#real life is a banger tho
bmpmp3 · 1 year
so i’ve always been of the opinion that the whole twist ending of Drawn to Life The Next Chapter is wack as HELL but i will say it is a bit of a power move to do an “it was all a dream” ending where the person dreaming isn’t even the perspective character. just some guy
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azaracyy · 6 months
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one of my finished ych commissions. other finished artwork can be found here. the tailmon is based on the twitter meme / trend of tailmon with pikachu build
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bsaka7 · 5 months
sorry the funniest thing about hockey is that they really make these guys play in. des moines. st paul. loser ass sports cities.
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pickapea · 11 months
the kens being portrayed as the villains in barbie is kind of giving the same as fantasy racism (like when the oppressed ethnic group are oppressed as a kind of revenge for something bad they did in the past) like it's pretty whack that the happy ending in barbie is the oppressive matriarchy regaining absolute power again
#pickapost#like ken has been homeless his entire life and the happy end goal is him once again becoming homeless#“it's not that deep” i agree. it's a parody and it's funny i liked it a lot#just think it's funny that the metaphor like the parallel between barbieland and the irl real world kind of broke there#like it's a total reverse. the oppressive matriarchy of barbieland and the oppressive patriarchy of the actual irl world. which is the poin#which is why it's funny the happy ending is the oppressive matriarchy being reestablished#like the message that it's okay that they're once again oppressed bc they committed the sin of liking having personhood#the movie made a self aware joke about it tho which was funny#very self aware movie tho. i have absolutely zero complaints#the more i think about it ken really didn't do a single thing wrong#he has been extremely oppressed his entire life and he's suddenly faced w a possible reality where ppl consider him a person#and he's like yo i want this so bad. and he goes back home and tells everyone how awesome it is (he has no idea patriarchy has downsides)#and back home literally no one complains or says they don't like it. they all just roll w it and everyone seems just as happy#and he feels much more happy#he only did something bad from an outsider's perspective w context about how absolutely awful the real world patriarchy is#which he doesn't know#banger of a movie tho#most of the funniest parts were ken related tho and in the kendom ngl. a great comedy film this was#i love jokes about dudes being bros and guys so maybe that's why. my personal taste#also it was just a very visually appealing film too. and great acting and filming and everything. very well made and enjoyable the whole wa#starting on a high note and ending on a high note and being a high note thru out
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liberty-spiked · 2 years
Rancid's Life Won't Wait album is one of the best things in my life rn.
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pstelwitchcraft · 1 year
My personal takes for each of the Nevermore characters
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Lenore Vandernacht
Gets bitches
Mad Dad Energy
So Gender she made you fluid
If adhd was a Poe themed lesbian
Would prob swindle people out of a LOT of money as a banker or smth with her charm alone
but her real vocation is as Annabel's trophy wife
Too much rizz for her own good
Number #1 the most loyal and protective ever, will murder and pillage and die for the ones she loves
Literally Died and still can't take a hint that her WIFE might like her back
Looks iron deficient, really isn't
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Annabel Lee Whitlock
Actually has no idea wtf she's doing
Possessive Bitch to an extreme (would prob sow herself to the ends of Lenore's gay little victorian blazer if she could)
If anxiety/depression was a person AND a villain origin story
Untrustworthy but in a Sexy Way
Doesn't know how to Humanly Interact
Would make a BANGER of a politician or lawyer (still deciding if for good or evil 🤔)
Genuinely Absolutely needs professional help but fuck it we ball
Is taking this whole thing somehow more and less seriously than everybody else
Craves and Yearns and Aches to be cared for and loved but will admit it over her cold thrice-dead body
Doesn't look iron deficient, totally is
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There's a 50/50 chance he's not actually French and just fucking with everybody
Can't grow a beard
The real reason he doesn't like Annabel is that he absolutely despises the British
Illusionist by trade, jackass by passion
Loves cheese to an ungodly degree
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Worries everybody around her
Literally Died and still on her bullshit
Can't spot a red flag to save her life (ironic bc it's prob how she died)
Will Not Stop Talking
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Teddy Bear in spirit/cat in body/Tortoise at heart
Has either all the chill or never had a chill ever
Needs a booster seat to eat at restaurants
Hates dogs
Cannot survive without his friends
Really selective eater
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Can be swiftly and effectively peer-pressured into anything
Got mad once. Still feels bad about it
Feels actual, physical pain at the idea of not being liked
Asks people if they have pets before asking for their name
Consumes a preposterous ammount of sugar
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Will sage u if ur vibes aren't right
Got kicked out of a paranormal investigation team for asking the ghosts weird questions
Actually the only one who prob knows what's up
But has decided to just let it play out for funsies
Has correctly diagnosed everyone behind their backs
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Misses alcohol the most since her death
Will bite men for looking in her direction 😌
Always there to defend a fellow woman tho
Has the vibes of a pinball machine
Actually genuinely a caring and loving person
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Done with everybody's bullshit
Superiority complex to an EXTREME
His whole closet is organized by color, season and year of making
Just trying to get through one fucking book this whole time
Has incorrectly diagnosed everyone behind their backs
Held a puppy once. Didn't like it
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Okay. Okay deep breaths. Time for some cool and collected comentary. Okay.
Putting it under the cut so ppl can avoid spoilers :)
Huskerdust my beloved
Vox was great. I love him he's so fucking cool-
If Vox wasn't already a Tumblr sexyman he's definitely gonna be one now. He's so fucking Onceler coded it's insane.
Velvette was amazing too. It's so funny that she's British lmao I was not expecting that
Velvette is also very Anne Boelyne(like from SIX not from Real Life) coded it's wild. Her part in that song with Carmila was giving so much Don't Lose Your Head
I swear I'll stop comparing them to other characters I SWEAR
Okay but me and my brother are working on a Hazbin Hotel swap AU where we swap the main cast with the overlords and in that AU we swapped Husk and Vox. The Husk used to be an overlord reveal is gonna make that AU soooooo much easier lmao
ADAM IS REALLY GOOD I promised I would stop comparing to other characters but he was giving SO MUCH Hades from Disney's Hercules like its insane
I think we should let Alex Brightman sing rocj and roll more often that song was such a fucking BANGER
SPEAKING OF THE SONGS- oh my god I love the soundtrack so fucking much-
Stayed Gone was a lil less hype then I was expecting but thats okay cuz it was still a banger and I loved the visuals
That song battle between Carmilla and Velvette????? Oh my god??????
