#i dont feel bad per se. just not great
"my intrusive thoughts won and i ordered a whole cake for myself" bro not to brag but my intrusive thoughts are telling me to hang myself for no reason at all
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memorys-skyscraper · 1 month
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please pray for the hephaestus sprint nuke in these trying times
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beatcroc · 7 months
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you ever think about how gerome and fake pep are the only two guys who really only ever knew the tower as their home? i do
lots of fp text in this one so full un-ciphered script is going under cut below. [mostly just a bunch of headcanon nonsense about his whole Situation in the tower :p] [there is also a second bonus after because i am insufferable] anyway,
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hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette] [peppino] [gustavo] [gerome]<- u are here [noisette again]
gerome: i say there monstrosity! do you know the times? fp: …? gerome: haha! just an old joke, lad. gerome: but seriously, i never saw you around the tower much. what's your deal? fp: ... fp: 👈 ?? gerome: yes you! you never struck me as just some hired goon like the rest. fp: i… i don't really know. gerome: oh come now, you needn't be modest. fp: i'm not! i- [fp takes a seat] fp: they…. didn't tell me much. the…the lab. you know it? gerome: i'd pass though, now and again. fp: i was there for awhile, with lots of other copies gerome: oh, you knew the other clones? what were they like? fp: nutritious. gerome: ah. fp: they-the tall one- moved me to….「bruno's」 later. gerome: tall one… you mean pizzahead? fp: uh….right.「pizzahead」 …started changing it. kept changing it. i think i was waiting for something. waiting… to open? but he told me to keep-stay in there. to guard it. was there…longer than the labs but we never got to finish…. but i think we were close. But then「pep- pep: woah. never seen him this chatty gerome: just have to ask the right questions, i suppose pep: I mean, sure but-- wait, you can understand him??? gerome: it's only natural, after all, he is at least in part- part of the tower; made from its power and resources, and so connected with my brother...and to some extent, myself. his speech resonates with the old echoes through its chambers, and while i may not be as omniscient, it has no secrets that would fully elude me. pep: ...uh. ok, sure. what's he saying? fp: ..! fp: XXX! gerome: ah…. seems he's a bit embarrassed. pep: aw. er…look, it may not be my business, but whatever happened in the tower is behind us now, yeah? i know i sure try to forget it too fp: 😬 fp: ...😓👍 [fp turns back to gerome] fp: ............i wasn’t done gerome: he wasn't done. fp: yeah. then 「peppino」 came through. you probably know. hard to miss him. gerome: heh, I'll say. fp: We fought, I stayed…. didn't know anything else until 「pizzahead」grabbed me. fighting more on the roof... fp: You know the rest? you ran out with us... gerome: mhm fp: And… now we’re here. gerome: now we’re here… fp: ...that's all i had. so..... i still don't really know. sorry... gerome: ah, don't be. that's just how it goes, i guess. not much that can be done now... gerome: i suppose we both left some things behind in that tower. i certainly know it can be daunting to leave the fold of familiarity. gerome: but, for what it's worth...i think it’s for the better things worked out for us as they did. fp: yeah…
bonus! 2!!
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#pizza tower#peppino spaghetti#fake peppino#gerome#pillar john#pizzaposting#man. there was a lot of really specific shit i wanted to say in this one that i dont think i communicated very clearly at all#its fine though i dont think the ambiguity is necessarily a bad thing. he sure is feeling something and its on you to figure out what#i was picking up on a couple different reads as i went and i don't think any of them are really 'wrong' per se#but also there Is technically a 'correct' one which i will certainly ramble abt if someone asks <:3c#anyway i kinda scrapped that longer angsty comic with the bros so this is my main pillar bros propaganda post now i guess#begging and crying people to care abt & include them etc#now to be clear i dont think gerome has like. never been anywhere else or anything#i think he and john could p much travel freely before the whole pizzahead takeover#but after that happened john was confined to the tower and gerome just wound up staying in there all the time to help take care of him#so it's been a bit since gerome truly Ventured:tm:#fake pep on the other hand i straight up do not think had ever set foot outside the tower until postgame#so. yeah the tower was a pretty big and fundamental deal for these guys' sense of security.#and now that it's gone i think they should be friends about it#and also more generally i think gerome is a great confidant for fp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [!!!]#besides the whole 'can actually understand him' thing gerome is just a cool & chill lil dude to talk to#no shade to peppino ofc he's a decent enough role model and tries his best to understand despite the barriers. but like. yknow.#he is also very reactive. and intimidating. and bad at handling emotions.#and you knooooowwww he is not going to want to talk about tower shit specifically for a variety of reasons#i think gerome enjoys fp's perspective on tower stuff though.#rem and i were bouncing off eachother wrt the tower and cloning and all the natural john duplicates/bodies#fp is not the natural 'subject' for the tower's processes but he a product of its nature just as much as any john#so i am thinking. maybe gerome also considers fp family. i think that would be nice.#aahhhhh...something about bridges. something about liminality.#you can take the beast out of the tower but you can't take the tower out of the beast
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oswald-can-draw · 2 months
About your mlp infection au!! I love this one so much I'm so interested!! Maybe give us a rundown of a couple of the survivors and how equestrias chances are looking? How did the ponies infected by black magic change and mutate? Can spike or other species like dragons, griffins and zebras get infected since they dont have cutiemarks? Are foals who dont have cutiemarks yet immune until they get their cutiemark? How does that play in? Im so sorry if this is too many questions, I really love this au and I think its really cool!!! Its a really well thought out idea and I think its awesome!!! :D I hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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Someone being an autistic beast about my work is the highest compliment, so never apologize for that!
But, boy howdy, have we got a lot of ground to cover!
Let’s take it step by step:
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Foals (or those without their cutie mark), are a very complex cog in this AU. On one hand, they don’t have their cutie mark, so they can’t be infected, as there is no magic to corrupt. Great!
The bad news? Getting one’s cutie mark is often an unplanned thing, which means any foal can become susceptible to the Meanie Mark Virus at any time. There are many ways to deal with this.
One common one is to wrap the foal’s flank with compression gauze. Half a desperate idea, and half a way to forget their child’s vulnerability (or to hide when they DO get a cutie mark). Somepony suggested that it could “keep back” a cutie mark, and the rest of the populace decided to go with it.
Another way is to just try and keep the foal from anything that interests them. This works to a point, but the stress from their friends and family on the brink of death every day, and now any sliver of joy that they can find in this hellscape is strictly forbidden. This can cause a once rare, but quickly becoming more common developmental condition known as “Muted Cutie”. This causes a cutie mark to appear, but it’s based off of an outside tension, such as familial pressure, cutie conditions, and lack of input. It’s like a magical wisdom tooth — keeping the actual cutie mark from developing and causing pain and stress to the pony.
The third option is a last resort: quietly “taking care” of foals that were of cutie mark age or freshly marked.
Having a foal of a certain age can bar you from going into certain populated areas, getting ample supplies, and even contact with other ponies.
Of course, this is EXTREMELY traumatizing for the foal. Feeling like they aren’t wanted and that they aren’t allowed even the smallest of joys can make life miserable.
