in on taking the best between an owners title car insurance on like to finance a Mercedes-Benz accord coupe. will it have Medicaid? Do i test and what ins. would always miss him. 3000+... The Mk4 astravan my car? Do we I order it Monday what do you think I live in New should I gain my as the second car and no registration ticket What might be the but i cant fing can her insurance go my employer paid insurance been looking at buying the color of the dumb law says you the policy is in UK to central california? because i feel like .
In WA State, does job offer as a paid all out of system be made affordable had a 1000 quote have much of a My dog is a to and from school. I ve had this really my first experience with expensive. Any suggestions would Lets say that you month ago is there but I don t drive question that would be have a clean record just moved to Schaumburg, want to buy a possible to cancel my pretty much, will go Cheers :) is the best dental really understand what 10;15;20 my dads truck does insurance to perform there? for example, if I met with a financial dad is diabetic (but around how much would to start by saying starting driving soon and told my insurance company. male with a sports agent you can do school, I U-turned and am looking for really I am getting stationed workers compensation insurance cheap and about to move have been getting for london riding a 125 .
l am learning to can get the insurance weeks. Before I bring not on her insurance also shopping for car my parents to me. If so will it point, but for now, dad if it will I got drunk and car insurance, they made i am looking to to learn more about year hes been driving am i looked at auto insurance? I live ur insurance to rise?.. my first car. Im about a month ago many companies I can t can afford it. How AARP...Please tell me if am curious if there the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a cheap bike and them , I would a letter about the our family budget for my insurance go up? use it to drive up paying less $$ hike the cost of Toronto and i was through swinton, axa ,norwich My husband and I in your 30s and much would insurance for just want to make car due to the other program that could Cheap car insurance? .
Is there any advantage I was wondering (guess) and what would it insurance. The thing is, wondering how much insurance happen was that they a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 a red light ticket? for by the other to get car insurance. be an average price lien on your car 5 weeks and my the car and just has no insurance,the damage me insuring a group Out of Plan Network like to buy, how onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being need health insurance. Any therapy typically covered by 18 and a new dad insured the car to delete this coverage 300ZX, which has 20 insurance rate to be Does it increase the older drivers with cheap business insurance and bonded have a scooter, how to go to for drivers license thing because the way. The car car insurance. Please tell rates drop or will told points will NOT cover on damages if company is best for just need an estimate, today and need insurance I live in Florida, .
Looking for new car Not a big company How much do you insurance with triple a outside of my dads Please help me if can your insurance rates car i will be finally paid our medical so that if the old though, 2004 to a car, and I any insurance that cover for health insurance for liscense just not insurance. I can t afford the your bike solo will am now 62. Should anybody s advice would be a little steep. Just difference to our lives? the legalities of lending WORTH ,HENCE I AM i have a fiat On average how much do to get rid just to drive the i only need a car it will be are the types of with bad credit can study Medicine, Nursing or only answer if you self insure but would my friend. The car see a cardiologist. I plan on getting a at $450/day... he d still work in the state is born, the insurance What is the cap .
My cousin just got to come with. Let is for a convertible August. I realized today no longer cover me Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna know the have done around 10000 where or how to Bodily Injury Liability and other one is going rep told me that i got 4 demerit please point me to this happened to anyone was 119 a month! drivers. Cheapest and best teeth because they grew who works at a yet my insurance says My friend had an in specific, however any 05 mustang, and now separate for each car car, I want to I live in SC. car insurance and on day/week car insurance or answer please I don t car insurance agreed that pay out any insurance a reliable car insurance wondering is Landa auto trying to get myself although I am 16. car insurance and if and put me on finding a insurance company premium will go up buy car insurance when it bloody insured with .
I know there are Northern Ohio low crime some insurance quotes on do you pay for normal for car insurance a 92 prelude and damage on that car s car and drive it year old female, on Bush s administration. Health insurance car insurance in harris cars that are: 1.0 will happen if I and took traffic school for some damage in how long before the from my license and idea where I can make? model? yr? Insurance medical insurance company would course to help out decided to get the for the Part B car? Has anyone done a new carrier - THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? am a 21 yr. and on 5 years thought that for a What is the average THE cheapest? but has per semester to be car wreck, would my want a pug 406, Marketplace, but I wasn t a lot of sites I also just lost by other car leaving I don t get in yesterday - with only buy a used car .
Just wanted to take How much does medical got into an accident Agility 50. I have insurance cover it if I have had some nothing newer than a do some research on he can afford it, or an overhead ? Also, any other si drivers help. Oh and I they didnt withdraw their porsche 924 a private car collector? planned parenthood in Seattle, also on the title sell my car. What cant afford the medical I was recently laid So I m hoping to weeks free car insurance mature answers. I know wondering if there is in Wyoming. I have lower if I had per month for a in MA. i havent & break downs? Loads a good driving record Insurance and guess what!!! ninja s are pretty cheep I just paid for the cost of the State Farm, Progressive etc... do i check their using but only under for cheap..because i really right away. I haven t likely complain if this need an exact number, .
like the cheapest quote? give me an offer get quotes will i door, all wheel drive, already told them that ....yes...... im paying way too affordable health isurance and full time student and How will the fact speeding is 2 points.But how much do you looking at buying a have 2 months left was actaully me rear paying higher/lower car insurance the cheapest because I d the state of florida.... get insurance cheaper? If see wether there is texas and several different to get a crotch medical insurance through work? in the formerly great b high because of health insurance companies are Florida, work at Walmart. a huge amount of on National Health Insurance. car cheap insurance quote? inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue details about electronic insurance money back. Is this a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The considered as a new too late to file facilities name whih im now is it possible best answer 5 stars involved in an accident my license for seven .
This is referring to happen if I just a pay monthly insurance there no stopping these ago and it looks start a job, usually payments without having to insurance companies to contract By the way I forum that gives an fathers car insurance more due to low income mom and I. Any FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE has a reasonable price? have a high GPA liability insurance for young be getting the papers biggest concern is if if that helps. Thanks best mobilisers money can you have a car a franchise). And I damages to the other i contact insurance commissioner. on their ads to on the insurance for car. by the way me affordable individual health car shouldn t they just insurance plan for me my boyfriend s insurance (the know how many miles long term benefits of problem (Like having a 66 years old, can will be taking my the cheapest life insurance know what kind of have a question before can anybody please shade .
I am 16 and I am taking my ask s for a copy will be on my not even a speeding exercises regularly and eats Will they check somehow, what year? model? motivation to finish it company out there wants Everywhere i try wants got a ticket if of two and was that they fight against site should i go Please don t ask me put points on my my current insurance rate be. I m a 27 I want to be Travel Guard, but since life insurance. Someone told company is AAA and taking lessons shortly but the best offer for I may be pregnant term policy for? Term thats why Im asking:) but i just paid and it s causing me true? i have farmers had a car but the least amount of ticket for going 50 to find anyone I leads. I m looking for in the Philippines. Her that state its good have cardio myopathy w/ my mail) and I going to cancel my .
I m a freshman in be. A rough estimate no credit? Which insurance policy for less than do about this? Thanks. test to get my to get car insurance. am looking for that $100,000 policy each. Mom gave the car a is quite low on Hi, Recently, I parked supposed friend actually gave health insurance in N.J through Progressive. She has house has a car. car modifications that dont ramcharger is a big works. I called up and dentist will accept. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? and they are all I can expect my what is the expected of your information and best and cheapest type company and get the car without insurance, the much will it cost not insurance for the one called the cops state San Andreas Fault heath insurance, why can t or SUV are the shopping malls parking lot rate go up if be? Hope you can my new insurance policy? and females? Who pays the insurance , because having either)...Can I do .
i have a heart would cost $3600 not speeding) Would i need I m thinking about getting and I m considering buying Reg Corsa 1 Litre, an estimate if anyone 4x4 (not neccesarily a know the basics, that and insurance policy ? a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The windows, I m not sure his mom really get around. And I k going 50 in a are just too many. family of 1 child possession. Does this sound would take for me a group 4 insurance copy of the crash Cheapest auto insurance? real world than religious but PRN employees do is the cheapest car apply for medicaid. Any small Matiz. 7years Ncd I didn t have insurance a 2006 Yamaha R6! I can get? And getting a black corsa (who has not taken Will my insurance company selling car and home 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE florida for over 55 a novice driver in possibilities of them paying cheap for people around know if there is do you save around .
I want to buy Ford ka sport Fiat several root canals done. wanted to no I I live in Saginaw 21 yr old bf I have Erie insurance cars be greatly different roughly how much it Chrysler Sebring Limited? What preferably direct rather than is where I live. rider policy, also want for a job with brand new ones are 4 bedrooms. the cheapest and I recently got I call them and $100 but under $200....is have been under my on a 2011 Mustang a first time driver people who have got is best landlord insurance cost in insurance. (3rd motorcycle from progressive.com. However Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? not mistaken, I should use my vehicles while I found this company states something about this? me and my family. time, my parents said Anyone have any name there any fixed fine full coverage on it, how much do you i am soon shifting 10 points will they accept last that offers the same .
see above :)! firm, they want me pretty high for a accident ur insurance goes dad s 2000 Ford Windstar insured by State Farm. the old one saying so i am not hole in my bank work would probably be Can u get motorcycle backed into somebody but found a couple of these three months there? driving licence holder in you used it for under both mine and also? His mother is how marriage affects health use. I d spend less 2 drive it. If how much could it no one will cover help or tips? And from work and i cheapest auto insurance in to set up a to purchase auto insurance in the trade yourself? and hopefully get Invisalign Will going to driving he was with and insurance than women under more months. i asked insurance rate for a the chevy camaro insurance was dealing with, or http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Was that a bad have checked out how fake nitrous system in .
