#i dont know exactly how unpopular these opinions are but i do know that my opinions are not widely held
monmuses · 3 months
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.- currently accepting!
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treating new mutuals, especially in DMs or private servers, like you have been best friends since middle school and know everything about each other is VERY weird and an overstepping of boundaries
lemme explain
i had an experience where a mutual had advertised a discord server for people interested in an event they were hosting. i joined, wanting to get into the event as a new mutual. however, i was met with the weirdest approach and introduction via people asking one another who posted an invite. i ended up getting roles to speak in the server and get into the event before i was brought into one of the venting channels.
there, i was suddenly dropped on the most drama i have ever heard about one person that i NEVER met before and was given screenshots of this person who had been in their server months prior. keep in mind that i BARELY knew these people and was only new mutuals with one of these people. i unexpectedly digested all of this information and was kind of just........ weirded out.
the very next day, i was booted out and hard-blocked by this mutual without warning. i dont know what else happened but that is a scenario where suddenly dumping drama and gossip with someone who JUST joined is fucking weird. it's very weird and very invasive in a way. i was given all of this like i was best friends with these people and expected to respond the way they did (all of them had matching profile pictures and similarly written usernames in unique fonts; it gave off red flags for me).
i know for people on here, looking for friends is great! its good and getting to know the other person is exciting, but immediately jumping the gun in a friendship, in my experience, is very weird and is often times overwhelming. and in a situation like this, the first impression i got was this group of friends were very knee-deep in gossip and would still talk about people, even after months of not being apart of said group. bad impressions are not good, especially when you're JUST getting to know the other person.
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old-stoneface · 1 year
im listening to the audiobook for making money (ive read the book but it was a couple years ago now) and my review is that the antagonists for this book are my least favorite out of all of the city books ive read. they completely lack charm and theyre mostly just horribly annoying
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verynearherequeer · 1 year
Why I love the Good Omens 2 ending
Alright, this is going to be a very unpopular opinion at the moment (or maybe it won’t, I don’t know), but I thought the ending to GO2 was perfect and I loved it.
My favourite part being, Crowley finally putting his foot down and telling Aziraphale no.
We’ve seen him disagree with Aziraphale a million times: holy water fight, bandstand, soho street quarrel, you get it. But without fail, every single time, Crowley has been the one to chase his angel and apologise. When they fight they dont talk and without Aziraphale there is no point to anything: see post bookshop fire pub breakdown.
Does this mean Crowley was always in the wrong? No. Not even close.
But they exist together, one intrinsically good, the other supposedly bad. That is their dynamic, has been for 6000 years. Aziraphale is always right (he isn't) and therefore Crowley must always be wrong. 
So, what do I love about this scene? Yes, its gut wrenching, I was an absolute wreck while watching it. But I love it.
Crowley is right, Aziraphale doesn’t seem to understand exactly what he is offering, but Aziraphale has good intentions and is clearly devastated that Crowley doesn’t seem to get it. That isn’t enough though.
Aziraphale has taken Crowley’s loyalty for granted (not on purpose, obviously), but again that dynamic is highlighted: ‘I am an angel, you are a demon.’ In this scene even, it becomes clear that to some degree Aziraphale still associates Crowley with Hell: ‘You’re the bad guys.’
On top of that, Aziraphale is asking Crowley to change a fundamental part of himself. Crowley is a demon, the being that has come to know and love Aziraphale, he is a demon. From Crowley’s point of view, Aziraphale is asking him to turn a blind eye to everything he’s had to learn after being cast out, become again, part of what they both (as a group of the two of them) fought so hard to be free of.  
Crowley has always loved Aziraphale because Aziraphale saw through Heaven, knew deep down that drowning the entire population and justifying it by calling it ineffable was really fucking weird. He loves Aziraphale because his angel loves books and food, has his own thoughts, is funny and a bastard.
Aziraphale wants them to leave Earth together, but Earth is what made Aziraphale and Crowley who they are, defined how they exist and interact together.
To Crowley, Aziraphale going back to Heaven is like going back to square one.
So, he tells him no, and means it, punctuating his answer with an emotional (and very rough) kiss that really seemed to be saying ‘this is what you’re choosing to leave behind.’
If Aziraphale chose Heaven over him again, Crowley was not going to make it easy.
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Dont exactly know how to rig it even if I wanted to, but alas.
Fret not over your mech's judgement. An unpopular pick, despite the funny unfuckable tattoo lore, need not be a true loss.
The point of this blog is simply data collection. Information to fuel my little autism brain. To tamper with the data would do little but tell a lie, i cannot make the world want to fuck Lockdown just as i cannot make people stop liking the color orange. People will have their opinions, the world goes on, and we simply have to keep going along with it.
But is wanting fuck a bot deemed unfuckable truly a tragedy? Really, it should be a point of pride, given this is the Perverts Who Want To Fuck Car Aliens fandom. You looked at a man that not even your fellow degenerates lust after, and you see beauty in him regardless. You see someone worthy of love and desire. Isn't that special in its own right? Isn't that just proof that your perspective is unique and complex? Shouldn't that be celebrated all the same?
Voice your opinion and worry not if the majority does not align with it. It cannot stop you from railing Lockdown harder than prowl probably railed him offscreen in A Fistful of Energon.
Or, alternatively, go completely unhinged, make a poll and rig it yourself, and then come back to rub it in my face. Like whatever floats your goat.