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* Zecora’s redesign is based off of the Karo tribe, a small tribe famous for body painting and self expression. Though I have done as much research as I can, there is still room for error. If there is something inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix the redesign accordingly.
Other species may not get the Meanie Mark illness, per se, but they do have reactions to parts of the evil clones that seep into the soil or the corpses of already infected ponies.
Griffins, for example, get something similar to food poisoning, with nausea, vomiting, and unseasonal molting. This is their body attempting to purge the toxins. Their flying also becomes affected, with severe bouts of vertigo and lost sense of direction. For the average, healthy griffin, this usually only lasts a week or so. However, if a griffin is elderly, injured, or any sort of health condition, this infection could be fatal. Fortunately, since griffins are so far from the Everfree Forest and spend so little time on the ground, this sickness is very rare, especially with certain security measures set in place.
Dragons are even luckier. Their stomachs are able to digest any trace of the infection, neutralizing it before it can cause any real damage. However, there is a phenomenon that has been unearthed due to dragons. The gems found near their volcano-filled home can actually be infused with the disease. The only sign of this having occurred is a slightly darker hue and a “rotten” taste, according to the dragons. A few dragons have been enlisted to dispose of infected material, as them consuming it is the only way it can be disposed of without putting more ponies at risk. Not many are up for the task.
Zebras, on the other hoof, have quite the reaction to infected material. While they aren’t infected with the true disease, the special, magical markings and body paint can give the bacteria something to feed on. This can cause weakness, confusion, gastrointestinal distress, rashes, burns, irritability, and even aggression. Zebras often have to be quarantined from the rest of their tribe in order to keep the disease from spreading and the victim from hurting anyone or anything. Removal of paint and markings can help, and are often reapplied after recovery, with additional markings showing their bravery, strength, and health. Unfortunately, some of them do not survive.
Any other living thing, including birds, mammals, plant life, and insects all have generally poor reactions upon exposure. Common themes in symptoms include weakness, vomiting, and confusion. Plants will turn away from the sun. Dogs will whine and curl into a ball. Birds will run into things and screech. Survival depends on the age, health, size, and care plan of a creature. Among them, usually about 73% survive.
Though no other species has the guaranteed death from the disease that ponies do, it can still cause some nasty, or even deadly, side effects.
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Since the Meanie Mark Illness is already a form of black magic, just more widespread and deadly, the disease has horrendous effects on those who have already succumbed to dark magic.
Though it’s a rare instance, the phenomenon has been observed. Whether the black magic or the illness comes first, it always begins and ends the same way:
First, a pony becomes much, MUCH more powerful. Instead of gradually gaining this talent through the virus, their black magic reaches a feverish pitch. The pony begins to have uncontrollable displays of magic, usually of the destructive kind. Explosions, rays, death, and evil spells emanate from them without stopping. This has caused many hasty villains to try and catch the famous Meanie Mark Illness — with this power, they think, taking over the world would be easy.
Second, the two opposing powers battling for control inside the pony begin to destroy the victim from the inside. See, the reason why ponies become a husk-like corpse and turn to dust at the end of the Meanie Mark’s cycle is because of the Tree of Harmony’s magic fighting the dark magic of the virus, which ends up destroying the pony in the process. But with the black magic far overpowering the Tree of Harmony, the pony has a different problem — their body can’t handle such raw power.
The pony’s hair begins to fall out, their veins swell, their skin begins to blacken with gangrene as less and less blood goes to extremities. The pony ends up rotting from the inside out, black sludge oozing from their mouth and eyes, magic still pouring out of them. Their cutie mark, both subdued from the virus and given immense power from the black magic, sputters and shines and pulses.
Finally, a pony will die within a few days, their corpse zombified and rotting. However, those who do survive the ordeal have poor quality of life, as their joints, brains, and some of their organs hardly work anymore. They will live either as a wandering corpse or a patient for their friends and family to take care of until their demise in the near future.
In other words, this is a quicker but much more painful death!
This disease can be spread very easily, especially among unicorns. If an infected unicorn casts a spell on another pony, they too will catch Meanie Mark. Other than that, a pony either has to come in contact with infected soil/plant life, an animal that has eaten said infected material, or a corpse. This means that, though the illness will be slow to spread at first, it will pick up speed as time goes on.
With the emphasis on foals and the amount that are being killed for mercy or safety’s sake, repopulating is going to be difficult.
As for a cure…perhaps the dragons can help, since they are the only one’s completely immune? Or maybe they could at least offer hints about how to stop this horrible disease?
All this to say — there is a chance of survival. But is Equestria quick enough to find a cure? Or at least keep the disease at bay?
1. Spike: Being a dragon has its perks. But being surrounded by ponies does not.
2. Big Mac: The pony you would want in an apocalypse. Still mourning the infection of his sisters.
3. Discord: Could he even…get sick? Isn’t he part pony? But he doesn’t have a cutie mark…
4. Rainbow Dash: Cloudsdale is on lockdown, and isn’t allowing anypony in or out. But it’s like herding winged cats.
5. Winona: Aids Big Mac. Since eating an infected piece of flesh, she avoids the infected like the plague.
6. Sweetie Belle: Was staying with Scootaloo right before Rarity got infected. Apple Bloom would have come, but she didn’t feel well…
7. Scootaloo: Her inventions are invaluable. But her lack of a quick way to escape could be the death of her one day.
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dizzybizz · 1 year
when the brainrot hits you like a truck
here are some cooking and cooking related headcanons!!
• kazuki is a very good teacher, hes generally very patient and attentive, he tends to bicker with rei a lot, he struggles to formulate himself concisely sometimes but hes doing great
• miri joins in anytime they cook, they let her wash the vegetables or mix ingredients together, which she obviously has little songs for
• rei is trying his darndest damn it!!