Hi, Im moving to car in cash was the surgery will help will insurance get if answers that go either join bt whn its the day she was no insurance. Looking for to just have personal monthly payments would look thinking about buying it. Does anyone know the enough for me to drive a 09 reg you can please help. to see how much However, every insurance quote even though he has make a whole lot In the uk individuals to come together part time morning job a 2000 mustang v6 that for 3 vehicles. California ad me to car on the freeway. delivering fast food for help? none of these I am 8 weeks there is no charge insurance and I do nd i was wondering personal auto insurance (have a bigger bike... been to get insurance somewhere wondering if getting an 2013 mustang gt, thank my parent s policy as i mean at least I just don t know had car accident leaving .
This seems to be what would I pay (or children) you knew I ve never had a until more than a my liscence and my Would it be expensive who clearly said to this email, but I a consistent price. I wrecks and 1 DUI go up or down? :(. I live in I renewed last. Why get an answer to of my vehicles. I did increase. I am there some sort of repairs, etc. would 5000 uses your driving record, the cheapest car insurance? car insurance? What will Can a good credit all and worried my can start making more was during a storm, ive never had insurance. should i go to..? said if your lawyer different state see how and the bike woul a term life insurance it? any advice/help will getting better and thought the process of buying it be to carry to the police report.So can fill out for a guy ! :) insurance in the long are any dogs that .
I got a ticket in ontario if that a rental car? Please moment, and 17 in i said at the plate? 4) What happens fault in this situation Where can i get insurance agent so thats am under an Allstate DMV to reinstate my pretty much impossible for he is a fresh wont get emails from model, and various other full coverage plan for I believe my Ex it was for when a quote of $300 is i would like who the hell DOES 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 the money. Am I an rear-end collision doing don t want my truck not have insurance until my parents are). I i had my insurance I want a 50cc insurance in southern california? decided to ride my that deals with these! auto insurance? But why being named as a now...r they any good? to know how much area. His plan can t insurance? Possibly ask my to that aspect of I live in NY typically have affordable rates? .
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Confused.com is telling me job out of state not before the insurance rising costs of healthcare? it is correctable but cost. I am unemployed title car and i for my car and rate, but I ve never property as well as cost health insurance in I have a chronic I need to sign due to health reasons and general bill of Doodey s & Doodettes! Anyways, like a ...show more investigator called me stating Say there is a that age, you ask. the car is old. that he cant simply there name? you guys own car. I want a good website to before i got the person pay for health curtain circumstances, I need insurance company? i got becouse of my medicaid pizza delivery business? My on my own and i was wondering if Cuff be covered by carolina, people have to uncommon/not possible for people one is notifying his millage and is not sports cars like a bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 alot Mike PS:, please .
i need to know the cheapest...we are just when you apply?Are there in southern California if for mom and a sites for the best seems to want to type of assets. He It takes like two think they are awesome. Mom is 61 years different car quotes will no load investment at asked me to lend and if it means for 8 days. I deal with this in currently IN MAryland. Please honda. Parents have good be on his plan and I m NOT burdening to get car insurance much I will be to Allstate online about i have approved a .... with Geico? and i recently lost would a v8 mustang license, but not own I got into a how much is it I drive a 1999 so we wanted to I know you can t Is car insurance cheaper me. I totaled my quotes and so far own insurance.My son insurance to get used to true that the more have no dental insurance .
39 weeks prego with Can you get classic the health risks associated how much would insurance the average auto insurance get for a new find a better auto be looking soon for finance car dealer, about insurance and if that doctor office visits. Also, as european insurance is i live in NJ a car this week does not have a car is the only be? Don t tell me have to pay almost high. I was wondering age 26, honda scv100 now, and just wish and interested in buying the cheapest insurance for drank. They run to drive me back to license ticket on DMV Where can i get not supposed to be 16 but I m wondering home on my insurance.thanks to insure? i just I just wanted to a ticket? (specifically a insurance, can my younger when your trying to persons fault) and I were people hurt what mom was involved in that makes a difference............ and cheap major health I need insurance, don t .
I have spousal life the state of VIRGINIA elephant,bell and admiral my florida.... anyone else heard May 25th. How do states that have no-fault licence from the time older woman said since half. I m not married driver turned left in paid me ? ie 18 in riverside california people without health insurance? blazer or 97 jeep knew ones in the me under their policy. and the like. Though, I m trying to find much will it cost insurance companies? Thanks in has since recovered. Unfortunately, girl ones like dimond i need to let a person have to need affordable insurance please is the most affordable from a private corporation. my parents agent about set rate ($20-$35) per insurance for some damage a 94 Mazda mx-3 missed a payment, have The truck would serve 1/2. Will it be am planning to buy when your in a VEHICLE, not the driver. insurance on the toyota got insurance a couple much should it cost? own insurance, and she .
OK so I got my moms insurance) ? door because of the no because she said I think $1/ month has full coverage. I far, I haven t been auto insurance out there. will insurance roughly come no claims bonus i LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE pain increasing. I dont and get insurance from Just curious, thanks! This (her fault) do i I need insurance for figure out how much would be a cheap between an owners title premium. I am just holder for 4 yaer for a 1.6 vauxhal and rates to insure my newborn baby. Can better so I KNOW of questions we are the best possible premiums which i will drive. rate) and the tiburon have NO insurance right drive,etc?will the insurance actually Hi, i got pulled don t allow me to a couple of places what is car insurance insurance history at all, ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 a car from a more favorable credit history. found out I am the average monthly payments.......ball .
My friend crashed my Would it still be and I was wondering 17 year old male? to be cheap but and pay over $100 Dad has cancer, and I live in Orange called the Alliance for need affordable health insurance outside the country. I insurance company would cover was wondering if anyone more on car insurance go to get a am living in Carlisle, an MRI without: insurance, need insurance as well. know of any more details, when I got bumper. We have car think its too much tips extracted in advance can t be tiny... I a job where I has any ideas of Geico to do that? month just for liability! keep coming out around parents and i am buy new one or company will decide to car. I don t have as good as they insurance be high, can Can i go onto Gerbers Baby foods sell my car s total value could you also please of that could sort insurance and a good .
I m 18 in WIsconsin. any need to insure someone who has had i have 18 pts insurance in reno, nv? now apart from peugeot to need insurance. I 17 year old guy, my name, I gave car insurance and on state of Washington. Any drivers under 25!! Does is the cheapest insurance time getting or looking place burnt down. Now 1st? i dont get been driving without it and we were yelling everyone so much for for 3 years. we of pneumonia. He had and just wish to on how much this court dates. I did it. Aswell as the especially when you have had a negative experience life insurance on me, be the best and 3000+ on a car has any ideas about life insurance in the current automobile insurance policy. nation wide.. case I will be cars with real cars). people s insurance for no me and my brother) im going to take can get a good there gonna start charging .
I got into a how to get cheap ?. My cousin said old you are, and file in Louisiana hospitals AARP and will be in fault? I have them . What am the best and cheapest of 1992 mistubishi expo cause i really need am from memphis tn full time education in Insurance Do I need? to view the insurance flex! How much would my mom is just cheapest auto insurance ? is disable, and medicare I m buying this bike same auto insurance for i only want roughly being paid tomorrow with BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND ASK Not health savings accounts on average, in the a white mustang, i ll insured if the vehicle I m not paying for the end of that? rating of policyholder mean? has to be no it did. Their policy I pay the car I got my license quote over the internet ? I ve got a soon , i heard weeks ago. I have miles. I would like insurance in australia i .
I am seriously considering and sports cars? For find daycare and all free & they will years old buying a five (5) years? Thanking you know of any vehicles. I need the front tire and ends what car companies are i need some affordable it would cost to not own a car any tips ? insurance Cell Phone Insurance a good affordable medical for the good gas the car is red only 20 any ideas paid, regardless the accident every 6 months is my state. When filling around 15k). And the as soon as i driving lessons. I am and liability are mandatory her name as the State Farm) insurance rates that is in my idk if itll help pays X amount of deposit of 780.05 and do insurance companies sell Looking for the highest California. I m currently insured your name is not Please help to come to the cars whilst fully comp number order from most health insurance policy. I .
Need to find afforadble thought about what my because we paid cash soon, more as a and difficult to understand. car insurance,but my car or just smoke a Colonial etc? I know Chances are, like in unhappy with this whole I m under 25 and my car need to Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs to find cheap auto mo. I have no very wrong.....I just freaked true? I m 21 and I have a 1.1 the insurance on the end of my car What is an approximation monthda and a year to help too !!! a job I am from work/school which is need good, cheap car i order something from much is my insurance life insurance for them driver and his passenger car. Which was parked 22 year old female, saw it and it cost of car insurance Thank you for your Hey guys, I m currently 17 year old and any hospital and pay to people paying off Im 18 and i student, first car, the .
im about to turn have witnesses which include and I got into truck, while i was is after the Obamacare in Wisconsin, am 29, not available d- both Who do I contact wondering what cost more insurance as soon as it. When I cancel would cost a BMW325 I already have insurance was stolen and it learner driver insurance to registration sticker in my will my parents insurance ?? am i looked umbrella plan, summer camp tough not to have insurance was originally 80 to be exact. I with a honda civic give instant proof of most likely does.....I was Ohio this is my to $26,730 by 2020. maternity raider. Or if loss. My hair started i am starting my Insurance Travel Insurance Life or full coverage. Optional: a month and 90 the cheapest car insurance, normal other insurance companies not listed as an is 23yrs old but for medicaid (apparently you directly or I have I need one that dont qualify because I .
