#i dont even know where to begin with this so i simply wont
insinirate · 1 year
so do you and everyone else who likes the puppy au secretly wanna fuck dogs or something?
Anonymous asked:
I know fiction =/= reality but the strange emphasis on real dog behavior like them not bathing or licking Nai during sleep or eating food they're not supposed to and all that shit is creepy. They don't act like humans with dog features, they act like actual dogs and it feels very zoophilia adjacent. Even weirder when anons put in stories about their actual pets and then imagine it's nai dealing with that
one visit to furaffinity would shatter your fragile psyche so hard youd be bedridden for years to come
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Second and last answer (then I am off tumblr again, short visit) : Oh I just read your long answer to the message. Oh my good I seriously had no Idea. I am quite new on tumblr I just got here yesterday because of your fanfic were was mentioned your name and tumblr, I did not know that this is such a intimate safe space I thought it was more of a promoting fanfic and light and fun website with "hey there" and "whats up" kind of site and just reda your last comments. I had absolutely no idea, you seem to have think that I Know this site and the type of intimacy shared and your story- it must have been so horrible to red my message! I am so so so very sorry! Thank you for letting me know. I swear I will not write you again, I hope it brings you some peace of mind that i was just stupid and dumm and not knowing anything about this and will leave tublr ! it is you life and your feelings and i want don't to tell you how to feel and have no right too and now see what a huge mistake it was to treat this as a happy rambling website. I will leave tumblr now, so you can feel a bit safer if i made you feel unsafe. I am sorry I am writing this anonounoumosly still, but I was shocked by your (rightfully strong! You are absolutely right) reaction and feel not safe enough, which I am sure is ironic to you because you were made felt so unsafe by me- it is just how it is. Have a much better day. I have the feeling everything i write would sound stupid or be taken the wrong way (not because of you understanding it wrong, but because of me not being able to express it because i neither have the language not also the insight into the topic not it seems the sensibilty needed) so i will stop now with a final and the only thing that matters and I hope you can take away: I am so sorry you were hurt because of what i said. It will never happen again.
the only reason i'm answering this at all, bc i've been sitting here staring at it kind of speechless for about 15 minutes, is just to make some things clear for anyone ELSE who might be reading my responses and getting the wrong idea from them.
i love when people connect with me here from reading my fics
i promise i am not usually an overly angry or aggressive or scary person. i don't jump down people's throats for simple mistakes or attack people or whatever. i like to think, at least from my own limited internal perspective, obviously having no idea how i come across to other people, that i'm pretty friendly and approachable and kind as a general rule. i like to think, and i hope this is true, that i am not a scary person.
this is not a particularly...... intimate platform any more than any other social media is. i often promote my fic here and have lighthearted jokes and chat about media! i link my tumblr in my fic notes for a reason, and it's not because i need or want everyone to Intimately Understand The Intricacies Of My Life. it's a blog. i also make some personal posts sometimes, about my experiences with abuse and trauma and mental health issues among other things, but that doesn't mean it's like..... some kind of holy ground safe space. this wouldn't be okay to say to anyone anywhere based on the information available to you when you did it. it is just as inappropriate to make assumptions about strangers' lives and then lecture them based on those assumptions, especially regarding something as potentially fraught as family, on a 'happy rambling website' whatever that means.
just to be clear, none of this is a communication issue. it's not about what you've said being taken the wrong way. i give people the benefit of the doubt as best i can. i extend whatever grace i can because communication is always going to be imperfect especially via text. the problem is not one with wording or with expressing yourself. the problem is that you decided to shame me, a complete stranger, for how i spoke about my parent, when you had no information about my parent, me, our relationship, or our history. full stop. that was wrong. it was wrong, it was inappropriate, it was invasive, it was presumptuous, and it was cruel. you made that choice. own it and live with it and do better.
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
Just thinking about Yandere Todoroki clan and reader's random moments.
Reader coming home after a particularly bad day, but poor girl cant even cry or complain without everyone immediately overreacting and pulling you out of school/college or even keeping you from going out at all. So now, reader has to either cry in self pity before she enters her home, wipe her tears and fix herself just enough to show that she hadnt just bawled her eyes out moments ago. That, or do the more risky thing and go home, go to your room and cry under the covers, but then theres always the chance of Rei or the others walking in on you any moment.
Also thinking about baby/toddler reader being sick, just a common cold or flu, nothing major. But with reader whining and being so young, the family's infantalisation goes through the roof and theyd treat you as if you were immunocompromised. I wont lie, but I think Rei is almost kinda... glad when you get sick? She enjoys you being dependant on her for the most things, even when you grow up and are able to handle a cold, she still deludes herself into thinking that you need mommy to come and help you.
I think the one person who is most affected by reader getting sick, no matter what age, is Enji. The man just cant help but view you as a fragile, starving Victorian child the moment you fall ill. In his eyes, even a harsh blow of air is too much for a fragile thing like you, let alone something as bad as the flu. He just- he's holding toddler reader in his arms, who snuggles into his warm body, your tiny nose pink and he cant get the image of you crying and vomiting and being oh so feverish- thats just way too much for your small body. Oh how he almost cried when he took you to the doctor for a shot and you clung to him, trying to bury yourself into him as you begged him to make you feel better, cried to him that you didnt want to get the "big scary needle!" He just had to hold you there in his firm grip as you writhed, had to look away when you looked at him and he saw the feeling of betrayal in your eyes, had to keep himself from not strangling the fucking doctor for not being careful, had to walk out of the clinic and hand you to Rei because he couldnt hear you cry anymore, had to have Rei console both you and Enji (assuring him that "no, Enji. Y/n doesnt resent you for making her get a shot.") and he couldnt even sleep a wink that night because he was standing by your bed, holding your tiny hand with his pinky as a tear finally slipped out of his eye.
ALSO thinking about adult reader going out of the house to meet up with friends, except shes meeting up with them at a club instead of at their house like she told Enji and Rei, and now shes standing outside, abandoned by said friends, and shes now running because a group of pervy men are chasing her and she doesnt know who to call, so she just speed dials Shotou, except someone just changed all your speed dials to one number, and you think youre doomed when Shotou doesnt say a word to you and just hangs up when within minutes, someone comes in front of you-
"Dabi?" He tells you to cover your ears and look away, and you know well by know what that means, so you obey, feeling a bit regretful as those men begin to scream in agony. You dont know how long its been until Dabi pulls your hands away and examines your wounds. He lets you crash into his chest as you sob, and this time, Dabi simply decides to take you home quietly without a lecture.
Hmmm, also thinking about Natsuo who is usually cool as a cucumber, the most normal being in the family, except for his very rare episodes of unbridled rage where he suddenly becomes the Hulk. Good thing for you is that this anger is never directed towards you, rather towards people who actively threaten your life (except Rei cause she gets to play "Im your mom who became mentally unstable because of your abusive dad") The only time NAtsuo is stern with you is when it comes to your health. He's just looking at you with those strict eyes when you refuse to take your multivitamins, or dont want to get a flu shot, or try to make up an excuse so that he cant check your vitals. And when he just grabs your wrist and pulls you to sit down so that he can do his checkup, its in those moments that you realise just how strong your brother is... and how easy it may be for him to overpower you and sedate you if he ever followed through Rei's threats.