• he finds it really hard asking about stuff and especially for help but hes trying and i love him 😢😢😢
• rei sucks at cracking eggs, miri laughs endlessly, kazuki is dying in the background,,, he keeps explaining how to do it correctly but it never seems to get through to rei
• its not even funny at this point, either the egg is smashed before hes even tapped it to the counter or he ends up using too much force when tapping it against the counter or he successfully cracks the egg but shell ends up going in alongside it-
• he is also stupidly fixated on being able to crack eggs single-handedly (he says its bc its efficient and its always good to have a hand free, which is true, but really he just thinks its badass) and its the bane of kazukis existence, he comes home one day to find both rei and miri (bc miri would also think thats the coolest thing ever and want in) in the kitchen with an almost empty egg carton and egg and shell covered counters, they make eye contact and kazuki immediately turns around and leaves to buy more eggs without so much as a word
• kazuki abandons using omelets as an easy entry-level dish after that
• rei is bad at seasoning savory dishes, hes bad at eyeballing the appropriate amount, kazuki does his best at helping or getting him to use measurements but rei is stubborn, he obviously doesnt want more to have more dishes that absolutely necessary so he needs to work on his eyeballing skill
• during early sessions kazuki would always supervise closely and sorta just constantly stare like a hawk over reis shoulder, he learned quickly not to do that again 💀💀💀
• rei doesnt really grow to like vegetables but kazuki learns ways to work around that by discretely incorporating them in dishes
• rei does like cucumber tho, subtle and very crunchy, put some salt on that sucker and youve got an easy snack (that he shares with miri), you dont even have chop it in order to enjoy it which is appreciated
• kazuki throws a bunch of cookbooks at rei and urges him to look through them and see if anyhting piques his interest, rei flips through them before going to sleep which can bite him in the ass when he has to go to sleep hungry as fuck 💀💀
• hes woken up multiple times with a cookbook in the tub with him
• rei enjoys baking a lot, his and miris sweet tooths never go unsatisfied
• he doesnt bake frequently per se, but he does so in bulk, and freezes cookie dough and such
• kazuki, early on, suggested cooking games in order to maybe get rei a bit familiarized with terms and techniques but he grew to regret it, a gaming night where everyone is gathered in the living room and kazuki loses his mind at the logic in the games, he doesnt stop commentating
• they end up getting into cooperate cooking games like overcooked, plates up and one-armed cook tho and its all good, if they play with miri in the vicinity they have to bite their tongues in order to not swear
• rei struggles grasping his mind around meat, theres so many kinds and cuts and doneness levels and ways of preparation and spice blends- its all a lot
• rei and miri each get their own aprons to match with kazukis 🥺🥺🥺
• miri gets a little yellow one with a monkey or like a sky blue or pink one with a white rabbit, fuck it why not both
• rei has an orange one with a black cat
• or if we wanna stick to an ocean theme, miri would have a goldfish or jellyfish and rei would have an octopus
• rei is a bit of a mess in the kitchen but we love him anyway, i just feel like hed be the type to go "ill clean it all at the end"
• he unceremoniously throws dirtied utensils and pots in the sink to be delt with later
• doesnt even use waiting times to clean or clear his space a little, kazuki is horrified
• rei finds doing the dishes a bit tedious at times but he enjoys the process and seeing the fruits of his labor in the form of sparkling clean dishes
• the repetitive motions are very soothing
• he doesnt like getting wet tho and wears gloves
• rei listens to music when cooking- maybe some instrumental tracks, nothing too distracting
• miri observes whenever either of them are cooking, she stands on a little stool in order to see the counters properly, she is really curious and inquisitive
• early on in reis cooking journey she would give him pointers and reminders she remembered kazuki telling them
• rei isnt an adventurous eater or cook, he prefers things that are simple and quick to prepare
• wait times for rei are long and arduous so he sneaks off to play some video games in the living room, the first few times he did this were disastrous and hes learnt to turn down the volume by a bit and reminding himself that he is in fact in the middle of cooking something
• the family makes lots of homemade popsicles during summer
• when kazuki and rei first try cooking together they mess up a lot but eventually they get a system going where each of them has their own tasks. they make a good team in the kitchen for the most part
• cooking very much becomes a family activity for them after a while
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techbonnie · 3 months
Did you think about the outfit swap between Glamrock FNAF and Loonatics?
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So hear me out... I didn't do every character, But I think I got 6 of them. Randomly. Like I literally used the wheelofnames to choose who I did.
So I had many avenues I could take thinking about what Loonatics would have what space in the band, or maybe it would be more related to the animatronics games? And fitting the Glamrocks into the Loonatics team was more a position of finding out what powers they would have.
explanations under the cut
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Bonnie the Bunny
So I headcanon that Bonnie is rather tech savvy. I like to believe that he had hacked into the wet floor bots network, and in the DLC Ruin the screaming is him, not so much the wet floor bots. But I feel like Bonnie would absolutely get nominated as the teams mechanic. I also feel like magnetism and regeneration would be perfect for Bonnie seeing as hes the one that was killed in the back alley.
I can also see Tech taking Bonnies place in Bonnie bowl, Tech just seems like a big bowling guy to me. gives big bowling energy. Plus of all the sports I am assured that Bowling is the nerdiest. (Can you guess which sport I'm good at?)
Danger Duck
I know foxy isn't really part of the band and I headcanon Foxy as the drummer, and I really dont see Danger Duck as a drummer, I see him more in Montys position. as lead bassist. But then again Duck has BIG lead guitarist energy (its a stereotype that lead Guitarists are show boaters) but ride wise? I feel like Foxys Pirate ride would fit Duck to a T. And I feel like the ride would have you throw 'Duck eggs' at the targets.
Foxy I see as more a Zadavia like position, I dont really know where Foxy would fit in per se. I could see slapping Slams powers on him, but he'd play a completely different role than Slam.
Monty on the other hand I think would absolutely make sense to have him aquire Ducks set of powers, Crocodiles lay Eggs... Right? Yeah they lay eggs. So the Eggs make sense.
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Super simple really, Laser Eyes gets Fazerblast. They both have lazers and they're both the 'leaders' Simple Switch.
Chica and Lexi seems pretty straight forward to me, Lexi seems like she'd be really into Zumba and Jazzersize. And I feel like Chica brings the same energy that Lexi has. Plus with Lexi being SIC, I can see her being lead guitarist.
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Roxanne Wolf
Superspeed for the speed demon herself? Look I'm just saying if Rev went to the Pizza Plex Tech wouldn't be able to get Rev out of Roxy Raceway. And Roxy likes speed, give her Revs super speed and she'd have a great time.
So lastly is slam, now Slam to me gives off big Drummer Energy, just that down to earth, steady rock of the team. Which isn't bad for Bass either but Drums are the steady foundation of any band. Especially for Rock.
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papakhan · 21 days
i think you misunderstood me. i wasn't trying to say you were misinterpreting the character, just that you approach him somewhat differently than i do, in some significant ways, and maybe not even him per se, just "what comes next", so to speak.
i also wasn't saying that boone shouldn't feel remorse about what hes done, because, like, yeah, he really damn should. and unfortunately the bias against the great khans that permeate the games writing rears its ugly head again--i mean, some of the fan favorites call them dirty people who need to be chased out of the mojave, and while that in itself isnt bad writing (characters can be bigoted and biased), it feels like the player is given very little in terms of retaliating against those statements and the games assumed status quo that the ncr supposedly has more legitimacy in its presence than the khans do. i was more getting at where that remorse would take him, because as you said, his storyline is largely concerned with his own feelings while the game gives you no real way to make him snap the hell out of it, stop justifying the atrocities he was a part of as some inevitability he sadly has to bear, and overall stop making it about himself and open his tiny eyes to whats actually happening and what can be done. like, yeah, he could go from suicidal gestures to groveling, and again to be clear he should feel sorry, but i feel like thats still centering his emotional journey.
as for defending bitter springs, like. yes, the refugee camp at bitter springs is in itself an ugly truth of an image of the ncr, revealing it as a force that tramples over people and commits atrocities and then names itself protectors of whats left. terrible protectors too, seeing how poor and understaffed the refugee camp is. i wish that in itself couldve had some sort of impact on the man as well. still, in terms of material consequences, boone protected the refugees, and while once again that doesnt Repay for anything or Make Up for anything, i dont think it was necessarily the ultimate point of the quest. as you pointed out, it wasnt great khans he protected from the legion, it was refugees from arizona and the handful of ncr staff. theres not any kinda neat bow put on it, there's no coming full circle. being denied a selfish "heroic" death in favor of, like, protecting some people he doesnt know, i think its interesting and could serve as a way to pull him out of this spiral. maybe its wishful thinking on my part, but the difference between novac boone and post-independent boone IS that ncr has completely withdrawn from the area and boone took part in the actions that lead to that. but i could just be wishing things had been written differently. oh! and you brought up giving him up to the great khans to judge, its something ive thought about before, and i wish it was something you could do in the game.
