#i dont need to imagine how everyone on the field and how his family felt i am acutely familiar with that
crookedkingdom · 2 years
hey if you're going to be an asshole and post a video of the player who received CPR for 9 minutes on the field at least fucking tag it
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert- 16
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A:N This is fiction, This is not based on any real life events. I dont own or know Justin, his family, the chargers etc.
Time flies when you're having fun.
It was Saturday night, and Justin and Sara were scheduled to begin their drive back to the City of Angels at 5:00 am sharp the next morning. 
They woke up Friday to a quiet house, Patrick was gone for his game against CAL and everyone else was asleep. After Justin unsuccessfully attempted sex. (Sara was adamant about no sex in his parents house) they got up. Sara went to make breakfast for the family as a thank you while Justin fed Nova and Dylan and let the dog out to do his business. Sara decided on pancakes for everyone and some eggs. She couldn't imagine how Holly cooked and fed three growing athletes.
Justin did help her with cutting the fruit. Unbeknownst to them Mark and Holly were up and watching them from afar. Just like the first night they visited their son.
"What do you think of her? Holly whispered to Mark. 
"I really like her, she's sweet, grounded. Has her head on her shoulders. I can't believe her parents don't see that."
Holly sighed." She loved Mitch and Patrick's girlfriends. But with Sara felt very protective. When Sara spoke about the downside about fame and how she'd been screwed over by friends and distant family members her heart ached. She was a brave girl, going to California for college at eighteen, them getting a big break at twenty one and having all this attention.
The fact that her family thought it was easy work or that she shouldn't be on the same level as her sisters broke her heart.
Justin had spoken with his parents about her family when they asked why he didn't meet them yet. He explained according to Sara's words.
They are a handful 
They are overwhelming.
He wanted to press the issue further but he didn't want to upset her. It seemed she needed to be in the right mental space before she could deal with her family.
While her parents and aunt sounded like a piece of work, she spoke very fondly of her older sisters. She and Pat bonded over them being the youngest and getting beat up constantly growing up.
They stayed and had dinner with the Herbert's Friday night and then they had gone back to Justin's
Saturday the whole day was spent packing up and making love when they could. Justin was in a weird mood. He had gotten some concerning news regarding Allen's injury. Reality was hitting him hard again that he would go back to the pressure, the criticism. The fact that some commentator was out there calling him a bust.
Sara noticed a change as well but just stayed out of it. Since that night at Autzen stadium she truly grasped how much pressure he was facing. Being up in the stands she could only imagine what he felt on the field. 
But now standing on that field, even among empty seats, picturing every area filled up. People spending hundreds of dollars on your merchandise and putting your name on your back and trusting you with a franchise. She, in some way, understood that. With that new knowledge she smothered Justin in kisses and love Friday. When he got the text message and phone calls from Tom about the team she just left him alone and would let him come to her.  
Eventually he did. She was making a snack, all that lovemaking made her famished. While she was at the counter replenishing her fluids she felt arms wrap around her and a head on her shoulder. Leaning into his embrace she didn't say anything.
After a moment of silence he spoke. "This season's fucked."
It was weird to see him so cynical. He really wasn't one or the other, being more  realistic. "Justin, you can't say that. You still have half the season. Plenty of football left."
"Yeah, and our toughest games are still on the horizon with no starters. This is gonna go well." He got off of her. "I'm going to get a workout in."
"What we did all day today wasn't a workout?" She tried to joke
That got a smile out of him. "Well it gave you a workout, considering you were practically riding the whole time."
"Nothing wrong with that. I love riding and seeing you lose control" He smiled. "I have no objection to it all." He kissed her head and went to the basement. Leaving Sara alone with her thoughts. Which was usually a dangerous thing. 
After trying to convince herself not to do her usual toxic bullshit, she realized she needed to call her mom.
She did the math, it would be around 9pm Pittsburgh time which meant her mom would be getting ready for bed and doing her 25 step night routine, thinking it was going to reverse looking sixty five. She hit 'momma' in the contacts and only after two rings, she heard the familiar voice.
"Darling! What a surprise! I thought you weren't going to call. I was even telling Brittany I should book a flight to surprise you." Sara did have a chuckle at that. "Well you can hold off on a trip. I'm still alive."
"Speaking of trips, what are you doing for Thanksgiving? You are coming home right?" 
Fuck, of course her mom would bring that up. "Uh I don't know yet mom my schedule is all over the place."
"Sara, you didn't come last year! We haven't seen you since April!"
She sighed. "Mom, I came for my birthday and fourth of July. Plus Eric and Michelle's wedding. Alyssa hasn't been home for Thanksgiving in years." Referring to her Brother in Law's hockey schedule. "Why is it so important I'm there?"
"Can't a mother want as many of her kids there?" Sara rolled her eyes. Cathy had a plan, she knew her mother too well. "What's the real reason mom?"
There was a pause. "Well you remember Trevor?"
Trevor was a guy she graduated high school with. He was also the son of one of her mom's friends. They were constantly forced to spend time together. He wasn't a jerk that bullied her, but he didn't exactly stick up for her either. 
She hadn't thought of him in years. "Yeah, what about him?"
"His fiance dumped him a couple months ago, he's pretty down right now. Rochelle and I wanted you to take him out when you came home. He could use a friend right now."
She snorted. "Um, as much as I'm sorry to hear that he has plenty of friends. Also I know what you're trying to do mom. I don't think he wants to go out on a date two months after ending a serious relationship."
"You know I showed a picture of the Michael kors campaign you did. His exact words were 'wow she looks beautiful.'"
Sara rolled her eyes. "Jeez mom what was he supposed to say? She looks average. Listen, I got to see but even If I could come home I'm not interested in seeing Trevor."
"Okay I'll drop it." She knew it wasn't over with her mom. "Oh you need to call your sister Alyssa. She wants to know when you could come down to St. Louis to meet the new baby. Kenzie is six  months old and you've still only seen pictures. Plus Brent's shoulder is injured again. He's in a cast and can't help with Theo. You could go down and be a big help."
Now Sara loved her nephew to pieces and did want to meet the new baby. She also wouldn't mind helping But wasn't that her mom's job?
"What was that?" Sara didn't realize she grumbled that. "Oh nothing. How's dad?" 
"Oh you know your father. He's in his study checking the stock markets and coming up with the best new investment for his clients." Her dad Mike Wozniak was a workaholic. Even at sixty seven he refused to give up his position, saying he worked too damn hard to just give it up. Even when the doctor told him he was risking giving himself a heart attack. Mike was a stubborn man, and as Justin called her 'his stubborn woman.' She was always reminded of her dad. 
"You know you're doing what your dad does. Put work above everything else." It was true in some sense. Sara's dad skipped many events of hers in favor of her older sisters because he only had time for one thing. While her mom tried to go as often as she could, she usually had papers to grade at the event so she didn't pay attention.
It was funny, wasn't the youngest child supposed to get all of the love? Because it didn't work that way in Sara's family.
And they wondered why she tried to stay away.
Suddenly she heard a beep on her end she looked to see it was her manager calling. "Hey mom listen I have to go I just got called for something."
"Oh are you on set?"
She lied. "Yeah and my break is over. Love you and tell Katie and Alyssa I'll call them sometime this or next week." She hung up and switched over.
"Hi Sara, I have some exciting news." 
"So Rihanna's team reached out to us and wanted to see if you would be interested in becoming a representative for Savage Fenty! This would be a photoshoot session for next week followed by walking in the fashion show late January or early February!"
Her jaw dropped. "No fucking way!!! Yes of course I'll do it! Holy shit that's amazing."
"Excellent! I'll be reviewing your contract and then you should receive a box of their new lingerie collection. You just have to post on your Instagram. This is big Sara, big! You will also need some runway training. I'll make sure it fits in your schedule with filming while you're away."
They discussed the rest of the details and once she saw Justin emerge from the basement sweaty and shirtless she had to cut it short. "Okay Alex gotta go call me sometime." She hung up and her mouth dropped open. He walked to the fridge, aloof that his girlfriend was ogling him despite the fact that they went for a few rounds earlier. “Who were you just talking to?” He took a swig of his protein juice, reminding himself to text Pat to eat up all the food so it didn’t go bad. "Oh no one just work stuff."
It wasn't a lie. She had a plan for something that might tie into a Christmas present. She  already started to get anxiety on what to get her family, friends, and more importantly Justin. First Christmas together was a big milestone, or was that when you were married? She didn't know, but what she did know was this was a man who could have anything but wanted nothing. He wasn't materialistic, just a simple guy who wore Nike sweats and hated whole foods. 
So what else did she have? She had seen trends on Tiktok about girls making their man a personal poster. What about if she did a calendar? She was a fucking genius. Full of sexy pics that he could put on his locker.
The plan was perfect. She would just have to steal some jerseys, rent out a studio, and have someone she trusted take the photos and style her hair and makeup.
"Sara!" She broke free of her thoughts and stared at Justin, who was confused. "What's wrong?"
He shook head. "You sorta stared off into space and just began to breathe heavily . Are you having a panic attack?"
She laughed. "No, just excited for this project I'm working on. Hey, can I ask you a favor?"
"What's up?"
"Do you think a couple days a week I can work out in the practice facilities?"
He was shocked. "Don't you have a gym?"
She nodded. "A public one, and I really want to just work out without the paparazzi hanging out trying to get photos of me."
He nodded. "I mean you can come in when we are on the field and no fans are around. Sometimes we have closed practices. Less people around. Usually late at night is the quiet time. May I ask what is this about?"
"I've been slacking on the workout and I just want to get into healthy habits." He seemed to buy it and she was glad. Truth be told she wanted to tone up a bit. It took her years to accept her body, between talent agents telling her she was too fat to be in the business and gossips mags putting her on the cover and calling her fat. Conservative men going on social media and preaching to their followers that her being a size 12 was promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Funny enough she started a feud with one of them, and posted screenshots of them in her DM's trying to fuck her.
She was going to be doing a fashion show in lingerie where nothing could be photoshopped. Sara at least wanted to tone up a bit.
What better way to do that than workout with athletes? She had gotten a bit slimmer by sticking to a healthy diet like Justin does.  Combine that with exercise? A great combo if you asked her.
After he showered, he advised that the both of them turn in early since he wanted to be up to say goodbye to his family and hit the road. As they shut out the light it made her sad to think that they would be going back to the real world. The world of critics and pressure. 
She felt Justin wrap his arms around her, and she leaned into him. Sara felt so safe in his arms,like nothing could get to her.
"Thank you so much for your hospitality. I had such a lovely weekend." Sara hugged Holly and Mark and Patrick. It was 5am and still dark outside. She didn't know how the Herbert family were such early risers. When she questioned Justin, he said he never knew either. He was a night owl and it took him to get to the NFL to get into an early riser habit. 
The two bid their goodbyes with plans to see each other again. Holly mentioned something about coming down for Thanksgiving. Justin said he'd have to see the schedule. The whole topic made Sara think about her conversation with her mom. Truth be told she really didn't want to go home especially since it was going to be a plan to set her up with Trevor.
Once they double checked everything was loaded up they drove off, and she could see the Herbert family get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.
Justin heard her sign. "What's wrong?"
She smiled. "Nothing, it's just. I love it here so much. Shame we have to go back."
"I know. But we will be back in the summer. Usually in July I go home for about three weeks."
"I don't know if I'll be able to go. I usually do reshoots for the show. So I might be in North Carolina for about a few weeks around that time." He nodded in response. 2023 was going to be a challenge for the couple. Sara's schedule was going to be insane. It wasn't like Justin was going to be the boyfriend to visit her on set.
The first couple hours of the drive were quiet. Justin grabbing her hand every now and then and pointing at certain sights he saw.
Hour three she realized she needed to stop for a snack, maybe use the bathroom. He pulled up to a McDonald's, and grabbing her mask and baseball cap she got out. She did her business in the bathroom and went to the counter to order. It was a small McDonald's with older people working there so she wasn't too concerned.
However the young girl in the dining room kept staring. It began to make her uncomfortable. At this point let a girl know if you want a picture or not.
Sara paid her no attention as she ordered a coke and a couple burgers and fries. Unbeknownst to her though the young girl took a photo of Sara from behind, sending it to her friends. 
Once she got her food, she rushed back out to the silver Porsche. Justin looked at her. "Babe it's 8am, it's too early for coke and fries. Don't they just serve breakfast?"
She shrugged. "Not this one. Plus I had a craving for this. I don't get this very often."
She put the bag in the middle of them. Knowing he was probably going to reach for some fries, because what normal person wouldn't? He was a normal person though, and ten minutes later she saw him reach into the bag and pop a few into his mouth.
"Isn't it a little early for fries?" She teased. 
He playfully glared at her. "Shut up." He muttered and she laughed.
Around hour four she fell asleep. Justin smiled as he stole glances at her sleeping face every now and then. They were on the longest stretch on the expressway that would lead them to California. The time seemed to fly because Sara woke up and recognized that they were back in California.  "Hey sleeping beauty. How did you sleep?"
She yawned and tried to stretch as much as she could. "Okay I guess. Better than if we flew. I can't sleep on planes."
She nodded. " When I was working on the 1975s album I was back and forth to London. That trip was a nightmare for me." She clapped her hands. "I'm glad that this year I was able to record in California."
He totally forgot that she sang. "Hey I haven't heard your singing voice on a recording. Can I listen to something?"
Sara grabbed her phone, and after a few minutes of searching, she connected her phone to the radio, and after a few seconds music filled the car.
I swore that I'll become a better man for you
The song was 'I lied' with Lord Huron. It was one of her favorite songs. She wanted to show him 'Meet me in the city' but Ben hadn't sent her the recording yet. She would probably hear it when she went to shoot the music video. 
He was in a trance as her solo came on. "Wow, it's beautiful! Your voice is beautiful." Justin was proud, she did have a beautiful voice and the melody flowed well.  "Have you ever thought about making an album?"
She shrugged. "Not really, I only like doing features and duets. I have helped compose some lyrics and melodies but that's about it.
Once the song was over, she played more music that she was featured on. Her first one was Foster the People's Static Space Lover.
"This was my first uncredited feature. I was twenty and doing some small acting jobs before landing the show. When it was released I thought it was going to be my big break. Critics called it the worst song on the album." She laughed. "It hurt then, but now it's funny. I honestly was happy the band's label paid me $250 and I got to spend time with one of my favorite bands. Everyone was so nice. Even today I'm still friends with the lead singer."
"Can I ask you a question? Who was the meanest encounter with a celebrity?" He was genuinely curious.
"So when I was relatively new to the Hollywood scene I bumped into Kendall Jenner in 2018, at a party and I told who I was. She looked me up and down and stated I was a faker, she called security to escort me away from her." She rolled her eyes. "Last year I ran into her again and she tried to act like I was an old friend. The only reason Bella is friends with her because of modeling. I make sure not to be around her, but if she says hi, I am not going to be mean in front of the cameras. I would like nothing more than to tell her to shove it.”
Justin smiled. Another point of silence for the rest of the drive.
He approached his house and turned into the driveway. She was going to go home and check her mail, do laundry and call her sisters. He had to get ready for the media in the morning and go back to his usual routine.
Once he pulled up, she unloaded her bags from the trunk and put it in her car. She kissed him and jumped in her car.
As she drove, she thought of everything that had happened over the weekend. How wonderfully their relationship progressed, and how she hasn't thought of the other women once. She also was trying to figure out what to do with Joey.
He had backed off completely, she knew he had that date with Kailey but she didn't know how it went. She felt bad, because Joey was so cool and he was fun to talk to. But she had to say something about him trying to flirt, because she was in a relationship with his teammate.
Maybe when she was at the fitness center she would have a chance to speak with him.
She pulled up to her house and threw her suitcases in her room. After saying hi to Erika, she asked her to go grocery shopping since she needed to load up the house. This week she wouldn't be seeing Justin as often since she had work commitments and wanted to spend time with her friends.
In the car ride to the store she told Erika all about her trip and what went down. Her friend squealed at Justin saying 'I Love you.'
"So does this mean that you are over the thought of him with  those other girls?" Erika stated. Sara didn't name names when she told her friend/assistant the story of her and Justin’s issues.
Sara nodded. "Yes I've decided I needed to let go of that." She was ashamed. "I have something to confess. I had his phone to help him with something. I went to Instagram and took screenshots of his DM's and sent them to my phone."
Erika laughed. "Are you serious?" She looked over at her in shock. "How exactly is this funny?"
"SARA! I've never not gone through a guy's phone!"
"Erika! That's not normal! I feel so guilty. It's a violation of trust."
"And he hasn't given you a reason to trust him." Sara was quiet for a moment. "Still. It wasn't right. I'd be upset if he did that to me."
"Are you gonna tell him?"
There it was, the million dollar question. "I don't know. Maybe one day, but. I feel bad. This isn't like me. It never was."
"Well, don't forget you got fucked over in mostly all of your relationships and hookups. Consider it a test." 
She decided to drop the topic for now. Erika was no help in this situation. 
They pulled up to whole foods. She didn't care if Justin made fun of her for shopping there. It made her feel healthy and she had the money. Grabbing a cart she and her friend went up and down the aisles. She stopped and got sushi as well considering she was trying to be healthy.
A couple fans recognized her and she stopped and took some photos. She was in a colorful hoodie and black jeans. Still wearing her baseball cap. 
Once that was over she filled up her shopping cart, paid for her groceries (almost $300 which Justin would scoff at) and loaded up she headed back to the house. Ready to start an insane week.
"Since when do you pay attention to football?"
Sara was watching the Chargers falcons game while getting her hair and makeup done for the Lord Huron video shoot. Between dress rehearsal for the show, meetings with her management, small carpet appearances, she had no time to see Justin, only speaking with him on facetime. She wouldn't be seeing much of him this week either, since she would be flying back to New York for a few days to meet with her oldest sister Katia and her kids who would be in town. She also had runway training with Bella and her management. 
Also their management booked a photoshoot for  her and Bella at Vogue for the friendship series editorial set to be released in sprint 2023. This was an important shoot as it would be overseen by Anna Wintour herself.
She knew Justin was upset when she told him about the last minute travel plans. But he would be on the road as well. Next week he had a game against the 49ers. Joey and her had spoken about despite not playing he would be traveling with the team to see his brother Nick.
They did text back and forth about his new girl Kailey who according to him was super sweet. She was glad that it was working out for him so far.
She answered the hairstylist question. "Joe has been inviting me to games and I've been hooked ever since." The makeup artist, Anthony who was working on her face sighed. "Oh I love football players, have you seen their ass in those pants?"
Sara laughed, thinking of how many times she made Justin blush when she said her fantasy is to smack his ass in his uniform. "Oh don't think I haven't noticed."
"Girl if I were you I'd be trying to hook up with one of the players." Susie, the hairstylist stated. Sara laughed, the lie slipping off her lips easily. "Oh my god I wish! There is no way I could live the NFL life l would go crazy!"