Tumblr media
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smute · 7 months
random hill to die on and i could honestly make a 3 hour viddy essay about this but here's the short version: "save some pasta water for binding your sauce" is probably one of the most misunderstood cooking tips ever. yes, its an old trick and yes, its something that can be helpful under very specific circumstances but at this point almost every pasta recipe i come across seems to mention some variation of it and in most cases it's complete nonsense.
firstable, let me explain where it doesnt work: adding pasta water to a random sauce (tomato for instance) will not make it thicker. whatever miniscule amount of starch you're gonna have in there wont make a difference when you're also adding ladlefuls of water at the same time. its pasta water not cornstarch slurry. and thats not something you want in your tomato sauce anyway. tomato paste is an excellent emulsifier all on its own (along with egg yolks, mustard, butter, cream, milk, and many other dairy products) so in order to thicken a tomato-based sauce you have exactly two options: evaporation or more tomato paste, which basically amounts to the same thing: less water, more everything else.
pasta water on the other hand can be useful for diluting a sauce (tomato or otherwise) that has been cooked down too much. while adding wine or juices (or just plain water) for deglazing makes sense at the beginning of the cooking process, watery things added to an almost finished sauce will simply... water it down (duh) and (in the case of wine, vinegar, etc) introduce unwanted raw flavors. there's also a good chance that cold liquids won't mix well with the sauce and ruin the consistency. for this, broth works very well, but pasta water would be a more neutral option flavor-wise. the salt and temperature honestly make the biggest difference here. plus, pasta water is something you're probably gonna have on hand anyway as you will likely be boiling your pasta shortly before serving.
the same goes for loosening any other emulsion, like an emulsified butter sauce or carbonara for example. this shouldn't be necessary but if your egg and cheese mixture clings to the pasta a little too much and everything just clumps together, a small (!!!) amount of pasta water can help the sauce reach a creamier consistency without diluting the overall flavor too much.
however. the Pasta Water Trick (TM) that everyone talks about but so few recipes seem to get right goes like this: you finish cooking your pasta in the sauce and you also add a little bit of pasta water to that mixture. a single cooked spaghetto will probably yield more starch than an entire cup of pasta water, and cooking your starchy pasta for a minute (or just tossing it) in the finished sauce will make a huge difference for the consistency. that alone can be enough, you can stop right there. but now you run the risk of binding too much liquid. this is where the pasta water comes in. it's hot, salty, starchy, and it's right there on the stove, so it's perfect for making sure your sauce doesn't disappear completely. THATS ALL
btw. all of this works a lot better with fresh pasta and a lower water to pasta ratio. fresh pasta gives off more starch than dried pasta, and it works even better with homemade pasta that's still covered in flour. the cloudier the water the better.
in any case, pasta water = a little bit of starch + a whole lot of water (and salt). thats why it only makes sense to use it in situations where you need both the starch AND the extra liquid (and salt) or if you know that you'll evaporate most of it later on. think of pasta water as a better alternative to cold water or as something that you can use when you dont have any other cooking liquids on hand. and always keep the salt in mind.
tl;dr: pasta water can be a useful tool for emulsification but if anything it's a thinning agent rather than a thickening agent.
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emmyrosee · 10 months
I was literally out shopping today and I was extremely lightheaded cause I needed water and this idea did NOT help with that as I was passing the men’s clothing section 🤨
but omg purposefully buying Osamu shirts every so often that are just slightly too small for him. namely compression shirts and t-shirts. I just really like his arms okay 😐? And he fully knows you’re doing it on purpose so you can admire him and he DOES NOT MIND ONE BIT. I fully believe his arms would be defined in a bulky SWEATER do u know how hard that is to do? he obviously doesn’t.
I love him ☹️
anon <3
just him coming home once upon a time to just merely pout about how the shirt he got is somehow too small for him, and you simply shrug and tell him to model it anyways because hey, he's too pretty to pout okay?
so he stalks into the bedroom, leaving you in the living room to wait for your man to show you where he wants to modify the fabric.
and then. OH AND THEN.
he comes around the hallway, cheeks a little warm from the effort of pulling the shirt over those massive shoulders and beefy arms and you know threads had to have been popped wildly just to get it over his head. AND DONT LOOK AT ME BUT I JUst find him super sinched at the waist, but a little soft near his tummy, which is even more shown from the tightness of the shirt.
"see?" he whines, pinching the shirt in his fingers. "it's too tight... i could never wear this out!"
meanwhile, you're not sure if you've ever been more attracted to him.
he just looks so big, so beefy and thick, you cant begin to try and pull your eyes off of him. he's so defined it hurts, and god you want to unhinge your jaw and bite that mammoth arm thats practically hulking from under the shirt.
"yeah shame you can only wear it here hey wow thats so funny you can only wear it here isnt that good though you always say how you need more lounge clothes-"
he quirks a brow, "are... you okay, babe? you’re talking really fast.”
You take a deep breath in and slowly let it out, flashing him the biggest set of flirt eyes you can muster, “you look really, really good, osamu.”
His brows raise. You nod.
“Like… really good?”
“Good enough where if you tried to return the shirt, I’d burn the receipt.”
“Okay, well don’t burn it,” he snickers, pulling you in for a hug. “We can just pretend like the shirt fits me perfectly and wear it.”
“You’re not wearing that outside.”
“Uh, because people will throw themselves at you? Duh?”
He offers you a laugh, clearly not taking into full account about how serious you are, but thats okay.
hopefully there wont come a day you have to show it.
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uselessvaldemarsimp · 2 months
"less-cannon-accurate" annnnd there it is, thanks for letting us know that the author of that "route" treats Valdemar being aroace just as an inconvenient little detail to be discarded. what a shame
DISCLAIMER: i am not aroace! this is simply my opinion, take what i say with a grain of salt
here’s what i have to say:
is valdemar good aroace representation in the first place?
i dont think so! their orientation was announced in a, correct me if im wrong, comment section of an instagram post, and no where else! the fact that they and vulgora, villains, are the only nonbinary characters that use they/them exclusively, and the fact that valdemar, again, a villain, is the only aroace character in the entire game, is simply overall bad representation! a villain being aroace isn’t inherently bad representation, but all other things considered in this specific situation, the creators seem to view aroace people as inhumane freaks! yikes!
is this an excuse to erase said gender and sexuality?
not really, no!
is the valdemar dorian route by ronelle otieno good aroace representation despite this?
i think so! it’s done very well in my opinion, being an integral part of their character, not explicitly stated but shown through their actions and storytelling, it honestly makes valdemar seem a little more human, the way that their orientation is shown. i think ronelle otieno took something that was a poorly done afterthought and made it into good representation
can aroace people partake in sex and romance?
yes! this is a pretty obvious fact that most people are aware of by now
since that’s the case, is the inclusion of sex and/or romance when engaging with an aroace character an erasure of their sexuality?
not inherently! again, aroace people Can partake in these things, despite what some people may think!