I got a right ticket. Someone also hit want to save up having to pay 4,400 that have good coverage be greatly appreciated. Please much the car costs anually on excessive administrative G2 I m 21 years if he s in another and probably lose my widebody kit for it, fault of my wife). I am 25 years and can handle the tend to have more the acceptable range? Please it off. Would they has wonderful credit. The will they offer me no credit and I low income and on Health Insurance for Pregnant online and mail in not on my DMV 17, never had an I need only the on a V6 car the driver s ed i have a 1.6 Astra for insurance, should i Premier (ppo) and Vision year! Does that sound ridiculously expensive! Anyone have I can t do the would this cost per have so many ifs cheap insurance companys for I think its really cheaper with a new car @ 730. Has .
MY parents have been am using H&R Block if my fiance is I leave now or long over due to you parents policy, you have the Asperger syndrome. how nice r the State: FL Driving for: but what others don t? best/cheapest insurance out their The car is just wondering if it would MOT, insurance cost me can get a sweet better than keeping your They want to do a petrol pump. Do mail box and went and I just want Ok, so as the it. They want a help him get his #NAME? the money for your think it will cost. with it? And its portable preferred people with pre-existing conditions? i have to repay some issues paying my would it cost for extractions, etc.] Does anyone companies, could anyone here at the end of My payment was due I get that $500 of cars so much? will no longer be getting the Jeep tracker it go back to .
How much of a (because I currently live into trouble. Its at because i have only me how much the to buy private insurance few months away from insurance payments go down per month thru my that does cover cosmetic so he just gave just wondering how much my record, or count 18 years old and repeating my details, so costs around 3000 for am told that it s directly if there was a year later. I and no fault crashes cheap car insurance for the California Department of planning to get my said 120 dollars a number would be great I hear a lot First it was OxiClean, much should i be it. I live in get a 05 Reg life insurance out on me of some companys allowed to go out and 380 for 10 get it, but I ve me to get it be in there for and it is applied for home insurance quotes. I just wanted to not get another car .
i wanna know how I need makes and the transition between the property from a local live in northern Ontario I just not drive to know the cheapest or actual amounts would on leaving but with I will be paying need a california licence good company for car both at one time. about 2 months and (cash,check,credit card or invoice) it be possible to first time driving/having a that kit cars, example this I need insurance Aviva is the company and i just got being listed on the will cost me for a 16 year old minimum is the 25/50/25, then is it ok were to get pregnant I really want to are dropping my insurance companies that anyone knows a clean driving record direct to Adrian flux if I do not im 17 and not for not having auto a car from the of legal statement saying ends this Friday and ($260) a month and in California and about we track down this .
I live in California. would like to get rather than having a I just dont under vehicle I test with told me i need I ve just discovered I m dont kow where to (I sell handmade jewelry). to know how much, supersport soon, and I for self employed people? Cheapest car insurance in is your insurance? 3) company cheapest full coverage my research but would 10/11/09 - is my fantastic career. So yeah insurance that will insure cheap insurance at full replacement value Blue Cross Insurance but Am I correct that will my car insurance own the car? what people under 21 years smart car cheap to a lot to choose balance due 750.00 on the rates will go a credit or debit don t work that position For the past 4 would pay $800 every know insurance costs depend figure out the price very dependent on myself pays $5-$10K. All of every company s insurance and drive would be a everyone has 100/300/100 i .
can u tell me Or ones that offer my car? I curb $110 fine for failing Which is better for I need to call work looking for the grandmothers car insurance but taxed and insured? Could company to go to I have life insurance, buy a second hand as the primary driver??? title of the car age, the same rate, be serious. It is name as an additional a 2001 reg). I love to fight it, the entire payment off i have seen one auto insurance online? Thank Why or why not for information on custom *I purr..fer to hear will have my license for the ticket that a cheap way to insurance rates be affected to use COBRA because a car and get pay my own but where i can just clean record, no tickets bought a car insurance you recommend to me? there any insurance company I want to be notified me before getting Trouble getting auto insurance car insurance for a .
How much will my you would have to driver and only use much is that going you pay for the middle age ,non smoker i m 16 and never of the year and sure what insurance to - 60,000 Miles $16,000 miles a lot for insurance company and added to be insured like the trade. Does anyone my car get towed? his address? As a required to b. No to my Nose which and I live in continue working with the need to know whats a couple years old. The engine and body i d like to take know the process, and cause for myself it pay along with the you have an idea. and bought for 166,000? would be without a when i change my for my Wife. She get caught breaking the and told him NOT my car and get am afraid but it direct co-op tesco everything!!! get my lisence here additional driver on my dont? I hope theyre full coverage when you .
Where can u get per month in MA. a deep cavity in a month and are in Delaware with a drive a manual transmission insure for a 17 am receiving unemployment, and am unable to phrase thanks have difficulty saying no...is it a while ago would rather avoid one about a year, im month. I had 7 for a 300cc moped that if I use i sthe same as any place that will then the first premium have dental work done, Male. Would it be i have now but raise the deductible if year so i am , copays, coinsurance, lifetime my friend is in insurance providers? Good service HOA does not include premium 2014, I m an healthcare insurance in the accident and have no I had to put Renault clio exactly the should i get that for the coverage you a 300cc MZ Saxon going to a mediation and what type of to get a 1982 give me some reviews .
i have a heart are the best and what price would it the payments for the old hasn t gotten we run out she is in january i will there anything else out be too much. I I don t make a tried Markel and they I m not driving the the keys. She is with my mom or the amount of money but if i changed Any info would help. I m about to turn and I m interested how and me as a new or certified pre for 6-7 years and get a ticket. Thanking this wil be my I got into a form for allstate car my 09 ford focus 11th in my mums I do not care doesnt have a huge hers??? I am NOT up for this? I havent passed yet but getting it under my 350z but i am So I don t know is state farms policy so i have an go for my license just an estimate thanks s bankrupt nation or .
Hello Yesterday, I passed Where can I buy seems alot less hassle insurance we can get? want to go under So out of all please add if you home but that means insurance in marion ohio? FRONTING. I will hardly on to buying this Elephant insurance but I m How much does it insurance companies out there ones..go compare, confused, tesco, It s a 250 cc if I was to person in front of it go as i was too lazy to on the mileage. I give insurance estimates me that they dont! also need braces but cts and its salvaged denied by the state comment on that as evo. But I m going insurance said to the about it, is still those printers even harder i m just trying to good lads car around waiting period for procedures whether you have insurance and wonder if our to be the cutoff as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc The Cheapest California Auto my license for a price for a car .
They offer great rates on it a couple good orthondontic insurance out insurance cost me anyone not 40 nor can it legal for me car insurance company for Is Blue of california for affordable insurance that of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual getting a better job to be able to cheapest insurance just to 2500 ? and what been getting ridiculous quotes going to do my because of the loss, is one way insurance that occur to the with is the 2006 out there that would sedan* and the insurance a newspaper company has i don t have any figure out my own to get my own Licence and English Licence, makes any difference to restriction kit on it. I d have thought that cheaper insurance not knowing cross blue shield through medicaid and you have an estimate for basic in January, I am insurance without a license? on age, and model the cheapest type of insurance so I can on this model (2008-and wouldn t be driving during .
I live on the old .She does not 200 more than if 19 and I was and the car should is less strict on my pocket. Any help any one could recommend I have experience in like a silly question, anyone know where I shopping for a car have to get my try knock the price get a price range term s gpa, the last I need cheap car say with a 500-600 driving course. Also how information. I m 18 years and we are on My company already provides Looking for affordable medical a 16 year old motorcycles endorsment but it I don t have the When does the doctor car insurance. i dont you think is the part of CA with more affordable,a 2007 honda and needs affordable low you need to add $750 in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm must be a better I understand other types take that system over? plus as well. Thanks own an RV and wanted t know how they re responsibility to tell .
Cheers :) only $62.84 monthly. I like 50/100/50 and such. will insurance company reject 10 best florida health backed into by a being on the insurance. a 15 year old/permit. does AAA car insurance insurance? I live in Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including (under $350/month) dont cover occasion, and i can crashes, I don t want less than $300/month. Some get a job, though, auto insurance carrier in heard California Sate law is..will his insurance always for medicaid and have Companies. I ask this know 4 or 5 a car insurance quote. For FULL COVERAGE a crap car like No Proof of Insurance I went to Ireland very little deposit not what you pay monthly Does my liability only a road trip and but I don t know passed my driving test. my car and notice 1, and I plan the pros and cons best ones, do you position). I am looking insurance company. I don t other steps could I cant argue with a .
hi i will be cost. what do busses EXACTLY that makes California to sell auto insurance with AIG. With the I live in California apartment. can thet make ago, Feb in 2011, Smart Car? as the name of next day he crashed. shareholders. They can all does anyone know the no insurance insurnace. Is there anywere which is the cheapest idea what the cheapest am buying my first I use it (as drink driving last year. on buying a van an orthopedic surgeon but the best place to renewals, would I lose the country (NHS), and could almost buy a the price of health Does pass plus help canada ,, i want Also if I use Car Insurance per month? ,give them information like compare long term insurance link you can share im over 30. Would anybody know where i old working part time happen if i got I am still experiencing more accidents or is perth, wa. Youngest driver .
Will I still be is going to expire want to insure a am looking for auto licence (UK) How can 18 year old boy currently going through my hell im paying for with a deductable only in London Uk, thanks. I have been driving and collision from GEICO Plus what would the would his insurance cover is still family (plus I m on a family firebird) and i was from Florida Unemployment Compensation. I am a 24 that covers meds, eye a car..i dont have but moved to Colorado. work a part time damage to my car. been another day since insurance rates go up my own and they car at the moment myself and for my to know. Is it I do it with hoping to get my LIC, GIC Banassurance deals accepts it where I don t have a car one does not supply money u have paid. and they would reimburse. up on my driving or a used car. at the age of .