Carmilla and Vaggie's song was also amazing but I think I know why they didn't have Stephanie Beatriz sing her own song in Elena of Avalor y'know, girl cannot hold a character voice while singing
LOSER WAS SO FUCKING GOOD- I love Huskerdust so much. I love Keith David so much. Blake Roman is such a phenomenal Angel Dust.
SPEAKING OF all the voice actors are amazing. Blake Roman, Brightman as Pentious and Joel Perez were the ones I was the most worried abt but I loved all their preformances so much it was fucking fantastic
Valentino can go die in a fucking hole <3
The other Vees are cool and fun to watch but I hope Valentino fucking dies
Okay to be fair he's also fun to watch when he's not in the same room as Angel Dust but tHAT DOESNT SUPERSEID MY HATRED FUCK 👏 THAT 👏 GUY 👏👏👏👏
Speaking of the Vees tho I do love their dynamic
My favorite episode was probably Radio Killed the Video Star bcuz of mY BOYS PENTIOUS AND VOX!!!!!!!!
And the most painful episode to watch was- no surprise- Masquerade
That episode was a fucking rollercoaster Jesus fucking Christ...
Those scenes with Angel and Valentino where so fucking visceral... like. Who the fuck wrote that. Who are you. Are you okay. Do you need help-
Tho I'm not sure abt how they're handling the ah- more serious bits of Angel's character. It is WAYYYYYY to early to tell and I think Loser wasn't like. Trying to downplay the situation. But the writers better have been careful moving foreward bcuz I can def see a world where Angel's arc goes very wrong very fast-
Also while we're criticizing: wasn't a fan of the pacing. Especially in episode two. Like I can look past it, but the way they breeze past some plot points kinda bugged me
Otherwise it was sooooooo fucking good man oh my god
The gag where Niffty just fucking stopped thinking every time the camera turned on was so fucking good
Niffty in general was really fuckin funny
Alastor was a lot less prominent of a character then I thought he would be but tbh I think that's for the best. He's like Discord from My Little Pony, fun in small doses but if you don't set perameters for how often he appears and when he's willing to help it kinda breaks the show
Chaggie is adorable and I love them <3
I think this show does a really good job balancing the focus on the whole cast! These first 4 episodes seem to be pretty Charlie, Angel and kind of Vaggie heavy but everybody still gets their fair share of attention!
I love comedy. I love musicals. I love drama. I love silly characters. I LOVE ANIMATION!!!!!!!
It's like the South Park movie but longer and better animated and IVE BEEN WAITING FOUR FUCKING YEARS-
Just. So excited overall. Can't wait to see where it goes. May make more posts abt my thoughts in tbe future.
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robo-milky · 1 month
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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usopps-devotee · 1 year
Wait but
Pasties shaped like whichever OP sweetheart you want’s personal Jolly Roger. Ex: Give everyone’s favorite sniper a simultaneous ego boost and heart attack by flashing him his own sigil — pasted on the boobies he loves so much! 🤯
Banger idea, I was gonna make this a smut hc, but smut has been killing me. I plan on making a pt2 to this one day, tho.
Tags: implied nsfw, readers tits are out, no pronouns or gender specified but afab implied,
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Someone please help this poor baby
He can not handle himself
Also worried about the process of making them, he wants to make sure he's the only one who has seen them
He's only a little upset that he's not
You'll have to do it in the workshop
Had a moment of pure shock before reaching out to grab you
The way his hands study and caress your body shaking from the slightest touch
High key worried about how cold you are
Sneaking into his workshop was easy. When usopp is focused, he tends not to pay attention to his surroundings. He doesn't hear the sound of you opening the door and walking over to him, nor does he hear the sound of your shirt dropping to the floor, the sniper only notices your presence when your practically bare chest is against his back. He'll let out a startled yelp whipping around to see the love of his life only for his jaw to drop. To say he was gawking would be an understatement. For a good 30 seconds, there is nothing in Usopp's head other than processing the breathtaking sight in front of him. "Where did you get them?" His voice is hardly above a whisper as his hands trail the underside of your breast. "Made them just for you." He nodded as his thumbs down to your sides, gripping your hips the sniper lifts you up on to his work bench. "Who's seen them?" You chuckle at this question. His possessive nature is something you've always found cute. Always make sure you belong to him alone. "Robin, she helped with placement." He sighs slightly jealous as his hands move to your thighs, creating goosebumps along your skin. "Are you cold? Wait, where is your shirt? Do not tell me you walked all the way here shirtless!?" You throw your head back with laughter at the idea of walking around the ship tits out for all to see while pointing out the lump of fabric that laid a few feet away from the door.
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Scatters like bowling pins due to pure shock
Hesitant to touch, you're a work of art to him, and he really doesn't want them off
His hands will wander everywhere, BUT you're chest at first. He wants to take his time with this gift
The second your robe is off, he's already muttering how you're too good for him
Lots of thoughts running through his head NONE of which are coherent
Now might not have been the best time to bother your captain, but you're feeling a bit neglected and starved for attention. What better way is there to get what you want than to put on a show for the clown. Buggy had been below deck working to improve the explosive power of his buggy balls. He almost looked like a real chemist, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he mixed chemicals into compounds You called out his name, voice laces with silk and honey as you made your way into the pirate's field of view. "Buggy baby, I've got a surprise for you." His eyes trail up your body as you let your robe slide from your shoulders, setting your chest free from its fabric confines. While you're expecting an explosion, thinking it would be the highly reactive substances in his hands and not buggy himself. Regardless, you've got his attention now as his disembodied hands put everything in its proper place his eyes don't leave your chest, other body parts slowly make their way over to you and piece himself back together. "Show stopping" was the only thing muttered under his breath. You giggle, dropping the robe you had on revealing the rest of your bare skin and a blue lace thong. Free from the gloves, his hands start on your waist, groping the skin at your sides and tummy, hypnotized by the red nose of the jolly roger covering your areolas. "You're too good to me, treasure."
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From My Headphones: Party Tricks
AN: Hey y’all! A while ago I made a post about wanting to write fics based on songs and this is the first fic in that series. They’re gonna be generally quicker reads and just real small cute shit for now. Y’all should fr tho listen to the song, that shit goes hard ngl lol. 