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navyismycolor · 2 months
Unpopular but True Opinion
Nobody likes hearing these things these days, but I believe there are still women out there who will see this as an opportunity to recognize and correct themselves, so here goes.
Some of you ladies out there stating that you are looking for a good man, and seeking a healthy long term relationship with a responsible leader who knows how to take charge, are unfortunately putting out signals which is driving away those same good men, and keeping you from achieving what you wish to make your own. Here are some of the most common ones.
Just like you do not like inconsistency on part of a man, a good man also does not appreciate inconsistency. It is quite plainly visible to us (older, mature) men which women are actuallly busy or have a legitimate reason for being away for gaps of time, and which ones are merely playing a game. Texting rapidly and frequency for one or two days and then going off the radar with no clear communication is not the way to build up a "getting to know each other" phase of a connection. Such behaviors will make you appear as emotionally immature at best, and "attention seeking when bored" at worst - neither of them an image you want to create before a good man.
Unclear priorities
Stating that you wish to find a good relationship, and then going about your day to day prioritizing everything else but that in your life, is akin to wanting to be a millionaire but putting in none of the ethic and effort that goes into that achievement. You may have very legitimate reasons for considering your career, your next promotion, your friends, your "social detox weekend" as extremely important - and I am sure some of these truly are. But if you consistently put these ahead and over a growing connection with a good man, he will rightfully interpret that maybe building a relationship is actually pretty low down in your priorities, no matter what your words claim.
Online flirting
This one is for you social media butterflies - be it Tumblr / Instagram / ... Look, there is nothing wrong in sharing a couple beautiful pictures of yourself, or a few spicy posts from your favorite smut blogger. Its fun, its exciting - we get it. But if what you are putting out there are provocative pictures of yourself with tell-tale captions like "who wants to make me his toy" or "I need your hands around my throat", dont expect a good man to take you seriously. If all your feed does is send out an invitation for cheapness, that is exactly what you will be seen as - someone who will put out for just about anybody - and there is no reason to believe you arent playing this flirting game with 10 other boys in your inbox. There is nothing special about that, and a good man will not stay or stand for this.
Pettiness of Prettiness
Harsh as it might sound, today we have entered an era where an unfortunate number of women (even young girls) are being told that if you are pretty and attractive, you can have anything. Of course, there are plenty of boys who will simp over looks, which reinforces this sense of entitlement in young ladies, as well as makes it fun and validating. But, this is not the kind of behavior that attracts and keeps a good man. A pretty face and a beautiful physique is tantamount to having a crisp resume and a cover letter in fancy font for a job - it will get you an interview, but if you have nothing else to show beyond this, you will not get much further. Believe me when we say this, older successful men (in their 30s or 40s) are neither phased nor impressed by prettiness, it accounts for less than 10% of the reasons why we would actually choose someone to invest in.
In summary,
the catch of wanting to be with an emotionally mature, stable, good man is that you will also have to deserve to be with him. He is going to push you to upgarde your own standards and hold you accountable for your own actions to be worthy of that (potential) relationship. And if you dont have it in you, if you want the shortcut, a good man will not hestiate to move on with a kind & condescending word.
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smallidarityfan · 8 months
ask game! smallidarity. i just wanna hear someone talk about them<3
you are my enabler tumblr user hellish-hyperfixation
Ship It
• What made you ship it?
I can't exactly remember when I started to, but it was sometime after watching Joel's esmp 2 around mid 2022 when I realized that the man would always mention Jimmy at least one time per video. and i was like. holy crapos. i know what they are.
Though I also vividly remember the first time I watched Joel through Last Life, he met Jimmy in some cave and bullied him and I was also like: "what?!?! being mean in minecraft roleplay?!??!?!! that is just like the popular ship bakudeku from the hit series my hero academia (literally barely watched the show)"
• What are your favorite things about the ship?
THEYRE SOOOO......... THEYRE............. ok. ok ok ok. other than the fact that I just really like enemies to lovers type shii, the way that Joel would go lengths to protect Jimmy whether in the life series or empires (see the times when fwhip or scott would bully Jimmy and then Joel rushes in to kill them) despite being the one to bully him in the first place,
or when Jimmy would be a victim to Joel's teasing, actively says he hates it, yet always seems to gravitate towards being around Joel and doing the things he tells him to without question??— the way it then seems like he'd never admit that they're friends (or. in love) and yet 2 seconds later he'd just be like "guys i love Joel so much. wait what who said that?"
And then the Exclusive Flirting?!??!?!! both Jimmy and Joel have canonical esmp husbands (scott and sausage) and yet neither of them ever so much flirts with their husbands much more then they flirt between themselves?????? Hello??!?!?!?! flirting after a whole enemies to lovers shtick??!?! in MY empires smp?!?!?! The way they call each other babe (other than their actual partners ofc LMAO) but not to anyone else?!?! Even in the life series!!! See that 1 clip where Etho professed love to Joel but gets shut down, or when Sausage called Jimmy 'babe' but was like "What? only Joel calls me babe..." and then on the Smallidarity side you get clips of them mutually confessing to each other???????
Jimmy's known Martyn longer than he's known Joel, and Joel's known Oli longer than he's known Jimmy, and yet just from X life 3 years ago they immediately snapped together as best friends the moment they met and then proceeds to do pet play in some quad account merging youtuber competition (sniffermyfeet piglinmynose video).
ykwhatimsaying. the clips basically do all the work honestly.
• Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
eughhh this is hard because i dont know much about the other opinions on this ship? OH ACTUALLY some people take their relationship to be that of a Joel dom-ing type situation where he takes advantage of his bully stance in order to date Jimmy, but i take it more in the shonen manga style way? eg: it's because Joel likes Jimmy that Joel bullies him (in a tsundere way)
To me, Joel fundamentally isn't brash or aggressive in nature, it's just the way he ends up communicating as such. His character has bits of anxiety sprinkled in (you can see from how jittery his movements are in-game), while his main value is just being calm and playing singleplayer hardcore minecraft for 600 hours building pretty little structures yk?
So normally, I don't think Joel would be as naturally aggressive as people take him to be in the smallidarity dynamic? Maybe only when Joel feels tense is when he'd start being mean n stuff, and maybe you could associate that with feelings for jimmy i guess. (highschool au brewing in my mind rn)
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For the 'hang with me' ask game:
1. Who would you cast in a hypothetical Jethro Tull biopic?
2. Do you have any unpopular opinions?
3. What is your dream meal?
4. Which member(s) of Monty Python do you think you are most like?
1. This is such a good question and my honest answer is I DONT KNOW 😭😭😭 because i have my head deep in the 70s all the time, I know barely any modern celebrities, much less ones that resemble Tull. I think I once talked with someone about who Ian would be, but goodness if I remember. I actually wish I had an answer for this one though erghhh I would die to see a Tull biopic
Though funnily enough, I did once have a dream where they had a biopic (they were dumb as rocks in it.) The pic was set in 1969 era Tull, where they lived in one room and had $0, and they tried cooking an egg by cracking it into Glenn’s hands and pouring boiling water on it
2. Not like, wildly unpopular off the top of my head. I’m sure if you asked me enough questions, you’d find an answer that makes you go “wtf???”. Otherwise, ermm hmm. I don’t like the feel of marshmallows, is that unpopular? OH, and I eat pizza with pineapple. It’s delicious. There you go
3. My dream meal would probably have to be a table full of either Chinese or Thai food. And a huge bowl of Laksa, which is my number 1 all time favourite food. Delicious. I have a lot of these kinds of meals when I’m out with my whole extended family at the beach camping, if we go to a restaurant.
4. Good question! In my opinion, I think I’m most like Terry G irl. Excitable art kid <3 (the person I relate to most, is not from python but if you want to know exactly how I am irl, im Peter from the monkees lol) Maybe also a bit of Graham too? I have a tendency to shout random things
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Thanks so so much for the questions! Good fun to answer!! 🫶
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
Yknow, my only beef wit Spenser - and its not even really a criticism of how he GMs cuz this is a limited series so we have only so much time - is that he keeps trying to cut away from the funny/good moments! Almost immediately, without letting it breathe. I know we're pressed for time and they had to get through 2 assignments rather than one since this chapter will only be 3 episodes loud but let the table laugh Spenser, it's okay! (Sean calling Nathaniel out on not riding his family's own train). Let them respond to the larger moments (Marion screaming there's nothing wrong with him). I'm hoping with the remaining episodes having only one assignment - the guide to the game says theres 4 assignments/commissions - that things slow down jus a bit so that we dont have to jump-cut so much.
yes exactly!!! I really enjoy Spenser but he did get too clippy with the scene cuts for the sake of pacing and cinematic atmosphere.
fortunately four of the players have already gelled in Calamity and everybody wants so much to play off each other, so they went out of their way to make time for that. Brennan hit Liam O’Brien levels of “hey before we end the episode, I must do something full of Yearning™️,” and Marisha got me on the verge of tears when she set Zehra up for her last line. this table is SO GOOD. I’m optimistic that in the future Spenser will leave them a little more breathing room.
unpopular opinion actually, but the more times I watch “there’s nothing wrong with me! there’s nothing wrong with me” the more I like that Spenser pulled back from there so quickly. I feel like the narration and the bleakness let that moment soak in better. without that break, and starting to talk about mechanics, and letting Luis pop up with tears still in his eyes and go “that was AWESOME :D,” we would have ended up with something much more grave. it wouldn’t have been bad by any means because all these people think so fast and they’re so good, but I doubt it would have been “you want me to pee on it?” and I wouldn’t trade that for anything
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aroacesigma · 8 months
For the ask game ummmmmmm obligatory sigma but also chuuya <3
ok !!!