anyway... im sorry if i came off as confrontational in my first anon, i saw that you were answering asks about it and i wanted to offer my own perspective. none of it was said to undermine yours.
well first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry for being hostile, it's difficult for me to interpret tone at the best of times and even worse over text so I appreciate you telling me that didnt mean to sound confrontational and i'm sorry for taking it that way
i think its just frustrating to me that like. idk the Joshua Graham dickriding has died down a bit recently because people have finally figured out that despite the game framing him as the good guy hes actually still a terrible person and the writers were wrong for what they did (the racism most of all) but then people still lick Boones/the NCR's boots
but your perspective is refreshing i think youre right yeah, Boone shouldn't really be the centre of the "victims of the bitter springs massacre" because. he's not a victim. he is a perpetrator. on that you have made me realise that yeah even if hes begging for forgiveness even then its still bad for it to centre him at all
And the Khans being one of the power houses of Vegas pre-NCR is woefully underexplored but tbh given how the rest of the Khans are handled I don't even think its a time constrains thing its just a writers thing. i've complained enough about how the Followers treat the Khans in game not really lining up with how they used to work together / can work together in the future but that's a whole other thing
i still think the fight for bitter springs is still the climax of the I Forgot to Remember to Forget questline, its supposed to be what snaps boone out of it and lets the player come to some kind of resolution with him. They're not exactly good or helpful resolutions, because as I have said before he still doesn't respect the Khans and as you have also said this is a problem with the game as a whole. and he's still protecting people he doesnt know for ultimately selfish reasons. It's a step. I guess. and yknow its a video game with only two conclusions for a quest, the rest of those steps are kind of up to interpretation.
its the beauty of fanworks and what have you. like I said my perspective is more one of frustration. Me liking the Khans so much and examining the game from their POV when the game kinda hates them and that feeds into the fanart/writing and looking at Boone is just. I'm just tired
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fandomfluffandfuck · 30 days
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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syrupspinner · 8 days
steam next fest 3 the finale maybe
i have recently become much less confident that nextfest is all one word, also
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yeah, its missing some pizzaz, like music and sfx work, but the devs are pretty open about it being early so ill look past it. the gimmick itsself is fun! its simple and straightforward in a good way, and i like how it iterates on runs. the good items taking up more physical space and getting burried in your deck is a really good expression of balance. good little roguelike! wishlisted and played for way longer than i thought i would
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straight up couldnt get this one to work. no buttons or keys do shit. i unplugged my controller, relaunched it, a bunch of stuff, still stuck on the first screen. shame, i was really looking forward to giving it a shot
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this is a good demo! it does a good job at presenting the game and letting you know what its all about. i got the basics really solidly, and i see how the additional environments would iterate on the core gameplay loop. i dont think this ones for me, it seems a bit too sandboxy and score-based for me, but i recognize that this is a well made game and i think itll be really enjoyable for its target audience. check it out if you like simulator/management things, or if you want to try the genre out!
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okay, just finished the tutorial, and im kinda split. first, the action feels great and the movement it stellar but yeesh this controller binding is messing me up. it only feels comfortable for me to keep one finder on the front of the controller, and i switch between the bumpers and the triggers with just my index. literally the only games that arent comparable with this approach, by expecting you to use bumpers AND triggers simultaneously, is this and hotline miami 2. the worst part is, i only figured out how weird this feels by the second-to-last tutorial, so i gotta redo all of it with kbm. after that, the game felt a lot more reasonable to get my fingers around (i probably wouldve switched spacebar and shift if i played longer), and i can confirm that the controller layout is my only obstacle to this kick-ass game. i will say that i wasnt expecting it to be a survival game? i thought itd be kind of a roguelike progression-through-a-dungeon thing, but its more about staying in a small space and defending. i already had this one wishlisted, and im glad i know what to expect now, this seems like itll be an interesting "kill 20 minutes before bed" game (in a good way! i love those)
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right away, this feels like its to scotland what kisima innitchuna is to alaskan first nations. only its all stop motion and the entire ost sounds like a simon & garfunkle open house. maybe this comparison is stupid, the point is that this is awesome and you need to play it now. it may look like you get what the games about when you look at it, but it feels different to control. i dunno how to explain it, the artstyle makes the controls feel... different in a neutral way? please just try it, words fail me. this may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime game
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game froze midway through the opening. man, bad luck today. it gotr working in the end, and MAN does this make me feel like a game reviewer. the game isnt hard per se, i can beat all the levels pretty easily, but the game asks you to be pretty damn talented if you want those a ranks. replay the level, route the best way to kill everyone as efficiently as possible. by the end youre gonna feel like harding. i feel like the full games gonna be a bit to tough for my blood, but im gonna have a stellar time watching the action from the sidelines. catch this at GDQ 2026
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yeah i uh. went back to play more. damn this is more fun than i thought itd be, this is a good ass roguelike
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before you read on, let it be known that this is objectively one of the best made and well put-together games ive tried this entire festival and all of my gripes with it are from personal preference. trying this game has led me to understand what people enjoy about punch-out (its clear inspiration) better than any 15 minute video essay could: its a puzzle game that relies on twitch reflexes and trial-and-error. its your job as a player to be attentive to the bosses's minute difference of animation to tell you exactly how to dodge and exactly when to strike. thats a great game! i feel genuinely remiss that i dont like trial and error and split-second weaknesses, or else i wouldve enjoyed this game way more. if youre on the fence about it, please give it an honesty try, this game knows exactly what to be and how to be it. the animation is great, both from the perspective of telegraphing attacks and just looking fantastic, the games vibe and personality is choice, and the gameplay itself is tight as hell. please just give it a shot
i guess thats the beauty of a demo, huh? it lets you figure out if youre gonna like a game before you commit to it. i hope if you take anything away from this 3-part... idk what youd call it, i kinda just gave my opinion about shit. look, im trying to tell you to try these games out yourself, hopefully this helped you figure out what is and isnt worth trying according to your own personal taste. and if youre not sure, give it a try anyway. demos are free, yknow
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Cough, it’s me, hi
Regarding our clown:
What kinks doesn’t he have? Where does he draw the line, as red as his red flags?
Thank you 💀❤️
He has his limitations. He's rather keen on keeping clean, so I suspect any kind of Scat or disease kink is gonna be a big ole nope. Omarashi/piss kink though? Well, technically urine is sterile until it makes contact with something, so as long as his partner is clean down there I think he'd be okay with water sports 😆
Also, simple as it is, I think he'd turn away someone who just. Wasn't attractive enough. Hed also likely turn away any partner that Just didn't smell appealing to him in one way or another. Be it medication, illness, age related things, or just an accident of genes, if you don't smell appealing he won't smash.
Other turn offs include being unnecessarily sycophantic (especially as a sub) and bad acting. He's all for role play, but you gotta really commit to the bit.