Summary: The Queen’s in her own world, would she notice your absence? 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol think that's it.
Word count: 2,138
Suggested listening: Party Tricks by Äyanna 
“Tell me, baby If I left the party would you look for me? Would you wonder where I went? Tell me, baby If I left the party would you look for me? Or would you just keep on Dancing to your own beat.”
Riri’s birthday was a national holiday as far as she was concerned, that’s why she begged and pleaded with you to plan it for her. Before taking a job as a photographer in Wakanda you were a top party planner for you and Riri’s friend group throughout college. You had developed a reputation for being able to throw a banger no matter the budget. When you were all freshmen without a dollar to your name, you managed to make a shitty college apartment look like the hottest club ever. And when you all did finally get some money in your pockets, the parties you were able to plan were things of myths at MIT. 
But when you decided to move to Wakanda full time ( Riri splitting half her time between there and the US due to her Iron Heart duties) you gave up the party planning life for a camera and a lens; not regretting the peaceful change one bit. To be honest you hated parties, the loud music, obnoxious drunk people, and just general overwhelmingness left you rarely in attendance at your own parties. That’s why letting it go didn’t bother you that much, if anything it left you with relief knowing it was one less thing you’d have to stress about. 
Riri knew this of course when she approached you to plan her twenty-third birthday party, but she also knew after what she, you, and Shuri had been through with Namor you had a hard time saying no to her. That’s how you ended up on a stage in Wakanda’s hottest nightclub that had been themed black and red for Michael Jordan. Dressed in your skimpiest black dress watching Riri blow out her birthday candles in front of everyone. She turned back to face you and extended her arms pulling you into a hug. 
“I know this was a lot for you but thank you for all this. You really are the best friend I could ask for Y/N.” Riri squeezed your body tight against hers and you felt the sincerity in her words. 
“Of course honey, you deserve it.” You pulled out of the hug and winked at the shorter girl. “Your Jordan year, yeah? Nothing but up from here.” 
Riri pulled you in for another hug and you relished the moment grateful you were able to take the time to celebrate your best friend. Other people called her name and you urged her to go continue in the festivities, ensuring that you would be fine on your own till you left. With that you slipped off the stage and beelined towards the bar, needing something to take the edge off the raging headache. 
You hopped onto one of the bar stools and ordered an old-fashioned, eyes scanning the room while you waited for your drink. You spotted Shuri easily in the crowd, the silver accents on her suit sparkling underneath the strobe lights. She was dancing like you hadn’t seen her dance before, completely letting loose and yelling out the few words she did know to the American rap music you and Riri had introduced her to. All though she was surrounded by people she looked as if she was in her own world only worried about where the next beat was going to take her body. 
The relationship you and Shuri had was hard to describe because there was hardly anything to describe it with. You hadn’t known her for long before you were suddenly kidnapped together and forced to go through traumatic events in both of your lives. You almost died trying to save Queen Ramonda from drowning and your unsuccessfulness meant the death of Shuri’s mother. The attempt left you in a coma for days and it took you a while to feel normal again. Shuri was part of the reason you did though, you two both found unlikely comfort in each other's presence. 
It started out slow, she would come and visit you while you were in the hospital and just sit with you while you watched tv. Eventually, when you were released she would meet you in the garden and you would chat while she was on lunch break away from the peering eyes of others. The nighttime meetings were accidental at first, she stumbled across you hanging out on a balcony and was concerned that there was something wrong. When you explained that the quietness of the city at night helped quiet your own mind it prompted Shuri to ask if she could join you. 
She found you every other night after that, sitting with you till the wee hours of the morning soaking in your presence. While you said the quietness of the city helped to still your mind, Shuri soon learned that your presence seemed to have the same effect on her. She found herself craving the peace that your energy washed over her and soon she was ready to admit it was a full-blown crush. But what about you? Shuri could never tell if you felt the same electricity when your hands touched or if it warmed your heart as much as it did hers when you shared secret laughs with each other. No. You were too special to her, the last good thing she had left. And Shuri was going to be damned if she let some crush get in the way of your friendship. No matter how strong the crush was. 
The music at the party seemed to have increased and the alcohol was doing nothing to help your headache. You reached discreetly into your bra and pulled out a small black case. You popped each of the round circles into your ears before slipping the case back into your bra. Noise-canceling earbuds were a gift from Shuri when she realized how loud noises affected you after the events with Namor. They were a godsend now, allowing you to shut out all of the noise and just watch the partygoers enjoy your event. The brightness of the strobe lights seemed to intensify with the lack of sound and after five minutes you decided it was just best if you called it a night. 
You hopped off the bar stool and looked at the dance floor one last time. Riri had made it down finally and she and Shuri were going bar for bar on First Day Out. The sight of Shuri struggling to keep up and Riri rapping with ease almost made you want to stay but an untimely flash of light in your eye had you beelining for the door. You wandered around aimlessly for a while before stumbling on the door to the roof. Perfect. 
The roof had a view of the city, unlike the one you had at the palace. This one made you feel like you were immersed in the world, with the soft twinkle of city lights surrounding you from all angles. And the quiet. Once the door shut behind you all of the noise seemed to go with it and you were left with the soft hum of the vibranium trains. It was the best thing you could have asked for at the moment. You found one of the reclining outdoor chairs and sat with your back to the door, outlooking the city and enjoying the silence. 
Inside the party, Shuri was questioning if the added respiratory benefits she got from being the Black Panther were anything close to the lungs of steel Riri seemed to have. The Queen had been going back and forth with Riri on all of the classic black party hits for the past twenty minutes. While Riri hadn’t missed a word from Love Sosa all the way to Dreams and Nightmares, Shuri had to pause to catch her breath after the second song. 
It was during her pause when she was reflecting that she hadn’t felt this happy and carefree in a while. The only other time she remembered feeling this light was when she was with you. Speaking of you, where had you gone? Shuri knew she saw you at the bar getting a drink but suddenly you were nowhere to be found. The royal scanned the party, relying on her panther vision to see in the darkness of the nightclub. But she came up with nothing. That was when she started to get worried. She knew that you only came to the party because it was Riri’s birthday and that generally large settings like this were not your scene. That coupled with her realizing just how loud this music was and how overwhelming this all could have been sent the Queen into overdrive. 