"Girl I'm not saying marry one. Just fuck one of them!" Sara giggled. "Yeah I'm not really interested in any of them" the lie came too easily.
"Touchdown Chargers!" She couldn't look down at her phone cause Anthony was applying her eyeshadow.  "Well the game is tied right now. " He declared. 
Sara couldn't watch the rest of the game because she was called to set. The music video had a 1900s western theme. She was opposite Ben who was walking through the city while Sara was in a bar. The two sang about being in love with each other and forgetting their spouses.
They were filming at one of the campgrounds of the Joshua tree national park. Two hours from her normal area. She would be in a hotel for a few nights. Then on a plane to New York straight away
This shoot was complicated because everything needed to be filmed in the daylight, so they had to start as soon as the sun rose. Overall the first part took a whole day in itself. The director, a good friend of Ben's, was a perfectionist. It was good for Sara as he taught her stuff about being behind the scenes in the director's chair. However as an actor it was aggravating. If he didn't like the way Sara's hand laid on the bar it was a reshoot til it was deemed correct 
By the time she got out of her saloon girl outfit, ate something other than the snacks on set and washed her heavy makeup off and undid her hair, It was midnight and she saw that the Chargers won. Shooting Justin a text saying congrats and that she loved and missed him. She collapsed and fell asleep missing Justin's reply.
Thanks babe.
Love you.
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
I have never requested anything so I have no idea where to do that and stuff, i hope you dont mind me writing it here.. I was thinking if you could write about platonic relationship between Polnareff and reader? like, them being siblings and after Sherry's death reader would disappear for some years, they would reunite while stardust crusaders is happening. they would meet between fight with Anubis and after that they would talk about how they've missed each other.. hurt/comfort type of thing with some fluff in it. oh and also reader has a healing stand perhaps? they could help Polpol and Joot with their wounds. I hope its ok with you! if not, feel free to ignore it
That’s fine! Your request was lovely but you’re also my first imagine request so we’re in this doing firsts together 🥺💕 Hope you enjoy <3
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Everything, Everything for You, My Darling
Polnareff x Reader
Count: 4.1k+
‘For as long as you could remember, it had always been the three of you’
Contains: Angsts, Character death, Hurt, Comfort, Strong Language, Happy Ending, Not Beta Read
For as long as you could remember, it had always been the three of you.
Looking up towards the younger girl, you softly mouthed an apology. Her leg was still brushed red, tinged with small specks of blood and razor like streaks but you tried to clean up her graze as lightly as you could. 
Apart from this one injury, Sherry was fine. Maybe a slightly bruised ego but she was holding her own, unlike the other addition to your trio. 
Within your peripheral, you could see Jean Pierre marching up and down the paved field edge you were all currently situated on, his footing light but his clomps loud nonetheless. He was currently seething, hot with anger; something that wasn’t a regular occurrence but definitely felt once present. 
“I swear — I fucking swear — I’ll get them back for that. Those sleazy bastards…. think, think they can just get away with hurting my sister, huh?! Fuck, they so have what’s coming for them.”
The collection of red stained cotton buds that sat besides your leg stacked up in a small pyramid. You added another one to the pile before addressing the boy, a sigh in your voice. 
“There’s nothing you can do about it, Jean Pierre. They’ve already run off and there’s about seven of them and three of us. We just gotta cut our losses as it is, you know?”
Sherry nodded in agreeal to your comment although flinched afterwards as you lightly stuck a plaster above her knee. 
“Yeah, don’t work yourself up blaming them. It’s not like they did it on purpose. I just happened to be in the way is all.” Her voice was as soft as ever.
Visibly you could see Jean Pierre start to calm down, his feet finally stuck in one singular place and his box shoulders sagging, although you knew the fire of rage still bubbled deep within his gut. 
“Mon coeur, still!” He exclaimed towards you before switching his attention to Sherry, “They should have minded you or something. At least turned back and apologise…”
A lumpy silence fell over the three of you; no one had much else to comment but everyone knew someone needed to say something to fill the gap. Something that didn’t seem like a topic divert or talking just for talks sake. But as always, you knew what to say. 
“It’s okay, Jean Pierre. The fact no one’s seriously injured is more than fine. We got lucky.” You encouraged. 
With a pout, Sherry aimlessly reached a finger down to lightly smooth over her plaster. You mundanely rubbed the uninjured part of her leg before adding: “It just means you’ll have to be Sherry’s personal chauffeur.” 
A soft laugh left Sherry’s mouth at Jean Pierre’s bewildered expression, the boy seemingly offended at the task he was now endowed with. 
“What?! No fair! That’s even more reason to get them back!” He boomed. 
You weren’t related by blood like Sherry and Jean Pierre were, but the two were the closest thing you had to family. Sherry was soft spoken and as pretty as she spoke. Jean Pierre was boisterous and forever daring in his outlook. You all complimented each other’s personalities but you looked up to Jean Pierre with a different austere air. 
The way the older conducted life about him — care-free but never too lenient — it always inspired you to fulfil life in the same manor. It always gave you that edge to be watchful over the Sherry. You liked to think that you and Jean Pierre aided her under a wing each. If only you had known that instead, Jean Pierre was protectively holding his wings over the both of you. 
However, despite his disposition, you would never have known the hollowing loneliness he constantly carried with him. Sherry hadn’t much memory of their parents but Jean Pierre did. He had tasted warmth and protection before, he knew how secure it’d make one feel. Jean Pierre even believes he would be better off having never experienced it. Maybe at least that way he wouldn’t daily feel that he was concaving — rotting, from the inside out.
Instead, he used the previous love he’d once received on the both of you. 
Not once had the thought that the three of you could ever be apart cross your mind. Even if it did, there was no need to dwell on it as life was already as harsh as it was; why would you dream or even prepare yourself to be away from your only life sources? However, only naivety could fool you that deep. 
When Sherry was killed the brutally dehumanising way she was, the only thing you could think to do was pull apart from your rootings. 
Pull apart from everything that once made you happy, starve yourself of knowing what Home meant and felt like because why should you?
Sherry had lost her life; never again to see how burnt orange would tickle the vineyard horizons at early dawn or how the stars would wink goodnight under the heavy smell of olives in the evening. The sweet song of rushing brookes! How the clear current could surprise you with its strength if you were to comb your hand against it. No longer was Sherry here to experience those beautiful parries of life so how could you possibly live in the very vicinities she once did and constantly feel like you weren’t dying yourself? 
You had fled from the town not even seventy-two hours after her death. It honestly had felt longer by then, but there was no sound voice of reason to warn you against that, and so you had acted on the fleeting decision once you thought it. 
It was selfish of you really to not think of everyone else involved — especially concerning how much it would have affected Jean Pierre, how the burden of losing both of you would solely fall on him. You know you could never fear Jean Pierre, with utmost certainty you knew he wouldn’t even dare think about harming you. 
But it's when you saw the rage, how the always lit but never boiling flame suddenly unleashed within the older boy towards Sherry’s killer, a part of you feared that you had lost him to an overdue battle.  
Running never worked for anyone and to be honest, you’re not sure why it seemed right.
The grief, the pain, the hate all still remained. Everything you tried to run from, stayed. Your dear Family that you wanted to protect, gone. The only thing you had left of them was the faint shadow of their silhouettes that were engraved into the flesh of your eyelids, haunting you for as long as you drew breath. 
Still yet, life went on and in due time of being a wanderer, you found yourself in places you could only have dreamt of visiting. 
Currently, you were situated in Edfu, a small city that sat on the west bank of the Nile. Cairo had been a bit busy for you, even though you’d spent about a week or so there, and so you ventured more of the country to see what it offered. 
You’re not quite sure what drew you to the ancient settlement of Edfu but from the moment you got here, you knew you were there for a reason. 
It was just approaching noon when you were sat in the outside seating of the small cafe. It was also then that you heard a loud crashing bang. 
When you looked, the trouble seemed to be coming from the barbershop that was placed just four doors down from where you sat. Most of the locals who were around you turned or gravitated towards the source of commotion, surprised at the sudden disturbance in their mostly quiet dwelling. You on the other hand turned the other way in your seat. 
“Khan! Khan! Is everything okay?!” 
You could only make out the few phrases of Arabic being used around you but you still chose to disengage and move away from the noise. Without even a look at who was involved, you quickly got up and slinked into the inside of the cafe. 
Don’t get it wrong, it’s not like you didn’t care nor wanted to help. It’s just… everywhere you went, trouble seemed to follow you. The first few times, you engaged and tried to help out but after awhile, you realised it was always you who the attackers turned on. 
This is one of the major reasons why you found yourself becoming a traveller. No matter where you landed yourself, bizarre occurrences always seemed to happen whilst you were in the vicinity.
In your opinion, you saw this as a curse — Sherry’s Curse. This was your judgement on earth already being served to you, this is what you got for running away. 
As you sat by the peeling bar, you could only sigh with your head in your hands, the ruckus outside continuing on. The bartender had the same disposition as you. Whether they were used to the noise or just too dully complacent with their job to move from their position, you wouldn’t know. They didn’t mind you for the duration of the time you were there. They only gave you a nod once you entered and that was it. The rest of the time they spent quietly polishing away at the crockery. 
A few minutes had passed and the sound of fighting continued crashing throughout the streets. At one point you wondered if it’d ever stop. You were willing to try and leave, slip out in the other direction of the commotion and find yourself somewhere else to occupy. That was until you heard the sharp sound of barking. 
Looking down at your feet, you noted a small boston terrier yapping for your attention. With a warm smile, you got down from your barstool to pat it on the head. 
“Why, hello. Hey, who’s a good baby?” 
The dog basked in your petting for a few seconds, clearly enjoying the attention before unexpectedly bolting towards the entrance of the cafe.
With a surprised face, you took it as the dog just being wryly but when you realised it was still watching you from it’s place you, frowned.  
“What’s wrong, buddy? You lost?”
The dog barked once, twice and then turned in a circle a few times. You weren’t entirely sure what drew you to follow after it as it dashed out into the street, but you realised whatever it was felt urgent. 
Meanwhile, having just come back to his senses, Polnareff was in distress. 
With a sigh, the Frenchman crouched himself down next to the currently winded Jotaro. Never again does he ever want to be controlled to do something against his will like that. Anubis was tough but he believes he knew he was winning that fight anyways. 
The Frenchman wasn’t as hurt as the younger male but he definitely did feel like he’d been in a hefty battle. Polnareff shuffled within his pockets, pulling out an old malted plaster before offering it to Jotaro. 
“Here, I’ve got a plaster.” 
Jotaro didn’t even look at what he was being offered, only grumbled out:
“No, I don’t want it.” 
Polnareff didn’t take it to heart. He knew the male could be acute with the words he used and so he only shrugged before getting up to observe the area damage behind him. Before he knew it, he was met with the familiar flash of tuffed black and white fur. 
“Oh, it’s Iggy! Where did you come from?” He couldn’t even be relieved for long as he grimaced over at the bull terrier, unaware of the figure who followed him. 
“Beurk! Eating candy now are we? And right off the floor too, you disgusting…dog.”
As Polnareff’s words faltered, your feet came to a sudden stop, no longer allowing you to follow the small animal. Your mind went completely blank seeing the now older boy, no, man in front of you. With a dry gulp, you quietly called out his name. 
“J-Jean Pierre…?” 
There was a tense flicker of eye contact the both of you shared. 
The facial expression the silver haired man wore was crushed into that of hurt and rage. Maybe it was because of your presence, maybe it’s because of the previous battle he just had. Either way, the smithereens of the anger you could smell on him at the day of Sherry’s death was the same smell you were smelling now. 
Your heart raced with utmost speed, so much so you thought it’d explode right there, spray guts and blood down your chest and all over the man in front of you. After years of suppressing whatever you were trying to bury, suddenly it had all come to the surface. Forget that this was one of the most bizarre places to meet, the fact that the boy you had abandoned was here — right in front of you — was daunting. 
You took a faulty step back, your footing wobbly as it almost failed you. Polnareff on the other hand desperately reached his hand out towards you. 
“No, no it’s okay.” He cooed. I’m not mad at you, is what he wanted to say but for the record of their current company, he held his words. 
You gulped, unsure of whether to stay or not. However, once he saw you weren’t going to fleetingly run away from him, Polnareff tasted the name he thought he’d never be able to use come the rest of his days. 
“Mon coeur...” 
The familiarity of the name churned your heart with nostalgia. Your breathing was still hitched but you were able to break through a reply. 
“Hey…” You could barely whisper back, your facial expression twisted between final joy and sorrow. 
Polnareff took a tentative step forwards, his arms opening in that welcoming way it always did once he knew you were unsettled. Without a second thought, you found yourself moulding into his chest —like the prodigal child finding Home again. Eyes peppery with tears, your arms dug into the man with an action that could only be described as desperation. 
Whether he was in pain or not you wouldn’t have known, as Polnareff made no move to adjust you or place you where he wasn’t sore. He only engulfed you, no questions asked or uttered. 
You both stayed like that for a good several seconds although it felt fleeting and short. The only reason why you let go was because Polnareff had suddenly switched and pulled his attention towards the Nile situated several yards behind you. 
“Regardè! That cow is freaking out about something…” He pointed, almost childishly to the disturbed cattle and rocking boat. 
Feeling slightly disorientatated, you didn’t even have time to reply or pay proper attention to his observation as it seemed that his shared company had more words to say about it than you did. 
“Gimme a break, Polnareff. Who the fuck cares? Just go find Avdol and Gramps…” 
As you looked towards the grimacing black haired man, you realised why Polnareff may have been reluctant to say much to you. Was this his friend?
“I’ll look for them, don’t worry.” Polnareff gave you a look to wordlessly excuse himself as he trotted back towards the other man who was still crouched. 
The black haired man was definitely aware of your presence, well, you think he was. But he didn’t seem to acknowledge you as he spoke to Polnareff. You looked at him closely, unsure why he seemed so defensive but either way you weren’t phased. 
All of a sudden, an inward fizzing sound occured and it was like you were looking at him with a different set of eyes. 
Your vision was suddenly tinted purple, your surroundings all tinted in that very colour. The crouching man’s body highlighted yellow and orange in various places in the shape and size of incisions and cuts. One orange on his cheek and a yellow dotted around other places. However, his lower stomach seemed to blare an alarming colour of red. Even without the changed vision you could tell there was a pool of blood dripping from the very same place. 
Your vision quickly changed back to normal but you lightly gasped before also crouching down by his side. 
“Oh my goodness, are you okay?! That wound looks pretty deep.” 
The black haired man didn’t look offended at your now invasive presence but he definitely watched you closely from underneath his hat. 
“Ah, Jotaro will be alright. We just gotta find the others and then Avdol’ll be able to patch him up or something.” Polnareff chirped in. 
Your brows furrowed between your eyes. Who were all these people Polnareff suddenly knew? 
“Others?” You turned your head to hushly asked. 
“Long story, I’ll explain later.” Polnareff answered. 
“Yeah, but that’s only if we can find them in time.” The black haired man, (You’re guessing whose name was Jotaro?) grunted his piece as he finally sat down onto the dusty side road. His legs were spread out infront of him as his hand pressed painfully onto the crimson wound that stained just below his stomach. 
“Fuck, I’m never going out with you alone ever again.” 
Even though he directed that comment towards Polnareff, you could feel the bothered annoyance emitting from Jotaro. However, your concern was still towards his heavy gnash that didn’t seem to stop flowing red. 
“I don’t know who this Avdol guy is but I’m sure I could help heal your wounds in the meantime.” You blurted. 
Both Jotaro and Polnareff looked to you with questioning stances. Without much explanation, you tentatively laid your hands onto the bleeding area of Jotaro’s stomach.
Unexpectedly, the same purple tint that shaded your vision earlier glowed around your hand. Even though the healing wasn’t obvious due to the covering of his clothes, Jotaro’s visible discomfort started to ease. 
With a dry laugh, Polnareff rubbed the side of his palm across his forehead. 
“I never knew you had a stand?!” 
As you continued to concentrate on the man’s wounds, you briefly uttered your reply. 
“Oh. Is that what it’s called?” 
Polnareff laughed again, yet this time it was full of bright colour. 
“Now that I think about it, it makes sense. You were always the healing type. Whether it be a soothing word or just a plaster. You always knew how to make people feel better.” 
You briefly looked up at your Home, smile warm as it radiated off of your face. 
“Thanks.” You looked back down to where your hands hovered over the other man’s stomach. “I guess I needed to hear that.” 
“You two know each other.” 
Jotaro gruffly stated more than asked. His voice didn’t sound as pained but he was definitely worn out. Rolling his eyes, Polnareff answered for the two of you. 
“Yeah, well, no shit.”
The black haired man didn’t scoff but he might as well have concerning how he lowered his cap further over his eyes. 
Even though you weren’t familiar with their dynamic, you felt like you could figure it out quite quickly. If anything, it reminded you of the one you used to share with Polnareff all those years back. With a soft laugh, you shook your head. 
“We all grew up together. Me, him and…” 
You felt Polnareff freeze besides you. The distraught that was briefly dormant finally came back in a flow of cracked nostalgia. A pained expression dressed your face before you begrudgingly finished your sentence.
“…and Sherry.”
“The dead sister.” Jotaro stated. 
Polnareff seemed distant now that the girl’s name was brought up. He nodded dutifully before heavily answering.
“Yeah. The one I avenged.” 
You took heed of the older’s words. 
Long gone were the days where you daily thought about reclaiming back power from Sherry’s killer. You found the task hopeless, time consuming and no use. Not because you didn’t care but because what use would it do you?
For ages, the guilt of Sherry simply being a victim haunted your psyche. It was only through suppression of feelings in which you could even bear to stand yourself, live on with your choices. 
Maybe now it was finally time to face just one of your many demons. 
“Let me help you.” You blurted out.
With a wild expression, Polnareff looked in your direction. 
A flurry of small tiny ants could have crawled along the inside of your chest with how it was seeming to burn. You cleared your throat once before explaining further. 
“With whatever you’re doing out here. Fighting, avenging, I don’t know but just let me help.” 
Conflict plagued Polnareff’s face. Even though it’d been so long, even though he’d grown a lot taller, older and even in a sense, more mature — that same expression he would wear as a child decorated his features. 
For a split second you recond, to a certain extent, that Polnareff still counted as a child. 
Polnareff searched his eyes over your face. 
“No, mon coeur. It’s too dangerous.” 
“Says who? I’ve survived long enough on my own and I turned out fine. You won’t need to look out for me and I won’t get in your way just…” You couldn’t even meet his eyes. “Just let me make it up to you.” You finished with a murmur. 
With sagging shoulders, Polnareff stretched his hand down to you. 
“You don’t owe me anything—“ is what he started with but as you moved your shoulder out of his arms reach, you seemed to unexpectedly burst.
