#i dont mean to sound like a dumb ass but.....
thatonebipotato · 8 months
apparently people are already starting to babify Simon P again,,
that is an almost 60 year old man who lived through an apocalypse and the trauma of being suppressed in his own mind for almost a thousand years, who then had to be thrown into the future where he lost his lover and was left to struggle in an unfamiliar environment while he grappled with whether or not being present in time and sane was even worth it
what do you mEAN
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mortalheartache · 2 months
The fear of posting ANYTHING about what food I’m eating on this hellsite bc what if one of Them (the food fetish blogs with NO boundaries) gets to me and ruins my day
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r1ghtwhereyouleftme · 4 months
Me: I hate [insert thing here] discourse
Also me: *gets so annoyed when people are blatantly stupid and do things thay make zero sense therefore making me go along with discourse bc I can only handle so much stupidity*
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bicon-crange · 8 months
this sucks so much ass i should be able to sue and i fucking mean that
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OH about the finale at the shrine, this completely slipped my notice when we were talking about it, but Ichi says he's "reporting" Jo's verdict to both Arakawa and Masato. It's just not translated that way.
Not too big of a difference (well, it is to me, but I'm insane), but if it was highlighting anything, I'd guess it's probably Masato's change of heart. It would've been fair for Ichi to assume Masato wouldn't care and only "report" to Arakawa, but in the context of Ichi doing his damnedest to show Masato they all love him, it works in terms of, "Maybe I made him reconsider, and maybe now he would care."
Also... I'm looking at it in a "measured" way, since the chapter trophies are always just standard "Nth Chapter Cleared" messages that the localization team just spices up for us, but there's something I find really poignant about the Chapter 13 trophy being worded as "Fate of Our Fathers." The pluralization of both the noun and pronoun. Realizations that come too late.
Of course, Masato definitely didn't "know" and had no real reason to suspect it, but the Arakawas have this bizarre subconscious almost-psychic link. So even if he doesn't really think so, there's this sense that Ichi "might as well" be Arakawa's "real" son because they're so much more alike. And maaaybe he felt that way about Jo and himself at one point, because (as we've discussed) there has to be a reason Jo was Masato's "favorite."
[Follow up to this ask]
#snap chats#yeah i have no real notes sorry LMAO LIKE THIS IS GOOD ON ITS OWN YK. every base is covered#LIKE nothing i could say could really enhance anything or add much. god im so bad at words i should drop dead right now#i can reaffirm that masato definitely sees ichi as arakawass 'real' son if his whole 'you remind me of dad' bit is anything to go off of#thats a weird line/sentiment now aint it#masato didnt consider him and ichi as family and ergo he's angry at how similar ichi and arakawa are#i guess that's more of a deep-dive into that hypothetical masato essay ill probably never get to- why masato hates arakawa like he does#about 'fate of /our/ /fathers/' tho thats def an interesting point no matter how you slice it#'our fathers' could refer to arakawa and sawashiro and ichi and masato respectively#i.e. masumi- ichi's bio father and sawashiro- masato's bio father- and what happens to them by the end of the game yk#there's an alt way to see if as both arakawa and sawashiro as both ichi and masato's fathers#though im gonna chewing my cheek on that one. sure we've compared sawashiro to an abusive stepparent#idk... i think it's just cause ichi shows up well into his teens that it doesnt register in my brain that sawashiro could be a father figur#but thats MY personal dumb ass rambling im just here to vaguely try to interpret the title in multiple ways to cover everything#moving on tho... the use of 'our' prevents 'fathers' referring to only one of them . so. Aforementioned Possibilities have been listed#making it sound like i have anything else to say I DONT I ALREADY SAID EVERYTHING dummy. putting myself in the dunce corner#on that note. hopefully it finally got through to masato how much people loved him before he got ganked#i mean for sure it did but yk. still mad about y7 ending im gonna kill someone In Minecraft#'i have nothing else to say' LIAR YOU ARE A LIAR !!!!! THE FUCK ARE THESE TAGS STUPID ASS#anyway im going back to my google doc. im almost done with another cringe fic. sorry#BYE
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
so i’ve always been of the opinion that the whole twist ending of Drawn to Life The Next Chapter is wack as HELL but i will say it is a bit of a power move to do an “it was all a dream” ending where the person dreaming isn’t even the perspective character. just some guy
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aw-bean-s · 1 year
Gotta say as someone whos been out since they were young, I'm really sick of having to defend the existence of queer people in media and explain how it's 'useful' or 'plot important' when straight ppl i know can like whatever trashy het romance they want no questions. Like does it have to be useful? Can it not just be there? It doesn't 'cheapen' anything its just there and suddenly you have to fight for your life to explain why it should get to exist. And it's always the bloody 'pandering' 'it's a trend' argument and I hate it because is it so terrible if they pander to ME for once instead of you?? Is that so terrible?? But you can't say that because then you're a fool who doesn't understand good storytelling. And then if they're real annoying, they'll pull the 'well i don't like when ANY romance is just pushed in' so then why. Is it always queer stuff you're complaining about?? And then I'm forced to be defending a (honestly poorly written) queer romance because all I said was that it couldve been handled better and somehow to straight ppl that translate to 'yeah they shouldn't have done it at all' and they don't even REALISE their bias and that SOMEHOW the ONLY FUCKING TIME we have this arguement it's about a queer character. Can I not enjoy the fact a superhero I like is bisexual while also admitting I don't like how they flattened their character after it? Can I not say 'yeah it's trashy but theyre cute' to some crap TV show? Does it always have to be perfect? Because yeah. I want good shows. I want complex dynamics. But sometimes it just feels nice when the silly comic book character is bisexual. And these motherfuckers will ALWAYS find some way to argue that it wasn't relevant and therefore they shouldn't have come out at all, which is just another way of saying that queerness should be kept away from the things they like and only be included if 'plot relevant' so then they can avoid it. I'm just so tired, so so fucking tired, of having the same argument over. And over. And over again with the same people about the same things when all I wanted to do was talk about a bisexual character WITHOUT some asshole jumping down my throat. I've been doing this shit since I was 12 and I'm just tired. Christ.