She didn’t wanna alert Riri, especially if it turned out to be nothing and you had just gone to the bathroom. So she elected to slip out of the party, unnoticed hoping to bring you back so she could share in her happiness with you. The Queen started first in the bathrooms but was unsuccessful, she tried the various lounges and VIP rooms all to no avail. You wouldn’t have left without telling her, right? ‘It is not like we’re together’ Shuri told herself. ‘But we’re closer than her leaving without telling me. It would feel wrong.’ 
Shuri was stumped. She had checked every inch of the building that she could think of and you were nowhere to be found. ‘Maybe you did really go home’ She thought. ‘Maybe I’m reading too much into our relationship.’ Just as she was about to give up and go back into the party an idea popped into her head. 
“Griot, where is Y/N?” She spoke into her kimoyo beads. 
“Y/N is at the same location you are at night now your majesty. Club Red.” The AI responded. 
So you hadn’t left her. “Where specifically is she, Griot? I haven’t been able to locate her.” 
“Y/N’s kimoyo beads indicate that she is on the roof, your majesty.” 
The roof, of course, that’s where you’d go! “Griot you beautiful AI!” Shuri kissed her kimoyo beads in celebration, a little extra yes but she now knew where her girl was. 
“Why thank you my Queen I think I’m quite handsome myself-” 
“Hey! can it. I made you.” Shuri cut off Griot’s self-hype as she made her way to the exit for the roof. 
Chilling on a roof wasn’t too far off from chilling on a balcony so for you to be out here didn’t surprise Shuri at all. She opened the door and immediately saw you sitting out near the edge. At first, she was tempted not to approach you, it was quiet on the roof and she knew you well enough to know you were probably enjoying it. But selfishly, selfishly Shuri wanted to be in your presence. Light on her feet not wanting to scare you she walked up behind your chair. 
“It’s a beautiful night out isn't it my Queen?” You asked when you felt her behind you, you could always feel Shuri. Something became magnetic in the air, like nothing else you’d ever experienced when she was around. 
“Mhm,” Shuri said in agreement, walking around the chair so she was now in front of you. “But it’s just as beautiful in there, I know a certain party planner worked very hard to make sure it looked nice.” 
An involuntary chuckle fell from your mouth at the Queen’s compliments. “I prefer it out here, you know that I like the quiet.” 
Shuri let a beat pass before she looked down at you, noticing how cold you looked in just the black dress. “Are you not cold entle?” Shuri asked. 
“Ehh, just a little bit. I’ll take the cold and quiet over the warmth and noise in there any day.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Scoot down,” Shuri commanded. 
“What?” You looked up at Shuri confused as to where she was expecting you to go on the lawn chair. 
“Just scoot down. For me?” 
You gave Shuri another confused look but obeyed her command sliding down the chair and leaving space between your back and the back of the chair. In one motion Shuri positioned herself behind you so that you were sitting comfortably between her legs. While the position was unfamiliar to you both it felt natural, like your bodies melded together in the space they were always meant to be. 
“Is this okay?” The Queen asked once you both got situated. You didn’t respond at first but the feeling of your body relaxing into hers was enough to ease her nerves for the time being. 
You grabbed her hands which were resting on either of her thighs and wrapped them around your waist. “Stay with me?” You asked, your hands still on hers that rested comfortably on your waist. 
“Anything for you.” 
Tag List: @shuriszn @sokkasbae25 @verachii @cuddl3s4shur1 @takeyaki @jinnie10101 @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @beautybyfire @6-noir @mocha-aya @yvxmpire @mysticalmarss @ziayamikaelson @youralphawolf72 @n7cje @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisjournal
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lizzypuppet1711 · 3 months
things about toronto’s production of the great comet at crow’s theatre/musical stage co that i need everyone to know about because i am obsessed with this show.
as of writing i have seen this show five times.
very long under the cut:
full cast listed here. at time of writing, donna garner replaces louise pitre as marya, tyler pearse replaces lawrence libor as dolokhov, and ben carlson replaces marcus nance as andrey/bolkonsky. currently i’ve seen the og cast four times and the replacements once.
the stage is set up with seats on three out of four sides, with front rows at tables, back of house left and right sides at barstools, and a small balcony with some seats on house right. there are balconies on either side, with a revolving platform in the middle of the stage (revolving by being pushed by cast members or stagehands). seats around 200 people or so.
the actors are EVERYWHERE. it is so incredibly immersive
the music is very punchy
during prologue, everyone is taking shots as they’re introduced, except dolokhov, who drinks straight from the bottle and sprays it into the air
i’m a dolokhov girlie through and through and once he nodded hello at me during the prologue and i legit swooned
mary is walking around holding a program showing off the family tree, actors will point to them on tables etc
once anatole pointed at his face on it, pointed to himself, all in a very flirty manner
he winked at me during prologue once and i’m still thinking about it
evan buliung is acting his ass off as pierre
he is definitely is more gruff and acting focused (think dave malloy over josh groban)
at “hours at my screen”, pierre takes an audience member’s phone (from one of the tables… or once out of someone’s hands LMAO) and mimes tapping, scrolling through it etc
two stagehands move things on and offstage (such as the sofa, church props etc) and they are also in little costumes. it’s very adorable
dolokhov’s little soldier walk thing??? during moscow????? i’m sure there’s a reason for it bc both of them do it but i have no clue why it’s there???? love it tho
heeyun park as mary is also acting her damn heart out
private and intimate life has a faster tempo and is SUCH a banger as a result
an audience member gets briefly pulled up on the platform to be the cheap french thing, he typically kisses up their arm, hugs them, and sometimes sits on their lap a bit
pierre is playing the tambourine in the background during natasha and bolkonskys and it is honestly kind of funny
hailey gillis plays natasha very emotional and headstrong. her no one else has a sense of urgency, desperation, and deep longing
the platform is spinning and people are walking around and she is singing like an angel…
basically i want to be hailey gillis when i grow up
actors are rotating the platform during no one else and it ends with andrey standing behind her and pierre standing in front of her. no one talk to me i’m losing it
as the run has continued, dolokhov’s adlibs during his intro in the opera have increased drastically
lawrence libor as dolokhov had such an air and presence (rizz?) about himself i cannot DESCRIBE. the comphet he gave me… i miss him v much. he was also very much giving toronto mans. and he made SO MUCH eye contact. he loves to look at you. i miss him. i need him. who said that
tumblr theatre girlies you would go insane over lawrence libor. if this show had ANY b roll footage i know i would be seeing edits all over the place
i am president of the lawrence libor fan club and everyone should join me
tyler pearse as dolokhov has heavy frat boy energy. he is also gayer, and somehow, sluttier. gives short king energy despite only being an inch shorter than lawrence (apparently)??? don’t ask bc i don’t know either he just does. anyway thank u tyler pearse for making dolokhov bisexual for real
either way dolokhov is doing SO MUCH in this production. he is wild he is a whirling dervish he is arrogant he is a bastard he is everything to me
“YEAH BABEY LETS GOOOOOOO” -lawrence libor as dolokhov, upon his entrance
in one performance he would go YEAH BABEY three separate times in act 1. yeahh
flirting with a girl in the balcony, dabbing up a guy in the balcony, generally being hilarious
and tyler pearse leaning over the balcony, rose in his mouth, wolf howling… i can’t.