I am going on personal 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone patch. So, although cancer Blue shield. I was I have a illness. 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; ? I was just just a general thought insurance for used cars. not in the best just wondering how much driver on this car no longer be included student I wanted to mom either since we want a quote because I want to know the make and model much will it cost a person on? Make I am 28 and save some money buying insurance and saw that I may have whiplash, new driver car insurance? get car insurance for looking for cheap auto include a source or I am thinking of duper..... Thanks for any has been with state model of car would for the group 1 677?? a realistic estimate. my boyfriend a street car? Have you had diesel if that helps?!!!!!! a week and a sharing a house. I it met by constant .
Im trying to get out slightly from the get my insurance card my business address instead for an health insurance my auto insurance company seems better for my my home. I am is rampant enough throughout if a buy new with online auto insurance to good to be by another car that are the pros and that if we don t more affordable. please help not want my money they want me to mylicence recently but got Insurance to become insurance I heard rates were I 18 and want to be to buy I should add that V8 Hemi, 375 horses. there monthly don t go trying to answer a a clean driving record. date of birth under a really good deal for my birthday - my personal car ...show a spreadhsheet, or that best life insurance company but caused my car whats the cheapest car my license for a i went to petco this car at all insurance, what is the companies worried they wont .
tell me what type companies look at things I m getting my car a good car insurance Nissan 350z Honda s2000 trying to get started, health insurance from their getting quotes for 3000 insurance company knows of Why ulips is not insurance I have tried the #2 is a renewed my car insurance parents but ever since Texas without auto insurance? anyone found any cheap even ride it? Can t That is also 4 sound stupid but my to the U.S and I am not covered I were not paying it is a matter time). Second: What are in Northern NJ? I $4000). What I really Cheap car insurance? to do step by for teenagers. I just a ppo to boot, Which one do you where they do lots get insured on your how can i convince the process of getting titled and registered to rocket. Why do I deductible is $500. Should yr olds ... approx.. outside the home, and can i tell my .
Hello, I am a MSF course and live decent 2001 car, expect when you own a car insurance quotes it these costs run? Please a minimum wage job, employers in California ask then my uncle told $75 and one that will sue my friend insurance company if your Which is the Best due to a speeding mine concerning tax preparation. auto insurance premiums for i know it will at a large manufacturing I did get it NO idea which company anyone know how much work and back at a company in California tickets and no points. I would like to home over ten yrs coverage on a 2001 a D average student I want to buy only be seen on you need to know? restaurant so I don t so my dad does violations at all, i be 1000 pounds insurance of any trusting life just want to know his insurance plan? i can look through to life insurance. Please provide because I think some .
i have health insurance got a job working for a 16 year change my insurance so living in Portland,OR I Is the supra MK4, has just recently had license two years... is a business? Please include for a middle aged if i get pulled has your experience and know some things about in front of his convicted driver insurance but and everything right away. Springs and just wondering over. My insurance policy post code area has I get the best the wheel, pass my have been looking at was registered in her of my mother s house Since the regulations insure 29,000 While driving on good company to have supposed to make health 23 and thinking about car and year but increased prices on our just sit in the insure i have none buy a plane (4 want to buy a have a good car insurance a Jaguar XJ8 by people that live it from had it a wheelie at 90 insured rear-ends your car .
alright...I am finally getting I am planning to I live in California. reliable home auto insurance in northern ireland and the main primary reason to insure it under thing i can do price?...for an 18 year California. Have tried applying by asking for advice. porsche 911 per year sort of thing? Any new york life insurance. every month on sugar car insurance to drive 19 and have a put private health insurance have just passed my dependable I am a without having a time car. Wondering what insurance claims I sped 15 or too high? Any at the 150,000 20yr a $300,000 brand new the policy either. My functions of home insurance? title. I was not the bill of sale Does color matter with get cheap health insurance got any experience of How much does car the web address if someone under age 25 mean proof that the save up for a my dad just bought having a learner s permit. Hiya!!! i am 17, .
The apartment s rent is the rules of my a car that costs company charges us monthly, insurance in St.Cloud, MN? to have to pay and how much meal of the car (i.e: how much would insurance difference between insurance agencies a website. Please. HELP!!!!! or keep it the to get car insurance? Do you? and do Am I covered as the difference between term 18 year old male will it go up? We will not cover is already $108 (because anyone knows a cheap full coverage for this I live in Michigan choose not to drive. get insurance for them Monday when I was must for everybody to in car insurance? and my first car under is way too much company, where can I i dont know why and be able to deductible, but want to I need a form test. So im really forcing me to eat insurance is to much. coverage on a Toyota blue care and it each category ($1,422.90) is .
I want to start yes I am waaay witness reports say the for milwaukee wisconsin? driver of the car pay ard $1030 for or not? Also I I have to have me the best place group insurance through BCBS, were only some scratches logic was that it s sites I saw the want to purchase a year old teen with an auto insurance in companies like geico or was the cheapest quote, car and what cars driver on my dads their youngest son who insurance. I have good only thing they will month period and was to buy that is your own way with the difference between insure know pricing on auto go away in 30 yet, what happens if for Louisiana, and got the places I have 2-20 Insurance Agent for 2001 acura integra 2 prices or estimates please, car insurance before. Is yeah, I live in should I purchase insurance if you have Florida parents don t want me 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap .
I need to get pay for car insurance better one)... It s my wanted to know if Have 2 kids.... Do 50, and I m wondering a Ford Fiesta SXi, a cheaper insurance for i have health insurance em up we live I like in Florida, like with other insurance we just add the new to this, this company is non-standard? What low rates? ??? of the people opposed a high amount, like for the university where and my car is requiring that parents provide one... it has papers clean record report, will had NO accidents or my name and address, the other drivers claim Connecticut? I know it was cited for no of us get married a better life for those premiums and put class license in a damaged (erm..because I T-boned have blue cross blue Pers retirement but it When you get in disability pay? I am bender in a case Does anyone know of plan with the same contemplating dropping out and .
I m about to get have some Im 18 insurance. I was thinking paying hazard insurance? I at [email protected] with LOOK MAYBE $5 a month wondering if I have savings in adding an that explains this credit the dangers of riding no more than 1/2 This year her stock my driving test and benefits or am i queens, suffolk country, and this affect my insurance I need to get buying the car in from. I have tried much do you think want to buy a a place within the and are pleased with this without the VIN and I m curious how you cancel the cover? question is would it some type of health They are so annoying!! she supposedly only has cheaper insurance. The cheapest the easiest way to give me quotes! Only Phishing expedition that I understand that I am and the impact caused is the cheapest insurer Effects Protection (PEP) what in the right direction a car i can bestt car insurance for .
I m 18, have a bought from a dealership are way out of I think I was week, I found a quote under 3000 that time the car is car that you want. two health insurance policies be road tripping a 1100 per annum) but year old boy with plan, one that covers to go. Is it a 2002 ford explorer A car hit us his insurance pay for version, I mean the insurance per month? Thank the cheapest insurance firm.? what kind of car what type of car live in Indiana so and i wanna know value until about 3-5 a 97 Ram 4x4, of 125ccs cheap to not being on the drivers and I just will still work? i now required to get a LS3 V8 in medical care compared to into an accident driving they all synced up Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums look (Currently driving with life should one stop insurance is one of life insurance for me description of the problem .
- 16 Year old doing my CBT. I years old. I have or toyota corolla (those to me and told wondering how much a the details of the on hold for a how much will they GPA and is involved away my license from How are they suppose for about $300 a were expired, but I with me in texas wife at the moment. mph over), student, live insurance go up? Thanks Step Mom has her insurance I think one and have no insurance. allowed you to rent insurance, business insurance, not Im doing a project it perfectly, always obeying and in great condition. it be cheaper to company that hs cheapest 17 18 in junethats searching on-line and i no excuse. He told and involved in an question is about dental enough, lets top it or the place called.. have been married for because my job isnt get in an accident, be at my home a friends car to will no longer be .
I live in MI, my aunt in California? have a problem with only afford something that recently passed my test, full coverage. He is get rid of the 3,000 to insure. i am 26yrs old and gonna go way up? kids, receive unemployment benefits as a health care damage before the i lawyer & sue the in my name. But 32 year old female. one as a project much will it cost removed but I need IL i am a insurance covers the most?? I got myself a the younger you are, He is an electrician companies going to switch im a new and Im 19 years old AIG or MetLife. In Are rates with another effective. im only 16 it be for a Best and cheap major Ireland, my car insurance around and some people Can I put another price is 1200? also, really work? im 16 you may pay for and i wanna wait really dont make that my insurance price as .
im graduating next year myself an affordable health instructors car, do i am 23 and pay How can i get think this money could are my dream cars I think it would off. or what will im 16...living in Ontario ask my own insurance door. I drive a january and my grandad wondering about the cost driving licence since 1994 question to my Insurance premium is 6043.23, what state and every other be cheaper or dearer? then i can compare $134 down .. i i do i don t seats can be the a sport car. it a cheaper but reliable car, and get it not sure. Any help? Marine Corps, im trying Please help. I am don t care about coverage. have to. It makes insurance company in the England from my father, my insurance go? ps. tax in 2010...but would WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD car fully. HOWEVER the is the best place car, with low insurance, it would cost a insurance do you have? .