first impression - sigma
honestly i thought he seemed like a nice enough guy going off the whole thing where he let the man win . a bit bossy when he was talking to teruko but honestly i was kind of rooting for anyone but the hunting dogs at the point so i was like yeahhh go buddy . you got this . also thought he was very gender
first impression - chuuya
i thought he was REALLY fucking cool . loved his design instantly . like about half this fandom i thought that was a ponytail for ages but noooo . terrible mullet . look dazai was my fave at that point but i still laughed when he got his ass kicked by him lmfao
impression now - sigma
ok . deep breaths kai you can say this normally . i love him very much and he is my fave . as you can all tell . finding out his whole backstory and watching him go through the sky casino arc and the mersault arc was so fucking ... god . hes so tragic . i love him so much . he tries so very hard all the time and nothing ever comes out of it does it . i just want him to be happy .... he really deserves it . hes not a bad person but hes done bad things out of necessity which honestly makes you root for him more doesnt it ? its so heartbreaking every chapter watching him do everything , throw himself into danger, hurt people, hurt himself just so they can get a home... i really hope he does . very much . fucking hell
impression now - chuuya
pretty much exactly the same . hes so fucking cool and i love him . i think he should be allowed a weekly quota of kicking the shit out of dazai . stormbringer tore my soul to shreds that hurt which made me feel terrible for him also . hes a wonderful character and i really do love him and wish this fandom treated him a little better
favourite moment - sigma
oughh this is hard . uh . probably when we get his backstory honestly . everything really makes a lot of sense about him once you get that . its really sad but it really hammers in just how desperate he is to find a home. they dont really have anything else , their sense of being human is shaky at best because no matter how much he says hes just an ordinary man he knows he isnt . so having a place to belong to make up for the fact that there is nothing like them in the world and there never will be is something hes totally desperate for and their backstory hammers that in HARD . and just the art is just so well done ...something about the image of him just sitting alone in the desert really shatters my heart every time . honourable mention also goes to when he kicked the shit out of teruko , purely because its an excellent counteraction to people saying dumb shit about him being weak and pathetic
favourite moment - chuuya
ohhh..i think i really like the scene where the flags throw him a party . its nice to see him hanging around with his friends . even if theyre all a little bit fucked up . he deserves nice things even if he didnt fucking get to keep them god asagiri why
idea for a story - sigma and chuuya
ok i NEED YALL TO HEAR ME OUT on this crack theory that definitely will not happen but imagine if it did . now i trust dazai will come back for sigma butttt if he didnt . well dont you think mori , who sent chuuya into mersault , would be extremely pleased to have someone with an ability like sigmas . and sigma wouldnt really have too many options would he . being left behind again would probably kill any trust he had in the ada and really all his ability has ever been suiteed for is criminal activity right ? and that is how we get pm!sigma . which means chuuya and sigma interactions . they can bond over shared experiences like having somewhat funky relationships with humanity, terrible haircuts theyre somehow pulling off, and wanting to kick the shit out of dazai .
unpopular opinion - sigma
this is more of a bsdtwt / bsdtok problem but yall do know if you like a characters design but not their actual character you can just say that instead of making up an overused fanon personality for them right
unpopular opinion - chuuya
idk if this is unpopular exactly but it is blatantly obvious when people only like him in relation to dazai like it is not subtle at all
favourite relationship - sigma
ooh this is hard . if we're talking about shipping exclusively then sigzai is my fave (almost got put off it by the aforementioned annoying bsdtwt though lmfao) . but i do also find it very interesting how he interacts with and views fyodor and nikolai . i do wish we had more on how they were like as an organisation
favourite relationship - chuuya
again, talking shipping id probably have to go with skk , but even in a non shipping context it really does interest me how him and dazai interact . theyre so fucking weird
favourite headcanon - sigma
living up to my duties as ceo of transmasc sigma , thats obviously my favourite headcanon . hes soooo trans guy coded its insane . bless him . also my headcanon that he always has that new book smell hanging around him no matter what . cause . yknow .
favourite headcanon - chuuya
ok i also love to headcanon chuuya as a trans guy like honestly asagiri what is it with you accidentally coding all your funky little guys as trans . also i reckon hes a tea drinker . he will fuck that shit up . hes got all the fancy ones yknow those really weird flavours that honestly are barely even tea anymore thats just a fancy drink but hey the box is pretty so
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chesthighwater · 1 year
daud for the character ask <3
First impression: FUCK that guy. CANNOT STAND HIS ASS. bro he killed my wife and kidnapped my child!!! the fucking plague is worse because of him!! OUR STATE'S INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PUT A TYRANT ON THE THRONE BECAUSE OF THIS GUY i am killing him the second i see him. on fucking sight. 0 mercy. kill kill murder kill (and i did. did not even let him finish the speech, just immediate "fuck you and die". i remember having discussed this with friends at the time and everyone being like "yeah no way that motherfucker gets to live, what the hell" LMAO)
Impression now: oh how the turn tables! um. im very normal about him. i have a normal amount of thoughts. it takes like centuries to get to the core of whatever the fuck his deal is. despite appearances, he operates internally from a collective "we" and doesn't know what to do with himself when it's gone. he very much tears himself apart but not in a tortured angsty way because he's totally fine and normal ok. grit teeth and push through survival attitude. more pretentious than he lets on, perhaps. he has so many fucking issues and he acknowledges 0 of them. saviour of orphans maker of orphans a frog in a boiling pot a cynically willing pawn a man of practicalities the shadow the heel the knife you already know all this
Favorite moment: excellent question! the most memorable things for me i think are the little first person cutscenes in the dlcs- him waking up (and potentially almost decapitating a whaler), putting on the overseer mask, interrogating the brigmore witch... and- i've talked about this before- i really like moments of him being very casually cruel. because that sort of thing comes so easy to him.
Idea for a story: ......my brainrot document which is pretty much just tiny ideas and snippets is currently 25 pages long and literally all of them save for a few involve daud. and that's not at all counting the offshoots in separate documents that are on their way to becoming actual fics. so yeah, idea for a story is right
Unpopular opinion: this is always a tough question to answer because i dont want to imply i know anything about what opinions are popular. but i guess. i slightly prefer high chaos Murder Enjoyer absolute bastard daud, and it takes me slightly more effort to get into low chaos grief stricken change of heart daud. i think the latter needs to be handled with a certain finesse (that i personally for instance lack LMAO)
Favorite relationship: it's almost overkill to answer this question. but daudmartin.