basically i can’t with this production’s dolokhov. i’m obsessed
anatole’s entrance… he’s a whore. all i can say
rita dottor (ensemble) does the high soprano bravooooooo and she always sounds so fantastic. live laugh love rita dottor
george krissa, who plays anatole, is probably the most attractive man in ontario. like if you googled hot guy he would be the first result.
“where did they find this anatole. was he made in a lab or something. he was perfect” — my friend after seeing it
tumblr theatre girlies you would also be obsessed with george krissa. like jeremy jordan andrew rannells level obsessed. please love these toronto actors with me
i’d let him ruin my life ANY DAY. it is a fact that lesbians love george krissa. i hope he knows
the way he plays it… my friend described it like “lucas steele is like an alien david bowie, and george krissa is a bridgerton man. just a very charismatic, but normal, guy”
while i would say that lucas steele’s anatole believes he is truly in love with natasha, i would not say the same for george krissa’s. some of the manipulation happening here during the opera is. quite clear
when he is entering the box natasha struggles to open her fan, fans herself frantically, under the arms etc. then when he enters immediately shifts to fanning in a cool and collected manner. hailey gillis master of comedy
“we are speaking of most ordinary things” is especially like. this is a male manipulator if i’ve ever seen one
natasha lost was added back in!! fantastic obviously
anatole checking his hair in the mirror before waking pierre up. fucker
“look dolokhov’s coming around… and we’re off to the CLEURB”
brendan wall (ensemble) walking around during the club scene with a glowstick necklace on is peak comedy to me
i’ve said it but tyler’s dolokhov is an absolute slut at this scene. and for what AND FOR WHAT!!!!
also fun tidbit but all the glasses (other than shots) and any clear bottles have real liquid in them. i am very concerned something will spill one day
when dolokhov gets right up in the audience’s face during “known only to his intimates” i LOVE it idk
during the duel, marya and rita steal off to house left directly beside the barstools and chatter about how bad of an idea this is, they’re so drunk, etc
special shout out to divine’s “he will kill you STOOPID HUSBAND” so good
dolokhov’s adlibs during the duel… i need him. sorry
dolokhov gets shot in the side rather than his shoulder, and unceremoniously rolls off the platform as it’s moving. looks painful
hélène screams when dolokhov is shot but not pierre. so much to think about here
a life changing dust and ashes from evan. i can’t describe anything more just that he’s incredible. i’ve learned so much about acting just by watching him a few times
natasha’s face at “am i guilty…” breaks my heart she is so tormented
we are canadians we are going to pronounce our french correctly! no more charmantay
hélène has started adding some very fun runs into charming as the run has gone on. divine brown marry me
anatole is shirtless during charming. btw.
again i know he’s gay and i’m gay but.
the entirety of this rendition of the ball has been stuck in my head since december
his “don’t lower your eyes i love you” that whole section is delicious i want to eat his voice
plus “BEWITCHING AND I LOVE YOUUU” UGHHH such an ear worm but only when it’s their voices
the choreo going on here is very nice btw
i love the way he says natalie at this part idk. it’s not overly enunciated and the vowel is just right <— vocal nerd
the kiss feels like it lasts forever
music gets very very loud at the end and you can feel it in your skin
also fun fact the house music before and after the show is orchestral but during intermission it’s electronic. bc. anatole. gah details
when marcus was still in the cast you could really hear his voice during letters and it sounded sooooo.
dolokhov’s stupid little thumbs up to indicate he will be ok. pleaseee. i laughed i did
generally lawrence would grab at the place he was shot at a lot; while pushing the revolve etc. loved that detail. (tyler does too but less so)
sonya and natasha just sounds so great. like they just always sound fantastic i love that song
sonya alone. yes i am weeping. yes camille eanga-selenge is everything i want to be and more. she’s phenomenal
dolokhov sitting in a big fuckin chair at the beginning of preparations just absolutely clearly regretting every decision he’s made to facilitate this. is great.
i know i keep talking abt lawrence libor but the image of him at this part is just. really great. to me. sorry
very campy and exaggerated scowling and grimacing from anatole
dolokhov is so sick of anatole’s shit
“here feel how it beats” is NOT entertained he pushes him back immediately
lawrence dolokhov’s “dawdling” business was him tuning his guitar i miss musician dolokhov sooooo much gah
balaga truly does not sing any of his lines. he is basically yelling the entire time. i don’t know how he does it. it’s chaotic and hilarious and so fun
sonya and mary hand out the egg shakers on house right and left respectfully
near the end of balaga, four audience members are brought up to dance with the cast! (i got to dance with mary once!)
dolokhov writhing on the floor during anatole’s long held note thank u
during the goodbye section, anatole comes around to said audience members and interacts with them; dancing with them, booping them on the nose etc, and at “kiss me one last time”, invites a lucky audience member to kiss his cheek. (this once, was me. yup. still processing it.)
once he accidentally knocked someone’s egg shaker from their hand, dolokhov picked it up, laughed, gave it a shake, and handed it back, and yes i’m still thinking about it
when they sit down, balaga and dolokhov will sit on the house right stairs, though once there was an empty seat nearby so dolokhov wedged his way in between two people, guitar and all. so fucking good
anatole will squeeze himself between two audience members on house left, put an arm around each, and look around at everyone sitting in that area, out into the audience, etc. if one is going to make eye contact with him, it is now
once he threw his head back to look at the people behind him, and someone, at the speed of light, took their phone out and snapped a picture of his upside down head. i scream laughed
lawrence’s BETRAYED BETRAYEDDDD was sooooo good. so so so good
hailey gillis is an absolute powerhouse during in my house
usually when “natasha’s whole body shook” she falls to the ground silently but last time i went she YELLED and i gasped so loud
at “i have refused him” louise would go NO in shock and i FREAK OUT ABOUT IT.