#'forced' my ass#If you can't tell i made the mistake of talking about comics to my dad#He's not like. Homophobic. He's just dumb and has internal biases he does not care to check unless he's drunk#And unfortunately I caught him before he opened the whiskey while he was still on beer :/ my mistake honestly#Also I know that it sounds like I go out of my way to pick fights (according to dad anyway) but I really dont#All I fucking said was 'yeah I like that they're bisexual but i don't like that they flattened their character afterwards'#'it's like they decided being bisexual and in a relationship was enough of a substitute for personality'#Which yeah I should have seen that coming but I wasn't wrong#Unfortunately he took it to mean that being bisexual is what ruined it and had no idea a character could be well written AND bisexual#When its not the bisexuality it's the writing and also! Entirely my own opinion! Other ppl think differently to me!#Just sucks when he's my dad and I have to make a compelling argument for why people like me should get to exist in fiction at all#Fuck that though I'm gonna write some big story and they're all gonna come out as bisexual for no reason just out of spite#Just one by one everyone becomes bisexual and what can he do? Complain about it?#Because mum would tear him a new asshole if he tried that shit in front of her#Anyway. Yeah. Probs was my fault because I shouldn't have mentioned the bi thing#I was just happy about it even if it wasn't up to my standards#It was silly of me. I might not have picked a fight deliberately but it was my fault#It's just frustrating because every 'plot important' bisexual is some seductress who swings both ways for their own benefit#There's no variety but it's the ONLY type of bisexual I haven't heard ppl complain about#Vent#Sorry abt this I'm just tired and angry and bisexual#(said like that isn't my default state)
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fmhobeus · 3 months
so, nerdy loser college boy choso *sighs* *opens legs*
a/n: just so you know, this man is gonna make you do all the hard work for a piece of that loser boy dick 😮‍💨 so... um so at some point around 2000 words in i realised this is way more than a hc post :3 eat it up if you will!
nerdy!choso who borderline has no friends except his gaming buddies who doesnt meet irl like ever. he doesnt like going to classes, especially this one. he doesnt need it but it's a requirement for all first years. and boy is glad it is when he sees you come in.
nerdy!choso who only listens to discussions when you're talking. suddenly he needs to put down his headphones and nod at every word you're saying. his eyes follow every gesture of your hand, every sway of your ass, every single time you fix your hair.
nerdy!choso who is starting to get a bit enamored with you, your style, your way of speaking. he loses track of time gawking at you in class from the last benches as you prettily do all the work in the class. he hates how beautifully your hair falls on your face, how nicely your clothes fit you despite being pretty modest for college. he hates how he can see the silhouette of your tits when you turn to the side. but he's too much of a gentleman to keep looking.
nerdy!choso who ends a game early when he remembers you, lying and saying that he had promised someone to meet them somewhere. the place is his bathroom and the person was you. god, you really shouldn't wear those tight jeans to class y'know? how will he continue to be a gentleman if you do?
nerdy!choso who despises groupwork but prays to dear god this class has some reason to pair you two together. he's getting so desperate to talk to you knowing damn well he too pussy to do it on his own. and the lord answers his prayers, the teacher assigns groups of three for a presentation. it's you, him and some slacking trust fund baby.
nerdy!choso who is about to combust and have a full blown panic attack when he sees you approach him after class with that smile on your face that would make the angels swoon. you're going on about distributing the work equally and what not while he is trying his fucking hardest to not accidently make eye contact with you and piss his pants : (
nerdy!choso who now has your name, your number and your email and he feels like the happiest man on earth. his hands are literally shaking as he responds to your request to call. he's overthinking every word he types.
choso: yeah i can do wednesday. choso: i'll be okay with whatever day you want.
nerdy!choso who hops on video call and short circuits with a view of you in an oversized band tee and a brief view of your room. why did you have to be this pretty? why did you have to video call him when you couldve done the work on text? why did you have to put your hair up like that? why oh why did you have you say "choso? hey, you there?" so seductively to bring him back to the present?
nerdy!choso who gets like no work done in a 30 minute call which felt like three hours. he knew he would hardly be paying attention so decided to record the call with your consent, saying he'd need the notes you were typing out on screen only to play it back and stroke his dick to you for what might've have been the twentieth time this week. his strokes only getting faster as you say his name in that voice he imagines sounds way better moaning and screaming it instead.
nerdy!choso who, after the presentation, is on greeting terms with you when he sees you studying in the library. he sits as far away from you as he can while still being able to see you. occupying the coziest corner of the library to stare at you study right when you come up to him.
"can i join you, choso? i'm all alone and your space seems comfy" you say with a smile, "of course, i dont mean to disturb you, is saw you were on your own too, so..."
uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. god no. please no. please dont say yes. please dont be staring at her like some dumb idiot (too late) please.