“Jean Pierre! For the sake of finally being able to sleep easy. For the idea that I can finally say I’ve done something worthwhile with my life and stop running away — for me to avenge Sherry in my own way, let me help.” 
Too stunned to speak, the older man simply didn’t. His mouth left agape at the sudden chagrin you spilt. The sudden realisation why life after Sherry’s death panned out the way it did for the both of you. 
Having not been an active part of the conversation, Jotaro found himself being the one to keep the train of conversation going. God, Polnareff really did put him in the most awkward of situations. 
“I don’t see why not.” Jotaro directed towards you. “Your stand will be useful anyways.”
Blinking over at the man, you realised that this was the first time you got a proper look at him. At first you presumed him to be at least Polnareff’s age or even older. But now that you saw his face, you realised that he was probably around the same age as you. 
With a mild scoff, Polnareff wildly pointed his fingers in Jotaro’s direction, accusatory and boisterous air finally pumped back into him. 
“And since when did you make the rules?” He fired. 
Jotaro only sighed loudly.
“Gimme a break.”
As the six of you walked to your hotel destination for the night, you and Polnareff lagged behind the others. 
It’d been a lot, taking in the story and journey Polnareff’s life had taken him on. Even the whole explanation of stands, stand users and the nefarious DIO seemed light in comparison to the eventual opening up of how the older man had barely been coping. 
It was natural that you still felt bad about leaving all that time ago but Polnareff was adamant in affirming you that he understood — That he wasn’t angry.
“I won’t lie and say it was easy. I still struggle with coming to terms with her death, even after avenging her.” 
As you kicked a lone stone, a flurry of dust followed its path. Polnareff continued. 
“Avenging doesn’t do much for the dead. It’s only a way for the living to cope.” 
Your shoulders raised and descended in a defensive shrug, your head held high. 
“Doesn’t matter, I still want to help.” 
Shaking his head, Polnareff disagreed. One of the guys walking in front of you, the one who you learnt went by the name of Avdol, glanced back towards the both of you. You watched as Polnareff shared a knowing glance with him before he continued speaking to you. 
“I’m not trying to talk you out of it. Like you’d stand down if I said no, anyways. It’s just… Don’t think it’ll solve or heal anything. It just widens the hole.” 
Sighing out of your nose, you shrugged once again only this time it was more of a mutual action. 
“Jean Pierre, I know. And I guess— Well, thank you for looking out for me first of all. I do appreciate it, don’t get me wrong. But it’s okay. I’ve come to terms with whatever happens, what has happened.” With a soft smile, you directed Polnareff a warm gaze. “I know she’ll be proud that we kept on moving.” 
Polnareff could only hazily smile back, a small nod in agreeal. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess she would.” 
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Oh wow! I loved your Daeron post! Could I request something about Fëanor and his relationship with his sons and wife - how it was pre-Silmaril and after?
- Captain Anon
Captain anon is just sitting over there giving me validation with every single ask and i love them <3
uh tbh my view of Feanor has been heavily influence by Frankenstein recently. What it comes down to is before shiny = good, after shiny = not so good -> worse -> well at least hes dead
Ok so I can go either way on this. But. I think Feanor loved them well. To have children who’d follow you into exile and then into darkness. Plus its much sadder if Feanor was (kinda) a good person to begin with.
So I imagine that he was a good father, and yeah he was rather plagued with anger at the gods and Finwe, and was very grudging towards his (half) brothers - i feel like Feanor’s ghost would come after me if I don’t include that - but to his family I think he would act well.  
If the family was dysfunctional before the shinys then it was because of being over protective. I think Feanor is none too trusting and perhaps a little restrictive because sure people say its safe, but Miriel wasn’t supposed to die either. So what’s to say no one else has gotten hurt and then swept under the rug.
Also I think I’ve said this before, but even if he’s opposed to it, Feanor isn’t going to stop any of his kids from hanging out with the cousins. And he’s fine with them coming over too. (no he’s not warming up to the cousins… MAYbe it would look Bad if they were always at Nolo’s house. have you ever considered that Nerdanel? He’s obligated to have them over with the best activities. By the feud. Obviously.)
I think he also would be really insistent to his kids, whenever they felt like “why am I not at the forefront of literally every field except aquatic research” that they were enough just as they were, and tries to show them they are in no way a burden. Because I head canon that he wonders if he wasn’t good enough for Miriel to bother sticking around. Or if he wasn’t good enough to fill Finwe’s need of family. (I imagine he wasn’t finwe to be happy with Just him)
Also for Nerdanel. Um. They vibe SO Well. Their marriage endangers half of existence. Nerdanel wants a moving statue. Feanor says well how about a dancing one. Nerdanel says hey lets make it sing. Feanor says lets bring it to life. Aule says NO.
After making the shinys, but before they were stolen:
Just an update to say he starts being suspicious of everyone and upon seeing his mistrust, his sons also grow suspicious of others and the family closes ranks.
I think this is where that possessive love I talked about a bit a go comes in too. I’m blaming Melkor for it. I don’t think it’s directed so much at his sons, mostly towards his father, but idk I think that the main aspect for it is that it’s very consuming. Listen I’ve been reading Frankenstein and looking for themes for my class. Half the time I just want to write an essay on Feanor, change the names and call it a day.
the theft of the shiny:
Like I said, I wish to write Frankenstein essay but for Feanor. At this point he’s no longer a good parent. The ambition that before was sated with crafting and being Better Than Nolo (TM) is now directed solely towards Morgoth’s destruction.
I think Nerdanel sees that and understands her husband is lost.
I think the kids see that and they know Feanor’s always been angry, and they’ve been on road trips with him before. The first swearing of the oath I dont think they know what they’re getting into.
Not much to say for Feanor here except that this is his final failure as a father and person, being too enraptured in this idea of a glorious fate to kill Morgoth, and too obsessed with his silmarils and father to think of his sons. (does this remind anyone else of gondor when Gandalf is talking about how people were valuing their lineage and stuff, forgetting to be concerned with the Current kingdom?)
What IS striking however, is that his sons rewear the oath. Like yeah, it’s his dying wish and all, but hear me out. By now they.. they kinda know what this is going to entail. They know they’ve become murdurers for this oath. They’ve abandoned their friends, their family. They watched their father be consumed by it. And they swear it again.
“let not him swear to walk in darkness who has yet seen the night fall” (or whatever elrond says, I dont have my book with me)
a good point about the sons not necessarily knowing what they were getting into by our boy, but me thinks they kind of did know. 
At least a little bit.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Leather Jackets and Glasses
Y/n L/n, the leader of the notorious gang called The Scouts. Placed in Rose high, Y/n is in her senior year but things take a turn when she starts getting interested in a certain boy named, Levi Ackerman. Follow the journey of heartbreak, betrayal and love between two people who were destined to be together.   
There’s always someone out there made for everyone. This is something i highly believe in. Every person has their person. A boy could have had this childhood friend, who later in life turned out to be more than that. The girl who kissed her best friend because she had never had her first kiss and wanted to get it over with, only for her best friend to pull her closer and kiss her harder. Everyone had that someone. it was only a matter of time before we all found them. But sometimes, its not always that easy. Things happen that are out of your control. You won’t speak to them for long periods of time, bad fights, leaving. And this almost always happens before you get together. That’s the bad part. But that’s the wake up call to tell you that “hey. I care for this person more than myself. I need them. I can’t loose them”.
I loved the idea of love. But I never spoke on it. It made me seem weak and soft and, that’s something i did not want a GANG to know. But i have had my fair share of boyfriends, no love just a quick fuck here and there but there was one boy who captured my heart without even trying. He did so effortlessly you would think he was the biggest player out there. But no. That was just who Levi Ackerman was. 
It all began in my senior year of high school. The year had just started and i had nothing to be afraid of. My gang, The Scouts, were the notorious gang of Rose. I was their leader, mostly because my father was the main leader of The Scouts. He was The Godfather. I’d like to say that I did fairly well in school, but not A plus material, I just wanted to graduate and get outta there. This year was mostly about forming new relationships, clearing the air to certain people, and just making amends. But some people also wanted to confess to their someone. I dont want to brag or anything, but i had a lot of people wanting to be with me. Boys would try their luck and i only gave a few chances to a few people, and well, it never turned out good, mostly because my dad found something wrong with them, wanted them to join the gang or they were too scared to take things further. 
I loved the gang. They were my family. And plus I could get anything I wanted. I was a princess. In my senior I made a promise to myself that I would not date. Anyone. No matter who much they begged. Because when I hit 17, my life in the gang became a whole lot dangerous. Shootouts would occur at my house, I would get kidnapped and sometimes they would use my friends to threaten me. It was horrible to say the least. And I could ony imagine what they would do if i had a special someone. God. I would not want my someone to have this life. As great as it is material wise, shit gets serious in a split second. My dad had warned me about it. He said that the only way i would get involved with someone is if he had picked them. And naturally i told him, i just wouldnt get a boyfriend, much to his displeasure. 
Of course, my school had heard about the little, mishaps my gang had endured and that resulted in me having this huge reputation in school. I was labelled as: dangerous. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that I didnt get into fights, or break some bitches nose because they offended me. I was still a gangster, fighting is in my blood. I got suspended. A lot. And apparently, that attracted Levi. 
I had seen him around town and school. He would always be in the cafe around the corner of Trost. I knew that because my brother owned that cafe. Marco had nothing to do with the gang. He wasn’t my father’s child so my dad wasn’t so concerned about him. He was from my mothers first marriage, but that never stopped us from being brother and sister. My mother left me after three years and went back to Marco’ father.
Levi was one of the smartest people at school. Always getting awards but he never seemed to go for the functions. He had kept to himself most of the time. He had his close friends. To name them there was Farlan(his brother), Isabel(Farlan’s girlfriend),Hange(the crazy science geek) and Erwin, the jock.
The first time I actually had spoken to Levi was in Physics. I was running late because I was caught up in beating someone up at the back of the school for reasons I shall not say. I ran into the classroom, out of breathe. Everyone looked at me. Some snickered but when I shot them a quick glare, they shut up.
-Ah Ms L/n. How nice of you to join us.
My professor told me, voice laced with sarcasm.
-uh..sorry. I was busy..lost track of time.
I explained. I winced all of a sudden when I looked at my knuckles. Bleeding. Of course. But I kept that hand behind my back.
-hm. Get to a seat.
He said a bit irritated. I walked away to find one and the only one that was available was the last one by the window. I sat down and realized that..I didn’t bring my books. I cursed myself then I turned to my left and saw a boy sitting there taking notes. He seemed really into his work though, but shit, I needed something to write on.
I say to capture his attention. He stops writing and slowly looks towards me. He seems really...shy?
-can I borrow a page? And pencil?
I ask him. He widens his eyes and quickly tears a page from his book and digs in his pencil case for a pencil. He finds one and hands me the objects.
He simply nods, a faint blush forming on his cheeks but I couldn’t really see it because he put his head down and his long ass bangs hid most of his face. I take a second to observe him. A simple t-shirt, black jeans with converse and cute pair of glasses. His hair was sort of, jet black. I smirk. I knew him. He was one of those top students.
-alright. I’m gonna pass out your tests.
My professor suddenly says. “Fuck”, I mentally curse. I hated physics. I never got the gist of it. I only knew those Newton’s Laws. But I knew that wasn’t enough. He walks around passing papers and comes to me. He looks at my paper, fucking ‘scoffs’, and hands me my paper. A 57. That’s what I got. I didn’t think it was that bad, but this teacher is makingit seem as if the world had just caught on fire and its pissing me off. Looks like someone’s car is getting wrecked today.
-Levi, well done. Keep it up.
I hear him say to the boy. Ah. Levi. That was his name. I reach over and see his mark. 97. Goddamn. He was smart smart.
-a 97? Holy fuck. I could never.
I tell him. He looks at me, kinda stunned. I must admit, if he took off those glasses, it would be one of those scenes in those shitty teen movies where the nerd removes their glasses to reveal they look like a model. But he still looks cute. I looked at him tilting my head to the side.
I ask him. He shakes his head and looks back down. What a strange one. Suddenly I flinch and look at my bruised knuckles. Fuck they were bleeding. I pat down my pockets on my jeans and check my inside pocket of my leather jacket. How marvelous. I didn’t bring a handkerchief. So I just hold the bruise down to stop the bleeding. Maybe I can make it 45 minutes. All of a sudden I see a handkerchief next to my arm. I look at it, confused, but I take it anyway. I look at Levi. He has a smile, tiny smile. Yeah, he gave me it.
-Thank you.
I tell him. I saw him visibly tense but he looks at me and smiles. I felt...warm. What was this feeling? It’s weird. I have never experienced this before. I don’t know if I want to throw this feeling away or like it. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t get involved with anyone. I may be an asshole, but I would NEVER want anyone to join a gang. Especially my person.
Throughout the day I kept my eye on Levi. I don’t know why I did, but it was just something I found myself doing. The gang and I were chilling on the stands by the football field.
-Ugh! I just want school to finish already! I can’t take it anymore.
Eren says. He was fairly new to the gang, after I found him beating up a kid in an alleyway I recruited him. He’s super hyper and gets worked up easily so he was a good asset to us.
-and I can’t take you complaining anymore.
Jean shoots back. Jean and Eren almost never got along. But I kept them in line.
-both of you shut up.
My right hand woman says. Mikasa. She matched me in strength, but she never dared put me off. We all knew that Jean had a crush on Mikasa, but he never had the balls to say anything. I ignored them and kept my eyes on the boy on the first stand. He was with Hange and Isabel, I take it he was watching Erwin and Farlan train.
-what do you say, Y/n?
Eren asks me. I look at him after a while.
-say what?
I ask.
-you seem to be staring an awful lot lately. Who caught our oh so powerful leader’s eyes?
Eren hops down to where I’m sitting.
-shut up.
I tell him and look back at the field. Eren follows my eyes.
-oh is it Erwin? I’m not gonna lie, he is hot.
-Gay much, Eren?
Jean says as he sits next to me.
-fuck off, horse face.
I don’t care for their conversation and sneak glances at Levi. He seems to be quiet most of the time, since Isabel and Hange talk his ears off. I feel my pocket and I feel the handkerchief. I’m not giving it back. It’s mine now. I seem to be daydreaming again because Jean keeps talking to me.
-what do you want?
I ask him harshly.
-I just want to know if you’re going to homecoming next month.
I scoff and turn my face back to the field.
-of course I am. There’s a lot of things I want to ruin on that night. Oh and by the way guys, home time I want to key my physics teacher’s car. He’s been acting like a bitch and I want to teach him a lesson.
Jean and Eren scream,” HELL YEAH!”, and that caused some people to look at us. That good for that because I caught Levi’s attention. He turns and looks at me. I smile and wink at him. He widens his eyes and turns around. I love fucking around with him.
Hometime rolls in and we go out to the car park and look for my teacher’s car. Luckily, the son of a bitch didn’t park where the cameras were so I pull out my key and so did the others and run it down the bonnet of the car. I run it through the driver’s door moving it to the back. Mikasa took the boot and the boys took the roof and passenger side. After our masterpiece we heard:
My physics teacher yells. We look and laugh and made a run for it. We ran to our bikes and took off. Laughing. We drove past the gate and everyone was cheering for us as well. I saw Levi. I once again winked at him and rode away. “Maybe I should mess around with him. What could go wrong?”
Little did I know, a whole lot would go wrong.
Chapter Two
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sevensoulmates · 4 years
If buddie did happen, how do you think bobby would react?(ie capatain bobby or more dad bobby.. dont hurt my son)
WHEW! Okay...so it’s pretty common knowledge that everyone has a “Bobby Knows” tag because he tends to always be the main character the camera either pans/cuts to to see his reaction to how Buck and Eddie interact. Do I actually believe that “Bobby knows” in the sense that he knows the two are into each other romantically? It’s debatable. I think that Bobby knows that there is SOMETHING there between the two. He’s seen something in the two of them since day 1. He knows that what they have goes beyond just work partners, and beyond being simple friends. He knows that what Eddie and Buck have is something incredibly unique to them. Does he know if it could be romantic? Unsure. He could suspect but might think that it’s unlikely given both boys stubborn and idiotic nature.
I think the strongest contender moment that Bobby might’ve been clued in on the true nature of Buck’s feelings for Eddie would’ve been in Eddie Begins. Not exactly the moment after when he, Chim and Hen are trying to convince Buck that they’re not going to give up and search for Eddie, but during the moment after Buck saves Bobby’s life and then has a full on break down in the mud and rain over Eddie being buried. I think the fact that Bobby had to physically pull Buck back, had to haul him down to the ground and comfort the man while he sobbed in his arms. I think there’s no way Bobby wasn’t reminded of himself in that moment. How he felt at the worst moments of his life when his family died. I think that was the moment it was solidified that Buck has stronger feelings for Eddie than Bobby may have realized. 
Because of this, I think if Bobby were to find out that Buck and Eddie were a thing in the show, he would probably be surprised. He might’ve thought that neither of them would ever realize or admit. Or maybe even he thought the two of them would be so set in their heterosexual mindsets that they would never even consider the idea that they might be in love with each other.  But I think internally he likely would’ve seen it coming. It’s impossible after that episode Buck pulled in Eddie Begins. 
That’s my analysis on Bobby the adoptive father who loves those idiots like sons. 
But Bobby the fire captain? Oh hO HO. I think it’s very telling the fact that Bobby DID NOT reprimand Buck for his actions when Eddie was buried. That was not only a blatant lack of professionalism on Buck’s part, but speaks to Buck’s larger issues of letting his emotions control him. It’s Buck’s huge professional “flaw”, and a lesson that Bobby and the show has been trying to teach him since day 1. Sure Buck’s actions didn’t endanger anyone, but it’s showing a lack of professionalism IN UNIFORM (which we know Bobby takes seriously) and it’s while they’re surrounded by reporters who could’ve taped everything. And it’s happening when every moment is essential to rescue Eddie and they shouldn’t be “wasting time” by Buck having an emotional breakdown and Bobby needing to comfort him. By all means, if Bobby was an objective fire captain, he could’ve gotten Buck seriously in trouble for this. Hell, he could’ve said “hey, the way you acted was extremely unprofessional out there and it makes me question your relationship with Firefighter Diaz. If whatever feelings you may harbor for Firefighter Diaz will continue to put you in an emotionally compromising position while on duty, we may have to look into switching your rotations and/or switching you to a different firehouse.”
After all, the reason Bobby didn’t recommend Buck come back to work after the pulmonary embolism is because “he’s responsible for nearly 30 other firefighters and we can’t risk their lives by having you be physically compromised on the field”. And yet, Bobby doesn’t reprimand him AT ALL for being emotionally compromised during Eddie Begins. And I think that is PURELY because he empathized with how Buck felt in that moment, and knows that when your person is on the verge of dying, you will do whatever you can to try and save them. And also because Bobby loves Buck like a son, and it probably broke his heart to see how broken Buck became at the thought of losing Eddie.