and i loved her “what then? would that be alright???”
when the call to pierre music starts i always get goosebumps
the fight choreo when pierre grabs anatole by the collar is very good
if we’re comparing to broadway, it feels less like anatole’s life is in danger here but like i’m not upset about it
at this point anatole does not seem sad or upset to me more just. pissed off that it didn’t go his way. like annoyed
as anatole leaves during pierre and anatole the staging has him stepping around/over natasha as she is choking from the arsenic and it is such a. show of his shallowness
his petersburg note is fantastic obviously. live laugh love george krissa
marcus nance (andrey) has such a deep and beautiful legit singing voice. it’s sooo gorgeous. any word that raises against marcus nance will fall.
I MISS HIMMMM ok sorry.
i am more sympathetic to ben carlson’s andrey, however. marcus was Incredibly stoic ben has a bit more emotion to him i think
i could swear sometimes hailey is actually crying during pierre and natasha
her “pytor kirillovich” sounds so tiny and fragile ugh my heart breaks
and his “…pierre” is so assuring AUGHH
it’s such a beautiful scene obviously. i love the two of them so damn much i hope only good things happen to them forever
“it was clear and cold” also. chills EVERY TIME
“having traced its parabola” and “like an arrow piercing the earth” hit me so hard i cannot explain
genuinely evan buliung gives the most effective inspiring fantastic mind blowing performance i maybe have ever seen on stage. he is such an incredible actor and he inspires me beyond belief
the end when the lights get really really bright and then fade out. god. so simple and so fucking beautiful
now this post is very long. thank u for reading it all if you did! (will update after seeing it more times if there’s things to say!!)
if you’re anywhere near toronto i BEG of you to go see it!! it’s closing march 24th :(( so if you get the chance i deeply implore you. beg borrow or steal a ticket just get there! best comet production ever in my biased opinion :)
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reinieseason · 7 months
we're all hung up over the ending so here's some limoreau au ideas super long post tho
royalty au - there's already one of these on ao3, where marie is a princess and jordan is a heir to a company. absolutely a banger, hope to see more of this au from other people but also from the creator themselves (the more we lie (the more we love) by secretshare is the au)
spiderman au - i'm gonna need someone to hear me out on this one. hear me out. jordan, born male, out of nowhere develops superpowers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. now, they have to figure out and balance their new powers - which aside from invincibility, waves, and like spider shit also includes gender shifting and they have to confront and navigate with their parents the identity that their parents didn't wanna face because it's become increasingly real. and this to me is like mcu ish. anyways, they also have to uh navigate their crush on marie moreau (gwen stacy of the world). hear me out.
rival TAs au - bringing this one back from my last post, jordan as brink's TA, they're a 3rd year ranked number two. but there's a professor that brink works closely with who just chose their new TA, it's the 1st year that jordan's been in hot water with marie moreau who is everything jordan hates. if jordan is a hard worker, who takes their time, marie is a genius who gets what she wants just because she's a genius. there's a rivalry but they're forced to work together when their professors start... look i don't have a justification as to why but they just do.
period piece au - i'm talking bridgerton, little women, pride and prejudice. rivalry, enemies, tension but forced to keep the tension under wraps and present a united and kind front but everyone knows they hate each other. the sexual tension of it all. lingering glances, fleeting touches. it is perfect for a couple like marie and jordan who love having a stupid big brown eyes off every episode every possible second
debate club au - look i was the HS debate captain i'm in college debate you have to hear me out . jordan as the captain of the team, marie as the new student who's a prodigy, rising star- she's a genius who's quickly put herself on par with the best team in the club. and now for nationals, the coaches put her and jordan together. the tension, the proximity, the trust, and the communication. whispers in hallways, cheering when they place first, the tension of finals. cuhrazy stuff.
figure skating au - OKAY ALL OF THIS IS LOWKEY STARTING TO SOUND THE SAME BUT IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS BUT STILL. the tension. jordan just lost their partner after a life changing injury, their coach pulls up with new star marie moreau who was beginning to dominate the solo scene but out of nowhere dropped out and now she's going duo with jordan li how mysterious. the training, the hands, the stunts, THE PROXIMITY. (my favorite word today) the anger and the arguments when they mess it up, but the fear when it seems like something bad happened. imagine both of them on the jumbotron thingy bracing for their score and it like breaks a record i mean. think about it. this is growing to be a fave.
hockey/figure skater au - jordan is a hockey player, jordan needs to be more precise, more agile. their coach talks to the figure skating rink coach and gets a tutor for jordan, marie moreau figure skater. i will not elaborate, i do not need to- mostly because it's the same shit i mentioned before but slightly different but Still.
volleyball au - if you have amazon prime, you have access to cinemalaya's rookie which is a Filipino indie film about a junior basketball player who moves to a new catholic all girls school and starts playing volleyball (because there's no girls basketball team), she falls in love with the team captain, who hates her sm. it's so fucking good, now imagine it as limoreau. imagine jordan li as the team captain who has to take care of this new member, marie who yeah she's tall and she has like whatever basics but she sucks at volleyball and for some reason is so out of it. plus plus plus volleyball tension, the other couple that gives a constant big brown eyes off is ace and jana.
gossip girl au - another hear me out, marie who's always lives her life in lowerclass new york as an orphan is adopted by victoria newman and now has to navigate life in a new school with upperclass new yorkers. she's thrown into the midst of it all and has to deal with being a fish out of water plus jordan being like wary of her. andre brings her into the group after she saves him from a tough situation with a teacher or a quiz, cate and emma are so down to welcome another girl, luke has a nice heart to heart with her and welcomes her in, and if luke and emma let her in, sam is down, but jordan- jordan is the only one who doesn't want her there and she doesn't know why. look i just watched only 1 season of gossip girl i do not know shit but still
okay yeah those are all the aus off the top of my head <3 add some more if you'd like, brain dump with me over shit I'll never write
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chrysanthemumgames · 11 months
Tumblr media
gosh WHAT a banger chapter..this one really hit me directly in the “complicated relationship with my actual real life parents” feels :’) fr tho i was kind of surprised how cathartic it ended up being to play out (i also cried when aphrodite said that they all love you haha) like i honestly don’t know if ive ever actually understood what ppl mean by “comfort media” until i played this game. truly a warm hug in story form. i didn’t visit Hypnos and unlock the full dream sequence this run, so i’m real excited to see that next time through >:)
Well I'm glad it was cathartic; I definitely understand the complicated relationships with parents thing. It's one of the major reasons why I wanted to make such a range of attitudes available to PCs around Demeter (and eventually, perhaps even their father).