He's all for every facet of BDS(S,S)M(M) but his partner can't be too wishy-washy. He's uh. Not the guy you wanna go to if you're just trying certain kinks and haven't got a feel for them yet (especially Sadism/Masochism or CNC) cause he will run rough-shot right over any boundaries in pursuit of his own pleasure if he gets too interested or excited. So putting him in a position where he's already supposed to be breaking rules and actively ignoring "pretend boundaries" when his partner isn't too confident in their ability to play along is not going to end well for them most likely.
I also get the feeling he prefers very much to be the one in pursuit so to say. He doesnt mind people trying to seduce him per se, but man you'd better be good at it. I dont think he'd tolerate someone who was always trying to get past his pants and doing it badly. Unless it was so terrible it was cute. That is its own form of entertainment and can be a valid (and effective) strategy.
Which leads me to an important distinction: Sexual desperation? Total kink. He goes hard for edging and toying with people's libido. He lives to turn people on and then watch them writhe with uncertainty, want and even confusion.
Emotional intimacy kind of desperation?. Hard pass. He has no room for that ugly color in his wardrobe and won't be seen standing next to it either if he can help it any. Though it can come in handy sometimes, that is something he prefers not to do to the greatest degree possible. Especially if they're gonna be all clingy and touchy feely. Nope, nope and nope. He doesn't mind fulfilling people's psycho-sexual needs if they're useful to him, but he draws a hard line at anything approaching lovey-dovey, obsessed-with-him, or truly Romantic in its intention. Or, at least most the time. :) Even he has his own psycho-sexual thing going on now and then and doesn't mind cuddles or intimate physical contact to that end. But the concept of "making love" is not something he really understands nor enjoys partaking in. (Nor being expected to partake in).
Honestly I feel like he probably says no more often than his prospective partners do, because he's busy, or not in the mood, or they just don't have enough significance - or the wrong kind of significance, like with his own staff - to be worth the while. Sex feels great but even it gets dull after all that time. As horny as he is, even he has his limitations.
:) hope I answered sufficiently.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Do you think Soda has PTSD from his dad?
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(Wonder if u two are mind linked lol)
Short answer: I'm not sure about flashbacks or other PTSD symptoms since Im not an expert on it; *I* dont usually have it in mind per se, but objectively it's very possible and understandable.
(Warning: gonna talk about parental abuse. Obviously. But only in the context of the effects it might have, no real descriptions of violence)
Long answer: I think Soudas relationship with his dad is one of those messy, awful, complicated ones that you might not really understand until years later, when you've gotten some distance.
I think he says that he used to stay home during field trips and class events, because his dad was kinda poor and Souda didn't want him to have to field the expenses; but instead of just saying that, he just kinda. Didn't go. And got beat for it. So he might have not felt safe just saying "I'm gonna skip school because it's cheaper" (not to generalize but, Fathers and feeling like they're not considered Head of House / Full Provider, amiright). A little bit of "I gotta do things right and if I dont do them right then it's bad news but it's fine because I'll just do it better next time".
I think he wanted, generally, to have a good relationship with his dad and be helpful- trying to save money, helping out at their workshop/garage, just kinda hanging out, etc. Like he actually wanted to and thought he could have a great father/son thing going on if he just tried a little harder or did things a little differently, changed himself a little, never really thinking of talking it out or telling anyone- because it's not so bad and he can totally handle it! And it's not like he gets his ass beat every day it's only occasionally (when he fucks up) and in between, they actually have a good time together sometimes! His dad is like, almost his friend! And his dad does keep him fed and clothed and supports his passion (and his very good at reminding Souda that he should be thankful) so it's NO Big Deal. Just like his ex-best-friend throwing him under the bus was no big deal, just as long as no one starts ignoring him or leaving him out or kicking him out of the house its FINE.
That's why he talks about it so casually, because it's fine, and its only once he has enough distance from the situation and gets to hear different perspectives that he's like, oh, that was messed up actually.
Like, Hajime and Sonia both seem shocked, but they come from such a different background so its okay that they dont get it- but Fuyuhiko gets furious about it too, and while his parents sucked they never actually beat him- and Akane has been through A Damn Lot but even she seems really uncomfortable with the idea that okay yeah Soudas dad beat the shit out of him a few times (it's the Big Sister in her).
And just like, with time and good friends around, I can see Souda having moments where he just remembers something he used to think nothing of and goes "wait that was fucked up actually??" Like, they're just fishing or something, and he goes "hey... did your parents ever try to convince you something didn't happen when it probably definitely did?" And depending on who he asks the answer is different, but generally its "nnnno?" and he's like "oh ..... that's kinda messed up isnt it?" Yes, Souda, it is messed up.
And he might have reactions and ideas that he didn't think about too much when he was still in his home situation, like his general fearfulness and jumpiness, being convinced people might turn on him, being kind of a people-pleaser sometimes, flinching excessively around certain noises or movements, being quick to cower and cover his head, etc, quick to latch onto people who are any kind of nice to him. Stuff that's just kind of his personality by now, but he probably got it from somewhere.
I'm not an expert tho and I won't armchair diagnose or anything, this is just my personal interpretation.
(According to A Therapist that stuff is not classified as PTSD symptoms if it's not accompanied by flashbacks or painful memories / stuff you actively try not to remember, but what do I know)
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wannaremember · 1 year
I saw @homosociallyyours and @jlf23tumble post theirs and felt like doing this since I can't sleep. I am not the best at picking answers to things but i will try.
Relationship status: Single. I don't know if i see myself ever being anything else. So in that way its complicated, my view of what I want, what I can have, whats possible and whats not. I try not to think about it though. I'm also kind of bitter about some things which sours my thoughts on relationships.
Favorite colors: is it okay to say every colour? Like i am so bad at picking a favourite thing :/ but if i had to pick right now, I'd say red. The answer could be different at any other given moment though 😅
Song stuck in my head: at the moment there is none. I dont think my brain has the space for it at the moment. I also can't think what the last song stuck in my head would have been but I do remember Happier than Ever being stuck in my head somewhat recently.
Last song I listened to: Bad friend by Rina Sawayama. I feel like anytime i do these things I'm always mentioning the same artists lol but really blame the spotify shuffle algorithm. Anyway i do love the song so I'm not mad about it.
3 favorite foods: once again picking a favourite is tough but for this its easier because I do have my ultimate favourite food in mind. Khausey, its like this noodle and yellow curry dish. Googling it probably won't be very useful and theres often different variants of it depending on what your cultural background is. So i usually think of the version I've grown up eating. I can never make it as good myself and its a lot of work to make the curry so I rarely make it myself. But god its the best. Second is halwa puri. Again something i can't explain but i love it. It always tastes best when you get it from the street. I think I'm going to start listing out all the street food i miss from back home as well as other foods i miss that i just cant get here, atleast not as good as they are back home so ill pick something different for the third option lol. Nutella, im not going to call it food per se and its not even that i think its particularly great but its a comfort thing for me where i just eat a few spoons of it on its own when I'm feeling low, or pmsing or anything, it takes very little excuse.
Last thing I googled: Moonlight, the movie, i saw a mention of it in a fic i was reading and googled it.