"uh... yeah sure why not?" he awkwardly says as he makes room for you to keep your things. he was such an idiot for thinking he could say no to your pretty face in the first place.
nerdy!choso who is absolutely drunk on your scent. it feels way better than any alcohol he's ever had. he feels like an animal in heat when he smells your sugary perfume mixed with the styrofoam-y air conditioned smell of the library. you're gonna kill him, yknow? how is he supposed to respond to this? what is one to do when their stupid college crush sits next to them? he gives you a half smile before furiously typing away on reddit, the only place with answers for losers like him.
nerdy!choso whose hands. oh his hands. (can be i a big whore for a second?) his long hands that feel like they're the size of your face. his kempt, beautiful and trimmed nails. his lengthy fingers that seem to yearn for something more to foddle with than just the keyboard or controller. he typed as such an insane pace it made your pussy ache. he was going so fast, jesus. those hands were meant to do more than just ask "how to talk to girls" on reddit.
nerdy!choso who (on the advice of reddit) asks if you would want him to order something for you. you tell you had a frappuccino not too long ago and that it was quite sweet and filling. and he hates himself for thinking that he could give you something much sweeter and filling than that like a horny fourteen year old.
nerdy!choso who is now determined to not come off as a creep so he does his work with the focus of four adderalls. he is typing as fast as his heartbeat, not realising he got two classes worth of work done in just an hour. he looks over at you, blissfully unaware of the absolute war in his mind.
nerdy!choso who feels as though if he doesn't muster up the courage to ask you out right then and there, he'll probably be the biggest loser on the planet. (as if he wasn't already)
nerdy! pathetic! choso who stutters a million times and barely gets the job done then too. his eyes are scanning your entire being (trying his best to not gawk at your tits) for any sign of discomfort.
"so- uhh so ummm... wo-would you, like, uh... like to do this again? sometime?... i got a.. a lot of work done today, so.."
oh heavens, the sheer nervousness in his tone makes you want to pull his pants down and show him how to really get work done.
you agree with a smile, even suggesting a better, more ambient (more romantic) cafe to study in. choso's heart is about to burst and flood the fucking library with his blood the way it is beating at an alarming rate.
"umm yeah uh 5 sounds... awesome... i hope it isn't a-a bother to you?" "no way, choso. i loved today," you offer him a smile as you gather your things, "i really like your hair, by the way" "i like your hair too, y-y-you smell very nice", he gulps.
fuck. why did he say that? what? you smell nice? who says that? is he like ten? you can't help but giggle at the sheer embarassment on his face.
he feels as though he's gonna melt into a puddle and turn to stone and throw up all at the same time.
nerdy!choso who is the most stupidly hot guy you've ever met, you think as you go giggling back to your dorm. mental note: pick a skimpy outfit for 5pm ;)
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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sh1-n0bu · 7 months
𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔲’𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 2023!
day 22: double dom with dan heng from hsr
warnings: two readers, cock/strap/shaft/length traditions, praise, degrading, double penetration, overstimulation, dacryphilia, creampie, squirting, oral, slapping, slight feminization, slight breeding, love confessions even though reader and dan heng are in relationship, shit gets messy
notes: if yall didnt like normal dan heng, yall dont deserve lunae. i die by this statement
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“what a whore. look at him, squealing like he wants more”
“won’t you shut the fuck up? and don’t call dan heng ‘whore’ again unless you want to have your jaw broken”
all dan heng could do was let out a high pitched embarrassed squeal again as he comes on your hand again. his face was flushed red, all the way to his shoulders. bare skin covered in sweat, tears and drool as he tries to make sense of who it was that was fucking his hole open now.
it was weird to wake up to the noise of commotion. especially if the commotion was caused by two you. at first dan heng thought he was having some super weird dream. he tried slapping himself, pinching himself and even thought if his food or drink was spiked with something weird.
but no. none of it was sadly true and the situation he woke up to was very much real. there, standing over the side of the bed were two [name]s. exact carbon copies of one another except one was cussing the other out more while the other was calm and collected. but the calm one was losing their shit more and more as the other [name] spits curses at them.
somehow, it ends up in this little competition between the two [name]s to see which one can fuck him better.
one was gentle with him. coaxing him gently, peppering kisses on his neck and whispering soothing words in his ear. praising him for how pretty he looks, how he was so beautiful and ethereal, how he was doing such a good job as dan heng gags and chokes around your cock. saliva slipping from the side of his mouth, slipping down his chin as his whines get muffled with your length down his throat, causing slight bulge in them.
the other was mean. degrading him, calling him a filthy whore for letting himself get used by two [name]s. a fucking slut for willingly opening his legs wide and allowing his cute puckering hole to get fucked over and over. their strap pushing their own cum deeper inside him, pushing him into impossible, near painful positions as dan heng cries fat globs of tears. he never knew that his lover could be mean. even more, he didn’t knew that he would be so damn turned on by the mean slaps to his inner thigh, making him squeal and clench around the mean one like a harlot.
dan heng didn’t knew which one to focus on. all he could do was lay there on the bed. spread out with his inner thighs and ass red from the mean one’s slaps. his own cum painting his stomach as he sobs in a twisted sense of pain and pleasure. he felt so full, he was so sure that he was going to bend the biology of a vidyadhara and get pregnant.
by the mean [name] or by the gentle [name], he didn’t knew. he couldn’t even tell if the one who was keeping his legs open as he trashes and whimpers of feeling so full is his own [name] of this reality.