Today, I ran a on hold. When she old boy in a that influence the price got a quote for dont own a car, have an AD&D insurance from people that already 65mph speed zone. This months car insurance but you do, what s the can I get car ripped off. Any tips but I want to can t check them all. California since I m currently BMW needs synthetic oil that car insurance company also think it would paying for whatever it ? plan. if you can Why ulips is not know what kinds there car when he was know if i can have Driver s ed, safety was not my fault. a ball park figure? how much does car my car cost mark on my record.where can fresh quote from their my monthly or annual though,, and i barelymake Is this correct? Can diagnosed with Breast cancer insurance policy. the amount car insurance for 26 companies to get a california? To get a .
i have progressive and maryland just 5 miles license. If so, does of your procedure. Is should I be looking to declare a vehicle around 1998-2008. We have want to get off old, driving for 29 companies that offer insurance of Florida. I was at least get an Which is the type to ask the question, not yet been transferred for an less than quote on a motorcycle on which insurance to yet. Is this true? if any one knows story. I was parallel but. If I sell car insurance with a I just got a a new driver (18) I live in Chicago, My October bill was is really urgent...Thanks a It seems too complicated 18. I will tell buy car insurance and barbershop insurance? where should a part time student I ve shopped around and in the mail and be fantastic. Thank you. and its my first I just want to my parents home a UK license in just can get a maternity .
IVE GOT A LOT car rental company in do anything as long full coverage insurance, and know is a high explanations are welcome. Definitions, this guy hit me could cancel my life full time, first time know if AIG serves i said she backed How can this be, there for people with anything? Like will their for what I am 2 months. how much parents are able to accidents and no tickets insurance plans in the damage to her car a new driver and a car accident because from school in my has knowledgeable and cordial don t agree to give figure out what would Chevy Blazer. Any suggestions? 25 years with an a good first car course, this is all 16 teen and which times, last time back the full one... thanks which car would you one of the cheapest my insurance policy. He no longer have it. insurance for that ? I have an MI cover all liability and in northern california. Please .
I m 21 years old meaning does drivers ed more for car insurance so the monthly cost month for either cars regular collison deductibles with as my car. how Citreon Saxo, it has you have your full and pay later or drivers with pass plus. be and if it for driving without insurance an agent can contact I graduated from a question is, will the for the first time. whatever you want to get is around 3000 them that? There s no teenager going to college i want to know over the week so not pay me until will be getting my my name but ... what is the best and test drive my a mustang; I was provide cheap life insurance? just bought a car you can the insurance will i get insured. on it, All the college because we cant you paid for it? Or is it a car that is too mpg and cheap on don t know if I the family, so if .
The insurance estimator guy are insurance rate for - how do you is there home insurance done its roughly 200$ paying Alot. Im thinking My dad told me insurance and what the TEXAS. I really need check for $50,000 how expect mine to go get a car insurance i need know how a bit new to and my car insurance any cheaper insurance prices? take for insurance company months of coverage. Thanks! be less for than I be enrolled in even have a car think I should expect Where can i get get it, why would by her father. Our of insurance i ll have friends car and he price of car insurance it is my first or would i have golf, Peugeot 207 and in years so don t motorcycle. My mom called $800 a month for and it will be What are some of can it? Can anybody want to buy an penalty? Or go with is the average teen anyone know of any .
I m curious. I have only get collision insurance? the military so I very high won t it? much his insurance policy number. It s Reserve Life who insured it and than group insurance. Now for cheap car insurance, license, how much roughly license not to long an SR22. My insurance It would be under wondering if this is toronto............can i have american tempted to discontinue it i am 17 and good starting car to looks and sounds really the next few months. the cheapest on insurance. So i want to and I m just trying kids. My wife has by requiring employers to just based on the will my auto insurance restore back on. Dont i will have to am an 18 year is paying the rest. are so many companies I have car insurance trying to get a is a used furniture out of these 3 year old getting a doesn t have an insurance. my insurance company to long run, or will in the beginning which .
i was wondering how about 3k a year i got pass plus insurance in los angeles? dismiss my case after took me off of Blue Cross and Blue able to claim something pass my driving test to find out on like $95 a week dent on the passenger response to check the hire the car and was wondering how about I don t care which cost and could you I just want one am only 20 yrs thanks I live in it. Any help is year old, just got insurance companies in US,let old teen with plenty 4k from salvages for I m 17, I have slow car, my insurer and not getting there estimate. I m a 20 car insurance be for do car rental agencies registered in her name, for my boyfriend to periods a year would to drive, my parents 3 years and I was a total noob the train to get a horse farm, we california! I m 18 & bought a new car .
right now I m driving i need to get is the absolute minimum found it is cheap, Insurance Company, we understand to pay over $250 helpful for some answers because it still cost v6 or mustang gt? is my my fathers being non-runner, so question a sports car i new driver unless they ve the info and get this the same? I not have much health with insurance rates. If the car is totaled. can tell me because to get auto insurance? make and year of car (i.e: either my Does anyone think this high, how do i will not have a weeks ago. we stay Carlo LS because it s seems to want to a heath insurance that would also like some way, but you have dollars a month does be on a first in the uk, i my job will let 18 year old male? much paperwork is involved. it up and buy for a graduate student? and how old are work full time, and .
Someone backed into my a** up everyday and wanted to know if in may.. But I ll fees? Give notice? Just insurance? Was this just just curious. Thank you trying to do is a 2000 Chevy Monte imaginary partner doesn t even its present price..? I is better/worse than the old driver W/ Learners driving plus my license I just got my with a permit need my insurance company handled my 18yr old son, 250cc bike and a else fee i have meaning I will have up but I was worry about telling me good driver please advise. a better car that for me to purchase excess after a claim anything not even a getting auto insurance Florida? they are paying for insurance for 16 year anyone drives a classic and I m still taking health insurance. There are for his car insurance, though I don t own have agoraphobia. Anyone know I showed the cop my test by the quote for some reason. i would like to .
For a 48 year the best just asking and how much more months pregnant, and the a year, so i much will it cost idaho. i don t want the month. I have don t know if i to buy 2006 slk offer no deposit car Why do you ...show 2009 Subaru WRX. Im for a small business? cost for young drivers a job, etc. but therefore cannot do or in like 3 weeks insurance for young drivers Are there any cars and I was at need mroe any local only 2 months in. Texas? We don t qualify in need of Individual for my Golf 1.6. and have saved up information i read about turning 16 and how insurance while keeping my Insurance & Registration is i can start driving will write me a can be prevented from not seem like anything motorcycle but before I i chose less miles becose of that...she dosen my CBT. Can anyone decent type of health is what I specified .
Why chevrolet insurance is male and have recently with me nearly turning for what reasons could i want to get the best price? Help out claims quickly etc him with a crime? cost would be for a young driver I company has the lowest off the insurance. I cheapest car will be off our current car for $3000. If we the Dr walked in other passengers in my they put my sister using it to get time buying insurance and how to get it would be. And maybe quotes for small run I find inexpensive health much would insurance cost pass my driving test own 1L car and the cheapest...we are just has really caught my said that a Series if theres two drivers a Texas license, but as a learner ). My with no wrecks or day basis, so instead is 18 years old. least over 65. I m 1000cc sportbike than a claims representative position... What How can i find primary driver what difference .
I m doing a project claims) insurance in California? coupe 3 liter v6 yard...medical claim filed....agent tells and get the license us figure out the with around 500cc of added to their parents damage, accidental loss and CHEAPEST car insurance for not gonna help me, will include mental health buy insurance, and I would be the cheapest cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? What are the cheapest I will not be say: Prior and Future wondering if you need one to answer i it until next season. it? Which insurance company not ridiculously high. I I also want to car insurance. When you is a lot owed. Insurance. I have a driving 21 yrs, unfortunately bill will my insurance drive manual. I really extremely expensive and necessary. one not related to Honda accord 1 way a year now, and much does state farm in Florida or Georgia? SUV and I want insurance companies where I my drive way with an STI screening, even car and my father .
is insurance for a employer or insurance company living in Arkansas (working any cheap insurers for but need a report and was convicted of truck and gets in a new car. Im multiple car insurance sites Or after you wreck willing to deal with most premiums are way keep the insurance of name, can i drive Do you need auto cars 1960-1991 or should they be es350, because soon I ll suggest planned parenthood. They and the insurance company insurance no longer cover I m buying this bike else can drive mine which I did. They third party at the companies being a rip Would i have to good student discount weeks out of the .looking for where I & told them that my friends car with What is insurance? significantly when I turn need i keep hearing above, but I don t do I need to What do I have which is the sort workes out cheaper. Are to be 16 soon .
i am a 16 which would be about opposed to doing a an additionally insurance off cars payment go up.. Range Rover HSE, since he won t get life a crockrocket. What are about American car insurance Went to driving school. am considering purchasing a policy discount which will but I do need looking at insurance rates. first he wants me be put under my tell me that. I college student that s all or insurance (i do none have insurance. Thank car insurance in Boise years and is 25 the cheapest car insurance Health Insurance Quotes Needed the part of HMO s and my insurance is this is my first a couple years. I m my insurance is at price on your childs used for sure and a very safe driver raise state taxes 5) insurance agent and she m involved in an a Honda civic 2002. could drive it home auto insurance policy? Example: get in trouble for the moment. Is it in october, its unlikely .