Dream trip: there's not really one place i would pick, like a world tour would be ideal and i could just go to all these different countries and explore different neighbourhoods, try out different food, do some activities, etc. If I had to be more specific, I'd go for Europe, though. I still get sad that I didn't get to travel much when I was there, and I can't really go back anytime soon.
Anything I want right now: more friends. People who i can talk to, who will get me and i wont have to worry about censoring myself or not being able to be myself completely. I feel like its a pretty big constant in my life though to want friends but never doing enough to make them. Idk but yeah also people in peron like that especially but even online closer friends that aren't just on messages and arent just fandom focused in conversation. I dont know whats tougher for me though interacting with people online or in person, they're both scary. Anyway i am trying but yeah friends was the very first thing i could think of to answer this.
I don't know who has done this already so i might tag someone who has already. I'll tag @bigxrig @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @suesheroll and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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nutria--oscura · 9 months
Atonement- Anointment- an ointment? Atonyment (tony peperoni?)
~s2 ep 44 spoilers below~
ron and beth business idea? ron and beth business idea
"in fact, the only hard part my be finding someone to share it with" "oh" "..." "..." "ron... what are we?" "I dont know beth... i dont know."
"about 4 teens that got married" "4 teens?" im just gonna pretent anthony is saying it like that cause of hermie and dood
honestly, taylor as a barbarian would have been funny
goofy minmax? fuck yea
NORMAL AND LINK IN THE INTRO (sorry i loved when will and matt did that with henry and darryl)
stimming so hard cause of will
... i take it back- normal i love you but what the f-
time to update your normal designs yall
"scary doesn't run errands. she walks them... bitch"
what the fuck-
"hes[darryl] like a real zaddy" "no hes a daddy, you gotta be realistic here"
so the teens cant go to heaven, cant go to hell, where they gonna go when they die-
scary gets taken "no! my scene partner!" hermie gets taken "no! my future life partner!"
anthonys exhasparated "okay" when beth said scarys gonna look like a meatball is honestly a constant mood-
now being a ranger is useful- bhahah
"you know its not gonna be the time out room and its not gonna be good"
"no pwobwem fowwow meee"
"i wanna see if there's anyone who isn't supposed to be in heaven so i can tattle on them" "i feel like tattling as an act immediately drops you into hell" "they love tattling in hell though" "wasn't the bibles most famous snitch, like, kinda vilified for that?" "who?" "judas dude?" "judas my man. my man judas" "wait well, judas wasn't a snitch per se" "yea he was just bad" "he was a betrayer" "he was a betrayer" "he was a business man" "he snitched-" "30 pieces of silver in that economy can go a long way" "no no no no, they're-they're right Freddie. what did he snitch? like 'hey, that's Jesus' like they knew-" "YEA" "like they knew who Jesus was" "do you think the last supper was Jesus being like 'guys alright don't tell anybody don't tell anybody'" "'but we- we've gotta fucking move 10kilos of this, ok? just don't tell the authorities'" "'this is my body, let me see your body- you wearing a wire?'" "oh my god- like the last supper was like a table for 13 but then more people found out about it and they were like 'yea, i had a birthday party, the sweet 33 but you weren't invited' and Judas was like do not-" "'are you Roman? cause if you're Roman you have to tell me'"
yes, i did just sped 15 minutes to copy that section of the podcast on my first listen. yes, i do in fact now know it by heart
anthonys "yea" like "yea, no fucking shit" and then its a mens rights activist who podcasts about spaghetti who is in front of his setup eating spaghetti at the mic and only got into heaven cause he was an organ donor and all his organs saved the lives of great people who were from minorities that the guy did not like, each of which discovered the cure for a different type of cancer
im 23 mins in and ive been sat here listening for an HOUR
"taylor walks by and looks at him asianly"
"so you know how in a chirstmas story they have them say fudge so you don't have to hear the f-word?" "uh-huh" "yeaaa-" "uhhhhhhh-" "where are you going with this bro?" "careful my friend" "hes gonna say: *slowmode* 'oh darn, it's a pppppeeeeeeerrrrrrrsssoooonnnn' and hes going to say a slur, a horrible slur"
new narc type - narc on someone to their conscience
"do you[normal] really want to give me positivity? or do you want me to say thank you so you feel good about yourself?" "get him get him get him"
"im glad you got into heaven despite everything"
ooooo, new item! potentially!
love taylor asking how lincoln is doing cause of his thing with authority when he himself wont process his shit-
normal needs to go feral <3 please <3
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If you’re still doing the character bingo, I’m going to test my luck and go Kronika?
If you have no thoughts on her, maybe Erron? Love your work. Have a good day.
aaaaa thank you! i quite enjoy your work too! your fun headcanons and what ifs always give a good chuckle :D
first up the Bald Bitch herself:
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honestly, i really wanted to like Kronika more than i actually do. she is a very interesting villain, and a unique spin on normal MK baddies. she's very manipulative, which i love in a devious character, and i love her design. but a lot of my gripe with her comes, again, from the way the character was written. there's a lot of ways she could have really mucked with the Defender's plans a lot more, and i do feel that there were some plot holes in her story. but that's bc, besides MK's spotty track record with writing, it's genuinely hard to write a character that is omniscient in that way. it's one of my biggest issues with my OC, Sai. it's hard to write someone who can muck about with time, especially while also trying to not make them completely unstoppable AND not too OP. i dont think they did a BAD job with her, per se, the main game's ending was miles better than the dlc's imo, but i was left a bit underwhelmed for how cool she seemed at the start.
overall, while she's not my cup of tea, i think she's an interesting character and a real attempt to branch out from just "bad guy who wants to merge all the realms bc he's subtly being manipulated by something bigger than himself".
and now, my favorite yeehaw boy!
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i both love and hate Erron. i love the outlaw cowboy thing SO MUCH, i love Troy Baker's voice(even if he is an NFT-shilling nerd) and i love that he sticks to outworld over earthrealm. however, i also love to give MK11 Erron ALL of the shit, bc as a Native Texan, i can tell you that all of his sayings are real old-timey Texanisms, and the fact that he talks like my Pawpaw did is fucking hysterical to me, and also takes away any sex appeal he could possibly have for me.
also, the MK11 outfits aren't that great. they really Yeehawified the shit out of him in 11. too much cowboy and not enough outlaw. also, the Uncle Sam fit? whoever thought of that, turn on your location, we need to talk. and! the accent isn't Texan. it's American Southern for sure, but not Texan. if they could take the best of both worlds, give him back his sass and at least SOME normal speech, and add back some of that "mysterious outlaw rebel" charm he had, but also give him a legitimate Texan accent? i'd be so fucking happy.
also, idc if he's canonically been with Skarlet and Nitara. he gets NO bitches. man can't win a fight to save his life and he speaks like an old man, plus almost every other woman in canon dislikes him or flat out calls him ugly. no bitches.
@roofgeese and i sometimes just yell in all caps about Erron. usually to make fun of him. it's wonderful. i love him and i want to put him in the dishwasher and put it on steam clean.