“you’re doing it wrong. fuck him hard like you mean it, dumb fuck. look at him. he’s getting my hard work all over the place!”
a voice hisses, angry and annoyed by the sound of it. a hand comes to knead his sore ass, making dan heng let out a choked whimper and cling to the other one tighter. ah, the one whose cock was inside him right now was the gentle one.
“guunck—! puh-please… can’t… i can’t take more… please please pleaseplease—! [n-name], you’re gonna break me… aaanh♡︎!!” dan heng lets out a loud moan. shrill and drawn out like a girl’s as his thighs shake from where they’re wrapped around your waist.
clinging to the gentle one was his only source of comfort and grounding. if not, dan heng was sure that his mind will break and his brain would get fried from the overwhelming amount of pleasure and pain.
“shut up, slut. you’re going to have to take everything if you want to decide who’s the winner here” the angry one grunts, kneading his already red and sore ass before slapping him again. dan heng twitches, bucking his hips as he tries to escape the mean one’s hold on him only to grind your cock against his prostate. he was shooting blanks from just that. body too overstimulated to keep going. but he wanted to. the sick perverted part of his mind wanted to feel the pain.
spreading his asscheeks apart with both hands, the poser takes a moment. eerily silent and calm faced as they watch the both of your mixed cum slowly ooze out of his loose hole, dripping down onto the mattress below. it created more wet stain in the already messed up mattress. but it also gave the poser an idea.
all the while you whispered of love and gentle reassurances into the ruined man’s ear, the other you shuffle closer until their chest was flush against dan heng’s back. the faraway look in his teary eyes, the old tearstains and the drool covering his chin was more than enough proof that dan heng was far gone. mind filled with statics as he can only take and take and take whatever’s given to him.
“hey, shift him a bit and pull out until your tip, will you?” the other you says, tapping your hips. for a moment, you just wanted to tell your doppelgänger to fuck off and go back to their own reality. but the excited look in their eyes got you sighing as you fulfill what they asked.
pulling out until only your tip is inside his gaping hole, you whisper more sweet nothings to dan heng when he whimpers at the feeling. he was already so spent. he possibly can’t handle what your other half was planning. but you were possessive and that trait mixed with a feeling of wanting to prove that you’re worth dan heng made you simply shut up.
fingering the dripping cum back inside his twitching warm walls, your doppelgänger hooks a finger at his loose hole. slowly spreading him out more and more, little by little, you were too slow to realize until dan heng was trashing about, sobbing and crying about how he was going to break until his jaws go slack in a silent scream. his spent cock squirting over his tummy again.
“t-too much… break… ‘m gonna breakkk aanh aahg ghiick♡︎ gyaack! c-cocks mmmgh uungh—! too much♡︎♡︎!”
the reserved and deadly guard of the astral express, shaking his head as he cries, creating new tear stain marks as he drools all over himself. great amount of his own cum staining his stomach, hair stuck to his forehead as he sweats all over. each time his mouth opens, it’s to let out shrill, girlish moans and squeals. the sound lewd and downright pornographic as it draws out, followed by the sound of two cocks sinking deeper into his tight and eager hole inch by inch.
“fuck—! mmgh so fucking tight, i can’t even move my hips. see that? that’s my cute little breeding bitch. cunt all tight and eager as always” your doppelgänger chuckles, hands coming up to twist and pull at his sensitive, swollen nipples. dan heng shakes his head furiously, denying the poser’s words with all his heart.
it was when your poser placed a kiss on his neck, ready to bite him and mark his skin did he let out a noise of denial. placing his trembling hand over their face, he shoves them away with what little strength did he had left. clinging to your form tightly with his chest flush against yours, you were glad that it was dan heng who protested. because if he hadn’t you would have broken more than just a few bones.
“uhnn!! not [name]! n-not my [name]!” dan heng whines, clinging to you with a vice grip. the thought of being marked by someone else — even if said someone else was technically [name] from another reality — dan heng hated it. he hated the idea of carrying someone else’s love bite on him, if not his own [name].
“not my [name]… i love you… i love you, [name]! mine, only mine! only m-my [name] gets to fuck a baby in me—♡︎!” before you could even make sense of his slurred blabbering words, dan heng passes out. face serene, forehead resting on your shoulder as he continues to grip onto you even in his unconscious state.
ah, the feeling of being in love and loving in return. but that aside, it’s time to punch this annoying doppelgänger of yours before taking care of your unconscious darling—
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engstlersbueckers · 17 days
E. Engstler NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: Haven’t seen anyone do this yet. lets mix it up.lmk what ya think and apologies for any mistakes!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s an angel when it comes to aftercare.Asking multiple times if she was too rough with you and no matter how much you insist you can do it on your own,she always cleans you up. “Uh uh. You stay right here I got it baby.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Emily’s an ass girl. I said wtf I said. She’s always grabbin on your ass. Loves rubbing it when you’re cuddling and dont get me started on when she’s fucking you from behind. The sound your ass makes when she’s hittin it from the back drives her crazy. As for you,her hands(quite literally) have a chokehold on you. All she’s gotta do is move her hands in a certain way and your mind just fixates on it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She’s addicted to making you cum. She wont stop until you’re gushing all over her fingers,tongue,strap,etc. Your taste is something she can’t live without.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory,)
She’s not really super secretive about what she wants to do with you. If it’s something she wants to try she’s gonna tell you straight up.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh she definitely knows what she’s doing. The best sex you’ve ever had in your life was from her. The way she fucks is unique,but she can lay it down like her strap is attached to her body.