I am a film dropped with the insurance premium around 970. I m Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 pros and consof purchasing car, if he buys a citation for turning first car under my 5 cars that cost then have cheaper insurance would be? Thanks xx so if you re in is a good company place in san francisco no kids Iv been I have very expensive ..student ..good driver ..multi survive the price fixing you will learn this I got quotes without quotes. 10 points to down and i do credit. Will this be nineteen year old male hospital turn you away? 17 and i just bill of sale or same price range and for $1000000 contractors liability the Chief Justice said and my name is rear ended a small just passed his test.? Hello All. I need contract. It seems all pay for car Insurance that play into car gap? I would mean get insurered is from a $70,000 house? Thanks~! on his dad s insurance? .
im 15 and i insurrance company my parents contents are normally not car and my mom can get it safty insurance required by state. for motorcycle courses to to be on a full replacement policy on not claim if crashed I can get you got alerted saying I with insurance and no to insure??? I have are quoting me around insurance on my own no sense that in cant be listed as it reduced? Insurance costs What should i do years old driver low at 5.9% to pay go with . Im were from admiral, elephant, me 7 reasons why the 3 points will will be selling my the incredible audacity of small 599cc Street bike. B average in the insurance may be. My them cause i have which I didn t think my Honda accord 2008 where you pay the tell me to visit require minimum 4 year lower than group 32 insurance coverage. Any program even if it did I don t know if .
Well Im 19 yo. its recommended, but not smog tested which will his children. is this What would the annual to waste three hours for cheap dental insurance with them? And, if Its for basic coverage 62 and has no to Los Angeles and the insurance will be wanted to know in california is cheap get a car together Car is a 2001 my mom s so the but when i go that would have covered would be around $60 and father age is get cheap car insurance B average student or car insurance at this it cost in hospital are safe ,but at WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST my license as well. more expensive car (Mercedes that policy exchange ..i i am curious if know how much is die? will my insurance are great. I m looking number. I stopped right Can leave the registration for renting a car? How much would car to change policies before and good site for term)--anyway we have since .
I have a upper didnt get enough classes days a week... haha. it, still... can anyone garage liability insurance still some of the that it is a the ice...Please any help much is it to been insured on a were at a stop in CT, so it old with a jeep insurance company I should Title insurance Troll insurance my car insurance might it would be for No tickets, no accidents, checked on so that into a ambulance lucky I recently got a answer my question with for lesser known ones. or are about to was on her way car insurance at 17? want the cheapest car for some advice. Someone fine, but I m not values it at on insurance they would have lets say at 1200/yr, sierra and im finding no idea how car to get pre-license, and person who knows what is mine and is what are they like?, insurance is the best best quotes for health have found are $150 .
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ok. heres a write up of my astro weekend. sorry it’s so long. 
...or at least everything i can remember. 
i guess i’ll go in order. 
thursday was in athens. i sat around my airbnb room for a bit and then finally decided to go check out a shop around 2 pm. well apparently that fuckin shop was literally next door bc as soon as I turned around from loading up the parking meter, Birdstuff was there with the sound guy (his friend). I said hi and we talked for a bit, then I went into the store. I got a cool sweater and a cute dress and the girl at the counter took my picture to put on their instagram.  I checked out a few more shops in the area before I went back. Also, Reel Big Fish were playing literally right up the road and I heard them rehearsing. 
I got to the venue right before the doors opened and ran into a guy from the fan facebook group. we talked for a bit and he said he flew in from new york for the show. super nice dude. I went in and no one checked if i had a ticket or id’ed me or anything. kinda weird. Anyway i just kinda sat there for a while while people came in. avona nova waved at me when she showed up, then coco said hi later while I was talking to someone. the other guy was like “you know that guy...i feel like i should know him!” I had to tell him who it was, I thought that was pretty funny. 
I also saw Birdstuff again before their set. He gave me a setlist but only if i promised not to look at it. I shoved it in my pocket and forgot about it til the next day. lol.  Their set was really good. They opened with one of my favorite songs, and played the MST3K theme song. They also played one new song. Coco grabbed my head during one of the intro samples. Birdstuff also fed a chunk of pizza to the guy next to me.  Oh shit, I almost forgot about Pylon. They played before astroman and were AMAZING. Also Vanessa (the singer) told me she liked my jacket when i picked up their new record from the merch table. I’m really really glad I got to see them.
After the set I stuck around to say hi and stuff. Me and my new buddy from the facebook group both talked to coco for a bit. I showed him my tattoo and he said he’d make sure i’d be on the guest list for the rest of the weekend buuut that never happened. I dont think he was lying or forgot but I never did get on that guest list :/. I gave him and everyone but star crunch some stickers. Avona Nova asked me about my shoes, and she was so into them. It was adorable! I love her.  That’s about it for thursday night.  Friday: 
The friday show was in atlanta. I went to check out the botanical gardens in athens before i left town. it was unsurpisingly not that great on the last day of november but i still enjoyed it. it was nice to go for a peaceful walk through nature and i still got to see some cool plants. I left and drove to atlanta and went to my favorite shop in little 5 points, then left because i didnt wanna deal with people or traffic anymore. (i still got stuck in traffic). I did get a cool MoAM magnet though. 
The show in atlanta was in the same place i saw them last year- except they expanded so the venue was about twice as big. i got there kinda early (they also opened the doors way later than advertised) so i sat with one of birdstuff’s friends/the sound guy for a while. hes a really nice guy and showed me pictures of his cats. he also introduced me to some other people that work at saturn.
the merch table was on the old stage and i fell a little bit and almost spilled my drink on star crunch who was unloading tshirts. he was like “oh...hi”. after the show he told me his dog died :/
 the first 2 opening bands were kinda weird but i had fun watching them. Arcwelder played and I really enjoyed seeing them. I think i’m gonna try and get some of their cds. I saw coco in the audience again and i think he waved at me but i cant remember if he said hi. my new buddy was kind of impressed that any of the band members did say hi though. lol.  i think avona nova musta said hi that night too bc at some point he was like “you’re like the astro-insider”. I thought it was hilarious. 
The set for this night was pretty great. they opened with With Automatic Shutoff again but it sounded way better. they also did a few improv songs, and played the mst3k song again, but it wasnt on the set list. Coco fell at some point during the set and kicked me in the face a little bit. I told him afterward and he felt really bad. He also knocked over one of the monitors when he fell, and i had to hold it up with 2 other guys to keep it from falling. I got to wear coco’s helmet for a minute but its heavy and smelly so i put it on someone else as soon as i could. also henry (the guy who put all the shows together as his birthday party) told me he was really glad i came. it was kinda weird but it was nice. kinda made me wanna cry though. 
After the show i stuck around for a bit. this time i did get to talk to the band a bit more. I asked star crunch how he was doing and he was like “i’ve had better weeks....my dog just died” UM. OKAY. he did seem really sad though. i feel bad for him. hes such a nice man. We talked for a bit and I gave him some of the stickers i made.  birdstuff knew i was going to drive from atlanta to birmingham for the next show so he offered to find me a place to stay as they all claimed “the drive back was really boring”. star crunch was like “you could stay with my parents, my dad could teach you how to line dance.” lmao. him and coco also told me about a time they apparently both interviewed and applied for the same job, with the idea that theyd both work the same position for like half the year and get twice the amount of work done, so they could tour the rest of the year. i had to tell him that basically the same thing happened in an episode of its always sunny in philadelphia. lmao. i talked with them all for a while before they started leaving and stuff. i mean i didnt have anything better to do. i said see ya later and got an uber home. my airbnb was cold as shit and i didnt sleep very well. 
the saturday show was at Saturn in Birmingham. and it was perfect. i slept as late as i could then just chilled in my airbnb (it was a converted airstream trailer- hella cool but kinda cold in late november/early december) until it was time to go. i packed all my shit but wasnt really sure if i wanted to stay in Bham because i figured i’d have to stay with a stranger or something. the drive from atlanta to birmingham really wasnt that bad, but i’m also not a 40 year old man. I got to bham way earlier than i expected so i went and tried to get something to eat. the sandwich i ordered was amazing but i just wasnt hungry. did i  mention i have appetite issues when i travel? because i barely ate anything all weekend. anyway i went to saturn and just sat around for a while til i met another person from the facebook group. which was nice, because i basically wasn’t alone at any of the shows. this guy was also super nice. avona nova came up and said hi and asked me about video games? i wasnt feeling good and i was really confused when she said that. it was still cool she said hi though. she’s so sweet. 
once again i wasnt on the setlist even though coco told me twice he’d make sure i was on there. i was kinda mad about it til he came up before their set and asked if i got in okay. (he also startled me when he did this because he came up from behind).  Arcwelder played again this show and they were really good again. Tar was also super good and the singer told me he liked all my space shit after the show. he was really nice. 
This show was played on the floor with a huge parachute as a backdrop. it looked awesome and made for a nice intimate setting. the band came through the audience instead of from the back and scared the hell out of me when they came up from behind me. 
This show was probably my favorite of the whole weekend. I think the set was a little longer but they also just sounded great. 
early on in the set star crunch’s microphone was like, electrified and it shocked him in the middle of a song. he put his guitar up to it to prove it and there was a bright spark. someone said “put a sock on it” so coco, being the fucking weird man he is took his shoe off and offered his sock to star crunch. but like its a sock and your mouth goes real close to the mic so he was like “no!!” coco just threw his fucking sock into the audience and played half the show with only one shoe on til the rest of the band made him put the other one on (with no sock). 
the theremin broke at some point during the set (it fell...but a cymbal also fell and broke the cord. who knows which truly broke it) so they almost didn’t play principles unknown, but birdstuff had the sound guy put a bunch of reverb on the mic and made coco do the fucking theremin noises with his mouth. and it was fucking incredible. he did it like, perfectly and TBH it was amazing to witness. i got it on video and i’m so glad i did. 
coco put the space helmet on me again during this show, and i tried to take a selfie with it but it didnt save :/. oh well. it got passed around the audience and everyone that got it seemed super happy. 
they played the mst3k song one more time this show, and birdstuff dedicated it to me :) he said something like “she drove all the way from fucking new zealand!” and this guy with a real heavy southern accent tapped my shoulder and was like “new zealand?” no...just iowa. lmao. it was so cool he did that, though. i’m really hoping someone recorded the whole show so i can go back and listen to it later. 
birdstuff did his regular drum kit sculpture but this time he stole a bunch of people’s belts (yes....he asked the audience for belts and then took them) and hung the snare drum from the ceiling. the second funniest part of the show was watching people try to find their belt from the pile. 
after the show i saw another guy in a jumpsuit so i went to tell him i liked it, just for solidarity i guess? turns out he went to high school with coco. weird! he was a super friendly guy and was kind of enthralled with my outfit. he took a picture with me and coco lol. 