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aerodaltonimperial · 6 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by @rosabellebelieve and oh girl. Ain't nobody ready for these stats LOL. Uh oh. Also, I've removed all collab fics for purposes of this, as it doesn't really seem fair since I only wrote, like, half of them lmao.
Words and Fics
268,626 words in 2023 (mother of god)
52 fics on AO3 (dear christ)
I'm not even counting Tumblr ficlets, oh god, don't make me
Top 5 Pairings
💚🖤Jack/Darby (24) (NUMBER ONE???? how tho)
🧡🖤Hook/Danhausen (23)
💚🧡Jack/Hook (5)
🔮🍑Julia/Anna (4)
🧡🎤Max Caster/Hook (3) & 🧡🍊Orange/Hook (3) (HAHAHAHAHA)
Top 5 by kudos
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be (right in front of me) [Hookhausen]
man of lesser words [Hookhausen]
don't need a cure for love [Orange/Hook]
baby please (would you read my eulogy) [JungleCorpse]
you're the realest thing i've never had to fake [Hookhausen]
Top 5 by hits
baby please (would you read my eulogy) [JungleCorpse]
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be (right in front of me) [Hookhausen]
now you know how i feel [Hookhausen]
Weekend in Fresno: or, a Hook choose your own dating adventure [Hook/everyone]
threat level: euclid [HH, JC, SP]
Fandom Events in 2023
I made it to a wrestling show! Since they never go near me and my life is what it is, I really can't manage more than one a year, and I've got to be lucky to get that to work, but this was a big deal and I'm so happy that I could make it happen!
ALSO I MADE UP A FUCKING PAIRING AND GOT IT TO THE #1 FOR BOTH PARTIES INVOLVED you know what this counts as an event LMAOOOOO i'm thinking no one should actually have this power
Upcoming Projects
If I ever stop bemoaning my perceived lack of skill, I've got 2/3 of a fic that Vamp prompted dialogue for, largely me writing something fluffy and saccharine because she was trying to write smut and we were both trying to write out of our wheelhouses lol
Writing reflection
Well! 2023 was quite a year, honestly. I was going to be like OH HOLY SHIT about my word count but when I took our collabs, it dropped so fast, so that's good, I guess (???). I'm still so happy I discovered wrestling, because it's been easily 12 years since I had this amount of creativity for a single fandom. And this year I really stretched out and started writing new stuff within the wrestling fandom! That's exciting (depending what you followed me for, I suppose LOL).
But more than anything else, this year I looked at what I wanted to write and said, FUCK IT, I'M WRITING IT. And I started dropping horror shit I fully expected that no one would read, because I didn't think people came to fandom for spooky stuff??? And lo and behold, y'all really showed up for those fics! I'm forever grateful you saw me writing absolutely batshit horror and were like yes, Katy, we will also read this creepfest. So much love.
I also tried to write more smut, which I am not particularly adept at, and also some darker themes. I do try to write lighthearted things, haha, but my own mental state has been not stellar, and I think that tends to come out in my fics. And I started writing femslash, which this fandom needs so much more of! So. All in all, a real banger year for me in fandom. I'm pretty proud of a LOT of the fics I wrote this year.
And, obviously, 2023 would not be complete with me mentioning that Vamp and I produced an epic shit ton of words together, and MORE IMPORTANTLY had an absolute blast in doing so. What a whirlwind writing together has been!!! I think we've really gotten to this point of just great flow, and I'm super proud of how we work so well like we do. We DO HAVE SOMETHING ELSE COMING but we've been "planning" it since August and haven't written it yet, so HAHAHA. Anyway. Expect that in 2025, or something. ;)
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
Tagging: @whysamwhy123 @meeplanguage @fille-lioncelle and anyone else who wants to take a stab at this!
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literaphobe · 5 months
hello. it is walking up the walls like a spider anon. chapter 5 made me feel like [car crash noises] [cartoon spring sound effect] [train rushes by] /pos. the PARALLELS!!!!!!! ladybug and chat noir being possessive but in different ways...... im losing my mind. the inner conflict you crafted for chat noir is literally so good. like. he wants to sleep with her so bad. but he knows that if he does he'll be even more infatuated with her. and he is so afraid that it'll be a one time thing that he keeps putting it off. "His dreams are the only place where they've ever been in love" ? WRECKED ME. my eyes bulged out of my head like a cartoon character and i heard the BONK sound effect so vividly i may as well have heard it in real life.
like god. chat noir thinks that this is the only way that he'll ever be able to be that close to ladybug and KNOWS that it will kill him because he's a romantic and wants to share everything with her but he STILL goes along with it because (see above reason).
as always. the dialogue and descriptions are banger. you have such a knack for fast-paced, witty, dynamic dialogue that makes reading such an engaging experience. the flow is so great that sometimes i'll be reading, then look at my scroll bar in despair (😦) because i realize i'm nearing the end of the chapter. i'm spinning tvl ladybug and chat noir so fast in my head that i think i can become a new source of clean renewable energy. the way that ladybug is quick to figure out plans and chat noir is quick to figure out ladybug. like they both try so desperately to fix things but in different ways.