HOWEVER, is deviating from canon with an aroace character who has been explicitly stated to not have an interest in sex and romance an erasure of their sexuality?
honestly, this is where things get tricky, but i think i have a way of thinking about it:
do actions = attraction?
i dont think so! i think people can kiss whoever they want, have sex with whoever they want, give flowers to whoever they want, without it being a direct show of their orientation. therefore, while it may be deviating from canon, it isn’t an inherent erasure of the characters sexuality. an erasure of aroace sexuality would be having that character specifically show or state that they are romantically and/or sexually attracted to someone. that’s where we begin having issues! if you have a problem with deviating from canon, that’s an entirely different thing, and i suggest you never interact with fandoms ever! for your own sanity.
people swap the sexualities of characters all the time, why is it such an issue when people do it with aroace characters, or queer characters in general?
lack of representation! if all these different flavors of queer were normalized, as they should be, people wouldn’t have so much of an issue with playing around with characters sexualities, but because representation is spare, people cling onto these aspects of these characters for dear life, even if the representation isn’t good representation
so what should people be fighting for?
more representation! instead of hanging onto characters who’s orientation is already a badly done, arguably acephobic afterthought, maybe the best course of action is to make an effort to create more aro and/or ace representation in general!
at the end of the day, is this all that big of a deal?
not really! you are the the captain of your own ship. you can choose to interact with things, or dont! wasting energy arguing over something that wont change is not worth your precious time. using that energy to create and promote Good representation is probably a better use of ones energy.
i highly encourage aroace people, especially those who have read the dorian route, to share their opinions. i dont intend to speak For or Over aroace people, im just a stranger on the internet who has thought a lot about things that dont really matter a whole lot in the grand scheme of things
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miiilowo · 1 year
I have seen what they say about npd on Google but may I ask you for the truth or at least stuff people don't mention cause i have a feeling there is a ton of stuff they don't mention and they just focus on bullshit
Sorry if its worded weird I just wanna learn about npd from a better source
Ill start off by saying I'm not the best source since im just some dude who has it, but I dont blame you for asking me specifically, considering how most of the results when looking into NPD are very, very plainly abelist or misinformed. Hell, even some of the non-abelist sources have some things wrong with them.
Before I begin, I wanna get this out of the way (since its very common to encounter): 'narc abuse' isnt real. No illness or disorder will make someone abusive. Abuse is a choice, and is not something one can be born into; Claiming all narcissists are inherently abusive is incredibly abelist, and if someone tells you otherwise, either kindly inform them or beat them with hammers. Everyone is capable of kindness, and everyone is capable of abuse. There is no pattern of abuse that solely correlates to people with NPD. If someone is abusive, and they also happen to have NPD, thats an abuser who has NPD, not a narcissistic abuser. You know? While a disorder may contribute to choices people make, correlation is not causation.
I will say to anyone else reading this who has used the term before, or anyone who has used 'narcissist'/'narcissistic' to describe someone who hurt them--As long as you stop, I wont be mad at you. I know that for a lot of people, it simply doesn't occur to them that it might be hurtful. However, if you know about how it can be hurtful or abelist and you CONTINUE to use it, that's where we have a real issue.
A few people have asked how to refer to me as someone who has NPD, so ill also mention that here. while i dont mind being called a narcissist personally, a lot of people do Not like being called that. generally saying people with NPD or pwNPD for short is a safer bet.
ok, now that thats out of the way, heres some stuff i have tucked in my pocket. they should give you a decent enough idea of what its like, and if you have followup questions, absolutely feel free to ask!!! i dont mind helping de-stigmatize in any way i can. i wont think its annoying i prommy
National Library Of Medicine - NPD
Stigma in the DSM when it comes to how NPD is described (keep in mind for above link) - @/kindnessoverperfection
NPD criteria rewritten by someone who has it (explanations for changes also included) - @/kindnessoverperfection
Me responding to someone who asked what they can do to help out/accommodate living w someone w NPD. <- this one covers some of my personal experiences with it
Collection of resources and an explanation of ""narc supply"" - @/theegosystem
Perception of NPD symptoms vs. how someone may actually experience them - @/kindnessoverperfection
I'm not gonna go over every single symptom and how it affects me, but I do wanna talk about envy, entitlement and narc crashes because those are the things i tend to encounter the most often that are like. Actually Bad And Disordered. some of these traits arent really that bad (like being arrogant and having a big ego. if im constantly talking about how sexy and awesome i am idk how thats a bad thing TBH i recommend it for everyone. does wonders for the mental health. there is a bad side to it [which you can find in the links above] but in my experience its less prevalent of an issue than the stuff im ab to talk about)
For me PERSONALLY, its mostly a problem with ego regulation, and the perception I have of myself is HEAVILY reliant on how other people perceive me and how much positive attention I'm getting. If someone does not like me, it is absolutely devastating, far more than it should be for the average person (though i also suffer from RSD due to my other disorders so i dont imagine thats helping)
If I dont receive enough attention, receive too much negative attention, or am led to believe I'm not actually the specialest boy on planet earth who deserves to be picked up and spun around and kissed on the forehead it can lead to whats referred to as a 'narc crash', or just a crash. Whatever we've been telling ourselves to keep our ego intact has been shattered into pieces, and we'll get rather angry and depressed, though mostly depressed. (we as in people with npd). The length of the crash usually depends on the severity of what happened, and whats being done to amend it, as far as i can tell.
Small things that may contribute to a crash For Me (or just feeling sort of upset tbh) are not being the center of attention in a group conversation, not being perceived as being the Best at something, not being prioritized by other people, not being invited to do things (even if you KNOW you dont want to participate in the activity), and PEOPLE SENDING ME ANNOYING FUCKING ANONS ON TUMBLR (not you. youre fine. this is referring to other people) among other things. Just this general sorta. thang. will get under our skin more than most. like 100% of the time. there are an infinite number of examples, but these are a handful of the most consistent ones for me.