Bobby likes to play this game where he pretends he always puts his captain duties above his emotional connections to his firefighters and yet we spend the whole show showing how Bobby actually tends to let his love for his family influence decisions he makes as captain. Bobby can be extremely biased (he expects way more out of Buck and lets Buck get away with a lot less than everyone else because he loves Buck and wants him to be a better firefighter for his own sake). We already know that Bobby sees himself in Buck and that’s why he pushes him so hard to “grow out” of his reckless ways.
So how will he react to the news of Buck and Eddie being officially together? I think it would be an extreme internal battle for him. Because in one way, in his dad way, he’s happy that his sons are happy. But in another way, he has a duty as fire captain to ascertain whether them being together will pose a threat to the lives of the other firefighters he manages. Buck and Eddie who BOTH already have a reputation of easily putting themselves in dangerous situations to save people (most of the time people they don’t even know or have any personal connection with whatsoever). So imagine the lengths they would go to if something happened to one of them. Bobby has already seen how Buck reacted to possibly losing Eddie (BEFORE anything romantic developed). He knows that that feeling would only be intensified now that they’ve officially acknowledged that the love they have for each other is beyond that of friendship or work camaraderie. And they have a son between them as well which adds yet another layer of complications. Now Bobby has to make a decision, does he act like a captain and split them apart professionally (which we already know will cause a SHIT TON of conflict with Buck since he already fears losing his 118 family) or does he act like a father and place his personal trust in them over his duties as captain, and let them be together in the same shifts in the same fire house. 
How will his choices effect the rest of his team, and effect his place as captain? Would allowing them to continue as they are actually put others in danger? How will Buck and Eddie learn to control their impulsive decisions on the clock? Will allowing them to remain together mean Bobby risks his own job for unprofessionalism? Or on the other hand, will splitting them up drive Buck further away from him? Will it make Buck resent Bobby even more for never having any trust in Buck? For always thinking Buck is a screw up who can’t make objective decisions? Will they risk fracturing their already fragile relationship even more after the lawsuit? 
There are so many potential ramifications, and I think it would be an AMAZING plotline to explore on screen. 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Stubborn Independence
TITLE: Stubborn Independence 
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
Imagine Loki struggling to adjust to someone who is independent and insists on paying for themselves all the time, even if it is a struggle sometimes. They need to do everything on their own. They never ask for help and refuse help. Just imagine Loki really wanting to spoil this person. Imagine how creative he would get to make life easier on this person who has captivated him.
Imagine being a talented singer at your local club. Loki comes in one night with Thor and the others (he’d rather be anywhere else but who turns down free drinks?) and gets ensnared in the voice of the beautiful singer on stage. Suddenly, his interest (and arousal) are more than piqued.
Imagine getting into a petty fight with Loki, so in retaliation, he puts everything on the top shelf where you can’t reach? 
  AUTHOR’S NOTES: College AU. Loki is determined to take over Odin’s company. He works hard and has a strict schedule for success. However, with the interference of Thor and the other four, Loki’s plans are often interrupted so they can play matchmaker.
  My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Loki went with Thor to talk to their parents together a few days after.
  Odin yelled. “As a family we have images to uphold for the business-and a child in college and not married? Your grades are already bad enough, how do you expect to pass college once this baby is born?!”
  Loki tried to step in. “Thor’s grades have improved drastically. Father, Thor IS working hard.”
  Odin made a loud abrupt sound to silence everyone.
  “You are stripped of any chance to have my company. Get out.”
  Frigga spoke calmly as her eyes tried to catch Odin’s. “Let him finish his dinner.”
  Thor replied as he stood, “I don’t have an appetite anymore.” He threw his napkin on his plate then left.
  Loki sat still as Thor left then looked to his mother who nodded.
  Loki stood and excused himself.
  Thor was walking up the street and Loki hurried in his car to pick his brother up.
  Thor got in with a growl. “That went exactly how I thought it would. That old man is a fool.”
  Loki spoke quietly as his hands sweat. “I am going to help you however I can.”
  There was a silence as Thor seemed to be thinking.
  “I have been thinking about changing my major to science. Jane is a genius and her passion about things keeps me interested to learn. There is a house we were looking into buying.”
  “I will help where I can.”
  “How about we go get our women and go eat somewhere.”
  Loki nodded, “sounds like a wonderful plan.”
  They found them sitting with everyone in the common kitchen.
  When Loki looked at Sirena she was talking with Jane and then her face lit up once she saw him. Jane got up and went to Thor who embraced her with an arm around her shoulders and a hand to her head in an attempt to shelter her.
  Loki was happy to have Sirena in his arms.
  She mumbled into his shirt. “You are back early.”
  Loki ran his fingers through her hair. “Odin is a quick decision maker…”
  Sirena looked up at him as she moved away. 
  He followed her eyes to Thor and Jane.
  Loki was a little surprised to see both of them so happy.
  Sirena held Loki’s hand as she looked at him. “Did it go well?”
  Loki tore his eyes off the couple to look in Sirena’s eyes. “I didn’t think so…”
  Sirena walked him to the kitchen. “Did you eat?”
  “Not really.”
  There was a meat mixture in a skillet still.
  “It’s supposed to be sloppy joe but… I didn’t have enough of the sauce.”
  She gave him a plate with a sandwich on it.
  “So now you are just eating joe. Ya know, get it? Cuz its not sloppy?”
  Loki smiled, “yes i get it. A bit morbid but I get the joke.”
  Jane and Thor walked into the kitchen.
  Thor had a small smile. “Thank you for keeping this a secret. But now father knows so I am sure he will try hiding it somehow.”
  Jane held Thor’s hand as she spoke to Loki and Sirena. “Yes thank you. And thank you Loki for going with Thor. The support means so much to us.”
  Sirena nodded. “Anything you need I am here.”
  Loki offered a smile. “Same with me. Just let me know.”
  Thor sported a huge smile. “How about two of those sandwiches.” Thor looked to Loki with a slight smile… “perhaps some tutoring so I can easily switch my major..?”
  Loki grinned. “I can do that.”
  Loki made sure Thor was studying hard but with the plan for next semester to change majors did not mean Thor could afford bad grades. He still needed a good GPA.
  Sirena would keep a close eye on Jane, especially during the evening hours because that was when Jane experienced the pregnancy sickness.
  By the end of the semester everyone knew due to Jane having a bump.
  Sirena was in Loki’s arms as they laid in his bed. Both drawing absentmindedly on the other’s bare skin.
  Loki asked, “what do you think Sirena.. about kids.”
  Sirena hummed. “Well at a later point in time would be fine. I want to finish my schooling, graduate, have a job with teaching music and being a musical therapist. Have a house that has everything a family could ever need.”
  Loki kissed her head briefly. “It sounds nice and I agree. I would like to have a few years into working at A.T. as the new owner. Get settled in before starting a family. During that time I was thinking about getting a cat.”
  Loki felt Sirena laugh.
  “A cat?”
  “Yes and we will name it something elegant and amazing.”
  “Sounds good. I love you Loki.”
  “I love you more.”
  Sirena huffed. “I have to write an original song for my class next semester.”
  “I am sure it will be great.”
  “I never wrote a song before.”
  “Do you want me to help you or keep assuring it is going to be amazing?”
  Sirena smiled at him. “Both.”
  So when next semester arrived Loki helped Sirena write a song. He was a natural poet and came up with the beautiful arrangement of words with Sirena. Then when she practiced the song, repeatedly, Loki felt their efforts really come to life.
  Sirena was trying to get Loki to schedule some literature classes as well as art classes.
  “Loki you are so good though. -And you love to draw and read. The song you helped me with was beyond amazing!”
  Loki’s lips were in a thin line from the constant nagging.
  “Sirena I need to hurry and finish with my current degrees so I can take over the company. My dad is not doing well.”
  “You could still do it. You love to write.”
  “It is a family business, Sirena. Thor has pushed the family away and right now this burden falls to me.”
  “Listen to yourself. You said, burden. Even YOU don’t want this.”
  Loki shut his mouth…
  Sirens started to throw her clothes back on. “You love writing. You LOVE drawing. I see how happy you are when doing that stuff. How you careLESS about the sense of duty that is forced on you.”
  “I have a responsibility to my family-”
  “Yourself.” Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat… “you only have responsibilities to keep yourself happy.”
  Loki scoffed, throwing his pants on. “Happiness never makes money.”
  “Have it your way.” She walks away.
  Loki goes after her and grabs her arm. “Wait. Where are you going?”
  Sirena pulled her arm away as she pointed at Loki. “My future plans do not hold a miserable, bland, and loveless marriage.”
  Loki grabbed her hand and plead with her. “I swear it will never be that way!”
  Sirena pulled her hand away. “I am going into a field I love because the work fulfils me in a way money never will. I know you searched how much a music therapist makes and probably immediately after how much a writer makes.”
  “I don’t understand your point.”
  “You need the money. You need a sense of stability in your life. You need to be able to impress everyone with what you have. Loki… people dont love you for what you have. They will truly enjoy you if you chase happiness, not acceptance for something you are not.” Sirena’s eyes watered. “Ever since you found out you are getting the company you are changing into something miserable.”
  “Sirena, I have to.”
  “Then I have to move on because this will never work.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
y/n becomes a real baddie when she’s pissed off 😫
hmm y/n wasn’t really working hard for her dad’s attention, it was more like she felt so left out and unwanted (she feels unwanted wherever she goes) that she just decided to pack up and support them from afar bcos to her, she’s so alienated in her dad’s family that she felt like she had to work hard to earn a spot in their table. she knows she’s the outsider but she wants to feel like she can be part of them, that she is also a child deserving of love and care, but becos her stepmom focused more on her actual kids and her own dad was too busy with his new family now, it made y/n feel that she had to do something to be worthy of that.
that’s why most of the money she made working in tokyo was still wired to her family; she put her brothers in school and supported them, all because she hoped it would make them accept her more. now, things are different because she finally found her biological family, but even if valeria and co. still don’t want her, y/n is now more focusing on building something that’s truly hers that no one can take away. yes yes, she did become greedy, but more for power than of acceptance. she got to a point she doesn’t care as much vying for her parents’ approval and now thinks her luxury gives her comfort; only because at least she has that much. like she said in the latest chapter, happiness was not what she needed, it was stability and money - all things she lacked before.
and yea she did go back to her roots! all of her issues started with her dad anyway but that part is slowly patching up 🩹💔 oooh actually your theory is right bestie 🧐 gojo found y/n interesting bcos she reminded him of mia, so the more she pushed him away, the more he’s like wait, i’ve been here before, let’s not repeat past mistakes but i can do better now. on the part where gojo talked to mia while she was asleep, notice how he said he’s given a second chance to do better now, all because he couldn’t do them with mia but he could with y/n.
ohhh actually y/n was the one who established that ‘fulfilling mutual need and settling for familiarity instead of being lonely’ type of relationship. gojo avoided her for weeks and he’s pretty settled in keeping his distance, but she was the one who sought him out. deep down, y/n is afraid if she doesn’t at least use him as an anchor to her more humble roots, then she might spiral out of control and end up like valeria, thus using him as a ‘distraction’ but in reality, she needs his comfort to be grounded.
SECOND LEAD AGENDA OMG LETS GOOO 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ geto the fine fine option.
NO BESTIE MOMENT U MENTIONED LAWYER NAOYA I JUST KNEW I WAS GONNA SCREAM. okay but lawyer! naoya is so fine, i love his character so much bcos he’s a pure bean. originally, i was gonna make him an antagonist but i found he had more potential as a good, supportive character. HIS PEN SPIN HELPPP WHY COULDN’T HE JUST BEEN OUR BABY DADDY 😫 he pulls them fast spins bcos he’s nervous btw HAHAHAHA y/n can be quite intimidating and lawyer! naoya is sometimes too precious.
celebrity chef! sukuna is MEAN! he was pictured after gordon ramsay so lmao. omgggg sukuna being famous not only for his food but also his handsomeness 😳 he gets so cocky over how no one can get in his level while popping a battle of champagne, listening to ‘careless whisper’ while dancing to his reflection in the mirror 😤
also yoo supermodel! choso is THE hot shit 🥵 he’s so famous his schedule is packed for an entire year and a half and those are just for very selected brands and designers! ugh imagine going to work on the subway when you see supermodel! choso with rbf posing sexily and you swoon because he’s so sexy. plot twist that choso doesn’t know how to drive bcos as a kamo family member, they grew up with drivers taking them to and fro, so when his driver got sick and everyone else was busy, supermodel choso takes the subway himself and hides behind a face mask and cap while still wearing extravagant clothes that makes him stand out more. he does not have ‘subtle’ on his book at all.
and yeah people say he’s intimidating but its more his height and build + rbf! in reality, he’s just as soft and sweet as naoya, but both of them go into protective mode when someone they care about is being crapped on. and boy when they DO get into “what did you just say?” mode, better run away 🏃🏻‍♀️ supermodel! choso is also an heir to the kamo empire though not after the business, but he still has enough power to take you down in a second.
meanwhile, lawyer! naoya didn’t become this successful without being so savage yet composed he makes you question your entire existence before he drags you to court. lawyer! naoya is so scarily convincing that he can make you plead guilty even tho you did nothing wrong 💀
aaaah omg supermodel! choso LOVES babies actually! as the eldest child who looked after his brothers bcos the kamo parents are always away for work, being a father figure is so natural to him. i can picture him being the one who cries harder than gojo if the baby is born bcos he’s so excited, then reads poems to the baby before sighing that childbirth is such a beautiful thing 🥺
omg i know sweet n sour, the actresses are one of my faves tho i haven’t watched it yet! oooh they’re a nurse? i didn’t know that 🧐 i actually finish my short training in a week so i’ll be heading on to heavy majoring in psychology! wait bestie are YOU also a psych major 😳💕 oh and i see i see, sky castle *jots that down for future references* reckless actually has lots of significance in terms of the parents’ roles so i’m excited to see that! and aww thank you so much, can’t believe i made it in someone’s top three 🥺💕
HELP AHSKWKW i’m gonna call the best chiropractor in the world and send them gege’s way, i’ll cry a river if that’s what it takes to bring my boo back to life 😭 and noo baby the support already means a lot to me, i’m just happy to indulge in my hobbies and share it wih you all so thank you very much for everything 🥺 please take care of yourself too n have a nice day!! kith MWAH 💕
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aoifeanamadan · 4 years
After School Special
Fandom: Minecraft YouTube rpf (mcyt)
Word count: 6488
Relationship: DreamNotFound (DreamxGeorgeNotFound)
Montague versus Capulet, Taylor versus Katy, Dream versus George.
It was one of those fueds, the kind you barely even had to acknowledge. The sky is blue, we breathe air, Dream hated George.
Needless to say, neither of them were over the moon when they found out they had to spend two months working together in weekend detention.
Support this work on AO3 :)
Chapter Four: Hat Trick
Dream didn’t think texting George was meant to be this exciting. He didn’t think texting any of his friends was meant to be exciting point-blank . Not in the way texting George was. Every time his phone buzzed he was rushing to grab it, always on guard, always waiting. He had spent years calling his friends stupid for the way their faces lit up reading their phones. Now he was worse than all of them. But, it was different. This was George. And texting George was fun.
Dream was certain now that he was definitely funny. And he was smart, in the hard kind of way. He was unpredictable. Dream never knew what was coming. And he was nice to talk to. Every message sent, every message received, Dream felt them growing closer.
So, yeah, maybe his eyes were constantly scouring his phone screen. But he had a good reason. He was talking to George.
George, who said he didn’t normally talk to be people through the phone. He called it a handicapped form of communication, just as George-like as ever. Dream had forgotten to make fun of him for it, mind too busy with ‘ He doesn’t normally talk to people over the phone. He talks to you over the phone’.  It meant he was special.
George (2:20 am)
i dont want to annoy you lol
Dream (2:20 am)
if you sending me memes at fuck o clock in the morning was annoying me i wouldn’t have kept sending them back
George didn’t read the message for a full minute. Staring at the tiny symbol, showing his message was unopened, Dream couldn’t bring himself to feel pathetic. In the back of his mind he thought he should, but the rest of him was buzzing. Every cell was humming with a new kind of want. He wanted to know what George thought, hear how he felt. It was overwhelming. There was no room left for shame.
George (2:23 am)
i dont want to keep you up
Dont you have that match tomorrow
Dream did. It was against ‘ Saint Joseph’s Preparatory Institute ’ a private school just half an hour away from Dream and George’s school. The kids there were spoiled in ways Dream found difficult to understand, summer homes in Italy and money thrown away on nights out in the city. The person Dream thought Geoge had been just two weeks ago was nothing compared to the Saint Joseph boys. It was as if all of them wanted to play God, a family of clashing entitled titans, a Grecian mess.
Dream was certain if anyone on his team brushed against one of their arms they’d be on the floor, crying for the referee. It was the first match of the season, only a challenge, but he had been preparing his boys for almost three weeks to make sure they didn’t give away any fouls. Even if it didn’t affect their standing in the league it would affect team morale. It was important. He wanted to win, just like he always did.
But, that night, Dream couldn’t have cared less. The match, less than 24 hours away, was pushed to the back of his brain. His entire frontal lobe was taken up with George’s words, glaring brightly up at him from his screen, awaiting Dream’s reply.
Dream (2:24 am)
ur coming right?
Dream hit send, he always did. He was a full-send person down to the bone. For him, it was easy. He did everything with complete confidence, full fucking send. He couldn't imagine it any other way, not when everyone was hanging off his every word. Shame was foreign to him.
But, the second he hit the arrow on that message, something foreign happened. His stomach knotted itself, his heart sped up. His eyes glued themselves to the screen, trapping him in the silence of his bedroom, waiting for any kind of reply. Dream didn’t understand why he cared so much about a stupid message.
No matter how hard he tried to tell himself to calm down, it didn’t work. His mind couldn’t be reasoned with. Logic was out the window, replaced with the thought of George standing on the sidelines while Dream scored a winning goal. His heart was in palpitations for an agonising 40 seconds. George’s message was the first morsel of food in a year to Dream’s hungry eyes.
George (2:24 am)
do you want me to
Dream was typing a response before he could think. He didn’t need to think.
Dream (2:24 am)
It wasn’t until he sent it that he realised how it could be read. Desperate. It was overwhelming, this new way of thinking. Dream had never considered how other people might read his texts. His mind never had the time to consider how he was perceived, always racing away from him. This new thing, it was dwelling. Dream hadn’t dwelled before.
George (2:25 am)
ill go then
everyone knows i love to spend my saturday evenings outside in the cold
Dream didn’t mean to grin the way that he did when he read the reply. He didn’t even notice the smile snaking its way onto his. He had never smiled at someone's texts before.