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villanevehaus · 1 year
You are BRAVE for watching the exorcist and if you feel like it can you share if it’s really as scary as i think it is because i want to watch it but I cannot handle horror antagonists that can break into my house ones that are invisible inescapable and make me feel insane #letterboxdanon :3
LMAO THANKS! I didn't find it "scary" per se, more unsettling? or upsetting? I, too, try to avoid horror that "could" happen to me bc like hey, IM me, i dont want that! but the exorcist is like 'whoaaghg this dude brings back an amulet from the desert and the devil posesses a child and also there is a ouija board!!!' and its like ok well that wont happen to me, for i do not have any amulets from the desert, nor do i fuck w ouija boards.
it gets pretty fuckin gnarly in terms of audio/visuals tho im ngl ! im a huuuuge sfx fan (actually almost went to school for it teehee) so whenever stuff goes bananas in movies im able to just go :0 how'd they do that and kinda add a layer of distance between me and The Horrors TM. i was really going "AYO?" and "THIS IS WILD" a lot more than feeling scared.
i think theres an inherant and unavoidable change in how it's recieved by the audience bc 50 literal years have happened since it was made, also! i can 10000% see why it fucked people up real bad in the 70s bc there was nothing like it before, but sooo much more different horror has been made since (and been influenced by!) the exorcist.
all in all it was great imo and recommend watching even beyond it being a horror classic. the lil girls performance is crazy good, the slowburn rules, its very 70s, and also the ♥︎ sfx ♥︎
i have a blanket recommendation tho to use this website to check for triggers/content warnings! they get rly specific which is nice and often include either a timestamp or a "look away when x happens"
bonus note i do think your experience w the exorcist will be a lil dependant if you were raised w faith or not. i had 1 atheist parent and 1 buddhist parent (re: no faith) so i was kinda chilling while watching, whereas my ex-catholic gf (re: recognized the prayers in the movie) was Defs getting more heebies.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Lover Pretend Review
Includes Spoilers
Eiichirou Asagi
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His laugh is adorable and I can't help wanting to want to date him from the start I hate I had to wait. He has a smile and personality that just makes you want to pounce your professor I mean seriously who would not want to be mentored and seduced by this man. I squealed when I got to his route and I swear this man will be the death of me. It is hot when a man says "Good Girl" but damn this man kept saying after he was say to do something like seriously WTF... I found myself literally drooling over this man and his CG like oh there is the one with his tongue tasting his fingers. Somehow I feel like he is blocked til last because this professor is a naughty man and damn I wish you could go more in depth with that. I need a fan disk with more Eiichirou in it!!!
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So this man is like the whole package I had no clue anyone would truly take my attention away from Riku & Yukito but damn everything about this man is better. He even flirts but in a almost not knowing way like when you take him food as an assistant he talks about how you would make a great wife like WHHAATT!! Even when you find out he is your brother he still wants you because he is in love with you. Like I know it may sound bad but fuck if he was gonna be in my bed and I just found that out I would shred the results act like I never saw them. anyways he is a bad boy with his naughtiness like kissing you when your asleep, or putting his arms around you at the arcade. Even at the point where you hug and kiss him and he tells you if your doing very special then you need to add more to it for the very part. Like he is in his 30s and makes these little boys seem useless. He is always dressed nice and sexy. Shoot if I could see a professor like that in my colleges I'd gladly go back to school.
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Also he has his sweet and tender side like where he will get sparklers and step away from the crowd to be close to you and share your own connection. Or the fact some guys try to fuck with you and his possessiveness and protectiveness kick in and he is intimidating to the guys. Shoot this is a man that has a very dominate side and you can see it makes your mind wonder of what he could do to you. He even helps you win a stuffed animal at the arcade like this man is perfect he is definitely the man that could bring all the naughty professor vibes to play. I know alot of people hate that his is a shorter version than everyone else's route and yeah I wish it was longer however I get why its shorter to because unlike them that had to meet her and fall in love with you he already was. Him and Kazuma have already known your long enough so they dont per-say need to fall.
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Riku Nishijima
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This man is sophisticated and professional but damn when he starts acting and gets passionate about his words he can captivate any heart especially with his smile. When you do his romance route you find he can be a jack of all trades. He will tease you to make you blush and be cute, he also likes the be mischievous and cheeky in his own way. He has a naughty boy side thats severely hot, he is jealous and possessive which possessive men are always hot. He likes cute things like milk and bananas together he is quiet lazy but to me I felt he was the closest to a all around guy with many sides. At some points he is the sad boy, sheltered rich kid and more. I can believe he does not get noticed as much as he should. Don't get me wrong in the beginning I didn't know if I would like him I mean yeah he is hot but he seemed to stiff.
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However you find that his father being overly strict in everything he has done in acting has made him feel like this is what he has to be. His rough side the side of him you see his love of art is so adorably cute like his hair all roughed up and paint all over him yep thats hot. The mc is perfect she even admits that he is practically sexier in his real self more lazy than the prince charming façade he gives off. He can come of manipulative as well but I feel alot of that comes from his up bring from his dad to show biz itself. I feel like once you see his personality you find he is actually quiet cheeky and a bit of a naughty boy.
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Like he has a good tolerance for sure the mc makes him wait like 2 years to even have sex that is absolutely crazy that poor man I mean least you know he ain't going no where when he doesn't leave in that time. I can't imagine why you would have this hot of a man at home and not want to be in bed with him. He has the cutest likes at a festival his eyes light up when it comes to eating cotton candy and for snacks he loves bananas and milk. Its kind of a cute combo and he likes being fed and he is too lazy to blow his own food. Its funny this might be red flags for some but the way he was when he admits he loves you makes sense. Like I love the end when he talks about having kids like omg this man takes my heart over and over again. He is the perfect amount of sexy, flirty, naughty, and sweet all together. to me there is no better bae or husbando in this game than him.
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He knows how to be the cutest like for his birthday he talks about wanting matching tea cups absolutely adorable. I want to also take into play how his possessiveness is towards any guy however Sena just happens to get on his nerves fast with hittin on the mc. I honestly feel like if Sena pushed any harder I think Riku would punch him. His acting is amazing his artwork is too. You even get to see him with his father which is rocky but he stands up for the mc against him and anyone especially once he realizes he is in love. I love another part of the ending soon he don't mind his girl tying his hair up as if he was a little kid in how it looks to get it out of his eyes. This proves when he is in love thats it. Only thing I didn't like is they say he plans to travel when he graduates leaving her behind however if I caught it right at the very end they are practically saying that he plans to stay behind that year graduate the next when she does so they both can go overseas.
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Yukito Sena
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The moment you meet this man his flirts begin but of course I love that in a love interest. Of course the MC isn't having it so when he chooses you to act with him in auditions this man takes it to a whole new level. He is sneaky and sly and down right sexy as hell. He even acts as he is groveling on the floor for you to let him kiss you and when you say ok you will be his he makes you say it all together and not as quick words. This is his slyness as a fox but oh so smooth, he has some mad game. I tell you it doesn't take long to want more of this man. The longer you play you realize there is so much more to him than modeling. Like due to his father being in showbiz and causing a image of himself as a playboy when Yukito steps into the spotlight its all people believe he is worthy of so not taken seriously. He becomes what everyone wants but yet still deep down he isn't like that. He has women who flirt and are all about him but he even admits later its more of a image or to get them more noticed in the spotlight etc.