Favorite headcanon: ahahaha i have many :'D here let's go for something silly: he has an almost drill sergeant like attitude if a new whaler is REALLY going through it. hes not gonna NOT comfort them, but he's also. not really gonna comfort them. yknow very "okay i know this is tough and you hate me a little right now, but it's way worse out there, alright? so you have to get your shit together right here right now, or you'll die on an actual mission." it's not exactly tough love but it sure is something.
ask me characters and stuff<3
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
might be too soon to have many thoughts but since i can't stop thinking about painter and/or yumi i'd love to hear your thoughts
very excited to do this im like halfway through my second read of yumi and the nightmare painter and im enjoying it very much
okay FIRST painter
First impression: during the preview chapters time i was like YES FINALLY REPRESENTATION FOR THE MARGINALIZED CLASS OF PEOPLE WHO DO THE BARE MINIMUM <3 and felt very seen
Impression now: painter.... painter i would do anything for you....... painter
Favorite moment: OGH to pick is so hard but i think probably when he meets the dreamwatch and realizes theyre all a bunch of nepo babies and goes oh fuck so thats why i didnt get in and his world is like exploded
Idea for a story: well call me crass but i think that like every good m/f sanderson couple the world would be greatly improved by a tasteful 2k fic about him getting pegged. im not gonna write it though
Unpopular opinion: i dont vibe with the people calling him their little baby boy. just feels weird. hes 19. and hes probably roshar 19 so earth 20. i know thats young but that feels old enough for me to be like lets just stick with calling him a poor little meow meow lets not infantilize him. yknow?
Favorite relationship: painter yumi supremacy you know this
Favorite headcanon: i think hes transmasc and like. 2 months post top surgery 2 years on t. i think this because when he found out that yumi was inhabiting his body and making it look feminine he became "morose" and that sort of reaction is exactly how i would react if i was a 19 year old tboy and i found out that my tits were growing back on my body every other day like prometheus's liver. plus the first time they bathe together yumi is looking at his crotch and is slightly baffled and i KNOW thats supposed to be a "yumi has never seen a dick before" thing but IM READING IT as a "yumi was expecting a cis dick and did not get a cis dick and doesnt get it because she doesnt know what trans people are because shes a highly sheltered ritual priestess from the 3rd century" thing.
ok now yumi
First impression: i dont think i liked her in the preview chapters because i was like okay so her thing is she tries too hard and shes gonna meet painter and shes gonna show him the Value Of Putting Effort Into Things and i was like blech.
Impression now: yumi i would do anything for you. yumi. yumi listen to me. if you wanted me to kill someone i would do it.
Favorite moment: during the sanderlanche..... when shes stacking ten bajillion rocks........ please god
Idea for a story: see painter
Unpopular opinion: i dont know what constitutes an unpopular yumi opinion EXCEPT. that ive seen her get a lot less hype than painter and i really think theres no reason for that except for fandom misogyny. so like. begging people to be as enthusiastic about her as they are about painter please god
Favorite relationship: see painter
Favorite headcanon: she and painter would FOR SURE be t4t if yumi wasnt born with so much passive investiture for her to present as a girl for her whole life therefore effectively transing her gender as she is coming out the pussy and making her essentially cis. i believe this. brandon sanderson told me.
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ordinarymaine · 5 months
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 for whatever you want <3
1. resident evil 8 was such a missed opportunity to do like. idk. anything. im not sure if i necessarily agree with people saying that it was nothing more than a tech demo for re4make, but i definitely see where they're coming from. the factory is a slog, moreau's swamp sucks. house beneviento is by far the scariest part of the entire game and the atmosphere is incredible, but it is CRIMINALLY short. castle d is gorgeous, but lady d herself falls flat as a nemesis / mr x type of enemy. i also just? dont like the writing in re8 at all. the characters are written strangely. i dont know how to put it into words. ethan feels weird. chris feels weird. mia feels weird and was tossed to the side and went from who she was in re7 to like an anime mom. this one is very petty but the fanbase for re8 is annoying as SHIT also. most re fans are irritating but re8 fans are something ELSE. the best thing about re8 is how it looks
2. this very quickly turned from unpopular opinions to Lilith's Hater Hour and im not sure how to word this either but a part of me hates how popular aw2 got. like a big part of me LOVES that, i feel like alan wake has always been underrated and ive loved it for years, its one of my favorite games ever, and im so happy to see it get recognition!! but predictably most of the fanbase has latched onto casey and zane/darling while completely ignoring saga as a character. its a bit annoying </3
3. i do not understand the hype around star wars, or why it got so popular. sorry to my mutuals for saying this on twitter like 3 times in the last 2 weeks and then again here FJFGHJH but i dont get it! i like the prequels, i like the sequels, i like rogue one, i like kotor (havent played either of them but i enjoy them nonetheless), i liked kenobi (pointing obi wan fan) i havent watched andor yet but i know i'll enjoy it. but most of star wars as a whole i just dont think its that. good? like. dont get me wrong when its done well its enjoyable!! but there are better sci fi serieses out there by far. star wars feels like lucasfilms throwing shit at the wall because it looks cool but has little sustenance. i will NOT start on my star trek vs star wars bullshit again because its INCREDIBLY biased LOL