One other thing i want to highlight is the "Has a sense of entitlement, such as an unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment or compliance with his or her expectations)" symptom. This is true but the wording is absolute dogshit. I do have a sense of entitlement; I feel like I deserve certain things, and i do heavily desire favorable treatment. However, I KNOW when those things are unreasonable. I know when it's unfair, I know when it's unrealistic, I know not everyone is going to be able to comply to my demands 100% of the time, but I really feel like the focus here should be on how UPSETTING it is when these things arent met vs how it sucks for other people. When I dont receive what i feel like i deserve, i just get. really sad and upset. I personally have the self control to not snap at people (usually; depends on if the infraction was fair or not), but the phrasing here makes it seem like if the person with npd isnt an asshole about it, then they dont have this issue. which is false. i shouldnt be worked up and wanting to cry because i didnt receive an award for something i know i dont technically deserve and didnt commit to. you know?????? idk. IDK man. (its this kind of thing that makes me INCREDIBLY competitive and its also why i never enter contests of any kind. if i dont win i will want to commit murder at a minimum. i am a sore loser)
Envy is also a big problem for me. I think (know?) that other people are envious of me and look up to me, but I'm envious of other people to like, what would be a friendship-ruining level if I actually expressed it all the time. Its an underlying sense of "i deserve this more than you, why are you receiving this, this isnt fair, this should be me instead" that becomes genuinely RAGE INDUCING when half the time its just like. someone telling me theyre going on a cool trip. lmao. like they dont have to be bragging they can just be like Hey check out this thing i get to do isnt that cool :3 bc they wanna share their happiness with me. it sucks. it really sucks. Hell, when I see my mutuals and peers receive fanart for their aus/ocs/etc i get so agitated i have to use xkits "block post" feature so i dont have to look at it LMAO
I do also wanna touch on the 'believes they are special and will only associate with special people or institutions' thing briefly, since its kinda vague. I like myself, and i'm only going to want to interact with people who are also "like me", because, to put it bluntly, i perceive them as being better. people who i cannot relate to get sorta. pushed to the side. and i dont want to say i look down on them, but thats the best descriptor i have for it; obviously, be kind to everyone above all else, but inside i WILL be annoyed by you if i perceive you as being boring and/or 'basic'. probably part of why i hate taylor swift fans so much TBH
Again, this description I've given is very personal, and may not wholly apply to other people w NPD--It also doesn't cover every trait/symptom, but is just a handful that I wanted to go over. Remember to check out the linked sources if you havent, and if anyone reading this has some extra links, I'd be happy to take them!!!! If you have any questions or need clarification on something, also feel free to ask :3
Edit: I feel like its important to note that while trauma is a common way for someone to develop NPD, (neglectful or abusive parents for example), its not the only way. theres a few different ways it can develop, and i personally did due to an excessive amount of praise in childhood, which is one of the more commonly listed causes. set up my brain to need that to function
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not-goldy · 5 months
i just don't understand why you guys are so adamant to think jimin is a liar and just simply not listen to him. jimin has never shyed from the truth and even if there are times where he tries to be subtle he makes it still glaringly obvious. im convinced majority of you just didnt watch the documentary and just watched the jikook cut because otherwise you would see how jimin came up with the lyrics what he said about the lyrics and meaning and why he chose jungkook to do it. never once did he even slighty imply it was a romantic love song for a secret partner. jungkook is the vocal model all members use. he is the member all members go to if they want vocal backing. he's done it with yoongi, jhope and now jimin and not to mention the group itself😭 and it's not letter ft jungkook it's letter by jimin. full stop. jk has credit of backup vocals just like namjoon has writing credits there is no difference. the least you all can do is respect jimins music and not just see and hear what you want to fulfill your shipping narrative.
Aht aht aht aht
I'll stop you right there.
I don't care bout all you said from paragraph one - I mean if it don't apply i let it fly. Find whomever is giving you the said headache and take it up with them but I won't let you conflate the credits of these men.
There is a difference between JK being credited as background vocals and Namjoon being credited as writer. No it's not the same thing. They both contributing their unique strengths to his project.
A singer is not a writer. Not all who sing CAN WRITE and not all who write CAN SING.
You do not have to take away from the art of an artist just because crediting one of those artists makes you uncomfortable.
Like you said, JK is credited as background vocals.
Why can't you leave it at that and be okay with the fact people celebrate that? We will celebrate that whether you like it or not. Will do🙂
You can't be this peeved that people want to celebrate that. You can't be. That's so messed up arguing the degree of importance- if it wasn't at all important to JM he could have skipped having Jungkook on. You not the least bit curious why he bothered with Kook on his song to begin with??
Messes with your head don't it???
Whether his contribution is to you minimal or not he's on there.
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that FACT. And if you can acknowledge THAT FACT THEN WE HAVE NOTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT.
Yall solos sound the same whether it's Tae solos or BTS antis. I recall this same debate over Jimin's part in Angel pt 1 with some saying its irrelevant because it's 5 seconds.
Then they argued Jimin didn't deserve writing credits for his "sick and tired but I don't wanna mess up" in BTS' disease.
If he appeared 5 seconds in a movie yall will call him an actor worth nominating for Oscars
If Jimin did Bg vocals for any one especially if it were a song this good and if it trended on the charts at number one yall would be doing back flips so kindly SIT SOMEWHERE AND LET US JIMIN JIKOOK STANS HAVE OUR TIME.
We have yalls digits. We know how yall operate. You are the same. So please just fuck off these Jikook spaces and do this toxic shit in your own spaces WE DO NOT WANT TO COMMUNITY WITH YOU😩😹
Downplaying Jungkook when if it were your faves you'd be rejoicing
The disrespect 😤
The Tuktukkers syndrome yall have😹
One and the same brain cell I swear.
What else did you say...... oh right-
Everyone goes to Jungkook for backing because
Wait for it
But Jimin went to Kook for letter because
So even if you believe with your whole chest that the song is for his fans, ITS FOR A SPECIFIC SET OF FANS WHO WOULD APPRECIATE WHAT HE TRIED TO DO WITH THE SONG- AND TRUST WE DO
Read my lips
Or hands
You know you hate it SAY that to Jimin and go. Tell him you hate Letter because he dared to involve his Jeon Jungkook. Your problem is with him not US you just have a weird inarticulate cognitive dissonance that's preventing you from admitting that.
It's one thing to call out jokers making a song made by jimin and Jimin alone about Jungkook but to come out here with convoluted think peices about the degree of importance attached to a members participation on his song is sad and pathetic.
Fighting for a song yall not even included in😹😹😹
Best to believe that.
Wipe your tears with the back of your hands I'm out of tissues
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beedlemania · 4 months
Hi Matt 🫶 you are my jonesmith brother in arms so I assume that is your favorite of the Monkees ships but I’m curious about your opinion on all the other ships and if you ship them or not/what you like about them if you do? not specifying show vs rpf so I’m leaving that choice to you :]
Yippee!! Jonesmith is definitely my fav show ship since it’s the first one I was interested in when I first watched the show! They hold a special place in my heart <3
As for the other ships, I wont lie I have tunnel vision for Davy 0.0 but!
Jork: This ship I see more as an irl ship because of Peters crush and just watching them interact with each other it’s obvious they shared a very strong bond regardless of romantic or not. Not to mention Peter always mentioning how he felt closest to Davy out of all the guys. I think they’re super cute irl and in show :3
Jolenz: Showverse Jolenz I love because the writers just loved to write these guys jumping all over each other and worrying about each other all the time. As for irl Jolenz (before their beef👀) I mean cmon, neck bite and nipple grab combo? Something was going on there 0.0 But fr I do love them in the 70’s and them literally making Nilsson give Micky a part in The Point just because they wanted to go together? Love them codependent freaks
These two I think are the only ones I truly believe there was something irl
Jonesmith: In showverse they’re my favourite because they bounce off each other so well and who am I to deny the tall guy small guy bit?? Irl jonesmith I do not believe in but I do think their friendship was super cute, like how they’d run to find each other when they heard a good joke just so they could share it
Torksmith: Showverse I kinda see it though I do see Mike more of an authoritative figure over Peter than a romantic partner so I wouldnt really say I ship it. As for irl… those freaks where would I even BEGIN, there are no words they are………. There’s so much lore 😭 I wouldnt say I ship it but I can see homoerotic beef when it happens 0.0
The next ones are all showverse opinions because I dont know enough about them irl to say anything 🙏
Torklenz: I did see them as a ship when I first watched the show, mostly as a secondary/complimentary ship to Jonesmith. But I do think their teasing and the scene with them dancing is cute. Other than that I wont lie I dont think of them much
Dolenzmith: Once again, don’t think about them much (Davy tunnel vision is a real illness). Showverse I could say I ship it simply because there is no excuse for getting that close to someone’s face that many times 😭
Poly Showverse Monkees are my heart and soul and truth🙌
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seldomscilence16 · 9 months
Alright so this all started with a lego set at work, turned into a long ass intro, then its 11 on Christmas Eve and I decide to just do the Christmas snippet and finish the rest/context later.