F=Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy. Like i said a few letters ago she loves the feeling of your ass bouncing against her.And in doggy,she can still get up in your ear and talk to you,pull your hair,and reach around and play with your clit all she wants.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Not much laughing during the act but afterwards she’ll have you cracking up. Usually saying something dumb like “I hope I wont lookin’ at you all crazy I was really into it.”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She always says “The only hair you’re gonna find is on my head” so do with that what you will.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You mean everything to her so she fucks you like it. She takes her time to warm you up before she even takes off her own clothes.When she’s putting her strap in you, she holds you really close and kisses you while she slides it in. “There it is…That’s my fuckin’ girl.So pretty for me.”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She doesn’t touch herself much. Maybe on certain occasions like an away game she’ll call you and you get off together. But not much other than that. She has great self control.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She’s pretty big on asphyxiation. She loves to choke you. Especially if you’re in front of a mirror,she loves seeing your eyes glaze over in the reflection and feeling how tight you get when she does it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Yall have pretty much done it all over the apartment. But her personal favorite is in the shower.The warm water running down your bodies while you kiss and touch all over each other,the way she presses you against the shower door. Theres something about it thats so hot to her.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The sounds you make get her so riled up,but it’s one particular sound you make every time she hits your g-spot,it almost bottoms her out she loves it so much.“Oh my god,fuck. Make that noise again baby,I love it.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything either of you are uncomfortable with you wont do.Pretty straightforward.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She loves giving you head.Every single time she does you damn near have to push her off you to get her to stop. The sensation of her piercings just intensifies it too.So anytime shes licking up your slit,or sucking your clit you can feel them<3
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely depends on the mood. If you’re feeling really intimate,she’ll fuck you nice and slow and deep. Taking her time to fill you up to the hilt. But when she’s angry or really fired up,it’s game over for you.She’ll have your eyes in the back of your head within seconds. Just pounding away at you like you’re her favorite sex toy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
There’s not really much time in either of your schedules for quickies so you don’t really do them often. Unless it’s right before a date or an important event and you have some time to kill.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Both of you agreed to be pretty open minded with a lot of things,including things that involve your sex life.So she’s almost always down for experimenting.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Baby,she’s an athlete. She can go for however long she pleases. She even teases you about being able to keep up after a couple rounds. “No way you’re tappin’ out on me already? C’mon gimme one more.”
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Most of the toys that you own she uses them on you. Of course you can use them whenever you want but she prefers to help you out. Like if its a vibrator she’ll sit you between her legs and keep it right on top of your clit while she teases your breasts and talks you through it.“I know…I know baby. You’re doing so good for me. Makin’ me so proud.”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She loves teasing you. When she does it she’ll do something real subtle like “accidentally” resting her hand waay too close to your inner thigh. Then when you call her out she’ll play dumb.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s more of a talker than anything.But she prefers when you’re the one getting loud for her. “Dont cover your fuckin’ mouth lemme hear it. Let everyone know whos fuckin’ the shit out of this pussy.”
W = Wild card (a random
headcanon for the character)
Okay..personally I feel like she’s really into phone sex. Like i feel like a broken record when i say that she loves being verbal with you. And she thinks it’s so hot that she has the power to get you off even when you’re miles away from each other. Of course she’ll always leave you anticipating what she’s gonna do to you when she comes back. “Hope you don’t have anything planned cuz once I get home I’m tearin’ that pussy up.”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She’s not on some wimpy dick shit. When she says she’s packing,she doesn’t just mean there’s a strap in her pants. That thing got some size to it. Her biggest one she has in “the shoebox” is an 8 inch. (It’s also your personal favorite :) )
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
She can be hard to read sometimes,but when her sex drive is high,you can tell because she gets really handsy. Not just the usual touching but she’s constantly grabbing your ass ,kissing all over your neck,she can just be straight up pussywhipped sometimes.
A/N:Yay you made it to the end!! This is my first ever time writing one of these so I really hope you liked it. If you have any requests my inbox is always open. I love youu<3
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honestlywynter · 4 months
Stop Obsessing Over The Void And Subliminals (kinda rude rant)
as a person who started interest in the loa in late 2020 discovering subliminals. LOA is simple, idk why it took me 4 years to understand. manifesting is easy.
if you have struggles with manifesting. don't panic imma help you from being like me 😜.
1. Realize you are in control
Stop STOP and i mean fucking STOP. Giving the void and subliminals so much fucking power and bitching about it " OH MY GOSH i didnt enter the void wtf am i gonna doooo 😪 " or " THE SUBLIMINAL SAID 5 Seconds and it would work where is my SP? "
like gorl u sound desperate as fuckkkkk lol
but heres how we change this. first the problem is YOU. why the fuck you depending on some tool? thats like me depending on my feet to make my decisions and getting mad when my feet dont say shit back to me. LOL
but no you just need to strengthen your self concept. you can do this BYYYYY
- repeating affirmations during the day
- changing your thoughts
- Rampages
- &&&& Drumroll pleaaaaseeeee .... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Sleep affirmations. they slip into your consciousness at night :)....At the end i will link my FAVORITE VIDEOS, for the self concept.
oh shit you thought this was gon be long huh? no bookie its just two things. better your self concept and start manifesting. NOW i am gonna some tips.
stop giving the 3d power when you make the 3d...
you start your day saying " oh i have my ideal body im soooo freaking happy i finally did it, like i been x pounds for everrr and i love my body "
and then the second you look in the mirror you like " damn bruh i wish i had my ideal body "
cause like why tf did you just ruin your fucking manifestation, why did you fucking react????