George (2:26 am)
what time
Dream didn��t mean to lie. But he did accidentally tell George to be there an hour early so they had more time, away from the pressure of his role as captain. By accident . He felt justified in his deceit, his new constant urge to make George his friend was enough to allow it. He wanted to be around him, talking and laughing, bickering and disagreeing and teasing. He wanted all of it, the before and after of the years of resentment. The new growing fondness that Dream was trying his best to ignore.  
Above all, he wanted to be liked by George. He wanted the reassurance of his approval.
If George, who had hated him for years, who had been on the receiving end of his cold stares and scoffs, could like him then it would be sure. Dream could be certain that he was a good person.
They kept texting until George sent his death sentence, in the form of a digital message.
George (2:31 am)
go to sleep
And that was that. George’s status switched to inactive and Dream was left staring at the tiny dot where his green light used to be, the Daisy to his Gatsby.
Dream (2:31 am)
Dream forced himself to turn off his phone, it felt as if he was cutting off a hand. Giving up the hope of hearing anything more from George that night and accepting the isolation. But he could do it, almost happily, comforted by the knowledge he would see George the next day.
He recentered his weight and let his head sink into his pillow. It smelled old. Not bad, but old. Dream couldn’t stop himself from smiling, sad and gentle. He held his phone to his chest and squeezed. The metal didn’t move but his fingers ached with the force.
In the back of his mind, Dream realised it was dangerous. This smiling, this thing burrowing itself into his heart. But he couldn’t stop himself. He let himself imagine a world where he knew George fully, recognised every part of him as George. A jigsaw in the shape of a man where Dream knew the place of each part as if it were the back of his hand. It was a different kind of friendship than what Dream had known. He wanted to understand him, to uncover all the secrets he was holding so close to his chest. It felt as if knowing George was inevitable. And he wanted George to do the same to him, to see all of him and like it. To prove he could be known in full and still seen as himself, still Dream. Still human.
Dream didn’t feel himself falling asleep but he didn’t wake up until 3 in the afternoon, his phone still lying over his heart.
Sapnap collected him before George, so he had time to explain his misleading statement before George got in the truck clueless at half four in the afternoon, three hours before the match started.
George understood what had happened once they arrived at the empty pitch. Dream was thankful he had briefed Sapnap before their arrival, because without Sapnap there he was convinced he would have ended up in a morgue.
Once George had accepted and made peace with the situation, that is to say 95 minutes and multiple very stern telling offs later, Dream and Sapnap decided the only natural thing to do was warm up an hour early.
With a ball from Sapnap’s truck, they started to pass gently to each other. George only managed to claim he couldn’t play for 10 minutes before Dream and Sapnap convinced him to join in.
Dream had been sure George was exaggerating his incompatibility with the sport. Fundamentally, it was just kicking a ball. But Dream was very wrong. Dream tried to tip him the ball, a gentle touch, but somehow George still fumbled it. He managed to stand on the ball three times before kicking it past Sapnap.
They spend half an hour trying to explain the basics of soccer to an increasingly annoyed George, who thanked God when the real team started to trickle in. It meant he was released from the seventh circle of hell - soccer drills
Dream went through the motions of his pre-match routine; the warm-up and laughter and tieing of boots. The coach, their chemistry teacher, arrived ten minutes before the match started. Dream gave a particularly rousing speech and then suddenly they were in the tunnel, waiting for the referee to call them onto the field.
Normally, the time in the tunnel made any other time spent on the field feel tiny, irrelevant. It was a place that didn’t obey the laws of time. Four seconds in the tunnel made a month on the field feel like maybe ten minutes.
That day, Dream had spent three hours on the field before the match. Normally, the tunnel would have made that feel like a millisecond. A blip.
But, Dream could recall the hours spent easily. He barely had to think before George yelling at him and Sapnap rushed to mind. George trying to score a goal from the penalty line, with no goalie, and somehow hitting the crossbar . George’s sigh of relief when he saw one of the players approaching to relieve him of his place in the drill. It was all cased in amber in Dream’s brain. It was proof that he had prepared for this match. There was a time before it and there would be a time after.
Standing on the tunnel, waiting to be called out to play the first match of the year, Dream was calm.
Before he could think too deeply, Sapnap turned to Dream. His eyes were almost pleading. He grabbed ream by the shoulders and tried to look deep into his soul.
“Promise me that you won't start any fights this time.” Dream couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped him. He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. He never started fights, but he replied anyway to put Sapnap at ease.
“I promise I won’t start any fights.” Sapnap breathed a sigh of relief, ever the drama queen.
“Thank you.” Sapnap turned to head to the team huddle, everyone waiting for Dream’s final good luck. Before Sapnap could walk away Dream grinned, lopsided and hyper.
“I will finish them though.”
Dream was walking out before Sapnap could protest, the team behind him. Dream didn’t want to prolong their wait any longer. They knew what he was going to say, and he knew they didn't need to hear it. The atmosphere changed the second the crowd could see them
Oakland had walked out stiff and straight-backed. Proper as always. Beside them, Dream and his team’s causal jogs and crowd-pleasing waves were even more charming. Dream allowed himself a moment to revel in the cheers before locking his eyes on the ball.
Once he adjusted to the floodlights, Dream’s eyes raked over the crowds until they locked on George, leaning on the low fence. He shot him his lopsided grin and waved. He was charm personified. The crowd’s heads swivelled in search of the recipient, but no one looked at George smiling as he rolled his eyes.
Once the whistle was blown, the team came alive. The state champions ran circles around Oakwood. Dream was two-thirds of the way to his aspired hat trick by half time, with the total score at 4 - nil. Their team worked seamlessly together, everyone exactly where they needed to be. It was like watching a well-oiled machine, or embroidery at super speed.
Dream and Sapnap were shining through, their natural chemistry turned to telepathy on the soccer field. It was as if the ball was a piece of metal and they were the magnets. It stuck to them, gravitated to their feet.
By the second half, Oakwood were angry. It showed in their game. They started to slip up, losing easy balls. Their footwork got sloppy. But they also got more aggressive. Somehow, the referee was turning a blind eye to every misplaced kick and accidental shove in the back. But, Dream had trained everyone for this. They stayed calm, took their deep deep breaths and played fair.
Oakwood did not take the same approach. The more time they spent on the field, the rougher they played. Dream had cycled through six of the ten substitutes by the time the second half rolled around. He was convinced the referee had optional cataracts.
With twenty minutes left, Dream’s team were 3 goals up - the only three goals of the match. But, Dream was still a goal away from his hat trick, and he was getting tired.
The rest of the team was playing defence, just like Dream had told them to do during training. He had said it would be stupid to go for glory in this situation, three goals up and approaching the end of the match. It would be plain dumb.
Dream knew all this, thought about it even. He knew it was right, but he saw an Oakland striker, who he was not supposed to be marking, running up the field. He didn’t have the ball, it was on the opposite end of the pitch, but Dream could see it in his mind’s eye. Two easy, unlikely passes and it would be at the striker’s open feet.
There were other boys closer to him, it would’ve made more sense for them to run to mark him. It would have been easy. But Dream couldn’t stop thinking of the one goal he needed for a hat trick.
Aching feet and heaving lungs Dream ran towards him. The striker saw him coming from a mile off.
His leg connected with Dream’s, and suddenly Dream was on the floor clutching his shin.
At first, there was no feeling. Then, just as suddenly as the air had left Dream’s lungs when he hit the floor, there was intense pain.  
Dream looked down at his leg, curled up on the floor. He couldn’t hear the referee’s whistle blowing. But he could see the blood.
Before he could make a scene, he was pushing himself up unto his feet. The Oakwood striker didn’t offer him a hand up.
Dream was sent off to the sidelines, limping with an arm around Sapnap’s shoulder. Someone’s mother was a nurse. She assured him it was just a surface wound. Dream saw his parents in the stand, he hadn’t noticed them before. He would’ve waved weakly, or shot them a thumbs up, but he couldn’t focus on them. His mind was racing through anger and pain and anger again.
From the bench, Dream nodded to Sapnap to take the penalty. It wasn’t a question.
He had to sit the final fifteen minutes out, screaming from the bench. The only benefit was George’s spot in the crowd behind him was right behind the bench. He was sitting with his friends, making sarcastic comments about Oakwood. It was nice to listen to, distracting.
With Oakwood playing a man down, the team won 4 - 0.
After the obligatory post-win speech, Dream enjoyed a long warm shower in the changing rooms. It was a scarce rarity for him, only his third long shower in the changing block in four years.
After, Dream was alone in the dressing room, all aching muscles and sore lungs. He was sitting on the bench, legs shaking with the exhaustion of it all. His hair was wet and his shoulders were slumped. There was a low humming echoing off the concrete walls. Dream barely noticed it. He had screwed his eyes tightly shut and had his head hanging between his shoulders. He was waiting there until it was firmly ten minutes since anyone had left, just like he always did. And he was humming, which he did not always do.
It was coming from the base of his throat. The tune of ‘Call Me Maybe’ was raspy, hidden under his breath. But it was there, soft and delicate. The rise and fall, the soft lilts. It made the cold of air of the changing room warmer, familiar. He didn’t think about it, didn’t imagine he would be heard. He just sat there, hair dripping and voice humming. It was tender and charged, too patient.
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
“Well done, you. You did great” George’s voice came from the doorway, distant and delicate. It shattered Dream’s bubble of gentle calm.
Dream’s brain froze. It caught him off guard, disarmed him. The softness of George’s tone. Too genuine. Before he could unfreeze his mind to think about it, George was talking again.
“Except when you fell. That was embarrassing.”
Dream lifted his head from the wall and cracked open his eyes. George was smiling softly at him. It made Dream feel as if he was bending back his ribs one by one to get a closer look at his panting heart. He couldn’t quite bring himself to stand.
“Brave words Mr Speed Chess.” This was easy, this was Dream and George. Sharp banter and too intense bickering. It was easier than the alternative, the thing Dream wanted once the sun went down. The symbiotic vulnerability.  
Dream realised just how tired he really was, listening to his own fragile voice. He was sure George had to have noticed it too. He was sure his smile was too soft, his words too tender to be teasing.
He didn’t know what it was, this new wall he was building. This refusal to let George see him vulnerable. Dream tried to rationalise, call to mind the years of hatred and distrust. It didn’t work, he was met with the hours he and George had spent laughing, the simple rhythm they had so quickly fallen into. George’s quiet jokes, Dream’s beaming grin. There was no reason for this guard Dream was invoking. Yet still, he couldn’t stop it. The hand always hovering over his mouth, ready to slap it closed.
Sapnap was coming in behind George before Dream could leave himself exposed.
“I swear to God, whenever I see you two together it’s like I get to watch a chihuahua provoke a wolfhound." Sapnap was next to George in the doorway, grinning. Dream smiled back, heaving himself up off the bench. Dream wasn’t sure if he was meant to be the chihuahua or wolfhound.
“Fuck off, Sapnap.” He muttered it at the same time as George, shouldering his way past them towards Sapnap’s truck.
“You two are the closest thing I have to a real-life soap opera!” Sapnap was calling out as he followed behind. Despite his best efforts, Dream smiled.
Once the three of them were in the truck, they could really talk. Sapnap and Dream were trying to convince George to come to a party at one of the player’s houses in place of their normal bickering. It was only right to celebrate the win, but George was insisting he couldn’t go.
Dream and Sapnap had matching that’s bullshit looks on their faces,
Through a mix of begging and empty threats, they managed to get George to agree to come inside, just to congratulate the team.
He stuck to his word, entering, finding the team all together in the front room and saying a single ‘Great Game’. Then, he turned on his heel and made his way to the front door with his head down. Sapnap and Dream rushed after him.
By the time they caught up, his hand was on the doorknob. But, before he pulled it, he was turning his head to the space on his left. Dream and Sapnap were still standing in the doorway to his right.
“Bad?” Bad’s face lit up as he abandoned his conversation to turn towards George.
“George!” He ran to hug a laughing George.
“Since when were you the partying type?”
“Since when were you?”
Dream and Sapnap couldn’t believe they had forgotten to tell him Bad would be there.
Twenty minutes in, George was on his fifth shot. Dream and Sapnap looked like Christmas had come early. Bad looked like a concerned father spotting his child in the boxing ring with Muhammad Ali.
“George, oh my God! What are you doing?” George was drinking straight from the vodka bottle while Sapnap and George watched.
George kept drinking from the bottle until Bad took it off him.
“It’s been a boring week. I'm about to fix that.” Dream had never seen George like this.
George’s grin was devilish, the kind that would have made Dream’s heart flutter and stomach drop if he was a girl. But he was not a girl. And so he thought nothing of George’s gleaming teeth and impish eyes. Nothing.
One thing Dream realised, an hour into the party, was that George was just as clumsy with his mouth when he was drunk as his limbs when he was sober.
Dream was standing in one of the doorways to the kitchen, talking to a girl. She was nice. She liked swimming and pc gaming, not worlds away from Dream. He figured they could be friends. She left to dance with her friends and Dream left to get himself another drink. George was standing next to the spirits.
“She’s not good for you. She was a dick to my friends last year. Hell, even I would be better for you and you hate me”
He hated the way George made his breath stop with stupid comments like that. Dream gritted his teeth.
“Don’t hate you anymore, Georgie.” His shoulders were stiffer than he wanted them to be.
George grinned back at him and drawled.
“For now, Dreamer.”
That fucking grin, sprawling between his aristocratic cheekbones. And that fucking nickname. He hated the way it made his stomach flip, acrobatic routines in the pit of his stomach. Dreamer, Dreamer, Dreamer . A mantra.
“Are you drunk, George?”
George opened his mouth, ready to deny it, but the cogs of his brain snapped his mouth closed before he could get the words out.
“You know what? Nevermind, you’ll know I’m lying to you anyway.”
Dream didn’t know what it was, the resignation in George’s voice, the gentle familiarity. It made him mad. He made it make him mad, because the alternative was wobbly knees and blushing cheeks. And George didn't have the power to do that to him.
George grabbed his arm, slender fingers gripping strong.
“Come on, let’s dance.” He started to pull him towards the front room, where the speakers were.
“Wait, George, wait,” Dream pulled George back to him gently. He was still clinging to his arm. Dream shrugged him off as softly as he could. His touch felt like hot coals, the way it made Dream’s skin burn. He couldn’t handle it.
“Why?” Dream didn’t like the disappointment painted all over George, stitched on his face and laced through his muscles. He couldn’t hide his emotions the way he normally did. Not here, not drunk and tired looking as if he wanted to beg Dream to dance. Dream had to explain.
“I can’t dance.” George’s face didn’t change.
“Yeah, why?” He was looking up at him expectantly, which had not been the plan.
“What do you- I’m bad at it. I can’t dance.” Dream gestured to his long legs and stretched arms. George’s face lit up, a lightbulb moment. Dream realised, George had thought he couldn’t dance because of his injured shin. He cursed himself internally for not being more dramatic.
“You don’t have to be good at something to do it, Dream. Dancing at parties is fun. It’s like exercise, but for your brain.” George pointed to his two temples with both hands, grinning. Not the plan.
“It’s very literally exercise for your body.” Dream didn’t realise there was a smile on his face.
“Fine, it’s exercise for your soul. Now, come on. Dance with me.”
Dream managed to down a shot while he was dragged out by George, it felt like fire down his raw throat. Before he could say no, George was pulling him to the speakers. Dream didn’t dance, he had never known how to. His limbs were too jerky, arms too awkward. And bad dancing didn’t fit the Dream image , not cool and nonchalant enough.
But George was looking up at him with a messy grin and the speakers were thumping and the bodies around him were thrumming. He tried to justify it to himself, the lights were low, no one would see him, but Dream couldn’t have said no in a million years. Not to George, not there, not then.
It was easy to tell the song was on its outro as Dream and George stumbled in. Dream laughed easily at his accidental win.
“Oh no! There goes that idea. Come on, let’s find Sapnap and Bad.” He went to tug George out, but George tugged him back. It caught Dream off balance, making him stumble after George to keep from falling.
George rolled his eyes, slinking his way to the boy with the aux cord and dragging Dream with him.
“Hey, Toby, what’s up?” George talked to the boy, who he was apparently friendly with. Dream knew he went to their school, but he didn’t know the boy. If George hadn’t just said his name, he would’ve had no idea. He stood awkwardly behind George, unsure whether or not he should introduce himself. He was too caught up in the unfamiliar awkwardness to listen to what they were saying. Before he knew it, George was smiling Toby a thanks and dragging him back into the crowd.
“What was that about?” Dream had to bend down to whis[er into George’s ear. George didn’t reply. He didn’t need to.
The iconic opening of Carly Rae Jepsen's ‘Call Me Maybe’ started to play. Dream couldn’t stop the barking laugh he let out. George smiled so widely Dream was sure his cheeks would rip open.
Dream wasn’t sure if it was the shots, or the crowds or the boy standing open and soft before him, but he felt the hardened rock around his muscles and tendons melt away. He couldn’t dance, but he could sway next to George while Carly Rae Jepsen sang one of her masterpieces.
George was his only salvation from the heaving, living heat of the crowd. His flushed face and ruined hair were all Dream could see. He tried his casual swaying, but George’s energy called for more.
Dream couldn’t help but sing along.
I threw a wish in a well,
I looked at you as it fell.
George was not a great dancer, really he just flailed and hopped. He yelled to the beat and flung his arms about him. Dream had to apologise on his behalf to a girl he had accidentally whacked. She didn’t acknowledge it.
Dream realised, no one there cared. Everyone just wanted to dance. Dream looked to George, laughing and jumping to the mirage of singing violins. It was all so intense, Dream couldn’t resist it.
His thudding, thumping body didn’t quite match George’s plasmic flow. His muses thrashed with the musical pulses, throat raw from the singing. No matter how loud he was, everyone  around him was louder.
It felt like indulgence, sweeping slowly over his skin and through his veins. He had to choose to let himself enjoy it.
His dancing was horrible, but George loved it. Dream felt like it was a newfound candour, this allowance. He was bad, he was having fun. There was no contradiction. He could do both.
Where you think you’re going, baby?
Dream’s thudding stomps didn’t match George’s rough edged-grace, but he was there. And he was dancing. It felt like a win. It felt human, more human than Dream had felt in days. In those three minutes, he wasn’t the Dream. He was just another person.
He felt like one cell in the body of a giant, doing the same as everyone around him, but for the first time he liked it. He was doing the same as George, who was jumping offbeat.
But here’s my number, so call me maybe?
Dream’s panting chest felt like it was holding corporal freedom inside it. He thought his heart was about to beat it’s way out of his cell wall chest and soar away.
Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad.
I missed you so, so bad.
Dream couldn’t believe he had ever thought George was restrained and standoffish.