So please ignore spelling 😬 and Happy Holidays all! Also TW for a bit of Racism at one point, theres a bullying scene but a short one. "Well if it isnt..." is where it starts and "there a problem here." Is where it ends.
Hope you enjoy this snippet! Stay safe everyone and thank @autisticlancemcclain for the Bug boy Lance!
Lance could kick himself.
He knows better than this. He knows what happens, he knows that once they get what they want, they'll leave.
And yet, here he is, spending hard earned money, on four classmates. Sure he'd saved them for last, focusing on his families gifts first and foremost- its the main reason he got the job, part going to saving for emergencies, the rest to spend on Christmas- but he was doing the thing he'd sworn off.
No people. People hurt and use and lie and tease. Lance was supposed to he strong until college, his fresh start, but then these four had to go and be NICE and do their part and- yeah the bar was really low...
"This isnt going to end well." He mumbles, the hustle and bustle of the mall overwhelming with holiday traffic and leaving him worn out before he even enters an actual store.
He scans aisle after aisle, berating himself for putting so much thought into something he wasnt even supposed to be doing. His eye catches something green and he comes to a halt. Its legos, one of those collectors sets that costs an arm and a leg, but Lance hadn't even known Lego did THIS.
'The insect collection'.
"Blue Morpho Butterfly, Hercules Beetle, and a Chinese Mantis." He breathes in awe, eyes scanning every detail.
"Well if it isnt Mclame."
His head snaps up, a group of classmates before him, most of which are his very reason for his No People rule.
"Still a freak about bugs I see, surprised you havent married one yet- maybe even they dont want you!" He snorts when he laughs, a strange noise from the back of his throat that remind Lance of a Donkey or Pig.
"Not like he could even afford it, if you want you can have your mom come clean my house." One girl taunts from the back, Lances blood boiling at the blatent racist remark despite Lance's CUBAN heritage.
"If you do have money to spare you should buy me lunch instead, for having to be in your vecinity for this long." Another boy plugs his nose, like he showers every day. Lance sits behind him in English, and he does not.
"There a problem here kids?" A man in the mall security uniform eyes them all carefully, eyes giving Lance a once over that makes him uncomfortable.
"No sir." He replies polity, deciding another store may hold better finding anyway- at least better company.
Lance's budget was low to begin with, but eventually he comes up with ideas for the four.
It starts with Hunks treats. The things that get them through their library sessions when the projects blur. And Lances job allows him access to plenty of people who would love to share things with anyone who will listen. So painstakingly, Lance translates recipes to paper as the older generations he enteracts with give him a little baking show.
Shiro's, surprisingly, comes next. A single comment about how much he hates ruined shirt sleeves, as they get caught on his prosthetic port. Its winter, and tank tops simply wont do, so Lance finds himself knitting in his spare time. Doing hours of research to see what possibilities will be the most comfortable, with of course a very lame joke on the front.
Pidge's was an accident. Lance's bike- sabataged it would seem- leaves him crashing off path in a ditch on his way home from work. He ends up limping his way through thick folliage, dragging a broken bike in the late hours of the afternoon. The little squeak is almost ignored, the second one however, well its Lance.
The little thing is a puffball, Lance was almost sure it was a toupé, until it moved and blinked at him. He thinks its a dog, no idea what kind, but its tiny and fluffy and following him home. Lance has three allergic family members, but Pidge mentioned a family dog who had sadly passed away and nearly broke Lances heart. The green eyes tell him this little thing will be a lovely match.
Keith is the hardest. Lance honestly almost buys a knife, because the guy is a conspiracy theorist and gets into way too much trouble not to have a few knives on him. But it doesnt seem right.
But Lance see's how often he doodles.
Freakin gorgeous doodles.
Then he finds the brand 'Keff Artistry' and its too close to 'Keef' for Lance to pass up.
He almost tells his family to simply lock him up and burn the gifts, but then they'd be worried and he's trying to avoid that thank you, hes been doing an excellent job masking his turmoil thus far.
So, the day before Christmas Eve, Lance gathers his gifts in trembling hands, and slips out of the house unseen. If this turns into a mess, he'll deal with it himself this time. He has to grow up eventually, he cant keep crying about bullies to his family, its not a big deal anyway.
"What the heck happened to your face!?" Pidge's incredulous tone has everyone eyes snapping towards said face.
"Its nothing, bike accident." Lance shrugs it off, as he'd done when he'd come home with it, he had too little proof anyway. Anyone could have carved 'McLame' into the side of it.
"Accident huh?" Its mumbled by someone, but Lance cant place it and decidedly ignores it anyway.
"I uh... have gifts... for you guys." He changes the subject, directing the attention to the bags he carries.
"For us?" Hunk asks, eyes wide and sparkly, "You know you didnt have to buddy."
Well, supposedly.
"Yeah, its not much, but uh, here." He hands them out carefully, extra careful with Pidge's.
"Guess its a good thing we brought ours to you then." Shiro says, pulling a wrapped box from the spare chair.
Lance's eyebrows furrow, staring at the box in confusion, perhaps with a little trepidation,
"You guys got me something?"
"Yeah! We all pitched in!" Pidge grins at him, something she does sparingly- grin that is.
He takes it with clammy hands, still shaking ever so slightly. He holds it to his chest as he watches the others open their bags, watches their faces carefully.
Hunk holds the hand bound book tenderly, eyes shining as he flips through the pages carefully.
Shiro stares in awe at his sweater, a chuckle escaping him as he runs his fingers over the soft material.
Pidge squeaks, as the small dog bumps its head against her face, cold nose sniffing excitedly. She holds the animal close, the dog snuggling up like he always belonged there.
Keith is staring at his gift. The art set held half out of the bag, as if he hadnt been expecting it. He turns wide eyes towards Lance, and the cuban can see the emotions there.
This is one of Lance's favorite parts about giving. When he did good in the eyes of the reciever, when they LIKE what he gave, genuinely. No matter its monetary value.
"Lance, this is amazing." Shiro breaks the silence, turning wide eyes his way, smile big and bright and real.
"I cant imagine how long this took, this is amazing! I havent even heard of some of these!!!" Hunk is tearing up, book hugged to his chest, grinning at Lance like he'd been given a great treasure.
"I cant believe you got me a dog! He's just a little puff!" The excitement is so nice to hear, its practically contageous.
"I... havent recieved something this nice from anyone but family before. Thanks Lance." Keith is downright shy as he admits this little fact about himself, and Lance could cry.
"I'm... really glad you guys like them."
"Now open yours!" Hunk encourages quickly, sitting to watch him intently, practically vibrating.
Lance could almost feel scared, but....
He allows himself a little hope.
He opens the paper gingerly, savoring his first gift from anyone outside of family. A corner is revealed, familiar for some reason, another inch-
Lego Ideas The Insect Collection.
"What-" It comes out choked, shock clear on his face.
Is it a joke? Are they mocking him? It was expensive, theres no way they'd spend that much on a joke right?
"Its the one you wanted right?" Pidge asks, a slight pinch to her brow.
"We only saw you from across the mall, so we didn't know- You're crying oh Gods, whats wrong Buddy-" Shiro Panics, quickly kneeling by the chair Lance had collapsed into.
"I don- Why- I can't- "
"Breathe! Come on-" Hunk exagerates his own, encouraging Lance gently to follow as he chokes on tears and air and spit alike.