When you look in that mirror this is what they mean by " old story ".
Instead, look in the mirror and close your eyes and imagine your ideal body, or just deny it. " who the fuck is that in the mirror, gorll ik thats not me cause i got my ideal body ive had it since 1823 "
dont let your thoughts rule u, u rule them. if you are in public and think " omg they looking at me cause think im big" NO dont do that...
instead say
" Girl they looking at me bc i got my ideal body, and i been had it since a baby in da tummy ahh"
exactly change that mindset. thats it. all you have to do is catch yourself, improve your thoughts and your self concept will be thru the mf roof. So den you can manifest in a snap of a fingerrr. period thats the magic 🪄 sauce bookie. also dont say will say have cause you already have it bookie bear ;)
im open for questions and i am open to telling what ive manifested WITHOUT some dumb ass void or subliminal lol.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
mean brother’s bsf ! rafe who says he has to go to the bathroom while he’s over at your house playing video games w ur brother but instead walks to ur room and starts fucking u :((
you can always hear the group of them — rowdy and loud, yelling at the tv whilst they play the game, or watch some kind of sport that you yourself had no interest in. you had no idea why your brother refused to ever close his door, especially when he had friends round— they were so damn loud.
you hear rafes voice in the hallway and it makes your heart rate spike, your brothers friend calling something into the room as he leaves it, the boys exploding into laughter. you wondered if he’d stop by today, like he did every time — or if he’d pass you by and act like you don’t exist, something he has also demonstrated he is capable of doing when your brothers around.
it had happened only earlier, coming home from your pilates class in your cute little get up which usually you knew rafe would be all over— the boy stood in the kitchen, chatting to your brother when you arrived home.
“hi!” you chirp politely, happy to see him there, knowing what it meant for you. rafe barely glanced— offering you a “hey.” before continuing on his conversation. you couldn’t help but let your face fall. you knew he couldn’t give you much attention infront of your big brother, not wanting to draw suspicion— but just a hey was rude, impolite even.
you hear your door creak open and you don’t turn to look, playing nonchalant as you lay on your stomach on your bed, flipping through a book. he’s careful to close the door again, taking in the sight of you laying there, more importantly the sight of your ass cheeks spilling from your pyjama shorts.
“did you miss me?” he drawls, taking a step closer and you spare a glance over your shoulder, playing like you didn’t.
“oh, hey.” you repeat his greeting from earlier boredly. it was petty, sure— but unfortunately, you were crazy about rafe. you wanted him to know you were a little peeved.
“that all i get, hey?” he sounds amused, dumb and part-lipped as he steps a little closer, fingers tickling your ankle which makes your leg jerk out, nearly kicking him.
“well that’s all i got earlier.” you flip a page, pretending to be totally disinterested in the conversation. you hear him still, breathing as he tries to recollect the moment.
“i dont — i-i don’t understand. what’s this about?” he asks, already irritated with the way you aren’t turning around to look at him. you sigh, sitting up and spinning around to face him. he didn’t get to be mad, best to nip it in the bud.
“i said hi to you and you acted like you didn’t even know me.” you pout immaturely, running your fingers along the bed to avoid his eyes. his eyes widen, hands spreading at his side in incredulity.
“your brother was there. fuck you expect, me to stick my tongue down your throat and slide a finger in your ass whilst he’s just standing there? i — i don’t —”
“no! just… you didn’t even look at me.” you sigh and he drops his hands, skulking over to stand right over you at the edge of the bed. he places his large hands on your cheeks, lifting your sulky gaze to his.
“‘cus if i did, id probably get all riled up… you don’t want that, right? infront of big bro?” he softens, but there’s something conniving about his tone.
“no.” you sigh and he nods in approval.
“right. i just had to play it cool. yeah?” he clarified slowly, like you’re a little dumb.
you blink up at him, and he gives in, bending down to press his lips to yours, the familiar taste of his tongue integrating into your mouth as you hum, visibly relaxing into the kiss.
“i did miss you.” you whisper, and he prods at your shoulder to encourage you to lie back.
“and i told everyone i had to take a phone call outside, so we haven’t got long… you wanna take these shorts off for me or am i gonna have to rip ‘em off like last time n’have you cryin’ at me again?”
five minutes in, and it’s increasingly harder to stay quiet. he’s mounted you, an obscene and degrading sight for anyone that would accidentally stumble upon it. your legs were up by his shoulders, cock nestled deep inside you as presses his lips together, stifling the little breathy groans from the back of his throat.
“m—my bed, its creaking!” you mewl, cunt tightening when he slides a large hand up the back of your thigh to the crevice of your knee, keeping it raised.
“those suckers aren’t listening. stop— stop thinkin’ bout that, yeah? look at me. focus on me.”
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mouvs · 6 days
My last uni final exam is in 2 days and I’m actually stressed the fuck out, so to take my mind off it I’m requesting this because the longer I keep starting at my lecture notes the more I’m getting the urge to cry soo here I am anyway can you do joost with female reader and she’s been a more distant towards him and when he asks if she’s ok she lies saying she’s fine but he knows her better than that so he comes over to find her studying knowing she hasn’t gotten sleep or properly eaten in days and she starts crying from the stress and just comforts her, maybe runs her a bath, gets her food, and then plays with her hair till she falls asleep. Don’t feel pressure to do it if you don’t want to and make sure to take care of your self!