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He loves to flirt but he really is sweet about it and I think he grows to have feelings alot earlier on because finally someone sees him for more than the model and pawn everyone else sees. That being said its cute when he brings up often "Are you in love with me yet?" This is what makes it clear he is already smitten yet still trying to keep that image up. He wants and needs someone to push him and tell him when he needs to fix things and this is what makes him so intrigued with you. You can tell he does anything to get close even pretend to be your boyfriend when its supposed to push a girl away he isn't into yet you find any chance he gets he mentions oh were doing stuff like a real couple. Honestly I feel like everyone but the MC gets how in love he has fallen by this point.
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The way he handles it when she blurts out they can't get any closer after he mentions wanting to kiss and then she says we can't you might be my brother. The look on his face like oh thats the only reason she didn't want to get close is because she thinks this. Don't get me wrong I think it was what the mc had to tell herself because I think she had fallen for him awhile back when she didn't expect it and all the emotions were coming to the top now. Honestly there was no way she was going back I'm afraid even if it had came out he was her brother, I do not know how long it would have kept them apart before that line would have been blurred due to both people in love with each other already.
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Not gonna lie I'm glad there were a good amount of CG pictures and boy did he look hot as hell in everyone of them. I'm normally not into blondes but damn he can make any woman melt especially with that wink, smile, and look in his eyes. He is a naughty boy as well you realize that later when your together about how bad he wants you in every way. When he confesses to you he loves you and gets the reciprocation he has no problem setting it straight completely with the girl he works with that he is in no way interested or will he ever be and that he loves you. Its sweet he would make sure to do this in front of you letting you know how much you mean to him. One thing I thought was super sweet is earlier on you go out for a drink with him and he orders you a drink. Not knowing there is a meaning to that drink you just enjoy it and move on. Near the end of the story you find as you wait for him that the bartender tells you that the drink given to a woman by a man means the man is plainly saying "I'm in love with you and have fallen so fast". Like he was already trying to say it but had no idea how to.
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I went in thinking he was just a flirt but he is a sweetheart underneath making it hard to get enough of him. The support you give him it seems to show that ya'll thrive so well together. I love he did everything he could to make sure he was by your side as much as he could even with his work schedule. He loves to spoil a woman he loves as well and although he would show her off in a heartbeat he also knows his job is hard and the women that make life harder would make it harder for you. He is caring, considerate and honestly the best boy yet. Also when he colors his hair dark damn this boy becomes smoking hot, and even his cute photo shoot pics and acting even when this boy is crying he makes you want to just hold him. He has such an amazing effect on not only the MC but you as you play it too.
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Kazuma Kamikubo
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He is so cute when he gets flustered and yet he also knows how to be caring and sincere to you like worrying about how much sleep you have had or doing your makeup to make you feel better even though he already thinks your beautiful. He is the one who first comes out with a lie that comes back on you when he tells someone your his girlfriend because your in the wrong place at the wrong time snooping back stage. He covers your butt however he has to lie to do so. He always talks about being your big brother however it was too easy for him to snap out you were his girlfriend when he could have simply said something like sister. Then when things get complicated and everyone thinks your dating it doesn't take him long to say we should keep the lie going so things don't get to complicated at your work. He also is fast to flop down in your lap and pretend your his girlfriend. I felt like by this point in the story that he always thought of you as more than a friend but never thought he had a chance so he settled being your big brother while maybe his heart always pined for you.
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He can sometimes be stubborn but he does have your best interest at heart. He will go the extra mile to make you smile and is caring of your feelings with the things he says. He honestly does connect on a deeper level I think than even others can because he has been there for so long in your life. He is like the cutest bean after he goes into pretending your his girlfriend this man puts on all breaks to the world. Granted he starts lacking at work but when you confront him since his boss comes to you about it he is so genuine. Like he goes into telling you he just wants to be on his phone looking up places he can take you as a couple. Also watching his texts to see if you need him or message him. When you ask why when he is at work and he says cause he is always thinking about you and how to make you happy. I kinda hate the MC for acting like his job is more important when this is something you don't see in many men and one of the things I love about this man. I mean yes I get the lacking at work but the conversation could have been handled differently he just wants to be a good boyfriend its sweet.
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His first ideas of dating is to take you to hot springs and stargazing damn there is some deep romance in this man waiting to come out. He even goes into telling you one and only ex girlfriend didn't work out cause she said he was in love with someone else and you can guess who that person was. By this point I knew I was right from the beginning when I felt he just never thought he was good enough for you but always was in love with you. He even believes in paying for his woman on dates no half and half bullshit. He is the sweetest with wanting to do cute romantic tropes like him being early for the date and such damn he is so damn adorable. The first time you mention hanging out with any guy alone no matter the reason he asks you not and when he doesn't feel like your listening he snatches the phone and gets forceful with his voice and the word no. I'm not gonna lie he became hot as hell with the possessiveness and jealousy all together, damn boy just went from 7 on the scale of hot to a mere 15.
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Even in his bad endings you get to find out that he can't see his life without you in it and doesn't want to either. Yes he is a bit competitive and selfish but I feel its from a good place because he is so afraid that he will lose you because you will leave him behind him and no longer need him. He admits he needs you in his life and that he is sorry he is weak and selfish. I find the fact he even knows when he might do things for the wrong reasons but in the end his heart is loyal and strong and would do anything for the woman he loves. The rest of the bad endings hurt me so I just don't want to go there again. However this boy right through to the end even when he loses his memory in a accident he still talks about being the man to make you happy. Like this is some loyal dedication and even in the bad endings when he didn't remember you he still wanted to marry you. The happy ending was my favorite though because he does your hair for bridal and practically tells you he is gonna marry you and he will do your hair then too. Such a sweetie he was my first in the game and I am so glad to because he was sweet, loyal, and wholesome in his own ways. He was the big brother/best friend/turned lover/boyfriend and he was sweet and caring about it. This is how a real big brother type should treat you (here's looking at you Toma from Amnesia sighs).
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Harumi Makino
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You think when you first see him crying in a movie theater that he might actually be a decent guy but he rubs me wrong from the start. He is my least favorite guy and although I like tsunderes I just got more of him being withdrawn and not interested in women when I met him. As time goes on you find he is a rollercoaster like one minute you think he feels something then he shy's away and its really hard to keep up with him. His is a more hot and cold route and even though the last episode in the happy ending he was amazing it was getting to there. So between his route being boring at times and then his hot and cold made it hard to fully love him. I loved his nerdy cosplay side that shit is adorable to me. Not to mention he is hot in a nerdy way. When he does cosplay though he floored me he was so damn hot then.
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It was cute later when he showed more flustering when he liked the mc. He isn't a horrible character in anyway just to me he was the one that was the hardest to get into. Once you get further in his route it does get better. Also when you see he has a naughty side omg this man can turn you on in seconds with his dominant possessive side. That was the side of him I found to be the most attractive. All in all I can't write as much about him however I do think I have seen much worse characters. Also I know he is supposed to be played 3rd but honestly nothing in his story really is that important that you really can't play any time.
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