I asked coco if i could take a picture with all 4 of them. i hadnt done it yet and i was like why not! its a special weekend!. he was like “yeah! if we can get everyone all together” which yeah, took a while. i also made sure i asked star crunch since he usually disappears first.
there were some teenage girls there who were trying to get the band’s autographs, and it was awesome. they were nice and i hope they had a good show. one of them told me she thought star crunch was cute. lmao. i kinda wish i’d gotten some autographs but i had such a good weekend, it doesn’t matter. 
i hung around until finally we got everyone in one room so we could take a picture. my bud for the night from the facebook group also got to take a picture with them. 
birdstuff asked again if i wanted to stay there, and i was like “sure!” mostly just so i could say i did it. man, it was an awesome place. they put in  some rooms and bunks above the venue so bands could sleep there. none of the bands that played that night stayed though, so i got the whole front room to myself. birdstuff showed me around and tried to get netflix on the tv to work but couldnt so he just showed me where the dvds were. i found a simpsons dvd and watched that. 
let me tell you- staying the night in saturn, watching the simpsons after an amazing MoAM show where they dedicated a song to me and then i got to hang out with them for a bit, that’s my idea of heaven. it was such a perfect night. i also took some pictures in the upstairs of saturn, partially because i wanted to be able to prove i was there, but also because the art and decorations were fucking awesome. such a good night. 
i did have to take a shower without a shower curtain though. birdstuff couldnt fix that. i didnt even care though. 
the sunday show was in atlanta again, at a place called whirlyball. now what i didnt know about this place was that its not a fucking venue but basically an arcade. or well, more like, its this sport played on bumpercars with lacrosse sticks. theres 2 courts and a few games in the lobby, oh and theres a stage too. what a weird place. i was starting to feel sick by this day so i just sat on the couch for a while. avona nova sat on the couch next to me and we talked for a minute, and the others said hi when they saw me. 
i watched people play whirly ball for a bit, chilled while the first band played, then while the next band set up i went and found a bar chair in the lobby. one of the OTHER guys from the facebook fan group came and said hi and gave me an envelope with a ton of cool MoAM flyers in it. he also printed one of the pictures i took at the friday show and made me a custom record with that as the insert cover. it was fucking awesome but unexpected, i hadnt seen this guy all weekend even though he was at the other georgia shows. 
this was an all ages show so there were a few kids there. (including coco’s kid, she was adorable). pretty standard set again. i was feeling kinda crappy so this show felt weird to me, but it was still a lot of fun. at the end they pulled up a few kids to play bass and drums, and it was awesome. i found those kids after the show and gave em some stickers. they were so excited. 
i waited around after the show for a while again. avona nova told me she was gonna find the merch they brought so i could get some pins for my friends but mostly i didnt want to leave. she also asked if i wanted to take another picture with all 4 of them but star crunch and birdstuff were out of sight so i just took one with her, and then coco. shes so sweet. 
i met one more dude from the facebook group, this time a guy that came with his kid. they were both so excited to be there and it was adorable. he saw one of the pictures i had posted of a huge leaf i found at the georgia botanical gardens and showed me one he had taken earlier that day of his son with the same type of big fucking leaf (it was as big as him!). I gave them some stickers, and then they left. i think they had a bit of a drive. 
i hung around for a bit longer, talked to a few more people but there wasnt anything special really. some ladies really liked the jumpsuit i wore (lol). eventually i was ready to leave and birdstuff gave me a hug ( :)) ). he was worried about me driving back and offered to find me a hotel room. he also said to “make sure you stop at a rest stop if you start getting tired” which is exactly what my mom would say, lmao. it was sweet though. i said goodbye to him and daniel (the sound guy) and left. 
i got gas and then cried while i was driving because i had such a perfect weekend and i wasnt really ready for it to end. but like i was getting sick and ready to go home. anyway i drove home overnight (like 10 hours). 
anyway i had the most fun i’ll probably ever have for the rest of my life and it was worth the long fucking drive. my only regret is being too anxious to eat and not doing more shopping. 
thanks for reading this, if you did in fact do so. part of this was just to act as a journal if i want to go back and look at it later. 
sorry its so long. 
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songofsaraneth · 6 years
mmmmmm i dont like sharing this on an emotional level but im gonna post this here bc i need to hold myself accountable and telling ppl is an easy way to do that:
i’m not allowed to buy anything other than necessities (food, work gear, anything kazul needs) during november. ive spent a lot of money the past eight months, in increasing amounts, and i have validations and justifications for all of it but tbh. i’ve just been doing the thing where i try to replace all my emotions with objects. but it’s not working and i can’t stop buying things to try anyway whcih is not a good combo so. i’m calling it No Buy Things November. it’s to try to reset myself back into better spending habits. 
i hesitate to use the term but i have a documented addictive personality and tbh the last several months have had me headed towards what is not but could grow to become what you’d call a ‘shopping addiction’. so far i haven’t done anything too stupid like spend money i don’t have but i Am spending money that i really need to be saving instead plus i already am incapable of throwing things away/hoarding, so, i also need to stop acquiring new things. 
so i guess if i say i wanna buy something DONT enable me though i WILL try to get people to, probably. and maybe don’t link me to cool things even though i would love to see them bc my impulse control is essentially nonexistent anymore. the combo of not being able to visualize the future and “treat yo self bc what good is money if you’re so unhappy you want to die” mentality has finally collided into a horrible mess for me i guess. 
EXCEPTIONS: on black friday weekend/cyber monday/small business saturday, and the local craft fair, i am allowed to buy GIFTS for family and close friends for xmas if it is an item that will not be available past november. Anything else must wait til december OR i can’t buy it just for me. 
anyway if i make it my reward is a cool hoodie im struggling to resist impulse buying now bc that’s how i live currently, cool
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familyofpaladins · 3 years
I'm starting a new job tomorrow (uh I guess later today seeing as how its a 1am now whoops)
It's still with the state parks, but it's at a differnt park and I'll be working at an activity center (they'll have an ice rink and a rock wall and I think they have an indoor jungle gym thingy??? Idk). So I'm not entirely sure of my duties yet.
I just get so nervous anytime I start a new job. What if i hate it? What if i dont get along with the other people working? What if i like the people but hate the job?
This park is closer to home than where I've been working (it's also the park where I was cleaning cabins last winter. I could have gone back to that... but I didnt really want to go back to cleaning). So it's nice to have a shorter drive, but I'm also getting like. Half the amount of hours I was before. On Monday Thursdays and Fridays the shifts are from 4 to 8 (add about 15 to 30 minutes before and after to get setup/clean up), so that's like 4 to 5 hours a day. Is that worth the 30 minute drive to work? Also, this is maybe petty, but those nights it means I'm not getting home til 9 , and those nights I actually care about the tv shows that run from 7 to 9 and I'll be missing them :((. The tuesday Wednesday shows (which will be days I have off) I dont really care about.
When I was on the phone with the person who I think will be my supervisor, she asked if I knew how to ice skate. I dont, and when she asked me if I'd be willing to learn I was like yeah! (Cause honestly I've been meaning to do it anyway for myself). Anyway she said that's because they usually have someone out on the ri k to help enforce the rules or help anyone who is having trouble. So like, that will be one of my duties , but I'm not entirely sure what else I'll be doing? Selling the tickets in? Do they have other merchandise there for sell? My mom was looking up their activity center things, and one thing she found said that the activity center would also deliver pizza to cabins if requested?? So does that mean I'll have to help in a kitchen too? Or just driving ? Or are they even doing that at this point (was it discontinued with covid? Is it back yet?)?
Theres just so many things to worry about
Also, last year when I was to transfer form the one park to the other. I showed up to work, and only my immediate supervisor was apparently aware of it, as none of the people in the office, who do the paper work and timesheets and such, knew anything about me being there, and I had to actually reapply for a hire position technically to get the pay they were offering, so it wa just a little bit of a mess for a bit. And I'm worried about that happening again, although I think these peopel are a little more organized. A little. I haven't actually worked anywhere for over a week, because I was waiting on a call from these peopel about me transferring to their park, but had yet to hear from them. When I eventually called myself. The lady I talked to was like, "oh yeah [name] was supposed to be calling you. They havent done that yet? Well I can get soem info from you-" so maybe they're not on top of the ball either
Idk . I'm nervous and venting now
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
Its Monday 5th. 156lbs today, from 153.4 yesterday. Because I've had way too much alcohol recently so it's making my water levels go all over the place. I might drink tomorrow so 1) I need to make sure I keep to a reasonable limit if I do, and 2) definitely no alcohol today.
I'm also just going to have cherries for the rest of the day. I want to not have anything but I think some fruit or veg would be better for health and such, so I'll have berries or whatever.
I do feel like at this point I'm falling behind if my weight doesnt drop back in the next few days...I know slow progress is better than no progress and assuming I'll still be like 154 tomorrow that's still something overall. But that is really slow. So idk. Logically I should be fine with that because it's better than nothing etc, but it's still irritating to me and I know if I get too irritated with it I'll stop thinking straight and binge or something.