The George Dream had thought he had known for years, detached and reserved, quiet and reclusive; Dream watched in his mind as he died and was replaced with this new man. This new George had an unrelenting mind and thrashing heart. It fit perfectly with Dream’s aching body and delicate soul. There, sweating next to George as he sang his throat raw, Dream was sure George had to be his missing part. His final puzzle piece. If there was an empty cave in Dream he would stretch and chip away at it until it was the perfect size for George to settle in.
As the song ended, Dream tried to sort out his jumbled thoughts. His brain felt like a smoothie. Before he could take an internal inventory, Sapnap was beside him. It was easy to guide a panting Dream and George away from the dance floor and down a quiet hall, muttering about ‘totally unlike you, both of you’.
Dream couldn’t process the moving. He shut his eyes to keep it out, only opening his eyes for sporadic flashes of the house. He knew they were going down a hall together, but it all blended into one.
Sapnap got more and more excited the closer they got to the end of the hall. When he finally opened the last door, he was practically hopping.
Dream’s muddied brain recognised it as some kind of game’s room, like the basement in Sapnap’s old house. There was an easily ignored pool table, and on the pool table was an open bottle.
George got to the bottle first. He offered it to Dream and Sapnap before drinking from it. He coughed and spluttered as it went down.
“Gin.” His grimace was enough to deter them all.
Sapnap found a VR headset, the kind none of them had at home. They had to arm wrestle for it. Sapnap won, through methods involving plain cheating if you asked Dream. He had kicked Dream’s blooded shin ‘accidentally ’ mid-wrestle and refused a rematch. George hadn’t wanted to get involved.
Sapnap got to play on the VR first.
George was a nice drunk to be around. He wasn’t loud or annoying or excitable. He was just George, but less guarded. He thought out loud about the universe and the human condition and why goldfish were called goldfish when they were orange. Dream sat cross-legged in front of him while he spoke, slow and heavy. His brain felt cloudy, but in a nice way. A buffer between Dream and George, and everything else.
George liked to do things wrong. The more he talked about random things, the clearer it became. He ate pasta at breakfast time. He sat on chairs backwards and sideways and even upside down, laying his back on the seat and letting the blood rush to his head. He used his conditioner before his shampoo.
Dream tried to tell him, tried to enlighten him that he was living wrong.
“Well, I’m doing perfectly fine.”
Dream didn’t know how George managed to slip this gentle tenderness into everything he did. He swapped from sitting cross-legged to lying down, sprawling like a starfish. Dream did the same. He could feel their fingers brushing against each other.
Sapnap was immersed in his own digital world, but Dream was sure they were feeling the same thing, total separation from reality It was as if he and George had escaped time. They just lay there on the dirty carpet together, fingertips barely brushing.
“Ow!” The serenity didn’t last long. Sapnap had walked into a wall.
George laughed aloud. “That's going to hurt in the morning.”
Sapnap held up his middle finger, in the wrong direction. The headset was still on.
“It hurts now, idiot.” Dream grinned between them. He wasn’t used to their friendship.
“Well, at least you did your best!” Dream tried to give his positive input from his position on the floor. Sapnap shuddered.
“God, I hope not.” He went into the game again.
Dream turned his body back to the ceiling, but it wasn’t the same. The bubble was popped and he couldn’t stitch it back together.
Instead, he sat up to face George again so they could talk.
Ten minutes later, Sapnap was still alive and thriving in the game, while Dream and George were falling back into the natural rhythm of their conversations.
“Why did you think I hated you?” George’s voice was a rock skimmed on the pond of quiet. Dream was laying back on the couch, eyes again locked on the ceiling. It made it easier, not having to look at George on the other end of the couch. Their feet were tangled together. George was being gentle with Dream’s recovering shin. Dream didn’t think about it before replying.
“Didn’t you?” He didn’t see the gentle shake of George’s head.
“No. If anything, you hated me.” His voice bounced from the ceiling to Dream’s ears. Dream sat up to face him, ceiling tainted.
“No I didn’t. No, I don’t.” It was Dream’s turn now to shake his head. He wanted to lean forward and tell George a hundred times. He didn’t, he doesn’t.
“Okay, Dream.” George hadn’t sat up, still staring at the white ceiling.
Neither of them said anything for a minute. Dream looked at George, George looked up. Dream couldn’t handle the quiet, the noncommitment in George’s voice. He needed to fix it. He spoke into the silence.
“You just, you stopped talking to me. Like, overnight. So, I just thought you hated me.” Dream couldn’t keep looking at him. He tilted his head back, closed his eyes. He wished he hadn’t had that vodka. It was shoving cotton in his mouth and down his throat. There was morphine in his lips, he couldn’t get his words out.
“Yeah. I was anxious. I wasn’t talking to anyone.” George’s gaze was deadset, not on Dream.
“Well, you ignored me. I thought you hated me.” Dream tried to justify himself to George, to rationalise his behaviour at nine years old. George just hummed.
“So all of that, the years of dirty looks and rolling eyes, it was because I hurt your feelings by being too quiet?” George finally looked at him. Dream couldn’t believe he had ever wanted him to. His eyes were cold stone.
“Don’t say it like that.” Dream wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. His voice sounded small. Sapnap still had the headset on, he couldn’t hear them. He wasn’t coming to save him.
“Well, how would you say it, Dream?” George was still staring at him. Dream wanted to sew his eyes shut.
“I-” He looked away, but found himself looking back in George’s eyes before speaking again. “You weren’t just quiet . You ignored me.” It was all too quiet.
“You were too busy for me Dream. I wanted to be your friend, for years. Don’t try and spin this as if I dropped you. You couldn’t deal with me being quiet, with me going through a hard time. You needed my attention, you wanted it, 24/7. You were selfish.”
Dream couldn’t speak. He felt like someone was sucking the air slowly from his lungs and then the last traces of oxygen from his blood. George stood up and it was the final kick.
Sapnap must have sensed the movement, because just then he took off the headset.
“I think I saw some of my friends in another room. I’m going to go and say hi.”
“Hey, we’re your friends.” Dream had no idea how Sapnap knew to make his voice so soft at that moment. He had always had a sixth sense for those things.
“Yeah.” Dream managed to choke the word out.
“Come on Dream. Sometimes I think if you saw me bleeding out on your kitchen floor, you’d act like you hadn’t seen me.” George smiled tightly to Sapnap and left.
Dream let him go. He hated the tightness in his chest, the bitter taste in his mouth. He made himself feel angry in a way he knew he didn’t deserve to be. For the first time in his life, he knew George was right about what had happened. A lot of it had been his fault.
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thequeenb · 5 years
A kamilah x mc fic where mc was kamilah's first love before kamilah became a vampire and was reincarnated? (In the past, mc died protecting kamilah)
"Thats the symbol of rebirth if i recall my college classes correctly" Adrian's assistant said and to be honest it was the first time Kamilah noticed her and she is indeed impressed, but more importantly drawn to her eyes, that she feelt like they are familiar.
"What's your name?" Kamilah asked casually, trying to learn more about her
"Amy, and you are that successful CEO of Ahmanet Financial" Amy added smiling "i was inspired by your work"
Kamilah would usually just roll her eyes and give a cold response but something about her made it impossible so she cracked a smile.
After the meeting with Lester, Adrian and Amy, Kamilah was completely focused on the mysterious girl and how magnetic she was. She knew better so she excused herself to talk privately with Adrian to express her concerns.
"Did you notice something odd with your new assistant?" Kamilah said crossing her arms
"Not at all, you dont like her?" Adrian smirked "you couldn't take your eyes off her"
"Please, thats my suspicion, she is to magnetic even for me" she scoffed
Adrian rubbed his chin in thought, he didn't feel anything towards Amy but if Kamilah says so its the truth.
He invited Amy in and she awkwardly stood next to him, her eyes on the floor
"Dont be so shy darling i dont bite..much" Kamilah said teasingly but that only made it worse, Amy blushed and felt more embarrassed than ever.
"You make my assistant uncomfortable" Adrian pointed out to soothe the situation
"Did i do something wrong? Did i fail your test Mr Raines?" Amy asked confused on why she invited her into the conversation.
"Adrian is just fine and no everything was perfect, i am just checking after you saw me and Nicole--"
"Sucking her blood? Yes that's.. yea" Amy looked terrified but then the realisation hit her
"That means you are--"
"A vampire yes" Kamilah finished her sentence rolling her eyes
But the girl gasped feeling more uneasy than before. But Adrian touched her shoulder reassuring her with his smile
Kamilah scanned at her curiously. She reached to stroke her arm for support but a wave of electricity hit her so hard that it brought her to her knees.
"Kamilah!!" Adrian held her as she closed her eyes going far, far away.
Being a polemarch was never easy, especially leading wars, watching homes burn and people die. It was so strange, falling in love in those circumstances will always be a mystery to Kamilah but the woman was so magnetic and her energy only pulled her closer to her.
"Evelyn" the woman said, she fought on Kamilah's command but she never had a chance to have a talk. She was so good that she invited her on her tent to discuss the details of their next attack.
"Right Evelyn, so you will take 10 men and go South while we will go sneak behind the re-enforcements to weaken them" Kamilah said demandingly but that didn't stop the woman from protesting.
"Thats dangerous, are you sure you can pull this off?" Evelyn warned her and it surprised her. No one questioned her leading skills or warn her, it was fascinating.
"Are you doubting me?" she approached closer pointing her finger on the woman's chest "never doubt me"
Evelyn smiled "dont play it so tough" she dared to tease the Kamilah Sayeed
"You are different aren't you?" Kamilah gave her a faint smile
2 months passed and today was the night before they would put Kamilah's plan into work.
Her and Evelyn spent an awful amount of time together discussing the attack and surprisingly stuff about their life.
"And so i decided to fight on wars, because they took my family away from me" Evelyn said looking at the stars on the sky melancholically
Kamilah knew that pain to well, her brother was taken away from her and she wasn't in control of the situation. She is angry, sad and leading wars brought her peace, revenge, relief.
She dared to stroke her arm sympathetically
"I know what you mean" she signed considering her next words "i never wanted to lead wars, but when my brother didn't come back i needed to get all that range out, i wanted revenge"
Evelyn squeezed her hand tightly "i am here for you" and before Kamilah could do anything she felt a pair of lips on hers.
She pulled away stunned "Evelyn.." but then she shut her up again with a kiss, and another one and another.
Kamilah was fixing her armor when she felt two strong arms around her "Think about it, its dangerous" Evelyn said with a pleading tone
Kamilah signed, she turned around to face the woman but it made it worse. Her green eyes were teary and her normal confident posture was replaced by fear and stress
"I promise everything will be just fine" to reassure her she pecked her lips "now get ready to go to your position, and remember if something go wrong send one of your men to us"
Evelyn nodded, trying to pray to gods for Kamilah to be alright.
Hiding in their positions Evelyn paced back and forth in stress. Kamilah would ambush the enemies in the time being and she couldn't imagine losing her.
One of the men ran trying to get everyone's attention.
"Eve.. Evelyn..the.. ambush..failed..they knew it..they..they" the man tried to take a deep breath "they attacked us first" everyone gasped but most importantly panicked since they didn't discuss what will happen if the plan fail.
Evelyn's hands became fists in the thought of Kamilah being hurt so she ran to her horse without a word, going alone straight to the lion's den.
When she was nearby she could hear metal clicking violently on another, men screaming in pain, bones breaking, smoke filling the air.
But then there she was, Kamilah in the front row protecting her men giving them quick orders. Without hesitation Evelyn took her sword out and ran towards the battle field.
A soldier smirking tried to sneak behind Kamilah but Evelyn's sword dove deep into his chest making him scream.
When Kamilah turned around she gasped seeing Evelyn but she was glad she was there with her. "What are you doing??" she asked as chaos involved around them
"Less talking more surviving" Evelyn pointed out at two men lurching towards them but failing completely.
The fight was going successfully that until bolts filled the night sky making a cloud above them. Everyone ran to take cover but Kamilah was far from finding a place to protect herself so she accepted her fate.
Evelyn looked behind her to make sure Kamilah was right there with her but she saw her hopelessly waiting for the bolts to take her life.
Closing her eyes she said a prayer, that until two strong arms pushed her to the ground covering her body. Evelyn gasped in pain, her eyes filled with tears.
Kamilah's eyes widened at the sight. Fresh blood ran from many parts of her body making her scream in pain. The soldiers ran to kill the remain enemies as Kamilah held Evelyn close to her chest, her hand hovering uselessly over her wounds.
"Evelyn why.." she tried to speak but for the first time she was speechless.
"I.. couldn't.. watch you..die" she said winching as the pain became more and more unbearable.
Kamilah pressed her forehead to Evelyn's, tears forming in her eyes. She wanted to say something but she couldn't, she felt powerless
"The great Kamilah Sayeed..never..cries..i am just..a soldier" she said with a faint smile on her lips, trying desperately to keep her eyes open
"No dont say that..you are special..we..we had a connection..i.." Kamilah couldn't possibly put into words that she fell in love with her because she didn't want to admit it
Before she could say anything else Evelyn closed her eyes murmuring something that sounded like i am coming mother.
Kamilah sat there, unconscious Evelyn was to far gone for her to try to save her. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks as the chaos around her faded, the screams echoed on her mind.
Kamilah gasped coming back to reality only to see Amy's green eyes. Her eyes widened in recognition, her arm reaching to stroke her cheek "Evelyn.." she whispered making both Adrian and Amy confused.
"I am Amy, remember? Oh my god Adrian what if she forgot everything what--" but Kamilah stood up waving her hand dismissively "none of that, i just didn't feed for a week" she lied, not wanting to talk about her painful past.
Amy approached while Adrian went to fetch a blood bag from his office.
"Why did..why did you call me Evelyn?" She asked curiously but she was hesitant, knowing that Kamilah is cynical.
"Long story" she admitted looking at her eyes again, they were indeed like Evelyn's, she was just as magnetic as her.
Life is giving me a second chance.. Evelyn is reincarnated.. impossible Kamilah thought but then she smiled at Amy "do you want to have dinner with me?" her question sounded forward but she didn't care, life gave her a second chance to love
Amy nodded, her cheeks bright scarlet "Why not" she finally said smiling.
Kamilah felt a warm feeling in her heart after centuries, she finally smiled and felt happy. They both exited the building going for dinner, Kamilah promised to herself to do anything to protect Amy, just the way she wanted to protect Evelyn.
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Amy`s Halloween Surprise
Halloween was always Amy`s favorite holiday. Her and her brother always loved to dress up as their favorite cartoon and story book characters. When Amy was six she came up with an idea for  Halloween costumes that she knew her parents would love. The costume was carefully planned and thought out since that September. She had to make sure her parents didnt have a clue, while also enlisting some help from other adults.
The week before Halloween, the Rogers family sat in the kitchen for breakfast. Steve sat across from the high chair as he feed Amy`s little brother, Phillip. Phillip liked to play with his food more than to eat it. He laughed and babbled, while also throwing the food off of the high chair.
Steve groaned in exgustion as he picked up the toddler`s bowl from the ground and cleaned up the spilled food. This had been the fifth time this morning that the child had spilled his food. Steve got a new bowl and poured in some cherrios.
"Come on, phillip, please eat!" Steve plead with the baby, as he held a spoon full of cherrios to the baby.
The baby swung his arm and knocked the spoon out of his dad`s hand, Phillip then began to laugh.
“Peg!” Steve shouted. “Your turn!”
Peggy stood at the doorway with Amy.
“You have everything for school, love?” Peggy asked.
“Yeah, mom. I`m all set.”
Peggy kissed her daugther`s head and then hugged her softly.
Amy turned away from her mother and began to walk out the door and down the porch steps.
“Amy!” Peggy called out.
Amy turned and looked back at her mother.
“ Halloween is in a few days and you havent told me what costume I should make you.” Peggy complained. “You said you wanted to do a special costume with your brother, but If you dont pick something soon I might not be able to make it for you in time.”
“We already got the costumes done. Dont worry about it.” She told her.
Peggy laughed.
“How is that-?”
“Dont worry about it,” Amy repeated. “Its a surprise! You and dad are gonna love it!”
Peggy smiled and rolled her eyes.
The day before Halloween, Amy raced off the bus. Instead of going straight home, as usual, she made a stop at the neighbors house. The home of an old woman name Edna, who was a friend of the family. Edna lived alone. Her children and grandchildren lived in another state and often didnt find the time to visit. Steve and Peggy welcomed the old woman into their family. They helped her when she needed chores done or a ride somewhere. They also ended up welcoming her to family functions and holidays.
Amy knocked on the door excitedly. When Edna answered and saw the child, a big smile grew upon the old woman`s face. Amy hugged the old woman`s waist. Then looked up at her with a huge grin.
“Hi Aunt Edna, Are the costumes ready?”
the woman chuckled.
“Of course they are, just like i promised.” Edna spoke as she patted the child`s head.
Edna ushered the child into the house. Then Edna began to make herself and Amy some hot chocolate, knowing they both shared a sweet tooth. Amy sat across from Edna, Amy kicked her feet back and forth excitedly under the table. 
 "Nobody is going to have the same costumes as me and Phillip, so we will win the school costume contest for sure!” Amy boasted. “Our costumes will be the most creative and the coolest ever! You always make the best clothes aunt Edna. Remember the dress you made me for Christmas? I wore it to the school dance and everyone said it was the most beautiful dress they ever seen."
“Your mother had mentioned that when she was over last week.” Edna replied.
Edna smiled, it felt good to be a appreciated, to feel needed. Her family was all grown up and they didnt see a use for her anymore.Since she was no longer helpful, her family saw no use in spending time with her. Never call, never visit...they were always too busy. The rogers family was never too busy for her, they always came running anytime she asked for help. It went both ways though, if they needed someone to watch the kids or help with recipe or advice Edna was there for them. 
"Then one year you made me a sweater with a Dalmatian on it and that got a lot of compliments too." Amy rambled on. “Oh and the doll you made me with the red hair? My friend said it looked just like the ones in the store only nicer.”
Edna sat down with two hot chocolates.
"Where does your mother think you are?" Edna questioned.
"Dont worry she knows im here” Amy shrugged.  “I told mom that we should make peanut butter cookies. I made sure that we made too many, then as expected she told me to bring the extra over for you. She knows peanut butter is your favorite." Amy goes into her back pack, at her side, then pulled out a box of homemade cookies.
Edna chuckled.
Amy pulled off the lid of the cookie box and took a cookie.
"Before I forget," Edna spoke as reached into her pocket. " I wanted to give you the pictures you gave me back. Now that i finished the costumes, I figured you would want them back."
Edna placed the photos on the table. One was a photo of Peggy, dressed in a blue long sleeve dress. She wore red high heeled shoes and a bright red hat. The other photo was of Steve dressed in his captain America uniform, from back in the war.
"So why dress up as them for Halloween? And why these outfits?" Edna asked.
"Mamma and daddy are my heros. I wanna be just like them someday!” Amy announced. “As tough and smart like mom, but also kind and creative like dad." Amy picked up the picture of her mother. "This one is on her first day of work. She fights bad guys and solves crimes! Mom says she was the only girl on the team, but she was smarter and a better fighter than them all!"