"Its not a joke right?" He finally gets out, looking pleadingly to the group, running a reverant hand across the box, "You did this to be nice?" He can hear the vulnurability in his own voice, but he's about a second from breaking completely.
"Yes, yes, of course! All 1,111 pieces are inside!" Shiro assures quickly, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulder and arm.
It gets a wet chuckle from Lance, as he pulls the box to his chest once more.
"No ones... thank you so much, I can't... can't tell you how much this means." He wipe at his face, "I'll repay you, I promise-"
"Hey, its a gift Lance." Keith says, voice softer than ever, "We wanted to get it for you."
"Merry Christmas Lance."
"Merry Christmas."
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stygianheart · 11 months
its a shame your fics dont have more art theyre so good like if I could draw well id probably turn them into picture books. do you wish you had art?
but besides the point I actually have questions and I wanna ask em.
first up, who’s the back up? luffys mentioned the backup a few times and I cant help but wonder who it is. if thats a major spoiler than you dont have to answer but considering your love for this one guy i kinda think its sabo or the rev army. either that or like traffy. it would be funny if it was sabo though because of koby’s brief jealousy of how luffy was talking about him.
this might be just me as an aot fan overanalyzing everything but I feel like that devil fruit in the beginning was something important and so was the auction in broad daylight.
also ive seen a lot of fics where kobys favorite food is buttered potatoes but i think yours is the first where his favorite food is downright plain butter. the guys a psychopath for that. like why would you do that. where did you even get the idea.
I also have some other questions! unfortunately uh revolving around the second favorite ship brymeppo…
does helhippo realize he likes bryan or no? also i really came into the fic thinking I wasnt gonna give a crap about him but somehow you made me like him a lot so kudos to you. his relationship with bryan is so rivals to lovers coded and thats one of my favorite tropes. I really do hope helhippo lives up to his promise and takes bryan to the symphony. I know that wont happen in tsats but if you could make a one shot of helhippo and bryan going out on small dates that would be amazing 🙏 for us rymeppo shippers #rymeppo shippers unite oh and as much as i wanna see bryan take revenge on elijah for all the things the guys done to him i also wanna see helmeppo smash the guys face in. please. kill elijah. I hate him.
omg sorry that this is so long but I still have some more questions!
kobylu wise, who do you think fell first? koby or luffy? its obvious that luffy likes Koby but why hasn’t he said anything? does he understand how he feels? and after this is all said and done how are they going to stay in contact? it’s not like koby can just talk to luffy whenever he wants since hes a marine and luffys the pirate king.
anyway thats all! I hope i was able to help your creativity in some way :)
I mean, yeah, art would be cool. But when it comes to engagement with my fics, the most I hope for is for someone to simply read it. Besides, it’s self indulgent! I’m just writing the stuff for me and sharing it along the way.
Anyway, questions. *pulls out glasses*
The back up? Well, it’s not Traffy, that much I can say. Considering we (last I checked) don’t know if Trafalgar is alive or not, I just decided to…y’know, leave him out.
Greetings, fellow AoT fan, you are NOT mistaken! I kinda like hiding little things in the fic—not EVERYTHING has a purpose like AoT, but a lot of things are put there for a reason. I like being sneaky like that.
And yes. Koby’s a psycho. He eats straight up butter—and said it tastes better when dipped in sugar. I got this weird headcanon from my bestie who also happens to eat butter sticks. I once saw him dip it in sugar and was so disgusted by it, and he was just like “it’s good for you. Besides, it’s ✨tasty✨” like sir no. What on earth. That’s weird. You do you, but please, not in front of me. Besides the point—for some reason I decided to implement that onto Koby. I have a habit of weirdifying characters.
As for the RyMeppo question… I seriously never expected people to love this ship so much wtf. In Chapter 5, Helmeppo is completely unaware of his very obvious crush on (B)Ryan. He thinks he hates Ryan, when it’s obvious it’s more than that. As of Chapter 10, however, the moron is 10000% aware of how he feels. He and Ryan’s relationship is really fun to write with the constant bickering/flirting. I never intended them to be a romantic relationship, but alas, that’s where it headed.
And the KobyLu questions! Yay! Koby definitely fell first and he fell hard—don’t think anyone could fall harder if they tried. As for Luff: he knows how he feels about Koby. Buddy went to Sanji’s school of flirting and failed the classes spectacularly yet tried showing off his grades to Koby. He’s made it very clear how he feels—Koby, unfortunately, is just too damn dense. Luffy could yell “I LOVE YOU” to Koby and he would probably think Luffy meant platonically. He gets his density from me, of course, I’m the exact same way.
I hope I answered your questions well! Thanks for the ask, it actually did help a bit.)))
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oliveoilsoda · 5 months
Today I Beat: Moon Remix RPG Adventure
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Moon is a hard game for me to talk about. Not for the lack of anything, far from it, this game is filled to the brim with charm and strangeness but merely for the fact that I dont quite know where to begin. Ill start with the aspect of the game that I can speak the least about which is the gameplay. The game is best known as an "anti-rpg" and the gameplay reflects this by kinda not being an rpg. It plays a lot more like a point and click game but without the pointing and clicking. Most of the time your walking around and showing things to characters in hopes that they have something more useful to say then "huh?" and when your not doing that, your walking around aimlessly. A good chunk of the puzzles in this game can be pretty obtuse and any consistent flow of progress can be halted simply due to schedule conflicts. And while a part of me often felt frustrated that I had no clue what to do, the other part understood that it just came with the territory of being an "anti-rpg"; a rpg where you dont fight.
The term of "RPG" is used pretty loosely when used to describe games. Despite standing for "Role Playing Game", rpgs are known more commonly for how you play them. Killing enemies to gain XP so you can level up to kill more enemies and so on until you can kill the big bad. This is where the story of moon comes in, by putting you at the other end of the sword. While I wont be spending much time going over the story as I think its best experienced by playing the game and not listening to some autistic girl blabble on, I will relay the general gist of the game. The game starts as a fairly generic rpg, shining armor and all, but just as you reach the end, the perspective changes. You are no longer a knight on a mission to slay a dragon but a child controlling said knight but just as he is ready to walk away for the night, he gets sucked into the tv. It is then your job to save the souls of the "monsters" slain by the knight, acting almost as an angel (albeit in the form of a dead child rather than a divine being but I digress). With all of this being said, its time for me to divulge into what truly makes this game special to me: its style.
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To this day I have yet to find a game that quite looks like moon. Its almost as if the developers were throwing art styles against the wall to see whatever stuck and just, nothing fell off. The game uses pre-rendered images for the backgrounds which isnt at all unusual especially for ps1 games but its in moons disinterest of realism where they truly feel unique.
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Often, the game will not only used pre-rendered images of early cg settings but will then add real images into them, making them make the distinction between what is real and what is cgi all the more apparent. One could analyze this as a metaphor for the games themes, a digital world clashing with human emotions but I think thats missing the forest for the trees here. The clashing of both elements make for such a distinct style and thats not even mentioning the character designs.
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You could have told me that every character in this game come from different games with radically different art styles and I would have no reason to disagree. However with the game being as strange as it is, no one feels out of place. And I havent even gotten started on the claymation sprites.