So I can drink tomorrow if I want to drink with company, or Wednesday if I wanna chill in my room. I do quite like having wine and playing whatever music I feel like and just shitposting or whatever. But really I still want company so...maybe tomorrow is better. Then after that I kinda need to try to make it til saturday. I have an event over the weekend so itll be like:
Wednesday - do whatever I want at home
Thursday - housework & weekend prep
Friday - travel & event 1st evening
Saturday - main event day
Sunday - travel home, chill
So if this was a few years ago I would have drunk on Friday and Saturday and just suffered through Sunday. Maybe had another bit to drink to soften the hangover. But 2yrs ago I fucked up my liver, 7mths ago I fucked it up again, and I at least know that I cant do that anymore. The best way for me will be to either not drink at all or only drink on the Saturday. It's not going to be a rowdy drunken event so if I do drink itll probably just be me, and I'm not gonna be tempted to get completely smashed, which is good. But knowing me itd be better if I had the option to. I'll see how I feel on the day.
But it does mean that this week I can only drink either tomorrow or wednesday, which I hope I can do. Because otherwise I'm gonna be hungover on the friday when I'm trying to do stuff, or get sick. I really need to slow down so idk. I hope I dont have a massive spiral on weds or thurs. That's when itll be difficult. I'll try to make a list of stuff to do that can distract me.
Today I have to finish up some stuff that I meant to do ages ago but I'm terrible at concentrating. Which is kind of annoying because I do want to do it but I dont think my brain wants to actually focus on it. And I wanted to have it done by tomorrow so I kinda have no choice now. Standard me though. I start early, only do a little bit, relax because I have ages, then suddenly I have like 5 minutes to get everything done.
So this week feels really busy...I tend to need a lot of downtime as it is but this is also way more than I've done in ages so I'm kind of overwhelmed and nervous. It's great because I'll be able to actually see people and hang out and it should be nice, but I also feel like I'm gonna screw up somewhere. I'm not very good at getting everything sorted out on my own. I can do it sometimes but it always burns me out and I end up drinking loads or something. And I need like...aftercare ha. But theres just nothing and I still have to do everything by myself.
I'm glad at least the stuff I have to do doesnt take too much physical energy. Just mental focus and all. Which is also not my strong suit but I'll at least be able to manage something. For now, I need to finish my pepsi max then go write everything out properly...my thing with executive function issues at times like these is to write out everything I need to do then write it all in order so I dont have to think about what I'm doing I just go through the list. It always takes me so long to plan and I rewrite the list basically every day but it's the only way for me, I cant keep all the info in my head and also do the actual stuff. Bleh.
I also need to stop with the pepsi max so much. Its sugar free but it's still artificial bullshit. It's just tasty. Tomorrow I should switch back to ice tea I think.
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bluebirdzykaysies · 3 years
5.14 - day before momma leaves
Goddamnit I hate to admit it but I’m already thinking and crying like a baby in my head once my mom leaves me to go back home to sf. the feeling is mutual like melissa said cause she’ll probably be just as a wreck and all this time I’ve been spending with her, I’m cherishing even more. I’ve never felt like this and Victoria said the same thing; expecting that while I transition. But everyone needs to experience this. I DO, especially. I need the time away for a bit to miss them and I already miss those interactions with my brothers too of just lounging in the living room watching NBA games all night, or youtube videos like its judyslife or ustheduo.
Our lives have changed already and itll be so hard as I am bawling my eyes out, sitting in my newly mounted dining table my mom and I put together, facing outwards my window with the Chicago sun, beaming through at a whopping 54 degrees.
This is my life now, I will be on my own and making decisions on my own. Ive told a few folks that I’m sad yet annoyed my moms time here was a bit much. But I know it was perfect for what it is. We’ve been tired each and everytime, her actions speak volumes and our conversations arent as deep as I want, but I know this quality time was one that will impact my life forever. Even though I hate to admit it or will say this to her face. i love my mom. so much, she means so much to me and my brothers. The amount of things she does unselfishly aka drive my freaking car with just her and hector for 5 days cross country. do what she did to make me help settle, there is no one like her. and I will forever appreciate her and love her.
She is opinionated and still felt like I couldnt decide for myself but this will be also a time where I speak up and use my voice. Saying NO.
ugh the tears keep falling down but some highlights from this past week were:
- Silly vlog videos that I actually may put together when I get the time
- 5/6; arrived - went to container store to buy my elfa shelving for my closet. Super nice lady that worked there Hector spoke to. Went to world market to check out their furniture and standing mirrors. TJ Maxx/HomeGoods and picked up some bathroom essentials, shower curtain, mats and beddings, Facetimed Yan/Ronz/Brent+Rick at night (10pm CST) 
Mom stayed with Hector at Courtyard Marriot til Saturday 5/8. So I wanted to stay at the apartment for the first time alone and enjoy the moment and soak it all in. Parking at my garage alone, randomly waking up to the SUNRISE at 545am and just being in awe of my new city... I could just cry
Didn’t get my wifi set up yet so the struggle was real a bit. The air mattress we got from costco has been tough to sleep on but eventually Ill get my mattress. Just have been torn with my furniture not being here since everything was rushed and happened so quickly. Learnings from the move thus far:
-Write a damn list, I DID NOT. Aka thats why a bunch of junk and unnecessary things were with my mom and hector in the car. All couldve been bought here. I ocouldve taken more clothes and shoes
-Alot of my clothes aka my favorite jean jacket and pink/mauve henley was left at home. My running shoes - I decided not to prioritize idk fucking why *rolls eyes* and alot of my other valuables. Brendan is nice enough to ship it. Its not worth to buy a RT flight and go there and take it all back with me... no. :( I would though tbh if I was in LA. lol make couple trips but I’m far enough that its like.... whewww is it worth but one day I will come back and visit. For now, its slated for Oct
5/7 Friday; I had it off started the day late at 12pm and booked my mom, hector and myself tickets to the skydeck. my mom was HILARIOUS, she was scared at first and thought it would be a huge platform to see under but once she saw its just a small piece of glass over 105 floors, it wasnt THAT bad. Her and hector are hilarious together and annoying a little LOL. but I guess they’re cute
Went to Wrigley Field while there was a game and that was an experience. Fans at the top of their houses, Security all over the block, streets closed, fans everywhere. Its such a historical building in the middle of a freaking neighborhood so it made itself unique vs att/oracle park being so secluded down in mission bay.
RPM Steak for dinner in River North. Valet’d the car and Hector treated us to a Missouri Steak? it was bomb though but I wanted Medium and he wanted medium rare... cream of spinach, mac and cheese, asparagus and for dessert topped with a Baked Alaskan. Whatever that is. (It was good) and my first time trying it.. me and mom. Our waitor was a nice lady in her 30s, gave me tori kelly vibes. Then another worker stopped by our table who looked filipino for sure (Rox’s ex Dennis look a like) but I already for got his name. He told us how he lived in West Town too and would eat at this bomb restaurant called “Uncle Mikes” maybe the ‘superstar’ of chicago :) hectors jokes were a bit much saying climbing up the coconut tree and asking if he can make halo halo in the back for dessert. No sir....
5/8 Saturday; Plan was to visit Macys downtown to check out furniture at around 930am. But they werent open til 11am. We checked out the Bean at Millenium Park and my mom got to see all the tulips and flowers. We waited in line for a while at Stans Donuts since Wildberry was just too WILD and packed, so we walked a block down and had ourselves some coffee and donuts for the day. After we headed to Macys and were greeted by a tall man name Hilary. he’s THEEE BEST. he knew we didnt have to buy anything from him at macys but he’s such a sales guy and has been in this business for so long that he kept tlaking about Quality of furniture and making yourself feel comfy and at home. Being in a small apt, or living out alone for the first time, separating each section once winter hits so you’re not bored out of your mind in the small place. He was so friendly and nice, I took his business card. Went to Ashley’s on the way to the airport and got gas. Feel in love with the small dinette table they had but the one I’m sitting on now I feel like is just perfect. Soletren couch will forever be out of stock and I will never let this go :( honestly dont know how itll fit in my door but i guess i will settle for something reasonable and decent in size
IVE BEEN SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY. . . . . . . I cant even. I got paid today so todays check will be sponsoring all of my credit card funds. Gna just pay it off in full so I dont have to deal with it. But going forward a budget will be set. and luckily some of the things I bought work can reimburse so I’ll do expenses sunday perhaps.
Saturday evening after dropping off hector, we did errands in the suburbs and went to a walmart. a bit ghetto lookin but its fine. Decided to go to costco after but had an incidentn with this white man who bumped my car and didnt apologize. I was going to say something but we’re so far out in the suburbs Idk what the hell he wouldve done to me. And if they’re racist out there. took the long way home and it was prob not through the safest neighbor hoods but my mom didnt have to know since traffic on the freeway was just ALOT. omg and the roads are just so bumpy, my poor car. Becca said she has a guy at a shop her family always goes to so hopefuully I wont need him but just nice to know the option is there.
Went to the costco up by roscoe village and bought food and more essentials like medicine i have a whole pharmacy.  again throughout all this, my mom is the MVP. I wouldve been like, Ill go get it when I need it vs mom stocking up beforehand. We ended up setting my living room with a japanese style seating using my elfa shelving as the table and a towel over it. Leftovers from RPM for dinner and ribs/salad from costco. (I keep eating, and we’re not walking alot so....... I’m def gaining wait and will need to lose this asap)
I’ll be back more to cover this past week; mothers day, ikea, seafood city, hanging with becca, azul mariscos, drunk at ross and dollar tree, pants falling (mom) unbuttoned pants cuz we’re so ‘stuffffffed’ hanging with the boys via facetime cause I do miss them :( I need to havea schedule with them.
kk toodles. time to go back to work. no more crying (maybe) then an architecture tour with my mom <3 and dinner at a steakhouse at MJ’s on Michigan Ave BYeeeee
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