Edna smiled. That didn't surprise her she knew Peggy used to be a solider and she was told that Peggy was a cop now. She could only imagine the kind of hardships and discrimination she must of through in her field just for being a woman. Edna once saw Peggy fight off a burglar who tried to broke into Edna home, Edna couldn't believe the type of fighting skills she had.
"Dad was chosen to be apart of a special program in the war were he was....i mean got to work with Captain America."
"Steve was Captain America?" Edna shouted in shock, as she took the picture and looked more closely at it.
"No no no I said he worked with him!! That's what I meant! Don't tell dad, I wasnt supposed to tell anyone!"
Edna chuckled. "Your secret is safe with me, Amelia." She stood up and walked over to the child to hug her. She then kissed her head.
"Your parents are extraordinary people. Not just because of the things they have done in their careers. They are so kind to everyone they meet and they always do the right thing. They even showed kindness to a lonely hag like me. I had no one before your family moved here, my family forgot me. Your parents welcomed me into your family. They pick up groceries for me and help me with the chores i cant do myself around the house. I know it doesn't seem like much but it means the world to me, to have friends... To have a family again." Amy hugged Edna's waist.
"You will always be family, aunt Edna." Amy told her. "You mean a lot to us too. Mom doesn't trust most people, but she trust you. I trust you too, there's a lot of moms on the block who know how to sew and stuff well. I asked you cause I knew you would keep my secret. Plus this gave me an excess to spend time with you."
"Darling, you don't need an excuse to visit, you can come over whenever you like."
After spending dome time with Edna she took the costumes home for the next day. Halloween came and Amy woke up early and got in her costume. She tried to wake up her brother and quietly put him in his costume but that didnt work out to well. She stood on a chair and tried to lift the baby out of his cradle. The baby cried loudly waking up Steve and Peggy. The two rushed into the room and ran to the cradle. Peggy grabbed the child from her daughter.
"Amelia Sarah Rogers what on earth are you doing!?" Peggy yelled. .
"You know your not allowed to hold Philip unless you are with an adult." Steve reprimanded. "You could have dropped him!"
"I just wanted to get him in his Halloween costume, before you guys woke up." Amy told them. "I wanted it to be a surprise."
Steve noticed the Captain America costume in the cradle and then took notice of Amy outfit, of which she was dressed like her mother.
"That doesn't mean you get to break the rules!" Peggy told her daughter. "Babies are very fragile and whatever surprise you have could have waited! We have rules for a reason, Amy!”
"Im sorry, i just wanted to do something special for you guys!" Amy answered as she pouted with sad expression on her face. "The school decided this year, us kids, were supposed to dress up as there favorite heroes for the school costume parade and I choose you guys. No one else can even compare to how awesome you guys are! I heard all the stories you guys were like unstoppable and so cool! You guys always defeated the bad guy and mom still saves world and keeps it safe everyday. What makes it even better is that I to be your kid and spend everyday together and we can create our own adventures.”
Peggy looked over to Steve, her heart touched by her Daugherty words.They both shared a proud grin and Steve picked up his daughter. He kissed her cheek and she hugged his neck.
"Your dad and I are your favorite heroes?" Peggy asked in shock.
Amy nodded. Peggy kissed Amy`s head.
“You are the sweetest child.” Peggy told her. “You never stop amazing me!”
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softforcal · 6 years
Okay okay. How about the classic Slytherin x Hufflepuff relationship between Slytherin!cal and Hufflepuff!reader??
-this got requested like 10 times so here we go lol
-Slytherin Cal is the Slytherin Prince
-he’s gorgeous. captain of his Quidditch team. the Hood family is a Slytherin legacy. he’s smart. he has girls at his feet 24/7. he’s living the life.
-everything comes easy to him
-and then he meets you
-you’re the sweetest little Hufflepuff he’s ever met
-too sweet
-so sweet that the first time you meet him, after a Slytherin Quidditch win, you have no idea he’s flirting with you
-Cal is shook because he thinks you’re friend-zoning him
-like, he tells a joke and you laugh and reach up and squeeze his cheek, “you’re so funny.”
-this boy flushes like it’s nobodies business
-and you don’t even notice cuz you’re just a happy lil Puff
-you walk away and Calum’s buddies come up to him and are like “did that girl seriously just squeeze your cheek?” “better question, did you LET that Puff squeeze your cheek?”
-Calum is still shook
-cuz he’s the gorgeous Slytherin who makes girl melt
-squeezing peoples cheeks is HIS move
-he thinks about you all night
-the next day he sees you in the hallway and comes to walk next to you, “hey Puff.”
-”hey there!” you smile
-you talk for a bit while walking to the great hall and when you get there you’re just like “you know, people always say you’re scary but you’re really not. i think we’re going to be great friends.”
-did you just friend zone him.
-Cal stands there in shock because that seemed like a hard friend zone
-and he has never been friend zoned before
-it totally hurts his pride a bit
-he goes to his table and everyones like “so you and Y/N?” and he’s just like “i think she friend zoned me.” and they’re all shook
-the entire group staring at you and you wave from your table because you’re just a happy puff who think you and Cal gon be friends
-like. he’s gorgeous and you’d be down, but you’re an unassuming puff
-and Calum is determined to not be in the friend zone, so the next class he has with you, he sits next to you
-”hey!” you grin
-conversation is easy with him
-like, he’s so confused that it’s so easy
-and you’re so cute
-he is so soft for you already
-and he actually kind of enjoys getting to know you like a friend
-cuz usually with girls he’s going for sex so….
-like other than his three best friends he doesn’t have many actual friends, just acquaintances
-and just like that, he actually starts hanging out with you as buds
-and yeah, part of him is still hurt cuz he’s friend zoned, but like… meh, it is what it is
-Calum would respect it
-so you actually become buds
-and people are sorta shocked because Cal has that scary reputation but there he is with his lil Puff
-like people are shook that you two are friends
-and his other Slytherin buds completely accept you too
-and none of them ever bring it up but its definitely an underlining joke that Cal is friend-zoned
-but then slowly each one of them makes a pass at you and gets friend-zoned too so…
-like Luke coming into the common room and he’s just like “and she fucking friend-zoned me too.” and everyone laughs because same
-we’re talking so friend zoned you literally help them each get girls
-so you’ve been buds for a month or two and you’re at a Slytherin afterparty after a Quidditch game and Luke is drunk as fuck and comes over and sees that you’re looking at Calum talking to a girl and is just like “its hilarious that you friend-zoned him. thats never happened before.”
-and you’re like “what?”
-”you friend-zoned him.” Luke states and you’re just like “no i didn’t. he friend-zoned me.” and Luke’s like “no he fucking did not.”
-you both turn to look at Calum and Luke just grabs you and is like “be happy little butterfly! tell him he’s not friend zoned!” and then pushes you in Calum’s direction
-drunk Luke thinks he’s a matchmaker
-”wait Luke! does he even like me?!” you ask
-”pfff oBVIOUSLY!” Luke pushes you harder
-so you walk over to Calum who’s just like “there’s my best bud” cuz you’re THAT friendly with each other
-and you’re just like “see this is why i thought you friend-zoned me!”
-and he looks down at you and is like “no you friend-zoned me.”
-”did not!”
-”did too!”
-”did not!
-and then he just grabs your face and kisses you and you just melt into it
-because you both have been holding back this entire time to be respectful but now you dont have to
-its really passionate. all this pent up tension
-you two are so lost in each other, it’s not until his hand goes down to your ass that you realize holy fuck you’re in public
-and you pull away, pushing on his chest and laughing as he grins, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest
-”fuck, thank god i’m not friend-zoned anymore.” he teases
-”you never were!” you insist
-”sure.” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes and making you laugh as you cuddle closer
-all his buds watch and Luke’s just like “and that is how you play cupid.” because this Slytherin fuck was not drunk at all and it was a meticulously planned assault
-no one’s seen Calum so soft before
-and he’s never had to wait to kiss someone for so long so boi straight up saw fireworks
-and you being in his arms is chill, but he misses your lips after like a minute
-but also, who would have fucking known that having a cute puff in his arms would make him smile so much?
-like he always wanted to be more than friends but even just as friends he was so happy so now he’s just like… woah this is next level
-so he’s out of the friend zone which is chill but now he’s gotta figure out how to get to the boyfriend zone
-you spend the whole night together, his arms around you as you goof off with his friends and stuff like normal, but you’re both GLOWING
-it just feels like you’re a couple already
-and he knows it would be SO EASY with you
-because, fuck, he adores you so much
-and he’s never had that
-you finally need to head out and he offers to walk you back to your common room
-talking on the way back about why you both thought you were in the friend zone
-”you started it when you pinched my cheek the first time we met and then called me a friend the next morning.” he points out
-okay… so like… true “but i’m a Hufflepuff! thats a thing we do!”
-”i have never seen a Hufflepuff do that so now i know you’re lying.”
-laughing a lot
-getting back to your common room and you turn to hug Calum like you always do when he cups your face and kisses you again
-he gets you wedged between his body and the wall
-and boy is kissing you like his life depends on that shit
-you’re the air he needs to BREATH
-his mouth goes down to your neck and you have to stop yourself from moaning and you’re just like holy fuck, Slytherins are into public stuff but woah
-its kind of a mind fuck because ya’ll were just friends but oof, this Slytherin boy is sexy as shit
-and he is an amazing kisser
-you finally pull away and he’s just like “lets go on a date.”
-you agree and move to go into your common room but he steals one last kiss before flashing a cheeky grin and a wink while you leave
-you both freak out as soon as your out of each others sights
-like this guy is used to getting attention and being at the top of the world but you’re a little slice of heaven, and he intends to get full entry to your gates if you know what i mean with this oddly specific and weird metaphor
-you guys are still buds so you hang out like normal and the date is pretty chill too, like you two have gone to get butterbeer SO MANY TIMES but this time is different because he holds your hand on the walk down and insists on paying for you
-and you two are already so comfortable so it feels like any other day, except he’s touching you more and you are LOVING it
-this boi doesn’t even LOOK at other girls anymore
-walking back up to the castle and he’s just like “wanna just be my girlfriend? i know we’ve only had one date but-”
-“yes.” you answer before he can finish his sentence
-he kisses you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you a little before setting you down, a huge smile on his face
-who would have fucking known that all it takes to get a Slytherin like Cal to become soft is a squishy lil puff?
-it just makes sense for both of you
-its just a wholesome friendship that includes kissing
-so much teasing still
-not much even changes except the kissing tbh
-and then for his first game since you became official he gives you his scarf which is like… swoon am i right?
-you’ve always felt pride watching him play because he’s amazing but this is next level
-coming onto the field when he wins and he just lifts you up bridal style and spins you around and makes you laugh and is just the softest munchkin
-everyone is so shook at how soft he is
-but he gets serious fast
-like if anyone makes any sort of anti-hufflepuff remark, Calum will cut a bitch
-he’s the new leader of the protect hufflepuff squad
-he has a resting bitch face but as soon as you show up he melts
-so people always know when you enter a room because his entire body just relaxes and he smiles at you
-”there’s my girl.”
-umf. like, protective possessive Slytherin but also super soft
-and he will fight anyone who fucks with you
-like as soon as he sees you upset he’s like “who do i have to fuck up?”
-this bitch will straight up employ Michael to help prank a teacher if they give you a bad mark
-and Michael is always down to prank teachers
-yeah, boy always offers to fuck people up and you usually think he’s joking and laugh it off and he usually doesn’t actually fuck people up, but he WILL if you ever were really hurt
-sleep overs in his bedroom where you stay up late cuddling and talking about life
-tracing his muggle tattoos and asking him if they hurt. he tries to show you wha the pain is like but can’t bring himself to actually hurt you and ends up laughing and pulling away
-can you imagine you’re first time where he’s pulled away because he doesn’t want to hurt you while showing you what a tat would feel like and you’re just like “it’s okay. if you hurt me.”
-this boy just freezes
-and stares at you for a long while
-then he’s kissing you roughly and pressing you into the bed with his body
-and he’s going hard and rough but you’re loving it because he’s your Slytherin dom babe
-tearing your clothes off and going to town
-he would definitely make you cum with just his mouth first because babies gotta show off dat Slytherin tongue if you know what i mean ;)
-he honestly thought the first time you fucked would be more Hufflepuff-y and sweet and slow and passionate but you telling him he could hurt you got him feeling some sorta way fam and he can’t even stop himself
-and your sounds are driving him wild
-he’s super into the whole innocent Hufflepuff being kinky for him
-dirty talk about it
-”you like that puff? you like being defiled by a Slytherin?”
-of course he’s gotta bring houses into it because its a classic Slytherin move
-its amazing
-even asking him to leave the rings on while choking or spanking and he has to actually stop for a moment to collect himself because FUCK
-afterwards you both cuddle and it’s super soft and Hufflepuffy and he’s just like holy fuck was not expecting that
-this would just be a very wholesome relationship fam
-a strong, protective asshole who’s soft just for his sweet lil Puff
-im here for it is all i’m saying.
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fleurbastien · 5 years
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✧・゚(   persephone + jordan fisher + demiguy   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen Bastien Lalande around ? they/he have/has been in kaos for fourteen months. the twenty-six year old is a botanist from martinique. people say they can be detached but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be amicable. whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of ((   a sunlit greenhouse, sand underfoot on a temperate beach, a streak of dirt smudged across the cheek    )).  ・゚✧ 
Bastien Lalande was born and raised on the island of Martinique to Danielle and Henri Lalande. Their plan was to have a flock of children. Family was what they prized most in this world. They could imagine no happier future than peering out the window of their sizable family home and see kinds running through the grass, kicking back and forth a football. Their plans were abruptly thwarted. Between their first and third years of life, Bastien was too young to understand or remember the complications that Danielle experienced with having another child. How close she came to passing away after the third surgery. It was this near-death experience which prompted the couple to mutually agree on focusing raising Bastien, and to spare Danielle anymore physical and emotional pain. Despite their agreement, a fragment of Henri and Danielle died; their dreams shattered as though a rock had been thrown squarely into a mirror. Because of this, a seed was planted deep within their minds that, just maybe, if they hadn’t had Bastien, they would still have some semblance of future aspiration.
Life on Martinique was personal. Communal. Familial. Everyone said hello to one another as they passed. Honking was a sign of neighborly greeting, not irritation at the traffic. You can imagine that, growing up in this culture, Bastien became quite the socialite. They were charming, active, knowledgeable, and sportive. People loved seeing him skipping down the road on his way to school, and cheered him on as captain of the Yole Sailing team. He was the picture of stability, as his parents’ world was on the decline. Running a cafe was difficult with a staff of three, and even harder when you had to run operations at the age of thirteen. There were days when he was in charge of opening and closing procedures, and some days more during which he would have to miss school in order to help out at the shop. Bastien was growing to resent the positions into which he was thrust. He was convinced that he should be out enjoying his life, not toiling under responsibilities which should not be his own. A heavy weight began to oppress his shoulders. His personality began to dampen, despite his best efforts. What was worse, he didn’t let on to the community that he was struggling. He felt that, for the sake of dignity (or some other noble reason), he had to keep private the fact that his parents were no longer fit to care for him.
After several years, a poetic path appeared. A divergence of destiny. Bastien could travel halfway across the world and attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa, or they could continue looking after their parents, who severely needed their help. The decision sent the youngling into a depressive state. He knew his dreams lay at the other side of that graduation stage in Hawaii, but he also knew that there was no real choice; he had to stay for his parents, despite their contentious relationship. Danielle was fatigued more often than not, and if Bastien couldn’t anticipate her needs, she would find it in her energy to berate him (putting it kindly). At that point, Henri had enough of a reason to despise Bastien. Not only did his son take away three more children from him, but contributed to the heartbreak and physical condition of his beloved as well. It was at this important crossroads that Bastien’s behavior altered radically, deviating from his usual sunny disposition. As it happened, nothing went unnoticed by his extended family for long. By and by, upon discovering his dilemma, they practically made the decision for him. They would take care of his parents and send him off to college.
Sparing unnecessary details of Bastien’s college life, he obtained an undergraduate degree in biology, and went on to get his Master’s degree in Botany from the very same school. His intelligence and charisma had his professor’s hooked, and it was easy for him to be admitted to the PhD program there. His advising professor won a grant from the NSF and was further funded by the university to conduct a field school on the island of Kaos in Greece. Before applications even opened, the professor had made his decision, for the only name that jumped into his mind for a field assistant was none other than Bastien Lalande.
The two, along with four undergraduates, have been on the island for just over a year, doing extensive research on Mediterranean vegetation. Bastien is using this opportunity to develop his doctoral research, simultaneously writing his dissertation. Weekdays, Bastien can be found in the field and in the lab, running soil samples, or peering into microscopes. On the weekends, he clacks away at his keyboard, synthesizing as much information as possible. When he finds free-time, or needs to clear his head, he loves swimming, or sailing if he can find a boat.
Running into Bastien, one would encounter a shining smile, a charming accent, and hospitality that would make you feel as though you knew him for an eternity. He might invite you on a hike, or show you a greenhouse. It is rare to catch him without a flower tucked behind the ear. However, if one truly tried to dig deeper beneath the surface than the charisma that he emanates, they might find that there isn’t much they actual know about Bastien, as if all information on his deep, honest thoughts have been entombed far beneath the ground.
Although they miss the Caribbean islands, they feel something deep in the pit of their stomach which anchors them to Kaos. A lifetime’s worth of knowledge sits at their feet in Greece. It would take all of their willpower to turn away from it.
very much “gerry durrell” from the durrels in corfu vibes
if you havent seen it i recommend
but instead of being obsessed with animals hes obsessed with plants
very smiley, outgoing, charismatic, loves chatting with strangers as long as the questions dont get too personal
A-1 athlete, can swim until the cows come home
flower aesthetics galore. he likes to draw flowers, wear flowers (prints and real flowers, ofc), and grow flowers in his window sills and from hanging pots
are u french ? he will speak french to u if so
underneath, hes a lil moody. his parents began to blame him for his mother’s health complications. they wanted a family so badly that they kinda alienated their only child
he loves loves loves martinique but dreads going back to that life that was hard, tortuous even
writes to his family to make sure everyone is okay, but doesnt talk to anyone on kaos about it
kinda wonders if he should blame himself for complications ?
can be found lying in the dirt contemplating his woes. or singing. or singing because of his woes.
you honestly cant be a fan of botany without developing a relationship with bugs. in this case, bastien l o v e s them. even the scary ones
click the link !
orange trees  -  marina 
le monarque des indes  -  pierre lapointe
be my baby  -  the ronettes
harvest moon  -  neil young
sweet creature  -  harry styles 
at last  -  etta james
buttercup  -  hippo campus
semaphore  -  requin chagrin
home again  -  first aid kit
motivation  -  normani
dream a little dream of me  -  doris day
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The Thing Between Them Part 6
Series Summary: After watching 13x17, this is how I felt things would’ve occurred if Gabriel had left the reader all those years ago when he’d “died” and current day Ketch is trying to win her affection, but realizes she’s still heartbroken over Gabriel.