4. i hate fallout 3. i hate traversing it. i hate playing it. i hate how it looks. i dont like the characters. i dont like the story. i dont like the writing. i like fallout 4 more than i like fallout 3, because 4 is at least enjoyable to play and lose myself in, even if the writing is arguably worse. when i first played fallout 3 i kept thinking to myself like. this is it? because for years all i heard was how good it was. and it just isnt LOL
5. i hate alien 3 also. i have not seen it and i do not plan on watching it because i KNOW it will make me angry. i am a BIG hater of shit thats just needlessly pessimistic / depressing / nihilistic simply for the sake of it, and from everything i've read of alien 3, thats exactly how it comes across to me. im sure if i WATCHED it i could more coherently explain why i dislike it, but im so attached to the dynamic that ripley, hicks and newt have that seeing it get thrown away immediately in the start of alien 3 would make me pass away badly
HELP. i didn't mean to ramble this much omg JJFDGJKFDGH i dont think most of this is very well written im sorry it's all very word vomit. i have had a little bit to drink and im feeling very haterish tonight. something in the air. thank you for indulging me <333
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loverboyjamespotter · 5 months
You have a point. I enjoyed pioneers but it was really tough.. But tbh I really didn't get the violence. I mean at some point I could unterstand sirius.. But with james? And I also didn’t really understood the epilouge. Somehow you could feel how devoted they were to each other but on the other hand it I had the feeling the didn't love each other at all u know? All in all I had fun reading it, and the author did a great job, but I couldn't really get behind it u know?
thanks for the message anon!!
i totally agree! i think the writer is clearly extremely talented, their prose is literally amazing as is their world-building!
...BUT!!!! it kind of felt like an oc x oc story if you get what i mean? like it didnt .. FEEL like james and sirius? because like you pointed out the violence made NOOOO sense??? maybe im just not edgy enough or something for the target audience but idk i just dont think JAMES POTTER would treat sirius like that???
the epilogue was again very well written and evocative ... but it just wasnt james and sirius to me?
THATS EXACTLY IT!! at some point you end up asking yourself ... do they even CARE about each other holy shit????
and of course! i agree! its fantastic writing!!!! but i couldnt get behind it either bc its just not what i think prongsfoot is about. i think its a slippery slope in fandom bc of course we all have our own creative licenses (im a fic writer myself!!) but (maybe unpopular opinion) it gets to the point where the characterisation is unrecognisable as the character we all love? you have to ask yourself ... WOULD james potter treat sirius like that? and for me the answer is most certainly NO.
for me at least the appeal of prongsfoot is that james is sirius' safe space he is the only person who TRULY understood sirius - i dont think anyone can refute how CRUEL it was that not a SINGLE person stood up for sirius when he was taken to azkaban, they TRULY all thought him capable of what he was accused of. but i just could NEVER believe that james would go along with all that if he survived the attack on halloween night. thats the POINT of their entire dynamic. they were inseparable, they understood each other like no one else.
so i think having a passionate fiery prongsfoot is a great idea ... i often compare prongsfoot to cathy/heathcliff! and the slytherin!sirius au by arliedraws is sooooo good!
but the violence in pioneers felt gratuitous and untrue to prongsfoot's core!
again thats just my opinion!
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
For the send me a character thing: ctubbo
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lotsa requests for him - sorry for doing thess asks like nine months later it has been a Year
- fav things about him: he is so Aware all of the time i love him. He notices every detail about a situation and knows exactly when shits gonna blow, and he acts on it. really smart guy
- least fav thing about him: counterpoint to the first one, he is so Avoidant. he knows when shits gonna blow, and he craves a status quo and peace so much that he struggles to keep it contained and in doing so he avoids fixing or addressing any actual problem. Perfect consequence from a character building standpoint but it does irk me sometimes
- brotp: aside from the obvious, i really like his dynamic with jack. nice duo that one
- otp: yeah no theres no other option, cbeeduo gay t4t love
- notp: i mostly dont like /r cclingy. It could be interesting (and i do have One plot bunny about it) but people tend to completely zero their og dynamic to make them cute and shippy and i hate it.
- random headcanon: 1) he sleeps with his prosthetic arm on his bedside table, ready to be put on at any time 2) he has very very light sleep, and tends to throw punches when startled awake.
1+2 neans that he has almost took someones head off woth his arm several time, mostly tommy who doesnt know how to fucking knock. The arm's full netherite so it isnt pqrticularly heavy, but it is certainly Sturdier that a Head.
- unpopular opinion: dont think i have anything ngl, im pretty basic with him
- songs i associate with him: obviosu basic one: bang by ajr. less obvious one: bubblegum bitch by marina. miscellaneous au ones: oh ophelia, its always sunny with you, giovani wannabe, turning out pt3
- fav image of them
this fanart by @tubbopride it was my bg for so long snd it tears me in pieces. he doesnt even reach the fuckinf microphone
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and also the "this means nothing vis a vis our naruto debate" comic which i cant for the love of ne find rn.
