#i dont make the rules /j
agentplutonium · 11 months
There was a concept that I really wanted to explore with Milo and Sweetheart, but I'm not all that sure it's in character. But here it is anyway, cause really y'all can't stop me when I actually feel like writing.
CW: Gender Neutral Sweetheart (referred to as Sneaks in this, uses They/Them pronouns), Demisexual Sweetheart, not NSFW but they are getting hot and heavy in the beginning of this, casual talk of sex/all that kinda stuff
Sneaks didn’t understand. They were the one to suggest it in the first place, so they didn’t understand why things were changing now. They did everything right, they were fine just mere minutes before this, what was happening?
The two of them have been building up to this moment all day. Sneaks was excited, and more than happy to indulge in this. They’d gotten as far as the bed, equally haphazardly undressed.
Milo moved to trail kisses along their neck, leaving Sneaks to stare up at the ceiling. It did feel good, just… Sneaks couldn't put it into words. It felt… wrong almost. They felt like their skin was crawling, itching to become a separate entity.
But it made Milo happy. He was having fun and feeling good, couldn’t they do this for him? Couldn’t they put up with it just until he had his fill? They could do it and it not be a horrible experience for them. Milo knew how they were, but they never tried to stop something after initiating. Would he understand? Would he get upset with them, angry even? There were sparks of pleasure there, swirling deep in their stomach. They could make this work, they had to just endure it.
But they could feel it. The unease. The dread. It was like lead in their heart, weighing down their very core. It felt like a chore, something they would never do willingly, and they hated that. They didn’t want times like this to be a chore for them. They loved Milo. They wanted nothing to feel like a chore with him.
Milo nipped Sneaks' earlobe, but it didn't have any effect. It usually had them gasping, and then they'd get teased for it. It wasn't right, none of this was right.
Sneaks couldn’t do this.
Sneaks swallowed thickly, the hand that was holding onto Milo’s shoulder starting to push him back. “Milo,” they whispered, voice thick. “Milo, please.”
Milo, who seemed to catch on to their unease quickly, pulled back with a worried expression etched into his face. “What’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Sneaks shook their head, hands coming up to rest against his cheek. “No, you’re okay. I just… I don’t think I can do this.”
“You just not feeling it anymore?” Milo asked. Sneaks was searching for something they were familiar with. Disappointment. Anger. Regret or resentment. Anything that they’ve seen before. But it never came.
Sneaks shook their head again, finally answering Milo's question. "I'm sorry," They whispered.
"Nothing to be sorry for," Milo reassured, then paused. "Can I kiss you?"
Sneaks nodded but felt guilt gnaw at their chest. They had him questioning things he wouldn't have second-guessed. Milo only smiled at them before pressing his lips to theirs, gentle and soft, nothing how it was a few moments before.
Milo pulled back, sitting up. Sneaks grabbed the first shirt they should get their hands on, which ended up being Milo's, and put it on.
"I'll be back," Milo told them. "Do you want me to bring you back some water?"
"Sure," Sneaks muttered, sitting up and curling in on themselves.
Milo gave them a weird look but didn't press it. "Alright, well, I'll be right back."
Sneaks was left alone after that.
God, what were they doing? They could have avoided this, they could have kept Milo happy. If only they weren't the way they were. It must have been so easy for Milo in his other relationships. What if he realizes that, and doesn't want to try and work it out with them anymore? Would Milo want to stay with them?
"Here you are," Milo said, coming back into the room. He handed them one of the glasses he had, sitting back down beside them.
Sneaks took a small sip, not being able to make eye contact with him. They were waiting for him to say something, to bring it up, ask for an explanation, or something.
Instead, he brushed some of their hair out of their face, hand resting on their neck afterward. "What's wrong, Sweetheart? You got that look again." "Aren't you going to say something?" Sneaks asked quietly, the tremble in their voice noticeable. "Aren't you mad?"
"Mad? At what, the fact that you stopped something you weren't comfortable with?" Milo asked, voice soft. "Now why would I be mad about that, huh?"
Sneaks couldn't come up with an answer right then. Instead, they said, "You were having fun though."
"'Course I was," Milo said, "It's you. But, I would have been more upset if you let me do something like that without you wanting it."
"You didn't have to think about this before," Sneaks pointed out. They weren't sure why they were doing this, giving Milo reasons to be upset. It was like their mind was poking for some kind of reaction.
"I was still looking for consent, Sweetheart," Milo joked lightly. "It wasn't like I wasn't paying attention."
Sneaks frowned, eyes falling to the glass in their hand, fingers running along the rim of it. They were quiet for a few moments, mind muddling over what had happened.
"You don't want an explanation?" They ask finally.
"Do you want to give one?" Milo countered. They weren't sure if they did. Maybe not yet. When Milo didn't get an answer, he continued. "Sweetheart, it's your body. I'm never gonna do anything you don't want me to. Even if we ever get further than we are now, and you decided that you wanted to pull the plug, I would have listened. Wouldn't you do the same for me?"
"Of course," Sneaks answered without thinking.
"Then what does it matter?" Milo asked, not unkindly. He guided their gaze back up to him, and they saw that he was smiling at them. "I love you, and I want you to be happy. That's it. Plain and simple."
Sneaks could only look at him, trying to understand. They expected outrage, anger, and regret, not this. Literally anything else but this. This soft, caring tone that Milo had taken on, countering every negative thought that they were having. When was the last time someone put this much effort into something like this? This much effort into them?