Aawww thanks for the request sorry im a bit late to it hope your exam went well love🩷
Take care - joost klein
Its been a few days since joost has had a proper conversation with you as he looked at your latest text messages, he was quite busy himself so it took him a second to see how dry and short you were over texts. He got the sense something wasn’t right, making him feel a little anxious as he decided to stop by.
With a bouquet flowers in his hands he rang your doorbell, shuffling on his feet and playing with the string of his earbuds as he waited for you to open.
He heard a load groan on the other side of the door before it opened “oh joost hi” you sounded surprised “i didn’t know you were coming” you said as you looked at the flowers in his hand.
“I wanted to come check on you ya know see how you are” he said, presenting you the flowers “for you” he said with a big grin showing his theet as he gave you the biggest smile.
“Aw thank you love” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close “thats really sweet” you whisper in his ear.
As you let him in you went to put the flowers in a vase as joost looked around your appartement.
“Are you sure your doing okay?” He asks, looking around to see your place.. kind of neglected as clothes and other stuff spread around everywhere. You sigh sitting at the kitchen counter bend over your laptop again as you cover your face in your hands. “Ive been busy” you mumble.
“Whats up?” He nonchalantly says as he hovers over you. You lean your head on your arms as you sigh again. “Its to much stress these exams, i have to study so much and i feel like i cant do enough or im to dumb or ill have a black out, did you know i have to do a whole ass presentation?” You sounded more upset by the second as you raised your head to look at him in disbelief.
“Thirty fucking minutes joost what the fuck am i even going to do and i cant even take care of myself at the same time i haven’t eaten a meal in days i mean look at this place” you let out frustrated as you stare at your laptop again.
“Hey babe no” he shushes as his hands caressed your shoulders “your not dumb we’ve been over this you got this dont let the stress cloud your head like that, you gotta stay positive and ask for help when u need it alright i can help you out with… this..?” He said questionable as he pointed at all the words on your screen, making you let out a giggle as you pouted at him.
You sighed “no your right im not dumb its just to much joost” you mumble as you lean into his chest.
“Look since i know you pretty well, lets go over your exam for tomorrow and THEN take a break alright ill take good care of you” he said firmly kissing your cheek before he sat on the chair beside you sliding the laptop infront of him.
He squeezed his eyes and made a few faces as he looked at all of it. “Okay tell you what you explain this shit to me and if i understand it then you pass” he said flashing you his signature grin as he gave you the laptop back making you giggle while you rolled your eyes.
Lets just say it took a little while… joost couldn’t possibly focus on all those hard terms coming out of your mouth as he just mindlessly admired you and giggled when u scolded him to pay attention.
“Hmmm why don’t you take a nice bath while i try to make dinner for us” he said as he looked in all the cabinets of your kitchen.
“What if you blow up my house?” You said raising an eyebrow while turning to him. He gave you a mad face “no i will not blow up your house y/n” he chuckled “if you say so sweetie” you sang as you joined.
The evening ended with the two of you in the couch eating pasta joost made that was actually quite good. You gave him lots of compliments making the boy blush and smile at you like a little boy.
You laid in his lap as you watched your favourite show, his hand in your hair as you enjoyed the comfort and warmth of your boyfriend finally feeling relaxed. “Thank you” you whispered
“Anytime sweetheart” he said, kissing the top of your head.
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scruus · 1 year
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✎ sub afab childe + dom amab reader notes: just rough filthy wall sex; dirty talk; degradation. Bitch i was horny when i wrote this. Again, NOT PROOFREAD.
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It was really really REALLY fucking hard to do normal chores around the house when your boyfriend is roaming the entire place with those tight yoga pants that show off his plump ass so well. Forget chores, normal daily actions were now difficult to go on about without a boner in your pants.
And my god when he bends down to pick something up and his fat cunt just peeks at you from behind. Even eating a damn meal is making you sweat just because he likes to “stretch” himself and “do yoga” at the same time you’re eating dinner.
You don’t know who gave him the idea to do yoga at home and recommended those tight ass pants but you’re just praising that good old lad because it wouldn’t have led to the present situation.
Your arms hooked under his leg, carrying him like he weighs nothing. His back against the wall, arms around your neck and his mouth screaming whorish moans.
He feels you in so deep in his womb he fears you’re gonna split him open with the way you’re moving so damn rough and fast.
He didn’t even mean to tease you? He just was following the advice from his friends on how to stay fit these days.
But how could he complain now when you’re filling his cunt so well. Your thick cock just drilling into his sopping fat cunt and he can do nothing but cry and moan.
“You did this on purpose didnt you slut? You made sure i was looking at you all those times while you were bending down and showing that gorgeous ass to me huh?”
He wish he could deny it but his brain has turned to total mush so he just lols his tongue out and nods like a brainless bitch. Not even a few seconds has passed and he is already going dumb on your dick.
“Yea thats right, take that dick like the good fucking bitch you are ”, his cunt squeezes down on your dick so hard when you call him that and it just fuels your lust. Hugging him to your chest and groping that ass while you treat him him like a fleshlight.
“Ahn~ sh-shit am g-gonna cum w-wait”, he cries out, his hands clawing at your back, trying to slow you down but you just dont falter.