Im a big big stop motion fan so naturally when i found out that all 51 "monsters" are animated using said medium, I stood up and did 2 cartwheels.
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Its a great way to distinct them from anything else in the game as saving their souls is the main focus of the game. It reminds me of old cartoons where you could tell what would move or not based off the coloring. If this doesn't show how you special of a game this is I dont know what will.
My personal favorite aspect of the game, however, isn't the graphics, isn't the gameplay, but the soundtrack or rather lack thereof (in a traditional sense).
In moons ambitious goal to subvert almost every norm in gaming, most of the game takes place in total silence with the exception of your own foot steps, occasional ambiance and a rare dramatic sting. Thats not to say the game has no music in it though, far from it. Instead of your normal scripted music, game features what is, in essence, a built in mp3 player.
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However instead of adding your own music, the game features 36 songs, MDs as the game calls it, all ranging in artist, genre, and even tone. Some songs will act as a mellow ambiance and others lean closer to breakcore. This MD is my personal favorite:
As this "review" ,or whatever you wanna call it, comes to a close, id like to talk about my favorite scene in the game.
Once you've completed your mission of constructing the rocket, your sent into the abyss of space and for almost 10 minutes your just venturing quietly into the stars with nothing much happening. That is until a character who i will not name, fades in and out of existence on top of your ship and the melancholic masterpiece of a song "Promise" starts to play
He tells you:
"Soon your journey will come to an end.
When one journey ends...another journey begins.
Life is like one night's dream.
Waking and sleeping
Birth and death.
Many things appear and vanish.
What has vanished appears.
You and I are no exception.
Throughout the universe...everything dies, and is born
Life rolls on down the road.
The question is, when you wake from the dream, when will you set out toward another dimension? Will you be able to open the door?
Soon you will reach our final destination.
Perhaps we'll meet again, at the side of some road.
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jennrypan · 2 years
As someone whos loved LO and defended it in the past (mostly cuz it was just people being rude to others for simply liking it and not correctly taggin their posts..obviously not to the people with valid criticism.)
This season and the last has been..trash. Theres no longer any stakes or emotion in it..even the trial was everywhere after rereading it again.. Like now everyone is all in Persephone and Hades' asshole and its all anyone can think about and if you dont like them youre villainized. The beginning was interesting. Had a will they wont they.
We had villains (~Minthe, Thetis, Thanatos and Apollo)
But then. Minthe is given reason for us to feel sympathy for her, Thanatos had every reason to not like Persephone. HADES WAS AN ASSHOLE. HADES TREATED EVERYONE LIKE ASS CEPT FOR PERSEPHONE and its never talked about! He never apologizes! (Thetis doesnt get a pass, shes an absolute bitch either way you spin it idc)
And with Apollo, we still dont see him receive any type of consequence!! A lot of people know but is anyone doing a damn thing?? NO. Minthe gets turned into a plant, Thetis and Thanatos are banished but Apollo is STILL roaming free??
And nooow we have Kronos and we alll saw how that went down..but hes still here. And not to mention he has a child down there with him. Youd think this would be number one priority but nooo. Hades and Persephone need to worry about getting married! They need to play wheres the fertility goddess (which is by far the dumbest plot line cuz..what. Also..why is Zeus rizzing Heras damn mother 💀 )
And with Demeter?? CMON. At this point I am TIRED of this comic, it went from fun and funky with emotion you could clearly tell! (Obviously it still had issues but it was still enjoyable!) But now..it just seems so..dull, theres no emotion in it..just stupid little faces and low tier stakes and just..no one has any personality or want anymore..its just Hades and Persephone this..and that.
I could go on about my gripe with this comic but I wont. But its deeply disappointing to see somethin you held in a high..ish esteem become so dull.
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hollowsoul12 · 2 years
Anywho, on to a less happy post that I've been wanting to make, yet was unable to make due to personal OCD reasons, I'm going to talk about the bright contraversity, but more specifically how poorly the tumblr side of the community has handled and how separating art from artist is tricky in this situation. (Now just like most of the bright post this will be getting into it, this post contains mentions of serious and horrible sexual topics relating to AdminBright. If you are a bright system you should go into this post with caution, as I won't be kind of AdminBrights creations in the slightest. Also you should check out Daisy Adia's document on her previous relationship with AdminBright regardless of whether you read this post or not)
So, most of you have probably already know of the basic gist of the situation, but if you have not been checking the scp tumblr tag for a while or dont even know what a AdminBright i, let me just catch you up to speed: Recently the contraversity of AdminBright (or Theduckman), the creator of Dr. Bright, Brights family, and handful of other SCPs as well as being a previous staff member for the wiki before he was banned, after "the list of things Dr. Bright is not allowed to do at the foundation" was temporarily deleted by a leaving staff member without telling the rest staff. The reason this article specifically was targeted was because AdminBright is a known s*x pest that s*xually and emotionally manipulated/ab*sed multiple people and, due to the list being the most egregious interpretation of his self insert on the wiki (as the list portrayed him as a womanizer and pervert), its been one that held the most hatred in the on-site community. Unfortunately, due to the licensing and previous scp wiki rules, the article has been brought back and has gained protected status due to its unprompted deletion. This one action, however, has lit a new spark of hope of getting rid bright from the site, as the list was the biggest stop sign in peoples hope of getting rid of him and with its deletion it weakened that obstacle. Now people on both the off-site and on-site community have been going about protesting and rewriting articles surrounding bright from changing his name and creating a new character to less than subtle frustration of allowing the bright list back. Meanwhile their is many others that are simply trying to figure out with what to do next. 
This latter group, however, is where the problem's mentioned in the beginning have started to occur. You see, the tumblr side of the community, as well as many other parts of the off-site community, have (and I try to put this is the nicest way possible) been stagnant in relation to scp, but tumblr in particular has been extremely stagnant. What I mean in this case is that unless its about a scp that's over 1000+ upvotes or is character/group that got a cult following during series 1-3 (alagadda, nalka/sarkics, the doctors of the foundation). it wont get discussed and even then the stuff discussed isn't looked at from a meta/real life angle. It is also due to this extreme stagnation that now that this situation about bright has once again resurfaced, it has been a mixed about the idea of getting rid of or even replacing bright. Some have decided to cut ties with bright, but a very vocal group of people on here have decided to basically dig their heals in here and even started to deflect the anger towards people trying to replace him like DJ Kaktus.
Now, I've tried my best to keep calm try to figure out a way to reach a certain middle ground with this situation, as I know their is a lot people that kin bright are generally normal/good people, and tried to figure out a ultimatum, but you know what I'm just gonna say my truthful opinion:
If you are a bright fan or any SCP fan for that matter and actually care about being against Theduckman, THEN JUST FUCKING MOVE ON FROM HIS SHITTY FETISH INSERT AND HIS INSERTS ABLEIST CODED FAMILY!!!
"BUT HE ISN'T A SELF INSERT ANYMORE, THE COMMUNITY HAS RECLAIMED HIM." Dr. Bright has been constantly used as a stand in for his creators sick fantasies, not just on the SCP wiki, but also in sexual roleplay. Dr. Bright, the character, was used by Theduckman to take advantage of people. Dr. Bright, the character, is reason Theduckman got to the position of admin and was able to take advantage of people. Hell, Brights amulet and his ability to swap bodies ican literally tie directly back to Theduckmans branding fetish Even after he got banned, he actively encouraged people to keep using his characters! Most in not all active on-site authors know of Theduckmans past, and guess what, THEY WANT HIM GONE. Their also victims of Theduckman that want him gone. The only reason why people seem to have "separated" bright from Theduckman is because of the disconnect between the off-site and on-site communities, but I guarantee if many people actually knew the situation, more people would not be supporting keeping him around.