Summary: The reader, Ketch, and Charlie head towards the AU's base, while Sam, Dean and Sam scavenge to find Gabriel.
A/N: Thank you guys for your patience as I worked out issues with my internet provider! This installment features both boys, so there's something for everyone. There will be a part 7 (if not a couple more). The story keeps getting juicier and juicier.
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader, Arthur Ketch x Reader
Warning: Swears
Word Count: 1380
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The sun dipped behind the formation of the wilderness trees, darkening the forest as the small group ventured towards Charlie's base. The group stopped underneath a row of tightly knit trees, hiding from potential harm as they lay-low for the night. The overhanging branches denied snowfall, leaving the ground mostly dry to make camp.
"We should get there tomorrow mid-day," Charlie confirmed, sitting up against one of the trees. "I have some food in my pack." Charlie focused on digging inside of her bag as you and Ketch sat across from her.
Silence encaptured the air, allowing Ketch's gaze to lingered over you quizzically. "What were the other reasons?"
"What?" Your eyes snapped to Ketch; confusion etched on your features.
Ketch raised a brow, watching you curiously. "You alluded that I was not the sole reason you impulsively jumped through the rift. Hence, there must be other reasons."
Charlie halted her roaming hand, eavesdropping on the conversation. You coiled into yourself, bringing your knees to your chest, hugging them. "There's a job that needs to get done," your voice grew tight. "You and Dean couldn't do it in the given timeslot, so I'm working off the clock." You paused, waiting for Ketch's attention to drop. When he continued to stare, you huffed, "That's all."
Ketch narrowed his eyes, concern pooling in the blue. "Are you alright?"
You huffed. "No. Honestly, I'm pissed that nothing's getting done this year. Jack and Mary have been gone for months, and we've had two chances now to get them back and squat."
"I wouldn't worry too much about your friends," Charlie spoke up, pulling out a crinkled ziplock bag filled with assorted nuts. She outstretched the bag toward you, but you politely declined as she continued. "Jack is so powerful, and Mary... she's one of the best hunters I've ever seen. They've given us all something to hope for again. We finally have a chance to end Michael. It'd be a shame to see them go so soon."
You soaked in the information, unaware of the vital roles Jack and Mary created in the span of time they'd lived in the alternative world. It made you rethink the real reason you jumped through the rift.
Charlie continued searching through the tightly packed bag, mumbling curses until she triumphantly pulled out a bottle of rich brown liquid. "A much as I enjoy your Jack, this is still my fav." Charlie uncapped the bottle, taking a long drink before passing it over to you.
After sharing the bottle a short while, Ketch revisited the same, pestering subject. "I'm rather surprised you left your angel; considering his current condition and all."
"Angel?" Charlie questioned, body tensing as her gaze shifted towards you.
"Easy," Ketch told her. "He's one of the good ones, or at least decent enough to care about humanity." Ketch's eyes turned back to you. "He's alright with you galavanting around another universe?"
"He left."
"He-he what?" Ketch stuttered, blinking in astonishment.
"You heard me." You gazed up at Ketch, expecting the man to gloat. "Lucifer never killed him. Gabriel pretended to die. That was his was of breaking up with me. He'd rather go shack up with porn stars in Monte Carlo, and that's exactly what he did."
"He left you... for porn stars?"
"And all of the pressures of the pending apocalypse, but yeah, that's exactly what he did. I know I don't look like one of his bimbos, but I deserved better than mourning him for eight years."
Ketch shook his head, looking away as he contemplated a thought. "I can't imagine anyone leaving you." He mumbled to himself, staring at stray snow by his boot.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "I'm not exactly the type of girl to go to war for."
"No, you aren't," Ketch agreed, gazing into your eyes.
"Well, at least you're honest." You took a swing of the bottle.
"You're worth starting a war." Ketch extended his hand. "Now, do plan on hogging Mr. Daniels all night?"
In the morning, Ketch woke late. Having fallen asleep last to ensure your safety, he woke without you at his side. Ketch instantly sat up, and found himself met with firey ginger hair hovering over him.
"Chill, bucko," she told him. "Your girl had to pee. She'll be back."
Ketch nodded, attempting to calm his increased heartbeat. Ketch stood up, shaking off the elements of the Earth as he caught his breath.
"And here I thought you were only trying to cope a field."
Ketch froze. "I have no idea what you're insinuating."
"Oh please, you're want to get in her mind as much as her pants. And using the crying-on-the-shoulder technique, very cliche."
Ketch bent down to grab a canister and brought it to his lips to sip. "Not that I am, but would it work?"
Charlie shrugged. "Eh. I think she'd already need to have some sort of feelings for you; she doesn't seem that naive."
"But I do have a shot?" Ketch inquired, specks of hope glistening in his eyes as he stared at Charlie expectantly.
Charlie shook her head in disbelief. "Heterosexual love, so strange."
Dean, Sam and Castiel scattered the country for nearly two weeks, scavenging to find any trace of the archangel. Ontop of having Mary, Jack and the AU's Charlie in the alternative universe, they now needed to rescue you. Time was ticking on the other side. The longer their friends and family were near Michael, the closer danger became.
Rowena narrowed down Gabriel's location to two separate states. While Castiel raced down to Texas, the Winchesters managed to take the accurate location. During a brotherly argument, there came a loud knock on their motel door.  
"Hey, fellas," Gabriel breathed heavily, clutching his side, oozing with bright red blood. "Looking for me?"
The Winchesters froze at Gabriel greeting, unknowing how to act first. Gabriel shook his head at them. "Care to let me in? I am bleeding out here."
Sam offered an arm, helping the archangel to the motel couch, where Gabriel plopped down. Both Winchesters hovered over the injured angel, arms crossed in unity.
"So, now you're in trouble?" Sam asked.
Gabriel chuckled, looking down at his wound. "What gave you that idea?"
Both Sam and Dean glared at the archangel.
Gabriel brushed off their resentment. "Yeah, I'm returning some knives previously launched into my back." When neither Sam or Dean responded, Gabriel scoffed, "I'm getting revenge on the dick bags who sold me to Asmodeus. This," he pointed to his injury. "is the cost of crossing one of the names off my list."
Gabriel shifted on the couch. "So anyway, umm... I don't suppose you guys have any more of my grace laying around. Cause the tank's a little low. It'll recharge eventually. But, uh, until then..."
"Whatever we didn't use on you we used on the rift." Dean spat. "And we need more."
"No," Gabriel began to rise from his spot on the couch, but groaned, rolling back. "Ugh." Gabriel eyed the boys. "Since I'm stuck here, I may as well ask, uh... why do you need more?"
Sam and Dean glanced at each other. Eventually, Sam turned back to Gabriel, licking his lip before speaking. "Uh, because of Y/N."
Gabriel's nonchalant act dropped immediately. Despite the pain Gabriel endured, he sat up, leaning closer to the youngest Winchester "What the hell happened? Is she hurt?"
Sam stepped back, allowing Dean to fill in the gaps. "She went through the rift."
Gabriel's face twisted into conversion. He attempted to stand but fell back on the couch. His injury didn't sustain his voice as he burned a hole through Sam. "I told you to protect her!"
"It gets worse. When I left, there were angels after Ketch and I. He stayed behind to fight them off, but with Y/N jumping through... the angels may have her."
Gabriel's eyes narrowed, rage encapturing his features. "Revenge can wait."
TTBT Taglist:
@whovianayesha @herangelicvirtue
@nobodys-baby-now @eurusholmmes @natashacamillaus @sherlockedtash88 @alangel1895 @countrygrl863 @hunterpuff @stargazingkiddo @supernaturalymarvel @koithings @superwholock-fangir1 @kissmeimadragonlord @marianita195 @honeyicouldntthinkofaurl @laurajw14 @thecutestlittlepiggyisme @fandom-trash-worth-it @jordynhartley2001 @dont-trust-a-doe @typicalweirdbookworm @proudshipper @ernesto-deserved-it @kestrelsparverius @jayyx3oxo @waywarddaughterwrites @sumara62 @myfandomlife-blog
@quixoticcat @omgcupquak3stuff @justafangirlinaspnworld-blog @room-with-a-cat @bananyaaa @clueless-gold @fairytale07 @actualpsychopath @impossiblyimportantnightmare02
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pregdudes · 6 years
Life fucked me up and got me pretty low.
[hey, so due to some shitty events, I feel my brain spaced so if I make grammar mistakes or something on writing pieces, please correct me. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT THOUGH, I’m fine, I just need to get back to working the old noodle... Get it? because one time I... Never mind.]
So, from my last post, a lot of things went down and things got deep. I won’t say anything personal because it wouldn’t help me in any way and it’s never my thing to vent my stuff in public. It makes me nervous and I think venting my deep, deep problems to someone I trust is more meaningful.
Okay, okay, enough about that. I got kicked down. And you know how this will end, but you need to know how curtain events effected my way of creating and makes commissions normally and how bad it got me in this aspect which will sound mild to you. Trust me, I was in deep dismay during these times.
First, after a very hard day, I got robbed while visiting family. They took my computer and broke my stylus. I can just earn money again to buy new parts, that is fine. But I need to work with really bad programs to even make art. I am a stubborn bastard so I refuse to cry and stop. So, no big deal really. Plus, I learned to get better and use Krita to add special effects.
Second, I was kicked out off my PayPal. I need a phone number, but because of some... Circumstances, my old phone is now ringing in heaven. And the only phones I have in my house hold Mexican numbers and PayPal said fuck off. So, shit. I may have to make a new one, so no worries.
And thirdly... Well, just a sad thing to say. I actually made some GOOD pictures. Like pretty shit for this account. I even learned a few things. And... IT got fucked during the robbery. But, DON’T FEAR! I can always try to make good art and learn more. And I got some good stories for this account. And one is about a Mpreg child you rarely hear about. Was one of the OGs, man.Still working on it and hoping to add pictures to it. Maybe post one page or two so you get a taste. It will be changed afterwards because I’m a ever changing stories as I keep thinking. I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I never felt happy to work on something in the writing field that I didn’t hate to my guts. So YEEE.
Maybe on something else, but don’t hope too big. I’m just playing around with other storytelling tactics.
So, of course. Emergency Commissions. Five bucks for colored or colored and shaded. Three bucks for just lines or lines with shading.  Some pictures are my best and I don’t care if this helps you connect me to someone else. You may go, “HEY! Are you the same guy that-?” Yes, most likely yes. But if you went through what I went through, the internet drama means shit to you. So dump on me, I won’t care.
I need to say this. I added this right before I was going to post this so it seems out of place. But, I suffered through something I would never imagine even if I was cruel. And I may be a little rough around the edges both about it and towards others because well... It can be understandable why someone would act strange or maybe rude, but I don’t want to be. So, If I come off as rude or like a little pea size cunt that runs his mouth, please don’t be afraid to tell me to cut it out. I don’t like to use pity to justify myself.or use my suffering as a golden ticket. I don’t even like people pitting me about it because I was always taught that my feelings mean nothing. But this is just about me coming off as rude and using something awful to get away with it. Don’t pity me instead of correcting me. I did my fair share of self pity and tears being shed, but I want to be how I was before it happened. A special someone, my biggest fan and greatest sister, would’ve wanted it that way. So PLEASE tell me. 
But thank you to everyone that stuck by me. It means a whole lot like you won’t understand it. Really, though, it makes me smile that you have... Faith in me? I don’t know the word for it, but it doesn’t make me any less happy! Thank you all!
And this account is by far the most humble and makes me feel the most warmth when I make content for it. I don’t make much because I don’t want to half-ass it. I want to make it perfect, especially from this point on! So please, keep sending me asks for some cute ideas for me to draw. I love drawing your ideas!
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^ Three bucks ^
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^Five buck^
Hope that isn’t too much. Love you all! And thank you for just looking at my art. And when I have the chance, I will post some traditional drawings just to keep you from being bored. And, god damnit, once I find my other notebook, I want to show you guys something I was trying my hand at and more cute shit. So, keep your eyes peeled for that.... Whenever that is. fuck
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Don’t Fear the Reaper Chapter 71: Uncertainty
Sam Winchester x Reader
1200 Words
Story Summary:  You are a reaper, actually one of Death’s favorites.  You’ve been following the story of the Winchesters for a while, staying out of sight, never letting them see you. You slowly fall in love with Sam, even though he doesn’t know you exist. But that all changes one day.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
A/N: Sorry it’s been so long!! I’m trying to get caught up with everything!
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“You…. you will be stopping by?” You stuttered, Sam’s hand tightening painfully around your arm as the words sank in. “But…”
“This is too important for me to sit in my apartment, twiddling my thumbs. I will take an active role in this child’s life, just to make sure she grows up the way I want her to.” Death insisted. Peering to the side of you, you could see both Sam and Dean’s jaws clenching, and you knew they weren’t happy about this turn of events. “Interesting…” Death muttered, surprising all of you. “You’ve even made friends with a prophet. Maybe he can write down your story. After all, this is the first of its kind.”
“I don’t even know how to be a prophet yet, let alone write…” Kevin started to argue, but a glance from Sam had him shutting up. You could see Cas off to the side, literally shaking as the conflict in front of him unnerved him.
“Hmm, interesting. A prophet who is useless, and an Angel who has lost all of his nerve.” Death spoke softly as he tilted his head. “Y/N, you’ve found quite the lopsided family. I sure hope they don’t lead you astray.”
“I’ve never felt more at home.” You muttered, wincing as your daughter kicked hard against your stomach. Death noticed your discomfort, his hand wavering in front of you.
“I must go. But your daughter, she’s growing fast. Be careful, don’t push yourself too much. She will be joining our world soon. Sam, come here.” Death ordered. Sam, with wide eyes stepped up to Death, who leaned forward to whisper in his ear. But with your wonderful Reaper hearing, you could still hear Death’s words, and they were exactly what you had feared. “I just hope your daughter doesn’t send Y/N to her death.”
Before Sam could react, Death vanished from the cabin. “What the hell just happened?” Dean exclaimed, everyone letting out the deep breath they didn’t know they were holding.
“That was awkward.” Kevin muttered, as Cas came bounding up to you.
“I don’t like this, not at all. I’m going to…to…” He stuttered before vanishing from the room as well.
“Well that sucks.” Dean muttered. “The main one that could have helped us vanished because his screws are loose.”
“Y/N, did you hear…” Sam mumbled, his eyes wide as he glanced your way.
“Did I hear that there is a good possibility I won’t make it out of this pregnancy alive?” You said darkly, a tear slipping down your cheek. “Yeah, Death didn’t quite hide that from me.”
Cursing under his breath, Sam pulled you into his arms, pressing a rough kiss to your forehead. “It’s not gonna happen.”
“But Sam, we don’t know that for sure. And Death is usually scary accurate.” You argued.
“No, we will figure out a way to stop it. I’ve lost you before, I’m not going to lose you again.” He insisted. “And you heard him. This has never happened, ever. So he has no idea what he’s even talking about!”
“It’s just so scary.” You whispered, as the other men found themselves in other places in the cabin. “I was more than ready to spend a lifetime with you. To have our own family. But there’s always something ready to ruin it, isn’t there?”
“We will have all of that, and much more.” Sam tried to assure you, but you could hear the crack in his voice, and you could tell he was trying to talk himself into it just as well. “We’re just going to take things easy. You’re going to take it easy. No arguing.”
“But Sam, there’s so much going on right now. You and Dean are trying to end the Leviathan. There’s Kevin and the tablets to worry about. How can I just lay in bed and let you guys take care of it?” You argued, but he placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you down the hallway, towards the bedroom.
“We will take care of it. If nothing else, Kevin can spend time with you, the two of you working on the Tablet, together. As long as you don’t wear yourself out.” He continued. Sighing, you let yourself be guided back into the bedroom, staring with dismay at the small, lumpy bed that you were going to be spending quite some time in.
Settling the pillows up, you climbed onto the bed, frowning when you realized you had nothing to occupy your time. No TV in the room, no radio to listen to. Not even books to read. “Sam, I’m going to need something, anything to occupy me or I will literally go insane.”
His eyes widened when he realized what you meant. “Dean and I will head to town, see what we can scrounge up. But for right now, why don’t you just try taking a nap?”
“Seriously?” You grumbled. “It wasn’t too long ago that I slept. And I’m a Reaper, remember?”
“I know, I know!” He apologized. “We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
Rushing out of the room, he left you lounging there, wondering exactly how long you would have to be in this predicament. If it was a normal human pregnancy, that would mean months. Horrible, long months that would go on for ever and ever. But since you were a Reaper, it could end soon. Or go on longer.
As you contemplated your future, you felt a tear trickling down your cheek as frustration and fear set in. There was nothing but uncertainty in the future, and it scared you. Turning on your side, you wrapped your arms around your swollen middle, your daughter finally quiet.
Staring out the window, you watched as the trees gently moved in the breeze, the day slowly turning to dusk. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, you closed your eyes when your entire body tensed and froze. Unable to blink or control your body in anyway, you were a passenger in your own body. The black faded away into gray, before turning a bright white, almost too blinding for your eyes. As quickly as the white came, it faded, turning into a vibrant green field, full of yellow daisies that waved in the slight breeze. The sun felt warm on your face, the wind ruffling your hair. Even though you knew this was a figment of your imagination, you had a tough time believing it wasn’t real.
“Mommy?” Came a small voice, innocent and childlike. As you slowly turned around, your bright blue skirt swirled around you, a piece of clothing you had never owned. Standing in front of you was a little girl, no older than four. Her mahogany colored hair, so similar to Sam’s was braided into two pigtails, slightly curly at the end. Her eyes were exactly like Sam’s, and you just knew, deep down in your heart that this was your daughter. Somehow, you were meeting your daughter for the first time, in some sort of dream.
“Are you…” You stuttered, overwhelmed by the need to pull her to you in a hug. She took care of that, running towards you, throwing herself into your arms. She smelled of sunshine and hope, and you couldn’t control the tears of happiness that slipped down your cheek.
Sam/Jared Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @musicalsarelove @lenaabs @sadmac356 @shadowhunter7 @shawnsassymendes-main @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief
DFTR Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @aknerdchick @bikylove @bookchic20 @craving-cas @cobrakai1967 @dead-lee-15 @dreymin  @jared-padaloveme @krystalreign @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @living-beauty-nightmare @milligan-writes @mycatissatan666 @neverenough2468-blog @pottergirlpotterworld @randomthings077 @ronnie248-blog @supernatural-assbutt-universe @the-trenchcoated-angel @tiffanycaruso @xcyber-queenx
Forever Tags:  @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @imboredsueme @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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