"Do you regret it?" Sneaks whispered, and they finally started to feel a sting behind their eyes.
"Regret you?" Milo clarified, giving a soft chuckle. "Fuck no, Sweetheart. You're the best damn thing to happen to me. Hell," he let out an amused huff, "even if you decide that we can never have sex again, so long as you stay beside me, I'd still die the happiest man on earth. Because you," the word was punctuated with Milo grabbing both sides of their face, "are more than just sex, Sweetheart. You're more than just a body, though your body specifically is certainly an added bonus because it's yours."
Sneaks rolled their eyes, but Milo kept going.
"I do not, and will not ever, regret loving you, Sweetheart. And I'm gonna be here every time you need me to set those kinds of thoughts straight. You got that?"
Sneaks nodded, but Milo was having none of it.
"Say it." "I got it, Mi," Sneaks said, trying to keep the embarrassment out of their voice.
"Good," Milo pulled them in for a kiss, leaving their head spinning as usual. "I'll be here to remind you anytime you need," he added, only pulling back a few inches to say it.
Sneaks felt their chest grow tight again, but this time it was out of love rather than dread. It was like their very heart was swelling to three times its size just at that moment alone, becoming as light as helium, lifting them.
Sneaks pressed in once more to give Milo a quick kiss. "Lay down with me?" They asked.
"Of course," Milo said, "Anything for my Baby."
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fitzs-space · 1 year
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Mans is simply always cold, let him be.
more old comics! this one is from back in June, and right after I made the picrew so I was a bit burnt out. quality's not the best but I still like the "All the hermits steal each others clothes" idea
And a transcript and bonus below the cut
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Tango didn't mean to get one as large, homie just forgot how short Grian is /j
Grian: I didn’t realize your whole jacket was just a hoodie and some vest,,, Why do you wear so many layers anyway? /how do you not over heat???/ Tango: don’t really know, think I just got used to the temps in the nether. Even though everyone calls me a walking space heater, I just always feel cold in the overworld. Grian: oh wait! Is this a TNT hoodie?! Tango: oh yea, think impulse got it for me,, Grian: you realize I’m absolutely going to steal this right? Tango: I’ve come to terms with that fact.
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spaghettiandart · 1 year
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I constantly flip flop between wanting to depict them as funny sitcom frenemies or as "evil horror movie demon who haunts woman with anxiety disorder"
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anxietyfluffy · 2 months
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FINALLY FINISHED THIS!! here is an artwork featuring my OC Afshin and @blugnettabutterflies's oc Mariana!! love these two so much holding them in the palms of my hands
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 months
(where is the marauders at hogwarts fic but its gossip girl)
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tabbyrocks · 9 months
throws some mha tierlists at you to tell you my opinions on things but without having to type them out
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(ship list) rodydeku would be in the "sent from the heavens" category IF THEY WERE IN THE TIERLIST.
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(character list)
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Need more fics that explore spiderverse Miles' relationship to masculinity bc I've only seen that sort of thing with Miles G (mostly because people have already assigned hypermasculinity to this version of him based on the entire minute that he has been on screen but whatever)
He has this father who seems to embody "traditional" masculine attributes in both physical appearance and having a job heavily associated with that. To what extent does Miles want to be like his dad? Does the mantle of Spider-Man bring him closer to this ideal in a similar way to how, for Gwen Stacy, her being Spider-Woman allows her to be as heroic as she thinks her dad is?
I mean think about it. He deepens his voice artificially whenever he wants to seem more "like a man" to whoever he's around but fails at it comically. He is also terribly awkward with social situations where he can't crack a (bad) joke or talk about nerd shit, and I think that would make it way harder to do typical "man things" like flirt with girls and stuff, yknow? Obviously there is nothing that particularly stands out about these things beyond Miles being a typical awkward teenage boy in a rush to grow up but if you're creative enough you can spin this in many different directions and view it through many different lenses. Does that make sense? Am I making sense?
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HEADCANONS: girlie is agender bisexual i just know it i need her to be able to visit her kits at the starclan border or else i will cry also she has bipolar get my babygirl some mood stabilizers 😭
//also, so that i wont have to clarify later like with my appledusk hc, this isnt me making her a negative stereotype on bipolar, i literally have bipolar and am projecting onto her! if you dont like it thats fine but i just need to make sure yall understand im not being ableist 💀
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jedibinx · 3 months
I've fallen so far down the J rabbit hole that I no longer use my pinterest account I automatically sign in to J's and save stuff as if I were them. They even have pronouns in their bio and a poem about themselves and I feel my delulu train has come off the rails a little but I'm fully enjoying the ride.
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rhaenyratargeryn · 10 months
I'm obsessed with Rhaenyra and by extension I am obsessed with Alicent because they are iN LOVE.
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badlydrawnkankri · 10 months
How would you like a bowl of chicken oSoup, Kankri? You oSeem a bit, hm, oStressed.
(ooc: kankri stop youre going to make him start crushing on you /half-joking)
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rottenkadaver · 1 year
I now deem this week polychampions week
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clairedelune-13 · 9 months
The Angel stroking the torso of the Thin Dark Duke 😂
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ghastly bespoke is a trans man thank you for your time
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Saw a bit of leaked dialogue with Cyno and Kaveh discussing Alhaitham and some Kavetham shipper comes in like "This is supposed to be about Kavetham why are you all trying to make it about Cytham" as if official dialogue is like, a thing that belonged to them until we stole it.
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rensartpark · 10 months
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My Guyfriend design
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