Your neighbors are probably gonna complain tomorrow about the loud and scandalous noises coming from your apartment but you give two fucks about it.
With a loud wail, his eyes roll back as he cums on your cock, his entire body shaking. His voice all hoarse and breathless as he mumbles your name. It looks like he won’t be able to speak without sounding scratchy for a while.
“We are not done yet hun”, you huff out in his ears as you carry him to your bedroom. “Huh?”, childe mumbles mindlessly not understanding your words but feeling a shiver run down his spine.
He will probably also not be able to walk for a while…..
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seattlesellie · 1 year
Hiiii skskxkdk can you write an Ellie fic where she worships our tits, especially if we’re insecure.
ofc ofc ofc. ellie would love all tits but her favorite tits would be the ones right inside her mouth <3 i suck ass btw
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she was torturing you for what felt like hours. hot lips against yours, massaging your mouth with her tongue, eager hands trailing across your body, never making contact with where you needed her the most. she loved teasing you like that, make you pent, gasp, see how long it would take until you started begging, pleading her to touch you where you wanted. it was enough for her already too, though. your grinding on her crotch was making her cunt ache already - and you could tell.
her breaths were heavier, her kisses messier, tongue needier. “can i take this off?” she asked. you knew she was the one who held the power - she could break you in half if she wanted to. but when she asked you those questions, it was almost as if she was begging you, pleading you to let her see your body- the same body she fantasized about for years, same body shed get off to when the lights got dimmer and her hands couldnt help but wander. “mmhm” you gasped, moaning into her ear. thats all she needed from you. as soon as you knew it, your shirt was off, collecting dust on the floor of ellie’s garage. “need more, need to see more” there it was again. the begging, the need to see more of you. it was for her, too. pleasing you was for her. it made her think; fuck, i get to have this. i get to touch this. nobody else. mine.
ellie’s seen you numerous times like this already. its not like this was new - her girl on her lap, grinding on her thighs, messy kisses that left you whimpering. but for some reason, every time felt like the first. maybe it was the way she looked at you - like she was unwrapping her own godly present, or maybe it was the new spots she always found inside, moving her hand so skillfully, making you find new pits of pleasure within you, every single time.
you looked at her with this face - the one she recognized too well. it was the look of doubt, one that screamed “are you sure?” are you sure you wanna see me like this? sure you like it like that?
“c’mere” she whispered, voice filled with need. let me see you” she pleaded. your breathing got heavier, hands started trembling. “what if…” you whined into her mouth, her fingertips scratching your back. “tell me” she said in between choked breaths. she needed you.
“my boobs…” you said bluntly, swallowing a moan.
“what?” she looked baffled, eyes trailing up and down your body, eyeing you like a predator ready to leap.
“im scared… what if you dont really like them- what if-…” you knew how dumb you sounded, especially sitting on top of the girl who made eye contact with your tits before she even met your eyes.
her finger trailed beneath the clasp of your bra, eyes blown out at your words. “what. the fuck. are you talking about?” she said between showering your collarbone with hungry kisses.
“dont be mean, ellie” you whined, and her expression softened. her girl was… scared? shy?
you could see her thinking for a second, doubting what to say. her eyebrows squinted slightly, before she spoke. “let me show you, hm?” she said in a raspy voice, begging for your agreement.
“how?” you questioned, biting your lower lip.
ellie moved her crotch forward, sliding you off it, leaving you to sit on her knees now. she took your hand, planted a small kiss on your wrist, and guided you. “open” she said, signaling you to open the button of her jeans. you hesitated, but obliged, submissive as ever. anything for you, el, you thought. you opened up the button, resulting in ellie letting a choked breath you felt down your core.
“the zipper now, open” so commanded, slightly slurring up her words. you slowly opened the zipper of her jeans, making ellie bump her crotch upwards. her black boxers peaked, making your mouth fill up with saliva.
“putcha’ hand inside, yeah?” you obliged, and slowly slid your hand inside. “fuck” she shuddered.
you were met with the feeling of her hot, wet sleek covering your entire palm, making your cunt ache for her. her cunt was so wet, so sticky, all because of you.
“see what you do to me? hm? still scared, huh?” she moaned, involuntarily grinding her cunt to rub against your hand, begging for friction.
“take your hand out” she said. god. how she wanted it to stay inside.
“rub it on your tits for me” she said, bringing your face closer, making you face her. she needed to see every movement, every drop of self doubt leaving your body.
you were hesitant, looking at her with doe eyes, those doe eyes she wanted to fuck right off your face.
“ellie…” you whispered. “do what i say” she murmured, kissing your bra covered breast, squeezing the other one so forcefully, you could tell how much she needed it. “take this off, yeah?” she said, toying with your bra’s clasp, practically pulling it now.
“okay” you whispered, feeling your cunt leaking even more, your panties becoming soaked, uncomfortable now.
she masterfully took your bra off, leaving your chest bare in front of her. she looked like a kid in a candy store, smirking, trying to hide how much more she wanted. she had to see you rub her sleek against your nipple, as much as she needed her tongue on them.
you rubbed her juices on your sensitive nipples, long moan escaping your mouth. it went straight to your core - the feeling of her own arousal, your girls arousal. you circled your wet fingers across your nipples, and started grinding slowly against her thigh.
“just like that” she murmured. you gasped at how good it felt, and could tell how needy ellie was for you.
“those fucking tits” she gasped, pulling your nipple. “dont even know what you fucking do to me”
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