"BUT DR. BRIGHT AND HIS FAMILY ARE IMPORTANT TO THE SCP LORE" Dr. Bright and his family have not, is not, and will never be important to the lore of SCP because THEIR IS NO CANNON. Their entire storylines where Bright doesn't exist, hell their is multiple timelines where the foundation does not exist. And even if their was one overarching lore, bright and his family barley play a role in modern scp or are just their for name recognition. 
*Ahem* So, yeah, thats my opinion. Truthfully I know that its impossible to actually get rid of Bright and truthfully that not every single person thinks the same way about Bright as I do. In truth, this post is NOT meant to hat on people that like Bright but rather is meant show how fucked up Bright as a character is and how his existence in this fandoms needs to change. And in truth that change appears to be finally happening with the list being temporarily deleted. I hope that one day we finally can leave bright as a memory, but till that day we just have to stick to rewrites
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neyliaart · 4 months
Alright alright
Its late and I wont sleep before i tell this to someone so yall gotta listen
This post (idk how to make it pretty on mobile and im not finding out at midnight) suddenly made me realize why im sticking around in MHA.
Like I knew but I didnt know. I have probably skipped whole Arcs of that show, because I simply do not care about the kids who are the main cast. Dont come at me. I dont care. Aside from a few minor exceptions I care little to not at all about the kids. I used to activly dislike Izuku at the beginning and it just clicked in my brain why. Izuku, at the start, embodied that boundless hope that superhero society was perfect and like his whole life would suddenly be amazing if he got to be one of them. Which is pretty accuratly the picture that society painted. The superheores are amazing and they are something you aspire to be. Going into that show with Izuku as the protagonist id go so far as say they were flawless. Absolutly amazing. I didnt hate Izuku as much as I hated that.
I watch MHA for the villians. Shigaraki most precisely. I love that man with a burning passion that no hate comment could ever dream of tearing from my soul so if you read this dont even try. And I love him for the flaws. He is the flaw that hero society always had. Its what he always pointed out, what all of the league of Villians point at. This perfectly flawless system is just a light so bright it blinds you so you wont see the enermous shadow.
We spent so much time watching those young kids try to be part of that light and finally we are where I always wanted to be. We are exploring the darkness. I was thriving through they few "My Villian Academia" episodes and I have been ever since, not only because I feel my little broken band of misfits are gettinf more screentime, but also because the other characters have slowly started to aknowledge them as people. My personal point for it and also the point where my emotions towards Izuku drastically changed were all but one. It only took Izuku to see Tenko Shimura and aknowledge him as the scared and lost child he was and still is. Something along the lines of "I dont want to ignore that boy" was said in last weeks episode I believe. That sentiment has been in Izuku since the last season and it was literally the only thing I needed to go from "You're at most bearable to me" to "Thank you. I like you."
For so long these kids who grew up in this society and even the actual adult heroes as it seemed have painted this world in black and white. Were the good guys. They arent. And finally they too are actively questioning how true that really is, something I have been doing since first seing Tomura Shigaraki in action.
I actually like MHA now because it was dragging for me to get here, but now I am and I am in love with it. I am in such desperate need for these villians to be seen by the protagonists because nobody else ever tried to help them (im not counting All for One hes a manipulative shitty little guy and it was never genuine help to begin with) and they need help and I have an issue with fixing people and I want them to get help! And its just... freeing for me to have our pratogonists actovely start to realize that
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gryp3978 · 4 months
@fleetway-super-sonic yes I have anger issues as you've probably noticed, now im not trying to get off topic but, my boiling point at times would greatly resemble these two people, note two are fictional characters and the other's a real person, Martin riggs from lethal weapon, Harry Potter, and Jessie Ridgway from the channel mcjuggernuggets, they get angry too and won't take no shit from anyone, and ive been around lots of angry people who always reprimand me, especially my dad who had lots of anger issues when i was a kid as well, and ive been around lots of people who bully me and it would be really swell if you didn't give me a reason to add you to the list. And for the last time stop calling me names! I don't call you names, so don't call me names, or say any vulgar shit like that. Show some respect.
@fleetway-super-sonic 1, Do NOT! call me a Cockwaffle, and do not tell me such vulgar insults like "go jack off to fucking werewolf porn", that is very disrespectful, and inmature, you're 32 years old, you are the one who needs to get a life, did i speak to you like that when i tried apologizing? I dont think so. and 2 the real reason why I'm saying your being irrational was not because of you telling me to leave you alone, but because I had already apologized and admitted it was wrong for me to wine about that stupid character shit, let me make this very plain to you, I realized at a certain point that I had gone too far, and after I tried letting it go, you didn't give me a chance to let me speak, and you misinterpreted my response and thought I was intentionally being rude, then nomatter what response I gave you, nice or stern, you pushed me away each time, I only got angry at you because you keep antagonizing me, I left you alone for a whole fucking month to give you some space before apologizing, how many times to I have to point that out to you? Your not even acknowledging that, nor are you admitting your wrongs. and don't think for once that I don't respect your boundaries I tried responding to the last message you sent to me around the beginning or mid of May, I tried responding immediately to it in the comment bar on that account and yes the others as well, but my responses kept dissapearing on both tumblr and YouTube, so i had absolutely no idea if they even reached you, if they happened to be the same exact messages on the other accounts i made, its because i had no idea you even saw them, I dont know if you muted me or something, but they kept disapearing, and i dont know how tumblr works, im more used to twitter. I've had conflict with other people before, i know you don't care but im just gonna share this anyway, one person who I used to be friends with, was once as angry at me as you are now, over a misunderstanding and they said that they didn't want to talk to me anymore, and blocked my phone number as well, and you know what I did, I left them alone for 3 months, and I wrote a sincere appology letter to them and explained that I never intended to hurt their feelings, and gave it to someone who keeps in touch with them, I got a response back, and do you know what they said? They forgave me. Now as for trying to reach out to you on YouTube, I was trying to give a more calm approach so I simply sent a short "I'm sorry, can we talk?" Message, but it dissapeared, I am only calling you out because you fucking escalated the conversation, I wouldn't have gotten mad at you, if you didn't Start calling me names and saying my behavior is laughable, especially when I simply wanted to apologize, I'm sorry if i unintentionally harrased you, I wish you would just simply apologize for the way you spoke to me, and i simply wish you'd let us talk this out as mature adults, in a way where we're either not pissed off at each other or cussing each other out, seriously to accuse me of threatening you, and giving me inmature insults, all because of some stupid character bullshit you wont let me live down is absolutely stupid, i will not contact you anymore, but simply stop antagonizing me, I will not post any YouTube videos about you, so long as you apologize, admit your mistakes like I did and stop telling everyone that I'm the bad guy, I go to therapy regularly, don't think I don't, and I've definitely told this to people at work who have these issues with social media as well, and yes when I told a friend on mine about the gaslighing thing you said to me, they said that your the one who's doing it to me just by saying it.
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