literaphobe i am ur number one fan thank u for posting this fic 🫶
OH SPIDER ANON… im afraid IM your number one fan actually…
tvl chat noir’s inner conflict seems very confusing and convoluted to ladybug but it’s very simple really. he responds best and loses his inhibitions most easily WHEN she shows signs of yearning or potential feelings for him. aka when she gets jealous, when she reveals her desire to sleep with him ISNT reckless/she’s been thinking of it for a while/wanting it all for a while Blah Blah Blah and similarly he pulls away when he’s reminded of the fleeting, one-off nature of their arrangement, or when he’s aware that other romantic prospects exist in tvl ladybug’s life……… and he’ll keep doing this until he gets some form of confirmation or they come to an agreement about a more Indefinite arrangement
at the end of the day tho. he’s still Very weak for her. so if push comes to shove he could very easily Give In to her whims at the right moment, wrong time, etc etc etc
GIVES YOU SUCH A TIGHT HUG ANON… you make writing this fic so worth it :) thank you for your lovely remarks i reread and cherish them dearly -> as always to anyone reading this ch5 of tvl is out now!! im replying to my ch4 comments soon (SORRY) and I can’t wait to see what u all have to say :D
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newt-with-a-big-hat · 6 months
I just watched Good Omens season 2 and I'm gonna be ☝🤓 about it for a second bcuz none of my friends watched the show and I cant rant at them (exploding them with my mind rn)
obviously spoiler and unhinged tirade warning
and no im not proof reading any of this
So I got really into the books before it was a show (Im not like other Good omens fans ok) *gets shoved into a locker* So I was pleasantly surprised with the first season because I thought my annoying grinch ahh would hate it. It was faithful to the original but it still made it new and interesting. The themes, story and the vibe was the same. They did put more of a focus on Aziraphale and Crowely and made them slightly softer but it worked and was swag. I also liked what they did with the ending even though it wasn't in the book.
So when season two was announced I was hopeful but also really nervous. The story had come to a logical end (Ig it could continue with a war between humanity and a heaven hell alliance and the end of season one basicallly implied that that would happen but STILL) and then the other writer for the book, Sir Terry Pratchet passed away (SIDE NOTE: i hate when people only mention Gaiman in regards to Good Omens, put some respect on my man Pratchet). I thought a lot of the humour and charm the book originally had was very Pratchetesque and it just wouldn't be the same without him . (no shade to Gaiman btw but yk what i mean)
I found out later (two days ago) that they the two authors had actually discussed a sequel previously and it would probably follow the plot of that heaven/hell vs humanity war, but past me didnt know that ok? my point about it not being the same still stands.
When season 2 came out i didnt watch it for a month bcuz i didnt have amazon prime. But when I eventually BOUGHT MY OWN SUBSCRIPTION AND GOT IT 100% LEGITIMATELY, JEFF BEZOS IF YOU'RE READING THIS PLS DONT COME BEAT ME UP, i finally had no more excuses to put it off.
In the begining (BIBLE REFERENCE?!??) i was really getting into it. Gaiman was POPPING off with those jokes. The naked Gabriel thing was an interesting premise. It was silly, cozy, and comfy.
and then it sort of stayed like that?
Like in Season one the main threat was the literal world ending. In season 2 it was Shaz standing menacingly outside the bookshop? And I know there was the whole threat of them being erased from the book of life, but that was mentioned once and then not really brought up again until the end where all the threats were just resolved in like 15 minutes? In season 1 Heaven and hell were a proper threat, but in season 2 they felt like submissive Beta males for some reason. it just felt kind of low stakes and too easily resolved.
OK so my next part might make some ppl mad (pls dont be mean to me ill cry) so I will preface this with saying: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST A ROMANCE BETWEEN AZIRAPHALE AND CROWELY HAPPENING IN SEASON 2 lets be honest they were basically married in the book anyway so  💀
However it kind of overpowered the rest of the season. while season 1 was focused on a lot of different characters and plot happening, most of season 2 seemed to focus on their relationship. I did like some of it (that magic show episode was a banger) but no real plot actually happened during that time ( I straight up forgot Gabriel existed).
I also wasn't overly invested in the other romance between Maggie and Nina. It was cute, but it didnt hit like Newton and Anathema did. Gabriel and Beelzebub was cute (should have been me not Gabriel tho), but it was all smooshed into the last episode. It was a bit of an information dump.
The season felt like a different genre, with different stakes and a different overall vibe. Im gonna be honest, at some points it felt kind of... fanfictiony? if thats a good way to put it? It became more of a character driven show.
While I was doing some serious academic research (reading other tumblr blogs) I found out that this season was meant to be more relaxed and a smaller scale compared to season one and an eventual season 3. It was meant to be more focused on characters relationships and getting everyone where they need to be for the final season (which i assume is going to be like the sequel that Pratchet and Giaman planned ages ago). And it was also filmed during the Pandemic which explains its smaller scale.
I have mixed feelings on it. It was an enjoyable season, but it just didnt feel Good-omens-esque, and the fact that Im a ☝🤓 and grew up with book means I cant enjoy it as much as I want to. Im hoping season three will bring back the originals vibes and redeem season 2 for me.
Ok so aside form my main critisim, I also wanna talk abt the charactarisation of Aziraphale and Crowely and the Themes. This ones less of a problem for me but someone pointed it out and now its bothering me a bit.
When I watched the ending I was ready to throw hands with Gaiman himself because I didn't realize that there was gonna be a season three where the conflict was resolved. After I found out I was fine again UNTIL someone pointed out that they felt Aziraphale leaving for heaven was kind of out of character. The main message of season one is that neither heaven nor hell is good and both Aziraphale and Crowely are on their own, and humanities side. Both of them realize that, and theres a whole scene where they make a toast to the world. The fact that Aziraphale suddenly goes all "I can fix him" on heaven seems a bit odd. I've got mixed feelings on this becuase on one hand it is an interesting conflict to have, but it does sort of seem ooc for him to do. Im deciding to rationalize it by saying Aziraphales gone a bit silly and goofy from all the stress thats happening.
Someone else pointed out that the fact that Aziraphale and crowely met when they were both angels kind of ruins the significance that they became 'friends' despite being on opposite sides. I kind of see this point too, and I did prefer their first meeting being in the garden of eden (mainly becuase it was funnier) but im choosing to interpret this as they were aquintances as angels and only got to know eachother later.
Im just putting my trust in Neil Gaiman and Season 3
OK ITS OVER. Most people probably dont care all that much because they touch grass and go outside, but I just wanted to rant becuase something about it was really bothering me. If you actually read this far im giving you a gold star and a platonic forhead smooch. ALSO PLS FEEL FREE TO BULLY ME FOR MY TAKES BCUZ I REALLY WANT TO ENJOY THIS THIS SEASON AND MAYBE A DIFF PERSPECTIVE WILL HELP. OK BYE
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