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jakowskis · 5 months
Day 22 - Discuss Owen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
under the cut for length xD
im actually gonna try to keep this short bc g-d knows like 80% of my brain power’s gone into constantly babbling about owen for the last year. so im gonna speed run this. main opinion? he’s character of all time to me. hes mentally ill hes mean he thinks love is weakness he loves so hard he’d burn down the world for it hes a bitch he cares for his friends sooo much hes good at his job hes bad at his job. hes misogynistic hes a woman hes homophobic hes gay he prioritizes casual sex hes a little bit in love with all his friends hes tries to save others he wants to be saved hes wants to die he gets angry when hes killed he wants to contribute something good he destroys everything he touches hes loyal to a fault he judas’d jack. everyone he loves leaves him he nearly destroyed the world to keep from being abandoned his parents didnt want him his mom never liked him. hes just some guy he’s the most insane bitch to ever exist. hes transmasc shes butch hes a straight guy she could be the worst woman ever hes a bi imbicile. hes mean and bitter and angry and awful and he tries to remind everyone and himself of it but hes good hes good hes good in the end.
other opinions uh… i think the writing handles him irresponsibly at times, and is disrespectful towards him, although maybe they thought it was justified cuz hes an ass sdjkfhds. but the undead arc is fucking mean to him in a lot of places. dmw in particular is like… idk it just strikes a particular tone at his expense, i don’t like it. it’s cruel. but torchwood isn’t exactly a show that respects its characters much. something that particularly bothers me is the way he oscillates between being fucked up and fine in a way that’s like… not realistic, it’s obvious it’s just a writing issue. like, the way he’s magically better and healthier and less of a prick after season 1, and then again after the undead arc. like that’s not how it works. that character growth wasn’t earned. that’s a pet peeve i have, and also kind of why s2 owen exists in a different place in my head as s1 owen. the main owen that lives in my head is him at his worst, not a version of him who’s randomly and inexplicably doing better and being kinder, and as a fic writer i like starting at that unhealthy baseline and trying to actually put the work into making him better, too. lord knows the show didn’t care enough to do it well. then again, it’s torchwood, yknow. the characters aren’t the focus. unfortunately. 
my fav and least fav owen moments are my fav and least fav eps of the whole show fdshfkdjs so they can be found here and here. but tldr, fav moment is everything that happens in the last two eps of s1. least fav is every time he interacts w tosh. lolol. dude i could list sm moments of his that i love i have like five compilations of him on my phone. im ill lmao. there are 11k mentions of his name from me on discord across all my servers ;-; guy im deranged abt fr
unpopular opinions 
i think he’s easily the best written character (not the best character, that's subjective ofc - but i also lowkey think he's the best character. but also im slam dunking him into a dumpster cuz he sucks)
tbh i don’t completely like his backstory? but it is what it is. i just think s2 owen feels very different from s1 owen and they worked so hard to make him more likeable which is nice and all but it’s almost at odds with his original characterization. like i said, s1 owen and s2 owen are practically diff characters to me
mmm and i dont like s2 owen quite as much ;-; i much prefer him in s1. i do like his undead arc though. well. i like aditd. dmw 😒 my beloathed
in general i dont like nice owen fdhfjsdhfkd which i think is an unpopular opinion. im just v picky abt him tbh
i fucking HATE adam!owen he’s not cute. i loathe him. talked about that more here.
(THIS one’s controversial but imho!) him and jack have a very unhealthy + borderline abusive relationship but! it’s in a lowkey fruity way and not a, gag, paternal or brotherly way. ill talk about this more at some point, i wanna do an analysis of their relationship but i don't fully have my thoughts on it together yet. but i think they have smth a bit psychosexual (in the tomgreg definition of the word. where my succession freaks at) going on.
(in general i HATE the fatherly jack & owen angle it makes me super uncomfortable when jack flirts w him in canon. this is the horny show dude. why does authority figure automatically equal father figure to ppl. weird. jack's his commanding officer, guys. also the inherent homoeroticism of being someone's second in command. yknow. he brought him back from the fucking dead, dude. that was fruity with gwen & suzie and it was fruity with jack & owen idc.)
slightly adjacent - i think owen’s a lot gayer than he lets on / than people see him as. i don’t think he’s women-leaning at all, i think he’s more of a 50/50 bi, he’s just got some p heavy internalized issues going on. he’ll sleep with men, if the opportunity presents itself (so he can justify it, lawl), but i think he has issues with the idea of loving and dating one. but i think he’s just as attracted to men as he is to women. 
that being said, i dont think he’d call himself straight. one of my biggest pet peeves is fics where owen’s like “im not gay btw” he wouldnt fucking say that. i think if you asked owen about his sexuality he’d do a hand wavey motion and thatd be that
tosh x owen bad btw ive made my opinion on that clear. i like him with suzie and gwen and martha and even diane, but not tosh. not a cute dynamic. 
and speaking of, he doesnt secretly like tosh lol. ive seen ppl who think he’s secretly very fond of her - i don’t agree with that at all, cuz canon sure says the opposite. he respects her but he doesn't particularly like her very much. (cuz hes a bad taste MORON imagine not liking tosh. what a fucking freak.) which SUCKS i want them to be friends. i want them to be nerd buddies. but nooo. 
in general he’s a “bisexual man who treats women like shit therefore im shipping him w men till he learns be behave” type of character to me
gay love would fix him. btw. i think he needs a boyfriend i think it’d heal him
hcs… i have a lot but a lot of them r private OR i eventually intend to pepper them into my fics so im kind of hoarding them… but i do have some like
for starters he’s a bpd icon
also hes audhd af
he was rlly into punk shit as a teen + played with gender a little bit back then, + sexuality (kissing his guy friends in public to make a statement / piss someone off, that sort of thing). that was kind of his first experience with queerness + figuring himself out + bc of that it was born from a place of defiance that he never fully got over. helped him feel like he was taking back control over smth that made him feel like shit (his mom was. Not an ally. to say the least)
in fact a lot of his behavior is a result of his mom believing he’d always be a fuck up, that he’d never amount to anything. he wears spite like a badge. being a poor kid who became a doctor and getting engaged at 23 were both ‘fuck yous’ to his mom. 
he dabbled in playing drums as a teen (i stole this from burn but i mean owen already canonically skateboards just cuz burn brought his on-set. the rest of burn’s interests owen would probs find dorky tho). he still drums his fingers + pens on his desk a lot this drives everyone crazy. he needs fidget toys
oh he chews on pens also. and hes a chronic leg bouncer. (gwen also has anxious stims actually. if u get those two together on a bad day its a lil cacophony of sound. shes more a nail biting sort tho)
i dont come up with stuff for undead owen much cuz it bums me out but one of my few hcs is he gets rlly into gaming cuz its smth to do. cant skateboard anymore cuz he might hurt himself so he picks up thps *taps temple*. also he shreds at guitar hero but only privately (he thinks its cringe). hes mainly a ps2/ps3 player but tosh builds him a gaming pc (partially just cuz she wants to like the reward of getting to make smth w her hands dhfkdsj). he also gets into doom + postal from his youth again. hes a little more wary of shooter games now that it's his career but also its good for his anger fff
in my owandy verse he has an english bulldog named alfie and he babytalks him but its a very “no one will ever believe you” situation HFSDJHFSDKJFK
i think about owen and pets a lot bc it amuses me <3 i dont think hes a very pet-oriented person but i like the thought of him with reptiles or ferrets. i think he should be a ferret dad. ive been trying to weasel this (ha) into my owento verse bc i think ianto would be displeased. 
ok ill stop before this gets too long.
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avvidstarion · 8 months
1, 6, 8, 12, and 17 my hater in arms 💕
The character everyone gets wrong
OKAY this is niche and OUTTA LEFT FIELD but my favorite book of ALL TIME is we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson and the HATE i see for its protagonist is ALL WRONG. It's in the same vein as like Chara undertale hate (another of my fave characters of all time) where peoples see a CHILD that clearly has a lot going on and are like. this person is irredeemably evil. no they're traumatized
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
bloodweave sorry bloodweave like. for why. why is it so popular why is it everywhere. like yeah every origin ship is valid and can be canon but like they both have much more interesting dynamics with other charactes. where is the gale/lae'zel art. hwere is the aslach (ass lack) or the aswylllach (ass will lack) art. why is bloodweave the most popular origin ship
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
okay this doesn't exactly fit bc i dont think it's super popular per se but it's on my mind today. i hate seeing fanart of kakashi and gojo together. people always twinkify them and alwasy draw them like they're about to fuck. 1) kakashi is not hot (dont get me wrong i want to fuck him but not cause he's like. physically attractive.) 2) they are not the same person 3) gojo will never be kakashi gojo wishes he was kakashi 4) kakashi would kill that man
OH OH ALSO THAT REMINDS ME I'LL THROW THIS IN HERE TOO. i don't like kakashi/iruka i think it's unfounded. they hardly ever talk. yeah they both love naruto but like can just be his mentor figures separately they don't have to be married. kakashi is married to guy like they are MARRIED. i feel like kakashi/guy would be way more popular if guy was a prettyboy twink (like iruka)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i wanna say wyll but like that shit actually makes me fucking angry and not in a silly haha way so i am going to instead say sera dragonage. now. i know there are a lot of sera dragonage haters out there and there are some things about her that i do not like. however i overall love her and i think she is a tragic case of bad writing and wasted potential. why did they have a straight white guy write a lesbian whose character arc revolves around internalized racism. why does the game literally talk shit about her during her romance arc. literally one of her romance quests is "you love sera and wanna get her something to show her how much you care. go ask your friends for gift advice" and EVERY SINGLE COMPANION OR ADVISOR IS JUST LIKE. I HATE SERA SHES SO ANNOYING WHY ARE YOU DATING HER. UGH. ALSO. the game makes you be so mean to her!! so many times the only dialogue options with her are like "stop talking weird i dont understand you'". also the fact that YOU CAN LITERALLY KICK HER OUT AT ANY TIME??? LIKE NO MATTER WHAT THERE IS ALWAYS A DIALOGUE BUTTON TO KICK HER OUT?? here are reasons why you should like sera:
she is fun trickster! solas fucking wishes he was her.
her subclass is just super fun!! throw jars of bees and fire and shit at your enemies!
she is so genuine and cares so much about what she believes in. i wish that was explored more but as i have said the game literally hates her so.
she loves you so much!!!! she marries you!!!!!!!!!
i actualy really like her voice and the way she talks. shes just fun!
she's autistic <3
17. there should be more types of this fic/art
more people should be drawing gale and halsin and karlach fat, for one. also everyone else in the party but like especially those three. larian the fact that you have zero fat people in your game sucks supremely and you should feel bad about it.
actually draw more characters as fat anyway.
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